Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ratings for New Zealand fall under 1 million--a first for Kate Plus 8

Ratings took a real jump off a building on Monday, only hitting 0.874 million. Now Kate has something actually worth collapsing into a heap and sobbing about.

Kate Plus 8 (TLC)
0.874 million
0.6 HH
0.4 A18-49

Meanwhile, Kate, who is reportedly worth $4 million, is all a-Twitter that her children cannot do gymnastics because it costs a lot. Maybe if she cut back on her mani/pedis, tanning and hair extensions, there could be more of the children's money left over for things they want to do. Unbelievable her stinginess when it comes to anything that has nothing to do with her.

460 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Michelle said... 1

Guess her plea to her fans to call 20 friends each and get them to watch didn't work. Of course if her fans are anything like her, doubtful they even have 20 friends. We know Kate sure doesn't.

Maggie said... 2

Her are some other ratings: Kate on Joy Behar show on April 5 and they re-played her on April 8. Here are the Joy's ratings for the week that Kate was on:

Mon. April 4 - 327,000
Tues. 5 Kate was on - 268,000
Wed. 345,000
Thurs. 330,000
Fri. Kate was on 184,000

I love it. Whenever Kate was on JOy's rating tanked.

PJ's momma said... 3

Woo hoo! Finally, people are exercising common sense and tuning OUT. The show is a joke. Trip after lavish trip that very few can relate to, combined with visits to the dentist or shoe store. It got old long ago, watching this family eagerly seek and receive handouts for no good reason. Those kids need their privacy and learn to have a 'normal' (not 5-star) life while they're still young. Their so-called mother needs to learn the same thing.

Lorrie said... 4

Admin, I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to repost my comment from the last thead, since this one will be getting most of the traffic now. I must've hit "post comment" the minute before you started this new topic.


JudyK, and Nobody Likes a Narcissist, thank you for the wire hangers explanation. I can just picture Kate storming into a child's room, screaming like a banshee too, exactly as Joan Crawford did. Remember her holding a dresser drawer's knob?

As for the ratings news, that is fantastic!!! If I'm not mistaken, ratings have never been under a million before, at least not for K+8. Yay!!

Lorrie said... 5

And another thing -- Kate's excuse about there not being enough space or money for her kids to do gymnastics is ridiculous. I highly doubt all 8 kids are interested in gymnastics. Why can't the few who are take up the sport, while the rest do other things? It's not like one of the nannies couldn't take them to lessons. WHY must they all do everything together? Why not foster a little individuality for pete's sake?

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) said... 6

One word to describe Khatezilla Gro$$elin: Bitc#.

Gatorgirl said... 7

YEAH!!!!! DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD, WHICH OLD WITCH, THE WICKED KATE :) well almost happy people are finally getting sick of her. still can't believe she collapsed into the fetal position after that "jump" and hysterically sobs...scaring the kids half to death. what a tool!

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) said... 8

Actually, TWO words for Khatezilla Gro$$elin: $tupid Bitc#.

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) said... 9

Actually, THREE word$ for Khatezilla Gro$$elin: $tupid, $ELFISH Bitc#.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 10

Oh dear, here we go....

How long before Kate has a telethon to raise money to pay her bills.

Afterall, 4 million is hardly enough for Kate & her 8 to continue living the lives they have become accustomed to...

Her mani/pedi, expensive beauty parlor visits, shoe/shopping excursions etc... are NOT NEGOTIABLE. Somebody has to pay dearly for her poor decisions.

Jon, head for the hills. If Kate's not happy, no one else is allowed to be happy.

P.S. if she was a decent human being, I would feel terribly bad for her. Maybe I might have even fallen for her sh*t story/predicament at the beginning of her fiasco- before finding out what a grifter/opportunist/nasty person she is.
Not anymore.

Move on Kate, everybody else has.

Laurie said... 11

Awesome news!! Countdown to cancellation. Cut the show in 10....9....8....

Too bad, so sad Kate. Should have planned for a rainy day. My level of sincere sympathy is non-existent.

anonymous gym mom said... 12

Admin- I'm using anon. because I don't want people to know too much about me, but I do want to share what I know about the cost of gymnastics.

It doesn't cost a lot for recreational gymnastics
Let's do a little research:
BGA has recreational gymnastics
3months for $145 per child (with a discount per child) with a $20/yr reg. fee.

This is the most expensive Gym Academy in Berks County and has brought forth ELITE gymnasts and former Olympians. It is also only 15-20min from her house (depending upon traffic)

If her children are blessed enough to compete:
BGA cost $800 per year per athlete and then you are to fundraise at least $600. They require all parents to fundraise and volunteer (you will be fined if you do not do your volunteering for the team) then you have to pay for uniforms and meet fees (average $300 for uniforms/leotards and $75-100 for meet fees if they participate)

It takes years to join a team so she would start out with her kids at a Rec Level for about 2 - 3 years and then the coaches choose
which athletes have the drive and stamina and skill to move forward. Some do, some don't.
BGA doesn't have a boys team, so it rules the boys out for competition at that academy

So, at the most we've got $145 x 8 x 4 (4 sessions a year) = $4640 (for all 8 kids) (plus $160 registration - 8x$20)

Let's say two of them actually get on the Level 5 team (BGA starts girls competing at Level 5)
$800 + 300 + $500(5meets at $100ea)=$1600 x 2 = $3600.

She is lying through her teeth. She spends more money on that for shoes/clothing and trips to get her hair done in NYC.

Other gyms cost a little less than BGA do. I just thought I would share how much the best of this area has to offer.

I'm not sure where she went that she said it was 'too crowded'. Maybe too crowded for a mom on the floor (which they are NEVER allowed to be - for the safety of their children) or perhaps too crowded for camera crews.

She is speaking out of the side of her mouth. I know this first hand because my children participate in gymnastics and I certainly don't make $250,000 a week/episode.

Bluenoser said... 13

If you thought Kate was sobbing/blubbering/howling because of the jump just wait until she's told TLC is cancelling her and the freebies are done. It will be a sound heard world wide.

mama mia said... 14

The Kate fans are geriatrics and prisoners who don't have a say on what channel the tv is left on. And apparently the care givers and guards got sick of that whining and switched over to the History Channel.
As for the teens, they decided to just get offline and do their homework so they won't end up a stupid as Kate.

Jnettemariee said... 15

She is just too unlikeabled on so many levels. Like the saying "lipstick on a pig, is still just a pig". As a single mother of 3 daughters I made many sacrifices for the sake of my kids out of love and devotion to my kids. She has no maternal instincts, she is selfish, and she is filled with entitlement and envy. Like I said...UNLIKEABLE and UNRELATABLE to mothers who unconditionally LOVE THIER KIDS...

No regrets said... 16

"E-town Neighbor said..I think that her net worth is reported to be somewhere in that range, not that she made that much last year alone"

Yes, she certainly was reported as making 3.5 for the year 2010 making her the 5th highest paid reality stars. People mag is in love with Kate, so I am sure they wouldn't run this if not true. Plus this story ran in many publications.

Highest paid reality stars,,20447761,00.html

Celebritynetworth. com has her estimated worth at 5 million, which they updated BEFORE the year total of 3.5M for 2010. I am sure that number should be higher than 5 million net worth by now. And with 8, count em 8, deductions, she has a whole lot to write off.

I loathe this "woman" and her entire brand! said... 17

I remember an episode where the kids went to a gymnastics class and the teacher of the class did not want Khate there. My daughter was a gymnast and it is an expensive sport. I used to work the fundraising events at our local NFL games to help raise the money. Khate has made more than enough money to have these kids in sports! Anyway, I posted on the other thread about how thrilled I am that these ratings have hit an all time low! Also, most of the comments on are negative! Seems like more people are loathing this "woman"...

BoyMom said... 18

Did she really say that it was too expensive for the kids to take gymnastics?!!! If so, I hope she's getting blasted for it! That has always been my problem with her. She says how much the show is benefitting the kids, yet all we ever see is how it benefits HER! Why can't they understand that?!

Good news about the ratings. Now they just have to stay there.

Not Watching said... 19

YEAH!!!! Glad to see it's finally hitting home on the ratings.

BTW I noticed that Khate had her bungee jumping video as a featured video on my Yahoo! page yesterday. Did not click over and it slowly dropped off.

Of course this was a TLC stunt - hawking it as it would be their copyright property. She hasn't been news for months! Didn't work TLC - she still TANKED!

jellybean said... 20

Lorrie said...

And another thing -- Kate's excuse about there not being enough space or money for her kids to do gymnastics is ridiculous. I highly doubt all 8 kids are interested in gymnastics. Why can't the few who are take up the sport, while the rest do other things? It's not like one of the nannies couldn't take them to lessons. WHY must they all do everything together? Why not foster a little individuality for pete's sake?
Some kids doing gymnastics and some doing soccer some baseball etc would require Kate to be more like a normal mom running from different sport activity to the next. Why would she do that if she can't film it and the kids are not making money for the grifter mommie dearest?

AuntieAnn said... 21

Ha! TLC giveth and TLC taketh away.

Right on cue Kate starts in with her 'there's not enough money' whimpering. Next she'll be on some talk show crying that she's only got $4 million in her purse and there's bills to pay. That should get her some sympathy...not.

And what's with tossing the sandwich down like it's garbage? It's those little things that give her away. She appreciates NOTHING.

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) said... 22

Here is a Bible quote for you, Khate, you $tupid twit, from Mark, Chapter 8, Verse 36: FOR WHAT SHALL IT PROFIT A MAN IF HE SHALL GAIN THE WHOLDE WORLD AND LOSE HIS OWN SOUL? I hope you enjoy you $4,000,000 you $tupid, $tupid, twit of a woman and pathetic, $ick, poor-excu$e of a mother. By the way, I am SURE you were NOT in church on Sunday, you lying witch. I am sick of the way you use God and religion for you own pathetic convenience.

Michelle said... 23

Can you imagine if she sacrified one-half of what she spends on shoes and spent it on gymnastics, etc.? How many different pairs of heels do you need to run errands in?

LifeinOH said... 24

Did she really say that it was too expensive for the kids to take gymnastics?!!! If so, I hope she's getting blasted for it! That has always been my problem with her. She says how much the show is benefitting the kids, yet all we ever see is how it benefits HER! Why can't they understand that?!
She's taking a beating on Twitter over this.

LifeinOH said... 25

QuintsfanLady Luck


@Kateplusmy8 @tlc It should ALWAYS be about the kids & for the kids. I can't remember the last time I treated myself. Kids 1st always!

13 minutes ago

kittyFitz50Kitty Fitzgerald


@Quintsfan @Kateplusmy8 @TLC I give up things for my kids too. U don't have to be a martyr ... How much does Botox cost ya?

13 minutes ago

QuintsfanLady Luck


@Kateplusmy8 @TLC I don't understand why u can't pay for gymnastics? I give up so much to pay my 7 kids activities on very little income.

14 minutes ago

kittyFitz50Kitty Fitzgerald


@acemme @holly_mo @Kateplusmy8 @sarahjoyce1992 @TLC A good mom would give up a NYC trip so her kids could do gymnastics.

15 minutes ago



@Kateplusmy8 whoa, u really did say gymnastics is 2 expensive. Sad! Get TLC to pay for it & film it as an episode! It would be funny!

16 minutes agoFavoriteRetweetReply

Troy Chula Vista said... 26

Can you hear the sheeple now? They are saying "It's not the beginning of the end.. and here's why, the Royal Wedding and the movie on Lifetime about the Royals. Ha HA Ha.

I'm sorry, but I could care less about the damm royal wedding and wont be wasting my time. If the media and the fanatics over here would put this much energy into issues in this country, we would have a few less problems and not have to "escape" into this Royal wedding.

Bluenoser said... 27

Here is my prediction. In May nothing with Kate Gosselin in it will be on TV. TLC will quietly pull the plug once and for all. It could not happen to a more deserving person.

AMD said... 28

So she says gymnastics"....created per space issues-crowded there.will try to do in future tho. Vry gd for all kids I think"
There certainly would have be enough space if Kate and the production crew didn't attend the classes, too. And, yes, not all the kids need to (or would want to) take gymnastics. I'm sure it's less expensive than hair extensions!

Bluenoser said... 29

BTW I am Canadian and have absolutely no interest, zip, nada in the royal wedding. Many Canadians, myself included, think the monarchy is an archaic institution that should be done away with.

PatK said... 30

The ratings plummet is great news! I had a feeling this might be the week it dipped below one million. Although, to be fair, wasn't there a Royal Wedding special on at the same time?

Regarding the gymnastics, I can't believe this woman is spewing the "too expensive" line with all the money she's got. She truly IS a nutcase.

And just when does she plan on spending another Mother's Day with her children? Oh, how I hope she has some sort of public meltdown at the Derby!

