Kate Plus 8 Australia Adventure: Discussion Thread
Jon loses his court battle to keep the kids in the states over the holidays and the kids head Down Under to exchange notes with Bindi and Robert Erwin, Australia's version of the Plus 8. Crikey.
Maybe Jon stated that he could not call the kids, ie the reason the kids were allowed to call him. I think that has been ongoing for a while - since the time in Mexico when the brand-new 19-yo baby sitter melted down and was not allowed to call Jon. If the baby sitter couldn't call him I doubt the kids could either. I can't see him having an open line to the kids the way Khate behaves and bashes him every chance. This kind of BS has gone on far too long. Hasn't Khate heard - the new in thing for "stahs" is to get along with the ex for the sake of the kids. Out of curiosity, how many does she have on her twitter. I noticed yesterday that Joy was one of the first "connections" to follow her.
"I noticed yesterday that Joy was one of the first "connections" to follow her."
Why would anyone in their right mind want to "follow" Kate. Where would she lead, other than down a path that none of us wants to go? In Kate speak..."I don't get it. I just don't get it." Why make her feel important? Is it necessary to give her any more of a swell head?
What I don't understand is why TLC had to put that phone call on the show period. Actually, I do know why they did it and find it reprehensible that they feel the need to air such private moments in order to improve Kate's image and keep the children filming. It makes me sick.
More from the lying twat on Behar. She's still trying to say she's the one who works, not the kids...
"And um, we're all happy doing it. I'm working, they're running in and out of the frame and if they wanna run off and not do what we're doing they don't. If they don't want to go along they don't". Now why does she think it's necessary to say that, hmmm?
Oh yeah. She doesn't make Jon grovel (Joy's word). She responds positively to him where the kids are concerned. WTF? She didn't do that when they were married, does she think we believe she's doing that now? Then she said there's not enough of her to go around. Another unrelated remark to the question. She's so confused she doesn't know which lie to cover up first so she blurts out everything at once.
"I noticed yesterday that Joy was one of the first "connections" to follow her."
Yes, but did you notice she's not following Joy? She's following Sheri Shepherd but not Joy. She's also trying to get another gig on The View.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin RT @SherriEShepherd Hey mama @GarcelleB ... are you in NYC anytime soon? Hey! Miss you! No NYC plans Gotta see the ladies of the view soon!
That interview with Joy Behar was a DUD! All this talk about medical issues with the two little ones who were expelled from school is just a poor attempt by Kate to garner sympathy. Poor struggling single mom that she isn't! There is no level that she will not sink to make herself look greater in her own eyes. Keep you mouth shut, Kate. With every show, every interview, you are giving your true self away. Not attractive. Protect your kids, please. Don't keep throwing them under the bus with your rhetoric. Is it so tough to just "shut the heck up?" I hope upon hope that someone from TLC is reading this blog. Help the kids, please. You, Kate and TLC, have made enough money off the backs of 8 young children, haven't you? Being on tv is not healthy for the kids.
Well someone at TLC must have told an intern to start answering the tweets. Does anyone believe she answered ANY of these? One asks her if they will be doing any at home vs traveling and she replies "yes doing some of both, excited to see the eps" These tweets are clearly asnwered as a batch every few hours by an intern.
I spoke to my local cable company about ratings over a year ago and they told me that what we watch through our cable boxes is counted but that it does not affect Nielson ratings.
Instead, the cable companies use these numbers to decide what programs and channels to carry in certain market areas and as a tool for local advertising campaigns.
If she was dealing with major medical issues why didn't we see multiple trips to the doctor? And can she EVER respond to a question with an answer that actually applies to it? Maybe she should go into politics, she sure has the 'speak' for it.
Lies, twist, and spins. That is what Kate is doing to stay relevant. And, of course, she isn't answering the tweets. She couldn't care less about people tweeting her. All this talk about the paps following her around. Who is she kidding? Where are the pics? In her dreams. I really hope she is reading this blog or at least someone from TLC is paying attention. Get that woman and her kids off tv sooner rather than later.
"I noticed yesterday that Joy was one of the first "connections" to follow her."
Yes, but did you notice she's not following Joy? She's following Sheri Shepherd but not Joy. She's also trying to get another gig on The View.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin RT @SherriEShepherd Hey mama @GarcelleB ... are you in NYC anytime soon? Hey! Miss you! No NYC plans Gotta see the ladies of the view soon!
