A revealing interview with Matt Roloff of the long-running TLC reality show Little People Big World, which was canceled just last year, gives a disturbing insight into how uncertain the future may be for these eight reality tv kids.
Says Matt:
- The stalkers have not gone away even though the show is over. "We have multiple stalkers and we take them all extremely serious. The FBI is involved and multiple agencies. Don't get me wrong, we don't call the police for every little thing we get, but there are just some things that go beyond the norm and need to be taken seriously and addressed. But we do have about five open cases right now."
- Jacob is now home-schooled. He was only eight years old when the first documentary aired, and had filmed more than 150 episodes of Little People by the time he was 13, including countless couch interviews. "Jacob has struggled this last year. He's a very, very smart guy, and always had good grades, but this past year he seems to have lost interest in school. His grades are to the point to where he will very likely not continue in private school. The sch
ool has a very strict grade point average standard that has to be met consistently, and if you don't make that average, you no longer qualify to be enrolled. Amy and I are frustrated with the schools lack of flexibility or concern and encouragement for Jacob so close to his eighth grade graduation. It would be very disappointing if Jacob could not continue, but it actually may wind up being for the best. It may be exactly what he needs, AND what we need to yank him out of his rut so he can move on and thrive. We are pleased that as of today his grades are on the rise."
On April 25, Amy revealed on her Facebook page that Jake is now homeschooled. But according to Matt, it was the school's fault. Sound familiar?
- It's very hard to please demanding fans. "TLC has gotten a lot better over the years with allowing us to speak more freely to and with our fans. Mostly everyone in the family pretty much leaves it up to me to keep our fans informed of what's going on with the family because I have the facebook, the forum and whatnot. Amy keeps her facebook updated as well. What people don't realize is, it's can be a very slippery slope when we get involved so personally and directly like we do. Someone may ask a question and we answer it. But then someone else asks another, but we miss it for whatever reason, and don't answer it. Then that person may get angry or feel slighted and get their feeling hurt. Or people may interpret your words differently than you intended. Try as we might, we just can't answer everyone's question and what we say is not going to please everyone. But we do appreciate our fans and wish we had more time to devote to everyone."
- TLC wants viewers to talk about rumors about this real family even if they are not true. "It takes all kinds to make the world go-around and we tried to appreciate everybody's opinion. TLC certainly told us many times that the “crazier the chatter” the more interesting we are for filming."
250 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 250 of 250 Newer› Newest»Plus, remeber on "bed assembly day" when she insisted Jon stop working so the kids could take their naps??
He TRIED to reason with her, but NOOOO, they were NOT going to go off schedule! EVERYDAY, AT THE SAME TIME, THEY TOOK THEIR NAPS, WHETHER JON WAS THERE OR NOT!! SHE needed the break! (clapping her hands)
The guy never got a break, she demeaned/belittled every effort he made.
I just thought of something, wouldn't it be GREAT if our servicemen/women involved in this operation would get that 25 million reward??
Just a little housekeeping, now that Kate is on twitter there are naturally a lot of comments from ya'll about twitter. Be sure to follow the rules. Rule number 4 extends to twitter. Don't come here just to trash other folks on twitter expecting it to be published. Though Kate's own tweets are as always fair game.
Not going to copy/paste, but I agree with every word No Regrets wrote above. Thanks Butterfly for your service. And this morning's tweet sounds nothing like Kate, but it's interesting that the person trying to appear to be her is squishing all the words together in an effort to emulate her--not working.
That tweet about history being made can't be Kate! She isn't talking about herself!
No regrets said...
I just thought of something, wouldn't it be GREAT if our servicemen/women involved in this operation would get that 25 million reward??
Without a doubt, it would be WELL DESERVED!!!
# GM! Aren'tu extraproud 2 b an Americantoday?I no I am.watched hx unfold lastpm.Amazing justice! Thx troops agn4riskinglives!GodblesstheUSA! about 3 hours ago
Shut up Kate. And learn to spell.
