Kate had this to tweet in response following the ruling today in court she owes over $10,000 in therapy bills:
"Thanks my tweeties4 the extra love! I needed it esp 2day...& no worries,beat me downX100&I'll still get up fighting.no is nvr no to me! GN!!"
Kate? You need to get a healthy respect for the court of law and comply with their orders to pay your own darn bills. Also, your behavior is indicative of your serious, at this point, raging out of control narcissism. It's ironic you are being sued for a therapist bill you claim is not yours, as no one in this whole mess needs therapy more than you.
Therapist/MSW Judith Acosta of Christian Counseling Center, New Mexico: "[Narcissists] are people who don't accept "no" for an answer easily because it so threatens either their plan, their sense of self-worth (which is actually quite flimsy), or both. In order to keep things moving where they want them to go, they will manipulate with sweetness and charm. If that doesn't work, they will lie. And if that doesn't work, in many cases (though not all) they will rage. Sometimes that rage is malignant and can result in profound emotional or bodily harm to others."

437 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 437 of 437 Newer› Newest»Peta member and proud of it said...
And Americans wonder why the rest of the world has no respect for you. You all live in Cloud Cuckoo Land. Bunch of hypercrites.
Admin, you don't have to post this if you don't want to, since this is off-topic, but I have a question for the member of PETA.
One of my co-workers and I were talking about Lady Gaga at work today, and I brought up her famous "meat dress" she wore to some awards show last year. I honestly (not to sound like Kate or anything) DO NOT remember PETA calling her out on wearing meat, yet when the Olsen twins wear fur, PETA always gets their panties in a bunch and claim it's cruel to animals. So it's cruel to wear fur, but fine to wear meat?
My point is NOT whether wearing fur is acceptable or not, my point is PETA are hypocrites also.
So, what have you accomplished in the last several years to help the kids? What? What?
What? What? I'll tell you what! New PA labor laws to protect kids on reality television. This never would have come to be unless people on these blogs had made our state legislators aware of the archaic laws that were on the books. Our local legislators, as well as Paul Petersen, have admitted that they were not aware that PA laws were so nebulous as to not protect these kids. It was BECAUSE of the e-mails and bloggers calling attention to the exploitation of these kids that these laws were drafted.
With the enactment of the new laws and passing of the bill, it is hoped that other states may follow suit and an awareness of the need to protect ALL kids in the entertainment industry will be generated. That's WHAT, WHAT has been accomplished. It's a beginning.
"And Americans wonder why the rest of the world has no respect for you"
The rest of the world? Admin, were you aware that the entire world is reading this blog?
Children hardly mentioned? Perhaps you were zoned out or so high on something and haven't read how many times the kids have been mentioned here. Go back and read the concern the bloggers have for the security of these kids once Kate started her tweeting frenzy. Dare you.
How drunk or just plain stupid are these sheeple? Posts such as this really reinforce what we've been saying all along...they live in their own world and once in awhile come out and make total fools of themselves by posting such wacky accusations.
This isn't the first time PETA has been critical of Gaga's wacky use of meat for her forward-thinking fashions. After appearing on the cover of Vogue Hommes Japan in a meat bikini, the group released a similarly sarcastic response.
"No matter how beautifully it is presented, flesh from a tortured animal is flesh from a tortured animal," PETA president Ingrid Newkirk said in a statement. "Meat represents bloody violence and suffering, so if that's the look they were going for, they achieved it."
Wouldn't it have been nice to hear a Christian
declare "every time I need a boost I go talk to
Admin said:
A pool is sort of a Lazy parent's dream isn't it? Kids adore it and you just have to stand there or have the nanny watch them. The parent comes off as the hero. Not all parents with pools are lazy-- my parents enjoyed te pool WITH us instead of using the pool as a babysitter. But notice Kate never says they're enjoying the pool together. The kids are always in it and he's tweeting. Lazy.
I guess for the G8, it's probably a small improvement from the past couple summers where they were put on display in the driveway for the Paps.
It has to be more fun that playing on the cement driveway all the time. Now they get to play in the cement pond!
PETA is not an animal "rights" organization, although they claim to be. In fact, most people in the animal rights community consider PETA a joke. If Shoka is kept outside all day, calling PETA to intervene would only result in his being killed. Their corporate philosophy is that an animal is better off dead than potentially "suffering," whether now or somewhere far off in the future.
