Aw, Mady loved the Australia Zoo. At least the kids seemed to like this trip despite being pulled out of school and taken away from their Daddy on his visitation time. I think my heart would really be breaking for them, way more than it is already, if they were miserable.
I finally got an HD box for my led, and yea, now I can see every sun-tanned pore on Kate‘s sun-bleached face. In case you’ve been living under an organic rock, Kate got a Twitter account this week. Oh, and it’s really her. Even if it weren’t Twitter verified you would only have to read it to see that. This woman has Diarrhea of the Twitter--no, wait, Amoebic Dysentery of the Twitter, and of the over 650 tweets she has tapped out in just seven days, many of which could have put herself and the children in very grave danger (yes you read that right, it is up to 650 already), one of them was a confirmation she does indeed use tanning beds, and not the much safer spray tanning, because, allegedly, she is allergic. I feel sorry that Dorian Gray was not happy with her skin before, because I‘m not gonna lie, it was beautiful--generally clear, peaches and cream, soft complexion. The irony of having all this money is she is on track to end up looking worse for it in the end. Karma, justice, whatever you want to call that.
I suck at Math but bear with me while I do a little bit of pluses and minuses for a second. Okay, 650 tweets is about 92 a day, or assuming a 16 hour day, one tweet an average of every 10.4 minutes! All the birds in PA couldn’t compete.
Kate goes on about how they’ve been talking for years about meeting the Irwins and going to their zoo. Translation: She’s been holding out for this freebie longer than she would have liked.
They meet up with Terri and little Robert Irwin, who by the way is adorable and the spitting image of Steve. It was nice of Terri to learn all the kids’ names before they met. I haven’t really seen much of her since the good ole days of Animal Planet, she has aged quite a bit. But at least she looks natural. You have to hand it to her, she never really went Hollywood with her looks. Very little makeup, keep the hair simple, khaki shirts. I love how when Kate and Terri shake hands, Terri says, “Hello, I’m Terri.” Like she needs an introduction. Of course Kate just says, “Hi.” Ha! I appreciate Terri’s humility, all celebs should have some of it.
Where is Bindi you might ask, Australia‘s favorite exploited child? At school? No. Out with a friend? Negative. Why, she’s working of course! She’s getting ready for her Jungle Girls show.
Robert catches a little water dragon for the kids to see. It is uncanny the way Robert sneaks up on it, he is just like Steve right down to the way he crouches down and plants his feet.
They arrive at the croc show and there’s Bindi out there performing, channeling Miley Cirus. She is unnaturally enthusiastic, like she has spent her entire life being told to go big or go home. It’s a bit creepy that this is what she does every day for a living, this little teeny bop dance number. She is a child. A teen now, who should be with other teens doing teen things. Kate says some really nice things about Robert and Bindi, like how loving and well behaved they are. True, they do seem like nice kids. A bit too minion-like for my taste, but nice kids.
Terri justifies exploiting her kids by saying that it is good to give the kids public speaking skills and the gift of not being afraid of the camera. No, she really calls it a gift. Haha! Is she for real here? Terri? Kids can get public speaking skills in a variety of other ways that don’t involve sel

Kate thinks she has a lot in common with Terri Irwin. I think so, too, but not in the way Kate is thinking. I really resent the fact that Kate says they are both single moms. The Irwins don’t have a dad, their dad is dead. But Jon is around and actively involved in his kids’ lives and was supposed to be having his holiday visit right at that very moment, except Kate made sure that didn‘t happen. It is not the same by any means and it‘s insulting to Jon to portray it as such.
Terri goes down into the croc pit with Robert and Bindi. All I can say is I completely and utterly disagree with Bindi being allowed to get right in there and feed the crocs at her young age. It is a scientific fact that a teenage brain is not able to fully assess the risks of a situation, or react appropriately to that risk. Hence lots of car accidents. I’m sure Bindi has all the good intentions in the world, but her brain is not yet developed enough to keep her completely safe, which is not her fault, but that is what parents are supposed to be for, to guide her until her brain catches up. Sigh.
Coming up, more zoo. Yawn. It’s raining now, serious pouring rain. The zoo is basically abandoned, but production is on a tight schedule so they throw a bunch of Australia Zoo slickers and boots on the kids and press on. Huh, oddly enough, Kate isn’t throwing a fit, complaining that she has nineteen layers on and is still soaked, and so on. In fact, she looks very happy. How can this be, you ask? Simple. Because it’s just demure, quiet little Terri who is perfectly content to let Kate be the star. She is used to playing second fiddle to Steve, riding shotgun is her personality. I think Terri knows exactly how to handle this woman so that they have a nice, peaceful day of production, I give her credit.
They try to feed kangaroos but they keep hopping off. Maybe the roos are just trying to find shelter and thinking how stupid the humans are for not doing the same. This has nothing to do with Kate but I really hate zoos, I have for years. I haven’t been to a zoo since I was a child, they make me cry. I hate how scared the kangaroos look to be swarmed by these kids, or any kids.
Oh my God, Aaden has a leech on his leg. Pass the salt! At home in the background is Kate’s child exploitation book I Just Want You to Know, as she explains this crisis. The cool zookeeper helps get it off the poor little guy, and then turns it into a learning experience by showing it to the rest of the kids. I like adults like that, adults who know how to make the best out of dicey moments. I guess Aaden is really at the bottom of the food chain, with both that leech and Kate sucking him dry.
They meet Bindi, and Hanna is really into her, she says she has a Bindi doll that looks just like her. There are Bindi dolls?? Ugh. I love this quote from the White House when someone tried to make Obama girl dolls: "We believe it is inappropriate to use young, private citizens for marketing purposes." Absolutely. I almost want to change parties just because of that. Ha, yeah right. But they are right about that, of course.
They watch someone feed a tiger. Kate goes off alone with Terri to pet a tiger up close. He is cute, but sorry, I find this very dangerous. The fact that the kids can’t come along for this is proof it’s dangerous. Bindi is good with the kids, holding their hands and asking lots of good questions like what their favorite animal is. She does seem like a nice girl and I feel bad for her the way she‘s essentially been groomed since babyhood for one kind of life and one only. Everyone calls it overbearing and constrictive and domineering when a father who is a doctor will only allow his child to prepare for medical school, but with Bindi and Robert it’s all fun and games and chuckles to prepare to run the zoo. It’s the same darn thing.
Kate saves some tiger fur from her hand in a plastic bag. That’s an interesting memento. She couldn’t just take a picture? Maybe the flash would have made him eat her?
We’re back, and it’s still pouring. They meet a variety of other animals including dingos. Aaden says the dingos eat chicken. I’m guessing they didn’t tell him about the baby. Kate gets to hold a koala. A teacher of mine went to Australia and she said this is similar to holding a sixteen-month old and is really cool. Actually I don’t blame Kate for crying, this is special. I still feel like he should not be in a zoo, but oh well. The twins get to hold them, too, and adore it. Mady is on the couch explaining this all by herself, Cara is nowhere to be found again. Kate says at that moment she knew she needed to do something to save the koalas. Kate, you need to do something to save your kids, for starters.
They all pose for a picture and Terri wants to just hurry it along. Most people naturally want to hurry along pictures, but Kate takes this as they are kindred spirits, as she likes to hurry along photos, too!
I don’t like people who force friendships. Who search high and low for the slightest little thing in common, like look, we both have two thumbs! A mouth! Teeth! Just to try to get in there good with a person and force the friendship. If you are indeed alike, the friendship will happen naturally, just relax. Kate wouldn’t give a hoot about Terri anyway if Terri weren’t very famous. Actually I take that back, if Terri weren’t famous but had a twitter account and flattered Kate, Kate might give a hoot.
We’re back and I think the editors messed up because the first few seconds were cut off. Ha. I can almost picture the editing intern doing sort of a “f--- it” to that and moving on. Some guy named Lance claiming to be Steve’s best friend shows them an iguana and has to really coax Kate to touch it. She does, complaining that he is cold. That’s because he is cold-blooded, Kate. He’s probably thinking you are hot.
The rain is even worse than before. It’s coming down in literal sheets. This is one long trip to the zoo and maybe it‘s time to call it a day, especially with the horrible weather. But you know, you can‘t be sure you have enough footage yet, so they press on. They help prepare food for the animals and you can tell Cara is really over this now. Kate as usual is trying to micromanage, this time Mady and Cara’s meatloaf. “You do everything for me,” Cara snaps vilely. She is really mad here. Kate of course blames this on her independence and not on Kate being overbearing and annoying. “Mommy, can’t you help the little kids?” Cara pleads. Mercifully Kate backs off a bit.
A porcupine, some elephants, I think this is enough already, really. I mean you want to leave something to the imagination if people are thinking about visiting this place at some point. Even the little kids are allowed to brush the elephants all up close and groom their toe nails. Maybe I’m a worry-wart and watch too much news, but aren’t elephants super dangerous, too? Just last January a zookeeper was killed by an elephant in Knoxville after he pushed her. I hate to say it but something is bound to happen at this zoo eventually if they allow kids to interact this closely with the animals all the time. The zoo is already facing serious financial trouble, an injury or heaven forbid even a death would really do it in. There is a reason for the word wild in wild animals.
Commercial and we’re back. Kate wants to feed a crocodile. I get the idea that she wants to do anything that will be something good to brag about later--I fed a crocodile, I held a koala, and so on. She is chomping on gum and telling Lance she’s serious. At least the crocodile won’t be offended by bad breath.
What’s the difference between a crocodile and an alligator, someone from production asks Leah. I don’t know, she says as she walks away. Well, glad they children are learning something on this trip. "Travel is knowlege," as Kate tweeted the other day.
It’s all very dramatic but in the end Kate feeds the croc, runs out of there, and lives to tweet again. “Isn’t she scared to do everything?” Mady says saucily on the couch. Ha.
Oh, no! Poor Aaden is crying. He is very upset. This really scared him. The camera gets all up in his face to capture every moment of this. Kate thinks this is cool that he was so glad she was all right. What? He’s crying! This is cool? I can see maybe she was moved, or touched, but it’s cool? Weirdo. Let’s see, what can the family feed next? I know, a tortoise!
They head to the on-site animal hospital. Oh, there is a poor little mommy koala who got hit by a car. This is the kind of work with animals that I think is really great, much better than caging animals just for our enjoyment. Kate gets to hold a baby koala. You know for a trip to something so kids’-oriented, Kate is sure the one getting to do the vast majority of stuff here. Cara really liked this part, she even does a little interview on the couch about this. Robert in his adorable Australian accent explains all about the turtles there. He is a very bright little guy.
They watch a koala baby crawl back into his mother’s pouch, which I have never seen before in my life. Okay, this is actually very amazing to watch, it looks like reverse childbirth almost. Kate controls her screeching and screaming, thank God. “Terri, how can you not scream?” she asks. I don’t think Terri is a screamer in the first place. Not everyone is, Kate. But Terri says wryly, “I’ve been trained not to scream.” The nice doctors allow the family to name the baby. Of course Kate gets to decide on the name, Honey. The name is fine, but couldn’t the kids pick? The adorable koala bear clutches a warm water bottle, it really is sweet.
Bindi gives the kids khaki shirts with their names on them and they take a cute picture. I can’t believe they did an entire episode on one zoo. Kate is already scheming and calculating her next trip, trying to arrange something with Terri for Steve Irwin Day next November. Terri actually falls for Kate promising how dedicated she is going to be now to koala conservation and help with this for all time to come. Like most anything else, a narcissist will lose interest in such a thing after a few months, even weeks, just wait.
Kate says, cryptically, she wrote an email while she was there, “Thank you so much for allowing this trip, it was awesome!” Huh? An e-mail to whom? Jon? The judge? Her lawyer? How bizarre was that statement! And it was yet another backhanded slam at Jon, how could you not want me and the kids to experience such an awesome, fun trip?! Again, Kate, because he doesn’t want the kids exploited. This is not hard.
