Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Judge to Kate: Pay up.

Pay your bills, Kate, like everyone else.

The judge also ordered Kate to pay court fees.

106 sediments (sic) from readers: ~ Administrator said... 1

Justice, finally. This is historic ;) The first day Kate's grifting was not only stopped, but punished.

God bless our courts.

Sheeple are Delusional said... 2

I'm doing a victory dance. :)

See, Kate? The tide has turned against you, you can't wiggle your way out of anything anymore!

Tucker's Mom said... 3

Bringing this comment to the new post.....I'm not at all surprised she appealed. Talk about pissing your money away. Just pay the lady what you owe her!
What cracks me up is that apparently, Kate testified that she had conversations about Jon and did NOT want to discuss her or her childhood (me thinks something is waaaay hidden there). So what, Kate?
Kate was receiving LaFair's services. It was she speaking and who cares if it was about Jon or the Pope? Kate used the Dr.'s services, allegedly told LaFair to come to LA and now she offers that she's not responsible because this was all for Jon?
Doesn't work that way, hon.
Sorry kids, your mom is wasting more of that money you've all made ;-(
Admin--any chance Kate would win this appeal? Over under? ~ Administrator said... 4

A very small number of appeals prevail. You usually have to show the judge abused their discretion. The appellate court will give great deference to the judge. She's cooked. Pay up! You're not in family court anymore!

AuntieAnn said... 5

Good for Lafair. Except now they're gonna need the jaws of life to open Kate's purse.

Red letter day...haha!!

Falling like a brick said... 6

I wonder if any of her sheeple will pass along a bandaid to Kate because it looks like reality has bitten her right in her backside.

Ohh.ohh. wait. Maybe she can go on another talk show and whine and moan about this bill that she's stuck herself with.

Pay Your Bills Kate!

Tucker's Mom said... 7

Ohh.ohh. wait. Maybe she can go on another talk show and whine and moan about this bill that she's stuck herself with.

Ding Ding Ding!!! We have a winner!!
Yes, between Twittergate and this horrendously horrendous travesty having to pay LaFair's bill when SHE HAS BILLS IN HER PURSE THAT SHE CAN'T PAY!!, I see a sit down with Merideth Vierra very, very soon.
In fact, I bet Kate's packing her bags and calling car service to NYC right this very moment!

stupid is said... 8

Not only are AA and PP "jelus haters" who can't get roles, they've also faked the NAMBLA member to bring more attention to THEMSELVES.
This is another accusation and I hope PP sees it and sues their asses off.

A Minor Consideration and PROTECT CHILDREN. Are the Kate fans finally admitting that they really don't care about children?

Stewmama said... 9

Finally! Thank you God! Not so smug now are you Kate?

Anonymous said... 10

It's not at all surprising that Kate doesn't pay her bills. All narcissists try and get out of paying for any and everything. My mother-in-law has NPD and has always tried to get out of paying for anything. She has also been evicted at least 1-2 times a year for the past 20 years for failure to pay rent. Her utilities are also regularly turned off for failure to pay. She of course blames everyone else (the landlord, the utility company, etc.).

It's also not surprising that she refused to discuss her childhood or anything pertaining to her in counseling. My mother-in-law has also refused to discuss anything about her or her past when family counseling was recommended in my husband's childhood. She got up and left the room and refuse to come back when the subject would come up in the sessions.

Tweet your heart out Katie said... 11

@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@rusmokincrack @happylady58 You are correct. Never fun to have to clean up others messes, is it? Or pay their bills...
8 Apr
Was so hoping throwing Jon under the bus this time would come back and bite her in the butt. Snap!! Or, if you prefer, BAM!! ~ Administrator said... 12

Someone pass Kate a mop. It's official. It's her mess. Just hers. ~ Administrator said... 13

Kate's tweeting about bananagrams right now trying to pretend everything is just fine nothing to see here.


PatK said... 14

But...but...didn't the Judge know who she IS????

(I'm loving it.)

E-town Neighbor said... 15

Kate Gosselin of Sinking Springs has to pay Creative Energy Options, White Haven, $10,476 – a figure that includes $151 in court costs, District Judge Gerald Feissner has ruled.


It is Sinking Spring, not Sinking Springs, and Kate is not "of Sinking Spring," she is "of Wernersville." Close, but no cigar. Don't these writers ever check their facts? She uses the UPS in Sinking Spring, but as far as I know, she doesn't live in a post office box.

Just pay the darn bill, Kate. You'll have more attorney's fees and court costs up the gazoo. The stick is already there, so I imagine it's going get crowded in there. What is she trying to prove?

E-town Neighbor said... 16

Administrator said...

Justice, finally. This is historic ;) The first day Kate's grifting was not only stopped, but punished.

