Monday, April 18, 2011

Discussion Thread: Kate Plus 8 New Zealand

Eh, Kate Plus 8 is on tonight, they're going to Purse Boy's homeland, but Kate's Twitter account is turning out to be far more entertaining.

Discuss either here.
Kate Plus 8 New Zealand TV-PG Kate and the kids have one more country to tackle before heading home - New Zealand! The family wastes no time learning about the native animals and tribes, but when Mady and Cara decide to do a Sky Jump, will Kate join them while conquering her own fear?

88 sediments (sic) from readers:

A4Eliz said... 1

Where are other people watching the show? None of it is coming up on YouTube please post!

fidosmommy said... 2

Let's ask Kates fans to vote on who this man is.
I'll bet at least one will think it's Pocahontas' father. Or Tonto after he and the Lone Ranger parted ways.

(I mean no disrespect for Native Americans and First Nations people of Canada. My nephews and nieces are all Mati Indians. Their culture is different from mine, but they have embraced their culture with joy.) ~ Administrator said... 3

I don't think most people here are watching the show, A4. At least that's what people have been saying lately. I think Youtube has been stricter lately and it's harder to find episodes of favorite shows anymore.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 4

Her fans are counting down like it's the first moon launch.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 5

A4Eliz said...

Where are other people watching the show? None of it is coming up on YouTube please post!


The zoo episode:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

TLC ship is sinking said... 6

@Kateplusmy8 @Wishes201 Which reminds me I was gonna ask - where is profile picture from? NYC?

@SuperPattyPie @Wishes201 Yes, pap pic in NYC for my bday
in reply to SuperPattyPie

Since it was mentioned that this episode will have a paparazzi moment...

Talk about having double standards. Kate doesn't like the paps invading her privacy, 'stealing' photos of her and her family but she'll use a pap photo for her profile pic.

If you're so against the paparazzi and their career choice, then why use their material when you can use your lovely iphone to take a picture of yourself?

Or have you forgotten how to take photos yourself, ever since TLC provided a professional photographer to document your film, '[working] vacations'?

"This darn camera. I hate this camera!"

Feeling snarky at the moment.

You know the show has lost its appeal when a twitter account is more entertaining to talk about than the actual reality show.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 7

It's pap bashing night on Twitter. How many paps were in the NZ clip? I saw one on that ROL video and I'm not watching the show. Kate and her slobbering fans keep saying paps, plural, as though a hoard descended upon them.

Moose Mania said... 8

fidosmommy said...

Let's ask Kates fans to vote on who this man is.
I'll bet at least one will think it's Pocahontas' father. Or Tonto after he and the Lone Ranger parted ways.


LOL, Fido - they don't know who Pocahontas was, let alone her father. Ditto with Tonto and the Lone Ranger. If they watch "A Christmas Story," they might remember that the Lone Ranger's nephew's horse was Victor.


I'd say it's Wayne Newton's maternal great-great
grandfather (Cherokee ancestry)! What do I win?

Mona said... 9

Do we know who this man is? It's not Crazy Horse. He died quite young, didn't he? I thought he was about 35-40 y.o. when he was killed.

out of lurking mode for a sec said... 10

YAY, Kelly!! just read all your tweets; you are toooo funny!!

Did anyone catch this gem that she wrote about "the paps" a little while ago:
"I ignore but not when they push and swear - shows my kids adults can do it why can't I? Bad example"

HELLLLOOOO!!!!! since when is she concerned about adults modeling good behavior for the children?!?! Most people can see that she doesn't pay attention to how HER actions and words set bad examples for them.

Her blatant lies drive me up a wall, but i don't watch, not even on youtube, and don't click on ANY stories. I WANT HER TO FADE INTO OBLIVION.

Girl From Up North said... 11

Just watched the bit on the Sky Walk/Jump. Me, me, me, I, I, I, me, me, me. Her kids are accessories. Me me me me........puke!

Sharon said... 12

I watch the promos on TLC's website and that's about all I can stand. I only stay interested in when TLC will put a stop to this ill-educated, ill-mannered woman. She is an embarrassment to TLC with this twittering. Even grade school children know who Crazy Horse was...The only BIGHORN Kate ever heard of is the one she toots....

MontgomeryCounty, PA said... 13

I saw a preview earlier today for the episode tonight. The brain trusts at TLC/Figure 8 Productions know when a dying show needs to "jump a shark" to keep viewers. Sharks are afraid of Kreider so they had her "jump off a building!"

Not really a big fan of monarchies, but I hope the ABC special kills it in the ratings tonight! ~ Administrator said... 14

Mona, you're right I don't think that's really Crazy Horse I think it's just an actor. Apparently there are only "alleged" photos of Crazy Horse no verified ones.

TLC ship is sinking said... 15

Kate and her slobbering fans keep saying paps, plural, as though a hoard descended upon them.

Every time the show has a paparazzi moment and pans over to them, I really doubt it's a hoard of them. Maybe less than five of them, if they weren't tipped off to begin with.

Anyone have screen shots of those paparazzi moments shown on the show, such as the one tonight? Other pap moments: Sextuplets 5th & 6th birthdays (Party City? excursion), Bald Head Island (with Kate's Bikini Debut), McMansion Tree Landscape...what else?