What I don't understand is why TLC had to put that phone call on the show period. Actually, I do know why they did it and find it reprehensible that they feel the need to air such private moments in order to improve Kate's image and keep the children filming. It makes me sick.
Maybe Jon stated that he could not call the kids, ie the reason the kids were allowed to call him. I think that has been ongoing for a while - since the time in Mexico when the brand-new 19-yo baby sitter melted down and was not allowed to call Jon. If the baby sitter couldn't call him I doubt the kids could either. I can't see him having an open line to the kids the way Khate behaves and bashes him every chance. This kind of BS has gone on far too long. Hasn't Khate heard - the new in thing for "stahs" is to get along with the ex for the sake of the kids. Out of curiosity, how many does she have on her twitter. I noticed yesterday that Joy was one of the first "connections" to follow her.
I did not know they deliberately lied. Now I do. ==== It's not surprising. They have a role model who continually lies and (seemingly) gets away with it so they think it's alright for them to lie. That's the mindset of Kate's followers.
On another subject, I just watched a short clip of KG over at Behar's site. Joy asked her why so many people have already turned on her on twitter and Kate said she just can't figure it out. Then to deflect she said something totally unrelated about single moms. It made no sense at all. Flatline interview.
I have only posted once or twice but I tried to go over to the "other" site and was redirected to a mental health site as well. Believe me, I Have NEVER tried to send that site a comment. I also think the numbers for the premier weren't that great. Maybe TLC is just trying to run out her contract until 2012. One could only hope
HippieChick said...NOT TRUE. Every viewer counts now. Someone explained before about the digital boxes & such. If someone would kindly step in & take over & explain again, it would be much appreciated.
I'd like to see some links on that. I’ve seen it stated before that digital TV boxes also count in the ratings but I’ve never found a link to prove that or explain how the info collected on digital TV boxes gets that information out to be counted in ratings.
Here's some info on ratings:
Television networks clearly want to know what people are watching. A larger audience watching a show translates to being able to charge more money for ad time during a show. Television networks that broadcast shows watched by a huge number of people, such as the Oscars or the Super Bowl, generally profit from getting the highest dollar amount for advertisements aired during their shows. For weekly programs, however, television networks rely on a small sample of the population to determine what shows are the most popular.
In the US and in Canada, the company that tracks what viewers are watching for television networks is the Nielsen Company. They choose a representative sampling of about 5000 viewers who will allow Nielsen to record what programs they watch. This is a fairly small sampling of the US population, but people are chosen based on their ability to represent varied populations. For example Nielsen must a diverse sampling of viewers and some viewers who fall into differing age groups in order to get a representative sample.
Oh God, I just had a horrifying thought. What if the ratings are so bad that K+8 gets cancelled but TLC decides to do a show about Kate dating, Kate getting remarried (and the wedding prep), then the first year or so of the marriage with Kate, the kids and their new step-daddy? Kind of like what VH1 did with Christopher Knight and Adrian Curry.
Let's say just for arguments sake that Radaronline DID change their story. Wouldn't that tell the sheeple that maybe it was wrong? That maybe Jon NEVER claimed that he never got to speak to the children? Maybe the "source" called ROL and told them it was not correct, and that the kids did in fact speak to Jon. Where is the proof that JON LIED?
TINIC, see, they LIE! They outright lied about us not discussing Jon's "lie." We discussed it all day yesterday right here, just read the comments! We searched high and low for proof. I don't get it. Why lie that it is sunny when it's raining out?
And now you know they libeled me, continue to libel me, and continue to state the lie over and over that I begged for money. I never, ever asked anyone for any money, period. It is another one of their lies to make us look bad. They claim we are jealous of Kate, they need to ask themselves, if they are this obsessed with the posters here such that they need to make up lies about us, who is really jealous?
wow said... I think Maggie has posted over there and got her IP banned as no one else is having any problems. LOL MS Donna is incapable of her own opinions, has to have someone else get one for her! =================== LOL yourself wow. Maybe MS Donna is discriminating enough not to put herself through the agony of watching that drivel. Some of us read Admin's recaps because they are a hell of a lot more entertaining than the crap TLC puts out. Some of us are just smart that way. Think we already have a pretty good idea of our opinions.
"Is 1.3 million viewers good enough for a full season?"
