Said the local newspaper: "Before all that fame, Kate called our newspaper and offered to allow a reporter to follow the delivery of the sextuplets. It was a great story then, and it changed quickly. Enter the TLC television network, lots of fame and apparently lots of money. Eventually, Kate plus eight, and later minus Jon, settled in Berks again. Someday, I hope, we'll be able to talk to Kate and Jon about the impact all of this has had on their lives and on their children. Unfortunately well, it's the same story about stardom and ignoring the past."
As we have known for a long time, the spotlight was not thrown onto Kate against her will, but rather, she actively, aggressively sought it--using her children to get what she wanted every step of the way.
231 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 231 Newer› Newest»I can already hear the defense of this so I'll save them the trouble, it will go something like this "We all know the sextuplets were going to be famous anyway so Kate was just trying to pick the media outlet she could trust the most to cover the story."
Sure, I'm sure that's exactly what Kate was doing. And if that's the case, why is she refusing to speak to the Reading Eagle now? This is not the first time they have outright said she won't talk to them anymore.
You know when you are pregnant with six babies and on bed rest and trying to just ensure they even SURVIVE, when do you have a moment to think about calling the media? All Kate could think about was sticking a flashbulb in her premature babies' faces. Before she even knew whether they would even MAKE IT. What a selfish person.
Not surprised at all.
Welcome to the splender that is Kate.
I bet this line from the article really chafes Kate's butt: "The best-known celebrity [from Berks County] at the moment is Wyomissing native Taylor Swift."
bwwaahhhaaahhaaaa, SuperSTAH. Not.
The locals had Kate's number years ago. Why their version of the truth never seems to make it out of Reading is beyond comprehension.
Everyone out there who is surprised by this, please raise your finger.
fidosmommy, I'd raise my middle finger, but I am not surprised!
Sigh. I've known for a long time that Kate is a bad mother and a generally mean person. (Boy, did Mady call that one!) It's also been clear to me that Kate has chased fame with the tenacity of a bloodhound, and her claim that they "can't" go back is total bat guano.
What I've struggled to accept is the idea that she deliberately got knocked up with HOMs as a way to become famous. The idea sounded like a conspiracy theory to me, and too low-down to be believable.
I believe it now. I finally accept that there's a lot of non-circumstancial evidence to support the idea, and this article--and your comments, Admin--cinches it for me.
The locals had Kate's number years ago. Why their version of the truth never seems to make it out of Reading is beyond comprehension.
Because she's not worth it! The "locals" are sick and tired of the whole circus and just wish it would be over and done. There's no need to get any truth out there because to do so would be to keep her in the limelight, with rebuttals here and there, and she would fly to the media once again to go on national television and set the facts straight, ad nauseam. Best to just let it die a slow death.
The locals know the truth. The folks in the school community know the truth. That's all that matters. End of story. Go in peace!
disclaimer: I am not a mother to human babies.
I don't know anything about pregnancy firsthand.
But...it seems to me that if you finally got what you wanted - multiple babies growing in your womb - wouldn't a mother's first impulse be to protect them from everything? Sure, mommies are happy about their pregnancy! But most mommies I know don't really want anybody gawking at their growing bellies except their very closest friends and relations. The idea of
using growing children still in the womb as a
self promotion is beyond anything I can understand.
I would say the same thing to Demi Moore and her Vanity Fair (?) cover. I'm sure the intent was not to sell her babies to the highest bidder, but it was attention for Demi, approved by Demi, IMO.
After Kate found out she was pregnant with multiples, she shopped a demo tape out to various media outlets. Kate has been the mastermind all along.
It's all documented on Preesi's website.
For all of you come-lately bloggers on the Gosselin scene:
This was one of the most interesting and complete accounts of the entire Gosselin saga that had appeared in the media as of February of 2009. Included are the reports of the love offerings, and their demands on the churches (page 3).
fidosmommy -- I can't even wiggle my little toe.
I'm waiting for the sheeple to cry foul and say oh no that's not the way it was. She would never do that!
Again, kudos to the Reading Eagle for outing Kate on another one of her favorite fibs.
Bad day for sheeple. Pass me a tissue
Like I said I can think of a hundred different things that should be first and foremost on a mother's mind when she is trying to carry six babies. And the very dead last thing would be to alert the local media. Kate is exactly the opposite, media first--kids last.
You know what is really sad? All those cards and notes on the walls and door from family and well-wishers. How many of those supporters have been kicked to the gutter? How many would Kate even talk to now? Or for that matter how many would talk to her? Fame gave a sharp focus to who Kate aspired to be.
I am sure she never envisioned the amount of fame she would achieve by working her children to fatigue. She took the power that fame afforded her and went wild with it. Ended up kicking her husband out when he dared question the wisdom of continuing to film. She puffed up like a hooded cobra and let one and all know she was the powerful one. She spat venom at Jon, she abused her children. She publically insulted her very sweet sister-in-law and helpful, loving brother. She turned her back on her parents who dared criticize the wisdom of her choices. She lost EVERYTHING of the life she had before the sextuplets. And gained--money. Notoriety and money. Oh, and a paid companion. Yeah, winning!
Here's what's crazy about this:
1. She had no idea if those babies, or even if all those babies were going to survive. She also had no idea if the one's who survived would be healthy or not. She invited the media into their lives before knowing if it would end up being a tragic story. Hell's bells, I didn't tell PEOPLE I KNEW about a pregnancy after a miscarriage until 12 weeks, because imwas worried I would have to go back and tell them I had lost another pregnancy. And that was just my parents, family, friends, coworkers. Not the world, and not with a HOM, high-risk pregnancy. Something could have gone very wrong, and she could have found herself in great need for privacy AFTER inviting the media into their lives. Of course, now that I know what a narcissist she is, I realize that even if the worst had happened, and she lost all the babies,she would have just eaten up the attention, milked her martyr status, and forced Jon to go along with trying again once she was able.
2. There's nothing in the world saying these kids HAD to be famous. No they didn't. The Dilley multiples and that other group McCoughey? have lived their lives quietly after the initial hubbub died down. You don't see those moms constantly forcing their kids to be filmed all the time, pimping them out like little ATM machines.
Ug. This woman is sick. She truly has a sickness. I guess the only saving grace here, for whatever it's worth, is that she won't be having any more kids to ruin.
By the way, are there even any sheeple left? There used to be one or two on INF and they have disappeared. That's the only place I ever saw them.
Kate is scheduled to be on the Today show on April 4th. I didn't see her listed on any other shows so maybe they all finally got smart!
Hell's bells, I didn't tell PEOPLE I KNEW about a pregnancy after a miscarriage until 12 weeks, because imwas worried I would have to go back and tell them I had lost another pregnancy. And that was just my parents, family, friends, coworkers. Not the world, and not with a HOM, high-risk pregnancy.
I waited longer than that, and all of my pregnancies were normal and not at all high risk. Thankfully. At five-months (on each of them) I finally made the announcement...when I couldn't suck in my tummy anymore!
Kate wanted media attention for her babies before she knew what the future held for them, health-wise. Why doesn't this surprise us?
Administrator said...
You know when you are pregnant with six babies and on bed rest and trying to just ensure they even SURVIVE, when do you have a moment to think about calling the media?
Do you know what bed rest is? You don't actually DO anything -- that's pretty much the point -- so you have plenty of time on your hands.
LancNative said...
There's no need to get any truth out there because to do so would be to keep her in the limelight
Ah, but Lanc, she's still in the limelight regardless of any truths being revealed. As much as locals may be sick of her, the general public is keenly unaware of the fraud that she is and has always been. People need to know what a schemer she has been since the day she snared Jon in her web. But, in the end, I suppose what's even worse, she won't go away until TLC tells us she's going away.
Of course I know what bed rest is, I would think that time would be spent worrying if your children would even live let alone getting to the next step of exploiting them.
People need to know what a schemer she has been since the day she snared Jon in her web.
Why? I would think that's been rather obvious lately. The media really hasn't been kind to her. I really don't believe that the public is as unaware of her antics as some might think. How many sheeple are left?
I really couldn't care less about her scheming. She can continue her web of deception until the cows come home, but let her do it on her own and release those kids and let them live with Jon.
I really believe that TLC is grabbing at straws, trying everything to make her relevant to bring back ratings. This includes the Charity Kate and the Date A Mate Kate. It's not going to work. You're correct -- only TLC can make her disappear. She'll never do it on her own, and depending on the ratings of forthcoming shows, they'll have to try everything in their power to keep her alive. They're doing the hard sale thing, but we're not buying.
Anonymous asked Administrator: "Do you know what bed rest is?"
LOL! Admin made it through law school, passed the bar exam, and you have to ask that question? Um, well, yeah - I think she can put those two words together and come up with a good idea what it means!
I was never on bed rest when I was pregnant, but I know darn well if I were, I'd be thinking about the health of those babies, and writing list upon list of what I needed, scheduling, lining up in-home help, and yes, worrying endlessly that some or all of the babies weren't going to make it. I'd be reading every baby care book I could get my hands on. I would be selecting names, learning about feedings and formulas, etc. etc. I'd lie there watching the movement in my belly. Pregnant women know that feeling - watching that gentle wave that sweeps across the tummy, knowing and thanking God that there is life in there. That's how my bed rest time would be spent.
The list that I would make while on bed rest would NOT include contacting the media and offering to let them follow me and the babies around. Not by a long shot. Kate's made out of a different fiber than most of us. Thank goodness.
Kate's made out of a different fiber than most of us.
Hers is synthetic fiber.
None of this surprises me at all. There are so many stories like this about Kate's behavior, her greed, her materialism, her exploitation of her children. None of it really shocks me anymore.
And you're right, Admin. The Sheeple will spin this latest proof of what Kate is. They will probably say "Eagle Reading is just sour grapes because they got pushed out by TLC."
LOL Moose. Don't forget she also had very young twins to think about and see that their needs were being met both physically and emotionally and so on. There was certainly not "nothing to do" while she was on bedrest but occupy her time trying to get the Reading Eagle to make her famous.
My mom was on bedrest for my youngest sibling due to her type 1 diabetes and other complications. She was only 27 or so and very healthy otherwise. Pregnancy is hard on a diabetic. I remember this vividly. Although I don't remember her ever alerting any media. She helped out at a church food shelter for years and was so embarrassed when a local newspaper came for a photoshoot once. I guess we don't carry the famewhore gene.
Anonymous, being on bed rest with one baby is hardly the same as being on bed rest with six. It's everything a normal mother on bed rest has to do times six. I find it hard to believe anyone would think about alerting the media in her shoes unless they had it in the forefront of their mind they were going to cash in on THIS. That said, the point really is not whether Kate had time to think about calling the media. Let's assume she had plenty of time. The point is she called them. Even before the babies were born she was trying to get attention and get famous. This is what we all take issue with. Kate continues to perpetuate the lie that it was about making memories and saving for college (how are those college funds doing by the way, six years and 150 episodes later?). It was not, it was about Kate and only Kate getting rich and famous, period.
You fixate on one little point and lose sight of the big picture. Fine, she had plenty of time to alert the media, you win. But why DID SHE????
By the way go back to my original statement, I said when do you have a moment to THINK about the media. Not that Kate actually did not have enough physical hours in the day, but rather it seems to me a mother wouldn't even go there with her thoughts with all the other things to think and worry about with HOM. Kate went there, and she went there fast. I would think with six babies to carry your thoughts would be cluttered with all the worries about that, not how fast you can pimp them out--heck in thiscase before the doctors even cut the six cords.
Remember this from US Weekly?:
"She [Kate] used to give him [Jon] only $5 to spend, and if he was out and needed more money, she would give him hell," his former employer at Style Craft Corp, David Rothermel, tells Us.
Rothermel, who fired Jon for misusing company resources and remembers college dropout Jon looking online all day for freebies for the sextuplets, also recalls a very-pregnant-with-sextuplets Kate storming into the office one day.
"She came in raising hell because Jon's father was supposed to bring her lunch and he was late," Rothermel recalls. "She got up out of bed rest to come in and yell at anyone who would listen!"
If she got out of bed rest to find out why her lunch was late, I guess she had plenty of time to shop the media and put her story out there.
Who took care of the twins while she was on bed rest?
Anonymous, do you understand what a reasonable inference is? We all make them every day.
No we are not in Kate's head, and thank God for that. We can make reasonable inferences based on what she has said, what she has done, and the long record of past behaviors. We are not drawing on one isolated incident but rather dozens upon dozens of well documented behaviors, statements, and incidents. If you are not comfortable with this, move on.
