And now what's Kate's excuse for why they can't go back to normal? INF's Chris has been MIA for about a month. We're guessing those Target shots just don't bring as much dough as they used to, simple as that. So now that there aren't even any paparazzi bothering them anymore, why can't Kate go back?
sediments (sic) from readers:
Simple. Kate "can't" go back because Kate does not want to go back. Life is better when you've got attention, lots of expendable income and kids who do the work.
Sara I don't get what you mean. I'm happy the paps are gone. The question remains why Kate is still claiming they cannot go back. I have yet to hear Kate say good Chris is gone we can stop filming now.
Sara I don't get what you mean. I'm happy the paps are gone. The question remains why Kate is still claiming they cannot go back. I have yet to hear Kate say good Chris is gone we can stop filming now.
She can most definitely go back. Out of sight, of my mind....she's forgotten and nobody really cares about her. It is only when KHATE decides to resurface and pimp herself and her kids that she gets any attention, which she then falsely complains about. It's only her TLC publicity shenanigans, along with paid photographer (that she calls "paparazzi"). If nobody ever saw her again, I doubt anyone would care or even bother to notice. She can't take that, though. She WANTS to be famous and she wants the $$.
Nobody buys her tired old proclamation that she can't go back, because nobody would leave them alone now that they're so famous (ha). Also, nobody is buying her argument that they need the show to support the family. She's had more than enough opportunities come her way in the last several years and as far as I am concerned, she should be ashamed of herself that she hasn't figured out a better way to support this family other than exploiting their childhoods and working her kids like crazy every free day or week off from school.
Unfortunatley, I have a feeling that she will soon be emerging with some boring photos (arranged by TLC) in the next week or two just to get her name and face back out there before the show comes back on. I'm sure she's thrilled that the weather is getting warmer so she can go do some parking lot struts in some new outfits and heels with the paid photographer in tow. Same old, same old.
Count me in the camp of glad not to see pics of her pumping gas. I look at INF on a daily basis to skim celeb gossip and I'm thrilled to say she hasn't been on their site in ages. It's fantastic!
So yeah, Kate, it's ALWAYS been possible to get out of the spotlight. I knew she would have to be forced out eventually, but I'm glad to see it's finally getting here. I knew 2011 would be the beginning of the end for her public life and making money on the kids' backs.
The one person I remember "bitching" about Kate and the Paps was Kate. I recall blogs asking what is so interesting about watching someone emerge from Target or the nail salon for the umpteenth time, but the "bitching" over the paps came from none other than Kate. "See what we have to put up with?" she asked at the kids' party. "They're in the trees!"
I loathe the word "bitching" and try to avoid using it, but I just did. Now I feel like I need to go clean myself off.
Kate made such an ass of herself on DWTS. A rich ass- but an ass nonetheless.
Sara, actually I'm very happy that Kate & the kids are not being photographed. The 8 kids are not a side-show curiousity act to be oogled at, and Kate, well we all know that she was hoping to be famous for being the mother of her side-show curiousity act. So, yeah- may they all live long, peaceful, and happy lives in anonymity.
Sure Kate CAN go back to normal- she has to, for her kids.
If the only reason you are famous is that you carried twins & then sextuplets in your belly- well, that's a bad base for a career in the entertainment world. It takes much more than that to keep an audience interested in you, ie: you need marketable talent(s).
Many people have had (and are still having) multiples around the world, and they are all living normal, productive lives away from the entertainment field. Kate's argument that they cannot go back is hogwash. I agree with the administrator, it's not that she cannot go back- she will not go back.
Reality is that Kate has no choice but to go back to normal.
I have a feeling in the next week or two, TLC will be promoting Kate all over if they really intend on keeping her as a commodity in their TLC family. If so, expect to see new papparazzi pics, a few scandal items released, and interviews to denounce them, and perhaps even 'skins' on Perez and Radar, etc (like they did with Sister Wives) However, if she's just not up to snuff anymore, you won't see her promoted much on anything.
It's like a waiting game for everyone to see if TLC pimps out Kate as much as she pimps out her kiddos.
Sara, the "paps" (PLURAL) have not photographed Kate in ages and ages. Only Chris, her TLC-paid pap (SINGULAR) has just "happened" to show up when she's doing Target, etc. I remember a story from a shopper who happened to be in the Target shopping lot at the same time Kate arrived talking about how it was all set up and how Kate did several re-dos. Funny, how all of a sudden, Kate doesn't need to go to UPS (or is it Fed Ex), Target, tanning, getting manicures/pedicures, grocery shopping (that she does "all on her own" with three cartfuls to manage), or pick up her kids--things that make one go "hmmm."
So, what we got here is...............Hank the Tank streaking down the road. In Hank's mind there are hundreds of people following, but in reality nobody is there.
On GWOP, a poster who said her hubby is a pap stated that no-one is paying for pictures of Kate any more - and that is why none of the paps are taking pictures. Paps make their living by selling celebrity photos, and they're not going to waste time on something they won't be paid for.
Barbara said: On GWOP, a poster who said her hubby is a pap stated that no-one is paying for pictures of Kate any more - and that is why none of the paps are taking pictures.
There were a few discrepancies in that poster's accounts, and when questioned by another poster, there was no reply. I'd take it with a grain of salt. The accounts may be true, but then again, it's always up to the reader to decide if there's any credibility to the information.
That's hardly insider information. If pap photos don't make money they wont be taken. They are no longer being taken therefore one can reasonably conclude they don't bring in worthwhile money anymore.
uhm........because idiots like you keep making crap up just to populate your blog to generate $$$ for yourself when there is nothing else going on? In the interest of the kids, of course!
Lordy Mama said... uhm........because idiots like you keep making crap up just to populate your blog to generate $$$ for yourself when there is nothing else going on? In the interest of the kids, of course!
uhm........because idiots like you keep making crap up just to populate your blog to generate $$$ for yourself when there is nothing else going on? In the interest of the kids, of course!
Oh boy!! Real mature.
Why is it that when sheeple cannot have an intelligent conversation/debate, they resort to insults?
If you can't play with the big kids, go back to your playpen.
People are apparently catching on to the greedy Kate and are not falling for the scam. No one would believe it is good to "sing for your supper" when you are a kid. This woman has been overexposed and that is not a good thing in the show biz world, is it? No pics, no attention. Must be frustrating for Kate who wants it both ways. TLC needs to put this mess out to pasture.
No, can't be babymama, she's getting ready for her national television debut. She'll be on Dr. Oz next week! I think the subject is "Grown women obsessed with Famewhores" but I could be wrong.
I'm happy that there have been no photos of the kids at the bus stop. I felt so bad for the one boy who took to covering his face when paps take his picture. I could just imagine the stress he must have felt on that bus ride after school, knowing that photogs were waiting for him.
Why is it that when sheeple cannot have an intelligent conversation/debate, they resort to insults?
Because that's all they know. Sarcasm and snot permeate their daily lives. They dish it out to their spouses; their children hear it. I would believe that in the home setting, they get it back as good as they give it. Here they can remain anonymous without fear of retaliation or a physical confrontation. It's also confirmation of their stupidity and lack of intelligence. They're not showing us anything that we don't already know. They invented the word "jellus."
Kate Gosselin apparently is not going away anytime soon. It is my unfortunate duty to announce tha she and her kids will be retuning to Kate Plus 8 this April on TLC.
Why TLC continues to beat a dead horse is beyond anyone's comprehension. There is no doubt that Kate and her kids are no longer a ratings draw. It obviously has to do with the fact that none of TLC's other shows draw in anyone either and among them all Kate Plus 8 does the best.
According to US magazine, the season premier will be an hour and will be about Kate Gosselin and her kids trip to Australia. We will see Kate play with sharks, lying on the beach and trying to talk to native Australian aboriginals. We will also see her freakout on her camping trip in Alaska. Sounds like a great time.
How much longer do you think Kate Plus 8 will last?
A. The entire season
B. Half a season
C. the first month
D. Forever
Let us know what you think about TLC's decision to bring back Kate Plus 8 for another year.
Admin said, That's hardly insider information. If pap photos don't make money they wont be taken. ^^^^^^^^^^^
Exactly, Admin. There was no earth-shattering information there - nothing that we didn't already know, or couldn't have intelligently surmised. It was generic stuff that anyone could have posted.
Lordy said, uhm........because idiots like you keep making crap up just to populate your blog to generate $$$ for yourself when there is nothing else going on? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Admin, when do we see all of the $$$ that this blog is generating? LOL! How stupid are these people?
