Saturday, April 30, 2011

Reality show aftermath: Little People Big World family still has at least five stalkers, Jacob no longer in school

With Kate Plus 8 ratings in the toilet, and cancellation inevitable sooner rather than later, what's going to happen to the Gosselin eight once this mess of a reality tv life finally comes to an end? Will the aftermath be even worse than what's happening now?

A revealing interview with Matt Roloff of the long-running TLC reality show Little People Big World, which was canceled just last year, gives a disturbing insight into how uncertain the future may be for these eight reality tv kids.

Says Matt:

  • The stalkers have not gone away even though the show is over. "We have multiple stalkers and we take them all extremely serious. The FBI is involved and multiple agencies. Don't get me wrong, we don't call the police for every little thing we get, but there are just some things that go beyond the norm and need to be taken seriously and addressed. But we do have about five open cases right now."

  • Jacob is now home-schooled. He was only eight years old when the first documentary aired, and had filmed more than 150 episodes of Little People by the time he was 13, including countless couch interviews. "Jacob has struggled this last year. He's a very, very smart guy, and always had good grades, but this past year he seems to have lost interest in school. His grades are to the point to where he will very likely not continue in private school. The school has a very strict grade point average standard that has to be met consistently, and if you don't make that average, you no longer qualify to be enrolled. Amy and I are frustrated with the schools lack of flexibility or concern and encouragement for Jacob so close to his eighth grade graduation. It would be very disappointing if Jacob could not continue, but it actually may wind up being for the best. It may be exactly what he needs, AND what we need to yank him out of his rut so he can move on and thrive. We are pleased that as of today his grades are on the rise."

On April 25, Amy revealed on her Facebook page that Jake is now homeschooled. But according to Matt, it was the school's fault. Sound familiar?

  • It's very hard to please demanding fans. "TLC has gotten a lot better over the years with allowing us to speak more freely to and with our fans. Mostly everyone in the family pretty much leaves it up to me to keep our fans informed of what's going on with the family because I have the facebook, the forum and whatnot. Amy keeps her facebook updated as well. What people don't realize is, it's can be a very slippery slope when we get involved so personally and directly like we do. Someone may ask a question and we answer it. But then someone else asks another, but we miss it for whatever reason, and don't answer it. Then that person may get angry or feel slighted and get their feeling hurt. Or people may interpret your words differently than you intended. Try as we might, we just can't answer everyone's question and what we say is not going to please everyone. But we do appreciate our fans and wish we had more time to devote to everyone."

  • TLC wants viewers to talk about rumors about this real family even if they are not true. "It takes all kinds to make the world go-around and we tried to appreciate everybody's opinion. TLC certainly told us many times that the “crazier the chatter” the more interesting we are for filming."

250 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 250   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

Some tweets from Kate:

Last night she said, "All is well no wories" (sic)

If you have to keep saying all is well don't worry everything is good....might you be over-compensating for something? I think all is NOT well and I think she is definitely worried.

Then this morning: "Good morning again! Cloudy day here.Not going2 dampen our plans tho.Lots2 c& do... Have a good day. I am reading; just not able 2 reply much 38 minutes ago"

Just not able to reply much? Why if she's just reading? Because TLC told her to STOP tweeting like a maniac, that she can only tweet hi, goodmorning, and good night. Poor Kate, how embarrassing when the parents have to take away a 36-year-old grown woman's toy.

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) said... 2

Good job, Khatezilla Gro$$elin, you $tupi, $tupid idiot of a woman. What a great future you have laid out for your eight, count them, eight kids (little bag$ of money to you). You are Mother of the Year...NOT. Um, John, where are you...?

Mimi to 3 said... 3

There you have it from the horses' mouth: TLC told us many times, the crazier the chatter, the more interesting for filming. What we have all said for a long time, that TLC is a skeezy, cheap, trashy bunch of people who care nothing about 'Learning', it's all about exploiting. Kate fit right into their scenario from the get-go. How disgusting that a person with a horrible personality and no mothering skills whatsoever can be made rich and infamous. The very thing most moms and dads want to teach their kids not to be -- liars, decievers, mean spirited, judgmental, etc. -- is what TLC wants to promote for the almighty dollar. One very positive thing about the Duggars, you cannot accuse them of showing anything but love and respect to each other. You may not like them for their lifestyle choices, but they never allowed TLC to force them to say nasty, mean things to each other.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 4

Sad to say it is all too familiar, Administrator.

Interesting and sad just how much certain people are willing to put up with, for the sake of fame & remaining on t.v.

"TLC certainly told us many times that the “crazier the chatter” the more interesting we are for filming."- Matt Roloff

No doubt about it, TLC is the devil.

F*ck TLC- boycott all their programs!!!! ~ Administrator said... 5

AMEN, TLC is SICK. They want people to say whatever cruel things about a REAL FAMILY AND REAL kids as long as people are talking and it's creating ratings.

What's scary about this situation is the Roloffs are not perfect by any means, but I think they are ten times the parents Kate could ever be and they're still having all these problems post-reality TV. The big three things they did differently from Kate is 1. they didn't spend their money like the world is ending in 2012 like people say. 2. they made sure they had OTHER jobs besides reality tv that would bring in income even when it was over 3. they didn't go Hollywood glam with the clothes and makeup and mani-pedi and surgeries, they look almost exactly the same.

There are others but those are huge ones. If this kind of shambles could happen to this family, what will happen to the Gosselins?

I almost get this weird sense about Matt he wants to have the show back just because that's what they KNOW that's their NORMAL. To have it gone is like pushing the planet off the orbit.

Rather like when people have been in prison for decades and when they get out they don't know what to do with themselves so they commit a crime to go back in. ~ Administrator said... 6

Do the sheeple still hate TLC? I hope so. I mean Matt basically explained they absolutely do not have the backs of their reality stars and this certainly includes Kate. They don't want to protect her like her sheeple do, they want her to be as controversal as possible. That's probably why they let her twitter go on so embarrassingly wrong until even THAT was a bit too much even for them, lol.

Just one example was the suspension, they did NOTHING. When people start saying oh Alexis and Collin were kicked out of school, they don't help Kate try to defuse this or make some kind of statement stopping it. They just let it all play out and sit back and watch like it's an f-ing football game because chatter? Equals ratings. And they TOLD this to Matt. I mean sheesh they are so brazen to just outright tell it like it is. At least they admit it I guess.

Anonymous said... 7

Why are you asking "Jon, where are you?"
The man has gone to court and begged the judge to stop filming. Short of taking the kids and fleeing the country, Jon's hands are tied.

Great Roloff story.

JoyinVirginia said... 8

"The crazier the chatter" the better in TLC's opinion. Translation: TLC producers realize that showing the REAL reality of kids doing kid things is essentially BORING. The "interest", the "excitement", and yes controversy has to be manufactured. Unfortunately in Ms. kreider's situation she creates her own controversy with treatment of Jon, divorce, estrangement from family, and so on. The basic premise of the show is BORING. I think the boredom of the public with the endless Kreider krewe travelogue and the boring endless repetition of Ms. kreider's getting upset and crying and having a tantrum about whatever, will be the end of the show. Everyone has seen the same tantrum over and over. It is boring. And there are "reality tv characters" on now who easily out-crazy Ms. kreider. Anyone watched NeNe or gary Busey on Celebrity Apprentice? Ms. Kreider was not picked for that show because she isn't crazy enough!

Midnight Madness said... 9

You may not like them for their lifestyle choices, but they never allowed TLC to force them to say nasty, mean things to each other.


I don't think TLC forced Kate to say nasty, mean things to Jon or the kids. She did that all on her own, with no direction from anyone or anything.

Anonymous said... 10

I can understand the general consensus against TLC, but I must say they have 1 show that actually does good, "What Not To Wear." I think they hit the nail on the head with that show and the people seem to come out changed for the better with better self-esteem and that I think is awesome, plus they dress better! Yeah, Stacy and Clinton say mean things about their wardrobe prior to their shopping trip, but that is part of the show. I really like how so many of people get improved self-esteem and self-image. That is great. It's nice to see people smile with a genuine smile and feel good about themselves.

Julianna said... 11

Matt wrote: Amy and I are frustrated with the schools lack of flexibility or concern and encouragement for Jacob so close to his eighth grade graduation


Lack of flexibility? Matt wanted the school to bend the rules because his son is a celebrity kid and let him slide by on bad grades? I'm surprised that Matt would say this...

Anonymous said... 12

Sadly, I am not sure all the sheeple understand the Mady,Alexis,Hannah,Joel,Leah,Collin,Cara and Aaden are REAL CHILDREN.I think many consider them characters in a movie.Seriously.

Also, their pathetic justification for Kate continuing to film is: see, even if they stop, the paps and stalkers will still be there.Why not keep filming? Um, because the more they film the WORSE it will get? Someday the sheeple will feel really stupid about supporting this woman...too little,too late.

Oh, also, some of them are under the impression that the G kids will build them a statue for their fan sites,fan videos, Photoshop wallpapers with their faces etc.Can you say DELUSIONAL?

Ru rdg hop on pop? said... 13

Kate tweeted "I am reading".... While I don't believe you, honey, that is a great start. You are illiterate.

PatK said... 14

"Not going2 dampen our plans tho.Lots2 c& do..."

Sounds like a filming day! ~ Administrator said... 15

Suggesting that they should keep filming because the negatives won't go away even after they stop is ludicrous at best. That's like saying you shouldn't take your hand away from a hot stove because it's already burned already so what's the point.

There is going to be a period of adjustment once filming stops which the Roloffs are going through right now, and the longer filming goes on, the longer and harder that period will be. It does not get easier with each episode they film, only harder.

Sharon said... 16

I'm not surprised at anything Matt says. I think he is nuts if he thinks TLC will try to revive their show. It's over and Matt can't accept that. He also misses the big bucks as I have always thought he was way to materialistic.
I always resented Amy! She was a slob of a housekeeper, and always pitted the children against their father. Amy has a very high opinion of herself and always wants a pat on the back, for what I don't know.
I continued watching even though I didn't find too many redeeming qualities about these people.
I watched the first episode of Kate+8 and that's all I could stand. Kate's smug attitude on the couch made me sick and I can't stand anything about that twit. TLC is trying to give her a total personally make-over and it will never work. She is mean to the bone.

Anonymous said... 17

Oh yeah, they also say: well they didn't film for like 6 months and the paps were still there!
Guess what? during those 6 months both Jon and Kate made a number of appearances on TV shows(especially Kate) giving all sorts of interviews and keeping themselves and the kids in the spotlight. Of course it will never be over as long as Kate keeps herself in the spotlight with all sorts of crap.
Love the comparison with the fire Admin, it couldn't have been better said.

Anonymous said... 18

okay, one last comment,sorry but I keep forgetting: For those of you who have problems posting, you waste time writing an entire message and google doesn't let you post it and you lose it: I advice you to do the same as I do: after you're done writing,select the whole text and copy it(no need to paste it anywhere just right click/copy).That way,if it doesn't work out of the first you can just paste it and retry without having to write everything again.

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) said... 19

To Dani: Those kids... at least the ten-year-olds Maddy and Cara could live with John Gosselin if HE pushed for it. I KNOW that I am going against the grain here on this blog, but I REALLY think that John Gosselin is a SPINELESS WIENIE. He is the FATHER, let me repeat, FATHER of those children, for crying out loud, NOT TLC and NOT the $tupid paid crew of "surrogate fathers" (great line, Khate). I feel that there is MORE that John
Gosselin can do to get these kids out of this pathetically-desperate situation. Doesn't being the legal FATHER give him any rights? I think SO, and I don't think he is doing enough for these kids to STOP this madness NOW. Try to defend John Gosselin, people on this blog, but I have always thought he was a big, fat, sex-crazed jerk. (Don't even get me started on Khatezilla...I think she is an idiot too. Those kids got two lo$er$ for parents). OK...let's hear from all of you as to why that jerk John Gosselin cannot put a stop to this madness NOW.

Mary said... 20

I can believe Matt wants the show back because of all the free trips and all the free stuff he received for his farm. I think Matt and Kate are a lot alike in some ways. While Amy enjoys the free stuff too I get the feeling she can take the show or leave it.

It was interesting to read about the show being cancelled. In July 2010 Matt is saying in an interview that the show will go 2 more years. In August the show is cancelled. Kate is under the impression she will go on forever too.

On an "insider" blog on the Roloffs it said that because the shows ratings went down TLC had to cut the travel budget. Apparently, the Roloffs had also made a list of trips they wanted to take. Sound familiar?

The Roloffs and the Gosselins have received so many gifts, trips and free things and they still want more. Greed just takes over. ~ Administrator said... 21

Rearranging the Deck Chairs, because Jon and Kate are divorced, if Kate doesn't want to do what Jon does, the only thing he can do legally is go to court. I posted the court docket before, this man has been dragging this woman to court for the past two years all the time. It's been well documented Jon went to court to try to stop filming and even specifically the Australia trip. He lost. He can't do anything else but keep dragging her to court and trying to get the judge to change his mind. Financially, it is difficult to do that for every little thing. Especially when you have a judge who is not on your side.

I've posted before about how crucial momentum is in family law court. Kate has the momentum and when you are the parent with the momentum it is like trying to stop a freight train with your bare hands. Jon has been trying, he has won some and lot some, according to him. We don't know what he HAS stopped, who knows maybe he has successfully stopped some huge trips that would have pulled them out of school.

I hate to tell you this but in family law court, sometimes the bad parent wins. Judges are not perfect either, they are people. They make the best call they can with the facts they have and it's not always the best one in the long run. They also have to follow the law, and there just aren't that many laws out there as to what to do in this situation, as to kids on reality tv. A judge in So. Ca is under a lot of fire for allowing a father unmonitored visits who ended up killing his baby and himself on a visit. I am hearing the media go bonkers on him. Maybe they should. But on the other thand, the thing is, judges make mistakes. The judge made the call with the facts he had, it was the wrong one. We don't have crystal balls, this particular judge said. And he's right, they don't. That's why being a judge is so important because crucial decisions are in your hand. You can get it right 99% of the time, but that 1% they will remember you for.

wryview said... 22

Rearranging the deck chairs said "Doesn't being the legal FATHER give him any rights? "

Apparently not in Pennsylvania from the cases I know about.

