Saturday, April 16, 2011

Kate: My children are extensions of myself

Kate has continued her Twitter rampage the past several days, begging for more and more lavish trips (prerequisite: Must be filmed, must be paid!), continuing to disclose where the children are and what they are doing in real time, and so on. But it was this Tweet this morning that was one of the most alarming we've seen since this hellish descent into the mind of a narcissist began:

@XXXX They've forced me 2 go on when I thought I'd crumble..they are my reason I take every breath.they're extensions/part of me! I[heart] them! about 3 hours ago

According to The Narcissistic Family: Diagnosis and Treatment by Stephanie Donaldson-Pressman, et al., Treating the child as an extension of the parent, a toy and the conduit of the parent's frustrated dreams and unfulfilled wishes is a violation of the child's forming boundaries. It is a perversion of the all-important processes of individuation and separation. It is a travesty and the child pays its price all its remaining life. Personality disorders are often reactions to such all-pervasive and pernicious abuse.

And in Children of the Self-Absorbed : A Grown-Up's Guide to Getting over Narcissistic Parents by Dr. Nina W. Brown, a child of a narcissist is described as an extension, a plaything, a toy, a nuisance, a threat, but never, simply, another human being with needs (especially emotional ones) and boundaries to be respected.

296 sediments (sic) from readers:

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PatK said...

I can only make this brief and to the point: Kate is so full of sh*t.

I've withheld posting feelings about this twitter frenzy of hers, but let's just say if I roll my eyes anymore, they are going to pop out of their sockets.

She may have some very slight maternal feelings for these kids, but please...they are just her meal ticket and a means to an end.

How anyone can even respect this woman any longer is beyond me.

Mimi to 3 said...

I have no idea why I am surprised by anything Kate does anymore. She is the most duplicitous, deceitful person I have ever seen. This woman, whom we have all seen repeatedly on TV and in other media with her over the top nasty personality all of a sudden becoming this sweet, concerned, loving person. Not buying it for one single minute. Things have really reached an all time low when she sits on her computer tweeting with the few people that are her fans, acting all sweet and kind -- just when the public hates everything about her. TLC is refurbishing her image, we all knew it was coming, we just didn't see how they could do it. There will be some who will be fooled for a while, but the natural nastiness will come out again. Besides, Kate can't keep up this sweetness and light for two long, it goes against everything in her. The funniest of all funny parts to me is that BM is rarely seen tweeting. What is that all about???

fidosmommy said...

Isn't this a revisit of the lipstick on a pig
statement? It's still a pig no matter how you dress it up.

Mary said...

"They've forced me 2 go on when I thought I'd crumble..they are my reason I take every breath"

translation: if it wasn't for my kids working hard to support my life style and provide me with free trips, I would have to be a normal person and get a real job. How could I go on?

Anonymous said...

And to think she cannot forsee that her children will be able to read most if not all of what Kate has ever written. I mean think about it. It was Kate who shopped videos of them around, Kate who wrote books about her kids, Kate who now writes about kids of twitter, when she sits for interviews she talks about the kids. On that level, when her kids get older they are going to not only be humiliated but worse possibly. Its just as if she has no concept of future. Sure you can protect your kids from internet and whatever but eventually kids grow up and they can do whatever they wish.

As example of how these kids are possibly going to feel, I went out to dinner to celebrate a friends birthday, a few new people which was enjoyable, yet then asking certain questions that are too personal I withdrew from conversation needing more time to get to know somebody, my mother blurts out to our half of the table about my learning disability to people I don't even know. I was disgusted, excused myself and left. No reason for that I am almost 22 years old. Day will come when Kate's kids are going to want to speak for themselves, and they will.

extension-less said...

Those kids are sooo f--ked. What makes Kate think her kids want to be extensions of her? The woman makes most people's skin crawl. She is despised as a mother and as a person by people who know her and by those who don't. She is vain, stupid, mean, loudmouthed and dresses like a slut who doesn't own a mirror. Imagine if your Mom went on tv and bragged about cooking for you (lie), taking care of you (lie), and implied that your beloved father didn't want to be with you (lie). Imagine if she cried about being too poor to pay bills and working at mcdonalds (lie)...if she was either ridiculed or dissed regularly on tv and in print...if she begged for trips and continued employment on twitter. It goes on and on. She is an embarrassment to them publicly and probably a nightmare to live with privately. Those kids must try to distance themselves from her with their peers. And it won't be long before they no longer look at her with the loving innocent eyes of children. The twins are already getting there. Thank god they have jon; I predict they will fly the coop as soon as they figure out just how much they cannot stand their mother. She is toxic. No amount of money and no 'vacation' can possibly compensate those kids for having her for a mother.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

@XXXX They've forced me 2 go on when I thought I'd crumble..they are my reason I take every breath.they're extensions/part of me! I[heart] them! about 3 hours ago


Kate has a B.S. degree in Scatology.

Good grief!

Sharon said...

I quit watching K+8 after the first episode. I did, however, go over to TLC to see the promo for Monday's show. When you see Kate make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, it is a sight to behold. She slaps them together, and literally throws them on the picnic blanket. It's like she is throwing a bone to a dog! She is disgusting...Treating her kids food like they were a nuisance. Seems like Dr. Brown met Kate Gosselin.

fidosmommy said...

Those kids better watch out. Kate got rid of some extensions on her last trip to NY.

TLC ship is sinking said...

Kate's tweet reminded me about a recent quote from Reese Witherspoon that I want to share:

Parenting in general isn't what she thought it would be, she adds. "I thought you make little people in your image. But they are just nothing like me or their father. They are their own individuals."

She adds: "I know it's corny, but being a parent to me is such a great privilege; that I get to chaperone these beautiful little souls through life. They astound me with their knowledge and their humor.",,20480956,00.html

When I first read this, it immediately reminded me about the Gosselin kids and how they haven't been given a chance to become their own individuals.

I think what Reese first thought about parenting holds true for many teenagers and young adults who idealize about having kids, creating a cute mini-version of themselves. However, I liked how she used the word 'chaperone' instead of 'mold' - guiding her kids through life as they grow into adults.

Sadly, Kate uses her kids to fulfill her own dreams on the show, not the other way around.

up yours, Kate said...

You know what, Kate? I'm a divorced mother of two great girls. Separation and divorce from their father was much hurt, anger, frustration, anxiety. I, too, wanted to crumble and curl up in a ball. But I put on a happy face as much as possible for my girls. I never dissed their dad and I remain very close with him to this day. I never expected a gold medal and consider the fact that my kids are doing well the best reward. You are not special and have not experienced anything different from 50% of the married women out there. You have, however, been a horrible example to your children during your split. You have hurt them much more than most by being publicly bitter and by doing all you can to alienate your kids from their preferred parent. You have treated Jon cruelly and fail to see that if he is doing well, it too benefits your kids. Screwing him financially and in the media has hurt him and them. And this is after he put up with your bullshit all those years. He was far kinder to you than you deserved. So get off your high horse. You should be embarrassed by your actions and have no reason to act as if you did ANYTHING to be proud of.

AuntieAnn said...

Admin -- I got a good chuckle out of your graphic, especially the tiny 'others' planet pushed to the end of the Narcissists solar system. It would be even funnier if it wasn't so close to the truth where the G8 are concerned. There isn't a site on the internet about narcissism that doesn't describe Kate as a narcissistic parent and spouse. I wonder why the courts that claim they are so concerned with the welfare of children don't see it. It's another case of waiting until something happens, then stepping in.

Anonymous said...

The real gist of parenting is recognizing that they are not extensions of anybody. painful awareness that they are individuals; independent, unbounded by genetics or environment. To think otherwise is criminal and at the crux of an arrested development and the ultimate indictment of a narcissitic parent.

Tucker's Mom said...

up yours, Kate said...
You know what, Kate? I'm a divorced mother of two great girls. Separation and divorce from their father was much hurt, anger, frustration, anxiety. I, too, wanted to crumble and curl up in a ball. But I put on a happy face as much as possible for my girls. I never dissed their dad and I remain very close with him to this day. I never expected a gold medal and consider the fact that my kids are doing well the best reward. You are not special and have not experienced anything different from 50% of the married women out there. You have, however, been a horrible example to your children during your split. You have hurt them much more than most by being publicly bitter and by doing all you can to alienate your kids from their preferred parent. You have treated Jon cruelly and fail to see that if he is doing well, it too benefits your kids. Screwing him financially and in the media has hurt him and them. And this is after he put up with your bullshit all those years. He was far kinder to you than you deserved. So get off your high horse. You should be embarrassed by your actions and have no reason to act as if you did ANYTHING to be proud of.
Bang on, honest and thank you for being an example by which all co-parents should follow. YOU are the a true paragon of motherhood, not the media-manufactured false idol.
Admin-- Kate does live in a skewed universe, doesn't she? Great artwork! A picture does indeed say a thousand words.

cat said...

She is not doing anything any other (good) mother does...actually, she DOESN't do those self-sacrificing things, she just purports to do them. I find her to be a sickening person all the way around. Oh and btw: the courts DON'T care about the welfare of the children (I know so no other argument will convince me I have learned it emipiraically, time and again)! Their dockets are VERY full, and moreover, ALL they "Care" about is getting support monies ordered and paid. After that, physical and sexual abuse is what triggers the courts/CPS's radar; emotional and mental abuse is Waaaay Down the list.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

"TLC ship is sinking": Thanks for posting that bit from People with the Reese Witherspoon quote about parenthood. It's quite beautiful, really. It reminds me of a very special letter that my husband's mother wrote to me when I first became a mother. She told me that when her first baby was born (my husband) that she looked at him sleeping in his crib and thought to herself that she must always remember, even from infancy, that he was not her property, but his own, individual person.

Many parents tend to feel like their children are their own personal property, especially when they are infants. But, I always remained aware of what she had told me and I thought of it often over the next several years (and still do). I was often reminded of it when my baby wouldn't eat what I wanted him to eat; or as a toddler, wouldn't want to wear what I wanted him to; or as a pre-schooler insisted on doing things his way, or preferred activities other than what I had chosen for him; or as a grade schooler, began developing outside interests and various friendships, etc. I'm thankful that my mother-in-law raised such a secure, confident, strong individual and I think that my husband and I have followed her lead and done the same.

Back to Khate the twit/tweeter:

They've forced me 2 go on when I thought I'd crumble..they are my reason I take every breath.they're extensions/part of me! I[heart] them!

What's really sad about that tweet is that due to her extreme narcissism, Khate thinks that declaration actually makes her a good mother! She doesn't even realize that this statement is so narcissist and sad, that it reveals that she cannot even begin to see her children as individuals, but only as extensions of her. I'm really concerned for these kids during the teen years, it's going to be brutal in that household.

Jnettemariee said...

I raised 3 girls on my own. I didn't have a staff,
or nanny's...Hell, I was lucky to and have 5 minutes alove in the bathroom.

She is a pathetic sad excuse for a mother and He should get those kids. Shame on her!!! When she sold her kids, she sold her soul. What she is doing to those kids is no differnet than parents who collect welfare and spend the cash on drugs instead of food and shelter.

tinydancer said...

Kate should stop playing victim. She chose the path she has taken. No one else chose it for her. She discarded anyone who got in her way and she still does. We will be hearing that her children were stolen away from her by the courts and her father, when the kids decide they don't want to live with her anymore.
Kate, always the victim.

fidosmommy said...

GN lovers&haters alike.Don't think ur hate makes it 2me& if sum does it doesn'tpenetrate me1bit.Myenergy is focusedon my kids.U can'tget2me.


Uh huh. Just mentioning it means it's getting to you, Kate. Is it also getting to you that your children deserve to have a childhood rather than a resume?

Also, my dear, it seems to me that your energy is focused on your pink phone. It used to be in your ear constantly, then it was just carted around and used as a dodge so you would not have to face real people, and now it is your tool of lunacy. Maybe your energy SHOULD be focused on your kids instead, ya think?

Kart - Twittering Twit said...

All I can say, over and over again, is "this isn't going to end well".

My OPINION is that Kart is exhibiting, and has been for a long time, some extremely serious mental health issues.

This latest titter phase, if this is indeed Kart doing the titting (not typo) shows a decline in judgement of the highest order.

When her contract with tlc ends, I fear those kids will be the target of her wrath. Physical abuse? We've already seen examples with her hauling on the girl in the driveway, hitting her husband and Emeril, The Spoon....

I am more fearful of neglect and emotional abuse.

I sure hope Jon, the school system and the not-a-nannies are there to protect the kids....

"It ain't gonna be pretty" ~

Wouldn't it be nice if she can't use them for income that she'd give them to Jon to raise?

I don't come to the blogs much anymore because I just got full up sick of hearing about her. But sure enough, when I check in she's got her new platform - Twitter to the Masses.

I'll check back in a few months. Perhaps there won't be any more blogs about her because she will have disappeared into Insignificance Land.

emschick1128 said...

Up yours Kate said. Very well said. Your assessment of that shrew is straight on. She is a horrible example to her children and an insult to all of us real single\divorced moms who are really out there working hard and taking care of our own children.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

# @Madreof1 @LivinForLife @elm616 I agree.My kids r mylight that bring me out of the dark time&time again.Their shining faces make it all ok!
28 minutes ago


And, um, Khate, what do YOU do for your children??? It's ALWAYS about her and what they do for her.

fidosmommy said...