Kate cannot go back, because in her mind that would mean her quest for fame was a FAILURE! And we all know from her tissue toting, sniffling couch interview after the split, that she won't accept failure.
Guess what Kate you are a failure at being a star and being a mother!!
We haven't seen Kate because she has to lay low since she recently discovered (cough) that there are other families out there less fortunate than hers. She's trying to rebuild her greedy image by making people believe she's a giver not a taker. Good luck on that one Kate. She kind of has her foot stuck in the glue pot on this...she can't demonstrate the humanitarian side of herself if she's running to the nail salon every other day and going on shopping sprees in NY.
Anyway, it's fine by me if I don't see her face on every rag at the checkout stand and on every celeb-gossip website. As long as she's not pimping her kids I couldn't care less what she does.
It was 80 degrees in Central PA today, Reading was probably about the same. I'm sure Khate had the "girls" out today, and there will probably be pictures.
It was 80 degrees in Central PA today, Reading was probably about the same. I'm sure Khate had the "girls" out today, and there will probably be pictures.
Well, heck yes! It was 82 degrees here. Those girls have been cooped up for the winter. They needed some airing and exposure. They have been hibernating all winter -- she could have removed those frozen implants and used them to keep the food cold in the kids' lunchboxes.
Kate Gosselin apparently is not going away anytime soon. It is my unfortunate duty to announce tha she and her kids will be retuning to Kate Plus 8 this April on TLC. ____________________________ Denise: This was announced online about two weeks ago. It was bound to happen. They don't spend that much money on an overseas trip and then can it. It was inevitable. Darn.
"The hour-long premiere episode on April 4 follows Kate and her eight as they travel 21 hours across the globe to Australia – the longest flight they’ve ever taken. The Gosselins are beyond excited about ringing in 2011 in a city that celebrates the new year first – Sydney, Australia. They visit the beaches and enjoy the warm December air on the other side of the world. Kate takes a boat to the middle of the ocean in hopes of swimming next to sharks – in a cage of course – but will Kate be too scared to get in the freezing, rough water? Then, the family meets Australian aboriginals and learn about their culture – from dancing and camping to digeridoos and boomerangs, there are a lot of new experiences to be had for the Gosselins. But when it comes time to spending the night in tents, will Kate and her kids be able to sleep outside and camp out?"
So Kate sticks out camping in Australia when she wouldn't suck it up in Alaska for the sake of the kids??? Just when I thought she couldn't get more unbelievable.
So Kate sticks out camping in Australia when she wouldn't suck it up in Alaska for the sake of the kids??? Just when I thought she couldn't get more unbelievable.
Admin., she was not in the spotlight in Alaska. Sarah and her family were. Kate needs to be the center of attention, and if she wasn't going to get it huddling under a tent, then she was going to get it by making a big deal of leaving. It didn't matter if she appeared to be an ungrateful snot; negative attention was better than no attention.
Silly me. Kate will pretend to be homeless all day long as long as she is the center of attention. If she's not, screw the kids and their fun. What a vile person.
AuntieAnn said... We haven't seen Kate because she has to lay low since she recently discovered (cough) that there are other families out there less fortunate than hers. She's trying to rebuild her greedy image by making people believe she's a giver not a taker. Good luck on that one Kate. She kind of has her foot stuck in the glue pot on this...she can't demonstrate the humanitarian side of herself if she's running to the nail salon every other day and going on shopping sprees in NY. ********** Oh honey, Kate's 10 steps ahead of you ! ;-) Kate already explained during expulsion-gate that NO! this is not pampering or a lifestyle, no,no...all the pampering is her job! How dare you judge her for her job! Dontcha know you're taking food out of her babies mouths and she's got a purse full of bills to pay ;-)
With so many real crises happening in our world right now, from the unrest throughout the middle east to the horrors of post-earthquake Japan, one would hope that TLC might, just might, exhibit a little restraint and/or sensibility in their campaign to make give back/fake Kate relevant before April 4. I do doubt that this will happen; it is impossible to look at any part of this train wreck without wanting for it to simply go away.
I haven't been here in a while but I totally agree with what WestCoaster said. There's too much real tragedy out there right now. Who cares about their trip to Australia and her trips to Target. Japan is expecting a death count of 10,000+.
Her tantrums are going to look even more ridiculous than ever.
Kart - it's over. Period. Welcome to the real world.
-Kate takes a boat to the middle of the ocean in hopes of swimming next to sharks – in a cage of course – but will Kate be too scared to get in the freezing, rough water? .
-But when it comes time to spending the night in tents, will Kate and her kids be able to sleep outside and camp out?"
Who writes those sh*tty "cliff hanging" questions?
They should add one more question to the episode synopsis:
Especially when all this scripted reality happened months and months ago - scripted, unreal, boring, one expensive vacation after another, irrelevant - does TLC not see this at all? They read the blogs, we do know that. Shaking my head.
The Kate Plus 8 facebook page has photos out from the first three episodes of season 2, most of them are taken with the late Steve Irwin's family. So I am guessing this Australia/NZ trip will air at least three weeks in a row. With all that's going on in the world. who wants to watch some exclusive VIP trip? Anywat, be prepared to have her shoved down our throats once again. But really, who is there left that will be watching this show?
"Kate Gosselin apparently is not going away anytime soon. It is my unfortunate duty to announce tha she and her kids will be retuning to Kate Plus 8 this April on TLC."
"Why TLC continues to beat a dead horse is beyond anyone's comprehension. There is no doubt that Kate and her kids are no longer a ratings draw. It obviously has to do with the fact that none of TLC's other shows draw in anyone either and among them all Kate Plus 8 does the best."
Anyone of us can write for the Metro group or "The Examiner". The Examiner has a simple online application and many reality tv bloggers write for them as well as on their own blogs. They have few readers and little credibility.
I don't know anything about the person who wrote this particular article, but as usual they're WAY BEHIND all the other news outlets and as usual they're also wrong about a lot of the info in their stories. The info about Kate's show starting April 4 was announced at least 2 weeks ago and this writer didn't even mention the date - I wonder if she even knows it.
She says they're running Kate's show because she's their biggest draw right now which couldn't be farther from the truth! Sister Wives (their NEW STARS), Palin's Alaska, Cake Boss,T&Ts, etc, etc, etc all pull much higher ratings than Kate did last season and most likely what she'll pull this season.
And, as usual the article uses other tabloids for their source; in this case she's using US Magazine for info and says we'll see Kate freak out on her camping trip to "Alaska". UMMM, I doubt TLC will really run that horrible footage again on a special about Oz and NZ and think that the writer mis-copied her info and should have said we'd see Kate freak out camping in Australia.
Not criticizing anyone here at all; just stressing that most Metro/Examiner articles are usually a couple weeks late and a couple dollars short of accuracy and info.
Well, I am really happy the paps aren't harassing the kids anymore, I always felt sorry for them,they kept covering their faces...
Kate plus 8 has a Facebook page? Why? Things would have been so fine if the kids had been filming only once in a while,you know, one special a year maybe like an update or fine even a Christmas special or first day of school once in a blue moon but why did they have to go and film SO MUCH? If they didn't have so much publicity there would be no kids covering their faces...
Katie needs a new image (again) said... "With all that's going on in the world. who wants to watch some exclusive VIP trip?" ************************************************
I agree! After seeing those haunting photos and footage of buildings, houses, cars and people being swept away with every huge wave, it boggles my mind as to why TLC thinks this is a good time to air multiple episodes featuring an undeserving wench taking a luxury, freebie vacation. It's in such poor taste, it's shocking.
The pap photos will suddenly appear before the new episodes air, even if Steve will be the only pap taking her photos. I think TLC put her in time out after the illegal parking in a fire lane and sake purchase in the liquor store photo shoot. The unethical channel had to enforce their morality clause in her contract.
In yet another story of how wonderful former child stars' lives are once they grow up (not!), I saw that Candace Cameron (DJ on Full House) confirmed the rumor that Jodi Sweten (Stephanie) had to be carried out of Cameron's wedding. Sad.
I also did an article awhile ago where one of the twins from that same show describes feeling like a trained monkey asked to perform.
Admin, you know that Mary kate and Ashley are very very rich. That means their lives are wonderful. (right??)
Jodi has talked about her drug problems. She was married to a cop and addicted to meth. Of course, being a child star had nothing to do with it because everybody wants to be rich and famous, no matter the cost.
I also loved what you wrote about Taylor Momsen and how she feels about early fame and working her childhood away. She also flashed her butt recently in pictures. I think she's only 17. Watch out for her.
