August 2010 Kate sells the children's clothes at a consignment shop, a big smile on her face. ($$$!) Makes you wonder if that's why she's always telling the children not to get dirty.

Circa 2008-2009, Church speaking engagements Even as Jon and Kate Plus 8 really started to bring in the money by the tens of thousands, Kate and Jon continued to ask for "love offerings" at speaking engagements and sell photos of the children for $20 a piece. Cash only. How many middle and lower-middle class church-goers dipped into their savings or social security checks to help this "struggling" family? Perhaps at $250,000 an episode now, Kate could pay some of these people back.

224 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 224 of 224 Newer› Newest»Just a few product placements we've seen over the years:
Juicy Juice
Love Peace World t-shirts
Cadillac (those cars the kids got)
Nationwide insurance (Jon pretending to be looking for motorcycle insurance)
Did Jon wear those Ed Harley shirts while he was filming, or was it later? I forget.
Just a few product placements we've seen over the years:
Juicy Juice
Love Peace World t-shirts
Cadillac (those cars the kids got)
Nationwide insurance (Jon pretending to be looking for motorcycle insurance)
Did Jon wear those Ed Harley shirts while he was filming, or was it later? I forget.
JudyK said...
Glad to see there are a few others who find Twitter as inane as I do, and, no, I am not on Facebook, either. I really value my privacy and email works just fine for me. Oh, and I don't talk on my cell phone in the grocery store, either! LOL.
Ditto to everything you just said, JudyK! I have no need for any of it! I also highly value my privacy, and that of my family. I always say if there is something I want someone to know, I will tell them directly either in person, via email, or the phone.
Do you think that Kate still believes the paps are swarming her, lying in wait, just to grab that one photo of her and the kids that is going to make every newspaper, every tabloid, every internet site? Can she be that delusional?
Enough of the 8 said...
First of all, I just found this site and it is great and second,
does anyone know if she still get free clothes from Gymboree?
I know that the kids were wearing new Gymboree clothes on the cover of People last spring, but I noticed that the matching Gymboree clothes that the girls were wearing at Giant foods were from a Gymboree line that came out in July 2009. I thought that was a bit odd. It makes me think maybe Gymboree cut her off? Anyone know?
I saw the boys wearing current Gymboree in the Tennessee airport pictures. And yes, last year on the people cover they were wearing outfits from the Spring holiday line (that was current at the time). That being said I believe they were cut off by Gymboree for grabbing too freely and that she only purchases these new clothes for filming purposes if she gets some sort of wardrobe allowance.
The fact that the tup girls are wearing two year old Gymboree dresses points to either one of two things. Either the kids are not growing that much or Kate grabbed clothing beyond their current sizes for the kids to grow into, being her usually greedy self, knowing that the freebies may not last forever - hence, a good reason why she was cut off!
Glad to see there are a few others who find Twitter as inane as I do, and, no, I am not on Facebook, either. I really value my privacy and email works just fine for me. Oh, and I don't talk on my cell phone in the grocery store, either! LOL.
Didn't Jackie date the Prince? (Roseanne) :)
LOL, got that! I figured somebody would! Jim Varney (Ernest) was in the role of Carlos. He died in 2000 from lung cancer.
Enough: No more Gymboree. She got a bit too enthusiastic about the freebies and she was cut off.
Hippie -- I posted earlier about the Sheriff and I thought it was in June of last year, with the Sheriff coming to arrest us in August. I wasn't sure about that, but I checked, and that letter is still available on GWOP. It was June 18, 2010, if anyone wants a good laugh.
JudyK said...
No one will agree with me, but I think Twitter is pure stupidity, and I'm amazed anyone spends their time that way.
Raising my hand here, JudyK. I think it's ridiculous. Nothing is private anymore. Why does a person need to see what someone else is doing, and furthermore, why do we care that someone had an awesome and amazing prime rib dinner at the local Rawhide Eatery? I can kind of understand Facebook (not totally, but sort of) can connect with friends you haven't seen in ages and ages, BUT here again, if you choose, Facebook users can make everything about his/her life public, including photos of the last vacation (who wants to see pictures of family vacations, except those who were there, and they already know where they went anyway). I had to laugh when Betty White said that in her day, seeing pictures of people's vacations was considered a punishment. It reminds me of those darn Christmas letters, where we find out that little Johnny, who we all knew was a bit "off" and was expelled from school in 8th grade for taking a butcher knife to school, is now a famous neurosurgeon; or Becky, whose three marriages were annulled at ages 14, 15 and 16, respectively, is now married to Prince Carlos Charmagne from Moldavia.
Isn't it strange how somehow we all grew up without Twitter, Facebook, etc., and we managed to stay connected, never suffered traumatic stress or emotional deprivation, and never had to seek therapy because we didn't know what our favorite celebrity was doing every minute of the day?
