Aw, Mady loved the Australia Zoo. At least the kids seemed to like this trip despite being pulled out of school and taken away from their Daddy on his visitation time. I think my heart would really be breaking for them, way more than it is already, if they were miserable.
I finally got an HD box for my led, and yea, now I can see every sun-tanned pore on Kate‘s sun-bleached face. In case you’ve been living under an organic rock, Kate got a Twitter account this week. Oh, and it’s really her. Even if it weren’t Twitter verified you would only have to read it to see that. This woman has Diarrhea of the Twitter--no, wait, Amoebic Dysentery of the Twitter, and of the over 650 tweets she has tapped out in just seven days, many of which could have put herself and the children in very grave danger (yes you read that right, it is up to 650 already), one of them was a confirmation she does indeed use tanning beds, and not the much safer spray tanning, because, allegedly, she is allergic. I feel sorry that Dorian Gray was not happy with her skin before, because I‘m not gonna lie, it was beautiful--generally clear, peaches and cream, soft complexion. The irony of having all this money is she is on track to end up looking worse for it in the end. Karma, justice, whatever you want to call that.
I suck at Math but bear with me while I do a little bit of pluses and minuses for a second. Okay, 650 tweets is about 92 a day, or assuming a 16 hour day, one tweet an average of every 10.4 minutes! All the birds in PA couldn’t compete.
Kate goes on about how they’ve been talking for years about meeting the Irwins and going to their zoo. Translation: She’s been holding out for this freebie longer than she would have liked.
They meet up with Terri and little Robert Irwin, who by the way is adorable and the spitting image of Steve. It was nice of Terri to learn all the kids’ names before they met. I haven’t really seen much of her since the good ole days of Animal Planet, she has aged quite a bit. But at least she looks natural. You have to hand it to her, she never really went Hollywood with her looks. Very little makeup, keep the hair simple, khaki shirts. I love how when Kate and Terri shake hands, Terri says, “Hello, I’m Terri.” Like she needs an introduction. Of course Kate just says, “Hi.” Ha! I appreciate Terri’s humility, all celebs should have some of it.
Where is Bindi you might ask, Australia‘s favorite exploited child? At school? No. Out with a friend? Negative. Why, she’s working of course! She’s getting ready for her Jungle Girls show.
Robert catches a little water dragon for the kids to see. It is uncanny the way Robert sneaks up on it, he is just like Steve right down to the way he crouches down and plants his feet.
They arrive at the croc show and there’s Bindi out there performing, channeling Miley Cirus. She is unnaturally enthusiastic, like she has spent her entire life being told to go big or go home. It’s a bit creepy that this is what she does every day for a living, this little teeny bop dance number. She is a child. A teen now, who should be with other teens doing teen things. Kate says some really nice things about Robert and Bindi, like how loving and well behaved they are. True, they do seem like nice kids. A bit too minion-like for my taste, but nice kids.
Terri justifies exploiting her kids by saying that it is good to give the kids public speaking skills and the gift of not being afraid of the camera. No, she really calls it a gift. Haha! Is she for real here? Terri? Kids can get public speaking skills in a variety of other ways that don’t involve sel

Kate thinks she has a lot in common with Terri Irwin. I think so, too, but not in the way Kate is thinking. I really resent the fact that Kate says they are both single moms. The Irwins don’t have a dad, their dad is dead. But Jon is around and actively involved in his kids’ lives and was supposed to be having his holiday visit right at that very moment, except Kate made sure that didn‘t happen. It is not the same by any means and it‘s insulting to Jon to portray it as such.
Terri goes down into the croc pit with Robert and Bindi. All I can say is I completely and utterly disagree with Bindi being allowed to get right in there and feed the crocs at her young age. It is a scientific fact that a teenage brain is not able to fully assess the risks of a situation, or react appropriately to that risk. Hence lots of car accidents. I’m sure Bindi has all the good intentions in the world, but her brain is not yet developed enough to keep her completely safe, which is not her fault, but that is what parents are supposed to be for, to guide her until her brain catches up. Sigh.
Coming up, more zoo. Yawn. It’s raining now, serious pouring rain. The zoo is basically abandoned, but production is on a tight schedule so they throw a bunch of Australia Zoo slickers and boots on the kids and press on. Huh, oddly enough, Kate isn’t throwing a fit, complaining that she has nineteen layers on and is still soaked, and so on. In fact, she looks very happy. How can this be, you ask? Simple. Because it’s just demure, quiet little Terri who is perfectly content to let Kate be the star. She is used to playing second fiddle to Steve, riding shotgun is her personality. I think Terri knows exactly how to handle this woman so that they have a nice, peaceful day of production, I give her credit.
They try to feed kangaroos but they keep hopping off. Maybe the roos are just trying to find shelter and thinking how stupid the humans are for not doing the same. This has nothing to do with Kate but I really hate zoos, I have for years. I haven’t been to a zoo since I was a child, they make me cry. I hate how scared the kangaroos look to be swarmed by these kids, or any kids.
Oh my God, Aaden has a leech on his leg. Pass the salt! At home in the background is Kate’s child exploitation book I Just Want You to Know, as she explains this crisis. The cool zookeeper helps get it off the poor little guy, and then turns it into a learning experience by showing it to the rest of the kids. I like adults like that, adults who know how to make the best out of dicey moments. I guess Aaden is really at the bottom of the food chain, with both that leech and Kate sucking him dry.
They meet Bindi, and Hanna is really into her, she says she has a Bindi doll that looks just like her. There are Bindi dolls?? Ugh. I love this quote from the White House when someone tried to make Obama girl dolls: "We believe it is inappropriate to use young, private citizens for marketing purposes." Absolutely. I almost want to change parties just because of that. Ha, yeah right. But they are right about that, of course.
They watch someone feed a tiger. Kate goes off alone with Terri to pet a tiger up close. He is cute, but sorry, I find this very dangerous. The fact that the kids can’t come along for this is proof it’s dangerous. Bindi is good with the kids, holding their hands and asking lots of good questions like what their favorite animal is. She does seem like a nice girl and I feel bad for her the way she‘s essentially been groomed since babyhood for one kind of life and one only. Everyone calls it overbearing and constrictive and domineering when a father who is a doctor will only allow his child to prepare for medical school, but with Bindi and Robert it’s all fun and games and chuckles to prepare to run the zoo. It’s the same darn thing.
Kate saves some tiger fur from her hand in a plastic bag. That’s an interesting memento. She couldn’t just take a picture? Maybe the flash would have made him eat her?
We’re back, and it’s still pouring. They meet a variety of other animals including dingos. Aaden says the dingos eat chicken. I’m guessing they didn’t tell him about the baby. Kate gets to hold a koala. A teacher of mine went to Australia and she said this is similar to holding a sixteen-month old and is really cool. Actually I don’t blame Kate for crying, this is special. I still feel like he should not be in a zoo, but oh well. The twins get to hold them, too, and adore it. Mady is on the couch explaining this all by herself, Cara is nowhere to be found again. Kate says at that moment she knew she needed to do something to save the koalas. Kate, you need to do something to save your kids, for starters.
They all pose for a picture and Terri wants to just hurry it along. Most people naturally want to hurry along pictures, but Kate takes this as they are kindred spirits, as she likes to hurry along photos, too!
I don’t like people who force friendships. Who search high and low for the slightest little thing in common, like look, we both have two thumbs! A mouth! Teeth! Just to try to get in there good with a person and force the friendship. If you are indeed alike, the friendship will happen naturally, just relax. Kate wouldn’t give a hoot about Terri anyway if Terri weren’t very famous. Actually I take that back, if Terri weren’t famous but had a twitter account and flattered Kate, Kate might give a hoot.
We’re back and I think the editors messed up because the first few seconds were cut off. Ha. I can almost picture the editing intern doing sort of a “f--- it” to that and moving on. Some guy named Lance claiming to be Steve’s best friend shows them an iguana and has to really coax Kate to touch it. She does, complaining that he is cold. That’s because he is cold-blooded, Kate. He’s probably thinking you are hot.
The rain is even worse than before. It’s coming down in literal sheets. This is one long trip to the zoo and maybe it‘s time to call it a day, especially with the horrible weather. But you know, you can‘t be sure you have enough footage yet, so they press on. They help prepare food for the animals and you can tell Cara is really over this now. Kate as usual is trying to micromanage, this time Mady and Cara’s meatloaf. “You do everything for me,” Cara snaps vilely. She is really mad here. Kate of course blames this on her independence and not on Kate being overbearing and annoying. “Mommy, can’t you help the little kids?” Cara pleads. Mercifully Kate backs off a bit.
A porcupine, some elephants, I think this is enough already, really. I mean you want to leave something to the imagination if people are thinking about visiting this place at some point. Even the little kids are allowed to brush the elephants all up close and groom their toe nails. Maybe I’m a worry-wart and watch too much news, but aren’t elephants super dangerous, too? Just last January a zookeeper was killed by an elephant in Knoxville after he pushed her. I hate to say it but something is bound to happen at this zoo eventually if they allow kids to interact this closely with the animals all the time. The zoo is already facing serious financial trouble, an injury or heaven forbid even a death would really do it in. There is a reason for the word wild in wild animals.
Commercial and we’re back. Kate wants to feed a crocodile. I get the idea that she wants to do anything that will be something good to brag about later--I fed a crocodile, I held a koala, and so on. She is chomping on gum and telling Lance she’s serious. At least the crocodile won’t be offended by bad breath.
What’s the difference between a crocodile and an alligator, someone from production asks Leah. I don’t know, she says as she walks away. Well, glad they children are learning something on this trip. "Travel is knowlege," as Kate tweeted the other day.
It’s all very dramatic but in the end Kate feeds the croc, runs out of there, and lives to tweet again. “Isn’t she scared to do everything?” Mady says saucily on the couch. Ha.
Oh, no! Poor Aaden is crying. He is very upset. This really scared him. The camera gets all up in his face to capture every moment of this. Kate thinks this is cool that he was so glad she was all right. What? He’s crying! This is cool? I can see maybe she was moved, or touched, but it’s cool? Weirdo. Let’s see, what can the family feed next? I know, a tortoise!
They head to the on-site animal hospital. Oh, there is a poor little mommy koala who got hit by a car. This is the kind of work with animals that I think is really great, much better than caging animals just for our enjoyment. Kate gets to hold a baby koala. You know for a trip to something so kids’-oriented, Kate is sure the one getting to do the vast majority of stuff here. Cara really liked this part, she even does a little interview on the couch about this. Robert in his adorable Australian accent explains all about the turtles there. He is a very bright little guy.
They watch a koala baby crawl back into his mother’s pouch, which I have never seen before in my life. Okay, this is actually very amazing to watch, it looks like reverse childbirth almost. Kate controls her screeching and screaming, thank God. “Terri, how can you not scream?” she asks. I don’t think Terri is a screamer in the first place. Not everyone is, Kate. But Terri says wryly, “I’ve been trained not to scream.” The nice doctors allow the family to name the baby. Of course Kate gets to decide on the name, Honey. The name is fine, but couldn’t the kids pick? The adorable koala bear clutches a warm water bottle, it really is sweet.
Bindi gives the kids khaki shirts with their names on them and they take a cute picture. I can’t believe they did an entire episode on one zoo. Kate is already scheming and calculating her next trip, trying to arrange something with Terri for Steve Irwin Day next November. Terri actually falls for Kate promising how dedicated she is going to be now to koala conservation and help with this for all time to come. Like most anything else, a narcissist will lose interest in such a thing after a few months, even weeks, just wait.
Kate says, cryptically, she wrote an email while she was there, “Thank you so much for allowing this trip, it was awesome!” Huh? An e-mail to whom? Jon? The judge? Her lawyer? How bizarre was that statement! And it was yet another backhanded slam at Jon, how could you not want me and the kids to experience such an awesome, fun trip?! Again, Kate, because he doesn’t want the kids exploited. This is not hard.
Lest Kate thinks she is the only mother in the world to ever be criticized for exploiting her kids, or the only mother to ever be “targeted” by a politician, let me introduce her to Bill Heffernan. Heffernan, the Australian version of PA’s Rep. Murt., who is a senator from the state of New South Whales, said this about Bindi: “Every child deserves their childhood, and your childhood is one of those touchstones of your life, but there's a real danger that that kid is going to be exploited. There's a very strong suggestion that there's this artificial environment being built around her for a commercial purpose and she's not in a position to make that decision by herself.”
And Queensland University of Technology professor Annah Healy had this to say: “All children need to be able to explore other avenues. That includes things like boredom and not getting what you want and other experiences in which she's not going to be a star.”
But what awful person would ever want a child to be bored or not get what they want? You know, I guess if one can’t understand why a child needs to sometimes experience boredom and not getting what they want just as much as it’s nice to experience an awesome trip, they’ll never get it. And, Kate would be in that group. The not getting it group.
Next week, they’re headed to Steve‘s homeland, New Zealand! And guess what? The preview shows the paparazzi swarming the kids creepily and cursing around them, so bad that it is bleeped out, and the kids look scared. Nice. And Jon is the mean irrational one for wanting to stop this trip? Get it, Kate? That is why Jon is sick of this. Not because he doesn’t want you to have wonderful trips. Go back to tweeting away with everyone who continues to support this pilfering.
407 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 407 Newer› Newest»Alright the useage of apostrophes not in the way Americans use them I will allow to slide by, but now I see this word Wowza or Wowser being used all over the place. It is, according to google, an Australian or a New Zealand word. It is not used in America that I have heard in my lifetime. I saw Iwana use it first, then the uni-dimensional man/boy who posts at the love zite (but who probably just cribbed it from Iwana), and now old erudite Kate is tossing it around like it belongs to her. So what is the deal?? Another thing I think I see but don't?
I do believe if Iwana were a creation of Kate's security that would go a long way to explain Kate's security's apparent nonchalance toward the threat. At this point I think we have nothing to fear from our love-struck paramour. It is a publicity stunt. From start to finish. Lame. Lame. Lame. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Sorry but networks don't wait around with people who are "hot" at the moment and are not necessarily likely to be hot forever. That would certainly be a reality star. If they were going to go forward with Twist of Kate, or as we call it Twisted Kate, they would have ages ago. They are stringing Kate along and she's too dumb to realize. Or denial maybe.
As far as the bungie jumping we did see Biggest Loser the other day and this is not bungie jumping! I have no interest in this kind of thing I hate heights just like Bob, but even I wouldn't mind doing this. This was being LOWERED off a building, it wasn't even that fast. I've done more scary things rock climbing, lol. It looks completely safe to me. If I'm going to do something like this I wouldn't want to do it half ass, I would want to really bungie jump! lol.
This is a controlled environment where humans can control all the proper harnesses, the clips, safety backups and so on....personally I find it a hundred times more dangerous to put six year olds in elephant cages and have them polish their toe nails. For all of humans good intentions at a zoo, there is an element of a wild animal that is ultimatly out of our control.
My only concern with Cara doing this is just the idea that she might think if she's done this and it's safe then she can take other risks, perhaps more dangerous risks, and be just safe. As long as it's explained to her why this is safe and that is why she is allowed but why other risky activies aren't, I think it's fine.
I don't mean this as a bash on GWOP but that's one reason I started this site, I thought GWOP was starting to get a "too many cooks in the kitchen" problem, with all kinds of rules, mods on all different pages and so on. Posts went through that made no sense, other posts were rejected and it was like...huh?
I wanted a place with as little rules as possible. I think I only had two or 3 rules to start and I'm now up to four. I wanted a place where as long as you were respectful of others your post would get through. It is very rare that anyone gets rejected here, especially a regular, and anyone can always ask if their post gets rejected and I'll answer.
They could also be extremely conservative with posting news, wanting the pope to certify it before going to press. That's totally fine, it's fine to be cautious. I'm more of the mindset of, I would rather see everything that is out there and decide for myself what I want to believe as true or not. But if I'm not allowed to even see it in the first place by some mod, how can I make the call? I saw a need for this blog in all that, an alternative. Not saying better, just an alternative. Like Republicans/Democrats.
Glad to hear that people like it here, I appreciate all of you so much.
And now I just remembered Wowza was something my husband said alot right after the Inspector Gadget movies came out. So, yet again, NEVERMIND!!!
I think thats it Ingrid. Thank You.
Yep, I even deleted a certain blog that rhymes with plop from my bookmarks, because any place with NINETEEN rules PLUS a whole entry just on how to put your name on a post is just ridiculous. All the scolding and finger-wagging, damn.