God bless our courts.


You called it, admin. You were correct. With PA's screwed up court system, I had my doubts. How do you figure the appeal will go?

Stupid Sheep said... 17

and yet YOU are reading here daily.

url said... 18

Posted on the last thread that Kart just wants the publicity. Another day in court with boobyguard Steve. She's just desperate to stay in the news and is probably hoping for more than 15 people to show up for the appeal. She's probably deciding on her next court outfit and hoping someone will take her picture.

JudyK said... 19

Yes, Adm, she's tweeting about Bananagrams and "competitive spellers unite"...uh, Kate, that knocks you outta the running.

E-town Neighbor said... 20

Didn't she make the comment that the judge will see the truth (paraphrased - something like that?) I guess he did just that!

Sorry, admin, I asked your opinion about the appeal before I read your comment upthread. I guess I should read the posts before my fingers go into action!

JudyK said... 21

Just one more thing and it is my opinion entirely and only an opinion, but I bet anything the Judge contacted Dr. Phil and found out that he despises's been obvious to me for quite a long time. Maybe the Judge should have also contacted Emeril.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 22

Very simple... PAY WHAT YOU OWE.

F*ck her, and her entitled a*s.

Permanent Name said... 23

PatK said...

But...but...didn't the Judge know who she IS????

Oops - an error there Pat -

Should read:

But...but... didn't the judge know who she WAS???

Past tense is more appropriate, wouldn't you agree?


Sorry, Pat, for the grammar police comment, but kart no longer 'is', she is now 'WAS', in capital letters...

Bwwaaaa hhhaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa

fidosmommy said... 24

Anyone think she'll become all Christian again and go around to churches (or set up a website)
to ask for donations to help her pay the bill the Judge who doesn't know how to help her is making her pay? And anybody think some of her fans would actually contribute?

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) said... 25


Linda G. said... 26

If her appeal loses (and I agree, she doesn't stand a chance) will she be charged with more legal/court fees?

By refusing to pay it, she's just cutting off her nose to spite her face, something NPDs often do. (Because they're NEVER wrong! Except in reality, sometimes they are, just like everyone else.)

Oh well, Kate, pay up! How many gymnastics lessons would $10K have bought?

fidosmommy said... 27

Are civil cases like this taken on the "If you lose you don't pay" policy? If Kate does not have that protection, and if her lawyer is not already on retainer, she'll have a fairly good sized lawyer bill by the time she goes through an appeal. The last lawyer I used was several hundred dollars an hour, and that included charging me for phone time (which I fully understood)

Gimme Gimme said... 28

I think she is trying to cut a deal with bananagrams. She doesn't name drop for nothing.

Sherill said... 29

Angrim is a class act! I really enjoyed her chapter in WG's book. Just excellent.

No regrets said... 30

We all know what is going to happen. Kate will, as usual, blame all this on Jon, as will the fans. The Judge will be vilified. Blah blah

I guess LaFair proved her case. Kate testified SHE called LaFair, testified SHE talked to LaFair, LaFair even testified that Jon REFUSED to talk to her. Funny, if Jon insisted LaFair be there. WHY would he refuse.

Oh well, the judge ruled. LaFair proved her case.

Kelly said... 31

Oh well. The judge has spoken.


Jenna Does said... 32

Why appeal? So she just can't lose?? What is the point? Just pay the damn fee & move the eff on. She just HAS to be in the papers, on the internet & in the news somehow huh? So ridiculous. She can keep paying & paying & taking up tax payers time & money. She will just keep appealing until she says; "Duh, this cost me more in legal fees than the original fee for the therapy"...when will she learn & just back down? Ya can't win them all, but I guess Kate the narcissist does not realize that, does she?
~Hippie Chick~

Linda G. said... 33

No regrets: Kate's fans on twitter are already very plainly blaming Jon. It's pathetic. Nothing is ever Kate's fault to them. Or to her.

fidosmommy: I know here if you don't pay a civil judgment, it can be put on your credit report. Girlfriend doesn't want that.

Pam said... 34

I think Kate should have to pay EVERYBODY who was in court that day who had to look at her ugly hot pink dress and fried bleached hair, and who had to hear that nails-across-a-chalkboard- voice. ~ Administrator said... 35

I'm sure Kate knew about this suit ages before the public ever did. Had she simply tried to settle with this gal, she probably could have gotten out of this mess paying only 7,000 or 8,000 of the actual bill, an agreement to keep it confidential, and none of us never would have known this narcissist was refusing to pay an excellent therapist for her services, services she told Kate she didn't even want to give in the first place but Kate insisted!


Well, Kate, got news for ya. A court has ordered you to give in.