Lest Kate thinks she is the only mother in the world to ever be criticized for exploiting her kids, or the only mother to ever be “targeted” by a politician, let me introduce her to Bill Heffernan. Heffernan, the Australian version of PA’s Rep. Murt., who is a senator from the state of New South Whales, said this about Bindi: “Every child deserves their childhood, and your childhood is one of those touchstones of your life, but there's a real danger that that kid is going to be exploited. There's a very strong suggestion that there's this artificial environment being built around her for a commercial purpose and she's not in a position to make that decision by herself.”
And Queensland University of Technology professor Annah Healy had this to say: “All children need to be able to explore other avenues. That includes things like boredom and not getting what you want and other experiences in which she's not going to be a star.”
But what awful person would ever want a child to be bored or not get what they want? You know, I guess if one can’t understand why a child needs to sometimes experience boredom and not getting what they want just as much as it’s nice to experience an awesome trip, they’ll never get it. And, Kate would be in that group. The not getting it group.
Next week, they’re headed to Steve‘s homeland, New Zealand! And guess what? The preview shows the paparazzi swarming the kids creepily and cursing around them, so bad that it is bleeped out, and the kids look scared. Nice. And Jon is the mean irrational one for wanting to stop this trip? Get it, Kate? That is why Jon is sick of this. Not because he doesn’t want you to have wonderful trips. Go back to tweeting away with everyone who continues to support this pilfering.
407 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 407 Newer› Newest»Thanks for the recap, Admin. Good job. I planned to watch it but decided to regrout my bathtub instead.
Makes you wonder how the sheeple can sit through these episodes.
Thank you for the expedited recap!
I do go to zoos, particularly the National Zoo in DC, which I support for many reasons. I agree with your feelings of conflict. I feel them too.
I too was shocked that Kate and the kids were allowed in croc enclosures, tiger petting and elephant direct encounters. You never, ever, ever assume that you are safe. In fact, at the National Zoo, and many others, even the professional handlers to not have direct contact with the elephants. The liability is staggering.
So many are upset that Kate let Cara do the sky jump. Surprisingly, I'm not. It's a controlled environment with (I assume) redundancy in safety systems. But a wild animal? Just think about Siegfried (or was it Roy?) who was nearly mauled to death by a much beloved tiger. Or watch an elephant crush a handler with its head, or toss him/her like a ragdoll.
They're wild animals, not you dog.
I think it will be telling if the viewing numbers are not bumped up for this episode. I mean, baby animals? Come on! If you can't lure with cute, fuzzy, little babies, what else is there!
ps...feel sorry that the little boy was so scared that Kate was in the croc pen feeding it.
Looks like someone just stepped up the stupid. Eating disorders for all! (sheeple disclaimer--that was sarcasm. We hope and pray that these poor kids never do develop eating disorders but hey, it's not like we understand anything about traumatic experiences and encounters with narcissists and how they can damage a child's psyche for years to come. Oh, wait, yes we do.)
Excellent recap, as per usual.
Halfway through reading this (and thanks again for the re-cap, we all owe a bottle of something I think), I am struck by the fact that they have traveled all the way to Australia, spent what, two weeks there and in New Zealand and here we have an infomercial, a one hour informercial, for the Irwins and their zoo. At the end of the day it's another zoo.
That was the dumbest episode I've ever seen. Yes, I DVR'd it (I know, I know) but ended up fast-forwarding through most of it. At the beginning (season 1-2), I was a sheeple but thankfully I've seen through all of her b.s. She's out of control---and this fake mommy act she has going on.....YUCK!!! Can't her fans see through that!
Great recap! I'm surprised and kind of disgusted about the Bindi Dolls. I hope Khate and TLC aren't thinking of making a line of Gosselin Dolls now. That would just be WAY too weird.
Recap: Some guy named Lance claiming to be Steve’s best friend shows them an iguana and has to really coax Kate to touch it. She does, complaining that he is cold. That’s because he is cold-blooded, Kate. He’s probably thinking you are hot.
If he thinks Kate is hot, he needs glasses.
Thanks, admin. Sorry you had to do that. We do owe you a bottle. Any particular brand?
I haven't watched the show since the divorce, but read the recaps because they were amusing. No offense to Admin, but the recaps aren't even amusing anymore. It just seems like there isn't any vaguely entertaining material for Admin to work with when recapping.
On another note, has anyone seen if anyone has tweeted Kate asking what the status of "Twist of Kate" is?
Are the ratings out for this episode yet?? Just curious if they are up or down from last weeks episode.
I broke the cycle of abuse. I didn't even think of Kate last evening. I watched DWTS, then watched the show afterward, fell asleep. Know why?
The show last week was so boring, now all about Kate, Kate, Kate. She is not TV worthy. That photo you have posted above with Kate and the lightbulb over her head. Look at poor Collin sitting next to her. I'll bet she has that kid so drugged up, he just stares into space. Cause we know she would never spend time working with her children. Never. Too busy making money, coming up with more ways to sell those kids and everything about them. Very sad.
Yes, I feel good about breaking the cycle of abuse. That is what it is like watching Kate. abusing myself.
Moose Mania said... Recap: Some guy named Lance claiming to be Steve’s best friend shows them an iguana and has to really coax Kate to touch it. She does, complaining that he is cold. That’s because he is cold-blooded, Kate. He’s probably thinking you are hot.
If he thinks Kate is hot, he needs glasses.
Thanks, admin. Sorry you had to do that. We do owe you a bottle. Any particular brand?
April 12, 2011 10:08 AM
That guy's name is Wes, not Lance. Wes is ( was ) Steve's best friend and he is married with children.
I think Kate thought he was crushing on her. HA!
Thanks Admin, I couldn't agree more about the insanity of allowing the kids in the animal enclosures. Anyone know where this episode is online? haven't been able to find it on YouTube, thanks!
Bless your sweet heart, Administrator.
Thank you for bravely risking brain damage watching that crap, and for wasting(I mean)taking your valuable time & effort to do all this.
You shouldn't have...
Kinda OT/Last Thread - I think what makes this Twitter a little confusing (for me anyway) is reading something that starts with "@".
In a "txt" based world I guess someone who still remembers 8-Tracks and Roller SkateLand Pin Ball on Friday is allowed some room for confusion, "lol"
Admin said...
I really hate zoos, I have for years. I haven’t been to a zoo since I was a child, they make me cry. I hate how scared the kangaroos look to be swarmed by these kids, or any kids...(etc)
I never cried, but I feel the same. Zoos are horrible, I have never taken my son. My mom insisted on taking my son & I refused to go. She was pissed at me for not going & "experiencing this moment" w/ my child, but she respected my thoughts about it. Animals should NOT be caged up so people can stare & gawk at them all day. They are wild effing animals, & should be able to roam free. I can see an animal who is born in captivity & needs to be taught, or animal sanctuaries, BUT still, grrrr. And do not get me started on animals performing, like whales & dolphins & such. It irks the hell out of me. *off my soap box*
This show seemed so...LAME. Thank you for the recap Admin. How you sat through this shit is beyond me. Another frigin zoo, & now this whole aiding koala bears thing. And Kate names the animal? She didn't let her kids name it, just like the dogs? Selfish witch. And when her son (which one?) was crying because he was scared for Kate, she thought it was 'cool'. HUH? And now, as Admin said, kate will have yet another reason to keep filming; so the kids will be good public speakers. Yes indeed. That is just so important for kids under, oh, I don't know, 25. Don't ya know they all have to stand up at that podium & make public speeches about world events?
This show is such a fail at this point, I cannot believe TLC still has it on the air & STILL has faith in her. How much screen time did the kids even get Admin? It's still called Kate+8 right? Or is it Kate+Kate+jugs+chomp+uh+um+duh+tweetme! She's sinking faster than a stone. Hallelujah! Our day has come fellow bloggers...I'm gonna go do some yoga now & walk my doggy, the one my whole family named, including my son! :)
Thanks Admin. I'd send you a bottle of something too but I drank it myself after I read the recap.
My, how things have changed. She screamed her lungs out at Discovery Cove when they spotted a gator from the hydroboat. Now she's inside a crocodile pen? Please.
Tuckers Mom-- ITA about interacting too closely with wild animals. How did Steve Irwin die again??
Thanks Admin. for the re-cap. You deserve a medal for what you put yourself through for us!! I can't imagine anything more boring than an hour of "zoo". No "amazing" in this episode? It seems 'amazing' is her favourite word. I can't believe she does all this twittering herself; TLC must have an army of twitterers (is that even a word) twitting on her behalf.
Be Glad said, "Look at poor Collin sitting next to her. I'll bet she has that kid so drugged up, he just stares into space"
Is that Joel or Collin? He's looking at something straight ahead of him. How can one tell from just one photo that he's "drugged up?" He's not staring into space - his attention is focused on something or someone. Why would she "drug up" her son if he is supposed to be wide-eyed and bushy-tailed on a film shoot? Let's not over-analyze one photo, and accuse her of something like that. She is what she is, but there's no proof that she's doping her children.
Admin, I agree with the pathetic interpretation of Jackie. When I read some of the preview comments, critics weren't too kind to her, but I had no idea how bad it really was!
Our day has come fellow bloggers...I'm gonna go do some yoga now & walk my doggy, the one my whole family named, including my son! :)
LOL, Hippie! Our kids named all of our animals, too, with the exception of one. I put my foot down when my four-year-old wanted to name our white female Persian kitten, "Victor."
Don't ask...I couldn't figure it out, either. The child is normal in every other way!
Tuckers Mom-- ITA about interacting too closely with wild animals. How did Steve Irwin die again??
Yes, but Auntie, he died doing what he loved. Maybe if he loved it a little bit less, Bindi and Robert would still have their father.
Troy said,
In a "txt" based world I guess someone who still remembers 8-Tracks and Roller SkateLand Pin Ball on Friday is allowed some room for confusion, "lol"
I'm slowly starting to figure it out, but by the time I do, Kate will have stopped twatting! Question for you Twitter geeks. Someone named Goody made some really nasty, and potentially threatening comments to another Twitterer (is that the word?). Does Twitter have a Terms of Use? If it's reported, is action taken, or are there so many incidents such as this that Twitter doesn't even bother?
Okay, gotta confess...I was "going" to watch last night because I wanted to see the Koalas. I woke up at 1:30 or 2:30 a.m. with TLC still on, realizing I had not made it through even the FIRST FIVE minutes of the show before dozing off. Really held my interest, huh! (Thanks for the recap, Adm.)
Admin, thanks for the recap and for suffering through this lame crap. Uuugh, it was painful to even read because I could picture most of it in my head (again, that's because you do such a great job, Admin!)
So, I wasn't aware of the latest happenings with Bindi. I just know that I was really turned off after her father's death when I saw her mother marketing her like crazy. So, are you saying the Irwin kids do not go to school and that Bindi performs a stage show at the zoo every day? Sheesh, it’s like being part of a circus, if you ask me. (Oh, I said "sheesh", I guess I should have said "geese" as that dumbass Khate said on Twitter the other day).
The croc feeding thing sounds ridiculous. It’s always about screaming idiot Khate, isn’t it? I can’t believe they focused on her son crying. As a mother of a son just a bit older, I can safely say that any seven year old by who is depicted crying his eyes out on tv (for whatever reason) is bound to find it completely embarrassing and humiliating for anyone to see that, especially his school mates. Nice way to protect your kids, Khate, you a**hole! (Sorry, but she really ticks me the eff off!).
And, yes, she was on Twitter last night pushing for a chance to go back to Australia in the fall. Hey Khate, you know what? I have a really novel idea! How about FOR ONCE IN YOUR FRIGGING LIFE, you actually plan a vacation somewhere with your kids and just do it for REAL, a real, PRIVATE family vacation? I know that will mean that you will actually have to plan it, pay for it, and hire the many “helpers” to go along with you, but you certainly have enough time on your hands to plan it, as we can see by your Twitter escapades, and you surely have more than enough money for a REAL family vacation.
Oh, wow, what am I thinking? This is a person who couldn’t even take her kids for the day to NYC and the Statue of Liberty once the TLC filming was halted. Nope, she had to wait for the chance to have TLC arrange it, pay for it and film it. Oh, and let’s not forget – PAY her to do it! I am so disgusted by this witch, I really am. Poor kids.
