We'll start: So that's what twitter-twatter withdrawal looks like.
Kate's at the Kentucky Derby this weekend. Fashion fantastic or fashion faux pas-ish?

Hm, which one has embarrassed their wonderful kids more?

Bee-line for the Galt House luxury gifting suite.
Well, at least it's not this:

Said one local blog, "Kentucky Derby, you used to be so cool."
210 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 210 Newer› Newest»Hey - Why don't cha pull the stick out, Kate?
Oh boy. I honestly couldn't believe anybody could be dressed as bad as the lst thread claimed because I hadn't seen pictures. I'm sorry...I was dead wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. My eyes...oh boy.
That last picture...that is a hat...right? Come on. Its just a bit strange if out of place the very least for anybody.
She is saying, "If I have to tell you one more time that I charge for these pictures, I will wrap that camera around your head."
Marie, that last picture has been doctored a bit. That is Princess Beatrice at the royal wedding last week. Her hat was weird but there wasn't a horse coming out of it. lol
I feel almost bad for Kate in a way. I mean in comparing picture on the right of your screen with the fork overhead to the picture uptop you have to ask, What happened? I mean sure we all have a bad picture here and there in our life time, but between age 34-36 it just...questions you know? That dress is not for her I am sorry. But she looks miserable, unhappy, possible botox I cannot be sure but I feel bad somebody has to live life feeling that awful even if they say they are not.
hahahaha - emerldcityjazz is kicking Kate's ass over on Twitter right now. It's a sight to behold.
Oh god, as much as I can't STAND Vicki Gunvalson; Kate makes her look like mother of the year. They are both all about "ME ME ME". All I can say about the dress and shoes, BARF!
Oh jeez, I have to post one more time. Who dresses her???? She looks like those toys where you can switch the head, body and feet to make different people. Poor thing,she really is a mess.
She is thinking, ''You wonder why my lips are pursed, have you taken a look at these knockers, they're pursed too!!''
"I shoulda pulled the stick outta my ass when Jon told me to..."
"KHate! We said we wanna see your plunging ratings........not your plunging neckline!"
Sorry, I really don't watch much tv and I didn't see the wedding and its late...so jus thought I'd check here! Haha.
Photo #1: Kate says: "Stevie, get the deflate pump. I think we blew up the left one just a bit too hard. My cup runneth over."
Photo #2: Kate says: "What do you mean this woman isn't Terri Irwin? Crikey, I wore my wrinkled outback khaki for nothing."
Photo #3: Kate says: "I can clear a room at the drop of a hat; imagine what I can do with two."
Photo #4: Kate says: "Isn't it rich, isn't it queer, losing my timing this late in my career, and where are the clowns, quick send in the clowns, don't bother I'm here."
Photo #5: "Who said I'm a horse's a$$?"
Emerald is hilarious. The Klovers are out of their league.
"I guess they don't have cable in Kentucky?"
Kate needs a stylist more than a bodyguard, the hair is a mess, the clothes are garish, everything about her screams out of place and wanna be.
Caption: I told them to only ask questions about ME, dammit. And I told Steve to make sure the boobage spill-over rolls were tucked in. MMMM with Vicky Gundulson here, it's NOT mine, all mine. whine, whine whine. Wait a minute, wait just one minute. Maybe I can contact Bravo tv and be a Housewife of PA. Have to get bag boy working on that asap. This is dusgusting. All I do is work work work.
She's up til 2am and still tweeting?
Advice: Kate, stand up straight! Really bad posture. (That will help with the boobage spillover, too.
Kate, if you're reading: a little fashion advice from Stacy and Clinton: boobage or leg... Did you get that? Again, boobage OR leg. Never never never never NEVER both! If you do both, you'll always be a "before", never and "after" in their book. You're 36; you look like you're 56 and raided your teenaged granddaughter's closet.
Kate's outfits, hair, posture, and behavior SCREAMS D List. OMG, is she out of her league! Based on these photos I conclude, behind all the arrogance, brashness, and sense of entitlement is a very, very insecure woman. She has got to be exhausted trying to fit in at these events. I think she also has to be scared to death waiting for one of her non fans to heckle her. It's happened before and I'm sure she worried about it happening again. I almost feel sorry for her too. Almost.
Steve is a joke. If the man ever had a respectable career it's down the tubes now. He's nothing more than a reality TV star. Where's the man's dignity? Following a no talent diva around acting like she's someone really important is what he has lowered himself to. He can't be getting paid THAT much, can he?
I really doubt we'll ever see a show about Kate and Steve as a couple. Breaking up a marriage wouldn't help Kate's image in the least. I especially don't think her original Christian followers would want anything to do with that scenario.
Did anyone notice the woman (girl) in the photo behind her at the gifting shop with all the tatoos on her legs? How does one gain admittance to the gifting suite?
Oh MY, so many comments to make. She should stop posing for pictures, it's hard to keep up with the critiquing when there are so many and so much to diss about.
#1 Boobs are inflated tooooo much when there is that much spillage out the SIDE. (also when you see the little fat wrinkles in the underarm area when arm is raised. Round shoulders are sooooo attractive above a loooooow strapless mess, I mean dress.
Facial expression: priceless.
#2 Safari Schtick enSemble too small, makes boobs look smushedish. Color not so great on her either! Silly look exentuates the age lines around the mouth.
#3 Frontal view in dress and hat, well, shows toooo much of how bad they look together. Can stevie show her how NOT to stand knock kneed and pidgeon toed?
#4 WOW, she has UGLY legs! The ruching (sp) around her middle just adds to her thickish waste (I mean waist).
There is a frontal pic in the strapless mess that reeeeeally shows off the overinflation. They are floating waaaay high (makes for a good triple chin rest).
Being young and cute the REAL princess still looks cute even with the horse added to her already ridiculously ridiculous hat. Kate is just looking too old to pull off almost any look she goes for and she can't even blame that many goofs on bad luck. She just ain't got no taste.
i actually do have to go run this morning, and haven't ever posted here before......but really, Kate, there's not enough plastic surgery, hair extension, or really good bras to overcome that permanent scowl on your face........do they give "scowl-lifts?" you need one.
I'm too tired to give fashion advice. Linda G. said it all in the last post. I didn't see the purse, but is it the same one in all the NYC pics? Is she STILL using that tiny little silver purse?
She should be smiling in the top pic. She should be happy to be chosen to be anywhere at this point in her career. Why does she look like such a snot? Like she is doing them a favor? She should be grateful & smiley. The pink dress in the hat (?) lounge isn't that bad really, but she is too tan. She really needs to lay off the tanning. That is soooo gonna screw up her skin, & she will regret it.
I haven't seen all the other pictures everyone else is talking about. She is lucky to be ANYWHERE. She should be happy to be asked. Is she going to be home for Mother's Day? I can't imagine not being with my kid on mothers day.
~Hippie Chick~
one banana two banana said...
Off topic, kind of-ish. Could not resist and had to share it with you guys. I looked at my online betting site and there is a horse called 'pants on fire' with 12 to 1 odds. I plunked down $100 bet in hopes of recouping some of this wasted time. Wish me luck. The name JUMPED out at me with Pants on Fire. Liar Liar-so fitting.
I heard yesterday on my local radio station (they had a guy from VS. on) that Pants on Fire was sluggish. I hope he does well, but yeah...I can't remember who they said was the front runner without looking at names. Good Luck though!! He also said they all good chances this year too. So who knows??!! Best of luck Banana!!!
Man, Kate looks rough. Seriously, I wonder what she is doing to herself. As another poster pointed out, she looks nothing like the woman on the right side of the screne with the fork headed towards her noggin.
I wonder if she could be an alcoholic? I mean some hard core drinkers do have rough skin (never understood why though?) and Kate's skin looks very dried out and rough.
It is very sad to see what she's become. She is really just a clown. She has no fashion sense at all yet she struts around like she's a fashion diva thinking she looks great but she only looks ridiculous.
Wow, I really wish that woman would hire a stylist. A choker chain with that too small/too short dress? Combine the earrings. Ugh. That maroon dress is not flattering at all, and it does look cheap. Too much going on there, hat, dress and those shoes. I seriously don't get why she doesn't get advice. Her posture is HORRIBLE. I have noticed it many times. Poor woman, she really seems so desperate.
