Kate has been running her mouth a little more than usual the past few days on Twitter. Notable among all the twitter-twatter is her description of a fieldtrip she was dragged on with the sextuplets.
Said Kate of the hiking trip: "Kateplusmy8Kate It was pretty dull. A 'nature walk' thru poison ivy fields&then lunch in a pavillion.K awards at end were cute tho!" And later, as she described the hike, she added, "That's what I was thinking.all the places our climbing shoes we were wearing have been..2stave off boredom I guess!"
Unbelievably ungrateful mother.
488 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 488 of 488 Newer› Newest»Ok, I looked the school up, and if I got the right school, friday is the last day. Also the kindergarden class has 11 kids in it, 7 kids to one teacher. When I was in kindergarden we had 3 kindergarden classes, with about 30-40 kids in them. And split morning & afternoons. Also, I was thinking on why Kate is obsessed with the pool, perhaps Kate just discover the pool, as a sort of babysitter, so she does not have to actually do , or take the kids anywhere. And if Kate bought expensive bathing suites for herself, they are for show not to swim in. As for kids trashing house STAGED! I for one do not like watching children being destructive, it is enough watching Hoarding shows(to keep me from ending up like that, it makes me clean house and keep it clean), this gives other kids who watch ideas to trash their parent house. I know some here will not agree with me. But remember Linda Blair did a movie called Born Innocent about a teen who ended up in juvie, for doing nothing wrong, and go got raped in there, and some kids thought it was a good idea to do some little girl(these were elementry school kids). Life, intimating movie. Maybe some will not go that far, or none at all. But, this will make Kate look bad, that her raising and discipline was not working when she was away. Then, of course people will put 2 & 2 together and say well, that's why 2 of the tups were expelled. JMO
She is a Cow said... I want to know who will be interested in watching the 8 do an Easter Egg hunt in July??
Only the obsessed fanatics- the ones with Celebrity worship syndrome (there is such a thing I found on Wikipedia.)
She almost got "ran over"...no, you STUPID NARCISSISTIC BITCH...you almost got "run over"...NEVER, EVER call yourself an author/writer...you are a fraud in every sense of the word.
Fidosmommy...Kate has NO COLLEGE...she took a special course at the hospital to get her nurse's license.
Admin, I totally agree 100% that the kids' trashing the house is a total setup. As you said, how did the kids acquire silly string? When you think about, what better way is there to get non-cooperative kids (I'm sure not all the kids love filming) to film when you promise them a silly string/whip cream/sledding down the stairs party? If I were newly seven years old, I'd be thrilled. I wasn't a bad kid, but my brothers and I would "sled" down the carpeted steps in sleeping bags often enough, sometimes when our parents were home. I can see the G8 doing this on their own volition, but some TLC rep would have had to raid the local dollar store for a case of silly string, and the local grocer for multiple cans of whip cream. I think the kids are old enough now to play along or act. They may even be bribed at this point, which brings us to this "mess up the house" party for them.
Khate's talk of her pool everyday is actually more sad than anything - that's all she and the kids seem to have this summer. No tee-ball games, day camp, or self-funded day trips? Sounds like Khate was keeping the family's schedule clear for all the great summer getaways TLC was supposed to provide them. But here she is, stuck at home with nothing but the pool. Hopefully she's made some plans of her own for her family to have fun this summer, and isn't waiting for TLC to do all the work.
One of my biggest pet peeves is Khate stating the kids just "run in and out of frame". I can't see the YT video here at work, but I've seen plenty of pics and video clips of cameramen basically being the kids' shadows, stalking after them with big cameras and boom mics. Total lie.
Sorry...don't think Fidosmommy was talking about Kate. And Kate, you didn't get "almost ran over"...you got "almost RUN over." Your lack of education is showing. An author/writer you are NOT.
I'm confused, I don't know how to do "twitter", Ted was her hair-messer, who is this Jason guy?
And I totally agree with Admin. about the teasing, it happens everywhere, why would the gosselins be left out of it?
Did the perfect Mom just curse on Twitter??
That's called a retweet, it has "RT" before the tweet. Kate retweeted Jason's tweet.
Judy K said,
And Kate, you didn't get "almost ran over"...you got "almost RUN over." Your lack of education is showing. An author/writer you are NOT.
Kate didn't say that. Jason, her hair stylist, said it. Kate isn't in New York. She's sitting by her pool.
prairiemary said...
I'm confused, I don't know how to do "twitter", Ted was her hair-messer, who is this Jason guy?
Jason Hueman (@jasonhueman) is a stylist in the Ted Gibson salon in New York.
Kate mentions the pool all the time because it seems to really annoy the "haters." It's possible that they're hardly ever in the pool. Who knows?
