Kate has been running her mouth a little more than usual the past few days on Twitter. Notable among all the twitter-twatter is her description of a fieldtrip she was dragged on with the sextuplets.
Said Kate of the hiking trip: "Kateplusmy8Kate It was pretty dull. A 'nature walk' thru poison ivy fields&then lunch in a pavillion.K awards at end were cute tho!" And later, as she described the hike, she added, "That's what I was thinking.all the places our climbing shoes we were wearing have been..2stave off boredom I guess!"
Unbelievably ungrateful mother.
488 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 488 Newer› Newest»@Kateplusmy8 You are very lucky to have sweet, outgoing, adorable children!! They are all such charmers! :) Thanks for sharing them with us!
This is a nice exchange and this fan is probably a semi-normal person.
However, if it wasn't a young woman but a man who said these same words, it's very disturbing. She's happy to share her kids with the world and some people out there (Fired up) are going to want MORE of the kids or more of her than she's willing to give. She's very stupid and she's playing with teenagers emotions.
"I'd cry if I met you, you are my inspiration in life ... bla bla" it's nauseating.
@JKCevents Aww so glad you smile bc of them. :) you're welcome!
She acts like sharing your kids with the world is like sharing a talent like singing. It's not SINGING you shrew, they are PEOPLE with FEELINGS and hearts and people who will see consequences for all this exploitation for years to come.
Did she ask her kids if they want to share themselves with the world? Oh right they are CHILDREN and cannot consent to such a thing!
Kate is such a lazy person. She tweets, that she jogs, does errands and lays around the pool. Hand washes the van, but takes the car to the car wash and bitches about waiting. She has 10 hour a day, to do nothing or everything in. So she can't wash her car? LAZY!
I am NO Kate Gosselin fan, but I don't think Kate was bitching about waiting in line to have the car washed...She said she was waiting in line and had a little time to tweet. Someone told her if they had been there, they would have let her go in front of them. Kate replied that she didn't mind waiting in line.
As for the BBB, she said that the bus had to be hand washed because it was too big for the car wash, and it's always dirty!
Looks like to me that a woman who claims to be so fit wouldn't mind getting on a step ladder to wash the bus. She must be lazy or just thinks she's too good for such a menial job. Probably a little of both.
so sick of her said...
Kate is such a lazy person. She tweets, that she jogs, does errands and lays around the pool. Hand washes the van, but takes the car to the car wash and bitches about waiting. She has 10 hour a day, to do nothing or everything in. So she can't wash her car? LAZY!
This was the tweet:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Sitting in lonng line for car wash... Sunny day and every1 wants car washed! Good time to say hello to my tweeties. I guess..:)
She wasn't bitching at all about waiting in line. In fact, it sounded to me like she was actually being patient, if that's possible!
Kate lost the turkey neck! I guess "Evita" (er...Madonna) didn't have one!
Don't cry for me Ghettosville, you were supposed to have been immortal.........
"That's what I was thinking. all the places our climbing shoes we were wearing havebeen..2stave off boredom I guess!"
What an entitled, undeserving, unappreciative, and new-money-without-class BITCH. To poo-poo the kids' adorable class trip/hike by comparing it to their TLC-funded travel-log is just disgusting. Oh, sorry high-end private school, I guess even YOU are not up to snuff when it comes to Kate Gosselin's standards. Guess you better get on TLC to fund your class trips if you want to impress the great Ms. Gosselin..... What a load of trash that woman is. My dearly departed grandmother was spot on: money cannot buy you taste or class. Case in point: Kate Gosselin.
To poo-poo the kids' adorable class trip/hike by comparing it to their TLC-funded travel-log is just disgusting. Oh, sorry high-end private school, I guess even YOU are not up to snuff when it comes to Kate Gosselin's standards.
Exactly my sediments. Nothing is good enough for her. Like I said in another thread, had she never pimped out these kids, the reality is she probably would still be working 12-hour nursing shifts, weekends, and on call. Very likely, she may have had to work the day of the field trip and couldn't go.
Now because she pimped out her kids, she has everything most loving mothers ever dream of--freedom to do whatever she wants with the kids including be at every single fieldtrip, with no financial consequences. And what is she doing? Bitching and moaning how bored she is! It's truly outrageous.
Even as a kid I remember feeling so bad for kids whose parents could never chaperone class trips. I felt so proud and glad my mommy was so often there. My mom was a stay at home mom for some years I was growing up and then a special ed aide with a very flexible schedule and I don't even know how many days off she took to come on MY fieldtrips and be with ME. Same with all her kids.
In fourth grade, my mom helped organize a "Double Dare" style physical and mental challenge game for the last week of school when things are winding down, the weather is finally hot and they let the classes go outside for games. Me and my classmates all went through the whole Double Dare thing she set up and had a blast. It was SOOO fun. To this day I still remember so many specifics about it. That is just one example of all the stuff she dreamed up for us kids. I could write a book. She liked being with me and my friends. She liked to do that stuff. She liked creating great fun stuff like that for everyone and watching kids have fun.
I've known for awhile how awesome my parents are but watching Kate royally f-up these kids has made me even MORE grateful just to have a Mom and Dad who genuinely wanted to be with me and got their own enjoyment from watching ME be happy as a kid.
It's funny I was talking with my amazing musician friend the other day and somehow he got on a tangent about what he hopes he makes other people feel when he plays music. And then he said it's more about the giving out than the taking in for him now, and when you are a child you get way more joy from giving in--getting presents, etc. As you slowly grow up, most people find far greater joy in giving OUT, watching someone else be happy for something you got them or are doing for them. Of course not all selfishness usually goes away, but to find joy in giving is a normal, natural development from child to adult. But it's like Kate is so emotionally stunted she never progressed beyond taking pleasure in the taking IN. Beyond about 12 years old.
Said Kate of the hiking trip: "Kateplusmy8Kate It was pretty dull. A 'nature walk' thru poison ivy fields&then lunch in a pavillion.K awards at end were cute tho!" And later, as she described the hike, she added, "That's what I was thinking.all the places our climbing shoes we were wearing have been..2stave off boredom I guess!"
Thanks for giving this it's own thread!
I said this before, but I believe Kate would have had a different opinion if the school allowed TLC to film this. Then, she would make this day about her, instead of her kids.
Climbing shoes? Did I miss the episode where the Gosselins climbed Mt. Everest? People complained that these kids didn't have proper tie shoes to wear, usually seen in crocs or flip flops.
Where can I get these climbing stilettos Kate has worn to all these magical places?
Kate should appreciate that her school can still offer these traditions and field trips. Many parents are frustrated with the budget cuts here in the OC that have eliminated these long-time celebrations and field trips. I know one grade-level at a local public school that got lucky to have one school field trip because the location was within walking distance and free to attend. Many other grades went without a single field trip the last couple of years due to budget cuts.
Kate should appreciate that her school can still offer these traditions and field trips. Many parents are frustrated with the budget cuts here in the OC that have eliminated these long-time celebrations and field trips
And here's the kicker. Kate was able to go on this field trip even though she doesn't participate in any of the fund-raising events held throughout the year. Parents work their butts off organizing these events, plus the annual Fund Fest held in the spring (a fabulous, upscale event) so that these kids can enjoy perks such as these trips. Kate does nothing, and yet complains that the trip was dull.
Well, Kate, if you want a more exciting trip, get off your rear end and put yourself out there when volunteers are needed for fund-raising; or open your purse (the one that contains bills you cannot pay) and make a nice donation when those Fund Fest folks make their annual phone call. Of course, the class won't go to BHI or Alaska, so maybe going anywhere within the state will seem like slumming.
It would be nice to see her name on the annual patron list.
You should have included the tweet she answered about what she's doing this weekend in which she said it would just be kids and pool and thus nothing very fun.
All she's doing with twitter is completely confirming what I already thought of her:
Entitled? Yep!
Ignorant of the world around her? It's worse than I thought.
Neglectful of the kids and their feelings and safety? Absolutely.
Unintelligent? It's far worse than I thought, sadly.
Flaky and superficial, lacking in personality and self-awareness? Again, I fear I was giving her TOO much credit before she started tweeting.
The list could go on. She's really disgusting.
Your photo shop pic is way too flattering, you make her look pretty on paper when we all know she is ugly is as ugly does.
And yeah, I just checked the TLC schedule and sure enough, they've changed to a one hour episode called "9." LOL. Every other show has an episode title and description, but not hers.
So did we figure out "6" and "7" are new or old? If 9 is her birthday (or they combined the birthday and the food bank), then what's left? The birthday? Is that it?
I find it interesting how her show is displayed on the TLC schedule. And the 10 pm time slot. They're definitely not killing themselves to promote it or anything, and I'd still like to know why she doesn't even know when her own show is airing or WHAT they're showing. Sounds like TLC isn't even communicating with her. Or maybe as long as their check clears, she doesn't give a crap.
As to her little "you'll have to wait and see" hints about her summer plans, I'd bet three dozen leather couches she's not going anywhere on TLC's dime.
E-town, shut the back door, she doesn't even help with fundraising for the private school? She's not a donor?
Wow. With all that money? But why should I be surprised when she can't even pony up the cash for the few kids who might be interested in gymnastics?
E-Town Neighbor, I admire your restraint.
I have read this blog from inception but comment seldom.
Your insight is always a highlight in my book because it clearly stems from someone "in the know" expressing an opinion but still cognizant and careful of the confidentiality of the cubs we are speaking about.
Honestly Kate has my blood boiling. I don't even know why TLC would continue K+8 after her latest tweeting fiasco. I mean really, if she feels her children's field trip was dull, why on earth would anyone else want to watch the show?? If she finds her OWN kids dull- what makes her or TLC think strangers would find them entertaining?
And the tweet about doing nothing overly fun this weekend- ok first of all she never even mentioned the tragedy of Joplin, now those folks aren't doing anything overly fun this weekend, but it's a holiday weekend, Memorial at that, and we wouldn't even be celebrating (or for Kate, not overly celebrating) if it weren't for the sacrifice of my fallen brothers and sisters in the service. Maybe you don't need to have overly fun this weekend, maybe this would be a good time to be greatful for your freedom and way of life and the free time you have to spend with your children! TLC has a winner on their hands with one, I tell ya.
I think my favorite tweet was the one where she says that they will be filming this weekend and not having any fun. Can not wait for her to do another interview and wish someone would ask her why she would continue doing the show if they don't have any fun doing it! I also think that they will show the birthday episode and that it is not ready, thus why they would be filming interviews over a holiday weekend. I think that she is off to Europe or somewhere crazy this summer with those poor kids and hope they get a break at Jon's house!
Kate's showbiz career is dead. These tweets are how she grieves.
I clashed terribly with my narcissistic mother because she wanted a cute little trained showdog who would perform every trick rather than a tomboy daughter who loved playing outside and getting dirty. My school/extra curricular events were a huge burden and cut deeply into her precious time. In my case, I didn't care much that Mom skipped most of my events because she liked to embarrass me by yelling something nasty and then would criticize my performance endlessly at home. It was much better if she just didn't show. I remember watching the early episodes of J&K and thinking how much Kate reminded me of my mother and then watching how fame corrupted Kate and wondering if that's similar to what my mother would have done had she somehow found fame?
I'm now pushing 40 and the mother of two. I love and support my kids, go to their games and programs, attend school functions and some field trips. I also find some of their functions boring and secretly wish I didn't have to go to the spring music program (6 down, 2 to go...) I totally get how obnoxious Kate's tweet comparing the hike at the local nature center to the TLC funded mega-trips was. However, picking apart the fact she found the trip boring? I'm really curious- is it because she's tweeting it to the entire world (ridiculous and obnoxious) and people believe she's comparing it to more fun things she could be doing on TLC's dime, or is it really horrible that she finds the trip boring? If I had had a "normal" childhood and an involved mother, would I eagerly await the currently dreaded spring program?
Linda G. said... So did we figure out "6" and "7" are new or old? If 9 is her birthday (or they combined the birthday and the food bank), then what's left? The birthday? Is that it?
Don't forget that they filmed a "fake" Easter celebration! It should be really relevent in Mid July!! ;)
As to her little "you'll have to wait and see" hints about her summer plans, I'd bet three dozen leather couches she's not going anywhere on TLC's dime.