Like someone said on another thread, how can she be upset with paparazzi taking photos of them filming when a set of tv cameras are doing the exact same thing, invading their personal space just for the perfect shot?

If Kate doesn't call them, then it's most likely TLC and her own PR team. That's why it's called PR, public relations. How else are they going to gain media attention and promote their shows? Just twitter. Yeah, that's really working for ya, Kate!

Midnight Madness said... 16

out of lurking said -- HELLLLOOOO!!!!! since when is she concerned about adults modeling good behavior for the children?!?! Most people can see that she doesn't pay attention to how HER actions and words set bad examples for them.

I guess, then, it will be fine and dandy when the girls get older that they dress in skank attire, flopping plastic bosoms around for the world to see. This is model behavior for the kids...
I have never seen such a person of contradictions.

franky said... 17

Weird...I just went to twitter to read Greatskate 1 (aka Kelly)s posts but are as per twitter "unavailable"..P-...

I went over to BM's side and watched the episodes and realised one thing: Kate has had a LOT of coaching, and has voice-overs in a ew places which ry to deflect the critiscisms (sp) posted on line.

Some one has spent a LOT of money making her viable for TV..Diction lessons (teeth showing yet mouth moves differently when she talks, almost not at all) and her screatching is down to a min, with the Boobs at a maximum...reminded me of an older kendra for some reason..

And Steve is her security BLANKET..that's what I get, like a big brother looking out for young sister

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 18

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@TLC So true.. Hurry up next Monday... Loving our tweet parties. TLC, you supplying the popcorn next week? Puleease? :)
9 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

Is there an episode next Monday? I thought not until May 2.

wayward said... 19

"I ignore but not when they push and swear - shows my kids adults can do it why can't I? Bad example"

Heeeelllllooo!! The only and LAST time Kate AND the kids had a swarm of possibly pushing and swearing paps around them was summer 2009 when she took the kids to NYC for a TLC photo shoot. This was smack in the middle of the divorce brouhaha when interest in her was at it's peak.

Paparazzi do not bother to take pictures of a subject who no longer sells. If she is hounded day and night and wherever she travels by these pesky paps, where are the photos? Are they just hanging out for the fleeting chance to take a photo of her highness knowing no magazine wants the photos, to hell with making a living? The 1 or 2 pap photos that do surface these days are taken by Chris who is probably on her speed dial.

Her delusions of relevance are so sad I almost feel sorry for her.

You Scratch Me, I'll Scratch You said... 20

franky said,

Some one has spent a LOT of money making her viable for TV..Diction lessons (teeth showing yet mouth moves differently when she talks, almost not at all) and her screatching is down to a min,

Screeching or scratching? ;-)

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 21

Hmmmm. Guess Kate doesn't even know what the TLC schedule is for her shows. TLC says no shows until May 2. That's odd. Don't they communicate?
TLC TLC Network
@kateplusmy8 Actually - no new #KatePlus8 next Monday. Sigh. We will wait for the Philly episode on May 2nd! And, yes, popcorn is a must :)

Bubbles, the non-blogger ID one said... 22

Wow, she's even begging TLC for popcorn!?!

momof3 said... 23

The cheap witch can't even buy her own popcorn for her and her kids. She has to grift for that too. TLC, will you please wipe my butt. I can't break one of my fingernails....Puleease? :)

(Sorry for the snark...but I couldn't help myself tonight.) ~ Administrator said... 24

Dang it I got my period....TLC!!!! Supply me with a tampoon pu-weasse!

SquatmunkieRN said... 25

Have you ever seen such a show! That was completely ridiculous. Okay so you "claim" to have a phobia of heights. Don't ruin the fun for everyone else!

To the tour guide, she waves her hand at him telling him "you're annoying me" when he's trying to move things along. THEN she has the gall to say "I'm a PAYING customer, I should be able to do what I want" The real Kart is hard to hide. I have nothing more to say.

SquatmunkieRN said... 26

Someone was talking about Steve being a security blanket, I believe that. He's like a lover, child carrier, babysitter, life coach and body guard all wrapped up in one.

Although, he doesn't do much guarding...those paps standing 500ft away taking a picture don't look to threatening. His duties might go into overdrive though when "fan stalkers" start to learn the kids schedule for twitter

gotyournumberKate said... 27

It looks like TLC and Kate managed to get rid of all her negative comments. It's pretty bad when every site that has anything to do with her has to be moderated so heavily. Her TLC blog, her Facebook page, and now her Twitter has to be intervened by moderators to get rid of the negativity. Yet Kate just keeps pushing on and on and on. The woman is a liar, a diva, and a money hungry bitch. She will stop at nothing to continue making millions including ruining her childrens lives. Her kids are not important to her. If they were she would not allow this to go on. If I had that many people saying these things to me I would crawl into a hole and never come out. I honestly don't think any of it bothers her at all and she believes we are the one's with the problems. I have said several times before and I believe it more than ever now that the only reason Kate is relevant at all anymore is because of us. I honestly believe if we all just let it go she would go away. She doesn't have anough fans to keep her going. That's obvious by the number of people following her on Twitter. She absolutely refuses to answer the hard questions that can in any way make her look bad. She's in her own little world. Her fans are borderline cult members but I can almost guarantee if the negative comments stop Kate Gosselin will fade into the wind. I had a husband like her once and got rid of him. My life has been so much better since I did that. He was so thick headed and such an asshole that nothing anyone said to him got through. Tonight I feel I am done hitting my head into a brick wall with this woman. Since she has gotten a Twitter account I realize just what an idiot she really is. She was so much better off when she kept her mouth shut. She leaves no doubt now in my mind how sick she really is. I'll continue to come back here and vent. This blog has become my safe place. I will not comment on anymore articles about her or anywhere else. The woman makes me sick. God help Jon Gosselin.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 28

TLC ship is sinking said...

