Kate and the kids are scheduled to help out at Second Harvest Food Bank tomorrow. The segment will be filmed to be part of a "giving back" episode. Charity is great and we've been asking for this for ages, but are they doing it just for filming, or because they really do want to give back?

According to
WTFM 98.5 in
Kingsport, TN, Kate will be a guest on tomorrow morning's show during the 7 o'clock hour. The topic? Child hunger. It's good to see Kate finally giving back on her endless VIP vacations.
247 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 247 Newer› Newest»How many times have we said they never give back? They don't read the blogs? Sure.
I think this is great, much better than dragging them to another amusement park. I just wish it wasn't filmed.
Also how about the local Food Bank? They can't go there one afternoon this week and give back? That way the children could still enjoy their VACATION from school, and help out, and film. Everyone wins, sort of.
I think an episode about charity, for everything they've been given now they give something back, would make a perfect SERIES FINALE. Not just season, series....pretty PLLLLEASE.
What, there are no foodbanks nearby? Giving back but taking the limos, the plane fares, the hotels, the VIP treatment, the bodyguard, and on and on and on.
As if 6 year olds care even a little bit about 'giving back'. I'm sorry, but that's just not the way 6 year olds think. They are being used by Kate -- per usual -- for ratings. They are being drug through another airport, forced to perform for the camera. This has nothing to do with giving back. Kate is a taker not a giver. We have seen that over and over again. This is all to try and show a softer, kinder side of Kate and regain some viewers. What a massive joke.
Maybe Kate will see that the kids at the food bank get more per meal than what she scoops out for her kids.
It's clearly being done because of filming. They would not be in TN right now if the cameras didn't come along.
I think it's disgusting. This is my #1 pet peeve ( people who only do good works for recognition and who have to toot their horns about it ). I am a stickler that good works should be done with no fanfare, no recognition, and definitely no cameras.
Jon and Kate both need to be teaching these kids how to give back even when no one is watching. Right now they have taught the kids that charity happens only when the cameras capture it, and they can get a pat on the back and an episode named, "Gosselins Give Back".
Sorry. I am very passionate about this. I feel like it is my mission in life to show people that the best giving back is when you get ZERO recognition from it. When you can do that, you grow more and more spiritually mature.
If you can't do it without getting props, then you aren't doing it for the right reason and it's definitely not from the heart.
Period. End of story.
As much as Kate claims the paparazzi pesters her, I'm certain we would've seen any attempts at doing a charitable act ( sans TLC ) out in her community and we would've heard about it or seen a pic of it in a tabloid.
But it doesn't happen.
I loathe this woman. She is 110% all about herself and how she can make herself look like such a great person.
I can hear the couch interview now..."My kids waste so much food in their school lunch boxes everyday, THAT I HAVE TO PACK AND I GET SOOOOOO TIRED OF THROWING OUT PERFECTLY GOOD FOOD, so I decided to take them to the SHFB and show them how some kids go hungry and don't have any food to eat. Aren't I such a great mother?"
I totally agree! Why can't they help at a local charity. There is no one in need in Pennsylvania????? The kids could film for a day and have the rest of their break to do what they want to do. As far as I am concerned Kate could perform charitable duties every day for a year and she still wouldn't "get it". She should want to help people and give back to those less fortunate as an acknowledgement and thank you for all that was given to her in her time of need. But since she feels that she "deserved" all that was given to her, she will never appreciate the concept of giving back. I don't believe you would find Kate in a food bank or any other type of situation where she is "working" to help others unless it is being filmed and ultimately she is getting paid for it. She is a sad, sorry, excuse for a human being!
I've worked at the same food bank for 11 years, and if they are working with clients (which I doubt), that will be WAY beyond her comfort level. Most of our clients are wonderful, but we do get our share of mentally ill, indigent, and druggies. We love on everyone the same, and none of it bothers me anymore (unless I feel unsafe), but the smells sometimes can be overwhelming to someone who has not experienced that. Plus, it would not be fair to anyone to be in the food bank with a big camera crew. Most likely, they'll be sorting food or repackaging it (such as scooping a 50-lb bag of rice into family sized bags). That's something kids can do too. But wow, why travel there to do that? I just don't get why TLC has turned this family into a traveling circus roadshow.
Which begs the question is it really charity if you yourself are being paid 250k for the episode???
I am not one of those people who are going to start praising Kate because she is now doing charity work. This is something she should have done beginning years ago. The problem with doing it now is that it is not sincere. I bet it wasn't even her idea.
I guess PR decided they needed to try and improve her image. Why did she have to go all the way to Tenneessee to do something nice?
Of course the charity work just happens to take place during a free vacation and gives them an excuse to film and she is also getting paid a lot of money to "help the needy". Now if she is also going to donate her entire salary to the food bank and just enjoy the free trip that might be worth talking about.
Also, for the Kate fan who is bound to post the comment "you are always saying she doesn't do any charity work and now that she does you still complain" --- my response to that is too little too late.
The real question is did they have to fly to Tennessee to 'give back'? There are surely plenty of places not far from home, where this overindulged family could be volunteering on a regular basis and NOT being filmed for television. Will TLC show them arriving in their limo to the food bank? Like the faux-ness of their once and once only visit to the children's hospital with copies of Kate's book in hand, this sadly reeks of pandering to the cameras once again. I am not impressed.
Do you suppose she'll try to tell the homeless kids what order to eat her donations in? Sandwich! Fruit! Crunchie things! Dessert!
Which begs the question is it really charity if you yourself are being paid 250k for the episode???
While I hope that this is a win for the food bank, I am skeptical because it is being filmed. That said, I do think it's possible the charity and more importantly, needy people will receive assistance. I just hope the blowback does not outweigh the good that could come from this publicity.
Were Kate still seducing her Christian audience with Isaiah 40:31 T-shirts, now thwarted for breast-baring, plunging necklines, I'd suggest she emblazon Matthew 6:3 on her chest to remind everyone that charity work is private and giving, not boastful and profit-driven. Oh, and not exploitative of one's children.
OK, this makes me more mad. You take a limo to a hotel so that you can get paid by making your children film their lives away-AND ITS SUPPOSED TO BE AN ACT OF CHARITY since you're appearing at a food bank? Losing!
"I totally agree! Why can't they help at a local charity. There is no one in need in Pennsylvania?????"
I posted before, but got the message that blogger was having difficulties. I'll try again. Sorry if this is a repeat.
PA most certainly has agencies that need help! I headed a social services organization that ran a food, furniture and clothing bank, and I still volunteer there, both with my services and donations. There are plenty of agencies in her backyard. We need Meals on Wheels drivers, especially in bad weather (she has an all-wheel drive SUV).
Somehow, this charity thing doesn't sit well with me. Don't get me wrong -- any kind of giving back is great, but this seems like it's all for THE SHOW, as well as FOR SHOW. Why not do it quietly, unassumingly, and privately? Why flaunt it and make a spectacle of it? Why must it be for an episode? Will additional filming be done in Tennessee, or did they make this trip just for the charity segment? When you limo to an expensive hotel and eat at the best restaurants while you are doing "charity" work, and GET PAID FOR IT while you're doing it (for an episode), nobody would take you seriously.
Kate doesn't have a charitable bone in her entire body. If she did, how about taking the money she is being paid for this episode and donating it to world hunger?
Pam, I agree with you 100%, up to a point. Charity/good works should be a part of daily life and done without thought of recognition/thanks. However, if volunteerism isn't publicized, then others aren't spurred to volunteer, too. Where would the Muscular Dystrophy Association be without Jerry Lewis, or AIDS treatment and prevention without Elton John or any number of other celebrities? It's a fine line. In Kate's case, it's only done for publicity and a free trip. If she were truly concerned about child nutrition and hunger, there are, as others have already said, many food banks/soup kitchens/homeless shelters in her own back yard that could benefit from the help. She's not teaching those kids about giving back, she's still teaching them about getting/getting/getting.
Now if she is also going to donate her entire salary to the food bank and just enjoy the free trip that might be worth talking about.
LOL, Mary! I hadn't read your post when I said the same thing! I agree - it is too little, too late. Charity starts at home. Let's see how soon she signs up to volunteer at the local social services agency. Betcha if she would deliver meals to the elderly, she'd call Chris to make sure he gets photos of her doing it. She'd most likely negotiate a salary for her services!
Let's not forget that she doesn't DONATE the kids' outgrown clothing to a clothing bank so kids in need can make use of them. She delivers them to a consignment shop so she can be PAID for them. Hey, Kate - our clothing bank is desperately in need of used clothing for our children (and adults) in the tri-county area! We'll welcome your donations, but would appreciate if you kept the film crew at home, even if they are like members of the family!
First, the positive....
I think it's great that the children are getting to participate in a charitable event!
And now..... I think it's so cool that they will be around people who are kindhearted and caring. We've seen how they positively glowed when taken under the wing of the Palin family. No matter what side of the political fence you are on, it is impossible not to see that the Palins are a loving, passionate, and kind family. I sincerely hope that they get to do a lot of interacting with selfless people in the next couple of days.
It is my strong opinion, however, that this is nothing but a PR move by Katie and the TLC. Katie has publicly said that when you give, you get back in kind. What a skewed attitude that is. I have a hard time swallowing that getting paid $250,000 to commit an act of charity is "giving back". Especially when she is getting paid for her children to work all through their school break yet again.
If Katie thinks that the public wouldn't see through such a sham, she is badly mistaken.
My parents taught me and I'm teaching my kids to do random acts of kindness at every opportunity, and anonymously whenever possible. There is no reason to EVER expect anything in return. When you do, that is NOT charity.
I can't wait to see the sheeple spin this into the saintliness of Kate Gosselin. Gag.
Where is ONE person who is not connected to TLC or a professional in the entertainment business who has EVER remarked on the kindness or "niceness" of Kate Gosselin - at least someone who actually KNOWS her?
Now, because I like to sandwich my criticism in between compliments, I will repeat... :) I believe this will be a good experience for the kids because they will get to interact with generally nice, kind people. It's not at all unusual for emotionally needy children to empathize with those in need physically, so this should be a good experience that will touch at least some of their hearts.
Wow! It took me so long to write that because I'm multi-tasking that I see others have made many of my points already. Sorry about that!!!
I'm glad we can all see through the sham!
Again, can't wait to see the sheeple falling over themselves with the wonderful wonderfulness that is Katie.
She is getting paid to give to a charity? When has she ever done anything without getting paid for it? Sorry this doesn't make her look any better in my opinion she looks worse as she lives where hungry and homeless people are why not volunteer (no pay) and give to Charity out there. Some christian she is....
Which begs the question is it really charity if you yourself are being paid 250k for the episode??
If she donated her salary it would be. Ha ha, as if. Just like the yard sale. BFD, she gave $1000 bucks selling items that were donated. How much did she EARN that episode?
Taking a limo to a food bank? Priceless.
If she donated her salary it would be. Ha ha, as if. Just like the yard sale. BFD, she gave $1000 bucks selling items that were donated. How much did she EARN that episode?
Don't be surprised if she DOES donate some or all of her salary for this episode to charity. Also don't be surprised if she announces it. :) Maybe she'll get a bonus for being so nice.
This makes me sick. This harpy, who has done nothing but take from others for years and whine that it's not enough, is now going to invade the privacy of some needy people in Tennessee and pretend she cares about them for the camera. Exploiting the poor is every bit as reprehensible as exploiting your own children.
Kate was barely able to be civil to people who came to buy her book.She was rude and mean to a small Palin child who was attempting to be hospitable to her and her family.And now TLC is letting this creature loose on people who are in a position of having to appear humble, in order for them to get food?
