Kate had this to tweet in response following the ruling today in court she owes over $10,000 in therapy bills:
"Thanks my tweeties4 the extra love! I needed it esp 2day...& no worries,beat me downX100&I'll still get up fighting.no is nvr no to me! GN!!"
Kate? You need to get a healthy respect for the court of law and comply with their orders to pay your own darn bills. Also, your behavior is indicative of your serious, at this point, raging out of control narcissism. It's ironic you are being sued for a therapist bill you claim is not yours, as no one in this whole mess needs therapy more than you.
Therapist/MSW Judith Acosta of Christian Counseling Center, New Mexico: "[Narcissists] are people who don't accept "no" for an answer easily because it so threatens either their plan, their sense of self-worth (which is actually quite flimsy), or both. In order to keep things moving where they want them to go, they will manipulate with sweetness and charm. If that doesn't work, they will lie. And if that doesn't work, in many cases (though not all) they will rage. Sometimes that rage is malignant and can result in profound emotional or bodily harm to others."

437 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 437 Newer› Newest»Re-posting my comment from the previous thread:
PJ's momma said...
Oh my goodness, I just saw her latest tweet. No is never no to her. She is really delusional.
So, is she really going to keep fighting this thing just to prove she's right, no matter what the cost? Good luck with that, Kate!
It was her truth, straight from the horse's mouth, that done her in. She couldn't lie on the stand this time.
She and her fans are delusional, especially blaming this on Jon. They blindly believe whatever Kate says instead of reading the facts i.e. Kate's testimony for themselves.
No wonder it was a gloomy day for Kate and she lacked the motivation to get things done. She was probably in bed all day suffering from another meltdown.
Listen up Kate (and sheeple) If it were Jon's bill LaFair would have sued Jon.
Pride goeth before the fall. Her head is so inflated it keeps smacking into the truth but she doesn't notice she's been smacked down. She just keeps going, as ridiculous as it is.
This will come back to get her one day when her children's teachers announce that they are having trouble understanding that No means No.
Of course that will be the teachers' faults because they don't know how to teach.
Wow....just wow! We are seeing the entitled monster that TLC created. Fighting a judge's ruling is not the way to get yourself back in the media spotlight. She should just pay and shut up! I hope the judge slaps her with sanctions....
To Kate Gosselin, narcissist, moron,
No one is beating you down. You are not a victim. Quite the opposite: you have harmed, angered, hurt, and stiffed more people in the last 7 years than most do in a lifetime. No one even wants to be around you because you're such a miserable shallow hurtful lying bitch. You have gotten away with more than you deserved to because people want to avoid having to interact with your big flat ass. No never means no to you? What does that even mean? You are so f---ing crazy.
I'm laughing so hard I can't type.
Sheeple are starting a legal fund for Kate because they think it will make OUR heads explode.
I say they should sign over their paychecks, sell their worldly possessions and move into tents on Kate's property. She can serve the organic Kool-aid directly and every day they can tell her how pretty she is and that she's the bestest mother in the whole fucking world!!
WTF does she think she is? She gets more and more pathetic with each passing day.
As for the narcissist comment, Kate goes straight to number two. . .the lying. She has never done anything with sweetness and charm.
I SO can't wait for this monster to get everything that she deserves.
Does she realize how ridiculous and hypocritical she is making both herself and her followers sound??
So, it's okay for Kate to take this all the way up to the Supreme Court of the United States over a measly ten-grand, chump change to her. But Jon is not allowed to take her to court to fight for what HE wants.
I get it now, only Kate is right and everybody else who has ever come into contact with her is wrong. Every last one.
I wonder if we'll see some defectors after this. We often do after a big "episode" of narcissism like this.
I don't know if I should take joy in her downward spiral or feel sorry for someone this damn stupid.This is a power trip for Kate now,i wouldn't doubt if she fought this to the very end (no matter the cost),just to stay in the headlines.The next couple days could be very interesting in tweeterville.
Another point is why does Kate think she is more deserving of our pity but not someone who has an unpaid bill???
When I worked for an attorney in private practice that's what I hated the most, billing. It only took me a few months there to realize I didn't want to go out on my own and spend the majority of my time bill collecting. I wanted to do some lawyering now and again.
Lafair deserves her bills paid just as much as the next person. Why is Kate so darn special?
When the case finally enters final judgment, case CLOSED, I can picture Kate standing in the rain on the U.S. Supreme Court steps begging for the Chief Justice to please let her in so she can just explain and this will all be cleared up and she won't have to pay.
She really is a sorry, sorry woman and an embarrassment to all women and mothers.
Oh for the sheeple still trying to say this is Jon's bill, let's review Kate's defense once again. I will try to explain this like it's kindergarten for their benefit.
Kate never tried to argue that this was Jon's bill. Or anyone's bill, not even TLC's. In fact, her defense was that this bill does not even exist, in fact, no one owes anything, because she never had a contract. In order to be required to pay on a contract, the court first has to find that a contract exists. Rather, Kate claims she just had some friendly long-ass conversations with LaFair like she were a next door neighbor about a bunch of personal stuff, but that there was never any agreement LaFair actually provide therapy to her.
LaFair's arguement was basically, then why the f&*% did I give up my vacation in Mexico to meet you in L.A.? And since her argument actually made sense, low and behold she won.
So in sum, Kate argued there was no contract and therefore, there should be no bill. At no time did anyone ever suggest this was Jon's bill. In fact, LaFair said today Jon paid his.
And by the way, usually you aren't permitted to argue some kind of different argument if you take it to a higher court. If you don't argue it at the lower court, you WAIVED it. (Which is why trial-level attorneys should never rely on an appeal to do the work. You better put all your defense out there the first time.) So she may be out of luck if they change gears and start trying to pin the money on Jon or TLC.
Hahhahaha. Kate Gosselin Legal Defense Fund! Next they'll be Free Kate shirts.
I would just like to point out, no one here ever started a legal fund for Jon. Because we're not batshit crazy and irrational and all that jazz.
What is it going to take to finally put a stop to this raging maniac? Isn't refusing to follow a court order considered contempt of court and isn't that punishable by jail time? I believe this woman is truly losing her mind, and I shudder to think about what she will do to those poor children when TLC (and every other media outlet) finally gives her the boot. I believe without a shadow of a doubt that each and every one of those kids are being abused by her on a daily basis in some way, shape or form, and the abuse will only intensify once her 'glory days' are over. Jon had better get the ball rolling and try to get primary custody of those children, because I am truly concerned for their safety when Kate unleashes her rage when she finally realizes that the jig is up. Her 'new reality' is right the corner, and she's not going to be able to cope, especially when it dawns on her that she has 8 children to take care of and no chance at employment. Hopefully she will realize that her best bet is to just give Jon full custody of the kids and Kate can just float into narcissistic oblivion, never to be seen or heard from again. It will be very interesting to see how this nightmare will end.
Donna asked, "Isn't refusing to follow a court order considered contempt of court and isn't that punishable by jail time?"
No. Judgment was entered in Lafair's favor, but according to the rules set down in magisterial district court, anyone can appeal the decision. Kate isn't refusing to follow a court order. She has the right to appeal.
Kate isn't refusing to follow a court order.
Yet. She will have to pay at some point if she doesn't win her appeal, which she won't.
At this point she's just delaying the inevitable. And embarrassing herself, royally.
Kate is a very poor example to her children.
Not respecting authority.
Not meeting your financial obligations.
How very sad for the Gosselin 8.
Judge: Good morning, Mrs. Gosselin.
Kate: Y m I hr?
Judge: It seems there is an outstanding bill for therapy.
Kate: I don't nd thrpy.Nvr did.
Judge: OK, then you have an outstanding bill.
Kate: Nice, isnt it? All my bills r wndrful thingies.
Judge: Are you going to pay it?
Kate: Y? Gv it2 Jon. Hes fool enuf 2pay it.
Judge: Ms. Gosselin, this is a court of law!
Kate: Rgt. So do wt isay. Im 2 bzy for dumb.
Judge: I feel a contempt judgment coming....
Kate: Yay! Jons vry contmptish. Mabe if u told hm tht?
Judge: No, I don't believe I will.
Kate: No is nvr no 2me!
Judge: Can you please explain to the court your side of the story?
Kate: im lmtd2 140 chcters. itll b shrt. its not mine. i calld, i tlkd, Jon pays. Rt?
Judge: Judgment for the plaintiff in the amount of $10,XXX, plus court fees. (Gavel)
Kate: (clapping hands at Judge) Well, Im stl in chrg n that will nvr chng. I'll b bck!
(walking off in a huff) I wndr by whos stndrd
THAT is axcptbl?
Admin said, "Yet. She will have to pay at some point if she doesn't win her appeal, which she won't."
Of course she will be ordered to pay. If she doesn't, Lafair will have to go through the judgment collections process, which could include putting a lien on Kate's property. Collecting can be time-consuming and expensive. Kate probably knows this and is stalling for time. She refused to pay the water-tap bill on her former home and a lien was placed on the property.
Batterednotbroken said...
Is she selling the McMansion? This from GWoP blog:
...as of 5/13/2011
Rev Trust aggreement with William Blumer..
Home and land (23.88 acres) was purchased 10/23/2008 for $1,120,00
As of 5/13/2011 assessed value of the home was $482,000. The mortage is probably more than the assessed value.
The person who recently posted the house was for sale on GWOP was the same one who said a long time ago that it was listed with a private real estate firm in NY. Nothing ever came of that story.
The info you quoted from GWOP is correct. They did buy the property for $1,120,000.00 in '08 and it is now assessed at $482,000, but the assessed value is not the same as what the property would sell for on the market (last I saw it's estimated sale amount was approx. $690,000), but that doesn't at all mean it's for sale; in fact it "should" mean that she'd be a fool for selling the property for such a loss since the real estate market is still so horrible. (assessed value is not the same as appraised)
I wouldn't make much of those posts at GWOP as being anything other than a question and speculation.
I got a new one for Kate:
That tweet is a lovely example of classic NPD at work:
1. I am a victim/everyone is out to get me/overdramatic
2. I am right, I am always right, and I will always be right, even against what anyone says, the natural laws of the universe, common sense, logic, facts: none of these are admissable in the court of I'm Always Right.
3. As always: PAY ATTENTION TO ME.
Classic. By the way, my NPD mother was involved in more lawsuits than most people are, both from being sued and from being litigious as a response (counter suing). She's lost every judgment. She had to pay the last few because otherwise she'd lose her house, but she'll swear to her dying day she won and they lost, that SHE WAS RIGHT. Kate may be left with that as her only option, too: only being the winner in her mind and not in the real world.
That's right she really is melodramatic isn't she? For God sake it's only 4 percent of her 250,000 an episode salary! Four percent! You have way more than that taken out just for taxes. You would think she was trying to take her house out from under her.
Sometimes these things happen and just because you pay it doesn't mean you have to admit anything. Kate ascribes this bizarre I'm right and she is wrong baggage to it that no one else cares about.
I had an apartment awhile back that had a burn mark on the kitchen floor which I reported to my landlord when I moved in. When I moved out, he took it out of my security deposit. I contacted him and kindly asked him to check my check-in papers where I listed the mark. He did and admitted yes I did indicate that mark was there and he would refund my money. There were several more calls back and forth trying to figure out how much to refund. It got annoying playing phone tag. I got a new job during this, the apartment went under new management, phone calls went unreturned.
Guess what, I gave up on my 100 bucks. WHO CARES. It wasn't about me being right, it was about prioritizing my life. They were wrong, I was right, but I had bigger fish to fry. In life you have to let things go and not misallocate your time, energy and resources on things that don't matter when your family, friends and job need you more.