I wonder if anyone in sheepleland has ever had to bill hours. Or if they ever had a business where they ever had to bill anyone. How would THEY feel if someone didn't pay their bill? ~ Administrator said... 36

Don't the sheeple think if this were Jon's bill she would have, oh I don't know, sued JON. But attorneys are not permitted to file frivilous lawsuits in court against people who don't owe their clients anything! This wasn't Jon's bill, Jon never even talked to her according to the actual testimony. Kate was the one with all the contacts. I as well as many others said this looked very cut and dry to us, and we were right.

If I were this therapists' attorney and I had a choice to sue Kate or Jon, I would absolutely pick Jon, hands down. His reputation to many has been a deadbeat dad who doesn't pay his bills. Kate's reputation is the victim. I would much prefer to sue the deadbeat dad. Just speaks to how obvious it is it was Kate's bill, not Jon's.

Sheeple? In the court of law, you sue the person who wronged you. Not the people you hate. ~ Administrator said... 37

Oh and by the way, if this is Jon's bill Kate can sue Jon! The dispute was between Kate and the therapist. The judge now says Kate owes it. If Kate thinks Jon owes it, Kate should sue Jon.

Crickets, don't see any suit from Kate on this point. Kate didn't even mention this might be Jon's bill in her testimony. Wouldn't you want to raise that issue???

It's not Jon's bill, people, accept it.

Kelly said... 38

Actually, I was surprised that the therapist didn't name both Jon and Kate in the original suit being that they were both married at the time. My thought was she would sue with a shotgun approach and not a targeted approach like she did with Kate.

On the other hand, she seemed more credible in her suit against Kate as she could have gone against both but had her facts and obviously her proof that Kate was the party she had the meeting of the minds with.

Sheeple can spin it like they want but the fat lady sang today and YES, this is the original Kelly aka underwalt.

Unknown said... 39


E-town Neighbor said... 40

Linda G. said...

If her appeal loses (and I agree, she doesn't stand a chance) will she be charged with more legal/court fees?


Absolutely. She will have to pay to file the appeal, and on top of that, she will have additional attorney's fees and court costs.

Appeals to her said... 41

To file an appeal and for it to be accepted, doesn't the person have to have a legitimate reason such as new evidence or that there was a mistake in procedure, etc (or have I watched too many legal shows and not paid close enough attention)? What grounds could Kate have to appeal this ruling other than she just doesn't agree with the verdict (and is that enough for a good appeal)?

Anonymous said... 42

Not only are AA and PP "jelus haters" who can't get roles, they've also faked the NAMBLA member to bring more attention to THEMSELVES.

Wait, so the guy supposedly from NAMBLA on Twitter was a hoax? I read on a couple other sites that it was supposed to be publicity for Kate, but would Kate really stoop that low? Even for her?

Just one more thing and it is my opinion entirely and only an opinion, but I bet anything the Judge contacted Dr. Phil and found out that he despises Kate..

If Dr. Phil despises Kate, why did he want to save their "brand" and not their "family", as Jon claimed?

E-town Neighbor said... 43

To file an appeal and for it to be accepted, doesn't the person have to have a legitimate reason such as new evidence or that there was a mistake in procedure, etc (or have I watched too many legal shows and not paid close enough attention)?


I'm not admin, but in PA, anyone who doesn't agree with the decision can file an appeal in district court if the judgment was entered against him/her. It is not necessary to have new evidence or a "legitimate" reason. In fact, it is not even necessary to be represented by an attorney. ~ Administrator said... 44

Appeals to her, Yea something I have experience with! I've written several appellate briefs, won a few. It's well understood you are lucky to win 2% of your appeals. It's one of the few professions you can be in where you suck all the time and still keep your job, ha.

Anyone can file a NOTICE of appeal for any reason or no reason, which is what this is. All that tells the appellate court is that you want the record (transcripts and reports) and will either file a brief or a no merits letter. Then typically you get a certain amount of time to review the whole record and decide whether there are any MERITORIOUS issues to appeal. That's right, yes, an appeal HAS to have some kind of merits. If you got nothing, you are obligated to let the court know. In fact, you can be disiplined, even disbarred for filing frivilous appeal briefs and wasting the court's time.

If after review you decide there are no issues, you simply send a short brief/letter to the court letting them no there are no issues. The end, appeal over. If you think in good faith there are any appealable issues, then you file a brief and the court gives you a schedule for the other party to reply, and a hearing for oral arguments. It's not typically another trial, it's usually a panel of appellate judges. Kate likely wouldn't even be there.

I a case like this where it was just a judge, like I said usually they're going to have to find the judge abused his/her discretion somehow. Typically that means a decision so wild and out there and outrageous it defies reason. Does this happen? Absolutely. Often? Absolutely not.

