Kate Plus 8 Australia Adventure: Discussion Thread
Jon loses his court battle to keep the kids in the states over the holidays and the kids head Down Under to exchange notes with Bindi and Robert Erwin, Australia's version of the Plus 8. Crikey.
Off topic, this is a must read article about Marlee Matlin. She married a cop and has four kids.
She says this: "My husband and I consciously chose to live outside Hollywood"
and she says family members babysit when she's out of town: "A good husband, a great set of in-laws and family members who pitch in when I have to travel."
This woman would be amazing even if she weren't deaf.
Well, I'm glad Kate got to fulfill another wish on HER bucket list. I just have to wonder how much fun the kids had or if it was like the Corn Maze, when they got the shot and then scurried on to the next one.
Marlee Matlin takes nothing for granted as far as I'm concerned. She is grateful for what she has, shows love and receives love easily and is stronger than any negative you can put in front of her. That alone makes her very classy in my book.
I watched the clip with the mute on and I still managed to get nauseous!!
Seriously, there is nothing appealing about this woman, not one thing. Ugh.
I think part of why she appeared to be so happy on this trip is because she beat Jon in court. That was her only reason for appearing to have such a great time in Austrailia.
As has been said many times, for an obsessed alienator like Kate, it's not about getting the kids, but rather, taking the kids from Jon. She is gloating and it comes through every pore. SEE how much FUN we are having how could you EVER want to take the kids from all this FUN. Mean Daddy!
Since when is it okay to use your kids to finance fulfilling YOUR bucket list?
I was watching an old Saturday Night Live show earlier & Seth Meyers was talking about an old cast of Celebrity Apprentice, the one with Sharon Osbourse & that Bogdonavich guy (sp?) Now, I'm a fan of Sharon Osbourne & all, but let's face facts, is ANYONE on that show a CELEBRITY? So Seth Meyers says, "I guess Webster's Dictionary has redefined the word 'celebrity' to mean 'mammal'". So true!! Everyone on TV & their mother thinks they are a damn celebrity nowadays; Teen Moms, Jersey Shore drunks, the people on CA (Dionne Warwick? when was the last time she was famous?), and then we have Kate Gosselin. The woman thinks she'll be famous forever. Reality show-whores are so deluded.
Sorry Moose I accidentally deleted your comment, post again if you want. The delete/approve button are right next to each other lol.
You're forgiven. I don't remember what I said, so it couldn't have been that important! I think I mentioned the see-through wet-suit that Kate is wearing; wondered if Stevie gave his approval to that, and since her boobage is getting so much exposure, if the "girls" have been signing autographs on this trip.
I wouldn't be caught dead or alive with any man in a speedo, even if he were an Olympic swimmer and promised me the wildest night of my life.
I like how open Marlee Matlin is about her mistakes, too. She is so incredibly humble. She says I did drugs and I messed up and it was a mistake, I was in an abusive relationship and it was a mistake, I had huge self esteem issues and I worked through them. When is the last time Kate took responsibility for anything?
Jack Jason has been Marlee's interpreter since Chidren of a Lesser God, he interprets on the Apprentice. How many people in this business have the same person working for them for over 20 years?
Having grown up on a swimming team, Speedos were the outfit of choice for boys and girls. I didn't even NOTICE the guy in the Speedo until it was pointed out. It all seems so normal and natural to me. Actually, I quit swimming when Speedos were no longer appropriate for a woman my age. I can't stand anything else.
Admin said...No I don't like the speedo guy....speedos are a running joke with me because I think they are so ridiculous unless you are doing laps in the Olympics! -----------------------
I don't like speedos either. When I see a guy wearing one, he looks like he's smuggling grapes.
Administrator said... "She is gloating and it comes through every pore." ***********************************************
Agree 100%. And "the NINE Gosselins"? Another jab at Jon, I presume. Ha ha, mean daddy, we took this "awesome" vacation wihout you! And, hello! You detest a man so much, yet you refuse to give up his name?
I have to wonder if this wasn't a set-up by TLC and whoever handles/produces the Irwin's... I question this because Mother Irwin is nearly as vilified in the Aussie press and blogs as Mother Goslin is in the US. Both mothers have chosen to make a living off of their children while doing little to nothing to support themselves. (and I'm using the term "mother" loosely)
The similarities between the Irwin kids and the Gosselin kids are interesting. Had Steve still been around maybe they wouldn't be expected to shoulder the financial end of the family. Daddy would do it. Steve passed away and can't stop this sadly, and in the case of Jon he is being prevented from putting a stop to this by Kate and the courts.
Both sets of kids have a father who cannot protect them.
He look Australia has their own version of Rep. Murt!
Go Rep. Heffernan!
""NSW Liberal senator Bill Heffernan called the ABC on Monday night immediately after the program to voice his concerns, and said he was so offended that he raised the matter in the Liberal partyroom in Canberra.
"Every child deserves their childhood and your childhood is one of those touchstones of your life, but there is a real danger that that kid is going to be exploited," Senator Heffernan said.
"When she says she'd rather play with snakes than dress up like a lot of girls her age, that's fine -- but does she need to do it in front of the camera?
"There's a very strong suggestion that there's this artificial environment being built around her for a commercial purpose, and she's not in a position to make that decision by herself."
Senator Heffernan said it was "time to flash an amber light about the way this child is being treated".
"I know a lot of people were alarmed by some of the stuff from Australian Story," he said.""
Oh Brother, she had the time of her life, while people over in Auckland, New Zealand were struggling to survive. I couldn't get in touch with a customer down there for over 4 weeks because they were flooded out and worried to death about them. And you know what, she looks like dumb seal (apologies to all seals) in that wet suit with the prop fishes waddling out of the water. We'll be switching between NCAA and DWTS and TIVOing Tony Bourdain. Hope this nobody goes back to the sinkhole where she came from
Sam said... (snipped ... sorry Sam ... just cutting to the chase :) Hope this nobody goes back to the sinkhole where she came from _______________ I don't think Khate interacts with the parents at all at this point ... so that "sink hole" from which she came is closed!
Did I Go there?! OH YES I DID!:) Did I go low enough to add a T to Sink hole ... NO I DID NOT! (wanted to really really bad - but I didn't want the admin/admonish). (which I'm probably gonna get anyway huh admin :(
LisaNH said... I watched the clip with the mute on and I still managed to get nauseous!!
Seriously, there is nothing appealing about this woman, not one thing. Ugh. ====
LMAO! Lisa. I agree. And it looks like whoever did Kate's boob job took her butt cheeks and attached them to her chest. The woman has no ass. Surely there's a plastic surgeon out there somewhere who'll give poor Kate some bum implants.
I won't be watching the show either. I saved my Earth Hour blackout just for this occasion.
I know what I'm going to be watching at 10 PM on Monday night, and it won't be Kate, or Joy Behar, for that matter. It's "Castle" for me, "Harry's Law" on DVR, and switches over to the NCAA game during commercial breaks.
I just wonder how much of this the kids are going to remember. The little ones, anyway. I rode an elephant when I was seven. I know this because I still have photos of me sitting proudly on the elephant's back. My parents told me it's all I talked about for weeks afterward. I don't remember a thing about it now.
Admin, more power to you if you can stomach watching this for recap purposes. I'll say a couple of "Hail Marys" for you.
Why does she always treat English like it's a second language? Put Australia and New Zealand on her bucket list now that she's visited them? Wouldn't those of us who were taught English as our first tongue say we could now take them OFF our bucket lists? I don't know. Her words leave me confused often.
As for Monday night, life will happily go on for me, and all the others that have chosen to skip watching Kate & her un-funny, non-entertaining, human circus act
I refuse to waste another brain-cell watching Kate.
Bindi has always been a little too TOO for me, especially for her age. I thought straightaway that they were exploiting her after her father died to keep his legacy alive - even though she clearly loves what she does. She does seem like a very nice girl though - even if she's always 'on.' She even appears almost tender toward the kids in that photo.
Ok maybe I need to get with the program? but WHY the hell is it interesting watching someone else go on a dream vacation with all the perks freebies and front of the line privilege?
I don't understand why they still insist on putting a woman with her kids on a plane and vacation every chance she gets? That is beyond me and completely insensitive toward most Americans who are struggling with employment, foreclosure and reposessions. Today in St Louis they auctionned off the US Fidelis assetts to the highest bidder, Wall Street is doing poorly almost on a daily basis, but this woman is running around with her 8 paid from society kids, and having lavish vacations multiple times a year... and that's supposed to be entertainment, well I hope that her show tanks and it gets below 100,000 viewers. She makes me sick. Talentless piece of a human being, what a waste.
I feel like this is the make it or break it season so hoping for lowest ratings that will bring an end to this. Poor Kart will have to join the rest of us and find a real job. oh well...
There's no need to watch the show. We've seen it all in the videos. Kate said, "This was a life-changing event," but obviously not, since nothing has changed in her life. She's still selling out her kids, making everything about HER, and spending the kids' money like there's no tomorrow. What changed in her life since she went on the trip?
She didn't say, "Honestly, this was a life-changing event," so I guess we know that she didn't mean a word that she said. We are only to believe her when she prefaces her statements with "honestly," "quite honestly," "to be perfectly honest."
"Why does she always treat English like it's a second language? Put Australia and New Zealand on her bucket list now that she's visited them? Wouldn't those of us who were taught English as our first tongue say we could now take them OFF our bucket lists? I don't know. Her words leave me confused often."
I know! I had to laugh at that one. A bucket list is a list of things you want to do before you die. The things are already ON the bucket list. Once you've done them, you take them OFF the bucket list. I think she was confused and thought that once you've done them, you put them in the bucket so you're bucket is filled with the things that you've already done. What a doofus!
"Wall Street is doing poorly almost on a daily basis"
While unemployment is still low, and the market is volatile as investors look to uncertainty in Japan and the global economy, Wall Street cheered strong gains in the first quarter, with blue chips achieving the best quarterly gains since 1998. Not all is doom and gloom on Wall Street. Many analysts predict that the bulls will be running in the next quarter. We're in a wait and watch mode.
That said, I have no desire to see Kate and Crew flaunt the wealth and travel internationally, while folks at home are tightening their belts in this still very fragile economy. I don't understand that TLC just doesn't get it. I'm remembering someone on here who posted as an "insider," claiming that TLC put the screws to Kate and told her that they wouldn't be taking any more exotic trips because viewers cannot identify with such extravagant adventures...that they would be filming close to home. Really?
I truly feel this episode will be the beginning of the end. The fact that she went on this trip during these countries terrible catastrophies that were going on, will probably be the "end of the road" moment for most viewers. It's amazing her "giving back" enlightment moment didn't happen at the time those countries were having the tragedies and could use charity. Also the economic times are really getting harder for many folks and this show of entitlement is more than anybody can really bear now. 2011 is the year Kate's 15 minutes will probably finally come to an end. Who can stand her any longer? A mother who makes a living off of her kid's fame is as low as society can get. And I think most folks are finally disgusted at her enough to not watch anymore. I stopped watching in early 2009 and never looked back. I just keep praying for the kids.
My neighbors are about to lose their home of 22 years to the bank because they've been laid off so many times these last few years and then she was hit by a drunk driver and her back was broken, catastrophic medical bills, anyway the idea of watching this ungrateful hag romp around on a once in a lifetime vacation while MAKING money doing it (on the backs of her kids) is the last thing I want to do. I'd seriously rather get a root canal. Screw her.
I truly feel this episode will be the beginning of the end. The fact that she went on this trip during these countries terrible catastrophies that were going on, will probably be the "end of the road" moment for most viewers.
Nope. Just when we think she's down and gone, she comes back to life. What did Tommy Doyle say in "Halloween?" ..."But you can't kill the boogie man."
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita)
Linda G's comment upthread April 2, 2011 8:49 PM is something EVERYONE should read. PLEASE, no one watch this WITCH. She needs to GO AWAY. And I agree with the "Bucket List" comments: what a useless, idiot, doofus Khatezilla Gro$$elin is. She is BEYOND pathetic.
Of course I'd like to see her get a job and stop exploiting her children, but my God--can you imagine what it would be like to have Kate Gosselin as a coworker?!?
Numerous and endless breaks; extended lunches; a new excuse for tardiness every day; slow, incompetent work; passing the buck; on the phone constantly. Whining and complaining and acting like she farts flowers.
Those children will not appreciate this trip. Not at their age. I've been to New Zealand, Egypt, Europe etc...you know what I appreciate? My family, my health and that I have a job. Sure it was nice to travel and I've seen things that are since closed to the public. (Egypt)
Someone asked me the other day where I went when I was in Scotland. All I could of think of is where the dogs are burried and eating haggis. (Edinburgh) Granted I was only there for 2 days but that is my memory? My husband went to Costa Rica when he was 6. He has NO MEMORY of it!
Nope. Hey Kate my kids are 10x happier than yours and we haven't even been to Disney World yet.
Uugh, why did I even watch the promo? She really grates on my last nerve. Admin, I want to thank you in advance for watching it so you can recap it for us and spare us the suffering. Good luck, I feel your pain!
As for speedo guy, I saw the other day that the sheeple think he's hitting on Khate. Yuck. They were also making fun of poor Jon, how he missed out on this wonderful adventure, and how he probably would love to have gone on such a terrific trip (and they mocked the fact that he's home in an apartment with his girlfriend and her dogs). They make me as sick as Khate does. Of course, they are the ones who are all jealous of Khate and some of then can't wait to go to Australia and New Zealand themselves now.
The bucket list comment shows us that it once again is all about Khate. More than anything, I think she just wants to add to her list of things that she thinks will impress people. Fail.
Glad to see I'm not the only one with major concerns over Bindi Irwin. I remember being alarmed after her father died and seeing how her mother was pushing her out here to carry on in his place. Hate to say it, but she seemed to go from cute kid to obnoxious very quickly. I'm sure her mom and Khate got along wonderfully. Hey, that might be the only person who Khate really got along with at all.
So good to see her put these countries ON her bucket list now. LOL You guys are right, she makes no sense half the time. I love how she describes the elephants eating the bananas, they "snofkled" (OR SOMETHING) them UP their trunks?? No, Kate, they pick them up with their trunks, then put them in their mouths. Even the kids knew what was happening. Dumb, vapid female. Let's see, the Hawaiian wedding was "life changing", I forget what else has been "life changing". Yet, nothing changes. Her cliche phrases she throws out are just that, phrases, no meaning whatsoever.
You can certainly see the coaching the kids were getting on the couch interviews. I do hope the kids had lots of fun, though. And I hope they do remember as much as possible. I am sure by now, all these trips are just blurs in their memories.
This season will truly be Kate's Marie Antoinette moment. She flaunts her wealth over and over (wealth she gained while using her children as a draw), and then she will have one 'Gosselin Gives Back' episode where she throws crumbs to a community hundreds of miles away (not to say the community didn't need the aid because they did, but Berks County went out of their way to give to the Gosselins in the early years.)
While Marie Antoinette may never have said 'let them eat cake' her behavior and attitude was much like Kate's - "Flaunt it while ya got it!, and while Marie had a tragic ending due to the revolution in France (years after she realized her mistakes,) Kate has lost the love and support of a community (and viewership) and still could care less.
I often say this, but she truly could have had it all if she would have sought out good advisers instead of enablers.
The man on the beach asked something about Jon? Why leave that on the film? I don’t know what her answer was, or exactly what he was asking, but WHY leave that in the episode? I don’t care if it was bad or good what she replied, it should NOT be on film. (if good, it will be shocking) Kate and TLC has made me absolutely sick with the way they continually dig at Jon. He IS and will ALWAYS be those kids father. They just don't care. They don't care how this might affect those children. Disgusting.
You know, I still cannot get that imagine of her actually SOBBING on that building, getting ready to jump. What a huge WUSS. How idiotic. This woman/girl really hasn't matured beyond the age of 15. The drama, the exaggerations. On a few of the clips of the show, she is shown jumping back, as if afraid, the phony over exaggerated same ole same ole.
Yes, I know it is a "reality" show, and drama is expected, but this IS part of her. 8 children watching her actions, as she blubbers and sobs. What a LOUSY example this woman is to her kids. Simply lousy. The way she dresses with 5 daughters, letting it all hang out. There is nothing wrong with a woman taking care of herself, but she is beyond just taking care of herself. She has taken to advertising herself, through dressing like a street walker, trying to catch a man and be "glamorous". In middle America PA, in a Target parking lot. What a sad, sad woman she has become.
The man on the beach asked something about Jon? Why leave that on the film? I don’t know what her answer was, or exactly what he was asking, but WHY leave that in the episode?.........
I thought I heard speedo guy ask about Jon! But, I didn't want to torture myself and rewind it.
I often say this, but she truly could have had it all if she would have sought out good advisers instead of enablers.
I don't think so. It wouldn't have mattered. You can't change attitude. Even with a good adviser, she would have done exactly as she is doing now. Any good advisers would have washed their hands of her, and she would have said that they just don't get it. She had a good adviser - a dancing partner, a teacher. She wouldn't listen to him. Why would she listen to a good adviser? She knows best.
No matter how she could have feigned being nice, caring, fan-oriented, gracious, community-minded, and all of those things, her "true" self would have eventually reared its ugly head. She's not that great an actress. In time, all hell would have broken lose. Zebras cannot change their stripes, not even with good advisers or handlers!
OMG I found Kate a man!!!! Has the same "career", she is just looking in the wrong place. She needs to look at Swamp Men...I think it is on the history channel...they are so buff!
I love how she describes the elephants eating the bananas, they "snofkled" (OR SOMETHING) them UP their trunks??
At first I thought that she was saying that they ate the bananas through their trunks. Then I realized that she was saying "snorful." I'm not sure of the spelling, but it is a form of a PA Dutch word that means to eat fast, stuffing food in with gusto! My grandmother used to tell me to take my time eating food, and don't snorful it (stuff it down!). Kate was raised in this area, and I've noticed many times that she uses words that we all grew up with - words that may sound strange to people not from around here, but words that I totally understand what she's saying. Scary, huh?
Unless, of course, she was referring to the snuffleupagus way of eating (the mammoth/hairy elephant character on Sesame Street)!
I did it. I finally watched the 'Ellen' interview. I refuse to watch the clip above however, because I won't be watching the show so what's the point? If admin is kind enough to recap here, I'll get the run-down.
Back to the Ellen interview. She was on last. Credits rolled over her useless face. She told Ellen the kids needed a job before they can buy anything for themselves. This made my blood boil. Aren't they working NOW? Aren't they doing their jobs now to provide a lifestyle for their mommy filming every chance their mommy gets? And this whole ring thing? Producers ask what Kate wants to talk about. Kate told the producers she wanted to talk about the ring, so Ellen had to bring it up. Ellen looked uncomfortable. I know this is old news, & I'm sorry to bring it up now. Ellen told Kate her hair looks like a possum, well her Halloween wig did, but it was a dig. Kate said "Certain people can't keep their mouth shut" & Ellen said "You're talking in code, I don't get what you're saying" like Kate was bashing Jon AGAIN, & Ellen knew. She has been bashing Jon since DAY 1, before the divorce was even final. Evil Bitch that she is.
She doesn't deserve this show. She doesn't deserve this trip. She doesn't deserve the ratings. Her kids deserve better than her, than this. I hope her show tanks, bombs & gets canceled in the first 2 weeks. Evil, undeserving, greedy, monster. (I know, not very 'hippie' of me. I have not done my yoga yet. Forgive me for being so negative)
"The man on the beach asked something about Jon? Why leave that on the film? I don’t know what her answer was, or exactly what he was asking, but WHY leave that in the episode?........." --------------
Where was Steve, and why wasn't he rushing over there to protect her from a confrontation or questions that she didn't want to answer? Shouldn't rat-claw boy have told Mr. Speedo to move along, or does that only happen when she is asked how the child labor laws will affect the filming?
No Regrets said... She has taken to advertising herself,...
Perfect wording! I was trying to come up with something the other day, regarding how Kate dressed in my post & couldn't think of anything. this hits the nail on the head. You are dead on!
Mom In Lancaster County said... Yes, I did get that this was a form of Dutch speak, my point was that she seemed to explain they were "snufkle" (WHATEVER LOL) the bananas UP their trunks to eat them. At least it sounded that way to me. Another dummy explanation of hers. Like her "asian writing" while in CHINAtown.
Hippie chic, advertising is exactly what she is doing. TLC is doing that for her as well. One of the MANY beach scenes, the camera panned up and down HER body while the kids were all around her. (I forgot which clip that was from) which to me, supposedly on a FAMILY show, was pretty gross. And she is or was an attractive woman, WHY put your (ahem) assests all on display to 'catch'. It really makes her look so desperate and needy. It is just sad. Very sad to me. Men will RUN from this sort of desperation, not TO. Particularly in a Target parking lot. It reminds me of that site "People of Walmart" in so many ways. Maybe they should make one "People of Target".
