After leaving the kids alone for most of 2011, Chris the lone paparazzo is back--incidentally, just before a new episode of Kate Plus 8 airs. And some impressive sleuthing over at the Grapevine reveals an interesting rap sheet with a history of DUIs, a suspended license (which lifts this April) and an order as recent as April 2010 to attend an in patient alcohol program. Chris has also been charged in the past (though not convicted) of stalking, harassment, and burglary. When you force your children to be famous, you cannot control as easily who is around them.
We're reminded of the several times the children's dental issues have been used to make money and entertain us, especially this trip where the more distraught Alexis was, the closer the camera got. Raise a child with respect, dignity and privacy, and they will learn that all people are to be given the same. But disrespect a child, and they will learn to be disrespectful right back. (Incidentally, it was Alexis who, along with Collin, was suspended from kindergarten this year, many reports indicate for their disrespectful behavior toward the teachers and students.)
191 sediments (sic) from readers:
And we are to believe no one is calling them to get pics taken??? I mean it's been how many weeks without a single ounce of news on them, now 2 weeks away from the show premiere she reappears?? those poor kids.
Set up, set up! We are so being played by this woman and TLC. Those poor little rich kids! Who do you know that gets a professional hair-do and puts on "hooker" heels prior to taking the kids to the dentist? Why, it's Kate, of course. Getting ready for the new season, don't you think?
We do know one thing. Kate can save a bundle of money on jackets and coats. The kids are wearing their winter jackets, but there's Kate with the "girls" on display. It was very chilly yesterday - not a day to be outside without a coat. Before anyone asks if the children were pulled out of school to go to the dentist, Lower School kids had the day off for conferences.
If she continues with the high heels constantly, she's going to end up with really screwed up veins in her legs.
My stepdad's mother wore high heels daily (even at home) and her legs were horrifically swollen. After two hospitalizations for this, Mum managed to convince her doctor about the shoes. She's under doctor's orders to never wear heels again (she's in her eighties) and her legs are no longer swollen, she's not in any pain and no longer at risk of developing blood clots.
Venous insufficiency and the risk of clots aren't worth it, Kate. Clots will kill you.
I don't usually notice or care about these sorts of things, but I'm getting a chuckle out of her carrying the same purse she had a few days ago on her night out in NYC. That's one versatile handbag!
Oh my word, she really does not have about dressing herself, does she?
I like the blurb about how she has to have her hair professionally blown out and wear heels to take her kids to the dentist-ahem-go on a "manhunt". I guess the snark is spreading! She is simply addicted to attention and those pics are another prime example of it. In the beginning it was the twins in the decorated stroller, then it was the belly the size of a blimp, then it was the tups...etc, etc., now it's the comments she gets on her appearance.
What a shallow existence she lives.
So nice to see she recycles her accessories. If it's fancy enough for a night out on the town in NYC...it's dang well fancy enough to take my kids to the dentist in. (see earrings) (oh...and handbag)
SO predictable! Here she goes again exploiting the kids just to get some coverage in advance of the upcoming new episode (where, again, the kids are exploited). If anyone in the world believes that a photographer just happened to be in the dentist's office parking lot, or was staking Khate out and followed her there, I have a bridge to sell you.
And since Khate clearly arranges these ridiculous photo ops and does her hair, makeup, and chooses her clothing accordingly, anyone has free range to comment on her appearance as far as I am concerned. Again with the no coat even when it's been so cold. You know she just cannot wait for really warm weather so she can strut all her new spring and summer outfits and heals. Pathetic. She really looks completely ridiculous wearing those shoes with that outfit in the afternoon. It just does not go at all!
As for the bag, I know people here commented on it when she had it in NYC last weekend when she went out on the town, and here it is again. But, this little wristlet bag is not new. I specifically recall that she began using this smaller bag several months ago, maybe even last fall, in the various parking lot shots. The reason that I remember it is because it was so different for her since she usually carried rather large bags before that.
I have to admit, I called it...(and so did a few other people here)
If you look back a few posts...we were talking about how quiet it was in the G-front.
Then we said, just wait until a couple of weeks before the show airs...there is Kate in a controversial setting (out partying it up in NYC the kids on a custody weekend)
Now she's mom of the year (taking her kids to the dentist)
Next will come some 'issue' with Jon.
Then she'll do the parade of talk shows saying 'oh...pity me'.
It's the same old game..
If you called it previously..RAISE YOUR HAND!
How is Chris the pap driving all this time if his license is suspended? If the Gosselins or Steve (some security expert) wanted him to stop taking photos, especially of the children, someone could have called the cops so he would have been arrested and his car impounded.
I could be mistaken...but...if you look at image 5 on the INF site, I believe that Kate has a wig of some sort on. What do you think?
I don’t usually comment on how Kate looks, etc., since it seems counterproductive to the original premise of being a voice for her slave-children, but I have to say, constantly carrying her phone in one hand (when she has 8 young kids to handle/watch out for) and a teeny purse makes her look like a total fool. She must think it makes her look like a hot commodity; in great demand. If that's the case, she's only fooling herself. Everyone else knows better.
She does have some sort of wig on...her hair is too thick.
I think she is wearing a wig also or some sort of hairpiece. The hairline looks a little artificial. Her hair also looks especially thick and more golden. It was very thin, bleached out and stringy in the shots from last weekend.
Colin looks annoyed to see Chris in his face once again. However, I am sure he was warned, under penalty to severeness, not to cover his face anymore (since it makes Mommy look bad).
I am wondering if they were filming this dentist visit? The kids are all matchy-matchy and Kate looks like she is in full stage make-up.
How many dentist trips have they filmed now? I hope thy didn't film this too. Under any other circumstances a child's medical and dental records are confidential.
Big deal TLC. Does this make Kate a supermom AGAIN? So she takes her kids to the dentist, don't all mothers do that?
You know there are some things that are better kept private for most of us. One of them is a trip to the cooter doc and another is what your dentist sees when he looks in your mouth. Since Kate's all for opening that big yap of hers why doesn't SHE sit down in the dentist chair and let the camera peer into that gaping hole on her face? Hey it was good enough footage when the kids were FORCED to do it for an episode. I'd even tune in to watch if they wired her jaws shut.
Is Kate willing to film her dentist visits, her bouts of constipation, her vomitting? I don't recall any episodes about that.
No, we haven't Admin. And if this is all about KATE + 8, maybe it's time we did. If they want ratings let's see them film Kate on the throne with a bad case of the screaming you-know-whats.
I'm not sure it's a wig. I just think she hasn't washed it in a few days. In the NYC shots, her hair looked thinner because it had product in it to make it look shiny and rather flattened it as a result, but the streaks of color appear to be in the same places in both sets of pictures.
I'm hoping whatever child is her caretaker in her twilight years will happily film, package and market Kate's most humiliating moments.
Chris the pap has been taking photos and videos of the children at their home, Jon's apartment, bus stop, dentist, doctors, etc and has followed and stalked them continuously. The pap's license has been suspended since last April. He shouldn't have been driving for the past year, much less invading the children's privacy, taking and selling their photos and videos. It's just a shame that no one close to the children did anything to stop this.
Many of you called a pap blitz before the new show! It cannot be coincidence that after a couple of months of lying low, suddenly a pap just shows up at the dentist's office. Maybe Kate drove Chris so he wouldn't have to drive! Win-win! Just kidding.......
Boy, she does need a stylist. The outfit is OK, cute even, but the shoes are just wrong on every level. It's really kind of sad that she can't see that (over and over). Physicaly, she's not unattractive but she sure doesn't know how to play up her strengths. Plus, the attitude continues to come out, which doesn't help.
To wth, this person is around the kids. I don't get your comparison. You aren't concerned about all the people their mother's relentless quest for fame has exposed them to? Chris is probably the least of their worries.
I guess I'm hypersensitive to DUI since my friend's sister was killed by a drunk driver.
Is she shopping for another baby?
Stupid is said...
I'm hoping whatever child is her caretaker in her twilight years will happily film, package and market Kate's most humiliating moments.
Bingo. Perfectly said.
What a tool. Normally I’m all for high heels (being only 5’4” myself) but peek-a-boo stilettos with cargo pants? Seriously? Her outfit would have worked better with a wedgie shoe or even an ankle boot.
Just please don't comment on the INF article. As it is, it's pretty far down the page, it'll fall to the second page by the end of today and it only has four comments.
I want INF and everyone else to see that she's not worth posting about anymore, so they'll stop with her.
And yes, obviously this was set up, all of these recent pics are to try to get people to watch the April 4th show, but I think it's hilarious that TLC put it at 10 pm. That's a death knell slot. The numbers will be lower than ever. Even people who watched it for the trainwreck aspect have stopped watching. If anything happens that is particularly interesting (and it won't), you can always see clips online the next day.
Don't watch, don't comment at places like INF or Radar (the only two mainstream celeb blogs that even mention her anymore, by the way).
And yes, she's 35 and looks 45. I swear it's the tanning. It'll age you faster than anything. She's already getting that boot leather looking neck women get when they are much older or tan a lot.
Now the sheeple are saying Chris should follow Preesi around and out her for revealing Chris's info.
Typical. They don't care about who hangs around the kids. Can't they care about the kids just ONCE?
Let me get this straight, the criminal background of someone following the children around in their private lives is just fine, but someone who is blogging about the seriousness of this should be outed and lose their job. They really don't care one ounce about these kids.
And that's why we have whistleblower laws because of people like that.
I bet if Charlie Sheen hung around the 8, the sheeple would say that's just wonderful, and ignore the fact Charlie has been abusive to women in the past.
More undeserved attention for Kate & her innocent children.
OT: Anyone hear of George Lopez's attempt at
being funny (calling Kirstie Alley a pig).
I love Kirstie Alley's response-
I WANT YOUR X's kidney now!
Take that George Lopez [raspberry sound]
The sheeple also say Chris is hounding or stalking her.. that his rent must be due. Ha Ha.
Then they are all jumping on some story of a pap getting peppersprayed by a celeb because the pap was filming the kids, and that celebs should be able to say stop taking pictures of their kids, OK then what does that say about Kate and her kids as photographed by Chris? Is he stalking her or she allowing him to shoot? The sheeple are a confusing bunch... they want it both ways and argue that he is stalking her.
Looks to me like she told them to get out of the van and run, run, run as soon as their feet hit the pavement. Usually she has them get out, stand around, and they walk as a group. I would agree that this will show up on a TV screen as part of an episode. Dressing alike is the first giveaway on that. Making something look like a good time with Mommy is the second clue.
She's smiling in most of the pictures. So are the kids - at least the girls. That's unusual.
I wonder if they had to do any retakes on this.
Yep, this will show up on an episode.
Now the sheeple are saying Chris should follow Preesi around and out her for revealing Chris's info.
Obviously the sheeple don't know that his history is a matter of public record that anyone could find on the internet. that's why it is called PUBLIC record. Sheeple, visit the online dictionary. They probably think that preesi did some evil deed, bribed someone or followed him around to get the "dirt" on him!
Let's not forget that background checks were not required for anyone, e.g., the crew, who followed the kids around everywhere, and even were in the bathroom filming the kids without an adult present. So it should come as no surprise that they don't care if Chris is part of the paid entourage.
"Since Kate's all for opening that big yap of hers why doesn't SHE sit down in the dentist chair and let the camera peer into that gaping hole on her face"
Better yet -- why not follow her around for her OB/GYN visit? Let's get a pic of her Spread Eagle and expose her (literally) to what it feels like to have embarrassing medical visits filmed.
The Sheeple can cram it. Everything compiled on Chris is a matter of public record. Just because they are too inept to find their way around online court systems and Google to see who it is that continues to stalk The Gosselins in their day to day routines. They should be thankful that someone is looking out for their beloved Lot Lizard. The security detail sure doesn't seem to give a rip.
The sheeple were sure enthused with tracking Jodi and Kevin's mortgage information. They don't care at all about those children.
If they admit Chris is stalking them why can't they just agree someone with that kind of background probably shouldn't be around these kids? We don't have to disagree on everything, it's ok to find some common ground. The sheeple are welcome to run my background, because I have none. But the bloggers are the danger to these kids?
Great call about the hypocrisy of jodi's mortgage.
It's the same old game..
If you called it previously..RAISE YOUR HAND!
I can raise half a hand. I figured that they couldn't let a good day off from school go without some kind of publicity -- either filming or photo ops! It is SO predictable, no element of surprise at all anymore!
BerksPa said... I have to admit, I called it...(and so did a few other people here)
If you look back a few posts...we were talking about how quiet it was in the G-front.
Then we said, just wait until a couple of weeks before the show airs...there is Kate in a controversial setting (out partying it up in NYC the kids on a custody weekend)
Now she's mom of the year (taking her kids to the dentist)
Next will come some 'issue' with Jon.
Then she'll do the parade of talk shows saying 'oh...pity me'.
It's the same old game..
If you called it previously..RAISE YOUR HAND!
Raising hand!
Same old predictable crap.
Honestly, I think posting that type of information is an invasion of privacy, whether it's Chris' from INF criminal report or Jodi's mortgage or Jon's place of work or whatever. There should be a line drawn and not crossed - if we complain about the kids' privacy being violated, we should refrain from invading someone else's, on principle if for no other reason. JMO.