JFYI An IT guy who lives very near the mansion that Osama was killed in, unwittingly TWEETED about the attack as it occurred. He posts some pictures and video, too.
ADMIN, I thought this was very interesting. If you choose not to post this, I understand.
Butterfly - Thank you for your service. May God keep you safe. Thank God for you and all the other brave men and women in uniform and their families.
Catching up with posts here, because I've been offline for a few days. Reading about the Roloff's cavalier attitude toward their animals makes me see red. I only watched the show once or twice and never saw the appeal. The kids were rude and obnoxious and I didn't think much of the adults, either, although at least they both work hard and seem to do a lot of giving back in the community and the world. I'd put them a few levels ahead of Kate Go$$elin, who doesn't seem to give a da*& about anyone or anything other than herself.
"TLC certainly told us many times that the “crazier the chatter” the more interesting we are for filming." This is why TLC keeps Kart around - she is an endless source of crazy chatter. As long as she keeps talking, they'll keep filming.
You know those days in history, like yesterday, the day Osama Bin Laden was killed, or Sept 11, the days you look back and know exactly where you were when you heard the news....I wonder how a narcissistic remembers those days? Does Kate remember where she was on Sept 11th when she heard the news? Did it affect her as it affected the rest of us?
By the way thank you all for your kind words about my serving our wonderful country- it is my pleasure- I love it! And also I happen to be Navy and was even more excited when I found out this morning Navy Seals were involved in the operation- SO PROUD of my Navy :D
Oh yeah, I can't remember who posted it that said Kate probably didn't even who Osama was, but that was hilarious.
Forgot to say - I certainly won't be watching. I'm watching "Chuck" and recording HIMYM, then watching "Castle" and recording "Sanctuary". No TLC for me!
I was reading through my Washington Post this morning and this advice column from Carolyn Hax smacks of Kate and the years and years of watching her correct Jon. Basically, it comes down to the insecurity of the corrector and the need to point out Jon's mistakes (in grammar) just so that everyone knows she's not missing anything. She'll beat you too it every time because she thinks that everyone will assume she doesn't know better. The end result is that both people are diminished.
Great read!
Tucker's Mom - I read that column too, and immediately thought of Kate. The laughable thing is that, most of the time, when she "corrected" Jon, he was right and she was wrong. Her command of the English language is shaky at best.
Forgot to say - I certainly won't be watching. I'm watching "Chuck" and recording HIMYM, then watching "Castle" and recording "Sanctuary". No TLC for me!
Butterfly - Thank you for your service. May God keep you safe. Thank God for you and all the other brave men and women in uniform and their families.
Catching up with posts here, because I've been offline for a few days. Reading about the Roloff's cavalier attitude toward their animals makes me see red. I only watched the show once or twice and never saw the appeal. The kids were rude and obnoxious and I didn't think much of the adults, either, although at least they both work hard and seem to do a lot of giving back in the community and the world. I'd put them a few levels ahead of Kate Go$$elin, who doesn't seem to give a da*& about anyone or anything other than herself.
God bless America.
God bless all the families that loss someone
on U.S.S. Cole, 9/11, and God bless all the soldiers that have loss their lives because of that monster.
God bless our armed forces- ESPECIALLY THE UNITED STATES NAVY SEALS!!! They are true Amercian heroes.
Melody said...
On LPBW, there was one episode where the family was going away and Matt talked about how they leave Rocky outside to fend for himself when they go on these trips."
That poor dog is about 10 or 11 years old and SICK. I never saw that episode, I didn't watch that much. That is sickening.
If, if this is true, these folks have no business owning pets. Leaving dogs outside? Throwing cats for fun?
My dogs are relaxing with me on my bed. That's where they are always welcome. They can have my bed, have my sofa, have their doggy beds in the kitchen and eat my homemade food (when appropriate).
When we go away, my dogs are taken to wonderful kennel facilities where I know they are safe and taken care of.
Excellent news tonight!!!
Now, if only the TV channels are full of Bin Laden news Monday night at 10 PM......
