Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Kate sued for $10,000 in unpaid marriage counseling bills

According to a civil complaint recently filed in PA, Kate Gosselin requested that Dr. Sylvia Lafair, president of Creative Energy Options, fly to Los Angeles to perform marriage counseling. The paper states Kate refused to pay for services or travel fees totaling $10,476. The counseling took place between March 4th and March 23rd of 2009. The couple reportedly did split in March 2009, and officially filed for divorce the following June. Don't they know that the rules don't apply to Kate? That includes bills! Thanks to the Grapevine once against for sluething this out.

60 sediments (sic) from readers:

fidosmommy said... 1

Sheesh. Well, I can only assume that the good doctor did not tell Katie Irene what Katie Irene wanted to hear. Therefore, no payment was forthcoming.

She got free advice from Dr. Phil, so I guess she also decided what's good for the doctor is good for the other doctor, huh?

What an astoundingly unusual woman Kate is.

Susantoyota said... 2

Kudos to the good doctor for calling this useless, grifting, narcissistic famewhore out on her failute to pay the bill for services rendered. If everyone would call her out on her inappropriate behavior, . . . nah, never mind. She is a narcississtic after all. I hope the doctor's lawyer asks for 2 years+ of interest on this unpaid bill.

I can't wait to hear what Khate's explanation of this is going to be--the "I'm a STAH" isn't holding water. ~ Administrator said... 3

I was going to say who blows $10,000 on a few sessions of therapy, but then I actually think that might be a ton cheaper than divorce. Why in the world she was flown out to LA when they could have done therapy locally, or LA has a million excellent therapists around, God knows. Just more of the kids' money down the drain. And the kids will fund Kate's defense to this lawsuit too. Just pay up, Kate, and save them the money.

I want to say it was Kate once who claimed she tried to do therapy but Jon wouldn't...I need to double check this. Because somebody did $10,000 in marriage counseling.

Susantoyota said... 4

I remember Jon saying he was disgusted with Dr. Phil's attempt at "marital therapy" as he was more interested in advising them how to protect their "brand". The way I read the article was that Kate underwent the therapy, which was a joke because I'm sure she was really looking for advice on how to get Jon to fall back into line. I'm sure once the doctor mentioned she would have to 'gasp'! make some changes and work hard, that was the end of the "therapy" so Kate probably doesn't feel she needs to pay for something that wasn't successful.
She may have met her match this time as some information will have to come out in court. Jon, are you taking notes? Please do so buddy!

url said... 5

Jon claimed in 2009 to have over $20,000 in therapy bills. This is interesting because I remember a short video of them coming out of a restaurant in LA around this time. I think it was on TMZ. Jon was holding her purse and she looked mad. This was before her boob job also.

Gosselin Gossip said... 6

Administrator said...I want to say it was Kate once who claimed she tried to do therapy but Jon wouldn't...I need to double check this. Because somebody did $10,000 in marriage counseling.

From ROL: "Jon Gosselin Blasts Kate, Says She Refused Marriage Counseling"

Jon is blasting his estranged wife in a new interview set to air Tuesday on ABC's Good Morning America in which he reveals that Kate refused to go to marriage counseling to try to save their union.

"I have a $22,000 therapy bill," he tells ABC. "I mean, I tried to have marriage counseling. I did it myself. She refused to go."

This was the 2009 interview with ABC's Chris Cuomo where Jon also mentioned that he and Kate met with Dr. Phil for a counseling session, but it was more about saving the Gosselin brand, not their marriage.

WalktheTalk said... 7

Kate's finacial world is starting to go down the tube. This is the beginning of the real end...will it be the IRS next?

mama mia said... 8

TLC is behind this, they desperately need people to focus on Jon and Kate and to remember all that tension because that was the only thing that boosted the ratings. Don't fall for it people, you are being used once again.

Westcoastet said... 9

Guess she won't be be tweeting about this today, perhaps one of her Twitter fans should ask her about it, haha? That said, would also love to see her tax returns.

gncb said... 10

You are giving Kate too much credit. Creative Energy Options specializes in executive and leadership counseling. The closest thing to marraige counseling they offer is "Managing Conflict in a Family Business"

No regrets said... 11

Isn't this the same person Jon hooked up with last year for a possible book and therapy? This was about the same time they met with Dr Phil too in LA, if I am not mistaken. I am wondering if Kate tried to get this doc to save the "brand" too, and she didn't meet her expectations? Thus refusing to pay. I really think that all Kate was interested in was to keep them together to continue filming. Never to save that pitiful marriage. I am sure if she ever answers questions about this, this will be Jon's fault. Speculation only, but what else would it be?