No regrets said... 31

Note: I rounded Kate's pay off to 4 million for 2010 because there were 2 or 3 episodes that they filmed right around the time the article came out. I could be wrong to include those, so it might be 'only' 3.5 million she made for 2010. LOL

This gymnastics thing has me seeing red. I have seen her with $400 dollar shoes on, wearing them in Target parking lot. Gee, cut back on the heels, give your kids gymnastics. That excuse makes me sick Remember when the dolt said that organic milk is SO expensive.

Midnight Madness said... 32

Bluenoser said...

Blue said, Here is my prediction. In May nothing with Kate Gosselin in it will be on TV. TLC will quietly pull the plug once and for all. It could not happen to a more deserving person.


It's already been filmed. I really doubt that all of that footage is going to end up on the cutting room floor. As for future filming, that remains to be seen.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 33

They are saying "It's not the beginning of the end.. and here's why, the Royal Wedding and the movie on Lifetime about the Royals. Ha HA Ha.

And what was their excuse for last weeks drop in ratings?

E-town Neighbor said... 34

Yes, she certainly was reported as making 3.5 for the year 2010 making her the 5th highest paid reality stars. People mag is in love with Kate, so I am sure they wouldn't run this if not true. Plus this story ran in many publications.

That's gross, not net. Knock one-third off for taxes, and figure in the school tuition (100,000 + annually), mortgage, property taxes, paid help, utilities, property maintenance, etc. and she's not sitting with four million cash in the bank. The amount she spends per year would probably make many jaws drops. That said, there's certainly enough left for gymnastics classes for those kids who want to be involved in that without her having to give up the 200 pairs of hooker shoes and NYC hair salon visits!

No regrets said... 35

"She's taking a beating on Twitter over this."

Yes, but not from the die hard fans, the usual frothing, salivating fans. Not one has said a word about her comment. They are still tweeting along about 'sunshine' and 'positivity' Good God.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 36

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

They are saying "It's not the beginning of the end.. and here's why, the Royal Wedding and the movie on Lifetime about the Royals. Ha HA Ha.

And what was their excuse for last weeks drop in ratings?


A bunch of silly, enabling fools.

Don't worry though, when Kate and her "brand" disappear, they will find someone else to obsess over, and live vicariously through.

No regrets said... 37

It just occurred to me, how can they keep up with gymnastics, since they are snatched away for all these 'fabulous', 'life changing', 'educational' blah blah trips/filming they do every break the kids get from school during the year and summer vacation? They even missed 2 weeks of school for these 'life changing' events. So gymnastics? Eh, another nuisance.

AuntieAnn said... 38

She's too cheap use her own money to send them to gymnastics classes but I'll bet she wouldn't hesitate to cash in their earnings from the show to send them to acting classes. That way they can get jobs on tv to keep supporting her lavish lifestyle.

She's not finished with using little extensions yet, which is too bad because they seemed pretty happy just running around an old volcano crater and having a picnic on the ground like most other kids.

No regrets said... 39

MY prediction is this, if the ratings do not come back up, the Twitter account will go and it will be blamed on the "haters". You know the ones that Kate doesn't see and who do not bother her?

She will have to have an excuse to end this Twitter scam cause it isn't working.

Midnight Madness said... 40

3 hours ago
Kate Gosselin
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@torielaine As in mississippi? Yes. As in Missouri? Yes. I get their abbrev. Confused :)


I certainly hope she's not home-schooling those kids! Good grief - she doesn't know the abbreviations for states. Hey, Kate, would the abbreviation for Mississippi have an "o" in it? I wonder if she knows the capitals!

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 41

No regrets said... "She's taking a beating on Twitter over this."

Yes, but not from the die hard fans, the usual frothing, salivating fans. Not one has said a word about her comment. They are still tweeting along about 'sunshine' and 'positivity' Good God.


Talk about ignoring the obvious. I guess they figure if they don't acknowledge the pitiful truth, then it really doesn't exist.

Whatever makes them happy....

Next problem for Kate is, how she's going to rid herself of those fanatics ;o)

TLC ship is sinking said... 42

Now Kate has something actually worth collapsing into a heap and sobbing about.

Remember her reaction upon noticing how small the crowd was at her last book signing in CA?

She complete broke down in a storage closet, too embarrassed to go out there and meet the few fans who did decide to show up.

I can only imagine her reaction now if she saw that ratings were under a million threatening the future of her show. If people are tweeting her about the ratings, she'll probably say she doesn't pay attention to them.

She'll need Steve, the security blanket, today.

I do wonder if the huge drop in viewers was partly due to those tuning in to watch the 20/20 royal wedding special. Ratings from TravisYanan:

- 7.470 million viewers
- 5.2/8 HH
- 1.7/4 A18-49

I wouldn't be surprised if the next Kate Plus 8 episode has ratings around 1.2 million again. Completely shocked if it stays under a million for a consecutive episode.

It also sounds like viewers (based on Kate's live twitter chats) watch the show's next-day repeat at an earlier slot, so they can watch with their kids.

Sorry to be a Debbie Downer but I remember how hyped up some of us (myself included) got last season as ratings were sinking, only to have it back-fire.

8/31: 1.613 million
9/6: 1.389 million
9/13: 1.415 million
9/20: 1.605 million

Laura D. said... 43

I watched the above clip. Why does Kate always come across as “full of herself.” OK, rhetorical question. But her level of self-absorption never ceases to amaze me.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 44

Yes, Bill Gorman of TV by the Numbers does sound like a jerk. As he had said last week, Kate's ratings "stayed even"...

If my math is right, she lost 74% of her viewers from June 2010 until now, with a whopping 25% of remaining viewers last week now lost.

By the time Mr. Gorman was calling her "even" she had already lost 64% of her viewers from the previous June. By this week, she's lost 3 of 4 people who had tuned in last June.

June 2010 = 3.4 million
11 Apr 2010 = 1.214 million
18 Apr 2011 = .874 million

Thought this was telling said... 45

Just wanted to point out that the season premiere of Deadliest Catch had over 10 million viewers! Kate + her 8 + Australia could not even come close to a bunch of gruff sea men fishing for crab!!! LOL

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 46

No regrets said...

MY prediction is this, if the ratings do not come back up, the Twitter account will go and it will be blamed on the "haters". You know the ones that Kate doesn't see and who do not bother her?

She will have to have an excuse to end this Twitter scam cause it isn't working.



Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 47

Oops, I was still hanging out and posting comments in the last thread. I have to stop doing that, lol.

Lorrie: You're welcome for the "No more wire hangers" info. Yes, I can just picture Khate screeching at her poor kids over something like that.

I mentioned the ratings and the gymnastics in my comments on the last post. But, I just have to say one thing again - I hope when Khate meets with TLC, they tell her the show's over because the ratings suck and it "costs a lot" (like gymnastics).

I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I love the way the dumb sheeple are already spinning this that it's not Khate's fault or her decline in popularity; it's all because of the tough competition this week from the royal specials. Yeah, right, okay.

It's going to be very interesting to see if they film this summer. Whatever will Khate do without her freebie trip to the beach house (where was that again, NC?). Hey, good news for the Gosselin kids - I bet for the first time ever, they won't be dragged around with a camera crew and a "mom" in miniskirts and heels to film back to school shopping trips for clothes, shoes, backpacks, etc.

For What It's Worth... said... 48

admin said,
Meanwhile, Kate, who is reportedly worth $4 million

regrets said,
I rounded Kate's pay off to 4 million for 2010


If Kate made that much last year alone, then she's worth more than four million, unless, of course, she spent all of the income from the previous years.

Based on the ratings from Monday night, it appears that many people don't think she's worth the time of day (or night).

Aeris said... 49

PatK said:
And just when does she plan on spending another Mother's Day with her children? Oh, how I hope she has some sort of public meltdown at the Derby!


Pat, I wonder the same thing! Someone in the previous thread asked if the twins had a spring birthday. It's the tups that have the spring birthday, May 10th, which also falls on or around Mother's Day.

IIRC, for the past few years the blogs/forums have been following the G's, Khate has always had an engagement on Mother's Day weekend. I think it started with the church talks, possibly the book tours. A couple years ago, she had just gotten back from a trip on May 10th, Mother's Day AND the tups b-day. She spent the whole Sunday at the spa; the kids' birthday was celebrated the week before. I don't know, that's just not right to me. My kids would come before me, Mother's Day or not.

I guess now she'll take whatever paycheck she can get. She's a bottom feeder when it comes to gigs, and it seems she'll do whatever appearance other D-list celebs won't do. Not too many celeb moms are desperate enough to be away from their kids on Mother's Day.

TLC ship is sinking said... 50

From Kate's live-tweeting chat yesterday:
@Kateplusmy8 I saw him laughing when I was watching. His laughing was a little comical. How long did it take you to feel "normal" again?

in reply to ↑

@sminer22 Spent the rest of day in bed. No lie. Drained. So did Cara and mady btw.

From previous thread:
barbee said...

luv it, twit twitterer tweeted that she and the twins spent the rest of the day in bed, just wiped, BUT one of her fansites had a video of her and the kids having a picnic at the 'biggest bowl in the world' (a dormant volcano?) and eating and discussing the jumps. Does she EVEN KNOW what the truth is 2 seconds after something occurs? And then people STILL don't understand why we are disgusted with her and her lies, lying, being a liar, and just...
being KATE.


Thanks admin for adding the video of Kate's Sky Tower Therapy which proves she lied on twitter to her fans.

I guess she wasn't too drained that she continued filming after that 'death' experience. She was coherent enough to grocery shop and make a picnic lunch, instead of requesting take-out from a cafe.

Cara and Mady didn't look 'drained' at all in that video by the way.

AMD said... 51

The poor kid who raised the gymnastics issue has apologized to Kate.
Perhaps that will be Kate's last Twitter post??

Sarah Joyce
@Kateplusmy8 sorry for even mentioning gymnastics...and causing all this trouble for you! i didnt mean to cause any problems!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 52

I just watched that clip above. So, was that on the show, or is it an extra clip from TLC? I don't remember reading about it in the recap.

So, big surprise, Khate was lying her a$$ off on Twitter the other night and again yesterday when she kept saying that she and Mady (I think) spent the rest of the day in bed after the jump. Did she think nobody would ever see this clip showing that she went to the grocery store and then had a picnic lunch that day? Idiot.

One more question - if this wasn't shown on the episode, but was just an extra clip on TLC's site, does anyone know when they added it? Was it there on Monday, or did they just add it? Hmm, maybe as an answer to Khate lying on Twitter that she spent the entire rest of that day in bed.

Sarah P said... 53

This is her ploy for some gymnastics place to offer free gymnstics to her kids for "publicity" for their gym. Just like getting the free haircuts for 5 years for the kids.
If she gave up pedi/mani and other frivilous things she could put the money towards gymnastics. Hey, isn't she getting child support? A lot of moms actually use child support to go TOWARDS the children. They might put it in savings or use it to help pay for dance, gymnastics, etc. Maybe she should do that and that way JON is paying. No, she woudl rather TLC do it for free and put her on tv going and screeching. Then they will drop out and never go again.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 54

How sad.

The fan that initiated the whole taking the kids to gymnastic class is now apologizing for getting Kate into "trouble"....

@Kateplusmy8 sorry for even mentioning gymnastics...and causing all this trouble for you! i didnt mean to cause any problems


No, dear. You are not responsible for the crap that Kate has created. Kate CAN afford to send her children to gymnastics, she just won't.

Buying shoes (or going to a high end beauty parlor) with that money, well that's a different story.

Learn from Kate's folly, young one, and do the opposite of what she has done. She is a walking/talking cautionary tale.

Moose Mania said... 55

Thought this was telling said...

Just wanted to point out that the season premiere of Deadliest Catch had over 10 million viewers! Kate + her 8 + Australia could not even come close to a bunch of gruff sea men fishing for crab!!! LOL

Well, yeah...both men and women watch a bunch of gruff sea men fishing for crab. What men (other than Iwana...if it IS a man) watch Kate in an aviary sanctuary with armless birds?

MickeyMcKean said... 56

PatK said... The ratings plummet is great news! I had a feeling this might be the week it dipped below one million. Although, to be fair, wasn't there a Royal Wedding special on at the same time?


For the record, when Kate was tweeting asking her tweeties to ask TLC for an earlier time, when the show airs on the east coast at 10pm it airs at the same time on the west coast at 7pm, and in the central time at 8 or 9pm.

So it does not really matter if 20/20 had a royal wedding special on at 10pm Monday night because it would only impact the east coast, not the rest of the country.

From my POV the ratings are down because the twit started to tweet. Not everybody even knows about the Gosselin blogs, so when some of the "haters" asked the really hard questions via twitter it may have gotten some of the people who still watched to think about things.