Nobody likes a narcissist,

I agree that the tweet about breathing because of her children is sad and pathetic. What a burden that puts on the kids! And what a thump Kate is going to have when her 8 oxygen tanks
wander off. If that kind of thinking continues
those kids will be guilted into being Kate's enablers for a very long time to come. As I said, what a burden that is.

Kate needs to find another reason to breathe.
She needs to cultivate friendships based on common interests, to cultivate some relationship with the deity of her choice. She needs to cultivate a career that is hers and hers alone. She needs to cultivate a sense of being an important person in her own right, simply because she exists. She puts her value on what she has and who she bore on a fine day in May 2004. What she does not understand is that she is a woman who has potential to breathe for herself and to haul her own load.

"They're the reason I take every breath." Can it get any sappier than that? She sounds like
a breathless teenager in love for the first time. "You're my everything, my all, my being.
You're the reason my heart beats, the reason I go on. I will continue to feed you this sap until we're standing in a pool of it." And in a few months, they're history.

I've always believed that the more a person gushes about how s/he loves you, the more they are talking through their hat. Talk is cheap. The proof is in the way you are treated.

gotyournumberKate said...

Fidosmommy said.....GN lovers&haters alike.Don't think ur hate makes it 2me& if sum does it doesn'tpenetrate me1bit.Myenergy is focusedon my kids.U can'tget2me.

This is just another way for Kate to avoid legitimate questions that are being asked her more and more frequently now on Twitter. The subject came up tonight of why she was in LA the days Dr. LaFair is saying she counseled them. Rather than address it along with the many other questions she doesn't want to answer she Tweets this. Oh it's getting to her. Yes, it is.

LisaNH said...

So the kids are every breath she takes? So, does that mean that when she yelled at Jon for breathing, she was afraid he was taking her breath that the kids are to her?

Also, how can her kids be her every breath when she told one of the little boys in one ep that she didn't even want him to breath?

Interesting that she would use that terminology.

wayward said...

# @Madreof1 @LivinForLife @elm616 I agree.My kids r mylight that bring me out of the dark time&time again.Their shining faces make it all ok!

Wait a second!!!! The kids bring Kate out of the dark TIME and TIME again!? What dark? I thought being on a reality show, being a milionaire and living in a mansion was THE epitome of a perfect life.... right sheeple? How could your queen's life even have one minute of darkness? Why do her kid's faces "make it all ok?" What isn't ok about being Kate Gosselin? I just don't get it. What an odd thing for someone to tweet who supposedly has a perfect life and "career"

wayward said...

GN lovers&haters alike.Don't think ur hate makes it 2me& if sum does it doesn'tpenetrate me1bit.Myenergy is focusedon my kids.U can'tget2me.

Wow, just wow.

I guess Kate isn't feeling quite as loved anymore. {snicker}

Pam said...

Kate strikes me as someone who, when they are about to get into serioud trouble or are about to lose something they can't live without, they go into panic mode.

She seems to be in a panic mode, to me, but is trying to pretend everything is hunky dory.

I do believe her, though, when she says what haters say can't penetrate. Her skin is so leathery thick by now, ain't nuttin' can penetrate that shat.

Anonymous said...

Well, we did all sort of hear Kate tell her kids:


I mean that's so awfully centered on HERSELF and seeing her kids as units or a unit instead of one person.

Warmth Of The Sun said...

Based on this recent obsessive tweeting frenzy, and the fact that she is carrying on these imbecilic tweets with giddy, kissy-face teenage girls, does Jon have any ammunition to request a court-ordered psychological evaluation? No matter how you slice it, this just isn't normal. I'm wondering if, in addition to the narcissism, there's a little bit of hypomania bipolar II thrown into the mix.

Maggie said...

Kate twittered that she doesn't "have them" for Easter so they celebrated early. A few days ago, I remember a twitter asked her to do a episode about Easter and Kate said, "consider it done". Also Kate made a comment on April 4 on a tv program about how they filmed the past weekend and it was the most fun the kids have ever had. I am sure it was filming the Easter episode. Kate, Kate, Kate, what a liar you are. Kate and her children did not celebrate Easter early because Jon has them that weekend. Kate celebrated Easter so she could film and collect her $250,000. The kids had to "do" Easter a MONTH early to allow for editing. That is the real reason.

I wonder if she has ever taken her children to a sunday service. Yes, they went to sunday school classes but never to church. How sad and distored that "celebrating Easter" means filming a tv episode for $250,000 four weeks in advance of the day of remembrance of the risen Christ and the kids having the most fun of their lives.

I don't know if I am more angry or more sad. Kate was raised a born again, evangelical christian. Go read the curriculum of Mt. Calvary Christian School in Elizabethtown, PA. to get a feel for her background. And in addition to her 12 years of christian schooling, she has a father that was a part-time pastor. And this is how Kate views the most holy christian day, Easter.

TLC ship is sinking said...

GN lovers&haters alike.Don't think ur hate makes it 2me& if sum does it doesn'tpenetrate me1bit.Myenergy is focusedon my kids.U can'tget2me.

This is nitpicking but what's up with the random tweets with improper grammar especially no spaces between words? It looks as if her six year old kindergarteners wrote it.

Most of the people and celebrities I follow don't write like that, even with the 140 character limit.

If the 'hate' doesn't get to her, then why even acknowledge her haters? (This reminds me of how she says she's over Jon but still mentions him in every interview.) For those 'haters' tweeting her, it's better just to leave her alone. Tweeting her probably just feeds her sick and twisted ego.

What's worse than negative publicity and attention? No publicity and attention.

Charlez said...

Kate's twitter frenzy sounds a bit manic, like, umm, Charlie Sheen?

MontgomeryCounty, PA said...

"GN lovers&haters alike.Don't think ur hate makes it 2me& if sum does it doesn'tpenetrate me1bit.Myenergy is focusedon my kids.U can'tget2me."
Yes indeed, the child advocacy tweets are getting under her alligator skin. SHE IS NOT BLOCKING ANYONE from her account because of her low follower count. You do not see ALL the tweets she's receiving on Myself, like countless others, have PRIVATE Twitter accounts that go to her but cannot be published on Twazzup unless she answers/re-tweets (and she is not answering any tweet that is not gushing over her, the show, or the kids).

I always include the address of TLC - @TLC - at the end of my tweets to her. Even though I am not blocked, she probably recognizes my Twitter name now and just deletes. More than likely, this is royally pissing her off because she can’t prevent TLC from seeing my tweets.

Our voices can be heard. If anyone is tweeting Kreider, please, please include @TLC at the end of your tweet. Let’s really show her who is thinking “1-2-3 steps ahead of you, you, you and you!”

Pam said...

She tweets as if she's a 13 year old texting.

Such a dolt.

It would be very scary to live inside her brain.

Midnight Madness said...

"Kate was raised a born again, evangelical christian."


Not to get into a religious debate here, but this needs clarification. One is not "raised a born again evangelical Christian." Nor is one raised a Christian. In the Protestant faith, through confession of sins and acceptance of Christ as your savior, one is born again. You are saved by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It's a personal matter when one professes his/her faith and then the person is "born again." It's not something that automatically happens just because of your upbringing. Being raised by Christian parents in an evangelical Christian home does not mean that one is "born again."

As far as Kate attending church services with her children - when did she stop taking the children to church? Was it before the divorce two years ago? The twins would have been not quite five. I can't imagine that six four-year-olds could sit still through an hour church service. I'll give her a pass on that one.

I'm not even sure they could do it now. They can't sit still for a sofa interview. There is no reason, however, that these kids don't attend Sunday School. I wonder if the reason she doesn't go to church is because she can't show her face in a place of worship - she still has that darn love offerings stigma hanging over her head!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

So, who didn't see coming? Now Khate is using her twittering sheeple to pimp a job for her with Target:

Sheeple Twit: Kate should be national spokesperson for Target!!Paps give company tons of free publicity! Pay Kate instead!! :-)

Kate: Oh agreed! They make far more than I do STEALING pics of us!!' aghhh


She is so desperate, it's pathetic. I agree with everyone here who has said that Khate knows she's at the end of the rope with TLC and she's frantically looking for some way to hold on. I sense that she's been begging TLC to turn the show into a Khate Plus 8 travel the world show by telling TLC that her sheeple are all over and just tweeting away about all the places that they want to see her and the kids travel to. She must know that TLC isn't buying it, the numbers (as far as ratings) just aren't there to justify any more expensive travel shows, and probably not even continuing the show at all once the contract runs out. She's probably freaking out because she knows the gravy train is almost done rolling and she has a very high overhead that she knows she can't support without the big bucks from TLC. She's probably on the phone to her manager or agent daily, driving them crazy demanding that they get her some work. The problem is nobody cares about her, she has no talent, has nothing to offer, and even with the kids, her ratings have been sinking.

MontgomeryCounty, PA said...

"GN lovers&haters alike.Don't think ur hate makes it 2me& if sum does it doesn'tpenetrate me1bit.Myenergy is focusedon my kids.U can'tget2me."

Yes, the child advocacy tweets are getting under her alligator skin. SHE IS NOT BLOCKING ANYONE from her account because of her low follower count. You do not see ALL the tweets she's receiving on Myself, like countless others, have PRIVATE Twitter accounts that go to her but cannot be published on Twazzup unless she answers/re-tweets (and she is not answering any tweet that is not gushing over her, the show, or the kids).

I always include the address of TLC - @TLC - at the end of my tweets to her. Even though I am not blocked, she probably recognizes my Twitter name now and just deletes. More than likely, this is royally pissing her off because she can’t prevent TLC from seeing my tweets.

Our voices can be heard. If anyone is tweeting Kreider, please, please include @TLC at the end of your tweet. Let’s really show her who is thinking “1-2-3 steps ahead of you, you, you and you!”

mama mia said...

It is refreshing to come here and see Kate revealed for what she is.
I sense the sheeple are frustrated with Kate because of her constant tweeting. They want her to tweet affirmations of her goodness - begging her to state she donates the kids clothes and doesn't sell them, that she is giving back to society,sharing the TLC wealth, only filming to pay for college, and so on. Kate encourages tweets that trash Jon and her other focus is begging for more episodes and trips and freebies. There is nothing in Kate's tweets to suggest her kids are anything but commodities to her.

She's paying attention said...

GN lovers&haters alike.Don't think ur hate makes it 2me& if sum does it doesn'tpenetrate me1bit.Myenergy is focusedon my kids.U can'tget2me.


"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

Is she covering her eyes and shouting "la,la,la,la,la" to block out everything negative like kids sometimes do? If she doesn't like the mostly snarky, yet clean and suitable for all ages, "hate" tweets that she's finally getting I'd like to know what she thinks of the replies her "fans" are sending to these people.

She may have pretended to ignore the blogs and comments at Radar or TMZ in the past (we know someone was reading them, thats for sure!) and no matter how much she pretends otherwise, she's not able to avoid the ones streaming though her Twitter feed now - it's . The truth sometimes hurts and it's obviously getting to her on some level now.

Westcoaster said...

Mid-morning on a Sunday with her kids, 4 tweets in a minute, and her "new" dream is going to Holland to see tulips. Silly, scary, sad. And she's concerned about paps invading their privacy? Dear lord, she's done more damage onTwitter than anyone can imagine.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Well, she's been tweeting all morning and begging for more free trips:

Twittering sheeple: you're a great mom and a great role model for everyone who knows it's hard to raise kids on their own! Greetings from Holland!

Khate the Twit: Omg holland! My dream trip-- windmills and tulips! I HAVE to see them! Tulips are one of my very favoritest flowers!

Sheeple: Hi Kate GM from Toronto-U should really check out Prince Edward Island E Coast of Canada-quiet,peaceful sandy beaches,an oasis!

Khate: Sounds good to me! Sign me up! Does it get really nice and hot there in the summer?????

Sheeple: btw in resp 2 one of ur tweets yesterday I would like 2 c u & the kids go 2 1 of the caribbean islands. Sound like fun?

Khate: Yes please! We've never been anywhere tropical except Hawaii, if that counts?? (I say it does- it was heaven)!


Sheesh! TLC sends her on one trip out of the country and now she thinks she's a world traveler and every time someone mentions any country it's her dream to go there, on her bucket list, her favorite place, blah, blah, blah.

Someone please make up a fake name for a country and tweet Khate that they're a fan from that country and I guarantee that Khate will say that place (nonexistent country, lol) is on her bucket list! Ha ha, someone with Twitter, please do it!

roxyhelen said...

Ok,I saw on Youtube the part where Aaden cries because he's afraid for Kate(in the zoo episode) and I do not find it cool(like Kate said) nor precious like the sheeple said.I also think TLC is a shameless channel for using a child's genuine fear for entertainment.And shame on the sheeple who found a scared,crying 6 year old a source of entertainment.

roxyhelen said...