I have to say, one of the funniest things i notice in every photo of kHate are her fake nails and how awkward she has to always hold her hands. It's always like they are wet and she is afraid to touch anything.
I cant imagine any of you REAL mothers out there being much of a mom when you cant get dirty and assist your kids with whatever they need. How does a mother of 8 do ANYTHING with those fake, lame nails?
How does one do dishes, make dinners, make beds, do laundry, help with homework, do yard work and generally clean up after and interact with ones children?
She is a travesty.
Public, the Grapevine didn't ruin Chris' livelihood, let's not blame the messenger here. Chris did it all by himself--he lost his license for a YEAR for pity sake. How did we do that to him again? Oh, right, he did it to himself. Seems to me having to have someone drive you everywhere or be in violation would be a real damper on your pap business. Not to mention, he was also ordered to complete an in patient alcohol program in 2010. Don't know too many programs that allow you to take fieldtrips out to photograph celebs. So Chris did it himself without our help. I doubt INF cares about his criminal history, I'm sure a lot of these paparazzi scum have much worse on them. They just want their money and their photos. They are not working with kids so no one would run their background. He's still submitting photos just like normal long after this rap sheet was published, I don't think he's worried.
And you know what, I will say this. I think if Jodi and Kevin paid off their mortgage with money made from an interview, that should be exposed. I'm not going to go around saying it was not ok to expose Jodi's mortgage but it is okay to expose Chris'. The problem with that is that it does not prove HOW she paid off the mortgage or whether she even just refinanced. It is a good indication she may have fallen into some money and you can put two and two together, but unfortunatly it is not proof. That said, I'm not going to object to this info being public. We should know all the facts. It should be public just as someone with a serious alcohol problem stalking the kids should be public.
It is utter apples and oranges to compare this to outting bloggers and you know it. Trying to destroy someone's livelihood because you don't like their OPINION is completely different from posting a public record of someone who cannot even DRIVE because of his decades long alcohol problem being around these kids all the time. I'm confused, why is Chris' livlihood more important than the safety of the children? We know he has to drive to get to photo ops, or have someone drive him. What if he gets behind the wheel drunk when he's following the van with the kids in it? Heaven forbid causes an accident? This has direct bearing on the safety and well-being of those kids. You should be a public defender. They spend all day trying to convince the judge and jury that none of this stuff is relevant. And usually, they lose.
Further, if I show up to the job drunk or I'm driving without a license, please report me to the state Bar. You SHOULD. It is your obligation as a good citizen. In fact many people have reported attorneys who have substance abuse problems, and people have lost their licenses. Attorneys should not be drunks, and paparazzi with this kind of lengthy drinking problem should not stalk kids. I would note that other than objecting to Chris taking photos, no one tried to "bring him down" until concrete evidence was put forth this man is a serious danger. And if you think alcoholics aren't a serious danger, just go chat with MADD. His opinion was that he should be able to invade the kids' privacy, and while we did not AGREE with his opinion, we did not try to "destory" his livlihood. Little did we know Chris was behind the scenes destroying it all by himself.
As for myself, I will never show sympathy for someone like this. Not when I watch my friend living her life without her sister and only sibling, who was killed by a drunk driver in 1995 when she was 16. SIXTEEN. Every wonderful moment I share with my sister over the years I think, my friend lost out on this. It's NOT fair. RIP Andrea. And since I know the sheeple are obsessed with me, I just came home from a post-op doctor's appointment, I took the day off.
Kate does look over the top for a dental appointment. But for a narcissist, everything is about portraying themselves outwardly. She wants to portray new riche, portray motherliness in public, portray herself as fashionable and hip mom, etc. But we know she is a sheep in wolf's clothing. She could had worn cute sweats with sneakers and looked less desperate.
If she was coming from work dressed like that I could see, but we know she does this, because she wants to maintain her new upper crust status in town. Thankfully she is not fooling anyone in PA.
Sillimom, I have to disagree. A pap with a serious criminal history stalking the kids? Heck yes his criminal history is relevant. Why is his privacy more sacred than the kids' safety? A mortgage paid off possibly with a check from the press? Yes, it's relevant. Possible exploitation of the kids is more important than their privacy in their finances.
Jon's workplace. Not relevant. Kate's workplace, not relevant either, if she ever gets one. I don't think her nursing license is relevant either, unless she tries to practice without one--we all know she isn't going back anyway so who cares. It depends on the situation whether "private" information should be disclosed. Someone like Beth who has clearly completely separated herself from this mess and has not been in the public eye in years? Then yes she has a better case that NOTHING about her should be disclosed, she's earned her privacy back.
As for the kids, they are kids, and had no say in whether they were going to expose themselves publically. Every single one of these adults DID, and chose to go public.
Sheeple are truly scary! How unhinged could these people actually be! The last time I had an obsession over a celebrity, I was a teen. I admit in the earlier days I was a mild fan of J&K plus 8, but that's it. Then when the true nature of Kate started to be revealed, I stopped watching the show, she was a fake and no one worth admiring.
Whoever the sheeple are they need to get a grip on reality, because Kate COULD CARE LESS ABOUT THEM!! All she wants from fans/sheeple, is for them to watch her show, so she can cash her $250,000 an episode check....that's it!! To Kate that is ALL they are good for. Any normal person could see what Kate is doing to her children is inhumane. How any adult could be a fan of hers and act this deranged, makes me wonder if any of her fans are grown ups. It could be teens stringing people along for fun with this craziness, pretty sick to think an adult could be this obsessed with a celebrity and even scarier if these fans/sheeple are parents!
How does a mother of 8 do ANYTHING with those fake, lame nails?
How does one do dishes, make dinners, make beds, do laundry, help with homework, do yard work and generally clean up after and interact with ones children?
You get used to it. I had acrylics for years, but got tired of getting fills put in every two weeks. Squared nails could be used for tools (in the absence of a screwdriver...they actually came in handy!) When I had the nails removed, it felt weird for awhile, but I wouldn't go back to it. I remember before acrylics, and I used glue-on nails, I'd lose them. I remember once when I couldn't find my thumb nail anywhere. When it was time for my child's diaper change, there it was...in the diaper.
Maybe it's just me, but I can't understand how she can walk around without a coat and exposed feet. Could be she's having hot flashes (perimenopause), but it's downright cold here, and windy...22 degrees last night. There are flakes of snow on my daffodils, and there she is with everything hanging out. We all know that she has boobs and toes, we don't really care, so who or what is she trying to impress? Chris?
"Honestly, I think posting that type of information is an invasion of privacy, whether it's Chris' from INF criminal report or Jodi's mortgage or Jon's place of work or whatever"
I disagree. He is responsible for his actions; nobody else. DUIs are reported EVERY DAY in our local newspaper, as are reports of driving with a suspended license. If a drunken driver kills someone, should that not be a story in the newspaper because it is an invasion of privacy? Should it be hush-hush, or does the public have the right to know who has been a danger on the roads?
Doesn't Kate call him? How can the sheeple accuse him of stalking if she's the one who lets him know where she and the kids are going to be? Heck, she even asked him for directions when she was lost in Wayne at Whole Foods, and he led her out to the main road!
Moose Mania said...
I disagree. He is responsible for his actions; nobody else. DUIs are reported EVERY DAY in our local newspaper, as are reports of driving with a suspended license. If a drunken driver kills someone, should that not be a story in the newspaper because it is an invasion of privacy? Should it be hush-hush, or does the public have the right to know who has been a danger on the roads?
Well said Moose and I couldn't agree more. I can't believe in this day in age a drunk driver is being cut this kind of slack and even defended over CHILDREN. These matters are public record for a reason. Because there is an interest in the citizens who DO follow the laws to know who isn't and keep themselves safe. I don't understand, even Kate claims she doesn't like the paps. Regardless what her actions suggest, the sheeple need to consult the playbook which says Kate hates the paps. So why are they defending Chris whom she hates? Just to be contrary to us? Their contrariness is finally catching up with them.
I have a question for Kate's fans. I wonder if they have ever had to move to a new city. When they moved, did they check out the local neighborhoods? Did they make sure to avoid the bad neighborhoods because of the crime? Take LA for example. Would you live in Compton, Downey, or Watts? Or would you go to the much safer west side, or maybe out toward Pasadena or Arcadia or Orange County. If you chose to live in those neighborhoods over Watts, you too are considering the criminal history of the residents there and actively using public records of crimes, if even the statistics, to shape your actions. Should all those records and crimes be private so that no one ever realizes the statistical dangers of Watts? Obviously not.
How about sex offender lists? I've checked those when I've moved--sorry was that none of my business? If you want to molest someone you lose your right to live in privacy. I sure as heck want to know where you live so that I don't move next door.
It would be a scary place if crimes weren't public. If you're going to commit a crime, be it drunk driving or whatever it is, you have no right to claim that's just between you and the courts. You lost your privacy the moment you got behind that wheel.
It looks like TLC told Kate she needs to smile more. Why else would she be smiling at nothing? Her hair does look a little like a wig. Either that or it's so damaged from the bleaching it looks like straw. She's so predictable. Yawn.....
Melissa, I did see Chris' home financing and divorce made public and I did not see it as relevant, which was why it was not included in this post. It was not "conveniently" left out but rather purposely not included. The rap sheet is relevant, and that is what was posted here.
You are still banned, but I have to say I completely agree with you, Chris' divorce and mortgage are not relevant whatsoever. We agree, okay? But you're still banned.
That said, no one here ever said they were relevant and I certaintly didn't include them in this post. Nothing was "conveniently" left out, it was left out because it's not the issue here. Making a post to say Chris got a divorce and has a mortgage but it's not relevant only calls attention to it.
Just because the grapevine went too far doesn't mean the rap sheet isn't relevant.
The Whole Foods incident, was that before or after his license was suspended? It was proof Chris was behind the wheel.
Like someone suggested, isn't purse boy doing his JOB and running background checks on those around the kids. If they hate the paps so much why didn't purse boy realize this guy had all these problems and call the cops on him the next time he drove up to where they were?
Moose, Kate gives us mixed messages. She says she hates the paps but her actions suggest otherwise. I guess I can understand why the sheeple aren't sure what their opinion is on this. I have a suggestion, get an opinion on your own based on your own knowledge and research without looking to the queen to tell you what your opinion is.
Since Steve is supposed to be the bodyguard and, while he appears to be on guard for Kate when she is out of town, he is also with her when she is with the children for filming purposes. I would think that one of his duties should be a background check of all persons who stalk the children as Chris appears to do on a regular basis.
If she hated paps so much she would have called for a police escort to the dentist.
How many times have the children been filmed/photographed at the dentist's office? Where is their privacy? How far does TLC have to go? If Chris is taking these pictures, he is doing so on a suspended license. Where is purseboy? What does TLC pay him for? Steve was with Kate in NYC last weekend for what reason? Why does she need protection and not the children? I know, lots of questions, but IMO each one is relevant to this continuing travesty.
I read the info on this Christopher Watts, but have no proof it's the same guy who takes Kate's picture. There are several people with the same name in the town I live - less than 2,000 people - so I can't make any assumptions there is only one Chris Watts there.
Even if it is one and the same, I remember when video was being shot outside the Gosselin gates. I remember there being another person in the driver's seat on a few occasions. I thought it was strange that Chris had brought someone along. I figured it was so he could shoot film while going down the road without killing someone.
Chris Watts lives in a Phila. suburb. According to Preesi's site and other reports, he has had many run ins with the law, whether convicted or not. Jon and Kate chose to put their children on tv, thus these are the consequences of their decisions. Jon has chosen to take another path lately and ask that his children be taken off TLC. Unfortunately the children's mother and TLC have chosen otherwise.
Administrator said...
The Whole Foods incident, was that before or after his license was suspended? It was proof Chris was behind the wheel.
It was June 19 of last year. Was his license suspended at that time?
I'm still more concerned about the grown men that are their good friends and allowed to be alone with them in the bathroom. Any remember Mady in the basement with a lone cameraman?
How about the nannies? All teenagers and they probably don't have background checks or have to get drug tested.
What does TLC pay him for? Steve was with Kate in NYC last weekend for what reason? Why does she need protection and not the children?
He is there to protect the public from her...so that she doesn't put her foot in her mouth, say something she might later regret and it be made public; or go off on someone in a hissy fit.
Regarding Kate being on the dating scene, I came across this link about Kate's dating. I don't remember seeing it before.
It mentions the coach she was supposedly seeing. Now I know the site could be untrue, but I thought it was funny what they said about the coach.
Does anyone know if Jamie is still in town?
If so, perhaps she is the photog?
Just thinking out loud here.
Remember the corn maze incident with WG and she had a picture of Chris and the caption said 'Chris has $$ in his eyes' and he was following the big blue van home from the maze. That was in October and he was driving then.
Can you do a new post based on the latest tabloid article of Kate at a nightclub in NYC...with sexy minidress on and cocktail in hand, while shamelessly flirtling with men?
I'd like for the church going folks who dipped into their pocketbooks in 2009 to see this. I want them to see what kind of person their love offerings went to. I'd LOVE for that nasty pastor who defended having Kate speak at his church, claiming she was a faith filled Christian woman, see who the real Kate is and how he was punk'd.
