Kate had a meeting with production today. "No. Neither is cancelled," Kate twitter-twattered tonight, referring to Kate Plus 8 and Twist of Kate (Kate? You can't cancel something that never even saw the light of day). She also says she brought some of the trip/bucket list ideas to the production meeting, including one she is pushing for in particular. Wonder which one that is, Crazy Horse?
Will the children, who are getting older by the minute, have any time for normal private summer activities other kids their age do? Or will they be required to go on filming trips all summer long like last year?
"Good/right always prevails," Kate also twittered. Yes, we couldn't agree more with that particular "sediment."
Hmm, is Kate telling the truth? Or in the privacy of her McMansion is she pulling a Jessie Spano freakout:
395 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 395 of 395 Newer› Newest»Skunk at a Garden Party said...
***These people are unbelievable. They're SURE Kate's at the wedding! LOLOLOL. What goobers!*** Hey, Virginia Pen Mom, maybe she’s in London right now, trying to wrestle the mic away from one of the special correspondents! Remember her prediction at ET: One day I’ll own this mic! (insert evil laugh).
Please let a picture of her at Target pop up tomorrow. We have been so good.
(Skunk At A Garden Party needs to be a band name, pronto. Love it!)
diane said...
good god, some of you ladies need to get a grip
A grip on what exactly? The fact that Kate Gosselin is a freakin idiot? We are gripped. We have been gripped. We KNOW exactly where the truth lies. It's the ones who love Kate oh so much & haven't seen through her BS yet who aren't gripped. We just call it like we see it. If you don't like what you're reading, don't come over here & tell us we aren't gripped. K? Thanks. Peace!
I wonder if Purseboy treats her like she treated Jon? The reason I say this is that while we haven't seen much interaction on film, there have been snippets where he responded to her diva behavior with strong and negative words.
Could it be that he "bosses her around" and she takes it because he won't take any of her sh*t?
Basically I can remember they were in the car once and she wanted to go to Nobu - he said NO because she had just been whining on a talk show about not being able to pay her bills. She said "Oh. Ok."
And this time he was telling her to "sh*t or get off the pot", as the old expression goes... he doesn't let her get away with much... at least at times.
I wonder if she treats him like dirt behind the scenes? I wager that he won't take her guff.
Of course, if he was saddled with this NPD fame-whore, he might have had enough of her after the first few months... stayed for the money but decided to keep her in line with a "no crap allowed policy". Having to work with her would put me in a really bad snarky mood FAST.
I've never heard a peep about him treating her with gentle kind words... I wonder if the only thing she responds to is "a strong man" - purseboy = strong man = someone who calls her sh*t right out in the open.
Jon never stood up to her and I think that's why she got worse and more abusive...
Just a thought............
I've never heard a peep about him treating her with gentle kind words... I wonder if the only thing she responds to is "a strong man" - purseboy = strong man = someone who calls her sh*t right out in the open.
Where was it that Steve was reported to have told Kate that she looked fabulous (in a bikini?)?
LOL! Tony Blair doesn't get invited but K8 does! LMAO over that one!
SmileyGrl752 said...
I was confused when Kate said she could do it if she had enough time.
Easy answer!
1. She needed more camera time.
2. She needed more time to "emote" so the Hollywood folks could see how dramatic she can be, thereby inducing them to put her in the lead role of their latest movie.
3. She needed more time to think of ways to upstage her kids.
4. She needed more time to make the folks in line wait longer. They were just "peons" so they didn't exist in her world.
5. She needed more time to put Brad in his place - he said hurry up, and she said "you can't make me".
6. She needed more time so she could say "mememememeemememememememememememe" over and over again.
7. She needed more time so fashionistas could see how good she looked in the jumpsuit - she's planning to bring out her new jumpsuit fashion line this fall at Target.
8. She needed more time to clich her butt so she didn't poop herself out of fear - that would have ruined her "I'm in control" image!!! LOL
9. She needed more time to show the world that she controls everything in the universe.
10. ........... ok, I know there are more reasons but I'm all out at the moment.....
Did anyone else notice Brad laughing like crazy when he looked over the edge to see her dangling? He was really enjoying that! As he should have.....
It was his moment of sweet delight - I'm sure he would never laugh at any other customers because I'm sure no one else treats him the way she did.
Hippie Chick said...
diane said...
good god, some of you ladies need to get a grip
A grip on what exactly? The fact that Kate Gosselin is a freakin idiot? We are gripped. We have been gripped. We KNOW exactly where the truth lies. It's the ones who love Kate oh so much & haven't seen through her BS yet who aren't gripped. We just call it like we see it. If you don't like what you're reading, don't come over here & tell us we aren't gripped. K? Thanks. Peace!
Thank you Hippie Chick. My SEDIMENTS exactly.
diane, if you think we need to get a grip, you should take a look at Kate's wierdo "fans". I'm waiting for the day they have her beatified.
I'm sorry, Kate is not worthy of that kind of adoration.
OMG can you imagine Kate at the royal wedding???? If she flew there its only because she thinks she's the bride! When she finds out she's not, I can see her chasing the royal carriage after the ceremony in her stilettos, micro mini, and zebra print shirt, boobies flying everywhere shouting "Don't you know who I am?!"
No regrets said...
My God, I never saw the interview with Eonline LOL She was asked her thoughts on the Royal Wedding and OF COURSE turned it on back to herself. Of course what Kate Middleton is going through is what Kate went through. MY LORD stop this self absorbed monkey.
"my heart breaks a little for Kate (Middleton) cause she is suddenly thrown into this world of everyone picking her apart and it hurts me for her cause I kinda really know how that feels."
[shaking head] Kate, Kate, Kate...
No one will be picking Kate Middleton apart because she is a nice human being.
Totally the opposite of you.
Purseboy STands Up to Kart??? said...
Basically I can remember they were in the car once and she wanted to go to Nobu - he said NO because she had just been whining on a talk show about not being able to pay her bills. She said "Oh. Ok."
Is there a link to this?
One thing I noticed from some of the NZ clips.
It took TWO (actually 3) people to replace Jon.
Ashley (and the hidden nanny): to help wrangle the kiddos
Steve (aka purseboy/boob consultant): to call Kate out on her BS and tell her to crap or get off the pot.
According to Wiki (which isn't always accurate) they show two more episodes (TBA) after the May 2nd one. (both are 1/2 hour to be aired on May 30th) - nothing after that
I guess Kate wasn't lying then...see sheeple, there's more Kate plus my 8 little money makers to ooggle at.
Preesi has an excellent post up:
So You Are An Ex Kate Gosselin Fan.....Now What?
Thank you, Preesi :o)
OMG can you imagine Kate at the royal wedding???? If she flew there its only because she thinks she's the bride! When she finds out she's not, I can see her chasing the royal carriage after the ceremony in her stilettos, micro mini, and zebra print shirt, boobies flying everywhere shouting "Don't you know who I am?!"
She probably thinks Kate Middleton is named after her.
And this time he was telling her to "sh*t or get off the pot", as the old expression goes... he doesn't let her get away with much... at least at times.
Why then doesn't he do something about the abuse of the kids? Didn't he used to be a cop? Is he under a CA?
Are you kidding me...the President of the United States was NOT invited but the Sheeple think Queen Kate was...OMG!
Here is the link for "I want Nubo"
Here is the link for "I want Nubo"
Thanks. I've seen that article before. The OP indicated that there is a video clip of Steve telling her Nobu wasn't a good idea.
WOW! I just read the entire 4 page article,
I wish that ALL of the sheeple had the opportunity to read this article. Maybe they would stop worshiping Kate.
I don't have a twitter account and refuse to open one. Is anyone interested in tweeting this to Kate and her fan's?
Thanks. I've seen that article before. The OP indicated that there is a video clip of Steve telling her Nobu wasn't a good idea.
Was there a post in addition to the one below (that indicated there was a video?):
"Basically I can remember they were in the car once and she wanted to go to Nobu - he said NO because she had just been whining on a talk show about not being able to pay her bills. She said "Oh. Ok."
I don't think I ever saw a video of this, and if I recall, it wasn't in a car, but rather in a hotel room. However, there was something mentioned about her doing something in a car in NYC -- was it outside FAO?
Midnight Madness,
I'm sorry but, I have not seen a video of this.
CS most of them have read it. It didn't phase them. Nothing can change the "minds" of the diehard fans and that's all that is left of Kate fans, the last holdouts.
@Madreof1 @stxmom @TrippenIn a shout out to Madreof1. forgot to ask you to help hold down the fort in my absence... :) will u pls help?
Where's her bff, BM? Why didn't she summon BM to "hold down the fort?" Has BM been vocal in these tweeting frenzies?
I've read some of these tweets from the three sheeple mentioned above. Are these the Big Three (worshippers, butt-kissers)?
I'd love to write a book on all of this, especially the Kate worship, but that would mean having to interview these people, and I don't think I could keep a straight face!
"my heart breaks a little for Kate (Middleton) cause she is suddenly thrown into this world of everyone picking her apart and it hurts me for her cause I kinda really know how that feels."
Oy. The needle on the narcissist meter just broke.
Kate's tweet:
@Cariba123 I am bck sporadically.good to b back.Ive mist my almost9000 followers... dont want 2 let u all down..such great support u all r about a minute ago
I hate to be petty, but come on. "Ive mist (?) my almost 9000 followers?"
What do you think your "fans" are? Plants?
I hate to be the person that has to proof read your Parentables blog entries.
AuntieAnn said... "my heart breaks a little for Kate (Middleton) cause she is suddenly thrown into this world of everyone picking her apart and it hurts me for her cause I kinda really know how that feels."
Oy. The needle on the narcissist meter just broke.
April 28, 2011 1:53 PM
What rock has she been under? Suddenly thrown into this situation ?
Helloooooo Kate Gosselin! She's been dating the prince for EIGHT...COUNT EM....EIGHT YEARS!
She's been thrown into nothing and has already been in every tabloid imaginable. And nowhere NEAR as criticized as YOU because there is really nothing to pick her apart about.
My God in heaven what is wrong with Kate Gosselin? That ego knows no bounds.
leeeeeza said...
CS most of them have read it. It didn't phase them. Nothing can change the "minds" of the diehard fans and that's all that is left of Kate fans, the last holdouts.
Clearly, they are as demented as she is.
I have been reading, http://www.twazzup.com/kateplusmy8
I find it very amusing.
A few day's ago, one of Kates fan's asked her if she spoke another language. Another person replied, Yes! She speaks "ISH." I have laughed about that many times over the last few days!
Just visited Katie's Twit (can I just say how appropriate that sounds for Katie?!)
@Kateplusmy8 Have a great night..i have 2 go mow the big ole yard with a push mower..man i need a riding mower badly..:)
Katie the Grifter - is Getting Grifted By The Grifters!
Life really does always come full circle doesn't it? :)
The "in the car" video w/Steve was about rehearsing for DWTS. His attitude was "make up your mind,"
(about rehearsing). Don't have a link.