Not buying it ... yet said... 12

I'm not buying this yet. Looked at the document on ROL and whoever completed it (you'd think an employee of the counseling business) wrote marital "counciling". Something like that just looks fishy to me.

BerksPa said... 13

Kate is noticeably quiet on her twitter account today.
The past two days at this time she was 'tweeting' up a storm.

just wondering said... 14

Did you notice that Kate's UPS mailing address is used rather than her physical address?

Linda G. said... 15

I bet someone from TLC told her to chill the hell out on tweeting 60 times a day. It just makes it too obvious she has nothing to do.

No regrets said... 16

BerksPa, I just find it amazing that a super, duper busy mom of 8 can be on twitter for HOURS and hours. I think they may have realized their error and is keeping it more quieter today. Those TLC interns just don't think much. LOL

Well already they are blaming Jon. One poster actually said this is Jon's bill, but they are going after Kate because she has the money. LOL Wonders NEVER cease.

Jane said... 17

gncb said...

You are giving Kate too much credit. Creative Energy Options specializes in executive and leadership counseling. The closest thing to marraige counseling they offer is "Managing Conflict in a Family Business"


Well, they are suing her for marriage counseling debts, per the legal document filed so if they don't provide marriage counseling then they lied on a legal document. Since Jon is on record saying that Kate refused marriage counseling, logically that means that either he was lying or Kate is being sued for debts that he accumulated.

E-town Neighbor said... 18

I'm not buying this yet. Looked at the document on ROL and whoever completed it (you'd think an employee of the counseling business) wrote marital "counciling". Something like that just looks fishy to me.


It's legit. Anyone can file on behalf of the plaintiff. Notice where it says "authorized agent." The person filing the complaint fills out the form. It's not done by the dj office, which is why it looks "unprofessional." This is district court (small claims court), and this is most likely a rep of the company. The limit in PA district court is now $12,000. It was raised, so I guess the plaintiff waited to do the filing or she couldn't have recovered the full amount! I notice that the sheriff didn't serve it (no constable fees), so it had to be sent registered mail and she (or someone) would have had to sign for it in order to pick it up.

LaLaLandNoMore said... 19

I hope this is all true and Kate gets socked with the amount and court costs. She needs to learn to pay her own bills like most people do. Spoiled, rich grifter that she is. Wake up and smell the coffee, Kate. People deserve to be paid just like you are.

E-town Neighbor said... 20

She would have been getting bills. Wouldn't you think that she just would have just paid it rather than to have this been made public? $10,000 is chunk change for her.

Is what appears on ROL the entire document that was published? Just one page? I don't see a date for the court hearing on there. This is the paper that was filed with the court, not the entire document that would have been sent to her advising her when and where the hearing will be held.

Anonymous said... 21

The funniest part of the story was flying a therapist out to California. I always thought California had a therapist for every two people. Just joking Californians!!! I can almost hear Kate saying, "I'm a star, everything is complimentary". Or, "Well the therapy didn't work, why should I pay?"

ThisisJonsbill said... 22

Jon was quoted on Us magazine saying: "I have a $22,000 therapy bill," he says. "I mean, I tried to have marriage counseling. I did it myself. She refused to go."

Midnight Madness said... 23

"You are giving Kate too much credit. Creative Energy Options specializes in executive and leadership counseling. The closest thing to marraige counseling they offer is "Managing Conflict in a Family Business"


Isn't marriage a "family business?" If she "hired" this firm and was a no-show, depending on the contract, she still could be legally responsible for the charges even if they didn't provide the services. It all depends on what was written in the contract, who contracted and signed, and if a breach occurred (on either part). I would think that they would have documents proving that she owed the bill and they would have consulted with their attorney. Otherwise, why would they bother to go to court?

Right now, none of this is known, so all of the speculation in the world isn't going to make this black and white.

This firm also deals with stress and conflict and human relations issues. Wasn't Sylvia Jon's life coach?

Warmth Of The Sun said... 24

I'm not buying this yet. Looked at the document on ROL and whoever completed it (you'd think an employee of the counseling business) wrote marital "counciling". Something like that just looks fishy to me.