Poor Kart will be royally pissed if some "scraggly guy with a beard and hat" pre-empts her tonight....
To Butterfly: You are a HERO. ALL of our brave military men and women are HEROS. TRUE HEROS. Bless you for all that you do to keep us FREE.
Initial reports said that he was killed by a bomb, but subsequent breaking news is that a small U.S. assault team got him on the ground in a fire fight, and that he did resist. Three others reportedly were killed, one a woman who was being used by Bin Laden's cronies as a human shield.
Regardless, we got him!
Jenna Does said... AuntieAnn said...
She never could do a thing until he came home from work. He was on feed, bath and bed detail while she made supper and cleaned up the kitchen because she was so exhausted all day from ... what I don't know. She made the babes nap all afternoon while the twins were in school. The laundry was folded for her and put away. Shit if I all I to do for laundry is put the clothes in the wash and take them out of the dryer I'd be laughing.
And the one time we saw Jon cook a special Korean supper what does she do? Goes to bed to play on her laptop.
Lazy does not adequately describe her slothfulness.
I never got that either when I watched for the short amount of time that I watched. She was just plain lazy. Jon did EVERYTHING. Kate what...stirred stuff? Soup? Plopped stuff down in plastic plates & then sat on her ass & said "I'm exhausted' after Jon got home from a 9 hour day & got the kids in highchairs, bibbed, & whatever else, & STILL had to bathe & do the bedtime routine.
What the EFF was up with Kate napping them for so long during the day? I had no clue about this until this past summer when I read it here. Horrible parenting. What the hell does she do now? OK, I have health & pain issues, but I also have an active 11 y.o., I do my best to keep him going. It's not easy. Kate has tons of property & MEANS to be able to do things w/ her kids. Most of us have to do things on the cheap, but we manage, & Kate? Relies on TLC for her fun & travel. She was just so lazy on camera, I can't imagine how she must be w/ active 7 (?) & 10 (?) year olds w/ no cameras in her face. Or are they 6? I don't remember. And dammit, I shouldn't remember, or KNOW how old they are!! No one should!! See you guys tomorrow! :)
~Hippie Chick~
I also remember Kate staying in bed in the mornings while Jon got the kids ready for the day before he went to work. Yup, Kate was and is still lazy. Remember when she had her infamous plastic chair in the driveway and sat there and directed Jon to do this, do that etc...Then she'd go make the kids a nurtritious lunch of 3 grapes, 3 triscuits and a couple wedges of cheese.
I don't have twitter so I have a few questions. Did this "Mom of KT" say she was Kate's mother? Is her name and picture posted? What is she saying that is trashing Kate?
Thanks in Advance.
The person tweeting as Kate's mom probably either doesn't know or doesn't care that you could get in trouble for impersonating someone.
Kate, Kentucky Derby, now there is a laugh...
All the horses there have more brains than she
Wonder how much boobage the idiot will let out?
She has the horse teeth, now let's see the Hat?
I don't really believe that's Khate mother on Twitter. It’s just someone messing around.
As for the Kentucky derby, the entertainment shows do cover them because some celebrities and reality people are there every year. I Googled around and Access Hollywood seems to do the most coverage. They’re on NBC, as is the Derby. I read somewhere that they’re doing coverage of the red carpet arrivals on Saturday in a special show. Also, I’m sure there will be some coverage on next Monday’s shows. My Googling turns up all sorts of reality losers there every year, and Access Hollywood did some segments with Paris Hilton one year, following her around as she got ready, chose a hat, etc. Borringgggg! I would not at all be surprised if Khate/TLC pitched an idea like that to Access Hollywood to do with her this year.
I think her mysterious tweets are most likely due to getting ready for the Derby and probably filming that. Plus, they probably already filmed the fake birthday festivities for the septuplets. I don’t remember the exact date of their birthday, but it is coming up very soon, right? I doubt she’s really away anywhere because that would have leaked out by now with someone spotting them. I have to say that it’s really nice having her out of sight again, and I can’t wait until it’s a permanent thing!