Midnight Madness said...
I've never heard a peep about him treating her with gentle kind words... I wonder if the only thing she responds to is "a strong man" - purseboy = strong man = someone who calls her sh*t right out in the open.
Where was it that Steve was reported to have told Kate that she looked fabulous (in a bikini?)?
It was from the reporter who was also vacationing in Bald Head Island last summer, when she discovered the Gosselins were also there.
Pam said...
Oy. The needle on the narcissist meter just broke.
Made me laugh out loud, Pam!
Auntie Ann said...
Oy. The needle on the narcissist meter just broke.
Oops, sorry...I just thought that was from Pam. Auntie Ann, you always crack me up!
So, is this Twitter frenzy at around 4:30 today Khate or TLC?:
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
OMG just noticed I have 8,888 followers now! Thats my magic number ;8!!! How is everyone? Checking in quick. I miss you all!
1 hour ago via web
SuperPattyPie Patty Pie
@Kateplusmy8 Dear Kate, a day with out your tweets is like a day with out a good latte. Love, Pattypie (but I'm just sayin')
1 hour ago
in reply to ↑.
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@SuperPattyPie Dear PPie- I will b sure2 not let a day go by w/o tweeting--unless I am having tech difficulties which may hav happened yday.
1 hour ago via web
SuperPattyPie Patty Pie
@Kateplusmy8 I wonder if you get enough tweets about you going to the Royal Wedding will it be on the over of US magazine...LOL LOL
1 hour ago
in reply to ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@SuperPattyPie I wish it was a TRUE story... but sadly its not...
HeyitsCass3 Cass
@Kateplusmy8 Hey Kate glad to see you have joined the twitter community :)
2 hours ago
in reply to ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@HeyitsCass3 Hey Cass welcome. glad you joined...
1 hour ago via web
Madreof1 Jessica Hernandez
@stxmom @TrippenIn @Kateplusmy8 the sad part is they're jealous and spend their time worring abt k+8,instead of taking care of their fam.
2 hours ago
in reply to ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Madreof1 @stxmom @TrippenIn a shout out to Madreof1. forgot to ask you to help hold down the fort in my absence... :) will u pls help?
1 hour ago via web
Rachel_Yearian Rachel Yearian
@Kateplusmy8 I absolutely admire you for all you do. Your an amazing woman and mother. I wish you all the best in all you do :)
3 hours ago
in reply to ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Rachel_Yearian Thanks Rachel. I appreciate your kindness and encouragement! :) have a sunny day... I know I am!
58 minutes ago via web
brookeLorange Brooke Orange
@Kateplusmy8 you have been my inspiration ever since your first TLC special aired, sending love your way from Georgia!!! We love you!
5 hours ago
in reply to ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@brookeLorange Thanks. I love georgia right back!
56 minutes ago via web
HopefaithLuv143 Hope Maduro
@Kateplusmy8 where is my Btf at? Haven't heard from ya in a long while it seems! Ha! Hope you have a great day! What are you up to today?xo
5 hours ago
in reply to ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@HopefaithLuv143 I am here!!!! sporadically but you guys seem to be holding down the fort...
55 minutes ago via web
thequetta01 Chiquetta
@Kateplusmy8 I am so #teamkate but u never tweet me back:(
58 minutes ago
in reply to ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@thequetta01 tweet tweet. thanks for the support.... :)
55 minutes ago via web
Bucktooth2010 Peter Welsh
@Kateplusmy8 Just want to say hi and your looking as beautiful as ever...love the show
57 minutes ago
in reply to ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Bucktooth2010 Good to tweet you too. Thanks for joining us. Welcome...
54 minutes ago via web
Cariba123 Claire
@Kateplusmy8 hi Kate! So nice to see you back here! Xx
55 minutes ago
in reply to ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Cariba123 I am bck sporadically.good to b back.Ive mist my almost9000 followers... dont want 2 let u all down..such great support u all r
52 minutes ago via web
thequetta01 Chiquetta
@Kateplusmy8- thank u sooo much!! Much love to u and your fam!! I just had triplets X-mas eve!!
53 minutes ago
in reply to ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@thequetta01 OMG. Happy babies.congrats& enjoy them. tell me all abt them..boys girls, born@ what gest,names,how was preg? cant wait 2 hear!
50 minutes ago via web
PamatIW Pam Hudson
@Kateplusmy8 We all missed you too! Busy must mean something good for you. :)
51 minutes ago
in reply to ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@PamatIW will tell all about it next week:) No, i am not in london, sadly. wish i were...
50 minutes ago via web
Bucktooth2010 Peter Welsh
@Kateplusmy8 your welcome but is this really Kate?
52 minutes ago
in reply to ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Bucktooth2010 yes check my verified status on my page...thanks for checking..
50 minutes ago via web
dowd24 susan dowd
“@Kateplusmy8: hey Kate is Kate plus 8 cancelled?? Plz say no :)
53 minutes ago
in reply to ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@dowd24 no... not cancelled...
51 minutes ago via web
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
gotta go now... stuff to do. break is over:) may check in again later today. talk amongst yourselves (coffee talk)...
51 minutes ago via web
AuntieAnn said...
"my heart breaks a little for Kate (Middleton) cause she is suddenly thrown into this world of everyone picking her apart and it hurts me for her cause I kinda really know how that feels."
Oy. The needle on the narcissist meter just broke.
Auntie, I also cracked up at this! Good one!
She can't really think that she and Kate Middleton have ANYTHING in common, can she???? That is the absolute height of narcissistic conceit - way to go Kart..........
Duh, of course she could....... why, they are practically best buds just like the DWTS folks she keeps in regular contact with......
LOL - I wonder if she actually sent a tweet or a card to the royal couple.......... silly me, nah.................
In fact, didn't she go to bed last week in a pissy mood because her show was pre-empted by a show about the wedding?
HA HA HA HA HA Some days she just cracks me up!
Her tweets are now just quick hellos.
I'm going to say Admin called it: TLC put the brakes on all the revealing, mindless tweeting. She can check in here and there to say hello to fans and that's it. The one tweet in which she gushes to soneone who just had babies was odd and doesn't sound anything like her. She asks for weights, names, all kinds of information and acts like she can't wait to hear back from that random twittering fan. I've never ever seen her care enough to ask that many questions even when it involves her own damn kids! Much less some stranger's kids.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@SuperPattyPie Dear PPie- I will b sure2 not let a day go by w/o tweeting--unless I am having tech difficulties which may hav happened yday.
What does she mean, she may have been having technical difficulties yesterday? She doesn't know? Or is that her excuse of the moment and she may change it later?
Hmm, I'm not sure, but I just have a feeling this is TLC or someone else tweeting now, not Khate. It just seems too different from her previous tweeting.
I've been off my feet (literally) due to a bad ankle fracture, and I've had time to read over some of these tweets, which I ordinarily wouldn't do because they are so insane. I've recognized some of the posters on here who are tweeting, even though they have different tweeter names. The style of the tweets, lingo, certain words, etc. clearly gives them away.
My question is this. Isn't this just feeding the sheeple? They seem to really thrive on these back and forth jabs, and nobody is really winning. Not that it's a contest, but some of the "haterz" who have posted here in respectful, courteous posts seem to really have let everything loose in responding (with not very nice accusations) in calling out the sheeple. This surprises me.
Isn't this just providing a battleground for the sheeple, who otherwise couldn't initiate an intelligent discussion on their own? What would happen if only the sheeple would be left? Would they go home if they were just left alone, wagging their tails behind them? I'm wondering how long they would continue to tweet now that Kate's apparently slowed down her twittering. Wouldn't this be the best route to go -- just let these delusional teens and immature adults carry on this nonsense within their flock?
Another thing I've been thinking about. Kate says that everything she does is for the kids and they are having amazing and awesome life experiences that they never would have had if it would not be for the show. Why not call the show "The Gosselin Eight." Let Steve or someone else take these kids on these adventures while Kate stays home. If EVERYTHING were for the kids, then she wouldn't mind, would she, as long as the children had all of these culturing experiences? Let her put the money where her mouth is. But we know that would never happen because it's all about HER. She's the one who wants the free vacations and the kids are the ones who are her meal ticket for these adventures.
I don't see this whole circus ending anytime soon. TLC has made millions off her and the children, and I really think they are going to bleed her dry. They are leeches, but they are not stupid when it comes to making money. Kate and TLC feed off each other. TLC feeds her narcissism and greed, and Kate provides them with a show that has been a real moneymaker for them.
Of course I am in no way advocating that TLC continues to film these kids. It would be interesting, however, if TLC would tell her that they are no longer interested in her, but want the kids without her. If everything is for the kids and providing them with traveling, life experiences and material possessions, what would her excuse be?
Is anybody else suspicious that one of the
above tweeters is actually not so in love with Kate? It's just too saccharine sweet to be real. I think maybe she's being played by one very well disguised "friend". This one tweeter is quite prolific in the tweets with Kate.
Do the sheeple not know that from the East Coast London is a 5 hour time diff? Geesh
I hate to be the person that has to proof read your Parentables blog entries.
The blog entries will be written by the intern who wrote the other ones for her...you know, the !!!!!!!!!!! intern who was experimenting using "big words" that Kate never would have thought to use.
Just lost a post I made--will try again, but I'm not going to go to the trouble to find and quote the tweets verbatim again. Thought earlier that some of the latest tweets did not sound like Kate. In one post regarding London, she says "wish it WAS true" and in another responds, "wish I WERE"...WAS is incorrect and that WOULD BE KATE. In the second instance WERE is correct and that WOULD NOT BE KATE.
Correct me if I'm wrong, please.
This Parentables blog is now a competition between Kate and up to 29 other "experts" to win his/her own show from Discovery? The one who brings in the greatest readership wins?
I can see Kate begging for spots on the View,
ET, Jay Leno, (Jimmy Kimmel?), and every news program on the planet to garner readers, telling us all that we made her rich and famous, so it stands to reason that we are obligated to continue to feed her ego and keep the cash rolling in.
I have to wonder if she even knows who her competition is and what their area of expertise
might be. I wonder if she cares. But whatever,
ready, set, GO. Kate is off and running to get
her new spot on TV. May the track be full of
wobbly hurdles that slow her down.
fidosmommy said...
Correct me if I'm wrong, please.
This Parentables blog is now a competition between Kate and up to 29 other "experts" to win his/her own show from Discovery? The one who brings in the greatest readership wins?
I'm pretty much in the dark about the whole Parentables thing. Is it a contest? Can you give me a link that provides that info. I can't find much. Thanks.
Auntie Ann said...."About Jon and this twitter thing...I certainly have no way of knowing for sure but I'm still willing to bet that he COULD be at least partly responsible for this lull on her twitter."