"Get a dog your kids can play and snuggle with indoors or better yet, cats, who would love to live outside and come in for the occasional visit"
Free shoka, you don't get it. It's not about what's best for the kids or animals. It's about Kate fulfilling a purpose, and in this case, the purpose is providing security for the grounds. That's why it's no surprise to me that she doesn't bother with anything beyond the most basic care to keep the dog alive. That's why it's no surprise to me that the dog is made to stay outside year round. That's why it's no surprise to me that she picked this breed. The dog will stay until she has no more use for him, just like everyone and everything else in her life.
"And Americans wonder why the rest of the world has no respect for you"
This made me chuckle. This should be aimed at the fans, not us (the non-fans).....as we are now the huge majority....as evidenced by 1) her show's plunging ratings and 2) comments made on the internet after any article mentioning her....including ROL.
So as far as the "world" goes....how arrogant to think that much of the world even knows about us or Kate....or could even care less.
It shows a degree of narcissism with corresponding ignoring reality and believing facts are what she/he thinks they are. Sounds very familiar. Either that or it's a tween with no sense....there are many of them who post after articles on Yahoo. I have to turn away most times....as I get upset with the level of cluelessness of the comments.
The more I think about this, the more I'm thinking it has to be a tween....the whole "world has no respect for you" is so ridiculous....it's embarrassing.
E-town Neighbor said...
From your description, it sounds like it was a set-in pool rather than a poured concrete in-ground pool. Correct? The kind that you buy already constructed and then sink into the ground? I know that these pools are common at houses at the Jersey shore, but we don't find too many of them in this area. That's why I was confused! Thanks!
Correct, E-town :o) No concrete involved :o)
"And Americans wonder why the rest of the world has no respect for you"
Do you mean that this wasn't addressed to Kate?:)
I wonder will she pay up or just complain about it
I wonder will she pay up or just complain about it
E-town Neighbor said...
From your description, it sounds like it was a set-in pool rather than a poured concrete in-ground pool. Correct? The kind that you buy already constructed and then sink into the ground? I know that these pools are common at houses at the Jersey shore, but we don't find too many of them in this area. That's why I was confused! Thanks!
Correct, E-town :o) No concrete involved :o)
PETA is not an animal "rights" organization, although they claim to be. In fact, most people in the animal rights community consider PETA a joke. If Shoka is kept outside all day, calling PETA to intervene would only result in his being killed. Their corporate philosophy is that an animal is better off dead than potentially "suffering," whether now or somewhere far off in the future.
Kate says "every time I need a boost I check twitter."
That's just...sad.
How about every time you need a boost you go talk to your kids and give 'em a hug? How about that?
Coward! You post a whole page of blogs spouting their love of their pets yet refuse to see what your wonderful and noble hero soldiers are really doing to the dogs and animals in Iraq. It's all over the internet. Yet you would rather yack on and on and on about Katie's hair, or shoes, or breasts or whether she has the waist of a man. Hardly mentioning the children. For three years now, what have you accomplished? l'll tell you what...nothin! Continuing to put stuff out there that the children will read, yet complaining they will one day read about all their mom and dad did to them. YOU are no better, sister! Same goes for your bloggers. You are all part and parcel of the abuse of those children. So, what have you accomplished in the last several years to help the kids? What? What? Hypercrite! Yep, l know this will not be posted. But, Christ is good to vent at you. And Americans wonder why the rest of the world has no respect for you. You all live in Cloud Cuckoo Land. Bunch of hypercrites
We had a very long, oval shaped pool- one end was 4 ft above ground, then it slowly graduated deeper and deeper into 6 ft at the other end.
From your description, it sounds like it was a set-in pool rather than a poured concrete in-ground pool. Correct? The kind that you buy already constructed and then sink into the ground? I know that these pools are common at houses at the Jersey shore, but we don't find too many of them in this area. That's why I was confused! Thanks!
Administrator said...
There are a lot of things we used to do a certain way we know more about now. Dog rearing is just one thing that has changed I.e. Welcoming them into the home, etc, and in my opinion it has changed for the better for both dogs and their humans. I know my dog is one of my greatest joys. Cannot imagine making the yard his babysitter.