I wonder how drunk Kate got that night.
Zondervan must be so proud.
Anyone want to predict ratings on april 4 for Ms. Kreider's travel show? I predict lowest ratings ever for new ep, because I just realized:
April 4 will be NCAA basketball championship game- and I will be watching that. April 4 will be the third week of Dancing with them there Stars, and they have fun people on this season! I will be recording that.
TLC has scheduled the next new show on a bad day. Are they trying to send Ms. Kreider a message?
"I'd LOVE for that nasty pastor who defended having Kate speak at his church, claiming she was a faith filled Christian woman, see who the real Kate is and how he was punk'd."
Rev. Craig Yoshihara, formerly associate pastor of the Roswell (GA) UMC. Last I heard he was senior pastor at United Japanese Christian Church in Fresno, CA. I really doubt that he reads this blog, but the good people who gave the love offerings might stumble upon it.
April 4 will be the third week of Dancing with them there Stars, and they have fun people on this season! I will be recording that.
Kate's show is at 10 p.m. DWTS is on at 8 p.m.
Tip0ff for the basketball game, I think, is 8 p.m.
Perhaps TLC knew what it was doing putting it in the 10 p.m. time slot.
Jon was right when he said that Kate had no fashion sense at all. That is one of the most ridiculous looking get-ups I've ever seen her wear. It's right up there with the hooker outfit she wore to the Copy Depot. If she had any true friends (or, well, any friends at all) someone would maybe give her a clue about how to dress. We know that Jamie doesn't have a clue how to dress either after seeing what she wore to dinner in NYC. It's a crying shame to spend that much money just to look that cheap. TLC really doesn't give a rip about Kate's image, otherwise they would hire her a stylist. Maybe, just maybe, we're now counting down the minutes until Kate is GONE. When does her contract with TLC expire?
In Ohio, and, I imagine, in some other states, it is possible for people with license suspensions to drive legally. The judge specifies that they can drive for work purposes. So, if this is the Chris Watts who has the DUIs and suspended license, he may not be driving illegally. I'm not defending him. As far as I'm concerned anyone with even one DUI should have their license yanked permanently. However, I think we should have all the facts before we leap to conclusions. The stalking and harrassment charges likely stem from his trying to do his job. Burglary - I don't know. I don't think he is any more of a threat to the kids than most other people they encounter when they are in the public eye. For that matter, they are endangered when they are with their supposedly loving mother. Do I think the kids should be in a position to be stalked by the paps? No, absolutely not. But let's not lose sight of the fact that it was their parents who put them in that position, and their mother who continues to push them into the public eye.
Regarding the comment about Kate wearing a wig-look at image 8. It very much looks like a wig in that pic. Whatever it is I think it looks hideous. Again, it's a crying shame to spend that much money on something that makes her look like crap. That hair really does look just like straw. She ought to sue Ted Gibson.
Kate must have taken her happy pill. She looks positively thrilled posing for those pictures. For the comment about carrying the phone all the time, she MUST do that. She's SO important that her phone rings constantly and all of the calls are of the utmost importance. Honestly, I truly believe that she thinks we believe that. She is crazy as a bat.
In Ohio, and, I imagine, in some other states, it is possible for people with license suspensions to drive legally.
Readerlady: You're correct. PA does have an OLL, Occupational Limited License, or work license. Obviously, this is for work-related purposes only. One cannot go to work and stop in at the neighborhood bar to hoist a few with his buddies on his way home and not expect to get hit with another suspension.
Where does Chris fit into this? I didn't read his arrests/convictions.
Ava said...
Regarding the comment about Kate wearing a wig-look at image 8. It very much looks like a wig in that pic.
I really believe she's finally got those extensions out and that's her real hair. I see that Photo #8 looks like a wig, and Photo #7 has some weird wiry thing coming out of the top of her head. I know she has "thick hair", but
that looks like fishing line. Other than that,
I think it's all Kate in an unflattering cut.
Ava said...
Regarding the comment about Kate wearing a wig-look at image 8. It very much looks like a wig in that pic. Whatever it is I think it looks hideous. Again, it's a crying shame to spend that much money on something that makes her look like crap. That hair really does look just like straw. She ought to sue Ted Gibson.
Speaking of Ted Gibson, it looks like he might have given Khate the same cut and color job that he's now pushing as being "super hot for spring and summer":
People Magazine: Brooklyn Decker Chops 10 Inches Off Her Hair
She’s ready for spring! Just Go With It star Brooklyn Decker chopped her lengthy locks Tuesday, lopping 10 inches off her mane in the penthouse suite of the W Hotel in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. “I love!!” the model-turned-actress Tweeted, thanking stylist Ted Gibson and colorist Jason Backe for the new look. “Brooklyn’s updated, modern bob is on trend for 2011,” Gibson tells PEOPLE. “Shorter hair can be sexy, confident and super modern, and I think hair that is too long isn’t chic or fashionable right now.” Decker also changed up her solid blond hue, letting Backe add some dimension to her color. “I incorporated two trends: gold tones — super hot for spring and summer! — and bold, contrasting ribbons of blond,” he explains. “[We're] stepping away from the monochromatic or subtle tone-on-tone looks from the last few seasons.” Though Decker, who’s married to tennis star Andy Roddick, wasn’t able to donate her hair to Locks of Love — “my hair was colored so I couldn’t,” she told followers — she does seem to love the new do: she Tweeted three photos of it!
Another photo HERE
I really believe she's finally got those extensions out and that's her real hair. I see that Photo #8 looks like a wig, and Photo #7 has some weird wiry thing coming out of the top of her head.
It's not a wig. Wigs aren't that ugly. I thought that wiry thing was her antenna. Either that, or she's sending her "feelers" for a rich man.
Yeah, Ted Gibson strikes again. We're going to have HOM's of blonde streaked/darker hued hanging-in-the-face-locks all over America.
Brooklyn Decker's hair looks like she needs to find her hairbrush. JMO.
Predications for when the "new" shows/specials start airing again? I hope it will be very low.Reguardless of the BS that tlc is thrusting at us...I hope you wont watch.
Everyone here is smart enough to know that tlc is begging us to watch...taunting us to watch.Pls dont take the bait.YES I know many are tired of hearing the Dont Watch posts...
But really...thats all it will take..NO ONE watching will end the show.No ratings = no show.
Sorry if I offend anyone,but I believe there are more non-supporters watching than sheeple.For some reason "some" feel like they are missing out on something if they dont watch.
The excuses are getting old...I was in another room...my cat stepped on the remote...my 3 year old turned it on.I couldnt find the remote...ect ect.
The only way to help the kids is by NOT watching.Like I said..we already know that.
So I guess...time will tell.
Agree with Sport on the awkward way she always holds her hands. It clearly shows she feels she has to baby those nails (i.e., NO WORK done by those hands).
The stupid grin on her face at times just makes you go 'hmmmm', like, what the hell is she smiling at? And the look on the kids faces as they sprang out of the van were equally strange.
There really is nothing wrong with the outfit, other than the ugly shoes, she needed a coat (doesn't she realize the 'girls' feel the cold too?), her hair needed some 'doing', and when you're in charge of kids in a parking lot, you really need your hands free, so ditch the wristlet (is it a daytime carryall or an evening bag?), and you aren't the President so you don't need the 'red phone' with you at all times. You can wait and call weather/time when you get home.
Kate, most people want to leave when they're on top. Well, I know, you never really made it to 'star', but NOW would be a good time to leave before 'everyone' hates you. What's that? Oh, yeah, they already do. Well, except for the sheeple, although even those numbers aren't as high as they were.
I believe that on an interview with Kevin and Jodi they stated that they had never been paid for interviews. Does anyone have a copy of that?
Sport said...
How does one do dishes, make dinners, make beds, do laundry, help with homework, do yard work and generally clean up after and interact with ones children?
Oh Sport, it's not just that. Have you watched the preview clip of her walking (running) in NYC with those ice cream cones? Kate in heels is like watching some sort of new born calf learning to walk for the first time. Or something with a permanent stick in it's ass. She can't do it. Now, I am sure there are women here who wear heels all the time, to do their jobs, to go out, etc, & it's lovely. I wear heels too, when I have to go a wedding or funeral (and I despise it) and I'm sure the women here look like they've been walking in heels forever. Striding & gliding down the street, not jutting their ass out & constantly bending at the knee because they have no idea what the hell they are doing.
As for the nails, I don't have those either. Tried 'em, hated 'em. There are some women who can do wonders with nails, everything you stated. It does take getting used to. Kate is SO fake however. She never had the fakeys before. (She claimed she always wore heels too.) Again, the nail thing, you CAN get used to doing things things & they are really strong. I'm not defending Kate. They do make her look fake with all her new fake-ness, but women are resilient; we can garden in boho skirts & wedges if we have too. :)
I'm posting under anonymous because you all know me. My dad is an alcoholic & he has been going downhill for several months now. We have tried everything but nothing is working. He will not go to AA, he is old school, & thinks therapy is for "weak men". He drives drunk occasionally & a few weeks ago was my breaking point. I knew where he was going to be & I called the cops & told them where he was. He got pulled over & cited for drunk driving. I was nervous he was going to kill someone on the roads, & I know he would never be able to live with himself if he hurt someone or killed someone. I know I did the right thing. Was it harsh? Sure. Did I get a drunk driver off the road? Yes, & that is something I truly believe in because of my past. He has no idea & neither does anyone else. No one will ever know. I'm hoping this is the wake-up call for him to get him the help he truly needs. I can't say too much about how I feel about drunk driving, I know some of you may put 2 & 2 together. All I can say is that I was very strict about my feelings & did my best to keep them off the road. Thank you for letting me share this.
Anonymous thank you so much for sharing about your dad and know that you did the right thing.
Alcoholism cannot be accepted as a private matter, hush-hush, none of anyone's business. All that does is enable it to continue. If these people don't get help the end up out on the street hurting other people. It's only because of people like you it can be stopped.
Chris has DUIs going back to the 90's. This problem has been decades long for him. I hope he gets the help he needs and he overcomes this demon. In the meantime, I don't think he should go anywhere near these kids let alone a car. And therein lies the problem with forcing your children to be famous. When they're not famous you can control who is around them. If someone is around them you don't like you ask them to leave and if they don't you get a restraining order. But since Chris has a constitutional right to stalk these kids, there is nothing Kate can do. She did this to the kids, and now they are being exposed to endless scum, both in their real lives and with their images on TV.
Jon really was right when he said he exposed his kids to every....you know.
Any remember Mady in the basement with a lone cameraman?
I do, very vividly.
Mady is banished to the basement as a punishment (what else is new?) and the freaky camera person kept filming her as she was rolling around on the carpet, open legs to the camera. I was shocked.
"Mady is banished to the basement as a punishment (what else is new?) and the freaky camera person kept filming her as she was rolling around on the carpet, open legs to the camera. I was shocked."
I remember when I saw this and was beyond shocked that any mother would allow this to happen, much less to filmed and shown on national television. Doesn't Kate (or both of them at that time) see the final edited film and have any say as to what is shown? If not, they should; if they did, then shame on the parents.
I also remember one of the boys in the new house being filmed in the bathroom. No adult was with him other than the camera person. Jon was outside; Kate was in the kitchen. What parents in their right mind lets a member of a film crew alone with their child in a bathroom? I don't care how well they THINK they know that person, or if that person is considered a member of the family. You just don't do it!
Fidosmommy said, "Yeah, Ted Gibson strikes again. We're going to have HOM's of blonde streaked/darker hued hanging-in-the-face-locks all over America.
Brooklyn Decker's hair looks like she needs to find her hairbrush. JMO.
I looked at those photos and thought...she PAID to have that done? That looks exactly like my hair in my school photo in 11th grade when, right after playing in a basketball game, we were called to the auditorium to have our pictures taken. Nobody had a brush, so we ran in there, "combed" our hair with our fingers, and hoped for the best. Our "best" wasn't good enough, because our parents were mortified when they saw the results! We looked like something the cat dragged in...
Anonymous: Thank you for sharing that and THANK YOU for getting him off the roads! I'm sorry that he has a problem, but I have ZERO tolerance for drunk driving. I firmly believe that anyone that gets convicted just once of DUI should serve time in prison for the FIRST offense. I am continually amazed and appalled at how easy drunk drivers get off in our country. It seems like they get rewarded for their sheer luck that they didn't kill someone. Only when they cause a horrible or fatal accident do they seem to really be punished appropriately.
Call me crazy, but I also believe that anyone with ANY DUI offense should have a red sticker on their driver's license and on their license plates FOR LIFE, (to tip off police and other innocent drivers). Yes, I am harsh; like I said, zero tolerance, no excuses for putting innocent people's lives in jeopardy. It is well documented that drunk drivers continue to drive drunk again and again, and again. They drive with suspended licenses also, taking their chances.
I speak as an attorney who has just about seen it all, including the disgusting leniency that courts have given to drunk drivers, as well as the horrific and deadly aftermath of drunk driving accidents. I also speak as someone whose friend's mother was killed by a drunk driver.
Anonymous, you did the right thing and I greatly admire your strength. I'll pray for you and your father. It is never to late for change.
...Apparently BM is losing so much sleep because she is up all night surfing for articles about Kate that she is losing sleep and needed advice from Dr. OZ.