There was a comment made by a Kate hater about the kids that was inappropriate. I forget exactly what it was but it shouldn't have been said. This account has been deleted since. Jon replied with a comment to leave the kids out of it. Maybe he did have something to do with it. I hope so.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... Hmm, I'm not sure, but I just have a feeling this is TLC or someone else tweeting now, not Khate. It just seems too different from her previous tweeting.
THANK YOU! I just said the same thing, but I haven't seen it post yet.
The blog about Parentables
I don't care if she is tweeting or twatting, blogging or slogging, if she ain't on tv who will give a crap about her? I have never seen such a fascination with such a boring and an easily forgettable person. Reading some of the tweets, all I can do is shake my head in amazement at how bizarre and outright weird and scary her fans are. These are supposedly grown women with children that are behaving this way? Can't be. Finally, IMO she never tweeted herself. She dictated what to say to some flunky to tweet. Why would she ever do ANY type of work herself. Wake me when she is over.
Maryanne said...
Do the sheeple not know that from the East Coast London is a 5 hour time diff? Geesh
Sheeple couldn't find London a map. They certainly don't know that there is a time difference. If Sherri Shepherd, a member of the flock, thinks the world is flat (and that Jesus predates everything), this pretty much sums up the sheeple's level of intelligence.
Here in Australia only old episodes with Jon are screened (endlessly on cable) but yesterday I was able to view the New Zealand ep thanks to link on this site.
My impressions of mother and children after such a long gap?
* How negative, bad-tempered, controlling Kate is...passive aggressive and sometimes just aggressive...in the name of the kids, everything's about pleasing her, and so little really does.
* I can now see why posters say that filming should have ended when Jon dropped out. There is no charm in the woman by herself and this poisons much of what the family does. While as a viewer it was interesting in this ep to see a bit about New Zealand (not that far away but I have never been there), the time is long past that the children should have their lives recorded for public consumption,and their activities and behaviour forced to fit the TLC mould.
* The fuss Kate made about going on the Sky Walk and drop was embarrassing and ridiculous - and possibly partly manufactured. The outing had to be all about her so she made sure it was.
*I hated the way she referred to watching `little ceremony things' being performed by the local people. They weren't about her and she was out of her depth so she sought to diminish them. Likewise she couldn't relate to the natural phenomenon of the boiling mud...it wasn't something she could relate back to herself and of course it was dirty and smelly and uncontrollable, which would have bothered a control freak.
* I was puzzled by Kate's over-the-top positive reaction to what looked like a pretty standard trail ride. What can't she be that pleasant and co-operative about everything she does? And if she and the children love horse riding so much why don't they do they make it a shared activity in the US? She doesn't have to come to NZ to indulge...of course this was free which no doubt had a lot to do with her enjoyment...
* Last but not least, I was surprised how, in spite of everything and no doubt damaged in some ways, how delightfully normal the children seem. The tups struck me - from what we were shown - as happy, verbal,lively, natural nearly 7-years-olds. The girls seemed like normal 10-year-olds. I think they are all their own people and will survive Kate as a mother.
Kate's life is so vastly different than Kate Middleton's life it's like comparing a bug's life to a human's.
This TLC parentable blog looks like a knockoff of other unrelated blogs. I don't know why Kart and the mother of 19, trying for 20 would be in a competition for a TLC reality show. Maybe this is TLC's way of giving back to their money making shows. Just throw them all in a competion with each other on a blog. The winner receives a show or renewed season. The losers receive a chance to become a regular TLC blogger, a free trip to the Discovery offices for their going away party and some crappy consolation gifts that have to be declared on their taxes.
The sheep are now suspicious Kate has favorites, and the more demanding sheep are bullying the favorites in a "good-natured" way. I don't think it'll stay good-natured for long.
One of these demanding sheeple opened her Twitter account just to tweet Kate--and tweet Kate she has! Over 500 tweets in 25 days. *25* tweets a day, ALL to Kate (sometimes directed to other fans but also always to Kate). Why would anyone think that's appropriate?
Anyway, Kate has completely ignored her the past few days, and it's becoming obvious. I think the wool is going to start flying soon.
"In terms of compensating Parentables’ contributors, there will be no revenue sharing. Instead, bloggers will be paid per post and given a bonus for driving more pageviews, O’Neill said. Secondly, all posts must be exclusive and original to Parentables."
"Ultimately, if a blogger gets enough attention, that person could inspire the building of a show around her (or his) persona. “We obviously would always hope a show would come out of it,”
I didn't interpret that article to mean there was a competition with a prize being a show. TLC is about tv, so I think it's natural O'Neill would say she hoped the blog would result in a show, but Kate and Michelle Duggar already have one. It's not like one of those interior designer or chef competitions where the winner gets their own show on the network. I think more is being read into those statements than there really is. If anything, I think it's more likely that an unknown writer might hope for something to come of their blogging, but I didn't see a tv contract being dangled in front of the face of the best blogger -- and we know that could never be Kate anyway.
One of these demanding sheeple opened her Twitter account just to tweet Kate--and tweet Kate she has! Over 500 tweets in 25 days. *25* tweets a day, ALL to Kate (sometimes directed to other fans but also always to Kate). Why would anyone think that's appropriate?
Anyway, Kate has completely ignored her the past few days, and it's becoming obvious. I think the wool is going to start flying soon.
If I were really interested, I would try to grift a front row seat in the clubhouse. ;-)
If Kate thinks the fight is all about her, she
might show up too.
Good 'ole Baby Mama, misinterpreting something again. Poor thing must be in a real tizzy thinking Kate's show is ending. LOL
AskBabyMama "Can't wait to hear about the travel, sifting though all the haters readig the fan tweets. The show is becoming a blog? When?"
Instead, bloggers will be paid per post and given a bonus for driving more page views,
Sadly, fans and haterz alike will all check it out and Kate could very well generate a lot of hits.
Tweeties are in a tizzy said... Good 'ole Baby Mama, misinterpreting something again. Poor thing must be in a real tizzy thinking Kate's show is ending. LOL
AskBabyMama "Can't wait to hear about the travel, sifting though all the haters readig the fan tweets. The show is becoming a blog? When?"
Does anyone know if Kate has ever acknowleged or tweeted BM? I hope not!
I too don't think the article meant there was going to be a competition. Greedy Ms. O'Neill, TLC CDF (Chief Destroyer of Families) seems to be saying that if they happen to find a victim... errr...... blogger they can build a show on, then double prizes for TLC.
This is a photo of a typical day for Kate Middleton. She is in the car pictured.
I count at least 13 photographers stalking her car, including the person snapping the photo we see. Kate Gosselin has...Chris. Hanging out at her fence. She cannot even begin to compare her life to Middleton's daily life.
I don't think even most A-listers here in the U.S. would have the ego suggest their lives are ANYTHING like the wife of Prince William. The celeb I worked for had an extremely private life and was hardly ever harassed unless she sought it out at premieres and so forth. She did all kinds of normal things without fanfare and I never once saw her kids feel uncomfortable by the press. So it goes for most celebs with the exception of the very very hottest, which is a rotating maybe 10 people on the rag mags.
Kate really needs a pin to pop that ego balloon.
Did the sheeple really believe that Kate was in London for the wedding or was they just kidding around? Could anyone, even the sheeple, have possibly thought this would happen? Who started this speculation and was anyone naive enough to take it seriously?
gotyournumberKate said...There was a comment made by a Kate hater about the kids that was inappropriate. I forget exactly what it was but it shouldn't have been said. This account has been deleted since. Jon replied with a comment to leave the kids out of it. Maybe he did have something to do with it. I hope so.
I hope so too. I absolutely believe Kate doesn't realize how much she's put those kids in harms way just to keep HERSELF out there. Thank god at least one of those parents has a protective instinct in them. As far as a Kate "hater" saying something inappropriate, I doubt it would have been written by anyone from this blog, hopefully Jon knows that. We're not haters but we're very concerned. We have to say something because Kate just leaves herself wide open for all the criticism.
~~Just wanted to add a ps here~~ that I'm glad some of you guys got a little laugh out of the meter post. Don't think you all haven't completely ruined the screen on my laptop over and over again either. There's coffee splatters all over it from your witty and hilariously entertaining comments... this a great group sharing common ground and thanks go to Admin who lets us express ourselves here.
And JudyK -- I love you too:-) (ha! feed on that for awhile, sheeple)
OMG, all the real celebs must be busy: Kate going to the Derby.
I hope so too. I absolutely believe Kate doesn't realize how much she's put those kids in harms way just to keep HERSELF out there. Thank god at least one of those parents has a protective instinct in them. As far as a Kate "hater" saying something inappropriate, I doubt it would have been written by anyone from this blog, hopefully Jon knows that...
I think that someone asked Kate which child she hates more - Mady or Collin, and Jon told them that the kids are off limits, or something like that...not a direct quote.
OMG, all the real celebs must be busy: Kate going to the Derby.
Among the guests to be at the events are actor and comedian Tracy Morgan of NBC's "30 Rock"; Kate Gosselin of TLC's "Kate Plus 8"; actress, singer and songwriter Raven-Symone; Rozonda "Chilli" Thomas of VHI's "What Chilli Wants"; and 2011 Miss America Teresa Scanlan. Actress Vicki Gunvalson of Bravo's "The Real Housewives of Orange County" will appear at the luncheon.
I don't know who any of these people are, other than Baghdad Kate.
OHhh shiiit Vicki will be there???
I hope she interacts with Kate and that it is filmed. This actually might be great.
I don't know who these people are either, except I knew who Ravon Symone was when I was eight years old.
I wish Kathy Griffin was going so she could bitch about how D-list this even is, she's hysterical when she is self-depricating.
"my heart breaks a little for Kate (Middleton) cause she is suddenly thrown into this world of everyone picking her apart and it hurts me for her cause I kinda really know how that feels."
Oy. The needle on the narcissist meter just broke.
Remnants of the needle were seen going past Pluto.
I'm still shaking my head at Kate saying I "really know how it feels" to be Kate Middleton. Every other celebrity interviewed about this is saying things like "I can't imagine" and so on.
It speaks to Kate's delusion doesn't it? She really fancies herself this huge celebrity everyone wants a piece of, like some American Princess Diana. 9,000 twitters to her seems like 9 million maybe. Everything is so exaggerated in her tiny mind. It's really quite facinating to watch.
She also always has this air about her like this all just FELL into her lap like it fell into the royals' laps (they were BORN INTO IT!), and not that she actively, aggresively sought out fame and fortune and won't walk away from it even though she could. You can't feel that sorry for someone who sought this ought.
Kate could walk away from this. Does she know what Prince William would give to walk away from it? He has been very vocal he hates it. He thinks fame killed his mother and he probably would be right. Kate is seeking after the kind of fame that KILLS people and she doesn't see it.
I think Kate compared herself to Princess Di at one point in time, regarding the paps chasing her. She's not too self-absorbed is she.
And yes it is kind of fascinating to watch her carry on, in a weird sort of way. Kind of like watching a dog hump a chair leg...you hate to see it but you can't look away.
