Monday, April 11, 2011

Australia Zoo Visit Discussion Thread--4/11/11

To see Kate's Tweets in realtime, check out the little gadget above this post called "Kate's Latest Tweets."

It's an exploitation sandwich tonight, Terri Irwin on one side, Kate on the other, and the Irwin and Gosselin kids squished in the middle. Back stateside, Kate promises to Tweet throughout the episode. How is that any different than what she's been doing every 15 minutes this past week? Discuss.

Apr 11, 10:00 pm

Two reality TV families meet when the Gosselins visit Australia Zoo --the legacy of the late Steve Irwin and home to his family Terri, Bindi, and Robert Irwin. As the kids interact with exotic Aussie animals, Kate tries her hand at feeding a crocodile.

94 sediments (sic) from readers:

Linda G. said... 1

Not going to be watching, as usual.

And you're right, she's been tweeting for the last five days, how is tonight going to be any different? Ug, who cares.

I still don't see how they think this tweeting will increase the ratings. People aren't going to be any more interested in this screechfest than they were in last week's screechfest. ~ Administrator said... 2

Ok guys I figured out how to embed Kate's five latest tweets on a realtime gadget, I put it above this post. Now you can see them without having to go over to her account, so you can see what drivel she is saying during this episode.

I realize her last latest tweets will probably only keep you up to speed on about the last 10 minutes though...can't slow her down. ~ Administrator said... 3

I love the encouragement. Btw the more flack I get,the harder I work to do better than my best!
Basically Kate is saying all you're doing is making me stronger with your "hate."

You know when you are getting THIS much hate, maybe, just maybe, it might be you? And not everyone else. Instead of treating it as a rallying cry to just dig your hooker heels in all the tighter, maybe take it as a time to step back and access your choices.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 4

Great idea, Admin! Id rather stay here and just be able to glance at what this moron is tweeting. The more I think about this Twitter nonsense, the more I'm laughing because we all know that Khate is just wasting a ton of time and energy on it for NOTHING! Could she possibly be so stupid to think it will actually draw more viewers in and help her ratings? Even so, doesn't she already see by now that she has a small,limited fan base and that's it? I don't see any way she can increase her numbers as far as fans or ratings at all. She's in her last chapter, for sure!

fidosmommy said... 5

I love the encouragement. Btw the more flack I get,the harder I work to do better than my best!


Uh huh, sure. And DWTS is proof of this.

Linda G. said... 6

fido, exactly what I was thinking. So THIS is her best? Doing nothing but exploiting her kids?

Wow. I'd hate to see her worst.

fidosmommy said... 7

Did Kate find some long-lost cousin in AU? In that picture she and Terri look like they're related. ~ Administrator said... 8

Fido all child exploiters start to look alike after awhile.

Cindy said... 9

fidosmommy said

I love the encouragement. Btw the more flack I get,the harder I work to do better than my best
What 36ish woman speaks like that. Sounds more like something a 12 year old would say.

This Twitter thing will be nothing but trouble. You can see by reading the replies to her tweets. Scary azz people professing love for her.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 10

She's tweeting fast and furious now. Getting her fans all pumped up. This is such a joke.

Do any of the other TLC "celebs" tweet like this?

AuntieAnn said... 11

She's twittering with tweens and a couple of creepy stalkers. Yep, that should up the ratings. What an idiot.

Anonymous said... 12

@Kateplusmy8 here u go remember I tend to speak from the heart just a little gift for u hope u like k nervous now lol

fidosmommy said... 13

The more I read these tweets, the stupider Twitter becomes to me. What a waste of 30 seconds - in Kate's case, that's 30 seconds every minute.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 14

Anonymous said...

@Kateplusmy8 here u go remember I tend to speak from the heart just a little gift for u hope u like k nervous now lol

Oh dear, is that another poem? I can't read it. Followed her last night. Sad, sad, sad.

Cindy said... 15

What's that smell? The smell of desperation. Tweeting away to off the wall women/teens and who knows what type of men. Dollars to donuts no ratings jump at all. DON'T WATCH.

KitCat said... 16

Majestical? (The tiger). Really? She just kills the English language.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 17

She also thinks leech is spelled leach, ha!

AuntieAnn said... 18

Is it just a coincidence that this is the anniversary of the Titanic's maiden voyage?
I think not.

fidosmommy said... 19

I think it is hysterical that Kate says that "travel is knowlege".

Well, if she spent less time traveling and more time doing something else she might know how to spell "knowledge".

Linda G. said... 20

Ok, this is the tweet that convinced me that IwanaDateKate is actually a woman and possibly Kate:

WOW Kate! I'm speechless! Those kids have memories that will last 4 ever n ever! So fortunate to have TLC and a Mom like you!

25 minutes ago via web

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 21

Uugh, I had to close the tab I had open for the twitter feed (that twazzup site where you see what the sheeple are saying). I'm not going to waste another second in that loony bin of Khate fanatics. Something tells me that Khate is going to be disappointed and even shocked when she sees tonight's ratings are even lower than last week's. Well, hey, at least she has some friends now to comfort her, lol.

JoyinVirginia said... 22

Boring. The kreider travelogue is boring. Of course the entire concept of the Kreider Kronicles is boring. I took care of my own babies, don't need to watch someone else take care of theirs. Twitter is boring.... Except when Jimmy Fallon uses it to get funny stories from his viewers.
What is NOT boring is RuPaul's Drag Race! All the the drag queens, when fully made up and dressed up, not only look better than Ms. Kreider, they make better divas.

Anonymous said... 23

Wow just wow, making a total ass out of herself. I see her fans are just like her, they march to their own beat. Delusional, infantile

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 24

She hasn't tweeted in 24 min. Is she just gonna leave her fans ooohhhing and aaahhhing and not say anything else? Like thanks for watching? That would be a hoot -- shows over, no more tweeting for Kate. ~ Administrator said... 25

Someone in the twitter thread said that Kate will lose interest in twitter because that's how narcissists are. I also said she would lose interest but I didn't quite connect it to the narcissism, but I think that's true.

Anyway I have found that to be exactly true with the narcissist I worked for. A couple years back she had an "official" blog. She updated it every week, then every month, then completely abanonded it after about four months. Then just this past Christmas she started a blog again. Guess what, it's now abandoned again. That one lasted two months.