Okay, I’m going to try to post this one more time. I posted something last night that I guess never went through. It was about Twitter and I had to share it because it was pretty funny:
The other night, I decided to check out the Twitter feeds for a couple of sheeple to see what, if anything, they were tweeting amongst themselves leaving out the Khate Twitter name so it wouldn’t show up on her feed. Well, last night, I checked out this one sheeple feed again, someone who lives in Europe. So get this - this European sheeple has apparently become quite friendly with a sheeple from over here somewhere and they’ve been chatting away on Twitter. So, I saw some tweets from a conversation they had yesterday where the U.S. sheeple was talking about fun things they do where they live and then she asked the European sheeple "what do you guys do for Fourth of July?". HA HA HA HA HA!! Duh!! The European sheeple replied that they don’t celebrate Fourth of July there and she hadn’t even known what it was until recently. Then the U.S. sheeple didn’t even tweet back something like oh yeah, right, silly me. Instead she replied, awwww, we have fireworks and barbecues (kind of like too bad you don’t do that over there).
Dumb!! So, that’s just one more example of how the sheepke are as stupid as Khate! I feel sorry for their kids. Just as a little test, I asked my child what does how does he think they celebrate the Fourth of July in that country? He looked at me funny, and then replied, why would they celebrate the Fourth of July over there? Thank You! I already know that he knows all about the Fourth of July and what it really means, and that it’s not just some day that everyone (all over the world, lol) has a day off from work and has barbecues and fireworks.
Admin: I hate to be a pain in the neck, but I'm having a problem posting. I tried to post something last night and earlier today when I saw it didn't go through, I tried again. It still didn't post. Also, when I refreshed my page, Blogger got all glitchy and I actually saw the admin controls, like the trash can symbol to delete posts and the little tool symbol to make changes on the blog. WTH? Even when I refreshed the page again, it was all messed up. I had to close that tab and open it up in another tab.
I just want to know if I can try posting that comment again since it was glitchy, or was there something in it that wasn't allowed. Thanks, Admin!
Here's what Jon did(by Kate's own admission):
1.got the twins up and ready for school(dressed,fed, etc)
2.played with the kids
3.bathed the kids
4.dressed the kids and put shoes on(sometimes Kate would help)
5.put PJs on
6.tucked the kids in
And what did Kate do?
1.cooked (but the kids' plates always seemed kind of empty-although that may have been for filming purposes)
2.put the kids down for 3-4 hour naps until Jon got home
3.fed breakfast and lunch
4.cleaned the house(? before the maid came of course)
You tell me, who was these kids' main caregiver?
IIRC = If I Recall Correctly.
The interesting thing about a lot of the celeb
showings at Derby is that it barely gets covered beyond Louisville. I am from Louisville
and barely ever read anything in the papers or saw on the news anything much about who was there. A brief mention, maybe a lot of pages in the teeny tiny neighborhood newspapers - The Voice of St. Matthew's may covered it heavily - but the celebs were never not such a hot commodity beyond that in all my years in
I've lived away from L-ville for over 30 years. I don't know one single thing about Derby celebrities from the papers or news around here. They talk about the Derby itself, of course, but not once has anybody around here mentioned the Balloon Glow, the Pegasus Parade, the Barnstable Brown Bash or who attended any of it. The people who live where I live now never heard of Cyb and Trish Barnstable and could not care who goes to their parties.
My point: Kate Gosselin will get very little leverage out of this. The only person who will be impressed is Kate Gosselin. Nobody else will
even care she was there. It's just not that big
of a deal on the national scene.
Frankly, I think what's going on here is that Cyb and Trish are combing the media for anybody new to invite. You don't have to be actually a favorite star, but just somebody who has a bit of media attention. They're not looking for
huge stars as much as they are looking to invite
little moonlets to come and learn about/support their own personal charity - diabetes research.
Diabetes has affected their family - Dr. Brown died of the disease. Anyway, it's like they get a list of minor players and a list of major players and pick a certain number from each list. They hope and pray the mix will work out.
Also, what does IIRC stand for?
