Kate had this to tweet in response following the ruling today in court she owes over $10,000 in therapy bills:
"Thanks my tweeties4 the extra love! I needed it esp 2day...& no worries,beat me downX100&I'll still get up fighting.no is nvr no to me! GN!!"
Kate? You need to get a healthy respect for the court of law and comply with their orders to pay your own darn bills. Also, your behavior is indicative of your serious, at this point, raging out of control narcissism. It's ironic you are being sued for a therapist bill you claim is not yours, as no one in this whole mess needs therapy more than you.
Therapist/MSW Judith Acosta of Christian Counseling Center, New Mexico: "[Narcissists] are people who don't accept "no" for an answer easily because it so threatens either their plan, their sense of self-worth (which is actually quite flimsy), or both. In order to keep things moving where they want them to go, they will manipulate with sweetness and charm. If that doesn't work, they will lie. And if that doesn't work, in many cases (though not all) they will rage. Sometimes that rage is malignant and can result in profound emotional or bodily harm to others."

437 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 437 Newer› Newest»Yeah I saw that readerlady, I just mean if Jon had disputed the bill, had he felt as Kate did that there was no contract, he might have settled it quietly behind closed doors instead of forcing LaFair's hand to sue him publically. And you know Kate fans would be all over it had LaFair sued Jon, deadbeat dad and so on. But since it's Kate it's all LaFair's fault, or Jon's. Silliness.
What is so darn funny about this is if the bill were 10k and you offered 8k to settle it outright and no one has to get lawyers or go to trial or drag this through the press, bet you anything LaFair would take the money and run. Remember LaFair has legal bills she doesn't want too. That's where Kate's narcissism really bites her in the butt. She's going to end up paying far more than she ever would have had she just settled. Idiot.
No regrets said...AuntieAnn, you summed up perfectly!
Thanks No regrets. Someone else put it even better when they said water seeks its own level.
JudyK said... is not the place to "critize"
Ha, laughing at myself...criticize. I'm about to catch up with Ms. Perfect Speller Gosselin!
Reminds me of a game we used to play on another board - leaving out vowels.
Y cn rd th cmmnts s mch fstr tht wy. ll!
In my state both the plaintif's attorney and the defendant's attorney request the losing party pay court costs AND all legal fees. It is quite often part of the judgment, and it can add up to quite a large fee. I know in the lawsuit I was involved with my attorney fees were in excess of $20,000 for a relatively cut and dried case of fraud and theft. Since the defendant lost the case and had no funds to pay his own attorney much less ours, it was never part of the judgment. It would have been a moot point anyway so why bother? In Kate's case, she's got the bucks and may have to pay out if things don't go her way.
It's common to ask the other side to pay for attorneys fees but there's no assurance you'll get them. In the judgment she was ordered to pay court costs which isn't attorneys fees.
But Kate keeps pressing this and she'll end up paying LaFair's fees in teh end.
What she could have tweeted: Going 2 bed sorry I missed you. Sleeping late, quiet day tomorrow by the pool, some organizing & maybe a run. Nite!
She didn't tweet "by THE pool." She typed "by MY pool." Not the pool, not our pool, but MY pool. Always me, myself and I.
Oops. My bad. Her last tweet did say "the" pool. Her tweet from the other day said "MY" pool. Did someone call her on this, and she changed it today?
I know in the lawsuit I was involved with my attorney fees were in excess of $20,000 for a relatively cut and dried case of fraud and theft.
I had a similar situation. I was awarded a sizable judgment and the judge included attorney's fees. The defendant didn't have a cent to his name and I was never able to collect on the judgment.
Thank you for those details Philly lawyer. It really is significant this suit came two years later, isn't it? Sounds like this woman tried anything and everything to get the money rightly owed to her before actually dragging Kate to court. Perhaps she did not know she was dealing with a narcissist. Bills, letters, threats to file suit and contracts don't scare them as they think bills and the law and contracts don't apply to them.
It was Kate who caused this to spiral out of control into a public embarrassment, not LaFair and certainly not Jon.
Admin, love this blog, love your way of monitoring it. Aren't you glad you're not dealing with idiots the likes of those on twit's tweets!
Would it be possible for any type of professional to have any type of dealing with kate and NOT realize she is a narcissist? She might as well have it tattooed across her forehead right over the horrible creases between her eyes. Or better yet, right above the top of her 'really good bra'.
This is off the current topic, but relevant to the big picture - My husband just returned home from a visit to the Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta. (If you're not familiar with Ron Clark he's worth a google.) During his visit my husband ate lunch with the middle school kids. He sat at a table with a few kids and learned that a young lady at the table is the daughter of one of the Real Housewives of Atlanta. The boy that shared the information said, "She's on tv, but she's not a snob at all!" The girl told my husband that she's not a regular on the show, but she's been filmed at some functions like birthday parties. She said that she gets really annoyed because the kids at school will see her on tv, and then they want to talk about whatever it was she was doing. But the reality is, what they saw happened many months ago. The girl had already moved on, but her friends were interested in what they just saw. My husband got the impression that this young lady wasn't thrilled with her fame, and she's not even a big part of the show. When I heard this, I felt even worse for the 8 than I did before. How weird that must be for friends to ask you about a trip you took 6 months ago, especially when you've taken 3 or 4 trips since then. It's just not what makes for a normal childhood.
@vncmom @hollyrpeete @LeahRemini Awww congrats! Let the spoiling begin... :) about 5 hours ago
The Talk SUCKS!!! It's nothing but a second rate View & that show sucks as well. The View won't have her so she is practically BEGGING for a guest spot on that show. I don't see it happening. I think at this point, it will take A LOT from her PR people, TLC & a HUGE idiotic move on her part to get invited to any talk show. She has nothing relevant to say, nothing new to talk about & her show is in the shitter. What is she going to say? The same old lies she has been spewing for years now?
Everyone knows the truth. She is not broke, Jon is doing right by his kids & Kate is THE bad guy. Is she going to talk about this LaFair thing? How she is appealing because a "winner never quits"? That would be a dumb. She would look even more stupid than usual. I have a feeling her talk show days are O.V.E.R. Thank goodness for small favors. I don't even think Jimmy Fallon wants her to make fun of herself. HE even knows she is yesterdays news. Maybe she can talk about how she was snubbed at the Kentucky Derby or her hat! Or her twitter, or her teen fans! Or her upcoming show about the grocery store...SNOOZE!
~Hippie Chick~
OK, it must be past my bedtime. I can't find the post from Philly Lawyer that is being referenced here. Can somebody point me to it?
fidosmommy - It's on the Judge to Kate: Pay Up thread, near the bottom.
Admin responded here to a post which was made by Just a Philly Lawyer on the previous thread. Just a word to the wise. Several regs here who also read over at the other blog have mentioned that someone really gets around and leaves calling cards. In Just a Philly Lawyer's post on the previous thread, the person wrote:
"Doesn't look like Kate has the TLC law dept or PR dept fighting for her any longer, huh?"
"Jon should file now because he has been stable worked, etc,, good chances plus no TLC law dept to fight for use of her and kids, huh?"
"Don't look like TLC is running around with their law dept for katie, huh?"
This is one of the calling cards from the person who has been a social worker, attorney, wife of a photographer, food bank worker, etc. etc. The calling card this time is the use of "huh?" On GWOP the person, in the ID as a social worker, wrote:
"Didn't make them happy though, huh?"
"The Bodyguard, Steve, looking kind of miserable in that photo, huh?"
"Oh my, shame he didn't know how to teach dandcing, huh?"
Just a heads up. Admin does a terrific job here, but it would be impossible for her to confirm that these people are who they say they are. If I am way off base here, I apologize in advance (but I have a sneaky feeling that I'm right on target!)...
I just left a cryptic note along that line on the other thread. Well, maybe not as cryptic as I would like.
Just for the record, I use "huh?" a lot myself.
It's common where I live to do that.
I could barely read the post because of the run on sentences and odd structure. That was the "calling card" for me. Also, as you
commented, it was very vague at the same time it was trying to sound quite informed. It just didn't wash. My apoligies to the attorney if I am wrong about this.
"apologies". Sorry.
Readerlady, thanks for the directions!
As an addendum to my previous post...
One of the mods over at the other blog posted that she is aware of these IDS and many comments don't even make it to the board and are deleted.
Going back to reading comments about the end-of-the-world that hasn't yet happened. Camping, the "prophet" who has a radio station, has amassed some 18 million dollars in the past few years,and IRS records revealed he has $34 million in investments, $56 million in assets and $29 million in mortgages.
I guess Kate isn't the only one who has a following of sheeple.
I could barely read the post because of the run on sentences and odd structure. That was the "calling card" for me. Also, as you
commented, it was very vague at the same time it was trying to sound quite informed. It just didn't wash. My apoligies to the attorney if I am wrong about this.
The fact that the person deferred the legal questions to Admin was also suspect!
The regular use of "huh" in so many posts is a language fingerprint! Not everyone does it with such consistency.
So it looks like Kate is once again asking TLC to get rid of an imposter or someone she doesn't like or something on Twitter, based on her post from 1 hour ago (this is at 11:30pm EST)
I'm not very well versed in Twitter, but I think it is the user notimeforkids that retweeted something? (RT is in front of it) I'm just trying to give enough info for people to be able to find the tweets later.
Anyway, WHY is this TLC's problem? Why can't Kate do like every other celeb out there that has people spoofing them and deal with it her damn self?
I noticed when reading Allison Anigram's feed that Kristie Alley has someone spoofing her and Kristie herself tweeted and told the person to knock it off and said SHE (my emphasis) was going to take care of it.
If it was someone doing something to do with the show, yes TLC's problem. Something to do with Kate the individual, that is Kate's problem. She has "people" doesn't she? A manager? Steve? Whatever. Let *them* deal with her problems, not TLC, it's not their problem.
/end rant
OMG, you are arguing because someone points out your grammar or spelling? Kate is perfect, she has her own frigging language and I guess, dictionary, "Ishness and other usages by Katie" whatever.
This is one of the best Blogs, we say it how we feel it. Amen you all. We think fast, type faster and get a lot out. We are speaking of a very bad mother.
She hasn't been on the View since Whoopi called her on her custody lying. Took her down right on TV.
When Kate was co hosting one day,The View, the guest was Dr. Phil. B. Walters (Kate's face went white) was asked right there in front of Kate "Did you counsel J & K with their marriage situation and he said no, he referred them to someone else. He said he, Robin, Kate and Jon discussed the Brand. He said that he and his wife have counseled Kate on the Brand before. Kate cut off that conversation but Dr. Phil said "I will not discuss the Gosselin's marital affairs" or something like that.
I saw the show and Dr. Phil was hit between the eyes with Ba Ba Wa Wa, the old dame still can strike fear into guests and she did that day with Dr. Phil and she scared Kate as you do not over talk BW. So, I believe that might have been a reference to that poor woman who responded by flying there to LA, as Jon wanted out, didn't want to talk about the Brand and was on his way to go skiing or something, so Kate called that doctor, she did and got her on a plane flying to LA and that doctor did everything in good faith.
Elizabeth, no one's arguing that I see.
Kate has a great tweet tonight. And that's that she is planning to actually taking the dog for a run on the leash this summer. Gosh I hope her plans work out. Silly me taking my dog for a run every darn day!
It's sort of like tweeting you plan on giving your dog food. You're supposed to do that, idiot. Every day!
Silly us! Taking your dog for a run won't be in vogue until Kate does it. This woman is beyond annoying.
Just Me said...
So it looks like Kate is once again asking TLC to get rid of an imposter or someone she doesn't like or something on Twitter, based on her post from 1 hour ago (this is at 11:30pm EST)...
Anyway, WHY is this TLC's problem? Why can't Kate do like every other celeb out there that has people spoofing them and deal with it her damn self? ...
If it was someone doing something to do with the show, yes TLC's problem. Something to do with Kate the individual, that is Kate's problem. She has "people" doesn't she? A manager? Steve? Whatever. Let *them* deal with her problems, not TLC, it's not their problem.
Exactly. Why does she make this a TLC problem instead of taking care of it herself? The only reason that's ever made sense to me is that, despite Kate saying the account is a personal one, it's not, and she's only got it because TLC told her to. How ridiculous is it that she can't click the word "block" to get rid of the person herself.
Administrator said...
Kate has a great tweet tonight. And that's that she is planning to actually taking the dog for a run on the leash this summer. Gosh I hope her plans work out. Silly me taking my dog for a run every darn day!
It's sort of like tweeting you plan on giving your dog food. You're supposed to do that, idiot. Every day!
Poor dog. He's going to have to wait until the summer to go for a run with her highness.
Why wait until then Kate? Take him on your runs now.
Anyway, does anyone know if that poor creature (Shoka, not Kate) gets walked everyday?
Maybe Kate's scared that as soon as Shoka gets past the gate, he going to run for his life, just like Jon did....
I will occasionally try to read on the fan sites and blogs....would read more if I had the time. I am noticing that many of them seem to be switching from "Kate is perfect" to "well, Kate may not be perfect....but my/our focus is the horrible hate that the haters spew to and about Kate".....often implicating the "blogging lawyer" (Admin) and RWA...which is a hysterically funny site. Most of the fan and non-fan sites are serious....RWA is more of a satire blog....spoofing the fans. It is aimed at the fans not really aimed at Kate....aimed at the hypocrisy of the comments on the fan sites....and pointing out how much hatred the fans spew at the non-fans (not to mention Jon and Ellen, Allison Arngrim, etc.) and how hypocritical this is....which is the blatant truth IMO.....but mostly in a satirical, almost tongue-in-cheek and very clever way.
The fans on the fan sites seem to be veering over to...I assume because there is just more and more negative press about Kate coming out....making the cause all about US and all this hate that they claim we spew at Kate. They are starting to see that their "Kate is perfect" focus is heading towards being indefensible....so not it's becoming "we are defending Kate against the horrible hate thrown at her by the non-fans...even though she may not be perfect". As time goes on and more and more is revealed....they will come up with a purpose to justify their behavior and their opinions....even if they have to switch over to a completely different focus.