1.3 million is considered pretty good for TLC, especially as it's a stable figure (it hasn't wavered significantly since the specials started last year). Anything over 1 million is good news by TLC's standards, actually. At the end of press releases when they're summing up the network's strengths, they make mention of shows averaging over 1 mill:
"TLC is a global brand that celebrates extraordinary people and relatable life moments through innovative nonfiction programming. A top 10 cable network for women, TLC has built successful franchises around the Cake Boss, Say Yes to the Dress and Police Women brands. In 2010, 31 series averaged 1.0 million viewers or more including Sister Wives, Kate Plus 8, 19 Kids and Counting, LA Ink, and What Not To Wear."
Regarding the ratings game. Could someone please explain exactly how this works. Over on another site (that rhymes with plop) a mod has commented that unless a viewer is being COUNTED, it doesn't matter whether or not we watch or talk about the show because it's not going to count in the ratings. This sounds to me like we all can watch and it's not going to affect the ratings one way or another. Is this correct?
I watched Joy the second time around. It was just the same old same old. But you could tell there was no love lost between them. She showed the infamous I'm hungry clip from Alaska and Khate said she was glad she had a house with heat. She showed a clip from DWTS and she said yes I can't dance. Joy said why do they give Tony the ones that can't dance and Khate very generously said they had a lot of trust in him.
Joy brought up botox and Khate said what do you care and Joy said I don't care it is on the page then she tore the page up and shook Khate's hand and said to watch the show and that was it. I missed the first part about Jon. My question is why was she even there.
FYI - Kate's (fake) blog on TLC. Old comments are gone. The only way to comment is if you have Facebook. No more anonymous posting to the comments. Talk about a scrub for an image change! ! No new blog entries though.
Ingrid said...I was always amazed back in the old house(s?) when the kids had to sit in time out. They just went, like they were afraid of what would happen if they didn't. (Something Kate would not allow to be filmed? ==== I clearly recall seeing Kate with an empty plastic wrap cardboard roll when she was discipling the kids in the old house. Those aren't like the empty paper towel rolls either. They're very dense cardboard roll which is firm and smaller around. I'll try to find the video. She must have used it instead of her wooden spoon.
The reason I noticed it was because she was holding it when she was making one of the sextuplets go to the time out corner and then in the next camera angle it was gone. Someone (Jen?) must have made her put it away. I wondered where it had gone.
Are you saying that the "pro" fansite is blocking me on purpose? I never heard of that. I tried the proxy but I was totally confused. How is everyone visiting her site when she blocks all the haters? (I take that to be us, LOL). Any more suggestions on how to visit her site? Thanks.
Those kids have no reason to thank Kate for their "vacations!" First of all, they aren't even vacations, and second of all, Kate isn't paying for them. It is their JOB!
I doubt they thank her for them anyway... Kate just wants the world to think her children are grateful to her for selling their childhoods.
now the sheeple are trying to say that Jon deleted a bunch of tweets so that is probably going to make it hard to find the "lie" ¢$$$$$$$¢$$$$$$$!$$$! Egg, meet face. They messed up and won't admit it.
Isn't it just in such poor taste for Kate to even mention Jon at all? She knows he has moved on to a romantic relationship with another woman. He works a job away from showbiz. She takes any pot shot she can at him. Jealous, do you think? It's like obsession. Get a life. 50% of marriages today end in divorce. Kate is not the only person in this situation. She in fact set the whole thing up. Now, live with it. Enjoy your kids and leave Jon alone. Misery loves company, do you think? Is all this talk of dating leading up to a special announcement? TLC loves this woman. Why?
Want to see your comment published? Follow a few simple rules:
1. Do not use Anonymous. Pick a name (click Name/URL to type in a name) and stick to the same name. 2. Anonymous insider stories should be emailed to us directly (in confidence). They will not be posted here unless we can verify the validity, such as with photos. This is not to discourage legitimate insiders from speaking out, but to guard against all the fake stories out there. 3. No insulting other posters or picking fights, refusing to let things go and move on. Stop with the snotty comments--they will be rejected. Treat people here like how you would talk to the person you most respect in your life, it's just pleasant that way. 4. No trash talking other blogs/bloggers here.
435 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 435 of 435 Newer› Newest»Maybe Jon stated that he could not call the kids, ie the reason the kids were allowed to call him. I think that has been ongoing for a while - since the time in Mexico when the brand-new 19-yo baby sitter melted down and was not allowed to call Jon. If the baby sitter couldn't call him I doubt the kids could either. I can't see him having an open line to the kids the way Khate behaves and bashes him every chance. This kind of BS has gone on far too long. Hasn't Khate heard - the new in thing for "stahs" is to get along with the ex for the sake of the kids. Out of curiosity, how many does she have on her twitter. I noticed yesterday that Joy was one of the first "connections" to follow her.