Seriously though, she's one for the books. If she's going to be known for anything after all is said and done, she'll be a case study in psychiatry.
Anonymous said...Remnants of the needle were seen going past Pluto.
AS IF she's mowing her yard with a push mower!
As if SHE'S even mowing they yard! Where's the pap shot???
Don't they have that tractorish/mowerish thingy??
"Administrator said...Kate's life is so vastly different than Kate Middleton's life it's like comparing a bug's life to a human's."
Kate Middleton is a lovely young woman. I still cannot believe this woman even dared to compare her life to Kate Middleton's. It is pure comedy. What an ego! Little Chris (part time now) is the only one hanging around. LOL Such gall she has.
I am watching a portion of the wedding, since I get up so early. Can you imagine the planning that goes into this? Thousands and thousands of people lining the procession route. Camping out for days to see them for about 5 minutes as they pass. Televised around the world.
It certainly confirmed one thing for me, I am SO happy I am an 'anonymous' person. I would NEVER want to be so recognized, photographed nor followed as some famous people. Prince William DID have a look occasionally of 'let's get this over with' LOL
I am not "royal" struck, but I do love the very long rich history of England.
"aussie-yob said...*I hated the way she referred to watching `little ceremony things' being performed by the local people. They weren't about her and she was out of her depth so she sought to diminish them.
I agree. She trivialized the ceremonies. It is very embarassing. She has not a clue the history of the indigenous people, nor seems to care. It was humorous to her.
"* I was puzzled by Kate's over-the-top positive reaction to what looked like a pretty standard trail ride."
That got me too. Plenty of horses to ride in PA. But everything is 'life changing' 'top of the list' 'dream come true'. It has lost it's meaning, she says it so much. The main absurd thing about the horse ride, to me, was her refusing the cap under the helmet! Because she didn't want the paps to get a picture of her in a shower cap? The guide even said because of the hundreds of heads who have worn the helmets, you would wear the cap. This woman purports to be such a germophobe. This whole persona she has invented is nothing but fake. Fake as can be.
"AuntieAnn said...I think Kate compared herself to Princess Di at one point in time, regarding the paps chasing her. She's not too self-absorbed is she.
And yes it is kind of fascinating to watch her carry on, in a weird sort of way. Kind of like watching a dog hump a chair leg...you hate to see it but you can't look away."
YES, she did compare herself once to Princess Diane. You know, all the paps hounding her too! The awesome burden that Kate has, poor soul. She is SO popular and chased around the world! "been through fire for 4 years". LMAO
Auntie you have SUCH a way with words. LOL I love your posts too.
Side note...
I really wish, once again, that the 'haters' posting on her twitter, would please just stop. IF you read here, please consider stopping. Let them have their fun. Frankly, that is much more entertaining. LOL It does not matter what you say, she has blocked you.
I think I know why Kate stopped following TLC. I followed them for about 3 days this week, and they tweeted message after message promoting the Royal series they had on their channel. Along with all the other shows they have. TOO MANY TWEETS. Kate can't follow all HER adoring tweets, too much work to weed through TLC's. LOL
TLC must enjoy rewarding bad behavior. It seems that the Roloffs are in talks with TLC about doing more shows. This comes at the same time that pictures have appeared showing the Roloff boys abusing an animal.
Have to share a morning chuckle with everyone. Just read a post on another site about Kate going to the Kentucky Derby and one poster asked who would be riding her! Loved it!
Mom In Lancaster County said...
Did the sheeple really believe that Kate was in London for the wedding or was they just kidding around? Could anyone, even the sheeple, have possibly thought this would happen? Who started this speculation and was anyone naive enough to take it seriously?
One started it, another confirmed it, and then the first one seconded the confirmation. Kate hadn't tweeted them in a WHOLE DAY. There could only be ONE reason. Nothing less than the Queen could take their Queen from their presence. A real look at narcissism by proxy, as Admin called it. They're calling it a joke now, but it wasn't...
The look into sheeple's minds through Twitter is much more disturbing than their blog comments. Kate "feeding" them unequally is SUCH a bad idea, particularly in a public forum where they can weigh out the inequalities.
P.S. to fidosmommy: did you SEE that they were planning a ringside fight, or did you just guess. LOL. Yeah, they're kidding, but the hurt feelings of "she likes you better" are real.
wayward, Kate has tweeted BM but not too much. BM isn't one of the favorites, apparently. Even with Kate's "polite hello" tweets, she's still choosing her pets.
"Donna said...TLC must enjoy rewarding bad behavior. It seems that the Roloffs are in talks with TLC about doing more shows. This comes at the same time that pictures have appeared showing the Roloff boys abusing an animal."
Hadn't heard about that. Is there a link to this, please? Amazing they would have another show. Amy said it interfered with their every day life at one point, in one interview. Too much criticism and the kids were getting attacked.
I left off the name of the young tweeter, but here's a sad example of the dumbing down of America:
@Kateplusmy8 AT school i have to do a report on inspirational women and I've decided to do you!! you're amazing, I love you! xxx Jess :)
gotyournumberkate said...
There was a comment made by a Kate hater about the kids that was inappropriate. I forget exactly what it was but it shouldn't have been said. This account has been deleted since. Jon replied with a comment to leave the kids out of it. Maybe he did have something to do with it. I hope so.
This is what troubles me about the "haters" tweeting Kate all day or whatever, saying nasty things. First of all, it makes us, the sane ones, look really bad. And second, if the people who just dislike Kate so much would just un-follow her, then her numbers would falter big time, & she would have 1,000 followers. TLC would take notice of that I'm sure. And TLC would also see that most of the people tweeting Kate are negative responses or tweets in the 1st place, so she is really is NOT relevant. Maybe if the 'haters' STOPPED, then she would fade away. I'm sorry, but is it us (well, not us, we aren't the hardcore ones really) but the really hardcore haters, I mean the nasty, vile ones that keep her newsworthy. And the lovers alike that keep her relevant. The ones that defend her til the cows come home. It's apparently a battle on twitter about her. It's pathetic!! And Kate loves it.
And tweeting stuff about the kids is wrong on so many levels. Leave the damn kids out of it. Just because Kate does it, doesn't make it OK.
~Hippie Chick
"my heart breaks a little for Kate (Middleton) cause she is suddenly thrown into this world of everyone picking her apart and it hurts me for her cause I kinda really know how that feels."
OMG! Kate G. has like one pap out taking pictures of her. I only saw one at the Kiwi House and Chris at the bus stop. Give me a frikkin break! She knows what it's like my bloody arse!
Donna said...
TLC must enjoy rewarding bad behavior. It seems that the Roloffs are in talks with TLC about doing more shows. This comes at the same time that pictures have appeared showing the Roloff boys abusing an animal.
Cat tossing. There's something seriously wrong with you if you enjoy tormenting animals.
Very little makes me more sick than this. Let's reward them with tons of money and another show!!!
Has Kate even breathed a mention of the kids on Twitter-twatter since TLC had their little fireside chat with her??
I think they told her she can stay on twitter if she limits it to hi and goodbye, stops tweeting like a lunatic about the kids and their GPS locations, Jon's custodial time, and so on. In other words, keep it simple, stupid. Literally.
Maybe Jon DID have something to do with this. If a parent is tweeting about the other parent's custody, guess what, that's DISCUSSING THE CASE. Maybe the lawyers talked and Kate agreed to stop so she isn't dragged into court for an OSC as to why sanctions shouldn't issue for not following the court orders. Kate really does not think any rules apply to her, as is typical of both a narcissist and an obsessed parental alienator.
All I can say is I'm relieved if she is done talking about the kids.
One started it, another confirmed it, and then the first one seconded the confirmation. Kate hadn't tweeted them in a WHOLE DAY. There could only be ONE reason. Nothing less than the Queen could take their Queen from their presence. A real look at narcissism by proxy, as Admin called it. They're calling it a joke now, but it wasn't...
Thanks, Virginia Pen. One sheeple just asked Kate if she is sure she wasn't at the wedding because she is sure she saw Kate sitting behind Elton John. Yeah, right, and Elton turned around, hugged her and told her how much he loved her jive to his "I'm Still Standing." She and Elton are now best buds...
No regrets, you can go to TWOP (Television Without Pity) and go to the 'Little Person, Big World' forum. Go to the last page and read backward.
Jacob has also been kicked out of Faith Bible Academy. Matt is blaming it all on the school, of course.
I've always wondered why Kate acted so mean and annoyed when in Alaska with the Palins.....because from what I'm reading here, it sounds like she braves and tolerates all sorts of challenging environments and weather on the other shows all the time. Plus...it was reported that it was not cold, much less freezing cold, that day and the rain was just misting most of the time.
There is no consistent pattern of her getting all pissy when the weather is difficult or she has to "rough it"....ie: horseback riding, in NYC in broiling hot weather, hiking, out on a boat in rough waters, etc. I mean, I know she most likely demands luxury accommmodations...but when filming, she usually seems quite tolerant of challenging situations and weather.
I'm wondering if it was more because S. Palin was the star of the show and that it was going to be shown on Sarah's show on TLC....so not all about her. I know that many who watched it were more irritated by her inability to tolerate the somewhat challenging situation she was in and being demanding because she couldn't tolerat anything but luxurious settings....but I honestly wonder if it wasn't even about that....but about her having to be the center of attention.
And I don't think she would ever go along with a show with just the children on it....unless she was absolutely desperate for the income. She always has to be the star and center of attention due to her NPD and I suspect there is even some competition with them on the show.
"ADMIN, All I can say is I'm relieved if she is done talking about the kids."
You might be counting your chickens too soon, or whatever that expression is. LOL She is SO busy right now with a "project" that she can't tell until next week! Those tweets last night were surely subdued. They don't seem they are Kate's usual bs.
Admin, there's no doubt that something has changed Kate's tune regarding Twitter, almost to the point that I thought that someone else was making the posts, then she posted something (can't remember what it was) that made me think that it probably is her. She certainly is very vague and distant now, isn't she?
I think this Twitter bit is to gain some followers who will follow her to that parenting blog. I think it is all part of TLC's getting her ready to be a STAH on that blog.
Wow 3 whole tweets and she is "summoned" away. LOL Amazing, she is just so busy, eh?
Wow, this morning's tweets don't sound remotely like her, and I don't believe for a second that's Kate tweeting even those few tweets.
Charlez said... I think this Twitter bit is to gain some followers who will follow her to that parenting blog. I think it is all part of TLC's getting her ready to be a STAH on that blog.
You have hit the nail on the Kate head. However, TLC or Jon told her to "stifle it" because her twits are indeed vague and she's always "too busy". I really don't get how TLC thinks either Kate or Michele Duggar are role models for other moms except to teach you how to use your kids to make money....the blog should be called "Breeding for Money".
Kate was probably "summoned" to the mani/pedi chair.
