Kate has continued her Twitter rampage the past several days, begging for more and more lavish trips (prerequisite: Must be filmed, must be paid!),
continuing to disclose where the children are and what they are doing in real time, and so on. But it was this Tweet this morning that was one of the most alarming we've seen since this hellish descent into the mind of a narcissist began:
@XXXX They've forced me 2 go on when I thought I'd crumble..they are my reason I take every breath.they're extensions/part of me! I[heart] them! about 3 hours ago
According to The Narcissistic Family: Diagnosis and Treatment by Stephanie Donaldson-Pressman, et al., Treating the child as an extension of the parent, a toy and the conduit of the parent's frustrated dreams and unfulfilled wishes is a violation of the child's forming boundaries. It is a perversion of the all-important processes of individuation and separation. It is a travesty and the child pays its price all its remaining life. Personality disorders are often reactions to such all-pervasive and pernicious abuse.
And in Children of the Self-Absorbed : A Grown-
Up's Guide to Getting over Narcissistic Parents by Dr. Nina W. Brown, a child of a narcissist is described as an extension, a plaything, a toy, a nuisance, a threat, but never, simply, another human being with needs (especially emotional ones) and boundaries to be respected.
296 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 296 of 296 Newer› Newest»J_Meland Jennifer Meland
@Kateplusmy8 Come visit the Black Hills of SD. Beautiful, scenic, educational and we have Mt Rushmore and Crazy Horse.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@J_Meland Have dreamed forever of going there... My rushmore is huge on my list for me and kids! Yay! What's crazy horse?
Oh my word!!!! Does Kate know NOTHING?? Did she actually attend school?
Oh dear Lord.... someone must have tweeted that TLC should send Kate to Mt. Rushmore. Check out Kate's response:
@xxxxx Have dreamed forever of going there... My rushmore is huge on my list for me and kids! Yay! What's crazy horse?
WHAT'S CRAZY HORSE????????????????????
Is she joking?????????????????????????
She's AN IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There you have it, folks. Kate has monkey munch in her cranium- no brain in sight.
**Have you noticed that every travel location paid by TLC is huge on her magical list?**
Mt. Rushmore? Let's see, who is on that? I guess a Col. or General Rushmore, right? Then there is Davey Crockett, wasn't he big in that Battle of Something out there? And....and.....
and.....oh, and Elvis, I can't forget Elvis. Isn't that it? Cap't Rushmore, Davey and Elvis.
Yeah, and it's in Utah where we used to ski. First I thought they called it Mt. Rushmore because my kids went so darn FAST down it, but honestly, it's named after some Navy guy.
Kate doesn't have a "bucket list" she has a "dumpster list."
She wants to visit everywhere on the planet but knows nothing about those places.
I wonder if, when the kids come home from school and say, "Today we learned about the Constitution" Kate says "what's a constitution?"
Kate wants PRIVACY. She wants to PRIVATELY parade her children in front of a camera crew and then display the footage for anyone who tunes in. I think she has a right to her PRIVACY. Don't you?
Today is stupid day.
melaniegluscic Melanie Gluscic
@Kateplusmy8 I started writing down inspirational quotes when I read Multiple Blessings! I loved your Bible quotes!
Dare I inform this poor child that she can find many more inspiring quotes just like it in.... well, the Bible!?
Regarding "help"....
I agree with this completely.
I will add that in the days when Jon was working his "IT job", Kate was home with the 8 children by herself. Yes, she had help in the form of volunteers helping with laundry, but she did seem to be doing the majority of the childcare and housework herself. Jon was gone long days because if I remember correctly, he had a fairly lengthy commute as well as a full-time job. If anything, it seems like those days must have been more exhausting than her days now when the children are gone for the majority of the day and she isn't working outside the home.
*IF* she was now in the situation where she was working a full-time job while the children were away at school, *and* she could afford it, I would say that she could justify some sort of hired help - someone to clean once a week, help with laundry, etc. But that's not the kind of help she has, and that's not the kind of job she has. There is no earthly reason that a woman whose kids are gone for 8 hours a day at school AND are gone every other weekend, and who isn't working outside of the home should need "help" in the house. That being said, I would have less of a problem with her having help with the house if it was helping her have more energy and time to devote to her kids were home to them. But to need help with the house AND not-a-nannies, that's insane. They're not babies. They need someone to make them dinner and supervise homework (which hopefully is just two of them) and supervise baths. Would it be tough and exhausting to do those things for 8 children by yourself if you were also working a full-time, outside the home job? Of course. But she is NOT doing that.
Kate could be told that Mt. Rushmore occurred naturally and she'd say, "really?"
Yes, she IS an idiot, but I'm starting to wonder if it's really her twitting? For her to keep up with the manic pace, well it's just WAY to much work/commitment for her (of all people)to give. We know she tans, gets her mani/pedis, does the Target thing, jogs, fills up her gas tank...it must take quite some time to get the 3 coats of pancake makeup on, it takes time to flat iron that straw mess into the poker straight look she's trying to acheive...she would never give up all THOSE activities, so how is she tweeting so much???