What can the children possibly learn about being poor that she has not already taught them with her exhorbitant child support demands, so that they have two different standards of living right there in their own lives?
First time commenting but I read here alot.
I live in the area but not in Kingsport where this will be held. This is being held at one of the Food City grocery stores in Kingsport, not at the food bank. Its a food drive - they are collecting food at the store, not giving it out there. Wonder if it will be outside as they do sometimes; its supposed to be in the 40s and raining in the area tomorrow. Or sometimes they do it right inside the front of the store. Also, on the radio show, wonder if that will be live? or taped today? I only occasionlly listen to Steve and Taylor on WTFM on the way to work so I don't know if all their guests are live or some may be pre-taped. It wasn't in the printed edition of the papers today - only this am it was put online so don't know how many it will draw.
What can the children possibly learn about being poor that she has not already taught them with her exorbitant child support demands, so that they have two different standards of living right there in their own lives?
Great point!!
This is some feeble attempt to repair her reputation. She wouldn't do this out of the kindness of her heart and certainly not without being recognized for her charitable efforts. You'd think Kate, who loves her sticky notes bible quotes, would know that giving is done in secret.
IDModo said...
This makes me sick. This harpy, who has done nothing but take from others for years and whine that it's not enough, is now going to invade the privacy of some needy people in Tennessee and pretend she cares about them for the camera. Exploiting the poor is every bit as reprehensible as exploiting your own children.
How is helping collect food at a food drive invading anyone's privacy?
Mandy said...
If she donated her salary it would be. Ha ha, as if. Just like the yard sale. BFD, she gave $1000 bucks selling items that were donated. How much did she EARN that episode?
Don't be surprised if she DOES donate some or all of her salary for this episode to charity. Also don't be surprised if she announces it. :) Maybe she'll get a bonus for being so nice.
And if she donates without announcing it and you don't know about it, she will be torn apart for being greedy. It's called a Catch-22.
Let's see, she'll be on radio saying she KNOWS about children's hunger from trying to feed her 8 (count'em eight!) children.
They'll stay at the food drive long enough to get enough footage for a show and get whisked off in a limo. Kids go with the nanny, Kate to a spa.
Curiosity drove me to check- as of noon there was nothing about her on ROL, INF or TMZ. Hope it stays that way.
"It's not at all unusual for emotionally needy children to empathize with those in need physically, so this should be a good experience that will touch at least some of their hearts."
Are the kids going to interact with needy/hungry children? If not, just being around other adults who are giving really isn't going to make much of an impact, no matter how caring or kind the adults are. Let them go into south Lancaster at Christmas (as we have done), hand-delivering gifts to the children's homes. Let them see how others live. Let them look into the eyes of these kids and see their happiness to receive one small toy. That's what would make an impact, at least I hope it would. I think, however, it would be beneath Kate to go slumming like that.
I'm surprised that TLC hasn't suggested a trip to Jamaica or the Dominican Republic or another Caribbean Island to help set up schools there, or assist in the delivering of medical supplies to orphanages. Of course, to get there, she'd demand a three-bedroom, 5,000 square foot garden villa suite on Norwegian Cruise Line.
Remember that "giving" episode at St. Jude? She had to take her book along, talked about spending 52 weeks on bedrest, and didn't forget to spout something about her "really" being a nurse. Anything to call attention to HERSELF! She just couldn't shut up and let it be about the patients...it had to be about HER.
I'm not impressed with this recent display of goodness coming from her heart.
Do we KNOW that Kate does not give to charities? If she has a financial adviser, they would advise her to do so for the tax deduction if nothing else. Most wealthy people donate to charities for that reason.
Celebrities are continually appearing at charity events, and yes it IS PR for the charity and for the celebrity, and yes celebrities go on TV and radio to promote the charity. Celebrity appearances bring people to the charitable event. Whether Kate will bring a lot of people is another story.
On President's Day they filmed at Food City. Maybe they're tying the two together somehow.
Personally, since they do have a contract to fulfill, I'd rather see them doing this than see Kate lounging around a pool in a bikini.
I wonder who will be in charge of the CA's so Kates attitude wont be discussed? Are they going to have each person who donates food sign one? Ha Ha.
And if she donates without announcing it and you don't know about it, she will be torn apart for being greedy. It's called a Catch-22.
Absolutely not, because if she actually would donate the money without announcing it, she would be on the path toward true decency, something which she has not displayed to this date, so kudos to her if she did.
If she did that for all the right reasons, we will start to see her in a different light, because that type of humility would begin to reflect on other aspects of her life. She would make amends to her family, etc.. That would truly be awesome and a great example for her kids if her life began to bear positive fruit.
Lena said...And if she donates without announcing it and you don't know about it, she will be torn apart for being greedy. It's called a Catch-22.
Kate Gosselin has already been torn apart for being greedy, because that's what she's been. It's a little too late for her to pretend she's anything else.
Are the kids going to interact with needy/hungry children? If not, just being around other adults who are giving really isn't going to make much of an impact, no matter how caring or kind the adults are.
Your point is well taken. I meant that it would be good for the children themselves to be around good, kind, caring people that are actually doing things for others. They need people like that in their lives, not narcissistic mothers and people who make dog pee videos.
They need people like that in their lives, not narcissistic mothers and people who make dog pee videos.
It is Kate, after all, who works so hard to keep her family in the news.
Ellen posted one brief and funny video responding to a nasty comment about her beloved dogs.
The dogs were not shown (peeing or not!).
There was NO mention of ANYTHING related to the Gosselin family (unlike the USMag article).
She happens to be dating a man who is trying to escape from his 15 minutes of fame. I respectfully sugggest that they deserve their privacy.
They are going to be at a grocery store collecting food NOT at the foodbank itself. They are not going to interact with anyone other than customers and many of those may be plants. I would believe that they were giving back if k8 donated the paycheck that she's getting to film this episode.
Mandy said...
And if she donates without announcing it and you don't know about it, she will be torn apart for being greedy. It's called a Catch-22.
Absolutely not, because if she actually would donate the money without announcing it, she would be on the path toward true decency, something which she has not displayed to this date, so kudos to her if she did.
No, she would continue to be torn apart because people would assume she doesn't give back, as is being assumed repeatedly in this thread.
What's wrong with going to the Second Harvest Food Bank in Allentown, PA 35 miles from home? Not a big enough trip to Kate? Everyone in PA know she's a fake?
Kate Gosselin has already been torn apart for being greedy, because that's what she's been. It's a little too late for her to pretend she's anything else.
Amen, AuntieAnn. If this is a Catch-22, Kate has no one to blame but herself to be caught in it. She's trying to undo damage and it's too late. Charity comes from the heart -- we don't need to know what she's doing or for whom. Most celebrities don't find themselves in this situation because they've never been called out for being greedy in the first place. I've been friends with a major celebrity for more than two decades. He's famous, he's wealthy and he used that wealth to set up a foundation that contributes to world-wide charities. He matches donations. What he doesn't do is to film episodes about how wonderful he is, putting his generosity on display. He doesn't need to do so. Greedy was never part of his name. Kate needs to correct an image. It's too late. Sheeple will rejoice, but those who can see right through the charade will only do a horizontal shake of their heads.
Sadly, they won't be there long enough to know if any of these people are caring/giving/nice, whisk in and whisk out, it's so clearly all for the Kate PR machine and the tv screen.
Talking about giving, if the woman spent any part of her week while her children are away on their 10 hour school days actually volunteering for any number of charities in her home community, well now that would be something, and appropriate. Before I went back to work, but after my children were in school full time I was involved in their school activitites, my synagogue and some charitable organizations near and dear to my heart. And you know what, I also managed a mani/pedi every now and then.
With all of the crises in the world today, I find it even more abhorrent that TLC flies this woman and her clueless children to yet another PR stunt. As said above, perhaps this segment would be most appropriate if it were the series finale, and I mean that with a capitol F.
Okay - this is not a Kate Gosselin wakes up and decides she needs to improve her image. It is a full TLC promotion that they(Discovery) is pushing
So, no matter how this gets spun by the sheeple - Kate is NOT being generous because that is the wonderful person she is - she is just fulfilling her contract. Sad - the kids could have learned a true lesson - not one of how to pretend to care to make money.
There are no Food Banks in PA, NJ or NY area? Around Thanksgiving 2010, bunch of Cub Scouts, their troop leader and some moms stood in front of my local Walbaum's Supermarket in the freezing cold with a small banner appealing to shoppers to donate non-perishables for a week. Polite and efficient and they got over 1,000 lbs of food that weekend. My 7 year old nephew's school had a Penny Collection and their school did really well because of family participation. You heard that TLC PR idiots, FAMILY PARTICIPATION made it a very successful fund raiser.
Evil as it may be, I would laugh my ass off if Ms. Me-Me-Me turned people off to even donating anything. Isn't it too late to do anything now to repair her reputation? This stunt just sounds stupid.
There is a wonderful organization right here in Philadelphia called Philabundance – they, like the TN food bank, are committed to helping the poor and hungry. Kate could easily have lent her "STAH" power to raise awareness/money/sponsorship/whatever for this *local* organization in her home state. Not to take anything away from TN, but how about Kate finally “give back” to the state and communities she has bilked and grifted from for the better part of 7 years???
Of course, giving locally would deprive Kate of a first-class plane ride, shacking up in a 5-star hotel with the Boobyguard, and having the opportunity to act like an entitled bitch toward the commoners who are forced to serve her at the airport and concierge desk.
Mandy said,
"I meant that it would be good for the children themselves to be around good, kind, caring people that are actually doing things for others. They need people like that in their lives, not narcissistic mothers and people who make dog pee videos."
And we know that people who make dog pee spoofs aren't good, kind, caring people? I didn't realize that the two were mutually exclusive.
Lena, when I posted my comment, the information was that Kate would be helping out at the food bamk. Hence my comment about exploiting the needy.
However she is still exploiting the needy by using a charity for personal aggrandizement. If she was sincerely charitable, it would not be filmed, and/or she would not be paid.
Mandy, IMO Ellen's humourous video about the dogs should not be characterized as equal to the totality of Kate's "narcissistic" personality.As far as I can see, Ellen has been nothing but a good influence on Jon and the children and does't deserve to be lumped in with Kate.
Just as so many of you have said, you can see through this 'act of kindness' just like looking through air. If she really wanted to help others, in any way, and teach her children about sharing with those who have so much less than them, you don't need a TLC camera following you around taping it. What the heck does that say to those kids? It's so blatantly obvious that TLC came up with this idea for a show and Kate had to agree because, hey, it's all about the money for her. Already it is being reported that she was being a class A bit** because 'somebody took their picture'. I think TLC has big plans to bring Kate back full force during the beginning of sweeps month hoping to get her back to her previous popularity. They just will not give up on using those kids for their bottom line and Kate marches right in line with them -- no matter what it does to her children, who I'm sure would enjoy having a life apart from the cameras.
This is where Kate will never win. People have been saying forever how she 'never' gives back. Well, here she is doing just that and her motives are being questioned. Some are saying it shouldnt be filmed. Ok, but then how would anyone know she did it, so then she's back to the perception of her 'never' giving back. It's a catch 22 and she can't win either way.
What about Jon? He's a deadbeat chasing young woman around. So what if he's been with the same one for almost a year? Still a cheater. He has a job. Still a deadbeat.
Jon can't win either but the true losers are the 8 little faces that continue to be exploited.
IDModo said...
Lena, when I posted my comment, the information was that Kate would be helping out at the food bamk. Hence my comment about exploiting the needy.