Im sorry, I hate to be so nit picky but if Khate really new anything about the Royals and Princess Diana she would know that she was called Mummy by her sons, Making her a great Mummy. Something Khate will never be.
It seems that the Roloffs are in talks with TLC about doing more shows.
Hadn't heard about that. Is there a link to this, please?
Matt Rolloff tweeted about it yesterday.
Matt's tweet from yesterday.
mattroloff Matt Roloff
Amy and I just worked out a tentative filmIng schedule for the lpbw episodes we'll be filming this year.
dee3 said...
I've always wondered why Kate acted so mean and annoyed when in Alaska with the Palins....
I agree with your sediments, uh, sentiments!
Here's how I saw it- Kate wasn't Queen Bee and I believe she was very, very uncomfortable in the paternal setting with Chuck, Todd and Sarah's brother, all lovely people. Chuck was the father figure, and Kate is estranged from hers. Todd is a loving husband and father, and Kate kicked her sperm donor to the curb, finally, Sarah's brother was being a fantastic male role model for the kids, and Kate has disowned her own brother.
So, the healthy family dynamic was foreign to Kate, and I think it made her extremely uncomfortable. I truly think she is a misandrist.
She was so uncomfortable that she worked herself into a lather and left, which is immature, rude and terrible for her kids, who were having a great time, with great male modeling. HEALTHY male modeling with healthy family dynamics.
Kate's so used to dysfunction that without it, she's a fish out of water.
Yuck! So now the Kentucky Derby people list reality "star" Vicki as an actress! Really? I'm so glad my kids are studying theatre and the classics in college and in performing arts school so these wannabe reality people can take their jobs! PAHLEEZE! These reality people are NOT actors- NOT! Geesh! I love British history and followed the whole Charles and Diana thing but she has been gone long enough and it didn't make me cry that she wasn't there. If Khate is such a good Christian then she would know that Diana was there- Geesh!
She made a very brief appearance on Twitter, only four tweets. I still do not think this is Khate tweeting. I have been keeping an eye on TLC’s Twitter page the last few days, and they have been tweeting like crazy about the Royal wedding. So, hmmm, is it just coincidental that the same week the TLC Twitterer is busy tweeting about the wedding, Khate is suddenly too busy to tweet? I don’t think so; I think that TLC took over her Twitter account, but they’re too busy to tweet this week.
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Good Royal wedding day, all! Hope it is a happy day for all! How is everyone doing? Another busy day planned here...
1 hour ago via web
@Kateplusmy8 hello from Kazakhstan!<333
1 hour ago
in reply to ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Nursulu_KZ Good morning friend who is so far away! have a good day!
1 hour ago via web
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Just got on twitter and ive been summoned... must run.. tweet soon...miss you all and your fun conversations.
1 hour ago via web
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
yes, watched royal wedding and altho happy, cried that Diana is missing it... so proud of her boys. She did a great job..great mommy! :)
1 hour ago via web
I loathe said..."I love British history and followed the whole Charles and Diana thing but she has been gone long enough and it didn't make me cry that she wasn't there."
The ONLY thing that makes Kate cry is being COLD in Alaska, COLD in the ocean, or STEPPING OFF a tall building. What RUBBISH.
Thanks Tucker's mom....and I learned a new word...misandrist. I knew of the word misogyny but not this one....which are basically the opposite of each other. And yes, that's a whole new perspective I hadn't even considered. I had been thinking along the lines of Kate also being jealous of the children when they were being filmed while being shown all sorts of interesting things by SP's father.
It seems that if it's not about her....she doesn't want to participate in it. I'm also wondering how much input she has in terms of the plot-lines of the show......and how much she is showcased over the children.
That episode was a huge nail in her coffin....yet she could not control her behavior...because she just could not cooperate when much of the show was about others and not just her.
I don't think Kate would want the kids on a show without her because she wouldn't get her 85%, although she would find a reason to get her hands on their money anyhow.
"JudyK said...Wow, this morning's tweets don't sound remotely like her, and I don't believe for a second that's Kate tweeting even those few tweets."
I am with you, JudyK. They are totally different than the other tweets. I STILL think the bad news about ratings has upset the queen so much, she is in a very foul mood, and TLC/PR had to take over. Plus being reprimanded for the content of those tweets. The last couple of days, they have given the fans just a few crumbs to keep them hanging around.
"Donna said...No regrets, you can go to TWOP (Television Without Pity)"
Thanks! That is a great site. Amazing the Roloffs are shooting new episodes?! What the heck happened??
"Tucker's mom.....misandrist"
PERFECT for Kate. Absolutely, perfect!
I really don't think the blog has a thing to do with her tweeting. SHE never even mentioned the blog. Her fans did, doing the happy dance that it was such an honor for her. (groan) Kate couldn't be bothered to even write a NEW blog entry, they used one from her old blog posts from months ago. Strange they would do that. Maybe Kate was just too busy with her schedule and all. LOL
dee3 said.........
And I don't think she would ever go along with a show with just the children on it....unless she was absolutely desperate for the income. She always has to be the star and center of attention due to her NPD and I suspect there is even some competition with them on the show.
She definitely competes with her children. In the New York City episode she squealed and literally jumped for joy because she beat her six year-olds at a carnival game. It was totally the pool scene from Mommy Dearest.
She definitely competes with her children. In the New York City episode she squealed and literally jumped for joy because she beat her six year-olds at a carnival game. It was totally the pool scene from Mommy Dearest.
Yes! I couldn't believe it. So what if the kids play and don't win? I never remember my mom competing with me. How odd.
And when she stood up atop the tour bus and waved like the Queen of England...blech. Of course, she had to run in her CFM shoes,no, outrun the PA's...wow Kate, you're so amazing!! What with your tits flopping hither and yon, and your short shorts climbing up your ass crack while you squealed so that everyone would look at you.
What a dipshit.
SHE never even mentioned the blog. Her fans did, doing the happy dance that it was such an honor for her. (groan) Kate couldn't be bothered to even write a NEW blog entry, they used one from her old blog posts from months ago.
It's not only that Kate couldn't be BOTHERED to write a new blog entry (although that may be part of it); it's that she CAN'T write a blog entry. Could you imagine the spelling, grammar, misuse of words? She has to find that intern to see if he/she is still available to act as a surrogate blogger!
I think the reason Kate is not tweeting... is because she is away from home without the kids, and she is filming something...hense, the break.. and being summoned away ( her kids are at school, she wouldn't allow her nannies to summon her away)....and she said she could tell next week what was up....
Meagler said...
I think the reason Kate is not tweeting... is because she is away from home without the kids...
I so agree. Based on yesterday's "good morning " tweet around noon EST, I think that she's on the West Coast...
Has anyone spotted her at the bus stop or at Target since she said that she was getting on a flight?
Meagler said... I think the reason Kate is not tweeting... is because she is away from home without the kids, and she is filming something...hense, the break.. and being summoned away ( her kids are at school, she wouldn't allow her nannies to summon her away)....and she said she could tell next week what was up....
And I think that is exactly what Kate wants you to think. She is acting as if she is so busy with a new project that she can't find a minute to tweet to her newly found twits! I think it is more that TLC told her in her meeting that she better stop the constant tweeting as it is exposing what a useless, lazy, non-productive, fool she really is.
Is it possible that Kate could be opening twitter accounts in other names to increase her follower's?
If it is, maybe that's what she's doing instead of tweeting!
Meagler said...
I think the reason Kate is not tweeting... is because she is away from home without the kids...
She was able to tweet non-stop when she was with the kids because she'll do ANYTHING rather than interact with them, and she could tell everyone that it was her "job".
Maybe she's away, maybe she's not, but if TLC didn't tell her to get a grip on her twitter idiocy they're even stupider than we already know they are.
Remember when the only marital advice that moron Dr. Phil offered them was "you have to protect your brand"? Well, meltdowns protect the K8/TLC brand. That idiot, herself, demonstrating in dozens of twits a day how horrible she really is, doesn't.
There are too few fans left now to risk continuing to alienate them as K8 was doing. Certainly someone at TLC noticed, and put the muzzle on.
I am sorry but there is no way that the same person that is posting the tweets since getting back from the meeting is the same person that was posting before. Check out the capitalization and punctuation that you see now. There isn't all the words abbreviated and running into each other. All of a sudden our life is so busy? Yeah right. Something is fishy here.
Kate Kreider is a wannabe nothing. So what if her next appearance is at the Kentucky Derby. No one wants to know her, have anything to do with her or get to know her. What is there to get to know? Oh, wait a minute, she has 8 count em 8, children. So What? There are many moms who have children that don't pimp them out for their parents to make a dime (or more).
Kate tweeted that she watched the royal wedding. Kate NEVER gets up early unless it's for a talk show. Her nannies get the kids up for school, and Jon was always the one to do that when they were married. She's lying either way; whether she typed that herself or told an intern or whoever to type that.
Changing subjects for just a minute...
Someone should 'out' the Roloffs to TMZ and their local PD for animal abuse. Just sayin'...
Here's how this will play out. And it has nothing to do with Kate and her ugly ways.
Kids grow up and go through that "not cute" phase. Kids also grow into that tween phase where I'm sure the last thing they want to do is have their "lives" televised. Twins are already there. Show is going to end whether TLC or Kate want it to or not. Just a given.
TLC has made her dependent on them for her current lifestyle. They will continue to find things for her - like the blog. And they will continue to film those kids periodically throughout the rest of their lives. Katie needs the money and the sheeple will eat those episodes up.
Unfortunately, Kate will never stop using her children. But, eventually her children will be old enough to speak (or sign contracts) for themselves. I cannot imagine that all 6 or 8 will agree to being pimped out by mamma.
Kate is going to end up with less than half of her kids standing by her, and penniless. She has no talent and is not very intelligent. That day may take a while in coming ... but it's coming.
Oh, and before some sheeple says "But she's an RN! She can always go back to nursing."
I can't see Kate ever going back to nursing. But even if she tried, no medical facility I know would hire her. She lacks intelligence, empathy, and as far as I've seen can't even show compassion for her own family. Many new young RNs out there looking for employment. No way will Kate ever ever ever again get a job as an RN.
Someone mentioned her Loooooooong ago that those kids would eventually bring down Kate. Not that there would necessarily be any maliciousness behind it, but somehow they'll sabotage her: refuse to film, move in with Jon, misbehave somehow, you get the idea. She can control them for only so long and she won't like it when they finally break free. And yes, I agree that she will never willingly stop filming those kids
Maybe Kart was summoned for jury duty this week. No tweeting allowed in court.
Do any of you guys have a link to the video where I can watch Kate's jump? I want to see her unbelievable rudeness for myself.
How many of Kate’s children do you think will invite her to their wedding?
Also, some of you are reading the tweets wrong. It was a sheep that said she wants a riding mower, not kate.
How does taking photos of the royals differ from snapping photos of any other celebrities?
