Kate doesn’t even bother anymore to explain that Steve is her bodyguard, as if he’s become that immersed in the family now. I’m surprised the kids don’t call him Uncle Steve or Steve-a-rino or S-Dog or something. She says that Steve has taught them a lot about New Zealand, his homeland, and they had to go. Also, a good opportunity to meet the parents, eh, mate? Are we gonna see that? Because that might actually be remotely interesting. Especially the part where Kate (allegedly!) tries to give his parents a photo of Steve with the kids and his parents were basically like, “um, creepy!”
Kiwi House. A kiwi is a bird with no arms, according to Kate. Oh, that would be all birds then? Not counting Big Bird.
The Kiwi House is another zoo? No, please, make it stop. I was hoping it was at least maybe a bed and breakfast or something, just to mix it up. I'm beginning to wonder if production thinks zoos are the only activity that appeal to kids. How patronizing. There are a few paps there. I think paps are violating their privacy to show up here, and I also think production is violating their privacy to film these kids as incessantly as they do. One and the same to me. Kate is mad because their zoo tour guy is just trying to get on with the tour and is ignoring the paps. She thinks he doesn’t understand that there are paps there, right there, trying to take pictures of me, me, little ole me! Actually, Kate? I think this zoo guy is just trying to keep things quiet and normal for the kids and not throw a big hissy fit about it, make a scene, and embarrass the kids and himself.
The kids for their part are pretty much ignoring the paps, which they must have learned to do by now. Only Kate is freaking out. She puts on a big dog and pony show about trying to get away from the paps. And the biggest irony yet? At one point some of the paps pushed and cursed, and why? Because a production assistant was trying to block their way! One person violating the children’s privacy is, with a straight face, trying to block another person doing the same thing? Isn’t this sort of like friendly fire? Kate really doesn’t see the irony, does she? She's split so many hairs in this conversation no amount of conditioner can help her.
Kate says some people don’t value their privacy. I agree, Kate doesn’t value this family’s privacy one stinking bit. She can't even break away for 10 minutes from tweeting all about their private lives. By the way, take a look at Kate’s official Twitter account profile pic. Yup, it’s a pap photo. She even said so. Homework assignment for Kate: In 500 tweets or less, please explain why this is not the most ridiculous double standard you’ve ever heard in your entire life. Begin.
Next up, some boring caves. Something about some glow worms. Well, at least Ashley's noggin hasn‘t completely solidified to jello like her employer's--she explains to everyone what stalactites/stalagmites are. Kate takes this as a sign home schooling is a great thing, i.e., further justifying the suspension of her two little ones. I love how suddenly Steve is allowed to be shown on film when he’s been just sort of lurking around the edges of the shots all the other episodes of this show. Only when they show him? He’s back waiting at the van! Ha, he really is like a real daddy. A daddy in the doghouse.
They take a slow boat ride through the cave and the glowworms really do look like stars in the sky, this is actually really fantastic.
Next up, a “controlled descent” off a building, called SkyWalk. This is not bungee jumping at all and I have to say, I don’t see anything dangerous about this. It was far more dangerous, no, downright reckless, to dump the six-year-olds in the elephant pen to give wild animals manicures. The same exact month they went to New Zealand a Tennessee zoologist was killed by an elephant. Yeah.
Most of this segment is all about how Kate and her stupid brain went back and forth about whether to do this, and very little about how fun this was for Cara, Mady and the rest of the kids. Me, me, some crying, me again, more crying, etc. It is hard to spot a scene over the past three episodes in which Cara is not standing off to the side, scowling and crossing her arms. I don’t blame her. Nothing is about her, it never was, and unfortunately, it never will be unless she someday decides to cut out the toxic people, or you know, person, from her life.
Cara suits up in this orange jumpsuit. “I look like I’m going to jail,” she jokes. Aw, funny. I hate to tell her this but she already is in jail, and Kate is the warden who will never retire. We could lend her a Rita Hayworth poster and a rock hammer, but everything else we've tried has fallen on deaf ears. It took that guy 20 years to scrape his way out but he did get out, there is hope I guess. Kate is crying in the bathroom, making sure even if Cara tries to steal just a tiny bit of our hearts with a cute joke, that it’s still all about Kate.
Kate, Ashley, Steve and the twins gather up on this platform. Kate is being extremely foul to Brad, the guy helping them jump. She even claps at him. I thought that was only reserved for Jon, maybe she secretly likes Brad? Kate even admits she was “mean” and “rude” to him. Although I don’t hear an apology in any of that. She later admits that she needs to apologize to Brad for her atrocious behavior. She has his contact information, but of course, has not gotten around to it yet. She really says this. Like, she couldn’t apologize to him after she jumped? Or at least while still in the same country as him? She’s just going to be rude, film it all, air it for our entertainment, and get around to apologizing to this poor guy if his business card didn’t get lost in the folds of her suitcase somewhere? Crikey.
Look, I would be scared shitless to do this too, but that’s no excuse to be rude. Also, think about it, why would you be rude to the person who’s holding your life in their hands? Just a little common sense, Kate.
Brad is basically like I could explain the mechanics of this to you all day but it doesn’t change the fact that you have to move now. Kate then goes crying to Steve, who looks very annoyed with her and as usual is not indulging her or any of her crap for one second. “You’re wasting time!“ he tells her firmly. Their relationship has always been bizarre. Anyone else who doesn’t put up with Kate is sent to the black hole, why not Steve? Cara seems embarrassed at this scene as any 10-year-old would, and Ashley is outright staring 180 degrees off to the side pretending she doesn’t even know this family anymore. Ha, that doesn’t work so well on such a narrow platform. For as glamorous as her job may seem to some naive people, a nanny has moments like this sometimes when you work for narcissistic celebrity divas, and … wish you didn‘t.
Kate tells Brad, “If I’m a paying customer I should be able to do five feet or not! Who do I talk to?!” Well, that is a big if, because Kate must have forgotten she’s not a paying customer at all, the kids are. Idiot. Oh, my God, I love Brad. He snaps back, “Unfortunately if you’re a paying customer, then you would have gone back inside a long time ago, we wouldn’t of had this much time.”
Essentially Brad is confirming that she did not pay, someone else did (TLC, obviously), and he has indulged her with this ridiculous celebrity special treatment long enough, so, forget you, lady, there are other more deserving people in line here. Thank you, Brad. Someone with some sense emerges in this whole fiasco.
Finally everyone but Kate and Steve jump. More crying from Kate. “I don’t want to let my kids down!” she sobs. Gimme a break, you just didn’t want any of this to be about anyone else, much less Mady and Cara. Of course she jumps, did anyone actually expect her not to? When she lands she literally balls up on the ground racking with sobs. It goes on forever. The kids are like, wwwhat? She is scaring them. Good grief what a performance. It was too fast, Aaden suggests helpfully. Like he actually thinks Kate is being sincere, how cute. I truly admire these kids and how supportive they are of this complete lunatic they have to live with. They are good kids. I guess Kate finally peels herself away from the landing strip and Steve jumps, but we don’t see it.
Next up, they ride horses. This is a bit odd--Kate says they’ve

Finally, they visit a Maori village in New Zealand. Kate claims this is educational, but I’m not learning much, all I see are kids running in and out of the replica houses.
“Like, who has a chance to learn about the Maori people in New Zealand?” Kate waxes poetically. I don’t know, Kate, anyone who can get a library card?
“This was pure education,” she goes on smugly. “I mean this was like our own Gosselin field trip across the world.” Well, field trips usually do involve missing school as long as you have a signed permission slip.
As long as we’re talking about education, I think it’s time we take a peek inside the educated-ish brain of Kate Gosselin. The one she has been revealing to us over the past few weeks on Twitter. Seat belts please. And helmets. And possibly a Hazmat suit.
Here is Kate’s brain on narcissism.

And here we are learning about all the birds of the world.

Next up, Geography!

History time, where we learn about important Mythological figures, like Crazy Horse!

Make sure you leave time for play. I'm gonna find me a man on this Twitter thing!

Although in fairness, with 1,000 tweets already, only about 9% of them are truly idiotic and maybe just 7% really dangerous. That's not bad.
Some geysers. Kate is amazed. I’m surprised she has the capacity to admit the kids couldn’t care less about the geysers. Kids often don’t care about the things you do, and most of the time it feels like Kate doesn‘t have the slightest understanding of that. Some hot mud. It was hot, says Hannah. A ceremonial Maori dance. Yawn, I’m still waiting for Kate to explain how I can donate to the koalas. Website, address, e-mail? Telegram? Joel gets picked to dance. He doesn’t want to do it, but he is a good sport. About a lot of things, these kids are good sports.
Kate goes on about how you need to enjoy every minute of trips. What she really needs is to enjoy every minute of her kids and get off her damn Twitter account. This is over? Where does she get to meet Steve’s parents??? Strap this lady to a lie detector, kiwis, go for it!
Kate goes on about how you need to enjoy every minute of trips. What she really needs is to enjoy every minute of her kids and get off her damn Twitter account. This is over? Where does she get to meet Steve’s parents??? Strap this lady to a lie detector, kiwis, go for it!

217 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 217 Newer› Newest»OMG Admin, you have outdone yourself! I have been sitting here laughing out loud at this recap and the accompanying pictures. I love your sense of humour.
I cannot believe Kate was so rude to Brad. My God that woman has no boundaries at all does she? She believes everybody on this planet has been put here to serve her? Karma is a beatch and Kate's will come someday. She will be in the wrong place at the wrong time saying something completely ignorant to someone who will not take it from her.
One thing bothers me about the caricature in the header of this blog. Kate's "hair" looks too full and styled rather than what she wears, which is long, poker straight and completely stringy. I'd love to see her "real" look on the header.
I didn't watch, but what is your take on the total breakdown on that jump? Is it a control issue, her narcisism? I truly do not understand her crying in a ball when it was over.
Brad sounds like a good guy.
I would love to hear a professional therapist's opinion of what her dramatic landing, then curling up into a ball and then "sobbing" for 15 minutes did to those kids. They looked very worried, all of them. NO acting on "their" part.
And yes, she couldn't apologize to the guy then and there? Or maybe after she'd taken off her suit and stopped her sobbing? No, she's "going" to email him! Yet ANOTHER example of how she treats people, no alleged situation here, sheep! She said something about them "filming" so she could take as much time as she saw fit. Then about being a paying customer... no, see kart, the man said YOU DIDN'T PAY! I'm sure there was an agreement, you let us film, you get exposure in return...her usual ammo for getting freebies. And the CLAP! ugh! I wish he would have just bitch-clapped her in the back of the head. And yes Kate, if you have this DEATHLY UNBELIEVABLE, LIKE YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, LIKE IT'S LIKE, OH MY GOSH, AWFUL, NO, LIKE YOU REALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT KIND, LIKE, LIKE fear of heights there is NO WAY you would have gone up in a hot air balloon all chicklet teeth-a-shining! Side by side pics of THIS reaction to heights with pics of her in the hot air balloon would be priceless.
Awesome recap! Sounds so...UGH! Me Me Me Kate again. Why did she cry so much about the jumping thing?
I want to ask, how much were the kids actually in the show Admin?
~Hippie Chick~
Excellent, witty recap and, I expect, much more enjoyable than watching the actual show. Fortunately, we don't have to watch it, thanks to Admin. I think TLC is letting Kate sink her own ship.
Just curious, why is link to her twitter gone from the top of the page?
What a $tupid idiot Khate i$. If I were in New Zealand with my four kids, I wouldn't call him "MR. KIWI HOUSE MAN". I would say, "Kids, let's listen to the DOCENT (these are people who are knowledgeable about things and lead tours. I would also tell the kids that the word "docent" comes from the Latin root "docere" which means "to TEACH". I would also point out that the adjective "docile" comes from the Latin root "docere" AS WELL. "Docile" means "easily-teachable". Then I would say to the kids, "I hope you kids are very DOCILE, because we are about to listen to the DOCENT." I would not tell the kids to listen to Mr. Kiwi House Man. WHAT A $TUPID, $TUPID IDIOT thi$ woman i$ !!!!!
Wow, this episode sounds like a worse train wreck than usual. Hilarious recap, Admin! Love "the crazy horse," muscle-bird arms, and Narnia.
It is not even 6 am and I am literally laughing my butt off in this chair as I wait for my ride. You are too, too much. I think these recaps have got to be better than the show, which really is not that tall of an order, but you have a knack for snark and comedy. Hats off to you, Admin! Fingers crossed that you won't ever have to watch this crap again.
That Kiwi tour guide was probably baffled by Kate's reaction to the lone pap.
Here her children are surrounded by cameras and crew and being filmed and photographed the entire time she's there and he's supposed to understand that ONE photographer hadn't been blessed with permission to photograph her and the children? He had to be thinking "What's the difference?" Really, how was he supposed to understand that one photographer wasn't allowed (by Kate and TLC) to be there?