E-town Neighbor said...
I can't imagine letting my guys sleep outside. Their bed is my bed. There have been times when I haven't wanted to disturb them when I was ready for bed, and just let them sleep in my spot. I slept in the guestroom!
Amen & Amen!
Our furry babies have changed our lives for the better. For all the unconditional love, loyalty, protection, and companionship they give us, we gladly & willingly give up a portion of our bed to make them comfortable.
Actually, our "Jackabee" (Jack Russell Terrier/Beagle) sleeps with us- he behaves like it's HIS BED, and he's allowing us to sleep with him.
Our sweetheart "Bassoon" (Basset/Coonhood) prefers to sleep on her crib mattress, on the floor next to my side of the bed. It's actually quite pretty- looks like a homemade trundle bed. Her bed also has a fitted sheet, a top sheet, and she likes to lay her head on her pillow. So sweet.
Our families think we're nuts, and they laugh at us too...
Too bad.
Administrator said...
Swimming does make kids tired but also starving! Kids burn a lot of calories swimming and often get out of the pool ravenous.
This is true. And all they wanted to eat was munchie stuff- chips, pretzels etc...
Looking back, I could have pushed healthier choices. Fortunately, no harm was done. They're adults now, and making very healthy choices on their own.
But I digress....
Cannot imagine making the yard his babysitter.
I can't imagine letting my guys sleep outside. Their bed is my bed. There have been times when I haven't wanted to disturb them when I was ready for bed, and just let them sleep in my spot. I slept in the guestroom!
E-town Neighbor said...
Gosh, Pink, I remember those days. When I was a sophomore in high school, it was fun hanging out at the public pool. I remember like it was yesterday, telling my dad I was going to the community pool. The look on his face was one I'll never forget. I remember his words, "That's why we have a pool right here - so you don't have to go to the park pool." My mom, bless her heart, came to my defense and gently explained to him that it was the "social" thing - being with friends, and going to the pool dances. Those were some of the reasons, but what was on the top of our agenda was checking out the guys.
The next summer I hung out at home because I had a boyfriend, and my community pool days were over. All of my close friends came to my house. My dad was delighted! He was the grillmeister, and there were so many days of endless fun and good eats.
How do you "remove" a pool from your yard? Do you mean that you filled it in? Isn't that expensive?
Oh my goodness E-town, how funny!
Your mom sounds adorable. I think your dad's logic was somewhat similar to my family's- my parents, grandmother(maternal) & my MIL were absolutely DELIGHTED when we bought the pool.
With a pool in the backyard, there was no need to go to a strange public pool. And they were so convinced that their little grandbabies were going to catch an infectious disease swimming with the other kiddies in the town pool ;o)
We did have fun, though. We had more "complete" parties in the summer with the pool + bbq + patio deck with furniture- so it was very inviting. I must admit, absent the mosquitos, it was really lovely living. Sometimes the kids would stay in the pool until past midnight. Plenty of good memories :o)
In answering your question: "How do you "remove" a pool from your yard? Do you mean that you filled it in? Isn't that expensive?"
We had a very long, oval shaped pool- one end was 4 ft above ground, then it slowly graduated deeper and deeper into 6 ft at the other end.
So yes, when it came time to remove the pool, we had to fill in the part that was underground. It took alot of dirt, and years of throwing dirt on top to properly fill in that hole. It was kinda expensive- not too bad, but we really did not have much of a choice.
When we were house hunting, we looked at a home with a pool. The owner said he loved the pool because he had 4 kids and he would have then swin for 30-45 minutes and the kids would be so tired they would go right to sleep and sleep all night. I always thought this is why Kate loves her pool to tire out the kids for the 7pm bedtime!
Administrator said...
We grew up with a pool in the Northeast. I completely agree with etown it's a money pit and has reduced my parents' property value. And it certainly wasn't a status symbol. And to fill it in would cost even more! That said they dont regret it as it provide many summers of fun.
A pool is sort of a Lazy parent's dream isn't it? Kids adore it and you just have to stand there or have the nanny watch them. The parent comes off as the hero. Not all parents with pools are lazy-- my parents enjoyed te pool WITH us instead of using the pool as a babysitter. But notice Kate never says they're enjoying the pool together. The kids are always in it and he's tweeting. Lazy.