Okay, going to try again--was trying to reply to Moose and got directed to a scholarship contest when I tried to post? Thanks Moose for correcting me...I am lost in the Casey Anthony case and not reading as carefully as I should be. I just glanced at Kate's last tweet and didn't realize she was quoting someone else. I still don't understand Twitter nor do I want to.
Ted did her extensions. Jason is her regular stylist.
If you read Jason Hueman's reply to Kate on twitter, he says something like "see you next week". If Kate is indeed going to NYC, for most likely a TLC-funded haircut/color/straightening treatment, don't you suspect that a bucket list trip is not far behind. IIRC Kate's excursions usually directly follow a hair appointment.
Kate needs said,
"If you read Jason Hueman's reply to Kate on twitter, he says something like "see you next week"."
Why does she need to go to NYC to get her hair done? There are no other stylists in Reading or even Philadelphia who couldn't do the same job (hopefully better) at a fraction of the cost? The extensions are out (by her own admission), so what's the big deal with a cut and color? Just the whole "I'm a celebrity and deserve only the best" routine?
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... Did the perfect Mom just curse on Twitter??
That's called a retweet, it has "RT" before the tweet. Kate retweeted Jason's tweet
Thanks Tweet-le. I wasn't sure if hers started with the Oh Sh*t or his ended with the Oh Sh*t. I guess she is not that stupid. But, in my opinion, she shouldn't be ReTweeting something that has curse words in it either. Especially with her young twitter demographic! :)
winsomeone said...
Long time lurker. Anyway, hasn't Kate or Jon said in the past that Kate doesn't like to get wet, and doesn't get into the pool at all? Seems like it was also said that she couldn't swim..am I remembering correctly? If that is so, who is there in case one of the kids gets into trouble while in the water?
It was also stated a long time ago that Kate burned rather easily & please correct me if I'm wrong but I believe there was an episode where she surprised Jon by taking him to Florida or something? She didn't wear sunscreen because she "hated putting stuff on her skin" (?) & she burned really bad. (Again, this is only from reading things that were posted, I never saw the actual episode) & basically she ruined JON'S TRIP. Now, she tans all the time, & if she burned so easily in the hot hot sun, how come she never ever burns now? Is it because she puts sunscreen on? I think it's because she DOES use sunscreen & she just wanted all the attention on HER when it was Jon's time & trip & his fun to be had.
Side note: And I will say it again-she is damaging her skin beyond belief. I would love to see what her skin looks like under one of the dermatologist's UV lamp. The one's the measure sun damage. I read that sun damage is done mostly in theteens & then in the 30's & early 40's because most people think that they have gotten it out of the way in their 20's. That caricature up top is fantastic, she is orange all right! Unfortunately, that is her true skin tone. As for the swimming thing, I am not sure. If she had said it, it may have been a lie to get out of something fun to do with the kids. No surprise there.
~Hippie Chick~
Moose Mania said...
Why does she need to go to NYC to get her hair done?
Well Moose, I don't know about you, but when I get MY nails done, I go to NYC. When I want Chinese food, I go to NYC. When I get MY hair done, I go to NYC. What the hell? What is wrong with YOU if you don't go to THE CITY for all those things? ....
No, wait...I do my own nails & I've been seeing the same hairdresser for 11 years. Also, when she does my hair, I love it & it does not look like scarecrow cast-offs. What am I thinking though? I SHOULD be doing those things, going broke, spending money I do not have & not budgeting huh? Considering the show I have is going nowhere & all of my prospects reek of chlorine. I am SO dumb! We should all take a cue from Kate & start going to big city for mundane things. How long is a typical, cut & color? 2 to 3 hours? Well, let me just call my private driver, pay for the gas & take that 3 hour drive, get my hair "did" & drive the 3 hours back! So worth it! I'll leave my son with a nanny & pay her about $300. The TV channel I work for isn't paying up anymore. Wow. Guess I'll just use my kids money. What do they need it for? Toys? College? LIFE? nah. I am WAY more important. Especially my up-keep, If I plan to remain a "stah".
*What a big, fat, waste of cash*
~Hippie Chick~
Hippie said,
"Now, she tans all the time, & if she burned so easily in the hot hot sun, how come she never ever burns now?"
Maybe because she has a base tan. When she went to Florida, she was ghost-white and sat out in the burning sun. She went to BHI last summer and as far as we saw, didn't get burned to a crisp, but she had a tan before she went.
GM All!
blah blah blah POOL yadda yadda POOL, blah blah swimming. Kids! yadda yadda ORGANIC COOKING blah blah blah KIDSLUVME blah blah.
Off to the pool!
Does anyone remember the article/press release that came out last year that said Kate+8 was scheduled for 12 "specials" and there would be 12 Twist of Kate specials?