I didn't watch the show but I'm so glad the Sky Jump guy Brad told it to her like it is. They were doing HER a favor, not vice versa. She's not special.
I think it's disgusting that she has not apologized to him. She claims in her tweets that she was embarrassed by her behavior. I think she was just embarrassed it was showcased. There was NO excuse for her being rude to him.
Some of her tweet fans actually blamed Brad and said he deserved it!
Also, are you telling me that Steve did the sky jump also??? Isn't he there in the capacity of "bodyguard"??? Why is he there doing recreational activities with them as if he's part of the family? Did Ashley do the jump too? Did he camera crew?
Great recap Admin.I laugh out loud every time I read these. You're very witty. Sorry for the rant last night. I've just had too much Kate in too short of a condensed period. I need to lay off reading her Twitter. It amazes me that her fans can't see her through her drama and lies. Anyway, I have my 2 granddaughters coming to spend 5 days with me. This will give me a much needed break from reading Kate's BS. :) I hope everyone has a great Easter holiday!
Hippie the kids were in nearly every scene sadly.
Eliza I am no shrink. I think the crying thing was probably just for attention though. Ever see a narcissist get a papercut?
First and foremost, I have to say your picture of the bird with arms is hilarious. Kate's tweeting has offered so many moments of pure, outright hilarity, and it's not the laughing with her kind. She has opened the door and invited us in to see how truly dull-witted she is.
I tuned in to the second showing which was on at 10 pm on the West Coast. One thing you didn't mention that grated on me no end was when Kate continually referred to the tour guide at the Kiwi Bird house as "Mr. Kiwi Bird House Man" telling the kids, "Follow Mr. Kiwi Bird House Man" over and over and over, in his presence mind you, as though he was so insignificant that he didn't even deserve to be addressed by name.
During the Sky Walk fiasco she also began to lecture Brad much the same way she did with Tony on DWTS implying that Brad didn't "know how" to explain Kate's fears away. She needed to know ALL the details before she could even begin to decide if she was going to jump. To hell with making the whole world wait if that's what it took. She was rude from the time she first walked into that building. I wouldn't be surprised if Brad was fantasizing about pushing Kate off the building with no harness! And her off-handed remark that she needs to email him an apology. Like that's gonna happen.
Thanks for the recap, Admin. I am still laughing at the picture of the bird with arms! Classic!
Brad from New Zealand is my new hero. Thank you, Brad!
She refused to wear the shower/head cap they make EVERYONE wear for "sanitary" reasons because, Lordee Bee, a pap shot might get out there of her wearing that thing on her head! Yes, the "self-proclaimed germaphobe" wore a helmet that hundreds of people have worn, without a protective barrier between the ornamental grass on her head and the cooties. She didn't want a pap pic of her with a shower cap on her head? So they're an infringement of their privacy, but she's worried about what pics they might take of her??
Thanks Admin. for the recap. Kate has got to go. I realize the Reality Shows depend upon "drama" of the worst kind, but this sounds too over the top. What kind of example is a mother sobbing, rolled up in a ball? Those poor kids. They live with this CRAP every day. There appears to be nothing Kate will not do to stay on the air. Get a clue, TLC. It's over! How insulting for the guide at the Kiwi House and Brad to be treated with such disregard. Classless woman on a classless program. Vote with out remotes!
This is a hilarious recap,the sheeple should just read over here and quit trying to make sense of the drivel TLC puts on for their amusement. Those poor children.
Philly Fun!" May 2, 2011[3]
Kate and the kids travel across the state to Philadelphia to learn about the history of the city and their nation. They learn about the Liberty Bell, pretend to be sworn in as President and enjoy a local hockey game!
I haven't watched any of these new episodes, and don't want to...but I've GOT to see this lunatic rolled up into a blubbering mass on the ground after her jump.
Hate the show (never watch) but love your recaps, Admin. That narcissist brain pic is another great one, like that other one in the post about the kids being an extension of her.
Uugh, she really makes me ill. I can just picture her rudeness and dramatics on that jump. What mother acts like that?? I was actually following the inane conversation on Twitter last night and her sheeple thought Khate was just amazing, so brave, accomplished so much, blah, blah, blah. WTF? I would tend to reserve those accolades for other women and mothers that come to mind, like maybe the woman I know whose husband was killed on 9/11 when he was just supposed to be sitting at a desk doing his job, while she was home with their three kids, pregnant with the fourth. Or maybe, the other woman I know who bravely battled breast cancer and held herself together because she couldn't crumble in front of her kids. She had some pretty dark days and was scared shitless, but her kids would have never known. (Thank God, she's fine now.... terrific, actually!) But, no, these dumbasses on Twitter admire Khate's "strength" and hold her up as their hero. Give me a freaking break! I feel the need to vomit.
Histrionic personality disorder....
How many personality disorders does that waste of skin have?
Tweet-le:being respectful and considerate of others is just not in her repertoire of skills. At all. Even something we consider as basic as using a person's name or acknowledging their existence beyond what is absolutely necessary doesn't occur to the NPD.
Everything we think of as making us HUMAN like compassion and sharing is not in the NPD.
Excellent recap, Administrator! Sorry you had to sit through it, though.
Reading your recap is probably a million times better than watching that crapfest.
I thought Kate was trying to redeem herself.
Her behavior is getting worse and worse.
So[snicker]Kate's not a paying customer, huh?
Of course not Brad. She's special & entitled- she's Kate Gosselin, the chosen one...
She's positively manic, and a large black hole that sucks the fun & life out of every single damn thing they do. I say, f*ck it TLC. Save your money. The show is basically the same crap over and over. Cut your losses, and cancel the show already.
People literally get thrown into psychiatric wards for doing what Kate did when she balled up and cried, as if she'd had her Lithium taken away.
She is CLEARLY a mentally unstable woman, and Jon should be gathering all this footage up to use in his favor.
I think she gets a thrill out of doing dangerous things in front of her kids to make them scared for her, like she is doing this to try to make them cry for her.
She is sick. The woman needs a psychiatrist like nobody's business.
A person with histrionic personality disorder might also:
* Be uncomfortable unless he or she is the center of attention
* Dress provocatively and/or exhibit inappropriately seductive or flirtatious behavior
* Shift emotions rapidly
* Act very dramatically as though performing before an audience with exaggerated emotions and expressions, yet appears to lack sincerity
* Be overly concerned with physical appearance
* Constantly seek reassurance or approval
* Be gullible and easily influenced by others
* Be excessively sensitive to criticism or disapproval
* Have a low tolerance for frustration and be easily bored by routine, often beginning projects without finishing them or skipping from one event to another
* Not think before acting
* Make rash decisions
* Be self-centered and rarely show concern for others
* Have difficulty maintaining relationships, often seeming fake or shallow in their dealings with others
* Threaten or attempt suicide to get attention
Thanks Jellybean for more insight into this very disturbed woman.
I don't think she has histrionic personality disorder. It doesn't totally fit, whereas with NPD, she literally fits into every indicator, like she's a textbook case.
The NPD is not above using things such as hitrionics (even very extreme histrionics), manipulation, verbal abuse, emotional abuse, mind games, whatever they have to use to MAKE SURE THE ATTENTION IS ON THEM.
Kate knew her daughters were up on that Sky Jump, too. They were going to get attention. As long as the NPD can do something, anything, to overshadow the others, she's good. So she had to up the ante considerably and act like a total freak to make sure it was about HER.
By the way, you can't win with an NPD: they have zero sense of shame or embarrassment, so they will literally do whatever they have to do to get/stay in the spotlight. A normal person's sense of embarrassment/dignity will kick in long before the NPD gives up. LONG before.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
I was actually following the inane conversation on Twitter last night and her sheeple thought Khate was just amazing, so brave, accomplished so much, blah, blah, blah. WTF? I would tend to reserve those accolades for other women and mothers that come to mind, like maybe the woman I know whose husband was killed on 9/11 when he was just supposed to be sitting at a desk doing his job, while she was home with their three kids, pregnant with the fourth. Or maybe, the other woman I know who bravely battled breast cancer and held herself together because she couldn't crumble in front of her kids. She had some pretty dark days and was scared shitless, but her kids would have never known. (Thank God, she's fine now.... terrific, actually!) But, no, these dumbasses on Twitter admire Khate's "strength" and hold her up as their hero. Give me a freaking break! I feel the need to vomit.
I completely agree with you.
Kate is not a hero, or someone to even look up to. She's a fraud, and she's taking all of her "fans" for a ride. But, I believe this all will end up as a payback for all those years of Kate being a b*tch, w*tch and a twitch.
I can tell when the time comes for Kate to shake them off, her "fans" are not going to go peacefully. If she thinks she has alot of "haterz" now, she had better prepare herself. She's going to have to move to an island somewhere far away to avoid the backlash.
P.S. I'm glad your friend is doing well. God bless her. And God bless all the families who lost someone on 9/11. They are all worthy of admiration for what they went through.
Late night I watched a lovely, charming, stylish, fresh-faced natural Kate...Middleton. During commercials I switched over to Quints by surprise. They celebrated the quints birthday with friends and family and asked that, instead of bringing gifts for the kids, DONATE coats for the Coats for Kids charity! They set up a box at the house and all the guests dropped in coats, scarves, mittens. Rather interesting that show was on right in the middle of Kate's usual over-the-top-all-about-ME debacle.
Don't her fans wonder if Kate is so pursued by paparazzi, why has there never been a photo of her with an actual friend like these girlfriends she had a night out with recently? Only Jamie and Steve - both of whom collect TLC paychecks.
No photos with her sisters, nieces, nephews, parents, etc.
No photos at any type of activity for the kids.
All real celebs are photographed doing things like this all the time. Why not their precious Kate?
Don't her fans wonder if Kate is so pursued by paparazzi, why has there never been a photo of her with an actual friend like these girlfriends she had a night out with recently? Only Jamie and Steve - both of whom collect TLC paychecks.
No photos with her sisters, nieces, nephews, parents, etc.
No photos at any type of activity for the kids.
All real celebs are photographed doing things like this all the time. Why not their precious Kate?
Pink - thanks!
Vanessa said...
(snip) And yes Kate, if you have this DEATHLY UNBELIEVABLE, LIKE YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, LIKE IT'S LIKE, OH MY GOSH, AWFUL, NO, LIKE YOU REALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT KIND, LIKE, LIKE fear of heights there is NO WAY you would have gone up in a hot air balloon all chicklet teeth-a-shining! Side by side pics of THIS reaction to heights with pics of her in the hot air balloon would be priceless.
And from the previous post, a comment last night:
Team Kids said...
Soooo...where was this paralyzing fear of heights during the hot air balloon ride???
Vanessa and Team Kids - Excellent point! She went in a hot air balloon ride and wasn't afraid of heights, never mentioned it? Ha, it's so hard to keep the lies straight, isn't it?
Reposting this from the NZ Discussion thread, since this thread will probably be getting the traffic now instead:
There was a blind gossip item a few months ago saying two reality show people, one married, one not, were wanting to come out with their relationship and the network was scrambling to figure out how to make it happen. Looks like this is how TLC is gonna play it - pretend like Steve doesn't exist, then suddenly it's an episode about Steve's home country as if they hadn't been pretending Steve didn't exist all this time. I bet we'll be seeing him in all the episodes coming up, and I wouldn't be surprised if their "relationship" is announced by the end of summer. Then we'll be seeing episodes of "Steve & Kate +8" next fall.
I have no doubt that Kate has a personality disorder, but I have a suspicion that Steve is quite the opportunist and has manipulated this scenario to his advantage. I think when he met her and started doing "security" for the family, he saw the weakness in Jon and Kate's relationship and saw Kate's incessant desire to be admired, and somehow he's managed to get Jon out of the picture and make Kate trust him and only him. He's making BIG MONEY from this gig.
When Hailey Glassman put that ridiculous story on Radar Online about Jon trying to extort money from Kate, there were pages of papers Jon had supposedly written. The first "page" was where Jon supposedly wrote about himself in the third person (which I don't think was his writing) but the other pages were in a different handwriting and had info that makes me believe those papers really were Jon's. One of the things written on those papers was something about "Steve the trustee." I don't know if it was the same Steve, but it was the first time I wondered if there's more to his role in this situation than originally thought.
I don't get the vibe that Steve has the same feelings about Kate that Kate does about Steve, but I *do* get the feeling that Steve has led Kate to believe Steve has the same feelings towards her...and money is a powerful motivator.
