We'll start: So that's what twitter-twatter withdrawal looks like.
Kate's at the Kentucky Derby this weekend. Fashion fantastic or fashion faux pas-ish?

Hm, which one has embarrassed their wonderful kids more?

Bee-line for the Galt House luxury gifting suite.
Well, at least it's not this:

Said one local blog, "Kentucky Derby, you used to be so cool."
210 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 210 of 210 Newer› Newest»So sorry Admin.,readerlady, you both are so right. Guess I was not thinking clearly.
Happy Mother's Day to all of you.
Tomorrow will mark 9 Mother's Days since my daughter passed. I still have the 6 dried roses she gave to me that last year. I hope kate never has to learn how time spent with children can be very short, and should not be exchanged for a weekend of parties.
Prairiemary, you are free to feel sorry for her, so this is not personal. I agree that she looks more than 10 years older than her age, but she did it to herself.
AuntieAnn, that dress is beyond fugly.
readerlady, Edie Adams was playing a role. kate is playing herself. Sad..........
Beth said...
I thought I was the only one who noticed that Kate's teeth don't line up as they should.
I've seen this mentioned here several times now. Strangely, I have never noticed that her teeth are misaligned. Could someone lease point me to a good picture that shows this? Thanks!
About Khate tweeting that Jon has the kids this weekend - I remember that he had them Easter weekend, so if they follow an every other weekend schedule, she had them last weekend, and this is his weekend. However, as someone who practiced family law for many years, I know that if the regular visitation schedule works out so that the kids are not with Mom on Mother's day, or Dad on Father's Day, the parties usually rearrange the schedule as that's usually in the best interests of the children.
I'm sure she could have had them this weekend, but it wasn't convenient since she had this invitation. She just cannot pass up free trips, hotels, and swag!
Yes, she has been away from home quite a bit the last couple of weeks. Knowing that she would be away last week (supposedly with the three younger girls) and then not scheduled to have the kids this weekend for Mother's Day, you would think she'd want to be home this week to see them prior to Mother's Day.
I am pretty sure that Kate's idea of Mother's Day means being AWAY from the kids, not WITH them. They are nothing more than an utter annoyance to her, always have been, always will be. She only tolerates them because they bring her attention and they work to support her.
Just curious. Does anyone know/remember if Jon had the kids on Father's Day last year? I know that, before the split, Jon made a big deal about Mother's Day, for Kate, fixing her breakfast in bed and doing special things for her, but she never did a thing for him for Father's Day.
Last night, Khate tweeted this:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
GN all! Can't keep eyes open any longer... Race day tomorrow. Must have my wits abt me to win! #8 all the way (whoever it may be:)
15 hours ago
So, I have the Derby on and a few minutes ago, they said that despite the fact that it seems like an open field this year and just about any of the 19 has a chance, the favorite is #8 "Dialed In" at 5-1, the Derby favorite! Get ready for Khate and the sheeple to be bragging!!
Prairiemary - As a hillbilly born and bred, I resemble that remark! LOL! Seriously, no self-respecting hillbilly family would want to claim our Katie Irene. Hillbillies are often poor and not all of us are educated, but one thing we value above all others is family.
You know,I am starting to feel very sorry for kate, she has so much money,yet she looks so old for her age. That dress she picked-out of all that she could have selected-does nothing good for her,you can see her implants so easily.I always thought that if a woman had extra money,she could delay aging using the best products,and plastic surgery. I look at kate, and she is not having luck fighting aging. And now you can see the fat and skin starting to hang down over her knee caps. That will be the next plastic surgery. Does she ever look in a mirror? Poor,sad woman.
$900 bucks eh? That's got to be at least a dozen gymnastics lessons for the kids who want to do it.
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