There are a lot of celebrities who actually need publicity to keep up an image, especially the reality TV stars. The royals are not like that -- and they also have more protection and security to help push us back.
I apologize if someone already posted about this, but it looks like "Quints by Surprise" is taking over Kate's 10:00pm time slot on May 9th. After the May 2nd Philly show, Kate is not on the TLC schedule which is posted up until May 12th. Had there been a previous schedule showing K+8 airing every Monday night for the next several weeks?
It never ceases to amaze me the way the sheeple think everyone who doesn't like Kate is jealous of her. They just can't fathom that her behavior might have anything to do with it. I personally am so far from jealous of Kate Gosselin it's unreal. I very simply do not like the woman. I don't like how rude, dramatic, greedy, and fake she is. Period. Why can't they get that? They have their heads so far up Kate's ass they can't see what she's really like. Deal with it sheeple people, we are not jealous of your queen.
I read on television without pity about the youngest Roloff child getting kicked out of school. What is it with reality tv children getting kicked out of school? And the parents want to continue filming. Unbelievable. At least, the Duggars won't get kicked out as they are home schooled.
Check out the capitalization and punctuation that you see now. There isn't all the words abbreviated and running into each other.
Maybe, but I'm not totally convinced it's not the same person. Check out the use of ellipses pre-meeting and post-meeting. They are used throughout, but mostly at the end. If she's not doing the tweeting, the person who is doing it has been consistent with the use of them.
Aww, Kate's cold dark heart breaks a little for Kate Middleton, the world's most famous, glamorous, and enchanting woman? Whaaaa? Because the Princess has everything the dopey unloved Katie wants? The fame, the admiration, the exceptional beauty, the access to the crown jewels, the loving relationship with both parents and siblings, the adoring husband? Of all those things, Katie only had fleeting fame/lasting infamy and the loving husband, whom she took for granted and discarded. And I love how she cried that Diana wasn't there and tweeter that she did such a great job raising those fine sons, that she was a great mom. Well, yeah, Diana was by all accounts a wonderful, warm, loving, fun mother and those boys adored her and still do. But don't you think that their FATHER and grandparents and aunts/uncles/friends had a lot to do with how great they turned out? And wow, does katie get it that no one will remember her as a good mom, least of all her own kids? And while the G8 may turn out well, many fear for their well-being, current and future. And if the kids do somehow grow up to be admirable adults, it will be in spite of their NPD mother, not because of her. And their salvation may be their dad. Even in his brief, obnoxious Ed Hardy phase, he always outshone Katie as a parent. Blech, Kate is such an idiot. And for the record, I'm not jealous. Well, maybe of that other
Kate, not the Leathery Dipshit
I agree with everyone who says that's not Kate on twitter. It sure doesn't look like anything she would write unless she took a crash course in vocabulary/sentence structure to improve her twatting skills. She nevers uses full words or punctuation marks.
Her twats are more like gm tweeties!ddnt c the wedng 2 busymakngbrfst4my8!! so xhaustng lol besids im sure iwas much pretier thnthat Kate and i had anicr wdding in hawai ctch u latr my bestist frends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She's not as caring as whoever it is that is taking her place makes her out to be. "Miss you all and your fun conversations"?? I don't think so.
Does anyone here read or post over on the rhymes with PLOP board? I notice that there have only been three postings in two days in the free discussions and not much more on the other threads. Is something wrong over there - has anyone heard anything?
Lynn said... Kate Kreider is a wannabe nothing. So what if her next appearance is at the Kentucky Derby
There will be so many real celebrities at the Derby and Kate isn't going to like that! She will be jellus when the paparazzi and press bypass her for someone who actually deserves the attention and doesn't demand it. Looking forward to it!
Or how about
oooolondn iwanago2buknghmpalice its onmy bucket list 2 pleez letTLC no so ican gothere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Linda in PA: "There will be so many real celebrities at the Derby and Kate isn't going to like that! She will be jellus when the paparazzi and press bypass her for someone who actually deserves the attention and doesn't demand it. Looking forward to it!"
I'm looking forward to someone seeing her horse teeth and placing a bet on her.
She nevers uses full words or punctuation marks.
AuntieAnn -- If you go back to April 24 and April 25, Easter baskets, up to the point where she is announcing she's going out of town for the day. She does use punctuation marks. She uses periods mid-tweets, as well as question and exclamation marks.
If someone else is doing it, they are trying to duplicate the style, but the syntax just isn't quite the same, and you're right - words are spelled out rather than short-handed. I'm still not convinced either way!
Example of punctuation:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@TLCarley I see it and I love it. So witty! And you keep your chin up too :)
April 25
Long time lurker, rarely post. Thought it is interesting that the twitters were tweeting that queen kreider was in London.If you Google kg kentucky derby, she is there today at some parade.
Thought it is interesting that the twitters were tweeting that queen kreider was in London.If you Google kg kentucky derby, she is there today at some parade.
I thought that the parade and luncheon were on May 5.
The Pegasus Parade in Louisville is not until Thursday, May 5th.
Moose -- Actually even in those older tweets there doesn't seem to be very much consistency in her syntax does there? Maybe it is her. Long shot, but she could be on some kind of mood stabilizer.
You're right though, she does use punctuation occasionally.
JudyK said...I'm looking forward to someone seeing her horse teeth and placing a bet on her.
lol Judy! Can't you just see a vet checking out those veneers and rubbing those ankles.
You know come to think of it this might be the half marathon she's been talking about running in.
AuntieAnn said... JudyK said...I'm looking forward to someone seeing her horse teeth and placing a bet on her.
lol Judy! Can't you just see a vet checking out those veneers and rubbing those ankles.
You know come to think of it this might be the half marathon she's been talking about running in.
I would think she would be the longshot at even coming close to winning!
moose mania, your right I read it wrong. Sorry about that.I can't believe that teenagers are looking up to this women. Is this the way they are going to treat their spouses and children? Its kind of scary that these teenagers are our future.
Moose -- Actually even in those older tweets there doesn't seem to be very much consistency in her syntax does there? Maybe it is her. Long shot, but she could be on some kind of mood stabilizer.
You're right though, she does use punctuation occasionally.
No, there isn't, and that's why it is so dang confusing. I'm usually a good sleuth with things like that, but I'm just plain stumped here. When I get a chance, I'll have a closer look. I'm not sure about the mood stabilizer, but there could be some multiple personalities lurking in there!
WAY OFF TOPIC, but I have to ask.
Why does the caricature of Kate show nearly perfect teeth? One look at Kate's actual teeth show that her top right central incisor (thanks Google) is seated pretty much front and center in her mouth! Her top left central incisor falls directly below her left nostril!
Neither caps nor whitening will change the position of Kate's upper teeth. I see it quite a disservice to Kate when a caricature fails to capture the true essence of her centrally located right central incisor!
(I'm ROFLMAO as I type!)
I have no idea who's tweeting and who's not tweeting on her account. Whoever it is, the message I'm getting is this: I will lure you into something, make you think I care, then I will drop you when I'm tired of you or I have no more use for you. It was fun, but now I'm
ready for something more interesting.
Tweeting has done Kate no favors. It's making her appear even more unfavorable than before.
I don't know what you all think, but I am wondering if PattyPie is actually just posing as a super fan of Kate's. Her tweets almost seem overly sweet and totally sarcastic. She seems to be almost mocking the fans and their tweets. If she is, I find her totally brilliant in how she seems to be one of Kate's closest twitter friends but yet mocking them all. If she isn't, she is off her rocker and needs some serious help, as with most of Kate's fans.
I am interested to know what is going on next week that seems to be keeping Kate so busy this week or so she says. I hope it is TLC telling Kate to review her English and grammar skills if she is going to keep public speaking and twittering. I also have to say that if that was Kate twittering before, someone else has to be writing her blogs or at least, editing and re-writing. Maybe Kate could spend more money on herself and get an English tutor. Her English and public speaking skills are almost embarassing for a person who has been born and educated in America.
Sorry to post again, but if the Kentucky Derby is next week, that is probably why she is so busy. You know she has to tan, get mani/pedi, dye/cut the straw(sorry, hair), shop, and make sure the nanny scheduled for next week gets her driver's license so she can drive the kids to school. Oh and she is probably busy picking out which big hat to wear so she fits in with the rest of high society that will attend. My goodness, that woman is going to be so out of her element at the Kentucky Derby, it is almost comical. I am sure her and the two fake puppies will be out and ready to play. I hope those puppies don't scare the horses. ;)
The Warmth Of The Sun said...
Does anyone here read or post over on the rhymes with PLOP board? I notice that there have only been three postings in two days in the free discussions and not much more on the other threads. Is something wrong over there - has anyone heard anything?
We've discussed this last week I think so I won't get into details.IMO, when a blog has 19 rules you are bound to break one by accident.Ex one rule is don't talk to other posters,just write your opinion and that's it.They are very strict and probably most messages break one of the rules and don't go through.Or at least it was like that at first,I imagine after a while people stopped trying...
I find it too much of a coincidence that Kate's Tweet slowed down almost to a stop directly after her big meeting with TLC. In my opinion TLC told her to stop making a fool of herself and them and this is the only reason she isn't Tweeting her guts out anymore. She's been pulled back. I also have noticed the Sheeple Peeple are claiming Jon is losing Twitter followers. I am one of his followers and think he unfollows many, many people. He had over 80,000 followers at one time and I think is down to about 69,000. I've seen awful posts by Kate's fans and am sure he blocks and unfollows them immediately. He's just weeding the crazies out they're not dropping him. My cell phone tells when people joined Twitter. Kate has been on Twitter since March 18. That's about 1500 new followers a week. If my calculations are right it will take Kate about 46 weeks to catch up with Jon unless she does something major to grab the worlds attention. Sheeple are delusional. Period.
This from the blog about the Roloff's that someone referenced above. Very interesting ...
"Matt can talk about all these other offers he has all he wants, but TLC has their exclusivity rights to the Roloffs -- which we are told actually runs longer than most people think -- which is common practice for networks and reality TV stars."
This is a quote from Matt: "TLC certainly told us many times that the 'crazier the chatter' the more interesting we are for filming."
This is ridiculous...the GN twitter is obviously not Kate. How pathetic that this woman not only needs a "ghost writer" for her books but also a "ghost twitterer" and a "ghost blogger." Clearly, everything about this woman is fake and manufactured.
I am one of his followers and think he unfollows many, many people. He had over 80,000 followers at one time and I think is down to about 69,000. I've seen awful posts by Kate's fans and am sure he blocks and unfollows them immediately. He's just weeding the crazies out they're not dropping him.
A Kate fan posted somewhere that Jon has lost 15,000 followers, trying to make the point that Kate is gaining followers and Jon is losing them.
The mindset of the tweeters is to get as many followers as possible (who cares??? but that's another topic). I find that so strange. Jon loses 15,000 twitter followers and Kate loses over 300,000 viewers. That's comparing apples to oranges. Viewers is what Kate need$$$. She can't make money from 9000 tweeting twits. It's like high school, I have more followers than you do, hahahahaha. And these people supposedly are adults.