I think maybe Kate herself has to, "wait and see," also. Seems TLC is not keeping the lines of communication open. Maybe they are "DONE" dragging her sorry ass all over the place. She will just have to be bored to death, slumming it by her own pool for the summer, as I am sure she has made no other plans for those poor kids.
I would be willing to bet that Kate was too busy being bored and self absorbed to take even one picture of her children enjoying the hike, having fun with friends or receiving special awards. This is something any loving and proud parent would naturally do to perseve precious childhood memories. But sadly, she feels no motivation=$$$ to do this. Kate really is an empty shell of a person.
You've done it again Adm! How funny. But your "Don't cry for me, Tweener Tweeties" doesn't show up enough. Tweener Tweeties...talk about hitting the nail on the head! Off to get my Mom and bring her over here for the Memorial Day weekend. Have a safe one everyone!
Well, of course it was boring. For one, it wasn't about HER and she wasn't being paid to be there. Secondly, if you are used to having all expenses paid trips to Alaska, Australia, Florida and who knows where else, then of course it's going to seem dull to go on a field trip 'hike' and picnic. She's accustomed to much better outings....thanks to TLC. Makes me wonder if the kids get bored at school field trips such as these because of the life they live outside of school? She's setting them up to be very disappointed with 'average' when they grow up.
Plus, Kate doesn't enjoy being with her kids. Narcissists do not have genuine affection for anyone, their kids included. They want to do what they want to do and if anyone stands in the way of that, they bitch and moan. I'm sure Kate would have much rather been at the spa, shopping or sleeping. When they are filming she will try and appear that she lives and breathes for her kids, but even then she comes across poorly. She can't even fake it well.
Someone questioned whether or not she even went on the field trip, and it would not surprise me to learn she did not even go. Narcissists are also compulsive liars. Kate lies constantly. Why would this be an exception? I find it interesting she didn't post any pics on Twitter from the hike. Most mothers post things like that. The Kate fans would say it's none of our business and she doesn't have to post private family photos. To that I would say "she's shown every private, humiliating experience those kids have had over the past 5 or so years, you mean to tell me a field trip photo is off limits now?!?!?!" Doesn't add up at all. Didn't someone tweet they wanted to see the Easter baskets she was working so hard on back in April and she never did? This three fold:
1. The baskets never existed and she likely didn't even go on the field trip.
2. It's all to make her appear that she's this wonderful, do-it-all mother.
3. None of these things are about HER, so they are not important for her.
She just really can't help herself, can she?
Dear Kate: you buffooned yourself again. It is not "up and atom", which doesnt even make sense, but rather the expression is "up and at 'em". You really have a rather low IQ, it is becoming very apparent. (I am still not over you thinking that the city of Philadelphia is known as the "City of Brotherly SHOW"!)
Your complaints about your children's end of school trip really put me over the edge regarding your mental health. I didnt get it before. I thought you merely mean and hateful and angry all the time, but now I finally SEE that you really are mentally ill and incapable of feeling normal things, like love and enthusiasm for your offspring. You THINK you might feel little twinges of those things, but you really dont have normal emotions or thoughts.
Kate - you are ill and abnormal.
Kate, there is more happiness to be had; PLEASE get therapy. You dont know what you are missing in life and inside yourself.
E-town Neighbor said...
And here's the kicker. Kate was able to go on this field trip even though she doesn't participate in any of the fund-raising events held throughout the year. Parents work their butts off organizing these events, plus the annual Fund Fest held in the spring (a fabulous, upscale event) so that these kids can enjoy perks such as these trips. Kate does nothing, and yet complains that the trip was dull.
Well, Kate, if you want a more exciting trip, get off your rear end and put yourself out there when volunteers are needed for fund-raising; or open your purse (the one that contains bills you cannot pay) and make a nice donation when those Fund Fest folks make their annual phone call. Of course, the class won't go to BHI or Alaska, so maybe going anywhere within the state will seem like slumming.
It would be nice to see her name on the annual patron list.
It would be outstanding for their schools! A complete win-win situation in every way for everyone in the school, community, and even herself.
We all know how easy it is to get involved in the school community- all you have to do is offer your assistance to the teachers, to the principles, and to the PTA officials. Schools ALWAYS need the extra help, and/or donations/supplies.
When my kiddies were in elementary school, I was constantly in the school volunteering.
Either laminating photos, or school work for the classes, or baking and helping out at bake sales, or helpinging out with "Field Day", or V.I.P Day, or "Picture Day", or going on trips, or taking photos for their yearbooks, or helping out with many other fund raisers, or helping in the main office etc... you get my drift- there are so many things to do.
It will also help Kate to start meaningful relationships in her community, and healing wounds....
It all involves just a little bit of energy, a little bit of sacrifice, and alot of fun/laughs & hard work. And it's WORTH IT.
Or is it easier for "can-do" Kate to remain in gimme, gimme, gimme, self entitled, lazy mode?
Administrator, your Evita/Kate graphic makes me want to sing and wave a white hankie ;o)
Good job as always!
Oh! I almost forgot-
Happy Memorial Day everybody!!
butterfly said...
Honestly Kate has my blood boiling. I don't even know why TLC would continue K+8 after her latest tweeting fiasco. I mean really, if she feels her children's field trip was dull, why on earth would anyone else want to watch the show?? If she finds her OWN kids dull- what makes her or TLC think strangers would find them entertaining?
Great post.
I think that K+8 will continue to experience ennui and be generally disaffected by everyday life. While a field trip with your kids is something that most moms will scrapbook and cherish forever, it is hardly a jump off of a building across the world, or a photo shoot at a lavish 5-star resort in Mexico.
Also, remember, Kate was not the center of attention on the field trip, and if you think about Palin's Alaska and camping, well, you might get a sense that Kate was about same; a pouty malcontent.
Their world is skewed, indeed. It's good Jon can provide grounding for them. It's hope I can hold out that none of them grows up to be the next Danny Bonaduci.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
RT @jman6466 @Kateplusmy8 any hints to when the show will air again?? ANS: every wk starting mon June 6 at 10pm EST Funny/diff eps on way!
Every week for the entire summer and it's different episodes? That's about 12 "new" episodes? That's a lot of work. Why don't I believe this?
daughter of a narcissist said...
... I'm now pushing 40 and the mother of two. I love and support my kids, go to their games and programs, attend school functions and some field trips. I also find some of their functions boring and secretly wish I didn't have to go to the spring music program (6 down, 2 to go...) I totally get how obnoxious Kate's tweet comparing the hike at the local nature center to the TLC funded mega-trips was. However, picking apart the fact she found the trip boring? I'm really curious- is it because she's tweeting it to the entire world (ridiculous and obnoxious) and people believe she's comparing it to more fun things she could be doing on TLC's dime, or is it really horrible that she finds the trip boring? If I had had a "normal" childhood and an involved mother, would I eagerly await the currently dreaded spring program?
I think 'boring' is specific to the individual and we are all entitled to our life experiences and comparisons and opinions; that said, it doesn't matter to me why she said what she did. My objection to Kate's tweet about the dull field trip is that she said it at all. I don't think any of us would have told our kids their field trip was boring and we certainly wouldn't have tweeted it to the world. But, Kate did.
Since she's been using Twitter, I have few words left to describe how I feel about her. I think disgusted and repulsed describe impression of her now. There's not much else to say after that.
I don't think TLC even is sure what they are going to do with this show so I don't know how Kate can know. They are constantly changing airdates and episodes, they haven't decided! But if she's claiming it's going to air weekly now, then why wasn't she part of all the publicity for TLC?? I thought according to her sheeple she didn't participate because her show was just "specials." Hahahha.
I don't think TLC cares enough to let Kate know what is going on. She is no longer the latest and greatest, they've moved on, she's an afterthought and if the intern has a spare moment she'll give her a call.
And in case Kate thinks networks care about their stars, the narcissist I worked for found out her show was cancelled on the news. It ran more than five years and she was the star, top billing. Nope, they didn't even bother to give her a phone call. Not only that, but they assured her just prior to that that it was coming back. Even though she could put two and two together and had strong suspicions it was in jeopardy, they told her oh no you're fine no worries! And then, the axe fell just like that. This was one of the big three networks, too. They could care less how big you used to be, when you are done you are DONE. The business is brutal and for Kate to act like it's all roses and posies is dellusional at best.
As I said on the other thread, her doing something with the kids was unbelievable enough, the she shot her mouth off, ruining everything. She can't just be quiet, enjoy her kids, & be a normal mom. I went to a field trip just 3 weeks ago. I had a blast actually. We went to this butterfly pavilion. I got a photo of a rare butterfly that not many people take pictures of. The teacher (whom I am friends with) asked me to make copies of the photo & bring them in for the class at her expense. I said no problem. So, I made copies, brought in the pictures & did some research on the butterfly.
I came into my sons class, explained some details about the butterfly & all the kids were asking me questions & stuff. It was great. It is called HELPING. Nothing wrong with that. Now all the kids have this great picture of this beautiful blue butterfly that not many people have. I didn't bitch once about being taken away from my time. Why would I? Kate is so selfish. What does she have that's any better to do?
~Hippie Chick~
Daughter of a Narcissist, like I said in the other thread I don't think anyone here expects all mothers to love all things their kids do.
What is expected is for mothers to take enjoyment out of their kids having fun. And if they themselves find it boring or dull, to NOT SAY SO OR ACT LIKE IT. Put on a happy face for your kids and pretend. And for God sakes don't tweet to 10,000 people how much of a drag it was to be with your kids.
You said you don't like the spring musicals, but it sounds like you went. I doubt you bitched and moaned the whole time, I bet you faked it, which is a good thing.
Perfect example is my aunt. My cousin was a high-school all-star hockey player. Damned if she weren't at every single game front row cheering him on. She admitted to my mom years later she really hated how cold and uncomfortable all those games were, freezing her butt off on those metal seats. And all the travelling to all those games, ugh! She wished he had taken up basketball or something. But damned if she ever, ever let that on to her child. And she also said you know what, it WAS a lot of long car trips but on the flip side we got to spend many hours together in the car talking that I doubt we would have done otherwise. A 16 year old boy doesn't usually voluntarily want to do that, but the car rides sort of created the situation where it could happen. Her son is now an AP History teacher who coaches hockey. She did a great job.
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There are probably 2 main reasons Kate went on the field trip. 1. to make sure no other mom took pictures of "her" kids. 2. the kids poor behavior demands that a parent accompany them.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
We all know how easy it is to get involved in the school community- all you have to do is offer your assistance to the teachers, to the principles, and to the PTA officials. Schools ALWAYS need the extra help, and/or donations/supplies.
When my kiddies were in elementary school, I was constantly in the school volunteering.
Either laminating photos, or school work for the classes, or baking and helping out at bake sales, or helpinging out with "Field Day", or V.I.P Day, or "Picture Day", or going on trips, or taking photos for their yearbooks, or helping out with many other fund raisers, or helping in the main office etc... you get my drift- there are so many things to do.
It will also help Kate to start meaningful relationships in her community, and healing wounds....
It all involves just a little bit of energy, a little bit of sacrifice, and alot of fun/laughs & hard work. And it's WORTH IT.
Or is it easier for "can-do" Kate to remain in gimme, gimme, gimme, self entitled, lazy mode?
Kate is not mentally capable of even 1/2 that; not without a script, a crew to guide her, and a purse holder to give direction and encouragement every 60 seconds. Seriously, she is not mentally able.
Besides, dontcha know, she is "much too busy and exhausted" (and exhausted and busy! Chaching!). Cant do anything (flap one hand here frantically in dismissive gesture) children-ish like that-ish.
No, I didn't always enjoy the field trips, or the wrestling matches or the basketball games but I went anyway and always cheered my son on. My husband was in the military and went when he could. I NEVER told my son that I didn't want to take off time from work to go, found it boring and/or dull. Years later when my son became a counselor for trouble youth he sent us a note saying "Thanks for always being there for me. I may not have appreciated it at the time but now, after working with these kids, I know how lucky I am to have you guys as parents."
All that time we took off and the trips we went on, games we went to....It was worth it. Wake up before it's too late Kate!
Also, these kids are way smarter than Kate has ever given them credit for. Especially a kid like Mady. I'm betting these kids knew full well that this field trip was just another giant drag for Kate. That they are an inconvenient burden to her. How does that make a kid feel? My heart breaks for them.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
RT @jman6466 @Kateplusmy8 any hints to when the show will air again?? ANS: every wk starting mon June 6 at 10pm EST Funny/diff eps on way!