Someone please make up a fake name for a country and tweet Khate that they're a fan from that country and I guarantee that Khate will say that place (nonexistent country, lol) is on her bucket list! Ha ha, someone with Twitter, please do it!
I would but I am very proud of the fact that I will never have a twitter/facebook account and Kate Gosselin is the last person I will forget my principles for.
P.S.I am in no way judgmental or trying to offend anyone who has twitter/facebook accounts this is simply my choice I completely respect everyone else's.I do not judge a person based on whether they have a twitter account or not for me it is just the right thing not having one of those(granted,I am the only one who doesn't have one,all my peers do lol) ~ Administrator said...

How about Narnia, I bet she's always wanted to go there.

I noticed she addressed her "your hate don't get to me!!!" tweet to BOTH lovers and haters. She said lovers and haters YOUR hate don't get to me. She made it seem like she meant hate from both sides. I kind of am assuming she just meant hate from the haters, but I'm sorry, the way it is worded you have to interpret it as hate from both. Could she actually be trying to tell her lovers to stop with the hate too?

If the queen said it, they have to obey, right?

organic Franzia said...

Regarding the
"Don't think ur hate makes it 2me& if sum does it doesn'tpenetrate me1bit" tweet, people on other blogs have suggested she may have been drunk texting. I'm inclined to believe them. ~ Administrator said...

Well when someone asked how the time change was in Australia, she tweeted: It was an easy adjustment there (first few days kids crashed really early) but when we came home-- an entire week+ of weirdness

So essentially while the children were trying to be back in school and catch up with all that they missed and get back to normal, they were spending an entire week readjusting to the time change. Nice Kate. Does she have even an ounce of consideration for how hard it must have been on them to pull them out of school for this?

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Admin, this morning she also addressed that tweet to the haters by tweeting:

just time2let them no their efforts r wasted on me.. I wanted2freethem2 go livehappily..see the sun&smile!

About the time change and jet lag from Australia, I saw that tweet this morning. Btw, she said the same thing at least one other time, how it took them a week to adjust when they got back - which is pretty much what I said in some post when they were on the trip. I remember several sheeple came here to refute that by stating that not everyone is affected by jet lag. Oh well, looks like they were wrong again!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

# @stxmom @CJWhodunit @IwanaDatekate @MiloandJack especially abt stuff that NOONE would have been present 2 witness..Like stuff w kds@hm etc
I wonder why she includes Iwana in some of her replies. He isn't even tweeting her much. Does she feel she needs backup? Dragging him into the fray for what reason?
Settle down tweeties- I'll get to you all (trying anyway!) but I'm with kids now, driving so I'll be away for awhile.. Have a good Sunday!

So she's now tweeting and driving?

JudyK said...

Kate is beyond pathetic. I noticed days ago that a huge number of her "followers" have some kind of a Justin Bieber extenstion to their names.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Very interesting! I just checked my satellite guide (and let me say yet again, please don't worry, I NEVER watch her dumbass show!) and tomorrow night is the last of the three Australia/New Zealand episodes, BUT, the show is not on next Monday (4/25). TLC is airing specials on the royal wedding all night that night. Hmm, I wonder if it will be back on the following week, and if so, what time slot.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Khate the Twit: Settle down tweeties- I'll get to you all (trying anyway!) but I'm with kids now, driving so I'll be away for awhile.. Have a good Sunday!


Is she really this freaking stupid?! Um, duh, Rule #1 of Twittering - do NOT tweet to everyone, hey I just left my house. What an idiot. Also for someone who claims she has so many paparazzi (lol) following her every move, why would you tweet that you just left the house with the kids? Um, yeah, that doesn't matter, because she probably has already contacted the one paid photographer so he can get p.r. shots of her out somewhere with the kids.

Fahnette said...

@maggiej0923 @opiecody I have help&will gladly admit with 8 kids need 2 parents(at least!) or1parent&ahelper. 4Best interestofkids!

Yep, it's all coming out now, there's no one around to censor her. BTW, if she's out with the kids (30 min ago), how is she tweeting (27 min ago)? Is RatClaws driving?

roxyhelen said...

Hmm, I wonder if it will be back on the following week, and if so, what time slot.
May 2 and May 30 are the next two air dates.The May 30 one will probably be the b-day episode so I'm guessing May 2 will be the food bank episode which means they're airing the Philadelphia episodes somewhere in June? Although if they air the Easter epi on May 2 then everything would be pushed even more..Idk but rest assure,there are plenty episodes to come(if the show doesn't get canceled in the meantime of course)

Team Kids said...

With all this "tweeting" you know Kate considers it "work"!! The kids are probably trying to get her attention and she's brushing them off saying, "not now mommy's working"

roxyhelen said...

small addition: it looks like two episodes will air on May 30 one after the other

AuntieAnn said...

Regarding the return from Australia, didn't Kate ditch the kids and stay in NY? They had to get back into the school routine right away after working three weeks to pay the mortgage, while she took a few days to go to Broadway shows and get pampered at the spa in some luxury hotel she stayed at.

Jenna Does said...

Morning! Hippie Chick here!
Wow. We all love our kids, we all want the best for them, we all want them to succeed. But as for them being extensions of us, well...I can only say that we want them to move on. We want them to go off & to college & get their own jobs & start a family.

Kate is really digging inside herself to try & prove to every body that "Gosh darnit, I really do love my kids. I film them because I & ME alone know what's best for them. They are extensions of ME. Not their father."

She is something. To say something so private, I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't stash that nugget of wisdom away for her next exploitative book: "Kate Gosselin Tells Her Kids What She Thinks Through Her Tweets; A Memoir"

JudyK said...

I really do know how to spell "extension"...anyway, Kate IS using twitter like a chat room. She is even dumber than I thought she was. There have been a few times I wanted to give her a pass--but no longer.

AuntieAnn said...

Team Kids -- ITA she'd consider tweeting 'work' and I'm sure her eight little "extensions" are just getting in the way of her important job this weekend. Where IS that helper??

The twit's tweets said...

I didn't understand this tweet from Kate: "just time2let them no their efforts r wasted on me.. I wanted2freethem2 go livehappily..see the sun&smile!"
so I tracked it back to this Q&A:

IwanaDatekate to @stxmom @SuperPattyPie @mojitosplace @kateplusmy8 @miloandjack
Looks pretty quiet in Twitterville too tonight. A lot diff than last Sat.nite

MiloandJack to @IwanaDatekate @stxmom @SuperPattyPie @mojitosplace @kateplusmy8
Geez where have you been man? We could have used your superman powers!

MiloandJack to @Kateplusmy8 @IwanaDatekate
Had some folks pickin' on Kate again!! She put them in their place tho...all by herself

IwanaDatekate to @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8
Cool! Way to go Kate! I have'nt read through the posts.

Kateplusmy8 to @IwanaDatekate @MiloandJack
just time2let them no their efforts r wasted on me.. I wanted2freethem2 go livehappily..see the sun&smile!

Does Kate think she's living in fairy-tale land with all of her saccharine nonsensical tweets? Her messages remind me of when Ellen D. told her she was speaking in code or like reading a poor Harlequin Romance. "see the sun & smile" Who in the hell talks like that?

Some of her fans are still jealous because they're not getting attention, but no worries - Kate's 'favorites' are coming to her rescue. What a bunch of juveniles.

apycandy4you to @Kateplusmy8
is unfollowing u u seem to ignore people & ans the same people over n over.

@Kateplusmy8 to @apycandy4you
I don't understand your text?!

Tinker1829 to @Kateplusmy8 @apycandy4you
it seems to me that Kate replies to everyone. She is one of the few.

CJWhodunit to @Kateplusmy8 @apycandy4you
I don't think she realizes how soooooo many different folks u answer, I pinged her to your tweet! :-)

shortnsaszy to @Kateplusmy8
Been trying to connect with you but my tweets to you dont seem to go thru. Thought I'd send another and see what happens.
she's the one who whined last week and said she was giving up when she couldn't get a reply from Kate.

And, then we have Kate herself tweeting Taylor Swift (who has over 6,000,000 followers). Kate, my dear, most real celebs do not reply to tweets from fans and I question whether Taylor even knows who you are anyway. Kate could take a few lessons from Taylor on how a real celeb uses twitter.

Kateplusmy8 to @taylorswift13
Hey Taylor! I've got 5 gosselin girls&3gosselin boys(with crushes on u!)who say hello! :) Hope to cu this sum when ur in PA!

baronessB said...

Ok first off have you all ever thought. That example A : Kate has lost all her fame. She has no more "bignews and stories to tell" her life is boring. She is back and she is hungry for fame. So she is doing it her way. On the cheep. Because Tlc is probably done with this girl. So Her P.r is probably cya out the door with alot of other TLC paycheck deals. Believe me Kate is DONE WITH. She might have a little something here and there. But IT O.V.E.R with.

Kate is desperately trying to stay in the spot light. With the whole twittering day in and day out. She wants attention like before. She was feeding off that whole divorce thing and loved it. I have a feeling soon. Kate will trump up something just so she can get her fix once again with the media. She needs it. She wants it. Her show and books and that other non show are duds. Even the haters and kate-o-fanatics cant keep her alive on the net.

Face it. Kate is nothing to the Paps and media anymore. People have outgrown this mother. Bad news or good. Any way shape or form. OVER IT. ~ Administrator said...

Kate only needs help so she has time to do what Kate wants. Jon does it without a nanny. ~ Administrator said...

Kate needs to read this article about a man who blabbed about his whereabouts on twitter. His house was robbed.

The twit's tweets said...

Kate Gosselin to @maggiej0923 @opiecody
I have help&will gladly admit with 8 kids need 2 parents(at least!) or1parent&ahelper. 4Best interestofkids


If she feels 8 children need 2 parents in a home "4Best interestofkids", then how in the heck does she justify spending so much time on her i-phone and attention on tweeting while she's with her kids (and why did she not try to keep her family together)? Will the constant contradictions ever stop?

The twit's tweets said...

baronessB said...
Ok first off have you all ever thought. That example A : Kate has lost all her fame. She has no more "bignews and stories to tell" her life is boring. She is back and she is hungry for fame. So she is doing it her way. On the cheep. Because Tlc is probably done with this girl. So Her P.r is probably cya out the door with alot of other TLC paycheck deals. Believe me Kate is DONE WITH. She might have a little something here and there. But IT O.V.E.R with.

Kate is desperately trying to stay in the spot light. With the whole twittering day in and day out. She wants attention like before. She was feeding off that whole divorce thing and loved it. I have a feeling soon. Kate will trump up something just so she can get her fix once again with the media. She needs it. She wants it. Her show and books and that other non show are duds. Even the haters and kate-o-fanatics cant keep her alive on the net.

Face it. Kate is nothing to the Paps and media anymore. People have outgrown this mother. Bad news or good. Any way shape or form. OVER IT.


Yep. We said those very things the day Kate started tweeting and with each passing day she reinforces our opinions. She's desperate, at times inappropriate, she's on her way out, she has no filter and has even put the children at risk in her quest to stay relevant. ~ Administrator said...

Fidosmommy I totally agree. No sheeple I am not asking Kate and the kids to be bubble boys and girls. I am asking for Kate to get just a little bit of common sense here! She is a celebrity and needs to have a greater awareness than most. You wanted fame so bad, well this is what you get.

h8k8 said...

From just a few of Kate's tweets in less than 24 hours, I've learned that one of the twins loves reading Nancy Drew, Mady's dream is to work with animal shelters, the boys have a crush on Taylor Swift, they went out to dinner last night, they lounged around on Sat., and Hannah offered Kate a back massage.

If I was a criminal, to gain their confidence, that's more than enough information to convince the kids I'm a friend of Kate's and that we talk all the time. If I was the kids I'd be pretty upset that my mom was tweeting strangers info that is none of their business (to say nothing about what the show does). STOP TWEETING ABOUT THE KIDS!!!!

She just doesn't think, does she? Or, she just doesn't care.

fidosmommy said...

A fake country? You mean besides "Korea"?
How about the one Lucy Ricardo made up when she wanted to fool Ricky - she was the Maharincess of Franistan, IIRC. Do you think Kate would buy it?

AuntieAnn said...

I have help&will gladly admit with 8 kids need 2 parents(at least!) or1parent&ahelper. 4Best interestofkids
The twins are 10 1/2 yrs old, the sextuplets are almost 7. There's no cradles to rock or diapers to change anymore. If she was the hands-on, organized mom that she claims to be, no help would be necessary. She could have all the household stuff done and spend some time with her kids instead of with her "tweeties" that are so freakin important to her now that she's on this stupid crusade to keep herself relevant.

Mimi to 3 said...

Wow, just wow! What has happened that all of a sudden she is sharing her 'soul' with everyone on Twitter? She has avoided talking about blogs and haters and fans on every media outlet and on the show since the beginning, with a few minor exceptions. And now, all of a sudden, the few uber sheeple that we have all heard of from a few fan sites are tweeting with her constantly and she is telling it all -- including telling all us 'haters' that we don't get to her at all. Right Kate. When you consider just how many people are in the US alone, there are just such a tiny, miniscule portion of those people who are her fans and are pumping her ego with these tweets. I especially love her comment about them 'having her back'. Really? By tweeting and blogging in her favor they have her back? Really? Wow, just wow! ~ Administrator said...

