....Oh. It was to film the crap out of them.

Kate also tweeted that she gave the twins three gifts for the Tup's birthday. Huh, we thought their birthday was in October.
382 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 382 of 382 Newer› Newest»Kelly is that really you? You've never been a Jon supporter. Have you changed your position? Just asking.
Tweet-le De,
There are 2 different Kellys. The one above and "Underwalt" Kelly.
Admin, about you?? I thought it was about Kate. How they continue to lie about you is beyond me. So wrong & so fruitless. They need to get a life. I'm sorry they do this to you.
What are they saying now? Is this something new, or the same old garbage about her begging for money to pay her college loans?
Whatever Admin and Emily do about the picture, I'm certain it will be artistic, truthful and
funny. I have great confidence in them both.
Even if they leave it just like it is, we know the truth about Jon's epiphany and his honest attempts to do the best for his children.
Since this is the buzz topic of the hour, my two cents on the header picture:
IMO Jons pic is great. His look is that of disgust, he has his back turned away from the twit and is looking at her out of the corner of his eye. Depicts the situation greatly! Looks like he just wants to walk away from it all, but the kids are in the background. If there were a caption above Jon, I see it saying something like "WTF? Does she NOT get it?"
So there is mu opinion. But I do like the idea of adding loverboy somewhere in there if anyhting were to be changed. The old western pic was priceless, perhaps the best spoof I have ever seen with Kate. Great job Admin.
One more thing, I noticed not one sheeple even took the time or care to RETWEET iwanas original tweet warning Kate about NAMBLA guy? WTF? You would think all 6 of her fans would have Re-tweeted the crap out of that to get some credit and some love from their 'stah'. And he has now posted that Kate did not acknowledge or thank him, but she made a general post thanking fans for having her back.
At least someone that could get her attention let her know and it appears that she has blocked the NAMBLA freak.
At least the text in the header could be modified. He hasn't gone along with the exploitation in quite some time.
Moose same old lies. This is the only one that really bugs since there is no one who believes more in a young woman working hard and making her own way. I pride myself on what I've accomplished and I never asked anyone to do it for me. I've said my peace as to that and I won't say anything more.
Admin said...
Moose same old lies. This is the only one that really bugs since there is no one who believes more in a young woman working hard and making her own way. I pride myself on what I've accomplished and I never asked anyone to do it for me. I've said my peace as to that and I won't say anything more.
May I speak on your behalf? I think the sheeple just need to keep deflecting things onto others because their idol is just oh so wrong. They know they are not right about Kate, & you & the posters here have proved that time & again. You have provided valid proof & caught Kate in so many lies it's ridiculous. The sheeple have nothing to go on. They can't deny the facts, it's right here, in black & white.
Obviously, it even struck a nerve with TLC with that cease & desist letter. You have done nothing but try & HELP those kids. I applaud you for those efforts Admin. You have a life, a FT job, a family, AND you manage a blog that I'm sure gets a shit load of hits a day with a ton of comments. Not to mention the fact that you have to wade through crap sometimes AND deal with nut cases who STILL think Kate walks on water, even though, as I said, she has been proven a liar & a fraud...by YOU.
They have NOTHING. As it's been said, it's deflect deflect deflect. They need to go on something, anything, to take the bad focus off Kate once in awhile. They have done it to other posters as well, taking comments & ripping them apart, but not to the extent of what's been done to you. It's too bad that the internet law is so wishy washy. But you are right. They WILL mess with the wrong person one day, & it WILL bite one of them in the ass. They will learn the hard way. They are basically of the junior high/high school mentality, bullying people to make themselves look better. It's sad & desperate & pathetic. Admin, you are a good person from what I have seen & I have been coming here a long time & you're blog is great. You give us all freedom to express ourselves. Thank you for that. {sorry for the long post & the mushiness, but that's how I feel!} :)
~Hippie Chick~
Last night I was shopping for an IPad at the Apple Store at the Mall of America.
I went down the line and set the home page of the model IPads to 15 Min GS hahahahahaha!!!!
KHate's evil toooothy grin was scaring away customers I'll bet!
Hope you get some new hits, hahahaha!!!
GM all.thanks4watching out4me.I haven't been on Twitter much but clearly u have been.Trying2 recover&catch up from travel&party! Goodday2all
Awww. thank4watching out4me. Not you, Kate you blithering idiot, YOUR KIDS!!! Jeebus H. Christropher, she still doesn't get it!!
And she hasn't been on twitter much?? What, did she take a shower? Since when hasn't she been on that phone?
Eat it up sheeple.
Social Antithesis, probably right about that. It wasn't some plum job anyway, but yeah, other more recent (and better) contributors have bumped her off.
Still, Ma Duggar's article is older than some listed there. Why is she still top of the list of voices?
Admin: "That" blogger's logic is such that when faced with irrefutable proof that she had posted a false memory as fact, she decided the world had conspired to change all printed records of what she was remembering differently. Even more troubling, her followers backed her up with anecdotes and examples from their own observations. Not one called her on the asinine absurdities.
This is probably not a person you can reason with or a blog to go to for your information. What she posts as FACTS (emphasis hers) are so outrageously ill thought out no one with any kind of logical thinking would read what she wrote and accept it as true. I am pretty sure your reputation will not be sullied by anything she has to say.
(I tried to edit one of her posts--just for myself--so that I could understand what the heck she was trying to say but after half hour of trying to untangle the most convoluted, hysterical, poorly phrased arguments I pulled great clumps of hair out of my head and gave up. I understand how you felt trying to recap Kate's succinct, lucid writing. Some things are best left to the mysteries of the universe!!)
Apparently the person at TLC who has the fetish for watching tiny tots vomit has struck again; the Jones quints were shown puking all over the Alamo and then all over a restaurant, before going and "giving back" to a soldier's family of 5.
EMETOPHILIA is a paraphilia in which a person is aroused by seeing others vomit.(I know, too much information....) But I would like to know who it is at TLC that enjoys this so much that they are repeating it on a different show with another group of small actors...I mean reality kiddies...
Isn't there SOMEONE who is able to stop this madness???
The kids and Jon should be moved to the right side (ironic huh?) and Kart and Purseboy to the left with Steve scooping up the cash and sticking it in his purse. Thats the reality, isn't it?
I'm on the west coast and we're experiencing damp and chilly weather. It looks somewhat like what I see in the party grocery store pictures. Of course that does not mean the temperature is the same.
I was thinking about Cara and Mady's manner of dress. They are wearing shorts and flip-flops. I can't see if the crew is wearing layered clothing, but clearly Kate has jeans on.
Having written that, is it possible that the twins are dressed in summer-type clothing so it represents swim appropriate weather when spliced with the swimming at the party?
Of course those acclimated to swimming on inclement weather days can do so, but I'd not let any child of mine swim in even a heated pool on a day like today. There's plenty of time to enjoy a pool in the upcoming months.
I'm probably not the only west coaster who thinks PA in May is not optimal for swimming. I'm chilled to the bone just thinking of it!
(Kudos to those who love swimming in cold or chilly weather!)
Way off any topic listed here (can I do that?) ~
I guess the doctor (seller of the Konpound) is having the last laugh. After Kate likely humiliated his family with her insults about the condition of their left refrigerator, he really profited from the peak housing market back in October 2008. Here's why...
According to Zillow the Konpound is currently worth $602,500.00, a fraction of what Jon and Kate paid. It's estimated worth is just above 50% (53.7946 to be exact) of their purchase price of $1,1200,00.00!
"Extreme Grifting" said… I noticed not one sheeple even took the time or care to RETWEET iwanas original tweet warning Kate about NAMBLA guy? WTF? You would think all 6 of her fans would have Re-tweeted the crap out of that to get some credit and some love from their 'stah'.
Extreme: They are convinced this is a fake twitter account created by haterz to get Kate in the news in a negative way. Yup, no fooling. Ya can’t make this stuff up!
Don't think my last comment went through. I will try again because l was dumdfounded to hear Khate gets more $$$$$ per annum than the President of the USA. President Obama gets $395.000 and change. Khate receives more than the Prseident of the most powerful country in the world! Wtf.
Geez I haven't been on this site for a long time and yet things in the Gosselyns world remain the same i c. She looks pretty ridiculous allowing cameras follow her children around after all that has happened to this family, yet she still makes them work for their food and shelter. I do believe them kids have provided her with enuf money for her to live a very nice life and yet she still makes them work. The woman is greedy and selfish and that will never change but she can't keep them little anymore. I do believe the older one will eventually speak out for the rest of that gang and that will leave that woman speechless, amen
If they accuse anybody of faking that account, they could be in big trouble (heard they are pointing a finger at Petersen.)
I'm sure NAMBLA members are watched very closely. I doubt anybody would want to "fake" that account and be put on a watch list for the rest of their lives.
No Sheeple, it's a real pervert. You see, perverts LOVE watching children and Kate has 8, count 'em, 8 little victims to excite grown ups.
Mr. Harvey made radaronline today. Just go over to the site to check it out.
Obama's salary may only be $395,000, but he and family also get free housing, security for himself and family, food, staff, transportation, etc. So his overall compensation is much higher. However, it's still ridiculous that a little nobody child exploiter from Pa earns more than the POTUS. Priorities are seriously skewed.
Radar Online posted an article about this whole pedophile on Kart's Twitter fiasco. I would provide the link but I don't like to go to that website because my computer tends to freeze.
With the heavy makeup, evil grin and dark, overly arched eyebrows, does Kate remind anyone else of Ursula from The Little Mermaid? Is it just me?
Batterednotbroken said...
Don't think my last comment went through. I will try again because l was dumdfounded to hear Khate gets more $$$$$ per annum than the President of the USA. President Obama gets $395.000 and change. Khate receives more than the Prseident of the most powerful country in the world! Wtf.
It's been years, actually decades, since I learned about the President's salary. From the recesses of my failing memory, I believe the President's annual income is supposed to be minimal. He does, however, live at the White House free of charge, have meals served, said W.H. cleaned and maintained, and has many more perks that come with the position.
I agree, too, that it does seem back-a$$wards that Kate earns so much more than the President of the the free world for her... hmmm... what ever it is that she does, or doesn't do. Oh yes, I remember, exploiting her minor children.
Radar has the Twitter pedophile story:
And it's her "security team" that took over and blocked the twitterer. That's a joke.
Take the damn phone away!
I think Jon's picture should show him off to the side with his hands tied.As much as he wants to help his kids...he cant.For some reason his hands are tied.Steve should be in the picture holding a chair,snapping a whip at kate.He's her trainer.The kids should be doing circus acts while hiding their faces.
Even if they leave it just like it is, we know the truth about Jon's epiphany and his honest attempts to do the best for his children.
I understand admin's point in that Jon is still their father. However, it presents him in a bad light. How would he feel, looking at the picture of him with the kids and then reading that the blog is in part about him trying to profit off the backs of the kids? If that's the case, I bet he would prefer NOT to be there at all.
Kartie Tweetest (Formerly Dearest) said...
Radar Online posted an article about this whole pedophile on Kart's Twitter fiasco. I would provide the link but I don't like to go to that website because my computer tends to freeze.
I jumped on over to ROL to see the article. Whew-who... Kate's security jumped in and "blocked" the person. Blocking does not eliminate the problem.
Of course some replies blamed it on anti-Kate posters and one wrote it was Jon. Who would be stupid enough to create such a vile fake person only to be traced back to their self?
No matter who it was, or wasn't, this is one very big RED FLAG. I've often wondered about that family living so remotely and how vulnerable they all might be as a result.
In a typical suburban neighborhood at least you have others who could spot a stranger trolling the street/home.
The www is too wide spread and available to every kook and nut who has access to it... same goes for cable TV.
For darn sakes, Kate, get those children OFF television!
I found this on RWA. I will never go to Radaronline (full of viruses). Anyway thanks to the folks at RWA.
From Radaronline:
Someone claiming to be a pedophile has been following Kate Gosselin on her Twitter account, RadarOnline.com has learned exclusively.
The follower was going by the name GeorgeHarvey2 and using a photo of the actor Stanley Tucci as his ID. George Harvey was the evil character -- who murdered a young girl -- Tucci played in the movie The Lovely Bones.
GerogeHarvey2 tweeted that he is a member of NAMBLA, the organization that supports pedophilia.
