Kate is still on Twitter going on and on blissfully about all the exotic places she wants to see, says they just filmed an Easter episode and hopes to film the crap out of the kids this summer too, but with ratings on a steady decline, how much will her fantasies really be a reality?
Will the ratings for the "giving back" episode be the most important ratings this show has ever had?
419 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 419 Newer› Newest»Yes and I predict the ratings will tank again. The public already knows the "real story" behind that giving back episode complete with her entitled, shrewish behavior and will not be interested enough to tune if for TLC's controlled and sanitized version. Plus she's shown her 'true' colors (again, still, forever) by twitting all the time about her bucket list of trips SHE wants to take. If she was truly serious about giving back to those in need, 95% of her twits should be about organizations that need help.
Now, Katie Irene, since you read these blogs let's see how fast you change the subject of your twitterings.
I think Kate's problems are because she is a vapid grifter. She can't be authentic about anything because there's nothing there. She just wants to consume as much as she can. She sounds like an idiot when every time someone mentions something or somewhere to her, she says it's on her bucket list. A normal person would say that would be a great opportunity or I would like to try that. Kate just says it's on her bucket list as if it's in her control and that it's something that she is getting because she wanted it or deserved it. When in reality, she is just taking anything that is offered to her that she can get her hands on.
Don't know how that woman will function without a camera in her face.
She's doing this Bucket List/Free Trip begging because she's in complete denial that her show is circling the drain. She's trying to mislead her flock that the show isn't in deep doo-doo by pretending all is hunkey dorey and peachy and TLC is ready to send her wherever her heart desires.
Soon, though, the only shows Kate will show up on are "Where Are They Now?" programs. Her show will soon end, she'll still claw her way onto tv by appearing on things like "I'm A Celebrity get Me Out Of Here!" or "Dr. Drew's Celebrity Rehab"....then she will finally get the phluck off our tv's.
Girlfriend will fo sho' end up in a psych hospital when it's all over because she will crumble without the constant attention and money flowing in. She will sink into a deep depression without a doubt.
I was reading the articles in People Magazine this week about Catherine Zeta Jones and Demi Lovato both having Bipolar Disorder. The descriptions of the disorder sound soooo much like Kate's behavior. Sulking one minute and high on life the next, with dramatic mood swings and anger fits...pretty much described Kate to a tee.
Kate is indeed counting her chickens before they hatch. Remember when LPBW was cancelled? Matt said it was time for the show to end and it was a mutual decision between him and TLC. Only a month or so earlier, he was quoted as saying he planned to do the show for at least two more years....Somebody wasn't telling the truth. I think Matt was mislead by TLC.
Who knows what TLC has promised Kate just to shut her up till the season is over. She also might be in for a rude awakening real soon....
As far as the show goes I hope ratings continue to suck. You know TLC has to be nervous about the next episode's ratings. I wonder how long they'll keep airing new shows if the ratings are horrible. I would think it would be embarrassing for them and not good for business.
I still think about what an awful person Kate must truly be. TLC couldn't even keep her in line despite all of the help they have given her. She couldn't even fake being nice or a good mother despite it all. And while Kate's horrible reputation has provided controversy and a lot of tabloid attention, it's not doing them much good now.
How much do you guys wanna bet...
as soon as TLC calls her and tells her the bad news, that the show is kaput, she will start saying SHE has decided that they've had enough filming and SHE wants to give the kids their privacy back. That it was all HER decision about when to end the show.
No way will she have known that TLC ended it. She will go to her grave screaming that SHE was the one who was done and pulled the plug "for the kids".
You just watch. "I've decided....", "I've been thinking about this for a long time now...." , "The kids need their privacy now so as their mother I have decided that we won't film anymore......."
All the while crying in her high fiber cereal every morning and sobbing in her box of Fig Newtons at night when nobody's tweeting her anymore.
Pink Petunia said
All the while crying in her high fiber cereal every morning and sobbing in her box of Fig Newtons at night when nobody's tweeting her anymore.
I think the box will have something liquid in it. Something that comes from grapes.
Pink Petunia said... How much do you guys wanna bet...
as soon as TLC calls her and tells her the bad news, that the show is kaput, she will start saying SHE has decided that they've had enough filming
Pink? I would stake my retirment account on it.
And then when she does, we will remind her of the time she proclaimed to everyone she was going to film the crap out of these kids until they're 18. Caught in a lie again.
All I can say is halleluja to Twitter! These past three weeks have furthered our cause tremendously. The ratings are dropping and tweets that come straight from Kate's 6th pink iPhone are silencing sheeple left and right. They can't claim the kids enjoy every perk of wealth being on a reality show can offer them, according to Kate she can't even afford gymnastic lessons. Kate twatted that she was addicted to giving, probably as she was driving to the consignment shop. Then Kate the 'giver' enlisted the flock to beg TLC to send her on more extravagant free trips and change her time slot. I can imagine the flock is probably wishing she'd get off Twitter because her true colors are showing. And they are mostly undefendable.
I agree that this is probably the last season of K+8, but then what? She will not go away without a fight. Will she finally agree to do ToK out of desperation? It will be interesting to see...
Happy Easter to all at 15mgs! I'm off to make 2 doz. of the treasured Pa Dutch delicacy, pickled red beet eggs. Wouldn't be Easter in Central PA without them!!
If nothing else, these tweets about wanting to go hither, thither and yon for filming should be a red flag to TLC. She is using them as much as they are using her. She is no longer interested in providing TLC with family memories, she wants trips. Trips that they plan, they pay for, they take her to, complete with babysitters and Steve. All she has to do is pack her suitcase and go and then talk about it on the couch when she returns.
I am not betting the rent money that K+8 will continue with the low numbers. I think that might have been a bad week because of so much competition that night and the 10:00 time slot.
Even tweens need to be getting themselves ready for bed by 10:00 pm. I think if they put it back to 9:00 it will bounce back a little. Didn't it used to be at 8:00?
Do I hope it will continue to decline? You bet I do. I hope it is gone by fall, at the latest.
Happy Easter to all at 15mgs! I'm off to make 2 doz. of the treasured Pa Dutch delicacy, pickled red beet eggs. Wouldn't be Easter in Central PA without them!!
Wouldn't be Easter in Lancaster County without them, either! Instead of using store-bought dye colors for the hiding eggs, don't you use onion skins? We've done that for generations!
Now I'm hungry for red beet eggs!!
I agree. She's not giving up without a fight. However, depending on the contract, can't they just say farewell, been nice knowing you? I'm not sure they have to wait until the contract expires. We'll see what happens after the next ratings come out. They filmed for Easter (another "fake" holiday for the kids), but that was done before they knew how much the ratings tumbled. I can't imagine that they will keep filming and filming, although she sounds pretty confident that they will be yanked away for more vacations this summer. School is over on June 1, so watch for them to take off shortly thereafter.
Does she honestly believe her reality show would go on and on forever like Cheers, ER, etc? Even they eventually ended. Long-time running soap operas are now getting canceled.
I think TLC will air all the episodes they have originally scheduled then decide on the show's future based on ratings performance. I hope the dismal ratings weren't a fluke, but it seems like TLC makes special exceptions for Kate. Are they really going to wait until the show dips below one million viewers before they consider canceling? I doubt Little People, Big World ratings were that low before the plug was pulled.
Her fame and celebrity lifestyle has really gone to her head. Because TLC has spoiled her, she probably expects TLC to grant her every wish. TLC is not a magic genie.
I don't see how TLC, from a business perspective, would greenlight another season full of trips ON TOP of the family's high salary. Unless they managed to find sponsors to fund these trips, I suppose.
Just like the Roloffs, the Gosselin story has run its course. There really is no story there these days. Each recap reads: did this, did that, went here, went there, blah blah blah.
You know what, bitch? You want to travel? Then whip out your personal creditcard, log onto expedia and book it. That's what everyone else does and you had better get used to it. Also, you promised your kids that bald head island would be your new gosselin family tradition. Have you booked the house yet? Even TLC couldn't be dumb enough to rent that place for you a third time. We know how much you anguish over letting your kids down, *eyeroll*, so you had better get to it. Fool
Admin said,
"And then when she does, we will remind her of the time she proclaimed to everyone she was going to film the crap out of these kids until they're 18. Caught in a lie again."
She might say that there were undisclosed issues with the kids, and they didn't want to be filmed. Being the super mom that she is because everything is about the kids - EVERYTHING - that she decided to call it quits for their sake. Or she is going to somehow blame this on Jon! I'm going with the Jon excuse. We should lay bets on how she's going to play this out.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Tamarama321 @SuperPattyPie Hello,Tammy! Are u a Friend of P Pie?She's lovely! Welcome..Cookbook at sum pt..hopefully. Too busy cooking,lol
Do you think that Zondervan still hasn't gotten the word out to her yet? I guess she still thinks that her clothing line is being sold at WalMart!
Pink Petunia said...
How much do you guys wanna bet...
as soon as TLC calls her and tells her the bad news, that the show is kaput, she will start saying SHE has decided that they've had enough filming and SHE wants to give the kids their privacy back. That it was all HER decision about when to end the show.
No way will she have known that TLC ended it. She will go to her grave screaming that SHE was the one who was done and pulled the plug "for the kids".
You just watch. "I've decided....", "I've been thinking about this for a long time now...." , "The kids need their privacy now so as their mother I have decided that we won't film anymore......."
All the while crying in her high fiber cereal every morning and sobbing in her box of Fig Newtons at night when nobody's tweeting her anymore.
I am willing to bet my homes and cars that is exactly what Kate will do. Claim it was her brilliant idea all the while cuddling with her favorite box of wine.
She'll go postal when she realizes TLC just used her the way she used her children.
Waiting for the fallout.
Just a thought I had . . . I believe that TLC used to drum up ratings for Kate's shows by having the paps take pictures of Jon and the kids and try to insinuate problems between Kate and Jon. My thought is that Jon went to court and had this stopped and that's why you NEVER see those pap pictures of Jon or the kids when they are in Jon's custody. I think TLC got told to back off.
Boy....I have to say that this issue of who is doing the tweeting has me quite baffled. On the one hand, I agree with the administrator...in that it would be pretty darn difficult for anyone to sound like Kate so consistently............EXCEPT.....for the fact that I just canNOT see her pretending to be this nice for this long.
The "faking it", living in delusional land, etc...sounds exactly like her.....but I have a problem seeing her be nice (or pretending to be) for this long.
Anyone else baffled by this? Just curious.
Truly, what show can actually survive with such poor ratings! None! It is no longer bringing in enough viewers to pay for anything. Shows have been cancelled with more viewer number than this.
Kate is in survival mode with the tweeting(showing a sudden interest in sheeple), begging for trips and time slot changes. I thought the queen always got everything she wanted from TLC. I guess even they are tiring of her. Being infamous/famous NEVER last forever, and I think Kate built her current lifestyle around the notion she would always have enough money. There are plenty of stories on Yahoo showing many millionaires going broke, and these are people who had 100's of millions. Kate's 4 million might get her a few more years of luxury and thats if she manages the money right, which we all know she doesn't. Here's the future: She will have to sell her high maintenance house and downgrade. Put the kids in public school. Sell off her expensive items to pay off her credit card bills and debt accumulations. Go back to work. Blame everything on the kids. Well, we all know the rest.
Simply put, Kate was better off without this show and was too stupid to realize it. Slowly she is going to lose everything and the kids will probably walk away from her the first chance given. Look at Nicholas Cage, and he had way more money than Kate.
Most ALL the other famous multiple families have done fine without shows and fanfare, they all CARED more for their children's well being and having them grow up normal.
Kate is transparent, everyone has figured out what a truly selfish and unfit mother she is. She is all about her and what she can get THROUGH other people. She has others do her work so she can get her trips and payday.
I live a fairly simple and modest life with my family, and everytime I see what a mess The Gosselins have become, I truly love my life more and more, we do alot with alot less, but we are content and enjoying the blessing of being a family.
Kate, I hope your show gets cancelled, because you need a dose of REAL reality and your kids need a REAL mom, not one that acts like one on TV!
Kate is an embarassment.
Stuart-Higgs said Gosselin's January visit was "like a whirlwind for sleepy Otorohanga".
He said the photographers were French and Americans who got thousands of dollars for every picture of Gosselin printed by a magazine.
Because they paid the $17 entry fee to the park, Stuart-Higgs said there was little he could do.
"I'm not a confrontational guy. But I had to tell them to stop pushing and shoving the crew."
Gosselin was less than grateful for his efforts: "Mr Kiwi Man didn't even understand," she told the programme. "He started his spiel and we had to be, like, 'Wait, stop'. He didn't understand really what was going on."
Stuart-Higgs said the blonde was at loggerheads with him off-screen, too.
"I was explaining the male birds have a band on their right foot and the females on their left. I said the way the staff remember is because 'men are always right'," he said. "I thought it was quite funny, but Kate didn't like it."
The zoologist, who is in charge of 22 adult kiwi and five chicks, said he wasn't required to act for the cameras.