Thank you Admin & Nobody Likes a Narcissist...
It's been a struggle knowing if I did the right thing, but deep down I know I did. I'm not a martyr. I HATE drunk drivers. I feel I used to contribute to the amount on the roads, but as I said, I was very strict about my policy & never let anyone drive drunk. My dad has not been behind the wheel since & has not opened a beer either. My mom & him have been talking a lot & him & I had a conversation today. He "told me what happened". I acted shocked & appalled, I cried & told him I was glad nobody got hurt. He was very stoic & promised me it would never happen again. He has a court date coming up soon & he is terrified. He's afraid he won't be able to get to work, his license will be revoked, etc. I told him he was stupid & it was bound to happen. I wasn't beating around the bush. He admitted his stupidity & again swore it would not happen again. I hope I can believe him, because if I have to, I'll do it again, AND I will call the liquor commissioner on the bar that is over serving.
Drunk driving is devastating. I've seen a lot of good people get hurt & killed over the years because of it, especially bikers. I refuse to sit back & see my dad be affected because of it. Thank you again for letting me get this off my chest. I have kept this inside, my husband doesn't even know.
Anonymous, you did the right thing. It is just hard when it is family due to the guilt.
Years ago my brother and I went to my mom's house for dinner. He showed up drunk and then continued to drink the entire time. When I was getting ready to leave he decided he wanted to go to a bar that night so I told both of them that if he drove anywhere I was going to call the cops. Even though she agreed with me that he was too drunk to drive, my mother still attempted to lay a guilt trip on me that family does not call the cops on family.
So I resorted to Plan B - I pulled his carburetor wire and then threw it up on the roof. Just before I left I told her what I did - reverse guilt so to speak - if she was going to let him drive knowing he was too drunk then she first had to let him climb up on the roof to get the wire so the truck would start (I knew she would think he would break his neck getting up there and she didn't want the guilt).
My plan worked - she had to babysit him all night which was better than allowing him to drive his lethal weapon.
The next morning I had to go up to the roof to get the wire just in case I ever have to do this again (FTR she told him I took it with me and since this was before cell phones I was totally unreachable the entire night LOL).
Anonymous said...
I'm posting under anonymous because you all know me. My dad is an alcoholic & he has been going downhill for several months now. We have tried everything but nothing is working. He will not go to AA, he is old school, & thinks therapy is for "weak men". He drives drunk occasionally & a few weeks ago was my breaking point. I knew where he was going to be & I called the cops & told them where he was. He got pulled over & cited for drunk driving. I was nervous he was going to kill someone on the roads, & I know he would never be able to live with himself if he hurt someone or killed someone. I know I did the right thing. Was it harsh? Sure. Did I get a drunk driver off the road? Yes, & that is something I truly believe in because of my past. He has no idea & neither does anyone else. No one will ever know. I'm hoping this is the wake-up call for him to get him the help he truly needs. I can't say too much about how I feel about drunk driving, I know some of you may put 2 & 2 together. All I can say is that I was very strict about my feelings & did my best to keep them off the road. Thank you for letting me share this.
Anonymous, you have our support here.
Your dad has a long road ahead of him. I pray that he beats this disease, and I pray for your continual strength & patience with him. Unfortunately, unless he's ready- and really hits rock bottom, he will not seek help.
I know it hard when he's doing destructive things, but love him more- if possible.
Hang in there.
Your father is fortunate to have you in his life.
I, too, am using anon. I was seriously injured by a drunk driver. I've been to hell and back. The physical pain at times is debilitating, and the emotional pain never goes away. Your entire life changes for the worse, but you pick up the pieces and go on.
Thank you to the other anon for getting him off the road. That's one less potential accident victim who will not have to go through what I have gone through, or worse.
I totally agree with Nobody Likes A Narcissist. There needs to be much tougher laws for anyone convicted of a DUI. It's disgusting what they get away with. The whole work license is ridiculous. What's to prevent a drunk from taking swigs BEFORE that person goes to work? He's still allowed to drive, and unless he gets caught, nobody would be the wiser. He's on the road with a license, and unless he kills or injures someone, he can continue to drive as long as it's work related. There should be no exceptions, not even to drive to and from the place of employment. Let him take the bus, train, or car-pool!
I don't think Kate's hair has grown out totally yet. The new photos show a clear line where there is a difference in the hair and, at least to me, it is clear she still has those awful extensions. I don't know how that works, but they must be a royal pain to have to deal with every time you wash your hair. And think about using the curling iron or brush with the blow dryer how tangled it must get if you touch the extensions. What a pain. Sorry, it still looks like straw.
Anonymous, I admire your courage. I hope things go well with you and your family.
Anonymous, you absolutely did the right thing regarding your father. My best friend almost ran over me drunk 14 years ago. She no longer drinks. And Anonymous 2, I also admire your courage and can't begin to imagine what you've been through.
Too bad she doesn't care to think about who she allows around her children as much as all of us complete strangers do. This is a broad who cares nothing about anyone but herself. The world revolves around her (in HER head, and I didn't say in her mind because I think she lost hers, if she ever had one).
There is NO person in the world who disgusts me more than this woman. To 'engineer' this family through her quest for greed at the expense of the kids and their father should garner her the... can't even think of a word BAD enough to pin on her, so I'll just say if you EVER want to play pin the tail on the donkey, I know the PERFECT ASS for you to use.
barbee, I agree with you. This woman is VILE, rotten to the core, but don't worry; her day is coming. Karma is going to catch up with her ass and it's going to eat her up. I don't know what kind of person it makes me when I say that I CAN'T WAIT.
Anonymous, I was raised by an alcoholic father who drove drunk with my mom, my sister and I in the car all the time. You did the right thing and never doubt it. Anonymous 2, you're in my prayers.
I'm dealing with something along the same lines. My grandmother is 95, takes Alzheimers medication, can't remember what she did 10 seconds ago, and doesn't remember how to do the most basic tasks in daily life. My mother REFUSES to take away her car keys and my grandmother DRIVES regularly. So far she has gotten lost less than 3 miles from her home (where she has lived for 75 years) twice that I know of. In my mind, my grandmother's driving skills are no better than those of someone drunk. But as I said, my mother REFUSES to take away the car keys. I'm not asking for a response, just sharing the dilemma (sp?) I'm in.
Donna, your grandmother's doctor should be reporting her to the authorities and not allowing her to drive. You could call her doctor and explain the dilemma. I bet he/she doesn't even know that Grandma is still driving.I think it can come back on her doctor if he/she hasn't taken this step and there is an accident; at least I think it's that way in Canada, and Americans are much more litiginous than we are, so I'm assuming it's the same there.
IDModo, I had a great reply all ready to send and when I tried to Post Comment something screwy happened (like it sometimes does for some reason). Anyway, thanks for the suggestion but granny is in excellent health and only goes to the doc for checkups every 6 months. Doc spends about 5 mins. with her and sends her on her merry way. I don't think he'll want to get involved. You see, I live in a fairly small rural town and my mother holds a high ranking job there. She's very well thought of and everyone knows her. No one has the nerve to do anything about this situation.
Hippie Chick said... Sport said...
How does one do dishes, make dinners, make beds, do laundry, help with homework, do yard work and generally clean up after and interact with ones children?
Oh Sport, it's not just that. Have you watched the preview clip of her walking (running) in NYC with those ice cream cones? Kate in heels is like watching some sort of new born calf learning to walk for the first time. Or something with a permanent stick in it's ass. She can't do it. Now, I am sure there are women here who wear heels all the time, to do their jobs, to go out, etc, & it's lovely. I wear heels too, when I have to go a wedding or funeral (and I despise it) and I'm sure the women here look like they've been walking in heels forever. Striding & gliding down the street, not jutting their ass out & constantly bending at the knee because they have no idea what the hell they are doing.
As for the nails, I don't have those either. Tried 'em, hated 'em. There are some women who can do wonders with nails, everything you stated. It does take getting used to. Kate is SO fake however. She never had the fakeys before. (She claimed she always wore heels too.) Again, the nail thing, you CAN get used to doing things things & they are really strong. I'm not defending Kate. They do make her look fake with all her new fake-ness, but women are resilient; we can garden in boho skirts & wedges if we have too. :)
I will admit it I am a sucker for shoes, I love the look of them and have several pairs ( not just heels flats too) but I was at my husband's grandmother's funeral just this past monday, and I was in 3 inch heels for less than 3 hours and I was so much in pain, I tossed the shoes as soon as possible.
I used to relate to Kate when she was in her house in her grey comfy pants and bare foot, nothing wrong with a little pampering once in a while, but 4 inch heels everywhere you go?
My guess is that she doesn't walk a lot, hop out of the car go in Target for 30 mins, hop back in the car 10 min at UPS, hop back in the car 5 min pick up kids... and so on with Dick's sporting good and tanning salon and planet nails...on her longer walk ( NYC) you can see she took those shoes off... she doesn't actually do any serious walking... on trips she wears those foam wedge flip flops. In my opinion, her stilettos are just a way of making herself taller, she said it on Oprah. She acts like a little girl.. Suri Senior... that's another one of those cases, I will not elaborate on that.
you did the right thing. i wish i had the courage to do it years ago for my father. as a result of his heavy drinking, he had a stroke 5 yrs. ago; his health has slowly deteriorated since then (in addition to what the drinking was doing to him prior to the stroke).
now i visit him every day in a nursing home. i hope and pray that your father doesn't wind up like this. i love my dad; we were always close, and this is a living hell for me.
note to admin: LOVE your site!! i've been a lurker for 2 years. don't wnat to give katie-poo and her peeps the satisfaction of knowing that another person "cares" about her, even though it's in a negative way because she's a lousy mother. my mother is a narcissist who admires kate because, "both of our husbands left us." like kate, this woman is completely oblivious to the fact that she played a role in the deterioration of the marriage.
You posted that your mom is well thought of in the community and holds a high-ranking job there. Something to consider -- what would the community's view of her be if your grandmother were to, heaven forbid, cause a serious accident that would leave someone dead or permanently disabled? Would she be so well thought of if it were made public that your mother knew of your grandmother's Alzheimer's and that she was unwilling to take the keys away or do anything about a potentially dangerous situation?
Her physician would come under investigation because he, by law, must report a patient with Alzheimers who drives. This report must be sent to the DMV, who will make the person re-take the driver's test. If her physician knows that she has Alzheimers and is not reporting it, he is breaking the law. I would talk to the physician; if he won't comply, I would talk to law enforcement and ask them what your next step would be. I believe that you can also report this to the DMV.
I wouldn't let this go. You could be saving her life, as well as the lives of those who could find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time -- on the road at the same time as she is driving.
Donna, and anyone else with relatives who should NOT be driving but nobody wants to take away keys... check out your state's Dept of Motor Vehicles website or call. In Virginia a relative can report unsafe driver to DMV and it will NOT be revealed to driver that someone reported them. A coworker reported her mother, Mom thought it was just a random routine thing, she had to go into DMV and take driving test, and she failed of course. Your state may have similar laws/ regulations.
Has anyone watched the online video of Kate's Number One Sheeple on Dr. Oz? Preesi has the link posted. Since I had never seen this person, or a photo of this person, I wasn't sure what to expect, but I'm at a loss for words, and that doesn't happen too often!
Well blogger is really glitchy and just deleted my whole post--arg.
The main point of it is that this Dr. Oz thing just proves that some people love the spotlight and seek it out, and perhaps that's why they "identify" with Kate at least partly, and some don't want anything to do with this. I just don't understand why it is so hard for someone who loves it to understand why someone would not love it. I know we are all driven bonkers when we are told "we would do it too." No I would not do it too. I don't want to be on Dr. Oz, I don't want to be on any show, and I certainly don't want a reality show I don't care how many free trips I would get.
I think she has a pretty face and her accent makes me homesick, so shoot me!
I don't watch Dr. Oz a/k/a Dr. Doom...he makes my skin crawl. I also never go to any of the other Gosselin sites, so can someone post a link of this person--I'm curious. Thanks. (Oh, and I heard Kate say on The View--I think--that she always wears heels because they make anyone look slimmer.)
I have 8 siblings. (We made it through life, quite well, BTW, without a reality tv program) Our Mother was in the beginning stages of dementia. She would drive and forget where she was. All of us, went to her, took her car, sold it, took her to the DMV got an ID card, had her DL cancelled. Explained that the car first of all was too expensive insurance, upkeep etc. Which is true and she constantly complained about it, even though we paid all her expenses. PLUS we were worried when she forgot so much. She had no choice but to go along. We really think she was relieved. She has been quite happy bugging us for rides and being pampered that way. LOL This is fine with us. We not only thought about others on the road, but her as well. To do something about a loved one like this is real LOVE. Anyone who does it, should NEVER feel guilty or regret it. NEVER.
About BM. This is a woman who has boasted about running right out and buying Kate's shoes and her outfits. Really? I mean, hmm ok, I won't say anything else. But it does seem as if BM is projecting that "others" are jealous of Kate. My goodness.
People come in all shapes and sizes. Some are beautiful, some not so much. That's what makes humans so interesting.
BUT-to stand in judgment of others about how they look, relentlessly picking them to shreds as BM does about Jon & Ellen is not a wise thing to do when you're soliciting yourself to be on international television.