Yes, but Auntie, he died doing what he loved. Maybe if he loved it a little bit less, Bindi and Robert would still have their father.
E-town -- my point exactly.
Maybe if Kate loved exposing her kids to the public as much as she does a little less, their father might still be living with them too.
Rick Steves takes me on wonderful tours of Europe on PBS. If Rick wanted to show me Australia, I would be glued to my TV set. Kate Gosselin? Not so much. She ruins
everything for me. Even a koala bear seems less
adorable to me when she's go hold of it.
Could not watch.
Kate saves some tiger fur from her hand in a plastic bag. That’s an interesting memento. She couldn’t just take a picture? Maybe the flash would have made him eat her?
I'm sure the bag of tiger fur will end up in the basement or garage along with the pine cones.
Wes was Steve Irwin's best friend. I think that some are confusing him with Stevel bobbyguard.
Bindi Irwin is much better off than the G8, at least she has a distinction between "work" and "life" even if no one agrees that what she is doing is work. She isn't being followed around by creepy camera men and filmed while toilet training. She does a show, publicity then goes home, not to a stage set. Still not good though
I checked on my news feed on twitter with much concern about the level 7 nuclear disaster and the continuous high level after shocks in Japan and for some unknown reason looked at Khate's twitter. TLC has sanctioned her Twitter account and someone asks a question and she twits to the effect of - hello, TLC - does anyone there know, as if they could actually be monitoring all of her many, many tweets. They may have wanted her to do it but they will not be able to blast her out of there if they change their mind. Some people are starting to question how she finds the time - hello - she has a fulltime nanny and a so-called 3-1/2 day a week baby sitter. She has nothing else to do but twit and go to the consignment store, Target and Fed-Ex.
Isn't it amazing how people with the same DNA can watch the same show and see it in two distinctly different ways. I caught the tail end of it and she was so "on" I couldn't bear it. Rain - what rain? She is a terrible actress. The kids were an afterthought. She was so busy stealing scenes from them they became a captive audience for her over-the-top acting, willing to stop at nothing to take center stage. And she is all about challenging herself. Well if she had challenged herself on DWTS she could be naming her own poison right now instead resorting to Twitter to drum up ratings for Khate's Traveling One-Woman show. Bless her heart, I think she was being sincere when she said she never got to do anything like that when she was a child. Okay, well it shows.
Quote from admin "I really resent the fact that Kate says they are both single moms" I could not agree with you more! It was nine years ago April 9th that the love of my life passed on and even though he was not the biological father of my son he was his Dad. That just makes me soooo mad that anyone could think there could be a comparison.
I think they are both just looking for excuses to do things their way, not the right way.
This twit crap is, I don't even have the words...... Crazy Lady Katie, that's all I got w/o making this a 10 page post!
The parents of those kids that are posting w/ Takie Katie (if they aren't all plants) are sucky parents or need to pay attention to what they're considering role models.
I just don't see why Kate needs to be all over her 10 year old daughter's meatloaf. Is the girl incapable of cutting it herself? I don't think so. That is just really sad.
Kate was all over her 10 year old's meatloaf because the camera was on Cara/the meatloaf
Boycott TLC!!!! Free the Gosselin 8!!!!
E-town Neighbor said...
Tuckers Mom-- ITA about interacting too closely with wild animals. How did Steve Irwin die again??
Steve was snorkeling with sting rays and had his chest punctured by one sting ray's barbed tail. Sting rays are not aggressive so it was a very freak accident.
I am pleased to say I did not watch the show last night - not one quick minute, not during commercials, not passing through the channels, etc. I have been Kate free since the dream wedding/vow renewal. :)
Forgive me if this has been posted in one of the other posts already, as I'm still trying to catch up on reading the comments. But, I just stumbled across this and had to post it:
Back-to-Back Premieres of “Extreme Couponing” Watched By More Than Two Million Viewers
The debut of TLC’s Extreme Couponing (Wed, April 6, 9 and 9:30 p.m. ET/PT) paid off in big ratings, delivering an average 2.3 million total viewers (P2+), driving the network to rank #1 in all ad-supported cable in Primetime among P25-54, P18-49 and W25-54, W18-49, W18-34. Individually, the 9:30p and 9p were the #1 and #2 ad-supported cable telecasts of the night among W25-54 and W18-49 in both ratings and delivery. Extreme Couponing at 9:30p was also the #1 ad-supported cable telecast in both ratings and delivery among P18-49.
The series posted triple-digit gains among all key demos vs. the Prime average 2011 to-date and is among the top 5 programs launched in TLC history among W25-54 and W18-49 for delivery.
Ha, that was last Wednesday and it did SO much better than the much more promoted and well known season premiere of the Khate show.
silimom said...
Kate saves some tiger fur from her hand in a plastic bag. That’s an interesting memento. She couldn’t just take a picture? Maybe the flash would have made him eat her?
I'm sure the bag of tiger fur will end up in the basement or garage along with the pine cones.
Actually, when one of the sheeple tweeted Khate last night asking her if she still had the tiger fur, she replied:
I lost it somewhere in my luggage :(
The whole meatloaf thing was so ridiculous. Kate didn't want Cara to crack her egg yet and other such nonsense. What DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE? It's for the animals for cripe sake, it's not the kitchen at Wolfgang Puck's.
It's very clear she has next to nothing of an idea how to interact with these kids.
Too funny...Kate tweets she just got home from a 5K run in the rain and that Cara ran one mile w/ her and someone responds and asks her how she has time to do that when the kids are home and it's time to prepare supper and this is the kicker: Kate responds that SHE already had HER salad made before the run--NOT ONE WORD about supper for the kids. As usual, it's all about Kate. Then Kate asks how many people are watching the re-run tonight and says "Me and the kids will be watching"...uh, no, that would be "The kids and I will be watching." Forget the lack of grammar knowledge (spelled correctly by me)...she, even with her bad grammar, puts HERSELF before the kids in responding. She is such a LOSER in every respect. Gawd, she REPULSES me.
I haven't watched the show since the divorce, but read the recaps because they were amusing. No offense to Admin, but the recaps aren't even amusing anymore. It just seems like there isn't any vaguely entertaining material for Admin to work with when recapping.
I agree. That's what I said about admin's recap last week. If I'm completely bored after reading a recap, I can only imagine how much more boring it actually is to watch the entire episode.
Kudos to admin and her diligent effort to keep her readers informed about the show.
What's up with airing an ugly side of Cara, like they did with Mady in the past? Is she on her mother's bad side? Last week, it was a meltdown. This week, snapping at her mom. I don't recall ever seeing Cara mad in the past. Wasn't she the one who always helped her mom or did what she was told without complaining?
JudyK said...
Too funny...Kate tweets she just got home from a 5K run in the rain and that Cara ran one mile w/ her and someone responds and asks her how she has time to do that when the kids are home and it's time to prepare supper and this is the kicker: Kate responds that SHE already had HER salad made before the run--NOT ONE WORD about supper for the kids. As usual, it's all about Kate. Then Kate asks how many people are watching the re-run tonight and says "Me and the kids will be watching"...uh, no, that would be "The kids and I will be watching." Forget the lack of grammar knowledge (spelled correctly by me)...she, even with her bad grammar, puts HERSELF before the kids in responding. She is such a LOSER in every respect. Gawd, she REPULSES me.
I totally agree with you, JudyK. About her dinner, I see the new past time of the sheeple is to ask Khate what she's making for dinner (Zzzzzz.....). So, earlier today, she tweeted her reply:
Gr chickenceasar salads&orgsourdough bread(yes- settle down-I bought the bread!;)When we travel-kids alwys ordr themsoI'mmakingit
Well, good for her, because I really do not know many kids who love Chicken Caesar salad, and even always order it in restaurants. Especially six/seven year olds. For that matter, it's kind of hard to have ALL eight kids all like the same thing, but, hey, if they do, lucky her.
Sheesh, she’s really pimping her show, isn’t she? Earlier today, she and TLC both tweeted that the dumb show will be on again today at 7 pm. What’s funny is she said that was good because now her kids can watch it. Um, that doesn’t make sense because the other day she said she just finished watching it (and laughed and cried all over again, blah, blah, blah). So, I assume TLC sends her a DVD of the episodes before they air. Okay, then why didn’t the kids watch it with her then? Or another time on DVD? Strangely, she said it was on too late for them (10pm) last night, so now she’s glad it’s on at 7pm so they can watch it. Duh.
She tweeted this an hour ago:
Any1 into watching tonight@ 7EST for some more playbyplay live tweetingfun? Me&kids will b watching so might as well tweet.. Show of hands? about 1 hour ago via Twitterrific
So, she’s going to tweet nonsense again when it re-airs today even though she claims she'll be watching it with the kids. For crying out loud, just put down the phone/twitter and hang out with your kids!! Wasn’t last night’s sheeple lovefest enough for her?!?!
Admin, thanks for the recap. I watched Dancing with the Stars. We recorded the Being Human season finale - SyFy channel remake of a British show and it is really good! and also RuPaul's Drag Race. All of the remaining divas have skin that looks better than Ms. Kreider's, and that is even before they put on makeup!
MissyEE said...
E-town Neighbor said...
Tuckers Mom-- ITA about interacting too closely with wild animals. How did Steve Irwin die again??
I didn't say that. AuntieAnn did, and "knowing" Auntie, I'm pretty sure it was a rhetorical question!!
Maybe Aaden was crying because the crocodile DIDN'T eat her.
Just a thought.
Michelle said...
I haven't watched the show since the divorce, but read the recaps because they were amusing. No offense to Admin, but the recaps aren't even amusing anymore. It just seems like there isn't any vaguely entertaining material for Admin to work with when recapping.
On another note, has anyone seen if anyone has tweeted Kate asking what the status of "Twist of Kate" is?
Yes, someone asked in a politely snarky way and was ignored. No response from Kate. lol
silimom said...
....I'm sure the bag of tiger fur will end up in the basement or garage along with the pine cones.
Kate's been asked a couple of times if she still has the fur in tweets and she said "I lost it in luggage. We moved like 200 times during that trip." (pitiful excuse) I'm sure your theory about it's demise is spot on.
same ol' said... Kate was all over her 10 year old's meatloaf because the camera was on Cara/the meatloaf
I could be wrong, but based on Admin's recap, I took it to mean that Cara was MAKING a meatloaf for the animals to eat? I might be wrong, I dont watch this show.
"All the Kate haters out there, Kate Plus 8 was even with last week’s 0.5 adults 18-49 rating."
RATINGS for Mondays show:
Kate Plus 8 (TLC, 10pm)
- 1.214 million viewers
- 0.5/1 A18-49
Overall ratings were down for the week.
Moose said...Thanks, admin. Sorry you had to do that. We do owe you a bottle. Any particular brand?
Why, sake would be good! You know, for cooking purposes.
A couple more comments. This episode taught me virtually nothing about Australia or its animals. Sure we saw cute koalas, but did we LEARN anything about them? The most we learned was when little Robert went on an impromptu lecture about turtles that was all of maybe 20 seconds. This was not in the least bit about teaching people about Australia and it's a complete joke to imply that this was somehow educational for viewers. The "hook" they were going for with this episode was to watch the queen of freak-outs interact with animals, period.
As for the zombie look on Joel's face in the picture, there were definitely some zoned out looks on some of the kids' faces in that scene. Once the show started Kate and Terri engaged them and they perked up a little. I just interpreted it as exhaustion and nothing else. This was a huge trip, they may not even be adjusted fully to the time change yet, they've already filmed a ton of stuff for the previous episode, they knew they had hours and hours of filming left. In the pap photos Cara is off sitting by herself looking upset. She did not have a good day.
I don't expect these kids to be happy all the time, that wouldn't be normal. I just don't think it's fair that TV viewers are privy to their every last mood swing.
This is Kate's latest tweet: "I want to go back for steve Irwin day! Tell TLC to send me so we can ALL let Honey back into the wild! Go Australia zoo& wildlife warriors!"