Anonymous said... 23

I can understand the general consensus against TLC, but I must say they have 1 show that actually does good, "What Not To Wear."


Normally I hate TLC too, and have been boycotting their shows, but last night I broke down and watched a bit of the Royal Wedding.

I'm not surprised at anything Matt says. I think he is nuts if he thinks TLC will try to revive their show. It's over and Matt can't accept that. He also misses the big bucks as I have always thought he was way to materialistic.
I always resented Amy! She was a slob of a housekeeper, and always pitted the children against their father. Amy has a very high opinion of herself and always wants a pat on the back, for what I don't know.
I continued watching even though I didn't find too many redeeming qualities about these people.


There was one point where Matt & Amy fought a lot, and people were wondering if they were going to get a divorce, same as Jon & Kate. I bet TLC was secretly hoping for it, at least.

fidosmommy said... 24

I hope the Roloffs are done with filming. I think their story has been told and there is little left to say.

I hope the rest of the story won't be to let us know that Zachary and Jeremy are messed up kids and Molly ran off with the circus or someting.
I hope they are all well, happy and doing their own thing. I'm glad to know Jacob is getting
his grades up.

I wish all 6 Roloffs, their extended family and their friends well. But it was time to say

She is evil said... 25

Titanic, you have always thought Jon was a big, fat, sex-crazed jerk? Cmon, the guy had his Ed Hardy phase for about 6 months, and yes, did go through a few girlfriends. But I do give him credit for seeing the light, admitting mistakes, and trying to change what he can (his behavior) and accept what he can't (Kate's). He was obnoxious when he thought he was a player and huge celebrity, but even then, he regularly saw his children. It has been reported time and again by people who know him and Kate that he is a sweet man and great dad. He seemed to be on the show. Unfortunately, his most embarrassing phase was covered minute by minute by the tabloids. We aren't privy to what happened before or after, as he went under the radar, to his credit. Unlike Kate, he isn't tweeting or going on the Today show every time something doesn't go his way. He doesn't brag that he takes care of 8 kids for the weekend by himself, which Kate cannot and doesn't do, yet brags about it anyway. He has tried to stop filming, he loves those kids, and I think the pendulum will swing back in his favor eventually. The kids will jump ship at some point, but it will be catastrophic when they do, as Kate will take it as a diss, rather than seeing that she drove those kids away. She won't understand that she could change her behavior and improve things. She will probably cut them out of her sad life. As insufferable as Kate is, she is the only mom they know. It will be some time before they finally defy her and face the repercussions.

Dee Dee said... 26

While I do not like TLC at all, because they exploit children for money, I'm not inclined to believe a single word that comes out of Matt R's mouth. He and his wife are horrible parents. Their oldest children are racist, homophobic, and hurt animals for their own amusement- all things both unforgivable AND taught to them by their parents.

I do not doubt that TLC wants more drama. Drama=ratings. However, I wouldn't put it past Matt to try to pass off all the horrible, "dramatic" things his family has said or done as being TLC's fault. He cannot accept responsibility, as seen by his response to Jacob not getting good enough grades to stay in school. In this case, he claims it's the schools fault, not Jacob's and definitely not Matt and Amy's fault as parents. With all that is wrong with that family and their parenting, I don't believe for a second that filming the show is the only reason Jacob is turning out the way he is. If anything, he's just following in his older brothers' footsteps.

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) said... 27

Thanks for all the feedback, everyone, but my gut says to me that there is MORE that John Gosselin can do to get these kids out of this pathetic situation. Unless I read otherwise, in respected publications/media outlets, I respectfully maintain that the jerk John Gosselin can do MORE to get those kids out of this dangerous situation. I am just not buying that his hands are tied. Administrator, I know that you have tried to explain at length that kids can be kept in bad situations, but I still put A LOT of the blame on John Gosselin for allowing this horrible situation to continue to occur. I am sorry. I just do not see it any other way. John Gosselin deserves A LOT of the blame for those kids continuing to be filmed. But I am rooting for John that he is able to SOON get his kids back to a quiet life. ~ Administrator said... 28

Reaaranging, no one knows for sure all that Jon has done or hasn't done, we only know what we know.

Another element of this that needs to be considered is how incredibly emotional and difficult it is on children to be dragged through a custody battle, especially one this long and this public.

At a certain point, it takes a parent who truly loves their children to let some things go so that the children are no longer dragged through something so terrible. And sometimes that means giving up on some things. It's not giving up on your kids, but it's having the courage to stop the turmoil even if it means you didn't get everything you want.

Maybe Jon should fight for full custody and maybe he would win too, but he also knows Kate would fight that tooth and nail. I'm sure he's asked himself whether it really is worth it to put the kids through that. Any good father would.

prairiemary said... 29

She is evil- you are SO very right about Jon! Those kids love him, and he really loves and cares about them, more so that kate does.He comes across as gentle,kind,patient,loving and has a lot of manners, unlike kate. She has very little manners and no class at all. I can just hear her at the Derby-loud and crass! And she does not even see how awful she is, she must watch some of her shows,so why does she not see how she comes across? I hope and pray that the kids take after Jon, and not so much after her.

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) said... 30

Noted, Administrator. I will keep my mouth shut about the John factor for now. I do have to say, though, that when you stated that "Kate would fight tooth and nail" against John trying to get full custody of the children, I agree that Khate would fight John tooth and nail for the custody of those children. However, the only reason that Khate would fight so vigorously for the custody of the children is not because she desperately loves the kids, but because she, as she described in the building jumping fiasco in NZ, NEVER likes to be defeated. She must WIN WIN WIN and be on top at all costs. Oh, and also, the kids are her 8 little money makers, too. I'll lay off John for a while and give him the benefit of the doubt.

LaLaLandNoMore said... 31

The truth will come to the surface. It always does. It's only beginning to leak out. Crazy behavior = ratings! TLC must love that screaming shrew, Kate. Always thought so, now we know.

Please, vote with your remote. It could end this sooner rather than later.

Midnight Madness said... 32

And she does not even see how awful she is, she must watch some of her shows,so why does she not see how she comes across?

One word: narcissism

Mimi to 3 said... 33

Anita, what can Jon do, in your mind, that would help his children? I'm not being at all snarky here, I just wonder what can he do? The courts have tied his hands, and every time he goes to court he gets slammed down again. All I can see that he could do to immediately get them away from this shrew is to take them on his custody time and run. But how do you run quietly and under the radar with 8 kids? And what have you gained by doing it? He would be caught and then he would lose his kids for good. How is that possibly helping them?

I understand your opinion about Jon up to a certain point. I don't hold his behavior after their break up against him. He had lived under the controlling and demeaning witch for 10 years and when he stepped out of it he went a little nuts. But he corrected his behavior and admitted he was wrong and that he was remorseful. What I find difficult to get over with Jon is that when he refused to have his children filmed anymore, the filming stopped immediately. Then he caved. For whatever his reasons were -- he couldn't pay child support or he couldn't even pay his rent, who really knows -- but he allowed them to be filmed again and put himself in the hands of TLC. He was wrong, wrong, wrong about allowing TLC to have any say in his life. Sure they are paying him some money each month, but at what price? And there is no court in the land that would make the child support payments so high that he wouldn't have enough at the end of the month for food and shelter. It doesn't work that way, especially if the custodial parent is making millions. But as for now, what can he do? TLC is obviously still paying him or he would, I believe, be publicly speaking out against Kate and what she is doing.

This whole situation is just tragic for those kids. They are both bad parents, but Jon is so head and shoulders above Kate and if he could get those kids no question they would be better off. And I believe some day, when the fame and attention is shifted totally off Kate and she goes completely blotto, he will have those kids. They will mean nothing to her anymore.

Midnight Madness said... 34

Reaaranging, no one knows for sure all that Jon has done or hasn't done, we only know what we know.

Absolutely, admin. We do know that each time he has gone to court, the judge ruled against him. We don't know what he is planning right now, or how he is going to handle this in the near future. It's so very easy to say that Jon could have done more, and should do more, but without knowing what he has done already, it's a moot point. You can't argue something when you don't know the particulars of what has already taken place.

Additionally, it's a blanket statement - "Jon should do more." What, exactly, SHOULD he do? What steps should he take? Gather the kids together and refuse to let Kate take them on trips to be filmed? Tell the kids to refuse to be filmed and violate TLC's contract? Stop the plane from taking off? Not abide by the visitation ruling? He's be slapped with a fine, not to mention having a bench warrant put out for his arrest. The law is the law, and unfortunately in PA, the mother almost always wins. This certainly has been the case in Jon Gosselin vs. Kate Gosselin.

Jon Gosselin deserves NONE of the blame for allowing the children to continue to be filmed. He is, however, guilty of initially allowing this to happen. However, that's over, done and he cannot undo it. The blame right now is on TLC and Kate. The judge, who ruled that the kids need to work in order to abide by the contract, also had his hands tied. This has been discussed at length before - the judge's personal opinion on whether or not the children should be filmed did not enter into his decision. He may be totally against having children work to support their mother's lifestyle. However, he had to interpret the law, and apparently the contract superseded any rights that Jon had in his demand that the children not be filmed. Jon is already paying excessive child support. To tie this up in court would involve much expense and drag on for a long, long time. It could be that Jon right now is biding his time, thinking that this show will be canceled in the near future.

Again, HOW exactly should he do more to stop the filming? More court appearances? Stage a protest at the airport? Take the children to a foreign country and fight extradition? If anyone has the answers, I'm sure he'd be interested in hearing a solution to this whole mess since he obviously has exhausted all avenues he has pursued.

Sport said... 35

I dont want to sound like I am pro-Jon. The only thing in this family I am certainly 'pro' is the kids. I like what Jon has done the past year by laying low and working his way towards a normal life.

Just felt like commenting on Deck Chairs comments. My opinion has always been that he doesnt have the financial means to battle kHate in court for more time with the kids. Whether he truly wants more time is not for me to determine, it has always felt like an uphill battle with kHate being able to cry on TV anytime she wants and also having the financial backing of TLC who obviously didnt want their cash cow to dry up.

The cash looks to finally be drying up, and soon they will be merely left with a cow.

Knows Quality said... 36

Jon didn't impress me all that much in the beginning, BUT...

He's done something to REALLY impress me.

Think about this...

Jon is probably the ONE guy (other than the surgeon) that could confirm - without a doubt - if Kate's "girls" are "real."

He could SO throw Kate under the bus if he went public.

And he never has. He has kept his mouth SHUT and stayed out of the debate.

THAT has impressed me.

No regrets said... 37

Rearranging, I DO understand your frustration. I feel that way sometimes, too. But there is so much we do not know. I really feel when this contract is up in 2012, that will be the end of him giving consent for the kids to be filming. I think it is Feb, 2012. That is not that far off, really. Frankly, I really think that is why TLC is sitting on Twist of Kate, when they know they can't film the kids any longer.

No regrets said... 38

"Knows Quality said...He could SO throw Kate under the bus if he went public."

LOL you are SO right. But who really needs to do that? All one has to do is look at before and after pix, only the dummies can't "see" it.

Jon could throw her under the bus about SO much, but I don't think that will happen. He knows he will hurt his kids too much, IMO. He misspoke last year, and I think he realized that. He does have to be careful. Kate doesn't give a crap, she merrily talks down about Jon on twitter with these people she doesn't even know, and on any program she can. Many people are totally turned off by that, and she does lose backers when she does it.

JudyK said... 39

Mary said..."On an 'insider' blog on the Roloffs it said that because the shows ratings went down TLC had to cut the travel budget. Apparently, the Roloffs had also made a list of trips they wanted to take. Sound familiar?"
Interesting and I had forgotten that when the Roloff ratings started tanking, all of a sudden each episode was a vacation somewhere...and that's when I lost total and complete interest. All of a sudden, Kate + 8 is going the same route and I think the outcome will be exactly the same. (On another note, I want to add that Jon has tried time and again to help those children through the court system; it is obvious that he is a great dad and that he loves those children; and it is a FACT that he will never be able to compete with the machine that is TLC with their unlimited resources and high-powered attorneys which they use to achieve their unethical, moneymaking ends. Jon can't just wave a magic wand and produce a bank to pay for endless attorneys--his hands are tied. I can't even afford personal insurance and therefore have none--you can't get blood from a turnip.)

Maggie said... 40

Today Kate's tweeter comments sums up to she is without the 8 kids, and there is plenty for "us" to see and do. My guess is she may be filming for "Twist of Kate". I think I may be the only one that believes that eventually this wreck of a show will air one day. I think Kate already signed the contract and TLC has to fulfill it. But the very fact that it has been over 1 1/2 years since TLC mentioned this show means that they are having a very, very hard time trying to produce this show with the talentless Katie G. TLC is obviously struggling with a concept of how to make it interesting with someone who is so uninteresting without her 8. I hope "Twist of Kate" does come to tv and it is cancelled within the first 5 episodes.

she is evil said... 41

Knows quality, oh yes, Jon can throw that leathery beast under the bus BIG TIME. This is why I am stunned that Kate has been so unnecessarily unkind to him in person and in the press. She has provoked him many times, insinuating that he is a bad father, a child, someone who has abandoned his kids. Imagine the payday Jon could get for the blockbuster interview on tv or in a magazine or the tell-all book! I give him props for keeping his mouth shut, as trashing Kate would hurt the kiddies, just as their mother has done every single time she has bashed Jon. She cares more about looking good (ain't working, bitch) than her kids' feelings. How awful to have two parents who are laughingstock, one deservedly, the other not so much.