Let's not forget the STAND BY ME reunion. Corey Feldman is lucky he's not the dead one.
As I recall some of Kate's followers blamed Taylor, a CHILD, for her problems. It's really only a matter of time before the Gosselin children are blamed when they rebel. It's also been suggested that some child actors turn out just fine, which is absolutely true. Some of them may have had very grounded parents not interested in their money, and full invested in protecting them. For those that did not have that experience, I believe they turned out fine DESPITE their bizarre childhoods, not because of it.
Lots of abused kids turn out just fine too. In fact a close friend of mine was a foster child since he was 10 and ended up getting a full scholarship to a good college in Arizona and has thrived. He is fine despite his childhood, not because of it.
Meth is no joke and is VERY hard to get off. People I've met with meth addictions say that craving is always there. I hope Jodi Swetin has a huge support system and a sponsor and goes to something like NA so she doesn't become part of that relapse group. It really begs the question how did someone who had it all get wrapped up in that? Just random chance I suppose, right? Please.
Don't some of the fans blame and label the "spirited" Gosselin Twin? Even as a small child, fans would excuse Kate's behavior because "that girl wss such a handful."
The 2 suspended tups? THEIR fault?? Surely it's not Kate's fault that they can't attend school.
Oh honey, Kate's 10 steps ahead of you ! ;-) Kate already explained during expulsion-gate that NO! this is not pampering or a lifestyle, no,no...all the pampering is her job! How dare you judge her for her job! Dontcha know you're taking food out of her babies mouths and she's got a purse full of bills to pay ;-) ===== Tucker's Mom - I hear ya and would've agreed with you - about a year ago - lol.
I know that's how she justified herself, but things have taken a turn for her...they aren't looking as good as they did so she's trying to redeem herself. She'll be playing down her "poor me" act too and try to convince people that warm blood actually flows through her veins. Her flavor of the month is the humanitarian angle. Feeding the hungry has suddenly become important to her. (cuz the problem never existed until she stumbled upon it, ya know)
As transparent as this new act is she's desperate and if it means pretending to care for others as much as she cares for herself she'll do it. Anything to keep herself out there and relevant. It's just too bad she used the last four years to show us her true colors and too bad it was in indelible ink.
There are pics of Kate last nite going to STK and she was all smiles. She was dressed in a little black dress and it looks like she got her hair touched up again while she was there. It said she was there celebrating her birthday early. She was with another woman. It looked strange cos Kate was dressed to the hilt with heels and diamonds and the girl had on jeans. Strange. No sign of Steve and boy was Kate smiling ear to ear. Of course,no kids.
It's so obvious that Kate and TLC set up that photo op for her birthday. He even took a set up shot of her in the car. She's with her good friend Jamie. In one photo she is making a really strange face, even for her, possibly joking with the pap. Very obvious promo shots. There is NO way they weren't set up in advance.
There we're at least two comments in this thread that called it! Promo shots of Kate in the media to prepare for her upcoming Kate Plus 8 episodes. Spot on.
She was with another woman. It looked strange cos Kate was dressed to the hilt with heels and diamonds and the girl had on jeans.
She's always smiling when the kids aren't along! Why is it that her shoes never fit...they are too short! Is that comfortable? Jamie's toes aren't hanging out the front!
I thought the paps were through with her, but, sadly, she rises like the Phoenix, and all glitzed up to boot! I guess they have to make her as relevant as they can to promote the hour-long upcoming show!
Interesting that it's a week before her birthday. Since the kids have off next Thursday, could they also be taking Friday off as well? A long weekend to film, which would make Kate unavailable for the NYC trip on the weekend of her actual birthday. Who knows the rhyme or reason for anything she does?
Someone upthread (sorry, I don't know who) was talking about how sarcastically & rudely Kate talks to her kids. I have a small story about that. I used to have a babysitter who was like that around my kid to others. When her & my son would go out, she would look at other women & say things that were hurtful. My son, who hides NOTHING from me, started telling me "Dana (not her real name) called this women ugly today" or "Dana said this woman was fat". He also told me that she "hated everything" & used a "mean tone" about everything.
Now, if you guys knew me & my parenting style, you would know I am pretty laid back. I have taught my son to love all people, all races, creeds, it's not the outsides that count at all. I have also taught my son that all woman are beautiful, whether skinny, black, Asian, tattooed, pierced, curvy, etc. I also try & compliment a woman once a day, whether it's her shoes, bag, top, whatever, Pay it forward! in front of my son. I sat the bbsitter down & asked why she was so bitter at the world, she told me her husband cheated on her. I told her I couldn't have her around my son if she was going to bash every single woman she saw.
That bitter angry attitude will pass down to Kate's kids if she keeps it up. She only ever smiled for the paps. I never saw her smile when it was just her & her kids alone in pics here. Does she want her kids to grow up miserable & unhappy with the world around them? What about with the people around them? What about being NICE to people? She is not teaching her kids simple manners. Has Kate EVER complimented anyone? I'm sorry this is so long, but it irks me that she can't or won't do the simple parenting things that mothers & fathers from the beginning of time have done, because she is a) too lazy or b) just cares about fame.
Pink Straight Jacket said... Who writes those sh*tty "cliff hanging" questions?
They should add one more question to the episode synopsis:
-Or does anyone really give a crap anymore?
I thought the same thing...Who DOES write this crap? LOLOL Thanks for the laugh! Oh, the frigin suspense is killing me!! I'd rather sit through 'Battlefield Earth' or 'Ishtar' or 'Showgirls' get my point...
Ok ladies. We are going to NYC to have girls night out in a limo. I want you all to wear jeans and a nice top ( but not too nice ). Heels will be ok if you must. However I am the star so I will be wearing a sassy black mini dress meant for a horny 22 year old on the hunt for a married man, and you are NOT to upstage me! Got it? When the cameras start flashing, you are to look down or away and let me have my moment, as I have GOT to get my face back out there since it's been so long. Do NOT get in the way of my photoshoot or this friendship wil be o.v.e.r. Don't forget to open any and all doors for me, and if a good looking man approaches me, back off! I get first dibs.
Ok ladies. We are going to NYC to have girls night out in a limo
Literally? I thought her "girls" were pretty well covered in those photos...for a change! I'll have to take another look. How does one sit comfortably in a dress that short and that tight? Doesn't it keep riding up around your gazoo?
I hope Kate and her friends (she has friends?) enjoyed the birthday bash/limo that was paid for by her children, and they weren't even along to enjoy the celebration!
again, Kate can't win. People bitch when the paps photograph her and they still bitch when they don't.
Ummm, we don't WANT Kate to win. Kate's been winning too much lately at the expense of her kids. She needs to LOSE her show, her lifestyle, and her kids, and let Jon have 'em.
So Kate sticks out camping in Australia when she wouldn't suck it up in Alaska for the sake of the kids??? Just when I thought she couldn't get more unbelievable.
Admin., she was not in the spotlight in Alaska. Sarah and her family were. Kate needs to be the center of attention, and if she wasn't going to get it huddling under a tent, then she was going to get it by making a big deal of leaving. It didn't matter if she appeared to be an ungrateful snot; negative attention was better than no attention.
I also think it's because it was "cold" and not warm and sunny, and she couldn't wear a bikini. If she'd been able to wear a bikini on SP's show, I'm sure she felt like that would've gotten her attention, even if it WAS Sarah's show simply b/c no one else would've been wearing one.
I know that's how she justified herself, but things have taken a turn for her...they aren't looking as good as they did so she's trying to redeem herself. She'll be playing down her "poor me" act too and try to convince people that warm blood actually flows through her veins. Her flavor of the month is the humanitarian angle. Feeding the hungry has suddenly become important to her. (cuz the problem never existed until she stumbled upon it, ya know)
Oh, but Kate IS a giver. She gives to people all the time! She gives people a piece of her mind, she gives them crap, she gives them ultimatums, etc.
As a poster known as Wife of a Pap. I post what I know or hear of, without harming my hubby or his associates. They are are professionals long before the occasional Kate G came along. They have other businesses dealing with photography for major magazines, etc. They work the Red Carpets in NY and LA, LHR, Paris, wherever they are requested. They work for major PR agencies.
Not being a fan of this woman who has spit out of the window of a Limo, screamed terrible things to my hubby's associates. Which she has verified and laughed about. She did this with her children with her at times.
I do not like writing about her, but I despise her attitude. My hubby does not chase anyone, he shows up when given the assignment like others he works with from other agencies, the Star(s) pose, giving nice smiles, stand still, do not make faces, as their photos appear in the top magazines, media outlets. They know their fans make them, they do not hide, they give to their fans.