If you assumed that when your husband was whistling in the shower this morning that the hot water was working, you made a reasonable inference. Why would you assume the hot water tank was broken if he was in the shower and not putting up a big stink? Judges and juries convict people every day based on reasonable inferences. How about when you poured milk for your cereal and didn't smell it to check if it was sour. You know you bought it yesterday, so you're making a reasonable inference it's not sour yet. This is how we live our lives.
When we know that someone is seeking out a newspaper first to do a story on them, we can make a reasonable inference they want to chase after the media, and not the other way around.
I was on bedrest for 8 weeks with my first pregnancy. It was only one baby. I'm normally a big reader and writer. I usually keep a journal and write lots of emails. While on bedrest I just stopped. I was too distracted to read and too terrified to write. My entire focus was on my unborn baby. Here I had all of this time I'd never had before in my life and I laid there and worried and thought about the baby. I wanted to use my free time to "scheme" how to make money working at home or else work only part-time after the baby was born, but I was incapable of doing that because I was so worried the baby wouldn't survive. I HOPE most women on bedrest aren't as nutty as I was, but yeah, it takes a "special" kind of person to exploit such a high risk pregnancy as Kate's!
No doubt her doctor and family cautioned her against going public until they knew the outcome but defiant "it is all about me" Kate said she didn't care, she wanted fame now, and so she invited the reporter in, gave the full names of her unborn children for publication, and ignored all the concern about how devasting it would be if the babies weren't healthy or didn't survive. It was never about them, always about her. That is why she is the most loathesome reality star on the planet, she got fame at the expense of her children. Despicable.
Moose Mania said: She came in raising hell because Jon's father was supposed to bring her lunch and he was late," Rothermel recalls. "She got up out of bed rest to come in and yell at anyone who would listen!"
If she got out of bed rest to find out why her lunch was late, I guess she had plenty of time to shop the media and put her story out there.
WTF? My question is why the lazy cow didn't make her own lunch in her own home. What a demanding harridan.
I think Kate and Jon seeking out the media before the sextuplets were even born, let alone healthy, speaks volumes of Kate's priorities. These kids were a commodity for Kate's desire for fame, before they were even born. These kids never stood a chance at privacy. (She tried to pimp out the twins with an agent.) And never will until TLC shuts this "debacle" down once and for all. We know Kate never will.
Have removed myself from a self-imposed "time-out" which mostly had to do with my utmost disgust that the G8 have never had a chance at a normal life with privacy, at the hands of their own parents, and since the divorce, Kate. So many signals, these children want to be what they were born to be, individuals with privacy, respect and unconditional love from their parents, not performing puppets being raised by "helpers." Their well-being, and being surrounded by people who put their best interests first in every situation seems to always be a very distant second to Kate's desire to market them and always do what is best for herself. And it has gotten old and very disgusting to me.
Why can't the Family Court Judge privately ask the kids if they still want to film, with their privacy protected? After all, if there is nothing to fear, seems a reasonable thing to do. I think we all know what the outcome would be.
In the first "special" about the Gosselins, there was a lot of home-video footage. During one of these segments, K8 looks into the camera and says (paraphrasing here) : you've all seen what goes on our lives, and no, it's not glamourous....I do everything by myself....blah, blah, blah.
Why would she say that if the video was not being shopped around ? I don't know about you all but we don't say things like that in our family videos.
And Anon , are you for real ? Please take your ridiculous comments elsewhere, they have become quite tedious to read.
One more comment- With this prolonged horrible economy, and many people struggling, Kate's whole personna and chronic greed, at the expense of her own children, has turned MANY people off. I can only imagine what guilt trip she puts them through that they MUST keep filming.
Get a job Kate and raise your family. Parents take care of their kids, not the other way around.
Will not be watching any upcoming episodes of Kate Plus 8, as ratings will only enslave these kids further.
I have 9 year old triplets and I actually was on bedrest for most of my pregnancy, because of a few complications. I was put on at 12 weeks and had the babies at 34 weeks. All I can say is I worried every day. The health and well being of those three little lives inside of me was my primary focus and nothing else. I remember my sister made each of them an easter basket (I was about 18 weeks at that point) and she was nervous to give them to me, because I was very weary of getting things for them before they were all born healthy. As it turned out, I had one beautiful girl and two gorgeous boys. They are extremely healthy and I am blessed.
Another thing. When I returned home with the babies, who were only in the hospital a few days after I left, many of our friends were asking if we contacted distributers and retailers to let them know we had triplets and they may want to help, or offer discounts. My feeling was from the beginning, that I wanted these babies and it was my choice. We knew money would be tight for a while, as we did go through a few IVF cycles, but these are things you have to plan for and be aware of. Babies wear diapers, babies (especially multiples) need formula, they need clothes, cribs, high chairs, car seats etc. I will say, my friends at the church would come to help me feed the babies for the first few months, but that is all I needed, and they loved doing it. The rest is the responsibility of the parents. When you do fertility treatments, you should be aware of what your financial responsibilities will be if you are successful. It is that simple!
FYI Kate will be on the Today show on April 4th. In the spotlight again.
I had a movie on Reelz this weekend in the background and they were advertising The Kennedys miniseries like crazy. Apparently it's going to air this Sunday through Sunday, straight. Although Monday night is going to be a repeat of the first two eps, if people like it enough they'll tune in. This is a really controversial documentary that a lot of networks passed on. More competition for Kate.
Anonymous the "inference" that Kate wanted to be rich and famous is not based on this one incident and you know it. It is based on this and a 100 other incidents, including Kate's own words in I Just Want you to Know, "I truly love the media." Kate said it, not us.
Your definition of what is a reasonable inference is apparently much different than ours.
And the conspiracy theory about scheming for multiples is not widely held by everyone. Just because a few people think it doesn't mean everyone does. I simply don't know about that, but that's really neither here nor there. She had them whether she tried to or not, and from there pimped them out shaking the change out even before they took a breath of air.
NT said...
FYI Kate will be on the Today show on April 4th. In the spotlight again.
Not interested in watching- as a matter of fact, ever since Kate went on her first boo-hoo tour, I have stopped watching The Today Show (and any show that insists on shoving her down our throats)long ago.
Same, same, same....
Exactly K8sucks,
That video was obviously an "audition" tape. Who is she talking to? Why would she use those words "it's not glamourous, etc.." Who talks to the camera like that when they're alone? I'm sure Jon wasn't the one taping because she'd be barking orders. Not the "usual" home video all of us have at home, is it? I don't have any video of me talking to the camera, alone with my kids... but that's just me.
Your definition of what is a reasonable inference is apparently much different than ours.
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, you can make a reasonable inference that it's a duck. Heck, you can pretty much conclude that it IS a duck. There are simply too may stories, too much evidence out there, too much testimony from people who witnessed these babies being shopped around BEFORE birth to come to any other conclusions.
A couple of years ago, the Reading Eagle had an article about Kate and Jon. It was a sort of "sour grapes" article. It clearly had the tone of disgust. I didn't blame them. The jist of the article was they had tried to get an interview, but couldn't. The reporter said that they printed a lot for the family, taking it upon themselves to put it out there what they needed, also made a comment they even wrote more articles at the request of Kate, to remind people of their "prayer list". Then, when they tried to do a follow up story, they were told they had to pay for it. I cannot locate it the article now, and I will NOT pay for the archive copy. The article was pretty sad, really. Users and abusers. How people are just tossed away after their usefulness is no longer needed.
There are pics of her taking out her trash yesterday. Why does she have her cell phone w/ her to take out the trash...talk about being self-important. I forgot to take mine with me this morning at 7:00 a.m. when I took my trash out--must remember to do that next week.
There are pics of her taking out her trash yesterday
So this is what it's come down to? Photos of her tasking our the trash? They really are grasping, aren't they? I'm surprised someone doesn't go through the trash, steal the trash bags, looking for any inside info they could sell. Sheesh! Or does Steve provide security for the trash, standing guard until the garbage truck picks it up? Why isn't he with her, protecting her from the swarm of shutterbugs?
"On Sunday (March 27) the “Kate Plus 8” babe took out the trash as a swarm of shutterbugs looked on from afar."
Where's the swarm? I want to see photos of them. Do they mean the lonely Chris?
"A Pink Straight Jacket... Belly dancing is fun!! Are you a belly dancer too, No regrets?
Hey Pink!! I don't belly dance, but I hula hoop! I bought a weighted one & do it for about 20-25 minutes a day. (Bonus: you don't need a hula hoop-just do the motions of a hula hoop for the same amount of time & you'll notice a difference in a few weeks!) My core is strong & tight & my obliques are rocking. And since you use your arms for leverage, they are getting a good work out too. I advise it for all those who aren't looking for TOO much cardio, but trust me when I say, it is cardio. I'll have to try the belly dancing though. I have heard that is super-fun!!
As for Kate seeking the spotlight, no surprises there. It solidifies everything & puts things into place. Was it Jon that admitted that he sought TLC? Did anyone admit that? We all know it, I'm glad the newspaper article stated it. Kate is such a greedy monster. She will never stop asking for handouts. She is a millionaire & she probably still does. Look at the free trips from TLC. She couldn't go to NYC without them. How pathetic. This is all catching up to her. Her show will nothing but her whining, crying, bitching that she does it all alone...same old shit. Please TANK.
Remember when Kate said nobody famous came from PA except for her?? Hahahaha!!
I'm imploring everyone: do NOT comment on the pics of her taking out the trash that are posted anywhere else. I want them to STOP reporting on her, and the only way that'll happen is if they see that the page views are pathetic and the comments are zero.
I know I can't make anyone do anything, it's a free internet, you can post where you want to. But please, if you want to see this woman out of the spotlight faster, don't comment on the mainstream celeb blogs about her. I stopped watching ANYTHING on TV with her in it/on it ages ago and now the next step is to only comment on her here, nowhere else.
And ok, I'll say it here so I don't say it there: was Chris actually on her property to take those trash shots? What the heck?
I guess she needed some pics out of her doing something "normal."
Hippie Chick said...
Remember when Kate said nobody famous came from PA except for her?? Hahahaha!!
I remember that, Hippie! I recall at the time the first person I thought of was Perry Como, with a statue erected in his honor in his hometown of Canonsburg...wonder if they'll do the same for Kate in Wernersville? I think old Perry probably had a bit more of a following and longevity than Kate!
I guess Kate never checked this EXTENSIVE list:
Nobody famous from PA? Well, okay, if she says so!
I went to TLC.com to see if they were promoting Kate's new season of shows. I find it very interesting that she is not mentioned at all. She is not even in the box entitled TV Shows. They have 12 shows listed with pictures and she is not one of them. They have Cake Boss as their primary push. Some videos on many shows but not Kate's and a bit about the Feeding America campaign where other shows are mentioned, but not hers. You can still find her in the drop down menu under TV shows and her lame blog is still there about the Sound of Music, with all the negative comments. What do people make of this?? I am hoping these last few tapings were to finish out her contract and she and thankfully, the kids, are DONE when this contract is up.
I won't watch in hopes that she will GO AWAY!
When I got pregnant, the first thing I did was call my local paper. Then, I called the local radio & news programs so they could come interview me, which they did promptly THAT night. Looking my best in my Pea Pod maternity clothes at 2 months pregnant I gave them a startling interview about what is was like to be pregnant with ONE child. NO ONE has ever felt that feeling before, EVER. After all the local hubbub died down, I was flown 1st class to NYC to interview for GMA, Today, & then a bunch more places I can't even remember. It was a whirlwind. Again, nobody had ever carried a child before, so I was special. I made sure to put up a website & ask for handouts; we needed a car with 4 seats at least, ONE car seat, ONE stroller, ONE crib, ONE changing table, AND I needed everyone to pay our bills. I also stood on the corner looking for handouts. I dressed like a whore so people would just throw me their money.
Since I am the only in the WHOLE WORLD to have a child I had to do these things. I made sure when my child was born, I threw all my family away, including my husband & my friends. Who needs them? I record my child doing all these mundane activities, like going to the dentist, the beach, the beach, the dentist, the store, the dentist, the beach & the dentist & I sold it to Youtube. I am now as famous as I could be! I make sure I have some big burly guy follow me everywhere I go who I have dubbed "BagBoy" who is incidentally, the bag boy from the local market & I talk down to everyone. I also get invited onto Today once in awhile to "clear up" rumors. Life couldn't be better! I feel my fame slipping but I dress like a ho & have BagBoy take pictures of my & my sullen child at the dentist all the time & post them on the web, then I get popular again for a couple days. My new YouTube show comes out in a few days. It's about me, my kid, & a beach! Surprise!!