JudyK said...
This is ridiculous...the GN twitter is obviously not Kate. How pathetic that this woman not only needs a "ghost writer" for her books but also a "ghost twitterer" and a "ghost blogger." Clearly, everything about this woman is fake and manufactured.
Yes! I was just coming here to post it:
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
friends-- I am here to say GN. I see all the fun you are having& I wish that I could have been a part. All is well, no wories. tweet ya soon
10 hours ago via web
That's definitely NOT Khate!
As for her absence this week, it could be one of several things (or a combination of several):
1) TLC yanked her off Twitter and took it over;
2) TLC told her to stop tweeting so much, and to only check in and say hi and be vague;
3) Khate got bored with Twitter;
4) Khate (and TLC) realized that the dumb little Twitter experiment didn't help her ratings at all, so at the meeting they discussed how it wasn't necessary anymore, time to move onto Plan B (whatever that might be);
5) Khate is deliberately being unavailable and not tweeting much so that her sheeple will miss her and be so excited when she pops back on Twitter on Monday to pump that night's episode and have her little Twitter party;
6) She's been busy this week getting ready to leave town probably next Wednesday for the Kentucky Derby - as someone else said, she needs dresses, shoes, hats, fake tanning, manicure, pedicure, haircut and bleach, etc;
7) Khate is bipolar and her three week Twitter frenzy was during a manic period, but now she's been severely depressed ever since the ratings took a HUGE dive (not at all what she expected) and TLC had the meeting with her.
As far as it being difficult to figure out if the Tweets are Khate or TLC/P.R. people and there not being any consistency, that might be because only SOME tweets are from TLC/P.R. and some are still from Khate. Many celebrities have their Twitter set up so that they tweet sometimes, but their assistants/managers/p.r. people send tweets sometimes also.
Admin said...
Tlc will probably only let her say good morning and goodnight now. And maybe "hi".
You called it!!
Ex one rule is don't talk to other posters,just write your opinion and that's it.They are very strict and probably most messages break one of the rules and don't go through.
I didn't see that rule among the 19, and actually, that question was recently asked if posters could question/address another blogger, and the reply was that it's acceptable to ask questions of another blogger because it invites an interesting discussion. So, who knows? It could very well be that so many are rejected that very few make it through and so traffic is very slow.
Jon's twitter numbers dropped because he's weeded a huge amount out. Nothing more, nothing less. Kate? She'll never have the following she wants.
Crazy chatter said... This from the blog about the Roloff's that someone referenced above. Very interesting ...
"Matt can talk about all these other offers he has all he wants, but TLC has their exclusivity rights to the Roloffs -- which we are told actually runs longer than most people think -- which is common practice for networks and reality TV stars."
And so it will be with the Gosselins. They may drop her & the show but TLC owns them. The contract may be written to say that she (& the 8) cannot film for another network for "X" number of years without TLC permission. Very sad that she's sold her kids to TLC.
So, Tracy Morgan will be at the Kentucky Derby huh? He's on 30 Rock, has been in lots of funny ass movies & is a great comedian. I hope he pulls no punches with these wanna-bees who are going to be there with him...ahem Kate...Tracy is on a successful TV show right now. WHY Kate would be asked to appear along side him is beyond me, unless it's in different times, sections, performances? Oh, I hope he lets loose on her. He is super funny.
He has been in movies with Chris Rock, he knows Tina Fey personally, Tracy Morgan is A-list. Kate...not so much. Zzzzzzz-list.
You know she has to tan, get mani/pedi, dye/cut the straw(sorry, hair), shop, and make sure the nanny scheduled for next week gets her driver's license so she can drive the kids to school
She doesn't drive the kids to school - she takes them to the bus stop. That, too, would require a license!
Neither caps nor whitening will change the position of Kate's upper teeth. I see it quite a disservice to Kate when a caricature fails to capture the true essence of her centrally located right central incisor!
That's always bothered me, too (in the caricature)! In fact, it was brought up on one of these threads not too long ago. It looks like her entire upper jaw needs to be moved to her right.
No they're right, this is a GWOP rule: "No @ either and especially not multiple people in one comment. Your comments are to the board and not to individuals."
IMO that defeats about 79% of the purpose of a blog, the interactions the back and forth. If you cannot address a poster's comments you lose that element of a blog and it becomes boring.
One of the reasons I started this board was to be an alternative to GWOP. I think I started with three rules and I'm up to four, I won't go beyond that.
I firmly believe that a board can more or less self regulate with the right people, the right groove, the right environment. But over-moderate and you never allow a blog to find its natural groove. This board largely has, I think, and I appreciate it. We've been on a streak for awhile now where I have to delete VERY, VERY few comments. And I have a strong suspicion since the only few comments I've deleted the past few months almost ALL sound exactly the same, that it's one person. Or a few at most.
GWOP was its own worst enemy and that's why they've fizzled. I started there but saw the writing on the wall. I made a few efforts to try to change their minds on the way the blog was run, was met with very firm and actually quite vile resistance, so the only thing to do then was start my own. I daresay that was a good idea! Thanks to ya'll!
I made a few efforts to try to change their minds on the way the blog was run, was met with very firm and actually quite vile resistance, so the only thing to do then was start my own. I daresay that was a good idea! Thanks to ya'll!
Umm you broke rule number six admin, "6 Don't tell the moderators how to run the blog."
ADMIN, this is the best blog out there, as far as I am concerned. I appreciate what you do here. Most all the posters are polite (except a few nutcases YOU let sneak in haha) and we have some good discussions here. I really like that. THANKS.
I love how whoever is tweeting for her is jumping on a few times here and there to throw crumbs at the uber fans. She goes to the Derby next week, so she will be SO busy with that appearance. Maybe they will tweet during Mondays' show, but not much else. I can't see this lasting much longer. Well, yes I do, as long as PR/TLC does taker over full time. BTW, Who the heck tells anyone to "hold down the fort". They really have no idea what Twitter is all about. They all really think it is a chat room. It has to be a horror to follow her.
"As far as it being difficult to figure out if the Tweets are Khate or TLC/P.R. people and there not being any consistency, that might be because only SOME tweets are from TLC/P.R. and some are still from Khate. Many celebrities have their Twitter set up so that they tweet sometimes, but their assistants/managers/p.r. people send tweets sometimes also."
This could very well be, and I think I've uncovered what is what here. I don't want to disclose what I've found right now because I want to watch it just a bit longer and see if this "pattern" continues!
In addition, it's interesting that since the return from the production meeting, not only has there been a slowing down of tweets, but they have all been generic, and I would suspect that they will continue to be, even after the horses ride her in the derby.
It appears that all of the tweets since the production meeting are dissembling.
Thank you, Admin, for all your hard work here. I know that you must spend hours of your free time working here. I really do love this blog and appreciate you allowing me to comment here. Thanks again!
I wonder how many bodyguards Kate will require at the Derby? I live in KY and am deeply disappointed that my state would invite her to such an important event. Admin, try to post a pic of her Derby attire; I can't wait to see the hat see will wear (if she even realizes that wearing a hat is a Derby tradition). I would give everything I own to see them seat her in the infield with the rest of us regular folk!
Moose Mania said...
"As far as it being difficult to figure out if the Tweets are Khate or TLC/P.R. people and there not being any consistency, that might be because only SOME tweets are from TLC/P.R. and some are still from Khate. Many celebrities have their Twitter set up so that they tweet sometimes, but their assistants/managers/p.r. people send tweets sometimes also."
This could very well be, and I think I've uncovered what is what here. I don't want to disclose what I've found right now because I want to watch it just a bit longer and see if this "pattern" continues!
In addition, it's interesting that since the return from the production meeting, not only has there been a slowing down of tweets, but they have all been generic, and I would suspect that they will continue to be, even after the horses ride her in the derby.
It appears that all of the tweets since the production meeting are dissembling.
Moose Mania: I was just going to post about a pattern that I think I'm seeing, but maybe I shouldn't. I'm dying to know if you and I are on the same track, though. Even before I read your post just now, I was thinking maybe I better not post about it because TLC/p.r. people will probably see it and change what they're doing. Okay, we'll just have to keep watching and see what happens.
I was thinking maybe I better not post about it because TLC/p.r. people will probably see it and change what they're doing.
Exactly. I'm not going to lay all my cards on the table because to do so will reveal what I suspect is happening, and you and I might very well be on the same track. It's a wait and watch game!
GWOP was its own worst enemy and that's why they've fizzled. I started there but saw the writing on the wall
It seems that others also see the writing on the wall. In the new discussions thread that began at midnight last night until now (10:40 p.m.) there have only been seven posts. What's causing the demise? Is it because nobody is posting, or whatever posts that are submitted are being deleted, or that there is nobody there to moderate? Perhaps it is a little bit of all three...
I find it too much of a coincidence that Kate's Tweet slowed down almost to a stop directly after her big meeting with TLC. In my opinion TLC told her to stop making a fool of herself and them and this is the only reason she isn't Tweeting her guts out anymore. She's been pulled back. I also have noticed the Sheeple Peeple are claiming Jon is losing Twitter followers. I am one of his followers and think he unfollows many, many people. He had over 80,000 followers at one time and I think is down to about 69,000. I've seen awful posts by Kate's fans and am sure he blocks and unfollows them immediately. He's just weeding the crazies out they're not dropping him. My cell phone tells when people joined Twitter. Kate has been on Twitter since March 18. That's about 1500 new followers a week. If my calculations are right it will take Kate about 46 weeks to catch up with Jon unless she does something major to grab the worlds attention. Sheeple are delusional. Period.
Sorry to post again, but if the Kentucky Derby is next week, that is probably why she is so busy. You know she has to tan, get mani/pedi, dye/cut the straw(sorry, hair), shop, and make sure the nanny scheduled for next week gets her driver's license so she can drive the kids to school. Oh and she is probably busy picking out which big hat to wear so she fits in with the rest of high society that will attend. My goodness, that woman is going to be so out of her element at the Kentucky Derby, it is almost comical. I am sure her and the two fake puppies will be out and ready to play. I hope those puppies don't scare the horses. ;)
I have no idea who's tweeting and who's not tweeting on her account. Whoever it is, the message I'm getting is this: I will lure you into something, make you think I care, then I will drop you when I'm tired of you or I have no more use for you. It was fun, but now I'm
ready for something more interesting.
Tweeting has done Kate no favors. It's making her appear even more unfavorable than before.
AuntieAnn said... JudyK said...I'm looking forward to someone seeing her horse teeth and placing a bet on her.
lol Judy! Can't you just see a vet checking out those veneers and rubbing those ankles.
You know come to think of it this might be the half marathon she's been talking about running in.
I would think she would be the longshot at even coming close to winning!
The Pegasus Parade in Louisville is not until Thursday, May 5th.