BM is a very vile woman when doling out criticisms whether it be Jodie,Kevin,or Nina. She and her fellow kool-aid drinkers ripped Werny Gal apart after her appearance on THS.
Her continual derogatory slams about how 'jellus' we all are and never ending sign offs spouting "Take that Haters!" just illustrates her spite.
She's just like her Hero Kate in the fact that she didn't use foresight to predict what the fallout might be. It might not be karma that BM is getting, but it's definitely a taste of her own medicine.
I don't think just because someone has picked on other's appearances we should pick on them. Although I do find it very ironic. And yes I think we figured out who is the real jealous one here. Ever since my stomach infection last year I think I still weigh less than Kate, so no jealousy here. All this Dr. Oz thing proves is that the sheeple want to be famous like Kate and that we don't, and therefore, it explains why they believe so strongly that we would do it too, since much like Kate, they cannot possibly imagine that someone would have a different values system that does not value fame, fortune and being "seen."
I can't help but snark on this though, you sleep until noon just one day out of the week, then wonder why your sleep schedule is completely f-ed up? You needed to speak with an M.D. to figure this out? I picture my doctor laughing at me. My body won't LET me sleep until noon. I have church later today and I could have slept in until about 9 but it still jolted me awake at 7am today.
Dr. Oz's "be on the show" section of the web site has dozens of different topics they are doing you can try to submit your story on. I'm guessing this person picked several of those topics and submitted several stories in the hopes that one would be picked--again actively seeking out the spotlight just like Kate.
Raise your hand if you would never, ever go on Dr. Oz. Or any show like this. Hard to imagine, I know!
Wow, Kate is aging so fast. She will be getting her botox treatments again soon to fill in those deep lines, I suppose. It looks like she is fighting a losing battle though.
May I ask why BM was in Dr. Oz? Was she spouting the happies about Kate? Oh, please say No.
My Great grandfather had dementia years ago, (he passed awhile ago) & my grandfather was taking care of him. He had to be put in a home because he would sit at the table with his beer, a shot of whiskey & a gun. When my frail grandmother, who weighted all of 70 lbs came in the room & said the wrong thing which could have consisted of "What do you want for dinner?" he shot a hole through a ceiling. So my grandfather put him in a home. My GG also took my grandfathers caddy one day & drove it onto a tree. It is much safer to get these people off the road. And here's a little story, I was behind an old lady last year, & she was going 30 in a 65, swerving all over the place & she couldn't even see over the steering wheel. We finally both stopped at a store & when we got out of the cars, I asked her if she alright. (me: not afraid of words, but I was nice) the little old lady said "I just took my medications & I'm a little tired" I told her that she shouldn't be driving after taking her meds & maybe she should find a ride, you could hurt someone. I told her she was swerving all over the road. She said she didn't even realize it. I asked her if she wanted me to drive her home.
I walked with her throughout the store to see if she needed help, & she was very thankful, but she refused a ride. I asked her if I could call ANYONE, & she finally said her son. I sat there & waited with her until her son showed up. He was PISSED. He thanked me & told me she does this all the time. I told him about her driving & he said he is going to take her car away. HER CAR, & her license. I don't want to be mean here, but there are a lot of older folks who should not be behind the wheel.
Raise your hand if you would never, ever go on Dr. Oz. Or any show like this. Hard to imagine, I know!
No thanks- I have no desire to be on t.v. to "share" any issues with the masses, or to be "famous" for anything other than being a good wife, mother, daughter, & friend.
If something goes awry, I quietly go to a specialist, and resolve it there. The last thought in my head would be to go on t.v. to share it there.
I was born lacking that exhibitionist gene.
Hippie Chick said...
May I ask why BM was in Dr. Oz? Was she spouting the happies about Kate? Oh, please say No.
BM being on Dr. Oz had nothing to do with Kate, running a blog, or anything to do with an obsession other than BM's compulsive desire to satisfy her own quest for fame and fortune? and to be just like her idol, Kate. BM complains she sleeps till noon on weekends and that's about it. LOL
To watch the clip; go to this page and play the Part 1 (the one that comes up when the page opens).
On a totally shallow note:
I'm almost 38, about two years older than Her Majesty. Granted, Kate is slimmer and in better shape than I am, but holy moly, does her complexion look like crap! I swear she looks 10 years older than me. Genes play a big role in how we age, but nobody's genes are that cruel! Girlfriend better lay off the booze, the smoking, the tanning, the perpetual rage, or whatever horror she's inflicting on herself, because her face is starting to look like a worn-out handbag.
Hippie, BM was on Dr Oz for sleep issues. She sleeps til noon on Sat. and it messes up the rest of her sleep on Monday (she feels exhausted.. sound famililar?). She wasn't on there for or about Kate.
It's funny, this is the first time I've seen what BM looks like. I really expected her to be blond with a reverse mullet. She does have a very pretty face and looks nothing like Kate (except for her nails).
It's funny how we think about what people look like when we don't know. Like with Admin, I've always pictured her as looking the character playing the attorney Denise from Boston Legal LOL.
I agree, Barbee, with everything you describe about Kate and the destruction of her family. Yes, TLC came knocking at their door, but only after she and Jon shopped for the show. Greedy grifters, both of them, but only Jon saw the error of their ways. I get the feeling from what I read that he was not reared that way and is somewhat embarrassed by the whole mess. Kate is a taker from way back. Not attractive. When people catch on to being fleeced, they usually don't go back for more.
Pretty is as pretty does. As we age, we need to be pretty on the inside because outer beauty fades quickly. Are you reading this, Kate?
"I don't think just because someone has picked on other's appearances we should pick on them."
Normally, I feel the same. HOWEVER - just two days ago BM posted that the "haters" sit at home with bad acne, unflattering bodies and pathetic homelives. I mean, wow, really? This is truly projecting.
Like the butterball, not very good looking George Lopez infering that Kirstie is a pig and snarking about Bristol's weight while on DWTS. Some people should NEVER talk about others at all. Look in the mirror first.
I guess she gets her public speaking tips from Kate...Uh, Um, Uh....
She has pretty hair. There's a positive. Otherwise, she is NOTHING I expected to see. I didn't hear the whole Dr. Oz clip, but on the weekends, (& on the weekdays) I get up early before my husband leaves for work & go for a walk with my dog & do some yoga & pilates. I also do some cardio. It really gets me motivated for the day. It kicks up my endorphins & gives me tons of energy. I also eat healthy. Lots of protein, chicken, nuts, salads, stuff like that. I'm 5'9 & weigh 138 lbs. Not bragging, but I attribute my healthy weight & energy level to the yoga & eating right. (plus yoga helps deter negative thoughts & energy!)
If BM would drag her butt outta bed & exercise, she would see that she wouldn't NEED to sleep late in the weekends. She would have energy to burn. I also have chronic pain & still manage to do this, so...? I love exercising. It feels amazing!! JMO
Watch and see, thanks for that link. Although I had no idea who BM was until reading about her here, I'm surprised she's calling other people out on the way they look. She's young and has a pretty face, but when I was her age, I weighed 116 pounds, and I'm 5-5-1/2. I wonder if BM is the person who posts on RadarOnline and said one time that she tries to look, dress, act, and talk like Kate...honestly, whoever said that needs to get a mental evaulation and also needs to get her own life.
Thanks for the BM link. (Ew!) I loved it when she talked about how "exhausted" she was. Just like her idol, Kate!
Considering how unlovely her posts are, I was expecting someone very ugly. She isn't a beauty queen, but she's much better looking than I expected. Not that it matters--just sayin'.
I still don't get why BM was on Dr OZ. She is only known as an obsessed K8 fan, how is she relevant ?
She has a young daughter (whom she has pulled out of school to attend K8's book signings) and I believe she also has an infant son (not sure). With at least one young child at home, who the heck sleeps in until noon ???? I wonder if her husband knows anything about how freaky his wife is and her obsession with K8. I wonder if he knows his wife buys the same clothes as K8? I wonder if he knows that their family trips have all been orchestrated by the Gosselins and where they have been on the show ? I wonder if her husband knows that K8 hired security because of his wife ?
Anonymous, a sheeple's appearance is not relevant unless they are spending their kids' money to get it. That's why Kate is ragged on. Every little fake nail was bought by her kids. This is not hard.
This is not hard.
For sheeple it is. Just once I'd like to hear them explain what would have given Kate any kind of notoriety and the ability to live the (cough) good life if she hadn't shopped her two sets of multiples. Nursing, writing, cooking, acting, cleaning? What would have given her a ticket to ride the gravy train without them?
It's very revealing that they never want to go there.
No regrets said...
"I don't think just because someone has picked on other's appearances we should pick on them."
Normally, I feel the same. HOWEVER - just two days ago BM posted that the "haters" sit at home with bad acne, unflattering bodies and pathetic homelives. I mean, wow, really? This is truly projecting.
Like the butterball, not very good looking George Lopez infering that Kirstie is a pig and snarking about Bristol's weight while on DWTS. Some people should NEVER talk about others at all. Look in the mirror first.
Wow! BM really said that? I wonder how BM came to that conclusion? Does she have a Wonderama Looking Glass?... Well, I do not care what a person looks like, as long as their heart and soul is good.
However, as God is my witness-
-I do not have bad acne/bad skin. I may have laugh lines around my mouth & wrinkles around my eyes, but I completely earned them at my age.
-As for unflattering bodies, I take great pride in keeping my body lean, healthy & strong. Not for vanity anymore, but because I want to spend my senior years out of hospitals and free of illnesses. My sleep cycle is off because we share our bed with a Jack Russell/Beagle that likes to take over the bed, and a Basset/ Coonhound that likes to go potty outside 2x a night.
Anyway, I make time daily to exercise very early in the morning, and at night, after all my work is done, and my family has been taken care of.
Monday: early morning run on treadmill at home
Tuesday:PM walk aerobics class at gym
PM body sculpting class at gym
PM aerobics boot camp at gym
Wednesday: PM Yoga class at Library
PM belly dancing at Library
Thursday: PM aerobics class at gym
PM step aerobics class at gym
Friday: early morning treadmill at home
PM yoga class at Library
Saturday: Zumba class at Library
Sunday: Walk dogs with hubby
-And last, having a pathetic homelife...
My homelife is a happy one. We may not be Leave It To Beaver, but we work hard together, and play hard together as well. We are also blessed with the best neighbors anyone could ever ask for, and as for friends- well, we consider every single one of them as part of our family. Our parents and relatives are still with us, and we still celebrate life together.
As for George Lopez, let's just say that he is experiencing Karma in all it's glory right now.
I finally saw that video link. BM has a cute face. I don't understand why she writes antagonizing comments on her website.
I guess it makes her feel superior to say the things she does about us.
I say, whatever floats your boat, BM. Whatever makes you happy. It's not my website, and I don't agree with sheeple tactics, so I do not visit there.
I hope you know that this site is being reported to the police for the "pedophilia" comments made regarding Mady being filmed alone. The remark about her legs open, "what were they hinting at" were of course, twisted into an 'attack' on Mady. That grown women having these type of 'daydreams' should be reported. Of course they looked up the episode, (which one?) and claimed it never happened, that Mady was not alone, nor her legs were not up.
I am absolutely amazed that the comments have been taken so out of context and twisted to be an "attack" on Mady. Amazed at the total lack of awareness nor concern about who is allowed around these children. Cameramen who were most assuredly alone with these children, many times, filming them. Anything the "hater" sites say is wrong, twisted into some illogical event that just boggles my mind. Do they NOT really see things like this? Amazing, simply amazing.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... yup right there on her site for all to see.
WOW, you ARE a busy woman. Much more than I do. LOL That is great, exercise makes such great energy and of course helps mold your body.
I hardly go on the real haters sites, but did a few times lately. I am ASTOUNDED at the total lack of knowledge and twisted thinking. I won't make that mistake again. Had to take a shower!
Belly dancing is wonderful isn't it?
"Normally, I feel the same. HOWEVER - just two days ago BM posted that the "haters" sit at home with bad acne, unflattering bodies and pathetic homelives. I mean, wow, really? This is truly projecting."
I'm with you on this one. I'd never call anyone out on the looks he/she was born with. It even bothers me when someone pokes fun at Kate's wonky eye. She has no control over a physical defect. However, in BM's case, it's the irony of the situation, not to mention the hypocrisy. Isn't this the leader of the flock who claims that posters on 15 Minutes and GWOP are all a bunch of losers who are fat, toothless and who wear socks with crocs or clogs or deck shoes (I can't remember what it was)? Good grief -- she needs to buy a mirror and see the dentist!
I can easily see why, if this one represents the sheeple, they would say that they would do exactly what Kate is doing, and would appear on a reality show. Jealousy is as jealousy does. However, this leaves me a bit puzzled: If BM so reveres the queen and the queen's make-over and transformation through exercise, tanning, hair stylist, etc., then why doesn't SHE do the same thing? I had expected a carbon-copy Kate, as in Jennifer Jason Leigh in "Single White Female!"
Raising my hand as one who would NEVER appear on a reality show, or, heaven forbid, on Dr Oz. Who in their right mind allows a camera in their purple bedroom to do a staged scene in bed? You gotta be nuts, or so starved for attention that you would do anything, and I mean ANYTHING to get it.