As soon as we purchased our home, we added a pool pool to the property. It was great for the kids (they learned how to swim in it), and their friends who came over for play dates, and also for my husband, who used to jump in as soon as he came home from work. Me, I could take it or leave it. I can't sit still anyway- in or around a pool. I'd rather be gardening.
As time went by, and our kids were teens, it was no longer fun for them to hang out in our pool. They wanted to go with their friends to the beach instead, or go to public pools nearby.
So, after aprox. 19 years after we purchased the pool, we decided that since it was rarely being used, it had become an expensive decoration in the backyard. We promptly had it removed.
Don't miss it, don't miss the expense, and don't miss the upkeep.
But it did serve its purpose when the kids were young ;o)
butterfly said...
2- I had no idea people were as fierce about dog rearing as they were about child rearing!! LOL - anyway, Maybe part of the debate is generational/upbringing gap and cultural gap- for example, my grandmother doesn't believe pets belong in the house, and she certainly wouldn't walk them. Also, I work with folks from Afghanistan and Iran and they think we Americans are crazy they way we treat our beloved dogs, they also don't believe pets should be allowed inside, they think they are dirty. They don't walk their pets. Their pets live in the yards. So maybe this explains some of the debating here. Who knows....
You are correct, butterfly. Many cultures think that dogs ar considered "dirty". Sad, really. They are missing out on having the purest, most loving, non-judgemental, and loyal relationship anyone could ever have. I would never trust any person that does not treat an animal or a child with love, patience and dignity.
All I know is whenever a soldier comes across a dog over "there", you always read (and see photos) that the dog became the soldier's loyal, best friend and protector. Some dogs have given up their lives to warn the soldiers of impending danger. All those poor creatures are just STARVED for attention & love & a scrap of food.
So sad...
Funny how it's always the innocents that suffer at the hands of "people" that think they are superior. Simply because people happen to be high on the food chain, doesn't necessarily make them "better".
Anyway, I don't see the dogs over there picking up guns and shooting people, or blowing people up etc...
Whew! Did I just write all that? Sorry, butterfly. I'm not angry with you- I'm just angry at how abusive & sh*tty humans can be with the innocents- sometimes in the name of religion, sometimes culture, sometimes ego, sometimes just for the sake of being cruel...
What a world.
Have a great day butterfly :o) I hope I did not give you a headache ;o)
[hops off soapbox]
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... Lord have mercy. Anyone watching the tornado damage in Minneapolis, MN?
Between the recent floods down south, and now the tornados in the midwest, this year has been absolutely CRAZY.
I still have not forgotten the Japan earthquake/tsunami disaster...
May God watch, and protect all these people.
Amen. I used to live near Joplin MO where an F4 or F5 touched down last night. My daugher and son-in-law drove down there yesterday to look for her father and half-brother, then spend the night doing search and rescue of both people and animals.
So why isn't Katie Irene twittering about Minneapolois and Joplin, urging others to donate to the Red Cross or 'gasp' opening her wallet? Remember "this is just the start of the Gosselings giving back"? Has she even mentioned the disasters on her twitter? (Now watch, she probably will mention the devastation within the next 24 hours once she reads this blog).She could probably get some + publicity out of making a donation, but no, she's too busy twittering about her pool and dream job. The Donald will never have her on his show as she overstepped normal boundaries big time when she got all chummy for the cameras and actually touched his hair.
Please bring wine, I prefer white. Maybe your own chair. LOL!
White plastic?
mamaK said...
So, there's a clip on TLC's website that shows the kids at breakfast time. The time is shown on the screen to be 5:30am. I didn't think they could film that early.
Make a copy of the clip. They are not supposed to be filming before 7 a.m. I'd report that one to Rep Murt and the DOL.
Federal Child Labor Law: "Outside of agriculture, there are far greater hours-of-work protections for child workers. Specifically, those 14- and 15-year-olds as described above who are permitted to work in certain retail, service, and gasoline service station jobs cannot work during school hours, and in addition they cannot work before 7:00 a.m. or after 7:00 p.m. (after 9:00 p.m. from June 1 through Labor Day), and they cannot work more than 3 hours on a school day or more than 18 hours in a school week, or more than 8 hours on a non-school day or more than 40 hours in a non-school week."