You know I wouldn't mind watching the show so much if they would keep her off the interview couch. Why can't the kids' interviews be enough and stop telling them to act all excited. Just let them be themselves. It makes my skin crawl when she makes all those self serving comments. I tried watching the clips but there she was boobs hanging out trying to sound like she has an ounce of sense. We get it, we know you got nice boobs, as well you should have for what the kids paid for them.
I actually have a co-worker who is a lot like Kate. Her mouth runs constantly (unless she is taking a nap at her desk). She comes in late virtually every day and lunches about 90 minutes or more. Constantly disappears for no reason. Claims she must go out for frequent smoke break needs. Dumps difficult assignments on others and gets away with it. Periodically screaches (oh, my ears). Why is this permitted? She is the favorite of our supervisor.
"Planted Speedo Guy said... The speedo guy looked like a plant and there is no telling what she said back to him. Jon should sue if she slandered him on the show in any way."
Good point, you know they won't let anyone approach the queen in public. If Jon would sue everytime she or TLC lets a snarky comment go through about him, he would have to sue for practically every single episode. She seems to always get a dig in constantly. TLC and Kate has made me absolutely sick with this. This stuff is on FILM, it will never go away. It just shows how little she and TLC care about the kids.
Skipped through the video w/ the bungee jumping (in the orange suits) After Kate walks away and says "freaking filming..." you can see STEVE sitting there with one of the twins. In an ORANGE Jumpsuit. Nice bodyguard. Wonder who he is protecting while getting ready to jump off the building.
The 8 Gosselins Kate, not the 9.You are not biologically a Gosselin and you divorced Jon Gosselin, ergo there is no reason you should feel entitled to that name.
Does Bindi sound fake to you guys? Every time I see her on TV she seems so unnaturally happy I don't know that obviously fake excitement makes it hard for me to listen to her.Also both Bindi and Robert seem like trained monkeys to me in all honesty.I saw two vids on youtube from two different shows at the Zoo and they have the exact same routine, over and over again.It's kind of weird.And Bindi has a look-alike doll made of plastic...is that biodegradable? I don't think so.
LOL to the name "Planted Speedo Guy".... Again, didn't watch the clip, so I have no idea what you all are talking about, so my conclusion's are just my imagination running wild, BUT the whole taping of her so called "Birthday Bash" with 2 whole people (wooo! some party!) is that TLC planted the guys that flirted with Kate, all of those "fans" that line up outside of stores when they are filming (or just pissed off customers who want to actually, ya know, SHOP), & this speedo guy who asked a question about Jon, (seriously, why would they leave that in the show?) are all planted actors, or walk-ons.
Yes, of course it's to drum up ratings & drama to say things about Jon, but that's hitting below the belt. Kate has mentioned Jon before on the show according to the recaps & from what I have read here on this lovely blog from you amazing people. It's wrong, it's low, & she is only doing it to scare up ratings for her stupid show. Now, what is she saying in front of the kids when the cameras are NOT trolling. (typo & it stays)
Tiny story (I promise!) I had a friend who was going through a rough patch with her husband. She bashed him constantly in front of me, in front of friends, in front of EVERYONE, & she always had her kid who was 6 at the time. They worked it out, but her kid would say these things around the dad like "Mommy said you said this" or "Mommy said you did that, is that true" He was so pissed. She felt so bad for bad mouthing him, & all of us, her friends, would tell her not to say stuff like that because her kid was listening. Kids hear EVERYTHING. They struggled w/ this for a long time & had to do counseling. The kid STILL says things about his daddy. Kate is so selfish & only thinks about her feelings, I wouldn't put it past her to say mean things about Jon all the time in front of the kids & try to turn them against him.
You know, I still cannot get that imagine of her actually SOBBING on that building, getting ready to jump. What a huge WUSS. How idiotic. This woman/girl really hasn't matured beyond the age of 15. The drama, the exaggerations. On a few of the clips of the show, she is shown jumping back, as if afraid, the phony over exaggerated same ole same ole.
I am in NO WAY trying to defend Kate, but I can see where she is coming from. Our youth group went to Costa Rica, and we went zip-lining in the rain forest. It the first time for everyone, and I, plus a lot of the girls, were really scared and close to crying. Obviously, once we got used it, it was a lot of fun and we enjoyed it, but I do see where Kate is coming from. My problem is that:
1. She let Cara and Mady bungee jump AT ALL.
2. Cara had to go jump before Kate because Kate was too scared and couldn't be an example for her daughter. Ugh.
I too have noticed bindi's over enthusiasm about everything. It's a bit strange. As if someone drilled it into her for years--smile big, be happy! Be excited! Go for it! Be enthusiastic! Something is very off about the Irwins. .
Am I the only one who feels after watching video on mute myself, that these kids even look fake themselves on the sofa interviews? Its just really sad. I went back and watched the kids on the couch again with volume on and when saying they want to Australia, they sort of said it like the time they were asked how they got to NY and they said, "...uh...oh yeah! We took the train." I got the feeling they said, "Uh...oh yeah! Australia!" Or it just me?
Yes, I did get that this was a form of Dutch speak, my point was that she seemed to explain they were "snufkle" (WHATEVER LOL) the bananas UP their trunks to eat them. At least it sounded that way to me. Another dummy explanation of hers. Like her "asian writing" while in CHINAtown.
I think that she said, ..."the way they snorful them up their trunks." I don't know what she means by that!! She couldn't be dumb enough to think that they eat the food through their trunks, could she?
Denis said, "It sounded like speedo man said "You don't see Jon anymore" or "we won't see Jon anymore"."
Mr. Speedo asked, "You guys see Jon anymore?" Why would he ask that, and why would he care? It's really strange that they left that scene in there.
If the kids are just "playing in front of the camera," then why are the two boys on the couch holding a movie clapper that is marked Kate Plus Eight, Aus, Take One, with the names of two crew members? Looks like it was a "set" to me! How many "takes" are needed for a shot?
What kind of mother takes her children out of the country and allows her 10 year old daughters to jump off the side of a building for filming purposes? I thought these children were small for their age. Doesn't this type of amusement ride or whatever they call it have height or weight requirements? I wonder if Jon signed the waiver. If not, he should bring this up to the judge. She's having the children perform dangerous stunts while working. I watched a clip of Hugh Jackman coming down the zip line for the Oprah show in Australia. He hit his head and required stitches and this stunt was even rehearsed prior to filming. The production crew should have just pushed Kart and Steve off the building without the twins. The crew could have jumped down with them. I agree with the Bindi comments regarding her personality. It seems like she's always overcompensated for her mother's grief and had to replace her father in the family business at such a young age.
Every single time I hear Kate's voice, I think about how lucky Jon is to not be married to that shrieking cow anymore.
In my life, I have never heard a more annoying, fingernails-across-the-chalkboard voice.
She sure has changed over the years. She thinks she so darn cute and funny and she makes me wanna vomit when she acts like this on her ridiculous show, but on a talk show she acts all mild and meek and (tries to be)sophisticated. What a bunch of baloney!
I know Steve seemed like a nice guy and all, but really, he was no different than the Gosselins . I was totally disgusted and shocked when he brought his newborn son into the alligator cage with him while he performed. I don't care how great Mr. Irwin was with animals, that was an incredibly dangerous and irresponsible thing to do with his own child, all for "entertainment" purposes.
And to Pam, blech! is right, can't stand the woman either.
Admin, I think that's an understatement. I thought something was very "off" about them when he dangled his one-month old son in front of the croc, claiming that he was in complete control of the situation and that the baby has to learn how to be croc savvy. What a bunch of crock! The baby is only learning to be pacifier-savvy! The Missus said that it was a wonderful sensory experience for the newborn. I'm sure that baby Robert is going to look back on that period of his life remembering how sensory it was.
Seems like Kate and Mrs. Irwin are peas in a pod. They both believe that their kids are going to remember events that none of them is old enough to remember, much less appreciate.
I was curious so I watched part of an episode of Raising Sextuplets.Here's what I noticed: 1.The kids had a speech therapist because they are multiples and having delays is normal but their mom wanted to address them. 2.Kids come over their house and play because their parents feel that socialization is important 3.Both mom and dad are working full time jobs 4.The mom take them two by two shopping even though it's hard since they are small because they shouldn't miss out on normal things 5.The grandmother,grandfather and sister and other relatives are in their lives I do not know or care if they are divorced now which brings me to point no 6.No messy public divorce,no crying on TV.Yeah there were a couple of articles but nothing compared to the gosselin saga. Honestly they probably have their bad parts but they seem to be acting more in the best interest of their children than jon and kate(well, just kate these days)
okay..little edit:mache daddy kind of throws the kids around.I'm not comfortable watching that so I'm done with this show too..yup, 30 after starting watching lol I am sick of reality television altogether
I'm a proud Kindle owner, so I subscribe for a couple of blogs that list free or cheap books for Kindle. There's a new series of books for young readers "inspired and co-created" by Bindi Irwin. What do you want to bet that's Kate's next brainstorm? A series of books featuring the "Gosselin Twins" or the "Gosselin Sextuplets" or the "Gosselin 8"? I wouldn't put it past her.
I never thought much of Steve Irwin. It's one thing to risk your life dealing with dangerous and unpredictable wildlife. It's another to include your children in the act at a very young age. NO wild animal is 100% safe and, IMO, it's not worth risking your child's safety to prove a point. He knew the risks going in and look at the tragic results. How arrogant and foolish to expose his innocent children to the same risks.
Did Kate ever actually skyjump or did she chicken out? Did Mady jump? Somehow, it just doesn't seem like something she would enjoy. Cara, yes. She's a daredevil and athletic. I can see her wanting to do something like this (although, IMO, she's MUCH too young to be allowed to do it).
Any predictions on the ratings for the show? Is it going to tank, or will this one only serve as the tip-off for more international traveling? Will TLC discover this these trips pad their bank accounts to the point of overflowing, and therefore, next thing we see is that the kids are going to participate in the annual running of the bulls in Pamplonas in July?
Hi readerlady!! Proud Nookcolor owner here!! Love it, can't put it down, but I digress...talk about over-saturation if Kate decided to do the book thing you suggested. UGH & Aarrgghh. How...interesting. Oh, my imagination is running wild again... An example from one of the tups: Today, we filmed cuz mommy said we had to. Then I eated a half sandwich, but my tummy is still hungry. I'm mad at my brother cuz he whacked me on the head with a shovel, but mommy says NO FIGHTING & makes us hug. My big sister locks herself in her room allllll day & today she came out, yelled at my mommy cuz mommy wants to film again tomorrow at the store with the red sign cuz we need paper towels, but my big sis lost cuz mommy said if we don't film than daddy wins. What does that mean? When mommy and daddy stopped living together, I was sad, but mommy told me shut up & save it for filming. I don't like those camera men, they are creepy. Mommy says they are my "dads", but I HAVE a daddy & I love him! I miss my daddy. I hate airplanes. I throw up on them & then mommy stays asleep & the nice lady with the wings has to change me & I have to fly to our next place in wet clothes. NOT FAIR. Mommy likes to drink out of a box. She's silly when she does, but then she gets mean. She yells at us & we all hide in my big sisters closet & play the "Ssshhh game". Do you kids at home play that game when your mommy drinks from a box? We play for about an hour, then mommy falls asleep with her high heels on, then Papa Steve covers her up. I have lots of brothers & sisters. I hate it. How many do YOU have? Do YOU like your mommy? As soon as I'm old enough, I'm moving far away, & I'm gonna be a child advocate when I grow up. THE END.
It sounded like speedo man said "You don't see Jon anymore" or "we won't see Jon anymore".
Yes, a friend of mine just told me that she saw one of those entertainment shows on Friday night and it previewed the new episode. It showed the speedo guy bit and she thought he asked "You don't see Jon anymore?". Yeah, why in the world would he ask that??
The clip also showed Khate crying on the top of the building and Cara jumping off.
So, the reason the entertainment show previewed it is because they're having her on the show Monday night. My friend said Khate was wearing a black shirt in their interview chair and they also showed a clip of her walking down the street in what looked like NYC (in the same black shirt). Not sure when she did this interview, maybe a couple of weeks ago when she was in NYC.
Watch the video and look at Cara when Kate comes after them with something. Cara looks disgusted. Kate is just showing off as usual and Cara is on to her.
Denis said, "It sounded like speedo man said "You don't see Jon anymore" or "we won't see Jon anymore"."
Mr. Speedo asked, "You guys see Jon anymore?" Why would he ask that, and why would he care? It's really strange that they left that scene in there. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&
What puzzles me about the man's presence on the beach and his question to Kate is that J&K Plus 8 and/or Kate Plus 8 hasn't been available on what you call basic cable tv in the USA. It airs on a channel for an extra charge and to be honest, not that many people watch it and probably even fewer know who Kate Gosselin is in Australia and New Zealand. The show got very little advertisement here in the past and when she visited in January there was virtually no mention of it and definitely no paps following them around. I believe Discovery/TLC is going to try for a bigger presence on our tvs, but I just think it's strange for that question to be asked by a stranger in a country that isn't that interested in the family. In fact most people watching the show here are seeing old seasons where they're still married. LOL
I lost all interest in the Irwins with the waving of the newborn in front of the croc. What kind of person does that? Entertainer who wants the drama to attract more attention, maybe?
Voting with my remote. Hope millions of others do just that. We won't see enough of Australia to make it feel like a travel show, but you might hear enough of Kate's voice to make you want to throw-up. Not interested in watching anyone fill their Bucket List courtesy of their exploited children.
Hippie Chick, your writing is amazing! You have a spot on ability to peg Kate and what her kids must be and have been going through. This story is sad. Thanks for keeping it real, really.
I would bet dollars to donuts that Mr. Speedo's question is a hook to get viewers by TLC. They know they have a sinking ship with the Kate+8 brand. Put a little bit of spice in the promos for the show and they think they will get more viewers.
I would also wager that when the show airs, the who Speedo scene will be cut from the show. Wouldn't put it past TLC.
I was thinking about this today while I was cooking dinner. Some people live vicariously through the children (ie: those Pageant Moms) Kate, however, wants her children to live vicariously through HER. She thinks that whatever SHE wants to do will be what the children want to do. (ie: HER bucket list) It's a pity she has so many enablers in her life, yes men, who do what she wants and will willingly step on the backs of those children along side her just to earn the almighty dollar. ________________________________________ Now back to you normally scheduled laughter supplied aptly by Hippie Chick (who sadly points out harsh reality in her humorous posts)
It's a pity she has so many enablers in her life, yes men, who do what she wants and will willingly step on the backs of those children along side her just to earn the almighty dollar. &&&&&&&&&&&&& You know I'm not sure there really are that many enablers left. There will always be SOMEONE out there with no morals who will mooch off her, but it seems to me that most people in Kate's life have either left voluntarily or been kicked out.
Who does she have left who enables her at this point? Steve and his wife. Her one friend Jamie. The Carla/Ashley duo. Some nannies and people at TLC who are working--and do they really count if they're just employees? That's it by my count.
Jon certainly isn't enabling her. There's no evidence she has any other friends--Beth and Jodi and all the helpers ran for the hills ages ago. Toni didn't turn out to be a lasting mentor.
By my count Kate is down to one person who doesn't get paid to be around her--Jamie. And who knows, maybe she is getting paid some kind of assistant salary.
You make a good point Admin, I still think people are enabling her - even if it's the sheeple as they seem to get some kind of cheap thrill watching Kate use her children in her quest for fame and fortune.
However, you also got me wondering that perhaps Jamie and Steve are now her 'go to' PR people. That's why only a couple of interviews on Monday and that low budget phone interview with the blog. Maybe you are right in thinking that there's really no one left. Perhaps all the work that TLC has put in the show so far is just to fill their side of their contractual obligations.
As soon as I'm old enough, I'm moving far away, & I'm gonna be a child advocate when I grow up. THE END.
The tups aren't yet certain about shapes, so I'm not too sure they know what a "child advocate" is or even if how to pronounce it!
"I throw up on them & then mommy stays asleep & the nice lady with the wings has to change me & I have to fly to our next place in wet clothes. NOT FAIR."
I think that the tups are potty trained! LOL!
Don't give Kate any ideas - she's probably already mulling this over in her mind...how she can profit by having the kids write a book. Just give it a few months or so.
Moon Over Miami - I think Hippie Chick was referring to the tups having to sit around on the plane in damp tee shirts because they puked on themselves and the flight attendants had to rinse out their shirts, not that they aren't potty trained.
Hippie Chick - hilarious post, but also sad, because I can see the tups, or at least some of them, thinking and feeling just like that. (Don't you just love e-readers? I have the best of both worlds, because I downloaded the free Nook app. to my laptop. If you like fantasy and science fiction at all, baen.com has a ton of free e-books that you can download).
Denise, What is the entertainment show you are talking about. What show was Kate on Friday and what show will she be on Monday beside Joy Behar and the Today show. Thanks
Regarding Kate and Terri Irwin being alike... Does anyone else remember the early Croc Hunter days BEFORE the Irwin kids were born? Terri wasn't on all of the shows, but I couldn't stand when she was on because she always acted like such a wuss. I was actually embarrassed for her because she'd be whining and crying and make Steve climb back up the cliff and carry her down or would be all worried and never shut up as he grabbed a dangerous snake for the camera. It was horrible, attention-grabbing behavior that fulfilled every old stereotype of weak women. I enjoyed Steve's over the top personality, but I stopped watching because I couldn't stand Terri.
readerlady... Thank you for the website suggestion! I just got my Nook so I have no idea where to go for free stuff! I tried frostwire, but that's hit & miss. And yes, I was referring, to the tups throwing up on the airplane.
Moon Over Miami, Maybe the tups HAVE heard of child advocates? Who knows? With all the crap they've been through, it wouldn't surprise me. But again, it was my imagination running crazy as usual. Thank you all for your kind words. It IS a sad situation. Those poor kids are destined for a life of being shut ins from being too embarrassed to go out in public because what has been filmed. I know I wouldn't want my high school peers to see half the stuff on those videos, & kids can be so cruel, without fodder. Obviously, I was just making stuff up, but I think one day one or more of those kids will write a book & it will be unbelievable. Kate's reputation will be damaged beyond repair. Of course by then it will already be "Kate who?", but nonetheless, Kate will be THE BAD GUY, & the truth will come out.
I agree about the Gosselin 9; it sounds strange like she is grouping herself as one of the kids. She always emphasizes the 9, too, like a little barb. She loves, loves, loves being a Gosselin and I don't think she would change her name if she ever remarried. My question is this, if she loves the name that Jon provided why is she so cruel to him.
Caught her on the Today Show. Disgusting. They filmed last weekend. They cheer when the crew comes. She bashes Jon, by saying she does everything right and he does the bare minimum (like takes them for custoday but they wish "he would do more"). As if she would allow anything beyond. The best "new" spin. The children's therapist has suggested that Khate continue on as normal with their traditions ie THEY MUST CONTINUE FILMING and that is what SHE has done. That is how she interprests keeping things calm and normal. It's sick!!!!!!!!!! Who talks about their kids "medical issues" (in her words) and puts down the father of their children ON TV! Please Jon, sue her. Sue her for custody, defamation etc.
I hope i don't upset anyone here. but i just had to watch Kate's appearance on the Today Show. I watched for a particular reason, and that was to count how many times she said "um". Well folks the grand total is 20. Oh, and she used the "ish" thing once. I truly believe that when a person has to use um every other word it means they are trying to get their lies straight. She also said the 20 hour flight to Australia was the best trip of their lives. Matt looked at her as if to say "yeah right". She must think that the entire country is as dillusional as she is. You can't tell me that on that trip not one of those kids had a meltdown.Just more of the same old same old that we have all heard before.
Just caught Kate on the Today Show. Of course, she got her dig in on Jon ("I wish he'd spend more time with the kids") but did anyone who watched catch her glance off stage to the left when talking about dating when she said the guy would have to be superman to put up with her mess? She also started fiddling with her rings when Matt was asking her questions about dating? Nervous, are we, Katie?
Do you wait by the phone because the kids want to come home early from Jon's House? (Sept 2010 - Live w/Regis/Kelly) Or Do you and the kids both wish they had more time with Jon? (April 2011 - Today w/Matt)
Kate was on the Today Show this morning. She HAD to mention Jon. She praised herself in her communication with him and insinuated that it's only on HER part.
Then she said he only sees the kids two weekends a month. THEN she said that she wishes he would see them more! Of course she does! She wants him to have the kids all weekends so she can have her weekends free! Why is she discussing custody again? I thought her lawyer said they weren't allowed to discuss anything involving custody. I guess she's in contempt! I hope he calls her on it.