If I could interview Jon and not hurt the kids by what I'd find out, I'd love to know:

1. Does he believe Kate purposely underwent IUI with the GOAL (not just the possibility) of conceiving HOMs?
2. Did she want the tups for the freebies, fame, and money? I understand the need for help once the kids arrived, but was it all planned?
3. What's the deal with her parents and siblings?
4. Is Steve stupid enough to be carrying on with Kate?
5. How much plastic surgery has she had? Does she really run/work out as claimed or is the weight loss mostly due to lipo?
6. How much cooking, cleaning and laundry does she do?
7. Do the kids realize how much she lies about her involvement with them?
8. Does she have 24/7 nannies and 24/7 security?
9. Does she even need a bodyguard?
10. Do the paparazzi ever bother her at all? Or is it all arranged by her?
11. Is she crazy? I mean, literally mentally ill?

And that's just the beginning...

Just Dwindle Away said... 42

roxyhelen said... Sadly, I am not sure all the sheeple understand the Mady,Alexis,Hannah,Joel,Leah,Collin,Cara and Aaden are REAL CHILDREN.I think many consider them characters in a movie.Seriously

I have always felt that way too. Especially the way they will compare the Gosselin kids to 'other TV stars', the ones that play in scripted shows. Collin is a real boy, he doesnt just play Collin Gosselin for a few hours a month on TV. That is his real mother constantly berating him, belittling him, showing him naked, physically pushing him, making fun of him, deliberatly frightening him. And she does it so happily and gets a quarter of a million dollars for each hour that they get to watch her do it to him.

They dont get it at all, they think it is cute, that Kate is entitled to hurt her children in this manner and they admire her for getting a paycheck for doing it.

Stop the chatter... said... 43

"TLC certainly told us many times that the “crazier the chatter” the more interesting we are for filming."


So what would happen if the "chatter" was shut down? TLC admitted to Matt that the hater blogs generate interest in his show. I say all Gosselin hater blogs should shut down for 2 weeks.

Monday morning quarterback said... 44

Mimi to 3 said...
What I find difficult to get over with Jon is that when he refused to have his children filmed anymore, the filming stopped immediately. Then he caved. For whatever his reasons were -- he couldn't pay child support or he couldn't even pay his rent, who really knows -- but he allowed them to be filmed again and put himself in the hands of TLC. He was wrong, wrong, wrong about allowing TLC to have any say in his life. Sure they are paying him some money each month, but at what price? And there is no court in the land that would make the child support payments so high that he wouldn't have enough at the end of the month for food and shelter. It doesn't work that way, especially if the custodial parent is making millions. But as for now, what can he do? TLC is obviously still paying him or he would, I believe, be publicly speaking out against Kate and what she is doing.


I believe Jon's participation in the contract and any income from TLC ended quite a long time ago. We sometimes 'assume' that Jon caved and allowed the kids to be filmed so he could be paid because it was his choice and I wonder if anyone has considered that Jon might have had no choice and that the courts ruled that the contract was enforceable and he had to go along with it? I'm not defending Jon, but I do think we should look at all possibilities since we really don't know all the facts.

Yes, there is a court right there in Berks County PA that set Jon's initial child support payments at $22,000, an amount that imo would leave very little for rent and groceries for someone who was prevented from outside income. I'm assuming that's been adjusted by now - or I at least hope so, but not even movie stars have child support set that high, but Jon Gosselin did with no job, a tight contract, and a limited bank account.

In my heart, I believe the reason he is not speaking out is because he's trying to do the right thing for his kids. He's trying to provide a secure, stabile, private life for his children, work an honest job, and choose his battles with Kate. It's easy for us to sit back and be a Monday morning quarterback, but since we're not privy to the details of his life or the terms of the contracts, I think we should give him the benefit of the doubt and remember that filing suit against Kate is costly, time consuming and might end up having unwanted consequences for him or the kids.

Midnight Madness said... 45

"To Dani: Those kids... at least the ten-year-olds Maddy and Cara could live with John Gosselin if HE pushed for it."


The children themselves could make the request as to where they want to live. According to PA law:

"The decision of the court may be considered reversible error if they won't hear the child's preference. However, the court has the discretion to interview the child out of the parents' presence. A child as young as 5 or 6 years of age may be heard. Though it is rare the court will hear from a child under 7 years, the child's ability to tell the truth from fiction and maturity will be the guidelines for whether a child may be heard. A child of 10 or 12 years of age is certainly entitled to have their opinions heard and given weight in legal proceedings about custody. Additionally, the court has the power to appoint an attorney for the child in contested cases."

However, even if he would have custody of the children, it's a separate issue. As far as filming goes, it wouldn't make a difference! They could live with Jodi and Kevin and they would still have to honor the contract! Kate is under contract with TLC to film as Kate Plus Eight. The eight are obviously the children. This is why Jon lost his fight with the courts before they went to Australia. Custody has nothing to do with it. Yes, he's their father, but unfortunately, TLC has the filming rights. Nobody knows what's in the contract, but if she wanted to end the show, there are ways she could go about doing it. A good attorney could find loopholes in a contract. However, she's not going to do that - not in a million years, and so he's at the mercy of Kate and TLC (and the PA judges).

He could push for whatever he wants -- the kids living with him, or for filming to stop -- but it's a no-win battle for him, and an expensive one.

cat said... 46

@Sharon: I so agree: Amy Roloff SO full of herself, ALL the time. A SLOB, and a poor parent (too many examples to cite, of her backwards "parenting"). Matt: Famewhore and greedy as Hades. Similar to Khate except can be nicer and overall I think he cares about his kids. Both families ended up taking TOO MANY TRIPS and viewers could no longer relate to them. I watched almost all the LPBW shows, unlike Gossellin, who I avoid seeing at ALL costs . Anyway, I think Matt is missing that TLC$ and that is what this is all about. Sad. ~ Administrator said... 47

AND she's stopped tweeting about the kids cold turkey. Look at her tweets since the TLC meeting, not one mention of the kids!


So that lone sheeple here trying to defend talking about the kids....well, someone at TLC obviously agrees with us that it's inappropriate to tweet about these kids and told Kate to knock it off.

IDModo said... 48

After Jon has paid for his food and lodging, and his exhorbitant child support, and all the other things involved in living even marginally,and his legal bills, how is he expected to be able to save up enough to provide housing that would be appropriate for 8 children? We know that no judge will give custody to a parent who cannot provide the necessities of life for his children.

Jon is between a rock and a hard place as a result of the machinations of Kate and TLC and it will take him a long time to climb out from under; but that doesn't mean he isn't trying his best to do what's right for his kids.

No regrets said... 49

"They could live with Jodi and Kevin and they would still have to honor the contract! Kate is under contract with TLC to film as Kate Plus Eight. The eight are obviously the children. "

If those kids refused, no contract in the world could make them film.

gotyournumberKate said... 50

It looks like Kate isn't with her kids this weekend and neither is Jon. Poor kids.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 51

Administrator said...

AND she's stopped tweeting about the kids cold turkey. Look at her tweets since the TLC meeting, not one mention of the kids!


So that lone sheeple here trying to defend talking about the kids....well, someone at TLC obviously agrees with us that it's inappropriate to tweet about these kids and told Kate to knock it off.


Yes, but not for the reasons we have. TLC doesn't give a crap about the kids' privacy. They don't want Khate to tweet about the kids but they can show umpteen embarrassing and private moments to the world. If Khate's tweeting about the kids isn't making TLC money, then they want it stopped.

Midnight Madness said... 52

If those kids refused, no contract in the world could make them film.


Ah, but they can't refuse to film because Kate would make their lives a living hell and they know it. Can you imagine the guilt trip she'd lay on them? So whether or not a contract is enforceable really doesn't enter into it. They would never go against their mother's demand to film - under penalty of severeness.

fidosmommy said... 53

What IF the kids rebelled and said they were not going on film again? Could they be sued?
Or would Kate, as the one who signed the contract on their behalf, be the one liable?
Can you sue children for breach of contract?

a coincidence is not the same thing as an accident said... 54

Princess Beatrice's hat (ok, "fascinator") has 94,699 likes on Facebook,

Kate has 9,307 followers on Twitter.

Gee, Kate, more people like A FRICKIN HAT than you!

"Just Sayin" (couldn't resist; do I sound reallly cool like Kate and her tweeple?!) ~ Administrator said... 55

Children CANNOT contract, therefore they cannot be sued for breach of contract.

Their parents can contract on their behalf, so they would have to sue their parents for a breach. Which would be Kate.

Oh, karma. It's coming.

she is evil said... 56

Midnite, I was thinking the exact same thing! If those kids refuse to film, their contract is nothing to worry about compared to the shit Kate will pull on them. She used to whip out the wooden spoon whenever the kids didn't cooperate for filming. That will not fly anymore, so what's the most selfish mom in the world to do? Picture the scene at the bottom of the Sky Jump, only with real tears. Those kids cannot shut down filming, IMO, and their mother will not stop willingly because she only cares about herself. The show will have to be canceled by tlc for filming to stop. Mamma G needs her mani-pedis

Just Dwindle Away said... 57

Midnight Madness said...
Ah, but they can't refuse to film because Kate would make their lives a living hell and they know it. Can you imagine the guilt trip she'd lay on them? So whether or not a contract is enforceable really doesn't enter into it. They would never go against their mother's demand to film - under penalty of severeness.


Thank you Midnight. I think many people greatly underestimate the emotional terror that those little children live with every day of their lives. They dont know any different, and have no reason to know that other children dont live that way, that all mommies are not like that.

Love, ME said... 58

Dear Everyone:

It's "JON", not "John". There is no H in the name his parents put on his birth certificate, that we know of. He is likely too old to have one added now against his will.

A minor matter, I know, but it makes us sound like we dont know who or what we are talking about. Besides, if you have ever had your name misspelled in print, you know how annoying it is.

Love, Me.

Hook 'em Horns said... 59

When filming ends, Kate will GIVE custody to Jon. She will take him to court and insist he take them. She will not want them anymore.

Hook 'em Horns said... 60

Sorry if I posted more than once. I have been lurking a long time (years) and decided to post before things end. I hated Kate from the VERY FIRST SHOW, when it was not even called Jon and Kate Plus 8 yet.

HollyMo said... 61

Thank you, Love ME, it bothers me too!

Anonymous said... 62

roxyhelen said... Sadly, I am not sure all the sheeple understand the Mady,Alexis,Hannah,Joel,Leah,Collin,Cara and Aaden are REAL CHILDREN.I think many consider them characters in a movie.Seriously.


That's what irritates me about the sheeple. They think the kids play characters, but they don't believe they're working. When Kate says the kids are just playing in front of the cameras, they believe her, and yet still believe the kids play a character. Well which is it? You can't play a character and NOT be working. Look at Mary-Kate & Ashley. They played Michelle on Full House. Would the sheeple say they worked, or just playing in front of the cameras?

Moose Mania said... 63

"It's "JON", not "John". There is no H in the name his parents put on his birth certificate, that we know of. He is likely too old to have one added now against his will."


Jon is short for JONATHAN (full name Jonathan Keith Gosselin) which is the name his parents put on his birth certificate. The reason that there is no H in the name his parents put on his birth certificate is because Jonathan is not spelled Johnathan.

fidosmommy said... 64

Jon, John, whatever. At least once filming stops, the Gosselin children will have more time to spend with him. Their mom will be using her pink iPhone to make all kinds of visit scheduling, saying the kids never got enough time with their dad, and they deserve to have more. She will spin it to make herself look like she's been so concerned about their lack of time with Jon.

AuntieAnn said... 65

It seems kind of obvious to me that Matt is tweeting and Amy is doing her thing on FB to get people to think they have to explain themselves. They don't have to do one HAS to twitter about personal family matters unless they WANT to keep their relationship with the public alive. The show is over, they could return to a private life given enough time. I think that along with the money Matt likes the attention that LPBW brought him and he can't truly let go of it. Of course it goes without saying it's the same with Kate.
Jon has somehow managed to duck the radar because he realized what all this did to his family. It's taken him a while but he's showing that it CAN all fade away in time. Kate could too and so could the Roloffs. They just don't want to yet.

silimom said... 66

Since when did Philadelphia get renamed "Washington D.C."? Just curious. I know it served as the temporary capitol at one point in time, but that ended in 1800 if memory serves.

Ingrid said... 67

I don't think Kate will give the kids up to Jon because unless she has run out of money or hides it well she should have to be the one paying child support then and we know she thinks it is "mine all mine" including the kids' shares.

That child support would help Jon afford a reasonable house and life for the kids along with his income.

Hook 'em Horns said... 68

She would avoid child support somehow. Jon can have "visitation" 300 days a year, to make up for all the lost time. And if he protested, she would tell the children he didn't want them, and the sheeple would all have a field day. As a matter of fact, I can see her saying SHE stopped the show so Jon could spend more time with them.

momof3 said... 69

It is hard enough finding out who you are when you are an adolescent, let alone when you are being filmed and expected to act and be a certain way for the cameras. Those kids are and will be paying a nasty price for their childhoods and through the teen years. I wish someone like their mother or even maybe an i telligent judge would see that. Children in the industry for decades have continued problems when the cameras are off and they are supposed to move on in the real world. I feel the sextuplets and the twins are going to have a a more difficult time trying to figure out who they are as an individual. When you have a mom like Kate, they will suffer unless she changes. May God Bless those kids. ~ Administrator said... 70

LOL, too funny. Kate tweeted goodnight.

Essentially today she tweeted good morning, blah blah a few times in the middle, then goodnight.

We called this backwards and forwards, TLC won't let her do anything but the most benign things on twitter now.

Friend In Pennsylvania said... 71

admin said, Essentially today she tweeted good morning, blah blah a few times in the middle, then goodnight.
We called this backwards and forwards, TLC won't let her do anything but the most benign things on twitter now.


But she can't wait to tell them about her day. When is this big revelation going to occur?

Is she hinting that she's on location somewhere? The one tweet said that it's cloudy and windy, but there are things to do and see. It wasn't cloudy and windy today. We had bright sunshine all day and just a slight breeze.

What kind of a guessing game is she playing? Is this "Where in the world is Kate Gosselin" or "Where's Waldo?"