I think it's scary to have such a blind devotion to someone such that you have their back even when pure toxicity is in your face. This is how enablers happen, why everyone who makes very poor choices almost always has a few enablers supporting them. Now imagine how that makes the victim feel. Often like maybe they are the crazy one. This is not a good thing. Will these kids think well lots of people adore our mom, I must be the crazy one for not wanting to do this anymore?? You bet.

Fahnette said...

Bingo. Someone's gotta keep the kids out of her hair so she can continue her campaign to remain interesting.

I wonder how long it's going to be before her now-retired extensions end up on eBay?

gotyournumberKate said...

gotyournumberKate said....
Right now church equals no money so she doesn't go. She probably will start now though because in her mind it might help her keep her show.

Kate Gosselin said.....
@TrippenIn We are. Went to church then took little girls to friends house ovr an hr away! Other 5 got frapps& now were home finally! Whew!

Can anyone say DESPERATION?

Moose Mania said...

fidosmommy said...

A fake country? You mean besides "Korea"?
How about the one Lucy Ricardo made up when she wanted to fool Ricky - she was the Maharincess of Franistan, IIRC. Do you think Kate would buy it?

Kate's not a Maharincess. She's a headofrinses!

Gosh, I had forgotten about that! Priceless!

Donna said...

All of this twittering that Kate is doing is blowing my mind! She is truly obsessed with this! I don't know the first thing about twittering; I don't even text, but what does she do? Sit and stare at her cellphone all day waiting for someone to send her a twit? Oh, and did you know that her 'favoritest' flower is a tulip and she has now decided that she MUST go to Holland to see the windmills and tulips? I'm betting that she's making a list of places that she wants to go next, so she can hit TLC up for filming future episodes. I'm also betting that the possibility that her show may get the ax in the near future has never entered her narcissistic mind. I know that because she keeps twittering about places that she wants to go next. There are people who think that it's not Kate that is doing all of this twittering, but I firmly believe that is most definitely all Kate. But what I want to know is this: Where are all of the negative comments? Why am I seeing only positive comments? Can she somehow 'hide' all of the negative ones? Like I said, I know absolutely nothing about this twittering thing. Someone please enlighten me!

Sport said...

Just another busy, relaxing day with your kids right? Doting on those that are your reason for being, your strength, your motivation for everything. The motivation 'career' woman who does everything for her kids

OR - acting like a twelve year old on Twitter giggling, LOL'ing and instead spreading your narcissism and lies about how absolutely WONDERFUL you are as a person, a provider, a mother.

The site of her name or surgically altered face make me physically sick to my stomach.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Wow! When I saw her tweet that she was out with the kids and I posted it here, I almost said Gee, I wonder if she's taking them to church? Ha ha! I saw people (non-sheeple) asking her about church n Twitter. So, boom, now she takes them to church for the first time in how long? Such a phony, bullsh*tter, fake!

mama mia said...

We are supposed to be jealous of Kate, so those of us with husbands that we love and (gasp) have great sex with, well we are just jealous of her hair extensions. Or is it her nail polish? Either way, sucks to be her hanging out with teens on twitter and make shift toddlers at home.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

The twit's tweets said...

Kate Gosselin to @maggiej0923 @opiecody
I have help&will gladly admit with 8 kids need 2 parents(at least!) or1parent&ahelper. 4Best interestofkids


If she feels 8 children need 2 parents in a home "4Best interestofkids", then how in the heck does she justify spending so much time on her i-phone and attention on tweeting while she's with her kids (and why did she not try to keep her family together)? Will the constant contradictions ever stop?


Hey, how about the fact that she spent SO many days on the road away from them, especially last year during DWTS while young, revolving not-a-nannies were responsible for these kids 24/7? Hmm, she didn't think it would be best to have at least ONE parent in the home with the kids back then, but now she says two parents are best and if not it has to be a parent and a "helper".

Btw, I see she only took a three hour break and now she's twittering away again. She says that in those three hours, they went to church and a friend's house an hour away. Um, let's do the math - an hour away means two hours total there and back. Okay, and that third hour was enough to go to church AND a friend's house for a visit? Okay.

Linda G. said...

So either she:

went to church and tweeted the entire time, which means she paid no attention whatsoever to the sermon

or she's lying about going to church.

I'm constantly struck by how stupid she assumes people are. Does she not know that we can see those little time stamps and see just how often and how constantly she tweets?

Linda G. said...

Oh I meant to say, knowing how lazy she is, my money is on my second theory: she lied about going to church.

Personally, I don't give a crap if she goes or not, but to lie about it is gross.

AuntieAnn said...

So, boom, now she takes them to church for the first time in how long?
I wonder if she rode in on a donkey.

Linda G. said...

Nobody: AND pick up frapuccinos for the other five kids, don't forget! (Do little kids need fraps?)

Sport said...

(Sorry for the long post!)

I am one of 7.
We never had a Nanny.
Mom never had any help, ever.

As my siblings got older they became the help.
(I am number 5.)

I know its a shocker with my username, but all 7 of us played Sports most of our lives. Sisters were swimmers, or cheerleaders, played soccer ... boys were pretty much year round soccer/baseball/basketball/tennis/whatever.

Mom and Dad not only drove us everywhere that wasn't biking distance, they never missed a game for any of us. I bet there were conflicts with that many kids so they must have taken turns and split up who goes to which game (like I do with my kids when both playing at same time.) I never once can remember them not being there at every single game of mine.

In 1987 I tried to qualify for the US Open (golf) as it was being held nearby in San Francisco. I told my parents I was petrified, very nervous, and would they please not attend. It was 36 holes Sat and 36 more Sun over a weekend to qualify at the Olympic Club in SF. About 7 holes into it I was feeling pretty down, as I was young and still very intimidated by my surroundings and competition. I was losing my confidence and feeling lonely. Out of the corner of my eye I see movement in the trees. I hit my shot and quickly look left and its my mom, my dad, and my aunt scurrying from tree to tree secretly watching me, cheering me, hiding so as to not add to my nervousness. It was unbelievable. I laughed and cried at the same time. Dad had cut an East Coast business trip short and secretly flown back that morning very early to be there. NO WAY they were going to miss it they told me later.

My Italian mother cooked every meal. We went out to dinner sometimes, but with that many mouths to feed I never realized how pricey it was and that probably lent itself to us eating at home more. As we got older and had friends and our own activities through High School, Sunday and Wednesday nights were always 'family night.' Unless someone had a baseball game, we ALL had to eat dinner at home together, at the table, face to face. Even though as High Schoolers we sometimes bitched about wanting to be out with friends, I know we all loved it.

Every time I read about kHate I cringe. I think of my family memories and have identified somewhat with the G's due to the size of our families. I always used to think we were the largest family known to man - couldn't imagine people having that many kids, and with 2 of my own I have NO IDEA how my mom did it.

I dont see ANY 'real' family time, family memories or special moments from kHate. It angers me when i think of my fond childhood memories and how those kids always look so starved for love. With that many it seems near impossible that each one can feel loved, special and have a deep connection with the parents. I felt like an only child as I was showered with affection and attention. No cameras were rolling and M/D werent being paid to be involved with my life.

kHate - you are a vile human being. You are squandering those precious moments with your kids. Stop putting yourself first (and 2nd..and 3rd) all the time and try just being a parent and friend to those little guys.

You will ALL regret these missed childhoods one day very soon ...

cat said...

It seems like she is getting her NPD attentionFix thru this tweeting thing now. When viewed in that way it makes perfect sense (b/c I could NOT figure out why a *grown woman* would be doing this silliness, in this obsessive manner). Wonder how much her panic/manic level with ramp-up as the Royal Wedding draws closer, and the only Kate mentioned in the news/on the tabloids, is Kate Middleton! I predict major meltdown (to user her favoriteist word other than Exhausted).

I Can Smell Her Bullhockey All The Way In FL said...

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... Admin, this morning she also addressed that tweet to the haters by tweeting:

just time2let them no their efforts r wasted on me.. I wanted2freethem2 go livehappily..see the sun&smile!


She cracks me the hail up how she now tries to pass herself off as Miss Merry Sunshine who farts rainbows and Skittles and is just ever so positive and carefree and happy and luvs the world, and wants to give Marlo Thomas a run for her money saving the world with her smile.

She's forgetting we see her nasty azz on tv and her awful attitude and temper, not to mention the never ending paparazzi pictures of her with a scowl on her face, looking like the world pissed on her Monkey Munch.

Who is she trying to kid? We know darn well when that camera isn't around, those kids are being yelled and hollered at, and nobody in that house is "living happily, seeing the sun and smiling". Their azzes are being whooped and they are eating week old Ceasar Salads and month old pork and saurkraut, while doing all the household chores as mommy sits on her azz with her pink phone having a twatfest with middleschool outcasts.

Kate Gosselin is c.e.r.t.f.i.a.b.l.e.

Sorry for the run on sentences...she just makes me wanna hurl. She's like an infected anal fissure.

Jane said...

I handle social media (Facebook, Twitter, Buzz, Delicious, etc) for a television celeb. Several staffers have the accounts' passwords and post tweets and the celeb tweets, too. Unlike Kate, this show discusses what's going to be tweeted - tweets are planned so as to portray the celeb, the show, the brand, in the best light which is, I've learned, how most smart celebs handle their Twitter feeds.

I can assure you that shows (ours is NOT on TLC!) pay attention to what viewers say on Twitter and Facebook. If you want to make yourselves heard, add #TLC to your tweets about Kate and be sure to put her Twitter account name in your tweet - the tweet should start with @kateplusmy8. The more negative tweets, the more they'll sit up and take notice.

Moose Mania said...

Sport said,
You will ALL regret these missed childhoods one day very soon ...


Sadly, I don't think that she will. The only thing she will miss is being able to use those kids to get free trips, as well as fame and fortune for herself. Any normal mom would miss being a part of the children's formative years, and lament at their growing up so fast. Not Kate. When they do grow up, they will be out of her hair and she will have no further use for them.

Enough of Kate's lying tweets said...

I hope Jon is keeping track of Kate's twitter to use in court. The number of her tweets alone shows Kate's neglect as a Mother to his children. Her continued tweets revealing information about the kids and bashing him reveals her lack of judgement, her parental alienation, and of her NOT having her children's best interest as a priority. After reading so many of her tweets (not a follower), I think she really is trying to do damage control to help her show, ratings, and reputation BUT it will backfire. For example: I don't believe for a second that she went to church today with kids or believe her when she tweets about her cooking, going out with friends, etc... It is all for show now in answer to her critics. And Jon will be able to get the truth from the kids. They will not lie for Kate and tell their Dad that they went to church today if they didn't. Hopefully Jon is keeping track of her lies on twitter and matching them to what his kids tell him that they do each day when he talks to them on the phone. Her tweets will be good information for Jon to use to prove Kate will lie and even use his kids and saying they went to church today - why should the court believe a liar. I don't know how anyone can read her tweets and not see desparation, selfishness (me, I, mine, etc), greed (send me, give me, beg TLC...), Jon bashing, inappropriate information about the kids, immaturity, and her continued lies.

MontgomeryCounty, PA said...


You are going to have read through comments. Probably this posting, and the last two would be sufficient. Kate is getting many negative tweets - probably 1,000's from PRIVATE Twitter accounts. Private Twitter account messages to her do not appear on when you search @kateplusmy8. Only public twitter accounts allow message to be seen by all. Most of Kreider's rabid fans have public accounts. Therefore, you can see their inane tweets.

Read through the comments here. You will get a good lesson on Twitter. Hope this helps.

Moose Mania said...

I wonder if she rode in on a donkey.

Yeah...the one from Shrek!

Pam said...

Moose Mania said... I wonder if she rode in on a donkey.

Yeah...the one from Shrek!

An ass on an ass. Except the ass on top is pecking at her pink phone.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

You know, having all the enablers in world is still not going to give Kate the necessary talent, grace, and charm she needs to do well in show business...

Can all her "fans" give her that?

And what's Kate going to do when her tweeny/teeny-bopper "fans" move on in life?

Anonymous said...

Administrator said...

Fidosmommy I totally agree. No sheeple I am not asking Kate and the kids to be bubble boys and girls. I am asking for Kate to get just a little bit of common sense here! She is a celebrity and needs to have a greater awareness than most. You wanted fame so bad, well this is what you get.


Perhaps she has security at her home. Did that thought ever cross your mind?

Jenna Does said...

TLC ship is Sinking said...
When I first read this, it immediately reminded me about the Gosselin kids and how they haven't been given a chance to become their own individuals.
You nailed it! Kate always treats them like a "6 pack". When they film, they dress the same, it seems she doesn't let them have friends outside of their bubble, it's always just the "G's", all the time. I'm surprised when the 2 kids got expelled, she didn't take the rest out, but then again, how would she have any free time?

Those kids will forever be the Gosselin Sextuplets, even when their 21, or 35. They will never grow out of that stigma. It sucks for them. And the poor twins will be the..well.."the twins". Now I feel bad. But Kate has herself to blame. She marketed those kids as one thing & one thing only, a BRAND. Not individual children, which they are, & which they will strive to be. They are probably already striving for that.
~Hippie Chick :)

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Sport, thank you for sharing sweet memories of your loving (and lovely) family with us.