As for what she said, obviously Jon can't see them during the week because they are in school and he works. When will he see them? When he gets home after his daily commute? He has to work to support himself AND his eight kids. He's not using those children to support himself and his share of the support like Kate is. He has to work!
The kids have a long ride home from school every day. They have homework to do and they are in bed by 7:30 (per Kate).
As it is SHE barely sees them during the week. It's only fair that she has them for half the weekends and he has them for half. That's FAIR in a joint custody case (Yes they have joint custody).
Kate just wants her weekends free. What a horrible mother. Horrible for not wanting the kids for half the weekends and horrible for still bashing their father on TV.
Oh, and he says she's on Twitter now. I hope she gets the same kinds of tweets that Jon gets from her fans.
Kate seems to think she can't seem to have a date or relationship with anyone because she has eight children. She can't get a man because any man in his right mind would want nothing to do with her.
I'd be wary of anyone that would want to be with a woman that exploits her children, bad mouths her ex-husband and father of her children on tv and someone that treats people (especially her spouse) the way she does. He'd have to be a fame whore too.
When Kate was asked about the children being expelled from school she mentioned "medical" issues. Medical? She always throws things out there in half sentences. No idea what she meant. Why they were taken out of school? Why they haven't gone back yet? What the heck is she talking about.
She also said the kids want to see Jon more. Shut up Kate.
Jon needs to see the kids more? Did she forget about the fact that SHE took the children away from him to Australia on HIS YEAR over the Christmas holiday and he had to drag her to court to try to stop it and LOST? Kate? You won't LET him see the kids more. She has put this man in a catch 22 position. She is demanding outrageous child support from him so he has to work a lot to keep up and then he can't see them. You can't take the kids up on a roof with him while he installs solar panels. Oh wait maybe Kate would do that since she lets them bungie jump.
I agree with the person who said Kate just wants her weekends to herself. I've worked out hundreds of family law orders and a parent who is getting the weekdays with the other getting all the weekends is getting away with murder. Having the weekdays is generally considered "easier" in family law court because the children are in school, and when you have a nanny there FOUR DAYS OUT OF FIVE PER KATE'S OWN ADMISSION? Come off it Kate.
And yes, every other weekend is STANDARD. I would say 75% of the family law orders I do have mom having the week with dad having every other weekend. Or 1st, 3rd and 5th.
She needs to stop obsessively alienating Jon and shut up about Jon. Why can't she just say I don't discuss my divorce publically? Hold her in contempt, Jon, this alienation may just DESTROY your relationship with those preciosu kids.
No, it's great she said that she wishes he could/would spend more time with the kids on national television! Now if Jon truly wishes to have the kids more, he can petition the court and use Kate's interview to show she publicly supports such a move!
Ugh, did she really try to blame "medical issues"? My seven year old son is home sick again today for the bazillionth time (to exaggerate like Kate) because of true, life-long medical issues - I didn't think I could loathe her any more than I already do, but I guess her capacity to infuriate people is pretty much limitless.
I watched a clip of Hugh Jackman coming down the zip line for the Oprah show in Australia. He hit his head and required stitches and this stunt was even rehearsed prior to filming.
I watched this Oprah Behind the Scenes show last night and that Jackman scene really bothered me. The whole show actually bothered me. The producers spent a mind-numbing amount of energy trying to "get the shot" (their words) wherever they were. Marching 300 people to the top of the bridge to "get the shot", sailing 25 Oprah boats in Sydney Harbor at the same time to "get the shot", unfurling a gigantic Australian flag over the audience to "get the shot", having Hugh Jackman zip lining down onto the stage to "get the shot". It was all just crazy and I wondered is it really all worth it?. The producers were running around, stressing out, crying when things went wrong and I just wanted to tap them on the shoulder and go "As a viewer, I don't care about 90 percent of the things you are doing here. Get a grip!" What would have happened if Hugh Jackman was seriously injured - what if he were knocked unconscious? He wasn't even wearing a helmet and I'm sure the reason he didn't was because it wouldn't have looked manly enough "for the shot". It was just ridiculous. Just showing Oprah visiting different places in Australia and giving her reflections on the trip was all that was necessary. The energy and money they wasted for an already successful tv show seemed completely senseless to me. I actually have lost some respect for Oprah after watching this show.
silimom said... No, it's great she said that she wishes he could/would spend more time with the kids on national television! Now if Jon truly wishes to have the kids more, he can petition the court and use Kate's interview to show she publicly supports such a move! &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Oh, snap! We knew her lies would bite her in the ass at some point.
Kate doesn't really want Jon to be with these kids, then he wouldn't have to pay so much child support.
In the article she confirms she's been out on a few little dates but she already has 8 kids and doesn't need 9. Wow, why aren't the guys lining up to go out with her with that kind of attitude?
Way to blame the eight children for Kate's problems. I hate when she does that. She will never take responsibility for her pathetic dating life. It's always someone else's fault.
Besides isn't a man's fear about eight children mainly a financial one? Kate is a millionaire so shouldn't that cancel that out?
Jon has eight kids and he doesn't seem to have a problem getting a date. He has just as much of a financial obligation to them as Kate, he is being sucked dry by her.
Well from what I'm reading it seems the Life Alterations she got from having the kids work on the other side of the planet did not include learning how to tell the truth. Maybe that's something she can add to the bucket list.
I bet the medical issues are ADD related. I wonder if she has them medicated. And did you catch her say Collin and Alexis's therapist not the kids' therapist. What a shame all the kids aren't in therapy. And she makes me sick how she continues to throw Jon under the bus while tooting her own horn. Was that the shortest interview with Kate in Today Show's history?
After the many years and many hours of her being interviewed, she still is nervous being on camera.
I wonder what they were filming last weekend that had the kids say that it was the best for them. Those kids (no fault of their own) are going to be sooooo spoiled that they aren't going to have a clue what real life is. What is going to happen when they have their own children and have to raise them on a regular salary?
Will no one call her out on her completely useless defense that the kids just LOOOVE FILMING?
Not only is it compeltely bizarre and unhealthy to cheer for some grimey camera crew, but the children are 6 and 8. That is why they have parents to do what is in their best interest. Kids also LOVE banana splits for dinner but you don't let them do that. Filming this much, missing school, being dragged all over the place on horrendously long plane rides, being so famous they have to cover their eyes, is clearly not in their best interest anymore.
Kate also refuses to acknowledge an important point. She has made it crystal clear to the kids she loves filming herself and loves doing the show. She refuses to acknowledge that the children may be going along with what Mommy wants to please Mommy because that's what sweet little kids do, they try to please. If they see Mommy cheering for the camera crew, they will cheer too. And you can bet if Kate suddenly hated them, they would too. Jon has said point blank the kids have told him they've had enough. So who is lying?
Heck if kids are fine to make all the decisions on their own why don't Kate and Jon just get them their own apartment and let them have at the real world? According to Kate they can make their own decisions. Her defense of this is ridiculous.
Kate used the phrase "To be honest" right after she told Matt she wished Jon would spend more time with the kids.That's Kate speak for....I'm lying through my pearly white veneered teeth.
The next follow up question should be but wasn't this holiday JON'S YEAR and you took them from him? He even had to drag you to court to get HIS kids on HIS holiday?
She is also blaming Collin and Alexis being expelled on their problems too. Oh, no, Kate has absolutey NOTHING to do with that. First it was the divorce, now I guess her handlers suggested that sounds too harsh, just blame it on the kids' medical issues?
Won't she allow just a little bit of room to possibly take responsibility herself just a TINY bit? Even, well it's a combination of things and I take responsibility maybe I wasn't home as much as I should have been. Most people when faced with a situation like this where the root cause of it is unclear and cannot be proven, first blame themselves, wonder what they did wrong. Kate blames herself LAST, she will blame her own kids before she ever takes any blame.
She is that kid who ripped the basketball right out of your hands and then pretended it never happened while you stand there crying.
Hippie Chick - check out http://blog.booksontheknkob.org and www.dailycheapreads.com for free and cheap e-books. Also smashwords.com.
I didn't watch Today. I rarely do anyway, and I certainly wasn't going to watch just to see Kate lie her way through another interview. I can't believe she had the nerve to say she wishes Jon spent more time with the kids when she herself has admitted that she won't allow him to spend more than the bare minimum. Someday, Karma is going to bite her in the Azz, and it's not going to be pretty.
Joy needs to ask her if she honestly thinks children this young are able to understand all the implications of their "choice" to film. Ask her if they even understand how much privacy they are giving up by continuing to allow the filming.
She was probably pissed that her buddy Merideth didnt interview her. Notice how Matt said, "your rolling your eyes" and she said do we have to talk about this? She probably wanted to say "F you, I dont have to talk about this"
The sheeple are so giddy and say that Kate was probably happy to be on the same show as Laura Bush and Helen Mirren, hell she probabaly doesnt even care who they are, just that they got a bigger dressing room and more interview time.
So what medical condition makes a kindergartener react violently to having his school picture taken? Does this same medical problem make a child hit an ADULT twice and bully classmates? Some of the tups may have ADHD (in fact, I think at least some of them do), but Kate is trying to cover up the fact that those kids lack socialization due to lifelong isolation, are angry and frustrated and damn near orphaned due to neglect on her part and limited contact with their father...also her doing. And lastly, I do think some of the tups are not particularly bright. She went out of her way to point out that collin end alexis read at the highest kindergarten level. I know some kids are starting to read picture books in kindergarten, some aren't, but that statement just sounded like she was trying too hard to convince us all her kids are brilliant. I would hope they are 'reading' at least at a kindergarten level...they're almost seven. She claimed again that she withdrew the kids from school...her choice. Doesn't sound like something she'd do willingly, does it? I can't imagine the school wants them back. That's not to say Kate won't try to force the issue. Poor kids. They can't even struggle with privacy and dignity.
The only way the witch will STFU is when the show is gone and she has no Soapbox to spew her lies. One sheeple even said she was "rereading kates book I Just Want You to Believe me" and said everyone else should read it again! Ha Ha.
Maybe she meant the kids want to see dad more and didnt mean it so much as a dig on him, but she should just shut the hell up about Jon. Poor kids, telling everyone they had "medical issues" when the school AND the kids know the real reason they left.
She's working hard at deflecting the negative: When Matt mentions that she pulled them out of school for behavior issues, and then asks her why the kids are still not in school she seeks hard to find the 'story' she wants to tell.
"Um, they're actually starting to integrate back in, um, within the very imminent future, and, um, there was actual medical issues, um, that we dealt with...
Let's dissect this a bit: If you are starting to do something it usually means you have begun. If you haven't begun, you should say 'we have plans to...', or 'our goal is...'
But Kate also said in the 'very imminent future'. Is that 'imminent future' like days, weeks, months away? Love how she is specifically non-specific. Then she deflects to move the conversation to medical issues, and goes even further to talk about their therapist.
About the dating: She states that when you are young and single and out for the first time, you don't have a lot of 'baggage' - inferring that she has a lot of baggage now. So what's the baggage there Kate? ? Your Kids, Your filming, Your attitude? Jon's clearly not in your life enough to be baggage (as you said you would like him to be around the kids more) And you also stated that it (in regards to the person you dated) would take a lot to 'Wrangle this mess' What mess are you talking about? Your Life, your filming, your hair, your wardrobe, surely not your children...? ?
Pretty big FAIL at an interview. Notice how she didn't get asked about the show, but more about herself. Whoever said she was marketing herself was spot on.
So she wants everyone to believe that SHE wishes the kids would see JON more often? How is that possible, with her taking the kids away to film more episodes on his visitation days? Seems to me, she's the reason the kids do not get to see their father more often.
Whatever Kate.... You are one confused woman.
Do the right thing, and quit manipulating your family. And while you're at it, would you mind doing it away from the media? Do we have to know what the hell you and your kids are up to all the time?
I rarely say I hate anything...but I HATE TLC. Just went to their website and kate's got the big front page promo. You can almost feel the collective finger-crossing going on at Discovery.
Australia was certainly a big gamble on TLC's part--how expensive this trip must have been! I hope this episode tanks to the bottom of the deep blue Australian Gold Coast! I will not watch it.
While I'm at it...My father took me to his exotic homeland when I was five. My disclaimer: I have an excellent memory. I can remember a fair amount from before I was three. I can quote Shakespeare memorized 33 years ago in high school, I can tell you dates of events even from other people's lives, etc. People tell me all the time they wish they had my memory. So I should be among those who would have the clearest memories of such a foreign trip.
We stayed in the homeland for 3 weeks. We went to a volcano, learned a few words of this strange language (they did not speak English at all), ate unusual foods, were embraced and loved by many family, and saw sights that were completely amazing to a child from rural Virginia.
All told, my 5-year-old memories of this fascinating 3 weeks could be compiled into a about THREE MINUTES of "life". It's mostly in snapshot form and of very trivial things.
Anyone can say what they want. The Gosselin kids are going to remember very, very little of Australia and Alaska and all these trips. Go ahead, Sheeple...say, "But aren't you glad you went?" Honestly, for the money my father spent, I'd rather have been older. It was more for my dad and his family to meet me than it was for me.
I dont know why Joy is tweeting for questions, she wont ask one tough question and could probably care less what people want to know (she probably just uses it to gauge reactions). Joy will ONLY ask what was pre approved. I think the ABC execs should tell Joy, wait till you are off the View before you have your own talk show. Just seems like a conflict when she talks out both sides of her mouth (View side and Joy Behar side).
The guy would have to be superman to put up with her mess? Nope. The only man Kate will ever get will have to be one who puts HER needs before his own EVERY day. He'd have to sacrifice his life to make sure that each and every one of her demands are met. He'd have to be on call and willing to take the abuse because after all he's living with the most important person on the planet. And he'd better not try to leave or she will visit her wrath upon him every chance she gets.
She thought she had Jon trained to do her bidding but after he'd had enough of her bullying, after she had stripped him of every ounce of self-esteem he left. He may have been guilty as sin for going along with Kate's plan to pimp the kids, but no one deserved the kind of treatment he got from her. She's a manipulating self-absorbed nutjob and I don't blame the man one bit for getting the hell away from her. She treats her children the same way. She'd give Jon custody in one cold heartbeat if they weren't needed for her own gain. They are a necessary inconvenience to her. Her concern for them only go as far as what they can do for her.
Please don't sign up for Kate's twits. If you are curious, just put her twitter address in google (whatever you use) and it will show you all of them without becoming a member of hers. You can use copy and past feature.
Is Khate trying to tell us that one of the tups has a lifelong medical condition that makes him do poorly in school, react badly to the divorce and become homesick when on the other side of the world, for his dad, perhaps? Is she trying to say to those of us who watched the show from the beginning to the divorce that we were privy to their potty, but not that one of them had a lifelong medical illness. Who is she trying to kid...she showed us their poop; there is nothing more private than that. And didn't she say that all of the kids were perfect (except for Aaden with his expensive glasses). At least Matt did better than Meredith. He planted the seeds of incredulity at some of the things she was saying and he let us know that there is a preinterview where she essentially lays out what she wants to discuss - diss Jon, not dating (but has a constant companion), baggage (love it when moms call their kids baggage), the beloved crew, Alexis loved, loved the long flight, the kids were not really expelled (they were just asked to leave), the newly revealed lifelong medical illness and lastly, Twitter (dollar signs). I am sick of these interviewers not doing their job. It makes me question the accuracy on all their legitimate news reporting, as well. How did Matt prepare - he read through all of Meredith's sugar wouldn't melt in her mouth interviews. Ok.
AuntieAnn, I loved your comment...collective orgasm indeed! Glad I don't have Twitter, though I wouldn't waste my time reading Khate's feed even as a guest.
Sounds like she's in need of some psychiatric intervention, from what everyone's said regarding her Today show appearance. She's crazy, and has no class at ALL. I beg everyone to not enable this individual. Don't watch her show, don't watch her interviews, don't visit her Twitter, don't submit a question to Joy Behar, etc. You know Joy won't ask any of our questions, but she will count the number of submissions she gets to gauge the interest Khate generates. With enough interest, we'll just see Khate on her show again in a few months. I don't mean to sound pushy, I just get so passionate about us enabling this fool. Okay, off my soapbox....
Just something trivial, but if that group photo from Australia (the one in this thread) had been taken 2 years ago, I wouldn't know the difference. I haven't seen the kids in action since the tups were 4 or 5, but neither they nor the twins look any older to me.
Let's see how the sheeple spin it now that Kate is plugging products (her show) on her twitter account. Jon rarely plugs anything anymore. Just responds to fan comments. Now we will also be able to see how much time Kate wastes away on her iPhone or computer while she promotes herself. This could actually be fun.
Hello my fellow bloggers!!! Haven't been on this site for quite sometime but when I saw yhis lying witch appear on the Today Show making Goo Goo eyes at Matt and spewing her lies and watched as her fat nose grew longer I had to c what everyone had to say. Guess she still got the kids out working and performing like good lil monkeys. :)
Kate's twitter account is KatePlusMy8. Why can't this woman stand on her own and leave her children out if it? Is it because she knows she is NOTHING without them?
AuntieAnn said... And I'll bet the sheeple just had one giant collective orgasm.
---------------------------------- Ewww! Funny, but ewww. It's really too bad that THIS is what would get them, um, off. Must. Scrub. Brain. Ya just know Kate will block all negative "haters" from her twitter. It will take FOREVER, but it will be done. She'll have to give up however because soon, her twitter will be inundated with hate tweets. And I'll be one of them. I won't be mean. Am I ever? (said all sticky sweet & innocently) *insert evil laugh here*
Very interesting about the Twitter. Now how will the Sheep give Jon ANY grief about what he sells on his account. I'm sure someone told Kate she could make money as a tweeter and she wouldnt be using her kids. I'm guessing there will be about 15 followers, a couple who have blogs.
BTW...you don't have to actually 'follow' Kate to see her tweets. You can just go to the url. As long as her profile is public anyone can see what she is posting without following her. You can also see what people are asking her by doing a search on twitter with this tag: @Kateplusmy8
Bet you dollars to donuts she will rarely answer a question (or she'll have her 'staff') do it for her.
and another thing...why would her 6 and 10 year olds be thrilled she's 'tweeting'? In her mind, projecting her children's feelings upon her actions must validate her motives.
One of the problems with diagnosing ADHD is that it can only be diagnosed in behavioural terms; there is no actual medical (i.e. blood test or something sImilar) way to diagnose it. People who work with childhood trauma and abuse survivors are well aware that the symptoms of the effects of childhood trauma/abuse can be identical to the symptoms of ADHD.
Children with trauma effects also have difficulty concentrating;they don't feel safe, are fidgety,often appear to daydream (dissociate), get frustrated easily.I am simplifying this but anyone can google trauma effects with children.
I think it is probably inappropriate for US to decide which it could be, but I am hoping the therapists that are seeing the children are looking at the differential possibilities of this diagnosis, and I hope they are getting it right.
Well, she has 1082 followers so far and 4 tweets. So that is 1082 people that will be tuning in tonight, well thats if most get permission to stay up that late on a school night.
ADHD is not a medical illness, it is a cluster of behavioural symptoms.It is often diagnosed by pediatricians, family docs, even chiropractors;because they are the people who are able, by law, to either prescribe medication or holistic remedies for its symptoms.
Also, Kate can tell the world that the children's therapist has said something(like "traditions need to continue") and the therapist, because of ethics and confidentiality, is unable to respond publicly if Kate is lying.This makes it easily possible for Kate to stigmatize one of her children without anyone being able to refute it.
Sounds like she's in need of some psychiatric intervention === Aeris -- I agree. If her abuse left physical scars instead of emotional ones they'd probably lock her up.
I can't believe this Twit would open a twitter acct and (cough) find time with 8 kids and some chickens to spew out her lies. TLC must have hired a teen goon to do it for the Twit because she is and always will be a Twit in my book.:) BTW does she still have them chicks or have they gone mental as well and flew the coop?
There are a bunch of twitter names with Kate Gosselin in the title. That is creepy! I consider myself computer savy, but it is a little confusing when reading these tweets. So EVERYTHING that is tweeted is public? I just tried it out, Doctor says Traditions continue = free trips. Can anyone see it?
I can't believe she said she and the kids would love Jon to spend more time with the kids. If this is not true why doesn't Jon defend himself? It just blows my mind that she is constantly putting him down on television and he says nothing. It makes it look like what she is saying is true.
Why would any normal person with a brain want to follow this Twit on Twitter? Any answers? Hellooo anyone!!!!! Oh and BTW has anyone seen Joy Behar kissing Gosselins' cheek butt yet??? Trust me, Joy is a two faced kisser upper :)
Let her worm her way on every talk show that she can. Schedule her on a daily basis! She just keeps digging herself in deeper and deeper. She'll go nuts trying to keep her lies straight. It's going to be her Waterloo!
