Kate is still on Twitter going on and on blissfully about all the exotic places she wants to see, says they just filmed an Easter episode and hopes to film the crap out of the kids this summer too, but with ratings on a steady decline, how much will her fantasies really be a reality?
Will the ratings for the "giving back" episode be the most important ratings this show has ever had?
419 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 419 Newer› Newest»Wife of a Pap People
Interesting comments, thank you.
If you are who you say you are, I have to believe what you say about the Emmy award show backstage interactions and that no one is buying her pictures and stories now, etc. Admin, was this person someone that you were able to verify?
There is no way however, that you could know that Jon "never" has all of the kids at once unless you live with him and/or Kate, which you don't so I'll take that as rumor. To speculate about that can cause unfortunate speculation and rumors and the kids don't need any more of that.
I agree with you about "show business". It can be pretty cutthroat and the real pros are serious about their jobs and Kate would never fit in with them in any environment; whether it be business or social.
WHAT is there to idolize about Kate? The fans are NUTS to think she ever did anything right. Let's see here:
- ignores her kids, or yells at them to get them to listen.
-dumps on family, acts like a total & utter diva to get what she wants.
- acts like a total psycho bitch in front of the cameras, setting a bad example for her kids, who knows how she acts when the cameras are not on?
-USES everyone to get ahead for her OWN gain, including her children, & now that that is coming to a bitter end, will probably toss them aside like yesterdays dirty thong
-is a bitter, jealous, angry, thinks she can-do-no-wrong woman with a huge sense of entitlement & an ego the size of Texas.
-raised her kids to be (so far) fearful of her, living in a bubble from the real world & scared of anything outside that house. God knows how many traumas they have faced already at their young ages.
-a grifter who can do no wrong, everything is everyone else's fault, she is never to blame & now that her career is in flames, she will blame everyone else, turn it around, & try to come off all innocent. Too bad TLC has proof of what a d-bag Kate truly is by the cutting floor images that never made it to the TV screen.
-a woman who is mean to everyone because she thinks it's funny, FUNNY to be rude to people teaching her, or her kids, new things. Someone who leaves the country & is representing Americans & treats people from other countries like shit because it's comical to her.
Yeah, I could on & on, but that is no idol. How about a soldier fighting for our freedom. Or a doctor or scientist trying to find a cure for a disease that will save lives. Or an inventor that will makes ever body's lives easier. I don't know, just throwing things out there. But Kate effing Gosselin??? She is nothing, zilch. Famous for the sake of being famous. She had kids. So what? And her kids are scarred for life because of HER. Some idol.
~Hippie Chick~
I used to read her tweets, but have stopped. Let her circle the drain alone, with just her handful of weirdo fans.
By the way, if any other celebrity on Twitter were actually ANSWERING fans like Kate has been, there woild be an absolute flood of tweets from followers day and night, 24/7. But Kate answers tweets and there's just a dozen or so of her 8000 followers (which is by itself a very low number) who actualy speak to her.
I think that's pretty telling.
"E-town Neighbor said...
Is this why Kate is accompanied by "security?"
I remember once, when asked why the bodyguard, they said Kate had a stalker. An "over zealous fan". I do not remember exactly where I heard, but I did hear/read it. A fan that followed her to many speaking engagement and appearances.
The teens have me worried. Really they do. From the things they say, it is pretty disturbing. Those kids have no role model nor supervision, IMO. If my kids were doing this, it would be handled and STOPPED. Something is terribly wrong there. I don't believe they are plants. Some pretty lonely kids out there, as well as adults. Some of the teens have told their life story and/or problems at home. One teen said her mom wouldn't let her watch the show, and fans were telling her to SNEAK and watch it. Sure, lie to mom, who cares? The only one I saw that said don't go against what your parents tell you, is the one and only Goody2shoes. The insane one, at least gave some good advice to the kids. I give her props for that one.
"E-town Neighbor said.... Nobody could be that nuts, could they?"
Sorry, this made laugh! Why YES, they can be. Hard to believe this stuff, isn't it? I think this is the only reason I do read her tweets. They are so over the top, it is just plain entertaining/sad/scary at the same time.
You know, I sort of wish the flood of nasty tweets would stop, just ignore her. She has them blocked anyway. I only read, I would NEVER tweet her with anything.
"There is no way however, that you could know that Jon "never" has all of the kids at once unless you live with him and/or Kate, which you don't so I'll take that as rumor. To speculate about that can cause unfortunate speculation and rumors and the kids don't need any more of that."
It's not true. I have seen them all out and about together, all eight of them and all at the same time, twins included.
She's All A-Tweeter said... Someone named Wishes201 wrote this in a "long" tweet to Kate:
"You have conquered more wisdom in one year than most people do all their lives."
Best belly laugh of the day. The rest of the tweet is disturbing, but that part made me laugh.
Oh........brother [rolls eyes]!
Kate and wisdom in the same sentence?
I'm waiting for one of those fruit loops to announce a miracle occurred when he/she prayed to their St. Kate.
Hippie Chick said...
Yeah, I could on & on, but that is no idol. How about a soldier fighting for our freedom. Or a doctor or scientist trying to find a cure for a disease that will save lives. Or an inventor that will makes ever body's lives easier. I don't know, just throwing things out there. But Kate effing Gosselin??? She is nothing, zilch. Famous for the sake of being famous. She had kids. So what? And her kids are scarred for life because of HER. Some idol.
~Hippie Chick~
EXACTLY, Hippie Chick!
Ok, I said ignore her, regarding the nasty tweets, yet I read the tweets. I get it, Hippie Chick. Ignore it all. It is like watching a train wreck. LOL But you DO have a point. I do love catching her lies, though. I just can't believe all those people are so naive.
Anyway, enough of the train wreck today. HAVE A GREAT DAY EVERYONE.
I think what Wife of a Pap meant by him not having all the kids at once means that he doesn't have them all out in public at once. That way, there are no shots of all 8 of them. Of course he has them all together at home. Just won't take them out all together, or him and Ellen divide them up to take them inside places.
She's All A-Tweeter, you're right; the tweet is disturbing and it's mind boggling that anyone would look up to someone that they've never met and are modeling their lives around the examples of someone they should at least be questioning. Not all the things the haterz have pointed out about Kate is wrong, yet they see nothing. This supposed young mother of 3 has spent most of her twitter time fighting "haterz" or tweeting Kate things like "the more I learn about you the more I want to be a better person&mom! You're such an positive influence.."
I'm going out on a limb and wonder if these people are easily influenced in other areas of their life, if their lives are unhappy, if they had poor role models growing up, or if they have few good examples or mentors in their lives now; otherwise why look up to Kate of all people? I'd love for there to someday be an explanation for the phenomena that we're seeing with the sheeple and people like Kate because it makes no sense to me. Whether it's something that Kate does or says or it's written in this blog - I don't take anything at face value and I would certainly question my thinking in the face of all the contrary comments about Kate if I were them. I guess that's the difference between the sheeple and us.
Anyway, this was the complete tweet to Kate: When I first learned of you, I loved you b/c I could relate to you as a regular mom making it happen one day at a time, with raw emotions and organization, and truly putting yourself last for your kids. Now at the calm after the storm, you have blossomed into a complete woman. You have come out of that storm alone, yet stronger than ever. You have conquered more wisdom in one year than most people do all their lives. I know you thank God for giving you that ability to rise and conquer. Those of us still struggling to find a piece of that self-awareness are slowly learning it through your example. I love my kids, very much...but there's nothing like an experience that changes and shakes you to truly appreciate and love every waking day you have with them and look forward to it. I see glow with that awakening. I see a woman with such a gentle heart, and yet is such a warrior on the exterior. One can only imagine what emotions and thoughts you were feeling as you laid down to sleep at night, the internal battles and sadness you experienced. We can only see you now, and see you live life to the fullest. This is you, a person whom triumphed out of that darkness. You walk around with a wisdom on your shoulder that I wish I could have even a small speck of. I admire you Kate. Your strength as someone misunderstood, your faith, as you keep it intact, your laughter as you enjoy the small things, your passion to embrace each day as a gift. I stand up and applaud you, your triumphs, your falls, and most of all, for believing in yourself.
Kate thinks she is soldiering on by keeping her fans via Twitter. You know, as in "old soldiers never die, they just fade away".
Re: the questionable Easter baskets. If she were so concerned that we might "pick them apart" for being too much or too little or that she might be "endorsing" something, there is such a thing as a long distance shot. You know, set them up on the counter, zoom out and snap the photo from across the room. Just give inquiring minds a distant view of all that hard work and love that went into them. We don't even have to see that there's a chocolate egg or a red truck in there! Even just the shape of a basket with a big bow and some indefinable items in it would do to show the world what a great Mom Kate is at Eastertime. The fact that there is zero record of these baskets adds to my
doubt of Kate's veracity.
The homemade bread bowls from a non-baker is another. Panera has their recipe on their website, but it's got tons of ingredients and requires some time to make.
Fade away, Kate, fade away please.
E-town Neighbor said...
TLC told her in a tweet last week NO SHOW today. Yet, she is still tweeting there is one? Amazing.
Did Kate tweet that (Jamie and Kate), or did a misinformed intern do it?
But, E-town Neighbor,
Kate and her sheeple say that all the tweets that come from her account are from her, you know...because it has that little check mark which means it's verified. lol (snark intended - just teasing)
I'm surprised Kate's likeness hasn't appeared in a fan's potato chip yet!
How does one "conquer" wisdom? That makes no sense coming from a fan.
In order to conquer wisdom, something quite the opposite would have to do battle with wisdom.
What would that be, stupidity? So, Kate has sent wisdom away with its tail between its legs
and set up stupidity in its place? That's what it sounds like the fan is saying here.
If so, please accept my hearty AMEN to that.
If that is true,what Pap's Wife says, then it just goes to show how pathetic Kate is. One could almost pity her. She has become sort of a Norma Desmond type with Steve as her Max! Kate still thinks she's relevent. Still thinks she's a star.
If this is true, then I can see her grasping at any type of fame like Surreal House maybe or reaching out to Dr. Phil or Dr. Drew.
But you know, in the past, predictions were made that her number was up, time was running out for her and the show. For years I've seen people type those words. And yet another new season of Kate + 8 shows up on TLC year after year after year.
Administrator said...
"I'm surprised Kate's likeness hasn't appeared in a fan's potato chip yet!"
