Sunday, May 15, 2011

Grocery store filming

How nice, Kate took Mady and Cara birthday party shopping. Alone time with Mommy.

....Oh. It was to film the crap out of them.

Kate also tweeted that she gave the twins three gifts for the Tup's birthday. Huh, we thought their birthday was in October.

382 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Jnettemariee said...

Umm, Is it just me or do all three look miserable? Mommy Dearest can't even make a trip to the party store a fun time? I am watching quietly from the sidelines on this post but you all really have her peg. BRAVO! ~ Administrator said...

She tweeted she put the kids to bed at 6:30 (6:30???) with a MOVIE.

I try to be patient about different ways of raising kids but I can't help myself this time....

LAZY ASS PARENTING, PERIOD. ~ Administrator said...

By the way, please don't bring the Clarissa discussion to this thread. Move on please. This is a general request to everyone and not to anyone specifically.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Cara & Mady sure look deliriously happy being filmed...

I'll bet that they can't wait for those damn cameras to disappear.

TLC, you suck! And shame on that Gosselin mom-zilla. She's going to reap what she is sowing ALL BY HERSELF.

I pray Kate's kids survive her lust for fame and fortune. May they live long, happy, and productive lives far, far away from their toxic mother.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Good grief, they look like the walking dead. If you were just to read Kate's tweets, which is what her fans do, you'd think they were all deliriously happy 24/7, living the good life, never giving in.

These pictures tell a different story. And this was being filmed??

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

They're getting of the age where they should be rebelling any minute now and refusing to take part in this charade. God only knows what kind of crap she's telling them/threatening them with in order to get them to cooperate.

I hate the thought the kids might all be dragged around again all summer long filming more damn episodes. ENOUGH already!

LisaNH said...

The kids are in bed at 6:30????? WTH? Does she damand they take naps throughout the day too like she used to? Who goes to bed at 6:30?? Seriously.

For the the love of Pete, this woman really, really needs to be stopped!!! She is just a lousy parent, no if ands or buts about it.

I don't have children, but even I know kids don'e go to bed at 6:30!!! When I was growing up my bedtime was 9pm (except when Charlie's Angels was on, then I got to stay up until 10pm!)

Sorry, but that's just not normal to put 7 yr olds to bed at 6:30pm. The nanny must have the night off so rathe than be with her kids, she puts them to bed at 6:30 (when most people are sitting down for dinner). I really loath this woman.

fade2black said...

Her recent tweets seem to be getting a little more religious...I wonder if she's attempting to go back to her lucrative roots since the skanky ho thing hasn't worked out very well for her.

Anonymous said...

Uggghhh..tried to watch Philly episode, couldn't make it through..will NEVER watch another on-line..rality left this trainwreck a long time ago..although I did notice Khatie Irene has learned to put inflection into te scripts she reads...but we till know she is reading. There are too many things wrong with her, I will NEVER watch another on-line's too painful to see the kids playing for the camera...

I feel dirty after that, gonna shower and thank my stars that my child is NORMAL...


Anonymous said...

sorry..previous anonymous was me...Franky, in case you rejected my post, I will re-post:

Uggghhh..tried to watch Philly episode, couldn't make it through..will NEVER watch another on-line..rality left this trainwreck a long time ago..although I did notice Khatie Irene has learned to put inflection into te scripts she reads...but we till know she is reading. There are too many things wrong with her, I will NEVER watch another on-line's too painful to see the kids playing for the camera...

I feel dirty after that, gonna shower and thank my stars that my child is NORMAL...


MammaKnows said...

Remember when she railed at Jon for putting Alexis to bed with a movie? It was ugly.

Anonymous said...

Franky here...sorry for typos

Was so disgusted I forgot to check for typos,forgive me please

TLC ship is sinking said...

Is Kate trying to take a page from Tori Spelling? She can try all she wants, but at least Tori actually enjoys planning parties (now weddings) for people. No joy on any of their faces.

Kate claims 70 people were at this pool party. How many of these were family relatives? I'm guessing 0. Either she's embellishing the number as usual or she's counting everyone including the production crew (and all the secret helpers she refuses to give credit to for pulling this off).

I hope Kate didn't force Mady and Cara to prep for this large party. It reminds me of the sextuplet's third birthday where Kate had the idea but everyone else did all the work. She doesn't have those people in her life now so she probably passes all the work onto her older twins.

No wonder the twins got three gifts each. I thought it was some guilt trip issue with Kate, but I'm starting to think it was a form of payment for all the slave work and filming. Guess what, Kate! Why don't you give the twins their fair portion of the family's salary! Those gifts are a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of the children's money you spend on yourself.

TLC ship is sinking said...

LisaNH said...The kids are in bed at 6:30????? WTH?

Especially right after their birthday party!

It's been awhile since I was a kid, but I recall the excitement and adrenaline after it was all over. I couldn't wait to play with my gifts. It was hard going to sleep because I didn't want that happy feeling to end.

Was filming that exhausting for everyone? ~ Administrator said...

It's still light out at 6:30! Are we supposed to believe it was just because they had a jam-packed wonderful birthday weekend? Or is it really because of how exhausted FILMING makes the kids, huh? Kate shoots herself in the foot every darn time. I don't think I was in bed at 6:30 past the age of two years old.

This reminds me of that Simpsons episode where Bart and Lisa go into foster care with their uber religious next-door neighbors and get sent to bed while there are still kids playing outside. LOL.

Toobusy said...

Hope that Coke and Diet Coke is organic. Whatever happened to that organic thing anyway? She feeds them tons of sugar but is concerned about organic foods?

fade2black said...

I'm guessing the 3 gifts for the twins were a box of trash bags, a bottle of Formula 409 and a dustbuster.

Beth said...

My mom would send us to bed, during the summer, at 8pm. It was still light out, for Pete's sake.

Kate just doesn't want to be bothered with them.

AuntieAnn said...

Kate just doesn't want to be bothered with them.
Exactly what I thought Beth. She might have put them to bed but that doesn't mean she put them to sleep, read them a story...all that stuff. Nope, SHE was tired so she wanted them out of her hair.

Did I say tired? tsk, silly me. I meant e-x-h-a-u-s-t-e-d. ~ Administrator said...

Here's a crrrazy idea. If you have to be a lazy parent and stick your child in front of a movie at 6:30, why not cuddle up with them and watch it together?

Probably because it was some kids movie Kate didn't care about. She will interact with the kids only if it's something that benefits her directly or indirectly, like trips. Or making money. ~ Administrator said...

Toobusy, don't you know that organic sugar is good for you? Why you can even brush your teeth with it! ~ Administrator said...

I'm in the camp that just does not normally comment on clothes here, the interest is just not there for me. But what's with the baggy too-long "boyfriend" jeans on Kate? Steve's?

I'm feeling snarky tonight.

Sick of Kate's excuses... said...

Is it just me or is anyone else sick of hearing how tired Kate is from being around her kids? Tweet after tweet she talks about how EXHAUSTED she is or how incredibly BUSY she is because of the kids.
Does she feel that way when they pay for her mani/pedis or her $2K hair service?

"Extreme Grifting" starring Kate on TLC said...

Sick of Kate's excuses...Kate is ALWAYS tired or exhausted, no matter what time of night. 6:30, 9:30, 11:30. Sheeple wait and wait for the elusive sighting of their 'promising' Queen. She PROMISES every night that tomorrow she will not be as tired and will tweet to ALL the sheeple. Reminds me of my ex, "not tonight honey, I'm tired, but if I sleep good, I promise tomorrow night will be extra special".
Kate excuses herself nightly so she can dodge the question of why she can only tweet one twat a night. She doesn't want to tell her sheep that Stevie-Poo told her she is making an ass of herself and that he will take the toy away.
So when Kate said when questioned about how she can tweet so much and watch the kids, she replied that she is the fastest texter in the world and can multi-task and tweet all day. Now she can't even squeeze out but two little farts a day. A "good morning, I'm the busiest bitch in the world because I am so much more important than I was one month ago when I tweeted 700 tweets a day, but I will get to all of you, MY FANS" and a "good night, I am so f'ing tired from these f'ing kids and this f'ing exhausting job...see you tomorrow my tweeties."
Contradicting again, Kate. I don't think she could even tell a lie without lying about her lie. Her bullshit has stopped selling, and I for one am not buying a single word out of her really good bra, I mean veneered mouth.

Bluenoser said...

My heart aches for poor Cara. That little girl looks so deeply depressed. She needs help right now!

New personal best here. Hit post comment (now) for the 4th time!

IDModo said...

Back to the uncomfortable subject that only a few of us want to address:Those girls both look so unhappy that if their life with Mom continues like this, they may be pushovers as young teens for the first "kindly" adult or romantic older guy who treats them nicely and with apparent respect, and who may turn out to be a sexual predator.
Why is Kate unable to see that she is setting her girls up for a potential encounter with danger? And her little kids as well?
Please don't take this the wrong way: I'm not blaming parents for the actions of predators.Most parents take all responsible steps to keep their children secure, including making sure that their kids are not available in any way to those who might hurt them.
Kate just doesn't get it.

roxyhelen said...

Yeah,I found the Phillie episode online(I downloaded it actually) but I just flipped through can anyone watch it and find it interesting? I don't get it...

Kate says the filming is not affecting the kids' life? She said she had to drag the kids out of there because of the "fans".Would she have needed to do that if they didn't have a TV show?

For the first time it really struck me: People look at them like they're a FREAK SHOW! Who does that to their own kids?

Also, there is a picture of Joel(or Collin) falling down the steps,so she lied about no one falling and this is more proof of how edited the show is and how many takes are needed to put together a "good" 30 minutes.Link here for those who don't remember:

She is such a liar!

And what's with the 6:30 bedtime? When I was 7 my bedtime was 9 or 10...What time do they have to be up? 5:30? they're sleeping for 11 hours? 8-9 hours is enough for this age group as far as I know.

mama mia said...

The twin gifts sound like bribery to me too, likely to keep their behavior in line so when the cameras roll they won't remind Kate how unfair it is the tups get seven birthday parties.

Overall people are tuning out big time.

The Weatherman said...

I just need to post on the weather on Saturday (party day) It rained ALL DAY! I live 10 minutes from Kate's house. There were maybe 10-15 minutes every couple of hours where it was NOT raining but was cold and damp.
The heavens did not open up and let the sun shine through just for her and her filmed party. It was miserable, cold, dreary and just wet outside.

Linda G. said...

Admin, I only raised one child, but took care of my niece and nephew a lot and I watched more kid's movies and TV shows I didn't like than I care to recall. You're right, it's a good time to snuggle and wind down.

There are lots more pics this grocery store trip at the link and I don't know which twin that is in the green jacket, but she looks pale, miserable, and tired in every one.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Administrator said...

I'm in the camp that just does not normally comment on clothes here, the interest is just not there for me. But what's with the baggy too-long "boyfriend" jeans on Kate? Steve's?

I'm feeling snarky tonight.


Well, while we're at it, the thing that I could not help noticing was her very ill-fitting bra. It's most obvious in this pic:

Other than that though, I think that these photos show Khate looking more like an average mother doing her weekend grocery shopping than she ever looks normally. Isn't it interesting how when she's FILMING an episode showing her grocery shopping, she's in jeans and flip flops, hair pulled back, no boobs hanging out but when she's seen in her staged paparazzi shots going to Target or running errands, she's all dressed up and in heels? Strange. It's kind of like they're filming an episode trying to depict Khate as your average, every day mother, even though she rarely looks like that.

Now to get really nitpicky, I have to say that MOST mothers who are home all week while the kids are in school would be doing all the grocery shopping, errands, and party prep during the week while the kids are in school. Especially when the kids are gone so many hours a day and you have so much time on your hands. Also, particularly when you only have the kids every other weekend. BUT, when you're filming an EPISODE I guess you have to drag two of the kids with you on a Saturday, (you can tell how thrilled they are by that in the photos), while the other six kids are home with babysitters. Fake, fake, and more fake.

