Kate had a meeting with production today. "No. Neither is cancelled," Kate twitter-twattered tonight, referring to Kate Plus 8 and Twist of Kate (Kate? You can't cancel something that never even saw the light of day). She also says she brought some of the trip/bucket list ideas to the production meeting, including one she is pushing for in particular. Wonder which one that is, Crazy Horse?
Will the children, who are getting older by the minute, have any time for normal private summer activities other kids their age do? Or will they be required to go on filming trips all summer long like last year?
"Good/right always prevails," Kate also twittered. Yes, we couldn't agree more with that particular "sediment."
Hmm, is Kate telling the truth? Or in the privacy of her McMansion is she pulling a Jessie Spano freakout:
395 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 395 Newer› Newest»Ah, I say let her carry on. She's gotten this far. The higher she builds herself up...the harder she'll fall then the curtain closes.
What Twist of Kate? All we ever saw was the one where she was cooking a grubby truck stop in...oh, I don't remember some place USA.
And the last time Kate told the truth was.........oh right, if her lips are moving, she's lying!! What else would she say after it was reported the show might be cancelled?
The stupidity of this Twitter nonsense is beyond laughable. 'Hold down the fort'???? Are they serious??? O.M.G. They are all delusional.
Well, it was a nice scenario while it lasted.
Damn you, TLC.
PatK don't be so quick to believe this lying liar. Knowing Kate she is not going to take to Twitter crying saying OMG if we don't do something and do it now I'm cooked! Instead she will go about it in roundabout ways begging people to tell her what trips to put on her bucket list, to contact TLC, to watch and tell 10 others to watch (wait isn't that a pyramind scheme? lol), etc. TLC may have ordered a few more summer episodes but if the show isn't in danger why is Kate making sure to address this nasty rumor?
You know what else throws her whole credibility into question, other than well it's KATE? The fact that even though the person asking didn't even mention Twist of Kate, Kate was sure to throw in there OH and Twist of Kate isn't cancelled either don't worry guys! Come OFF IT Kate Twist of Kate is a joke at this point, the pilot was filmed in November 2009. No one sits on a show that long unless it's total garbage.
You know what this reminds me of? All's well over here nothing to see here I'm fine, we're good! When really, things are not good at all.
I'm not a wishful thinker, but I do believe in stats and those ratings stats don't lie.
Well, we can hope she's using "cancelled" the same way she used "expelled". No, the kids were not "expelled", they were invited to leave.
No, the shows are not cancelled, they were invited to disappear.
It probably took her eight hours to decide whether to get down on her knees begging them to please watch the next episode and tell 1,000 friends, or to try to save face spin it all cheerful like don't worry guys we're okay, everything is GREAT!!!
Reminds me of Jessie on Saved By the Bell. "I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it, I'm so excited....I'm....so....SCARED!"
Look at it this way, with the show's falling ratings if TLC DIDN'T talk to her about it that would be kind of shitty, wouldn't it? Doesn't Kate have a right to know the ratings are bad, they need to do something to fix it, and what TLC's bottom line is? They HAVE to have a bottom line SOMEWHERE this isn't a show they're going to continue even if just 2 people are watching, come on now Kate. I would be shocked if this meeting wasn't almost all about the ratings and how to fix them.
The celeb I worked for had a long-running TV series that lasted many seasons. But the last about two and a half seasons when ratings were starting to trickle down, the network was very honest with her, and everyone, they better figure something out or the show was done. They tried things you try when shows are cooked--killing off characters, get married and have a baby, a very special episode about some dicey topic like rape, etc. It was not a surprise when it was cancelled, it had been discussed many times and they had been trying to revamp it.
When it comes to long running shows, most execs realize it's not right not to give people plenty of warning and opportunity. You TALK about these things. You don't stick your head in the sand and pretend everything is coming up roses.
Yes, networks give you the ax just like that obviously, but not necessarily for their more loyal long running shows. They get a BIT better treatment.
If TLC is trying to pretend nothing is wrong here, they are being downright disrespectful to Kate. She has been with them long enough to at least be given fair warning. I don't believe for a second this meeting wasn't a very firm "we better get it together" meeting. Kate can spin it all she wants on twitter but what she's saying doesn't add up, and really, makes herself look foolish and like she is being played.
I wonder why she had to fly for a meeting with "production." Couldn't she have discussed her bucket list on a conference call?
"Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@TrippenIn @LivinForLife @Donnas_Daze Pure nonsense. I'm unpenatratable to it. Don't have time for dumb, only for learning living& loving.."
Does she mean impenetrable?
"Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@SuperPattyPie @TrippThornton @emilykateplus8 I still do now but ur right..Omg I totally forgot! Hoardes of pap invading& well lots ofdrama"
Hoardes? Like those "hoardes" at Mr. Kiwi Bird Man's place?
Kate doesn't know that the ratings are bad? I have a sneaking suspicion she has a hotline to the ratings sources. And I fully expect she believes they will be really good.
She is simply trying to save face. TLC told her what she already knew. Now she has to put up a good front for all these people who send her greeting card quotes and also post a message to all those who want her show cancelled = I am strong, I am invincible, I am Kaaattttiieee.
I went back and looked at some of those tweets.
It's all those patronizing warm fuzzy thoughts and lots of hugs. The woman does not need warm fuzzy thoughts and lots of hugs. She needs some common sense, a commitment to the welfare of her children and perhaps help to figure out her way to get there.
The fact that even though the person asking didn't even mention Twist of Kate, Kate was sure to throw in there OH and Twist of Kate isn't cancelled either don't worry guys
One person did ask about it...
emilykateplus8 Emily
by Kateplusmy8
@Kateplusmy8 Kate!! Is K+8 really cancelled? Its all over the internet that it was cancelled as is Twist of Kate! Tell me its not true.. :[
Then she responded that neither is canceled. I missed it, too, the first time I looked at it.
I'm not sure I know what to make of it. If she's lying big time, then she's really going to have some explaining to do when it's canceled. If she's not lying, heaven help those kids.
When LPBW went off the air, who announced it? Matt or TLC and how was it done? Did TLC put a press release out there?
Admin, I think you have a good perspective on this...Whether we like it or not, Jon and Kate plus 8 made TLC a lot of money, and they will not just kick her to the curb... there will be a process, and it will likely end, like previously stated, as a mutual agreement, with a big goodbye tour likely to the place she is really pushing for..lolll...
It is VERY interesting that the article about possible cancelation came out on the same day as her business meeting, and she was cautious to say where she was off to this am...
I don't know how LPBW took its final bow. But I do remember the Hayes family with their sextuplets. They just faded away with nary a word from TLC. I think TLC was hoping nobody would notice they were gone. With Kate, it's going to be a lot louder than that. People who love her and people who loathe her are all watching with rapt attention.
I said it in the last thread, but this last bunch of tweets sound distinctly like goodbyes.
She needs some common sense, a commitment to the welfare of her children and perhaps help to figure out her way to get there.She needs some common sense, a commitment to the welfare of her children and perhaps help to figure out her way to get there.
But, Fido, her maturity level doesn't allow that. She's exactly where she should be -- getting warm, fuzzy thoughts and hugs from troubled teens and misguided sheeple. I honestly don't believe that she is capable of interacting with anyone on an adult level. She hasn't yet showed a commitment to the welfare of her children. You just can't fix dumb.
Lips moving? She's lying like a dirty rug.
I don't believe ONE SINGLE WORD she says........
TLC announced at the beginning of the last season with the Roloffs, that it would be the last season...at least that is what wikipedia says, and I seem to recall that being stated in the promo's...
As usual, Kate gets by with half truths. I completely believe that TLC told her they weren't cancelling the show. What Kate didn't say which I'm sure she was also told is that they will be watching how her show performs the rest of the "season" and if the ratings continue to slip they'll have to make some decisions about her future with TLC.
You gotta hand it to Kate. Even though her show is on life support and it's only a matter of time before it gets canceled, the bitch had the stones to bring her bucket list to the meeting today and beg for yet another free trip! She is overpaid as it is for a show few are watching and fewer yet actually enjoy, she is friendless,reviled and ridiculed, and the paparazzi, tabloids and talk shows ignore her, yet there she is, still grifting! She is a piece. of. work.
Kate Plus 0, I know right?
Instead of coming to the meeting to brainstorm ideas for how to generate interest, she comes with a laundry list of more freebies she wants from them. What nerve she has. I would not be at all surprised if some of the execs, if not all of them, are laughing their asses off at this woman. Of course, they'll use her until they've shaken every last penny out just like Kate has done to her kids, but that doesn't mean she isn't the butt of the joke.
Tonight I see Kate's tweet and I read the following article on WG's blog:
I don't care what Kate tweets because between the two I believe foxphilly is on to something especially if the viewers do not tune in for the Philly episode.
Is there a Kate-English dictionary? Perhaps sks here can translate this for me:
"@LivinForLife @Donnas_Daze Yes please... I'll take some... Although I do have per space issues, lol about 4 hours ago"
What are "per space issues"? I noticed an earlier tweet where she also used per similarily.
You'd think with a McMansion big enough to easily lose a kid or eight there wouldn't be space issues. Or maybe if she got rid of the army of nannies & film crew...
Wow. It is 6:44 AST and I see Kate is busy tweeting already. Hard to believe that critter is up at 5:44 and the first thing she does is tweet. Does she not have children to get up and ready for school and prepare breakfast for...oh wait, silly me, I forgot about the Ninny's Nannies.
Um... it's nearly bedtime for me where I live and 4:30 am where KG is at and she's tweeting? Hmmm... sounds like someone is having trouble sleeping after the "production" meeting.
Is anyone worried how Kartie will react behind closed doors once she gets the finale axe. I hope she doesn't have a rose garden in her backyard.
Two weeks ago, when ratings were still over a million I read multiple articles predicting that if ratings stayed below a million the show would probably be cancelled. Then last week ratings were 800,000 and this week there is another article saying precisely the same thing about the growing probability of cancellation. All of these independent media writers can't be wrong and I'm positive they didn't get together to conspire to create this rumor; face facts - Kate's show is in serious jeopardy!
I do believe that Kate discussed bucket list ideas with TLC/Figure 8 - that sounds like how she would describe her presentation to them, but remember - Kate is a master manipulator of the English language. She used every verb in the world to avoid the word "expelled" and I believe she'll be creative when the time comes to talk about the show being cancelled. I don't think I'm out of line thinking that words like 'wait and see', lower ratings, demographic, cost, advertising revenue, and expense were used in that meeting and no matter how twittingly her tweets sound to her tweeties, her future is not as promising as she'd like them to believe.
No rational, literate, or semi-educated person could believe that her show is not in jeopardy other than the sheeple, of course, and I wonder if they are thinking it, but are too afraid to say it.
This lie is peanuts compared to the other doozies she's spun to keep "the show" going. For Pete's sake, she renewed her vows when they were on their way to splitting up, she tried to force Jon to keep up the farce of being "happily" married, all the while he's living up in the garage! Someone in another thread made a good poin. It doesn't matter to her if she lies or distorts, it's what/how she THINKS she's portraying herself that people SHOULD in fact believe.
I don't think she's lying that "Kate Plus 8" or "Twist of Kate" has not been cancelled because she simply has not been told by TLC execs. If she had been told, she'd be twatting all her sheeple followers to deluge TLC with emails and letters. She can go to a production meeting (which I agree with poster upthread it could have been done via a conference call) and beg for more free trips, but whether TLC will continue shelling out money for a dying show for another year is highly doubtful. They are a business. I think her contract will be fulfulled for 2011 and that's it. She is delusional, and I agree has "stones" to demand more trips. This formula is NOT working, NOT bringing in viewers, and TLC will call it quits. Finally.
In Kate speak, this is what I see:
Not Expelled = I pulled them out of school
Not Canceled = Not Renewed.
I think the writing is on the wall. They have lost 2/3 of their viewers since June of 2010. That in itself is the telling point.
from over 3.2mil to under 1mil in less than a year.
And what is with her calling out her 'peeps' to hold down the fort? Does she think twitter is her own little chat room. I've NEVER seen a celebrity tweet like she does. EVER! She's got her personal favorites and what that ends up doing is turning off a lot of genuine fans (not the nutso ones who think she is their BFF) who added her to keep up to date on the show or the kids.
