Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Kate at Second Harvest Food Bank

Says Kate, "It's helping, giving back, and being aware. I am guilty of hearing that food banks are collecting food and you kind of let it go in one ear and out the other. We are here not to show, Oh look what the Gosselins did, good deeds on T.V. That's not our aim. Our aim is to bring awareness."

142 sediments (sic) from readers: ~ Administrator said... 1

I hope Kate is being sincere. I have to say, I think there's not much more she can say to address the concern that this is all for show. It was a good quote.

Now why do the children have to be filmed again?

Sadiemey said... 2

It probably killed Kate to have to wear that tee shirt. Don't they know she likes deep v necks to show off her boobs and heels to match. Did they all travel FIRST class down to see the homeless in Tenn.? She should donate her entire 250,000 grand to these poor people and then I might think she actually meant anything she said.

wryview said... 3

I'm sure there are some food banks here in PA.

LifeinOH said... 4

She seems sincere. I'm glad. It's past time to give something back.

Mr. Bond said... 5

Kate is not being sincere. She has her talking points that she needs to make: kids are having fun, this is a learning experience for them, get the name Feeding America in there, it was only 30 mins at the food bank. again kids are having fun. It is only the beginning for the "gosselin's give-back".... here is an idea Kate, give the kid's back their privacy, give the kid's back their childhood, give the kid's back a mother that loves, nurtures and put their best interest first.

kidsRablessing said... 6

Sounds like some serious damage control, plus she knows folks were really mad she had the nerve to film a show in Australia in the midst of the country's tragedy. I think all things Gosselin are slowly losing interest and she is trying hard to keep her few sheeple around that still watch. I am glad that Second Harvest got help and awareness from this, as the charity supposedly Kate chose to help, but I think the reality is, that no other charity offered her to help them because of how horrible she acted at St. Jude's last year. This food bank stint is, I believe a last ditch effort to show a kinder side of Kate. I think it's too late.

Bubbles said... 7

I still don't believe Kate makes $250K an episode. I believe TLC planted that rumor to make it appear Kate had value. There's simply no way they went from $25K for the whole family for the whole SEASON to ten times that PER EPISODE.

notaboutuK8 said... 8

Good for you, Kate. I hope you sponsored many kids' backpacks full of food while you were there. I think you should show how many hungry Americans there are in this country to the public and politicians. Maybe they will get their noses out of reality TV and off their *sses. Perhaps too-Kate-that massive case of narcissism you carry around will unburden from your soul, the best thing that could happen to your kids. ~ Administrator said... 9

Maybe I'm gullible but as Kate would say, "honestly" it sounded like she meant it, especially the part about how she admits this kind of thing is usually in one ear out the other--fair enough. We all get busy, we all forget the needs of others out there.

I DO hope she is turning over a new leaf...does she have a long, long way to go? Absolutely. But it has to start somewhere.

We have to keep in mind Kate is not an actress. She cannot "fake" much here. If this is just a pain in the butt for her, it will be obvious.

Sadiemey said... 10

It's going to take a whole lot more than a visit to a charity event to give this woman a better image. To start ..... she might try staying home with her kids on a vacation or two and let the world see what your life is really like .
Let the world see what a great mother you are. NOT !!!

Sadiemey said... 11

So why wouldn't Kate choose a charity near home in PA where she could drive and save some of that money she claims she has to make as a single mother to support her kids. Not enough global coverage I guess. If Kate was really sincere about charity ... we'd see some of that in her hometown or state. Charity starts at home. Also .....I didn't see her digging into credit cards to make a donation. It's not a donation Kate if you are getting paid to appear. DUH !

LancNative said... 12

"We have to keep in mind Kate is not an actress. She cannot "fake" much here. If this is just a pain in the butt for her, it will be obvious."


If you knew her, you'd be whistling a different tune! She can fake it with the best of them. It's obvious to those who know her, but she does a pretty darn good job fooling the others. However, you really don't want to know her. Honest.

Anonymous said... 13

Nice try Kate, more of the same old BS. You are paid to be there. You are making money off others being hungry and using your children too make money for you. If you really wanted to help you could have-should have just helped. But no, you did not-if you don't get paid to do it then you are not helping feed the hungry. So very sad! It makes me wonder about the food drives, how much was spent on your demands could have feed many homeless/hungry people. Guess you failed again. You will never change Kate, you digust me using hungry people to make a profit off them and your children. Never will I turn on any program you are on-never will I donate to any thing that you are a part of. There are plenty of people that need help. For you to sell your children to the show for the very cause (homeless people-and/or the hungry) that you made fun of homeless people on Palins Alaska. You're a joke and a cruel individual. It is all a show for you Kate to make money off others pain and your children-sorry jerk!

Momof2 said... 14

"This is only the beginning of the Gosselin give back"....this means they are doing serious damage control and trying to repair Kate's image.

And as far as her kids being "lucky they have a meal each night"...they WORK for their food and everyone knows it. ~ Administrator said... 15

I completely forgot about her insensitive homeless remark on the Alaska episode. Who wants to pretend to be homeless was what she said. She also said she was paralyzed. She insulted homeless people and paralyzed people all in the same breath.

I'm sure Kate's perception of the homeless is from the movies. In fact most people classified as homeless are not "camping" outside but rather, couch surfing from family to friends, working their way through shelter to shelter, or cheap hotel to cheap hotel. 60 Minutes last Sunday had an excellent segment on a family living in a hotel. The problem is far more complicated than simply having to sleep in a tent and being cold.

Just more self-promotion said... 16

Sincere? Please. She came off looking like she was reading cue cards. And, as someone mentioned above, her PR team handed her a bunch of stock answers -- her responses were just neatly packaged BS from her handlers. My fear in her repeating, "This is just the beginning" is that the new Kate + 8 spin will be the Gosselins "giving back" in every episode. Ugggh ... will these people ever go away?????

Oh, and why does the queen get to sit while that poor (and MUCH more well-spoken) rep from the food bank had to stand awkwardly next to her?

fidosmommy said... 17

What would we expect Kate to say while sitting down for an interview at the Food Bank, wearing a Food Bank t-shirt? She would have to talk about the lack of awareness so many have of the need, the work being done, the work that still needs to be done. She would have to indicate that all Americans, all families, can try to help out - even hers. She was probably prepped for this interview.

While I have few kudos to hand over to Kate Gosselin, I think she made the best of a situation that her bosses at TLC signed her up for. Would she choose to go there if TLC had not sent her? I don't know. She seems to me to be someone who might prefer to remain in the dark about homeless people and hungry people.

But once she got there, she did what they asked her to do. She promoted the Food Bank to the listening audience of E. Tennessee.

Questions said... 18

Bubbles said... There's simply no way they went from $25K for the whole family for the whole SEASON to ten times that PER EPISODE.


Where do you get that figure? Jon said on one of the early interviews he did that they got what amounted to $2500 EACH per episode. That's $25,000 per episode.

Sadiemey said... 19

"The Gosselin Give Back?" Please. Kate will find a way to parlay that into a new show for herself and keep these kids working until their 18. They just don't have a clue what she means when she says "this is just the beginning." $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Sadiemey said... 20

"But once she got there, she did what they asked her to do." That's more than she did in Alaska. If Kate had done this event without TLC filming it, it might have gone over better. As long as she's getting paid ...... it's just another JOB. ~ Administrator said... 21

Kate's salary doesn't sound suspicious at all to me. This started off as just another small-time, small network reality show. It EXPLODED when Jon and Kate's marriage fell apart and suddenly was the biggest show TLC ever had, one of the biggest reality shows on cable to ever come along. The massive explosion was brief, but it was enough to give Kate a ton of leverage. Star's salaries jump all the time depending on whether they are hot or not. The celeb I worked for made $100,000 an episode at her peak, this was in the 90's. A decent chunk of change. In subsequent years, she suddenly was only commanding 40,000 to 50,000 for a couple failed TV series she did. When she tried to play hardball and demand much more, she lost parts. She simply isn't "hot" anymore and wasn't worth the 100k she used to be. Celebs are sort of like housing prices. It's the same house but one year it's worth 2 million, the next only 900,000, depending on the market and other factors.