Good one, admin! Or a grilled cheese sandwich! Kate would want it so she could sell it on eBay! With the sheeple setting up shrines to her, I would also expect her to be involved in healing...Our Lady of Wernersville.
"But, E-town Neighbor,
Kate and her sheeple say that all the tweets that come from her account are from her, you know...because it has that little check mark which means it's verified. lol (snark intended - just teasing)"
If that's the case, I would really be worried about her speaking in third person. Next thing you know, we'll have a special TLC documentary on multiple personalities, "The Three Faces of Kate."
"You have conquered more wisdom in one year than most people do all their lives."
How does one "conquer" wisdom? Conquering means to overcome, win over, acquire by force. It's not a battle. One gains wisdom or assumes wisdom, but I never heard of anyone conquering wisdom! But if anyone could do it, I guess Kate could!
Too bad that the wisdom conquered doesn't include good parenting, or how to cook chicken on a grill, or what kind of shoes to wear on a trip to New York City in the dog days of summer, et al...or how to treat others with kindness and respect.
"You have conquered more wisdom in one year than most people do all their lives."
The definition of conquer is to defeat subdue, overcome (usually by a force of arms.)
So, although the verbose twit didn't mean to, she confirmed what we've said all along. The woman is stooopid.
These little tidbits that come from Kate and her fans are one reason I've read the tweets, for the huge belly laughs, but I'm tired of it now, and I'm pretty tired of the questions being asked her because she'll never answer. It was fun while it last, now it's upward on onward.
fidosmommy said...
How does one "conquer" wisdom? That makes no sense coming from a fan.
In order to conquer wisdom, something quite the opposite would have to do battle with wisdom
Sorry, Fido - I typed by post before yours showed up! We thought alike about this one!
Check out msgoody2shoes21's tweets now. *shakes my head*
Administrator said...
I'm surprised Kate's likeness hasn't appeared in a fan's potato chip yet!
Dominus Ominus, our lady of dipsy doodles.
Kate tweeted:
GM!Day off sch but not a day off!Kids will play while I do laundry& errands.2much 2 do! any1 else 4 burning the mommy list 2 play instead?:)
Kids day off from school but not a day off+
Mommy doing laundry & errands +
Little activity on twitter =
Kate's very close "lifelong friends" must be at the house "making memories" .
I would not be surprised if those "homemade" Easter baskets are part of the Easter episode shot two weeks ago.
Administrator said...
I'm surprised Kate's likeness hasn't appeared in a fan's potato chip yet!
Only if it's low fat and organic.
Oh the irony, sedimentary dear Watson, sedimentary!
How long til she has a couch interview ( during an episode )where she sits there and talks about all her Twitter fans and to pleeeeese follow her on Twitter?
To have been on how many tabloid covers and how many People Magazine covers and she can only manage to scrape up 8,000 followers?
I'm embarrassed for her, but I can't say as I blame people. I'd be embarassed for people to see that I follow her ( which I don't ).
Kate, to me, is like the Tonya Harding of motherhood. They seem cut from the same cloth.
I would not be surprised if those "homemade" Easter baskets are part of the Easter episode shot two weeks ago.
And then put away until the 'real' Easter day? I'll bet you're right. Just like the Christmas that wasn't and the forever and ever marriage that wasn't. Those poor kids...how are they going to face reality? They're being raised by a mommy-who-isn't.
I keep forgetting to mention the visual on this thread. "Kate's bucket list"... Remember when she used to call it a "prayer list"? Wonder why she changed that.
Pam said...To have been on how many tabloid covers and how many People Magazine covers and she can only manage to scrape up 8,000 followers?
Reminds me of Norma Desmond.
Kate is desperately hanging on to the pathetic remnants of her glory days. All she has now is some dumbed-down, starstruck teens and a few moronic sheeple bleating away with her on twitter. Pitiful.
Remember when she used to call it a "prayer list"? Wonder why she changed that.
Because the Man Upstairs decided that enough is enough and finally said "no way," when she took "suffer the little children" (Mark 10:14) LITERALLY, not knowing that "suffer" means allow or permit?
Because TLC has bottomless pockets, and she decided to go that route because it was more to her advantage?
AuntieAnn said,
Reminds me of Norma Desmond.
Kate is desperately hanging on to the pathetic remnants of her glory days. All she has now is some dumbed-down, starstruck teens and a few moronic sheeple bleating away with her on twitter. Pitiful.
Didn't Joe say something like, "You're 50 now. Grow up. There's nothing tragic about it unless you are trying to be 25." (paraphrased)...and something about being alone in the house, playing to an empty audience.
Norman Desmond. Right on. And pitiful.
Jon, Ellen and all 8 kids, which he never has together, he has the twins separate from the tups, so never the 8 of them. That would make a magazine cover.
If this were true, then why would Kate tweet that she didn't have the kids for Easter weekend? I actually believe her on this.
I would not be surprised if those "homemade" Easter baskets are part of the Easter episode shot two weeks ago.
Another debunked lie, one tweet at a time? I doubt she'd create another batch of Easter baskets, if the kids already got them for the show.
Here's a thought...the Gosselins could have had an extended Easter weekend celebrating with Kate from Sunday night through today (since I only discovered they had today off). Sadly, filming schedule decides when Kate and her kids celebrate the holidays. Doesn't this Easter episode support Jodi and Kevin's claims for why PA needs revised child labor laws?
However, Kate NOW has the perfect excuse for fake holidays - Jon had custody so it had to be faked...er, celebrated early.
bout the bucket/prayer list change..My Opinion..in the begining, tlc gave her a wish list, and she added bigger and better things as ratings rose. Now that ratings are falling and she knows the list may soon depart, she has changed it to a "bucket List"...not because it's things she wants to do before she dies, because it is things she wants paid for by TLC before her show dies..Am I making any sense?
* may be my second post, not sure if firt made it through, sorry Admin =)
I really, really think some of the "older" - i.e. not teens - who profess to be Khate fans aren't, but rather trolls who'll take whatever the opposite opinion is, regardless of the site.
I think it's hilarious that some of the fans have proudly become "warriors" on twitter - not to defend Khate's moronic contradictory tweets, (seriously how can even they defend driving gate), oh no,they serve a greater purpose to get anyone not a fan blocked, wow, such a goal! I do think as well however, that if the non-fans just cut back the number of their tweets keeping the serious questions coming, just not so often, the fans, especially the teeny boppers would get bored and move back to Justin Beiber and slamming Selena Gomez for being his girlfriend.
(yep, I have a 10 year old grandchild that keeps me abreast of all things tween),
Personally, I don't tweet - if I did, it would be to private groups. I have nothing to say that the whole twitter nation needs to know . I can see it's purpose in business (and no, I don't think Khate's selfish self-promotion is a "business" - though I'll bet SHE does).
Well, as the obsessed fans twitter away and pat themselves on the back for their battles to block any dissenting opinion, or perceived inappropriate questions, they aren't spending much time blogging her praises these days. Too busy shining the armor I guess LOL.
Can you all imagine if one these fans would actually approach Khate at Target and say "Ooooo Kate! Kate! I'm @iwoodkissyourbuttcauseiluvuso! We tweet back and forth all the time. You know, I'm the one getting the same hair color number as you and X(insert name of poor G child)is my FAAAVVVV, I could just grab him/her and give them a big noogy - btw will they be at the bus stop tomorrow? I made PB&J for my kids dinner last night just the way you do and Instant Breakfast for them in the morning...have you made that yet Kate?? Huh? Huh? Have you? That would be a great idea for your cookbook, dontcha think? Can I hug YOU Kate??"
Kart would scream for security and then immediately call the one person at People Mag who luuuuvs her to complain about fans and her lack of privacy. I'd bet money on it, cause heck, if I had put myself in that position, as she now has, it'd scare the bejeesus out of me!
So, Khate didn't appreciate Paul the ornithologist at the Kiwi House's little joke about the banding the male birds on the right leg and females on the left. Staff remember which is which because "males are always right!" Didn't Tony say the exact same thing to her on DWTS trying, in vain, to teach the Khart when she moved left or right in a routine? I swear I recall him saying something to the effect: "You always know what way to go because the man is always right"! Anyone else remember that? During one of behind the scene clips? She didn't care for the comment then either with that fabulous (eye roll here) sense of humor she has. Poor Paul should have watched DWTS to prepare for her visit (only cause she was only on that a short while, goodness knows I wouldn't want anyone to have to sit through the drivel that is her "show". She has a very, very, very skewed view of what men should be like, act, etc. She has made it clear time and time again her complete disdain of the male gender (well, ok Stevie enthralls her, but then again, he's PAID to be at her beck and call).
She's just SOOOO not nice...ugh
Kate says that they are just playing in front of the cameras (it just makes me shake my head when I read that little ditty that's written on the side of this blog). I guess they were just playing when they vomited on the fishing boat and had to lie in it.
Why do they think it's okay for kids to puke on TV unedited, and Kate not doing anything about it, and yet when Kate is scared about the sky jump and crying, her kids have to go and comfort her? That's just sick.
Admin said...
I'm surprised Kate's likeness hasn't appeared in a fan's potato chip yet!
It will now! Or in a burrito...or in leaf. Good one Admin!
About that long ass tweet from her adoring fan; (thank you h8k8 for posting it, although I feel like puking) That was absolutely disgusting. I am the biggest John Lennon fan ever & even I have never said anything so gushy & mushy about him & John Lennon is, let's face it, WAY BETTER & did more for the people, the arts, the world than *her*. (my opinion of course)
So, that tweeter who sent Kate that all-out "i love you" letter has kids? How sad. That is such a great example. {UGH} What is the matter with these people? No one is perfect, I know that. We all have issues, we all have something in this world we need to figure out, but when you are raising a child & you are obsessed with someone who exploits her kids, has been photographed spanking her child, has lied & lied & lied, bashed her ex countless times on national TV, has been filmed abusing her children (the laundry room floor, when her kid was constipated, etc etc etc) How in the hell could people see that & think it was OK? Are people that naive? And Kate is mean. She is just plain mean. She treats others like crap. What's the appeal?
~Hippie Chick~
Kate's latest tweet about taking something down asap? I just checked it out. It's a fake twitter account from Kateplusmy3. I would call it nasty and juvenile. I'd prefer to let Kate plan her own downfall on Twitter. She's doing just fine and doesn't need any help.