I am a (former) friend of a soap star (and she is a bonafide star). The reason I am 'former' and not a present friend is because she totally buys the Networks's 'demands' on her 'celebrity'. She used to be involved in a national organization but they learned (almost too late) that she was just waaaayyyyy too much trouble and waaaayyyyy too expensive. She claimed that she could not go ANYwhere unless she flew First Class. She claimed she was "not allowed" to be seen in public without full makeup, freshly styled hair, and (very) expensive clothing ---- all something to do with being associated with "The Brand". You can imagine an organization struggling to make ends meet having to put up with this. All this is to say, I sort of understand K's sense of entitlements --- I am absolutely positive that TLC has some of the same type of things in K's contract and Kate takes them all literally (as did my former friend). When I once remarked to my (former) friend that, gee, couldn't she apply any common sense to the "rules" (about traveling and being seen in public) and she could not grasp what I was saying at all. EVERYTHING was ALL about her ALL the time --- "OMG, what if I am photographed?" (she claims the Network would not 'allow' this because then they would have to pay the pap). "OMG, what if NO ONE RECOGNIZES me???" "OMG, I need at least a three-room suite if they want me to come to their event" "OMG, I can't commit in advance - I might need to be on set". Additionally, the poor organizers never knew if she was going to actually use the First Class airfare, or the three-room suite, or the Town Car, or if they could even put her on the program.
I believe the Networks involved with both the former friend and Kate *DO* apply pressure to behave and look a certain way, and people like my former friend and Kate don't know how to say, Whoa, you don't OWN me; in fact, I think deep down they want and need this 'ownership' from the Networks because it makes them seem special.
The Twittering is another "job expectation" and someone will get tired of it and it will fall off in whatever popularity it has gained. Heck, even TLC will get bored (and have you noticed how quick-on-the-button they are with their responses to K's Tweets?? - they read EVERYTHING). Maybe Kate herself will get tired of being owned.
I'm off my soapbox for now.
Oh my gosh, admin! I started to read this early this morning (before the sleep was gone from my eyes) and I did a double-take at the bird and couldn't stop laughing. I never did finish reading the whole thing until just a bit ago. It's good I wasn't drinking my coffee when I looked at the bird. Hilariously hilariousish!
I wonder if TLC ever thought of turning this show into a comedy with just Kate and no kids. The whole thing is just too funny to be taken seriously!
Has Her Royal Heinous cut back on her constant twattering/twittering? (I still don't know what it's called.)
I forgot to say - you could have tatooed a Winnie the Pooh on the arms of the bird. Everything is about Kate! I know it's on her ankle, but still...would have really been funny!
Ok, I've wiped-away my tears from laughing so hard. This re-cap was one of your best. Thank you so much for watching this crapfest for us!
I will never - ever - allow myself to be counted by TLC as a "viewer" of child abuse.
Hope everyone is having a great day!
Excellent job, Admin! Very entertaining to read, much better than watching. I can read about Khate and enjoy it, but I cannot watch her without feeling guilty or physically sick. This psychotic meltdown on the Sky Jump is tempting me, but I think I can rein myself in!
I can't believe she would have a meltdown like that in front of her young kids! How horrific for them to witness that. Your parents are supposed to be your "rock", strong enough to reassure and protect you. Life can be hard, but you put on a brave face for your kids. If Khate really couldn't handle the jump, she could have graciously bowed out. But Khate isn't normal. Her kids will have to grow up fast to deal with a drama queen such as herself.
My mom has NPD tendencies, but I've never seen her breakdown like that. I think if Khate had been a regular person freaking out like that, they would have called an ambulance for her, in case she went into shock or something. Is she trying to prove her acting chops to someone? I imagine that's why she screeches/screams so much - it's to impress anyone watching who might hire her for her dream job as a voice-over actor. Remember that uncalled for "Come and get your POPCORN!"? from a year or two ago? Yeah, I think she's showing off for some non-existent talent scout. She's knows full well how to get what she wants out of her show. Note to Khate: Cut the drama, you're scaring your kids and you look like a freak to them and everyone else around you.
I am really happy to hear Mady jumped and didn't let Khate's negativity get to her. I remember in Season 1 or 2 when the twins went to the pinecone forest and Khate scared Mady out of rock climbing. In that episode, Khate even admitted she shouldn't have freaked out in front of Mady like that - what happened to Khate's common sense? Fame has destroyed this woman.
Thanks for the witty recap-glad I didn't watch. I've always wondered, too, why Kate has made such a big deal over p-people when she is the one who lets cameras be in her children's faces practically their whole lives (even on the potty). The kids probably wouldn't even know the difference between a TLC-approved "pap" an and "unauthorized" one if she didn't make a big deal out of it.
Linda G. said...
I don't think she has histrionic personality disorder. It doesn't totally fit, whereas with NPD, she literally fits into every indicator, like she's a textbook case.
I know nothing about either disorder, but does a narcissist let one see her vulnerable side? Doesn't the narcissist want to appear perfect in every way all of the time? I didn't see the show, but if she was curled up crying, wouldn't this show that she was afraid, thus revealing that she's not perfect? Or, does a narcissist use whatever means just to make sure she's the center of attention, even if they must show themselves as weak, sympathetic characters?
Could it be there's a bit of histrionic disorder thrown into this mix -- the flair for the dramatic with an exaggeration to show emotions?
Kit, I enjoyed your story about your former, actress friend. It's always fascinating to read about the trappings of showbiz from the performers' angle, because no one except friends/family can truly know a celebrity. I agree that a celeb is "owned", as he/she must act and look a certain way to keep a job.
I think the difference with Khate is that she feels TLC IS her family and she wants to be a part of them. She discarded her real family years ago, the ones who REALLY cared about her and Jon and the kids. But now TLC is her family, she gives them the ratings (not so much anymore) and they give her whatever she wants in return. They've paid her bills and even watch her kids. The cameramen are "daddies" to the kids, in her words. But Khate cannot recognize a business relationship from a personal one, and she will be in for a rude awakening when the show ends and TLC leaves. I'm sure some TLC folk will stay in touch with the family for awhile, but they will move on in time.
I didn't watch and loved your recap...lol. My favorite part was the Shawshank reference to Cara...spot on.
First of all, hilarious recap! So many zingers,yet they all ring true (which is sad, really).
Kate's never going to apologize to that Brad guy, but I'm loving the fact that he stood up to her and called out her bullshit. I'm surprised she jumped; I wouldn't have had the gumption to even go out on the ledge, but then I know myself. Were I a mom there, I'd let my of age kids do the walk and the jump. I don't understand people's utter shock that the kids jumped. It's safe and here's some examples of unsafe activities that Kate has exposed her kids to; taking them on the ATV's while gunning the engine sans helmets, allowing the kids to be in an elephant enclosure and most of all, exposing them to who knows what pedophiles that think and do disgusting things while watching her children in various stages of undress, bathing, showering and lest we forget, pooping.
I used to think Mady would be the first to shawshank out of there, but recently, my money is on Cara. I watched the preview online and man, the crossed arms and look on her face says it all. I do hope that she enjoyed her adventurous jump. Good for her!
Two thoughts on this episode:
1. Kate didn't jump off the tower because she promised the kids she would, she was COMPETING with them! She couldn't just be happy for her daughters and enjoy the moment, she had to one-up them and make it all about HER. How dare they enjoy themselves without Kate! Don't they know it's all about MOMMY?! Kate had to throw an absolute fit in order to outshine her precious children and their bravery and bring the focus back to herself. Nevermind that freaking out takes away from everyone else's fun. Cara and Mady won't be able to look back on that day without remembering Kate's meltdown, which totally overshadowed the fun they had.
2. Kate's comment about Ashley's wonderful home schooling education combined with the way she positioned her vacation as a "Gosselin field trip" makes me wonder if she's not thinking about pulling all 8 kids from school next year and home schooling them. That will fit in much better with her filming schedule. No more pesky trips to the bus stop, scheduling filming(for the most part) around school holidays or rumors about rotting lunches and kids misbehaving. Home schooling would give Kate what she wants - complete control over every aspect of their lives and the flexibility to film endlessly to support her spray tan and shoe addiction.
Gag me said...
Thanks Jellybean for more insight into this very disturbed woman.
I wish someone had the patience to edit together all the video clips of Kate acting like a mental patient so that Jon could show her antics to the Judge.
@Kateplusmy8 Kate, you are featured in an article on Yahoo's front page! It proclaims that you face your greatest fears! I'm so proud of U!
12 min ago from web
Duh, it's not exactly a flattering clip, but hey, be proud dumb sheeple:
Please tell me that was a joke - she didn't really say a kiwi is a bird with NO ARMS, OMG!!! And complaining about the paps - they won't allow privacy - the woman is mad, I tell you, mad. Thanks Administrator for the re-cap, it reads like another disaster. The drama queen prolonging the jump and being rude to the attendant - vintage Kate. Drama again as she frightens the children upon landing - great mother - NOT. If Steve actually jumped, who was guarding her body while he was in flight?
It would be funny to see the footage of Kate sprawled out bawling hysterically cut into her DWTS performances when the judges gave their feedback and scores. Or a cut in of some pap walking away not taking a picture. Or when Jon asked her when she'd take the stick out.
oooo. No shower cap under the helmet that had been worn by how many different perhaps sweaty people before her. all because a pap might take a pic. HEAD LICE, Kate? Think they didn't mention that to her on purpose - that the shower cap was for Kate's protection. If they had even whispered 'head lice', she would have had three shower caps on that head.
Aeris said... If Khate really couldn't handle the jump, she could have graciously bowed out. But Khate isn't normal. Her kids will have to grow up fast to deal with a drama queen such as herself.
If I'm reading correctly, Mady and Cara both jumped before Kate. Why couldn't she just step out and make this their moment to shine?
Just out of curiousty, I took a look at the school calendar. They have a four day weekend, off Friday and Monday. I wonder if she'll be filming all weekend, or does Jon get them? Even if he has them for the weekend, she might squeeze in filming on Friday and Monday.
Btw, what grade are the twins in now, fifth? I noticed on the calendar that last week in the Middle School (6th - 8th grade) it was Grandparents Day. Someone should tweet Khate what are the twins going to do next year on Grandparents Day? Will their grandparents be attending?
Regarding the clip at the Kiwi house:
Kate, you utter moron, can you possibly live in the moment and not get 3 kinds of flustered over one dumb ass pap taking your photos? As Joy Behar says, so what? who cares?
By the way, I wasn't even there and I know Mr. Kiwi Bird House Man's name is Paul. He introduced himself to you and your kids when you got there, you ignorant piece of work.
Great recap Adm and it provided lots of laughs. Unfortunately, last night's episode was not remotely funny and you were way too kind to Kate. She was unbelievably rude to both Mr. Kiwi Man and to Brad...unbelievably rude. She was telling Brad he had to explain things in "her way"...it was like watching her with Tony Dovolani on DWTS all over again. She acted like an utter and complete Diva. In addition, she had no qualms AT ALL about her daughter jumping but she wailed hysterically and repeatedly when it was her turn...she cares about NO ONE but herself. Then collapsing in a ball and wailing and wailing and bawling when she landed and going on and on about it. Cara was the adult...never even whimpered...Kate was out of control. It was pathetic. During the recap on the couch, she sat there and laughed about being rude to both Kiwi Man and Brad. Yeah, treating people like $hit is really hysterical Kate. Oh, by the way, she's being called on the carpet by Snake someone...said no one saw her at church...he also asked her if she had a deadbolt on the basement door. A couple of his remarks have been deleted. She's a FOOL. Oh, and I fell asleep during the sandwich/picnic thing, but I saw a clip of her shopping for the groceries and being rude in the grocery store. Last night we got to see the REAL KATE...rude as hell. As someone on another site remarked, she has an over-inflated sense of self importance.
I HAVE to relate this story to you guys.(And NO this is not a lame excuse, my cat hit the remote, or I was channel surfing LOL) Last evening, we were at dinner in our local pub. Guess what the TV channel was on? When SHE appeared, I kid you not, a collective groan went up with the approximately 70 people there, IN UNISON. Several asked the channel to be changed. I heard "idiot" "drama queen" and a few other choice words, I cannot repeat here. The owners wife spoke up, laughing, and said the ONLY reason she had it on, was to see the Sky Jump, as their family went there last year and did the same jump. She said she heard the "idiot" had a tantrum and promised to change it as soon as the scene was over. She did keep flipping back and forth until the scene came on, thankfully, we weren't exposed to all the crap. I swear to God, had I not already eaten, I would have lost my appetite. I understand fear. I understand trying things that are not in your comfort zone. But this woman was absolutely ridiculous with the over the top dramatics. Good lot it did, she is "more afraid than ever" now of heights. Idiot!!
What a foolish woman. NO she did NOT do the jump "for her kids". She did it because TLC said to do it, to boost ratings. One lady at the pub said "since when does this idiot do anything FOR her kids". Every single remark said about her and the show, last night, I have read on this blog or others. Amazing how many people feel the exact same way.
Her blubbering in a ball after the jump, while her worried little kids were hovered around, make me want to walk up and kick her in the self centered butt of hers, and I am NOT a violent person. What an obscene display of stupidity. The rudeness she showed to Brad was horrible. He wasn't taking her nonsense And that fool has yet to apologize? How long ago was that? This is like the Koala bears, "working on it". The stupid woman had plenty of time to find out exactly what happens in the jump, instead of blubbering in the bathroom.