Ingrid said... 72

Was she at that Washington Correspondent's Dinner? I saw something mentioned somewhere(twit?). WHen I google it w/her name it shows in the little descriptions on the Google page like on justjared hits, but when I go to the link it doesn't mention her in articles. (yet)

Ingrid said... 73

This is an example of the Google hit I saw:

Mila Kunis - White House Correspondents' Dinner | Mila Kunis ...
Apr 30, 2011 ... Mila Kunis attends the White House Correspondents' Dinner party at the .... Kate Gosselin, Katie Holmes, Jennifer Garner, Shirtless Celebs ...

Anonymous said... 74

She Is Evil:
11. Is she crazy? I mean, literally mentally ill?
Let me answer this one for you. Yes, she has NPD. She's a narcissist. That is a mental illness and it is not 'curable' either with medication or therapy. Short of divine intervention, she will ALWAYS be this way.

My mother in law has NPD, is 70 years old and has never made an attempt to change or recognize anything hurtful she's ever done to anyone. It's everyone else who is to blame. She's not the problem and doesn't have a problem. This is why narcissists cannot be rehabilitated. One has to recognize their faults and a willingness to correct behavior and they simply are unable to do this. It really is a sad and maddening illness for everyone involved. I don't wish it on any family.

Anonymous said... 75

Nice to hear about Matt and Amy and family again. All the boys seemed to have trouble with school, and the youngest is now at the age where boys become distracted with school even if they weren't before. I think the family did well together. Hate to hear the very unflattering comments about them. The house was often a mess, but Amy didn't get a lot of help from the kids putting stuff away either. I wouldn't call her a slob. Just isn't classy to do so, if nothing else.

I do think TLC goes to the "trips" idea and asks the family to put forth ideas. TLC seems to like this idea, even though I think most viewers get turned off by them, and I would imagine it shows in the ratings. The trips start and get bigger and more frequent and ratings start tanking...Shouldn't they get the connection?

I'm glad most posters here support Jon, who is clearly the better parent. I felt so bad when he & whats her name were married. He had the class to shut his mouth so many times, at least on camera. I clearly recall him saying when the breakup happened that he had wanted counseling but the wife didn't, and that he was home all the time with the kids, 3 weeks out of 4 on a regular basis, while she was gone with the bodyguard. BTW, she needs no bodyguard. There is no problem with paps anymore. Maybe 1 once in a while if she's lucky. No one would kidnap her. For what? Give me one reason. Who would pay to get her back? They'd have to pay to get rid of her.

She's a tease said... 76

Why do we think Kate doesn't have the kids with her this weekend filming somewhere? Just because she sounds like she's out of town doesn't mean she's alone. She said "our" rather than "my" plans.

She reminds me of a teenager teasing friends and leading them on by saying she'll tell them all about soon. UGH

"Good morning again! Cloudy day here.Not going2 dampen our plans tho.Lots2 c& do... Have a good day. I am reading; just not able 2 reply much"

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 77

But she can't wait to tell them about her day. When is this big revelation going to occur?

Tonight she'll probably say she's going to tell on Monday evening right before she does her "live tweeting" during K+8. That should make her fans go totally berserk!

If only... said... 78

Stop the chatter... said...

"TLC certainly told us many times that the “crazier the chatter” the more interesting we are for filming."


So what would happen if the "chatter" was shut down? TLC admitted to Matt that the hater blogs generate interest in his show. I say all Gosselin hater blogs should shut down for 2 weeks.

I was a strong advocate for stopping the “chatter”/blogging for a year or so. The general consensus was the blogs didn’t have the “power” to influence the ratings. Seems TLC and I agree on one thing anyway.

dee3 said... 79

IMO, Jon started to drink heavily and this was the main cause of his bad behavior. Once he stopped the drinking, this behavior stopped. I'm guessing Ellen helped him to do this. He looked intoxicated in almost every photo back then.

And I can understand why he started drinking, considering what TLC and Kate were doing to him at the time. He'd lost his marriage, faced losing his children, faced TLC suing him for breach of contract, etc, It was more than enough to explain the heavy drinking at the time.

And the heavy drinking caused the behavior....because behaving like that did not seem to be Jon's personality.....the Jon who was the main care-taker of the children on the shows.

I believe this sober Jon has tried to do everything he possibly can to help his children. Just because something seems totally reasonable to us, does not mean a court will see it that way. Judges are individuals and don't always make decisions that seem the most fair to us.

wayward said... 80

momof3 said: ..."Children in the industry for decades have continued problems when the cameras are off and they are supposed to move on in the real world."

Perfectly said. The example being set for the Gosselin children is downright frightening. From their earliest memory they have been shown that if you have a camera following your every move, if you sell your privacy to the highest bidder, you can be rich, live in a huge mansion
and go on lots of trips. Their Daddy goes to work every day to his job but only lives in a small apartment. What message is this sending them? That money and THINGS are more important than people. I do not remember the source, it may have been an older interview with Jon, but I thought he said the kids were having the beginnings of entitlement issues. And Kate says the kids are all going to have jobs and buy their own cars as teens. Hah! Good luck with that!! Again, from their earliest memories they have never known their mother to take care of them entirely by herself, do her own laundry or housework or much of anything for herself. She has other people do it for her. She even has a manny because she can't regulate her moods and behavior for herself. But the G kids are expected to pull a strong work ethic out of the air when the time comes.

The G kids as well as the Roloff kids have been shown it is extremely lucrative to sell your privacy and expose yourself to America. It makes schooling, further education and working at a real job look ridiculous and like a complete waste of time.

Sadly, this goes for former child actors as well. So many of them turned to porn rather than work a real job. They chose to make money selling their dignity rather than waiting tables long hours for peanuts.

And now we have Matt Roloff talking out of one side of his mouth about the pitfalls of being on a reality show, kid flunking out of school, stalkers, etc. But out of the other side he's talking about filming again. It looks like he too is no longer willing to try to make a regular living. What concerns me is that there is nothing left to cover with this family, what could they film? I hope he and Amy are not getting divorced and TLC is going to exploit it. Because at the end of the show's run, TLC was only focused on their marital problems. Sick..... sick & twisted.

dee3 said... 81

"Who would pay to get her back?"

Lol...The Ransom of Red Chief.

IMO....if Kate ever realized that she could no longer make any $ off the children....she would foist them off on Jon at every opportunity. She is certainly not gonna want to deal with their bad behavior (the expected outcome of having no childhoods)...unless there is money and fame in it for her.

And I don't think it's really all about the $ for's all about her being the/a star. And all this tanning and hair extensions, etc....are to her, normal for a star like her. She is sure that SHE is the draw on the show....and in many ways, she IS....but for her bad behavior. Most of the people who still watch do so because they do NOT like her...just like Nene, Omarosa, Camille G.....villains attract viewers....even if they turn some of them off.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 82

Ingrid said...

Was she at that Washington Correspondent's Dinner?

Mila Kunis - White House Correspondents' Dinner


No, a celeb list came up on the hit (for some reason), but when you look at the article, she's not even on the page. It's just a google fluke. :)

dee3 said... 83

Let's face have to be a narcissist to even be on these reality shows. Kate just happens to be one of...if not THE...worst of them.

The situation with the children reminds me of something that happened during the Vietnam War (showing my age here, lol). After living with constant stress, never knowing at any moment when they might be killed............when they got home (which is what they thought they'd wanted)......they found they missed being over there and their lives seemed empty....and many became depressed and suicidal.

And this seems to have happened with most child stars, in fact. In addition to missing the attention, they missed the constant stress and activity.....and did not know how to live a normal life without it, once the show was over.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 84

momof3 said: ..."Children in the industry for decades have continued problems when the cameras are off and they are supposed to move on in the real world."

wayward said.. Perfectly said. The example being set for the Gosselin children is downright frightening.


I agree with you both, and I'll add the other example Kate sets is "tantrums and bad behavior work. I can have a tantrum, do whatever I want, be disrespectful, and there are only good consequences." Look at the Skylift. If she'd been anyone else, they would have kicked her butt off to allow others to ride. ENTITLED, for sure.

Under the May 1 show header, GWOP has another post from Philadelphia Worker, who says the Art Museum declined TLC's request to allow filming inside the museum. TLC were only allowed to film running up the steps--and NO FOOD on the steps. According to Worker, she often eats lunch on the steps, no problem. She says their reputation preceded them.... If I remember right, the kids' behavior at the Liberty Bell was out of control.

So maybe there ARE consequences of the family's poor behavior, but I don't think the kids will make the connection. They see Mommy play diva, and TLC throws money at her.

Interestingly, Worker says Kate eggs the children on to bad behavior (as if Worker witnessed it). That would support Matt Roloff's comments about TLC encouraging "crazy" behavior. If it's true, the life lessons for the kids get even worse.

BerksPa said... 85

Personally, I believe Kate's cryptic tweets are a desperate attempt to get Chris the Pap to find her and follow her around. "Look! I'm doing cool stuff. Can't tell you what it is. Just wait and see! ! ! !" =(translates in Kate speak)= "Chris! Where are you? You are missing out on the photos of the beautiful, mysterious Kate! ! ! "

Problem is: no one is interested.
Even Jon just tweeted when someone asked him about the paparazzi, he said he didn't know; didn't see any anymore. (almost like he's so 'done' with that aspect of his former life it doesn't register on the radar anymore)

Kate over tweeted - was called to TLC - tweets then went down to nothing, and not even one paparazzi shot is out there. No one cares what she does.

The Kentucky Derby will be another episode of the Emmy awards. She's going to desperately want to rub shoulders but no one really goes there to schmooze with has been reality people. Most people are there to support the charities.
What Kate really needs to be doing is studying up on the charities involved so that if someone interviews her she will show some modicum of intelligence and not look like a desperate 'hanger-on'.

Charlez said... 86

Concerning the Roloffs: Amy and Matt talked like they might be thinking of splitting up on some of their last shows.

I don't belive for a minute that they actually were thinking about it. TLC saw the energy it gave to Jon and Kate and told the Roloffs to play up the idea that a divorce might be coming their way.

Why would Amy and Matt divorce? It won't happen. They are the type of couple that never gets any better, but they stay together because it is easist to do so.

wayward said... 87

dee3 said: ..."And I don't think it's really all about the $ for's all about her being the/a star. And all this tanning and hair extensions, etc....are to her, normal for a star like her. She is sure that SHE is the draw on the show....
Here's the weird dynamic though. TLC created a show for her. A pilot was filmed... never to be heard about again. ET has given her many opportunites as correspondent. She had a run on DWTS. She not only bombed them all, but it seems she was purposely sabotaging them.

I don't know if she's insecure or that frickin' stubborn or both. But I do know that she was given many opportunities to be a stah and have a *legitimate* career in show business without the kids. She could have been a correspondent or a red carpet person. ET was handing it to her on a golden platter! But she needed much polish and training. Did she refuse? Does she think she's perfect just the way she is, how dare they say she needs interview training!! Or does she not have the confidence to work by herself? I tend to think she doesn't have the confidence to go it alone. Her comfort level is firmly planted in ordering around 8 kids and having it filmed, with shades of insisting the kids be involved because they "owe" her.

She used to have the ratings to back up telling TLC what to do. Now she doesn't. She not only created an unsustainable celebrity lifestyle for herself, when she was given the opportunity to sustain it- she ruined it.

No regrets said... 88

"wayward said...I don't know if she's insecure or that frickin' stubborn or both. But I do know that she was given many opportunities to be a stah and have a *legitimate* career in show business without the kids"

I think she is insecure in so many areas; HOWEVER, I also feel she is so sure she has talent, that no way would SHE need training of any sort. She did try out for the hosting show with Paula Dean, she also tried interviewing with ET, saying that someday she would take over the mic. I think that since she knows now that she cannot get that sort of job, she did say some months ago in an interview, that when the kids are older, she will pursue that sort of career. She changed her tune. She had to change her tune, because she simply can't land a job in what she thinks she can do. Acting is one of those jobs. LOL The gall she has to think she can step into an award winning show, and just "act". Or interview people when she always turns the conversation to herself. Terrible job she did when she was allowed to interview. It is quite telling that they never invited her back. Remember when she was suppose to be the correspondent for, I think, ET, for Skating with the Stars? She did ONE show. That's it. That fizzled too.

So now, that career dream of hers 'has to wait until the kids are older.' I think she made that statement in the same interview when she said she didn't want to be as 'old' as Barbara Walters, still working in that field. LOL

No regrets said... 89

"Wayward, but it seems she was purposely sabotaging them."

I don't think she deliberately sabotaged herself. She was just being herself. She was in over her head, and with her ego, did not even realize it nor recognize it. FAIL.

dee3 said... 90

@ wayward~

I don't think that Kate sabotaged herself on those other shows....I think she simply bombed...because she can only be herself...a narcissist. She is a one-trick pony...just like Omarosa. And just like her, she will disappear except for he occasional showing on a reality show with D-list celebrities.

Villains can be fun to watch....for a while. But narcissists are not fun to watch. They do not care about anyone else, including their own children. They are sure they are always right and that they know the best way to do something. Everything is all about them....why she could never be an interviewer.....where she would actually have to act like she cared about the person she was interviewing.

She is such an extreme narcissist that she can't even pull off trying to act nice.....she just can't do it. And this is why she can never be a star.....she's just a classic villain on a reality show.....and can't really do or be much of anything else.

dee3 said... 91

"She not only created an unsustainable celebrity lifestyle for herself, when she was given the opportunity to sustain it- she ruined it."

I agree and in fact, she could have had a sustainable career as the "model mom" but she just couldn't pull it off. Her narcissism is so severe that she cannot control her own behavior most of the time.

She would have continued to get book deals, clothing lines, appearances, etc.....but yes, she ruined it....just like a severe narcissist would be expected to do.