So let me get this straight, now not only is it her full-time job to try to get TLC to pay for everything, but now she wants us to help her beg for more? My God, is ANYONE not offended by that? Here's an idea for ya Kate. Get a job, and I don't mean the job of exploiting your kids, save your own damn money, and pay for your own damn trips! We're not on this planet to help some other woman get a free trip. Crikey.
Whoever said Kate jumped over to Cara's meatloaf because the camera was on it?
DING, DING, DING, we have a winner.
You mean the meatloaf pulled a Sarah Palin?
Her numbers were down to 1.2m. 200,000 people who watched Cake Boss turned off Dunkey-face. (Shrek-speak) Such a shame....
Guys, I just skimmed the other ratings for previous eps....I think this is an ALL TIME LOW. The other lowest I have is for Gosselins Goblins and Gouls, at 1.302 million.
Somebody fact check me please.
Kate did tweet that Bindi and Robert only work during the summer when they're out of school. Not sure if that's true (considering the source)...but then considering the source, she outta take a hint. If it's true, that's a good thing.
I'd think that as a father, Steve Irwin was really hands on with his kids and his enthusiasm for the wild impacted them. They may want to carry on in his name, and that's commendable. Wonderful even. Bindi's annoying, but she's a good kid.
I love seeing the ratings go down overall but the ratings were even for 18-49. I was hoping it would go down on all accounts. Really hoping the ratings continue to slip! A show like Pawn Stars keeps kicking her show's butt and I LOVE THAT!
Ratings information of Kate Plus 8 from GWOP's "Tracking the Viewers" post:
June 6, 3. 4 million episode one
3 million episode two
July 11, 2.229 million
August 31, 1.613 million
September 6, 1.389 million
September 13, 1.415 million
September 20, 1.605 million
November 7, 1.331 million
November 28, 1.302 million
April 4, 1.306 million
April 11, 1.214 million
So Kart is exhausted from all the twittering and her ratings continue to go down. Instead of writer's cramps, she'll have twitter cramps. Who puts tiger's fur in a plastic bag to save as a souvenir? The fur was probably confiscated by a customs agent.
So let me get this straight, now not only is it her full-time job to try to get TLC to pay for everything, but now she wants us to help her beg for more? My God, is ANYONE not offended by that?
Admin, I am beyond being offended by the audacity of this woman. As I said previously, I knew it was bad, but this entire twittering carnival has just left me with a gaping jaw. Nothing much really shocks me anymore, but I have to admit, this stupidity leaves me well...stupefied!
"Why, sake would be good! You know, for cooking purposes."
Let us know when you will be making the purchase and we'll send Chris over there to get it on film, making sure the label is visible so you can put it on this blog and score cases and cases of it for free (to share with us, of course!). Ginjo sake okay?
I don't really understand the ratings, but do I see that 1/2 million ADULTS watched this (ages
18-49)? So, where did the other viewers come from - are they ages 9-17? Or are they the over 49 crowd? I need some enlightenment.
RATINGS for Mondays show:
Kate Plus 8 (TLC, 10pm)
- 1.214 million viewers
- 0.5/1 A18-49
Imagine what the grocery shopping episode will bring, if Australia couldn't raise the ratings!
Why can't Kate run during the day when the kids are in school? At least Cara ran with her for 1 of her 5 miles. Who was watching the kids while she was out running, the teenage babysitter?
"Twas disorganized busy day that caused it to b so late& I had my salad made2eat as soon as we got home..Fed&ran! Whew!I'mhungry!"
"Really? You are able to get out for a run when they are all home and supper needs to be prepared? You ARE a supermom."
"Soaking wet from my lovely 5+ run in the rain! Cara ran a mile of it with me! Goooo Cara!!!"
Then she started talking about Cara's activities. Hey Kate -- maybe you should ask your kids if they want the world to know they've joined a club and maybe it's not a good thing for people to know she's out running!!! I wonder if that tweet will be deleted like the other ones were about the kids' activities.
natchenard to Kateplusmy8 "my 8 yrs old daughter joined a club @ school "girls on the run", she ran 2.5km yesterday"
and Kate's reply: "yes Cara is doing that as well".
Who knew Kate was an EMT too; can you picure her managing an emergency?
"I tool that in high school and became an emt too! Loved it!"
"All the Kate haters out there, Kate Plus 8 was even with last week’s 0.5 adults 18-49 rating."
This guy loves to tweak her statistics, just to her advantage.
Last week he said that her show was #5 in TLC's list, based on viewership.
Now, he points to her show's demographic.
What will it be next week? The #1 reality show based in New Zealand?!
Give it a break already.
Numbers speak for themselves...and they're saying that Kate Plus 8 is losing viewers.
Bubbles, the non-blogger ID one said... Maybe Aaden was crying because the crocodile DIDN'T eat her.
Just a thought.
LOL. I had the same thought. Oops, now we'll be branded by the sheeple as evil, horrible people.
If Kate is trying to say Bindi and Robert go to school she's lying. They are homeschooled so they can WORK THEIR CHILDHOODS AWAY. They have a teacher come right to the zoo! It is a known fact from TERRI'S MOUTH HERSELF that Bindi and Robet are homeschooled. She said she tried sending Bindi to preschool and she cried. Well, maybe because she lives in a bubble and you never properly socialized her, Terri.
Terri again confirmed in 2009 the kids are homeschooled, on Brisbane ABC radio.
Kate is LYING. Or misinformed. If you don't know, why just make up stuff?
I should add I have nothing against homeschooling, except when you've isolated your child from the real world their entire lives just to make money off them, and you are using homeschooling not because you really believe in it one way or the other, but it allows you to continue to make as much money as possible. It's the intent behind it.
I agree, it is just spin. Yes demographics are somewhat relevant, yes ranks are somewhat relevant, but when it comes down to it, the overall number is FALLING and networks aren't going to ignore that, not completely anyway.
The general thought is that it will need to fall below one million for cancellation to be a possibility. We're really getting there now. Only .2 to go.
Kate's a certified EMT? Well there you go how about that job? Don't they make a decent money? I bet she could even work out a part time deal.
Kate does NOT need to exploit these kids, she is perfectly skilled to do something that will contribute to society.
I suppose that's what Kate was trying to say then. And, I considered the source...a lying shrew that pimps her own children. But it was ironic to see her try to "defend" Terri but not her own kids. They have to work year-round.
Her ratings are going to continue to drop. I'm thinking alot of people watched this episode more to see the Irwins than Kate. The NZ episode might be around the same ratings, but after that it's all down hill
Ratings last week were 1.3 and this week 1.21. I'm encouraged by the trend. :O)
This is Kate's latest tweet: "I want to go back for steve Irwin day! Tell TLC to send me so we can ALL let Honey back into the wild! Go Australia zoo& wildlife warriors!"
So let me get this straight, now not only is it her full-time job to try to get TLC to pay for everything, but now she wants us to help her beg for more?
If Kate truly wants to save the koalas, then she could, with her share of the family's salary, sponsor/adopt Honey to give the zoo funds to release it back into the wild!
I'm confused on this Honey situation. Is Honey a wild koala, part of a breeding program that releases koalas back into the wild, or was she just born at the zoo's hospital and will become a part of the zoo's koala attraction?
Kristin Davis adopted an orphan elephant after she went on a safari. She didn't do it for the fame or to get a free trip back to Kenya.
Many celebrities join these special causes out of the goodness of their heart, not for the fame and freebies. They use their fame to bring much-needed awareness and funding to support these organizations that are trying to do some good in our world.
Kate, why don't you tweet to your fans about ways they can sponsor/support koalas instead of starting some rally to get another free trip out of TLC! Wildlife warrior, you are not!
It is interesting she said 'me' instead of 'us'. It doesn't look good (for the show's future) if she now has to beg her fans to tell TLC to give her a trip. Guess TLC won't give into all of Kate's demands these days. Tick tock...
It is quite hysterical Kate defending the Irwins when she herself pulled the kids out of school.
And are we supposed to be reassured by the fact that whenever the Irwins are not in school they are working? I find that disturbing, not reassuring. When exactly is their vacation?
Well - she tweeted that Cara runs at school. Nice going, Kate. Now every pervert (or pap) who knows where the school is can get the schedule, and wait and watch for her to run.
Is there no limit to what she will divulge to anyone who will listen? Is nothing sacred or private anymore? Jon - I hope you are taking copious notes!
Awww. She's went to bed early. Poor sheeple.
Question...How do you have a fun filled day with your 8 lovelies when you've been tweeting all day? (about 100 tweets)
Where did she squeeze in the "fun"?
She's went ??
Administrator said...
You mean the meatloaf pulled a Sarah Palin?
LOL! Admin you crack me up! The narcissist can't stand even a meatloaf getting more attention.
I still have no idea how I should help save the koalas. No address to send checks, no schedule of upcoming events, no list of charities that help out. At the very list give me a web site to check out!
Red's not about saving anything, it's about more free trips.
I really think I am going to be ill....
"saying GN early tonight.I'mexhausted&I hav notherfunfilledday with my8lovelies tom. GN all 6378 of my faithful friends! Ifeelsoloved!Thanku!"
Along with these 6378 friends, she a total of 6379!
Well, this twitter makes me think there really is nothing there with Steve after all. She hasn't put down her phone long enough to even take a few secret calls from him. If there is something, she's not being a very good gf!
Well blow me over with a hairdryer. I had no idea that High Schools were churning out EMT's.
Where I live, in rural/small town America, a HS
diploma plus hours of training are required to even apply for an EMT job. I never heard of
EMT courses in high school. Would you trust your loved ones to a High Schooler to make those important decisions EMT's have to make?
Maybe Kate meant she took a class in Egotistical Me Trip.
Terri Irwin will invite Kart back to Australia when Sarah and Todd Palin invite her back to go camping with their family in Alaska.
This manic twittering nonsense is proof that she is totally losing her grip. When a person needs complete strangers, people she would snub her nose at in person, to be her constant source of ego boost (narcissistic supply)it's clear she is at her most desperate.
She asked her weird, childish fans to say an Amen to putting her show on at 9:00 instead of 10:00, now she's asking them to contact TLC and get her another paid gig in Australia. I think TLC is sending her a clear signal that her ship has sailed and this is her last-ditch effort to save her ass. To stay in constant contact with the fans she detests, my, she's really grasping at that last straw.
But we never expected her to go away gracefully, did we? The implosion is coming, the trainwreck is imminent, and she will go down without an ounce of dignity.
Bye, Kate. When you have to rally 12 yr olds to help you, it's pretty much over.
And I changed my mind about Steve doing her. He has seen this childish mentality up close and personal for so long, I just don't think he could do it, even in the dark, even with her mouth duct taped closed. She's so much worse than we could ever have imagined, it's almost like child exploitation to sleep with her. It's really unimaginable at this point....unless he's, blind, deaf and really, really dumb. But even a blind, deaf person could "feel" that gum-smacking. I'm sure of it.
It probably shakes the ground around her.
The hag is un-doable.
Fido said, "Well blow me over with a hairdryer. I had no idea that High Schools were churning out EMT's.
Where I live, in rural/small town America, a HS
diploma plus hours of training are required to even apply for an EMT job. I never heard of
EMT courses in high school."
Did she say she took a course in high school (as part of the curriculum)? It's possible that she took weekly evening classes, either during the school year, or after graduation. Our program here is intense, so I doubt if she ever really went beyond the basics...
Here's the link:
Question...How do you have a fun filled day with your 8 lovelies when you've been tweeting all day? (about 100 tweets)
How can you have a fun filled day with your 8 lovelies when all eight of them are in school all day?
Latest ratings, gwop, is 1.2 down from last weeks 1.3....see every little bit helps folks.
Pretty soon, her DVDs will be in the dollar store too along with her autographing them.
lol lol lol lol lol lol
The children who are still sitting in highchairs are also ordering chicken Caesar salads in restaurants? Fantasyland. And her tweets? Most middle schoolers are more intelligible. I'm actually embarrassed for her in-between the absolute anger at her incredible lack of discretion. There are no words, except yeah, Steve is not around for this.