MickeyMcKean said...
Tonight I see Kate's tweet and I read the following article on WG's blog:
This was posted on the previous thread here yesterday, which sparked the whole cancellation discussion and I guess led to one sheeple's frantic tweet to her about this news being "all over the internet." I believe this production meeting was much more than she is leading her sheeple to believe. Of course, with her, it is so hard to know what really was behind this meeting, and if she got a warning, a preemptive strike before the final blow.
Her tweets sound kind of frantic, like an artificial "high," either the result of very good news or very bad news, or because of too much wine. It's hard to tell the difference.
Linda G - what is it in the tweets that lead you to believe that these are goodbyes?
"Good/right always prevails," Kate also twittered...
Message to Kate:
Good! But there's a problem, Katie. No matter how special you think you are- if your ratings continue to drop, TLC is going to cancel your delusional ass. Time to say good-bye to your crummy Kate + 8 show, along with your silly "Twisted Kate" idea.
Your "brand" is not what it used to be.
Deal with it.
P.S. there is nothing good about forcing your young children to work.
Based on the addition of this guy to her Twitter followers (he is one of the handful of correspondents she has tweeted directly), she's talking to a new media/marketing company. See background on Tripp Thornton here:
Given his background, it looks like they're trying to get her some product placement or other retail-related deal. Good luck with that.
It's kind of ironic that Kate's tweets are so sticky sweet when in reality she's not a sweet person. She kind of reminds me of a woman I know who used to be a politician. I knew her before she got into politics and she had no personality and was a bit on the cold side. Kind of like Mary Tyler Moore's character in Ordinary People. But when she had her politician face on she was warm, friendly and bubbled with personality.
That is how Kate is on Twitter. She's not like that at all. She doesn't care about what other people have to say, she's not interested in their lives, she's only interested in herself.
But to save her show, she'll do whatever it takes and Twitter is a clear example of that. She will interact with the "unwashed masses" if it means higher ratings.
I think admin is right, I think this big meeting was all about the show being on the bubble and giving the show one last shot before it goes away. Plus, isn't there a contract that runs until 2012? Maybe TLC is placating Kate until then. Then when their contract runs out TLC can finally have an out. I'm sure they're ready to call it quits with this woman but they have to let her down easy otherwise she won't go quietly.
TLC is big business, there is no way that ratings were NOT discussed. Kate tries to act as if everything is rosy and peachy keen. So, TLC isn't worried about ratings, Kate? You can be the advertisers are. The bottom line is money. Period, end of story.
I love how everyone says to her, "at least now, we can get the 'truth'" Have they NEVER heard all her lies she says on TAPE? I mean, really? My God, these people are SO naive. Makes you wonder how they have made it in life.
Bluenoser said... Wow. It is 6:44 AST and I see Kate is busy tweeting already. Hard to believe that critter is up at 5:44 and the first thing she does is tweet. Does she not have children to get up and ready for school and prepare breakfast for...oh wait, silly me, I forgot about the Ninny's Nannies
BAWAHAAAA!! Good one!
So what will we see today? Incessant twittering or quiet while she seeks out comfort in her box of vino or plots her next PR move?
Time to quit the Kate hate as it apparently is keeping her famous and keeping the show on the air. Time to ignore. Please join me in ignoring all things Kate.
One element that is missing is that we are forgetting that TLC is also broadcasting the show overseas. In some countries they are years behind what we are seeing in the states - so again TLC is making hand-over-fist in profits from this one trick pony.
So, again they might not be so quick to pull the plug as long as the monies are coming in. Bad ratings here (which I hope continue!!!) may mean nothing if the distribution profits are still significant.
It is like when you wonder why a sitcom (especially really lame ones... I won't mention names to not cause a war) continue for what seems FOREVER - because the golden goose is the distribution/re-run profits.
Something to consider in all of this. Even if they cut her back to one or twice a year... they will still be milking her dry and continuing to ruin those children's childhoods.
And as a survivor of a parent with NPD, I pray Mady and Cara use the internet as soon they turn 18 and find Paul Petersen. My mother always threatened to write me out of the will and other vileness to try and keep me in line as an adult. I can see her doing similar to the Gosselin eight.
Not watched since 2010... free the Gosselin Eight!
Oh no, Kate will be receiving an Emmy nomination this year? Kate will be having a show of her own?
Kate will be flying to Europe for the Royal Wedding?
Kate will head to Iraq to entertain the troops with the 8 kids?
Kate will co host the DWTS show from now on?
Oh, Kate is going down the drain.....now I read her lips correctly.
Bye bye bitch. Never have I had such dislike, distaste and more distrust of a person in my life that I DID NOT KNOW.
She has her implants, her hair extensions, her land of acres and she has ruined 8 lives.
TLC is taking her off of their stations, will run all the shows together, nothing anyhow. The show that should have pulled in ratings was Overseas. She bombed, big time, very big time.
No one, not even those who love to hate want to see her dragging those kids around. I never saw such tired, haggard, disgusted kids with no interest in one thing in the Overseas shows.
Why not? Because the kids are just that kids. They don't want to be away from home unless they are at Disneyland. They tried Florida and California, didn't they? Well, kids that age, unless raised by intelligent parents, have no other interest other than at their age, PLAY.
She is a disgrace as a mother. So sad, so very sad.
Now free the 8 children, TLC, you read this Blog and go forward with your show of freaks, cakes, interventions, dresses, pawn shops, auctions and anything else you think people want to watch. Keep your Sister Wives, Housewives of everywhere on the air, but take that woman and those children off the air and everyone will forget that you helped to destroy the 8 lives of those children.
Kate, you should go away forever. You were the biggest joke in that business and my best recordings are of Jimmy Fallon imitating you dancing. Go away and let those children learn that although born as 6 births, they can be individuals, wear anything they want and find their interests in life.
You are a Bitch Kate. No one likes you.
I think when Kate says "per space" she means personal space.
Apparently she would rather complain about having to use her bedroom as an office, than buy a lock for another room in her vast mansion to store her bills and bank statements.
And with a lock on her bedroom door, she has more personal space than most moms, who lovingly don't want a locked door between them and their children.
What a Dork!
Maybe TLC laughed in her face& Kate is just pretending everything is fine. Who knows? I'll wait until TLC puts out something. Kate is Kate & lies through her teeth.
Probably "Korea" to "rock the orphans." I never thought of Korea as a high orphan rate country. Nothing would tickle her more than for her the non-Asian ninth Gosselin to be the one to take the kids to "Korea" instead of Jon.
Let's look at worst case scenario. TLC will honor Kate's contract until next year and continue to film in 2011. The contract will then have to be renewed. John will have to agree to have his kids on tv and I'm hoping he has seen the light and wants to save his kids. I watch The Real Housewives shows and each season it seems that more and more of their children aren't shown or discussed because the fathers won't allow them to be filmed and refuse to sign the contracts.
I think her contract with TLC runs until early 2012? TLC may have to pay her off to end early, but I am confident TLC lawyers made sure the contract benefited the company, not Kate.
I don't think there are numerous online articles about the show facing cancellation. I read one article and saw that other sites picked it up. I didn't get the impression that the author of the article had any inside information other than using common sense that when ratings continually drop, a show is in trouble. I agree that the production meeting had to involve discussions of the ratings and most likely a warning from TLC to step it up or she's toast. It's pretty obvious that TLC has many new shows coming out and Kate's show is being phased out. Not to worry, sheeple, as long as TLC airs the old shows, I'm sure Kate will continue to receive some compensation even if she whines about supporting her "brood" (I hate that term ROL uses).
What could Kate possibly do to improve the ratings? Is that her job, or is that the job of TLC's promotion and scheduling departments?
The Philadelphia episode is taped, with the couch interview also probably taped by now. The birthday episode is probably still being worked on, but the trip can't be redone to retape it to make it more appealing.
What's a woman to do to get her show watched? I don't get it. And are they absolutely sure
Kate is the one they want working on this?
There is another aspect to all of this: the children. There are a great many viewers who still feel it is there right to gawk at the kids like a circus act, and TLC will not want to lose the rights to the brand up until the tups are 18. I predict that they will not officially announce 'cancellation', but instead announce annual or semi-annual specials to keep the gawk factor focused on the kids. Kate has nothing left to sell, other than her children's puberty.
Think about it, "The Tups take driving lessons, the tups go to prom..."
"Gimme Gimme said...
Probably "Korea" to "rock the orphans."
You forgot "take supplies". You know those orphans, who have to wait for "supplies", until SHE can fly and FILM in "Korea". Her stupidity is so overwhelming. Even after Jon told her on film that it is SOUTH Korea, she is still blissfully living in ignorance. It STILL bugs me greatly, to have kids who are part Korean, how this woman has taken no initiative to LEARN about her own kids heritage. Remember her "little China dolls". Gawd LOL
Yes, twitter has taught me some new things about Kate. She is even more dumb than I ever imagined. And there are HOARDS of naive people out there, more than I ever imagined also.
"IDModo said...
I think when Kate says "per space" she means personal space."
Remember the tweet regarding the gymnastics classes for the kids when she said this, along with it costs a lot? The fans has interpreted this to say "There was no openings for the kids to join". Not the cost being the factor, but no openings. LOL Anything to excuse this vile woman. Anything at all.
I'm betting that K8 is on her knees to Jon begging him to come back so that they can have another "royal" wedding to bring the ratings up. The ratings were always better when Jon was on the show. There has been much speculation about K8 & Steve but I don't think that TLC wants to go that route because then K8 would be looked upon as a homewrecker....TLC probably told her GET.JON.BACK! Pure speculation on my part but we know that TLC is all about the bottom line and that is MONEY.
I've noticed the kids are barely on NYC Housewives this season and guess what, the show is just as much of a guilty pleasure as it always was.
I'm glad it was decided, however it was, to leave the kids alone. I could care less if adults want to open up their private lives to everyone, that's their right. A kid not only doesn't have the choice to do that, but it's not yet able to understand the consequences of consenting.
Admin said...
Instead of coming to the meeting to brainstorm ideas for how to generate interest, she comes with a laundry list of more freebies she wants from them. What nerve she has. I would not be at all surprised if some of the execs, if not all of them, are laughing their asses off at this woman. Of course, they'll use her until they've shaken every last penny out just like Kate has done to her kids, but that doesn't mean she isn't the butt of the joke.
Exactly!!! Why didn't she come with ideas to make the show better? Does she think going on bigger, better trips is helping bring in viewers? It's only helping HER. She is more egotistical than we thought, & I didn't think that was possible.
~Hippie Chick~
For some reason Google didn't want to print my comment, so I'll try again and apologize if it shows up twice.
The most compelling thing to me that TLC is in the process (who knows how long that will take?) of cancelling her is that when they announced their line up of shows for this year, Kate was not in it. Seems like they are really going in heavy for the 'what not to wear' type shows and Sister Wives and some other stuff that sounded totally uninteresting, but no Kate. That is what I think was most telling in the MyFoxPhilly article and why they believe she will be cancelled. And, if you watch any daytime TV, Kate is nowhere in reruns, when she used to be on all day and again in the evenings. I truly think she sunk her own ship with NZ and her behavior. When she finally goes away, the fault will be all on her own doorstep and she cannot blame the non fans or the fans for not supporting her enough. She will have done it all herself.
"fidosmommy said...
What could Kate possibly do to improve the ratings? Is that her job, or is that the job of TLC's promotion and scheduling departments?"
Of course they expect the "star" to help with promotion. She can open a twitter account and talk to her "worst nightmares". She can ramp up her "meltdowns", for instance. She might even SKY DIVE next! She can lay in heap on the ground for a whole hour this time, imagine! Who knows? This nicey nice certainly will NOT work. People KNOW she is not like that. MOST thinking people, any way. Her PR firm has always made terrible decisions IMO. All the shows she has had her mug on, crying and sobbing, was a horrible mistake to me. I know several people during that time who were so turned off, they stopped watching the drama queen's show. During DWTS, she was on a show every single day for an entire week, culminating in the kids visiting that weekend. She has been grossly overexposed, but somehow the PR machine thinks this is what she needs. Amazing to me, how they come up with these dumb ideas.