It just felt like you couldn't say anything right. So why say anything at all?
Maybe it's schadenfreude, but I'm laughing my ass off at how desperate Narcissist Kate looks. When people with over-inflated egos fall, they fall harder than the rest of us.
T.I.N.I.C. - The first time I heard "Wowza" was on an episode of "Sex and the City" several years ago. I don't hear it often, but I do hear it occasionally, and from Americans, so it is used here. Maybe it's a regional thing?
Re Kate and EMT training - there are vocational high schools that offer an EMT course. One of my best friends is a paramedic and an EMT instructor, and she teaches at one of those high schools. However, I sincerely doubt that Kate is a certified EMT. I can't see her working that hard and under those conditions. Can't you just see her, trying to extract an injured person from a wrecked car, in a blinding snow storm, or carrying a 300# patient a block, through a foot of snow (Both of which my 5'2", 120# friend has done)? MAYBE she took a Red Cross first aid course. If she did, it must not have stuck, because she certainly isn't able to deal with her kids' routine cuts, scrapes, bumps and injuries.
I have seen the amazing sluething people have done on just the TINIEST
bit of information.
Bingo, admin. All Kate has to do is to say that she is packing lunches for the tups' field trip tomorrow, and anyone can show up at the school, watch for the kids to get on the bus, follow it to the location, and do whatever. Kate doesn't need to say that the kids are going on a field trip to Hands On House bright and early for an all-day adventure (EXAMPLE ONLY!). She doesn't need to send a stalker a time and travel schedule. They can get that on their own.
If someone doesn't think that this is possible, then they are naive. I'd suggest that they look up some cases of missing children, and they will find that the stalker only needed a tiny bit of information in order to carry through with his plans for an abduction, or worse.
Anonymous as usual you are missing the whole point. No one is suggesting all children be "bubble boys and girls."
The point is, millions already KNOW who Cara is. That is the difference. She already has people making youtube videos about her, and tons of creepy fans. Kate has created this situation for her, and now because of it, she does need to be more careful.
There is a huge difference between tweeting about the location of a very PUBLIC child, and being so paranoid that you don't allow your private child to play outside. No it's not necessary not to let your child play outside, but it would be if your child were Cara Gosselin--she plays in the BACK. And since Kate herself planted trees to block prying eyes, it's clear she agrees that her kids are different than others.
I nannied for children of a celeb, they have been on magazine covers, we took certain precautions. Their property was gated and secure, their phone number was restricted and I was not permitted to give it out, if they wanted a playdate with some friend they were to call my cell, not the house phone. They were escorted through airports. We would use fake names sometimes just to be sure they wouldn't attract attention. You have to take it seriously when you put your kids out there.
The preview for the New Zealand episode where some vile paparazzi get in the kids' faces and scare them should be proof enough that Kate needs to take the protection of these children a hell of a lot more seriously than she is as she twitters away.
readerlady -- she couldn't be much of a nurse either the way she screamed about Leah's poop smeared all over the place in one of the earlier episodes. She worked in maternity, you'd think she'd be used to it. I wonder if she let out a beller every time one of them filled their diapers.
I think she even said it was Jon's job to change and bathe the babies in that epi.
"They could also be extremely conservative with posting news, wanting the pope to certify it before going to press"
That's just it, admin...they don't certify it before it goes to press. There have been so much "insider" information posted, or posts that state things as the gospel truth. These are things that could be verified but aren't. They get posted anyway, but if someone goes to correct it, and even includes proof or points out that this information is damaging, and the reason WHY it is erroneous information, it is not posted.
It just leaves you kind of scratching your head, saying why did that get posted, but the correction to the post is deleted.
Admin: If you waited until things were vetted by the pope you would never have let any of my more wildly speculative posts of the past few days go through. Just think how less embarassed I would be now! (Not really.) I know I jump to conclusions too fast but I have fun jumping so just have to put up with the red face when I am shown the error of my ways.
I love this blog. I love to read what your posters have to say. They are witty, thoughtful and intelligent. If you censored heavily it would be such a different place. Thanks for making it what it is. (I, too, left GWOP but I left because I just thought it was becoming too juvenile for me. The focus was too often on things I didn't care about. It had its moments but they were becoming fewer and farther between.)
Yes Moose and another thing, Kate can't control things that no parent can control, like random acts of violence or random kidnappings. But she can control putting very public kids out there when it's not necessary to do that.
It's like your house, do you lock your door at night? Yes, you, sheeple. I'm betting you do. Then you are taking precautions to protect your family. Kate needs to lock the door after these kids now and then. Instead she is leaving it right on open, and telling random creeps like Iwannadate Kate to come on in!
As a faithful participant of this blog and GWOP, I like them both. I have had more comments rejected here than I ever have over there. In fact, they have never deleted one of my comments that I can think of. There are some very strange entries (at least to my thinking), but there are also some very insightful thoughts.
I just had to say that because I really do find GWOP as interesting as this blog - which is very interesting.
It takes at least 3, often 4, here.
Fido, I have tried so hard to try to figure out why you have to click "Post comment" multiple times to get it to success :-( I have come across a few blogs who also say they have this problem, but no solution.
If anyone can help with this problem I've much apprecate it!
Apparently Kate has learned to spell knowledge....she tweeted this:
Yes but so glad I have the knowledge with eight kids to raise! Worth it. Education always is! :)
It looks like Khate decided to lay twenty questions with the sheeple tonight for “a couple minutes”. Well, more like about sixty questions and two and a half hours:
Khate: I got a couple of minutes to answer questions... Some questions.. Here I go.. I'll do my best...
Question (I’m removing the tweeters’ names, it’s just easier): do cara or mady have twitter/facebook? it seems like there are many accounts for them, and idk if they are real
Khate: No. Never. Not them. No verified check mark so it's NOT them..
Question: got a 110% on my English test today!! (110 cuz of bonus q's) woooohooooo!!! :)
Khate: Wowsers! Way to go!
Q: how do you get the motivation to run? i just started and am training for a 5k. also, what is ur fav time of day to run?
K: I run so I can eat (that's what i say) and to deal with stress. I run anytime of day that I can fit in an hour..
Q: Starting potty training with my two year old twin girls! I keep thinking of the episodes when you were training the kids.
K: Be glad at this moment you have girls! They are SO much easier!
Q: You have such a great style in clothing and heels (my favorite)! Jw is there any particular style or designer that's your fav?
K: No. Love lots of diff shoe/ clothing brands
Q: My site raised $2000 4 Feed America on behalf of Kate Receipts seen here & on post below this one (ZiggyFlo)
K: Yeah! I'm SO happy our help caused you to help too! Of everyone donated a little we'd delete hunger in our country! Woo hoo!
Q: will u guys make an Easter episode?
K: Consider it done... Stay tuned! :)
Q: hi Kate do u get fans outside your house? :)
K: Yes but we don't encourage it or visit with fans at home. That's our place to feel happy and safe and out of the 'light' :)
Q: OMG do you have dessert picked out for tonight? It's national peach cobbler day!
K: Well if only I had been warned like yesterday at least... Geesh patty pie! Can't throw that at me sp suddenly! Lol
Q: Glad ur helping..i helped with feeding america..i started 2 cry when it was all over cuz i was so happy 2 help!!:):)
K: And so did we! It moved us sooo much! I want to go back and help more!
Q: how many grand children do you think ur gonna have? XÓxoxo
K: My guess is 16-32 at least... All those babies I can sugar up and send home! Yay!
Q: Hi Kate! Q.- what do you do in terms of exercise to stay in such great shape? :) xxx
K: I run 4-5 days per week 5-8 miles each day
Q: How did Tigger the Tiger get dirty?
K: He was wet from all the rain and laid in the grass?! Loved him sooo much!
Q: what is your favorite desert? When u do eat it.
K: Brownies! I try not to bake too often or stuff I like bc I eat it! Darn it!
Q: what happened to " twist of Kate ?"
K: It's coming, I promise....
Q: How do you manage to handle everything? Cooking, cleaning, baths, etc???
K: Coffee more coffee organization, and I have a babysitter four days per week..
Q: Good. I can't believe people think that 10 yr old kids would b allowed to have twitter accounts
K: I know. Me either... As it is they are only allowed to be on four kid websites on laptop-only with permission!
Q: Is "Kate plus 8" going to be more permanent now? B/c I love having your show back. Makes Mondays 1000x more enjoyable :)
K: Yes and so glad to hear it! I agree! :)
Q: have you gotten involved in any kola bear organizations?? P.s love your show :)))
K: Still working on it..
Q: No questions for u. Just praise for the way you balance being a work and kids. You are an accidental role model. :)
K: Omg i love it. Just doing what we're all doing-- just doing it on tv :)
Q: What is the kid's favorite thing to do?
K: Play outside with shoka and their cars, &travel! Already asking.. When can we go on an airplane again?Where r we going?!:)
Q: me and my wife love you.. do you ever plan on getting married again?
K: Married is a very strong word, lol. If I find THE one, I'd consider it... Possibly :)
Q: (Can’t see this question. This girl, who seems like she’s very young, she’s a Justin Bieber fan, protects her tweets - looks like maybe a question about paparazzi)
K: Oh my yes. Security does it mostly but ive had to do my share. They're like cockroaches. They need to get a real job...
Q: not a question, but if u need help raising money for koalas, let me know!
K: Yay! Working on a plan..
Q: how do you find time to tweet with 8 kids!!
K: It's not easy... Fortunately I've been told I'm the fastest texted ever- many times- so it doesn't take but a sec
Q: love watching your show and hope the best for u and the kids...are you ever gonna date ne one or look for a new man? #kateplus8
K: Absolutely! Hopefully! :)
Q: describe each of u 8 using 1 word each
K: Ohhh C=kind M= vivacious A=lively H=confident A=sweet C=capable L= incharge ;) J=easygoing
Q: How was New Zealand?
K: Totally in love! Can't wait for you to see it on Monday! Warning: you've never seen me sob/freak like that!
Q: are there anymore books in your future?
K: I can think of two... That's all I'm saying...
Q: Plz tell me u block the nasty people & don't read their garbage. i read just a couple of them - they r sick
K: Don't worry. All comments in my world are positive and happy :) thanks fans! I SOOO love and appreciate your support!
Q: Out of all the places you've traveled to, which has been your favorite and why?
K: Australia and koalas and really everything abt it! Just pure love!
Q: i have one 4yr. old home puking for two days, how do you do 8!!! Ugh! I was happy to get a shower today!!!!
K: 2 hrs after last puke& if hungry use the goldfish(blue label)/gatoraide diet til totally better! Sorry- hope it goes by fast
Q: saw pic of you in bikini. how do u get those abs girl??!!
K: running. that's all.. Just pounding the darn pavement whether I want to or not! :)
Q: hope u have peaceful night. I'm waking to pony looking through back door, 16yr old to Europe today and 8 school then housework
K: Omg.... Have a good day! A pony at the back door. Now that's 1 I haven't experienced! Lol
Q: Do you run everyday?
K: Abt avg 5 days per week
Q: what was your favorite part about making a tv show about your life?
K: Excitement, opportunity and knowledge! Can't beat it!
It is not used in America that I have heard in my lifetime.
It goes back to the 1980s here in America. Inspector Gadget, in addition to his "go, go Gadget arms," would say, "Wowsers! It's the top secret Gadget phone."
Gadget is now on DVD. My kids watch it. My husband and boys would often say WOWSERS. Drove me nuts, but they had fun saying it...still do! I remember one of the teachers telling me that her students would love to torment her by saying, "WOWSERS! Recess time!" or "WOWSERS! No homework!"
Q: How are the 8 doing in school ? :)
K: awesome x 8
Q: how did you have such a great recovery from the divorce? YOU LOOK AMAZING!
K: Not sure-stress makes me run :)
Q: (Question from the young girl/Bieber fan again, can’t see it because protected)
K: Yes. She's amazingly wonderful! Love her!
K: Slep dep sure is tough! Sry 2 hear ur going through that. Btw jon did lots of pm shift so I could sleep:)
Q: how'd you guys know if Aiden needed glasses?
K: They were preemies so they're followed by an ophth (eye specialist) so we knew early
Q: what was that Ole Henrikkson eye cream you said you used? You look amazing!
K: It's the little blue vial. Forget the name sry
Q: I would die if u spoke @ my Graduation Its in May nd it would make my ENTIRE LIFE! Def wuld be 1 of the best moments n my life!
K: Have your people contacty people lol
Q: I was wondering if you went to college? If so, where? Thanks I am a Freshman in college so I was wonder!
K: The Reading Hospital and medical center- RN program
Q: What do you do when your kids refuse to do homework ?
K: There is no option...
Q: how old is the littlest gosselin?
K: All six of the youngest are turning 7 on May 10
Q: r there gonan b more episodes after australia and new zeland? btw thanks for sayin hi last nite(: mad me soooo happy!!
K: Hi again and YES, yay!
Q: is hannah growing her hair out long again? what grade are the twins and the little kids in?
K: No Kondergarten& 4th
Q: Hiii! Can you tell your kids I say hi!? Haha in a non creeperish way though! Haha!
K: So should i say 'this girl named Ginny wants me to say hi noncreepily!'? Lol!
Q: What was it like taking care of 6 babies at once?
K: Pure insane and I don't remember much, lol
Q: are you and Jon back together? Thts the rumor, but I don't believe unless I hear it from the horses' mouth so to speak..
K: Never. Period.
Q: just saw ur profile;6 following, 6,666 followers! Is 6 your lucky #today?! :-)
K: Omg and sextuplets too-- yes, I think it's my lucky # everyday! That and 8 of course! :)
Q: Heard the rumor on FB 2day that Twist of Kate is ON, can't find a tweet from you tho--true or not?? :-)
K: Not yet. Still working on it... :)
Q: Have you ever thought of bringing your kids to Space Camp in Huntsville, AL? I have a friend there in media relations!
K: Actually, ive resesrched it! it's a dream of two ten yr olds I have-- AND their momma! Bring it on'
Q: New article says Kate wants her old JOn back. Maybe thats why she removed iwanadatekate from followers?
K: I'll repeat myself. Never. Ever ever ever. Period.
Q: just finished s5. Cried the whole way through the 1st and last ep. Love you guys. Alexis is ADORABLE!! Please say hi 4 me :) x
K: Will do! So glad you liked it...
Q: how many pairs shoes do you have??( It has to be alot cuz I really want to say Holy Manolos!! Lol :)
K: Oh well... A few at last count!
Q: omgoodness!! You run 5-8 miles a day!! Holy tomatoes!! And five times a week! Kudos to you! I'm barely doing a mile & a half:(
K: That's how it all starts! Wait til you start seeing how it makes you look! Hello incentive! :)
Q: Do you eat Hershey's chocolate (even non=organic?)
K: A dark choc Hershey kiss or two never hurt anyone once in awhile-- besides I come by it honestly. I'm a Hershey girl!
Q: Haircut Shower relaxing, whats on TV tonight? Mr San Diego checking in.
K: Not me. Shower and to bed for this tired momma.
Q: Another question -was nursing school challenging for you?
K: Yes but so glad I have the knowledge with eight kids to raise! Worth it. Education always is! :)
I do believe if Iwana were a creation of Kate's security that would go a long way to explain Kate's security's apparent nonchalance toward the threat
I'm sorry. I should read the entire post before I post! What threat? Was there a threat made?
So the kids are asking when they can go on a plane and travel again? Here is a concept Kate. Take the kids to a place THEY want to go, book the tickets, open your wallet and pay for those tickets yourself!! Make sure to book a trip when there won't be any camera's around. Have the kids ever had a trip without camera's??
Apparently Kate has learned to spell knowledge....she tweeted this:
Yes but so glad I have the knowledge with eight kids to raise! Worth it. Education always is! :)
Kate feels education is important but pulls the kids out of school for two weeks for this?
@erica_616 Oh my yes. Security does it mostly but ive had to do my share. They're like cockroaches. They need to get a real job...
Who? Paps? She calls Chris to follow her. He was even good enough to lead her out of Wayne when she was lost. Why would she call a Pap a cockroach?
Who? Sheeple? Yes, I would agree with that!
They need to get a real job? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! When was the last time SHE had a real job?
Who is she talking about here?
Now Kate is dropping hints/anvils that she wants to take the twins to space camp. My God how are these kids going to learn to appreciate the little things when all she wants to do is give them one in a lifetime opportunities every other weekend? She acts like she has a wishing lamp only instead of just three wishes, it goes on forever. Get over yourself and start paying your own darn way in life. If you want to go somewhere make it happen, don't wait for others to drop it in your lap. Seriously, how will the kids ever learn if you really want something bad enough, work your butt off for it? It's much sweeter when you do it that way anyway.