It's been well documented the 100s of millions TLC made off this family when the divorce imploded and they were on every tabloid every week. Kate would be stupid not to use that to her advantage and get a much higher salary once her popularity skyrocketed. Hence, the very believable 250k.

Anonymous said... 22

Why do I get the feeling this trip I can hear Kate telling her kids, who seem to have objections to continuing filming:

"If we don't continue our family work of filming, this could be you, we could be just like them, homeless and hungry."

Please tell me I just have the good angel and bad angel sitting on my shoulder so to speak.

AuntieAnn said... 23

kelly said...You will never change Kate, you digust me using hungry people to make a profit off them and your children. Never will I turn on any program you are on-never will I donate to any thing that you are a part of. There are plenty of people that need help. For you to sell your children to the show for the very cause (homeless people-and/or the hungry) that you made fun of homeless people on Palins Alaska. You're a joke and a cruel individual. It is all a show for you Kate to make money off others pain and your children-sorry jerk!

kelly -- Well said. I couldn't agree with you more. The woman is as disingenuous as they come. Fool me once....

I loathe this "woman" and her entire brand! said... 24

OMG- This clip was absolutely sickening! Khate tries way too hard to convince everyone that this is all fun and games and how much the kids love it! Pahleeze. I want to hear that from their mouths! The way she kept looking down and using her hands way too much. All the ums, you knows, and honestly. It's like she was trying to make sure she got in all her talking points. I do like how the hosts made it clear that the kids are on SPRNG BREAK! I also thought it was funny that the only other charitable event they have done as a family happened years ago. I think it's sad that Khate did not know some of those hunger statistics but I'm not surprised. She only keeps up with herself and not the news. Why on earth would this Food Bank think Khate would be a draw? I think TLC went to Tennesse because the people there are nice to everyone! It would have made much more sense to give back to her own state that gave her so much. Geesh!

ohlordybee said... 25

$5 Million USD

New season's mantra? said... 26

Kate didn't choose this charity, TLC did quite awhile ago. Buddy the baker started doing promos for Second Harvest and it looks like TLC has brought the Gosselins into the fold. This is a TLC/Second Harvest relationship with TLC using their people to help promote it.

To Admin and any others falling for Kate's "honestly" line; she's used it for similar "image re-dos" in the past. At St. Judes when she said how aware the trip made her of others, at the Ronald McDonald House about other families needs, when she went back to visit the Hershey Medical Center and thinking back about their blessings. It's a line she committed to memory a long, long time ago to get people hooked into believing her false sincerity and also at times when she needs an image rehabilitation. She used it when she was on the church circuit when she talked about how her eyes were opened by the loving gifts they received when they were so in need. And of course she used her "sincerity" when she pretended to be such a good Christian.

She's also used the line about the Gosselins starting on a "new path or tradition" toward change before. She used it for the 'going green' episode with Sarah Snow, the organizing the basement at the new house episode, for her Kan-do Kate image remake, and when she made the household manual, etc, etc. It's a worn out "act" she uses that so far hasn't been backed by any follow through. Every season she seems to come up with some new mantra and I guess this season's it's "giving back" - again (after taking their extravagant trip to Australia and New Zealand, that is).

It would be nice to think that this time she is serious and that she will indeed give of herself to help others in need, but as many educated people have said: past behavior is the best predictor for future behavior. And her track record is poor.
Only time will tell and I guess we can only hope for the best. But, I'm not holding my breath. And, to be honest - if Kate does indeed "give back" no one will never know about it. She and the kids will do it on their own with no cameras or tv or radio stations reporting on it. That will be the real test of Kate's ability to "give".

Snow Globe said... 27

I think it's sad that Khate did not know some of those hunger statistics but I'm not surprised.


It doesn't surprise me at all. I seem to remember that Jon said that Kate doesn't read any newspapers or listens to the news on television...that she has no idea about current events or what is happening in the world around her. ~ Administrator said... 28

Total disinterest and boredom with current events seems to be a common trait or narcissists, which makes sense. If it's all about them, what does the news matter? The narcissist I knew only read tabloids, and was just vaguely aware of very big news events. If people were discussing the news as people tend to do, this person's comments would be like a parrot, just parroting what others said or some simple broad sound byte heard on the news, such as "the stock market is down, I think we might move our money into something more conservative."

Moreover, something like the overthrow of Egypt's government would likely be referred to very vaguely as "all that trouble they have over there in the Middle East," with no appreciation or understanding for all the complexities of it. If a narcissist shows interest in something, it is more likely something where they can somehow relate it back to them. For instance the earthquake in Italy a few years ago, a narcissist might say oh they do so hope that the nice people at the villa we stayed at that one summer are all right, I'm going to make a big donation to their church. I.e., relating it back to them and creating a situation where the other person is obligated to say, oh how thoughtful and generous of YOU.

What a truly f-ed up personality disorder anyway.

A4ELIZ said... 29

Does she ever begin talking and not say "Honestly"? She is so used to lying she doesn't know what is true anymore. The kids would have spent their spring break at home, seen their Dad, and gone to a local food bank if K8 were the least bit sincere about helping others. She probably threatened the kids with not having any more of their money spent for food.

mama mia said... 30

Honestly, um, um, TLC puts these gigs together and we just get paid to like show up... I of course like to pretend that it it is my ex-husband and my children who need awareness/teachings, I enjoy being the one to lecture and insist that they reform, give back, become aware. I also enjoy my movie star life with all its perks and I am selfish, I personally never give back, and I won't be making a donation or writing a cheque, so um, um, um make sure the camera stays on me and I'll mention your little charity and let your little people hang out with me - only on camera of course - and then Steve and I need to limo it out of here, my nannies will handle the children and their travel arrangements. Oh, please don't try to give my kids your sponsored t-shirts and hats and crap like that, we only accept gift cards to upscale stores.

JudyK said... 31

Why must Kate BEGIN her interview with, "To be very honest..."? Why would she be anything else--why does she pre-empt her simple sentence with that--ugh. I totally agree with Kelly and Auntie Ann. People from my old church used to do this every single weekend and work all day. What a plastic attempt by TLC to re-invent Kate's self-serving, self-entitled persona, while paying her $250,000. It's not VERY HONEST.

Livvy said... 32

LOL this from the Colorado Daily

Feed her to the sharks

Why 'ello Aussie sharks. How are things? Eats been tasty?

Come here, little guy. Who wants a treat?

(Caution: This treat is rumored to taste like a conceit-braised ego, with a tuna-laced mullet aftertaste. Please. Like you're picky.)

Kate Gosselin's new episodes of TLC's "Kate Plus 8," beginning April 4, shows her trekking around Australia with her little shits doing things like I don't care. But, she does have an ocean encounter with sharks.

Sharks, do it.

Sure, Charlie Sheen may be more appetizing, but you have too much on your plate. A cocaine addiction will only curb your appetite.

Sidenote: TLC doesn't stand for "Tender Loving Care." It stands for "The Learning Channel." The only thing that network has taught me is that there's always a chance I could unknowingly pee out a baby.

BerksPa said... 33

Found this quote at the bottom of the tricities page interesting and totally 'Gosselin:

Gosselin came and left basically not wanting to give even a little extra to talk to people:
“It was pretty cool,” Christy Moore said after getting Gosselin’s autograph when she made a cash donation to the food bank. “Though, we didn’t get a chance to talk that much.”

Neither did anyone else, because Gosselin left the event after she finished signing autographs. Her only local interview was with “Daytime Tri-Cities,” a morning show produced by WJHL Channel 11.

I wonder why they added that, as it doesn't put her in a flattering light. I mean seriously, the woman flies herself and the kids, her 'not-a-lover', the nanny and the film crew to TN, and then can't 'give' a little extra time to visit with the locals who went out of their way to donate and see her. PATHETIC!

K8SUCKS said... 34

New Season's Mantra - very well said.

Gimme Gimme said... 35

Why is Khate saying that she is learning about food banks and that people actually need food like she never got free food, baby food, juice, formula and diapers herself. She has probably took enough free food during her time to stock a food bank. I hope she takes her personal check book out and funds some of those back packs herself as well as TLC.