“He also made several inappropriate tweets involving porn as well as the young girl who was raped and murdered in the film The Lovely Bones,” one of Kate’s legitimate Twitter followers tells RadarOnline.com.
A few of her fans alerted Kate about GeorgeHarvey2 and her own security team took over. He has since been blocked from following her.
Kate returned the favor. “Thanks4watching out 4 me,” she Tweeted on Tuesday.
My God. Kate is a STUPID, STUPID woman.
Haven't we been saying it all along- that her foolishness is going to put her little children in danger?
Jon, are you taking notice?
*BTW, the so called haterz were the ones posting their concern over this ped. None one of her "fans" said a peep except when Iwana finally stepped up to the plate. Good on him.
Thank God Kate's "security team (yeah, right)" put down their sandwiches long enough to do something about it.
WAKE UP KATE! You only get one chance with your kids. If you blow it because of your stupidity,
YOU are going to have to live with the consequences for the rest of your worthless life- not your "fans".
"Thank God Kate's "security team (yeah, right)" put down their sandwiches long enough to do something about it."
Steve? I don't even have a response to that!
The fans say that the non-fans set up a fake account just to make a point. When will they realize that these pedophiles do exist and they do stalk kids...when something happens to the kids? I guess they'll still accuse the non-fans of setting the whole thing up. Sheeple have to be the dumbest creatures on the planet. What in heaven's name is wrong with them? Are they really that stupid, or is it just an act because they want to defend Kate at all costs?
Admin - regarding the lies continuing to be circulated about you. I'd slap them with a libel suit just to scare the bejesus out of them. If nothing else, it would make them sit up and take notice and put the brakes on anyone else thinking of spreading lies.
Sure he does Readerlady, so does Khate.
And my ex gets 3x that amount.
I jumped on over to ROL to see the article. Whew-who... Kate's security jumped in and "blocked" the person. Blocking does not eliminate the problem.
Exactly!! Can't these people still read Kate's live tweets? Blocking isn't going to do one bit of good if she continues to tweets private info on the kids, where they are, if they are in bed, or if she's waiting for the late bus! It's so easy to find out what time that bus leaves and when it arrives. If they really wanted to do something all they have to do is check to see that she's gone to a concert at school and wait for the kids there.
I read an article not too long ago about some nutcase in the Mid-West who had an obsession with a little girl. He knew what school bus she rode, and that she was the second to last person off the bus. When the driver stopped to drop off the little girl, he pulled a gun and forced the girl into his car.
Good grief! I just cannot imagine any parent putting their kids' lives in jeopardy like this. And for what? Fame, fortune, and "culturing" experiences.
"GM all.thanks4watching out4me.I haven't been on Twitter much but clearly u have been.Trying2 recover&catch up from travel&party! Goodday2all"
So, in response to the warning about the pedophile, she says, "Thanks for watching out for ME"...NOT watching out for the kids, but for ME. I've almost decided she's not even worth my time. All the children are precious, and I sincerely hope they wind up w/ Jon.
I checked out the article on ROL, too. Some of the Kate supporters say it was Jon who created a false account and was doing the tweeting and others say it is one of Jon and Ellen's "minions". None of them seem to believe that there really is a very real and very dangerous predator out there. How delusional and stupid can people be? Oh wait - they're Kate's supporters. I withdraw the question.
Holy cow, this mess just gets crazier and crazier! I'm trying to catch up but from what I can tell, the non-fans tweeted all day and night to get Khate to block that pedophile. None of the Khate fans seemed to care, or even believed it, I guess. Finally, last night "IwanaDateKate" stepped up and tweeted her about it. Then, Khate saw his tweet early this morning and she finally blocked him and and tweeted a general thanks, not one specifically to him.
I hope I got that right, lol. Here's the link for Radar Online, but I'll also cut and paste the story so people don't have to go there:
Kate Gosselin Stalked By Pedophile On Twitter
Posted on May 17, 2011 @ 05:33PM
by Radar Staff
Someone claiming to be a pedophile has been following Kate Gosselin on her Twitter account, RadarOnline.com has learned exclusively.
The follower was going by the name GeorgeHarvey2 and using a photo of the actor Stanley Tucci as his ID. George Harvey was the evil character -- who murdered a young girl -- Tucci played in the movie The Lovely Bones.
GerogeHarvey2 tweeted that he is a member of NAMBLA, the organization that supports pedophilia.
“He also made several inappropriate tweets involving porn as well as the young girl who was raped and murdered in the film The Lovely Bones,” one of Kate’s legitimate Twitter followers tells RadarOnline.com.
A few of her fans alerted Kate about GeorgeHarvey2 and her own security team took over. He has since been blocked from following her.
Kate returned the favor. “Thanks4watching out 4 me,” she Tweeted on Tuesday.
A spokesperson for TLC told us the cable net has no comment.
So, in response to the warning about the pedophile, she says, "Thanks for watching out for ME"...NOT watching out for the kids, but for ME.
This is the NPD talking. Pathetic, isn't it? Maybe she thought the pedophile was interested in her! My question is this: Isn't it within the narcissist's realm of consciousness to actually see what she is doing and correct it accordingly? In other words, when she is tweeting, wouldn't she think, hmmm...maybe I better say "US" or I'll look like a selfish witch? Wouldn't it even enter into her mind to do this...even if she clearly was thinking about only herself?
ROL has an article about the twit's twitter stalker. and here is tlc's comment:
A spokesperson for TLC told us the cable net has no comment.
A spokesperson for TLC told us the cable net has no comment.
pretty telling comment!
Oh, sorry, I see the full Radar article was already pasted above.
Btw, it looks like the sheeple got into with @Arngrim last night and now they are really attacking her:
You can follow the conversation here:
They're out of their league trying to go up against Alison angrim. She actually WAS a child star.
"and her security team took over"? What exactly would this entail? Stevie grabbing her phone, accessing her Twitter account and hitting the block feature for her? LOL
In case Kate is wondering how celebrity kids who are actually allowed to have a voice and speak as to how they actually feel about the family being so public? Here's Patrick Schwarzenegger's tweet from today:
"Some days you feel like shit, some days you want to quit and just be normal for a bit."
He's 17.
Administrator said...
They're out of their league trying to go up against Alison angrim. She actually WAS a child star.
It's much like bringing a knife to a gunfight.
I noticed Kate's tweet too thanking them for looking out for ME.
No Kate, we're not trying to protect YOU. We're trying to protect your KIDS FROM YOU and your reckless stupid decisions. Get it?
Oh and to add to that, Patrick Schwarzenegger is barely in the public eye himself, I have seen him around a few times with his mother but NEVER would recognize him if I just saw him on his own.
If he feels this shitty about his embarrassing family, how are the Gosselin kids going to feel about all the embarrassment Kate has put them through???
It's pathetic Kate needs to have a security team to "block" people. I have to do it occasionally to rabid sheeple and it takes one tiny little finger tap to block them. Good grief.
Nobody, thanks for posting the Radar Online article so I don't have to visit the site!
Are the Kate fanatics now taking credit for blocking this pedophile on twitter? It sounds to me it wasn't her fans trying to alert her but rather the "haters" yet they're being given the credit? Typical. It's just like when Kate takes the credit for this and that instead of thanking her outside help for doing most of the work.
I would take this as a wake-up call, if I were Kate. Not all pedophiles publicly announce their pedophiles nor is it easy to spot one, just go back to the Catholic priests scandal...who would have thought these holy men were committing criminal acts against minors! Just blocking him on twitter isn't going to stop him. I don't have a twitter account yet I can view all of Kate's crazy tweets.
I hope this wasn't a publicity stunt or someone's idea of a sick and twisted joke. It does make me wonder though since Radar Online decided to post about this.
Wow..Allison is doing an awesome job on twitter.... some people are suggesting that because she hasn't personally met K+8 that she can't really be advocating for them...Allison refers to how we haven't all personally met the tornado victims but we rally around them with support... Allison wondered if this is perhaps part of the sociological fall out of reality tv...it has been really interesting to follow...
Administrator said...
It's pathetic Kate needs to have a security team to "block" people. I have to do it occasionally to rabid sheeple and it takes one tiny little finger tap to block them. Good grief
Maybe they are doing more than just blocking a person. Could it be they are actually conducting an investigation or putting security on alert? We really don't know what kind of procedures they have in place. Perhaps this person did more than just "follow" Kate. Whatever security is doing wouldn't be made public.
I'm not buying it for ONE MINUTE!
This is another one of her assinine (sp?) maneuvers to get attention!!!!
If HER "pedo stalker" is real, I'll eat my hat....
Everyone said she'd try some kind of attention grab and this is it. Her show is failed, I would bet that TLC gave her the boot quietly and she is working her NPD magic to get back into some kind of TV appearance.
She wants some talk show gigs so she can cry in fear about this 'pedophile stalker'..... well, dab her dry eyes while saying something like "I never signed up for this, I can't sleep at night".
In a more serious vein, I do think the 'pedophile stalker' is a fake. But in the real world, not the pink-sky world where she lives, you do have to take these things seriously. So Kart scores another 'gotcha'!
Someone upthread said the pedo guy was using a new twitter acct with few postings. I can just imagine her and purseboy thinking up this one - knowing that the threat, even though fake, would garner real attention.
And it has. It went from twitter to here and ROL. What do you want to bet that it will turn up on one of the TV tabloid sites real soon?
It has generated more twitter traffic for her.
She is as stupid as a box of rocks, but she and purseboy (IMHO he is her partner in all this crap) sure know how to milk attention from a stone, to mix metaphors.
Think of what good she could do if she turned all that NPD mojo toward a right and true and honest cause....... instead of hurting those precious little money pots she calls HER EIGHT, COUNT 'EM, EIGHT....
In novels, someone like her would get a bump on the head, be in a coma for a while, then wake up NICE instead of evil... and all her friends and family would be astonished. She learn what she was like and be horrified, and set out to make amends.......
There was a movie like that......... what was the name of it...... my mind is shot tonight.... need some sleep.
My vote: the pedo stalker is fake, just a publicity stunt to increase attention.
This is when Kate's fans own bad logic catches up with them. They say Alison cannot talk about Kate because she doesn't know her....but, the fans don't know her either. So why is it not okay for Alison to speak out against Kate, but for her fans to speak out in support of her? It cuts both ways sheeple.
And also, why is it any more righteous to support Kate, as her fans do, over Alison supporting her kids? In fact wouldn't it tend to be more righteous to support kids in general over a consenting adult???
Really, they need to think. Squeeze the eyes shut hard and think.
I haven't posted on this site today so obviously there is another kelly. Just an FYI
Wow, another Grifting Family makes the front page of yahoo and it involves Münchausen by proxy. And this crazy bitch fooled a foundation and Extreme Home Makeover before a smart doctor followed through on his suspicions and reported the woman. Sick, sick, sick
Permanent Name, I have to respectfully disagree that Kate would be behind a fake pedo stalker. IMO, just the existence of an alleged NAMBLA member on her twitter page is contrary to what Kate preaches.
Kate believes she's doing no harm to her children.
I think it would be sick to integrate such a vile and disgusting person onto her twitter.
The fact that her security team resolved the problem also speaks to the unlikelihood that Kate is behind it.
Lastly, why on earth would Kate give fuel to Jon by introducing proof that subjecting their children to the masses will result in a pedophile following? If she did so, that's a motion waiting to happen in Superior Court.
My vote: the pedo stalker is fake, just a publicity stunt to increase attention.
If there's a chance that it's not, it must be checked out. They can't take the risk of assuming it was done for publicity.
If Kate and Steve orchestrated this (or TLC) they will be found out, and all hell will break loose. As bizarre (beserk) as she is, I somehow can't see her doing this. It's kind of like the boy who cried wolf. She says that there is a stalker in order to get attention. This could be an incentive for "real" stalkers. They cry stalkers again. Who is going to believe them the second time around? There are consequences to every action. Kate wouldn't be able to see far enough ahead to see what those consequences might be, but I think that Steve could, and I'm not so sure that he would go along with a publicity stunt like this.
TLC ship is sinking said...
Nobody, thanks for posting the Radar Online article so I don't have to visit the site!
You're welcome! But, after I posted it, I saw that Pink Straightjacket beat me to it!