Jon is doing exactly the right thing by taking the high road. Good for him! There is absolutely no need for him to set the record straight. With her lying, she's going to do it for him because nobody is going to believe her and they are going to see that she's weaving a tangled web! Hats off to Jon - just keep doing what you're doing. You're going to come out so far ahead of Kate's game. It doesn't make it look like what she is saying is true. It makes HIM look like the better person. He has nothing to prove, and nothing to refute.
"Jon needs to take her back to court and get her sanctioned for this outrageous behavior."
Amen to that, Admin! He needs to get his eggs together in one basket, and haul it and himself into court. This is one of the reasons that he does not need to go on television and refute her lies. Why say something that may end up hurting you in court? Surprise the heck out of her by not revealing what you have and what you know!
"So what medical condition makes a kindergartener react violently to having his school picture taken?"
I know that this story was passed around, but it isn't true. He did not react "violently" to having his picture taken. He simply said he didn't want his school photo taken because he's tired of the cameras. Did Kate say that it was her CHOICE to withdraw the children from school, or that she withdrew the children? The former is not true; the latter is true. She withdrew them because she HAD to withdraw them.
"...she wishes he could/would spend more time with the kids on national television!"
I think that it's great that she said, on national television, that she wishes he would spend more time with the kids. I don't think that she wishes he would spend more time with the kids on national television! We don't want their custody visits filmed!
On the Kate Plus 8 page on Facebook (and no I am not a member)there's a quote from Kate, and it says (and I quote): "We decided to camp again. I had a little redeeming to do," -Kate. LIKE this post if you will be watching tonight's premiere at 10/9c.
Kate, redeeming herself? She's going to have to do a lot more than go on another camping trip to do that.
Kate is desperate to stay relevant. She has no boundaries/filters or she wouldn't keep talking about problems with the children. It is none of our business other than she must believe that we will feel pity for her and the kids somehow. Delusional woman, no class, and is owned by TLC. They are running Gosselin shows all afternoon and evening to get everyone up to speed with their life. So sad. How in the world can anyone relate to that lifestyle? Even true stars don't carry on like Kate G does. They might go on exotic vacations, but they don't film shows about them to rub our noses in their good fortune. How is this still entertainment?
Gone with the Wind sounds better and better. Real actors with real talent.
Why would any normal person with a brain want to follow this Twit on Twitter? Any answers? Hellooo anyone!!!!! Oh and BTW has anyone seen Joy Behar kissing Gosselins' cheek butt yet??? Trust me, Joy is a two faced kisser upper :)
Betsy, it's a given that Joy kissed Kate's ass for the entire interview. Why invite someone to your "house", only to diss them?
Joy, like all the rest of the interviewers on t.v. don't give a hoot if the guest is uncivilized or not. Just as long as they bring the ratings. Disgusting, isn't it?
After the many years and many hours of her being interviewed, she still is nervous being on camera.
Hmmm, wonder why? In the early episodes she said she was comfortable being on camera and in IJWYTK, she said she loved the media. Very telling how suddenly she's so uncomfortable and nervous.
This is kind of off topic and I am really sorry but it concerns children so I'm hoping Admin will understand.I found this channel on Youtube and it is really creepy it really looks like it's the channel of a person who has an abnormal interest in kids.It looks like a specific age group-I would say 3-7 and all boys with kind of the same haircut and mostly dark hair.I decided to ask here because there are so many people with so much more life experience than me and because Admin is a lawyer.Also I would like to note that the favorite videos are those of boys who match the description,in many cases half naked.I am not accusing anyone of anything but does this look normal to you? http://www.youtube.com/user/Aleks102030
Admin, I always subscribe to your threads and can't always come online to see when you post a new one. Sometimes I realize there is a new one and it's been up for a while and I have to play catch-up on the comments. Could you possibly announce on the old thread when you put up a new thread one? Please?
Didn't watch the interview, but it sounds like the same scripted garbage and lies. Ellen D. was the only interviewer who spoke the truth when she couldn't understand Kart's jibberish and told her she was speaking code. So the sympathy angle now is some of her children have a medical condition that requires them to continue working/filming for TLC.
OK, I am lost. How do you view what other people are saying (tweeting)? I googled @kate and saw some tweets, but now I cant see them anymore. Plus the follower number keeps changing.. up and down. What am I missing?
I wonder how long it will take Kate to get 72,000 people following her like Jon. He deleted over 10,000. It should be interesting. Someone tweeted her "I hope you lose your children and burn in hell." These are the kind of comments that give us a bad name:(
1. Why is it she calls EVERY trip the MOST AMAZING TRIP EVER and says her kids WILL NEVER FORGET THIS?
Yes, they will, or more likely this trip will just blend into a huge blur with all the other tons of trips they've been on while working, they won't remember where they saw what. I bet those kids wake up when they're filming and wonder for a second where they are before they can get their bearings.
2. I agree with whoever said it above: Jon is LUCKY Kate left her. Yes, he unfortunately has to deal with her where the kids are concerned for at least the next 12 years, but oh God, to be released from having to live with that screechy demanding never-happy harpy! What sweet relief it must be!
Kate is not composing those tweets. It is the PR people, clearly. Even Steve said they get her emails and half of it she knows nothing about it, because I suppose they are "hate" emails. I do not believe she wrote those dumb little stories on her blog, nor answers email, only the really "good" ones, MIGHT be passed on for her to answer. Those tweets are a continual advertisemnt for her show. PR all the way.
Kate's interview was really something else. Same ol crap. Now she exposes that the kids(or kid) have "medical issues". This female does not have a protective bone in her body towards those kids. And the usual dig, dig, dig at Jon. She is such a martyr too, don't forget. Disgusting.
"The children's therapist has suggested that Khate continue on as normal with their traditions ie THEY MUST CONTINUE FILMING and that is what SHE has done."
As a mental health professional, I cannot believe that an ethical therapist made such a statement. I would believe that it is Kate's twisted version of something like ' the children need stability and structure and familiar routines.'
IDModo also made a VERY important point:
"One of the problems with diagnosing ADHD is that it can only be diagnosed in behavioural terms; there is no actual medical (i.e. blood test or something sImilar) way to diagnose it. People who work with childhood trauma and abuse survivors are well aware that the symptoms of the effects of childhood trauma/abuse can be identical to the symptoms of ADHD."
Accurately diagnosing the problem is crucial. Treatment for one is absolutely contraindicated in the case of the other. What she has been FILMED doing to her children on numerous occasions would constitute ABUSE in each of the several states in which I have practiced. God and the teen aged nannies only know what goes on behind closed doors.
Re: Kate's Twitter account. I think that just like her blog on TLC, someone else is writing them!
Kate's actually had another account for a LONG time, but just like everything else, she ignored it and it was little more than an occasional thought and when compared to this new Twitter account makes me believe that just like her blog on TLC, that one of the interns at TLC or her PR firm is doing the writing.
Here's a sample from her OLD Twitter account:
thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday! 29 Mar
enjoying this wonderful day :) 21 Feb
'E! True Hollywood Story: Kate Gosselin' will air at 10 p.m. Feb. 2 28 Jan
Had a very relaxing evening, Just enjoying time to myself while the kids sleep :) 25 Jan
in the Christmas spirit! 4 Dec http://twitter.com/#!/katie_gosselin ******************
Now, compare those tweets to ones from the "new" account:
Four hours and eleven minutes til our Australian adventures begin... Can't wait!!!!! Make that ten minutes lol. 57 minutes ago
At joy behar now.... In case anyone wondered, lol! 4 hours ago
Aw thanks guys 4 the tweeting and otherwise encouragemt! still lost in this dept.. Just grabbing a bite betw interviews here in NYC Yay! 6 hours ago
Awww @jasonhueman you must be my biggest fan... And I yours... But only when you're wearing black socks...lol 9 hours ago
And by the way, I've (finally) joined the Twitter world... This is really me...I'm laughing at how little I know about this twittery stuff!
I don't think she was so much nervous as she just gets ditzy around attractive men. Maybe it was a surprise that she got Matt for a change. Was Meredith not there today?
gotyournumberKate said... I wonder how long it will take Kate to get 72,000 people following her like Jon. He deleted over 10,000. It should be interesting. Someone tweeted her "I hope you lose your children and burn in hell." These are the kind of comments that give us a bad name:(
How do I view these comments? I did sign up with a bogus name so I could see.. I'm guessing I will Unfollow once the love fest gets to over the top.
Looking back at these post, it seems like she has been busy getting all Barbie dolled up and doing NY City like a Hooker. What gives with the sleeveless black mini in NY with cold temps? Also for an average mom, she claims to be(cough) she sure spends alot of time taking and talking about herself. Guess things will never change with her till her low rated show gets cancelled and she is on her own all by her witty bitty self. That show will end and this talentless Twit will be sucking her french manicured thumb goodbye :)
The Today article indicates the younger children are 5 years old. Possibly this is because they are in kindergarten but we know they are close to 7 years old. I know at that age I shouldn't expect them to be 'mature' but I do believe they do not speak as well as most children at that age; in fact I find their behavior in the clips I have recently seen to be very immature for their age as well. These children need individual attention not cameras.
Troy said...."How do I view these comments? I did sign up with a bogus name so I could see.. I'm guessing I will Unfollow once the love fest gets to over the top."
I'm not an expert either but I just typed in kateplusmy8 in the search box at the very top of my page next to "home". It will keep refeshing itself and you can see all the Tweets to her. Let me know if this works.
N.E. I completely agree with you that no reputable licensed therapist would make some kind of recommendation when it comes to filming. If they did, they are full of it. I think they probably did say routine is good, and Kate interpreted it as well it's my routine to exploit my kids so carry on!
And if Kate is asking the therapist whether filming is ok for the kids, is she finally admitting there is a possibility it might NOT be? So much so that there needs to be a mental health professional on the case? What does that tell you Kate?
If a therapist would make a recommendation about filming, he or she would interview the kids, Kate AND JON. She would be on the set to observe how things work. She would interview production to know exactly how a typical day is for the kids. She would look into the entire five years of history of filming them. Only then would a good therapist be willing to make a recommendation either way. I find it absolutely incredible to believe that a therapist would recommend filming after interviewing Jon, knowing how much he is against it, and knowing how much discord it has caused between the parents. If anything, filming has caused tremendous conflict between the parents, and for that reason alone I find it fantastical to believe a therapist would recommend a child continue to be placed in the middle of it.
I am glad Jon is not talking. His silence speaks volumes. She is digging herself into a bigger hole every single time she opens that gum chomping yap of hers. Ditto that for the twitter feed above. Her mentality is that of the Jersey Shore skanks.
Anonymous said... There are a bunch of twitter names with Kate Gosselin in the title. That is creepy! I consider myself computer savy, but it is a little confusing when reading these tweets. So EVERYTHING that is tweeted is public? I just tried it out, Doctor says Traditions continue = free trips. Can anyone see it?
When looking at Kate's twitter page hover your mouse over the tweet and a little "arrow" will appear to the right of the words, click on it and you'll see what the original comments.
Also, what many people do when getting unpleasant tweets, is simply block the sender which means they don't see what you're sending them, so sending nasty or harassing tweets generally is seen by no one unless they're 'following' you.
Just as an aside - I hope no one is setting up twitter accounts and certainly not following her just to see the stupid, totally PR tweets from her account. As others have pointed out, just go to her twitter page and you can see everything whether you have an account or not.
I don't believe this Twit has given them kids a chance 2 c a Therapist, reason being, her secrets would come out and she is scared shitless that eventually kiddies are going to spill the beans when left alone with one. She is all about herself and that is why her marriage has failed and her kids act like mental cases with film crew in tow. Never the less, she will be sucking that french manicured thumb eventually and hopefully soon. :)
Got your number.. I'm sure it will be. But, what am I missing? I can't figure out how to view the comments. For something that is supposed to be so easy, I can't get past her 6 stupid tweets (or the intern @ TLC tweets)
Re: the twitter account -- it looks like someone is working hard at scrubbing away all the negative comments. Every single one is positive; which we know isn't possible. lol Definitely being done by TLC/PR.
Aorry Troy, I sent you a message telling you how but it must not have went through. I'm no expert on Twitter but they way I do it is type in kateplusmy8 in the space to search at the very top of your page next to "home".
The people that support Kate are just as blind as the people who support Britney Spears. Some press reports state that Britney is on "top of her game" again.
HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? She doesnt sing live! Thats why ABC taped her GMA appearance on Sunday, in case she flopped or didnt show up they could get the egg off of their face. Now I know Chris Brown lip synched on DWTS, but at lease he can dance!
Via "Access Hollywood" Kate Gosselin Gears Up For ‘Kate Plus 8,’ Talks Dating, Jon
[snippet from interview] “It’s hard to find the time, it’s hard to go on a date, and hear somebody, blah, blah, blah-ing and you’re thinking, ‘I don’t care, I don’t care! What am I making for dinner tomorrow night?’’” Kate said.
The above comment explains why Kate can't find a mate. She has no respect for men.
Ironic that whenever she opens her mouth, all I hear is "blah, blah, blah" ....
For those of you trying to learn twitter to see the tweets to kate - here is the subject matter you're not missing anything - nothing negative is getting through.
scatt cathy looking forward to ur show tonite Kate...you still have lots of fans ;)
janon19 Janon Kohnhorst can't wait. Have been missing the show. Any date for cookbook release yet?
paige_Kate8lvr Paige Campbell Haha kate I want to know how things worked out with u and mr. Speedo LOL yeaaaaa #akward lol LOVE you!! Plz follow me:)
Soymonster206 soyla moreno My sister is addicted to your show! And youre kids are precious. Been watching since they were babes :)
money866 Ant C We wish you safe travels on this end!
AbeJM Abraham J Murillo enjoy your time! Adopt a koala!
reginapetrucci Regina Petrucci I'll be watching!! looks like you and the kids had a great time from what i saw from the preview
She is digging herself into a bigger hole every single time she opens that gum chomping yap of hers. Ditto that for the twitter feed above. Her mentality is that of the Jersey Shore skanks.
Yes, but you do have to hand it to her. She is a master of one thing (and it's not baiting). She can take words and twist them to suit whatever she sees fit, such as saying that the therapist suggests keeping the traditions going. She interprets this as meaning the FILMING, rather than what the therapist possibly meant, which is to keep the kids' schedules as normal as possible, without disrupting their routine. I doubt very much that a therapist is advising her to continue filming the heck out of these kids. That's how SHE interprets it. She's pretty darn good at it.
"Linda, if Kate didn't have the words "amazing" and "um" in her vocabulary she would be speechless. "
..and that would be a good thing! Don't forget "awesome." It's amazing, awesome, um, quite honestly, in all honestly, and to be honest.
"I know at that age I shouldn't expect them to be 'mature' but I do believe they do not speak as well as most children at that age; in fact I find their behavior in the clips I have recently seen to be very immature for their age as well."
Yes. They are very "babyish" compared to other Kindergarteners. They are nearly seven years old, and for me, it would really be a concern if my children acted like four-year-olds. It's not just one of them - it's all of them.
Maybe I'm just really not "with" the times, but why would anyone want to follow her twitter account? Isn't this like being a glutton for punishment? Why torment yourself? ;-)
Thanks! Now I figured it out. Question, so the only tweets anyone will see are "non blocked" sheeple tweets and the occasional "hater" that isnt blocked? So she has 1700 + followers, but there are only a handful of comments on each tweet. Am I seeing that correct or is there a "next/more" button I am missing?
"You're probably right Admin, it's just so frustrating to see her get away with this. She's such a nasty, selfish person...."
She's not getting away with anything. Oh, maybe it seems that way now, but in the end, it's going to come back and get her. Give her enough rope...
N.E. Psychologist: I should have read all of the posts before I commented about Kate twisting what the therapist advised. We said the same thing. I'm sorry. I doubt that any therapist would tell her to keep filming because it's traditional. If that's what was said, they need a new therapist.
Hippie! I was thinking about you when I was reading the evening newspaper. The 70s look is back for spring -- anything 70s. Maxi dresses, and below-the-knee loose skirts, with flat, strappy sandals. Maybe someone needs to see that Kate gets the memo!
The Access interview is amazing. Again, she throws Jon under the bus! This time at least 3 times he rolled under the tires. She just cant keep her trap shut, can she? Why does she feel the need to keep telling us she is surviving and remining calm "on her side" with Jon. Look up Double Standard in the dictionary and you will see a picture of Kate smiling away. He cant say anything yet she just blabs with no regard for his feelings. At some point, silence from Jon just means he is still be walked all over as if he was married to her again.
I think it's pretty clear she is still boning the bodyguard. This whole "Are you dating yet?" thing is just a smokescreen. She's not interested in meeting someone because she already HAS someone.
It is all about Kate. I agree that these children, at least the youngest 6, are quite babyish. They will be 7 yrs. old in May. You would never guess that if you didn't know it. They appear to be around 4 in stature, and their language skills are Pre-school to say the least. I have experience in education and child welfare and many years rearing children to back up my statements. No doubt the family has been concerned, maybe voiced it, and they are shut out, too.
Kate wants all of us to believe she is always doing the right thing in every area of her life. Such a phony-baloney gal, honestly. Delusional and arrogant to the max. Nothing will change until the "suits" at TLC kick her to the curb. Can't wait. Hope we are all still around to see it happen.
Do any of you believe the journalists on the Today show are true journalists, or are they just entertainers? I'm leaning towards entertainers myself.
TLC probably has an in-house therapist who tells Kate what TLC tells them to say. Filming good! Exploitation awesome! Money the bestest! This IS your routine....do what we say.
I too am skeptical of the whole I just cant find a man routine. She is a warm blooded female. Unless she's asexual? That's been suggested actually. There's a mr happy in the back drawer. Or mr Steve.
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435 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 435 Newer› Newest»Oo check out the guy in the speedo next to Kate in the beach footage.
Off topic, this is a must read article about Marlee Matlin. She married a cop and has four kids.
She says this:
"My husband and I consciously chose to live outside Hollywood"
and she says family members babysit when she's out of town: "A good husband, a great set of in-laws and family members who pitch in when I have to travel."
This woman would be amazing even if she weren't deaf.
Well, I'm glad Kate got to fulfill another wish on HER bucket list. I just have to wonder how much fun the kids had or if it was like the Corn Maze, when they got the shot and then scurried on to the next one.
Marlee Matlin takes nothing for granted as far as I'm concerned. She is grateful for what she has, shows love and receives love easily and is stronger than any negative you can put in front of her. That alone makes her very classy in my book.
I watched the clip with the mute on and I still managed to get nauseous!!
Seriously, there is nothing appealing about this woman, not one thing. Ugh.
I think part of why she appeared to be so happy on this trip is because she beat Jon in court. That was her only reason for appearing to have such a great time in Austrailia.
As has been said many times, for an obsessed alienator like Kate, it's not about getting the kids, but rather, taking the kids from Jon. She is gloating and it comes through every pore. SEE how much FUN we are having how could you EVER want to take the kids from all this FUN. Mean Daddy!
Since when is it okay to use your kids to finance fulfilling YOUR bucket list?
I was watching an old Saturday Night Live show earlier & Seth Meyers was talking about an old cast of Celebrity Apprentice, the one with Sharon Osbourse & that Bogdonavich guy (sp?) Now, I'm a fan of Sharon Osbourne & all, but let's face facts, is ANYONE on that show a CELEBRITY? So Seth Meyers says, "I guess Webster's Dictionary has redefined the word 'celebrity' to mean 'mammal'". So true!! Everyone on TV & their mother thinks they are a damn celebrity nowadays; Teen Moms, Jersey Shore drunks, the people on CA (Dionne Warwick? when was the last time she was famous?), and then we have Kate Gosselin. The woman thinks she'll be famous forever. Reality show-whores are so deluded.
Sorry Moose I accidentally deleted your comment, post again if you want. The delete/approve button are right next to each other lol.
No I don't like the speedo guy....speedos are a running joke with me because I think they are so ridiculous unless you are doing laps in the Olympics!
Administrator said...
Sorry Moose I accidentally deleted your comment, post again if you want. The delete/approve button are right next to each other lol.
You're forgiven. I don't remember what I said, so it couldn't have been that important! I think I mentioned the see-through wet-suit that Kate is wearing; wondered if Stevie gave his approval to that, and since her boobage is getting so much exposure, if the "girls" have been signing autographs on this trip.
I wouldn't be caught dead or alive with any man in a speedo, even if he were an Olympic swimmer and promised me the wildest night of my life.