Just the beginning for the kids means TLC is making Kate earn the big bucks instead of just getting it handed to her and that the kids are going to be working their butts off for the 1/8% of 15% they get and their mother gets her 85% for not only making them work but work hard and fast. I have helped out at food banks and it is hard work.

And what is Jamie thinking, leaving her new husband at home to work her butt off for Khate and be demeaned and talked to down to in the process.

gotyournumberKate said... 36

Did anyone notice how Kate managed to turn this act of charity into getting something out of it for herself? She couldn't just donate her time and let it at that, she had to try to drive a race car and make it all about her again. I'm sure within the next few days we'll see Kate suiting up to drive a race car. Once more it's what can I get out of this and put the focus back on me. Me, me, me, me, me, me, me!

Laurie said... 37

Kate & Co will only continue to "give back" if it brings in the ratings. If it doesn't bring in the ratings TLC will try something else. They don't seem to get that kate has been over exposed (pun intended) in the media and she's shown her true colors. Her time is up and people are sick of her. The kids aren't cute little toddlers any more and at 7 they're just average, nothing special. The clock is slowly ticking down.

Hippie Chick said... 38

I uh, watched, um, 15, seconds & um, that's all Um, I could, Uh, take.

Could she ever speak a sentence without saying UM, or UH or Honestly in it? Someone needs to sit down with a speaking coach, or someone who helps people talk to the public, because UH, she sure as hell, UM sucks at it!!

K8SUCKS- Go Red Sox!! :)

Bubbles said... 39

I may be mistaken. I was recalling the CNN/Larry King interview Jon did and thought he'd said they got $25,000 for the whole season, but perhaps he did say per episode and I didn't remember right. Either way, Even if they got that much per episode it's still difficult to believe they're paying Kate ten times the amount per episode, even.

Kate's Cart said... 40

Who wears high heel boots to work at a food bank? Planned ahead that she'd do little actual work. Did she even mentions what SHE did. It was the kids did this, kids did that. First word out of her mouth, as usual, honestly. How many times did she say that. It was a tie with all the other fill in ums ums. Sounds like she's threatening the kids the way she says, there will be more of this, instead of trips. And yes, there is a Second Harvest 35 miles from their home. But everyone in PA knows she's a phony.

Bubbles said... 41

Found a transcript of that interview, and I was wrong - it was $22,500 per episode for the season in question, which Jon said ended up being $500,000 after taxes for the entire family.

terri said... 42

I am so curious to know how much "out of pocket" money Kate used in this giving back trip. If she is truly wanting to give back she would cough up some of the money she made off this trainwreck of a show.

Anonymous said... 43

Statement Analysis: when a person starts a sentence with “honestly” they are lying.

LaLaLandNoMore said... 44

I believe when Kate's lips are moving her "honesty" is in question. This was a job to her, nothing else. Want to drive a race car? Just ask, Kate, and it's yours to drive. Preplanned, don't you think? I'm not falling for any of it, any more.
Thanks admin for all of your hard work.

Mandy said... 45

I'm a little shocked that people are heading over to the local newspaper/blog in Tennessee- whatever it is - and posting crap there. Second Harvest is a great great great charity. I'm guessing most of them barely know much about Kate at all and probably don't give a rip. Not giving a rip is why people are tuning out her show. Why stir the pot there? It seems mean-spirited to me.

We already know that Kate doesn't give a rip about anything but herself, but the rest of them involved with that charity just want to feed the hungry. I think they should be left in peace.

I also don't get why you would stop giving to that charity because you don't like Kate. It's not the charity's fault that TLC sent Kate to help, is it? They're grateful for the publicity to further their cause, and again, I doubt that know much of anything about her. Most people don't. A little reason and moderation is in order here.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 46

So she always knew about food banks needing donations, but she let it go in one ear and out the other? WTF! So what was the great impetus that got her off her greedy ass to finally help out?


Oh well....

Perhaps this experience will change her ways, and make her a kinder, gentler, more generous person. Who knows, maybe she will do more acts of kindness without expecting a check.

We can only hope.

Sadiemey said...

"The Gosselin Give Back?" Please. Kate will find a way to parlay that into a new show for herself and keep these kids working until their 18. They just don't have a clue what she means when she says "this is just the beginning." $$$$$$$$$$$$$$


You had better believe it!


kidsRablessing said... 47

I'm in East Tenn, the communities around here were already donating/helping this food bank get supplies, way before Kate showed up. Having her here wasn't necessary for us in East Tenn to help get the food bank back on it's feet, it was Kate that needed the food bank stint to make her look charitable and kinder. Too much was spent on her to come here and look charitable. Sending a check for what it cost to bring her and her entourage here would of been more helpful, than her appearance. And as usual she brushed off the sheeple. She's not that liked around here anyways.

Frequent visitor said... 48

I wonder if Kate underwent media training yet again in order to appear sincere. She was speaking a mile a minute, so I doubt she was wearing an earpiece (but you never know)...however, it did seem as if she had been coached and needed to spit out her talking points.

At one point the interviewer was asking Rhonda a question and she interrrupted and turned it back to her and the kids. As if she just remembered a point she needed to get into the segment.

A thought said... 49

I don’t know how these charitable events work, but I’ve seen many celebrities over the years make an appearance on one of the late night talk shows, for example. They’ll say they’re going to be at the such and such mall on such and such a date for the such and such charity and ask people to come on out. Who pays for their airfare? I highly doubt the celebrity pays. The charity could possibly pay thinking getting the PR is worth the money (advertising).

It seems to me Kate/TLC were pretty low key about this whole thing. She wasn’t on any talk shows in advance of her appearance. Who knew about it until someone snapped her picture at the airport in Tenn?
Did the food bank have more people show up because of Kate and the kids being there? Was awareness of their needs brought to more people’s attention yesterday by Kate being there? Did the food bank get more donations (money, food, volunteers) because of Kate being there? I hope it helped.

Momof2 said... 50

Pathetic really...Kate and her traveling labor camp..the kids do the work..she pretends to write a check, the "charitable" episode is filmed and she sits back and counts the money.

I loathe this "woman" and her entire brand! said... 51

Just saw an article on the web that attributed the 12,000 pounds of food donated to Khate's appearance! (I just googled Gosselin) The article said people came out in droves and that the only way they could get her autograph was if they donated food! Really? How much advertising was there that she was going to be there? Like other posters have said, the people of Tenn. were already going to be donating to this food bank- regardless of what infamous person showed up! The article did suggest that it would have been better for Khate to do this without all the fanfare but that Khate lives for this. Her interview with the local TV station was so insincere and disingenuous (sp?). Like I said before, she really needs to give back to her own state! She owes Pennsylvania tons of money. She can send a check to their food banks- she doesn't have to show up! Geesh! The last thing we all want to see is her family on TV pretending that they give back- talk about a spin! When do these children have time to spend with their friends?

IDModo said... 52

I read somewhere that Kate had sponsored 8 kids in the backpack food program at Second Harvest. How symbolic!And how cheap. 8 kids at $93 per kid per year comes to $744.00.
That would be less than the cost of her fake tans/manicures for 6 months, I'm guessing, as I don't indulge in either.
$744.00 from a woman who is a millionaire...

BerksPa said... 53

Very Interesting 'Twist' on what Kate is planning on doing for their show:

Ron Bonacci, Food City vice president of marketing, said Gosselin’s visit is part of an initiative she plans to spell out in an upcoming season of the show, where she will go to different parts of the country volunteering her time for charities.

Momof2 said... 54

Yep...told ya..

"Ron Bonacci, Food City vice president of marketing, said Gosselin’s visit is part of an initiative she plans to spell out in an upcoming season of the show, where she will go to different parts of the country volunteering her time for charities."
A new season dedicated to filming how "charitable" she is and exploiting the long as TLC films it and she can profit from it.

This is a new low.

Cheap sKate said... 55

So Kate got paid $250,000.00 to help out with the charity and she donated a year's worth of snack backpacks for 8 kids. That's less than $800.00!!!