I'm still trying to figure this whole tweeting pedophile thing out. Something just doesn't seem right to me, especially since radar Online was so quick to pick up the story. Also, "IwanaDateKate" was the only fan who cared about it and once he tweeted Khate, she responded by finally blocking the pedophile. Hmm, then how did Radar get the story? If they just casually looked at her Twitter, they would never be able to tell what she was talking about by thanking them. Oh man, I really, really hope this was not all a p.r. stunt by Khate and whoever she has on her "team". Sick, really sick.
JudyK said...
"GM all.thanks4watching out4me.I haven't been on Twitter much but clearly u have been.Trying2 recover&catch up from travel&party! Goodday2all"
So, in response to the warning about the pedophile, she says, "Thanks for watching out for ME"...NOT watching out for the kids, but for ME. I've almost decided she's not even worth my time. All the children are precious, and I sincerely hope they wind up w/ Jon.
JudyK - great catch on that! Yes, all Khate ever thinks about is HERSELF. Unbelievable that someone on Twitter warns her about a pedophile follower and she thanks them for looking out for HER. Then again, as others here have mentioned, I always thought it odd that she traveled with "security" while the kids were home with young not-a-nannies. Not that I would EVER put my kids on tv, but if they were as well known as the Gosselin kids, the security around our home and with them at all times would be incredible.
A couple more things - I see the sheeple are STILL driving Alison Angrim nuts on Twitter. They’re using her @name in all their tweets now and just won’t leave her alone, I bet she’s sorry she ever got dragged into it.
About the header on this blog, if I may chime in - I've always seen it as someone else mentioned above, that Jon is NOT in the spotlight (and loving it) as Khate is. He’s off to the side, in the shadows, looking at her sideways and disapprovingly. I was thinking maybe he could have a sign that says "TLC Sucks", but then I saw someone else mentioned a sign with TLC in a circle and a red line through it. That sounds good to me.
I DO think his name should be removed from the text, though, as it has been quite a while since he has done anything to gain fame and fortune off the kids. Maybe change it to:
"A blog chronicling every move Kate, TLC, (and formerly Jon) make in their relentless quest....."
Yep, I just looked at the ROL article - smelled to high heaven.
Smelled just like a plant by her 'PR team' - purseboy and she knew this would stir up talk.
I can imagine the pink phone hot in their hands as they plotted this op and purseboy called ROL and used his secret agent voice modifier box to call in the 'threat' to poor little exploiter kart. Kids?....... what kids?.........
I have to wonder if they didn't set up a white board in her/their bedroom with timeline and talking points for this op. No doubt they are monitoring the site traffic to see if their plan is working.
They are too shrewd to think folks will ever like her. I bet they are just mesmerized by any hint of ratings.
Yeah, you can tell I don't believe ONE SINGLE WORD that comes from her screeching, lying pie-hole.
I'm not a genie and can't twitch my nose to make her disappear, so I have decided to NEVER EVER capitalize her name again. HA! That will show them, won't it?! LOL
But purseboy, lower case, still retains his descriptive name. Sadly, I can't print what else I'd like to call him or her.
I am amazed that one single person and leech can drive normal women insane......
E-town Neighbor said...
If there's a chance that it's not, it must be checked out. They can't take the risk of assuming it was done for publicity.
Yes, it DOES have to be checked out!!! That is exactly what makes it such a foolproof way to get attention!!!!!
And she wouldn't be worried because she would know the threat wasn't real...
kart has done some incredibly stupid things before. She lies whenever she opens her mouth. Her ratings are in the toilet. She is desperate, desperate, desperate....
I would not put anything past her. Remember, she thinks she is teflon. She believes nothing will stick to her. She thinks she is above the law.
I HOPE, HOPE, HOPE my belief is not true. If it were, it would indicate some really scary head stuff going on.
On the other hand, if the threat is not from her, I have no doubt she loves the attention she is getting from it. Not only is 'the world talking about her' but she is being coddled by 'her security team'. For kart, it is win/win.
The pedo guy would be the lemon she is using to make lemonade.
Isn't it sad that the world isn't talking about her because of her philanthropy or her (honest)work with charities or her wonderful personality?
She chose to go to the dark side like Darth Vader. She chose.
She could have chosen a different path and ended up with so much more that she has right now.
My all time favorite example would be Mary Tyler Moore or Betty White. They are beloved by millions. And we know the reasons why..... they are nice and care about others, not themselves.
Stupid. She is so incredibly stupid.
I need to go to bed... all this kart blabber is toxic and I sure did get on a rant tonight, didn't I?! LOL
Sorry about that.
I know you all will understand when I scream, 'she just gets on my last nerve'.......
Admin, thanks for hosting this blog. Good place to scream and no one can hear you.....
You guys can't hear me, right?
This, too, shall pass away said...
Permanent Name, I have to respectfully disagree that Kate would be behind a fake pedo stalker.
Yes. It would be incredibly creepy, wouldn't it...
Really, they need to think. Squeeze the eyes shut hard and think.
Admin, they can't. Even if they could, whatever they would "think" would defy all logic.
The more I think about this stalker thing, I really don't think that Kate and TLC are behind this, simply because, as someone pointed out, they would have to be nuts to do this. It just gives Jon ammunition in a court of law and that's the last thing they want. Steve and TLC could see this happening. I don't think, though, that Kate has the ability to see that far ahead. IF Jon would use this in court to pull the plug on the filming, what would Kate and TLC say? That this was all a publicity stunt? They couldn't do that. It would kill whatever viewership they have left. If they kept their mouths shut, Jon's argument for ceasing production would have all the more strength.
Could it be someone OTHER than Kate and TLC doing it, just to stir the pot for whatever reason? That's a possibility.
Is anyone being invaded by stink bugs? The real bugs, not TLC and company? This is like the Biblical locust plague - maybe it's a precursor to the Mayan end-of-world prediction!
Didn't one of the non-fans comment that he/she was going to report this to ROL?
E-town Neighbor said...
Is anyone being invaded by stink bugs? The real bugs, not TLC and company?
Oh E-town,
Thank you for a tea-through-the-nose snort and laugh!!!! I needed one tonight!!!
Ok, off to bed for real this time! GN, as kart would say :-)
Oh E-town,
Thank you for a tea-through-the-nose snort and laugh!!!! I needed one tonight!!!
At this point, I think being invaded by TLC would be preferable to seeing these darn bugs enveloping my car. It's supposed to be a very bad year for them in Pennsylvania and, like TLC, there's not much you can do about them. Both of them stink to high heavens.
GN Permanent. Hope the yelling helped. We heard you, but we yell, too, so we know the feeling! Follow that by having some good wine and a good sleep!
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...About the header on this blog, if I may chime in - I've always seen it as someone else mentioned above, that Jon is NOT in the spotlight (and loving it) as Khate is. He’s off to the side, in the shadows, looking at her sideways and disapprovingly. I was thinking maybe he could have a sign that says "TLC Sucks", but then I saw someone else mentioned a sign with TLC in a circle and a red line through it. That sounds good to me.
I DO think his name should be removed from the text, though, as it has been quite a while since he has done anything to gain fame and fortune off the kids. Maybe change it to:
"A blog chronicling every move Kate, TLC, (and formerly Jon) make in their relentless quest....."
My sediments exactly, regarding Jon's current image in the header and the amended tagline. I agree with admin that Jon still belongs up there, because this blog is about the Gosselins, not just Kate.
I was thinking of the 'Lies, Lies, Lies' t-shirt Jon once wore on the show over some TLC sign. Too bad he doesn't really have a torso.
Okay, I'm following rule #3 and now moving on to other topics.
Permanent Name - Oh, I understand, believe me, I understand! Never apologize for ranting, rant away, we all need to do it sometimes. I think we have all been driven to maddening frustration by Khate and this crazy situation so many times. What would we ever do without Admin and this blog? It was such a relief for me to find this blog and realize that there ARE other reasonable people out there who didn't think this was just a cute litte show with some adorable little kids, but had some real concerns.
Have a great night!
Nor should Jon's pic be taken down as he was as much a part of the first years of the tups ruination as Kate, up until about a year or so ago. He was right there letting TLC film the hell out of those kids for stalkers, potty chairs in driveway? Collin crying, he wanted to pull his underpants up and Jon and Kate laughing like "he is only 3, doesn't know what he is doing is just a kid sitting bare ass naked on a potty chair in the driveway" yeah, well he remembers that. We all remember embarrassing moments for the rest of our lives.
They are both responsible for those kids and the twins? Jon went and slept in the garage and let Steve sleep in his house? What were those 8 yr old twins thinking? Please they are both responsible for what has happened to those kids, all 8 of them.
Sad stuff, the Gap sweats are old that one of the twins has on as is the other earth shirt that Mady has on. Yeah, something really wrong with that filming sequence, takes more than that to film. But then again, maybe TLC said, just go down there with a boom guy and a grip and don't put any film in the camera, would not surprise me, would it surprise you? As Kate did not get dressed with the girls hangin out and dressed and didn't do her hair. Something not right.
Oh yeah day of court she used a flat iron herself and you can see the overbleached hair and the flat iron wasn't used right then called the psychologist names. what a bitch that lying ho is.
Interesting! Radar changed their article to now credit Polly Kahl with that quote. Scroll up to my post at 5:13 pm, with the article from Radar Online pasted. There's this paragraph:
“He also made several inappropriate tweets involving porn as well as the young girl who was raped and murdered in the film The Lovely Bones,”one of Kate’s legitimate Twitter followers tells RadarOnline.com.
** Now, it says this:
“He also made several inappropriate tweets involving porn as well as the young girl who was raped and murdered in the film The Lovely Bones,” Polly Kahl, MA, LPC, author of Kate Plus Eight: Reality TV & The Selling of the Gosselins, tells RadarOnline.com exclusively.
This too shall pass away said
have meals served, said W.H. cleaned and maintained, and has many more perks that come with the position.
The president pays for meals for himself and his family, unless they are state occasions. He gets a monthly bill. This became public knowledge when Nancy Reagan got her first bill, and was enraged about it.
Moose Mania said
Exactly!! Can't these people still read Kate's live tweets? Blocking isn't going to do one bit of good if she continues to tweets private info on the kids, where they are, if they are in bed, or if she's waiting for the late bus!
Anyone can see ALL of K8's tweets as long as her feed is public. Blocking a pedophile doesn't prevent that person from reading everything she tweets.
Of course, K8 can't take her twitter feed private, because the whole point is to get attention.
As long as she tweets personal information about the kids, schedules, that she's waiting for the bus, etc., everyone can see those tweets: pedophiles, crazed fans, the local nutjob who might just want to bother the kids.
E-town Neighbor, I have no idea what a stink bug is, thank goodness. Sounds really bad. I feel for you, E-town. Although I was born in Buffalo, I've lived on west coast since age six.
The past few weeks we have been invaded by crane flies, also known as mosquito eaters (and other names). They look like gigantic mosquitoes. After dark, when the inside lights are on, they fly around the room haphazardly, bumping into things... including our heads. A lot of times one will land on the TV screen. I gives me chills when they get close. They have a short life span, so I'm finding one or two dead on some surface in my home... mostly the kitchen sink, dog's water bowl, or windowsill. Eeewwww!
I'm not looking forward to the Junebug season. As long as I've lived here, decades, we'd not had them. It's only been in the past three, four years that they've arrived. Before that I'd see them while camping in the Sierra Nevada Mts.
Icky ~ bugs give me the creeps!
USE to said:
Nor should Jon's pic be taken down as he was as much a part of the first years of the tups ruination as Kate, up until about a year or so ago
People change. Times change. What was done years ago is over. Should he be punished for the rest of his life, or can he redeem himself? I think he can. He is now trying to protect the children. The header (in the present tense) sounds like he is STILL on a relentless quest, which we have seen is no longer the case.
"Oh yeah day of court she used a flat iron herself and you can see the overbleached hair and the flat iron wasn't used right then called the psychologist names."
I missed that. What names did she call Dr. Lafair?
Calling card? :)
Administrator said...
They're out of their league trying to go up against Alison angrim. She actually WAS a child star.
They definitely don't want to mess with Nellie! She's also a good friend of Paul Petersen, the guy the sheeple have decided is responsible for leading the "haterz" crusade against the exploitation of the Gosselin kids. HA! What fools and pretentious people the sheeple are to think they could engage with a professional and respected organization like A Minor Consideration.
"the guy the sheeple have decided is responsible for leading the "haterz" crusade against the exploitation of the Gosselin kids."
Do they realize how ridiculous they sound? They're trying to stop people against exploitation. It would be like if there were some kind of anti-save little kittens group.