WTF is Kate 'talking' about mentoring teen moms. She is the last person alive who should mentor anybody. Can you imagine the example she would set? I shudder to think about it. I must say I learned something today; I never knew birds had arms. All along I thought they had wings, who knew lol. That woman is so stupid she makes a bag of hammers look smart.
Vanessa--Either she's got someone RIGHT THERE who tweets what she tells them to or she is currently a lighter orange, sans-makeup mess with her hair in a frizzy bun and her nail polish chipping off from tippity-tap-tappity-typing all the time.
I wonder if even though she may be posting and denying having interns do it, that TLC has someone monitoring and blocking all the posts that don't worship her. She keeps saying she doesn't see them. I know she could have blocked them herself but maybe someone else does it for her. (plus the nasty comments from her sheeple.)
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...
Today is stupid day.
melaniegluscic Melanie Gluscic
@Kateplusmy8 I started writing down inspirational quotes when I read Multiple Blessings! I loved your Bible quotes!
Dare I inform this poor child that she can find many more inspiring quotes just like it in.... well, the Bible!?
But, but ...the other ones in the Bible weren't chosen by Katie Irene. What a dolt.
fidosmommy said...
Mt. Rushmore?
I think you forgot the 4th person on Mt Rushmore...Cap'n Crunch! ;)
Q: "Have dreamed forever of going there... My rushmore is huge on my list for me and kids! Yay! What's crazy horse?"
A: "That horse you rode in the ranch epi. He hasn't been the same since, and is now 'out to pasture' here in SD. Come visit."
I have been having a stressful Monday at work so I took a break to read comments on this site and read Kate's "what is Crazy Horse". I laughed so hard. Does this woman have any type of education? Does she know she is embarrassing herself? Does she know her show is on THE LEARNING CHANNEL? I watched the clip on Radar Online and want sto say "Kate, get over yourself". One pap and you freak out? You stated that "we keep our travels private". Is that why Steve took pictures of the family at the airport and out by the pool and then sold them?? Can't have it both ways. You are on your way out.
After a whole box of evening wine, I guess the dreams about the bucket list get more and more interesting.
To the people who are still waiting for Kate's cookbook LOVE IS IN THE MIX ~
Stop waiting.
In March a poster on WG's blog contacted Zondervan and based upon their reply to the poster I pitched a fit since I knew that this Christian publisher LIED so I posted:
Zondervan, a Christian book publisher that LIES just like one of their authors.
Be sure to check out the links that leaves no doubt that LOVE IS IN THE MIX was published and then dumped overseas:
Note that prices on these book sites are in euros and not US dollars.
There is no doubt in my mind that Zondervan wants to break ties with Kate. Keep in mind that after this cookbook was released, then they did the I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW book and that book tanked.
As for Kate's clothing line, it was also stopped when the divorce was announced. When you have a brand of a "close knit family" and if it is tarnished by a nasty divorce, sponsors can and do change their mind in order to protect their own image.
Still Zondervan flat out lied in their response to the poster on WG's blog about the cookbook. Wonder why?
But to put closure on this whole issue of the LOVE IS IN THE MIX cookbook once and for all, please note another reader on WG's blog ordered the book from deastores and then was contacted letting her know that her order was cancelled. She was notified that it is out of print and there are no plans to print more copies.
They hang on her every word and then spend hours talking about her. This is fascinating to watch. Grown women acting like teeny boppers over a woman who purposely had a litter and exploits said litter.
This is a hero?
I think Paris Hilton makes a better role model.
At the very beginning of this Twitter fetish, I could not believe that TLC or her Mgr put someone like her on a very dangerous social sites/networks. We spend days and nights listening to "poor stupid people" saying "I didn't think anyone would follow me or be where I said I would be"
Dangerous, dangerous, dangerous. You do not tell any one on any of these social networks anything personal about yourself, if you do, you will be in the police station talking to one of us about "how that person who harmed you or your family/raped or robbed you/stole your car/stalked you" knew your schedule. This world is dangerous enough for children and women without advertising you are lonely, when you know that people reading your site know where you live.
Whomever Kate is taking direction from re: Twitter is putting her in danger. It is obvious the woman does not know how many people are watching her, in addition to the several thousand following her.
Just as her children, who have been filmed and viewed by millions over the years have no idea why they are popular, why people want to take their photo, want to get near them. Now their mother has exposed them to even more danger by telling everyone where those children are when not in school.
I don't care if she stays on TV, I do not. But now? I do not believe this is a very bright woman. She is a celebrity, people want to get close to her and she believes them when they tell her they live in South Dakota? They could be up the road from where she lives.
TLC, get her off of the Twittering and save that family from harm of any type. She has no brains.