You know...I always did believe that Kate had made Jon sign that contract....that the marriage was over and he was to pretend it was still OK just for the show. And to would take an amazing amount of inner strength to keep that in my back pocket. In most divorces involving children, it is the rare, wise few who are able to put their anger and resentment towards the spouse on the back order to behave only in the best interest of the children.

I have always been on team Jon....from the very beginning. I don't expect anyone to be perfect at all times, but I think he's shown amazing restraint to have kept his mouth shut and to resist being able to expose her for the liar she is.

No regrets said... 92

I think Kate is just plain lazy. She doesn't want to work, nor thinks she has to work for anything. Everything has been given to her. TLC has literally ran her life for the past almost 7 years. She only has to call her manager and ask to somehow get her on the Emmy's or whatever. SHE doesn't do it, she has "people". LOL

I have noticed this woman is not resourceful at all. Even in the early days, she depended on Jon for many, many things. He was so happy once, when he had to work overtime on a Saturday, that she went out with the kids, with a helper, instead of waiting for him. She was not happy, but there was an exchange with them on the sofa interview, that showed how he was happy that she FINALLY ventured out, without waiting for him every single time. As if he wanted HER to show more independence. It was an odd exchange, that is why I remember it. When the picture of her and Trump came out, Trump when asked, said something about he would love for her to be on the show, and insinuated 'talks' were happening. Rumors circulated. But that fizzled out too. Why? I think because she found out, firstly, that she would have to REALLY work, secondly, the pay isn't all that for the celebs since the main focus is charity. I mean who would SHE call for contributions, after all? It appears to me, she is merely sitting on her butt, waiting for her manager and TLC to do things for her. I realize she is under contract, but there is no way you can convince me she 'insists' on much except more freebies. They work for her, she CAN demand a different job or jobs. Many 'stars' have done that. She goes to a meeting to ask for trips, or calls them to get her on the Emmy's. Give me, give me, give me.

Donna said... 93

Matt Roloff's ego is almost as big as Kate's and he cannot tell the truth. I don't believe a word the man says. Amy is not much better. Jeremy, Zach and Jacob are egotistical, conceited and think they are 'stars'. Molly is the only person in that family that I can tolerate. If TLC was thinking about bringing LPBW back to life, they can kiss that idea goodbye if the press (TMZ, US Weekly, etc.)gets hold of the cat tossing pictures. The public doesn't take to kindly to people who abuse animals and IMO cat tossing is a form of abuse. And who can forget that Matt wanted Jeremy to take Rocky the dog to the barn and blow the poor dog's brains out because the dog was having some mobility problems (which was easily taken care of with proper vet care). That family is as despicable as Kate G. IMO. I think TLC should change their name from 'The Learning Channel' to 'The Loser's Channel'.

diane said... 94

Matt Roloff isnt being totally accurate regarding Jacob's school grades. I recall a few episodes where its mentioned that his grades were below par. I always got the impression he was not a good student. The other boys had problems with school too. They all seemed (the boys anyway- Molly seemed to do fine) lazy and unmotivated to me. Matt always had excuses for his boys. Amy was the one with her head on level.

Tucker's Mom said... 95

Wayward, I completely agree with you. With all the broohaha over the kids' college funds, I say bullshit. I'll be shocked if the majority of them go to college, knowing that their namesakes will garner them media offers.
Can you say Jersey Shore?
Why on earth would they work their asses off in college only to graduate and make less than 6 figures a year.
Not going to happen.

Maggie said... 96

Berks PA said: Personally, I believe Kate's cryptic tweets are a desperate attempt to get Chris the Pap to find her and follow her around. "Look! I'm doing cool stuff. Can't tell you what it is. Just wait and see! ! ! !" =(translates in Kate speak)= "Chris! Where are you? You are missing out on the photos of the beautiful, mysterious Kate! ! ! "
Your post is interesting but I tend to disagree because my feeling is Kate is not anywhere near Chris. I think Chris is a local unless hired by a "real star" to go elsewhere. I don't think Chris is concerned in the least tracking down Kate when she is more than likely in another state.

Maybe Kate will reveal that she will be at the Kentucky Derby. And TLC & Kate may be making an episode from the Derby activities for her "Twist of Kate" show. That is my uneducated guess. If that is right then that may mean Kate will be gone this weekend until next weekend. Kate, go home to your precious 8 kids. You have enough millions to support them and you have enough infamy. But you will never have fame and respect.

Cause and effect? said... 97

dee3 said...
IMO, Jon started to drink heavily and this was the main cause of his bad behavior. Once he stopped the drinking, this behavior stopped. I'm guessing Ellen helped him to do this. He looked intoxicated in almost every photo back then.

And I can understand why he started drinking, considering what TLC and Kate were doing to him at the time. He'd lost his marriage, faced losing his children, faced TLC suing him for breach of contract, etc, It was more than enough to explain the heavy drinking at the time.

And the heavy drinking caused the behavior....because behaving like that did not seem to be Jon's personality.....the Jon who was the main care-taker of the children on the shows.

What?? Jon was a "heavy drinker"? We know this how? Ed Hardy t-shirts and occasional photos in bars and restaurants don't equate to "heavy" drinking. I think we'd all be better to not speculate what he did right after the separation. His behavior was most likely caused by 10 years of having to repress his feelings. What caused his behavior? Only Jon knows.

E-town Neighbor said... 98

Under the May 1 show header, GWOP has another post from Philadelphia Worker, who says the Art Museum declined TLC's request to allow filming inside the museum. TLC were only allowed to film running up the steps--and NO FOOD on the steps


None of this "inside" information has been confirmed, and much of it has been disputed because apparently there have been several postings attributed to the same person as having been here or there, "seeing" what happens and knowing things that could only be known from persons living with or being employed in the household. Unlike this blog, they do not verify such information. It's speculation.

I would be extremely hesitant about the credibility of much of it. When others ask for sources, or question any of it, none is ever forthcoming.

No regrets said... 99

"MomofKT Char
@kateplusmy8 Good Morning, Katie! The Congregation is always open. Many chairs available, hint. Have a wonderful Sunday. I love you.
9 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply"

Wow, mommy finally tweeted. Emails, now twitter. Inviting her to church. Hmmmm interesting to see if "Katie" answers back.

No regrets said... 100

What?? Jon was a "heavy drinker"?

Jon himself discussed this once. His father, or someone in his family, was a heavy drinker, and he said he had to curtail his partying. I am sure someone can remember his convro about this.

No regrets said... 101

"E-town Neighbor said...I would be extremely hesitant about the credibility of much of it. When others ask for sources, or question any of it, none is ever forthcoming."

I so agree. I never put credibility into any of this stuff, unless it IS verified somehow. Some of it could be true, but who knows?

Virginia Pen Mom said... 102

E-Town Neighbor said...

None of this "inside" information has been confirmed, and much of it has been disputed because apparently there have been several postings attributed to the same person as having been here or there, "seeing" what happens and knowing things that could only be known from persons living with or being employed in the household. Unlike this blog, they do not verify such information. It's speculation.

I would be extremely hesitant about the credibility of much of it. When others ask for sources, or question any of it, none is ever forthcoming.


Agreed, Etown. However, someone reposted Philadelphia Worker's initial GWOP comment here on Dec. 22, right after the filming. I personally found her many details credible; it had the ring of truth to me. Others may not think so, but I reread it and still feel that way.

One example is Worker said Aaden fell twice and was crying, and the sitter went to him. Of course, that may or may not be shown even if true, but it will be interesting to see if her details match at all.

barbee said... 103

OK, we won't ASSUME that Jon was a 'heavy' drinker based on his 'look' in pics coming out of bars, but then, as much as it galls me to have to stick up for HER, we can't ASSUME that she drinks boxed wine alone (or with BG/BF) in her room at night. See, not assuming WITHOUT proof goes both ways. So, for my sake, I'm going to say if I see several pics of Jon looking totally wasted and pics of her showing signs of 'mega-hangover day-after' look, I choose to think they both have been known to tipple a bit!

No regrets said... 104

Not sure now, if this is for real. Brand new account and this was the first tweet? Another nut trying to start something? But the idiotic things this mommy supposedly said on that site, who knows? LOL

"MomofKT Char
Grandchildren r a blessing. We love all r children & all our grandchildren. We can only have relationships with those that answer our calls." ~ Administrator said... 105

Interesting wonder if that really is Kate's mom. It's a crime in some states to impersonate someone on the Internet. Seems rather brazen to tweet Kate directly of it's not her.
This twitter fiasco is nothing if not entertaining.

fidosmommy said... 106

MomofKT Char.

What, she's not also the Mom of Kevin, Clairissa
and Kristen? Just Katie? How demeaning to the rest of the kids. Is she riding on coattails here, or is she not really Charlene Kreider?

No regrets said... 107

I cannot find the link to Jon saying anything about his partying. But I DO remember him discussing he had to stop partying so much. That is when he decided to move close to the kids. I don't think it is 'assuming' anything. He partied, hard. He isn't now. The guy was going through hell and acting out. Thank God it is over now and he has settled down.

No regrets said... 108

"fidosmommy said...
MomofKT Char.

What, she's not also the Mom of Kevin, Clairissa
and Kristen? Just Katie? How demeaning to the rest of the kids. Is she riding on coattails here, or is she not really Charlene Kreider?"

Ha, I thought the exact same thing when she allegedly was posting on that unnamed site, using that same nickname. LOL The Facebook page too, is all about Kate, with the sis pushing her own cookbook. Support is one thing, but it does seem to be riding on coattails a bit. LOL

T.I.N.I.C. said... 109

If MomofKT is not Kate's mother then the poster certainly is brazen in tweeting Kate (some thought the poster at IW was actually Kate, especially when MomofKT started posting about her hatred of Jodie and disappointment in Kevin in her posts.) So if this is not Kate's mother it is a seriously delusional person or is Kate herself. If it is Kate's mother she is a mean spirited, hateful person. Perhaps the fruit did not fall as far from the tree as we all thought. Or maybe the whole damned family is barking mad thinking an open, world-wide forum is the place to carry on a mother-daughter relationship! Too nutty for my taste. ~ Administrator said... 110

I hate to say it but if that's Kate's mom? I don't blame Kate for estranging her. Kate was right and I was wrong on this point. What a toxic grandma.

No regrets said... 111

"T.I.N.I.C. said...If it is Kate's mother she is a mean spirited, hateful person. Perhaps the fruit did not fall as far from the tree as we all thought"

All the rotten things that this person said when she was posting---about her own son and DIL AND Jon the father of HER grandchildren, showed me that she IS, in fact, a mean spirited and nasty person. The blog owners swore it was her, they had met her in RL. So, apple - tree is very true.

E-town Neighbor said... 112

Admin said,

This twitter fiasco is nothing if not entertaining.


Admin, it's a hoot! Sometimes more entertaining than some of the television listings! You just want to grab some popcorn and sit back and read. What I can't understand, however, is how some of those twitterers, such as Hockeymom, Emerald and others find time to tweet incessantly, all day, every day. Don't they have a life...has this become an addiction for some of them, a strange, bizarre obsession that makes them carry on this exchange with the sheeple? Nobody wins and they say the same things over and over again - slams against Kate, the sheeple - and now this nutjob "registered." Doesn't it get old after awhile when there's no intelligent discussion going on, but only these "Kreider's a grifter," "Kate's a horrible mom" and the sheeple asking questions - "were you in church," "what are you and the kids doing today?" and there's no answer! And now Grandma pops up!

"Agreed, Etown. However, someone reposted Philadelphia Worker's initial GWOP comment here on Dec. 22, right after the filming. I personally found her many details credible; it had the ring of truth to me. Others may not think so, but I reread it and still feel that way."


You do realize, though, that this person has posted under various other names, making statements that she/he couldn't possibly know about the family? No reason to discuss it further here, but I would take everything with a grain of salt. There were so many discrepancies in that story, such as arriving in a trolley, friends stationed outside Kate's hotel, hearing Kate giving directions to the kids inside the limo (how did the person get that close to Kate to hear what was being said in the limo, especially if Steve was nearby, etc. etc...too many conflicting details that made no sense). I don't recall all of it, but I do know that when put together, two and two did not equal four, and when asked for explanations, none came.

fidosmommy said... 113

"MomofKT Char
Grandchildren r a blessing. We love all r children & all our grandchildren. We can only have relationships with those that answer our calls."


Take THAT, one of you Kreider kids! One of you has kept your kids from us.

So, now I am left to ask if this is a pointed comment from genuinely sad or frustrated grandparents, or if this is a prankster
publically mocking Kate for distancing the kids from their grandparents.

All you grandparents out there who Tweet. Do you use Twitterspeak? Or do you write normally?
I guess I was raised the old fashioned way where you learned - and used - correct spelling, even in casual notes to family and friends. This abbreviated style drives me to distraction. It's like working a puzzle and you don't know why you're bothering. And this particular tweet is a mixed bag - r and our are both used. Pure gibberish.

No regrets said... 114

fidosmommy said...All you grandparents out there who Tweet. Do you use Twitterspeak? Or do you write normally?"

You have to remember that when composing a tweet, you only have 140 characters to tweet on one message, so the abbreviations are pretty much necessary on there if you a little more to say. Otherwise you would have to tweet two or more to say it all.

N.E. Psychologist said... 115

This is just to illustrate the point I made on a previous thread about pedophiles among us and not just in NYC. It's horrible, but it's real.

Linda G. said... 116

All I know is someone DEFINITELY made Kate lay off Twitter. She was tweeting every few minutes for days on end, as long as 16 hours a day and even when all 8 kids were with her and suddenly blammo all she can do is good morning, good night and MAYBE a few crumbs tossed out to her fans?

Uh huh. Someone made her cut that non-stop tweeting out.

fidosmommy said... 117

Thanks, no regrets. I did forget that. I guess
"Grandma" was running pretty close to her limit.