E-town neighbor~
Your comment hit the nail on the head regarding this whole "end of time/Judgment Day" event....in that it provides a different perspective of why sheeple do what they do and think like they think. There are simply people willing to believe anything (for a variety of reasons)....be it the date of Judgment Day, riding off on the Hale-Bopp comet....or that Kate is a perfect mother....and cannot be dissuaded no matter what they're shown. To me, it's mainly an alarming lack of critical thinking skills combined with wanting to believe what they want to believe for their own personal psychiatric/personality disorder reasons.
And as for the tweens....while I do not hold them to the same standard as I do the adult fans...I think that their comments and behavior do not bode well for their own future...in terms of having any critical thinking skills. They are sheeple in the making.
so sick of her said...
Geez, Kate has become a very lazy person and parent. One of her recent tweets: lazy summer mornings and days by the pool and picnic lunches. Must be nice, to do nothing all day(while the rest of the working parents are at work), until they call to film. I wonder how many nannies/babysitters Kate will hire for the summer to take care of the kids? How can Kate even think that anyone can ID with her? How many of you parents out there would almost give anything for at least one hour to do nothing, but park it by the pool, with no kids and/or no husband? Kate has become outdated. Kate must think that wealthy and famous people do this 24/7. Maybe 40 years ago. Most are busy doing things with their kids, not running from them or working them to benefit Kate bank account and life style. Her tweets give her away.
In reference to Kate becoming a lazy person & parent- I think she has always been that way.
If what Kate said is true- that her show is the "realest reality show on t.v.", then the proof is spread out throughout all the old episodes. Volunteers helped her out at first, and Jon basically took care of everything else- except maybe the daily cooking.
Come to think of it, I don't think Kate cooked regularly either. I think Kraft services provided most of the family's meals... all she had to do is divvy out portions to her family.
Although, Kate was good for being the family disciplinarian, and handing out orders to everyone. SO... I guess she was good for something.
Also....reviewing the articles regarding the LaFair lawsuit....I forgot one other thing that seemed to be a red flag in terms of Kate's child-like, narcissistic self-defense. It was reported that Kate said something along the lines of Jon refusing to travel to California for counseling unless LaFair accompanied them or something like that.....as if Jon is responsible for LaFair's traveling expenses, not Kate.
And recently, the revelation that Jon has paid or is paying his portion of the bill. These red flags indicate the skewed logic of a narcissist....pointing the finger of blame and responsibility at Jon.....and totally disregarding contract law....because to her, contract law is irrelevant and what it should be is what SHE thinks it should...in the world according to Kate. And I believe she totally believes she will win on appeal...and also believe that her lawyer is banging his/her head on the wall at this point for sure.
And to TLC's ship is sinking~
You wrote an excellent, analytical response to that anonymous comment regarding the LaFair situation.
Preesi posted another brilliant entry on her website. If you have a moment, please pay her a visit.
"Talent, and why Kate Gosselin has NONE (which is why shes failing)"
P.S. while you're there, please check out her other posts. This one in particular is a MUST READ & AN EYE OPENER.
It's the 4th post down:
Seriously, don't be put off by that title, that is an actual post. For all the folks who are new to all this Kate mess, or have forgotten or are not aware of what kind of person follows Kate, please read it. Preesi lists all horrible/dangerous behavior that has been committed by the "more fanatical" Kate fans.
Hmm...Kate's not sure if the dog will run on the leash with her? What the hell type of "training" did that dog get FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR!!
How about just taking the dog for a walk? It's good to do basic training throughout a dog's entire life. My 3 pups love going out and about with us. The change of scenery is good!
Then again, my dogs are part of my family (all on the bed with me right now) and I would never dream of making any of them sleep outside.
I would just like to add a few things to what I wrote in my last post.
First...I think it's inaccurate for the fans to portray us as all being of the exact same mind....but it's also inaccurate of us to do that to them.
To be fair.....I do think that there are fans who do have some fairly good critical thinking skills. Many don't but some do, I think. And I also think that these particular fans are, for the most part, beginning to see the writing on the wall, insofar as Kate goes....so some of them have switched their focus to this "haters spewing all this horrible hate at Kate" issue.
AND....to be fair, there HAVE been vile things from both sides. I have seen a few twitter some quite vile (and often sexual) things on twitter to Kate's twitter....and I tend to think they also have some personal problems most likely. There is no reason for that level of hatred and vileness.
These are not satirical twitters...but pure hatred for no really good reason.
When I refer to the die-hard fans, I am referring to those who absolutely will not entertain the thought that any of us could be or could have been correct. There is nothing that can be shown to them that will make them re-consider. To them, it is all black and white.
BUT...I do not think that all fans are like this. I just want to make that clear. I don't really understand why anyone would totally support Kate at this point, considering all that's been seen and been revealed.....but I do think that there are a percentage of fans who are at least willing to take a look at things they might not agree with.
I just didn't want anyone to think that I consider the adult fans to all be of the exact same mind. I think they range from the blindly faithful to the relatively reasonable....but...while I do think it's reasonable to be concerned about some of the vile things thrown at Kate....I do think they should also acknowledge the vile things thrown from their side at the non-fans...and to also stipulate to the fact that when a person puts themselves out there...be it running for office or being on a reality show....one automatically must accept that criticism is going to happen...and that some of it may be hateful. That goes with the territory.
Hehe...sorry....the post that I was referring to (the one I said I wanted to add something to) did not show up....I'm guessing that's what happens when a blog is a very busy one. I really should copy what I write so I could retrieve them and send them through again.
Not that anyone is missing any great opinion, mind you, lol....I just didn't want anyone to think my last post made no sense.
Administrator said...
Elizabeth, no one's arguing that I see.
Kate has a great tweet tonight. And that's that she is planning to actually taking the dog for a run on the leash this summer. Gosh I hope her plans work out. Silly me taking my dog for a run every darn day!
It's sort of like tweeting you plan on giving your dog food. You're supposed to do that, idiot. Every day!
Do you live on a multi-acre property? There is no reason to take your dog out on a leash for a run "every darn day" when your dog has a huge property on which he runs free every darn day.
Do you realize there are physically challenged people who own dogs out there who can't take their dogs running? It's not the same as denying them food and doesn't make them bad pet owners. Your comment is offensive.
Actually anonymous, ANY dog expert will tell you that dogs MUST be walked every day or nearly every day, or run, or what have you. It is not enough to just let them roam a property, even a big one. I hope someone is walking or running this dog because Kate sure isn't.
Most responsible owners, if physically incapable of walking their dog, hire someone to do it. Dog walking is not just about exercise. It is about fulfilling the instinct to go on "territorial patrol" with their pack, YOU.
It is inhumane not to run or walk your dog on a regular basis. Every dog expert will agree.
Here's a good article on why dogs with a yard still need to be walked: http://www.101petdogs.com/general-misbelief-about-dogs/why-do-dogs-still-need-to-be-walked-on-a-leash-if-they-have-access-to-a-fenced-yard/
And I have this to say.
A dog is a big f-ing responsibility, Kate. Aren't up to it, DON'T GET ONE. I adore dogs but I waited nearly 10 years to get one before I knew I was responsible enough and my lifestyle would work with a dog's. I waited until I was ready for the dog and didn't try to force a dog into an incompatable lifestyle.
It is inhumane not to run or walk your dog on a regular basis. Every dog expert will agree.
Yup. It's part of the J-O-B. Unless you've got a herd of sheep out back that your dogs can chase for exercise, you've got to take the dog out and get the cardio going, keep the joints and muscles in shape and most of all, let them get out there and sniff!
I feel so sorry for the dogs in my neighborhood that bark at us from behind their fences, never getting leash walked.
Frankly, I was expecting Kate to buy a horse after the Kentucky Derby. Thankfully, that's not happened..yet. It would be a disaster. And I'm surprised miss feathered lamp shade hat didn't gussy up and go to the Belmont yesterday. I thought she just "loved" it and wanted to go every year. It's 2 frickin' hours away, but alas, no swag, parties and paps.
Admin, that dog was brought back for an episode that centered around Kate being "mother of the year" or some BS she spewed. Kate giveth and Kate taketh away. She is the all knowing ruler, and don't you kids forget it.
It was an ego-driven power move that had the benefit of spiting Jon. He loved those dogs (but then again, he could have gotten his shite together and found housing that would accomodate them, so he's not off the hook in my book).
Elizabeth said: "When Kate was co hosting one day,The View, the guest was Dr. Phil. B. Walters (Kate's face went white) was asked right there in front of Kate "Did you counsel J & K with their marriage situation and he said no, he referred them to someone else. He said he, Robin, Kate and Jon discussed the Brand. He said that he and his wife have counseled Kate on the Brand before. Kate cut off that conversation but Dr. Phil said "I will not discuss the Gosselin's marital affairs" or something like that."
Elizabeth I remembered this differently. To the best of my knowledge, Kate spoke first, said it was a private meeting between friends. When asked by Barbara Walters to comment on Jon's comment, Dr. Phil said "keep talking" and he wouldn't comment as it WAS a meeting between friends. The
BW asked if he thought reality shows caused marriages to break down and he said yes he did. Kate then said of course she agreed with Dr. Phil but in HER case the marriage was already doomed.
"Do you realize there are physically challenged people who own dogs out there who can't take their dogs running?"
I know many people in this position. They hire dog walkers or buy the motorized carts. I am one of those people. I now have a motorized scooter and take my dog out every single day. I also take a few neighbors pets out that cannot do it themselves, sometimes. It is GOOD for dogs, even 'house' pets. Experts recommend a DAILY walk or run with your dog. Most physically challenged people who own pets are much more responsible than you give them credit for.
Ooops you covered it, ADMIN. Why the hell your post was offensive is beyond me. Kate is HEALTHY. She certainly has no excuse. The dodo runs alone, the dog could also be protection for her as well.
Anonymous - Letting a dog run free on your "property" (notice she didn't say "in the yard" as most of us would) and walking the dog are two entirely different things. As Admin said dogs need to be walked. Not only does it reinforce the bond between you but also lets the dog know that you are the pack leader by the way you control what he does and where he goes while on the leash. If kate or someone else hasn't walked the dog in a year and just let him run free, he may well have forgotten all his leash walking skills. Go ahead kate, get the runners waist leash and take him for a run. I'll call the paps for you becasue it will be fun to see him dragging you behind since he's used to running free and not going on a controlled walk. She'll never take him out - she's just saying what she thinks people want to hear....what a complete and total idiot she is!
Anonymous said...
Do you realize there are physically challenged people who own dogs out there who can't take their dogs running? It's not the same as denying them food and doesn't make them bad pet owners. Your comment is offensive.
I have chronic pain, but I manage to take my dog out for a walk every damn day, rain or shine, & when it is raining, I may have to use my cane. We also have a fenced in yard so she can run & play. I don't think Kate even wanted the dog back & she just did it for ratings, & now she can't get rid of the poor thing or she'll look like an even bigger monster than she is.
The comment was not offensive, Kate is just plain lazy. She wants nothing to do anything as long as does not pertain to HER, even her children. I see a man on my walk everyday, & we talk, who is in a wheelchair who walks his TWO dogs. So, don't give me that. Physically challenged people CAN do everything else that non physically challenged people can do. In fact, they DO NOT want to be treated like invalids.
~Hippie Chick~
Administrator said....
Actually anonymous, ANY dog expert will tell you that dogs MUST be walked every day or nearly every day, or run, or what have you. It is not enough to just let them roam a property, even a big one. I hope someone is walking or running this dog because Kate sure isn't.
Most responsible owners, if physically incapable of walking their dog, hire someone to do it. Dog walking is not just about exercise. It is about fulfilling the instinct to go on "territorial patrol" with their pack, YOU.
It is inhumane not to run or walk your dog on a regular basis. Every dog expert will agree.
Here's a good article on why dogs with a yard still need to be walked: http://www.101petdogs.com/general-misbelief-about-dogs/why-do-dogs-still-need-to-be-walked-on-a-leash-if-they-have-access-to-a-fenced-yard/
I agree, Administrator. It's just not mentally & physically challenging for a dog to roam the property (no matter how large the grounds).
If Kate cannot be bothered walking Shoka, then
SOMEONE should be paid to do it.
Oh what the heck. I give up trying to understand Kate. She wants it all, but with minimal effort on her part.
Sorry, I have more to say to Anonymous. There are days when it's NOT raining & I need my cane, the pain is so bad. My dog is trained so as to walk with me. A dog needs to walk. They need to get out of the yard, & explore. They cannot be confined to one area. If Kate can't do that, then she shouldn't have gotten that animal in the first place for her stupid show. It just pisses me off when people talk about things they MAY not know about. If you do know someone who is physically challenged, my apologies, I hope YOU are over there walking their dog.
~Hippie Chick~
I understand that the sextuplets are only 7 years old. I was referencing Kate's attitude of no never means no (yes, she also said to HER). These kids are at a very impressionable age and already show signs of an "entitled" attitude. Kate's behavior and attitude is influencing them. The twins at 10 1/2 are getting mighty close to dating age. At some point these kids will see things like the E! Entertainment News True Story and learn their Mom stalked an ex- boyfriend...will Kate tell them her behavior was wrong? We have seen so much evidence to the contrary. At two weekend a month, is that enough time for Jon to discourage such behavior? Who is teaching values to the kids if not their mother, the primary custodian? I sincerely hope and pray these children indeed will come out of this happy, healthy, productive adults. THAT remains to be seen.
MY only reference is my own and my brother's childhood and the damage that was done. I'm STILL coming terms with it. My mom passed unexpectedly in March. We had JUST begun a dialog...and I'm 57. It was my husband who finally opened my eyes, sometimes I think he is a saint for putting up with things for so long (but only sometimes - smile)
A bit OT here, but speaking of Kate's lies, she said on the today show (with Matt Lauer) that the 2 kids that were being home schooled were to return to school "imminently".
