Kate and the kids are scheduled to help out at Second Harvest Food Bank tomorrow. The segment will be filmed to be part of a "giving back" episode. Charity is great and we've been asking for this for ages, but are they doing it just for filming, or because they really do want to give back?

According to
WTFM 98.5 in
Kingsport, TN, Kate will be a guest on tomorrow morning's show during the 7 o'clock hour. The topic? Child hunger. It's good to see Kate finally giving back on her endless VIP vacations.
247 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 247 of 247 Newer› Newest»Bronx Zoo, oooooh, them's fightin' words !!! LOL
Re Mr Steinbrenner - all I knew of him was his legacy in baseball but his legacy of giving to charity was apparently just as big. Charity is not supposed to be something that is trumpeted from the rooftops, IMO, but rather a silent promise to yourself to try and help those who are less fortunate. Mr Steinbrenner obviously had a very big heart. K8, on the other hand, does not have a heart , soul or conscience.
I hate to say this, but Kate wasn't wearing high heels today at the food bank. She was wearing a T shirt from the Second Harvest, jeans, and flat sensible shoes.I watched the video of the interview and she talked about how she and the kids formed an assembly line to fill the snack bags, and as a result did twice as many as required.She started off the interview with "Honestly.." though, so believe what you like.
I can't stand the woman, but I wouldn't want her reputation smeared by the wrong impression....
Sorry IDModo. I hang on your every word and respect you beyond reason but ya gotta go watch that video again. Those stilletos are hooked over the rail of her chair and are sharp enough to do serious damage to anyone who gets in the way of that fidgeting foot.
IDModo said...
I hate to say this, but Kate wasn't wearing high heels today at the food bank. She was wearing a T shirt from the Second Harvest, jeans, and flat sensible shoes.I watched the video of the interview and she talked about how she and the kids formed an assembly line to fill the snack bags, and as a result did twice as many as required.She started off the interview with "Honestly.." though, so believe what you like.
I can't stand the woman, but I wouldn't want her reputation smeared by the wrong impression....
I just looked at the clip of Kate's interview to refresh my memory. Kate is definitely wearing thin strapped high heel shoes. They're quite noticeable at the very beginning of the clip where she's moving her feet up and down and you can see the heel of the shoe move opposite the leg of the chair. This video clearly shows her feet and the heels on the shoes are very thin and high.
HI 50 said...
Charitable? Alturistic? These are words Katie Irene would NEVER understand.
Who in their right mind would want an entitled bitch SHIPPED to another state to "help" a charity?!! Wait, will the TN community believe her acts are truly charitable?! Let's calculate the charitible trip from PA to TN:
■ Airfare_________x12 (K+8, Steve, Ashley, Jamie) + film crew
■ Hotel__________x12 + crew X ?? days
■ Limo service____x12 + crew X ?? events per day
■ Meals_________x12 + crew X 3 meals per day
■ $250,000.00 per episode
Every state and district has a local food bank to help those in need. Seriously, the amount of $$ spent to fly them in should've been donated. IF she was truly charitable, she could've DONATED 1 episode's earning to the charity of her choice in PENNSYLVANIA!!
The Second Harvest representative said it costs approx $94.00 to supply food for each child in their backpack program for a year. Think of the number of children that could have been fed through this program with the money TLC spent on air flights, hotels, limos, crew, meals and salaries. What a waste of money and resources.
Since I teach in a school much like the one where the Gosselins helped bag the "Snack Packs", I would truly like to see her follow through on her promise of making giving a regular event. I would definitely change my opinion of her if she would actually change and do the right thing. I believe it's never too late. Here's the challenge:
*How about volunteering to do this in your own community, Kate?
*How about doing it without the cameras in tow to give you badly needed positive publicity?
*How about not getting paid to do it?
*How about cutting back on your extravagant lifestyle and giving your kids back their privacy by stopping the filming?"
Questions said...
Is this facility the same Second Harvest Food Bank that was damaged by flooding last week?
Second Harvest Food Bank is still assessing the damage from Monday's flooding, which destroyed a lot of their supplies. Two feet of floodwater covered the floor of their warehouse and office facility on Delaware Ave. in North Knoxville....
Maybe that explains why the trip to TN.
The food bank that was damaged in Knoxville is approximately 2 hours away from where Kate appeared in Kingsport and this trip was most likely planned prior to any flooding anyway.
