According to Kate's own words, the family has never stopped filming their "crazily wonderful schedule." Love when Kate sets the record straight only to accidentally prove our point.

She also says, "my bedroom/office is my 'dumping grounds' as I call it. It's always in half packed to go away mode and half unpacked mode." When you are always packing or unpacking, perhaps you are away from home too much? Kate also talks about how much she loves what she does. "I feel comfortable in my career." If it's a career for Kate, then it's a career for the six-year-olds, no?
251 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 251 Newer› Newest»Guess the sheeple can't say "they really don't film all that much" anymore. Their own queen says they NEVER STOPPED.
As I said, I love when Kate proves us right.
I'm starting to think she's never going to stop taping with the kids. There's just too many people that love to hate her that will continue to watch or that just love her. She's like the Jersey Shore, the trainwreck of the Housewives of NJ., etc.
Such as the, insane I'm thinking, cupcake mag interviewer people just don't see the abuse of the children, her terrible behavior in the past, the pure evilness of her, etc. They don't do the investigating they should.
I saw the promo for this next season, along with her cackling, I can't understand why anyone watches, but they do and will continue to. Very unfortunate and I hope I'm wrong.
Again with the lies about filming, puke. The BS never ends.
Scares me to think what happens behind closed doors, how she threatens the kids should they dare tell anyone else they don't want to film anymore.
I'm entirely disgusted....... once again.
Doesn't it almost feel like what she is saying is code for you tried and you can't stop me! Cackle, cackle!
I haven't watched her show in years (seasons?). I can't even stand the promos for upcoming shows.
Looking at that pic above, I feel really sorry for the Koala in her arms. Poor little guy.
And what's with that crazed look on her face?
I tried to post a comment at that Cupcake farce of a magazine but the only ones they print are the 'we love kate crowd' , you know Ziggy and the rest of the bunch. Really great article -- NOT! And for sure Kate is going nowhere. She loves the media and TV, she loves filming, that is where her future is. Maybe she's right. With all the crap on TV now, she fits right in.
I find it very interesting to read the twitter feed when E! replays the THS they did on Kate. The comments are very honest. These are people who are learning what most of us knew already about her. Many call her a 'D' list star.
here's an example:
"How the hell did Kate Gosselin get a true hollywood story?! She's a worthless person. But I love her adorable glasses child. So cute!"
Or this one:
"Guy on show about Kate Gosselin said "Those kids are gonna need a lot of help." No kidding. Sad, sad situation."
This THS everytime it plays on E!, her star fades a little more....she may still be in her 15 minutes, but it's just a long 15 minute train wreck.
Is this "Stalecake Mag Blog" thing a joke? That site looks like a "do it yourself website" and there are no corporate addresses or affiliates like a real media site. Also the "Idiotor" has the same BS education background as that pudgy BM person with the 4-chins. Her LinkedIn description shows no previous job experience with any fashion magazine or fashion house or even a chain clothing store. Jesus, my nephew's college friends' Final Fantasy fansite is more professional looking than this "blah".
Lisa NH asked: "And what's with that crazed look on her face?"
Looks just like the caricature at the top of this blog, and like the Shrek donkey:
Too Late, Kate.
BINGO! I think we found a winner!!!
Administrator said...Doesn't it almost feel like what she is saying is code for you tried and you can't stop me! Cackle, cackle!
It does seem that way. She's inclined to be vindictive, but someone should tell her it's no skin off our teeth is she can't be stopped. The only ones who will keep suffering will be her kids.
I haven't watched the show for a long time. Kate makes me sick. How old are her kids? The twins are almost teens. The younger ones are stuck and will have no say unless their dad steps in. But Kate has no clue. Can you imagine 6 kids turning 12? LMAO! Worse, 6 kids that will want NOTHING to do with you. You can try to buy their love. Might work for a bit. But once they hit, lets say, 15, they want your attention. Not money. (Tho, that's that's the way my kids are.)
My daughter, who just turned 17, got her first job at Culver's today. Should I take away her hard earned money and get a face lift? Maybe a boob job? WAIT!! She's earning HER money. It's not mine. I would never think about telling her to give me her, her check. That's what Kate is doing to kids. Making them work. Then she gets to party like a "rock star" Just sick!
Kate thinks the joke is on us. Ha-ha I'm still filming and doing whatever the hell I want and you can't stop me. But the sad thing is, the joke is really on the kids.
"Ha-ha I'm still filming and doing whatever the hell I want and you can't stop me."
Jon did stop her temporarily, but she didn't mention that. So her statement of not having stopped filming is just another one of her big fibs.
The crazy sick thing is that she really thinks this is a career, which makes her a career woman, not a mom, oh no, not Kareer Kate. And her bedroom is also her office? Oh, so self-important, so busy filming the life out of her kids.
Throwing around "career" like that really takes the cake. It's supposed to be a reality show about the family, not a career in and of itself. Kate's life is now the reality show. So now it's really a reality show about a reality show. How ridiculous.
Lisa NH asked: "And what's with that crazed look on her face?"
Looks just like the caricature at the top of this blog, and like the Shrek donkey:
LOL, thanks! That photo does look like I used it for reference, except that I drew her over a year ago!
Kate refers to her "career"... Uhh, really?? She considers the reality show and occasional guest appearances on talk shows a career? Oooookaaaaayy. So what will this moron do when her show is inevitably canceled and the tv appearances dry up? She's almost there already. Show business is so fickle. She is highly unlikely to have longevity as a reality 'star' or author. She dreams of being an actress or tv talk show host/correspondent, but that is also unlikely to happen given that she is inarticulate, uneducated, unlikeable, unwilling to work hard, and unteachable, as she thinks she knows it all already. So what will she do when her 'career' fizzles out? Does she have a backup plan? Does she understand that it's amazing she's lasted this long on tv? Does she realize that what she does is NOT a career?
She later admitted that in hindsight (which I took to mean she was looking out of her ass)
...and that was no easy feat, considering the infamous big stick she has in there!
"Of course the "writers" at that blog just "LOVE" the booty bling....just like they love Khate, lol."
They LOVE LOVE LOVE everyone and everything. They sound like a gaggle of newly-wed Stepford Wives:
"Hello, Paula. I LOVE your Happy Chef channel-striped apron!"
"Good morning, Claire. We LOVE your recipe for sushi coconut cupcakes."
"Maxwell LOVES the Beefeater essential oil I sprinkled over his fur-lined jockstraps."
And so it goes. Those blog contributors are a LOVING group, aren't they? I LOVE it!.
Kate thinks everyone loves her and will learn SO much from her. She is being baited by tlc...they are pulling out all the stops.They need to say something to kate to keep her filming.tlc is raking in the money...
When kate proves to be a loss...and that will happen very soon...They (tlc) will cut her faster than her infertiality treatments.
kate had a plan to make mad did tlc...its all coming to an end.
Dont watch this crap...dont keep the children working any longer!
Take a stand and let them know we dont and wont watch anymore!!!
Why would kate stop the show? She is getting mad money by showing how much the kids are hurting.So a couple were expelled? There are 4 left!People want to see kate on YET another vacation...kate is the can do mom...(when she is being PAID) to be with them.
How many of us would love to be able to take ONE of the vacations that kate has.
Hell..I'd love to go to Florida with my do Sea World or even Disney World..
BUT...I am a REAL single kids father dosent and hasent paid any support since 2007..he hasent been a regular in my kids lives for over 8 years!There has been a warrent for his arrest for 2 years...DO you think anything has happened? Your right...nothing...nodda...zilch..
And I should feel bad for kate? Cause she has a slew of people raising the kids? I have no nannys...I have No chef...or yard pool maids...No PR team telling me what to say or how to one telling me I'm all that and a bag of chips!
Sure I can relate to kate.I have nothing better to do with my time other than shopping...tanning...eating out ..flying 1st class with my BF steve..getting copies made...getting gas...and shopping at target!
Pls tell me how I can relate to kate.????
Hey, katie irene, i gotcha outdid! MY bedroom is my haven, my sanctuary, my office, my art studio, AND I don't lock it to keep out the ones I should love. My granddaughter shares it AND my office AND my art studio all the time. She and I play apartment management, model studio, artist/model, hospital, chefs, which makes me wonder, have you EVER played anything with your kids, or read them a book, or taken them anywhere on your OWN dime, or allowed them to be involved in school activities, sports, dance, gymnastics, WHATEVER, and I mean more the the USUAL GOSSELIN TRADITION SETTING ONE AND O N L Y ONE TIME?
Get over yourself, we have and pretty soon tlc is going to jerk their head out of their ass and realize you are waaaaay past done.
Enjoy the ride DOWN, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Why would kate stop the show? She is getting mad money by showing how much the kids are hurting.So a couple were expelled? There are 4 left
There are SIX now in school. The twins often seem to omitted from the equation.
Oops, I hadn't seen this new post last night when I posted my comments on this topic in the old post. If it's okay, I'm just going to re-post my comments here on this topic:
Well, I finally took a look at that weird cupcake blog. It makes no sense to me that Khate would waste any time or effort on an "interview" with them, even if it was just a TLC publicist answering questions via email, which is most likely what occurred (especially when you see the insertion of a smiley face - :) - at the end of the first question's answer).
That dog comment at the end seems like total TLC P.R. spin. Too little, too late, just give it up.
Why even ask about "her latest book"? Wasn't that about a year ago? And, we all know it didn't sell at all.
It's funny how when she talks about being organized and all her lists on her iphone, she not only mentions a Target list, but also Whole Foods. As far as Target, for all the photos that have been out there of her leaving Target, I don't think that I have ever seen her leave the store with more than a couple of small bags. Maybe she just can't write long enough lists on that pink(!) iphone....but, wait, she did write" a "book" on there, didn't she? At least she said so. Ha.
On the fifth question, when she answers:
"....and our life stress is changing in nature but constant so there's still lots of drama! Hopefully someday, you'll see me dating (gulp!) at some point... I'm moving towards considering a possibility of re-entering that world of dating... Maybe! {lol}"
Hmm, first there's the part about their "life stress" "changing in nature but constant" with "still lots of drama". What the heck does that mean?? Is she referring to custody issues again?
Then, there she is caught in ANOTHER LIE when she says she's considering maybe "re-entering that world of dating". Um, didn't she say recently on George Lopez (I think) that she HAS had a few dates over the past year?
Also, note that when she refers to maybe dating again, she puts it this way - "Hopefully someday, you'll see me dating". DING, DING, DING! That's the signal that this (fake-ish, lol) "dating" will be (or already was) filmed strictly for the purpose of more episodes.
Then there's the question about having the film crew back and she says "They've never gone and yes, we indeed love our friends". Hmmm, they've "never gone"?? But, wait, I thought the kids cried when the show was (temporarily) canceled, and they then shouted for joy when the crew finally came back last year (because they had NOT seen them during the time off). Plus, she now calls the crew "our friends". Sheesh, what is it, close "family" "a bunch of dads" or "friends"? Just pick one already. I know, I know, it's so hard to keep the stories straight when it's all completely fabricated to begin with.
Finally, what b.s. about what her dislikes are (the rambling coffee nonsense). Man, oh man, she has a LOT more dislikes than that. But, then again, the TLC publicity spinners are trying to make her more likeable. Guess what? TOO LATE, KHATE!!
Oh, I forgot one thing! Did anyone else happen to scroll down past the Khate "interview" on that cupcake blog? How appropriate is it that the post right below the Khate post is one about trashy "bling" underwear (with photos), or "booty bling" as they call it. Of course the "writers" at that blog just "LOVE" the booty bling....just like they love Khate, lol. I wonder which pair they sent to Khate - the ones that say "Shake Your Money Maker" on the "booty", or maybe the pair with dollar signs? Or, the ones that say "Wanted" on them? Can we spell T-A-C-K-Y?! Yeah, what a great blog, ha!!
Isn't it great that Kate got to meet Terry Irwin, Australia's own child exploitation mom. After Steve died,Terry had Bindi out and about, bouncing and skipping across every talk show that would have her.Poor kid barely had time to grieve for her father.I think she's estranged from Steve's family also.Kate and Terry are like two peas in a pod.