Re: Jon drinking....that is my opinion, based on my observations...and I'm sticking to it. And I never said Jon was a heavy drinker....I said that I thought he was drinking heavily during that short span of time when he exhibited the bad behavior....and only during that span of time.
In many of his photos back then he appeared intoxicated and was frequently reported to be in bars, drinking.
Why would a father of 8, who had not previously shown evidence of being a carouser and lady's man, suddenly exhibit this behavior? And then just as suddenly, go back to his normal self? And has remained that way since?
Why would a father who has clearly shown that he will do anything and everything that is in the best interest of his children....have temporarily suspended all judgment and made a complete fool of himself publicly?
Just because he had lived through being married to Kate doesn't mean he would be expected to suddenly change his entire personality for a short period of time and then return to his usual self.
The most reasonable explanation would be some sort of temporary substance abuse issue. I'm an RN and have seen this happen a million times.
I have never heard of anyone saying Jon was always a total idiot. They mostly say he was a responsible father. And ever since the bad behavior, he has again become a responsible father. Why would he suddenly have lost his entire mind and behaved like a complete idiot...and embarrassed his children...and make a complete spectacle of himself? Why only during that short span of time and not before OR after...along with the bloodshot eyes, the reports of drinking in bars, etc.?
There's a huge difference between being a heavy drinker and turning to alcohol temporarily during extremely stressful times. In fact, the whole issue of his father's drinking was likely a huge factor in causing him to soon clean up his act ad go back to his usual personality.
The Pegasus Parade is Thursday, the Barnstable
Brown Party is Friday night, the Derby is Sat.
Did anybody think to tell Kate that the Barnstable Brown Gala is..... in a TENT? Oh no!
The parade and the luncheon is May 5th. So now I'm not sure that she is there or not. Oh, well! She's probably filming with the kids.
I hate to say it but if that's Kate's mom? I don't blame Kate for estranging her. Kate was right and I was wrong on this point. What a toxic grandma.
I cannot find the link to Jon saying anything about his partying. But I DO remember him discussing he had to stop partying so much. That is when he decided to move close to the kids. I don't think it is 'assuming' anything. He partied, hard. He isn't now. The guy was going through hell and acting out. Thank God it is over now and he has settled down.
OK, we won't ASSUME that Jon was a 'heavy' drinker based on his 'look' in pics coming out of bars, but then, as much as it galls me to have to stick up for HER, we can't ASSUME that she drinks boxed wine alone (or with BG/BF) in her room at night. See, not assuming WITHOUT proof goes both ways. So, for my sake, I'm going to say if I see several pics of Jon looking totally wasted and pics of her showing signs of 'mega-hangover day-after' look, I choose to think they both have been known to tipple a bit!
dee3 said...
IMO, Jon started to drink heavily and this was the main cause of his bad behavior. Once he stopped the drinking, this behavior stopped. I'm guessing Ellen helped him to do this. He looked intoxicated in almost every photo back then.
And I can understand why he started drinking, considering what TLC and Kate were doing to him at the time. He'd lost his marriage, faced losing his children, faced TLC suing him for breach of contract, etc, It was more than enough to explain the heavy drinking at the time.
And the heavy drinking caused the behavior....because behaving like that did not seem to be Jon's personality.....the Jon who was the main care-taker of the children on the shows.
What?? Jon was a "heavy drinker"? We know this how? Ed Hardy t-shirts and occasional photos in bars and restaurants don't equate to "heavy" drinking. I think we'd all be better to not speculate what he did right after the separation. His behavior was most likely caused by 10 years of having to repress his feelings. What caused his behavior? Only Jon knows.
Matt Roloff isnt being totally accurate regarding Jacob's school grades. I recall a few episodes where its mentioned that his grades were below par. I always got the impression he was not a good student. The other boys had problems with school too. They all seemed (the boys anyway- Molly seemed to do fine) lazy and unmotivated to me. Matt always had excuses for his boys. Amy was the one with her head on level.