Who the heck knows why TN was chosen for this "appearance" since Second Harvest has food banks all over the US. IF Kate and TLC had wanted to, they could have found one right in her own backyard to "give back to". Maybe this TN food bank was the only one holding a food drive while the kids were off of school. Heaven forbid Kate would have to go by herself to one close to home while the kids were in school and TLC not be able to film it for an episode. My goodness, that would have meant the kids would have been allowed to enjoy their Spring Break without working.
"Photos of Jon Gosselin with scores of bikini-clad women was inconsistent with our image brand of our show," added Edward Sabin, TLC's Chief Operating Officer."
But apparently filming or pictures of Kate in her bikinis and cleavage-exposing whore wear doesn't affect the image brand in the least. Nice double standard, TLC.
Same with the picture of Kate and the kids in Alaska with poor Mady crying.
"Photos of Jon Gosselin with scores of bikini-clad women was inconsistent with our image brand of our show," added Edward Sabin, TLC's Chief Operating Officer."
Does the image brand of the show include filming bare butts on little boys, squatting on potties, feces-smeared babies, little girls showing their panties on the couch, and an older girl wriggling on the basement floor?
If not, exactly what IS TLC's image brand?
Re: Bill O'Reilly's charitable donations.
Disclaimer. I loathe Bill O'Reilly, so that could color my statements here. But anyway, it seems to me that if Bill is offering his notes signed by the Prez and himself for $500.00 this is not money out of Bill O's pocket. He's asking other people to give it and then he gets the credit for raising it. When Bill O'Reilly
PAYS the $500 for his own signed notes to support charity, then I will be impressed. Otherwise, it seems pretty lame to me.
I understand auctioning off things for charity.
It works. But the auctioned items has to have cost the donor something in order to mean anything. If he had sent the proceeds from the sale of a car he'd bought, or donated 200 blankets he'd bought, or written a check for $500 to furnish one of the rooms in this place, I would think better of his altruism.
The person who needs to be commended is the person who paid $500.00 for autographed notes.
Why does anyone care what type of shoes she was wearing? She wasn't there to do hard labor, her "job" was to sign autographs and take pictures with fans.
I'm sure the people who will benefit from the 12,000 lbs. of food collected today really won't give a damn about the type of shoes Kate Gosselin was wearing during the food drive.
I'm sure the people who will benefit from the 12,000 lbs. of food collected today really won't give a damn about the type of shoes Kate Gosselin was wearing during the food drive.
You're right , and that's because I don't think any of these folks give a damn about K8.
Typical Kate interview, first words out of her mouth are "honestly". Filled with ums ums ums.
It always turns around to be about Kate, the interviewers arrange for her to drive a Nascar car. More memememe, she couldn't resist and say, not this time, I'm here to work.
K8SUCKS said...
I'm sure the people who will benefit from the 12,000 lbs. of food collected today really won't give a damn about the type of shoes Kate Gosselin was wearing during the food drive.
You're right , and that's because I don't think any of these folks give a damn about K8.
Do you always speak on behalf of people that you don't know? Who cares if those receiving food like or hate Kate? A person's opinion of Kate Gosselin has nothing to do with whether or not they need food.
The bottom line is that 12,000 pounds of food were collected for people in need. If some of those 12,000 lbs. were donated because people came out to meet Kate and the kids, why would you condemn that?
So it's ok to exploit the gosselin 8 as long as other kids got fed. I don't know about that. As someone else said, end doesn't justify the means.
Kate's Cart said...
Who shows up to work at a food bank in high heels? Did they get dropped off in a limo too? I bet she did not lift one finger or do anything physical. She was probably selling pictures and autographs.
Which, if true, would make the fact that her kids were downstairs working on the food drive all the more disheartening. "Mom's upstairs talking and we're down here lifting bags of donated foodstuffs and packing snack bags. I thought this was a GOSSELIN FAMILY tradition
we are starting here. Not just kids."
My bet is she did at least some physical work, and that at some point we will see it on film.
I'm also thinking she found any and all excuses to stop working for things she considered more important - checking her iPhone, finding someone to tell how hard she's working, talking to Steve, etc.
"If some of those 12,000 lbs. were donated because people came out to meet Kate and the kids, why would you condemn that?"
Do you mean the two cans of corn that was donated by two sheeple? Yes, I'm sure that 16-ounces went far in collecting 12,000 pounds!
"Why does anyone care what type of shoes she was wearing? She wasn't there to do hard labor, her "job" was to sign autographs and take pictures with fans."