Kate has a career?....
Emily Anthony, so you're the genius behind that caricature :o) Good job!
I think the cupcake interview amounts to nothing. Too late even. Kate is not the draw she used to be, and everyone is quite aware of her "wonderful personality". So I wouldn't put too much importance on it ;o)
The sheeple must be all glassy eyed/thrilled that SOMETHING positive has finally been published online about their looney leader.
Administrator said... Doesn't it almost feel like what she is saying is code for you tried and you can't stop me! Cackle, cackle!
When she was on Ellen DeGeneres' show quite awhile back, Ellen told her she was "talking in code." It was obvious Ellen did not like her and was not falling for or letting her get away with her thinly-disguised jabs at Jon.
You know how people who think Kate is amazing say we have no life and that's why we want her off TV...I wonder if they ever thought that just because we have full lives(without millions of dollars) we fight for the kids? Because we want them to have what we have,I mean...a happy,normal life full of activities that don't involve a camera in your face 24/7.They never stopped filming? That's very sad..
Her legs are TOO tan in that photo. I don't mean to be picky or anything, but my GOD woman, she is really going to have to deal with sagging skin & the leathery hide of the old purse I used to use before I stopped using real leather. Does she know that you only have ONE skin & you must take care of it? ONE shot. That's it. You cannot get a new skin like a snake. Or does she not know that because she is, shall we say, DUUUHHHH.
And that whole article was just sickening. 'I'm this, I'm that, me me me' WE KNOW! You think you can do it all! Guess what She Who Walks Like A Donkey in Heels, you can't. You pawn off the kids every chance you get, you wrote your last book on your i phone?? That's laughable because it's so noticeably true from the way it sold. And you honestly think it made mothers everywhere sit up, take notice & write "those" kind of letters to their children? Here's how mine went, according to what I have read about YOUR letters Kate:
Dear My son,
You were born at night after I pushed. It hurt a lot & you caused me great pain. I needed drugs to get through it because again, having you has been the worst pain I have ever felt, even worse than my chronic pain now, & that kidney stone I had a couple months ago. We brought you home & you were a typical baby. I had to get up & feed you at all hours which cut into my rest. I didn't breast feed you, it was too much what with my job at night bartending til 2 a.m. So I guess I can't tell you to suck it. Haha! Just kidding. You grew up ok. No problems, then you started turn into your own person. You were then diagnosed with ADHD, even though I wanted a perfect child. You can't control yourself at all, so you blurt & are impulsive. IT DRIVES ME CRAZY! You're hyper & I can't keep up. Let me tell you, if I could bottle that energy & sell it...hmmm, hang on, I have to write something down...ok, I'm back...You also tend to lie about little things, what are you, a criminal? You know I love you, no matter how much you make me crazy & I want to run away.
Love, Mom
Obviously, I DO NOT want to run away, I love my child unconditionally & that was a letter snarking on Kate's "letters" to her kids. My child has given me nothing but happiness. Yes, there has been struggle, ups & downs, but who hasn't had that? My child will NEVER get a letter demeaning him. Ever. Only letters of encouragement, faith & hope. :)
Maybe Terri Irwin and Kate exchanged child exploitation notes. I didn't know she was estranged from Steve's family, I find that very telling. I suspect it is over mismanagement of the zoo, which I go into a little below, but I wonder if it's over the kids too.
I did a google search and discovered some interesting things--since she's been running Australia Zoo it is up to its eyeballs in debt and she's had to let 22 staffers go. Former zoo employees say there's no way it can go on it's so underwater. Then Terri kind of pulls a Kate and says it WILL go on. She is essentially trying to save the zoo on the backs of her kids by trooping them out there all the time.
The article also says: "Since his death in 2006, Terri has been estranged from Steve's father. When he resigned from the zoo in 2008, he thanked all the staff for keeping his son's dream alive with the pointed exception of Terri Irwin."
Terri is like Kate in that she thinks if she says it, it's true. She also says Bindi is a "normal little girl." That's just not true, everyone knows that. To say something that absurd just makes you look not credible.
Oh I also found that Terri said this: "I think Bindi will be the brains and she'll be running the zoo and she'll just tell Robert what to jump on and they'll be a great team."
Talk about pressuring kids to take over the family business. It's Robert only like 9 years old? Geez how about letting them explore all their own interests first in childhood. Then if they do decide they want to run the family business they can. Nope, they've been put to work just like the Gosselins.
Seems to me doctors' sons who are groomed to be a doctor too and not given any other options often end up miserable.
"Maxwell LOVES the Beefeater essential oil I sprinkled over his fur-lined jockstraps."
OMG, Moose, I'm laughing so hard I'm crying.
Actually if we are being picky, anonymous who likes to be picky, TLC was throwing out the show name Kate Plus 8 as far back as the fall of 2009, arrogantly proclaiming that the show would go on with or without Jon even though there was a huge pending lawsuit and it had been halted by a court of law. So technically Jon DID stop Kate Plus 8 from taking off until he finally settled six months later.
If there's any "gotch-ya" here, it's on the kids. Gotch your childhoods.
Found my post. Glad there is a record to his. Before you try to school someone, sheeple, doublecheck!
TLC first threw out the name Kate Plus 8 in SEPTEMBER 2009. TLC said in a statement the renamed "Kate Plus Eight" begins Nov. 2. It will continue to focus on the lives of the young Gosselin twins and sextuplets but with a deeper focus on Kate's role as a single mother.
So yes, Jon did stop Kate Plus 8.
I'm getting a chuckle from all the creative comments. Thanks for making me laugh today. Needed it.
Had a big ole snarky post to write out, decided just to read and enjoy others insights.
Hippie Chick wrote:
Dear My son,
You were born at night after I pushed. It hurt a lot & you caused me great pain. I needed drugs to get through it because again, having you has been the worst pain I have ever felt, even worse than my chronic pain now, & that kidney stone I had a couple months ago. We brought you home & you were a typical baby. I had to get up & feed you at all hours which cut into my rest. I didn't breast feed you, it was too much what with my job at night bartending til 2 a.m. So I guess I can't tell you to suck it. Haha! Just kidding. You grew up ok. No problems, then you started turn into your own person. You were then diagnosed with ADHD, even though I wanted a perfect child. You can't control yourself at all, so you blurt & are impulsive. IT DRIVES ME CRAZY! You're hyper & I can't keep up. Let me tell you, if I could bottle that energy & sell it...hmmm, hang on, I have to write something down...ok, I'm back...You also tend to lie about little things, what are you, a criminal? You know I love you, no matter how much you make me crazy & I want to run away.
Love, Mom
Brilliant, Hippie Chick!! That sounds dead-on. I've seen enough direct quotes and a few reviews to get the gist of the book, particularly the letters to Leah and Collin. It was all about Kart, Khate, and rough it all was for her, and how she changed. I believe she also disclosed some personal health issues some of the tups experienced. It's fitting she wrote the whole thing on her phone. Who does that? Oh, someone who's never home. It shows how much she cared about the project; she could have used a more-suitable laptop and had Purse Boy cart it around for her.
I won't read the article posted here, but just a general question: WTF is Cupcake Magazine? I don't know, I tend to avoid anything online with the word "cupcake" in it. Like Pink Straight Jacket for Kate said, there's nothing to worry about with this article. I'll bet 99% of the folks that go out of their way to read it are either sheeple or haters - the general public seems to be over Khate already.
Anonymous, you said "the bottom line is that at the time Jon stopped filming, the show was called Jon and Kate Plus 8."
Wrong again, anonymous. TLC announced Kate Plus 8 on Septemebr 29, 2009. Jon filed in court on October 1, 2009.
Actually at the time it happened, many of us speculated that TLC knew it was coming and that Kate Plus 8 was a preemptive strike.
You are WELCOME to correct people, you are not welcome to be a snot about it.
Even more than I Just Want you to Know sharing intimate personal letters that should only be shared between a mother and child, Kate also revealed the children's private reactions to the divorce. As to Hannah she said the divorce has shaken her. WTF, why are we being told about a 5 year old's reaction to a divorce?
Here's a summary of the letters from another of my posts:
In her letter to Cara, Kate tells her the pregnancy was difficult and she was sick all the time. And in the same letter, she says “life is always difficult.”
In her letter to Mady, Kate insists to her that all the decisions she has made for her have been best for her even if Mady disagrees right now. She points out a time when Mady lied about a beach towel on the floor and said she wants to instill honesty in her.
In Alexis’ letter, Kate calls her naughty and says the changes from the divorce have been confusing and upsetting to her.
In Hannah’s letter, she says the divorce has caused pain and doubt and shaken her.
In Aaden’s letter, she calls him an inconsolable baby and points out the many pairs of glasses he went through at a cost of $200 each.
In Collin’s letter, he tests and tries her authority every chance he gets.
In Leah’s letter, she says she bickers and fights and tattles, and was a difficult baby.
In Joel’s letter he is too easy-going and laid back for Kate’s “rush-rush” personality and she lacks the skills to father him.
She also blabbed to a magazine every last detail of how she told the kids about the divorce. It was sickening. I can't imagine telling anyone about such a private moment. At the most maybe your very closest family and friends, and your family therapist.
Oh by the way, in I Just Want, Kate says she is "thoroughly annoyed" with fans. Us too.
I want to know what "decisions" Kate has made that Mady disagrees with. Filming, taking off on trip after trip, being pulled out of school? Being taken from their Daddy?
Did you notice Kate said in the cupcake article the kids are getting opinions now. It was kind of like smile smile grit teeth the kids have opinions how awesome (under her breath: shit!). What pray tell are those opinions? That they don't always want to go along with her crap? Sucks when kids get old enough to have an opinion doesn't it?
Also I really hate when adults patronize kids. I don't care how awesome of a parent you are, nobody is perfect. Kate doesn't leave any wiggle room. The decisions she made ARE THE BEST ONES, period. Instead of saying, I am TRYING to make the best decisions I possibly can for you, I know you don't always agree but Mommy just does the best she can.
Instead it's very authoritative, like it or not Mady, Mommy is in charge. I don't care what you think--deal with it.
One of the worst things you can do to a child is make them feel like their opinion is stupid, worthless, and inferior. Would you treat them like that when they are an adult? So why when you are a kid do your opinions not matter? I happen to think Mady has expressed several opinions that were valid, reasonable, and important.
Happy Cesar Chavez day to those celebrating.
Admininistrator said...
One of the worst things you can do to a child is make them feel like their opinion is stupid, worthless, and inferior. Would you treat them like that when they are an adult? So why when you are a kid do your opinions not matter?
Um yeah. She would! She treated Jon like that. He wasn't even her child. Yes, she will treat her kids like that when they are adults.
Cupcakemag started allowing non fan comments about Kate. I guess they realized that there are only 25 Kate supporters out there and they were hoping for more than 25 comments.
I wouldn't be surprised if TLC called them and asked them to allow all comments through because any publicity is good publicity.
I really believe no one that is not a Kate supporter should post comments there. Let them realize that only a handful of people out there actually give a hoot about Kate.
Silly me I forgot to factor in the narcissism. Of course she will treat them the same if not worse as adults. I'm right and everyone else is not only wrong but their opinion was a complete waste of time, space and air--stop breathing, Jon!
"Maxwell LOVES the Beefeater essential oil I sprinkled over his fur-lined jockstraps."
OMG, Moose, I'm laughing so hard I'm crying.
Ditto! Too funny, Moose!
Did you notice Kate said in the cupcake article the kids are getting opinions now.
They've probably had opinions for a long time. It's just that now that they're getting older she can't stifle them anymore. I think Kate really believes she can keep them under her control until they go to college. Boy is she in for a rude awakening.
Administrator said...
Doesn't it almost feel like what she is saying is code for you tried and you can't stop me! Cackle, cackle!
AuntieAnn said...
It does seem that way. She's inclined to be vindictive, but someone should tell her it's no skin off our teeth is she can't be stopped. The only ones who will keep suffering will be her kids.