Every week for the entire summer and it's different episodes? That's about 12 "new" episodes? That's a lot of work. Why don't I believe this?
Well...Kate just refuted the sheeple's theory for why Kate Plus 8 isn't being promoted. From yesterday in previous thread:
TCParra said...
I asked at a sheeple site why Kate wasn't promoted by TLC at the recent up front with all the other shows.
The response: "The whole TLC left Kate + 8 off the schedule so it must be over is an old one which surfaced in earlier seasons (TLC seasons seem far shorter than the broadcast networks). The line-up that TLC iw currently promoting are regularly scheduled, generally weekly series. Kate + 8 are specials that are ofen spaced far apart. When they do appear for several weeks, it generally involves a trip that takes more than one episode to cover, such as the Australia/New Zealand trip."
"They left quints by surprise, say yes to the dress, toddlers n’ tiara’s, and LPBW (Matt Rolof tweeted that they are working out a filming schedule for the summer) what not to wear, etc….and yes they left out K8, but somehow that means more?"
Not sure about the others, but just for your reading pleasure.
Less than two weeks away and TLC is still tweaking the show, deciding which episode to air. They recently switched the order of the episodes from 6/7 to 9. (6/7 has to be new episodes because they already aired episodes 1-5 according to wiki. TLC even tweaked when season two started as it was once listed on their site for the Halloween special but was changed to this spring with the Australia premiere. http://gosselinswithoutpity.blogspot.com/2010/11/november-28-halloween-costumes-and-corn.html)
Unless they have been filming at the McMansion all this time, I don't see how TLC can air an episode every week. They would have to film every weekend from this point on and it doesn't look like they're doing that this weekend except for couch interviews. It's possible they have some old unused footage but Kate's fake hair would ruin the continuity.
Good Morning all! Happy Memorial Day weekend! Just looking at some of the posts. Saw Kate's interview on "the single life" on the E! Channel website. Unbelievable that she said, "Uhm" 21 times, "like" 8 times, and "you know" 6 times in a 2 minutes 10 second interview.
She repeats herself all the time, too. She said, "I'm keeping myself positive." 2 times.
A little nervous, are we, Katie Irene?
"I have always been in charge of running the household." Yes, "Narcissist in Charge." That could be the title of her next book.
Another entry for the Gosselin-ese dictionary - "out-ish in New York."
Loved her response when asked if she was rooting for Tony this season on DWTS. "NO. I probably wouldn't have voted for myself. I root for the ones who do well." Huh? That wasn't the question!
Oh well...I needed a good laugh to get my day started.
Does anybody know how the "Philadelphia" show ratings were? I can't find them. Thanks.
I wouldn't be surprised if the staff at the school is glad she doesn't help. She would have to be in control, pointing and telling people what they should be doing, who should do copying, who should stand where at bake sales, rolling her eyes, never actually doing any of the work. Kate sucks the enjoyment out of everything.
CarolS461 said...
Does anybody know how the "Philadelphia" show ratings were? I can't find them. Thanks.
TLC shows episode 9 airing on Mon @ 10 pm. Wikipedia (which I know isn't the be-all and end-all of info) does have a comprehensive listing of all the episodes. Epi 9 could be one of several. It doesn't look like it's a new one:
"Loved her response when asked if she was rooting for Tony this season on DWTS. "NO. I probably wouldn't have voted for myself. I root for the ones who do well." Huh? That wasn't the question!"
Did she mean that she wouldn't have rooted for Tony because his partner (Wendy) didn't do well? Of course, no matter what she meant, she had to bring HERSELF into the tweet.
You can now get blog updates here by email, just type your email into the address field that says "get blog updates by email."
Woohoo !!!!
This article focuses on Dominique Strauss-Kahn, and Arnold Schwarzenegger, but these paragraphs resonated.
" If social science is any guide, arrogance generally precedes power, not the other way around. For all their professed suspicion of autocrats, people tend to cede authority precisely to those individuals who want it most. Studies of group behavior suggest that the overconfident, outspoken individuals are the ones who tend to become the leaders. And the experience of being at the top only reinforces the person’s sense of control and self-centeredness.
In one recent study, researchers led by Adam Galinsky of Northwestern University primed participants to feel powerful by having them write about an incident in which they had control over others and then distribute lottery tickets to themselves and another study subject. These “high-powered” people were significantly less accurate in reading emotions from facial photographs than a comparison group of participants who were not primed in the same way. This and other experiments suggest that power can blind people to the emotions of those around them and lead to “objectifying others in a self-interested way,” the authors concluded.
“If the person has this sense of superiority, and they’ve gotten away with these kinds of things before, they begin to think that the risk-reward ratio that applies to everyone else doesn’t apply to them because they’re so special,” said Samuel Barondes, a professor of psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco, and author of the forthcoming, “Making Sense of People.” “It’s hard for people who don’t think that way about themselves to believe that anyone else really does. But they do.”
The Jon and Ken show which is a fantastic AM radio show in L.A., very popular, those two are absolutely convinced Schwarzenegger is a narcissist. It's interesting to listen to since they kind of sound like us about Kate! The whole affair thing just validated it for them. There are some credible people out there identifying people like him as narcissists and going public with their opinions. This is not just internet ramblings anymore.
If your phone can take apps you can download iheartradio and listen to the show.
daughter of a narcissist said
is it because she's tweeting it to the entire world (ridiculous and obnoxious) and people believe she's comparing it to more fun things she could be doing on TLC's dime, or is it really horrible that she finds the trip boring? If I had had a "normal" childhood and an involved mother, would I eagerly await the currently dreaded spring program?
I think most adults are probably bored crazy by school events. Why not? And there's nothing wrong with that. Parents don't go to school events because they expect to be entertained, refreshed, or to be adored. They go to support their kids. Boredom sometimes comes with the territory.
So I don't think anyone can fault this idiot for being bored. Too bad for her if she couldn't find SOME way to stay interested (maybe enjoy seeing the kids enjoy THEMSELVES???), but being bored, well, most parents have been there.
BUT that's not the real problem here. The real problems are that 1) she tweeted her irritation to the world publicly, 2) she's once again demonstrating that NOTHING is worth her attention if she isn't paid to do it and 3) this is one more item among hundreds of proofs that she hates being with her kids. The kids whose life blood she sucks to support her lifestyle.
Being bored on a field trip? Eh, it happens. Telling your kids how much you hate spending time with them? Felony-grade offense.
And that's why people who don't know any of the kids at the Middle School basketball game don't usually go. It would be boring.
And yet there are all these beaming thrilled adults to be there in the front row cheering everyone on.....because it's their KIDS and they love them and they want to support them. They are happy because their kids are happy. It's what being a parent is all about.
Will they ever go to a game like this again after the kids grow up? Doubtful. The point was they are at the things their kids like because that brings them joy. I feel sorry for Kate she doesn't enjoy her children.
To everyone here:
To everyone whose father, mother and grandparents served; to all who have husbands' who have or are still serving; to all who have watched a son or daughter march off to duty; to everyone here who has sent letters, packages, USO donations, prayed, flown a flag, worn a ribbon, reminded others to support, I thank you all with my deepest respect and affection.
A blessed Memorial Day to you each and all.
(Proud Mother-in-Law of a CW4 Blackhawk Pilot, 101st Airborne, Afghanastan.)
gotyournumberKate said...
You can now get blog updates here by email, just type your email into the address field that says "get blog updates by email."
thanks for sharing this! I'm going to be travelling for a bit and this will make it easier to stay updated : )
If I could just take a moment to relay something I just saw on CNN regarding the tornado in Joplin..
Dean Wells, a Mgr. at Home Depot, is being remembered today for his heroic effort to save lives at his store. Apparently he led untold numbers into a cooler, and then lost his own life trying to save others.
Everyday Heros are all around us, and serving in our Military. Prayers and Godspeed to them and their families.
"I think most adults are probably bored crazy by school events. Why not? And there's nothing wrong with that. Parents don't go to school events because they expect to be entertained, refreshed, or to be adored. They go to support their kids. Boredom sometimes comes with the territory."
Maybe we've always had interesting school events and field trips, but I don't ever recall being so bored that I sat and whined about it. Oh, wait a minute. There WAS that time at the Philly zoo when it was 94 degrees and the humidity was about the same, the kids were cranky, Sean threw up on the bus, Teresa was stung by a bee, and Philip went missing, that I wished I were at home in the swimming POOL or sitting on the LEATHER sofa. Heck, even the kids were miserable! But we made the best of it and everyone survived.
However, I do enjoy sitting through the LS holiday pageants or other events, even though I may not know many of the kids. Why? Because it's such a joy to see these kids bring all of their months of practice to fruition. It's such a delight watching THEM and how proud they are of what they accomplished. It makes no difference if I know them or not.
Yes, admin, I am one of the few who still goes to some of the sports events, even though I don't know many of those on the team and my kids are on different teams. I believe in supporting school events regardless if my kids are involved.
What really gets my goat are the parents who show up at musicals, recitals, etc., and then get up and leave after their child has done his/her part. That really grates on my nerves.
"Your insight is always a highlight in my book because it clearly stems from someone "in the know" expressing an opinion but still cognizant and careful of the confidentiality of the cubs we are speaking about."
Thanks for your kind words. I would never discuss anything regarding these kids that would violate their individual privacy. Someone asked if anyone knew if the two had returned to class. Yes, there are those who know, but since it involves the kids, choose neither to confirm or deny it. After all, isn't the kids' privacy, security, and well-being the main concern here, as is the fight to protect the rights of every child in the entertainment industry?
"It will also help Kate to start meaningful relationships in her community, and healing wounds...."
Except that the school isn't in the same community where she lives. I don't think she gives a darn about either community. She has no affection for the school community, and I've never heard anything positive about her in her home community. Didn't she call it Ghettoville?
Can she redeem herself? Ordinarily I would say that anyone can change. However, in her case, would anyone believe it if she started acting like a normal mother, a giver in the community? I doubt it, because in the back of our minds she'd be out there just "for show." How can you believe that anyone is sincere when that person's track record is so poor?
Jon, on the other hand, strayed for awhile after the divorce (who could blame him?), but he's proven himself to be a caring dad who seems to have gotten his life back on track. I never doubted that he would.
TLC shows plenty of Kate Plus 8 reruns, so her saying shows will air every week during the summer could just be that. You shouldn't assume these will all be new shows. She does have talent for one thing----manipulation and lying by omission.
By the way for this photoshop I had to lighten Kate's tanned-glowing yellow skin about 98 shades to get it to match Evita's pale skin. Even then it's still too dark. LOL.
Just Dwindle Away said...
To everyone here:
To everyone whose father, mother and grandparents served; to all who have husbands' who have or are still serving; to all who have watched a son or daughter march off to duty; to everyone here who has sent letters, packages, USO donations, prayed, flown a flag, worn a ribbon, reminded others to support, I thank you all with my deepest respect and affection.
A blessed Memorial Day to you each and all.
(Proud Mother-in-Law of a CW4 Blackhawk Pilot, 101st Airborne, Afghanastan.)
Thank you to you, and your family for all your sacrifices.
God bless your Blackhawk pilot- and may he (or she) return home safely, & healthy.
God's blessings to you as well.
Thank you again.
*God bless all our military families. Thank you for sacrificing your freedom, so that we can all
live free*
I take it the field trip was not on her bucket wish list.
Wonder why she went at all?
I agree with the blogger who mentioned that Kate needed to go on the field trip to help supervise her own children. Also, she would have a hissy fit if anyone took pics of her children without a "kick-back" don't you know? This woman is a mess. If the lips/fingers are moving you can bet there are lies going on and on. It's how she survives and gets ahead. She knows full well what she is doing. So does TLC. Her drama brings ratings. Time to vote with out remotes, again.
I volunteer at my Parish's elementary school. I don't think I've EVER found a field trip dull, and I don't even have any biological children there (although I do have an entire school full of children LOL). There's always something to do. One of the littles needs help with something. One of the kids has questions, which prompts more questions. Someone gets sick on the bus. Johnny falls down and needs a bandaid and some TLC (but NOT of the TV network variety). Mary has an asthma attack and needs her inhalor and some TLC. There isn't time to be bored or to find things dull. Just look around and GET INVOLVED!!
Another possible reason for Kate going on the field trip - to prevent Jon from going. He'd enjoy it and the kids would love to have him, but it's unlikely he'd go and create an awkward situation with Kate.