@Kateplusmy8 @Wishes201 Which reminds me I was gonna ask - where is profile picture from? NYC?

@SuperPattyPie @Wishes201 Yes, pap pic in NYC for my bday
in reply to SuperPattyPie

Since it was mentioned that this episode will have a paparazzi moment...

Talk about having double standards. Kate doesn't like the paps invading her privacy, 'stealing' photos of her and her family but she'll use a pap photo for her profile pic.

If you're so against the paparazzi and their career choice, then why use their material when you can use your lovely iphone to take a picture of yourself?

Or have you forgotten how to take photos yourself, ever since TLC provided a professional photographer to document your film, '[working] vacations'?

"This darn camera. I hate this camera!"

Feeling snarky at the moment.

You know the show has lost its appeal when a twitter account is more entertaining to talk about than the actual reality show.


I was coming here to post about that! I kept looking in on her Twitter nonsense with the sheeple tonight and I couldn't believe it when I saw that. What a freaking hypocrite she is! The very same night she is tweeting her complaints about the terrible paparazzi, she answers the sheeple that yes, her Twitter photo is from a pap photo on her "birthday" night in NYC last month.

What?! She despises the paparazzi so much, yet she uses one of their photos for her Twitter account? Yeah, that makes sense. More like TLC paid for the shots in NYC and then they used one of them when they set up her Twitter account for her. I know some people think TLC tweets for Khate, but I firmly believe it's her tweeting because she's so clearly a narcissistic dumbass. BUT, I do believe that TLC had to set up the whole Twitter account for her and then just tell how to sign on because she's too lazy and too stupid to do it herself.

Linda in Central PA said... 29

Weren't the "paparazzi" photos from her birthday taken by the infamous paparazzi photographer named Steve Neild? I honestly think that Katie like the sound of her own voice saying "Papparazzi".

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 30

Yes, I also noticed tonight that Khate seemed to think her show was on again next Monday. Then TLC had to tweet that it wasn't (terribly disappointing the sheeple, of course). That seems rather odd, doesn't it? You would think that she would know that they were beginning the season with three episodes in a row for the Australia/NZ vacation, then they were off a week. I think she is getting very little support or attention from TLC these days. And like I posted last week, I think they are just sitting back at TLC letting Khate go wild on Twitter and do herself in. Ha!

Although, I do strongly suspect that the "Iwana" guy is someone from TLC or someone Khate knows. He did it again tonight by tweeting the show schedule, sounding like a TLC commercial. But then, someone called him out on it, finally.

Iwana came on Twitter right before the show. Here are some of his tweets - before the show aired:

WooHoo! PARTY at @Kateplusmy8 and @TLC tonight, and EVERYONE is invited! 10pm Eastern...Come early, stay late! *To RSVP, RETWEET!*

Guests attending party at @Kateplusmy8 twitter page are asked to please bring their TV tuned in to @TLC at 10pm Eastern to follow along. RT

@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 @TLC I have been busy. Had to pick up "clothes" from dry cleaners. Took them forever. LOL!

RT @tlc: An all-new #KatePlusMy8 starts in 10 minutes. @KatePlusMy8 is watching with us - who else is joining?

After the show:

@Kateplusmy8 @TLC Another awesome episode! TY for the great show and for taking the time to tweet about it while it aired!

@Kateplusmy8 I will be watching the re-air tomorrow night at 7pm Eastern on @TLC. Will you and the lil' 8 be watching it too?

Then this was tweeted in reply:

@IwanaDatekate @kateplusmy8 @tlc do you work for TLC? Your tweets are like commercials!


Thank you, badmuthagoose!

Now, tell me - does this "iwana" person sound like a guy? Not to me. And it definitely sounds like someone from TLC. This is at least the second time that he/she tweeted to remind everyone that the show re-airs on Tuesdays, complete with times. Now, why would he do that? Hmmm......

By the way, it's been over two weeks and over 1,300 tweets yet Khate only has 7,500 followers on Twitter. Lol, with only around 100 tweets, and no tv show, that (formerly) missing Bronx Zoo Cobra has almost 250,000 followers.

LifeinOH said... 31

CRAZY HORSE! Kate doesn't know who that is.

LifeinOH said... 32

Favorite tweet to Kate tonight:

kittyFitz50 Kitty Fitzgerald
@kateplusmy8 @MrsRupertPupkin "Ever get so drunk you leave a pizza in the oven ALL night or pay your ex $50 to hold you one last time?"
7 minutes ago Favorite Reply Delete

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 33

@Kateplusmy8 Hi Kate-Any thoughts on what U will be doing 4 upcoming episodes from all of the submissions from the tweeters?
about 4 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

@2beonthesea Meeting happening soon, but you don't think I'll be able to tell do you? :)
about 3 hours ago via Twitterrific in reply to 2beonthesea

LifeinOH said... 34

How do you know if you've been blocked on Twitter by a twit? ~ Administrator said... 35

Ha, how funny would that be if that meeting is to give Kate her pink slip? And she shows up with this laundry list of exotic places she wants to go on her Twitter friends helped her come up with.