It's funny how Kate doesn't tweet for 9 hours, ignoring pleas from her fans for a hello and asking if the show is on or not, then an imposter shows up and WHAM! she tweets to get the imposter removed and leaves again. What's that about?
HippieChick said...
About that long ass tweet from her adoring fan; (thank you h8k8 for posting it, although I feel like puking) That was absolutely disgusting. I am the biggest John Lennon fan ever & even I have never said anything so gushy & mushy about him & John Lennon is, let's face it, WAY BETTER & did more for the people, the arts, the world than *her*. (my opinion of course)
So, that tweeter who sent Kate that all-out "i love you" letter has kids? How sad. That is such a great example. {UGH} What is the matter with these people? No one is perfect, I know that. We all have issues, we all have something in this world we need to figure out, but when you are raising a child & you are obsessed with someone who exploits her kids, has been photographed spanking her child, has lied & lied & lied, bashed her ex countless times on national TV, has been filmed abusing her children (the laundry room floor, when her kid was constipated, etc etc etc) How in the hell could people see that & think it was OK? Are people that naive? And Kate is mean. She is just plain mean. She treats others like crap. What's the appeal?
It IS scary, isn't it. And to make matters worse, the person who sent that tweet also claims to be a social worker! Can you imagine?!? This woman wants to emulate Kate personally, wants to raise her kids like Kate is doing, and could possibly be counseling clients to do the same? Very scary indeed.
So, when will the children be able to speak for themselves? (ok- we know Kate will never let that happen), but really, does she consider herself their manager? Maybe the little ones are still too young, but the twins are old enough to give interviews. Isn't the draw of the show the children anyway? Shouldn't they be able to give interviews, and book public appearances (well- not book themselves, but be booked)? Kate can't possibly keep those children's mouths shut forever. Doesn't Kate realize or understand the children are the true 'stahs' of the show? I really hope Jon can stop any future filming- for the children's sake.
The over-zealous fan was and is BM. It was a proven fact Steve was talking about her.
Anyone no which tweet Kate is talking about having taken down? I don't do twitter so it is all a bunch of jibberish to me anyway.
TLC EMAIL YOUR GIRL. She is hallucinating and won't listen to her fans telling her there is NO show tonight. I think she is standing at the door right now waiting for the express delivery of the popcorn.
Pap wife said, Jon, Ellen and all 8 kids, which he never has together, he has the twins separate from the tups, so never the 8 of them. That would make a magazine cover.
TLC ship responded: If this were true, then why would Kate tweet that she didn't have the kids for Easter weekend? I actually believe her on this.
The person who reported that Kate never has all eight kids together also stated on another blog that no interview shows will touch her. We all know that such is not the case because this month she was Joy's "guest" and also interviewed by Matt Lauer.
I wonder if she will do any more pre-show interviews next week before the Philly episode airs.
From Kate today:
I'll tweet... But NO dancing for me during this party...:) K+8 10pm tonight EST 20 minutes ago
1 hr 50 min til Philly k+8 watch and I'll be tweeting..live! Join me 8000 plus lots more! Can't wait to party again tonight...woo hoo! 22 minutes ago
@jennalauren25 tonight Jenna! 10 pm EST! Were going to Philly...!!! Watch and I'll be live tweeting! 23 minutes ago
Kate said a few days ago the show was on tonight, everyone corrected her, and she took it back and said it's actually May 2. She doesn't remember that?
This is just proof TLC has nothing to do with this Twitter account, they would have given her a schedule of when the shows are on and when she is to twitter to promote them. Are they even talking to her at all?
Not that I haven't already said this before but think TLC even cares enough about Kate to let her know when her OWN SHOW is on??? They could care less. She has to look it up just like the rest of us.
Nice treatment of someone who made their network huge. Kate does not realize that as much as she is using her kids, TLC is using her even more, has no respect for her, and is poised with scissors to cut the cord whenever it makes the most financial sense/cents for THEM and never look back.
It's just sad and embarrassing, for Kate.
Gee, Khate, why are you so confused:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@jennalauren25 tonight Jenna! 10 pm EST! Were going to Philly...!!! Watch and I'll be live tweeting!
26 minutes ago
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
1 hr 50 min til Philly k+8 watch and I'll be tweeting..live! Join me 8000 plus lots more! Can't wait to party again tonight...woo hoo!
25 minutes ago
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
I'll tweet... But NO dancing for me during this party...:) K+8 10pm tonight EST
24 minutes ago
TLC TLC Network
Wild About Prince Harry - Tonight at 10/9c #RoyalWeddingTLC http://ow.ly/4GJ8Z
2 minutes ago
I'll tweet... But NO dancing for me during this party...:) K+8 10pm tonight EST
21 minutes ago
1 hr 50 min til Philly k+8 watch and I'll be tweeting..live! Join me 8000 plus lots more! Can't wait to party again tonight...woo hoo!
22 minutes ago
@jennalauren25 tonight Jenna! 10 pm EST! Were going to Philly...!!! Watch and I'll be live tweeting!
24 minutes ago
What a dumba**!
Her cluelessness is just laughable at this point.
I apologize for the vulgar language, if I offended anyone.
Kate needs to start following TLC on twitter.
Apparently, she forgot the memo that Kate Plus 8 is not airing tonight.
Unless she's trying to help TLC drum up ratings for their Royal Wedding coverage this week. In that case, Kate and fans stay tuned for "Wild About Prince Harry".
O.k. what the hell is wrong with Kate?
She's convinced that TLC will show the Philly show tonight at 10pm.
Tonight's TLC schedule is showing nothing but Royal family stuff.
Could this be a ploy from TLC to get Kate's minions to tune in?
Either way, TLC won't get any ratings from me.
Administrator said...
I'm surprised Kate's likeness hasn't appeared in a fan's potato chip yet!
Do you think she is actually having a breakdown right now? Losing touch with time, space, orientation?
She JUST tweeted not three days ago that the next show is May 2. Now she's back to this nonsense about grifting popcorn from TLC tonight.
I think she's losing it. Where's Pink with her straightjacket?
Kate and Captain Picard have one thing in common- when they give orders, they expect it to be so....
hmmm, i wonder if TLC will pull another "switcheroo." The show about Prince Harry is listed, but they'll show Kate instead, to get her higher ratings than she would if Kate Plus 8 were on the schedule?
Now the question will be which sheeple is going to be the sacrificial sheeple to break it to her that her show is NOT on tonight.
Maybe it's just too hard for a narcissist to understand that this week is about Prince William, not her.
TLC cannot air a new episode tonight, I need several days to get myself in the right state of mind to recap this drivel. They cannot just drop this in my lap like this.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Oooppss! Royal wedding instead of kate+8 tonight! shows you how much I know... Catch ya next week! Now we can all sleep early. No party! :(
23 seconds ago
Ok. She read our posts. She's going to bed.
Admin said...
From Kate today: I'll tweet... But NO dancing for me during this party...:) K+8 10pm tonight EST 20 minutes ago
1 hr 50 min til Philly k+8 watch and I'll be tweeting..live! Join me 8000 plus lots more! Can't wait to party again tonight...woo hoo!
22 minutes ago
@jennalauren25 tonight Jenna! 10 pm EST! Were going to Philly...!!! Watch and I'll be live tweeting! 23 minutes ago
Kate said a few days ago the show was on tonight, everyone corrected her, and she took it back and said it's actually May 2. She doesn't remember that?
Admin said...
Do you think she is actually having a breakdown right now? Losing touch with time, space, orientation?
She JUST tweeted not three days ago that the next show is May 2. Now she's back to this nonsense about grifting popcorn from TLC tonight.
Last week TLC tweeted Kate and told her the show was on May 2.
I'm leaning toward her confusing back and forth about the date of the show as proof that there is more than one person tweeting from her account.
Kate tweets one thing and the other person is tweeting something else and that's why we're seeing the exact opposite details coming from Kate's "verified" account.
I love this! Ellen twittered....
"i just realized how thick of skin i've grown (not literally) ovr the past yr. nothing negative anyone says ever bugs me. esp. not now. :)"
We all know why especially now. Go Ellen!
"I'm leaning toward her confusing back and forth about the date of the show as proof that there is more than one person tweeting from her account."
I'll second that. It's a case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing. Either that, or she doesn't know what she says from one minute to the next. We know that she can't keep her web of lies straight. Maybe it's all catching up to her.
"Maybe it's just too hard for a narcissist to understand that this week is about Prince William, not her."
All she heard was the name "Kate" and naturally she thought it was about her.
She still thinks her show is on tonight? LOL
Administrator said...Do you think she is actually having a breakdown right now? Losing touch with time, space, orientation?
Yes and yes.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Oooppss! Royal wedding instead of kate+8 tonight! shows you how much I know... Catch ya next week! Now we can all sleep early. No party! :(
23 seconds ago
Well, it's a good thing that Kate has given the order for all her minions to go to sleep early, and no partying for them as well. Wouldn't want to see them milling around, all confused, scared, and wondering what happened.
Where would they be without all her commands?
Pod people. All of them. They share one brain-Kate's.
I'll second that. It's a case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing.
Nah, just Kate's right brain not knowing what the left brain is up to.
Twitter Twitter little star said...
Anyone know which tweet Kate is talking about having taken down? I don't do twitter so it is all a bunch of jibberish to me anyway.
April 25, 2011 5:29 PM
I *think* it was a tweet TLC put out about the Royal Family Special scheduled for tonight. Kate thought they had it wrong and that SHE was on tonight and she was asking TLC to take down their tweet about the RF on @ 10:00.
"Anyone know which tweet Kate is talking about having taken down? I don't do twitter so it is all a bunch of jibberish to me anyway. "
Some impostor calling themselves Kategplusmy8 posted a tweet and Kate that it be removed.
Talk about a disconnect! LOL. Since Kate said it's okay to go to bed, I'm going to follow Her Majesty's orders! Nite all.
RE the tweet Kate wanted removed.
I wrote about it several posts above. It is a fake account with the name Kateplusmy3. There is a picture of Kate in a sunny bikini lounging on a beach (like a singer might lounge on a piano in the early films). It has some "funnyish" statements, but most of it is just plain disgusting, nasty talk.
This is what Kate is asking to have removed and is telling TLC and others about it.
Do I have to go to bed? It's still light out and I'm walking the dog.
It's still light here too. I think it is appropriate that she tells her little KateFreaks to go to sleep. They've been up for days, "fighting the good fight."
Pam said...
Twitter Twitter little star said...