And that's CHARITY WORK? Give me a break! Let her load boxes, sort food, distribute food to the hungry...do some physical work, and then we'll see how eager she is to go around the country doing charity work! It is hard work volunteering for a food bank. She doesn't know the meaning of physical labor. Her "job" was to meet and greet her adoring public? Have you read the reports of how long she was there, and what actually went on during her "job?" It's pathetic.
"typical Kate interview, first words out of her mouth are "honestly". Filled with ums ums ums."
She said, "To be very honest." Same old, same old.
"Says Kate, "It's helping, giving back, and being aware. I am guilty of hearing that food banks are collecting food and you kind of let it go in one ear and out the other. We are here not to show, Oh look what the Gosselins did, good deeds on T.V. That's not our aim. Our aim is to bring awareness."
In this economy, how does a woman who makes millions of dollars a year "let it go in one year and out the other" that people are in need? And as far as her bringing awareness, we are already aware! This might be new information to her since she thinks of no one but herself, but for the rest of us, we are all quite informed on the subject. We don't need to have Kate Gosselin be paid another $250,000 to talk about hunger for 27 minutes raise our awareness.
I second the person who said please bring out the pictures of Kate leaving the consignment shop with her storage bins, as proof she does not have a charitable bone in her body. Since she's looking for love, maybe she should hook up with that millionaire dentist who used a credit card he found on the sidewalk to buy pizza. He sounds just as greedy and miserly as she is. They should be perfect together.
Let her load boxes, sort food, distribute food to the hungry...do some physical work, and then we'll see how eager she is to go around the country doing charity work! It is hard work volunteering for a food bank.
Sweet Charity -
Yes it is, thank you!
As I just mentioned to our friend Shoes, I have volunteered every Tuesday at a local food bank for almost 3 years. I volunteer in the WAREHOUSE, not the offices up front, which means :
- Sneakers only, no open-toed shoes and certainly no high heels
- I am hauling boxes of food , milk, bread, canned goods, etc - it is very physically demanding. It is also a team effort - everyone needs to work hard and fast to get the boxes filled before people line up.
- There is no place for any diva behavior or egos, just empathy and compassion. People are lining up for food, many of them with young children. Most are truly grateful and some are bitter and embarrassed.
K8 has shown repeatedly that she doesn't have an ounce of compassion or concern for others. I am completely incensed that she and TLC are once again using the kids and a worthy cause to promote the show and K8's brand. Absolutely disgusting.
Sweet Charity said...
"If some of those 12,000 lbs. were donated because people came out to meet Kate and the kids, why would you condemn that?"
Do you mean the two cans of corn that was donated by two sheeple? Yes, I'm sure that 16-ounces went far in collecting 12,000 pounds!
I have no idea what you are talking about, but nice to see you insulting the amount of food someone donated. If everyone in a given community donated two cans of food, that's a lot of food.
And that's CHARITY WORK? Give me a break! Let her load boxes, sort food, distribute food to the hungry...do some physical work, and then we'll see how eager she is to go around the country doing charity work! It is hard work volunteering for a food bank. She doesn't know the meaning of physical labor. Her "job" was to meet and greet her adoring public? Have you read the reports of how long she was there, and what actually went on during her "job?" It's pathetic.
Celebrities make appearances at charity events all the time. A celebrity signing autographs and taking pictures is typical. There is nothing unusual or evil about what Kate did. Are you opposed to all celebrity appearances at charity events?
There is NO part of her signing autographs and having her picture taken that 'giving back' in any way, shape or form. That is entirely self- serving, something that should get her a 'girl scout badge' to display across her chest, oh no, that won't work because she wouldn't want to cover the 'cleavage'. I'm surprised she didn't demand a 'hooker cut Vee-neck tee shirt' rather than a regular one that completely hid 'the girls'. But at least she WAS able to wear her hooker heels.
There is nothing unusual or evil about what Kate did. Are you opposed to all celebrity appearances at charity events?
I'm not sure what you don't "get" about this. Kate is NOT VOLUNTEERING these services. She's being paid for it, and under those circumstances, yes, I am opposed to celebrities who rake in money for their appearances under the guise of doing it solely for humanitarian reasons. It's hypocritical.