The episodes listed so far for June are June 6-Episode 9 NY, and June 13 Episodes 11 then 10. If her contract was for twelve episodes that would leave one more, Episode 12, wouldn't it?
Hippie said,
"Well Moose, I don't know about you, but when I get MY nails done, I go to NYC. When I want Chinese food, I go to NYC. When I get MY hair done, I go to NYC. What the hell? What is wrong with YOU if you don't go to THE CITY for all those things? ...."
The list of what is wrong with me won't fit into one posting space! I do go to THE CITY, but for the purpose of seeing Broadway shows, which I can't see at home! I take the train, not the limo with a purse boy in tow. Chinese food comes from the Ming Garden around the corner; my nails get done at New York Nails (which is NOT in New York!) and my hair gets cut and colored at the local salon, and looks three times better than Kate's, for less than $100.00, tip included! I wouldn't go to her stylist even if it were a freebie. And I am not jealous.
Speaking of which, I read a tweet from the sweet young thing who was the first to speak on the MD video...the "me and my friends" fan. She's saying, "they're so jelous of kate she's evreything they're not ,Smart Beautiful ,loving, funny! Haters."
They just won't give up this jelous thing, will they? Kate is smart, beautiful, loving and funny? In what universe? Is "jelous" the only argument they have left?
Hippie Chick, I recall that episode as the tipping point for me. It was Jon's birthday and Kate arranged a trip for just the two of them. Well, TLC did anyway. He was pretty psyched! And then Kate turned the whole thing into a moaning session about how she hates to use sunscreen, but the sun hates her, and she was sooooooo burned (and pulled down the straps to show and it was bad). It quickly turned into a 'take care me of me, Jon' episode and the disappointment on his face as she whimpered on his shoulder and lay on his lap and went on and on while they were on a boat ride was palpable. She just couldn't let him have his moment, enjoy the trip, and have it be about his birthday. She turned the entire thing into how she was to be pitied because she was too stupid to sit under an umbrella or put on sunscreen. She was even looking to him to agree, asking, 'Isn't that right, Jon?' It was very sad and for the first time, I saw shades of my own mother in Kate and thought, 'uh oh, there is something seriously wrong with this woman.'
Moose Mania said...
They just won't give up this jelous thing, will they? Kate is smart, beautiful, loving and funny? In what universe? Is "jelous" the only argument they have left?
It's the only argument they have apparently! I would not/will never be jealous of that woman. Ever! I am so happy with my happy little family, & my happy little life.
I WILL admit however, I am a bit jealous of you for getting to see Broadway shows! Something I have wanted to do forever! My husband, friends, even my mom, none are interested at all, & frankly I do not want to go to NYC alone, only having been there a couple times. Next time you go, let me know! I'll stow away in your suitcase! :)
~Hippie Chick~
This is a shout out for TLC and their advertisers. I WILL NEVER WATCH KATE AND NEVER BUY YOUR PRODUCTS IF YOU SUPPORT HER. End of story.
I just watched the episode where Mady and Cara surf, and it was once again one of those moments where if Kate had a history of being a good mother, it would have been a nice scene. Mady's face just lit up when Kate shouted "good job" instead of the typical "you're being ugly".
I've noticed this more and more. Certain things Kate might say would have been funny IF she hadn't already done and said things that were so negative, abusive and uncaring.
Certain moments where she was being a mother would have been sweet, caring, proud, loving, IF she wasn't filming it or it didn't come once in a blue moon.
Hippie said,
"I WILL admit however, I am a bit jealous of you for getting to see Broadway shows!"
You certainly may be a stowaway! We go just about every other month, and see a matinee, then an evening show, and then another show the next day. The kids would rather do that on their vacation than go to the beach. It's always on their bucket list! When they have a favorite show, we see it again and again and again. I can't tell you how many times we've seen Les Miz, Smokey Joe's Cafe, and Man of La Mancha.
JudyK: I was watching the Casey trial today, and on Headline News, Mike Brooks and Judge Alex were on the panel. The topic was lying. Brooks said that he has interviewed many, many liars including terrorists and common criminals, and he's never seen anyone lie like Casey. Viewers were invited to call in with their theories as to why she lies. She was called a narcissist and a sociopath.
That got me to thinking about Kate. Why does Kate lie? It is because it's always worked for her, or because she does it to get what she wants? Casey's lies seem to be much more intricately woven than Kate's and she seems to be able to fool more people. With Kate, she forgets from one minute to the next what lie she has told. Nevertheless, she keeps doing it. I think that's going to be one of the reasons for her downfall. She's going to tell a whopper and get caught. She keeps digging herself in deeper and deeper.
I was checking out the TLC Facebook page, questions for Kate, and I saw this:
"Were is your family in all thisI am from Truro Nova Scotia.It wood be nice to get the kids to look this up on your glob on t.v. ."