1.214 million, huh?
I guess Kate twittering strangers failed to raise her ratings.
How soon before Kate stops twittering? Afterall, her "fans" are of no use to her anymore....
The amens, begging, using her children and others to do her begging is nothing new. Hopefully, this time around, people will just pass the basket, put nothing in it or just drop it and walk away.
So it really just is about the money/fame for Steve. In a way it would almost be better if he were doing her, he would have some kind of emotional tie to her that was out of his control. Now he's just a child exploiter enabler, and is missing out on his own children's childhoods on top of it.
For the record, when I recapped Inside Kate's World last year I said something to the effect of after seeing his interaction with her, more like a guiding force and brother, I didn't think they were doing it. Some others concurred.
I don't believe for a minute that Cara ran with Khate today. Khate is making that up to try to make us forget how hissy Cara behaved toward Khate in last night's episode.
Who knew Kate was an EMT too; can you picure her managing an emergency?
"I tool that in high school and became an emt too! Loved it!"
Cut and pasted from previous post. It sure sounds to me like it was a HS course, but who knows what Kate means?
By the way I agree completely with others, exposing where Cara is and what clubs she is in is SO DANGEROUS. It would be child's play to stalk this kid now, a simple phone call, internet search, etc. and you will know where she is.
Kate says she has security. So does the president, that doesn't mean he discloses every last move of his children because no worries, they have security. What a complete idiot. She needs protection from her own stupidity.
Oh, and the fact that neither TLC nor her publisher has stopped her from revealing her truly, deeply, unbelievably vaccuous personality, is very telling. A network that really valued her would not let her expose herself like this. I was an early 'hater' and even I'm shocked by how empty-headed and idiotic she really is. They are done with her...and she knows it. She's acting like a high school girl who got dumped and is trying way too hard to get attention, any attention, from the boy who jilted her. "Look at me!!"
It's ending fast, and she knows it. But her over-inflated ego and endless vanity are working overtime to show everyone how "wunnerful wunnerfull wunnerfull" it all is.
I always knew that she alone would be her undoing, and we're witnessing it now. Finally.
Sleep well, Kate. Don't hurt your kids.
"saying GN early tonight.I'mexhausted&I hav notherfunfilledday with my8lovelies tom. GN all 6378 of my faithful friends! Ifeelsoloved!Thanku!"
What a Moron!
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 1.214 million, huh?
I guess Kate twittering strangers failed to raise her ratings.
How soon before Kate stops twittering? Afterall, her "fans" are of no use to her anymore....
I agree it won't last. Next attempt will be to set up a webcam and face-to-face with all these adoring fans. If that doesn't work, she'll fly around the country and knock on their doors. On
TLC's dime, of course.
Kate says she has security. So does the president, that doesn't mean he discloses every last move of his children because no worries, they have security. What a complete idiot. She needs protection from her own stupidity.
Does this mean that Steve is running with Cara?
Fido said, "Cut and pasted from previous post. It sure sounds to me like it was a HS course, but who knows what Kate means?"
Mount Calvary does not have courses, nor did it have EMT courses, to certify one as an EMT.
"I don't believe for a minute that Cara ran with Khate today. Khate is making that up to try to make us forget how hissy Cara behaved toward Khate in last night's episode."
When did she tweet this? Was it after school?
Admin said, "For the record, when I recapped Inside Kate's World last year I said something to the effect of after seeing his interaction with her, more like a guiding force and brother, I didn't think they were doing it. Some others concurred."
Raising my hand here. I don't believe it, and I never did believe it for the very reasons that Admin gave.
Gosselin Gossip reported:
April 4, 1.306 million
April 11, 1.214 million
April 12, 2011 6:01 PM
Thanks, Gosselin Gossip for providing those ratings. I doubt if they can go anywhere except down from here. How many more episodes are left? Of course, there most likely will be filming over Easter break...
"Be glad to have quiet on our roads again"
Be Glad to Have Peace & Quiet on our Roads Again said...
"That photo you have posted above with Kate and the lightbulb over her head. Look at poor Collin sitting next to her"
What roads are those?
That's Joel, and he just looks tired, not drugged.
Does this mean that Steve is running with Cara?
Kate tweeted that Cara ran with her for only a portion of it.
So who ran with Cara when they split, assuming they were outside of their property?
Hopefully, Steve or another adult was with her. I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving a 10 year old girl to run by herself outside of the Gosselin property, whether or not it's in a safe community. Nowhere is completely safe these days.
This would scare the bejeesus out of me:
@Kateplusmy8 watching #kateplus8 aaden is the sweetest little boy ever I think I'm in love with him
I'm sorry. I wasn't clear on my "Steve running with Cara" question. I meant when she runs at school. That's where the danger lies.
I looked at some of the tweets and the photos that accompany them. These are kids - nothing more than babies themselves! Some are totally clueless, asking when Kate's cookbook is coming out! Tweeter - how about writing to Zondervan and asking them!
This is completely off topic but there hasn't been a good time to work it into the conversation!
I live in LA and reality shows are a dime a dozen. Just this year, we have had two separate, unrelated requests from both Dateline and 20/20 to come film. The answer from the vast majority of us was no, no, no. We don't want to expose anything to the cameras, our clients, or anyone else. No one even asked if we would get paid or anything, the answer was this is a private matter and none of their darn business, period.
Proof not everyone would do a reality show.
Nowhere is completely safe these days.
Hayden Panettiere was on Ellen today and told a story about how someone was trying to break into her house. The alarm went off, she jumped out a window and ran. The cops showed up but she said something important: A LOT CAN HAPPEN IN TWO MINUTES.
Kate is letting out WAY too much information. I don't blame victims of any crime, but it sure helps to make your life a little safer if you don't adveritise the details/whereabouts of your family's life. When is that woman going to get a clue??
I know Kate "doesn't get" math (or grammar or geography for that matter), so she won't get this but when she was screeching when she hit the 5000 twitter fan mark she was about to lose almost 100,000 viewers.
Pretty "ironical," eh, Kate?
I wonder what Plan B is?
Admin, you did a great job writing up the recap. I couldn't bring myself to finish reading. Not because of you, but because of the subject matter. It made me want to bang my head against a wall. You deserve a stiff drink after having to watch the episode. I fear for the children and I hope they can have their childhood back soon and have much needed privacy. I wish they could live with Jon instead of that beast of a person Kate!
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...
I know Kate "doesn't get" math (or grammar or geography for that matter), so she won't get this but when she was screeching when she hit the 5000 twitter fan mark she was about to lose almost 100,000 viewers.
Apparently she doesn't "get" vocabulary either, because she said, when discussing the tortoise eating the hibiscus, "Isn't that berserk?" Actually, she pronounced it BISERK. Um, Kate honey, um, honestly, um, I think you meant BIZARRE! Such a dingo, um, sorry, dingbat!
If she doesn't "get" math, how on God's green earth could she be a nurse? "Oops, sorry, doctor, I thought 50 milligrams was the same as 500 grams!"
AuntieAnn said: "Nowhere is completely safe these days."
It wasn't even safe in 1993, not even at a sleep-over. Just ask Mark Klaas.
The number of kids going missing these days is mind-boggling. That's what I just don't understand. How can Kate play around with her children's safety? We know that she threw privacy out the window a long time ago, but disclosing so much information is inexcusable.
What's it going to take to stop this? You don't compromise your child's safety for anything, let alone for the sake of tweeting with impressionable, gullible young teens (and who knows -- old men or child molesters who may be masquerading as young teens).
I had the unfortunate luck of being trapped in a friends living room while her children were watching a tivo'd Kate Plus 8. They made the comment to me that I never stopped shaking my head or closed my mouth. I was stunned by Kate's behavior. I hadn't seen the show in almost 2 years and have only read Admin's recaps and comments on blogs and I wasn't prepared for what I saw.
Kate is a testament to what I've read about a narcissist's emotional maturity being underdeveloped and immature. Her frequent over the top tears from holding a koala and her dramatic expressions of wish fulfillment seemed to be misplaced and too excessive to be healthy. Her behavior reminded me of a desperate and deprived adolescent trying to convince someone of her sincerity about something. I've heard the theater term "emoting" and it seems to fit Kate's excessive behavior perfectly.
It upset me to see one of the boys (Joel?) crying and while I was happy to see Kate comfort him, it was only too obvious that he was aware the camera was only inches from his face and he couldn't express his emotions comfortably because of it. Where in the heck is the set teacher or a guardian who will put the welfare of the children first?
I was stunned watching Kate put her selfish desires ahead of her children's and make herself THE center of attention in absolutely every scene. Not once did I see her ask for or do anything to make the experience more special for her children. It was all about Kate and the children were merely props. She asked to hold a baby koala in a pouch instead of asking for one of the twins, she grabbed her animal first when they were all choosing one for a photo, she danced on her toes and twirled her fingers in anticipation of doing something herself with NEVER a mention or request for any of the kids.
Is there something wrong with me that I don't feel deprived if I don't do something myself and get my satisfaction and joy from watching my children experience and enjoy something new and exciting instead? Is my thinking skewed and are my emotions off because I don't cry crocodile tears when I pet furry baby animals and make the conservation of one my life's work? (we'll see how she follows through on that promise to Terri. Will Kate or TLC or no one?)
I'm really concerned about the Gosselin children growing up with Kate modeling so many emotions in excess and/or inappropriately for many situations. Children are what they see and absorb from their parents and what I saw Kate modeling for them is far from the norm I'm used to.
I really dont even know where to begin.I did read this re-cap.By the time I got to the end of it I was pissed.Not anything to do with our Admin...You did a get job as always.I guess it's just kate.I have no interest in watching this show.This woman does nothing for me.The kids do nothing for me.The lack-luster of this show showing how a big family "gets" by is long gone.
Its all about kate being paid to pretend she's super mom.We all know different.She wanted attention and she's got it...too much of it.We have seen the attention she so craves turn around and bite her in the ass.We know she isnt super mom...we know she dosent do it all for the kids...we know she's never dealing with the kids inless she's being paid.We all know this cause she's been busted by the "attention".
As for Steve Irwin.He had a love for animals from the time he was a small child.His main goal was to make people aware of the need for protecting the animals.He was doing this WAY before he ever had kids or was even married.His kids didnt get him noticed or get him a tv show.His show didnt rely on having his kids filmed.He died trying to make people aware of the enviorments WE are forcing all critters great and small in.His death was a freak accident.I truly agree with his father when he said "the animals have lost thier best friend" when Steve died.His death still makes me sad.What happened after his death was soley up to Terri.I knew something was wrong when at the public funeral,she had poor little Bindi give the speach that she did.
As for kate?Well she's never had a purpose or a reason other than wanting to live a life of riely.I see no reason for the re-caps.Us "haters" are watching.If you like to do them,then go for it.I dont watch and I wont watch.It's easy to figure out who is watching.
She has 5000 twitter fans? She sold 10 thousand copies of her last book?Its not just the sheeple watching.It was said 1.2 million watched this last epi?
I guess I just dont get it.We want to see her go away...but we keep watching...we run to her twitter thing..we cant seem to let her go.Thats why she'll hang in there for as long as we let her!
Sorry so soon but ...This twitter thing...I havent looked and I wont.I was just wondering.When the people here are re-posting her twitters are they posting them the same way kate is? I have noticed from the times they say she posted..she starts off fresh in the day with complete sentences the day goes on...she seems to break up and gets inco-herent...with run on sentences.Is this because her wine is kicking in? Or the difference of the way people are re-posting?
I do agree with others who say twitter is huring her.It's so easy to see that she spends more time tweeting? Than she does with her kids.Like she ever needed another reason not to be with the kids.Also,does twitter have a count?Like can she she how many people are watching without being a friend or talking to her?I'm sorry...I really know nothing about this.Like this blog...Admin can see how many people come/came here.Is that the same with twitter?