I determined a long time ago that I can't fight everything; it just isn't worth it. I had to learn to let most things go. Like the Administrator's hundred bucks. And I do that most of the time, But, I seem to be a counter and when the magic number is reached, whatever it is, it's game on. Something eventually comes along and I feel my pressure rise, and it's game on. I become Miss Charlie Sheen-like, Winning. No matter what. Revenge. For an insurance claim of less than a thousand dollars, I got my money and got the state insurance commission to forbid them selling policies in my state for five years. They said no too many times no matter how much evidence I presented for my 900 some dollars. I was determined to get it and determined that they would have the maximum penalty. DONE
Stupid is said sell their worldly possessions.
Don't you mean wooly possessions lol. The sheeple are just as delusional as Kate-the-Entitled.
Her 15 minutes are nearly done. Thank God. I think the entire world has had more than enough Katie Irene Kreider. She's an unfit mother and a miserable waste of grub and air.
No is never no, eh Kate? And you wonder why your kids can't keep their hands to themselves, refrain from spitting and hitting, and have a melt down everytime you try to take them anywhere to do anything. No is never no.
And here the sheeple thought your mantra was "you get what you get and don't complain".
Kate has proven time and again that no never means no to her. She has no respect for other people--i.e., making people wait in line behind her while she throws a hissy fit; no respect for the law--i.e., remember the hit and run years ago and stating she was a "public personality" meaning, in her mind, she was above the law; no respect for obeying traffic rules--i.e., thumbing her nose at the law by repeatedly parking in no-parking zones. Yup, she's special, and laws and basic human politeness do not apply to Kate Gosselin.
Wait, these fans want to start a fund for her? This woman who has MILLIONS of dollars? I would bet many of those fans live paycheck to paycheck. Yet, want to give money to a wealthy woman? They truly are dumb. As. Dirt. Yes! Collect that money! She needs to keep her money for mani/pedi/tanning! Forget her paying for gymnastics! Why didn't they take up a collection to pay for the kids lessions?? Wow. LOLOL
Kate is really stupid and this is yet another incident to prove that. She will end up paying the additional costs plus Dr. LaFair's costs, I assume.
Shaking my head. Never in my life have I seen such stupidity.
So she wssn't exactly lying when she sobbed she had a stack of bills in her Prada purse that she could (would) not pay.
What does she do with all that money the kids make for her? A million dollars a year and she is trying to stiff a therapy bill not because she doesn't have the money, but because she thinks the world owes her a living.
Who has ever signed a contract with a doctor of any kind? By gracing their doors, you enter a contract
to pay. It is implied. Or have them grace yours in this instance.
So, if "no" doesn't mean "no" - what happens when her teenage daughters tell some boy "no" and he doesn't listen? I guess she wouldn't think that was rape?
So, when Jon told her NO more filming, now we know why she never stopped. And when her kids basically tell her NO with the looks on their faces when the cameras are on them, that's why Kate never stops. And a poster said on the other thread when Jon said NO more babies, Kate still went & did it anyway, that is because she never wanted to give in. Ok, Kate, we get it. You never want to lose. But admitting defeat just this ONE time won't kill you.
She lost. It's over. She will waste more money fighting this than necessary, just to prove WHO wrong? Jon? Her haters? Herself? What is the point? What is she teaching her children? To never give up, sure, but when you have lost, you accept defeat & move on. This reminds me of kids team sports these days. They don't keep score, there are no winners & losers. When I was a kid, there was a winning team & a losing team. The losing team accepted defeat. Now, everybody frigin wins. It's BS. How are kids ever going to accept that there are losers AND winners? There has to be. In the adult world, you have to accept that fact, things will not always go your way & accepting that fact is a part of growing up. I have a feeling Kate never taught her kids that lesson & they "WILL ALWAYS WIN! THEY HAVE EVERYTHING HANDED TO THEM ON A GOLDEN PLATTER!". Bullshit.
What will happen when they get passed over for a job or dumped by a guy/girl? You cannot win them all. Kate is not teaching them that sometimes you just have to go with the flow & live with the cards that God dealt you. Another stellar mothering moment from Kate Gosselin.
~Hippie Chick~
This is some scary stuff.
Also, when reading this, I immediately thought of another (of many I'm sure) instance when "no wasn't no to her": when she schemed to have HOM's.
Maybe, just maybe...Kate is broke & can't afford the 10 grand. Maybe all the money, the kids money of course, is tied up in legal whatever & she can't touch it for some reason & all of HER money is gone. TLC won't help her pay this bill because they are done with her so she's appealing to stall. Maybe she's broke? Yep, she gets the big bucks for playing a mom on TV, but she spends like that $$ is going out of style, & who knows what her bills are, she couldn't use the kids cash to pay LaFair's bill, & she can't pay it cause she is ass broke. Just a thought.
~Hippie Chick~
Apparently she has an "int" for her show today, from home - this could be interesting. Perhaps she could sell t-shirts, bumper stickers, etc - No is Nvr No 2Me. Or send one as a giffy to the sheeples for their legal fees love offerings.
Thanks my tweeties4 the extra love! I needed it esp 2day...& no worries,beat me downX100&I'll still get up fighting.no is nvr no to me! GN!! about 10 hours ago
"no is nvr no to me!?
Oh boy, Kate you are in for a rude awakening.
She sounds like a spoiled brat, who must have her way all the time.
Is that what she teaches her children? Oh, wait- that rule only applies to Kate.
In order for Kate to grow as a human being, she's going to have to learn to deal with people telling her "NO", and not always having her way. Without the PITY ME TEARS too.
Talk about Arrested Development...
The one thing that has been sticking in my crawl has been the creation of this so called pedophile account on twitter, which by chance was created on the same day as the judgement was rendered.
Pedophiles, as vile, sick and inhuman as they are, don't announce themselves in a public way on a public forum. Pedophiles are generally lurking in the shadows and come from backgrounds that are in most circles respected and when they are caught, people are shocked beyond imagination at the news because no one would have ever thought.
In cases that I had handled, most pedophiles were known to the victims and were either family or friends of family, people the victims initially trusted.
For a pedophile to instantly create an account on Twitter, follow Kate and have links to other sites, organizations and people who promote this sickness just doesn't pass the smell test with me. This account was created to deflect the impending news release of the court judgement against gosselin and someone either a fan or an associate was complicit with this account. I suspect the latter as a fan wasn't privy to the judgement on Friday.
Really makes you wonder, if the kids don't want to do their couch interviews (eh-hem, CARA???) or film, does no never mean no??? Now the sheeple can't say that if the kids didn't want to film they wouldn't, because here it is right out of the horse's mouth, no never means no. And Kate is in charge, per her own rules.
Arrested development for sure. Kate is like a very articulate four-year-old. Just wish she could be sent to the naughty square.
Does anyone else feel like they completely understand why Jon had had enough of this and got out of this toxic marriage?
If I didn't get it before I sure do now.
I understand him although I don't condone the initial behavior once he split, I'll chalk that up to immaturity at the time. So much happened in so little time i.e. the immediate family, the fame, the money, the divorce and then the lack of counsel in how to deal with it.
I was very hard on both Jon and Kate and how they were using their children to further their lifestyle. I don't take back what I said. I will say, on Jon's behalf, he's taken a road no one would have expected and has remained out of the eye of the lens and the public and just seems like a damned nice guy, a concerned and loving father and he deserves the happiness he seeks for his children and himself.
I am no one to judge others. I have my own faults but when you put yourself out there as a public figure and you try to tell us it's raining when in actuallity, you're peeing down our leg, we then have the right to offer our opinions and criticism. That's the extent of it.
She is going to pay it, and even KATE knows she is going to pay it. She just wants to bitch about it. She is well aware of the fact that she only has 7 fans left and the only thing they like about her is that she is a raging bitch, so she has to play the part for a while here to keep the sheeple ranting. After it all calms down, and no one is paying attention, she will pay it quietly, when she is done stirring up the circus.
In the meantime, the kids go to school and hear someone say "And your mom got dragged to court coz she wont pay her bills with all that money you are making her," while they SEE her buying more shoes, getting spa treatments, more clothes, limos pulling up to the house etc.
Oh I forgot - Kate thinks this is some kind of Amish school where kids are not on the internet ever and dont know anything about pop culture.
PS - thanks to everyone who expressed their enjoyment over my little piece about the 'Security Team'. I feel sad when things get lost at the end of old threads... :)
Administrator said...
Does anyone else feel like they completely understand why Jon had had enough of this and got out of this toxic marriage?
If I didn't get it before I sure do now.
Yes! And I better understand why he went a little nutzo for a while. My word, what he must have gone through.
Westcoaster - What does "int" mean?
I don't think Kate is broke. Sorry, but even with her spending and her protestations that she HAS to film in order to afford her big family because she's broke, the numbers don't lie. If the $250,000 an episode is correct she's probably still bringing home $150,000 after taxes. They've filmed how many shows this year alone? Seven or eight? That's over a million $ right there AFTER taxes and not including what Jon pays in child support (which I PRAY he finally got reduced). Her mortgage runs probably close to $100,000 grand a year with property taxes and insurance included. Kids schooling runs what? another $50,000? Maybe more. And so on and so on. The point I guess I'm trying to make is that even after taxes, the woman still has money to save and invest.
Katie Kreider Gosselin is not poor. She can afford to pay $10,000+ to this therapist. She is appealing on principle - she truly believes this is not her responsibility.
It's also interesting how the more the truth comes out, the more Jon's statements during the divorce are confirmed and validated.
Westcoaster: I assumed the "int" for her show is a couch interview for one of the shows.
And I really don't think TLC will end up airing all the 3-5 episodes they have in the can. When ratings go too low, they lose $ by airing it, could air something with better ratings in its place. I don't know if there will be some big cancelled announcement, they might just quietly stop airing/stop filming.
AND when Kate tries to go on talk shows crying about it, I think they'll be like "who?" Maybe she can go on Jerry Springer.
Unfortunatly for as much as Jon has come around, Jon is going to have to deal with Kate until the kids are 18, at least. The only time you can't cut off a narcissist is when you manage to have kids with her.
Administrator said... Does anyone else feel like they completely understand why Jon had had enough of this and got out of this toxic marriage?
Oh I do! I've said before no wonder the guy acted like a sailor on shore leave when he finally broke away from that narcissistic bully. Who wouldn't? What we saw on film was just the tip of the iceberg. Can you imagine spending your life with someone who refuses to take NO for an answer? It would be hell on earth.
And I'll bet the farm she said NO to him in the sack more than a few times...too exhausted and all... Except when SHE wanted to hatch a few more golden eggs. It certainly explains his behavior when she told him the marriage was over.
I just read Katie Irene's morning tweet and thought it would be fun to play read between the lines:)
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Home today (can't afford to go on any trips)Did some laundry (I supervised and watched the housekeeper do it);have int for my show (TLC decreased the show's budget--not doing as much travel or getting free trips like I used to--I thought at least Space Camp would come thru. Have to think of how I'll slam Jon in the interview)&stuff@school2 do (better pay attention to the kids' school activities so I appear interested in what they are doing) feeling less sluggish 2day (I've drank all my wine and Steveboy won't let me order more) Good thing, catch up from slacking 2 do (the show must go on because it's all about ME) :)
What is even more interesting is that she's not scheduled to appear on any of the talk shows. Her latest episode of sturm und drang has been lost in the news about Aaarrnnnoollldddd, Oprah's final shows, Jeff Conaway and Zsa Zsa's coma(s), and the working stiffs of America's plans for Memorial Day weekend. She might want to read up on the Botox Mom's loss of custody of her daughter, though. It's also too late in the week for her to make an appearance on any of the NYC talk shows or fly out to LA for appearances. NOBODY is interested, the producers of and the interviewers on the talk/news shows are very astute, have seen it all before, and are now wise (they probably were before but had her on for the ratings) to her sob stories and know it is better to just ignore her latest public misstep.