Sorry for the rant. I am mad at myself for even paying attention to her. BLECH lol
Btw, what grade are the twins in now, fifth?
The twins are in fourth grade...still in lower school.
There are kids who do not have grandparents who can attend, either because of travel or because they are deceased. If those kids feel left out on such a day, there are "surrogate" grandparents provided for those kids, and it works out quite well.
Off topic, but it's been announced today that Kate will be in Kentucky on Mother's Day weekend so she can appear at the Barnstable Brown Bash (the pre-party festivities for the Kentucky Derby.)
Well, she certainly gets my vote for Mother of the Year. Blah.
Anyone paid attention to the tweets of greatskate1? This person has been relentless for a couple of days, and most are hilarious! lol
greatskate1 Eric cartman
@Kateplusmy8 Hi Kate, I tried baking your Flag Cake today and I accidently burned it. Does that make me unpatriotic?
greatskate1 Eric cartman
@Kateplusmy8 @rkquick Don't forget to tune in to BRAVO TV tonight for Kate's show at 10pm It's going to be majestical
greatskate1 Eric cartman
@Kateplusmy8 HI Kate, when you make Monkey Munch, do you first take the hair off the monkeys or do you just shove them in the oven
greatskate1 Eric cartman
@Kateplusmy8 Hi Kate, when you get the free beach house in NC, will you be wearing your belly button or did People Mag not give it back yet?
So many hilarious tweets, so little time. LOLOL
Interesting comment (sorry, I dont know how to make it a link)...
5. One of my girlfriends had a Kate Gosselin siting at our Whole Foods. She reported that she was wearing fabulous shoes, was really skinny and had stick straight hair. Oh, and she was driving a slick Audi.
Knows Quality said...With her failing show and lack of invites to major events or networks, she will be at every single opening or event that will say yes to her manager.
I am sure we will be seeing Kate at the opening of envelope next. LOL
Knows Quality said...
Off topic, but it's been announced today that Kate will be in Kentucky on Mother's Day weekend so she can appear at the Barnstable Brown Bash (the pre-party festivities for the Kentucky Derby.)
Well, she certainly gets my vote for Mother of the Year. Blah.
Just when you think Kate can't sink any lower, she does! She's leaving her kids with the Not-A-Nanny ON mother's day weekend??!?! I hope they at least get that weekend with Jon.
No regrets said...
Anyone paid attention to the tweets of greatskate1? This person has been relentless for a couple of days, and most are hilarious! lol
It's Kelly! LOL!! Someone over on WG site posted all of his tweets...volumes of them. Sounds just like Kelly!
Louisville is my hometown, the Derby is a treasure to Louisville. Trish and Cyb Barnstable (the original Doublemint Gum twins)
were neighbors. I think I need to go look them up and slap their faces. Why would anyone want to ruin the preDerby fun (Pegasus parade,
the balloon glow - if they're still doing that -and all the goodies that Derby brings) by bringing Kate Gosselin into the picture. Ugh.
Well, Derby just got ruined for me. Thanks Trish. Thanks Cyb.
Wow snakeinaboot is really calling out Kate. Called her a liar saying she wasn't in church. The tweets are too funny
@Kateplusmy8 Kate, you are featured in an article on Yahoo's front page! It proclaims that you face your greatest fears! I'm so proud of U!
Not true. Her greatest fear is having TLC pull the plug. I want to see that moment on film.
Knows Quality said...
Off topic, but it's been announced today that Kate will be in Kentucky on Mother's Day weekend so she can appear at the Barnstable Brown Bash (the pre-party festivities for the Kentucky Derby.)
From the site:
Gosselin, who's leaving her brood of eight at home, is being co-hosted by the Derby Festival and will attend the Derby Festival Celebrity Luncheon and Republic Bank Pegasus Parade while she's in the River City.
Another Mother's Day away from the kids. When was the last one that she was there? Oh yeah...the one that was filmed. Acutally, I think they filmed on the stunt double Mother's Day, not the real one.
I wish I had my mom still, I miss her dearly, and I have wonderful memories of making that day special for her. I can't imagine her leaving town on that day. It's way too important for Kate to attend the Kentucky Derby and get VIP treatment.
Sad, very sad.
Sorry, I meant to post this comment here and accidentally posted it in another thread. I mentioned that Kate probably thinks Banana Republic is a country. She probably even thinks that's where bananas come from!
SmileyGrl752 said...
Sorry, I meant to post this comment here and accidentally posted it in another thread. I mentioned that Kate probably thinks Banana Republic is a country. She probably even thinks that's where bananas come from!
LOL Wish someone would suggest she go there.
Carried over from the previous thread:
gotyournumberKate said...
It looks like TLC and Kate managed to get rid of all her negative comments.
The negative comments sent to Kate from yesterday and last night are still all over Twitter. You need to go to the individual people's pages and/or do a search for "@Kateplusmy8" to see what everyone has been saying to her (there are TONS - last night was not very pleasant twitter reading for Katie and Kelly is busy right now. Good job Kelly!) Or to see them in a real-time stream: http://www.twazzup.com/?q=kateplusmy8&l=all. Looking at Kate's Twitter page only shows tweets that she replied to - not everything that was sent to her.
Bubbles, the non-blogger ID one said...
... One of the things written on those papers was something about "Steve the trustee." I don't know if it was the same Steve, but it was the first time I wondered if there's more to his role in this situation than originally thought.
Who knows what their relationship really is. But, he's definitely made a lot of money being her handler/purse-holder/bag carrier/babysitter/driver/confidante/tour guide/enabler. I've seen a few of the public records related to the deed on the house and there are a couple of names you'll recognize. Steve is rumored to be one. One name I remember seeing listed as a trustee is Kate's manager/PR Julie Carson May.
jellybean said...
Knows Quality said...
Off topic, but it's been announced today that Kate will be in Kentucky on Mother's Day weekend so she can appear at the Barnstable Brown Bash (the pre-party festivities for the Kentucky Derby.)
Why? To do what? Has she ever heard of the Kentucky Derby? Is it on her bucket list?
Whatever happened to the affirmation that she will never spend a holiday away from the kids? Oops...guess that falls right in there with the "Mommy and Daddy will always be together" promise.
Someone said what happened to Kate's common sense?
Please, when did she have any? She had twins, she and Jon could barely afford their home with both of them working and she had the Hormone treatments? Where did she get the money for that? Who, while living paycheck to paycheck and having 2 healthy kids does something like that? Not someone with common sense and she never discussed what she was doing with Jon, he had no idea until she was pregnant? That is more of a slap in the face than the actual hand hitting him when she would do that. Yet, he stayed with her, raised those babies and twins. She flew around the country with Bodyguard, highlighting her hair, listening to the compliments about how pretty she was and ate it up.
This woman is destroying the minds of her children. That whole escapade with the rolling into a ball and crying, scaring her children is how she controls their minds. She makes sure they don't leave her for Daddy. Because Mommy is weak and needs her babies.
When TLC drops has ass, those kids will be living with Jon, at least the twins will.
As for the horse riding and those 2 paps with cameras. Those horse' are retired horses, trained to follow a path, they don't generally react to anything, they are calm, passive, will just find their way back by their selves if they are not tied together anyhow. Those are the horses rented by families. Not dangerous horses but old, generally from a circus, carnival, rodeo and now used by renters per 1/2 hr. Kate's voice wouldn't even upset them, they are so passive.
As for the helmet she wore, she never spent much time in a stable huh? Many types of specimens live in those barns. Hope she got a few in her hair. What an idiot.
Jon made her look good on TV. Now, whether this is her true personality or what TLC wants her to project, I don't know, but nothing she does makes sense.
Her treatment of Brad at the top of the bldg., was sad. She treats people like crap, but she treats her kids worse.
Now I understand why Ashley travels with her. She is a college kid, makes some money, pays little attention to Kate and can relate to Kate's immature ways. Ashley is smarter than Kate and totally responsible for keeping those kids entertained while Kate goes off after filming with Steve.
No, I don't believe Kate is bright, but I do think she is a survivor and that is why she went out there begging for money and freebees. I'm sure her family is ashamed of her,.
When she kicked Jon out, she truly thought he would come back and I'll bet she begged him. He couldn't go back and take that treatment. If he had gone back I believe he would have murdered her with the pent up anger he had within him.
We will never see her parents/siblings as they hide from public.
Yes, Kate has another car. She has the habit of renting cars also to avoid being detected by "us normal folks" or as she said, "her fans won't stop bothering her"....well, hope her hair falls out from the recent reports of the danger of the Brazillian blow out she gets, it is looking very stringy, use to be thick and very pretty.
I have laughed at the Admin epic saga also. Waiting for the ratings numbers to come in.
Sorry, I meant to post this comment here and accidentally posted it in another thread. I mentioned that Kate probably thinks Banana Republic is a country. She probably even thinks that's where bananas come from!
I hear Misurata is lovely this time of year.
Hey TLC, F*** Kate Gosselin- give "greatskate1" a t.v. show. Far more entertaining and a bazillion times funnier....
@Kateplusmy8 I guess since Kate doesn't really know who Chief Crazy Horse is, I suppose she thinks Moby Dick is someone with an STD
@Kateplusmy8 @acemme How about an old fashioned Gosselin Goody, Grilled Cheese, minus the cheese, less one slice of bread, cut 8 ways.
@Kateplusmy8 @acemme or another recipe good enough for Making Meals into Mammories, PBJ with some mold and a sell date of 1999
@Kateplusmy8 @acemme No, the chicken cacciatore is first chased, their arms broken, defeathered, yelled at and then baked orange until done
@Kateplusmy8 @acemme I have tried the chicken arms but didn't like them. Too many tatoos and they were toughish
@Kateplusmy8 Hi Kate, will you be wearing your tall pointed black hat for the Kentucky Derby party?
@Kateplusmy8 HI Kate, will you be taking your white plastic chair to the Royal Wedding?
@Kateplusmy8 Kate, it's raining in here My coat is soaked and I have to hang it to dry but all I have are WIRE HANGERS NO MORE WIRE HANGERS
THANK YOU greatskate1 :o)
Midnight Madness said...
No regrets said...
Anyone paid attention to the tweets of greatskate1? This person has been relentless for a couple of days, and most are hilarious! lol
It's Kelly! LOL!! Someone over on WG site posted all of his tweets...volumes of them. Sounds just like Kelly!
Whoever it is, has me in stitches! He/she has hit on every single issue, and I mean everything. LOL
greatskate1 Eric cartman
@Kateplusmy8 when you channel Leona Helmsley, does she tell you "Good Job"?
Pink! Hadn't seen those. This guy has a brilliant comedic mind. LOL
Question from a non-twitterer...can Kate see Kelly's tweets, or does she have them blocked somehow?
I had to snort at the Moby Dick comment, and I don't snort too often! Kelly reminds me of Henny Youngman.
Whoever it is, has me in stitches! He/she has hit on every single issue, and I mean everything. LOL
Kelly needs to do more take-offs on the plastic boobs! Loved the "supporter" one!
With Kate carrying on as described by admin, those kids were probably afraid at first that she had been injured. Sorry, lovebugs, she's just terminally stupid and hysterical (as in hysterics, not funny at all). Were we supposed to be proud of her? Feel sorry for her? 'Cause iwanasmackkate upside her pointy straw covered head.
As much as everyone wants this exploitive show to end, you just know that a lot of the kids' schoolmates must have watched the show. How lovely that the school community got to see Kate in all her rude, ridiculous, stupid glory. What do you say to someone with such a fool/bitch of a mother? Sorry?
And a great big shoutout to Kelly! His posts are beyond funny. I just about peed myself with the monkey munch tweet.
I'm sorry the Admin had to sit through that rubbish and then write a recap, well at least it's witty. Looking at all of those twits, it has to be an intern(s) or TLC employees on a computer, anyone try typing on a iphone? I have a droid and it takes me over a minute to type 1 sentence correctly on a touch screen.
So she's going to the Kentucky Derby? Why, do they need another "Donkey" to guide the horses to the gate during training runs??
Anybody what the ratings are for last nite?
We were watching the NBA playoffs
We will never see her parents/siblings as they hide from public.
I see Kevin and Jodi out and about all the time. They don't hide. They never did.
Good grief Admin I don't know how you manage to turn this pathetic excuse of a show into a hilariously entertaining review every time but you do!
I'm just wondering what Kate would have said to the person in charge when she demanded to know who to talk to at the SkyJump. Was she going to lodge a complaint? And did anyone tell her the definition of non-paying customer is grifter?
Hopefully Jon invited his lawyer over to his house to watch the episode with him. It must be hell for him to have to allow his children fly to the other side of the globe with this lunatic. Kate's mental state is deteriorating so rapidly it's no wonder he tried to put a stop to this trip. Never mind Australia I would be afraid to let her take them to the end of the driveway.