PA Law: "No minor under sixteen years of age shall be employed or permitted to work in, about, or in connection with, any establishment or in any occupation before seven o'clock in the morning or after seven o'clock in the evening of any day except during school vacation period from June to Labor Day when such minor may work between the hours of seven o'clock in the morning and ten o'clock in the evening..."
Here's the form to submit to the DOL.
Rep Murt's e-mail address is: tmurt@pahousegop.com
@notkategosselin follows me on twitter. I had tweeted some not nice things long before Kate became addicted to twitter & they twittered me some 'Right ons!' & "You go girl!" & then started following me. I have since stopped twittering Kate because of her kids. Is Kate so daft she can't click the BLOCK button all my her little lonesome? Tell me why she needs big bad TLC to do her dirty work? She makes herself look so pathetic. She wants to be heralded as some super mom yet cannot do the simplest of tasks. What gives? Don't have a twitter Kate, if you don't want negative feedback. She must have known, with ALL of the people that are against her that she would get some not so nice things twittered against her. And on THAT note, one would also tend to think that she would not want her kids to see such rude & vile things printed right there, in black & white, for all to see on the internet for years to come, for her children to view. (again, that is why I stopped awhile back. I felt bad for her kids)
But we ARE talking about Kate, & Kate only thinks about Kate. So, I guess it's OK if her kids see that those who do not like her are writing things like "fake rack" & "don't you care about your kids?" & "you exploiter" blah blah blah for her kids to see forever. She just does not think about that. What a(e)ffect will this have on THEM? Anything written about Kate is good I guess? As long as she is getting attention, she doesn't care about the repercussions? I know it would bother me if someone was talking smack about me all the time & there were websites devoted to my kids, & myself, that were negative & vile. At least THIS one is fair & balanced. I can't say that about all of them. Most are disgusting. And her defenders on twitter are crazy mostly, not thinking at all about Kate's kids, just Kate & how SHE is handling life. Hello!! SHE HAS CHILDREN, they are REAL KIDS, NOT ACTORS!! (sorry, went off on another tangent) :)
~Hippie Chick~
I don't think that K8 would really want to be on Celebrity Apprentice (other than for the publicit) because they only pay about $25K for the whole time. Most of the money goes to the charity.
I live in Southern AZ and has still been a little too cool to actually go in the pool (a necessity out here and not a luxury)and our temps have been mid 80's. I think it's because it's been so windy this year.
Oh AuntieAnn, can you just see her on CA??? Are you kidding me? Star Jones tweeted a few weeks ago that they had 5:30 am wake up and worked until 11 pm every single day. There is no way Kate could do that and really have to work! If people watch that show, they see they work their butts off.
Her teammates would dump on her their FIRST project. LOL
Off topic, but below is a portion of an article that was in the New York Times yesterday concerning 'celebrities' and the manufacturing of 'news' to get attention and dollars. A portrait of a lot of awful, money-grubbing people, all in all, and Jon Gosselin showed up about halfway through. Definitely not his finest moment, and he seems to have moved on and reformed.
I have pasted that portion of the article below. The entire article can be found at http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/22/us/22gossip.html?pagewanted=4&_r=1
"Records in a lawsuit between TLC and one of its former top reality stars, Jon Gosselin of the show “Jon and Kate Plus Eight,” provide a peek at the flow of cash that finances “exclusive” content.
Mr. Gosselin, an information technology specialist before he and his wife at the time became reality stars with their large brood, met Mr. Lohan in 2009 and lamented that he was struggling to land lucrative interviews, according to depositions shared with The Times on the condition that their source not be disclosed.
Mr. Lohan said in a deposition that he set up Mr. Gosselin with a talent broker who has “helped my daughter out tremendously.” The broker, Mr. Lohan said, arranged paid interviews and appearances for Mr. Gosselin in exchange for a 20 percent commission. Mr. Lohan was also paid. The broker, Michael Heller, did not dispute the account.
Mr. Gosselin generated interview offers worth at least $365,000 that year, according to the depositions. That did not include fees for appearances and other events that, Mr. Lohan testified, “are paid in cash, not checks, so there won’t be a record of some of them.”