Also, they are professionals and understand the concept of paying for services rendered whereas Katie Irene has not progressed beyong the grifter's manual. Bye, bye Katie Irene. Give the kids to Jon and get off the airwaves, Internet, Twitter, etc--do your part in keeping America beautiful!!
Administrator said...
Does anyone else feel like they completely understand why Jon had had enough of this and got out of this toxic marriage?
If I didn't get it before I sure do now.
Yes. I also think Kate went ballistic when Jon wanted to stop the show. This was a direct threat to her and her quest for fame and fortune. She cut Jon out like a cancer.
I also think Jon's position was misrepresented by Kate as Jon not supporting his family, Jon floundering, Jon acting out.
No doesn't pertain to Kate, eh?
I can't believe she's tweeting this shit. Oh, and interviews are scheduled? You mean the kids have an appointed time to sit on the confessional couch and film? Hmm....I thought they just ran in and out of frame and were just playing. I suppose that they all also just broke out into choruses of "coming up next on J&K+8!!", and "on this episode of J&K+8!!" without any prompting, uh, scripting whatsoever.
They are either not working AT ALL and JUST PLAYING, or they are being prompted to do something. Kate can deflect with her denial of the show being scripted (although her narration certainly is), but it is highly produced and directed.
Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining, dear.
Fidosmommy - brilliant!
Admin - I totally get why Jon went nuts when he left her sorry ass. How could anyone not?
It is this very behavior that turned me against Kate a long time ago. I watched in the beginning and enjoyed the banter between Jon and Kate because they SEEMED loving. Then as Kate got too big for her britches, and all that massive ego and control came roaring out she just turned my stomach. I'm sorry to tell you this Kate, but NO ONE, NOBODY always wins everything. You can control things as much as you can and you still do not win everything. I realize she has come out on top in a lot of instances where she should have been stomped down, but she is going to lose this one. And every time she spouts that BS about I will never lay down and die, I will never quit, etc., she just turns more people against her. And the very thing the sheeple hate the most, the people out there who might just be tuning in to this idiot's show are turned off by the first time they see her.
You can't fix stupid.
I translate 'int' to be interview, and I wonder if 'my' show is another tease for what the twitidiot keeps hinting about her own show - think it's a tease, but then again this narcissist probably thinks K8 is 'her' show.
I honestly cannot imagine what that marriage must have been like, especially once the cameras put the spotlight on the white plastic chair queen. And while I was certainly one of those who groaned as Jon acted out in the separation phase, I have come to see it as just that, the acting out of a young man who married too young, had more babies than he wanted too fast and finally realized that his divorce was not going to be either easy or amicable. I think he would have lived with her a lot longer for the children if she had not gone Hollywood crazy. As did he. He, however, has grown up and out of that nonsense; we see it, the kids see it, only the sheeple and the she-witch choose not to see it. I'm sure Jon knew exactly what No meant when it came to Kate.
I am no one to judge others. I have my own faults but when you put yourself out there as a public figure and you try to tell us it's raining when in actuallity, you're peeing down our leg, we then have the right to offer our opinions and criticism.
Ha! ESPN, Kelly.
Once you put yourself out there, you can not expect that the public will not judge or intrude. Living a public life and personal privacy are antithetical.
You can't expect money, fame, access, A-list treatment, swag and product placement freebies without the downside of paps, rag mags, Perez Hilton and most importantly, folks like us who are disgusted with your use of your precious children by exploiting them and depriving them of their privacy.
We're not going away for the G8's sake, and the sake of all those kids on Reality TV shows who are not afforded the same protections as child actors. Script or no script, they are working.
I see Jon as a person who is experiencing who he wants to be for the first time. We can find
his story all over the place. Many a college freshman cannot control behavior after living for 17-18 years under the house rules and the High School rules. They have a choice whether they will go to class or not. They have a choice to stay out all night and sleep til noon. They have a choice about what they're going to eat (Freshman 15, anyone?) The old rules don't apply until they finally realize what they're in school to do. Then they settle down, if they don't flunk out first.
My sophomore roommate was plenty smart, but flunked out of school because she just went crazy with her newfound freedoms. Her parents were shocked and angry. She took a year off and then enrolled in a different school. She's now a physician with a PhD on top of that. She just needed to sow those wild oat for awhile. In the end, she turned out just fine.
So has Jon.
Administrator said... Does anyone else feel like they completely understand why Jon had had enough of this and got out of this toxic marriage?
If I didn't get it before I sure do now.
Westbrooke Neighborhood said -- Your Honor -- we rest our case! : )
Administrator said...
Does anyone else feel like they completely understand why Jon had had enough of this and got out of this toxic marriage?
If I didn't get it before I sure do now.
Absolutely! I think he elongated his life by leaving.
It's just too bad that there are 8 innocent children stuck in the middle.
May Jon always be an important part of his kid's lives. And that his presence, and the memories they have with their father will conjure up only happy thoughts.
I also hope (aside from being forced by their mother to be in front of cameras) that the children concentrate on ONLY the happy memories they had with their mother.
I imagine her 8 children will do the same when they are 18 years old when house rules would no longer apply to them. They may go crazy with new freedom as well. Is possibly to be expected. Even if Kate think's she is in charge and that's never going to change, it DOES people. Boy, just she wait! She will be in for a really rude awakening, anyone else agree?
Someone with twitter please send her a tweet that says:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.
I guess it would be too much to expect her NPD-addled brain to figure that out.
I have always maintained that Kate will be her own undoing. All narcissists are their own worst enemy. She is bringing about the end of her notoriety. TLC has shown they hold no allegiance to anyone and Kate Gosselin will not be the exception.
A common theme with narcissists is they never admit any wrongdoing for anything they have done. Take a look at just this lawsuit alone. She claims the therapy was for Jon. She wanted this therapist to "fix" her husband. Of course the therapy was needed for him and not her because she didn't have a problem, it was Jon who had the problem. And then she refuses to pay the bill claiming it's not her responsibility. Deny, deny, deny. It's what narcissists do best, but it will always catch up with them at some point.
I fall into the camp that Kate really, truly believes she does not owe LaFair a penny. If Kate only gets paid for episodes that air, and does not get anything for filming that is unused, then she may see LaFair's services the same way. She had some conversations on the phone, and met with LaFair, but Jon was never "fixed". The job was not seen through to its completion, and LaFair failed to fulfill Kate's expectations, so there should be no bill. Or, Kate may view those telephone conversations and meetings in LA has LaFair's investment of her time into a potential client, but she was never formally given the job.
Following Kate's behavior is like encountering an alien. She's fascinating because I just can't figure her out. It's equally fascinating to me that these so-called sheeple do seem to get Kate, empathize with her, and then put the loon up on a pedestal. Weird.
Courts coming down against her, allowing a pedophile on her twitter for DAYS, leaving the kids for 5 days for a 2 day event on Mothers day (third one shes missed). It was another grifting weekend. can't miss it. . there are free hats she will never wear again and other d star reality hoes. pose. . smile. . complain. Posing with the twins at the grocery. (we all know she doesnt take those kids anywhere unless there is a camera stuffed up her ass). Meltdowns in Australia, meltdowns in Alaska. One lopez interview. . one "the talk" interview. (you know, reminding the world how very very happy they all are) Ridiculous bipolar moments on the twattering. The kids getting removed from school. The relentless "it's Jons fault". The constant verbal parent alienation. Wow Kart you have been a disgrace again this year.
But this woman is being shoved down our throats as a mom? this has got to be the most back handed programming from TLC ever!!!!!
Would you want her for a mom? Would you want her for a babysitter? Would you want her for a mom advisor? Would you want her for a daughter, wife, sister? Would you want her driving in your carpool? Would you want her as a nurse? Would you want her as a neighbor?
Would you want to be one of her kids? What other mother does tv put out there to abuse, neglect, terrorize, control, to win win win at any cost?
So pedoboy has all but disappeared? Hmmm
I sait it before and will say it again:
That was fake, designed to stir up interest and talk.
I think kart and purseboy orchestrated it, but if it was someone else, kart used pedo lemon to make lemonade.
The timing of pedo appearance is highly suspicious.
I also see kart as becoming more and more mental as the days go on as evidenced by her latest twat. I have no doubt that she has been a fiery, dangerous bitch to the kids and staff at home since the court date and ruling.
This kind of escalation often results in physical damage. To home and family. At the very least she is screaming and ranting a lot at home to those kids. She can't scream at the judge. The kids are convenient.
One has to wonder if a time will come when she will lose custody...
Marie, I agree with you but I feel it will happen a lot sooner than when the kids turn 18, especially the boys. Depending on how they grow emotionally they may start wanting their freedom once they hit 15 and no longer want a mother's control. They will rebel and push their limits. Wow, that's going to be one rough household! That will be the time I'd LOVE to see the kids being filmed just to see those boys back mouth her and just ignore her requests/demands.
Okay, so I am reading my "Writer's Almanac" daily email and in it was a section about Nora Ephron (it's her birthday). She wrote "When Harry Met Sally" and "Sleepless in Seattle" among many others. Anyhoo - since I'm sure you are wondering what in the sam hell this has to do with Khate - they offered up some quotes by her, one of which was:
“Insane people are always sure that they are fine. It is only the sane people who are willing to admit that they are crazy.”
Remind you of anyone? LOL
Nora also said, “Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim.”
Again some good advice for Khate.
Sorry to be posting again so soon but I just wanted to reply to what Go Away Kate said about, "Would you want her for a mom advisor?" That's one thing that bothers me about so many people and how they look to Kate for advice on parenting/raising kids. In my opinion you don't know squat until your kids have reached adulthood and have moved on with their own lives. Then, even after that, being parents to adult children because that brings in a whole new dimension of parenting. I don't know, I guess I was different. When I started having a family. I went to the library and looked up "How To" books about babies/children and other resources instead of idolizing some crazy woman from a "reality" TV show!
You know who Kate reminds me of?
A female version of that weasle Russell Hantz who was a villain on Survivor. He( and she ) will stomp on anybody who gets in their way, will lie/cheat/steal to get what they want, and manipulative as all get-out.
You know who Kate is going to take her wrath about this bill out on, don't you?
I can hear her now. Telling the kids that daddy is taking money from them ( by him not paying the bill )that is meant for food and shelter and that daddy must want to see them starve and lose their house.
Somehow, you watch. She will punish Jon for all of this. I suspect she will leak fake stories about Jon to tabloids to make him look bad and take the heat off herself. Every single time Kate is in the tabloids for something unflattering, shortly after there is trash talk about Jon and I'm certain it comes from Kate and her camp. Because she's a vile venomous shrew and that's how she rolls.
Because she's a vile venomous shrew and that's how she rolls.
Oh, I don't know. Being vile and venomous requires a great deal of work to keep up with. Nobody can do the job for you. Does that sound like our Kate?
Given that the woman, for the life of her, cannot verbalize a saying correctly, e.g. golden platter, I have to wonder if her "no never means no to me" comes from her hearing or reading somewhere "Every no is a yes to something better"...not quite the same thing, but in her mind, who knows?
Talk about not thinking things through before speaking/tweeting...
Ah, no doesn't mean no - that's my 2 1/2 year old grandson's thinking as he "tests" the waters BUT doesn't get away with it.
Mother's out there, beware of the future, don't let your daughters date the Gosselin 8 boys.
When I started having a family. I went to the library and looked up "How To" books about babies/children and other resources instead of idolizing some crazy woman from a "reality" TV show!
And now these spacey fans don't even have to make the trip to the library. They can Google, yet they beg for Kate's recipe for Monkey Munch (almost typed "money" munch!). Which isn't even Kate's recipe.