Why on earth would Kate need "security" there, even in the gifting suite? Security is very tight at the Derby. Oh yeah, forgot, Steve is really not security at all. I can only imagine what people say about her having her "bodyguard" with her constantly, even when not needed.
ADMIN, thanks for that recap. Pretty much what I have read. Your's has so much humor added, it makes it even more enjoyable.
Found this on Twitter. hehehe
Saw a pic of that gold dress and it is SHORT! Have been trying to find a full-length pic to see what shoes she's wearing with this but can't find one. Anyone have a link? I did see a short interview with her at the party and, as usual, it was ME ME ME.
What is wrong with her freakin hair? It really looks so dry and completely over processed. She certainly is not good advertising for their salon at all. I cannot imagine spending so much on your hair there, ($900 for a haircut?!) to have it look like that? As self centered as she is, you would think she would spend more time making it look good. Amazing.
Another view of the party dress. I thought the Kentucky Derby was all about understated elegance, i.e., old money, refined people, etc. What the heck? This is even worse than that stupid mini blue sequined thing she wore in Australia for the 10-minute New Years party. How can someone be so clueless?
I was thinking about Twist of Kate. There were about 3 episodes rumored. One in the restaurant, the pix were leaked. One was being on a garbage truck and one as a firefighter. Most of that footage, that we know about, was shot with her "skunk" hairdo. Now, why would they air such old footage as a 'new' series? That just doesn't make sense. Someone referenced the Wiki write up, even on that, it says due to declining ratings, Twist of Kate will probably not be aired at all. (Yes, I know Wiki is not that reliable) It just makes no sense to air that after what? 2 years since the first announcement? Unless, as I have said before, they may throw it out there, when K8 plus 8 finally gets axed.
Holy CRAP!!! When Kate went to the Barnstable Brown party last night in that early trailer trash mini, everyone with class must have crapped themselves. The party is now called the Brownstable Barn Party.
I think Kate said in a tweet recently that her hair was "all hers, since January." Which is about the time everyone started commenting on how horrible it looked, flat, lifeless, and like straw. Even when her hair was short it always looked thick and healthy even if the style left something to be desired...nowadays it just looks overprocessed, dull, and thin.
Another full length of Kate - showing her shoes and tattoo:
So trashy.
LMAO, funny pics. She looks old, haggard, tired. Plus, like she's trying to look younger, which only makes her look foolish.
That dress from last night is so fugly, cheap and trashy looking. AND, it's a mini dress:
That pic is the worst one, but here are two more:
Banstable Brown
I agree with Carolina Peach - For God's sake K8 stand up straight - especially when going strapless! I guess no one is paying for a stylist so she put together her outfits herself.
What an embarrassment she is...frightening when she wears that grin like she is looking down on the rest of society and telling everyone "Ive made it."
She always comes across as a child playing dress-up.
Kentucky Derby Party Celebrity Rankings, as of May 6:
#12 Kate Gosselin— The hero of white trash America should have 'em swooning in the infield. Just some advice, Kate, don’t being the rug rats. Derby isn’t known for role model behavior (not that you've ever tried to be one).
Admin-I think you should post the picture in Pjs momma's link. Also, if you want to see what other celebrities were wearing check this out.
I'm not usually one to comment on Kate's appearance, but that dress certainly defines "What Not to Wear".
well now she has tweeted that she wants to go to england. what a selfish witch.
Why are we assuming Kate doesn't have a stylist?
She may very well have a stylist. She could be just ignoring them! It fits. A narcissist doesn't look to others for guidance or accept tips or hints or help with themselves. After all they already are masters of the universe.
The narcissist I worked for does have a stylist, and she does listen to her most of the time. However she has insisted for years she looks great in red when she doesn't, and has been told by many professionals she shouldn't wear it. She has vetoed them and can be seen in numerous press photos with red lipstick and a fire engine red dress.
I guess that could be arrogance too. "I know best" sort of thing.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
LMAO, funny pics. She looks old, haggard, tired. Plus, like she's trying to look younger, which only makes her look foolish.
That dress from last night is so fugly, cheap and trashy looking. AND, it's a mini dress:
That pic is the worst one, but here are two more:
Banstable Brown
Sigh. Kate's stylist should be fired, tout de suite- I mean, assuming she has one.
For once, would it kill Kate to wear something appropriate, lovely, and becoming?
My non-professional opinion: The dress is ill fitting, and belongs on a younger woman. In addition, frankenboobies are threatening to spill out- never acceptable, and bottom line, not pretty.
I'm done.
*You know the saying, "Putting your best foot forward?" When you want to make an good impression, you want to be taken seriously, and respectfully? Well, someone forgot to tell Kate that she's never going to be taken seriously for anything if she continues to dress the way she does.*
I wouldn't say she is queen of "white trash." I think there are many people whom others might look down on as "white trash" who take good care of their kids and would never exploit them like she has and probably don't even like her.
Rather, she is queen of the stupids and bad mothers. And both.
Looks like TLC has given Kate back her Twitter rights. What does that say to me? That TLC doesn't give a shit what she does because the last two rounds of ratings made it clear what her future is in television.
Thanks for the full-length view. If that dress weren't cut so low (way too much boobage) and came to just above her knees, I think she would look pretty. Her shoes are perfect for the dress. As is, it also looks like a prom reject.
Anonymous said...
well now she has tweeted that she wants to go to england. what a selfish witch.
CharNewland Charlotte Newland
loving that @Kateplusmy8 tweets back!! Please come to visit Essex in England! I would skip doing this revison just to see you!
3 hours ago
in reply to @CharNewland ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@CharNewland Next dream location: England for sure!!would die to see B palace!
20 minutes ago via Twitterrific
Before that, she tweeted again about how she wants to go to the Derby EVERY year, typical of her:
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@LivinForLife This quote is story of my life....love it. Thanks. So excited! Can't wait! I wanna do the derby every yr!
23 minutes ago via Twitterrific
wifey217 Shayla Overton
@Kateplusmy8 did you do the big hat?
8 minutes ago
in reply to @wifey217 ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@wifey217 Just you wait. Having a bit of hat panic-- so um so not feeling quite comfortable yet.. But know I will soon!;)
1 minute ago via Twitterrific
When I look at this picture all I think of is the movie A Christmas Story when Randy is in his snowsuit and can't put his arms down...Not an attractive look K8, having your arms out like that excentuates your thick middle.
To be fair, those other celebs on that imnotobsessed.com site look pretty trashy too. Is that some sort of 'lesser' event? Do they specifically have a D-list/tacky event, LOL?
"I wonder if I squeeze out this fart I've been holding in, if anybody will hear it."
Can I just say something with the risk of offending some people here?
I CANNOT STAND strapless dresses, especially when your boobs are all squished and shoved in and bulge hanging out everywhere. I think there is a small minority who can pull off strapless dresses and still manage to look classy, but the majority of women just look trashy. Looks like sausages being squished into a sausage casing.
Kate looks so rode hard and hung up wet in that strapless dress.
Correct me if I'm wrong but in this picture it looks like the black "slip" under the dress just goes to her finger tips and the rest is sheer......WOW
I looked at the pictures of the "celebrities" at the Derby party...who are they? Of course I do recognize Anna Nicole Smith's baby daddy Larry Birkhead. Real classy event, no wonder Kate was invited.
Gag me said...
Another full length of Kate - showing her shoes and tattoo:
So trashy.
Oh my gawd! Those are the worst pics, definitely. So, it's really a micro-mini because the bottom couple of inches are sheer. The real dress underneath only comes to slightly past her fingertips. And the shoes, yikes!
Direct links to closeups of the WORST shots (thanks, "gag me"):
Good grief, she says "um" even in her dang tweets!
LOL, it looks like there will be some very snark worthy pics coming soon:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Having hat panic--it's big&feathery&matches my dress perfectly.. But.It's a big1 2 pulloff!Allingood fun I guess.willdomybest 2 wearitproud!
11 minutes ago
I don't think they are intentionally inviting trashy celebrities, I bet it's a case of they extend the invitation to 500 celebrities hoping that if just 20 or 30 of those show up that's a good return. Naturally most of those 20 or 30 are the very bottom of the D-listers just happy to be invited to any kind of somewhat relevant event.
At least her handlers finally wised up, putting her at a horse event with that 'Mr. Ed' mouthful of teeth and grin was genius.