"I noticed yesterday that Joy was one of the first "connections" to follow her."
Why would anyone in their right mind want to "follow" Kate. Where would she lead, other than down a path that none of us wants to go?
In Kate speak..."I don't get it. I just don't get it." Why make her feel important? Is it necessary to give her any more of a swell head?
What I don't understand is why TLC had to put that phone call on the show period. Actually, I do know why they did it and find it reprehensible that they feel the need to air such private moments in order to improve Kate's image and keep the children filming. It makes me sick.
More from the lying twat on Behar. She's still trying to say she's the one who works, not the kids...
"And um, we're all happy doing it. I'm working, they're running in and out of the frame and if they wanna run off and not do what we're doing they don't. If they don't want to go along they don't".
Now why does she think it's necessary to say that, hmmm?
Oh yeah. She doesn't make Jon grovel (Joy's word). She responds positively to him where the kids are concerned. WTF? She didn't do that when they were married, does she think we believe she's doing that now? Then she said there's not enough of her to go around. Another unrelated remark to the question. She's so confused she doesn't know which lie to cover up first so she blurts out everything at once.
"I noticed yesterday that Joy was one of the first "connections" to follow her."
Yes, but did you notice she's not following Joy? She's following Sheri Shepherd but not Joy. She's also trying to get another gig on The View.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
RT @SherriEShepherd Hey mama @GarcelleB ... are you in NYC anytime soon? Hey! Miss you! No NYC plans Gotta see the ladies of the view soon!
That interview with Joy Behar was a DUD! All this talk about medical issues with the two little ones who were expelled from school is just a poor attempt by Kate to garner sympathy. Poor struggling single mom that she isn't! There is no level that she will not sink to make herself look greater in her own eyes. Keep you mouth shut, Kate. With every show, every interview, you are giving your true self away. Not attractive. Protect your kids, please. Don't keep throwing them under the bus with your rhetoric. Is it so tough to just "shut the heck up?" I hope upon hope that someone from TLC is reading this blog. Help the kids, please. You, Kate and TLC, have made enough money off the backs of 8 young children, haven't you? Being on tv is not healthy for the kids.
Well someone at TLC must have told an intern to start answering the tweets. Does anyone believe she answered ANY of these? One asks her if they will be doing any at home vs traveling and she replies "yes doing some of both, excited to see the eps" These tweets are clearly asnwered as a batch every few hours by an intern.
I spoke to my local cable company about ratings over a year ago and they told me that what we watch through our cable boxes is counted but that it does not affect Nielson ratings.
Instead, the cable companies use these numbers to decide what programs and channels to carry in certain market areas and as a tool for local advertising campaigns.
If she was dealing with major medical issues why didn't we see multiple trips to the doctor? And can she EVER respond to a question with an answer that actually applies to it? Maybe she should go into politics, she sure has the 'speak' for it.
Lies, twist, and spins. That is what Kate is doing to stay relevant. And, of course, she isn't answering the tweets. She couldn't care less about people tweeting her. All this talk about the paps following her around. Who is she kidding? Where are the pics? In her dreams. I really hope she is reading this blog or at least someone from TLC is paying attention. Get that woman and her kids off tv sooner rather than later.
wow, judgmental much? lol
wow, judgmental much? lol
Troy Chula Vista said...
On Joys interview, Kate says she was followed by the Paps while in Australia, what paps? Wouldnt there have been a ton more pics?
Troy Chula, "Paps" is just Kate-speak for the little voices in her head.
"I noticed yesterday that Joy was one of the first "connections" to follow her."
Yes, but did you notice she's not following Joy? She's following Sheri Shepherd but not Joy. She's also trying to get another gig on The View.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
RT @SherriEShepherd Hey mama @GarcelleB ... are you in NYC anytime soon? Hey! Miss you! No NYC plans Gotta see the ladies of the view soon!
What I don't understand is why TLC had to put that phone call on the show period. Actually, I do know why they did it and find it reprehensible that they feel the need to air such private moments in order to improve Kate's image and keep the children filming. It makes me sick.