Many years ago I accompanied a celebrity (a well-known one...not a D-lister like Kate) to quite a few charity events. He never took a cent for his appearances (paid for his own transportation to and from, and his own lodging and meals), and he worked like the proverbial dog, rolling up his sleeves and doing what needed to be done. He didn't use a limo or demand police escorts through the airport. In fact, there were no bodyguards. I remember on one trip it took him nearly two hours to get out of the airport because of the crowd that gathered for autographs. Outside, in temperatures in the single digits, he stood and signed additional autographs until EVERY FAN met him and got what they wanted. I remember waiting in the warm car, watching him sign his name with fingers that were so cold he said later he couldn't even feel them. When he got into the car, I asked him why he stood outside for an hour. His reply was, "They were there waiting for me. If it weren't for the fans, I wouldn't be here. When they stop asking for autographs, I'll know I'm history. Fans made me what I am. I owe them."
That's what a "celebrity" does. Kate is no celebrity, and she's no philanthropist.
Shoes -
Bottom line - K8 is a selfish, greedy, lying grifter. She is being paid to do something that she normally would NEVER do, she is being paid with money that HER CHILDREN earned at the expense of their childhoods and she is being paid to lie to the public while at the same time diminishing the efforts of those who work at this food bank. On every level this is wrong, wrong, wrong.
My husband and I are big NASCAR fans. Whatever driver is discovered to have given KHATE a ride in his car will be booed by us at every race we attend.
My husband and I are big NASCAR fans. Whatever driver is discovered to have given KHATE a ride in his car will be booed by us at every race we attend.
IDModo said...
I hate to say this, but Kate wasn't wearing high heels today at the food bank. She was wearing a T shirt from the Second Harvest, jeans, and flat sensible shoes.I watched the video of the interview and she talked about how she and the kids formed an assembly line to fill the snack bags, and as a result did twice as many as required.She started off the interview with "Honestly.." though, so believe what you like.
I can't stand the woman, but I wouldn't want her reputation smeared by the wrong impression....
I just looked at the clip of Kate's interview to refresh my memory. Kate is definitely wearing thin strapped high heel shoes. They're quite noticeable at the very beginning of the clip where she's moving her feet up and down and you can see the heel of the shoe move opposite the leg of the chair. This video clearly shows her feet and the heels on the shoes are very thin and high.
Bronx Zoo, oooooh, them's fightin' words !!! LOL
Re Mr Steinbrenner - all I knew of him was his legacy in baseball but his legacy of giving to charity was apparently just as big. Charity is not supposed to be something that is trumpeted from the rooftops, IMO, but rather a silent promise to yourself to try and help those who are less fortunate. Mr Steinbrenner obviously had a very big heart. K8, on the other hand, does not have a heart , soul or conscience.
I hate the Yankees (big BoSox fan here) but when George Steinbrenner passed away, I read a lot about him.
We are going to knock the socks off Boston this season! ;-) Get ready! LOL!! You're right about George. His contributions to charities all surfaced after his death. I'm not so sure he would have wanted everything made public, but it sure opened up many eyes about the charities he held near and dear to him.
Anonymity is something that Kate will never know.
Would anyone here like to Trot out the pictures of this greedy Witch Mother recycling the childrens clothes at the consignment stores..Lot's of them. Ms. entitled leaving stores with her empty storge bins? Hmmmm.
What deserving child in PA would have wanted some of the cast off clothing of the Eight.
I for one remember a winter when I and my siblings could not go out. We had no winter coats, no snow pants or boots. That was a stay in winter for us. However, we had warmth, food, games and Wonderful loving parents.
This excuse for a Mother is enjoying dinner out right now, first class hotel and a luxury bath.
Yah sure Kate, you are contributing. What a joke.
Is this facility the same Second Harvest Food Bank that was damaged by flooding last week?
Second Harvest Food Bank is still assessing the damage from Monday's flooding, which destroyed a lot of their supplies. Two feet of floodwater covered the floor of their warehouse and office facility on Delaware Ave. in North Knoxville....
Maybe that explains why the trip to TN.
Charitable? Alturistic? These are words Katie Irene would NEVER understand.
Who in their right mind would want an entitled bitch SHIPPED to another state to "help" a charity?!! Wait, will the TN community believe her acts are truly charitable?! Let's calculate the charitible trip from PA to TN:
■ Airfare_________x12 (K+8, Steve, Ashley, Jamie) + film crew
■ Hotel__________x12 + crew X ?? days
■ Limo service____x12 + crew X ?? events per day
■ Meals_________x12 + crew X 3 meals per day
■ $250,000.00 per episode
Every state and district has a local food bank to help those in need. Seriously, the amount of $$ spent to fly them in should've been donated. IF she was truly charitable, she could've DONATED 1 episode's earning to the charity of her choice in PENNSYLVANIA!!