I like how open Marlee Matlin is about her mistakes, too. She is so incredibly humble. She says I did drugs and I messed up and it was a mistake, I was in an abusive relationship and it was a mistake, I had huge self esteem issues and I worked through them. When is the last time Kate took responsibility for anything?
Jack Jason has been Marlee's interpreter since Chidren of a Lesser God, he interprets on the Apprentice. How many people in this business have the same person working for them for over 20 years?
Having grown up on a swimming team, Speedos were the outfit of choice for boys and girls.
I didn't even NOTICE the guy in the Speedo until
it was pointed out. It all seems so normal and
natural to me. Actually, I quit swimming when Speedos were no longer appropriate for a woman my age. I can't stand anything else.
Admin said...No I don't like the speedo guy....speedos are a running joke with me because I think they are so ridiculous unless you are doing laps in the Olympics!
I don't like speedos either. When I see a guy wearing one, he looks like he's smuggling grapes.
Administrator said... "She is gloating and it comes through every pore."
Agree 100%. And "the NINE Gosselins"? Another jab at Jon, I presume. Ha ha, mean daddy, we took this "awesome" vacation wihout you! And, hello! You detest a man so much, yet you refuse to give up his name?
I have to wonder if this wasn't a set-up by TLC and whoever handles/produces the Irwin's... I question this because Mother Irwin is nearly as vilified in the Aussie press and blogs as Mother Goslin is in the US. Both mothers have chosen to make a living off of their children while doing little to nothing to support themselves. (and I'm using the term "mother" loosely)
The similarities between the Irwin kids and the Gosselin kids are interesting. Had Steve still been around maybe they wouldn't be expected to shoulder the financial end of the family. Daddy would do it. Steve passed away and can't stop this sadly, and in the case of Jon he is being prevented from putting a stop to this by Kate and the courts.
Both sets of kids have a father who cannot protect them.
He look Australia has their own version of Rep. Murt!
Go Rep. Heffernan!
""NSW Liberal senator Bill Heffernan called the ABC on Monday night immediately after the program to voice his concerns, and said he was so offended that he raised the matter in the Liberal partyroom in Canberra.
"Every child deserves their childhood and your childhood is one of those touchstones of your life, but there is a real danger that that kid is going to be exploited," Senator Heffernan said.
"When she says she'd rather play with snakes than dress up like a lot of girls her age, that's fine -- but does she need to do it in front of the camera?
"There's a very strong suggestion that there's this artificial environment being built around her for a commercial purpose, and she's not in a position to make that decision by herself."
Senator Heffernan said it was "time to flash an amber light about the way this child is being treated".
"I know a lot of people were alarmed by some of the stuff from Australian Story," he said.""
Oh Brother, she had the time of her life, while people over in Auckland, New Zealand were struggling to survive. I couldn't get in touch with a customer down there for over 4 weeks because they were flooded out and worried to death about them. And you know what, she looks like dumb seal (apologies to all seals) in that wet suit with the prop fishes waddling out of the water. We'll be switching between NCAA and DWTS and TIVOing Tony Bourdain. Hope this nobody goes back to the sinkhole where she came from
Sam said...
(snipped ... sorry Sam ... just cutting to the chase :) Hope this nobody goes back to the sinkhole where she came from
I don't think Khate interacts with the parents at all at this point ... so that "sink hole" from which she came is closed!
Did I Go there?! OH YES I DID!:) Did I go low enough to add a T to Sink hole ... NO I DID NOT! (wanted to really really bad - but I didn't want the admin/admonish). (which I'm probably gonna get anyway huh admin :(
I'm off to say my "Hail Mary's" and "Novenas" ...
LisaNH said... I watched the clip with the mute on and I still managed to get nauseous!!
Seriously, there is nothing appealing about this woman, not one thing. Ugh.
LMAO! Lisa. I agree. And it looks like whoever did Kate's boob job took her butt cheeks and attached them to her chest. The woman has no ass. Surely there's a plastic surgeon out there somewhere who'll give poor Kate some bum implants.
I won't be watching the show either. I saved my Earth Hour blackout just for this occasion.
I know what I'm going to be watching at 10 PM on Monday night, and it won't be Kate, or Joy Behar, for that matter. It's "Castle" for me, "Harry's Law" on DVR, and switches over to the NCAA game during commercial breaks.
I just wonder how much of this the kids are going to remember. The little ones, anyway. I rode an elephant when I was seven. I know this because I still have photos of me sitting proudly on the elephant's back. My parents told me it's all I talked about for weeks afterward. I don't remember a thing about it now.
Admin, more power to you if you can stomach watching this for recap purposes. I'll say a couple of "Hail Marys" for you.
Why does she always treat English like it's a second language? Put Australia and New Zealand on her bucket list now that she's visited them? Wouldn't those of us who were taught English as our first tongue say we could now take them OFF our bucket lists? I don't know. Her words leave me confused often.
Oh. I thought she killed AU and NZ. She sure ruined them for me.
Sorry, not even interested in watching the promo.
As for Monday night, life will happily go on for me, and all the others that have chosen to skip watching Kate & her un-funny, non-entertaining, human circus act
I refuse to waste another brain-cell watching Kate.
TLC spews rubbish t.v.- nothing more.
Bindi has always been a little too TOO for me, especially for her age. I thought straightaway that they were exploiting her after her father died to keep his legacy alive - even though she clearly loves what she does. She does seem like a very nice girl though - even if she's always 'on.' She even appears almost tender toward the kids in that photo.
Ok maybe I need to get with the program? but WHY the hell is it interesting watching someone else go on a dream vacation with all the perks freebies and front of the line privilege?
I don't understand why they still insist on putting a woman with her kids on a plane and vacation every chance she gets? That is beyond me and completely insensitive toward most Americans who are struggling with employment, foreclosure and reposessions.
Today in St Louis they auctionned off the US Fidelis assetts to the highest bidder, Wall Street is doing poorly almost on a daily basis, but this woman is running around with her 8 paid from society kids, and having lavish vacations multiple times a year... and that's supposed to be entertainment, well I hope that her show tanks and it gets below 100,000 viewers. She makes me sick. Talentless piece of a human being, what a waste.
I feel like this is the make it or break it season so hoping for lowest ratings that will bring an end to this. Poor Kart will have to join the rest of us and find a real job. oh well...
will not watch
There's no need to watch the show. We've seen it all in the videos. Kate said, "This was a life-changing event," but obviously not, since nothing has changed in her life. She's still selling out her kids, making everything about HER, and spending the kids' money like there's no tomorrow. What changed in her life since she went on the trip?
She didn't say, "Honestly, this was a life-changing event," so I guess we know that she didn't mean a word that she said. We are only to believe her when she prefaces her statements with "honestly," "quite honestly," "to be perfectly honest."
"Why does she always treat English like it's a second language? Put Australia and New Zealand on her bucket list now that she's visited them? Wouldn't those of us who were taught English as our first tongue say we could now take them OFF our bucket lists? I don't know. Her words leave me confused often."
I know! I had to laugh at that one. A bucket list is a list of things you want to do before you die. The things are already ON the bucket list. Once you've done them, you take them OFF the bucket list. I think she was confused and thought that once you've done them, you put them in the bucket so you're bucket is filled with the things that you've already done. What a doofus!
"Wall Street is doing poorly almost on a daily basis"
While unemployment is still low, and the market is volatile as investors look to uncertainty in Japan and the global economy, Wall Street cheered strong gains in the first quarter, with blue chips achieving the best quarterly gains since 1998. Not all is doom and gloom on Wall Street. Many analysts predict that the bulls will be running in the next quarter. We're in a wait and watch mode.
That said, I have no desire to see Kate and Crew flaunt the wealth and travel internationally, while folks at home are tightening their belts in this still very fragile economy. I don't understand that TLC just doesn't get it. I'm remembering someone on here who posted as an "insider," claiming that TLC put the screws to Kate and told her that they wouldn't be taking any more exotic trips because viewers cannot identify with such extravagant adventures...that they would be filming close to home. Really?
I truly feel this episode will be the beginning of the end. The fact that she went on this trip during these countries terrible catastrophies that were going on, will probably be the "end of the road" moment for most viewers. It's amazing her "giving back" enlightment moment didn't happen at the time those countries were having the tragedies and could use charity.
Also the economic times are really getting harder for many folks and this show of entitlement is more than anybody can really bear now. 2011 is the year Kate's 15 minutes will probably finally come to an end.
Who can stand her any longer? A mother who makes a living off of her kid's fame is as low as society can get. And I think most folks are finally disgusted at her enough to not watch anymore. I stopped watching in early 2009 and never looked back. I just keep praying for the kids.
My neighbors are about to lose their home of 22 years to the bank because they've been laid off so many times these last few years and then she was hit by a drunk driver and her back was broken, catastrophic medical bills, anyway the idea of watching this ungrateful hag romp around on a once in a lifetime vacation while MAKING money doing it (on the backs of her kids) is the last thing I want to do. I'd seriously rather get a root canal. Screw her.
kidsRablessing said...
I truly feel this episode will be the beginning of the end. The fact that she went on this trip during these countries terrible catastrophies that were going on, will probably be the "end of the road" moment for most viewers.
Nope. Just when we think she's down and gone, she comes back to life. What did Tommy Doyle say in "Halloween?"
..."But you can't kill the boogie man."
Linda G's comment upthread April 2, 2011 8:49 PM is something EVERYONE should read. PLEASE, no one watch this WITCH. She needs to GO AWAY. And I agree with the "Bucket List" comments: what a useless, idiot, doofus Khatezilla Gro$$elin is. She is BEYOND pathetic.
Of course I'd like to see her get a job and stop exploiting her children, but my God--can you imagine what it would be like to have Kate Gosselin as a coworker?!?
Numerous and endless breaks; extended lunches; a new excuse for tardiness every day; slow, incompetent work; passing the buck; on the phone constantly. Whining and complaining and acting like she farts flowers.
And the cackle. Oh dear God, the cackle.
Let's not forget that the kids missed two weeks of school to film this debacle.
Those children will not appreciate this trip. Not at their age. I've been to New Zealand, Egypt, Europe etc...you know what I appreciate? My family, my health and that I have a job. Sure it was nice to travel and I've seen things that are since closed to the public. (Egypt)
Someone asked me the other day where I went when I was in Scotland. All I could of think of is where the dogs are burried and eating haggis. (Edinburgh) Granted I was only there for 2 days but that is my memory? My husband went to Costa Rica when he was 6. He has NO MEMORY of it!
Nope. Hey Kate my kids are 10x happier than yours and we haven't even been to Disney World yet.
Uugh, why did I even watch the promo? She really grates on my last nerve. Admin, I want to thank you in advance for watching it so you can recap it for us and spare us the suffering. Good luck, I feel your pain!
As for speedo guy, I saw the other day that the sheeple think he's hitting on Khate. Yuck. They were also making fun of poor Jon, how he missed out on this wonderful adventure, and how he probably would love to have gone on such a terrific trip (and they mocked the fact that he's home in an apartment with his girlfriend and her dogs). They make me as sick as Khate does. Of course, they are the ones who are all jealous of Khate and some of then can't wait to go to Australia and New Zealand themselves now.
The bucket list comment shows us that it once again is all about Khate. More than anything, I think she just wants to add to her list of things that she thinks will impress people. Fail.
Glad to see I'm not the only one with major concerns over Bindi Irwin. I remember being alarmed after her father died and seeing how her mother was pushing her out here to carry on in his place. Hate to say it, but she seemed to go from cute kid to obnoxious very quickly. I'm sure her mom and Khate got along wonderfully. Hey, that might be the only person who Khate really got along with at all.
So good to see her put these countries ON her bucket list now. LOL You guys are right, she makes no sense half the time. I love how she describes the elephants eating the bananas, they "snofkled" (OR SOMETHING) them UP their trunks?? No, Kate, they pick them up with their trunks, then put them in their mouths. Even the kids knew what was happening. Dumb, vapid female. Let's see, the Hawaiian wedding was "life changing", I forget what else has been "life changing". Yet, nothing changes. Her cliche phrases she throws out are just that, phrases, no meaning whatsoever.
You can certainly see the coaching the kids were getting on the couch interviews. I do hope the kids had lots of fun, though. And I hope they do remember as much as possible. I am sure by now, all these trips are just blurs in their memories.
This season will truly be Kate's Marie Antoinette moment.
She flaunts her wealth over and over (wealth she gained while using her children as a draw), and then she will have one 'Gosselin Gives Back' episode where she throws crumbs to a community hundreds of miles away (not to say the community didn't need the aid because they did, but Berks County went out of their way to give to the Gosselins in the early years.)
While Marie Antoinette may never have said 'let them eat cake' her behavior and attitude was much like Kate's - "Flaunt it while ya got it!, and while Marie had a tragic ending due to the revolution in France (years after she realized her mistakes,) Kate has lost the love and support of a community (and viewership) and still could care less.
I often say this, but she truly could have had it all if she would have sought out good advisers instead of enablers.
The man on the beach asked something about Jon? Why leave that on the film? I don’t know what her answer was, or exactly what he was asking, but WHY leave that in the episode? I don’t care if it was bad or good what she replied, it should NOT be on film. (if good, it will be shocking) Kate and TLC has made me absolutely sick with the way they continually dig at Jon. He IS and will ALWAYS be those kids father. They just don't care. They don't care how this might affect those children. Disgusting.
You know, I still cannot get that imagine of her actually SOBBING on that building, getting ready to jump. What a huge WUSS. How idiotic. This woman/girl really hasn't matured beyond the age of 15. The drama, the exaggerations. On a few of the clips of the show, she is shown jumping back, as if afraid, the phony over exaggerated same ole same ole.
Yes, I know it is a "reality" show, and drama is expected, but this IS part of her. 8 children watching her actions, as she blubbers and sobs. What a LOUSY example this woman is to her kids. Simply lousy. The way she dresses with 5 daughters, letting it all hang out. There is nothing wrong with a woman taking care of herself, but she is beyond just taking care of herself. She has taken to advertising herself, through dressing like a street walker, trying to catch a man and be "glamorous". In middle America PA, in a Target parking lot. What a sad, sad woman she has become.
No regrets said...
The man on the beach asked something about Jon? Why leave that on the film? I don’t know what her answer was, or exactly what he was asking, but WHY leave that in the episode?.........
I thought I heard speedo guy ask about Jon! But, I didn't want to torture myself and rewind it.
I often say this, but she truly could have had it all if she would have sought out good advisers instead of enablers.
I don't think so. It wouldn't have mattered. You can't change attitude. Even with a good adviser, she would have done exactly as she is doing now. Any good advisers would have washed their hands of her, and she would have said that they just don't get it. She had a good adviser - a dancing partner, a teacher. She wouldn't listen to him. Why would she listen to a good adviser? She knows best.
No matter how she could have feigned being nice, caring, fan-oriented, gracious, community-minded, and all of those things, her "true" self would have eventually reared its ugly head. She's not that great an actress. In time, all hell would have broken lose. Zebras cannot change their stripes, not even with good advisers or handlers!
OMG I found Kate a man!!!! Has the same "career", she is just looking in the wrong place. She needs to look at Swamp Men...I think it is on the history channel...they are so buff!
Speedo guy asked about Jon? There is no reason whatsoever to bring him into this show. NONE. TLC is sick, sick, sick. NOPE, not watching.
I love how she describes the elephants eating the bananas, they "snofkled" (OR SOMETHING) them UP their trunks??
At first I thought that she was saying that they ate the bananas through their trunks. Then I realized that she was saying "snorful." I'm not sure of the spelling, but it is a form of a PA Dutch word that means to eat fast, stuffing food in with gusto! My grandmother used to tell me to take my time eating food, and don't snorful it (stuff it down!). Kate was raised in this area, and I've noticed many times that she uses words that we all grew up with - words that may sound strange to people not from around here, but words that I totally understand what she's saying. Scary, huh?
Unless, of course, she was referring to the snuffleupagus way of eating (the mammoth/hairy elephant character on Sesame Street)!
I did it. I finally watched the 'Ellen' interview. I refuse to watch the clip above however, because I won't be watching the show so what's the point? If admin is kind enough to recap here, I'll get the run-down.
Back to the Ellen interview. She was on last. Credits rolled over her useless face. She told Ellen the kids needed a job before they can buy anything for themselves. This made my blood boil. Aren't they working NOW? Aren't they doing their jobs now to provide a lifestyle for their mommy filming every chance their mommy gets? And this whole ring thing? Producers ask what Kate wants to talk about. Kate told the producers she wanted to talk about the ring, so Ellen had to bring it up. Ellen looked uncomfortable. I know this is old news, & I'm sorry to bring it up now. Ellen told Kate her hair looks like a possum, well her Halloween wig did, but it was a dig. Kate said "Certain people can't keep their mouth shut" & Ellen said "You're talking in code, I don't get what you're saying" like Kate was bashing Jon AGAIN, & Ellen knew. She has been bashing Jon since DAY 1, before the divorce was even final. Evil Bitch that she is.
She doesn't deserve this show. She doesn't deserve this trip. She doesn't deserve the ratings. Her kids deserve better than her, than this. I hope her show tanks, bombs & gets canceled in the first 2 weeks. Evil, undeserving, greedy, monster. (I know, not very 'hippie' of me. I have not done my yoga yet. Forgive me for being so negative)
"The man on the beach asked something about Jon? Why leave that on the film? I don’t know what her answer was, or exactly what he was asking, but WHY leave that in the episode?........."
Where was Steve, and why wasn't he rushing over there to protect her from a confrontation or questions that she didn't want to answer? Shouldn't rat-claw boy have told Mr. Speedo to move along, or does that only happen when she is asked how the child labor laws will affect the filming?
No Regrets said...
She has taken to advertising herself,...
Perfect wording! I was trying to come up with something the other day, regarding how Kate dressed in my post & couldn't think of anything. this hits the nail on the head. You are dead on!
Mom In Lancaster County said... Yes, I did get that this was a form of Dutch speak, my point was that she seemed to explain they were "snufkle" (WHATEVER LOL) the bananas UP their trunks to eat them. At least it sounded that way to me. Another dummy explanation of hers. Like her "asian writing" while in CHINAtown.
Hippie chic, advertising is exactly what she is doing. TLC is doing that for her as well. One of the MANY beach scenes, the camera panned up and down HER body while the kids were all around her. (I forgot which clip that was from) which to me, supposedly on a FAMILY show, was pretty gross. And she is or was an attractive woman, WHY put your (ahem) assests all on display to 'catch'. It really makes her look so desperate and needy. It is just sad. Very sad to me. Men will RUN from this sort of desperation, not TO. Particularly in a Target parking lot. It reminds me of that site "People of Walmart" in so many ways. Maybe they should make one "People of Target".
You know I wouldn't mind watching the show so much if they would keep her off the interview couch. Why can't the kids' interviews be enough and stop telling them to act all excited. Just let them be themselves. It makes my skin crawl when she makes all those self serving comments. I tried watching the clips but there she was boobs hanging out trying to sound like she has an ounce of sense. We get it, we know you got nice boobs, as well you should have for what the kids paid for them.
The speedo guy looked like a plant and there is no telling what she said back to him. Jon should sue if she slandered him on the show in any way.
I actually have a co-worker who is a lot like Kate. Her mouth runs constantly (unless she is taking a nap at her desk). She comes in late virtually every day and lunches about 90 minutes or more. Constantly disappears for no reason. Claims she must go out for frequent smoke break needs. Dumps difficult assignments on others and gets away with it. Periodically screaches (oh, my ears). Why is this permitted? She is the favorite of our supervisor.
"Planted Speedo Guy said... The speedo guy looked like a plant and there is no telling what she said back to him. Jon should sue if she slandered him on the show in any way."
Good point, you know they won't let anyone approach the queen in public. If Jon would sue everytime she or TLC lets a snarky comment go through about him, he would have to sue for practically every single episode. She seems to always get a dig in constantly. TLC and Kate has made me absolutely sick with this. This stuff is on FILM, it will never go away. It just shows how little she and TLC care about the kids.
Skipped through the video w/ the bungee jumping (in the orange suits) After Kate walks away and says "freaking filming..." you can see STEVE sitting there with one of the twins. In an ORANGE Jumpsuit. Nice bodyguard. Wonder who he is protecting while getting ready to jump off the building.
It sounded like speedo man said "You don't see Jon anymore" or "we won't see Jon anymore".
I think the Irwins are as bad as Kate, At least she never almost fed a baby to a croc!!
The 8 Gosselins Kate, not the 9.You are not biologically a Gosselin and you divorced Jon Gosselin, ergo there is no reason you should feel entitled to that name.