You know TLC picks up meals and hotels and God knows what else for Kate. I don't see that as any different than whatever might be picked up for the president.
I actually was a little surprised by Obama's taxes. I thought he made more. I thought I recalled last time I heard the president was making more than that. Apparently I was mistaken. There are certainly tons of jobs that pay a lot more. Heck if he stayed in practice as a private lawyer he could probably make more. His book sales didn't even seem like anything to write home about and he had some top books. It's really not a path to riches.
Although I'm a newbie here, I don't think Jon's image should be removed or changed until there is a legal document on file, moved by him, that proves he's succeeded in removing the children from the entertainment business.
I agree that Jon was knee deep in the exploitation of those darling young ones. Those hours of embedded digital data will live in infamy and likely haunt most, if not all, of the Gosselin children for their lifetimes.
Because Jon has flown under the radar and apparently is living an apparent stable and relatively normal lifestyle these days, IMO that he still has to prove that his children deserve the same... if that's what he claims to believe.
It's really not a path to riches.
No, but being the Leader of the Free World certainly is an ego-booster!
This, too, shall pass away said...
Although I'm a newbie here, I don't think Jon's image should be removed or changed until there is a legal document on file, moved by him, that proves he's succeeded in removing the children from the entertainment business.
Ah, but there is no legal document on file to show that he is still continuing to exploit those children! In fact, there are documents on file to prove that he did go to court in an attempt to prevent the children from being taken out of the country to film them. It certainly isn't his fault that the judge decided against him because Kate is under contract to work those kids to death.
What a shame that ROL has picked up the story (most likely fed to them by Kate/Sheeple) about the NAMBLA member following her on twitter and that it's become a pity Kate story rather than one about how dangerous it is of her to tweet about her kids the way she's done.
The jury is still out on whether the person's account was legit (I question it). Either way, the message SHOULD have been clear about internet predators, but I don't think Kate got the message and it's obvious her sheeple didn't! Whoever the person was or wasn't shouldn't make a difference -- the dangers are there and yet Kate seems to have her head stuck in the sand refusing to stop tweeting specifics about the kids. The sheeple can bury their heads, too but it'll not change the facts. What will it take for them to accept the truth?
E-town Neighbor said...
...It certainly isn't his fault that the judge decided against him because Kate is under contract to work those kids to death.
Likely the judge was unable to rule against the contract with Figure 8/TLC/whomever that obligated the children to work, even when it infringed on Jon's ordered visitation time.
Once the children are released from the above mentioned contract, and it's due to Jon not allowing his children (likely J/K have joint legal custody) to enter into another contract, I'd give him a pass.
The legal document on file would be the contract... the one that keeps Jon from being gainfully employed in the entertainment business and obligates the children to work.
No, the latter document is not on file in the Superior Court, but it is in fact a legal document and legally binding.
The President's salary was raised from $200,000 to $400,000 in 2001. Yes, he pays for his own food, clothing, dry cleaning, school tuition for his daughters, etc. His perks include the use of AF1, Camp David, limos, a full household staff, full office staff, free access to movie
premieres in his personal theatre, sports venues (bowling alley, etc) and a very large house to live in.
It's a decent life, but not one I'd want. I'll stick to my little anonymous life with my very, very modest salary.
See Kate, not everyone is jellus of large salaries and big houses and all that attention.
I now see that "Nobody likes" posted this info upthread. It had not shown up after I refreshed page for the past hour, but it is there now showing it was posted an hour ago? Sorry for a post that was already mentioned.
Also wanted to comment on the "security rescued Kate". So Steve confiscated the iPhone, that she is now grounded from, and clicked on BLOCK? He earned his keep today! I think he deserves a bonus on this weeks paycheck. "MY HERO" screeches Kate as she jumps in his lap and his secure arms.
I am certain the reason that Kamp Kate and TLC has not commented is because they will have her on a talk show any day, where Kate will proclaim that she wants to get involved in spreading the word about pedophilia and PLANS to make large donations to any and all organizations to stop groups like this. She will announce that this will be take place right after she finishes contributions to New Zealand Zoo, the Steve Irwin foundation, Save the Koalas, and the Clarissa Kreider Grifter foundation.
When, When, When. I meant Win Win Win !!
The White House released tax returns for the Obamas and for Vice President Joe Biden and his wife on Monday, the deadline for Americans to file. (Read Obama's full tax return here.)
The president for the first time drew his full $400,000 salary in 2010, since in 2009 he didn't start drawing pay until after his inauguration in late January.
Through withholding and estimated tax payments during the year, the Obamas paid $466,104 to the Internal Revenue Service. That was an overpayment, so they are getting a $12,334 refund.
Google "Obama's Tax Return"
I'd love to see Khate's.
Kate's return? Oh tell me about it. First of all I doubt she even thinks she's required to file one. Oh that's for those other icky people not ME I'm an exception! And if she did file she would find a way to write off everything, right down to the toiletpaper. But we exploit the kids' potty time therefore the toiletpaper is a business expense, no?
The Jon and Ken show in LA has been going off lately about how they think, one of them very strongly (entertaining how rabid he is lol), that Schwarzenegger is a narcissist and a sociopath. And I swear when they were describing characteristics of those personalities today, you can sure guess who it sounds like as well.
Jon's been worrying about this for years:
Ok, if this pedo was on her twitter site, NOT BLOCKED, did she not see the inappropriate tweets about porn HERSELF with her own eyes? Would she not HERSELF have blocked him RIGHT then and there? The "haterz" were the ones REPEATEDLY (sp?) tweeting her to WAKE THE HELL UP, but THEY'RE all blocked? It was iwannadate's tweet that she finally acknowledged? F%$#&^G stupid
The sick part is that she probably has other pedos following her on twitter. Just because THIS sicko has no qualms about his mental disorder (I think that group acutally "believes"
it's NATURAL) and obviously has an agenda, the majority of pedos keep "that" part of their lives a secret...how many Oprah shows have exposed the techniques and tricks on how they lure these kids? No doubt in my mind she has pedos following her and has had tons of them watching the show since it first aired. I read somewhere that even DIAPER COMMERCIALS can get those freaks off!
Not surprising to hear that the Sperminator is being called a narcissist. If you look at his apology - he only apologises for the way he made others feel, NOT for his actions.
Vanessa, also the pedoperv never tweeted her. Someone would have noticed it. Her fans are making that stuff up for Kate sympathy.
Ug, she's tiring.
Like an Ostrich...
I agree with you! Instead of pointing out the dangers of Kate telling, showing & giving access to the kids personal lives, the ROL article made it so everyone should feel OH SO bad for poor Kate. Please. What she did was dumb & purely poor parenting. She obviously did not intend to block this guy until the press stepped in because the more followers, the better. Has she no shame?
And then the whole 'thank you for looking out for ME' quote. Not the kids. This is where it pisses me off. I said it before, she only cares about HER welfare, when those kids are in more danger than her. Maybe they are safe in school, sure, but things can happen in a second. And Steve being around to protect her MOUTH is not helping her kids one ounce. Her kids, that Kate put out there for the world to see, & that she keeps spouting off about, needs some protection right now. Not Kate, not her big mouth, not to protect her image. This just keeps proving to me at least that she really does not care about those kids one bit. Kate needs to keep a better eye on her damn twitter, & shut the hell up about her kids. And take them the HELL OFF TV!
~Hippie Chick~
Vanessa said...
Ok, if this pedo was on her twitter site, NOT BLOCKED, did she not see the inappropriate tweets about porn HERSELF with her own eyes? Would she not HERSELF have blocked him RIGHT then and there? The "haterz" were the ones REPEATEDLY (sp?) tweeting her to WAKE THE HELL UP, but THEY'RE all blocked? It was iwannadate's tweet that she finally acknowledged? F%$#&^G stupid
That's not how Twitter works. The only way Kate would see something that guy tweeted was if he tweeted to her. If you want to see everything someone on Twitter is tweeting, you have to "follow" them, which means clicking on their name. Then by following them, you will see everything they're tweeting.
This guy did NOT tweet anything to Kate. Any rag mags that are reporting that are mistaken. She was not following him so she didn't see his tweets.
I know it sounds complicated. It takes a while to figure it all out.
E-town Neighbor said...
USE to said:
Calling card? :)
hahahahaha----another good one, E-town.
You all are totally disrespecting Kate's well organized security team. I KNOW, (because I just know) that as soon as ROL broke this story EXCLUSIVLY, (5 days after it was discussed here) that Steve organized a full meeting of the security team. Now, Steve really knows what he is doing in these matters, dont you know that he once knew someone who knew someone who assisted someone who directed traffic near a gas station when President Clinton's motorcade was passing through on the other side of the state! Now that is top level!!
But I digress; Steve called this meeting and all 48 security squad members showed up in full matchy-matchy shirts (Kate made them all go change because she was wearing pink and they showed up in green and well, that just wouldnt do). Then they had to come up with a name for the mission: Operation Pink Phone. (They originally wanted to call it Operation Incompetent Mom, but Kate chipped a nail and it was downhill from there). Then they had to break for lunch, which was delayed because Kate couldnt decide which pair of acrylic clear stripper heels to wear to the resturant.
After lunch, which was ex-haust-ing what with all that ordering, chewing and complaining, they decided to map out a course of action. Paper was obtaind and color coded markers. Kate took the markers away so they made do with pencils and sticky notes and lots of pointing. After much discussion, it was determined that this crisis might have something to do with the phone and the computer. Steve put on his bullet proof vest and his bullet proof chastity belt and went to retrieve said computer. Only Steve was qualified to do this part, because the computer was in Kate's bedroom and only HE knows the secret knock, upon penalty of severeness.
The phone and the computer were then swabbed for DNA, dusted for fingerprints (there were NONE - none at all). Steve, being the brains of the operation, even shook the items upside down to see if any clues would fall out. He is such an intense man, full of brilliance and carries dry cleaning and purses better than anyone ever. Everyone pause now for a moment and swoon a little. Sigh.
And then it happened, right in front of the full security team! A Twitter Tweet Twat chimed in! It was from The Child Perv himself! The team broke into action! Dividing themselves into assault units, one section ushered Kate into the secured rubber-padded panic room (this was the part of the team that wears the double ear plugs to protect them from the screeching), another team was dispatched to secure and protect the nail polish collection, and Steve headed the Heavy Weapons Unit! That unit threw themselves upon said phone, with no regard for their own personal safety, while Steve (with a steady finger, he is such a ROCK!) hit the "BLOCK" button!
Just then the children arrived home from school with the not-a-nanny. Kate gave them all some organic sugar to suck on and sent them all out to play in traffic, dont bother her, she is much too busy and exhausted (and exhausted and busy) from the day's events to be bothered with short people.
Ms. Gosselin, looking lovely today in a fresh demi bra with a matching slit micro mini skirt, is recovering at her home with her security team in place. A large truck was seen at her lovely home, unloading cases of box-o-wine. At one point in the early evening the stunning Ms Gosselin, her hair freshly crisped, emerged under the watchful eye of her Chief of Security to round up her 8 adorable ATMs and shove them into bed.
Now dont you all ever doubt Steve again. Or I will make each of you sleep on the laundry room floor.
I think Khate's NAMBLA guy is a phony, but not a part of any planned PR for Khate. I'm no expert on pedo psychology, but I doubt one would make him/herself so obvious. I think it's more likely to be someone trying to yank Khate's chain. To hear the sheeple even suggest it might be Jon/Ellen is F-in' sick. Sorry for that, I have no "cleaner" words for them right now. That's why I stay far from any sheeple dwelling out there, including Khate's Twitter.
This reminds me of a local news anchor who created a "baby blog" on the station's site (in 2007, I think), to document her pregnancy and journey as a mom. It was interesting to read, because she was an older, first-time mom and very anxious about childbirth and raising an infant, in general. She would blog at least once a week, complete with photos and sometimes posted the names of other family members. One of her readers was a childless gentleman who responded to nearly every blog post, and in a way that didn't seem normal. He'd use "cute speak" often and would compare her child's likes/dislikes to his own. He'd also write about how pretty she was. Often he was the only one who would comment, so his posts really stuck out. This went on for months until the woman stopped blogging for months. She did come back, blogging less frequently and with fewer photos. I didn't see any more posts from this admirer.