I noticed she dropped "knowledge" in two different tweets to be sure we know that it was just a typo and she really does know how to spell that. I think the blogs were the only ones making fun of that--and she doesn't read?
No anonymous, you didn't "simply disagree with me" and I just didn't like it. You insulted my kids and suggested I would put them in bubbles, i.e. that I would be a horrible parent with sheltered kids. If you want to get posts that "disagree" through, don't insult someone. As we were just discussing, posts that disagree get through all the time. You just feel the need to insult when you disagree. Those are the ones that don't get through, not posts that disagree period. If you can't follow the rules, you can't post, simple as that.
E-town, Kate sure is projecting isn't she!
Real job! So, like, taking a photograph of a kid and making money off it is not a real job. But filming the kid and making money off it is a real job. I'm confused. I thought the sheeple said Kate has a real job and that we can't split hairs and suggest it is not since she is in fact getting a paycheck. But here is their queen right here, splitting hairs and suggesting that someone who gets a paycheck does not in fact have a "real job".
I need the cliff notes version on this one.
"K: Be glad at this moment you have girls! They are SO much easier!"
Bullshit. What she really means is "Be glad at this moment you have girls. They are SO much smarter, better, cuter...blah blah blah...."
("wowzers" goes all the way back to a 60's show called Get Smart. Maxwell Smart, Agent 86 was always saying it :)
Moose Mania said... I do believe if Iwana were a creation of Kate's security that would go a long way to explain Kate's security's apparent nonchalance toward the threat
I'm sorry. I should read the entire post before I post! What threat? Was there a threat made?
No. Not that I know of. I was talking about the potential threat of Kate getting too chatty with an unknown man. And thanks about the Inspector Gadget reminder. I did just remember my husband going through that period (of saying Wowzers) right after I posted the first one. But, of course, it was a second too late to take it back!
@xxxxxxxxx Oh my yes. Security does it mostly but ive had to do my share. They're like cockroaches. They need to get a real job...
For those wondering about this response. I did see what that girl wrote earlier. Now it is unavailable and yes it was about the paps. (can't remember exact words though)
I love how she tries to say tweeting all day doesn't take but a second.
WHAT a liar. First of all, I'm a super fast reader and I can text like a pro, too. But in order to READ all those tweets to her AND pick out the ones to respond to, hit that arrow button to respond, type out the response then post it, then you've got a dozen more to read that came in--well, that pretty much sucks up your entire day, especially when you are tweeting over 100 times a day.
The thing is, even though a single pass of reading, clicking, typing, posting doesn't take more than say a minute or two, that's a minute or two every few minutes (look at the time stamps--except for here and there, she pretty much tweets all the time).
So her attention is nearly CONSTANTLY diverted by the phone. There's no phuking way a mom with even two kids and a house to run could do that all day and get anything else done. So obviously someone else is taking care of everything else in her world while she tweets. Her fans must be more stupid than I thought if they believe she takes care of eight kids, a house, a dog, meal prep, herself, runs, cleans, laundry, supervises homework, bath times, bedtimes, arguments, everything else, AND tweets like that all day!
She's so fake it's sickening. Fake, fake, fake. I don't even care about her fake nails, fake hair, fake tan, fake abs, fake boobs, fake face. What's grosser is her fake personality and her fake "accomplishments."
She is really unbelievable. Miss High Road Taker, Miss I Never Bash the Childrens' Father, is now discussing her bad relationship with Jon on a public Twitter feed for the kids and their friends to see. People ask if she will get together with Jon or wants him back. Instead of just saying no, it didn't work out, but I wish him happiness or whatever, she has to say NO, not ever, never, period, or some other immature, thoughtless response. What a totally self-absorbed bitch this woman is. I can't believe TLC isn't controlling this better.
I am an actual RN and I have never heard of an EMT class being offered in high school. It is usually offered througha community college for one night a week for a semster and you have to test out. With the responsibilities this occupation entails, it is not a high school course.
Does she reallly know how immature and just plain stupid she sounds from her tweets? Did she really think she was going to bring in more fans and viewers. She is the laughing stock of most blogs. She has only 6000+ followers and Jon has 70,000+. She isn't going to get any advertisers with those numbers. She stinks of desperation. I hope TLC is just waiting for her to hang herself and I think the time is coming. I can't wait!
Don't most children of divorce usually hold out hope their parents will one day love each other again? How lovely for Kate to discuss the status of their relationship with her 7,000 followers. Geez, the finality of divorce should be discussed with the children in confidence in therapy, and is none of anyone else's business. She has no filter. It's so insulting too, like he's SUUCH a bad husband and father I would never EVER get back with him. How mean.
She really is not over him, I don't think she ever will be.
I can't find the post from the person remarking about how it may seem like twitter only takes a moment to check, but not if you are tweeting as much as Kate does.
Let's assume it takes her 30 seconds to read someone's question then tweet a response. I think that's REALLY quick, 30 seconds goes by fast, but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.
With 896 tweets at 30 seconds a tweet? That's 7.46 HOURS ON TWITTER IN JUST ONE WEEK.... almost a whole full work day!
And over seven hours she could have devoted to the kids. At eight kids they are already short changed for attention. They can't afford for their mom to lose seven hours.
And if we assume it probably takes her a full minute to read someone's tweet, think of a response, and click it out on the iphone? That's almost 15 hours just on twitter, just this week. Really puts it in perspective doesn't it?
Administrator said...That's almost 15 hours just on twitter, just this week. Really puts it in perspective doesn't it?
Wow. And technology is allowing us to watch this woman become completely unhinged in real time.
As a divorced woman I can tell you: saying never, never, never, never, eeeevvvver is a sure fire way of trying to get that man's attention. Okay Kate, we believe ya. You're sooooo over Jon. Hehe.
She really is not over him, I don't think she ever will be.
Admin, I think what she's not "over" is the fact that he actually had the courage to say "enough" and then leave her. It's possible that she told him to get out many times, knowing full well that he wouldn't because of the kids and because of their show. If she's not over him it's not because she has any feeling left for him, but because she was not able to control him and never believed that he would actually go.
Administrator said...
Now Kate is dropping hints/anvils that she wants to take the twins to space camp. My God how are these kids going to learn to appreciate the little things when all she wants to do is give them one in a lifetime opportunities every other weekend? She acts like she has a wishing lamp only instead of just three wishes, it goes on forever. Get over yourself and start paying your own darn way in life. If you want to go somewhere make it happen, don't wait for others to drop it in your lap. Seriously, how will the kids ever learn if you really want something bad enough, work your butt off for it? It's much sweeter when you do it that way anyway.
I noticed she dropped "knowledge" in two different tweets to be sure we know that it was just a typo and she really does know how to spell that. I think the blogs were the only ones making fun of that--and she doesn't read?
First paragraph - totally agree! Every time someone tweets that they're in a different country, little miss world traveler jumps all over it and says she SO wants to go there, it's on her "bucket list" (Uugh, I am so sick of that expression; it's her new favorite thing to say! Annoying!) Damn, Khate please STOP begging TLC to finance your travel. Plan a freaking PRIVATE family vacation on your own for a change!!
The fact that she just happened to use the word "knowledge" twice in her tweets - I thought the same exact thing, Admin!
(Hi Khate, you suck...good night!)
RE: the cockroaches statement.
This is what Kate was responding to. (I have removed the poster's name. Her picture looks like she's no older than 14.)
@Kateplusmy8 have you ever had to kick any "P-words" out of the driveway, or any kind of area? (or does somebody else?) (:
I bet a million bucks that if Jon were to say you know what Kate I was totally wrong on this and you were right, I want the kids to get the crap filmed out of them, I will participate, I'll do it and help you make money. Can I come home?
Kate would take him back just like that.
To Emily: How about a balloon coming from Jon's mouth saying, "What a twit!"
When I was young I was riding my bicycle home through the park from the tennis club where I worked and played tennis. A much much older man rode up beside me and and kept asking me to get off my bike so we could talk. I kept saying no and he kept up with me. I quickly sprinted away and lost him and made it home.
My mom took me to the Police Station and I had to look at a ton of mugshots. I couldn't spot him. But he spotted me again. When I was at the club a week or so later dragging the courts he came up to me through the fence exposing himself. I swore at him and went into the clubhouse.
Of course my parents gave his description to other club members to keep an eye out for him.
Wouldn't you know it one day I was serving lemonade on the balcony during a match and my mom's friend came running up to me shouting "get back inside he's here again".
This happened a few more times and then he must have realized he wasn't going to be able to get to me. Of course after the first incident I wasn't permitted to go back and forth alone.
And how did this creep know where to find me? The day he followed me I had on my little white tennis skirt.
That was the only clue. I wasn't on a reality show, nor was my mom on twitter exposing me. As I type this I can still feel the sheer terror of being stalked.
So KATE go f**k yourself you stupid stupid woman!
Administrator said...
I bet a million bucks that if Jon were to say you know what Kate I was totally wrong on this and you were right, I want the kids to get the crap filmed out of them, I will participate, I'll do it and help you make money. Can I come home?
Kate would take him back just like that.
Yes! Primarily because she will have dollar signs in her eyes thinking of the ratings gold!
I'm actually very happy for Jon that he escaped her evil clutches when he did. I think it would have been very sad for him to have to spend the rest of his life with that witch. The poor kids still have to get through another eight to eleven years, though.
Amen, Moose. Excellent post.
"And thanks about the Inspector Gadget reminder. I did just remember my husband going through that period (of saying Wowzers) right after I posted the first one. But, of course, it was a second too late to take it back!"
Why did husbands like that -- both the word and the show -- as much as the kids?!!
I noticed she dropped "knowledge" in two different tweets to be sure we know that it was just a typo and she really does know how to spell that. I think the blogs were the only ones making fun of that--and she doesn't read?
I saw that, too! She conveniently slipped that word in there to spell it correctly. It was so darn obvious!
I was wondering about the tiger hair. She said she put it in a baggy and lost it in her suitcase. Would a germaphobe do this? Tiger hair, with microscopic parasites, lice, mites, and whatever...and she would carry it home in a suitcase. For what? To display on the mantel? To put into an urn?
"Make sure to book a trip when there won't be any camera's around. Have the kids ever had a trip without camera's??"
She wailed when Jon pulled the plug on the show because the kids were so looking forward to the Statue of Liberty trip. She wouldn't take them when it wasn't being paid for, wasn't being filmed, and there was no Carte Blanche on all expenses, courtesy of TLC.
Ellie: Oh my God, that is scary, scary, scary! Reading your account sent chills up my spine. Thank God it didn't go further.
Stories like that confirm for me that my husband and I, and some of our friends and family, are not crazy, paranoid, over protective parents. You really can never be too careful. We never know who is watching, and we never know who people really are. I'd always rather err on the side of overly cautious than the opposite.
Nobody Likes: That was a lot of work. Thank you.
I, like the rest of you, am gobsmacked at the stupidity of Kate. I used to think her stupidity was an act, but now I realize she really is that stupid.
Did anyone notice that Khate is now following Kathy Griffin? Has Kathy bashed her before? I can't remember, but I know Kathy can be pretty brutal on people.
Kate was asked:
Q: what is your favorite desert? (sic)...
My A: I've always been partial to the Sahara, but the Sonoran is on my bucket list. Tell TLC to send ME to Mexico, and ALL OF US will release those rattlesnakes back into the wild.
Moose Mania said...
Kate was asked:
Q: what is your favorite desert? (sic)...
My A: I've always been partial to the Sahara, but the Sonoran is on my bucket list. Tell TLC to send ME to Mexico, and ALL OF US will release those rattlesnakes back into the wild.
Anonymous permit me to be honest, quite frankly it scares me that you think you know the makeup of my family, who is in my life, what I am up to, etc. This is why Kate needs a bodyguard, because of this kind of obsession with her and anyone who is interested in this saga. Unlike Kate, I actually think my family deserves their privacy. Most of us don't discuss our families here other than in the most vaguest of terms. At most I've mentioned some parents, as most people have those at some point, and siblings, as most people also have. I've never even said my siblings' genders. I certainly do not discuss friends or significant others, or kids.
As for spelling, I find it hysterical that we are made fun of for spelling, but now that it has become clear how horrible Kate is at grammar and spelling, all her fans are wouldn't you know it, silent on the subject.
If she's not over him it's not because she has any feeling left for him, but because she was not able to control him and never believed that he would actually go.
E-town -- You have her pegged. How dare he leave! Hell hath no fury like a narcissist scorned. She is consumed with vengeance. She's playing with her kids lives to get back at him. I can't imagine how painful it was to leave them with her but he probably had to in order to save his sanity.
*Did anyone notice that Khate is now following Kathy Griffin? Has Kathy bashed her before? I can't remember, but I know Kathy can be pretty brutal on people.*
Kathy did a parody of Kate on the Jimmy Kimmel Show. She's also mentioned her in her standup. Kathy and Kate were on The View together, and they mentioned the parody. Kate thought it was soooooo funny. As a narcissist, Kate likes the attention plus it's a celebrity. She's so desperate for fame I think she'd let a celebrity skin her alive.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...
Moose Mania said...
Kate was asked:
Q: what is your favorite desert? (sic)...
My A: I've always been partial to the Sahara, but the Sonoran is on my bucket list. Tell TLC to send ME to Mexico, and ALL OF US will release those rattlesnakes back into the wild.
LOL! ^^ That cracked me up!! She is so stupid.
Awhile back it was thrown out whether Kate might exhibit some Asberger's tendencies. It could just be that some symptoms of narcissism overlap. Asberger's of course does not envelope much of what narcissism is and Kate clearly has...perhaps she may have a touch of something else thrown in?
I say this because it's rather interesting her complete lack of ability to perceive that the person who asked her what her favorite "desert" was, clearly meant "dessert." Takes things LITERALLY is a hallmark of Asberger's. This is not the first time things have bounced off her brain before.
Dear Ms Gosselin, moron,
I, the last paparazzo willing to lower himself to taking your picture, have decided to get a 'real job' doing something else. Because of my career change, you must stop calling and texting me every few days to take your picture. I will no longer be available to take 'candid' photos of you on those days you spend hours to do your hair and makeup to wander aimlessly in a parking lot in your newest ill-fitting, cheap outfit. I cannot be held responsible for the inevitable depression that you will experience once I am gone and there is no one left willing to take your picture. What will you talk about once I am gone? You love to 'complain' about me and the other nonexistent paparazzi you claim stalk you, yet I wouldn't be around at all if you didn't call me. Maybe I'll run into you someday when YOU get a real job...perhaps at McDonald's?
Your Target buddy, Chris
You are letting us know you did not hang on Kate's every word. Her actual response to the "desert" question was brownies. Moose Mania was making a funny.
fidosmommy said... As a faithful participant of this blog and GWOP, I like them both. I have had more comments rejected here than I ever have over there. In fact, they have never deleted one of my comments that I can think of. There are some very strange entries (at least to my thinking), but there are also some very insightful thoughts.
I just had to say that because I really do find GWOP as interesting as this blog - which is very interesting.
It takes at least 3, often 4, here.
ITA Fidosmommy. I posted a comment here around 9:30 last night. It was edited down to Thank you Ingrid or something like that. Yes I did post something slightly OT with it but even the "thank you" was edited. I'm done here. GWOP at least lets us post what we want to. (BTW I bet this comment will never be posted but I won't be looking to see; as I said I'm done here. Sadly this blog has become so heavily edited it no longer has any integrity. Bye all.
One of her fans sent Taylor Swift a tweet that said she was one of 6 Kate followed and SHE (Swift) should be proud.
Oh yeah, she is with her peers alright. All seem to have not matured past the mental age of 13
@Kateplusmy8 how do you find time to tweet with 8 kids!!
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@ @abbylpeel It's not easy... Fortunately I've been told I'm the fastest texted ever- many times- so it doesn't take but a sec
You have been told many times? lol Kate, many of us have been on the internet for years. We know how this stuff works. You do not do a thing for your kids nor around your house. 'Fastest texter' or not, you have way too much time on your hands to have 8 kids. You, my dear, are useless.
Kate's twittering is nothing short of desperation. What an absolute embarrassment she is. Tweeting to teen girls. How far we have fallen. Bet the kids hang their heads when other people say "Kate Gosselin is your mother?!". Even though I don't post here much I love this site and everyone that posts here.