Anyone know which tweet Kate is talking about having taken down? I don't do twitter so it is all a bunch of jibberish to me anyway.
April 25, 2011 5:29 PM
I *think* it was a tweet TLC put out about the Royal Family Special scheduled for tonight. Kate thought they had it wrong and that SHE was on tonight and she was asking TLC to take down their tweet about the RF on @ 10:00.
April 25, 2011 6:30 PM
No, I don't think that was it. I had just checked in on Twitter to see what was up and I saw that tweet from Khate asking TLC to have something taken down. That was BEFORE she did three tweets saying her show was on tonight. When she tweeted about the show, I happened to be there looking around trying to figure out the first tweet about taking something down.
From what I can tell, it was because someone created a similar sounding Twitter name to hers and tweeted something to that delusional teen fan, Paige. Khate must have seen the similar name, she asked TLC to take it down, and poof - it was gone! I guess TLC does still take her calls/respond to her emails, lol.
Mind you, Khate - the self-declared fastest Twitterer east of the Mississippi - did not even bother to take a half a second to tweet to her devoted fan Paige and ask her if she was okay.
"I see a woman with such a gentle heart, and yet is such a warrior on the exterior.
Do you think that this person was in the shower and missed Gumgate, or Laundry Room Floor Gate, or Watergate, or I Don't Even Want To Hear You Breathe Gate or Whistle Gate? Kate is both an external and internal brute. There's nothing gentle about her.
I, too, wish that we would hear from a psychological profiler who could tell us why these sheeple allow the wool to be pulled over their eyes. What makes them tick? Why would they idolize her? Is it just naivety, or much more than that? It certainly isn't all stupidity, is it? Not all of them appear to be so mentally challenged that they are incapable of separating fact from fiction.
Don't they ever ask why nobody who knows her comes out and says what a wonderful, kind, loving, courteous person she is? Why do they suppose that is? How do they explain it away?
Are there any psychologists/psychiatrists, behavioral specialists on this blog who could tell us why someone would believe Kate to be Saint Katie? How could a fan close her eyes to the rudeness and arrogance that she displays? Moreover, how do they justify it?
Her tweeting like mad that K+8 was on tonight kind of verifies her anxiety over keeping the show alive. She's desperate and it shows.
I think if I had a reality show, hell a puppet show, I'd know exactly when it was about to be aired. I'd even go so far as to ask the producers. I think they're done with the stupid, crazy broad.
What the hell? Last week after the show, she and TLC tweeted that it was on again next week (tonight), but then TLC corrected it, and her, by tweeting that it was NOT on this week. Yet, she just replied to a fan that she was looking forward to the show tonight:
johhhnmurphyy John Murphy
47 minutes ago
in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@johhhnmurphyy Me too!
6 minutes ago via Twitterrific
Oh great, what's she up to now?:
TiffanyCL Tiffany Caceres
@Kateplusmy8 you not watching #dancingwiththestars tonight?
56 minutes ago
in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@TiffanyCL Yes. Watched some. Have to get to bed. I'm outta town for the day tomorrow...
7 minutes ago via Twitterrific
Admin said, Nah, just Kate's right brain not knowing what the left brain is up to.
She has one? Could have fooled me!
>Most interesting in the context of this research, Maltby et al. (2004) concluded that intense personal celebrity worship was associated with poorer mental health, and particularly with poorer general health (depression, anxiety, somatic symptoms, social dysfunction) and negative affect (negative affect, stress, and low positive affect and life satisfaction). Similarly, Maltby, McCutcheon, Ashe, and Houran (2001) found that intense personal celebrity worship was associated with depression and anxiety."
Info here:
"Outta town for the day tomorrow" probably means a NY hair touch up.
You know what's super funny? She USED to follow TLC! She's only ever followed a handful of Twitter accounts, no more than 5-6. I looked at them from time to time.
She used to follow TLC. Then she "unfollowed" them. But her number went back up to 6, because now she follows Sherri Shepherd.
Huh. Wonder why she unfollowed TLC? Or they blocked her? Hee.
By the way, I want to say again, I think everyone should just stop tweeting to her. Let it be very clear how few people actually talk to her who LIKE her. (There will onlu be about 10-12.) THAT will look super pathetic.
Let her circle the drain. I used to be a critic of her on twitter, but stopped, following my own advice.
I think if all the hate tweets stop -- it will be worse than the show being canceled.
I second the stop tweeting.
Linda G said,
"By the way, I want to say again, I think everyone should just stop tweeting to her. Let it be very clear how few people actually talk to her who LIKE her. (There will onlu be about 10-12.) THAT will look super pathetic."
Remember Alex (Glenn Close) to Dan (Michael Douglas) in Fatal Attraction: "You won't answer my calls, you change your number. I mean, I'm not gonna be ignored."
The attention energizes her. The lack of it will make her nuts.
As cheesy as Fatal Attraction is, I believe it to be a surprisingly accurate look inside the mind of a narcissist when you CUT THEM LOOSE. A narcissist must live their life on their terms. If you start trying to disctate how their lives will go, the consequences are dire.
As much as I'm relieved the ratings are in the dumps, I am one of those who fears how Kate will handle it when she is officially cut off.
Pap Wife, dont' take this personal but I can't publish anymore comments from you with inside stories. It's rule number 2 and we probably shouldn't have published your comment in the first place.
If I can't verify the story I don't want to waste a lot of time here going around and around about whether it is true.
@kategplusmy8 @EmeraldCityJazz @paige_kate8lvr @kategosselin3 @TLC Can we get this taken down asap please? I'll email as well.. Thanks..
A true story of our criminal justice system and the vulnerability of women and children: http://crimemagazine.com/secret-life-sexual-predator-0
Click on @EmeraldCityJazz and the above was article was attached to it. EmeraldCityJazz was written at the bottom of the article. Maybe that is why Kate wanted it down. By the way, as of midnight (central time) it wasn't taken down.
What is the situation with Maddy (Twitter) and Kate and a diagnosis/medical emergency? Did Kate once again not use her head and put her foot (or twittering finger) in her mouth?
Kate put her children out there to be scrutinized by every child hungry person/by every pededphile/by everyone who wanted to get closed to them as those they were her neighbors and wanted to babysit. Those viewers wanted to live Kate's life. All that help/volunteers/family/loving husband who truly loved his children.
She still does it, puts those children out there. Talks about them as though she was attainable to the "crazy general public" still attached to her. The ones to get hurt, other than by a crazy mother, are the children and these wacko people on Twitter idolizing Kate.
Kate should take her money, sell her house, change her name and hide her children for the next 10 years. Leave them alone to live, breathe, play, love, be children.
Will she be the self sacrificing mother to her children, absolutely not. This is all about Kate, always has been, never been anything else but Katie.
God forgive you if anything happens to your children because of you, you are out of your ever loving mind. Give those kids to Jon and his family to raise, go to Hollywood, never look back and call it a day as a Mom. You never were a Mom to anyone. You couldn't love the birds in the sky. All you are is someone those kids know as a familiar face;nothing more.
Very sad what you did to them in Australia and especially New Zealand.
Why, Joy Bahar asked you, were you so hated? You said, "I don't know" and the truth is because you are so unloving a mother as ever been shown to this world via TV and Reality TV. You were mean to the kids, to Jon and you were demanding, demanding, demanding.
Give me, give me, give me, I'm Kate.
Surprise it was always about a family of Jon, his kids and you were side filler on that show screaming, ranting, raving, one mean bitch.
Maggie said...
@kategplusmy8 @EmeraldCityJazz @paige_kate8lvr @kategosselin3 @TLC Can we get this taken down asap please? I'll email as well.. Thanks..
A true story of our criminal justice system and the vulnerability of women and children: http://crimemagazine.com/secret-life-sexual-predator-0
Click on @EmeraldCityJazz and the above was article was attached to it. EmeraldCityJazz was written at the bottom of the article. Maybe that is why Kate wanted it down. By the way, as of midnight (central time) it wasn't taken down.
Maggie, the article was written by EmeraldCityJazz, whose real name is Laura Lusher (the article is what she has linked on her Twitter page) so that's why her name is at the bottom.
EmeraldCity grew up with the subject of the article, Jack Bokin, and was sexually molested by him over a number of years. The story she's written about her relationship with Bokin's family, her assults, Bokin's criminal history, etc. is fascinating and upsetting.
BTW, EmeraldCity is a "hater" who has been sending Kate snarky tweets since she started the account. I don't think the account Kate wanted removed has anything to do with the article. I couldn't find the accounts (kateplusmy3 or kategplusmy8) everyone is talking about so they must have been suspended.
Wonder where she and Stevie are flying today. She can't claim him as her bodyguard any longer because of the pap fight in NZ. He was not involved at all from what I saw in a clip, but he was there. WTF! Bet he spent the night at her place.
BM's followers are begging for her to post the NZ show. Wonder why she hasn't? Could it be that Kate's behavior was unexcusable even for die hard sheeple? I still can't believe that her sobbing in a ball on the ground continued for 20 minutes (per Kate's twitter).
"Midnight Madness said...
What is the situation with Maddy (Twitter) and Kate and a diagnosis/medical emergency? Did Kate once again not use her head and put her foot (or twittering finger) in her mouth?"
The teen kept complaining of a pain in her stomach. First Kate said she must have eaten too much candy. The teen said no, only a few jelly beans. Then Kate asked where exactly did it hurt, left, right etc. (you know, being an RN and all, she had to show her 'expertise') Then nothing else to the girl, from Kate, that I saw. Several of the 'haters' told the girl don't ask for advice on the internet, go to her parents. (Kate never told her to tell her parents, btw) Then I saw no more about it. The teen did complain that the 'haters' were 'bothering' her, and said she needed 'help'. So I suppose telling the child to tell her parents was a bother to her. The fans started ragging about the 'haters' messing with teens online.
I swear, the intelligence level is truly frightening over there.
"ADMIN If I can't verify the story I don't want to waste a lot of time here going around and around about whether it is true"
Thanks for that.
"Administrator said...
I'm surprised Kate's likeness hasn't appeared in a fan's potato chip yet!"
I literally LOL'd on this one! I would think it would appear on a fig newman or freshly baked bread bowl!
"TLC stinks said...
BM's followers are begging for her to post the NZ show. Wonder why she hasn't?"