Doesn't imminently mean at any moment? What a fricking liar, for the love of everything holy, why doesn't anyone (except this and like sites) call her on it?
IMO, it made absolutely no sense that those 2 kids would return with only a month or so left in the school year.
Thinking about the therapist's bill, who is paying what. Seems the point is Kate that is refusing to pay her portion. Maybe Jon owes just as much, but he has made payment plans or he is in collections, which could be settled and out of court for as little as $50 per month.
The talk about Shoka made me want to comment as to why Jon took the dogs back to the trainer in the first place. Do any of you remember Kate saying that the dogs had gnawed through their METAL cages? Then she LAUGHED and said that they were so strong that next year she was going to have them pull the kids around the property on a sleigh!
I still can't believe that somebody even allowed her to have a dog back. Does anybody know if 'Shoka' even came from the same breeder? I really doubt it. If Jon told the breeder the truth, he would NEVER have let her have a dog back, much less two of them!!
Jon was so upset when he found out how cruel the dogs were being treated and that's why he took them back. Why oh why, all the supporters of Kate can't see what a mean, lying POS she is I will NEVA understand.
It just makes my blood boil when I think about what she did to those dogs. And NOW she says she going to take the dog for a run????? She ought to be locked up for trying to impersonate a human.
Jon's paying his portion lines up with what he said last year or more...that he had 22K in therapy bills.
10K is about half, so I think Jon payed. He'd be getting his ass sued if he didn't, n'est-ce pas?
I'm just wondering -- Dancing With The Stars finale is this week. A lot of former participants from previous seasons show up in the audience at that time. I wonder if Kate will show up? Maybe Kate and Steve took a vacation to California. Someone said she didn't have the kids this weekend so they could have left already. I have no information to base this on just something that came to mind.
Tucker's Mom said...Then again, my dogs are part of my family (all on the bed with me right now) and I would never dream of making any of them sleep outside.
Same here Tucker's Mom...I would NEVER leave them out all night, even in perfect weather. I have a Jack Russell Terrier and a mutt I rescued as a pup...SharPei/Black Lab mix...now a huge dog. They slept with me every night until I recently (about 6 months ago) decided to keep two male black feral kittens...found homes for the other two from the litter. Same feral mama cat I just got spayed who had the litter I spent last week capturing and finding a home for. The now 8-month-old kittens sleep with me and the dogs sleep in the other part of the house for the time being, but I am integrating that slowly. I just don't understand why some people even have pets.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... In reference to Kate becoming a lazy person & parent- I think she has always been that way....Volunteers helped her out at first, and Jon basically took care of everything else- except maybe the daily cooking.
Pink -- I thought that right away too. She isn't becoming lazy she IS lazy, BONE LAZY and always has been. I seem to recall Kevin saying she could always get out of work at home when they were growing up, that she'd get someone else to do the work for her. Anyone remember that?
Administrator said...
And I have this to say.
A dog is a big f-ing responsibility, Kate. Aren't up to it, DON'T GET ONE.
I second that. I feel my BP rising at the very mention of that cruel narcissist being allowed to have that beautiful dog.
And while we're at it...A child is a big f-ing responsibility too. Aren't up to it? DON'T HAVE ONE, LEAVE ALONE EIGHT, KATE!!
I agree! I raised 3 lovely dogs in the same large fenced backyard. The only time they were on a leash was to go to the vet or the groomer. They always had a companion dog, but it is poppycock to suggest it is inhumane to not walk your dog on a leash when they have everything they need in their backyard. I will have to tell my 3 they really aren't happy at all!
It's not poppycock at all Molly. We've explained why dog experts know that letting a dog roam a backyard is not enough.
I am a polio survivor and suffer among other things from chronic fatigue and muscle weakness, with pain. I take my dog to the dog park whenever I can; it's a huge park where she runs and plays with her dog friends, several times a week.Anyone who knows me knows that I am a responsible dog owner.My condition DOES NOT ALLOW me to take her for a run every single day. We engage in active play in our large yard, and she has dog friends over regularly.
Not everybody can do the daily run. The important thing is that the dog gets lots of exercise WITH HUMAN COMPANIONSHIP. Leaving a dog on his own to run , no matter how big the property, is not adequate or humane.
I get really tired of the competitions that disabled people get into about "I'm SO disabled, but I can still do everything I could do before".There is no shame in saying "I do my very best with the limitations that I have."
Molly, inhumane is a bit of hyperbole, but I agree with Admin and others on this site that walking is very important. It's enriching, bonding and teaching. It helps maintain social skills as well.
I'm sure you love your dogs! but what do you have to lose by enjoying a walk together? Heck, it gets my hiney moving!
Tucker's Mom said... Hmm...Kate's not sure if the dog will run on the leash with her? What the hell type of "training" did that dog get FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR!!
That dog doesnt know Kate, except in passing, and likely does not mind her well. She has rarely, if ever, had him on a leash herself and she has no idea how to walk him, let alone run him. She has no idea how to direct him or command him, other than "STOP THAT" and "GET AWAY FROM ME". Probably 2 or 3 of the kids have a nice way with him and have learned from a trainer how to direct him and Kate relies on the kids to watch, feed, and manage the dog.
But, she will stage a photo-op, all misted down to look sweaty, sometime later this summer with the dog, to show her 7 fans that she is running 44 miles a day, while cooking dinner, scrubbing floors, doing 173 loads of laundry a day, spinning her own cloth, growing her own organic wheat and thrashing it into flour, and settling down in the evenings with her halo in place as she and the kids study the Bible together. In Greek. With an orphaned lamb on their laps. What a woman. In the meantime, I am re-screening my back door today, have a great Sunday everyone!
Anonymous, I over reacted a little re: your post, and I apologize. IF you are physically challenged and it did offend you, because of that reason or know someone who is..please check with local agencies that assist challenged people. Many churches also have volunteers. I know of people who have arranged for dog walkers/cleaning crews/groomers and a few other things who go to the homes. Many times, free of charge, or very little charge. Many good hearted people out there.
As far as having a lot of property for your pets to run, they STILL need the interaction of their human. My pets, growing up, never had leashes on, but we still took them along on our walks through the woods, or down to the fishing hole and even when we rode our horses.
"IDModo said...The important thing is that the dog gets lots of exercise WITH HUMAN COMPANIONSHIP"
You are absolutely right. That is the key, human companionship. And you are right about being competitive. I got my scooter because I missed walking my own pet. I have neighbors who cannot even ride the scooter. Luckily, I still can. Dog runs are great. That is a great way for a pet to become and stay socialized.
I've been reading here for quite some time, but have only posted a time or two. Many of you make the comments I would write so no need to be redundant.
Regarding Kate's tweets; it seems to me that most of her comments are specifically made to make her "sound" like a good mother in defense of the fact that we don't think she is. To the sheeple, if Kate says it, it MUST be true!
Love the intelligent and comedic musings on this site!
"Sharon said...Do any of you remember Kate saying that the dogs had gnawed through their METAL cages? Then she LAUGHED and said that they were so strong that next year she was going to have them pull the kids around the property on a sleigh!"
I remember that! I was really taken back that the audience laughed too. How long that poor dog must have been in that cage to chew through those bars. Man, that really got me, too.
But, she will stage a photo-op, all misted down to look sweaty, sometime later this summer with the dog, to show her 7 fans that she is running 44 miles a day, while cooking dinner, scrubbing floors, doing 173 loads of laundry a day, spinning her own cloth, growing her own organic wheat and thrashing it into flour, and settling down in the evenings with her halo in place as she and the kids study the Bible together. In Greek. With an orphaned lamb on their laps. What a woman.
ROFLMAO!! Too funny Just Dwindle! Dayum you have her pegged!
"Auntie Ann... And while we're at it...A child is a big f-ing responsibility too. Aren't up to it? DON'T HAVE ONE, LEAVE ALONE EIGHT, KATE!!"
LOLOL YOU always hit it, always!!
Kate should have seen if she could take care of a plant first let alone a dog. Maybe start with a cactus that needs watering once a year.
I hope Kate goes take skoka for a run/jog. I used to to this with a small dachund: It didn't work out so swell. She was really lazy, had two inch long legs, and really didn't need to exercise. A simple walk around the was plenty for her. Completely amother story with the standard poodle who looooves the runs and benefits from them. Great bonding and socializing time. And he sleeps like a baby the rest of the evening. Do it Kate! The dog will be happy to run as slow as you need him to
she is evil said...I think this is a breed trait of Dachshunds?? My friend has one, lazy thing won't even play catch, she MIGHT open her mouth to catch the ball, IF you throw it right at her mouth. (While she is lying down, of course) LOL
And of course, some can't take their pets out every single day. But as much as one can...walk, run or play with the pet are all important.
she is evil said...
I hope Kate goes take skoka for a run/jog. I used to to this with a small dachund: It didn't work out so swell. She was really lazy, had two inch long legs, and really didn't need to exercise. A simple walk around the was plenty for her. Completely amother story with the standard poodle who looooves the runs and benefits from them. Great bonding and socializing time. And he sleeps like a baby the rest of the evening. Do it Kate! The dog will be happy to run as slow as you need him to
Awwwweeee.... how sweet!!! I love Dachunds!
I have a friend that is the proud momma to a Chiweenie (Chihuahua/Dachund). Just precious :o)
Anyhow, I just wanted to add that since the weather has been rather pleasant in Pa. (not hot or cold), now would be the perfect time to start taking Shoka for walks.
Administrator said... Kate should have seen if she could take care of a plant first let alone a dog. Maybe start with a cactus that needs watering once a year.
Ha, great point! The truth is she is too lazy to even take care of a plant...they actually require some work and attention. And, Dwindle, you are funny and spot on, always...priceless!
JudyK said... Tucker's Mom said...Then again, my dogs are part of my family (all on the bed with me right now) and I would never dream of making any of them sleep outside.
Same here Tucker's Mom...
I would NEVER leave them out all night, even in perfect weather. I have a Jack Russell Terrier and a mutt I rescued as a pup...SharPei/Black Lab mix...now a huge dog. They slept with me every night until I recently (about 6 months ago) decided to keep two male black feral kittens...found homes for the other two from the litter. Same feral mama cat I just got spayed who had the litter I spent last week capturing and finding a home for. The now 8-month-old kittens sleep with me and the dogs sleep in the other part of the house for the time being, but I am integrating that slowly. I just don't understand why some people even have pets.
Same here. Our furry babies ARE our children, and we lovingly take care of them- even if it means sharing our marital bed with them- even if it means sleeping almost at the edge of the bed too...
Thanks No regrets...Kate's chronic exhaustion wears very thin on my nerves.
Administrator said...Kate should have seen if she could take care of a plant first let alone a dog. Maybe start with a cactus that needs watering once a year.
Nope, that's still too much effort for her Admin. Even an artificial dieffenbachia would wither up and die under her care.
AuntieAnn said... Thanks No regrets...Kate's chronic exhaustion wears very thin on my nerves.
Administrator said...Kate should have seen if she could take care of a plant first let alone a dog. Maybe start with a cactus that needs watering once a year.
Nope, that's still too much effort for her Admin. Even an artificial dieffenbachia would wither up and die under her care.
Great satire...most intelligent and witty group of women on any blog.
Administrator said...
Kate should have seen if she could take care of a plant first let alone a dog. Maybe start with a cactus that needs watering once a year.
This reminds me of a favorite movie with Sandra Bullock-- 28 Days. She's an addict in rehab and the counselor tells the patients that in no way, shape or form should they get into a relationship until 1) They keep a plant alive for a year and 2)they cant take care of an animal.
Her rehab cohort killed his spider plant and cries to her that he'll now never get laid!!
Oh, too funny.
I think the amount of walking/running necessary for a healthy, happy dog depends on the breed and the dog. We had farm dogs growing up. They very rarely were on a formal "walk" but they accompanied someone, either an adult at work or a child at play, for most of the day. I have a lab mix I though would make a great running buddy but she is the biggest couch potato I've ever seen. She also overheats easily. She prefers several short walks and then lots of obedience games in the air-conditioning. In spite of this, her weight and health is excellent according to her vet.
You have to be very careful running with a dog safely. I have a scar on my knee where my canine running buddy at the time dashed in front of my path and wrapped the leash around my ankles. Even high energy dogs might have problems on a run because their preferred pace doesn't match the human. Pavement can bother their feet and the steady pace can stress their joints. Healthy dogs have to be conditioned to run any real distance.
Kate's chronic exhaustion wears very thin on my nerves.
Maybe she has a disorder. Like a thyroid problem. Yeah...she can easily use that as an excuse. None would be the wiser. Watch, now that I said that, that will be a tweet soon. "wnt 2 dr. thyrd prb. rns slw. alwys exhaustd!! Nt MY kds. They rmylyf.going 4 run w/dog! thnx all"
We all get frigin tired & we muster on. Dammit, do you guys know how many doctor appts I have in one week? Whatever though because I KNOW there are people out there that have it worse than I do. Trust me when I say though that that is NOT what keeps me going, because that would be mean & vile & when I think about those people I just want to help. It is my family, my friends, my LIFE. Kate just does not get it. If she is so damn tired with all the help she has, then she has issues. What is she going to do this summer when the kids are out of school & she has to take care of all 8? Maybe she should have thought of ALL of that before she went & had 6 more kids that need attention, love, food, caring, oh Ya know, a MOM. God, she is a piece of work, isn't she?
~Hippie Chick~
If you look on the TLC site, there is a clip describing Shooka VISIT...not Shooka's return home...
I've got an English Bulldog - his idea of a walk is from the couch to the back door so that he can go in the yard for potty!! One thing you can never do with a bulldog is walk him in the heat of the day as they can overheat very easily. Fits my lifestyle!
Did the two children who were expelled ever return to school?
