Said the local newspaper: "Before all that fame, Kate called our newspaper and offered to allow a reporter to follow the delivery of the sextuplets. It was a great story then, and it changed quickly. Enter the TLC television network, lots of fame and apparently lots of money. Eventually, Kate plus eight, and later minus Jon, settled in Berks again. Someday, I hope, we'll be able to talk to Kate and Jon about the impact all of this has had on their lives and on their children. Unfortunately well, it's the same story about stardom and ignoring the past."
As we have known for a long time, the spotlight was not thrown onto Kate against her will, but rather, she actively, aggressively sought it--using her children to get what she wanted every step of the way.
231 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 231 of 231 Newer› Newest»Fido said: "Cupcakemag looks like an online resume that fronts as a fashion blog in order to showcase the writing *cough* talent of newly graduated students in journalism."
...and I responded that I thought they were doing this as school project. I just did a quick check of the "contributors" and found this:
"but now, she knows exactly WHAT she wants to write about! She also has a passion for PR and graphic design and is constantly learning new things! _______ is a student at The University of Florida majoring in Journalism."
LOL! We knew it, didn't we?
Does anyone have a link to the post-delivery press conference at the Hershey Medical Center? I've never seen it and can't find it on the Internet. Thanks!!
Susantoyota said...
Does anyone have a link to the post-delivery press conference at the Hershey Medical Center? I've never seen it and can't find it on the Internet. Thanks!!
Didn't find the video yet, but I found this interesting article/page from way back when:
This part in particular was interesting:
"Our church is behind us 100 percent. We have everything material taken care of," said Gosselin, an information technologies director for a petroleum equipment company, near Reading.
Hey, Midnight, not only aren't they in the same ballpark, they aren't even in the same trailerpark (or campground, which the Kate Krowd seems to feel is Klassier).
Hey, Midnight, not only aren't they in the same ballpark, they aren't even in the same trailerpark (or campground, which the Kate Krowd seems to feel is Klassier).
Oh, I forgot one thing! Did anyone else happen to scroll down past the Khate "interview" on that cupcake blog? How appropriate is it that the post right below the Khate post is one about trashy "bling" underwear (with photos), or "booty bling" as they call it. Of course the "writers" at that blog just "LOVE" the booty bling....just like they love Khate, lol. I wonder which pair they sent to Khate - the ones that say "Shake Your Money Maker" on the "booty", or maybe the pair with dollar signs? Or, the ones that say "Wanted" on them? Can we spell T-A-C-K-Y?! Yeah, what a great blog, ha!!
you are the only non-military person I have come across that reads VOA! I am impressed :)
I'm so glad I realized as a kid that telling lies is a lot of work. You tell one, then you tell another to back it up. Then you retell the first one, only this time its slightly different. Then the one you backed it up with before doesn't work, so you tell a new backup lie. Pretty soon you can't even remember WHAT the real story is or was. Sound like someone we know (and hate)?
They say ignorance is bliss. Well, she is proof in the pudding of that. Oh wait, her bliss comes in a wine box.
Hippie Chick said...
Yet another Kate!! We have Can-Do Kate, Giving Back Back, Too-Late Kate, Ho-bag Kate, Woe Is Me Kate, Gotta Call Chris Kate, I do It All for My kids Kate, Gotta Clear the Air Kate, Walks Like a Newborn Donkey in Heels Kate, I Did NOT Get Plastic Surgery Kate, Botox is My Friend Kate, I Only Have 1 Friend Kate, Divorce Was the Best Thing for ME Kate, I Will Film These Kids Until They Die Kate, The Blonder the Hair, The Better I Look Kate, The Bigger the Boobs, The Better I Look Kate, My Kids are the Bane of My Existence Kate, I Hate Jon Kate, I Heart Steve Kate, I'm A World Traveler But Know Nothing of What I see Kate, Deny Deny Deny Kate, Gimme Gimme Gimme Kate, I Make up Words Cause I'm a Dumbass Kate, & of course the Mine All Mine Kate. Did I miss any?
Hippie Chick - I have to say that I always enjoy your post tremendously, and this one has to be one of the best ever!
And in Kate's case, with the alleged ulterior motive of getting rich- somehow I definitely don't think that was god's intentions! :D So, just 2 modes of thinking, and there those of us who believe if you can't conceive, then it was meant to be that way.