Admin - for some reason, blogger will no longer take my google account info. It's only on this blog - I'm not having a problem with any of the others I participate in.
To Kelly (Under_walt)
Earlier this week you tweeted that something was happening on Friday and you were going to announce it today, Saturday.
So what's the scoop?
Anonymous said...
I take it the field trip was not on her bucket wish list.
Anon just nailed Kate dead- on!!!!!
Maybe they went to the episode where she is giving back so they can try to raise the viewership. However, everybody knows it has everything to do with trying to raising her like-ability and that Kate would never give up any of her precious money to anyone. She went with the kids where it was filmed and requested 5 star accommodations. A person actually giving back would have used their own money and resources. There is nothing at this point that TLC or Kate can do to change her viewership or make her more loved hated. Her ship has sailed and is now sinking with no more lifeboats left. I think they are just trying to use what they have left and move on. I think the only episode that would get high viwership is Kate's response and reaction when they give her the pink slip. That is the only episode I want to see.
Happy Memorial Day to everyone especially to our both living and deceased veterans and their loved ones. Memorial Day is such a wonderful tradition for our family since my father was a veteran. Our town does a wonnderful parade and performance and the jets usually fly over while we are at the cemetary. It is beautiful. These are wonderful traditions I do with kids and all my sisters and their family. I hope someday she and the kids will realize that traditions don't have to be about material things.
Does anybody remember the "tradition" they had for decorating for the 4th of July? I barely remember something about putting out little flags along the driveway and Kate getting all bothered about how the kids were doing it.
Making Memories and Keeping Family Traditions don't hold much hope to be happy in that household. Making Miseries is closer to the truth. So, Memorial Day would likely be a day of doing things wrong, eating salmonella chicken off the grill and listening to Mommy
complain about something and watching her tweet
to people none of them knows.
Kate tweeted:
@sarahjanegirl She's not phased by it. Part of me and my life so she does what a friend does... :) yep, she's great! I'm lucky to have her.
Does Miss Perfect Speller mean FAZED? I'm assuming Jamie is not about to be PHASED out of Kate's life...or maybe she is!
This would be so **cking funny if we hadn't heard her berating Jon on his vocabulary so often. And bragging what a perfect speller she is.
Kate tweeted:
@sarahjanegirl She's not phased by it. Part of me and my life so she does what a friend does... :) yep, she's great! I'm lucky to have her.
Jamie better be careful as Kate has PHASED lots of people out of her life over the years. Ooo, Administrator!! Could you photoshop Kate's head onto Kirstie Alley's in her Star Trek uniform with a phaser in her hands, maybe aiming at all the people she's kicked to the curb over the years? I can't remember the name of Kirstie Alley's character in the movie. Lieutenant S--- or something.
I know I've said this before, but I still can't wrap my brain around the fact that Kate is so completely ungrateful that she has sextuplets who have NO handicaps at all. All six of those children have beaten the odds, doesn't she realize that? It's a miracle that those children can walk, see, hear, speak, etc. on that field trip! She should fall on her knees everyday and thank God for the miracles that He gave her! What is wrong with her? She has been blessed 8 times over, and she is complaining about the field trip being boring? I truly believe that what God gives, He can also take away. Kate is, without a doubt, the most ungrateful bitch on this earth.
Only had to delete ONE sheeple comment ever since field trip-gate. .... Could it be, are they finally getting it?
Administrator said...
Only had to delete ONE sheeple comment ever since field trip-gate. .... Could it be, are they finally getting it?
I'm not sure if it is that they are "getting it," or if they are retreating because they realize it's a losing battle. One thing I did notice, though, when reading some of the back and forth tweeting going on. The non-fans (the haterz) are often much more vicious in their attacks and their language than the sheeple. I think that those non-fans don't get it - that their repetitive verbal bashing is doing their "cause" more harm than good. The way some of them carry on is really embarrassing...execrable behavior.
Donna said...
I know I've said this before, but I still can't wrap my brain around the fact that Kate is so completely ungrateful that she has sextuplets who have NO handicaps at all. All six of those children have beaten the odds, doesn't she realize that? It's a miracle that those children can walk, see, hear, speak, etc. on that field trip! She should fall on her knees everyday and thank God for the miracles that He gave her! What is wrong with her? She has been blessed 8 times over, and she is complaining about the field trip being boring? I truly believe that what God gives, He can also take away. Kate is, without a doubt, the most ungrateful bitch on this earth.
I totally agree, Donna. My little grandson was born with both temporal lobes missing, epilepsy and cerebral palsy. He can't speak at all but he is capable of making sounds. He can learn a bit of sign language but with the absence of his temporal lobes, he only retains memory of things for 2 weeks tops. I get so excited to see him learn something new and then I get so upset when he forgets it once again. He can't walk unaided because of balance issues. He will soon be 3 years old and I would give anything if he could do what other children can.
Kate should thank God everyday that her children didn't suffer a similar fate.
Well, today Kate says it will be a "fun" pool day, instead of dull, boring, or not overly exciting. Does she ever take those kids off the property if they are not filming. I would think even the kids may get bored with the pool if that is all they do, day in and day out. By July, they won't want to go near it.
p.s. forgot this, does she also NOT realize that 'followers' are NOT necessarily 'supporters'?
Beth said:
Kate should thank God everyday that her children didn't suffer a similar fate.
She was "owed" perfect children. Therefore, the fact that she got them doesn't surprise her at all.
Oh, except for the glasses, the need for which offended her mightily.
It's quite clear that she's too busy demanding more to thank anyone for anything.
This is one of the most horrifying things about her, but it IS the defining feature of her personality.
Beth, your little grandchild is obviously loved by his grandmother, and, I'll bet, by his mother, too.
The Gosselin children are blessed with whole bodies, but not with a mother who loves them. Strange how life's hand plays out.
Okay, this is scary. Google "Profile of a Sociopath." Not all sociopaths are serial killers. Most never commit horrific crimes..just little ones that are not their fault, like speeding or parking in handicapped spaces. Wow. Just wow. Also, how do I pick a name? It says my URL contains illegal characters. ????
"I agree with the blogger who mentioned that Kate needed to go on the field trip to help supervise her own children. Also, she would have a hissy fit if anyone took pics of her children without a "kick-back" don't you know"
God forbid the kids are allowed to be in a photo with their classmates. I remember reading somewhere that previously, Kate would not let her kids be in their class photos. How sad is that?
Gosselin8ComeFirst said...
God forbid the kids are allowed to be in a photo with their classmates. I remember reading somewhere that previously, Kate would not let her kids be in their class photos. How sad is that?
They aren't children to her. They are commodities.
"Moose Mania said..I'm not sure if it is that they are "getting it," or if they are retreating because they realize it's a losing battle. One thing I did notice, though, when reading some of the back and forth tweeting going on. The non-fans (the haterz) are often much more vicious in their attacks and their language than the sheeple. I think that those non-fans don't get it - that their repetitive verbal bashing is doing their "cause" more harm than good. The way some of them carry on is really embarrassing...execrable behavior."
Moose I agee. I have always said I wish they just stop it. They also harrass the fans too. Just let them have the stupid twitter account. I LOVE seeing her make a fool of herself, the fans too. So corny! Besides Kate has them blocked, so what is the purpose? I dunno.
Everyone have a great weekend!
"barbee said... p.s. forgot this, does she also NOT realize that 'followers' are NOT necessarily 'supporters'?"
No, she has no clue. She thinks Twitter is a private chat room just for her too! Plus there are hundreds of fake accounts made to boost her numbers. LOL Too funny
"momof3 said...Happy Memorial Day to everyone especially to our both living and deceased veterans and their loved ones. Memorial Day is such a wonderful tradition for our family since my father was a veteran. Our town does a wonnderful parade and performance and the jets usually fly over while we are at the cemetary. It is beautiful. These are wonderful traditions I do with kids and all my sisters and their family. I hope someday she and the kids will realize that traditions don't have to be about material things."
I agree, life is so much more than "things" and "trips". We have similiar events here. Our church is meeting with families today to lay flags and wreaths. It is the very least we can do to honor these great people. They are truly my heroes.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Oh my the fans are "demanding" that Kate give them a shout out in her couch interviews. LOL Of course she said "Oh I saw this, but too late! Geeez louise. Is this too weird or what? LOL
What happened to her "Gosselin Family Tradition" of Bald Head Island 'every year' at the end of May? Remember she took the kids out of school for their last two weeks, too?
What about it, Kartie? What about this "Gosselin Family Tradition" for "every year from now on"? 2 production events does NOT a 'family tradition' make, you twit. Is that something ELSE you promised 8 other people that you had to go back on?
No regrets said...
Oh my the fans are "demanding" that Kate give them a shout out in her couch interviews. LOL Of course she said "Oh I saw this, but too late! Geeez louise. Is this too weird or what? LOL
That's the problem with becoming chummy with the fans. They so idolize their fav celebrities it gets out of hand. Fans shouldn't be encouraged to believe they can be part of the celeb's life. It could be very dangerous. Since Kate feels she's always right, I doubt anyone could explain that what's she's doing is a mistake.
Here's an example of what I posted above. This tweeter is a man and is very strange:
@Kateplusmy8 It is so beautiful here, and if you didnt live so far away I would invite you for a BBQ..
He could live in the same town as far as we know.
KElly ( underwalt) mentioned something happening on Friday, that would become known on Saturday...Do we know what that is yet? and sorry, but I am lost... Did Jamie say she had a big secret? or where did that come from?
"Here's an example of what I posted above. This tweeter is a man and is very strange:"
Strange indeed! He also said:
@Kateplusmy8 Good Morning beautiful !!!
He's been flirting with various other celebrities, too:
@kirstiealley Take me to a movie
@ParisHilton @KathyHilton Woe you have the best life ever....So are we ever going to go and see a Vancouver Canuck game?
That's the problem with becoming chummy with the fans. They so idolize their fav celebrities it gets out of hand. Fans shouldn't be encouraged to believe they can be part of the celeb's life. It could be very dangerous.
Ages ago on a episode where J/K were reading fan mail, they spoke of a letter from a woman who asked if the kids could tug on an ear as a shout out to her. J/K made jokes. Letter could have been written by a pervert for all they knew. Scary.
Sherri Shepherd was married yesterday; guess who was not invited to her dwts bestie's beautiful Malibu wedding? I find it very telling her TLC handlers couldn't/didn't care to finagle an invitation for Kate and her plus one, even though the wedding will air on TLC.
Not anonymous: fade2black, aka Susan
Anonymous said...
Sherri Shepherd was married yesterday; guess who was not invited to her dwts bestie's beautiful Malibu wedding? I find it very telling her TLC handlers couldn't/didn't care to finagle an invitation for Kate and her plus one, even though the wedding will air on TLC.
Not anonymous: fade2black, aka Susan
Sherri Shepherd was not on DWTS. I believe you mean Niecy Nash. Why is it "telling" that Kate wasn't at the wedding? She and Niecy worked together for a few weeks. When did Kate ever claim that they are best friends? Do most people invite every person with whom they've ever worked to their weddings?
Now Kate says Jamie is doing interviews with her. Try as they might they're not going to get us to forget Jon.
Oops, sorry, Sherri didn't get married yesterday nor was she on dwts, it was Niecy Nash. I've been trying to correct my error since 2 seconds after I sent it, but blogger is being extremely uncooperative today.
Meagler said...
KElly ( underwalt) mentioned something happening on Friday, that would become known on Saturday...Do we know what that is yet? and sorry, but I am lost... Did Jamie say she had a big secret? or where did that come from?
No word from Walt.
Jamie didn't say she had a big secret. A supposed "insider" said Jamie had a secret that would hurt Kate if it came out.
Does anyone else think that Kate is trying to get a rise out of everyone by tweeting that nasty comment? Wouldn't be the 1st time she is messing with people for attention. She is one conniving bitch that way, looking for attention, good OR bad. I mean, it IS sick & twisted to tweet something so negative about your own children, but would anyone put it past her?