OK, so every couple of months or so, I do some digging about Kate's infamous People cover. I am still finding NOTHING really which means that her people probably do not want the numbers to come out. It also probably means that that her cover sold terribly & she won't be asked to be on People anytime soon again. But today I was searching & kept coming up on this:
magazine covers - MagaScene
- 11:48am
Eating Well, September/October 2010: Serious about keeping the doctor away? ... Kate Gosselin, People, September 2010: The much-maligned famous mother-plus-eight got a hot .... The issue sold slightly more than 1 million copies at newsstand, .... Several magazines were creative in various ways with their covers. ...
www.magascene.com/mt/mt-search.cgi?...magazine%20covers... - Cached - Block all www.magascene.com results
I clicked on the link & couldn't find the exact numbers though. I tried & tried. So does this mean her People cover ONLY sold 1 million from newsstands? Wow. That is really reaallly bad. Again, could not find the numbers related to the link but this kept coming up, every time it said Kate's People cover, it said 1 million mags were sold. Hmmm...
~Hippie Chick~
I've got a fenced in yard, in which my dogs go out into. My dogs rarely go for a walk, unless I go to the vet and take them across the street there to the very large park. My yard is big enough to put 2 2 car garages in. so plenty of running room. And they do run, I live by the alley and they run the length of the yard barking at whomever walks by. But I do also play with them, not everyday but, my male dog likes to play catch and will take a toy outside to play. My other dog, she like to run, with a toy, and have my other one chase her. They run until they are panting. They also will run inside the length of the house, which is from the living room to the kitchen and around the kitchen table, until they stop about 5 minutes. Then I know they really need to run outside. I get a toy and out we go. I've done this with all the dogs I've ever owned. All 6 dogs. They come as puppies and live til they die of old age. The oldest dog was 17(shepherd/collie). One can have a fenced in yard, and let them roam, but you also have to play with them, which means getting them to run. My guys run. Kate's idea of running the dog is letting the dog out of the cage.
Very interesting article about a couple with quads.
Only four, not six like Kate has, but the parents raised them as individuals with them going to four different schools in the fall. They have had no publicity at all since they were born. Worth reading.
Bullly Mom said...
I've got an English Bulldog - his idea of a walk is from the couch to the back door so that he can go in the yard for potty!! One thing you can never do with a bulldog is walk him in the heat of the day as they can overheat very easily. Fits my lifestyle!
You are correct about not walking the bulldog in the heat of the day. My brother has a snow white English Bulldog, and she will not step a paw outside the patio deck while the intense sun is out. She's also not too fond of walking, but my brother will take her out after work to walk around the block. It's not a long walk, but every so often, she will stop to rest, and do some people watching ;o) What she LOVES is going for long drives! It's hilarious watching her waddle to his car, and hopping in the back seat.
I think Jack Kerouac has reincarnated in her little bulldoggie body....
Big difference with my hounds. They love their walks, and hate car rides. I have to admit I love taking them on their walks. It's theraputic for me. That is, until they see a squirrel, or a rabbit, or another dog... That's when the walk turns into a battle of wills.
Anyhow, I just wanted to add that since the weather has been rather pleasant in Pa. (not hot or cold), now would be the perfect time to start taking Shoka for walks.
It's 60 degrees here today, cloudy, drizzling, breezy and yet Kate is going to throw those kids into the pool again? I guess so, since last year she let them swim when the temperature was in the high 40s. This must seem really warm to her!
Bullly Mom said...
I've got an English Bulldog - his idea of a walk is from the couch to the back door so that he can go in the yard for potty!! One thing you can never do with a bulldog is walk him in the heat of the day as they can overheat very easily. Fits my lifestyle!
We had an English Bulldog when I was a kid. I walked him every day after school. Actually he pulled me. He loved to walk and we'd take out to a field on the weekends and let him run run run.
Jenna Does said...
Kate's chronic exhaustion wears very thin on my nerves.
Maybe she has a disorder. Like a thyroid problem. Yeah...she can easily use that as an excuse. None would be the wiser. Watch, now that I said that, that will be a tweet soon. "wnt 2 dr. thyrd prb. rns slw. alwys exhaustd!! Nt MY kds. They rmylyf.going 4 run w/dog! thnx all"
We all get frigin tired & we muster on. Dammit, do you guys know how many doctor appts I have in one week? Whatever though because I KNOW there are people out there that have it worse than I do. Trust me when I say though that that is NOT what keeps me going, because that would be mean & vile & when I think about those people I just want to help. It is my family, my friends, my LIFE. Kate just does not get it. If she is so damn tired with all the help she has, then she has issues. What is she going to do this summer when the kids are out of school & she has to take care of all 8? Maybe she should have thought of ALL of that before she went & had 6 more kids that need attention, love, food, caring, oh Ya know, a MOM. God, she is a piece of work, isn't she?
~Hippie Chick~
Hippie, God bless you. You are a strong warrior woman. You remind me of one of my favorite Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young songs,
"Carry On" - "Rejoice, rejoice, we have no choice but to carry on..."
As for Kate possibly having thyroid issues, there is medicine for that.
Personally, I think her problem resides above the neck ;o)
E-town Neighbor said...
It's 60 degrees here today, cloudy, drizzling, breezy and yet Kate is going to throw those kids into the pool again? I guess so, since last year she let them swim when the temperature was in the high 40s. This must seem really warm to her!
She's a piece of work. I guess this is her way of getting them to "toughen up".
Or... maybe it's all just b*llsh*t to inflate her mundane, boring day?
It's funny how her "fans" wait with baited breath to find out how Kate will spend (or spent) her day, and what she's cooking. Ooooooooh, ahhhhhhhhhhh, Kate is so magical...
My two cents about dog walking. I've found that it depends on the dog. One of mine loves walks, brings me her leash and is total ecstasy on her walks. At one time I walked five dogs daily on two mile walks and they knew the whole route, had their favorite sniffing spots, stopped and talked to neighbors who gave them treats.
One of my dogs, however, hated walks and ran away when she saw the leash. Getting her to go on a walk was a struggle. She was happy and content to exercise in a four-acre back yard, race with the kids around the pool - it was a competition to see who would be the last one standing!
Show her that leash, though, and she ran in the other direction. We raised her from puppyhood, were her first and only owners and she was never traumatized on a leash. I have no idea what caused her to be so stressed. I figured if she was a happy camper in her own back yard, racing around with the kids, then why force her to do something she didn't want to do, just because it's advised that dogs should be walked regularly?
Bully mom, exactly! You have found a breed that you love and is the right temperament for you. I grew up with dachshunds: very affectionate, a little too barky, but god love them, they sleep alllll day and night long. Walks? RN, they're all right as long as there is no rain or cold. Otherwise, happy to do their business in the back yard.
Having owned a shepherd, I can tell you that is a completely different story: highly intelligent and needs stimulation: walking, meeting other dogs and exercising or they can become frustrated and bored and do things like knock people over in excitement of bark nonstop at passersby. The breed itself is a prince among dogs; helped to take down bin laden, even. Buy Shoka needs a family who will interact with him. They were bred to WORK, they love it. They are smart, loyal, courageous and deserve better than the gosselins.
I think Kate is drawn to cats more anyway. That would be perfect for them. They can live happy outdoors and are low maintenance. If the insist on a dog,a smallish, sweet, lazy breed is in order: pugs, bulldogs, and even a crazy dachshund would have suit them better.
A german shepherd is going to require a long, brisk, daily walk and lots of interaction. It is not the type of breed where you can get away with not walking them or you'll have a big problem on your hands--gee, problems like a dog chewing through his crate. We have to think about what German Shepherds were bred for, herding and guarding sheep--i.e. keeping BUSY. They are also on the more intelligent end of breeds. Police and military have used them for ages. They like to work, they like to be stimulated, putzing around a property they've seen a million times waiting for kids to come home from the late bus isn't going to cut it. You HAVE to give them something to do to occupy their minds, which means walking at a minimum.
There are a small number of breeds that don't fall under the general rule of all dogs need to go on "territorial patrol", or a walk. Bull dogs are one--my good neighbor has one and they seem happy to loaf around 23 1/2 out of 24 hours a day. He had to pull and push him to go on walks and finally he gave up. A few of the smaller dogs, and dogs bred to be parlor dogs would rather follow you around INSIDE the house rather than explore the outside. But in general, a yard just isn't enough. If you think it is please talk to your vet about what your dog's needs are, as a general rule dogs need a daily walk. You cannot judge a dog by "oh, he looks happy enough to me." These are dogs, not humans.
It is inhumane not to run or walk your dog on a regular basis. Every dog expert will agree.
I'll be sure to tell my 90+ year-old relative who is too frail to walk her rescue dogs regularly anymore that she's an inhumane person.
Maybe some advice from Caeser Millan (The Dog Whisperer) might help. Vets are so very expensive these days.
Personally, I think her problem resides above the neck ;o)
And below the waist, as in stick-in-the-butt.
Here's a thought anonymous, instead of posting a snarky comment, why don't you go offer to walk your elderly relatives dogs? Or call up some friends or neighbors who could help out. Or, call up a rescue and see if they have any volunteers available. There are many, many people who will happily help out with this. Many neighbors walk their dogs anyway and wouldn't mind adding another to the walk. I wouldn't. Why should a dog suffer because things happen as they tend to do to their humans?
Everyone needs to take responsibility for their pets, even if they get sick or elderly. If your relative got too frail to feed the fish, would they just let them die or have someone help them out? Same goes with caring for dogs.
Not buying it. Go help your relative as I hope your relatives would help you when you get old.
Figures Kate fans could care less about the animals in this mess, they sure don't care about Kate's kids.
Cesar says walk your dog. Period.
There are as many thoughts about dog exercise as there are dog experts...It's the same with feeding; my girl (Keeshond-Siberian Husky mix) is completely raw-fed (no carbs, no veggies, just meat, bones and organs) and flourishing on that diet; others espouse kibble.
I don't think anyone can state unequivocally what is right for everyone else's dog. What I DO think is that every dog needs plenty of breed-appropriate exercise in the fresh air, and involvement and bonding with humans and especially other dogs.
Cesar also uses pinch collars, which I would never put on a dog of mine; IMO people need to research their breed's characteristics and needs thoroughly and tailor their training to their own particular dog.
Is there an invisible dog fence around part of this property? If not, what is keeping the dog from running amok through 23 acres and eventually onto other property or even into the street? There is no fence around all 23 acres.
Batterednotbroken said...
Maybe some advice from Caeser Millan (The Dog Whisperer) might help. Vets are so very expensive these days.
I've learned so much watching Caesar's show, and reading his books. I love his Zen approach with dogs.
According to Caesar, the way to have a happy, and balanced dog is (1) exercise- walking your dog at least an hour a day, (2)discipline and (3)affection- in that order.
Basically it always goes back to exercise for all doggies- just that different breeds require different degrees of exercise.
By the way, I found a great website:
"Sit Happens Dog Training & Behavior"
Where I found this interesting article,
"Tired Dogs Are Happy Dogs"
P.S. Anonymous, I don't think anyone here feels that your 90+ year old relative is an inhumane person. It's not her fault that she is frail- and it's certainly not her dog's fault she is frail either. But since you do know that she cannot walk her dog, how about arranging for someone to walk the dog for her?
Your 90+ yr old relative will appreciate it, and so will her dog.
Well there as many opinions about raising dogs as kids, but I think what is obvious to me is that Kate doesn't seem to care enough to research even one school of thought about how to care for German Shepherds. There are so many red flags with these dogs, from giving them up, to chewing through the crate, to swallowing a dog toy. She doesn't deserve them. She is a joke talking about maybe possibly doing something for her dog this summer. She is as bad at raising dogs as she is kids. The whole thing is sad.
Kate's tweet:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
RT @notkategosselin @Kateplusmy8 I really hate the idea of being raptured tomorrow without.. @TLC please remove this faker; asap!!!!
I do not know how Twitter, Twatter or Twits work, but why is she calling on TLC to remove these "fakes?" How is TLC affiliated with her tweeting account? Can't she just contact Twitter herself?
A walk is not something as controversial like a choke chain or whatever it is he uses. It's just a walk. And it's really not in dispute from either breeders or dog experts the particular breed of German Shepherds need stimulation.
Anonymous, I have faith your relative loves and cares about their dogs and is making arrangements to see to it they are well cared for if they ever can't. Yes, I do think people who neglect their dogs are inhumane and I stand by that. There are plenty of people who have either suddenly or gradually been unable to care for their pets who take the responsibilty of getting help and I'm sure your relative would to if it came down to it. Not being able to care for your pet is not an excuse to neglect your pet and I'm sure you feel the same. Hopefully, your relative doesn't neglect their dogs. This isn't about your relative anyway and not sure why you are taking it so personally, but you can't play here until you calm down.
Can't Kate call up TLC, or is the only way they let her communicate with them via twitter?
It's kind of embarrassing that a big star has to plead for help via twitter so publically. Maybe she thinks we can't see it?
Wouldn't it be just great if Kate's appeal was granted? I would, if I were the doctor's atty, subpoena everyone from Jon, Dr. Phil, B. Walters, Cuomo, Larry King,etc, etc, anyone who had first hand knowledge that Jon had the therapy because Dr. Phil referred Kate to get a separate marriage counselor and he would work on making the Brand work (that is what he does, he is a motivator, he did that with Oprah in Texas when she was on trial with the meat companies) she was instructed by Dr. Phil how to appear, how to look, how to react and Dr. PHil advised on picking the Jury.
So, I would have a freaking field day with this and I would have costs that would make Katie's salary per episode look tiny.
Sounds good, huh admin? All bad publicity for the witchy women.
I also have always thought that some doctor and she got together to insure she had these 7 eggs fertilized. Perhaps they aren't even her eggs but used someone else' and used Jon's sperm as these kids look like Jon and not Kate, not at all.
She is conniving.
I have a German Shepherd Admin & I agree. She needs lots of activity & constant go go go. Otherwise she will "pace the fence". That's when I know she needs her walk. She gets bored. Or we will play catch Or I'll take her to the dog park, anything. German shepherds NEED something to do, it is THEIR breed. Kate maybe should have done research? Maybe she should have got a damn cat. All they do is lay there, like her.