I think everyone has pretty much stopped commenting on articles about her. At any given site, a KG article would have hundreds of comments. These days, there are very few. Not counting Radar, which I don't go to because it gives my computer viruses.
Ha Ha Ha.. Love the story with the pics. No love from INF! How will the sheeple deal with it?
I'm assuming BM is getting shredded on other blogs due to her appearance on OZ. I know this blog has been kind in what was posted, with a couple snarks in there, but generally not mean. I can only imagine what the other blogs are saying. It can't be nice.
.. I say assuming BM is getting shredded because of the comments that are censored and permitted on her site are "kissy kissy" and she is "proud of her own skin, no matter what the haters are saying" It's nice that most comments here have been complimentery or simply nice.
I will be taking my trash out about 6pm tonight if anyone is interested...
Sorry, but the point as noted above is to not glorify Kate's trashcapades on any site, as if it is news or as if it is worth noting and adding to her ratings on any sites.
Go Away Kate. Your trash is just not that spectacular.
Linda G. said...
...trash shots...
Truer words were never spoken about Kate, were they? :)
What strikes me is that Kate herself said they were struggling financially when they only had the twins because Jon was unemployed. Why under these circumstances she would go and have six more kids I will never understand.You know you don't have money and you can barely care for these two kids but you decide to have another six.Why?
Moreover, I never bought the crappy story of how they decided to do the series AFTER they realized the specials were successful. Why? At the end of the second special I think, there is footage from Season 1 Episode 6 the one where the twins turn six and they all visit the NICU. So if they didn't know if they will have a season why did they have footage from mid season?
On a pretty disgusting note:
Australia Adventure April 4, 2011
"Kate and the kids travel 21 hours to visit Australia, celebrating New Years Eve in Sydney. Kate attempts to swim with sharks while inside a cage, and the whole family meets some of Australia's aboriginal people."
The next episodes will air April 11 and 18 and all three episodes plus the Halloween specials are listed in season 2.They are going back to seasons, naturally it's not like they don't have enough footage...
AuntieAnn said... Kate's made out of a different fiber than most of us.
Hers is synthetic fiber.
Synthetic like her personnality, hair, nails, boobs, tan and heart.
Hippie Chick you made me laugh hard.
EXCEPT THAT I, TOO, HAD ONE CHILD! Your experience is no longer special! So sorry!
(I'm still laughing. You nailed her attitude.)
Hippie Chick, you have more talent and personality in your little pinky finger than that talentless, wanna-be idiot, Khatezilla Gro$$elin. Keep the Truth about that $tupid witch coming!!! Gotta love Hippie Chick.
Hippie Chick...you are great! I am still laughing.
"Not counting Radar, which I don't go to because it gives my computer viruses."
I was over at ROL not too long ago, and it seems like there are only a few of them who snap back and forth at each other. How many sheeple are left? Their arguments are always the same: Kate isn't spending her own money on these trips, hair cuts, etc...she gets them all free because TLC is paying for them, and therefore, it's okay. What is it in the sheeple's brain that doesn't allow them to see that yes, TLC is paying for these things, but where do they think that TLC gets the money to do this? TLC doesn't stand on the corner soliciting donations so they can pay to send Kate to Australia! The kids are WORKING for TLC, bringing in the money (how many MILLIONS did TLC make off these kids?) which enables TLC to turn around and have the funds to provide them with these excursions! I'm not so sure what is so difficult for the sheeple to understand about that.
I have a simple reminder for us all; when we copy an article and quote it here, could we please remember to include the URL/link? Many like to read it themselves and/or know where it came from, verify what is quoted, make sure there isn't more to the article than what was posted, read comments if they're available, etc. If for no other reason it's a polite thing to do when using someone else's words as well as possibly being considered a form of plagiarism if proper credit isn't given. TIA
I have a simple reminder for us all; when we copy an article and quote it here, could we please remember to include the URL/link?
If that happens (quotes from an article with no link) I copy one or two of the lines, put it in google, and the article comes up, most often first in line of the searches. Granted, it's easier with the link provided, but without it, there are ways of finding the article, especially since more than one site publishes the same article, word for word. It's really not that difficult to do.
Same thing applies if someone posts that pictures are up online. For example, someone said that there is a photo of Kate taking out the trash on her birthday. I typed in Kate Gosselin birthday trash (LOL!) and a multitude of articles and pictures appeared.
Hippie Chick said...Again, nobody had ever carried a child before, so I was special.
LoL Hippie.
The really big question is, was your lunch brought to you on time, or was there hell to pay?
The really big question is, was your lunch brought to you on time, or was there hell to pay?
LOL, AuntieAnn! I was going to ask her if she traded in a maroon car for a blue one because she hated the color of the car that was donated.
About the lunch...if Kate had the time and energy to get dressed (since she was on bedrest, I am assuming she didn't show up at Jon's workplace in her pajamas), and drive there to raise hell, how was it she couldn't put together a tuna sandwich in her own kitchen, or go to the Burger King drive-thru for lunch? Maybe it had to be an organic lunch...
Speaking of Kate cooking. We haven't seen her make her pots of old granny soups in her new kitchen. I wonder if she taught the housekeeper to do this. I was thinking about this yesterday when I was making a pot of chicken corn soup. Funny how certain things evoke thoughts of Kate. Sigh.
Hippie Chick, you deserve the prize today! So funny and you really nail the Gosselin story.
I'm sad that the Today show has to participate with TLC's promotion of Kate and the kids. I've tried voicing my disgust to Today in the past, but didn't even get response. I'll vote with my remote. Somebody really likes Kate to keep promoting her. When the suits that enjoy making money from the kids get tired of her maybe they'll kick her to the curb and the kids can have a normal life.
About phoning the local news while she was pregnant, who does that? Greedy grifters that's who. This was a planned deal by Kate herself. I'll never believe all of this just "knocked on her door." Jon and Kate pursued the fame and fortune. That's why the family objected and has been tossed aside. You don't criticize anything Kate wants to do. User to the worst degree. Too many kind people have been thrown out of their lives for me to believe otherwise. Quite a change from being filmed in church to romping in a bikini on the beach, isn't it? Which one is the real Kate? Easy answer, don't you think?
Well, Kate has managed to make another appearance on the Internet today because it's her birthday. One of the articles talked about her going out to dinner with a few friends and the TLC crew that films the show because they are like family. I guess the "few friends" consist solely of Jamie and PurseBoy. I'm guessing that the TLC crew felt pressured to attend the dinner. No family members were included and I doubt that the TLC crew really consider her a friend. This woman is pathetic. Although I couldn't see her shoes in the pic of her taking out the trash, one article said that she had on heels (to take out the trash wearing what looked to me like a jogging suit). This woman is pathetic and crazy.
I lose hope every time I see her in the news again. I wonder if the kids will ever be free of this mess. The fact that she and Jon planned this crap before the babies were even born and Jon bragging at work that he would never have to work again just makes me want to puke. I still have hope that one day she and Jon will pay a huge price for the 8 lives that they have ruined. Although Jon finally saw the error of his ways, he's still just as guilty as she is because he was part of the original plan to exploit these children.
Didn't Kate dedicate an entire chapter of her newest book to the subject of trash? She had so much trash she had to share it with the neighbors.
The dumbest hater against the smartest sheeple.
That part about Jon bragging at work about never having to work again is quite disgusting. I also read that same type of description about Kate from her co-workers. They went after the fortune and have exploited their children. Plain and simple. Jon has seen the light, but Kate is in love with the attention.
We must vote with out remotes more than ever.
ADMIN continuing that discussion regarding the libel being spread around about you, when you said they are anonymous. Actually no one is anonymous. I am sure you heard about the man who WON 404K from an online "anonymous" blogger who said all sorts of untrue things about him. Here is the article:
"Stookey took an infrequently used route to find Ballew's identity. He used a subpoena to get the IP address, which is something unique to every computer, behind the libelous postings on Topix.com. The website, which acts as a news aggregator for local communities, readily complied."
Just food for thought. Enough with the lies.
Moose Mania said...About the lunch...if Kate had the time and energy to get dressed (since she was on bedrest, I am assuming she didn't show up at Jon's workplace in her pajamas), and drive there to raise hell, how was it she couldn't put together a tuna sandwich in her own kitchen...
That was the first thing I thought too. Nothing in the fridge, Kate? WTH? And her FIL was supposed to deliver it? That man must have had a heart of gold and the patience of Job.
No wonder she needs all that help, she can't look after herself leave alone a whole passel of kids...unless there was some kind of plan in place on how to do that.
...oh wait
Triplet Mom said...
The rest is the responsibility of the parents. When you do fertility treatments, you should be aware of what your financial responsibilities will be if you are successful. It is that simple!
Great post, Triplet Mom … and kudos to you for taking the high road, despite how difficult it may have been financially. This has always been my gripe with both Jon and Kate: They were well aware that fertility treatments could result in HOM – which they COULD NOT afford to support at the time – but they went ahead with the treatments anyway. They were selfish and careless, and then expected the rest of society to support their kids. Kate even tried to justify her grifting and grabbing by saying that, since science/society provided fertility treatments, it was society’s obligation to help “support” the kids. WTF?????
I agree with you 100%: Those doing fertility treatments had better be sure they can afford 3, 4, or more kids BEFORE they go ahead with treatments. I have to add, though, that your comment above applies not just to those seeking fertility treatments, but to ALL folks deciding to become parents. Whether you become a parent via the natural method, fertility treatments, adoption, etc., ALL potential parents need to consider how many children they can reasonably afford to care for – emotionally, financially, and in every other way. And they need to consider this BEFORE the kids are brought into the family, not after.
I also think they used "god will provide" as an excuse to take from donors.
That was the first thing I thought too. Nothing in the fridge, Kate? WTH? And her FIL was supposed to deliver it? That man must have had a heart of gold and the patience of Job.
I knew Kate's father-in-law, and yes, he did.
Match up said...
The dumbest hater against the smartest sheeple.
Isn't "smartest sheeple" an oxymoron?
Administrator said...
I also think they used "god will provide" as an excuse to take from donors.
You've heard of remorse buying. I wonder if this time God has a case of remorse providing.
No regrets, I thought that it was a myth IP addresses give you names. I thought it just gave you general locations. If the IP came from say an apartment building it could be any number of people who live there....right? I don't know much about this as I never thought this was ever necessary before. Although it seemed to work for that man who was libeled. It would be nice to at least put a name to the person who keeps spreading the lie that I begged for money. I was just writing out a few subpoenas the other day, I know how to fill them out. The more I think about it the more I see how easy this might be to get them to take down that libel. Whether it's worth an ounce of my energy I don't know.
I was thinking I have an easy way to prove I never begged for money--bank statements. I have them for the past few years, and while you will find plenty of gas transactions, groceries, and rent checks, you won't find one single positive transaction from any donation, check, etc from someone who is not either my employer, a relative giving a Christmas gift, or my school. So I could prove it in court just like the guy who proved that he had no criminal background did by submitting his Livescan. Libel case won easily.
I'm not going to ask them to stop talking about me, but I would like them to remove the libel from their post. Let me put it this way, I strongly suggest they stop saying I fleeced people for money. I know they read here.
One man sums up creepy clowns.
John Wayne Gacy.
If you never heard of him, google it.
My dh is a Network Engineer, he said it is possible to find out who is libeling you by the IP address.
The IP address will list not only the location of the user, but also the ISP (Internet Service Provider). You can request information from the ISP as to who is on the other end of the line - so to speak. It's quite simple and safe and within your rights if you are being slandered.
No one is really anonymous on the internet anymore. You can legally press this issue as far as you want. Being a lawyer I assume you know how to go about it ;-)
fidosmommy said...Didn't Kate dedicate an entire chapter of her newest book to the subject of trash?
I didn't see this post earlier today. Did she really write about trash? Just when you think she can't do worse she manages to exceed all expectations.
I looked at that INF photo of Kate and the trash bin. I'll bet that's how she smuggles purseboy in and out of the Konpound.
Actually the trash story in Kate's book was one of the few genuine and interesting stories she shared in the entire book. It was the kind of antedotes that we WANT to hear from a family of multiples. Things you don't think about until a real family points it out. Basically she said that they far exceeded the limit that trash collectors were authorized to pick up from a residence. I've never heard of this kind of limit, but I guess it makes sense, I bet you would have to maybe pay more fees like a business would if you have way more than the average single family's garbage every week. For instance they may charge the standard single family fee which includes maybe 5 or 6 bags of garbage a week, and if you start giving them 20 or 25 bags they might want you to pay more, or wonder if you're trying to run a busienss there or something. Anyway, to try to keep the garbage men coming back on a particularily bad day, Kate would leave things like cupcakes out for them.