Any description or emotion that comes to mind when I read anything about her or see photos always includes the word 'embarrassing.'
Something is just off about the whole outfit (the black dress). Then again, she never has worn the right clothing for her body type. She usually doensn't look good in what she wears no matter attractive the garment because it's either too short or too low cut.
And "the girls" look so mashed and squished. Not attractive at all.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
Gag me said...
Another full length of Kate - showing her shoes and tattoo:
So trashy.
Oh my gawd! Those are the worst pics, definitely. So, it's really a micro-mini because the bottom couple of inches are sheer. The real dress underneath only comes to slightly past her fingertips. And the shoes, yikes!
Direct links to closeups of the WORST shots (thanks, "gag me"):
I can't, this is too much. Her photos keep getting worse and worse. If I gave a damn about her, I would be weeping right now.
So, instead I will enjoy my Saturday, and I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday as well.
xxxxxx Happy Mother's Day to all of you xxxxxxxx
(not only birth moms, adoptive moms, grandmothers, and aunts- but anyone that has made a difference in a child's life by being there for them, with a loving & caring heart. You all rock!)
These pics scream "trying too hard." Desperate and we must question Kate's level of taste constantly. I'm not getting why she ever had a "body guard." If TLC is paying Steve, they are wasting their money. Nobody really cares anymore. No way would she be mobbed by the fans. She is delusional as always. Those poor kids. Vicki G. doesn't exhibit class, either.
Does anyone remember a long time ago the Real Housewives of Orange county episode where Vicki freaked out because the airport shuttle limo thing wasn't big enough or something? It went on and on and definitely was something Kate would do. It was a pretty talked-about scene, but when I tried to find it, looks like Bravo, Vicki or both worked overtime to make sure it was completely swiffered from the internet never to be see again. Ironically Vicki's downfall is sort of the opposite of Kate's--she works TOO hard, TOO much, never stops, doesn't have a lazy bone in her body. It's like two extremes standing next to each other, and both problems affect the kids in much the same way actually.
PJ's momma said...
Another view of the party dress. I thought the Kentucky Derby was all about understated elegance, i.e., old money, refined people, etc. What the heck? This is even worse than that stupid mini blue sequined thing she wore in Australia for the 10-minute New Years party. How can someone be so clueless?
If you scroll down, you see 2 more pics of Barnstable (?) party-goers in classy understated black dresses.
Ugh. KHate looks like a cigarette girl from that old old commercial - anybody old as me remember it?
Bet the nag is chomping gum too.
@CharNewland Next dream location: England for sure!!would die to see B palace!
20 minutes ago via Twitterrific
Hehe. Well I called that one. I was making fun of her twitter style on here a few days ago and sure enough the twat twittered almost the identical tweet.
AuntieAnn said...
Or how about
oooolondn iwanago2buknghmpalice its onmy bucket list 2 pleez letTLC no so ican gothere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
April 29, 2011
She's to the point where she's so predictable that she's taken all the fun out of it.
Good grief! The dress isn't on straight. It's crooked. The whole thing needs to be moved to her right, and positioned evenly over those "girls." The one side is lower than the other one. In fact, just yank everything to the right, including her upper jaw so that the center of her teeth is lined up beneath the center of her lip!
That dress, on the right person (and a younger one) wouldn't be bad. I could see where someone could pull it up, but that someone isn't Kate.
Laurie (again) said...
Correct me if I'm wrong but in this picture it looks like the black "slip" under the dress just goes to her finger tips and the rest is sheer......WOW
No, you are correct! I said the same thing in my post at 9:35 (your post wasn't here yet). Scroll up to that comment and click on the two links (TRASHY LOSER) to see the close ups. This might be her worst outfit yet!
xxxxxx Happy Mother's Day to all of you xxxxxxxx
(not only birth moms, adoptive moms, grandmothers, and aunts- but anyone that has made a difference in a child's life by being there for them, with a loving & caring heart. You all rock!)
Right back atcha Pink! You have a great weekend!
Picture #1 - This is what getting a good bra will do for you!
Ugh. KHate looks like a cigarette girl from that old old commercial - anybody old as me remember it?
Cigars, cigarettes, Tiparillos?
I don't generally comment on Kate's looks, but there are no words for that dress.
Dulcina said...I don't generally comment on Kate's looks, but there are no words for that dress.
Not even fugly?
These fans are really something. They are going on and on about Jon cheating, Jon this, Jon that and sending them ALL to Kate, too. Even one said Jon won't give up 'his' weekend, even though it is Mother's day. How the heck can he give it up, SHE ISN'T AT HOME. They really have no class at all. None. IF Kate was any sort of real woman, she would tell them all to shut it about Jon.
How is she managing to conceal her 'good bra' in that gold dress?
Go back and look at J&K+8 '10 Little Pumpkins' episode. The liar sure wasn't wearing the 'good bra' then. Hers got little boops.
Dulcina said...
Ugh. KHate looks like a cigarette girl from that old old commercial - anybody old as me remember it?
Cigars, cigarettes, Tiparillos?
hahaha - that's it!! Thanks much!
If those aren't implants then no one's are. Good bra, right.
xxxxxx Happy Mother's Day to all of you xxxxxxxx
Thanks Pink, you too! And all you Mothers on the board, have a wonderful day.
ADMIN I remember Vicki's freak out about the limo. Heck I didn't blame her. LOL They were running late and the limo they sent WAS small. I would have been mad too.
Well, reading around I found out -- the pictures look bad of Kate because the "light is bad" the photographer doesn't know how to take pictures". Also Kate "looks bad because TLC EDITED her that way, TLC owes her plenty for that" Ummm There goes that "logic" again. Never in my life have I seen such rubbish.
No regrets, it wasn't that Vicki wasn't justified in being upset they sent the wrong limo. It was how she handled it.
Same with Kate. Heck, there's a lot Kate has been justified to be upset about too. I would be upset about gum stuck on a bear, too. Gum is the worst. It was how she handled it, essentially calling up Jodi and making her feel like shit for it.
She's justified to be upset at Jon for a lot of things, too. Just as Jon is justified to be upset with her. But it's not okay to deal with that emotion by publically trashing him.
Actually speaking of this, this is how a lot of sheeple try to spin what we are saying. That that is not a perfect mother and they would be upset about gum, too.
Not understanding, or perhaps turning a blind eye to, that is absolutely not what we are saying. No one is saying Kate has no right to be upset about gum. We're saying she shouldn't have reacted the way she did. Huge difference.
Maybe she has a future in porn films - looks to me she is dressing the part. I thought the party last night was hosted as a charity event. Her reps forgot to tell her to tone it down a notch. She certainly showed herself off this time - pure trash.
ADMIN Oh I fully agree with you. Vicki did overreact. And yes, Kate handles everything very poorly. Very poorly, indeed.
It is as if she has absolutely no one else to talk to, so she unloads it all in public, on tv, and on twitter now. It really reflects so poorly on her. Any sort of respect I ever had for her, which I admit wasn't much, was long gone when she trashed him. I was very upset when Jon said he despised her on tv. They both seem very immature. Jon, hopefully has learned, he does seem to handle things better. Not sure Kate ever will. She gets fawned over for her idiotic displays in public, and that certainly does not help her learn a thing. I seriously think many of her fans are men haters too, the way they carry on. I forget the word--I think Maggie posted, hater of men and boys.
I would be upset about gum stuck on a bear, too. Gum is the worst.
Not disagreeing about gum, but when she threatened to throw out Collin's bear because of it, was the last straw for me. Stopped watching.
Oh Lordie Bee! Where to start!
The tan dress is a simple, basic "Mom" dress that would be comfortable and practical for shopping or picking up the kiddos at the bus stop, but it's not appropriate for the occasion It's also a size too small.
That fuschia or hot pink or whatever the hell that color is is one fugly creation. It's too small, badly cut, waaaaaaay too youthful and, again, inappropriate for the occasion. The hat is okay, but doesn't work with the dress and should be worn further forward on the head.
The Barnstable Brown dress is way too short, badly fitting, and looks like something Snookie would wear. In addition, the jewelry doesn't go with the outfit and the shoes are a size too small. I'm sorry, but the bare leg look just turns me off. Most women do NOT look good with bare legs and a dress that short. Her make-up is badly done and her hair is a mess.