While I think any celebrity donating their time to doing a charitable event is praiseworthy, she didn't actually donate her time because she was paid to be there.

Why did it have to be filmed? Why not give her children this experience of giving to less fortunate children without having it filmed. Essentially those children worked and volunteered at the same time.

It could have been filmed by a news crew or the foundation itself, but TLC being there and filming their participation for an episode, thus for profit for their network, doesn't exactly make it charitable.

disgustedinPA said... 56

I agree with other posters who say that Kate is only doing this because she's getting paid to do so. Also, why bring the kids all the way to Tenn.? There are Second Harvest food banks in Harrisburg, Philadelphia, and even closer--in Reading.
If you want to "give back"--why not volunteer or make an unpaid PSA?

Ava said... 57

Kate is just a shell. She's just doing what she needs to do to get to what she wants. I don't really think she cares about giving back and I'm sure this was TLC's idea. I can't believe after all of the media opportunities Kate has had and all of the training she has done, she still talks like this. The hand gestures, the facial expressions, the ums, the likes...She just isn't capable of being genuine because her geuniune self is ugly and can't be shown. She first referred to the St. Jude's trip as an EPISODE, then quickly called it an experience. I'm glad that she is doing something charitable but it's just another EPISODE.

Google is my friend said... 58

For those questioning the @250,000/per episode figure for Kate a quick Google search of "kate gosselin salary" will lead you to pages of references quoting that exact figure. The figure had been in discussion since mid 2010, it's not something the bloggers here pulled out of their hats during this discussion about 'giving back'. It's been discussed for ages.

This is one reference that traces the info pretty well: "Reuters has the numbers from the TV Guide analysis, and it says Gosselin, 35, is getting $250,000 per episode from TLC for the successor show to “Jon & Kate Plus 8.” (That number was first reported by USA Today in July.)"

Anonymous said... 59
another video of Kate

Moose Mania said... 60

"Ron Bonacci, Food City vice president of marketing, said Gosselin’s visit is part of an initiative she plans to spell out in an upcoming season of the show, where she will go to different parts of the country volunteering her time for charities."

SHE will go -- sans kids?
Why the BLEEP is she making a show out of this? All this does is confirm that it's ALL FOR SHOW! Twist of Kate didn't work. Now we'll be hit with Kate being paid to do charity work? What twisted mind comes up with this stuff?

"So she always knew about food banks needing donations, but she let it go in one ear and out the other? WTF! So what was the great impetus that got her off her greedy ass to finally help out?"


The great impetus was falling ratings. TLC knew she had to do SOMETHING, ANYTHING to pull in the viewers. They grasped at straws here, and they just may land flat on their tushes.

So she stayed just long enough to sign autographs? I'm surprised she didn't charge twenty bucks a pop for one of them. Who in their right mind would want one, and what would you do with it? Sell it on eBay? Frame it and hang it over the toilet?

A zebra doesn't change its stripes. Does a narcissist suddenly wake up one morning and have an aha moment when he/she becomes the great benefactor of mankind? I kind of doubt it, and in her case, I don't believe it for a minute.

Maggie said... 61

Kate is seen signing a copy of her latest book about her kids. You know the one; the one that sold 10,000 copies. And as predicted Kate was standing there while her kids did the work.

Maggie said... 62

Sorry for another post but I just listened to the interview and I am speechless. The man interviewer arranged to have a speedway car out front for Kate to drive. But that is NOT GOOD ENOUGH for Kate. No, she tells/implys that she doesn't want to just drive the car, oh on, she wants to drive laps around the the speedway. So the man then says that he can make that happen for her. You can tell that is NOT what the man had planned at all. On camera--put on the spot--he has to totally re-arrange his surprise for her because Kate wants what Kate wants. Yeah, she is really thinking and caring about the hungry needs of the common folks -HA --NOT! Kate couldn't be gracious for what he had done for her. She had to way up his plans so she can fulfill her need for enjoyment and excitment.

barbee said... 63

she may be getting paid $250,000 an episode but that does not put her anywhere near the Kardasians. The figures they quote for them are PER individual. The $250,000 figure is for kate AND THE KIDS, however, she gets all but 15% and the lucky 8 get to split 15%. It's actually surprising that the twins are even in the equation because in HER mind (what she has of one) the TUPs are the ones responsible for the money being available. tlc sure is 'the lame channel' for supporting this greedy conniving bitch in her quest for fame and fortune!

Hippie Chick said... 64

Mandy said...
We already know that Kate doesn't give a rip about anything but herself, but the rest of them involved with that charity just want to feed the hungry. I think they should be left in peace.

Are people doing this? That IS mean spirited. This is why Kate will NEVER be out of the spotlight. I agree if this is truly happening & say leave that place alone. They are feeding the hungry & are doing a great thing. They have NOTHING to do with Kate exploiting her kids. I am sure they do not want to be inundated with angry emails telling them how much of a greedy grifter Kate Gosselin is & how mean she is to her children. One thing has nothing to do with the other. The people at the food bank are there for one purpose & one purpose only. Leave them out of the Kate Gosselin drama. And it really, really, really makes the 'Kate-haters' look like...immature psychos. JMO here, but seriously now...

Ava said... 65

Kate doing a show about charity. That's almost as good as Kate doing a show about helping moms with their everyday struggles. Whatever floats TLC's boat, as long as she's not dragging the kids around with her.

I do wonder what Kate's going to do with her diva attitude while she's being charitable. I can just imagine the negative press she'll receive for being a witch while helping those in need. Look at how she acted during DWTS when she was in her element(cameras, hair, makeup, tanning). Although by then hopefully no one will even care enough to give her the bad press.

Initially I thought maybe Kate will actually learn to be a better person if she was forced to do some charity work. But then I realized it's Kate. She just seems unable to grow as a person.

It's kind of funny that even TLC can't figure out what to do with Kate.

Hippie Chick said... 66

Maggie said....
And as predicted Kate was standing there while her kids did the work.

As usual...

PJ's momma said... 67

Let me tell you a little story about benevolence. I've worked at our local food bank for over 11 years. I absolutely love it and have made many, many friends there. We do back-to-school backpacks loaded with supplies and also have a Christmas gift program for underprivileged children. So last Christmas, we were closed for clients but there doing paperwork and someone came in with a donation. She had made bird feeders out of pine cones (somehow managed to make the seeds stick in the cones) and sold them to raise money for the food bank. SHE WAS NINE. She did it all on her own. She came in with her little ziploc of cash and it was probably less than $40 and we made a big fuss about it and took her in the back to show her the food bank and take pictures with her dad's camera, etc. Did I mention she's NINE? She left as we all kept hollering our thanks out the door and then we all looked at each other with tears in our eyes, stuffed down a sob, and got back to work. It was absolutely incredible because it came straight from her heart and all on her own initiative. She didn't expect anything in return (including a free t-shirt or hat x9, which we do not have because they cost money). I sit here with tears as I type this story again. THAT is serving your community with a pure heart. We also have some disabled kids who come in and help sort food because they love it. They know it's the right thing to do. I give credit to Kate for sponsoring some food backpacks. I'm a firm believer in giving until it hurts, but it's a start.

SG said... 68

Kate meeting people and signing autographs for charity is one thing. Good for her. Too bad she got paid to do it though.

Involving children in work for charity is also great. It's a great lesson for them and it's awesome to teach children that others have less than they do and they should do what they can to help.

However, putting those children on display for people to meet like they owe strangers the right to meet them is wrong. Charity or no charity.

Midnight Madness said... 69

T.I.N.I.C. said...

Sorry IDModo. I hang on your every word and respect you beyond reason but ya gotta go watch that video again. Those stilletos are hooked over the rail of her chair and are sharp enough to do serious damage to anyone who gets in the way of that fidgeting foot.


That's the first thing I saw when I watched the video. I thought...sheesh! Hooker heels at a food bank. How much work is she going to do in those things! Turns out she didn't do any "work," but signed autographs for the half dozen sheeple who flocked there to see her. What a farce.