A lot of the garbage was also probably from the helpers who were always there, the helpers Kate now claims weren't there.
A lot of the garbage was also probably from the helpers who were always there, the helpers Kate now claims weren't there
That's another of K8's most obvious lies that for some reason or another, the sheeple won't acknowledge :
If K8 did everything herself, why all the hundreds of sticky note directives all over the house ? These were not the types of notes one writes to oneself as a reminder, these were explicit instructions obviously meant for others to follow.
This witch even had directions posted for how Jon should make her coffee every morning.
Basically she said that they far exceeded the limit that trash collectors were authorized to pick up from a residence. I've never heard of this kind of limit, but I guess it makes sense, I bet you would have to maybe pay more fees like a business would if you have way more than the average single family's garbage every week
Every trash removal company has its own policies. Usually three bags or cans is the limit. With township removal, you can go to the township office and purchase tags. For each additional bag over the limit, you have to attach a tag. Many businesses put their trash removal out on a bid. Lowest bidder gets the contract, and the cost is usually one flat rate, no matter how much trash is removed.
I do know she used a huge amount of paper plates in a month. There was a list of some sort on one of the episodes showing everything they went through. I took it as some sort of subliminal hint that they were still very needy. I also recall a woman coming in and setting up recycling bins. Guess that idea got trashed too. It's just so damn obvious now how everything they did was a set up just for the sake of a show. There wasn't anything genuine about it.
Three bags a week is really nothing for an average family of four. In any case, I don't know what the regulations were where they lived but whatever they were they were pushing it, so Kate left little treats to try to squeak by. I thought it was a rare cute story in this whole debacle.
Catching up on Apprentice and Dionne W. takes the cake!! She got "tired" in the middle of the task, got her stuff and went home. LOL! What nerve. I think Kate has some real competition here for narcissist of the year.
By the way, I would pay to see Nini (Nimi? Neemee?) take on KATE.
She had this to say about Star Jones: I don't care what show you been on, beeatch!
Apprentice anyone? Dionne thinks she was fired because people were intimidated by her and because everyone hates her for some odd reason.
No Dionne, you were fired because you suck. Seriously, forget Steve. Kate needs to date Dionne. Who knew!
Administrator said... No regrets, I thought that it was a myth IP addresses give you names. I thought it just gave you general locations. If the IP came from say an apartment building it could be any number of people who live there....right?
Admin, either upthread (I think) I posted that here in Canada there was a case of cyber bullying via facebook(Halifax NS IIRC). Here is the link:
"ADMIN.. No regrets, I thought that it was a myth IP addresses give you names. I thought it just gave you general locations."
If one has software or has a blog that can log IP's you can usually only get as far as the city/state where they posting from. But the host of that blog, say wordpress, can get a lot more info, to pinpoint the exact address. Remember the Craiglist killer? That is exactly how they caught him. His IP, thanks to Craigslist, was traced right back to his exact address and apartment number. IP's are very unique. It many not give an EXACT name, unless the person registered in their true name. But you would certainly have the address, even the apartment number. But you would have NO problem finding out who posted something. NONE at all. I read an article recently, even if one uses a "proxie" can still be traced.
ADMIN Dionne was terrible. I wish I hadn't seen her like that, as I have always dearly loved her music. I could never be around people like that. I was thinking when I watched it, the talk that Kate might be on that show? There is NO WAY that woman could ever be on there, and I am sure that is why the talk just stopped. People on that show have to WORK and use their brain and resourcefulness. Plus in some instances, they have to call friends and business associates to donate big bucks. That leaves the queen out totally.
Another point is if you can't afford the children that may come as a result of "fertility treatments", then I don't think you can afford the "treatments" in the FIRST place. Can someone enlighten me on how much Kate's "particular" treatment would have cost?
Wasn't Jon unemployed when she underwent the SECOND round of treatments?
ADMIN BerksPa explained it better re: IP addresses. The internet service provider (ISP) does have your exact address. The detectives in the Craiglist killer, had his exact address, including the apartment number, and name in one day, with a subpoena, after obtaining his IP address from Craiglist. They lived in a large apartment complex as well.
I have been waiting for Dionne to get fired. She is too much, definitely not a team player. She does not know how to communicate nicely and I beleive she lied. She did not ASK to go home, she SAID she was going home, it is on tape for everyone to see. Then she has the nerve to call NeNe a coward and a liar. I do not think she thought in her wildest dreams that Trump would let her go. Good for him. Can I ask, why is she such a legend anyway? Maybe I'm too young, but she is a singer and Whitney Houston's Aunt. I know a few of her songs, but she is no Diana Ross.
Personally, I would like to brief Star Jones on all of Kate's antics, because I am sure Star has no idea who, or what Kate Gosselin is, and then put Kate and Star in a room together having Star try to get to the bottom of some of the questions we all have had for Kate over the years. Star would chew her up and spit her out. That would be good television!
This whole trash section in her book is gross. I never read any of her books, (but on my Nook, they go for the all-time high price of 1.00, & the reviews are scathing) so I'm going by reading here, but the whole paper plate thing, the disposable diapers, the amount of trash this family went through is a travesty. I'm a Green Girl in a hundred different ways. I go to elementary schools with my little charts & posters & teach kids how to be more "Green" in their everyday lives. I don't push my beliefs on everyone, but everyone who knows me, knows I do anything & everything to reduce, reuse & recycle!!
Kate could have done so much more, & still probably can to reduce her carbon footprint. Since she has helpers, why not use dishes? Why not use reusable bags at the grocery store? (we've only seen that when she's at Whole Foods, HYPOCRITE), she could have used disposable diapers for the tups, since she had people doing her laundry, & she drives a gas guzzler when it's JUST HER. She could get a smaller car when it's JUST HER tooling around town doing her mundane errands. Again, I went as far to get Prius & don't expect everyone to be "Green", but Kate littered that landfill in PA with diapers that will take forever to decompose. She is an awful example to her children for "Saving Mother Earth". *off my soapbox* :)
Oh, & I wasn't the only one who ever had a baby?? Seriously?? Well, then hell must have frozen over, because I'm still as famous as ever with my little YouTube show about the dentist & beach. And I'm going to be on Today again. I'm talking about absolutely NOTHING. I'll be wearing a hideous outfit by some no-name designer, swinging my legs to and fro, chomping on gum, saying um, uh, um, uh, & um, and honestly every single time I open my mouth. BagBoy will be taking my pictures of me leaving FAO Swartz. Again. I'll be in heels & will be walking like I have a large stick in my butt. I won't have my kid, but neither will my ex ass...I mean my ex. Look for me!
It's just so damn obvious now how everything they did was a set up just for the sake of a show. There wasn't anything genuine about it.
Auntie Ann, for me,it was obvious from the very beginning that any of the Gosselin "traditions" were merely story lines for episodes:
1) each child's special day (btw, who can forget that K8 did not go on any of the boys' trips)
2) movie night
3) Gosselin family mission statement
4) grandma soup
5) going green with Sarah Snow
6) going green with Steve Thomas
7) Christmas ( yes, TLC and Jon/K8 faked Christmas to get a true reaction from the kids , sickening.)
I agree Admin...Dionne was fired because she was mean, lazy, and inept. Dionne is just an older version of Kate.
I guess it just goes to prove once a narcissist always a narcissist. I picture a very bitter and sorry existance for Kate when she is the same age. By the time you are 70 the "me all me" really gets old. Most people I know that age talk about their grandkids all day, which is cute.
I only know Dionne Warwick from a few scant songs on my iphone, I did a quick skim of her bio and get this. Dionne records a song with ELTON JOHN, GLADYS KNIGHT and STEVIE WONDER, and manages to get it credited as "Dionne and FRIENDS." I burst out laughing at this. Elton John, Gladys Knight and Stevie Wonder get demoted to "friends"? I can picture a lot of bitchig about that behind closed doors. Certainly fits right in with her wanting to only credit the story idea to herself on the book on Apprentice.
I'm glad that the more genuine folks like Nimi of all people, and Marlee had this woman pegged for who she is from day one. And Marlee is all like I can't even hear music I could care less who you are. LOL I love her.
Another point is if you can't afford the children that may come as a result of "fertility treatments", then I don't think you can afford the "treatments" in the FIRST place. Can someone enlighten me on how much Kate's "particular" treatment would have cost?
Ok, anyone who "knows" me here knows my story and my opinions already so I promise to not rehash it here. I will only answer Vanessa's questions to the best of my ability:
Fertility treatments can be covered by insurance (varies state by state, mine was covered in full). I did IVF, each cycle costs about $15,000. K8 did IUI which is less expensive, maybe half? not sure, but still in the thousands.The meds used in fertility treatments are outrageously expensive also.
IIRC, Jon was fired after K8 became pregnant with the tups - he was using company time to troll the different outlets for freebies , deals and offers.
Vanessa - IUI runs anywhere from $200-300 without drugs to $5,000 to $6,000 with drugs. Why the difference? With drugs, you have to be monitored closely to make sure you don't produce too many follicles. How many do you need for a good chance of success? 3 - 4.
Kate had IUI with Clomid. I believe she conceived the sextuplets on their second round of IUI. Jon didn't really want anymore kids - he felt their family was complete with the twins - but agreed to undergo four rounds of IUI with the understanding that if it didn't take, Kate would let it go and be content with just Cara and Mady.
There are conspiracy theories that Kate, who was hospitalized for overstimulated ovaries following her second round if IUI, knew she had more than 3-4 follicles and had sex with Jon anyway, not wishing to waste the cycle. I don't know or care really either way. The kids are here and deserve to live their lives not as entertainment for TLC's audience nor as breadwinners for their family.
The other rumor, not confirmed but highly probable, is that Jon's dad footed the IUI bills.
Thanks for the explanation K8sucks. So another question would be did the Gosselins have insurance coverage for their treatments? They had a set of healty twins and claimed that they were struggling financially (I don't buy that, they both had good paying jobs) Oh what a tangled web we weave when we try to deceive (is that how it goes? LOL)
If they felt the need to "beg" for donations, help, equipment, vehicles, utility payments etc., why the need for top of the line stuff? Why exchange a donated van because YOU DIDN'T LIKE THE COLOUR?? Why ask for the state to pay for a nurse well after the tups are a year old, when YOU YOURSELF ARE A NURSE? She's a modern day con-artist is what she is.
Thanks silimom,
So how much are we talking $$$ for the clomid?
So true, the kids are here, BUT she's NOT there for those kids!
My friend & her husband tried the IUI & it didn't work, so they are doing the IVF. They know the risks & because of her age they are implanting 2 eggs. She understands the eggs may split OR she may end up with twins. Luckily, her husband has a fantastic job as does she. They also have a wonderfully supportive family, as well as a great group of friends. They wouldn't put their hand out if their they had no clothes on their back. She is concerned about having more than 2, but she longs to be a mom more than anything. ( I have tried to tell her that it's not all it's cracked up to be, especially when they become older, but she refuses to listen!! lol) & she can't wait to be a mother, & her husband, a father.
It's people like Kate that give moms a bad name. My friend told me in her support group that when she spoke up about her IVF treatment, a woman told her "Thank God you have a great support system & won't need to look for handouts from the state". (That was insulting IMO) Kate has become the epitome of greed for couples who have multiples & actually do NEED help. She never really needed ALL the help she got, & she certainly does not need it now. She just keeps putting her hand out, as she always did. It's sick. I can't wait for the day when the handouts stop & Kate actually has to pay her own way.
Here's what I still don't understand.
How did Jon and kate get fertility treatments as newleyweds? Most places make couples try for a few years but they jumped to the front of the line. Seems weird to me that there was no waiting period.
She always 'felt' she'd have trouble getting pregnant?
silimom said... The other rumor, not confirmed but highly probable, is that Jon's dad footed the IUI bills.
Which makes me think their 'god will provide' mantra was code for 'Dr. Thomas Gosselin Sr. will provide'. I'm sure she saw nothing but $ signs when she married Jon. Kate had to have been the in-law-from-hell for that family.
Interesting tidbit on Wikipedia about Dionne...
"Dionne Warwick made the Top 250 Delinquent Taxpayers List published in October 2007...Dionne Warwick is listed with a tax delinquency of $2,665,305.83 in personal income tax and a tax lien was filed July 24, 1997. As of 2010, Warwick is still delinquent although now owes $2,185,901.08. Her publicist stated that she is actively paying off the debt."
She's a legend? ha!