This was a he said she said case. The contract law is clear. All a judge has to say in their record is they found LaFair credible and Kate not credible. Appellate court doesn't touch that kind of thing. Credibility is the trial judge's call.

AuntieAnn said... 45

I think Jon paid his part of the bill or is making payments - at least it sounds as if that's the way things stand with Lafair. This is from an interview she gave:

“I did this because I believe people need to be held accountable,” Dr. Lafair tells us. “We all need to be held accountable for agreements that we make and that’s why this was filed … it’s for services rendered that were never handled. Jon is handling his part.” Dr. Lafair wouldn’t comment on any of the specifics.

Kelly said... 46

She's not going to appellate court. She's going from district court to the Circuit Court in Luzerne County. Doesn't she get to retry her case as would happen here in Maryland. Once the decision is rendered in Circuit Court here, the appeal then goes to appellate court where they have a decorum, have to argue on mistakes made by the lower court or case law that supports the appeal and it is either affirmed and sent back to the lower court for review on points or a new trial? You know better than I do but this case was tried at such a low level, wouldn't she be able to try all over again at the circuit level?

Anonymous said... 47

Seem fairly simple to me. Kate called and requested her services, not Jon. Per her own statement in court. When she left the court house and I quote. "I told the truth". ~ Administrator said... 48

Kelly, I didn't realize there was another court higher than this one before the appellate courts.

If that's the case yes she'd have to go to that court too. I would have to research it, but I find it hard to believe she is entitled to an automatic re-hearing in the higher court. I think she would still have to show some kind of error. Otherwise, it would render this lower court a kangaroo court with no final judgments. A court whose judgments are worth nothing if you can just get another bite at the apple someplace higher. ~ Administrator said... 49

Actually first, not too.

E-town Neighbor said... 50

A friend of mine is currently going through the appeals process as the result of a case she lost in district court. She didn't agree with the decision and her attorney filed the notice of appeal. It's been seven months since the reply brief was filed, and still nothing. I imagine if Kate does go through with this, it may be a long and expensive process. Why doesn't she just pay this darn thing and move on?

This won't be another trail for Kate. It's all paperwork, and my friend was told that although there was a document missing when her case was presented, and a key witness didn't show up on the court date, there's nothing she can do about it because the appellate court isn't a trial court. ~ Administrator said... 51

I had an appeal take TWO YEARS. Kate will spend way more than $10,000 paying for this stupid bill.


Kelly said... 52

Admin, I don't doubt what you say. In Maryland there is the District Court where civil and misdemeanors and traffic offenses are heard. They can be tried before a judge or opt for a jury trial. If they opt for the jury trial, it is bumped up to the circuit level.

If it's a civil case on a district level, and heard by a judge, they can appeal it to the circuit court and the trial starts over again. They have to post an appeal bond with the clerk and a date is set. Once it goes to the Circuit Court, the judges decision can be appealed to a higher court but only on merits and mistakes on the judges part i.e. instructions to a jury or case law.
When it goes to the appellate level, the case is either affirmed or sent back to the Circuit with instructions or an order for retrial.

In Kates case, I think she can retry the case on the circuit level but once there and a decision rendered, it will be highly unlikely that she could win on appeal at a higher level if the circuit court affirms the lower courts decision. Again, I defer to your experience,education and knowledge. This is Maryland, where the men are men and the women are too. ~ Administrator said... 53

Kelly, I am assuming three courts in the following order, and mind you states may have different names for them. CA actually calls its LOWEST courts superior--confusing!

1. Trial court 2. appellate court 3. state supreme court

If there is some court between Kate's trial court and the appellate court I don't know, she'd have to follow their procedures.

Again we say, pay up and LET IT GO.

Kelly said... 54

Agreed, At this point Dr. Lafair can now collect on her judgement, appeal or not and then the burden on Kate is to either vacate the judgement or attempt to stop the garnishment. Good luck with either.

I'm sure the legal fees exceeded $3,500 to defend this canard. ~ Administrator said... 55

If legal fees haven't already surpassed 10 grand, they sure will now. What a waste of the children's money.

I have this disturbing flash of the future of the kids grown and taking Kate to court to get their money back. Naturally Kate will lose, but WON'T PAY UP. Ugh.

E-town Neighbor said... 56

Administrator said...

I had an appeal take TWO YEARS. Kate will spend way more than $10,000 paying for this stupid bill.


Yes, she will, and she should have been advised of this. Is this just plain stubbornness on her part?

Interesting that Kelly said she will go from the district court to the Circuit Court. I think that the next level up in PA is the Court of Common Pleas. As far as I know, my friend, who lives in another state, didn't present her case in another court. Everything was handled by her attorney.