Many people have commented on the state of Kate's skin and hair. I'm firmly convinced that at least part of the problem is poor nutrition. If she is, as reported, following an extreme low fat/low carb diet, that would account for the dry, wrinkly skin and straw-like hair. Too little fat in the diet causes the skin to dry out and lose elasticity and dries the hair out and makes it brittle. The human body needs between 20 - 30 grams of fat a day, at a minimum, to maintain healthy skin and hair. Of course, the over tanning and frequent bleaching don't help at all.
Overall Grade - F.
I think Kate takes Steve everywhere because she is so insecure of herself. She wants somebody there with her and for her and probably she thinks it makes her look like a bigger star.
This was mentioned before and it is so true. She looks rode hard and put away wet. She is another one of the big boobed, fake blonde, over-tanned and processed thirty-something who actually look 10 to 15 years older instead of younger. She tries way too hard and looks trashy instead of classy. What's with her legs? They look 2x darker than the rest of her and it is very obvious.
She is am embarassment to herself and to her to actually believe she is a star is ridiculous. There is a difference between a reality TV star and a movie star. Reality TV stars are D-listers for the most part. Kate isn't even a socialite and now, she is a dud. I hope people stop inviting her to events now because there are really only 2% of America who truly want to see her. The other 98% just wants to see her star dim for the sake of her kids.
Another Mothers Day without being with her kids. What about Neverything is for the kids". No, everything is for Kate. Real mothers would fly out early to be able to be home with their kids on Mothers Day. Just another reason she is not or never will be Mother of the Year.
Remember the episode where Jon and Kart go to the store to get Kate some new clothes? Kart said Jon was helping her pick new clothes because she didn't have any fashion sense.
That is the only time she has ever told the truth. She sure doesn't know how to dress. She looks so pathetic.
Hmmmm...I wonder? The Barnstable Brown party is a fund raiser so do you think Kate gave a check or did she figure her appearance (along with flashing the girls) was enough of a donation.
Forgot to mention, I remember that old "Cigars, Cigarettes, Tiparillos" commercial, too. That was Edie Adams, a classy TV and movie comedienne, who was married to Ernie Kovacs.
I read Barnstable Brown party cost $900 to attend. I am sure TLC paid for it and the whole trip.
$900 bucks eh? That's got to be at least a dozen gymnastics lessons for the kids who want to do it.
No Regrets - the word you're looking for is misandry - hatred of males. Personally, I think Kate is a misanthrope - one who hates human kind. She sure doesn't like males, but she doesn't seem to like females much better.
It's not that she hates humankind, she just has no use for us.
I thought I was the only one who noticed that Kate's teeth don't line up as they should. She even wore braces and this wasn't fixed.
How in the world does Kate not realize that she looks like a hooker? A respectable mother of 8 would never be caught dead looking this way.
She should ask for her money back from that boob job. One on the left looks significantly BIGGER.
Beth said...
I thought I was the only one who noticed that Kate's teeth don't line up as they should. She even wore braces and this wasn't fixed.
Orthodontics straighten teeth. Her jaw is so misaligned that braces wouldn't have fixed it. She needs orthognathic surgery.
"That fuschia or hot pink or whatever the hell that color is is one fugly creation"
Fuchsia. Magenta. How about just plain "pimping pink?"
Where are Stacy and Clinton when you really need them?
You know,I am starting to feel very sorry for kate, she has so much money,yet she looks so old for her age. That dress she picked-out of all that she could have selected-does nothing good for her,you can see her implants so easily.I always thought that if a woman had extra money,she could delay aging using the best products,and plastic surgery. I look at kate, and she is not having luck fighting aging. And now you can see the fat and skin starting to hang down over her knee caps. That will be the next plastic surgery. Does she ever look in a mirror? Poor,sad woman.
Wow-I did not read any posts before I said my peace, after reading them all now,so many others feel the same way I do about her face,hair,dresses,posture-she may have a lot of money, but she sure is not using it to make herself look any better. She just does not have any class or breeding. Hillbilly.
momof3 said...Another Mothers Day without being with her kids. What about Neverything is for the kids". No, everything is for Kate. Real mothers would fly out early to be able to be home with their kids on Mothers Day. Just another reason she is not or never will be Mother of the Year.
Someone asked her about spending Mother's day with her kids, and Kate tweeted that they were at their dad's for the weekend, with sad smiley face.
Isn't the main reason because she CHOSE to go to the Kentucky Derby instead of spending the weekend with her kids? I doubt TLC twisted her arm and forced her to attend for a work-related event.
I don't see Jon being cruel enough to schedule his visitation on the same weekend as Mother's Day, as he would probably want them for Father's Day.
I saw that tweet and thought she was trying to blame Jon for not being able to spend Mother's Day with the kids. I also saw it as her excuse for why she's at the Kentucky Derby because Jon wanted the kids this weekend.
So were the kids with Jon last weekend while Kate was away with the girl sextuplets? Since her TLC meeting, she hasn't really been home with her kids except to GTL (gym, tan, laundry) before jetting off again.
I miss the Kate calendar.
Prairiemary - As a hillbilly born and bred, I resemble that remark! LOL! Seriously, no self-respecting hillbilly family would want to claim our Katie Irene. Hillbillies are often poor and not all of us are educated, but one thing we value above all others is family.
Last night, Khate tweeted this:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
GN all! Can't keep eyes open any longer... Race day tomorrow. Must have my wits abt me to win! #8 all the way (whoever it may be:)
15 hours ago
So, I have the Derby on and a few minutes ago, they said that despite the fact that it seems like an open field this year and just about any of the 19 has a chance, the favorite is #8 "Dialed In" at 5-1, the Derby favorite! Get ready for Khate and the sheeple to be bragging!!
It's a standard, pretty much no-brainer order that Mom gets the kids on Mother's Day and Dad on Father's day--unless for some reason that parent can't have the kids...which looks like the case here!
Kate is screwing around at the Brown Derby this weekend, I can't imagine she is going to be home even until at the earliest Sunday morning, and she'll be tired and want to unpack and rest and twitter-twatter. Jon is doing her a favor taking the kids so they don't have to be with nannies.
I have never in my life drawn up a family law exit order that didn't provide for mother's day with mom and father's day with Dad. Ever. And I must have done hundreds by now. The only reason it wouldn't happen is because of situations like this.
Kate knows full well the inference her fans will draw from this, mean Daddy took the kids on Mother's Day. Not only is their visitation none of our business, but she has no right to give her opinion on the arrangements to anyone but the court of law.
She just looks trashed, trashy, and out of her element. She looks old beyond her years. (I for one think it is due to drinking, smoking and over tanning, and perpetually scowling.) And after all this time, she still has not learned that baring your gritted teeth does not photograph as a smile.
Most of these pics come across as her being out of her league. That 80's purple prom dress doesnt help either, Kate. You are over reaching and making a fool of yourself. Again.
Readerlady, exactly how I feel. I don't like this implication Kate is the celebrity of the "hillibies" or "white trash" or "blue collar." It's insulting.
Kate is the celebrity of about 5 stupids and some tweens who will grow out of it, that's it.
Just curious. Does anyone know/remember if Jon had the kids on Father's Day last year? I know that, before the split, Jon made a big deal about Mother's Day, for Kate, fixing her breakfast in bed and doing special things for her, but she never did a thing for him for Father's Day.
I am pretty sure that Kate's idea of Mother's Day means being AWAY from the kids, not WITH them. They are nothing more than an utter annoyance to her, always have been, always will be. She only tolerates them because they bring her attention and they work to support her.
About Khate tweeting that Jon has the kids this weekend - I remember that he had them Easter weekend, so if they follow an every other weekend schedule, she had them last weekend, and this is his weekend. However, as someone who practiced family law for many years, I know that if the regular visitation schedule works out so that the kids are not with Mom on Mother's day, or Dad on Father's Day, the parties usually rearrange the schedule as that's usually in the best interests of the children.
I'm sure she could have had them this weekend, but it wasn't convenient since she had this invitation. She just cannot pass up free trips, hotels, and swag!
Yes, she has been away from home quite a bit the last couple of weeks. Knowing that she would be away last week (supposedly with the three younger girls) and then not scheduled to have the kids this weekend for Mother's Day, you would think she'd want to be home this week to see them prior to Mother's Day.