Anonymous said... 36

momof3 said...

The cheap witch can't even buy her own popcorn for her and her kids. She has to grift for that too. TLC, will you please wipe my butt. I can't break one of my fingernails....Puleease? :)


Yep, she was begging for virtual popcorn for her twitter party. Costs a ton of virtual $ and will take TLC a ton of virtual hours to coordinate virtual delivery.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 37

LMAO, a couple hours before the show aired, Khate told someone on Twitter that she had a "super long day at work" today:

@Kateplusmy8 Its been a long day of work i am looking forward to the show about 5 hours ago via web in reply to Kateplusmy8

@tainslie1 It's been a super long day@work here 2.. Starting with that bad am routine. Tomorrow will b better, we've made a pact here! :)
about 4 hours ago via Twitterrific in reply to tainslie1 ~ Administrator said... 38

Nobody, didn't you know Kate got a job? Assistant executive director of twattering

LancasterCountyMom said... 39

Admin, doncha need prior experience for that type of position? Or does life experience count? 0:)

TLC ship is sinking said... 40

Ha, how funny would that be if that meeting is to give Kate her pink slip?

That's exactly what I was thinking when Kate tweeted about the meeting.

She's so delusional to think that all these worldly tweets from fans will actually pay off and TLC will grant her the trips of her dreams.

That tweet might come back to haunt her. You know people including her sheeple will not forget about this meeting.

She'll be stupid enough to tweet excitedly about it, saying to her fans that she'll try to tell them all about it - pumping them up to expect good news about the show. So, what if it doesn't go her way? I doubt she can swallow her pride.

Sadly, Kate is like a cat with nine lives. Somehow, she has managed to stay on-air this long. I'll believe it when I finally see it.

Team Kids said... 41

Soooo...where was this paralyzing fear of heights during the hot air balloon ride???

fidosmommy said... 42

I'm thinking that this meeting is going to result in return trips to Henry's Farm and Hershey Park. You know, places close to home.

franky said... 43

You Scratch Me, I'll Scratch You said... franky said,

Some one has spent a LOT of money making her viable for TV..Diction lessons (teeth showing yet mouth moves differently when she talks, almost not at all) and her screatching is down to a min,

Screeching or scratching? ;-)


Typo I guess, although both apply =) Didn't watch, but was she all curled up in chair again to minimise the screeching, scratching and flapping of arms?

So, Steeve is now in front of cameras, new Jon is he?

Michelle said... 44

I love this tweet from Kate pre-show last night. "Going to get my pjs on and settle in for the show... Kate+8 on TLC. 10pm EST don't miss it! Tell 20 of your best friends !!!!!!! " Shows IMO she's concerned about ratings. Basically begging for her fans to find more viewers.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 45

Administrator said...
Ha, how funny would that be if that meeting is to give Kate her pink slip? And she shows up with this laundry list of exotic places she wants to go on her Twitter friends helped her come up with.


TLC ship is sinking said...
Ha, how funny would that be if that meeting is to give Kate her pink slip?

That's exactly what I was thinking when Kate tweeted about the meeting.

She's so delusional to think that all these worldly tweets from fans will actually pay off and TLC will grant her the trips of her dreams.

That tweet might come back to haunt her. You know people including her sheeple will not forget about this meeting.

She'll be stupid enough to tweet excitedly about it, saying to her fans that she'll try to tell them all about it - pumping them up to expect good news about the show. So, what if it doesn't go her way? I doubt she can swallow her pride.

Sadly, Kate is like a cat with nine lives. Somehow, she has managed to stay on-air this long. I'll believe it when I finally see it.


Admin, that would be GREAT. I was thinking that Khate is so delusional that she probably thinks her 7,500 followers is a big deal and that tweets from maybe 30 or 40 of them suggesting future trips/episodes will mean much to TLC. They’ll have to try not to laugh in her face.

TLC ship is sinking – I had similar thoughts to yours. She’s delusional and this tweet will turn out to be yet another mistake because I was already wondering HOW is she going to spin it to her twittering sheeple when TLC dumps her?

Hmm, maybe she wanted to be all set up on Twitter at this point in time for that exact reason. She wanted to build this support network of sheeple on Twitter (since she has none in real life) just so she has them for comfort and consolation when TLC announces the show is over. Now that she’s on Twitter, in her mind she will still be relevant even when the show is canceled. Of course, the twits will all cheer her on and tell her how terrific she is. Then, they’ll probably brainstorm and try to think of other things Khate can do (on tv). They’ll probably even send emails to different places suggesting her for jobs.

Administrator said...
Nobody, didn't you know Kate got a job? Assistant executive director of twattering


Admin: Ha ha ha!!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 46

Duh, I just now saw Admin's new post with the recap. I didn't expect it so soon. You're getting faster and faster, Admin! I bet you just wanted to get it over with. Just think, Admin, you get next week off, Yay!!!! (that's Khate twitter-speak).