Okay, I'm really dumb, but what is a glob?
Moose Mania said... I was checking out the TLC Facebook page, questions for Kate, and I saw this:
"Were is your family in all thisI am from Truro Nova Scotia.It wood be nice to get the kids to look this up on your glob on t.v. ."
Okay, I'm really dumb, but what is a glob?
June 2, 2011 6:06 PM
I think i've got it.
She's asking where are Kate's relatives.
She is also saying Kate's kids should look up the location of Nova Scotia on a globe.
Aeris said...
One of my biggest pet peeves is Khate stating the kids just "run in and out of frame". I can't see the YT video here at work, but I've seen plenty of pics and video clips of cameramen basically being the kids' shadows, stalking after them with big cameras and boom mics. Total lie.
Excuse me, but how do you run in and out of frame if you are sitting on a potty or commode.
Holy Smokes!
I just saw a trailer on eonline.com about kart's night out....... yikes.........
She is one weird woman! If I have to be nice, I'd say she is INCREDIBLY INSECURE!!! I know we've thought that in the past, but whoa baby, she is soooooo uncomfortable in the club.
It was painful to watch her. PAINFUL.
She didn't know how to act, what to say or how to interact with other folks at the club.
She was RUDE to the doorman at the club. RUDE just like she was to Brad at the sky jump.
She said they didn't have ID and he said "well how about a smile then?" and her response was "you're not getting a smile from me" as she pushed past him. Stunning!
I apologize for the caps and the exclamation points but I've never seen her so scared and rude ever. I almost believe that she's not acting in this one. She's just plain uncomfortable and her reaction is very predictable.
If she's not in charge, she crumbles into a snarky, scared little bitch...
How very, very sad. It is very clear that she has major mental issues, insecurity and narcicism the two main ones.
Away from purseboy (I assume he's not there)and without her earpiece and script, she's lost.
Although I am not so stupid to believe the two guys in the trailer who were talking to her weren't paid by TLC. Probably they were unknown actors.........
So very sad. We've all said it before a hundred hundred times, but I was stunned at how completely lost she seemed...
As always, I will not be watching the show. The trailer was enough to cause me nightmares tonight.
PS, if this is some kind of lead in to a dating show, it makes things crystal clear that she can't interact with people spontaneously, especially men.
I continue to be amazed at the depth of her social ineptitude.
Anonymous said,
"She is also saying Kate's kids should look up the location of Nova Scotia on a globe."
LOL! I thought about that, too, but how do you look up a globe on a television? Unless - light bulb going off...she means on one of the episodes the kids should look up the location on a globe, filming them trying to find NS. For what reason, though?
I don't know. I think I've pretty much given up trying to figure out the anatomy of a sheeple's brain.
pamelajo said...
This is a shout out for TLC and their advertisers. I WILL NEVER WATCH KATE AND NEVER BUY YOUR PRODUCTS IF YOU SUPPORT HER. End of story.
Pamela- I'm with you!
The kids should be kids not be spending time looking up random sheeple locations on a globe. Sheesh.
Kate's orange skin. I do believe she has a modest base tan. She is normally pasty white, not just fair, WHITE. Think of that belly before the tummy tuck.. yards and yards of very white skin. Anyhoo, I think she goes to that place for spraytanning (not just the tanning machine) before a big event because she suddenly goes from normalish to very evenly tan all over. I also think she may wear heavy body makeup. There's no bathing suit marks, she's just unrealistically evenly very tan all over. Also whenever she's going on a talk show, etc, she always carries a square gray bag, which I suspect holds an personal size spraytanber for her face. Often after her interview (back when anyone cared), her skin would return to a less orange color as she is chased by paparazzi as she leaves FAO schwartz or whatever. The closeups of her face at the Derby show how uneven her facial skin tone/color is and how much heavy makeup she wears on that catchers mitt of a face of hers. She once claimed to be allergic to the spraytanning stuff- don't believe her because she's too white to get that tan and has never had a tan line and doesn't get wet when she's got her body makeup and spraytan on
Permanent Name said... Holy Smokes!
I just saw a trailer on eonline.com about kart's night out....... yikes.........
She is one weird woman! If I have to be nice, I'd say she is INCREDIBLY INSECURE!!!
Anyone that needs to compare a 5 year old's field trip to her own travel experience is insecure.
Anonymous said...
Anyone that needs to compare a 5 year old's field trip to her own travel experience is insecure.
Oh, I agree! But I haven't seen her on TV or clips in a while and this was so, so, so painful to see. I was stunned.
I cannot fathom in a million years that any man/woman would ever make the effort to get to know her when confronted with her personality. She reeks of "stay away from me"..........
Life is too short, there are other better fish in the sea, etc.
She has got to be the most unhappy person in the universe.