Beth said...
I thought I was the only one who noticed that Kate's teeth don't line up as they should.
I've seen this mentioned here several times now. Strangely, I have never noticed that her teeth are misaligned. Could someone lease point me to a good picture that shows this? Thanks!
If Kate has a problem with not getting Mother's Day, march her little fanny over to the courthouse and ask for it. Twitter is certainly not the place to bemoan it.
There isn't a judge in the world who wouldn't give a mother Mother's Day IF she were actually home. Even abusive mothers whose kids are in foster care get Mother's Day as long as their visits are monitored.
Sorry, but there are too many people who have worked in family law listening to her spin that know she is ...fulll....of .....smelly....crap.
Does Joan Rivers cover the Derby on Fashion Police? I would love to see the 4 of them rate Kate's look!
My first thought when I saw Photo #1 was another line from Legally Blonde (paraphrased):
Kate, when you dress up as a frigid bitch, try not to look so constipated.
Prairiemary, you are free to feel sorry for her, so this is not personal. I agree that she looks more than 10 years older than her age, but she did it to herself.
AuntieAnn, that dress is beyond fugly.
readerlady, Edie Adams was playing a role. kate is playing herself. Sad..........
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
About Khate tweeting that Jon has the kids this weekend - I remember that he had them Easter weekend, so if they follow an every other weekend schedule, she had them last weekend, and this is his weekend.
Don't they do the yearly holiday thing, and isn't this Jon's "year" to have them on holidays?
Did you know that Erin Andrews is at the Derby? I wonder if Khate will be hanging onto her so it looks like she has some girlfriends.
I've seen this mentioned here several times now. Strangely, I have never noticed that her teeth are misaligned. Could someone lease point me to a good picture that shows this? Thanks!
Here you go. Her upper jaw needs to be moved to HER RIGHT.
If you enlarge the photo, you can really see it. The center of her upper two front teeth line up below her left nostril.
So sorry Admin.,readerlady, you both are so right. Guess I was not thinking clearly.
Happy Mother's Day to all of you.
Tomorrow will mark 9 Mother's Days since my daughter passed. I still have the 6 dried roses she gave to me that last year. I hope kate never has to learn how time spent with children can be very short, and should not be exchanged for a weekend of parties.
Nobody likes: Here's another one -
They seem to be doing the odd year/even year holiday things which is such a standard order I'm not surprised, but that usually doesn't include Mother's Day/Father's Day. Usually mommies get their day and Dad theirs no matter what the year no matter whose weekend it is. Unless you agree to something else.
Jon's weekend probably fell on Mother's Day this year but it would have been Kate's day--except she's screwing around at the Derby and not available to take her day. Thus, by default, the kids stay with Jon.
Go to Pic 18
They didn't even put her name in the caption.
OMG, also pic #19. I don't know how to get the direct link to put here, but you have to check them out! Admin, maybe put them in this post? The dresses just get worse!
"readerlady said...No Regrets - the word you're looking for is misandry - hatred of males. Personally, I think Kate is a misanthrope "
Yes, thanks. The second might be more fitting. LOL
Didn't someone say that Jon tweeted he took the girls shopping last weekend? Or was that during the week? I thought the shopping trip coincided around the time of this alleged trip with the little girls?
"Moose Mania said...Don't they do the yearly holiday thing, and isn't this Jon's "year" to have them on holidays?"
I don't recall hearing that. BUT Kate did say SHE would NEVER miss a holiday. Ummm
Midnight Madness: Thanks for the links. Holy hell, how did I not notice that before?! I don't think I have ever seen anyone with that problem. Her right front tooth is dead center. Wow, that sucks. I hope none of the kids have inherited that!
"prairiemary said...So sorry Admin.,readerlady, you both are so right. Guess I was not thinking clearly.
Happy Mother's Day to all of you.
Tomorrow will mark 9 Mother's Days since my daughter passed. I still have the 6 dried roses she gave to me that last year. I hope kate never has to learn how time spent with children can be very short, and should not be exchanged for a weekend of parties."
Your post brought tears to my eyes. God bless you, I sincerely hope you have a good day, knowing she is watching over you. And you are so right, life is very short.
regrets said...
I don't recall hearing that. BUT Kate did say SHE would NEVER miss a holiday. Ummm
I don't know where I heard it, but I remember it surfaced during the trip to Australia because this was his year to have them on holidays, and that's why he was so upset that he was missing New Year's with them.
Direct link to Derby photos:
Double YUCK
I just looked at the pic of Kate in the gold shiny mini dress. Sweet Jesus, does that woman have no one at all on her side? First impression is recoil, ugh, how ugly, too tight, too short, makes her look chunky. Then it just looks cheap, she and the fabric. I guess when you have nothing, no talent at all, you have to keep wearing the fugly clothes to keep people talking.
Moose Mania said...You are probably right, it seems a fair thing to do. I just remember how adamant she was that SHE would never miss a holiday. LOL
Wow that dress in #18 and 19. Look at her expression. She really looks lonely. Or something. Is this event worth missing this weekend?
Don't know if this has aready been posted or not, but it is a video of the interview of Kate at the Barnstable Brown party.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist...Thanks for that pic...watched a movie and had missed seeing her. Race is getting ready to start. You're right...the dresses are getting worse and worse. She just looks foolish.
It looks like the same shoes she had on with the wrinkly magenta dress?? No way. LOL
The race is about to start. How much do you want to bet that #8 ("Dialed In")wins? Conveniently for Khate, it's the favorite with 5-1 odds. She will of course claim it was meant to be, #8, blah, blah, blah.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
Direct link to Derby photos:
Double YUCK
Hahahahahaha- whooooooooooo!!!
Thanks for hahahahahahaha posting the links hahahahahaha to the photos hahahahahahaha of the Emu/couch pillow hahahahaha on top of hahahahahaha Kate's head hahahahahahaha!
Ooooops! I think Kate's hat laid an egg....
Kymon said...
Don't know if this has aready been posted or not, but it is a video of the interview of Kate at the Barnstable Brown party.
Thanks for the link. She is So inarticulate and of limited vocabulary. Lots of "awesome", "amazing", "um". Plus, she looks so tired, old, and bored.
Not to worry. Animal Kingdom, #16 won.
I was rooting for Pants on Fire ridden by Rosie Rapavnik.
Good, her horse (#8) didn’t win. Neither did the one named “Twin Inspired”, in case she took the sheeple advice and bet on that too.
I wonder how much of the kids’ money she lost.
“Animal Kingdom" won. Ha, after her Australian adventure, the newly minted animal lover should have bet on that one
Wow #16 had odds of 30/1. Gonna pay BIG TIME. LOL
Dulcina said...
Not to worry. Animal Kingdom, #16 won.
I was rooting for Pants on Fire ridden by Rosie Rapavnik.
So was I!
mama mia said:
"I just looked at the pic of Kate in the gold shiny mini dress. Sweet Jesus, does that woman have no one at all on her side? First impression is recoil, ugh, how ugly, too tight, too short, makes her look chunky"
We can snark about it, we can laugh about it because it is so terrible, and I know that she did this to herself, but the more I think about it, it's really sad. Look at that photo (Number One, gold dress). That's beyond being fugly. Does she have a mirror? Doesn't anyone tell her she looks like a hooker who should have retired a decade ago? I'm serious. I know nothing about NPD, but would someone with this disorder not take any advice from anyone? Who is telling Kate that she looks terrific in these dresses? Is it a conspiracy to bring her down and she's just too dumb to know it?
Anyone putting on a dress like that has to stand in front of a full length mirror and see the clown staring back. What does she see? Perfection?
It really is sad. If she wouldn't be such a witch, I'd be tempted to feel sorry for her.
"“Animal Kingdom" won. Ha, after her Australian adventure, the newly minted animal lover should have bet on that one"
Hahaha Good one.
Someone tell me, isn't she wearing the same shoes with both the magenta outfit and the feather-ish hat? LOL
Oh, dear God. That Derby hat and dress. Horrible!
prairemary: Sorry, I just read your post. I feel awful. I know that although every day must be difficult with the loss of your daughter, some are even worse and tomorrow is one of them. I pray that tomorrow and always you are comforted by the good times you shared with your daughter and the memories of what a special person she was. God bless.