I just saw this tweet:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@stxmom omg donot mention the driving word--it'll haunt me soon enuf! Thoughts of a beach trip to somewhere new& sum filming trips I'm sure
Beach trip to somewhere NEW? How can that be, Kate? I thought BHI was going to be a family tradition? Oh, you mean in ADDITION to BHI - more beach trips?
Is there a term for an addiction to tripping...such as nomadholic?
Saw this online - you know that you are addicted to traveling when:
1. Your travel bucket list is 4 pages long
2. Coming home is more like a vacation from traveling
3. On your home-ward flight, you’re already planning your next trip
4. Once home, you’re already booking your next trip
5. Staying in the same place for more than one week makes you fidgety
6. Films make you want to travel
7. Books make you want to travel
8. Music makes you want to travel
9. Every day brings a new destination idea
10. You work to fund your next trip
11. 9 to 5 makes you feel like you’re in prison
12. You don’t wait around for people but take off on your own
13. Thinking about all the places you haven’t been makes you feel anxious
14. When you’re not traveling you fantasize about traveling
15. You say you could stop traveling whenever you want
16. You’re happiest on the road
17. You’re constantly counting countries and continents
18. Booking flights gives you an amazing high
19. The high street in your hometown plunges you into despair
20. You’ve tried living a stationary life many times but you always fall off the wagon
21. Your parents have suggested you seek professional help
22. TLC calls you and says, "in what country do you want to be yet another embarrassment? Get packing!"
Okay -- I added the last one. However, with the exception of four of them, she fits the profile!
Admin said...
Will the ratings for the "giving back" episode be the most important ratings this show has ever had?
In my opinion, I thought this "epic" AUS/NZ episode was supposed to be the most important. This whole "giving back" episode will blow up in her face, & no, it won't matter. The fans & "haters" alike watched (well some did anyway) the clips of Kate going on & on about giving back & then heard about her needing an effing police escort in an airport when there was NOBODY there. We also know she got paid a crap-ton of money to "give back" & asked to drive a race car. She was there for what? 2 hours? 4? I can't remember. And she flew 1st class, had a limo, a 5 star hotel & was a diva, right?
IF her ratings continue to decline, which I think they will, & her show continues to be a boring, lame-ass spectacle; back to school, the hockey game, etc- then she is only doing this to herself. TLC is pulling the ropes on Kate the puppet. She is letting them lead her down this road of the same old sh*t. Can she think of anything new? This giving back thing was a GREAT idea, but has she mentioned anything else about it? NO. If she truly cared, she would keep on keeping on with the charity she supposedly cares about; the koalas, the homeless, the hungry, etc. She does it ONLY for the publicity. And frankly, she handles it with much disrespect.
I know this will be her last season, if it lasts to the end. TLC will not keep her show on if her ratings continue to plummet & be abysmal. She is no longer relevant, worthy, wanted, famous, or even liked. She is not even "love to hate her" anymore, it's just hate, or intense dislike. She did it to herself, & she will never admit it. She'll blame Jon, TLC, her friend, Steve, her kids, & never herself. Again, she should have gone out on top, like Seinfeld, but she got too greedy & continues to be greedy. She'll always be that way, til the bitter end, when she's at car shows on a floating platform in a bathing suit, waving to the crowd saying "I have 8 kids, & they would ALL fit in this car. Check it out!"...waving like a pageant queen, in heels with orange skin. Yikes. (sorry about the rant)
~Hippie Chick~ :)
NZ's take on Kate:
"Cookbook at sum pt..hopefully."
I think that's Kate just being...ummm, evasive.
Another thing I'm curious about.....if TLC is really concerned about her ratings, why did they put the last/most recent show on @ 10 pm.?
And in reference to the post I just wrote...Kate can't even manage to be nice when filming...and she is reputed to be very rude and unfriendly to any workers she comes across in restaurants, Target, hair salons, etc.
In the beginning, I was totally convinced that it was really her doing all the tweeting. It just sounded SO much like her....and the incessant tweeting would have been typical of her constant need for attention. But gradually, something has just been "off" to me. Like maybe 10% of my thinking is beginning to get suspicious of it not being her. She has just been too nice for too long...especially to her obsequious fans, most of whom sound like pre-teen girls. She can't even manage to be nice to her OWN children most of the time. How is she managing to pull this off?
Just sitting down for a second (before I forget) to wish all of you a very happy and blessed Easter.
Hippitus Hoppitus...
LOL, I love the Bucket List pic, Admin! Everyone else - I love reading all the interesting comments here, all great points and so on target.
Pink Petunia said... How much do you guys wanna bet...
as soon as TLC calls her and tells her the bad news, that the show is kaput, she will start saying SHE has decided that they've had enough filming
Totally! Let's just add predictable to the long lists of things that Khate is.
I would be shocked if after not being on for a week, that the first show in May (featuring their Philadelphia trip) suddenly picks up the almost 400,000 viewers that she lost from the 1st Australia/NZ episode to the third.
I think TLC already has a plan when they will end this but they are stringing her along. I don't think they'll tell her it's canceled until the very last episode airs. Who knows when this season is supposed to be over? Is it some time over the summer, or right before summer and school is out? I can see them stringing her along, having her think they'll be giving her her free beach vacation this summer, and a bunch of other free trips/episodes for the next season. But, then they'll decide to kill it.
Maybe Khate is staying on Twitter for just that reason. Once TLC cans the show, she won't have them working to get her interviews and shows. Twitter is the only way she'll be able to "talk" to the sheeple and she will most definitely be spinning her version of the end of the show. She will be on Twitter acting like little Mary Sunshine, like everything's just terrific, and this is what she had planned, while she pretends she has all these other new, exciting opportunities she's working on.
Wouldn't it be great if the kids actually got to go on a REAL vacation this summer, without a film crew and staged filming? Have they ever even done that?? Is Khate even capable of (and willing to) plan an actual family vacation, make all the arrangements, and of course, PAY for it out of her own large stack of money?
And, it will be so nice for the kids to finally be able to go back to school shopping in August without the film crew and Khate all ridiculously dressed looking for attention. Although, Khate's going to have to check int rehab for her addiction to the cameras.
Pam Said...
I was reading the articles in People Magazine this week about Catherine Zeta Jones and Demi Lovato both having Bipolar Disorder. The descriptions of the disorder sound soooo much like Kate's behavior. Sulking one minute and high on life the next, with dramatic mood swings and anger fits...pretty much described Kate to a tee.
I agree with this post. I may not be a medical expert but Kart is suffering from some kind of mental problems.
Her bucket list should be:
1. Stop filming the kids
2. Stop lying
3. Give instead of take
3. Cancel nail appointment and book appt with therapist
4. Pick up prescriptions meds and take daily
5. Stop trying to emulate Mommy Dearest, the Oompaloompa's complexion and the Scarecrow's hairdo
Bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder all share some very similar features. IMO, though...the one Kate best fits is the narcissistic personality disorder.
I couldn't help but notice this tweet:
TrippenIn @Kateplusmy8
Isn't it funny how the people that don't know you never shut up about you? You rock their world. WhatWouldTheyDoWithoutYou
Let's turn that statement around, shall we? How and why would sheeple worship, idolize, rabidly defend and consider someone their friend if they've never met them? WhatWouldSHEDoWithoutYou
She is soooo self-unaware and just doesn't think. 3 possible explanations for why she doesn't stop: Either no one has told her about the huge mistakes she's making, she just doesn't get what she's doing wrong, or she doesn't care what she's doing to help destroy what's left of her image.
@Kateplusmy8 @TrippenIn
Btw, I was born on Good Friday :)
@techymum @Kateplusmy8 @TrippenIn
You are aware, aren't you, that Good Friday is the day Jesus was crucified. Not really a "good" day.
Her tweet said she loves cohosting with her friends on The View. Her "friend" Joy Behar, who has her own shown on HLN, has made disparaging remarks about her and her mothering skills or, I should say, her lack of same.
Here's the 20/20 episode last night about texting/cell phone use/ipad mounted to the steering wheel while driving.
The texting story is about 2/3rds in.
dee3 said...
Boy....I have to say that this issue of who is doing the tweeting has me quite baffled. On the one hand, I agree with the administrator...in that it would be pretty darn difficult for anyone to sound like Kate so consistently............EXCEPT.....for the fact that I just canNOT see her pretending to be this nice for this long.
The "faking it", living in delusional land, etc...sounds exactly like her.....but I have a problem seeing her be nice (or pretending to be) for this long.
Anyone else baffled by this? Just curious.
It's her. No doubt about it. However, I do believe someone is giving her tips and/or instructions (most likely her manager/PR).
I wholeheartedly believe Kate is doing all the tweeting. I believe she is doing whatever she can to generate interest in the show. She is feeding her narcissism because she believes it will benefit her. If and when she no longer thinks tweeting will be of any use she will drop it as she drops everything.
Remember, she is not face to face with any of these fans. She can interact or not at will. No hello/goodbye, no manners needed, just put the phone down.
When faced with fans in the real world, however, she wants as little interaction as possible. She does not mingle well, and this derby event could be a huge disaster for her without a handler on board.
LMAO!! Confirmation that is is still dumbass Khate tweeting:
TrippenIn Patty Cakes
@Kateplusmy8 People can always judge you, define you, and hate you. But as long as you don't let it affect you, those are nothing.
3 hours ago
in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@TrippenIn My sediments exactly... Well said
2 minutes ago via Twitterrific
Um, ya mean "sentiments" Khate?! Bwahhahahaha!! Maybe you were thinking of what's at the bottom of your wine bottle? Khate, keep reading here, you will get an education!
I was impressed she got affect right until I realized that was her fan saying that. Maybe they woul give her free tutoring?
I know, Admin. At least the teenie bopper sheeple Twitterer used the correct word. But, given what we know of Khate, I can say with about 99.99% certainty that she probably does not know the difference between "affect" and "effect".
I'm still laughing about sediments/sentiments. What a moron!! Thank God the kids are at least going to a good school!
This one beats them all. LMAO
Do you think she can spell s.t.u.p.i.d?
TrippenIn @Kateplusmy8
People can always judge you, define you, and hate you. But as long as you don't let it affect you, those are nothing.
@Kateplusmy8 @TrippenIn
My sediments exactly... Well said
I understand now why people have said Kate's emotional development stopped when she was a teen which is part of NPD and it makes sense why she gets along with the teen fans - she's right on their level. She's gushing about Taylor Swift like they're all in high school together. I've honestly never seen an adult carry on the way she's been doing tonight. She shows more signs of classic narcissistic thinking every day.
She carried on a twitter conversation over 45 minutes with the teens about Taylor Swift; play her music in the car, memorize song lyrics, etc. An 18yr old said she saw TS in Dublin and "She is so good cause she is so real!" Kate Gosselin, 36 years old and the mother of 8 children, says -- "That's why I love her. She gets it too. All real"
"Hey Kate,if there was going to be a movie about your life.Who do u think would play a good you?"
Kate's reply: "1st of all,it wld b a very good movie.Enuf said.2nd,I'd love 2play myself..Can't think now of anothr option.Will get back 2 u"
I can't take any more of the lunacy.
BerksPa said...
This article from last year got me wondering about something: http://www.nbclosangeles.com/blogs/popcornbiz/Kate-Gosselin-Hasnt-Told-the-Kids-About-Their-New-Travel-Show-91448299.html
We didn't see Kate traveling across country last year like the article stated - nor her Twist of Kate project. I'm wondering if that was due to something Jon had stopped.
However now Kate has hinted more than once about driving a lot, and how once she is done driving she will have to get back to running.
I'm thinking/speculating/wondering if once school is out, Kate (with her impressive non-distracted driving *cough*) is planning on road-tripping it across the states with the little ones in tow so that they can do the big "Gosselin Give Back" a-la Extreme Home Makeover.
It makes sense, all her talk about driving, all her talk about giving back being addictive, etc. It also would mesh with her Twist of Kate idea that isn't panning out because no one wants to see this woman on her own show w/o the kids.
I don't think we've seen the end of Kate on the TV for a long long time.
OMG Berks - say it ain't so!!!!!!! (but the clues make sense.) What an absolute nightmare that would be and insulting to the hundreds of thousands of families who cannot afford to take a vacation this year because of the economy.
Any adult who's ever traveled long distance in a vehicle with kids(something Kate has NOT done other than the FL trip to Disney) knows it's TOUGH (even in a top of the line RV I'm sure they'd rent for her). Cooped up in a vehicle, no matter how large, with Kate would be torture. I feel bad for the kids to travel with her like that, but the crew, Steve, and probably Jamie and Ashley -- they deserve it.
Since this has now been mentioned ...how long do you suppose it will take before this is a full blown rumor and makes the rounds of all the blogs and Twitter as a fact? lol
h8k8 said...
It's her. No doubt about it. However, I do believe someone is giving her tips and/or instructions (most likely her manager/PR).
Well then her manager or PR person is doing a wonderful job huh? (if true). He/she is doing a wonderful job of keeping Kate smart, classy & looking like such a brainiac.
Keep your friends close & your enemies closer...