Everyone should be so lucky to have the upbringing you had.

Bless :o)

stupid is said...

(Admin, I will try not to break any rules).

Anonymnous, if they have security at the home does that mean everything is wonderful? She's revealing personal information. Anything strangers know about these kids could be used to gain their trust in the future.

Security at home. SO WHAT? How does that help them not feel entitled when the gravy train stops or help them feel like individuals?

Anonymous, you hate this blog so much that it won't matter what we say. YOU want to watch those kids grow up, DAMN IT, and you will post and harass till the end. AS LONG AS YOU GET YOUR GOSSELIN KID FIX, you don't give a damn about their mental or emotional health. ~ Administrator said...

Security or not you don't tweet your kids' whereabouts to strangers! The Obama girls have secret service but do you see their mom tweeting their whereabouts? It's called stupid.

AuntieAnn said...

She marketed those kids as one thing & one thing only, a BRAND.
You know that term "BRAND" always reminds of what they do to cattle. Anyway I found this photo (actually the whole series of photos will turn your stomach) and I see no difference in the way Kate/TLC markets those kids on tv now or the way it was done 70 years ago:

MJ said...

Can Smell Her Bullhockey All The Way In FL
She cracks me the hail up how she now tries to pass herself off as Miss Merry Sunshine who farts rainbows and Skittles
I needed a good laugh today!

I have a question about ratings. Apparently it is very important that shows hit a certain age range like 18-49. Does anyone know how they can tell what age is watching?

Sure She Did said...

To those of you who really believe the faux superstar took her kids to church today, I've got some prime swamp land I'd like to sell you.

I'm still laughing that she actually tweeted that!

gotyournumberKate said...

I noticed one of Kate's cronies created a Twitter account specifically to get rid of the non fan commenters. She calls herself myspecialtwtrac. I looked up the rules for Twitter and technically some of the people posting comments could have their accounts suspended for spam. I am posting them here. So anyone continuously posting to Kate or TLS should pick and choose the important things they want to comment on or risk losing their accounts. I suspect it is TLC doing this just like they did her FB page. They can shut the people out who don't agree with Kate or the filming of the kids on their own accounts but it's not going to change anything. Kate is grasping at straws now arguing with her non fans on a public forum. Kate has a lot of fans that could also be reported for spamming and vulgar language but of course that's different. Here are the Twitter rules I found on spamming.....

•Posting harmful links (including links to phishing or malware sites)
•Aggressive following behavior (mass following and mass un-following for attention)
•Abusing the @reply or @mention function to post unwanted messages to users
•Creating multiple accounts (either manually or using automated tools)
•Spamming trending topics to try to grab attention
•Repeatedly posting duplicate updates
•Posting links with unrelated tweets

Moose Mania said...

You know that term "BRAND" always reminds of what they do to cattle.


The word drives me nuts. It's a buzz word, so over-used and really, what does it mean? Branding is exactly what they do with cattle.

"Security or not you don't tweet your kids' whereabouts to strangers! The Obama girls have secret service but do you see their mom tweeting their whereabouts? It's called stupid."


...and the word is synonymous with Kate. Good grief. Did someone actually post that maybe they have security at home? I would hope that they have security at home, but you never, never, reveal your kids' whereabouts. To think that just because they have security at home makes everything right with the world is just plain naive. Then again, could we expect anything more from the sheeple, who would probably not only give out the location of their kids, put probably provide the address and Google map to find them?

url said...

Now Kart's tweeting that she took her children to church. The fake Easter episode that was shot a couple weeks ago will probably show them in their Easter Sunday outfits getting ready for church. ~ Administrator said...

Um anonymous check again. She tweeted they were at church. So yes she did tweet where they were. Since this church has been featured on an EPISODE, anyone could go to where they are, or show up next Sunday since now we know that (allegedly) she's back to taking them to church.

And she also tweeted they were out of the house, which is how more than one person has had their house robbed. I assumed your original comment that they had security and therefore it was fine to tweet that they are away from the house was address the fact that she left the house, not about where they were going.

She has tweeted plenty enough to find these kids, right down to what club Cara runs in. Your sleuthing skills may not be up to par, but I promise you there are many other creeps out there who can take the tidbits of information Kate keeps giving out and find these kids in two seconds flat.

If this were Jon there would be outrage. ~ Administrator said...

Anonymous she tweeted that she was the kids' school play one evening last week. Since it is very easy to find out what school they are going to, that's called tweeting their whereabouts.

Question would you tell 4,000 strangers where your kid is?

When She Played Her Charade said...

Katie tweeted: @IDeeClair I once heard that.. The more haters you have, the more successful you must be! Should I feel successful and even privileged?Lol!


This woman is nuts...plain and simple. No doubt about it. I knew she was a bit "off," but this tweeting nonsense has confirmed it. I think that maybe this will open many eyes to how juvenile (stupid) this woman really is. Jon knew what he was doing when he got out of that situation. We understand now, Jon, and SHE is the one who, through her tweets, has told us so much more about her than we ever knew.

I don't hate Kate. I really don't. I hate what she stands for (greed, materialism) and what she is doing to those kids. I did at one time feel sorry for her, but I'm finding that it's really difficult feeling sorry for stupidity. ~ Administrator said...

Anonymous maybe you are not Christian, I am. FYI, church happens every Sunday. Kate has tweeted they went to church. Now every creep out there knows there is a good chance she might be back at church next Sunday, and the next, or if not, the next. Stalk the church parking lot, easy as that. The church was featured on an episode so it would be easy to figure out which one it is.

Jon tweeted he took the twins to Olive Garden after the fact too, and all you sheeple were outraged. Sorry but you have no credibilty when you walk around with such double standards as that.

And for the record there are no double standards here--many of us didn't think Jon should reveal info about the twins, the proof is in the comments. Check out some of the comments right here from my post on his Olive Garden from Oct 2010:

1. MamaDukes said... Riiight. He "tweeted" that they wanted it quiet and simple... so he tweets it to the world? What is wrong with this picture? Way to seel our their birthday Jon by obeying their request to keep their crazy, public life "quiet and simple." Great job. At least Kate doesn't broadcast where she is going for the world to all show up.

October 7, 2010 6:57 PM

2. Mum's Never The Word said... This is no different than any father on twitter tweeting that he just took his kids to Olive Garden.


I guess I'm just not "with it." Why would any father do this? Isn't anything private anymore, and furthermore, who would care? I'm not directing this at Jon, but at society in general. Can't anything be done quietly, without making it public? Isn't it enough that an individual knows where he has been or is going, and it isn't necessary to broadcast it over the internet? It seems to me that we've become a society where individuals think they owe others an explanation of their whereabouts, who their friends are, where they are going, and what they are doing. From a sociologist's viewpoint...WHY?

October 7, 2010 8:03 PM

There are no double standards here, just with the sheeple.

AuntieAnn said...

To think that just because they have security at home makes everything right with the world is just plain naive.
She'd BETTER have security what with her yapping their schedule every few minutes, although I'm suspicious of why she's doing that. I mentioned this before...I think she's inviting something to happen just to generate some publicity. She's desperate for it now. ~ Administrator said...

Anonymous you may not want to stalk them, I don't either, but do you understand there are creeps out there who DO???

You still have not answered my question would you tell 4,000 people where your child is. You know darn well you wouldn't.

I do not understand why we cannot all agree these kids should be protected. Whether you think they should be filmed or NOT, don't you think we can all agree these kids should be safe and protected???

I really don't get it.

Auntie Ann this does have a reather creepy element like she WANTS to be found for some bizarre reason. Maybe we can buy Kate a GPS to attach to her ankle then broadfast her location on the internet. Let's just make it simple here, cut to the chase!

When She Played Her Charade said...

admin - she also tweeted that she was at a recital. Anyone knowing where the school is located only had to look at the website calendar to see the time and location of the recital. It was right there.

This woman has jelly for brains. What in the world is wrong with her? Has she ever looked at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children website? Does she ever watch Nancy Grace or Issues with JVM? Guess not -- she's too busy tweeting the whereabouts of her kids to her new tweetlededummy teeny friends. ~ Administrator said...

When She Played, I do not recall a celebrity mother past or present who has ever been so reckless with her own kids when it comes to their privacy. And they are not just children of celebs, they are celebrities themselves. All the more reason to be careful. I'm racking my brain.

When She Played Her Charade said...

She'd BETTER have security what with her yapping their schedule every few minutes, although I'm suspicious of why she's doing that. I mentioned this before...I think she's inviting something to happen just to generate some publicity. She's desperate for it now.


A fake abduction? Nah, not even she would be capable of doing that for publicity. I think I've seen too many Lifetime movies!

AuntieAnn said...

When She Played -- With respect, I didn't say an abduction - you did. That said, I don't put anything past Kate at this point. We are talking about a woman who said she wanted the public to peer into their windows. ~ Administrator said...

Anonymous, is your defense truly we don't know that they don't go to a different church now?

Anonymous, you don't know if they still attend this one! Why on earth would you assume otherwise and compromise their safety? What you call melodramatic, we call keeping kids safe. There have been enough attacks on celebrities and public figures to know that they are a target. We need only look at the upcoming episode to New Zealand with the paparazzi swarming them to know these kids are a target.

Again, no one is suggesting we put them in bubbles. But we are suggesting Kate stop talking about them on Twitter.

I suppose putting the top up on the Kennedy car would have been melodramatic, but a lot of people suggested that they do that before that tragedy happened. It was decided not to. It would be melodramatic I guess.

url said...

Kart's twittering is a dangerous game that involves her children. I can't imagine any sane mother would do this to herself and her children. At some point, she will be finished or forced to stop playing this game, but someone else will want to continue playing. Even if she has security now, what will happen when her security is gone?

Linda G. said...

Heh. Her twitter mention feed (the tweets from other people to her) is almost 100% criticism from non-fans and arguing amongst people. I hardly see any gushy idolizing tweets to her anymore.

So there's not a lot for her to respond to, which makes me chuckle. Whatever will she do with her time if she's not tweeting nonstop?

By the way, it's true she hasn't blocked anyone, she can see everything with @kateplusmy8 in it. Several people who have been critical tested it (if you can follow her, she doesn't have you blocked--you quickly hit unfollow) and sure enough, no blocking going on.

I like what some are doing--adding @TLC to their tweets to her. Letting them see the criticisms, too.

LisaNH said...

To Sport, thanks for sharing your lovely upbringing! You are so right about KHate no having the kind of memories with her family because her experiences with the kids are based on superficial experiences. When the kids look back on their childhood they'll only remember being dragged from one place to another to be filmed.

My family and my husband's was similiar to yours. His family had the Sat. and Sunday night dinners, even after the kids were grown and out of the house. The family (kids, spouses and grandkids) still got together for spagetti on Sat. night and roasted chicken on Sundays.

My family went out to dinner on Sunday's (there was just the three of us, mom, dad and me).

Those are the meaningful memories for families. Holidays, dinners, get togethers. Kate is lacking in all areas. But that was her choice. Her poor children will never know the kind of joy of family that you have and that I have.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Linda G: I was just coming here to post something similar. I checked out the tweets on twazzup earlier today and again just now. Boy, she is getting slammed by a few people, lol. I also noticed the @TLC in the tweets. There's only a handful of sheeple trying to defend her at this point. I think it won't be long before all parties get totally bored with this twitter crapola.

Funny - tomorrow will be two weeks since Khate announced on The Today show that she was now on twitter. Two weeks and 1,142 tweets later and she has about 7,000 followers. Ha ha ha. I noticed she tweeted Taylor Swift earlier today.....Taylor's tweeted only 914 tweets (not sure how long she's been on twitter) and she has over 6 million followers - including Khate who's grifting for some free concert tix for k+8 for this summer. I notice Taylor ignored her tweets, though. Oh, so sad, poor, poor Katie.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

I'm not on Twitter, but I would love it if someone there asked Khate if the kids ever talk about how sad they are that they never see their grandparents like their friends do. Gee, Khate, what do you tell them when they ask what happened to their grandparents and why they can't see them??

AuntieAnn said...

What you call melodramatic, we call keeping kids safe...Again, no one is suggesting we put them in bubbles. But we are suggesting Kate stop talking about them on Twitter.

Admin -- I don't know what Anonymous said in her or his comments to you, but you're trying to reason with a sheeple. It's right back to what you said yesterday... "It is a scientific fact that a teenage brain is not able to fully assess the risks of a situation"

Sheeple brains fall into that category whether or not they're teenagers. They don't quite understand the risks involved. Whatever Kate does is a-okay with them.

Westcoaster said...

Grifting for Taylor Swift tix on Twitter? So, so pathetic. Caught a tweet above about her weekly meal planning, but she does allow for creative use of leftovers - oh, please. And I also do not believe she was anywhere near a church today.

E-town Neighbor said...

Admin - you can't talk sense into these anonymous sheeple. They'll just argue for the sake of arguing, defending her at all costs, even at the expense of the kids' safety. It's hard to tell if they really are that naive, or if you said that an apple is red, they'd say that it's purple, just to be contrary. I would hope that the latter is true, and they really do have some degree of intelligence and that their arguments only reflect their stubbornness, not their IQ.