However she is still exploiting the needy by using a charity for personal aggrandizement. If she was sincerely charitable, it would not be filmed, and/or she would not be paid.
Are you equally disdainful of celebrities who appear on televised telethons, etc? How about the Duggars? They have been filmed on their mission trips repeatedly? Does that mean they are not sincere about the work that they are doing?
If having the Gosselins present at a food drive brings out more people donating food, I really don't think the hungry people benefiting from that food are going to feel exploited.
PR move, period. This is late in coming and our blog has probably been part of this latest move from Kate and TLC. The Boy Scouts in my area are collecting canned goods this Sat. for our local food bank. My praise will be for them, not Kate and her 8. Why would anyone need to fly to TN in order to do good? You guessed it, PR and another trip to be filmed for the show. Do your charitable giving in private, Kate, and someone might just praise you for it. This is sickening, really.
I love the INTELLIGENT, witty, spot-on women who post on this site. I was going to point out a few I particularly agreed with today: Pam, Mandy, Mimi, Kara...but DAMN! You are all so smart and so funny, and I loved the #Losing remark from Wow! And I love and respect all the regulars so much. It is a delight to read well-informed remarks. And ADM, LOL at the telling the homeless kids what order to eat their food in! You guys are the BEST.
"If she did that for all the right reasons, we will start to see her in a different light, because that type of humility would begin to reflect on other aspects of her life. She would make amends to her family, etc.. That would truly be awesome and a great example for her kids if her life began to bear positive fruit."
Problem is, who would believe her? Any altruistic moves would be questioned. We could never be sure she would be doing it for the right reasons, and not simply because TLC has told her to rehabilitate herself. It's difficult to regain trust once you've set yourself up to be selfish and self-serving. Does narcissism ever heal itself?
Does anyone remember the episode in which they went to St. Jude's hospital to hand out toys to sick kids? It turned the hospital into a circus, Kate insisted on giving every kid they saw a copy of that first book (because that's exactly what a six year old wants, right?), they stayed at a very expensive resort and the kids had to help gift wrap the presents, of course she bitched and whined the ENTIRE time about EVERYTHING, and when she would speak to the parents of these terminally ill children, she made it all about her and how hard it was for her being on bed rest when she was pregnant.
It was pointed out on e blogs at the time that if she really wanted to give back, she'd have done it without the cameras and without the normal money she makes to film each episode. Also, TLC bought the damn gifts for the kids! How, exactly, was she giving back? She was getting paid to do it, getting PR, and didn't buy the gifts.
So I'll have to be excused if I don't believe she's come that far in the last few years. If anything, she's more selfish and less self-aware and compassionate these days. So I'm quite sure this is for a paid episode and that she is not personally sacrificing shit.
With narcissists, the $64 million question is ALWAYS "what's in it for me?"
As I said before, it is NOT a catch 22. If she is truly giving out of the goodness of her heart, we will begin to see other changes in her, too. Jon regained respect by quitting his "lost youth" days. She can do the same. We will see what she does in the future. I, for one, would be so happy to see her stop thinking about herself and be a good mom.
@ IDModo and Julianna, I never said Ellen wasn't kind or caring. She may well be. The video, imo, just shows her immaturity.
My oldest is the same age, has a master's degree, a great first job, works his butt off, has many friends, and is a kind caring individual. No way he is mature enough to handle eight kids, and for that matter, none of his friends are, either.
She definitely doesn't deserve to be lumped in the same category as Kate, though. That much is for sure. Point taken. :)
JM said:
This is being held at one of the Food City grocery stores in Kingsport, not at the food bank. Its a food drive - they are collecting food at the store, not giving it out there
So, are they like the 'celebrity' guests? "Bring in your canned goods and meet the stars of 'Kate Plus 8'!
So Second Harvest Food Bank is hoping that Kate and her 8 little traveling wilburys will bring in more food donations? Ummmmm.... o....k....
Personally, I would have chosen someone else, but hey, whatever it takes to feed the hungry...
Fine people of Kingsport, I'm sorry that black overdone cloud of greed, excess, bitterness, confusion, and anger, is heading your way.
Remember, don't look Kate in the eye. It will only make her angry.
I understand the catch 22 thing. But you cannot make up for five years of grifting and selfishness with just one trip to a food drive. It's a step in the right direction, it is not a cure. As someone said so well, if Kate is turning over a new charitable leaf, great, and we will see it. I think what was envisioned by charity did not include filming an episode about it. As for the kids, no matter the motivations hopefully they will just take in all the good about this experience and none of the other suspect motivations. I hope no matter the motivations this charity is helped out that's what matters.
This woman has a long history to make up for. The last time anything charitable was ever involved she "donated" her bike to the Ronald McDonald house. Except that bike was given to her by Choppers, as a freebee. So how is that charity? That's actually RE-GIFTING. With a history like that, it's understandable no one is falling over like Mother Teresa just walked into the room. And even Mother Teresa has been criticized for some of her "charities." All that said? Charity is not about what we think or her fans think or the general public thinks-it's really where the giver's heart is, and the only person who really knows that is the giver themselves.
Suze, I appreciate your sentiment and on the surface, your argument is solvent. This is no more a Hellerian dilemma for Kate than any other fortunate star or media personality who gives of themselves when the cameras are rolling, and when they're not.
Last night, I watched No Reservations in Haiti, where Sean Penn has been spending a great deal of time and personal resources to help. He looks like shit, lives in a tent and hopes that the next hurricane doesn't bring another large outbreak of cholera.
If anyone needs to rehab his public image, it's this bad boy, but you know what? He lays low. Just moves forward by and large without cameras. He doesn't like it.
So, no, this isn't a damned if she does and damned if she doesn't. This is just another filming opportunity that involves her children working on yet another school break. If she went on her own and used only her own resources, we'd be having a different conversation.
This is clearly a case od too little too late. This is being done for one reason and one reason only. To try and rehabilitate Kate's image. Sorry, but it will never work. If she was truly interested in "giving back" why has she not done anything in her home town, and without camera's rolling. This women is one vile POS in my book.
Tucker's Mom said...
This is just another filming opportunity that involves her children working on yet another school break. If she went on her own and used only her own resources, we'd be having a different conversation.
If Katie Irene announces that this Food Bank stint is a "New Family Tradition", then that is a give-away that she'll never be caught dead in this environment again.
A little off topic but this is such n awesome video and whoever made this really nailed a lot of issues: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2zOhJp_MmE&feature=related
It's a Jon and Kate plus 8 Spoof, it mentions the long naps, favoring kids and many others. Well, not that off topic since we are pointing out Kate's vices lol
Perhaps she will also pass out copies of her books to the needy.
But in all seriousness, I'm glad the kids are getting another crack at "giving back"...even though I also agree it's too little to late AND is being done for filming purposes only.
I wonder what the filming will be for the rest of the working vacation.
Suze, I would have no problem with her doing local TV or news interviews, press releases, etc. to advertise her involvement, because it would presumably publicize the event and draw more contributions for the charity. But by filming it, with the kids (if that is in fact the case) turns it into nothing more than a ratings ploy. And that the fact that is coming right before the new episode airs April 4 makes it even more suspect/transparent.
Just last week I received a flyer from the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank expressing their urgent needs.
I guess giving to them wouldn't come with qthe publicity or more importantly the free trip and dinner out. It is beyond pathetic.
Perhaps the grocery store sequence filmed on the last school vacation will be edited to tie in with this selfless charitable gesture (note sarcasm). Oh maybe they airlifted the groceries from PA to TN, which is why they needed the limo. Endless PR possibilities, but again I think this is going to not play out the way TLC hopes, too much water under the bridge with Kate.
People have been saying forever how she 'never' gives back. Ok, but then how would anyone know she did it, so then she's back to the perception of her 'never' giving back.
She created that perception all by her lonesome.
Who NEEDS to know when someone gives back? Who NEEDS to announce they've donated time or money for a worthy cause?
Who stands in line and makes everyone take note that they've dropped a five dollar bill in the donation cup at the checkout?
If someone had ever spotted Kate helping out at the local soup kitchen on a regular day of the week or doing some other type of charitable work without a camera in sight, this would be a whole nuther thread. She lives in a fairly small community so surely it would have been mentioned if that had ever happened. So far, not a word and she's lived there for how long now?
She makes a mockery of benevolence by showing up at this event with the surrogate daddy and the camera crew in tow, just so she can be filmed doing a good deed. Suze, do you really think she'd have gone there on her own to do this with her kids?
I can almost picture the kids all handing over their own little donations and I doubt they are from Khate's own pantry. TLC would have to buy the stuff for them to do it. (can't take away food from HER family!)
I also agree Khate will not give one cent of her money to this food bank. (If it is like ours they accept cash and food.)If she says it is her own money I won't believe it.
If this was just some local's twitter pics showing the family dropping off donations I would believe she was doing it out of the goodness of her heart. Not when paps and film crews are there.
In response to Suze said: Kate Gosselin has lived off her children forever. She does not
"give back" unless it is being filmed. Why not go to a homeless shelter in her home area and "give back?" BECAUSE IT IS NOT FILMED AND SHE WOULD NOT GET ANY PUBLICITY OR MAKE ANY MONEY OFF THE BACKS OF HER CHILDREN! If Kate truly wanted to give back, why involve the children? They could have stayed home during their spring break from school "not filming" and gone to any numerous locations in PA to help the homeless, needy, whatever! If Kate truly wanted to give back, why not leave the kids at home?
My guess about why she didn't exploit a food bank in PA is that nobody in PA wanted her! She certainly seems to have burned many bridges in her home state, if what we hear from bloggers all over PA on this and other blogs is true!Perhaps nobody in PA wanted her and her entourage of cameras, sound men, make-up, producers,kids, nannies, Purseboy,etc. cluttering up their food bank or grocery store in a futile attempt to show her charitable side.
If TLC is trying to improve Kate's image, this isn't the way to go about it. Kate being filmed "giving back" with TLCs money while she's being paid $250k an epi for being filmed to do so, borders on being a sick joke.
It seems to me that she is so despised in the Wernersville area she doesn't even dare try to play a charitable person on TV there. She has to travel 5-6 hours away to do it AND drag the kids with her. Once again, epic fail.
Well, well, well, the real reason Kate is doing the "charity" thing is because TLC has a campaign to Feed America headed by Buddy the Bakker. Buddy says ALL the TLC families are helping out. There are 2 very brief videos by him and in the second the Gosselins are mentioned and featured. Kate HAS to do this ordered by TLC.
A reason Kate may have gone out of state to help out at a food bank is because if she helped locally they would put her on a mailing list to help again. And we all know how Kate would feel about that.
Wonder if Kate will make a scene tomorrow, it's only going to be 55 degrees and rainy. And she'll probably have less cloths on than in Alaska. This is all damage control. If she had any intention of true giving back, why drag the kids. Shame on Jon for allowing this again. He should have required evening with him, while they are on break.
Shame on Jon?
Jon went to court, numerous times, to try and stop this dog and pony show. Why blame him? Should he be in contempt of court and not let Kate have the kids? Yep, blame Jon. Always Jon.
Kate helping herself to paycheck is more like it. She seems very willing to help the poor and unfortunate when TLC is filling her own bank account.
This is all damage control. If she had any intention of true giving back, why drag the kids. Shame on Jon for allowing this again. He should have required evening with him, while they are on break.
Apparently you haven't been following the Jon/court saga too closely, or you wouldn't have made that statement. HE HAS NO CONTROL OVER WHERE THEY GO if it's for filming! He has protested numerous times to the PA court judge, only to be denied his request that the kids not film! The reason they may travel -- it's WORK related and is required.