I'm still laughing about sediments/sentiments. What a moron!! Thank God the kids are at least going to a good school!
If she keeps this up, she's never going to get any kind of job on any talk shows, as a host or interviewer or whatever.
I'm still laughing, too. I knew she was dumb, but had no idea to what extent!
I do find it interesting that, as a professed Christian woman who made the rounds speaking about the glory of God, she uses OMG and Lord so often in her tweets (and on the shows)...not that it's cursing, but it really doesn't do well to maintain the image of someone who leaves scripture verses around the house...
I posted on another thread that Kate would make a great Mrs. Malaprop!
I was thinking, while hiding Easter baskets, that I hope that people don't think that she represents the intelligence level of people born and raised here. She's an embarrassment. Berks PA -- she now belong to you! :)
The twit's tweets said... O.M.G.
This one beats them all. LMAO
Do you think she can spell s.t.u.p.i.d?
TrippenIn @Kateplusmy8
People can always judge you, define you, and hate you. But as long as you don't let it affect you, those are nothing.
@Kateplusmy8 @TrippenIn
My sediments exactly... Well said
April 23, 2011 5:42 PM
Good gawd almighty.
Is she for real?
Anonymous said... Her tweet said she loves cohosting with her friends on The View. Her "friend" Joy Behar, who has her own shown on HLN, has made disparaging remarks about her and her mothering skills or, I should say, her lack of same.
April 23, 2011 4:33 PM
Woopie can's stand her either. She tries hard to hide her disdain for Kate, but it always shows through.
Gag me said... "Cookbook at sum pt..hopefully."
I think that's Kate just being...ummm, evasive.
April 23, 2011 2:33 PM
And I am going 2 marry and have George Clooney's baby...at some point.
As soon as I can get my and his schedule 2 work. Hopefully soon :) !!!!!
And we will film the wedding and honeymoon
b/c I am sedimental like that.
@blabbermouth3 Tweet tweet! :) welcome! Nice to tweet you! Hoppy Easter....(don't eat too much candy!)!
Are you sure that this is an adult doing this?
So...Kate got a Sequoia because the LC wasn't large enough. I've had both the Sequoia and the LC. If I recall, the Sequoia is only about three inches wider and a foot longer than the LC, that's about all. I didn't notice any difference.
@TheAustinMartin Yep. All buttons intuitive&Good cars. I recently went to a used sequoia bc my landcruiser wasn't big enough.Go figure..
Wasn't the Land Cruiser a gift from TLC right after the divorce was announced?
I remember reading that somewhere, but I can't find where or when it was mentioned.
First thing that came to mind after reading that tweet:
TLC called. They want their gifts back.
I'm thinking/speculating/wondering if once school is out, Kate (with her impressive non-distracted driving *cough*) is planning on road-tripping it across the states with the little ones in tow so that they can do the big "Gosselin Give Back" a-la Extreme Home Makeover.
I will be removing the welcome signs at both ends of my town.
And we will film the wedding and honeymoon
b/c I am sedimental like that.
r we all ivited & is this going2b at sum tropicl plc b/c we all luv the bch & summr!!!!! tweetdreams 2 u & Georg!!!!!
Wasn't the Land Cruiser a gift from TLC right after the divorce was announced?
Okay, I'm answering my own question but I found old comments about it in a previous thread, eons ago:
Built Like A Tank said...That said, did she lease it? I seem to remember when she got the SUV that it was reported (unconfirmed) that it was comped by TLC, but I'm not sure if that meant it was purchased outright, or if TLC was taking care of the lease payments.
PJ's momma said...Kate drives a .Landcruiser, top of the line for Toyota, apparently given to her by TLC quite some time ago. She doesn't usually have kids in it, nor does Jon, so I don't know why they don't downsize to more reasonable cars.
Phew, I knew I wasn't making this up.
I do find it interesting that, as a professed Christian woman who made the rounds speaking about the glory of God, she uses OMG and Lord so often in her tweets (and on the shows)...not that it's cursing, but it really doesn't do well to maintain the image of someone who leaves scripture verses around the house...
A pet peeve of mine. As I said in another place, the first "rule" in that Bible of hers
is all about that. Kate, the rule follower,
chooses to ignore it because OMG is the happenin' twitter talk. If it sounds cool, say it, right Kate?
In the vocabulary list photo, she's driving a Dodge of some kind.
Pam said...
And I am going 2 marry and have George Clooney's baby...at some point.
As soon as I can get my and his schedule 2 work. Hopefully soon :) !!!!!
And we will film the wedding and honeymoon
b/c I am sedimental like that.
Ha ha ha!!
fidosmommy said... In the vocabulary list photo, she's driving a Dodge of some kind.
That would be the blue van.
I wasn't online while it was happening, but I see now that there was some drama on Twitter tonight. Apparently, one of the teeny bopper sheeple Twitterers tweeted Khate that she was experiencing some bad stomach pains. Khate played doctor and asked where they were located (above or below belly button, what side). Then, she got distracted and kept tweeting replies to her wacko adoring sheeple. It looks like the anti-Khate people on Twitter were the ones who were genuinely concerned and several of them tweeted the girl that she should call her mother (who she initially said was out and she didn't want to bother her....so, yeah, duh, tweet Khate G for advice. Oy).
fidosmommy said...
In the vocabulary list photo, she's driving a Dodge of some kind.
The Big Blue Bus is a 2004 Dodge Sprinter.
Does she say if she kept the Land Cruiser and added the Sequoia to the fleet?
Midnight Madness said...
Does she say if she kept the Land Cruiser and added the Sequoia to the fleet?
From Twitter:
TheAustinMartin Austin Martin
@Kateplusmy8 Yea! The Toyota HighLander looks pretty nice!
3 hours ago
in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@TheAustinMartin Yep. All buttons intuitive&Good cars. I recently went to a used sequoia bc my landcruiser wasn't big enough.Go figure..
3 hours ago via Twitterrific
Let's hope that the Land Cruiser was leased by TLC and they took it back now that the show is ending.
@AskBabyMama I know. And doesn't Christmas come like every five minutes anymore? Or is it just me?
Forgive me if this was posted..
Hey KATE!! Christmas isn't every 5 minutes in my house.. We came close to losing it 3 years ago. We are lucky to we can buy groceries. Sure. Not organic. But we can afford to buy what we need. Maybe we dont get what we WANT..
BTW. We also live on 25 acres. We earned it and still pay. TLC? Bucket list? Am I jealous? HELL NO. Do I fell sorry for you? Nope. Do you suck? Yeah.
I do believe Kate does her own tweeting. I didn't even know what NPD was until I began reading the Gosselin blogs and then realized that my own mother has NPD. My mother was a letter writer (different generation) and would write long letters to family and friends, but if these same people sat at her kitchen table for a chat her true self would emerge and she couldn't take their company for long. She was good at long distance relationships but couldn't sustain anything more intimate.
Same with Kate. As long as her "tweeties" are at a safe distance she is comfortable. If they were to enter her real space she would freak.
Pam, I loved your comment. Sedimental indeed.
Happy Easter everyone! I do hope your day is a good one. We are going to sunrise service. It is a beautiful service here.
(On a side note, a friend of mine who is a "non fan" of Kate's also, was bored yesterday and looked at some of the followers of hers. She said she lost count, (after about 100) on all the seemingly new twitter accounts with no tweets on them. Is that sad or what? Creating accounts to up her followers? How desperate is that? Sad, sad.)
Her reply @ the dog getting an Easter basket question: "Omg I didn't. He gets treats like every hour on the hour it seems. Think he's quite spoiled and just fine."
Another contradiction/lie/exaggeration. The dog stays outside and it gets little human interaction and certainly isn't spoiled, nor does it get treats every hour on the hour. Do you suppose she thinks spoiling a dog means you let it come in when it's below freezing and snowing?
Carol said...
I have been blocked. I didn't even tweet anything that bad.
How do you know?
Re: Australia Trip- There are 2 documented accounts of her nastiness to the Kiwi Guide and Brad from Sky Tower. (This is what actually made it to airing.) Never mind her making fun of the locals, her melt down on the sky jump, scaring the crap out of her kids, instead of making this about Mady and Cara when she clearly had an hour of instruction to say no to the jump). Personal disgust- tossing half peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on plates) with snacks all over the blanket- How little effort she made for her kids.
Throw in her DWTS and Sara Palin show behavior and you get to see what Kate really is all about. BTW- The alleged camping trip in Australia- wondering if she really slept outside, as the filming of this excursion was brief at best (redeeming herself probably means TLC not showing the whole event, because Kate did not want to sleep outside.)
All told- there is a saying that a measure of what kind of person you really are, is how you react under stressful sitations. I think Kate's behavior speaks for itself. Finally, constant bashing of your children's father for personal sympathy is disgraceful, by talk shows, interviews, etc.. does nothing for her kids, but embarrass them. And everything she does is for her kids?? Seriously.
Hopefully, this staged fiasco is coming to an end, so the kids can have the privacy they need to thrive, without all of the filming and work demands every time they have a day off. We are talking about 6 and 10 year olds.
Carol said...
If you click on "follow" and it doesn't let you follow her, you've been blocked. I can view her tweets, but if I tweet to her, she won't see it.
Ok, that's what I thought. Many who are tweeting her all day and night might be blocked then, and she isn't seeing their tweets.
I blocked one of Kate's fans who is, well, as dumb as Kate, but I still see her tweets. So that's confusing me.
No Regrets said: "She said she lost count, (after about 100) on all the seemingly new twitter accounts with no tweets on them. Is that sad or what? Creating accounts to up her followers? How desperate is that? Sad, sad."
Trust me it pains me to possibly defend Kate on this post, but perhaps actually persons-not Kate-created the new twitter accounts out of curiosity to view the comments that Kate and her followers were postings. They may have NOT known that you do not have to create a twitter account to view the happenings on her twitter account. Just a thought!
Maggie said...Hi Maggie, I didn't mean that Kate herself created them, sorry I wasn't clear. I think she is even dumb to do that much. I have a feeling it is the FANS who created these when she didn't have enough followers. But you might be right, too.
Kathy Griffin twittered to everyone that she was boarding plane to Hawaii. Kate twittered back:
@kathygriffin Can I come along? :) I'm kidless and could use some sun! Thoughts?! :)
I am stunned. I will graciously give Kate the benefit of the doubt and say that she was just kidding. But, I know that I know, she really, really was hoping for Kathy to twit back and tell her sure come along. Kate may not have really wanted to board a plane to Hawaii, but Kate did want Kathy to a least invite her. Kate's blatant twits for invitations from famous people is so sad and unbelieveable! Hence, The View (Sheri Sheppard), Kathy Griffin, and numerous twits to Taylor Swift. What do ya'll think?
I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed this. The person who posted as Iwanadatekate uses the word "lil" quite often. The poster who is Kelly, or posted here as Kelly (remember he said that one of the posts wasn't him) also uses the word "lil." This really isn't a common word for guys to use, is it?
@kateplusmy8 Happy Easter, Kate! May Gods grace shine on you and your 8 lil' blessings, today and everyday! Thinking of you..best wishes! :)
Kathy Griffin said awhile back she had lunch with Kate and the bodyguard she's banging. So Kate's fine with sucking up to someone who talks about her like that? As I recall the sheeple went after Kathy for that.
Several times in the last few days she has tweeted that she's "off to fill Easter baskets X8", including this morning. Who is she kidding, well, herself. Her paychecks are with their father, and she has already had her TLC filmed holiday. Now a normal divorced woman would be spending the day with her extended family or close friends. This twit is going to chat with her tweeny followers all day long and talk about the Easter she would like them to think she is having. Pathetic.
Hope everyone here has a nice day whatever you do in the real world.
I was watching my DVR'd episode of Talk Soup from Friday night, and Kate's nastiness on the Sky Tower was highlighted. I hadn't seen the episode, so I was shocked by how terribly rude she was to that man (can't remember his name). Joel McHale's comments were hilarious, though. He said "This is how she treats the man who's literally holding her life in his hands?" He then said (in a pretty good Kiwi accent) "Let me just "hook you up" to this harness and push you to what will surely be not a terrible death". Even Steve yelled at her up there. Joel even apologized to the people of New Zealand at the end of the segment. Amazing, and she wants to go embarrass herself on more trips?
She said the baskets were more like Christmas baskets filled with toys (with just a "wee bit" of candy thrown in.) I believe someone is trying to make sure, very very sure that the baskest mother gives you is way better than whatever your dad came up with!!! She has to compete with what she's got because I am pretty sure she gets how the kids feel about their father. (Even as dense as she is I think it would be hard to miss.)
RE: Kate and the kids traveling by road for future filming...
I don't think even a bus-sized vehicle would be big enough to keep the kids far enough away from Kate for her own satisfaction. Then you add in the babysitters, the crew, the equipment that would be required.....I can envision a whole caravan of comfy rides. Kate, Steve and a driver in one, the 6 little ones and a babysitter in the next, Mady, Cara and Ashley in the next one, and crew/equip in the next super large one. That would be some expensive road trip, what with gas prices and all. Meals, vehicle maintenance, hotels, salaries, etc. Sorry, but nothing Kate has to offer would make that worth the bucks TLC would have to fork over.