The person who filed the complaint in district court is the firm's director of finance. Maybe she's just better at handling the money than she is at spelling! Possibly she can't spell counseling, or someone in the office printed this for her. I seriously doubt that she would allow her name to appear as an "agent" if something were fishy about it.

url said... 25

This service was obviously contracted prior to their divorce filings. Generally, as part of the divorce settlement, couples would be required to split debts incurred during the marriage. Jon probably paid his portion of the bill and Kate did not. It doesn't surprise me that the contract honorer didn't pay her bill.

No regrets said... 26

Jane, Since Jon is on record saying that Kate refused marriage counseling, logically that means that either he was lying or Kate is being sued for debts that he accumulated."

No, Jane, Jon wanted couseling with a marriage counsellor there in PA, SHE had him go to LA to see Dr Phil, who talked about branding. Huge difference. Not sure how this other doctor figures in. The doctor I DOUBT is going to file a case like this against a party who didn't make the debt, that would be a real waste of money, don't you think? This speculation is really going to turn into a headline soon.

It's there now, JON LIED !!!!

kimmie said... 27

the hearing was a request from kate's lawyer so it's possible this is not kate's bill at all and her lawyers want proof of the bill and/or are refuting it.

Jane said... 28

No regrets said...

Jane, Since Jon is on record saying that Kate refused marriage counseling, logically that means that either he was lying or Kate is being sued for debts that he accumulated."

No, Jane, Jon wanted couseling with a marriage counsellor there in PA, SHE had him go to LA to see Dr Phil, who talked about branding. Huge difference. Not sure how this other doctor figures in. The doctor I DOUBT is going to file a case like this against a party who didn't make the debt, that would be a real waste of money, don't you think? This speculation is really going to turn into a headline soon.

It's there now, JON LIED !!!!


I'm not speculating about anything. Jon stated in a television interview that Kate refused to go to marriage counseling. That is a fact. He didn't qualify it, he made a blanket statement. Kate is now being sued for $ owed for marriage counseling, which directly contradicts Jon's statement.

Moose Mania said... 29

the hearing was a request from kate's lawyer so it's possible this is not kate's bill at all and her lawyers want proof of the bill and/or are refuting it.

A hearing is held as the result of the complaint being filed. The defendant's attorneys don't request the complaint to be filed in order to have a hearing to refute a bill. The complaint was filed in the PA Magisterial District, signed by the plaintiff/agent for plaintiff.

Moose Mania said... 30

The "spoof" is at it again...

url said... 31

It doesn't matter if Kate refused to attend the sessions. If the contract was signed prior to any court filings for separation or divorce, then both parties are responsible for the debt. If debt is incurred by the couple prior to court filings, then generally they are both responsible for this debt. Was there a separation agreement in place prior to the beginning of March, 2009? If not, then they are both responsible, even if Kate refused to attend the counseling sessions.

Chewey said... 32

Once again, what a conincidence that Kate gets relatively bashed with low ratings for her new show and information is released at first looking like Kate's the bad guy. No comments from Kate's camp for several days so the media can play with it as bad Kate. But then, IT IS JON'S BILL THAT HE HAS NOT PAID. Kate looks great and poor Kate. Bad Jon. This would be Kate's way to get positive attention back to herself.

After all, right now Jon looks like the better parent to most rationale people. Kate is desperate to keep her show going and I am almost sure if this is Jon's bill, Kate's camp released this document to the media or gave the "heads up" so someone would find the court filing. ~ Administrator said... 33

This whole thing is just kind of silly. The courts will sort it out. Trust the courts to sort this out: If Kate owes money, she'll have to pay, if she doesn't, she won't, simple as that. The idea that this is all Jon's fault is just getting ridiculous at this point. Is there nothing this man is not responsible for? Next the conflict in Lybia will be his doing too. ~ Administrator said... 34

And by the way, you can be sanctioned for filing frivilous lawsuits, so chances are there is SOMETHING to this.

E-town Neighbor said... 35

The courts will sort it out. Trust the courts to sort this out: If Kate owes money, she'll have to pay, if she doesn't, she won't, simple as that.


This is magisterial district court. The courts will sort it out at the hearing. That's the purpose of the filing. She can hash this out with the plaintiff, pays what she owes, and avoid court. However, if she is refuting this, the plaintiff is not going to drop the suit. Whether or not she owes the money will be decided by the judge at the hearing. They would have given her the date of the hearing when the paper was served. She needs to notify the district justice if she will be represented by an attorney, or if she is planning to bring her attorney with her. It is at the hearing when both sides present their cases. The judge will give his verdict at the conclusion of the hearing, or his decision will be handed down within a specified time frame.