Very perceptive. And as has been said before, Kate is laughing all the way to the bank. At the expense of her children's lives and fading childhoods.
And regarding the only ones who will keep suffering is the kids, exactly! That's why no one should be talking (blogging) about her at all. She'd have been long a good while ago. Total silence is the only way to stop the monster which is the only way to help the kids.
That's why no one should be talking (blogging) about her at all.
I agree she has overstayed her welcome in the spotlight, but not because of the blogs. She's just the TLC organ grinder's monkey for the time being. Eventually a capuchin with bigger issues will replace her.
Oops. Forgot to add: With apologies to the monkeys of the world.
They closed the comments at Cupcake. I read on a sheep site that Cupcake was working hard to delete "hate" comments. Thats what happens when you choose to censor. I'm sure it's pretty easy to click & delete comments, but I bet they didnt anticipate the flood of anti kate comments they would have to "spend all day deleting". they maxed out at 27 sheep comments and I'm pretty sure a couple are by the same person.
Admin said...
She also blabbed to a magazine every last detail of how she told the kids about the divorce. It was sickening. I can't imagine telling anyone about such a private moment. At the most maybe your very closest family and friends, and your family therapist.
In this months Glamour, Kate Winslet pointed out that she has never spoken about her divorce with her ex, Sam (something) to the public...she figures that when her children are old enough, she wants them to go to her & her ex ONLY. Not read about it in a magazine, online or hear it from a 3rd party. She said, I didn't want my kids to get the wrong reason why we divorced, and I only wanted them to get the answers from myself & Sam. This is why I never publicly gave a reason on why we divorced.
How awesome is that? She is looking AHEAD at her children's well-being & thinking about their reaction to their parents divorce. She only wants them to feel safe, secure & loved. Such a HUGE difference from Kate Gosselin, who ran to the media & ran her mouth about EVERYTHING regarding her divorce, how her kids reacted, how everyone felt & even wrote a frigin book about it!
Kate Winslet is a real celebrity, a composed, beautiful, well-spoken, actress who worked hard to get where she is. Kate Gosselin, who I LOATHE to use in the same sentence as one of my favorite actresses is a nothing, a nobody, compared to Winslet (compared to most!). Gosselin did absolutely NOTHING to get where she is. I wonder what Kate Winslet thinks of people like her. She would probably not speak ill of her. She is too kind.
I love Kate winslet's approach. It's hard enough being the child of someone famous.
"Maxwell LOVES the Beefeater essential oil I sprinkled over his fur-lined jockstraps."
OMG, Moose, I'm laughing so hard I'm crying.
Moose...TOO funny!!!!
Did you notice Kate said in the cupcake article the kids are getting opinions now. It was kind of like smile smile grit teeth the kids have opinions how awesome (under her breath: shit!). What pray tell are those opinions?
Could it be that she is actually worried that since these kids have opinions, they are now old enough to go to court and express those opinions to a judge? In PA there is no minimum age restriction as to when a child may decide where to live. As long as those opinions are valid, a judge will listen. Perhaps Mady and Cara, at age 10, have expressed a desire to do that, and Kate is finally realizing that she's not in total control.
"Maybe Terri Irwin and Kate exchanged child exploitation notes."
Something I alluded to in my comment below the cupcake piece. But it was so snarky they didn't get it and printed it.
Administrator said...
Here's a summary of the letters from another of my posts:
In her letter to Cara, Kate tells her the pregnancy was difficult and she was sick all the time. And in the same letter, she says “life is always difficult.”
In her letter to Mady, Kate insists to her that all the decisions she has made for her have been best for her even if Mady disagrees right now. She points out a time when Mady lied about a beach towel on the floor and said she wants to instill honesty in her.
In Alexis’ letter, Kate calls her naughty and says the changes from the divorce have been confusing and upsetting to her.
In Hannah’s letter, she says the divorce has caused pain and doubt and shaken her.
In Aaden’s letter, she calls him an inconsolable baby and points out the many pairs of glasses he went through at a cost of $200 each.
In Collin’s letter, he tests and tries her authority every chance he gets.
In Leah’s letter, she says she bickers and fights and tattles, and was a difficult baby.
In Joel’s letter he is too easy-going and laid back for Kate’s “rush-rush” personality and she lacks the skills to father him.
She also blabbed to a magazine every last detail of how she told the kids about the divorce. It was sickening. I can't imagine telling anyone about such a private moment. At the most maybe your very closest family and friends, and your family therapist.
Oh by the way, in I Just Want, Kate says she is "thoroughly annoyed" with fans. Us too.
Goodness!! So basically she wrote that piece of sh*t to remind her kids how crappy each and every one of them was? And by the way, it figures that Kate would choose "I Just Want" for the first half of her book's title. Afterall, that is her mantra...
Way to go, Kate.
I can't wait for her kids to write their own personal accounts about how sh*tty & miserable their mother was/is.
just wondering said... "Maybe Terri Irwin and Kate exchanged child exploitation notes."
Something I alluded to in my comment below the cupcake piece. But it was so snarky they didn't get it and printed it.
Not so fast grasshopper.. they must have been informed by one of the "hate" police and removed it. Now its only the 27 little sheep from the land of Z & BM.
..."Context matters and she clearly was referencing the fact that they have been filming since Season 1 ended. And if you really want to play a Gotcha game, you'd lose anyway."
Oh sheeple, sheeple, sheeple. Snot, snot,snot, thy name is sheeple!
When has Kate ever been clear in referencing anything? She speaks in code! Instead of harping on context and "losing," you need to look at the court records, as Admin did, and see that it was Kate Plus Eight that was halted. Between Jon and Kate Plus Eight, and Kate Plus Eight, filming WAS halted. She did not say that they have been "filming since Season 1 ended." YOU are taking that out of context, drawing your own inferences, putting words in her mouth. She said that "We've not stopped filming at all so our crazily wonderful schedule has never missed a beat." I don't care what question was asked of her. She said that THEY have not stopped filming. THEY is Kate. THEY is the children. Yes, THEY have stopped filming and THEY have missed a beat. It happened in the fall of 2009. THEY had equipment removed from THEIR home. THEY had a sign attached to THEIR gate. THEY allegedly cried because THEY were going to miss the crew...
THEY most certainly did miss the proverbial "beat." The band stopped, the marching ceased, and it happened when Jon said, "enough!"
As an addendum to my previous post addressed to "Anonymous." It appears that they still can't follow Posting Rule 1: "Do not use Anonymous." That's not taken out of context. It's black and white. It would appear that they believe that the rules don't apply to them because they still cannot post under a name other than anonymous, but rather choose to hide behind their computers as unknowns. One name that comes to mind is "coward." Another one is "pot stirrer."
Cupcakemag??? said...
Cupcakemag started allowing non fan comments about Kate. I guess they realized that there are only 25 Kate supporters out there and they were hoping for more than 25 comments.
I guess they changed their mind. All the comments that are not 100% for Kate are gone and there is a note under the comment section saying "New comments are not allowed." I guess they couldn't take the heat they were getting for all the comments being one-sided and those saying it wasn't a site people wanted to visit if they refused to allow both sides in discussions (there were a few non fan comments that appeared overnight while no one was moderating, but it looks like they've scoured the comment section clean again and closed it leaving only the sheeple comments for posterity). What a joke that blog is.
Midnight -- They can't find another name. They've run out of cereal boxes.
Not so fast grasshopper.. they must have been informed by one of the "hate" police and removed it. Now its only the 27 little sheep from the land of Z & BM.
March 31, 2011 11:27 AM
It's under the name Maggie Blue and has a picture of my dog...
It's under the name Maggie Blue and has a picture of my dog...
I saw that post, but it says nothing about exploitation. Who said that they posted the following: "Maybe Terri Irwin and Kate exchanged child exploitation notes?"
What a joke that blog is.
I guess with their heads in their cupcakes, and since they are so busy testing booty blings, they didn't do their research and have no idea that they would receive so many comments from those who can see through Kate's distorted stories about how wonderful the filming is for the children.
The picture is creepy. Did she tan so much so she could finally have skin as dark as her kids? I think she mentioned at some point that she liked their skin tone.
Just Wondering: Your comment has been edited to read "Kate & Terri Irwin together with all the kids! Wow! They have so much in common!"
They posted my comment. I guess they forgot to look at the name. lol
KneeDeepWsheep said...
I LOVE KATE. She is such a wonderful, awesomely awesome mother! Im pregnant and hope i can have kids like hers. I LOVE KATE
Just Wondering, I'm a bit slow today. You only said you alluded to exploitation. The actual comment comes across as very sweet. The casual Cupcake reader will never get the inference.
They can't find another name. They've run out of cereal boxes.
Did they use, "Team Flakes," "Dinky Donuts" "Count Chocula," or "Freaks" (from the 70s)?
Regarding my Beefeaters Essential Oil comment. It was late, I couldn't sleep, and I had read that ridiculous excuse for a legitimate blog and couldn't help myself. All of that, "I can feel the love" gushy stuff was too much. I normally don't discuss jockstraps, but seeing a Stepford Husband wearing one was just, well, very fitting (no pun intended). Thanks to some of you said it put a smile on your faces!
well then Cupcake mag edited (as well as deleting) comments then.. leaving off the "exploitation" portion.
This is why Kate needs Purse Boy...
lily said...
We love Kate. We Love Kate We Love Kate.
Great article cupcakes
Oh we love Kate. I love Kate, you love Kate, We all Love Kate. Lets all say it together now. We love Kate. Lets just show how wonderful kate is. She is wonderful.She is kind hearted. She is my best friend when I have a hard day. I talk to her, well not really, but you other kate fans know what I am talking about. We LOVE KATE!
What planet are these people from?
"One of the worst things you can do to a child is make them feel like their opinion is stupid, worthless, and inferior"
I grew up with a dad who did this my whole life. He died in 1987 and I never missed him. I am in my 50's and still am affected by it but have come a long way from what I was as a child. I cringe when I see kids treated that way. I just want to hug them all.
lily said...
We love Kate. We Love Kate We Love Kate.
Great article cupcakes
Oh we love Kate. I love Kate, you love Kate, We all Love Kate. Lets all say it together now. We love Kate. Lets just show how wonderful kate is. She is wonderful.She is kind hearted. She is my best friend when I have a hard day. I talk to her, well not really, but you other kate fans know what I am talking about. We LOVE KATE!
I smell sarcasm. Pure sarcasm. Nobody is THAT
ebulient in their praises about anyone unless they are laughing the whole time they're typing.
When I grow up, I want to be a child exploiter!!!
Where can I go to school for that?
She's such a dumb phuck.
"I love Kate, we love Kat" that could be sarcasm but it's not hard to picture the obsessive sheeple writing that. As it is, they think Kate is their "beloved" and she gives them so many great ideas..
I smell sarcasm. Pure sarcasm. Nobody is THAT
ebulient in their praises about anyone unless they are laughing the whole time they're typing.
Here's what is really funny - the moderators on that site have no clue as to what is snark and what isn't. They cannot tell the sarcasm from the "sincere" (and I use that term loosely), so they post everything praising and loving Kate. They don't realize that it's possibly a joke, but they don't want to delete comments in case the poster is really sincere in his/her adoration of her!
They opened up the whole proverbial cans of worms with that interview! They are damned if they do post them and damned if they don't! Nothing like being the laughingstock of the magazine blog world!
Did they use, "Team Flakes," "Dinky Donuts" "Count Chocula," or "Freaks" (from the 70s)?
Moose -- Dinky Donuts lol. I haven't read anything over at the dark side for eons. I think there was a SugarCrisp and someone else was cuckoo for cocopuffs or something like that. Why don't they just go with SheepChow1, SheepChow2, SheepChow3...?
Troy Chula Vista said... As it is, they think Kate is their "beloved" and she gives them so many great ideas...
Troy -- I agree, they do. They really think she's all that. Tips like "take some toys on the plane ride for the kids" throws them into a "she should write a book" frenzy.
". . .Mady lied about a beach towel on the floor and (Kate) wants to instill honesty in her."