Kate on twitter: Happy to say I ate NOTHING while putting baskets together! I did eat a few fat free fig newmans (organic) tho- which I LOVE!
Uh....isn't that fig newtons? Or am I missing something?
Happy Easter everyone!
Just tweeted:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@mgiraffe323 Happy to say I ate NOTHING while putting baskets together! I did eat a few fat free fig newmans (organic) tho- which I LOVE!
5 minutes ago
I just have to comment on this. I haven't seen anyone else discuss it here yet, but ever since she's been on Twitter, I think I've seen Khate tweet dozens of times about how she will not allow herself to eat something, or only just one, it's too many calories, etc. I almost wish I had been copying and pasting them all along, because it surely would fill a couple of pages by now.
She has a VERY unhealthy attitude towards food and if she mentions things like this so much on Twitter, I can only imagine how often she comments on it in real life, in the presence of her kids. Wake up Khate, you have eight children - five daughters, two of whom are at a very important stage in their development and you should be extremely aware of that! What mother isn't aware of how dangerous it is to pass on unhealthy attitudes about food to her children?
Another thing she mentions all the time is the weather. She constantly complains when it's too cold, or rainy. She tweets that she's jealous or envious of people who are having warm weather and sun where they live (like some sheeple guy in San Diego). It's all so transparent; you can just tell she only wants warm, sunny weather so she can do her parking lot struts in her crazy outfits.
T.I.N.I.C. said...
She said the baskets were more like Christmas baskets filled with toys (with just a "wee bit" of candy thrown in.) I believe someone is trying to make sure, very very sure that the baskest mother gives you is way better than whatever your dad came up with!!! She has to compete with what she's got because I am pretty sure she gets how the kids feel about their father. (Even as dense as she is I think it would be hard to miss.)
Yes, and I was thinking WHY is she waiting until late today to give them their Easter baskets from her? She already filmed a fake Easter episode, most likely with a TLC arranged Easter Egg Hunt. But, she probably should have given them her baskets the last day she had them before the weekend (Friday?). I know mothers who do that.
I think she is deliberately waiting until late today when they return from their father's home to give them HER baskets so she can immediately become the center of their universe again, she can top whatever Jon gave them, and they can forget about their Easter weekend with him. Of course, after she presents their super fabulous baskets to them, she'll demand they thank her and tell her she's just the best mommy in the whole world. She makes me ill!
Mel said...
Kate on twitter: Happy to say I ate NOTHING while putting baskets together! I did eat a few fat free fig newmans (organic) tho- which I LOVE!
Uh....isn't that fig newtons? Or am I missing something?
No, this time she was actually using the correct word. They're "organic" dontcha know:
Carol said...
I have been blocked. I didn't even tweet anything that bad.
Set up another one. Takes just a few seconds. :0)
As much as I hate to give Kate a pass, in this case she is correct. Fig Newman's are put out by Paul Newman's company and are the organic version of fig newtons. Probably a copyright or whatever issue.
Kathy Griffin twittered to everyone that she was boarding plane to Hawaii. Kate twittered back:
@kathygriffin Can I come along? :) I'm kidless and could use some sun! Thoughts?! :)
Does Kate think her & Kathy Griffin are BFF's? This is just too funny for words at this point. I am laughing so hard. Thank you Maggie for posting this. Kathy Griffin SKEWERS idiots like her all the time, she skewers REAL celebs all the time, what makes Kate think she is above Kathy Griffin's mockery? I'll bet in the next Griffin comedy special, she will be joking about all of Kate's tweets to her fans & bashing the hell out of her.
Kate is so delusional. Kathy Griffin may say she is "D-list", but she isn't. She is right up there, & can get into everything. Kate is at best Z-list & can't get into an opening of an envelope, & she thinks she is buddies with all these stars? PLEASE. Plus, Griffin is hard working & really earned her way to the top. It must piss her off that someone like Kate didn't do squat & was famous for just having kids.
~Hippie Chick~
(ha! kids...squat! sorry..)
Trust me when I say that I am NOT the creature on twitter who goes by the moniker iwanndatekate. I'd rather have a prostate examination in Times Square by a fake doctor with a pirates hook than ever consider the remote possibility of ever going on a date with Kate. I'm also through with twitting her as any comments, either negative or positive continue to keep her in the spotlight. That's what she wants.
Mel said...
Kate on twitter: Happy to say I ate NOTHING while putting baskets together! I did eat a few fat free fig newmans (organic) tho- which I LOVE!
Uh....isn't that fig newtons? Or am I missing something?
You are missing something. There are both Fig Newtons and Fig Newmans.
So on Twitter she said the kids are with Jon but they have filmed an Easter episode. Did the kids have a fake Easter like Xmas?
(sorry to post again!)
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
She has a VERY unhealthy attitude towards food and if she mentions things like this so much on Twitter, I can only imagine how often she comments on it in real life, in the presence of her kids. Wake up Khate, you have eight children - five daughters, two of whom are at a very important stage in their development and you should be extremely aware of that! What mother isn't aware of how dangerous it is to pass on unhealthy attitudes about food to her children?
I've said this for awhile. It is scary to think what she might say about food or exercising in front of her kids, the boys too. Kids can develop eating disorders as young as 9 or 10 y.o. Even 8! I was heavy before, then I dropped a ton of weight, I am always worried about my weight, ALWAYS, because I know I can get there again. I eat right, exercise, etc, but in HS, a few boys bullied me about it, & it stuck w/ me. I'm actually underweight now, & I see a therapist. My comments I've made have rubbed off on my son a few months ago. He was eating less, told us he was fat, etc. He was seeing a therapist too, for different reasons, so we started going together.I NEVER thought I said that much in front of him, but I did. He is all better now, his weight is where it should be, I keep my mouth shut & I eat in front of him, which I always did, just not enough apparently. (no, I do NOT have an eating disorder)
It is detrimental to keep those thoughts to yourself. I still have tremendous guilt that I put him through that. It wasn't a long period of time, about 2 months, but it was enough that he lost 10 lbs. I journal my feelings now, talk to my therapist ONLY, & shut my mouth about my feelings about food & how fat I think I am. Sorry to go on & on. I just hope Kate knows how important it is to keep those feelings to yourself. Boys, girls, it could happen to either. My son is 11 today. So he was 10 when it happened. TEN years old. I have guilt because I was jealous he lost weight. Isn't that effing awful? See how effed I am about my weight? The most important thing is he is all better & he is healthy.
Thank you for listening.
One thing we do know is she will be sharing what a wonderful mother she is and how excited the children were to get her FABULOUS Easter baskets with her twitter world - stay tuned for the updates. And we also know she is spending this family day so very alone, but come May she will be trotting (hehe) off to KY to spend Mother's Day with strangers. Piece of work.
Carol said... I have been blocked. I didn't even tweet anything that bad.
My Twitter account was suspended and I didn't do anything that bad either. They didn't even send me an email.
Where is my post about the Fig Newman's??? I posted immediately upon reading that...and almost added that she had it mixed up with Newman's Own.
Don't assume she's alone on Easter....where is Steve?
If you are blocked on twitter, it's probably because the sheeple reported you as spam. They are hell bent on reporting as many "haters" as possible to protect the queen. Pathetic bunch who say haters obsess?
Yes, and I was thinking WHY is she waiting until late today to give them their Easter baskets from her?
Because today is Easter? Maybe they did get baskets when they filmed the fake episode and she somehow wanted to make it real for them (and her) today since she was alone on the holiday. On second thought, since they've done fake holidays before, why would it matter to them when they got their baskets? Holidays mean nothing in that house. At least they got to be with their father.
I have to give that one to K8 they are called Fig Newmans....
Kelly said...
Trust me when I say that I am NOT the creature on twitter who goes by the moniker iwanndatekate. I'd rather have a prostate examination in Times Square by a fake doctor with a pirates hook than ever consider the remote possibility of ever going on a date with Kate
How about on Broadway by a doctor with Freddy Krueger fingernails?
Karis said...
Carol said... I have been blocked. I didn't even tweet anything that bad.
My Twitter account was suspended and I didn't do anything that bad either. They didn't even send me an email.
What I don't understand is why tweeters like MsGoody2Shoes21 and others, who tweet in the most vile and abusive ways, are permitted to remain on Twitter. Has she been reported? If I remember correctly, she even tweeted that she wanted Jon to die and went into detail?
I don't have the time or desire to go back through all her tweets, but this is one from today -- disgusting -- and this one's tame compared to some in the past:
@Chablis4u @PrincessDH @EmeraldCityJazz Jon was never able to penetrate that cold tough exterior of hers either JON DICK WASN'T BIG ENOUGH
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@mgiraffe323 Happy to say I ate NOTHING while putting baskets together! I did eat a few fat free fig newmans (organic) tho- which I LOVE!
5 minutes ago
Um, Kate, fat-free and organic does not mean sugar/calorie free....take a look at the label. They often put MORE sugar in these types of products to make them taste better.
What I don't understand is why tweeters like MsGoody2Shoes21 and others, who tweet in the most vile and abusive ways, are permitted to remain on Twitter. Has she been reported? If I remember correctly, she even tweeted that she wanted Jon to die and went into detail?
Heck, Sherri Shepherd threatened, on national television, to blow up Jon's car and nothing ever came of it:
"You know what? To Kate - I'm going to tell her when she gets here. If you've got timber wood, I've got matches because I will burn up the house and tear up a car for you, Kate. You don't have to say you did it. I'll leave my name - Sherri. I'll blow up Jon Gosselin's car."
A threat is a threat, I don't care who you are. Goody threatened dismemberment to someone on Twitter, and she's still there. If it's reported, why isn't this person suspended? I don't get it.
The scary thing is that Sherri is a parent. I don't know about Goody, but can you imagine what kind of a role model this would be for children of such a disgusting person?
Jane, I'll never understand it either. MsGoody has said she's reported Anti_Kate tweets to the FBI, etc. Why haven't people reported MsGoody to the authorities!?!
Boring twits.
Boring show.
Boring boring boring. Ms. Kreider is last year's news.
Walked the dogs around the neighborhood and watched a couple of neighbors' kids and grandkids go Easter egg hunting. Those are people I know. Much more entertaining than watching the Kreider krewe go on a manufactured-for-the-cameras egg hunt.
Kate actually might be back in PA for Mother's Day. The parade is on Thursday, the Barnstable Brown Party is Friday and the Derby is on Saturday. Mother's Day is on Sunday, so she could fly back on Saturday evening or Sunday morn. Will let you know of any sightings by me or my friends.
Goody comments on several fan blogs. He profile is linked to her comments.
Midnight Madness said...
The scary thing is that Sherri is a parent. I don't know about Goody, but can you imagine what kind of a role model this would be for children of such a disgusting person?
I'm pretty sure MsGoody2Shoes21 has children (I seem to remember a reference to them) and yes, I agree - an abomination as a parental role model. But I still don't get why she and others like her remain on Twitter when those who tweet
much more benignly, are removed. I'm thinking it has to do with the number of tweets made in a certain period of time -- and the number of names in the tweet. I do hope that MsGoody is being reported, though.
I still don't understand gift giving on Easter. It's just not something we did growing up. Christmas, absolutely, Birthdays of course, but not Easter. My parents did give me an Easter Baske but it usually had candy in it (just a little bit because as a kid I was like Ralphie's brother in Christmas Story, I never ate....then I grew up and now I can't stop LOL).
I guess what I'm trying to say is that in my family Easter was about the Resurrection, not gift giving so I don't understand Kate giving her kids a bunch of toys in their baskets, unless she thinks giving them any type of food will make them grow and thereby less cute and in the end less filmable (is that a word?).
"Another thing she mentions all the time is the weather. She constantly complains when it's too cold, or rainy."I'
I'll give her this one. She has a reason to do so. This has been the coldest, wettest April in recent memory. Raw and damp...absolutely miserable. She's not lying this time (this ONE time!). However, we're in the 80s for the coming week, so if she's still fussing about the cold weather, you'll know her nose is growing faster than the buds on the weeping cherry trees.
Jane - I've tried to report her to Twitter, several times. They won't get involved in a dispute between two people, apparently.
Did anyone see "Cinema Verite" on HBO last night? Its about the first "reality show" that aired on PBS in the early 70's. Cameras followed the Loud family in California. The parents marriage fell apart in full view.
Its interesting to note that this family did not receive any compensation for this series but chose to do it anyway for the "fame". It was fascinating to see how much editing and staging went on - both from the participants itself and of course the producers. The cameras definitely changed the way family acted. They also showed how the film crew had some moral problems filming portions of the family meltdown.
The most salient point to me was how surprised the family was that they weren't portrayed as they thought they would be when the show actually aired. They felt they were made to look bad. And they also didn't expect they would be criticized by the public as much as they were. They received hate mail, etc. They spent a lot of time after that going on various talk shows trying to "correct" their image.