BoyMom said... 70

Didn't another celebrity do something similar to this a few years ago and they got ripped to shreds by the media and the public? I can't remember who it was, but they did some charity work, all on camera and collected their salary while doing so, and no one bought it. They were absolutely skewered by people for doing it too. Anyone remember this? I wish I could recall exactly who did this before.

Westcoaster said... 71

Umm, do you get credit for sponsoring the backpacks if the money for them came from the company that pays you to do it? I would say that TLC sponsored the backpacks and sent their PR shill for the promo work. Let me see Kate pull out a baggy with some cash, and then you can give her whatever credit you like.

Actually, incredibly sweet story about the girl and her donation (fyi she probably got the birdseed to stick on the pinecome with peanut butter says this ol' Girl Scout leader).

Bubbles, the non-blogger ID one said... 72

Yes, I know there are articles saying Kate makes $250,000 - my point is I think TLC planted that number to make Kate appear valuable. I don't think bloggers made it up - I think TLC made it up as part of their attempt to keep her marketable. ~ Administrator said... 73

Wait a minute so are the kids going to be dragged on these charity tours???? WTF! They have school, sports, friends, and daddy. I hope it's jut Kate and they can stay at home and just be kids.

PatK said... 74

"Ron Bonacci, Food City vice president of marketing, said Gosselin’s visit is part of an initiative she plans to spell out in an upcoming season of the show, where she will go to different parts of the country volunteering her time for charities."


Seriously? THIS is what they've come up with for her to do?? LOL. Will this be for filming purposes? *yawn* Oh, the mighty have fallen.

IDModo said... 75

I sit corrected about the stilettos. Thanks for the good eye.I should have known that trying to do charity would not make Kate any more sensible...

AuntieAnn said... 76

...A new season dedicated to filming how "charitable" she is ...

How 'bout she starts off by giving back all that money she ripped people off for back when she was begging for "love offerings".

There's always an ulterior motive underneath everything she does. This Second Harvest (katespeak) 'fewd' bank gig is no exception.

BerksPa said... 77

FYI the only people who got autographs were the ones who made a cash donation. Otherwise you were SOL.

Kate will be taking the kids on these 'charity' drives with her, otherwise no one would come out to see her. She's putting her kids on display for charity sake. It's one thing to instill volunteering into the heart of your child(ren) it's a completely other thing to make your children work in charities in order to build up viewership for your floundering television show.
She's a pathetic excuse for a mother. My kids work in charitable organizations out of the goodness of their heart, not so they can support moms latest trip to the beauty salon or shoe store.
Disgusted! !

JM said... 78

Here is a link to another radio interview she did yesterday morning. Click on the podcast library, the the interview with her.

Right after the 4:37 mark, she says she really would like to go to an orphanage in - either Egypt or Asia, I can't tell what she says - and hold the babies and bring supplies. ~ Administrator said... 79

You know Kate is kind of living like every day is make a wish day, and she is an ill child and gets to make whatever wish she wants come true. Every day. How about donating the cost of a NASCAR ride to a sick child?

Moose Mania said... 80

Umm, do you get credit for sponsoring the backpacks if the money for them came from the company that pays you to do it? I would say that TLC sponsored the backpacks and sent their PR shill for the promo work. Let me see Kate pull out a baggy with some cash, and then you can give her whatever credit you like.


A baggy with cash that TLC has filled? I don't know when I've been this angry over anything Kate/TLC has done. There are some posters who feel that no matter the way in which this charity was done, the hungry benefited. Nobody is arguing that this isn't a good cause; nobody wants to deny that world hunger exists. Charitable organizations deserve all the donations they get. There are some amazing people out there doing wonderful things...quietly and without fanfare and flourish!

But this takes the cake. To think that this is all for show. Make no mistake about it -- it is a publicity stunt drummed up by either Kate or the suits at TLC. They know their ratings are down and they have to bring a dead cow back to life.

To think that she will be paid for doing charity work; to think that TLC hopes to profit off this is just despicable. To think that whenever Kate Gosselin goes around the country helping the needy we must see it, read about it, and sing her praises. It makes me see red.

I wonder what Kate had for dinner last night. I wonder if she showed up at an upscale restaurant in a limo, bemoaning the fact that she had to stand around and sign autographs "all day." What she should have done is to visit a local soup kitchen, dish out some stew and have supper with the rest of them...OFF CAMERA. Being paid for charity work is like a slap in the face of those thousands of people in the country who unselfishly give their money and do actual physical labor to help the hungry and homeless.They don't expect anything in return. They don't ask to drive a race care, and they certainly don't do it so that their faces are plastered in newspapers or on the internet praising them for their benevolence.

In my position at a social services organization, I've worked at food banks; I've been to the local shelter where I made soup; I've sorted clothing for kids who had none, watching the joy on their faces as they picked out Dora or Sponge Bob tee shirts. I've cleaned used toys at Christmas and delivered them. I've gone to a local tree farm and helped to cut down Christmas trees, purchase lights and ornaments, and set the trees up in the homes of needy families. It's a humbling experience.

Kate certainly knew that there are homeless people. She referenced them in Alaska, but as she said, who wants to pretend they are homeless. If she visited a local shelter, she would see that these people ARE homeless. No pretending. Kate, you need to get a taste of it...THEN do your charity work WITHOUT A CAMERA, without pay, and without doing interviews spewing forth how this is the new you, the giving you, the charitable you.

I'm not buying it. Her track record is lousy. The lies have been many, the biggest of which was the Mommy and Daddy Forever renewal farce; and the crying poverty at churches, accepting donations while they were house-hunting for million dollar homes. This latest circus is nothing more than a redemption act. Can she pull it off? It just might backfire big time.

pate said... 81

Her nose is a little higher. hm.

Plus, who else would have her....she is becoming toxic.

BerksPa said... 82

Kate Gosselin Is Such A Diva: Demands Police Escort Through Airport…

Kate had the police walk her through the airport and into the parking lot,” our source says. “She was talking about wanting them to escort her limo to the hotel so the photographers didn’t get near her. But I’m not sure if they ended up going that far.”

Moose Mania said... 83

Administrator said...

You know Kate is kind of living like every day is make a wish day, and she is an ill child and gets to make whatever wish she wants come true.


She hasn't been to Austria yet. I know...give it time. Maybe she'll do some charity "work" over there, yodeling "Edelweiss" for cash and food for the Shepherds Homeless Ministry.

Pate said... 84

Everyone has to remember, that the only time Katie has much needed alone time with Stevie is when they're traveling. They can go out to eat, go to shows, adjoining rooms....whatever they want.

At home they are stuck in the compound. Wonder if those charities are picking up traveling expenses and bodyguard cost....

Kate, Steve will show his love when you quit PAYING him.

Moose Mania said... 85

Administrator said...

Wait a minute so are the kids going to be dragged on these charity tours???? WTF! They have school, sports, friends, and daddy. I hope it's jut Kate and they can stay at home and just be kids.


If it's for an episode, and those kids are contracted to work, then they will be with her, unless she's spawning a new solo series in lieu of Twist Of Kate.

Snow Globe said... 86

"Wonder if those charities are picking up traveling expenses and bodyguard cost...."


The taxpayers paid for the police escort through the airport! Couldn't Stevie handle the throngs of paps and sheeple? Guess he was too busy toting her purse full of unpaid bills!

Remember when she was making the church circuit and her "rider" included first-class air travel, meals and upscale hotels? I think that the churches saw through that, canceled some speaking engagements because they couldn't (or wouldn't) meet her demands. Wasn't she asking something like $20,000 per appearance?

She's a cheep skate said... 87

Pate said...
Everyone has to remember, that the only time Katie has much needed alone time with Stevie is when they're traveling. They can go out to eat, go to shows, adjoining rooms....whatever they want.

At home they are stuck in the compound. Wonder if those charities are picking up traveling expenses and bodyguard cost....


Most likely TLC is paying her costs since she's doing it to be taped for their show.

K8SUCKS said... 88

Hippie Chick -

Right back at ya =)

Surprise, Surprise said... 89

Momof2 said...

Yep...told ya..