In other words, as a former fan myself, I know I watched the show without giving a lot of thought about it. That is until the rumors started about Jon and then I "googled" Gosselin, found GWOP and then the archives at the Reading Eagle.

Bottom Line: Even without the "haters" on Twitter, just based on Kate's tweets and the number of them helped getting the ratings below 1 million. Way to go Kate!!!

boo said... 57

Love the way she prepares the sandwiches --plop on the pbj, fold over the bread, squish it down with her thumb and literally toss it down onto the plate. She looks like she's throwing feed on the ground for the chickens.

boo said... 58

I also think that's a bag of Doritos on the blanket. Organic my a$$.

Sport said... 59

Recreational sports (any of them) do not cost that much. I realize if we are talking about becoming an Olympic Gymnast, training and maybe living with a teacher and such its obvious high. But the first step is some sort of Rec type sports to gauge a kid's interest and commitment and that's under 100 bucks.

Who does she think she is fooling with the stupid "I am poor" crap she plays all the time? It's almost as laughable as the "I'm a great mother who does everything for my kids" card she plays.

The world cannot wait until her time is done.

It will be ugly, but once she figures out that the public doesn't care about her life of privilege and acting like a Diva maybe she can settle into some sort of 'normal' life. By normal of course I mean away from the cameras and paying some slight attention to her kids, we all know kHate will NEVER, ever be normal. And in her mind she shouldn't have to either because she is entitled to be special.

Susantoyota said... 60

Ok, I caved and watched the Sky Jump Therapy video at the top of the page. I'm thinking my computer is not that good because it stops every so often. When it did that, I was really struck by the coldness of Kate's facial expression and the lack of warmth in her eyes. I was having trouble watching the video and noticed an ad for 'Shop TLC' off to the right where the price of Jon and Kate videos/dvds have been slashed by $15 each. Clearance sale, Sheeple!! Baby Mama, anyone? Looks like TLC is clearing out the warehouse:)Will they send the remaining videos/dvds overseas with the "cookbook which was never publised by Zondervan" (snark)? Do Kate, Jon and the children get any royalties off those videos?

I think a fitting series-ending episode would be to start with the clip that was aired during the divorce episode where she says "it was a good run" or something to that effect, then show her efforts to downsize and live within her means. The ending shot could be of the children going to live with Jon and Ellen.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 61

She just popped back onto Twitter. Ha, are her fans afraid she's going to have a breakdown:

LivinForLife LivinLife
@Kateplusmy8 Wisdom: Reminder: breakdowns are actually breakthrough's if you learn from them. #TDL
34 minutes ago

in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@LivinForLife omg how true! Thx
5 minutes ago via Twitterrific

Laura D. said... 62

AMD, that just goes to show you how blameless kate is to her sheeple. That poor girl is apologizing for causing trouble for kate? She did nothing wrong; only asked an innocent question. Kate's the one who's wrong day in and day out. They just can't see that!

fidosmommy said... 63

Re: gymnastics and/or other sports for kids.

The problem with Kate taking kids to sports activities is that she would want it filmed, and
TLC would have to get permission to film, make sure every person there signed a confidentiality
agreement, and some parents might not want their kids on film. I strongly suspect the gym owner/manager where they did gymnastics was not excited about having Kate come back to stand on the floor while the teacher was trying to teach. Even TLC asked, I bet they said no. And
we can guess Kate didn't pay for that one excursion to the gym. TLC paid, ya think?

The crew is not allowed to film at the school, which I think is a very sane school rule.

Therefore, no sports events will be showing up on K+8, IMO.

Bad Day Kart? said... 64

She's having a bad day. Not answering her tweets - except for the last one.

This HAS to be pissing her off......

Textbook said... 65

Victims of narcissists often find themselves apologizing even though thy did nothing wrong, like that young fan.

E-town Neighbor said... 66

If she looked into the one I'm thinking of (where everyone goes), it is not cheap, but wouldn't even put a dent in her purse. Plus...there are attractive sibling discounts. There is also a summer gymnastics camp program that the kids would love.

If they aren't going to be filming this summer, she's going to have to find something for those kids to do! An overnight summer camp, especially the four or six week program for the twins would be great. There's an out-of-state girls' camp that I would highly recommend for them, as well as an in-state boys camp, and a co-ed camp near the NY-PA border that's really wonderful. I wonder if she checked into any of them, or if she figured they would still be filming this summer.

fidosmommy said... 67

the 'breakthrough's' (sic) comment reminds me of Carla.........

Anonymous said... 68

Thanks Administrator for sharing the great news about the ratings - hopefully it's only a matter of time now and TLC pulls the plug. About the video clip you posted - OMG did I really see her TOSS food to the children on that blanket she had just stepped on?!!! I did see that, didn't I?

E-town Neighbor said... 69

The crew is not allowed to film at the school, which I think is a very sane school rule.

Therefore, no sports events will be showing up on K+8, IMO.


That's the school policy where the kids go. I'm not sure about other schools, however; therefore, filming at away games would be possible. Obviously, if the school played public schools in sports, it would be difficult keeping a film crew away. However, private schools play private schools, so other schools may also not allow filming.

Troy Chula Vista said... 70

MickeyMcKean said...
"So it does not really matter if 20/20 had a royal wedding special on at 10pm Monday night because it would only impact the east coast, not the rest of the country"


It came on at 10:00 PM here in San Diego.

silimom said... 71

Mickey - On my Comcast digital cable in the Bay Area (CA), it shows at 10:00 pm, not 7pm. Maybe it's different for Dish/DirectTV/Satellite.

Maryanne said... 72

Did she not tweet something about them all "loving" trying the foods in different places? How come she didn't make vegamite (sp) sandwiches...LOL THAT would have made for an interesting clip. I know folks that love the stuff and others not so much (I fall in the latter category, must be an "acquired" taste). But then again, SHE didn't care for the moose hot dogs or burgers in Alaska, as I recall the kids, however, did. Didn't she throw food on the ground there too? Guess she was "giving back" to Mother Earth.

Linda G. said... 73

Yep, I think the twitter experiment will be ending very soon. She's tweeted fewer times today than she has since she started.

I'm struck by how low her follower number is. Even very minor D list reality TV people have more followers than her, and in a shorter amount of time AND they don't tweet all day long. I have the feeling some of her followers are the same people with multiple accounts.

If she were at ALL likable or talented at ANYTHING, she'd have gotten up to at least 30,000-50,000 followers in a few days.

And I knew 2011 would be the end of her show. There's just no way TLC can financially justify it through 2012 with the ratings the way they are and with how expensive her show is to make.

I've long said her BIGGEST obstacle to having a career in show business on her own is her complete lack of talent at anything. She's not interesting, compelling, funny, warm, quirky, intelligent, she's not a good interviewer (narcissists rarely are), she's not even a good public speaker, she can't sing or dance or act. She can't write.

She just doesn't have anything people want to see. I suspect most people watched the show because of the kids, not her. Now they're getting older and no one's paying much attention anymore.

Nothing lasts forever, certainly not reality TV shows. Bye, Kate. Looks like you're about to have a date with REAL reality very soon.

JudyK said... 74

Thank goodness people are finally catching on to the real Kate and to TLC's attempted manipulation to increase ratings by stating Kate will be "swimming with the sharks," except that there WERE NO sharks and she still screamed like a banshee because of the cold water; then she's feeding an alligator and tells the guide that alligator was looking at her like it "wanted to eat her," and then ran away yelping when she was finished; and then the bunging jumping, except that she did not jump, she stepped off, shrieking and screaming all the way down before collapsing in tears and more screams upon landing safely, later stating SHE had had enough death experiences (think she meant near-death), although there's never any mention, crying or concern for her two daughters going over the edge--only for herself.

Pam said... 75

AuntieAnn said... And what's with tossing the sandwich down like it's garbage? It's those little things that give her away. She appreciates NOTHING.

April 20, 2011 8:27 AM

Did you guys catch when the kids were feeding some kind of animal ( I think it was birds but not sure ), and they were tossing the food to it, and Kate said, "Do I throw your food at you?" Implying the kids were throwing the food too hard.

Ummmmm....yes Kate.....we HAVE seen you throwing the kids their food. Many times you have fixed a sandwich for them and then throw it at their plate or in their lunchbox.


TLC, if you are reading this and wondering how to come up with a strategy to save this wretched show, just know that MOST of America is sick to death of seeing ungrateful people, who treat others like crap and have zero respect and compassion for others, be gifted with lavish trips and hand out after hand out after handout.

Kate Gosselin DOES NOT DESERVE THE LUXURY you continually provide her with. She's extremely rude and flat out hateful and self centered, and we are sick to death of seeing her behavior rewarded by your network.

So, as you sit around the conference table with Kate on speakerphone, desperately trying to come up with a game plan to boost ratings, please keep this in mind. We're sick of it. Sick of seeing her horrible attitude and behavior and ungratefulness rewarded.

If you want to boost ratings, get rid of the kids, keep Kate, and build the show around ways you can torture her. Shove her off airplanes, skyscrapers, make her eat tarantulas, and....gasp....make her clean out port-a-potties.

Now THAT I would watch!

I loathe this "woman" and her entire brand! said... 76

So, this morning I was flipping the channels and ran across Khate's E!'s THS. I didn't watch it the first time around and I found it funny that it would air this week after her show tanked. Anyway, I noticed that they showed Khate "shopping" in the Giant store- when the kids were babies- she was holding a photograph of her kids while she was pushing the shopping cart. Was she selling the photos at the store or signing autographs? I mean- who brings and 8 x 10 photo of their kids to the grocery store? I also loved all the negative comments from the locals and the dr. verifying she was only on bed rest for 8 weeks. All together now- I loathe this "woman"...

Jessch said... 77

Is she serious? Gym is too expensive? Gym is not too expensive for children who WORKED for most of their lives.

What is she going to do when those kids hit the teenage and want a million and one different things?!

I am also still very interested to know how she will keep the children away from Twitter/Facebook/the mean internet world where they will find a lot of unpleasant things to read, not only about their mother - but as well about themselves.

So glad to see the ratings keep going down ... She is so over!

Linda G. said... 78

Wow, I watched that Sky Tower therapy clip--it's the first I've seen of any episode of hers since the clip I watched when she ran through NYC in heels with drippy ice cream cones (I don't even watch TLC, period).

So why did she lie on Twitter and say she took to her bed the rest of the day? They went on a damn picnic?

At least it looks like the kids enjoyed the picnic. They got to run around and play like normal kids. Was the whole crater thing closed off to anyone else? How'd they get that area all to themselves?

I found the pap incident at the Kiwi house and if I were Paul (the Kiwi guy's ACTUAL NAME, KATE) I would have kicked out Kate. Too much hassle. Sure, it would have been sad for the kids, but maybe if Kate hadn't invited the public into their lives, she wouldn't have to deal with ONE damn photographer at a kiwi house. It's not like there was a scrum of them, how could she not just ignore him?

Oh yeah, because you're only allowed to photograph them if SHE'S MAKING MONEY OFF IT.

And I loved her sad little sighing on the interview couch all woe is me the paps FOLLOWED ME ACROSS THE WORLD.

No. It was one guy you could have easily ignored.

Linda G. said... 79

Still no tweeting for the twatty Kate. No new episode this next Monday, then she's in Philly the Monday after that.

Let's start predicting the numbers for the Philly episode. It holds no promise of her jumping off buildings or being eaten by sharks, it's just her stomping and griping all around Philly, I'm sure. So after a week off and then a boring episode, what kind of numbers will it draw?

I'm going to go with .75 for my official prediction. She's been on a steady decline for a while. What's after Philly? I tried to see on the TLC site, but nothing is listed after that.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 80

LMAO, now they're tweeting a new theory for the crappy ratings:

@Kateplusmy8 With Passover and Easter vacation lots of family's on the go. We know U aren't going anywhere. Lots support U.


Okay, then. I'm sure that the ratings will be up to about 1.2 or 1.3 million in a couple of weeks. Ha!

wayward said... 81

@sarahjoyce1992 No.sadly.cost a lot and created per space issues-crowded there.will try to do in future tho. Vry gd for all kids I think.
I have tried to come up with a snarky response to this and for the first time, I am at a complete loss. I guess because there is nothing funny about that ridiculous and selfish tweet. These kids have been working for the last five years. She can not only afford to send them to the very best gym, she can afford private lessons for each one who wanted to take them to avoid the "per. space issues-crowded there."

Between sticking her at 10:00 and allowing her to expose her real personality and bizzare mindset on Twitter, TLC is letting her know not to let the TLC/Discovery door hit her on the ass on her way out.

Moved Easter Up A Week... said... 82

@Kateplusmy8 With Passover and Easter vacation lots of family's on the go. We know U aren't going anywhere. Lots support U.