Anonymous for this time said...

I attend Kate's former church (where they filmed an episode one time)

This Sunday (yesterday) the pastor spoke on Holiness vs. Happiness
It was a message to be heard by everyone and I certainly learned from it but it spoke volumes to me in regards to what others see as 'happiness' and their reasoning for it.

The Pastor talked about what 'America's Formula for Happiness is:
Better Possessions +
Peaceful Circumstances +
Thrilling Experiences +
Right Relationships +
Perfect Appearance =

The problem with that is that happiness is like a leaking bucket. It keeps draining, and you have to keep adding to it to keep the bucket full. Your looks fade - you get plastic surgery; your neighbor has a newer car or a bigger house - you buy more goodies to keep up; your friend doesn't like what you are doing and how you live your life - you move on to find someone who will be your 'yes' man; one of your co-workers went to Disneyland for vacation, you have to go to Disney World, etc.

I won't go into the religious part - the "God Solution" of this because this isn't a religious blog; but I thought about how many people seem to think Happiness comes in things, and adventures, etc. We hear it all the time as the excuses from the Kate Fans. "Look at what the kids have - squeals of delight, look at the experiences they have, look how great Kate looks. You are all jellus."

While listening to this sermon, my heart broke for that family. The example that is being set by their mother and the fans and TLC who enable this behaviour is so sad. I am praying they don't equate their happiness with things and experiences, but are able to look beyond all that is fleeting.

I'm not just pointing fingers at Kate either. All of us to an extent have a skewed view at what makes us happy. We need see that many of those things are temporal and won't actually matter when it comes down to it.

Linda G. said...

Sick of Kate's excuses: yes, the poor dear is definiteky going to need some time away after all this EXHAUSTING prep work and EXHAUSTING time spent with the kids. Where's her fainting couch?

Maybe a spot of shopping and dining in New York, along with a massage and mani/pedi would do the trick. Call the car service! That way she can avoid the kids most of this week, then they go to their dad's this weekend, so she can be back in her mine-all-mine mansion alone again.


(I'm wiping away a tear of admiration....)

chesterctymom said...

Love how in some of the pics there is a case of water under the cart...and in some pics it's gone...just they did a retake while filming the 'realist reality show ever'...

so sick of her said...

I agree with everyone here, 6:30pm for bedtime for 7 yr olds? When I was that age it was 8pm, 9pm as I got older, then 11-13 10pm, HS anytime, but you had better get up in the morning. A pool party? As in swimming or a party by the pool? Is Kate nuts? And Yeah, relatives NOT! I don't see how Kate can be so tired, the only thing she has done besides the shopping at the last min, tweeting, paying that desk full of bills, that took so long, that she could not go jogging, what no online bill paying? Gee, I thought Kate said she is a perfectionist on organization? Kate has become the Queen of Drama Queens. And a very lazy parent, but then she is a lazy person. Work the Twins Kate!

Ava said...

Can anyone tell from the pictures if this is a different car? I know Kate mentioned on Twitter that she changed cars. Don't know why it matters but was just wondering.

Beth said...

She is "exhausterish." :)

Jenna Does said...

Sorry Admin! I didn't read the comments before I posted mine about Kate's sis. It was a short paragraph in a longer post. (Sorry!)
~Hippie Chick~

Wetcoaster said...

Twit idiot. My grandson is 2, he goes to bed at 8. And where exactly in the McMansion does she put these kids to bed with a movIe? Do they all cuddle up in one room together? Multiple recorders? Slumber party in the family room? Or perhaps in Mommy's bed with Uncle Steve. Her twits make her even more ridiculous than she is in real life. Perhaps this will be TLC's fall lineup? They have apparently not gotten the message that their reality show is unwatchable, and since they no longer show it in real time, who cares? Period.

Mel said...

A link to I Only Tweet When Nothing Important is Happening:

text that turns into the link

Yep, that's me. Only tweeting when I have nothing better to do.

Like converse with my daughter who's walking next to me....looking uncomfortable.

JudyK said...

Administrator said... She tweeted she put the kids to bed at 6:30 (6:30???) with a MOVIE.

I try to be patient about different ways of raising kids but I can't help myself this time....




Tucker's Mom said...

chesterctymom said...
Love how in some of the pics there is a case of water under the cart...and in some pics it's gone...just they did a retake while filming the 'realist reality show ever'...*******
I think it's 2 separate carts. One clearly has soda, ice and water, and the other is just full of plastic bags.
It's still surreal that they tape grocery store visits. Who watches this dreck?

Mik said...

Admin---check out the Chaz Bono documentary on OWN--lots of comments about growing up in the spotlight and how much it sucked for his/her life.

AuntieAnn said...

Mel said...A link to I Only Tweet When Nothing Important is Happening:
That photo says it all. She cannot put that damn phone away. And Cara looks like she's way past her limit with this bs. I remember her at the Crayola factory a looong time ago crying and saying I wish it was just Mommy and Daddy and Mady and me again. That was four years ago, how sad is that. I know she loves her brothers and sisters, but is she going to resent them down the line along with her mother? She was robbed of her childhood. Thanks to the biggest grifter that ever walked the face of the earth, her life is an open book. How Jon restrained himself from throttling Kate's neck is beyond me.

And yes, Admin, she and Steve are just cozy enough for her to wear his pants. Bet they swap ABC gum too. Yuck.

Linda G. -- " (I'm wiping away a tear of admiration....)" -- You owe me a monitor cleaning.

"Extreme Grifting" -- "Now she can't even squeeze out but two little farts a day." - LOL!!!

Great comments from EVERYONE on 15MGS! You guys are as sharp as tacks.

Daisygirl said...

When have you ever seen Kate ware jean that are too long and too large. Maybe Steve's???

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Khate was probably ticked off that she had to spend a rainy Saturday doing mundane things like grocery shopping and party prep around the house because it was in the SCRIPT for this party EPISODE they're doing.

About the rain on Saturday, I think her tweets indicate that the actual big, huge birthday bash was on Sunday. Even so, it was quite cool on Friday, cool and rainy on Saturday, and cool again on Sunday. Far too cold to have a pool party. In fact, how many people in her area even have their pools open and ready by May 15th? I have similar weather to them and the norm around us is not before Memorial Day even with heated pools.

As far as the 6:30/7:00 bedtime, I'm calling B.S. on that one, just another one of her lies. There is no way that ALL 8 kids were ready for bed (and a movie) by 6:30 and ALL 8 were sleeping by 7:00. Yeah, right. Like someone said, where were all 8 watching this movie? Did she leave them all sleeping there, or carry them to their beds? Such lies. Plus, ALL 8 fell asleep within the first half hour of a movie. Yup, not a single one was so interested in the movie that they actually stayed awake past 7 pm. It's such a stupid thing to lie about, but it's so annoying how she lies about EVERYTHING!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

The Weatherman said...

I just need to post on the weather on Saturday (party day) It rained ALL DAY! I live 10 minutes from Kate's house. There were maybe 10-15 minutes every couple of hours where it was NOT raining but was cold and damp.
The heavens did not open up and let the sun shine through just for her and her filmed party. It was miserable, cold, dreary and just wet outside.

The party was Sunday. How was the weather that day?

Just Dwindle Away said...

Sick of Kate's excuses... said... Is it just me or is anyone else sick of hearing how tired Kate is from being around her kids? Tweet after tweet she talks about how EXHAUSTED she is or how incredibly BUSY she is because of the kids.

She has ALWAYS been this way, from the time of the first specials. "I'm much too busy and exhausted to... (fill in the blank)". The last 2 or 3 times I watched an episode, every time she was say "too busy and exhausted", I would shout at the TV "and exhausted and busy! cha-ching!".

Privatly, most moms do use similar words, but in front of your children, dont most of us smile and say "We have a lot going on these days!" or something vague and proud like that? Kate has always complained about her children in FRONT of her children or even TO the children. I wonder if that is the way she was raised, being told by a parent constantly "You have ruined my life and make me miserable every day." And I wonder why the sheeple admire that so much about her.

The Weatherman said...

If the actual party was Sunday then it was even a worse day. We had thunderstorms and rain as well. I took a nap after lunch (around 1pm) and woke up to thunder and lightening and rain all day as well. Torrential downpour around 6pm.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

The Weatherman said...

If the actual party was Sunday then it was even a worse day. We had thunderstorms and rain as well. I took a nap after lunch (around 1pm) and woke up to thunder and lightening and rain all day as well. Torrential downpour around 6pm.

Kate is truly blessed that the sun shined only on her house. It's so strange that she has to make every moment of her life sound so extraordinarily special. I'd like to understand the thinking for her feeling she has to overcompensate like that. Even her die hard fans have got to realize that no one's life is that perfect each and every day.

E-town Neighbor said...

Privatly, most moms do use similar words, but in front of your children, dont most of us smile and say "We have a lot going on these days!" or something vague and proud like that?


Dwindle - you are so right. I can remember one Christmas when I was absolutely dead on my feet from running around trying to get everything done. There were so many school events in which I was involved on top of the usual holiday preparations. I had just chaperoned a field trip and was trying to get everyone ready for a mini-vacation over break. I can remember picking up the kids at school, stopping at a gas station, just barely able to get out and pump gas. I could feel the tears starting to come...that's how exhausted I was. My youngest looked at me and said, "What's wrong, mommy?" Oldest child said, "Are you sick?" I did actually feel like I was getting the flu. I told them that I was just really, really tired, but it was a GOOD kind of tired because we were going to have a special day and a great trip, and that sometimes getting tired is worth it.

Secretly, I just wanted to curl up in bed for a few days with nobody or nothing to bother me! But you just do what you have to do.

Just Dwindle Away said...

I have a question - wasnt there a great deal of chat last year too, about filming a pool party in early May and it was freezing outside? Did any of that footage ever air last year? All this talk about 70 people being in the kids' pool and awful teeth-chattering weather seems very familiar. Didn't 'we' even talk about how Kate would have freaked out about having strangers and assorted kids in the mine-all-mine mcmansion? I dont watch the show at all, so I dont know if that teeth chatter bday episode ever aired this past year. Anyone?

AuntieAnn said...

Torrential downpour around 6pm.
I wonder what Kate wore for the party. Layered clothing I hope because it sounds like the same kind of weather they had when they visited the Palins in Alaska.

And what is "think 70 total ppl" in Katespeak? 8? 9? She has this tendency to exaggerate.

Tucker's Mom said...

I do seem to remember that the kids' had a pool party last year and it was quite cool. I don't know if it ever aired. I just remember that they went to Florida.

E-town Neighbor said...

I have a question - wasnt there a great deal of chat last year too, about filming a pool party in early May and it was freezing outside?


Yes. If I recall, it was in the high 40s, low 50s and they had a pool party. The insanity of it all!

E-town Neighbor said...

Sunday was better than Saturday, which was complete wash-out. The sun came out for a very brief time (like fifteen minutes!), and then everything broke loose. Heavy rains, thunder, high winds, and it was just miserable. Temp-wise, not as cool as Saturday, but still it was no weather for a pool party!

Moose Mania said...

Someone asked about the car. It's a Sequoia, and she said she got it because it's bigger (not by much - only three inches wider), BUT it looks like she took out the third row of seats. Why would she do that if she needed the passenger room? You just don't take those seats in and out when the need arises. It's difficult to do.

I've stopped trying to figure out what she does and why she does it.

Troy Chula Vista said...

Admin ya did it again.. lol. I was wondering where everyone was. :) Not sure if someone noted yet,

Looks like Kate lost in court! reported via twitter.

h8k8 said...