I wonder if it will go to court, or if she's just going to write a check...

Mr. Bond said... 36
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mr. Bond said... 37
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said... 38

I am sure Kate assumed the services were another freebie that she was entitled to have. She is queen of freeloading and manipulating others to follow her commands. ~ Administrator said... 39

Kate: You are correct. Never fun to have to clean up others messes, is it? Or pay their bills...
I'm sure that's how the kids feel seeing as they pay Kate's bills every day of their lives!

Seriously how completely classless of Kate. Why in the world is she even commenting on this? She is clearly implying this is Jon's bill, not hers. If it is, go to court and explain that, and she has nothing to worry about! Why blab to twitter about it. She is so obsessed with Jon, and so vile. Jon didn't sue her, the counseling services did. And he still is the children's father no matter whose bill this is.

Financial disputes HAPPEN when you get divorced. He said she said. I'm sure there are plenty of bills Jon thinks Kate owes, and Jon has made it clear he isn't pleased with all the child support he is paying to keep the family in this ridiculous lifestyle while Kate troops around Australia and Alaska enjoying herself. The point is this is a private matter and not for tweeting for cripe sake.

Just one possibility is it it may have been some kind of counseling she backed out on. Problem is if she agreed to do it and signed on the dotted line, it doesn't matter if she didn't go through with it, she may still have to pay. If I order a box of Girl Scout cookies and then decide later that I don't feel like cookies, I still owe the Girl Scouts their four bucks. Same idea. ~ Administrator said... 40

Oh it's also so very classy of Kate to call Jon's attempt to try to save the marriage cleaning up his "messes."

Geez, I didn't know a good faith attempt to save a marriage with Kate Gosselin is what she sees as a giant pile of dog doo doo. Kate has taught me a lot.

mama san said... 41

Perhaps the company is showing an earnest effort to collect. Then, it can be written off as a bad debt. In all, probability, both parties signed on. Otherwise, the company couldn't be pursuing Kate for her share. Kate doesn't live on Planet Earth. She is in her own World.

Moose Mania said... 42

Kate: You are correct. Never fun to have to clean up others messes, is it? Or pay their bills...


Is she really this stupid? She can't shut up about her kids' whereabouts or what they are doing, and now she comments on the lawsuit. I guess her attorney hasn't yet cautioned her that there should be "NO COMMENT!"

I'm telling you, this twitter stuff is going to do her in because she's just not smart enough to know what to say or how to say it, and bashing Jon at every turn isn't going to set too well because it shows her as a bitter ex-wife.

Government Worker said... 43

OK, if everything is Jon's fault I'm going to jumb on the "blame Jon" bandwagon and hold him accountable for the possible shutdown of the government. After all, isn't Ellen a federal employee and isn't she dating Jon? If I were to use sheeple rationale I could say: It's all their fault that I might be furloughed next week!!!!! ~ Administrator said... 44

Anonymous, Kate can be upset about whatever she likes. But she does not have the right to talk publically about it How do you know this isn't Kate's bill anyway? Because Kate said so it must be true? She has never lied before?

Who's your daddy said... 45

Perhaps the company is showing an earnest effort to collect. Then, it can be written off as a bad debt.
Why in the world would a business write off the debt of someone capable of paying for the services for which they contracted?

mama san said... 46

bad debts can be written off taxes to IRS. Good faith must be produced in order to do so. Kate made 3.5 million last year and can't pay her fair share?? Give Jon a break. He has been paying a huge amount of child support to a woman who can afford to be without it. Turn the story around and Kate would be paying Jon spousal support.

Anonymous said... 47

Administrator said...

Anonymous, Kate can be upset about whatever she likes. But she does not have the right to talk publically about it How do you know this isn't Kate's bill anyway? Because Kate said so it must be true? She has never lied before?


She does have the right to talk about it, unless a judge tells her otherwise. You might not agree with her choice to do so, but it is certainly her "right." I have no idea whose bill it is. The point I was making is that if it isn't Kate's bill, it doesn't make her obsessed or vile to be pissed about being sued to cover it. It is a completely normal reaction. The idea that she shouldn't be mad at Jon if it's his bill, but instead be mad at the person suing, is ridiculous.