The fans are already blaming Jon for all this. One ardent admirer tweeted:
if @sylvialafair is still speaking for Jon on @HLbaby why does Kate have to pay his bill? I think Jon should pay his own spokesperson!
That's some twisted thinking.
It seems Kate has always refused to accept no for an answer... way back in the day, she pressured and bullied Jon into having more children when he clearly was content with just the twins. This is classic Kate. Her way, or no way.
Jon grew up.
Jon got a clue.
Jon looked inside himself hard and deep.
Jon faced reality.
Jon prioritized his life.
Jon put his children's emotional well being first.
Jon looked at real life.
Jon saw the real world.
Jon woke up.
Jon realized his children were people.
Yes, he made mistakes in his public demeanor, but he has grown up now. This actually happens sometimes outside the world of One Life to Live, Twilight movies, or Jersey Shore.
Kate: shoes, nails, tan, clothes, neon teeth, screeching, hand flapping, snarling, snapping, anger, hatred, rudeness, meaness, strutting, whining, lying, exaggerating, fame-whoring, fake tears, cha-chinging.
Kate may give more intense marching orders and slap her hands better than most, but who is the teacher, the nurturer, the cuddle-er, the confidant, the life coach, to the children?
So, Hollywoodlife is claiming that Jon wants to have more kids. "Jon, 34, tells In Touch magazine that he’s so in love with Ellen and ready to have more kiddies when the time is right."
I've often mistaken satire for actuality, so I could be wrong, but this doesn't really sound satirical to me.
Marie said...
I imagine her 8 children will do the same when they are 18 years old when house rules would no longer apply to them. They may go crazy with new freedom as well. Is possibly to be expected. Even if Kate think's she is in charge and that's never going to change, it DOES people. Boy, just she wait! She will be in for a really rude awakening, anyone else agree?
Marie, I agree with you. The desire to spread your wings is normal & human nature. Some people do it quietly, without making waves, and others run amok with their freedom.
I just hope, for the Gosselin's sake, that it will happen far away from the voyeuristic view of paps & t.v. cameras.
Ok, so we can expect to see Kate sitting on the couch of some morning show next week crying about how broke she is and how mean this person is for taking food out of her children's mouths? Then she'll be off for lunch at Nobu's with the "bodyguard" and the full spa treatment after that.....
Yeah, you're right, pushing boundaries is in teen years. A parent you have to sort of pick and chose your battles I guess, but I haven't seent hat with Kate--she keeps going until she gets her kids to do what she wants them to. Good luck with that when they hit middle school, high school age, it won't be pretty to say the least.
I can see Mady, possibly Cara, Alexis, Collin and maybe even Hannah having issues with her control later in life, the other's I don't know.
I tend to agree with thouse who find the appearance of the pedo suspect. If he were really a threat K8 and/or Steve should have called the FBI and they (FBI) would have traced him down. Kiddy porn, etc is taken very seriously by all law enforcement agencies.
I also have to wonder if her lawyer is telling her to just pay the damn bill.
Jon said, "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it." and the tabs are taking it to mean, "We want a million babies RIGHT THIS SECOND."
I don't think they want more kids. I think HollywoodLife wanted a story. Now it's being picked up and spreading like wildfire.
We'll cross that bridge is an answer that neither confirms or denies anything. A polite way of saying it's really not your business.
You're right, it's none of anybody's business if Jon and Ellen decide to have a baby or lots of babies. As long as they don't expect the taxpayers of PA to finance it all or sell their little lives to a TV show, that is.
Oh I understood Jon's wild phase immediately. I watched how my NPD mother treated my dad for years.
How he reacted was to become a horrible alcoholic. He drank and drank and drank and drank to mentally and emotionally get away from her, since he didn't have the wherewithall to physically get away from her. Then he finally did leave her, once we were grown, only to have her suck him back into her drama (she was old enough at that point to realize no one else was going to take her, she couldn't work her looks to find someone new at that point).
So now he's a broken shadow of a human being. He barely exists. He's never sober. He does nothing but drink and watch TV. She can yell, throw things, hit him, he barely responds anymore. He's dealt with her since 1975. I don't know how. I'd be injecting Drano directly into my arms and I would have started doing that by the early 80s. He tried to kill himself three times in the 90s, and was found in time each time, by either me or my brother or his brother. He was pissed off each time when he came to in the hospital.
So yeah, I totally understood what Jon was doing. He was rebelling, living life, he finally got out from under her thumb and was like a college freshman finally away from authoritarian parents for the first time.
It's a credit to him that the phase didn't last long and that he's now living life as a responsible adult and out of the public eye. Good for him, I say. At least he got out. Thank God.
Ellen's only 24. They could wait until the kids are almost 18 and still have time to start a family. Of course Jon would need that vasectomy reversed that he spoke of on Access Hollywood or something. I never understood why he needed a vasectomy if Kate had such severe PCOS she had no chance of conceiving without medical intervention.
I just had a horrendously horrendous thought. Just imagine what the spouses of the 8 kids are going to go through at the hands of Kate.
Watched the first special the other day...wow! It is amazing to see how different Kate is! Plus, it struck me that they were trying to present a certain image from the very beginning. In the special they act like they are doing it all by themselves, but there are notes all over the house giving people instructions. At the end, they are asked if they will have more kids, and Jon answers that they are done, that he doesnt normally take a stand on things, but that that was one that he fought for. I would not be surprised if the vacectamy (sp?) rumors were true.
Yes, Michelle, that is an odd question, isn't it?
Thanks my tweeties4 the extra love! I needed it esp 2day...& no worries,beat me downX100&I'll still get up fighting.no is nvr no to me! GN!!
Wow... Because she gestated 6 babies at once in her magical uterus, rules and the laws of a civilized society do not apply to her. That is one fine role model there, sheeple.
So, Hollywoodlife is claiming that Jon wants to have more kids.
There is a similar article in hollybaby where it is made clear that they are referencing the ONE interview that Jon did with In Touch.
In my opinion they are both misquoting him, but what a sensational story it makes!
It wouldn't surprise me if the next story has him saying he wants as many kids as the Duggars.
(no sheeple, he DID NOT say that).
Sensationalism sells.
This whole Gosselin mess will not end well. Kate will not go quietly into the night or anywhere else. This silly stupid woman should just make arrangements to pay the bill and keep her business to herself. Oh, I forgot, she is addicted to ATTENTION, both good and bad!
I tend to agree with thouse who find the appearance of the pedo suspect. If he were really a threat K8 and/or Steve should have called the FBI and they (FBI) would have traced him down. Kiddy porn, etc is taken very seriously by all law enforcement agencies.
How do we know that they didn't? Not everything is put out for public scrutiny or for internet fodder.
The people that think KKate is a good mother...probably think Casey Anthony is innocent!!
Beth - I don't think there will be any worries for the spouses' of the kids. Once they are 18, if not sooner, they will have limited contact, if any with Kate. Maybe once, legally, they are able to speak for themselves, even the teen years, they will distance themselves from her maybe even choosing to live with Jon. They can ask to be emancipated, ask what is in their "trust funds" so they can plan their future college experience etc. Those kids really need a lawyer now to take a look at how they are being protected.
Kate is reminding is she made organic sausage tonight. She is so darn superior.
spaghetti AND broccolini on the same plate? 2 pasta dishes for dinner? That's like feeding them hash browns AND french fries with the sausage. Oh well, not my carbs and not my kids. Mom of the year, my butt.
Just Dwindle- your heart is in the right place, but broccolini is a green vegetable related to broccoli.
My guess is that Kate didn't do any of the cooking anyway. And it's SO CUTESY when she says "MOMMY" made it.Why is parenting the only profession where the participants refer to themselves this way?
You never hear " Mrs.Lawyer sued my ex for me" or "Mr. Construction Man built my house"....
I am not being snarky at all, but broccolini is a vegetable (like a baby broccoli)- it's not pasta
Just Dwindle - Broccolini isn't a pasta dish. It's a vegetable, similar to broccoli. Some people call it baby broccoli, although it's not quite the same thing. Taste is similar, but not as strong as broccoli.
I would cut Jon major slack on the issue of kids in the future. I am my ex-husband's second wife. (We are very close still and get along great.) When we met, I was 27, he was 42. He had a 10 and 12 year old and was not interested in having more kids. But he realized I HAD to have kids someday and told me one day, "I can do kids again if we have some sort of domestic assistance." I knew right then we'd get married. Our two girls are now teens and are great. We had the best nanny in the world while they were young and she was worth every penny. My ex has been a fantastic dad to all 4 of his kids. You never know where life will take you.
Kate made organic sausage?? Uhhh... Is that anything like moose hot dogs? Here's hoping the kids toss it on the floor and then bawl that they're hungry. (also hoping they can run fast).
A Pink Straight Jacket said...
I just hope, for the Gosselin's sake, that it will happen far away from the voyeuristic view of paps & t.v. cameras.
And do you actually think Kate would allow this? Of course the kids would probably not want nothing to do with any of that "fame" that was thrust upon them by Cruella, but ya never know. She can be pretty vindictive & can probably throw a guilt trip pretty damn well. I can see it now: The twins, long gone at college & the tups, all turning 18, decide it's time to move the eff on. Hannah, of course, is still favored & decides to stay home with mom. The other kids really don't like mom much, but Kate & Hannah hatch a plan...
The other 5 decide to go & celebrate their 18th birthday, WITH friends at a local restaurant & invite Maddy & Cara. Kate, thinking this is the perfect opportunity to get that 'Where are they now" special, & tons of cash, calls TLC & tells them where the kids will be. She isn't invited, but shows up, with Hannah, & a crew of 12 toting cameras, boom mikes, lighting rigs & all that stuff that made the kids seek therapy in 9th grade & gave them all nightmares. Alexis screams & runs to the ladies rooms in tears, Cara trailing her. Joel just stands there, steam literally coming out of his ears. Collin is so mad, his girlfriend can't get him to stop pacing & his face so red that Kate says "We'll fix that in editing" which in turn makes Leah upturn a table. Aaden, sitting there sipping on soda, watches the whole thing go down, & then opens his phone & speed dials Jon to come get everyone out. His next call? His therapist. Maddy, standing up slowly, walks over to Kate, looks her square in the eye, calls her a very very bad word, tells her that "THIS right here was why I got emancipated" & starts gathering everyone to wait for Jon. Hannah, standing next to Kate says, "Maybe next time huh?" & Kate says "Did you guys get all that?" to the camera guy. "We are SO back" she says under her breath. And rubs her evil, un-manicured hands together, checks herself in the mirror, fixes her left boob, because it is WAY droopier than the right, tucks her greenish-blond hair behind her wrinkly, brown ear & applies some lip gloss to her silicone filled lips. Hannah says "Mom, you look great!" & Kate says, "Duh" & they walk out as the bartender says "what about this mess?" Kate yells back "It's not MY fault! Don't you know who I am? I am NOT cleaning this up!" Oh & Steve? He & his wife divorced but Kate couldn't pay him anymore. He is now protecting the Queen...the Queen Sheba. She won 1st place at a cat show & travels the country signing her "book" called 'Purr: My Day Living as the Queen of the House'.
~Hippie Chick~
PS I am bored & don't feel good. Sorry. :)
I see nothing wrong with Jon having more kids. Maybe if Kate would have left the original, custody alone(50-50), maybe Jon would not be thinking of having more kids. Kate is the one who can't let go of Jon. He has moved on. Also, why in the world does Kate feed her kids broccoli. This is the second time she has fed them broccoli with, what I call fun food. Sloppy-joes last time and now spagetti? When I've eaten those 2 dishes, we never had broccoli with them, maybe a salad, frys. Broccoli we usually had with steak, pot roast, chicken or fish. Kate has some weird taste.