Its a must watch.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Evrything sd abt me I eithr countas ignorant, c as encouragmnt,or useas constr crit.Eitherway, I c who I'm not,who I am or who I want2b.'-KG
What she wants to be? I think that's obvious! She wants the lifestyle of the rich and famous; she wants to rub elbows with celebrities; she wants her kids to give her everything she never had, no matter how much they have to work to get it or what they have to do to get there.
It's set in stone for her - no guesswork as to who she wants to be! Problem is, she's exploiting her kids in the process, using THEM to make her what SHE wants to be.
Try this, Kate, since you're so fond of quotes: "Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers."
Sheeple are Delusional said...
Jane - I've tried to report her to Twitter, several times. They won't get involved in a dispute between two people, apparently.
Interesting. It's not a dispute if only one person is tweeting death threats and vulgar comments. I can see what Jon tweets and he doesn't respond to her. In fact, he responds to few tweeters and when he does, is always very polite, intelligent, kind, and says very little about the kids. Unlike his ex-wife.
It's great you took the time to report her :)
Jane, Ellen and I have had a couple of e-mail conversations about her. Ellen is made of strong stuff, the fans think they are getting to her but they are having zero effect. :)
Lisa - I put some toys and books in my kids' Easter baskets. They appreciate that much more than candy. The toys last longer (most of them, anyway!) and the books are something that they enjoy. Not much candy, though, because it's something they don't need, and really don't want. There's also a plush animal in there (bunny, duck, lamb) and they tag each one with a date, so they know when they received it and remember the holiday on which it was given. They have all of them, from the time they were babies in the crib. It's become a tradition for them. Much better than chocolate rabbits that are here today and gone tomorrow.
We never got toys growing up...usually some onion skin eggs, chocolates and those yellow marshmallow chicks, which we hated, but our parents insisted on putting them in the baskets year after year. It would have been nice to have gotten some dollar coloring books, though - something we would have had just a bit longer than those darn marshmallow chicks!
We never lost sight, though, that Easter is about the Resurrection. We always went to church twice on Easter - in the morning and evening. The Easter pageant was held at the evening service, and of course, as really young kids, we had a "piece" to say -- usually a scripture verse or short poem. I can remember memorizing it, and our parents didn't tape the paper to the steering wheel to practice on the drive to church! We knew it weeks in advance, but there was always someone who had so much stage fright that the lines were forgotten and our Sunday School teacher had to sit in front of the altar to prompt us.
Sheeple are Delusional said...
Jane, Ellen and I have had a couple of e-mail conversations about her. Ellen is made of strong stuff, the fans think they are getting to her but they are having zero effect. :)
Terrific - thanks for sharing!!
Jane said...
Midnight Madness said...
The scary thing is that Sherri is a parent. I don't know about Goody, but can you imagine what kind of a role model this would be for children of such a disgusting person?
I'm pretty sure MsGoody2Shoes21 has children (I seem to remember a reference to them) and yes, I agree - an abomination as a parental role model. But I still don't get why she and others like her remain on Twitter when those who tweet
much more benignly, are removed. I'm thinking it has to do with the number of tweets made in a certain period of time -- and the number of names in the tweet. I do hope that MsGoody is being reported, though.
Many of Ms. Goody's tweets are vile and I find her extreme anger and threatening tone disturbing. I don't know why Twitter allows it to continue. However...tweeting nasty comments to someone non-stop for hours on end, hundreds of times in a couple of days is not benign. It is stalking behavior and a violation of Twitter rules. I don't understand why people on either side of the Gosselin drama feel the need to defend those on "their side" whose behavior is extreme and inappropriate.
It is stalking behavior and a violation of Twitter rules. I don't understand why people on either side of the Gosselin drama feel the need to defend those on "their side" whose behavior is extreme and inappropriate.
I totally agree. It's enough. It is stalking, no matter what "side" you are on. There's no justification for it, even if it makes the tweeter feel like they are exposing Kate's lies and indiscretions. Sending Kate multiple nonsense tweets, one after another, and harassing her is just as bad as those on "her" side who spew their venom at the so-called haterz. It's immature and gets really old after awhile.
It's time for a cease-fire! She'll dig herself a hole and doesn't need help from anyone.
Anonymous @2:59 said ...
Many of Ms. Goody's tweets are vile and I find her extreme anger and threatening tone disturbing. I don't know why Twitter allows it to continue. However...tweeting nasty comments to someone non-stop for hours on end, hundreds of times in a couple of days is not benign. It is stalking behavior and a violation of Twitter rules. I don't understand why people on either side of the Gosselin drama feel the need to defend those on "their side" whose behavior is extreme and inappropriate.
Personally, I think it's comparing plums to peaches. While tweeting hundreds of negative posts seems like a total waste of time and may be, by Twitter's standards, harassment, it pales in comparison to what MsGoody2Shoes21 has tweeted to Jon. If I'm not mistaken, w/i the last day or so she sent scores of tweets to him with the #dumbass tracer included, and many of the tweets were disgusting. And she's been doing this for months -- long before Kate joined the Twitter-universe and the fans and non-fans began their siege.
E-town Neighbor said... Lisa - I put some toys and books in my kids' Easter baskets. They appreciate that much more than candy. The toys last longer (most of them, anyway!) and the books are something that they enjoy. Not much candy, though, because it's something they don't need, and really don't want. There's also a plush animal in there (bunny, duck, lamb) and they tag each one with a date, so they know when they received it and remember the holiday on which it was given. They have all of them, from the time they were babies in the crib. It's become a tradition for them. Much better than chocolate rabbits that are here today and gone tomorrow.
We never got toys growing up...usually some onion skin eggs, chocolates and those yellow marshmallow chicks, which we hated, but our parents insisted on putting them in the baskets year after year. It would have been nice to have gotten some dollar coloring books, though - something we would have had just a bit longer than those darn marshmallow chicks!
We never lost sight, though, that Easter is about the Resurrection. We always went to church twice on Easter - in the morning and evening. The Easter pageant was held at the evening service, and of course, as really young kids, we had a "piece" to say -- usually a scripture verse or short poem. I can remember memorizing it, and our parents didn't tape the paper to the steering wheel to practice on the drive to church! We knew it weeks in advance, but there was always someone who had so much stage fright that the lines were forgotten and our Sunday School teacher had to sit in front of the altar to prompt us.
Have you ever put Peeps in the microwave? LOL. Scary, almost as scary as Kate G. LOL.
I think it's great that you're giving your children things they will enjoy for Easter, because their happiness and joy is important to you. Why? Because you're a Mom first and you would never consider your children "money makers".
Kate, on the other hand, I am suspicious of as far as her childrens' Easter Baskets go. Everything she does is for a reason and care and concern for her children is clearly not a high priority for Kate. Her children are her bread and butter, so to speak. Without them, she wouldn't have the McMansion, the over priced SUV (that they never ride in?) or her new bod, hair and nails.
I really don't understand why the sheeple vilify jon and ellen. Just because kate is too petty to be civil to them? Jon has spoken well of her almost exclusively, despite the way she treated him all those years, despite the fact you know he has plenty of negative things to say, yet takes that high road Kate has yet to visit. Sure he slipped once or twice, but can you blame him? He has gotten his act together and his silence is very commendable. Look at it this way, he has lived 32 out of 34 years of his life very well, and the wild years appear to be behind him. (I still don't see what he did so wrong, except not speak up in his own defense, btw). Kate has lived 36/36 years, or at least her adult life, poorly. And I don't know ellen, but what I know of her I like. For a young woman, she has behaved very maturely. A few minor missteps, but nothing compared to Kate. She appears to truly care about jon, and I am so happy he has found peace and happiness with a good person. She has been nothing but kind to and supportive of the kids, a big dose to swallow no matter how sweet the kids. Despite being beautiful and decent and kind, she has been ridiculed about her looks and body (WTF? If ONLY I looked like that in a bikini). She has been threatened, or at least there is the appearance of a threat to her employment and maybe, safety. All because what? She's dating a divorced man? Kate and the sheeple should be grateful that Ellen is a positive force in the kids' lives, a sweet woman who shows honest affection for the kids while still respecting Kate's role as their 'mother'. My husband's exwife once thanked me for being nice to their kids. It was a deeply touching moment for me and one that went far to cement our relationship.
About the suspended Twitter accounts. Yes, the sheeple mounted an attack on anyone who sends multiple uncomplimentary tweets to Kate. They choose a user and send tweets to Twitter support and report them for spamming Kate's account. Some of their tweets to support remind me of kids tattling on their siblings and then giggling that they got their sib in trouble. Real mature - NOT.
Someone asked why accounts of people like MsGoody2shoes21 is allowed to stay after the horrible things she's said to different people and I think it's because we're not the haterz or aggressors. We don't call employers about a blog owner or tattle to Twitter that someone bothered our idol. They're immature just like Kate's teenager friends on Twitter. I lol at how they feel Kate 'needs' them.
If your account has been suspended; whatever you do, don't let them stop you from having a Twitter account and doing what you want to with it. Just open a new one.
Isn't it interesting; the actual aggression and 'hate' comes from THEM, not us.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Evrything sd abt me I eithr countas ignorant, c as encouragmnt,or useas constr crit.Eitherway, I c who I'm not,who I am or who I want2b.'-KG
There she goes contradicting herself again!!! She has said how many times that she doesn't see the negative tweets and yet here she's saying that they're helpful. Awwwww
She's so full of shi* it's unbelievable, but I think it's hilarious how the sheeple eat this stuff up and feed even more to her. Where does she and her group of merry followers come up with these nonsensical motivational phrases? They should get a job writing for Hallmark cards.
Does anyone know what a "fig Newman" is? Kate tweeted that she ate some "fat-free (organic) fig Newmans" while working on their Easter baskets. Did she mean "fig Newtons"?
Whoever said that Kate will take credit for stopping the show if it tanks is EXACTLY right on. But in HER mind it will be the kids fault when the show ends; she will blame it on them somehow. They will be on the receiving end of her fury when the show ends and that's when the abuse will REALLY start.
TLC may very well plan on changing up the whole show to continue filming. I can see it now:
"Kate Plus 8 Visit the States" which will consist of them traveling from state to state. Nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to her and TLC. I thought for sure that TLC would drop her after she made an ass out of herself on Sarah Palin's Alaska, but I was wrong. I honestly think that a lot of people tune in just to see how big of an ass she's going to make out of herself from week to week.
Carol said...
I asked Kate this one question: "if your children asked you to stop filming would you?"
I didn't send another question, (although I did have a follow-up question if I happened to get a response). I received no reply. Left it at that. My twitter account is still active, but she has me blocked. I won't create another account because I have no desire to do so, anything other than idolizing her will get you banned. I think it is silly that she blocked me for that question.
I agree Carol, but that's Kate; never addressing the tough questions directly or with honesty. On Twitter it's so simple for her to block those who put her on the spot with even a polite and legitimate question like yours. Since we know she runs from inquiries like yours even on Twitter can you imagine how she squirms and tries to run away from them in real life?
Is this all the kids are getting for dinner? http://yfrog.com/h8fkjglj
I also don't understand why she is so darn afraid of a few polite, though pointed questions. If she's so confident about all this filming, why is she so darn afraid to answer a simple question like if filming will stop if the kids want it to stop?
The only conclusion I can draw is that she knows the answer is no, filming is not going to stop even if the children want it to stop.
Fig Newmans = an organic version of the Fig Newton, made, marketed and sold by the late Paul Newman's company, called Newman's Own.
It's the same company that makes marinara sauce,
salad dressings, cat food, popcorn and who knows what else. Proceeds from the sale of Newman's Own products go to a children's camp for handicapped and/or deprived children.
God bless Paul Newman's efforts for charity.
They made a play on words. Newton became Newman. It is not an error on Kate's part. You will find Fig Newmans in medium to large
grocery stores. The small corner market may not carry them.
Have you ever put Peeps in the microwave? LOL. Scary, almost as scary as Kate G. LOL.
I can't say that I ever tried that! Here's something just as scary. My grandmother would stick those darn little marshallow peeps on branches outside during our egg hunt. I think she did it the night before Easter, so we never knew if birds had pooped on them or if ants had enjoyed them first! I see that they are still selling those dang things in the grocery stores and I have to laugh every time I see them.
"Without them, she wouldn't have the McMansion, the over priced SUV (that they never ride in?) or her new bod, hair and nails."
She got a new Sequoia ("used" as she said). With the price of gas here ($3.79 gallon) and that SUV getting 13 miles per gallon, I hope TLC is paying for those road trips she's planning for this summer.
"Because you're a Mom first and you would never consider your children "money makers"."
I am THEIR ATM, and as long as the kids are kids, this is as it should be! No child should ever be forced to work to support parents. Kate says that they are just playing in front of the cameras (it just makes me shake my head when I read that little ditty that's written on the side of this blog). I guess they were just playing when they vomited on the fishing boat and had to lie in it. Kate has some warped sense of child's play.