Interesting belief. If you had cataracts and were totally blind, and a simple procedure could restore your vision and allow you to see the beauty of God's creations, would you have the cataracts removed, or would you go through your entire life in a dark world, relying on others to be your eyes, because that is the way it was meant to be?
Well all I can say from that interview is the fact that she wote 8 faces by herself on her Iphone shows.....
Moose Mania, I didn't see your cancer analogy before posting my own. Thank you... you said it better than I did!
AuntieAnn said... I guess it's not necessary to bring it up again - even the sheeple know Kate's vocabulary is limited to two syllable words.
The second syllable being "-ish" of course.
How does she know that crapfest book I want you to know *how much I hate my kids, caused other parents to write "love" letters to their kids (her so called letters seemed pretty nasty towards her kids from what I recall reading)? Was there more then one book signing event even?
If I remember wasn't it just a little over 10,000 copies even sold to distributors?
Amazing she loves that dog that is left alone for weeks at a time and never allowed in the house. Some "love." I would just like someone to get her to define that word cause her actions make it seem like it means a whole 'nother thing then what I know love to be.
I just realized something after my last post.
Kate probably doesn't acknowledge the fan sites that support her because her reps will not allow her to be affiliated with the hate and bashing that is so blatant on those blogs.
They hate and bash on Jon (the father of her children) and Ellen, someone that just happens to be dating her ex-husband AFTER their divorce, as well as other bloggers that don't worship Kate.
They don't only bash Jon or Ellen for their actions but for their appearances! How can Kate do an interview on a site like that? She probably would if it was up to her but I don't see anyone approving that if they want to improve her image, which they so obviously are trying to do.
Even if the horrible comments are done in support of Kate it's still ugly. It's still bashing and hatred.
I can think of only four blogs/sites that support Kate and all of them allow bashing of Jon and Ellen and other bloggers. Three of them don't have Kate or Gosselin in their blog names, but one does.
Maybe they should clean up their acts.
BerksPa said...Cupcakemag looks like an online resume that fronts as a fashion blog in order to showcase the writing *cough* talent of newly graduated students in journalism.
Berks -- You're being kind. It looks more like a high school newsletter. The kind where, if contributing writers interview the captain of the football team or the head cheerleader, they think they've landed a real scoop. In this case they've got Kate Gosselin, has-been-wannabe celebrity child exploiter.
I doubt if Beth Carson will read that pathetic phone parley Kate gave to Cupcakemag, but it's an affront to her in any case. She neglects to mention Beth's name whenever she talks about MB. I recall reading somewhere that Kate slept while Beth wrote. I guess it's not necessary to bring it up again - even the sheeple know Kate's vocabulary is limited to two syllable words.
That Cupcake blog assured the Kate fans that they would only post the glowing reviews of Kate on the blog in the comment section. (I read that on a Kate worship site.)
I understand not posting rude, hateful comments if you're there to promote Kate, but what about polite comments asking a question about the interview? Nope, they won't post it unless it raves over Kate.
I wrote a comment there that said it was a good interview. I asked if they met Kate and the kids in person. I asked how they knew that Kate was an awesome mother. They didn't post it.
There is NO WAY that person actually met Kate. Kate was sweet? Of course she was sweet on the phone or by email. She was being interviewed!
She must have learned after the last phone interview she did where the interviewer reported that she was rude on the phone when she asked a question about how Jon and Kate keep their marriage happy.
She must have learned after the Vanity Fair interview where the interviewer reported how all she wanted was Nobu and how she stepped on the little boy and just said Sorry and kept walking.
I'd still like to know what she based "Kate is an awesome mother" on. Sounds like every other Kate fan who blogs about Kate.
Cupcakemag looks like an online resume that fronts as a fashion blog in order to showcase the writing *cough* talent of newly graduated students in journalism.
They didn't graduate yet, Berks. This is their senior seminar project. Some juniors were also eligible to participate! They still need to take that mandatory online Advanced Writing course with an emphasis on spelling, grammar and punctuation!
..."reflux, colic, stuffy nose, gas, ear infections are all things that keep your little one from loosing shut eye and you too."
LOOSING? Not losing?!!
"She also filled us in our her newest pet peeves, " toys, snacks, cups, school paraphernalia, etc. rolling around my vehicle while driving"
Filled us in ON her newest pet peeves...