I think Kate is just plain lazy. She doesn't want to work, nor thinks she has to work for anything. Everything has been given to her. TLC has literally ran her life for the past almost 7 years. She only has to call her manager and ask to somehow get her on the Emmy's or whatever. SHE doesn't do it, she has "people". LOL
I have noticed this woman is not resourceful at all. Even in the early days, she depended on Jon for many, many things. He was so happy once, when he had to work overtime on a Saturday, that she went out with the kids, with a helper, instead of waiting for him. She was not happy, but there was an exchange with them on the sofa interview, that showed how he was happy that she FINALLY ventured out, without waiting for him every single time. As if he wanted HER to show more independence. It was an odd exchange, that is why I remember it. When the picture of her and Trump came out, Trump when asked, said something about he would love for her to be on the show, and insinuated 'talks' were happening. Rumors circulated. But that fizzled out too. Why? I think because she found out, firstly, that she would have to REALLY work, secondly, the pay isn't all that for the celebs since the main focus is charity. I mean who would SHE call for contributions, after all? It appears to me, she is merely sitting on her butt, waiting for her manager and TLC to do things for her. I realize she is under contract, but there is no way you can convince me she 'insists' on much except more freebies. They work for her, she CAN demand a different job or jobs. Many 'stars' have done that. She goes to a meeting to ask for trips, or calls them to get her on the Emmy's. Give me, give me, give me.
dee3 said: ..."And I don't think it's really all about the $ for Kate.....it's all about her being the/a star. And all this tanning and hair extensions, etc....are to her, normal for a star like her. She is sure that SHE is the draw on the show....
Here's the weird dynamic though. TLC created a show for her. A pilot was filmed... never to be heard about again. ET has given her many opportunites as correspondent. She had a run on DWTS. She not only bombed them all, but it seems she was purposely sabotaging them.
I don't know if she's insecure or that frickin' stubborn or both. But I do know that she was given many opportunities to be a stah and have a *legitimate* career in show business without the kids. She could have been a correspondent or a red carpet person. ET was handing it to her on a golden platter! But she needed much polish and training. Did she refuse? Does she think she's perfect just the way she is, how dare they say she needs interview training!! Or does she not have the confidence to work by herself? I tend to think she doesn't have the confidence to go it alone. Her comfort level is firmly planted in ordering around 8 kids and having it filmed, with shades of insisting the kids be involved because they "owe" her.
She used to have the ratings to back up telling TLC what to do. Now she doesn't. She not only created an unsustainable celebrity lifestyle for herself, when she was given the opportunity to sustain it- she ruined it.
momof3 said: ..."Children in the industry for decades have continued problems when the cameras are off and they are supposed to move on in the real world."
wayward said.. Perfectly said. The example being set for the Gosselin children is downright frightening.
I agree with you both, and I'll add the other example Kate sets is "tantrums and bad behavior work. I can have a tantrum, do whatever I want, be disrespectful, and there are only good consequences." Look at the Skylift. If she'd been anyone else, they would have kicked her butt off to allow others to ride. ENTITLED, for sure.
Under the May 1 show header, GWOP has another post from Philadelphia Worker, who says the Art Museum declined TLC's request to allow filming inside the museum. TLC were only allowed to film running up the steps--and NO FOOD on the steps. According to Worker, she often eats lunch on the steps, no problem. She says their reputation preceded them.... If I remember right, the kids' behavior at the Liberty Bell was out of control.
So maybe there ARE consequences of the family's poor behavior, but I don't think the kids will make the connection. They see Mommy play diva, and TLC throws money at her.
Interestingly, Worker says Kate eggs the children on to bad behavior (as if Worker witnessed it). That would support Matt Roloff's comments about TLC encouraging "crazy" behavior. If it's true, the life lessons for the kids get even worse.
momof3 said: ..."Children in the industry for decades have continued problems when the cameras are off and they are supposed to move on in the real world."