One week she was all excited about designing some kind of nutrition bar, the next week on some kind of removable wall for children's rooms you could paint murals on without damaging the wall (dumb), another week wanting to start a winery (wtf). They all fizzled out. But you would think with each idea or interest, it was the most passionate she has ever been. Until the next thing to get worked up about. She also got obsessed with people for brief periods. She was briefly friends with a very famous baseball player and that was just the greatest, for six months, until she lost interest.

They never really stay all that interested in any one thing for long. I'm not sure why this is true for narcissists, but it is.

I loathe this "woman" and her entire brand! said... 26

Was K+8 on tonight? I don't twitter and I haven't seen her on TV so I didn't know it was on- *she wrtes sarcastically* That's why all those pictures came out on ROL and the like. So- this show went from what was supposed to be quarterly specials to now a weekly show? Way to manipulate! Please, pretty please, have the ratings go down, down, down! Oh- and I was flipping the channels tonight when I came across an ad for the George Lopez Show- it was showing a montage of guests and Kate was one of them. What are the ratings for his show anyway? Geesh!

Moose Mania said... 27

@RKQuick I wanna go back for Steve Irwin day... In November I think... Help release honey into the wild maybe?


Hear that, TLC? Get those plane tickets well in advance so you can get the best prices!

Has BM been involved in this mess? If not, does anyone know why not?

Has anyone asked her what shops sell the good bra?

If somebody wrote a book about a circus like this, it would have to be fiction, because this whole thing is so bizarre that nothing about it is believable.

Linda G. said... 28

Admin, that was me. I'm the one with the mom with NPD (she's 63 now). I really think it has to do with this characteristic of NPD:

Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

In order to achieve those things, they will do almost anything except humble themselves or do the hard work really necessary to get and keep those things.

So if something comes along that may gain them admiration (a blog, Twitter) success or wealth (nutrition bar, reality TV show), love (a complaint husband), they grab onto it like it's the GREATEST THING THEY EVER DID. Until it doesn't give them what they wanted and then it's discarded faster than an
unwanted toy. And on to the next thing!

Now, the show HAS brought Kate wealth, which is why she's still doing it and it's also why, when TLC pulls the plug on it, she will have the mother of all meltdowns. But her public persona will still be that whole tired martyred act. The harder they try to keep me down, the harder I fight! Winning! I wanted a change anyway! I'm off to better and bigger things!

I've said all along Kate's true downfall will be her utter lack of talent and personality. Other narcissists have made it, but they've made it because of their talent and not the narcissism.

It's going to be a very hard fall. I fear she will lash out at the kids, engage in splitting and totally devalue them, more so than she does now. It won't be pretty if that happens. ~ Administrator said... 29

Linda you are right, they grab onto things that feed the narcissism and the second it is not bearing fruit, gone to the trash can.

This goes for things AND people, including loved ones.

Right now, the kids are bearing fruit. What will happen when that stops?

Linda G. said... 30

Admin, that last sentence actually gave me chills.

I found something interesting on a site about NPD. Think about this in terms of this twitter thing:

Narcissists are impulsive. They undo themselves by behavior that seems oddly stupid for people as intelligent as they are. Somehow, they don't consider the probable consequences of their actions. It's not clear to me whether they just expect to get away with doing anything they feel like at the moment or whether this impulsiveness is essentially a cognitive shortcoming deriving from the static psychic state with its distorted perception of time.

Moose Mania said... 31

Right now, the kids are bearing fruit. What will happen when that stops?


A friend of mine down the road owns an orchard. If a tree won't bear fruit, she plants a proven tree next to it to pollinate it, and gives it a good dose of fertilizer.

When the kids stop bearing fruit, there's always that Asian baby she wants to adopt. Maybe another child would encourage fruit production in all of them.

Moose Mania said... 32

Is anyone as totally taken aback as I am about this whole twittering nightmare? I know bloggers here have copied tweets, commented on them, discussed how immature this is, but when you get right down to it, did anyone really expect her to carry on like a young teen? When she appears on national television talk shows, she can semi-intelligently hold up her part of an interview. Granted, at times she does show that she needs extensive instruction in public speaking, and her answers are thought out ahead by time by her handlers, BUT she can carry on a conversation on the level with other adults.

I guess I'm just really dumbfounded over this - how someone who is rubs elbows with the rich and famous, travels the world (for culturing!) and was invited to hang out with a former vice presidential candidate could stoop to the level of these uneducated, delusional, foul-mouthed sheeple. I don't get it.

Moose Mania said... 33

There was a discussion about Kate, her taxes and the IRS -- those pesky little love donations coming in the form of cash only; the freebies that aren't really free because they must be reported.

I was thinking about her enlarged bosoms (also know as the good bra) when I read this:

"The IRS generally does not consider most cosmetic surgeries deductible -- except in certain specific scenarios. Which brings us to exotic dancer Cynthia Hess.

In 1994, Hess, who went by the stage name "Chesty Love," sued the IRS in order to take a $2,088 tax deduction for a breast augmentation procedure that left her with a size 56FF chest. Hess claimed the procedure was a work-related expense undertaken purely to advance her career.

Noting that Hess' new breasts weighed 10 pounds each and were so cumbersome that she could not derive personal benefit from them, U.S. Tax Court judge Joan Seitz Pate agreed, allowing her to deduct the expense as a "stage prop."

I wonder if Kate's new girls were included in her tax deductions. After all, they were used on DWTS to advance her career; the paps love them, hence the publicity to advance her career. They are a stage prop during the couch interviews. I bet, though, she wouldn't get very far with that claim. The IRS would say, "what career?"

AuntieAnn said... 34

Maybe another child would encourage fruit production in all of them.
And THAT line gave ME chills! Perish the thought.

About the narcissism aspect of this twitter thing, isn't Kate prone to peaks and valleys in her moods. Is that part of narcissism as in a manic-depressive disorder? Seems like she swings both ways big time. ~ Administrator said... 35

Anonymous, no, what's hilarious is the holier than thou troll or two, I assume that was you, obsessed with spelling here for months and months is not then returning here to make fun of KATE'S spelling and grammar. Why us, but not Kate? Double standards. It's called human error, going too fast, not really caring sincei it's just a blog/twitter, slip of the fingers, and so on, and even Kate is guilty.

jellybean said... 36

Long time lurker here. I would just like to add some info about narcissists. From

All malignant narcissists are cases of arrested development.
They are perpetually living in a mindset of a young child.....Kate acting like a teenager on twitter.