Mady told a lie! Wonder who she learned that from. Guess Kate never learned the old adage about telling a child often enough what they do (in this case, lie) and you'll turn the child into that (a liar). Kids are smart. If you continually call a kid a liar, even when they are telling the truth, they will lie and lie and lie. In this case, they have the example of a mother who lies constantly and gets away with it, so they see no reason to tell the truth, especially when that truth is liable to land them in the corner or worse, a session with the red spoon.
Hippie Chick - loved your snark letter! Also loved all the names for Khate you've come up with. How about this one - Mother of the Year Kate. Don't think I saw that, but if I just missed it - sorry!
Stupid is: I saw that comment w/the name KneeDeepWsheep but I wrote it off to a snarky sheeple snarking on us haterz. Gosh you people are goooood!!!
Something is fishy about that site. Did a little sleuthing and the address given on cupcakeMAG is only 14 miles from Discovery headquarters in Laurel, MD. It's the address of a one bedroom apartment. That interview was just a little too sickening sweet, even for cupcakes. It's so fluffy it's hard to believe there isn't something funny going on.
Troy Chula Vista & fidosmommy said...
lily said...
We love Kate. We Love Kate We Love Kate.
Great article cupcakes
Oh we love Kate. I love Kate, you love Kate, We all Love Kate. Lets all say it together now. We love Kate. Lets just show how wonderful kate is. She is wonderful.She is kind hearted. She is my best friend when I have a hard day. I talk to her, well not really, but you other kate fans know what I am talking about. We LOVE KATE!
"I love Kate, we love Kat" that could be sarcasm but it's not hard to picture the obsessive sheeple writing that. As it is, they think Kate is their "beloved" and she gives them so many great ideas..
I smell sarcasm. Pure sarcasm. Nobody is THAT
ebulient in their praises about anyone unless they are laughing the whole time they're typing.
Um...... uh-oh.
"She is my best friend when I have a hard day.
I talk to her, well not really, but you other kate fans know what I am talking about. We LOVE KATE!"
Please dear God, say this a joke.
Just wanted to say that Kate looks AMAZING in that touched up photo of her in the pink and white bikini. They carved a very nice waist for her.
Is this some kind of prominent blog? This may come across as sour grapes, it's really not--I'm just quite curious how some kind of obscure blog that is clearly run out of an apartment by amateurs--students--manages to get an interview with Kate. It's not like Kate goes around giving interviews to everyone and rarely an internet interview. She tends to stick to the big ones--People, Today, the View, the occasional Vanity Faire. I'm just curious what the thought process was on Team Kate to grant this interview. Is there some connection we don't know about, like it's the cousin of one of the nannies or something?
Mandy said...
Just wanted to say that Kate looks AMAZING in that touched up photo of her in the pink and white bikini. They carved a very nice waist for her.
One of these days they are going to do a photo-shop goof on her. Wouldn't it be funny if they did this?
Nice waist and hip on the left side below her left wrist! Weird skin tone on her left shoulder, too. She looks like she's wearing a shoulder pad.
gotyournumberKate said...
Something is fishy about that site. Did a little sleuthing and the address given on cupcakeMAG is only 14 miles from Discovery headquarters in Laurel, MD. It's the address of a one bedroom apartment. That interview was just a little too sickening sweet, even for cupcakes. It's so fluffy it's hard to believe there isn't something funny going on.
Good detective work! Very interesting! Yes, the whole things is odd. Why would TLC have Khate answer interview questions for some obscure blog?
Btw, when I was at that cupcake blog early this morning, I realized that they must not moderate comments since there were several non-Khate/non-sheeple comments posted there between around midnight and 7 am. I figured they would probably delete the comments once they saw them in the morning. So, I saved them just in case anyone wants to see the now deleted comments. Just let me know.
Ladies and Gentleman, I think someone has finally beat Kate in the Grinch department. Barefoot Contessa can't give the time of day to a dying kid whose last wish is to meet her. I never liked BC or her mooching husband.
Midnight Madness...There are SIX in school now...the twins get left out..
I'am aware of Mady and Cara...the twins.
I was talking in kate speak.We know that the twins (Mady and Cara) are left out.They are not the draw into this train-wreck of a show.Kate isnt selling the "twins" she is selling the tups.
I try not to comment on anything that has to do with the "twins".They have pretty much made thier case clear...They dont want to be filmed...they dont like the intrusion.They want to be left alone,but know that to get any attention from kate they have to play along.
Mady and Cara were not expelled from school.2 tups were.
I try not to talk about the "twins".I Try not to talk about the tups.I do talk about kate being a selfish mother ( i use that word lightly)I comment on how un-happy the kids are.I comment on the fact that ALL the kids are WORKING to provide kate with a lifestyle she thinks she deserves.
I havent forgotten about any of the Gosselin kids.I try to give them thier privacy by NOT watching the show.If more would do that...the show would be cancelled,and the kids might just get a shot at a normal life.
Ladies and Gentleman, I think someone has finally beat Kate in the Grinch department.
Who is the "gentleMAN on here? Just one? Come out and identify yourself!
Just kidding. April Fool's?
It's snowing. I want to see Kate slushing around in this mess in those open toe heels and no jacket! Come on, Chris. Get out there!
The previews show that TLC is all about Kate's drama now. They know what sells. Again we are getting a lot of screaming, crying, and over the top dramatics from the Queen of Drama. She'll do anything for a buck.
Admin, that blurb about Ina Garten was so disappointing as I am a fan of hers. Shame, shame, shame on her.
BTW, did you recently up the orange-ish-ness on K8's caraciature ? As for the real picture of K8 with the girls, K8 does indeed look like a crazed "Dunkey" (from Shrek) but at least the girls are having one small but fun moment with those cuddly koalas.
Admin, apparently Ina Garten has now miraculously found the time to meet with Enzo, according to TMZ. I'm sure this has been a PR nightmare for her, and she deserves every bit of it.
I find it absolutely interesting that Kate's show starts back up on Monday and there is only one scheduled appearance that same day to promote it.
Oh, they pulled out the 'I'm so scared' and 'crying' bit again just to attract interest in it. (E! update video on Comcast) Even saying that the kids go to Australia to fulfill Kate's bucket list.
Could that be the working title of a new show? But that's it, no covers, nothing.
Either way, there's not much interest. This time last year (the week before a show would premier) there would be ROL articles, INF/Paparazzi shots, etc.
Now, not so much. (at all)
Even the latest OK article is all about the ratings dropping without Jon and how Kate need(s) him for the drama.
Because Jon has kept silent (GOOD FOR HIM) not even tweeting about his kids and when he has them or doesn't, she has nothing to talk about. Kate is forced to stand on her own, and hopefully she won't be continually standing on the backs of her children reaching for that brass ring.
Light--meet end of the tunnel--for the kids sake. (keeping my fingers crossed they will have no more filming to do)
I highly doubt Kate's show will do well considering the time slot and that it is up against the NCAA final. Seems strange TLC would choose that day to start the new season.
On another light note, it appears that a fellow blogger is attempting to pull an April Fool's joke on her readers, and they are falling for it. Too funny!
We know that the twins (Mady and Cara) are left out.They are not the draw into this train-wreck of a show.
I'm not so sure about that. They are part of the package. They are being filmed. They are being dragged everywhere and everywhere. They are part of the working money-makers. There are "hate" blogs and discussions about how bad and evil Mady is. They are as much a part of this train wreck as the tups are.
"I was talking in kate speak"
What is Kate speak? Speech? Doesn't she always say that she has EIGHT, count them, EIGHT children? The more the better, the more children she has to talk about, lament about how difficult it is to raise EIGHT children as a single mom, the more the better!
Troy Chula Vista said... As it is, they think Kate is their "beloved" and she gives them so many great ideas...
Ideas? Kate has given the sheeple ideas? Hmmm, again, I haven't watched in eons but let me think back to when I stopped watching & from I have read from recaps.
The only ideas I can think of that Kate may have given people are: stopping the kids mid-carving pumpkins to clean it up because the mess was "too much", having fake Christmases to get that "perfect reaction", lying a sick child on a cold laundry room floor so to not get the bedding dirty (no laundry! yay!!), potty training in the dark or in driveways, sticking a camera in the kids faces at their most vulnerable moments & keeping it for prosperity for future taunting, dismissing all family & friends, denying children water, grabbing children by the arm hard when they say or do something you don't like, keep a strange man around, yell at your kids constantly until they fear you, bring your kids to places for about 20 minutes & then make them go home not letting them enjoy the experience, lie to your children ALL THE TIME, bash their father on TV, dress inappropriately teaching your daughters that looks are more important than anything, OH and the biggie, make YOUR children earn all the money for YOUR needs, wants & desires. Did I miss something?
Kate teaching anyone anything is like a newborn teaching AP physics. Or like ME teaching AP physics. Is there such a thing? I don't even know. I can teach someone anything about herbs & holistic treatments, but math? Forget it. Kate has NOTHING to teach anyone.
I have to wonder if Ina Garten learned to be a
diva from Martha Stewart or if it was the other way around. They are friends, according to Martha. They are two peas in a pod.
Apparently a sheeple has a post today that she thinks the kids shouldn't be filmed anymore. How nice that the kids are being used to pull an April Fools' joke on the sheeple.
What is going to happen later today, April Fools I really do think the kids should be exploited after all?
Now the boys' parents have told her no thanks. Good for them. They're not going to let her come crawling back. Poor kid. He's going to get his other wish fulfilled instead, to swim with dolphins. The dolphins will probably be a lot more compassionate.
Ina's excuse was that 100's of charities ask her for help a month. That may be, and it's true that she can't help them all. But Make a Wish is about a sick child's SPECIFIC dying wish. It is world's apart from just writing out a check to Habitat for Humanity or some such. Are 100's of children coming to her with dying wishes? I doubt it.
I would think to be a child's dying wish would be the highest honor one could ever have. I would think anyone with a heart would stop everything to make that happen.
I hate to say it, I think even Kate would bend over backwards if someone's dying wish would be to meet her. Granted because it would puff her up so much and make her feel so important, but the point is the kid would get his wish.
I've had a change of heart. I really do think Kate is a wonderful mother, friend and wife. she's just misunderstood and everyone who hates her resents the fact that they don't have a glamerous life and career like she does. So I won't be posting on this haterz blog anymore. She is just great, loves her kids and works so hard traveling and doing interviews for them. But her kids don't appreciate her efforts and neither do the hate blogs!! Leave Kate alone, she's done nothing wrong!
APRIL FOOLS!!!!!! (Had you going there for a while didn't I? LOL)
Lorrie said...
Admin, apparently Ina Garten has now miraculously found the time to meet with Enzo, according to TMZ. I'm sure this has been a PR nightmare for her, and she deserves every bit of it.
The news about Ina and Enzo's Make a Wish is disgusting. Long story short, even though 2 other famous chef's volunteered to fulfill his wish to cook while Ina still couldn't be bothered to call the boy, Enzo's attention had already been redirected to swimming with the dolphins.
When Ina finally found the time in her ultra-busy-hectic schedule to call Enzo, his father told her NO THANKS and in fact wasn't even planning to tell Enzo she'd called. He said they'd had enough disappointment with her and had moved on with MaW and planed to have a good time swimming with the dolphins in August. Good for dad and I hope the dolphin experience is the best ever for Enzo!
Ina lost a lot of points with a lot of people from this - as she should; she showed a few of her true colors. I guess that old adage about all/any publicity being good publicity might not be so true after all.
I read about Ina Garten the other day and I think you're being a bit unfair unless you have read all the articles. Yes, it is a PR nightmare but I believe she was unaware of the request as it was handled by her PR people, so let's not imagine that she personally turned this child's request down. And also, in some fairness the Make A Wish Foundation does not just work with dying children, they work to fulfill requests of the chronically ill - I think the spin on this is a bit unwarranted. I am not sayin that Ms. Garten is blameless but it became a media expose, and she deserves some perspective as she apparently is very involved in giving back to the community on a regular basis. Not like some other people we know.
The interviews for cupcake mag were copied from other sites.
