A lot of boring discussion about getting ready for Kate‘s dream trip to Australia because she wanted to see koalas. I think it’s cute how little kids don’t quite understand just yet the concept of time. How long did it take you to get there? someone from production asks the kids on the couch. “Like, one hour,” Leah says cutely. Aw. Kate reminds us that they were supposed to go to “Korea” a few years ago. Kate needs to double check the little globe she has the kids look at, as there is no such thing as “Korea.” I hope she’s not the one home schooling the kids, crikey. Kate neglects to add that mean awful Jon messed that whole trip up by stopping the show, but that’s certainly what she’s hoping we’ll remember.
“I don’t know any parent who would have the opportunity to send their kids on a trip that would say 'No, I don’t want them to go.' That‘s insane!” Kate says defensively with a dramatic sigh and roll of her eyes. “My kids were thrilled to go!”
Hi, Kate! Talking to us? I love how Kate completely, and I’m sure purposefully, misses the entire point. It’s not the trip itself anyone is against. I think Australia would be a great place to go and actually, probably way more geared toward younger kids than say, history-laden Europe. It’s exploiting the kids to get this trip and filming the whole darn thing, not to mention pulling them from both Dadd

a crate of apples but you are told that they have worms in them, and Kate stands there rolling her eyes and passing them out to the kids saying, I don’t know any parent who wouldn’t want their kids to have a nice shiny healthy apple, they love them! No, Kate, it’s not the apples we are against--we just don’t want kids to get worms. She will never get it.
Also, Jon didn’t want them to go. This is a backhanded insult at Jon. How could any parent, much less their own father, not want his kids to be happy?! Because he doesn’t want his kids exploited, Kate. And also because it was his year to have them on this holiday and it’s just plain unfair to usurp that. Usurper! If Jon tried to take the kids on your holiday, you and your fans would raise Cain and you darn well know it.
Kate goes on to imply that the children wanted to go “100%” even though they would miss their daddy, the trip was worth it. She is very obsessed with Jon, and more defensive than a linebacker. Indeed, Linebacker U is just a little ways up the road, maybe she could be a walk on next season.
More boring packing, I’ve seen this same exact episode so many times I feel like King Sisyphus. Only instead of rolling a boulder up a hill I have to watch people pack suitcases the rest of my life. Oh, this absolutely takes the cake, Kate says that Ashley and their current babysitter went on the trip, but that the current babysitter would not be on camera “to protect them from the world.” What exactly is she doing to her kids then? How come a grown adult gets to be protected from the public eye, but not these precious kids? I also love how she fails to mention Steve-o went too. What, ashamed? It’s a little odd I don’t recall seeing the other babysitter in any of the paparazzi shots. Were the paparazzi instructed not to photograph her, too?
And they flew to Australia. The whole thing is about as boring as you might imagine a long flight like this would be. Poor Leah got a bloody nose, probably from all the dry air? Kate claims the kids slept through most of the flight and it was all no big deal. Once in Sydney they try to get into their van on the right side only to realize that is actually the driver’s side. Ha. Kate says “we’re backwards drivers” and I get this funny image in my head of Kate thinking everyone in Australia literally drives in reverse everywhere.
Of course she meant they drive on the left side of the road. I hope. Once on the bus, Kate “decided to let the kids call Jon” to let him know they arrived safely. I’m shaking my head at first, thinking how generous of Kate to let the children actually talk to their own father.
But then it is a tremendous relief to see that, surprisingly? Kate is able to have a civil, cordial conversation with Jon about how the flight went, the rough time change, and how they’re about to go get something to eat. So it’s not true they aren’t speaking as the tabloids tend to want to imply, I guess because that‘s far more dramatic. I cannot stress enough how important it is to be polite and kind to your ex while your kids are right there watching. Kate’s fans need to get on board that Kate clearly doesn’t hate this man, and if even she, the Queen of Stop Breathing, Jon! and so on, is at least able to be kind to him now, maybe they should just let it go? Look, is Kate obsessed with him, absolutely. Will she ever get over the way he tried to derail her dreams of riches and fame and get his precious children away from all that venom? Probably not. But she doesn’t seem to hate him anymore and she was actually quite civil to him here. She can talk to him. Hey, it’s a start. The kids are thrilled to call Daddy. Aww. Lots of “I love yous” and so on as they pass the phone around. Why any of this is a part of this episode and for what purpose I have no idea. This is their private conversation with Daddy, and it’s none of our business. Coming up, the beach and Mr. Speedo! Sweet.
We’re back on beautiful Bondi Beach. Joel is so bored he is slouched on the couch. Kate thinks it’s hysterical that they are going to the beach on New Year’s. Yes, it’s hot outside. That’s how it works in the Southern Hemisphere. Weird, maybe. Hysterical? I mean, I guess. I’m back to pushing my boulder again, watching the kids play on the beach.
What can really stink about being a celebrity, depending on how you look at it, is perfect strangers will approach you and start talking to you while you’re trying to do something with your family, as if you‘re an old friend they ran into. I experienced this working for a celeb and I found it incredibly awkward and uncomfortable. For instance we would be trying to go out to sushi to celebrate a birthday and perfect strangers think they have the license to just interrupt you while you‘re trying to eat. Even in the airport bathrooms while we were trying to just get the kids’ hands washed and then make our flight, they would come up to her and start yapping away. It’s very rude, and it’s hard on any kids there. Remember, Kate is these kids’ Mommy. She’s not a celebrity to them. And there are enough kids already who need Mommy’s attention not to add other people to the mix vying for it too.