Darn it, there I am on the previous thread again wondering why there is nothing new posted. I should learn to look for a new thread more frequently I guess.

silimom said...

Nobody said: . There is no way that ALL 8 kids were ready for bed (and a movie) by 6:30 and ALL 8 were sleeping by 7:00

Sure it is - IF you give them benadryl before bed. Didn't someone say last year that she regulary medicates the kids?

Not yet said...

No court ruling yet. The twitter report is bogus. Look further and there is nothing out there in the real world.

Tucker's Mom said...

Not yet said...
No court ruling yet. The twitter report is bogus. Look further and there is nothing out there in the real world.
If the ruling comes down against her, I think she'll appeal vs. cut her losses. You know, Jon was somewhat cryptic last year (or so) when he said he was befuddled about his and Kate's visit with Dr. Phil.
I now kind of think that Jon went there for counseling to help save the marriage, and Kate went there to have McGraw help their image through a public divorce. I don't think she did or would ever consider real counseling a la Imago therapy or the like which involves a great deal of work and commitment.
Furthermore, I don't think Dr. Phil liked being involved in their mess whatsoever. If you saw him on The View when Kate was co-hosting, he barely acknowledged her, despite Kate trying to engage him.
I don't think he suffers fools, and I don't get why Jon and Kate just had to fly off to LA for a pow wow with McGraw.
Aren't there any good counselors in PA?
I'm sure there are, it just wouldn't be as sexy and celeb-like.

Good one said...

fade2black said...

I'm guessing the 3 gifts for the twins were a box of trash bags, a bottle of Formula 409 and a dustbuster.

Anon2 said...

In reference to that Georgeharvey2 creep from the other thread....

Someone may already have noted this, but this GeorgeHarvey2 person following Kate is not only creepy and gross (based on his tweets), but made a reference to being okay with his children reading porn. One of his tweets talked about rape fantasies.

Besides following NMBLA, he also follows several MISSING CHILDREN sites. Based on the description of fictional serial killer George Harvey on the other thread and this creep's "tastes", this is hideous.

When you look at who he follows, Kate comes up first. She should be horrified and frightened that this man is "interested" in her. It scares me from here...

so sick of her said...

Kate chosing Dr Phil, is not too surprising. Dr Phil use to be the head huncho in the marriage fix. So it is not surprising. As for this weirdo guy following Kate on Twitter, why does that shock anyone, Kate watches that show Dexter. Sometimes I think Kate wishes she could do what Dexter does, but then does anyway, she does not kill anyone but, uses money(grifts) instead.

SNARK said...

Well, Kate has twittered again, to let everyone know she is TIRED. Yes, we know Kate, you are super mom, you threw a party for your kids that you made $250,000 off of, then put them all to bed at 6:30pm!

I feel your pain! How did you ever manage to get up out of bed and twitter this information to your loyal fans by 2pm. You really Can DO IT ALL!

Maybe too obvious?? said...

George Harvey may just be set up for provocation or to drive interest in Kate higher. His first tweet is dated May 8 which may indicate a response to plummeting ratings. I was extremely worried about the wisdom of tweeting with Iwana, also, but that "interest" thread fizzled to nearly nothing. Maybe production had to up the fear factor?

Of course, Mr. Harvey may be totally real and just as scary as he appears. There are some truly sick people in the world. Just not sure how many of them are so open with their perversities. It is almost like he has a big red flag saying Look At Me.

silimom said...

For what it's worth, WernyGal said: "I did make Jon and Ellen aware of it through mututal local connections".

Even if she hadn't taken steps to get the word to him, I'm sure he is aware of the situation by now and he and his lawyer are taking the necessary steps to remedy the problem.

The p-people Kate should be worried about said...

I think Kate should be more worried about pedophiles than the paparazzi.

Admin-you have a link on the right for Small Town Gosselins. I suggest everyone should go their and read her latest post.

Beth said...

If Kate had experienced what us TRUE mothers have experienced, I can understand why she is so tired. She had a husband who helped her do everything. I did not. Sure, I only had two children, but there were times when I wouldn't get any sleep for days. I took it on the chin because that is what a mom does. Kate thinks that she is the only mother in the world. Idiot!

I now have 4 beautiful grandchildren to show for all of my hard work. :)

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Not yet said...

No court ruling yet. The twitter report is bogus. Look further and there is nothing out there in the real world.

It's too bad the non-fans didn't try and verify this before tweeting it as fact.

Anonymous said...

I agree with others that 6:30 is too early to put even 7 year olds to bed. Then I considered that if they were being filmed all day, perhaps they were just worn out, who knows how many re-takes were involved. Perhaps hitting the sheets is the only privacy they have had all day. On the other hand, it does sound like the sort of thing that she would do so that she could have her alone time. How about that 70 people at the party? Seems a tad "excessive" to me but then I don't know the size of the crew who to her are the most important people attending.

AuntieAnn said...

silimom -- I certainly hope Jon does SOMETHING. That gray-haired sidekick of Kate's is nothing but useless if he can't supervise her twittering activities. Kind of sad that this mother of eight has the mindset of a tween herself and can't see the danger she's putting her kids in.

N.E. Psychologist said...

Even if George Harvey is fake, you can bet there are other, real pedophiles who watch the show and follow Kate's twitter activity.

PA weather on Sunday said...

I guess we can stop the speculation of the pool party weather. It was rainy and dreary but it went up to 75 degrees at one point.

Weather in Wyomissing PA Sunday, May 15, 2011
(See line marked Yesterday)

History & Almanac
May 16, 2011 Max Temp Min Temp
Normal (KRDG) 72 °F 51 °F
Record (KRDG) 91 °F (1998) 35 °F (1973)
Yesterday 75 °F 60 °F
Yesterday's Cooling Degree Days: 3


Pam said...

Just wondering...How many of you would do to your kids what Kate does, so you can have lots of money, fame, fancy trips, hired help, a bodyguard to canoodle with, news cars, designer clothes, ect etc etc????

But for all of this fancy stuff and fame and wealth....

You give up your good name ( if you had one ) and are seen for the rest of your life as a grifter, child exploiter, and a mean and nasty bitch who treats people like dirt????

I'm guessing not many of you would think living the high life the way Kate gets it would be worth living the rest of your life with a horrible reputation like she will.

I think I'd rather be dirt poor but with a good repuation than to be ANYTHING like Kate Gosselin. She will forever be known as a much disliked/hated vile woman who exploited her kids even when she's 80 years old. Her obituary will include how reviled she was by most of the country and how controversial and fame hungry she was.

I hope all the money and trips are worth it to her to carry this label for the rest of her life.

On another note, and I hope this isn't seen as insensitive or mean spirited, but Cara's current behavior, the way she carries herself, reminds me SOOOO much of how Chaz Bono looked/acted when he(she) was younger and didn't really know who he was. When was the lat time we EVER saw Cara smile? That child seems so deeply depressed and sad and lost and miserable.

But as long as Kate still gets her trips and paycheck and fame, who cares. Right?

roxyhelen said...

I honestly cannot believe Kate is not worried that a NAMBLA member has "noticed" her little boys.She showed them half naked or even naked on Tv on several occasions,those sick people really got off by watching her precious children.Who isn't concerned about things like that? Everyone knows where they live for God's sake! How hard can it be to snatch one of them? There's so many of them that one of them missing would not be immediately noticed.These kids have been thought that it's okay to befriend every stranger that walks in their house(Kate bragged about that actually). When the crew came back(I am not sure they were all old crew members) Alexis(?) told one of the men something like "I'll tell you a secret". Is it okay for your 6 year old daughter to have a secret with a stranger that comes and films her everyday? I will never know how Kate sleeps at night knowing what she exposed those kids to.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Kelly posted on twitter re the La Fair case:

Underwalt Walt
@Kateplusmy8 A decision was rendered on Friday and all parties were notified today however the case file has been pulled and not available

h8k8 said...

Tucker's Mom said...
...If the ruling comes down against her, I think she'll appeal vs. cut her losses. You know, Jon was somewhat cryptic last year (or so) when he said he was befuddled about his and Kate's visit with Dr. Phil.
I now kind of think that Jon went there for counseling to help save the marriage, and Kate went there to have McGraw help their image through a public divorce. I don't think she did or would ever consider real counseling a la Imago therapy or the like which involves a great deal of work and commitment.
Furthermore, I don't think Dr. Phil liked being involved in their mess whatsoever. If you saw him on The View when Kate was co-hosting, he barely acknowledged her, despite Kate trying to engage him.
I don't think he suffers fools, and I don't get why Jon and Kate just had to fly off to LA for a pow wow with McGraw.
Aren't there any good counselors in PA?
I'm sure there are, it just wouldn't be as sexy and celeb-like.


I have to disagree, Tucker's Mom about Dr. Phil not wanting to be involved in J&K's mess. Dr. Phil is as much of a fame whore as Kate and he exploits his guests as far as necessary to get viewers. What he's done to exploit the problems of the members of the "Dr. Phil family" disgusts me and I think he jumped at the chance to counsel J&K in front of the cameras. The reason he didn't give Kate the time of day on The View may have been because of the way their last meeting ended - with the agreement to film with J&K and Dr. Lafair blowing up on him.

As for the reason why J&K flew to CA for counseling? I believe Kate agreed to "in front of the camera's" counseling with Dr. Phil which had to be done at his studios and Jon bailed after he found out it wasn't to save the marriage, but rather to protect "the brand". I don't believe Kate ever had any intention of doing any real marital therapy since the marriage was over in almost every sense since the time of their fake marital vow renewal in Hawaii. Whether it was a therapist in PA or CA, it wouldn't have made any difference; she had no intention of trying to work on the marriage.

Permanent Name said...

Here's what I figure: if Kart prevailed, she'd have come out singing on twitter about how she'd been right.

So I guess she lost and has to pay the bill. That would explain her silence on the subject.


does your comment mean that the case file will eventually be available? Does 'pulled' just mean it's still on someone's desk?

Permanent Name said...!/lancasterwatch

This is the link I found by hunting around twitter.

I guess lancasterwatch is some kind of newspaper or something.

She lost and has 30 days to appeal.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Permanent, here are Kelly's tweets about it:

Underwalt Walt
@Kateplusmy8 File is probably still with the Judge

Underwalt Walt
@Kateplusmy8 they can't hide it. It's a matter of public record. The record just has to be made available for press or public to view

Underwalt Walt
@Kateplusmy8 My guess would be that if they reach an agreement, both parties will agree to say nothing. If not, they won't seal the file.

Jenna Does said...

I gotta say, those plastic bags are pissing me off. Miss. Oh So Green Kate & her righteous organics & her solar panels for nothing & her this & that. If those panels had not been free, she would never have coughed up the cash for that. (I twittered Jon weeks ago thanking him for making the Earth greener for doing what he was doing). Kate however, cannot seem to get it through her thick head that all those plastic bags she uses, for the THIRD birthday party, kills more damn trees than she will ever know. She isn't teaching her kids any effing life lessons at all, but she can start small, like making the planet a better, more eco-friendly place to live for when THEY grow up. I hope she recycles, but it's doubtful, she doesn't think about anyone but her damn self. I can't imagine Kate returning the bags, or re-using "icky" bags that once had food in them. (speculation of course)

I have noticed in pictures before, if she is at say, Whole Foods, picking up 3 things, she'll use tote bags. (poser) but when she has 3 carts full of shit, she uses the plastic. Um, what? Ditzy...(insert bad name here). I'm an advocate for the 3R's. I go to schools & give little speeches about the importance of it w/ my charts & little games & stuff. We only have ONE Earth & it would be nice to have it around & CLEAN for along time. People like Kate, the hypocrites, really piss me off. Sorry about the rant, but she 'claims' to be all earthy & organic & helpful. It is such an overgrown lie, like everything else.
~Hippie Chick~

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

At this point, I think all we can be certain of is a decision was made.