Okay, I have to go grab another huge cup of coffee and try to get through Admin's recap post. Someone please tell me that I'm not the only one who reads Admin's recaps and talks back to my computer screen. ~ Administrator said... 47

Nobody yes I try to do them quick like ripping a bandaide.

Bubbles, the non-blogger ID one said... 48

There was a blind gossip item a few months ago saying two reality show people, one married, one not, were wanting to come out with their relationship and the network was scrambling to figure out how to make it happen. Looks like this is how TLC is gonna play it - pretend like Steve doesn't exist, then suddenly it's an episode about Steve's home country as if they hadn't been pretending Steve didn't exist all this time. I bet we'll be seeing him in all the episodes coming up, and I wouldn't be surprised if their "relationship" is announced by the end of summer. Then we'll be seeing episodes of "Steve & Kate +8" next fall.

I have no doubt that Kate has a personality disorder, but I have a suspicion that Steve is quite the opportunist and has manipulated this scenario to his advantage. I think when he met her and started doing "security" for the family, he saw the weakness in Jon and Kate's relationship and saw Kate's incessant desire to be admired, and somehow he's managed to get Jon out of the picture and make Kate trust him and only him. He's making BIG MONEY from this gig.

When Hailey Glassman put that ridiculous story on Radar Online about Jon trying to extort money from Kate, there were pages of papers Jon had supposedly written. The first "page" was where Jon supposedly wrote about himself in the third person (which I don't think was his writing) but the other pages were in a different handwriting and had info that makes me believe those papers really were Jon's. One of the things written on those papers was something about "Steve the trustee." I don't know if it was the same Steve, but it was the first time I wondered if there's more to his role in this situation than originally thought.

I don't get the vibe that Steve has the same feelings about Kate that Kate does about Steve, but I *do* get the feeling that Steve has led Kate to believe Steve has the same feelings towards her...and money is a powerful motivator.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 49

Administrator said...

Ha, how funny would that be if that meeting is to give Kate her pink slip? And she shows up with this laundry list of exotic places she wants to go on her Twitter friends helped her come up with.



From your mouth to God's ears.

BerksPa said... 50

Hey Kate:
Yeah, YOU!
We know you read here.
So here's the dealio...
Your twitter is a joke to the public. Did you know that there are supporters out there who don't really support you. YEAH I was one of them - you sent me a number of replies back as well. You ate it up too...meanwhile a bunch of us are having a laugh at your expense.

You don't even know how to promote a show - you wanted your twitter friends to make sure they called 20 of their friends to watch. WHAT a crock - where'd you get that idea? A Breck Commercial?
Your ego is so overblown while you soak up the praise and chat with the 1:4 ratio of Beieberlovin' teens and horny men who sleep in their mom's basement and tweet you in their underwear. (plus the occasional delusional sheeple) Real men don't try to hook up with women they don't know on Twitter.

It looks amazingly pathetic - as do your tweets. You use twitter as your substitute to connecting with real life in your face people. You have no idea what it's like to be a real friend to real life people. You know like making a meal for a neighbor who's had a hard time lately, watch their kids when they are sick, mow someone's lawn or take them to the doctor.

You don't even understand basic American History. Your ever expanding boobs are sucking out what's left of your IQ. You are disrespectful and downright RUDE to people from other countries, and you think the universe revolves around you.

I'm thrilled that you won't be around your kids on Mother's Day because Ellen is a much better example of a mother than you could ever be and she didn't even have to be on bed rest for 960 months either - and she doesn't sell their souls to TLC for money either.

You won't give back even though you say it's contagious -unless you can film it and blow up your ever expanding ego.

Here's a lesson in graciousness that perhaps you may want to garner something from: YOU wanna know how a REAL STAR gives back?
Then check this out: (via ROL)

Michael Douglas Is Giving Back -- Headlining Fundraiser At Hospital That First Found His Cancer

Veteran Wall Street star Michael Douglas is swapping derivatives trading for cancer fundraising.

The 66-year-old actor is so thankful to the Montreal, Canada hospital that first diagnosed him with cancer that he has agreed to headline a fundraiser at the center next month.

Kate: you are all talk, no gas, and a poor excuse for any type of advocate. Enjoy the limelight and remember the when people laugh while you're around they are laughing AT YOU not WITH you.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 51

BerksPA: BRAVO!!! Great post!

One question - what's this about Khate not having the kids on Mothers Day?

Penetration Palabra said... 52

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

BerksPA: BRAVO!!! Great post!


Too bad none of it is going to "penetrate" her!

E-town Neighbor said... 53

I'm thinking that this meeting is going to result in return trips to Henry's Farm and Hershey Park. You know, places close to home.


If they do the Hersheypark thing again, I hope they announce it well in advance. I don't want to go there and find that they closed the entire park just for her and her nannies, crew, sitters, and hired paps.

I don't think that they've been to ZooAmerica yet at the park. They have some unusual one-armed owls there that might interest Kate, as well as hairless monkeys (oven-ready, Kelly!). When she starts seeing those pink elephants, though, we'll know she's been snorfuling wine by the keg.

Gimme Gimme said... 54

Where was Khate's body guard when the paps were pushing and shoving and cursing in front of the kids? Where was Steve when the keeper thingie guy was trying to get the paps back and who called them in the first place. Didn't we hear that she had 3 bodyguards in Alaska including one woman? Makes no sense. Did Mady jump? Couldn't bear to watch.