I can just imagine the paid men who talked with her laughing at her after the night ended.... hmmm, I wonder if they had to sign a confidentiality form?
And also, forgive me, I misspelled narcissism in my earlier post. Head Slap - how could I misspell that one, after all we comment about it ... late night, need sleep.
Moose Mania said... I was checking out the TLC Facebook page, questions for Kate, and I saw this:
"Were is your family in all thisI am from Truro Nova Scotia.It wood be nice to get the kids to look this up on your glob on t.v. ."
Okay, I'm really dumb, but what is a glob?
She meant globe and was maybe a snark, because Truro is hard to find on a map even if you know where to look, never mind a globe.
"She said they didn't have ID and he said "well how about a smile then?" and her response was "you're not getting a smile from me" as she pushed past him. Stunning!"
Right there you have seen the real Kate. Rude, smug, obnoxious, and ill-mannered. That's exactly how she is.
Admin, I know we aren't supposed to do the boards on boards thing, but could you just humor me one time, please, since it is in response to a poster here who rambled on and on about Kate and Jamie being, er...lovers?
A shout-out to Cow, Dwindle, wayward:
LONG post on the other blog. Signature: "JAIMI!" Apparently she didn't catch herself and correct that one!
After the ranting here about it being a fact that they are gay and that's the reason Steve was brought in, and Petersen knows all about it, now the person is commenting that she is not saying they are involved, but then later in this LONG ranting, says that Jon should write a book so the kids know the real reason their marriage broke up, but then ends the post by saying that maybe it isn't true.
Quite sad, actually...
Tweet-le said:
No word from Walt.
Forgive me if this was mentioned, but he tweeted that he and his girlfriend were married on Friday night on the beach in Ocean City, MD. Congratulations!
Permanent Name said...
Holy Smokes!
I just saw a trailer on eonline.com about kart's night out....... yikes.........
I agree with everything you posted about that clip! OMG, she is horrible! I almost couldn't even make it through the few minutes because I hate watching her so much. How anyone can stand to watch her show is beyond me.
Here's the clip:
Who are the sponsors or advertisers on the show now? I have not watched an episode since Kate moved to her new "it's all mine" house, just read the recaps. In the past I remember I wrote sponsors like Gymboree and Coleman. Maybe a list of advertisers for the next episode with the recap would be helpful for those of us that would like to write to them.
She looks like Portrait of Dorian Grey - only in reverse. I always thought she was a pretty woman when the kids were babies. Now she looks like she's been rode hard and put away wet! She looks hardened brash and whorish. Ugggg
"Away from purseboy (I assume he's not there)"
He was at the bday party. This is a quote from an article about the NYC party:
"Bodyguard Steve Neild was close by Kate the whole night."
I'm not real good at telling ages but did those guys by Kate's table look a good bit older than her? (I wonder if she was hoping for some young hot studlies to be hitting her up instead. LOL) If she does ever end up having fun at that club on that episode it will be cuz she loosened up with some cocktails and the 'stick' fell out for a while. God what a hag.
Seems funny with as crowded as it was there was no comment anywhere on the internet at that time talking about her or the filming. Maybe they were ALL paid to be there and signed a CA. I could see TLC closing the club and hiring a few hundred extras to make it look good.
Crossing my fingers for a substantial ratings drop again. Hopefully those who 'accidently' landed on her show before have more control of their remote and avoid it completely!
Does anyone else remember 'swimsuit weather' in Pennsylvania and NYC on the weekend of March 19th?
No, no, didn't think so. In fact weren't we all saying how cold it was in the pictures of Kate shopping at Toys R Us that same weekend and everyone else around her was still wearing winter coats with the exception of her?
And yet, TLC wants us to think that it was swimsuit weather when the kids were playing out in the yard w/ silly string.
Oh please! Soooo staged! And yes, when she's NERVOUS about something or uncomfortable, her BAD ATTITUDE takes over? Well then you've been a nervous wreck from the time you got pregnant until today! Did I hear her ask one of those guys "Why would you do that?" as in DANCE??? At an effing DANCE CLUB??? Is she serious? I guess the hook is going to be "will she? won't she dance?" OHHHH!!! The suspense is killing me! She's soooo uncomfortable to watch, SHE'S so uncomfortable in her own skin!
Mania said... I was checking out the TLC Facebook page, questions for Kate, and I saw this:
"Were is your family in all thisI am from Truro Nova Scotia.It wood be nice to get the kids to look this up on your glob on t.v. ."
Dear Lord! Truro is 45 minutes from where I live. This is just so sad. We really do hold the bar higher than that! Given the wording I am sure can figure out the village that simpleton is from. Not Truro proper but a small village nearby. Almost 'hillbilly-ish'
Ugh I waatched the clip. What a rude, obnoxious bitch. Could somebody tell me WTF 'crowdation' is; more Kate-speak it would seem. She truly is obnoxioux and a total bump on a log.