According to the legal papers, Mr. Gosselin was offered $100,000 by E! Television and received roughly $40,000 from In Touch, at least $120,000 from “Entertainment Tonight” and about $100,000 from ABC News. That was in addition to the $25,000 he and his wife made per episode."
I'd like to see Kate on CA as the other contestants would grind her up and spit her out. Maybe this is what she actually needs, someone to call her on all her BS and what a lazy unmotivated selfish person she really is. Would be worth watching...
No kids, she would have nothing...she would be so far out of her element, where the competition is brutal. Unlike DWTS, where other contestants seems to be somewhat kind to each. I say bring it on! And bring Nee Nee back to deal with Kart.
Catherine said... I just have to respond to the comment about "Genetics 101". If dark genes were totally dominant there would be very few blue-eyed people left. My husband is just as much Japanese as Jon is Korean. Two of my kids look exactly like him, dark skin, black hair, brown eyes; two of them are blonde, blue-eyed, like me. Dark is dominant, but not all-powerful. That entire comment was mean and snarky, and beneath this blog.
Brown hair and eyes are dominant, but it really depends on the family history. Khate is a natural brunette, with hazel eyes, I believe. Jon has black hair and brown eyes. Hence, all their children have dark hair and eyes. Now, if Khate has a blonde, blue-eyed parent, there might have been some differences with the kids. I've never seen her parents, so I wouldn't know. It's all a matter of chance. Unless, Khate's kids aren't biologically hers, but a few of them do resemble her a bit (Hannah, Collin, Mady, maybe).
Tucker's Mom said...
I was watching the Today Show this morning and my favorite weatherman Al Roker was there reporting when holy shit! The skies went dark again and it looked as though another twister could break out any moment. To add insult to injury, the siren warning system was destroyed so if they get more tornados, there will be zero warning on top of many shelters being destroyed.
The whole damn city is wiped off the Earth!
This guy in his pajamas was taped pulling his little terrier out from what was his house, shortly after the event. A small miracle in a sea of tragedy.
Absolutely frightening.
Oh, and that sweet little doggie...
He looked so dazed and dirty- but ALIVE, thank God. He's a little miracle. May God send more miracles to these areas.
Just Me: You're right. A pool is not a status symbol. In fact, it does nothing to add to property value when you sell a house in this area. In fact, many prospective buyers do not want a pool, and this is a deterrent to purchasing a house with one. Kate's never had a pool, and so she thinks that this is a big deal. The nouveau riche are so annoying.
Those of us who grew up with pools and have always had them, see them as money pits! Fun for the kids, but unless you have a pool boy, it's nothing but work for the parents - cleaning, maintaining, buying chemicals, dealing with replacing filters, heaters, etc. etc. Every time you open a pool for the summer you just know that winter demon has slipped in there and done something nasty and expensive, even if it's only a matter of the drain covers slipping off or tiles needing to be replaced. I'm not sure if Kate's pool has a built-in spa area, but something always goes wrong there - the blowers die, the lights go out, etc. etc. I imagine if there were an attached spa, we would have heard about it by now.
I'm sure, though, that Kate knows nothing about pool maintenance. She just sits by the pool, tweeting away while watching the service company take care of backwashing the filter!
Lord have mercy. Anyone watching the tornado damage in Minneapolis, MN?
Between the recent floods down south, and now the tornados in the midwest, this year has been absolutely CRAZY.
I still have not forgotten the Japan earthquake/tsunami disaster...
May God watch, and protect all these people.
Concerning Jon's mom telling Kate all the kids would look like him, I wonder what makes Jon's mother an expert at genetics? Possibly she was wise enough to see what a warped, evil a-hole Jon was messing around with and she was trying anything she could think of to get Kate to release Jon from her talons. Kate herself said Jon's mother told her not to marry Jon because of the kids' Asian genes, which Kate rolled her eyes at. Poor Mrs. Gosselin was grasping at straws to get rid of Kate, but Kate is too stupid to realize what Jon's mom was trying to do.
The Gosselin kids are 1/4 Asian, 3/4 Caucasian. The fact that most of them resemble Jon is just their good luck, not a genetic certainty.
BTW, Kate is not a blue-eyed blonde. She has brown eyes and naturally dark hair. It's not a big stretch that the kids would end up with brown eyes and dark hair. They just don't have Kate's big, gawky, square body, thank God!
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