First, you must remember, Agencies must be notified of where a Star is going to be. When TLC and their PR reps let everyone know where Kate will be and she is unpleasant, she loses so much more than a photo. I would bet her People who represent her have told her to pose. She probably does not listen that FANS, FANS, FANS MAKE THE STAR. She does her own thing and thinks Fame without Talent lasts, it does not.
Even Stars with Talent give photos when promoting a film; otherwise, you don't see them, no one follows them. Do you realize how many Stars of Movies, TV, Broadway have no one following them? Most of them.
When a Lindsay Lohan has photographers following her it is because the Paps were notified.
You don't see that with a Kardashian, no one knows what they are doing, unless they show up somewhere. These girls run many businesses, without photos being taken.
Kate is phony, has no class, has no talent but believes she is a Star.
Persons with true ability and talent walk the streets of NY without Paps following them.
Her career is now over, just a matter of months now. Thankfully, those kids will be pulled off of TV. Yet, their childhoods will be explored and discussed for years when Reality TV is mentioned.
God forgive Kate and Jon for what they did to these children and so far, continue to do.
I know that's how she justified herself, but things have taken a turn for her...they aren't looking as good as they did so she's trying to redeem herself. She'll be playing down her "poor me" act too and try to convince people that warm blood actually flows through her veins. Her flavor of the month is the humanitarian angle. Feeding the hungry has suddenly become important to her. (cuz the problem never existed until she stumbled upon it, ya know)
Oh, but Kate IS a giver. She gives to people all the time! She gives people a piece of her mind, she gives them crap, she gives them ultimatums, etc.
Interesting that it's a week before her birthday. Since the kids have off next Thursday, could they also be taking Friday off as well? A long weekend to film, which would make Kate unavailable for the NYC trip on the weekend of her actual birthday. Who knows the rhyme or reason for anything she does?
Ok ladies. We are going to NYC to have girls night out in a limo
Literally? I thought her "girls" were pretty well covered in those photos...for a change! I'll have to take another look. How does one sit comfortably in a dress that short and that tight? Doesn't it keep riding up around your gazoo?
Ok ladies. We are going to NYC to have girls night out in a limo. I want you all to wear jeans and a nice top ( but not too nice ). Heels will be ok if you must. However I am the star so I will be wearing a sassy black mini dress meant for a horny 22 year old on the hunt for a married man, and you are NOT to upstage me! Got it? When the cameras start flashing, you are to look down or away and let me have my moment, as I have GOT to get my face back out there since it's been so long. Do NOT get in the way of my photoshoot or this friendship wil be o.v.e.r. Don't forget to open any and all doors for me, and if a good looking man approaches me, back off! I get first dibs.
Meth is no joke and is VERY hard to get off. People I've met with meth addictions say that craving is always there. I hope Jodi Swetin has a huge support system and a sponsor and goes to something like NA so she doesn't become part of that relapse group. It really begs the question how did someone who had it all get wrapped up in that? Just random chance I suppose, right? Please.
The pap photos will suddenly appear before the new episodes air, even if Steve will be the only pap taking her photos. I think TLC put her in time out after the illegal parking in a fire lane and sake purchase in the liquor store photo shoot. The unethical channel had to enforce their morality clause in her contract.
The Kate Plus 8 facebook page has photos out from the first three episodes of season 2, most of them are taken with the late Steve Irwin's family. So I am guessing this Australia/NZ trip will air at least three weeks in a row. With all that's going on in the world. who wants to watch some exclusive VIP trip? Anywat, be prepared to have her shoved down our throats once again. But really, who is there left that will be watching this show?
-Kate takes a boat to the middle of the ocean in hopes of swimming next to sharks – in a cage of course – but will Kate be too scared to get in the freezing, rough water? .
-But when it comes time to spending the night in tents, will Kate and her kids be able to sleep outside and camp out?"
Who writes those sh*tty "cliff hanging" questions?
They should add one more question to the episode synopsis:
AuntieAnn said... We haven't seen Kate because she has to lay low since she recently discovered (cough) that there are other families out there less fortunate than hers. She's trying to rebuild her greedy image by making people believe she's a giver not a taker. Good luck on that one Kate. She kind of has her foot stuck in the glue pot on this...she can't demonstrate the humanitarian side of herself if she's running to the nail salon every other day and going on shopping sprees in NY. ********** Oh honey, Kate's 10 steps ahead of you ! ;-) Kate already explained during expulsion-gate that NO! this is not pampering or a lifestyle, no,no...all the pampering is her job! How dare you judge her for her job! Dontcha know you're taking food out of her babies mouths and she's got a purse full of bills to pay ;-)
It was 80 degrees in Central PA today, Reading was probably about the same. I'm sure Khate had the "girls" out today, and there will probably be pictures.
We haven't seen Kate because she has to lay low since she recently discovered (cough) that there are other families out there less fortunate than hers. She's trying to rebuild her greedy image by making people believe she's a giver not a taker. Good luck on that one Kate. She kind of has her foot stuck in the glue pot on this...she can't demonstrate the humanitarian side of herself if she's running to the nail salon every other day and going on shopping sprees in NY.
Anyway, it's fine by me if I don't see her face on every rag at the checkout stand and on every celeb-gossip website. As long as she's not pimping her kids I couldn't care less what she does.
Admin said, That's hardly insider information. If pap photos don't make money they wont be taken. ^^^^^^^^^^^
Exactly, Admin. There was no earth-shattering information there - nothing that we didn't already know, or couldn't have intelligently surmised. It was generic stuff that anyone could have posted.
Lordy said, uhm........because idiots like you keep making crap up just to populate your blog to generate $$$ for yourself when there is nothing else going on? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Admin, when do we see all of the $$$ that this blog is generating? LOL! How stupid are these people?
No, can't be babymama, she's getting ready for her national television debut. She'll be on Dr. Oz next week! I think the subject is "Grown women obsessed with Famewhores" but I could be wrong.
Lordy Mama said... uhm........because idiots like you keep making crap up just to populate your blog to generate $$$ for yourself when there is nothing else going on? In the interest of the kids, of course!
uhm........because idiots like you keep making crap up just to populate your blog to generate $$$ for yourself when there is nothing else going on? In the interest of the kids, of course!
On GWOP, a poster who said her hubby is a pap stated that no-one is paying for pictures of Kate any more - and that is why none of the paps are taking pictures. Paps make their living by selling celebrity photos, and they're not going to waste time on something they won't be paid for.
Want to see your comment published? Follow a few simple rules:
1. Do not use Anonymous. Pick a name (click Name/URL to type in a name) and stick to the same name. 2. Anonymous insider stories should be emailed to us directly (in confidence). They will not be posted here unless we can verify the validity, such as with photos. This is not to discourage legitimate insiders from speaking out, but to guard against all the fake stories out there. 3. No insulting other posters or picking fights, refusing to let things go and move on. Stop with the snotty comments--they will be rejected. Treat people here like how you would talk to the person you most respect in your life, it's just pleasant that way. 4. No trash talking other blogs/bloggers here.
103 sediments (sic) from readers:
Simple. Kate "can't" go back because Kate does not want to go back. Life is better when you've got attention, lots of expendable income and kids who do the work.
again, Kate can't win. People bitch when the paps photograph her and they still bitch when they don't.
Exactly, Kate confuses the definition of can't with WON'T. Why no interviewer will call her on this boggles the mind.
Sara I don't get what you mean. I'm happy the paps are gone. The question remains why Kate is still claiming they cannot go back. I have yet to hear Kate say good Chris is gone we can stop filming now.
Sara I don't get what you mean. I'm happy the paps are gone. The question remains why Kate is still claiming they cannot go back. I have yet to hear Kate say good Chris is gone we can stop filming now.
She can most definitely go back. Out of sight, of my mind....she's forgotten and nobody really cares about her. It is only when KHATE decides to resurface and pimp herself and her kids that she gets any attention, which she then falsely complains about. It's only her TLC publicity shenanigans, along with paid photographer (that she calls "paparazzi"). If nobody ever saw her again, I doubt anyone would care or even bother to notice. She can't take that, though. She WANTS to be famous and she wants the $$.
Nobody buys her tired old proclamation that she can't go back, because nobody would leave them alone now that they're so famous (ha). Also, nobody is buying her argument that they need the show to support the family. She's had more than enough opportunities come her way in the last several years and as far as I am concerned, she should be ashamed of herself that she hasn't figured out a better way to support this family other than exploiting their childhoods and working her kids like crazy every free day or week off from school.