Just Dwindle Away said... There is another aspect to all of this: the children. There are a great many viewers who still feel it is there right to gawk at the kids like a circus act, and TLC will not want to lose the rights to the brand up until the tups are 18. I predict that they will not officially announce 'cancellation', but instead announce annual or semi-annual specials to keep the gawk factor focused on the kids. Kate has nothing left to sell, other than her children's puberty.
Think about it, "The Tups take driving lessons, the tups go to prom..."
More reason for me to NEVER watch another TLC/Discovery program. They don't give a sh*t about anything, except MONEY.
SCREW YOU TLC/Kate. You may succeed in screwing up 8 little lives, but I will not be any part of it.
TLC is planning to regurgitate a bunch of Kate + 8 shows and the Philly show on Monday night 7-2am. The only thing that TLC/Discovery understands is ratings. Show them how you feel by voting with your remote-
Just some random thoughts:
I'm mystified why, when Kate said last night she'll always be tweeting her fans, when she's at the grocery store, at the gate in the airport, doctor office waiting rooms, it took her 8 HOURS to share her good news with her tweeties.
Her tweets last night were really manic. She was up very late last night and was tweeting very early this am. People who are bipolar don't sleep much when they're "up."
She also set the scene for not tweeting much (although she said she would) when she said things are crazier than usual and she won't have a lot of time to tweet.
Lastly, if Kate can look her 8 children in the face and tell them "mommy and daddy" will be together forever while it's being filmed for the world to see, she can say anything.
Just Dwindle Away said...
There is another aspect to all of this: the children. There are a great many viewers who still feel it is there right to gawk at the kids like a circus act, and TLC will not want to lose the rights to the brand up until the tups are 18. I predict that they will not officially announce 'cancellation', but instead announce annual or semi-annual specials to keep the gawk factor focused on the kids. Kate has nothing left to sell, other than her children's puberty.
Think about it, "The Tups take driving lessons, the tups go to prom..."
Just Dwindle: By that age the kids’ consent would be needed, no matter what Kate wanted them to do. Would TLC sue the kids? I doubt it. If some or all of them WANTED to do it that’s a different story and I would hope they’d get the bulk of the “family” paycheck.
Jenna Does said...
Admin said...
Instead of coming to the meeting to brainstorm ideas for how to generate interest, she comes with a laundry list of more freebies she wants from them. What nerve she has. I would not be at all surprised if some of the execs, if not all of them, are laughing their asses off at this woman. Of course, they'll use her until they've shaken every last penny out just like Kate has done to her kids, but that doesn't mean she isn't the butt of the joke.
Exactly!!! Why didn't she come with ideas to make the show better? Does she think going on bigger, better trips is helping bring in viewers? It's only helping HER. She is more egotistical than we thought, & I didn't think that was possible.
Uh, nobody knows what she said in the meeting. The Administrator "imagined" what she thinks took place, criticized Kate for the actions she created for her, and now have deemed that Kate is "more egotistical than you thought" based on a scenario that the Administrator created in her head.
to boost ratings TLC can develop the love affair and then Kate and Steve Marry.
Beejcctx said...
One element that is missing is that we are forgetting that TLC is also broadcasting the show overseas. In some countries they are years behind what we are seeing in the states - so again TLC is making hand-over-fist in profits from this one trick pony.
Not years, actually, we're less than one year behind what is shown in States regarding the Gosselin saga.
Season 5 of "Jon and Kate plus 8" started exactly one year after it's USA premiere. "Kate plus 8" started in March this year, I believe (maybe even earlier, there was no special announcement; on the other hand, they were promoting season 5 of "J&K plus 8" for two months before it started here).
It seems to me that TLC's US program scheme is very different from the one in my country - we don't see the Duggars, other HOM families... We have a mix of US and UK shows, and the only reality shows about families are K+8 and LPBW (and maybe Cake Boss).
The reason I said they read like goodbyes are she was reassuring them she wasn't going to abandon them while at the same time warning them she wouldn't be around much. Then naming them by name, the dozen or so fans who post the most often, and saying don't worry many times.
Just sounded like she was preparing them for the fact that this twitter thing wasn't going to be for much longer.
By the way: you can't find the clip of her Sky Tower jump ANYWHERE on the internet! I found one video on youtube that makes you go to another site and then you have to take some surveys in order to see the episode and we just got rid of a bad virus on this computer, so I'm not taking chances.
I did every search I could, used that link given above, everything. It's nowhere.
I think even most of her Twitter critics have stopped tweeting criticism, except for just a handful.
Going to be funny when there's total crickets and one old lady posting Hallmark card quotes.
As for TLC, I agree with mimi: the proof's in the PR. Do you see them hyping K+8? Do you see ANY mention of that show in the new lineups? Do you see any PR being done for Kate or her "brand?"
None whatsoever. And she needs to give the whole world a f****** break with this Twist of Kate BS. It's never going to happen, period.
We all know she lies, she's been caught in plenty of whoppers. So to lie on twitter to some deluded fans is not even a big deal to her.
What was UP with tweeting so late last night, a big flurry, then being up at 4 am her time tweeting away like mad? THAT was weird.
Um tatoo read Kate's tweets. She said herself she took her tweeterhead's ideas to the meeting. You can't make this stuff up I'm afraid.
Also? I highly doubt she wrote the last bunch of tweets, including last night.
Naming people by name?
Narcissists do not do that. It doesn't even OCCUR to them to do that. Nor do they apologize for missing any names, again it doesn't occur to them to name them in the first place!
You could be standing right in front of them, you could introduce yourself to them and they don't know who you are. Remember Paul, "Mr. Kiwi Bird House Man?" There's many many examples of her acting in this classic NPD way.
People on twitter aren't even standing in front of her. She can't be arsed to think it's important when they're standing right there!
About Kate not calling people by name:
she also did this with the "Tea Party" episode when she & the 3 little girls were taking a carriage ride. The driver introduced himself and the horse - "Mikey". So, who does Kate say good-bye to when they're dropped off...the horse - Mikey. @@
No regrets said... "fidosmommy said...
What could Kate possibly do to improve the ratings? Is that her job, or is that the job of TLC's promotion and scheduling departments?"
Of course they expect the "star" to help with promotion. She can open a twitter account and talk to her "worst nightmares".........
OK, your answers were far better than the ones I was thinking of. I was thinking "do they want her to put flyers on car windshields, pose for a billboard on the Jersey Turnpike, set up a 24 hour call in show?" You know, do things
before the show airs to get people to watch it.
I like your ideas better. Thanks.
here, whoever wants to watch the New Zealand show starring Kate the Drama Quinn:
Enjoy! or not...I didn't have the strength to watch it I just watched a couple of the tower scenes
Yes, the sky jump of Kate has disappeared on the internet. I was fortunate enough to see it a part of it somewhere and was shocked. So....I bet TLC will clean up the rerun.
Also, BM has not posted the show like she always does and her sheeple want to see it. More reason to think there is some editing going on. The Kate-a-thon leading up to the Philly episode will not help ratings. I would think most moms would have better things to do than watch reruns all evening.
Laura D. said...
Just Dwindle: By that age the kids’ consent would be needed, no matter what Kate wanted them to do. Would TLC sue the kids? I doubt it. If some or all of them WANTED to do it that’s a different story and I would hope they’d get the bulk of the “family” paycheck.
I know that you and I hope so, but Kate has mentioned before about filming until the tups are 18, so she and TLC might think they are solidifying the future of the brand, until Kate can no longer legally bully the kids. Let's hope the child protection laws are toughened up before Kate decides that pre-teen bra shopping would make a good special, complete with her screeching and flapping about how expensive it is.
I also apologize for my error in my original post; I used 'there', instead of 'their'. grrr...
Here's the Zoo episode http://www.megavideo.com/?d=FMKNKOYN
and Australia Adventure epi here http://rlstv.com/2011/04/09/kate-plus-8-australia-adventure-season-2-episode-1/
I did not upload any of the videos and I am not making any money by sending you to these pages.Please don't watch Kate plus 8 when it originally airs, you can always watch it online a couple of days later.Don't help the ratings!
When Kate tweeted last night that she'll always be tweeting her fans, when she's at the grocery store, at the gate in the airport, doctor office waiting rooms....
What's she implying? Oh, I don't take ANY time away from the kids to tweet. I ONLY tweet during minutes that would be wasted anyway, not during kid time.
Except that....how often do you go to the doctor anyway? Yeah, I go there a couple of times a day, and use the waiting time to tweet. And I'm there all alone. No kids. Nope, no kids, just me, sitting there all by myself. Good thing I have this tweeting thing to do or I'd be like, soooo bored.
All the times that she tweets during the day....all 100 times....those are all times when there are no kids in her presence???? Uh huh. She must have an awful lot of time alone during after school hours.
Is she saying that she goes to the grocery store, airport, and doctor's every day????? Multiple times? During after school hours? Oh yeah, that's right. Some of the tweeting is while she's waiting for water to boil. No talking to the kids during that. Would be too distracting.
No multi-tasking either….like visiting with a kid while waiting in the grocery line. Oh wait. They’re not with you. And you don’t really grocery shop either.
For a single mom who does it all, she sure seems to have a lot of 'wasted' time...the working moms I know don't have two minutes to themselves all day, especially once the kids get home. It’s run, run, run until the kids go to bed. And then it’s dealing with all the other household stuff after that. Like prepping meals for the next day, cleaning up a bit, planning schedules for the next few days, laundry.
Mel said...OH yes, you reminded me of something else I have learned about Kate since she has started to tweet. SHE DOES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. And SPENDS ALMOST NO TIME WITH HER KIDS.
Thanks for the reminder.
Somebody may have already posted about this, if so sorry.
Kate's ego is ENORMOUS! Did anyone notice the tweet that goes something like this:
Kate tweets, "Well I guess you're famous too (pay close attention to the TOO). You know you're famous when you have haters."
That tweet proves without a doubt that Kate thinks that she is the bomb. She is FAMOUS!! WooHoo!! And something tells me that TLC isn't done with Kate yet. I just don't understand it. Kate is boring, the kids are boring, the things they do are boring, the entire show is one big snooze. What is the appeal? Why can't she just go away so those children can have a halfway normal life (the chances of them having a GOOD life is zero as long as they're living with that bitch)?
Kate plus 0 said... You gotta hand it to Kate. Even though her show is on life support and it's only a matter of time before it gets canceled, the bitch had the stones to bring her bucket list to the meeting today and beg for yet another free trip! She is overpaid as it is for a show few are watching and fewer yet actually enjoy, she is friendless,reviled and ridiculed, and the paparazzi, tabloids and talk shows ignore her, yet there she is, still grifting! She is a piece. of. work.
ITA. Well said!
Kate was probably told since the ratings have dived they'll continue to show whatever has already been filmed. So yes, K+8 is still on yay. Twist of Kate remains a mystery but maybe it's their backup plan if they do cancel K+8? OR they told her it was still a go just to pacify her as she lay there sobbing and whimpering on their carpeted floor yesterday (which probably lasted more than 20 minutes).
Sooner or later this is all going to come to an end but honestly (hehe) this is sure turning into the longest goodbye. I'm a little scared for the children though when it does end. We know how Kate overreacts in situations. I pity them more than ever because she's so given to hysterics when things don't go her way. I hope the nannies hide the wooden spoons.
Ok I finally watched the Sky Tower crap.
I'm only more convinced than ever she's a true, classic NPD. She could NOT let her twins and the nanny upstage her, she even said it, more than once!
And the biggest thing that struck me was her saying she conquered the tower. But there she was, curled up in a ball, sobbing on the ground to the point that she scared her kids and then she admitted on the couch that she's "MORE AFRAID OF HEIGHTS THAN EVER."
That is NOT called conquering something, Kate. You did NOT conquer the tower, it conquered YOU.
God, the dramatics were AWFUL. I can see why TLC has scrubbed that chunk of the episode all over the net, it's horrible even for HER.
Betcha they will re-run an edited version of "cry-in-a-puddle-gate". Just like when they added that corny music in the background with the re-vised GUMGATE episode.
Semantics semantics semantics - to Kate, they are not lies, they are "untruths". Remember she didn't have a personal chef. The person wasn't classically trained, therefore not a chef - but a cook. Doesn't change the fact that another human being was providing meals for her. Expelled, asked to leave - whatever. Two kids are not enrolled. Period. Please just go away!
watch the episode here said...