NT said... 118

Isn't Kate in Kentucky right now for the Kentucky Derby? She's suppose to be in that parade and charity event and I think that both of those happen before Saturday? Am I wrong? I think that the celebrity event is on May 2nd!! I could be wrong. Now,are the kids with her and are they filming this for TLC? I'm sure she's there on the Derby's dime so TLC won't really be out too much money. Right?

wayward said... 119

No regrets said... E-town Neighbor said...I would be extremely hesitant about the credibility of much of it. When others ask for sources, or question any of it, none is ever forthcoming."

I so agree. I never put credibility into any of this stuff, unless it IS verified somehow. Some of it could be true, but who knows?
Agreed also! This person seems to be posting under at least 3 names. Without calling them out, the way I've been able to detect them is looking for a passage in the post that reads something like this "Kate thinks she's a star and the show will last forever, oh yes she does. Look for "oh yes" or "oh yes she does." It's their calling card. With the 110 rules over at plop, I can't believe they've let this go on.

Just my .02 but I believed the December Philadelphia Worker post to be credible also. It read like someone just reporting what they saw that day, not going off on a diatribe on Kate, IIRC. I think the faux insider is using the name.

NT said... 120

The parade and the luncheon is May 5th. So now I'm not sure that she is there or not. Oh, well! She's probably filming with the kids.

Linda G. said... 121

Did anyone catch the tweet recently from a fan who told Kate they have a game in her family in which they see who can name the 8 kids the fastest?

It might seem innocuos enough, but that's exactly the sort of thing that creeps me out. Obviously it doesn't bother Kate one bit.

I just think kids shouldn't have their lives shared with the public. Child actors, ok, we have laws to protect them and they usually get to have private lives. But reality TV? No. I think this "era" in TV programming will be looked back on as being quite harmful, to say the least.

Linda In Central PA said... 122

NT said... Isn't Kate in Kentucky right now for the Kentucky Derby? She's suppose to be in that parade and charity event and I think that both of those happen before Saturday? Am I wrong? I think that the celebrity event is on May 2nd!! I could be wrong. Now,are the kids with her and are they filming this for TLC? I'm sure she's there on the Derby's dime so TLC won't really be out too much money. Right?

Luncheon and Parade are both on Thurday, May 5th.

fidosmommy said... 123

The Pegasus Parade is Thursday, the Barnstable
Brown Party is Friday night, the Derby is Sat.

Did anybody think to tell Kate that the Barnstable Brown Gala is..... in a TENT? Oh no!

Bubbles, the non-Blogger ID one said... 124

On the topic of Jon, I don't believe that there is nothing more he can do. I believe there are many attorneys who would be willing to take this case for the publicity alone. I think he could have a lot of legal power available to him through Paul Peterson if he chose to contact him and ask for help. TLC is a big corporation to go up against but there have to be people out there willing to take them on, because the children are clearly adversely effected by the filming and there's a good chance of winning.

dee3 said... 125

Re: Jon drinking....that is my opinion, based on my observations...and I'm sticking to it. And I never said Jon was a heavy drinker....I said that I thought he was drinking heavily during that short span of time when he exhibited the bad behavior....and only during that span of time.

In many of his photos back then he appeared intoxicated and was frequently reported to be in bars, drinking.

Why would a father of 8, who had not previously shown evidence of being a carouser and lady's man, suddenly exhibit this behavior? And then just as suddenly, go back to his normal self? And has remained that way since?

Why would a father who has clearly shown that he will do anything and everything that is in the best interest of his children....have temporarily suspended all judgment and made a complete fool of himself publicly?

Just because he had lived through being married to Kate doesn't mean he would be expected to suddenly change his entire personality for a short period of time and then return to his usual self.

The most reasonable explanation would be some sort of temporary substance abuse issue. I'm an RN and have seen this happen a million times.

I have never heard of anyone saying Jon was always a total idiot. They mostly say he was a responsible father. And ever since the bad behavior, he has again become a responsible father. Why would he suddenly have lost his entire mind and behaved like a complete idiot...and embarrassed his children...and make a complete spectacle of himself? Why only during that short span of time and not before OR after...along with the bloodshot eyes, the reports of drinking in bars, etc.?

There's a huge difference between being a heavy drinker and turning to alcohol temporarily during extremely stressful times. In fact, the whole issue of his father's drinking was likely a huge factor in causing him to soon clean up his act ad go back to his usual personality.

gotyournumberKate said... 126

I really believe it was Kate's mom on IW. I think some if not all of the IW women are still in contact with her. I actually went back and forth with her a few times. I was respectful because it was her mother.She stopped posting after she was outed by the tabs. In my opinion she talks too much kind of like her daughter. She is not the nicest person either. I couldn't believe the way she talked about Jodie and Kevin knowing this was a public forum no less. I wouldn't throw my kids under the bus like that no matter what they did. She should also think of her grandkids. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree if you ask me. The Kreiders are a dysfunctional family at best. Charlene Kreider has a big mouth so it wouldn't surprise me if it were her on Twitter. I kind of doubt it though.

fidosmommy said... 127

I've heard many references to IW. What is that, please? Thanks.

Linda in Central PA said... 128

Did anybody think to tell Kate that the Barnstable Brown Gala is..... in a TENT? Oh no!


Just checked the weather for Louisville...forecast is for rain!
Tent and Rain - Oh my!

dee3 said... 129

Also, what does IIRC stand for?

Anonymous said... 130

I think that since she knows now that she cannot get that sort of job, she did say some months ago in an interview, that when the kids are older, she will pursue that sort of career.


People have said that Kate wanted to have multiples to get rich and famous, and I believe she did that. However, I also believe that deep down, she knew she didn't have any skills (acting, singing, dancing) that would land her in Hollywood, so she decided to have multiples which would be faster than taking the time to work on a skill.

All I know is someone DEFINITELY made Kate lay off Twitter. She was tweeting every few minutes for days on end, as long as 16 hours a day and even when all 8 kids were with her and suddenly blammo all she can do is good morning, good night and MAYBE a few crumbs tossed out to her fans?


Is it possible she's losing interest in it? Don't narcissists have an interest in something for a short while, then lose it and are bored again?

Linda G. said... 131

IIRC = if I recall correctly

wayward said... 132

IW is a pro-Kate blog called Imperfect Women.

IIRC is short for 'if I recall correctly.'

gotyournumberKate said... 133

Fidosmommy, IW is a pro Kate blog called Imperfect Women. I feel sure that a good percentage of Kate's defenders on Twitter are IW women. They're your friends until you disagree with them. They delete comments to suit their own agendas by covering up their past posts.

fidosmommy said... 134

IIRC = If I Recall Correctly.

The interesting thing about a lot of the celeb
showings at Derby is that it barely gets covered beyond Louisville. I am from Louisville
and barely ever read anything in the papers or saw on the news anything much about who was there. A brief mention, maybe a lot of pages in the teeny tiny neighborhood newspapers - The Voice of St. Matthew's may covered it heavily - but the celebs were never not such a hot commodity beyond that in all my years in

I've lived away from L-ville for over 30 years. I don't know one single thing about Derby celebrities from the papers or news around here. They talk about the Derby itself, of course, but not once has anybody around here mentioned the Balloon Glow, the Pegasus Parade, the Barnstable Brown Bash or who attended any of it. The people who live where I live now never heard of Cyb and Trish Barnstable and could not care who goes to their parties.

My point: Kate Gosselin will get very little leverage out of this. The only person who will be impressed is Kate Gosselin. Nobody else will
even care she was there. It's just not that big
of a deal on the national scene.

Frankly, I think what's going on here is that Cyb and Trish are combing the media for anybody new to invite. You don't have to be actually a favorite star, but just somebody who has a bit of media attention. They're not looking for
huge stars as much as they are looking to invite
little moonlets to come and learn about/support their own personal charity - diabetes research.
Diabetes has affected their family - Dr. Brown died of the disease. Anyway, it's like they get a list of minor players and a list of major players and pick a certain number from each list. They hope and pray the mix will work out.

Linda G. said... 135

SmileyGirl, that's very possible, but the fact that it cut off so suddenly after her meeting makes me think it was less her idea and more TLCs. Plus the fact that she doesn't mention the kids anymore is just odd. She never had a problem with it before and suddenly they aren't talked about. That's not just losing interest.

dee3 said... 136

Ahh...thanks for the explanation. I kept seeing it but I just couldn't figure out what it was.

Yes, narcissists do get easily bored. And since other people are just objects for them to use, they would drop them if they weren't serving their purpose and getting them what they wanted.

Jenna Does said... 137

Good to see honesty from someone who worked for TLC. They really are the bottom of the barrel huh? They want to invade people's homes, their minds & just eat away at every bit of happiness & make them greedy, egotistical jackasses. We know Kate had it in her to be like that from stories we heard, & I always thought Matt Roloff was a bit materialistic, but TLC is SO NOT the Learning Channel. It's evil, corrupt & wants to entertain people by causing drama & hurting good people (The Roloffs) by putting them on TV.

They KNEW what kind of person Kate was. Jon was along for the ride. They saw right through Kate & knew they could control her. Kate was easy to manipulate & turn. "divorce your husband for ratings" Kate "Ok" "Be a total & utter asshole so people will hate you & WANT to watch to see what you'll do next" Kate: "Ok" Kate has been their puppet for too long. She can't even think for herself. And now they seemingly control her twitter? How low can Kate sink? A TV station exec controlling your every move, your every word, how you RAISE YOUR KIDS? What will happen when they finally cut the puppet strings for good? She will lose control & go off the deep end, even more than she has now. I really fear for those kids, because Kate will be so out of control with her own self, she won't be able to help her kids. She is so wrapped up in HER own bubble, her kids will suffer the most. Kate only cares about Kate. Her kids are her pawns, & sadly they are TLC's pawns.

TLC & Kate are heartless. How they did not realize that HUMAN BEINGS are involved in these processes of hurt, destruction & sadness is beyond me.
~Hippie Chick~

Melody said... 138

On LPBW, there was one episode where the family was going away and Matt talked about how they leave Rocky outside to fend for himself when they go on these trips. He actually expressed annoyance when he talked about how the some of his neighbors would take the dog in during those times. That was the day I started hating that show.

fidosmommy said... 139

I just went to the Louisville Courier Journal, an article from 2009. It was an interview with Trish Barnstable Brown about her big party 2009.

Many interesting tidbits I didn't know, but here's one I'll share. The guest list is made up people they know are popular at the moment or
who conjur up great memories. Fleetwood Mac,
Peyton and Eli Manning, Greg Louganis right after the Olympics, Jimmy Fallon, Gen.
Schwarzkopf right after Desert Storm (spelling is wrong, I'm sorry), and others from every walk of fame have been invitees in the past.

- Some are invited because they were specifically requested. Somebody really wants them there.
- Others are brought along by a guest with permission from the hostess.
- Some celebrities have their agents call to get an invitation.
- Nobody, not anybody, gets in without an invite. She will turn them away. So sorry.

Kate Gosselin will be one person among 1,200 to
1,500 people in a back yard in Old Louisville.
Trish has wealthy friends with private jets. These jets go pick people up and deposit them in Louisville. Won't Kate love that? She's probably in NYC right now getting her toes sparkled and her hair waxed or something for her big ride on a private luxury jet. I wonder if Chris the pap will be there to watch her board?

Louisville will never be the same. Sigh.

Ingrid said... 140

Maybe Kate going to the KY Derby stuff is just to get her out amongst other celebs trying to get them interested in hiring or working with her. Not so much giving her media attention to show us regular people.

Plus, I read that the Barnstable Brown thing is to raise money for Barnstable Brown Diabetes and Obesity Research Center. I figure Kate will lie and say SHE was giving back although TLC will fork out the money to 'trailer' her down there and the $900 to attend. *whinny* LOL

Maggie said... 141

Linda in Central PA: We don't know where Kate presently is. Yes, she is invited to the Derby actvities later this week. She posted yesterday that the kids were not with her. And her posts in the past few days are somewhat secretive hinting that she is up to something that she will reveal shortly.

It is just my opinion that TLC MAY be filming Kate's shopping for the hat and outfit and then her taking part in the Derby actvities. My guess is if they are filming it would be for "Twist of Kate" because the kids aren't invited.

E-town Neighbor said... 142

Agreed also! This person seems to be posting under at least 3 names. Without calling them out, the way I've been able to detect them is looking for a passage in the post that reads something like this "Kate thinks she's a star and the show will last forever, oh yes she does. Look for "oh yes" or "oh yes she does." It's their calling card. With the 110 rules over at plop, I can't believe they've let this go on.


There's more than three names, and each one "works" at a different job in various locations. Another name recently popped up. Here's another calling card: "Use to" instead of "used to"; also the short two sentence paragraphs. It's also the sentences that make absolutely no sense whatsoever, horrible grammar and spelling. I totally agree with you. I can't believe they've allowed this to go on, especially when comments are made that sound like insider information with no credible sources to back them up. Yes, it's opinion, but this "opinion" is presented as fact and the poster is seldom called out on it. The poster did show up on here, but must have retreated because I didn't see anything further from her/him.

I am so glad that admin here doesn't allow such nonsense. There are far too many fake stories out there. There were parts of Philadelphia Worker's stories that sounded like they could be credible, but other parts made no sense whatsoever. How could she/he hear what Kate was saying to the kids inside the limo? There were other details, too, that were totally illogical, and when questioned, there were no answers given.

If Kate can see the sun, she's not here. It's a cloudy, gloomy day and looks like it's going to rain any second. Where is Waldo?

AuntieAnn said... 143

No regrets said...I think Kate is just plain lazy..... I have noticed this woman is not resourceful at all. Even in the early days, she depended on Jon for many, many things.He was so happy once, when he had to work overtime on a Saturday, that she went out with the kids, with a helper, instead of waiting for him.
She never could do a thing until he came home from work. He was on feed, bath and bed detail while she made supper and cleaned up the kitchen because she was so exhausted all day from ... what I don't know. She made the babes nap all afternoon while the twins were in school. The laundry was folded for her and put away. Shit if I all I to do for laundry is put the clothes in the wash and take them out of the dryer I'd be laughing.
And the one time we saw Jon cook a special Korean supper what does she do? Goes to bed to play on her laptop.