I haven't read the trash story in Kate's book. While I can see that it is an example of a "real" situation that you deal with in a large family (and I appreciated those types of stories when the show was first on because they ARE the interesting parts of their situation), I also take exception with her way of handling it. I would rather see her talk about attempts to reduce the amount of trash or say that they had to pay extra for garbage pickup and take responsibility for their choices. But instead it's typical Kate stuff...."oh, we just can't afford it" (yet you can afford to bake cupcakes and you have the time to bake cupcakes to bribe the trash collectors??)....or "oh, we just make so much trash because we have sooo many kids" (yet you are creating trash by using paper plates and not recycling anything and overconsuming in general.) We all know that the Gosselins are anything BUT ecologically conscious, despite the episodes that have attempted to convince us otherwise.
I am pro cloth-diapering, but I don't think I would have the stamina to keep up with it with six babies at once, with or without volunteer help. But even if a family used disposable diapers for 6 babies, they shouldn't be generating that much garbage that they would have to bribe the trash collectors. A family of ten is big, but it's not *that* big, especially when over half of them only weigh 20 lbs. Really, what kind of trash are they generating when they're tiny like that? And once they were out of diapers, they should have been just a typical big family, not this extraordinary garbage situation that deserves any special attention. It's pretty obvious that they just aren't recycling anything and are overusing disposable products.
K8SUCKS said...7) Christmas ( yes, TLC and Jon/K8 faked Christmas to get a true reaction from the kids , sickening.)
Talk about a mindf*ck. Who does that to their kids? Can you imagine at that age being tricked into thinking it's Christmas morning and then finding out it wasn't? What the hell. Did they think the kids were never going to grow up and remember something like that.
Go ahead sheeple. Admire this woman for all she's worth which is nothing more than a pile of sheep dung.
She's a legend? ha!
Well, yes! Legendary for tax evasion!
self-diagnosed said...
Here's what I still don't understand.
How did Jon and kate get fertility treatments as newleyweds? Most places make couples try for a few years but they jumped to the front of the line. Seems weird to me that there was no waiting period.
She always 'felt' she'd have trouble getting pregnant?
Who knows... Maybe she never used a form of birth control? Perhaps by not becoming pregnant, that made her draw the conclusion that she might of had fertility issues?
It is odd that a doctor would start a newlywed on fertility drugs. In my case, after bring married for 3 years, we decided to start a family. We tried for 6 months and still no baby. Nervously, I went to my gynocologist thinking that there might be something wrong, and she said that trying for less than a year does not constitute fertility problems. That it's customary to bring in "outside help" ie: fertility drugs, only after a couple have been trying to conceive for over a straight year. Otherwise, doctors do not like to intervene.
I don't know what game Kate had going between her and her physician(s), but it is not the standard protocol.
Kansas sextuplets growing up without much notice
NORWICH - She has watched "Jon & Kate Plus 8" a few times, Sondra Headrick said, mostly to compare notes.
"I guess there was some curiosity there," she said of the reality show that chronicles the lives of Jon and Kate Gosselin and their eight children..............
Kate's problem was apparent when she had that twin stroller decorated with that glittery sign, announcing "GOSSELIN TWINS" at that local parade, speaking in her loud, shrill voice to draw attention to herself. Same for the early Jon-Kate only Disney trips.."film me, Jon!"
Imho, Kate had those children abusing fertility drugs because she is at the very least, a narcissist, but probably a sociopath. http://www.fathersandfamilies.org/?p=320 (Read all three parts, Kate fits the profile.) Shame on TLC and the sheep, God help the 8 children and Jon and Ellen. She uses, abuses and destroys anyone in her path.
Personally, I would like to brief Star Jones on all of Kate's antics, because I am sure Star has no idea who, or what Kate Gosselin is, and then put Kate and Star in a room together having Star try to get to the bottom of some of the questions we all have had for Kate over the years. Star would chew her up and spit her out. That would be good television!
March 29, 2011 4:03 AM
Yes, Star Jones could be the one to out Kate on her grifting because Star is a self-confessed grifter herself, a rather severe one at that. At least, Star finally admitted she was wrong for it, I think.
Just one more thing:
I am one who strongly believes in the "conspiracy theory". Although we will never know the whole truth, those of us who have undergone fertility treatments or who know a lot about them for other reasons know that K8's entire story is suspect, and I am using my own reasonable inference on this one.
- they were very young, had not been married long, used one doc for the twins and switched to another for the tups (VERY VERY SUSPICIOUS), became pregnant soon after being hospitalized for too many eggs, etc, etc, etc.
And yes, people like Octomom and K8 have given fertility treatments a very bad rap.
Auntie Ann -
Exactly. Instead of faking Christmas, the lesser evil would have been to actually film the kids ON Christmas morning (which is still not optimal but again, the lesser evil of the two options). Unbelievable that episode footage is more important that preserving the holiday for the children.
K8SUCKS, I'm sure the film crew would prefer to be home with their own families on Christmas morning. Another idea would be to never tell the kids it was not really Christmas. They were so young they might never have figured it out. What's one more lie in Gosselin land?
"How did Jon and kate get fertility treatments as newlyweds? Most places make couples try for a few years but they jumped to the front of the line. Seems weird to me that there was no waiting period."
It really does give credence to the theory that from the very beginning, Kate decided to have multiples as a path to fame and fortune. As a nurse, she would know exactly how fertility treatments increase the odds of having multiples, especially in a young woman. I am surprised that she found a doctor to go along with her plan, but then again, so did Octomom.
Ok, in all honesty I have a problem with the excuse: "We didn't use selective reduction because we are leaving it in God's hands" that I have been hearing from ALL the public couples with HOM(quints,sextuplets,septuplets).Why?
1.Because using ARTIFICIAL ways of getting pregnant is not exactly leaving it in God's hands in the first place. As a con, there are people who truly can't conceive and want a child of their own very badly and I can totally understand that and for that thank God these procedures were developed because no one should miss out on this joy.No one should ABUSE these procedures either.
2.HOM are usually born with problems, at least one of them.Usually it's cerebral palsy but there can be many other conditions developed as a consequence to the fact that the human body is design to carry one child,maybe two.The McCaughey and many others have said:"Come to my house and tell me which 4 I shouldn't have had." That is an unfair question,of course you cannot pick 4 children but you could have randomly destroyed 4 embryos when they didn't yet have a brain and an actual heartbeat right? Rather than watching Nathan and Alexis McCaughey or Rebecca Hayes struggle with CP...These three kids may have been born healthy if they hadn't had to share a womb with 5/6 other babies.
3.In Kate's case, having six kids and waiting for donations is plane crazy,it is not leaving it up to God it is being plain foolish and playing russian roulette with your unborn children's lives.
Also, I heard that having overstimulated ovaries during fertility treatment is not unheard of and it is not a sign of not needing fertility drugs in the first place like many have stated.
"Like clomid, the hormone treatment must be monitored by blood tests and ultrasound scans to avoid over-stimulation. Multiple pregnancy is always a risk with this type of treatment, but especially so for women with PCOS, whose ovaries are particularly sensitive to the hormones."
Here's a whole page on PCOS and fertility drugs and procedures which can be tried by women who have this condition.
The article also proves that Kate was well-aware of the possible outcome
AuntieAnn said...
Talk about a mindf*ck. Who does that to their kids? Can you imagine at that age being tricked into thinking it's Christmas morning and then finding out it wasn't? What the hell. Did they think the kids were never going to grow up and remember something like that.
Go ahead sheeple. Admire this woman for all she's worth which is nothing more than a pile of sheep dung.
This blows me away that Kate (& Jon) purposely filmed their kids reacting to a Christmas morning that wasn't. How incredibly...wrong. Last year I accidentally left out the big bag of candy after hiding it for Easter. Oops. I felt awful & thought I ruined every holiday for him. (he is also at the age where he has stopped believing) Luckily, when my son found it, all he said was "Mom, I know there is no Easter bunny, I just like the fun of searching for the candy". He was doing it for my benefit. And how effing sad is it that The G kids haven't believed in Santa for years? Is it because Kate wanted ALL of the credit for buying, wrapping & distributing the toys? Who knows, we're not there, but a true narcissist she is & she would certainly want the credit, she wouldn't want "Santa" to have it.
This is what is so sad & what will destroy these kids' lives AND THEIR kids lives. Will they know how to parent a child? Look at the role model they have? Look at the childhood that they have had/have now. Fake Christmases, fake "traditions", things handed to them on a "golden platter" (WTF?), a mom who only cares about her own needs & wants, a mom who doesn't care that filming the crap out of them is destroying what little self-respect & dignity they may have left, a mom who tossed all family & friends aside because she was seeking more fame, more status & now has become the laughing stock of America. These kids will have NOTHING to teach their own. Kate really effed up from day 1. The second she picked up that phone & called The Reading Eagle, those kids were doomed.
But don't forget, Hippie, she's doing it so that they can have life experiences that SHE never had, including travel, a million dollar house, etc. etc., not to mention all of those "culturing" experiences that they are never going to remember anyway. She was so thrilled at being able to say that they were going skiing, and that the kids were in ski school. It was not meant for the kids. It gave HER bragging rights, keeping up with Beth (or upping Beth). Those children are never going to remember skiing at age three, although they might remember their mother crying and melting down on the plane, making it miserable for everyone.
All of those culturing experiences and traveling to learn history (yeah...at a beach!) resulted in what - having two kids who couldn't even adjust to kindergarten classes with their siblings and peers.
I saw that Kate is one of Yahoo top searches today, it's about the Tennessee airport diva thing. That is old news. I live a few minutes from that airport, it's in the middle of farm country and it is very small, I'm sure she caused a ruckus, because nobody recognized her or even cared she was there. It takes 2 minutes to get into the parking lot from the gate at this airport, This woman is ridiculous beyond compare, she could have gotten by incognito without even having to try at that airport.
Freebies? said...
Yes, Star Jones could be the one to out Kate on her grifting because Star is a self-confessed grifter herself, a rather severe one at that. At least, Star finally admitted she was wrong for it, I think
OMG you are right, I forgot about that whole debacle. Maybe she is not the one to lecture on grifting. One can only hope that some day, some where, some how, someone will put Kate in her place.
K8SUCKS, I'm sure the film crew would prefer to be home with their own families on Christmas morning. Another idea would be to never tell the kids it was not really Christmas. They were so young they might never have figured it out. What's one more lie in Gosselin land?
I wouldn't blame the crew members one bit if they wanted to spend Christmas with their families, but isn't it a bit hypocrytical that they view the holiday important enough to warrant time off with family but the Gosselin chidren get a "fake" one so TLC can make an episode from which to profit and the crew members get paid ? (rhetorical question there)
And, true, if they never told the kids, they wouldn't know until much later, but wouldn't that go against K8's supposed Christianity by not celebrating the birth of Jesus on his actual birthday ? (again, rhetorical question )
K8 really is a cold, selfish, empty shell of a person. Most parents delight out of seeing their children genuinely , truly , happy, I know I do.
Roxyhelen I AGREE with you completely on ALL points. Khatezilla is a sick, hypocritical, idiot.
So I checked my listings for next Monday.TLC has repeats of kates show on from 2pm - 8pm.Cake Boss then the "all new kate and kids special" is on at 9pm.I also saw a preview for the new "special" while I was watching the Duggars.Yes,I watch the Duggars..No,I dont know why.The Duggars caught my intrest way before tlc even knew who they were.
Anyway...how anyone could sit through 6+ hours of kate is beyond me.I cant stomach a 20 second clip of that beast.
Just want to say a thing or 2 about fertility treatment/PCOS, etc. Kate was working as a nurse when she got pregnant with both the twins and the tups, so she likely had insurance that covered at least part of her fertility treatments.
One of my best friends was diagnosed with PCOS when she was 13 (one of the cysts ruptured and hemorrhaged), so she knew that she might have a problem getting pregnant. She got married at 32 and, before the wedding, she and her fiance met with her specialist and discussed their options. The specialist told them to try for 6 months, then come back if she wasn't pregnant (because of her age - the older a person with PCOS gets, the more difficult it is for them to conceive, even with artificial intervention). She got pregnant the traditional way after 5 months of trying and has subsequently had 2 more children, both also conceived the traditional way. So - NO WAY do I believe that Kate "knew" she couldn't get pregnant, and I firmly believe she conned a doctor into giving her treatment (possibly by telling the doctor she and Jon had been trying for a couple of years instead of a couple of months). I also believe she conned Jon into the second pregnancy. He made no bones about he fact that he was over the moon about the twins and didn't feel that more kids were necessary. IMO, most of this is on Kate. Jon holds some responsibility, of course, but she is the medical "professional" and, I'm sure, had no problems convincing a rather naive Jon that all this was necessary. I don't, however, find it particularly suspicious that she changed doctors. The first doctor may have moved, been unable to see her, the new doctor may have been more convenient, etc. There are a number of legitimate reasons she may have done this.