As far as Goody's tweets go - it seems that the internet is such a gray area as far as stalking goes, with harassing e-mails and such. It's not like anyone could get a restraining order against her, but by darn, I'd be tempted to track down those tweets and file some kind of complaint or harassment suit. Then again, it's difficult to know how deranged someone really is, and taking action against the person might open up something that shouldn't be opened up. You just never know what they are going to do or how far they are going to go. When there are kids involved, their security should be your first concern. You just don't want to tick someone off who is mentally unstable.
RE: soup's on and it's in bowls
I see 8 bowls. What's Kate eating while the kids are eating a small amount of soup and a whole lot of bread? See how small the bread
"topper" is on each one? That's how much soup must be in the bread bowl.
Meanwhile, might Kate be nibbling on more Fig
Newman's, or orderinh in some Chilean Sea Bass for herself? Who knows.
Who gets the pink bowl, I wonder? I'll bet Joel. He seems to get what's left over a lot.
I hope that all the Christian commentators here had a lovely Easter and that everyone else enjoyed their weekend!
Regarding the comments about Katie Kreider's tweets to Swift, Griffin, and Shepherd; she is tweeting these celebrities because she WANTS and NEEDS them to respond back to her on Twitter. If she has a “real” relationship with these women, why doesn’t she just email or call them? No, Kreider is specifically using Twitter to contact them for a reason. If these celebrities - with their massive amounts of Twitter followers - tweet her back, that tweet to Kreider will be seen by all their followers.
Basically, Kreider tweeted Griffin because she is desperately trying to get more followers, 8,340 is a pathetic follower number (by comparison Cake Boss Buddy has 95,840). If Griffin were to tweet her back, many of Griffin's 770,000 followers would notice that Kreider is on Twitter. Kreider’s hoping that this happens because then some of Griffin’s followers just might decide to follow her.
Put simply, Kreider is doing what she always does - she is using other people to further her “fame” and fortune. This time, she is trying to pilfer followers from those that are following bona-fide celebrities on Twitter. Watch, if one of these celebrities tweets her back, her follower numbers will increase dramatically.
Katie Kreider is truly one of the most desperate and transparent Reality TV Show participants on TV. Tick-tock…
Admin said
I also don't understand why she is so darn afraid of a few polite, though pointed questions
Because she lies, and it's too much effort to remember what her personal party line is/has been?
Because she's a control freak, and if the wrong question is asked, she can't be sure she can control the perception of the answer?
Because she doesn't have any interest in engagement?
Because she wants total control over topics?
Because SHE is the only person in the world who matters?
Because it's all too obvious that several of the children have already been quite clear about resenting cameras?
Nice dinner. Looks like itty-bitty portion control. Can't have those babies getting podgy. Those little bowls will look so cute once the high chairs are pushed up to the table.
Lisa - this is so funny. I'm watching the NBA play-offs and the announcer is talking about the yellow peeps! What timing!
Admin, maybe they kids had a big ham dinner at their father's house. That said, those "homemade" bread bowls look suspiciously similar to those we get at Panera Bread. There's one on Papermill Road, not far from Kate's house, about 10 minutes away. We always get broccoli cheese soup in those bread bowls at Panera. Did she make them? Who knows?
I also think Kate is overly preoccupied with food and talks too much about it with her kids but God knows that's not her worst fault.
I have seen first hand how the constant nit-picking about what everyone is eating can wear a child DOWN. The child I saw this happen to, age 10, after about 6 months of this, I found out had a complete breakdown sobbing hysterically and begging his mother to stop.
I think if you just make good healthy foods the foods available to kids most of the time, and make eating a positive family time, a good relationship with food will develop naturally.
Do you suppose Hannie is getting the special pink bowl?
Panera will let you buy the bread bowl things if you ask. Maybe she bought the bread bowls then filled it with soup.
It looks good. Yes I hope they had a huge Easter dinner and this is a little dinner snack.
Kate likes to travel? Tell you what, on her next trip let her do it like REAL people do it - ALL ALONE - no babysitters, no nannies, no travel allowance, no one to help pack/unpack or wash laundry when they get home, no one to help carry luggage or pack/unpack the car, no drivers, no one making travel plans, etc. Let her do it with NO HELP AT ALL WITH 8 KIDS. Let's see how much she really loves to travel.
Donna said...
Kate likes to travel? Tell you what, on her next trip let her do it like REAL people do it - ALL ALONE - no babysitters, no nannies, no travel allowance, no one to help pack/unpack or wash laundry when they get home, no one to help carry luggage or pack/unpack the car, no drivers, no one making travel plans, etc. Let her do it with NO HELP AT ALL WITH 8 KIDS. Let's see how much she really loves to travel.
Once filming stops, that woman will NEVER travel with those children. Count on it.
She can hardly stand to be in the same room with them. Not to mention that she's lazy and demanding, and has never shown any willingness to care for those children without help.
Right now, the bucks make it worthwhile. Once she's no longer paid to be with them, it will be sayonara time.
Perhaps Panera sold her both the "homemade" bread bowls and the broccheese soup - rather doubt she did either today. Twitidiot.
Admin, I think you're right. I just did a Google Images search for Panera Bread Bowls. It is very possible Kate bought the "homemade by Panera bakers" bowls and filled them up with soup herself. Many of the Panera bread bowls shown there look just like what she served.
Supermom swings by bread store to purchase fresh bread bowls, fills them with soup, tweets that they are homemade and the sheeple sop it up like sponges. Homemade dinner! Just not by me! But I'll never tell you that part. It kind of ruins the image.
One day she'll stretch the truth so far it will snap and fly back to smack her in the mouth.
Admin said," I also don't understand why she is so darn afraid of a few polite, though pointed questions..."
Because it would involve intelligent, logical thinking, and she was noticeably absent when the Good Lord handed that out - maybe in the tanning booth at the time. She would also have to answer honestly, and politely. She's much more comfortable on her on maturity level - tweeting sweet tweeterings to pubescent tweetie things.
Water seeks it own level.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...Another thing she mentions all the time is the weather. She constantly complains when it's too cold, or rainy. She tweets that she's jealous or envious of people who are having warm weather and sun where they live (like some sheeple guy in San Diego). It's all so transparent; you can just tell she only wants warm, sunny weather so she can do her parking lot struts in her crazy outfits.
Reminds me of those awkward moments when you don't have much to say, so you just talk about the weather.
She has a VERY unhealthy attitude towards food and if she mentions things like this so much on Twitter, I can only imagine how often she comments on it in real life, in the presence of her kids. Wake up Khate, you have eight children - five daughters, two of whom are at a very important stage in their development and you should be extremely aware of that! What mother isn't aware of how dangerous it is to pass on unhealthy attitudes about food to her children?
It's not just what she says but also how she acts in regards to her food. From her previous interviews, it sounds like she is constantly dieting, keeping to a strict food regimen instead of healthy eating and portion control. She's mentioned before that she eats something different than what she feeds her kids, such as salad or fish.
She is sending the wrong message about healthy eating. Her kids are learning that the only way to stay thin is to deprive themselves of food.
Moreover, I worry that her obsession with her body image will also have an effect on her children and their self-esteem.
E-Town, it's funny when you said you were your kids' atm LOL. When I was growing (before they had atms) my father used to tell he that he had a money tree in the back room of his office and when I'd ask for money he'd say "Okay, gotta go shake the money tree!!" LOL.
Loved your Peeps story LOL. That one made me laugh!!!
Reminder: tweet party 10pm EST time tomorrow night during K+8... don't miss it! Super fun episode.... Jamie and Kate with kids in Philly!
This tweet was on the Twitter feed at the top of the page - I thought that episode wasn't on until May 2nd?
Jamie and Kate with kids in Philly!
She wrote that in a tweet instead of 'Jamie and I with kids in Philly' Makes me think intern...
Every other source including TLC says the next show is May 2, not what Kate is saying this Monday. It's sad Kate doesn't know when her own show is on.
And even though she has clearly tweeted the kids are back from Jon's, she still can't take a break from twitter.
Anyway I hope it's not on Monday I'm all recapped out after that last one!
Re: the spelling/definition list taped to the steering wheel. Anyone notice that many of those definitions are incorrect and poorly described? The one that really stuck out: coincidence = accident. Ummm, no. Things can coincide, occur at the same time. Or two events can occur at the same time by accident but appear to be planned (ie: visiting a foreign city and bumping into a neighbor). Just out of curiosity, I looked up the definition and nowhere does it say that a coincidence is an accident. I get what she's thinking, but that definition is incomplete and plain wrong. Which leads me to believe that the idiot is pulling the information from that warehouse of ignorance that is her wine soaked brain. The woman is not smart, check. Worse, she does nothing to try to compensate for it, like read or look up definitions in the dictionary, as she thinks she knows it all. And saddest of all, she is passing on her bad habits, illiteracy, and stupidity to 8 kids.
I don't think TLC is going to cancel the show anytime soon, even with the under 1 million ratings, but I'm sure they'll wait to make any decision until after the royal wedding. They're promoting it pretty heavily this week everywhere, so we'll see what happens to her ratings on the 2nd and 9th. I suppose if the ratings continue to decline steadily, that will irritate the advertisers and THAT will be when her show is finally pulled. If it's not making ad revenue, TLC won't keep it on the schedule. It's all about the $$$.
Didn't TLC tweet that the new show wasn't until May 2nd? I think their tweet included Kate's handle and was in reply to one of her tweets about TLC providing popcorn.
I think it's funny that she could tweet a pic of her dinner but couldn't tweet a pic of the easter baskets she's been so diligently working on all weekend. I wonder if they didn't really exist?
Kate tweeted and said that she baked the bread bowls in a muffin tin. You know how big a muffin is so that was how big their bread bowl was and it MIGHT have held 1/3 cup of soup. I think these kids are undernourished, and they are all very thin IMO. What do you all think?
Admin, Kate Plus 8 is NOT scheduled to show tomorrow night; it's all royal wedding shows where I live. There must not be too much communication going on between Kate and TLC, huh?
Ava, I thought the very same thing. Kate tweeted numerous times about the baskets, you would have thought she would have shown a pic of them, right? I'm betting that there were no baskets, because I don't believe one word that bitch says, tweets, whatever. She's a liar and that's a fact.
So Katie was home all day, on Twitter? Where was her family/friend/colleagues/camerermen...like Daddy/and the slew of folks who travel with her to make sure here ass is is first class. Nada, huh?
Even the local Church didn't want her. She is a sick puppy talking to strangers on Twitter but not being friendly in shops? Ship her ass off to the Land of No Reruns, real fast. Hope she ends up without a penny to do her hair ever again, honest injun.
I think these kids are undernourished, and they are all very thin IMO. What do you all think?
The kids are not thin. They really aren't. They are slightly built. Their tummies probably cannot hold much at one sitting. It's possible that they had a fairly large Easter meal with Jon. When we have our large dinner at noon, our supper is just soup and sandwiches. Perhaps there was more than the soup bowls to eat, and she photographed only those to show that she's an excellent cook who makes them from scratch.
Kids will eat only so much before their stomachs say they are full. Perhaps these children eat a few small meals a day rather than three large one. I don't think that undernourishment is a concern, but working for their food certainly is.
I was checking out this Paige person's tweets to see if "lil" was used before. It was. If you can believe a tweet, she's 16 and her spelling/grammar is worse than Kate's: compleately, concoured, oppinion, allegence. She'd like to get into editing (oy!), and her goal for new year is for Kate to watch her videos. Some goal, huh? She idolizes Kate as her role model.
Is being delusional a prerequisite for being a Kate fan? Do they realize that if they ever came face to face with her that she wouldn't even acknowledge them? Maybe this is the best that could happen...a tweeting sheeple should go to an airport, to an appearance, try to talk to her and see how far they would get. Why would a 16-year-old have a crush on a mother who is nearing 40 - one that they don't even know?
Don't parents monitor their children's internet activities? Do they know that their kids are garbage mouths, tweeting with 36-year-old divorced women with eight kids? This one can sling it with the worst of them. Guess this was sanctioned by Mom, because this teen tweeted that her mother thinks Kate is a good parent. Apparently, fatuousness is genetic.
Khate tweets from an iPhone, no? Autocorrect may be responsible for the "sediments"...iPhone, iPad it"ll getcha every time unless one is obsessive about proof reading or watching the screen as one types. Check out Http://www.damnyouautocorrect.com for some (adult) hilarity. This post alone tried to make "khate" kyats whatever a kyat is! Oh, and http - it changed to Hugo. IPhone changed a friend's text message containing what was supposed to be the word "want" to Wang...she didn't catch it before sending, made for a pretty funny message. BTW, one CAN turn off autocorrect, but it turns off spell check as well. So one is screwed either way. LOL
I do have a question about one of her tweets above. What V holiday is she referring to as little...surely not Valentines Day, she made such a big deal out of that back in the J and K plus 8 days. I hope she wouldn't be so insensitive about Veterans Day????
Even the local Church didn't want her.
Source? Do you go to the local church? What church would refuse someone who came to worship?
I don't think that she was home all day on Twitter, was she? It looks to be about 40 tweets or so, which is hardly her record. Is she slowing down?