The narcissist has a pathological need for all attention in every context he finds himself in.
It is so pathological that if you get any attention he is obsessed by the need to take it away from you because he imagines that if you get any that it is an unsurvivable diminution of this precious commodity for him....The Sarah Palin's Alaska episode.

The malignant narcissist's pathological need to have it all leads to his existence of being pathologically envious.
In other words, the most pernicious, pervasive and all-consuming state of being covetous....She saw the big house Beth was living in and had to have that too.

the narcissist can steal virtue and substance from her profession or from belonging to certain clubs or organizations or charities. Service professions are very attractive to malignant narcissists. So is religion. As is Motherhood....being a nurse and plotting to have multiples.

jellybean said... 37


It has to do with how a narcissistic mother sees personal affront, defiance, and bad motives when her children disobey her. Childishness is punished as a crime. A child of a narcissist is not allowed to be a child....what is that saying Kate has? Under penalty of something?

Medical neglect, a frequent reality for children of narcissists....didn't one of the kids have some kind of leg injury that Kate clearly ignored and delayed getting medical attention?

What has the narcissist accomplished in the moral sphere that would make them have true respect for themselves? That, again, would be nothing. So I believe the fact that narcissists have "low self-esteem" is a condition they have completely earned. They don't deserve to feel good about themselves. This also explains why the narcissist needs constant affirmation of their wonderfulness from their sycophants. This is why they seem to be a black-hole for praise. It doesn't matter how many times you told them yesterday that they are beautiful, wonderful, amazing, wise and is a new day and they need just as much praise today to keep them going. This is because deep down they know they haven't truly accomplished anything to feel good about themselves over....twitter.

Evasion tactic: closely related to diversion, this is a tactic by which a manipulator tries to avoid being cornered on an issue by giving rambling, irrelevant responses to a direct question or otherwise trying to skirt an issue....Kate's I can neither confirm nor deny comments lately.

A narcissist's unnatural envy is so universal and so strong that he cannot even stand being in a place where someone else gets attention. If he cannot keep that from happening, he will find some way to absent himself from the situation....Again, the Sarah Palin's Alaska episode.

Their sense of entitlement springs from their malignant envy. They believe that their lusts are to be fulfilled by absolute right -- not at their expense, but at yours. ....At the expense of her children!

Yet another red flag is a universal disrespect for other people's privacy, boundaries. This is a result of the narcissist viewing people as mere objects there for her sake to serve her needs and desires....her children's privacy :-(

Here are eight red flags:

1. puts on a conspicuous display of goodness and kindness

2. damages the images of most others

3. has a history of past upheavals

4. is hated for mysterious reasons by people close to them

5. exhibits unnatural and perplexing behavior -- backwards reactions to things

6. is a control freak, trampling privacy/boundaries

7. is extremely self-absorbed

8. has a hostile reaction to attention and credit given others

I have observed before that the malignant narcissist prostitutes language to their own ends. They pervert the use of language in order to destroy true communication. The purpose of language is to communicate. Narcissists use language to do the opposite. Obscure, mislead, divert, confuse. This is perversion. By perversion I am using this definition: "To put to a wrong or improper use; misuse."

I could go on, but you get the idea.

Moose Mania said... 38

Childishness is punished as a crime. A child of a narcissist is not allowed to be a child


This is the only point that doesn't hold true for Kate. Her children are not only allowed to be children, but they are forced to stay young, to stay babies...hence, the highchairs, the bibs, the baby talk, the matching outfits.

Or, perhaps you are interpreting this in a different way, as they are not allowed to be children in their behavior? But that really doesn't hold true, either, because they fight, punch, slap, run around wild (typical kids behavior) and she just lets them go.

Excellent analysis.

Troy Chula Vista said... 39

Hey admin, not seeing the gadget, just the text. Any ideas? Thanks! ~ Administrator said... 40

I think liking to keep the kids "little" and babyish is different than what she is explaining about a narcissist not letting them be children.

In Kate's case actually Moose I think that DOES hold true. They should be children with school and friends and normalcy. Instead they are paraded in front of the cameras and made to work with almost no regard for what's going to make a normal, happy, balanced CHILDhood. What they are being made to do has nothing to do with anyone wanting them to be children.

2exhausted2name said... 41

I'm in awe of Kate. No joke, I am! The way she can so confidently butcher the English language is masterful. Majestical, snorfle, etc. Wow, just wow. The best though was her statement after not getting to feed a kangaroo, "The kids kept surrounding them so I never got to feed one. That's the moral of that story". Uh, what?

But the prize for best comment tonight goes to Cara for her answer to the question about Kate being afraid, "Isn't she afraid of everything?!?" complete with pre-teen astonishment at the stupidity of the question.

Kate's behavior in this episode was bizarre (Kate, that would be the word to use when something is unusual, not berserk). Her meltdown over Koala's and frantic gimme-gimme when it came to the baby Koala was jaw dropping.
And she was afraid to pet a harmless Komodo dragon but jumped at the chance to feed a hungry croc? Feeding a croc was her idea so no fear, but touching an unmoving reptile wasn't, so inappropriate fear.

Oh, and if she actually does do anything regarding any kind of animal conservation I'll be shocked. How many months ago was the trip? What has she done so far?

JudyK said... 42

KitCat said... Majestical? (The tiger). Really? She just kills the English language.

I know...instead of the lion being majestic, it's majestical. What a dunce. I saw that in a preview and meant to comment on it earlier.

barbee said... 43

Hope the Koala Relief Fund isn't depending on Katie Irene for food. We KNOW how fast she moves on putting her '$$$$$$ where her mouth is'.

It was funny how MOST of the actual doing with the animals went to mommy because after all she's the important one.

Yeah, travel is 'knowlege' and it is also important for 'culturing' your kids? That's what SHE said.