The whole "It's in God's hands" that people use ... just slays me!
Let's see ... you can't conceive - if it's in God's hands - then apparently God didn't want you to multiply! Duh! How difficult is that to understand?
God doesn't have anything to do with HOM born scientifically ... when that happens ... it's "in the Doctor's hands" I know some doctors who think they are God ... but let me assure you ... they are not.
No offense ... like the name says ... Just Sayin ...
I quickly looked for Clomid prices and found a discussion about it. I was under the impression Clomid was an injectable drug, but it's just a pill. The discussion is from 4 years ago which brings it even closer to the time the sextuplets were conceived (IDK what the prices are today.). The pills are surprisingly inexpensive. The three responses I've quoted say Clomid cost anywhere from $9.00 to $30.00 for generic and $80 for brand name for a month's treatment which consists of 5 pills.
"Clomid (brand) is about $80 per 5-day course. Generic is like $30 per 5-day course. (I just looked at the other answer here -- holy cow. Did Rite-Aid just completely rip me off? I paid $80 just last week.)"
"I just noticed that clomid is one of the Drugs on the Walmart cheap drug list.. its only $9.00 for 5 50mg pills which is genereally what the doctor will start you off at, then raise it to 100 mg if 50 doesn't work. So it will cost 9.00 per month until you get increased then you jsut take 2 pills instead of 1, so then it will be 18.00 per month."
"If you go to Rite Aid and get the generic brand (it works just as good as the original brand )it cost $16.99 For 5 pills..."
I have always, always said the tup pregnancy was strange. I think the attention with the twins wasn't enough, and she tricked Jon and the Doc into the fertility treatments. Having worked at a hospital (not a nurse, though), you have a lot of influence with the docs and get, IMO, better treatment. She's no better than Octomom; she just got a better PR deal because she was married. Maybe she's looking for a man now because she wants to get pregnant again but needs that nasty ol' marriage license.
I remember when Star Jones shamefully grifted for her over the top wedding. Couldn't believe it at the time. Then, several years later along come Jon & Kate Gosselin. It's all wrong and no good example for the children. Where are all of the fine, good, church people who aided the Gosselins in their time of need? As soon as the money came rolling in, J & K conveniently dropped them all like a hot potato. This is a horrible story. So many, many people must feel as we do, but just keep quiet. Hopefully, they will all vote with their remotes. Star showed poor taste. The Gosselins are exploiting children. Far worse, don't you think? By the way, I am not a fan of Star's either.
Let's see ... you can't conceive - if it's in God's hands - then apparently God didn't want you to multiply! Duh! How difficult is that to understand?
So according to you my husband and I were not meant to have more than one child ?
I'm not a fan of Star Jones, but I do think she's intelligent and on the ball. I'm sure her IQ is about 150 points above Kate's.
Dionne, you are not all that said,
Don't worry. I am a firm believer that what comes around, goes around. I also believe you reap what you sow. I don't know if Kate will get what she deserves in this lifetime, but I personally believe there is a God, and I believe that God will take care of her and that, my friend, is the ultimate punishment.
Let's see ... you can't conceive - if it's in God's hands - then apparently God didn't want you to multiply! Duh! How difficult is that to understand?
I can't believe that there would be people walking around out there who actually believe this. Who was it who gave physicians the intelligence and knowledge to aid the infertile in conception? I'm not a Bible-thumping, scripture quoting person, but He commands in Genesis 1:28: "Be fruitful and multiply." I don't ever recalling any Bible verse in which He added a codicil to this that would direct man to "Be fruitful and multiply, and if you can't, you just hang it up and say that it was not meant to be."
Let's see...one is diagnosed with cancer or other acute health related issue. I guess God just meant that to be, and one shouldn't seek out treatment, or have the courage to fight for life. He/she should just sit down and die because it's not in His will for you to live. After all, que sera sera.
"No offense ... like the name says ... Just Sayin ..."
If I recall, "Just Sayin" is one of those things that drives Admin nuts, as it does me!
kidsRablessing, I can't locate the article that you're talking about. Could you please tell me what it said? Thanks!
On the previews for the new Kate+8 show, Alexis says something about Kate didn't get "eated" by the crocodile. How old is Alexis, 6? Is it normal for a child that age to still say "eated"? I don't have children but I personally have never heard a child her age still use babyish (ha!) words like that. Any opinions?
I was snoozing while The Duggars were on. I caught a bunch of them climbing up a mountainside to get to a remote Guatemalan village to bring toys to kids for Christmas. They were struggling; the girls were in sandals (2 hours/3 miles uphill) and they pointed out the crew had to carry heavy equipment. Cut to a commercial of the Gosselins landing in Sydney with Kate's boobs on full display, squealing, and then various pics of the kids doing what other are not generally able to do (the red carpet treatment, so to speak). I mean, we did pay to pet koalas, but it was expensive, most wouldn't pay. Those kids are not going to have a realistic world view when they knowing nothing but taking things handed to them and being given the bird's eye view at everything special event. It's sad.
I caught a bunch of them climbing up a mountainside to get to a remote Guatemalan village to bring toys to kids for Christmas. They were struggling; the girls were in sandals (2 hours/3 miles uphill) and they pointed out the crew had to carry heavy equipment. Cut to a commercial of the Gosselins landing in Sydney with Kate's boobs on full display,
Just goes to show you that when it comes to tv shows, people are attracted to stories of compassion as well as train wrecks!
I'm a little confused by sheeple logic. They seem to think that Chris has never stopped following Kate. Poor guy, he must have been trying to follow her around for months and never ever never ever caught her until the last week, when he snapped her many times... Are you kidding me???? It's obvious that he was sent there to push the show. I don't understand how the sheeple can rationalize this stuff over and over.
About Celebrity Apprentice in general: I love the show in that it gives us an insight into the personalities and behaviors of celebrity personalities that we would never otherwise know. I had no idea that Dionne Warwick was such an infuriating a**. (and just now I made the connection between "Dionne Warwick" and "Dionne Quintuplets"....hmmm lol). I had no idea how wonderful Summer Sanders and (ahem, hard to admit now) Jessie James and some of the others have been over the years. Kudos to Donald Trump (another thing I thought I'd never say) for bringing this to light.
Dionne Warwick is like some bizarre "into the future" of Kate in thirty years.
2.6 million in back taxes??? How is this woman not in JAIL? It FIGURES she royally screwed up her taxes. Narcissists think no rules apply to them, including our tax laws. Even if their neighbor pays all their taxes properly they think they shouldn't have to for some bizarre twisted reason that only exists in their own twisted mind. I bet Richard Hatch is thinking how the hell is this woman walking around wrecking havoc as she pleases when I had to sit in jail for three years?
Congrats Dionne, CA named you as one of the worst tax offenders along with OJ SIMPSON. In case you didn't know, that's not a compliment.
How old is Alexis, 6? Is it normal for a child that age to still say "eated"?
She will be seven in May. In Kindergarten, my oldest was reading on the seventh grade level and knew verb conjugation because of all the reading that was done, and because we taught it at an early age. I remember what really would drive me crazy was when one of mine, at age five, would say "have went." He finally "got it," but still will say "have went" just to watch the look on my face!
I would think that by Kindergarten most kids would know that "eated" isn't a word, and certainly by age seven they should have a basic knowledge of correct subject-verb agreement, and verb tenses.
I don't think Kate ever bothered with what she would probably call trivial things. Did she even read to these kids?
Don't worry. I am a firm believer that what comes around, goes around. I also believe you reap what you sow. I don't know if Kate will get what she deserves in this lifetime, but I personally believe there is a God, and I believe that God will take care of her and that, my friend, is the ultimate punishment.
I believe the same way. She WILL get her come-uppance eventually.
K8 really is a cold, selfish, empty shell of a person. Most parents delight out of seeing their children genuinely , truly , happy, I know I do.
Kate delights in seeing her children miserable. Cupcakegate, Gumgate, Watergate (haha)......she really has no feeling or empathy.
Kate delights in seeing her children miserable. Cupcakegate, Gumgate, Watergate (haha)......she really has no feeling or empathy.
Who would have thought that, in the 21st century, we would have another Watergate? It didn't take Woodward and Bernstein to "out" her. Kate did that all by herself!
Re: Alexis using the word "eated". I don't think goofing up a few words at her age is particularly worrisome. But I do worry that Kate couldn't be bothered to notice and correct her children kindly. In addition, she has terrible grammar and a limited knowledge base herself. This is not just because she lacks higher education with the exception of nursing school. My 15 year old is much more articulate than she is and uses perfect grammar. She just needs to finish her education to fill out her knowledge base. Kate is not particularly intelligent, but worse yet, she doesn't care to learn more. She is astoundingly shallow, intellectually lazy and arrogant and ignorant enough to believe she knows it all. So those kids may make perfectly normal grammatical goofs but their mom is too preoccupied to notice. That is, unless she's doing a couch interview with Jon. She corrected his grammar nonstop (and was often wrong). I think she was stupid enough to think it made her look smarter than him, when all it did was confirm that she was a poorly educated, condescending bitch
roxyhelen said "HOM are usually born with problems, at least one of them.Usually it's cerebral palsy..."
Kate is very lucky that none of the tups have any medical problems, yet she has never shown any gratitude for that fact (or for anything else that she has received, by the way).
Most women are grateful that their babies are born healthy, yet Kate seems to take her kids' health for granted. Surely as a nurse she must know how lucky and blessed she has been, yet she seems to be completely unaware.
She has eight beautiful healthy children, she is rich and famous, she has everything she always wanted.Yet her attitude is:
Poor me, poor me, I don't have enough, I want more, more, more!
I doubt Kate was ever truly infertile. Rather, she was unable to spontaneously conceive HOMs without medical intervention. The irony is that Kate Gosselin is incredibly ill-suited for motherhood. Just a horrible, unloving, self-centered woman who is easily angered, freaked out, and irritated by her children. She wanted a huge litter of BABIES, as in infants, for the attention and money. But the idiot did not think her plan through, because now she has a huge group of CHILDREN who cannot be caged in cribs any longer. She cannot and does not deal with them like a loving mother should. She is the worst person to be saddled with all these kids, yet SHE orchestrated it...not God, not Jon, not her doctor.
Check this one out. Celeb interview (on the right).
At least they got this right: "Read on to see what they have been up to as they have never stopped filming." They omitted the last part of the sentence..."they never stopped filming the crap out of the children."
Good luck in your endeavors to have more kids. From what I've read from you, it's been a bumpy road. We knew when we got our boy, we were all done. I think at this point though, at his age (11) & the way he's been acting like a 16 y.o., we would not even think about think about more. My husband has been fixed. Everyone is different! We started young (I was 23 & my husband was 27) so when my son was off to college we could be young enough to travel, etc). The best of luck to you! I'm sending you good thoughts!!
As for Kate meeting a man & having more kids? (sorry, don't know who said that) We all know she just LOVES the baby phase, all the attention she gets, etc, but then what? They grow up, they stop being so cute & cuddly & turn into people with their own ideas & thought processes, which they are supposed to do. Kate doesn't seem to like that. She dismisses her own children now. I can't see her having any more kids. Will just ONE kid bring her more money? No. It may bring her some attention, but that's about it. No way would she put her body through a pregnancy. She is too vain. Can you imagine? Will she meet an exotic looking man so her child looks exotic as well? I just don't see her having any more kids.
She won't be in front of the camera for much longer & she'll already be stuck with these kids that she doesn't want in the 1st place...
Mom In Lanc...(this is in NO way directed to you)
UGH. Again, I rarely click on links, but that interview made me wanna throw my brand new Nook out the window on this beautiful, sunny day! She is so fake. "I want a career in TV" "I love my dog" "The camera crew never went away" Lies Lies Lies. They roll off her tongue so easily it's scary. A con & manipulator. Could that magazine kiss her ass anymore? Why is she still relevant? And I swear to God if I see one effing sheeple comment that says "because you post comments about her on this blog" I'm gonna beat a bitch. And I'm a pacifist. Have a lovely day!! :) (I'm all better now, BTW. There will be no beatings of any bitches-yelling? we'll see.)
So check out the "interview" from this MD based online site. This is total baloney. I have worked many years in the print media, and if anyone from this site ever personally talked to Kate Gosselin, I'll eat my hat. These questions were submitted and most likely answered by her PR. Unfortunately, by talking about this site, we are giving them hits, but it's basically just a PR site for celebs to pat themselves on the back.