Looking over the interviews at cupcake, lo and behold I happened to recognize the photo of Steven Tyler.The same photo and conversation was posted on another site a couple of weeks ago. This photo stood out because it looks like his tooth is chipped.
All things sugar coated...
The entire thing was a sham, I think.
thats one scary pic
That Wiggy Kate fan doing an April Fool's joke on her blog is not doing it to fool the Kate fans. I'm pretty sure she's doing it to fool us. She thinks we are stupid.
She emailed each of her regs. Most likely to explain it's a joke and play along. Most of them are being civil about it to show that they aren't haters even if she has a different opinion now.
Admin. I think you're wrong about Kate fulfilling a dying wish for a fan. I'll have to do a little research to find it, but about a year ago, there was a story out about a child who was dying of cancer whose wish was to meet Kate and the twins and Kate turned it down flat. It was all over GWOP at the time.
From the website for The Joy Behar Show on HLN:
# 4/4: Kate Gosselin, Star Jones
Ha, wouldn't you just love to see those two (Star Jones and Khate) on together?
I'm sure Joy will kiss Khate's butt and give her a softball interview, because that's what she does.
Oh, I just thought of something - Joy's show has been moved from 9pm to 10pm. So, HOW does this booking help her promote the new episode?? She'll be on TLC at the same time, right? Duh! Ha ha ha ha.
A sheeple has pointed out that Kate will be on Joy Behar's show on Monday. Not sure if I care or more interested in the lies she will spew. Someday this country will turn the other way when approaching a train wreck, any train wreck.
She's the April Fool said... That Wiggy Kate fan doing an April Fool's joke on her blog is not doing it to fool the Kate fans. I'm pretty sure she's doing it to fool us. She thinks we are stupid.
She emailed each of her regs. Most likely to explain it's a joke and play along. Most of them are being civil about it to show that they aren't haters even if she has a different opinion now.
Exactly what I was thinking! Then they can all sit around the campfire (oh wait, they would never camp out), sit around the broken washer in the front yard and say how the fooled us.. ha ha ha..
Admin said -I hate to say it, I think even Kate would bend over backwards if someone's dying wish would be to meet her. Granted because it would puff her up so much and make her feel so important, but the point is the kid would get his wish.
Agree but ONLY if it would be filmed. Also, this OT and belongs in a previous post but here is the Reading Eagle article that a commenter referenced but could not find.
readerlady said...Admin. I think you're wrong about Kate fulfilling a dying wish for a fan. I'll have to do a little research to find it, but about a year ago, there was a story out about a child who was dying of cancer whose wish was to meet Kate and the twins and Kate turned it down flat. It was all over GWOP at the time.
I guess Kate wasn't ready to "give back" yet.
Jon and Kate refuse Make a Wish!
This comment came through today:
My Daughter is 10 and is part of a Make A Wish, her wish was to meet Jon & Kate plus eight. Make a Wish called us and said that Jon & Kate said no. The won’t grant any wishes as they feel that their kids are not old enough. Does Kate know that most Make A Wish kids do not have several years! They really dissapointed my daughter. Fans keep their show on the air! I am a fan no longer.
Chauntelle Hafner
The “life is always difficult.” that Kate wrote to Cara has ALWAYS bothered me. Life IS difficult, but certainly not ALWAYS. I taught my kids, as I was taught that life is what you make it. Never sugar coated anything with them, but I certainly never gave them such a defeatist, bitter outlook about life. Someone sitting on millions of bucks, a mansion pushing this sort of pessimistic attitude onto a small child is just unbelievable to me. Even though, as most mature people know that money and material things do not make for happiness Perhaps I am reading too much into that, but it has always struck me as very mean thing to do to a child.
E! News has a video about Kates' 'bucket list' trip. (Not the kids list, but Kates', as SHE has said before on the film) They are on top of a very high building bungy jumping. Kate goes off on the guys there, something about "filming". Then grinning to the camera man "I really went off on them, didn't I" So proud of her idiotic behavior. Then when her turn, squealing and actually starts SOBBING. What a freakin spectical she makes of herself. WHY do that stuff if she is SO afraid of heights? I knew it was all BS when she went up in that bucket on DWTS, grinning like a chesire cat. UGH And THIS is suppose to be entertainment?? This vapid woman is just silly.
Little Cara jumped, bless her little brave heart.
Sherill said... Thank you for finding that article. I couldn't when I looked. That was me that referenced the story, kinda sad how they wrote it. They really did help them, now would have to PAY to interview them. Disgusting.
I tried to post a comment at Joy Behar's site, but it looks like they won't post it.
Re:The E! video --
Kate's whimpering and crying is vomit-inducing. Effin baby. I'll bet the producers of TLC planned it, knowing full well Kate would freak out. Maybe they're trying to scare her out of her contract.
We're supposed to believe that one of Kate's biggest supporters wrote a supportive comment of Kate just last night at 11:30pm and then before 7am this morning she had a complete 180 degree change of heart? So stupid.
"In our interview we learned that Kate is only human as she confess to us" She also filled us in our her newest pet peeves, " toys, snacks, cups, school paraphernalia, etc. rolling around my vehicle while driving"
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Only human? I thought three quarters of her was a mean cow.
Note that her newest pet peeves are anything to do with her children. Am surprised she didn't add them to the peeve list.
One other thing I noticed. The constant use of I and MY, never an us or a we. Typical of a self centered, selfish, narcissist.
Yes I know the selfish and self centered are redundant,I added them because I don't think the sheeple know what constitutes narcissist.
My Daughter is 10 and is part of a Make A Wish, her wish was to meet Jon & Kate plus eight. Make a Wish called us and said that Jon & Kate said no. The won’t grant any wishes as they feel that their kids are not old enough.
Huh? They were "old enough" to film that charade at St. Jude, where there are terminally ill children, but they are not "old enough" to meet one child for a MAW request?
They were "old enough" at age three to go to a ski school in Utah, but not "old enough" to spend any time with an ill child?
I guess if it's for filming purposes and they're getting paid, then they are "old enough" for anything.
Heck, they are "old enough" to work and be issued work permits!
She let her ten year old daughter go bungee jumping?????
I find that a bit extreme. I'm sorry but I would never risk my daughter's life like that. I think it's irresponsible. She actually signed a waiver for that? I would think that if Jon had done that there would have been outrage from Kate as well as her fans.
I think Ina blaming it on her pr team is just a way to deflect From herself. Also a pr person that doesn't run something that big buy you should be fired. I find it extremely hard to believe someone as successful as her would delegate away something like that. It may seem counterintuitive but the bigger you are actually the more involved you tend to get.
As for the kids being too young, the gosselin kids are not here to fulfill other's wishes, they are kids themselves. I actually agree with Kate and Jon, it's not appropriate. I meant if just Kate were asked to grant a wish I think she would.
Comments from the cupcakemagazine. Found late nite BEFORE they deleted comments. Check out their response to WHY they decided to delete negative remarks about their idol. Stupid little sheep.........
please explain said...
shortnsaszy, I don't understand your comment. What nasty people bombarding the author are you referring to? I'm not trying to stir things up, but all the comments posted here are positive.
March 31, 2011 12:21 AM
cupcakeMAG said...
We do not publish any of the comments that are unnecessary. We try and delete the negative comments as soon as possible. Therefore, you are only seeing the positive comments.
March 31, 2011 12:24 AM
u gotta be kidding! said...
What a farce! Positive AND Negative give balance. There is absolutley NO balance here.
March 31, 2011 1:42 AM
Where's the balance? said...
No balance, honesty or integrity here from what I can see, u gotta be kidding!
If you can't take the heat, then get out of the fire. A balanced website is successful, but this was a poor journalistic attempt at Q&A by a new site absent any balance. No one returns to read where opposing views are removed and all attempts to have a discussion are scoured away.
March 31, 2011 5:53 AM
Blind mice.... said...
Interesting. Take off the rose-colored glasses & write the WHOLE truth about Kate +8. Why endorse a woman who actively practices parental alienation by taking the Gosselin 8, on their father's visitation time, travel across the continent & ocean to WORK on their school vacation? The truth is, the Gosselin 8 WORK to support themselves and ALL the adults around them. The Gosselin 8 WORK to satisfy TLC's contract requirements under the direction of their mother. Will your Cupcake team/journalist & everyone who supports Kate be around to support the Gosselin 8 in the future when the cameras disappear & they need help?
March 31, 2011 6:45 AM
Charlie said...
Where's the balance?, There's only about 12 Kate lovers left out there and they all left their snappy love responses here. The site administrator was instructed to delete all negative comments, I'm surprised yours remained, or perhaps she got tired. Don't worry, it will all be over soon.
March 31, 2011 6:52 AM
Blind mice... said...
Please ask Kate WHY she chooses to LEAVE the Gosselin 8 with a babysitter when she travels away from home! Please ask her if the baby sitter is qualified to be left alone with the Gosselin 8, 24 hrs a day X ?? days. Please ask Kate how old is her babysitter. Last year she left the Gosselin 8 with a 19 year-old young woman for at least 3 days while she was on a trip with Steve in Cabo, Mexico. Hope Jon takes her back to court to modify the child visitation schedule & request 1st right of refusal.
March 31, 2011 6:53 AM
As for the kids being too young, the gosselin kids are not here to fulfill other's wishes, they are kids themselves.
Admin, I don't see the difference. They met terminally ill children at St. Jude. I would think that it would have been explained to them that these children were very, very sick. The tups were throwing around the term, "pediatric cancer" at the garage sale.
Why is it inappropriate to simply introduce them to another ill child? I'm trying to understand your reason here, but it's not forthcoming! I do agree that it is not their job to grant anyone's wish, but just meeting them wouldn't be the same as actually taking them on a trip with them, filming with them, etc.. It would be only a meet and greet.
"She let her ten year old daughter go bungee jumping?????"
I didn't let my 10-year-old go on some of the wild rides at Hersheypark or Disney, or that free-fall thing on the boardwalk that shoots you down and then back up again! I would never let her go bungee jumping. I couldn't watch that!
As for the kids being too young, the gosselin kids are not here to fulfill other's wishes, they are kids themselves. I actually agree with Kate and Jon, it's not appropriate. I meant if just Kate were asked to grant a wish I think she would.
Ahh, but there's the rub. She and Jon took them through a tour of St. Judes in a giving-back episode in that same year. The difference being of course, giving back when they needed their kids to be there in order to get a paycheck, but not allowing her kids to come with her to grant a wish to an ill child, which hopefully would not have been made into an episode. Kate and Jon also could have offered to go sans their children.
I do agree though, Kate might do it now for the reasons you stated - her being a narcissist and all that.
I saw the promo clip with Cara going off the tall building on the bungee cord, and then Kate having her little sucky baby crying fit on the edge of the roof....I don't think any mother should force her child to do something dangerous that she herself is too afraid to do.TLC is equally despicable, allowing a child to risk her life in that way.Where are the people who are supposed to protect children in this type of scenario?
I didn't know Joy Behar was a fan of Kate. Why, oh why, is she scheduled on her show? I didn't think Joy approved of the Gosselin mess. Guess money talks louder than our comments here or comments sent to any of the networks. Please, please vote with your remotes.
Bungee jumping for a ten year old???? Sounds like child endangerment to me!
I don't care if Cara begged to go and really wanted to do it. It's wrong. She is TEN.
Goes to show you that Kate will even risk the lives of her children for her stupid show. I'm surprised she didn't throw one of the kids into the shark cage too.
It just occurred to me that most companies that provide bungee jumping adventures of this extreme sort have an age limit of 18 or at least 16, and don't let children jump from these heights.
Of course, TLC can get them to relax their policy for $$$$$.
I don't care if Cara begged to go and really wanted to do it. It's wrong. She is TEN.
It's for CULTURING, don't you understand? Culturing. Life's experiences. She now has that one under her belt, so to speak. Her mother can tell others that her daughter went bungee jumping. She probably told Cara, "Now you can tell everyone that you went bungee jumping." Anything to impress.
well with kate jumping, what a good time it would have been for an equipment malfunction, just off enough to bounce her lightly off her head in hopes of knocking some sense into her. OMG, what the hell am I thinking... look who we're discussing. There is NOTHING that will EVER knock any sense into her overbleached, fake haired head. And even if it could, she wouldn't know what to do with it.