Perfectly said. The example being set for the Gosselin children is downright frightening. From their earliest memory they have been shown that if you have a camera following your every move, if you sell your privacy to the highest bidder, you can be rich, live in a huge mansion
and go on lots of trips. Their Daddy goes to work every day to his job but only lives in a small apartment. What message is this sending them? That money and THINGS are more important than people. I do not remember the source, it may have been an older interview with Jon, but I thought he said the kids were having the beginnings of entitlement issues. And Kate says the kids are all going to have jobs and buy their own cars as teens. Hah! Good luck with that!! Again, from their earliest memories they have never known their mother to take care of them entirely by herself, do her own laundry or housework or much of anything for herself. She has other people do it for her. She even has a manny because she can't regulate her moods and behavior for herself. But the G kids are expected to pull a strong work ethic out of the air when the time comes.
The G kids as well as the Roloff kids have been shown it is extremely lucrative to sell your privacy and expose yourself to America. It makes schooling, further education and working at a real job look ridiculous and like a complete waste of time.
Sadly, this goes for former child actors as well. So many of them turned to porn rather than work a real job. They chose to make money selling their dignity rather than waiting tables long hours for peanuts.
And now we have Matt Roloff talking out of one side of his mouth about the pitfalls of being on a reality show, kid flunking out of school, stalkers, etc. But out of the other side he's talking about filming again. It looks like he too is no longer willing to try to make a regular living. What concerns me is that there is nothing left to cover with this family, what could they film? I hope he and Amy are not getting divorced and TLC is going to exploit it. Because at the end of the show's run, TLC was only focused on their marital problems. Sick..... sick & twisted.
But she can't wait to tell them about her day. When is this big revelation going to occur?
Tonight she'll probably say she's going to tell on Monday evening right before she does her "live tweeting" during K+8. That should make her fans go totally berserk!
Why do we think Kate doesn't have the kids with her this weekend filming somewhere? Just because she sounds like she's out of town doesn't mean she's alone. She said "our" rather than "my" plans.
She reminds me of a teenager teasing friends and leading them on by saying she'll tell them all about soon. UGH
"Good morning again! Cloudy day here.Not going2 dampen our plans tho.Lots2 c& do... Have a good day. I am reading; just not able 2 reply much"
This is an example of the Google hit I saw:
Mila Kunis - White House Correspondents' Dinner | Mila Kunis ...
Apr 30, 2011 ... Mila Kunis attends the White House Correspondents' Dinner party at the .... Kate Gosselin, Katie Holmes, Jennifer Garner, Shirtless Celebs ...
It is hard enough finding out who you are when you are an adolescent, let alone when you are being filmed and expected to act and be a certain way for the cameras. Those kids are and will be paying a nasty price for their childhoods and through the teen years. I wish someone like their mother or even maybe an i telligent judge would see that. Children in the industry for decades have continued problems when the cameras are off and they are supposed to move on in the real world. I feel the sextuplets and the twins are going to have a a more difficult time trying to figure out who they are as an individual. When you have a mom like Kate, they will suffer unless she changes. May God Bless those kids.
Since when did Philadelphia get renamed "Washington D.C."? Just curious. I know it served as the temporary capitol at one point in time, but that ended in 1800 if memory serves.
"It's "JON", not "John". There is no H in the name his parents put on his birth certificate, that we know of. He is likely too old to have one added now against his will."
Jon is short for JONATHAN (full name Jonathan Keith Gosselin) which is the name his parents put on his birth certificate. The reason that there is no H in the name his parents put on his birth certificate is because Jonathan is not spelled Johnathan.
roxyhelen said... Sadly, I am not sure all the sheeple understand the Mady,Alexis,Hannah,Joel,Leah,Collin,Cara and Aaden are REAL CHILDREN.I think many consider them characters in a movie.Seriously.
That's what irritates me about the sheeple. They think the kids play characters, but they don't believe they're working. When Kate says the kids are just playing in front of the cameras, they believe her, and yet still believe the kids play a character. Well which is it? You can't play a character and NOT be working. Look at Mary-Kate & Ashley. They played Michelle on Full House. Would the sheeple say they worked, or just playing in front of the cameras?
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