I guess this person thinks that Easter was last weekend, and Monday was "Easter Monday"! How dumb can you get?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 83

There's something I "don't get." How can Kate tweet that she and M&C spent the rest of the day in bed after the Sky Walk when there is footage of them having a picnic?

Is she a pathological liar along with all her other mental problems?

A4Eliz said... 84

I can't believe she would have the nerve to say that about gymnastics, aren't any of the sheepie "normal" families that manage to have their kids in an afterschool activity? Low-income people have kids in a class, it's not that expensive. Love Mady "It wasn't that bad" she has wit beyond her years.

LisaNH said... 85

I really, really hope that these numbers continue to drop on this vile woman. But TLC always has something up its sleeve so it can continue to cram this woman down the public's throat!

Fahnette said... 86

Dear Kate,

Suck it up.

Everyone who has survived a REAL near-death experience

Anon Today said... 87

earranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) said...

Here is a Bible quote for you, Khate, you $tupid twit, from Mark, Chapter 8, Verse 36: FOR WHAT SHALL IT PROFIT A MAN IF HE SHALL GAIN THE WHOLDE WORLD AND LOSE HIS OWN SOUL? I hope you enjoy you $4,000,000 you $tupid, $tupid, twit of a woman and pathetic, $ick, poor-excu$e of a mother. By the way, I am SURE you were NOT in church on Sunday, you lying witch. I am sick of the way you use God and religion for you own pathetic convenience.


Here are some Bible quotes for YOU:

Luke 6:37
“Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven;

James 4:11
Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law.

Ephesians 4:29
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Matthew 7:5
You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.

Matthew 7:1
“Judge not, that you be not judged. ~ Administrator said... 88

Anon if you want to go there the bible also says SPEAK UP. Judge fairly (not dont judge ever, but judge--just do so fairly) Defend the rights of the poor and needy.
The bible instructs us to take a stand. I don't want any part of a religion that says we should allow child exploitation to continue and to support the person perpetrating it.

Aeris said... 89

Wow, is it possible her Twitter days are already coming to an end? Like we've all said, she's going to drop her fun and perky Twitter persona the day it's no longer useful to her. She's beyond "done" now...the force of the toilet flush is pulling her downward, finally!

I'm so glad even her followers are going "WTF" on Khate crying poor again in regards to gymnastics for the kids. She's probably too wrapped up in her own schedule, waiting for her iPhone to ring with another paying gig. There's no time for her to be shuttling the kids around town when there's money to be made...somewhere! What a waste of money TLC spent on gymnastics clothing for all eight kids when they did the gymnastics episode. We knew the kids weren't going back there. It's a shame because some of the girls would have loved it, especially Leah. She's tiny and fearless - she could really excel if only her cheap-a$$ mother would give her a chance.

Westcoaster said... 90

She's probably out shopping for her Derby Day hat, to be worn with micro mini and slut heels, the better to sink into either grass or track. Wonder if she has any clue at all what this is about,or how people dress? Pass me a mint julep, please.

Midnight Madness said... 91

Linda said, I found the pap incident at the Kiwi house and if I were Paul (the Kiwi guy's ACTUAL NAME, KATE) I would have kicked out Kate


Not if TLC paid for the whole thing, and this place had contracted with them to allow filming. They'd have to give a pretty darn good reason for kicking Kate out, and being her usual obnoxious self wouldn't be one of them. If that were a reason to throw her out, heck, no tourist establishment would permit her to film there!

JudyK said... 92

I also picked up on the tweet that she and the girls spent the rest of the day in bed after the "jump," even though they were clearly shown at a picnic, with Kate in a rotten mood and throwing down pb&j sandwiches. Yes, she is a pathological has been shown repeatedly. You know, when you just tell the truth all the time, you don't have to worry about being caught in those pesky indiscretions. And since the paps follow you everywhere, Kate--even in Australia and New Zealand, I still want to see the pics of you out partying with your "girlfriends" tweeting away two weeks ago and I also want to see the pics of you and all the kids at church this past Sunday--not some future Sunday to cover your lie. Surely, if you have your pic taken at Target and getting gas and the paps are always following you, then a pic of you at church with the kids would seem to be a sure thing. You, Kate, are a LIAR.

AuntieAnn said... 93

Last night I watched the blubbering sky jumper and ONLY that part on the rerun. From the other room my husband asked what the hell was I watching? He thought someone was getting beat up. I wanted to see how she treated "Brad". Holy cow. I'm surprised he didn't toss her off the top of the building without that wire to save her sorry ass. Meanwhile back on the couch she makes a joke out of the way she spoke to him. I think TLC wanted us to see that because they're probably just as sick of her as we are. They'll feed her to the dogs when they're through with her.

(BTW -Did I detect Brad smiling while she was dangling hundreds of feet from the ground? She's gotta be more careful how she talks to people.)

Kwitter said... 94

Aeris said...

She's beyond "done" now...the force of the toilet flush is pulling her downward, finally!



Go turd, Go!!!

Actually, I think the turd has already gone down. It's the skidmark she...I mean it... left behind that's still lingering around.

And soon that will fade away and all will be well with the world again.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 95

(BTW -Did I detect Brad smiling while she was dangling hundreds of feet from the ground? She's gotta be more careful how she talks to people.)

It also seemed to me they left her dangling up there longer than Ashley and M&C, kinda bouncing her up and down a bit.

But maybe I'm imagining things.

Pam said... 96

AuntieAnn said...

(BTW -Did I detect Brad smiling while she was dangling hundreds of feet from the ground? She's gotta be more careful how she talks to people.)

April 20, 2011 1:46 PM

Yes you did see him smiling and laughing while she was dangling there. I instantly fell in LOVE with the guy!

About dayam time someone stood up to that cow and refused to put up with that nasty attitude.

Brad needs his own reality show...woot woot :)

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) said... 97

To ANONY TODAY: I stand by my Bible quote, and let me repeat it, because you and your friend Khatezilla Gro$$elin just don't get it: WHAT SHALL IT PROFIT A MAN IF HE GAINS THE WORLD AND LOSES HIS SOUL? And I MUST defend myself to you, dear Anony Today: ***I*** have NOT SOLD out my kids to the highest bidder, so YES, I can judge Khatezilla Gro$$elin, and I WILL condemn her, and I will SPEAK EVIL of her, I will speak if IT FITS THE OCCASION (she's a selfish child exploiter). I have NO LOG in MY eye, thank you very much. And I don't care if I am JUDGED. I have nothing to be ashamed of... so judge away. But Khate has much to be ashamed of. And again, I am sick and tired of this $kanky, $ick witch using God and religion for her own pathetic convenience. I stand by what I said in my first post.

MontgomeryCounty, PA said... 98

TV Show – RAPID decline in ratings, now far below 1M viewers

Twitter – EXTREMELY low follower count/thousands of negative tweets sent 24/7

TLC Blog – Closed due to too many negative comments

For months now, Kreider has not appeared on any of her “usual” talk shows (view, Regis & Kelly, late-night shows), and there has not been any coverage of her or her show in any tabloids (not even in People magazine which in the past has been paid by TLC to cover her). If she could still generate the viewership/readership, producers and tabloid owners would still use her – even if they personally couldn’t stand the sight of her or the fact that she exploits her children.

I hate to say it, but I think that she is going to do something very soon to create drama. She may decide to start filming the kid’s watching her go out on a date or their reactions to her fighting with Jon. I would not put anything past this evil woman to generate viewers. She will stop at nothing to hang on to her fifteen minutes.

On a side note, the news around the blogs is that child advocate and parental alienation groups are mounting protests against Kreider in Louisville, KY. I feel sorry for the organizers of the parade or any event that she shows up at. The focus should be on the charity and Kreider’s protestors might take away that focus.

MickeyMcKean said... 99

MickeyMcKean said...
"So it does not really matter if 20/20 had a royal wedding special on at 10pm Monday night because it would only impact the east coast, not the rest of the country"


Troy Chula Vista said ...
It came on at 10:00 PM here in San Diego.

silimom said... Mickey - On my Comcast digital cable in the Bay Area (CA), it shows at 10:00 pm, not 7pm. Maybe it's different for Dish/DirectTV/Satellite.


I have DishNetwork and I live north of both of you. I just checked the listings for May 2 on their website:

7pm NEW K+8
8pm Aus 2 Zoo K+8
9pm NZ K+8
10pm Repeat NEW episode K+8
11pm Aus 1

So is it only on Dish on the west coast that new episodes of K+8 is on at 7 and repeated at 10?

Course no real reason to debate the issue since I'm sure the show is a done deal and will be cancelled soon.

No viewers = no sponsors = no money = no show!

wayward said... 100

Anon today said:

Here are some Bible quotes for YOU:

Luke 6:37
“Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven;

James 4:11
Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law.

Ephesians 4:29
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Matthew 7:5
You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.

Matthew 7:1
“Judge not, that you be not judged.

Kate how did you remember all those, didn't you leave all your bible verse stickies at the Andrew Ave. house?

Kateisnochristian said... 101

Anon Today said... earranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) said...

Here is a Bible quote for you, Khate, you $tupid twit, from Mark, Chapter 8, Verse 36: FOR WHAT SHALL IT PROFIT A MAN IF HE SHALL GAIN THE WHOLDE WORLD AND LOSE HIS OWN SOUL? I hope you enjoy you $4,000,000 you $tupid, $tupid, twit of a woman and pathetic, $ick, poor-excu$e of a mother. By the way, I am SURE you were NOT in church on Sunday, you lying witch. I am sick of the way you use God and religion for you own pathetic convenience.


Here are some Bible quotes for YOU:

Luke 6:37
“Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven;

James 4:11
Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law.

Ephesians 4:29
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Matthew 7:5
You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.

Matthew 7:1
“Judge not, that you be not judged.

Kate's own actions and lack of christian values disqualify her from being a sister in Christ. Please don't throw christian terms around and somehow think Kate is a saint. Rearranging the deck chairs never once proclaimed to be a saint either, but Kate is a liar and those who would excuse her abusive behavior towards Jon and stealing from the church is not a christian, she is a wolf in sheeps clothing. The description rearranging gave about Kate was bang on. What a shame she used Christianity to exploit her children and steal money from believers who wanted to help her!!! Shame on you for supporting her in doing this!!!

Maryanne said... 102

I'm no Khate fan, and never have been. That having been said, she did not say gymnastics was too expensive. She said "costs a lot". It does, as does ballet lessons, soccer "club" teams, piano lessons, etc. Having said THAT, some could read into that that she's balking at the cost. The personal space issue - hmmm, I live one state over and we have many, many gymnastics clubs that offer small group or even private coaching/lessons. The "vry gd for all kids I think" is troublesome for me - NO, gymnastics is NOT good for ALL kids. Just as soccer, ballet, basketball, etc. isn't for ALL kids. The child's INDIVIDUALITY plays a big part - as well their own interests. No matter how much my mother thought I would support her by becoming a famous ballerina it was never gonna happen, I didn't have the body type, nor that level of talent and, most importantly, NO INTEREST. Made me take lessons for 11 years (age 3 to 14) and then bemoaned the "waste of money", "HER disgrace" and the constant "all those years and you still walk like an elephant!" Nice, huh? (yes, in front of other people) I suspect my mom had NPD...but I digress.

Extra-curricular activities are most definitely important in a child's development in a variety of ways. It certainly doesn't seem like cost should be a factor in G 8 choices. Time could very well be factor, even if you take filming out of the mix. "Personal space" - oh puhleez.

E-town Neighbor said... 103

Anon wrote...

James 4:11
Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law.

Ephesians 4:29
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.


Are those for the sheeple, whose vile language on those Tweets, blogs and comments site is enough to make a drunken whatever blush!

Is this one for Kate?...

Matthew 7:5
You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.


And if you want to go the quotes route, Biblical or otherwise, here's another one for Kate from Lucky Lindy's wife, Anne:

"The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere." No wonder Kate is always so tired.

I remember these from a senior seminar course. They are fitting for those who post as anonymous:

"God has given you one face, and you make yourself another" (Shakespeare).

"We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves."

"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are."

Reality Bites said... 104

Personally I believe TLC won't cut the umbilical cord unless/until they are certain no else can make a buck off the Gosselin 8 and/or their attention-seeking-bony-phony-ass-tweeter-twit of a mother.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 105

Anon Today said...

Here are some Bible quotes for YOU:

Luke 6:37
“Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven;

James 4:11
Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law.

Ephesians 4:29
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Matthew 7:5
You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.

Matthew 7:1
“Judge not, that you be not judged.


I presume you are a religious/spiritual person.
Kate is going to need people like you to help her get through the cancellation of her show.

I pray she finds her way, and becomes the woman & mother she was meant to be.

In the meantime, seeing how blind she is, in order for this to happen, her show HAS TO BE CANCELLED, and will be cancelled.

It will be good and wise for her to step away from TLC, & cameras- and concentrate on being a better human being, daughter, sister, mother, neighbor, and friend.