Tucker's Mom said...

h8k8.....we are certainly on the same page on the latter, re: Kate having no intentions of working on the marriage. Jon was hx ;-)
But what I saw on the view was like Kate had cooties!! I thought Dr. Phil was going to spray a cootie shield when he sat on the couch.
And yes, the Dr. Phil Family? A train wreck and such a waste of resources.
On another note, if initial reports are true, I had a funny feeling Kate was going to lose this LaFair case. It's a marital bill. Pay up.
So many things are beginning to square up....interesting.

Batterednotbroken said...

Extreme Grifting" starring Kate on TLC said...

Brilliant! You're brilliant. LOL loved your comments.

h8k8 said...

Permanent Name said...!/lancasterwatch

This is the link I found by hunting around twitter.

I guess lancasterwatch is some kind of newspaper or something.

She lost and has 30 days to appeal

While this news might be true, I'm not believing anything they said until I see some other proof. The Twitter account was JUST opened, they've ONLY tweeted 13 times and it's all been about Kate's case TO Kate ONLY and they've all been sent TODAY (6 and 4 hours ago). I'm not buying it. If it was legit, they'd be tweeing ROL, TMZ, etc.

lancasterwatch @Kateplusmy8 The Judge in Pennsylvania ruled against Kate Gosselin on Monday 5-16-11


LaLaLandNoMore said...

Anyone notice that Kate always "brags" about everything they do, where they go, what they have, etc.? This speaks to her low-class personality. Most of us were taught that it's better to let others' notice our success and say "thank-you" for the compliments. This woman is still trying to film the puddin out of the kids and the situation. So desperate, really.

Sick, sick, sick said...

Maybe too obvious?? said...

George Harvey may just be set up for provocation or to drive interest in Kate higher.


Whether or not "George Harvey" is an actual NAMBLA member and/or a pedophile may not matter a whole lot. That someone set up a Twitter account and is targeting Kate this way is scary all on its own.

No matter what the motivation, this is a creepy and horrible thing to do. And Kate invited it.

Kate put her children out on a "golden platter" and served them up to the world. Once she sold them out, she no longer had the ability to protect them in the ways that nurturing parents hope to. Not from the nuts who would hurt them, and not from the nuts who would "help" them.

The sad thing is that no one, not even a pedophiliac, will ever hurt those children as badly as their mother has. No matter what troubles befall them, they will always know that they can never go to their mother for consolation, healing, or understanding.

No wonder that poor child always looks depressed and stressed. She probably is.

Batterednotbroken said...

Talking about Khate's twat followers/fans. Anyone seen the Movie 'Fan' with Robert De Nero and Wesley Snipes? The fan wasn't getting the attention he thought he deserved and the child was kidnapped. It was so scary. Maybe Khate should watch the movie and see how she is advertising every move they make. How a fan could (god forbid) take one of the kids. We all know where she lives, where they go, the school, the trips... Purseboy should be protecting the kids not Khate.

Ava said...

Thanks Moose Mania for the answer about the car. I guess seeing the shopping pictures just made me think about it. Isn't the Sequoia a lower end car than the Land Cruiser she had? And didn't she say that it was used? If the car isn't any bigger I wonder why Kate down-sized.

IDModo said...

Sick, sick, sick...-Thank you. You have put very poignantly and clearly what I believe the children experience in their everyday life- a mother that they can't trust to provide what they need most. You found the words I have been looking for. Thank you.

Kate's Cart said...

Didn't Kate only buy about 3 - 12 paks of soda? That's not much for a crowd of 70 for all afternoon. There was not much food or snacks either for a big party. Did she serve (pardon me - have it served) in dixie cups or shot glasses? Or did she do a booze run for the adult "beverages"? You know - anything to buy some friends. Steve must confiscate all communication devices, because no one posts one pic of the event. And if the weather was as bad as it is in NE today, we are about a day behind NJ/PA, it's only in the 50's. I'm pretty much go with the flow and let my kids have fun, but I can image a lot of parents wouldn't want their kids swimming in that kind of weather or even outside in downpours. And especially anyone as nuerotic as Kate, can you imagine any kids, entering HER home for a bathroom break. Does she also rent port a potties? Nothing adds up, as usually. PS: What would Kate do if she had to get up today and head to a real job? She couldn't handle it. She is 100% phony. Who needs a babysitter 4 days a week, when the kids are gone from home 10 hours a day? Maybe an early evening helper for homework/dinner time, but she is just off the wall with her lies and reasoning. She makes no sense to anyone who has worked, come home and done it all, dinner, baths, homework, ready for a next day away from home at work. I'll take Quints by Surprise any day, at least they seem like nice people who love eachother.

Stewmama said...

Has anyone tried to contact Kate about this "George Harvey" person on her Twitter account? I despise this woman but my heart is literally hurting thinking if anything where to happen to her boys. I try not to get involved but this time, I actually prayed for Kate and the kids.

Jenna Does said...

Auntie Ann said...
And what is "think 70 total ppl" in Katespeak? 8? 9? She has this tendency to exaggerate.
She does?? Noooo! I was going to say the same thing, but you beat me to it! Her '70' people was probably her kids, her, & Steve. Oh, & the crew. A whopping 14 people. Add the extras hired to play the kids friends because God forbid they have real ones & ya got yourself a real hum-dinger (hum-dinger? did I just say that?) Hoot-a-nanny...that's better. So, yep, in "Kate-speak", 70 people is more like 25. I agree Auntie Ann! Wait! Did she invite Chris to this one? (had to ask)
~Hippie Chick~

Mother of the Year said...

Kate's Cart said...

Didn't Kate only buy about 3 - 12 paks of soda? That's not much for a crowd of 70 for all afternoon. There was not much food or snacks either for a big party.


She didn't need to buy anything if TLC was catering the "party". She only needed to show up at the grocery store so that the crew should film her shopping.


Stewmama said...

Has anyone tried to contact Kate about this "George Harvey" person on her Twitter account?


Sorry to sound harsh, but why would anyone do that? Kate doesn't care, and she isn't going to do anything about this. As far as she's concerned, the kids don't exist except as money makers. SHE'S the one who needs the "bodyguard", remember?

Whatever problems the kids have, they aren't KATE'S problems. Not in her mind, anyway. That's what the hired help is for.

Kate can't stand to be with them unless she's being paid to do it. She sure as the dickens doesn't care about them or their lives. If she did, she would have stopped this idiocy a long time before she started using Twitter.

Sick, sick, sick said...

IDModo said...

Sick, sick, sick...-Thank you. You have put very poignantly and clearly what I believe the children experience in their everyday life- a mother that they can't trust to provide what they need most. You found the words I have been looking for. Thank you.


You're welcome, IDModo. That's really what is so terrible and sad about the whole situation, isn't it?

Jenna Does said...

It is TOO bad that Kate is so concerned about HER well-being & not the kids when obviously they need it more. Kate is so busy tweeting their whereabouts & she has Steve to protect HER? There are so many sick & twisted people in this world & it only takes a second for something to happen. Great parenting Kate. Put your kids out there, tell everything, SHOW everything, give people access, & don't protect your kids. She just Can't Understand Normal Thinking.
~Hippie Chick~

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Stewmama said...

Has anyone tried to contact Kate about this "George Harvey" person on her Twitter account? I despise this woman but my heart is literally hurting thinking if anything where to happen to her boys. I try not to get involved but this time, I actually prayed for Kate and the kids.

Kate's twitter page is filled with comments about George Harvey and NAMBLA. If she reads her tweets she's seen mention. Of course there's a huge possibility that she picks out a few tweets from her "friends" and only reads those.

E-town Neighbor said...

She tweeted that the kids are in the pool. She's nuts. It's 59 degrees, heavy rain, thunderstorms and a flood watch. If they're in the pool they better get the heck out of there fast.

TLC ship is sinking said...

E-town Neighbor said...
Sunday was better than Saturday, which was complete wash-out. The sun came out for a very brief time (like fifteen minutes!), and then everything broke loose. Heavy rains, thunder, high winds, and it was just miserable. Temp-wise, not as cool as Saturday, but still it was no weather for a pool party!

Thanks for the info!

I've been thinking about this pool party and after reading people's concern about pedophilia, I'm a little troubled by the fact that possibly other children were filmed at this pool party in basically nothing but a bathing suit. Isn't this like a pedophile's dream episode to see the Gosselin kids and other young kids in wet bathing suits? It's bad enough if their peers' parents agreed to filming, but now to have them filmed at a pool party? And under poor weather conditions nonetheless! It's like a double whammy on child exploitation!

I'm know I'm over-analyzing the situation but this thought was just bugging me. I know this isn't the first time the Gosselins have been shown in swimsuits but this is the first filmed pool party with their friends.

For the sake of their peers, I hope Kate stayed fully-clothed throughout this episode! The thought of those kids seeing her up-close in a teeny tiny bikini (cause that's all she has and it's being filmed)...YIKES! Just icky, too icky.

Sharon said...

Kate just tweeted that the kids are in the pool! It is currently 61 degrees in Wernersvile and shows rain and storms on the radar!!!!

E-town Neighbor said...

Was this party filmed for an episode? If so, wouldn't TLC have brought in craft services, with enough food for 70, count 'em, 70 people? Or was the party last week filmed for the show? I'm confused. How many parties did they have?

Stewmama said...

Thank you Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB for responding. This whole situation just makes me shake my head in disbelief that she (Kate) could basically care less about her children.

Red Sky At Night said...

"Isn't the Sequoia a lower end car than the Land Cruiser she had?"


Just a bit. Starting prices for the Sequoia SR5 are around $40,000; the Platinum is $59,000. Land Cruiser prices go from $68,000 to $85,000. If she got the higher-end Sequoia with all the options, it would be about comparable to the lower end Land Cruiser.

I've had both, but prefer the Land Cruiser because it's easier to handle and not quite as bulky. The Sequoia drives more like a truck. However, I just don't know why she would trade down to a used Sequoia because it really doesn't give you that much more room than the Land Cruiser.

Linda G. said...

Yes, either La Kate is now:

1. endangering her children by letting them swim in cold, stormy weather or

2. lying about it, with it never occurring to her that other people know what her weather is like

Either way is pretty bad, but for the kids' sake, I hope she's lying and not actually tempting pneumonia or lightning strikes on a kid or two.

Does she have NO common sense at all??? Who lets their kid swim when the temps are in the upper 50s, nevermind storms on the way?

I've said it before, but it bears repeating: since she started tweeting, my opinion of her has gone WAY down and I wouldn't have thought that was possible. Yikes. The woman is a headcase.

Jnettemariee said...

Kate lost the suit! She has to pay the $10,000.

Thats what I just read on Preesi. Hope it's ok I posted this.

Jane said...

E-town Neighbor said...
Was this party filmed for an episode? If so, wouldn't TLC have brought in craft services, with enough food for 70, count 'em, 70 people? Or was the party last week filmed for the show? I'm confused. How many parties did they have?


My understanding is that Sunday's party was filmed for the show. Which means all the food for that day (and possibly Sat for the setup) would have to be provided by Craft Services.

Beth said...

oxyhelen said...
I honestly cannot believe Kate is not worried that a NAMBLA member has "noticed" her little boys.She showed them half naked or even naked on Tv on several occasions,those sick people really got off by watching her precious children.Who isn't concerned about things like that? Everyone knows where they live for God's sake! How hard can it be to snatch one of them? There's so many of them that one of them missing would not be immediately noticed.These kids have been thought that it's okay to befriend every stranger that walks in their house(Kate bragged about that actually). When the crew came back(I am not sure they were all old crew members) Alexis(?) told one of the men something like "I'll tell you a secret". Is it okay for your 6 year old daughter to have a secret with a stranger that comes and films her everyday? I will never know how Kate sleeps at night knowing what she exposed those kids to.