And BAM! Kate just lost a 100.000 viewers
April 11 ratings : 1.214 million viewers
I have visions of her pacing, like a caged animal(Sarah Palin episode? under the tent?)iphone in hand, thumbs furiously typing away, chomping on her gum, twittering manically. I REALLY think that the powers at TLC have already let it be known to her that they won't be renewing her clan's contract. They are not filtering what she's putting out there anymore. She actually told her "fans" to ask TLC to send her back to Australia? I thought these opportunities just came about Kate, and who are YOU to say no? Also told her fans to ask TLC to change the time slot of the show??
She's grasping and desperate. I think she's going to crack.
And by the way, (yes, saw some of it last night) her constantly shhshing her kids in one breath, then IMMEDIATELY squealing like a stuck pig made my skin crawl! You all nailed it, she's never made it past her teens years.
And some snark- her calves looked HUMUNGOUS!
fidosmommy said...
Who knew Kate was an EMT too; can you picure her managing an emergency?
"I tool that in high school and became an emt too! Loved it!"
Cut and pasted from previous post. It sure sounds to me like it was a HS course, but who knows what Kate means?
Here are the tweets which led up to Kate saying she was an EMT. Who knows if she was really one (she says she "became" one) or if it was just some introductory course in HS.
Any1 into watching tonight@ 7EST for some more playbyplay live tweetingfun? Me&kids will b watching so might as well tweet.. Show of hands?
jaylaurkait Angela Hausman-Cook @ @Kateplusmy8
I wish I could watch, but I will be smack in the middle of my EMT lecture class, got it so it will be dvr'd :)
Kateplusmy8 @jaylaurkait
I tool that in high school and became an emt too! Loved it!
"I don't believe for a minute that Cara ran with Khate today. Khate is making that up to try to make us forget how hissy Cara behaved toward Khate in last night's episode."
When did she tweet this? Was it after school?
Yes, after school. I can't see the actual time stamp on the tweet anymore, but it says 13 hours ago now and IIRC she tweeted it between @ 5:30-6:30pm.
"Soaking wet from my lovely 5+ run in the rain! Cara ran a mile of it with me! Goooo Cara!!!"
She's started up already this morning @ 7:10. She must have dropped the kids off already and be on her way to tan or nails as she says she's gonna be late for an appointment.
I agree with those who say that TLC is done with her. She, who's had ridiculous pull with TLC in the past, now has to beg fans to demand that TLC put her on at 9 p.m.?
Kate lost the favorable Monday time slot to what...Cake Boss? Checking the TLC website, I see that "Sister Wives" also has a 9 p.m. slot, as does "Extreme Couponing", "Hoarding", "What Not to Wear", and "Say Yes to the Dress". These are the new darlings now. TLC is pushing her out. It would be interesting to see how the ratings of these shows compared to K+8.
Admin, thanks for the recap! I enjoyed it far more than I would have the show....
JoyinVirginia said...
We recorded the Being Human season finale - SyFy channel remake of a British show and it is really good!
I LOVE that show & have been catching up on Demand! We've finally got NetFlix! (I had to quit my gym membership in order for my husband to get it) I don't go anyways. I'm always doing in-home stuff anyways...walking, yoga, hula hoops, & I bought a belly dancing DVD on someones suggestion here! And the gym is smelly. LOL So We did the leap & got Netflix for our Wii! I can't wait to get Nurse Jackie, Oh, & Jon & Kate +8 , the early years...I'm KIDDING!!!! NEVER!!! Gotcha! Ok, gotta get my kid off to school. See you guys later on this rainy day. :(
I am thinking she probably does not know what an EMT does. She is not the brightest bulb in the lamp.
Hope you will be taking Kate's twitter feed down soon, it is just painful to read. Those poor kids are going to grow up not knowing how to pronounce anything because their mother is such a dingbat. She is really illiterate and instead of doing something about it, she keeps putting it on display for public ridicule.
Victor is an AWESOME name for a Persian, (or any animal) BTW! I love it! I need to stash that in the back of my mind.... :))
TLC Ship is Sinking said...
Kate, why don't you tweet to your fans about ways they can sponsor/support koalas instead of starting some rally to get another free trip out of TLC! Wildlife warrior, you are not!
It is interesting she said 'me' instead of 'us'. It doesn't look good (for the show's future) if she now has to beg her fans to tell TLC to give her a trip. Guess TLC won't give into all of Kate's demands these days. Tick tock...
The first paragraph, right up there, is SPOT ON. WHY can't she tweet ways to have her little minions help wildlife sanctuaries & things like that? WWF (World Wildlife Fund), PETA, stuff like that? No, selfish as always. "Send ME back on TLC's dime so I can see that bear again? Please??? I just have to hold her cuz I named her. Me, all myself. Aren't you proud? My kids are."
She is something else, that one. When I was holding a rally after the big oil spill, I contacted the WWF to see if the would help my cause, & send a speaker on the behalf of all the animals that were harmed & killed in the oil spill. Not only were they were super friendly & nice about it, they flew someone in & he spoke these unbelievable words. Not just about the spill, but about how animals were in danger. Everyone at the rally was quiet, most of us shed tears. If Kate truly wanted to help, she would donate to the cause, get out there & help. I still talk to that guy all the time. I do what I can to help, I have "adopted" a polar bear & an Eagle for my son. It doesn't matter, but Kate only thinks of Kate & what it an get HER. She has not idea what is happening with the animal population right now. What happened with the oil spill. She angers me so badly.
Does she even know what's happening in Japan? That it's turning into another Chernobyl? She is so wrapped up in her own little selfish world...what about her kids? Does she give them the attention they crave & need & deserve? She spouts off about them in her tweets, about where they are, what they're doing. Is nothing sacred to her regarding her children? She will regret all of this. The filming, the lack of privacy, the tweeting, the ho-wear, the Jon-bashing, the books, Steve, everything. Her kids will despise her. (sorry about the rant)
There were several tweets to Kate asking her if MomofKT was her mother but she didn't reply.
Kate did reply to the Twist of Kate questions. She keeps insisting that they are still working on it.
mom2mikaelantj Kaye Roberts
@Kateplusmy8 whatever happened to the up & coming show Twist of Kate…is it still in the works? Was looking forward to watching.
26 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
in reply to
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@mom2mikaelantj In the works… Workin hard…
Emily -- heehee I love how you're keeping caricature Kate accurate. Once again - great job!
What a disgraceful excuse for a let her little children watch helplessly while she puts herself in harm's way, feeding a croc.
If this has already been explained, please forgive me...but can we see what the other party has tweeted her? I only see what she's tweeted as a response, would like to know what the question was. DON'T want to follow her, so is there a way (in layman's terms, keep it simple lol)to see the back and forth?
Once again, the ratings are down another 100,000+. The sponsors definitely have to be taking a look at the numbers and finding that this show is on its way out. TLC and Kate Kreider will finally get their due for pimping out these 8 innocent children.
AuntieAnn said...
Emily -- heehee I love how you're keeping caricature Kate accurate. Once again - great job!
April 13, 2011 7:52 AM
Excellent, but I think it's time to move Jon out of the picture now. Kate's the only one grasping at fame these days.
Moose Mania said...We know that she threw privacy out the window a long time ago, but disclosing so much information is inexcusable.
Moose -- This incessant tweeting thing is making me cringe. At a time when most [concerned] parents are trying to make the world a safer place for their kids what does Kate do but invite an unknown number of sickos out there sitting at their computers to read a timetable of the family's daily activities. I'm starting to wonder if she wants something dramatic, for lack of a better word, to happen.
She's not going to go quietly into the night, she's Kate Gosselin, the narcissist who won't go away or as someone else put it so well, the turd that won't flush. Watching this fiasco go on is like watching a horror movie. You cover your face and peek between your fingers afraid to look at what's going to happen next.
Thanks Auntie Ann! :-) Glad you noticed.
Concerned said...
Is there something wrong with me that I don't feel deprived if I don't do something myself and get my satisfaction and joy from watching my children experience and enjoy something new and exciting instead?
Absolutely NOT! That's a true, giving, mother. That's how I feel as well. For my son's birthday, we are taking him to a zero gravity place, it's a bubble & they have this big huge fan thing, & the kid, adult or whomever goes in & gets to "fly" like an astronaut for a certain amount of time. The thing is, it's pricey. We would all love to do it, well, my husband & I. My son has NO idea where we're going, we just told him to hold on to his hat! Of course we would love to experience this with him, but with the cost... are we going to get selfish & tell him when we get there "Sorry kid, I'm going instead?" HELL NO!
That's the difference between real moms & moms like Kate. If it were Kate & she didn't have an endless supply of money, she would take that ride & leave her kids out of it. With real moms, we want to see our kids soar & have fun & experience life & be the center of our world. That's the difference...
Seconded: Jon's caricature should go. He's a private citizen working a regular job and not speaking to the media anymore.
I cracked the hell UP when I saw the update to hers, though. Perfect.
As for her saying they're still working hard on Twist of Kate? That's a straight-up LIE. As many times as it was supposed to have aired and as totally SILENT as TLC is on it, it's not happening. No one's working on it, it's not a show, it'll never air. Why the heck would TLC think she'd be a good risk alone when the show WITH the kids is tanking???
What's up with geting in a croc pen, a shark cage and almost bungee jumping? I remember one episode a long time ago where she wouldn't go roller skating because she couldn't afford to get hurt because she was the one taking care of the kids.
Emily Anthony said... Thanks Auntie Ann! :-) Glad you noticed.
Yeah. I saw the eyes first and wondered what was up with that. Then followed the line of sight and laughed out loud. Keep it up!
Emily --You're welcome. You do great work. I've been to your website and watched your videos on Youtube. What an enjoyable way to earn a living. I admire your talent - wish I had some of it but I can't even draw a stick man for the life of me.
Vanessa said...
If this has already been explained, please forgive me...but can we see what the other party has tweeted her? I only see what she's tweeted as a response, would like to know what the question was. DON'T want to follow her, so is there a way (in layman's terms, keep it simple lol)to see the back and forth?
Highlight the tweet you're interested in by clicking on it and it'll turn a light shaded color, then click on the little circled arrow that is to the right of the text on Kate's page and another 'window' will open to the right showing you the tweet she's replying to.
OR to watch the tweets back and forth in real-time go here: /
LOVE the updated caricature; great work, Emily.
Wait... Wha??? Now she is an Emergency Medical Technician as well as an RN, and she cant support her children without pimping them?
She 'became an emt, too', WHAT?
She is claiming that she is an EMT??
Does anyone know how they are licensed and certified in PA? Is her's still current?
This whole twitter thing brought an expression to mind that I think fits Kate perfectly. "Water seeks its own level." This is where she fits in.
Re: the sky tower jump or whatever Kate's supposed to melt down about next week. The Biggest Loser showed their NZ episode last night and they did the Sky Tower "jump". They showed the mechanism that lowers people, the cables, great close-ups of the jumpsuits and harnesses that are used. They showed how gently people step off (no immediate hard free fall) and that they "can" be lowered very slowly and some even paused while descending. While there's no way I would step off of a platform that high it really isn't as dramatic as TLC has made it out to be and is NOTHING like bungee jumping.
Thanks Emily said...
LOVE the updated caricature; great work, Emily.
ETA: Agree with a few others that maybe it's time to remove Jon's likeness from the picture?
The new caricature is spot on! Loved it!
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...
This whole twitter thing brought an expression to mind that I think fits Kate perfectly. "Water seeks its own level." This is where she fits in.
Emily you rock! ! ! I almost didn't catch the updated picture. (BTW...I'm another one of those that have been to your website and I love your work!) You have an amazing gift.
Now onto my RANT!
One thing that bugs the crap out of me in regards to Kate's tweets...
she is now PUBLICLY and unabashedly asking her fans to BEG on her behalf to get free trips all over the world.
HELLO? ? ?
You have more money in your purse than most people make in a month. Pay your own d*mn way woman! Why do you need people to beg on your behalf to send you places. Such bad karma you are bringing upon yourself.
The sheeple are idiots if they fall for her public begging.
And Admin, I absolutely agree with you on the whole "I want to help save the Koala's"
There is not one mention of a donation place, article, blog, etc on TLC about how her fans could help those poor animals. She's just a poser and as my late uncle would say a "hoser".