TLC has gotten really strict about anyone showing the episodes. I noticed a few on Youtube got suspended for having the 'copyrighted' shows on their accounts. Perhaps this blogger reallllly doesn't have the 'pull' with TLC as previously implied? lol
Kate tweeted earlier that she was on a plane heading to a meeting. Maybe TLC asked her to come to the headquarters so they could personally pry that freaking pink phone out of her hands and replace it with a pink slip! One could only hope.
It surprises me that Kate isn't following TLC on twitter. They MADE her. If TLC cares, who knows, & if they blocked her, even better, but what a slap in the face on Kate's part to not partner up with the company, or companies that have helped her succeed throughout the years. She should be following everyone that has donated to her & her family IMO;
Juicy Juice, Gymboree, & I can't think of any more right now because I haven't watched in years & years. But to not follow TLC? That must piss them off. And THEN for them to have to watch her, & correct her to tell her what time her stupid show is on?
I agree w/ Admin here when they don't even care anymore & are just waiting to cut the strings. Again with the selfishness & the ego & the NO one helped me, I did this myself, & I got where I am because of WHO I am. She would be nothing if it weren't for TLC.
~Hippie Chick~
We're not so lucky, she's probably 'flying to a meeting' with TLC to discuss her summer travel plans - could she really be that delusional? Guess we'll have to wait for her twits today. Can't wait for the spin to begin.
Molly 12 said...
Kate tweeted earlier that she was on a plane heading to a meeting. Maybe TLC asked her to come to the headquarters so they could personally pry that freaking pink phone out of her hands and replace it with a pink slip! One could only hope.
Amen to that.
Let me get this straight. By her own admission Kate did not have custody this weekend. Instead of catching up on laundry and errands, she stays at home by herself, doesn't even go to Easter Sunday services, and twitters away the weekend. Most places are open Easter Sunday at the latest by noon, so if she wasn't going to spend the holiday with one family member or so much as a friend, she could have gone then. It probably wouldn't have been crowded!
Sunday night she manages to throw together supper for the kids before getting back on Twitter to brag about it all night.
Monday, when the kids are actually back and have the DAY OFF? She twitters away she needs to do laundry and errands. WTF! Then Tuesday, she's on a plane leaving them again? This woman had all day Saturday and most of Sunday to make sure she had plenty of time on Monday to be with the kids.
This is all per Kate's own Twitter's. Does she even think for one second how this all looks to an outsider?
Jenna Does said:
It surprises me that Kate isn't following TLC on twitter. They MADE her. If TLC cares, who knows, & if they blocked her, even better, but what a slap in the face on Kate's part to not partner up with the company, or companies that have helped her succeed throughout the years. She should be following everyone that has donated to her & her family IMO...
Not only that, but when Kate realized last night that Royal wedding shows were on (GASP! Not hers!), she told everyone to go to sleep early as she was going to do. That would have been the time to give TLC a little promotion, suggest how excited she was to see these shows (even though she obviously wasn't) and urge her minions to watch, too. Maybe even say a gracious word or two about the wedding or TLC. But, no. Kate is certainly the sun in her own universe.
Admin said
This is all per Kate's own Twitter's. Does she even think for one second how this all looks to an outsider?
No, she doesn't think about how it looks to others because she is god-like and the only thing that matters is what she WANTS others to think.
Narcissists believe that they can control the world, and that the only viewpoint that has any validity is their own.
She not only has no idea how what she does looks to others, but cannot comprehend why her behavior would be perceived as being any different from the way she wants it to be viewed.
This is why she seems to be so stupid, at least in this area. (She's classically stupid in other areas, too, but that's another matter.)
She can't see, can't learn, and she has no empathy or ability to see anything through others' eyes. That would include seeing anything through the eyes of her stressed children, too, by the way.
Textbook, and completely documented by the idiot herself, all over the place, for years and years.
Kate just twittered that even if she is not responding to tweets she is always checking in and reading.
So given that she responds to her tweets at the most every 20 minutes, she is basically spending her entire damn life on twitter the past two weeks.
Why is she so happy to admit this?? So weird.
Virginia Pen Mom GOOD POINT about TLC's royal programming. Kate could have given it a good plug. Most other stars do this ALL THE TIME, cross-promote their own network's shows.
And Kate is so dumb she doesn't realize it makes sense to promote the network as a whole. All her pea brain understands is, it's not my show, don't bother! Networks as a whole, when they do well, helps everyone on the network. And surely they advertised Kate Plus 8 during the royal programming, so if she promoted them, someone might see a promo for her and want to watch. Idiot.
This is exactly how she has viewed paying other people on the show, i.e. Aunt Jodi. It's all the money to me or none. Not realizing that it benefits EVERYONE to pay everyone and pay them well--everyone is happy, everyone wants to work to make your show a success, in the end, greater success. She is sooo....dumb.
Admin, I see your point, and I agree with it.
But put yourself in Kate's stilettos. She wants to project an image of herself as a good mommy. To her, that means provide food, shelter and make sure there is adequate income.
So, she tweets about her good mommy things like putting together Easter baskets, providing soup in a bread bowl, doing laundry, running errands. And she must keep her 8,400 followers
happy with chatter. Then she must travel for her job on top of all that. The readers are to be so utterly impressed with all she manages to get done in a day. What a Mom! And see how much she loves those kids? She talks about loving them all the time so she must really, really love them. Wow, they say, I think she is the paragon of organization and mommyhood.
Sure, all right. Whatever.
Speaking of Fatal Attraction - Khate's courting such an attraction in this stupid tweeting obsession of hers. Not gonna be a "hater" if there is an um, unpleasant encounter. She's unbelievable, and I can't believe Steve hasn't stepped in this tweeting thing, they both have spoken about rabid fans, she has been very vocal about "fans being annoying" yet here she is cozying up probably because she thinks it's "safe" because it's twitter (oh and she thinks it'll get her ratings up, give her "more opportunities in show biz"). Yes, Khate, I'm psychic, I know what you think - and so do most others out there...
No one has mentioned that Kate has made it very clear she has the kids now, they are back in school, and where is she? Far enough away to take a plane ride.
Wouldn't you be just a tad concerned to let everyone know you are not home, but your KIDS ARE? Anyone can surmise the kids will be home alone today with the nanny or nannies. Anyone can find out where they live.
So she's flying to a meeting today. She would not fly to MD or NYC, so I'm thinking LA? Perhaps TLC is done and she's interviewing for a gig on OWN? I wouldn't put it past Oprah.
I smell something is up. TLC has got to be ready to ditch her and pass her off to someone else.
"ADMIN Wouldn't you be just a tad concerned to let everyone know you are not home, but your KIDS ARE? Anyone can surmise the kids will be home alone today with the nanny or nannies. Anyone can find out where they live."
My thoughts EXACTLY when I read her tweet. How stupid is this woman?? She has continually exposed the kids location BEFORE they are off to some place. Tell the biz about Jon having the kids, etc. Now, the idiot is off on a plane trip for a 'meeting'. She is just SO important, don't cha know. She has to expose, once again, where she is going and the business of the kids. She is truly disgusting. And the group of enablers she has, my gawd. This is one reason why she says what she says, they fawn all over everything she says or does, RIGHT or WRONG. They truly have no concern about these kids. None at all.
If she's flying off to a meeting the last thing on her narcissistic mind is the safety of her children. Why doesn't she just tweet where she hides the keys to the house?...and the fence on the property is not exactly intruder proof either. As for where they live, there's aerial shots of the entire acreage on the internet. The whole place is an open invitation for something terrible to happen.
Admin said:
...So given that she responds to her tweets at the most every 20 minutes, she is basically spending her entire damn life on twitter the past two weeks.
Why is she so happy to admit this?? So weird.
I really think this is the "working hard" she's been speaking of for the past few weeks. Khate's made fan contact her full-time job, because I think this is a last-ditch effort on her part. TLC is probably done scrounging up freebie trips and appearances for her, so Kate's taken it upon herself to do it. There's still plenty of kind-hearted, but ignorant people with connections left for her to grift from. Sounds like her goal is to network on Twitter and find some generous folks to offer her free services, so she can go back to TLC and get another 250K episode filmed from it. But poor Khate, the only people that want to twit with her are kids, haha!
Was that sheeple offer of Space Camp really shot down? If so, great! Would the twins or all eight kids even WANT to go? If they really want to go, Khate can pay for it herself. There are probably thousands of kids who would "die" to go to Space Camp, but will never get the opportunity. Nothing against the G8 at all, but I hate to see once-in-a-lifetime opportunities potentially wasted on kids that couldn't care less.
1. Again, it's worse than not following TLC, she DID follow TLC when she first got on twitter. Now, for whatever reason, she's not. Interesting, huh?
2. She's a total dipshit for letting the world know her kids will be alone with nannies tonight.
3. Before her tweets, we strongly suspected she didn't spend much time with the kids. Now we know it for a fact. Smart, Kate. Real smart.
4. When the critics stop tweeting her, it's AMAZINGLY quiet on her feed. It's one woman tweeting Hallmark card quotes and occasional random one-time tweeters saying things like "ur such an inspriation 2 me" and "how do u cook things?" That's it. Crickets chirping otherwise.
5. I think the meeting is with TLC. And I don't think it'll go well for her.
TLC stinks said...BM's followers are begging for her to post the NZ show. Wonder why she hasn't?
Wait, some of Kate's fans haven't see the show? They want to watch the show on the internet, instead of watching one of the TLC repeats while live-tweeting with Kate?
So this is why Kate's ratings are dwindling! Her fans don't even watch the show when it first airs...lol.
That's pretty sad, if this were true.
Administrator said...Wouldn't you be just a tad concerned to let everyone know you are not home, but your KIDS ARE? Anyone can surmise the kids will be home alone today with the nanny or nannies. Anyone can find out where they live.
It's scary that WE are more concerned about the kids' safety than their own mother!
Anyone who has watched the show or has seen the paparazzi photos knows what the McMansion property looks like, where it's generally located, and how easily it would be to get onto the property. Those fences don't seem like they would keep intruders out. I vaguely recall someone posting the original house listing (which could have included the address) on a Gosselin site.
Sadly...Steve, Kate's security blanket, is probably with her instead of protecting the kids while she's away.
Administrator said...
No one has mentioned that Kate has made it very clear she has the kids now, they are back in school, and where is she? Far enough away to take a plane ride.
Wouldn't you be just a tad concerned to let everyone know you are not home, but your KIDS ARE? Anyone can surmise the kids will be home alone today with the nanny or nannies. Anyone can find out where they live.