When my youngest was little, she didn't have any natural fear of strangers, no matter how hard I tried to teach her to be careful. I worried myself sick that she would be stolen. How Kate can put those poor children out there the way she does is beyond me. ~ Administrator said...

Don't worry I'm sure the nanny is out there watching for stray lightning bolts. They'll be fine.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

jnettemarie said...

Kate lost the suit! She has to pay the $10,000.

Thats what I just read on Preesi. Hope it's ok I posted this.

If Kate indeed did lose the suit, she has 30 days to appeal which she undoubtedly will do. Kate never give in.

Cars the kids bought said...

Red Sky at Night said

I just don't know why she would trade down to a used Sequoia because it really doesn't give you that much more room than the Land Cruiser.


There was speculation that the Land Cruiser was a "gift" or bonus from TLC. If it was a leased vehicle, she may have had to turn it in. The timing is about right.

I'm assuming TLC isn't leasing another one, since the show is tanking big time.

IDModo said...

Why would anybody think that a group of children just turning 7 would want a party with 70 people in attendance? I would think that if they each were allowed to have one friend from school, and each friend brought only one gift for the child who invited him/her, that would probably have the potential to be a lot of fun!Games, swimming if the weather was fine, a simple lunch of hot dogs and other goodies....
Oh, sorry, I forgot, these children are entitled to much more, their Mother says so!Will Kate feel that when they are 8 they deserve to have 140 people at their party?
Those poor littles must be soooo confused by the lives they lead.

fidosmommy said...

I was a competitive swimmer, which means we practiced year round. When the temperature got
chilly, or when there were storms in the area, practice was moved from the outdoor pool to the indoor one. Rain wasn't a problem, obviously, but storms and cold were. No way would our coaches have subjected us to danger of illness or injury. ~ Administrator said...

Does Kate need to be reminded of famous celebrity children kidnappings or attempted kidnappings?

Children of:
Charles Lindberg (killed)
Frank Sinatra (rescued)
Eugene Paul Getty (rescued, but kidnappers cut off his EAR)

Celebs who have had serious and specific threats of kidnapping their kids, usually the FBI involved:
David Letterman
the Beckhams
Michael Douglas/Jones

readerlady said...

I can't believe that I'm (sort of) defending Kate, but - isn't it possible that their pool has a cover? I know that they make portable domes for outside pools. I can't imagine the kids wanting to be in the pool in this kind of weather otherwise. I used to live in the water when I was their age, and I sure wouldn't have wanted to go swimming when it's this chilly.

Kate's so ignorant and out of touch with the world that she likely has no idea who or what George Harvey is and doesn't understand what NAMBLA stands for. She's probably never even heard of, let alone read "The Lovely Bones" or seen the movie.

Susantoyota said...

jnettemarie said... Kate lost the suit! She has to pay the $10,000.

Thats what I just read on Preesi. Hope it's ok I posted this.

Link, please?

Kate's Cart said...

It's in the 50's and rainy and kids are in the pool? Guess that's so they don't need baths tonight. Are we to believe it's that cold and she's out there supervising them. More lies from super mom. ~ Administrator said...

The outcome of the suit hasn't been officially verified yet. I'll post when I'm satisfied it is.

Although frankly I'd be shocked it Kate isn't ordered to either pay up, or she settled it. The facts were not in her favor from what we were told, by her own admissions! ~ Administrator said...

Oh I assume the pool was heated. That doesn't explain away the rain and lightning. It's extremely reckless to swim in bad weather and even if the lightning is several miles away, you're teaching kids to push the limits to take risks like that. An adult may be able to safely assess that lightning is very far away we're fine, but a child or teen's brain may not be yet developed yet in the risk-assessment area to make the same call.

Stupid, period.

I won't even get into one nanny watching eight kids in the pool and how nerve-wracking that is. Even if Kate was there, she was far too busy on her twitter. ~ Administrator said...

Oh by the way a child DROWNED at a birthday party for one of Pam Anderson's sons several years ago. It was at Tommy Lee's.

He thought the nanny was watching.

AuntieAnn said...

E-town Neighbor said...I'm confused. How many parties did they have?
Well let's see... at last count it was three, but if we include the pity parties Kate's held since she got back from the derby - you know over the party preparation - stress, exhaustion, tiredness, woe is me, motherhood is hard, I do this on my own blah, blah, blah, - we're at about 29.


she is evil said...

Re: Kate's lying. She is just making herself look stupid and naive to think people might actually believe her. Narcissists often will argue/lie to get their way and can be infantile in their belief that they've 'won', when actually the other person has given up in disgust, not because they believe the NPD person at all. The other day, local radio DJs were discussing a pastor who lied to his congregation soon after bin laden was killed. The country was fascinated with the Navy Seals and their bravery and studliness. This pastor said he was a former Seal. The congregation ate it up and asked him lots of questions. After a while, someone realized that the pastor was describing the plot of the Steven Segal movie Under Siege! The DJs chuckled about it and then one said, "Sometimes people lie so badly that you will always think that they're stupid or crazy. You will always look at them differently because they were foolish enough to lie like that." Of course, I was reminded of Kate with too many lies to count:
-I've only had a tummy tuck. My body is all natural
-I spend 20 out of 24 hours taking care of my kids
-No nannies, never have, never will
-Et cetera
The more she talks, the more idiotic and crazy she sounds. Imagine what her kids must think with the constant lying, most of it for no good reason at all. Do you think she believes herself? How could she think anyone believes she hasn't had a boob job?

Linda G. said...

About this NAMBLA guy following Kate on Twitter, she has people blocked (her critics). She has me blocked. You can tell because if you try to follow the person, it'll tell you then.

So she knows how to block people and also knows it takes about one hot second. Many people have told her about the NAMBLA guy. And yet, he's still one of her followers, so he's unblocked.

What the hell kind of idiot is she? If you criticize her, even mildly, you're blocked, but if you are a pedophile, you're not. As long as he doesn't criticize her, I guess. That's all that counts. Sick.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

Why is Kate so tired after putting on a kid's birthday party. She is always whining about how tired she is after an event that everyone does with their kids. What an ass. That woman is always looking for attention. Yes Kate. You are the best momma ever. So tired. Poor baby. Did you run around the yard with all those kids and play games with them all day?? No. Pretty sure you sat on your ass while all your hired help did the grunt work. So done with you. Bye Bye Kate plus 8. It's almost over.

fidosmommy said...

You all apparently have NO idea how hard it is to throw a Birthday party for your kids. It takes an enormous amount of energy to stab your finger in the air at children and yell "Nanny, watch the children!" and "Play nicely" and "we're walking this way now" for a full 2 hours. Not to mention rationing the food they eat. Don't you know that supervising the cutting of the cake and crying that your babies are now 7 years old will put the average person to bed for days? And if that doesn't do it, then posing for pictures certainly will.

What's wrong with you people that you can't understand this? You are clearly short on compassion.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

I'm consistently astounded at Kate's lack of common sense.

The Gosselin 8's guardian angel must be working some serious overtime to protect those kids- because their assh*le mother/monster is too self absorbed to THINK clearly.

Jnettemariee said...

Here's the link about her losing the lawsuit.

Jnettemariee said...

I hope it's true, I saw it on Preesi and assumed it was but when I googled nothing came up. Sorry if it's not

E-town Neighbor said...

I can't believe that I'm (sort of) defending Kate, but - isn't it possible that their pool has a cover?


It's a free-form pool. Typically in this area, the only kind of covers available for this type of pool are the heavy vinyl that you use to cover the pool in the winter. It comes off in the summer. You don't cover them after each swim. Our pool is rectangular, and we have an automatic electric cover so that the pool can be covered after each use. It's a great safety idea, plus the water (which is heated by an electric heat pump) stays warm.

Even if they have a bubble solar cover, I just can't see them going through all the trouble of covering it when not in use. To do so is a royal pain in the you know where. ~ Administrator said...

The kids were in bed and asleep by 7 last night, according to Kate. That was plenty of time for her to go to bed early herself, maybe with a glass of wine and a good book (tip it!) and get a good night's rest to start off the week.

With normal families you must think she had a lot of party cleanup to do. But production has people to take care of all that.

E-town Neighbor said...

One additional thought about the swim party. Even if the water is very warm and you can stay IN the water, that's fine. But typically kids don't do this. They are in and out; jumping off the diving board, getting out of the water to use the bathroom, or just running around the pool. Getting out of the pool and exposing the skin to temps in the high 50s and windy just has an air-conditioner effect. It's downright chilly. I'd never let my kids swim in the weather we've been having lately. They're warm in the water, cold when they get out, back into warm water, etc. It's just not a good idea.

Jnettemariee said...

I apologize to this blog if my post about her winning the suit was false. I tried to post the link but I guess it was denied by the administrator for whatever reason. I'm not sure if it was the link that I posted a little bit ago or if it's not true. I'll be more careful next time.

TLC ship is sinking said...

Jane said...
E-town Neighbor said...
Was this party filmed for an episode? If so, wouldn't TLC have brought in craft services, with enough food for 70, count 'em, 70 people? Or was the party last week filmed for the show? I'm confused. How many parties did they have?


My understanding is that Sunday's party was filmed for the show. Which means all the food for that day (and possibly Sat for the setup) would have to be provided by Craft Services.

If this is true about craft services, then Kate is already caught in another lie before the episode even airs. There she is grocery shopping (assumably for the party), tweeting about all the party planning and prepping she has to do, when she had outside helpers doing it all for her. Yet, her gullible fans will think she pulled it off all on her own like Super Mom. Yeah right!

In every birthday episode for the sextuplets, Kate always had the big idea but left it up to the production crew or others to do all the dirty work. I can't even recall what she did physically to prep for the sextuplets' 3rd birthday carnival except attempt to hang a sign or some flag decorations which she ended up needing Jon's help anyway.

If the weather was indeed cold and rainy, I'm finding it hard to believe that the other kids' parents would go along with Kate and let their child swim anyway.

I doubt that the pool area was enclosed with tents for the party because Kate tweeted something about God and sunny weather.

You would think Kate would have remembered last year's private pool party and its poor weather conditions, so as not to plan that again. Alas, this is Kate Gosselin we're talking about.

fidosmommy said...

You might think that mid summer would be a much better time to throw a pool party. Why even try to plan one in the northern part of the US in early May? It is ridiculous to assume the weather will be warm and sunny. Pools and hot weather go together. Sure, it could rain and storm on a summer's day too, but the chances of it at least being warm are greatly improved.

I live much more South than Kate does. Nobody has their pools open yet. Memorial weekend is
not even the cue to remove the winter coverings.
The public beach does not open until June.

TLC must be desperate for footage if they are going to subject young children to frigid conditions too early in the year just to get filming done. It's truly outlandish.

Yeah, this is reality TV. Everyone puts their kids in bathing suits and tells them to go swim when sweatshirts and warm socks are more apprepriate.

E-town Neighbor said...

I live much more South than Kate does. Nobody has their pools open yet. Memorial weekend is
not even the cue to remove the winter coverings.
The public beach does not open until June.


Folks here traditionally open the pools for Memorial Day or before because the pool companies can't do all of the pools in one week for the Memorial Day opening, so they like to start early. Just because the pool is open doesn't mean that you swim in it. It takes awhile to get the water heated (especially in a 36,000 gallon pool), get the chemical balance just right, and get that Polaris going.
But we don't swim in weather like this, and sometimes it's even too cool over Memorial Day weekend to go anywhere near a pool!

Filming is Job 1 said...

Administrator said...