Lazy does not adequately describe her slothfulness.

Anonymous said... 144

Saw out of the corner of my eye a brief flash of a promo of K8 alone in a museum someplace going from statue to statue of men (probably historical) and asking the statues if they wanted to go out with her. Not funny.

fidosmommy said... 145

Oh, but AuntieAnn, don't you know? Kate got down on her hands and knees THREE TIMES EVERY SINGLE DAY to clean the kitchen floor. She vacuumed every corner of the house, moved every piece of furniture and got up every bit of dust "to her satisfaction". No housekeeper was adequate to replicate what Kate did. Then she had to do her couponing and write notes and Bible verses to attach to every smooth surface of the house, not to mention the cache of notes to stick into the twins' lunchboxes. For a mom of 8, she faced a mountain of those "motherly chores" every day! Sparkling clean floors, no dust under the hamper or on the stereo, and decorating by StickUps. What a Mom! Picture perfect I tell ya.

Oh wait. Wasn't she supposed to spend time with those 8? I guess she didn't have any spare time.

just wondering said... 146

They KNEW what kind of person Kate was. Jon was along for the ride. They saw right through Kate & knew they could control her.
Please don't forget about the sixgosselins website and all the tips Jon had about how to land a tv show. Jon is the one who lost his job because he spent so much time sending out audition tapes to the various networks. Nobody was taking Jon for a ride. He was the son of a doctor looking for some fast money.

Anonymous said... 147

Here's what Jon did(by Kate's own admission): the twins up and ready for school(dressed,fed, etc)
2.played with the kids
3.bathed the kids
4.dressed the kids and put shoes on(sometimes Kate would help)
5.put PJs on
6.tucked the kids in
And what did Kate do?
1.cooked (but the kids' plates always seemed kind of empty-although that may have been for filming purposes)
2.put the kids down for 3-4 hour naps until Jon got home
3.fed breakfast and lunch
4.cleaned the house(? before the maid came of course)

You tell me, who was these kids' main caregiver?

just wondering said... 148

fidosmommy said...
I've heard many references to IW
Imperfect Women. And they are.

Westcoaster said... 149

Perhaps it is not TLC that has stopped the Twitidiot but rather it is also possible that Jon and his lawyers have gotten some kind of court order that keeps her from mentioning the kids. If he is forbidden from talking about them or the divorce, why should she be allowed to run her mouth? Two weeks is plenty of time for papers to be filed. I may be wrong, and I also support TLC telling her to say only hello and goodbye, but it could be Jon, and rightously so. Then again, she could be bored with her new toy, but that one I doubt since she is such an attention whore.

Out where I live, our Derby Day coverage usually involves the horses.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 150

Admin: I hate to be a pain in the neck, but I'm having a problem posting. I tried to post something last night and earlier today when I saw it didn't go through, I tried again. It still didn't post. Also, when I refreshed my page, Blogger got all glitchy and I actually saw the admin controls, like the trash can symbol to delete posts and the little tool symbol to make changes on the blog. WTH? Even when I refreshed the page again, it was all messed up. I had to close that tab and open it up in another tab.

I just want to know if I can try posting that comment again since it was glitchy, or was there something in it that wasn't allowed. Thanks, Admin!

E-town Neighbor said... 151

Jon is the one who lost his job because he spent so much time sending out audition tapes to the various networks.


The word here was the reason he lost his job was because he was "freelancing" (working independently) on other jobs on company time, not because he spent so much time sending tapes to networks. I believe that someone (his boss? co-worker?) even mentioned this at some point.

Kate's keeping the flock guessing as to her whereabouts. There will be a twittering frenzy tomorrow when she returns for the live tweeting party and spills the beans as to where she was. This is so juvenile. It reminds me of junior high..."I know something you don't know."
Yes, Kate, and guess what...most of us don't even care where you've been.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 152

No regrets said...

Not sure now, if this is for real. Brand new account and this was the first tweet? Another nut trying to start something? But the idiotic things this mommy supposedly said on that site, who knows? LOL

"MomofKT Char
Grandchildren r a blessing. We love all r children & all our grandchildren. We can only have relationships with those that answer our calls."


In my opinion, if this person is truly Kate's mother, she is either (a) not aware that she's making her daughter sound bad, (b) she's a desperate, alienated mother using every means available to reach out to her daughter & grandchildren, or (c) it's a passive aggressive & tacky way of announcing to the world that her sh*tty daughter does not answer her own mother's phone calls, and is responsible for not allowing her to see her own grandchildren.

I think we have just been given a small clue why Kate is so f*cked up.

I mean, presuming it's really Charlene.

AuntieAnn said... 153

fidosmommy...Yep, that "I'm a little bit OCD" excuse really got her off the hook for a lot of things. I swear she only enjoyed time with those kids when they were tiny and that was just to rock them for awhile until she handed them off to one of the many helpers. I've never known any mother to have it as easy as Kate.

Linda G. said... 154

Raise your hand if you don't give a crap where she is or what she's doing.

/raises hand

AuntieAnn said... 155

If Kate is so estranged from her mother and dad, I doubt if mom Kreider would be tweeting her. She's got her ph # and address to write her a good old-fashioned letter. I think it's probably just some goofball playing games on twitter.

Donna said... 156

There ARE a few REAL celebs that attend the KY Derby and the events associated with it, and there are quite a few who attend who actually have a lot of money. What I would give to be a fly on the wall and watch how the REAL celebs treat Kate and see what an ass she makes out of herself while she's there. I'd love to see her drink more than a few mint juleps and pass out cold at one of the parties. There's no doubt that she won't have a clue how to dress correctly so you can be sure that she'll at least LOOK like an ass. Stupid b!tch.

Laurie said... 157

*\o/* Raises both hands!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 158

Okay, I’m going to try to post this one more time. I posted something last night that I guess never went through. It was about Twitter and I had to share it because it was pretty funny:

The other night, I decided to check out the Twitter feeds for a couple of sheeple to see what, if anything, they were tweeting amongst themselves leaving out the Khate Twitter name so it wouldn’t show up on her feed. Well, last night, I checked out this one sheeple feed again, someone who lives in Europe. So get this - this European sheeple has apparently become quite friendly with a sheeple from over here somewhere and they’ve been chatting away on Twitter. So, I saw some tweets from a conversation they had yesterday where the U.S. sheeple was talking about fun things they do where they live and then she asked the European sheeple "what do you guys do for Fourth of July?". HA HA HA HA HA!! Duh!! The European sheeple replied that they don’t celebrate Fourth of July there and she hadn’t even known what it was until recently. Then the U.S. sheeple didn’t even tweet back something like oh yeah, right, silly me. Instead she replied, awwww, we have fireworks and barbecues (kind of like too bad you don’t do that over there).

Dumb!! So, that’s just one more example of how the sheepke are as stupid as Khate! I feel sorry for their kids. Just as a little test, I asked my child what does how does he think they celebrate the Fourth of July in that country? He looked at me funny, and then replied, why would they celebrate the Fourth of July over there? Thank You! I already know that he knows all about the Fourth of July and what it really means, and that it’s not just some day that everyone (all over the world, lol) has a day off from work and has barbecues and fireworks.

Mimi to 3 said... 159

Linda G -- raising my hand as well!

If this is really Kate's mom twittering, that is one seriously dysfunctional family. What kind of mother would possibly say something like that about their family? Most mothers prefer to keep some things private. So, on IW she trashes her son and now she is trashing Kate, who she was behaving as if Kate were this perfect child that was so misunderstood when she was supposedly posting on IW. D.Y.S.F.U.N.C.T.I.O.N.A.L. ~ Administrator said... 160

It's one thing to say you are Kate's mom on a random blog. Quite another to tweet her directly. If it's not her, they haven't heard of the 5 open cases the Roloffs have with their stalkers? It's just so hard to believe someone would be so brazen as to contact her directly. Which makes me think that actually? This is really her. Oy.

Are the sheeple turning on her now that she is being mean to Kate?

And yes I agree with other's assessments this grandma is dysfunctional. It explains Kate and in a way I feel bad for Kate actaully if she had to grow up with someone like this as her mother. Maybe Kate wouldn't be as she is if her mother were more normal.

If you're having a dispute with your daughter, especially if she is famous, the last thing you do is make it public. What a piece of freaking work.

Linda G. said... 161

I really don't think that's her mom. It's far more likely to be someone dicking around on twitter.

Just Dwindle Away said... 162

wayward said... Agreed also! This person seems to be posting under at least 3 names. Without calling them out, the way I've been able to detect them is looking for a passage in the post that reads something like this "Kate thinks she's a star and the show will last forever, oh yes she does. Look for "oh yes" or "oh yes she does." It's their calling card. With the 110 rules over at plop, I can't believe they've let this go on.


Yes, this has been VERY noticable, and the posts are extremely lengthy!! That poster is referring to things on this blog (by neam) also.

I dont care if Kate struts her plastic boobs and hooker shoes at the Ky Derby, the roof of a bar, or any other place, with her pretentious little camera crew in place. At least it is a few hours where she is not flapping her hands and screeching threats at her kids for all the world to pay admission to watch.

It's a fine line for us: whether to keep her child abuse in the public eye in order to push authorities to save the kids, or ignore her mentally ill behavior. Yes, her sluttish, loud behavior is embarrassing for her kids but at least she wont be terrorizing them personally on film to amuse herself. ~ Administrator said... 163

But Linda why would they go so far as to twitter KATE? Kate and TLC could easily go after them for impersonating her, even sue her. That is VERY brazen.

As I said before I cannot believe I'm saying this but Kate was right, right, right to estrange this woman. Cut her off from those kids, she is toxic. They have enough toxicity already.

Moose Mania said... 164

Some examples of the tweets that I find entertaining:

@Kateplusmy8 hope ur sunday eve is going super! tell the little ones hello for me :)"


Yeah, right, sminer. Kate barely interacts with her own children unless she's directing them to do something, or during filming, but I'm sure that she is going to tell them hello from someone she doesn't know! She'll make that a priority.

@Kateplusmy8 #TEAMKATE is making a support video for you for mother's day! Can't wait for you to see it!"


I bet she's sitting on pins and needles, just waiting for this video!

New Kate Plus Eight Tomorrow we get to see how they have fun in Philly!"


Brad isn't a bad looking guy, actually kind of normal, if that's his photo. Why would he be interested in the Gosselins?

@Kateplusmy8 all of us fans are making a collage of evreyone saying what we admire abt u for mothersday:)!!"


Poor Paige, the 16-year-old who has serious issues and claims that her school is getting e-mails about her. She clearly needs help from someone. Paige is another story...

@Kateplusmy8 Hi Kate!! Nice to hear frm u and tat ur keepin well!! Cant wait to hear all your exciting plans !! Once again ur AMAZING"


She already knows that, and has for some time. No need to keep telling her!

Then there's Kate:

"hello circus girls! Enjoy!!!! Watch for the elephants--they poop during shows--fave in my house, lol!"


What did you think they would do, Kate? Hold it in because you told them not to poop during filming?

Linda in Central PA said... 165

Donna: Kate will probably have a hat on like Princess Beatrice and think is looks classy!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 166

I don't really believe that's Khate mother on Twitter. It’s just someone messing around.

As for the Kentucky derby, the entertainment shows do cover them because some celebrities and reality people are there every year. I Googled around and Access Hollywood seems to do the most coverage. They’re on NBC, as is the Derby. I read somewhere that they’re doing coverage of the red carpet arrivals on Saturday in a special show. Also, I’m sure there will be some coverage on next Monday’s shows. My Googling turns up all sorts of reality losers there every year, and Access Hollywood did some segments with Paris Hilton one year, following her around as she got ready, chose a hat, etc. Borringgggg! I would not at all be surprised if Khate/TLC pitched an idea like that to Access Hollywood to do with her this year.

I think her mysterious tweets are most likely due to getting ready for the Derby and probably filming that. Plus, they probably already filmed the fake birthday festivities for the septuplets. I don’t remember the exact date of their birthday, but it is coming up very soon, right? I doubt she’s really away anywhere because that would have leaked out by now with someone spotting them. I have to say that it’s really nice having her out of sight again, and I can’t wait until it’s a permanent thing!

Mimi to 3 said... 167

But Admin, here's my question. I agree that the kids have enough toxicity in their life with their own mother, but Charlene was acceptable to Kate to use as a babysitter up until the time the tups were born. Kate herself has said they stayed with her mom and dad for the whole time she was on bed rest in the hospital prior to the birth of the tups. What happened at that point to turn her totally against them? I know we have heard speculation that the family didn't give them what they wanted and all that, but I just can't believe that would be enough to cut them out of their lives completely. Once again, dysfunctional all the way around.

url said... 168

I think that is a fake Kart's mom commenting on twitter. Speaking of fake, I viewed the TLC video of Kart and the children at the Philadelphia museum. Is the other woman Jamie? I don't remember her having such large boobs. It looks like she also got a new bra.

Maggie said... 169

I have been watching all the 48 hr. murder mysteries on TLC today. They keep showing a highlight of Kate's show that will be on tomorrow. Guess what it is? The camera shows a huge bug in someone's hand and Kate has a horrible screaming fit. I can't believe Kate screaming over something else is going to be shown again. How boring and predictable.

T.I.N.I.C. said... 170

Pam at IW said she emailed the blogger MomofKT who told her the twitter MomofKT was not her. So MomofKT is not MomofKT but only MomofKT knows if she is actually MomofKt. And I find it all too, too beserk.

Midnight Madness said... 171

"What happened at that point to turn her totally against them?"

Wasn't it rumored that Kate didn't like the donations (baby items) that were given by her father's church members and that was what set off the whole alienation thing?

BetOnKatetheNAG said... 172

Kate, Kentucky Derby, now there is a laugh...

All the horses there have more brains than she

Wonder how much boobage the idiot will let out?

She has the horse teeth, now let's see the Hat?

Linda G. said... 173

The person tweeting as Kate's mom probably either doesn't know or doesn't care that you could get in trouble for impersonating someone.