Her "fans" will eventually find their entertainment elsewhere. But watching children locked in an endless hell, being filmed for t.v. is not fair or a normal life for them.

I'm sure you understand.

Sport said... 106

If we are going to start throwing out bible quotes and getting all preachy, I think Jeffrey 'The Dude' Lebowski said it best:

"Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man."

Save8FromEvilKate said... 107

As per Popeater Take stays under 1 mil no contract for next year!

Get to work Take! Disgusting enough you call Jon's kids your extensions, aka moneymakers. The kids take after Jon, not you ho, they have feelings unlike yourself. He's a good father, not a please feel sorry for me Dad and doing what he should be doing!

Chage yourself Take, before your kids totally and completely hate you. You may have them worrying about you now, which is so wrong on so many levels, it won't last forever though.

AuntieAnn said... 108

It also seemed to me they left her dangling up there longer than Ashley and M&C, kinda bouncing her up and down a bit.

But maybe I'm imagining things.

Bouncing her too? Bwahaha! The visual makes me laugh out loud. Betcha Brad was grinning like Wiley Coyote and muttering 'that'll teach ya'.

Kelly GREATSKATE1 said... 109

Since we're all quoting the bible, here's a few for her:

Epesiotomy: 4:20 Damn this show hurts

John 4:19: (quarter moon) this is the final spot for Kate plus 8

Brad 4:18 (10pm) Please don't let her bounce back up on the roof.

LaLaLandNoMore said... 110

Kate does not see the money made on the show as belonging to the kids. It's hers, and only hers. It's a sickening state of affairs. We were practically on food stamps at one point in time and our little girls still took gymnastics and piano lessons. Our son played little league. We sacrificed for the kids. They didn't work to support us.

This woman has my blood pressure up! TLC must stop the madness. Kate does not deserve half of the blessings she has received/grifted over the years. She is a d-list delusional reality tv player who wouldn't even have a show if not for having 8 kids. What happened to those kids deserving everything on a "gold" platter? Might that platter include: gymnastics, soccer, baseball leagues, dance class, membership at the YMCA, piano lessons on the piano given to them, cooking classes, or anything the kids might be interested in? It's all about Kate, that's why. I will continue to vote with my remote. With proper management, Kate has enough money to finish rearing her kids quite nicely.

About the invite to the Kentucky Derby, she should fit in quite well with the not an A-list crowd. I hope she shows her truest colors so her hosts will regret they ever invited her.

Anonymous said... 111

Ephesians 4:29
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.


That includes lying, bashing Jon on live TV, and treating Brad like crap. Since does Kate build other people up besides herself?

Elle said... 112

We should keep in mind that the lead in this week was significantly lower. K+8 actually built on Quint By Surprise special numbers (which only drew 0.789) compared with last week, where Cake Boss gave it a lead in of over 1.4 mill (and K+8 retained 1.2 mill of that).

JudyK said... 113

Epesiotomy: 4:20 Damn this show hurts


Roaring w/ laughter over this one! (You will burn in Hell Kelly!)

Jenna Does said... 114

# @gracefull8 I try to do as Many as I can whenever I have a quick second-- like waiting for water to boil or dinner to b done etc :) about an hour ago

One of her newest, what is she doing? Kegel exercises? And the whole tweet about the "rags" saying she had tons of surgery...Kate, just admit you had a boob job already!!

Admin, I LOVE that you have that twitter update thing. It's so great! I'm debating on whether to watch that clip above but I just ate dinner & don't know if I can stomach the whole thing from what I've read. I'll read your posts instead...for now. :)
~Hippie Chick~

Moose Mania said... 115

Kelly mused:

John 4:19: (quarter moon) this is the final spot for Kate plus 8


Don't you mean JON 4:19?

LOL, Kelly...loved the episiotomy. However, since she had a C-section, shouldn't that have been:

And there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus: "get them out now while I can still sign on the dotted line!"

Susantoyota said... 116

MontgomeryCounty PA said

On a side note, the news around the blogs is that child advocate and parental alienation groups are mounting protests against Kreider in Louisville, KY. I feel sorry for the organizers of the parade or any event that she shows up at. The focus should be on the charity and Kreider’s protestors might take away that focus.

Do you have a link to any news stories on this?

GKWay said... 117


Gotta say I love love your tweets! They are hilarious and Kwat is just stupid enough to think that you are serious and a fan. What a dolt!

Thanks for making me smile :)

The Fat Lady Sings said... 118

I hate to be the pessimist here, but I just don't think it's over. I'll believe it when I see it. I can't imagine that TLC doesn't have something up their sneaky little sleeves.

Jenna Does said... 119

OH!! I just read the ratings!! OHHHHH! Oops....Bye bye Kate!! I hope you enjoyed being a total bitch clawing your way to the top, cause it's gonna suck kissing everyone's ass on the way down...

OMG. Wow. Pray for those kids.
~Hippie Chick~

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 120

Bouncing her too? Bwahaha! The visual makes me laugh out loud. Betcha Brad was grinning like Wiley Coyote and muttering 'that'll teach ya'

Yeah, I thought it was kinda funny, like when she was whipped up in that bucket on DWTS, trying to lip sync "I Sill Survive."

Grandma Kreider said... 121

On a side note, the news around the blogs is that child advocate and parental alienation groups are mounting protests against Kreider in Louisville, KY. I feel sorry for the organizers of the parade or any event that she shows up at. The focus should be on the charity and Kreider’s protestors might take away that focus.


There are quite a few Kreiders in my family, and to hear her called "Kreider" really cheapens the family name. I feel dirty!

Cindy said... 122

I wouldn't put a nail in that coffin yet. This woman will not go down without a fight. We should expect to see some drama created very soon. Betcha somone had to PAY for her to go to that party. I hope it is pouring rain on Derby Day and she takes a flop face down in the mud.

url said... 123

I don't know about bible scriptures, but Kart and Steve both had it coming to them. That is why this hyped up NZ episode truly tanked.

AuntieAnn said... 124

Pam said...About dayam time someone stood up to that cow and refused to put up with that nasty attitude.
Brad needs his own reality show...woot woot :)

Sorry I missed this earlier Pam. ITA. If he doesn't get his own reality show we can at least build a shrine to honor him ;o) You are so right it IS about time.

I think almost everyone except her drooling sycophants are finished with watching the way she treats people with ZERO respect. I doubt if Brad even KNEW who she was or cared if she was some reality show attention ho from another country, he was just doing his job.

If she thinks she's walked through fire in the last four years she'd better put on an asbestos suit, cuz her karma is starting to kick in. Our new hero Brad is just the beginning.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 125

From earlier today:

BrandyGilley Brandy Gilley
@Kateplusmy8 ?What is the kids bedtime?Do M&C get to stay up later?What about the weekend?luv that u answer ?!have learned so much from u:)
5 hours ago

in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@BrandyGilley 7:45 littles; 8:30 ish for m and c. Fun during wkend no set bdtime within reason.. Great! Hope it helps..
2 hours ago via Twitterrific


Well, she's back on Twitter now.....why is she always on Twitter the last hour and half hour usually, up to her kids' bedtime? What mother can do that?

She only has the kids home for what, a few hours each afternoon and evening? In that time, she has EIGHT kids to spend time with, talk about their day, maybe play outside with, or play games with, get some homework or school projects done, have dinner with, make sure they have baths/showers, get ready for bed, have clothes and backpacks ready for the morning, and lunches, maybe read a bedtime story, etc. With all that and only a few hours a day, she should not be on Twitter AT ALL during that time. She has all effing day to screw around on Twitter and all evening after 8:30 when they're all in bed. She sucks.

Btw, I know everyone's schedule is different, but isn't 7:45 early bedtime for almost seven year olds? And 8:30 for ten year olds?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 126

I love this tweet of Kates:

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@emilykateplus8 @CinJino That's right Emily.Be careful&don't get so upset. I once heard,ur not famous(hate that wrd btw) til u have haters.

So does that mean when her show is cancelled she'll be really, really famous? ~ Administrator said... 127

Kate really is dillusional. She thinks one day everyone woke up and decided to hate her. She outright refuses to answer any of our questions, namely, why does she keep exploiting her kids?

I can think of a hundred celebrities right now off the top of my head there are no hate sites for. Not one single blog talking about how much they disagree with them and their choics. ~ Administrator said... 128

In times of deepest trouble Christians often turn to scripture to get them through. I'm guessing that explains the sermon earlier today. 0.8 million and the wealthiest mother of multiples in the world claiming that gymnastics cost too much would be troubling to a sheeple.

Sleepy Time Bunny said... 129

"Btw, I know everyone's schedule is different, but isn't 7:45 early bedtime for almost seven year olds? And 8:30 for ten year olds?"


Not here! During the school year, no; summer, maybe. If the twins go to bed at that time, chances are they really don't get settled down and get to sleep until 9 or so. They get up at what, 5:30 - 6:00? That's a max of nine hours. Our pediatrician recommends 9 to 10 hours for an 11-12 year old; the tups should get even more. ~ Administrator said... 130

I think the lie about how they collapsed back in the hotel room after the bungee jumping was a lie to make it all seem all the more dramatic and trying. It was so terrible she just crumbled, feel sorry for her, sympathetic, hugs, my goodness how BRAVE you are Kate. Hahha, oops--liar.

It's hysterical that TLC themselves, whether they intended to or not, proved that tweet was a total lie by showing a clip of what she really did after bungee jumping.

On another note, the fact that they have all this "extra" footage to make little web clips out of is frightening. Proves how much they film that falls to the cutting room floor. How much have these kids had to film for NO PURPOSE because it never makes it to an episode? They could have enjoyed this picnic in private for pity sake, it never even made the episode.

I also noticed in the clip she continued to talk about herself and how hard the bungee jumping was on her. How about talking about Mady and Cara for once and congratulating them on how brave they were and making this picnic a celebration of them and how good they did, rather than a misery part about her and her stupid exaggerated meltdown? ~ Administrator said... 131

Not an early bedtime at all for kids who are forced to take a 45 minute bus ride there and back because their mother had to have them in the "best" private school.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 132

Well, yeah, I don't think kids that young should have to get up that early just because the school is so far away. But then again, I'm a reasonable parent who actually considered the location and distance as one of several factors in deciding what school to choose for my kids. I would have definitely ruled out adding an hour and half to my kids' day, especially at 5 and 6 years old.

In Times Of Trouble said... 133

Admin said,

In times of deepest trouble Christians often turn to scripture to get them through. I'm guessing that explains the sermon earlier today. 0.8 million and the wealthiest mother of multiples in the world claiming that gymnastics cost too much would be troubling to a sheeple.


You're assuming that a sheeple is normal, with the ability to reason, coming to terms that something is wrong with that picture. I'm not so sure that they can put aside their adoration to logically see that two plus two equals four.

Silly Sheep Tweets are for twits said... 134

Kate is now blocking her negative tweeters. All that means is we cannot follow her. We can still see her tweets and still tweet to her (and her fans, who are the funniest).

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 135

Elle said...

We should keep in mind that the lead in this week was significantly lower. K+8 actually built on Quint By Surprise special numbers (which only drew 0.789) compared with last week, where Cake Boss gave it a lead in of over 1.4 mill (and K+8 retained 1.2 mill of that).


Well then this is going to be interesting. I just checked the schedule at TLC's site and when the show comes back on Monday, May 2nd, it's a K+8 marathon:

7pm(EST): re-run of the 1st Australia episode
8pm: re-rerun of the 2nd Australia episode (zoo)
9pm: re-run of New Zealand episode
10pm: new epsiode - Philadelphia

It's going to be fun to see what excuses the sheeple come up with that week!

url said... 136

So Steve, the handler will escort his broken down mare to the Kentucy Derby. He can also trot her out to the losers circle.

In The Neighborhood said... 137

Administrator said...

Not an early bedtime at all for kids who are forced to take a 45 minute bus ride there and back because their mother had to have them in the "best" private school.


The twins were enrolled in the school before the flurry of fame went to her head. At that point, I don't think she picked the school for the status factor, the "best" private school. The distance to the school from the old house was reasonable, and if she wanted them in a private school, that would have been the one, and not necessarily because she wanted bragging rights. Compared to where they are now, it was a hop, skip and a jump, and very easy for their parents to drive them and pick them up. It was a good school for the twins, and they adapted quite well to the curriculum.

However, when it was time for the younger children to go school, they were already living in Wernersville. The twins were doing well in school. Would it have been fair to them to take them out of school when they had adjusted so well, knew the routine, and were among friends? Maybe they wanted to go to the same school as their older sisters. Should the younger children have gone to a different school? Having two kids in one school system and six in another at another location is no picnic - different schedules can be a headache.