What is more disturbing is BM's site in which she announces: ...At the end of the day I can easily hide behind some fake name and never brag about all the cool things I do, but I choose to put myself out there. However I need to be making some money now off all this Internet fame. So watch what happens, you never know where I will be popping up next...xoxox BM.
" Personally chatted with the admins of Cupcake Mag and I will have the full run down here along with a link for over there on that day. So excited! FYI They LOVE her and she was a sweetheart ;)" From BM's site.
Sounds like BM will be a contributor---a one-woman Kate Gosselin marching band. She's coming out, baby! And making a name for herself on the backs of the Gosselin kids.
They ARE just like Kate. How can I get famous, then cash in.
I wonder if these people know there are many other routes to making money that would be a lot simpler. I bet these people have a very immature view of "being famous." It's all fun, meeting interesting people, going to interesting places, getting positive attention. That's not what it's really like, obviously. The two people I worked for who were in the public eye worked harder, longer, and had sorrier lives than anyone I had ever met. And we can all--well, most of us--certainly see Kate's life has gotten sorrier, not better, since she became so famous.
Cupcakemag looks like an online resume that fronts as a fashion blog in order to showcase the writing *cough* talent of newly graduated students in journalism.
What strikes me is that they do not have their own domain (which are cheap to own) and they use blogspot. If you have a domain you can do so much more in the way of CMS, online community interaction without having to go through a third party.
The fact that Kate has been downgraded to a blog for PR is pretty striking in my opinion. I follow a number of blogs in my field of work and hobby and having only 550+ followers is pretty sad, especially if you are touting yourself as a business to and for fashion and celebrity.
Good for them for getting an interview, because it will bring more hits for the time being to their blogspot, however it's pretty telling that Kate had to lower her PR to that level (especially since it looks like there are not many more media outlets ready to jump on the "Kate becomes a cougar" wagon)
Oh, did anyone notice the caveat that Kate said her book 'Letter's to my children' was the first book she wrote by herself and on her iPod.
The 'by herself' was a stunning admission on her part.
*iphone* not *iPod. Sorry for the mixup.
OK, I'm feeling my blood glucose rising after reading that Cupcake article. It was gooey,
slurpy, syrupy, sugary and my teeth hurt now.
a little OT: Why would anyone pay good money to watch someone lipsynch (badly) and dance slower than the back up dancers? Why does the media give Britney a pass? I know why ABC does, they spent a ton on promoting her.
Could that magazine kiss her ass anymore?
Hippie: I was going to post the same thing. The adoration was so sickly sweet that it was nauseating. But, afterall, it is the cupcake blog, and I guess Kate was the icing!
What struck me was the damage control. We expressed concern about the dog, and suddenly she LOVES her dog. Yeah, right. Notice she said, "MY dog." Not "ARE (our!)DOG." It was all about Kate, not about the people in her life, her friends (other than the crew!), it was about her. Sure, that's what the interview was about, but even if it is, good PR dictates that you don't talk only about yourself. Maybe they submitted a form to her, and she forwarded it to her handlers, and they filled it out. Or maybe the intern who was writing her blog answered the questions through e-mail.
It just seems like this was a failed attempt to put another Kate out there: Personable Kate, Human Kate, Down-to-Earth Kate. I don't think it quite made its mark because we can see through all of that nonsense!
Donna, I believe it was the Showbiz website yesterday. Sorry I do not know how to link.
Cupcakemag looks like an online resume that fronts as a fashion blog in order to showcase the writing *cough* talent of newly graduated students in journalism.
They didn't graduate yet, Berks. This is their senior seminar project. Some juniors were also eligible to participate! They still need to take that mandatory online Advanced Writing course with an emphasis on spelling, grammar and punctuation!
..."reflux, colic, stuffy nose, gas, ear infections are all things that keep your little one from loosing shut eye and you too."
LOOSING? Not losing?!!
"She also filled us in our her newest pet peeves, " toys, snacks, cups, school paraphernalia, etc. rolling around my vehicle while driving"
Filled us in ON her newest pet peeves...
She rolls her vehicle while driving, or she rolls around IN her vehicle while driving? A Jolly Roll-Around?
..."and like us, she probably couldn't survive without her iPhone. Kate is seriously an amazing mother and we were thrilled that she had a chance to fill us in on life. We just adore Kate and her amazing 8!"
Fill us in on life? Life in general, or fill us in on HER life? Does the writer think she's "amazing," even "seriously amazing?" What happened to awesome? Awesome and amazing!
They LOVE her outfits? This is a "fashion magazine?" What a hoot!
Mom in Lancaster County said...
It just seems like this was a failed attempt to put another Kate out there: Personable Kate, Human Kate, Down-to-Earth Kate. I don't think it quite made its mark because we can see through all of that nonsense!
Yet another Kate!! We have Can-Do Kate, Giving Back Back, Too-Late Kate, Ho-bag Kate, Woe Is Me Kate, Gotta Call Chris Kate, I do It All for My kids Kate, Gotta Clear the Air Kate, Walks Like a Newborn Donkey in Heels Kate, I Did NOT Get Plastic Surgery Kate, Botox is My Friend Kate, I Only Have 1 Friend Kate, Divorce Was the Best Thing for ME Kate, I Will Film These Kids Until They Die Kate, The Blonder the Hair, The Better I Look Kate, The Bigger the Boobs, The Better I Look Kate, My Kids are the Bane of My Existence Kate, I Hate Jon Kate, I Heart Steve Kate, I'm A World Traveler But Know Nothing of What I see Kate, Deny Deny Deny Kate, Gimme Gimme Gimme Kate, I Make up Words Cause I'm a Dumbass Kate, & of course the Mine All Mine Kate. Did I miss any?
OK, the cupcake mag BS is just that BS! I read on a "last letter" blog that they were "assured" there would be no anti kate postings. Sure enough, I posted 2 comments (wasnt real mean or anything) and NOTHING was posted. However, all the sheep from body function and last letter blogs are there posting. ha ha ha!
Received my "People" mag today with beautiful Elizabeth Taylor on the cover. Much to my horror there is a brief article by Kate Koyne re: the new season starter of K8 and a not so flattering picture of KG holding an animal at the zoo. Talk about shoving our noses into their prosperity. I hope with all my heart that people vote with their remotes. Yes, the kids are getting perks the rest of us only dream about, but they are "singing for their supper" at every step. No kids, no show. Their mother must be aware of that, too. Dreadful woman, really.
That Cupcake blog assured the Kate fans that they would only post the glowing reviews of Kate on the blog in the comment section. (I read that on a Kate worship site.)
I understand not posting rude, hateful comments if you're there to promote Kate, but what about polite comments asking a question about the interview? Nope, they won't post it unless it raves over Kate.
I wrote a comment there that said it was a good interview. I asked if they met Kate and the kids in person. I asked how they knew that Kate was an awesome mother. They didn't post it.
There is NO WAY that person actually met Kate. Kate was sweet? Of course she was sweet on the phone or by email. She was being interviewed!
She must have learned after the last phone interview she did where the interviewer reported that she was rude on the phone when she asked a question about how Jon and Kate keep their marriage happy.
She must have learned after the Vanity Fair interview where the interviewer reported how all she wanted was Nobu and how she stepped on the little boy and just said Sorry and kept walking.
I'd still like to know what she based "Kate is an awesome mother" on. Sounds like every other Kate fan who blogs about Kate.
Administrator said...2.6 million in back taxes??? How is this woman not in JAIL?
Cuz she lives in Brazil? I don't understand it. Didn't they arrest Wesley Snipes right at the airport when he landed back in the USA? There doesn't seem to be any consistency in penalizing deadbeats of this magnitude.
Dionne, with all of your contacts at the Psysic (sp?)Friends Network, didn't they let you know that your'd owe all these taxes? Anybody remember THAT fiasco?
BerksPa said...Cupcakemag looks like an online resume that fronts as a fashion blog in order to showcase the writing *cough* talent of newly graduated students in journalism.
Berks -- You're being kind. It looks more like a high school newsletter. The kind where, if contributing writers interview the captain of the football team or the head cheerleader, they think they've landed a real scoop. In this case they've got Kate Gosselin, has-been-wannabe celebrity child exploiter.
I doubt if Beth Carson will read that pathetic phone parley Kate gave to Cupcakemag, but it's an affront to her in any case. She neglects to mention Beth's name whenever she talks about MB. I recall reading somewhere that Kate slept while Beth wrote. I guess it's not necessary to bring it up again - even the sheeple know Kate's vocabulary is limited to two syllable words.
Why didn't Kate give interviews to any of the Kate Gosselin Fan blogs? There are several. There are quite a few that go out of their way to support her. There is even one blog/site that actually includes "Gosselin" and "Fan" in the name.
Why are the Kate fan sites promoting an interview that she gave to another blog not theirs? She doesn't give them the time of day!
I just realized something after my last post.
Kate probably doesn't acknowledge the fan sites that support her because her reps will not allow her to be affiliated with the hate and bashing that is so blatant on those blogs.
They hate and bash on Jon (the father of her children) and Ellen, someone that just happens to be dating her ex-husband AFTER their divorce, as well as other bloggers that don't worship Kate.
They don't only bash Jon or Ellen for their actions but for their appearances! How can Kate do an interview on a site like that? She probably would if it was up to her but I don't see anyone approving that if they want to improve her image, which they so obviously are trying to do.
Even if the horrible comments are done in support of Kate it's still ugly. It's still bashing and hatred.
I can think of only four blogs/sites that support Kate and all of them allow bashing of Jon and Ellen and other bloggers. Three of them don't have Kate or Gosselin in their blog names, but one does.
Maybe they should clean up their acts.
She must have learned after the last phone interview she did where the interviewer reported that she was rude on the phone when she asked a question about how Jon and Kate keep their marriage happy.
I remember that! It was a Valentine's Day interview in 2009. They had split at the time, but nobody knew it...at least the general public didn't. The interviewer posted her account of the interview:
Cupcake Mag??? said...
Why didn't Kate give interviews to any of the Kate Gosselin Fan blogs?
Maybe because she's a little bit leery about them? Maybe because Steve was hired in the first place because of rabid fans? Maybe because she didn't want to give them any more reason for them to become even more zealous?
It certainly would seem, though, that if she and some of the bloggers/lead bloggers are such worshippers, and one or two are best friends forever with her, that at least she would have called them and suggested that they interview her.
Seems she/her publicist/TLC do their best to avoid these people at all costs! She'd never give them the time of day if she met them face to face, and yet, they remain steadfast in their adoration of her. I wonder why?
Just checked the Cupcake sweet sticky "interview", they must be busy deleting negative comments because they still have the same 5 sheeple comments listed (or they didnt anticipate the flood of "your story is BS" comments)!
Okay Hippie Chick - that was hilarious!! However you did miss Clean Slate Kate (she named herself that) and my personal favourite- I'm not banging my bodyguard Kate.
I also think the same person 'asked' and answered the questions in the so called 'interview'. Kate prbobably doesn't even know about it.
How does she know that crapfest book I want you to know *how much I hate my kids, caused other parents to write "love" letters to their kids (her so called letters seemed pretty nasty towards her kids from what I recall reading)? Was there more then one book signing event even?
If I remember wasn't it just a little over 10,000 copies even sold to distributors?
Amazing she loves that dog that is left alone for weeks at a time and never allowed in the house. Some "love." I would just like someone to get her to define that word cause her actions make it seem like it means a whole 'nother thing then what I know love to be.
Hey Cupcake Mag??...
You make some very valid points. Great post!
AuntieAnn said... I guess it's not necessary to bring it up again - even the sheeple know Kate's vocabulary is limited to two syllable words.
The second syllable being "-ish" of course.
Just Sayin said... "The whole "It's in God's hands" that people use ... just slays me!
Let's see ... you can't conceive - if it's in God's hands - then apparently God didn't want you to multiply! Duh! How difficult is that to understand?"
I'm sorry, but as someone who has had great difficulty conceiving, I HIGHLY take offense to the above statement. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with using medical intervention to assist your reproductive organs in functioning the way God intended. If you had cancer, would you decide to turn down chemotherapy, because, oh wait, God must have intended me to get sick -- so therefore, I shouldn't try to rid my body of cancer? I shouldn't try to do everything I possibly could to make my body well again?
I used fertility treatments (very aggressive ones), successfully had a baby, and I'm a great mom, if I do say so myself. The "God didn't want you to multiply" nonsense makes me SO mad...