I can honestly say I don't know how Kate does it. How does she get so many people to believe her bs? How does she get to live such a comfy life when she's a single mom of 8 kids? How does she continue to make the media rounds and lie, lie, lie and have no one confront her on it? Just HOW DOES KATE DO IT? lol
As an aside: Admin, perhaps you could make a note in the rules section about the difficulty some people have posting and let them know if they keep clicking "post comment" it will usually go through by the 3rd try. Until I figured out posting from a different browser worked better, I would copy my text to the clipboard before I hit post in case it disappeared.
This is hilarious:
greatskate1 Eric cartman
@Kateplusmy8 @rusmokincrack how about Kate sky diving, rocky mountain climbing spending 2.7 secs on a bull named fumanchu
From Tim McGraw's Live Like You Were Dying.
OMG- my favorite tweets belong to
greatskate1. My hat goes off to you :o)
Keep 'em coming!!!
Kate twittered: I make a wkly meal plan but if leftovers/things I can turn into othr things, I change so oftn has become a joke at my house
Someone twittered: Breakfast for dinner is the way to go when I open the fridge at 5! It's the 1 dinner that everyone happily eats!
Kate twittered: Ha. When I have no plan (can't wait til 5 regardless in my house) that's what I do too!
Why is Kate saying that she can't wait til 5 in her house? Any Comments about that? And Kate just twittered a few minutes prior to this that she has a weekly plan for dinner; now she says when she has no plan she cooks a breakfast type dinner. She can't keep her story straight.
Kate twittered: Yes because I do same thing! I make each meal with leftover night in mind-then I get a night off :)
Gee, leftovers 3 times a week. Leftovers are fine but Miss SuperMom who doesn't even work and has a babysitter can't even cook dinner 3 or 4 nights a week. And her fans think she is fabulous!
When She Played Her Charade said...
Smiley - this one?
Yes, thank you! I was wrong, I thought her fiancee married her anyway but turns out he married someone else. Good for him! And yeah, she does have scary eyes, lol!
Ha Ha Ha Ha! Just watched the clip of Kate's meltdown with the paparazzi in NZ. Ok, the whole time that they were walking she was looking around for someone, anyone with a camera in hand. Then she spots "them". One lone guy standing way down at the end of the sidewalk. Throws a fit, brings attention to herself and then gets to talk about it - it is such a burden being such a huge star!!
I laughed out loud - one guy standing there with a camera in his hand and she is acting like she has a hundred paps following her! She wishes! Where were all the paps when you had Stevie boy taking the bikini pictures Kate?
No one cares about you. You can keep lying - you are only making it worse on yourself! I won't even bother bringing up how bad you have made it on your children because you don't care about them.
Go away Katie - we are plum tired of you.
I'm having this nagging feeling. I've thought for a while that someone is tweeting for Kate, but I'm not so sure anymore. She has isolated herself from practically everyone. I can't imagine a person being that isolated and NOT lonely. Maybe it IS her, happy to connect, especially with people who like her.
I may not be remembering this correctly, but I think Khate was under contract with Zondervan for a certain number of books. I thought the contract was for three books, possibly drawn up after the moderate success of "Multiple Ble$$ings". Too bad for Zondervan the family's image broke apart and the next three books were flops. I loved that Zondervan pretended the cookbook never existed, limiting the number of copies printed and only releasing it in Europe. I can't help but laugh; that sounds like a brilliant move. They still fulfilled their contract, and that's all that counted. I think TLC is feeling the same pains with Khate. They, too, are stuck in a contract until next year. I have no pity for their idiocy - who in their right mind signs a young, broken family with eight kids into a multi-year contract? TLC does! But like Zondervan, will TLC also give Khate the cold shoulder? I think they've already started, by giving her a 10:00PM time slot. That's a time slot reserved for mature dramas and early news, not family shows.
One more thing, I don't understand how Khate's faithful followers are the least informed on anything "Gosselin". I feel like I know WAY too much, for someone that only watched three seasons of J&K Plus 8. But there's plenty out there to read, and I've read a LOT. Khate's fans should do the same - they might have known her cookbook WAS already released.
Yes, thank you! I was wrong, I thought her fiancee married her anyway but turns out he married someone else. Good for him! And yeah, she does have scary eyes, lol!
I definitely remembered the eyes because when the news stations were reporting this story, one anchor commented on her eyes. I thought this was really unusual because I never heard any newscasters calling attention to someone's physical features in a negative way.
I guess if she could find a man to marry her, maybe there's hope for Kate!
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
Oh dear Lord.... someone must have tweeted that TLC should send Kate to Mt. Rushmore. Check out Kate's response:
I posted here that I thought she should see more of America and mentioned mountains and such, but I didn't tweet! Honest! I wouldn't know how to tweet, twitter, twat or twattle if my life depended on it!
She asked about Crazy Horse? Good grief! That's as bad as not knowing where Cork is! Why is she admitting that she doesn't know these things? That's being dumber than dumb! I guess she never studied Native American history.
Wasn't there a Crazy Horse brand of clothing (Liz Claiborne) several years ago?
Did I already mention today is stupid day?