She is a selfish, greedy, money grubbing, fame Wh*re!!
Damage control interview, Khate gushing..
" The beginning of the Great Gosselin Giveback" sheesh.
Mom In Lancaster County said...
Feed The World said: "Why are the people of TN any less deserving of help than the people of PA? If there is one less hungry child because someone donated to a food bank due to this promotional effort, why do care where that child lives?"
I think where some are missing the point is not that kids everywhere don't deserve to be fed, but that this is being done for publicity. Nobody here has ever said that this isn't a worthwhile cause. A hungry child is a hungry child, no matter if he lives in Haiti, or in Tennessee. I make an annual donation (and not just a few dollars) to a foundation that is based in New York. The money goes overseas. I also volunteer locally, and have been doing so for some twenty years.
The kids' school has an annual food drive; kids bring in donations of canned and packaged goods, and students are selected to distribute them. The children ARE learning the importance of giving back in their local community. This is a good thing. In addition, the school is one of only six secondary schools in the nation that is annually invited to participate in the week-long International Model United Nations Conference (IMUN) held in the Netherlands. The conference is recognized by the United Nations. Global hunger is an important issue held at these conferences. I hope that when the children are older, they will be able to attend this annual event...without TLC cameras!
The objection is because Kate is not a philanthropist. This is being done for publicity, both to rehabilitate Kate and to present TLC's human side (chuckle!). Kate hasn't done anything for her local community where the homeless and hungry could certainly benefit from donations and volunteers, but she travels out of the state to show the importance of giving back. It's never wrong to give outside your community, but, for goodness sakes, it has to be for the right reason. Filming for a television show isn't that right reason. If the kids distributed snacks to a school, good for them, but why in the world must this be a spectacle? How much time did they really spend doing this, and what did they learn? I think we all saw how giving back at St. Jude was nothing more than a self-serving promotion for Kate and TLC. It was a farce. When the true meaning of giving just isn't there and it becomes nothing more than a spectacle, it evokes more negative feelings than positive ones.
Conversely, I think that you're missing the point. I'm not naive enough to think that TLC is doing this for altruistic reasons. However, raising awareness is something that celebrities do well and the only way that they do that is to engage in public campaigns. Doesn't mean that they can't or don't do things on their own without publicity, but to be automatically dismissive of anything that is done in the spotlight misses the point. Nonprofits vie for celebrity spokespersons and people to appear at their events. The reality is that people are attracted by celebrities and their presence brings in $ for good causes. That's reality. As much as you and others may scoff at the notion, the presence of the Gosselins was likely a draw for some folks.
Mom In Lancaster County said...
Feed The World said: "Why are the people of TN any less deserving of help than the people of PA? If there is one less hungry child because someone donated to a food bank due to this promotional effort, why do care where that child lives?"
I think where some are missing the point is not that kids everywhere don't deserve to be fed, but that this is being done for publicity.
That may be your objection, but it was not the specific objection of the person to whom I responded. That person's specific objection was that she was not helping locally, hence the comment "charity starts at home."
Is there ANYTHING she won't ask for?
Her "bodyguard" to get a divorce? Oh, wait a minute. Maybe she's already asked for that, and the answer is on a temporary hold.
A good chunk from this site and other sites that don't agree with Kate and her exploiting her 8 will tune in and watch her show and that is exactly what TLC is banking on. Her ratings will probably soar.....
The whole thing is a charade. Nothing more, nothing less. It's like the Boy Who Cried Wolf. Kate made a few stabs at giving back in the past. Nobody believed her. She convinced no one that it was through the goodness of her heart. Viewers saw through it. She could be dead serious right now about redeeming herself, but it's too late. She cooked her own goose.
Feed the World said...
Yes, I'm sure that TLC as a corporation decided to partner with Feeding America in an attempt to rehabilitate Kate Gosselin's image. The corporate executives sat in meeting after meeting saying "Whatever can we do to make the people on those blogs like Kate more?"
It's not about Kate. This is the cause that the company supports. They had the Cake Boss guy do a PSA. Is his image in need of rehabilitation as well?