Livvy I didn't edit your comment! blogger does not provide a way to edit. Google this fact. It's either post or reject, I can't get into anyone's comment to edit.....
Lol not guilty, oh! Kate is just dumb enough I didn't realize that was a joke. Sad.
Linda in Central PA said...
Did Kate really just tweet that her 10 years old are ready for a pedicure? Give me a break! They are only 10 years old!
I don't see a big deal with this one. My best friend & I take her 7 year old with us to get pedicures when we have a "girl's day" (about once every 8 months it seems now) She loves it, the lady dotes on her, & she feels like a princess. She always picks picks out a pink color. I don't see a big deal with that one, at least Kate is planning on spending time with her kids!
Please,Admin, let's not insult people with ASPERGER's (with a P) Syndrome by equating Kate's mindless stupidity with this sometimes seriously impairing illness.
People with Asperger's Syndrome don't WANT the attention that Narcissists crave.
Taking things literally is also a hallmark of people with little imagination and intellect.
IMO every time we bloggers attempt a new diagnosis for this piece of human detritus, we let her off the hook for her behaviour by implying that she can't help it, she has an illness.
I find it interesting that Kate still hasn't figured out a way to help the koalas when these episodes were filmed all the way back in January. How hard could it be? I'm sure she's waiting for this all to be a public showing with TLC footing the donation or her "helping" by showing up at an event. For Kate to part with her own money would mean prying it from her cold dead hands. And no sheeple, I am not wishing Kate dead, it's a figure of speech.
First of all, thank you for being a nurse. I have so much respect for what you do. When people say that Kate should go back to nursing, it makes me want to vomit. She could never be a kind & caring nurse. EVER. I have dealt with several nurses over the past 6 years & they have treated me so well, & I them. My last surgery, I was so doped up, my husband said I hugged the 3 that were taking of me & told them my email address & made them promise to keep in touch. I felt so stupid. I ended up sending them a homemade card & flowers. So, again, Thank You.
As for Kate's tweets & her "20 Questions", UM wow is all I can say. She has gone off her rocker. Bashing Jon, yet again. Talking about Twist of Kate, which will never happen, especially after ratings have been so low, & just being an all out giddy, teen-age acting, asshole. Why TLC is allowing this is beyond me. Or her PR people, or ANY of her people. I like to think that Kim Kardashian's PR rep monitors her twitter feed, or ANY reality show person, where are Kate's "people"? TLC is doing this on purpose to let her crash & burn. Kate is so dumb she doesn't even see it. She is no longer a commodity, & TLC wants her to fail, & she's doing a good job, so they can cancel her show.
Then, Kate will turn around, blame them for all the harm that has happened to her children. BUT, TLC will come out swinging with ALL of the edited footage that never aired, like Kate screaming at all her kids over a french fry that landed on the floor, or Kate beating the crap out of Jon, or Kate beating the crap out of the dog, or worse, a kid. They will have ALL this footage that Kate will never want seen & she will have to rise off into the sunset. TLC will win, she'll no longer have them on her side. Aww. That's my story, dammit.
"GWOP at least lets us post what we want to."
I haven't found that to be true. Quite the opposite, and on a regular basis!
You wrote that you bet your comment won't get posted here. Read one of the rules on the "plop" site. If you write that over there, your comment WON'T get posted. Here it was posted!
"Google this fact. It's either post or reject, I can't get into anyone's comment to edit....."
Interesting, admin. Does the other site use a different blogger because there are posts, followed by "edited for content and manners..."
Sorry, desert remark WAS a funny!
What will you talk about once I am gone? You love to 'complain' about me and the other nonexistent paparazzi you claim stalk you, yet I wouldn't be around at all if you didn't call me. Maybe I'll run into you someday when YOU get a real job...perhaps at McDonald's?
Your Target buddy, Chris
P.S. Next time you get lost at Whole Foods, call one of the other cockroaches to lead you out to Route 422.
I have been posting here for a while now and none of my comments were edited I don't even remember having one of them rejected.All I did was not curse anybody and speak reasonably of other blogs and it's not hard at all.Other than that,everything I said got posted,no matter how long the comment was(over at GWOP they have the shorter the better policy).I tried posting over at GWOP and it didn't get through even though I was polite but I probably broke one of the rules(I think it was no 10 do not tell people not to watch)
Moose(I think it was your comment) the reason you are not allowed to correct anybody is that you're not allowed to speak with other posters you're just supposed to leave your comment, after reading at least a page of the already posted ones apparently.You are not to speak to anyone except the mods I guess(but they don't answer so it's more like talking to yourself). It's a no interaction kind of blog.Also, was your comment long? They're supposed to be short.
I like this blog because I can speak to you and other posters Moose lol. Nice blog Admin
Also, Livy,if you were at GWOP, your comment would have been rejected because they don't post comments with the words "I know you won't post this"
Livvy if you are going to make up something, at least research it before you do. I use blogger on a site and posts can NOT be changed at all. ADMIN not sure why blogger takes a few tries to post, it happens on my site too. I say big deal gliches happen, and it surely doesn't make a site better simply because one can post with one click or three. The things people complain about. LOL
Ah yes, the Sheeple Disclaimer. I think we've all had to do that on one post or another. Maybe the next one anyone does should be in Haiku.
Adm, Kate is apparently too busy twittering her life away to post snarky remarks anonymously at this time. I agree w/ T.I.N.I.C. that Iwana is a "plant" to promote interest in Kate and to deflect from what most everyone realizes has gone on for at least a couple of years now with Steve. Amazing that there have been NO pics of Kate (who just cannot escape the paps) OUT ON THE TOWN with girlfriends last weekend. Everything about Kate, her body, and her show is manufactured and manipulated to deceive. They should all be SO PROUD.
My 2 cents about the pedicure/kids thing is just because you CAN ($), doesn't mean you should. It's an expensive "treat" and an indulgence. I don't think you need to take a child to a spa to pamper them, it will only lead to wanting more lavish/expensive things...just as in what we've all been saying about the Gosselin kids, they've experienced it ALL, even down to going to the spa. And before everyone comments that those kids "worked" for their pedicures, I agree, they work, but it seems to me it's grown women who should go to the spa, not 7 year olds. And women who can afford to pay for it with their OWN money.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
Q: will u guys make an Easter episode?
K: Consider it done... Stay tuned! :)
Isn't this supposed to be Jon's holiday year?
Is Kate really going to try and get the kids again for another holiday "work vacation"? Or, will this turn into another fake holiday episode, if Kate doesn't get her way?
At this rate, Jon deserves the right to get them next year for all the holidays he missed with the kids this year.
Thanks for posting Kate's tweets in Q&A form; it makes it easier to read and follow the back-and-forth craziness.
Vanessa said...My 2 cents about the pedicure/kids thing is just because you CAN ($), doesn't mean you should. It's an expensive "treat" and an indulgence. I don't think you need to take a child to a spa to pamper them....
When I was their age, my mom finally allowed me to have painted nails for special occasions.
The best part of it all was that she was the one doing my nails, teaching me how to carefully put the nail polish on so it looks like a professional did it. It was our special girl time.
Classmates and friends used to ask where I got my nails done, and I always told them my mom taught me. Some co-workers and friends still ask today.
Now that I'm older and sadly my mom passed away years ago, every time I paint my own nails, it reminds me of those special girl time moments with my mom.
I used to post over at "plop" under Hippie Chick of course, & I noticed a lot my posts were not getting posted. It also seemed there was no good reason for it. Then I wrote to the mods telling them what I really thought; rule after rule, no thanks. I read there for awhile & I felt I needed to answer a post about something. This is when I heard things about people saying something negative about a twin. I won't get specific, but it was recent & it pissed me off. I posted under a different name & was literally DEFENDING the twin, saying that I would hope that Kate would be sensitive about the subject matter, & Kate wouldn't film anything detrimental, it was a difficult enough time & since Kate is so screwed up about her own habits, I hope she doesn't rub them off on this kid.
Of course it wasn't posted. I was like WTF? So I wrote the mods. I told them "Don't make me email you, just put it in the comments, but I didn't say anything to offend. In fact, I would think the posters would agree with what I said. If you don't post comments, then how is there supposed to be discussions? Haven't you noticed your numbers dwindling? Your site used to have 600+ comments on ONE thread."
So, in the damn comment section, one of the mods pointed out why my comment didn't get posted. She said, "If we didn't want Kate to talk about it, then WE shouldn't be talking about it". The thing is, we know Kate WILL be talking about it. She talks about everything. Why would this be any different? This was the second time I got boned at "plop". It used to be THE Gosselin site. 15 Minutes is THE site now, IMO. It's up to date, has great posters, great discussions, there is no animosity, & we are allowed to speak our mind AND the truth. Thank you Admin. :) (I won't bring up "plop" again. I just wanted to explain what happened to me)
I don't think there's anything wrong with a mother/daughter mani/pedi, on its face.
I will say though have you noticed Kate can't do anything with the kids unless it's something she would enjoy anyway independently? She cannot take pleasure in something that JUST the kids would like simply because the kids are enjoying it. She does not want to do anything they might like unless she benefits.
Kate loves running, and oh then Cara takes it up, so this counts as spending time with her. But Kate would run anyway. Kate loves her mani/pedis, and how convenient the twins like those too. Kate wants to hold the koalas, and the kids can come along. Look at the one-on-one day episodes a few years back. She goes on all the girls' trips because it's stuff she would like anyway, but finds an excuse to pawn every single boy off just on Jon! Because she wouldn't like the rough and tumble boy stuff by herself.
Anything she doesn't want to do anyway would be passed off on Jon, or now probably the nannies or Steve. It's lovely to find mutual interests with those you love, but why does it always have to be the kids bowing to Kate's interests and not a two way street instead?
The narcissists I worked for was JUST like this. She was happy to interact with her children if only they were willing to take up what she was interested in.
So, how many of the tweets are coming from students at the private school? I'll bet plenty. I can just picture the students sitting around a computer and busting up...what great fun.
TLC ship is sinking,
Yes, MEMORIES, exactly.
Admin, I'm not saying getting mani/pedi is what's wrong, it's taking your 7 year old to the spa. This is a luxury that costs money.
Young women are maxing out their credit cards because they are visiting the spa (amongst other things) to maintain a certain look. If you start them on this path of indulgence so young, they have nothing to WORK hard for. It's "I've gotta have it now" attiude that bites these girls in the butt once they've grown up.
It's lovely to find mutual interests with those you love, but why does it always have to be the kids bowing to Kate's interests and not a two way street instead?
When I was six, I really wanted to ride in that thing up the mountain(can't remember the word for it sorry) but I was obviously too young to ride alone.I was there with my mother who is TERRIFIED of heights but I was so sad I couldn't go that she just went with me.Later she told me she was scared the whole time,for her and for me even though technically those things are pretty safe.But she did it FOR ME.And that's just one example.She would have NEVER drank water in front of me while I was thirsty and she would have never told the whole world about my feelings or embarrassing stories.It's why I thank God every day:for giving me a wonderful mother and father who've done nothing but support me in everything I ever wanted to do.
It's a shame the Gosselin kids won't be able to look back and say the same thing...
This whole Kate tweeting thing is very interesting. Twitter is normally used to tell people what you are up to, to promote something, or post an interesting tidbit. Kate is using it to interact with people. Kate is using it like a message board to communicate with friends. I think that because she has no real friends, she is using twitter as a way to have a social life. It's really very sad. I hope that once her children are home for the summer that she doesn't continue to spend all day tweeting.
No regrets said.....
ADMIN not sure why blogger takes a few tries to post, it happens on my site too. I say big deal gliches happen, and it surely doesn't make a site better simply because one can post with one click or three. The things people complain about. LOL
Since I am the one who lodged the "complaint", let me say it is a chore to have to wait for the green bar, press Post Comment, wait for the green bar, see the red dot, press Post Comment,
wait for the green bar, see the red dot, press Post Comment, wait for the green bar and hope against hope it takes this time. It often takes another round. The last post I offered here disappeared on the third red dot, but it did not go through. No yellow bar to tell me it was submitted; it was just gone.
I know this isn't anything Admin can control, but it is a real pain in the neck for me. It might be something Blogger needs to scout out.
Q: will u guys make an Easter episode?
K: Consider it done... Stay tuned! :)
So, done as we're about to film one on the holiday, or done as in we filmed a fake one, or she doesn't know what she's talking about? And if it's in the can, will it be shown this summer? Nothing is real in this reality world.
As for the mani/pedi thing, again I think she's just talking out the side of her mouth. This is one of her "errands" either during school hours or when the kids are with their dad. I think it would be nice if she spent some mother-daughter time with her 10 year old daughters. They are not too young for this as a treat, and I rather think that where she goes is not the expensive mani/pedi of a spa resort but more the place you find in shopping malls in pretty much every suburban community these days. Again, talking is all she does with her dime and her time.
I don't get green bars and red dots. Does everyone else? I write a post, click select profile and hit post comment. That's it. What browser do you use?
I have Asperger's and would like to address the not getting things.
Kate has things fly over her head because her disordered personality doesn't leave room for subtlety. If it isn't DIRECTLY about her, it's like she literally doesn't understand it. I once read a psychiatrist's work who said sometimes it can seem as if the narcissist literally can't COGNITIVELY understand what you're saying, but that's not it--some narcissists are quite bright. It's just that if they can't see how it's about them (if it's just subtly about them or not about them at all), they quite literally do NOT understand what you mean. You might as well have just spoken in Japanese to them for all they understand it. (This is also related to knowing nothing about current events, things going on around them, etc.)
With Asperger's it really is because you are neurologically atypical. Which is not to say unintelligent, not at all. MANY Aspies are very very bright. (Ahem, hee.) Their brains are just organized a bit differently and they don't always "get" the multi-layered, multi-faceted aspects of subtle comments or references. I've worked very hard over the years to overcome the most difficult aspects of Asperger's (I'm 40 now) and have been pretty successful at it. Only people who know me really well and have known me a long time can pick up on my few Aspie tendencies left.
Anyway, just wanted to explain why someone like Kate doesn't get things versus why an Aspie might not get something.
As for comments going through, I noticed when I post them on my desktop computer, they go through fine. On my iPad, they go through fine. It's when I'm accessing the site on my phone that I get this red dot twice, then on the third try it goes through. I really don't think it's anything admin is doing or not doing.
Bindi Irwin and family were in NYC and nearby cities last week taping shows. Someone with Twitter might want to ask Kate if she spent some time with her new BFF :)
marie, Kate is using Twitter like a chat room, which I agree is very weird. I have friends who definitely go back and forth to each other, but it's not their EVERY tweet all day long. Someone should tweet to Kate that this isn't a chat room. She won't get it though.
Oh! I just remembered another lie of Kate's! She claims she can't see the negative tweets. She told her syncophants not to worry, that she can't see them. LIE. If you go to her feed, click on the @ so you can see the entire feed of people tweeting TO her and if YOU see negative tweets, SHE sees those same tweets. If she had them blocked, they wouldn't even show up in the feed at all. I blocked a couple of nasty people, didn't see their stuff at ALL (to anyone), then unblocked them to see if I could see them again, yep. There they are. Blocked them: gone again.
So yeah, she sees every tweet. And she apparently has no one blocked. Why would she, she wants attention, good, bad, or ugly.
I do think it's the browswer! When I was using IE, I had a lot of problems with the red dot and having to submit multiple times. But now that I'm using Google Chrome, no problem at all.
Can Kate pay for me to have a pedicure? I've never had a professional one because it is a luxury item I can't afford.
Q: how do you find time to tweet with 8 kids!!
K: Coffee more coffee organization, and I have a babysitter four days per week..
Well then why is she so exhausted? She used to say she had a babysitter three days a week. Now it's four. She's easing her way into the truth and someday she'll admit that she has live-in nannies/housekeepers/cooks/groundskeepers/buttwipers. If someone took the time to type out all her lies they'd max out the bandwidth.
I bet a million bucks that if Jon were to say you know what Kate I was totally wrong on this and you were right, I want the kids to get the crap filmed out of them, I will participate, I'll do it and help you make money. Can I come home?
Kate would take him back just like that.
I agree she'd take him back, but I also think she'd make him pay for leaving in the first place. She'd go on talk shows and proclaim herself Saint Kate for lovingly taking back the man who cheated on her and left her with eight kids and all those bills to pay, etc.