"Ron Bonacci, Food City vice president of marketing, said Gosselin’s visit is part of an initiative she plans to spell out in an upcoming season of the show, where she will go to different parts of the country volunteering her time for charities."
A new season dedicated to filming how "charitable" she is and exploiting the long as TLC films it and she can profit from it.


If this were about anyone other than Kate Gosselin, people here would not be condemning it. Since when is raising awareness about charitable causes a horrible thing to do?

Kate's Cart said... 90

As a reminder - here's the infamous picture of the real trashy Kate, thong and all for the world to see.

AuntieAnn said... 91

If this were about anyone other than Kate Gosselin, people here would not be condemning it. Since when is raising awareness about charitable causes a horrible thing to do?
I don't know about that. I wouldn't want Bernard Madoff as a spokesman either.

There's nothing horrible about raising awareness for needy causes, there IS something horrible about Kate doing it. She doesn't know the meaning of "giving back".

How many is hordes? said... 92

Did the Tennessee police shoot all the paparazzi? I haven't seen any pictures except the one on the escalator taken by some random cell phone. Where are the hordes?

chesterctymom said... 93

Is it giving back if you're paid to do it?

Kate's Cart said... 94

If she's being paid, it's not considered volunteering. UGH How stupid do they think people are?

T.I.N.I.C. said... 95

Ok, in all honesty, if you look at the video showing all the people it does look like Kate got people to come out and donate food items. So, no matter her motives, no matter her disgustingness, she did deliver the goods--I give her that. Needy people actually were helped by her! Don't think she is "giving back" but accidentally while she was putting her bucket list out there, she did some good.

Moose Mania said... 96

I don't know about that. I wouldn't want Bernard Madoff as a spokesman either


It's good I had finished drinking my coffee when I read this! Bernie got his just desserts when he bilked investors; Kate did the same thing at the churches, and walked away with a smile on her face, cash in her pocket, and Steve in her basement. How lucky was that!

Not REALLY a Volunteer said... 97


a person who performs a service willingly and without pay.

Moose Mania said... 98

pate said...

Her nose is a little higher. hm.


So is her belly button, but she still shows it off.

Pattypanda said... 99

I just submitted a letter to TLC viewer relations.
Dear TLC
Dragging Kate Gosselin and her staff of nannies, fake bodyguard, extended hotel stays, first class airfare, dining out, is not considered volunteering. She was being filmed for your network and being paid. Why didn't she do an actual volunteer act at her local food bank, that did not involve working her children during their spring break. You were filming the children, that is considered work. You are very deceitfully bypassing any laws that the state of PA has enacted. She could have gone to the same local Second Harvest for a quick day trip not involving her children while they are in school. You are just facilitating this useless user. At least send the poor worthless human being for some education on public speaking. Why don't you enroll her at the local community college for some classes on public speaking. It's not like she is busy during the day, doing anything besides primping herself. You should be embarrassed that she represents your network when she begins an interview with "honestly". Every time she uses that word it means she is lying. She has a track record of lying. She is not watchable with all the ums that she uses as fillers because she cannot remember her talking points. I once was a fan when the show appeared to be about an honest couple trying to raise a surprise bunch of babies and the struggle. The falsehood of it all it too well documented, from the fake wedding vow renewal, which was inexcusable. Kate is not well liked by very many.

Mary said... 100

""Right after the 4:37 mark, she says she really would like to go to an orphanage in - either Egypt or Asia, I can't tell what she says - and hold the babies and bring supplies""

Translation: Kate wants a free trip to Egypt or Asia. Apparently this type of trip is on her wish list and she is trying to come up with an excuse to get her there. It seems as though she is trying to get TLC to send her to as many places as possible before it all ends.

Using the idea of visiting an orphanage as an excuse to get there is an all time low for her.

PJ's momma said... 101

Hey, I loathe Kate, but I find it sad that a few haters have turned that little TV station's comment board into radaronline. They're being snotty to some locals who are pretty neutral and they look as crazy as the sheeple, posting links to rag mags and talking about what a horrible person Kate is. It's not like the food bank or town courted Kate - TLC took her there. 12,000 lbs of food was brought in. I work at a food bank and that's a pretty good haul for a couple of hours in a small community. What purpose does slamming the locals/station serve?

AuntieAnn said... 102

PJ -- If it's really the 'haterz' doing that, then that is definitely wrong. Somehow I doubt that it really IS the 'haterz'. People who are not in Kate's corner are intelligent so it makes me suspicious that Kate's sheeple are making those comments and calling themselves 'haterz'. They have a twisted way of thinking. Nothing is beneath them.

LancNative said... 103

Mary said...

""Right after the 4:37 mark, she says she really would like to go to an orphanage in - either Egypt or Asia,


I guess, then, it's clear that Jon was correct when he said Kate knows nothing about what is happening in the world. Guess she missed all of the rioting in Cairo, or she wouldn't want to set foot in Egypt with the Islamic activists now on the attack.

PJ's momma said... 104

AuntieAnn, I don't think so. These people seem intelligent enough (one called herself SheepleDeb, and another is arealmom, both pretty telling to me) - you can judge for yourself. I don't like it. They're turning something good like a food drive into something very ugly because they don't like that Kate did it. And actually, I see some of the wildest, most far-fetched speculation from many of the haterz right here too. Again, I don't like her, but some people do get in a tizzy and come up with some theories that make me shake or scratch my head. I don't think Kate or TLC wield THAT big a stick that they're willing to pay off major magazines to keep Kate relevant. If anything, the more vitriol there is about her, the less sponsors will want to pony up to the bar to advertise with them. Her ratings suck - I'm sure they've lost plenty of sponsors already - or at least I hope some 'family value' type sponsors have pulled their $$$. I also don't think Kate is as intelligent as some of the speculators give her credit for. In fact, I don't think she is very intelligent at all. Cunning maybe, but intelligent? Honestly, not so much. Anyway, just my opinion.

A success but was it really? said... 105

No matter how much food was collected or how many people came to the Food City store where the drive was held, Kate Gosselin does not deserve the credit. It wasn't announced she was going to be here until the day before and then only in a tiny press release for the radio station. The food drive had been scheduled and announced over 2 weeks earlier.

Kate Gosselin and the children just happened to be there when the majority of residents arrived to make their donations; they didn't come because of her - they were already planning to donate anyway. The locals are not interested in her and the majority don't even know who she is or if they do, we don't care. Her radio show appearance at 7am had very little effect on the turn-out at Food City at 10am.

If she'd come into town, really helped with the food drive, been more humble while she was here by being more 'present', and less 'untouchable' she might have had a chance in making a difference. But she wasn't and she didn't. Her being here left a bad taste in my mouth. Standing apart from the people who came to greet her, being aloof, and leaving the minute her scheduled time was up doesn't leave a warm and generous memory of her.

Don't get me wrong; I'm grateful our food drive was a success, but it's success certainly wasn't because of her - be sure of that! It was a success for NE TN Food Banks, but was it a success for her? I don't think so.

ncgirl said... 106

I am a TV Guide subscriber and read the article about what TV people make. Kate does make $250,000 a year. Plus here's a link:

I'm with those who say this is just for the show. Still not watching.

Moose Mania said... 107

Standing apart from the people who came to greet her, being aloof, and leaving the minute her scheduled time was up doesn't leave a warm and generous memory of her.


Are you saying that she was scheduled to be there a certain amount of time (as in a contract) and she was a clock-watcher? Good grief! Yes, sir, that's really "giving back" big time. You give back only during the time that you MUST give back. Does she get paid time and a half for overtime if she stays one minute more? ~ Administrator said... 108

Remember the Santa Monica booksigning I as at, she showed up late, took a 20 minute break 10 minutes in, and left within the hour. There was a blind little boy there she managed to squeeze in. Found out later on kate's world she was hiding in a utility closer crying to Steve about not wanting to do it. She could care less about her blind fan.

Mary said... 109

A success but was it really? said... No matter how much food was collected or how many people came to the Food City store where the drive was held, Kate Gosselin does not deserve the credit.

I was not at the food drive but I believe and totally agree with your post. It's crazy to give Kate any credit for the amount of food they received.