Pfffttt! Yeah well, this is Kate we're talking about... She's never been logical, why should she start now.
I feel sorry for the kids, but I especially feel sorry for the nannies. Heaven help them if something bad happens to those kids.
I still haven't seen the Sky Jump part with Brad and can't find it online. TLC doesn't have that clip up. Anyone know where I can see it? I want to see her "conquer wisdom." (That makes me laugh so hard.)
Click on Tuesday's recap.
Mouser said...
Click on Tuesday's recap.
What exactly are you referring to on the recap? Thanks
If the meeting is with TLC why would she take a flight? Isn't TLC in MD? Maybe she's taking a commuter flight and then heading home tonight?
She may be able to try for a gig on her own (OWN?)but she may not be able to have the kids filmed. TLC may have the contract written in a way that says they can't be filmed for another network for "x" number of years after the end of the show.
Was that sheeple offer of Space Camp really shot down?
I am sure she won't pay for any of the kids to go. She can't afford gymnastics she said. It is such a shame. She probably wanted to go with all the kids and be filmed screeching and showing the kids how much better/worse mommy can do it than they can and Space camp wanted nothing to do with it. Someone there must know what a circus she would make it into and how rude she would be.
LivinForLife LivinLife
@Kateplusmy8 True strength is keeping everything together when everyone expects you to fall apart. Have a great trip and be safe (((hugs)))
1 hour ago
in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@LivinForLife Ok really. How can you keep blowing me away with these amazing quotes? Wow! Thanks!
12 minutes ago via Twitterrific
WTF?! That silly quote is something that Khate finds so "amazing" and it's "blowing her away"? Seriously, she is a f*cken moron/airhead/dipshit/emotionally immature/vapid idiot!
Wouldn't you be just a tad concerned to let everyone know you are not home, but your KIDS ARE? Anyone can surmise the kids will be home alone today with the nanny or nannies. Anyone can find out where they live.
She chewed out Jon when he accidentally let it slip that they were going to Korea (whichever one it was) and yet she continually blabs about where they're going! Double standard much?
I apologize. It appears to be gone:
"Linda G said...Anyone know where I can see it?"
Someone had it, along with the zoo episode, on youtube, but it is now gone. I assume TLC took it down, once again.
TLC Stinks said...
I wouldn't put it past Oprah.
I would. Oprah is smart & business savvy. She wouldn't touch Kate with a 100 foot pole & someone else holding it. Kate is OVER & Oprah knows it, I would think.
~Hippie Chick~
Double standard much?
Ironic too isn't it, that the only person whom she forces to keep off the property is Jon. I'll bet she had the security code for the gate changed to keep HIM out but perps and perverts practically have a welcome mat laid out for them. I said a long time ago that unless she has armed guards in there, those trees behind the house are a perfect place for anyone to hide out. She bitched at Jon when he wanted to put the crooked houses back there because she couldn't see the kids from the house. She had to broadcast that loud and clear too. What an idiot.
Remember the rumor on here recently that ET possibly wanted to work out some kind of deal w/ her? Good grief, I hope that isn't so...what idiots they are if it is. Anyway, that may be what's going on. If they do offer her a contract, I would bet everything I own (which isn't much) that they will live to regret it BIG TIME.
Ingrid said...
Was that sheeple offer of Space Camp really shot down?
Has it been confirmed that Space camp wants nothing to do with her? Was this put out in tweets, or somewhere else, and was she told?
RT @OMGFactsCelebs: Vanna White makes $3-$5 million per year turning letters on Wheel of Fortune. THIS WOULD BE GREAT JOB 4 KATE GOSSELIN
Guess which Sheeple sent this??
"delusional and just plain dumb said...
Guess which Sheeple sent this??"
I recognize the caps. LOL Personally, if it took the kids off TV, she should have at it. But I doubt seriously, if something like that would even be offered at this point.
Mouse...Ok thanks, I just cannot watch that woman. LOL Blech
Kate's meeting= hair appointment
"Midnight Madness said...
Has it been confirmed that Space camp wants nothing to do with her? Was this put out in tweets, or somewhere else, and was she told?
The person who offered the Space Camp thing said in one tweet that the response he got from her manager wasn't "too encouraging". Then shortly after that she/he tweeted there was a "problem with scheduling" them with the camp. They would explain in an email, if Kate wanted details, then nothing else was said that I saw.
Vanna White is WORTH $ 3-5 million a year because she is a beloved fixture on that show. She is professional, manages to smile and look pretty/happy even when the attention is not on her. No way could Kate do that job. She would be disruptive, unpleasant and cannot spell. WOF must love Vanna and not want to lose her given that paycheck. There are a million women who would love that job.
The person who offered the Space Camp thing said in one tweet that the response he got from her manager wasn't "too encouraging". Then shortly after that she/he tweeted there was a "problem with scheduling" them with the camp. They would explain in an email, if Kate wanted details, then nothing else was said that I saw.
Thanks, Regrets. I wonder if TLC was involved in the "scheduling" or if Kate was doing it on her own. Either way, why would this be publicized in a tweet? Something sounds strange about it.
WTF?! That silly quote is something that Khate finds so "amazing" and it's "blowing her away"? Seriously, she is a f*cken moron/airhead/dipshit/emotionally immature/vapid idiot!
Maybe if someone sent her a link to a list of amazing quotes online, she would blow herself so far away that nobody would have to hear from her ever again! Poof! Gone like a thief in the night!
BM used to get her videos from a poster who can't keep her clips online anymore. TLC has clamped down on the pirating and I think they have finally shut her down.
Another reason not to watch next week!
There is one more showing of "Kate Plus 8" on May 2nd, as the family visits Philadelphia. Beyind that, it is unclear when the next show will air.
while in college, my friend worked on one of the gameshows as a model showing off the prizes to the contestants. Not wheel of fortune, but think of the top 5 game shows out there and you've got it. She was very young (22ish), very beautiful in a plainjane way and loved her job. While auditioning, the producers stressed that out of respect to the sponsors, the models were not to distract in any way from the product they were showing. They were to smile, look in the camera and act the same whether they were showing off rice a roni, a vacuum cleaner or a car. A big part of the audition and callbacks was the models' grace: walking, opening a fridge door, etc. Does this sound like something Kate could master? She's all about the face mugging, arm flapping, eye rolling, playing with the hair...anything for attention
I'm wondering if Kate didn't create the day trip just to keep everyone guessing as to where she went. Perhaps she went nowhere, but just wanted to seem important enough to fly to a meeting. Is she sitting back laughing about all of the speculation about her destination today?
Will there be any photos of her at an airport?
@LivinForLife Ok really. How can you keep blowing me away with these amazing quotes? Wow! Thanks! about 2 hours ago
How long before Kate rounds up all those "amazing quotes", and writes a book on her favorite inspirational quotes...
I believe that cancellation is on the horizon. TLC has stopped promoting anything Kate. No paps, no made up stories, nothing.
I read this comment posted by Frann Marple 1:02 p.m.
"Get over yourselves. Kate will survive and all you jealous jackasses can jump in the lake."
Just for the heck of it, I wanted to see what a sheeple looks like, so I clicked on the photo to enlarge it. Is that a sheeple cap she's wearing? Bah Bah Bah!
"There is one more showing of "Kate Plus 8" on May 2nd, as the family visits Philadelphia. Beyind that, it is unclear when the next show will air."
WHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! I think the kids may finally have their lives back??? I hope beyond hope Kate does this right & doesn't blame them, or anyone else & gets them the help they may need to make this transition smoothly.
Wow! The article in MyPhilly! I have hung around just to watch her take that massive fall she has coming to her for all her nastiness and it looks like it is coming at last. Couldn't happen to a more deserving witch. All this twittering is so contrived and yet even with her few repeat twitter fans she is still hated by the majority. I was out of town for a week and have not seen any clips of her NZ fiasco but it sounds like she outdid even her Alaska horrible behavior. How in heck the sheeple can keep on defending her is just beyond me.
Does anyone know what happened with the whole "Black Sheep" business? Was the person finally outed? Just curious.
"How long before Kate rounds up all those "amazing quotes", and writes a book on her favorite inspirational quotes..."
Those inspirational quotes are found on the internet, and if she does that, she'll go the same route as the cookbook - plagiarism.
Bah Bah White Sheep said... http://www.myfoxphilly.com/dpp/entertainment/kate-gosselin-show-faces-cancellation-042611
Just checked out this article, which is hopeful that TLC has many more shows to debut besides Kates! Thank God for that. But what struck me was that odd picture of her. I had to really look twice. When was that taken. Her face is so scrunchy. Just doesn't look like her usual shots.
I was out of town for a week and have not seen any clips of her NZ fiasco but it sounds like she outdid even her Alaska horrible behavior. How in heck the sheeple can keep on defending her is just beyond me.
Me too. Kate could rob a bank and the sheeple would still defend her, saying that she needs the money for her eight kids, she needs to provide for them, and the bank should've had better security, etc. Kate can do no wrong in their eyes. I've said before I would love to see a sheeple work for Kate so they could see her nastiness up close, but they wouldn't even see it I bet. They'd consider it an honor to work for her, and if she was nasty, they'd apologize for whatever ticked her off.
Perhaps Kate was on a plane heading to L.A. to appear in the audience of DWTS. It is elimination night tonight. We'll see I guess.
silimom, I have been wondering the same thing. I read that the black sheep had been outted on another blog but they didn't say who it was. Why is there so much secrecy around this?
Bah Bah White Sheep said...
I read this comment posted by Frann Marple 1:02 p.m.
"Get over yourselves. Kate will survive and all you jealous jackasses can jump in the lake."
Just for the heck of it, I wanted to see what a sheeple looks like, so I clicked on the photo to enlarge it. Is that a sheeple cap she's wearing? Bah Bah Bah!
LOL, too funny! Is it...could it be...wool?? Does it get pulled over her eyes often?
What's the black sheep story I didn't hear this.
We can only hope myfoxphilly knows the inside track with TLC. Cancellation has been discussed for years and we were fooled before. Hopefully, Kate is at the end of her 15 minutes of fame sooner rather than later. I agree that appointment means hair salon in Kate speaks language.
Jane said...
Another reason not to watch next week!
There is one more showing of "Kate Plus 8" on May 2nd, as the family visits Philadelphia. Beyind that, it is unclear when the next show will air.