"I wonder if her husband knows that K8 hired security because of his wife ?"
I wonder if SHE knows that K8 hired security because of her.
I just found an article Top ten useless CHARACTERS
and Mady is no 9.
Mady Gosselin from "Jon & Kate Plus 8"
Easily the most controversial inclusion because she's a child on a reality show that didn't ask to be filmed. But anyone who watches "J&KP8" will attest that Mady's made them consider sterilization.
"She possess every quality - selfish, egocentric, whiner, not a joiner - that parents would use genetic testing to eradicate if it were an option. But considering J&K have eight kids, they should feel lucky only one bares the mark of the beast."
Are you happy Jon and Kate? This is what you have done to your precious little girl.How will she feel when she'll Google herself and she'll find among many others:
Mady Gosselin Bratty clips-Youtube
Does Mady needs discipline or diagnosis-on a site in the SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN section
Mady Gosselin is a bitch-Facebook
Shame on you Jon and Kate!This is ALL your fault!
No regrets said...
I hope you know that this site is being reported to the police for the "pedophilia" comments made regarding Mady being filmed alone. The remark about her legs open, "what were they hinting at" were of course, twisted into an 'attack' on Mady. That grown women having these type of 'daydreams' should be reported. Of course they looked up the episode, (which one?) and claimed it never happened, that Mady was not alone, nor her legs were not up.
Whomever you're talking about must be new to the Gosselin blogging world because the discussion of filming one of the girls alone in the basement with the cameraman is an OLD ONE that has been discussed on this and almost every other Gosselin blog since the episode aired. They're full of hot air, trying to use bully tactics to feel important or superior. This is the same type of threat as when they say they're calling employers about bloggers (they're either bored or are trying to upset people once again, but they are too blind to realize they're hurting a child and not us).
They obviously don't understand and/or can't grasp the real issue so they try to divert the discussion to something they think will attract attention and make them feel important. It doesn't work; their attempts at trying to make an issue out of nothing are lame, disgusting, and immature.
The discussion has nothing to do with one of the girls, as we all know, (and it sickens me that they bring an innocent girl who has no voice in the decision to be filmed into the discussion) but rather it's about the lack of supervision for the kids when filming, the absence of background checks on the people ("Dads", as Kate calls them) who are with the kids, and the fact that J&K and TLC chose to air this segment in an episode for all the world and the many pedophiles who also inhabit it, to see.
They're cruel and disgusting people and their discussion about this makes me ill. To think that any of the Gosselin children are being discussed on any blog in this manner is sickening to me. J&K and TLC didn't stop filming after this episode aired, nor when certain people made it about a child rather than the adults and lack of laws involved, and yet it continues. And, Kate continues to plow ahead with filming while being well aware of all the talk that goes along with it. And her sheeple are giddy with excitement about prolonging and propagating this disgusting talk with their embellishments, misdirections, and deceit.
How old will the children have to be and their awareness mature enough, before Kate and her sheeple get a clue that the negatives that go along with filming the children outweigh the fame and fortune she's seeking and it's past time to stop? Or will it ever make a difference to her and them? Will they ever care who gets hurt? Do they care they're hurting one of the girls right now with their nonsensical threats?
roxyhelen said...
I just found an article Top ten useless CHARACTERS
Link please?
NO regrets said...I hope you know that this site is being reported to the police for the "pedophilia" comments made regarding Mady being filmed alone. The remark about her legs open, "what were they hinting at" were of course, twisted into an 'attack' on Mady. That grown women having these type of 'daydreams' should be reported.
I guess with their little, tiny minds they haven't researched the topic of pedophilia in enough depth to know that the point was being made that this was precisely the kind of scenario where pedophiles target their victims. My god, I hope the cops DO respond to their report...and give them an education on the topic.
Amazed at the total lack of awareness nor concern about who is allowed around these children. Cameramen who were most assuredly alone with these children, many times, filming them.
Our own state legislators were concerned that no background checks were done on the crew or on those who come into contact with these kids. That's why making background checks mandatory was being considered as part of the new child labor law bills. When it comes to our children, we just cannot be too careful. I'm wondering if Kate (and Jon) were so naive in the early days of the show that they never bothered to find out if background checks had been performed. Since the child labor laws were such a gray area, I would have questioned it immediately. Didn't Jon allegedly make a comment about putting his kids out there for every pedophile on the planet?
Of course, there are some who are so trusting that they'd never give it a second thought. I remember the case of the Delaware pediatrician who molested 103 children. He took them into an examining room without a nurse or parent present. If you were a parent, wouldn't you question the reason for him doing this? Wouldn't you ask WHY you couldn't be present for the exam, and then take your child out of there immediately and report it? It's blind trust, I guess...and when it comes to our kids, we have to take off the blinders and open our eyes before it's too late.
roxyhelen said...
I just found an article Top ten useless CHARACTERS
and Mady is no 9.
TY, roxyhelen. I found the article. As horrible as it is, the article is originally from Thursday, March 25th, 2010.
..."they should feel lucky only one bares the mark of the beast."
BARES? As in "devoid of?" I think that the person who wrote this needs to check the Book of Revelation for the correct spelling!
Where, please? said...
roxyhelen said...
I just found an article Top ten useless CHARACTERS
Link please?
Right here
Today in our local newspaper (Kate's hometown) there was an article on locals who became celebrities. They mentioned Taylor Swift and the Gosselins. Apparently, before the sextuplets were even born, Kate called the newspaper and offered to allow a reporter to follow the delivery of them.
I guess she figured when she sends out a tape of them to try for a TV show it wouldn't hurt to send along some newspaper articles. More proof she was plotting and planning all along.
They also mentioned how after TLC entered the picture there was "lots of fame and apparently lots of money".
No regrets said...
yup right there on her site for all to see.
WOW, you ARE a busy woman. Much more than I do. LOL That is great, exercise makes such great energy and of course helps mold your body.
I hardly go on the real haters sites, but did a few times lately. I am ASTOUNDED at the total lack of knowledge and twisted thinking. I won't make that mistake again. Had to take a shower!
Belly dancing is wonderful isn't it?
I don't blame you for not wanting to visit those sites. It's a shame they are so misguided.
Belly dancing is fun!! Are you a belly dancer too, No regrets?
To anyone that has yet to belly dance (including BM & sheeple), I recommend it. Besides accentuating & enhancing your femininity, it really strengthens your arms and torso. Last week a young lady said that the arm work involved in belly dancing is up to par with the arm work at her boxing boot camp class. So it's all good.
Kate called the newspaper and offered to allow a reporter to follow the delivery of them.
Thanks Mary -- Shall we rest our case? Kudos to the Reading Eagle, whether intentionally or not, for demonstrating the glaring difference between becoming a celebrity on your own steam with hard work and a passion for music OR selling your kids out and riding on their backs to gain that status.
roxyhelen said...
Right here
That article is from the Archives from '09. As offensive as the article is -- let's hope it dies as old news.
Let the sheeple report "us" to the police. Let the police take a peek at what has been/is being discussed regarding Mady or any other Gosselin child. Let them take a peek into the orphanage and see the 8 neglected children. Maybe they will see what the sheeple cannot and the PA legislators won't.
I tried finding the clip but cannot remember the epi title. It is a very creepy and disturbing segment of film. IIRC, there isn't even much, if any talking , just Mady rolling around on the carpet. The sheeple are just too immature and delusional to think that THIS is exactly what the sick pedophiles look for on YT , in magazines, etc.
To the Anons who have dealt/are dealing with a relative that is unfit to drive, you all are very brave and doing the right thing.
We dealt with a similar situation with my Mom who suffered from Parkinson's. Eventually with Parkinson's (in some cases) comes dementia. The day came when my Mom drove to the supermarket, the very same one she had gone to for 40 years, and got lost. It was bitter cold and we found her in the supermarket parking lot disoriented and freezing. It was time to give up the driving but we had to do it with dignity. My sister was able to convince my Mom that her son needed a car for school and my sister couldn't afford to buy one. My Mom quickly offered her car and that was the end of it. She did it on her terms and needless to say we drove my Mom anywhere she wanted to go. Its heart wrenching when these things present themselves and we have to deal with them.
I wish everyone going through these tough thing all the best. I know how difficult your road is.
Okay, am I alone on this one, or what was the POINT of that Dr. Oz segment??? Really, sleeping in on the weekend messes you up for the work-week wake-up schedule??? Huh???? Is this even true, much less worthy of a segment on a TV show?? These talk shows are becoming more dumb and more desperate for topics -- it's embarrassing to watch -- can't imagine actually participating in it. It's like they're creating problems that don't really exist, then bringing in the "experts" to offer ridiculous advice about how to cure something that was never really a problem to begin with. I have to wonder: why does sleeping-in mess you up, but taking an afternoon nap (the “expert” advice) okay??? As for getting yourself psyched to get up early on the weekend by planning a scrumptious breakfast ... I'd bet dollars to donuts from the looks of things that BM has that one covered ... in spades (and donuts).
I agree with other posters here who have said that BM is as much a fame-whore as Kate (which explains why BM is so obsessed with Kate) ... desperate for her chance on TV, she probably hit the scroll-down menu for "how to get on the show" and enlisted herself for various, pathetic topics -- including this completely LAME one. I checked out the topics they're soliciting people to sign up for, and clearly BM missed "Do you want to lose weight in 2011?" Sorry, hate to be snarky (actually, I don't) ... but for someone who relentlessly comments about Jon's and Ellen's appearances, and whose minions accuse us of being fat, pock-faced, mu-mu- and croc-wearing frumps ... let's just say that BM needs to be reminded of that "glass houses" adage.
FYI, BM: I'll be 44 next month, and after a singleton and twin births (all in the past 5 years) I'm back in my pre-marriage (not just pre-pregnancy!) size 4 jeans. Perhaps you should follow my lead and stop sleeping in, eat healthfully, and exercise regularly. Yeah, BM, that's what the women on this blog do -- you could learn a lot from us if you’d put down the donuts and stop modeling your life after a cruel, narcissistic, money-grubbing, man-hating, fame-whoring witch.
The sheeple just deleted an entire huge post about outing our admin. Wonder what they are running scared from. Like so many have said play with this kind of thing enough and it will come back to bite them. I think they should just report her to the Bar so the Bar can put them in the crazy file and move on once and for all.
Since the other side is so hell-bent on reporting bloggers to police, employers, etc., perhaps someone should contact the FCC and file a complaint about a naked child being shown on national television. I am referring to one of the boy tups whose rear end was filmed. Make no mistake about it, it DID happen. I remember watching it and thinking, did I just see what I thought I saw? There was no blurring out of the child's posterior. It was there for everyone to see, whether they wanted to or not. Where were the parents, and why was this allowed to be filmed? I would have grabbed that camera away so fast that Mr. Filmer's head would have spun around on his shoulders. However, if I am remembering correctly, no adult was present in the room at the time.
I believe the concern over this and other scenes was brought out at the Pa hearings.
Whether or not this is against FCC law, I don't know, but I would think that there are some kind of federal guidelines as to what body parts of minors may be filmed. In reading what they consider offensive and/or indecent, it seems that they decide each incident on a case-by-case basis.
Of course, TLC may have edited or deleted that scene. Upon subpoena, however, I would think that the demand for the original film clip would have to be produced. Admin?
The only thing that ever bugged me about that was the lie someone just told me they keep saying that I begged for money. I never begged for money in any way, shape, or form. I've worked darn hard ever since I was old enough to earn my own. If I could file a libel suit I would. It's kind of ironic though, if they are mad about that why aren't that mad at Kate fleecing America??? LOL.
"These talk shows are becoming more dumb and more desperate for topics -- it's embarrassing to watch -- can't imagine actually participating in it. It's like they're creating problems that don't really exist, then bringing in the "experts" to offer ridiculous advice about how to cure something that was never really a problem to begin with. I have to wonder: why does sleeping-in mess you up, but taking an afternoon nap (the “expert” advice) okay??"
I didn't watch the entire thing. I ended it when the "expert" was brought in and said that in order not to feel exhausted and have to sleep late on Saturdays, she should keep the same morning routine every day of the week and not sleep until noon on Saturday. Gee, ya think? Wonder how much money she was paid to offer that advice! Wonder how much studying and what degrees she was awarded in order to come up with that wisdom! It's the dumbing down of America.
I watched Body of Evidence, files of Dayle Hinman. She's a criminal profiler who treks around in muddy fields examining crime scenes, wearing heels and business suits...full make-up, manicured nails. Investigator at the scene says, "the victim sustained blunt force trauma to the head." Hinman concludes (quite proudly) something to the effect, "This woman was hit with a heavy object, most likely by someone who wanted to hurt her."
You're right. Dumb shows, and getting more so with each season. Expert advice? Nothing we couldn't get from just good old common sense. BM is exhausted? My advice? Log off the computer by 11 p.m. and get to bed. My invoice for services rendered is in the mail.
"A Pink Straight Jacket... Belly dancing is fun!! Are you a belly dancer too, No regrets?"