Without getting into the entire school bus discussion again, I'll reiterate that I would not want my children to ride a bus that long; however, once again, there are children who live within the same school district as the school that ride a bus for the same amount of time because of all the stops the bus makes. Pick-up time is the same for those kids as it is for the Gosselins. The Reading bus is designated just for the Reading kids and they don't make multiple stops along the way.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 138

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

I love this tweet of Kates:

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@emilykateplus8 @CinJino That's right Emily.Be careful&don't get so upset. I once heard,ur not famous(hate that wrd btw) til u have haters.

So does that mean when her show is cancelled she'll be really, really famous?


I love how she hates the word "famous"... my a*s... Being famous has been her plan from the start.

Yeah, sure- but she'll be famous for the wrong reason.

She'll be famous for being a manipulative con artist, who took advantage of everyone in sight.

She will never be famous for anything positive.

h8k8 said... 139

Jenna Does/Hippie Chick said...
# @gracefull8 I try to do as Many as I can whenever I have a quick second-- like waiting for water to boil or dinner to b done etc :) about an hour ago

One of her newest, what is she doing? Kegel exercises? And the whole tweet about the "rags" saying she had tons of surgery...Kate, just admit you had a boob job already!!

She was talking about tweeting.


@Kateplusmy8 @HopefaithLuv143 She usually runs abt a mile with me. Whenever she wants to turn around we do..I like having someone to run with.she's fun!

If Kate turns around with Cara and they only run a mile, how does Kate get in her OTHER daily 6 miles that she says she runs?


randyGilley @Kateplusmy8
?What is the kids bedtime?Do M&C get to stay up later?What about the weekend?luv that u answer ?!have learned so much from u:)

@Kateplusmy8 @BrandyGilley
7:45 littles; 8:30 ish for m and c. Fun during wkend no set bdtime within reason.. Great! Hope it helps..

I don't think the question should be whether the times are age appropriate, but rather that she's once again giving out private information that could be putting the children's safety in jeopardy to say nothing about not keeping details about their daily activities private - maybe the kids don't want that info broadcast to the world. Need anyone be reminded of child abductions and home invasions that take place when the children are in bed and/or the family activity times are known? STUPID, STUPID, STUPID. ~ Administrator said... 140

Neighborhood, she shouldn't have bought a house she cannot afford or sustain (without a reality show) that was far away from a school her kids were already in and doing very well.

No, she's not supposed to pull her kids out of school. She's supposed to make choices that support what is best for them, not make it harder.

If gymnastics costs too much, a million dollar house costs too much. That's the bottom line. ~ Administrator said... 141

And Steve will be away from his wife on Mother's Day and with Kate?

Sorry but if I were his wife.... ~ Administrator said... 142

God the first thing I thought of was JonBenet Ramsey. Her killed snuck in through a basement window while she was asleep. The killer knew the family had money.

Kate is STUPID, period.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 143

There have been a few excited tweets from the sheeple tonight that Khate has almost 8,000 followers now. Ha ha ha ha!! I smell desperation.

Someone should tweet TLC: Don't worry that K+8 lost 340,000 viewers this week...she has 8,000 followers on Twitter, Yay!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 144

Someone should tweet TLC: Don't worry that K+8 lost 340,000 viewers this week...she has 8,000 followers on Twitter, Yay!

Isn't that the dumbest thing??

It's been pointed out to her fans. They don't seem to get it.

And where has HispElvis today, such a loyal supporter, and IwanaDateGoofy, he's not around very much although she did tweet him Mon. night that she was "annoyed" with him for not being there during live tweeting. And fawning PattiPie hasn't been as ga-ga as usual.

And here I thought her supporters "had her back."

Ava said... 145

I was thinking today how pathetic it is that Kate can't even handle her own children by herself. She only has to "parent" them a few hours a day. Now she says that she needs the nannies because she's a single mom. But when she was married she spent all day alone with the kids when Jon was at work. What's the difference? She was able to handle them then when they were younger. It should be easier now to be able to handle the kids by herself. Kate Gosselin is not a parent.

He's NOT a bodyguard!!!!!!!! said... 146

Folks, we have to stop calling Purseboy a bodyguard!

He isn't.

Call him a handler, a lover, a sycophant, her boy, a manager, but he ISN'T a bodyguard.

Bodyguards don't act the way he has. The day he was photographed carrying her purse and other packages he lost ALL OF HIS CREDIBILITY.

I sure hope he is paid well and he has been saving all those pennies because he'll never get another job in the true personal security industry. He's sold his soul to the celebrity world.

Of course, perhaps this purseboy position is what he wanted, what he aspired to. I don't believe a single word on his company website. It's pretty likely he's a grifter too like Kart.

Reminds me of the old saying "it takes one to know one" ------ could be that the two of them schemed this whole journey from unknown to 'stah'.

I cringe everytime I see someone on any blog refer to him as a bodyguard. He ISN'T.

As to why she thinks she might need one, lordy bee, she is scared sh*tless that some of her fans will approach her and call her names. She knows she is disliked and while I think she'd like us to think she doesn't care, she does, way down inside that little cold rock that beats in her augmented chest.

NPD people just get more beligerant the more they are criticized. In public she will be incredibly arrogant, but in private she will have moments of angry desparate sobbing, "why me? Why don't they like me? This isn't fair.... you've got to fix this!" Boo hoo boo hoo.

I have to wonder if her family isn't tickled pink that she has deserted them. Probably the most peace they've had in years........ gawd, imagine the drama and chaos when she lived at home -

Just an FYI also, it seems that the FLOP blog has refused to publish a couple of my postings. I thank the Admin here for being so democratic and allowing free speech (within reason of course). This has become the go-to blog for current and accurate information about our favorite little Kart......

Linda in Central PA said... 147

Having been at the Ky Derby for many years and being on Millionaire's Row and the lesser Skye Terrace and seeing many celebrities, I can honestly say I don't remember seeing any bodyguards "guarding". I do see members of the Sheriff's Dept. escorting celebrities to the areas, but once they are at their tables, they are on their own. Tickets are VERY expensive and difficult to come by in those areas. I cannot see anyone giving up a ticket to Rat Claws just so he can monitor Kate. I do hope I see her and can report back!

TLC ship is sinking said... 148

Administrator said...

And Steve will be away from his wife on Mother's Day and with Kate?

Sorry but if I were his wife....


Wasn't Steve with Kate on Valentine's Day when she had The Talk interview in LA?

I don't know how his wife does it, but I wouldn't put up with my husband constantly sharing these special holidays with another woman. No amount of money would persuade me otherwise.

Silly Sheep Tweets are for twits said... 149

I don't think Steve is with Gina anymore. He's spent EVERY holiday with Kate for the past 2 years. Last Christmas he brought his sons, but no wifey.

In The Neighborhood said... 150

Neighborhood, she shouldn't have bought a house she cannot afford or sustain (without a reality show) that was far away from a school her kids were already in and doing very well.


No argument there. They never should have moved. However, there were the issues of zoning, neighborhood complaints, but that doesn't mean that they couldn't have found a larger house in the area close to the school at an affordable price. There were certainly attractive properties within the area that were available at the time. They didn't need 26 acres, most of which are useless. They paid a good price for the land, which was totally not necessary. She needed a "mine, all mine" house, the biggest and best, to show the world that she had "arrived."
I'm waiting for that "for sale" sign to go up...

TLC ship is sinking said... 151

He's NOT a bodyguard!!!!!!!! said...

Folks, we have to stop calling Purseboy a bodyguard!

He isn't.

Call him a handler, a lover, a sycophant, her boy, a manager, but he ISN'T a bodyguard.


From now on, I'm referring to him as Kate's security blanket.

She cannot do anything nor make decisions without him by her side. Without her blankie, she just cannot function AT ALL.

The image of Alexis in the dentist chair crying until she had her security blanket comes to mind. Like mother, like daughter.

Derby Photos... said... 152

Linda in Central PA said...

Having been at the Ky Derby for many years ..... I do hope I see her and can report back!


Linda, are you feeling naughty? What delightful fun could be had if you made sure to snap photos of her! Don't worry about Purseboy seeing you - the fun would come when he trys to get you to stop or to delete the pictures... in fact, make sure to get some of him too!

Pointing is always effective if they won't pay attention to you.... ;-)

Be sure to take your own "bodyguard" who efficiently will step in front of Purseboy when he attempts to threaten you.

I'm sorry, but I am feeling ever so devilish tonight. Just the thought of the scene above entertains me. Pardon me while I take a moment to giggle.

TRUTH - I surely wouldn't want you to have to waste time and breath on the grifter pair. I take back my suggestions! LOL Enjoy your day at the Derby.

Although................ if she does in fact wear her f*ck me stilettos and gets the heals caught in the turf.... and does a face plant... well, that for sure would be worth some bucks.

I told you, I'm feeling so devilish tonight; I think it's because Kart isn't returning my tweets...bwwwaaaaaa hahhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaa...



TLC ship is sinking said... 153

@emilykateplus8 @CinJino That's right Emily.Be careful&don't get so upset. I once heard,ur not famous(hate that wrd btw) til u have haters.

Huh? You don't like the word 'famous' but you love the celebrity lifestyle and all its perks.

It's the infamous ones that have many haters.

Wow, for someone who keeps saying that the 'haters' don't get to her, she sure loves to keep bringing them up.

From an older tweet:
@IDeeClair I've wlkd thrufire4yrs. Criticismissmallonmylistof difficult.Notime4it&no care.I'llalways b who I am,like me/hate me, no matter.

First of all, this kindergarten grammar is becoming a huge pet peeve for me.


Thank goodness for this blog's archives! I found this in an old DWTS recap:

"Kate next claims that she wakes up every morning and checks the news to see what her day will bring. Hopefully she also checks our blog, which is the most up to date on her shenanigans/lies if you don‘t mind my saying so! And she can pull it up on her iphone! First of all, though, that’s incredibly unhealthy. Most very famous people will tell you not to read the tabloids, they will just make you ill. Second of all, I thought she didn’t care what the press says. Now she wakes up every day hanging on their every word? How sad for you that you base your day around what some 25-year-old writer who really would prefer to work for The New Yorker is saying about you in US Weekly. I think she just likes to read about herself in print, she gets off on it, but Kate tries to play it like they are causing her to have poor self-esteem and all those magazines just want to be big meanies to her."

Debunking another Kate tweet at a time.

I Just Don't Geeeeet It said... 154

Can I ask a stupid question?

How does doing something that scares you make you better than somebody who recognizes it's too scary and chooses not to do it?

I realize Kate truly believes this makes her a better person, but there are other Kate's out there who believe this, too.

I don't see how making yourself do something that truly scares you, and has absolutely NO EFFECT on how you function in life if you choose not to do it ( not talking about phobias that hold you back and interrupt your life )....

HOW does it make you better than someone who hasn't done it?

Kate saying she "conquered" the building and the building didn't conquer her bugs me. If you ask me, she's much worse off now than she was before she jumped. How is that conquering and how does this make her a stronger person?

I am not speaking of thrill seekers who get a high from doing these things and live, breathe and eat living dangerously.

I'm talking about the ones who will puke from sheer fear of doing the thing.

Why do it? I don't get how it benefits you if you come out of it worse off than you were before.

Am I making any sense?

Does it make you a lesser person if you say, "No. I won't do that. It's not for me."

I just get very irritated with these types who think they are somehow better than others because they did something scary that other people don't feel compelled to do.

Case in point. Holding ANY kind of spider will never benefit me and make me a better/stronger person. Holding a spider would only serve to make me EVEN MORE phobic, and I recognize that and respect it. It just doesn't thrill me in any way. I can still live to be 100 and very happy with my life if I don't do it. But I was mocked and made to feel "lesser than" some other people who did it and weren't afraid to begin with. Made to feel like I will be on my deathbed full of regrets.

Kate's attitude that she is somehow a better person for stepping off that building just raises this irritation in me. If you ask me, she became much weaker for doing it. She made a complete ass out of herself. I don't see her as being any stronger for having done it at all.

What is the point of doing stuff like this if you are truly unnerved by it? Why put your mind and body through the intense stress for something that will not better you?

Kate's gloating about it now is off-putting to me. I can see if she did it and landed smiling and thrilled.

I don't see how she thinks of herself as coming out of this a winner and better off for it. The whole world ( 800,000 teenagers anyway ) saw an idiot clomp to the ground and look like she needed a shot of Thorazine and a padded room.

It has just never made sense to me why people do terrifying risky things if it scares them so bad and makes no difference if they do it or not. You can really do some serious damage to your adrenal glands this way (JFK went into adrenal failure over something that was too intense for him and he needed medication for it the rest of his life ).

I would bet money Kate will NEVER EVER jump off that building again, wheras before she did it, she always though maybe she could. Now she knows it's not a possibility anymore. Now she knows how bad it is and won't dare do it again ( she can say she would all she wants, I know she wouldn't. The fear is forever ingrained now. But here she is bragging about it as if she's so special now for doing it.