I hope mainstream media doesn't pick this up. I fear that news about a possible cancellation is more of a PR attempt to draw viewer interest and raise the show's ratings such as NBC's Chuck, etc.
According to this site, the last two TBA episodes are now both airing on 5/30. (I could have sworn they had different, separate dates but were recently changed.)
Kate's rating have been circling the drain because lately she's been putting on the Suzy Sunshine act. Nobody wants to see sweet. People watch her to see what the next OMG moment will be. Who will she bitch at? Who will she insult? How many meltdowns will she have?
Since the NZ episode had that kind of "Kate The Shrew" stuff that makes her famous, people might tune in again to witness the next outrageous psychotic break she will have.
I predict her ratings will go up a little bit because of the whole Sky Tower / Exorcist / Coocoo's Nest thing.
What a way to get famous. People watching you simply because you are the Queen of Mean. She should be so proud.
It’s very odd that Khate isn’t following TLC on Twitter. If for nothing else, you think she would want to see their tweets promoting her show.
TLC should be ticked that Khate basically said last night oh well, twittering sheeple, my show isn’t on tonight, screw that other stuff on TLC about the royals, let’s all turn off the tv and go to bed. If she were smart, she would have done a few tweets about the great coverage of the royal wedding on TLC. She knows that a lot of her followers would have turned it on just because she said she was watching it last night.
Also, Khate doesn’t follow, promote, or even mention any other shows on TLC, does she? I think all those “Real Housewives" on Bravo all tweet about each other's shows when they’re on, and blog about them, etc. They are all part of the Bravo family/business, basically. Why does Khate act like her show is the ONLY show that's on TLC? Oh yeah, that’s right….. she’s a narcissist!
I was over at TLC's site checking the Royal Wedding programming for tonight, when I noticed some J&K+8 webisodes right there on the front page.
I watched the one called Throw Away Art.
UGH! I remember that. The wicked wench threw away the Mother's Day gifts her children made for her in Sunday School. And I'm talking the very same day her children presented their precious gifts to that ungrateful bitch.
Hateful Khate was so smug as she chucked the projects into the trash can, calling it the 'perfect place,' or something vile like that.
I really hate her.
"Also, Khate doesn’t follow, promote, or even mention any other shows on TLC, does she?"
This may be due in part to her narcissism, but I also think that it's because she can only think for the moment. She has no ability or intellect to be able to think ahead. This is seen in the countless times she has put her foot in her mouth, not only on her own show, but in interviews. She cannot see that there may be consequences in what she says, and she can't see that what she says might be to her advantage and may make her look good. Something in her brain just doesn't compute. Most people, in her position last night, would have thought to say, "Hey, tweeties, let's all watch the wedding previews...it should be a fun show that TLC is airing."
She can't do that. I wonder what she is like in a business meeting, or if her attorney does all the talking/negotiating for her.
According to this site, the last two TBA episodes are now both airing on 5/30. (I could have sworn they had different, separate dates but were recently changed.)
They're having a hard time finding a name for a show that has "gives back" and "Kate" in the same title.
I have to give credit to GWOP for showing a link on their blog from "the futon critic" as I did not find it myself.
It was interesting to see all the new shows TLC is coming up with. I would watch most of them. I already like Say Yes To The Dress.
TLC says that shows need to have a "relatable character" in them. That explains why Kate is tanking big time. Hard to find people who can relate to someone like her unless you are an imature teenager.
I believe my first post disappered so I hope this isn't a double post anyway ....
GWOP has an interesting link up in addition to the one listed in other posts above. It is interesting because it lists some of the new shows TLC has coming up. Sounds like they are going all out to get new programs. There are some that I would be interested in watching.
It mentions that TLC feels shows need to have "relatable characters" in them. That explains why Kate's show is tanking so badly.
UGH! I remember that. The wicked wench threw away the Mother's Day gifts her children made for her in Sunday School. And I'm talking the very same day her children presented their precious gifts to that ungrateful bitch.
Since the sheeple emulate her, and she is their role model, do you think that they do the same thing when presented with something made for them by their own children? Obviously, they would think of some way to justify this, but for the life of me, I can't think what that might be. Heck, she wanted to sell items that belonged to Jon's father until the kids stopped her.
TLC says that shows need to have a "relatable character" in them. That explains why Kate is tanking big time. Hard to find people who can relate to someone like her unless you are an imature teenager.
Huh? How many people can relate to a guy who has multiple wives; or Toddlers & Tiaras; or My Strange Addiction?
TLC goes for the circus shows - the weirder the better. How can one relate to someone who hoards 2,000 pounds of stale food that expired two decades ago? Do they think that we all do this?
Moose I think you are spot on about Kate not thinking outside the box, big picture, etc.
I think what may be a perfect example of that is the fate of Aunt Jodi.
From what we have heard, Aunt Jodi wanted to be paid, or TLC wanted to pay her. Kate vetoed it, Kate couldn't stand her popularity, and soon she was off the show. I imagine in Kate's head it was, no one else is going to make money off MY kids, the money is mine, all mine.
Kate could not understand that paying Aunt Jodi, keeping her happy and keeping her on the show could greatly benefit the show. Thus, EVERYONE makes more money, the show continues longer, and so on. There may have been a temporary dip so they could pay her, but the overall benefit would have far outweighed it. She can't see the forest through the trees.
On another note Kate has been quiet on Twitter for an entire four hours. I wonder if that pink slip was handed over.
Yep, and her entire mention feed is nothing but people tweeting about a possible sex offender who follows Kate and talks a lot to the underaged fans. Ha. Great mention feed, Kate.
I'm thinking she's either in shock from that meeting or slumped on a bar stool somewhere - very quiet on the twitter front today. Meanwhile TLC has announced that upcoming are 3 spinoffs from Say Yes To The Dress, yes 3. Is that the sound of water circling the drain? Can only hope so.
I have no idea why Kate went on an airplane to go to a meeting. I agree, it's pure conjecture on our part.
However, here's my thought, just for the sake of
thinking it: Kate got notice that her show would not be filming any longer, that there would only be reruns (which I believe we've already heard the Gosselins do not receive residuals for). So, Kate has picked up her pink phone to actually call people to get herself back on her feet. Parents, Kevin and Jodi, Beth, not to mention those she met and palled around with on other shows - Erin Andrews, Joy Behar, Barbara Walters for example - to let them know that because society allows TV shows to be cancelled, that they owe her spots on other TV shows, and they owe her free babysitting again.
Kate, I hear one of the fast food chains is going more healthy. Maybe you want to jump on that band wagon and help them make millions. Just think, you may get free cheeseburgers and
french fries for 9 people for a year!
Yep, and her entire mention feed is nothing but people tweeting about a possible sex offender who follows Kate and talks a lot to the under aged fans.
I don't twitter and am taking this as I read it.
And it scares the crap out of me.
Reading the blogs over the years, both pro and con, I have seen the fan blogs rise up in arms because the child advocacy blogs DARE to mention the existence of pedophiles among us. Well, I have news for all the people that think that concept is disgusting. I'm not disagreeing.
BUT IT IS REAL. There are pedophiles among us.
They are predominantly male, but also female. They look like you and me. They are capable of befriending, beguiling and seducing any of our innocent children. I leave the rest to your imagination.
Is the thought disgusting? Of course it is.
I'm not advocating paranoia, but we ALL need to be careful.
Baa Baa - Over on another site, they said that a long time Kate fan and one of her most ardent supporters had actually changed her mind and no longer adored Kate as she once had. Some other sheeple apparently had info on her she was afraid they'd use against her if she left the flock, so she has been silently getting her ducks in a row and when she finally decides to leave she can do so without fear of retaliation.
According to this same website, this "black sheep" as she's been labeled has already been outed on some other sites. I was just curious if anyone knew who it was. I probably won't recognize the name because I really don't pay attention to who Kate's best beloved fans are, but I suspect it's the infamous "Baby Mama" myself. She's the only one I know of who has name brand recognition in the Kate Fan world. She was on Dr. Oz show recently and I wonder if that experience gave her some much needed insight into the realities of working in television.
Last twit, 6 hrs ago. Hummmm, did she make her flight back or did her handler have a hard time managing her behaviors after the 'out of town meeting'? TLC, was the diva hard to handle?
Did she screech & whine, "Why didn't you tell me the exact details?!!!! I need to know the exact details!! I'm irritated at you!!!" Whoo baby, welcome to the real world!
Legitimate concern about pedophiles who are interested in children on TV has been twisted and turned around to suggest that there is something inherently wrong about even talking about this issue, as if it is wrong to suggest this could happen, just as wrong as pedophlia is. This really makes no sense if you think about it.
Reminds me of the "olden days" when we didn't discuss things like sexual harassment, rape, birth control, abortion, and all the other unmentionables. Just because you want to talk about the ISSUE of sexual harassment doesn't mean you've harassed someone. Just because ou want to talk about the ISSUE of abortion doesn't mean you're about to go out and get one. They are not one and the same. This is not a difficult concept. You know, we've progressed from that. These are hard issues that should be discussed, as long as they are done so in a respectful manner. I didn't think so at first, but now I believe Jon was 100% right to raise this issue. They are his kids and he has a right to be concerned for them, even if the issue is "uncomfortable" for some. To suggest that pedophila has absolutely nothing to do with young children on TV is, well, naive at best.
Some months ago, a former fan of Kate's outed herself as a person who has changed her mind. It was quite public, and she chose to do it herself - nobody forced her. I have no idea what the fallout has been for her.
There have been others on the 3 major blogs that
want the kids set free who have announced their
newfound disdain for Kate Gosselin and the show.
I am not thinking - at this point - that it's Baby Mama. I think she's hardwired for gushing over Kate. I think she will go down with the ship, even if Kate finds a lifeboat.
It’s very odd that Khate isn’t following TLC on Twitter. If for nothing else, you think she would want to see their tweets promoting her show.
Kate is MUCH TOO SPECIAL to have to stoop to this level.
Have you ever noticed that we always hear about a lone sheeple leaving the flock and joining those concerned for these kids? But you never hear about someone concerned for the kids defecting and going over to supporting Kate.
Have the sheeple not noticed this is a one way street? Do they ever think what's wrong with this picture? Ask themselves why is everyone jumping into their pool and no one into ours?
It's absolutely NOT babymama.
It's someone from IW and I don't think the others really care. Preesi's site made a big deal about it but I don't think she really cares who knows.
I won't say only because I'm not sure 100%.