I also believe your comments that she was "untouchable and aloof". She has been this way from the very beginning. I remember years ago reading about how she didn't like it if she was shopping and someone tried to talk to her even if it was a child. If I remember correctly she would get upset with Jon because he would talk to people. Jon always has been friendly which was stated previously by former neighbors.

There has also been articles in the past to verify your comments about her leaving as soon as her time is up. Didn't she do that when she was at her speaking engagements? She would abruptly get up and leave. Wasn't she talking at a church one time and was sitting with a minister and looked at her watch and asked "isn't my time up" or something like that.

kate can't do s**t said... 110

3 things. Kate, when someone tells you kids go without food on a regular basis, you don't say, "isn't that amazing". Instead you dumbass, you say, isn't that horrible or awful or tragic. Two, quit waving your hands around when you talk. It's very distracting. Yes, we can see you have new, longer nails glued on. Yes, Kate, we notice your new nails. And three, IT'S TOO LATE sweetheart. You have burned your bridges. It's over. We will never like you and your attempts at damage control. The jig is up. Go marry Steve. Live a quiet life with your millions. Go eff off. Once and for all.

Prairiemary said... 111

I do not believe a word from her mouth-she is just being a big fake. I guess that all of her Christian knowledge and practise has eluded her, as it says in the Bible about giving-"Don't let the right hand know what the left hand is doing",meaning that true giving comes from the heart, and no one needs to know about it. Guess she has forgotten all of her Christian values.

E-town Neighbor said... 112

"Don't let the right hand know what the left hand is doing",meaning that true giving comes from the heart, and no one needs to know about it."


Good one! I wonder if that NT verse was scribbled on the post-its she left around the E-town house. I like this version: "So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men..."

fidosmommy said... 113

My late swimming coach used to have his own set of Commandments posted in his office, right under the Original 10.

I don't remember most of them, but the last one was "Do at least one anonymous act of kindness each day. If anyone discovers you did it, it doesn't count"

Midnight Madness said... 114

kate can't do s**t said... 3 things. Kate, when someone tells you kids go without food on a regular basis, you don't say, "isn't that amazing". Instead you dumbass, you say, isn't that horrible or awful or tragic


The use of "amazing" goes way back to the early days of the show. Her vocab consisted of "amazing" and "awesome." It had become laughable -- "the experience was awesome;" "the trip was amazing;" "the waves were awesome;" "seeing the wild horses was amazing;" ad nauseam. I wonder if she knows how (or why) one uses a Thesaurus.

E-town Neighbor said... 115

Sadiemey said...

It probably killed Kate to have to wear that tee shirt. Don't they know she likes deep v necks to show off her boobs and heels to match


Interesting "tit-bit" on PopEater...

"Flip through your favorite magazines and TV networks, and you're bound to see cleavage just about everywhere you look. It's all part of the constant exposure plan: The more a woman bares, the more work she'll get. Celebs are cashing in on cleavage to grab our attention, and in the celebrity equation, the more interest we invest in a certain star equates to increased fame, raising her score on the popularity scale."

I guess someone mentioned this to Kate, and she took it to heart (or bosom)!

E-town Neighbor said... 116

Sadiemey said...

It probably killed Kate to have to wear that tee shirt. Don't they know she likes deep v necks to show off her boobs and heels to match


Interesting "tit-bit" on PopEater...

"Flip through your favorite magazines and TV networks, and you're bound to see cleavage just about everywhere you look. It's all part of the constant exposure plan: The more a woman bares, the more work she'll get. Celebs are cashing in on cleavage to grab our attention, and in the celebrity equation, the more interest we invest in a certain star equates to increased fame, raising her score on the popularity scale."

I guess someone mentioned this to Kate, and she took it to heart (or bosom)!

Prairiemary said... 117

I do not believe a word from her mouth-she is just being a big fake. I guess that all of her Christian knowledge and practise has eluded her, as it says in the Bible about giving-"Don't let the right hand know what the left hand is doing",meaning that true giving comes from the heart, and no one needs to know about it. Guess she has forgotten all of her Christian values.

How many is hordes? said... 118

Did the Tennessee police shoot all the paparazzi? I haven't seen any pictures except the one on the escalator taken by some random cell phone. Where are the hordes?

kate can't do s**t said... 119

3 things. Kate, when someone tells you kids go without food on a regular basis, you don't say, "isn't that amazing". Instead you dumbass, you say, isn't that horrible or awful or tragic. Two, quit waving your hands around when you talk. It's very distracting. Yes, we can see you have new, longer nails glued on. Yes, Kate, we notice your new nails. And three, IT'S TOO LATE sweetheart. You have burned your bridges. It's over. We will never like you and your attempts at damage control. The jig is up. Go marry Steve. Live a quiet life with your millions. Go eff off. Once and for all.

She's a cheep skate said... 120

Pate said...
Everyone has to remember, that the only time Katie has much needed alone time with Stevie is when they're traveling. They can go out to eat, go to shows, adjoining rooms....whatever they want.

At home they are stuck in the compound. Wonder if those charities are picking up traveling expenses and bodyguard cost....


Most likely TLC is paying her costs since she's doing it to be taped for their show.

Pate said... 121

Everyone has to remember, that the only time Katie has much needed alone time with Stevie is when they're traveling. They can go out to eat, go to shows, adjoining rooms....whatever they want.

At home they are stuck in the compound. Wonder if those charities are picking up traveling expenses and bodyguard cost....

Kate, Steve will show his love when you quit PAYING him.

Moose Mania said... 122

Umm, do you get credit for sponsoring the backpacks if the money for them came from the company that pays you to do it? I would say that TLC sponsored the backpacks and sent their PR shill for the promo work. Let me see Kate pull out a baggy with some cash, and then you can give her whatever credit you like.


A baggy with cash that TLC has filled? I don't know when I've been this angry over anything Kate/TLC has done. There are some posters who feel that no matter the way in which this charity was done, the hungry benefited. Nobody is arguing that this isn't a good cause; nobody wants to deny that world hunger exists. Charitable organizations deserve all the donations they get. There are some amazing people out there doing wonderful things...quietly and without fanfare and flourish!

But this takes the cake. To think that this is all for show. Make no mistake about it -- it is a publicity stunt drummed up by either Kate or the suits at TLC. They know their ratings are down and they have to bring a dead cow back to life.

To think that she will be paid for doing charity work; to think that TLC hopes to profit off this is just despicable. To think that whenever Kate Gosselin goes around the country helping the needy we must see it, read about it, and sing her praises. It makes me see red.

I wonder what Kate had for dinner last night. I wonder if she showed up at an upscale restaurant in a limo, bemoaning the fact that she had to stand around and sign autographs "all day." What she should have done is to visit a local soup kitchen, dish out some stew and have supper with the rest of them...OFF CAMERA. Being paid for charity work is like a slap in the face of those thousands of people in the country who unselfishly give their money and do actual physical labor to help the hungry and homeless.They don't expect anything in return. They don't ask to drive a race care, and they certainly don't do it so that their faces are plastered in newspapers or on the internet praising them for their benevolence.

In my position at a social services organization, I've worked at food banks; I've been to the local shelter where I made soup; I've sorted clothing for kids who had none, watching the joy on their faces as they picked out Dora or Sponge Bob tee shirts. I've cleaned used toys at Christmas and delivered them. I've gone to a local tree farm and helped to cut down Christmas trees, purchase lights and ornaments, and set the trees up in the homes of needy families. It's a humbling experience.

Kate certainly knew that there are homeless people. She referenced them in Alaska, but as she said, who wants to pretend they are homeless. If she visited a local shelter, she would see that these people ARE homeless. No pretending. Kate, you need to get a taste of it...THEN do your charity work WITHOUT A CAMERA, without pay, and without doing interviews spewing forth how this is the new you, the giving you, the charitable you.

I'm not buying it. Her track record is lousy. The lies have been many, the biggest of which was the Mommy and Daddy Forever renewal farce; and the crying poverty at churches, accepting donations while they were house-hunting for million dollar homes. This latest circus is nothing more than a redemption act. Can she pull it off? It just might backfire big time.

BerksPa said... 123

FYI the only people who got autographs were the ones who made a cash donation. Otherwise you were SOL.