Anyway, as expected random strangers are approaching Kate on the beach while she is trying to play with the kids. Sigh. Some mom with quads talks to her for awhile and, good grief, she said something about how Kate is her inspiration. Bernie Madoff should be your inspiration before this woman, come on now. The only thing worse than a man in a Speedo is a man in a Speedo who tries to talk to you. I know, I know, some people love those little things. But I don’t, and I’ll tell you why:

Haha, this is great, Kate agrees with me! She says she and Ashley think Speedos should be outlawed! Amen. I hate to say it, but this is the second time this episode I kind of like how Kate handled herself. Number one, she was nice to Jon. And number two, she thinks Speedos have no business being on anyone at any time under any circumstances, much less the beach.
Cara gets to surf. Aw, good. Interestingly, Cara does not do one interview on the couch for this entire episode. Wonder if she doesn’t want to anymore. At least if that is the case, she is not being made to do them. Not that you can make a 10-year-old do anything. Next up, boomerang school. I like the metaphor here, boomerangs are just like Kate, we just keep trying to throw her away and she just keeps coming back. By this time Joel is completely reclined on the couch on his back, just stretched out across the entire couch. Poor guy, it‘s tiring having a full time job at six in addition to school! Coming up, New Year’s Eve meltdowns. Ugh.
New Year’s Eve party in the hotel. I don’t know, I find that kind of depressing to be celebrating in some strange hotel with no friends or family or anyone. The best New Year’s Eve I had ever was the year 2000. I was with my entire family at my grandparent’s house. And not two minutes after the ball dropped, my grandmother pulled out from nowhere a beautiful birthday cake for my cousin, who happened to be turning 16 that same day. She made a huge fuss over his birthday, she just didn’t want his big 16th birthday to be overshadowed by all the hoopla of the millennium. That’s just the kind of thoughtful amazing person she was and I will always, always remember that. We weren’t in a hotel or on some fancy trip, we were just at home with those we loved the most. And through her actions? She was teaching us kids about what it really means to be thoughtful and love your family. The whole evening probably cost $80 for the food. And that’s one of my best memories. Go figure.
Next up, they head over to the fireworks. Cara has a meltdown because she wants to sit next to Kate. Some of the other kids are crabby. Cara just gets worse and worse until Ashley has to take her to the bus. Kate clearly has no clue what to do. I think they’re just exhausted. Poor things. Naturally Mady gets wrapped up in this conflict like Kate always does to her. No clue what she did if anything, and even Mady is saying, quite desperately, “I didn’t do anything, I promise I didn’t do anything!” but she gets shipped off to the bus, too. Why is it that Mady is always being punished for absolutely no reason at all? Is it just bad editing? Alexis twists her knee and even had to go see the medic. She’s fine fortunately. The problem with Kate is she doesn’t know when to call it quits. With freaking anything. She will never quit her show. Her show will have to be ripped from her well-manicured paws. They stay for the entire show even though everyone was miserable.
Yawn, I’ve seen enough, but when I check my Tivo timestamp I realize I’m only halfway through! I can do it, I can do it. Kate goes shark diving, and it’s a two hour trip. Damage control time! Kate explains she couldn’t take the kids after the way they vomited on the boat trip in North Carolina. Or TLC just told her they could not explain away putting the kids through that again. Mercifully, the kids have a relaxing day at the beach with the nannies. Might I remind Kate even when her kids were puking their guts out, she refused to turn the boat around. But when she went camping in Alaska and she didn’t like it, everyone had to go straight back to the hotel. Whatever.
Kate is freaked out about this a bit; this is not my idea of fun either. Also I have a huge problem with baiting sharks to cages. They were out there eight hours and there were no sharks, which really disappointed Kate. Even the sharks knew to avoid this shrew. Kate does some deep sea fishing. She loves deep sea fishing, she says. When TLC pays, I’m sure she does! The following is such a textbook example of how a narcissist operates it bears a detailed recap. Kate arrives on shore with all the fish she caught, greeting the kids excitedly, like a kid herself. Look what I caught, look, kids! Collin is off the side, holding in his little hand what looks to be maybe a little bitty crab or something. “Mommy, look what we caught for you!” he replies animatedly. Kate flat out ignores him, going on and on about how she caught eight fish, one for each kid. By her own admission she has been gone more than eight hours. Not one single question about what they did today, how they are, what’s that you caught too, Collin? Just me, my fish, the sharks, and me some more. It is all about her, and very little is about the kids or their day. Very classic narcissism. Very sad, too.
Next up, they hang out with some aboriginals. Is this like those people who dress up as pilgrims at the Mayflower? Or is this the real thing? The briefly recap the utter disaster of the Sarah Palin camping trip. This time they’re going to go camping with the aboriginals. Now you might think, more whining and complaining and bitching from the moment she got off the plane, as Chuck would say, but nope, you are forgetting there is no competition here! Sarah Palin is all bundled up warm with the family up in Alaska in the dark, busy being a good Mommy, and is of no concern to Kate anymore. (Note: I still cannot get over that Kate walked out on someone who is quite possibly our next president.) You see, as long as it is all about Kate, she will do anything. She would smile while hacking off her own arm better than Aron Ralston ever did as long as it were all about her. I find it a little offensive TLC is putting all these subtitles up for the aboriginal talking to the kids. Sheesh, I understand him perfectly.
Well, at least the kids learned about the traditional musical instruments didjeridus. It’s dark now, but production is shining huge bright lights in the kids’ faces. No matter every other kid is home by now, relaxing and maybe doing some homework. These kids still have to work, even at night. As the aboriginal explains some more, both Collin and Joel turn away from the bright production lights and cover their eyes. Ouch, bright lights hurt. Reminds me of when Cara was rudely awoken by all the studio lights once, and production laughed at her. It’s not funny, you sick people. Here is a screen cap of the boys. Unfortunately my DVR is not set up on my LED at the moment, but you can tell even from this low quality screenshot anyway what‘s going on:

Camping goes well. “I think it was really good for the kids to see my positive attitude. When the conditions are right camping is great,” Kate says. And by conditions, she means, no future presidential candidates who are good mommies around. Sadly though, what her kids are learning, is to be spoiled. Have fun when things are just right, and don’t make the best of things when things aren’t perfect. It has to be said.