Good point about the Kennedy limo. I remember standing at the window of the 6th floor of the school book depository, looking out on Dealey Plaza, thinking that if they had just put the top on that car how different history would be.

I remember hearing Reve Walsh, after Adam was abducted and murdered, crying about how she should have taken her son along with her to the cash register to pay for her items. He was six at the time...same age as the tups. Just an ounce of prevention would have eliminated years and years of heartache and grief. After 27 years, the case was finally solved and John and Reve were able to get some closure.,2933,467905,00.html

When it comes to our children, all it takes is a bit of common sense, which, it seems, Kate is sorely lacking.

E-town Neighbor said...

Gee, Khate, what do you tell them when they ask what happened to their grandparents and why they can't see them??


I'd like to hear what she says about her "mother" blogging on her behalf!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Westcoaster said...

(snip) Caught a tweet above about her weekly meal planning, but she does allow for creative use of leftovers - oh, please. (snip)


Khate's full tweet about that:

I make a wkly meal plan but if leftovers/things I can turn into othr things, I change so oftn has become a joke at my house


What jumped out at me from that post was her use of "MY house". Just seems odd to me because most parents refer it to as "OUR house". In fact, I've often used that exact expression, referring to something being a joke around OUR house. And, I've referred to other things, like with the pets (and kids, lol) it's a zoo at OUR house, etc. You get the idea. I just never thought to say MY house and I don't think I've heard other parents say that either.

Just one more glimpse into the heart(?) of a narcissist! ~ Administrator said...

Well all I can say about those who think it's just fine to have swiss cheese for security is I hope noone in the Gosselin camp ever hires anyone like them to protect these kids. Sheesh.

I think someone said here that people have tried to ask Kate if that was really her mom on the blogs awhile back but Kate refuses to answer. I really would love to see that settled once and for all. If it is Kate's mom why in the world won't Kate answer? I'm not sure how to interpret her silence here. Her silence could mean well it was my mom but I don't endorse it. Or her silence could mean she doesn't know if it was her mom because she doesn't talk to her. Who knows.

gotyournumberKate said...

Linda G. said... Heh. Her twitter mention feed (the tweets from other people to her) is almost 100% criticism from non-fans and arguing amongst people. I hardly see any gushy idolizing tweets to her anymore

Oh my. I just took a look. She's getting hammered. I almost feel sorry for her. Not! ~ Administrator said...

Do other celeb twitter feeds look like this?

How about someone who has made a lot of enemies, like Kathy Griffin. Is her feed full of hate? I'm guessing it's not.

You might see a feed like this for Charlie Sheen, or maybe Justin Beiber's girlfriend if he has one.

Does Kate really think this is just random that everyone hates her? That she was just randomly thrown into the category of other hated celebs with no rhyme or reason reason for it? Hahahha.

gotyournumberKate said...

Admin said...Does Kate really think this is just random that everyone hates her? That she was just randomly thrown into the category of other hated celebs with no rhyme or reason reason for it? Hahahha.

She thinks it's a sign of success. OMG!

E-town Neighbor said...

I make a wkly meal plan but if leftovers/things I can turn into othr things, I change so oftn has become a joke at my house


I thought she meant that she is the joke at her house!

Admin...I never see Kate's mother anymore, but if I bump into her somewhere, I'll report back. It didn't sound like her, but I can't be 100 percent positive that it wasn't.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Wow, the anti-Khate crowd isn't letting up on Twitter. If you read here, (and you know who you are), good job!

Leiyee said...

She is all upset about the paps (1) in New Zealand/ I guess she did not get a cut for the pictures. She will have a total breakdown when she is no longer on TV.

Jenna Does said...

Love her new tweet! "I never use my full name, Katie, unless I'm signing legal documents."

Laugh of my night! It just sounded funny to me. What a d*^che. Can you imagine being the one who reams her a new one at Giant? "Why are you such a child exploiter Katie? Why can't you stop filming your kids Katie?" I don't know. The name Kate doesn't bother me so much, I have a friend named Kate, I like the singer Kate Bush, Kate Winslet rocks, but still, Kate is so...curt, serious, to the point. Katie is so young sounding, flirty, happy, so NOT Kate Gosselin.
Have a good night! ~Hippie Chick~

Jenna Does said...

Jane said...
I can assure you that shows (ours is NOT on TLC!) pay attention to what viewers say on Twitter and Facebook. If you want to make yourselves heard, add #TLC to your tweets about Kate and be sure to put her Twitter account name in your tweet - the tweet should start with @kateplusmy8. The more negative tweets, the more they'll sit up and take notice.
Thank you for the tip!!
~Hippie Chick~

Anonymous said...

She'd BETTER have security what with her yapping their schedule every few minutes, although I'm suspicious of why she's doing that. I mentioned this before...I think she's inviting something to happen just to generate some publicity. She's desperate for it now.


A fake abduction? Nah, not even she would be capable of doing that for publicity. I think I've seen too many Lifetime movies!


I think she'd do anything for publicity. Remember that woman who was about to get married and she had cold feet, so she faked her own abduction instead of simply admitting she wasn't ready? Her fiancee actually ended up marrying her afterwards. I couldn't believe him.

Midnight Madness said...

Jenna Does said...

Love her new tweet! "I never use my full name, Katie, unless I'm signing legal documents."


I laughed out loud when I read this. Katie is her full name. No last name. Just Katie. I guess she assumes that because she is so famous, that she doesn't need a last name. Everyone will recognize her by "Katie." I'm surprised she doesn't just sign her documents with an X!

Anonymous said...

Admin said...Does Kate really think this is just random that everyone hates her? That she was just randomly thrown into the category of other hated celebs with no rhyme or reason reason for it? Hahahha.

She thinks it's a sign of success. OMG!


I read a quote the other day by Winston Churchhill; it goes: "You have enemies? Good. It means you've stood up for something you believe in."

Problem is, Kate is standing up for her belief that "I need this show to work and support my kids." ~ Administrator said...

And some people have enemies for a reason!

There's a reason I, and most people, don't like the Westboro church. No I'm not jealous, no I don't just want fame like they have. I disagree with them because what they are doing is inherently wrong. What Kate is doing is also inherently wrong and I don't like her either.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Kate going to church: Back when she and Jon were still married, they did do a couple episodes of them going to church. (or maybe it was just one, not sure). I remember Jon and Kate trying to get the kids dressed, and also the little kids going into a nursery type room, and then it showed Jon and Kate in the sanctuary during praise and worship and Kate was either clapping or had her hands up or something.

Anyway, I could be wrong, but I personally don't feel that they ever went to church, unless it was filmed. Kate won't do anything unless she gets paid for it, is filmed, or makes her more famous somewhere. Yes, she was raised in a Christian home, but I am doubting she was ever a Christian. She plotted and schemed to have multiples and be rich and famous early on, and wanted a naive man like Jon to marry, not someone who shared the same values and principles as her.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to be posting so much, but Kate's latest Tweet scares me.

"@CJWhodunit @stxmom I've had two of my kids with a 'stranger' and they quickly opted to move- lol! 7 minutes ago"

How can you LOL when two of your kids were with a stranger?!

When She Played Her Charade said...

Remember that woman who was about to get married and she had cold feet, so she faked her own abduction instead of simply admitting she wasn't ready? Her fiancee actually ended up marrying her afterwards. I couldn't believe him.


The one with the scary eyes? Jennifer something? If I were a guy, I couldn't imagine waking up to that every morning!
I didn't know she married him, or am I thinking of the wrong runaway bride?

AuntieAnn said...

When She Played -- With respect, I didn't say an abduction - you did. That said, I don't put anything past Kate at this point

Yes, sorry if I implied that you said it. I didn't mean that. It was my idea. When you said you wouldn't put it past her to invite something to happen, my mind went to having someone in her management come up with something for publicity and I thought about an abduction. I would certainly hope that it wouldn't go that far, but whoever thought this tweeting business would result in such a circus?

Anonymous said...

Remember that woman who was about to get married and she had cold feet, so she faked her own abduction instead of simply admitting she wasn't ready? Her fiancee actually ended up marrying her afterwards. I couldn't believe him.


The one with the scary eyes? Jennifer something? If I were a guy, I couldn't imagine waking up to that every morning!
I didn't know she married him, or am I thinking of the wrong runaway bride?


Lol, I seem to remember that her name is Jennifer, so yes, you are thinking of the correct runaway bride. However, I don't remember her having scary eyes. A scary personality maybe, running away instead of facing your problem...

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

SmileyGrl752 said...

I'm sorry to be posting so much, but Kate's latest Tweet scares me.

"@CJWhodunit @stxmom I've had two of my kids with a 'stranger' and they quickly opted to move- lol! 7 minutes ago"

How can you LOL when two of your kids were with a stranger?!


I saw that and Khate's tweet was in reply to some earlier sheeple tweets about flying on planes with kids. One said that an airline put her young child 5 rows away from her, all alone, on the plane. So, Khate basically replied that she's had similar problems on planes with her kids having to sit by a stranger. I'm sure it's just another lie since she travels with a small army.

Midnight Madness said...

I read a quote the other day by Winston Churchhill; it goes: "You have enemies? Good. It means you've stood up for something you believe in."

I remember hearing this one not too long ago - Kate should file it away in her memory bank somewhere:

“Love your enemies just in case your friends turn out to be bastards.”

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

SmileyGrl752- Here's the inane conversation:

Stxmom: @Kateplusmy8 what ur biggest travel challenge? My family of 6 has trouble finding accommodations big enough to let us all in the same room
about 9 hours ago via TwitBird

@stxmom Yep. And plane seat arrangements! :(
about 8 hours ago via Twitterrific in reply to stxmom

Stxmom: @Kateplusmy8 the world was built for families of 4
about 8 hours ago via TwitBird in reply to Kateplusmy8

@Kateplusmy8 @stxmom sometimes crazy, isn't it? Last vaca. airline had my 1 y/o sitting by himself 5 rows away...d'oh!
about 3 hours ago via Twitter for iPad in reply to Kateplusmy8

Kateplusmy8: @CJWhodunit @stxmom I've had two of my kids with a 'stranger' and they quickly opted to move-lol!
23 minutes ago via Twitterrific in reply to CJWhodunit

Virginia Pen Mom said...

A bit off topic, but I'm watching the zoo episode on Youtube. Terri's justification of this great gift of getting her kids "used to public speaking and being on camera” was very self-serving and convenient. Her two children look like little zoo animals too, following their "act". I don't meant this to disparage the kids. It's that same plastic, artificial, on-stage environment we've talked about in reference to Kate raising her children. WHY CAN’T THESE PEOPLE LET CHILDREN BE CHILDREN?

The worst part so far are the tigers--the Gosselin kids at the big glass partition while the zookeepern feeds the tiger milk, and then Kate pets "the little kitty cat" up close and personal. You wrote about it, Admin, but I somehow pictured her putting her hand through a place in the fence, not sitting beside one.

Maybe I've just watched too much "Fatal Attractions" on Animal Planet, but tigers are dangerous and unpredictable. They are WILD. They appear to be tame and cuddly--Terri and Kate talked about "kissing its little lips" and "hugging the little kitty cat". Kate said that she couldn't be scared of the tiger because it was too amazing and "majestical".

Look at Roy's injury (of Siegfried & Roy). "Fatal Attractions" has chronicled a number of people who were very close to their tigers, and then the big cat unexpectedly attacks.... I can't believe the zoo let Kate that close to a tiger, or that children (not just the G8) are allowed to watch through a glass wall while a tiger stands on its back legs and leans against the man giving it milk. If something should happen, these spectators would have a horrifying front row seat like those at the Sea World show did.

Admin, it’s just as you said. Zoos are sad places. These tigers are MAJESTIC (nod to Kate) but belong in their native habitat where tigers can be tigers, not treated like house cats. When a tiger attacks in that zoo, the tiger will be put down.

The twit's tweets said...

Apparently Kate wants to use twitter to tell the truth. I hope the non-fans on twitter keep asking her the questions.

@Kateplusmy8 to @Sunston72
Hooray for that! I couldn't take the lies ANYMORE! Whatcha wanna know? Welcome btw

I have a distinct feeling that any increase in Kate's followers is from teens.
I've never heard anything like this before in my life other than from love sick girls over the latest boy heart-throb singer.

JordanaEv to @Kateplusmy8
oh my gosh now my life really is complete that you tweeted me! You're an amazing mom, I love watching you and your adorable 8!

Kateplusmy8 @JordanaEv
Hello Jordana! Welcome and I'm glad I completed your life (doesn't take much now does it? ;) Good to tweet you! ~ Administrator said...

Ohhh looks like Kate isn't the only one being caught in her lies.

60 Minutes went balls to the wall tonight after Greg Mortenson who has set up numerous schools for kids in Afghanistan. No one is disputing he hasn't done some charitable work, but he likes LYING and has been caught in a bunch of white lies.

Apparently in one town he set up three schools, but told a talk show he set up seven. Like someone on the show said, three is an accomplishment, why exaggerate/lie??? He even lied about getting separated from a group mountain climbing and getting rescued. They tracked down the people who "rescued him" who denied the whole thing, lol!