I'm rambling. Sorry.

Just curious as to why some people think doing terrifying things makes you better than those who don't ( because they have enough sense to say no thanks ).

In The Neighborhood said... 155

Just an FYI also, it seems that the FLOP blog has refused to publish a couple of my postings. "I thank the Admin here for being so democratic and allowing free speech (within reason of course). This has become the go-to blog for current and accurate information about our favorite little Kart......"


I'll second that. I have tried to post, I have followed every one of their 19 rules, I have not attacked anyone, I have not have a private chat with any other blogger. If there are opinions stated, it's like pulling teeth to have a counter-opinion posted because then you are either conversing with other bloggers, or you are not following the rules.

Thanks to admin here for providing a forum for not only intelligent discussions, but for allowing humor in here as well, and sometimes a good-natured bantering back and forth between bloggers!

Anonymous said... 156

While Kate exploits her children on twitter now all the sick people get to see just what they are doing even more. How much mommie has, how Kate tweets her moves etc., Kate is not just stupid she is a dangerous person to her own children. She must have put Jon through hell. Now she continues to do so to her own children and with the courts blessings? It is a cruel thing she and TLC and that judge are doing to those kids IMO. She has to money for gymnastics for all the children, she just don't want to spend it on them. She spends her time, money and effort on making them work so she can do nothing. That trip was not an educational trip it was a trip she and TLC planned to make money off making the children go there to work for profit-period. What kind of world would we have if all moms/parents made their children work to provide for them? So the court is saying that it ok? If so that is very sad. I will never support Kate Gosselin, those videos on line of her on the last 2 shows really proves what she is all about, child labor & the $ it brings in for her to live the life she wants to live. Poor kids can't even do gymnastics because she will not back them on that-man, and they are the ones who have spent their young lives working, guess it really is all Kate's with approval from the judge? Kate and TLC have done everything in their power to keep Jon away, bark all you want Kate, the lies you spew is just that-lies. No respect what so ever for you or TLC anymore. So done with you both. 9 Gosselins went? WOW Kate did it again, she just keeps on cutting the childrens fathers throat. You know even dvr counts towards ratings right? I read where it does, I for one will not give her that pleasure because if rating continue to fall she will be gone. She will not even let her kids do things like gymnastics because it's to exspensive, I think not-more like she just don't want to spend their hard earned money on them but on herself. She probably wanted to make sure she got into that house before she divorced Jon, it seems her manin mission before that was being gone and leaving the kids to Jon or a nanny so she could do what she wanted to do, not what she had to do. I had no idea she took money from churches (love offering) while they did not NEED them. These offering could have and should have went to people who needed the offering not to Kate that wanted the offerings for herself and her stock pile of Kate's stuff. Kate is demented and just selfish and greedy person. A user and abuser IMO. Ziggy site is blaming the low ratings on everything except the facts. The fact is if people wanted to watch this horrible person Kate Gosselin on anything they would, many have turned that show off finally and it that is what it will take to stop her from using her children for profit. She keeps them in a bubble so she can control them and use them at will IMO. I feel bad for them but I am done with anything Kate or the children are on, tv, magazines whatever-have been for some time. Now more of my friends/co workers/& family are turning off what she is on. That twitter thing she is doing and the last shows really made them open their eyes to what she is really doing and the whole thing about the giving back-puleassssse, she did it to make money off making the children work there. That's not giving it is taking and taking from her own children the money they make straight to her account at $250.K PER EPISODE! But no on gymnastics, it's to exspensive??? Wow-just selfish bs! She does nothing except manage them so she can profit off them. She spends her days off spending the money they make and being a do nothing mom. Has help many days, she has left Jon with nothing all because she wanted to keep on working the kids not herself. I feel so bad for Jon even with what he has done wrong she pushed him into a corner and treated him horrible. I pray for you Jon, I wish I had know the truth long ago. So very sad what Kate has done to her family.

Anonymous said... 157

WOW~ Who the hell cares and why should anyone all spend so much time on this?

Silly Sheep Tweets are for twits said... 158

You are right, Anonymous. 8 lives are so unimportant in the big scheme of things. Who cares about 8 children that didn't ask to be exploited.

Oh, yeah, WE, at this blog CARE about 8 CHILDREN.

Got it yet?

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 159

She popped back on Twitter late (for her) tonight:

@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
I'm up late tonight... Catching up on stuff. GN all Twitter defenders.. If u don't answer them,I wouldn't even c context of stupidity,btw:)
14 minutes ago via Twitterrific


sarahjanegirl Sarah Jane White
@Kateplusmy8 What are your thoughts on your old hair now? You look much younger with the longer locks! Pretty lady!
30 minutes ago

in reply to ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@sarahjanegirl My old hair was out of necessity. 8 babies=shrt hair. Older kids=I can actually take a shower and do my hair, most days.yay!
13 minutes ago via Twitterrific


JStee Joie Steele
I'm so glad @Kateplusmy8 is back on tv, are there more episodes coming?
35 minutes ago

in reply to ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@JStee Yes indeedy! I will preview next ep hopefully tomorrow! Can't wait!
13 minutes ago via Twitterrific


mojitosplace Mojitos Place
@Kateplusmy8 what is your absolute favorite food?
1 hour ago

in reply to ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@mojitosplace pizza, bagels,brownies,salads, sushi, avacados,all veges,oreos,Chilean sea bass&all fish, pbj,etc Some I allow, some I don't:)
7 minutes ago via Twitterrific


TrippenIn Patty Cakes
@Kateplusmy8 Kate, What is Your greatest dream for Your Children? Your wish for them?
1 hour ago

in reply to ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@TrippenIn That they make good choices, help&are happy.That life is fulfilling&enjoyable.That they get the chance2love lifeasmuchas I do!:)
5 minutes ago via Twitterrific

fidosmommy said... 160

Wonder where Kate found the grape jelly.

Kelly (greatskate1) said... 161

The last Kelly comment wasn't from me.

Phoenix said... 162

Anonymous said...

WOW~ Who the hell cares and why should anyone all spend so much time on this?


They why do you read here and comment? Anyone all?

Phoenix said... 163

fidosmommy said...

Wonder where Kate found the grape jelly.


Wonder if Kate used the TLC credit card in the grocery store. Wonder if Kate ever discovered the goober peanut butter and jelly. The grape jelly is swirled right in there. It would mean taking much less time to make the sandwiches and maybe she wouldn't have to throw them on the blanket.

Phoenix said... 164

@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@TrippenIn That they make good choices, help&are happy


Good choices like their mother has made?

Anonymous said... 165

They why do you read here and comment? Anyone all?
April 20, 2011 8:59 PM

Jus Sain, some of ya'll are going overboard...and I can't stand, Kate!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 166

Kelly (greatskate1) said...

The last Kelly comment wasn't from me.

Yeah, that was obvious.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 167

@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@TrippenIn That they make good choices, help&are happy.That life is fulfilling&enjoyable.That they get the chance2love lifeasmuchas I do!:)
5 minutes ago via Twitterrific

Kate's drooling fans love this sappy stuff.

E-town Neighbor said... 168

Kelly (not greatskate1) said,

You can really do some serious damage to your adrenal glands this way (JFK went into adrenal failure over something that was too intense for him and he needed medication for it the rest of his life ).


President Kennedy had Addison's disease - adrenal insufficiency, which was not the result of doing something too intense, but it was determined at autopsy that it likely was the result of a rare autoimmune disease. This autoimmune disease also was responsible for his hypothyroid condition. One of the history channels did an excellent piece on Kennedy's diseases. He had so many ailments that never were revealed to the public.

E-town Neighbor said... 169

Jus Sain, some of ya'll are going overboard...and I can't stand, Kate!


Have you tried sitting?

Sorry - it's late and I couldn't resist! ~ Administrator said... 170

I Don't Get it, I think for some people facing a fear of doing something really scary is for the rush of it when you get done, as well as for personal growth. I think they take it as a metaphor, if I can jump out of an airplane, I can overcome other obstacles in my life as well.

Personally I have no desire to do any of those things, but I don't have a problem with people who want to do things like that. But clearly Kate did not do it for the rush of it. She did not even allow herself to feel the rush of it when it was over--she was too busy giving her Academy Award performance. She was too busy bawling to feel the rush. As for growth? Please.

last2cu said... 171

I just love how Kate said something to one of her kids, at the zoo, that "I don't throw your food at you" and at the picnic she spread something on a slice of bread and threw it on the blanket and something else that made it lansd whith a thud

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 172

I forgot to mention something when I posted her last few tweets of the night. See this one:

sarahjanegirl Sarah Jane White
@Kateplusmy8 What are your thoughts on your old hair now? You look much younger with the longer locks! Pretty lady!
30 minutes ago

in reply to ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@sarahjanegirl My old hair was out of necessity. 8 babies=shrt hair. Older kids=I can actually take a shower and do my hair, most days.yay!
13 minutes ago via Twitterrific


Notice what's missing? The sheeple fan(atic) tells Khate that she looks much younger and is pretty. Khate then simply replies to her question about the hair. Um, how about a THANK YOU?

I have noticed this a ton of times the last couple of weeks. The sheeple give her all kinds of compliments and she never says thank you in her replies. Typical.

Ingrid said... 173

Linda in Central PA said...

Having been at the Ky Derby for many years ..... I do hope I see her and can report back!
I think video would be even better than pics--anyone who comes across her anywhere!

Pants On Fire said... 174

sarahjanegirl Sarah Jane White
@Kateplusmy8 What are your thoughts on your old hair now? You look much younger with the longer locks! Pretty lady!
30 minutes ago

in reply to ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@sarahjanegirl My old hair was out of necessity. 8 babies=shrt hair. Older kids=I can actually take a shower and do my hair, most days.yay!
13 minutes ago via Twitterrific


Notice what's missing? The sheeple fan(atic) tells Khate that she looks much younger and is pretty. Khate then simply replies to her question about the hair. Um, how about a THANK YOU?

I have noticed this a ton of times the last couple of weeks. The sheeple give her all kinds of compliments and she never says thank you in her replies. Typical.


I totally noticed that, too. No, "Thank You." She never says thanks. Ugh. Disgusting.

Ingrid said... 175

TLC ship is sinking said...

He's NOT a bodyguard!!!!!!!! said...

I often think of that lady on the movied Monster-in-law when I think of Steve. The assistant to the mother in law. (can't remember their names but Jen Lopez is the daughter inlaw) She does all she can for her 'employer' whether it be making calls or picking up the pieces after things go crazy. Yet she knows what a fruitcake her employer is!

Maggie said... 176

In less than one year of Kate Plus 8, Kate lost approx. 75% of her audience. And keep in mind, she had tons of tvs interviews plugging it including DWTS, tons of photo press with paps, and tons of written articles throughout the year. Simply Amazing! Lost 75% of her audience!

overthehill said... 177

administrator you hit the nail on the head if a gymnastic subscription cost to much then a million dollar house is not something they can afford.
by the way i am from the uk pbj sandwiches sound disgusting please keep them on your side of the atlantic

Broken Brain said... 178

Kart never says thank you because no one is on her radar except her.

"She's always on trasmit, never on receive"....

I think of Kart like that - She just doesn't register anyone else in her universe....

Bless her heart, her brain is broken.

So Long, Kate said... 179

Two comments here. I've noticed that Kate does actually dangerous, difficult to predict things (crocodile feeding) and manages not to need Thorazine immediately after.
She does a SkyJump that is completely controlled and safe enough for a ten year old (I have done the SkyJump; it feels incredibly secure and safe, and the landing is safely on your feet). Of course there is apprehension when you jump. Your instincts kick in and are yelling "Bad idea! Bad idea!" in every fiber of your being.
The jump itself is actually peaceful and quiet; there's no roller-coaster tummy feeling. The adrenalin just dissipates.
I can't figure out if Kate was faking or if she's that mentally ill. The reaction was completely inappropriate for the circumstance. I've seen so many people jump and everyone is euphoric when they land. Her reaction was frighteningly atypical.
This brings me to my second comment. I wonder if Steve is her psychiatric nurse, or is trained in some way to handle these breakdowns.

wayward said... 180

Administrator said... Neighborhood, she shouldn't have bought a house she cannot afford or sustain (without a reality show) that was far away from a school her kids were already in and doing very well.

No, she's not supposed to pull her kids out of school. She's supposed to make choices that support what is best for them, not make it harder.

If gymnastics costs too much, a million dollar house costs too much. That's the bottom line.

Amen, Admin. According to the public records someone posted before, 20% was put down on this house. According to Zillow, the taxes are around $6,000 a year. The mortgage payments were estimated at $4,500 a month and there's also the cost of maintenence and upkeep. The chances of putting it on the market and selling it for more than the $1.2 mil purchase price are slim to none.