Does Bindi sound fake to you guys? Every time I see her on TV she seems so unnaturally happy I don't know that obviously fake excitement makes it hard for me to listen to her.Also both Bindi and Robert seem like trained monkeys to me in all honesty.I saw two vids on youtube from two different shows at the Zoo and they have the exact same routine, over and over again.It's kind of weird.And Bindi has a look-alike doll made of plastic...is that biodegradable? I don't think so.
LOL to the name "Planted Speedo Guy"....
Again, didn't watch the clip, so I have no idea what you all are talking about, so my conclusion's are just my imagination running wild, BUT the whole taping of her so called "Birthday Bash" with 2 whole people (wooo! some party!) is that TLC planted the guys that flirted with Kate, all of those "fans" that line up outside of stores when they are filming (or just pissed off customers who want to actually, ya know, SHOP), & this speedo guy who asked a question about Jon, (seriously, why would they leave that in the show?) are all planted actors, or walk-ons.
Yes, of course it's to drum up ratings & drama to say things about Jon, but that's hitting below the belt. Kate has mentioned Jon before on the show according to the recaps & from what I have read here on this lovely blog from you amazing people. It's wrong, it's low, & she is only doing it to scare up ratings for her stupid show. Now, what is she saying in front of the kids when the cameras are NOT trolling. (typo & it stays)
Tiny story (I promise!) I had a friend who was going through a rough patch with her husband. She bashed him constantly in front of me, in front of friends, in front of EVERYONE, & she always had her kid who was 6 at the time. They worked it out, but her kid would say these things around the dad like "Mommy said you said this" or "Mommy said you did that, is that true" He was so pissed. She felt so bad for bad mouthing him, & all of us, her friends, would tell her not to say stuff like that because her kid was listening. Kids hear EVERYTHING. They struggled w/ this for a long time & had to do counseling. The kid STILL says things about his daddy. Kate is so selfish & only thinks about her feelings, I wouldn't put it past her to say mean things about Jon all the time in front of the kids & try to turn them against him.
You know, I still cannot get that imagine of her actually SOBBING on that building, getting ready to jump. What a huge WUSS. How idiotic. This woman/girl really hasn't matured beyond the age of 15. The drama, the exaggerations. On a few of the clips of the show, she is shown jumping back, as if afraid, the phony over exaggerated same ole same ole.
I am in NO WAY trying to defend Kate, but I can see where she is coming from. Our youth group went to Costa Rica, and we went zip-lining in the rain forest. It the first time for everyone, and I, plus a lot of the girls, were really scared and close to crying. Obviously, once we got used it, it was a lot of fun and we enjoyed it, but I do see where Kate is coming from. My problem is that:
1. She let Cara and Mady bungee jump AT ALL.
2. Cara had to go jump before Kate because Kate was too scared and couldn't be an example for her daughter. Ugh.
I too have noticed bindi's over enthusiasm about everything. It's a bit strange. As if someone drilled it into her for years--smile big, be happy! Be excited! Go for it! Be enthusiastic!
Something is very off about the Irwins. .
Am I the only one who feels after watching video on mute myself, that these kids even look fake themselves on the sofa interviews? Its just really sad. I went back and watched the kids on the couch again with volume on and when saying they want to Australia, they sort of said it like the time they were asked how they got to NY and they said, "...uh...oh yeah! We took the train." I got the feeling they said, "Uh...oh yeah! Australia!" Or it just me?
Yes, I did get that this was a form of Dutch speak, my point was that she seemed to explain they were "snufkle" (WHATEVER LOL) the bananas UP their trunks to eat them. At least it sounded that way to me. Another dummy explanation of hers. Like her "asian writing" while in CHINAtown.
I think that she said, ..."the way they snorful them up their trunks." I don't know what she means by that!! She couldn't be dumb enough to think that they eat the food through their trunks, could she?
Denis said, "It sounded like speedo man said "You don't see Jon anymore" or "we won't see Jon anymore"."
Mr. Speedo asked, "You guys see Jon anymore?" Why would he ask that, and why would he care? It's really strange that they left that scene in there.
If the kids are just "playing in front of the camera," then why are the two boys on the couch holding a movie clapper that is marked Kate Plus Eight, Aus, Take One, with the names of two crew members? Looks like it was a "set" to me! How many "takes" are needed for a shot?
What kind of mother takes her children out of the country and allows her 10 year old daughters to jump off the side of a building for filming purposes? I thought these children were small for their age. Doesn't this type of amusement ride or whatever they call it have height or weight requirements? I wonder if Jon signed the waiver. If not, he should bring this up to the judge. She's having the children perform dangerous stunts while working. I watched a clip of Hugh Jackman coming down the zip line for the Oprah show in Australia. He hit his head and required stitches and this stunt was even rehearsed prior to filming. The production crew should have just pushed Kart and Steve off the building without the twins. The crew could have jumped down with them. I agree with the Bindi comments regarding her personality. It seems like she's always overcompensated for her mother's grief and had to replace her father in the family business at such a young age.
Every single time I hear Kate's voice, I think about how lucky Jon is to not be married to that shrieking cow anymore.
In my life, I have never heard a more annoying, fingernails-across-the-chalkboard voice.
She sure has changed over the years. She thinks she so darn cute and funny and she makes me wanna vomit when she acts like this on her ridiculous show, but on a talk show she acts all mild and meek and (tries to be)sophisticated. What a bunch of baloney!
Blech! Can't stand the woman!
I know Steve seemed like a nice guy and all, but really, he was no different than the Gosselins . I was totally disgusted and shocked when he brought his newborn son into the alligator cage with him while he performed. I don't care how great Mr. Irwin was with animals, that was an incredibly dangerous and irresponsible thing to do with his own child, all for "entertainment" purposes.
And to Pam, blech! is right, can't stand the woman either.
Can those who have seen a clip of kate,Cara, and mady bungee jumping, please post a link.. I would like to see that....Thanks..
Something is very off about the Irwins. .
Admin, I think that's an understatement. I thought something was very "off" about them when he dangled his one-month old son in front of the croc, claiming that he was in complete control of the situation and that the baby has to learn how to be croc savvy. What a bunch of crock! The baby is only learning to be pacifier-savvy! The Missus said that it was a wonderful sensory experience for the newborn. I'm sure that baby Robert is going to look back on that period of his life remembering how sensory it was.
Seems like Kate and Mrs. Irwin are peas in a pod. They both believe that their kids are going to remember events that none of them is old enough to remember, much less appreciate.
I was curious so I watched part of an episode of Raising Sextuplets.Here's what I noticed:
1.The kids had a speech therapist because they are multiples and having delays is normal but their mom wanted to address them.
2.Kids come over their house and play because their parents feel that socialization is important
3.Both mom and dad are working full time jobs
4.The mom take them two by two shopping even though it's hard since they are small because they shouldn't miss out on normal things
5.The grandmother,grandfather and sister and other relatives are in their lives
I do not know or care if they are divorced now which brings me to point no
6.No messy public divorce,no crying on TV.Yeah there were a couple of articles but nothing compared to the gosselin saga.
Honestly they probably have their bad parts but they seem to be acting more in the best interest of their children than jon and kate(well, just kate these days)
okay..little edit:mache daddy kind of throws the kids around.I'm not comfortable watching that so I'm done with this show too..yup, 30 after starting watching lol I am sick of reality television altogether
I'm a proud Kindle owner, so I subscribe for a couple of blogs that list free or cheap books for Kindle. There's a new series of books for young readers "inspired and co-created" by Bindi Irwin. What do you want to bet that's Kate's next brainstorm? A series of books featuring the "Gosselin Twins" or the "Gosselin Sextuplets" or the "Gosselin 8"? I wouldn't put it past her.
I never thought much of Steve Irwin. It's one thing to risk your life dealing with dangerous and unpredictable wildlife. It's another to include your children in the act at a very young age. NO wild animal is 100% safe and, IMO, it's not worth risking your child's safety to prove a point. He knew the risks going in and look at the tragic results. How arrogant and foolish to expose his innocent children to the same risks.
Did Kate ever actually skyjump or did she chicken out? Did Mady jump? Somehow, it just doesn't seem like something she would enjoy. Cara, yes. She's a daredevil and athletic. I can see her wanting to do something like this (although, IMO, she's MUCH too young to be allowed to do it).
Any predictions on the ratings for the show? Is it going to tank, or will this one only serve as the tip-off for more international traveling? Will TLC discover this these trips pad their bank accounts to the point of overflowing, and therefore, next thing we see is that the kids are going to participate in the annual running of the bulls in Pamplonas in July?
Hi readerlady!!
Proud Nookcolor owner here!! Love it, can't put it down, but I digress...talk about over-saturation if Kate decided to do the book thing you suggested. UGH & Aarrgghh. How...interesting. Oh, my imagination is running wild again... An example from one of the tups:
Today, we filmed cuz mommy said we had to. Then I eated a half sandwich, but my tummy is still hungry. I'm mad at my brother cuz he whacked me on the head with a shovel, but mommy says NO FIGHTING & makes us hug. My big sister locks herself in her room allllll day & today she came out, yelled at my mommy cuz mommy wants to film again tomorrow at the store with the red sign cuz we need paper towels, but my big sis lost cuz mommy said if we don't film than daddy wins. What does that mean? When mommy and daddy stopped living together, I was sad, but mommy told me shut up & save it for filming. I don't like those camera men, they are creepy. Mommy says they are my "dads", but I HAVE a daddy & I love him! I miss my daddy. I hate airplanes. I throw up on them & then mommy stays asleep & the nice lady with the wings has to change me & I have to fly to our next place in wet clothes. NOT FAIR. Mommy likes to drink out of a box. She's silly when she does, but then she gets mean. She yells at us & we all hide in my big sisters closet & play the "Ssshhh game". Do you kids at home play that game when your mommy drinks from a box? We play for about an hour, then mommy falls asleep with her high heels on, then Papa Steve covers her up. I have lots of brothers & sisters. I hate it. How many do YOU have? Do YOU like your mommy? As soon as I'm old enough, I'm moving far away, & I'm gonna be a child advocate when I grow up. THE END.
Denise said...
It sounded like speedo man said "You don't see Jon anymore" or "we won't see Jon anymore".
Yes, a friend of mine just told me that she saw one of those entertainment shows on Friday night and it previewed the new episode. It showed the speedo guy bit and she thought he asked "You don't see Jon anymore?". Yeah, why in the world would he ask that??
The clip also showed Khate crying on the top of the building and Cara jumping off.
So, the reason the entertainment show previewed it is because they're having her on the show Monday night. My friend said Khate was wearing a black shirt in their interview chair and they also showed a clip of her walking down the street in what looked like NYC (in the same black shirt). Not sure when she did this interview, maybe a couple of weeks ago when she was in NYC.
Watch the video and look at Cara when Kate comes after them with something. Cara looks disgusted. Kate is just showing off as usual and Cara is on to her.
Mom In Lancaster County said...
Denis said, "It sounded like speedo man said "You don't see Jon anymore" or "we won't see Jon anymore"."
Mr. Speedo asked, "You guys see Jon anymore?" Why would he ask that, and why would he care? It's really strange that they left that scene in there.
What puzzles me about the man's presence on the beach and his question to Kate is that J&K Plus 8 and/or Kate Plus 8 hasn't been available on what you call basic cable tv in the USA. It airs on a channel for an extra charge and to be honest, not that many people watch it and probably even fewer know who Kate Gosselin is in Australia and New Zealand. The show got very little advertisement here in the past and when she visited in January there was virtually no mention of it and definitely no paps following them around. I believe Discovery/TLC is going to try for a bigger presence on our tvs, but I just think it's strange for that question to be asked by a stranger in a country that isn't that interested in the family. In fact most people watching the show here are seeing old seasons where they're still married. LOL
I lost all interest in the Irwins with the waving of the newborn in front of the croc. What kind of person does that? Entertainer who wants the drama to attract more attention, maybe?
Voting with my remote. Hope millions of others do just that. We won't see enough of Australia to make it feel like a travel show, but you might hear enough of Kate's voice to make you want to throw-up. Not interested in watching anyone fill their Bucket List courtesy of their exploited children.
Hippie Chick, your writing is amazing! You have a spot on ability to peg Kate and what her kids must be and have been going through. This story is sad. Thanks for keeping it real, really.
I would bet dollars to donuts that Mr. Speedo's question is a hook to get viewers by TLC. They know they have a sinking ship with the Kate+8 brand. Put a little bit of spice in the promos for the show and they think they will get more viewers.
I would also wager that when the show airs, the who Speedo scene will be cut from the show. Wouldn't put it past TLC.
I was thinking about this today while I was cooking dinner. Some people live vicariously through the children (ie: those Pageant Moms)
Kate, however, wants her children to live vicariously through HER. She thinks that whatever SHE wants to do will be what the children want to do. (ie: HER bucket list)
It's a pity she has so many enablers in her life, yes men, who do what she wants and will willingly step on the backs of those children along side her just to earn the almighty dollar.
Now back to you normally scheduled laughter supplied aptly by Hippie Chick (who sadly points out harsh reality in her humorous posts)
It's a pity she has so many enablers in her life, yes men, who do what she wants and will willingly step on the backs of those children along side her just to earn the almighty dollar.
You know I'm not sure there really are that many enablers left. There will always be SOMEONE out there with no morals who will mooch off her, but it seems to me that most people in Kate's life have either left voluntarily or been kicked out.
Who does she have left who enables her at this point? Steve and his wife. Her one friend Jamie. The Carla/Ashley duo. Some nannies and people at TLC who are working--and do they really count if they're just employees? That's it by my count.
Jon certainly isn't enabling her. There's no evidence she has any other friends--Beth and Jodi and all the helpers ran for the hills ages ago. Toni didn't turn out to be a lasting mentor.
By my count Kate is down to one person who doesn't get paid to be around her--Jamie. And who knows, maybe she is getting paid some kind of assistant salary.
You make a good point Admin,
I still think people are enabling her - even if it's the sheeple as they seem to get some kind of cheap thrill watching Kate use her children in her quest for fame and fortune.
However, you also got me wondering that perhaps Jamie and Steve are now her 'go to' PR people. That's why only a couple of interviews on Monday and that low budget phone interview with the blog. Maybe you are right in thinking that there's really no one left. Perhaps all the work that TLC has put in the show so far is just to fill their side of their contractual obligations.
As soon as I'm old enough, I'm moving far away, & I'm gonna be a child advocate when I grow up. THE END.
The tups aren't yet certain about shapes, so I'm not too sure they know what a "child advocate" is or even if how to pronounce it!
"I throw up on them & then mommy stays asleep & the nice lady with the wings has to change me & I have to fly to our next place in wet clothes. NOT FAIR."
I think that the tups are potty trained! LOL!
Don't give Kate any ideas - she's probably already mulling this over in her mind...how she can profit by having the kids write a book. Just give it a few months or so.
Moon Over Miami - I think Hippie Chick was referring to the tups having to sit around on the plane in damp tee shirts because they puked on themselves and the flight attendants had to rinse out their shirts, not that they aren't potty trained.
Hippie Chick - hilarious post, but also sad, because I can see the tups, or at least some of them, thinking and feeling just like that. (Don't you just love e-readers? I have the best of both worlds, because I downloaded the free Nook app. to my laptop. If you like fantasy and science fiction at all, baen.com has a ton of free e-books that you can download).
Denise, What is the entertainment show you are talking about. What show was Kate on Friday and what show will she be on Monday beside Joy Behar and the Today show. Thanks
Regarding Kate and Terri Irwin being alike... Does anyone else remember the early Croc Hunter days BEFORE the Irwin kids were born? Terri wasn't on all of the shows, but I couldn't stand when she was on because she always acted like such a wuss. I was actually embarrassed for her because she'd be whining and crying and make Steve climb back up the cliff and carry her down or would be all worried and never shut up as he grabbed a dangerous snake for the camera. It was horrible, attention-grabbing behavior that fulfilled every old stereotype of weak women. I enjoyed Steve's over the top personality, but I stopped watching because I couldn't stand Terri.
Thank you for the website suggestion! I just got my Nook so I have no idea where to go for free stuff! I tried frostwire, but that's hit & miss. And yes, I was referring, to the tups throwing up on the airplane.
Moon Over Miami, Maybe the tups HAVE heard of child advocates? Who knows? With all the crap they've been through, it wouldn't surprise me. But again, it was my imagination running crazy as usual. Thank you all for your kind words. It IS a sad situation. Those poor kids are destined for a life of being shut ins from being too embarrassed to go out in public because what has been filmed. I know I wouldn't want my high school peers to see half the stuff on those videos, & kids can be so cruel, without fodder. Obviously, I was just making stuff up, but I think one day one or more of those kids will write a book & it will be unbelievable. Kate's reputation will be damaged beyond repair. Of course by then it will already be "Kate who?", but nonetheless, Kate will be THE BAD GUY, & the truth will come out.
I agree about the Gosselin 9; it sounds strange like she is grouping herself as one of the kids. She always emphasizes the 9, too, like a little barb. She loves, loves, loves being a Gosselin and I don't think she would change her name if she ever remarried. My question is this, if she loves the name that Jon provided why is she so cruel to him.
At 8 p.m. TLC is repeating the old Natalie Morales interview. Why? That's all they have for that time slot?
Caught her on the Today Show. Disgusting. They filmed last weekend. They cheer when the crew comes.
She bashes Jon, by saying she does everything right and he does the bare minimum (like takes them for custoday but they wish "he would do more"). As if she would allow anything beyond.
The best "new" spin. The children's therapist has suggested that Khate continue on as normal with their traditions ie THEY MUST CONTINUE FILMING and that is what SHE has done.
That is how she interprests keeping things calm and normal. It's sick!!!!!!!!!!
Who talks about their kids "medical issues" (in her words) and puts down the father of their children ON TV!
Please Jon, sue her. Sue her for custody, defamation etc.
I hope i don't upset anyone here. but i just had to watch Kate's appearance on the Today Show. I watched for a particular reason, and that was to count how many times she said "um". Well folks the grand total is 20. Oh, and she used the "ish" thing once. I truly believe that when a person has to use um every other word it means they are trying to get their lies straight. She also said the 20 hour flight to Australia was the best trip of their lives. Matt looked at her as if to say "yeah right". She must think that the entire country is as dillusional as she is. You can't tell me that on that trip not one of those kids had a meltdown.Just more of the same old same old that we have all heard before.
Just caught Kate on the Today Show. Of course, she got her dig in on Jon ("I wish he'd spend more time with the kids") but did anyone who watched catch her glance off stage to the left when talking about dating when she said the guy would have to be superman to put up with her mess? She also started fiddling with her rings when Matt was asking her questions about dating? Nervous, are we, Katie?
Well Kate...which is it?
Do you wait by the phone because the kids want to come home early from Jon's House? (Sept 2010 - Live w/Regis/Kelly)
Do you and the kids both wish they had more time with Jon? (April 2011 - Today w/Matt)
It's hard keeping lies straight isn't it?
Kate was on the Today Show this morning. She HAD to mention Jon. She praised herself in her communication with him and insinuated that it's only on HER part.
Then she said he only sees the kids two weekends a month. THEN she said that she wishes he would see them more! Of course she does! She wants him to have the kids all weekends so she can have her weekends free! Why is she discussing custody again? I thought her lawyer said they weren't allowed to discuss anything involving custody. I guess she's in contempt! I hope he calls her on it.
As for what she said, obviously Jon can't see them during the week because they are in school and he works. When will he see them? When he gets home after his daily commute? He has to work to support himself AND his eight kids. He's not using those children to support himself and his share of the support like Kate is. He has to work!
The kids have a long ride home from school every day. They have homework to do and they are in bed by 7:30 (per Kate).
As it is SHE barely sees them during the week. It's only fair that she has them for half the weekends and he has them for half. That's FAIR in a joint custody case (Yes they have joint custody).
Kate just wants her weekends free. What a horrible mother. Horrible for not wanting the kids for half the weekends and horrible for still bashing their father on TV.
Oh, and he says she's on Twitter now. I hope she gets the same kinds of tweets that Jon gets from her fans.
Kate seems to think she can't seem to have a date or relationship with anyone because she has eight children. She can't get a man because any man in his right mind would want nothing to do with her.
I'd be wary of anyone that would want to be with a woman that exploits her children, bad mouths her ex-husband and father of her children on tv and someone that treats people (especially her spouse) the way she does. He'd have to be a fame whore too.
Kate said one thing on the Today show that rings true. She said "It would take a strong person to wrangle this mess."
If you didn't catch the very end of the interview. Matt says Kate is now on Twitter and she confirmed.
When Kate was asked about the children being expelled from school she mentioned "medical" issues. Medical? She always throws things out there in half sentences. No idea what she meant. Why they were taken out of school? Why they haven't gone back yet? What the heck is she talking about.