SuperPattyPie Patty Pie
@Kateplusmy8 just look at your number of followers going up up up ... just sayin' ;-)
Charlie Sheen had over 1 million followers in less than 24 hours.
Jon Gosselin has a private account with over 70,000 followers. He never announced it on national TV.
Paris Hilton has over 3.7 MILLION followers.
Kim Kardashian has over 7.1 MILLION followers.
Good luck, Kate. You are HISTORY.
I wonder if, when the kids come home from school and say, "Today we learned about the Constitution" Kate says "what's a constitution?"
She might say, "whose constitution?" (physical make-up of a person).
If she's not doing the tweeting, then they better fire the person or person who is doing it. Why would you allow someone to make you look like even more of an idiot than you already are?
If she is doing this, did anyone ever think that she is this stupid? Why would you put yourself out there like this, tell the world how dumb you are, and set yourself up to be ridiculed? TLC has given its blessing to this carnival?
To quote Kate: "I don't get it. I just don't get it!"
Aeris said...
I may not be remembering this correctly, but I think Khate was under contract with Zondervan for a certain number of books. I thought the contract was for three books, possibly drawn up after the moderate success of "Multiple Ble$$ings". Too bad for Zondervan the family's image broke apart and the next three books were flops. I loved that Zondervan pretended the cookbook never existed, limiting the number of copies printed and only releasing it in Europe.
You remember the same thing I do. There was a contract but how do you market a book called LOVE IS IN THE MIX while the family is going through a very nasty divorce and it is being played out in all the tabloids and TV entertainment shows?
No doubt about it, the love is gone as far as Zondervan is concerned when it comes to Kate Gosselin. Fine, this is not a surprise BUT
When Zondervan said that the book was never published and it was not released in Europe I fired up about their blatant lie.
Proof of their email can be found here:
Mandy said...
I'm having this nagging feeling. I've thought for a while that someone is tweeting for Kate, but I'm not so sure anymore. She has isolated herself from practically everyone. I can't imagine a person being that isolated and NOT lonely. Maybe it IS her, happy to connect, especially with people who like her.
I think you hit it correctly, Mandy. Also, if it were someone else tweeting, she'd be aware of the nonsense being tweeted and how it's making her look to those of us who are able to think rationally (aka non-sheeple) and would have stopped it, or had TLC stop it. She's so narcissistic, she's clueless as to the damage she's doing.
Remember on JK8 how Kate always tried to come off as the mature, responsible one, how with Jon she had nine kids, etc, etc, ad nauseum? Well, she's a mental midget idiot, and those kids are more screwed than I even thought possible!
I'm sure we all know the old saying, but Kate was too busy thinking about her "Top on my list" dream trips to pay attention:
'Tis better to remain quiet and be thought a fool, than to speak up and remove all doubt.
What a freakin' idiot!!
E-town Neighbor said...
I posted here that I thought she should see more of America and mentioned mountains and such, but I didn't tweet! Honest! I wouldn't know how to tweet, twitter, twat or twattle if my life depended on it!
She asked about Crazy Horse? Good grief! That's as bad as not knowing where Cork is! Why is she admitting that she doesn't know these things? That's being dumber than dumb! I guess she never studied Native American history.
Wasn't there a Crazy Horse brand of clothing (Liz Claiborne) several years ago?
Me too :o) I don't twitter either, and I'm glad I don't.
Yes, I do remember Liz Claiborne's Crazy Horse line :o)
Funny, after reading Kate's "what is crazy horse" tweet, I imagined her thinking of a thoroughbred gone mad....
What's the famous saying- a mind is a terrible thing to waste?... Just pitiful.
I chuckled when I read a couple of you talking about Kate likely asking, "What's a constituion?" My mind went to fourth grade mode and I was thinking poop, as in daily constitution. When one of you said she'd think 'whose constitution' (physical makeup of a person), I literally laughed out loud because she is not even THAT intelligent! With all the salad she stuffs down her gullet (and I eat a lot of produce myself), she'd probably be thinking poopies too.
emilykateplus8 Emily Saffell
@katieliesalot and how is that "AMMO" for JON? @Kateplusmy8 theres other minors on here tweeting kate..? whats the big deal? there isnt one
she said she is only 15 and is fighting and bullying with people.
Is anyone else suprised that Jon has 70,000 followers?
I may be late to the party but was is the reason the show is now on at 10:00 p.m.? Isn't it a family show that should be shown between 8 & 9? Reading some tweets - some of her fans have posted some nasty, mean stuff about Jon and Ellen. Maybe Kate should know. Oops, I meant the intern should know.
Um, I've been making the flag cake since 1986 - when I saw it on Family Circle (or maybe Woman's Day) cover. We have a huge family gathering at our house on July 4th every year (my DH is eldest of 6) but THAT year, the first year I made the cake, I took it to my SIL's house (on 26 acres - LOL) because the "men" decided to have bottle rocket wars across their pond (we women folk kept the kids, mine then 5 and 8) INDOORS! One year I even "I "built" the cake out of cupcakes - i.e. arranged the cupcakes to look like the flag, but some cake, coolwhip, strawberries and blueberries. 1986 folks - Khate was what, 11???