Just an FYI--it also takes me about four (4) tries to get something to post and the "waiting for approval comment" to show up. In fact, I tried to send this earlier and all of a sudden it just disappeared before I could hit Post Comment again. Oh, well--it's no biggie.
Maybe she meant "I have four babysitters a week".
Why does she need a babysitter four days per week when the kids are in school all day? Two 10 year olds and six 7 year olds is an easier load that most day care workers handle.
She needs a nanny so she can twitter of course.
Y would someone post a pix of someone else's 8 kids on their twitter page? Sooo creepy!!
About the posting issues - I've never had one of my posts here not get posted by Admin, or deleted or edited in any way. I also do not get any red dots that have been mentioned. I just click on Post Comment and then the message pops up that my comment will be posted once approved, which is usually pretty quickly. Also, it has never taken me more than one time to post a comment here.
As someone mentioned, I suspect the problems might be due to IE. I stopped using IE as a browser a couple of years ago because of all the issues with it, especially on blogs. I switched to Firefox, which I love. But, I also hear lots of people say Google Chrome is great.
Admin - I agree that THIS is the "go to" Gosselin blog! Thanks for providing such a terrific forum!
MY IT guy swears by Google Chrome. I also think it's the browser since I'm using IE at work and have the posting issues, but not always. At home,using my Ipad, it goes right through.
Twitting less it seems, is someone bored with the new toy already?
I'm also confused/annoyed by the people on the other blogs who seem to think there is some conspiracy over here to block/edit them. I used to enjoy reading just for the POV of others, but I don't get the rudeness. Perhaps some people are a little too wrapped up in this world? Well, yes, I know it is like that. And what will they do when the Apocalypse does come and K8 is gone, gone, gone.
fidosmommy - You aren't the only one who has trouble getting through. It takes me at least 4 clicks to get a post through. That is, if Blogger doesn't swallow it up whole, which happens about every 3rd post. I thought it was because I use an icon, so I tried without the icon and still had trouble. I post occasionally on GWOP and on WernyGal's blogs and also on a book discussion blog without any problems, and I use Firefox as my browser, so . . . It'll take someone with MUCH more techie smarts than I have to figure it all out .
momof3 - The high school EMT program I'm familiar with doesn't include any field work. The kids don't graduate with a certification, just with all the classroom work completed. They still must do the field work to become a certified EMT, and, if they aren't already 18 when they graduate, they must wait until they are 18.
I think Cara and Mady are much too young to start on the mani/pedi thing. At home, as a girls' night of fun and pampering, sure, but not professional or at a spa. Kids grow up much too fast as it is. However, Khate doesn't think about things like that. She even took the 3 little girls for mani/pedis during the fake vow renewal episode and they were what? 3? 4? at the time?
Sorry for the second post - I forgot a few things. Put it down to a senior moment LOL.
Maybe Kate's "dinner with girlfriends" last week was with Terri and Bindi? Although that still doesn't explain the absence of the "everpresent papa".
I don't know anything about Twitter, or what's visible to Kate, but maybe when she said that she only sees the positive comments, she meant that metaphorically, as in, she ignores anything negative. Kinda like she doesn't notice other people.
I've always had issues posting here on technically LOL. Not personally. I always have to click the "Post Comment" button numerous times before it will post. But most of my posts make it on to the blog. No issues really.
Speaking Kate and her narcissicissm, does anyone think this is biological? Could she pass this on to one or more of her children. Or would this be a learned behavior? Still one or more of her children could end being narcisscists themselves.
Shout Out to Hippie Chic, I got my designer bag!! Hubby bought me a Calvin Klein handbag and matching wallet for an anniversary gift (6 years next Tues.). We're headed to Portsmouth for some R&R next week to celebrate.
Sorry, meant to say "on here" not "here on" Duh, not winning!
readerlady said....
She even took the 3 little girls for mani/pedis during the fake vow renewal episode and they were what? 3? 4? at the time?
And then got so twitchy that these same little girls might "mess them up" before the ceremony. Unbelievable.
Also, you mentioned negative comments. Remember when Jon had his computer in the closet and Kate was draped across the bed - Jon said he would just delete any negative comments before Kate even opened up the e-mails for the day. Now she simply ignores them. At least this way people know they are being personally ignored by Kate, and they can't blame Jon.
Admin obviously isn't the only one with blogger comment issues, as I checked the Blogger Help forum and noticed other bloggers with similar/different comment problems. Unfortunately, I saw more problems/issues than I saw any real solutions.
Like others have suggested, try using a different browser and see if that works. I use the latest version of Firefox without any problems.
Also, just save a copy of your comment in your PC/Mac's notepad/text application just in case the first try doesn't go through.
I'm sorry some of my fellow readers are having problems posting comments. I do enjoy reading everyone's opinion so I hope these blog issues won't completely deter you from posting in the future.
Gosselin Gossip,
It won't deter me! I love this site. Years ago when I watched JK+8 I kept asking myself if I could possibly be the only person on earth who
saw real problems with Kate and the show in general. So, I typed these very words into my search bar: "Why I Dislike Kate Gosselin" and guess what? There were lots of hits! I looked into a few and here I am.
Linda G. said...
I do think it's the browswer! When I was using IE, I had a lot of problems with the red dot and having to submit multiple times. But now that I'm using Google Chrome, no problem at all.
I agree. I use Chrome and have never, ever had a problem with a comment not posting on the first click. I do believe it's a browser issue. Those of you having a problem - give Chrome a try (it's not a huge program to install and it's simple to use and is much faster than IE) and see if it makes a difference posting here. I think you'll like it; not just for posting here but all internet sites and you can import all your favorites/bookmarks into Chrome.
I think the whole kate on twitter thing is a publicity stunt. TLC scraping the bottom of the barrel to try and find some more followers for Kate's loser show. The tweets even sound like someone from TLC with their make sure you watch the show, we can discuss it blow by blow during the show, and all those "it's really me here on twitter" pleas. According to her twittering on Sunday from 10 am until well after midnight she only stopped long enough to open the door for the kids coming home from Jon's and get them to bed. She took an hour from her twittering to get her kids in the house and to bed. Not buying that she's the "fastest texter" either and that it only takes a second to tweet. She's obviously reading all these tweets from others and answering a fair number of them. her and TLC really insult our intelligence.
And the cows from that other site that are all there on twitter kissing her butt and trying to fight their self righteous blog wars on twitter should be banned from the site.
So glad Kate fell in the ratings again. TLC must be ringing their hands.
Nothing they are doing seems to be working. LMAO
Oh ...and I love to eat "CHOCOLATE BUNNIES" at Easter time. Wink wink.
I watched survivor last night and noticed the host was announced to be on twitter during the show. Is this the new way? A form of promotion? It does not make sense to me.
fidosmommy said... Gosselin Gossip,
It won't deter me! I love this site. Years ago when I watched JK+8 I kept asking myself if I could possibly be the only person on earth who
saw real problems with Kate and the show in general. So, I typed these very words into my search bar: "Why I Dislike Kate Gosselin" and guess what? There were lots of hits! I looked into a few and here I am.
I had the same experience. I watched the show and also questioned Kate's actions, what she said, how she said it. Especially after the toy store incident when she yelled at Jon and couldn't understand why Jon was upset. Or the "Breathing Incident".
Initially I went to TLC's forums where people there questioned her actions too, but eventually they shut down that forum due to the arguing. Then I found TWOP and that forum on J+K got shut down too due to negative comments.
I found GWOP then found 15GS and this site is by far the most fair and balanced. Not that there is anything wrong with GWOP, but I just like the fairness here and the fact that Admin doesn't allow trash talking of other blogs (good and bad blogs). Many others should take a page from Admin's book.
I came across an article on TMZ reporting that Sarah Palin’s daughter Willow has a stalker. (
The Palin’s live in a very, very remote area that is accessible only by plane. So, a stalker/stranger would stand-out in Wasilla much more so than in Ms. Kreider’s much more populated area/town. The Palin’s have a lot of security due to their mother’s high-profile political life (Governor, VP candidate, political commentator/pundit) and repeated cases of harassment aimed at Sarah. Even with a good security team, a stalker was still somehow able to threaten Willow.
In addition to a well-trained security team, the Palin’s also own a lot of firearms and everyone in the house knows how to use them. Are the G8 protected in the McMansion that they bought for their momster? From the pictures I’ve seen (which are posted all over the internet), the house appears to be set very far back from the main road. I hope for the kid’s sake that a trained security officer (and yes, someone other than the PR handler/purse holder/boyfriend Steve) is on the premises whenever the kid’s are at the McMansion. An alarm system (I’m guessing she has one) and one German shepherd is not enough security.
A greater concern for security should be shown for the G8’s safety when they are not working. INF Daily and Radar Online (and some national magazines) have reported on and published countless photographs regarding the kid’s weekday school routine. Does the nanny or whoever is driving the kids to the bus-stop have security with them? Is there security on the bus/following the bus? Why is Kreider “tweeting” the kid’s activities and whereabouts? In the past week or so, she has informed thousands of total strangers about her kid’s school sports activities, recital, and custody time with their father, etc.
When Kreider’s flitting all about town during the day, going to the Giant supermarket for one item, going to fake-bake tanning sessions, having her fake nails applied, or selling the clothes that people donated to her to line her pockets with cash, who is watching the two home-schooled kids? Are the tutor, nanny, and two kids left at home without protection? Or, is there a security officer there protecting them and somehow – magically – we have just never seen this person? What about when she goes running? Kreider sends “tweets” to everyone that she is about to go for a five to eight mile run. She is away from her children for at least an hour. Who the hell is protecting the G8? Or, as is the case when Kreider “tweeted” that Cara ran with her for about a mile, who accompanied Cara back home? (Cont.)
fidosmommy said...
Gosselin Gossip,
It won't deter me! I love this site.
Glad to hear that! This site is one of my guilty pleasures.
It makes sense that Google Chrome has no blogger problems, as Blogger is now owned by Google.
"I do think it's the browswer! When I was using IE, I had a lot of problems with the red dot and having to submit multiple times. But now that I'm using Google Chrome, no problem at all."
I'll second that. I had problems with IE. I now use Chrome and I've never had to hit it more than once. IE was a big problem.
"Well then why is she so exhausted? She used to say she had a babysitter three days a week. Now it's four."
Why would she need even four if the kids are in school five days a week, full time, and they get home at 4:15 and are in bed at 7:30? Jon has them every other weekend. If you can't take care of your kids two weekends a month and a few hours in the evening, then you never should have had kids.
"This is when I heard things about people saying something negative about a twin. I won't get specific, but it was recent & it pissed me off. I posted under a different name & was literally DEFENDING the twin, saying that I would hope that Kate would be sensitive about the subject matter, & Kate wouldn't film anything detrimental, it was a difficult enough time & since Kate is so screwed up about her own habits, I hope she doesn't rub them off on this kid."
Oh, my gosh, Hippie. I did the same thing! I know which post you mean. I commented that I thought we shouldn't be talking about the twins, gave a reason why and what could happen to the twin's self esteem if we did, and it wasn't posted! I carefully worded the post so it wasn't offensive to anyone or the poster. I remember the comment because it was from the same person who repeatedly says the same thing in every post, always very, very negative, about Kate AND the children, and none of it makes much sense.
"If you don't post comments, then how is there supposed to be discussions?"
That's just it. You can't have a discussion. It wasn't always like that over there.
Roxy -- no, I didn't "talk" with any other
posters. I simply stated my opinion, and it happened not to agree with what someone else posted. It never made it through. Rules followed, no attacks, no negative tone. Just a statement of fact.
I came across an article on TMZ reporting that Sarah Palin’s daughter Willow has a stalker.
Just a few (ha!) thoughts...
The Palin’s live in a very, very remote area that is accessible only by plane. So, a stalker/stranger would stand-out in Wasilla much more so than in Ms. Kreider’s much more populated area/town. The Palin’s have a lot of security due to their mother’s high-profile political life (Governor, VP candidate, political commentator/pundit) and repeated cases of harassment aimed at Sarah. Even with a good security team, a stalker was still somehow able to threaten Willow.
In addition to a well-trained security team, the Palin’s also own a lot of firearms and everyone in the house knows how to use them. Are the G8 protected in the McMansion that they bought for their momster? From the pictures I’ve seen (which are posted all over the internet), the house appears to be set very far back from the main road. I hope for the kid’s sake that a trained security officer (and yes, someone other than the PR handler/purse holder/boyfriend Steve) is on the premises whenever the kid’s are at the McMansion. An alarm system (I’m guessing she has one) and one German shepherd is not enough security.
A greater concern for security should be shown for the G8’s safety when they are not working. INF Daily and Radar Online (and some national magazines) have reported on and published countless photographs regarding the kid’s weekday school routine. Does the nanny or whoever is driving the kids to the bus-stop have security with them? Is there security on the bus/following the bus? Why is Kreider “tweeting” the kid’s activities and whereabouts? In the past week or so, she has informed thousands of total strangers about her kid’s school sports activities, recital, and custody time with their father, etc.
When Kreider’s flitting all about town during the day, going to the Giant supermarket for one item, going to fake-bake tanning sessions, having her fake nails applied, or selling the clothes that people donated to her to line her pockets with cash, who is watching the two home-schooled kids? Are the tutor, nanny, and two kids left at home without protection? Or, is there a security officer there protecting them and somehow – magically – we have just never seen this person? What about when she goes running? Kreider sends “tweets” to everyone that she is about to go for a five to eight mile run. She is away from her children for at least an hour. Who the hell is protecting the G8? Or, as is the case when Kreider “tweeted” that Cara ran with her for about a mile, who accompanied Cara back home?
(Continued from previous…)
Kreider routinely leaves her kids for extended periods of time (days) with various nannies. From published pictures (yes, any potential stalker or pedophile can easily find out what the nannies look like), these women are very young adults. Young adults - I know I used to be one - do not always make the most wise or intelligent decisions. Under duress, they could easily fail to adequately protect the G8.
When Kreider was traveling without the kids for such things as book signings, DWTS, or taping talk shows, she always had Steve by her side for “protection.” Do the kid’s have a security person/people assigned to protect them - especially when their momster is away with Steve? If they do, they must be invisible because in all these years, I do not remember seeing one photograph of the kids, sans their momster, with security protection. If the G8 had a security officer assigned to them, they would be with them when they are with Jon, right?
MontgomeryCounty, PA said...
I came across an article on TMZ reporting that Sarah Palin’s daughter Willow has a stalker. (
Sarah Palin -- Stalker Threatened to Rape My Daughter
Isn't this what we are also concerned about in regards to Kate continuing to film and now tweeting away about her children? That Kate's actions and behavior can lead to harm, physically and/or emotionally, for her children.
I don't condone this behavior, but it goes to show some of the dangerous consequences of becoming a public figure.
Moose Mania, I don't understand what you mean by your post didn't go through. Where were you looking to see if it went through?
I've posted many comments that are not positive and they go through. You can see them on "twazzup" and I see them in the "Timeline" section of my Twitter home page. There is no way to filter out the comments unless the people you're commenting to have you blocked.
pamelajo said... I watched survivor last night and noticed the host was announced to be on twitter during the show. Is this the new way? A form of promotion? It does not make sense to me.
Yes livetweeting is the current trend now. Jeff Probst tweets during Survivor, Phil Keough tweets for The Amazing Race, Oprah tweets for one of her new OWN shows.
Kartie Tweetest is doing the same thing to garner a larger audience but the difference is 10 million people watch Survivor-- only 10% of that watches KP8 and by next week 9%, 8%, 7%...
I noticed after Tuesday, Kartie stopped tweeting so much and will probably jump back on right in time for next week's show. So predictable. Her small legion of fans will be devastated when she stops tweeting. Fair weather anyone?
Why isn't she following Tony Dovolani, Emeril, all her "friends" from her DWTS season (such as Evan, Neicy, Erin), Ted Gibson, Sarah Palin (gulp), Ace of Cakes, Meredith, Kelly Ripa, etc. Oh yeah... she can't benefit from them any more so nevermind.
I am sorry for such long posts, but the TMZ article should scare the living hell out of Kreider. She needs to stop exploiting her kids for a paycheck and take them out of the public eye immediately. She needs to use some of the money that the G8 have earned for her and provide real security for them for the foreseeable future. She did this to them. She put them is this predicament. She should protect them. This narcissistic shrew needs to give the two older kids their childhoods back, and give the six younger ones a childhood that they have never had and rightfully deserve.
This despicable mother and her egregious must be stopped. Lawmakers? Judge? Jon? Anyone?