E-town Neighbor said...
We will never see her parents/siblings as they hide from public.
I see Kevin and Jodi out and about all the time. They don't hide. They never did.
Does the community support them? Kate has attempted to vilify them unmercifully. When they testified for Rep. Murt in Horsham PA, Kate was livid. She said the they were "gallavanting" to NYC to make money off of her children and admonished them that they should be home eating dinner with their kids.
Pot, meet kettle, and ps, you imbicile (yeah, you Kate), your brother and SIL were giving damaging, truthful testimony against you because they know your abusive ways. They have shown more genuine caring and pain for their nieces and nephews than you ever have, Ms. Crocodile Tears.
E-town Neighbor - thanks for the reply. I feel bad for the kids and I just wonder if it's really true that they never see their grandparents. I wonder how Khate explains that to them; it's not like they live thousands of miles away.
Oh great, now she'll be mugging for the camera at the Kentucky Derby. I don't really follow that much, but I have seen some of the coverage and photos some years, and it seems like a handful of reality tv losers are invited every year. Too bad they picked Khate this year. Yuck.
Kelly's tweets are the best! No one says things like he does.....go Kelly!
Betty said,
When TLC drops has ass, those kids will be living with Jon, at least the twins will.
...which brings up an interesting point. Despite the sometimes on-screen volatile Kate-Mady relationship, Mady was the first one to go over to Kate after the jump. The look on her face was one of real concern.
"Those are the horses rented by families. Not dangerous horses but old, generally from a circus, carnival, rodeo and now used by renters per 1/2 hr. Kate's voice wouldn't even upset them, they are so passive."
Have you been to that location in New Zealand...you seem to know quite a bit about the horses? Riding horses in New Zealand is on my bucket list! :)
"When she kicked Jon out, she truly thought he would come back and I'll bet she begged him. He couldn't go back and take that treatment. If he had gone back I believe he would have murdered her with the pent up anger he had within him."
Nobody knows what went on in that house, whether she begged him to come back, or whether he wanted to come back and she refused. To say that he would have "murdered" her is really harsh.
The twit who tweets and who said "@GN lovers&haters alike.Don't think ur hate makes it 2me& if sum does it doesn'tpenetrate me1bit.Myenergy is focusedon my kids.U can'tget2me."
I guess she lied? She's not only reading them, but she's replying now. LMAO
Is she serious or does this fly over her dense head?
@Snakeinaboot to @Kateplusmy8
I heard you were just as rude to Brad at Sky Jump as you were to Steve Thomas at your own home. You sure are burning bridges.
Kateplusmy8 to @Snakeinaboot
I jumped off a building, not a bridge silly!
@Snakeinaboot to @Kateplusmy8
Funny - Nobody saw you in church over the weekend. Hmmm.
Kateplusmy8 to @Snakeinaboot
Really? Hmmm.. Wonder why not? We saw tons of frirnds in church... Didn't think our church members all were blind?!
Snakeinaboot to @Kateplusmy8
No, I'm serious. Nobody saw you. I asked everyone.
And then,
@Snakeinaboot to @Kateplusmy8
Do you have a deadbolt on the basement door of this house, too?
Kateplusmy8 to @Snakeinaboot
Please explain...
Snakeinaboot to @Kateplusmy8
How much does @askBabyMama creep u out? Is that why you have Steve? She has pictures of your kids everywhere. Who does that?
Kateplusmy8 to @Snakeinaboot
I don't know what you're talking about?!!
Whoever said they thought TLC was deleting the negative tweets to Kate isn't looking in the right place.
Next up Kate/TLC will make an announcement that her twitter page has to be shut down due to overwhelming fan mail/hater mail,and then Kate can do the interview circuit twisting her handkerchief and her purse full of bills blaming Jon for the twitter fiasco.
I recorded this and just watched part of it. She actually made sure her hair was out of her face so the camera could get a good shot of her'crying' when Brad used every bit of will power he was ever give not to push her off that building. Brad, your Mama should be proud of you.
What an ego, Kate. mememememememe
Then back home during her 'interview', do the cameramen and others actually laugh with her and act like they appreciate what gibberish comes out of her mouth? It's like she looks to them for approval and keeps on gibberishing. Hey Kate, you can use this if ya want.
Sorry, but those poor kids. To them this is normal.
The twit's tweets said...
Snakeinaboot to @Kateplusmy8
How much does @askBabyMama creep u out? Is that why you have Steve? She has pictures of your kids everywhere. Who does that?
Kateplusmy8 to @Snakeinaboot
I don't know what you're talking about?!!
She doesn't know who BM is?
Wow, that's pretty insulting.
Kinda sad that Kate is choosing to ignore her #1 fan. BUT indicative of how unappreciative Kate is.
Some advice to Kate's "fans": be careful who you are idolizing. She is not alone by accident or choice.
You will end up emotionally exhausted, and broke by the time she's done using you.
Oh Lordy be! Making Meals into Mammaries? Kelly, I want to marry you!!
Loved that she didn't know who BM was! Perhaps she was feigning ignorance, but that's gotta hurt to know you worship the woman, have a fan blog and she doesn't know or acknowledge you exist.
Yummy stuff. So, so rich, I couldn't possibly eat more.
Yes, actually I could....
Oh, my. Will there be paps at the D-list Kentucky Derby party? Be careful to avoid them Kate. Wouldn't want any unauthorized photos of you getting out now. You are not that desperate, right? Any ratings yet anyone?
Loved the recap. Admin, you are so talented!
Does anyone know if there is a video somewhere of Kate when she sky jumps? I didn't watch the show, but would like to see the jump.
Knows Quality said...Off topic, but it's been announced today that Kate will be in Kentucky on Mother's Day weekend so she can appear at the Barnstable Brown Bash (the pre-party festivities for the Kentucky Derby.)
Well, she certainly gets my vote for Mother of the Year. Blah.
Kate and her nine lives.
Kudos to Kate's manager for getting her an invite, despite Kate's dwindling fame and crazy twitter antics. Just when you think it's the end, something like this keeps her in the spotlight.
From that article:
Gosselin, who's leaving her brood of eight at home, is being co-hosted by the Derby Festival and will attend the Derby Festival Celebrity Luncheon and Republic Bank Pegasus Parade while she's in the River City.
Are they saying that Gosselin is co-hosting this Derby Festival? The wording is all wrong but that's my take on it. Sheesh!
Charlez said... Loved the recap. Admin, you are so talented!
Does anyone know if there is a video somewhere of Kate when she sky jumps? I didn't watch the show, but would like to see the jump.
Charlez, you'll find the jump here:
Does anyone know if there is a video somewhere of Kate when she sky jumps? I didn't watch the show, but would like to see the jump.
Thanks Admin for the recap. I can visualize it all with your excellent insight and observations.
I'm awfully glad to hear from Kelly again. I love his sense of humour which is badly needed as we witness Kate the Screech's relentless descent into the abyss of anonymity. I hope.
Did anyone pick up on the two comments one child made, first about glow worms eating people that scream and the other about what would happen if there were snow covering the sky walk and the walkers accidentally stepped off without their harness, and what a bad thing that would be? In both instances, I thought I might have detected some veiled hostility to Kate but it could be my biases showing.
I will be at the Kentucky Derby. I also have access to all of the areas where Kate might be. I will have my camera, like thousands of others who are attending and will take pictures if I see her (does this make me a paparazzi? LOL) I have met, spoken with and taken pics of a lot of famous people in previous years and they have all been gracious. I think this will be an interesting year.
Kate's PR team asked for the Kentucky Derby invite. After all, not easy to get STARS and real celebrities to Kentucky any longer since Vegas is the place to go for the younger folks, then, of course there is all the hoopla going on in London with the wedding and the "knees up" party after the queen leaves. About a 3 day affair. So yes, Kate can go to the Kentucky Derby with Steve, of course. No one else to take her, is there?
Not a first class plane tkt or a first class hotel either. Remember you is going to Kentucky Kate, so take that credit card with you cause I don't think TLC is putting you up in the f/c suites when there are more horse owners with big bucks who reserve those years in advance.
Oh, but Kate, you may be able to get filmed, huh? Work that one in, it works everytime.
John murdering Kate? He was so angry at the hurt his children were suffering, he went on GMA and spoke for over 3 hours to Chris Cuomo on camera. He went on Larry King and spoke for an hour about the children and what they are going thru. He spoke about the mental and physical abuse he suffered and then he spoke about her lying. He was furious.
Murder may be a harsh word, but if he saw those kids flying off the roof of that bldg in Australia, then he felt like murdering her.
Remember something folks, unless you are a professional, and even then, you do not travel out of the United States of America and try to be a dare devil. You do not put your children in harm's way.
You must know where all of the hospitals are where you are going. Don't go rock climbing, etc., not in a foreign country unless you have capable medical staff with you.
Which brings up something that has always bothered me. Why doesn't a trained 4 yr RN travel with the Gosselins? Not Kate and her ickyness at her son's blood in one episode but a trained, licensed trauma nurse?
Does anyone know the number of viewers yet? I can't wait to find out so please post if you find out. Thanks and great recap, Admin!
Betty Jane said...
Kate's PR team asked for the Kentucky Derby invite.
"Not a first class plane tkt or a first class hotel either."
It depends on what she has demanded for an appearance, and what travel arrangements her handlers have made. If she wants to go first class and stay in an upscale hotel, then the event may pay for part of it, and she (or TLC) pays for the rest. We really don't know if she's getting a first-class plane ticket or not, unless, of course, you've seen the contract.
As far as knowing where hospitals are, celebrities have riders, and medical facilities/available treatment, etc. is all known before they go anywhere, not only to a foreign country. It's almost always standard in a contract. TLC would have made these inquiries before they left. They also know what physicians are available, as well as dentists and pediatricians if they travel with children.
Been there, done that.
"Murder may be a harsh word, but if he saw those kids flying off the roof of that bldg in Australia, then he felt like murdering her."
I disagree. Nobody knows what his feelings were because he didn't comment, and certainly nobody knows if he felt like murdering her.
Hey are the ratings out for last night? Hoping they're even lower than last week.
Just wanted to share an interesting little tidbit. There's a link up above to TLC's site and their photos from this Australia/NZ trip. In some other post here recently, there was a discussion in the comments as to whether TLC hired an Australian crew and I think someone mentioned that they only used their regular (U.S.) crew.
So, I noticed the photographer credit on the TLC photos, and I Googled him. He's from Australia:
When I told my sister that Khate was gonna be at The Kentucky Derby- she said "Well, they need something for the jockeys to ride!" Seems like so many of these reality "stars" show up at this event- the Kardashians, Real Housewives, Heidi and Spencer.... but Geesh!
thankyoufairy said...
Did anyone pick up on the two comments one child made, first about glow worms eating people that scream and the other about what would happen if there were snow covering the sky walk and the walkers accidentally stepped off without their harness, and what a bad thing that would be? In both instances, I thought I might have detected some veiled hostility to Kate but it could be my biases showing.
I don't watch the show, but those comments sound more like something Kate would have said to the kids to keep them in line. Don't touch that, you'll get dirty, etc!!! She's the one who made one of the boys upset about getting dirt on his hands so I'd expect something like that to come out of her mouth. She's said some strange things to the kids and those sound like Kate especially the one about the worms.
Presumably, Kelly said " it's raining in here My coat is soaked and I have to hang it to dry but all I have are WIRE HANGERS NO MORE WIRE HANGERS."
I've heard wire hangers and Kate being referenced together before. What does that mean? Someone please let me in on the joke! :)
@Jelly Bean...
Although Histrionic PD sounds similar to NPD, it's very different. While HPDs and NPDs both need constant attention, NPDs tend to feel superior to everyone else. Since no one is as great as they are, they don't deserve attention. Whereas people with HPD need the attention to improve their self esteem because they feel inferior to everyone else.
HPDs are more likely to do dangerous and stupid acts to get attention (like play chicken with a car, go home with a stranger, etc...). The idea is the crazier they act, the more attention they get and the more they feel loved.
@Kateplusmy8 Kate, you are featured in an article on Yahoo's front page! It proclaims that you face your greatest fears! I'm so proud of U!"
Her greatest fear is the damn clock FINALLY hitting the 15 minute mark ... it feels like it been stuck on 14:53 forever.
What's up with Kate?
She didn't have her usual supercalifragilisticexpealidociously amazing and awesome day today. She seemed a bit down in the dumps.
Didn't watch, but the way you describe it Admin, it would have been great if Brad had responded to her clap in kind - clap back in her face and say "hey lady, jump or don't, no skin off my back but we got a schedule to keep here - oh and put on the d*mn shower cap...our "paying' patrons don't want YOUR head lice. Just sayin'
Insert Creative Username Here said...
@Jelly Bean...