Take a cue Kate, lies CATCH UP.

Here's the transcript, it's a must read:;segmentTitle

When She Played Her Charade said...

Smiley - this one?

The twit's tweets said...

SmileyGrl752 said...
I'm sorry to be posting so much, but Kate's latest Tweet scares me.

"@CJWhodunit @stxmom I've had two of my kids with a 'stranger' and they quickly opted to move- lol! 7 minutes ago"

How can you LOL when two of your kids were with a stranger?!


To follow the conversation when you're reading Kate's twitter page, click on the line you're reading and it will open a list of tweets to show what she's replying to and the tweets will make a lot more sense.

Midnight Madness said...

I have a distinct feeling that any increase in "Kate's followers is from teens.
I've never heard anything like this before in my life other than from love sick girls over the latest boy heart-throb singer."


Did you know that there are college kids who got together and decided to bombard Kate with saccharine tweets just to torment her and egg her on?

Ingrid said...

had two of my kids with a 'stranger'

I had read the tweets that dealt with this line so knew what it was about but if someone didn't see the rest of the conversation would they think 2 of the kids are not Jon's and she didn't know the guy's name?????? LOL LOL LOL

Midnight Madness said...

@Kateplusmy8 to @Sunston72
Hooray for that! I couldn't take the lies ANYMORE! Whatcha wanna know? Welcome btw


Whose lies? The ones that Kate tells, or the ones that come from the sheeple?

Virginia Pen Mom said...

Best quote from the zoo episode:

"And I wouldn't even have considered myself overly actimal--animal--activist-ish." ~ Kate Gosselin

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Hmm, "Iwana" surfaced on Twitter and his tweets sure sounds like a commercial from TLC:

@Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack Hello Kate, Hello Fired Up! Everyone gettin excited for New Zealand show tomorrow night?
1 hr ago from web

@kateplusmy8 Are you going to be Tweeting live again during tomorrow nights Kate+8 show on @TLC at 10:00 Eastern time, w/ your insights?
26 min ago from web

@MiloandJack @kateplusmy8 @TLC No,Not fighting w/villains,more like tryin to spread some sunshine in darker places.Not the easiest of tasks!
12 min ago from web

@MiloandJack @kateplusmy8 @TLC I personally am looking forward to the New Zealand episode tomorrow night at 10pm Eastern.
14 min ago from web

@MiloandJack @kateplusmy8 @TLC Can't wait to see the lil' 8 having fun & being on such a neat adventure!So fortunate they get to see places.
12 min ago from web

@MiloandJack @kateplusmy8 @TLC Yes, looks she was trying to play my part! It's a bird, it's a plane...OH NO...It's KATE!?!?
11 min ago from web

@MiloandJack @kateplusmy8 @TLC Now you know why she is looking for Superman?!?! LOL.
8 min ago from web

@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 GN Milo. See you tomorrow night during showtime?
3 min ago from web

Pam said...

How can we see what the sayers of nay are tweeting to her?

All I see is a bunch of middle school chit chat.

Susantoyota said...

Jane said...
I can assure you that shows (ours is NOT on TLC!) pay attention to what viewers say on Twitter and Facebook. If you want to make yourselves heard, add #TLC to your tweets about Kate and be sure to put her Twitter account name in your tweet - the tweet should start with @kateplusmy8. The more negative tweets, the more they'll sit up and take notice.

Could this be done with Katie's advertisers so they can see what a narcissistic child exploiter they're
supporting? I'll probably never be on Twitter so I'm currently emailing her sponsers. Also, could someone cut and paste some of the negative comments into a post? When I click on the tweeting bird, I only see the twitters of the sheeple or the teenagers and her responses. I also see she is on ROL (a video about the paps in New Zealand--couldn't watch it), but NOT getting any love from the commenters there at all:)

wayward said...

@Kateplusmy8 to @Sunston72
Hooray for that! I couldn't take the lies ANYMORE! Whatcha wanna know? Welcome btw

What the effity eff? Whatcha wanna know? Where do we start?!!

How did you take "love offerings" from senior citizens on fixed incomes while looking at million dollar properties? Did you fly to Hawaii for your vow renewal knowing you were dumping Jon in two months? How could you in good conscience leave your eight kids with a new, 19yr. old nanny who was given instructions NOT to contact their Daddy? Do you seriously think anyone believes you got a "good bra"? When you were on DWTS and you were a complete and total bitch to all you came in contact with, how did you think that behavior would advance your "career"? Define "addicted to giving." Addicted to being paid $250,000 an episode to be depicted giving something TLC paid for? When are you going to stop punishing Jon and alienating his children from him? Wow, I could go on & on..... ~ Administrator said...

I like how Kate says things like well it's a lie, but never specifically addresses WHAT is a lie. Please give examples. For instance, the boob job is a lie? It's all so vague.

I also get the feeling that Kate is confusing a "lie" with an opinion. If we say she is a bad mother, she thinks this is a lie. No Kate, that's not a lie, that's our opinion. An opinion based on facts, but still an opinion.

AuntieAnn said...

Yes, sorry if I implied that you said it. I didn't mean that. It was my idea.

When She Played -- Don't worry it's not like abduction hadn't crossed my mind too. I was thinking more along the lines of her setting herself and the kids up to be stalked rather than abducted. Either one is possible. You never know what a narcissist will do to get her attention fix.

It's so strange. She should do everything she can to keep those kids safe, but she tweets info about what they're doing and it's us 'haters' who are the ones worried about them. It's all backwards. ~ Administrator said...

Auntie Anne, the irony has not escaped me either and I commented on it several days ago. Us, the so called haters, are the only ones jumping up and down very concerned not only for the children's safety but heck, for Kate's! Several people have said say what you like about Kate but noone wants to see her get hurt because she can't stop twittering.

Honest to God I really thought her fans would be the first ones to try to tell her she is behaving recklessly on Twitter. Instead, would wonders never cease, they try to set her up with a complete and utter stranger no one knows from a hole in the wall! And Kate engages with it!

To me it just says there really are good, decent people here who are not only concerned about children being exploited, and also just the general safety and welfare of them regardless of the exploitation. And the general safety and welfare of ALL people, even Kate. All it does is solidify the pure motives here.

It is not about hating Kate, it's about good people having a bad feeling about this whole Twitter thing. And good old fashioned common sense.

I'm proud of ya'll.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Pam said...

How can we see what the sayers of nay are tweeting to her?

All I see is a bunch of middle school chit chat.


Pam, go here to see all the tweets that mention Khate, including her own tweets:

BUT, as people on here have informed us, there are probably a lot of people with private twitter accounts tweeting things to Khate and we can't see those tweets.

Mom In Lancaster County said...

Did you fly to Hawaii for your vow renewal knowing you were dumping Jon in two months?


Jon was dumped long before that. It was in the fall of 2008, when they moved to the new house. Everyone around here knew it - it just wasn't made public until later.

Mom In Lancaster County said...

Virginia Pen Mom said...

Best quote from the zoo episode:

"And I wouldn't even have considered myself overly actimal--animal--activist-ish." ~ Kate Gosselin


Yessiree -- she's qualified for that prime time television talk show hosting job!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Mom in LC: When was the Hawaii trip (in real time, not when it aired)? I never watched the show, only tuned in a couple of times around May or June of 2009 when the divorce news was everywhere you turned. Then, that summer, I watched a few older episodes, including the one where they moved into the new house. But, I never saw the Hawaii vow renewal one. I'm just curious about the timing as far as when they took that trip and then when they moved into the new house. Thanks!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Hmmmm, funny... I just caught "Iwana" using a word on Twitter that he claimed he never used when I called him out on posting here under two different names. He specifically pointed out a word in the other person's posted comments here and said he doesn't use that word, as part of his "proof" that it wasn't him as I had alleged. Ha ha.

Up yours, Kate said...

Shoka and Nala would no doubt agree (from their prisons/crates) that Kate Gosselin is not overly actimal-animal activist-ish. (snort) Yeah, Kate, the baby koala was ridiculously cute. If the little sweetheart grabbed your heart, how about whipping out your checkbook and contributing to a koala rescue group or to the Australia zoo? It doesn't have to be a fortune; a check for $100 would be appreciated. Idiot. She's just so full of it.

Maggie said...

Kate wrote: I make a wkly meal plan but if leftovers/things I can turn into othr things, I change so oftn has become a joke at my house
Kate wrote: Yes because I do same thing! I make each meal with leftover night in mind-then I get a night off :) Gee so the kids get leftovers 3 a week. Yum! Leftovers are fine but every other night. Wow, how lazy can she be, Miss SuperMom!
Someone wrote that at 5pm if they have nothing planned for dinner they will cook breakfast foods. Kate responds: Ha. When I have no plan (can't wait til 5 regardless in my house) that's what I do too! First, why does Kate say that she "can't wait til 5 regardless in my house". Are things that bad and out of control she can't wait until 5 pm. Secondly, she JUST said a few mere tweeet ago that she has a weekly plan of dinner menus. She can't keep her story straight.

Oh, and now Nebraska is on her list of places to visit.

Maggie said...

I think that comment about her not being able to take the lies anymore is in reference to a twitter talking about the tabloids lies.

E-town Neighbor said...

Why have so many parents gone nuts for the sake of publicity and fame? Have parents lost their sense of...well, common sense? Is this the current parenting trend - just let your child make decisions and go along with it? ~ Administrator said...

Apparenty they forgot about Jessica dubroff. She would have been 20 now. But died at 7 trying to fly a plane. Common sense. ~ Administrator said...

Anonymous you were banned weeks ago and you know it. That's why your posts won't go through. You are not fooling anyone. Also you keep breaking rule 1 for starters, and several of the other rules.

As I told you when I first banned you, if you can actually post here without insulting people, you might get something through. Your latest post was a direct slam on Auntie, stop acting shocked it's not going through. ~ Administrator said...

For the person who asked, yes directly after Australia, Kate screwed around in NYC seeing a Broadway show and so on, and sent the kids with the nannies back to PA.

Her own tweets are getting her trapped, she tweeted that the kids took an entire week to adjust to the time change once they got home. Not to mention I can't imagine all the makeup homework, readjusting, unpacking, etc that had to be done. The poor kids needed all the adult support they could get to get them back in the groove of school. And where was Kate? Enjoying Jersey Boys!

She had to decompress after spending so much darn time with her own kids.

up yours, Kate said...

Not only did Kate bail on the kids the minute they arrived home from Australia, she left them for the first couple of days with Jon, who didn't want them to go in the first place. He got to deal with their jet lag, not Kate. They probably had little to no clean clothes and a mountain of homework to do. As much as you intend to keep up on work while traveling, it never seems to get done, even if you're truly vacationing and not working. Even if you're traveling with a parent who actually gives a rip about education. I think she has them in that school only for the bragging rights.

When She Played Her Charade said...

I think she has them in that school only for the bragging rights


To whom would she brag? She has no friends, Steve wouldn't be impressed, her hired help wouldn't care, and her celebrity acquaintances know nothing about the school, and couldn't care less. Wouldn't many of them have children in more expensive, more elite schools than a college prep school in rural PA that none of them even heard about?

Cavendish said...

OK to the sheeple from Toronto if you want this disgrace of a "mother" to visit Canada then I suggest YOU host her up in Hogtown. Perhaps you could drop her off at the corner of Finch and Jane; she'd fit right in with her hooker getup. Here on the Island we do not want that pig to visit. PEI is an umblemished jewel of Canada (and yes Kate it does get hot here and the water is tropically warm in the Gulf) and we don't want our beautiful Province spoiled by that hideous creature.

mama mia said...

I agree about the bragging rights. Kate doesn't care about education. She is proud that she can't speak English properly, she obviously isn't cracking open any books with all that twittering, so someone who is not a reader and is not curious about anything but how they look/appear is never going to amount to much. There will be no pearls of wisdom from Katie Irene, just more of the same pathetic "gimme gimme look at me look at me".
I see she now wants to write a book on fitness, diet, nutrition. Someone who starves herself and pushes her body to run more than it normally would is not a role model.

The twit's tweets said...

Midnight Madness said...

....Did you know that there are college kids who got together and decided to bombard Kate with saccharine tweets just to torment her and egg her on?

Thanks for the info. I love it!

BerksPa said...

It's Monday morning.
Kate has no interviews on any talk shows,
No new paparazzi pics.
No articles in any rag magz.
Look Kate, people are finally ignoring you.

I'm so happy now she has the privacy to chat with all her friends who are on the pro-Kate site and now on twitter.
Odd isn't it, that her self proclaimed "new" friends on twitter (the one she chats with the most) are also all the same people on that 'S-express' blog? No NEW friends, just the same ones spewing the same adulation.

It's all very convenient isn't it?

*things that make you go *hmmm*

Bluenoser said...

I have long lurked this blog and thoroughly enjoy the back and forth comments. I have one comment for you, Admin. I see you did remove Jon's diamond stud and was wondering if now you would remove Jon's name from the "introduction" at the top. Jon is no longer pimping out the kids and hasn't been for a very long time. I think it is only fair to remove his name and not have him painted with the same brush as Kate and TLC. Thank you.