Moose Mania said... 44

In Kate's case actually Moose I think that DOES hold true. They should be children with school and friends and normalcy


I see what you are saying, and in that sense, yes, it does hold true. They are not allowed a normal childhood. In the other sense, though, she does want them to be children and keep them babyish for the purpose of filming. What does that say about narcissists and young children, though...she seems to actually prefer babies, fusses over babies (we've seen this when she holds other people's babies and wants to adopt an Asian infant)? Is this because it is a means of getting attention for herself because people make a fuss over babies? When the child grows out of that toddler stage, the mother therefore loses that attention that a baby brings to her, so why would the mother NOT want the child to remain a child? Why would a narcissistic mother not allow her children to be children?

Has there been a study on a narcissist regarding Munchhausen by Proxy? It would seem that such a person would use any means to bring attention on herself. Or is the narcissist so concerned with perfection that to have anything less than a perfect child would make her look as if she produced an offspring that wasn't likewise perfect?

Mom In Lancaster County said... 45

The way she can so confidently butcher the English language is masterful. Majestical, snorfle, etc.


She does this on a regular basis. However, majestical is an adjective, and snorful is a Lancaster County word. Agreeance, likewise, is a word, although not used too often (archaic). Some of the words are ones that she would have heard growing up, commonly used in this area.
Other words remain a mystery, however, and I have no idea why she uses them as the part of speech that she does. An example is penalty of severeness. Severeness is a noun, but she somehow puts it in the context of the sentence that just makes you shake your head.

She'd be a great Mrs. Malaprop!

This is a tweet from what looks to be a teenage boy (photo). This is just plain weird, no matter how one tries to rationalize it:

"lol the waltons! I just wanna say your a beautiful woman kate, I wanna be your adopted son and travel with ya'l!!"

I had no idea that there were so many fruitcakes out there in sheeple land! Teenage girls I can kind of understand, but young guys? There are actually young rams in the flock of ewes!

Mr. Bond said... 46

I don't watch the show. I did check out the twittering the twit is doing. Can someone who watched please tell me if Alexis is still pronouncing alligator as "aldergators". Queen Twit spelled it that way last night and all her sheeple follow along. Please tell me that someone has corrected Alexis on the correct way to say alligators. It may have been cute at 3, but not at almost 7.

Hippie Chick said... 47

Found these tweets from some chick. I won't give out her name. 3 of Kate's minions wrote her back & she answered. She is not following Kate. Check it out.

@Kateplusmy8 Ur an exploiter, riding ur kids back 4 fame.1.3 mill. viewers? 2 bad, so sad. Can't carry ur own show, huh? Reality show=badmom

@Kateplusmy8 Hi, my name is Kate, lie, lie, lie, um, um, uh, lie, lie, uh, um HONESTLY, lie, lie, uh, um, In all honesty, um,uh, lie, lie...

@Kateplusmy8 I would never bash Jon..I HATE JON..the kids don't wanna be w/Jon, I wish the kids were w/ Jon more..I HATE JON..Jon's great..

@(hernamehere) @jongosselin1 I ain't nice like the rest of your ex-wife's supporters. I am a SoHo from Texas & I went school w/ mean Ellen-from greengables-

@hername) Bitch, why are you worried about what the fuck Kate tweets when her skank husband tweets bullshit about Kate all day long-from greengables

(her response)@GreenGables777 Oh, big words. I don't care what she tweets. She should be taking care of her KIDS. 8, count 'em 8. No, she twats w/ "fans".

-another response to this chick-@(hername) @Kateplusmy8 Kate if you don't block these freaks, they are gonna take over your twitter just like they did your blog =( -from rusmokincrack

(her response)@rusmokincrack Hmm, who's a freak? Ur idol is a fraud. She has a blog? k. Does she have the name of that 'magic bra' 2? her pr rep? gr8 job!

Virginia Pen Mom said... 48

Childishness is punished as a crime. A child of a narcissist is not allowed to be a child


This is the only point that doesn't hold true for Kate. Her children are not only allowed to be children, but they are forced to stay young, to stay babies...hence, the highchairs, the bibs, the baby talk, the matching outfits.

Or, perhaps you are interpreting this in a different way, as they are not allowed to be children in their behavior? But that really doesn't hold true, either, because they fight, punch, slap, run around wild (typical kids behavior) and she just lets them go.


Not letting a child develop at his own rate IS taking childhood away. Forcing a child to remain at a younger stage than necessary is taking away childhood (normal development) as much as forcing him to a higher level (being miniature adults). K

ate puts her children in the bizarre dichotomy of being made to stay babies while forced to work (including couch interviews). They are forced to a higher or lower developmental level at all times which impedes normal development.

Misplaced discipline on Kate's part also leads the children to not know what will get them punished and what won't. The sheer arbitrariness is confusing. Kate punishes innocent behavior, like one child blowing a whistle, while allowing serious behavior to go unchecked (hitting--like the fights in the basement she just ignored.)

She's a completely irresponsible parent, and that's warping their childhood--therefore, not letting children be children.

(I'm not arguing--Kate's poor parenting while calling herself Super Mom just ticks me off!)

jessica said... 49

I wonder if her twittering will be like her project of posting a bible verse a day on her past blog - she does a lot of talking. Actual follow through, actual work? . . . .not so much

Tucker's Mom said... 50

This is because deep down they know they haven't truly accomplished anything to feel good about themselves over....twitter.
Fascinating post!
Merideth V. interviewed Shirley McClaine this morning on the Today Show. She's got a book out that focuses on the things she's "gotton over and let go" of in her life.
Merideth asked Shirley about all of these instantly famous for being famous "celebs" and Shirley had the same insight.
"What do they do? What are they famous for?"
Nothing, yet all eyes are on them, and they know, basically, that they have no true talent and it makes them feel inadequate.
There's no currency there. Snooki recently wrote a book/novel based on the NJ shore experiences and she suddenly wanted to be called Nichole, sans-poof, and to be taken seriously. It didn't happen. Hoda and Kathy Lee couldn't take her seriously during her promo appearance on the Today show.
Now, she's back to the poof and is the diminutive darling of the pro wrestling world. She has her schtick and she's schticking with it.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 51

Thanks for the "Kate's Latest Tweets" gadget, Administrator :o)

I also did not tune in last night (big shocker).
Don't even care if it's recapped (or not). I'm sure NOTHING happened that was worthy of admiration. That moldy banana and her bunch are done with me.