Although Histrionic PD sounds similar to NPD, it's very different. While HPDs and NPDs both need constant attention, NPDs tend to feel superior to everyone else. Since no one is as great as they are, they don't deserve attention. Whereas people with HPD need the attention to improve their self esteem because they feel inferior to everyone else.
HPDs are more likely to do dangerous and stupid acts to get attention (like play chicken with a car, go home with a stranger, etc...). The idea is the crazier they act, the more attention they get and the more they feel loved.
Or it could be a little bit of both? Either way she needs to be locked up in a mental hospital.
Lorrie said... Presumably, Kelly said " it's raining in here My coat is soaked and I have to hang it to dry but all I have are WIRE HANGERS NO MORE WIRE HANGERS."
I've heard wire hangers and Kate being referenced together before. What does that mean? Someone please let me in on the joke! :)
She's been compared to Joan Crawford in the Movie "Mommie Dearest" based on the book by the same name. If you haven't read the book or seen the movie, it wouldn't make any sense to you.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...
What's up with Kate?
She didn't have her usual supercalifragilisticexpealidociously amazing and awesome day today. She seemed a bit down in the dumps.
Hmmm, I wonder if she gets word from TLC of the ratings before they're officially published? That or maybe TLC told her they're looking for improvement, or at least to stop declining each week and she's nervous.
Or maybe she pitched all her travel ideas to TLC and they laughed in her face. I noticed that she isn't tweeting all day about how much she loves this country or that and it's on her damn "bucket list". Whatever it is, she knows this train ride is almost over and there is nothing she can do about it.
@Kateplusmy8 Hi Kate, you smart lil momma you. If your grandma had a set of balls, would she be your grandpa?
Does Kelly have two Twitter names?
From that article (Ky Derby):
Gosselin, who's leaving her brood of eight at home, is being co-hosted by the Derby Festival and will attend the Derby Festival Celebrity Luncheon and Republic Bank Pegasus Parade while she's in the River City.
Are they saying that Gosselin is co-hosting this Derby Festival? The wording is all wrong but that's my take on it. Sheesh!
I think what it's saying is that Kate will be
the guest of 2 entities - The Barnstable twins
and the Festival Committee. They are co-hosting her.
Ok, I don't want to make this a great big deal or make Brad the unknowing subject of blogs, but I want to pass this on. Poor Brad at Skywalk - Kate was just so horrible that I had to send them a note:
"Just saw your attraction and the host, Brad, on a TV show here (Kate Gosselin plus her 8 kids). Must give credit to the professionalism that Brad displayed, in the face of difficult circumstances and a rude guest in Kate Gosselin."
The response sent back to me:
"Thanks so much for your feedback. We are very proud of how professionally Brad handled himself. I will pass on your comments to him, I’m sure he will be stoked."
Interesting, eh? (Had to get that in, Canadian after all!)
Yes he does. Greatskate1 was suspended.
When she lands she literally balls up on the ground racking with sobs. It goes on forever. The kids are like, wwwhat? She is scaring them.
From Kate's tweets about it:
@Kateplusmy8 I saw him laughing when I was watching. His laughing was a little comical. How long did it take you to feel "normal" again?
53 minutes ago
in reply to ↑
@sminer22 Spent the rest of day in bed. No lie. Drained. So did Cara and mady btw.
25 minutes ago via Twitterrific
So this is what happens when Kate conquers her fear? Sounds more like the opposite of 'conquer'.
I understand that different people have different responses to facing their fears. However, it sounds like Kate was more traumatized by it than empowered by overcoming her fear.
What's worse is her reaction was witnessed by her children, who were probably traumatized by this instead of celebrating that their mom accomplished this 'fear factor' challenge. Would you encourage your mom and dad to 'conquer' another fear if you saw them react like this? I'd be more afraid that something bad might happen and not wanting to lose my parents.
It's sad that Kate can only overcome her fears with her security blanket Steve (pun intended) in tow. What happens when she no longer has him around?
I take it that this was another staged event on TLC's part for Kate's dramatic effect. Shame on TLC. Shame on Kate. Those kids should not be put in situations where they are scared for their mom's life, even after she was safely on the ground. Kids don't easily forget these things.
I haven't heard that word since La Jolla Shores beach in the early 1980s.
RE: Accomodations for Kate at Derby.
The Barnstable Twins and the Derby Festival have
a block of rooms reserved every year for their invited guests. So, Kate will have no problem staying in a first class suite with "proper" transportation to and from Churchill Downs. She will be treated like royalty because the twins are known for their hospitality, especially at Derby time. Kate will have a good time in Louisville.
Lorrie said... Presumably, Kelly said " it's raining in here My coat is soaked and I have to hang it to dry but all I have are WIRE HANGERS NO MORE WIRE HANGERS."
I've heard wire hangers and Kate being referenced together before. What does that mean? Someone please let me in on the joke! :)
Lori - check out these links:
- particularly the last paragraph, about Mommie Dearest
- this is about the book Mommie Dearest; read the part about Christina Crawford's Claims
- this is the movie based on the book:
In the most infamous scene of the film, Joan, cross-eyed and slathered in cold cream, stalks into Christina's bedroom in the middle of the night and discovers one of the child's dresses hanging on a wire hanger, she launches into a tirade, screaming at the girl, "I told you! No wire hangers, ever!". She tears apart her closet and hits the girl with the hanger. Joan declares that Christina's bathroom is not spotless, and furious that the child does not understand her notion of cleanliness, wrecks the bathroom as well, throwing cleanser powder everywhere, telling Christina to clean it up.
I just watched a video clip of the jump and I must say, it was a TALL building--I don't know what I thought it was but , did not realize it was of this magnitude. I can understand being completely and utterly terrified (as I have a GENUINE,lifelong fear of heights). SOooo-much as I H8 to defend that odious creature , I can understand why she "freaked out." The crying on the ground though....seemed faked somehow,or at least "amped-up." Btw: I would not personally sign up for this,NOR would I allow any of my underage children to do this. Once they hit 18 I guess they could but..not under my watch: no way.
The Greatskate 1 is dead. Long live Greatskate 2, whoever he may be.
Kelly said...
Yes he does. Greatskate1 was suspended.
I KNEW that was you, Kelly! I saw your tweet about an hour ago:
Underwalt Walt
@Kateplusmy8 LONG LIVE GREATSKATE1. I'LL BE BACK KATE, you lil shopping cart you.
LMAO!! But, how did those sheeple get you suspended?
@Kateplusmy8 P.s you never got back to me about a future Kate Gosselin cookbook in the future?? I would snatch up tht book so fast!!:)
2 hours ago
in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@HopefaithLuv143 Lots of requests. Hoping still...
1 hour ago via Twitterrific
WHY do people keep glamouring her rudeness and bitchiness with actual 'conditions'? She is a bitch, and that explains her!
We all know she is as stupid as a bag of 'crap' (her word) but I guess I didn't realize tlc was on her IQ level. You would think there would be someone in that organization with half a brain (which waaaay outdoes hers). She has disrespected the image of Americans in every place she has peddled her saggy butt and yet they just keep sending her everywhere. The only way "I" condone that is if the next trip comes with a ONE WAY TICKET and is solo (well, except she might as well take the gray haired gigolo).
Kelly, are you Iwanadatekate, taking Kate for the Twitter ride of her life?
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@IDeeClair I've wlkd thrufire4yrs. Criticismissmallonmylistof difficult.Notime4it&no care.I'llalways b who I am,like me/hate me, no matter.
Walking through fire? My god she is dramatic. She's not fighting in Iraq's red zone. It's a reality show!
So, does anyone know why the ratings aren't out yet? I think last week they were out by this time Tuesday.
Stumbled upon this. Poor Katie. Isn't she managing to hold on by her manicured fingertips only because she happened to latch onto the right demographics? Well, demographics have just been found to be meaningless!
"TV Ratings Myths
Networks set the price of ads on their shows using demographic information about the age and sex of those shows’ viewers. And the company that pretty much has a monopoly on furnishing those metrics is Nielsen.
So a few weeks ago, at the Marriott Marquis in New York, it must have felt like pitchfork time when a respected TV network figure in charge of analyzing ratings, CBS Corp. Chief Research Officer David Poltrack, told the Advertising Research Foundation’s annual convention that, um, age and sex don’t matter"
Oh deat.
So a few weeks ago, at the Marriott Marquis in New York, it must have felt like pitchfork time when a respected TV network figure in charge of analyzing ratings, CBS Corp. Chief Research Officer David Poltrack, told the Advertising Research Foundation’s annual convention that, um, age and sex don’t matter"
Interesting. I wonder if that means Kate is tweeting to all these teeny boppers for no reason.
Wow, so Kelly got suspended, yet MsGoody and Pirates_Suck are allowed to harass anti-Kate people day in and day out?
Anyone else see anything wrong with this picture?
Pam said...
“…I think she gets a thrill out of doing dangerous things in front of her kids to make them scared for her, like she is doing this to try to make them cry for her.”
CThippiechick said...
“Kate didn't jump off the tower because she promised the kids she would, she was COMPETING with them! She couldn't just be happy for her daughters and enjoy the moment, she had to one-up them and make it all about HER…Nevermind that freaking out takes away from everyone else's fun. Cara and Mady won't be able to look back on that day without remembering Kate's meltdown, which totally overshadowed the fun they had.”
Word. This is, after all, a woman who thought it was “cool” the way her son cried with relief that his mother hadn’t been mauled by an alligator. What a sick, twisted excuse for a mother! At this rate, those poor kids are going to spend their entire adult lives in therapy trying to undo the damage.
Hey Kate, the kids called and said next time, go ahead and just let them down. They're used to it.
According to GWOP:
The numbers are in.....
0.874 million
Kate Plus 8 (TLC)
0.874 million
0.6 HH
0.4 A18-49
Kate Plus 8 (TLC)
0.6 HH, Viewers: 0.874 million, 0.4 A18-49
oooohhh BURN! hahaha!
Ratings are out! TV by the Numbers has them. She dropped again. .8 something. Whooooooo.
She's down to .874.
And these were supposedly the big exciting episodes! Who in the world is going to watch in May when she bitches her way across Philly? Half a million?
Total viewers: 0.874 million
0.6 HH
0.4 A18-49
Good news!!
Monday Cable Ratings: 'Pawn Stars' Leads Night; NBA Playoffs, 'Kate Plus 8' Falls; 'WWE RAW,' 'RJ Berger' NHL & Much More
Kate Plus 8 (TLC)
0.6 HH, Viewers: 0.874 million, 0.4 A18-49
(link to above)
She was under a million this week.
From tv by the numbers:
Kate Plus 8 (TLC)
0.6 HH, Viewers: 0.874 million, 0.4 A18-49
From TV by the numbers:
.874 Million viewers
.6 HH
.4 A18 - 49
The numbers are headed in the right direction! Keep gettin' the word out. Can you say "bu bye" Kate?
TV Ratings are in!!!!!!!!!!! UNDER A MILLION!!!!!
Travis made special mention of the "haters". lol
April 18
Kate Plus 8
Viewers: 0.874 million
0.4 A18-49
April 4, 1.306 million
April 11, 1.214 million
Kelly said...
Yes he does. Greatskate1 was suspended.
Many people have more than one account. (If you're up for it.) lol
BTW - you were great!
*** YAY!!!! Last night’s RATINGS – HUGE DROP (Finally….below a million!!):
Kate Plus 8 (TLC, 10pm)
- 0.874 million
- 0.4 A18-49
Last week (April 11):
- 1.214 million viewers
- 0.5/1 A18-49
April 4th episode:
- 1.306 million viewers
- 0.5/1 A18-49
Here’s the full recap:
2010 Ratings:
June 6: 3. 4 million episode one
3 million episode two
July 11: 2.229 million
August 31: 1.613 million
September 6: 1.389 million
September 13: 1.415 million
September 20: 1.605 million
November 7: 1.331 million
November 28: 1.302 million
2011 Ratings:
April 4: 1.306 million
April 11: 1.214 million
Aril 18: 0.874 million
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
Just wanted to share an interesting little tidbit. There's a link up above to TLC's site and their photos from this Australia/NZ trip. In some other post here recently, there was a discussion in the comments as to whether TLC hired an Australian crew and I think someone mentioned that they only used their regular (U.S.) crew.
A number of their regular US crew members went to OZ (maybe they hired some local help). Compare photos taken at the corn maze as well as some taken at their house by Chris of the TLC crew shooting the kids with those on Bondi Beach and you'll see many of the same crew members.
I predict a Target/tanning/pedicure or something parking lot stroll, with Chris "the paparazzi", today. She'll put on a new outfit and heels, layer on the makeup, fix the hair, hang some big dangly earrings on her ears, and stroll through a lot with a big smile trying to show the world she's fine, just fine.
TLC must be so thrilled. What an expense that huge trip was and all for the LOWEST RATINGS EVER!! I noticed that "Quints by Surprise" wasn't far behind her show at all with 0.789 million, 0.4 A18-49. Ha ha ha!