PS: I clicked on post comment and it came back to me with a red camera?

OK tried to post again and still it is not taking. Let's hope the third time is the charm.

Jenna Does said...

Yesterday, hubby & I did some errands & we stopped at Walmart. Out front there was a woman, some kids & 4 puppies, of course I asked my husband to stop, but he drove as far away as possible. I told him I'd wait in the car & walked over. (hehe). This woman is amazing. She is fostering 30 dogs, trying to get the court to give her more land, is raising 6 kids, & was out there yesterday (it was chilly) doing her thing, raising money for the dogs. I checked her site, completely legit of course. I asked her how she did it & she said lots of help from the kids, lots of help from strangers...she handed me a list of things she needed. I already went through my house & collected items. I'm Calling her later.

Anyway, my point is, what a selfless woman. Raising these kids, doing what's she's doing. Would Kate ever consider doing something to help someone, if it didn't make HERSELF look good? She would do it for the cameras only. Only the cameras don't care anymore, do they?

I think tonight's ratings are gonna be awful. She is really digging herself into a huge hols with this twitter thing. TLC is noticing...they watch her. I'm sure of it.
~Hippie Chick~

boo said...

Check out this clip posted on Radar. Hilarious. She freaks out over one lone photographer standing far down the road at the zoo, stops filming, and tries to explain to the guide what all the drama is about. Then her crew gets physical with one photographer, actually shoving him. Unbelievable what a drama queeen. Then she has the nerve to say that the paps don't respect her kids's privacy. She was there with a camera crew to film an episode that (sadly) was to be seen by a million people! You can't make this stuff up.

No regrets said...

I have noticed that many have asked when her cookbook is coming out. I have never seen an answer to any of those questions. For the life of me, after watching all those years, what in world gives these people the idea that she is such a terrific cook? The soup she threw together? The PB&J sandwiches? The Monkey Munch? (found on the back of the box of cereal) Exactly where do they get the idea that she is some wiz in the kitchen? Simply because she fixes food in large quantities? This woman who served pink chicken from the BBQ she so famously did for the first time? (Can do Kate bs) LOL A good "cooker" knows when chicken is done, no matter how it is cooked. A fan site listed once, all the things that she supposedly "developed". Sandwiches being the most on the list. LOL One was a PB and banana sandwich? I grew up on those. Even the infamous 4th of July cake was featured years ago in Housekeeping magazine. I never got what people see to make her such a super cook. I still don't.

readerlady said...

Kate allows for creative use of leftovers in her meal plan? Well, if she makes meals like sloppy joes, baked sweet potatoes and baked brussel sprouts, she must get lots and lots of leftovers to be creative with. I can see the kids enjoying the sloppy joes and maybe even the baked sweet potatoes, but baked brussel sprouts? (shudder) I love most vegetables, and even enjoy brussel sprouts on occasion, but there's no way she'd get me to eat them with sloppy joes. Want to bet her kids gag at the sight of them? How do you "get creative" with leftover baked brussel sprouts, Kate?

fidosmommy said...

no regrets, I think the questions about her cookbook might be a poke to Kate's ego. Hey Kate, where's that cookbook? Gee, I'm looking all over Target for it! Ah, shucks, I wanted to have a Kate's Cookbook Cook-off at my house to raise money for St. Jude's (save the koalas,
elephant soap, Australia Zoo Fund, Food Bank, whatever). When will it be out, Kate? Huh? Huh?

Yeah, I thought so......NEVER.

I don't think all those questions Kate is being asked are real questions. I thihk they are asked to scratch open an old wound.

h8k8 said...

No regrets said...
I have noticed that many have asked when her cookbook is coming out. I have never seen an answer to any of those questions. For the life of me, after watching all those years, what in world gives these people the idea that she is such a terrific cook? The soup she threw together? The PB&J sandwiches? The Monkey Munch? (found on the back of the box of cereal) Exactly where do they get the idea that she is some wiz in the kitchen? Simply because she fixes food in large quantities? This woman who served pink chicken from the BBQ she so famously did for the first time? (Can do Kate bs) LOL A good "cooker" knows when chicken is done, no matter how it is cooked. A fan site listed once, all the things that she supposedly "developed". Sandwiches being the most on the list. LOL One was a PB and banana sandwich? I grew up on those. Even the infamous 4th of July cake was featured years ago in Housekeeping magazine. I never got what people see to make her such a super cook. I still don't.

I don't get it either. Their blind devotion and literal translation of everything she says and their lack of independent critical thinking where she is concerned is scary. Are they this way about everything in their life or just about Kate? I think they believe she's a "super mom" who does everything the way they imagine her celeb life to be - cooking included. I never imagined people could give such adulation to someone for making PB&J sandwiches; it absolutely makes no sense and flies in the face of all logic, but it continues to this day. They must picture her living in the dream world that she writes about in her sappy tweets where everything is sunshine and light and bad thoughts can't reach her and where they'll be her defenders and come to her rescue. I'm a logical person and the sheeple-ish thinking baffles me.

No regrets said...

"readerlady sloppy joes, baked sweet potatoes and baked brussel sprouts"

You know, I like all three of these things. But together? Blech It sort of turned my stomach when I read that. I do hope the kids liked it. LOL

"fidosmommy I don't think all those questions Kate is being asked are real questions. I think they are asked to scratch open an old wound."

Never thought of that. It could very well be. So many have asked. And so many of the uber fans keep talking about what she will be cooking too. I just don't get it. I am not a chef, but am an excellent cook. She has never impressed me with her cooking at all

Hippie Chick from reading your posts and now your blog, I just want to say you are a such a beautiful, sharing person, with such a big heart. I wish more people had your wonderful spirit. Even though there are several on this blog just like you.

No regrets said...

boo said...Geez that clip is so over the top, drama it is just plain stupid. Security grabbed his equipment. No wonder the cursing! Even though he was totally out of line with all the kids in hearing range. She is THRILLED she has ANYONE taking pictures, she had to make a scene for cameras, of course. Silly immature child/woman.

SHE has these kids on national TV. Exposing them to everyone. How can she keep this traveling circus on the down low with all the cameras and entourage in tow? She has to bring attention to he paps to prove to people she is still being photographed, I suppose. You know, the "hordes" of paparazzi. LOL

Susantoyota said...

Jane said... I handle social media (Facebook, Twitter, Buzz, Delicious, etc) for a television celeb. Several staffers have the accounts' passwords and post tweets and the celeb tweets, too. Unlike Kate, this show discusses what's going to be tweeted - tweets are planned so as to portray the celeb, the show, the brand, in the best light which is, I've learned, how most smart celebs handle their Twitter feeds.

I can assure you that shows (ours is NOT on TLC!) pay attention to what viewers say on Twitter and Facebook. If you want to make yourselves heard, add #TLC to your tweets about Kate and be sure to put her Twitter account name in your tweet - the tweet should start with @kateplusmy8. The more negative tweets, the more they'll sit up and take notice.

I tried to post last night-not sure what happened as it was really late:), but I was wondering if the tweets could also be sent to the corporate sponsors of Katie's show so they can see what a vapid, narcissistic wanna-be they are supporting and that no all of America is buying her baloney. I barely facebook, so am in the process of sending emails to the corporate sponsors of Katie's show. It makes me feel better to go on record of being opposed to what Katie the grifter is doing to her kids.

Jenna Does said...

Kate cooked PINK chicken??? And fed it to her children??? Um, salmonella anyone??

I love that I'm reading that people are "poking the bear" on twitter & Kate isn't even realizing it. Is she that desperate or that dumb? Typically, when one gets nasty tweets, one would delete that user. Or when someone is being so sarcastic, one would see right through it, not our Kate! Oh no! The more tweets the better! As I said, TLC has GOT to be watching her every move. Ya just know there is some suit, or intern of said suit reporting every single tweet that Kate is sending, & every single tweet she is receiving, good & bad. It seems that bad is far outweighing the good at this point.

TLC has gotta be scratching their heads going "Um, shit, we knew Kate Gosselin was the woman people loved to hate, but it seems to be that people just plain hate her. They know her secrets. PLAN B! PLAN B! They see right through her!" (I don't know what Plan B is, I was just making that up) She is so screwing herself. Who is loving every bit of this? (Well, except for her being STUPID & putting her kids in danger.)
~Hippie Chick~

No regrets said...

"h8k8 said... I'm a logical person and the sheeple-ish thinking baffles me."

You summed that up very nicely. It baffles me too, always has. If one more person posts "I don't know how you do it" to her, I swear, I am going to upchuck. She does it with LOTS of help. She doesn't do it alone. Never has, never will. Forget her spiel about her needing a helper since that many kids needs 2 parents. Every household with kids benefits from 2 parents. She has always had someone else do the vast majority of most everything. She has always hired or accepted free help. While they were babies, yes, I can understand needing a lot of help. But she can never do it alone. I am convinced of that. How many mothers in the past and present who have many kids do it on their own? MANY do. Like Sports' touching story, so many mothers have done it and done it well. She uses any excuse to excuse her ineptnesses and laziness. And the fans do not get it, they never will.

LaLaLandNoMore said...

Kate G. is delusional, or maybe needs glasses. No one was bothering them. Lots of people carry cameras. Oh, I know you aren't allowed (per Steve-O) to snap a pic of the group, but come on! TLC must believe we are the dumbest of the dumbest on the planet to believe this CRAP. We all feel for the kids but can't quite reach them. I will say again, "Someone in suits really, really loves this woman." Please end it now.

No regrets said...

'Jane said... I handle social media (Facebook, Twitter, Buzz, Delicious, etc) for a television celeb'

Your post reminds me of Charlie Sheen recently advertising for a social media person. Someone to take over his assistants' job now of tweeting for him. I also remember when Paris Hilton was arrested in Las Vegas. At the same time she was taken into custody, whoever updates her twitter made a post of something she just watched on TV and how tired she was, she was going to bed. LOL Busted!

The fans just eat it up that dummy Kate says "it is ME, it is verified". So are many others - verified. Even though, I did think it was an assistant/TLC intern, I don't think even a TLC intern could be as dumb as Kate and what she has posted. So I do think now, the tweets are hers.

boo said...

The irony is lost on Kate that she was complaining about one photographer taking still photos of her kids while they were being filmed by a full TV crew. How is that invading their privacy? What a dolt. I love the WTF? look on the tour guide's face.

fidosmommy said...

IF, and I do mean IF, I were ever to send a tweet to Kate Gosselin, it would look something like this: Kate, u r so amazing. I can't believe all the things u do! And u can fit in world travel as well! Awesome! I hope the 8 had as good a time as u did.

Or: Kate, would u share ur recipe for 4th of July Cake? I want to make it this year! It looked yummy. U should write a cookbook!

I wonder if Kate could actually tell if that was true adulation or pure sarcasm. (It was pure sarcasm, BTW.)

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

LaLaLandNoMore said...

Kate G. is delusional, or maybe needs glasses. No one was bothering them. Lots of people carry cameras. Oh, I know you aren't allowed (per Steve-O) to snap a pic of the group, but come on! TLC must believe we are the dumbest of the dumbest on the planet to believe this CRAP. We all feel for the kids but can't quite reach them. I will say again, "Someone in suits really, really loves this woman." Please end it now.



You know, as her ratings continue to fall, the sponsers will start dropping out. How long do you think TLC will continue to hang on to that dying horse? Afterall TLC/Discovery is a money making business...

Low ratings= sponsers will drop out= no money for TLC/Discovery= see ya later Kate.

As for myself, I will continue to boycott TLC on Monday nights (or any time Kate + 8 is on).

Tonight, I look forward to watching Dancing With The Stars, Cougar Town, and if I'm not asleep, I will watch Barbara Walter's 20/20 special on William and Kate's Royal Wedding.


Midnight Madness said...

What did she say? "Some people don't value that privacy for us?" Privacy? This, from a mother who parades her children around the country on trips, who shows private moments on television (potty training, diaper changing, melt-downs, spousal arguments), and is now tweeting their whereabouts and when she goes to bed, who makes numerous television appearances and reveals aspects of the divorce that should be kept private)...this is the same person who says that people don't value privacy for them? She gave up the right to privacy a long, long time ago when she sold their souls to a network whose last concern is privacy.

She is a joke, or is so seriously far gone that she's beyond help. Or both.

Speaking of tweeting and TLC. I'm not sure that this tweeting has caused TLC to sit up and take notice. Yes, they can see from what she is tweeting that her intelligence is in the same level as middle school teens, but as far as having their eyes opened to how many people hate her, I think that they've known this for some time. How could they not? They read the blogs, they read the tabloids, they watch television shows in which she is made a laughingstock. They've known it all along, but yet they continue to allow this tweeting to go on. Why?

Westcoaster said...

And this morning, in yet another shrillish tweet, she's always dreamed of going to Mt. Rushmore! WTF? hmm, let's see if she a) knows where it is or b) who is on it. Think the travel train has left the station, sweetie. Keeping fingers crossed for ratings under a million tonight.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

I just watched that Radar clip. Kate said when she thinks of Kiwi she doesn't think of a "bird with no arms!!"
WHAT? LOL Birds have arms? Who knew.

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