If a case is lost in district court in PA, the first step is to file the notice of appeal. It's possible that in PA if the dj decides against you, you do have the right for your case to go to Common Pleas. I'm curious now - will do some investigating (unless admin has the time to do it!)...

Linda G. said... 57

Hey! I found Kate and the sheeple's philosophy on the back of a truck:

But I'm a reality t.v. star... said... 58

This is simply unbelievable...oh but wait we are discussing Kate Gosselin and her narcissistic, entitled way of living so maybe it's not.

Kate contacts LaFair because she is desperate to save the brand and "fix" Jon. And then she doesn't want to pay the bill. Like I said it's unbelievable.

PJ's momma said... 59

I suspect this may be the card that gets pulled that will cause the whole house of cards to eventually crash down. I'm sure she wasn't expecting this ruling; she has gotten away with everything for so long and nobody has called her on her BS and she just keeps getting paid and grifting and trying to be relevant in the public eye. The end is near. Hope she has a Plan B because she is going to need one.

Anonymous said... 60

Kate is going to drag this out as long as possible, no matter what or if she was advised to do the opposite. It's all about HER. That SHE has to be right, she's in charge--that's NEVER going to change, SHE'S KATE GOSSELIN! Oh, please! Even if she chosen to drag this out she's only actually digging deeper and deeper into her pockets. It's actually sad. But this is the life SHE chose, she chose to put kids on tv, herself on tv, in the public eye. She has noboyd now to blame but HERSELF!

Batterednotbroken said... 61

Do you think that perhaps Khate will get TLC to pay this? She can whine to them saying she hired Dr Lafair to "protect the brand"
On another note....^5 to all :))

Batterednotbroken said... 62

That was/is Khate personified. Thanks for sharing.

PJ's momma said... 63

Oh my goodness, I just saw her latest tweet. No is never no to her. She is really delusional. The collapse is coming and she still refuses to acknowledge anything. She should just shut the hell up and say nothing, but she's not that smart. She manages to make herself look even more dumb, if that's possible. Face palm........

At this point, I think TLC is just letting her hang herself on twitter - another reason to cut her loose.

fidosmommy said... 64

Kate has tweeted just now that there is nothing to worry about, she will not be defeated, and that "no is never no to me!" (paraphrasing her tweet)

I think Kate needs to learn the phrase "enough is enough."

silimom said... 65

Admin, if Kate loses on appeal and is required to pay LaFaire, then what? What are the consequences if she doesn't pay? Isn't it up to LaFaire to enforce the ruling? I suppose she can sick a collection agency on Kate, but I guess what I'm asking is whether there would be any legal consequence once she's required to pay and doesn't.

I guess I'm just a little cynical. At best, this is a victory on paper only. Kate could still go for years and refuse to pay the bill. ~ Administrator said... 66

Oh my God she is certifiable. She truly is.

That tweet deserves its own post coming now.

fidosmommy said... 67

Oh, I truly believe Kate is doing this just to
find the judge who will prove her right. I believe she will spend any amount of money to show Jon she didn't owe that $10,000 bill. It's all a matter of pride by now. She will not be defeated even if she has to lose her
phone, her house and one session with Ted Gibson. SHE WILL NOT BE WRONG.

This could very well go on for a very long time.
And the kids' college accounts remain unfunded.

E-town Neighbor said... 68

Administrator said...

Oh my God she is certifiable. She truly is.

That tweet deserves its own post coming now.


Amen. If no is never no to her, does that only apply to Kate? What if she says "no" to her children? Is no never no to them? Does she even say "no" to them, and if so, what happens when they defy her? If they see their mother never taking no for an answer, wouldn't they think that they can do the same thing? What kind of screwed up parenting is this?

Batterednotbroken said... 69

"no is never no to me!" (paraphrasing her tweet)

isn't that what she said to Jon when he inially said NO to more babies after the twins were born.

TLC ship is sinking said... 70

PJ's momma said...
Oh my goodness, I just saw her latest tweet. No is never no to her. She is really delusional.

So, is she really going to keep fighting this thing just to prove she's right, no matter what the cost? Good luck with that, Kate!

It was her truth, straight from the horse's mouth, that done her in. She couldn't lie on the stand this time.

She and her fans are delusional, especially blaming this on Jon. They blindly believe whatever Kate says instead of reading the facts i.e. Kate's testimony for themselves.

No wonder it was a gloomy day for Kate and she lacked the motivation to get things done. She was probably in bed all day suffering from another meltdown.

Batterednotbroken said... 71

Is she selling the McMansion? This from GWoP blog: of 5/13/2011
Rev Trust aggreement with William Blumer..