How anyone can blame Jon for this is just pathetic and leaves me shaking my head.
"He should have required evening with him, while they are on break."
When did they leave on this trip? Maybe they had "evening" with him on Thursday (break began Thursday afternoon); maybe they will have "evening" with him when they return.
You'll never see Kate Gosselin at local food pantry helping out. Who would do her hair and make up ? That woman is a complete loser.
Shame on Jon? Not bloody likely. Shame on the judge(s) who keep siding with Kate that it's okay to exploit her kids this way. Jon's been to court at least 3 times trying to stop Kate from having the kids filmed and each time the judge has ruled against him. Just once I'd love to see a judge rule against Kate for interference with custody.
The thought had occurred to me, too, that perhaps Kate and the kids had to go to Tennessee because none of the local food banks/shelters/soup kitchens would allow themselves to be exploited by TLC and Kate, despite the great need. Some things just aren't worth selling your soul for.
I agree with Girl from Up North
They are going to help poor people - emerging from a limo? Talk about a big slap in the face!
I don't expect them to come lumbering in on a burro, but for pete's sake, a LIMO? The clear message is "We rich people want to throw you this token of our caring. But don't come calling on us, because we are simply better than you are. We will be outta here before you get your groceries home."
It simply gives the wrong message, IMO.
Just when I think this worthless wretch of a woman could not make me any more ill, I have to read about some bullcrap, phony EPISODE like this. Yes, that is all this is - just another lame episode of a tired, boring tv show.
There is NOTHING even remotely "giving" or "charitable" about this in any way. It's simply yet another concocted set for filming another episode of a FAKE "reality" show. And, I honestly do not think the children will even benefit in any way from this as they also will undoubtedly feel like it's just another day on the set for them. Same old, same old.
Hey TLC, how f*cking stupid do you think those last few remaining sheeple are?!?!
Please say it isn't so! She is back on April 4. I was praying it would just go away.
Looks like Kate and kids are heading home tomorrow. (Jon has kids on Wed. nite usually). Drive by charity. Glad they get at least part of their spring break to be normal kiddos.
FYI the food drive is only for 2 hours at Food City, from 10-12. Kate has an interview at 7am at the local station.
If they had worked at the local food bank, they could have donated the airfare, limo services cost and hotel expenses to the charity.
I live 15 minutes from Kingsport, Kate didn't need to come here and help collect food for the food bank, because we started doing that at our homeschool support group a week ago, as have others in the area. It burns me up that she will be here acting like she is rescuing the needy folks of East Tenn. Where was she when the horrible floods hit Nashville last year?? They really needed help over there. In this area people do not like phoney baloneys like her, so I doubt many will show up to see her. I will be in Kingsport this weekend and will definitely not shop at that Food City again. Just heard on the Tri Cities news as I type this, we are going to have really bad rains tomorrow, flooding threats, possibly snow and really, really cold. Those poor kids, what a way to spend their spring break! I've decided to watch and see if they say anything about her visit on the news, hopefully not.
I like how Tom Hanks handles charities. Yes he has some big ones he lends his name to that are higher profile, but it's well known locally that he does a lot for his community right at home. He lives in Palisades where I nannied for three years. It's a high end area but certainly not the biggest celeb hot spot, naturally that's where he lives. One year I think about three years ago they had a big pancake breakfast to kick off Little League and I took the 10 year old I used to look after. Sure enough there was Tom Hanks, MCing the whole event. No fuss, no big deal, I don't even recall ever hearing he was going to be there. He just quietly donated his time and money to make the event really special because he felt Little League was something worth getting behind. Kind of ironic it was "little" league because come to find out he shows up at "little" events like this all...the....time. Everyone thinks he's great.
This is the same BS episode of Kart being paid $250,000 and the children are working for food.
I see that Kate had to fly into Nashville instead of flying into our local airport. Kate is going to be 20 miles from me tomorrow. Oh, the horror!!!
I see that Kate had to fly into Nashville instead of flying into our perfectly acceptable local airport. Kate is going to be 20 miles from me tomorrow. Oh, the horror!!!!
This stunt is beyond lame, it makes no sense, seriously how much money did this trip cost just so that they can save her drown in muck public persona? First class airfare for 4-5 adults (Kh, the Helium Kiwi, Nanny(ies), PR and Assistant plus 8 kids. Don't even know which section the film crew sits in. Hotel rooms, transportation, food & miscellaneous, $20K or $25K?? Even if she drove to a Food Pantry in NY or NJ, that $20K+ could have bought alot of food and helped that pantry pay some maintenance bills. TLC Major Fail!
I have to laugh that "snotty comments will be rejected." They seemingly aren't. This is good visibility not just for the local food bank but hunger in America in general. I wish half of you would use this energy to hate on the Gosselins and invest it in hunger relief. It's really embarrassing.
Fallschurchdude, the local food bank is doing just fine without having to resort to having Kate Gosselin as a spokesperson. We are a close-knit community of people who help each other.
If Kate expects to see snaggle-tooth hillbillies tomorrow, she is in for a rude awakening. This event is being held at a spacious, ultra-modern grocery store that is in the middle of a very affluent community. Tennessee Eastmen is just a few miles down the road. If she really wanted to do some good, she should have gone to the coal fields in Southwest Virginia. I suppose Kate couldn't go without the amenities that she will be receiving in our area.
I wish that I could go to the event tomorrow for no other reason than to ask her why her children can't enjoy school vacations as other children can.
If Kate wants to give back so badly she can start by giving her children their childhoods back.
What a waste of money to pay for plane tickets, limo rides and luxury accommodations so Kate can have a glorified photo op. Just because she offers her trite commentary and watches people do real work doesn't mean she's doing shit for charity.
Historybarf said...
Fallschurchdude, the local food bank is doing just fine without having to resort to having Kate Gosselin as a spokesperson. We are a close-knit community of people who help each other.
If Kate expects to see snaggle-tooth hillbillies tomorrow, she is in for a rude awakening. This event is being held at a spacious, ultra-modern grocery store that is in the middle of a very affluent community. Tennessee Eastmen is just a few miles down the road. If she really wanted to do some good, she should have gone to the coal fields in Southwest Virginia.
So there aren't any people in eastern TN who utilize the food bank? Somehow, I doubt that and I'm the people who need the help are grateful for any promotion that their local food bank receives. If the local food bank is doing "just fine," they had the option to say no to TLC. Since they didn't exercise that option, I'm going to guess that you are incorrect.
Why is this site on moderated? If you message board owners are that scared of FOS, why have a blog at all?
Fallschurchdude, maybe I'm in the minority but I agree with you that it's a good thing the charity is getting help. Whether or not it is sincere the charity is still getting help. It's sort of like if your doctor takes out your appendix but he doesn't really like being a doctor nor is he passionate about his work. Your appendix still got taken out didn't it? I don't like the children being dragged out there and filmed doing it, that's my main problem with it.
Many of us are heavily involved in charitable works. Just because it's not a topic of discussion on a blog that is not about chariable works doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Hunger relief doesn't happen to be the charities I volunteer with--my area of interest is the Red Cross, which I've volunteered with for ten years now, and a couple charities for the arts here in LA since I'm musical. But I don't go around talking about it all day long. Passing out juice to blood donors or helping a kid tune her violin doesn't make for reviting discussion, nor do most of us have a need to pat ourselves on the back all day long here about our private lives.
This is good visibility not just for the local food bank but hunger in America in general. I wish half of you would use this energy to hate on the Gosselins and invest it in hunger relief. It's really embarrassing.
It's more embarrassing to use someone who is universally loathed as a marketing quirk. When this quirk drags her over priviledged, poorly socialized brood into the equation it boarders on moronic.
If you saw the vile comments I get occasionally, you would know why it's moderated. It's not moderated out of fear, but rather to keep things peaceful and not start flame wars. On a day to day basis most comments get published.
Thanks for reiterating my points, "Some People Are Grateful Others Are Just Negative said..." Lol
Ashley did go on this trip. She didn't take spring semester classes because she
missed too many days traveling with Kate. She knew about it in advance but "kept" it from many friends. Interested to know Ashley signed a contract with Kate and she has run into big problems with many
As per the usual around here, this is manufactured drama by the most negative human beings I've ever encountered. What is so difficult to understand about this? TLC has a partnership with Feeding America. It is their corporate cause. Thousands of corporations partner with specific organizations and get good PR for their efforts. Kate and her children work for TLC and part of their job is to promote TLC's pet cause. In the process, awareness is raised about hunger and hopefully more donations pour in. There is nothing remotely negative about this, except in your minds.
Yes, there are people who utilize our local food bank but as I said, the people in our community contribute to it and it is doing just fine. This is just another example of the exploitation of mountain people for gain. Does mountaintop removal ring any bells for you?
Kate and her children work for TLC and part of their job is to promote TLC's pet cause. In the process, awareness is raised about hunger and hopefully more donations pour in. There is nothing remotely negative about this, except in your minds.
There is to me, and you said it. The children WORK FOR TLC. Let's think about this again, the CHILDREN....WORK. The children are SIX. And they work for a corporation. Shouldn't they, I don't know, be children? Shouldn't they be able to spend their spring break off from what should be their real job, school?
Do you have a job? Do you get 2 or 3 week vacations each year? What if you had to spend your entire vacation days working a second job? Sucks, doesn't it? Now imagine you're six.
"There is to me, and you said it. The children WORK FOR TLC. Let's think about this again, the CHILDREN....WORK. The children are SIX. And they work for a corporation. Shouldn't they, I don't know, be children? Shouldn't they be able to spend their spring break off from what should be their real job, school?
Do you have a job? Do you get 2 or 3 week vacations each year? What if you had to spend your entire vacation days working a second job? Sucks, doesn't it? Now imagine you're six."
Did my comment go through about the episode in which she "gave back" to St. Jude's?
Anyone remember that episode? Give back, my foot. Airfare paid by TLC, exclusive hotel paid for by TLC, gifts for the sick kids BOUGHT by TLC, Kate's salary for thewhole episode paid by TLC, and all of it filmed, of course. She managed to make everything about her, of course. How it was giving back was beyond me.
And she certainly hasn't become a nicer person since then, so I'm quite sure this is the same.
Fallschurchdude - Good visibility for who? Your comment is silly when you do the math. You flush $20K down the toilet to film 1 hour worth of footage, out of which maybe 5 minutes will actually be used on a show most sane minded people don't watch. Kate Kreider could have easily let her Ex-husband watch the kids while she run off to Tennessee to do her "so-called good deed", why drag a whole entourage to another state when help is desperately needed right near where she lives?
Administrator said...
Kate and her children work for TLC and part of their job is to promote TLC's pet cause. In the process, awareness is raised about hunger and hopefully more donations pour in. There is nothing remotely negative about this, except in your minds.
There is to me, and you said it. The children WORK FOR TLC. Let's think about this again, the CHILDREN....WORK. The children are SIX. And they work for a corporation. Shouldn't they, I don't know, be children? Shouldn't they be able to spend their spring break off from what should be their real job, school?
Do you have a job? Do you get 2 or 3 week vacations each year? What if you had to spend your entire vacation days working a second job? Sucks, doesn't it? Now imagine you're six.
Not that it's actually any of your business, but I'm self-employed. If you are asking if I get paid vacation, the answer is no.
Since I made no statement in favor of the children working, your condescending lecture was unprovoked and unnecessary. Sorry if I don't choose to see supporting a food bank as negative. I am comfortable with that choice and don't really care if you have an issue with it.