She prances (perhaps I should say "CLOMPS and CHOMPS) her way around thinking she deserves all of this and so much more. She's a classless grifter in the worst sense of the word and I'm glad her twitter followers keep adding up. It's a trainwreck, the more people who watch her 'tweet' her way into oblivion, the better..
Emily, I agree , you are fantastic. I disagree about taking Jon out of the picture. He has been stripped from everything to do with his kids by his idiot ex, the courts and TLC. He deserves to have his picture there just so people will never forget he is their father and has as much right as her. I just hate seeing him raked over the coals when he has taken the high road and been very silent. I'm sure he is working behind the scenes to do what he can, but I would surely hate to see his picture removed. We all know Kate reads here and it would give her great pleasure and just more of a feeling of control to see his picture gone.
From what I'm understanding, the spin is Kate is holding her own because of demographics. The advertisers reached the group they want to hit, whatever age range that is...younger people.
So, if 100,000 older folks tuned out, that's not so bad because the ones who buy the advertisers products or are likely to are still watching. If 200,000 left after Cake Boss, 100,000 had to have tuned in. So maybe TLC/advertisers are ok with these numbers.
It kind of explains how some shows (cable) under a mil still stay on the air.
I'd love to be wrong about this so if I am, please correct me. I'm a cynic and skeptic and maybe I've come to the wrong conclusions.
Hahaha!! Thanks Moose for bringing the caricature up! Great job Emily! Too funny!
Emily, Agreeing with others about the caricature update, and your talents. Wonderful!
As for Jon's caricature, perhaps something that makes it clear he is still in the children's lives, but not pimping them anymore? Seems like he has earned some of our respect back.
Anyone know if the episode is posted online? it's not on YouTube
Another note about the drawing at the top of the blog...
Perhaps the blog description in the center can be reworded to take "Jon" out of the "relentless quest to further fame and fortune".
AND...Maybe the time has come for Kate's caricature to don the "Pink Strait Jacket"
Comparing other cable shows to Kate's using the same age demographics puts viewer numbers into a little better perspective.
Pawn Stars 6.45
American Pickers 5.17
Bethenny 1.57
Cake Boss 1.42
Kate 1.21
It's pretty noticeable that 200,000 viewers changed the channel after watching Cake Boss.
Just figured out what those mysterious projects that Baby Mama claimed she had in the fire were--every third tweet of hers is sponsored! She got herself on the tweet$$ gravy train!
Well, good for her.
Oh how I wish I had your talent Emily. That's great!
Emily, you did it again!!! AWESOME caricature :o)
Is Kate no longer following this Iwanna DateKate guy on twitter? Was it just a publicity stunt to get people looking at her twitter account? Or is he real and did she realize he is a psycho stalker?
Thanks everyone, I appreciate your comments on my artwork! :-)
And it's Admin's call about any changes. I'll implement whatever she likes---she does a great job running this blog.
But I also think Jon should not be removed--for a couple of reasons. He is their father and THE Gosselin. If there are "nine" Gosselins, it's Jon and his children. And if you compare the two caricatures, HE is not the subject of ridicule in this image. Lastly, he needs to be there for skin tone contrast!
BerksPa said...
One thing that bugs the crap out of me in regards to Kate's tweets...
she is now PUBLICLY and unabashedly asking her fans to BEG on her behalf to get free trips all over the world.
HELLO? ? ?
You have more money in your purse than most people make in a month. Pay your own d*mn way woman! Why do you need people to beg on your behalf to send you places. Such bad karma you are bringing upon yourself.
The sheeple are idiots if they fall for her public begging.
BerksPa, if there is one thing that Kate is good at- it is BEGGING.
She's taken advantage of far too many people.
I hope she gets NOTHING.
Emily, I want to add to the several messages above regarding the cartoon image of Jon.
I think he was held prisoner enough years with Kate while they were married. Maybe the poor fellow has earned his "release" from the cartoon above?....
Thanks for making me smile :o)
Emily, you are so very touched. Am bouncing around your site and there's so much beautiful work, so much joy and appreciation in the faces of the people with whom you share your gifts. The Mandela is BEAUTIFUL.
But I also think Jon should not be removed--for a couple of reasons. He is their father and THE Gosselin. If there are "nine" Gosselins, it's Jon and his children. And if you compare the two caricatures, HE is not the subject of ridicule in this image. Lastly, he needs to be there for skin tone contrast!
I agree. He does need to be there. Great job. I see two things that I would change (but it's not our call)! Her hair is too silver. Kate's hair is scarecrow yellow, like straw. She doesn't have silver-platinum hair. And, if you look at any photo of Kate, her upper teeth are out of line. Yes, they are big and white, but the center of her front teeth do not line up, as they do in the caricature. Her entire upper jaw is off-center, to her left (to our right as we look at a straight on shot). In other words, the center of her two front teeth do not line up with the center of her upper lip. It is really, really noticeable on close-up, head-on shots.
Emily, I agree with keeping Jon up there. He is still their father. But since he is no longer a grifter I think it would be great to change the description of the blog.
Thanks for chatting with us! !
Administrator said...
By the way I agree completely with others, exposing where Cara is and what clubs she is in is SO DANGEROUS. It would be child's play to stalk this kid now, a simple phone call, internet search, etc. and you will know where she is.
Kate says she has security. So does the president, that doesn't mean he discloses every last move of his children because no worries, they have security. What a complete idiot. She needs protection from her own stupidity.
Oh for God's sake, all she said is that her child runs at school. There could be a running club at lunch, it could be after school, etc. She didn't say "Cara will be at xyz location on Monday at 2pm." There was nothing revelatory in the tweet that would endanger the child.
Uh, oh, Katie Needs a New Image, she did Unfollow Mr. Iwana. (Course doesn't mean she didn't exchange emails or phone numbers or ask him to come on over.) Hope Steve is on high alert for awhile. The guy's facebook pic just creeps me the hell right out. And his obsession with a sranger. And his friending young girls. And the fact that the Sheeple are pushing him so hard on Kate. Well, you get my drift.
Emily Anthony said... Thanks everyone, I appreciate your comments on my artwork! :-)
And it's Admin's call about any changes. I'll implement whatever she likes---she does a great job running this blog.
But I also think Jon should not be removed--for a couple of reasons. He is their father and THE Gosselin. If there are "nine" Gosselins, it's Jon and his children. And if you compare the two caricatures, HE is not the subject of ridicule in this image. Lastly, he needs to be there for skin tone contrast!
April 13, 2011 11:07 AM
Can you make him holding a sign that reads "Stop forcing my children to pay for your lifestyle!" ???????????????
I think Jon is depicted in the artwork ( as it stands now ) as a player in child exploitation. I personally think he should come down, or at least changed somehow so that it shows he doesn't condone the show.
And OH MY GAWD I LOVE the pink cell phone of her twittering. HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do see the point about keeping his image, but I do think his name needs to come out about making money on the backs of the kids, since he's no longer a part of that and has been actually trying to stop it.
I sort of like that he seems to be giving Kate the hairy eyeball over there.
Kate is posting on Twitter to deflect items we discuss here. We talked about if the kids would be able to participate in after school activities and wouldn't you know it, Kate posts about Cara being involved in running. We talk about her relentless mani/pedis...and wouldn't you know, she posted that it is time for a pedi and for the 10 years old girls too. Not to make it look like she is the only one who gets a pedi.
Pam said...
OH MY GAWD I LOVE the pink cell phone of her twittering. HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hahahaha!! And don't forget the french manicure-just precious :o)
Emily Anthony said...But I also think Jon should not be removed--for a couple of reasons. He is their father and THE Gosselin. If there are "nine" Gosselins, it's Jon and his children. And if you compare the two caricatures, HE is not the subject of ridicule in this image. Lastly, he needs to be there for skin tone contrast!
I agree. This blog is about the entire Gosselin family, not just Kate, TLC, and their antics.
If I'm not mistaken, Jon's caricature looks like it has darkened as if to imply he is no longer in the spotlight (as opposed to Kate's caricature with the stars and lit background).
If anything in the header should change concerning Jon, it's most likely the tagline since Jon is no longer seeking fame on the back of his kids. "A blog chronicling every move in the Gosselin family while Kate and TLC continue their relentless quest to further fame and fortune on the backs of eight kids. These childhoods belong to the kids, not the highest bidder." (Italics segment is my edit.)
Great work, Emily! Loved the modifications and how you accurately captured Kate's weird hand gestures (especially the left one, without the phone).
I thought the term was 'tweet', not 'twit'. Although after reading twitter, Kate and some of her fans do sound like twits. Freudian slip?
Yes, Kate's twitter seems to be damage control in response to discussions on this blog. First she mentioned the girls and their band/chorus activites and now she mentions a track team/activity. Anyone who is desperate enough can pry and get info about when/where these activities are taking place.
Also, she should not alert her followers when she and the girls are going to get their pedis. One of her nutty twitter friends may hang out there and try to bump into her and the twins. People can easily figure out what nail salon she uses from the pap photos. Last night I believe she was offened when someone implied Cara's weight gain was due to the age and she would grow out of it. I believe this was in response to her tweet that Cara ran with her. Kate replied back that she didn't want to know what that person meant. Kate is opening herself and the kids up for too much criticism with this no-holds-barred tweetfest.
I'm probably asking too much here but it would have been funny if you could stuck a Bucket list paper stuffed between her boobs !! lol
Kate's latest tweet: @BlogHawg We are now addicted to helping..Wait til u c our upcoming ep in Tenn Want to do more!So many have helped us! It's time 2 giv back
HELLO! You just aired an Australia Zoo episode in which you and your family became Wildlife Warriors. It was even mentioned that you wanted to help save the koalas. (Credit Admin's recap for info.)
I said it last night and I'll say it once more - Why don't you tweet ways your fans can help you support/sponsor koala conservation?! Maybe to the Australia Zoo to support their wildlife rescue hospital? WWF? I'm even being nice here adding 'help you' since you like to make it about yourself.
Thanks for shamelessly promoting another Kate Plus 8 episode. Sure sounds like you are addicted to helping these days. Snark!
Guess you were really into the Wildlife Warriors honor for the special t-shirt with your name, not the role and its responsibilities. Double snark!
My apologies, rant over.
I'm sorry, but I am soooo done reading over at "rhymes with plop". The posters seem nice enough, really they do, & I'm not talking about all of them, but there is 1 or 2, & this one poster says "I watched, blah blah blah...this happened, can you believe it? Oh my God, Kate is such a blah blah blah..." Then literally 3 or 4 effing posts away, the same damn poster writes "Her ratings went down, but how can we get them lower? Hmmm, What can we do?" IF I was allowed to speak my F*&KING mind over there, I could tell you what to do! Thank God for this site & the freedom of speech over here. Again, we're all adults, & we'll do what we do. Fine, just don't be a hypocrite. I admit I buy Special K cereal, a sponsor for Kate's stupid show, BUT I do it for Cougar Town. :) Watch Cougar Town!!
I wonder if Jon is just waiting it out until the contract with TLC expires or if he's still working behind closed doors to put a halt to this madness. If all TLC can do is clean them out for breaking a contract, what is there to lose? Do it. End it. It's worth it.
TLC has made millions off those kids and so has Kate. IF she was genuinely concerned for their future she should have squirreled away a tidy sum in a separate account for them that TLC can't touch. If she's been too stupid not to, she shouldn't even have primary custody of them.
BTW, Note to Kate and Anonymous @11:37 -- Grifting doesn't qualify as a career so try to find something worthwhile to do when this party is over.
Anonymous said...Oh for God's sake, all she said is that her child
runs at school.
You are naive at best to think that these little "tidbits" of
information aren't enough for a slueth to find out where Cara is. She
said she was in a running club. Not to give the stalkers ideas, but
all you would have to do is call up the school, claim you are looking
into the school for your 10 year old, and ask if there are any running
clubs there. And if so, when do they meet as she has a busy schedule?
Bing, bang, boom, now you know where Cara is.
This is NOT the first tweet about the kids' locations or activities.