Unfortunatley, I have a feeling that she will soon be emerging with some boring photos (arranged by TLC) in the next week or two just to get her name and face back out there before the show comes back on. I'm sure she's thrilled that the weather is getting warmer so she can go do some parking lot struts in some new outfits and heels with the paid photographer in tow. Same old, same old.
Oh, I know, I know!! Because NO ONE cares about Kate Gosselin anymore!!!!
Count me in the camp of glad not to see pics of her pumping gas. I look at INF on a daily basis to skim celeb gossip and I'm thrilled to say she hasn't been on their site in ages. It's fantastic!
So yeah, Kate, it's ALWAYS been possible to get out of the spotlight. I knew she would have to be forced out eventually, but I'm glad to see it's finally getting here. I knew 2011 would be the beginning of the end for her public life and making money on the kids' backs.
sarah, nobody is 'bitching' except you.
Nobody likes a Kate, I mean a narcissist.
I agree. She will be back in the spotlight before the next airing. "I'm not going to just lay down and die."
sara said...
again, Kate can't win.
I didn't realize it was a contest.
"People bitch when the paps photograph her and they still bitch when they don't."
Who is bitching? I don't understand your comment. I hardly think that anyone is disappointed that the paps aren't swarming her.
The one person I remember "bitching" about Kate and the Paps was Kate. I recall blogs asking what is so interesting about watching someone emerge from Target or the nail salon for the umpteenth time, but the "bitching" over the paps came from none other than Kate. "See what we have to put up with?" she asked at the kids'
party. "They're in the trees!"
I loathe the word "bitching" and try to avoid using it, but I just did. Now I feel like I need to go clean myself off.
Oh, that photo, tsk...tsk...
Kate made such an ass of herself on DWTS.
A rich ass- but an ass nonetheless.
Sara, actually I'm very happy that Kate & the kids are not being photographed. The 8 kids are not a side-show curiousity act to be oogled at, and Kate, well we all know that she was hoping to be famous for being the mother of her side-show curiousity act. So, yeah- may they all live long, peaceful, and happy lives in anonymity.
Sure Kate CAN go back to normal- she has to, for her kids.
If the only reason you are famous is that you carried twins & then sextuplets in your belly- well, that's a bad base for a career in the entertainment world. It takes much more than that to keep an audience interested in you, ie:
you need marketable talent(s).
Many people have had (and are still having) multiples around the world, and they are all living normal, productive lives away from the entertainment field. Kate's argument that they cannot go back is hogwash. I agree with the administrator, it's not that she cannot go back-
she will not go back.
Reality is that Kate has no choice but to go back to normal.
I have a feeling in the next week or two, TLC will be promoting Kate all over if they really intend on keeping her as a commodity in their TLC family.
If so, expect to see new papparazzi pics, a few scandal items released, and interviews to denounce them, and perhaps even 'skins' on Perez and Radar, etc (like they did with Sister Wives)
However, if she's just not up to snuff anymore, you won't see her promoted much on anything.
It's like a waiting game for everyone to see if TLC pimps out Kate as much as she pimps out her kiddos.
Sara, the "paps" (PLURAL) have not photographed Kate in ages and ages. Only Chris, her TLC-paid pap (SINGULAR) has just "happened" to show up when she's doing Target, etc. I remember a story from a shopper who happened to be in the Target shopping lot at the same time Kate arrived talking about how it was all set up and how Kate did several re-dos. Funny, how all of a sudden, Kate doesn't need to go to UPS (or is it Fed Ex), Target, tanning, getting manicures/pedicures, grocery shopping (that she does "all on her own" with three cartfuls to manage), or pick up her kids--things that make one go "hmmm."
So, what we got here is...............Hank the Tank streaking down the road. In Hank's mind there are hundreds of people following, but in reality nobody is there.
Reality is that Kate has no choice but to go back to normal.
Pink: What is normal? Was Kate ever normal? If not, how can you go back to something that you weren't in the first place? ;-)
On GWOP, a poster who said her hubby is a pap stated that no-one is paying for pictures of Kate any more - and that is why none of the paps are taking pictures. Paps make their living by selling celebrity photos, and they're not going to waste time on something they won't be paid for.
Barbara said: On GWOP, a poster who said her hubby is a pap stated that no-one is paying for pictures of Kate any more - and that is why none of the paps are taking pictures.
There were a few discrepancies in that poster's accounts, and when questioned by another poster, there was no reply. I'd take it with a grain of salt. The accounts may be true, but then again, it's always up to the reader to decide if there's any credibility to the information.
That's hardly insider information. If pap photos don't make money they wont be taken. They are no longer being taken therefore one can reasonably conclude they don't bring in worthwhile money anymore.
It's quiet now, but with the show airing in April, there will be some pap shots and TV interviews. The pattern never changes.
uhm........because idiots like you keep making crap up just to populate your blog to generate $$$ for yourself when there is nothing else going on? In the interest of the kids, of course!
Indian Lake said... Reality is that Kate has no choice but to go back to normal.
Pink: What is normal? Was Kate ever normal? If not, how can you go back to something that you weren't in the first place? ;-)
Oh my goodness, Indian Lake :o)
So true!!!
I'm sure Kate will figure it out...
Lordy Mama, you are here too.
If this all bothers you so much stop reading here.
Lordy Mama said... uhm........because idiots like you keep making crap up just to populate your blog to generate $$$ for yourself when there is nothing else going on? In the interest of the kids, of course!
Baby Mama.. is that you?
Lordy Mama said...
uhm........because idiots like you keep making crap up just to populate your blog to generate $$$ for yourself when there is nothing else going on? In the interest of the kids, of course!
Oh boy!! Real mature.
Why is it that when sheeple cannot have an intelligent conversation/debate, they resort to insults?
If you can't play with the big kids, go back to your playpen.
People are apparently catching on to the greedy Kate and are not falling for the scam. No one would believe it is good to "sing for your supper" when you are a kid. This woman has been overexposed and that is not a good thing in the show biz world, is it? No pics, no attention. Must be frustrating for Kate who wants it both ways. TLC needs to put this mess out to pasture.
No, can't be babymama, she's getting ready for her national television debut. She'll be on Dr. Oz next week! I think the subject is "Grown women obsessed with Famewhores" but I could be wrong.
I'm happy that there have been no photos of the kids at the bus stop. I felt so bad for the one boy who took to covering his face when paps take his picture. I could just imagine the stress he must have felt on that bus ride after school, knowing that photogs were waiting for him.
When was she ever 'normal'?
Why is it that when sheeple cannot have an intelligent conversation/debate, they resort to insults?
Because that's all they know. Sarcasm and snot permeate their daily lives. They dish it out to their spouses; their children hear it. I would believe that in the home setting, they get it back as good as they give it. Here they can remain anonymous without fear of retaliation or a physical confrontation. It's also confirmation of their stupidity and lack of intelligence. They're not showing us anything that we don't already know. They invented the word "jellus."
Kate Gosselin apparently is not going away anytime soon. It is my unfortunate duty to announce tha she and her kids will be retuning to Kate Plus 8 this April on TLC.
Why TLC continues to beat a dead horse is beyond anyone's comprehension. There is no doubt that Kate and her kids are no longer a ratings draw. It obviously has to do with the fact that none of TLC's other shows draw in anyone either and among them all Kate Plus 8 does the best.
According to US magazine, the season premier will be an hour and will be about Kate Gosselin and her kids trip to Australia. We will see Kate play with sharks, lying on the beach and trying to talk to native Australian aboriginals. We will also see her freakout on her camping trip in Alaska. Sounds like a great time.
How much longer do you think Kate Plus 8 will last?
A. The entire season
B. Half a season
C. the first month
D. Forever
Let us know what you think about TLC's decision to bring back Kate Plus 8 for another year.
Admin said, That's hardly insider information. If pap photos don't make money they wont be taken.
Exactly, Admin. There was no earth-shattering information there - nothing that we didn't already know, or couldn't have intelligently surmised. It was generic stuff that anyone could have posted.
Lordy said, uhm........because idiots like you keep making crap up just to populate your blog to generate $$$ for yourself when there is nothing else going on?
Admin, when do we see all of the $$$ that this blog is generating? LOL! How stupid are these people?
Kate cannot go back, because in her mind that would mean her quest for fame was a FAILURE! And we all know from her tissue toting, sniffling couch interview after the split, that she won't accept failure.
Guess what Kate you are a failure at
being a star and being a mother!!
She was a manufactured celebrity and in the absence of talent,her days in the business were always numbered.