She rolls her vehicle while driving, or she rolls around IN her vehicle while driving? A Jolly Roll-Around?
..."and like us, she probably couldn't survive without her iPhone. Kate is seriously an amazing mother and we were thrilled that she had a chance to fill us in on life. We just adore Kate and her amazing 8!"
Fill us in on life? Life in general, or fill us in on HER life? Does the writer think she's "amazing," even "seriously amazing?" What happened to awesome? Awesome and amazing!
They LOVE her outfits? This is a "fashion magazine?" What a hoot!
Could that magazine kiss her ass anymore?
Hippie: I was going to post the same thing. The adoration was so sickly sweet that it was nauseating. But, afterall, it is the cupcake blog, and I guess Kate was the icing!
What struck me was the damage control. We expressed concern about the dog, and suddenly she LOVES her dog. Yeah, right. Notice she said, "MY dog." Not "ARE (our!)DOG." It was all about Kate, not about the people in her life, her friends (other than the crew!), it was about her. Sure, that's what the interview was about, but even if it is, good PR dictates that you don't talk only about yourself. Maybe they submitted a form to her, and she forwarded it to her handlers, and they filled it out. Or maybe the intern who was writing her blog answered the questions through e-mail.
It just seems like this was a failed attempt to put another Kate out there: Personable Kate, Human Kate, Down-to-Earth Kate. I don't think it quite made its mark because we can see through all of that nonsense!
a little OT: Why would anyone pay good money to watch someone lipsynch (badly) and dance slower than the back up dancers? Why does the media give Britney a pass? I know why ABC does, they spent a ton on promoting her.
" Personally chatted with the admins of Cupcake Mag and I will have the full run down here along with a link for over there on that day. So excited! FYI They LOVE her and she was a sweetheart ;)" From BM's site.
Sounds like BM will be a contributor---a one-woman Kate Gosselin marching band. She's coming out, baby! And making a name for herself on the backs of the Gosselin kids.
Check this one out. Celeb interview (on the right).
At least they got this right: "Read on to see what they have been up to as they have never stopped filming." They omitted the last part of the sentence..."they never stopped filming the crap out of the children."
roxyhelen said "HOM are usually born with problems, at least one of them.Usually it's cerebral palsy..."
Kate is very lucky that none of the tups have any medical problems, yet she has never shown any gratitude for that fact (or for anything else that she has received, by the way).
Most women are grateful that their babies are born healthy, yet Kate seems to take her kids' health for granted. Surely as a nurse she must know how lucky and blessed she has been, yet she seems to be completely unaware.
She has eight beautiful healthy children, she is rich and famous, she has everything she always wanted.Yet her attitude is:
Poor me, poor me, I don't have enough, I want more, more, more!
Re: Alexis using the word "eated". I don't think goofing up a few words at her age is particularly worrisome. But I do worry that Kate couldn't be bothered to notice and correct her children kindly. In addition, she has terrible grammar and a limited knowledge base herself. This is not just because she lacks higher education with the exception of nursing school. My 15 year old is much more articulate than she is and uses perfect grammar. She just needs to finish her education to fill out her knowledge base. Kate is not particularly intelligent, but worse yet, she doesn't care to learn more. She is astoundingly shallow, intellectually lazy and arrogant and ignorant enough to believe she knows it all. So those kids may make perfectly normal grammatical goofs but their mom is too preoccupied to notice. That is, unless she's doing a couch interview with Jon. She corrected his grammar nonstop (and was often wrong). I think she was stupid enough to think it made her look smarter than him, when all it did was confirm that she was a poorly educated, condescending bitch
How old is Alexis, 6? Is it normal for a child that age to still say "eated"?
She will be seven in May. In Kindergarten, my oldest was reading on the seventh grade level and knew verb conjugation because of all the reading that was done, and because we taught it at an early age. I remember what really would drive me crazy was when one of mine, at age five, would say "have went." He finally "got it," but still will say "have went" just to watch the look on my face!
I would think that by Kindergarten most kids would know that "eated" isn't a word, and certainly by age seven they should have a basic knowledge of correct subject-verb agreement, and verb tenses.
I don't think Kate ever bothered with what she would probably call trivial things. Did she even read to these kids?