Please. I did not mean this was anyone's idea HERE. We all know TLC & Kate's "people' read the blogs. She admitted it & Admin herself got a cease & desist letter from TLC themselves asking her to shut down. Kate is as selfish as they come. You admit yourself, in your post this was NOT the idea of Kate herself. She is contractually obliged to do this. Then she goes on the radio & says how "the past few days in TN makes her feel like giving back more" or some shit like that. She has been receiving freebies for YEARS, & NEVER gives back. She donated, oh sorry, re-gifted a scooter to The Ronald McDonald House & handed out her stupid DVD's & her stupid book at St. Jude's, making it all about her.
How about Kate doing something for an organization that isn't on TLC's dime? Volunteering her time without the damn cameras? Why did it take so damn long for this to happen?? Give me a break. You frigin sheeple are pathetic. Kate is in MAJOR need of an image make-over, but ya know what? Too late. This smacks of desperation. People can see right through her. Her show is going to tank, & then her kids can have their lives back. Aww, then what will you poor sheeple do for entertainment? I know! Get a frigin life!
When they did the St. Jude episode Kate acted like an arrogant ass who couldn't have cared less about those sick children and their parents. This will just be more of the same. Yawn...
Correct. In the end, charity is charity. Even if TLC is probably paying for everything, including Kate's salary, plane tickets, and the
snack bags. As long as someone needy benefits from it, who cares.
Personally, I don't give a sh*t that TLC sent that hag to Tennessee to document the whole charade.
Millions of people quietly donate their time, money, clothing, food, toys etc... to charities everyday.
Mine have been:
-Catholic Big Brothers
-to needy neighbors
-St. Jude
-Local food banks
-Local nursing homes
-various animal shelters
So what. Big deal.
Note to TLC: no amount of reinventing, or "improving" your shows will remove the suckiness, sideshow freakiness, and exploitive crappiness from them.
In short, your lineup needs an enema.
Feed the World said...
Charity is charity. Why are the people of TN any less deserving of help than the people of PA?
Agreed. But, it would be nice to see Kate give back to the state and communities from whom she grifted and bilked for going on 7 years. And, to see her do so without dragging the kids with her would be an added bonus. Guess Kate's not the superSTAH she thinks she is ... because apparently she can only succeed on TV if she's got the kids in tow....
I apologize...I went a little far with the "they smell funny" comment. I feel bad now. I was "being Kate". My local food pantry, which my son & I have served food at many times, has 2 guys that come in. They are brothers & walk around the neighborhood quite often. They live across the church parking lot from us. (Yep, we live right across the street from a church. In the summer, when they sing their Christian Rock music, we can hear it loud & clear). Anyway, these 2 guys do not have their...say wits about them, & they umm, to put it nicely, stink to high heaven. We literally need to open windows when we see them coming. Obviously not all homeless people smell, & I know we are talking about hungry people here. I went a little off the wall with that insensitive comment. I should know better. My apologies. :)
Feed The World:
If there is one less hungry child
and for the price of plane fare, hotels and limos maybe there would be One Thousand less hungry children.
I suspect the executives of TLC sat in meeting after meeting and said, "Whatever can we do to lessen our tax burden that we now have after raking in all those millions of dollars by exploiting all those children." And in one of those meetings one of those executives, who had a good grounding in bookkeeping, tossed out on the table charitable contributions and salary expense. After the tax deductible bonuses were handed out, then charity came in to play. I suspect they allowed Kate to play mostly because she can blow through money like none of their other stars and they have a HUGE amount they need to expense. Just my most humble, and cynical, opinion.
boo said... According to the local news, Kate, the kids, and of course the cameras, also made a visit to a local school to pass out snack bags, as part of a "Kate Plus 8 Gives Back" special. Good grief.
How in the world is she giving back if everything she gave was paid for by someone else? She probably "worked" on the gift bags for about 10 mins while they filmed. Other than blogging about this train wreck, I am so DONE with her and her BS show.
Or is the whole school on vacation? If the latter, no wonder the school system sucks.
The school system sucks because the kids have spring break? What kind of thinking is that? It's the end of the trimester. Private schools and colleges do have spring break. It has happened every year for generations, and continues to do so, and because of it the school system sucks?
Some schools have a fall break in addition to days off over Thanksgiving. The kids' school does not. Some schools have a nice long break over Easter. The kids' school only has two days off. It depends on the school and the type of academic school year they are on. Since the trimester ended on the 3rd, the break is given between trimesters to benefit both the teachers and the students. Teachers need a break, too!
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