Lol we have a family picture with the flag cake from July 1985. How do I know it was 85? My aunt was pregnant with her son who is 25 now.
When one of you said she'd think 'whose constitution' (physical makeup of a person), I literally laughed out loud because she is not even THAT intelligent!
That would be me. I was going to say she might ask if the dog had been taken for his constitutional, but figured she's NEVER know what that was! I can understand that young kids of today might not know the meanings of the word, but for a woman nearly 40, she should know!
The Gullibles are asking her when her cookbook is coming out. Has anyone asked her where they can buy her Health Tex clothing? I'd like to hear her answer for that one. Has anyone pinned her down for the date of the Twisted Kate premiere?
To teach children, Kate's tup ages from about 4 on up, you teach them about America. They remember what they see and where they go when you include the history of each state along with the AAA book about each town/city/area they pass. What a wonderful experience to travel 50 states, to mark them off, to even collect their special quarters.
But then again, Idiot Mom and she is an idiot, thinks Australia is the only place to go and Mexico for sun in the fun. Life lessons the children will remember when visiting war sites, special cities where civil rights were fought for. Oh well, Kate probably can't even read. But I ain't seen cud chewed as wide and open mouthed as Kate does it. Wonder why at her age, she feels that need to chump away? Her kids don't do it.
Kate the dictionary called it wants you to read it before you speak.
pri·va·cy /ˈpraɪvÉ™si; Brit. also ˈprɪvÉ™si/ Show Spelled
[prahy-vuh-see; Brit. also priv-uh-see] Show IPA
–noun, plural -cies.
1. the state of being private; retirement or seclusion.
2. the state of being free from intrusion or disturbance in one's private life or affairs: the right to privacy.
3. secrecy.
4. Archaic . a private place.
Kate, Google called ..... it has the answers to lots of questions. Like what is Crazy Horse, where is South Dakota, what birds have arms and which don't, signs and symptoms of mental illness, ending a word with "ish" isn't the proper use of the English language, what is the English language.....To find google it's best not to add ish to the end. Just google works.
Kate: @EmmaKolak Holy cow! I nearly freaked when i saw your last name! Wow! Tell me how... Tell me all abt you!
Is this "normal" language for a woman approaching 40? She wants to know about someone? Since when? If she saw these people in an airport, she'd look at them like a fly that should be swatted!
Don't they know this? Are they really not smart enough to know that in Kate's universe they are nothing more than a grain of sand?
All of this is just too much to take in...!!!
I don't know which is more comical - watching Kate tweet away like a bubble-gum popping teenybopper, or watching the bubble-gum popping teenyboppers drool over her!
Just cannot believe the tweets going on. Kate does not know who Crazy Horse is? As a poster expressed up thread earlier, she is so stupid she makes a bag of hammers look smart. I fell off my chair laughing so hard after reading that comment. So appropriate. Barbara Walters is having a Will and Catherine special tonight at 10 pm so hopefully that will be more appealing than watching another family vacation for Kate who does nothing but use her children for income.
This guy has some "wowsers."
greatskate1 Eric cartman
@Kateplusmy8 HI Kate, when you make Monkey Munch, do you first take the hair off the monkeys or do you just shove them in the oven
greatskate1 Eric cartman
@Kateplusmy8 Kate, Chief Crazy Horse is that organic horse at Farmer Henry's where you got the 1/2 cow for free.
Ok, ok, I'll stop posting his/her stuff now.
I am back and I am Greatskate1
KELLY, YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You had me hysterically laughing all afternoon :o)
Kelly!!! I've been going to post about 20 times I thought that was you. When you said her rating are dropping faster than a prom dress, KNEW it was you. (the "falling faster than a one legged jogger" was great, too.) You have me in stitches. Yer killin' me.
To quote Kate, YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I live in NZ and just posted the ROL video on a popular message board. No one even knows who she is. Take a look.
Kelly, we should have known! You are AWESOME!
@harrietolney Thank u sooo much my true fans&defenders! Lots of x&o coming ur way! When I smile, it's bc of YOU (&always bc of my kids 2) 3 minutes ago
Why would a legitimate "star" need "DEFENDERS"?
NOTE TO KATE: Charlie Sheen might have defenders, Mel Gibson might have defenders, but those who have defenders have done something WRONG. *Doh*
I figured some of my sayings would catch on.
Instead of tweeting everything on her bucket list, wouldn't it be much easier for her to say what ISN'T in the bucket?
Someone should tweet that she should come to Centralia (it's in PA...the underground coal fire has been burning since 1962 and it's a ghost town). She'd probably would think that they mean Central America and would say that Belize is on her bucket list.
Midnight Madness said... Kate: @EmmaKolak Holy cow! I nearly freaked when i saw your last name! Wow! Tell me how... Tell me all abt you!