Maybe Jon stated that he could not call the kids, ie the reason the kids were allowed to call him. I think that has been ongoing for a while - since the time in Mexico when the brand-new 19-yo baby sitter melted down and was not allowed to call Jon. If the baby sitter couldn't call him I doubt the kids could either. I can't see him having an open line to the kids the way Khate behaves and bashes him every chance. This kind of BS has gone on far too long. Hasn't Khate heard - the new in thing for "stahs" is to get along with the ex for the sake of the kids. Out of curiosity, how many does she have on her twitter. I noticed yesterday that Joy was one of the first "connections" to follow her.
I did not know they deliberately lied. Now I do.
It's not surprising. They have a role model who continually lies and (seemingly) gets away with it so they think it's alright for them to lie. That's the mindset of Kate's followers.
On another subject, I just watched a short clip of KG over at Behar's site. Joy asked her why so many people have already turned on her on twitter and Kate said she just can't figure it out. Then to deflect she said something totally unrelated about single moms. It made no sense at all. Flatline interview.
I have only posted once or twice but I tried to go over to the "other" site and was redirected to a mental health site as well. Believe me, I Have NEVER tried to send that site a comment. I also think the numbers for the premier weren't that great. Maybe TLC is just trying to run out her contract until 2012. One could only hope
HippieChick said...NOT TRUE. Every viewer counts now. Someone explained before about the digital boxes & such. If someone would kindly step in & take over & explain again, it would be much appreciated.
I'd like to see some links on that. I’ve seen it stated before that digital TV boxes also count in the ratings but I’ve never found a link to prove that or explain how the info collected on digital TV boxes gets that information out to be counted in ratings.
Here's some info on ratings:
Television networks clearly want to know what people are watching. A larger audience watching a show translates to being able to charge more money for ad time during a show. Television networks that broadcast shows watched by a huge number of people, such as the Oscars or the Super Bowl, generally profit from getting the highest dollar amount for advertisements aired during their shows. For weekly programs, however, television networks rely on a small sample of the population to determine what shows are the most popular.
In the US and in Canada, the company that tracks what viewers are watching for television networks is the Nielsen Company. They choose a representative sampling of about 5000 viewers who will allow Nielsen to record what programs they watch. This is a fairly small sampling of the US population, but people are chosen based on their ability to represent varied populations. For example Nielsen must a diverse sampling of viewers and some viewers who fall into differing age groups in order to get a representative sample.
Here’s a discussion regarding TV ratings and counting “regular” TV viewers (not Nielson watchers):
This article talks about ratings and it sounds like Nielson does them all, not digital tv boxes:
Oh God, I just had a horrifying thought. What if the ratings are so bad that K+8 gets cancelled but TLC decides to do a show about Kate dating, Kate getting remarried (and the wedding prep), then the first year or so of the marriage with Kate, the kids and their new step-daddy? Kind of like what VH1 did with Christopher Knight and Adrian Curry.
Let's say just for arguments sake that Radaronline DID change their story. Wouldn't that tell the sheeple that maybe it was wrong? That maybe Jon NEVER claimed that he never got to speak to the children? Maybe the "source" called ROL and told them it was not correct, and that the kids did in fact speak to Jon. Where is the proof that JON LIED?
TINIC, see, they LIE! They outright lied about us not discussing Jon's "lie." We discussed it all day yesterday right here, just read the comments! We searched high and low for proof. I don't get it. Why lie that it is sunny when it's raining out?
And now you know they libeled me, continue to libel me, and continue to state the lie over and over that I begged for money. I never, ever asked anyone for any money, period. It is another one of their lies to make us look bad. They claim we are jealous of Kate, they need to ask themselves, if they are this obsessed with the posters here such that they need to make up lies about us, who is really jealous?
wow said... I think Maggie has posted over there and got her IP banned as no one else is having any problems.
LOL MS Donna is incapable of her own opinions, has to have someone else get one for her!
LOL yourself wow. Maybe MS Donna is discriminating enough not to put herself through the agony of watching that drivel. Some of us read Admin's recaps because they are a hell of a lot more entertaining than the crap TLC puts out. Some of us are just smart that way. Think we already have a pretty good idea of our opinions.
"Is 1.3 million viewers good enough for a full season?"