Home and land (23.88 acres) was purchased 10/23/2008 for $1,120,00

As of 5/13/2011 assessed value of the home was $482,000. The mortage is probably more than the assessed value. ~ Administrator said... 72

LaFair's quote from today isn't getting a lot of attention. JON PAID HIS HALF.

Likely, since this was marriage counseling, which you know implies two people since it's usually two people in a marriage, if you get divorced with an unpaid bill you SPLIT IT. Down the line.

Jon paid his share, Kate didn't pay hers. Simple as that. It has nothing to do with how much Kate's twisted little head felt that Jon needed it more. ~ Administrator said... 73

New post ya'll. You can stay in this one for general discussion of the court case, or jump to the other for specific discussion of Kate's narcissistic tweet.

Anonymous said... 74

Question for Admin - if and when Khate loses the appeal, can the court "garnish" her pay check to collect the fee? Thanks

You know, no matter what she does, she is not generating any interest anywhere. Lilo in a tight white mini garnered mass media coverage, Kate Kreider in a fugly pink smock, small town locals. I hope you learned something from your TLC paid scuba lesson, you will need it soon while you are swirling down that toilet.

Maryanne said... 75

Oh yeah, waaayyy too familiar with billing hours for services. If you don't get paid for services rendered you cannot even write it off as a bad debt. Architects only relatively recently were permitted to file a lien against a property if there is a failure to pay. Really, fat lot of good that does as you have to wait until the property is sold...even then chances are there are other liens filed by others, so you'e SOL.

Geez, deadbeats are despicable (I mean those able to pay but don't, like KG)

E-town Neighbor said... 76

Court appeals process from district court is to the PA Court of Common Pleas
(Under B: 1)

Midnight Madness said... 77

Maryanne said, "If you don't get paid for services rendered you cannot even write it off as a bad debt."


Are you sure about that? My accountant told me differently? Oops...

Ingrid said... 78

In Wis. I believe we have a 50/50 law so any outstanding bills incurred during a marriage can be split between the couple when divorcing. (Unless they both agree to do it differently) It doesn't matter who made the bill- they both can be held responsible. (which it sounds like Jon paid his half) I work with a girl who almost got stuck with her (ex)husband's $50,000 business loan that he never told her about before the divorce. Luckily they worked it out and he got it all.

I don't know what PA laws in divorce are but if similar that should make it obviously her responsibility.

Lorrie said... 79

What happened to Kate being a "contract honorer"? So glad someone finally took her down a peg or two!

so sick of her said... 80

I really think that, this whole thing about the Ped was a plant, to get everyone to ignore the law suit. Kate should pay her bills. According to 2 article now, Jon paid his half. I watched the View this morning, and Kate was not invited to Sherri Shepards, Shower. I also noticed that Kate has not been tweeting much. What TLC muzzle her.

Moose Mania said... 81

Lorrie said...

What happened to Kate being a "contract honorer"? So glad someone finally took her down a peg or two!


She claims there was no contract. If there was no contract (in her mind) then you can't honor one!

New Show for Kate? said... 82

She'll be on every week!

Just a Philly lawyer said... 83

Am also an atty. I definitely would have advised Katie Kreider Gosselin to keep her mouth shut. When she said that the doctor "was trying to make money off of riding Jon's celebrity" in that courtroom, after the Judge heard that Kate wanted the doc to talk Jon into working on their Brand, well that was the nail in the coffin for Kate. She should have had an atty go with her, had the atty speak for her, unless directed by her atty to speak and never, ever tried to discredit the doctor.

Facts: Dr. was called by Kate, flew to LA, spoke with kate for many hrs and all about getting Jon to "stay with the Brand".

If this goes to appeal, I would advise the doc to have Jon issued a subpoena along with the right reverend Dr. Phil who advised this counseling service. Then Katie Kreider Gosselin would be paying fees, court fees and interest plus the Judge could tack on a Punitive charge on Katie for lying (punishment amount of money and it could be as much as the amt owed the doctor)

Love this, wearing that trampy pink dress with that overblown, whiteish blonde hair with the flat iron marks in it. Wow, she is one hell of a piece of low class garbage.

TLC did not bail her out of this one. So, I say to Jon, go to court and get your co custody rights back NOW. Don't look like TLC is running around with their law dept for katie, huh?

Kelly said... 84

WOW!!!PA ATTORNEY, Great stuff there. Glad to see your response. Hoping that Jon read it and it actually goes to appeal however as of the close of business today, still no filing.

Would love to read more of your insight into this and the flaws you see with this totally lopsided custody arrangement that has seemed to only benefit Kate.
Thanks for your input.