No regrets said... 55

Kate Plus 8 (TLC)
0.6 HH,
Viewers: 0.874 million
0.4 A18-49

ALRIGHT! Bye Katie Irene

No regrets said... 56

Kate Plus 8 (TLC)
0.6 HH,
Viewers: 0.874 million
0.4 A18-49

Forgot the link. I guess NZ and that ridiculous display of her jumping just didn't do it for people. LOL

No regrets said... 57

BerksPa said...Great post. I wish this could be said to HER, personally. But as you said, she hides from real people. If any of the tweeters would try to walk up to her in public, she would be screaming for Steve.

No regrets said... 58

Poor Kate jumped off the tallest building in NZ for ratings, she screeched and generally acted a fool for ratings. She used the food bank and needy people for ratings. She was forced onto Twitter to yak with fans, for ratings. A whole 'new' positive and "happy" Kate, giving back Kate! Tweeting Kate, SO nice, SO positive, Kate. And guess what? People just don't buy it. Too late, Kate. Too late.

Retire the kids, take them on private vacations. Great to know, hopefully, they will NOT be filmed in everything they do.

silimom said... 59

Bubbles - if you read those pages more closely, it looks like what Jon was saying is that Steve was a witness to the trust paperwork - in other words, he wirnessed both Kate and Jon sign the trust paperwork. I never quite understood how people made that leap from witness to Steve being a trustee.

Not that it isn't possible that Steve could have been named a trustee in the event of Jon and Kate's deaths. Our estate plan is set up in a similar way - my husband and I are the trustees of our trust. If one of us dies, the other is the sole trustee and when the remaining spouse dies or if we both die then we have relatives who will become the trustees and administer our estate for our kids. You can have as many trustees as you wish, you can have alternates in case your original choice(s) are unable or refuse to become trust administrators. Jon and Kate at the time could have named a number of people, including their accountants or business managers as trustees. Those trustees would be bound by any rules set up regarding trust administration. Since neither (at the time) had close family relationships, that's probably what they did.

Bear in mind, they probably dissolved that trust when they divorced and split marital assets. Trusts aren't written in stone. They're actually a quite flexible legal document. It really just depends on how you set them up.

silimom said... 60

Bubbles - if you read those pages more closely, it looks like what Jon was saying is that Steve was a witness to the trust paperwork - in other words, he wirnessed both Kate and Jon sign the trust paperwork. I never quite understood how people made that leap from witness to Steve being a trustee.

Not that it isn't possible that Steve could have been named a trustee in the event of Jon and Kate's deaths. Our estate plan is set up in a similar way - my husband and I are the trustees of our trust. If one of us dies, the other is the sole trustee and when the remaining spouse dies or if we both die then we have relatives who will become the trustees and administer our estate for our kids. You can have as many trustees as you wish, you can have alternates in case your original choice(s) are unable or refuse to become trust administrators. Jon and Kate at the time could have named a number of people, including their accountants or business managers as trustees. Those trustees would be bound by any rules set up regarding trust administration. Since neither (at the time) had close family relationships, that's probably what they did.

Bear in mind, they probably dissolved that trust when they divorced and split marital assets. Trusts aren't written in stone. They're actually a quite flexible legal document. It really just depends on how you set them up.

No regrets said... 61

Kate Plus 8 (TLC)
0.6 HH,
Viewers: 0.874 million
0.4 A18-49

ALRIGHT! Bye Katie Irene

Penetration Palabra said... 62

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

BerksPA: BRAVO!!! Great post!


Too bad none of it is going to "penetrate" her!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 63

BerksPA: BRAVO!!! Great post!

One question - what's this about Khate not having the kids on Mothers Day?

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 64

Duh, I just now saw Admin's new post with the recap. I didn't expect it so soon. You're getting faster and faster, Admin! I bet you just wanted to get it over with. Just think, Admin, you get next week off, Yay!!!! (that's Khate twitter-speak).

Okay, I have to go grab another huge cup of coffee and try to get through Admin's recap post. Someone please tell me that I'm not the only one who reads Admin's recaps and talks back to my computer screen.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 65

Administrator said...
Ha, how funny would that be if that meeting is to give Kate her pink slip? And she shows up with this laundry list of exotic places she wants to go on her Twitter friends helped her come up with.


TLC ship is sinking said...
Ha, how funny would that be if that meeting is to give Kate her pink slip?

That's exactly what I was thinking when Kate tweeted about the meeting.

She's so delusional to think that all these worldly tweets from fans will actually pay off and TLC will grant her the trips of her dreams.

That tweet might come back to haunt her. You know people including her sheeple will not forget about this meeting.

She'll be stupid enough to tweet excitedly about it, saying to her fans that she'll try to tell them all about it - pumping them up to expect good news about the show. So, what if it doesn't go her way? I doubt she can swallow her pride.

Sadly, Kate is like a cat with nine lives. Somehow, she has managed to stay on-air this long. I'll believe it when I finally see it.


Admin, that would be GREAT. I was thinking that Khate is so delusional that she probably thinks her 7,500 followers is a big deal and that tweets from maybe 30 or 40 of them suggesting future trips/episodes will mean much to TLC. They’ll have to try not to laugh in her face.