Is this "normal" language for a woman approaching 40? She wants to know about someone? Since when? If she saw these people in an airport, she'd look at them like a fly that should be swatted!
Don't they know this? Are they really not smart enough to know that in Kate's universe they are nothing more than a grain of sand?
All of this is just too much to take in...!!!
I don't know which is more comical - watching Kate tweet away like a bubble-gum popping teenybopper, or watching the bubble-gum popping teenyboppers drool over her!
April 18, 2011 4:42 PM
I "think" Kolak is her mother's maiden name. Pretty sure it is Charlene Kolak Kreider.
Charlie said, I live in NZ and just posted the ROL video on a popular message board. No one even knows who she is. Take a look.
Was the whole thing with the lone papster just a publicity stunt, set up to add some drama and make us believe that she is still being hunted down by those naughty p-people?
It's kind of ironic that Kate's ratings may finally be done in by that other Kate--Middleton. ABC and Lifetime both have Will & Kate specials on at 10 tonight. Soon, when people say "Kate," there will only be one Kate they mean!
Moose Mania said...
(snip) Has anyone pinned her down for the date of the Twisted Kate premiere?
Oooh, I have a great idea. Not for tonight, though, because I’m sure the sheeple will be too busy watching the show and tweeting. But, tomorrow or the next day, when there’s a lull, someone should tweet something like:
“HEY, BIG news KateG Fans!! TLC just announced that “Twist of Kate” premieres on May 13th. Yay!!”
LOL, I’m sure that will spin the sheeple into a giddy little frenzy! (It would be best if someone with a benign and unknown Twitter name could post this, though. Let's confuse those morons.)
And they look so nice.
You'd never tell by looking at them that their daughter is a whackadooo.
Now she's denying that the therapist is suing her for an unpaid bill. It's one thing to deny liability, but how stupid is it to deny that she is being sued? The Complaint is a public document!
Midnight Madness said...
Kate: @EmmaKolak Holy cow! I nearly freaked when i saw your last name! Wow! Tell me how... Tell me all abt you!
Is this "normal" language for a woman approaching 40? She wants to know about someone? Since when? If she saw these people in an airport, she'd look at them like a fly that should be swatted!
I saw that sheeple tweet this morning. Khate was actually replying to this tweet:
@Kateplusmy8 Hey Kate! I love you so Much and I Found Out A Couple Days ago that you are my distant cousin :) From the Kolak side!
Tweet-le De said.....I wonder if, when the kids come home from school and say, "Today we learned about the Constitution" Kate says "what's a constitution?"
I think she would say "Constitution, that's on the top of my bucket list. Me and my kids are dying to go there!"
Kelly!!! Glad to see you back! GREAT job tweeting, lol! Keep up the good work.
Not on Kate's bucket list of places to see:
1. Jon's one-bedroom
2. Aunt Jodi's house
3. Baghdad, assuming she's heard of it
I think she would say "Constitution, that's on the top of my bucket list. Me and my kids are dying to go there!"
The USS Constitution - Old Ironsides? She'd say that once you've seen one battleship (and shot the paps from the deck), you've seen 'em all!
Administrator said... And the general safety and welfare of ALL people, even Kate. All it does is solidify the pure motives here.
ITA. No one here that I know of wants to see anything bad happen to any of the Gosselins no matter how much disdain we have for the way Kate is going about raising them.
Administrator said...Anonymous you were banned weeks ago and you know it. That's why your posts won't go through. You are not fooling anyone. Also you keep breaking rule 1 for starters, and several of the other rules.As I told you when I first banned you, if you can actually post here without insulting people, you might get something through. Your latest post was a direct slam on Auntie, stop acting shocked it's not going through.
Admin -- You might have to spell the rules out phonetically for her (him?) so she can actually post here to tell me how much hate she has for me. For now I'll respond in s a language she'll understand. Anonymous -- Don't think ur hate makes it 2me& if sum does it doesn'tpenetrate me1bit..
Loved the ROL footage. Is Kate REALLY that self-unaware, or just a slimy run-of-the-mill hypocrite?
I also love how she's soooooo worried that her kids might here a little blue language. Not that I'm promoting swearing, but something tells me these kids have seen and heard worse things than an occasional expletive.
Kate probably thinks Banana Republic is a country.
Just cannot believe the tweets going on. Kate does not know who Crazy Horse is? As a poster expressed up thread earlier, she is so stupid she makes a bag of hammers look smart. I fell off my chair laughing so hard after reading that comment. So appropriate. Barbara Walters is having a Will and Catherine special tonight at 10 pm so hopefully that will be more appealing than watching another family vacation for Kate who does nothing but use her children for income.
KELLY, YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You had me hysterically laughing all afternoon :o)
To teach children, Kate's tup ages from about 4 on up, you teach them about America. They remember what they see and where they go when you include the history of each state along with the AAA book about each town/city/area they pass. What a wonderful experience to travel 50 states, to mark them off, to even collect their special quarters.