E-town Neighbor said... 85

Just A Philly Lawyer said: Love this, wearing that trampy pink dress with that overblown, whiteish blonde hair with the flat iron marks in it. Wow, she is one hell of a piece of low class garbage


Pants On Fire: What do you think? :)

E-town Neighbor said... 86

Then Katie Kreider Gosselin would be paying fees, court fees and interest plus the Judge could tack on a Punitive charge on Katie for lying (punishment amount of money and it could be as much as the amt owed the doctor


Punitive damages for perjury? Wouldn't the attorney for the plaintiff have to prove malicious misconduct? Is there a cap in PA on punitive damages?

Are punitive damages awarded in contract disputes? I didn't think they were. Moreover, this was held in district court where no punitive damages are awarded. If it goes to appeal, can punitive damages be levied if the suit originated in magisterial court?

"If this goes to appeal, I would advise the doc to have Jon issued a subpoena along with the right reverend Dr. Phil who advised this counseling service."


I wasn't aware that Dr. Phil advised Dr. Lafair. Kate said that she had her own counselor, Dr. Phil, but where was it reported that Dr. Phil advised LaFair's counseling service? I didn't know that Dr. Phil was Dr. Lafair's adviser.

"When she said that the doctor "was trying to make money off of riding Jon's celebrity" in that courtroom, after the Judge heard that Kate wanted the doc to talk Jon into working on their Brand, well that was the nail in the coffin for Kate"


Where did this direct quote come from? Was this in a transcript of the hearing? If so, is this online, or is this "insider" information? The judge made the statement that he wouldn't give the reason for his decision in Lafair's favor.

"She should have had an atty go with her,"


She was represented at the hearing by her attorney, Kimberly Borland.

Just a Philly lawyer said... 87

Oh yeah, that quote of Katie about the doc, was something that was on the TV. The doc was asked by the TV crews, local, about that comment and I'm sure I paraphrased it, but it was right on the money with content. The interviewer asked her how she felt about that comment and the doc said, "it hurt to hear her say that" (Remember that doc waited almost 2 yrs to file for the money, she understood the family was in turmoil with the divorce and she said that in the courtroom, she said somewhere, perhaps in the complaint how long she has sent bills to Kate and not acknowedged and on the news) Again, we have Kate with her meanness just coming out NATURALLY.

Anyhow, not perjury, as she just described her feelings not evidence. She blurted that out because the doctor had her evidence. She should have kept her mouth shut. Not because she would have won, but she cheapened herself even more and insulted that woman who did everything for an enormous amount of time, 2 yrs, before filing.

Doesn't look like Kate has the TLC law dept or PR dept fighting for her any longer, huh?

What is happening, no new contract? Maybe.

Jon should file now because he has been stable worked, etc,, good chances plus no TLC law dept to fight for use of her and kids, huh?

We shall see.

Now direct those questions to the Admin, wow I spent so much time on her, makes me angry at me for giving her my Saturday time.

She is ruining her own reputation even more.

That pink dress still bothers me, I wonder why the pink dress and he with the red tie. Did she want to look good for her neighbors? The press? But no professional hair and makeup.

Isn't TLC taking care of her anymore?

E-town Neighbor said... 88

"Anyhow, not perjury, as she just described her feelings not evidence."


In your previous post, you said, "Then Katie Kreider Gosselin would be paying fees, court fees and interest plus the Judge could tack on a Punitive charge on Katie for lying (punishment amount of money and it could be as much as the amt owed the doctor"

Lying under oath is perjury. Yet, in your last post, you said, "not lying." If lying is not perjury, then what is it, and how would punitive damages be assessed for "lying," the amount to be as great as the judgment itself?

You didn't address my question on whether punitive damages can be awarded in magisterial district court, and if an appeal is made, can punitive damages be awarded if the original suit was initiated in district court?

"Oh yeah, that quote of Katie about the doc, was something that was on the TV. The doc was asked by the TV crews, local, about that comment and I'm sure I paraphrased it, but it was right on the money with content. The interviewer asked her how she felt about that comment and the doc said, "it hurt to hear her say that"


What is "THAT" comment, and you said "local" station? What station was that? I watch the Philadelphia stations and I didn't see any television interview. Is the interview online?

"Now direct those questions to the Admin, wow I spent so much time on her, makes me angry at me for giving her my Saturday time."


Admin isn't the one who brought up the issue of perjury, which is why I addressed my question to you.

The SOL in Pennsylvania in district court for written and oral contracts is four years. Perhaps Kate was hoping that Dr. Lafair would just let it slide and the SOL would run out.

Sorry, but I'm not buying any of this.

fidosmommy said... 89

E-Town, I'm with you on this. Something about all this info sounds odd to me. I apologize if I am wrong, but I just can't help it.