We haven't seen Kate because she has to lay low since she recently discovered (cough) that there are other families out there less fortunate than hers. She's trying to rebuild her greedy image by making people believe she's a giver not a taker. Good luck on that one Kate. She kind of has her foot stuck in the glue pot on this...she can't demonstrate the humanitarian side of herself if she's running to the nail salon every other day and going on shopping sprees in NY.
Anyway, it's fine by me if I don't see her face on every rag at the checkout stand and on every celeb-gossip website. As long as she's not pimping her kids I couldn't care less what she does.
It was 80 degrees in Central PA today, Reading was probably about the same. I'm sure Khate had the "girls" out today, and there will probably be pictures.
Love, love, love that term, "manufactured celebrity." Spot on, Mama mia.
PA Midstate Mommy said...
It was 80 degrees in Central PA today, Reading was probably about the same. I'm sure Khate had the "girls" out today, and there will probably be pictures.
Well, heck yes! It was 82 degrees here. Those girls have been cooped up for the winter. They needed some airing and exposure. They have been hibernating all winter -- she could have removed those frozen implants and used them to keep the food cold in the kids' lunchboxes.
Kate Gosselin apparently is not going away anytime soon. It is my unfortunate duty to announce tha she and her kids will be retuning to Kate Plus 8 this April on TLC.
Denise: This was announced online about two weeks ago. It was bound to happen. They don't spend that much money on an overseas trip and then can it. It was inevitable. Darn.
"The hour-long premiere episode on April 4 follows Kate and her eight as they travel 21 hours across the globe to Australia – the longest flight they’ve ever taken. The Gosselins are beyond excited about ringing in 2011 in a city that celebrates the new year first – Sydney, Australia. They visit the beaches and enjoy the warm December air on the other side of the world. Kate takes a boat to the middle of the ocean in hopes of swimming next to sharks – in a cage of course – but will Kate be too scared to get in the freezing, rough water? Then, the family meets Australian aboriginals and learn about their culture – from dancing and camping to digeridoos and boomerangs, there are a lot of new experiences to be had for the Gosselins. But when it comes time to spending the night in tents, will Kate and her kids be able to sleep outside and camp out?"
So Kate sticks out camping in Australia when she wouldn't suck it up in Alaska for the sake of the kids??? Just when I thought she couldn't get more unbelievable.
So Kate sticks out camping in Australia when she wouldn't suck it up in Alaska for the sake of the kids??? Just when I thought she couldn't get more unbelievable.
Admin., she was not in the spotlight in Alaska. Sarah and her family were. Kate needs to be the center of attention, and if she wasn't going to get it huddling under a tent, then she was going to get it by making a big deal of leaving. It didn't matter if she appeared to be an ungrateful snot; negative attention was better than no attention.
Silly me. Kate will pretend to be homeless all day long as long as she is the center of attention. If she's not, screw the kids and their fun. What a vile person.
AuntieAnn said...
We haven't seen Kate because she has to lay low since she recently discovered (cough) that there are other families out there less fortunate than hers. She's trying to rebuild her greedy image by making people believe she's a giver not a taker. Good luck on that one Kate. She kind of has her foot stuck in the glue pot on this...she can't demonstrate the humanitarian side of herself if she's running to the nail salon every other day and going on shopping sprees in NY.
Oh honey, Kate's 10 steps ahead of you ! ;-)
Kate already explained during expulsion-gate that NO! this is not pampering or a lifestyle, no,no...all the pampering is her job!
How dare you judge her for her job! Dontcha know you're taking food out of her babies mouths and she's got a purse full of bills to pay ;-)
With so many real crises happening in our world right now, from the unrest throughout the middle east to the horrors of post-earthquake Japan, one would hope that TLC might, just might, exhibit a little restraint and/or sensibility in their campaign to make give back/fake Kate relevant before April 4. I do doubt that this will happen; it is impossible to look at any part of this train wreck without wanting for it to simply go away.
I haven't been here in a while but I totally agree with what WestCoaster said. There's too much real tragedy out there right now. Who cares about their trip to Australia and her trips to Target. Japan is expecting a death count of 10,000+.
Her tantrums are going to look even more ridiculous than ever.
Kart - it's over. Period. Welcome to the real world.
-Kate takes a boat to the middle of the ocean in hopes of swimming next to sharks – in a cage of course – but will Kate be too scared to get in the freezing, rough water? .
-But when it comes time to spending the night in tents, will Kate and her kids be able to sleep outside and camp out?"
Who writes those sh*tty "cliff hanging" questions?
They should add one more question to the episode synopsis:
-Or does anyone really give a crap anymore?
Especially when all this scripted reality happened months and months ago - scripted, unreal, boring, one expensive vacation after another, irrelevant - does TLC not see this at all? They read the blogs, we do know that. Shaking my head.
Nice photo. God, she is weird! Good riddance.
The Kate Plus 8 facebook page has photos out from the first three episodes of season 2, most of them are taken with the late Steve Irwin's family. So I am guessing this Australia/NZ trip will air at least three weeks in a row. With all that's going on in the world. who wants to watch some exclusive VIP trip? Anywat, be prepared to have her shoved down our throats once again. But really, who is there left that will be watching this show?
"Kate Gosselin apparently is not going away anytime soon. It is my unfortunate duty to announce tha she and her kids will be retuning to Kate Plus 8 this April on TLC."
"Why TLC continues to beat a dead horse is beyond anyone's comprehension. There is no doubt that Kate and her kids are no longer a ratings draw. It obviously has to do with the fact that none of TLC's other shows draw in anyone either and among them all Kate Plus 8 does the best."
Anyone of us can write for the Metro group or "The Examiner". The Examiner has a simple online application and many reality tv bloggers write for them as well as on their own blogs. They have few readers and little credibility.
I don't know anything about the person who wrote this particular article, but as usual they're WAY BEHIND all the other news outlets and as usual they're also wrong about a lot of the info in their stories. The info about Kate's show starting April 4 was announced at least 2 weeks ago and this writer didn't even mention the date - I wonder if she even knows it.
She says they're running Kate's show because she's their biggest draw right now which couldn't be farther from the truth! Sister Wives (their NEW STARS), Palin's Alaska, Cake Boss,T&Ts, etc, etc, etc all pull much higher ratings than Kate did last season and most likely what she'll pull this season.
And, as usual the article uses other tabloids for their source; in this case she's using US Magazine for info and says we'll see Kate freak out on her camping trip to "Alaska". UMMM, I doubt TLC will really run that horrible footage again on a special about Oz and NZ and think that the writer mis-copied her info and should have said we'd see Kate freak out camping in Australia.
Not criticizing anyone here at all; just stressing that most Metro/Examiner articles are usually a couple weeks late and a couple dollars short of accuracy and info.
Well, I am really happy the paps aren't harassing the kids anymore, I always felt sorry for them,they kept covering their faces...
Kate plus 8 has a Facebook page? Why?
Things would have been so fine if the kids had been filming only once in a while,you know, one special a year maybe like an update or fine even a Christmas special or first day of school once in a blue moon but why did they have to go and film SO MUCH? If they didn't have so much publicity there would be no kids covering their faces...
Katie needs a new image (again) said... "With all that's going on in the world. who wants to watch some exclusive VIP trip?"
I agree! After seeing those haunting photos and footage of buildings, houses, cars and people being swept away with every huge wave, it boggles my mind as to why TLC thinks this is a good time to air multiple episodes featuring an undeserving wench taking a luxury, freebie vacation. It's in such poor taste, it's shocking.
Hippie Chick said...
Oh, I know, I know!! Because NO ONE cares about Kate Gosselin anymore!!!!
Except, of course, for you and your fellow regulars who can't go a day without talking about her.
The pap photos will suddenly appear before the new episodes air, even if Steve will be the only pap taking her photos. I think TLC put her in time out after the illegal parking in a fire lane and sake purchase in the liquor store photo shoot. The unethical channel had to enforce their morality clause in her contract.
In yet another story of how wonderful former child stars' lives are once they grow up (not!), I saw that Candace Cameron (DJ on Full House) confirmed the rumor that Jodi Sweten (Stephanie) had to be carried out of Cameron's wedding. Sad.
I also did an article awhile ago where one of the twins from that same show describes feeling like a trained monkey asked to perform.
Loretta chided: "Except, of course, for you and your fellow regulars who can't go a day without talking about her."
And you, who is reading and posting here! How else would you know who is a "regular" and that no day goes by without talking about her?
I swear, I don't understand how these sheeples' brains work, and I guess that's just as well...