Don't worry I'm sure the nanny is out there watching for stray lightning bolts. They'll be fine.
Kate probably brought in interns, stuck them up on ladders with raised metal poles. No worries.

LancNative said...

"I guess lancasterwatch is some kind of newspaper or something.

She lost and has 30 days to appeal"


I've never heard of lancasterwatch. It's not a newspaper. I have no idea what it is.

AuntieAnn said...

E-town, fidosmommy -- Maybe they all caught a chill from the pool party and went to bed sick. Kate probably gave them them cold meds which would easily knock them out by 7. Isn't she the smart one.

Just wondering something....have the sheeple been at all concerned about this NAMBLA character or do they still think the subject of pedophiles is taboo? Have any of them at least bleated a warning to Kate? Anyone know?

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Ha! So, that NYC "birthday" girls' night WAS just another EPISODE:

TrippenIn Patty Cakes
@Kateplusmy8 Kate, will June 6th ep be kids party or Tennessee Food Donate?
3 hours ago

in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@TrippenIn Not party-- too soon. Could be tenn or my NYC bday ep? Not sure
2 minutes ago via Twitterrific

Linda G. said...

Auntie Ann, nope, not a single fan has said anything to her about creepy NAMBLA following creeper.

They just need to send ONE tweet to tell her, but none of them have bothered.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Finally IwanaDateKate tweeted Kate about NAMBLA guy.

she is evil said...

Someone mentioned earlier how Kate is the scariest thing: a mother the kids cannot trust or turn to for comfort. How true. It got me to thinking: how terrifying it must be to be one of her kids. You're in pain? Be a man, little adorable sweet-natured 5 year old! You asked me to sign you up for something at school and I forgot? Tough! You know what a bad year I've had! Do not mention your Dad around me and don't call him unless I say so! You're sick and throwing up? Don't get my carpet dirty; lie in the laundry room alone! And even when Kate isn't being outrightly mean, she is such an intimidating and relentless bully that the kids must acquiesce to so much they object to. Think of how she went after Jon when he dared to suggest something or disagree with her latest dumbass idea. He was no pushover or weakling, but would back down rather than face The Beast: that bugeyed, vein-popping, evil screeching bitch that would scream at him so unfairly. She was almost always in the wrong, yet bullied him and gloated on camera later how she was right. Those kids must pick their battles because they are immediately banished to the bus, the basement, the nanny, anywhere but near the person who should nurture and comfort and love them the most. Kate has brought 8 kids into this world only to treat them horribly. She damn near destroyed Jon, who couldn't have been a more tolerant husband and involved father. And every day for years, people have ranted about her abhorrent behavior on blogs like this one, and yet she 'never gives in', never changes her ways and is smug about it to boot. It's criminal, IMO. Too bad it's not illegal to be a raving self-centered bitch. There are people in jail who have done less harm.

Linda G. said...

she is evil:

You are so right, and as someone who was "raised" by a mother with NPD, I can tell you we knew from a very young age that we actually needed protection FROM her.

The one person in the whole world you think will protect you and care for you is your mom. But she was literally the single most dangerous person in our lives. Her neglect and abuse (emotional, physical, and verbal) hurt us in so many ways, my brother and I have yet to even be able to numerate them.

If you think about it, being a narcissist is completely antithetical to being a parent. A parent is supposed to put someone else first, to think about and care about another person's feelings--someone who is young, immature, doesn't know about the world. They are supposed to love unconditionally and protect their children.

The narcissist has one goal in life: self-promotion. The end. There is nothing more.

When we were LUCKY, we didn't hit her radar much (neglect). When we were unlucky, we were the direct target of her anger, disappointment, unhappiness.

When she was in her 40s and I was in my 20s, she was arrested for trying to fill a forged prescription for narcotic pills. When the extended family found out what a pill head she was, they LITERALLY all wondered if there were ways to encourage her to take MORE pills, so as to cause an overdose. If that sounds sad, well, that's the extent to which she terrorized her own family and for how long.

She is literally not allowed around her extended family members. She has been banished and exiled. She is in her 60s now and can't put on the charm act like she did when she was younger to sucker people into her life, so she is totally and completely alone. There's a joke in my family about how she won't die, because evil never dies.

Narcissists like Kate Gosselin suck. But they hurt their children the most.

Meagler said...

interesting..Kate's last tweet about being S/S other then the obvious and maybe not a "typical" case...was in response to someone asking her how she manages her pcos....

pcos is polycystic ovarian syndrome and what she has stated she "knew" she had and therefore would not be able to have kids... and she just tweeted that the only symptom she has is the obvious ( not being able to conceive kids??) ..... I understood that women with pcos need to also manage their diet.....

Anyways, just found that tweet interesting.

fidosmommy said...

I can't imagine what Kate and her girlfriends would do in NYC that we want to watch. Go out to dinner? Would the restaurant let the camera crew inside, disturbing other patrons, or would the place be cleared out for Kate's purposes?
Maybe go to a nightclub? That would be highly approved by the parents of Kate's tweenyfans.
Would we have the joy of watching Kate shop for clothes that don't fit her? How about a trip
to Ted Gibson's salon for the girlfriends? Get in and out of limos? Eat a piece of cake - just a taste! - and whine that it's not on her diet?

I know NYC has lots to offer. I also know that
it's more of an experience you do yourself. Watching somebody else "do NY" is not must see TV.

Moose Mania said...

Linda G. said...

Auntie Ann, nope, not a single fan has said anything to her about creepy NAMBLA following creeper.


I think Iwana has now stepped up the plate and is going to tell her. Of course, who is Iwana? Kate herself? Steve?

The fans are saying that the non-fans are just making the whole thing up, so that's why they (the sheeple) are not discussing it.

Peg said...

Fidosmommy, did you forget? They filmed a sort of "win a date with Kate" type night where she danced and flirted with a number of different men. It was taped by TLC. I'm sure all the men were paid actors. How entertaining.

BTW, my brother went on Love Connection many many years ago and they clearly told him "This is not a dating show, it's for entertainment."

Mimi to 3 said...

Any ideas why they are still filming while the numbers are dropping so dramatically? Does TLC honestly think people are going to miraculously start watching again? This ship has sailed and the shows are boring beyond words now -- with a little of Kate's pure nastiness thrown in for good measure. Another birthday party? Really? Maybe they should just have a show with them watching the grass grow. At least it would be something new and different.

Moose Mania said...

I know this has been mentioned before, but I'd just like to add myself to those who have said that Jon's caricature should be removed from the blogging header. He's not longer on a relentless quest to further fame and fortune on the backs of his kids. That's a thing of the past. In fact, quite the opposite is true.
The face of Steve (with a purse) would be funny in place of Jon. After all, he's going along with the exploitation of these kids...

Linda G. said...

fidosmommy, I have the sneaking suspicion the footage from this recent tip party will never air, for two reasons: the party probably sucked balls what with all the storms and Kate's problem with always being an asshole PLUS I don't think TLC is going to bother to air more than two more episodes: NY birthday party and "giving back." Maybe only one of those.

url said...

I can't believe TLC actually filmed Kart's birthday in NY for an episode. That episode will bring in a -.001 rating. The production crew should just throw the unaired footage in the garbage and that will save TLC $250,000.

momof3 said...

I question if they were actually filming. Kate and the kids don't look happy and aren't as nicely dressed as they would be if they were actually filming. Kate is normally flashing her mouthful of veneers whenever there is a camera around and normally the girls are out in full fore and up at attention. She is wearing really baggy clothing, her hair looks awful and maybe not even wearing a bra. Something just doesn't make sense. If she is NOW trying to appear like a regular, busy mom in a grocery store, she is way too late.

Kate+ cameras=smile

I can't imagine what those kids must feel like emotionally when your mother never looks happy when you are around. Plus her always b%$hing about how tired she always is because of them. The kids must have no sellf-esteem. I feel for them. All kids try hard to make both parents happy. They are the ones who must be exhausted.

One more thing, I read awhile back that mothers who write/post on facebook/twitter and inflate constantly on activities they do with their kids and how happy their kids are really just overcompensating. Usually the mothers are insecure and want to appear as a supermom when in actuality they really don't spend that amount of time with the kids. Also, normal mothers don't need to blast everywhere everything they do with their kids and how their kids are doing emotionally. It was very interesting considering I have a sister-in-law who does that all the time.

fidosmommy said...

Momof3, the pictures in the parking lot show cameras right behind Cara and Kate. Maybe you didn't go to the website that had 10 or so pictures of their shopping trip? Filming was definitely going on - but whether it ever shows up as an episode remains to be seen.

After Kate + 8 goes off the air, how will Kate ever "make memories"? No cameras immortalizing them.

Why, she might even forget who those 8 short people in her house are.

AuntieAnn said...

Moose Mania said...

Linda G. said...
Auntie Ann, nope, not a single fan has said anything to her about creepy NAMBLA following creeper.
I think Iwana has now stepped up the plate and is going to tell her. Of course, who is Iwana? Kate herself? Steve?

Thanks Linda, Moose. It's sort of odd that Iwana didn't think of warning Kate on her/his own without having to stalk this blog first. Shows you the mentality of her fans. Couldn't they have thought of it themselves?


Moose -- I agree with you that Steve should be up there with Kate. He goes everywhere else with her, why not here.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

One more thing, I read awhile back that mothers who write/post on facebook/twitter and inflate constantly on activities they do with their kids and how happy their kids are really just overcompensating. Usually the mothers are insecure and want to appear as a supermom when in actuality they really don't spend that amount of time with the kids. Also, normal mothers don't need to blast everywhere everything they do with their kids and how their kids are doing emotionally. It was very interesting considering I have a sister-in-law who does that all the time.


Yes, I mentioned this earlier in a post. Kate is definitely overcompensating. Not sure if it's come about since the divorce (trying to prove to herself that she didn't screw up when she kicked Jon out) or if it's a personality trait. I happen to think she's on a quest to prove she did the right thing by getting divorced because she's tormented that she really didn't do the right thing.

fidosmommy said...

Apologizing for monopolizing the board today...

Re: Kate's unusually long jeans, dirty hair, etc.

IF this footage ever makes it to TV, what do you want to bet she's going to announce that it was SUCH a busy day. She had to scrub the pool area down on her hands and knees, scrub the
poolside chairs, and then scrub the pool itself
and get rid of all the icky stuff before she could allow anybody to go out there in their bare feet. And all that came after baking and decorating 6 individual birthday cakes from scratch plus 2 cupcakes for Mady and Cara, walking to Farmer Henry's to milk the cows so she could make homemade ice cream, hanging streamers in the rain, and keeping up with her tweeties. Who had time to take a shower, flatiron her hair and struggle into regular shopping clothes? Oh, and smile at the 2 daughters who helped with the shopping?

she is evil said...

Mom of 3: look at the second picture at the top of this thread. Cameras just a few feet behind Kate and Cara. Love how Kate is pretending she doesn't see then yet turns her face so that it can crack the lens. I agree she is dressed down and doesn't look quite like a hooker, although the knockers are out of control. But look at the war paint makeup, inches thick, and of course, the big jugs. Yes, they're being filmed. Other things that support this: the twins are walking product placement models: hoodies from the Gap and Peace Love World and in some of the pictures you clearly see Coke products: Coke/Diet Coke/Sprite/Aquafina. Such a crazy life, even their grocery shopping is unnatural. But it's "are life". What an asshole Kate is.

Batterednotbroken said...

walking to Farmer Henry's to milk the cows so she could make homemade ice cream, hanging streamers in the rain,

Hilarious Fidosmom..

p.s Admin. I agree about taking Jon's pic off the top. Boobyguard would be much more appropriate. Thanks.

fidosmommy said...

Or modify Jon so he's wearing a hat, a shirt or holding a sign that says "Stop Filming My Kids!"