~Hippie Chick~
I gotta admit to you all, I HATE baseball. I hate it with a passion. I like playing catch in the yard, but going to the games & practice? I just can't stand it. Would I ever, in a million years let on to my kid that I am bored, annoyed & generally anti-social when I go? Hell no!! I sit there with the super-cheery baseball moms & cheer my kid on, talk to the moms (reluctantly), root for the team, volunteer for dug-out mom once a month, bring drinks & snacks, all that crap, because he is my son & he LOVES the game. Would I ever tell him in the future? No way!! I even fake enjoy watching the games with him & my husband at home so I don't look like I don't enjoy the game at all. When you become a mom, it's not about YOU anymore, it's about your children & their wants & needs. Yes, make time for yourself or you'll go bananas, but being selfish ceases to exist. I guess in Kate's case, that has yet to happen.
~Hippie Chick~
PS When I say I am reluctantly anti-social, it is because these baseball moms all want to talk baseball ALL THE TIME. There are other things in life, ya know!! LOL I have tried steering the conversation to other topics, but it always goes back to baseball, or other sports little Timmy is playing. I'm like AARRGGHH!! Can we talk about movies? Or books? Or anything else please for once? :)
"Why is it "telling" that Kate wasn't at the wedding? She and Niecy worked together for a few weeks. When did Kate ever claim that they are best friends? Do most people invite every person with whom they've ever worked to their weddings?"
Didn't Kate go on some show that Niecy was (guest?) hosting and proclaim their undying connectedness? How they would be friendies for the rest of their lives?
Also, if the two women really were friendly (as Kate claimed...she'd made really GOOD friends at DWTS), what an ideal tie-in for TLC. A cool way to drum up even more viewers for Niecy's wedding show....
Except that a Kate involvement would probably cause the numbers to drop. Teehee.
Hmmm....yes, I think it's very telling, actually.
I meant to mention this earlier about Kate not being able to see blocked tweets.
If Kate blocks a tweeter, and the blocked tweeter replies to her and only her (@Kateplusmy8), Kate won't see the tweet. However if the blocked tweeter replies to Kate and someone Kate has NOT blocked (@Kateplusmy8 @PatheticFan)it will be seen by Kate. It's an easy thing to test and I've tested it.
So Kate is lying once again. She may try and avoid the avatars she knows belong to haterz, but you just know her curiosity takes over and she reads them.
I read on one of Kate's tweets that Jamie was doing interviews with her. Has that ever happened? I can't imagine that was Kate's idea. Then she tweeted high praises for Jamie in another tweet. Seems to me that if Jamie is getting too popular...poof....she will be gone very soon just like everyone else. The positive tweets from Kate about Jamie might be her way of covering when Jamie is no longer on the show. Kate could say "but I told everyone how much I liked her" making TLC the bad guy.
Kate must be on her one track mind mode! She is completely obsessed with that pool! How long did Kate have this pool? 2-3+ years, and now she gets all excited about it? What a weirdo. And this stuff about traditions Kate was making. More like Kate makes up the stuff as she goes along. If the tradition becomes too much trouble, she simply does not do the tradition anymore. Probably tells everyone that the kids have no interest in it. It's more like Kate is too lazy to do the tradition again. Too much work! Kate does not like being around the kids, she tweeted something to the effect: that it was such a chore to get up and take care of the kids, and that she enjoyed herself with Jamie in the pool, without the kids. Sorry to me it sounds as if her & Jamie are a lot more than just friends. JMO
She probably won't get rid of Jamie from the show unless she doesn't let Jamie get paid to do it. Depends if TLC offers and Kate agrees to let her have some kind of pay.
Let's all start saying how much we love auntie Jamie and watch how fast she disappears.
Ingrid said...
She probably won't get rid of Jamie from the show unless she doesn't let Jamie get paid to do it. Depends if TLC offers and Kate agrees to let her have some kind of pay.
I'm thinking that she's getting paid because she's spent a lot of time working on taping episodes.
Otherwise, I can't imagine what would take her away from her home, where her kids are (in her custody or not) and didn't she just get married??
Call me old fashioned, but I wouldn't leave my DH on a regular basis for the reasons Jamie is. I can see if family needed me because it's important to help out, say for a new baby or an illness/infirmary, but this is for filming.
No wonder they are BFF's-- birds of a feather and all..
I agree that Kate doesn't seem to appreciate the fact that she has 8, count 'em, 8 kids who are physically healthy, active and capable. That was one thing that always impressed me about the Hayes family. They were as loving and accepting and PROUD of Rebecca as they were of their healthy children. She's profoundly handicapped, with CP, blindness and intellectual deficits, but they went out of their way to find ways include her in everything the other kids were doing. They didn't demand special treatment or accommodations, either.
Kate could have Jamie, Steve and not a nanny on the couch with her and that won't make the majority of the viewers return. She is so yesterdays news! I'm betting that the next ratings will be under 500,000 for her crap show.
so sick of her said... And this stuff about traditions Kate was making. More like Kate makes up the stuff as she goes along. If the tradition becomes too much trouble, she simply does not do the tradition anymore.
Getting hair braided while on vacation.
Girls are crying, refusing, bribes of lollipops and small crabs are offered.
Jon mumbles to camera- hope this doesn't become tradition.
Molly12 said... I read on one of Kate's tweets that Jamie was doing interviews with her. Has that ever happened?
Huh? They are going to interview the baby sitter as part of the show?
Kate must be on her one track mind mode! She is completely obsessed with that pool! How long did Kate have this pool? 2-3+ years, and now she gets all excited about it? What a weirdo
Didn't they try to hide the pool for the first year because they didn't want to appear ostentatious and didn't want the viewers to know exactly how much property they had and what was included on the land? This was really stupid because all one had to do was google a photo of the property, and right there it was.
"When I say I am reluctantly anti-social, it is because these baseball moms all want to talk baseball ALL THE TIME. There are other things in life, ya know!!"
Send them my way. I love baseball and will talk the pants off them with stats, players, teams...!!!
Speaking of sports. Congrats to those in Texas and Florida for the NBA wins by Dallas and the Heat. Let the championship begin!
Believe me I know there are a million and one ways a perfectly decent parent can lose custody to the other, but why is it Kate's fans insist Jon lost custody because he's the bad guy and Kate's the good guy, but Jamie, who does not have custody per her own facebook account and has left them many times to accompany Kate and her kids (she talked about visitation with her kids did she not?), is given a free pass? And she's a mother, generally more favored under the law.
I agree with the you about some of the kids activities getting boring(ish). Especially if your kid isn't at bat or on the field. I used to bring a book or magazine and enjoy the fresh air, but never got a chance to really read. Those are never called unless the field is a total mess. Always ended up talking with other parents and having fun cheer them on. How many hours a day do real mothers get to sit on our butts and relax, whether your a SAHM or working mom. Might as go w/ the flow and enjoy. How many of u have hunkered down under a golf umbrella, in a chair in the freezing cold rain to watch a soccer game.
About the field trips - kids are always so proud when one of their parents can make it. I went on field trips to Boston Museum and Aquarium even into the jr high years. I worked, but mother guilt always took over and I took a day off.
Kate is stiffeling the hell out of those kids. They should be running around soccer and baseball/softball fields. She is just plain lazy. To lazy to get them an afternoon snack and change of cloths and make it to practices after school. She's only has her agenda, her own priority is herself. Jon is so new at his job he probably cannot take time off early afternoons to be able to get the kids to practices, so she just doesn't bother. I can picture Jon enjoying helping coach a team, he could alternate between boy and girls from one season or year to the next.
Her numbers will be low on any new shows. Are you interested in an Easter or March birthday of Kate trolling for men, in the middle of a heatwave in July? NOT
Enjoy this Memorial Day weekend, thanks to our service mother, future mother in law to a US Marine.
It takes a lot for a mother to lose custody of her children so methinks we have an insight into Jamie's personality and lifestyle.
Beth, your little grandchild is obviously loved by his grandmother, and, I'll bet, by his mother, too.
Yes, I do indeed adore him and so does his mom. He also has a little brother who, thankfully, will care for his brother when we are all gone.
Remember when Kate said that Jamie sleeps in her bed? I don't think it was anything more than innocent, Jamie is married and Kate has ratclaws, but I still find that a bit strange.
I'm sure there's probably perfectly normal women out there who sleep with their girlfriends. But I think in Kate's case it just speaks to her emotional immaturity. Everything she does is stuff girls do when they are 12.
When I was 12? Sure I had a sleepover with my best friend and slept in the same bed. Now? She's coming out here in August and I'll give her my bed and I'm taking the airmatress in my office.
Tuckers mom:
That could be true cuz I wouldn't want to leave family either but maybe Jamie is a sort who thinks she needs her breaks away from them just like Kate does. She might not be that much of a doting wife or mother.
Jodie appeared on shows too until she was possibly going to get paid.
Huh? They are going to interview the baby sitter as part of the show
Correct me if I'm wrong but that's the way I read her tweet:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Day was good! Did interviews for show(just me AND Jamie!)& swam and played. Made gift with kids 4 a friend Great weather. Good day! GN all!
I believe the "interviews" Kart keeps referring to are the couch interviews she does for the joke of a "show."
IF Jamie is involved it's because she was involved in the "show," like Philadelphia.
In reality Kate, I would say your "faithful followers/supporters" number in the 20's. 14,000 is really nothing to get all excited about, especially when half of those are fake accounts! LOL
Administrator said...
Remember when Kate said that Jamie sleeps in her bed? I don't think it was anything more than innocent, Jamie is married and Kate has ratclaws, but I still find that a bit strange.
Amen to that! With the size of Kate's house, including those beach mansions that TLC rented, I find it so very odd that they share a bed. If you have to resort to an air matress, that would be my preference.
Even when I had a 1 BR apt, I had a pull out couch.
PLUS!! Lest we forget the apt. over her garage?
Again, I don't get the need for Jamie to give up so much and travel while leaving her own life behind to spend so much time with a BFF and her kids.
I remember having nice dinner out with a gf that I'd known, worked with and became friends with for a few years. She lived with her roommate and let me know that her roommate was getting promoted and reassigned to the midwest. When she said she was going to also be moving to the same city to accompany her the proverbial lightbulb went off in my head and a ha!! I got it. They were partners. And I remember thinking, before I made the realization that they had been partners all along, that it was so extraordinarily odd that she'd pick up, leave her job, her family, her friends and the life she knew at home to be with her BFF, if it was platonic. I'd never do it!
Not that there's anything wrong with that ;-) and I was happy for them that they could share their happiness together with me, but that was the reason that it all made sense.
Kate and Jamie, not so much. They're grown women with children.
ps...I remember traveling to conferences when I worked at Penn and they'd want like sex employees to share a hotel room to cut on expenses. No. Fing. Way.
So, has anyone Googled "Profile of a Sociopath" yet? Also...why do I have to post under Anonymous? I can't pick a name. It says I'm using illegal characters. ???? Can someone help?
Hook 'em Horns
Remember when Kate said that Jamie sleeps in her bed? I don't think it was anything more than innocent, Jamie is married and Kate has ratclaws, but I still find that a bit strange.
I find it strange, too. I'd never sleep in the same bed with an adult female friend. I didn't even do that when I was in college. When my friends visit, or I visit them, it's the guest room. I think there's something to be said for respecting the privacy of your guests.
What I found odd about Kate's bed partner is the fact that, in that big house, she must have accommodations for guests, such as the guest apartment, or even a sleeper sofa or air mattress. Why would they sleep together? This isn't junior high.
Just Dwindle Away said...
To everyone here:
To everyone whose father, mother and grandparents served; to all who have husbands' who have or are still serving; to all who have watched a son or daughter march off to duty; to everyone here who has sent letters, packages, USO donations, prayed, flown a flag, worn a ribbon, reminded others to support, I thank you all with my deepest respect and affection.
A blessed Memorial Day to you each and all.
(Proud Mother-in-Law of a CW4 Blackhawk Pilot, 101st Airborne, Afghanastan.)
AMEN!!!! Proud daughter of a Vietnam Veteran!
~Hippie Chick~
Why speculate on such things? Who cares? I remember what you are talking about, and she was obviously saying that to mess with haters. Neither one is a lesbian. Jamie just got remarried. Kate is in love with a man. :) Take a deep breath, and let this go.. It's almost over! Even Andy Griffith, Ed Sullivan, M.A.S.H., and Seinfeld ended, and those stars were liked!