Yes, Adm, also caught the "organic" reference. Broccolini is also broccoli rabe, and, like someone else said, I don't believe she made any of it. And, Kate, all moms cook for their kids...you're a better mom than most though, since you feel the need to let us know you made spaghetti with "organic chicken sausage." The rest of us should be ashamed--we all fall so short of you.
Maryanne said... Given that the woman, for the life of her, cannot verbalize a saying correctly, e.g. golden platter, I have to wonder if her "no never means no to me" comes from her hearing or reading somewhere "Every no is a yes to something better"...not quite the same thing, but in her mind, who knows?
Talk about not thinking things through before speaking/tweeting...
Ah, no doesn't mean no - that's my 2 1/2 year old grandson's thinking as he "tests" the waters BUT doesn't get away with it.
Mother's out there, beware of the future, don't let your daughters date the Gosselin 8 boys
...... and don't let your sons date the Gosselin girls. I have a son so had to add that! ;)
Take just blows my mind. It's like trying to figure out a drug addict and why they keep doing what they do. She is not a loving mother, that's obvious, but Jon is a loving father. I have thought that from the first episodes. I thought he was a bit weak for putting up with her but believed he did it for his kids. Although it forced the kids on him by lying about the fertility treatments he cares for them and she just looks at them as moneymakers. Only recently have I seen clips of her as a caring mother and they are very few, two or three, and I'm sure that's by TLC's telling her to act like she gives a chit about them.
I really worry about the kids when the show is cancelled and I really don't believe there will be a Twist of Kate, maybe a Twisted Kate, that might be interesting but I still would not give one cent to her in my viewership.
I have the feeling there is something going on behind the scenes and Jon is really trying to put a stop to this. I don't know many, any???, parents that tweet where their children are all the time and her behavior (just through tweeting even) gives more than a few reasons to believe she is not competent to have 8, count 'em 8, children in her care. She might be ok with 2, maybe, but her actions and words show she is definetely not able to parent 8 children.
Broccolini is excellent in pasta and actually, her dish sounds delicious. I make it myself...a lot!! The constant need to qualify her food as organic is obsessive and oozes insecurity.
PS, broccolini is not broccoli rabe, aka rapini. Not to get picky, but I'm a foodie and an avid home cook ;-)
PSS....broccolini is more $$ than broccoli, which is why Kate always brags. Plain old broccoli is way too pedestrian for her kiddies. That's what the "other" moms feed their families. Ugh.
E-town Neighbor said...
How do we know that they didn't? Not everything is put out for public scrutiny or for internet fodder.
I feel certain that if kart had the FBI or police called in she would not be silent. She'd use that as a stepping stone to more attention.
Even if the authorities told her to keep her mouth shut, she is unable to.
She'd take absolutely no responsibility for putting her kids out there - she'd be thrilled with the attention of the mr. fbi guys and the mr. cop guys. She would flaunt her 'increased security team'.
Another reason I think she is behind this is she isn't making any stink about it. In the back of her mind, she KNOWS it could be traced back to her.
I figure she thought it would be a sure-fire way to gain some publicity and didn't think beyond the increased tabloid traffic it would get HER. She is the proverbial dumb box of rocks.
She doesn't worry about the kids safety because she knows pedoboy is fake.
Sad that she doesn't think about all the other pedoboys that quietly follow kids in the public eye.
We know she is a few ants short of a picnic and a media whore.....
All we need to do is hold on a little while longer and she will be yesterday's new. I just hope Jon is ready to step in to spirit the kids to safety when she implodes.
Someone said he bought a house, I think... do I remember that right? Perhaps in prep for getting some or all of the kids? Just a speculation, nothing comfirmed...
I still maintain that the final dying ember will be a revelation - purseboy and kart get engaged. One final attempt to suck bucks from any television channel that would have her. Not married, mind you, but engaged. A strategic publicity move.
Every thing she does is for her and for publicity. Every time she opens her mouth she lies.
The sextuplets are SEVEN years old.
To speak of them at dating age is VERY premature.
They are dealing with enough as seven-year olds.
Please stop projecting their future selves. I thought the idea was to stop the exploitation and allow ALL the G childen so that they can regain some sense of normalcy.
I wonder if K8 ever thinks about the fact that everything she says (and tweets) will be on the internet forever for her kids to read. If they don't already know what a liar she is, they will eventually. (who eats dinner at 4 or 5 except my 84 year old mother and the rest of the nursing home folks)
Surely M&C have a computer for school work by now. Wonder if they read her tweets?
I feel certain that if kart had the FBI or police called in she would not be silent. She'd use that as a stepping stone to more attention.
She didn't even mention the perp directly, just thanked tweeties for watching out for her. If she didn't acknowledge that there was a concern, I really doubt that she would disclose any information on what security precautions have been taken, or if any law enforcement was called in.
The rest of us should be ashamed--we all fall so short of you.
I feel so ashamed. Beat me with a wet organic noodle. I picked up KFC tonight for my kids - mashed potatoes, baked beans and cole slaw. All non-organic, and now all gone!
Hanging my head in shame (but with a full tummy!)...
Broccolini is a type of green vegetable similar to broccoli, but skinnier with smaller florets.
Tucker's Mom, I'm a foodie too and a gourmet cook...I know technically it's not the same, but the grocery store here (in a small town) refers to it that way. But you are correct...broccoli rabe is rapini. I also make it often. I miss living in Tulsa where I could find fresh seafood and where there were sophisticated grocery stores, like Whole Foods, that label things correctly. No one here seems to know what broccoli rabe is...it's frustrating. Have spent all day and yesterday trapping and rescuing five feral kittens, finding them an adoption place, capturing their mom and getting her spayed today...I'm exhausted and stupid tonight.
In my opinion, the latest story on Jon is a plant from JCM to divert the negative attention from Kates lawsuit.
The positive press he got in the latest tabloid about his totally normal life with his kids and Ellen presented him in a good light with most rational people.
Then the judgement that was actually rendered on Friday and all of a sudden Kate has a pedophile. that backfired so someone had to spin a story about Jon wanting more kids as if the public would say WHAT??????
Jon will be tortured by this woman and her entourage until she is as relevant as last years calender and at that point everyone except Kate will have a normal life.
God I hope this guy hangs in there, his kids survive the turmoil and Kate is left alone like the character in the "True Movie" Grey Gardens".
That will be Kates legacy.
Didn't infertile Khate the one who has to take shots and have her ovaries over-stimulated to have just one more make Jon get a vasectomy? Seems like I heard that.
E-town Neighbor said... I tend to agree with thouse who find the appearance of the pedo suspect. If he were really a threat K8 and/or Steve should have called the FBI and they (FBI) would have traced him down. Kiddy porn, etc is taken very seriously by all law enforcement agencies.
How do we know that they didn't? Not everything is put out for public scrutiny or for internet fodder.
I'm not sure who wrote the first comment, but let's face it E-Town, if they had to call in the FBI K8 would be shouting it from the rafters in an effort to stay relevent and try to gain a few more viewers.
IDModo: re this line of yours - And it's SO CUTESY when she says "MOMMY" made it.Why is parenting the only profession where the participants refer to themselves this way?
You never hear " Mrs.Lawyer sued my ex for me" or "Mr. Construction Man built my house
dontcha remember, SHE talks like that all the time, wasn't it "mr. little kiwi house guy' and there have been others. But I loved your comment and you WERE right, no one else talks to ridiculously childishily stupid.
Hi Five fellow foodie! I know the feeling; when we moved to Richmond, VA, I went to the best store for fresh, whole, sometimes organic food and they INSISTED that broccolini was rabe. I think I almost cried. I eat the stuff for breakfast with Pecorino. I know, weird!
(sorry to get OT, Admin)
(( we're total animal lovers too))
JudyK said...Have spent all day and yesterday trapping and rescuing five feral kittens, finding them an adoption place, capturing their mom and getting her spayed today...I'm exhausted and stupid tonight.
Dang Judy... for a second there I was hoping you were talking about Kate. Chasing her down and having her spayed would have made my day. (I just visualized you throwing a big butterfly net over her head. hehe)
Joking aside....Kudos to you. Thank you for caring about those animals and hugs from all of us animal lovers! Go pour yourself the beverage of choice, put your feet up and relax. You deserve it.
Gina said...
"I'm not sure who wrote the first comment, but let's face it E-Town, if they had to call in the FBI K8 would be shouting it from the rafters in an effort to stay relevent and try to gain a few more viewers."
Nope. I don't think so. If she did that, she'd be admitting that there is a problem and that putting these kids out there exposes them to every pervert within shouting distance. She'd have to admit that Jon was right on target when he made the statement about the dangers of having those kids on television. Nope. No matter how much publicity she could milk out of this, I don't think she'd want to acknowledge that her non-fans weren't just blowing smoke, and that Jon was right.
If anything, I think she'd want to cover this up, not call attention to it.
Kate's Kart, I hope that you are right. My ex MIL was just like Kate. She felt that it was her right to instruct me in every aspect of my life. If I didn't listen to her, she would stamp her feet and take it out on my ex.
My husband's youngest brother finally stood up to her one day when he was 16. He was about a foot taller than her by then. She started yelling at him and he drew back his fist and he would have punched her, had my ex not stepped in. Lol
(who eats dinner at 4 or 5 except my 84 year old mother and the rest of the nursing home folks)
Surely M&C have a computer for school work by now. Wonder if they read her tweets?
I caught the timing of the organic diner too. Katie can cook and run 6 miles at the same time. Outstanding.
I would imagine Katie's children read the twits. I would bet the house that the rest of the class reads the twits as well. Further, I would imagine Katie's behavior is quite the topic at school.
The whole pedo thing - Khate probably thought people were talking about pedicures...
Was she involved in a hoax? I have a hard time believing she ever read "The Lovely Bones" or saw the movie. The name, reference to doll houses, etc. went right over her head as well as most of the sheeple's. I tend to think some shameless self-promoters perpetrated a hoax. Certainly, something is off about the whole thing. Not funny. Sick either way.
Beth said...
I just had a horrendously horrendous thought. Just imagine what the spouses of the 8 kids are going to go through at the hands of Kate.
Unless by that time all 8 kids have cut off all contact with her.
I never understood why he needed a vasectomy if Kate had such severe PCOS she had no chance of conceiving without medical intervention.
I never understood that either. I know it's been said before, but I believe she made up the story about having PCOS. She was a nurse, and knew how to look up certain things.
But don't you know she's just "lucky" she doesn't have any symptoms of PCOS! Just the main one--infertility. This is what Kate tweeted a few weeks back.
And I'm a paraplegic, I just don't have any of the symptoms. Lucky me!
Funny, I thought she wanted Jon to have the V
because she didn't want him walking out on her once he found out what she'd done to get pregnant. What better way to assure he concentrated on these 8 kids and didn't have any others to raise with a new wife or girlfriend? He would stay around to do her bidding in the babycare department. He might have affairs, but there would be no
other children in competition with hers.
This should be a given, but no posts about the kids school schedules UNLESS it is proof the kids are missing school to film. Only then is it relevant. This has always been an unwritten rule. Kate herself is exposing enough about their personal schedule for all of us and especially with the creeps we know are out there, please be more careful than at least their own mother.
As for the 5pm eating, when you have to get up in the middle of the night to get to your private school so far away, I imagine you would be hungry as early as 5pm. I have noticed back east where I grew up "supper" tended to be earlier. We ate around 5-5:30pm. But out here in CA 7pm, 8pm and even later seems to be the norm and I sort of adjusted to that and prefer it.
Nice thing about later dinners is you don't get hungry for a big snack around 9pm. We would have dinner at 5 but then I would get a big bowl of icecream later, which isn't really a good thing. Now I don't do an evening snack usually.
High Five Tucker's Mom! And Auntie Ann, you made me laugh! After I wrote that, I thought, "I sound just like Kate Gosselin...'I am soooo exhausted'." LOL.