Crap. My son just told me that looking at all the names of the horses, if we were betting, he would have bet on Animal Kingdom. I'm sure he would have, because he likes to call himself "Animal King" due to his love of any and all animals. Now he tells me, we could have won some money!
I was rooting for Mucho Macho Man, and he showed!!! Such an inspiring story. Where did Dialed In wind up? Last I heard his name mentioned, he was running dead last. Hope that horse, Archarcharch is okay. Last thing we need is a repeat of the Eight Belles tragedy.
Prairiemary - no offense. I was teasing you re the hillbilly thing. Actually, I'm only a half billy. My Mom's people come from Ky, and I was born and raised in Appalachian Ohio, but my Dad came from the Tidewater area of Va. I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sitting here missing my Mom and wishing I had just one more Mother's Day with her, and your story is infinitely more sad. Hugs and prayers for you.
No regrets said...
Someone tell me, isn't she wearing the same shoes with both the magenta outfit and the feather-ish hat? LOL
Yes, it's the same shoes. She had to pack light because Steve's tired of carrying all her bags.
Feather-ish hat? My sediments (lol) exactly! It looks like a big feather duster!
I don't want to look like I want sympathy.
I only want for parents to understand life with our children can be very, very short, and we are never promised tomorrow.Spend time making real memories, not memories paid for by a t.v show.
I would hope that this crosses kate's mind somedays, but I am fairly doubtful that it does.
Enjoy your children tomorrow:)
prairemary - I am hugging you right now. Be still for a moment... can you feel it? That's me, just hugging. God Bless you dear.
Thanks for the link. She is So inarticulate and of limited vocabulary. Lots of "awesome", "amazing", "um"
That's all she can ever manage. Can you imagine her being the host of a talk show? You have to have at least some words in your vocabulary. She has none. She never did. She never will.
Hey Kate. Just because you can zip it up does not mean it's right for you. You need at least a size bigger in most of your clothes anyway.
I think Steve attends these things with her so she will have somebody to talk to. She looks like she's alone most of the time at these events. Steve is a built in conversation partner. At least he doesn't ignore her.
Link to Kate on red carpet at Derby today. I think she ran over an ostrich on the way.
PrairieMary: Thinking of you. How very sad. I'm also sure she's looking down from Heaven. Happy Mother's Day to all Moms on this blog! (Oh, and I'm hoping ArchArchArch is okay...it's apparent he was hurt right out of the gate. Can't stand for animals to be injured.)
@Kateplusmy8 Hi Kate! Sorry about horsie #8. Animal Kingdom? Who knew? Not me, that's for sure. Lost $150, but it was exciting!
Does a guy say "horsie?" It was pointed out that "he" described the dress as magenta.
If I were a betting person, I'd say either this person is a gal, or one of Kate's alter egos!
E-town Neighbor said...
We can snark about it, we can laugh about it because it is so terrible, and I know that she did this to herself, but the more I think about it, it's really sad. Look at that photo (Number One, gold dress). That's beyond being fugly. Does she have a mirror? Doesn't anyone tell her she looks like a hooker who should have retired a decade ago? I'm serious. I know nothing about NPD, but would someone with this disorder not take any advice from anyone? Who is telling Kate that she looks terrific in these dresses? Is it a conspiracy to bring her down and she's just too dumb to know it?
Anyone putting on a dress like that has to stand in front of a full length mirror and see the clown staring back. What does she see? Perfection?
KHate's not looking at a full-length mirror.....she's WEARING it.
She sure doesn't like males, but she doesn't seem to like females much better.
Then why does she want a man in her life? I remember her telling the salesman "Men! Aren't they lovely?" in a sarcastic tone on the episode where Collin was constipated and Jon had to take him out and help him. If she really thinks that poorly about men, why does she want one? Is she that insecure? She had Jon, who was wonderful to her, and she kicked him to the curb.
Sorry for the overposting, but just want to make two quick points: First, SusieQ, thanks for that link...I thought she was very close to being rude in that short interview. Second, MooseMania, I've never heard of any grown man saying "horsie" and think you are spot on in thinking Iwanna is manufactured, whether by Kate, TLC, or both.
From Twitter:
Kate Gosselin
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Sry couldn't tweet play by play.had no reception.let's just say my begluck ran out quick!(did win on race#8;horse#8today tho)noderbywin!:(
11 minutes ago
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
My derby day look... http://yfrog.com/gy3bysymj
10 minutes ago
I CANNOT STAND strapless dresses, especially when your boobs are all squished and shoved in and bulge hanging out everywhere.
I'm not a big fan of strapless dresses myself, and I agree, only a few people can pull them off. NO ONE should wear strapless dresses when your boobs are squished together like that, whether you're 18 or 48 or whatever. When your boobs are fully covered, that's fine, but please don't expose them to the world. I'm not a big fan of even a hint of cleavage showing. Call me a prude, but I like when boobs are fully clothed.
To whomever wrote that Kate's girls are not the same size, I agree. The one on her right is bigger and higher than the other.
SusieQ said...
Link to Kate on red carpet at Derby today. I think she ran over an ostrich on the way.
Thanks for posting that link! Wow, what a TERRIBLE interview. She looks tired and bored, and bothered that she even has to be there. She has the same limited vocabulary as always, including "like" a couple of times, at least. Also, as usual, when the interviewer told her she looked great, she didn't even say thank you.
The best part - when asked what she was up to besides being busy with the kids, she said they still have their show and "MY show" is coming up soon.
You know,I am starting to feel very sorry for kate, she has so much money,yet she looks so old for her age.
I know this is OT, but that's how I feel about the Olsen twins. I grew up watching them on Full House, reading their books, etc. They're worth billions of dollars, and they always dress like little old ladies, and they always look SO tired and haggard in pictures, and they rarely smile; it's kind of half-smiles. They're almost 25 and they don't dress their age or flatter their figure!
What is wrong with her freakin hair? It really looks so dry and completely over processed. She certainly is not good advertising for their salon at all. I cannot imagine spending so much on your hair there, ($900 for a haircut?!) to have it look like that? As self centered as she is, you would think she would spend more time making it look good. Amazing.
Does she order the salon guy to do her hair like that? Someone mentioned earlier that someone may tell her something doesn't look good, and she may ignore them and just do it anyway.
Well, after seeing all 3 dresses Kate had on, she looks as if she just came from Las Vegas. Or she belongs in Vegas. She reminds me of the character in the movie "Showgirl". Even dresses like her. That interview at that one party, what the heck is she talking about, she sounded stupid. Oh, and at the GWOP,, one of them posted, that their hubby went to the derby and was taking pics, at the red carpet, and he said that not many photogs or paps were taking Kates pic, a lot of them asked who is that? maybe that why she had that sour look on her face. What an A-hole.
Just have to jump in to say poor fashion sense isn't an NPD thing, just Kate's unfortunate thing, LOL.
My NPD mom always had absolutely immaculate (and very expensive, ahem) taste in clothing, shoes, bags. She knew how to dress for her figure, although I will say she did sometimes tend to lean into the inappropriately not covered up enough category when she was younger, because it got attention. She'd garden in the front yard in the tiniest, tightest pair of shorts and a bitty white tee so men would ogle her.
Other than that, though, she did know how to dress. She was a stunningly gorgeous woman, I'm dumbstruck when I look at younger pictures of her.
Of course, she also tanned a lot, though outdoors. She's now 63 and has aged rather badly, I believe because of all the sun-worshipping.
NPDs are quite prone to vanity, of course. Probably more than the average person. But I really think Kate's tragic lack of any sort of clothing sense is pretty much unrelated to the NPD. Girlfriend just can't seem to figure out how to dress herself nicely.
prairiemary said...
So sorry Admin.,readerlady, you both are so right. Guess I was not thinking clearly.
Happy Mother's Day to all of you.
Tomorrow will mark 9 Mother's Days since my daughter passed. I still have the 6 dried roses she gave to me that last year. I hope kate never has to learn how time spent with children can be very short, and should not be exchanged for a weekend of parties.
Prairiemary, please forgive me for not seeing your post.
I'm so sorry to hear of your dear daughter's passing. I don't know how long she was in your life, but I can tell that she was a blessing to you, and that you both loved each other very much.
God bless you.