The statement you made was that "There is nothing remotely negative about this, except in your minds." That statement itself was condesending, so to accuse me of being condesending is a little much. My statement was, I disagree, there IS something negative, the children working, and it's hardly a "remote" connection--they are going to this to film an episode. I support a food bank and anyone who gives to them. But there IS something negative about dragging children who have already worked their tales off this year and go to a very difficult school and get precious time off to said food bank to film them. I see this as a negative about this trip, I don't see giving to a food bank as negative, just the filming.
Since the sheeple have nothing left but to rip apart typos and spelling...of course I meant tails, not tales. Kate spins tall tales, and the children work their tails off.
The children don't get paid vacations either, they get time off from school. I'm guessing they might actually want to take advantage of their unpaid vacations to do what every other kid is doing, and not work through them.
So is it just the Gosselins on vacation for this? Or is the whole school on vacation? If the latter, no wonder the school system sucks. She might as well homeschool them all so their father aka TLC, could have lots of opps for filming.
"Not that it's actually any of your business, but I'm self-employed. If you are asking if I get paid vacation, the answer is no."
Are you six years old and forced to support your parents or any other adults so that they have the resources to take expensive vacations and flit here and there while trying to hobnob with the rich and famous?
"Kate and her children work for TLC and part of their job is to promote TLC's pet cause. In the process, awareness is raised about hunger and hopefully more donations pour in. There is nothing remotely negative about this, except in your minds"
So in other words, the end (raising hunger awareness) justifies the means (six-year-olds WORKING)? There is something VERY negative about this, no matter how you look at it. Kate could give a diddly about raising awareness for world hunger. This whole thing is a publicity stunt trying to rehabilitate HERSELF. It smells to high heavens. It's not a good thing. When one gets paid for doing charity work, it's a selfish thing, and it's for-profit, both for Kate and for TLC.
Good, just as a general rule, when you start off here BEING CONDESENDING YOURSELF, you're going to get it right back. You can dish it out but you can't take it, apparently. If you don't want snot back, don't hurl it out there. Move on, or blow your nose.
Kate and her children work for TLC and part of their job is to promote TLC's pet cause.
How do you know that this is part of their job? Have you seen the contract that Kate signed, but obviously the children didn't?
I must have missed where anyone here said anything negative about food banks.
The idea that the biggest grifter of all, Kate Gosselin, is being PAID to appear charitable is laughable. TLC should be ashamed to put her name on anything related to their corporate cause. Better if they had kept her away for this one. But as usual, she'll say she's doing it so her kids will understand there are others less fortunate. They should be learning that lesson without the cameras rolling otherwise this is just another episode to them and it will be meaningless. I'm curious when they have to do a retake, how many times they'll make people hand the donations back to them, to get the right shot. Reality my ass.
So there are no food banks in Pennsylvania? At our local school we collect donations for the local food bank all year long. At our CHURCH we started a food bank this past year because of the economy and more need in the community. Couldn't the kids be forced labor at, oh, I don't know - their GRANDFATHER'S church?!? Silly me, that would mean no plane rides. Whatever was I thinking!
My greatest hope is that everyone will realize how boring Ms. Kreider is, and how uninteresting most elementary school kids (who are not related to you) are. Of course, I thought the entire concept of this show was incredibly boring when the kids were babies.
One more comment... I do help with charitable activities. Help with the food bank at my church, help with gathering donations to go to local thrift shop supporting local charities, help with school activities. If someone told me they wanted to help AND were bringing along their six year old child, I would say come when the child is in school, we need physical help of adults and do not want to have to supervise children while getting the work done. There is not a lot that a bunch of little kids can help with. The twins are older and can help physically with toting and sorting groceries. The six year olds will get in the way. Them's the facts. The kids are there for photo op, absolutely.
OK, maybe Ms. kreider can do baby-sitting for her bunch and other volunteer's kids. That might work!
This was already mentioned upthread but from the TLC press release via tvbythenumbers.com:
TLC Premieres New Episodes of "Kate Plus 8" on Monday, April 4
On Monday, April 4 at 10pm, TLC brings back all-new episodes of Kate Plus 8. The hour-long premiere episode follows Kate and her eight as they travel 21 hours across the globe to Australia – the longest flight they’ve ever taken. The Gosselins are beyond excited about ringing in 2011 in a city that celebrates the new year first – Sydney, Australia. They visit the beaches and enjoy the warm December air on the other side of the world. Kate takes a boat to the middle of the ocean in hopes of swimming next to sharks – in a cage of course – but will Kate be too scared to get in the freezing, rough water? Then, the family meets Australian aboriginals and learn about their culture – from dancing and camping to digeridoos and boomerangs, there are a lot of new experiences to be had for the Gosselins. But when it comes time to spending the night in tents, will Kate and her kids be able to sleep outside and camp out?
Is anyone else concerned that TLC is announcing new episodes, not just a series of specials (as was originally mentioned for the first season of Kate Plus 8)? Does that mean the show is returning on a weekly basis?
I wonder how many episodes they ordered for the show; is it all going to be just the "working vacations" broken into multiple episodes? It doesn't seem like enough footage, if it's a weekly show.
Or, have they been filming at home, etc. that we are unaware of?
Actually Kate could "win" at charity if she had the brains to do it right. But this is Katie Irene and we know she is a clodhopper without a clue. IF, big if, Katie Irene actually volunteered somewhere close to home, anywhere close to home, and didn't report it or have it filmed I am absolutely sure we'd hear about it from those she volunteered with. There is no way they'd keep it a secret if they didn't have to sign a CA
Note to TLC: Kate's image is beyond repair. Nothing you do in your desperate attempts to make her look good again will work. No amount of "charitable" events or talk show appearances or more camping trips are going to make Kate look like a caring individual. You might have wanted to skip the limo ride, the 250k salary, and the first class air and hotel fare if you wanted us to believe Kate was actually capable of sacrificing anything of hers to make someone elses life better. Kate would never do anything for anyone unless there was something in it for her. These lame attempts at trying to make us think differently are obviously out of desperation.
...but will Kate be too scared to get in the freezing, rough water? ..... But when it comes time to spending the night in tents, will Kate and her kids be able to sleep outside and camp out?
Nice temptation to get people to watch and see if she fails. haha NOT Me!! If she camps at all it will be damage control because of the Palin show so she can say "See, I can camp and enjoy it -nothing like that nasty Alaska" Nice way to show disrepect to the Palin's and the state of Alaska.
As for the food drive... I wish enough people would avoid the store while she is there to show how disliked she is but if she is there 2 hours they would be able to edit a handful of donors to look like a crowd for a couple minutes of film. Plus a few local sheeple to look thrilled to meet her.
I bet the kids will be there because even less would want to see her alone.
Helping a food bank IS a positive thing. What is negative is that Kate gets the credit for helping when in reality (like her realest reality show, barf) it is TLC who is giving back, while lavishing a first class plane ride (yet again) on Kate and the 8 (plus entourage), a 5 star accomodation on Kate and the 8, a limo ride on Kate and the 8, AND putting $250,000 in HER bank account. Out of all of that, HOW THE HELL IS SHE GIVING BACK AND, IF SHE IS, WHAT EXACTLY IS SHE GIVING?
Good Thing said... As per the usual around here, this is manufactured drama by the most negative human beings I've ever encountered. What is so difficult to understand about this? TLC has a partnership with Feeding America. It is their corporate cause. Thousands of corporations partner with specific organizations and get good PR for their efforts. Kate and her children work for TLC
Good, I don't know if you are a sheeple or not but why bother coming to this site if you feel we are the most negative people ever. Oh BTW thank you, thank you, thank you for clearing up that the children WORK for the lying channel and are not PLAYING as Cruellakate say they are.
It's funny that we've been saying this all along, & I've been ranting about this for months now, & TLC goes & does it? And TLC/Kate doesn't read here? Yeah, sure. How many of us have said that Kate should do something less greedy like feed the homeless, or read to the elderly, for crying out loud, I said it in the last thread! And here ya go! There they are, going to help out a food bank. Noting like making Kate look good, right?
I DO give TLC props for this. Kate would never do this on her own. She would never come up with this idea on her own. TLC said something along the lines of "We need to repair your image, let's do something about giving back" Kate balked at the thought, but thought better of it because she is a walking pariah. I doubt this will do much for her image, & people will catch on to her desperation.
I also think it's a great idea that they are teaching the kids something so valuable, however artificial. I hope Kate isn't pissing & moaning about it. Why they had to travel to do it, is beyond me. I'm sure there are homeless shelters in their own backyard, but if it get just one or two of the kids interested in helping at home, that is great. I truly hope the kids learn something & come out knowing life isn't all roses & sunshine, & there are people in need out there who are hungry, right here, in our own country. I hope Kate realizes it too.
Here we go......Kate's dream (one of millions) is to drive a Nascar car. We all know what Kate wants, Kate gets.
On the radio show this morning Kate said what she and the kids have been doing the past couple of days in TN has made her realize how important it is to give back. She said she is going to make it a monthly event now for her and the kids. It only took her almost 7 years of taking freebies to realize how nice it would be to give back some. I'll bet though that her giving back will not involve any of her own money. It if anything, will only be hers and the kids time and always with a camera crew documenting it. She's such a farce.
Well, last night the news said NOTHING about her visit here to East Tenn. I am assuming it will be on the news tonight unfortunately. But the weather is pretty crappy around here today. They will probably do this stint here for a few hours and go back to Nashville. She is wasting her time doing this event, especially when she is filming it for a show. This is damage control, but for her it's too late, we all know she doesn't do anything for free or from the goodness of her heart. She could had filmed the *charity* show in Australia when she was there, those folks could really use the help. It annoys me that she is so close to my home, and I am tempted to go there and tell her what I think, but I would never do that to her kids. It is a shame, they NEVER get to spend a break from school at home. She could had left them home to enjoy their break and came alone, but then she knows nobody would be interested in her alone without the kids. Sad.
Pam said...
I think it's disgusting. This is my #1 pet peeve ( people who only do good works for recognition and who have to toot their horns about it ). I am a stickler that good works should be done with no fanfare, no recognition, and definitely no cameras.
Sorry. I am very passionate about this. I feel like it is my mission in life to show people that the best giving back is when you get ZERO recognition from it. When you can do that, you grow more and more spiritually mature.
Agreed. I am NOT tooting my own horn here, but in the summer, we go for bike rides down our bike trails all the time. I always bring 2 trash bags, one for recyclables, & one for just trash. There is a guy who works for the city hall who rides too & he sees me, my son & husband cleaning up the bike trails all the time. He asked what we were doing once & I told him we didn't like riding on our bikes on trails filled with beer cans, bottles, & litter. (It's a popular spot for the local kids to hang out & drink "secretly") He asked our names & thanked us. I thought nothing of it, until the little local paper showed up at our house wanting an interview. I told them I didn't do it for the recognition or anything, I did it because I love our Earth & want it to be a nice place for my child & my child's children to grow up, etc. I nicely refused the interview, thanked them politely, & they ran it anyways!! When I called, they called it an interest piece. I was kinda pissed, but what are you going to do? (It was a nice article) :) But still, I didn't want recognition, because I was doing something I thought was just...nice. I am teaching my son something about the environment. It is for us. We still do it & it's great. Plus, it's great bonding family time. No cameras, well, except for my little handheld... :)
Did anyone listen to her this morning? I forgot to listen. What did she say?
Anonymous said...
So is it just the Gosselins on vacation for this? Or is the whole school on vacation? If the latter, no wonder the school system sucks. She might as well homeschool them all so their father aka TLC, could have lots of opps for filming.
The school most of the kids attend have Spring Break from 3/4 until 3/15.