Kate will be taking the kids on these 'charity' drives with her, otherwise no one would come out to see her. She's putting her kids on display for charity sake. It's one thing to instill volunteering into the heart of your child(ren) it's a completely other thing to make your children work in charities in order to build up viewership for your floundering television show.
She's a pathetic excuse for a mother. My kids work in charitable organizations out of the goodness of their heart, not so they can support moms latest trip to the beauty salon or shoe store.
Disgusted! !

IDModo said... 124

I sit corrected about the stilettos. Thanks for the good eye.I should have known that trying to do charity would not make Kate any more sensible...

Administrator said... 125

Wait a minute so are the kids going to be dragged on these charity tours???? WTF! They have school, sports, friends, and daddy. I hope it's jut Kate and they can stay at home and just be kids.

Westcoaster said... 126

Umm, do you get credit for sponsoring the backpacks if the money for them came from the company that pays you to do it? I would say that TLC sponsored the backpacks and sent their PR shill for the promo work. Let me see Kate pull out a baggy with some cash, and then you can give her whatever credit you like.

Actually, incredibly sweet story about the girl and her donation (fyi she probably got the birdseed to stick on the pinecome with peanut butter says this ol' Girl Scout leader).

Midnight Madness said... 127

T.I.N.I.C. said...

Sorry IDModo. I hang on your every word and respect you beyond reason but ya gotta go watch that video again. Those stilletos are hooked over the rail of her chair and are sharp enough to do serious damage to anyone who gets in the way of that fidgeting foot.


That's the first thing I saw when I watched the video. I thought...sheesh! Hooker heels at a food bank. How much work is she going to do in those things! Turns out she didn't do any "work," but signed autographs for the half dozen sheeple who flocked there to see her. What a farce.

Hippie Chick said... 128

Maggie said....
And as predicted Kate was standing there while her kids did the work.

As usual...

Maggie said... 129

Kate is seen signing a copy of her latest book about her kids. You know the one; the one that sold 10,000 copies. And as predicted Kate was standing there while her kids did the work.

Ava said... 130

Kate is just a shell. She's just doing what she needs to do to get to what she wants. I don't really think she cares about giving back and I'm sure this was TLC's idea. I can't believe after all of the media opportunities Kate has had and all of the training she has done, she still talks like this. The hand gestures, the facial expressions, the ums, the likes...She just isn't capable of being genuine because her geuniune self is ugly and can't be shown. She first referred to the St. Jude's trip as an EPISODE, then quickly called it an experience. I'm glad that she is doing something charitable but it's just another EPISODE.

IDModo said... 131

I read somewhere that Kate had sponsored 8 kids in the backpack food program at Second Harvest. How symbolic!And how cheap. 8 kids at $93 per kid per year comes to $744.00.
That would be less than the cost of her fake tans/manicures for 6 months, I'm guessing, as I don't indulge in either.
$744.00 from a woman who is a millionaire...

Frequent visitor said... 132

I wonder if Kate underwent media training yet again in order to appear sincere. She was speaking a mile a minute, so I doubt she was wearing an earpiece (but you never know)...however, it did seem as if she had been coached and needed to spit out her talking points.

At one point the interviewer was asking Rhonda a question and she interrrupted and turned it back to her and the kids. As if she just remembered a point she needed to get into the segment.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kat said... 133

So she always knew about food banks needing donations, but she let it go in one ear and out the other? WTF! So what was the great impetus that got her off her greedy ass to finally help out?


Oh well....

Perhaps this experience will change her ways, and make her a kinder, gentler, more generous person. Who knows, maybe she will do more acts of kindness without expecting a check.

We can only hope.

Sadiemey said...

"The Gosselin Give Back?" Please. Kate will find a way to parlay that into a new show for herself and keep these kids working until their 18. They just don't have a clue what she means when she says "this is just the beginning." $$$$$$$$$$$$$$


You had better believe it!


Mandy said... 134

I'm a little shocked that people are heading over to the local newspaper/blog in Tennessee- whatever it is - and posting crap there. Second Harvest is a great great great charity. I'm guessing most of them barely know much about Kate at all and probably don't give a rip. Not giving a rip is why people are tuning out her show. Why stir the pot there? It seems mean-spirited to me.

We already know that Kate doesn't give a rip about anything but herself, but the rest of them involved with that charity just want to feed the hungry. I think they should be left in peace.

I also don't get why you would stop giving to that charity because you don't like Kate. It's not the charity's fault that TLC sent Kate to help, is it? They're grateful for the publicity to further their cause, and again, I doubt that know much of anything about her. Most people don't. A little reason and moderation is in order here.

Anonymous said... 135

Statement Analysis: when a person starts a sentence with “honestly” they are lying.

Kate's Cart said... 136

Who wears high heel boots to work at a food bank? Planned ahead that she'd do little actual work. Did she even mentions what SHE did. It was the kids did this, kids did that. First word out of her mouth, as usual, honestly. How many times did she say that. It was a tie with all the other fill in ums ums. Sounds like she's threatening the kids the way she says, there will be more of this, instead of trips. And yes, there is a Second Harvest 35 miles from their home. But everyone in PA knows she's a phony.

gotyournumberKate said... 137

Did anyone notice how Kate managed to turn this act of charity into getting something out of it for herself? She couldn't just donate her time and let it at that, she had to try to drive a race car and make it all about her again. I'm sure within the next few days we'll see Kate suiting up to drive a race car. Once more it's what can I get out of this and put the focus back on me. Me, me, me, me, me, me, me!

K8SUCKS said... 138

New Season's Mantra - very well said.

JudyK said... 139

Why must Kate BEGIN her interview with, "To be very honest..."? Why would she be anything else--why does she pre-empt her simple sentence with that--ugh. I totally agree with Kelly and Auntie Ann. People from my old church used to do this every single weekend and work all day. What a plastic attempt by TLC to re-invent Kate's self-serving, self-entitled persona, while paying her $250,000. It's not VERY HONEST.

New season's mantra? said... 140

Kate didn't choose this charity, TLC did quite awhile ago. Buddy the baker started doing promos for Second Harvest and it looks like TLC has brought the Gosselins into the fold. This is a TLC/Second Harvest relationship with TLC using their people to help promote it.

To Admin and any others falling for Kate's "honestly" line; she's used it for similar "image re-dos" in the past. At St. Judes when she said how aware the trip made her of others, at the Ronald McDonald House about other families needs, when she went back to visit the Hershey Medical Center and thinking back about their blessings. It's a line she committed to memory a long, long time ago to get people hooked into believing her false sincerity and also at times when she needs an image rehabilitation. She used it when she was on the church circuit when she talked about how her eyes were opened by the loving gifts they received when they were so in need. And of course she used her "sincerity" when she pretended to be such a good Christian.

She's also used the line about the Gosselins starting on a "new path or tradition" toward change before. She used it for the 'going green' episode with Sarah Snow, the organizing the basement at the new house episode, for her Kan-do Kate image remake, and when she made the household manual, etc, etc. It's a worn out "act" she uses that so far hasn't been backed by any follow through. Every season she seems to come up with some new mantra and I guess this season's it's "giving back" - again (after taking their extravagant trip to Australia and New Zealand, that is).

It would be nice to think that this time she is serious and that she will indeed give of herself to help others in need, but as many educated people have said: past behavior is the best predictor for future behavior. And her track record is poor.
Only time will tell and I guess we can only hope for the best. But, I'm not holding my breath. And, to be honest - if Kate does indeed "give back" no one will never know about it. She and the kids will do it on their own with no cameras or tv or radio stations reporting on it. That will be the real test of Kate's ability to "give".

Sadiemey said... 141

"But once she got there, she did what they asked her to do." That's more than she did in Alaska. If Kate had done this event without TLC filming it, it might have gone over better. As long as she's getting paid ...... it's just another JOB.

Questions said... 142

Bubbles said... There's simply no way they went from $25K for the whole family for the whole SEASON to ten times that PER EPISODE.


Where do you get that figure? Jon said on one of the early interviews he did that they got what amounted to $2500 EACH per episode. That's $25,000 per episode.

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