I caught a bunch of them climbing up a mountainside to get to a remote Guatemalan village to bring toys to kids for Christmas. They were struggling; the girls were in sandals (2 hours/3 miles uphill) and they pointed out the crew had to carry heavy equipment. Cut to a commercial of the Gosselins landing in Sydney with Kate's boobs on full display,
Just goes to show you that when it comes to tv shows, people are attracted to stories of compassion as well as train wrecks!
I'm a little confused by sheeple logic. They seem to think that Chris has never stopped following Kate. Poor guy, he must have been trying to follow her around for months and never ever never ever caught her until the last week, when he snapped her many times... Are you kidding me???? It's obvious that he was sent there to push the show. I don't understand how the sheeple can rationalize this stuff over and over.
Dionne, you are not all that said,
Don't worry. I am a firm believer that what comes around, goes around. I also believe you reap what you sow. I don't know if Kate will get what she deserves in this lifetime, but I personally believe there is a God, and I believe that God will take care of her and that, my friend, is the ultimate punishment.
I quickly looked for Clomid prices and found a discussion about it. I was under the impression Clomid was an injectable drug, but it's just a pill. The discussion is from 4 years ago which brings it even closer to the time the sextuplets were conceived (IDK what the prices are today.). The pills are surprisingly inexpensive. The three responses I've quoted say Clomid cost anywhere from $9.00 to $30.00 for generic and $80 for brand name for a month's treatment which consists of 5 pills.
"Clomid (brand) is about $80 per 5-day course. Generic is like $30 per 5-day course. (I just looked at the other answer here -- holy cow. Did Rite-Aid just completely rip me off? I paid $80 just last week.)"
"I just noticed that clomid is one of the Drugs on the Walmart cheap drug list.. its only $9.00 for 5 50mg pills which is genereally what the doctor will start you off at, then raise it to 100 mg if 50 doesn't work. So it will cost 9.00 per month until you get increased then you jsut take 2 pills instead of 1, so then it will be 18.00 per month."
"If you go to Rite Aid and get the generic brand (it works just as good as the original brand )it cost $16.99 For 5 pills..."
Roxyhelen I AGREE with you completely on ALL points. Khatezilla is a sick, hypocritical, idiot.
AuntieAnn said...
Talk about a mindf*ck. Who does that to their kids? Can you imagine at that age being tricked into thinking it's Christmas morning and then finding out it wasn't? What the hell. Did they think the kids were never going to grow up and remember something like that.
Go ahead sheeple. Admire this woman for all she's worth which is nothing more than a pile of sheep dung.
This blows me away that Kate (& Jon) purposely filmed their kids reacting to a Christmas morning that wasn't. How incredibly...wrong. Last year I accidentally left out the big bag of candy after hiding it for Easter. Oops. I felt awful & thought I ruined every holiday for him. (he is also at the age where he has stopped believing) Luckily, when my son found it, all he said was "Mom, I know there is no Easter bunny, I just like the fun of searching for the candy". He was doing it for my benefit. And how effing sad is it that The G kids haven't believed in Santa for years? Is it because Kate wanted ALL of the credit for buying, wrapping & distributing the toys? Who knows, we're not there, but a true narcissist she is & she would certainly want the credit, she wouldn't want "Santa" to have it.
This is what is so sad & what will destroy these kids' lives AND THEIR kids lives. Will they know how to parent a child? Look at the role model they have? Look at the childhood that they have had/have now. Fake Christmases, fake "traditions", things handed to them on a "golden platter" (WTF?), a mom who only cares about her own needs & wants, a mom who doesn't care that filming the crap out of them is destroying what little self-respect & dignity they may have left, a mom who tossed all family & friends aside because she was seeking more fame, more status & now has become the laughing stock of America. These kids will have NOTHING to teach their own. Kate really effed up from day 1. The second she picked up that phone & called The Reading Eagle, those kids were doomed.
"How did Jon and kate get fertility treatments as newlyweds? Most places make couples try for a few years but they jumped to the front of the line. Seems weird to me that there was no waiting period."
It really does give credence to the theory that from the very beginning, Kate decided to have multiples as a path to fame and fortune. As a nurse, she would know exactly how fertility treatments increase the odds of having multiples, especially in a young woman. I am surprised that she found a doctor to go along with her plan, but then again, so did Octomom.
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