With love & hugs,
Kate has posted her "derby day look" with the hat that matches the dress "perfectly". Well, sorry to tell you, Kate, but that is one of the ugliest hats I've ever seen, and I don't know anybody that likes to show their boobs as much as she does. I'll bet Cara and Mady are embarrassed to death by the way she dresses. I'm sure she was the laughingstock of L-ville all weekend. She makes Steve go with her everywhere because no one else will have anything to do with her. Everyone knows what an idiot and bitch she is, so no one wants to be associated with her. I can't imagine why she was invited to the Derby anyway.
Steve is a joke. If the man ever had a respectable career it's down the tubes now. He's nothing more than a reality TV star. Where's the man's dignity? Following a no talent diva around acting like she's someone really important is what he has lowered himself to. He can't be getting paid THAT much, can he?
I could be wrong, but I truly don't believe he and Kate are a couple. No man in his right mind would ever date her unless he's in it for the money. Here's the thing I don't get....Steve has no problem telling Kate what to do, like when they were on the SkyJump, he told her she was procrastinating and she needed to hurry up. Why is it when Steve tells her what to do, she just accepts it and doesn't argue with him, but when Jon told what to do ("pull the stick out, Kate") she scolded him and told him that wasn't nice? Is she intimidated by Steve?
Oh and while I'm at it, I don't think her misandry is related to the NPD, either. She just full-on hates men, the end.
Happy mother's day tomorrow to all the moms. Even though I haven't seen my mom in 12 years, that's a good thing, and having my daughter was the best thing that ever happened to me. I'm so thankful for her. I'll be with her tomorrow. Sadly, I actually doubt Kate will think of her kids tomorrow. It pains me to say that about any mom, but I see no evidence to think otherwise, and never have.
Prariemary -- your post was really moving. Thanks for the reminder to appreciate every moment with our kids. You're so right!
Smiley, I really don't get their relationship either. Why she responds to what Steve tells her to do and what his opinions are when she didn't respond to Jon or anyone else--anyone else who tried to tell her what's what gets estranged.
Sometimes there's that one person in a mentally ill person's life they do respond to. Steve could be her antidote. At least he isn't afraid to call her on her crap.
I especially loved his response to her whining about Jon wanting custody (how dare he want his own kids!). Steve was basically like, I can't make the decision for you, so you just have to get on with it, let's go. I appreciate that at least Steve wasn't like, oh poor you Jon is so awful. Instead he was like: just deal with it.
Same with the Skyjump, Make a decision you're wasting time!
SusieQ said... http://www.kentuckyderby.com/news/videos/kate-gosselin-red-carpet
Link to Kate on red carpet at Derby today. I think she ran over an ostrich on the way.
Thanks for the link. Did you catch that she claims she is so busy with "the show" and that "her show" will be coming soon! Really? I just can't imagine TLC is that stupid, but I also can't imagine anyone wearing the outfits that I have seen Kate in at the Derby, so Crazy Happens!
Judy K....I also think she was a bit rude in that interview. I think she knows she can't hold a conversation, so she was desperately trying to end it.
Seriously, who came up with those outfits? There are no words to describe the lack of taste involved, but Derby Day took the cake. She has to win the award for the most inappropriate outfit. It is an event that takes place during a springtime afternoon. It's not something you wear a black, lace dress to, with....well, how does one describe that hat? Atrocious...yeah, that will do.
Actually that's another thing about narcissists is they tend to each be unique. Some have fashion sense, some don't. Some are in highly functioning careers and a flourishing family, some are living with their mothers drinking beer on the couch. Some are very bright, some aren't. Kate could look good if she had the right advisers. I suspect the NPD comes in when she won't listen to what people tell her looks good or doesn't look good, since she thinks she knows better.
Or....the people in her life are telling her how good she looks, then laughing at the fallout. Could be!
That's another reason for the NPD-deniers I suppose. It's hard to lump NPD into one type of people, which makes it harder to believe it or believe it struck this or that person. The truth is it can strike anyone at random, like the flu.
I still haven't heard from a single sheeple since I threw the question out there whether they were ever a NPD's victim. Either none of them ever were, or there just aren't that many sheeple left.
Kart's oufits show her lack of identity. She started out wearing a wrinkled safari guide outfit to the luncheon. In the parade, she looked like a knock off aging barbie doll propped in the back of her convertible. At the grifting suite, she looked like a cheap street walker wearing a free hat. The shiny dress she wore for the gala looked like it was missing a TLC tiara. I'm not going to comment on her bad posture and the fake boobs pushed up showing the implant lines. Finally, there's her Kentucky Derby get up. The outfit looked like the Animal Kingdom theme park. She should have bet on that horse to win.
Second, MooseMania, I've never heard of any grown man saying "horsie" and think you are spot on in thinking Iwanna is manufactured, whether by Kate, TLC, or both.
I remember reading excerpts from the trial of an elderly male sex offender. The pervert would sneak into his granddaughter's room and tell her that it's time to play "horsie." Other than that, I don't know of any men who use that word.
I wonder which of the dresses - the pink nightmare, or the gold Vegas showgirl - she will wear to her first ribbon cutting ceremony at the grocery store.
That black dress on the Red Carpet- she looks like she's going to a costume party dressed as a Valkyrie. She should have worn a Viking hat with it:
Scroll down to Notable Valkyries
If I were a betting person, I'd say either this person is a gal, or one of Kate's alter egos!
Moose - Maybe Iwana's a lesbian.
readerlady said...I know that, before the split, Jon made a big deal about Mother's Day, for Kate, fixing her breakfast in bed and doing special things for her, but she never did a thing for him for Father's Day.
Well it's up to Steve now. Dirty job but somebody has to do it or there'll be hell to pay.
PrairieMary; So very sorry to hear about your beloved daughter. I really can feel your pain in your words. Take heart, hon, you know you'll see her again one day. She'll be there waiting for you.\oxoxoxoox
prairiemary said...
Tomorrow will mark 9 Mother's Days since my daughter passed. I still have the 6 dried roses she gave to me that last year. I hope kate never has to learn how time spent with children can be very short, and should not be exchanged for a weekend of parties.
Sadly, I think Kate is completely incapable of any such kind of self-reflection, and certainly does not show that she values her children above her own selfish desires.
My heart goes out to you, PrairieMary. Your post made me want to go wake up my sleeping 3-year-old twins just to give them an extra hug for the day.
I cannot imagine the loss of a child, and I am so sorry for your heartbreak. As mothers, we (the non-Kate types) give ourselves over to our children, loving them fully and unconditionally -- but with no guarantees that our love and protection will keep them safe from all the harms in the world. It reminds me of a quote I never fully understood until I had kids of my own: "It is fearful to love that which death can touch."
The fact that you still have the dried roses says everything about the kind of mom you are. Your time was cut short with your daughter, but it's clear that you truly appreciated how special the time you two had together was. Hugs to you on a bitter-sweet anniversary. And thank you for reminding all of us just how precious -- and tenuous -- our time together truly is.
She just doesn't fit in, no matter the situation. She seemed SO uncomfortable in every interview, she interviewed poorly, her clothing choices were atrocious, hair and makeup were messy and lacking, and she looked exhausted with bags under her eyes. The whole Derby weekend was a fail for her. What happened to the fresh face, genuine smile, and bright eyes she used to have? What a shame that she's done this to herself. And her family.
PrairieMary, my heart goes out to you for your loss especially on this holiday. I hope you are comforted by the memories of your beautiful daughter and the love she brought you. Thank you for the reminder of how fragile life is and how quickly someone can be taken away. Hugs to you.
So sorry PrarieMary for your loss....I have several friends who have lost their children in the last year and would give anything for more time spent with them. Nothing else but time. Kate has already given her childrens childhoods away, and this close to their birthdays she is away. It's obvious the kids are just the means to an end for her. A child's birthday and the weeks leading up to it are some of the most important times to a kid. I guess not in the new money Gosselin household. She is just so important now, God forbid she turn down any gig, even if it means not spending the kids birthday weekend with them. I pray for the day she fades away and we never hear of her again. She really need to read Family Life for Dummies, cause she is clueless on how to be a real mom or part of a family!
At least she didn't use "to be honest" or read from cue cards
She can read?