But then again, Idiot Mom and she is an idiot, thinks Australia is the only place to go and Mexico for sun in the fun. Life lessons the children will remember when visiting war sites, special cities where civil rights were fought for. Oh well, Kate probably can't even read. But I ain't seen cud chewed as wide and open mouthed as Kate does it. Wonder why at her age, she feels that need to chump away? Her kids don't do it.
This guy has some "wowsers."
greatskate1 Eric cartman
@Kateplusmy8 HI Kate, when you make Monkey Munch, do you first take the hair off the monkeys or do you just shove them in the oven
Lol we have a family picture with the flag cake from July 1985. How do I know it was 85? My aunt was pregnant with her son who is 25 now.
I may be late to the party but was is the reason the show is now on at 10:00 p.m.? Isn't it a family show that should be shown between 8 & 9? Reading some tweets - some of her fans have posted some nasty, mean stuff about Jon and Ellen. Maybe Kate should know. Oops, I meant the intern should know.
emilykateplus8 Emily Saffell
@katieliesalot and how is that "AMMO" for JON? @Kateplusmy8 theres other minors on here tweeting kate..? whats the big deal? there isnt one
she said she is only 15 and is fighting and bullying with people.
Is she still doing all the tweeting? (I do not have Twitter and don't want it). Also, did she really SAY that "they like to keep their travels private."??? Am I starting to have hallucinations in reading this blog? Or has the world tipped on its axis at last,and everything is now Opposite?
Aeris said...
I may not be remembering this correctly, but I think Khate was under contract with Zondervan for a certain number of books. I thought the contract was for three books, possibly drawn up after the moderate success of "Multiple Ble$$ings". Too bad for Zondervan the family's image broke apart and the next three books were flops. I loved that Zondervan pretended the cookbook never existed, limiting the number of copies printed and only releasing it in Europe.
You remember the same thing I do. There was a contract but how do you market a book called LOVE IS IN THE MIX while the family is going through a very nasty divorce and it is being played out in all the tabloids and TV entertainment shows?
No doubt about it, the love is gone as far as Zondervan is concerned when it comes to Kate Gosselin. Fine, this is not a surprise BUT
When Zondervan said that the book was never published and it was not released in Europe I fired up about their blatant lie.
Proof of their email can be found here:
Charlie Sheen had over 1 million followers in less than 24 hours.
Jon Gosselin has a private account with over 70,000 followers. He never announced it on national TV.
Paris Hilton has over 3.7 MILLION followers.
Kim Kardashian has over 7.1 MILLION followers.
Good luck, Kate. You are HISTORY.
Ha Ha Ha Ha! Just watched the clip of Kate's meltdown with the paparazzi in NZ. Ok, the whole time that they were walking she was looking around for someone, anyone with a camera in hand. Then she spots "them". One lone guy standing way down at the end of the sidewalk. Throws a fit, brings attention to herself and then gets to talk about it - it is such a burden being such a huge star!!
I laughed out loud - one guy standing there with a camera in his hand and she is acting like she has a hundred paps following her! She wishes! Where were all the paps when you had Stevie boy taking the bikini pictures Kate?
No one cares about you. You can keep lying - you are only making it worse on yourself! I won't even bother bringing up how bad you have made it on your children because you don't care about them.
Go away Katie - we are plum tired of you.
Kate twittered: I make a wkly meal plan but if leftovers/things I can turn into othr things, I change so oftn has become a joke at my house
Someone twittered: Breakfast for dinner is the way to go when I open the fridge at 5! It's the 1 dinner that everyone happily eats!
Kate twittered: Ha. When I have no plan (can't wait til 5 regardless in my house) that's what I do too!
Why is Kate saying that she can't wait til 5 in her house? Any Comments about that? And Kate just twittered a few minutes prior to this that she has a weekly plan for dinner; now she says when she has no plan she cooks a breakfast type dinner. She can't keep her story straight.
Kate twittered: Yes because I do same thing! I make each meal with leftover night in mind-then I get a night off :)
Gee, leftovers 3 times a week. Leftovers are fine but Miss SuperMom who doesn't even work and has a babysitter can't even cook dinner 3 or 4 nights a week. And her fans think she is fabulous!
This is hilarious:
greatskate1 Eric cartman
@Kateplusmy8 @rusmokincrack how about Kate sky diving, rocky mountain climbing spending 2.7 secs on a bull named fumanchu
From Tim McGraw's Live Like You Were Dying.
I can honestly say I don't know how Kate does it. How does she get so many people to believe her bs? How does she get to live such a comfy life when she's a single mom of 8 kids? How does she continue to make the media rounds and lie, lie, lie and have no one confront her on it? Just HOW DOES KATE DO IT? lol
As an aside: Admin, perhaps you could make a note in the rules section about the difficulty some people have posting and let them know if they keep clicking "post comment" it will usually go through by the 3rd try. Until I figured out posting from a different browser worked better, I would copy my text to the clipboard before I hit post in case it disappeared.