Yes, my friends and I take a class twice a month. With busy schedules, it is hard to go more. I wish we could. It is FUN, and has really benefitted our bodies. We have develped "Michelle Obama" arms. LOL So the benefits to your arms is very true. IF people (BM) did get out of bed and go for a run, a class on belly dancing or whatever activity they choose, they will not be "tired" or "exhausted". It shows in every aspect of your life.
Admin, the slander about your huge school bill has been repeated several times. I recently read that you not only solicited funds, but made a complete website to get those funds. I wasn't around then, but frankly, I knew it was BS, and I really do not even know you. If I were you, I would pursue a case against this sort of slander. It has no place in ADULT conversation. It is mean and personal and a lie. I even know that.
No regrets, they are anonymous so I can't really go after them. I suppose I could go after the blog itself via the server but it might just egg them on. They have deleted the entire conversation without a trace, proof they know it was all libel.
I think anyone who has followed this blog since it started in 2009 can attest I have never once asked anyone for anything. Not that I look down on people who get to the point where they do need to ask others for help because they NEED help, but I am blessed to be very financially secure, I haven't so much as borrowed 10 bucks from a friend since I was 17 years old.
They have zero proof of this. I have no idea how this got started or where it came from. It's interesting they can't point to any paypal accounts, address to send money to, or any one person who claims that I asked and took their money. If I took your money, by all means, come forward! Big surprise, no one has because I never took anyone's money. It's a flat out lie and the only one that just really bugs me.
Not that it's on any of their business but I was on partial scholarship for both undergrad and law school, which helped out tremendously. My undergrad bills are completely paid off already. I am completely financially comfortable, and at my age after all the school I've had, that is something to be proud of. I know law students who are paying off school bils into their 50's.
I'm aware of that post, thanks. It states all throughout it the lie that I begged for money. Just keep playing with libel see what happens!
to kate and her sheeple once her new season starts!!
BREAKING NEWS: The Pity Train has just derailed at the intersection of Suck It Up & Move On, and crashed into We All Have Problems, before coming to a complete stop at Get the Hell Over It. Any complaints about how we operate, can be forwarded to 1-800-waa-aaah with Dr. Sniffle Reporting LIVE from Quitchur Bitchin'. If you like this, repost it. If you don't...suck it up princess! Life doesn't revolve around you! ;)
This is why we need to be so careful about who comes in contact with our children! This lunatic performed at children's parties.
I've wondered why BM and the sheep often diss those who don't agree with them by calling them fat and toothless. Laughable, of course, since they can't see us. But also so odd...not too many people are conspicuously toothless, so that's a particularly strange insult. Then lo and behold, BM shows up on Dr Oz and is 100 pounds overweight and dentally challenged. She also appears to have no life, save for obsessing over Kate gosselin. The poster who said she is projecting was spot on. Given BM's exhaustion and obesity, particularly around the face and neck, she may very well have sleep apnea. A CPAP mask would look great with the Crocs she no doubt wears.
YI, BM: I'll be 44 next month, and after a singleton and twin births (all in the past 5 years) I'm back in my pre-marriage (not just pre-pregnancy!) size 4 jeans. Perhaps you should follow my lead and stop sleeping in, eat healthfully, and exercise regularly. Yeah, BM, that's what the women on this blog do -- you could learn a lot from us if you’d put down the donuts and stop modeling your life after a cruel, narcissistic, money-grubbing, man-hating, fame-whoring witch.
You assume that "the women of this blog" do exactly what you do and are all in fabulous shape? That's quite an assumption. I'd venture to guess that there are women of all shapes and sizes on both sides of the Gosselin aisle. It would be really nice if everyone, "hater" and "sheeple" alike, laid off the nasty remarks about physical appearance and didn't use the "well, she said something mean about so and so so she's fair game" excuse. There is a high road available to anyone who chooses to take it. The only thing that making unkind remarks about someone's physical appearance accomplishes is to make the person making the remarks seem like a jerk.
There is a high road available to anyone who chooses to take it. The only thing that making unkind remarks about someone's physical appearance accomplishes is to make the person making the remarks seem like a jerk.
And obviously it's not a road that you are taking, or you wouldn't be here making disparaging remarks about someone making an assumption!
The reason all of this came to light was because the lead sheeple called the non-sheeple fat and toothless. Nobody would have thought anything about it, except that the toothless remark was kind of strange. Who says that? Then, lo and behold, this person goes on national television, overweight, and needing some dental work. Coincidence? Projection? It was put out there because of the irony of the situation, not to condemn someone for being overweight or being "dentally challenged" (as a poster called it). Not everyone has a body to die for, or a perfect set of Renaissance-white chompers.
Nobody said anyone was fair game. That's quite an assumption on YOUR part.
Get Real-BM said
I have to wonder: why does sleeping-in mess you up, but taking an afternoon nap (the “expert” advice) okay???
(about keeping a consistent rise and shine schedule- 7 days a week)
That's what I do and the experts say to do that?? Who would have thought?!! I get up on weekends because 1) I get migraines and keeping a consistent schedule is key to prevention and 2) I do actually feel better than if I sleep in. I do take naps, and on the weekends my naps come about 2 hours after I wake up- LOL!!! I am sooo never going to feel guilty about another nap ever again- thanks to the 'experts' :D
Now, what was BM doing on Dr Oz? I love his books.
I remember that episode of the tups first dentist visit. I couldn't believe that Kate just stood there and dithered while Alexis became more and more panicky and hysterical. I couldn't understand a mother who wouldn't pick up her crying child and try to soothe her. I was a big fan of "Table For Twelve". I thought Betty and Eric Hayes were level-headed, down-to-earth, loving parents. I couldn't help contrasting their show about the inevitable dental visit with this episode of J&K+8. One of the Hayes tups (I think it was EJ) became distraught and panicky too. Eric Hayes crawled into the chair and held his son securely in his arms until the check-up was completed. No more panic. That's real parenting.
Get Real-BM said
I have to wonder: why does sleeping-in mess you up, but taking an afternoon nap (the “expert” advice) okay???
(about keeping a consistent rise and shine schedule- 7 days a week)
That's what I do and the experts say to do that?? Who would have thought?!! I get up on weekends because 1) I get migraines and keeping a consistent schedule is key to prevention and 2) I do actually feel better than if I sleep in. I do take naps, and on the weekends my naps come about 2 hours after I wake up- LOL!!! I am sooo never going to feel guilty about another nap ever again- thanks to the 'experts' :D
Now, what was BM doing on Dr Oz? I love his books.
This is why we need to be so careful about who comes in contact with our children! This lunatic performed at children's parties.
Since the other side is so hell-bent on reporting bloggers to police, employers, etc., perhaps someone should contact the FCC and file a complaint about a naked child being shown on national television. I am referring to one of the boy tups whose rear end was filmed. Make no mistake about it, it DID happen. I remember watching it and thinking, did I just see what I thought I saw? There was no blurring out of the child's posterior. It was there for everyone to see, whether they wanted to or not. Where were the parents, and why was this allowed to be filmed? I would have grabbed that camera away so fast that Mr. Filmer's head would have spun around on his shoulders. However, if I am remembering correctly, no adult was present in the room at the time.
I believe the concern over this and other scenes was brought out at the Pa hearings.
Whether or not this is against FCC law, I don't know, but I would think that there are some kind of federal guidelines as to what body parts of minors may be filmed. In reading what they consider offensive and/or indecent, it seems that they decide each incident on a case-by-case basis.
Of course, TLC may have edited or deleted that scene. Upon subpoena, however, I would think that the demand for the original film clip would have to be produced. Admin?
Okay, am I alone on this one, or what was the POINT of that Dr. Oz segment??? Really, sleeping in on the weekend messes you up for the work-week wake-up schedule??? Huh???? Is this even true, much less worthy of a segment on a TV show?? These talk shows are becoming more dumb and more desperate for topics -- it's embarrassing to watch -- can't imagine actually participating in it. It's like they're creating problems that don't really exist, then bringing in the "experts" to offer ridiculous advice about how to cure something that was never really a problem to begin with. I have to wonder: why does sleeping-in mess you up, but taking an afternoon nap (the “expert” advice) okay??? As for getting yourself psyched to get up early on the weekend by planning a scrumptious breakfast ... I'd bet dollars to donuts from the looks of things that BM has that one covered ... in spades (and donuts).
I agree with other posters here who have said that BM is as much a fame-whore as Kate (which explains why BM is so obsessed with Kate) ... desperate for her chance on TV, she probably hit the scroll-down menu for "how to get on the show" and enlisted herself for various, pathetic topics -- including this completely LAME one. I checked out the topics they're soliciting people to sign up for, and clearly BM missed "Do you want to lose weight in 2011?" Sorry, hate to be snarky (actually, I don't) ... but for someone who relentlessly comments about Jon's and Ellen's appearances, and whose minions accuse us of being fat, pock-faced, mu-mu- and croc-wearing frumps ... let's just say that BM needs to be reminded of that "glass houses" adage.
FYI, BM: I'll be 44 next month, and after a singleton and twin births (all in the past 5 years) I'm back in my pre-marriage (not just pre-pregnancy!) size 4 jeans. Perhaps you should follow my lead and stop sleeping in, eat healthfully, and exercise regularly. Yeah, BM, that's what the women on this blog do -- you could learn a lot from us if you’d put down the donuts and stop modeling your life after a cruel, narcissistic, money-grubbing, man-hating, fame-whoring witch.
Let the sheeple report "us" to the police. Let the police take a peek at what has been/is being discussed regarding Mady or any other Gosselin child. Let them take a peek into the orphanage and see the 8 neglected children. Maybe they will see what the sheeple cannot and the PA legislators won't.
I tried finding the clip but cannot remember the epi title. It is a very creepy and disturbing segment of film. IIRC, there isn't even much, if any talking , just Mady rolling around on the carpet. The sheeple are just too immature and delusional to think that THIS is exactly what the sick pedophiles look for on YT , in magazines, etc.
To the Anons who have dealt/are dealing with a relative that is unfit to drive, you all are very brave and doing the right thing.
roxyhelen said...
Right here
That article is from the Archives from '09. As offensive as the article is -- let's hope it dies as old news.
No regrets said...
yup right there on her site for all to see.
WOW, you ARE a busy woman. Much more than I do. LOL That is great, exercise makes such great energy and of course helps mold your body.
I hardly go on the real haters sites, but did a few times lately. I am ASTOUNDED at the total lack of knowledge and twisted thinking. I won't make that mistake again. Had to take a shower!
Belly dancing is wonderful isn't it?
I don't blame you for not wanting to visit those sites. It's a shame they are so misguided.
Belly dancing is fun!! Are you a belly dancer too, No regrets?
To anyone that has yet to belly dance (including BM & sheeple), I recommend it. Besides accentuating & enhancing your femininity, it really strengthens your arms and torso. Last week a young lady said that the arm work involved in belly dancing is up to par with the arm work at her boxing boot camp class. So it's all good.
Today in our local newspaper (Kate's hometown) there was an article on locals who became celebrities. They mentioned Taylor Swift and the Gosselins. Apparently, before the sextuplets were even born, Kate called the newspaper and offered to allow a reporter to follow the delivery of them.
I guess she figured when she sends out a tape of them to try for a TV show it wouldn't hurt to send along some newspaper articles. More proof she was plotting and planning all along.
They also mentioned how after TLC entered the picture there was "lots of fame and apparently lots of money".
roxyhelen said...
I just found an article Top ten useless CHARACTERS
and Mady is no 9.
TY, roxyhelen. I found the article. As horrible as it is, the article is originally from Thursday, March 25th, 2010.
roxyhelen said...
I just found an article Top ten useless CHARACTERS
Link please?
No regrets said...
I hope you know that this site is being reported to the police for the "pedophilia" comments made regarding Mady being filmed alone. The remark about her legs open, "what were they hinting at" were of course, twisted into an 'attack' on Mady. That grown women having these type of 'daydreams' should be reported. Of course they looked up the episode, (which one?) and claimed it never happened, that Mady was not alone, nor her legs were not up.
Whomever you're talking about must be new to the Gosselin blogging world because the discussion of filming one of the girls alone in the basement with the cameraman is an OLD ONE that has been discussed on this and almost every other Gosselin blog since the episode aired. They're full of hot air, trying to use bully tactics to feel important or superior. This is the same type of threat as when they say they're calling employers about bloggers (they're either bored or are trying to upset people once again, but they are too blind to realize they're hurting a child and not us).
They obviously don't understand and/or can't grasp the real issue so they try to divert the discussion to something they think will attract attention and make them feel important. It doesn't work; their attempts at trying to make an issue out of nothing are lame, disgusting, and immature.
The discussion has nothing to do with one of the girls, as we all know, (and it sickens me that they bring an innocent girl who has no voice in the decision to be filmed into the discussion) but rather it's about the lack of supervision for the kids when filming, the absence of background checks on the people ("Dads", as Kate calls them) who are with the kids, and the fact that J&K and TLC chose to air this segment in an episode for all the world and the many pedophiles who also inhabit it, to see.
They're cruel and disgusting people and their discussion about this makes me ill. To think that any of the Gosselin children are being discussed on any blog in this manner is sickening to me. J&K and TLC didn't stop filming after this episode aired, nor when certain people made it about a child rather than the adults and lack of laws involved, and yet it continues. And, Kate continues to plow ahead with filming while being well aware of all the talk that goes along with it. And her sheeple are giddy with excitement about prolonging and propagating this disgusting talk with their embellishments, misdirections, and deceit.