Kate tweeted yesterday that with this episode she may "die of embarrassment." Well Kate, after watching the short clip from above, it seems you should be embarrassed. You couldn't even start the night off nicely. Not that I beleive that Jaimie planned all this and is paying for a night out, but if you want to have your own show (Twist of Kate) don't you think you should adjust your attitude a little bit!! This was your chance to shine WITHOUT your kids. Just in the few minutes I saw, you are a rude, obnoxious, social basket case!
Ingrid: I also noticed that in that crowded club, no one appeared to notice her and her entire camera crew. I mean no one even turned thier heads or stopped thier conversations. Also, there just happened to be a free table for two, waiting for them. I suspect TLC booked the place and filled it with extras. New Yorkers may not care about celebrities, but I would think someone would look up to see who is walking by with a camera crew.
I agree with everyone else posting about the kids home alone with Ashley and the crew. It is pathetic to tell them to create so much destruction just because Mommy is away! What kind of mixed messages are they giving them. They know they wouldn't even be able to look at a can of silly string with Kate around, much less cover themselves in chocolate syrup and sprinkes (saw that on the FB site - pictures of the episode)! That is craziness!
Please do not watch this scripted disaster. Admin will recap, and there will be plenty of repeats that don't count towards her ratings. :)
I Meant Chocolate syrup and sprinkles not sprinkes. :)
The Today Show is having this abuses on again Monday. UGH You can comment to them on FB
UGH!! And she actually let some guy lick her foot?
Yes, she will do ANYTHING to stay in the limelight. She will do ANYTHING for a buck.
And no Kate, what you call having a "bad attitude" is what we call being a b*tch, plain and simple. No matter who you come in contact with, you are a b*tch, from your kids to the bouncer. When do you NOT have a "bad attitude"? Oh yah, when your on the couch flapping at the jowls.
Kate's Cart said...
The Today Show is having this abuses on again Monday. UGH You can comment to them on FB
What? I'm hoping you're not saying Kate is going to be on the Today Show Monday.
Vanessa said...
It's "urban slang." I remember when I heard someone on television use it, I thought...what is that? I just wonder where she heard it! Maybe she picked it up traipsing around Hollywood!
Oh, crowdation is really a word? See, because she's butchered the English language so often, I question everything that comes out of her mouth. Just like "agreeance", who knew it's a real word?? :)
She's still a b*itch though!
If you have watched the clip, you will notice that the kids are in bathing suits. Do you really think the part with Ashley was filmed while Kate was in NYC? She was there in the middle of March(l8th?). Do you really think Kate would let the kids be filmed without her being around to control things?
Agreeance is not a real word. It's considered incorrect and a bastardization of the word Agreement.
"Agreeance is not a real word. It's considered incorrect and a bastardization of the word Agreement."
It may be a modern-day bastardization of the word agree, but it nevertheless is a word, although archaic:
Word Origin & History
1530s, from O.Fr. agréance , noun of action from agréer (see agree).
According to the multi-volume OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY, "agreeance" is a word that was most commonly used in the 1500s. It comes from
the Old French noun, "agréance" (agreement) which comes from the verb "agreér" (to agree.)
The word appears in many writings from the time, as well as judicial documents. It was considered correct and proper back then -- don't know why it is now a corrupt form of agreement. Language takes some strange turns sometimes...
My last three comments have not been posted :(
Have they gone into cyber space or have l been sent to the naughty corner?
My last three comments have not been posted :(
Have they gone into cyber space or have l been sent to the naughty corner?
If you have watched the clip, you will notice that the kids are in bathing suits. Do you really think the part with Ashley was filmed while Kate was in NYC? She was there in the middle of March(l8th?). Do you really think Kate would let the kids be filmed without her being around to control things?
pamelajo said...
This is a shout out for TLC and their advertisers. I WILL NEVER WATCH KATE AND NEVER BUY YOUR PRODUCTS IF YOU SUPPORT HER. End of story.
Pamela- I'm with you!
Moose Mania said... I was checking out the TLC Facebook page, questions for Kate, and I saw this:
"Were is your family in all thisI am from Truro Nova Scotia.It wood be nice to get the kids to look this up on your glob on t.v. ."
Okay, I'm really dumb, but what is a glob?
June 2, 2011 6:06 PM
I think i've got it.
She's asking where are Kate's relatives.
She is also saying Kate's kids should look up the location of Nova Scotia on a globe.
I just watched the episode where Mady and Cara surf, and it was once again one of those moments where if Kate had a history of being a good mother, it would have been a nice scene. Mady's face just lit up when Kate shouted "good job" instead of the typical "you're being ugly".