I know Jon was part of the problem, but he has mended his ways, is truly sorry, and I believe
has learned his lesson. Forgiveness is in order for Jon. I'd like to see that acknowledged. Thanks for listening.

roxyhelen said...

Linda G. said...
Yes, either La Kate is now:

1. endangering her children by letting them swim in cold, stormy weather or

2. lying about it, with it never occurring to her that other people know what her weather is like

I wouldn't put it past kate(the no 1 option).I remember a 4th of July(???) episode where they went to Beth's house I think and the older girls got in the pool and it started raining and Kate just let them stay in the pool. That was also the episode two of the tups were left asleep in the car in the driveway with the car's door opened and no one around! Does anyone else remember the episode?

No regrets said...

"Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...Finally IwanaDateKate tweeted Kate about NAMBLA guy"

Thank God he did that. I have emailed TLC and told them. This guy tweeted on MAY 14:

GeorgeHarvey2 George Harvey
ANyone else a Member of NAMBLA??
14 May Favorite Retweet Reply

He also has a horrible tweet history, and who he follows is sickening. GOOD for IwannaDateKate. HE was only one to step forward. I don't care about Kate, but I surely don't want anything to happen to her or the kids. And look, he lost followers because he told Kate. Are these people for real?? I mean my God, I thought they cared about Kate??? It does not make sense at all to me. IwannadateKate seems like a good guy, afterall.

IwanaDatekate Iwana Datekate
@Kateplusmy8 That George Harvey 2 thats folowing u is a pedophile and NEEDS to be blocked. Please do this ASAP Kate. Thanks!

IwanaDatekate Iwana Datekate
@Twtr_is_4_Twits @SaveGKids @EmeraldCityJazz Funny,now it looks like I lost followers?People mad at me bcuz I tweeted that? No win situation

What is wrong with these people??

terri said...

Just went on TLC's site and apparently Kate is no longer listed as a contributor on the Parentables section. I truly believe the end is finally near. From my lips to God's ears. My biggest fear is for those kids when Kate officially gets kicked to the curb. We all know how nasty she can be when she doesn't get her way.

Jenna Does said...

About the pool thing, we all have to remember (& no, I am NOT defending Kate) kids are much more resilient than adults. I remember being in my pool as a kid right when the pool opened on Memorial Day weekend, rain or shine, & my pool was not heated. I didn't care about the weather. My lips were blue & I was in & out of that pool. Kids will swim in the ocean when the ocean water is 50 degrees. Now, IF Kate is telling the truth is another thing...

The point is, the pool is heated, so it probably felt good. My son too; last year we went to Maine & it was raining & gloomy & he was in the hotel pool (heated) & loved it. Kids will swim no matter what if they want to. However, if Kate is making everyone think that she is some awesomely great mom by lying, then well, she is doing herself no favors. She can try telling the truth: "It was too cold to swim, so we did activities inside instead". There is no need for her to exaggerate, especially if it's filmed! Everyone will see she is lying, AGAIN, when her 6 viewers see it didn't really happen.
~Hippie Chick~

momof3 said...

Yes, I saw the cameras, but something seems very off to me. I can't put my finger on it or why. Something just seems really fishy with this filming they were doing. Sorry.

You know I wouldn't put it past the old witch to hire a camera crew to sell the brand to another production company because everyone has to know the end is near for her on TLC. It can't be worth it financially for them to keep her unless they are just trying to finish her contract. I wish she would actually be a mom for once in her life and do what is best for those kids and stop the filming. Let them have their privacy now that they are older. The look on their faces says everything. They don't look like kids happy to be filming, they look miserable.

She is a Cow said...

I have a question: Does she really only make the $250,000 if/when the episode airs? So, they could have done all this filming for nothing??

I am just thinking, they filmed Thanksgiving and that was never aired. Now, according to Kate they have:

-Her Birthday NYC
-Tennessee Give Back/1st shopping at Giant w/all kids
-Kids birthday party
-Little girl vacation - speculation, may not have been filmed, but also may have never happened.

That is at least $1,000,0000 pay check for Kate
if they all air. Why does TLC still continue this farce of: Super Mom....Doing it ALL. No one buys it. I just don't understand why they continue to throw their money away and pay this woman to behave badly.

Another thing. Kate has tweeted again that she has no idea what the upcoming schedule for her shows are. In the past, she has given the wrong air date at least 3 times, where TLC has had to chime in and correct her. When asked when the Philly show would air, she tweeted, she thought it was a certain date (which turned out to be incorrect) and then tweeted, but what do I know. This most recent tweet, she said she didn't know what show was airing, she would have to check. Really, Seriously? I think if $250,000 was riding on it, I would want to know when my show was airing! IF nothing else, so that I wouldn't look like a total fool when asked on Twitter! If she is not sure, maybe she should just not reply, so that she doesn't look like such a clueless jerk! Or, maybe TLC doesn't have an answer for her. One can only hope! ~ Administrator said...

Hippiechick I completely disagree that kids are more resilient therefore it's fine to let them swim in cold temperatures. It's actually a scientific fact that kids are much more VULNERABLE to the cold. And especially kids with asthma and respiratory problems! Now whether they notice they are cold when they are having fun is a different story, but the fact is their bodies are not able to cope with the cold the way an adult's can. Same with the heat. I remember Kate trying to say in NYC the kids were not vulnerable to the heat they didn't care, and I posted a link I believe from the CDC showing otherwise, that kids were actually MORE vulnerable to extreme temperatures (and the elderly).

I think kids are resilient and don't always require the same kind of creature comforts as adults do because their focus is on just having the best time they can all the time above their comfort, absolutely. But that is why there are adults there who are supposed to be making good decisions for them, including not letting kids swim when it's too cold or lightning out or both, and taking kids inside when it's too hot out and you're filming the crap out of them.

Oh I noticed on twitter that all the sheeple can do to refute us now is just call us a "#dumbass." I've never heard that one in court! They really got nothin' at this point.

HollyMo said...

LOL for real - that is just so juvenile! What's next, they start calling us "doody-heads"?

Bluenoser said...

I really would love to see Jon's picture taken down and Purse Boy's put in its place. The sheeple would go ballistic and their itty bitty brains would blow to smithereens. I bet Kate would go completely viral as well. Jon isn't part of this exploitation any longer so please remove his picture. Steverino cold be up there in the header "guarding" Katie Irene.

Bluenoser said...

Crap I meant Steverino COULD ~ Administrator said...

I know! Sometimes I really shake my head at the people we're dealing with here. I have no problem with different opinions on this issue but you cannot debate most of them. Like trying to talk to a three year old holding their breath and stomping their foot. It's also hard to talk to anyone unwilling to change their mind on ANYTHING no matter what. Yet this is not hard at all for non-fans. A great example is Jon--most of us didn't like him when he was part of it, and most of us have come around on him now that he's proven himself. It's called evolving your opinion as you gain new facts and insights.

You know what is so ironic, IwannadateKate when he/she was here briefly last month was actually one of the most respectful sheeple to ever post here and we could actually debate him like adults. Personally I think that's far more fun than trying to reason with the "you're a poo-poo head" folks. And also the folks that make up lies about me (and STILL, STILL cannot present any proof, imagine that!) just like they make up imaginary articles about Jon to try to discredit us. In fairness though I think it's just that one sheeple blog, I believe the others don't play into that kind of nonesense.

IwannadateKate at least thinks for himself/herself. Who knew they would be the ones with an ounce of common sense to try to warn Kate about these people? Heck, kuddos to common sense even if it's a sheeple.

so sick of her said...

I know from reading here, that a lot here and other sites, hated Jon. I did not. After about maybe 3 episodes of JK, I really hated Kate and felt sorry for Jon. Jon was a good husband, he did things for Kate, took care of the kids, did fix things around the house etc. Kate did very little except to complain constantly(nit-pick). I do understand why Jon went wild after they separate, he was like a dog caged. Granted he did go overboard, but I think he did that to get back at Kate. you know, look Kate, I can get girls, I can drink, I can go places, dress the way I feel, I'm still a man. We only got a little look into Jon & Kate life, and from what we all saw was not pretty. It makes me wonder if Kate was a husband abuser, maybe not physical but mental. Perhaps, telling him from time to time that he was not worthy of other women, no other women would even look at him, except her. Well, Kate got a surprise. Jon did move on. Kate has not. She is mad cause what ever she told Jon, all those years they were married, back fired. And we all know Kate thinks everything she does and thinks is correct. Even if she is proven wrong, she thinks she is right. Jon is doing the right thing now, staying out of the media and getting on with his life. Hope Jon keeps his word about this being the last interview.

Just Dwindle Away said...

I think what is throwing us off ("were they really filming in the parking lot" stuff) is the familiar expression on Kate's face. That is her "I don't see any cameras, I am all casual over here" fake look. The frozen forehead, arched eyebrows, deer-in-the-headlights eyes, gritted teeth without displaying the veneers. The "who? lil-ole-ME?" look.

That is the ice expression she always uses when trying to act like she doesnt see her personal paid photographer, Chris, and that is the same plastic expression on her face in those pics, even though we can clearly see a production entourage about to step on her pedicure. So she is trying to act like she doesnt see them, when usually with the crew around she is flaunting, primping, preening, flapping and screeching, blinding passersby with her neon teeth... well, you all know what I mean. ~ actually if all 8 kids are around her she is scowling,sighing and barking too... ~ Administrator said...

The reason I'm hesitant to take Jon's picture down is he is their father. Kate and friends have tried so hard to remove him from their lives. ~ Administrator said...

So sick of her, it's true a few people stood by Jon from the beginning. My point is that people here are open and willing to listen to new facts and ideas and our opinions evolve and no one ever says things like the sheeple do such as I will always stand by you Kate! Really? Even if she did a, b, or c horrible outrageous thing? Why in the world would you always stand by ANYONE, much less someone you don't even know. We can all think of examples of things people could do in which you would be insane to stand behind them.

Bluenoser said...

How about this Admin. Put Steverino's picture where Jon's is and perhaps have Emily create a new Jon above his kids; arms around the children as if he is trying to protect them from the evil duo of Kate and Purse Boy

Aeris said...

Regarding the awesome caricature that Emily drew, I would like to see Jon still there, but darkened as a silhouette figure to symbolize he's out of the limelight, but he is still there, helplessly watching his kids be exploited. IMO, Steve has no business being up there. He's not the kids' father, he has his own family, which he has no problem neglecting. He's not the cause of the continued exploitation - he's just a money-grubbing tool, same as Khate.

Pants On Fire said...

Admin ~ I also believe that Jon's image should be removed from the header.

On another note, I watched Khate & Mady's trip to San Diego episode on YouTube. KHate was flat-chested in the episode,,,,,,,and then full-figured when spewing about it on the couch.

Did she purchase her good-bra in San Diego? She allowed only 1 day of filming, yet she and Mady were gone for at least 4 days. Hmmmmmmm. "Scalpal......"

Michelle said...

so sick of her said... It makes me wonder if Kate was a husband abuser, maybe not physical but mental. Perhaps, telling him from time to time that he was not worthy of other women, no other women would even look at him, except her. Well, Kate got a surprise. Jon did move on. Kate has not.

I have no doubt his self-esteem was destroyed on a daily basis during their marriage. On camera she would openly discuss his balding head, belly fat, etc. Can you imagine behind the scenes?

Thankfully Jon grew up and wised up. Kate snagged Jon when he was very young. The age demographic she'll likely be looking to date now most likely won't put up with her BS and she's going to be alone a very, very long time IMO.

cathy518 said...

Please add me to those that suggest that the picture be ammended to show Jon in the supportive role that he is playing in the children's life. One additional thought on the birthday party filming is to ask, How else could Kate appear in a bikini if not for a pool party?

IDModo said...