Here's the video...
Thanks, Watch! I did want to see the Skyway meltdown, I must admit. Apparently she went into the bathroom and sobbed loudly beforehand, too. One of the girls said, "She was really loud!" Wow, what an embarrassment she is.
Ashley looks mortified as Kate was giving Brad a hard time. And Steve is impatiently shouting his army orders staccato-style. "Make. a. decision! You're. PRO-crast-i-NATING!"
I love it when one of the kids said that everyone else enjoyed the jump, but Mommy was the only one curled up in a little ball and sobbing. LOL.
By the way, after this aired, some of the sheeple boldly said Kate really scared her kids and they couldn't defend her on this "but she's still a great mom!"
When a parent makes a scene like that, children will assume there's something TERRIBLY frightening, more than what they saw, and they will become seriously afraid of what they imagine it could be. That's why reacting to things calmly is so important. Nice move, Mom of the Year!
Kate tried to say the paparazzi cameras were frightening the horses (and TLC bolstered that by using a guide's quote, "These horses have never seen so many cameras!") But the guide also made a comment that it was the paparazzi running that startled the horses (not the cameras.) Good thing, as Kate conveniently didn't mention that TLC was loaded with camera equipment!
It was cruel to make little camera-shy Joel go up onstage for the dance. Kate said she knew he was terrified, but he did it anyway. He really is a sport. So he could have stage-fright and camera-fright all at once. Doesn't sound like he followed his mom's example of doing what he feared and then creating a huge scene.
Well, that is 42 minutes of my life I'll never get back!
My friend told me to watch the cheetah clip when the kids are guessing how many spots he has. Gawd what an ass Kate is. Goes something like this:
Aaden '34'
Collin '35'
no, up more, more a little bit more
someone says '36'
Kate '200'
Collin '37'
She says "Collin?" in a little warning/disgusted tone. Then she says 'the boy doesn't get it' in the same voice, loud enough for him and everyone else to hear. He said nothing else after that. The kids were having fun guessing, why be so serious and embarrass the kid? It is just freakin spots on a cheetah! I wish I wouldn't have watched this now. GAWD. I hate watching her.
I told my friend I was considering 'defriending' her. LOL
"Linda G. said...That is NOT called conquering something, Kate. You did NOT conquer the tower, it conquered YOU."
That is EXACTLY what I said. Being MORE afraid now? MY gawd, how can she possibly say she conquered anything? Ridiculous. But of course, the fans 'ohhh you were so brave' What?? A blubbering sobbing mass of human flesh on the ground. There was absolutely no reason to jump, other than for the camera.
@OntarioGirl1980 Aww. we miss nala. about 8 hours ago
Like hell you do, Kate.
TLC, like all reality show producers, want drama and comedy. Unfortunately for them, in spite of what Khate thinks, she is not funny and her drama is way too forced. It was the kids that provided the cuteness and unintentional comedy factor."Some" of the original drama seemed real, i.e. the dynamic between Jon and Khate, but that's now gone. Khate as "can do" single, supermom - less and less sane people buying that. Shrewish Khate - rude to others, shoving her kids out of the way to make sure attention is on her, again, real in that that's the way she has always been and is, but so not entertaining. TLC likes, "freak shows" (their words), but Khate's ridiculous freak outs are annoying, her rudeness infuriating. Small doses of that intermingled with the cuteness initially made for an intersting show (initially being the operative word). But that is gone and never coming back.
The show has run it's course, if not already in the works, the next production meeting may begin the plans for the finale. I don't quite get this show's "seasons" - I expect the next 3 shows on 5/2 and 5/30 will give people what's in the can...Philly, the grocery store, b-day party for Khate in NYC, FAO Schwartz, early Easter (who wants to see an Easter episode at the end of MAY????)will end this "season". Ratings will be closely watched. Summer will see, unfortunately, more shows, ratings continue being closely monitored. That'll be a season. Then in September TLC will announce the final season of regular Khate + 8 (leaving open the possibility of "Gosselin Update Sepcials). Shows will air, though NOT weekly, leading up to a wrap-up finale. I don't really think TLC will let the show just fade out. In the meantime, I'm sure producers, editors, writers, etc have been read the riot act - not the "Stah" though. Nope, gonna let her seal her fateon film and twitter and live blissfully ignorant until the announcement of the final season at a production meeting, but TLC will work with PR for a "dignified" way for Khate to exit...she'll have to rehearse really, really hard to pull it off. There will be talk show circuit, full of "ums", "honestly" and mangled English language to discuss the final season - teasers about the finale (Jon and Khate in the same room with all the kids? Appearances by Sara Snow, Emeril, American Chopper guys with Khate apologizing???), and Khate's insane and inane assurances to The View, ET, The Today Show (but if Meredith Viera leaves before this and Ann Curry DOES get the job, watch out Khate), Regis and Kelly, and on and on ad nauseaum that SHE is going to be around, it's just the show.
Anyway, that's my prediction and I'm sticking to it!
Kate + 8: The Special Episodes (Please God, don't let these happen)
- Mady & Cara hit puberty & Kate gives them "the talk". Of course, "the Talk" centers ALL around Kate & what happened when Kate hit puberty. "My mama told me if I rode on a wet bike seat that a boy shared, I would get preggers, also, don't kiss a boy if you don't like him, it will mean more to him than you. Also, be bossy to boys, it's the ONLY way to get a guy to like you. Seriously. Bossy=love". Tune in for more true love snippets from Kate!
-The boys voices change. Kate doesn't exactly know how to handle this one, so she makes them watch that Brady Bunch episode of Peter Brady's voice changing over & over again. This gives Kate an idea about the kids starting their own band! Yay! Introducing "The Gosselin 8" with the boys on back-up & Hannah singing lead vocals. Look for them at county fairs!
-Dentist time...AGAIN.
-Doctors time...AGAIN.
-The family goes to the beach, but the twins want to wear bikinis, GASP, just like mom. There will be NO more overshadowing of Kate. What will Kate do? She'll allow it, but instead of Kate's normal bikini's, she'll wear a thong bikini bottom, & a triangle top. There! Problem solved!
- Cara gets a boyfriend, not to be upstaged, Kate gets...ahem, hires...one too & they go double dating. Cara of course HATES this, but Kate loves it because Kate LOVES being on camera. Cara wants this all private, like the rest of her life. Kate, being the A #1 mother of the year, regales stories of when Cara was little to her boyfriend & shows him pictures AND videos. Cara's boyfriend never calls again. AND makes her the laughing stock at school. Thus making another special episode...
-Kate & Cara's & Mady's Special Day: Shop Til Ya Drop...In NYC! This is something Kate has always wanted to do with her older girls, (they could care less) but it's all about Kate right? She takes them shopping to buy shoes & clothes & whatever else is on the freebie list! Not too much these days...The girls just want to go out for a nice lunch, sans cameras, but not Kate, who is twittering EVERYTHING, even the size of the girls bras. How nice Mommy!!
Coming next season on Kate-8...Kate at the boat show, Kate at the ribbon cutting ceremony in front of the new Giant, the new Payless AND the new Target! All taken by Steve on her Flip! Check it out on YouTube..& Twitter!
~Hippie Chick~
What does this say? Perhaps you didn't read the tweets:
"Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
BTW, I suggested ur ideas recently 4 upcoming k+8... will c if any come to b! :) I pressed 4 1 in particular. Not sayin'...Can't! Just wait!"
Translated: Kate went to a production meeting and suggested tweeters' ideas for the upcoming shows. She will see if any come to be. She pressed for one in particular. She can't say, but she says to just wait.
We don't know exactly what was said or which idea was discussed, but her own tweets indicate that she suggested something for upcoming shows at the meeting. This is what admin commented about in her post.
Can someone, anyone PLEASE give me a link to the Sky Tower fiasco? I would love to see it! Thank you so very much.
I just watched the Sky Jump part of the New Zealand show for the first time. What's the deal with everyone wearing the orange jumpsuits in the first part of the clip, on the Sky Walk and then when they actually jumped - Ashley & Kate were wearing the yellow & blue suits? Does anyone know?
Kate has nothing left to sell, other than her children's puberty.
Think about it, "The Tups take driving lessons, the tups go to prom..."
When they go to Prom, she'll find some way to make it all about her. Someone said earlier that Kate wouldn't let Ashley and the twins upstage her on the Skywalk; she'll do something do upstage the twins and tups at their proms and graduations, I'm afraid. As long as SHE has everyone's full attention, she's happy. She just can't STAND when someone else has the limelight. Poor kids.
AuntieAnn said... @OntarioGirl1980 Aww. we miss nala. about 8 hours ago
Like hell you do, Kate.
You're right and wish I'd said it. As someone else said (and it made me laugh)...Liar, Liar, TIGHT Pants on Fire.
LancasterCountyMom said...
I just watched the Sky Jump part of the New Zealand show for the first time. What's the deal with everyone wearing the orange jumpsuits in the first part of the clip, on the Sky Walk and then when they actually jumped - Ashley & Kate were wearing the yellow & blue suits? Does anyone know?
I suspected it was probably to distinguish between who was just walking the tower and who was doing the jump. So, I just checked the website and that's correct. It's two different activities - a SkyWalk and a SkyJump. You can choose to do either one, or both.
Then, I checked the photo galleries for both and all the Skywalk photos show people wearing orange jumpsuits, and all the SkyJump people are wearing blue and yellow jumpsuits.
By the way, the combo ticket to do both the walk and the jump is $290 per person. Ha, could you imagine Khate ever paying almost $1,200 for the twins, Ashley and her to do this? Not!
Please drop Kate like a "hot potato". Time for all of this to end.
Just saw commercial for Quints by Surprise to air Monday, May 9, 10 pm. Wasn't that Kate's time slot?
Omg, I just finished watching Khate jump off the tower. What a pathetic,loser she is.
watch the episode here said... here, whoever wants to watch the New Zealand show starring Kate the Drama Quinn:
Enjoy! or not...I didn't have the strength to watch it I just watched a couple of the tower scenes
Did anyone notice that when Kart was hanging 1/2 way down for her "photo op" that Brad was on deck looking down LAUGHING!!!! Sweet revenge...... and yes, I do think they held her 1/2 way for a longer time than others - Brad was getting a real kick out of that.
I'm surprised people don't just SMACK HER... her rudeness is epic and she is asking for a face smack.
That, I would pay to see!!!!
Let’s just recap things for a minute:
April 4 : 1.306 million viewers
April 11: 1.214 million --> lost 92,000 viewers
April 18: 0.874 million --> lost ANOTHER 340,000
TOTAL VIEWERS LOST Between Episode 1 & Ep 3: 432,000
Now, let’s not forget how last week after this HUGE dive in the ratings, for what was supposed to be the big Australia/New Zealand episodes but turned out to put the show in a ratings freefall, Khate was on Twitter pretending to be little Miss Sunshine acting as if everything was super fantastic. You know, I might have actually had some respect for her if she had said once or twice on Twitter that she was disappointed that the ratings were down because she thought the episodes with the Australia/NZ trip were so much fun. But, she acted like everything was just great while her ratings slid big time to the lowest point ever.
So, are we supposed to believe that TLC is just peachy with this ratings free fall, that I am sure they did NOT expect after shelling out all this money for her biggest and most expensive trip ever? And, are we supposed to believe that after this horrible ratings slide to an unprecedented low, that TLC called her in for a meeting to plan the spring and summer filming schedule? Plus, with all their new shows, some of which are doing quite well in the ratings and all of which must cost a LOT less than Khate’s show, why would TLC want to keep pumping so much money into a show that has such low ratings? Khate needs to understand that TLC really does not need her anymore.
Also, does anyone really thing that an episode with a hockey game and some touristy stuff in Philadelphia is going to suddenly bring back the over 300,000 viewers that dropped off after catching one or two episodes of the Australia trip? Yeah, don’t hold your breath on that one, sheeple. Even if every single twittering sheeple fan (all 8,000 plus of them) watches it, that will not do much to help the ratings.
So, for now, I think she’s just full of crap, as usual. That’s not a bad thing either, because I kind of enjoy how she sort of allayed the doubts of her sheeple and got their hopes back up because when it’s all over, it will hit them even harder.