If Kate will be outside today from 9 til noon I'm sure she is whinning her ass off because it is cold and raing there right now and it looks like it will be raining for the whole day. I'm sure she is just a dream to be around right now.
gotyournumberKate said...
On the radio show this morning Kate said what she and the kids have been doing the past couple of days in TN has made her realize how important it is to give back
Uh huh. Isn't that pretty close to what Kate said when shopping for toys for St. Jude's? And didn't she also mention something along those lines when they had that church yard sale where she freaked out over the misspelled sign?
Easy to say, hard to follow up on. Show us you mean it, Kate. Or better yet, just do it quietly and give for the right reasons. Giving should be its own reward, not the focus of national attention. Please teach that to your children as you learn it yourself.
Hippie Chick said...
It's funny that we've been saying this all along, & I've been ranting about this for months now, & TLC goes & does it? And TLC/Kate doesn't read here? Yeah, sure. How many of us have said that Kate should do something less greedy like feed the homeless, or read to the elderly, for crying out loud, I said it in the last thread! And here ya go! There they are, going to help out a food bank. Noting like making Kate look good, right?
Yes, I'm sure that TLC as a corporation decided to partner with Feeding America in an attempt to rehabilitate Kate Gosselin's image. The corporate executives sat in meeting after meeting saying "Whatever can we do to make the people on those blogs like Kate more?"
It's not about Kate. This is the cause that the company supports. They had the Cake Boss guy do a PSA. Is his image in need of rehabilitation as well?
The corporate executives sat in meeting after meeting saying "Whatever can we do to make the people on those blogs like Kate more?"
Like any other corporation that has a lot of media personalities, there is almost certainly an imaging and branding department, or something like it. If you don't think TLC isn't thinking how each and every move they make with each and every one of their stars feeds back to that person's image, that's naive at best. Networks care about image so much so that it was proven CBS DID have a morality clause for Charlie Sheen written right into the contract. A lot of people speculated a network wouldn't go that far, that a morality clause was just an urban legend, until sure enough the actual language was read into the record. Networks care what you do, and networks will help you do certain things for your image, to reform it if need be, maintain it, and so forth.
Do I think they set this up just for Kate, obviously not. Do I think they think she is going to get a lot of benefit from it? You bet. I hope the needy benefit as well from all this corporate nonsense, and the kids.
I just did a quick search to see if TLC's image and branding dept. is public anywhere, and I came across this quote, which proves that TLC is thinking about the IMAGE AND BRAND of the show, in their own words:
"Photos of Jon Gosselin with scores of bikini-clad women was inconsistent with our image brand of our show," added Edward Sabin, TLC's Chief Operating Officer."
According to the local news, Kate, the kids, and of course the cameras, also made a visit to a local school to pass out snack bags, as part of a "Kate Plus 8 Gives Back" special. Good grief.
Wait for the pap pics of Kate at the food drive to turn up soon. They publicized where she'd be plenty. Or.....maybe none will show up, which would be great AND funny!
"Photos of Jon Gosselin with scores of bikini-clad women was inconsistent with our image brand of our show," added Edward Sabin, TLC's Chief Operating Officer."
But apparently filming or pictures of Kate in her bikinis and cleavage-exposing whore wear doesn't affect the image brand in the least. Nice double standard, TLC.
Gosselin’s visit today follows a surprise visit to Johnson City’s North Side Elementary School Tuesday where she and her children, with camera crew, dropped off 100 snack bags to be handed out to students throughout the week.
North Side Principal Sharon Pickering said Gosselin and the children spent the morning putting the snack bags together at Second Harvest before taking the assortments to the school. Pickering said the snack bags, which include items like peanut butter and soups, will be given to students by the school’s leadership team.
While it was a short visit, Pickering said some of North Side’s students were lucky enough to talk with Gosselin’s children while the camera crew filmed the visit.
There's nothing remotely negative about supporting a food bank. However, Kate isn't supporting a food bank, she's filming an episode of her television program. In the process she's taken the kids away from "their own home, their own beds, their own toys", not to mention their own father. The 6 are too young to be of much help. They'll just be underfoot and in the way. Mady and Cara are old enough to help out if they're allowed. This junket is costing thousands of dollars that could be better used in actually feeding people and really won't do that much to raise awareness. By the time the episode actually airs, there will be a new flavor of the month. The kids should have been allowed to stay home and enjoy their time off from school. And before anyone asks, I volunteer at my church's food pantry and deliver meals on wheels.
It's been a long time since I drove across Tennessee - I drive down it at least once a year, to Knoxville and sometimes to Chattanooga. Isn't Nashville at least a 3 - 4 hour drive from the Tri-Cities area? Why in the world would they fly into Nashville?
I wonder if TLC bothered to get parental permission of the students they filmed. I'd be pissed if it was my kid and they didn't have my permission.
Or is the whole school on vacation? If the latter, no wonder the school system sucks.
The school system sucks because the kids have spring break? What kind of thinking is that? It's the end of the trimester. Private schools and colleges do have spring break. It has happened every year for generations, and continues to do so, and because of it the school system sucks?
Some schools have a fall break in addition to days off over Thanksgiving. The kids' school does not. Some schools have a nice long break over Easter. The kids' school only has two days off. It depends on the school and the type of academic school year they are on. Since the trimester ended on the 3rd, the break is given between trimesters to benefit both the teachers and the students. Teachers need a break, too!
readerlady said...
There's nothing remotely negative about supporting a food bank. However, Kate isn't supporting a food bank, she's filming an episode of her television program. In the process she's taken the kids away from "their own home, their own beds, their own toys", not to mention their own father. The 6 are too young to be of much help. They'll just be underfoot and in the way.
Filming a television program and supporting a food bank are not mutually exclusive activities.
There are plenty of community service projects designed for families with young children. Six year olds are not too young to help collect food at a food drive. In fact, that's a common kindergarten class project.
I work in downtown Reading, only a few short miles from Kate's house. Off the top I could name three food banks (I work in a church that sponsors one twice a month) and several homeless shelters who could use donations of cash, food and labor. Give me a call kate, I'll hook you up. Remember, charity begins at home.
All during the St. Jude's episode, she swore upmand down she was going to make giving back a regular part of their family's activities.
And of course, that turned out to be nothing more than talk. The St. Jude thing was a few years back. And again, she doesn't seem to realize giving back does not include doing it while being filmed doing your TV show and making money hand over fist. Giving is GIVING. Also, I'd bet my life this wasn't Kate's idea. Narcissists just don't think this way.
I agree kids are never too young to learn about volunteering. The snack bags are a perfect activity for them, I just don't understand why they have to go sooo far from home to do this and be filmed.
I agree kids are never too young to learn about volunteering. The snack bags are a perfect activity for them, I just don't understand why they have to go sooo far from home to do this and be filmed.
boo said... According to the local news, Kate, the kids, and of course the cameras, also made a visit to a local school to pass out snack bags, as part of a "Kate Plus 8 Gives Back" special. Good grief.
How in the world is she giving back if everything she gave was paid for by someone else? She probably "worked" on the gift bags for about 10 mins while they filmed. Other than blogging about this train wreck, I am so DONE with her and her BS show.
I live about 15 minutes from Kingsport, just found out there are quite a few folks not happy with her visit and cannot believe the food bank would use her for their cause. She is not well recieved here by those who know about her. She has competition in the area today also, because Mike Huckabee is doing a book signing in Johnson City and Kingsport today. The rain is terrible here too. If people are going to go meet a celebrity in the rain today, I doubt they will be flocking to see her. As far as her surprise visit to the elemntary school in JC? This is a very conservative area, and I do not think many parents would be happy to hear she came to their kid's school to visit. There is a very nice airport in Knoxville and Tri Cities Regional airport about 30 minutes from Kingsport. Kate is probably trekking those kids back and forth to Nashville from Johnson City in one day(JC is 4 hours from Nashville)because she is probably staying in luxurious accomodations in Nashville. The Tri- Cities does not have luxurious accomodations to suit her tastes. Mostly chain hotels and bed and breakfasts. She is a phony and a disgust. Hopefully Tennessee won't see the likes of her for a long while after this visit.
Rolling My Eyes in BerksCo said...
I work in downtown Reading, only a few short miles from Kate's house. Off the top I could name three food banks (I work in a church that sponsors one twice a month) and several homeless shelters who could use donations of cash, food and labor. Give me a call kate, I'll hook you up. Remember, charity begins at home.
Charity is charity. Why are the people of TN any less deserving of help than the people of PA? If there is one less hungry child because someone donated to a food bank due to this promotional effort, why do care where that child lives?
I understand the argument that TLC could have donated the cost of travel and instead filmed locally, but the idea that it is somehow wrong to give outside of your local community boggles my mind.
Did you also roll your eyes at people who gave $ for Haiti relief, tsunami relief, famine in Africa, etc., etc.?
I suspect the executives of TLC sat in meeting after meeting and said, "Whatever can we do to lessen our tax burden that we now have after raking in all those millions of dollars by exploiting all those children." And in one of those meetings one of those executives, who had a good grounding in bookkeeping, tossed out on the table charitable contributions and salary expense. After the tax deductible bonuses were handed out, then charity came in to play. I suspect they allowed Kate to play mostly because she can blow through money like none of their other stars and they have a HUGE amount they need to expense. Just my most humble, and cynical, opinion.
Livvy said...
I wonder if TLC bothered to get parental permission of the students they filmed. I'd be pissed if it was my kid and they didn't have my permission.
Some schools have blanket permissions that the parents sign at the beginning of the school year. It gives permission for field trips, photos that may be taken (to use in the newsletter or web page, for example). This avoids sending permission slips home each time a trip comes up, or when photos might be taken. Many times getting multiple slips signed each time is a hassle because kids lose them, forget to get them signed, etc.
That said, I never signed blanket permissions, especially not for field trips. I want to know where they are going, how they are getting there, and how (and by whom and how many) they are going to be chaperoned.
Gosselin’s visit today follows a surprise visit to Johnson City’s North Side Elementary School Tuesday where she and her children, with camera crew, dropped off 100 snack bags to be handed out to students throughout the week.
"with camera crew"
Is there any other way with Kate? But why hand out snack bags to an empty school, isn't it spring break in TN as well?
And just who is Steve guarding Kate from this time around? Does she have rabid fans in that state, too?
Feed The World:
If there is one less hungry child
and for the price of plane fare, hotels and limos maybe there would be One Thousand less hungry children.
The people of TN are no less deserving; the ire here is that the person doing the giving is not actually giving anything of her own, even her time in "on the clock" for TLC. She has been paid to travel, had her expenses paid for, did not purchase anything for those snack bags, and gave a few minutes of her time assembling them. If she were to go home, and spend time "off the clock" in her community doing anything similar to what TLC is paying her to do in TN, well that might be slighly impressive. But of course what's the point if you don't get recognized or it's not about the filming. Icredulous beyond belief.
The people in TN are not less deserving of help than the people in PA. However, the people of PA are the ones that stepped up and helped the Gosselins out when the sextuplets were born. Don't you think it would be nice if the Gosselins gave back to the community that gave to them. If they stayed in PA, I guess Kate wouldn't get to fly somewhere, eat meals out and visit the spa while someone else tended to her children. If she was at home, she might actually have to pay attention to the little ATM's.
Feed The World said: "Why are the people of TN any less deserving of help than the people of PA? If there is one less hungry child because someone donated to a food bank due to this promotional effort, why do care where that child lives?"