I'm surprised she didn't throw one of the kids into the shark cage too.
That wouldn't have been so bad. The sharks probably got the hell out of there after Kate went into the water.
Oh my God. I would never allow my children to bungee jump at that age- even if they begged me to do it. Anything for ratings, huh Kate?
What the hell.
Holy Toledo.
"As for the kids being too young, the gosselin kids are not here to fulfill other's wishes, they are kids themselves. I actually agree with Kate and Jon, it's not appropriate. I meant if just Kate were asked to grant a wish I think she would."
Admin, I respectfully disagree with the second part.Nothing was asked of the kids other then go and say "I'm Aaden, nice to meet you". I think they should have been asked do you want to meet this wonderful little girl who really wants to meet you? I doubt the children would have said no and I don't think it would have been an effort for them.They go on so many trips I think having gone in one for the benefit of another child for a change would have been nice.But this is just my opinion of course.
Bungee jumping injuries may be divided into those that occur secondary to equipment mishap or tragic accident, and those that occur regardless of safety measures.
In the first instance, injury can happen if the safety harness fails, the cord elasticity is miscalculated, or the cord is not properly connected to the jump platform.
In 1986 Michael Lush died of multiple injuries after bungee jumping for a stunt on a BBC television programme[24] and in 1997, Laura Patterson, one of a 16-member professional bungee jumping team, died of massive cranial trauma when she jumped from the top level of the Louisiana Superdome and collided head-first into the concrete-based playing field. She was practicing for an exhibition intended to be performed during the halftime show of Super Bowl XXXI
Injuries that occur despite safety measures generally relate to the abrupt rise in upper body intravascular pressure during bungee cord recoil.
Eyesight damage is the most frequently reported complication.[25][26][27][28][29][30][31] Impaired eyesight secondary to retinal haemorrhage may be transient [29] or take several weeks to resolve [27] In one case, a 26 year old woman's eyesight was still impaired after 7 months [28] Whiplash injuries may occur as the jumper is jolted on the bungee cord and in at least one case, this has led to quadriplegia secondary to a broken neck.
Very serious injury can also occur if the jumper's neck or body gets entangled in the cord.[32] More recently, carotid artery dissection leading to a type of stroke after bungee jumping has also been described.[33] All of these injuries have occurred in fit and healthy people in their twenties and thirties. Bungee jumping has also been shown to increase stress and decrease immune function.
From wikipedia
Kart will be on Joy Behar on Monday night.
Not watching that show, not watching Kate plus 8, or the Today show interview. If she appears on every channel on my tv, you might see it tossed on the street below sooner than later... and it's a nice flat screen too.
I think Kate endangering the life of her child for a tv show by allowing Cara to bungee jump off a building at ten years old should be a new thread topic.
You can tweet to Joy at @JoyVBehar about her upcoming "interview" w/ Kate.
Auntie Ann - Thanks for finding the post about Kate and the MAW child. I hadn't had the time to look for it yet and I'm not the most techie of people, so I know it would have taken me a long time to find it.
I'm not sure how I feel about the request being turned down. On the one hand, I can understand about not wanting to expose your child to all the heartbreaking things that can happen. OTH, the twins were certainly old enough to understand that this was a very sick child who wanted to meet them and that it was a Christian thing to do to grant that wish. The tups - maybe not. I was 8 when one of my closest friends was diagnosed with leukemia. My folks didn't prevent me from seeing her or, when she became too sick for visitors, sending her little cards and notes. They even took me to her funeral when she died. But they also spent a lot of time talking to me about death and about her being in God's hands. I suspect that the reason Kate refused the request was because the meeting couldn't be filmed for the show.
Re the visit to St. Judes - it's been a while since I saw the episode, but IIRC, the children didn't meet with any of the patients. Those kids are so immunocompromised due to their chemo that it would be very dangerous for them to be exposed to a pack of kids running amok in their midst. I think the kids stayed downstairs in the public waiting room while J&K went up to the patient rooms and wards.
If you look at the Joy Behar website. It looks like Star Jones will also be on the show with her.
I'd love to see Star give her a piece of her mind. (don't have cable though, so I won't be watching any shows until they come on Hulu or YouTube)
Admittedly, I haven't researched this one, but I'm kind of surprised that there aren't age restrictions on bungee jumping. In any event, I think it's a ridiculous thing for ten year olds to do. It seems like TLC is just going to keep pushing and pushing in a feeble attempt to make the show more interesting.
I totally agree with the comment that Khate would have had a fit if Jon had taken the girls bunjee jumping on vacation. Frankly, I do not think this is the sort of activity that a noncustodial parent should be engaging in without the knowledge and consent of the other parent. Keep it up Khate, and you just might find yourself back in court.
Have you noticed you often hear that a sheeple left the flock, but you never hear that a "hater" had a change of heart and started worshipping Kate. Now why is it that defecting is only a one way street?? Because we're right?
I googled age restrictions for bungee jumpers. Generally the lower limit is 14. In New Zealand it's 10. Under 18 seems to need parental permission everywhere.
Here's a thought: What if Kate said "No" to Cara jumping and TLC said "You have to sign for her to do it or you are in breach of contract".
Kate's Cart said...
You can tweet to Joy at @JoyVBehar about her upcoming "interview" w/ Kate.
Why? Why call any attention to it? That's what they want - anything to feed the publicity, negative or positive. Not watching and not saying anything would seem to be the better way to go. What good would it do to contact them? Nothing is going to change. They are not going to un-schedule her. If a fuss is made, it's only going to reinforce the idea with them that she is still relevant.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
Oh my God. I would never allow my children to bungee jump at that age- even if they begged me to do it.
LOL, Pink! Ditto! They'd have to do it when I wouldn't know that they are doing it and tell me after the fact, Then they'd get grounded, even if they were over 21! There are just too many things that can go wrong. I'm at the point now where I don't trust any type of thrill rides anymore after hearing the horror stories about so many accidents at parks last summer.
I wonder if Jon knew about this, and if he gave his blessing.
Cara bungee jumping? Are they nuts? (well I KNOW Kate is!) I am really glad to know she was ok but kept thinking of this poor girl at Wis. Dells last summer on a supposedly safe bungee jump thing.
RE: St. Jude's visit.
The Gosselin children spoke with St. Jude patients through a glass window because of the immunity issues. I remember one of them asking over and over "What's your name?" and not being able to hear the answer.
I'm thinking that the little Gosselins might have been too rambunctious to do any good for a very sick child. Having them run around, hit each other, cry/scream when angry, etc. might make for a lousy visit. Then, there is the sniffly nose thing too. Meeting this little girl behind a glass window might have been the only way to go. Not that Kate was thinking this, mind you; she probably didn't want to do it, plain and simple.
I am 100000000% in "agreeance" with you all about Cara bungee jumping.
Totally irresponsible and dangerous of K8 and TLC but hey, they gotta get footage right? And yes, K8 would have had a HISSY if Jon did this. TLC's contract must be so IRONCLAD since they do not seem to have any reservations about endangering a child's life for filming purposes. Yet another example of how K8's motherly instinct to protect her children is nonexistent.
Wow. I see where my comment about looking up where cupcakeMAGs address was located made it all the way to Twitter and is being condemned like I am a nutcase. I know where Laurel, MD is and I thought it might be close to TLC if not actually there so I googled maps it. It's not hard to do and it's done everyday. People really need to get a life. They say we're obssessed?
Still no "gotch-ya April Fools" from the high hater. Hmmm. And some people are really turning on her. If she says April Fools at some point these people might be gone for good already.
I wonder if she will apologize for trying to "out" people. And I wonder if she will remove the libel against Admin now about "begging" for money.
The response from the bleating sheep to the defector saying the kids shouldn't be fimled is Kate has a right to do what she likes with her kids.
How far do they take this mantra? Are they libertarians? Do they understand how many laws and rules are out there telling you how to raise your children? From making them wear seatbelts, to carseats to helmets. Regulations about school, regulations about sports. And certainly laws and rules regarding kids in the entertainment field. Parents are told how to raise their kids all the time. Parents who screw up get their kids taken away.
Why is it that Kate is allowed to raise her children as she sees fit, but other people have gotten their kids taken away? Shouldn't it logically follow that if Kate gets to raise her kids as she sees fit, then everyone can?
Indian Lake said...
LOL, Pink! Ditto! They'd have to do it when I wouldn't know that they are doing it and tell me after the fact, Then they'd get grounded, even if they were over 21! There are just too many things that can go wrong. I'm at the point now where I don't trust any type of thrill rides anymore after hearing the horror stories about so many accidents at parks last summer.
I wonder if Jon knew about this, and if he gave his blessing.
I'm with you, Indian Lake!
I wonder too if Jon gave his blessing. Then again, Kate & TLC are involved, so sadly I doubt that Jon's opinion mattered much.
I forgot who asked why I am not ok with the kids participating in Make a Wish, E-town maybe?
Here's why. I don't think the kids should be forced to participate in a charity that is only using them for their "celebrity." The kids are not here to be trooped out in front of people, dying children or not, to be oogled and talked to like every other famous person. They did not ask to be famous, they did not ask to be put in the spotlight, they have spent their entire lives there and they deserve privacy. They should not have to spend a moment of their time giving of their "celebrity" to others when they should be spending it being normal. It reeks of being "used" for their celebrity. I find this reprehensible to do to a child. If the participation in the charity is their CELEBRITY, then I am not ok with it. It's different when it's a consenting adult who chose this lifestyle as Kate did or Ina Garten did.
I have absolutely no problem with them participating in charitable acts that any other kid off the street participates in. By all means, help out at a soup kitchen, read to blind kids, pass out canned goods. But making "appearances" when they are 6 and 10 years old is not okay with me. They are not monkeys to be trooped out like it's the USO.
I see the April Fools defector fessed up. She was looking for reactions from the people who really don't like seeing the G8 filming. I noticed she didn't get much of a rise out of this site. It was hardly mentioned. What a loser.
And this is the perfect opportunity to just let you know there will be no punking going on at this blog. There is no point. . It's not just about respect for loyal readers. It's about respect for everyone who comes here. This blog has been a learning process and I appreciate each and every one of you.
Re Cara bungee jumping and Kate having a fit if Jon had been the parent who permitted this. A short time after the split became public, some of the kids were photographed sitting on Jon's ATV. They weren't wearing helmets. They weren't moving, but people were up in arms over this and saying that he should be charged with child endangerment and never allowed to see his kids again. Wonder where all that outrage is now? It figures that Kate would allow her 10 year old to bungee jump, but would throw a hissy and refuse to do it herself.
I keep meaning to comment on the picture on this thread. Cara and Mady's koalas look happy as clams. Kate's koala looks as if it can't get away from her fast enough. Even a koala knows she isn't fit for anything useful.
Ha. The only ones punked were her loyal followers that she didn't let in on the joke. I called it earlier that it was a joke AND her emails let her regulars in on it.
She didn't even remove all the Kate worship from her sidebar. She didn't fool anyone.
And this is the perfect opportunity to just let you know there will be no punking going on at this blog. There is no point.
Amen! Amen! Amen! That is good to hear, Admin. I can't believe what a silly waste of time that was. And I don't think anyone but her own sheeple bought it at all! I know this sounds mean, but I find it sad that someone has nothing better to do.
You know even though bungee jumping seems dangerous, I find it just as bad to leave the children alone with the Amish farmer and crew while they built the chicken coop. The farmer let Alexis use a power screwdriver. She was just barely six. She doesn't have the coordination to handle something like that no matter how safe it is. It was an accident waiting to happen. At least it wasn't a nail gun, but if Alexis thinks that it's fine for her to use a power screwdriver, what powertool will she get into when she's by herself? She's been taught she's old enough. She's also been taught Mommy or Daddy need not be there, it's fine to let an almost total stranger help her do anything.