Kate was so rude to Brad that I sent an email to him in c/o Sky Jump. I apologized for her on behalf of all Americans. Here is the reply:
Hi *****
Thanks for your feedback. I will pass it on to Brad, I’m sure he’ll be happy to know how much support he has out there!
Rebecca Sherrard
Mission ControlSkyJump Ltd
P O Box 7171, Auckland 1142, New Zealand www.skyjump.co.nz | www.skywalk.co.nzPh: 0800 SKYJUMP | Ph: +64 9 368 1835 | Fax: +64 9 368 1839
11 hours since the last tweet. ??????
Go see the NZ video. Even if you hate everything about her, go see this one. It is going to be part of her swan song. She is NOT going to live this one down. Fear-- I get that. She is afraid of heights. Nothing to be ashamed of. We all have something. She had a panic attack. Again, nothing to be ashamed about. What is a shame is that she forced herself to do it because she has to be in control of every single thing, it had NOTHING to do with disappointing her children.
And the horseback riding and the complaints about the paps. She complained about them as though there were 20 of them stalking her. There were 2, that's right 2. And if she doesn't like the paps, then get your kids out of their sight. She is disgusting beyond words.
"And, are we supposed to believe that after this horrible ratings slide to an unprecedented low, that TLC called her in for a meeting to plan the spring and summer filming schedule?"
Right on! From my experience in the corporate world, you don't deliver bad news to an employee via conference call, no matter who it is. They wanted to see her face-to-face. That alone sent up a red flag for me.
Hey, "Hi" to you upthread, "Anita". I am an "Anita" as well, but I now post under "Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (Anita)". Good to know you, Anita. What is your middle name? Mine is "Sofia" after my grandmother. While I am posting, PLEASE, everyone, Google, if you wish, "Throw Away Art John and Kate Plus 8". It is VILE VILE VILE how callously that Bitc# she-witch Khatezilla DUMPED her kids church-made projects into the garbage can. They were cute, hand-made hangings that said "BLESS OUR HOME". I would have at least kept ONE and hung it up somewhere in the house. They really were cute. ***HERE IS MY POINT: when that vile, wretched creature Khate was dumpong them in the trash, she could have at least said, "I really hate doing this, but, practically speaking, we just do not have the room for all 8 projects." That would have been understandable. INSTEAD, the wretched boob-flaunting, hooker-heel-wearing COW said coldly and callously as she was throwing her kids things in the trash: "THERE, THAT'S WHERE THEY BELONG." ****That was a glimpse into the bottomless pit of her EVIL soul...if she even has one.***. Khate Gro$$elin is one sick puppy. Seriously.
OMG That was the first time I saw that. What does Kate mean when feeding the ducks, "I do not throw your food". Then she proceeds to throw their peanut butter and jam sandwitches. Is this woman up in the night???? They should rename this show Kate who has people watch her. What a loser!
"Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
So, are we supposed to believe that TLC is just peachy with this ratings free fall, that I am sure they did NOT expect after shelling out all this money for her biggest and most expensive trip ever?"
Why yes, we are suppose to believe this. Her many fans do! :)
I totally agree with your post. Of course they are not pleased. THEY have to answer to the sponsors. And those meetings, are not pleasant, I am sure, when ratings are so low. No one wants to lose money. Advertising is very expensive, as most of us know.
Look at her tweets from last night. They seriously do not look like her writing them. They are full of PR lingo and rah rah rah! Strange that she was up so late too. I just checked, she has not been on all day. Makes me wonder, if she had a gigantic meltdown, too upset to tweet, PR took over and she is trying to get herself together. The more I thought about that, the more it seems a plausible scenario. The tweet from last night said she "lim time this week", already warning people she will not on be much. To get over the upset? It hit me that she would NOT take it well when they warned her.
What's up? No more twatting today?
Kate was praising her Twitter friend LivinforLife for all her "words of wisdom". I notice that today, Livin is throwing out "words to live by" (cliches, yes) one after the other and no response from Kate.
The ladies at the Grapevine believe that last night was a big goodbye from Kate. It's been 12 hours since Kate's last tweet--after promising her sheeple she would ALWAYS be there for them.
Two thoughts--this is how fans become obsessive and want to take action (leading them on, then dropping them) and...this reminds me of a former friend of mine.
My ex-friend was borderline personality with elements of narcissism. I pulled her butt out of some difficult (even dangerous) situations with her abusive then-husband. Testified at her court hearing (at my own risk, I might add). Babysat and picked up her kids from school. Took them to counseling when she had to work. This is only the beginning of things I did to help her on her feet. When she dropped me, *POW!!* It was like a hot potato.
This "I'll always be there for you" routine is reminding me very much of my former friend. Poor old sheeple. I would *RUN* if someone like my former friend came my way again.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist....
Great Post!!! (about the viewers slipping & more) You said it all!
~Hippie Chick~
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic, I remember that episode. Did you notice the T-shirt she had on during the couch interview when Gina asked her about throwing them away? Her T-shirt said, 'Grateful Mom'. The lies not only come from her mouth, Kate WEARS her lies! And while I'm on the subject...
I guess the thing that I hate most about Kate is the fact that she is NOT grateful that she has 8 perfectly healthy children. I don't know the statistics but I would say that it's pretty rare to have sextuplets and all 6 of them have absolutely NO medical concerns/problems at all. Kate should be on her knees every morning and every night thanking God for that. She is probably the most UNGRATEFUL human being alive. When those 6 children hand her their Sunday School projects she should be thanking God that those 6 children are capable of making those projects with no difficulty at all. But what does Kate do? She throws them in the trash and that alone speaks volumes about how she feels about those children. I absolutely despise the ungrateful bitch and when those children grow up and watch that episode, I hope they despise her just as much as I do.
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic, I had reply for you and it went away when I posted (as it does fairly often) but the jest of it was this:
I remember the episode you're talking about. The fact that she threw those Sunday School projects away speaks volumes. That bitch isn't the least bit grateful that all 6 of those children are capable of making those projects. Those 6 children have NO handicaps at all but Kate isn't grateful for that. That ungrateful bitch doesn't deserve those children and when they get older and watch that episode I hope that they hate her just as much as I do. I hope when those children turn 18 that they leave her sorry ass and never look back. I hope she grows old alone, penniless and miserable.
Right on! From my experience in the corporate world, you don't deliver bad news to an employee via conference call, no matter who it is. They wanted to see her face-to-face. That alone sent up a red flag for me.
You got that right. I was just about to post the same thing. You don't fly someone to a meeting for just a day if it's something that could easily be done on the phone. You just don't. This was something that needed to be done IN PERSON.
SmileyGrl752 said...
Kate has nothing left to sell, other than her children's puberty.
Think about it, "The Tups take driving lessons, the tups go to prom..."
Kate goes to the local SaveMart store and faces the dilemma of which feminine product to buy for the older girls...Maxis with flexible wings, or Playtex sport tampons. Production reminds her that the wings are freebies, product placement, so she throws those into the kart. Next stop is to buy bras. The girls want the good bra, but Kate doesn't remember where she bought it. The girls do. They tell her it was at Dr. Fake's office (btw...many years ago, in my grandparents' time, there was a doctor in the community named Dr. Fake - way before the days of implants!) The girls want what Mom has. What to do...what to do!
I am having incredible visions of Kate with green face paint and a black pointed hat screeching...."I am melting, melting, melting."
Yes, Kate please go away and let your kids be kids. Let them have stayovers and playdates with other kids as they should. Other famous kids are allowed to have a somewhat normal life. The parents just take the right precautions, which is something I don't see you doing. You don't want them to take pics of your Asian circus monkeys and make money from them. And for the most part, i think the friend's parents would not do that to a child. That is the difference between you and an excellent parent: you are trying to make money off of your kids anyway you can and are treating them like circus animals. A good parent would not do that to their children no matter how much money was offered. You are really nobody except when you are with the kids. People want to see the kids, not you screeching and crying like a troubled 4 year old. Get over yourself. People are not jealous of you. They are enraged about the verbal and emotional abuse you put your kids and your husband through. It was and never will be about you. Didn't you notice when the show started taking a dump in the ratings when Jon left and you were taking more of a part in the show. You have no talent, no charisma, nothing. You are fake both inside and out. You should be hugging and loving your kids to death because they got you where you are. God Bless your innocent children, because in a few more years the many years of filming and fame are going to have a number on them and I hope you set aside some therapy money. Good luck to your children and Jon because I wish them the best.
The ladies at the Grapevine believe that last night was a big goodbye from Kate. It's been 12 hours since Kate's last tweet--after promising her sheeple she would ALWAYS be there for them.
Kind of like "Mommy and Daddy will always be together" kind of promise?
What the sheeple don't get is that if they ever saw her in person and tried to talk to her, she would run the other way or yell for Steve.
Katie's denial of show's cancellation got me thinking of another comically, delusional spouter of disinformation....
Bahgdad Bob: There is no presence of American infidels in the city of Baghdad!
Bahgdad Katie: No. Neither is cancelled. Big fun things on the way! I'm excited!
mmmhmmm, yeah sure Kate.
IDModo said...
I think when Kate says "per space" she means personal space. Apparently she would rather complain about having to use her bedroom as an office, than buy a lock for another room in her vast mansion to store her bills and bank statements. And with a lock on her bedroom door, she has more personal space than most moms, who lovingly don't want a locked door between them and their children.
April 27, 2011 6:48 AM
My understanding is that Kate has a designated private suite of rooms in a wing of the McMansion (a private apartment, if you will) that she lives in separate from the kids.
Hmmmm...Iwana DateKate's tweets stopped 13 hours ago, just when Kate's did. Wasn't he/she East Coast? So he just happened to be up tweeting at 6 a.m., right along with Kate? And his previous tweet was 19 hours ago, when she was also online tweeting. I'm more and more thinking this guy is a girl (girly tweets) and it's all just a publicity stunt, maybe even Kate tweeting herself. (Except for that fluky weird way he/she uses apostrophes...don't know what to make of that.)
What if she IS tweeting to her own make-believe boyfriend? Wouldn't that be just like a desperate 13-year-old?? If he disappears from Twitter when she does...LOL.
If I was less impressed by seeing Kate while camping with. Sarah I'm ten times less impresed with her now.
F-ing baby
Kate's tweeting may have stopped because at her meeting yesterday TLC told her to stop.
Kart's late night tweets do sound like someone who is preparing to go away. I think the incessant twittering backfired. If she wanted to be connected to her fans, she would have opened a twitter account at least a year ago, prior to DWTS, and her PR people should have handled the account. Her last ditch effort in having this twitter account because her show is tanking, did nothing for her ratings or her image. I also think the way she went about her recent twittering is a dangerous game. She revealed too much private daily information regarding herself and the children, she singled out a few "fans", even asking them to hold down the fort and it has become way too personal. She doesn't have a clue who is really commenting, following or just lurking on that account. I think that was her tweeting late last night. I doubt a PR person would single out names that way.
About Kate's late night tweets and then nothing since -- I wonder if she was on the west coast (in a different time zone) for some reason and is still out of town.
What a coincidence that Kate just got a new (used) SUV. I wonder if TLC had leased the Land Cruiser for her, but with the tanking ratings the free ride is over. C'mon, she just now figured out the LC doesn't have enough seats?! Lame excuse, not worthy of Kate's usual BS masterpieces
The NZ eposode I watched online was the first full episode I've watched in ages, since Jon was on, and I have to say--the kids aren't even a draw for me. They're fine, they're kids. But that's just it: they're just kids. They jump around and play and say things and well, why would I watch a show on TV just to see that? Shrug.
It's been 15 hours since the twit has tweeted.
Anon, it's a BLOG. Not a show. What a step down, she's going to "contribute" to a blog. Meaning she might come up with the idea for a blog entry and someone else will write it.
I'm not even sure it's worth mentioning.
Anonymous...WHAT?? TLC is talking to Kate Gosselin about a parenting show? That is either
totally hysterical or totally stupid.
OOhh Kate is now a blogger! Her and Michelle Duggar are kicking the site off. Michelles first article? "How to stay debt free". Kate's? An OLD blog about her and the twins watching Sound of Music. WOW LOL
"Reality stars will help draw initial attention to the site, but they can’t carry it alone. At launch, Parentables has more than 20 contributors, and ultimately will have a total of 30. The bloggers were selected because they have some established, credentialed expertise in a given subject area, such as finance, health, education and so on."