Moose Mania, I don't understand what you mean by your post didn't go through. Where were you looking to see if it went through?
It's GWOP blog, not Twitter, and the comments are being deleted and not being posted.
Sorry for the confusion!
Oh, silly me. Thanks for the clarification, Moose. I have tweeting on the mind.
Kari, you missed the point of what I was saying about the paparazzi attack in New Zealand. I am not saying this one bad incident means the entire trip was ruined. On the contrary, I'm relieved it seems like the kids enjoyed this trip for the most part. No one is suggesting a trip to Australia is a bad thing. In fact I think it would be great. But a kid might also enjoy icecream for breakfast every day, that doesn't justify it. That fact that it was overall, a "nice trip" does not justify going on this trip in the first place.
The vast majority of us here did not want the kids to go on this trip for three reasons:
1. they would be filmed once again. They've been filmed 150 episodes too many. Enough already.
2. They were taken from Jon on his visitation holiday year. He had to go to court to beg to keep his kids here.
3. They missed a significant amount of school to...learn what? How to polish an elephant's toenails?
The fact that paparazzi attacked them in New Zealand is merely representative of why they shouldn't have gone on this trip. Their mother has made them so famous that things like that happen, and continuing the show does not help.
Two boys in my youth group used to take a 2 wk.
winter vacation from school every year. That happened to be when their father's vacation fell - he had no choice. So, away the family went during school days in frigid February.
They went to places where the boys could actually learn something "unschoolish" (!). They learned to build a fire, to recognise trees, birds and such, they wrote reports on the symphony they went to, the art museum they went to, the places they saw, the new things they did. They each kept a journal which they wrote in every night before going to bed. Their mom was a licensed teacher and she would make sure these trips had real educational value to them, growing in complexity as they aged. Now, on their school breaks that everyone got, they played, played, played or hung out with friends like kids are supposed to. But these trips were not just for that. They called these their "out of school learning experiences sanctioned by Mom and Dad". And by the way, they still have their journals.
So, I hope Kate gave the tutors time with the kids to go learn something while Mommy went and darkened her very fair flesh another degree. Australia and NZ have a breathtaking number of
fascinating things to learn about!
Discovery shows: "On the heels of its recent facelift... Stephen Merchant's An Idiot Abroad, An Idiot Abroad: The Bucket List."
Is that Kate's new show? They couldn't have named it better!
Why isn't she following Tony Dovolani, Emeril, all her "friends" from her DWTS season (such as Evan, Neicy, Erin), Ted Gibson, Sarah Palin (gulp), Ace of Cakes, Meredith, Kelly Ripa, etc.
Add to the list:
Australia Zoo (Since she's so desperate to attend Steve Irwin Day and visit Honey.)
Australia Zoo added Kate to their following list and she is the first icon. They even tweeted to promote her show, yet Kate does nothing for them in return except to tweet 'working on it'.
There are celebrities that follow the charities/organizations they support. One of the easiest ways for a celeb to show their support.
Then again, this is Kate Gosselin we're talking about. So typical.
Oh Boy!! Hillbilly Handfishing. Know where I'm gong to be when that airs!! (My family does live in Oklahoma so I probably do have hillbilly genes coursing through my veins. Oh, well. Can't say anyone in my family has caught a fish in their bare hands, though. But knowing my brothers I'll bet after the first airing of this show they are at the closest lake trying it. For real!)
On another note does anyone notice that Admin seems to be bothered more by anonymous dive bombers when Kate is less busy with twitter? Just another thing that makes you go hmmmmm. (Could be the audience is not so raptly engrossed, could be the twitterer finds she has idle hands. Not accusing anyone of anything.)
This may sound harsh but I don't think Kate would take any extra security precautions unless paid for by TLC. She has shown time and time again that her kids are NOT her first priority. She is, that is why she has security and not the kids. If one of her kids was kidnapped, she would probably be thinking great.....our ratings and publicity will go up now. I know that sounds harsh, but I think it rather realistic when talking about a narcissis like Kate.
OT......if that b#$&h gets a full-ride to space camp when I have been avid NASA and astronomy geek for years, I will really be angry. (The people who really know will think that's hilarious bc I very rarely get angry.) Kate will love anything if she doesn't have to pay for it and it includes an all-expense paid trip. How embarassing to be such a grifter, yet be paid grandly. She is not below anything is she?
Hi everyone. I thought this might be of interest: My teenaged daughter was in a music video today. She was one of 40 extras. It took 12 hours to get enough footage for a 3-4 minute video.
"Today, Discovery network had its 2011 Upfronts event in New York to announce new programming/channels for 2011-2012."
Skunk Whisperer and Rat Busters but no Twist of Kate?
I don't know Rat Whisperer could be the new reworked/revamped name for Twisted Kate....
Because you know, she does seem to have RatClaws under her spell!
Could this be Mr. Iwana himself? It is the pic he used!
Admin - there have been comments, both here and elsewhere, that many of the posts here are heavily edited. Is this true?
I've never had mine edited, heavily or otherwise.
It's pretty clear Twisted Kate is over. So why do you think Kate keeps pretending that it's still a go?
Do you think TLC is lying to her and pretending it's all still in development just to shut her up? Or do you think it's denial? Or is she outright lying and has too much pride to admit the test screens were horrible, back in 2009 (!!) in North Carolina?
That's right, the pilot of that show was shot in NOVEMBER 2009. It's now April 2011.
Admin -- It's door #3. She's outright lying. She'd never admit to it but she's an epic failure without her kids. She 'promised' a fan on twitter yesterday that it's coming. Yeah we know all about Kate and her promises.
I think you're right Auntie. In any case SOMEONE is lying. Either TLC is lying to Kate, or Kate is lying to her fans.
Wonder, how do her fans feel about Kate outright lying? Or TLC lying to their queen??? Any which way you slice it this can't be defended, someone is lying. And yet they still support Kate and TLC....although if I recall their support for TLC was finally waning, they felt they hung her out to dry on Sarah Palin.
Terri and Bindi Irwin were on Rachael Ray today and I have to say I enjoyed seeing them. I don't think that Terri and Kate really have that much in common. Terri spoke during the first part of the segment but than she stepped back and really let Bindi shine. That is not something Kate would do. There is a reason we see the kids on the interview couch without Kate! Bindi and Robert may be working but they are not working for their mom like the Gosselin 8 are. They are working with her and for a good cause. In addition, their private lives are not being filmed. Bindi and Robert are also learning while they are working. Their polite, respectful, they seem to know how to relate to both adults and other children and they know about the animals they love and work with. What have the Gosselin kids learned? How to step to the front of the line, how to get things for free, how important their mom is. I do think it's sad and wrong that Bindi and Robert don't see Steve's father any longer. I am sure that's not what Steve had in mind. I also have a feeling that even if the Zoo were to close that Bindi and Robert would be ok. The Gosselin kids are going to need some serious help when thier show goes off the air.
Admin her fans don't think she lies about anything. She walks on water as far as they're concerned.
If there was something to show, wouldn't we have seen a sign of it by now? It's not like they're putting together a three hour major motion picture it's a piddly little reality show and they don't even have enough film to splice together a half an hour episode? We heard something about a garbage truck and a pancake house two years ago and then nothing happened. TLC is probably wishing they had never mentioned it to her. ha.
Googled vines on a pole said...
Could this be Mr. Iwana himself? It is the pic he used!
Which one? The guy who saw the image, or Adam, the reporter?
What picture did he use?
momof3 said...This may sound harsh but I don't think Kate would take any extra security precautions unless paid for by TLC. She has shown time and time again that her kids are NOT her first priority. She is, that is why she has security and not the kids.
Harsh maybe, but true. She looks out for #1 first. I couldn't believe I was reading this when Entertainment World interviewed her and Jon right after they moved to the acreage. She was asked about people trying to get pictures.
EW: Is it better with this large house?
KATE: Oh yeah, they sit out on the street all day and they're not really going to see much. I'm far back from the road and I'm safe.
She didn't say "the kids are safer" or "it's much more private for the kids" or "I feel better when the kids play outside now". Nope it was all about HER safety. The whole interview was Kate going on about Kate.
Yes of course we would have seen something by now. Networks don't screw around with hot commodities. It's a little cable show, you don't sit on your hands waiting for just the right moment to strike, the moment was yesterday and TLC actively chose to let it go.
You know what's so ironic, is probably one of the best episodes of this stupid show was the first season where Kate went grocery shopping. It was interesting watching how she did it with all the coupons. This was the original concept of the show--watch a NORMAL family raise eight kids--that was a draw for so many of us. And now what is TLC's top show? Extreme couponing!!! Hahahhaha.
It's the school year now in Australia is it not? I thought Kate said Bindi and Robert don't work when they are in school. One other comment on Bindi and Robert, I noticed that Bindi was clearly the only kid in her Jungle Girl show at the zoo. As a kid, being around adults all day and not having that socialization time with peers can be very detrimental to normal development. A child starts getting an idea if they can play with the adults they should act like one too. This is exactly what happened to Drew Barrymore.
And I finally found this great article I was thinking of that I had seen years back about the Teen Brain. It explains in no uncertain terms exactly why Bindi Irwin has no business jumping in a pit with a croc to feed it--her brain is not ready yet.
"Young brains have both fast-growing synapses and sections that remain unconnected. This leaves teens easily influenced by their environment and more prone to impulsive behavior"
I.e., getting too close to a croc than you should.
Does anyone else here fine it odd and a little disturbing that Kate tweeted, "Life got in the way of my tweets?" That's just wrong. This chaotic "family business," has to stop. I pray it will be soon. But I fear not sadly.
Life got in the way of Kate's tweets, you're right that IS sad.
Shouldn't your eight plus hours of tweets be getting in the way of your real life??? And by life getting in the way, she means those darn kids. Maybe the nanny had to go home sick. That must stink. Or probably had to go to some darn parent teach conference or something for some kid not following the script. They won't let the nanny go to those conferences, they tried to send me once.
By the way since Kate blabbed Jon's schedule all over twitter, we know she has the kids this weekend.
It'll be interesting to see how much of that weekend, her custodial weekend, is spent twittering away.
I do think it's sad and wrong that Bindi and Robert don't see Steve's father any longer.
Steve's father must have had a darn good reason for doing what he did, but he took the high road and didn't bash anyone unmercifully. I wonder what he saw there, both at the zoo and within Steve's family. You just don't leave a business that you founded 40 years ago if everything there is on the up-and-up. I remember reading last fall that he has hopes of seeing the grandchildren again. It doesn't look like that is happening.
She tells the sheeples-in-training that she is exhausted and is going to bed. They say that they understand and kiss her goodnight. She promises to be back in full force twatting tomorrow.
Isn't that just precious?
Precious? If Kate were six, yes.
Does anyone else here fine it odd and a little disturbing that Kate tweeted, "Life got in the way of my tweets?"
Yes, but everything about Kate is odd and disturbing.
You know what I think she's doing...she found out that Joan Crawford was loyal to her fans and answered their mail to show her appreciation. Twatting (ha ha good one Warmth!) is Kate's idea of doing the same. Do they know how much she dissed them when she thought she didn't need them?
Has anyone considered the possibility that maybe Kate thinks that is her real life? Being surrounded by fans and spotlight,being on trips all the time,being the center of attention and so on? Scary,I know..
I know you won't post this comment either, Admin., but I just wanted to let you guys know that the link to that youtube video is indeed NOT Mr. Iwana. Good try, but no. I look nothing like, nor do I have that "diggly-dang y'all" accent going on.
So great job on the sleuthing though. Gotta give someone credit for thinking of it. Perhaps they should try googling "superman outfit" and see if they get any hot leads? LOL...I do have a sense of humor! Dry, it may be, but it is a sense of humor and I can take a joke.
I enjoy reading the one-sided comments on here, you do have an interesting site that allows people to voice their opinions.
Lastly, whomever posted about my " 'nt" versus the " n't", interesting observation that no one else has ever pointed out to me. It IS how I was taught in school, which was in the U.S.
I think you can tell from my grammar and spelling, that I did very well in school and I am surprised at this little "'nt" error that I was taught. Post it, delete it, edit it, reference it, does'nt (there it is again) matter to me. Just wanted to take a minute to let y'all know that this guy in the youtube clip is NOT Iwana. The pic I had posted has been removed by me as someone on here thought it was creepy. I, being a Christian, thought it was a pretty cool pic, so I put it on there for awhile. Have fun!
I am on bed rest having just had my hip replaced. My daughter visited and decided to watch a show called Kate plus 8 and then introduced me to this website. She also made me watch some you-tube videos when they were an entire family. I have never seen this sow in the past as I don't watch "reality tv". I will never watch this show again. Gracious is this woman for real? Seriously. I am at a total loss for words (rarely happens). I cannot believe the abusive behaviour this woman displays towards her (then) husband and her children. Where is childs services? Those children should have been removed from that home long ago. Little wonder the husband left. What amazes me is his patience. I am surprised he didn't snap and do something to her instead of just moving on.
Having limited mobility (and thank you to my daughter I think) I watched another show regarding couponing. I understand these women wanting to save money for their family but don't they realize a lot of product they are hoarding has a shelf life and sometime not a long shelf life? How are they saving money if they don't even get to use the product.
One of my pet peeves is pronunciation. Coupon is pronounced "coo-pon" not "qu-pon". That is a show I won't be watching any longer. The next time my daughter tries to get me to watch a show I think I'll pass if it is on TLC. What a load of trash on that neetwork.
Not only should kart be worried about her kids, the OTHER parents/kids at their school should be worried! Too many unstable people have gone into psychotic rages and gunned down kids at schools ALL over the world, just ONE example of what "could" potentially happen. If some "crazy" has an obsession with one of the kids that he's become infatuated with, has an imaginary relationship with one (or maybe ALL) of the kids...well who's going to stop him/her from gettting at what he/her "perceives" to be theirs?
An adoring sheep tweeted to Kate that an organized home makes kids smarter and Kate replies:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@TheycallmeLynn Really? Then I think mine will end up being Mensa geniouses lol (ok so I'm not THAT organized, lol)
43 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
Yeah, I know, just a typo. Kate herself tweeted that she's a great speller. Who would doubt anything she says?
TY Admin for posting Iwanadatekate's comment. Poor guy/gal. I'm even more convinced now than ever, that they thrive on attention. I hope he/she finds the fulfillment they seem so desperately looking for. I'd look someplace other than the internet if it were me.
I may not be Hemingway, but I have NEVER seen 'nt used anywhere, in any novels I've read, any newspaers, any kind of literature EXCEPT here on this blog! lol
Iwanadatekate? I can't believe NO ONE has ever corrected you on this? You were "specifically" taught to spell it that way??? I find that hard to believe.
Iwannadate Kate you didn't break any rules in your comment, so why wouldn't I post it? I have nothing against you. I think it's creepy that Kate would engage with total strangers, but I have nothing against you personally, I don't know you. Which is sort of the point actually, I don't know you, Kate doesn't know you, no one knows you.
And not post this comment "either"??? This is the first comment I've gotten from you, so I don't know what you mean by that. Unless you are posting under different names, which is frowned upon. Anyway with Kate so busy on Twitter I haven't had to delete much here this week.
Question, is Kate going to date you and let you watch her kids? Status update please.
You've gained a new reader here. Isn't it sweet that Iwana took the time to read through the comments here, watched the Youtube video someone mentioned, explained their photo choice, and felt compelled to explain their improper use of apostrophes in contractions. I refer them to this page which explains the use of apostrophes:
I think it is fantastic that Kate has TOTALLY ignored Babymama. She has not responded to her once. And the same for Ziggyflo. Both have website that support Kate and Kate ignores them. Ha, I Love It!
To Iwanadatekate: look over here!! I'm a single mom of 4 kids...granted, I've never managed to get a reality show, but I'm a nurse and I have a dumb ex, I like tanning and traveling, texting and tweeting, and reading blogs about Kate Gosselin! We have SO MUCH in common and I'd really like to get to know you better! Unless, of course, you are seriously corresponding with Kate...I wouldn't want to get in the way of a promising relationship. Maybe I will try sending you a tweet?
How much more of an explanation does anyone need that Kate doesn't even consider taking her kids anywhere unless it's caught on camera and the kids' exploited?
Someone suggested a few days ago Kate visit Space Camp in Huntsville. Nowhere was it mentioned it be done for the show, but we know where Kate's mind automatically goes and once this guy said they were getting the info together Kate said to contact her manager. FFS, Kate -- do something, ANYTHING with your kids that isn't TLC sponsored!