I've had PCOS for years- and a pretty big case of it! Symptoms include insulin resistence, hirsutism, being overweight, and having irregular cycles- so you don't know when you ovulate. However, I have 2 great kids that I "birthed" on my own. With my son, I took my temperature every morning and I took clomid for 3 months and voila- I got pregnant. With my daughter, I didn't do anything! So- it IS possible to have kids with PCOS. My guess is, she used the disease to talk Jon into allowing fertility treatments and she got an irresponsilbe doctor to inject her with all those fertilized eggs- He could have implanted 3 or 4- not 7! Geesh!
thank you all, for enlightening me as to what Kate meant about broccolini. My son is a chef in an Italian resturant and they serve a pasta dish called Broccolini. Who knew it was a designer veggie! LOL! My world revolves around my kids, I see; maybe I need to get out a little more! hehe.
re "making sausage":
I dont think she meant she ground, seasoned and stuffed her own sausage casings. She probably meant that she opened a package of store bought sausage, and dropped it into a simmering pot of store bought jar sauce. Maybe she browned it first. Anyone who has actually made sausage knows it is a weekend event.
But I'm trying not to care. I really wish I didnt know all of this about these kids. But everytime I go Gosselin free for a month, she does something stupid that deliberatly horrifies and humiliates her children and I get outraged again.
Admin, you have not thought your faux ailment through, that of being a symptomless paraplegic. I broke my foot a few years ago and wore a boot for several weeks, even though the foot only hurt for a week or so. Let me tell you: front of the line at the airport, special (very short) disabled line at Disneyland, and those fun scooter grocery carts at the store. My kids begged me to keep the boot for our next trip to Disney. (Did you know they have a special, wheelchair-friendly rocket on Space Mountain? You have to get out of the wheelchair but this rocket is specially made to make that easier. It comes from another secret track and somehow is magically moved onto the ride track when there are enough people to fill it!) I chucked the boot, but WAS tempted to keep it. Now if Kate would only stop using her boot, er, kids.
I've been trying to catch up here but had to stop and respond to Beth's last comment:
OMG, I had to do a double-take when I read your comment. The exact same thing happened in our family....but it was my mother and oldest brother. My mom was a narcissist and very physically abusive and I'll never forget....she was quite short and we were becoming teens and my brothers began to tower over her. My oldest brother came in one day and she started yelling at him for something or other, chasing after him and trying to reach up and hit him (he was about 2 feet taller than her at that point) and he spun around, pulled his fists back and said, "don't EVER touch me again!"...and she completely backed off, of course.
I remember I was simply stunned and remember thinking, "whoa....we could actually DO that?" I'd always been so afraid of her all my life and it had never even occurred to me that standing up to her was even possible. She was short but to me, during my childhood, she was 10 feet tall and terrifying. It was at that exact moment that I suddenly realized she was just this short, little lady.....and I think my brother and I (we were the oldest of 6) were approx. 16-17 years old at the time also.
My guess is, she used the disease to talk Jon into allowing fertility treatments and she got an irresponsilbe doctor to inject her with all those fertilized eggs- He could have implanted 3 or 4- not 7! Geesh!
It's my understanding that her ovaries were overstimulated. A doctor didn't implant any fertilized eggs
Loathe - Kate didn't have IVF. No eggs were ever implanted. She had IUI. Like you, she took clomid and when ultrasound revealed 3-4 follicles, she was artificially inseminated with Jon's sperm (they were also likely doing it the old fashioned way as well - that is encouraged to maximize your chances of conceiving).
The issue with the sextuplets is that during the third cycle Kate had overstimulated ovaries and was hospitalized for it. The question is whether she was inseminated prior to the OSO or not. OSO can occur at any point in the IUI cycle. In any case, it is speculated that Kate continued to have sex with Jon during the OSO episode which resulted in the sextuplets. Jon had only agreed to do four rounds of IUI, so Kate's time was running out. And we all know Kate wanted another baby and what Kate wants she gets.
I'm still catching up on this pedo thing but I'm not understanding the FBI comments. As far as I know (although I don't have all the particulars of this situation).....the FBI would not be interested in this sitution unless this individual actually DID something illegal. And I don't think there's anything illegal about a guy with pedo tendencies following another adult on twitter....regardless of whether or not the person being followed has children.
IF....he started twittering inappropriate things regarding her children, maybe....but I can't see what...at least so far...would even warrant getting the FBI involved. I don't think they'd even be interested...at least not at this time.
As far as I know, it's not illegal to BE a pedo...just like it's not illegal to be a drug addict. One has to actually DO something illegal....like have kiddie porn or get caught selling/buying/possessing illegal drugs, etc.....right?
And I would highly doubt this would have been engineered by Kate in any way....because as a narcissist, she would want this to be all about her....not to mention, the pedo aspect would reflect badly on the fact that she's exposed her children to the world for fame and fortune. If she were to engineer anything of this nature, I would thing it would be along the lines of having a stalker that would be stalking HER...not involving her children or any sort of pedo aspect.
I think this situation really happened (that's what happens when you make yourself widely recognized)....and is not really suspicious. Anyone can follow anyone on twitter, right? And it's not really a moderated type of internet modality, is it? People can twitter pretty much what they want and follow who they want...or am I incorrect?
I just got back from being out of town on business and am catching up. All I can say about this whole thing is unbelievable. Kate is really starting to show her true colors. Twitter is going to contribute hugely to her undoing. I also can't believe how obsessed her fans are. She could murder someone and they will justify it. Insane.
Did you notice Kate's cheerful and AMAZING tweet this morning? Wonder why? Do you think maybe she's sooo excited and happy again cause the kids are off to Jon's this weekend?
Notice how much she uses the word ADDICTED too....
Jenna said~
"She lost. It's over. She will waste more money fighting this than necessary, just to prove WHO wrong? Jon? Her haters? Herself? What is the point? What is she teaching her children?"
Unfortunately, I don't remember the exact details or wording....but when I read several of the articles linked-to regarding Kate being sued for this bill....I remember there being at least two statements Kate had supposedly made that I think gave some clues into what she's thinking.
One was something along the lines of Kate saying that Jon refused to cooperate in some way with this LaFair plan Kate had had at the time....to me, sounding like she thinks just because this woman did not achieve the outcome Kate wanted (fixing Jon so the show could go on)...so therefore, she should not have to pay her.
And then the other one was where she referred to LaFair asking HER about her own childhood....sounding like Kate's opinion was that she had hired LaFair to fix Jon, not HER...and that by LaFair having done this, she was not entitled to get paid for her services...ie: she didn't do exactly what Kate wanted and then had the nerve to start asking about HER, as if it wasn't ALL Jon's fault.
And then, of course....her saying she had her OWN advocate (Dr. Phil, supposedly), implying that this was ALL supposed to be for Jon, not for her....so she should not have to pay for any of it. And of course, this is totally skewed logic because it's who contracts for the job, not who is to be the client....who's responsible for the bill. (though it sounds to me like they contracted to split the bill or something as I've since read LaFair reportedly saying that Jon was already paying his part)
And it's telling, I think....that her alleged explanations had nothing to do with contract law....they seem to be what SHE thinks is justification for her being right (like the excuses of a 5 year old child arguing with a parent)...contract law be damned. A non-narcissist would keep it limited to where he/she stood in terms of contract law....not start making all these excuses.
Being a textbook narcissist...Kate totally believes, I think, that this LaFair is NOT entitled to payment and that Kate is being unfairly billed. It's the skewed thinking of a narcissist. If SHE thinks LaFair is wrong...then that's IT. Because she's always right and her viewpoint is always right and it's inconceivable to her that her own logic could be wrong....and it's irrelevant what contract law actually says...because she has already decided what the law should be and what the law is....and now the judge is wrong.....and I am sure she is completely confident she will win this appeal.
I picture her own lawyer for this case...after speaking with client Kate....going into another room and banging his/her head on the wall a few times in frustration. lol I'm sure this attorney already sees that it's futile to even point out the reality of this situation....and how contract law ensures that she will lose. Kate has decided and that's it.
Notice how much she uses the word ADDICTED too....
She's stuck on the "a" words...addicted, amazing, awesome. She needs to move on to the "b" words now. She should have a mediocre vocabulary by about 2034.
I picture her own lawyer for this case...after speaking with client Kate....going into another room and banging his/her head on the wall a few times in frustration.
lol Hippie! ...and then asking for cash up front.
I loathe this "woman" and her entire brand! said...
I've had PCOS for years- and a pretty big case of it! Symptoms include insulin resistence, hirsutism, being overweight, and having irregular cycles- so you don't know when you ovulate. However, I have 2 great kids that I "birthed" on my own. With my son, I took my temperature every morning and I took clomid for 3 months and voila- I got pregnant. With my daughter, I didn't do anything! So- it IS possible to have kids with PCOS. My guess is, she used the disease to talk Jon into allowing fertility treatments and she got an irresponsilbe doctor to inject her with all those fertilized eggs- He could have implanted 3 or 4- not 7! Geesh!
Thank you so much for sharing and congratulations!
I've thought many times that Kate being a nurse, and knowing the local docs and hospital systems, and her background lending credence to her PCOS "claims" led to her immediate fertility treatment.
She was very young, and if you saw the wedding video, showed NO outward signs of PCOS (weight, hair issues), and there was indeed NO need to proceed with treatment immediately. Most docs would have a couple try for a while on their own, especially at J&K's age.
She pushed for it and wanted multiples, I'm convinced.
Dee3 - I think you are absolutely correct in your analysis of why Kate refuses to pay the bill and is appealing the judgment.
As for her attorney - I just hope he asked Kate for a big, fat retainer in advance, otherwise he will be chasing her for payment when she (inevitably) loses the appeal.
Oops sorry Dee3. My previous comment should have been directed at you, not Hippie Chick.
About the infertility specialists Kate visited...why would she switch docs when she had successful treatments with the first one? She said it was because she didn't want to drive all the way to Allentown to see him, that it was more convenient to see a doctor right there in Wyomissing for the infertility treatments. Kind of strange that she didn't see the doctor in Wyomissing in the first place.
Once again her stories are starting to unravel. The odds are that the doc in Allentown said NO to her the second time around. And of course she's made it very clear now that NO is NEVER NO to her, and apparently that goes for her doctors too.
The more i read her tweets i am totally convinced that Kate is certifiably insane.
She needs to move on to the "b" words now.
I think Katie's got the "B" word fairly well covered.
AuntieAnn said...I agree about the doc switch. It didn't' make sense at all for her to go so far for a doc to begin with.
The same as with adopting the Korean child. She said in her book that she and Jon weren't ready for that sort of responsibility? Then wanted to start the treatments to get pregnant? If you weren't ready for an adoption, then you weren't ready to get pregnant. A baby is still a baby. I noticed that weird comment immediately.
But just a few months ago, she said they wouldn't let them adopt because they were too young? I forgot where I heard/read that, but that doesn't jibe with the FIRST story.
I hope Jon doesn't have any more kids, at least not until the twins and sextuplets are almost grown. They already get so little of his time as it is (not by his choice but a fact nonetheless). To have his attention divided even further by another child (or children) would be upsetting for the kids. And you better believe Kate would seize the opportunity to say, "see, Daddy doesn't love you at all, he's replacing you!"
dee3- I wish my ex had learned to stand up to her, like his brother did, but he never did. He still lets his mom control everything that he does.
After I finally put her in her place, she finally stopped trying to govern my every move with my children. The funny thing is, she and I get along great now that I am 51 and she is 75. She has mellowed out quite a bit. She and I still communicate and we treat each other as if I had never divorced her cheating son. Lol. I hope that Kate can learn to mellow out as well as she grows older. If not, she will be a very lonely woman.