She also said the kids want to see Jon more. Shut up Kate.
Here is the Today show interview:
Jon needs to see the kids more? Did she forget about the fact that SHE took the children away from him to Australia on HIS YEAR over the Christmas holiday and he had to drag her to court to try to stop it and LOST? Kate? You won't LET him see the kids more. She has put this man in a catch 22 position. She is demanding outrageous child support from him so he has to work a lot to keep up and then he can't see them. You can't take the kids up on a roof with him while he installs solar panels. Oh wait maybe Kate would do that since she lets them bungie jump.
I agree with the person who said Kate just wants her weekends to herself. I've worked out hundreds of family law orders and a parent who is getting the weekdays with the other getting all the weekends is getting away with murder. Having the weekdays is generally considered "easier" in family law court because the children are in school, and when you have a nanny there FOUR DAYS OUT OF FIVE PER KATE'S OWN ADMISSION? Come off it Kate.
And yes, every other weekend is STANDARD. I would say 75% of the family law orders I do have mom having the week with dad having every other weekend. Or 1st, 3rd and 5th.
She needs to stop obsessively alienating Jon and shut up about Jon. Why can't she just say I don't discuss my divorce publically? Hold her in contempt, Jon, this alienation may just DESTROY your relationship with those preciosu kids.
No, it's great she said that she wishes he could/would spend more time with the kids on national television! Now if Jon truly wishes to have the kids more, he can petition the court and use Kate's interview to show she publicly supports such a move!
@ Shut Up Kate:
Ugh, did she really try to blame "medical issues"? My seven year old son is home sick again today for the bazillionth time (to exaggerate like Kate) because of true, life-long medical issues - I didn't think I could loathe her any more than I already do, but I guess her capacity to infuriate people is pretty much limitless.
url said...
I watched a clip of Hugh Jackman coming down the zip line for the Oprah show in Australia. He hit his head and required stitches and this stunt was even rehearsed prior to filming.
I watched this Oprah Behind the Scenes show last night and that Jackman scene really bothered me. The whole show actually bothered me. The producers spent a mind-numbing amount of energy trying to "get the shot" (their words) wherever they were. Marching 300 people to the top of the bridge to "get the shot", sailing 25 Oprah boats in Sydney Harbor at the same time to "get the shot", unfurling a gigantic Australian flag over the audience to "get the shot", having Hugh Jackman zip lining down onto the stage to "get the shot". It was all just crazy and I wondered is it really all worth it?. The producers were running around, stressing out, crying when things went wrong and I just wanted to tap them on the shoulder and go "As a viewer, I don't care about 90 percent of the things you are doing here. Get a grip!" What would have happened if Hugh Jackman was seriously injured - what if he were knocked unconscious? He wasn't even wearing a helmet and I'm sure the reason he didn't was because it wouldn't have looked manly enough "for the shot". It was just ridiculous. Just showing Oprah visiting different places in Australia and giving her reflections on the trip was all that was necessary. The energy and money they wasted for an already successful tv show seemed completely senseless to me. I actually have lost some respect for Oprah after watching this show.
silimom said... No, it's great she said that she wishes he could/would spend more time with the kids on national television! Now if Jon truly wishes to have the kids more, he can petition the court and use Kate's interview to show she publicly supports such a move!
Oh, snap! We knew her lies would bite her in the ass at some point.
Kate doesn't really want Jon to be with these kids, then he wouldn't have to pay so much child support.
Here's a link to yet another "Kate misses Jon" article. Sorry if it's already been posted. I haven't read all the posts here yet.
In the article she confirms she's been out on a few little dates but she already has 8 kids and doesn't need 9. Wow, why aren't the guys lining up to go out with her with that kind of attitude?
Way to blame the eight children for Kate's problems. I hate when she does that. She will never take responsibility for her pathetic dating life. It's always someone else's fault.
Besides isn't a man's fear about eight children mainly a financial one? Kate is a millionaire so shouldn't that cancel that out?
Jon has eight kids and he doesn't seem to have a problem getting a date. He has just as much of a financial obligation to them as Kate, he is being sucked dry by her.
Well from what I'm reading it seems the Life Alterations she got from having the kids work on the other side of the planet did not include learning how to tell the truth.
Maybe that's something she can add to the bucket list.
I bet the medical issues are ADD related. I wonder if she has them medicated. And did you catch her say Collin and Alexis's therapist not the kids' therapist. What a shame all the kids aren't in therapy. And she makes me sick how she continues to throw Jon under the bus while tooting her own horn. Was that the shortest interview with Kate in Today Show's history?
After the many years and many hours of her being interviewed, she still is nervous being on camera.
I wonder what they were filming last weekend that had the kids say that it was the best for them. Those kids (no fault of their own) are going to be sooooo spoiled that they aren't going to have a clue what real life is. What is going to happen when they have their own children and have to raise them on a regular salary?
Will no one call her out on her completely useless defense that the kids just LOOOVE FILMING?
Not only is it compeltely bizarre and unhealthy to cheer for some grimey camera crew, but the children are 6 and 8. That is why they have parents to do what is in their best interest. Kids also LOVE banana splits for dinner but you don't let them do that. Filming this much, missing school, being dragged all over the place on horrendously long plane rides, being so famous they have to cover their eyes, is clearly not in their best interest anymore.
Kate also refuses to acknowledge an important point. She has made it crystal clear to the kids she loves filming herself and loves doing the show. She refuses to acknowledge that the children may be going along with what Mommy wants to please Mommy because that's what sweet little kids do, they try to please. If they see Mommy cheering for the camera crew, they will cheer too. And you can bet if Kate suddenly hated them, they would too. Jon has said point blank the kids have told him they've had enough. So who is lying?
Heck if kids are fine to make all the decisions on their own why don't Kate and Jon just get them their own apartment and let them have at the real world? According to Kate they can make their own decisions. Her defense of this is ridiculous.
Kate used the phrase "To be honest" right after she told Matt she wished Jon would spend more time with the kids.That's Kate speak for....I'm lying through my pearly white veneered teeth.
The next follow up question should be but wasn't this holiday JON'S YEAR and you took them from him? He even had to drag you to court to get HIS kids on HIS holiday?
But of course that will never happen.
Sorry I think the twins are....10 now?
She is also blaming Collin and Alexis being expelled on their problems too. Oh, no, Kate has absolutey NOTHING to do with that. First it was the divorce, now I guess her handlers suggested that sounds too harsh, just blame it on the kids' medical issues?
Won't she allow just a little bit of room to possibly take responsibility herself just a TINY bit? Even, well it's a combination of things and I take responsibility maybe I wasn't home as much as I should have been. Most people when faced with a situation like this where the root cause of it is unclear and cannot be proven, first blame themselves, wonder what they did wrong. Kate blames herself LAST, she will blame her own kids before she ever takes any blame.
She is that kid who ripped the basketball right out of your hands and then pretended it never happened while you stand there crying.
Joy Behar Tweets:
Got a question or two (or eight) for Kate Gosselin? She’s on my @hlntv show 2nite. Thanks!
She's asking for Questions! ! Go for it!
Hippie Chick - check out http://blog.booksontheknkob.org and www.dailycheapreads.com for free and cheap e-books. Also smashwords.com.
I didn't watch Today. I rarely do anyway, and I certainly wasn't going to watch just to see Kate lie her way through another interview. I can't believe she had the nerve to say she wishes Jon spent more time with the kids when she herself has admitted that she won't allow him to spend more than the bare minimum. Someday, Karma is going to bite her in the Azz, and it's not going to be pretty.
Oops, sorry. I caught a typo just as the comment disappeared. Hippie Chick - it's http://blog.booksontheknob.org.
Sorry Admin. Hope this OT comment isn't a problem.
Joy needs to ask her if she honestly thinks children this young are able to understand all the implications of their "choice" to film. Ask her if they even understand how much privacy they are giving up by continuing to allow the filming.
If she says yes, she flunks child psychology 101.
She was probably pissed that her buddy Merideth didnt interview her. Notice how Matt said, "your rolling your eyes" and she said do we have to talk about this? She probably wanted to say "F you, I dont have to talk about this"
The sheeple are so giddy and say that Kate was probably happy to be on the same show as Laura Bush and Helen Mirren, hell she probabaly doesnt even care who they are, just that they got a bigger dressing room and more interview time.
So what medical condition makes a kindergartener react violently to having his school picture taken? Does this same medical problem make a child hit an ADULT twice and bully classmates? Some of the tups may have ADHD (in fact, I think at least some of them do), but Kate is trying to cover up the fact that those kids lack socialization due to lifelong isolation, are angry and frustrated and damn near orphaned due to neglect on her part and limited contact with their father...also her doing. And lastly, I do think some of the tups are not particularly bright. She went out of her way to point out that collin end alexis read at the highest kindergarten level. I know some kids are starting to read picture books in kindergarten, some aren't, but that statement just sounded like she was trying too hard to convince us all her kids are brilliant. I would hope they are 'reading' at least at a kindergarten level...they're almost seven. She claimed again that she withdrew the kids from school...her choice. Doesn't sound like something she'd do willingly, does it? I can't imagine the school wants them back. That's not to say Kate won't try to force the issue. Poor kids. They can't even struggle with privacy and dignity.
The only way the witch will STFU is when the show is gone and she has no Soapbox to spew her lies. One sheeple even said she was "rereading kates book I Just Want You to Believe me" and said everyone else should read it again! Ha Ha.
Maybe she meant the kids want to see dad more and didnt mean it so much as a dig on him, but she should just shut the hell up about Jon. Poor kids, telling everyone they had "medical issues" when the school AND the kids know the real reason they left.
She's working hard at deflecting the negative:
When Matt mentions that she pulled them out of school for behavior issues, and then asks her why the kids are still not in school she seeks hard to find the 'story' she wants to tell.
"Um, they're actually starting to integrate back in, um, within the very imminent future, and, um, there was actual medical issues, um, that we dealt with...
Let's dissect this a bit:
If you are starting to do something it usually means you have begun.
If you haven't begun, you should say 'we have plans to...', or 'our goal is...'
But Kate also said in the 'very imminent future'.
Is that 'imminent future' like days, weeks, months away? Love how she is specifically non-specific.
Then she deflects to move the conversation to medical issues, and goes even further to talk about their therapist.
About the dating:
She states that when you are young and single and out for the first time, you don't have a lot of 'baggage' - inferring that she has a lot of baggage now.
So what's the baggage there Kate? ?
Your Kids, Your filming, Your attitude? Jon's clearly not in your life enough to be baggage (as you said you would like him to be around the kids more)
And you also stated that it (in regards to the person you dated) would take a lot to 'Wrangle this mess'
What mess are you talking about?
Your Life, your filming, your hair, your wardrobe, surely not your children...? ?
Pretty big FAIL at an interview. Notice how she didn't get asked about the show, but more about herself.
Whoever said she was marketing herself was spot on.
I don't care to watch the interview, but just from reading online, it looks like "Kate the Manipulator" hasn't changed one bit.
Bonnie Says: Kate Gosselin You’re Self Serving For Slamming Jon Gosselin On ‘Today Show’ For Not Seeing Kids!
So she wants everyone to believe that SHE wishes the kids would see JON more often? How is that possible, with her taking the kids away to film more episodes on his visitation days? Seems to me, she's the reason the kids do not get to see their father more often.
Whatever Kate.... You are one confused woman.
Do the right thing, and quit manipulating your family. And while you're at it, would you mind doing it away from the media? Do we have to know what the hell you and your kids are up to all the time?
Kate Gosselin OVERLOAD.
Why are the children's medical issues or therapy any of anyone's business?
Jon needs to take her back to court and get her sanctioned for this outrageous behavior.
If Kate wants Jon to see the kids more, does that mean she would be willing to give up last weekend's filming for them to see him? And Australia?
Kate is the reason they don't see Jon, period.
I rarely say I hate anything...but I HATE TLC. Just went to their website and kate's got the big front page promo. You can almost feel the collective finger-crossing going on at Discovery.
Australia was certainly a big gamble on TLC's part--how expensive this trip must have been! I hope this episode tanks to the bottom of the deep blue Australian Gold Coast! I will not watch it.
While I'm at it...My father took me to his exotic homeland when I was five. My disclaimer: I have an excellent memory. I can remember a fair amount from before I was three. I can quote Shakespeare memorized 33 years ago in high school, I can tell you dates of events even from other people's lives, etc. People tell me all the time they wish they had my memory. So I should be among those who would have the clearest memories of such a foreign trip.
We stayed in the homeland for 3 weeks. We went to a volcano, learned a few words of this strange language (they did not speak English at all), ate unusual foods, were embraced and loved by many family, and saw sights that were completely amazing to a child from rural Virginia.
All told, my 5-year-old memories of this fascinating 3 weeks could be compiled into a about THREE MINUTES of "life". It's mostly in snapshot form and of very trivial things.
Anyone can say what they want. The Gosselin kids are going to remember very, very little of Australia and Alaska and all these trips. Go ahead, Sheeple...say, "But aren't you glad you went?" Honestly, for the money my father spent, I'd rather have been older. It was more for my dad and his family to meet me than it was for me.
This interview on the TODAY show, has backfired royally.
What was supposed to be a reminder that her show is on tonight, ended up being a reminder not to watch that lying, trainwreck tonight.
"Gone With The Wind" is on TCM tonight (8pm)-
now THAT'S entertainment... with REAL STARS :o)
I dont know why Joy is tweeting for questions, she wont ask one tough question and could probably care less what people want to know (she probably just uses it to gauge reactions). Joy will ONLY ask what was pre approved. I think the ABC execs should tell Joy, wait till you are off the View before you have your own talk show. Just seems like a conflict when she talks out both sides of her mouth (View side and Joy Behar side).
The guy would have to be superman to put up with her mess? Nope. The only man Kate will ever get will have to be one who puts HER needs before his own EVERY day. He'd have to sacrifice his life to make sure that each and every one of her demands are met. He'd have to be on call and willing to take the abuse because after all he's living with the most important person on the planet. And he'd better not try to leave or she will visit her wrath upon him every chance she gets.
She thought she had Jon trained to do her bidding but after he'd had enough of her bullying, after she had stripped him of every ounce of self-esteem he left. He may have been guilty as sin for going along with Kate's plan to pimp the kids, but no one deserved the kind of treatment he got from her. She's a manipulating self-absorbed nutjob and I don't blame the man one bit for getting the hell away from her. She treats her children the same way. She'd give Jon custody in one cold heartbeat if they weren't needed for her own gain. They are a necessary inconvenience to her. Her concern for them only go as far as what they can do for her.
Fahnette said...http://twitter.com/#!/Kateplusmy8
And I'll bet the sheeple just had one giant collective orgasm.
Does Kate see the hypocrisy of saying Jon is not with the kids? She herself is in ny, not with her kids!!! Haha.
I didn't watch the Today show...did they even show a clip from her stupid show????
Please don't sign up for Kate's twits. If you are curious, just put her twitter address in google (whatever you use) and it will show you all of them without becoming a member of hers. You can use copy and past feature.
Is Khate trying to tell us that one of the tups has a lifelong medical condition that makes him do poorly in school, react badly to the divorce and become homesick when on the other side of the world, for his dad, perhaps? Is she trying to say to those of us who watched the show from the beginning to the divorce that we were privy to their potty, but not that one of them had a lifelong medical illness. Who is she trying to kid...she showed us their poop; there is nothing more private than that. And didn't she say that all of the kids were perfect (except for Aaden with his expensive glasses). At least Matt did better than Meredith. He planted the seeds of incredulity at some of the things she was saying and he let us know that there is a preinterview where she essentially lays out what she wants to discuss - diss Jon, not dating (but has a constant companion), baggage (love it when moms call their kids baggage), the beloved crew, Alexis loved, loved the long flight, the kids were not really expelled (they were just asked to leave), the newly revealed lifelong medical illness and lastly, Twitter (dollar signs). I am sick of these interviewers not doing their job. It makes me question the accuracy on all their legitimate news reporting, as well. How did Matt prepare - he read through all of Meredith's sugar wouldn't melt in her mouth interviews. Ok.
"And I'll bet the sheeple just had one giant collective orgasm. "
Auntie--Pass the brain bleach, please, and some new intelligence circuits because that mental image melted every single one. That was fantastic!
I'd rather have hot nails shoved in my eyes than follow HER on Twitter. The mere thought of that level of tedium makes me sleepy.
I'm sure her twits (spelled that way on purpose) are doing her tweeting for her on this new Twitter account.
The kids do have a lifelong illness. It's called KATE.
AuntieAnn, I loved your comment...collective orgasm indeed! Glad I don't have Twitter, though I wouldn't waste my time reading Khate's feed even as a guest.
Sounds like she's in need of some psychiatric intervention, from what everyone's said regarding her Today show appearance. She's crazy, and has no class at ALL. I beg everyone to not enable this individual. Don't watch her show, don't watch her interviews, don't visit her Twitter, don't submit a question to Joy Behar, etc. You know Joy won't ask any of our questions, but she will count the number of submissions she gets to gauge the interest Khate generates. With enough interest, we'll just see Khate on her show again in a few months. I don't mean to sound pushy, I just get so passionate about us enabling this fool. Okay, off my soapbox....
Just something trivial, but if that group photo from Australia (the one in this thread) had been taken 2 years ago, I wouldn't know the difference. I haven't seen the kids in action since the tups were 4 or 5, but neither they nor the twins look any older to me.
Let's see how the sheeple spin it now that Kate is plugging products (her show) on her twitter account. Jon rarely plugs anything anymore. Just responds to fan comments.
Now we will also be able to see how much time Kate wastes away on her iPhone or computer while she promotes herself.
This could actually be fun.
Hello my fellow bloggers!!! Haven't been on this site for quite sometime but when I saw yhis lying witch appear on the Today Show making Goo Goo eyes at Matt and spewing her lies and watched as her fat nose grew longer I had to c what everyone had to say. Guess she still got the kids out working and performing like good lil monkeys. :)
Oh and BTW I think the illness is a Mental one with her kids according to my sister, ya have to be mental to live with this one annoying Bitch
Wasn't it rumored that one of the kids woke up Kate on the plane ride from Australia and she slapped that child in the face.
Kate's twitter account is KatePlusMy8. Why can't this woman stand on her own and leave her children out if it? Is it because she knows she is NOTHING without them?
AuntieAnn said...
And I'll bet the sheeple just had one giant collective orgasm.
Ewww! Funny, but ewww. It's really too bad that THIS is what would get them, um, off. Must. Scrub. Brain. Ya just know Kate will block all negative "haters" from her twitter. It will take FOREVER, but it will be done. She'll have to give up however because soon, her twitter will be inundated with hate tweets. And I'll be one of them. I won't be mean. Am I ever? (said all sticky sweet & innocently) *insert evil laugh here*
Very interesting about the Twitter. Now how will the Sheep give Jon ANY grief about what he sells on his account. I'm sure someone told Kate she could make money as a tweeter and she wouldnt be using her kids. I'm guessing there will be about 15 followers, a couple who have blogs.
BTW...you don't have to actually 'follow' Kate to see her tweets. You can just go to the url. As long as her profile is public anyone can see what she is posting without following her. You can also see what people are asking her by doing a search on twitter with this tag: @Kateplusmy8
Bet you dollars to donuts she will rarely answer a question (or she'll have her 'staff') do it for her.
and another thing...why would her 6 and 10 year olds be thrilled she's 'tweeting'? In her mind, projecting her children's feelings upon her actions must validate her motives.
Whew! Just got back from visiting the Today show facebook page- and the comments are not pretty.
Hey TLC/Kate & her P.R. people: when are you going to get the message? We are DONE watching Kate peddle her bullsh*t.
One of the problems with diagnosing ADHD is that it can only be diagnosed in behavioural terms; there is no actual medical (i.e. blood test or something sImilar) way to diagnose it. People who work with childhood trauma and abuse survivors are well aware that the symptoms of the effects of childhood trauma/abuse can be identical to the symptoms of ADHD.
Children with trauma effects also have difficulty concentrating;they don't feel safe, are fidgety,often appear to daydream (dissociate), get frustrated easily.I am simplifying this but anyone can google trauma effects with children.
I think it is probably inappropriate for US to decide which it could be, but I am hoping the therapists that are seeing the children are looking at the differential possibilities of this diagnosis, and I hope they are getting it right.
Fahnette & Hippie -- lol!!
There will now be minute by minute banal spewings of her amazingly awesome life. In Katespeak acronyms, no less.
Pass me back the bleach and hot nails, please. It just got worse.
Well, she has 1082 followers so far and 4 tweets. So that is 1082 people that will be tuning in tonight, well thats if most get permission to stay up that late on a school night.