The kids loved it, says Kate. Well, they loved it in Alaska, too. “I think I’ll just leave them here,” she jokes. Why is she always joking about abandoning her children? It’s weird. Like people who joke about killing others. Stop that. Kate prattles on about how camping in Alaska was oh so very different, but this time it was great. I think I learned maybe two remotely useful things about Australia in this entire episode. Thanks The Learning Channel! I've learned a lot from you over the years:
And as we come to a close … wait, where are Australia’s own favorite exploited kids, Bindi and Robert Irwin? Oh, no, this means there will be another episode squeezed out of this whole boring trip? I’m reminded of Betty White, who said so accurately about Facebook, “Who wants to look at vacation photos? In my time, that was called torture.” Betty, I still call this torture!
Kate claims the kids thanked her a million times. Funny we didn’t see even one time of that. And wait a minute, shouldn’t Kate be thanking the kids? Thank you for giving up your time with Daddy, thank you for missing school, and thank you for paying for all this grandeur. After all, she didn’t make this lifestyle possible, her eight innocent children did.
270 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 270 of 270 Newer› Newest»If Ms. Kart is so open to tweeting and talking about her life with people she's never met, why doesn't she try to communicate the same open way with her parents and relatives?
I guess it's because her parents and relatives refuse to adore and treat her like royalty.
I don't know who is craving for more attention and having a worst meltdown -Charlie Sheen or Kart. It's a toss up.
p.s. I wish they could hook up a lie detector machine to each of her tweets. She'd fail.
Although I have never commented before, I have been reading all of your great posts for ages. I truly enjoy reading the various commentators insightful thoughts about the pathetic and tragic life of Kate Gosselin.
She continues to sell her kid’s childhoods for HER fame and fortune, all the while neglecting their base needs. As you all so poignantly note, Kate will desperately continue to manipulate and lie to the press and her “fans” in order to continue her fifteen minutes. The only way to end this sooner rather than later is to ignore her.
To that end, if anyone reading this comment is following Kate on Twitter, please “unfollow.” Following her on Twitter only adds to her numbers and feeds her narcissistic need for attention. When you “unfollow” you can still see her tweets, read what others have tweeted to her, or send her a tweet.
Just add this link to your favorites bar in Explorer http://twitter.com/Kateplusmy8 if you want to watch as Kate exposes her true self in her new venture to exploit the G8.
Have a great day everyone!
ps. Hi, BerksPA we’re neighbors!
Midnight -
Sorry - I don't come here as often as I used to! I always read CNN.com and happened to see this blurb......
Tweet-le De De Tweet-le DUMB said...
I think Kate must have stopped developing emotionally around 13 (for many reasons), and this tweeting thing is beyond creepy. She seems to have no clue that she shouldn't be encouraging a total stranger. How can she not know that?
I agree. She is taking a risk. Her desperation in finding a man is unsettling.
Anyway, does Kate really do anything like a normal, balanced human being? She's comfortable living in extremes. She's got a long, rough road ahead of her. I suppose she'll figure it out/find out sooner or later.
Maybe her rabid internet fans will continue to protect her....and if something bad happens to their Kate, they will blame Jon and all the haters.
Re the missing necklace--here's a hint: Look around Jamie's neck!!
"She's announced to the world that she is alone in that house. She's an idiot!"
Oh, please. She's not alone. Who's taking care of the kids?
Jennifer said...
"She's announced to the world that she is alone in that house. She's an idiot!"
Oh, please. She's not alone. Who's taking care of the kids? *********
They're with Jon this weekend.
Rise and shine everyone, it's time for another action-packed day on Twitter!
Kate was up at about 8am her time and has been tweeting away all morning, logging 14 tweets so far.
She has already told every creep out there exactly where the kids are, with Jon, and what her evening plans are, out with friends. So now everyone knows the house will be completely empty this evening and free for the pickings. Has she ever heard that's how Paris Hilton got robbed once?
And finally, when someone asked how the Tups like school, Kate replied they love it "X 7."
Times seven??? Huh???? There are....six tups. Shouldn't it be times six? Two of them are suspended, so really shouldn't it be times four? And if she is counting the twins, wouldn't it be times 6 or 8?
I had to check the trainwreck this AM. Better than watching the show, not adding to any numbers. LOL
Kate says she "doesn't have time" for weeding out men, or some nonsense, something about men. STAY OFF TWITTER for 17 hours, you ninny, then you might have some time. You certainly have proven this week that you do absolutely nothing. Same ol tired line, "I am so busy" "I take care of 23 acres, ALONE".
So far today, she has announced that the kids are Jon's. (Paps are you reading it too?) And she is going out tonight with 'girlfriends'. She hates that housewives shows, it is "outlandish" stuff. Say what? And your show is?? She does not watch much tv at all. (That clearly shows)
Someone tweeted her last night: I hope shoka is gd watchdog & ur bodyguard is close by. Not gd to say ur alone on the internet.
To which she replies: Don't worry. I'm way smarter than that... :)
So does this mean Steve IS with you? Because you are NOT smarter than that. You should have never said it in the first place. What an imbecile.