Just read some tweets from EmeraldCityJazz--that guy has Kate's number--he is merciless and right on target. Love it. He also said that her first tweet of the day to Webewasabi is a FAKE account. Don't know enough about Twitter to know how to verify that, but it looks set up to me. And does the real Kate even know how to spell "Louisville"?
OMG. That gold-flecked short dress? Two words. Armpit vagina.
Just a little FYI-EmeraldCityJazz is a she, not a he.
Okay, just returned from the Derby. It was interesting. The company I work for has all of the computerized betting equipment so I had access to all areas and a lot of people, including law enforcement who are used as bodyguards from the time the celebrities land in their (mostly) private planes. We had
over 100 people stationed all over Churchill Downs and no one remembers even seeing Kate Gosselin with most stating they had no desire to see her. I feel mostly because there were a lot more important people to be seen. I personally had conversations (and have pics) with Nora Roberts, Prince Albert of Monaco, Jennifer Tilley, Bob Guiney, The Jonas Bros and Bobby Flay. Nora Roberts, her husband and son were the most gracious of all! If you read the tweets from Kate Walsh, she said that she couldn't believe she had a police escort and she came in on a commercial flight.
I did not see anyone being bothered by the "paparazzi". They came in and did the pink carpet on Friday and Red Carpet on Saturday and then they were left alone to enjoy
themselves I did see Sidney Crosby - Go Pens!
Not sure why she ended up flying out of Reagan...seems far from her home, but it is closer to TLC headquarters.
I am not sorry I didn't see Kate!
Kate is just looking pathetic. Doesn't even know she doesn't know! Horrible red carpet interview. Doesn't look or speak like a "stah" to me. Wannabee, maybe?
You want a caption for this picture?
My shoes can be used float a family of 9, see they are so big. My Dad use to use them to clear out the fields as a back-hoe for digging.
You too can rent them. Hey, all my clothes are for sale too.
Had to laugh at the pic of Vicki Gunvalson and Kate. At least Vicki is one hard working Bitch and can own the right of its all ME.... Kate on the other hand is pimping out her kids yet its still all about her - see the difference? I wonder if Vicki asked her what she does for work... LOL!! Would love to have been a fly on the wall for that conversation.
Had to laugh at the pic of Vicki Gunvalson and Kate. At least Vicki is one hard working Bitch and can own the right of its all ME.... Kate on the other hand is pimping out her kids yet its still all about her - see the difference? I wonder if Vicki asked her what she does for work... LOL!! Would love to have been a fly on the wall for that conversation.
So sorry PrarieMary for your loss....I have several friends who have lost their children in the last year and would give anything for more time spent with them. Nothing else but time. Kate has already given her childrens childhoods away, and this close to their birthdays she is away. It's obvious the kids are just the means to an end for her. A child's birthday and the weeks leading up to it are some of the most important times to a kid. I guess not in the new money Gosselin household. She is just so important now, God forbid she turn down any gig, even if it means not spending the kids birthday weekend with them. I pray for the day she fades away and we never hear of her again. She really need to read Family Life for Dummies, cause she is clueless on how to be a real mom or part of a family!
Administrator said...
Smiley, I really don't get their relationship either. Why she responds to what Steve tells her to do and what his opinions are when she didn't respond to Jon or anyone else--anyone else who tried to tell her what's what gets estranged.
I believe Steve is there to protect TLC's interest by protecting Kate from publicly doing any harm to "the brand". In addition, his presence stirs up lots of gossip in the blogs and tabloids which equates to higher ratings.
It would also explain why Kate can't be dismiss or treat Steve like the rest of the hired help because he is the eyes and ears of TLC.
You want a caption for this picture?
My shoes can be used float a family of 9, see they are so big. My Dad use to use them to clear out the fields as a back-hoe for digging.
You too can rent them. Hey, all my clothes are for sale too.
SusieQ said...
Link to Kate on red carpet at Derby today. I think she ran over an ostrich on the way.
Thanks for posting that link! Wow, what a TERRIBLE interview. She looks tired and bored, and bothered that she even has to be there. She has the same limited vocabulary as always, including "like" a couple of times, at least. Also, as usual, when the interviewer told her she looked great, she didn't even say thank you.
The best part - when asked what she was up to besides being busy with the kids, she said they still have their show and "MY show" is coming up soon.
To whomever wrote that Kate's girls are not the same size, I agree. The one on her right is bigger and higher than the other.
From Twitter:
Kate Gosselin
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Sry couldn't tweet play by play.had no reception.let's just say my begluck ran out quick!(did win on race#8;horse#8today tho)noderbywin!:(
11 minutes ago
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
My derby day look... http://yfrog.com/gy3bysymj
10 minutes ago
Thanks for the link. She is So inarticulate and of limited vocabulary. Lots of "awesome", "amazing", "um"
That's all she can ever manage. Can you imagine her being the host of a talk show? You have to have at least some words in your vocabulary. She has none. She never did. She never will.
I don't want to look like I want sympathy.
I only want for parents to understand life with our children can be very, very short, and we are never promised tomorrow.Spend time making real memories, not memories paid for by a t.v show.
I would hope that this crosses kate's mind somedays, but I am fairly doubtful that it does.
Enjoy your children tomorrow:)
Crap. My son just told me that looking at all the names of the horses, if we were betting, he would have bet on Animal Kingdom. I'm sure he would have, because he likes to call himself "Animal King" due to his love of any and all animals. Now he tells me, we could have won some money!
prairemary: Sorry, I just read your post. I feel awful. I know that although every day must be difficult with the loss of your daughter, some are even worse and tomorrow is one of them. I pray that tomorrow and always you are comforted by the good times you shared with your daughter and the memories of what a special person she was. God bless.
mama mia said:
"I just looked at the pic of Kate in the gold shiny mini dress. Sweet Jesus, does that woman have no one at all on her side? First impression is recoil, ugh, how ugly, too tight, too short, makes her look chunky"
We can snark about it, we can laugh about it because it is so terrible, and I know that she did this to herself, but the more I think about it, it's really sad. Look at that photo (Number One, gold dress). That's beyond being fugly. Does she have a mirror? Doesn't anyone tell her she looks like a hooker who should have retired a decade ago? I'm serious. I know nothing about NPD, but would someone with this disorder not take any advice from anyone? Who is telling Kate that she looks terrific in these dresses? Is it a conspiracy to bring her down and she's just too dumb to know it?
Anyone putting on a dress like that has to stand in front of a full length mirror and see the clown staring back. What does she see? Perfection?
It really is sad. If she wouldn't be such a witch, I'd be tempted to feel sorry for her.
Wow #16 had odds of 30/1. Gonna pay BIG TIME. LOL
Kymon said...
Don't know if this has aready been posted or not, but it is a video of the interview of Kate at the Barnstable Brown party.
Thanks for the link. She is So inarticulate and of limited vocabulary. Lots of "awesome", "amazing", "um". Plus, she looks so tired, old, and bored.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
Direct link to Derby photos:
Double YUCK
Hahahahahaha- whooooooooooo!!!
Thanks for hahahahahahaha posting the links hahahahahaha to the photos hahahahahahaha of the Emu/couch pillow hahahahaha on top of hahahahahaha Kate's head hahahahahahaha!
Ooooops! I think Kate's hat laid an egg....
The race is about to start. How much do you want to bet that #8 ("Dialed In")wins? Conveniently for Khate, it's the favorite with 5-1 odds. She will of course claim it was meant to be, #8, blah, blah, blah.
Don't know if this has aready been posted or not, but it is a video of the interview of Kate at the Barnstable Brown party.
Direct link to Derby photos:
Double YUCK
Midnight Madness: Thanks for the links. Holy hell, how did I not notice that before?! I don't think I have ever seen anyone with that problem. Her right front tooth is dead center. Wow, that sucks. I hope none of the kids have inherited that!
"readerlady said...No Regrets - the word you're looking for is misandry - hatred of males. Personally, I think Kate is a misanthrope "
Yes, thanks. The second might be more fitting. LOL
Didn't someone say that Jon tweeted he took the girls shopping last weekend? Or was that during the week? I thought the shopping trip coincided around the time of this alleged trip with the little girls?
"Moose Mania said...Don't they do the yearly holiday thing, and isn't this Jon's "year" to have them on holidays?"
I don't recall hearing that. BUT Kate did say SHE would NEVER miss a holiday. Ummm
Go to Pic 18
They didn't even put her name in the caption.
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