Beautiful Australia/NZ, I'm sorry you were visited by Kate & crew. Please don't hold it against us.

Livvy said... 52

This is one of the Ninny's tweets: @SueMurp I have to know. Where's cork? Am I missing something? :) about 2 hours ago
Dah, Kate, it's in Ireland which you mentioned is on your bucket list. How stupid IS this woman.

h8k8 said... 53

2exhausted2name said...
I'm in awe of Kate. No joke, I am! The way she can so confidently butcher the English language is masterful. Majestical, snorfle, etc. Wow, just wow. The best though was her statement after not getting to feed a kangaroo, "The kids kept surrounding them so I never got to feed one. That's the moral of that story". Uh, what?

.....Oh, and if she actually does do anything regarding any kind of animal conservation I'll be shocked. How many months ago was the trip? What has she done so far?


Kate answered the question about what work she was planning to do with animals in a tweet.
Kateplusmy8 @LyzzleG
Omg I want to go back tort her go in the wild... When she's bigger...
(Translation - she wants to go back to OZ and return Honey, the koala, to the wild.)

I read through Kate's tweets from last night and her claim to be tweeting special behind the scenes information that you'd get only from her tweets was a joke. There was nothing there but a lot of "aww, thanks, loved it, so special, aww, amazing, special, aww...". You get the idea. Not one piece of info about the show.

She did say there's another episode coming about the chickens:
@Kateplusmy8 @jman6466
oh yeah. They're so fun. And stay tuned... An increase is coming!

A vocal sheeple stomped her feet, pouted, and stopped following Kate because Kate didn't notice her and tweet her. lmao (name removed to protect the fragile psyche of the offended sheeple) *snark
*I just stopped following. Did you get my DM earlier.
*No but I'll go check now. Why did you stop following?
*No sense in following if she isnt getting my tweets. Wonder if she blocked me mixing me up with a hater.
*isn't really following anyone ___. She gets your tweets but she has so many people tweeting to her. She can't answer everyone
*I tweeted about 20 x straight & asked if she was receiving my tweets. You all came on after & got answers right away.
*(A sheeple to the rescue) Ok let's hope Kate see's this. Kate ___ is a good friend of mine She is a very nice lady. Tweet her please

This tweet earned Kate a lot of "I love you Kate's" from the sheeple:
Kateplusmy8 @ MiloandJack
I love life-- can't help but be excited and embrace all it has to offer!
(I threw up more than a little in my mouth after reading that!)

And the sheeple still don't understand that even though Kate's Twitter account is "verified" that that anyone with the password can tweet on it. They're going around and around and trying to convince each other that just because the account is verified as hers that no one else can use it. Is this that difficult of a concept to understand? If they don't believe it they should give a friend their password and prove it to themselves.
BTW, I do believe the tweets are Kate's.

Can't wait for your recap Admin. I haven't watched the show for over 2 years and always enjoy reading your take on it.

Hippie Chick said... 54

Eliza Dushku, whom I adore, tweets her fans, but NOT like this. She doesn't answer personal questions, doesn't interact every 5 minutes, & certainly doesn't answer questions about where the hell she's going all the time. Dushku is also big into helping charities & things like that. We actually may have an opportunity to meet her in a couple months if she shows up at this event being held by a famous Red Sox player. My husband got the tickets from a co-workers wife. I'm crossing my fingers she'll show, because she is also dating a sports player, & this is a charity event. Apparently, she showed last time. I heard she was very friendly, approachable & was talking to the "regular people" like they were old friends", so again *fingers crossed*.

But it just goes to show how low Kate has gone to stay relevant. She doesn't HAVE to prove anything. She thinks she does & it's pathetic. Engaging in this & interacting with teens & who knows who else...dangerous stuff. She is putting so many people in harms way.

Glad I didn't watch last watch, as usual. I fell asleep early, rough couple of days. Same old crap anyways! The ratings are probably in the toilet. She does NOTHING for promotion, she is nowhere in magazines, on TV, nothing, advertising her stupid show. I'm hoping for under 1 million.

konspiracytheory said... 55

" I have to know. Where's cork? Am I missing something?"

It's in Ireland, dumbass. You know, one of the countries you listed on your 'reverse bucket list'?

Linda G. said... 56

About narcissist parents: you always have to remember the narcissist uses you how they see fit. If as their child you can bring to them something they want, they will make sure you keep those characteristics that do that. If seeming toddler-like works to THEIR ends, you will be forced in many subtle and not so subtle ways to remain toddler-like.

If you have a special talent and it brings THEM attention, it will be honed. But the MOMENT the narcissist perceives that talent or skill or characteristic of yours brings YOU even slightly more attention, it will be stamped out ferociously. It cannot exist.

The hardest part for a narcissist parent are the teen years. Those are hard for any parent, but for the NPD parent, their child daring to grow up, to get out from under their thumb, is the most unforgivable crime of all.

My mother refused to attend my wedding, for no other reason than that the attention would not be on her. Refused. Her only daughter. She showed up to the reception unannounced and proceeded to make such a loud horrible scene, my male cousins bodily escorted her out (no one in the family can stand her).

When I was in labor a few years later, I called her and she berated me for 45 minutes on the phone about how hard her life is, how much she does for so-and-so, etc. I was in active labor, lying there in tears, and not one word of comfort or concern. Nor did she ever come to the hospital (God, no, it wouldnt be about HER), but that was probably for the best.

I haven't spoken to her in 12 years and neither has my brother. She has 3 grandchildren who never see her. There's a glimpse of your future, Kate.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 57

Linda G. said...

Ok, this is the tweet that convinced me that IwanaDateKate is actually a woman and possibly Kate...


Gosh, Linda, you could be right! Check out these tweets from "Iwana", with the overdone exclamation points, and then imagine Kate saying these very things about herself. It SOUNDS like her. And this would prove what we have always known--Kate's completely smitten with herself.


# @Kateplusmy8 @TLC Hope you Tweet again next Monday when the show is airing! That was a fun perspective to the show!!

# @Kateplusmy8 @TLC Goodnight Kate! Thanks for the great hour of fun! Only 1 week til New Zealand!

# OMG! KATE! Whew...that was crazy! What an adrenaline rush that hadta be?!?! Was sweatin just watchin. GREAT SHOW 2 nite!