Here's the back and forth:
huntsvillewrite to @Kateplusmy8
Have you ever thought of bringing your kids to Space Camp in Huntsville, AL? I have a friend there in media relations!
Kateplusmy8 to @huntsvillewrite
Actually, ive resesrched it! it's a dream of two ten yr olds I have-- AND their momma! Bring it on
huntsvillewrite to @Kateplusmy8
I will get in contact with my friend who works in media relations at the Space Center either tomorrow or Friday.
huntsvillewrite to@Kateplusmy8
Once I contact him, I should be able to get it set up so ya'll will be able to come to Space Camp sometime this summer.
huntsvillewrite to Kateplusmy8
Spoke with my contact at U.S. Space and Rocket Center. He will get some information together soon. I will keep you updated
Kateplusmy8 to @huntsvillewrite
Thanks. My mgr info should be able to be found online... They are combed so only legit positive stuff gets to her btw..thx
Coming in late to the Cara/running club discussion:
The original tweeter said that her daughter had joined "Girls on the Run" at school, and Kate said that Cara was in it to. Girls on the Run is a program offered across North America. Not just a "running club", it seeks to promote a healthy lifestyle, positive self-image, and self esteem in young girls. The girls are paired up with older "running partners/mentors" and they work on not just their physical fitness by also their emotional and psychological wellness. It is an AWESOME program. All of the Gosselin girls should be participating in it, not just the "sporty one." (Although I believe that the younger girls aren't quite old enough.) If it really is Girls on the Run that Cara is participating in, and not just some random running club (who knows if Kate knows the difference), then I think this is a very positive thing that goes far beyond just being involved in an activity. She needs something like does Mady and her sisters (and her brothers, but they aren't eligible to participate in it lol - I hope they get involved in scouting or 4H or something like that.)
That being said - I agree completely with those who say that Kate should never have tweeted this information. Not only is it potentially dangerous to Cara - but if my daughter was in Girls on the Run with Cara and the paps or just weird fans started showing up stalking their meetings/runs/sessions I would be TICKED OFF. Kate's whole lifestyle goes against what GotR is trying to do....encourage girls to happy with themselves as they are, live healthy lives, be emotionally, mentally, and physically strong....not create an articifical woman with fake everything and overly concerned with her appearance who is bitter towards her ex husband, can't support herself without selling out her children.....
Kates tweet: "# @lovelymia1989 Cara is abt two plus inches taller than mady! Totally different builds but best friends :) about an hour ago"
WHY the hell does she feel the need to discuss her daughters body build to strangers on twitter!?! If my mom did that when I was 10 years old or any age, I would be horrified!
Kate has sent her sheeple out to find inspirational sayings today while she's tanning and mani/peding and buying shoes.
The best one so far: "What goes around comes around." Not from a Kate fan.
Kate's tweet: "# @imjustplainme @KatyCatDoll It is indeed. Check my verified check mark on my profile page... Only the real person gets it! Welcome! :) about an hour ago"
It is indeed the child exploiter narcissistic extraordinaire herself! It really is Kate, as she has proclaimed so many times before. Remember that. Now she can't blame all the crap that comes from her own "verified" manicured fake fingertips on some lame assistant tweeting/twatting/twittering/whatever it's called for her.
jellybean said...
Kate's tweet: "# @imjustplainme @KatyCatDoll It is indeed. Check my verified check mark on my profile page... Only the real person gets it! Welcome! :) about an hour ago"
It is indeed the child exploiter narcissistic extraordinaire herself! It really is Kate, as she has proclaimed so many times before. Remember that. Now she can't blame all the crap that comes from her own "verified" manicured fake fingertips on some lame assistant tweeting/twatting/twittering/whatever it's called for her.
I do believe that Kate, herself is the one who is tweeting on her silly twitter account, however, per Twitter, "verified" means "Twitter establishes the authenticity of well known accounts so users can trust that a legitimate source is authoring their Tweets."
ANYONE who has the password to any twitter account may use it, but it doesn't mean that someone IS using it. Many PR agencies, managers, assistants, etc use celeb's twitter accounts (they're authorized to do this and obviously have the PW to access the account.). That said, I believe Kate is the person responsible for hitting the keys and sending those silly tweets herself, so far anyway.
To Mr. Admin.,
Not planning on any on-going conversation over here, but will answer your question. When I wrote "you probably won't post this comment either", that simply meant I saw the bickering from others that were complaining about content not being posted...I figured mine would not post...That is all that was meant to that.
Yes, no one does know me, I get it. Let me ask this though: If Kate was seriously searching for a man that would be compatible in her life and I was seriously searching for someone like Kate and felt I was "qualified" to stand a chance, how in this politically correct world would it be acceptable that I try to "connect" with her? If I leave a Tweet? I'm a freaky, creepy stalker. If I were to try to meet her at a public signing? yep...stalker. If I mailed her a letter? Freak. Guess the only people that would be qualified in the publics eye to even speak to Kate are those that are celebrities and those who have had their entire life exposed for the world to see and judge?
I do see the point, again, of not knowing who or what is behind the keyboard. I think I handled the situation professionally and non-creepishly and not pushy. Scary at what some others might do.
I think the anonymous world of twitter was about the safest method to simply let Ms. G. know that there is someone out there that would like to communikate with her. I have since backed down now that I got my message to her. I see nothing harmful at how this has gone.
To answer your last sentence of your post, even though I know it wreaks of sarcasm and unseriousness, "Question, is Kate going to date you and let you watch her kids? Status update please". I could leave a snide remark here (like a lot of posters on your site do), but I'll refrain and answer it politely because you have been polite. After only exchanging tweets and having some harmless laughs, I would think there is no answer to this question, nor any reason to even ask it. We simply enjoyed laughing and living and having fun for a day or two in tweeterville. Have fun and Take Care...
Iwanna you may contact kate, but it doesn't seem advisable for any celeb to interact with a fan claiming to want to date them for obvious security reasons, that's a no brainer really. Hopefully you are of no risk to her, the point is but what if the next creep is?
Kate should get a man how every other woman does. For pity sake she still has a normal life.
Iwanadatekate, assuming you really are the same person who was tweeting with Kate, I am sincerely curious what you see in her that makes her attractive to you. Superficially I think she is somewhat attractive, but much of her appearance is owed to various cosmetic procedures (and photoshop, in some cases).
She has alienated almost every person she's ever been close to in her life. Sure, people come and people go throughout our lives, but in most cases at least a few people, and especially our families, remain constant. This doesn't seem to be the case with Kate - she has publicly acknowledged she's not close with most of her family members.
Recently, she has had those kids filming on many, if not all, school breaks. Don't you think the kids deserve some down time to just chill out at home?
Does it bother you that even though Jon has expressed a desire to have more parenting time with the children, Kate seems to create reasons to keep the kids from being with Jon?
Do you notice her many inconsistencies in her actions vs her words?
Does it seem irresponsible to you that she claims to not have fully funded college funds for the children or enough money to live on even after years of filming their lives and making very good money from TLC?
I truly would like to hear answers to these questions from a polite person who knows how to engage in a discussion without becoming immature and resorting to insults the way, unfortunately, many of Kate's fans tend to do.
I don't buy the iwannadatekate's BS. This iwannadate creep will most likely move on to some other website that involves children.
Bubbles, I think those are fair questions and respectfully written.
I want to add this question, I want to know for anyone who wants to date Kate, how they would feel if they ended up dating her, it didn't work out for one reason or another as relationships sometimes don't, and then Kate took to the The View, Today, The Talk, and Twitter to trash you left and right every chance she got. And then after that she got a court order you couldn't talk about anything, so there was nothing you could do to defend yourself, you just had to take it. Is your position that she only did that to Jon and wouldn't do that to you?
Bubbles said...
Does it seem irresponsible to you that she claims to not have fully funded college funds for the children or enough money to live on even after years of filming their lives and making very good money from TLC?
Irresponsible? Try downright neglience on the order of a future lawsuit coming down the road as soon as these kids get smart enough to want to emancipate.
Extreme Couponing has actually had a few somewhat helpful tips. I'm not a big couponer but I'll use the ones that come in the mail from my store. One tip is to use the coupon on the smallest size product you can find. I guess this is a no brainer but I certainly never made this connection. I assumed you buy whatever size has the lowest PER UNIT price. Without a coupon that does indeed make sense. However with a coupon, you can save more percentage wise usually, buying smaller items. After this was explained to me I was sort of, duh. LOL.
THAT was the draw of Kate Plus 8 originally, little tips and hints like that that a mom was giving who had a big family as she went through her day. That concept has been compeltely lost now. And the irony is, the same concept was started on a new show that smashed Kate in the ratings.
Bubbles and Admin.
Since you asked politely, I will answer your questions the best I can. What do I see in Kate that makes me attracted to her? We all have flaws and so do our partners. I am short of perfect myself and am the first to admit it. I find Kate physically attractive, of course, as she tries to take care of herself and her appearance. She is a very beautiful woman (cosmetics, makeup, etc...don't most women wear makeup and get their hair done??)and everybody has their "type" that they find attractive; physically, emotionally, and so on. Just as your partner or spouse was an attraction to you, Kate is attractive to me. Maybe some people don't find your hubby attractive, but that did'nt stop you. I also am attracted to her outgoing personality and her willingness to persevere. I was married to a woman for 19 years that had a very similar personality and I understood and was compatible with her.
As far as your other "observations" go about Kate and her closeness with others, well, that's the chance I have to take, I guess? I feel if you treat someone with respect and dignity, you should expect that in return. Perhaps Ms. G. has not ever had that chemistry with some people in her life? I don't know and you don't know factually either.
As for the school breaks and time for the kids to chill, just what I see, the kids seem to have plenty of time being kids and playing. The trips you can view either way. Whenever the kids had school break time, (yes, I was married with children) we usually went on a vacation or a getaway doing fun family things together. Don't most people? I lived in a touristy area and every time there was a 3 day weekend or spring break, the cars would create traffic jams and lines at the local stores with families with children flocking to get away from where they lived to bring their children and create good times and memories away from the old daily home life. Is that so wrong for Kate to be scheduling awesome life experiences like that? Your own opinion is yours to keep, but look in your own backyard or neighborhood and see if people purposely stay at home and watch the kids run in the yard all weekend long rather than doing something fun together for the whole family out of town.
Yes, the economy is putting a huge damper on all of that, but you get my point. (cont.)
PT 2/2: As for Jon and his requests to have the kids more often or whatever, it is not in my interest to answer questions that I don't know the full details on. I'm staying out of this one, have no answer.
As for her inconsistencies on saying something and not following through, as you presume...Again, we have never walked in her shoes so neither you or I know for sure why her lack of following through may happen. Maybe there are things that prevent her from doing so? Maybe her plate is so full that her intent is good but her performance is not so good? Maybe she does say one thing and mean another? We can only assume and some would rather choose to judge.
Your last question was about the college fund. Again, sounding like a broken record here, I don't know the details or what is going on with their finances. Do you? We can only all hope that there has been plenty set aside to take care of the kids and their future education as they are more than deserving of it, and that was the initial idea behind all of this in the first place. Has Kate squandered away all the money on useless items for her? Has Kate put the money into interest bearing trust funds for the childrens futures? People complain about Kate getting mani's and tanning. She is not alone. I see many single mothers buying things for themselves, heck, I buy things for myself...I've earned it...Don't you? Not all of the dollars that I earn are spent on the kids.
Listen, the bottom line here is that on this site, Kate can do NO right. On the pro-Kate sites, Kate can do NO wrong. There is obviously good and bad in Ms. Gosselin, as there is in all of us. And we are all entitled to our opinions. I appreciate that you all express your opinions, especially if done in an opinionated, and not totally biased manner.
Like the person who post immediately after Bubbles post..."creep will most likely move on to some other website that involves children."
Come on, that kind of crap is uncalled for. Why are there so many bitter and hateful people on both sites? If we could all just get along a little better and not be so one-sided (not just in the Gosselin forums, but in ALL aspects of life, including our own homes!), would'nt the efforts eventually shine through?
Just my own opinions...
Part 1 and 2 reads like a very long closing argument in the case for dating Kate. I don't understand the need to do that. Why come here to explain yourself at such length to people who are obviously biased against a woman who has given us a plethora of reasons to criticize her behavior? Our opinion shouldn't matter to you if you are earnestly pursuing Kate. It leaves a lot of room for skepticism of your intentions.
Auntie Ann
I was asked "sincerely" to please reply to Bubbles questions. Someone one this site "truly" wanted my point of view. I answered. Not here to prove anything, was answering a question.
IWDK Let me explain the reasons I don't like Kate Gosselin.
1. I honestly believe based on what I have read and seen with my own eyes she got rid of Jon after he started to question going on with the show. He felt the whole family was losing their privacy and was no longer comfortable with it. Unfortunately Jon had no chance of ever changing that going up against the TLC machine and Kate. Jon had no clue what he was dealing with.
2. I also think they show showed Jon just how degrading Kate was to him and he started to stand up to her. Kate, being the control freak that she is was not having any of that from him.
3. Kate will do anything including lie to keep this show going. She goes on and on even when no one asks her how the kids LOVE filming. In reality we have all seen evidence to the contrary. I am still seeing it with my own eyes. I am not assuming it or making it up. The proof is on film and photos.
4. Any chance Kate gets she puts Jon down publicly. She said she wishes he would see the children more but in the next interview says they filming planned every day they are not in school or with Jon. I could go on and on but this is just one example. There are many. Kate feels the need to look like the victim and martyr in all of this. Jon is an excellent father and always has been.
5. Kate allows no one to get in her way of making money off those kids including Jon and the kids own extended family. If they try they are banished from their lives. There is also proof of this.
6. Kate has transformed herself from a naturally beautiful woman to a made up Hollywood starlet wanna be. She loves nothing more than to be on camera.
Part 2 of 2....
7. Kate has a sense of entitlement that stems back to before the tups were even born. She expects others to pay her way. It is well documented and she proves this every day now on her Twitter page. She's asking her fans to beg TLC to send her back to Australia and told the nice gentlemen who is trying to arrange a trip to Space Camp for the twins to contact "her people". God forbid Kate ever take her kids on a trip that wasn't paid for by someone else.
8. Kate is hanging on to this free ride with every fake fingernail on her hands. Her head is spinning right now because she is losing her grip on it. She is trying desperately to be everything she is not. She is trying to undo the image of her own self destruction which is nasty, greedy, and entitled. One day she is feeding the hungry and actually bought 8 lunches for the needy. The next day she is saying she wants to help save the koalas but almost 5 months later still hasn't come up with a plan. I'm sure she's trying to figure it out without having to spend a dime of her own money. Kate can try as hard as she wants to be what she thinks others want her to be but the reality of it is she can't be. She will never be a nice person unless you are giving her something she wants. Hence, Twittering to her fans. She never gave her fans the time of day until now unless she was trying to sell a book or something else. She needs them now. She made a lot of money in the past portraying herself as a Christian mother. I have seen several people on Twitter ask her if she takes the kids to church. She has not replied to one of them. Right now church equals no money so she doesn't go. She probably will start now though because in her mind it might help her keep her show.
9. She has put her own wants above her children and husband. Kate made enough money long ago to raise her kids comfortably by also going back to work even just part time but it's not enough for her. I have no problem with someone trying to do better for themselves but leave the kids out of it. Do you really think these trips are fun for the kids when they are being filmed and told every move to make? Kate wants a life full of luxury but is using her kids to gain it.
I could go on and on but am getting too tired and have to work tomorrow. You see I have always worked very hard and I was even a single mother so her crying around about that doesn't do a whole lot for me. You seem like a very nice guy and if dating Kate is something you think you want to do I hope your dreams come true. Nice guys are definitely her type, guys who don't put themselves first and cater to her every whim. All I have to say to you is if it does ever materialize Good Luck. You're going to need it.
Iwanadatekate said . . .
People complain about Kate getting mani's and tanning. She is not alone. I see many single mothers buying things for themselves, heck, I buy things for myself...I've earned it...Don't you? Not all of the dollars that I earn are spent on the kids.
Hello Iwana. Your words here cut right to the heart of why so many find fault with the object of your desire. You talk about spending the dollars "you" have earned. Well, therein lies the rub. Kate has very slyly bypassed that pesky issue of her having to work by selling her children's privacy and putting THEM to work to earn her a luxurious living. She is spending the money her CHILDREN have earned.
Good luck in your attempts to date Kate. I'm sure if you meet her it will end up being a very positive experience, and you will find her to be witty, kind, gracious, selfless and appreciative of all she has.