Admin, you know that Mary kate and Ashley are very very rich. That means their lives are wonderful. (right??)
Jodi has talked about her drug problems. She was married to a cop and addicted to meth. Of course, being a child star had nothing to do with it because everybody wants to be rich and famous, no matter the cost.
I also loved what you wrote about Taylor Momsen and how she feels about early fame and working her childhood away. She also flashed her butt recently in pictures. I think she's only 17. Watch out for her.
Let's not forget the STAND BY ME reunion.
Corey Feldman is lucky he's not the dead one.
As I recall some of Kate's followers blamed Taylor, a CHILD, for her problems. It's really only a matter of time before the Gosselin children are blamed when they rebel. It's also been suggested that some child actors turn out just fine, which is absolutely true. Some of them may have had very grounded parents not interested in their money, and full invested in protecting them. For those that did not have that experience, I believe they turned out fine DESPITE their bizarre childhoods, not because of it.
Lots of abused kids turn out just fine too. In fact a close friend of mine was a foster child since he was 10 and ended up getting a full scholarship to a good college in Arizona and has thrived. He is fine despite his childhood, not because of it.
Meth is no joke and is VERY hard to get off. People I've met with meth addictions say that craving is always there. I hope Jodi Swetin has a huge support system and a sponsor and goes to something like NA so she doesn't become part of that relapse group. It really begs the question how did someone who had it all get wrapped up in that? Just random chance I suppose, right? Please.
in the 90s i lived in arizona and got into meth. Haven't done it for 18 plus yrs. yes, still have cravings but i believe its the drug of the devil.
Don't some of the fans blame and label the "spirited" Gosselin Twin? Even as a small child, fans would excuse Kate's behavior because "that girl wss such a handful."
The 2 suspended tups?
THEIR fault?? Surely it's not Kate's fault that they can't attend school.
I thought it was a bitch to kick cigarettes. More power to you Name Withheld. More power to you.
Stupid said,
Even as a small child, fans would excuse Kate's behavior because "that girl wss such a handful."
What fans knew Kate when she was a small child?
Oh honey, Kate's 10 steps ahead of you ! ;-)
Kate already explained during expulsion-gate that NO! this is not pampering or a lifestyle, no,no...all the pampering is her job!
How dare you judge her for her job! Dontcha know you're taking food out of her babies mouths and she's got a purse full of bills to pay ;-)
Tucker's Mom - I hear ya and would've agreed with you - about a year ago - lol.
I know that's how she justified herself, but things have taken a turn for her...they aren't looking as good as they did so she's trying to redeem herself. She'll be playing down her "poor me" act too and try to convince people that warm blood actually flows through her veins. Her flavor of the month is the humanitarian angle. Feeding the hungry has suddenly become important to her. (cuz the problem never existed until she stumbled upon it, ya know)
As transparent as this new act is she's desperate and if it means pretending to care for others as much as she cares for herself she'll do it. Anything to keep herself out there and relevant. It's just too bad she used the last four years to show us her true colors and too bad it was in indelible ink.
There are pics of Kate last nite going to STK and she was all smiles. She was dressed in a little black dress and it looks like she got her hair touched up again while she was there. It said she was there celebrating her birthday early. She was with another woman. It looked strange cos Kate was dressed to the hilt with heels and diamonds and the girl had on jeans. Strange. No sign of Steve and boy was Kate smiling ear to ear. Of course,no kids.
It's so obvious that Kate and TLC set up that photo op for her birthday. He even took a set up shot of her in the car. She's with her good friend Jamie. In one photo she is making a really strange face, even for her, possibly joking with the pap. Very obvious promo shots. There is NO way they weren't set up in advance.
There we're at least two comments in this thread that called it! Promo shots of Kate in the media to prepare for her upcoming Kate Plus 8 episodes. Spot on.
She was with another woman. It looked strange cos Kate was dressed to the hilt with heels and diamonds and the girl had on jeans.
She's always smiling when the kids aren't along! Why is it that her shoes never fit...they are too short! Is that comfortable? Jamie's toes aren't hanging out the front!
I thought the paps were through with her, but, sadly, she rises like the Phoenix, and all glitzed up to boot! I guess they have to make her as relevant as they can to promote the hour-long upcoming show!
Interesting that it's a week before her birthday. Since the kids have off next Thursday, could they also be taking Friday off as well? A long weekend to film, which would make Kate unavailable for the NYC trip on the weekend of her actual birthday.
Who knows the rhyme or reason for anything she does?
Why doesn't that look like Jamie to me? She looks like an entirely different person.
I noticed the "twin shoes" both women are wearing.
The strange look might just be Kate's reaction to whatever the other woman just said.
Someone upthread (sorry, I don't know who) was talking about how sarcastically & rudely Kate talks to her kids. I have a small story about that. I used to have a babysitter who was like that around my kid to others. When her & my son would go out, she would look at other women & say things that were hurtful. My son, who hides NOTHING from me, started telling me "Dana (not her real name) called this women ugly today" or "Dana said this woman was fat". He also told me that she "hated everything" & used a "mean tone" about everything.
Now, if you guys knew me & my parenting style, you would know I am pretty laid back. I have taught my son to love all people, all races, creeds, it's not the outsides that count at all. I have also taught my son that all woman are beautiful, whether skinny, black, Asian, tattooed, pierced, curvy, etc. I also try & compliment a woman once a day, whether it's her shoes, bag, top, whatever, Pay it forward! in front of my son. I sat the bbsitter down & asked why she was so bitter at the world, she told me her husband cheated on her. I told her I couldn't have her around my son if she was going to bash every single woman she saw.
That bitter angry attitude will pass down to Kate's kids if she keeps it up. She only ever smiled for the paps. I never saw her smile when it was just her & her kids alone in pics here. Does she want her kids to grow up miserable & unhappy with the world around them? What about with the people around them? What about being NICE to people? She is not teaching her kids simple manners. Has Kate EVER complimented anyone? I'm sorry this is so long, but it irks me that she can't or won't do the simple parenting things that mothers & fathers from the beginning of time have done, because she is a) too lazy or b) just cares about fame.
Pink Straight Jacket said...
Who writes those sh*tty "cliff hanging" questions?
They should add one more question to the episode synopsis:
-Or does anyone really give a crap anymore?
I thought the same thing...Who DOES write this crap? LOLOL Thanks for the laugh! Oh, the frigin suspense is killing me!! I'd rather sit through 'Battlefield Earth' or 'Ishtar' or 'Showgirls' get my point...
Ok ladies. We are going to NYC to have girls night out in a limo. I want you all to wear jeans and a nice top ( but not too nice ). Heels will be ok if you must. However I am the star so I will be wearing a sassy black mini dress meant for a horny 22 year old on the hunt for a married man, and you are NOT to upstage me! Got it? When the cameras start flashing, you are to look down or away and let me have my moment, as I have GOT to get my face back out there since it's been so long. Do NOT get in the way of my photoshoot or this friendship wil be o.v.e.r. Don't forget to open any and all doors for me, and if a good looking man approaches me, back off! I get first dibs.
Now let's go have some fun :)
Ha - in the pic of Kate in a limo - looks like her Spanx are showing.
Trampy McHoochy said...
Ok ladies. We are going to NYC to have girls night out in a limo
Literally? I thought her "girls" were pretty well covered in those photos...for a change! I'll have to take another look. How does one sit comfortably in a dress that short and that tight? Doesn't it keep riding up around your gazoo?
Well, at least her hair isn't all one tone anymore.
I hope Kate and her friends (she has friends?) enjoyed the birthday bash/limo that was paid for by her children, and they weren't even along to enjoy the celebration!
New post on this opulance, steering the train over there to discuss! :)
again, Kate can't win. People bitch when the paps photograph her and they still bitch when they don't.
Ummm, we don't WANT Kate to win. Kate's been winning too much lately at the expense of her kids. She needs to LOSE her show, her lifestyle, and her kids, and let Jon have 'em.
So Kate sticks out camping in Australia when she wouldn't suck it up in Alaska for the sake of the kids??? Just when I thought she couldn't get more unbelievable.
Admin., she was not in the spotlight in Alaska. Sarah and her family were. Kate needs to be the center of attention, and if she wasn't going to get it huddling under a tent, then she was going to get it by making a big deal of leaving. It didn't matter if she appeared to be an ungrateful snot; negative attention was better than no attention.
I also think it's because it was "cold" and not warm and sunny, and she couldn't wear a bikini. If she'd been able to wear a bikini on SP's show, I'm sure she felt like that would've gotten her attention, even if it WAS Sarah's show simply b/c no one else would've been wearing one.