TLC ship is sinking – I had similar thoughts to yours. She’s delusional and this tweet will turn out to be yet another mistake because I was already wondering HOW is she going to spin it to her twittering sheeple when TLC dumps her?

Hmm, maybe she wanted to be all set up on Twitter at this point in time for that exact reason. She wanted to build this support network of sheeple on Twitter (since she has none in real life) just so she has them for comfort and consolation when TLC announces the show is over. Now that she’s on Twitter, in her mind she will still be relevant even when the show is canceled. Of course, the twits will all cheer her on and tell her how terrific she is. Then, they’ll probably brainstorm and try to think of other things Khate can do (on tv). They’ll probably even send emails to different places suggesting her for jobs.

Administrator said...
Nobody, didn't you know Kate got a job? Assistant executive director of twattering


Admin: Ha ha ha!!

franky said... 66

You Scratch Me, I'll Scratch You said... franky said,

Some one has spent a LOT of money making her viable for TV..Diction lessons (teeth showing yet mouth moves differently when she talks, almost not at all) and her screatching is down to a min,

Screeching or scratching? ;-)


Typo I guess, although both apply =) Didn't watch, but was she all curled up in chair again to minimise the screeching, scratching and flapping of arms?

So, Steeve is now in front of cameras, new Jon is he?

Team Kids said... 67

Soooo...where was this paralyzing fear of heights during the hot air balloon ride???

LancasterCountyMom said... 68

Admin, doncha need prior experience for that type of position? Or does life experience count? 0:)

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 69

LMAO, a couple hours before the show aired, Khate told someone on Twitter that she had a "super long day at work" today:

@Kateplusmy8 Its been a long day of work i am looking forward to the show about 5 hours ago via web in reply to Kateplusmy8

@tainslie1 It's been a super long day@work here 2.. Starting with that bad am routine. Tomorrow will b better, we've made a pact here! :)
about 4 hours ago via Twitterrific in reply to tainslie1

cherier1 said... 70

How do you know if you've been blocked on Twitter by a twit?

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 71

@Kateplusmy8 Hi Kate-Any thoughts on what U will be doing 4 upcoming episodes from all of the submissions from the tweeters?
about 4 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

@2beonthesea Meeting happening soon, but you don't think I'll be able to tell do you? :)
about 3 hours ago via Twitterrific in reply to 2beonthesea

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 72

Yes, I also noticed tonight that Khate seemed to think her show was on again next Monday. Then TLC had to tweet that it wasn't (terribly disappointing the sheeple, of course). That seems rather odd, doesn't it? You would think that she would know that they were beginning the season with three episodes in a row for the Australia/NZ vacation, then they were off a week. I think she is getting very little support or attention from TLC these days. And like I posted last week, I think they are just sitting back at TLC letting Khate go wild on Twitter and do herself in. Ha!

Although, I do strongly suspect that the "Iwana" guy is someone from TLC or someone Khate knows. He did it again tonight by tweeting the show schedule, sounding like a TLC commercial. But then, someone called him out on it, finally.

Iwana came on Twitter right before the show. Here are some of his tweets - before the show aired:

WooHoo! PARTY at @Kateplusmy8 and @TLC tonight, and EVERYONE is invited! 10pm Eastern...Come early, stay late! *To RSVP, RETWEET!*

Guests attending party at @Kateplusmy8 twitter page are asked to please bring their TV tuned in to @TLC at 10pm Eastern to follow along. RT

@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 @TLC I have been busy. Had to pick up "clothes" from dry cleaners. Took them forever. LOL!

RT @tlc: An all-new #KatePlusMy8 starts in 10 minutes. @KatePlusMy8 is watching with us - who else is joining?

After the show:

@Kateplusmy8 @TLC Another awesome episode! TY for the great show and for taking the time to tweet about it while it aired!

@Kateplusmy8 I will be watching the re-air tomorrow night at 7pm Eastern on @TLC. Will you and the lil' 8 be watching it too?

Then this was tweeted in reply:

@IwanaDatekate @kateplusmy8 @tlc do you work for TLC? Your tweets are like commercials!


Thank you, badmuthagoose!

Now, tell me - does this "iwana" person sound like a guy? Not to me. And it definitely sounds like someone from TLC. This is at least the second time that he/she tweeted to remind everyone that the show re-airs on Tuesdays, complete with times. Now, why would he do that? Hmmm......

By the way, it's been over two weeks and over 1,300 tweets yet Khate only has 7,500 followers on Twitter. Lol, with only around 100 tweets, and no tv show, that (formerly) missing Bronx Zoo Cobra has almost 250,000 followers.

Linda in Central PA said... 73

Weren't the "paparazzi" photos from her birthday taken by the infamous paparazzi photographer named Steve Neild? I honestly think that Katie like the sound of her own voice saying "Papparazzi".

SquatmunkieRN said... 74

Someone was talking about Steve being a security blanket, I believe that. He's like a lover, child carrier, babysitter, life coach and body guard all wrapped up in one.

Although, he doesn't do much guarding...those paps standing 500ft away taking a picture don't look to threatening. His duties might go into overdrive though when "fan stalkers" start to learn the kids schedule for twitter

Administrator said... 75

Dang it I got my period....TLC!!!! Supply me with a tampoon pu-weasse!