A huge amount of money has been put into this house that will never be recouped. This was a very selfish and indulgent purchase for someone who claims she breathes and lives for her children and obsesses about how they are all going to go to college.

h8k8 said... 181

Ava said...
I was thinking today how pathetic it is that Kate can't even handle her own children by herself. She only has to "parent" them a few hours a day. Now she says that she needs the nannies because she's a single mom. But when she was married she spent all day alone with the kids when Jon was at work. What's the difference? She was able to handle them then when they were younger. It should be easier now to be able to handle the kids by herself. Kate Gosselin is not a parent.


You're right. It should be easier now that the kids are older, but Kate never did it on her own when the kids were younger. Aunt Jodie used to take the kids every Friday all day long when they were toddlers, she had laundry help multiple times a week, volunteers when they were infants, they napped for 3-4 hours every afternoon, and Jon bathed the kids at night and got them up and fed in the morning. Kate's never had it hard and she's never been totally responsible for their care. She only thinks she knows what it's like to be a real parent, but she really doesn't have a clue.

Jenna Does said... 182

Sport said...
Who does she think she is fooling with the stupid "I am poor" crap she plays all the time? It's almost as laughable as the "I'm a great mother who does everything for my kids" card she plays.
Because she has played this card before & people believed her, but this time people are catching on. TV Guide came out with the richest reality stars, & Kate was on it. If Kate starts crying poor ME, well, she is really going to look stupid. She had the best cards handed to her before after the divorce. Jon looked like the bad guy, & Kate had the best PR machine behind her. She could go on any show & lie & lie & lie & she got away with it.

Well, people still loved to hate her, but there were people that that still fell for her BS. Now that she started this twitter crap, & she is being so damn stupid, & is being CAUGHT in lies, (not to mention her show just plain sucks apparently) people ARE finally catching on. Ratings are in the toilet, Kate is now just plain hated, her kids are just average, everyday kids, & her show is a travel show that nobody can relate to. IF kate goes whining on TV about being poor & lonely ONE more time, no one will fall for it, & I don't think anyone will have her on their show. She is old news. I've said it before; reality show people=short shelf life. Kate better start budgeting her cash.
~Hippie Chick~

E-town Neighbor said... 183

The chances of putting it on the market and selling it for more than the $1.2 mil purchase price are slim to none.


In today's current market, they shouldn't expect to get more than %650,000 for that house. Total taxes on that property is more than $6,000.

E-town Neighbor said... 184

I can't figure out if Kate was faking or if she's that mentally ill. The reaction was completely inappropriate for the circumstance. I've seen so many people jump and everyone is euphoric when they land.


Sometimes shock can be confused with euphoria. Not everyone has the same reaction to every situation, and not everyone feels safe and secure when jumping off a building, and not all jumps are completely safe and secure. ANY "ride" is only as safe as the people inspecting and operating it. Things can and do go wrong as the result of either human or mechanical error. Kate is a control person. In this case, someone else was in control. It's the same with many people who are afraid to fly. The fear is not there because of height issues, or the simple act of flying in a plane. It's because someone else is in control, and in a plane, someone else has your life in his/her hands. If you don't want to fly, you don't.

If she didn't want to do it, she shouldn't have done it. The girls should have enjoyed the thrill of it all without having to see their mother's reaction at the end of the jump. I don't think her reaction was because of mental illness. She's a drama queen - it's all about her, but in this case I think that her reaction may have been one of pure terror with a little bit of drama mixed in. Each person is different, and she is very different.

JudyK said... 185

This is snarky and over the top, but I see in one of the recapped tweets above that Kate cannot spell avocado correctly--it's not avacado (one of my pet peeves) and she thinks veggies is spelled veges. I've noticed her misuse of the English language more than ever lately both in listening to her talk and seeing what she says in print--too many examples to list. The point is that she has no business writing a book of any kind and that whatever small part she had in writing was HEAVILY edited. She's really not very bright.

h8k8 said... 186

I Just Don't Geeeeet It said...
Can I ask a stupid question?

How does doing something that scares you make you better than somebody who recognizes it's too scary and chooses not to do it?

I realize Kate truly believes this makes her a better person, but there are other Kate's out there who believe this, too.

I don't see how making yourself do something that truly scares you, and has absolutely NO EFFECT on how you function in life if you choose not to do it ( not talking about phobias that hold you back and interrupt your life )....

HOW does it make you better than someone who hasn't done it?
I would bet money Kate will NEVER EVER jump off that building again, wheras before she did it, she always though maybe she could. Now she knows it's not a possibility anymore. Now she knows how bad it is and won't dare do it again ( she can say she would all she wants, I know she wouldn't. The fear is forever ingrained now. But here she is bragging about it as if she's so special now for doing it.

If taking a leap (literally and figuratively) changes you for the better, then I'm all for it, but as usual Kate has it all backwards and turned something that was supposed to be fun into a competition with Mady and Cara and traumatized the kids while she was at it.

Kate said that she's even more afraid of heights than she was before the Sky Tower. How this made her into a better person is beyond me but it did succeed in exposing her as an even worse mother.

I'm all for being challenged and taking controlled chances, but I know my limits. It doesn't appear that Kate does. Had Kate said no, I don't think I can make this jump and I'm glad I realized it before making a fool out of myself and traumatizing my kids, then I'd say she was a better person because of the experience, but she did it anyway abusing an employee and upsetting her kids for what? To know her kids will give her sympathy and be impressed with the sacrifices she makes for them? Please.

Susantoyota said... 187

Another twitter from about an hour ago:

@sminer22 Anthr day of2much 2do. I've knocked off a bunch of stuff already but 2 many more to do. Have sum interviews4 show 2day too. You?

What interviews? Can anybody see any appearances on the TV listings or is she referring to her couch interviews for the show?

Bluenoser said... 188

Well I am pretty sure I know what Kate does first thing in the morning. She reads this blog. There were commenters here who said Katie never says thank you to any of her twit/twat friends. Well looky here, in the twat's most recent twits (or twits most recent twats) she is saying thanks. Kate, here is something you never do either: put your kids first. Try that one one for a change. She is fooling nobody (ok well maybe the sheeple).

No regrets said... 189

"I Just Don't Geeeeet It said...
Just curious as to why some people think doing terrifying things makes you better than those who don't ( because they have enough sense to say no thanks )."

I know exactly what you are saying. Her claim that she conquered the tower, the tower didn't conquer her is ridiculous. First of all, she screamed and sobbed before, during and after. Secondly, the dummy said after this jump she is even MORE afraid of heights! So the tower actually "won". She 'won' nothing. She likes to make herself the martyr in every single situation. And I didn't hear her say a thing about Cara and Mady, except once on the coach interview, how brave they were. At the picnic, it as all about "me, me, me" not a danged word about Cara and Mady.

As I said before, she did nothing FOR her kids with that jump. She just traumatized them after her stupid performance at the end of the jump. If there is one thing I CANNOT stand is a female who acts soooo afraid and helpless. Females are far stronger in most situations than men. (Sorry men, no offense at all) Sorry, females who act like that really get to me. On one hand, she is so "frightened" and needs so much help, on the other hand she tries to portray how "strong" she is being a "single mother" of 8 kids, and handling it alllllllll by herself. Geeze. What a contradiction in everything she does.

She jumped for the camera. Period.

TLC stinks said... 190

I agree with poster upthread that Steve and Gina are separated. There is no way a happily married man would spend every holiday with his female "employer", let alone visit the parents without his family (and his wife is from New Zealand, too). I think Gina finally wised up. I just have to wonder once the show is DOA, will Steve stick around or return with his tail between his legs to his wife? I bet he goes back home and pleads temporary insanity.

Vanessa said... 191

The curling up into the fetal position, sobbing uncontrollably just proves, beyond a doubt that she is NOT stable, mentally. There is SOMETHING off with her, whether or not it was all an act, she THRIVES on these displays. In previous episodes She COULDN'T climb up that mountain with Jon and Cara, she COULDN'T climb up the FIRST lighthouse episode, but then she does go up a different lighthouse with NO drama, she goes up in a hot air balloon, with NO drama (other than her trying to mimic the hot air noise ugh!) I bet deep down, she wanted the twins, especially Mady to not go through with the jump. Since they did, she had to UP ONE THEM by putting on a display that sould have warranted a stay in the psych ward. Those poor kids, I can't get over their faces, they were scared, uncomfortable, they didn't know what to do. Then she's STILL going on about it when they're picnicking, AND throwing those sandwiches down onto the plates? More proof that those kids are just a nuisance to her.

No regrets said... 192

"For What It's Worth... said...If Kate made that much last year alone, then she's worth more than four million, unless, of course, she spent all of the income from the previous years."

Exactly. And no, I do not believe that she is 'sitting on a pile" of the almost 4 million she made last year. (I am really not that dumb LOL) People who make a lot of money like this have so many ways to avoid paying taxes. So many loop holes! I have a friend who is quite wealthy. We have discussed over and over how I usually end up paying MORE in taxes than she does. LOL The loop holes are endless for certain tax brackets. That is a fact. Ever hear Warren Buffet talk about how LITTLE he pays in taxes compared to the "common working" people? HE doesn't even think it is fair. Yes, I know the rich folks do help keep the economy going, (and I do NOT begrudge anyone who has money, if they made it legally and without using their kids) but the breaks they do get are staggering.

Vanessa said... 193

You know, I hope she did s#$@t her pants and had a real breakdown, maybe for once she DID something to earn that overblown paycheque. I hope she TRIED to get out of it, but TLC wouldn't let her. I hope it was a war of wills, I hope she pulled all her diva crap but they STILL made her do it!!

Robin said... 194

Re: expense of gymnastics. I find it hard to believe that she's looked into it that much or thought about it this deeply, but it is possible that "gymnastics is too expensive" for Kate to afford. Expensive not in terms necessarily of the monetary cost, but of the time commitment required for the children and parents. She has never had to be a normal parent who spoends hours each week shuttles her kids to activities and spends weekends sitting at a soccer tournament or swim meet or gymnastics competition or band festival...volunteers for the team or spends umpteen hours fundraising....etc. It's not surprising that she thinks that would be too "expensive" to have her kids be involved in an activity. And also - there's the opportunity cost - if your child has committed to an activity that requires a lot of time both during the week and on weekends, you can't go running off to film every time you think about it. If her kids had normal lives, they wouldn't be as available to support their family financially and hence it would be "too expensive."

No regrets said... 195

"h8k8 said... Kate's never had it hard and she's never been totally responsible for their care. She only thinks she knows what it's like to be a real parent, but she really doesn't have a clue."

You are so right. I remember one of their earlier Today show appearances, and they were asked about the help they get. Both Jon and Kate said they do it alone. Jon, at the time, was still blogging on a few sites, and locals attacked him and asked why did they say that, when they had lots of help. He gave some lame excuse that the producers (or someone, I don't exactly remember now) told them to say that. LOL The locals were highly po'd about that and said they surely didn't appreciate not being acknowledged as a community. So the entire scam was perpetuated very early on. "I do it all alone".

Sorry, I lost the link long ago regarding this convo. Hopefully someone else remembers this too.

No regrets said... 196

I am pretty sure the ratings might go back up slightly too, who knows? I just hope that when the contract expires next year, that Jon has the final word about his kids being filmed. I HOPE he can refuse to sign again, since TLC doesn't have him by the man parts this time. I only hope he has that power. I think maybe that is why TLC increased her salary so much, because they do know the end is near for the kids filming ? I HOPE.

TLC stinks said... 197

I think she has no interest in those kids taking gymnastics. It's just an excuse to answer criticism about the kids enjoying normal activities. Gymnastics is not that expensive, and it shouldn't be for her, even if it's x 8.

BTW, I bet the boys would probably be more interested in something like T-ball. Can you imagine ol' Kate rubbing elbows with the commoners at T-ball games?

If your kids are involved in outside activities or sports, they have obligations to their team members, etc. and Kate can't haul those kids all over the earth to film. That's the reason gymnastics is not in their future. She's a manipulator who twists the truth and her kids are working.

TLC stinks said... 198

Since the twitters have times, we need to watch if she twats when we know that she is busy or is being photographed, doing interviews, etc. I just can't believe this woman spends that much time twatting. Her thumbs must have calluses.

No regrets said... 199

"Anonymous said...
They why do you read here and comment? Anyone all?
April 20, 2011 8:59 PM

Jus Sain, some of ya'll are going overboard...and I can't stand, Kate!"

Many of us do not think so. Thanks for your opinion! We also have our opinions. I happen to dislike who exploit their kids for profit. The great thing about the USA? You are free to read or not. If you don't agree, there are tons of blogs that might fit your taste. Thanks for visiting!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 200

You're right TLC stinks, she can't possible allow her children to participate in anything that involves a time commitment. They must always be available for filming. :( :(

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