# WOW! And people complain about Kate as parent? Look what those kids get to see and do! Those are some HAPPY kids right there!

# @Kateplusmy8 That was so adorable! Are the koalas as soft and fuzzy as they look?

T.I.N.I.C. said... 58

I agree about the recap. As has been written before: She shrieked, she cried, she flashed some skin. She made a child or two feel worthless for a little bit--then she punished them and had someone deal with them. Every now and again she clenched her teeth, opened her lips and looked straight into the camera for her closeup. Haven't watched in a long, long time but I'll bet I didn't miss much.

Looking at her twitter (yech, that is hard wading to get through) realize from his writing Mr Iwanadatekate was not educated in America. Canada or Europe but not America. He is probably personally known to the Canadian teenie which makes his friendship with her marginally less frightening. Doesn't make him any less weird though: He wrote: Wowza, Hehehe, Gulp (a couple of times), and called Kate Hon several times. Boy. Sounds like her loneliness is just about over, huh?? No more crying alone in her room. And he has (gulp) Charlie Sheen Hair!!!!

Livvy said... 59

@TINIC what makes you say he was educated in Canada? I am a Canadian and am totally at a loss as to why you would infer that. If is the "gulp" "hehe" well that doesn't make him Canadian; not by a long shot.

E-town Neighbor said... 60

"This is one of the Ninny's tweets: @SueMurp I have to know. Where's cork? Am I missing something? :) about 2 hours ago"


The only cork Kate knows is in a wine bottle. Kate, the world traveler, had to ask what Cork is!

Are you missing something, Kate ? Let's see, how much time do you have?

T.I.N.I.C. said... 61

Livvy said... @TINIC what makes you say he was educated in Canada? I am a Canadian and am totally at a loss as to why you would infer that. If is the "gulp" "hehe" well that doesn't make him Canadian; not by a long shot
Not his choice of words at all. His punctuation. Something you guys do differently than we do. Re-read his early tweets you'll see it. (I wouldn't try to foist someone off on Canada just because he was geeky! I don't think Canadians are any weirder than Americans. Really!)
I also think, reading today, that Pirate Girl or PiratesSuck is Hailey Glassman. The language out of that girl's mouth would make a sailor blush.

And now, I am getting out of my sick bed, showering and getting far away from all this nonsense. I do now, and have always, admire(d) our neighbors to the north. On my bucket list is the scenic train trips around the mountains in Canada. I think your country is stunning!

E-town Neighbor said... 62

Kate punishes innocent behavior, like one child blowing a whistle, while allowing serious behavior to go unchecked (hitting--like the fights in the basement she just ignored.)


Parents, too, at times have their limits. While some behavior, such as whistle blowing, seems innocent, depending on the parent's stress level at any point, it send that parent over the edge just by hearing the whistle blowing, certainly if the parent has had it up to there with disciplining that child that day. The whistle blowing is the proverbial straw, and the child gets punished for that. Similarly, the hitting, kicking, fighting may go ignored for many reasons, one of which being that the parent herself is not stressed out, she's occupied with something else, and or just laid back when the offending behavior occurs.

I think it's kind of hard to generalize what behavior a parent punishes as being characteristic of a narcissist because there are so many variables.

That said, no doubt about it that she is a narcissist!

Livvy said... 63

TINIC As a whole Canadians are very well educated in terms of grammar and when to use punctuation. After revisiting said tweets my guess would be it is Kate who is tweeting back at herself. For just a moment imagine Kate actually speaking the phrases that are written there. If it isn't Kate then my guess is a 15 year old boy is tweeting Kate; they don't tend to rely too much on grammar, punctuation, etc these days at that age.

Come visit Canada and you will find the scenery breathtaking. One place I recommend our neighbours to the south to visit is Grose Morne National Park. It is located in the northern penninsula of Newfoundland and well worth the visit. Google it and check out the scenery. Absolutely breathtaking.

The twits tweets said... 64

Livvy and T.I.N.I.C.,

To really see the writing and punctuation style of the person calling themself iwanadatekate go to the thread previous to this one titled "Twitter-dee, Twitter-dumb". Look for 2-3 comments by 'Nobody Likes a Narcissist' written beginning April 10, 2011 7:25 AM where she pasted the long posts he left on Kate's TLC blog.

T.I.N.I.C. said... 65

I wasn't trying to be obscure. Just wanted to give you the AH HA moment. (But there is way too much to wade through, I know.) Anyway, whate makes me think he was educated in Canada is the way he uses apostrophes when making a contraction. Canadians and the English put the apostrophe between the two words: Would'nt or Have'nt. Americans put their apostrophe where the letter is left out: Wouldn't or Haven't. Just a difference in our education. Actually Iwana seems to have pretty good grammar. He can spell and has a better vocabulary than Kate. Except for Wowza I haven't seen any made up words!
So, now if you tell me you were educated in America and learned to put your contraction at the end of the first word well, I will just say Nevermind!

Really? said... 66

Kate looks pretty scary in that picture with Terri Irwin. It reminds me of her psycho smile holding the ET microphone. Desperate much, Kate?

Identity Crisis said... 67

"After revisiting said tweets my guess would be it is Kate who is tweeting back at herself."

So, in addition to giving birth to multiples, is Kate herself a multiple? Next up, a television movie: "The Three Faces of Kate."

Vanessa said... 68

Canadians do NOT spell haven't "have'nt", or wouldn't "would'nt", no way no how. It's the SAME for us. :)
Some differences I know just off the top of my head are:
colour, color
cheque, check
neighbour, neighbor

But not what you've mentioned in your post :-}

T.I.N.I.C. said... 69

Vanessa said...
Canadians do NOT spell haven't "have'nt", or wouldn't "would'nt", no way no how. It's the SAME for us. :)
Some differences I know just off the top of my head are:
colour, color
cheque, check
neighbour, neighbor

But not what you've mentioned in your post :-}
Ok. my bad. From reading blogs I have noticed that some people who say they live in Canada write their contractions that way. The Americans I know, don't. So I made a leap and thought that meant Canadians did and Americans didn't. So I appreciate finding out my assumption was incorrect. I do wonder, though, why some people do the contractions one way and others another. Mr. Iwana does his in the what I thought as "non-American" way. Don't know (and don't care enough right now to go research.) Maybe one day. But thank you for letting me know.