"iwana" is up early, already trying to comfort her on Twitter:
@Kateplusmy8 Beat ya to it...GM! Weening myself into going 2 bed at a "normal" time, so Im out. Keep your head up 2day. IDK what else 2 say?
1 hr ago from web
I'm sure the sheeple will all be all over Twitter today trying to console her and each other.
Ha ha, I called it - not even 6 am and she's on Twitter trying to act like things are just peachy. Of course, she's just trying to round up the sheeple so they'll come to her aid and defense:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
GM all! Have a great day! My list is long... But I'll b checking in occasionally! Have a great day&don't forget 2 c the good&forget the bad!
1 minute ago
If I had Twitter, I'd reply: - don't forget 2 c the good&forget the bad! Yes Khate, I see your kids (unfortunately) and I forget you!
She replied to Iwana (who I'm beginning to think is really her):
@Kateplusmy8 Beat ya to it...GM! Weening myself into going 2 bed at a "normal" time, so Im out. Keep your head up 2day. IDK what else 2 say?
1 hour ago
in reply to ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@IwanaDatekate Ha. Didn't read your tweet but mine says basically same thing.. Must be a day of positivity! :) Have a good one!
3 minutes ago via Twitterrific
and this one:
KAlexandra08 Kimi Crombie
@Kateplusmy8 here's to a new day, EVERY day! Hope the kids do well tomorrow. Praying for you all!
2 hours ago
in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@KAlexandra08 Thanks!
5 minutes ago via Twitterrific
Um, doesn't she have EIGHT kids she has to get up and ready for school? What mom spends their mornings on Twitter first thing? Oh yeah, right....the narcissistic ones with multiple nannies.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
Kelly said...
Yes he does. Greatskate1 was suspended.
I KNEW that was you, Kelly! I saw your tweet about an hour ago:
Underwalt Walt
@Kateplusmy8 LONG LIVE GREATSKATE1. I'LL BE BACK KATE, you lil shopping cart you.
LMAO!! But, how did those sheeple get you suspended?
They (I'm sure you know which ones) said they were going to report him for spamming Kate's account.
I wonder if TLC is baffled by this:
Between Episode 1 of the Australia/NZ trip and Episode 2, they lost 92,000 viewers.
Between Episodes 2 and 3, they lost another 340,000 viewers!
Khate's probably theorizing that nobody cares about New Zealand. She's so delusional, she's probably still pitching all the other places her sheeple suggested for trip/episodes. Oh, and I'm sure since the narcissistic witch thinks she's so terrific and nothing is ever her fault, she'll be blaming TLC for not promoting the show enough.
Hey Kelly or someone else on Twitter - here's a good thing to tweet today:
Hey Kate, I called 20 of my friends like you asked....too bad that didn't work for you. So sad.
Hey Kate, now that your show is almost over, does that mean you'll stop tweeting?
Kateplusmy8 @IDeeClair
I've wlkd thrufire4yrs. Criticismissmallonmylistof difficult.Notime4it&no care.I'llalways b who I am,like me/hate me, no matter.
Oy is right, Midnight Madness.
She's probably the type of person who believes that if she says she doesn't care enough times it'll finally come true. It's sad though, that she's right about "always b who I am". No matter what anyone says to point out her faults and contradictions, she won't change and the end of Kate's ride will be no one's fault but her own.
No, I am not nor have I ever been iwannadatekate. I got on as greatskate1 to finally tell the biotch what I thought and she took notice. Not that it even registers because she is so self absorbed, nothing anyone says affects her but I made my point. Just gonna wait and see if the ratings keep dropping. I've gotta say, I've never been in the midst of such blind and psychophanatic people as I've seen with this woman. These fans of hers are actually as sick as she is. I thought I was in a round room filled with people counting backwards all day long.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@IDeeClair I've wlkd thrufire4yrs. Criticismissmallonmylistof difficult.Notime4it&no care.I'llalways b who I am,like me/hate me, no matter.
Had to comment on the Queen of Banshee's twitter. She is SO DISGUSTING & a LIAR! Of COURSE she cares!
1. Remember the DWTS car interview? She's crying, handler/purse boy Steve is trying to talk to her about whether or not they need to cancel her practice session & she says, "...their gonna be mad at me..." Poor victimish act.
2. Remember the book signing fiasco? She's hiding in the broom closet, upset because, "...this is bad, really bad..." Again, Steve tells her she needs to get out there & do her job. Poor victimish act.
3. Remember Steve's interview where he states she never sees the negative comments online/in the mail, etc. Why? Because she would freak & have a meltdown.
NO surprise if her assistant/TLC intern/Steve are the true authors of her ridiculous tweets! Seriously, um, honestly, she cares.
Don't comment often but enjoy lurking and laughing at all the witty commentary:
RATINGS for Kate + 8 as posted at TV by the Numbers:
0.6 HH viewers
0.874 million,
0.4 A18-49
Administrator, your'e great!
Derby Day. How many names did they go through before hers all declinging before asking Kate? UH. none. They knew every other Mom would refuse so they could stay homewith their children on Mothers's Day, but not Kate. As someone said, she's be there for the opening of an envelope as long as there is a camera on her.
Hope they'll be with Dad. Isn't the twins' BD in the Spring?
re: her carictature (sp) that is scary realistic at the top of the blog. I agree with a poster yesterday. The straw hair is too perfect compared to how she looks today. and shoudn't her tongue be sticking out of the side of her mouth as she frowns while concentrating to think of those witty tweets?
RATING IN: .874 million Fantastic News!!! I Can;'t believe it.
MONDAY April 19th TV Ratings:
Peoples...it's UNDER 1mil.
Kate Plus 8 (TLC)
0.6 HH, Viewers: 0.874 million, 0.4 A18-49
You'll likely have a millionish posts in the queue with this info, but when the news is this good, it bears repeating!
Kate Plus 8 (TLC)
0.6 HH, Viewers: 0.874 million, 0.4 A18-49
Kate falls under One Million!
Kate Plus 8 (TLC)
0.6 HH, Viewers: 0.874 million, 0.4 A18-49
kate HAS to do things that she can melt down over in utter terror in order to validate and PROVE to us that her kids do love her. What was a surprise was that Mady was the first one to run to her when she balled up, literally and figuratively. She has appeared to have, or at least has shown the most, anger issues with kate for a long time. Now the disgruntled one in most shots is Cara, hurt frown/arms folded looking sideways at kate all the time. I can 'see' the tups being fooled by her 'terror acts' due to their age and immaturity but the twins surely have appeared to have her number. It appears that the bodyguard is truly in this for the $$$$$$ because it isn't logical that anyone would WANT to be associated with such a whackjob for any other reason.
Kate Plus 8 (TLC)
0.6 HH, Viewers: 0.874 million, 0.4 A18-49
YEEESSS~ These are probably the lowest ratings yet! Also, I went to TLC.com and almost all the posts about her and this show are negative! Seems like wmore people are loathing this "woman" and her entire brand!
luv it, twit twitterer tweeted that she and the twins spent the rest of the day in bed, just wiped, BUT one of her fansites had a video of her and the kids having a picnic at the 'biggest bowl in the world' (a dormant volcano?) and eating and discussing the jumps. Does she EVEN KNOW what the truth is 2 seconds after something occurs? And then people STILL don't understand why we are disgusted with her and her lies, lying, being a liar, and just...
being KATE.
"All the Kate haters out there, Kate Plus 8 was down a tenth from last week to a 0.4 adults 18-49 rating.
Kate Plus 8 (TLC)
0.6 HH, Viewers: 0.874 million, 0.4 A18-49"
TV by the Numbers Monday, April 18, 2011
Kate Plus 8 TLC
0.6 HH, Viewers
0.874 Million
0.4 A 18-49
even the age 18-49 is down by .10
she's s(t)inking FAST! On this elevator, it is DOWN ONLY, EXPRESS TO BASEMENT, on that floor, Kate (Plus she dragged her 8 with her)
I've never commented here before, but I read everyday. The humorous comments made here get me laughing first thing.
I just found these numbers and figured I'd share!
These are the latest ratings.
Kate Plus 8 (TLC)
0.6 HH, Viewers: 0.874 million, 0.4 A18-49
Kate had better start looking for a real job!
Well, the ratings are out -- 874,000 viewers. They can't be happy with that. If that's what they get with her halfway around the world jumping off buildings, how pitiful will the numbers be when all they have is her running up some steps in Philly?
For sure these kids will grow up on egg shells knowing everything has to revolve around Kate and be to her liking or nobody will have peace.
Kate of course is too stupid to know or care.
Checked this first thing this morning - ha ha ha!!!
Kate Plus 8 (TLC)
0.6 HH, Viewers: 0.874 million, 0.4 A18-49
Could I just let you know that every time I scroll past that pic of Brad it makes me happy to be alive!!
Viewers: 0.874 million
0.6 HH
0.4 A18-49
sarahjoyce1992 Sarah Joyce
@Kateplusmy8 do the kids still do gymnastics?
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@sarahjoyce1992 No.sadly.cost a lot and created per space issues-crowded there.will try to do in future tho. Vry gd for all kids I think.
Gee, Kate, as much money as the kids make FOR YOU and you can't pay for them to take gymnastics? Are you serious??? You made 4 million last year, are you really serious?? Too crowded? Yeah, it will be more crowded since you insisted on standing around them, hovering over them. COST TOO MUCH?? You greedy grifter Greedy greedy woman. A few of them really, really wanted to do this You make me sick.
Kentucky Derby. Mother's Day weekend. mememeIIII. Well, since the race is on Saturday, perhaps the mother of the year will find her way back to PA by Sunday to receive appropriate adorations from her paychecks. Nice message to the kids, oh wait, it's Mommy's Job.
Unfortunately for K8 there will be many "real" stars at the Derby so the spotlight won't be on K8 and K8 only. She was not invited because she is such a big STAR er PR folks got the invite for her - at least they're doing their job.
Missy said...
I've never commented here before, but I read everyday. The humorous comments made here get me laughing first thing.
I just found these numbers and figured I'd share!
These are the latest ratings.
Kate Plus 8 (TLC)
0.6 HH, Viewers: 0.874 million, 0.4 A18-49
Kate had better start looking for a real job!
Uh-oh, you mean Katie Irene wasted all that time twittering with her underlies FOR NOTHING!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!
The queen of mean is probably not amused today.
I wonder how long she's going to continue twitting for nothing?????
I believe TLC was laughing all the way to the bank with Kate Gosselin, "the woman you love to hate". So they were putting her in difficult positions (shark tanks, tigers, jumping off buildings) in exotic locales. They expected Kate's negative reactions to draw in viewers and controversy. Guess what? America didn't buy it. TLC has been exploiting Kate as much as Kate is exploiting the kids. In the end, this was an embarrassing, expensive bust for TLC.
Wait--swimming with sharks, petting tigers, plunging off buildings--were they trying to really up the ratings by killing her? TLC Execs: "She'll either react badly, or she'll die. Either way, we win!"
(Sheeple: that's a joke.)
Kate's low ratings landed her in the bottom 4 of cable shows.
No Regrets....my jaw dropped when I saw Kate tweet that gymnastics is too expensive. I thought then, when the episode aired, that those kids were never going to see the inside of that gymnastics building again.
Sad to say, my gut was right. If TLC isn't paying and the cameras are not rolling, it doesn't happen. Period.
Oh, Happy Day!! You guys beat me with the good news. Soooo....what will TLC do to get those ratings up? If they don't try anything, she's a goner for sure.
So Kate and the twins spend the day in bed and the nanny who did make the jump does what - oh right, she is the help, she doesn't get to collapse in bed with her bag of chocolate,she has to babysit the cash calves.
Wonder if TLC will be sending Kate on a pink slip mission soon.
You made 4 million last year, are you really serious??
I think that her net worth is reported to be somewhere in that range, not that she made that much last year alone. However, there have been so many reports of her financial "worth" that nobody really has an accurate picture of it. Even if she did, that annual amount was gross, not net.
Still, it's the kids money, they worked for it, and with the amount that Jon allegedly has to pay in child support, they certainly should have been able to take gymnastics classes. I don't know where she is checking, but while classes are not inexpensive in this area, it certainly is affordable, even for three girls (I doubt that the boys wanted to take the classes, and perhaps not even the twins). Space an issue? That's laughable and just not true.
Cut out the $1,000 hair cuts, tanning sessions, $500 shoes at a pop and enroll the girls in gymnastics!
Kate tweeted that she didn't care if people loved her or hated her. With ratings like that, she better darn well care!
JudyK, and Nobody Likes a Narcissist, thank you for the wire hangers explanation. I can just picture Kate storming into a child's room, screaming like a banshee too, exactly as Joan Crawford did. Remember her holding that dresser drawer's knob?
As for the ratings news, that is fantastic!!! If I'm not mistaken, ratings have never been under a million before, at least not for K+8. Yay!!