For all I know, the guy could have been a harmless elderly man, but it creeped me out. I was hoping this woman would catch on and stop her blog all together, for her daughter's sake. As of now, she may have stopped her blog, as I was only able to locate some blog posts from 2010. Her little girl is either four or five now, and I hope for her sake, her mom has stopped blogging about her.
It's not only Khate that needs to be more careful, but all moms. My husband and I have friends with young children that post practically their entire family album on Facebook. They use their kids' photos as their avatars and post videos of their kids online. My hubby even says they're crazy and you can't be that trusting when you have no idea who might be watching.
This just in from Alison:
"Yup. Show biz, 43 yrs, activism, 26 yr, politics, 10 yrs. Most hostile, rudest representatives? Kate fans. Congratulations."
Wow great tweet from Allison. She gets it
Kate's hostile, rude fans have been on her Twitter page for a few days and when she began to answer their questions and voice her opinion very politely and intelligently, Kate's fans flipped out because she (Alison) didn't agree with them. Now one extremely rude fan is spamming her Twitter page.
And they call us haters.
I've never seen anyone SO EXHAUSTED from having to do next to nothing.
I just realized why some of her fans probably idolize her: they really believe the act and see in her what they wish they could be. They see someone who is all perfection, no faults (which also explains why they have SUCH a hard time with ANY criticism or questioning of Kate) and they desperately want to be that way, too.
I mean, being unmotivated is so RARE for her! And yet, they never catch the contradictions: she seems so incredibly bummed out by the sun simply not being out. Most people have enough on their plates that they would hardly notice that it was a cloudy day, much less let it affect their mood so profoundly. It's cloudy here, big whoop. It's not like life doesn't go on anyway. If you had eight kids and were REALLY trying to manage a household and work and take care of eight kids, you would be too tired and busy to let a cloudy day get you down.
That should be a big clue that she really doesn't have jack shit to do.
I love the person who suggested on twitter that, to motivate herself, she should take a jump into the pool. BWA!!!
All I'm doing at this point is being entertained by the Kate critics on her twitter feed and waiting for the inevitable announcement that the show will NOT go on. That will be a happy day: liberation from filming for the kids!
I've been pondering these allegations that the NAMBLA member is a plant, or PR stunt. I couldn't see that making any sense, given the subject matter and how polar negative it is to filming young children for a television program.
Then it occurred to me, could this actually be a 'plant' used as a rouse to allow Kate to "get the kids off TV" due to the inherent danger in it?
Possibly Kate could come off (to those less intelligent) as the protective mother who opts to end the childrens' involvement in the show.
Persons rally support for her and tune into her simultaneously advertised own show.
Just a stab in the dark after trying to see the position of others here who think the pedo introduction onto Kate's twitter planned.
Or... maybe Kate could claim that it is ever so important to keep the children in the spotlight for safety purposes. Spotlight = Fend Off Danger
Great post from Alison! How awesome to see someone with influence lay the smack down! These insane fans have no boundaries...such a disrespectful bunch. Ninety-nine percent of the population either hates Khate, couldn't care less about her, or don't even know her. You're fighting a losing battle, sheepies.
Calling card? :)
Pants On Fire said...hahahahaha----another good one, E-town.
Thanks, Pants. Wouldn't you think that they would be wise to the fact that we are wise, and drop those cards into the nearest trash can?
I just realized why some of her fans probably idolize her: they really believe the act and see in her what they wish they could be.
She's exhausted all of the time. Do her fans likewise want be overwhelmed and tired? I would think that they want to be like her in the sense that she travels, has paid help, rubs elbows with the famous, etc. How does hearing about her being exhausted all of the time want to make them be just like her? Do they believe that being tired is all part of the package of perfection?
Kate's tweet that it is a gloomy day there - is she talking about the weather or the morale of the eight, count em eight ATMs or perhaps just Kate's outlook in general.
Regarding the George Harvey thing, "gotyournumberKate" posted this on May 15:
gotyournumberKate said...
OT. I was doing a little lurking on another blog just now and noticed that someone posted they picked up on @georgeharvey2 now following Kate. They googled his name and found him to be a member of NAMBLA. I verified that he is following Kate now. He even Tweets about NAMBLA. This made me sick to my stomach literally.
May 15, 2011 11:53 AM
I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere, but if we knew what the other blog was, perhaps we could begin to trace who posted it. Might help to solve a few questions.
E-town, her exhausted proclamations read like "humble brags" to me. You know, it's really a brag, but it's couched in "humble" terms. Gosh, I'm SO exhausted from doing EVERYTHING for my EIGHT, count 'em, EIGHT kids.
This guy did NOT tweet anything to Kate. Any rag mags that are reporting that are mistaken. She was not following him so she didn't see his tweets.
And it doesn't matter if she sees them or not the pedophiles are still out there. At first I thought she was actually naive about their existance - now I'm beginning to think she damn well knows the risks and she's just flying in the face of common sense on purpose. God forbid any of her kids - ANY child - be harmed by some sick pervert out there, but I have to wonder if her narcissism has become so morbid that she'd use a horrible situation like that to draw more attention/sympathy to HERSELF? Or would it jolt her into the realization that she's made a huge mistake in overexposing her kids? It's a tough call. She certainly had no qualms about going on the talk show circuit and blubbering about her marital problems. I have to keep asking - what's it going to take to shake this woman out of this fantasy world she's created?
"Aeris said...I think Khate's NAMBLA guy is a phony, but not a part of any planned PR for Khate. I'm no expert on pedo psychology, but I doubt one would make him/herself so obvious."
If you do some investigating into NAMBLA, MANY of their members are NOT afraid to speak out and claim their 'membership". This organization even tried to latch onto the Gay/Lesbian movement for equality in marriage and all the other issues they support. Of course, they were soundly put down by the movement. NAMBLA even has/had meetings in PUBLIC LIBRARIES, there were court actions at one time, (haven't kept up with it) that wanted to BAN these meetings. So, not surprised this guy advertised at all. He COULD be just a kook, who knows? He could be very real. I, in NO WAY, think this to be a PR stunt. This would be horrible press, everyone would say SEE we told you this would happen. BTW, the person who found this person was not a "hater" at all, but an actual SUPPORTER of Kate's.
I just want to clarify that in general, pedophiles go to great lengths to keep their proclivities secret.
NAMBLA on the other hand, is an activist organization whose members advocate publicly.
“NAMBLA's website states that it is a political, civil rights, and educational organization whose goal is to end ‘the extreme oppression of men and boys in mutually consensual relationships.’ According to the NAMBLA, one of the organization's primary positions is supporting and promoting man/boy relationships: they hold that when consensual these relationships are not harmful or child sexual abuse.”
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said..i have the link to the page that reveals who the supporter that found the NAMBLA guy. I hate to post other blogs (fans) if the ADMIN says Ok, I can post it.
I just want to clarify that in general, pedophiles go to great lengths to keep their proclivities secret.
NAMBLA on the other hand, is an activist organization whose members advocate publicly.
“NAMBLA's website states that it is a political, civil rights, and educational organization whose goal is to end ‘the extreme oppression of men and boys in mutually consensual relationships.’ According to the NAMBLA, one of the organization's primary positions is supporting and promoting man/boy relationships: they hold that when consensual these relationships are not harmful or child sexual abuse.”
Tweetle De,
That blog was none other than the Kate fan blog that rhymes with Piggy. It was a comment by a Kate fan named HB on May 15 at around 7am.
Here it is:
HB on May 15, 2011 7:23:00 AM said... [ ] 18
Ziggy, since I will not do Twitter, I have a question. Before I wrapped up last night I noticed a 'George Harvey 2' that signed on to Kate's account. The name was familiar so I looked at his profile & one of his reroutes...NAMBLA! Big RED flag w. that one...do you suppose someone other than Kate sifts thru' her followers, or is it just whoever signs on...signs on??? Of a much lighter note...a photographer for People Magazine also signed up. ;0)
She also tweeted:
HB on May 15, 2011 8:18:00 AM said... [ ] 23
I used your Twitter link, & Kate's latest tweet came up... there are a few avatars of her latest 'followers' posted...I saw a man's avatar & clicked it only to find out it was a 'George Harvey 2'. Whether he rerouted NAMBLA to Kate...I don't know, but it was food for thought...especially since he 'makes doll houses'!
PeggyP on May 15, 2011 9:54:00 AM said... [ ] 24
HB-I'm sure it's a troll. They're convinced that any male, other than Jon, who is in Kate's and/or the children's lives is a pedophile who is grooming the kids for molestation.
I would not be surprised if someone from Steve's company previews tweets from new followers before Kate can see them & blocks any unsuitable ones.
I think what happened was a non-fan was reading over at that Kate fan blog and read that comment and then tweeted about it to warn Kate on Twitter. From what I can tell that comment on the blog was the earliest mention of the pedophile. Notice only a non-fan brought the danger to Kate's attention. The Kate fans disregarded it even when one of their own pointed it out to them.
Just Dwindle Away,
You are wasting your talent here at 15 mins., you need to go pro and write comedy!
I had to read it twice it was so funny!!
Linda G. said... "humble brags." I love that. Kate does a lot of humble bragging to her subjects. Funny how her subject can't see that.
Just Dwindle Away, you are PRICELESS! That was some of the best satire I've ever read! (Think you must be a writer.) So many, many smart, witty women (not forgetting our Kelly) on the blog. Even when I don't mention you, I laugh daily reading your on-target opinions...each and every one of you are the BEST. And I have to add, being the Administrator of a blog like this is a lot of work...Adm does it so effortlessly that she makes it look easy (it's not). Just wanted to say again what a spectacular job she does. (End of my brown-nosing!)
"Spotlight = Fend Off Danger"
If only that were true. If someone is determined to get at them, nothing in the world will protect those kids. Having the Secret Service, one of the crack security teams in the world, didn't prevent Pres. Kennedy from being assassinated nor Pres. Reagan from being shot. Unfortunately, the kids are potential targets and will likely remain so even if the show is cancelled.
Just Dwindle Away - You owe me some computer screen cleaner! I snorted ice tea all over my computer screen when I read your post. You have a real gift for satire. That was one of the funniest things I've read in a long time!
I'm not surprised to see "The Sperminator" labelled a narcissist. He was a body builder. IMO, there's a degree of narcissism inherent in that "sport". I know people who have worked the competition he sponsors in Columbus, Ohio, every year, and they tell some hairraising tales about his behavior. Lets just say that it doesn't always stop with groping.
some twit tweeted...I would not be surprised if someone from Steve's company previews tweets from new followers before Kate can see them & blocks any unsuitable ones.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! THIS is hysterical!! "Steve's COMPANY" is screening her tweet-twats for suitability! Oh, lawdy I cant laugh hard enough! Is there any oxygen in the air where these sheeple live? I dont think so...
Just Dwindle, that was awesome and so on point!! Keep up the good work! Definately had me laughing in my soup LOL.
No I don't think every man who watches is a pedophile. I think men watch because their women or kids are or some might think Kate is cute. But there is no denying this show largely appeals to women and kids and that a man showing an intense interest who is not in the above category is suspect. It's naive to think otherwise.
"Administrator said...No I don't think every man who watches is a pedophile"
Nor do I. Nor do I think anyone who comes to my home or I have contact with is a pedophile. HOWEVER when you have CHILDREN you certainly do NOT want to the attitude that every male OR female it OK either. Even family members. Thus the reason you teach your children what to do or not do. YOU have to have protections in place to safeguard your children. To not discuss it, or to deny there are POSSIBILITIES is just plain stupid.
The possibility is ALWAYS there.
Yes exactly. A good parent finds that balance between no awareness of any potential harms, and hyper-vigilance that stifles a child. No one is asking Kate to put the kids in a bubble. But that little block button on twitter is a joke.
Before I wrapped up last night I noticed a 'George Harvey 2' that signed on to Kate's account. The name was familiar so I looked at his profile & one of his reroutes...NAMBLA!
I think I'm missing something here. Why would "that name" be familiar to anyone other than those who are familiar with NAMBLA, or is it because it's the name of a character in a movie?
AuntieAnn said, God forbid any of her kids - ANY child - be harmed by some sick pervert out there, but I have to wonder if her narcissism has become so morbid that she'd use a horrible situation like that to draw more attention/sympathy to HERSELF?
Munchausen by proxy? It's entirely possible. Anything for attention.
There is a video clip on Youtube made by two dads who filmed their kids for a 4 minutes Taylor Swift song.The kids are both around 7-9 years old.One commenter asked:
"How long did it take for you to film and edit this music video?"