@CJWhodunit That's tomorrow!Grilled ch,deviled eggs, &friends r bringing pasta& fruit salad& dessert(thx2friends who offer2bring stuff:)
HaHaHaHa... Friends?! Good one, Kate! More like Steve and Jamie are bringing something they will pick up quick at Giant and the not-a-nanny of the month is going to make dessert. And pleeease make sure your Grilled ch is cooked to 165 degrees & the juices run clear. Chicken should never be pink when cut.
readerlady said: "I agree that Kate doesn't seem to appreciate the fact that she has 8, count 'em, 8 kids who are physically healthy, active and capable. That was one thing that always impressed me about the Hayes family. They were as loving and accepting and PROUD of Rebecca as they were of their healthy children. She's profoundly handicapped, with CP, blindness and intellectual deficits, but they went out of their way to find ways include her in everything the other kids were doing. They didn't demand special treatment or accommodations, either."
I can't begin to imagine how Kate would cope with a handicapped child. I never, ever, watch the show but a long time ago while flipping channels, I came across Kate sitting at her kitchen table at the old house. She was looking at a catalog of children's glasses and she seemed profoundly devastated that one of her children would need to wear them. She said "I just want all my normal little kids to be normal." I didn't think I could possibly despise her more than I already did, but indeed I did develop a deeper level of hate for her.
I work with children who have varying levels of mental and physical challenges. One of my students is not only mentally challenged, he is on the autism spectrum, has OCD, anxiety and separation anxiety. These disorders separately, are overwhelming. Combine them, this poor young man has a very rough road ahead of him. His parents are very stressed and worn out, but they do their best every single day. For Kate to sit on national TV and practically cry because ONE of her EIGHT children needs a pair of glasses is a huge slap in the face to parents of disabled children. My job has made me so appreciative of my healthy children. If someone misses the honor roll by a couple points or another is in the middle of a major hitting slump (I'm a baseball mom too) I just don't sweat it. Some of my student's parents would give anything to see their child just be able to participate in a baseball game.
Happy Memorial Day everybody! God bless our veterans, our troops who are currently serving and all of those who have given their lives for our freedom.
From an artical written by Dr Julianne Mitchell PhD...
A sociopath takes great joy in taking from others. "Joy" is the correct word.
To a sociopath, others are always expendable: family, friends, acquaintances. Once others have been bled dry, the sociopath moves on. Loyalty is not a part of who they are. They have no desire to change and no insight into their own behaviors and motivations..
Sociopaths are narcissistic and exhibitionistic, with no sense of shame. Nothing exists in their world but what they want - the ultimate “Me, Me, Me” syndrome. They are characterized by an excessive superficiality, in both thoughts and behaviors. They are easily bored and made restless by day-to-day responsibilities, an attitude which makes consistent parenting a drag and an impossibility.
Read more: http://blogcritics.org/culture/article/casey-anthony-profile-of-a-sociopath/page-2/#ixzz1NnqcG981
Take a deep breath, and let this go.. It's almost over! Even Andy Griffith, Ed Sullivan, M.A.S.H., and Seinfeld ended, and those stars were liked!
Hmmm....Ed may have been liked by the public, but he certainly wasn't held in high regard by Buddy Holly, Jim Morrison, Bob Dylan, Elvis, the Stones... Ed was not their favorite person, and because of his treatment of these popular stars, the fans of those celebrities wanted nothing to do with Ed's show.
The show ended because Ed was 70 and in poor health. Wonder if Kate thinks her show will have the longevity that Ed's did! Perish the thought!
Beth said...
It takes a lot for a mother to lose custody of her children so methinks we have an insight into Jamie's personality and lifestyle.
I said that once here & got chewed out by a sheeple. I forget her excuse but Admin backed me up. {Thank you Admin}. I totally agree with Beth. I know things happen & people make mistakes, BUT usually the mother is awarded custody. It's just the way it goes. And look at who she chooses to be friends with. Right there it says so much about her personality, IMO.
A woman I know whose son goes to the same school as mine, lost custody of her youngest son. She has the oldest, but barely. She told me all of this without knowing her 3 days! I have no idea why because I didn't ask, but she had her youngest for about a year before he was given to his dad. I was a bit freaked by this. Maybe she wasn't financially stable, & that I understand, but Jamie seems well off. There are many reasons why I suppose & we shouldn't judge.
~Hippie Chick~
there are vans that can fit 9-10 people. They are usually rectagular and not glamorous, but that's what they need. Trade in the hideous scooby zoo van. The two-small sequoiA, and that mini van if they still have it. Get the 11person van to transport the kids and a small car for Kate, like a Prius, for running errands. They have too many cars, most of which do not suit their sad family as they go on their dull field trips. Kate is only happy (scarily so) when she is being film on a vacation. The NY trip was scary; running with the melting icecream, screeching, boobs a flapping, high as a kite
This subject did come up before and I think where the "chewing out" came is some perfectly decent mothers have lost custody and get defensive one would assume only bad mothers lose custody, or people who know perfectly decent mothers who have lost custody. This is absolutely true, I know good mothers who have lost custody. I've seen first hand a good parent, mothers and fathers, lose custody. Or, a parent makes one mistake that spirals out of control and loses custody for good. As I've said before momenentum is HUGE in family law court and it can be very hard to recover from even a small mistake. We only have to see what happened to Jon to realize that.
But is it fair to say that MOST mothers lose custody for a good reason? I think so. The reality is it does not cut the same way for fathers. From my experience, far more decent fathers lose custody to mothers.
I think the red flag wouldn't be so bright if her children were boys (they sometimes prefer to live with the father), or they were older teenagers (they sometimes choose to live with the "nice" parent or "softy" parent). But these are very little kids and at least one is a girl.
Did Jamie lose her kids for no good reason, I don't know. But is it a red flag she doesn't have custody of her kids? Absolutely! And is it a red flag she is one of the few people still left Kate hasn't estranged? Even bigger. You have to wonder what is required of someone so that Kate will keep you around without tossing you. And Jamie not only condones filming but actively participates in it. If filming is so darn good for kids where are her kids on camera? We have seen photos of them with the Gosselin children and a video of her daughter at the store with her visiting her, so why not film them? She's a hypocrite.
AMEN!!!! Proud daughter of a Vietnam Veteran!
~Hippie Chick~
WELCOME HOME to your wonderful father (mom?) but welcome home, welcome home. I know you get it. Tell him for me, ok?
Re: Jamie. A few months ago we were at my sister's and Sissy and I got pretty loopy. Hubby went home at my insistance and Sissy and I slept in the same big bed and her own hubs stayed in the guest room. We giggled and re-enacted events from our elementary years and even toddler years that we recalled!! and in general were quite happy and ... um... intoxicated. We are in our 50's! It was an overwhelming bonding time for us, but one night in an adulthood is probably enough.
Next time I would take her nice (non-leather) couch. But 'loopy' doesnt happen all that much these days. :>)
Just Dwindle Away, Kate.
@CJWhodunit That's tomorrow!Grilled ch,deviled eggs, &friends r bringing pasta& fruit salad& dessert(thx2friends who offer2bring stuff:)
Good grief I couldn't figure out for the life of me, why she would make grilled cheese for a potluck!! Never thought of chicken til someone else said it above. Some days I wonder about me. LOL
3 dishes to pass from friends = Steve, Jamie, and Carla/Ashley? Just guessing.
I wonder if they are filming this for their weekly episodes? (ugh)
I read it as grilled cheese too. Thought what an odd thing to serve at a party, or pretend party.
I am now convinced Kate is a sociopath. When all this ends, the children will still live with her. That is a horrible thought, indeed.
Midnight Madness said...
Remember when Kate said that Jamie sleeps in her bed? I don't think it was anything more than innocent, Jamie is married and Kate has ratclaws, but I still find that a bit strange.
I find it strange, too. I'd never sleep in the same bed with an adult female friend. I didn't even do that when I was in college. When my friends visit, or I visit them, it's the guest room. I think there's something to be said for respecting the privacy of your guests.
What I found odd about Kate's bed partner is the fact that, in that big house, she must have accommodations for guests, such as the guest apartment, or even a sleeper sofa or air mattress. Why would they sleep together? This isn't junior high.
Maybe Kate meant Jamie sleeps in her bed, and Kate sleeps elsewhere while Jamie's occupying her bed? That doesn't seem like Kate though.
Also, I was at Preesi's site, and a sheeple tweeted the following to Kate: #kateplusmy8 I hope & pray all their family lives get destroyed in a way they know it was for the damage they do on here.
Honestly? They actually PRAY for lives to be DESTROYED just because we disagree with them? Whatever happened to "let's agree to disagree"? That's one prayer God won't answer, I'm sure. I feel sorry for the Gosselin kids, but also sorry for the kids of sheeple. They truly see Kate as God, and Jon as the enemy.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@MiloandJack Oh!!! That I may try someday! I love being on the big water! Best is deep sea fishing! Could do it everyday4rest of my life!
She loves the big water. Wants to deep sea fish for the rest of her life! If we all donate to the cause, we could launch the ship and send her out on the high seas for the rest of her days! Let's grant her wish. It's one way to put an end to the show...and so easy! Why didn't we think of that sooner...Captain Ahab on the Pequod in search of Moby Dick! Let's not forget the barf bags and a change of clothing!
Smiley, oh that's a good reasonable explanation, she meant that Jamie sleeps in her bed and she sleeps elsewhere.
You know I might give Kate the benefit of the doubt. Except the reason that I even know Jamie sleeps with Kate is because in the context of a conversation Kate was having with Mady, Kate was telling her that Mady and Cara should share a bed on their trip to North Carolina and not whine about it because it's no big deal--Mommy shares her bed with Jamie when she comes over.
Her argument of course did not persuade the twins.
#kateplusmy8 I hope & pray all their family lives get destroyed in a way they know it was for the damage they do on here.
I saw that tweet come over (guess we're not mentioning tweeters names?). She tweets the most syrupy, sickening sweet things to Kate, and talks about the Bible then says that. There are a lot of sickos out there and Kate "loves" them all and so appreciates their support.
Yes, I saw that you tube.com of Kate selecting eye glasses for Aaden. She "acted" just shocked out of her bloomers that one of her children wasn't normal.
Needing eyeglasses is considered not normal? Aaden has nearsightedness. I wore glass from the time I was 5. I could not see the blackboard. I was not blind, I was not far sighted, so I didn't need my glasses to read something close, only distance of 8 feet or more. So, eyeglasses helped me see the blackboard. How wonderful for me. I had the neatest glasses every 2 yrs also.
But Kate, of course, makes Aaden feel as though he is not normal. Now we have 2 of the gosselin children being home schooled and Kate goes on the Today Show and Joy Bahar to say her 2 tups have a medical problem. Wow, she sure believe in privacy, huh?
Cannot wait to see what she does to the twins and puberty. Wow, will she ever sell that show to the freaks and have a tremendous viewership and guess what, she will do it, yes she will.
Probably has Aaden thinking he is handicapped with eyeglass so he can see the blackboard. Oh yes.
What a witch.
As for Jaime losing custody, she could have lost her job, when that happens, if she is renting an apartment and cant get a job, the rent doesn't get paid. The money from her ex husband for child care is not enough to pay all of her bills. So, she loses the children to her husband as he realizes this is his time to appeal the custody ruling: mother can't support the children. We can't judge Jaime by this.
As Admin said, good mothers lose their children, not because they neglected their children. Sometimes it is because they cannot afford to support their children, even with child support.
Jon had no stability, which worked against him at the time when he had co custody and Kate pushed for full custody. She got it based on that year of Jon's instability which was all over the media. After all, Jon may have had money in the bank, not a permanent place of residence, month to month lease in NY, no job.
TLC's lawyers swooped down and took that case to court and got those little ATMs back on TV right? Yep. Now Jon has a fighting chance for co custody which will cut into the filming schedule should there ever be one.
Kate has plenty of friends: 14,000 on twitter, all teenagers and the others are in prison.
Anonymous, a mother not able to afford the kids isn't a typical reason to lose custody. A judge can award her custody and make appropriate child support orders for the father so she can afford them. It's doubtful Jamie not having a job was the reason she lost custody.
There are plenty of benign reasons a mother might lose custody. Off the top of my head, she is moving to the next town and the father wants to keep the kids in their home school. The kids prefer living with Dad and Mom was willing to respect their wishes and let them live with him. Dad cuts a deal with Mom if you give me custody I won't fight you for child support in court. Maybe mom's job requires her to travel a lot and they both decided for the kids' stability better to be with the parent who is home. Heck that could be the case with Jamie since she spends a good deal of her time with someone else's family and children.