And thank you Pink. I just do what I have to do. :)
~Hippie Chick~
Watched a couple of episodes of "48 Hours" on TLC tonight and they were promoting their Memorial Day and summer series...they promoted lots of shows as a composite ad, but Kate Plus Eight was NOT mentioned nor among them. Something's up.
This is from 2010. I didn't see it till now 'cause l hadn't been keeping up with Khate and her chit. But if you all know this already, sorry to be a bore. Does Khate decide where the kids money goes? Or is there someone else looking out for them?
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
You would expect eight people to have a greater combined salary than just one man -- but not when they are are all under the age of 10!
It turns out Jon and Kate Gosselin's kids are raking in more money than their dad, PopEater.com reports.
While TLC pays Kate's ex just over $70,000 for not appearing on "Kate Plus Eight," his kids are earning $200,000 for starring in the show alongside their mommy.
"The reason you don't see Jon looking for a job or doing embarrassing interviews is that he is still on the TLC payroll," an insider told the gossip Web site. "Jon is basically getting paid to keep his mouth shut and go away."
But is 70 grand enough?
"It must sting him to know his kids are earning more money than he is," the insider confessed.
Jon's kids aren't the only ones bringing home the bacon. His ex-wife earns $500,000 for working on the show and brought in an additional $500,000 for her five complaint-filled weeks on "Dancing With the Stars."
Jenna Does & Hippy Chick: My 2 dogs are herding dogs. Border collie/Aussie mix male and Aussie Cattle/corgi female. When they are bored, especially the female, she will go in the trash and rip up the tissue, throw all the pillows off the couch, or wrestle with my older other dog. He's 8, she's 2. I feel sorry for that dog Kate has, very little interaction. My dogs have tons of toys and they do play with them and want me to throw the toys down the hallway. (which I do). Dogs are pack animals and do need to be loved, mine are spoiled, and they are my little buddies, follow me all over the house, even taking turns escorting me to the washroom. My female loves to cuddle, all 40lbs of her. My other one is 60lbs. They greet me in the morning and while I'm typing up here are up here with me. Kate would not get that close to any animal, she does not get that close to even her own kids. If I had kids, they would have been the luckest kids on the planet. I treat my dogs and birds like little diamonds, to how Kate treats any of her kids or that dog. She is disgusting!
We have an 11 pound miniature Schnauzer and my husband (she's his "baby") plays fetch with her twice a day (minimum) EVERY day and lemme tell you, she runs her little doggy butt off. We have a huge fenced backyard, but he also walks her, too, because he wanted her to learn to heel on the lead.
What concerns me more about Kate's German Shepherd is that he is apparently outside constantly. I hope to God he at least has a dog run with a shelter, but I worry he's just crated outside, which is horribly inhumane. I doubt he runs the property, as it's unfenced and he'd just run off, maybe get hit by a car.
Hell, the way she lies it wouldn't surprise me if he wasn't even there. That's the best case scenario.
I thought Jon mentioned something regarding the invisible dog fence on their property. There must be a invisible fence in the front yard. Otherwise, the dog would be hanging out at the front gate waiting to escape the compound.
Another Legal Opinion said...
Wouldn't it be just great if Kate's appeal was granted?
Judgments in magisterial district courts are not final. Either side has the right to appeal. According to Kate's attorney, the appeal has been filed. What are you saying here? That it would be great if she won the appeal? Why?
"Perhaps they aren't even her eggs but used someone else' and used Jon's sperm as these kids look like Jon and not Kate, not at all."
They wouldn't look anything like Kate. Genetics 101. The Asian gene is dominant - dark eyes are the result of the dominant gene, as is dark hair. I remember Kate saying that Jon's mother told her that the kids will look like Jon because of the dominant Asian gene.
"Sounds good, huh admin? All bad publicity for the witchy women."
How many witchy women are involved in this appeal?
"I also have always thought that some doctor and she got together to insure she had these 7 eggs fertilized."
I think you mean ENSURE. As far as I know, there was no policy taken out on the seven eggs!
I thought Jon mentioned something regarding the invisible dog fence on their property. There must be a invisible fence in the front yard. Otherwise, the dog would be hanging out at the front gate waiting to escape the compound.
But what is keeping the dog from escaping out the back and side yards? You can't enclose 23 areas of hills and woods with an invisible fence.
I don't want to give you all the wrong impression, we do walk our bulldog. If we didn't he'd look like a coffee table with legs! We walk him more in the winter than the summer becasue the heat/humidity can be a bit too much for him. What he likes to do more than anything is go to doggy day camp to play with his friends. He especially likes this in the summer when they set the puppy pools up! Kate would not make a good bulldog mom because they can have very special needs. We've been lucky because all but one of our bullys have been very, very health. Let's face it she doesn't take care of the kids so a high maintenance dog would not fare well with her!
I would, if I were the doctor's atty, subpoena everyone from Jon, Dr. Phil, B. Walters, Cuomo, Larry King,etc, etc, anyone who had first hand knowledge that Jon had the therapy
One more comment here. If the therapist called these people as witnesses, it would be her responsibility to pay them. The defendant does not pay for the plaintiff's witnesses. Of course, if the verdict is in favor of the therapist, she could request those fees be paid by the defendant, as well as attorney's fees and court costs, but it is up to the judge if that request is granted. If not, the therapist would be on the hook for her own witnesses' costs, not Kate.
In addition, according to the therapist, Jon already took care of his responsibility. Why would calling witnesses to testify that Jon had the therapy contribute to any decision? He's not being sued.
In reference to Kate becoming a lazy person & parent- I think she has always been that way....Volunteers helped her out at first, and Jon basically took care of everything else- except maybe the daily cooking.
I don't think Kate ever learned the basics of housekeeping (cooking, cleaning, etc). She just wanted to get married, have multiples, get famous for it and get rich quick, and have people constantly helping her. It's sad how she doesn't know how (or want) to be a wife and mother. Celebrity was first on her list.
Maybe Kate's scared that as soon as Shoka gets past the gate, he going to run for his life, just like Jon did....
Actually, I think Kate would be glad to be rid of Shoka, instead of scared. She'll be thrilled she won't have to take care of him anymore.
Do you have to pay your witnesses in PA? Can't she just subpoena them? That doesn't cost much.
I don't have to pay any witnesses I subpoena a thing other than their mileage. It's a subpoena to come to court like jury duty and they have to come. You can pay your expert witnesses big bucks but that's when someone is actually being qualified as an expert to testify as to something scientific in the case at hand, like a coroner about an autopsy.
Fidosmommy said,
"I could barely read the post because of the run on sentences and odd structure. That was the "calling card" for me. Also, as you
commented, it was very vague at the same time it was trying to sound quite informed. It just didn't wash."
...and it continues, or so it seems! ;)
Do you have to pay your witnesses in PA? Can't she just subpoena them? That doesn't cost much.
I'm not sure about that, admin. I had to pay my witnesses. One had to be videotaped and it was not cheap. I just took the attorney's word for it. Now I'm curious - will check into it!
Aagh. I'm so 'jellus' of all the great dog stories here. I KNOW all of you look after them very well. My dear 'BuddyMutt' passed away years ago...which is okay because I know All Dogs Go To Heaven.
I do have two cats, though and I love them dearly but wouldn't you know it...they're a couple of narcissists. I've come to believe I'm THEIR pet.
Cats are just like living with a human narcissist, only it's outrageously hysterical.
Hysterical to them too, I'll bet.
I see by Kate's tweets that today she ran and cooked. No wonder she's so darn tired!!! Her tweets pretty much confirm that she's got a lot of help since all she talks about is how unmotivated and tired she is all the time.
Gn tweeties.Picnic was fun.swam in the rain. All r happily tucked in2 bed! Thx again 4 ur support& thx for ignoring all ignorant fakers!:)
She let those kids swim in 60-degree weather in the wind and rain. She is nuts. No question about it. It's one thing to swim in the rain when its in the high 70s and 80s - then it's kind of fun. But with the weather the way it was here this afternoon, I'm just shaking my head over this. I don't care if the pool is heated, this is NOT swimming weather.
And...she made ceased salad. Does she mean DEceased, as in dead salad, or Caesar salad?
Ceased salad. Could that be twitter abbreviation for Carrots, Endive, Asparagus,
Spinach, Egg and Dressing Salad?
Maybe it is Ceased and Desisted Salad - just like the strawberries - STOP EATING!!!!!
Just finished watching Celebrity Apprentice (West Coast) and all I can say is what a difference between John Rich's visit to St. Jude's Hospital and K8's. He is a man who cares about the kids....she just cares about herself. He was all about his charity, she was all about herself. Night and day.
...and it continues, or so it seems! ;)
indeed it does!
Please see rule 2 as to why I'm not permitting discussion of the latest "insider." Contrary to what that other blog says, we don't just blindly accept whoever says anything bad about Kate. In fact the reason I stopped posting most major unverified insider stories is because the endless back and forth "is that person credible or not" is just tiring.
I think we can agree there are far too many people willing to go on record publically about Kate to really need these insider stories anymore.
Just one example, I don't need an insider to tell me Kate doesn't pay her bills--LaFair went on record and said so.
Batterednotbroken said...
Maybe some advice from Caeser Millan (The Dog Whisperer) might help. Vets are so very expensive these days.
Don't give Kate any more ideas. She would probably exploit Shoka for more money. You know she'd make an episode for it (if her show isn't cancelled), just to get his services for free.
Moose Mania said...
Kate's tweet:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
RT @notkategosselin @Kateplusmy8 I really hate the idea of being raptured tomorrow without.. @TLC please remove this faker; asap!!!!
I do not know how Twitter, Twatter or Twits work, but why is she calling on TLC to remove these "fakes?" How is TLC affiliated with her tweeting account? Can't she just contact Twitter herself?
What's funny is that I wouldn't see tweets from these fakes if Kate didn't retweet them herself. The only tweets I see are the ones she posts or retweets, since I don't have a twitter account. That one above had some vile tweets.
There are people who spoof celebs like the fake Steve Jobs, but I wouldn't make a big deal about these fakes unless they were imposters, posing as the real me. I'd be more concerned about pedophiles/sexual predators instead of fakes.
Always relying on others to do things for her. There will come a day when she'll have to learn how to do these things on her own...when TLC finally cuts the umbilical cord.
@momofboy11 made hot dogs and hamburgers, potato salad, deviled eggs and ceased salad about 7 hours ago
"ceased salad"...of course, she means Caesar salad and the "d" is just a typo, but she doesn't know how to spell Caesar...it's Caesar...not CEasEr. She's so not smart, and I wouldn't think it was worth mentioning if she didn't brag about being a perfect speller.
This picnic and swimming scenario smells like an episode and it smells bad. Maybe the kids had to pretend it was Memorial Day weekend. Pretend holidays are nothing new to them.
Kate tweeting about TLC stopping that other account is a fail. The other account name is "notkategosselin" HELLO they already say they are NOT Kate *LOL* she's drawing attention to it herself.
Hot Dogs and Hamburgers again. Jon tweeted over the weekend that he was grilling burgers and dogs for the kids. She really is unoriginal. She could have grilled shrimp, or (salmonella laced) chicken (her specialty), or kabobs, or even grilled a pizza to be really cool.
And, how does lounging by the pool all summer with picnic meals relate to her demographic. Most of those moms are working throughout the summer - putting their children in summer day camps while living on a limited income, and here she goes rubbing it in. However, I honestly think most of her tweets are out there to take digs at Jon.
"Look at me - by the pool - while you sweat it out doing manual labor"
"Look at me, enjoying the kids' and their endless 'squeals of delight' as they swim in the pool in under 60 degree weather while you have to wait for management to open your pool."
"Look at me - BBQ on a grill that's MINE - All MINE- while you have to use what ever it is you use (doesn't matter if you already made them dogs and burgers, I'm doing it better)"
She truly annoys me.
Tucker's Mom said... Administrator said...
Kate should have seen if she could take care of a plant first let alone a dog. Maybe start with a cactus that needs watering once a year.
This reminds me of a favorite movie with Sandra Bullock-- 28 Days. She's an addict in rehab and the counselor tells the patients that in no way, shape or form should they get into a relationship until 1) They keep a plant alive for a year and 2)they cant take care of an animal.
Her rehab cohort killed his spider plant and cries to her that he'll now never get laid!!
Oh, too funny.
I agree, very funny scene. But when you think about it, Kate is an addict in that she is addicted to fame at all costs. So yes, she should have tried a plant and then animal first.....Of course, she would have failed miserably because she doesn't have time for anything, unless it benefits her.
I just have to respond to the comment about "Genetics 101". If dark genes were totally dominant there would be very few blue-eyed people left. My husband is just as much Japanese as Jon is Korean. Two of my kids look exactly like him, dark skin, black hair, brown eyes; two of them are blonde, blue-eyed, like me. Dark is dominant, but not all-powerful. That entire comment was mean and snarky, and beneath this blog.
While TLC pays Kate's ex just over $70,000 for not appearing on "Kate Plus Eight," his kids are earning $200,000 for starring in the show alongside their mommy.
"The reason you don't see Jon looking for a job or doing embarrassing interviews is that he is still on the TLC payroll," an insider told the gossip Web site. "Jon is basically getting paid to keep his mouth shut and go away."
But is 70 grand enough?
"It must sting him to know his kids are earning more money than he is," the insider confessed.
Jon's kids aren't the only ones bringing home the bacon. His ex-wife earns $500,000 for working on the show and brought in an additional $500,000 for her five complaint-filled weeks on "Dancing With the Stars."
A couple of things stood out to me with this.
1. If the kids are not working as Kate has said over and over, then why do they draw a salary?
2. The amount stated ($200,000) is not what those kids make. It's been reported numerous times that they make a dismal amount compared to Kate. Which takes us back to the first point I made....if they are not working, why would they collect a salary at all?