Here's one of the dads' answer: "The edit went really quick, since the shots were all planned out beforehand. Probably only a few hours to edit. The filming took several days. We would only film for a few hours each day, since it gets very tiring for the kids."
So they needed a couple of days for 4 good minutes. How much do the Gosselin kids need to film a 30 minutes episode? Granted,they do not do over every scene but we already know several scenes need more than one take. But the kids aren't working,they're having fun right? Apparently the two kids filming the video also had fun,but that didn't make them less tired at the end of the day.And they don't have to film every day for the rest of their childhood unlike the G8.
Thank you No Regrets and N.E. Psycologist for the clarification on NAMBLA. I honestly don't know a thing about them, I was just surprised to hear of such a blatant reveal from a random guy on Khate's twit feed.
I wouldn't think that a person who is aware that NAMBLA exists translates to the person who is familiar with it.
Probably over a year ago I saw a cable new program that was profiling an author of a book meant to be read/purchased by the types who are in NAMBLA.
There was so much negative hype about the fact the writer was able to even publish such a book. The book's content was teaching how NOT to harm a young child while (supposedly) expressing love/making love to him/her.
I was APPALLED that such a book was actually written and published! Shows how sick some people are.
End result ~ Freedom of Speech!
That's where I learned about NAMBLA. That acronym has stuck in my mind since that viewing. Sick, just sick.
"No I don't think every man who watches is a pedophile. I think men watch because their women or kids are or some might think Kate is cute."
Nailed it.
When I was still married a few years ago my wife and kids watched it, so I would catch 5-10 minute chunks of it. That first season my wife and I shared a laugh of "imagine if we had THAT many, wow."
It has a strange appeal and crazy factor; trying to put yourself in the place of changing exponentially more diapers at a time than you do now, or feeding that many, or trying to get that many screaming kids to bed each night.
I admit I dont think I have ever seen a full episode, but I remember back then saying how NASTY kHate was to Jon. We laughed also at how Jon did all the work, and kHate had too many rules and hang-ups.
I think my (ex) wife and kids lost interest after the 2nd or 3rd season. She was just TOO MEAN and it didnt feel like 'reality' at all. It became embarrassing the year they were having obvious marital issues and put the show before family. Since then it has taken on its own life or being a complete and total farce, with kHate making everything about HER, grifting for free shit all the time, openly begging for free trips, and pretending to be 'super mom.'
It's far beyond disgusting now, watching this shrew ruin the lives of her kids, and alienating her family or anyone with a mind of their own. Her physical transformation is frightening too. I never thought she was 'hot' but back in the early days found her cute and her demeanor at least bearable. I cannot understand how anyone can watch this wreck now though.
On a lighter note, people, can you see her last twit..."cups and cups and cups and cups and more cups please"...bras cups, cups of wine? Now she's just playing with us!
Kate, quit complaining about the cups. Buy a set of 8 plastic drinking cups, write their names on them with a sharpie permanent marker, and set them out in a specific spot. After each has finished their drink they are responsible for rinsing out their own cup and putting back on the counter. Put a little stool by the kitchen sink if you have to. Have the housekeeper run them all through the dishwasher one time every night. And get over yourself. If they cant do this nicely, and YOU cant be pleased with it, then there is something wrong with their full time parenting. Jeez.
District judge rules against reality TV star
Published: May 18, 2011
A local district judge ruled in favor of a White Haven business seeking compensation for services rendered to a reality television star in a civil case.
Kate Gosselin of Sinking Springs has to pay Creative Energy Options, White Haven, $10,476 – a figure that includes $151 in court costs, District Judge Gerald Feissner has ruled.
The order states that Gosselin has 30 days after the date the judgment was signed, which was Friday, to pay the costs or file an appeal with Luzerne County Court.
Feissner, who heard the case May 11, said he could not comment on the case or his decision, citing rules of ethics and procedure.
Kimberly Borland, an attorney based in Wilkes-Barre, said his office appealed the decision Tuesday. Borland offered no other comment on the case.
Read the full story in Thursday's Standard-Speaker.
Admin, looks like it's official; Kate lost the court case. It appears her attorney filed the appeal already.
Talk about pissing away money (unless you think there's a chance she might have this decision reversed?).
New post. Ding dong the grifting's dead.
Oh for crying out loud. These fans are now saying that Allison AND Paul Petersen are only doing this because they "failed" as adults to be "stars". AND tweeting this to Allison. Are they even smart enough to REALIZE that these two are trying to PROTECT child performers???? Why don't they want the G8 protected? Or ANY CHILD for that matter. Are they really this dumb??
So it looks like Kart lost the lawsuit with LaFair but her attorney is appealing the decision. I think the appeal is just for further publicity. It's not even about paying for the services. Kart is desperate to stay in the news. She'll get another day in court with her boobyguard Steve but will end up paying $20,000 after the appeal.
Munchausen by proxy? It's entirely possible. Anything for attention.
E-town -- I never thought of that but you're right! I googled it, you nailed it:
"Munchausen Syndrome is an attention-seeking personality disorder which is more common than statistics suggest. Munchausen Syndrome, named after a German soldier renowned for exaggerated tales, is a predominantly female disorder in which an emotionally immature person with narcissistic tendencies, low self-esteem and a fragile ego has an overwhelming need to draw attention to herself and to be the centre of attention."
Although I think she has more than just narcissist "tendencies".
what a bunch of judgmental, bitter old hags.
OK, about Kate & this whole thing, "Thank you for supporting ME". Anytime Kate. Anytime. We are always looking out for YOU. You keep telling yourself that, you egotistical biatch! Sorry, I am not having a happy day. I have cramps! My pain sucks even worse. On a happier note though we got Netflix finally on our Wii! I am SO gonna watch Kate+8 all day tomorrow! I can't wait!! KIDDING!!! I'd rather have these cramps for another week!!
~Hippie Chick~
Anonymous said... what a bunch of judgmental, bitter old hags.
kart, is that you?! Honey, put the vino away and get off the computer and twitter.
Give your kids to Jon and move to Australia with purseboy. Maybe his parents will embrace you.
you are just making a fool of yourself......
OK, about Kate & this whole thing, "Thank you for supporting ME". Anytime Kate. Anytime. We are always looking out for YOU. You keep telling yourself that, you egotistical biatch! Sorry, I am not having a happy day. I have cramps! My pain sucks even worse. On a happier note though we got Netflix finally on our Wii! I am SO gonna watch Kate+8 all day tomorrow! I can't wait!! KIDDING!!! I'd rather have these cramps for another week!!
~Hippie Chick~
So it looks like Kart lost the lawsuit with LaFair but her attorney is appealing the decision. I think the appeal is just for further publicity. It's not even about paying for the services. Kart is desperate to stay in the news. She'll get another day in court with her boobyguard Steve but will end up paying $20,000 after the appeal.
I wouldn't think that a person who is aware that NAMBLA exists translates to the person who is familiar with it.
Probably over a year ago I saw a cable new program that was profiling an author of a book meant to be read/purchased by the types who are in NAMBLA.
There was so much negative hype about the fact the writer was able to even publish such a book. The book's content was teaching how NOT to harm a young child while (supposedly) expressing love/making love to him/her.
I was APPALLED that such a book was actually written and published! Shows how sick some people are.
End result ~ Freedom of Speech!
That's where I learned about NAMBLA. That acronym has stuck in my mind since that viewing. Sick, just sick.
District judge rules against reality TV star
Published: May 18, 2011
A local district judge ruled in favor of a White Haven business seeking compensation for services rendered to a reality television star in a civil case.
Kate Gosselin of Sinking Springs has to pay Creative Energy Options, White Haven, $10,476 – a figure that includes $151 in court costs, District Judge Gerald Feissner has ruled.
The order states that Gosselin has 30 days after the date the judgment was signed, which was Friday, to pay the costs or file an appeal with Luzerne County Court.
Feissner, who heard the case May 11, said he could not comment on the case or his decision, citing rules of ethics and procedure.
Kimberly Borland, an attorney based in Wilkes-Barre, said his office appealed the decision Tuesday. Borland offered no other comment on the case.
Read the full story in Thursday's Standard-Speaker.
Just Dwindle Away, you are PRICELESS! That was some of the best satire I've ever read! (Think you must be a writer.) So many, many smart, witty women (not forgetting our Kelly) on the blog. Even when I don't mention you, I laugh daily reading your on-target opinions...each and every one of you are the BEST. And I have to add, being the Administrator of a blog like this is a lot of work...Adm does it so effortlessly that she makes it look easy (it's not). Just wanted to say again what a spectacular job she does. (End of my brown-nosing!)
Tweetle De,
That blog was none other than the Kate fan blog that rhymes with Piggy. It was a comment by a Kate fan named HB on May 15 at around 7am.
Here it is:
HB on May 15, 2011 7:23:00 AM said... [ ] 18
Ziggy, since I will not do Twitter, I have a question. Before I wrapped up last night I noticed a 'George Harvey 2' that signed on to Kate's account. The name was familiar so I looked at his profile & one of his reroutes...NAMBLA! Big RED flag w. that one...do you suppose someone other than Kate sifts thru' her followers, or is it just whoever signs on...signs on??? Of a much lighter note...a photographer for People Magazine also signed up. ;0)
She also tweeted:
HB on May 15, 2011 8:18:00 AM said... [ ] 23
I used your Twitter link, & Kate's latest tweet came up... there are a few avatars of her latest 'followers' posted...I saw a man's avatar & clicked it only to find out it was a 'George Harvey 2'. Whether he rerouted NAMBLA to Kate...I don't know, but it was food for thought...especially since he 'makes doll houses'!
PeggyP on May 15, 2011 9:54:00 AM said... [ ] 24
HB-I'm sure it's a troll. They're convinced that any male, other than Jon, who is in Kate's and/or the children's lives is a pedophile who is grooming the kids for molestation.
I would not be surprised if someone from Steve's company previews tweets from new followers before Kate can see them & blocks any unsuitable ones.
I think what happened was a non-fan was reading over at that Kate fan blog and read that comment and then tweeted about it to warn Kate on Twitter. From what I can tell that comment on the blog was the earliest mention of the pedophile. Notice only a non-fan brought the danger to Kate's attention. The Kate fans disregarded it even when one of their own pointed it out to them.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said..i have the link to the page that reveals who the supporter that found the NAMBLA guy. I hate to post other blogs (fans) if the ADMIN says Ok, I can post it.
Regarding the George Harvey thing, "gotyournumberKate" posted this on May 15:
gotyournumberKate said...
OT. I was doing a little lurking on another blog just now and noticed that someone posted they picked up on @georgeharvey2 now following Kate. They googled his name and found him to be a member of NAMBLA. I verified that he is following Kate now. He even Tweets about NAMBLA. This made me sick to my stomach literally.
May 15, 2011 11:53 AM
I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere, but if we knew what the other blog was, perhaps we could begin to trace who posted it. Might help to solve a few questions.
I've been pondering these allegations that the NAMBLA member is a plant, or PR stunt. I couldn't see that making any sense, given the subject matter and how polar negative it is to filming young children for a television program.
Then it occurred to me, could this actually be a 'plant' used as a rouse to allow Kate to "get the kids off TV" due to the inherent danger in it?
Possibly Kate could come off (to those less intelligent) as the protective mother who opts to end the childrens' involvement in the show.
Persons rally support for her and tune into her simultaneously advertised own show.
Just a stab in the dark after trying to see the position of others here who think the pedo introduction onto Kate's twitter planned.
Or... maybe Kate could claim that it is ever so important to keep the children in the spotlight for safety purposes. Spotlight = Fend Off Danger
Kate's hostile, rude fans have been on her Twitter page for a few days and when she began to answer their questions and voice her opinion very politely and intelligently, Kate's fans flipped out because she (Alison) didn't agree with them. Now one extremely rude fan is spamming her Twitter page.
And they call us haters.
I think Khate's NAMBLA guy is a phony, but not a part of any planned PR for Khate. I'm no expert on pedo psychology, but I doubt one would make him/herself so obvious. I think it's more likely to be someone trying to yank Khate's chain. To hear the sheeple even suggest it might be Jon/Ellen is F-in' sick. Sorry for that, I have no "cleaner" words for them right now. That's why I stay far from any sheeple dwelling out there, including Khate's Twitter.