In any other context would you leave your child alone with someone you barely know? Why is this okay??? That reminds me, my coworker is having some workers put new tile in her kitchen. Earlier this week her daughter was sick, so my coworker called in sick too. Her daugher is almost 14 if I'm not mistaken. A lot of people were grumbling about this, because in a courtroom when one person is sick, you can't do any of their cases. But she later explained when she got back that she didn't want to leave her daughter alone with the crew in the house. A bunch of us said she was absolutely right, you don't leave your kid alone with STRANGERS and good for her.
Admin -- I agree about the exploitation of their celebrity in the Make a Wish case, but as I said in my previous post @1:26PM, it's highly probable that Kate would have happily consented to the children visiting the little girl if there had been money to be made in doing it. In Kate's world if a camera is involved, it's allowed. That they were too young was an excuse not a reason.
readerlady -- You're welcome. Your post jogged my memory on that MAW uproar when it happened, so it was just a matter of googling. And it's funny you'd say that about Kate's koala - I thought the same thing when I saw the pic. The little guy was looking for an escape route. lol.
Mandy.....know this sounds mean, but I find it sad that someone has nothing better to do.
Mandy, I had more to say about this, but I started to get the feeling you did--it's sort of sad. What difference does it make how many people were in on it, it actually just gets sadder the more people who were involved. There is this sort of uncomfortable idea that this is what some grown women do for fun, it seems wrong in a way to make fun of it. Like making fun of a grown woman who still plays with Barbie dolls or something--there is probably something a little off and to make fun of them would be mean. Have a great night everyone.
AuntieAnn, I don't buy Kate's excuse either, but regardless her reasons WHY, it was still in my opinion the right thing not to expose the kids to Make a Wish in a capacity in which they would be made to make an "appearance" to fulfill someone's wish. In a way that's almost creepy to do to a child--someone adores you and you are the one thing they wish for before they die, go appear for them. I just find this so layered with dysfunction. I don't think a little child should be made to experience it.
How much you wanna bet they probably asked to film it and the sick child's parents didnt want to.
it was still in my opinion the right thing not to expose the kids to Make a Wish in a capacity in which they would be made to make an "appearance" to fulfill someone's wish. In a way that's almost creepy to do to a child--someone adores you and you are the one thing they wish for before they die
Why would they have to be told any of this? At that age, you decide what is appropriate for them to know and how much they can handle and process. Sometimes they bring the child to you. How would it be creepy to have the kids meet a child, have some photos taken, maybe sit down with the child and have a snack, and then that's it? No need to get into any discussion of dying or terminal illness or final wishes. You just tell the children that a child would like to meet them. I remember when the children asked Kate why everyone was taking their pictures. She explained to them that not everyone has brothers and sisters the same age who were born on the same day, and that it's unusual for six babies to be born at one time.
With all of the attention they get, and all of the photos that are taken of them, I don't think meeting a child would be out of line, nor would they think that it's unusual. I'm sure Kate could figure out a way to explain it to them without going into an hour-long speech about fulfilling a child's dying wish.
If she would tell them that the child might not be alive tomorrow and is dying right now and the only thing the child wants is to meet them before he/she dies, then yes, I'd never agree to that. It's too much for them to handle at such a young age.
Have the sheeple started defending Kate and the bungee jumping yet? We all know she can do no wrong in their eyes!!
How much you wanna bet they probably asked to film it and the sick child's parents didnt want to.
One stinking paycheck from TLC. (and I'd donate it to the MAWF)
Whatever happened, the child's mother who wrote the comment was sure pissed off at Kate. She has a way of doing that to people and we always hear about it after the fact. Kate's ability to lie/grift/deceive and generally spread ill-will around the globe is legendary.
Re: the mother who wrote that J&K had said no to their Make a Wish request. IDK if the story is true or not, but it came from one single BLOG entry, not a news agency, not from a journalist, but a blog. Put as much weight or belief into it as you want, but put as much faith in the accuracy of that story as you would with any other story on any other blog without being able to verify any facts.
TLC is going with drama, excitement, action, and adventure with the ads and PR for the new season obviously hoping to create interest in the show's restart on Monday.
I know I don't like to hear it myself, but it needs to be said anyway (I'll try say it in a different way) that the show will finally end when there is no one watching it. Don't fall victim to the ads for an exciting show. Let's put some action and weight behind our words and help give the kids a chance at normal childhoods when their show comes to an end sooner rather than later - with our help.
I'm questioning -- The woman who put her name to the post is easily googled. Not that that verifies anything, but if the story was bogus, I'm sure there would have been some kind of a retraction. You can bet there were at least a few sheeple ignorant enough to contact the woman to harass her for tarnishing their idol's image. They turn into bloodhounds when it comes to protecting Kate's honor.
The mom who wrote that Jon and Kate turned down her daughter's Make a Wish appears to be legit. I don't want to give the sheeple ideas on harassing her, but I'm sure they have already figured out she's legit. A Google search shows that she was selling her "handicapped accessible" minivan, consistent with having a sick child. She also appears as team captain for a spina bifida walk. I'm guessing maybe that is what her daughter has. Other places she is appearing on the web are consistent with having a child with special needs.
My Daughter is 10 and is part of a Make A Wish, her wish was to meet Jon & Kate plus eight. Make a Wish called us and said that Jon & Kate said no. The won’t grant any wishes as they feel that their kids are not old enough.
The G8 weren't old enough? And are those poor dying children are old enough to understand what is happening to THEM??? OMG (pardon my language) but a little empathy for these children please! I know everyone thinks their own children are the most important kids in the world and their welfare comes before all others, but not in all cases- and this is certainly one of them. Wow is all I can say. A little empathy- after all, what if it were one of Kate's children?
(I'm sorry, I just can't get over she put her kids before a little girl who had so little time left- the selfishness is astounding)
There could have been a compromise that might have made everyone happy. If they are not comfortable with the kids taking part, why not offer that just Jon and Kate come grant the wish? And then maybe share a cute story about the kids. I bet this kid would have gone for that in a second.
Or why not just do something neutral like invite her to the editing bay at Figure 8 or something to see how the show is made. If this kid has spina bifida it's not like the kid is dying, right? The kid is in a wheelchair, it's not a big deal as far as being "too much" for other kids.
AuntieAnn said - I'm questioning -- The woman who put her name to the post is easily googled. Not that that verifies anything, but if the story was bogus, I'm sure there would have been some kind of a retraction.
True. I remember at that time she gave her name and she was googled, and I don't believe anything turned up that would lead anyone to believe it was a false story. That was over the 2008 holidays. I tried it again, and yes, she participated in last year's spina bifida fund-raiser and had a team page on the site. Usually when a post is bogus, the writer won't use his/her name. The state is even listed, and yes, there is contact info for that person, as well as a real estate listing. I wonder how things turned out for her child.
I'm really a skeptical person and won't believe it until something's passed the sniff test, the google test, and confirmation test, and every other kind of test. I kind of believe this one, though. It has never been found to be false or a scam. We've seen some of those...a big one in particular!
Then the Doubting Thomas part of me says that anyone could have selected that name and posted info that was not credible.
If this kid has spina bifida it's not like the kid is dying, right? The kid is in a wheelchair, it's not a big deal as far as being "too much" for other kids.
That's difficult to say. I would imagine that a child with such an illness, anything could go wrong at any time. If I remember correctly, in order to have a wish granted by MAW, the child does not need to be terminal at that time, but in order to be eligible to have the wish granted, a physician must have diagnosed the child with a life-threatening condition. This doesn't mean that the child has a month to live, but that he could die if the disease continues to progress or is degenerative, such as heart or kidney disease.
When the kids visited St. Jude and they looked at the patients through the window, how was it explained to them that these were very ill children, and did it appear to affect them at all?
No kid Cara's age should be doing it, but it's SkyJumping, not Bungee jumping. It's closer to skydiving than Bungee jumping.
It's only done two places in the world - Auckland, NZ and Las Vegas, at the Stratosphere Hotel.
Again, NO CHILD should do this, and adults should do so only at their own risk.
Just wanted to clear up an error.
As someone commented, kate's selfishness may be astounding but it sure as hell isn't surprising.
Then the good comment re when the kids were taken to St. Jude's was it explained how ill the children were and did it appear to affect them at all, it would surprise me if the tups understood, let alone were affected by some other childrens illnesses. They are being raised in the 'free world' (you know, where they are given everything for nothing) and I'm sure have no comprehension of anyone lacking for anything, like, 'stuff', trips, fun, oh yeah, and that pesky thing called good health). She has given them all such a huge sense of self entitlement, it will be a big surprise if any of them are able to adjust to life in the 'real world' (not to be confused with the gosselin free world') when their bubble bursts and they are just a pack of kids no one much about.
Mention has been made about kate acknowledging all 8 kids. Well, yeah, when she wants to stress how tough her life as an overpaid, overindulged 'single' (read DIVORCED) mom is with 8 (count 'em, eight) kids to feed (a couple of grapes, little bit of cheese, some crunchy things, etc., and sorry, but I forget the order they have to eat what she feeds them). BUT when she is commenting on the ones whose birth (which was so hard on her and had her on bedrest for a couple million seconds) she is discussing 6, 1-2-3-4-5-6, sextuplets are so much MORE than twins IN HER MIND. She knows how many little hands butter her bread and fill her pockets.
I think the place is called Sky Jump, but Cara didn't uses a parachute. She was tied to the tower. I think she may not have bungeed, or bounced back up. I think it's a free fall jump with a more controlled landing.
Either way, still dangerous and not appropriate for a ten year old.
I realize you didn't say she did use a parachute but in sky jumping and sky diving parachutes are used. You aren't tied to anything. I think you use a parachute in base jumping too. This place called Sky Jump may have created their own jump style? I just know Cara was tied to the tower.
I was just reading some Tweets about Kate. Wow, I guess I didn't realize just how hateful some people really are. They cuss and say really terrible things. I hate to be categorized with some of these people. They lessen the reasons we disagree with the kids being filmed. I have also seen this kind of hate on the other side toward Jon and Ellen. I don't hate Kate. How can I hate someone I don't know? I do hate what she stands for and what she does to her kids to further her own agenda. I hate her entitled attitude and greed but I don't hate her. After reading these comments I can understand why people from the Food Bank and the writers at cupcakeMAG think the people who don't like Kate are haters and nuts. They don't see the comments from the Sheeple though. I am just glad to be able to come to this site where people discuss things rationally and civilized. Thanks admin for keeping it clean here.
A sooner end said...
TLC is going with drama, excitement, action, and adventure with the ads and PR for the new season obviously hoping to create interest in the show's restart on Monday.
I know I don't like to hear it myself, but it needs to be said anyway (I'll try say it in a different way) that the show will finally end when there is no one watching it. Don't fall victim to the ads for an exciting show. Let's put some action and weight behind our words and help give the kids a chance at normal childhoods when their show comes to an end sooner rather than later - with our help.
The minimum age requirement at the Stratosphere Hotel in Vegas SkyJump is 14 in New Zealand it's 10.
still jumping off a building said...
I realize you didn't say she did use a parachute but in sky jumping and sky diving parachutes are used. You aren't tied to anything. I think you use a parachute in base jumping too. This place called Sky Jump may have created their own jump style? I just know Cara was tied to the tower.
Yes and no. Yes, Cara was tied to a tower, but Sky Jumping does NOT use parachutes either in the US or in NZ.
From the NZ website: "SkyJump can be described as Base Jumping, while attached to a wire – just like a movie stuntman! You’ll fall very fast (approximately 85kph) for around 11 seconds, and then come to a very smooth landing in the plaza below."
kate looks like the donkey in shrek in that picture with the koala bear
By comparison Dog the Bounty Hunter, who is by his own admission a convicted felon or a "convict" as they were called back in the day went to a meet a child that was dying and wanted to meet him. Yes they filmed a small part of it but I'm sure that was money for the family. When he left he said something to the effect you will always be in my heart and it was my honor to meet you. One could have easily felt that was for the camera. Yet when he and Beth got officially married the little girl was at the wedding and the reception in the background. It was not mentioned that she was there and not one direct shot was made. I caught it because she was in a wheelchair. That had to have been one of the happiest days of her life with no fanfare whatsoever.