She signed off last night saying she had to get and run in AM, had a lot of ground to cover, but the time she signed on, and the time she said she got up, not a whole lot of ground got covered. Announcing once again, where she was going to be and the leaving the empty? Gawd. LOL
These uber fans are really naive. Truly. I have caught several lies, yet they just keep salivating over her. I really don't get it. NOT a word about HER discussing the kids at all, nor her dissing Jon. Jon was literally crucified. There is absolutely no credibilty nor truth coming from these fans. None at all. And they have the nerve to attack Admin any chance they get. At least there are no lies spead here, and this blog has tried to be fair. Jon gets it when he is wrong. He is human, and guess what? So is Kate, with a whole lot of faults. A whole lot.
Her "protectors" are chewing up anyone who tweets something not so flattering to her, and sending them to Kate. I am sure she is so impressed. LOL
Have a good day all. Can't stay online for hours and hours. LOL
Jennifer, the kids are with Jon, so she is alone. Very alone. It's good practice for her since this is the kind of life she has set herself up for--loneliness.
Of course she does not watch much TV at all. Except for Dexter which is about a fellow sociopath! I doubt she reads much newspapers or magazines other than InTouch, or turn on much news, or talk about anything that is going on anywhere else outside the circle of Kate.
Narcissists have no need for the rest of the world. Their world is where it's at, baby!
Administrator said... You bet me to it! What a farce this woman is. Not one of the fans get it. LOL Not one. Too funny.
Jennifer.. she has already announced twice, that the kids are with Jon.
beat not bet. Too early for me. Have a great day.
I just read on another blog that Kate tweeted she is a "lightweight" when it comes to wine but was having a nightcap and "lately" it was Merlot. A poster called her on that, saying that was contradictory. Of course, I had to add my own comment. Kate Gosselin is the most worthless, self-absorbed, LYING POS on this planet. (And, no, that was not my comment.)
Times seven. I don't think Kate even knows how many kids she has anymore. All she knows is a litter of children are paying her bills. They try to talk to her about showing her crabs and so on, all she hears is "cha-ching, cha-ching, cha-ching!" It's not fun to have to pay someone else's bills, is it Kate?
Remember when Jon told everyone that he had a birthday dinner with the twins at Olive Garden? Kate's fans went nuts, claiming he was putting the children in danger. We said that although that was rather personal information, he did tweet it after the fact so it can hardly be said they were in danger. Jon used to tweet a lot AFTER he did stuff, not during. Not saying I agree with that either, but Kate is even worse giving us a play by play AS IT IS HAPPENING.
It's just such a double standard to be pissed at Jon for the Olive Garden tweet AFTER, but not pissed at all the diarrhea Kate has be spewing the past several days about exactly where the kids are AT THAT MOMENT. Jon was not allowed to tweet anything, but Kate can have a running play-by-play of her and the kids' every waking moment all day long and to her fans it's cute and funny and cool.
just wondering said...
IwanaDateKate is only following two people -- Kate, and that little 16 year old with the I Love Kate video. It's probably some kid.
Or a 60-year-old pervert who likes kids, since he is following someone with eight of them, and following someone who IS one!
E! picked up the story of Kate being sued.
Of course she does not watch much TV at all. Except for Dexter which is about a fellow sociopath! I doubt she reads much newspapers or magazines other than InTouch, or turn on much news, or talk about anything that is going on anywhere else outside the circle of Kate.
I remember when Jon commented that she really has no knowledge of current events - she has no idea of what is happening in the world around her because she doesn't read the newspaper or watch any news channels.
ADMIN, check out the convo about the obsessive fans. AMAZING. This IDIOT said thanks for all the twweets, I am new to this. Blah blah. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? She is really playing this naive little girl routine?? WHY was Steve hired so many years ago. She is really THAT stupid? My God. Either a put on, or yes, really THAT stupid.
Ok out now for SURE. My God. LOL
Does Kate twitter everything, & I mean EVERYTHING so a pap will pick it up & follow her & take her picture? How sad & desperate.
This will be her undoing. She will say too much & get in trouble. Although, it doesn't look like there are too many "cool" people following her according to you guys (I haven't even looked). She is inviting in her flock only, thinking they are just the best! OMG! She loves the attention. This will bite her in the ass.
Kate feels the love:
"Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@SueMurp Amazing! I feel so loved! Thanks all!"
How pathetic is that, feeling so much love from total strangers, stalkers, teeny boppers, etc.
As someone said last night, she's treating Twitter like a chat room! Guess she didn't lie when she said she was lonely.
Oops she did say " I am NOT new to this" Which means she IS even more stupid than I even thought. LOL
Another salivating fan says "He seems like he has good intentions, (re: the obsessive fan) don't worry your fans will scope him out" WHAT? LOL I am totally wiped away.
Are you KIDDING ME? LOL I have got to throw my computer out the window. LOL BYE I mean it this time.
I think my last post was lost. I made a mistake, she said "I am NOT new to this". So yes she IS dumber than I even thought.
A fan says re: obsessive fan "I think he has good intentions, your fans will scope him out" WHAT??
WHAT?? I cannot take anymore of this stuff. Just came back to correct my error.
BYE :)
I'm posting under Anonymous...
About that crazy stalker dude praying that he is finally engaging in a cyber-love with Kate, & Kate actually responding to him, either teasing him or not...Kate is being absolutely stupid. She is not thinking about her kids welfare at all here. All Kate is thinking about is the attention SHE is getting from communiKATEing with this lunatic. She is putting herself & more importantly, her children in harms way.
OK, I have a friend. She has a couple kids. She started chatting with this dude online years ago. At 1st, it was all innocent & sweet. Then, if she got busy or something, he would send her nasty emails, "where the fuck are you" "Why aren't you answering me" stuff like that. She got scared. Well, it is easy to get addresses. She cut off contact with him. (There's more, but I don't want this to be a huge long story) He found out where she lived, came in the middle of the night, & held her a gunpoint, until she promised to be with him forever. One of the kids heard the commotion & called 911, thank God, BUT there was a stand off. No ONE got hurt thank GOD, but still, all from an online crush. Kate has NO idea what she's getting herself into. Even just innocent flirting can be dangerous. Even just doing this for attention can be dangerous. This guy can be a psycho. Kate is so stupid. Why does she always put herself first??