How old will the children have to be and their awareness mature enough, before Kate and her sheeple get a clue that the negatives that go along with filming the children outweigh the fame and fortune she's seeking and it's past time to stop? Or will it ever make a difference to her and them? Will they ever care who gets hurt? Do they care they're hurting one of the girls right now with their nonsensical threats?
"Normally, I feel the same. HOWEVER - just two days ago BM posted that the "haters" sit at home with bad acne, unflattering bodies and pathetic homelives. I mean, wow, really? This is truly projecting."
I'm with you on this one. I'd never call anyone out on the looks he/she was born with. It even bothers me when someone pokes fun at Kate's wonky eye. She has no control over a physical defect. However, in BM's case, it's the irony of the situation, not to mention the hypocrisy. Isn't this the leader of the flock who claims that posters on 15 Minutes and GWOP are all a bunch of losers who are fat, toothless and who wear socks with crocs or clogs or deck shoes (I can't remember what it was)? Good grief -- she needs to buy a mirror and see the dentist!
I can easily see why, if this one represents the sheeple, they would say that they would do exactly what Kate is doing, and would appear on a reality show. Jealousy is as jealousy does. However, this leaves me a bit puzzled: If BM so reveres the queen and the queen's make-over and transformation through exercise, tanning, hair stylist, etc., then why doesn't SHE do the same thing? I had expected a carbon-copy Kate, as in Jennifer Jason Leigh in "Single White Female!"
Raising my hand as one who would NEVER appear on a reality show, or, heaven forbid, on Dr Oz. Who in their right mind allows a camera in their purple bedroom to do a staged scene in bed? You gotta be nuts, or so starved for attention that you would do anything, and I mean ANYTHING to get it.
"I wonder if her husband knows that K8 hired security because of his wife ?"
I wonder if SHE knows that K8 hired security because of her.
I hope you know that this site is being reported to the police for the "pedophilia" comments made regarding Mady being filmed alone. The remark about her legs open, "what were they hinting at" were of course, twisted into an 'attack' on Mady. That grown women having these type of 'daydreams' should be reported. Of course they looked up the episode, (which one?) and claimed it never happened, that Mady was not alone, nor her legs were not up.
I am absolutely amazed that the comments have been taken so out of context and twisted to be an "attack" on Mady. Amazed at the total lack of awareness nor concern about who is allowed around these children. Cameramen who were most assuredly alone with these children, many times, filming them. Anything the "hater" sites say is wrong, twisted into some illogical event that just boggles my mind. Do they NOT really see things like this? Amazing, simply amazing.
This is not hard.
For sheeple it is. Just once I'd like to hear them explain what would have given Kate any kind of notoriety and the ability to live the (cough) good life if she hadn't shopped her two sets of multiples. Nursing, writing, cooking, acting, cleaning? What would have given her a ticket to ride the gravy train without them?
It's very revealing that they never want to go there.
Thanks for the BM link. (Ew!) I loved it when she talked about how "exhausted" she was. Just like her idol, Kate!
Considering how unlovely her posts are, I was expecting someone very ugly. She isn't a beauty queen, but she's much better looking than I expected. Not that it matters--just sayin'.
"I don't think just because someone has picked on other's appearances we should pick on them."
Normally, I feel the same. HOWEVER - just two days ago BM posted that the "haters" sit at home with bad acne, unflattering bodies and pathetic homelives. I mean, wow, really? This is truly projecting.
Like the butterball, not very good looking George Lopez infering that Kirstie is a pig and snarking about Bristol's weight while on DWTS. Some people should NEVER talk about others at all. Look in the mirror first.
Hippie Chick said...
May I ask why BM was in Dr. Oz? Was she spouting the happies about Kate? Oh, please say No.
BM being on Dr. Oz had nothing to do with Kate, running a blog, or anything to do with an obsession other than BM's compulsive desire to satisfy her own quest for fame and fortune? and to be just like her idol, Kate. BM complains she sleeps till noon on weekends and that's about it. LOL
To watch the clip; go to this page and play the Part 1 (the one that comes up when the page opens).
Raise your hand if you would never, ever go on Dr. Oz. Or any show like this. Hard to imagine, I know!
No thanks- I have no desire to be on t.v. to "share" any issues with the masses, or to be "famous" for anything other than being a good wife, mother, daughter, & friend.
If something goes awry, I quietly go to a specialist, and resolve it there. The last thought in my head would be to go on t.v. to share it there.
I was born lacking that exhibitionist gene.
Wow, Kate is aging so fast. She will be getting her botox treatments again soon to fill in those deep lines, I suppose. It looks like she is fighting a losing battle though.
Has anyone watched the online video of Kate's Number One Sheeple on Dr. Oz? Preesi has the link posted. Since I had never seen this person, or a photo of this person, I wasn't sure what to expect, but I'm at a loss for words, and that doesn't happen too often!
Donna, and anyone else with relatives who should NOT be driving but nobody wants to take away keys... check out your state's Dept of Motor Vehicles website or call. In Virginia a relative can report unsafe driver to DMV and it will NOT be revealed to driver that someone reported them. A coworker reported her mother, Mom thought it was just a random routine thing, she had to go into DMV and take driving test, and she failed of course. Your state may have similar laws/ regulations.
you did the right thing. i wish i had the courage to do it years ago for my father. as a result of his heavy drinking, he had a stroke 5 yrs. ago; his health has slowly deteriorated since then (in addition to what the drinking was doing to him prior to the stroke).
now i visit him every day in a nursing home. i hope and pray that your father doesn't wind up like this. i love my dad; we were always close, and this is a living hell for me.
note to admin: LOVE your site!! i've been a lurker for 2 years. don't wnat to give katie-poo and her peeps the satisfaction of knowing that another person "cares" about her, even though it's in a negative way because she's a lousy mother. my mother is a narcissist who admires kate because, "both of our husbands left us." like kate, this woman is completely oblivious to the fact that she played a role in the deterioration of the marriage.
I don't think Kate's hair has grown out totally yet. The new photos show a clear line where there is a difference in the hair and, at least to me, it is clear she still has those awful extensions. I don't know how that works, but they must be a royal pain to have to deal with every time you wash your hair. And think about using the curling iron or brush with the blow dryer how tangled it must get if you touch the extensions. What a pain. Sorry, it still looks like straw.
Anonymous, I admire your courage. I hope things go well with you and your family.
Anonymous said...
I'm posting under anonymous because you all know me. My dad is an alcoholic & he has been going downhill for several months now. We have tried everything but nothing is working. He will not go to AA, he is old school, & thinks therapy is for "weak men". He drives drunk occasionally & a few weeks ago was my breaking point. I knew where he was going to be & I called the cops & told them where he was. He got pulled over & cited for drunk driving. I was nervous he was going to kill someone on the roads, & I know he would never be able to live with himself if he hurt someone or killed someone. I know I did the right thing. Was it harsh? Sure. Did I get a drunk driver off the road? Yes, & that is something I truly believe in because of my past. He has no idea & neither does anyone else. No one will ever know. I'm hoping this is the wake-up call for him to get him the help he truly needs. I can't say too much about how I feel about drunk driving, I know some of you may put 2 & 2 together. All I can say is that I was very strict about my feelings & did my best to keep them off the road. Thank you for letting me share this.
Anonymous, you have our support here.
Your dad has a long road ahead of him. I pray that he beats this disease, and I pray for your continual strength & patience with him. Unfortunately, unless he's ready- and really hits rock bottom, he will not seek help.
I know it hard when he's doing destructive things, but love him more- if possible.
Hang in there.
Your father is fortunate to have you in his life.
Anonymous, you did the right thing. It is just hard when it is family due to the guilt.
Years ago my brother and I went to my mom's house for dinner. He showed up drunk and then continued to drink the entire time. When I was getting ready to leave he decided he wanted to go to a bar that night so I told both of them that if he drove anywhere I was going to call the cops. Even though she agreed with me that he was too drunk to drive, my mother still attempted to lay a guilt trip on me that family does not call the cops on family.
So I resorted to Plan B - I pulled his carburetor wire and then threw it up on the roof. Just before I left I told her what I did - reverse guilt so to speak - if she was going to let him drive knowing he was too drunk then she first had to let him climb up on the roof to get the wire so the truck would start (I knew she would think he would break his neck getting up there and she didn't want the guilt).
My plan worked - she had to babysit him all night which was better than allowing him to drive his lethal weapon.
The next morning I had to go up to the roof to get the wire just in case I ever have to do this again (FTR she told him I took it with me and since this was before cell phones I was totally unreachable the entire night LOL).
...Apparently BM is losing so much sleep because she is up all night surfing for articles about Kate that she is losing sleep and needed advice from Dr. OZ.
Agree with Sport on the awkward way she always holds her hands. It clearly shows she feels she has to baby those nails (i.e., NO WORK done by those hands).
The stupid grin on her face at times just makes you go 'hmmmm', like, what the hell is she smiling at? And the look on the kids faces as they sprang out of the van were equally strange.
There really is nothing wrong with the outfit, other than the ugly shoes, she needed a coat (doesn't she realize the 'girls' feel the cold too?), her hair needed some 'doing', and when you're in charge of kids in a parking lot, you really need your hands free, so ditch the wristlet (is it a daytime carryall or an evening bag?), and you aren't the President so you don't need the 'red phone' with you at all times. You can wait and call weather/time when you get home.
Kate, most people want to leave when they're on top. Well, I know, you never really made it to 'star', but NOW would be a good time to leave before 'everyone' hates you. What's that? Oh, yeah, they already do. Well, except for the sheeple, although even those numbers aren't as high as they were.
I really believe she's finally got those extensions out and that's her real hair. I see that Photo #8 looks like a wig, and Photo #7 has some weird wiry thing coming out of the top of her head.
It's not a wig. Wigs aren't that ugly. I thought that wiry thing was her antenna. Either that, or she's sending her "feelers" for a rich man.
Ava said...
Regarding the comment about Kate wearing a wig-look at image 8. It very much looks like a wig in that pic. Whatever it is I think it looks hideous. Again, it's a crying shame to spend that much money on something that makes her look like crap. That hair really does look just like straw. She ought to sue Ted Gibson.
Speaking of Ted Gibson, it looks like he might have given Khate the same cut and color job that he's now pushing as being "super hot for spring and summer":
People Magazine: Brooklyn Decker Chops 10 Inches Off Her Hair
She’s ready for spring! Just Go With It star Brooklyn Decker chopped her lengthy locks Tuesday, lopping 10 inches off her mane in the penthouse suite of the W Hotel in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. “I love!!” the model-turned-actress Tweeted, thanking stylist Ted Gibson and colorist Jason Backe for the new look. “Brooklyn’s updated, modern bob is on trend for 2011,” Gibson tells PEOPLE. “Shorter hair can be sexy, confident and super modern, and I think hair that is too long isn’t chic or fashionable right now.” Decker also changed up her solid blond hue, letting Backe add some dimension to her color. “I incorporated two trends: gold tones — super hot for spring and summer! — and bold, contrasting ribbons of blond,” he explains. “[We're] stepping away from the monochromatic or subtle tone-on-tone looks from the last few seasons.” Though Decker, who’s married to tennis star Andy Roddick, wasn’t able to donate her hair to Locks of Love — “my hair was colored so I couldn’t,” she told followers — she does seem to love the new do: she Tweeted three photos of it!
Another photo HERE
Kate must have taken her happy pill. She looks positively thrilled posing for those pictures. For the comment about carrying the phone all the time, she MUST do that. She's SO important that her phone rings constantly and all of the calls are of the utmost importance. Honestly, I truly believe that she thinks we believe that. She is crazy as a bat.
April 4 will be the third week of Dancing with them there Stars, and they have fun people on this season! I will be recording that.
Kate's show is at 10 p.m. DWTS is on at 8 p.m.
Tip0ff for the basketball game, I think, is 8 p.m.
Perhaps TLC knew what it was doing putting it in the 10 p.m. time slot.
Does anyone know if Jamie is still in town?
If so, perhaps she is the photog?
Just thinking out loud here.
What does TLC pay him for? Steve was with Kate in NYC last weekend for what reason? Why does she need protection and not the children?
He is there to protect the public from her...so that she doesn't put her foot in her mouth, say something she might later regret and it be made public; or go off on someone in a hissy fit.
I'm still more concerned about the grown men that are their good friends and allowed to be alone with them in the bathroom. Any remember Mady in the basement with a lone cameraman?
How about the nannies? All teenagers and they probably don't have background checks or have to get drug tested.
Chris Watts lives in a Phila. suburb. According to Preesi's site and other reports, he has had many run ins with the law, whether convicted or not. Jon and Kate chose to put their children on tv, thus these are the consequences of their decisions. Jon has chosen to take another path lately and ask that his children be taken off TLC. Unfortunately the children's mother and TLC have chosen otherwise.
Since Steve is supposed to be the bodyguard and, while he appears to be on guard for Kate when she is out of town, he is also with her when she is with the children for filming purposes. I would think that one of his duties should be a background check of all persons who stalk the children as Chris appears to do on a regular basis.
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