Vanessa said... 70

No problemo T.I.N.I.C!
If you did see any contractions written that way, I think they were typos.
Love your comments btw

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 71


Look at the Kate charicature!!!

PERFECTLY DONE. Good job!! :o)

tweetlemethis said... 72

Good observation to the person that caught Iwanadatekate's little 'nt versus n't. You really pay attn to detail.
And to the person posting on how you are convinced that it is actually Kate herself, that would rule this out because Kate doesn't do the 'nt thing from I saw on some of her posts, but she smudges everything together so who knows? And his grammar and spelling is way better than Kates too, so that hurts the debate. He actually seems like a pretty decent guy and could possibly be a benefit to her "image"....Lord knows she could use any benefits.
Anyone else notice that her Superman has been nowhere to be found? Maybe this guy is real and not some intern for TLC. Notice he has not posted since right after the airing of the show on Monday? Maybe he had only seen pictures of the plastic Kate and when he watched the show on Monday, he saw what he would really be in for and he ran like the wind!!! Really, does Kate think there is ANY man out there that would take on her bitchiness and have 8 little kids that are'nt his and all the nasty publicity? Sorry Kate, even your online TwitterBoyfriend looks like he wised up and abandoned you. I have been following the Iwanadatekate story (its something different than listening to hear talk to all the teens like she is still some teeny-bopper girl and all the shout-outs to different countries that she would rather be in than where she actually is), so keep the observations and comments coming.

tweetlemethis said... 73

Good observation to the person that caught Iwanadatekate's little 'nt versus n't. You really pay attn to detail.
And to the person posting on how you are convinced that it is actually Kate herself, that would rule this out because Kate doesn't do the 'nt thing from I saw on some of her posts, but she smudges everything together so who knows? And his grammar and spelling is way better than Kates too, so that hurts the debate. He actually seems like a pretty decent guy and could possibly be a benefit to her "image"....Lord knows she could use any benefits.
Anyone else notice that her Superman has been nowhere to be found? Maybe this guy is real and not some intern for TLC. Notice he has not posted since right after the airing of the show on Monday? Maybe he had only seen pictures of the plastic Kate and when he watched the show on Monday, he saw what he would really be in for and he ran like the wind!!! Really, does Kate think there is ANY man out there that would take on her bitchiness and have 8 little kids that are'nt his and all the nasty publicity? Sorry Kate, even your online TwitterBoyfriend looks like he wised up and abandoned you. I have been following the Iwanadatekate story (its something different than listening to hear talk to all the teens like she is still some teeny-bopper girl and all the shout-outs to different countries that she would rather be in than where she actually is), so keep the observations and comments coming.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kat said... 74


Look at the Kate charicature!!!

PERFECTLY DONE. Good job!! :o)

T.I.N.I.C. said... 75

Vanessa said...
Canadians do NOT spell haven't "have'nt", or wouldn't "would'nt", no way no how. It's the SAME for us. :)
Some differences I know just off the top of my head are:
colour, color
cheque, check
neighbour, neighbor

But not what you've mentioned in your post :-}
Ok. my bad. From reading blogs I have noticed that some people who say they live in Canada write their contractions that way. The Americans I know, don't. So I made a leap and thought that meant Canadians did and Americans didn't. So I appreciate finding out my assumption was incorrect. I do wonder, though, why some people do the contractions one way and others another. Mr. Iwana does his in the what I thought as "non-American" way. Don't know (and don't care enough right now to go research.) Maybe one day. But thank you for letting me know.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kat said... 76

Thanks for the "Kate's Latest Tweets" gadget, Administrator :o)

I also did not tune in last night (big shocker).
Don't even care if it's recapped (or not). I'm sure NOTHING happened that was worthy of admiration. That moldy banana and her bunch are done with me.

Beautiful Australia/NZ, I'm sorry you were visited by Kate & crew. Please don't hold it against us.

Tucker's Mom said... 77

This is because deep down they know they haven't truly accomplished anything to feel good about themselves over....twitter.
Fascinating post!
Merideth V. interviewed Shirley McClaine this morning on the Today Show. She's got a book out that focuses on the things she's "gotton over and let go" of in her life.
Merideth asked Shirley about all of these instantly famous for being famous "celebs" and Shirley had the same insight.
"What do they do? What are they famous for?"
Nothing, yet all eyes are on them, and they know, basically, that they have no true talent and it makes them feel inadequate.
There's no currency there. Snooki recently wrote a book/novel based on the NJ shore experiences and she suddenly wanted to be called Nichole, sans-poof, and to be taken seriously. It didn't happen. Hoda and Kathy Lee couldn't take her seriously during her promo appearance on the Today show.
Now, she's back to the poof and is the diminutive darling of the pro wrestling world. She has her schtick and she's schticking with it.

Carol said... 78

I don't watch the show. I did check out the twittering the twit is doing. Can someone who watched please tell me if Alexis is still pronouncing alligator as "aldergators". Queen Twit spelled it that way last night and all her sheeple follow along. Please tell me that someone has corrected Alexis on the correct way to say alligators. It may have been cute at 3, but not at almost 7.

barbee said... 79

Hope the Koala Relief Fund isn't depending on Katie Irene for food. We KNOW how fast she moves on putting her '$$$$$$ where her mouth is'.

It was funny how MOST of the actual doing with the animals went to mommy because after all she's the important one.

Yeah, travel is 'knowlege' and it is also important for 'culturing' your kids? That's what SHE said.

2exhausted2name said... 80

I'm in awe of Kate. No joke, I am! The way she can so confidently butcher the English language is masterful. Majestical, snorfle, etc. Wow, just wow. The best though was her statement after not getting to feed a kangaroo, "The kids kept surrounding them so I never got to feed one. That's the moral of that story". Uh, what?

But the prize for best comment tonight goes to Cara for her answer to the question about Kate being afraid, "Isn't she afraid of everything?!?" complete with pre-teen astonishment at the stupidity of the question.

Kate's behavior in this episode was bizarre (Kate, that would be the word to use when something is unusual, not berserk). Her meltdown over Koala's and frantic gimme-gimme when it came to the baby Koala was jaw dropping.
And she was afraid to pet a harmless Komodo dragon but jumped at the chance to feed a hungry croc? Feeding a croc was her idea so no fear, but touching an unmoving reptile wasn't, so inappropriate fear.