Ok Kate, we get it. You have a pool. You just want to sit by the pool on your lazy ass all summer and watch the kids in the pool, by the pool, near the pool, around the pool, next to the pool, in the vicinity of the pool, eating a picnic lunch by the pool, rain or shine. pool pool pool pool pool!
We. get. it. You really don't have to mention the pool in every single tweet, every day now that you have the pool open.
I'm not even sure a pool is quite the status symbol it used to be, as an aside, but I might be wrong about that.
Social Antithesis said... Interesting story in Sunday's New York Times:
This IS interesting, and makes me uneasy. They deliberatly work us and (y'all HATE ME when I say this) we fall for it. We have no one to blame but ourselves.
My hunch is that Jon got in with these people for those months that summer and began to realize just how sleazy it all was. It was a bad summer for BOTH J & K, (recall her in the baby doll dresses everyday, hung over, hitting Leah in the driveway), they both had a bit of a breakdown at that time. The difference is: Jon took a shower, said he was done with it and wanted a real life, and Kate found a way to fine tune the profit.
Kate will be Michael Lohan until the day she dies, orchestrating nonsense about her kids for us to purcha$e, and who knows how many of her damaged children will follow right behind her. Creating public woes to sell to the highest bidder may likely become The Brand's way of life.
Concerning Jon's mom telling Kate all the kids would look like him, I wonder what makes Jon's mother an expert at genetics? Possibly she was wise enough to see what a warped, evil a-hole Jon was messing around with and she was trying anything she could think of to get Kate to release Jon from her talons. Kate herself said Jon's mother told her not to marry Jon because of the kids' Asian genes, which Kate rolled her eyes at. Poor Mrs. Gosselin was grasping at straws to get rid of Kate, but Kate is too stupid to realize what Jon's mom was trying to do.
The Gosselin kids are 1/4 Asian, 3/4 Caucasian. The fact that most of them resemble Jon is just their good luck, not a genetic certainty.
BTW, Kate is not a blue-eyed blonde. She has brown eyes and naturally dark hair. It's not a big stretch that the kids would end up with brown eyes and dark hair. They just don't have Kate's big, gawky, square body, thank God!
I am surprised we have not seen her running with the dog before, so I doubt she has little to do with him. I think the only reason the dog was returned, if indeed it's the same dog, was for security of the grounds and a publicity stunt. Ok, I see that, and the kids get a pet, but Kate is lying when she says she loves the dog. There is no amount of editing that TLC can do to mask that woman's true personality.
Kate's tweeting that she'd LOVE to do Celebrity Apprentice....it's official; she wants a career in Reality TV, but then again, she's love to have a career in fitness/nutrition. Uh, that would take a degree and a career where you go to work every day. Not gonna happen.
Best to get her applications in for Apprentice, Survivor etc...as if her kids won't be embarrassed enough from her major fail on DWTS, they'll have to be humiliated by her being on Trump's trash show. Sorry if I've offended fans of the show, but it's a bunch of has-beens and who the hell is thats?
I think that Kate wants the sheeple to believe that she works SO HARD that she DESERVES to relax by the pool, and they wish they were her. She was lazy when married to Jon and she's still lazy. And all the twittering about cooking dinner....why would you do that when you have hired help? Believe me, if she was doing EVERYTHING, she would have no time to twitter.
I just noticed one of her recent tweets. She said IF she had an intern, that person would be doing Kate's paper work, not "sit on butt and tweet." So by that I assume she means she was
sitting on her backside and tweeting all those hours away a month or so ago? Admitting she was being lazy? A lot? No wonder she decided to stop tweeting so much. Tweeting a lot = NOT doing it all yourself.
Kate is tweeting that being a health and fitness expert would be a dream come true!
Raise your hand if you would go to an orange skinned fitness expert who runs maybe a mile every day or two for the cameras; has straw for hair; eats nothing but salads (and occasionally sushi at Nobu);has no idea how to feed her children; and looks ten years older than her stated age.
I don't see any hands.....
Now raise your hands if you think this could be her next failed stab at a potential television career....That's better!I can see them now!
I just have to respond to the comment about "Genetics 101". If dark genes were totally dominant there would be very few blue-eyed people left. My husband is just as much Japanese as Jon is Korean. Two of my kids look exactly like him, dark skin, black hair, brown eyes; two of them are blonde, blue-eyed, like me. Dark is dominant, but not all-powerful. That entire comment was mean and snarky, and beneath this blog.
What comment is that? The one from Another Legal, who said that maybe they weren't Kate's eggs because the kids look nothing like her, or the comment that brown eyes carry the dominant gene?
It's a biologicial fact. Brown eyes are dominant; dark hair is dominant. How they get mixed up with recessive genes is a matter of science, depending on who is carrying what genes and what other genes enter into the mix. Nobody said that they were "all powerful," but pointed out that there are dominant genes and recessive genes. Kate and Jon's kids seem to all have inherited Jon's dominant genes as, according to Kate, his mother predicted.
Lord have mercy. Anyone watching the tornado damage in Minneapolis, MN?
Between the recent floods down south, and now the tornados in the midwest, this year has been absolutely CRAZY.
I still have not forgotten the Japan earthquake/tsunami disaster...
May God watch, and protect all these people.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
Lord have mercy. Anyone watching the tornado damage in Minneapolis, MN?
I was watching the Today Show this morning and my favorite weatherman Al Roker was there reporting when holy shit! The skies went dark again and it looked as though another twister could break out any moment. To add insult to injury, the siren warning system was destroyed so if they get more tornados, there will be zero warning on top of many shelters being destroyed.
The whole damn city is wiped off the Earth!
This guy in his pajamas was taped pulling his little terrier out from what was his house, shortly after the event. A small miracle in a sea of tragedy.
Huffington Post has a terrifying first account video of the Joplin, MO tornado hitting what looks like a convenience store:
Just Me: You're right. A pool is not a status symbol. In fact, it does nothing to add to property value when you sell a house in this area. In fact, many prospective buyers do not want a pool, and this is a deterrent to purchasing a house with one. Kate's never had a pool, and so she thinks that this is a big deal. The nouveau riche are so annoying.
Those of us who grew up with pools and have always had them, see them as money pits! Fun for the kids, but unless you have a pool boy, it's nothing but work for the parents - cleaning, maintaining, buying chemicals, dealing with replacing filters, heaters, etc. etc. Every time you open a pool for the summer you just know that winter demon has slipped in there and done something nasty and expensive, even if it's only a matter of the drain covers slipping off or tiles needing to be replaced. I'm not sure if Kate's pool has a built-in spa area, but something always goes wrong there - the blowers die, the lights go out, etc. etc. I imagine if there were an attached spa, we would have heard about it by now.
I'm sure, though, that Kate knows nothing about pool maintenance. She just sits by the pool, tweeting away while watching the service company take care of backwashing the filter!
Tucker's Mom said...
I was watching the Today Show this morning and my favorite weatherman Al Roker was there reporting when holy shit! The skies went dark again and it looked as though another twister could break out any moment. To add insult to injury, the siren warning system was destroyed so if they get more tornados, there will be zero warning on top of many shelters being destroyed.
The whole damn city is wiped off the Earth!
This guy in his pajamas was taped pulling his little terrier out from what was his house, shortly after the event. A small miracle in a sea of tragedy.
Absolutely frightening.
Oh, and that sweet little doggie...
He looked so dazed and dirty- but ALIVE, thank God. He's a little miracle. May God send more miracles to these areas.
. She said IF she had an intern, that person would be doing Kate's paper work, not "sit on butt and tweet." So by that I assume she means she was
sitting on her backside and tweeting all those hours away a month or so ago?
I saw that, too, and was trying to figure it out. At first I thought Kate meant that she was [being lazy] sitting on her butt. Then I realized that she meant that if she hired an intern, Kate would make the intern do Kate's work and not pay the intern to sit and tweet.
This is really funny because Kate is admitting that tweeting means sitting around on your butt (whether she is doing it or the intern is doing it). What a doofus!
We grew up with a pool in the Northeast. I completely agree with etown it's a money pit and has reduced my parents' property value. And it certainly wasn't a status symbol. And to fill it in would cost even more! That said they dont regret it as it provide many summers of fun.
A pool is sort of a Lazy parent's dream isn't it? Kids adore it and you just have to stand there or have the nanny watch them. The parent comes off as the hero. Not all parents with pools are lazy-- my parents enjoyed te pool WITH us instead of using the pool as a babysitter. But notice Kate never says they're enjoying the pool together. The kids are always in it and he's tweeting. Lazy.
Re: pools
Does it cost a lot to heat a pool? I'm under the impression that it does, and it's May, hardly summer and Kate's got the pool heated daily.
Catherine said... I just have to respond to the comment about "Genetics 101". If dark genes were totally dominant there would be very few blue-eyed people left. My husband is just as much Japanese as Jon is Korean. Two of my kids look exactly like him, dark skin, black hair, brown eyes; two of them are blonde, blue-eyed, like me. Dark is dominant, but not all-powerful. That entire comment was mean and snarky, and beneath this blog.
Brown hair and eyes are dominant, but it really depends on the family history. Khate is a natural brunette, with hazel eyes, I believe. Jon has black hair and brown eyes. Hence, all their children have dark hair and eyes. Now, if Khate has a blonde, blue-eyed parent, there might have been some differences with the kids. I've never seen her parents, so I wouldn't know. It's all a matter of chance. Unless, Khate's kids aren't biologically hers, but a few of them do resemble her a bit (Hannah, Collin, Mady, maybe).
Quick comment on the pool...
Here in Northern California is gets into the 90s for July and August and even tips 100 a few days each summer. A pool for me is ALMOST mandatory! I hate sitting inside with the A/C pumping. Much rather be outside reading a book or listening to the Giants game on the radio while lounging at the pool on the weekends. I even bought plastic martini glasses so I can kick back in the water while reading my book and enjoying a beverage.
It's not at all a status symbol in this part of the state - its a functional part of one's home for those that prefer the outdoors to the controlled-air indoors. The fact at my house is that I am the one who uses the pool multiple times a day in the summer, and my kids normally only like going in when I am in (divorced so only here half the time.) My lab/golden mix loves to swim with me too and always finds a way to 'accidentally' kick his tennis ball into the water so he must jump in to retrieve it. He thinks I havent figured out his ploy yet so please keep this on the down-low.
I built a basketball hoop next to the pool so the kids and I love to horse around and shoot hoops in the water. I have found it keeps them in longer with me! Can you believe I have to coax them into the pool on most days? They would much rather be skateboarding, biking, playing soccer or baseball or whatever kids do. I cant think of a time where my kids are in the pool and I dont throw a suit on and jump in to goof around with them. It's definitely NOT a child care tool in this house.
Kate's tweeting that she'd LOVE to do Celebrity Apprentice....
Oh brother. As much as we'd all love to hear the Donald tell Kate she's fired I doubt if she'll ever get invited to CA. I'm sure Trump knows she'd be completely worthless due to her disabling lack of devotion to anything that doesn't benefit HER bank account. The only thing she'd manage to accomplish would be to lower the show's ratings.
"Hard work" and "charity" will never be in the same sentence as Kate Gosselin.
Brown hair and eyes are dominant, but it really depends on the family history.
Correct, but in order for the kids to have blond hair and blue eyes, both of the parents must carry that gene. Japanese and Koreans are members of the Mongoloid race, and the brown eyes/dark hair traits are dominant. If there is a chance that the Asian male carries a blue-eyed (recessive gene) and that gene meets with the blue-eyed recessive gene of a Caucasian female, the child will have blue eyes, but the chance is only 25 percent.
admin said,
We grew up with a pool in the Northeast. I completely agree with etown it's a money pit and has reduced my parents' property value. And it certainly wasn't a status symbol. And to fill it in would cost even more! That said they dont regret it as it provide many summers of fun.
Exactly. As a kid, it was so much fun, and I can't imagine summers without it. As an adult, though, maintaining it is not so much fun, but remembering what it was like when I was a child makes it all worth the while because I know that the kids will have the same memories as I had when I was young. I am now in my parents' shoes! We do, however, get into the pool WITH the kids and do not have a nanny supervising them while we tweet by the pool!
I'd like to see Kate on CA as the other contestants would grind her up and spit her out. Maybe this is what she actually needs, someone to call her on all her BS and what a lazy unmotivated selfish person she really is. Would be worth watching...
No kids, she would have nothing...she would be so far out of her element, where the competition is brutal. Unlike DWTS, where other contestants seems to be somewhat kind to each. I say bring it on! And bring Nee Nee back to deal with Kart.
Aren't the contestants on most of these Reality shows sequestered? I can't imagine even entertaining the idea of packing up and moving in with a bunch of strangers for weeks and weeks when you have 8 little kids at home. That's just nuts.
It's not like The Donald will put a boardroom in Kate's basement!
Off topic, but below is a portion of an article that was in the New York Times yesterday concerning 'celebrities' and the manufacturing of 'news' to get attention and dollars. A portrait of a lot of awful, money-grubbing people, all in all, and Jon Gosselin showed up about halfway through. Definitely not his finest moment, and he seems to have moved on and reformed.
I have pasted that portion of the article below. The entire article can be found at http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/22/us/22gossip.html?pagewanted=4&_r=1
"Records in a lawsuit between TLC and one of its former top reality stars, Jon Gosselin of the show “Jon and Kate Plus Eight,” provide a peek at the flow of cash that finances “exclusive” content.
Mr. Gosselin, an information technology specialist before he and his wife at the time became reality stars with their large brood, met Mr. Lohan in 2009 and lamented that he was struggling to land lucrative interviews, according to depositions shared with The Times on the condition that their source not be disclosed.
Mr. Lohan said in a deposition that he set up Mr. Gosselin with a talent broker who has “helped my daughter out tremendously.” The broker, Mr. Lohan said, arranged paid interviews and appearances for Mr. Gosselin in exchange for a 20 percent commission. Mr. Lohan was also paid. The broker, Michael Heller, did not dispute the account.