"I feel so loved! Thanks all!"
Wow. Sheeple tweets make her feel loved. It's really kind of pathetic that that's all it takes for her to feel loved. If only her kids had known, they could have been tweeting her all along to get her attention. Let's see; famewhore, moneywhore, now twitterwhore. I wonder if all those talk shows she wants to be on will still bill her as 'Supermom' Kate Gosselin.
"I wonder if all those talk shows she wants to be on will still bill her as 'Supermom' Kate Gosselin."
Actually, I believe they will. Whatever talk show she's booked on, I believe the interviewer will be nothing but flattering. I think it's been pretty well established that the show producers do the booking; the host does a sickening sweet interview no matter what they actually feel. They're doing their job. Sad but true.
kate has stated that she is going to be tweeting during the next airing of the show. I guess she or more likely her PR team is getting that idea from jeff probst, from survivor, who tweets during the show. I'm thinking the PR team is trying to see if having Kate tweet live with fans will get more viewers to watch the episode???? I won't be watching the show nor reading her tweets. I have a feeling that if her ratings do not increase her PR people are going to either shut this down or make it go private.
Although I have never commented before, I have been reading all of your great posts for ages. I truly enjoy reading the various commentators insightful thoughts about the pathetic and tragic life of Kate Gosselin. It’s so depraved how she continues to sell her kid’s childhoods for HER fame and fortune, all the while neglecting their base needs. As you all so poignantly note, Kate will desperately continue to manipulate and lie to the press and her “fans” in order to continue her fifteen minutes. The only way to end this sooner rather than later is to ignore her.
To that end, if anyone reading this comment is following Kate on Twitter, please “unfollow.” Following her on Twitter only adds to her numbers and feeds her narcissistic need for attention. When you “unfollow” you can still see her tweets, read what others have tweeted to her, or send her a tweet.
Just add this link to your favorites bar in Explorer http://twitter.com/Kateplusmy8 if you want to watch as Kate exposes her true self in her new venture to exploit the G8.
Have a great day everyone!
ps. Hi, BerksPA we’re neighbors!
I noticed only about a dozen or so of her little over 4000 followers talk to her. Normally that wouldn't be so weird: celebrities rarely respond to tweets directed at them (it would be overwhelming if they tried to). But in this case, Kate is doing nothing but responding to tweets to her. If people discovered Rob Lowe or even Patton Oswalt were doing that, there would be a FLOOD of tweets to them, nonstop. But in Kate's case, it's still the same dozen or so people. Conclusion? Even of those who are following her on twitter, a very tiny percentage choose to speak directly to her.
This is definitely to try to drum up ratings. I suspect TLC had a bit of a talk with her and she agreed to try this. From what I'm seeing, though, the only people interested enough to engage with her are probably already watching the show.
Which makes me laugh. The thing about narcissists is they are so easy to figure out, so transparent. By the way, I think a few people taking to her are intentionally messing with her, which cracks me up.
Haha. Kate tweeted Brooke Burke TWICE and Brooke didn't reply either time.
Brooke Burke tweeting Kate? She's probably too busy working to support her kids and not the other way around, and other such nonsense.
OMG Kate lost her keys to her car while shopping this morning and what's the first thing she does? She tweets to her twitter friends that she doesn't know what to do!!! Wouldn't you call your best friend? Or someone that has a spare key to your car? Or can get you one? She has no one!
It's so nice of her kids to provide her with a lifestyle in which she can Twitter all day and in between trips, shop! Her stalker would probably see that as an open invitation to come over and help.
And check out the tweet where she misspelled a word then says she was spelling like her 4th graders. How nice of her to make fun of the twins to 4,000 followers.
So question, the sheeple who come over here to make fun of typos, will you make fun of Kate for her spelling of "caloclisms"? Or is it just us who are not allowed to misspell anything???
We should name this double standards day. Heck, double standards week. Thanks Twitter!
She also claims a Pap is at the grocery store, where she is stranded because she lost her keys. Chris hasn't posted pics of her in awhile, they have been very sporadic. We'll see if any pics come out from this.
Someone told her to tweet a pic of the pap and she said she wouldn't. Maybe he's not really there!
Wouldn't you call your best friend? Or someone that has a spare key to your car? Or can get you one? She has no one!
Do you suppose she's even estranged Triple AAA? What, they didn't know how to help her?
Anonymous said:...."Even just innocent flirting can be dangerous. Even just doing this for attention can be dangerous. This guy can be a psycho. Kate is so stupid. Why does she always put herself first??"
It looks like Kate began tweeting after the craptacular 1.3 ratings were anounced.
For the past five years Kate's been on TV exploiting her children, she has NEVER shown one speck of interest or care for her fans. Fans who approached her in public have gotten their heads chewed off. For the church talks and book tours, the only way anyone could have 15 seconds of facetime with her was if they had a $20 in their hand for an autographed picture or had bought her crappy book. The drama of the divorce stretched out her 15 minutes of fame but now that the dust has settled, people see Kate for what she is. A woman who has decided to make a career of having her children and their lives filmed, a woman who created an extremely lavish lifestyle with no means whatsoever to sustain it should the show be canceled. A woman who received the opportunity of a lifetime when asked to appear on DWTS. And blew it by telling her fan-favorite PROFESSIONAL dance partner he wasn't teaching her the right way. Causing him to temporarily quit, something that has never happened before on the show. Reports of her diva behavior on the DWTS set, her icyness, her insistence no one speak to her or look at her abounded. She was NOT invited to the reunion.