"sooz said...
Katie's denial of show's cancellation got me thinking of another comically, delusional spouter of disinformation....
Bahgdad Bob: There is no presence of American infidels in the city of Baghdad!
Bahgdad Katie: No. Neither is cancelled. Big fun things on the way! I'm excited!"
My goodness, I had completely forgotten about him LOL I LOVED that guy.
The fans are going dipsy over the parentables blog. LOL Too funny, couldn't she have written SOMETHING new? She has certainly had plenty of time.
About the parenting show anonymous mentioned, I wonder if it has to do with the Parentables website mentioned on the Kate Plus 8 Facebook page. If TLC thinks she can still contribute to the subject of parenthood, they are more delusional than I thought.
As for Little People, Big World, I remember they made a point of mentioning it was the final season. They even had a wrapup in the final show.
I couldn't have said it better, Donna. Khate cruelly dumping those projects really made my stomach turn. I would have AT LEAST saved one (they really were adorable) and made it very clear that I was bummed out to have to dispose of the rest. And, as you say, be GRATEFUL that my kids could make such lovely projects.
Thank you, I'd Just Love To Smack Her Silly (so would I!), for the link. Like you, I could only stomach the tower scene, which was all I wanted to see anyway. She is a complete and total idiot, and I'm afraid that her behavior is rubbing off on the kids. IMO the sextuplets act very immature for their age which is all her fault. She really does think that the whole universe should revolve around her and her needs. That was obvious by the way she acted and talked to Paul before jumping. She sure is getting her money's worth out of that boob job. Everything she wears, no matter where she is or what she's doing, shows cleavage. She looks like a slut and acts like a fool.
What a coincidence that Kate just got a new (used) SUV. I wonder if TLC had leased the Land Cruiser for her, but with the tanking ratings the free ride is over. C'mon, she just now figured out the LC doesn't have enough seats?! Lame excuse, not worthy of Kate's usual BS masterpieces
I have a Land Cruiser. It's a seven-passenger SUV. The Sequoia is also a seven-passenger, but an eight-passenger is also an option. Maybe she got that model. Either way, she can't get all eight kids in a Sequoia unless one of them drives!
I think the incessant twittering backfired. If she wanted to be connected to her fans, she would have opened a twitter account at least a year ago, prior to DWTS, and her PR people should have handled the account
This is what I don't understand. Why set up an account at all - to stay connected to fans? If she wanted to improve the ratings, kissing up to fans isn't going to do it because they already are fans who drool over her. They would be watching the show anyway. How is this going to breathe life into an ailing show?
From the "paid content" link:
"In terms of compensating Parentables’ contributors, there will be no revenue sharing. Instead, bloggers will be paid per post and given a bonus for driving more pageviews, O’Neill said. Secondly, all posts must be exclusive and original to Parentables."
Parentables is the site for which K8 is allegedly blogging.
Compensation for this is NOT going to keep her in manis, pedis, and "bodyguards".
Looks a whole lot like letting her go gracefully.
It seems likely that TLC did cut off the Twittering. Lots of people make stupid mistakes on Twitter, but rarely in the history of the application has anyone made so many disastrous tweeting choices in so little time.
Getting K8 to cut out twittering must have been an errand of mercy. Honestly, could that woman BE any more stupid?
On Twitter, I was checking in on MiloandKate (a.k.a. firedup4kate--big fan on BM's site). Milo had been pushing hard to be the middleman on the thing with Iwana & Kate. Just ingratiating herself in a very bizarre way.
Kate's last tweet to Milo was two days ago, and Milo was not one of the "Tweeties" Kate wished good night to. (Neither was BabyMama.) Still, Milo's been online relentlessly defending her Queen and trying to goad Kate into writing her, even referring to herself and Kate (in a roundabout way) as "BFFs". Sheesh.
Anyway, I decided to see what Milo's last tweet was to Kate--wondering if Milo had offended the Queen somehow. Well, maybe. It was:
"@Kateplusmy8 LOL Glad Ur highness got that coffee...no meltdowns on the plane please! At least U are not afraid of flying anymore/progress!
26 Apr"
I'm thinking Kate didn't like the reference to "her highness" or a meltdown, so she's no longer acknowledging Milo.
Interesting. Now one of the sheeple may see firsthand what it's like when Kate suddenly cuts them off. How long will Milo continue to defend and make excuses for Kate while Kate ignores her?
What a soap opera this Kate-Twitter thing has become.
Kate has no idea how much it damages a child to be scared like that and to feel like they have to take care of the parent. Too bad they won't have any of their own money left for therapy one day.
Kate has been tweeting every one minute to twenty minutes the past three weeks. She goes for one meeting with TLC and suddenly it's been 16 hours since her last tweet, not to mention after he meeting she starting tweeting a bunch of cryptic tweets about how she might not have time anymore for this. Huh? She had plenty of time every 20 minutes the past 3 weeks, why now no time? She even admitted there is no trips on tap at TLC it was just a meaning to discuss possible trips.
I think one of two scenerioes happened. One, I think TLC really didn't even know she was on Twitter or if they did they weren't paying attention--after all she is just an afterthought now, not their number one show. Kate went to the meeting and naturally was all a-twitter about how much fun she is having on twitter. She continued to twitter for a few hours after the meeting. Meanwhile back at the ranch at TLC, someone actually looked at her Twitter account. This morning, maybe she got a phone call from TLC telling her to knock it off. Hence the 16 hours of no tweeting today.
Or, the other possibility was it was a meeting to, in part, directly address her activities on Twitter and to tell her to STOP twittering like a lunatic, it's just weird for the "brand" and is causing all kinds of backlash. Thus her cryptic I won't be able to twitter as much tweets this morning and her sudden depature.
What happens when you cut off an uber fan? Celebs often can't give a little (i.e. Kate tweeting each fan a few times) without the fan demanding more and more and more until the celeb is forced to cut it off, to sometimes dire consequences.
This whole thing might turn out to be a huge disaster. Certainly it has to go down as the most reckless activities on twitter by a celeb ever.
I took a look at Parentables. I can't believe they're allowing comments. It's already started on Kate's blogs. Let the fun begin. lol
Parentables sounds like the proverbial carrot on a stick to distract the painfully stupid Ms Gosselin. You will get your own show, donkey, if you get enough positive feedback. Given the pounding Kate took on twitter as she revealed the depths of her narcissism, self-satisfaction and illiteracy, no worries.
TLC: one
Donkey: zero
Khate cruelly dumping those projects really made my stomach turn. I would have AT LEAST saved one (they really were adorable) and made it very clear that I was bummed out to have to dispose of the rest.
I agree. I mean, if I 8 kids who gave me their projects they made every week on Sunday, I admit that I wouldn't keep ALL of them. There'd be no room! I would certainly keep SOME, though. (They were adorable!)
I watched the clip and Kate actually looked pleased as she dumped in the trash. She seemed to be smirking. I'm not totally disagreeing w/ her for throwing the projects away; it's more her attitude about it.
I'm not disagreeing with throwing out some of kids' projects either, if you do it discreetly so the kid doesn't notice. You would be a hoarder if you didn't. Kids do tons of wonderful cute projects every week over the years and you can't save them all--saving one or two from each year is reasonable. Another alternative is to take a picture, then throw the project out, then you can make a cute album of projects without taking up a ton of spaces with the actual projects.
All that said, it just shows her complete lack of self-awareness that she is willing to film all this, and film herself throwing them out gleefully. It's sort of like, we all have a scratch on our asses at some point, but you don't film it or announce it to the world as that just doesn't look good. And even though all mommies have to throw out projects, you do it privately.
I have a question, and I am asking this in all seriousness.....does frequent tanning fry/damage your brain?
I mean really, Kate wasn't the brightest bulb in J&K + 8, but after the show cancelled, she honestly acts dumber now than she did when she was with Jon! She contradicts her lies more obviously, she makes up words (slimmish), uses words improperly ("that was so beserk!")
Administrator said...
I'm not disagreeing with throwing out some of kids' projects either, if you do it discreetly so the kid doesn't notice. You would be a hoarder if you didn't. Kids do tons of wonderful cute projects every week over the years and you can't save them all--saving one or two from each year is reasonable. Another alternative is to take a picture, then throw the project out, then you can make a cute album of projects without taking up a ton of spaces with the actual projects.
Right.. I saved my kids's stuff for a week. Hung on the fridge or pinned up. I tossed most. Kept the real cute ones and had framed.
She should've never thrown the stuff away on film. That was wrong.
Kate live in her own little world. She has no care and seems to think her new lifestyle will last forever. Everything has come easy to her. Why should she think any different?
Hey Kate!! Love your kids! NOT the highest bid!
Parentables? Really? Seriously? This is the next 'big' Kate venture? An old archaic blog reprinted with a picture that doesn't even look like her? Really? I'm speechless. And her fans are going batsh** crazy as though she were just voted the most popular person on the planet. Sheesh.
I'm not sure TLC *cares* about her Twitter account.
I think they're probably far more concerned about cost versus benefit where her show is concerned, because as we all know, it's WAY out of whack:
cost of trips and salary versus revenue coming in from advertisers/ratings way down/advertisers down = show gone
It's a fairly simple formula Kate doesn't seem to understand (she claims she doesn't even care who hates her, but really if she were smart, she would WANT fans). She also doesn't seem to understand that EVERY reality TV show ends, most sooner rather than later. She should have been preparing for this, at least financially. If she were smart or talented or even NICE at all, she should have been developing her own career.
This 18 hours without tweeting is no accident. I said last night her tweets sounded goodbye-ish, to use one of her linguistic tendencies.
So was her big new exciting project that we were to just wait and see being one of many writers on a parenting blog??? How...underwhelming. LOL.
I really think TLC told her what's what the other day. They confronted her with the reality of the numbers. And she tweeted a bit to save face but is now gone.
I sort of wish her critics would go totally silent because then you'd just see 4-5 fans tweeting into the void. Kate? Mamma G? K8? Are you there? Will you please tweet to me? Are you tired? Hello? Hellooooooo?
Then: silence.
Wait a second. I just checked out Parentables. It's just all of her old blog entries!
I'm dying laughing. WOW, TLC. I'm quite sure hearing about THAT didn't make her happy.
Huh, I wonder if that Duggar family is on the way out, too.
JudyK said...You're right and wish I'd said it.
Judy - The dog issue is still an open wound isn't it? As if she misses Nala...bullshit. Kate doesn't like dogs, she likes cute puppies the same way she likes babies. After that it's like - she's had her sweet cuddly moment with them - now can I hold something else? I wanna hold a koala...I wanna rock an orphan....I wanna go to Nobus....I wanna I wanna ....
I wanna kick her ass.
Way, way back when Jon recorded her on video after delivery, he said "Kate Gosselin, you've just had sextuplets, what are you gonna do next?" she said "I'm going to Disneyland!". The witch wasn't kidding.
I sort of wish her critics would go totally silent because then you'd just see 4-5 fans tweeting into the void. Kate? Mamma G? K8? Are you there? Will you please tweet to me? Are you tired? Hello? Hellooooooo?
Then: silence.
My sediments exactly!!
Linda G. said... Huh, I wonder if that Duggar family is on the way out, too.
One can only hope.
gotyournumberKate, a lot of the comments on that blog were not too favorable.
You know, I've always wondered if TLC reads the comments on blogs and Kate-related sites such as this one. What do you folks think? Does TLC read what we write?
Or, the other possibility was it was a meeting to, in part, directly address her activities on Twitter and to tell her to STOP twittering like a lunatic, it's just weird for the "brand" and is causing all kinds of backlash. Thus her cryptic I won't be able to twitter as much tweets this morning and her sudden depature.
Admin -- I think you're right - they took away her toy. She's probably heavily medicated tonight.
Yes AuntieAnn, TLC took away her toy. You have to do that sometimes with a narcissist. It's just too much of a coincidence she stops cold turkey just hours after coming home from a big meeting with TLC. Not with the way this maniac has been tweeting.
Someone else here calls her transparent. This Twitter situation certainly is very much so. It couldn't be more obvious exactly what happened.