Mr. Gosselin generated interview offers worth at least $365,000 that year, according to the depositions. That did not include fees for appearances and other events that, Mr. Lohan testified, “are paid in cash, not checks, so there won’t be a record of some of them.”
According to the legal papers, Mr. Gosselin was offered $100,000 by E! Television and received roughly $40,000 from In Touch, at least $120,000 from “Entertainment Tonight” and about $100,000 from ABC News. That was in addition to the $25,000 he and his wife made per episode."
"Would be my dream come true..a career with fitness/nutrition"
Kate's already grifting for her next job.
Oh, and on Shoka: that dog is there for security purposes only. Why do you think she chose that breed rather than one that's more typically child/family friendly like a retriever? Once you have that fact in mind, it's no surprise whatsoever that she doesn't run with him and that she keeps him outside constantly.
Oh AuntieAnn, can you just see her on CA??? Are you kidding me? Star Jones tweeted a few weeks ago that they had 5:30 am wake up and worked until 11 pm every single day. There is no way Kate could do that and really have to work! If people watch that show, they see they work their butts off.
Her teammates would dump on her their FIRST project. LOL
IDModo said...Kate is tweeting that being a health and fitness expert would be a dream come true!
What happened to her dream of being a talk show host? Guess that didn't pan out.
She's not the next Jillian Michaels. What advice does she have to offer that's different and/or better than the plethora of other health fitness experts already out there? I agree that I wouldn't want to take advice from a health expert who looks like Kate and is always exhausted.
Tweeting about Celebrity Apprentice...lol. She lost her chance while she was still a hot commodity. What is she going to do...start a twitter rally getting her tween sheeple to tweet the Trump family? Besides, I doubt the Kate Gosselin fund would qualify as a charity.
If she's ever considered, it would be more of an after-thought to fill in a spot for those celebs who turned down Trump's offer.
How's she going to get Steve on the show? It's not like she has a real disability and needs an interpreter like Marlee Matlin. Claim him as her human conscience or brain interpreter due to a mental defect?
Her tv career is in the slumps when it's SHE doing the contact, not the other way around.
I think Kate is talking about the pool (in 65 degree weather) because she really doesnt have much else to say. She is not what anyone would call Quick-Witted and she is so self-centered that she really has such a limited comprehension of the world or how things work or anything of interest other than her shoes and nail polish. So she sees this big blue thing everyday out the window so she twats about that. Right now she is obsessing about finding another show where she can primp, complain, flap her hands and screech for some million$ a year.
Yes, Kate, we all know that once a month or so, like clockwork, you will open your computer and glance at a headline so you can twit "WOW sw dmg n Minn/mrylnd/mxco or wearevr,lets luv Jesis."
Anyway, I'm putting scallops on the grill tonight, y'all come on over, there's plenty and I promise not to serve dinner raw and poison you dearhearts. Made a lovely huge salad too. Please bring wine, I prefer white. Maybe your own chair. LOL!
I don't think that K8 would really want to be on Celebrity Apprentice (other than for the publicit) because they only pay about $25K for the whole time. Most of the money goes to the charity.
I live in Southern AZ and has still been a little too cool to actually go in the pool (a necessity out here and not a luxury)and our temps have been mid 80's. I think it's because it's been so windy this year.
Just a couple of thoughts-
1- maybe didn't pick the breed- maybe that was Jon and or the kids and now she is stuck with the poor dog....
2- I had no idea people were as fierce about dog rearing as they were about child rearing!! LOL - anyway, Maybe part of the debate is generational/upbringing gap and cultural gap- for example, my grandmother doesn't believe pets belong in the house, and she certainly wouldn't walk them. Also, I work with folks from Afghanistan and Iran and they think we Americans are crazy they way we treat our beloved dogs, they also don't believe pets should be allowed inside, they think they are dirty. They don't walk their pets. Their pets live in the yards. So maybe this explains some of the debating here. Who knows....
3- Kate asking on Twitter for TLC to remove the impostor- maybe that isn't because she doesn't communicate with TLC, maybe it's to show all her followers how powerful she is, like "see, I snap my fingers and my bidding gets done".....
Again, just thoughts.
So, there's a clip on TLC's website that shows the kids at breakfast time. The time is shown on the screen to be 5:30am. I didn't think they could film that early.
@notkategosselin follows me on twitter. I had tweeted some not nice things long before Kate became addicted to twitter & they twittered me some 'Right ons!' & "You go girl!" & then started following me. I have since stopped twittering Kate because of her kids. Is Kate so daft she can't click the BLOCK button all my her little lonesome? Tell me why she needs big bad TLC to do her dirty work? She makes herself look so pathetic. She wants to be heralded as some super mom yet cannot do the simplest of tasks. What gives? Don't have a twitter Kate, if you don't want negative feedback. She must have known, with ALL of the people that are against her that she would get some not so nice things twittered against her. And on THAT note, one would also tend to think that she would not want her kids to see such rude & vile things printed right there, in black & white, for all to see on the internet for years to come, for her children to view. (again, that is why I stopped awhile back. I felt bad for her kids)
But we ARE talking about Kate, & Kate only thinks about Kate. So, I guess it's OK if her kids see that those who do not like her are writing things like "fake rack" & "don't you care about your kids?" & "you exploiter" blah blah blah for her kids to see forever. She just does not think about that. What a(e)ffect will this have on THEM? Anything written about Kate is good I guess? As long as she is getting attention, she doesn't care about the repercussions? I know it would bother me if someone was talking smack about me all the time & there were websites devoted to my kids, & myself, that were negative & vile. At least THIS one is fair & balanced. I can't say that about all of them. Most are disgusting. And her defenders on twitter are crazy mostly, not thinking at all about Kate's kids, just Kate & how SHE is handling life. Hello!! SHE HAS CHILDREN, they are REAL KIDS, NOT ACTORS!! (sorry, went off on another tangent) :)
~Hippie Chick~
Brown hair and eyes are dominant, but it really depends on the family history. Khate is a natural brunette, with hazel eyes, I believe. Jon has black hair and brown eyes. Hence, all their children have dark hair and eyes.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Kate was a natural blonde. In her high school pictures, she had blond hair, and there's one picture of her with Jon at a New Year's party (where she's wearing too much blush) and she is blond there also. She was blond on their honeymoon video; I think she just dyed it brown for something different.
mamaK said...
So, there's a clip on TLC's website that shows the kids at breakfast time. The time is shown on the screen to be 5:30am. I didn't think they could film that early.
Make a copy of the clip. They are not supposed to be filming before 7 a.m. I'd report that one to Rep Murt and the DOL.
Federal Child Labor Law: "Outside of agriculture, there are far greater hours-of-work protections for child workers. Specifically, those 14- and 15-year-olds as described above who are permitted to work in certain retail, service, and gasoline service station jobs cannot work during school hours, and in addition they cannot work before 7:00 a.m. or after 7:00 p.m. (after 9:00 p.m. from June 1 through Labor Day), and they cannot work more than 3 hours on a school day or more than 18 hours in a school week, or more than 8 hours on a non-school day or more than 40 hours in a non-school week."
PA Law: "No minor under sixteen years of age shall be employed or permitted to work in, about, or in connection with, any establishment or in any occupation before seven o'clock in the morning or after seven o'clock in the evening of any day except during school vacation period from June to Labor Day when such minor may work between the hours of seven o'clock in the morning and ten o'clock in the evening..."
Here's the form to submit to the DOL.
Rep Murt's e-mail address is: tmurt@pahousegop.com
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Kate was a natural blonde. In her high school pictures, she had blond hair, and there's one picture of her with Jon at a New Year's party (where she's wearing too much blush) and she is blond there also
She wasn't blonde in Middle School. We all used Sun-In or something similar in our later school years!
I don't know how TLC has gotten away with filming excessive hours all this time. I think about the NYC trip where they started filming in the morning with the train station and kept going through the whole day, past 9pm, which was obvious as it got dark out while they were on the double decker bus.
You know, when the kids passed out from exhaustion.
They've been filming all hours of the day and night for years now.
Please bring wine, I prefer white. Maybe your own chair. LOL!
White plastic?
Kate didn't go brunette for a change. She went brunette while pregnant and I assume she didn't want to use chemicals while pregnant with HOM's.
Come to think of it, didn't she cut her hair short because long hair gave her migraines?
Is this woman allergic to the truth??
Re: pools
Does it cost a lot to heat a pool? I'm under the impression that it does, and it's May, hardly summer and Kate's got the pool heated daily.
With an electric heat pump, in this area you can figure about $2,500 from May through September to heat a 30,000 pool to 75 degrees. I'm not sure of the cost for heating it with natural gas but it's not cheap.
2- I had no idea people were as fierce about dog rearing as they were about child rearing!! LOL - anyway, Maybe part of the debate is generational/upbringing gap and cultural gap- for example, my grandmother doesn't believe pets belong in the house, and she certainly wouldn't walk them. Also, I work with folks from Afghanistan and Iran and they think we Americans are crazy they way we treat our beloved dogs, they also don't believe pets should be allowed inside, they think they are dirty. They don't walk their pets. Their pets live in the yards. So maybe this explains some of the debating here. Who knows....
I live in a small country not to far from the USA. It's generally warm and breezy all year round. Dogs are loved, but few people allow their dogs inside their home. They sleep in caar ports or dog houses or curled up under parked cars. I have a dog house, but my dogs prefer to sleep on the warm asphalt in the night
If they are allowed in, (usually puppies), its rooms where there is tile or wooden flooring only. Dogs on beds and couches is unheard of and dogs in the kitchen is considered dirty.
Fences around the house is standard and everyone has a lawn. Dogs do not have to be walked as they run around all day and relieve themselves whereever they wish.
Most people have at least 2 dogs so they keep each other company.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... Lord have mercy. Anyone watching the tornado damage in Minneapolis, MN?
Between the recent floods down south, and now the tornados in the midwest, this year has been absolutely CRAZY.
I still have not forgotten the Japan earthquake/tsunami disaster...
May God watch, and protect all these people.
Amen. I used to live near Joplin MO where an F4 or F5 touched down last night. My daugher and son-in-law drove down there yesterday to look for her father and half-brother, then spend the night doing search and rescue of both people and animals.
So why isn't Katie Irene twittering about Minneapolois and Joplin, urging others to donate to the Red Cross or 'gasp' opening her wallet? Remember "this is just the start of the Gosselings giving back"? Has she even mentioned the disasters on her twitter? (Now watch, she probably will mention the devastation within the next 24 hours once she reads this blog).She could probably get some + publicity out of making a donation, but no, she's too busy twittering about her pool and dream job. The Donald will never have her on his show as she overstepped normal boundaries big time when she got all chummy for the cameras and actually touched his hair.
Anon said,
Dogs on beds and couches is unheard of and dogs in the kitchen is considered dirty.
I'd prefer to have a dog, any dog, on my bed, couches and kitchen rather than some people I've seen hanging around on the streets.
butterfly said...
2- I had no idea people were as fierce about dog rearing as they were about child rearing!! LOL - anyway, Maybe part of the debate is generational/upbringing gap and cultural gap- for example, my grandmother doesn't believe pets belong in the house, and she certainly wouldn't walk them. Also, I work with folks from Afghanistan and Iran and they think we Americans are crazy they way we treat our beloved dogs, they also don't believe pets should be allowed inside, they think they are dirty. They don't walk their pets. Their pets live in the yards. So maybe this explains some of the debating here. Who knows....
You are correct, butterfly. Many cultures think that dogs ar considered "dirty". Sad, really. They are missing out on having the purest, most loving, non-judgemental, and loyal relationship anyone could ever have. I would never trust any person that does not treat an animal or a child with love, patience and dignity.
All I know is whenever a soldier comes across a dog over "there", you always read (and see photos) that the dog became the soldier's loyal, best friend and protector. Some dogs have given up their lives to warn the soldiers of impending danger. All those poor creatures are just STARVED for attention & love & a scrap of food.
So sad...
Funny how it's always the innocents that suffer at the hands of "people" that think they are superior. Simply because people happen to be high on the food chain, doesn't necessarily make them "better".
Anyway, I don't see the dogs over there picking up guns and shooting people, or blowing people up etc...
Whew! Did I just write all that? Sorry, butterfly. I'm not angry with you- I'm just angry at how abusive & sh*tty humans can be with the innocents- sometimes in the name of religion, sometimes culture, sometimes ego, sometimes just for the sake of being cruel...
What a world.
Have a great day butterfly :o) I hope I did not give you a headache ;o)
[hops off soapbox]
Administrator said...
We grew up with a pool in the Northeast. I completely agree with etown it's a money pit and has reduced my parents' property value. And it certainly wasn't a status symbol. And to fill it in would cost even more! That said they dont regret it as it provide many summers of fun.
A pool is sort of a Lazy parent's dream isn't it? Kids adore it and you just have to stand there or have the nanny watch them. The parent comes off as the hero. Not all parents with pools are lazy-- my parents enjoyed te pool WITH us instead of using the pool as a babysitter. But notice Kate never says they're enjoying the pool together. The kids are always in it and he's tweeting. Lazy.
As soon as we purchased our home, we added a pool pool to the property. It was great for the kids (they learned how to swim in it), and their friends who came over for play dates, and also for my husband, who used to jump in as soon as he came home from work. Me, I could take it or leave it. I can't sit still anyway- in or around a pool. I'd rather be gardening.
As time went by, and our kids were teens, it was no longer fun for them to hang out in our pool. They wanted to go with their friends to the beach instead, or go to public pools nearby.
So, after aprox. 19 years after we purchased the pool, we decided that since it was rarely being used, it had become an expensive decoration in the backyard. We promptly had it removed.
Don't miss it, don't miss the expense, and don't miss the upkeep.
But it did serve its purpose when the kids were young ;o)
As time went by, and our kids were teens, it was no longer fun for them to hang out in our pool. They wanted to go with their friends to the beach instead, or go to public pools nearby.