And there are far more not-so benign reasons a mother could lose her kids I need not name.
We really can't know with Jamie, it's just there are far more not good reasons than good to lose your kids.
If you think about it, Kate didn't have any more of a job than Jon did when they divorced. Both of them, their only job was to pimp out the kids.
Anonymous said...
I agree that Kate doesn't seem to appreciate the fact that she has 8, count 'em, 8 kids who are physically healthy, active and capable. That was one thing that always impressed me about the Hayes family. They were as loving and accepting and PROUD of Rebecca as they were of their healthy children. She's profoundly handicapped, with CP, blindness and intellectual deficits, but they went out of their way to find ways include her in everything the other kids were doing. They didn't demand special treatment or accommodations, either.
I TOTALLY agree with this. And I have to admit, I would love to see the Hayes family on TV once or twice a year, because (from what they've shown, anyway) these are extremely LIKABLE people and I'd like to know that they continue to do well.
Admin said: But is it fair to say that MOST mothers lose custody for a good reason? I think so.
Out of curiosity, do we *know* that Jamie lost custody? Maybe she gave custody to her husband in the divorce.
While it's rare for a mother to do so, it's not unheard of for the mother to willingly give primary custody to the father for a variety of reasons.
I wonder if Jamie might have done this so she would be free to be at Kate's beck and call and film (and make money).
I'm not saying if this is the case, this makes her mother of the year, mind you, but it doesn't mean she did anything to *lose* custody.
I agree that her managing to stay friends with Kate is a red flag about her probably personality and much of the other things being said. I am just curious about whether we actually are certain she lost custody or whether she may have voluntarily gave it away.
If she and Kate really are cut of the same cloth, she may have seen giving up custody so she could be free to be with Kate and film the better option. In which case, her kids probably are better off with their dad.
Just me, you pretty much said what I said.
Jamie once said on facebook she was having visitation with the kids, in family law speak a parent with visitation rights has "lost custody" and it doesn't distinguish HOW they lost custody, even if it was voluntary. The point is it was lost.
No we don't know how she lost it, that is what I pretty much said. It could have been a voluntary arrangement, or it could have been completely against her will. The point being made is that it is more COMMON for a mother to lose custody of such young kids against her will than it would be for a dad to agree to let the kids live with Mommy. Like I said, it would be a different story if her kids were older or boys.
Anyway, she is free to keep her custody matters private, but I strongly disagree with her enabling Kate to exploit these kids. Especially with how Cara acted on the Philly trip JAMIE was on and in the interviews. Cara was NOT happy.
I have to disagree ...Fathers dont stand a chance in getting custody.
It is so very rare for a male to get custody of his kids. I got with a man who had 3 kids. The mother was a drug addict.She had a record as thick as a phone book.She was in and out of jail...on probation.The dad had a full time job ( for years) he didnt have a record...wasent in jail or on probation.The mom was homeless every few months...AND yet...she was given custody!
This was a woman who had/has nothing and yet she was able to keep the kids.
We wonder why kate has the kids?She's the mother ( I hate that word for her) and she has money.
Jon will never get the kids until kate gives them up.There is nothing that he can do. No court is going to take his side.Dosent matter what kate does or is...she's the mother....sadly,thats all it takes!
Administrator said...
Smiley, oh that's a good reasonable explanation, she meant that Jamie sleeps in her bed and she sleeps elsewhere.
You know I might give Kate the benefit of the doubt. Except the reason that I even know Jamie sleeps with Kate is because in the context of a conversation Kate was having with Mady, Kate was telling her that Mady and Cara should share a bed on their trip to North Carolina and not whine about it because it's no big deal--Mommy shares her bed with Jamie when she comes over.
Her argument of course did not persuade the twins.
Plus Jamie posted pics of the two of them in bed (head shot on pillows) and her hugging and clinging onto kate while sitting on a bench. They are very, very close.
Ingrid, and Tweedle...LOL, I also thought it was grilled cheese and thought, who serves grilled cheese, deviled eggs and pasta salad on Memorial Day. :&
UH Kate, it's still spring here. Maybe you can check with your European friends though, it could be summer there for all YOU know.
I wonder if, after the pool cleans itself, Kate goes out with a toothbrush and rants about the filth she has to deal with? Poor pool.
Thanks for the link. Fascinating reading, especially the comments. I started reading at 10 p.m. and now, at 2:30 a.m., I've forced myself to call it a nite!
The BEST link in a long time.
The pool is cleaning itself, huh Kate? What, did you hire that all important Cabana boy & make him wear those speedos that you secretly hate? She is out there right now drooling over Marcus the pool boy as he bends over & skims the slime out of Kate's pool! Oh! There he goes bending over again picking up Kate's Rag_mags that she desperately goes through to see if she made in a appearance in. (NOPE). Ah, Kate, Marco won't have you...
~Hippie Chick~
If she has a good Polaris or RayVac system, plus an automated chlorinator, most of the maintenance is done. There doesn't appear to be many trees around the pool, so skimming leaves shouldn't be a problem. Marco, the Cabana boy, should only have to be there to backwash the filter and test the chemical balance when needed, or when she wants to see his thong.
I've got a Kreepy in my pool and while he does a decent job cleaning you still have to do a little brushing to get the spots that he doesn't reach. The whips also do a decent job. I use a soft swim system rather than chlorene and it's much more stable and doesn't have to be checked as much. The tiles always seem to need a lot of work.....Yeah, it's possible that the pool is cleaning itself, but it does need a little help.
Annnd....the tweet of the day from Kate is:
@sarahjoyce1992 Do hate that 'f' word (famous) and no, kids are kids at school. Very thankful for that... about 15 hours ago
She hates the word FAMOUS??? Gimme a break she spent the past six years trying to get famous and then stay famous. HAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHH. HAHHAHAHAHHA.
That's about as funny as Kate trying to claim she hates herself.
Well, I disagree with the person who thinks that Kate might not be a lesbian. Just cause Jamie is married and Kate is divorced, does not make a person straight. They could be lesbians. There are some men and women, who hang out together, the men watch a game, play cards and have sex with each other, but claim they are not gay, it's just sex and yes these men are married. They do have a name for this, I can't remember what they call it. But Oprah did a show on this a couple of years ago. There are friends who have sex with friends and call it friends with benefits. So, who is to say that Kate is not doing that. I saw Kates house, it is huge! Why does she not have a guest room? Most wealthy people do, it is like a pride & joy thing to have a guest room. And why does Kate have her office in her bedroom, with a house that big? The kids share rooms. As, for sharing rooms, and sharing beds, yes I have shared a bed lots of times with other women. This was at sci-fi conventions, to save cost of rooms. We would have 2 king size beds and 2 rollaways, and 8 people in a room, spliting $98 a night room costs. I did share a room, with 1 other person , we got 2 queen size beds. I once share a room at World-con(sci-fi) convention with 15 people, 1 guy and 14 women, over 5 days. The guy sept in the tub. :). The room was $150 a night. Ah those fun days. And there was no hanky-panky going on. Most of us were in costumes. It was mostly a place to crash.
here are some men and women, who hang out together, the men watch a game, play cards and have sex with each other, but claim they are not gay, it's just sex and yes these men are married. They do have a name for this, I can't remember what they call it. But Oprah did a show on this a couple of years ago. There are friends who have sex with friends and call it friends with benefits. So, who is to say that Kate is not doing that.
The term for this is "on the down low."
Is she tweeting the pool thing on a daily basis because she's flaunting it and it totally clueless that she's doing it...or is she doing it just to get a rise out of the non-fans, enjoying it because she knows it's going to generate posts about it? Oh, wait...she doesn't read the blogs, does she?
This is the hottest Memorial Day I can ever remember. Heat index is 98. I hope this isn't a preview of what's in store for us this summer.
E-town Neighbor said... Is she tweeting the pool thing on a daily basis because she's flaunting it and it totally clueless that she's doing it...or is she doing it just to get a rise out of the non-fans, enjoying it because she knows it's going to generate posts about it? Oh, wait...she doesn't read the blogs, does she?
Sadly, she doesn't get it... nor will she ever. There are many people who follow this and other anti-Kate blogs who have children who attend private school ;) who live in large homes with pools and I would even bet quite a few of us own a leather couch. The only difference between us and Kate is that in five years we will still own all those things while Kate's stah lifestyle hinges on whether TLC renews her show or not. Her house is made of straw, ours are made of bricks.
It's rather pitiful for a grown woman to brag and flaunt over her possesions like she has. She has the maturity level of a 14yr old and it makes perfect sense why most of her fans are in middle school.
Her Twattering will be her downfall- I love it! As Admin said, she gets very few raging sheeple emails these days because even they can't defend the stuff she types on her 12th pink iphone. The fact that TLC allows her to shoot herself in her big klumpy foot every day tells me they don't give a shiz about her anymore.
Grilled Cheese and Tweetle. Oh thank goodness I thought I might be the only one. LOL Hmmm. I wonder how that would taste on a grill though. Smoky grilled cheese. mmmm Might be an idea sometime.
I suspect some of these weekly shows will be her doing stuff around home or town more since people mentioned somewhere they wanted to see more daily life stuff and not the extravagant free trips around the world. (Obviously TLC spending all that money on Khate and crew in Australia didn't help her ratings at all hahaha )
I'd like to see an episode of Kate skimming the birdsh*t out of her pool.....
Okay what is going on with Kate and Jaimi?
Saw this and was surprised by all the photos. Is this why Kate's life is so secret and she hates the paps?
Do they all know something that we do not know?
Saw something then no follow-up.......... did the doctor who sold her the house really get a settlement because kart slandered him when she told the world that 'the previous owners were dirty'?
I remember how she carried on... thought at the time that the previous owner was gonna be REALLY pissed....
Would be wonderful if TLC had to shovel out a chunk of change to keep him from sueing or something....... of course we know kart would never pay anything because she was, in her pink-sky world, not doing anything wrong. Rolling eyes here.
I wonder if all this tweeting about the fact that she was having company over was an attempt to get her paparazzo friend to hang out at the end of her driveway. Doesn't summer start in June? Haha! For the person who snarked on her European friends perhaps having summer at this time, I was in Berlin last week and it was definitely spring. Lovely, beautiful SPRING! Hope that no matter what their mother's intentions, the kids have a great weekend at home!
Saw this and was surprised by all the photos. Is this why Kate's life is so secret and she hates the paps?
Is this the correct link? This happened two years ago, and if I recall, was the subject of much discussion. Has something newsworthy happened recently?
E-Town Neighbor said...
This is the hottest Memorial Day I can ever remember. Heat index is 98. I hope this isn't a preview of what's in store for us this summer.
I read this summer will be hotter than last, & the hottest on record since 1978 or something. Be prepared, it's gonna be a scorcher!! I'm moving to The North Pole!
~Hippie Chick~
Is she gay? Is she straight?
Who knows????
Who cares???
Although............ this might explain a few things.
How horrible she was to Jon after she sucked him dry sperm-wise, how she is worse to her three precious boys, how rude she was to Brad... it seems quite apparent she doesn't like men.
Something in her childhood? Who knows......
She still is, and will forever be a rude, arrogant selfish bitch.
I'm 24 years old and I slept over at a friends house not too long ago. We had fun that night; made dinner, watched a movie, tried on some of her costumes (we met in high school doing theater together). When it was bed time we shared her bed. I thought it was mind of odd bit didn't think much of it. I don't think Kate and Jaime sharing a bed means they're lesbians. Some people just don't mind being familiar with their close friends.
Saw something then no follow-up.......... did the doctor who sold her the house really get a settlement because kart slandered him when she told the world that 'the previous owners were dirty'?
Rumor was that Dr. Dominic Cammarano was a bit displeased at the negative publicity from the refrig cleaning episode, as well as harsh words about the filth allegedly left beneath the freezer in the basement and TLC forked over some money. I never heard an amount or if it was confirmed.
Midnight Madness said...
Rumor was that Dr. Dominic Cammarano was a bit displeased at the negative publicity from the refrig cleaning episode, as well as harsh words about the filth allegedly left beneath the freezer in the basement and TLC forked over some money. I never heard an amount or if it was confirmed.
May 30, 2011 2:49 PM
I never heard that TLC forked over any $$$, but they did write a letter to Mrs. Cammarano apologizing for Kate's horribly snide and disrespectful comments about the condition of the house. Mrs. Cammarano was very upset as before they moved out, they had professional cleaners come in to clean and make everything spotless for the new owners (the Gosselin's).