I could give her attorney tips on banging your head against the wall.
No regrets - I wonder if the adoption fell through because they didn't have the money to pay for it and perhaps the cost was so high Jon's dad said he wouldn't finance this one.
As for switching docs, she probably went to the first place because someone told her it was the best. She later said she switched because with the twins in tow a trip to Allentown was too inconvenient for her.
@ Tucker's Mom- Thanks! By the way- my kids are now 18 (son)and 16 (daughter). I also had Hodgkin's Disease when I was 17- I'm 48 now. I was told when I was diagnosed that I might never have kids. I went through lots of radiation treatments and when I started seeing hair on my face- I assumed it was from that. I was diagnosed with PCOS and became pregnant at 29. My doctor told me to try the temperature/clomid thing first. He didn't tell me to immediately go to an infertility specialist. When I became pregnant with my daughter- I was very surprised because I hadn't done what I did before. My mom had just passed away so when I became pregnant, I knew it would be a girl and I knew I would name her after my mother. Now, I take metformin to regulate insulin levels- which by the way- women who take metformin have an increased chance of multiple births. I wonder if Khate ever tried this. There is also a procedure called ovary wedge re-section to help women with this condition. I bet Khate never tried this either. I, too, am convinced she wanted the infertility treatments to get attention for herself by having a house full of multiples. In the early shows of Jon and Khate, I always noticed how she made such a big production about her kids and it was so annoying!
So- it IS possible to have kids with PCOS. My guess is, she used the disease to talk Jon into allowing fertility treatments and she got an irresponsilbe doctor to inject her with all those fertilized eggs- He could have implanted 3 or 4- not 7! Geesh!
Kate wasn't implanted with embryos, although Sherri Shepherd still believes that she was! Over-stimulated ovaries, and good old-fashioned sperm resulted in the multiple births.
Knowing Kate she had a list of doctors to go to if any one of them denied her request for treatments. She worked in delivery so she probably knew every specialist in the area personally. She was a snake in the grass laying in wait planning the whole HOM birth and scheming ways to make $$ out of it. And it worked.
lol at your head-banging lessons Admin...I'll bet you could tell some stories.
As for switching docs, she probably went to the first place because someone told her it was the best. She later said she switched because with the twins in tow a trip to Allentown was too inconvenient for her.
She *might* be telling the truth. It's just a bit less than hour from Wyomissing to Allentown, through horrible traffic. I wouldn't want to make that drive with twins in tow.
lol at your head-banging lessons Admin...I'll bet you could tell some stories.
lol, admin., no offense, but I've banged my head on the wall over some things that attorneys have done!
Kate was yesterdays news. Her ratings have dropped like flies and I'm sure it will continue.
She has nothing to fall back on. Face it.. Twitter was her last wild card.
What I wanna know from her, was it worth it? Was the lights, camera, action! Really worth her kids' childhood?
Money means $hit on your deathbed. You can't take it with you. But you can take your memories.
Stop poking fun at the way people order their words. We all know what was meant. It's not a college thesis. You know who you are.
I still find it hysterical that kate's own twitters are our best defense against her yet. She will be the one to bring the house of cards crashing down in the end and I don't think there is anything we could do. We certainly had nothing to do with lafair. That was you all you Kate! Dont blame us. I think the sheeple need to worry way more about stopping her than trying to stop us.
Before Kate got pregnant with the 6, didn't she have a lot of support people around her - like her parents, Jodi, church members, etc. who could take 2 girls for a few hours while Kate drove to the doctor in Allentown? Or maybe they were in preschool a couple of days a week? When was Jon unemployed? I understood he did not have a job when Kate was pregnant or going through fertility treatments which was one of the reasons for the huge wave of protests against the Gosselins.
Somehow it doesn't seem right to me that at that time she had to take Mady and Cara with her for an afternoon of doctor's appointments.
No problem, Auntie Ann...just glad you enjoyed it.:)
And thanks Barb. You know, I still can't figure out the whole Kate hiring an "advocate" for Jon thing. An advocate for what? This was just supposed to be at the marriage counseling stage, right? Not yet at the divorce court stage?
To me, an advocate would be like your own attorney in divorce court....but at the marriage counseling stage? I'm confused over this. And if this advocate was to be for him...to advocate for him in what I'm assuming was the dispute over him cooperating and maintaining the happy marriage facade for the show...why was SHE doing the hiring/contracting?
It sounded to me like LaFair was hired to be sort of a marriage counselor....only with strings...those being that she was to get Jon to toe the line (with Kate being confident that those strings were legally attached somehow, lol).
And I am still very curious and confused about why TLC didn't pay for this. Wouldn't they have wanted Jon to be convinced to maintain the facade at that time? Or was TLC hoping behind the scenes that this whole thing would turn into the scandal that it ultimately did?
Administrator~at this point, I have simply given up on the remaining sheeple. Anyone who is a big fan now....well, have some problems. There just is no way any sane, critically-thinking person (adult) would still, at this point, be enamored with her. I suspect that the remaining ones are tweens, teens, zealously religious drones and people with some serious personality disorders. I almost think that these reality shows are starting to bring every nutjob out of the woodwork.
Justin Bieber apparently has fans who sent death threats to some female singer who won some award over him. Apparently many of these Kate fans are also carrying out similar behaviors towards non-fans behind the scenes. I'm sorry....but you have some serious issues when you start doing that sort of stuff. Scary, really.
My mom died in 2005 and like your MIL, when she became much older...well, it was sorta sad. All my siblings moved out of state....and I ended up practically being HER mother. She went almost everywhere with me and my sons....and amazingly, she had a pretty good relationship with them.
BUT...I turned out extremely co-dependent, non-assertive, easily intimidated.....and have ended up being the care-taker for both my mother and now...my father. It's extremely difficult to turn off those tapes from your childhood playing in your head subconsciously....and very difficult to change. :(
I'm with you about Kate hiring someone to "fix" Jon. What a frigin nerve. So, say my husband chews with his mouth open, spits, & bites his toenails? I think I'll hire a 500$ an hour therapist & see what she can do! Please. This was all just so Jon can keep the gravy train rolling & Kate could stay in the spotlight. IF Jon & Kate never split up, Kate would have never come out the "hero AND the martyr" & been on any talk shows, playing the damn victim. She would not have a fan base full of delusional asshats who thinks the sun sets on her.
If Jon & Kate had stayed together, their show would have ended months, if not years ago, IMO because NOBODY could have stood by & watched Kate degrade & humiliate Jon for much longer. The BEST damn thing that ever happened to Kate's stupid career was the split with Jon, or whatever the hell happened! And she wanted to "fix him"??? She just gets more dumb & arrogant & idiotic the more I think about her "plotting" & planning to stay relevant. She would have been OVER so long ago!!
If Jon were a bad father or husband, then yes, I could see Kate wanting him to get some anger management BUT Kate is the one that needs the therapy, the psychoanalysis, the psychotherapy, & the regression into her childhood. ALL therapists ask those questions. Why did Kate not want to answer questions about her childhood? Because it would bring things into light that would answer several burning questions about the kind of adult she is. She will NEVER admit to help, she will NEVER get it, & she will be one lonely chick. Her career is all but over. I hope she enjoyed her time at the top. Life with the "normal" people, with real bills, & budgeting & no limos & no golden platters or preferential treatment, well shit, how is she going to deal with that? Boo Hoo. My heart bleeds for her. Yeah, & I have an interview to star in Brad Pitts next movie tomorrow.
~Hippie Chick~
"Justin Bieber apparently has fans who sent death threats to some female singer who won some award over him. Apparently many of these Kate fans are also carrying out similar behaviors towards non-fans behind the scenes."
What does it say about our society and how we have raised the current generation that it is now seemingly acceptable behavior to these tween/teens/whomever to threaten and harass people to get what you want?
I believe that people are responsible for their own actions and choices, but somewhere along the way there is a generation of people who don't agree or learned a different lesson. Is it the media's fault? Do we tolerate too much violence and rude behavior now because heaven forbid we offend someone? Is it because media has taken over our lives and now a majority of adults and teens/kids spend more time online than with each other? I see the way teens today treat each other and others and not to sound like an old fogey but it IS different today than when I was a teen 20+ years ago. I especially don't like the way girls let guys talk to them today - sorry, I'm a child of the 70's and grew up with the Women's Lib movement and ERA on the news regularly. I was taught that I was a human being who had gifts and talents to offer the world and to not settle for being treated any less because of my gender. When did that message get lost?
I'm sorry, this is just a conversation that I've had with several of my friends who, many of whom are teachers, and we're just baffled. I'm not saying we should return to Victorian prudery etc.
People finally reported about the recent case decision, only a few days late.
Kate Gosselin Ordered to Pay $10,000 to Marriage Therapist
Friday May 20, 2011 03:20 PM EDT
Kate Gosselin's marriage to Jon Gosselin ended in 2009, but the drama continues.
On Thursday, the Kate Plus 8 star was ordered to pay more than $10,000 to a Pennsylvania marriage therapist who allegedly counseled her and then-husband Jon, according to Pennsylvania's Standard Speaker.
Sylvia Lafair, of Creative Energy Options, says she entered into a verbal agreement to fly to Los Angeles and provide counseling for the couple in March 2009. However, Lafair states that Gosselin, 36, refused to pay for her travel fees and services.
Gosselin testified that she never entered into an agreement with Lafair, who was solely Jon's therapist, adding that Lafair was only asked to California because Jon refused to take the trip unless she accompanied the couple.
Gosselin's attorney has filed an appeal in the case.
Sadly, they didn't link to this original article pertaining to the case which details Kate's testimony: http://standardspeaker.com/news/reality-star-at-freeland-hearing-over-10k-civil-suit-1.1145462
This People article failed to release more information from her testimony such as the real reason why Jon and Kate flew to California in the first place, which was to meet with Dr. Phil about handling a divorce and saving the brand. Why would a couple seek marriage counseling in CA if both the therapist and the couple resided in PA, People magazine?
Sadly, the general public won't know about that from reading this People article. It sounds like another reason to blame Jon and sympathize with Kate for having to pay this bill when she was trying to help Jon and her marriage. Yeah, right!
Sherri Sheperd is not all there sometimes. For someone that works as hard and as many jobs/gigs and she does, dots on her son, how she condones Kate's use of the kids are her income is unbelievable. Sherri should teach Kate the meaning of the words "work ethic".
Funny....both times that we went to marriage counseling it was so that the therapist could 'fix' me.
This blog has surely opened my eyes as to narcissistic behavior.
I don't know how Jon stood it. There's only one right way to do anything and it sure as hell isn't going to be anything he came up with.
You feel like you're chained in the middle of a room and can't get out and your spouse is throwing good-sized rocks at you. You finally just give up.
I'm so glad that Jon got out when he did.
She could murder someone and they will justify it. Insane.
I know! They would probably say she was stressed out, or that that person was being rude to her (like Sarah Palin or Brad were, lol). She could rob a bank and they would say Kate's a single mom who needs the money. Unbelievable.
dee3- I am sorry for the loss of your mom. I lost my mom in 1996 and I started drifting toward my MIL as a substitute. It was about the same time that she started treating me with respect.
ROL has an article saying that Kate is going to appeal this order. Her lawyer submitted the appeal on May 17th. I guess she thinks everything should be free for her.
It seems the lawsuit has made the mainstream press. Some of the media still blame it on Jon.
E Online had a misleading headline and article. Someone set the record straight in the comment section. Are Kate's PR people still beating the dead horse about Jon being the cause of all Kate's problems?
I love how few people except here are reporting that lafair said Jon already paid his half! And he never even talked to her then! Shouldn't it make more sense Jon refused to pay rather than Kate?? Lol if it were Jon's bill she woulda sued Jon.