Oh, and if she actually does do anything regarding any kind of animal conservation I'll be shocked. How many months ago was the trip? What has she done so far?

jellybean said... 81


It has to do with how a narcissistic mother sees personal affront, defiance, and bad motives when her children disobey her. Childishness is punished as a crime. A child of a narcissist is not allowed to be a child....what is that saying Kate has? Under penalty of something?

Medical neglect, a frequent reality for children of narcissists....didn't one of the kids have some kind of leg injury that Kate clearly ignored and delayed getting medical attention?

What has the narcissist accomplished in the moral sphere that would make them have true respect for themselves? That, again, would be nothing. So I believe the fact that narcissists have "low self-esteem" is a condition they have completely earned. They don't deserve to feel good about themselves. This also explains why the narcissist needs constant affirmation of their wonderfulness from their sycophants. This is why they seem to be a black-hole for praise. It doesn't matter how many times you told them yesterday that they are beautiful, wonderful, amazing, wise and is a new day and they need just as much praise today to keep them going. This is because deep down they know they haven't truly accomplished anything to feel good about themselves over....twitter.

Evasion tactic: closely related to diversion, this is a tactic by which a manipulator tries to avoid being cornered on an issue by giving rambling, irrelevant responses to a direct question or otherwise trying to skirt an issue....Kate's I can neither confirm nor deny comments lately.

A narcissist's unnatural envy is so universal and so strong that he cannot even stand being in a place where someone else gets attention. If he cannot keep that from happening, he will find some way to absent himself from the situation....Again, the Sarah Palin's Alaska episode.

Their sense of entitlement springs from their malignant envy. They believe that their lusts are to be fulfilled by absolute right -- not at their expense, but at yours. ....At the expense of her children!

Yet another red flag is a universal disrespect for other people's privacy, boundaries. This is a result of the narcissist viewing people as mere objects there for her sake to serve her needs and desires....her children's privacy :-(

Here are eight red flags:

1. puts on a conspicuous display of goodness and kindness

2. damages the images of most others

3. has a history of past upheavals

4. is hated for mysterious reasons by people close to them

5. exhibits unnatural and perplexing behavior -- backwards reactions to things

6. is a control freak, trampling privacy/boundaries

7. is extremely self-absorbed

8. has a hostile reaction to attention and credit given others

I have observed before that the malignant narcissist prostitutes language to their own ends. They pervert the use of language in order to destroy true communication. The purpose of language is to communicate. Narcissists use language to do the opposite. Obscure, mislead, divert, confuse. This is perversion. By perversion I am using this definition: "To put to a wrong or improper use; misuse."

I could go on, but you get the idea.

AuntieAnn said... 82

Maybe another child would encourage fruit production in all of them.
And THAT line gave ME chills! Perish the thought.

About the narcissism aspect of this twitter thing, isn't Kate prone to peaks and valleys in her moods. Is that part of narcissism as in a manic-depressive disorder? Seems like she swings both ways big time.

Moose Mania said... 83

Right now, the kids are bearing fruit. What will happen when that stops?


A friend of mine down the road owns an orchard. If a tree won't bear fruit, she plants a proven tree next to it to pollinate it, and gives it a good dose of fertilizer.

When the kids stop bearing fruit, there's always that Asian baby she wants to adopt. Maybe another child would encourage fruit production in all of them.

Administrator said... 84

Linda you are right, they grab onto things that feed the narcissism and the second it is not bearing fruit, gone to the trash can.

This goes for things AND people, including loved ones.

Right now, the kids are bearing fruit. What will happen when that stops?

Moose Mania said... 85

@RKQuick I wanna go back for Steve Irwin day... In November I think... Help release honey into the wild maybe?


Hear that, TLC? Get those plane tickets well in advance so you can get the best prices!

Has BM been involved in this mess? If not, does anyone know why not?

Has anyone asked her what shops sell the good bra?

If somebody wrote a book about a circus like this, it would have to be fiction, because this whole thing is so bizarre that nothing about it is believable.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 86

She hasn't tweeted in 24 min. Is she just gonna leave her fans ooohhhing and aaahhhing and not say anything else? Like thanks for watching? That would be a hoot -- shows over, no more tweeting for Kate.

Anonymous said... 87

Wow just wow, making a total ass out of herself. I see her fans are just like her, they march to their own beat. Delusional, infantile

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 88

Uugh, I had to close the tab I had open for the twitter feed (that twazzup site where you see what the sheeple are saying). I'm not going to waste another second in that loony bin of Khate fanatics. Something tells me that Khate is going to be disappointed and even shocked when she sees tonight's ratings are even lower than last week's. Well, hey, at least she has some friends now to comfort her, lol.

fidosmommy said... 89

I think it is hysterical that Kate says that "travel is knowlege".

Well, if she spent less time traveling and more time doing something else she might know how to spell "knowledge".

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 90

Anonymous said...

@Kateplusmy8 here u go remember I tend to speak from the heart just a little gift for u hope u like k nervous now lol

Oh dear, is that another poem? I can't read it. Followed her last night. Sad, sad, sad.

AuntieAnn said... 91

She's twittering with tweens and a couple of creepy stalkers. Yep, that should up the ratings. What an idiot.

fidosmommy said... 92

Did Kate find some long-lost cousin in AU? In that picture she and Terri look like they're related.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 93

Great idea, Admin! Id rather stay here and just be able to glance at what this moron is tweeting. The more I think about this Twitter nonsense, the more I'm laughing because we all know that Khate is just wasting a ton of time and energy on it for NOTHING! Could she possibly be so stupid to think it will actually draw more viewers in and help her ratings? Even so, doesn't she already see by now that she has a small,limited fan base and that's it? I don't see any way she can increase her numbers as far as fans or ratings at all. She's in her last chapter, for sure!

Administrator said... 94

Ok guys I figured out how to embed Kate's five latest tweets on a realtime gadget, I put it above this post. Now you can see them without having to go over to her account, so you can see what drivel she is saying during this episode.

I realize her last latest tweets will probably only keep you up to speed on about the last 10 minutes though...can't slow her down.

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