Second try posting this:
Could Jon be in the picture but smaller, at the back, arms stretched out protecting the kids; and Steverino where Jon is now, wearing that snotty "minder" look, with a purse on his arm?That would say it all...

Troy Chula Vista said...

Someone mentioned up thread about the Parentables blog not having Kate contributions. I went there and searched Kate G, there was nothing on the site except the Sound of Music BS she blogged in Nov 2010 (and this only came up AFTER searching).

The Duggars are front and center on the blog. If you didnt know Kate was supposed to be there, you wouldnt even know she was a part of the blog.

Laurie said...

IDModo my thoughts exactly but you beat me to it. Steverino should have $$ signs in his eyes!

Tess said...

I don't think Jon should be removed either, but do think his caricature should be changed to reflect who he is now and how he is trying to help his kids out of this mess. Granted, he actively started it with Katie Irene, but he is not that person any more. Purseboy could be added to the exploitation side of things.

The kids would have a miserable childhood with Kate as a mother whether they were filmed or not. How humiliating to have it all on tape. Hopefully, if there is any silver lining in the filming, it will be that the kids will have evidence of the mess and validation of any confusion in their feelings/memories.

There is no "normal childhood" for children of a fameho narcissist. There is no "returning to normal". Hopefully, though, the day they are no longer filmed is near.

I've heard it said that it only takes one loving, caring adult to help a child through trauma. May Jon continue to maintain the strength and gain the wisdom he needs to help these kids thrive despite all the ways they have been wronged.

Jenna Does said...

Admin, I agree with you some of your post, like the camping, the kids were perfectly fine & comfortable but Kate turned it into HER misery. But a heated pool would be just fine for a kid to swim in IMO. If the pool was not heated then I would be more apt to feel like the kids got a raw deal. Getting OUT of the pool would be miserable for the kids, sure. As long as they had some place warm to go right away, & warm towels then fine. But we are talking about Kate. And again, who even knows if she was telling the truth?

I know when I was younger, my friends & I were in the pool, rain or shine (unless it was thundering & lightning) & we were fine. In my little old opinion, kids today are so coddled. No wonder there are so many allergies & asthma related problems. Everything is so clean & anti-bacterial"ed" to death. (that's another story! LOL) & the environment, I know... but still, I do agree with some of what you're saying, but I stand by my post as well. The kids may have begged for this & Kate gave in, just to shut them up. I'm sure the kids loved swimming in a 78 degree pool. But was she lying? (probably)

Quick note! I was watching Morbidly Obese & Pregnant this morning on TLC (why? dunno.) & they had all these promos on for TLC, not ONE kate show. Not ONE. Is she done??
~Hippie Chick~

Hippie Chick said...

Admin said...
(and STILL, STILL cannot present any proof, imagine that!)

They STILL can't give evidence?? After all this time? Something is wrong then. You would think they would realize that.

LisaNH said...

I'm not trying to start an argument or anything, but Admin, I tend to agree with Hippie about the swimming thing. I grew up on the Cape and we were in the water as soon as they opened the beaches in May and it was frigid. But we loved it. As soon as the air was warm enough (like 60's) we were headed in the water. That was northern Atlantic water so you can imagine how cold it was.

It's kind of funny, one of my co-workers who moved here from Florida was complaining about how cold the ocean was up this way and how he didn't like swimming in it. Having grown up here in New England, the ocean being cold is just how it's always been so I never really considered that other people would find it unpleasantly cold.

When I first read about the kids in the pool my first reaction was "The air temp is way too cold for swimmng" but like Hippie, I figured the pool must be heated. Then again, didn't she have the kids b-day party at the pool last year too when it was really cold outside?

Midnight Madness said...

He's not the kids' father, he has his own family, which he has no problem neglecting.


He's ACTING as the kids' father. He is definitely contributing to the exploitation of these kids by collecting money while they are working. His money is being made on the backs of these children. Being a biological father really has nothing to do with it. He is PROFITING from this, as is TLC and TLC is named in the blog header. He is with them wherever they go, regardless of whether or not he is their father. He certainly doesn't mind being in the spotlight. ~ Administrator said...

Hippie they can't produce proof because there is none. It's a lie. They continue to libel me. One of these days they'll libel the wrong person.

LeeLee said...

"I've heard it said that it only takes one loving, caring adult to help a child through trauma. May Jon continue to maintain the strength and gain the wisdom he needs to help these kids thrive despite all the ways they have been wronged."
Tess, I speak from personal experience when I say I wholeheartedly agree with you. My childhood was shaped by abuse that went on for years. Even when it stopped, those experiences defined how I saw myself in the world. One conversation with one thoughtful, observant and honest adult changed everything for me.
If Jon could be that loving, supportive and honest person for his children on a regular bases, his kids have a very good chance of growing into healthy, competent adults. Sometimes it really is the smallest gestures that change the world.

readerlady said...

Admin, I agree that Jon should stay in the picture. Maybe move him to behind the kids, wearing his hardhat and holding a sign that says "Let my children go" or "Stop filming my children" or a circle around the letters TLC, with a line through it ("No TLC"), and add purseboy, standing shoulder to shoulder with Kate. I do think that Jon's current status as protecter/defender of the children, and out of the limelight, should be acknowledged.

Midnight Madness said...

Administrator said...

The reason I'm hesitant to take Jon's picture down is he is their father. Kate and friends have tried so hard to remove him from their lives.


True. However, the way it READS is that he is a partner in continuing the exploitation, and it's just not true. It's not a parental blog - it's about Kate and TLC's exploitation of the kids. At this point, Jon has nothing to do with it other than trying to protect them from this.

Laura D. said...

Add me to the list of those who believe Jon's characature image needs to be updated. I like Readerlady's idea.

Anonymous said...

Clearly Kate lives to work her children as much as she can. No way a good loving parent does these things to their children. They may as well be in prison living with Kate. She tells them their every move with $ signs in mind not parenting. Jon is fighting to get the children off tv, Kate is fighting to keep them working so she can live life with housekeepers, limo's, staff to clean up her every move and to be able to be gone for business as not to have to raise the children. This is what Kate wanted, it was clear long ago when she was willing to divorce the father of her children rather than keep her marriage over working her children.It is work these kids do not normal play. Re takes, film is edited, lies told to the children to get them to do what they want to get it on film. Hawaii, lies told there, it was all to make money off the kids but J&K knew even then what was going to happen-that was a horrible lie to the kids just so Kate could make money off them. Play Christmas for filming, it was not Christmas. Birthday parties just for filming and free trips for Kate and the money she made off them. If Kate can make money off working the kids or get free things off working the tups she does it. Makes me sick to hear how some speak about Jon and the only thing he is doing now is changing for the better for his children, yes-he was wrong to but it seems he is the one who told the truth and really wants his children to have privacy & a childhood. It sure is not Kate as she will use them for every dime she can make off them. Kate has proved to be a liar and a theif, she has robbed her children of their childhood and money that they have worked for but she takes. 85% of 250K leaving only 15% split between her 8 kids, child support of over 20K on top of that and for what??? It seems so Kate can have her cake and eat it to. I just don't understand how any one could support Kate Gosselin & her evil ways of using her children to support her lifestyle & clearly keeping the children in her little prison. Clearly they are intemidated by Kate and are between a rock and a hard place. Who knows what all methods she uses on them to make them do what she says. I'm sure she loves them (?), how could a mother or father not love their children but her loves of how she can use them so she don't have to lift one finger to work is sick beyond a sane person's thinking. TLC is crazy to allow this to go on and I have no respect for them either but it is Kate who is the responsible one for all the trauma her children have gone through and continue to go through. You know how she treated Jon, she must be one hell of a bully & it makes me sick to think of what really goes on behind closed doors now that Kate has her way & has total control over her children. She allows only who she wants to be around the kids probably so no secrets are revealed that could take her down in her quest to keep on uses those kids as her running bank account. People, don't watch anything she is on, not for one second-if her rating are up she will never stop this maddness and her children will pay the price, they have no choice. Kate & Jon once said if either parent wanted the children off tv then it would be done. Not so, as you see Kate went as far as divorcing Jon to keep making them work for her. Just another lie Kate told on tv & we now know she is just saying bs to try and cover up her selfish greedy & neglect towards her children and family. Jon did wrong before but who knows what hell he paid to even try and keep his family together & do it off tv. Oh, thats right-Kate divorced him, TLC and Kate tried to keep him under thier control while also trying to take his last breath away. It takes a really no good human being to try and take another humans life and try to make him suffer for wanting to protect his children. All In My Opinion.

Mel said...

Just what I was thinking....

"Could Jon be in the picture arms stretched out protecting the kids; and Steverino"....someplace in there.

And all the adoring fans and cameras....all one or two of them. Snark.

I wonder if what people are sensing is that Jon's role has changed and the header doesn't reflect that as explicitly as it could.

Actually, I think the drawings are just fine (although Steve needs to be added), it's the verbiage of the first sentence that could be changed.

Jon appears to no longer be on a relentless quest for fame & fortune on the backs of his children.

You guys are so good at capturing the spirit of these things in a humorous way....have at it!

Midnight Madness said...

Maybe move him to behind the kids, wearing his hardhat and holding a sign that says "Let my children go" or "Stop filming my children" or a circle around the letters TLC, with a line through it ("No TLC"), and add purseboy, standing shoulder to shoulder with Kate. I do think that Jon's current status as protecter/defender of the children, and out of the limelight, should be acknowledged.


That sounds good. If he's there, it should be in the role of the protector, which is what he is trying to be. I just have a problem seeing him in the forefront and presented as a partner in the exploitation of the kids.

barbee said...

Her Heinous may feel it is okay to have your kids swimming in the rain because she normally would probably have someone/anyone else watching them while she sad in the house. But how many of the 70 party attendees would really enjoy sitting in the rain to watch their kids (which is what the other parents would do - it would blow me away to find that there are that many other parents who would feel like she does and NOT be the one to watch their kid in a pool - especially since the kids are only 7, the pool was no doubt also way overcrowded and even if a couple 'not-a-nannies' were watching them AND the weather, how do THEY stop lightening from hitting the pool?)

A thought I had way back and thought again when the San Diego trip of kate and Mady was mentioned, what kid the age she was who had never been there would have thought of going from PA to San Diego for just a couple days? And what they filmed there seemed almost for 'kate oriented' than kid stuff. Oh, what the hell am I thinking, we're talking about kate, of course it wouldn't be for Mady.

Anonymous said...

One more thing, the proof is all on film, in magazines and in the childrens faces. It is Kate who does not want them to have any privacy, she wants to keep them in her little circle for profit. Jon continues to fight for them and the court does not even care enough to stop Kate from using these children for profit, it is a shame and a disgrace for Kate, TLC, the courts & anyone else who allows these children to be used for profit & is not protecting them from the use and abuse. Is there money being passed out for this to continue or is it how our system really is to let a mom use her children for her own selfish greed? The American way or failure in the American protection of children? Jon is their father and he should be able to take them off tv and out of the workforce. It is sad they continue to ignore his pleas to protect his children. I hope the children sue the hell out of many people that has allowed this to continue-even their selfish, greedy mom!

Hippie Chick said...

Admin, about you?? I thought it was about Kate. How they continue to lie about you is beyond me. So wrong & so fruitless. They need to get a life. I'm sorry they do this to you.

h8k8 said...

terri said...
Just went on TLC's site and apparently Kate is no longer listed as a contributor on the Parentables section. I truly believe the end is finally near. From my lips to God's ears. My biggest fear is for those kids when Kate officially gets kicked to the curb. We all know how nasty she can be when she doesn't get her way.


You're right, Terri. There is no trace of Kate at all on the Parentables site! The wicked witch is on her way to being unemployed. She was already fired from the job of blogger. lmao (it certainly wasn't anything to get excited about anyway!)

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