Her children spent almost their entire summer vacation being filmed, something she vehemently insists they love and thrive on. Yet, when the tups started school full time, two of them were asked to leave due to anger issues two months later. More bad publicity. Kate's recent talk show appearances did nothing to attract viewers. Even the most disinterested of consumers have figured out if her veneers are flapping, she's lying. The heavily promoted Australia show premired with so-so ratings. They're OK, but not enough to justify the cost for the type of show Kate insists on these days- flying to a sumptuous vacation spot on TLCs dime while she shrieks like a spider monkey and orders her tired and stressed kids around.
Now, the woman who before has never cared two shiz about her fans ALL OF A SUDDEN EMBRACES THEM! This speaks volumes. This says to me she's in danger of having her show canceled if her ratings don't improve. Kate is not communicating with the fanz out of the goodness of her heart, her heart is not good- noone's sure if she even has one. IMO she's communicating with them because she's freakin' scared and desperate. And worse- she and TLC could not come up with an original way to endear herself to the fans, instead they just ripped a page out of the Tiger Blood, Losing Is Not An Option, Warlock, Wiiiiiinning!!!!!!!!!! playbook.
Before, even the most brief and benign tweets from Jon mentioning the kids would leave Kate's legal team scrambling to put out a statement chastising him. I don't get this. Why can she give a minute by minute commentary of what she's doing with the kids and when? I'm not even sure it's Kate doing the actual tweeting, I wonder if it's a TLC intern? Regardless, she is in Creeperville at the corner of Stalker Way. When Kate made the statement in the magazine article a few years ago "we can never go back" it chilled me to the bone because I 110% believed her and still do. She is proving it now as her desperation seems to have no limits. She has no qualms compromising her children's safety and further intruding on their privacy in order scrape up some fans to watch her show. We can only hope Jon is taking steps to put an end to it, I really hope the judge doesn't allow it to continue because it has to do with Kate's "job."
Random thoughts:
Beth Chapman, Dog the Bounty Hunter's wife, has almost 133,000 followers, and if you look on Twitter you'll see there are literally thousands of "@MrsDogC" messages to her, from unique users.
The kids will be "proud" of Kate now that she's tweeting? I have a two daughters, one slightly older and one slightly younger than the sextuplets, and they don't have any idea what twitter is. I guess I should tell them about it so they can be proud of me!
This is another "re-tooling" of Kate...this one is helpless, naive little girl Kate. "I'm a 36 year old woman who doesn't know how to use twitter or what to do when I lose my car keys. I had no idea so many people cared about me, I feel so loved. I was so scared going into the water in a tank to swim with sharks but wasn't I BRAVE??" Puke! Even sharks are smart enough to avoid that woman!
I especially liked the tweet to her from the 14 yr old who told her she thinks the stalker guy has good intentions.
I made a new Thread to discuss Twitter since this is getting out of control--not you guys, KATE.
I don't think that pap is there either! We haven't seen store pics of Kate in ages. And she won't post a pic of him? Please. We'll see if any pics pop up.
Although she did let him know via Twitter she was at the house so it might have been worth it to camp out there until she left.
In one breath complaining about paps, in the next twittering her exact locations. Heck why doesn't she just put a GPS device on her!
Even if the kids are with Jon, I still don't believe Kate is alone in that house. Who's doing the chores (cleaning, laundry, cooking, whatever)? I don't believe for a second that she does any of that herself. The only thing she does herself is drive to the tanning place and nail salon.
Hey Admin, on the kids loving school x7, you're putting way too much math skills stress on her expecting her to know what it should be, dontcha think? I mean, we ARE talking about her.
Wouldn't you call your best friend? Or someone that has a spare key to your car? Or can get you one? She has no one!
Do you suppose she's even estranged Triple AAA? What, they didn't know how to help her?
WHAT IS SHE THINKING (whoops, sorry about that, it IS kate, she's thinking...NOTHING), anyway, remember on the Passport show, she made a HUGE deal about how they have to keep ALL times out of the house a BIG secret or they'd be inundated with paps? Wellllll, aren't paps allowed on Twitter, katie?
This double standards for Kate is nothing new. I remember on one of the early episodes she referred to Jon as "daddy's mean." Wondered then what she called herself. She displayed nothing but hatefulness towards everyone in the family (except for Hannah). It was so odd at the time I thought that was certainly the pot calling the kettle black. Nothing's changed, has it?
Wouldn't you call your best friend? Or someone that has a spare key to your car? Or can get you one? She has no one!
Do you suppose she's even estranged Triple AAA? What, they didn't know how to help her?
It's not a key. It's a keyless remote. It activates the automatic push starting system. Because of security, Triple AAA can't help. This car has a very complicated computer system. Only the car manufacturer can provide the piece the fob that she was missing. Been there, done that. To have it replaced costs hundreds of dollars.
Jennifer said...
Even if the kids are with Jon, I still don't believe Kate is alone in that house. Who's doing the chores (cleaning, laundry, cooking, whatever)?
It's for the weekend - not for a week. Perhaps the housekeeper has a day off since the kids are with their father Housekeepers don't work 24/7. I would believe that cleaning, laundry, etc. could be put on hold for two days, wouldn't you think? I don't do chores every weekend. If the kids aren't there this weekend, there is no need to cook for them. She admitted that she's eating out with friends.
Admin, thank you for taking one for the team and recapping this ep. It sounds truly excruciatingly boring. I was watching the UConn beat Butler in the NCAA men's basketball championship game, which was at some points, as Charles Barkley put it, "as exciting as watching paint dry." VCU shoulda been there, they would have been more fun to watch! But I digress. (GO RAMS!) Sounds like the basketball game was WAAAY more fun than yet another trip with Ms. kreider and her krew.