This reminds me of a local news anchor who created a "baby blog" on the station's site (in 2007, I think), to document her pregnancy and journey as a mom. It was interesting to read, because she was an older, first-time mom and very anxious about childbirth and raising an infant, in general. She would blog at least once a week, complete with photos and sometimes posted the names of other family members. One of her readers was a childless gentleman who responded to nearly every blog post, and in a way that didn't seem normal. He'd use "cute speak" often and would compare her child's likes/dislikes to his own. He'd also write about how pretty she was. Often he was the only one who would comment, so his posts really stuck out. This went on for months until the woman stopped blogging for months. She did come back, blogging less frequently and with fewer photos. I didn't see any more posts from this admirer.
For all I know, the guy could have been a harmless elderly man, but it creeped me out. I was hoping this woman would catch on and stop her blog all together, for her daughter's sake. As of now, she may have stopped her blog, as I was only able to locate some blog posts from 2010. Her little girl is either four or five now, and I hope for her sake, her mom has stopped blogging about her.
It's not only Khate that needs to be more careful, but all moms. My husband and I have friends with young children that post practically their entire family album on Facebook. They use their kids' photos as their avatars and post videos of their kids online. My hubby even says they're crazy and you can't be that trusting when you have no idea who might be watching.
Vanessa said...
Ok, if this pedo was on her twitter site, NOT BLOCKED, did she not see the inappropriate tweets about porn HERSELF with her own eyes? Would she not HERSELF have blocked him RIGHT then and there? The "haterz" were the ones REPEATEDLY (sp?) tweeting her to WAKE THE HELL UP, but THEY'RE all blocked? It was iwannadate's tweet that she finally acknowledged? F%$#&^G stupid
That's not how Twitter works. The only way Kate would see something that guy tweeted was if he tweeted to her. If you want to see everything someone on Twitter is tweeting, you have to "follow" them, which means clicking on their name. Then by following them, you will see everything they're tweeting.
This guy did NOT tweet anything to Kate. Any rag mags that are reporting that are mistaken. She was not following him so she didn't see his tweets.
I know it sounds complicated. It takes a while to figure it all out.
Ok, if this pedo was on her twitter site, NOT BLOCKED, did she not see the inappropriate tweets about porn HERSELF with her own eyes? Would she not HERSELF have blocked him RIGHT then and there? The "haterz" were the ones REPEATEDLY (sp?) tweeting her to WAKE THE HELL UP, but THEY'RE all blocked? It was iwannadate's tweet that she finally acknowledged? F%$#&^G stupid
I now see that "Nobody likes" posted this info upthread. It had not shown up after I refreshed page for the past hour, but it is there now showing it was posted an hour ago? Sorry for a post that was already mentioned.
Also wanted to comment on the "security rescued Kate". So Steve confiscated the iPhone, that she is now grounded from, and clicked on BLOCK? He earned his keep today! I think he deserves a bonus on this weeks paycheck. "MY HERO" screeches Kate as she jumps in his lap and his secure arms.
I am certain the reason that Kamp Kate and TLC has not commented is because they will have her on a talk show any day, where Kate will proclaim that she wants to get involved in spreading the word about pedophilia and PLANS to make large donations to any and all organizations to stop groups like this. She will announce that this will be take place right after she finishes contributions to New Zealand Zoo, the Steve Irwin foundation, Save the Koalas, and the Clarissa Kreider Grifter foundation.
When, When, When. I meant Win Win Win !!
The President's salary was raised from $200,000 to $400,000 in 2001. Yes, he pays for his own food, clothing, dry cleaning, school tuition for his daughters, etc. His perks include the use of AF1, Camp David, limos, a full household staff, full office staff, free access to movie
premieres in his personal theatre, sports venues (bowling alley, etc) and a very large house to live in.
It's a decent life, but not one I'd want. I'll stick to my little anonymous life with my very, very modest salary.
See Kate, not everyone is jellus of large salaries and big houses and all that attention.
What a shame that ROL has picked up the story (most likely fed to them by Kate/Sheeple) about the NAMBLA member following her on twitter and that it's become a pity Kate story rather than one about how dangerous it is of her to tweet about her kids the way she's done.
The jury is still out on whether the person's account was legit (I question it). Either way, the message SHOULD have been clear about internet predators, but I don't think Kate got the message and it's obvious her sheeple didn't! Whoever the person was or wasn't shouldn't make a difference -- the dangers are there and yet Kate seems to have her head stuck in the sand refusing to stop tweeting specifics about the kids. The sheeple can bury their heads, too but it'll not change the facts. What will it take for them to accept the truth?
Although I'm a newbie here, I don't think Jon's image should be removed or changed until there is a legal document on file, moved by him, that proves he's succeeded in removing the children from the entertainment business.
I agree that Jon was knee deep in the exploitation of those darling young ones. Those hours of embedded digital data will live in infamy and likely haunt most, if not all, of the Gosselin children for their lifetimes.
Because Jon has flown under the radar and apparently is living an apparent stable and relatively normal lifestyle these days, IMO that he still has to prove that his children deserve the same... if that's what he claims to believe.
Administrator said...
They're out of their league trying to go up against Alison angrim. She actually WAS a child star.
They definitely don't want to mess with Nellie! She's also a good friend of Paul Petersen, the guy the sheeple have decided is responsible for leading the "haterz" crusade against the exploitation of the Gosselin kids. HA! What fools and pretentious people the sheeple are to think they could engage with a professional and respected organization like A Minor Consideration.
E-town Neighbor, I have no idea what a stink bug is, thank goodness. Sounds really bad. I feel for you, E-town. Although I was born in Buffalo, I've lived on west coast since age six.
The past few weeks we have been invaded by crane flies, also known as mosquito eaters (and other names). They look like gigantic mosquitoes. After dark, when the inside lights are on, they fly around the room haphazardly, bumping into things... including our heads. A lot of times one will land on the TV screen. I gives me chills when they get close. They have a short life span, so I'm finding one or two dead on some surface in my home... mostly the kitchen sink, dog's water bowl, or windowsill. Eeewwww!
I'm not looking forward to the Junebug season. As long as I've lived here, decades, we'd not had them. It's only been in the past three, four years that they've arrived. Before that I'd see them while camping in the Sierra Nevada Mts.
Icky ~ bugs give me the creeps!
Moose Mania said
Exactly!! Can't these people still read Kate's live tweets? Blocking isn't going to do one bit of good if she continues to tweets private info on the kids, where they are, if they are in bed, or if she's waiting for the late bus!
Anyone can see ALL of K8's tweets as long as her feed is public. Blocking a pedophile doesn't prevent that person from reading everything she tweets.
Of course, K8 can't take her twitter feed private, because the whole point is to get attention.
As long as she tweets personal information about the kids, schedules, that she's waiting for the bus, etc., everyone can see those tweets: pedophiles, crazed fans, the local nutjob who might just want to bother the kids.
This too shall pass away said
have meals served, said W.H. cleaned and maintained, and has many more perks that come with the position.
The president pays for meals for himself and his family, unless they are state occasions. He gets a monthly bill. This became public knowledge when Nancy Reagan got her first bill, and was enraged about it.
Interesting! Radar changed their article to now credit Polly Kahl with that quote. Scroll up to my post at 5:13 pm, with the article from Radar Online pasted. There's this paragraph:
“He also made several inappropriate tweets involving porn as well as the young girl who was raped and murdered in the film The Lovely Bones,”one of Kate’s legitimate Twitter followers tells RadarOnline.com.
** Now, it says this:
“He also made several inappropriate tweets involving porn as well as the young girl who was raped and murdered in the film The Lovely Bones,” Polly Kahl, MA, LPC, author of Kate Plus Eight: Reality TV & The Selling of the Gosselins, tells RadarOnline.com exclusively.
Nor should Jon's pic be taken down as he was as much a part of the first years of the tups ruination as Kate, up until about a year or so ago. He was right there letting TLC film the hell out of those kids for stalkers, potty chairs in driveway? Collin crying, he wanted to pull his underpants up and Jon and Kate laughing like "he is only 3, doesn't know what he is doing is just a kid sitting bare ass naked on a potty chair in the driveway" yeah, well he remembers that. We all remember embarrassing moments for the rest of our lives.
They are both responsible for those kids and the twins? Jon went and slept in the garage and let Steve sleep in his house? What were those 8 yr old twins thinking? Please they are both responsible for what has happened to those kids, all 8 of them.
Sad stuff, the Gap sweats are old that one of the twins has on as is the other earth shirt that Mady has on. Yeah, something really wrong with that filming sequence, takes more than that to film. But then again, maybe TLC said, just go down there with a boom guy and a grip and don't put any film in the camera, would not surprise me, would it surprise you? As Kate did not get dressed with the girls hangin out and dressed and didn't do her hair. Something not right.
Oh yeah day of court she used a flat iron herself and you can see the overbleached hair and the flat iron wasn't used right then called the psychologist names. what a bitch that lying ho is.
Permanent Name - Oh, I understand, believe me, I understand! Never apologize for ranting, rant away, we all need to do it sometimes. I think we have all been driven to maddening frustration by Khate and this crazy situation so many times. What would we ever do without Admin and this blog? It was such a relief for me to find this blog and realize that there ARE other reasonable people out there who didn't think this was just a cute litte show with some adorable little kids, but had some real concerns.
Have a great night!
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...About the header on this blog, if I may chime in - I've always seen it as someone else mentioned above, that Jon is NOT in the spotlight (and loving it) as Khate is. He’s off to the side, in the shadows, looking at her sideways and disapprovingly. I was thinking maybe he could have a sign that says "TLC Sucks", but then I saw someone else mentioned a sign with TLC in a circle and a red line through it. That sounds good to me.
I DO think his name should be removed from the text, though, as it has been quite a while since he has done anything to gain fame and fortune off the kids. Maybe change it to:
"A blog chronicling every move Kate, TLC, (and formerly Jon) make in their relentless quest....."
My sediments exactly, regarding Jon's current image in the header and the amended tagline. I agree with admin that Jon still belongs up there, because this blog is about the Gosselins, not just Kate.
I was thinking of the 'Lies, Lies, Lies' t-shirt Jon once wore on the show over some TLC sign. Too bad he doesn't really have a torso.
Okay, I'm following rule #3 and now moving on to other topics.
Really, they need to think. Squeeze the eyes shut hard and think.
Admin, they can't. Even if they could, whatever they would "think" would defy all logic.
The more I think about this stalker thing, I really don't think that Kate and TLC are behind this, simply because, as someone pointed out, they would have to be nuts to do this. It just gives Jon ammunition in a court of law and that's the last thing they want. Steve and TLC could see this happening. I don't think, though, that Kate has the ability to see that far ahead. IF Jon would use this in court to pull the plug on the filming, what would Kate and TLC say? That this was all a publicity stunt? They couldn't do that. It would kill whatever viewership they have left. If they kept their mouths shut, Jon's argument for ceasing production would have all the more strength.
Could it be someone OTHER than Kate and TLC doing it, just to stir the pot for whatever reason? That's a possibility.
Is anyone being invaded by stink bugs? The real bugs, not TLC and company? This is like the Biblical locust plague - maybe it's a precursor to the Mayan end-of-world prediction!
TLC ship is sinking said...
Nobody, thanks for posting the Radar Online article so I don't have to visit the site!
You're welcome! But, after I posted it, I saw that Pink Straightjacket beat me to it!
I'm still trying to figure this whole tweeting pedophile thing out. Something just doesn't seem right to me, especially since radar Online was so quick to pick up the story. Also, "IwanaDateKate" was the only fan who cared about it and once he tweeted Khate, she responded by finally blocking the pedophile. Hmm, then how did Radar get the story? If they just casually looked at her Twitter, they would never be able to tell what she was talking about by thanking them. Oh man, I really, really hope this was not all a p.r. stunt by Khate and whoever she has on her "team". Sick, really sick.
JudyK said...
"GM all.thanks4watching out4me.I haven't been on Twitter much but clearly u have been.Trying2 recover&catch up from travel&party! Goodday2all"
So, in response to the warning about the pedophile, she says, "Thanks for watching out for ME"...NOT watching out for the kids, but for ME. I've almost decided she's not even worth my time. All the children are precious, and I sincerely hope they wind up w/ Jon.