I know that's how she justified herself, but things have taken a turn for her...they aren't looking as good as they did so she's trying to redeem herself. She'll be playing down her "poor me" act too and try to convince people that warm blood actually flows through her veins. Her flavor of the month is the humanitarian angle. Feeding the hungry has suddenly become important to her. (cuz the problem never existed until she stumbled upon it, ya know)
Oh, but Kate IS a giver. She gives to people all the time! She gives people a piece of her mind, she gives them crap, she gives them ultimatums, etc.
As a poster known as Wife of a Pap. I post what I know or hear of, without harming my hubby or his associates. They are are professionals long before the occasional Kate G came along. They have other businesses dealing with photography for major magazines, etc. They work the Red Carpets in NY and LA, LHR, Paris, wherever they are requested. They work for major PR agencies.
Not being a fan of this woman who has spit out of the window of a Limo, screamed terrible things to my hubby's associates. Which she has verified and laughed about. She did this with her children with her at times.
I do not like writing about her, but I despise her attitude. My hubby does not chase anyone, he shows up when given the assignment like others he works with from other agencies, the Star(s) pose, giving nice smiles, stand still, do not make faces, as their photos appear in the top magazines, media outlets. They know their fans make them, they do not hide, they give to their fans.
First, you must remember, Agencies must be notified of where a Star is going to be. When TLC and their PR reps let everyone know where Kate will be and she is unpleasant, she loses so much more than a photo. I would bet her People who represent her have told her to pose.
She probably does not listen that FANS, FANS, FANS MAKE THE STAR. She does her own thing and thinks Fame without Talent lasts, it does not.
Even Stars with Talent give photos when promoting a film; otherwise, you don't see them, no one follows them. Do you realize how many Stars of Movies, TV, Broadway have no one following them? Most of them.
When a Lindsay Lohan has photographers following her it is because the Paps were notified.
You don't see that with a Kardashian, no one knows what they are doing, unless they show up somewhere. These girls run many businesses, without photos being taken.
Kate is phony, has no class, has no talent but believes she is a Star.
Persons with true ability and talent walk the streets of NY without Paps following them.
Her career is now over, just a matter of months now. Thankfully, those kids will be pulled off of TV. Yet, their childhoods will be explored and discussed for years when Reality TV is mentioned.
God forgive Kate and Jon for what they did to these children and so far, continue to do.
I know that's how she justified herself, but things have taken a turn for her...they aren't looking as good as they did so she's trying to redeem herself. She'll be playing down her "poor me" act too and try to convince people that warm blood actually flows through her veins. Her flavor of the month is the humanitarian angle. Feeding the hungry has suddenly become important to her. (cuz the problem never existed until she stumbled upon it, ya know)
Oh, but Kate IS a giver. She gives to people all the time! She gives people a piece of her mind, she gives them crap, she gives them ultimatums, etc.
Interesting that it's a week before her birthday. Since the kids have off next Thursday, could they also be taking Friday off as well? A long weekend to film, which would make Kate unavailable for the NYC trip on the weekend of her actual birthday.
Who knows the rhyme or reason for anything she does?
Trampy McHoochy said...
Ok ladies. We are going to NYC to have girls night out in a limo
Literally? I thought her "girls" were pretty well covered in those photos...for a change! I'll have to take another look. How does one sit comfortably in a dress that short and that tight? Doesn't it keep riding up around your gazoo?
Ok ladies. We are going to NYC to have girls night out in a limo. I want you all to wear jeans and a nice top ( but not too nice ). Heels will be ok if you must. However I am the star so I will be wearing a sassy black mini dress meant for a horny 22 year old on the hunt for a married man, and you are NOT to upstage me! Got it? When the cameras start flashing, you are to look down or away and let me have my moment, as I have GOT to get my face back out there since it's been so long. Do NOT get in the way of my photoshoot or this friendship wil be o.v.e.r. Don't forget to open any and all doors for me, and if a good looking man approaches me, back off! I get first dibs.
Now let's go have some fun :)
Stupid said,
Even as a small child, fans would excuse Kate's behavior because "that girl wss such a handful."
What fans knew Kate when she was a small child?
Meth is no joke and is VERY hard to get off. People I've met with meth addictions say that craving is always there. I hope Jodi Swetin has a huge support system and a sponsor and goes to something like NA so she doesn't become part of that relapse group. It really begs the question how did someone who had it all get wrapped up in that? Just random chance I suppose, right? Please.
The pap photos will suddenly appear before the new episodes air, even if Steve will be the only pap taking her photos. I think TLC put her in time out after the illegal parking in a fire lane and sake purchase in the liquor store photo shoot. The unethical channel had to enforce their morality clause in her contract.
Hippie Chick said...
Oh, I know, I know!! Because NO ONE cares about Kate Gosselin anymore!!!!
Except, of course, for you and your fellow regulars who can't go a day without talking about her.
The Kate Plus 8 facebook page has photos out from the first three episodes of season 2, most of them are taken with the late Steve Irwin's family. So I am guessing this Australia/NZ trip will air at least three weeks in a row. With all that's going on in the world. who wants to watch some exclusive VIP trip? Anywat, be prepared to have her shoved down our throats once again. But really, who is there left that will be watching this show?
Nice photo. God, she is weird! Good riddance.
-Kate takes a boat to the middle of the ocean in hopes of swimming next to sharks – in a cage of course – but will Kate be too scared to get in the freezing, rough water? .
-But when it comes time to spending the night in tents, will Kate and her kids be able to sleep outside and camp out?"
Who writes those sh*tty "cliff hanging" questions?
They should add one more question to the episode synopsis:
-Or does anyone really give a crap anymore?
AuntieAnn said...
We haven't seen Kate because she has to lay low since she recently discovered (cough) that there are other families out there less fortunate than hers. She's trying to rebuild her greedy image by making people believe she's a giver not a taker. Good luck on that one Kate. She kind of has her foot stuck in the glue pot on this...she can't demonstrate the humanitarian side of herself if she's running to the nail salon every other day and going on shopping sprees in NY.
Oh honey, Kate's 10 steps ahead of you ! ;-)
Kate already explained during expulsion-gate that NO! this is not pampering or a lifestyle, no,no...all the pampering is her job!
How dare you judge her for her job! Dontcha know you're taking food out of her babies mouths and she's got a purse full of bills to pay ;-)
It was 80 degrees in Central PA today, Reading was probably about the same. I'm sure Khate had the "girls" out today, and there will probably be pictures.
We haven't seen Kate because she has to lay low since she recently discovered (cough) that there are other families out there less fortunate than hers. She's trying to rebuild her greedy image by making people believe she's a giver not a taker. Good luck on that one Kate. She kind of has her foot stuck in the glue pot on this...she can't demonstrate the humanitarian side of herself if she's running to the nail salon every other day and going on shopping sprees in NY.
Anyway, it's fine by me if I don't see her face on every rag at the checkout stand and on every celeb-gossip website. As long as she's not pimping her kids I couldn't care less what she does.
Admin said, That's hardly insider information. If pap photos don't make money they wont be taken.
Exactly, Admin. There was no earth-shattering information there - nothing that we didn't already know, or couldn't have intelligently surmised. It was generic stuff that anyone could have posted.
Lordy said, uhm........because idiots like you keep making crap up just to populate your blog to generate $$$ for yourself when there is nothing else going on?
Admin, when do we see all of the $$$ that this blog is generating? LOL! How stupid are these people?
No, can't be babymama, she's getting ready for her national television debut. She'll be on Dr. Oz next week! I think the subject is "Grown women obsessed with Famewhores" but I could be wrong.
Lordy Mama said... uhm........because idiots like you keep making crap up just to populate your blog to generate $$$ for yourself when there is nothing else going on? In the interest of the kids, of course!
Baby Mama.. is that you?
Indian Lake said... Reality is that Kate has no choice but to go back to normal.
Pink: What is normal? Was Kate ever normal? If not, how can you go back to something that you weren't in the first place? ;-)
Oh my goodness, Indian Lake :o)
So true!!!
I'm sure Kate will figure it out...
uhm........because idiots like you keep making crap up just to populate your blog to generate $$$ for yourself when there is nothing else going on? In the interest of the kids, of course!
On GWOP, a poster who said her hubby is a pap stated that no-one is paying for pictures of Kate any more - and that is why none of the paps are taking pictures. Paps make their living by selling celebrity photos, and they're not going to waste time on something they won't be paid for.
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