The word card is crossing my card? Birthday card? Ace of Spades? Gift card? Calling card? Why is that?

so sick of her said... 90

I really think that, this whole thing about the Ped was a plant, to get everyone to ignore the law suit. Kate should pay her bills. According to 2 article now, Jon paid his half. I watched the View this morning, and Kate was not invited to Sherri Shepards, Shower. I also noticed that Kate has not been tweeting much. What TLC muzzle her.

E-town Neighbor said... 91

Administrator said...

Oh my God she is certifiable. She truly is.

That tweet deserves its own post coming now.


Amen. If no is never no to her, does that only apply to Kate? What if she says "no" to her children? Is no never no to them? Does she even say "no" to them, and if so, what happens when they defy her? If they see their mother never taking no for an answer, wouldn't they think that they can do the same thing? What kind of screwed up parenting is this?

Administrator said... 92

New post ya'll. You can stay in this one for general discussion of the court case, or jump to the other for specific discussion of Kate's narcissistic tweet.

TLC ship is sinking said... 93

PJ's momma said...
Oh my goodness, I just saw her latest tweet. No is never no to her. She is really delusional.

So, is she really going to keep fighting this thing just to prove she's right, no matter what the cost? Good luck with that, Kate!

It was her truth, straight from the horse's mouth, that done her in. She couldn't lie on the stand this time.

She and her fans are delusional, especially blaming this on Jon. They blindly believe whatever Kate says instead of reading the facts i.e. Kate's testimony for themselves.

No wonder it was a gloomy day for Kate and she lacked the motivation to get things done. She was probably in bed all day suffering from another meltdown.

Administrator said... 94

If legal fees haven't already surpassed 10 grand, they sure will now. What a waste of the children's money.

I have this disturbing flash of the future of the kids grown and taking Kate to court to get their money back. Naturally Kate will lose, but WON'T PAY UP. Ugh.

Kelly said... 95

Agreed, At this point Dr. Lafair can now collect on her judgement, appeal or not and then the burden on Kate is to either vacate the judgement or attempt to stop the garnishment. Good luck with either.

I'm sure the legal fees exceeded $3,500 to defend this canard.

LoriT said... 96

Seem fairly simple to me. Kate called and requested her services, not Jon. Per her own statement in court. When she left the court house and I quote. "I told the truth".

Appeals to her said... 97

To file an appeal and for it to be accepted, doesn't the person have to have a legitimate reason such as new evidence or that there was a mistake in procedure, etc (or have I watched too many legal shows and not paid close enough attention)? What grounds could Kate have to appeal this ruling other than she just doesn't agree with the verdict (and is that enough for a good appeal)?

Mareeam said... 98


Administrator said... 99

Don't the sheeple think if this were Jon's bill she would have, oh I don't know, sued JON. But attorneys are not permitted to file frivilous lawsuits in court against people who don't owe their clients anything! This wasn't Jon's bill, Jon never even talked to her according to the actual testimony. Kate was the one with all the contacts. I as well as many others said this looked very cut and dry to us, and we were right.

If I were this therapists' attorney and I had a choice to sue Kate or Jon, I would absolutely pick Jon, hands down. His reputation to many has been a deadbeat dad who doesn't pay his bills. Kate's reputation is the victim. I would much prefer to sue the deadbeat dad. Just speaks to how obvious it is it was Kate's bill, not Jon's.

Sheeple? In the court of law, you sue the person who wronged you. Not the people you hate.

fidosmommy said... 100

Are civil cases like this taken on the "If you lose you don't pay" policy? If Kate does not have that protection, and if her lawyer is not already on retainer, she'll have a fairly good sized lawyer bill by the time she goes through an appeal. The last lawyer I used was several hundred dollars an hour, and that included charging me for phone time (which I fully understood)

fidosmommy said... 101

Anyone think she'll become all Christian again and go around to churches (or set up a website)
to ask for donations to help her pay the bill the Judge who doesn't know how to help her is making her pay? And anybody think some of her fans would actually contribute?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kat said... 102

Very simple... PAY WHAT YOU OWE.

F*ck her, and her entitled a*s.

JudyK said... 103

Yes, Adm, she's tweeting about Bananagrams and "competitive spellers unite"...uh, Kate, that knocks you outta the running.

Stupid Sheep said... 104

and yet YOU are reading here daily.

Administrator said... 105

Kate's tweeting about bananagrams right now trying to pretend everything is just fine nothing to see here.


Tweet your heart out Katie said... 106

@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@rusmokincrack @happylady58 You are correct. Never fun to have to clean up others messes, is it? Or pay their bills...
8 Apr
Was so hoping throwing Jon under the bus this time would come back and bite her in the butt. Snap!! Or, if you prefer, BAM!!

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