Ingrid said...
Grilled Cheese and Tweetle. Oh thank goodness I thought I might be the only one. LOL Hmmm. I wonder how that would taste on a grill though. Smoky grilled cheese. mmmm Might be an idea sometime.
Good one! lol Maybe she could put that in her non-existent cookbook between the plagiarized recipes for Monkey Munch and the stupid flag cake.
And now she can add her "special teriyaki sauce" to that cookbook. Who has time to Twitter during a party at your house? We had 30 people over yesterday for a barbecue (sorry no pool but I do have a leather couch :) ), and seriously I barely had time to talk to everyone what with cooking, hostessing, etc. What an idiot.
Is this more proof Kate reads the blogs? She just tweeted she made "perfect" barbecued chicken with her special teriyaki sauce. If I were one of her *alleged* guests, there is no way I'd be partaking in ANY food Kate served, let alone grilled chicken, given her past "sammonella" cooking disaster.
Blah blah blah... said...
Fascinating reading, especially the comments. I started reading at 10 p.m. and now, at 2:30 a.m., I've forced myself to call it a nite!
I thought so too. I couldn't stop reading. Went to bed, but couldn't sleep until around 7am.
I had a real bad moment when l realised l married 3 men who were sociopaths/ narcissists. I just didn't get it. Until about six weeks or so ago when reading comments on here about Mothers/friends/co-workers who were the same way. It dawned on me that l was following a pattern from my childhood. My mother was a sociopath/narcissist. I have learned more about myself on this blog from courageous posters than l have in 18years of seeing one Psychiatrist after another. I am 62 years old now. And l think l may have, after all this time unlocked the code to my incessent need to be liked and for approval. I was a doormat, and didn't know why.
Thank you all for sharing your stories. You have helped me so much and l am grateful.
I hope the Gosselin kids get help figuring things out sooner than l did. It's not your fault kids! Remember that.
@slc268 @HspncElvis Yes only 8. Shoka got 8 last fall- darn it!
I was trying to follow this tweet and I think this one was in reply to the question if they still have the chickens. It sounds like the dog ate chickens for Thanksgiving instead of turkey. Am I reading that correctly?
I thought it was interesting that the dog caught and killed eight of the chickens. My.
Oh good God. That can't be true...is it?
Poor Shoka she probably doesn't feed him either. Poor baby's probably just hungry!
Say this chicken-cide isn't so.
Yes, she's saying Shoka killed 8 of the chickens last fall. Nice, huh?
Say this chicken-cide isn't so.
I don't know, admin. I'm having a problem with the tweeting page, and I can't figure out Kate's reply, but it sounded like the dog ate the chickens. Maybe one of the resident tweeting experts here can tell you that I interpreted this incorrectly!
I did see the photo she posted of the girls' note, and the twitterers' response about the spelling. She will never learn not to post private things that the kids do, even if she thinks it's cute and adorable (which it wasn't).
Dog didn't get the chickens. She's lying.
All I'm going to say.
With all the cooking and "entertaining" Kate's been doing lately, not a pap photo op in weeks, no grocery store, gas fill ups, pool store, Whole Foods, no propane tank refills, nada, nothing. No photos of her car washing, even when she advertises she's waiting in line. Just goes to prove - she's toast.
Thanks to Kate's twittering fingers, everyone now knows that Hannah's "migraines" stopped two years ago and she moved into Leah and Alexis' room. (Gee, didn't Kate admit at one time that she had her own room because she was a "disturber"? Make up your mind, Katie.)
Sounds to me like this happened around the time Jon was kicked out. Poor kid probably felt insecure and was seeking some kind of normalcy by being back with her sisters.
PJ's momma said...
Doesn't summer start in June? Haha! For the person who snarked on her European friends perhaps having summer at this time,
Hi PJ's Momma, LOL, since you were away in Berlin, you may not be aware of Kate's tweet last week. She had a tweeter from Holland so she asked: "Oh are the tulips blooming? What season is it there?" Such a fool! Can't make this stuff up.
Linda G. said... Yes, she's saying Shoka killed 8 of the chickens last fall. Nice, huh
I'm surprised she didn't use that as an excuse to get rid of Shoka!
Seriously, why does she tweet this stuff. It certainly doesn't make her look good that her dog is eating her chickens. Give me a break, how does the dog get the opportunity to eat half of the chickens!! Are they not in an enclosed area? It's crazy! Bad enough it happened, then she tweets it. She has no brain!
Not only is she tweeting the children's private notes and bad spelling mistakes, but she said boys are loud and break stuff.
Way to just write off the boys, Kate.
This twitter account is soooo obnoxious.
I do think this is fishy....
Call me crazy but I grew up in a rural area, many people had chickens, and I never once heard of the family dog eating a chicken much less eight of them. We were practically the city slickers of the family living in the suburbs but everyone else had chickens.
Chase them? Yes. But go to the length to kill them and eat them. Never.
Then again, all these families had well-trained dogs.
They probably starved because Kate forgot to feed them so she's blaming it on the others as per her narcissism, the dog this time.
(Gee, didn't Kate admit at one time that she had her own room because she was a "disturber"? Make up your mind, Katie.)
I thought it was Alexis, not Hannah, who was branded "disturber" and was banished to the basement.
Re: Shoka and the chickens. I'd like to preface this by saying that I can't stand Kate and she should have protected those chickens better from her athletic, bored, and possibly hungry dog with no previous exposure to chickens. Now to stand up for Shoka: some well-trained, well-loved and well-fed dogs DO attack other animals and kill them. Something primal clicks in their brains and there's little you can do to make the carnage stop. Our own dog killed out pet parakeet when it got out of it's cage. A neighbor's dog attacked and killed a sweet outdoor cat when he cornered her in his dog house. The dog was otherwise gentle and well behaved. I think Shoka went after the chickens because it was instinctual and he had little to no exposure to them in the past. He probably killed so many because the chickens were stuck in their enclosure. It's very sad of course. Kate needs to buy organic eggs at the store, give the chickens and Shoka to good owners and consider a pet she can handle and love and make part of the family: a cat or two (great for rodent control,too), or perhaps a smallish, docile, non shedding dog.
Let's look at this logically:
kart says it = she's lying
she got rid of chickens = 'dog ate them' along with the kids homework...
As sure as I'm sitting here, she had someone come get those chickens because they are messy and stinky. The chicken show was filmed so there was no need to keep them.
She would never, never, never admit she had the chickens removed so she blames the dog.
There is NO WAY that the dog 'ate' the chickens...
Now, perhaps she had someone come get the chickens and process them for the dog's food. But I bet good money that she would never pay anyone to do that when she can get cheap-o dog food at target.
Nope. I don't believe it for a NY minute.
The dog didn't do it.
She's lying.
I'm convinced she thinks her comment was 'cute'...
I just wish those kids would hurry up and figure out they can run away and insist on living with Jon.
OH, and here's a thought! Has anyone seen purseboy lately? Is he gone?
Midnight Madness, you are correct. It was Alexis who was the "disturber". My error.
But she says she still has 8 chickens. What would she gain from a half-lie? Then again, she seems to lie like most people breathe, so who knows?
What I do know is that woman is extremely messed up inside. Twitter has shown me just how much.
Permanent Name: I think Steve is gone, no longer being paid by TLC. I think the derby was her last hurrah with her babysitter.
Just a hunch.
Save Shoka said.....
Yes, I do realize that dogs can be driven by prey instincts, you are correct about it.
The reason I am CONVINCED she is lying in this case because of her pathological need to lie. She lies about everything whether she needs to or not. She can't help herself. Mouth opens, lies come out.
If Shoka had truly attacked, killed and/or eaten the chickens we would have heard about it... for kart, in her pink-sky world, it would have been excellent publicity.
Hell, she could have even marched the kiddie$ out to the scene of the crime and had them filmed while crying over the carcasses.
Oh lordy bee, imagine the ratings and the tabloid headlines: "murder in the gosselin compound", "death at the gosselin estate".......
No, if the "dog did it" we'd have heard all about it much earlier and with much more excitement.
"get those damned smelly chickens out of here"
"kart, honey, you'll be raked over the coals for getting chickens just for an episode"
"I don't give a crap, I'll say the dog did it - my fans are idiots, they believe anything I say"
German Sheperds are herding animals and not predators. There is NO F'N way that Shoka killed 8 chickens. German Sheperds are territorial but not into killing chickens or cats or any other animals. German Sheperds are used by military and police as they are easy to train, highly intelligent and can assimilate into family and farm life despite being trained to search and protect. A chicken is hardly a threat to a German Shepherd and there is no friggin way that this dog killed 8 chickens. This is TOTAL BS
6'5" cop????????????
What? purseboy is too short now?
She twats crap just to stir up trouble.
Oh, and I just thought of why those pics with Jamie and kart looked wrong to me - go back and check them out -
kart is showing no reciprecal emotions at all - Jamie is leaning into kart, jamie has her arms around kart, jamie has her hands on karts legs....
Just one more example of kart's NPD - she sits there taking from jamie, but not giving anything in return.
Again, I would believe kart set it up in such a way "hey, lets get these pics and stir up some comments on the blogs - any publicity is good publicity"
Man oh man, I am not feeling any love for our little liar, liar, pants on fire tonight, am I? LOL
Is Kate changing her story? On May 28 she said (a couple of times)
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
RT @NickBarron321 @Kateplusmy8 when is the show starting? Ans: Mon,June 6@10pm EST then ea wk for summer..! Yay! Lots of FUN coming ur way!
28 May
A few minutes ago she tweeted:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@cchleb YES and Mondays in summer.. So I hear...! Yay!!!
14 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
She's not so positive now. Hmmmm
Permanent Name said,
"kart is showing no reciprecal emotions at all - Jamie is leaning into kart, jamie has her arms around kart, jamie has her hands on karts legs...."
First thing I thought of when I looked at those photos. Jamie is the "aggressor," Kate is passive. It really struck me as funny because it seemed so odd, so staged, so...I don't know what! Just beserk!
Ok I think I figured this out. When Jon was appearing on GMA with Cuomo, 3 part show. He said over and over "Kate is not being true to herself" and he wouldn't explain. He said the same thing on the Larry King Show but he wouldn't explain what Kate's truth about herself is.
While Steve is in the house, Jon is in the garage sleeping and we have Jaime traveling with Kate and Steve, lots.
Something very interesting happening in UTAH, during the family trip, Jaime was there with Jon, Kate, Steve and Jodi and Beth had to fly to Utah to help pack everyone up. Then Beth was no longer a part of the "in group" so what did she experience or see? Kate was "wiped out" and even Jodi and kevin then spoke out about the children and what they were going thru, no real explanation of how the children were suffering from the filming, but they were in agreement with Jon, all of a sudden, everyone understood what was happening in Kate & Jon's house.
No wonder Steve was put into that House, to not only handle Kate, but keep this "relationship with Jaime out of the press"
In the pictures of Jaime and Kate, I have never seen photos like that of 2 heterosexual women. Sitting on a bench and not with just their arms around each other but Jaime wrapping herself around Kate, across her legs, etc. Who were they posing for. You could see that Kate was not comfortable with "coming out" if that is what it was.
Suspicious to me. Worse if Kate isn't honest with her children and her relationship then those children are going to need all of the money for counseling. WOW, this is really blowing my mind, no wonder Kate ignores the Hollywood producers, actors, etc., she has Jaime.
Always wondered about Kate not dating, when she had lots of opportunities while in Hollywood.
Lots of guys wanted to date her.
Hope the Admin can get some news on the Utah trip, Beth Carson and everything coming to an end.
Oops..4got2turn sprinklers on..Thats done but GN NOW! 2tired2 answ tweets.. BUT: Dont 4get Live Tw parties st agn June 6 10pmESTw/ K+8&Kate!
Kate+8&Kate??? Must have hit the box of wine again.
Nah that's just her narcissism. Watch my show y'all: KATE KATE KATE KATE KATE.
That's just the way the tweet looks on the page. I shouldn't have copies the "Kate Gosselin" part.
I think she's not sure the show is going to be on "every weeek" now. Why else would she tweet "So I hear" now?
So she hears??
Does this woman recognize how little respect TLC has for her? They might bother to let her know if and when the show is on if and when they get around to it.
A two year old would have more respect.
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