Part 1 of 2 in case it didn't go through...
IWDK Let me explain the reasons I don't like Kate Gosselin.
1. I honestly believe based on what I have read and seen with my own eyes she got rid of Jon after he started to question going on with the show. He felt the whole family was losing their privacy and was no longer comfortable with it. Unfortunately Jon had no chance of ever changing that going up against the TLC machine and Kate. Jon had no clue what he was dealing with.
2. I also think they show showed Jon just how degrading Kate was to him and he started to stand up to her. Kate, being the control freak that she is was not having any of that from him.
3. Kate will do anything including lie to keep this show going. She goes on and on even when no one asks her how the kids LOVE filming. In reality we have all seen evidence to the contrary. I am still seeing it with my own eyes. I am not assuming it or making it up. The proof is on film and photos.
4. Any chance Kate gets she puts Jon down publicly. She said she wishes he would see the children more but in the next interview says they filming planned every day they are not in school or with Jon. I could go on and on but this is just one example. There are many. Kate feels the need to look like the victim and martyr in all of this. Jon is an excellent father and always has been.
5. Kate allows no one to get in her way of making money off those kids including Jon and the kids own extended family. If they try they are banished from their lives. There is also proof of this.
6. Kate has transformed herself from a naturally beautiful woman to a made up Hollywood starlet wanna be. She loves nothing more than to be on camera.
Is that so wrong for Kate to be scheduling awesome life experiences like that?
It depends. Putting aside the fact that these kids are not going to remember going to a ski school at age 3, the question is...why must the children pay for these awesome life experiences? Why must TLC fund this? When was the last time she took the kids on any kind of an extended vacation when it wasn't for filming purposes, and when the kids didn't work? Why take them out of school for two weeks to do it? It could have waited for spring break, but that didn't fit into the filming schedule.
Everything must be done for filming. Why was she so distressed when Jon pulled the plug on the NYC trip? She reported that the kids were sobbing because they couldn't see the Statue of Liberty. She certainly had enough money in her purse to take them on this trip without the film crew following her around. And yet, she didn't. Why not?
It's a classic case of both narcissism and greed. She needs to be seen. She thrives on it. She's not going to take her children anywhere and not get paid to do it, and not be the center of attention. It defeats the whole purpose of her existence. Heck, she couldn't even spend a night camping in Alaska because all eyes weren't on her. Sarah Palin's father had her number from the getgo. That's what is so tragic, and the children are paying for it with their childhoods. With these "life experiences" comes a sense of entitlement. Each trip needs to be more elaborate than the last; otherwise, they'll be bored. She admitted that they asked how soon they are going on an airplane again. My gosh -- how much do they want? How much to they expect? Any other kid would be absolutely thrilled if they got what these kids do. But it's not enough for them. It's more, more, more, thanks to their mother. If you experience everything at such a young age, what's left for later in life? What will happen when they can't spend weeks in luxury suites; when they can't have VIP seats at athletic events; when they can't have restaurant dining rooms set aside for them?
Emotionally, I hope they can deal with it, and if they can't, that she makes sure that there are professionals available to help them adjust to life in the "real world." They're going to need it. Kids do grow up and they'll be forgotten and no longer recognizable by the public. They've been taught that it's a materialistic world. But will they forget what life was like when all eyes were on them and they were treated with all the amenities that life could offer? It remains to be seen...
iwanadatekate said...Auntie Ann I was asked "sincerely" to please reply to Bubbles questions. Someone one this site "truly" wanted my point of view. I answered. Not here to prove anything, was answering a question.
Thanks. I have no idea whether or not you're on the level or just having fun with all of this. If it's the latter, thanks. I always appreciate a good joke. If not, good luck if you ever do get a date with Kate. You're going to need it. I mean that sincerely.
iwanadatekate: As long as you're answering questions here, I have one more small question for you. WHY did you post a comment on the previous post here (the one from Monday, April 11th entitled "Australia Zoo Visit Discussion Thread--4/11/11") but using the name "tweetlemethis"?
You posted that comment (the last one on that post) on April 13th at 4:40pm. That was your first post on this blog, and then you came into this post with your "iwanadatekate" name and posted comments at 1 am on April 15th.
So, what's the game you're playing? And, don't even think about denying the duplicity because you have far too many tells in your posts. I know that those posts are by the same person.
hmmm.... you've got my attention now, just when I was gonna leave....
And to AuntieAnn, I am on the level, and the fun HAS been taken out of this, either way. Thinking of fading away for awhile...
Thanks for the mature and rational discussion(s).
I know I keep asking but would anyone that knows where this episode is online please post it. I read these points and I want to see for myself what you guys are talking about, thanks
To Nobody likes:
Nice try there at being the super sleuth, but your inaccuracies are easily pointed out. I looked it over and see some similarities in punctuation, but then again the post right above it from T.I.N.I.C for example has the exact similarities. Using quotation marks, capital letters to accentuate, dashes to seperate, etc. Saying that tweetle is really me would be like saying that "Nobody likes a Narcissist" is actually "Admin." due to their duplicity and tells?
Also, "tweetlemethis" shortens words, like becuz, and some others. As you notice, I am quite windy and type out all of my words. I see spelling and grammatical errors and also words that seem to be missing, unlike myself.
To back this up even more, you were inaccurate in saying that tweetle first posted at 4:40pm on the 11th, when I did a quick search using control F and found a previous post from this same user on the 10th at 10:54pm?
Both posts from this writer were somewhat supportive of me, but yet threw me under the bus. Also, from my own end of it, I am never online at 4:40 in the afternoon and my Twitters would show that. I have a daily routine in my business that would not allow me to be online at that time and I am known to be on late night into the wee hours of the morning.
I must say that my previous post had unfortunate timing to be posted right under your post. I was just saying how I was thinking of fading away for awhile, and my post ends up underneath yours, making it look like it was in reply to yours, when it was'nt. I must say while this site has some that have great intellect, there is an awful lot of paranoia...some of you must be tough to live with.
Iwanadatekate, thanks for answering me. I have a little more I'd like to post but I'm working today so it will have to be later. I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions.
I'll be back later!
Iwanadate Kate I would not expect you to be one of the few sheeple we could actually have a civilized discussion with, so I thank you. Overall your posts have been polite and respectful. I could have done without the comment that we must be hard to live with, but since the overall tone of your posts is a respectful one, I let it through.
I too want to address each and every one of your points when I get a chance, but for now I want to address your argument that you don't see why the kids shouldn't go on trips. You said it's a good opportunity for them and so on, and that we must just want them to stay home.
Our argument about the trips is probably one of the most misinterpreted by the sheeple of all of them. Sometimes, I feel that it is intentional misinterpreted in order to avoid addressing the real issue. At no time in your argument to you ever address the FILMING of the trips. You just waxed on about how horrible it is us mean people would just want these kids to twiddle their thumbs at home and not experience this.
Do you understand that no one objects to a wonderful vacation? In fact, when someone on Twitter suggested Space Camp to Kate, many people here thought that would be great--only WITHOUT THE CAMERAS. Proof that we have nothing against doing something fun with the kids. Kate was the one who then turned this opportunity into a way to make money and film the crap out of twins by suggesting her manager be contacted--good freaking grief, do something with your twins for once without the world watching.
Our biggest problem is not the trips THEMSELVES, it's the filming of the trips. We have asked over and over, why can't Kate take them on a nice vacation without cameras? She never has. The filming of these trips has become so relentless it has gotten to the point where they are yanked out of school and ripped from their Daddy to be sure to get all the filming in. Outrageous.
The sheeple then take this point and spin it to make it look like we just don't want a nice family to enjoy some time off. Bullshit, that is not the case at all.
Admin, "iwanadatekate" is playing games here. I certainly ruffled his/her feathers with my accusation and he/she protests too much. While he/she mentioned some of the similarities between his/her posts and those of "tweetlemethis", he/she missed some and definitely missed the biggest and most obvious one. There is one big similarity between the posts and it's something that nobody else here does in their comments. Trust me, I am good at this, and they are the same person. Admin, if you want, I'll send you an email and then you will know what I'm talking about.
This is a comment regarding Iwanna's reference to his/her excellent grammar and spelling. This person has pointed out that he/she did well in school. The punctuation and grammatical errors are driving me nuts! One would have to dissect every sentence to point out the errors in each of them, particularly in the use of sentence fragments, misplaced modifiers, dangling participles, subject-verb agreement, and misplaced commas. In addition, periods and commas belong INSIDE quotation marks, not outside, and separate is not spelled seperate.
" post ends up underneath yours, making it look like it was in reply to yours, when it was'nt. I must say while this site has some that have great intellect, there is an awful lot of paranoia...some of you must be tough to live with."
If he/she thinks that we may be tough to live with, what does he/she think that life with Kate would be like? A piece of cake? ;-)
Hello one last time. Thanks for your polite reply and casting light from your point of view.
I simply want to say here, for the record, the only reason I came here and posted here was to clarify that a link to a Youtube video that someone posted on this site was indeed not me. I was erasing speculation and clarifying fact. After being asked questions and answering them, some have felt I have invaded your site, while others on the other side may view it as having been a traitor. Truth is, I take neither side and everyone has a right to their own opinions, just both sides need to refrain a bit more on commenting on speculations and looking deeper for facts.
I appreciate the chance to post here, however as I stated in a previous post, I am merely going to fade away from all of it for awhile and see where things go.
If, in the event I should ever date Kate, at least you guys got to know a little bit more about me before you throw darts at me!
Have fun with the blogs and chats.
Sincerely and politely,
Iwana Datekate
"Truth is, I take neither side and everyone has a right to their own opinions, just both sides need to refrain a bit more on commenting on speculations and looking deeper for facts"
I'll agree with that - not necessarily looking deeper for facts, because facts are always good, but so much speculation sometimes really gets under my skin. I was reading on another site where bloggers consistently post things as facts without any confirmation, and it sometimes is not only ridiculous, but preposterous.
Hello one last time. Thanks for your polite reply and casting light from your point of view.
I simply want to say here, for the record, the only reason I came here and posted here was to clarify that a link to a Youtube video that someone posted on this site was indeed not me. I was erasing speculation and clarifying fact. After being asked questions and answering them, some have felt I have invaded your site, while others on the other side may view it as having been a traitor. Truth is, I take neither side and everyone has a right to their own opinions, just both sides need to refrain a bit more on commenting on speculations and looking deeper for facts.
I appreciate the chance to post here, however as I stated in a previous post, I am merely going to fade away from all of it for awhile and see where things go.
If, in the event I should ever date Kate, at least you guys got to know a little bit more about me before you throw darts at me!
Have fun with the blogs and chats.
Sincerely and politely,
Iwana Datekate
iwanadatekate: As long as you're answering questions here, I have one more small question for you. WHY did you post a comment on the previous post here (the one from Monday, April 11th entitled "Australia Zoo Visit Discussion Thread--4/11/11") but using the name "tweetlemethis"?
You posted that comment (the last one on that post) on April 13th at 4:40pm. That was your first post on this blog, and then you came into this post with your "iwanadatekate" name and posted comments at 1 am on April 15th.
So, what's the game you're playing? And, don't even think about denying the duplicity because you have far too many tells in your posts. I know that those posts are by the same person.
iwanadatekate said...Auntie Ann I was asked "sincerely" to please reply to Bubbles questions. Someone one this site "truly" wanted my point of view. I answered. Not here to prove anything, was answering a question.
Thanks. I have no idea whether or not you're on the level or just having fun with all of this. If it's the latter, thanks. I always appreciate a good joke. If not, good luck if you ever do get a date with Kate. You're going to need it. I mean that sincerely.
Iwanadatekate said . . .
People complain about Kate getting mani's and tanning. She is not alone. I see many single mothers buying things for themselves, heck, I buy things for myself...I've earned it...Don't you? Not all of the dollars that I earn are spent on the kids.
Hello Iwana. Your words here cut right to the heart of why so many find fault with the object of your desire. You talk about spending the dollars "you" have earned. Well, therein lies the rub. Kate has very slyly bypassed that pesky issue of her having to work by selling her children's privacy and putting THEM to work to earn her a luxurious living. She is spending the money her CHILDREN have earned.
Good luck in your attempts to date Kate. I'm sure if you meet her it will end up being a very positive experience, and you will find her to be witty, kind, gracious, selfless and appreciative of all she has.
Part 2 of 2....
7. Kate has a sense of entitlement that stems back to before the tups were even born. She expects others to pay her way. It is well documented and she proves this every day now on her Twitter page. She's asking her fans to beg TLC to send her back to Australia and told the nice gentlemen who is trying to arrange a trip to Space Camp for the twins to contact "her people". God forbid Kate ever take her kids on a trip that wasn't paid for by someone else.
8. Kate is hanging on to this free ride with every fake fingernail on her hands. Her head is spinning right now because she is losing her grip on it. She is trying desperately to be everything she is not. She is trying to undo the image of her own self destruction which is nasty, greedy, and entitled. One day she is feeding the hungry and actually bought 8 lunches for the needy. The next day she is saying she wants to help save the koalas but almost 5 months later still hasn't come up with a plan. I'm sure she's trying to figure it out without having to spend a dime of her own money. Kate can try as hard as she wants to be what she thinks others want her to be but the reality of it is she can't be. She will never be a nice person unless you are giving her something she wants. Hence, Twittering to her fans. She never gave her fans the time of day until now unless she was trying to sell a book or something else. She needs them now. She made a lot of money in the past portraying herself as a Christian mother. I have seen several people on Twitter ask her if she takes the kids to church. She has not replied to one of them. Right now church equals no money so she doesn't go. She probably will start now though because in her mind it might help her keep her show.
9. She has put her own wants above her children and husband. Kate made enough money long ago to raise her kids comfortably by also going back to work even just part time but it's not enough for her. I have no problem with someone trying to do better for themselves but leave the kids out of it. Do you really think these trips are fun for the kids when they are being filmed and told every move to make? Kate wants a life full of luxury but is using her kids to gain it.
I could go on and on but am getting too tired and have to work tomorrow. You see I have always worked very hard and I was even a single mother so her crying around about that doesn't do a whole lot for me. You seem like a very nice guy and if dating Kate is something you think you want to do I hope your dreams come true. Nice guys are definitely her type, guys who don't put themselves first and cater to her every whim. All I have to say to you is if it does ever materialize Good Luck. You're going to need it.
Part 1 and 2 reads like a very long closing argument in the case for dating Kate. I don't understand the need to do that. Why come here to explain yourself at such length to people who are obviously biased against a woman who has given us a plethora of reasons to criticize her behavior? Our opinion shouldn't matter to you if you are earnestly pursuing Kate. It leaves a lot of room for skepticism of your intentions.
Bubbles and Admin.
Since you asked politely, I will answer your questions the best I can. What do I see in Kate that makes me attracted to her? We all have flaws and so do our partners. I am short of perfect myself and am the first to admit it. I find Kate physically attractive, of course, as she tries to take care of herself and her appearance. She is a very beautiful woman (cosmetics, makeup, etc...don't most women wear makeup and get their hair done??)and everybody has their "type" that they find attractive; physically, emotionally, and so on. Just as your partner or spouse was an attraction to you, Kate is attractive to me. Maybe some people don't find your hubby attractive, but that did'nt stop you. I also am attracted to her outgoing personality and her willingness to persevere. I was married to a woman for 19 years that had a very similar personality and I understood and was compatible with her.
As far as your other "observations" go about Kate and her closeness with others, well, that's the chance I have to take, I guess? I feel if you treat someone with respect and dignity, you should expect that in return. Perhaps Ms. G. has not ever had that chemistry with some people in her life? I don't know and you don't know factually either.
As for the school breaks and time for the kids to chill, just what I see, the kids seem to have plenty of time being kids and playing. The trips you can view either way. Whenever the kids had school break time, (yes, I was married with children) we usually went on a vacation or a getaway doing fun family things together. Don't most people? I lived in a touristy area and every time there was a 3 day weekend or spring break, the cars would create traffic jams and lines at the local stores with families with children flocking to get away from where they lived to bring their children and create good times and memories away from the old daily home life. Is that so wrong for Kate to be scheduling awesome life experiences like that? Your own opinion is yours to keep, but look in your own backyard or neighborhood and see if people purposely stay at home and watch the kids run in the yard all weekend long rather than doing something fun together for the whole family out of town.
Yes, the economy is putting a huge damper on all of that, but you get my point. (cont.)
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