How much you wanna bet TLC will sweep up her whole account and start over with benign, vague, appropriate tweets either written by interns or by Kate but approved by TLC.
I have to say though I will miss all this cold hard evidence of her narcissism. Even if she never tweets again, at least we know it with 100% certainty if we didn't before.
Actually, admin, in light of the fact that this dramatic silence started after the TLC meeting, maybe TLC *did* have something to say about the twitter account. I still think their biggest concern is the show, of course, but they probably don't feel twittering is the best thing she could be doing. As someone else pointed out, all she's doing is talking to people who would watch her show even if she sat there rating her own farts for an hour.
Linda I agree with you their biggest concern is the show and money.
But I also think a side concern is someone heavily associated with TLC behaving like an absolute barking mad lunatic on twitter. It's par for the course to shut that down. Then back to crunching the numbers.
Right. TLC created this monster now they have to deal with it. They call the shots on everything she does.
There could be more to this than just Kate and TLC. Jon and his lawyer(s?) might have something to do with putting a stop to this manic twittering too.
Admin -- I think you're right - they took away her toy. She's probably heavily medicated tonight.
Or partaking heavily of the fruit of the vine.
Kate is associated with TLC. She's their golden girl, the money maker. Remember the grief that Jon got because of the "morals clause?" This twit's twatting certainly did nothing to cast TLC in a favorable light and it's not out of the realm of possibility that when they couldn't put a gag in her mouth, they hog-tied her hands. Time will tell.
I think TLC knew about Khate's tweeting all along, and as I said in the beginning, they were giving her enough rope to hang herself. Surely TLC was aware of it from Day one - Khate first mentioned it on The Today Show while she was there to promote the new season of her show!
Khate thought Twitter was a great idea to reach out to the fans and advertise the show, so to speak. After all, Twitter has been used successfully as a marketing tool by many celebrities and companies. The problem is, TLC really was done with Khate by then and probably just running out the contract. So, they offered her no assistance or guidance on Twitter and most likely, sat back and watched in amazement as we all did.
I don’t think TLC would have at all cared how crazy Khate was acting on Twitter IF her ratings had increased somewhat or at least stayed the same. Unfortunately for Khate, the ratings took a HUGE dive, and TLC didn’t want to let her continue her nutty escapades on Twitter. The meeting was probably to tell her to knock it off on Twitter, and to talk about the abysmal ratings and future, if any, of the show.
What’s going to be REALLY interesting is to see if Khate jumps back on Twitter next Monday to promote that night’s episode (like she erroneously did the other day when it wasn’t on), and if she has one of her dumbass little Twitter parties again tweeting away with the dozen or so sheeple all night. If she’s pissed and depressed, it’s going to be really difficult for her to muster up the energy to fake that. We shall see.
Donna asked...."Does TLC read what we write?"
I don't know how they couldn't especially on their own blogs. I've often wondered why in the world they would allow the kind of comments Kate gets go through. I think TLC knows without the controversy surrounding Kate they wouldn't have much to go with. I also think TLC creates as much drama as they can with her. Just look at her last few episodes. What are people talking about the most? It's the skywalk and the paparazzi scenes, the one's where Kate is the most dramatic. For Kate to have stooped as low as letting it come to this says a lot about her greed. She'll stop at nothing for the almighty dollar including making the world despise her. I think that's why she doesn't care how many haters she has, they are signing her paycheck right now. She doesn't even try to hide her nastiness anymore. I have never seen a person so in denial with such feelings of grandeur as Kate Gosselin. It's just a matter of time now. What she doesn't realize is once the show is cancelled her nastiness and drama aren't going to get her very far in any other venue. I've noticed most talk shows are steering clear of her now. She's her own worst enemy. IMO:)
Oh, hail, that Parentables site is nothing more than TLC reworking it's website. Same blogs from Kate, Michelle Duggar, Roloff, etc. All they did is add a few new contributors and broaden it's content. No biggie - in fact it's pretty hilarious that anyone would think this is a step up for Kate. The content reminds me of the Examiner articles where almost anyone can get a 'job' writing for them, the pay is unimpressive, and the quality mediocre to poor. Kate's Take was a failure from the start and this certainly won't save it.
These fans who thought they were Kate's personal cheerleaders, defenders, and "BFFs" (and that she was theirs) will be SO let down if the tweets are gone for good. Some might feel jilted and some angry. (Old Iwana left when Kate did. Something fishy about that).
None of them--Kate or the super fans--are wired too tightly.
Ok- a little late on watching the whole Sky Tower ordeal. I have spent time in New Zealand in the past and was actually at the Sky Tower where Kate presented herself as completely disrespectful and rude. The Sky Tower was extremely busy when I was there and the line was HUGE just to get to the top.
My heart was pounding while watching this video at Kate's blatant disregard of the fact that there were DOZENS of other people that she was holding up. I cannot believe the way she spoke to poor Brad. My time in New Zealand showed me some of the friendliest people I have ever come into contact with. Brad conducted himself in a professional manor and I have no doubt whatsoever that they were trying to keep the OTHER paying customers happy who were waiting in line for hours longer than they should've. Kudos to Brad and the rest of the crew for realizing they had others to try and keep happy. This just makes me feel sick.
I'm so, so sorry to hear of the devastation caused by the tornadoes in my neighboring states. If any of you live there, know that you're in my thoughts and prayers.
I've been reading some of the tweets made by Kate fanatics. One of them, I think her name is SuperPattyPie, tweeted, "I was just a humble little tweeter and then Kate tweeted me and my life changed forever."
Are you kidding me? Do you mean to tell me that there are adults out there who are that crazy? The sad thing is that Kate wouldn't give this person the time of day if she met her face to face and this person worships Kate to the point that her "life is changed forever". I'm still shaking my head in disbelief.
Maybe her pink iphone died? Won't even guess what is going on.
Uh oh...the questions and demands start....
@Kateplusmy8 We missed you tonight Kate! Is everything okay?? :[
8 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply
@Kateplusmy8 have you 4gotten about your favorite tweet pals? Where r u?
1 hour ago Favorite Retweet Reply
@Kateplusmy8 Where are you?
6 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
There are also complaints here and there from fans who are upset because she only talks to certain ones. One even said you have to kiss her butt to get a tweet.
10.Kate Gosselin—The hero of white trash America should have 'em swooning in the infield. Just some advice, Kate, don’t being the rug rats. Derby isn’t known for role model behavior (not that you've ever tried to be one).
BM has NZ video up.
I don’t think TLC would have at all cared how crazy Khate was acting on Twitter IF her ratings had increased somewhat or at least stayed the same.
That could very well be. However, if the ratings were up or stayed the same, wouldn't you think that TLC, knowing Kate, would have been really concerned about her bizarre tweeting because she had the potential to alienate viewers and therefore really messing up those ratings that had been established?
Where, oh where, is the TWITTERY, TWATTERY FOOL, Khatezilla Gro$$elin? I hope TLC is finally getting their belly's full of thi$ $ick witch.
For those that are "following" K8 you should all unfollow her now...let her and TLC see that even the numbers of her "followers" is going down.
Donna said...I agree. These tornadoes are terrible. I have been watching the news all morning. Very sad.
Yes, these fans are realllllllllllly over the top. One said she models her ENTIRE life after her. Say what? I can think of MANY famous, even though Kate is INfamous, that are much more worthy of being admired. I don't get the idolatry. I really don't. Amazing.
It seems (I'm not 100% sure) from a quote I saw earlier that unlike Twitter the more hits Kate gets on her new blog the more money she will be paid for her blog contributions.
I think TLC sees how many hits her Twitter was getting as far as Mentions under @kateplusmy8 from both fans and non-fan. Who knows, maybe they see all the activities at the Gosselin blogs, including this one, and want to direct all the comments to their blog instead. They want the hits! I think they told her to stop tweeting so that all that attention will go to her new blog.
Just know that any time you go to her new blog you will be giving her hits and making her relevant and that is what TLC is hoping for.
I agree. Please unfollow Kate on Twitter.
AuntieAnn said...
Judy - The dog issue is still an open wound isn't it? As if she misses Nala...bullshit. Kate doesn't like dogs, she likes cute puppies the same way she likes babies. After that it's like - she's had her sweet cuddly moment with them - now can I hold something else? I wanna hold a koala...I wanna rock an orphan....I wanna go to Nobus....I wanna I wanna ....
I wanna kick her ass.
Auntie Ann, I love you...you are so funny and so right on target!
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said: I think TLC knew about Khate's tweeting all along, and as I said in the beginning, they were giving her enough rope to hang herself.
My MIL has NPD and narcissists will always, always be their own undoing. No rope needed. When the time comes to end the show, you can bet she will try and save face by saying she was the one who decided it was time to hang it up. She will not go away quietly though. Remember the scene from Mommie Dearest when Joan Crawford attends the meeting with Pepsi after the death of her husband who was the head of Pepsi at the time of his death? The company wanted to rid themselves of her and her words were "don't f**k with me fellas!" You can bet Kate has probably already had - or will have - a similar outburst with TLC. It's going to take a lot of $$ to keep her in line and for her to go quietly.
She will also spend every penny this family has ever made and will give her children none of it. When one (or all) of them turn on her and out her, she will say "I worked so hard to give them everything on a golden platter (her words) and this is how they repay me?" She will eventually turn on her children. All narcissists do. She will end up alone, bitter and broke. Mark it down.
Gosh, Auntie Ann, I hope it wasn't Jon & his lawyers who put a stop to Kate's twitting. We'd never hear the end of it from the "Jon haterz" aka Klovers.
After that it's like - she's had her sweet cuddly moment with them - now can I hold something else? I wanna hold a koala...I wanna rock an orphan....I wanna go to Nobus....I wanna I wanna ....
You're right, Auntie Ann. Everything is always I wanna, I wanna. It's pathetic. Think she is IWANAdateKate?
"Donna said... act very immature for their age which is all her fault. "
I think so too. I have noticed how dumbed down she still talks to the kids. "Mr Kiwi House Man" "Bye Mr. Cheetah" "Bye Funny ducks" all those childish comments. They are almost 7 for goodness sake. I never talked 'baby talk' to my kids. They have had an extensive vocabulary since their very early years. I really think that contributes greatly to the immaturity. That is pretty sad.
Of course, if this is the last of the twitter, it will of course be blamed on the 'haters'. I really wish, though, the barrage of attacks would stop. She clearly doesn't see them. Let them have their "party", it seems to be what many live for. (ugh)
I still think the meeting was a warning about the ratings. And Kate can't take it. Twitter may have entered the agenda, but money is the trump card.
No regrets said...
Uh oh...the questions and demands start....
@Kateplusmy8 We missed you tonight Kate! Is everything okay?? :[
8 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply
@Kateplusmy8 have you 4gotten about your favorite tweet pals? Where r u?
1 hour ago Favorite Retweet Reply
@Kateplusmy8 Where are you?
6 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
There are also complaints here and there from fans who are upset because she only talks to certain ones. One even said you have to kiss her butt to get a tweet.
Watching this unravel is gonna be like the sideshow being in town!
"Laura D. said...
Gosh, Auntie Ann, I hope it wasn't Jon & his lawyers who put a stop to Kate's twitting. We'd never hear the end of it from the "Jon haterz" aka Klovers."
I seriously doubt that. On what grounds? He has twitter, even though it is protected now. But Jon is probably enjoying her stupid display IF he is even reading it. In many ways she is proving him right on so many levels. He might be upset because she exposes where the kids are going to be BEFORE they go or do something, but I cannot see him doing anything to shut it down. GAWD, someone will read these posts and start blaming him. LOL The poor guy is already being blamed for all the attacks on her on twitter. Like he controls people, as Kate controls her uber fans. LOL
"Virginia Pen Mom said...Watching this unravel is gonna be like the sideshow being in town!"
I agree. The sad thing about it, a few of the tweens and a few 'adults' seem very troubled. What 16 year worships a woman as a few do? I mean what is wrong with home that the interest is SO intense? MOST 16 year olds are going gaga over Justin Beiber. Or some other male singer or actor. It is just seems so, well, strange is the only word I can come up with here.
mojitosplace Mojitos Place
Hmm... I wonder if @kateplusmy8 is at the royal wedding..