To each his own; some love it, and good for them. It's available, and they can go for it, making whatever public they choose to make public, and have a great time doing it. It's available, and it's a personal decision if one wants to utilize it. Me -- not so much!
No one will agree with me, but I think Twitter is pure stupidity, and I'm amazed anyone spends their time that way.
I was just watching a Kathy Griffin comedy show on Bravo. She gave some dirt on when she was on the View awhile back. Apparently, Latoya Jackson was supposed to cohost when Kathy Griffin was on as a guest, but she refused, & the View needed someone as backup right away, so they got Kate Gosselin. That was why she hosted at least one time. Good to know. Kate wasn't a first choice! Haha!
I didn't see your post when I posted about the "sheriff". Sorry!! I need to scan first!! :)
Folks, take it down a notch over my comparing Madonna to Kate. Please, read my comment for content and try to refrain from injecting words and meaning that simply are not there.
To the extent that both women have used rebranding themselves as a means of staying popular, granted on different levels, my comment is inherently true. My allusion did not go beyond that one, simple observation.
Thank you and please move on.
~ big wave ~
Oops, ignore the fact I misspelled a name there, it's late and I'm tired.
"And for the sheeple on Twitter and ROL who have made it their lives to tell Jon what to do - why not tell Kate to give back what she owes to people?"
A good beginning of "giving back" would be for her to reimburse the taxpayers of Pennsylvania who funded that first year of free care for the children.
What do the sheeple think about her bilking all of that money from unsuspecting churchgoers who reached into their pockets and gave love offerings at the same time the Gs were shopping for a million dollar home? Have the sheeple ever addressed that, and if so, how do they explain it? Do they believe that there's nothing wrong with what they did, and that if given the chance, they'd do the same thing? Probably so...
"Jon stole money ." Well Kate stole money from the joint account as well. They both returned the money per the judges order but Jon is the only one that they blame. They need to stop drinking that Kate Jesus juice and get real. Granted ...Jon has made mistakes but he's working to get his life back. More than I can say for Kate. Kate is simply living off the backs of her kids and now pretending to do charity to keep her name in the news because no one wants to watch this train wreck anymore.
Kate's contribution at the Charity event ? No charge for her signature on her autographed picture. Excuse me while I go throw up.
Does anyone remember when "The Sheriff" aka "Kate's new spokespernon" posted at GWOP that we were all getting arrested? Wonder if the employer caller and "The Sheriff" are one and the same?
LOL, yes! I was thinking about that. The sheriff gave a time frame for the arrests. Wasn't the warning given in June of last year, and declared that that beginning in August, she/he would be Kate's new spokespernon? This lunatic said that she/he was going to get all the dirt on everyone, including credit checks, background checks, employment history, etc. and we would all go to jail. Who was going to do this? The sheriff said that a private investigator was hired.
Why does Kate evoke all of these nutcases?
And for the sheeple on Twitter and ROL who have made it their lives to tell Jon what to do - why not tell Kate to give back what she owes to people? I can imagine it's a lot.
Calling employers..... creepy and disturbing, but not surprising nonetheless!
Does anyone remember when "The Sheriff" aka "Kate's new spokespernon" posted at GWOP that we were all getting arrested? Wonder if the employer caller and "The Sheriff" are one and the same?
To E-town Neighbor said...
Yes, Jon does need a bodyguard. The sheeple who said Kate is going to call the employers has also said Jon should be in a car accident and end up in a coma for six months. I honestly fear for Jon's safety because of this sheeple, she's tweeting him every day.
Note to Khate's #2 fan: Only six months, huh? Not eight months and two days? How are you going to calculate that exact timeframe into your devious plans? That's downright horrible, I don't care who you are.
I'm actually glad I lost my personal bet of the crazy fan being a kid - I will be donating it to the relief effort in Japan.
Ellen's tried to stop her, the fan thinks she hasn't done anything wrong yet keeps attacking Ellen and Jon.
It's funny to watch the sheeple say how great Hailey's blog is. I'm getting some good laughs from it.
Yes, Jon does need a bodyguard. The sheeple who said Kate is going to call the employers has also said Jon should be in a car accident and end up in a coma for six months. I honestly fear for Jon's safety because of this sheeple, she's tweeting him every day.
Not sure if it's a lead sheeple, or one of the flock. Now that you mention it, Jon should get some sort of protection from people like her/him as well. They all know where he lives, where he works, etc. I would be a bit concerned.
I would certainly think that if this sheeple is as aggrieved as it appears he/she is, Jon would have been alerted, and authorities been advised, with documentation (the rantings) kept on file in the horrible event that anything should happen. We've seen cases in the past where nutjobs go beyond letters, phone calls, rantings and ravings, and become so obsessed that they take matters into their own hands. I'd be concerned, and would have alerted authorities...better be safe than sorry. It wouldn't be difficult to track down such a person and obtain his/her identity.
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