I've noticed this more and more. Certain things Kate might say would have been funny IF she hadn't already done and said things that were so negative, abusive and uncaring.
Certain moments where she was being a mother would have been sweet, caring, proud, loving, IF she wasn't filming it or it didn't come once in a blue moon.
Does anyone remember the article/press release that came out last year that said Kate+8 was scheduled for 12 "specials" and there would be 12 Twist of Kate specials?
The episodes listed so far for June are June 6-Episode 9 NY, and June 13 Episodes 11 then 10. If her contract was for twelve episodes that would leave one more, Episode 12, wouldn't it?
GM All!
blah blah blah POOL yadda yadda POOL, blah blah swimming. Kids! yadda yadda ORGANIC COOKING blah blah blah KIDSLUVME blah blah.
Off to the pool!
Okay, going to try again--was trying to reply to Moose and got directed to a scholarship contest when I tried to post? Thanks Moose for correcting me...I am lost in the Casey Anthony case and not reading as carefully as I should be. I just glanced at Kate's last tweet and didn't realize she was quoting someone else. I still don't understand Twitter nor do I want to.
Judy K said,
And Kate, you didn't get "almost ran over"...you got "almost RUN over." Your lack of education is showing. An author/writer you are NOT.
Kate didn't say that. Jason, her hair stylist, said it. Kate isn't in New York. She's sitting by her pool.
I'm confused, I don't know how to do "twitter", Ted was her hair-messer, who is this Jason guy?
And I totally agree with Admin. about the teasing, it happens everywhere, why would the gosselins be left out of it?
3 tweets does not equal, "tweeting all morning."
I'm a hater but think analyzing kate's every burb is getting obnoxious.
E-town Neighbor said... Dwindle:
OT. Just curious. What investigation was supposed to be featured on the "new" episode? Tonight they showed Pearl Harbor, one that I had never seen before. I believe that was the new show they were promoting.
yeah, me too, E-town. I thought perhaps I had just missed Pearl Harbor the first airing, but it was indeed new. I guess J was saying it was the kickoff of the new season, and then realized he was wrong? I dont know, but he corrected himself on FB last night.
Sorry for the OT, everyone.
Kate, I have leather furniture and pool. And a master's degree. And 4 degreed children all nicely employed and happy. And I did it all all all alone, on my own, Can-Do Me, Clean Slate Me, I am 'a rare woman' who put myself through 7 years of education while working and raising 4 babies with no father to take them on weekends or any child support coming in. I too live in the country. I never had a purse holder or a back up corporation that were paid to smooth my life over and grant me freebies, although I did get a free block of cheese every month there for a couple of years.
Grow up, Kate. Your twins are much more mature than you are at this point.
Kate's Cart said...
The Today Show is having this abuses on again Monday. UGH You can comment to them on FB
What? I'm hoping you're not saying Kate is going to be on the Today Show Monday.
I haven't been able to post here using my google account for over a week. I try to remember to sign my posts at the bottom, but I'm afraid at least a couple of the "anonymous" posts are from me. BTW Admin - I participate in a number of blogs - mostly book or music related - that use blogger, and this is the ONLY one I'm having trouble with. I've tried both Chrome and Firefox in addition to IE and still have the same problem.
It's first day of summer vacation and Kate's been twatting all morning. Way to demonstrate those priorities, Kate!
I don't think it's a known fact that the tups are split up in school. IIRC, they were for pre-school and Junior K, but I don't recall hearing/seeing anything about them being separated for K.
Pool again!!!!! Maybe she can't afford the tanning salon anymore and hanging by the pool is her only way of getting baked. What a life....nanny, cook, pool, sleep. Enjoy it while you can, Kate, because it's coming to an end.
So she says "4" new episodes. I think we have them figured out. Doesn't sound like they are filming anything new now. She has been dropping hints via twitter about her desires for new vacations and I bet TLC is not interested. She needs those freebies to keep ol' Steve around.
BTW, chlorine and hair dye don't mix well. I wonder if her hair is green by now :)
Well Kate says this upcoming episode is going to make her die of embarrassment.
Good grief, if that's how she feels, how does she think the kids feel???
OMG! The pool AGAIN! I am telling you those kids will not want to go anywhere near that pool by July if she keeps this up. Doesn't the perfect mom of 8 have any other ideas to entertain her kids? Guess what Kate, we have a pool too, but my kids don't want to spend every single day, day in and day out, in it. But,then again, my kids are busy with baseball, laCrosse and gymnastics AND I let them off the property every now and then. UGH!
silimom said...
So what shows do we know are already in the can?
Birthday trip to NY/Kids destroy home
Tennessee Food Bank
Gosselins go shopping around Wernersville/Reading
Sextuplets Birthday party
I think that's it, right?