Moose Mania, thank you for posting about the Valentine's Day interview. I read it and it continues to blow my mind how unprofessional and rude she is. A normal person would never act like that during an interview. She is truly, honest-to-God crazy.
Moose Mania, I didn't see your cancer analogy before posting my own. Thank you... you said it better than I did!
Another one for the records... CupcakeKate... This woman can try to reinvent herself a thousands times over, but she is what she is, and her actions (not words) will always speak volumes about who she really is.
Mouth flapping, nothing to ever back it up with. She is actually a classic oxymoron, in a lot of respects. Most people get it. OxymoronKate... It would be entertaining if the G8 were not paying the price. Now that is NOT entertaining...
Well all I can say from that interview is the fact that she wote 8 faces by herself on her Iphone shows.....
Lorrie said...
Just Sayin said... "The whole "It's in God's hands" that people use ... just slays me!
Let's see ... you can't conceive - if it's in God's hands - then apparently God didn't want you to multiply! Duh! How difficult is that to understand?"
I'm sorry, but as someone who has had great difficulty conceiving, I HIGHLY take offense to the above statement. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with using medical intervention to assist your reproductive organs in functioning the way God intended. If you had cancer, would you decide to turn down chemotherapy, because, oh wait, God must have intended me to get sick -- so therefore, I shouldn't try to rid my body of cancer? I shouldn't try to do everything I possibly could to make my body well again?
I used fertility treatments (very aggressive ones), successfully had a baby, and I'm a great mom, if I do say so myself. The "God didn't want you to multiply" nonsense makes me SO mad...
I am sorry you had a hard time conceiving. I, too did, and I still haven't. I happen to agree with original poster, if god wanted to have a baby, then I would have. If I get cancer, then it is my body's time to go. I am not actually a believer in god, I am a naturalist, but same theory. If my body can't conceive, there is a reason for it and I have no desire to fight nature or god. I understand why women may get fertility treatments, but humans were only meant to carry at most two babies at a time, and on rare occasion 3, and freak of nature 4, but HOM's is not natural and these babies would almost 100% not likely survive at birth without medical intervention. I just don't think people should use god's intentions unnaturally, as in the case of HOM's, (going off of what you said about using reproductive organs the way god intended- cuz that was not the way). And in Kate's case, with the alleged ulterior motive of getting rich- somehow I definitely don't think that was god's intentions! :D So, just 2 modes of thinking, and there those of us who believe if you can't conceive, then it was meant to be that way.
Maybe I'm wrong, I took the comment about infertility being God's will as not necessarily what the poster believes, but rather pointing out what some people believe is the inconsistency of saying that abortion is not God's will, but infertility treatments are. I am very religious myself but I don't like when people claim to know what God wants and doesn't want.
Two of the most special people in my life are here befcause of IVF and when I hug those awesome guys close I know for certain that there is nothing unChristian about IVF. That said, I find it obnoxious and arrogant and hypocritical to throw around terms like God's will whenever it is convenient for you, or to justify reckless or bad behavior. Kate is of course one of the biggest offenders. As I recall she claimed that she prayed for paper towels and then magically they showed up on the doorstep. That's not God's will, that is conning people into going along with your scheme to be rich and famous, one paper towel roll at a time.
And in Kate's case, with the alleged ulterior motive of getting rich- somehow I definitely don't think that was god's intentions! :D So, just 2 modes of thinking, and there those of us who believe if you can't conceive, then it was meant to be that way.
Interesting belief. If you had cataracts and were totally blind, and a simple procedure could restore your vision and allow you to see the beauty of God's creations, would you have the cataracts removed, or would you go through your entire life in a dark world, relying on others to be your eyes, because that is the way it was meant to be?
Hippie Chick said...
Yet another Kate!! We have Can-Do Kate, Giving Back Back, Too-Late Kate, Ho-bag Kate, Woe Is Me Kate, Gotta Call Chris Kate, I do It All for My kids Kate, Gotta Clear the Air Kate, Walks Like a Newborn Donkey in Heels Kate, I Did NOT Get Plastic Surgery Kate, Botox is My Friend Kate, I Only Have 1 Friend Kate, Divorce Was the Best Thing for ME Kate, I Will Film These Kids Until They Die Kate, The Blonder the Hair, The Better I Look Kate, The Bigger the Boobs, The Better I Look Kate, My Kids are the Bane of My Existence Kate, I Hate Jon Kate, I Heart Steve Kate, I'm A World Traveler But Know Nothing of What I see Kate, Deny Deny Deny Kate, Gimme Gimme Gimme Kate, I Make up Words Cause I'm a Dumbass Kate, & of course the Mine All Mine Kate. Did I miss any?
Hippie Chick - I have to say that I always enjoy your post tremendously, and this one has to be one of the best ever!
The only things Kate has left in anyone else's "hands" are the well-being and care-taking of her eight children. From day-one she's left their care in the hands of Jon, her unwitting volunteers, her church, the local community, the state of PA, audiences who provided love-offerings, TLC, the battery of not-a-nannies, "daddy-camera-men" (and the occasional boom operator), their school, and the Boobyguard.
I do believe that is why some people bristle at Kate’s claim that she left her fertility “in God’s hands.” As far as her ability to bear children is concerned, it seems pretty evident that she manipulated her doctors, the system, and Jon in order to have HOM – and then used those poor babies to reach her obsessive dreams for fame and fortune. As has been discussed extensively here and on other blogs, it’s almost unheard of for a young twenty-something who has been married less than a year to go for fertility treatments. “Leaving it in God’s hands” would imply that she’d at least have taken SOME time to see if they could conceive naturally. But Kate had bigger plans … and I’d bet good money that *God* had no role in any of them.
Yes, Kate is happy to put things in other’s hands – but it’s not God’s hands. Once those six ATMs were born, Kate put their (and the twin’s) welfare in everyone else’s hands BUT HER OWN.
Possibly I misunderstood original poster, but no disrespect intended to that person of course. I also caught a typo-"if god wanted to have a baby" should have the word "me" in there! LOL!!
Anyway, my overall point is yes, people use "god's will" to their own convenience and others find holes in their reasoning. Like I do with the idea that if one was meant to have a child, then god would will it, without medical intervention. But of course that is all personal opinion, and I am all for freedom of choice- but not for personal gain like Kate. I wonder if those kids will grow up and wonder if their mother only had them to get rich....and how bad that might make them feel. Most children are wanted as a member of the family, and some are accidents, some even to save a marriage (lol) but as a get-rich-quick scheme? What a reason to come into existence.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said.....
Hippie Chick - I have to say that I always enjoy your post tremendously, and this one has to be one of the best ever!
Me too!
That said, I find it obnoxious and arrogant and hypocritical to throw around terms like God's will whenever it is convenient for you, or to justify reckless or bad behavior.
Which, of course, brings up the whole fate vs. free will discourse.
"Life is like a game of cards. The hand you are dealt is determinism; the way you play it is free will" (Nehru).
Well, I finally took a look at that weird cupcake blog. It makes no sense to me that Khate would waste any time or effort on an "interview" with them, even if it was just a TLC publicist answering questions via email, which is most likely what occurred (especially when you see the insertion of a smiley face - :) - at the end of the first question's answer).
That dog comment at the end seems like total TLC P.R. spin. Too little, too late, just give it up.
Why even ask about "her latest book"? Wasn't that about a year ago? And, we all know it didn't sell at all.
It's funny how when she talks about being organized and all her lists on her iphone, she not only mentions a Target list, but also Whole Foods. As far as Target, for all the photos that have been out there of her leaving Target, I don't think that I have ever seen her leave the store with more than a couple of small bags. Maybe she just can't write long enough lists on that pink(!) iphone....but, wait, she did write" a "book" on there, didn't she? At least she said so. Ha.
On the fifth question, when she answers:
"....and our life stress is changing in nature but constant so there's still lots of drama! Hopefully someday, you'll see me dating (gulp!) at some point... I'm moving towards considering a possibility of re-entering that world of dating... Maybe! {lol}"
Hmm, first there's the part about their "life stress" "changing in nature but constant" with "still lots of drama". What the heck does that mean?? Is she referring to custody issues again?
Then, there she is caught in ANOTHER LIE when she says she's considering maybe "re-entering that world of dating". Um, didn't she say recently on George Lopez (I think) that she HAS had a few dates over the past year?
Also, note that when she refers to maybe dating again, she puts it this way - "Hopefully someday, you'll see me dating". DING, DING, DING! That's the signal that this (fake-ish, lol) "dating" will be (or already was) filmed strictly for the purpose of more episodes.
Then there's the question about having the film crew back and she says "They've never gone and yes, we indeed love our friends". Hmmm, they've "never gone"?? But, wait, I thought the kids cried when the show was (temporarily) canceled, and they then shouted for joy when the crew finally came back last year (because they had NOT seen them during the time off). Plus, she now calls the crew "our friends". Sheesh, what is it, close "family" "a bunch of dads" or "friends"? Just pick one already. I know, I know, it's so hard to keep the stories straight when it's all completely fabricated to begin with.
Finally, what b.s. about what her dislikes are (the rambling coffee nonsense). Man, oh man, she has a LOT more dislikes than that. But, then again, the TLC publicity spinners are trying to make her more likeable. Guess what? TOO LATE, KHATE!!
Oh, I forgot one thing! Did anyone else happen to scroll down past the Khate "interview" on that cupcake blog? How appropriate is it that the post right below the Khate post is one about trashy "bling" underwear (with photos), or "booty bling" as they call it. Of course the "writers" at that blog just "LOVE" the booty bling....just like they love Khate, lol. I wonder which pair they sent to Khate - the ones that say "Shake Your Money Maker" on the "booty", or maybe the pair with dollar signs? Or, the ones that say "Wanted" on them? Can we spell T-A-C-K-Y?! Yeah, what a great blog, ha!!
GoPoshGo said...“Leaving it in God’s hands” would imply that she’d at least have taken SOME time to see if they could conceive naturally. But Kate had bigger plans … and I’d bet good money that *God* had no role in any of them.
Kate thinks everyone's thought process is in sheeple mode. She later admitted that in hindsight (which I took to mean she was looking out of her ass) she didn't know what the big rush was to have those babies. Bullshit. She knew very well.
Posh and Etown , great comments.
Check out the comments on Cupcake mag.. you would think you are reading 2 pro kate fan blogs that are often mentioned here. Mostly all the same commentors.. I guess the pro kate sheep number around 25 or so..
Every time I see that picture of Kate holding her pregnant belly, I picture her walking around holding up "the girls" like that when she's older.
I'm so glad I realized as a kid that telling lies is a lot of work. You tell one, then you tell another to back it up. Then you retell the first one, only this time its slightly different. Then the one you backed it up with before doesn't work, so you tell a new backup lie. Pretty soon you can't even remember WHAT the real story is or was. Sound like someone we know (and hate)?
They say ignorance is bliss. Well, she is proof in the pudding of that. Oh wait, her bliss comes in a wine box.
Check out the comments on Cupcake mag.. you would think you are reading 2 pro kate fan blogs that are often mentioned here.
The comments are so predictable - the sickly sweet adoration kudos, to both Kate and the magazine.
The one comment I found particularly funny came from a sheep who lauded the magazine as "classy." I clicked on the bling booty page, saw the photo of the model with her rear end cheeks hanging out and thought, "Yes, VERY classy 'magazine' indeed!
I guess what I consider to be classy, and what the sheeple consider to be classy, isn't even in the same ballpark.
Anyone out there remember the press conference Jon and Kate gave in the hospital right after the tups were born? Kate 'agreed' to the tv interview despite having just endured MAJOR abdominal surgery with 6 very fragile babies in the ICU. She looked pale and wan (the pale skin was pretty, unlike the leathery orange mess she now has) and tried to look good, with way too much bright blush on. Jon wheeled her in with a big proud smile on his face. Kate, however, was playing demure, as in, "Who me? I didn't ask for all this attention!". But as soon as she saw those cameras, a tiny smile betrayed her coy act. She caught herself and went back to the wide-eyed, innocent act. There was something creepy and so telling about that smile. She was loving it, even as she played the poor, overwhelmed, needy mom who had all these babies and all this attention thrust upon her. In retrospect, who could have guessed that this was the beginning of the ultimate beg-fest? That she was a grifter so greedy she'd use innocent children to enable herself to get freebies, wind up on tv and make
money so she could blow it on herself: plastic surgery, clothes, shoes, spa treatments, an unnecessary bodyguard, a big house, etc. That little smile said it all. What a creep
you are the only non-military person I have come across that reads VOA! I am impressed :)
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