At the very beginning of this Twitter fetish, I could not believe that TLC or her Mgr put someone like her on a very dangerous social sites/networks. We spend days and nights listening to "poor stupid people" saying "I didn't think anyone would follow me or be where I said I would be"
Dangerous, dangerous, dangerous. You do not tell any one on any of these social networks anything personal about yourself, if you do, you will be in the police station talking to one of us about "how that person who harmed you or your family/raped or robbed you/stole your car/stalked you" knew your schedule. This world is dangerous enough for children and women without advertising you are lonely, when you know that people reading your site know where you live.
Whomever Kate is taking direction from re: Twitter is putting her in danger. It is obvious the woman does not know how many people are watching her, in addition to the several thousand following her.
Just as her children, who have been filmed and viewed by millions over the years have no idea why they are popular, why people want to take their photo, want to get near them. Now their mother has exposed them to even more danger by telling everyone where those children are when not in school.
I don't care if she stays on TV, I do not. But now? I do not believe this is a very bright woman. She is a celebrity, people want to get close to her and she believes them when they tell her they live in South Dakota? They could be up the road from where she lives.
TLC, get her off of the Twittering and save that family from harm of any type. She has no brains.
They hang on her every word and then spend hours talking about her. This is fascinating to watch. Grown women acting like teeny boppers over a woman who purposely had a litter and exploits said litter.
This is a hero?
I think Paris Hilton makes a better role model.
I have been having a stressful Monday at work so I took a break to read comments on this site and read Kate's "what is Crazy Horse". I laughed so hard. Does this woman have any type of education? Does she know she is embarrassing herself? Does she know her show is on THE LEARNING CHANNEL? I watched the clip on Radar Online and want sto say "Kate, get over yourself". One pap and you freak out? You stated that "we keep our travels private". Is that why Steve took pictures of the family at the airport and out by the pool and then sold them?? Can't have it both ways. You are on your way out.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...
Today is stupid day.
melaniegluscic Melanie Gluscic
@Kateplusmy8 I started writing down inspirational quotes when I read Multiple Blessings! I loved your Bible quotes!
Dare I inform this poor child that she can find many more inspiring quotes just like it in.... well, the Bible!?
But, but ...the other ones in the Bible weren't chosen by Katie Irene. What a dolt.
Kate could be told that Mt. Rushmore occurred naturally and she'd say, "really?"
Regarding "help"....
I agree with this completely.
I will add that in the days when Jon was working his "IT job", Kate was home with the 8 children by herself. Yes, she had help in the form of volunteers helping with laundry, but she did seem to be doing the majority of the childcare and housework herself. Jon was gone long days because if I remember correctly, he had a fairly lengthy commute as well as a full-time job. If anything, it seems like those days must have been more exhausting than her days now when the children are gone for the majority of the day and she isn't working outside the home.
*IF* she was now in the situation where she was working a full-time job while the children were away at school, *and* she could afford it, I would say that she could justify some sort of hired help - someone to clean once a week, help with laundry, etc. But that's not the kind of help she has, and that's not the kind of job she has. There is no earthly reason that a woman whose kids are gone for 8 hours a day at school AND are gone every other weekend, and who isn't working outside of the home should need "help" in the house. That being said, I would have less of a problem with her having help with the house if it was helping her have more energy and time to devote to her kids were home to them. But to need help with the house AND not-a-nannies, that's insane. They're not babies. They need someone to make them dinner and supervise homework (which hopefully is just two of them) and supervise baths. Would it be tough and exhausting to do those things for 8 children by yourself if you were also working a full-time, outside the home job? Of course. But she is NOT doing that.
Kate wants PRIVACY. She wants to PRIVATELY parade her children in front of a camera crew and then display the footage for anyone who tunes in. I think she has a right to her PRIVACY. Don't you?
Kate doesn't have a "bucket list" she has a "dumpster list."
She wants to visit everywhere on the planet but knows nothing about those places.
I wonder if, when the kids come home from school and say, "Today we learned about the Constitution" Kate says "what's a constitution?"
What did she say? "Some people don't value that privacy for us?" Privacy? This, from a mother who parades her children around the country on trips, who shows private moments on television (potty training, diaper changing, melt-downs, spousal arguments), and is now tweeting their whereabouts and when she goes to bed, who makes numerous television appearances and reveals aspects of the divorce that should be kept private)...this is the same person who says that people don't value privacy for them? She gave up the right to privacy a long, long time ago when she sold their souls to a network whose last concern is privacy.
She is a joke, or is so seriously far gone that she's beyond help. Or both.
Speaking of tweeting and TLC. I'm not sure that this tweeting has caused TLC to sit up and take notice. Yes, they can see from what she is tweeting that her intelligence is in the same level as middle school teens, but as far as having their eyes opened to how many people hate her, I think that they've known this for some time. How could they not? They read the blogs, they read the tabloids, they watch television shows in which she is made a laughingstock. They've known it all along, but yet they continue to allow this tweeting to go on. Why?
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