Admin, love this recap beyond all others. Bravo!
There's a Dance, I agree about that Brad Pitt photo. I've never seen such a great shot of him. Wow!
Kelly, I love you!
To everyone who didn't watch, THANK YOU! This is a momentous occasion. That turd is finally flushing!
To Kate, it appears either the Lithium is kicking in, or you are finally getting a clue, but welcome to the real world. Enjoy the privacy that you so dearly cherish. Don't hurt Jon's kids.
boo said...
Well, the ratings are out -- 874,000 viewers. They can't be happy with that. If that's what they get with her halfway around the world jumping off buildings, how pitiful will the numbers be when all they have is her running up some steps in Philly?
The trend does not bode well for the longevity of Kate Plus 8 and as I've mentioned before, I think TLC has been pulling out all the stops to get viewers. If cute, cuddly creatures, exotic travel, KATE CAMPING!! and sky jumping doesn't draw viewers what will?
I have also noticed a gradual shift in the show to concentrate more and more on Kate. Perhaps they are grooming her and the audience for a Kate-only spin off, to which I say, good. About time. I just don't know if there will be an audience for Kate and just Kate. I think many people like the family package and many will wonder why the hell she's not with her kids when she's filming away from home. It's going to be a tough package to market.
TLC stinks said...
Oh, Happy Day!! You guys beat me with the good news. Soooo....what will TLC do to get those ratings up? If they don't try anything, she's a goner for sure.
What would they do to get ratings up? There's nothing left to do. Film trips to Target to buy kids' summer pajamas? Put a new roof on the chicken coop? Take the kids to the Reading Fair? Only a European vacation might do it, but after the Australian/New Zealand disaster, would they even risk putting that much money into an episode that's just going to tank?
Guess this kind of means that Twisted Kate isn't ever going to see the light of day, no matter how much in denial she is and still says that it's a work in progress?
Yo Katie Irene, Matt Roloff called. He's got a job in the pumpkin patch for you and your brood. Don't know the organic status though.
TLC stinks said...
Oh, Happy Day!! You guys beat me with the good news. Soooo....what will TLC do to get those ratings up? If they don't try anything, she's a goner for sure.
Maybe TLC will have Kate + 8 join a circus, and shoot Kate from a cannon.
Hey all! Hippie Chick here! :)
greatskate1 Eric cartman
@Kateplusmy8 Hi Kate, when you get the free beach house in NC, will you be wearing your belly button or did People Mag not give it back yet?
Ahahahahahahahaha!!!!! That one is awesome! Love it.
So, did Kate call a Kiwi a bird with no arms & feet or something? What a dumbass. Wow. Just wow. She is really displaying her stupidity on Twitter for all to see, isn't she?
Dig dig dig your hole Kate, for all of us to see,
For when you tweet, you sound so dumb, it's so funny to me,
You're twatterers, for they will see, that your a liar too,
When they can finally see the truth,
Behind your little coo
(is that the right word? coo? not sure. I felt poetic.) :)
She better get some more chickens and set a sign out front --Eggs for sale!!
Ratings are in said...
Travis made special mention of the "haters". lol
Just wanted to quickly clarify that TravisYanan provides ONLY the DATA to tvbythenumbers.com. Anything else is added by that site.
However, he couldn't post the ratings yesterday due to Passover so they used someone else for the info.
I try not to use that site as a ratings reference because of admin comments like this:
Bill Gorman
Posted April 20, 2011 at 7:40 AM
@Kate Haters, no guesses what happens if the ratings fall, except that we’ll keep getting pageviews from the Kate haters!
As for crow, I never predicted future ratings, just the fate of the show at its initial ratings.
No regrets said...
sarahjoyce1992 Sarah Joyce
@Kateplusmy8 do the kids still do gymnastics?
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@sarahjoyce1992 No.sadly.cost a lot and created per space issues-crowded there.will try to do in future tho. Vry gd for all kids I think.
Gee, Kate, as much money as the kids make FOR YOU and you can't pay for them to take gymnastics? Are you serious??? You made 4 million last year, are you really serious?? Too crowded? Yeah, it will be more crowded since you insisted on standing around them, hovering over them. COST TOO MUCH?? You greedy grifter Greedy greedy woman. A few of them really, really wanted to do this You make me sick.
E-town Neighbor said...
You made 4 million last year, are you really serious??
I think that her net worth is reported to be somewhere in that range, not that she made that much last year alone. However, there have been so many reports of her financial "worth" that nobody really has an accurate picture of it. Even if she did, that annual amount was gross, not net.
Still, it's the kids money, they worked for it, and with the amount that Jon allegedly has to pay in child support, they certainly should have been able to take gymnastics classes. I don't know where she is checking, but while classes are not inexpensive in this area, it certainly is affordable, even for three girls (I doubt that the boys wanted to take the classes, and perhaps not even the twins). Space an issue? That's laughable and just not true.
Cut out the $1,000 hair cuts, tanning sessions, $500 shoes at a pop and enroll the girls in gymnastics!
Kate tweeted that she didn't care if people loved her or hated her. With ratings like that, she better darn well care!
I saw that too and couldn't believe it! She's confirming exactly what we've said all along - if TLC doesn't pay for it (and film it) she doesn't do it with the kids. It's completely disgusting that three of the girls couldn't take gymnastics for a little while.
What a joke, it "cost a lot", B*tch!! Hey Khate, when you have that meeting with TLC, be prepared for them to say the show's over because ratings suck and it "cost a lot"!
Could that mansion be part of her 'worth'? I heard once too that she has money in more than one bank. Who knows how much she has socked away for herself. Even if she didn't make 4 million in one year she has already made $750,000 just from the Australia trip right? (and has a few more episodes to go this year yet at $250K a pop.)
Time to downsize the house, eliminate excess crap, put the kids in public schools, invest what she can. Be the frugal person she fibs about!
Gosselin Gossip - I agree with you about TV by the Numbers and Bill Gorman. I think he's a real jerk. I noticed last week he said K+8 was "even", but that was only in the demographic (adults 18-49). He failed to mention that overall the ratings fell 92,000.
Then this week, he mentions that the ratings fell a tenth - in the demographic again. Like her or not, it would have been more honest and relevant to state that her show had a HUGE ratings loss of 340,000 viewers in one week.
In his post about the cable ratings last week, there was this exchange:
Posted April 13, 2011 at 2:15 PM
@Bill Gorman: What’s with your perpetual hardon for Khate Child Exploiter Gosselin?
Bill Gorman
Posted April 13, 2011 at 2:25 PM
@MaxwellSmart99, “What’s with your perpetual hardon for Khate Child Exploiter Gosselin?”
Never watched the show, my fascination is with the anti-fans (like you). And I do like the traffic you, and your ilk, bring our site.
Someone needs to tell him that if he's relying on anti-Khate G fans for traffic on his site, he's in worse shape than she is. What an idiot!
If Kate thought the SkyTower jump was a 'big decision' how does she prioritize REAL decisions and with what consequences? Does she spend a day sobbing and such a wreck that her kids are concerned about her welfare when she has to decide what color to paint the kitchen? The jump was supposed to be recreational and challenging yet she made it into something akin to surviving a traumatic car crash. You don't want to do it, then just don't, but as someone commented above she was in competition with Mady and Cara.
Her kids were REALLY concerned about her and the message she sent them is simply wrong. The sheeple think it's cute that they have empathy (yes, one used that word) for her and all say they felt she was rushed and Brad was wrong in trying to move her along. They're kids! They're not supposed to be protecting and comforting their mother or earning the family income - it's supposed to be the other way around.
littleangels5 - @Kateplusmy8
ok that guy brad was annoying me. I'm deathly afraid of heights 2 & there is no way I could b rushed either
@Kateplusmy8 - @littleangels5
No big decisions go quickly in my life.. I felt rushed and irresponsible-lol
She tweeted last night that they were all watching the show at 7pm while she tweeted. Kate, your kids should not be dead silent watching a traumatic event involving their mother and you should not be crying just watching the show. WTH is wrong with her? She just doesn't get it.
I SOOO hate this. So so traumatic.. My kids are all dead silent watching now (pls no pun intended).
Crying bc of my kids love and sympathy.
I'm so glad Kate started Tweeting. It's giving many people a better idea of how her mind works, exposes more contradictions and lies, shows how she'll go to any length to stay relevant, and shows how she's put her children's safety in jeopardy because she just doesn't think. The excessive tweeting has been perfectly timed and is proving that even this desperate attempt to stay relevant was a total failure. Nothing can rescue her show now.
*I wish I could believe her. But, I can't. Her ignorance, desperation, stupidity, and lies just never stop.
can_tastic @Kateplusmy8
Kate, ive been follwing your show before i had a child of my own and just wondring if you still manage to get the kidstochurch?
@Kateplusmy8 @can_tastic
Yes. When I have them for the weekend and when I'm not traveling, yes
@can_tastic @Kateplusmy8 good for you! i find it hard to get just me and my son there! but i don't have
@Kateplusmy8 @can_tastic
I don't either on Sundays- we don't make it always. But I treat it like a school am and they usually do ok..
*I don't know any 2 year old large breed dogs that have accidents in the house unless no one is paying attention to them.
Re: Shoka,
Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack
He's a good boy.out by day if not cold/wet&in@ night.He waits4as long as he needs2&if rarely makes an oops,his eyes r sosad!:(
*If the answer is yes to both questions, then just say "Yes". Don't show everyone how dumb you really are.
torielaine @Kateplusmy8
kate I LOVE the show. Your so pretty. I only have one baby and I go crazy, your so strong. Have u ever been to ms?
@Kateplusmy8 @torielaine
As in mississippi? Yes. As in Missouri? Yes. I get their abbrev. Confused
*More BS. Does anyone believe she misses Nala or that they will visit her? Visiting the dog will happen right about the time she sends Brad an apology and thank you letter. Never!
@bjg37 @Kateplusmy8
Do u miss nala?
@Kateplusmy8 @bjg37
Yes.We all do.I feel like I gave away a child.I just no 1 is enuf.We will visit her.She's with her Fam tho so that is good,@ least.
*And there's parent who is letting her son tweet Kate. (I'll leave my opinions about 11 yr old children using Twitter for another time and place. UGH)
quan01 shak @Kateplusmy8
hi ms.gosselin u and ur kids r awesome i,ve been watchin the show since the begginning and now im 11.
So, Kate doesn't know BM? (supposedly) BM must be crying in her cheerios right about now. She has gone out of her way to make this website dedicated to Kate, taken her daughter out of school (ahem) to meet Kate & gone herself to book signings, & photoshopped pictures of Kate! This must sting. I thought they were besties. Has BM tried to talk to Kate on twitter at all? I have seen Kate answer a couple of BM's little cronies on Admin's 'twitter follower' thing at the top of the page. It is VERY telling if Kate is people she doesn't know BM or faking it or not answering BM's tweets. That either means she has scared the hell out of Kate or Kate just doesn't give a rats ass about her "biggest fans" & only cares about the peons, the teens, the brainless ones who won't catch on to the lies & BS.
We KNOW, cause we follow all her lies & have known about them. BM knows too, or just doesn't want to admit it. She must be following her, she MUST see what's going on. I'm sure sheeple have converted to the side of "good" (our side) :) because Kate can't anything straight. But Kate not talking to her biggest fan ever? What a low-blow. I follow Zach Braff & am a huge fan, been a huge fan & have been following him since I HAD MySpace years ago. I used to write him messages all the time. Then on Facebook I did, & on twitter I did. He answered me back one time. It was once, it was short & sweet, thanking me for being a great fan & sticking w/ him. I was psyched. But it was SOMETHING. Kate can't even throw her a bone? What a beyotch.
~Hippie Chick~
P.S. All of your posts ROCK! I am so enjoying reading everything today! :)
The IDIOT hasn't learned a thing about tweeting details about the kids' activities. Here's a brand new one about their bedtimes! UGHHHH
BrandyGilley @Kateplusmy8
?What is the kids bedtime?Do M&C get to stay up later?What about the weekend?luv that u answer ?!have learned so much from u:)
@Kateplusmy8 @BrandyGilley
7:45 littles; 8:30 ish for m and c. Fun during wkend no set bdtime within reason.. Great! Hope it helps.
The tweet is from a mother who's asked Kate for help with her own children - chores, mealtime, bedtime, organizational help, ie: a sheeple who told Kate
"You truly are an inspiration! I am a better mother to this day because of you and I appreciate you for that:)"
omg. How mindless are her fans? Kate on Twitter has been a true eye opening lesson for me about the fans. I knew there were teens and "sheep", but I never knew it was THIS BAD.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@evainstar Aww pixiedust,thanks. What they don't no is that all their hate makes me do better than my best...:)don't worry... I don't c it!
If she doesn't see it, how does she know it exists so that she can do better than her best? Why is she doing better if there's nothing to be concerned about in the first place? Her best? Failure.
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