Ingrid said... 174

@Paige_Kate8lvr @superpattypie @kateplusmy8 Love those webbies! Fills out the eppies! :-)

Is that what she uses in the good bra?

AuntieAnn said... 175

"What happened at that point to turn her totally against them?"
Well if we were only hear Kate's side of the story she'd say it was something horrible her mother did BUT she's been pretty silent on the matter, so maybe her mom is the only one who knows how to put her in her place and she did. Kate Gosselin would never in a million years admit she was wrong about anything. Unless Mrs. Kreider herself is willing to tell what caused the riff, we'll probably never know.

That said, my guess is she told Kate it was a bad idea to sell her kids out on a tv show.

Question said... 176

I don't have twitter so I have a few questions. Did this "Mom of KT" say she was Kate's mother? Is her name and picture posted? What is she saying that is trashing Kate?

Thanks in Advance.

E-town Neighbor said... 177

I doubt she’s really away anywhere because that would have leaked out by now with someone spotting them.


Yesterday she said it was cloudy and windy where she was. Here, it was sunny with no wind. Today she said she saw the sun. Here, it was cloudy, gloomy and rainy. If she isn't away, she certainly doesn't know a rainy day from a sunny one!

Has she mentioned anything at all about the children since she's been back from the production meeting? Someone must have shut her up -- either TLC or Jon's camp, or both. Thank goodness.

"Pam at IW said she emailed the blogger MomofKT who told her the twitter MomofKT was not her."


But is it known if blogger MomofKT is really Kate's mom, and if not, and she says that she is not Twitter MomofKT, then Twitter MomofKT could be the real Mom of KT!
LOL! You're right! Beserk!

No regrets said... 178

Melody said...
On LPBW, there was one episode where the family was going away and Matt talked about how they leave Rocky outside to fend for himself when they go on these trips."

That poor dog is about 10 or 11 years old and SICK. I never saw that episode, I didn't watch that much. That is sickening.

"dee3 said....
I have never heard of anyone saying Jon was always a total idiot. They mostly say he was a responsible father"

Your post was right on. And how many times did Kate say she was hoping she would pick up the phone and the "old Jon" would be on the other end. That is why when the fans dig into Jon so much they show how ignorant they are, they don't even listen to what the queen has said about him. Also she said she was to harsh to him. How many of the fans have said Jon deserved it? No human being deserves to be talked to as he was. No one.

ADMIN, interestingly, the tweet to Kate from MomofKT has been deleted. Just the one tweet is still there.

Yup, I also agree, it is no coincident that Kate stopped tweeting so much right after her meeting and is not talking about the kids as she was.

Jenna Does said... 179

AuntieAnn said...
She never could do a thing until he came home from work. He was on feed, bath and bed detail while she made supper and cleaned up the kitchen because she was so exhausted all day from ... what I don't know. She made the babes nap all afternoon while the twins were in school. The laundry was folded for her and put away. Shit if I all I to do for laundry is put the clothes in the wash and take them out of the dryer I'd be laughing.
And the one time we saw Jon cook a special Korean supper what does she do? Goes to bed to play on her laptop.

Lazy does not adequately describe her slothfulness.
I never got that either when I watched for the short amount of time that I watched. She was just plain lazy. Jon did EVERYTHING. Kate what...stirred stuff? Soup? Plopped stuff down in plastic plates & then sat on her ass & said "I'm exhausted' after Jon got home from a 9 hour day & got the kids in highchairs, bibbed, & whatever else, & STILL had to bathe & do the bedtime routine.

What the EFF was up with Kate napping them for so long during the day? I had no clue about this until this past summer when I read it here. Horrible parenting. What the hell does she do now? OK, I have health & pain issues, but I also have an active 11 y.o., I do my best to keep him going. It's not easy. Kate has tons of property & MEANS to be able to do things w/ her kids. Most of us have to do things on the cheap, but we manage, & Kate? Relies on TLC for her fun & travel. She was just so lazy on camera, I can't imagine how she must be w/ active 7 (?) & 10 (?) year olds w/ no cameras in her face. Or are they 6? I don't remember. And dammit, I shouldn't remember, or KNOW how old they are!! No one should!! See you guys tomorrow! :)
~Hippie Chick~ ~ Administrator said... 180

Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think Kate has ever, ever said anything about Jon's girlfriend Ellen. Or even made a general comment about Jon dating in over a year. I can't recall one single solitary comment from Kate knocking Jon's lovelife since Ellen, which is a good thing.

Anyway the point is if Kate herself doesn't see the need to rag on Ellen why are her sheeple making it their life's worth to make her miserable? Take a cue from Kate, even for KATE this issue is off limits.

It's hard enough on the kids to see Mommy and Daddy dating new people to have someone or someones being vile to that person's significant other. The fans needs to read a few books on parental alienation and how horrible it is for the kids.

AuntieAnn said... 181

Admin -- I think Joy Behar asked her about Jon's "new girlfriend". Kate made a comment that she doesn't know anything about her and besides that she's moved on. That's what she's probably been told to say by her handlers and lawyers but are we actually going to believe she doesn't talk about Ellen in front of the kids?

Sienna said... 182

Maggie said... I have been watching all the 48 hr. murder mysteries on TLC today. They keep showing a highlight of Kate's show that will be on tomorrow. Guess what it is? The camera shows a huge bug in someone's hand and Kate has a horrible screaming fit. I can't believe Kate screaming over something else is going to be shown again. How boring and predictable.


She might sink as low as 500.000 viewers with that already done and seen...
1 Alexis solo trip screeching at little croc and the smell
2 Pitsburgh zoo trip
3 Florida bug place ( butterflies)
4 Wyoming trip with the boys
5 screeching about a jelly fish in NC
6 Screaming about a crab on the beach NC
7 screaming that the new fridge is moldy screeching at the dirt on a concrete basement floor under a freezer
8 absolute breakdown in Alaska
9 screeching about the croc in FLA
10New Zealand and Australia trip ( the entire trip screeching about something)

Midnight Madness said... 183

OT - watching the news. The President is about to make the announcement that Bin Laden was killed a week ago by a U.S. bomb.

Anonymous said... 184

TLC & Kate are heartless. How they did not realize that HUMAN BEINGS are involved in these processes of hurt, destruction & sadness is beyond me.


In the latest issue of Star Magazine, there's an article about the youngest Kardashian sisters Kylie & Kendall. They're obviously part of the reality show, and one thing they said in the article made my skin crawl. One of the girls, not sure which one, said that the cameras are there when they go to sleep, and they're there when they wake up. How in the world does a person go to sleep knowing he/she is being filmed?

There's also an article about Jon having an argument with his brother. Jon thinks his brother is telling the media family secrets, so he cut off contact with him, and his brother is denying it. This whole family situation is so sad.

LisaNH said... 185

Jenna Does said... AuntieAnn said...
She never could do a thing until he came home from work. He was on feed, bath and bed detail while she made supper and cleaned up the kitchen because she was so exhausted all day from ... what I don't know. She made the babes nap all afternoon while the twins were in school. The laundry was folded for her and put away. Shit if I all I to do for laundry is put the clothes in the wash and take them out of the dryer I'd be laughing.
And the one time we saw Jon cook a special Korean supper what does she do? Goes to bed to play on her laptop.

Lazy does not adequately describe her slothfulness.
I never got that either when I watched for the short amount of time that I watched. She was just plain lazy. Jon did EVERYTHING. Kate what...stirred stuff? Soup? Plopped stuff down in plastic plates & then sat on her ass & said "I'm exhausted' after Jon got home from a 9 hour day & got the kids in highchairs, bibbed, & whatever else, & STILL had to bathe & do the bedtime routine.

What the EFF was up with Kate napping them for so long during the day? I had no clue about this until this past summer when I read it here. Horrible parenting. What the hell does she do now? OK, I have health & pain issues, but I also have an active 11 y.o., I do my best to keep him going. It's not easy. Kate has tons of property & MEANS to be able to do things w/ her kids. Most of us have to do things on the cheap, but we manage, & Kate? Relies on TLC for her fun & travel. She was just so lazy on camera, I can't imagine how she must be w/ active 7 (?) & 10 (?) year olds w/ no cameras in her face. Or are they 6? I don't remember. And dammit, I shouldn't remember, or KNOW how old they are!! No one should!! See you guys tomorrow! :)
~Hippie Chick~


I also remember Kate staying in bed in the mornings while Jon got the kids ready for the day before he went to work. Yup, Kate was and is still lazy. Remember when she had her infamous plastic chair in the driveway and sat there and directed Jon to do this, do that etc...Then she'd go make the kids a nurtritious lunch of 3 grapes, 3 triscuits and a couple wedges of cheese.

JudyK said... 186

This is NOT Kate tweeting. That's all. More important things to do...waiting for the President to speak. What great news!

Anonymous said... 187

GREAT NEWS!!! I know it's off topic, but I happen to be active duty and this is the best news I have heard in the longest time!!! Osama finally dead. I wonder if Kate will even give this news any consideration....
I hope there isn't any backlash to any of our troops forward deployed.

Mimi to 3 said... 188

I agree Butterfly, this is incredible news but at this time our country has to be hyper-vigilant and don't celebrate too much and forget there are plenty of other Al-Quaeda freaks just waiting to get revenge. I pray for all those young men and women who are in the line of danger, both there and in this country as well.

Wonderful news!!

Julianna said... 189

I wonder if Kate will even give this news any consideration....


Give it any consideration? Does she even know who he was?

Midnight Madness said... 190

Initial reports said that he was killed by a bomb, but subsequent breaking news is that a small U.S. assault team got him on the ground in a fire fight, and that he did resist. Three others reportedly were killed, one a woman who was being used by Bin Laden's cronies as a human shield.

Regardless, we got him!

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) said... 191

To Butterfly: You are a HERO. ALL of our brave military men and women are HEROS. TRUE HEROS. Bless you for all that you do to keep us FREE.

Pants On Fire said... 192

I never got that either when I watched for the short amount of time that I watched. She was just plain lazy. Jon did EVERYTHING. Kate what...stirred stuff? Soup? Plopped stuff down in plastic plates & then sat on her ass & said "I'm exhausted' after Jon got home from a 9 hour day & got the kids in highchairs, bibbed, & whatever else, & STILL had to bathe & do the bedtime routine.

Arg!!! And remember when Jon slaved the whole day assembling the new beds (KHate did not keep the kids out of his hair of course) and then he still had to to the entire bedtime bathing, etc, routine by himself. The bitch had the nerve to sit on Hannah's bed, saying, "I'm exhausted."

Osama to Trump Kart Monday Night said... 193

Excellent news tonight!!!

Now, if only the TV channels are full of Bin Laden news Monday night at 10 PM......

Poor Kart will be royally pissed if some "scraggly guy with a beard and hat" pre-empts her tonight....

Anonymous said... 194

Moose Mania said: Yeah, right, sminer. Kate barely interacts with her own children unless she's directing them to do something, or during filming, but I'm sure that she is going to tell them hello from someone she doesn't know! She'll make that a priority.


It would not surprise me at all if she took the time to say hello to a complete stranger vs. interacting with her own children/family. That's VERY typical of someone like Kate who is a narcissist. They will completely ignore their close family - including children - and gush over complete strangers. The strangers don't know the real side of them and they know this so they turn on the charm with them. They know their close family/friends have their number and besides, they've already gotten all they want from their family - they are moving on to other objects (translation: people) to get them what they want.

Jenna Does said... 195

Can you guys believe Bin Laden was finally killed? U.S. citizens are celebrating in the streets. It's incredible...sorry it's OT. And he's already been buried at sea. WHAT? Some people didn't get that proper burial killed during the war & such. They are also saying retaliation might be high.
~Hippie Chick

Tucker's Mom said... 196

Melody said...
On LPBW, there was one episode where the family was going away and Matt talked about how they leave Rocky outside to fend for himself when they go on these trips."

That poor dog is about 10 or 11 years old and SICK. I never saw that episode, I didn't watch that much. That is sickening.

If, if this is true, these folks have no business owning pets. Leaving dogs outside? Throwing cats for fun?
My dogs are relaxing with me on my bed. That's where they are always welcome. They can have my bed, have my sofa, have their doggy beds in the kitchen and eat my homemade food (when appropriate).
When we go away, my dogs are taken to wonderful kennel facilities where I know they are safe and taken care of.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 197

God bless America.

God bless all the families that loss someone
on U.S.S. Cole, 9/11, and God bless all the soldiers that have loss their lives because of that monster.


God bless our armed forces- ESPECIALLY THE UNITED STATES NAVY SEALS!!! They are true Amercian heroes.


TLC stinks said... 198

I don't think it's her twitting her either. Style seems different. She's too busy primping for the derby.

I bet TLC sends a photographer to make sure there are pictures of her.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 199

butterfly said...

GREAT NEWS!!! I know it's off topic, but I happen to be active duty and this is the best news I have heard in the longest time!!! Osama finally dead. I wonder if Kate will even give this news any consideration....
I hope there isn't any backlash to any of our troops forward deployed.


THANK YOU for your service, butterfly.
Thank you for sacrificing your freedom so that we can all continue to be free.

Take care-

No regrets said... 200

"Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
GM! Aren'tu extraproud 2 b an Americantoday?I no I am.watched hx unfold lastpm.Amazing justice! Thx troops agn4riskinglives!GodblesstheUSA!
1 hour ago Favorite Retweet Reply"

Nope, not Kate. I have NEVER, not once, heard her speak on any issues at all. Not political, health care, not anything at all.

BUT YAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh for our CIA and Troops!!! Butterfly THANK YOU. I am worried about our troops over there and everywhere. I hope and pray they will be as safe as can be. And regardless what your political affiliation is --- I also say thanks to President Obama for giving the KILL order, too. (Please no attacks, he can get props too!) I am so glad that piece of dung is finally dead. Now, maybe the families and friends of the victims can have some sort of peace. All the impromptu celebrating in front of the White House and Times Square was AWESOME!!!

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