Long time lurker, rarely post. Thought it is interesting that the twitters were tweeting that queen kreider was in London.If you Google kg kentucky derby, she is there today at some parade.
Does anyone here read or post over on the rhymes with PLOP board? I notice that there have only been three postings in two days in the free discussions and not much more on the other threads. Is something wrong over there - has anyone heard anything?
Aww, Kate's cold dark heart breaks a little for Kate Middleton, the world's most famous, glamorous, and enchanting woman? Whaaaa? Because the Princess has everything the dopey unloved Katie wants? The fame, the admiration, the exceptional beauty, the access to the crown jewels, the loving relationship with both parents and siblings, the adoring husband? Of all those things, Katie only had fleeting fame/lasting infamy and the loving husband, whom she took for granted and discarded. And I love how she cried that Diana wasn't there and tweeter that she did such a great job raising those fine sons, that she was a great mom. Well, yeah, Diana was by all accounts a wonderful, warm, loving, fun mother and those boys adored her and still do. But don't you think that their FATHER and grandparents and aunts/uncles/friends had a lot to do with how great they turned out? And wow, does katie get it that no one will remember her as a good mom, least of all her own kids? And while the G8 may turn out well, many fear for their well-being, current and future. And if the kids do somehow grow up to be admirable adults, it will be in spite of their NPD mother, not because of her. And their salvation may be their dad. Even in his brief, obnoxious Ed Hardy phase, he always outshone Katie as a parent. Blech, Kate is such an idiot. And for the record, I'm not jealous. Well, maybe of that other
Kate, not the Leathery Dipshit
How does taking photos of the royals differ from snapping photos of any other celebrities?
There are a lot of celebrities who actually need publicity to keep up an image, especially the reality TV stars. The royals are not like that -- and they also have more protection and security to help push us back.
Do any of you guys have a link to the video where I can watch Kate's jump? I want to see her unbelievable rudeness for myself.
Someone mentioned her Loooooooong ago that those kids would eventually bring down Kate. Not that there would necessarily be any maliciousness behind it, but somehow they'll sabotage her: refuse to film, move in with Jon, misbehave somehow, you get the idea. She can control them for only so long and she won't like it when they finally break free. And yes, I agree that she will never willingly stop filming those kids
Oh, and before some sheeple says "But she's an RN! She can always go back to nursing."
I can't see Kate ever going back to nursing. But even if she tried, no medical facility I know would hire her. She lacks intelligence, empathy, and as far as I've seen can't even show compassion for her own family. Many new young RNs out there looking for employment. No way will Kate ever ever ever again get a job as an RN.
Here's how this will play out. And it has nothing to do with Kate and her ugly ways.
Kids grow up and go through that "not cute" phase. Kids also grow into that tween phase where I'm sure the last thing they want to do is have their "lives" televised. Twins are already there. Show is going to end whether TLC or Kate want it to or not. Just a given.
TLC has made her dependent on them for her current lifestyle. They will continue to find things for her - like the blog. And they will continue to film those kids periodically throughout the rest of their lives. Katie needs the money and the sheeple will eat those episodes up.
Unfortunately, Kate will never stop using her children. But, eventually her children will be old enough to speak (or sign contracts) for themselves. I cannot imagine that all 6 or 8 will agree to being pimped out by mamma.
Kate is going to end up with less than half of her kids standing by her, and penniless. She has no talent and is not very intelligent. That day may take a while in coming ... but it's coming.
Kate Kreider is a wannabe nothing. So what if her next appearance is at the Kentucky Derby. No one wants to know her, have anything to do with her or get to know her. What is there to get to know? Oh, wait a minute, she has 8 count em 8, children. So What? There are many moms who have children that don't pimp them out for their parents to make a dime (or more).
She definitely competes with her children. In the New York City episode she squealed and literally jumped for joy because she beat her six year-olds at a carnival game. It was totally the pool scene from Mommy Dearest.
Yes! I couldn't believe it. So what if the kids play and don't win? I never remember my mom competing with me. How odd.
And when she stood up atop the tour bus and waved like the Queen of England...blech. Of course, she had to run in her CFM shoes,no, outrun the PA's...wow Kate, you're so amazing!! What with your tits flopping hither and yon, and your short shorts climbing up your ass crack while you squealed so that everyone would look at you.
What a dipshit.
"JudyK said...Wow, this morning's tweets don't sound remotely like her, and I don't believe for a second that's Kate tweeting even those few tweets."
I am with you, JudyK. They are totally different than the other tweets. I STILL think the bad news about ratings has upset the queen so much, she is in a very foul mood, and TLC/PR had to take over. Plus being reprimanded for the content of those tweets. The last couple of days, they have given the fans just a few crumbs to keep them hanging around.
"Donna said...No regrets, you can go to TWOP (Television Without Pity)"
Thanks! That is a great site. Amazing the Roloffs are shooting new episodes?! What the heck happened??
"Tucker's mom.....misandrist"
PERFECT for Kate. Absolutely, perfect!
I really don't think the blog has a thing to do with her tweeting. SHE never even mentioned the blog. Her fans did, doing the happy dance that it was such an honor for her. (groan) Kate couldn't be bothered to even write a NEW blog entry, they used one from her old blog posts from months ago. Strange they would do that. Maybe Kate was just too busy with her schedule and all. LOL
She made a very brief appearance on Twitter, only four tweets. I still do not think this is Khate tweeting. I have been keeping an eye on TLC’s Twitter page the last few days, and they have been tweeting like crazy about the Royal wedding. So, hmmm, is it just coincidental that the same week the TLC Twitterer is busy tweeting about the wedding, Khate is suddenly too busy to tweet? I don’t think so; I think that TLC took over her Twitter account, but they’re too busy to tweet this week.
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Good Royal wedding day, all! Hope it is a happy day for all! How is everyone doing? Another busy day planned here...
1 hour ago via web
@Kateplusmy8 hello from Kazakhstan!<333
1 hour ago
in reply to ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Nursulu_KZ Good morning friend who is so far away! have a good day!
1 hour ago via web
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Just got on twitter and ive been summoned... must run.. tweet soon...miss you all and your fun conversations.
1 hour ago via web
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
yes, watched royal wedding and altho happy, cried that Diana is missing it... so proud of her boys. She did a great job..great mommy! :)
1 hour ago via web
Yuck! So now the Kentucky Derby people list reality "star" Vicki as an actress! Really? I'm so glad my kids are studying theatre and the classics in college and in performing arts school so these wannabe reality people can take their jobs! PAHLEEZE! These reality people are NOT actors- NOT! Geesh! I love British history and followed the whole Charles and Diana thing but she has been gone long enough and it didn't make me cry that she wasn't there. If Khate is such a good Christian then she would know that Diana was there- Geesh!
Matt's tweet from yesterday.
mattroloff Matt Roloff
Amy and I just worked out a tentative filmIng schedule for the lpbw episodes we'll be filming this year.
Im sorry, I hate to be so nit picky but if Khate really new anything about the Royals and Princess Diana she would know that she was called Mummy by her sons, Making her a great Mummy. Something Khate will never be.
Charlez said... I think this Twitter bit is to gain some followers who will follow her to that parenting blog. I think it is all part of TLC's getting her ready to be a STAH on that blog.
You have hit the nail on the Kate head. However, TLC or Jon told her to "stifle it" because her twits are indeed vague and she's always "too busy". I really don't get how TLC thinks either Kate or Michele Duggar are role models for other moms except to teach you how to use your kids to make money....the blog should be called "Breeding for Money".
I think this Twitter bit is to gain some followers who will follow her to that parenting blog. I think it is all part of TLC's getting her ready to be a STAH on that blog.
"ADMIN, All I can say is I'm relieved if she is done talking about the kids."
You might be counting your chickens too soon, or whatever that expression is. LOL She is SO busy right now with a "project" that she can't tell until next week! Those tweets last night were surely subdued. They don't seem they are Kate's usual bs.
Donna said...
TLC must enjoy rewarding bad behavior. It seems that the Roloffs are in talks with TLC about doing more shows. This comes at the same time that pictures have appeared showing the Roloff boys abusing an animal.
Cat tossing. There's something seriously wrong with you if you enjoy tormenting animals.
Very little makes me more sick than this. Let's reward them with tons of money and another show!!!
gotyournumberkate said...
There was a comment made by a Kate hater about the kids that was inappropriate. I forget exactly what it was but it shouldn't have been said. This account has been deleted since. Jon replied with a comment to leave the kids out of it. Maybe he did have something to do with it. I hope so.
This is what troubles me about the "haters" tweeting Kate all day or whatever, saying nasty things. First of all, it makes us, the sane ones, look really bad. And second, if the people who just dislike Kate so much would just un-follow her, then her numbers would falter big time, & she would have 1,000 followers. TLC would take notice of that I'm sure. And TLC would also see that most of the people tweeting Kate are negative responses or tweets in the 1st place, so she is really is NOT relevant. Maybe if the 'haters' STOPPED, then she would fade away. I'm sorry, but is it us (well, not us, we aren't the hardcore ones really) but the really hardcore haters, I mean the nasty, vile ones that keep her newsworthy. And the lovers alike that keep her relevant. The ones that defend her til the cows come home. It's apparently a battle on twitter about her. It's pathetic!! And Kate loves it.
And tweeting stuff about the kids is wrong on so many levels. Leave the damn kids out of it. Just because Kate does it, doesn't make it OK.
~Hippie Chick
"Donna said...TLC must enjoy rewarding bad behavior. It seems that the Roloffs are in talks with TLC about doing more shows. This comes at the same time that pictures have appeared showing the Roloff boys abusing an animal."
Hadn't heard about that. Is there a link to this, please? Amazing they would have another show. Amy said it interfered with their every day life at one point, in one interview. Too much criticism and the kids were getting attacked.
I think I know why Kate stopped following TLC. I followed them for about 3 days this week, and they tweeted message after message promoting the Royal series they had on their channel. Along with all the other shows they have. TOO MANY TWEETS. Kate can't follow all HER adoring tweets, too much work to weed through TLC's. LOL
"aussie-yob said...*I hated the way she referred to watching `little ceremony things' being performed by the local people. They weren't about her and she was out of her depth so she sought to diminish them.
I agree. She trivialized the ceremonies. It is very embarassing. She has not a clue the history of the indigenous people, nor seems to care. It was humorous to her.
"* I was puzzled by Kate's over-the-top positive reaction to what looked like a pretty standard trail ride."
That got me too. Plenty of horses to ride in PA. But everything is 'life changing' 'top of the list' 'dream come true'. It has lost it's meaning, she says it so much. The main absurd thing about the horse ride, to me, was her refusing the cap under the helmet! Because she didn't want the paps to get a picture of her in a shower cap? The guide even said because of the hundreds of heads who have worn the helmets, you would wear the cap. This woman purports to be such a germophobe. This whole persona she has invented is nothing but fake. Fake as can be.
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