"Jamie and Kate with kids in Philly!"
She wrote that in a tweet instead of 'Jamie and I with kids in Philly' Makes me think intern...
Maybe she's now speaking of herself in third person! Isn't that the beginning of MPD?
LancasterCountyMom said...
Reminder: tweet party 10pm EST time tomorrow night during K+8... don't miss it! Super fun episode.... Jamie and Kate with kids in Philly!
This tweet was on the Twitter feed at the top of the page - I thought that episode wasn't on until May 2nd?
Wow, that's so odd that Khate tweeted that tonight! I was on Twitter last Monday night watching the crazy stuff the sheeple and Khate tweeted during the show (lol, more entertaining than the dumb show ever was).
I remember that when the show was over that night, TLC tweeted that it would be on again next week (4/25), BUT, then they corrected that in a second tweet. Even Khate didn't know it wasn't on the next week.
So, I just checked TLC's Twitter page and here it is:
TLC TLC Network
Until next week! RT @kateplusmy8 I'm crying now... The end...
18 Apr
TLC TLC Network
@kateplusmy8 Actually - no new #KatePlus8 next Monday. Sigh. We will wait for the Philly episode on May 2nd! And, yes, popcorn is a must :)
18 Apr
LisaNH said...I guess what I'm trying to say is that in my family Easter was about the Resurrection
Your family was right, that is exactly what it's about. Why do I think somehow Kate thinks it's about her. (Remember "They crucify me"? 15 minutes GS blog post, Sunday, September 12, 2010)
Anyway, since it's about resurrection, I'd like to resurrect a snippet of something Paul Petersen wrote back August, 2008. I thought it was quite prophetic now that Kate's tweets are all over the place:
What started as a documentary has turned into dangerous distortion of childhood, parenting, and what passes for acceptable risk in the age of the Internet. The bulls-eyes you have painted on the foreheads of your children will only grow larger with time.
Parenting is not now nor has it ever been a spectator sport. ~~ PP
He couldn't have been more right.
~Hope you all had a nice holiday weekend.~
Ava said...
Didn't TLC tweet that the new show wasn't until May 2nd? I think their tweet included Kate's handle and was in reply to one of her tweets about TLC providing popcorn.
I think it's funny that she could tweet a pic of her dinner but couldn't tweet a pic of the easter baskets she's been so diligently working on all weekend. I wonder if they didn't really exist?
Donna said...
Ava, I thought the very same thing. Kate tweeted numerous times about the baskets, you would have thought she would have shown a pic of them, right? I'm betting that there were no baskets, because I don't believe one word that bitch says, tweets, whatever. She's a liar and that's a fact.
I was thinking the same! In fact, I even saw a tweet at some point today where a sheeple twit asked Khate to tweet a pic of the Easter baskets and she replied that she would TRY to - if the kids didn't get to them first. WTH? The kids weren't home all day. If she was so proud of the baskets, wouldn't she easily be able to take a pic of them when they were done and before the kids came home? Even before I saw that, I was wondering if she would, since she tweeted all about having to do them for about three darn days. You would think she would want to show the baskets off to her adoring sheeple so she could get a bunch of tweets telling her how great they were, what a terrific mom she is, and how lucky the kids are.
So, yeah, a pic of the store bought Panera broccoli cheese soup in their bread bowls, but NO pic of the big, super fantabulous Easter baskets? I'm totally calling b.s on that one!
By the way, that broccoli cheese soup from Panera is sold in my local warehouse/club store. It comes in a package with two soup containers and it's pretty good. So, she might have bought it in a store, not an actual Panera's, and then put it in the bread bowls that she got from anywhere. She could have just taken some rolls, sliced off the tops, and hollowed them out. I don't really care either way, but if she's tweeting and acting as if she made bread and soup all day, well, she's a freaking liar.....but we already knew that!
Following up on my last post, I just found it on her Twitter:
louisemorier Louise Morier
@Kateplusmy8 you should post a pic of ure baskets for us to c! :)
7 hours ago
in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@louisemorier ok... Coming soon unless the kids get to them first lol
7 hours ago via Twitterrific
Also, she tweeted this tonight:
IwanaDatekate Iwana Datekate
@Kateplusmy8 So those were the 8 little baskets you needed to finish this afternoon? Job well done! So unique,& yummy looking! TY 4 sharing.
3 hours ago
in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@IwanaDatekate No silly! That was dinner! I never got to tweet a pic of baskets-- they were ravaged (sp?) before I got to it!
2 hours ago via Twitterrific
TOTAL b.s.! I do not for one minute believe that these damn Easter baskets that she mentioned for three days ever existed. First she says a pic is coming soon unless the kids gets to them first. Well, the kids weren't home, so just snap a pic. Then tonight, she says, oh, couldn't get a pic, the kids ravaged them before I could. Bullcrap, Khate! She's such a lying fake, pretend "mother" it makes me want to puke.
Also, I just saw this exchange:
Harley_Kn8 Harley Loef
@Kateplusmy8 Hope you had a Great easter? Did u guys do an easter egg hunt? Tweet me bacl Please! :)
4 hours ago
in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Harley_Kn8 Hello Harley! Welcome! We did ours two weeks ago..
2 hours ago via Twitterrific
She left out one thing. What she meant is we did our Easter egg hunt TWO WEEKS prior to Easter because then when TLC wanted to film the EPISODE. And of course, Khate didn't lift a finger, as usual. TLC bought everything and hid the eggs, just like last year. So, if the kids got any baskets at Khate's house, they got them two weeks ago when TLC made the baskets and had them there FOR THE EPISODE!
So, yeah, a pic of the store bought Panera broccoli cheese soup in their bread bowls, but NO pic of the big, super fantabulous Easter baskets? I'm totally calling b.s on that one!
Or maybe there were Easter baskets and she didn't want to post photographs because their contents would be dissected. If she had expensive toys/electronics in there, people would be making comments about the kids having to buy their own toys for their Easter basket (because they work); or if there was only one or two fig newmans in there, and one Hershey kiss, they'd say that Kate really skimped on the Easter baskets. There wouldn't be any happy medium.
I'm on the fence about that one. I do believe, though, that they also had baskets for the show two weeks ago and that TLC paid for them.
Sunday was Easter. Kate is a Christian. She did not have the kids with her. She would be one person walking into a house of worship.
I wonder if she went to church to celebrate the true reason for Easter.
Kart probably didn't post photos of the Easter baskets because she wasn't being paid to endorse the products that were in the baskets.
Sheeple are Delusional said...
Jane, I'll never understand it either. MsGoody has said she's reported Anti_Kate tweets to the FBI, etc. Why haven't people reported MsGoody to the authorities!?!
Can you imagine how loud and hard the FBI would laugh when contacted by the sheeple? I'd get a job at the FBI just to hear that laughter.
url, you may be closer to the truth than you think! Kate didn't tweet a picture of those Easter baskets she kept bragging about. You suggest maybe it's because she wasn't being paid to endorse anything in the baskets. I suggest that maybe she's a big fat liar and _____ fill in the blank. She did post a picture of those sad little bread bowls. Conveniently, several people asked for the recipe (WTF? Bread and soup, duh!) She said that she used Campbells Select Brocolli Cheese soup (98% fat free, 0% organic and 100% gross IMO), which looks nothing like the soup pictured. Awfully specific, don't you think? Especially since she/the chef/ the nanny didn't use it in the first place.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Evrything sd abt me I eithr countas ignorant, c as encouragmnt,or useas constr crit.Eitherway, I c who I'm not,who I am or who I want2b.'-KG
Doesn't she block people she doesn't like? She's so full of crap. Remember she is a narcissist. They love ANY and ALL attention. Even bad press. She reads everything that is said about her. On here, twitter, anywhere else on the internet. If she wants to "c" something ignorant, all she has to do is look in the mirror.
fidosmommy said: "One day she'll stretch the truth so far it will snap and fly back to smack her in the mouth."
ROFL!! That's a good one!!!
url said...
Kart probably didn't post photos of the Easter baskets because she wasn't being paid to endorse the products that were in the baskets.
Or she didn't put them together herself at all, but simply used the kids' money to buy commercially packed baskets. A photo would have made her lack of effort obvious.
What's the point, anyway, when you "celebrate" holidays weeks before the date for a phony TV show? It's not about the holiday, and it's not about the kids. It's about $$$$$$$$$$$$$.
Kateplusmy8 Whew. More Easter basket recipients on the way! :) I do enjoy all this stuff. Fun and kids r so appreciative and thankful! :)
There she goes again with the kids giving her thanks and appreciation. I'd use adjectives like happy, enjoyed, fun, etc to describe 6&10 year olds after getting a gift - not thankful.
Kateplusmy8 (at 7:06am)
GM!Day off sch but not a day off!Kids will play while I do laundry& errands.2much 2 do! any1 else 4 burning the mommy list 2 play instead?:)
She had the WHOLE weekend to run errands while the kids were at Jons, yet she waits until they're home and have a day off from school to do them. WTH is wrong with this picture? NM - it's Kate and spending time with the kids is not what she wants to do.
According to her recent Twit, the kids have the day off of school, but the Twit will be doing laundry and errands. She couldn't do laundry yesterday while the kids were at Jon's? It's not like she was busy hosting an Easter Sunday gathering for her parents and siblings.
Just like she waits to jog until the kids are home from school. Pathetic excuse for a mother. Blech.
Well, kids have the day off and they are not filming, but is Kate going to stay home and spend some time with them especially since they were with Jon over the weekend??? HELL NO, she has saved today, their day off from school, to run errands! Couldn't she run her errands on Saturday? NO! Wonder just what her errands are, lounging in a tanning bed, being pampered in the nail salon....anything to get away from those pesky kids.
WESTCOASTER said: Twitidiot - LOL, Love it
So she twats she has errands to run today. I guess INF will be posting Target, etc. shots.
She is pathetic. She didn't twitter a picture baskets not because the kids got into them, but because they either didn't exist or she didn't want us dissecting the contents.
Funny how no photos popped up TLC filming the pre-Easter show.
No mention of church on Easter either. Proves she and Jon manipulated and stole money from good hearted and trusting people. She really is such a scammer.
I don't see how she was endorsing the bread bowls and soup seeing as how she said everything was "homemade."
BTW, I think it is great that Space Camp turned down Ms. McGreedy. Many years ago my son went. It's a week long overnight camp, not cheap, for kids truly interested in space. I'm sure Kate was insisting her ugly mug be in every shot and I can't imagine the tups are mature enough for the camp let alone she'd never let the kids truly experience what it's all about. Bravo, Space Camp! They don't need the publicity and I'm sure parents who spend hard-earned dollars to send kids there would not appreciate the disruption of a camera crew and Kate's screeching. If she was really interested in the camp, she could donate money to help send an underprivileged kid there; you know, giving back.
She probably spent yesterday with Steve.
Finally caught a little clip of the sky jumping. Freakin' unbelievable. And I missed this twitter:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
And they cut at least 20 min of my sobbing....
18 Apr
OMG. She needs help. Exposing your children to this behavior is inexcusable. I think Jon has to grounds now to get his kids from her.
Reminder: tweet party 10pm EST time tomorrow night during K+8... don't miss it! Super fun episode.... Jamie and Kate with kids in Philly! about 11 hours ago
That is a very curious entry, "Jamie and Kate with kids in Philly!" Very strange. Why would she write that? Is this a symptom of her mental illness?
Maybe she's just talking to herself in the mirror, again?
Or maybe Kate has "helpers" doing her tweets, when she doesn't feel like it?
I realize and so should most of you that this Twitter thing is Kate's last "march up the mountain" Yes, it is.
No ability to contact all those celebrities she met over the years? No invitations to dinners with big publicists in NY to promote her? No invites to meet with book publishers to write another book with a Ghost Writer, of course. No, nothing.
So, she is on Twitter. The last contact with the world.
See, no magazines are even accepting articles about her. Like you know every magazines has an #800 number, so you the public can call in and tell them something, anything about a celebrity which makes a complete article. Nothing is accepted on Kate Gosselin, Big Big Black XXXXXXXX......No, Kate does not sell a magazine, not even a small blurb in the magazine. Jon could possibly with pictures of the kids be on a magazine cover, did you know that, yes? Jon will not sell his kids out, but Kate would in a heart beat.
Jon, Ellen and all 8 kids, which he never has together, he has the twins separate from the tups, so never the 8 of them. That would make a magazine cover.
How do I know, I am Wife of a Pap.
I wrote this as I am telling all of you, that Kate is yesterday's news; worse, she couldn't get a free dinner at a restaurant in NY. She could not get a hotel for free from Donald Trump and at one time, she did.
She cannot get free tickets to a concert.
Katie Kreider Gosselin misses everything, all the freebies, all the free celebrity baskets filled with gifts, very expensive gifts.
If she is ever invited back to do anything, it would be someone like Jimmy Fallon to have Kate repeat her Pap Dance on his show, but he needs no ratings and he found her very nasty to deal with.