1.3 million is considered pretty good for TLC, especially as it's a stable figure (it hasn't wavered significantly since the specials started last year). Anything over 1 million is good news by TLC's standards, actually. At the end of press releases when they're summing up the network's strengths, they make mention of shows averaging over 1 mill:
"TLC is a global brand that celebrates extraordinary people and relatable life moments through innovative nonfiction programming. A top 10 cable network for women, TLC has built successful franchises around the Cake Boss, Say Yes to the Dress and Police Women brands. In 2010, 31 series averaged 1.0 million viewers or more including Sister Wives, Kate Plus 8, 19 Kids and Counting, LA Ink, and What Not To Wear."
Regarding the ratings game. Could someone please explain exactly how this works. Over on another site (that rhymes with plop) a mod has commented that unless a viewer is being COUNTED, it doesn't matter whether or not we watch or talk about the show because it's not going to count in the ratings. This sounds to me like we all can watch and it's not going to affect the ratings one way or another. Is this correct?
I watched Joy the second time around. It was just the same old same old. But you could tell there was no love lost between them. She showed the infamous I'm hungry clip from Alaska and Khate said she was glad she had a house with heat. She showed a clip from DWTS and she said yes I can't dance. Joy said why do they give Tony the ones that can't dance and Khate very generously said they had a lot of trust in him.
Joy brought up botox and Khate said what do you care and Joy said I don't care it is on the page then she tore the page up and shook Khate's hand and said to watch the show and that was it. I missed the first part about Jon. My question is why was she even there.
Kate Plus 8 (TLC, 10pm)
- 1.306 million viewers
- 0.9/1 HH
- 0.5/1 A18-49
That's 1.305 million viewers too many....
But, every cloud has a silver lining- her ratings are on a steady decline.
The end is near.
FYI - Kate's (fake) blog on TLC. Old comments are gone. The only way to comment is if you have Facebook. No more anonymous posting to the comments.
Talk about a scrub for an image change! !
No new blog entries though.
I haven't watched anything on TLC in a couple of years! Nothing. I boycott that whole damn network, it's gross.
Ingrid said...I was always amazed back in the old house(s?) when the kids had to sit in time out. They just went, like they were afraid of what would happen if they didn't. (Something Kate would not allow to be filmed?
I clearly recall seeing Kate with an empty plastic wrap cardboard roll when she was discipling the kids in the old house. Those aren't like the empty paper towel rolls either. They're very dense cardboard roll which is firm and smaller around. I'll try to find the video. She must have used it instead of her wooden spoon.
The reason I noticed it was because she was holding it when she was making one of the sextuplets go to the time out corner and then in the next camera angle it was gone. Someone (Jen?) must have made her put it away. I wondered where it had gone.
Are you saying that the "pro" fansite is blocking me on purpose? I never heard of that. I tried the proxy but I was totally confused. How is everyone visiting her site when she blocks all the haters? (I take that to be us, LOL). Any more suggestions on how to visit her site? Thanks.
Joy Behar's interview hasn't aired yet. It will air tonight at 10pm eastern time.
Those kids have no reason to thank Kate for their "vacations!" First of all, they aren't even vacations, and second of all, Kate isn't paying for them. It is their JOB!
I doubt they thank her for them anyway... Kate just wants the world to think her children are grateful to her for selling their childhoods.
now the sheeple are trying to say that Jon deleted a bunch of tweets so that is probably going to make it hard to find the "lie"
Egg, meet face. They messed up and won't admit it.
Isn't it just in such poor taste for Kate to even mention Jon at all? She knows he has moved on to a romantic relationship with another woman. He works a job away from showbiz. She takes any pot shot she can at him. Jealous, do you think? It's like obsession. Get a life. 50% of marriages today end in divorce. Kate is not the only person in this situation. She in fact set the whole thing up. Now, live with it. Enjoy your kids and leave Jon alone. Misery loves company, do you think? Is all this talk of dating leading up to a special announcement? TLC loves this woman. Why?
Post a Comment
Want to see your comment published? Follow a few simple rules:
1. Do not use Anonymous. Pick a name (click Name/URL to type in a name) and stick to the same name.
2. Anonymous insider stories should be emailed to us directly (in confidence). They will not be posted here unless we can verify the validity, such as with photos. This is not to discourage legitimate insiders from speaking out, but to guard against all the fake stories out there.
3. No insulting other posters or picking fights, refusing to let things go and move on. Stop with the snotty comments--they will be rejected. Treat people here like how you would talk to the person you most respect in your life, it's just pleasant that way.
4. No trash talking other blogs/bloggers here.