Admin, one more thing that has absolutely nothing to do with the Kreider travelogue. Jennifer Garner was on Jimmy Fallon late night show Friday, promoting Arthur. She played beer pong with Jimmy and said her nanny had to teach her the game before the show, she had never played before. Jimmy said "Your nanny?" and she replied, "Yes, the woman who is watching my kids right now while I am here." Jennifer seems like a very hands-on Hollywood mom, you always see pap photos of her and the two girls, but she admits - she has a nanny, who taught her to play beer pong. Very well - she beat Jimmy and avenged Helen Mirren (Jimmy beat Helen in beer pong the week before).
Carol said... kate has stated that she is going to be tweeting during the next airing of the show. I guess she or more likely her PR team is getting that idea from jeff probst, from survivor, who tweets during the show. I'm thinking the PR team is trying to see if having Kate tweet live with fans will get more viewers to watch the episode?
This is really interesting. Now the person who claims to have first started tweeting during a program is... Howard Stern! Yes, the radio shock DJ. He was on Jimmy Fallon last week, and told a story that his movie "Private Parts" was on TV, and he started tweeting as he was watching it. And his fans responded. And then other people heard about him doing this, "and next thing I hear, Jeff Probst is online while Survivor is on!"
What could Ms. Kreider tweet about during the show that would make it less boring? Here we are getting on another plane... Here is how long the plane ride was... Here we are taking another trip after getting off the plane... Time to get on another plane! BORING.
Bindi and Terry Irwin were on some morning show last week or so. They had cute animals, Bindi was sunshiny and talkative and very articulate - NOT boring. Oh, no mention of The Kreider krew either - Bindi was plugging their own show.Bindi has more personality in her little finger than Ms. Kreider has in her entire body including the fake hair.
NOT boring. Oh, no mention of The Kreider krew either
The children are Gosselins. Jon's children. They are not Kreiders. Jon and the children lost big-time in this divorce. Don't take his name away from them, nor deprive him of seeing the name that he gave to them.
NOT boring. Oh, no mention of The Kreider krew either
The children are Gosselins. Jon's children. They are not Kreiders. Jon and the children lost big-time in this divorce. Don't take his name away from them, nor deprive him of seeing the name that he gave to them.
Someone told her to tweet a pic of the pap and she said she wouldn't. Maybe he's not really there!
I made a new Thread to discuss Twitter since this is getting out of control--not you guys, KATE.
I don't think that pap is there either! We haven't seen store pics of Kate in ages. And she won't post a pic of him? Please. We'll see if any pics pop up.
Although she did let him know via Twitter she was at the house so it might have been worth it to camp out there until she left.
In one breath complaining about paps, in the next twittering her exact locations. Heck why doesn't she just put a GPS device on her!
Haha. Kate tweeted Brooke Burke TWICE and Brooke didn't reply either time.
Although I have never commented before, I have been reading all of your great posts for ages. I truly enjoy reading the various commentators insightful thoughts about the pathetic and tragic life of Kate Gosselin. It’s so depraved how she continues to sell her kid’s childhoods for HER fame and fortune, all the while neglecting their base needs. As you all so poignantly note, Kate will desperately continue to manipulate and lie to the press and her “fans” in order to continue her fifteen minutes. The only way to end this sooner rather than later is to ignore her.
To that end, if anyone reading this comment is following Kate on Twitter, please “unfollow.” Following her on Twitter only adds to her numbers and feeds her narcissistic need for attention. When you “unfollow” you can still see her tweets, read what others have tweeted to her, or send her a tweet.
Just add this link to your favorites bar in Explorer http://twitter.com/Kateplusmy8 if you want to watch as Kate exposes her true self in her new venture to exploit the G8.
Have a great day everyone!
ps. Hi, BerksPA we’re neighbors!
I'm posting under Anonymous...
About that crazy stalker dude praying that he is finally engaging in a cyber-love with Kate, & Kate actually responding to him, either teasing him or not...Kate is being absolutely stupid. She is not thinking about her kids welfare at all here. All Kate is thinking about is the attention SHE is getting from communiKATEing with this lunatic. She is putting herself & more importantly, her children in harms way.
OK, I have a friend. She has a couple kids. She started chatting with this dude online years ago. At 1st, it was all innocent & sweet. Then, if she got busy or something, he would send her nasty emails, "where the fuck are you" "Why aren't you answering me" stuff like that. She got scared. Well, it is easy to get addresses. She cut off contact with him. (There's more, but I don't want this to be a huge long story) He found out where she lived, came in the middle of the night, & held her a gunpoint, until she promised to be with him forever. One of the kids heard the commotion & called 911, thank God, BUT there was a stand off. No ONE got hurt thank GOD, but still, all from an online crush. Kate has NO idea what she's getting herself into. Even just innocent flirting can be dangerous. Even just doing this for attention can be dangerous. This guy can be a psycho. Kate is so stupid. Why does she always put herself first??
Kate feels the love:
"Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@SueMurp Amazing! I feel so loved! Thanks all!"
How pathetic is that, feeling so much love from total strangers, stalkers, teeny boppers, etc.
As someone said last night, she's treating Twitter like a chat room! Guess she didn't lie when she said she was lonely.
just wondering said...
IwanaDateKate is only following two people -- Kate, and that little 16 year old with the I Love Kate video. It's probably some kid.
Or a 60-year-old pervert who likes kids, since he is following someone with eight of them, and following someone who IS one!
I just read on another blog that Kate tweeted she is a "lightweight" when it comes to wine but was having a nightcap and "lately" it was Merlot. A poster called her on that, saying that was contradictory. Of course, I had to add my own comment. Kate Gosselin is the most worthless, self-absorbed, LYING POS on this planet. (And, no, that was not my comment.)