JudyK - great catch on that! Yes, all Khate ever thinks about is HERSELF. Unbelievable that someone on Twitter warns her about a pedophile follower and she thanks them for looking out for HER. Then again, as others here have mentioned, I always thought it odd that she traveled with "security" while the kids were home with young not-a-nannies. Not that I would EVER put my kids on tv, but if they were as well known as the Gosselin kids, the security around our home and with them at all times would be incredible.
A couple more things - I see the sheeple are STILL driving Alison Angrim nuts on Twitter. They’re using her @name in all their tweets now and just won’t leave her alone, I bet she’s sorry she ever got dragged into it.
About the header on this blog, if I may chime in - I've always seen it as someone else mentioned above, that Jon is NOT in the spotlight (and loving it) as Khate is. He’s off to the side, in the shadows, looking at her sideways and disapprovingly. I was thinking maybe he could have a sign that says "TLC Sucks", but then I saw someone else mentioned a sign with TLC in a circle and a red line through it. That sounds good to me.
I DO think his name should be removed from the text, though, as it has been quite a while since he has done anything to gain fame and fortune off the kids. Maybe change it to:
"A blog chronicling every move Kate, TLC, (and formerly Jon) make in their relentless quest....."
Permanent Name, I have to respectfully disagree that Kate would be behind a fake pedo stalker. IMO, just the existence of an alleged NAMBLA member on her twitter page is contrary to what Kate preaches.
Kate believes she's doing no harm to her children.
I think it would be sick to integrate such a vile and disgusting person onto her twitter.
The fact that her security team resolved the problem also speaks to the unlikelihood that Kate is behind it.
Lastly, why on earth would Kate give fuel to Jon by introducing proof that subjecting their children to the masses will result in a pedophile following? If she did so, that's a motion waiting to happen in Superior Court.
Wow..Allison is doing an awesome job on twitter.... some people are suggesting that because she hasn't personally met K+8 that she can't really be advocating for them...Allison refers to how we haven't all personally met the tornado victims but we rally around them with support... Allison wondered if this is perhaps part of the sociological fall out of reality tv...it has been really interesting to follow...
Administrator said...
They're out of their league trying to go up against Alison angrim. She actually WAS a child star.
It's much like bringing a knife to a gunfight.
Oh, sorry, I see the full Radar article was already pasted above.
Btw, it looks like the sheeple got into with @Arngrim last night and now they are really attacking her:
You can follow the conversation here:
So, in response to the warning about the pedophile, she says, "Thanks for watching out for ME"...NOT watching out for the kids, but for ME.
This is the NPD talking. Pathetic, isn't it? Maybe she thought the pedophile was interested in her! My question is this: Isn't it within the narcissist's realm of consciousness to actually see what she is doing and correct it accordingly? In other words, when she is tweeting, wouldn't she think, hmmm...maybe I better say "US" or I'll look like a selfish witch? Wouldn't it even enter into her mind to do this...even if she clearly was thinking about only herself?
Holy cow, this mess just gets crazier and crazier! I'm trying to catch up but from what I can tell, the non-fans tweeted all day and night to get Khate to block that pedophile. None of the Khate fans seemed to care, or even believed it, I guess. Finally, last night "IwanaDateKate" stepped up and tweeted her about it. Then, Khate saw his tweet early this morning and she finally blocked him and and tweeted a general thanks, not one specifically to him.
I hope I got that right, lol. Here's the link for Radar Online, but I'll also cut and paste the story so people don't have to go there:
Kate Gosselin Stalked By Pedophile On Twitter
Posted on May 17, 2011 @ 05:33PM
by Radar Staff
Someone claiming to be a pedophile has been following Kate Gosselin on her Twitter account, RadarOnline.com has learned exclusively.
The follower was going by the name GeorgeHarvey2 and using a photo of the actor Stanley Tucci as his ID. George Harvey was the evil character -- who murdered a young girl -- Tucci played in the movie The Lovely Bones.
GerogeHarvey2 tweeted that he is a member of NAMBLA, the organization that supports pedophilia.
“He also made several inappropriate tweets involving porn as well as the young girl who was raped and murdered in the film The Lovely Bones,” one of Kate’s legitimate Twitter followers tells RadarOnline.com.
A few of her fans alerted Kate about GeorgeHarvey2 and her own security team took over. He has since been blocked from following her.
Kate returned the favor. “Thanks4watching out 4 me,” she Tweeted on Tuesday.
A spokesperson for TLC told us the cable net has no comment.
I found this on RWA. I will never go to Radaronline (full of viruses). Anyway thanks to the folks at RWA.
From Radaronline:
Someone claiming to be a pedophile has been following Kate Gosselin on her Twitter account, RadarOnline.com has learned exclusively.
The follower was going by the name GeorgeHarvey2 and using a photo of the actor Stanley Tucci as his ID. George Harvey was the evil character -- who murdered a young girl -- Tucci played in the movie The Lovely Bones.
GerogeHarvey2 tweeted that he is a member of NAMBLA, the organization that supports pedophilia.
“He also made several inappropriate tweets involving porn as well as the young girl who was raped and murdered in the film The Lovely Bones,” one of Kate’s legitimate Twitter followers tells RadarOnline.com.
A few of her fans alerted Kate about GeorgeHarvey2 and her own security team took over. He has since been blocked from following her.
Kate returned the favor. “Thanks4watching out 4 me,” she Tweeted on Tuesday.
My God. Kate is a STUPID, STUPID woman.
Haven't we been saying it all along- that her foolishness is going to put her little children in danger?
Jon, are you taking notice?
*BTW, the so called haterz were the ones posting their concern over this ped. None one of her "fans" said a peep except when Iwana finally stepped up to the plate. Good on him.
Thank God Kate's "security team (yeah, right)" put down their sandwiches long enough to do something about it.
WAKE UP KATE! You only get one chance with your kids. If you blow it because of your stupidity,
YOU are going to have to live with the consequences for the rest of your worthless life- not your "fans".
Kartie Tweetest (Formerly Dearest) said...
Radar Online posted an article about this whole pedophile on Kart's Twitter fiasco. I would provide the link but I don't like to go to that website because my computer tends to freeze.
I jumped on over to ROL to see the article. Whew-who... Kate's security jumped in and "blocked" the person. Blocking does not eliminate the problem.
Of course some replies blamed it on anti-Kate posters and one wrote it was Jon. Who would be stupid enough to create such a vile fake person only to be traced back to their self?
No matter who it was, or wasn't, this is one very big RED FLAG. I've often wondered about that family living so remotely and how vulnerable they all might be as a result.
In a typical suburban neighborhood at least you have others who could spot a stranger trolling the street/home.
The www is too wide spread and available to every kook and nut who has access to it... same goes for cable TV.
For darn sakes, Kate, get those children OFF television!
Batterednotbroken said...
Don't think my last comment went through. I will try again because l was dumdfounded to hear Khate gets more $$$$$ per annum than the President of the USA. President Obama gets $395.000 and change. Khate receives more than the Prseident of the most powerful country in the world! Wtf.
It's been years, actually decades, since I learned about the President's salary. From the recesses of my failing memory, I believe the President's annual income is supposed to be minimal. He does, however, live at the White House free of charge, have meals served, said W.H. cleaned and maintained, and has many more perks that come with the position.
I agree, too, that it does seem back-a$$wards that Kate earns so much more than the President of the the free world for her... hmmm... what ever it is that she does, or doesn't do. Oh yes, I remember, exploiting her minor children.
With the heavy makeup, evil grin and dark, overly arched eyebrows, does Kate remind anyone else of Ursula from The Little Mermaid? Is it just me?
Geez I haven't been on this site for a long time and yet things in the Gosselyns world remain the same i c. She looks pretty ridiculous allowing cameras follow her children around after all that has happened to this family, yet she still makes them work for their food and shelter. I do believe them kids have provided her with enuf money for her to live a very nice life and yet she still makes them work. The woman is greedy and selfish and that will never change but she can't keep them little anymore. I do believe the older one will eventually speak out for the rest of that gang and that will leave that woman speechless, amen
Way off any topic listed here (can I do that?) ~
I guess the doctor (seller of the Konpound) is having the last laugh. After Kate likely humiliated his family with her insults about the condition of their left refrigerator, he really profited from the peak housing market back in October 2008. Here's why...
According to Zillow the Konpound is currently worth $602,500.00, a fraction of what Jon and Kate paid. It's estimated worth is just above 50% (53.7946 to be exact) of their purchase price of $1,1200,00.00!
h8k8 said...
terri said...
Just went on TLC's site and apparently Kate is no longer listed as a contributor on the Parentables section. I truly believe the end is finally near. From my lips to God's ears. My biggest fear is for those kids when Kate officially gets kicked to the curb. We all know how nasty she can be when she doesn't get her way.
You're right, Terri. There is no trace of Kate at all on the Parentables site! The wicked witch is on her way to being unemployed. She was already fired from the job of blogger. lmao (it certainly wasn't anything to get excited about anyway!)
You need to do a search within the web site. Her blog is still there. The last update is several months old (Sound of Music).
The reason she is not on the front page is because all the other bloggers including the woman from "18 and Counting" show have posted recent entries and Kate's blog was simply "bumped" off the front page.
She has been too busy with twitter that if she wrote an article, it would written in twitter speak.
A couple things. I saw a pic (finally) of Khate exiting or entering the court last week. I have one, lingering question that to this day, has never been fully answered: WHY is STEVE necessary at all these things?!?! SERIOUSLY It has become a complete joke. I saw that pic and there he IS , AGAIN: UGH!! Are you her husband or WHAT/? Sorry for the caps but please stop! IT's beyond silly and how your wife (IF she is still married to you that is), sees her way to accepting this continual slap to her and your marriage is BEYOND me. Truly! And if you are divorced by now, and hooked up with the Odious One,just announce it already, couch it in terms Khate would understand: a jump in ratings! // Secondly; so Khate has a grifter sister. WHY am I NOT surprised? Hey,I have bio kids AND an adopted one from Asia. Our adoption was in 1989. I WILL tell you that it was expensive, and that we did NOT A) open a website (no internet then, lol) but we did not ASK OTHERS for ANY money; that includes FAMILY (we dont have a very giving type family anyhow), and B) we didnt even think to do so!! What is WRONG w/people today?! Everyone expects everything to be handed to them!! I have enough bills and I would never give money for such a purpose; sorry if that makes me a "Hater" or a xenophobe of foreign kids or whatever label they can put on it; it has nothing to do w/that, I simply Cant afford to be giving other people $ to grow their families. IF I give money ;, and I do , it's to the charities of my choice or it would be to something like a family who lost their entire house in a fire or like that. ! Kreiders? You SUCK. !
Since this is the buzz topic of the hour, my two cents on the header picture:
IMO Jons pic is great. His look is that of disgust, he has his back turned away from the twit and is looking at her out of the corner of his eye. Depicts the situation greatly! Looks like he just wants to walk away from it all, but the kids are in the background. If there were a caption above Jon, I see it saying something like "WTF? Does she NOT get it?"
So there is mu opinion. But I do like the idea of adding loverboy somewhere in there if anyhting were to be changed. The old western pic was priceless, perhaps the best spoof I have ever seen with Kate. Great job Admin.
One more thing, I noticed not one sheeple even took the time or care to RETWEET iwanas original tweet warning Kate about NAMBLA guy? WTF? You would think all 6 of her fans would have Re-tweeted the crap out of that to get some credit and some love from their 'stah'. And he has now posted that Kate did not acknowledge or thank him, but she made a general post thanking fans for having her back.
At least someone that could get her attention let her know and it appears that she has blocked the NAMBLA freak.
Admin: "That" blogger's logic is such that when faced with irrefutable proof that she had posted a false memory as fact, she decided the world had conspired to change all printed records of what she was remembering differently. Even more troubling, her followers backed her up with anecdotes and examples from their own observations. Not one called her on the asinine absurdities.
This is probably not a person you can reason with or a blog to go to for your information. What she posts as FACTS (emphasis hers) are so outrageously ill thought out no one with any kind of logical thinking would read what she wrote and accept it as true. I am pretty sure your reputation will not be sullied by anything she has to say.
(I tried to edit one of her posts--just for myself--so that I could understand what the heck she was trying to say but after half hour of trying to untangle the most convoluted, hysterical, poorly phrased arguments I pulled great clumps of hair out of my head and gave up. I understand how you felt trying to recap Kate's succinct, lucid writing. Some things are best left to the mysteries of the universe!!)
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