Gosh, Pink, I remember those days. When I was a sophomore in high school, it was fun hanging out at the public pool. I remember like it was yesterday, telling my dad I was going to the community pool. The look on his face was one I'll never forget. I remember his words, "That's why we have a pool right here - so you don't have to go to the park pool." My mom, bless her heart, came to my defense and gently explained to him that it was the "social" thing - being with friends, and going to the pool dances. Those were some of the reasons, but what was on the top of our agenda was checking out the guys.
The next summer I hung out at home because I had a boyfriend, and my community pool days were over. All of my close friends came to my house. My dad was delighted! He was the grillmeister, and there were so many days of endless fun and good eats.
How do you "remove" a pool from your yard? Do you mean that you filled it in? Isn't that expensive?
Kate plans on running with the dog this summer. Well, fellow commenters, I truly cannot believe you didn't ferret out what Kate actually meant. She does plan to run with the dog. She has to plan the actual time/date for either TLC or Chris to record it *and* she has to plan the time she can borrow the dog from the trainer. The woman is so freaking baked it's pitiful(ish).
Jenna I,too, live with chronic pain. I hate my cane but it helps me get around. I am on a wait list for a hip transplant and here, on the east coast of Canada, it's a lengthy list.
Minding my grandchild overnight and tomorrow and, even though mobility is a serious issue, I wouldn't pass up his company for 'nuttin'. He is such a beacon in our lives.
Kate was on the rumor list for this last celebrity apprentice that just finished last night. I remember seeing her name on the rumor list and was so happy when the offical list came out and she was not on the show. Usually CA apprentice taoes in the fall and airs in the spring. Now Trump is going to have a fall 2011 CA and it has not started to film yet? Sadly I can see Trump putting her on for ratings. This year he tried that with Richard Hatch and Hatch could not raise any money. Kate would humilate herself on the show. She would have no one to call and raise money from. Stars that have few money contacts usally have other skills, but Kate doesn't sing, isn't good with computers, isnt motvated or hardworking (like to go out and drum up sales for a task). She would fall flat on her face but Trump would love the attention. Too bad Trump never brings back old players, I would love to see NeNe, Annie Duke, Star, and Omarosa be Kate's teammates.
When we were house hunting, we looked at a home with a pool. The owner said he loved the pool because he had 4 kids and he would have then swin for 30-45 minutes and the kids would be so tired they would go right to sleep and sleep all night. I always thought this is why Kate loves her pool to tire out the kids for the 7pm bedtime!
Swimming does make kids tired but also starving! Kids burn a lot of calories swimming and often get out of the pool ravenous.
IDModo said...
Kate is tweeting that being a health and fitness expert would be a dream come true!
I am studying to be a clinical herbalist & holistic wellness practitioner. In my studies, health & nutrition are HUGE parts of my studies. I just spent the greater part of winter writing massive papers, researching & doing even more research about nutrition, healthy ways to lose weight, exercise, etc. It is not just picking up a book, reading a few chapters, running a couple miles & calling yourself an expert. Nor is it tanning, making yourself *think* you look good by eating rabbit food & getting mani/pedis. It is a whole lifestyle change!
Kate was a damn nurse. She KNOWS that a lot goes into nutrition & health. One look at her & people would run away screaming that they wouldn't take health advice from her. And now that alternative health is on the rise, there is even more to learn. Trust me! :) I absolutely love every minute of it, but I don't see Kate taking time of out her day to a) study & b) actually want to help people better themselves, when she doesn't want to better her own life when it is obviously in disarray. I don't think she sees that though. Sad.
~Hippie Chick~
There are a lot of things we used to do a certain way we know more about now. Dog rearing is just one thing that has changed I.e. Welcoming them into the home, etc, and in my opinion it has changed for the better for both dogs and their humans. I know my dog is one of my greatest joys. Cannot imagine making the yard his babysitter.
E-town Neighbor said...
Gosh, Pink, I remember those days. When I was a sophomore in high school, it was fun hanging out at the public pool. I remember like it was yesterday, telling my dad I was going to the community pool. The look on his face was one I'll never forget. I remember his words, "That's why we have a pool right here - so you don't have to go to the park pool." My mom, bless her heart, came to my defense and gently explained to him that it was the "social" thing - being with friends, and going to the pool dances. Those were some of the reasons, but what was on the top of our agenda was checking out the guys.
The next summer I hung out at home because I had a boyfriend, and my community pool days were over. All of my close friends came to my house. My dad was delighted! He was the grillmeister, and there were so many days of endless fun and good eats.
How do you "remove" a pool from your yard? Do you mean that you filled it in? Isn't that expensive?
Oh my goodness E-town, how funny!
Your mom sounds adorable. I think your dad's logic was somewhat similar to my family's- my parents, grandmother(maternal) & my MIL were absolutely DELIGHTED when we bought the pool.
With a pool in the backyard, there was no need to go to a strange public pool. And they were so convinced that their little grandbabies were going to catch an infectious disease swimming with the other kiddies in the town pool ;o)
We did have fun, though. We had more "complete" parties in the summer with the pool + bbq + patio deck with furniture- so it was very inviting. I must admit, absent the mosquitos, it was really lovely living. Sometimes the kids would stay in the pool until past midnight. Plenty of good memories :o)
In answering your question: "How do you "remove" a pool from your yard? Do you mean that you filled it in? Isn't that expensive?"
We had a very long, oval shaped pool- one end was 4 ft above ground, then it slowly graduated deeper and deeper into 6 ft at the other end.
So yes, when it came time to remove the pool, we had to fill in the part that was underground. It took alot of dirt, and years of throwing dirt on top to properly fill in that hole. It was kinda expensive- not too bad, but we really did not have much of a choice.
Khate was very much born a brunette. I couldn't find the photo of her as a preschooler (looks a lot like Hannah in it). Lots of women that dye their hair stop when they are pregnant. She probably dyed it back to brown when she began fertility treatments. I certainly don't begrudge her that, she can do what she wants with her hair. But for those that think her kids don't look at all like her, imagine Khate with her natural brown hair.
Some photos:
Young Kate
Middle School Kate
High School Kate
ADMIN Speaking of dogs...and Pinky mentioned soldiers... I hope you don't mind my posting these two videos. They are soldiers who had been away for a long time in Iraq and Afghanistan, being greeted by their dogs when they get home. I love these. If you choose not to post, no problem. You must have your speakers on.
Cannot imagine making the yard his babysitter.
I can't imagine letting my guys sleep outside. Their bed is my bed. There have been times when I haven't wanted to disturb them when I was ready for bed, and just let them sleep in my spot. I slept in the guestroom!
Administrator said...
Swimming does make kids tired but also starving! Kids burn a lot of calories swimming and often get out of the pool ravenous.
This is true. And all they wanted to eat was munchie stuff- chips, pretzels etc...
Looking back, I could have pushed healthier choices. Fortunately, no harm was done. They're adults now, and making very healthy choices on their own.
But I digress....
A Dog Lover, I did not make that post, A Pink Jacket did. I know nothing about how soldiers treat dogs or vice versa, other than my cousin who is in the Navy and treats his beagle as good as his own daughter. I used to call him for advice when my little peanut was a puppy.
I'm not afraid of your post, but I'm deleting it because I'm not going to post the animal cruelty video that you want me to. You are sick to even watch that let alone try to post that here, and it's a good indication of the state of minds of the Kate fans.
This is how people who don't agree with this blog handle it. Instead of actually engaging in intelligent and respectful debate, their response is to post violent videos.
I get the Kate fans now, they are the kind of people that not only support children working away their childhoods, but also, animals being treated poorly and even killed for fun. Disturbing.
Administrator said...
There are a lot of things we used to do a certain way we know more about now. Dog rearing is just one thing that has changed I.e. Welcoming them into the home, etc, and in my opinion it has changed for the better for both dogs and their humans. I know my dog is one of my greatest joys. Cannot imagine making the yard his babysitter.
E-town Neighbor said...
I can't imagine letting my guys sleep outside. Their bed is my bed. There have been times when I haven't wanted to disturb them when I was ready for bed, and just let them sleep in my spot. I slept in the guestroom!
Amen & Amen!
Our furry babies have changed our lives for the better. For all the unconditional love, loyalty, protection, and companionship they give us, we gladly & willingly give up a portion of our bed to make them comfortable.
Actually, our "Jackabee" (Jack Russell Terrier/Beagle) sleeps with us- he behaves like it's HIS BED, and he's allowing us to sleep with him.
Our sweetheart "Bassoon" (Basset/Coonhood) prefers to sleep on her crib mattress, on the floor next to my side of the bed. It's actually quite pretty- looks like a homemade trundle bed. Her bed also has a fitted sheet, a top sheet, and she likes to lay her head on her pillow. So sweet.
Our families think we're nuts, and they laugh at us too...
Too bad.
I am a dog freak: have had many, loved many and know a lot about them. First off, a G shepherd was a horrible choice for this overwhelmed, physically inactive family. They are big time shedders, which kate would hold against the dog. GSD were bred to work, to herd, to guard, to protect, they are too smart to do otherwise. I'd love to see Kate put a doggie obstacle course on her bucket list. The kids and Shoka could have a great time learning agility. Or he could be taught to round up the chickens...anything but being ignored in that backyard. The best, most humane, most selfless thing to do for that dog would be to give that dog back to the breeder. Kate would look like a stand up guy if she admitted it wasn't fair to him and they love him too much to keep him chained up. Then to make it up to the kids, get them a new pet only this time, let them be involved in the process. Do some homework. Look into Kimg Charles spaniels, sweet pugs, poodles (no shedding at all!). Or consider cats. They are low maintenance, don't demand your attention unless hungry or playful. With a house and property like that, they'd keep the rodent population down. (yes, Kate, just about everyone gets rats, even those in nice houses). Do it Kate! Free Shoka! Get a dog your kids can play and snuggle with indoors or better yet, cats, who would love to live outside and come in for the occasional visit
We had a very long, oval shaped pool- one end was 4 ft above ground, then it slowly graduated deeper and deeper into 6 ft at the other end.
From your description, it sounds like it was a set-in pool rather than a poured concrete in-ground pool. Correct? The kind that you buy already constructed and then sink into the ground? I know that these pools are common at houses at the Jersey shore, but we don't find too many of them in this area. That's why I was confused! Thanks!
A Pink Straight Jacket-
No sweat off my back! :) I was just sharing what I have learned on my job (Navy). My dog, a cute but naughty little pug, lives indoors, she has to- she was bred to be an indoor, companion dog. And that is why I chose a pug :D
I don't judge the other cultures for how they treat their dogs, as long as they aren't abusing them. When I was in Italy I saw rampant stray dogs that ran in packs (and cats) because it seems they don't believe in spaying and neutering. Now that is ashame.
Anyway, I just noticed all the posts commenting on Kate's tweets referring to her "dream" job- or should I say jobs? How many dreams does this woman have? Is she ever awake and in reality? She sounds like a 7 year old you know- "When I grow up I want to be..." and everyday they have a new career LOL Cute for a 7 year old, not so much for Kate.
Coward! You post a whole page of blogs spouting their love of their pets yet refuse to see what your wonderful and noble hero soldiers are really doing to the dogs and animals in Iraq. It's all over the internet. Yet you would rather yack on and on and on about Katie's hair, or shoes, or breasts or whether she has the waist of a man. Hardly mentioning the children. For three years now, what have you accomplished? l'll tell you what...nothin! Continuing to put stuff out there that the children will read, yet complaining they will one day read about all their mom and dad did to them. YOU are no better, sister! Same goes for your bloggers. You are all part and parcel of the abuse of those children. So, what have you accomplished in the last several years to help the kids? What? What? Hypercrite! Yep, l know this will not be posted. But, Christ is good to vent at you. And Americans wonder why the rest of the world has no respect for you. You all live in Cloud Cuckoo Land. Bunch of hypercrites
Do you feel better now?
I had to post that to show the instabilty of some of these people involving themselves in this saga. And Kate is tweeting exactly what bus the kids' take. Real smart there.
I think everyone here is well aware that some people abuse animals and no one is denying it. That's kind of the whole point of this discussion, that many of us believe Kate's German Shepherd isn't being cared for the best he should be and deserves better. I don't see what posting a horrible video about animal abuse accomplishes. If folks are interested they can easily find it on the net and comment there.
Kate says "every time I need a boost I check twitter."
That's just...sad.
How about every time you need a boost you go talk to your kids and give 'em a hug? How about that?
Peta member and proud of it said...
{(it is off it's medication again...) blather blather blather}
AHEM. what, honey? I missed your point? Bless yer lil heart. Did you get yer pills refilled dear? awwww...
what a shock it will be to the kids to learn in years to come that their mom's boobs spilled out of her shirt all the time. Coz they never noticed them plastic things swinging nekkid in their faces until they read it years later. You are right, however, about 1 good thing - Kate and her hair, shoes, waist and store bought boobs DO indeed have a great deal to do with PETA.
(My son in law just came home from Afghanastan with a loving lost dog, you shut your mouth until your daughter has sobbed in YOUR arms, you phony) sorry admin, I just broke lots-o-rules didnt I?
On the bright side, the scallops on my grill were great, dont you all agree!?? A little garlic-y, but still...! Even the tornado warning turned out ok as we all headed into my basement with our wine and music and prayers.
Administrator said...
Kate says "every time I need a boost I check twitter."
That's just...sad.
It's more than sad. It's pathetic to think that a 36-year-old mother of eight has to rely on gum-chewing teeny boppers and delusional uber fans to give her a boost. I'd be ashamed to admit that, but that's Kate - not thinking before she tweets.
New post up. Not too much going on interesting but Kate is twattering away saying some ridiculous stuff. Check out the new thread to discuss it.
I realize this is not a subject for debate here, but are people aware of the extremely high percentage of animals that PETA "rescues"that are not rehomed, but euthanized by the very organization that claims to be rescuing them?I have read quotes of up to 97%.Google for yourself.
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