@mojitosplace @kateplusmy8 if she is she better takes lots of pictures to show us
Good God. LOL Sure, Kate Gosselin, "star" of a reality show, who plays a mom on tv, got a gold plated invitation to the Royal Wedding. LOL
"She will end up alone, bitter and broke."
Already has the first two nailed down...
As for Jon, I think he's known this woman long enough to just sit back and just let the shit go down. She will self destruct all on her own as is her pattern. He wouldn't even have time to get a court date before the Twitter thing bit the dust. I doubt it was Jon, It's obvious what happened from Kate's own blabbing. Per Kate, she had a meeting with TLC. A few hours later she started tweeting some cryptic, odd tweets (good call on the person who said right away what she was saying sounded like a goodbye!!), and she disappeared. Poof.
It's been a full 24 hours since the twit's last tweet. There are two things I find very sad about this. Other than I'm going to miss her narcissism and other sediments.
One, that she is so controlled by a network that she cannot even open her own Twitter account and do what she likes. Kate needs to get a life outside the jaws of a little cable TV network's contract. She chose to align herself with a network and now she doesn't have freedom to do what she wants even in her personal life.
And two, that a 36 year old woman hasn't the first clue how to be appropriate on something like Twitter so bad such that her network has to take it away. Like little Leah blowing her whistle and Kate had to rip it away and smack her.
I wonder if the sheeple have made the reasonable inference this was TLC's doing, and are mad at TLC for sending Kate to time out.
Oh they've got to be joking about the Royal wedding.
I saw the guest list, there are only about four bonafide celebs at this wedding, Elton John, Guy Ritchie, a few singers I think. The rest are family, friends, and royal families from other countries.
I know it's hard for the sheeple to understand, but not everyone is celebrity obsessed. Not everyone wants a bunch of celebs sitting front row of their wedding. That place is for family and friends and the people who really MATTER.
Predictable reaction from Kate's sheeps.
You were warned, Kate.
As for the rest of us, grab some juicey juice & monkey munch- it's going to be a hell of a SHOW!
" wonder if the sheeple have made the reasonable inference this was TLC's doing, and are mad at TLC for sending Kate to time out"
ADMIN? Reasonable and sheeple in the same sentence?? Come on now.
Elton John, Guy Ritchie, both have been Knighted, haven't they? This is a ROYAL WEDDING. Only the cream of the crop will be there. The upper crust of society. Of course it would be a joke to say that, but somehow I don't think they were.
Ha ha,I am not surprised BM has the NZ epi on her channel now, she reads this blog daily and once in a while she picks a comment and pasts it on her site saying somebody "emailed" her that comment and she and the sheeple start dissecting it. She probably received the link for the epi in an email to LMAO
I knew this would happen, it's one of the reasons I provided link,apart from the fact that I knew some of you guys wanted to see the tower drama.I knew BM will have the epi up because she claims she doesn't care about this blog but she actually does LOL
You'll also notice that when Kate stopped tweeting, so did Iwannadatekate. Sounds to me like they were one and the same people.
good god, some of you ladies need to get a grip
Linda G. said... Wait a second. I just checked out Parentables. It's just all of her old blog entries!
I'm dying laughing. WOW, TLC. I'm quite sure hearing about THAT didn't make her happy.
Huh, I wonder if that Duggar family is on the way out, too.
You're right, Linda G. All the blog entries belonging to Kate are the ones from her old TLC blog... It's just more substandard crap coming from TLC & Kate.
As long as the kids are not working, she can hang upsidedown like a bat for all I care. Just allow the kids have a normal childhood.
No regrets said...
mojitosplace Mojitos Place
Hmm... I wonder if @kateplusmy8 is at the royal wedding..
@mojitosplace @kateplusmy8 if she is she better takes lots of pictures to show us
Good God. LOL Sure, Kate Gosselin, "star" of a reality show, who plays a mom on tv, got a gold plated invitation to the Royal Wedding. LOL
Awwwwww! Isn't that just precious?
And maybe Katie Irene will stay at the Queen's residency as well.
Re: the drama and the predicaments are the bait for getting viewers.
Hey, those kinds of things worked for Lucy Ricardo! Why not me? Everybody loved Lucy and her show is STILL on! Let's get me hanging onto a helicopter rotor blade and flying over the Grand Canyon, OK? Great idea, yes?
Oh, by the way. She speaks in Twitter this morning. about 11:45 or so she greets her fans with Good morning!
Kate's Latest Tweets
# GM all... Have a great thursday! 5 minutes ago
She's b-a-a-c-k.
Whoa there...I kept ALL my 2 kids art and writings. They are 35 and 32 now. I assure you, I am NOT a hoarder! LOL. While that stuff can "seem" extensive, it really fits nicely into 3 plastic storage boxes. Occasionally, we pull it out, especially when the kids and their kids are here - they love going through it. My daughter in particular was an avid writer her stuff is wonderful! We have begun a storage box for the grandkids work that we get, not as voluminous. I certainly understand others being selective, we are fortunate enough to have loads of storage space. What Khate did though was absolutely heartless, IMO.
My mother passed away this past March. She was a difficult person with her family - nice to others, to their face at least. I believe of all her friends, only 4 were actually people she thought of as friends. Just two days ago my brother shipped the contents of a small safe he found. She had kept a few letters I wrote from camp when I was 11 - note, nothing more, nothing from her grandkids or great grandkids, only 1 letter my brother wrote as a child. Those letters were fun and painful to read - painful because of what I wrote in response to her letters back then when I didn't know what was really going on. I don't think she got what I was saying, and it was a chance to say back what I wanted, without getting hit or mocked. Oh, and I was "supposedly" the beloved daughter, her "miracle child". It's part of my history though and helps me to this day learn and grows and understand. Gosselin kids won't even have that - well, none of their stuff just a stupid show on DVD is all there is of their non-childhoods.
Tlc will probably only let her say good morning and goodnight now. And maybe "hi".
Did she just get up or did it take that long to clear that tweet with tlc?
It probably took her that long to tweet because she couldn't figure out how to work the spell checker
IT's ALIVE!!! So it's good morning (by my clock long past wake up time) so maybe sleeping off her hangover????
BTW, I had to see the sky jump again just to get a laugh with that young man laughing his butt off at her dangling. Also, did you hear the irritation in Steve's voice when he said don't do if you don't want too? Ah, where did the love go?
She has some real psychological issues, IMO. I'm deathly afraid of water, but I have never, ever subjected my children to my fear. She's just awful.
I had to watch the Sky Jump clip too. It was worse than I imagined. How her Sheeple can say how proud they were is amazing to me. What was there to be proud of? Since when is being scared a license to treat someone like shit? Since when does being scared make it okay to traumatize your children?
And I did notice that she never snapped at Steve once the way she kept snapping at Brad. That shows you are conscious of your actions.
Also, her comment about the people waiting probably wanting to be taken down when they saw how scared she was. I'd guess they were far more pissed off than scared. Waiting, waiting and waiting for the Queen to decide what to do. Sorry, Kate. The vast majority of people don't find your histrionics cute.
Kelly said... You'll also notice that when Kate stopped tweeting, so did Iwannadatekate. Sounds to me like they were one and the same people.
Bwahahahaha!!! She is so clueless it's hilarious! How pathetic is it to have to make a fake suitor account? My God.
gotyournumberkate said...
She's her own worst enemy
I think so too. Why SHE doesn't realize it is beyond me. She has BEEN her own worst enemy for years. Even when it was J&K+8. She nagged that poor guy to death, then continued to do so after the divorce, well, I don't need to rehash the details of all the bad she did, we know! We have said here she will be her own undoing, & it's come to fruition. She never did know how to control her ego, her greed, her own kids. Money does not buy happiness & unfortunately, it does not buy common sense. She dug her own grave & nailed her coffin. Good call Gotyournumber. :)
~Hippie Chick~
My God, I never saw the interview with Eonline LOL She was asked her thoughts on the Royal Wedding and OF COURSE turned it on back to herself. Of course what Kate Middleton is going through is what Kate went through. MY LORD stop this self absorbed monkey.
"And it seems that Kate's eyes will be across the pond later this month for the royal wedding. "I am very excited for them," she tells us. "I remember when Princess Diana got married and I got up and we watched it on a little TV," though she continues, "my heart breaks a little for Kate (Middleton) cause she is suddenly thrown into this world of everyone picking her apart and it hurts me for her cause I kinda really know how that feels."
The tweets after her very brisk "good morning", WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?
where have you been?
RU ok?
And someone retweeted her post about how committed she is to her fans on Twitter. LOLOL
@Kateplusmy8 said "I love answering& will do so as often as poss. In groc store line, at gate in airport, dr off waiting rm etc..Comitted!
Maybe she is SO busy writing for that new blog job.
Have a great day everyone.
Anybody remember the Atlanta Rhythm Section's
song "Imaginary Lover"? I don't know who wrote it or other credits to name, sorry.
Imaginary lovers
Never turn you down
When all the others turn you away
They're around
It's my private pleasure
Midnight fantasy
Someone to share my
Wildest dreams with me
Imaginary lover
You're mine anytime
Imaginary lover, oh yeah
When ordinary lovers
Don't feel what you feel
And real-life situations lose their thrill
Imagination's unreal
Imaginary lover, imaginary lover
You're mine anytime
Imaginary lovers never disagree
They always care
They're always there when you need
Satisfaction guaranteed
Imaginary lover, imaginary lover
You're mine all the time
My imaginary lover
You're mine anytime
Administrator said...Did she just get up or did it take that long to clear that tweet with tlc?
lol..Both, probably. Maybe she has a hangover if Moose was right about that liquid medication.
About Jon and this twitter thing...I certainly have no way of knowing for sure but I'm still willing to bet that he COULD be at least partly responsible for this lull on her twitter. Not that TLC has any room to talk about protecting the kids privacy, but they probably gave Kate a long list of things SHE has to do to try to keep the TLC/Gosselin brand in order - even though that ship sailed a long time ago. Her constant tweeting about their whereabouts could have been on that list. I just don't think it's beyond the realm of possibility that their lawyers got a warning call from his lawyers.
@Kateplusmy8 If you are in London for the royal wedding....send us a signal :-) A super secret coded signal! ;-)
@SuperPattyPie @kateplusmy8 Rather evident, our Kate the Great is indeed in another time zone! Tweeties got her message of belated luv!
@kateplusmy8 Ah ...now I gotcha the super secret coded message is silence! WOW have fun at the wedding. LOL LOL LOL
These people are unbelievable. They're SURE Kate's at the wedding! LOLOLOL. What goobers!
Watched the Sky Walk video and don't think I have ever laughed so hard in my life... I almost peed my pants!! She is such a drama queen!
Also, did you hear the irritation in Steve's voice when he said don't do if you don't want too? Ah, where did the love go?
I did hear his irritation with her. I truly doubt they ever hooked up or anything; I really think he was just her babysitter from the start. She does act like an immature tween and Steve is more like her parent.
I was confused when Kate said she could do it if she had enough time. Did she mean she'd jump if she had enough time to decide? How much time did she NEED? Why didn't she think about it on the drive to the Skywalk place?
Is there such a thing as narcissism by proxy? William and Kate barely invited any celebs they want friends and family there not egos.
***These people are unbelievable. They're SURE Kate's at the wedding! LOLOLOL. What goobers!*** Hey, Virginia Pen Mom, maybe she’s in London right now, trying to wrestle the mic away from one of the special correspondents! Remember her prediction at ET: One day I’ll own this mic! (insert evil laugh).
What is even more funny is Steve trailing behind her on the walkway to "protect" her. After the way she behaved, Steve probably did need to protect her from Brad. I wonder how long he left her dangling???? Better yet, do you think she ever bothered to send him that apology email? NOT.
Here's the thing....the Skywalk had to be all about her. Sure, she may be afraid of heights but not to the point of hysteria. If you are that afraid, how in the world could you ride up in an elevator with a see-through bottom? I have and it makes you dizzy.
I noticed that when she got pissed at Brad and walked over to Steve to bitch, she had confident footing and didn't need to clutch the handrail with that death grip. My guess it was a mix of some genuine real fear but mostly over-the-top Kate drama. It's a shame the kids were exposed as I believe some of the kids are now afraid of heights because of her. Typical of TLC not to care what this does to the kids.
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