And Kate has deleted several tweets about them, proof she knows she
went too far. You are not going to convince me that Kate's now 700
tweets many blabbing about the kids has not put them in danger. Not to
mention further violates their privacy. Maybe Cara wants to just enjoy
a run with her mommy and not have the whole twitter feeders know about
I have seen the amazing sluething people have done on just the TINIEST
bit of information. I assume a stalker is capable of the kind of
sluething a site like the Grapevine does. This is elementery sleuthing
anyway! Neither parent should be talking about the kids, period, on
Anyway, why even RISK it with their safety? Why not just not talk
about them period rather than risk even a chance they might be in
danger? Why would you gamble with your own children?
As to the question about why tweet about her kids and put them at risk, 1) it's already been made abundantly clear that her children's welfare is an afterthought to Kate, 2) she is *nothing* without her kids and she knows it. THAT is why she tweets so incessantly about them. Her whole public persona is so wrapped up in being Kate "plus 8." No one cares about her otherwise.
I have a question and I don't know if I can post it here or not. I believe that I have had a run in with a famous pro-Kate blogger (yes, that one) at a Kate Gosselin event. Does anyone know if she had ever had her hair dyed blonde like Kate's at one point a couple of years back? I saw her pics on the grapevine and on dr oz and am sure it is her. I believe she may have a mole on her face? Maybe someone on the grapevine can answer this there?
Administrator said...
Anyway, why even RISK it with their safety? Why not just not talk about them period rather than risk even a chance they might be in danger?
Honestly Admin who gives a s%%t about Kate and Kate alone? She obviously has to drag the kids into this whole thing because otherwise there is nothing left to discuss.What has Kate done unrelated to the kids?
DWTS? She would mention them in every interview
The View co-host? Let's face it people were again more interested in the kids.
90% of the questions are about the kids if she doesn't answer those than she's limited to 3 tweets a day.
Hippie Chick said...
I'm sorry, but I am soooo done reading over at "rhymes with plop". The posters seem nice enough, really they do, & I'm not talking about all of them, but there is 1 or 2, & this one poster says "I watched, blah blah blah...this happened, can you believe it? Oh my God, Kate is such a blah blah blah..." Then literally 3 or 4 effing posts away, the same damn poster writes "Her ratings went down, but how can we get them lower? Hmmm, What can we do?" IF I was allowed to speak my F*&KING mind over there, I could tell you what to do! Thank God for this site & the freedom of speech over here. Again, we're all adults, & we'll do what we do. Fine, just don't be a hypocrite. I admit I buy Special K cereal, a sponsor for Kate's stupid show, BUT I do it for Cougar Town. :) Watch Cougar Town!!
I don't get it either, Hippie Chick.
If you dislike the show, why contribute to the ratings at all. Anyway, it's the same rehashed bullsh*t- just in different locations. You're not missing ANYTHING, really.
I suppose it's the same as slowing down to see a traffic accident...
If curiousity is truly killing you, at least wait until after the ratings are released.
I believe, sooner or later they will figure it out.
Emily, if consensus is to keep Jon, why not put him in his work gear (hardhat)and have him holding a paycheck made out to him-a man making an honest man's living.
Just a thought.
I loved infinity the new word that Kate invented last night while talking about the tiger. "Majestical." *facepalm* This is a grown a** woman we're talkin about here. Charlie Sheen has tiger blood, Kate Gosselin has tiger fur.
Did Kate really just tweet that her 10 years old are ready for a pedicure? Give me a break! They are only 10 years old!
Emily, I agree with the other posters. You are very talented. Love the update to Kate's caricature. I also agree with you that Jon needs to stay in the picture. He's already been marginalized enough by Kate. Maybe you could add his hardhat? That would show that he's still a presence but not a participant in the whole show debacle.
BerksPa - I about fell off my chair when I saw your post describing Kate as a "hoser"! In the Cat Fancy, a hoser is a cat - usually male but sometimes a female - that sprays heavily to call attention to itself and to attract a mate. If you've never smelled cat spray, it's VERY pungent and offensive (to the human nose, anyway). That describes Kate perfectly!
I don't get this whole twitter thing. What is the attraction of knowing what anyone is doing 24/7? I could see it as a way of keeping track of your kids or other family members, but not incessantly. Why would a grown woman - especially one with 8 kids she supposedly "does it all for", spend so much time doing something so useless and potentially dangerous. Oh well, that's Kate, so I guess I just answered my own question LOL.
Hippie Chick - rant all you like. You put things so eloquently. Things I didn't even know I was thinking until I read your posts.
When asked by a Tweeter "what is the kids favorite thing to do" Kate replied......
"Play outside with shoka and their cars, &travel! Already asking.. When can we go on an airplane again?Where r we going?!:)"
I think it's more like Kate is asking TLC when can "I" go on an airplane again? Where am "I" going? OMG, she is so frikkin transparent!
twat's latest twit tweet is her kids asking when and where they are flying next. See THAT'S my problem with her and them, they are so entitled, they feel they should be given trip after trip after trip. Who the hell are they and why do they deserve that?
I didn't copy it but there was a tweet this morning in response to a question about Twist of Kate. Kate responded that it is coming, she is working hard. Sorry I didn't copy the post and it is now gone. Anyone else catch it??? Kate is delusional!!!!
Maybe the kids want to travel because that is when kate is happiest and nice to be around, when the freebies are coming in. Kate always refuses to even consider this possibilty.
barbee said... twat's latest twit tweet is her kids asking when and where they are flying next.
Following the tweets it appears TLC has cut the travel shows and she is asking her fans to beg TLC for more travel and an earlier time slot. Don't think it is going to work any more.
I find it interesting that several people have asked Kate if the kids go to church and that's the one, and I mean only one, question she refuses to answer. She can manage to get them on airplanes as often as possible for her free trips but can't get them to church on Sundays. She also just implied she is writing 2 more books. Gotta give her this.....she refuses to give up. I wonder what publisher will take her o this time after her last flop?
Linda in Central PA said...
Did Kate really just tweet that her 10 years old are ready for a pedicure? Give me a break! They are only 10 years old!
The had pedicures last year (or the year before). Time flies. Wasn't it shown on an episode, or in an online photo? I remember it at the time because I was thinking...what the heck? A kid getting a pedicure?
Reader Lady: The hoser name came from "Bob and Doug McKenzie" a Canadian Comedy Skit.
But your description fits just as well.
Worked for a vet for 3 years, I know that smell well.
Yeah, Kate tweeted that her 10 yr olds get mani/pedis regularly and the younger girls occasionally.
I feel sort of bad for laughing at these things, but remember how we've referred to the "Konpound" and what a "Kon" artist Kate is?
Kate just tweeted that her kids are in "Kondergarten".
No Kondergarten& 4th
19 minutes ago via Twitterrific
hahahahahaha. (Yes, I'll bet they are. Now, what are they in at *school*?)
@Kateplusmy8 have you gotten involved in any kola bear organizations?? P.s love your show :)))
59 minutes ago
Kateplusmy8 by wizgirlz
@wizgirlz Still working on it..
47 minutes ago
I think that means are you sh*%%ing me? That's not going to make me any dough.
I take my daughter for mini pedicures. Not often, but it's a special mommy daughter time. She loves it, we chat about girl stuff. It beats taking her to the mall, and gets us away from the boys for an hour.
On another subject..I think everyone over here is becoming apathetic to Kate. That is great. Over at (ryhmes with) plop they hate her so much they can't stop watching. The opposite of love is not hate. It's apathy.
Livvy. I found one from this afternoon.
Ian Minio
ianatl Ian Minio
@Kateplusmy8 what happened to " twist of Kate ?"
7 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@ianatl It's coming, I promise....
I'm sorry, but I am soooo done reading over at "rhymes with plop".
I thought I was the only one with the same complaints! Nothing of mine gets posted. You guys "know" me here (or wish you didn't!). I am not rude; I am not disrespectful, I have never gone off on anyone. The problem I have with that blog is that when a blogger posts something and it contains obvious errors, and another poster wants to make a correction (or even disagree), it doesn't get posted, or is edited for "manners." Manners? You simply ask a question! If you offer a differing opinion, it's seen as confrontational. If you post, asking a question as to what is allowed or why it is not, it doesn't get posted because you are telling the mods how to run the blog. No, you're not -- you are trying to find out why a poster is allowed to go off on a tangent, saying something that is totally untrue or really vicious, and why that post gets put through; your question or comment about that post does not.
I am so glad that here admin is so fair in what she allows to be posted, and if the rules are followed, the posts are put through, even if there if someone has an opinion that is different from hers.
"IF I was allowed to speak my F*&KING mind over there, I could tell you what to do! Thank God for this site & the freedom of speech over here."
That's the problem. You are NOT allowed to say what you want, even if the rules are followed, because they will invent some new rule and just not post it. I'm done reading over there, and I am done trying to post.
Regarding the comment on watching the show and then asking what can be done, it was pointed out over there (by a mod) that you can watch all you want, you can blog all you want, but unless you are hooked up to be counted in the ratings, your watching (and blogging) has nothing to do with the ratings. Go back and check the last free discussions postings.
Before I get blasted from my previous comment....I do take my boys out (separately)for their mommy time. It could be to the batting cages or just gamestop. I don't want to leave the impression that I treat my boys like kate.
She doesn't know what she is missing with them.
So glad to see the ratings decline. Now, it has to go below a million. If last week’s season premiere with the big Australian adventure had mediocre ratings, and then they fell off 100,000 last night, I see it only continuing to go down, especially after next week is over (the last episode with the Australia/New Zealand vacation).
As for the recent tweets about getting on a plane, I do not for one minute think that the kids are asking when they can get on a plane again! I agree with those here who said she is so transparent and it's so obvious she is begging TLC for more trips, more trips. Pathetic.
Emily, GREAT job on the new tweety dumb version of Khate! I agree with the reasons you stated for keeping Jon on the blog. Although, I do agree with the posters who suggested that maybe Admin could take Jon’s name out of the blog description. It’s really just Khate and TLC that insist on the continued, unrelenting exploitation of these kids.
"Oh for God's sake, all she said is that her child runs at school. There could be a running club at lunch, it could be after school, etc. She didn't say "Cara will be at xyz location on Monday at 2pm." There was nothing revelatory in the tweet that would endanger the child."
Why even bother saying anything it at all? Why take the chance with your child's security, not to mention privacy? Who needs to know that she runs at school? I don't recall Mark Klaas telling Richard Allen David that Polly would be at a sleep-over at such and such a time; or Ed Smart telling Brian David Mitchell when Elizabeth would be home; or Brenda Van Dam telling David Westerfield that Danielle would be going to bed at 8 p.m.; or Mark Lunsford giving John Couey the exact location of Jessie's bedroom.
These people KNEW where to find these kids, but they didn't know the exact time that they would be there. That didn't stop them. Kate provided the opportunity for any psycho to obtain this information. Without disclosing anything else, it would be very easy for anyone to find out the time and place for this...if they had a mind to. They now know that she runs. That opens the door. It's a small community.
A responsible parent never gives out this kind of information to STRANGERS -- yes, STRANGERS over the internet. It's not only dangerous; it's incredibly stupid. She just doesn't think. Period.
I just looked at her dumbass Twitter for the first time today and she just replied to someone's question from an hour ago:
@Kateplusmy8 love watching your show and hope the best for u and the kids...are you ever gonna date ne one or look for a new man? #kateplus8
@TylerCampana Absolutely! Hopefully! :)
If a child had a Twitter account and got thousands of followers, and started tweeting about what their school activities are and what their interests are, what they did today, and so on, their adult parents would be HORRIFIED. They would freak out thinking that child is leaving a trail of bread crumbs for a pervert. A child need not leave exact times and dates to figure out where they are. So it's okay when Kate does the same thing with her own flesh and blood because why??? That's right, it's not okay, period.
Might I add I think that's the only sheeple comment I've gotten in more than three days, maybe one other. This past week I've only gotten a scant few. This is not normal, I get at least two a day or so, sometimes more.
Kate gets a twitter, at that same moment, I stop getting sheeple comments. Hmm.
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