I think where some are missing the point is not that kids everywhere don't deserve to be fed, but that this is being done for publicity. Nobody here has ever said that this isn't a worthwhile cause. A hungry child is a hungry child, no matter if he lives in Haiti, or in Tennessee. I make an annual donation (and not just a few dollars) to a foundation that is based in New York. The money goes overseas. I also volunteer locally, and have been doing so for some twenty years.
The kids' school has an annual food drive; kids bring in donations of canned and packaged goods, and students are selected to distribute them. The children ARE learning the importance of giving back in their local community. This is a good thing. In addition, the school is one of only six secondary schools in the nation that is annually invited to participate in the week-long International Model United Nations Conference (IMUN) held in the Netherlands. The conference is recognized by the United Nations. Global hunger is an important issue held at these conferences. I hope that when the children are older, they will be able to attend this annual event...without TLC cameras!
The objection is because Kate is not a philanthropist. This is being done for publicity, both to rehabilitate Kate and to present TLC's human side (chuckle!). Kate hasn't done anything for her local community where the homeless and hungry could certainly benefit from donations and volunteers, but she travels out of the state to show the importance of giving back. It's never wrong to give outside your community, but, for goodness sakes, it has to be for the right reason. Filming for a television show isn't that right reason. If the kids distributed snacks to a school, good for them, but why in the world must this be a spectacle? How much time did they really spend doing this, and what did they learn? I think we all saw how giving back at St. Jude was nothing more than a self-serving promotion for Kate and TLC. It was a farce. When the true meaning of giving just isn't there and it becomes nothing more than a spectacle, it evokes more negative feelings than positive ones.
Denise said...
If they had worked at the local food bank, they could have donated the airfare, limo services cost and hotel expenses to the charity.
Excellent point, Denise.
So, did the food shopping filming have anything to do with this? Did TLC buy all those groceries Kate is donating? (ya know, the time they took up the whole store to film her & the kids & they used 2-3 carts?) Do you think that was for this same episode & Kate is going to say "Yep, I bought ALL that food for this, I want to show MY kids how to give back because I am the BEST mom in the WORLD. I bought these food items for the needy." And then off camera she is all like; "Is this really how they live? They smell funny. Get me the hell outta here. Where are MY kids? Don't go near them. You'll all catch homelessness! I never wanted to do this! This sucks! Why are you guys making me do this? How's my hair? Where is my make-up guy? Is my limo all warmed up? These designer heels are killing my feet! What are YOU looking at, guy with a beard? Have you ever heard of a razor? Get me out of here fast! Steeeeve, I need a back rub! Where's Alexis?? I can never find her. Oh well. I wanna go to NYC. I think I'll go. These kids are driving me insane..." etc.
I apologize...I went a little far with the "they smell funny" comment. I feel bad now. I was "being Kate". My local food pantry, which my son & I have served food at many times, has 2 guys that come in. They are brothers & walk around the neighborhood quite often. They live across the church parking lot from us. (Yep, we live right across the street from a church. In the summer, when they sing their Christian Rock music, we can hear it loud & clear). Anyway, these 2 guys do not have their...say wits about them, & they umm, to put it nicely, stink to high heaven. We literally need to open windows when we see them coming. Obviously not all homeless people smell, & I know we are talking about hungry people here. I went a little off the wall with that insensitive comment. I should know better. My apologies. :)
Feed the World said...
Charity is charity. Why are the people of TN any less deserving of help than the people of PA?
Agreed. But, it would be nice to see Kate give back to the state and communities from whom she grifted and bilked for going on 7 years. And, to see her do so without dragging the kids with her would be an added bonus. Guess Kate's not the superSTAH she thinks she is ... because apparently she can only succeed on TV if she's got the kids in tow....
Correct. In the end, charity is charity. Even if TLC is probably paying for everything, including Kate's salary, plane tickets, and the
snack bags. As long as someone needy benefits from it, who cares.
Personally, I don't give a sh*t that TLC sent that hag to Tennessee to document the whole charade.
Millions of people quietly donate their time, money, clothing, food, toys etc... to charities everyday.
Mine have been:
-Catholic Big Brothers
-to needy neighbors
-St. Jude
-Local food banks
-Local nursing homes
-various animal shelters
So what. Big deal.
Note to TLC: no amount of reinventing, or "improving" your shows will remove the suckiness, sideshow freakiness, and exploitive crappiness from them.
In short, your lineup needs an enema.
Good, I don't know if you are a sheeple or not but why bother coming to this site if you feel we are the most negative people ever.
A friend of mine lives close to a major league ballpark. She hates baseball - absolutely loathes it. Says the game takes too long, the players are egotistical over-paid snots. Everything about the game is negative. She does, however, attend each game. She sits through rain delays; huddles in cold spring weather. Why? Because her company gives her season tickets and it's FREE!
Maybe that's why some blog here, all the while moaning about this and that, about negativity and what an embarrassment bloggers are. Reading here is free. Perhaps if Administrator would charge a membership fee, the sheeple would disappear in flocks.
On second thought, it's sheeple. They'd most likely pool their resources and take out one membership so that the sockpuppets could come here to rant and rave about the hatred, negativity, all the while spewing hatred on their own blogs about Jon and Ellen. Such a dichotomy. So pathetic.
When they did the St. Jude episode Kate acted like an arrogant ass who couldn't have cared less about those sick children and their parents. This will just be more of the same. Yawn...
I listened to the radio show this am. What was interesting about the Nascar comment by Kate, was she said this in response to a question about the children. Steve (the co-host of the radio show) said she should come back when the weather is much nicer, what about in a few weeks when we have the Nascar race; do any of the kids like the Nascar racing? Kate replied she has always wanted to drive a race car but that is something she hasn't got to do yet.
I'm having difficulty understanding all the negativity with regard to where this charitable event was held. Promotions like this happen all the time all over the country. Celebrities travel to the event. They do not limit their appearances to their hometown. Their presence at the event brings out more people. These things aren't planned by the celebrity who appears...they go where they're told to go.
While I would question why TLC would send Kate (cheaper than sending the Duggars?!), this was not her plan. It's all about promotion for the charity, the network and the celebrity. TLC certainly couldn't have sent the sister wives! How about one of the hoarders?
I don't like that the 8 are dragged all over and I also believe Kate is old, tired, boring news. But considering how much money she's brought the network, obviously TLC knows something I don't.
If Kate were doing this from the heart, sure I would say "Good for you, Kate." But we have seen her other attempts at being charitable. Remember the yard sale? She was just horrid and all she did was whine, boss and complain throughout. Remember when they visited the temporary housing she and Jon stayed in while the tups were in the hospital? She made several points on the show of stating that they were giving them a donation and when she handed them the check she made sure it was on camera.
Kate's previous behavior, when it comes to charity work, is not genuine or sincere. It's a roll she's playing for a tv show. She doesn't care about any charity except her own, despite the generousity of her community when she calfed the tups.
Admin, there are so many celebs that do so much charity work, giving freely of their time and their names, like Gary Sinese. He is constantly on the road with the Lt Dan Band performing at military bases here and overseas. Look at Toby Keith and Trace Atkins, they go to Iraq and Afghanistan several times a year for the troops. Kid Rock does too.
One of the best acts of charity, recently, was what Bill O'Reilly did on his show. Love him or hate him, the man donates a lot of money to charity. Shortly after his interview with the President he offered his notes with a copy of the President's signature and Bill's actual signature for $500 with 100% of the proceeds going to the Fisher House where military families stay while a loved one is in the hospital. He has raised 1/4 of a million dollars so far and he's continuing to that offer until it hits one million dollars.
Kate, Bill is doing that because it's the right thing to do, not to get paid!
Feed the World said...
Yes, I'm sure that TLC as a corporation decided to partner with Feeding America in an attempt to rehabilitate Kate Gosselin's image. The corporate executives sat in meeting after meeting saying "Whatever can we do to make the people on those blogs like Kate more?"
It's not about Kate. This is the cause that the company supports. They had the Cake Boss guy do a PSA. Is his image in need of rehabilitation as well?
Please. I did not mean this was anyone's idea HERE. We all know TLC & Kate's "people' read the blogs. She admitted it & Admin herself got a cease & desist letter from TLC themselves asking her to shut down. Kate is as selfish as they come. You admit yourself, in your post this was NOT the idea of Kate herself. She is contractually obliged to do this. Then she goes on the radio & says how "the past few days in TN makes her feel like giving back more" or some shit like that. She has been receiving freebies for YEARS, & NEVER gives back. She donated, oh sorry, re-gifted a scooter to The Ronald McDonald House & handed out her stupid DVD's & her stupid book at St. Jude's, making it all about her.
How about Kate doing something for an organization that isn't on TLC's dime? Volunteering her time without the damn cameras? Why did it take so damn long for this to happen?? Give me a break. You frigin sheeple are pathetic. Kate is in MAJOR need of an image make-over, but ya know what? Too late. This smacks of desperation. People can see right through her. Her show is going to tank, & then her kids can have their lives back. Aww, then what will you poor sheeple do for entertainment? I know! Get a frigin life!
The whole thing is a charade. Nothing more, nothing less. It's like the Boy Who Cried Wolf. Kate made a few stabs at giving back in the past. Nobody believed her. She convinced no one that it was through the goodness of her heart. Viewers saw through it. She could be dead serious right now about redeeming herself, but it's too late. She cooked her own goose.
Nascar? Really? Well she certainly kicked dancing in the butt--guess it is only fair to let her try driving. Then she can be filmed flying a plane (how difficult could THAT be?) Then maybe a submarine? She has shown that she is a quick study (I mean if that horribly incompetent Tony Dovolani hadn't gotten in the way, of course)--why not let her have her little bucket list of gimmees.
Is there any conversation anywhere that won't kick off the gimmees? Is there ANYTHING she won't ask for?
A good chunk from this site and other sites that don't agree with Kate and her exploiting her 8 will tune in and watch her show and that is exactly what TLC is banking on. Her ratings will probably soar.....
NASCAR:hmmmm...is that what all the speeding tickets, making pit stops in fire lanes, racing through the night to outrun the paps, and alleged hit-and-runs have been for, rehearsals? I think it's a wonderful idea! Give Kate a helmet and a fast car, and plunk her down in the middle of an important NASCAR race.
On second thought, someone important like a driver, mechanic or spectator might get hurt, and that would not be OK.I can hear her now:"You can't arrest me, I'm a Public Figure!"
We will now find out that TLC has a tie-in with NASCAR somehow, and everyone will watch to see the car wreck, as opposed to the train wreck we are now watching.
Is there ANYTHING she won't ask for?
Her "bodyguard" to get a divorce? Oh, wait a minute. Maybe she's already asked for that, and the answer is on a temporary hold.
Hippie Chick: Ditto! Well said!
gotyournumberKate said... Here we go......Kate's dream (one of millions) is to drive a Nascar car. We all know what Kate wants, Kate gets
Check near the end of this interview.....she got it!
Does she ever give without expecting something in return?
Mom In Lancaster County said...
Feed The World said: "Why are the people of TN any less deserving of help than the people of PA? If there is one less hungry child because someone donated to a food bank due to this promotional effort, why do care where that child lives?"
I think where some are missing the point is not that kids everywhere don't deserve to be fed, but that this is being done for publicity.
That may be your objection, but it was not the specific objection of the person to whom I responded. That person's specific objection was that she was not helping locally, hence the comment "charity starts at home."
Somehow, I don't think Kate, with her endless mani/pedis, fake tans, $2,000 hairstyles and continuous exploitation of her children will go over very big with the NASCAR crowd. They impress me as being pretty down-to-earth people. I can hear the boos now!
Mom In Lancaster County said...