ADHD is not a medical illness, it is a cluster of behavioural symptoms.It is often diagnosed by pediatricians, family docs, even chiropractors;because they are the people who are able, by law, to either prescribe medication or holistic remedies for its symptoms.
Also, Kate can tell the world that the children's therapist has said something(like "traditions need to continue") and the therapist, because of ethics and confidentiality, is unable to respond publicly if Kate is lying.This makes it easily possible for Kate to stigmatize one of her children without anyone being able to refute it.
"traditions need to continue"
Translation: free vacations need to continue.
Sounds like she's in need of some psychiatric intervention
Aeris -- I agree. If her abuse left physical scars instead of emotional ones they'd probably lock her up.
how does twitter work? If I follow her, am I able to tweet that she is a terrible mom and it show up? or can she delete the tweet before it posts?
So that is 1082 people that will be tuning in tonight, well thats if most get permission to stay up that late on a school night.
...and if their television is working.
I can't believe this Twit would open a twitter acct and (cough) find time with 8 kids and some chickens to spew out her lies. TLC must have hired a teen goon to do it for the Twit because she is and always will be a Twit in my book.:) BTW does she still have them chicks or have they gone mental as well and flew the coop?
I think Kate heard that Jon earned $25 from Quiznos and when she found out she couldn't take half, decided to finally get her own account.
There are a bunch of twitter names with Kate Gosselin in the title. That is creepy! I consider myself computer savy, but it is a little confusing when reading these tweets. So EVERYTHING that is tweeted is public? I just tried it out, Doctor says Traditions continue = free trips. Can anyone see it?
I can't believe she said she and the kids would love Jon to spend more time with the kids. If this is not true why doesn't Jon defend himself? It just blows my mind that she is constantly putting him down on television and he says nothing. It makes it look like what she is saying is true.
Actually I think Jon saying nothing makes him look like the bigger person.
Why would any normal person with a brain want to follow this Twit on Twitter? Any answers? Hellooo anyone!!!!! Oh and BTW has anyone seen Joy Behar kissing Gosselins' cheek butt yet??? Trust me, Joy is a two faced kisser upper :)
Admin said...."Actually I think Jon saying nothing makes him look like the bigger person"
You're probably right Admin, it's just so frustrating to see her get away with this. She's such a nasty, selfish person....
Let her worm her way on every talk show that she can. Schedule her on a daily basis! She just keeps digging herself in deeper and deeper. She'll go nuts trying to keep her lies straight. It's going to be her Waterloo!
Jon is doing exactly the right thing by taking the high road. Good for him! There is absolutely no need for him to set the record straight. With her lying, she's going to do it for him because nobody is going to believe her and they are going to see that she's weaving a tangled web! Hats off to Jon - just keep doing what you're doing. You're going to come out so far ahead of Kate's game. It doesn't make it look like what she is saying is true. It makes HIM look like the better person. He has nothing to prove, and nothing to refute.
"Jon needs to take her back to court and get her sanctioned for this outrageous behavior."
Amen to that, Admin! He needs to get his eggs together in one basket, and haul it and himself into court. This is one of the reasons that he does not need to go on television and refute her lies. Why say something that may end up hurting you in court? Surprise the heck out of her by not revealing what you have and what you know!
"So what medical condition makes a kindergartener react violently to having his school picture taken?"
I know that this story was passed around, but it isn't true. He did not react "violently" to having his picture taken. He simply said he didn't want his school photo taken because he's tired of the cameras. Did Kate say that it was her CHOICE to withdraw the children from school, or that she withdrew the children? The former is not true; the latter is true. She withdrew them because she HAD to withdraw them.
"...she wishes he could/would spend more time with the kids on national television!"
I think that it's great that she said, on national television, that she wishes he would spend more time with the kids. I don't think that she wishes he would spend more time with the kids on national television! We don't want their custody visits filmed!
On the Kate Plus 8 page on Facebook (and no I am not a member)there's a quote from Kate, and it says (and I quote): "We decided to camp again. I had a little redeeming to do," -Kate. LIKE this post if you will be watching tonight's premiere at 10/9c.
Kate, redeeming herself? She's going to have to do a lot more than go on another camping trip to do that.
Kate is desperate to stay relevant. She has no boundaries/filters or she wouldn't keep talking about problems with the children. It is none of our business other than she must believe that we will feel pity for her and the kids somehow. Delusional woman, no class, and is owned by TLC. They are running Gosselin shows all afternoon and evening to get everyone up to speed with their life. So sad. How in the world can anyone relate to that lifestyle? Even true stars don't carry on like Kate G does. They might go on exotic vacations, but they don't film shows about them to rub our noses in their good fortune. How is this still entertainment?
Gone with the Wind sounds better and better. Real actors with real talent.
Betsy said...
Why would any normal person with a brain want to follow this Twit on Twitter? Any answers? Hellooo anyone!!!!! Oh and BTW has anyone seen Joy Behar kissing Gosselins' cheek butt yet??? Trust me, Joy is a two faced kisser upper :)
Betsy, it's a given that Joy kissed Kate's ass for the entire interview. Why invite someone to your "house", only to diss them?
Joy, like all the rest of the interviewers on t.v. don't give a hoot if the guest is uncivilized or not. Just as long as they bring the ratings. Disgusting, isn't it?
I have no desire to read that twit's tweets.
After the many years and many hours of her being interviewed, she still is nervous being on camera.
Hmmm, wonder why? In the early episodes she said she was comfortable being on camera and in IJWYTK, she said she loved the media. Very telling how suddenly she's so uncomfortable and nervous.
This is kind of off topic and I am really sorry but it concerns children so I'm hoping Admin will understand.I found this channel on Youtube and it is really creepy it really looks like it's the channel of a person who has an abnormal interest in kids.It looks like a specific age group-I would say 3-7 and all boys with kind of the same haircut and mostly dark hair.I decided to ask here because there are so many people with so much more life experience than me and because Admin is a lawyer.Also I would like to note that the favorite videos are those of boys who match the description,in many cases half naked.I am not accusing anyone of anything but does this look normal to you?
I always subscribe to your threads and can't always come online to see when you post a new one. Sometimes I realize there is a new one and it's been up for a while and I have to play catch-up on the comments. Could you possibly announce on the old thread when you put up a new thread one? Please?
Didn't watch the interview, but it sounds like the same scripted garbage and lies. Ellen D. was the only interviewer who spoke the truth when she couldn't understand Kart's jibberish and told her she was speaking code. So the sympathy angle now is some of her children have a medical condition that requires them to continue working/filming for TLC.
OK, I am lost. How do you view what other people are saying (tweeting)? I googled @kate and saw some tweets, but now I cant see them anymore. Plus the follower number keeps changing.. up and down. What am I missing?
I wonder how long it will take Kate to get 72,000 people following her like Jon. He deleted over 10,000. It should be interesting. Someone tweeted her "I hope you lose your children and burn in hell." These are the kind of comments that give us a bad name:(
1. Why is it she calls EVERY trip the MOST AMAZING TRIP EVER and says her kids WILL NEVER FORGET THIS?
Yes, they will, or more likely this trip will just blend into a huge blur with all the other tons of trips they've been on while working, they won't remember where they saw what. I bet those kids wake up when they're filming and wonder for a second where they are before they can get their bearings.
2. I agree with whoever said it above: Jon is LUCKY Kate left her. Yes, he unfortunately has to deal with her where the kids are concerned for at least the next 12 years, but oh God, to be released from having to live with that screechy demanding never-happy harpy! What sweet relief it must be!
Kate is not composing those tweets. It is the PR people, clearly. Even Steve said they get her emails and half of it she knows nothing about it, because I suppose they are "hate" emails. I do not believe she wrote those dumb little stories on her blog, nor answers email, only the really "good" ones, MIGHT be passed on for her to answer. Those tweets are a continual advertisemnt for her show. PR all the way.
Kate's interview was really something else. Same ol crap. Now she exposes that the kids(or kid) have
"medical issues". This female does not have a
protective bone in her body towards those kids. And the usual dig, dig, dig at Jon. She is such a martyr too, don't forget. Disgusting.
"The children's therapist has suggested that Khate continue on as normal with their traditions ie THEY MUST CONTINUE FILMING and that is what SHE has done."
As a mental health professional, I cannot believe that an ethical therapist made such a statement. I would believe that it is Kate's twisted version of something like ' the children need stability and structure and familiar routines.'
IDModo also made a VERY important point:
"One of the problems with diagnosing ADHD is that it can only be diagnosed in behavioural terms; there is no actual medical (i.e. blood test or something sImilar) way to diagnose it. People who work with childhood trauma and abuse survivors are well aware that the symptoms of the effects of childhood trauma/abuse can be identical to the symptoms of ADHD."
Accurately diagnosing the problem is crucial. Treatment for one is absolutely contraindicated in the case of the other. What she has been FILMED doing to her children on numerous occasions would constitute ABUSE in each of the several states in which I have practiced. God and the teen aged nannies only know what goes on behind closed doors.
Re: Kate's Twitter account. I think that just like her blog on TLC, someone else is writing them!
Kate's actually had another account for a LONG time, but just like everything else, she ignored it and it was little more than an occasional thought and when compared to this new Twitter account makes me believe that just like her blog on TLC, that one of the interns at TLC or her PR firm is doing the writing.
Here's a sample from her OLD Twitter account:
thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday!
29 Mar
enjoying this wonderful day :)
21 Feb
'E! True Hollywood Story: Kate Gosselin' will air at 10 p.m. Feb. 2
28 Jan
Had a very relaxing evening, Just enjoying time to myself while the kids sleep :)
25 Jan
in the Christmas spirit!
4 Dec
Now, compare those tweets to ones from the "new" account:
Four hours and eleven minutes til our Australian adventures begin... Can't wait!!!!! Make that ten minutes lol.
57 minutes ago
At joy behar now.... In case anyone wondered, lol!
4 hours ago
Aw thanks guys 4 the tweeting and otherwise encouragemt! still lost in this dept.. Just grabbing a bite betw interviews here in NYC Yay!
6 hours ago
Awww @jasonhueman you must be my biggest fan... And I yours... But only when you're wearing black socks...lol
9 hours ago
And by the way, I've (finally) joined the Twitter world... This is really me...I'm laughing at how little I know about this twittery stuff!
I don't think she was so much nervous as she just gets ditzy around attractive men. Maybe it was a surprise that she got Matt for a change. Was Meredith not there today?
gotyournumberKate said... I wonder how long it will take Kate to get 72,000 people following her like Jon. He deleted over 10,000. It should be interesting. Someone tweeted her "I hope you lose your children and burn in hell." These are the kind of comments that give us a bad name:(
How do I view these comments? I did sign up with a bogus name so I could see.. I'm guessing I will Unfollow once the love fest gets to over the top.
Looking back at these post, it seems like she has been busy getting all Barbie dolled up and doing NY City like a Hooker. What gives with the sleeveless black mini in NY with cold temps? Also for an average mom, she claims to be(cough) she sure spends alot of time taking and talking about herself. Guess things will never change with her till her low rated show gets cancelled and she is on her own all by her witty bitty self. That show will end and this talentless Twit will be sucking her french manicured thumb goodbye :)
The Today article indicates the younger children are 5 years old. Possibly this is because they are in kindergarten but we know they are close to 7 years old. I know at that age I shouldn't expect them to be 'mature' but I do believe they do not speak as well as most children at that age; in fact I find their behavior in the clips I have recently seen to be very immature for their age as well. These children need individual attention not cameras.
Troy said...."How do I view these comments? I did sign up with a bogus name so I could see.. I'm guessing I will Unfollow once the love fest gets to over the top."
I'm not an expert either but I just typed in kateplusmy8 in the search box at the very top of my page next to "home". It will keep refeshing itself and you can see all the Tweets to her. Let me know if this works.
N.E. I completely agree with you that no reputable licensed therapist would make some kind of recommendation when it comes to filming. If they did, they are full of it. I think they probably did say routine is good, and Kate interpreted it as well it's my routine to exploit my kids so carry on!
And if Kate is asking the therapist whether filming is ok for the kids, is she finally admitting there is a possibility it might NOT be? So much so that there needs to be a mental health professional on the case? What does that tell you Kate?
If a therapist would make a recommendation about filming, he or she would interview the kids, Kate AND JON. She would be on the set to observe how things work. She would interview production to know exactly how a typical day is for the kids. She would look into the entire five years of history of filming them. Only then would a good therapist be willing to make a recommendation either way. I find it absolutely incredible to believe that a therapist would recommend filming after interviewing Jon, knowing how much he is against it, and knowing how much discord it has caused between the parents. If anything, filming has caused tremendous conflict between the parents, and for that reason alone I find it fantastical to believe a therapist would recommend a child continue to be placed in the middle of it.
P.S. Troy......get ready for a gagfest. It's pretty sickening.
Linda G. said....."1. Why is it she calls EVERY trip the MOST AMAZING TRIP EVER and says her kids WILL NEVER FORGET THIS?"
Linda, if Kate didn't have the words "amazing" and "um" in her vocabulary she would be speechless.
I am glad Jon is not talking. His silence speaks volumes. She is digging herself into a bigger hole every single time she opens that gum chomping yap of hers. Ditto that for the twitter feed above. Her mentality is that of the Jersey Shore skanks.
Anonymous said...
There are a bunch of twitter names with Kate Gosselin in the title. That is creepy! I consider myself computer savy, but it is a little confusing when reading these tweets. So EVERYTHING that is tweeted is public? I just tried it out, Doctor says Traditions continue = free trips. Can anyone see it?
When looking at Kate's twitter page hover your mouse over the tweet and a little "arrow" will appear to the right of the words, click on it and you'll see what the original comments.
Also, what many people do when getting unpleasant tweets, is simply block the sender which means they don't see what you're sending them, so sending nasty or harassing tweets generally is seen by no one unless they're 'following' you.
Just as an aside - I hope no one is setting up twitter accounts and certainly not following her just to see the stupid, totally PR tweets from her account. As others have pointed out, just go to her twitter page and you can see everything whether you have an account or not.
I don't believe this Twit has given them kids a chance 2 c a Therapist, reason being, her secrets would come out and she is scared shitless that eventually kiddies are going to spill the beans when left alone with one. She is all about herself and that is why her marriage has failed and her kids act like mental cases with film crew in tow. Never the less, she will be sucking that french manicured thumb eventually and hopefully soon. :)
Got your number.. I'm sure it will be. But, what am I missing? I can't figure out how to view the comments. For something that is supposed to be so easy, I can't get past her 6 stupid tweets (or the intern @ TLC tweets)
Re: the twitter account -- it looks like someone is working hard at scrubbing away all the negative comments. Every single one is positive; which we know isn't possible. lol Definitely being done by TLC/PR.
Aorry Troy, I sent you a message telling you how but it must not have went through. I'm no expert on Twitter but they way I do it is type in kateplusmy8 in the space to search at the very top of your page next to "home".
The people that support Kate are just as blind as the people who support Britney Spears. Some press reports state that Britney is on "top of her game" again.
HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? She doesnt sing live! Thats why ABC taped her GMA appearance on Sunday, in case she flopped or didnt show up they could get the egg off of their face. Now I know Chris Brown lip synched on DWTS, but at lease he can dance!
Via "Access Hollywood"
Kate Gosselin Gears Up For ‘Kate Plus 8,’ Talks Dating, Jon
[snippet from interview]
“It’s hard to find the time, it’s hard to go on a date, and hear somebody, blah, blah, blah-ing and you’re thinking, ‘I don’t care, I don’t care! What am I making for dinner tomorrow night?’’” Kate said.
The above comment explains why Kate can't find a mate. She has no respect for men.
Ironic that whenever she opens her mouth, all I hear is "blah, blah, blah" ....
For those of you trying to learn twitter to see the tweets to kate - here is the subject matter you're not missing anything - nothing negative is getting through.
scatt cathy
looking forward to ur show tonite Kate...you still have lots of fans ;)
janon19 Janon Kohnhorst
can't wait. Have been missing the show. Any date for cookbook release yet?
paige_Kate8lvr Paige Campbell
Haha kate I want to know how things worked out with u and mr. Speedo LOL yeaaaaa #akward lol LOVE you!! Plz follow me:)
Soymonster206 soyla moreno
My sister is addicted to your show! And youre kids are precious. Been watching since they were babes :)
money866 Ant C
We wish you safe travels on this end!
AbeJM Abraham J Murillo
enjoy your time! Adopt a koala!
reginapetrucci Regina Petrucci
I'll be watching!! looks like you and the kids had a great time from what i saw from the preview
She is digging herself into a bigger hole every single time she opens that gum chomping yap of hers. Ditto that for the twitter feed above. Her mentality is that of the Jersey Shore skanks.
Yes, but you do have to hand it to her. She is a master of one thing (and it's not baiting). She can take words and twist them to suit whatever she sees fit, such as saying that the therapist suggests keeping the traditions going. She interprets this as meaning the FILMING, rather than what the therapist possibly meant, which is to keep the kids' schedules as normal as possible, without disrupting their routine. I doubt very much that a therapist is advising her to continue filming the heck out of these kids. That's how SHE interprets it. She's pretty darn good at it.
"Linda, if Kate didn't have the words "amazing" and "um" in her vocabulary she would be speechless. "
..and that would be a good thing! Don't forget "awesome." It's amazing, awesome, um, quite honestly, in all honestly, and to be honest.
"I know at that age I shouldn't expect them to be 'mature' but I do believe they do not speak as well as most children at that age; in fact I find their behavior in the clips I have recently seen to be very immature for their age as well."
Yes. They are very "babyish" compared to other Kindergarteners. They are nearly seven years old, and for me, it would really be a concern if my children acted like four-year-olds. It's not just one of them - it's all of them.
Maybe I'm just really not "with" the times, but why would anyone want to follow her twitter account? Isn't this like being a glutton for punishment? Why torment yourself? ;-)
Twitter is confusing said...
Thanks! Now I figured it out. Question, so the only tweets anyone will see are "non blocked" sheeple tweets and the occasional "hater" that isnt blocked? So she has 1700 + followers, but there are only a handful of comments on each tweet. Am I seeing that correct or is there a "next/more" button I am missing?
"You're probably right Admin, it's just so frustrating to see her get away with this. She's such a nasty, selfish person...."
She's not getting away with anything. Oh, maybe it seems that way now, but in the end, it's going to come back and get her. Give her enough rope...
N.E. Psychologist: I should have read all of the posts before I commented about Kate twisting what the therapist advised. We said the same thing. I'm sorry. I doubt that any therapist would tell her to keep filming because it's traditional. If that's what was said, they need a new therapist.
Hippie! I was thinking about you when I was reading the evening newspaper. The 70s look is back for spring -- anything 70s. Maxi dresses, and below-the-knee loose skirts, with flat, strappy sandals. Maybe someone needs to see that Kate gets the memo!
Her only "career" is going on talk show rounds to talk smack about Jon.
Seriously. What else does she do? That is all she is famous for. Smack talking the father of her kids.
She just thinks she's something else. Good Gawd Almighty, I have never seen anybody like this stupid sow. She takes the cake.
The Access interview is amazing. Again, she throws Jon under the bus! This time at least 3 times he rolled under the tires. She just cant keep her trap shut, can she? Why does she feel the need to keep telling us she is surviving and remining calm "on her side" with Jon. Look up Double Standard in the dictionary and you will see a picture of Kate smiling away. He cant say anything yet she just blabs with no regard for his feelings. At some point, silence from Jon just means he is still be walked all over as if he was married to her again.
I think it's pretty clear she is still boning the bodyguard. This whole "Are you dating yet?" thing is just a smokescreen. She's not interested in meeting someone because she already HAS someone.
E-town neighbor - NO apology necessary!
It is all about Kate. I agree that these children, at least the youngest 6, are quite babyish. They will be 7 yrs. old in May. You would never guess that if you didn't know it. They appear to be around 4 in stature, and their language skills are Pre-school to say the least. I have experience in education and child welfare and many years rearing children to back up my statements. No doubt the family has been concerned, maybe voiced it, and they are shut out, too.
Kate wants all of us to believe she is always doing the right thing in every area of her life. Such a phony-baloney gal, honestly. Delusional and arrogant to the max. Nothing will change until the "suits" at TLC kick her to the curb. Can't wait. Hope we are all still around to see it happen.
Do any of you believe the journalists on the Today show are true journalists, or are they just entertainers? I'm leaning towards entertainers myself.
TLC probably has an in-house therapist who tells Kate what TLC tells them to say. Filming good! Exploitation awesome! Money the bestest!
This IS your routine....do what we say.
I too am skeptical of the whole I just cant find a man routine. She is a warm blooded female. Unless she's asexual? That's been suggested actually. There's a mr happy in the back drawer. Or mr Steve.
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