The Blame Game said... 48

The point I was making is that if it isn't Kate's bill, it doesn't make her obsessed or vile to be pissed about being sued to cover it. It is a completely normal reaction.


It may be a normal reaction to be angry, but it's NOT a normal reaction to discuss it with TOTAL strangers on the internet unless you need one more excuse to bash your ex-husband. That's where she's crossing the line. She may have a legal right, but morally, that's a different story.

Whether or not a gag order has been imposed, it's just not something you do, regardless if you have the legal right or not. You say, "No comment" because you know that if you open your mouth online, there will be a record of it and it can be used against you. I'm surprised the attorney hasn't stepped in yet and stopped this, but maybe she just isn't about to take the advice of anyone, including her legal counsel.

Why couldn't she just say, "What's happened is my business, and I choose for it to remain that way, therefore, I won't be discussing it." Why? Because she needs to vent, and everything is Jon's fault. She won't shut up because she CAN'T shut up. It's not in her nature. Jon is her whipping board, and I hope that he's taking note of everything that's being tweeted regarding this.

Who's your daddy said... 49

Perhaps the company is showing an earnest effort to collect. Then, it can be written off as a bad debt.
Why in the world would a business write off the debt of someone capable of paying for the services for which they contracted?

Government Worker said... 50

OK, if everything is Jon's fault I'm going to jumb on the "blame Jon" bandwagon and hold him accountable for the possible shutdown of the government. After all, isn't Ellen a federal employee and isn't she dating Jon? If I were to use sheeple rationale I could say: It's all their fault that I might be furloughed next week!!!!!

Administrator said... 51

Oh it's also so very classy of Kate to call Jon's attempt to try to save the marriage cleaning up his "messes."

Geez, I didn't know a good faith attempt to save a marriage with Kate Gosselin is what she sees as a giant pile of dog doo doo. Kate has taught me a lot.

No regrets said... 52

Jane, Since Jon is on record saying that Kate refused marriage counseling, logically that means that either he was lying or Kate is being sued for debts that he accumulated."

No, Jane, Jon wanted couseling with a marriage counsellor there in PA, SHE had him go to LA to see Dr Phil, who talked about branding. Huge difference. Not sure how this other doctor figures in. The doctor I DOUBT is going to file a case like this against a party who didn't make the debt, that would be a real waste of money, don't you think? This speculation is really going to turn into a headline soon.

It's there now, JON LIED !!!!

Administrator said... 53

And by the way, you can be sanctioned for filing frivilous lawsuits, so chances are there is SOMETHING to this.

ThisisJonsbill said... 54

Jon was quoted on Us magazine saying: "I have a $22,000 therapy bill," he says. "I mean, I tried to have marriage counseling. I did it myself. She refused to go."

LaLaLandNoMore said... 55

I hope this is all true and Kate gets socked with the amount and court costs. She needs to learn to pay her own bills like most people do. Spoiled, rich grifter that she is. Wake up and smell the coffee, Kate. People deserve to be paid just like you are.

just wondering said... 56

Did you notice that Kate's UPS mailing address is used rather than her physical address?

gncb said... 57

You are giving Kate too much credit. Creative Energy Options specializes in executive and leadership counseling. The closest thing to marraige counseling they offer is "Managing Conflict in a Family Business"

Westcoastet said... 58

Guess she won't be be tweeting about this today, perhaps one of her Twitter fans should ask her about it, haha? That said, would also love to see her tax returns.

Susantoyota said... 59

I remember Jon saying he was disgusted with Dr. Phil's attempt at "marital therapy" as he was more interested in advising them how to protect their "brand". The way I read the article was that Kate underwent the therapy, which was a joke because I'm sure she was really looking for advice on how to get Jon to fall back into line. I'm sure once the doctor mentioned she would have to 'gasp'! make some changes and work hard, that was the end of the "therapy" so Kate probably doesn't feel she needs to pay for something that wasn't successful.
She may have met her match this time as some information will have to come out in court. Jon, are you taking notes? Please do so buddy!

fidosmommy said... 60

Sheesh. Well, I can only assume that the good doctor did not tell Katie Irene what Katie Irene wanted to hear. Therefore, no payment was forthcoming.

She got free advice from Dr. Phil, so I guess she also decided what's good for the doctor is good for the other doctor, huh?

What an astoundingly unusual woman Kate is.

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