Don't forget the "fake" Easter episode. Kate said they filmed it 2 weeks before Easter. I want to know who will be interested in watching the 8 do an Easter Egg hunt in July??
Oh I forgot....TLC will you furnish the bikinis please, please, please.
I am thinking that she has begun to call the crew "friends," as she suddenly has come up with a great number of them referencing them often. That would explain her newfound love of "her" pool that she apparently just discovered.
Enough with the damn pool already; we get it, you loooove your pool. Which also begs the question, since we know how easily distracted Twitmom is, just who is the lifeguard with all those kids splashing around in The Pool? Another scenario that is potentially of great concern. Also makes you wonder if this involves filming since the weather has not been great, and frankly she never gets so excited about spending this much time alone with her children. I mean, hasn't she been at home for 3 whole weeks?
Fooling around on a staircase is risky business. Did someone encourage them to do this for filming or, did they do this on their own and the crew Dads and babysitter simply filmed and watched.
E-town Neighbor said...I'm really confused about the Kate episodes. Are they listed for every Monday night this summer, and are they all being advertised as new - or are there re-runs scheduled? There would have to be twelve new episodes, and unless they do some serious fast filming, there won't be enough for that many new episodes.
From TLC's site, they listed next week's episode along with 6/13's Episode 11/10 in that order. Most likely those are new since Episode 9 turned into Kate's Night Out.
TLC either has planned a full series like their hit shows or the show will have a brief season a la Quints By Surprise (season two's 6 episodes shown in 3 weeks). It's possible they could air the remaining episodes in June then take a hiatus to film more and air those at the end of summer like last year. OR, they have been filming all this time at McMansion but Kate has omitted that in her tweets (unless it was a trip) which is possible as who would have thought they would film the kids while Kate was in NY.
No reruns are scheduled on TLC's site except for the 3 new episodes about the appear in June.
Kate is the only person reporting that her show is airing every week this summer. It's possible she was misinformed or she didn't understand the info correctly. I hope she is wrong, for the kids' sake.
UG! Just saw that YT someone posted. If l wasn't 100% sure about the G8 being exploited - l sure as hell know now. HOW can Khate enjoy all those people with booms and mics following every move and conversations. I was beginning to have an anxiety attack just watching the video. Those kids have grown up with that! IT's much, much worse than l could ever have imagined. Two cats, two dogs, 8(?) chickens..who else is she going to get rid of. Ooops forgot, husband, uncles, aunts, grandparents, friends...the list goes on. She isn't human. She can't be!!
Case in my point, a close friend of mine from high school had a couple bullies who gave her a hard time, ninth grade especially. She never told her parents. She cried to me a few times about this, but in our youth we thought telling adults would make it worse. We were talking about this bully a few years ago and kind of laughing off what had become of her (i.e. she went nowhere), when my friend is now a much-loved art teacher with tenure. We were telling her mom about it and her mom was SHOCKED. She never knew any of this and was upset we didn't tell her as she thought she could have done something. She felt awful and we reassured her she shouldn't.
But it just proves how well kids can hide bullying from unsuspecting adults--both the bullies and the victims will go to great lengths to hide it.
"The FB questions are priceless"
They really are. People, probably young, are asking to meet Kate and the 8 or have Kate or the children give shoutouts to them. Somebody saw Kate at a doctor's and wanted to know if she got that eye lift. That's just the tip of the iceberg.
If y'all want some good chuckles before you turn in for the night, go to the FB link with questions for Kate.
I nearly choked on my strawberries when I read this one:
Q. "I have the same disorder that kate has and was wondering what things I can do to prepare myself and or my body for children I love multiples!"
I thought she was admitting to having NPD, or just your garden variety insanity!
Q. Kate do our twin girl like having 6 young bother and sister do the twin girl help you lot young ones I love our show
A. Huh?
Q. Kate are you still planning on releasing your cookbook? "Love is in the mix"? If so, when? Thanks.
A. Quite a few questions about a cookbook. They really don't have a clue, do they?
Q. How do you feed them all exactly what they want? Do you have people come help you cook , clean , or is it just you ?
A. You need extra fingers to count all of the help she has.
Q. ask the kids what trips they remember! do they remember seeing elmo yutah DISNEY WORLD ?!
A. Elmo's middle name is yutah?
Q. Kate,can u try to put your show in antenna tv please?
A. People still have antennas?
Someone tweeted:
@Kateplusmy8 also did you hear Pennsylvania's 2nd set of sextuplets were born today?! They are from Arlington! :)
Nope. They are from Abington in Montgomery County. READ!
Will TLC make an episode out of this? Kate visits the new babies and gives advice on diapering, feeding, and how to get the hubby to make his wife breakfast in bed while he takes care of the infants. They're only an hour away.
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