Re the missing necklace--here's a hint: Look around Jamie's neck!!
Tweet-le De De Tweet-le DUMB said...
I think Kate must have stopped developing emotionally around 13 (for many reasons), and this tweeting thing is beyond creepy. She seems to have no clue that she shouldn't be encouraging a total stranger. How can she not know that?
I agree. She is taking a risk. Her desperation in finding a man is unsettling.
Anyway, does Kate really do anything like a normal, balanced human being? She's comfortable living in extremes. She's got a long, rough road ahead of her. I suppose she'll figure it out/find out sooner or later.
Maybe her rabid internet fans will continue to protect her....and if something bad happens to their Kate, they will blame Jon and all the haters.
Midnight -
Sorry - I don't come here as often as I used to! I always read CNN.com and happened to see this blurb......
Or it could be some big ol' ex-con named Bertha.
Or someone who still is in The Big House, in which case she won't have to worry until he/she gets out on parole!
Anyone see this ?
K8 being sued for failure to pay her share of counseling :
I bet IwanaDateKate is Steve or someone else she knows, that's why she's not worried.
Or it could be some big ol' ex-con named Bertha.
Was that 2,000 on air when he was on Cops, Hoarders, Maury Povich, or a combination?
Don't forget Springer.
The only reason I don't really believe Kate's conversation with Jon on the phone was "fake" is because she's such a horrible actress.
Berks said: The thought just scares the bejezzus out of me. I would NEVER do what she is doing. Definitely not safe.
She's announced to the world that she is alone in that house. She's an idiot!
We don't know that, though. She could be lying through her teeth. Steve could be sitting there, both of them enjoying the fruit of the vine and laughing hysterically that there actually are delusional fans out there believing this stuff...
I think her tweets are borderline dangerous for the safety of the kids, definitely violate their privacy (what they have left of it thanks to her), and are nothing more than Kate further exploiting her children for her benefit.
BORDERLINE? This IS dangerous! Can you say Jon Benet or Elizabeth Smart? What is wrong with this woman? Where are her advisors? Where is super-bodyguard Steve...holed up in the basement, sharing a crate with Shoka? Is keeping her out there so important to TLC that they sanction this?
Admin said,
She is the absolute worst narcissist I have ever seen or heard of ever in my life. She is barking mad.
Gosh, Admin, I don't believe I ever "heard" you go on like this! I think that this latest exploit of hers (tweeting) has brought so many things to light -- such as, "she's barking mad!" We knew it before, but we didn't know how loud the bark was!
Administrator said...
Was that 2,000 on air when he was on Cops, Hoarders, Maury Povich, or a combination?
To Catch A Predator!
That 'taken care of' thing about getting the fake facebook pages taken down made me laugh out loud. I know a bunch of 11-year-old kids made a fake facebook page in the name of my friend's 11-year-old daughter, to bully her. I reported it (there is a process) and a month later: NOTHING. They violated a bunch of criteria: underage, vulgar images (they are saying this kid is a lesbian and have unbelievable pictures up), impersonating, etc. The page is still there. The mom's reported it, I have reported it, the KID has reported it. This kid's dad committed suicide a month ago; these kids KNOW this and won't take it down. But Kate's taken care of it. Good luck with that, you stupid, fake, orange idiot. I don't think even the self-important ooompa loompa long arm of Kate is that powerful.
If you can't see it, here it is:
Kate, please email me! You ask for the mystery man to "please hurry it up". Well...I can only do so much without being considered as a stalker. This is my only way I can think of to try to contact you ...please find me and we can take it from there!
I seriously want to get to know Ms. Gosselin. I feel that if we could email each other, she would see how much we have in common and that I could be her "Mr. Right". I have always been attracted to Kate, since the beginning of the show. I am not some weirdo or stalker type that is star-struck, and I have several celebrity friends, so I am quite used to being in public with a swarm around. I too have been on National Television (over 2000 hours on the air), and I truly believe I would be great with the kids. I am not looking for money or fame, just want to share my life with someone that I feel so attracted to. So much more to say....Kate...I AM your Knight in Shining Armor and you have not "scared" me away! Please contact me!!!
The timing of Kate's Twitter account is highly suspect. Just when her new season is starting and she's been put on notice that the show is in danger of ending if it doesn't get good ratings she starts tweeting. Hummm. It looks to me like this is nothing more than her and TLC's desperate, last ditch attempt to keep her relevant.
The paps don't follow her anymore unless they're called for something special, she's not making the online tabloids like Radar or TMZ, and she's not even in the weekly print magazines. No one cares anymore. All the articles say her draw power has faded and she's on her way out.
I think her tweets are borderline dangerous for the safety of the kids, definitely violate their privacy (what they have left of it thanks to her), and are nothing more than Kate further exploiting her children for her benefit.
She'll do anything and right now the special of the week for her to get attention is Twitter. I think she's going to end up causing herself and TLC more grief tweeting than the dumb idea was ever worth. The age, IQ, maturity level, and stability of many of her followers is that of teenage girls who fawn over a teen heartthrob or mean girls. Throw in the men who are following her and saying some pretty foul things and asking questions about the kids which absolutely creeps me out, plus the women who make it their goal to libel and harass blog owners along with her obsessively frequent tweets leaves little room in any rational person's mind that her continued tweeting like this is going to bring little reward and lots of trouble.
She's proving to the world that her attention is not on the kids and that she'll say almost anything, just like she does on every interview she gives. Her overexposure was a big problem last year and helped draw attention to the ugly person she really is and it resulted in steadily falling ratings for the show and now she's overexposing herself on Twitter. Her bitterness is showing with her insinuations about Jon and just like she did with her excessive interviews last year she's doing the same thing now with Twitter.
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