Bubbles, the non-blogger ID on said... 76

Wow, she's even begging TLC for popcorn!?!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 77

Hmmmm. Guess Kate doesn't even know what the TLC schedule is for her shows. TLC says no shows until May 2. That's odd. Don't they communicate?
TLC TLC Network
@kateplusmy8 Actually - no new #KatePlus8 next Monday. Sigh. We will wait for the Philly episode on May 2nd! And, yes, popcorn is a must :)

You Scratch Me, I'll Scratch Y said... 78

franky said,

Some one has spent a LOT of money making her viable for TV..Diction lessons (teeth showing yet mouth moves differently when she talks, almost not at all) and her screatching is down to a min,

Screeching or scratching? ;-)

wayward said... 79

"I ignore but not when they push and swear - shows my kids adults can do it why can't I? Bad example"

Heeeelllllooo!! The only and LAST time Kate AND the kids had a swarm of possibly pushing and swearing paps around them was summer 2009 when she took the kids to NYC for a TLC photo shoot. This was smack in the middle of the divorce brouhaha when interest in her was at it's peak.

Paparazzi do not bother to take pictures of a subject who no longer sells. If she is hounded day and night and wherever she travels by these pesky paps, where are the photos? Are they just hanging out for the fleeting chance to take a photo of her highness knowing no magazine wants the photos, to hell with making a living? The 1 or 2 pap photos that do surface these days are taken by Chris who is probably on her speed dial.

Her delusions of relevance are so sad I almost feel sorry for her.

franky said... 80

Weird...I just went to twitter to read Greatskate 1 (aka Kelly)s posts but are as per twitter "unavailable"..P-...

I went over to BM's side and watched the episodes and realised one thing: Kate has had a LOT of coaching, and has voice-overs in a ew places which ry to deflect the critiscisms (sp) posted on line.

Some one has spent a LOT of money making her viable for TV..Diction lessons (teeth showing yet mouth moves differently when she talks, almost not at all) and her screatching is down to a min, with the Boobs at a maximum...reminded me of an older kendra for some reason..

And Steve is her security BLANKET..that's what I get, like a big brother looking out for young sister

TLC ship is sinking said... 81

Kate and her slobbering fans keep saying paps, plural, as though a hoard descended upon them.

Every time the show has a paparazzi moment and pans over to them, I really doubt it's a hoard of them. Maybe less than five of them, if they weren't tipped off to begin with.

Anyone have screen shots of those paparazzi moments shown on the show, such as the one tonight? Other pap moments: Sextuplets 5th & 6th birthdays (Party City? excursion), Bald Head Island (with Kate's Bikini Debut), McMansion Tree Landscape...what else?

Like someone said on another thread, how can she be upset with paparazzi taking photos of them filming when a set of tv cameras are doing the exact same thing, invading their personal space just for the perfect shot?

If Kate doesn't call them, then it's most likely TLC and her own PR team. That's why it's called PR, public relations. How else are they going to gain media attention and promote their shows? Just twitter. Yeah, that's really working for ya, Kate!

Administrator said... 82

Mona, you're right I don't think that's really Crazy Horse I think it's just an actor. Apparently there are only "alleged" photos of Crazy Horse no verified ones.

Girl From Up North said... 83

Just watched the bit on the Sky Walk/Jump. Me, me, me, I, I, I, me, me, me. Her kids are accessories. Me me me me........puke!

out of lurking mode for a sec said... 84

YAY, Kelly!! just read all your tweets; you are toooo funny!!

Did anyone catch this gem that she wrote about "the paps" a little while ago:
"I ignore but not when they push and swear - shows my kids adults can do it why can't I? Bad example"

HELLLLOOOO!!!!! since when is she concerned about adults modeling good behavior for the children?!?! Most people can see that she doesn't pay attention to how HER actions and words set bad examples for them.

Her blatant lies drive me up a wall, but i don't watch, not even on youtube, and don't click on ANY stories. I WANT HER TO FADE INTO OBLIVION.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 85

It's pap bashing night on Twitter. How many paps were in the NZ clip? I saw one on that ROL video and I'm not watching the show. Kate and her slobbering fans keep saying paps, plural, as though a hoard descended upon them.

TLC ship is sinking said... 86

@Kateplusmy8 @Wishes201 Which reminds me I was gonna ask - where is profile picture from? NYC?

@SuperPattyPie @Wishes201 Yes, pap pic in NYC for my bday
in reply to SuperPattyPie

Since it was mentioned that this episode will have a paparazzi moment...

Talk about having double standards. Kate doesn't like the paps invading her privacy, 'stealing' photos of her and her family but she'll use a pap photo for her profile pic.

If you're so against the paparazzi and their career choice, then why use their material when you can use your lovely iphone to take a picture of yourself?

Or have you forgotten how to take photos yourself, ever since TLC provided a professional photographer to document your film, '[working] vacations'?

"This darn camera. I hate this camera!"

Feeling snarky at the moment.

You know the show has lost its appeal when a twitter account is more entertaining to talk about than the actual reality show.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 87

Her fans are counting down like it's the first moon launch.

Administrator said... 88

I don't think most people here are watching the show, A4. At least that's what people have been saying lately. I think Youtube has been stricter lately and it's harder to find episodes of favorite shows anymore.