During the pre emmy rehearsals, she wanted to talk to the stars who were performing. Many did not want to talk. When you are in that business, you don't talk, you study your lines, your dance numbers, you have a staff of people with you guiding you once you leave the stage. You are friends for the "business"....my husband covered the rehearsals with a staff for the magazine that Emmy attendees received. He said, she stood on that stage and everyone walked away after every dance. Her "people" asked about Kate appearing on "30 Rock" and got a "we will call you"....so there was no work for Kate.
Everyone who works in that business, actors, actresses, even the Kardashians are serious people. Keep their lives "small with very private accompanients"....People in that business are serious, not road runners, not child abusers. When was the last time you saw their babies/toddlers playing Australia or New Zealand scared to death over Mommy dropping from the sky? NOT
The Business is Show Business. It is a money making business. Kate cannot do anything now but get on Twitter and plead for you strangers to Tweet her. She never answered Fan Mail, did you know that? Never. Never sent photos of the family with autographs. No, you had to pay.
Now, she wants to write to ANYONE. Criminals, teenagers, whatever. This is a desperate attempt by her. She has no longer a group of "Managers, publicists, etc"....the group has dwindled. She needs people to respond. She needs to build her numbers up on Twitter, members.
Yes, Happy Belated Easter Kate, you child abusers, people abusers.
You are so guilty of the worse which is Idololizing Yourself".......there is no talent in your house and I use the world house, as I doubt you have a home, a real home.
God Bless you Katie Kreider Gosselin, as I hope you have asked for forgiveness for all the Pap People you have hurt over these past few years as you said "I don't talk, talk to my publicist"
Wow, Wife of a Pap, thank you for that very interesting and informative post. Last night I watched "Soup Talk," and she was even more rude in New Zealand than I remembered. This morning she tweeted all of her 8,004 (or whatever) supporters for standing up for her and signed it "Love, Kate." PATHETIC.
You guys know she is eating all of this up & LOVING the fact that everyone is talking about her twitter, talking about what she's saying. correcting her grammar, what she's doing RIGHT NOW, how she's handling her kids & so on, right? She wants you to. She did this to stay relevant & it's working. The funny thing is her viewers are going way down & here she is, tweeting away like nothing is wrong.
She is so desperate & pathetic & trying to stay in the limelight that she will do anything at this point. Twitter? I know that no talk show will probably have her at this point, so no plugging the show, she has burned that bridge. So twitter is her only option. And she is loving the freedom of it. Lovers & haters alike are swarming over there to see what she'll say next & she is loving the attention. IMO, if we backed off & stopped going over there & talking about so much, maybe cut back a bit, she could fade out a bit more. Yep, it's funny as hell to see Kate write what she writes cause she is so damn dumb, but it's just keeping her relevant. We're all adults, AND thankfully her ratings are in the toilet, but talking about her twitter all the time is what SHE wants. Just a thought?
Interesting reply, Wife of Pap. I want to believe Kate is getting the cold should from everyone in the biz, because that's what she deserves.
I'm a bit puzzled though that you say Jon and Ellen NEVER have all 8 of the kids together. So Kate wasn't alone during Easter, right?
Happy Easter everyone :)
Personally,I think Kate will try to sell the kids to a different network when TLC will say "enough". She will go to WE Tv where Raising Sextuplets ran or any other network who settles for lower ratings.I really doubt Kate is ready to give up the life she became accustomed to.
Yes, she says "errands" to run and I think that means the weather will be warmer and sunny today, time to call the fake "papp"/Chris and stage some photos. We know she is desperate for some coverage.
I agree with everyone who says why would she do laundry and run errands today if she didn't see the kids all weekend and they're home from school today? She should have done the errands and the laundry while she was alone all weekend. Plus, they're back in school tomorrow and that's more time to catch up on laundry and do any necessary errands. She's so full of it when she says she has a long list, but she maybe could play with the kids instead. When has she ever played with the kids??
Also, they might be filming today since the kids are off. What a pain in the neck that must be for them! They get to be real kids all weekend with their dad, then they have to come back to their JOBS at the McMansion.
The only thing Twitter is doing is keeping Kate relevant to Kate. I love the fact that she is exposing herself for what she really is, although I think she has help with all the twittering (perhaps Ashley?). Anyway, it's the ratings that count to TLC, not the twittering, although I'm sure her twatting was TLC's idea to drum up support from her base. It is backfiring.
I think upthread there was a local who commented that her children attended the school and the kids were not allowed playdates and were not allowed to be in school photos. Can you tell us if the two expelled tups are back in school?
Hippie Chick - you make some great points. I was looking at the twittering last night and thinking that it might be a good thing if all the anti-Khate people just stopped tweeting (even though I've been LMAO off at some of their tweets). Think how boring that would be! The sheeple LOVE defending Khate all day and night on Twitter, and Khate is loving it too. Without the anti-Khate tweets what will they do all day? All 10-20 of them that tweet, that is. They keep checking in on Twitter just to see what the anti-Khate people are tweeting so they can defend her. If those tweets ended, they would just have to spend all day tweeting how much they love Khate, what a super mom and inspiration she is, etc. How long could that go on?
I think all the anti-Khate tweeting is giving them something to do and making them feel like they have to keep tweeting their support to her. Khate herself thinks that as long as she has "haters" she's relevant, and even "successful”. Khate LOVES seeing her sheeple constantly defend and support her. I'd love to see all the anti-Khate people go silent for a few days and see what happens. I think her page would get soooo boring and the tweets will really die off.
Thanks for writing, Wife of Pap.
Nothing you wrote is surprising to me.
May I ask your opinion, what you think of the rabid "fans" that continue to feed Kate's monstrous ego? Some of them are "so way out there" odd/insane in their devotion. It's strange that anyone would behave that way for someone that is famous for doing absolutely nothing special, with no real talent or personality- except maybe for behaving like a child-ish baboon.
But anyway, along with you, and every clear thinking person, I am looking forward to the Gosselin 8's freedom from being marketed as a "brand", free from t.v. cameras, paps, and crazy fans. THANK THE LORD!!
@ wife of a Pap~thanks so much for the information. From what you and your husband know of her....does it seem odd that she's managed to be almost warm and cordial on twitter?
From what I've read...she has been obnoxious and rude to everyone.....as if she can't control herself. In fact, I totally believed the rumor that Steve was hired to control her behavior around the fans.....due to her horrible behavior.
But other than that, boy....the content sure does sound like her....it's just the tone that makes me suspicious. How has she suddenly managed to be consistently nice....to twitter fans....when she's never been able to do so before? The longer this cordiality lasts, the more suspicious I'm becoming.
Also....about the eating disorder behavior....she not only has a big influence on her own daughters....but also all the tweens and teens who she's twittering with. And that's the target age when most eating disorders start....and this whole ANA/MIA thing has been trendy with the teens for quite some time now.
How nice that the kids have a day off - are they really so set upon by the paps people that Mommie Dearest couldn't oh, take them to a movie, out for pizza, etc? Nope, she has to twit it's her laundry and errand day. And she had all weekend to do that, not to mention tomorrow. I'm on spring break; we're taking our grandson to the train museum. and I rather doubt the booby guard is around these days, I actually think he's been MIA since birthday party time in NYC - but it's all about her - won't go anywhere but the bus stop without 'protection' so the kids will stay home today. The question is "why won't she". Twitidiot.
The unlovely, not so delightful, and very destructive Kate continues to burn bridges everywhere she goes:
Kate Gosselin Scores Low as Ambassador, Calls New Zealand Trip a 'Nightmare'
Wife of a pap people said...
Her "people" asked about Kate appearing on "30 Rock" and got a "we will call you"....so there was no work for Kate.
That is the funniest thing I have ever read here, EVER. Kate Gosselin, on the same screen as Alec Baldwin & Tina Fey & Tracy Morgan & Jane Krakowsi? Yes, I know they were together on the Emmy's but on 30 Rock? The best show on TV? Kate would ruin that show the second she opened her mouth, or the second the camera panned onto her face. HA!!
Kate on 30 Rock IS very funny!
I think that we should be careful about taking the word of "insiders" who might show up here, as they have on other blogs. We have, in the past, believed so many stories that turned out to be not credible. Sometimes these stories are posted by the same person under different names. These people have had various "jobs," and contacts, and through each of these "jobs" have insider information.
"She cannot get free tickets to a concert."
How would anyone know that with any certainty unless they know every agency and all of the production people who set aside concert tickets and passes for a "celebrity?"
"I agree with everyone who says why would she do laundry and run errands today if she didn't see the kids all weekend and they're home from school today?"
Maybe the nanny had the holiday weekend off so she could spend time with her family and Kate had no sitter on Saturday. Yesterday was a holiday, and many businesses were closed, so perhaps running errands then wasn't an option. However, couldn't the errands wait until tomorrow?
"I'd love to see all the anti-Khate people go silent for a few days and see what happens. I think her page would get soooo boring and the tweets will really die off."
Absolutely. She created the tweeting to keep her alive. If nobody is going to tweet, with exception of sheeple, are they going to end up fighting among themselves, if they haven't already?
Someone named Wishes201 wrote this in a "long" tweet to Kate:
"You have conquered more wisdom in one year than most people do all their lives."
Best belly laugh of the day. The rest of the tweet is disturbing, but that part made me laugh.
Here's a verse I bet Khate didn't have taped to her kitchen cabinets: Nubmers 32:23 "... and be sure your sin will find you out."
Haha, Khate is 'outing' herself on Twitter. She has demonstrated her true character with:
Too cheap and selfish to pay for gymnastics-Gate
Selfish and dangerous distracted driving-Gate
Providing medical diagnosis to teen online-Gate
Too selfish to play with kids on their day off-Gate
........to mention but a few. She doesn't need a tabloid to expose her nastiness. She is her own worst enemy. Can't help herself. Her sin is finding her out.
What medical diagnosis did she provide to a teen online? I don't follow these tweets to any extent. I must have missed that one.
Several times on past episodes, Kate has declared she is not a 'baker'. Sad that even these bowls of soup are not even believable. She has lied so much, I just cannot take her word on a thing. I don't believe there were baskets either, or certainly not like she described. She was asked early enough to show a pix of them, as she was putting them together, (So she claimed) to produce a pix. She would NOT have passed up a chance to promote the super mom imagine. She is a liar, and too bad the fans hang on every word and believe her tales on any question she answers. Of course she will twist anything to make HERSELF look good.
No church yesterday? Even without the kids, she can go, IF she were truly back in the church. Especially on Easter. No family get together? IF my kids were gone, I would either still have family over or the very least VISIT my own. This woman is truly sad.
TLC told her in a tweet last week NO SHOW today. Yet, she is still tweeting there is one? Amazing.
"She's All A-Tweeter said...Someone named Wishes201"
Wow, that tweeter is so gaga over Kate, her tweets have been just pure idolatry and frankly, silly. As if Kate is the second coming of Christ. This person also claims to be a social worker. Can you believe that one?
I still say many false tweet accounts have been made to up her count. LOL They keep saying "wow over 8K followers! You are SO loved". haha
E-town Neighbor said...
Absolutely. She created the tweeting to keep her alive. If nobody is going to tweet, with exception of sheeple, are they going to end up fighting among themselves, if they haven't already?
I agree! Only tweeted to her a few times and haven't for several days and have decided to stop feeding her ego. Although I doubt the sheeple will stop tweeting their idol, the less they have to rage about, the better. Hopefully others will give the tweeting a break.
"E-town Neighbor said...
Absolutely. She created the tweeting to keep her alive. If nobody is going to tweet, with exception of sheeple, are they going to end up fighting among themselves, if they haven't already"
Early on, when she was asking IwanndateKate was answering all her questions, one of the teenybobber fans told him to stop talking to her so much, because Kate wouldn't talk to them. LOL That was too funny.
Admin!! How forgetful & stupid am I? You are now in my fave links, right on top on my blog...how could I have done that??? I am so sorry!! Forgive me?
Khloe Kardashian is going to be on an episode of Law and Order. People CAN make the leap from Reality TV to prime-time. SOME people, anyway.
I too would like to see the anit-kate people stop with the tweets. Our point was made. now all the tweets do is give her attention and give the sheep something to fight for. If we stop completely, they will have nothing to defend. Let them wallow in their own adoratoration.
She's All A-Tweeter said...
Someone named Wishes201 wrote this in a "long" tweet to Kate: http://tl.gd/a2ruqh
WOW, I just read that long tweet. GOOD GOD. Disturbing is a mild description for that one~
TLC told her in a tweet last week NO SHOW today. Yet, she is still tweeting there is one? Amazing.
Did Kate tweet that (Jamie and Kate), or did a misinformed intern do it?
"Wow, that tweeter is so gaga over Kate, her tweets have been just pure idolatry and frankly, silly."
There's a young teen out there who says that Kate is her inspiration, her all, her every reason for living, her passion, her life. Are these people really serious, or are they "plants" put there to stir up publicity? Nobody could be that nuts, could they? If they are serious, what kind of home life do they have that they have to use her as a surrogate parent?
Is this why Kate is accompanied by "security?"
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