Feed The World said: "Why are the people of TN any less deserving of help than the people of PA? If there is one less hungry child because someone donated to a food bank due to this promotional effort, why do care where that child lives?"
I think where some are missing the point is not that kids everywhere don't deserve to be fed, but that this is being done for publicity. Nobody here has ever said that this isn't a worthwhile cause. A hungry child is a hungry child, no matter if he lives in Haiti, or in Tennessee. I make an annual donation (and not just a few dollars) to a foundation that is based in New York. The money goes overseas. I also volunteer locally, and have been doing so for some twenty years.
The kids' school has an annual food drive; kids bring in donations of canned and packaged goods, and students are selected to distribute them. The children ARE learning the importance of giving back in their local community. This is a good thing. In addition, the school is one of only six secondary schools in the nation that is annually invited to participate in the week-long International Model United Nations Conference (IMUN) held in the Netherlands. The conference is recognized by the United Nations. Global hunger is an important issue held at these conferences. I hope that when the children are older, they will be able to attend this annual event...without TLC cameras!
The objection is because Kate is not a philanthropist. This is being done for publicity, both to rehabilitate Kate and to present TLC's human side (chuckle!). Kate hasn't done anything for her local community where the homeless and hungry could certainly benefit from donations and volunteers, but she travels out of the state to show the importance of giving back. It's never wrong to give outside your community, but, for goodness sakes, it has to be for the right reason. Filming for a television show isn't that right reason. If the kids distributed snacks to a school, good for them, but why in the world must this be a spectacle? How much time did they really spend doing this, and what did they learn? I think we all saw how giving back at St. Jude was nothing more than a self-serving promotion for Kate and TLC. It was a farce. When the true meaning of giving just isn't there and it becomes nothing more than a spectacle, it evokes more negative feelings than positive ones.
Conversely, I think that you're missing the point. I'm not naive enough to think that TLC is doing this for altruistic reasons. However, raising awareness is something that celebrities do well and the only way that they do that is to engage in public campaigns. Doesn't mean that they can't or don't do things on their own without publicity, but to be automatically dismissive of anything that is done in the spotlight misses the point. Nonprofits vie for celebrity spokespersons and people to appear at their events. The reality is that people are attracted by celebrities and their presence brings in $ for good causes. That's reality. As much as you and others may scoff at the notion, the presence of the Gosselins was likely a draw for some folks.
Given I live one state over from PA - OH and ALL 88 counties are underwater with some in dire straits and pleading for food bank donations/help I've got to think the Tenn FB contacted TLC...and TLC decided to send K+8 to the "celebrity" bagging contest...anybody know who the "other" "celebs" were in the contest? The Duggars? (snark)
Isn't it odd that, other than the story about K "allowing" Jon to talk to his kids while they were down under where all the terrible floods were going on right then and there, that she was never quoted, to my knowledge anyway, about even her concern or offered prayers or anything at all to those people???
Not one word the next week either when NZ was hit by the earthquake and AU the cyclones.
This is too contrived. All for ratings in April.
I agree - too little too late (but kudos to all who give to charity, time and/or money, with no fanfare or expectation of anything in return - which includes KG if she has in fact done so quietly and privately).
I hope the FB at least saw a boost in donations. (Did she bring clothing to donate or is she still selling the freebies back at consignment shops? Anyone know for sure?
Mom in Lancaster County said:...."The objection is because Kate is not a philanthropist. This is being done for publicity, both to rehabilitate Kate and to present TLC's human side (chuckle!). Kate hasn't done anything for her local community where the homeless and hungry could certainly benefit from donations and volunteers, but she travels out of the state to show the importance of giving back. It's never wrong to give outside your community, but, for goodness sakes, it has to be for the right reason. Filming for a television show isn't that right reason. If the kids distributed snacks to a school, good for them, but why in the world must this be a spectacle?"
Exactly, Lanc Mom. Kate is just not a charitable person, that is what makes this such a laughable sham. Based on her past actions, she is loathe to *give* anything away, including the thousands and thousands of dollars of freebies she's received since the tups birth. All resold. The woman made $3.5 MILLION DOLLARS last year and was photographed bringing the kids clothes to a consignment shop last fall for consignment. She is simply not willing to donate those clothes to Goodwill, the Salvation Army or a clothes pantry in her area, she's a millionaire 3+ times over but she MUST squeeze a couple bucks out of those used clothes. For that reason alone, we can be 99.99999999999% sure Kate does not open her checkbook and give willingly and without fanfare to any charitible organizations.
Damage control interview, Khate gushing..
" The beginning of the Great Gosselin Giveback" sheesh.
Can a narcissist do anything for anyone else without being the center of attention?
I don't know much about NPD...is there ever "malice toward none, charity toward all" in their hearts, or is everything me, me, me?
"Check near the end of this interview...
She still hasn't learned, has she? She begins the interview with..."um...to be very honest." The same m.o. She doesn't know that when one constantly uses the words "in all honesty," "honestly," etc. etc., it implies that one is not honest all of the time and has to somehow affirm that what is being said (this time) is the truth!
So in that interview, when the woman says Kate is here with Kate plus 8 , when she says Kate plus 8, is she talking about the CHILDREN? Because if she is, I have never heard anyone(except maybe for Kate) treating them more like an accessory(not to mention a pack).
I agree that Kate is doing this for the cameras,she needs to clean her image,last year was really messy for her.
On the bright side, maybe she will bring some sort of awareness regarding hunger to the sheeple that will watch the episode..One can only hope!
Oh CRAP! Kate plus 8 returns April 4th...and they are airing the Australia footage on the premiere:
On Monday, April 4 at 10pm, TLC brings back all-new episodes of Kate Plus 8. The hour-long premiere episode follows Kate and her eight as they travel 21 hours across the globe to Australia – the longest flight they’ve ever taken. The Gosselins are beyond excited about ringing in 2011 in a city that celebrates the new year first – Sydney, Australia. They visit the beaches and enjoy the warm December air on the other side of the world. Kate takes a boat to the middle of the ocean in hopes of swimming next to sharks – in a cage of course – but will Kate be too scared to get in the freezing, rough water? Then, the family meets Australian aboriginals and learn about their culture – from dancing and camping to digeridoos and boomerangs, there are a lot of new experiences to be had for the Gosselins. But when it comes time to spending the night in tents, will Kate and her kids be able to sleep outside and camp out?
My God, so been there done that: beach, camp out, sailing(are we going to see the kids throw up again?).Except from learning first hand about the culture, name one thing they could not have done in the USA!
A poster over at Preesi's made a very good point. How much did it cost to fly Khate, Steve, Jamie and 8 kids first class to TN? How much do you think their food and hotel bill was? Their limo transportation? I'm going to go out on a limb and say $12,000-$13,000 was spent for Kate to go to out of state to pretend the "Gosselins Give Back." What an waste of time and resources when that money could have done so much for so many. I hope when it's time for this episode to air HollyBaby or one of the other sites brings this ridiculous hypocracy to light.
Hippie said: "These designer heels are killing my feet!"
LOL!! The "commercial" that played right before the hunger interview: "we try to be perfect, pretending the high heels don't hurt..." Beautiful. Scripted for her! I thought, geez, somebody really has Kate's number!
I wonder if she drives the race car in her stilettos!
When is TLC going to give it up? I dont want to see Kate on TV AT ALL. I dont care what she does, just get her off the air already.
This is truly sickening!
I dont watch anything with her on it, and all I want to hear is CANCELLED!!
TEN O'CLOCK? TEN O'CLOCK? They are showing the Australia trip then? NOT EXACTLY PRIME TIME!
Charitable? Alturistic? These are words Katie Irene would NEVER understand.
Who in their right mind would want an entitled bitch SHIPPED to another state to "help" a charity?!! Wait, will the TN community believe her acts are truly charitable?! Let's calculate the charitible trip from PA to TN:
■ Airfare_________x12 (K+8, Steve, Ashley, Jamie) + film crew
■ Hotel__________x12 + crew X ?? days
■ Limo service____x12 + crew X ?? events per day
■ Meals_________x12 + crew X 3 meals per day
■ $250,000.00 per episode
Every state and district has a local food bank to help those in need. Seriously, the amount of $$ spent to fly them in should've been donated. IF she was truly charitable, she could've DONATED 1 episode's earning to the charity of her choice in PENNSYLVANIA!!
She is a selfish, greedy, money grubbing, fame Wh*re!!
This is not K8 "giving back" - this is a story line for an episode.
If K8 really wanted to give back she would donate her salary for this episode. If K8 really wanted to give back it wouldn't be an episode in the first place.
Real celebrities give back without making a big stink about it.
I hate the Yankees (big BoSox fan here) but when George Steinbrenner passed away, I read a lot about him. He was a polarizing figure also but one thing that EVERY article/person mentioned was his huge contributions to various charities and his demand that his contributions remain anonymous.
Nope, there is nothing charitable about what K8 is attempting to do. She and TLC are still making oodles more than what will be donated.
Oh, and K8 packing 100 snack bags for needy children will never happen in her lifetime or mine.
Another thing :
K8 infamously and ridiculously handed out J&K DVD's to the terminally ill children at St Jude hospital. She also compared her 15,25,34,87 whatever weeks of bedrest to that of a child with cancer.
What will K8 "give" to these hungry folks - hardcover copies of her cookbook?
Is this facility the same Second Harvest Food Bank that was damaged by flooding last week?
Second Harvest Food Bank is still assessing the damage from Monday's flooding, which destroyed a lot of their supplies. Two feet of floodwater covered the floor of their warehouse and office facility on Delaware Ave. in North Knoxville....
Maybe that explains why the trip to TN.
Let me guess. Kate and the kids packed approximately 5, maybe 6, snack bags for the camera, and the PA's did the other 95 once the cameras were off.
Would anyone here like to Trot out the pictures of this greedy Witch Mother recycling the childrens clothes at the consignment stores..Lot's of them. Ms. entitled leaving stores with her empty storge bins? Hmmmm.
What deserving child in PA would have wanted some of the cast off clothing of the Eight.
I for one remember a winter when I and my siblings could not go out. We had no winter coats, no snow pants or boots. That was a stay in winter for us. However, we had warmth, food, games and Wonderful loving parents.
This excuse for a Mother is enjoying dinner out right now, first class hotel and a luxury bath.
Yah sure Kate, you are contributing. What a joke.
I note TLC is not announcing Twist of Kate or whatever the heck Kate was gushing about being in production last spring.
Who shows up to work at a food bank in high heels? Did they get dropped off in a limo too? I bet she did not lift one finger or do anything physical. She was probably selling pictures and autographs.
I hate the Yankees (big BoSox fan here) but when George Steinbrenner passed away, I read a lot about him.
We are going to knock the socks off Boston this season! ;-) Get ready! LOL!! You're right about George. His contributions to charities all surfaced after his death. I'm not so sure he would have wanted everything made public, but it sure opened up many eyes about the charities he held near and dear to him.
Anonymity is something that Kate will never know.
New Hampshire Mom asked: "Would anyone here like to Trot out the pictures of this greedy Witch Mother recycling the childrens clothes at the consignment stores..Lot's of them. Ms. entitled leaving stores with her empty storge bins? Hmmmm.
What deserving child in PA would have wanted some of the cast off clothing of the Eight."
Much of that was clothing that was GIVEN to her as freebies from various contributors (Gymboree). She didn't pay for them, but expected a check from the consignment shop. Clothing banks need good, used children's clothing. Every year we have a "Coats For Kids" Coat Drive and Telethon that benefits Salvation Army branches in Harrisburg, Lancaster, Lebanon, York, Carlisle and Reading.
Where were you, Kate?
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