A pink Straight Jacket said...
Oh my God. I would never allow my children to bungee jump at that age- even if they begged me to do it. Anything for ratings, huh Kate?
My 11 y.o son has been begging me to let him go sky-diving. Um...NO. First of all, & less importantly, you must be 18. Secondly, & more importantly, not on my watch buddy! I won't watch MY child get hurt or injured. I know the chances are slim, & he would probably be safe, but why risk it? I bungee jumped once, when it was popular, 15 years ago. It was fun, but damn scary. I couldn't imagine a 10 y.o. doing it, that's for sure.
How Kate could give consent for that is beyond me. Typically, for things like that you should be 16 or 18. Maybe in AUS the rules are different, OR because your Kate Gosselin & TLC paid you off, you get away with it. Thank God nothing happened. Again, it's (sort of) rare, but it DOES happen. And as PINK stated, all for ratings. I will NOT be watching. I have tons of homework. Kate, may you rot in hell for putting your kids in danger for ratings.
Here's my take on the new stupid show Monday night: the most exciting things have already come out; Cara bungee jumping & Kate swimming with sharks. The rest of the show will be a snooze fest. Kate whining, complaining about the heat, Kate in a couple new bikinis, the kids at ANOTHER zoo, the kids acting up & whacking the crap out of each other, Kate bitching & moaning about the kids, the kids speaking inaudibly on the couch, Kate lying on the couch about how the kids had a great time, Kate bitching about the heat, the kids whining about the heat, Kate screeching & yelling, the kids ride a horse, Kate wearing something slutty, Steve, Kate on the couch w/ her boobs hanging out lying about how amazing the trip was & saying she wants to go to Ireland next, the kids hanging all over the couch not remembering anything except the beach because they've been to 75 of them, Kate bitching, Kate lying, Kate's boobs, THE END.
Hippie Chick - ITA, I would not let my 11 year old jump out of a plane. BUT there may be a fun alternative.
My husband and son did this with their Boy Scout troop and the kids had a great time. I'm not sure where you live, but you could google "Indoor Sky Diving Your City" and see what comes up.
I saw the clip for the bungee jumping. Wow. I would never allow my child to do such a thing personally and I am surprised the bungee company allowed it. I would think there are age requirements but haven't researched that yet. I will say this - Kate had better darn well have jumped off the building too. If your going to allow your child to do something scary like that you better show solidarity.
Hippie Chick you crack me up.
That being said, what scares me most about the picture is Kate's tan. It's just not right.
Hippie Chick said... Here's my take on the new stupid show Monday night: the most exciting things have already come out; Cara bungee jumping & Kate swimming with sharks. The rest of the show will be a snooze fest. Kate whining, complaining about the heat, Kate in a couple new bikinis, the kids at ANOTHER zoo, the kids acting up & whacking the crap out of each other, Kate bitching & moaning about the kids, the kids speaking inaudibly on the couch, Kate lying on the couch about how the kids had a great time, Kate bitching about the heat, the kids whining about the heat, Kate screeching & yelling, the kids ride a horse, Kate wearing something slutty, Steve, Kate on the couch w/ her boobs hanging out lying about how amazing the trip was & saying she wants to go to Ireland next, the kids hanging all over the couch not remembering anything except the beach because they've been to 75 of them, Kate bitching, Kate lying, Kate's boobs, THE END.
Too funny and too true. You've got the show down pat!
To Hippie Chick: "...Kate wearing something slutty..." Yup. So true, so predictable. PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE, no one on this blog watch Khatezilla Gro$$elin on Monday night. I want her to GO AWAY. (I want to win the lottery, too, but that is not going to happen). Administrator is probably going to have a recap of the trainwreck, or you guys can watch it AFTER it airs, but PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do not watch Kate Plu$ 8 (bag$ of money) on its premiere on Monday... pretty please? I want that witch to be gone from TV FOR GOOD. When will it END????? How many others feel this way out there?
Hi all,
Just want to clarify about Make a Wish. They grant wishes for chronically ill kids as well as terminally ill kids. My nephew had brain cancer at 5 and has many residual effects 15 years later, most concerning of which is seizures (plus he is mentally challenged and very small and his life basically sucks). His death is not imminent, he doesn't have cancer, but their neighbor nominated them for MAW and (much to my surprise) the whole family was sent to Disneyworld.
For a long time I've worried these kids are going to have a hard time feeling content and satisfied in life or have things to look forward to. They have already been shown and experienced some of the most thrilling and amazing things in life. All this travel, amazing vacations, meeting prominent people like Sarah Palin, bungee jumping. On its face you might think how very cool for them. But what do they have to look forward to now? Are they going to be satisfied with the class trip to NYC when they've already done it and gotten 5 star treatment and done things 10 times cooler?
The problem with young people who cannot seem to be satisfied is that they look for other ways to fill that up that void. Sex, drugs, risky behaviors and so on.
I guarantee we will not be watching Khate. We are moving that day. TV might not even be hooked up. Nope, no Khate for us.
Am I allowed to watch for the recap?
I know we've discussed this ad nauseum but the problem is, my blog hits don't add up to nearly the one or two million in ratings this show gets. There is without a doubt a significant portion of people watching who don't read the blogs whom we cannot reach with the "don't watch" mantra. It's just a fact.
Kate also talks about how much she loves what she does. "I feel comfortable in my career."
What exactly is her career? Selling her kids to the highest bidder? A career is a chosen profession; doing what one does as a permanent occupation. This is her career? If so, it's not something that I would be proud of, much less in which I would be "comfortable!"
I doubt that the children are comfortable in the career that was chosen for them.
You all must know by now that Kate's career is dependent upon the drama and excitement played out by the children. The twists and turns (lies) that come out of her mouth to keep people interested are astounding. TLC must believe we are stupid and they play into the "dumbing down" of our society to keep this show going. I'd rather watch paint dry than tune in to anything that has Kate's voice coming across the speaker. Even the promo's are getting on my nerves. Has anyone on this blog ever enjoyed watching movies or slides of others' vacations? We are polite enough to look at photos of our friends', but enjoying it is another matter. It's past time for this farce to end. Vote with your remote, please.
Shouldn't both parents have to approve such a dangerous stunt as Cara diving off a building? All of this is just playing into Kate's entitled attitude. Remember "mine, all mine." Must apply to the children as well as the property. Kate will not be put in her place until the show stops, guest spots stop, and she is nearly broke. The sooner the better.
There are several videos of NZ SkyJump on Youtube including one of Paul Henry's mother, an elderly lady of eighty or so taking the leap so to speak. She was a hoot to watch. It's wired and appears safe and they can control the speed at which the person drops. If you're not afraid of heights and like the rush I guess it's right up your alley.
I only hope they didn't force Cara to do this if she was scared and didn't want to. On the other hand, I'm sure the people who operate the jump were more than happy to push Kate off a tall building.
Administrator said...Am I allowed to watch for the recap?
You are allowed to do anything you want. If you do decide to watch you might want to turn down the volume. I'm sure Kate's screeching on this episode will crack the decibel meter.
DD and I record Jimmy Fallon every night and watch whenever we can. We are watching Friday night's show, and one of his opening jokes was this: "TLC has announced new episodes of Kate plus 8 will begin showing next week. and they will show a new episode every week until Gaddafi surrenders."
OMG! I highly recommend watching the April 1 Jimmy Fallon show online, just to see Stephen Colbert and the Roots and surprise guests sing "Friday". It is REALLY FUNNY (and K8-free.)
I just love the picture of Kate, Mady, and Cara holding the koalas. The koalas in the twin’s arms appear calm and contented. The poor koala that Kate is holding is obviously uncomfortable and giving the ground a VERY significant look. That is one unhappy koala—he wants to be put down NOW!
In what, five minutes, that koala got the measure of Kate faster than the sheeple have in five years. Good koala!
My son has done that, I soooo wanted a turn!!! So much fun...he's been asking to go back, but we're saving for my husband's new truck so we are budgeting every cent we get. Of course my son deserves to have fun, but I'm pretty good at finding things we can do cheaply or free. In the summer, there are TONS of things going on that are free, like a concert series in the park, etc. Kids are happy with that kind of thing, they don't always need material things.
For a long time I've worried these kids are going to have a hard time feeling content and satisfied in life or have things to look forward to. They have already been shown and experienced some of the most thrilling and amazing things in life. All this travel, amazing vacations, meeting prominent people like Sarah Palin, bungee jumping. On its face you might think how very cool for them. But what do they have to look forward to now?
Exactly, Admin! I have been saying this for some time. I remember when I was a teenager and wanted to do everything at one time. I thought I had to have it all, and my parents could well afford to provide me with so much. However, they didn't! My mother's reasoning was the same as yours -- if I did it all then, what would there be left to look forward to? I can hear her saying this time and time again. I am so glad that I wasn't handed everything, even though they could have done so.
I wonder what will happen when these kids get older and they've done everything and seen everything. They will feel entitled. You can't get away from that. You cannot go from running the base lines with the Phillies to sitting back in the stadium with the common people; you cannot be happy on a trip to the Jersey Shore and simply walking on the boardwalk without expecting to have backstage passes to hang out with a celebrity at a show. That's ALL they have known. It's not like they went from an ordinary kid and then found fame.
It's going to be tough for them, and Kate has no clue because I think that she believes that their "fame" is going to last forever, and it's all a matter of knowing somebody to get you "in" wherever you want to go. And, in a sense, she might be correct. However, even that gets old after awhile. For some reason, she thinks that she has something to prove to someone. Who? Her parents? Her siblings? Beth? I think that for her, it's just having one up on the next person...for her kids to be able to say, "Oh, I hung out with Bindi in Australia; or I watched the concert from backstage with Taylor Swift's friends. It's all about IMPRESSING people. However, there's going to be someone who has done as much as you have or more, who knows more people, and you are never going to be satisfied.
That's when the bad behavior, the drinking, the drugs, all begins. We can only hope that these kids will follow the path of the celebrity kids who got their act together before the fame destroyed them. Of course, there's always the chance that they will be tired of being rich and famous and and would be happy going to the beach with their friends, "slumming" it at a Day's Inn, just to get away from that other lifestyle. One can only hope.
Administrator said...Am I allowed to watch for the recap?
I think you should watch because this way many won't watch not even out of curiosity because they know they'll get the details here and watch it a couple of days later(if they can stomach it of course) on Youtube. I've seen a couple of previews online and I have no desire to watch the full version on Youtube it's just to boring. You will definitely be tortured but if it helps with the dropping of the ratings and if you're willing to then my opinion is you should at least TRY to watch(I know it can't be easy)
I'll always remember my dad telling me about a Twilight Zone episode (before my time!) in which the character was living on his own planet and got everything he wanted just handed to him, all the best food and money and wonderful things. And at the end of the episode he asked where he was. And he was told...hell. For a Twilight Zone episode, talk about profound.
I think this is one of the biggest reasons that so many celebrities get into drugs and booze and other negative things. When everything is just handed to you, you lose the fun of anticipating things and working hard. You lose the fun of having to wait, be patient, bide time. You lose this idea that there is always something bigger and better over the next hill to climb, you lose the motivation to climb the hill because you already have what is on the other side. The only thing you have left to do is to try to use other substances to get that same "high" feeling that normal people get just by living life.
It's the old cliche half the fun of life is getting there. When you remove the "getting there" you remove a huge part of the satisfaction.
This is what people who support Kate and her values do not understand. They value the "things" themselves. They think this is what the kids need, the things. In contrast, we value the getting there, and this is what we think kids need--to experience the getting there. And I couldn't believe more strongly, and I know all of you do too, that what makes a full life is the journey TO the things, not the things themselves.
I was going to say she looked like a boggle head (is that what they call them)? Her head is looking way too big for the rest of her body these days. The smile was one which says yes I am doing this and yes I appear to be happy about it so there. She is the only person on the face of the earth that I would ever say a bad thing about (aside from a dictator of a suppressed nation who is practicing genocide). Sorry - but quite frankly, she asks for it.
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