Moose Mania said...Huh? How many people can relate to a guy who has multiple wives; or Toddlers & Tiaras; or My Strange Addiction?
TLC has no moral integrity whatsoever. Whatever they might have had they lost when they hired Eileen O'Neill. Since she started they're making millions off people's anomalies. I realize that money is what it's about in the business but I refuse to watch that channel anymore because of their blatant exploitation of children. And apparently now Say Yes to the Dress is featuring morbidly obese brides. Goodlord. How 'bout I just Say NO to the Show, any show on TLC.
Moose Mania said...Will there be any photos of her at an airport?
Maybe she didn't go to the airport. She might have flown straight from the house on her broom.
There is no difference between TLC and the circus freak shows of the 19th and early 20th century.
If there were a circus freak show touring the country today with a wild boy (ferrel child), lady with no legs, midgets (little people), the fattest man in the world (obese), siamese twins (conjoined twins) and a set of six babies born at once (six wonderful individual CHILDREN) people would be outraged. Well guess what, every single one of these "freaks" has been featured on TLC. What TLC does is take people's (some people's) natural curiosity for freaks, packages it into something called a "documentary", adds some music and graphics, and calls it learning.
Just because you add music and graphics does not mean it changes what it is--a circus freak show that we're embarrassed our ancestors ever paid 25 cents to see. And yet here we are, 2011, doing the same thing. If anything, it's worse, since it's reaching a lot more people at once.
It's my understanding even the sheeple themselves think TLC is disgusting. They separate Kate out from it of course, but hey, that's something.
Actually a long time ago, before Kate was really TLC's girl wonder, my friends and I used to joke about how TLC was the only channel you could watch and stare at "midgets" and intrude on someone's private childbirth or point at the fat man who can't get out of his house, and it's socially acceptable. It was a joke then. But TLC has taken it beyond just a fun little joke to watch and preyed upon all these people by dangling the all mighty dollar in front of them to exploit them for all of our entertainment. They've gone way too far.
AuntieAnn said...
Moose Mania said...Will there be any photos of her at an airport?
Maybe she didn't go to the airport. She might have flown straight from the house on her broom.
I am not sure my comment went through...sorry for repeat...
may 2nd schedule for kate plus 8 7pm until 3am...new epi twice with other epis in between...
They are counting on eyeballs with kate saying she will live tweet and tell tweeters the kids reactions as they watch...
AuntieAnn said:
"Say NO to the Show, any show on TLC."
That's a great saying, Auntie Ann!!! And I agree - never going to watch anything on TLC again, in fact, I've gotten rid of cable tv altogether. :)
Administrator said...
"There is no difference between TLC and the circus freak shows of the 19th and early 20th century."
You forgot the Bearded Lady. We have a local street fair/carnival here every year. When I was a kid, you paid fifty cents to see the freaks. My friend and I were fascinated with the Bearded Lady, who had a thick beard all the way to her mid chest. One afternoon, before the attraction opened for customers, we noticed a rip in the tent and we decided to take a peek. The Bearded Lady was shirtless. We discovered then that she definitely was a he. The next year they brought in the Snake Man. We didn't even bother - figured fool us once, although I was curious how they pulled that one off...
"Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@sarahjoyce1992 I've been home.. got home this evening. Had a meeting with production. Went well. I'm excited! More K+8 on the way! Yay!"
Kate twittered that there will be more episodes of K+ 8 :(
Kate tweeted:
I've been home.. got home this evening. Had a meeting with production. Went well. I'm excited! More K+8 on the way! Yay! 4 minutes ago
Please, somebody wake the kids up from this nightmare.
Permit me to spin this. If Kate is saying yea more Kate Plus 8 on the way, then that must mean the future of Kate Plus 8 was in question? Otherwise isn't it a given there will be more Kate Plus 8 given that Kate says she is doing this until they are 18?
I mean think about it. Sounds like this was a meeting to talk about the future of the show. And Kate would never tell us if they said something like, this is your LAST CHANCE Kate this next few episodes have to count or this is it. That's still "more Kate Plus 8."
I mean think about it. Sounds like this was a meeting to talk about the future of the show. And Kate would never tell us if they said something like, this is your LAST CHANCE Kate this next few episodes have to count or this is it. That's still "more Kate Plus 8."
Notice she didn't address the question if Twist of Kate was canceled. Of course, how can something be canceled if it never even started?
Something is definitely up. Do you think she would be the one to say that Kate Plus 8 is on the rocks? No way!
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Deelaney Thx. I love answering& will do so as often as poss. In groc store line, at gate in airport, dr off waiting rm etc..Comitted!
So If Kate is so "comitted," why did she wait for 8 hours to tweet all the exciting news? She's been home all evening.
Something is fishy.
Read the last 10 or so tweets. They sound like goodbyes, especially the first and last of the newest bunch.
You know how I know she's lying about the show continuing? She said Twist of Kate isn't canceled. How can it be canceled if it never started?
I think she was told ratings better go way up May 2 or she's sunk. So she'll only tweet very sporadically until Monday, then blammo on Monday she'll tweet up a storm, trying to drum up viewers. IMO, it won't work.
Meagler said...
Kate twittered that there will be more episodes of K+ 8 :(
Yeah, Philadelphia sometime soon. Wowza.
It's not REALLY a lie.
For those who were wondering about that Maddy girl and whether she had anything serious. I poked around her acct. and found this:
maddy52897 Maddy Manyx
@LivinForLife thanks! I'm feeling much better I think I just needed to sleep it off! Anyway Im thinking bout canceling my Twitter
Aunt Jody was a threat to Kate's attention craving self. Beth was, too. I don't watch the Gosselin train wreck, but certainly hope it ends this year. Stop with the excessive trips, etc. It's not fun to even hear about this, much less watch it.
Aunt Jody was a threat to Kate's attention craving self. Beth was, too. I don't watch the Gosselin train wreck, but certainly hope it ends this year. Stop with the excessive trips, etc. It's not fun to even hear about this, much less watch it.
Administrator said...
"There is no difference between TLC and the circus freak shows of the 19th and early 20th century."
You forgot the Bearded Lady. We have a local street fair/carnival here every year. When I was a kid, you paid fifty cents to see the freaks. My friend and I were fascinated with the Bearded Lady, who had a thick beard all the way to her mid chest. One afternoon, before the attraction opened for customers, we noticed a rip in the tent and we decided to take a peek. The Bearded Lady was shirtless. We discovered then that she definitely was a he. The next year they brought in the Snake Man. We didn't even bother - figured fool us once, although I was curious how they pulled that one off...
"Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@sarahjoyce1992 I've been home.. got home this evening. Had a meeting with production. Went well. I'm excited! More K+8 on the way! Yay!"
AuntieAnn said...
Moose Mania said...Will there be any photos of her at an airport?
Maybe she didn't go to the airport. She might have flown straight from the house on her broom.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Deelaney Thx. I love answering& will do so as often as poss. In groc store line, at gate in airport, dr off waiting rm etc..Comitted!
So If Kate is so "comitted," why did she wait for 8 hours to tweet all the exciting news? She's been home all evening.
Something is fishy.
It's absolutely NOT babymama.
It's someone from IW and I don't think the others really care. Preesi's site made a big deal about it but I don't think she really cares who knows.
I won't say only because I'm not sure 100%.
It’s very odd that Khate isn’t following TLC on Twitter. If for nothing else, you think she would want to see their tweets promoting her show.
Kate is MUCH TOO SPECIAL to have to stoop to this level.
Some months ago, a former fan of Kate's outed herself as a person who has changed her mind. It was quite public, and she chose to do it herself - nobody forced her. I have no idea what the fallout has been for her.
There have been others on the 3 major blogs that
want the kids set free who have announced their
newfound disdain for Kate Gosselin and the show.
I am not thinking - at this point - that it's Baby Mama. I think she's hardwired for gushing over Kate. I think she will go down with the ship, even if Kate finds a lifeboat.
Baa Baa - Over on another site, they said that a long time Kate fan and one of her most ardent supporters had actually changed her mind and no longer adored Kate as she once had. Some other sheeple apparently had info on her she was afraid they'd use against her if she left the flock, so she has been silently getting her ducks in a row and when she finally decides to leave she can do so without fear of retaliation.
According to this same website, this "black sheep" as she's been labeled has already been outed on some other sites. I was just curious if anyone knew who it was. I probably won't recognize the name because I really don't pay attention to who Kate's best beloved fans are, but I suspect it's the infamous "Baby Mama" myself. She's the only one I know of who has name brand recognition in the Kate Fan world. She was on Dr. Oz show recently and I wonder if that experience gave her some much needed insight into the realities of working in television.
I have no idea why Kate went on an airplane to go to a meeting. I agree, it's pure conjecture on our part.
However, here's my thought, just for the sake of
thinking it: Kate got notice that her show would not be filming any longer, that there would only be reruns (which I believe we've already heard the Gosselins do not receive residuals for). So, Kate has picked up her pink phone to actually call people to get herself back on her feet. Parents, Kevin and Jodi, Beth, not to mention those she met and palled around with on other shows - Erin Andrews, Joy Behar, Barbara Walters for example - to let them know that because society allows TV shows to be cancelled, that they owe her spots on other TV shows, and they owe her free babysitting again.
Kate, I hear one of the fast food chains is going more healthy. Maybe you want to jump on that band wagon and help them make millions. Just think, you may get free cheeseburgers and
french fries for 9 people for a year!
Yep, and her entire mention feed is nothing but people tweeting about a possible sex offender who follows Kate and talks a lot to the underaged fans. Ha. Great mention feed, Kate.
On another note Kate has been quiet on Twitter for an entire four hours. I wonder if that pink slip was handed over.
TLC says that shows need to have a "relatable character" in them. That explains why Kate is tanking big time. Hard to find people who can relate to someone like her unless you are an imature teenager.
Huh? How many people can relate to a guy who has multiple wives; or Toddlers & Tiaras; or My Strange Addiction?
TLC goes for the circus shows - the weirder the better. How can one relate to someone who hoards 2,000 pounds of stale food that expired two decades ago? Do they think that we all do this?
I believe my first post disappered so I hope this isn't a double post anyway ....
GWOP has an interesting link up in addition to the one listed in other posts above. It is interesting because it lists some of the new shows TLC has coming up. Sounds like they are going all out to get new programs. There are some that I would be interested in watching.
It mentions that TLC feels shows need to have "relatable characters" in them. That explains why Kate's show is tanking so badly.
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