I love how few people except here are reporting that lafair said Jon already paid his half! And he never even talked to her then! Shouldn't it make more sense Jon refused to pay rather than Kate?? Lol if it were Jon's bill she woulda sued Jon.
Admin, that was so nice you needed to say it twice! LOL
silimom said...
What does it say about our society and how we have raised the current generation that it is now seemingly acceptable behavior to these tween/teens/whomever to threaten and harass people to get what you want?
I believe that such people, including our dear sheeple, do not live in reality. They cannot comprehend that these reality shows are not Days of our Lives, or General Hospital. Oh, they might say the words, but in their minds there is a disconnect. Same thing with the Beiber boy. Folks who spend so much time in front of these reality shows and such are exponentially losing touch with what is real and what is play-acting. Their own lives are so full of disappointment and lack of positive emotions that they cloak themselves in what they are seeing on TV and on the internet - just to feel something somewhat positive. If you remove that play-acting they are doing, they are left with nothing, with a void, and emptiness is a horrible thing. Better to feel rage and hatred and fantasy, than to feel nothing, or have nothing at all.
They threaten and harass because they dont comprehend the object of their rage as a real person, and more and more they are seeing that behavior modeled on TV. And it's safer that way - nothing really ever hurts, nothing ever really disappoints because YOU are in charge of the fantasy; except when you're not. So you RAGE to keep it intact. It really is one of the few things that you think validates you, because these fantasies are all you feel. (Not YOU, sillimom, but you know what I mean.)
Stepping down from the soap box now.
I haven't seen any mention of Kate's bucket list in a few weeks. Maybe no finally does really mean no more over-the-top trips ... at least on TLC's dime.
I haven't seen any mention of Kate's bucket list in a few weeks. Maybe no finally does really mean no more over-the-top trips ... at least on TLC's dime.
With Kate's incessant tweets to her fans, it could be that the bucket is full of sheeple manure and needs to be emptied.
The perrils of posting from my iphone! Not pink.
TLC or Steve or someone may have gently explained to her how tacky it is to beg for free trips so publically. Especially with gas prices and flights so expensive, the economy in the dumps and most Americans lucky to get out to the local lake this summer.
Tacky, tacky, tacky. And inconsiderate.
Kate's sorry she "mist" the fun on twitter tonight.
Noone's fault?
Dr Phil's name has popped up in this.
What if the conditions of being on the Dr Phil show requires the guests to do ground work in advance with a therapist at their own expense to confirm the diagnosis and to get each side to make statements.
Only then will show's producers and Dr Phil take over and carry on.
What if Kate and LeFairs arrangement was no charge in exchange for the publicity of being on the Dr Phil show.
The show never happened and LaFair can only sue the Gosselins for services rendered as she never spoke with TLC nor the Dr Phil show directly.
LOL, Anonymous. I normally couldn't care less about people's spelling errors (myself included) but when one brags they obsessively spell correctly ALL THE TIME (or something along those lines), they better not slip up or an inevitable error will come back to bite them in the butt.
If the person you admonished for criticizing wording, etc., said anything about me misusing the quotes in my last post, I already know it. Like you said, it's not a college thesis and unless it's a general discussion, I agree that this is not the place to critize or correct other posters' grammar, punctuation, spelling, wording, or anything else.
Kate is fair game. She claims to be a perfect speller. I don't and have said so. No one else has claimed perfection here either, except some passing sheeple.
And also but I'm sorry, her spelling/grammar mistakes are beyond ridiculous. No one here is that bad. If in the hundreds of posts here and the thousands upon thousands of comments there are a few errors now and again, I think we're doing okay.
I mist you guys' sediments!
JudyK, Who cares if someone critiques our spelling or grammar. Your posts are always well thought out and have valid points. They can't discuss nor debate anything. I really detest people who have nothing to offer other than bs, trying to feel superior to others. bleh
I have a question for anyone? Did Kate ever acknowledge any of the videos the tweens made for the kids for their birthday? I never saw anything from her, did I miss it?
"I mist you guys' sediments!"
I am 'greatful' for this blog.
Not defending her one iota - can't stand the woman. Using odd spellings on Twitter is pretty much accepted due to the 140 character/space limit per tweet which may explain 'mist'. She's not bright enough to figure out how to say what she wants to say succinctly. She's really pretty challenged.
What she could have tweeted: Going 2 bed sorry I missed you. Sleeping late, quiet day tomorrow by the pool, some organizing & maybe a run. Nite!
Her tweet: Sry I mist the fun! Headed2bed&I plan on sleeping in..Nothin fun 4tom except hang@my pool if it's warm enuf& do sum organizing..I may run 2
I have a question for anyone? Did Kate ever acknowledge any of the videos the tweens made for the kids for their birthday? I never saw anything from her, did I miss it?
No, NEVA! Not a peep. Not even a general "Thank you all for....." She thanks her fans for all their support of HER though.
Which I don't get. Why are fans supporting her and how; by tweeting "we support you." Why does she need support anyway? Aren't her kids joyously happy and loving and "greatful" for such a wonderful mom? And she said herself "not cancelled" when asked about her show, and she only has to cook a couple of days a week then throw leftovers out on the table and she hangs out by the pool and is going to run a marathon and attend the KD every year...and...and...blah blah blah
Count me among the guilty here. I make spelling/grammatical errors AND groan every time I find one. Then I realize that we type very fast, don't always catch what we've written even after proofing, and still the world spins on its axis. There is no prize for the best speller.
That said, I'm not sure why our "we know better but still misspell words for some dumb reason" defense should not extend to those on other blogs. Yes, their spelling is horrendously horrendous, but the world does not stop on its axis because of it, right? I'd like to see us give them the same leeway we are willing to give ourselves. If our spelling errors don't make us stupid, it shouldn't make them stupid, either, IMO.
Their thought processes, however, may be a whole different argument.....
"Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...No, NEVA! Not a peep. Not even a general "Thank you all for....." She thanks her fans for all their support of HER though."
She is so amazingly rude. At least she could have said thanks to those kids. Even though I seriously doubt she would even show the kids the videos. I know I wouldn't. What we or anyone thinks about all the sappy videos, they put their efforts into for the kids, and they are just kids. And you have a point, support for HER. Maybe that is why, the vids weren't for HER. The support she proudly acknowledges too, is the "tweeties" FIGHTING for HER. LOL Every time they argue with the 'haters', they also send the tweet to Kate to prove how bravely they support her. They have told her time and again, WHENEVER she comes online, they will be waiting for her. I believe that too. My gawd. As I said before, they all sound like 13 year olds, including Kate. It is just not normal for adults.
I have a question for anyone? Did Kate ever acknowledge any of the videos the tweens made for the kids for their birthday? I never saw anything from her, did I miss it?
That video had to have made Kate cringe with embarrassment. LOL ...that's who's supporting her. That's her fanbase right there. Groupie tweens and gum chomping queens just like her. If she tells them they did a wonderful job they might put more videos up on Youtube. Hope so anyway....haha...poetic justice.
I also find it interesting, and rather pathetic, Kate has never once discouraged any of the vileness from her fans. Couldn't she say aw thanks but you don't have to spend so much time on twitter defending my honor, you must have better things to do than ME, don't waste your breath I'm fine! It's like she loves watching this. She lets her tweens go on their crusades neglecting their homework and friends to stand up for her.
Even Allison Angrim said after spending her entire life in the business, she'd never seen a ruder bunch. And Kate seems PROUD of them!
is not the place to "critize"
Ha, laughing at myself...criticize. I'm about to catch up with Ms. Perfect Speller Gosselin!
Couldn't she say aw thanks but you don't have to spend so much time on twitter defending my honor, you must have better things to do than ME, don't waste your breath I'm fine!"
Somehow I just can't fathom a narcissist saying that. lol.
You're right though Admin, she's almost proud and flattered by their defense of her, where most people would be mortified by their behavior. But she's very vindictive and sarcastic herself so for Angrim to say her fans are the rudest bunch she's ever encountered speaks volumes about the kind of person Kate is. The mentality of the people she attracts are pretty close to her own intellect.
@vncmom @hollyrpeete @LeahRemini Awww congrats! Let the spoiling begin... :) about 5 hours ago
what the heck is this? PLEEEEEEASE don't tell me she is going to be on that show. Isn't one of the gals pregnant? I'm throwing my television off my 4th floor balcony if she gets another show!
AuntieAnn said...The mentality of the people she attracts are pretty close to her own intellect.
AuntieAnn, you summed up perfectly!
Administrator said...
I also find it interesting, and rather pathetic, Kate has never once discouraged any of the vileness from her fans.
I agree. I also find it pathetic that she lets them AND involves herself into dissing Jon. This, to me, clearly shows how vindictive and childish she really is. Any self respecting woman would stop that immediately. They have even talked about Jon's organ size. FGS. She clearly has no care if the kids ever hear of this, or read it. As she doesn't care her diss him on national tv. Unbelievable. Low class all the way.
Kate has even asks "what happened?" or "do tell" when a fan mentions a big fight or something with the "haters". 13 year olds.
barbee said... @vncmom @hollyrpeete @LeahRemini Awww congrats! Let the spoiling begin... :) about 5 hours ago
what the heck is this? PLEEEEEEASE don't tell me she is going to be on that show. Isn't one of the gals pregnant? I'm throwing my television off my 4th floor balcony if she gets another show!
Don't know if she's getting another show (gag)
but the above tweet has to do with a picture
vcnmom sent to Holly, Leah and Kate - a 3 day
old grandson.
This is from a blog I read mainly for recipes but it's a wonderful entry I thought I'd share. Too bad more divorced parents don't have the maturity of these two. What a wonderful gift they are giving their kids.
"Two houses, one family has been our motto since my ex-husband and I separated. X and I had guidelines we tried to follow but the biggest thing we have continued to do is..."WE" are always there for our kids even though "WE" are no longer a couple.
"WE" attend every important event in their lives, "WE" sit together, "WE" share dinner at a restaurant or I host back at my house. "WE" take photos on every birthday together. "WE" share information, both parents are on the same page and provide a united front on big subjects and little ones too. "WE" have done all this because we didn't want our children to feel like they were missing something because their parents didn't share a home.
We've gotten compliments over the years from teachers about our children. Telling us, "that they would never suspect our kids came from a divorced home". I asked what that meant and was told that divorced children are just different for different reasons. Some are needy, some are trying to keep the peace, some are working both parents for what they want. Our children don't do any of those things, our children talk about both parents equally and without hesitation.
We've gotten compliments from multiple parents from the sport teams are children are on. Telling us that they would never suspect we were divorced because we are so kind to each other and that we look like we actually like each other. I always laugh at that because X and I didn't get divorced because we didn't like each other, we had different ideas of what a marriage was and made the difficult decision that everyone would be happier if we no longer lived together. We gave each other two fabulous kids, why wouldn't we be kind to each other?"
The twit was in response to this one from a woman who wanted to show off her grandson to total strangers (and for the life of me I don't understand why):
vncmom14 hours agovia Twitter for BlackBerry®
@hollyrpeete @LeahRemini @Kateplusmy8 wanted to show off my grandson-3 days old! http://twitpic.com/50d9nv
There is a site called yfrog that makes following the stream of conversations a bit easier. It shows the original tweet, and then all the responses, neatly organized:
Maturity can help you do many things you never expected you would ever have to do.
I've shared the story of the divorced couple who
lived apart for 2-3 years, but when the house next door went up for sale, the daddy bought it.
They fenced in both yards as one yard, and their child had both parents. It was a stunningly perfect arrangement for all of them.
Geez, Kate has become a very lazy person and parent. One of her recent tweets: lazy summer mornings and days by the pool and picnic lunches. Must be nice, to do nothing all day(while the rest of the working parents are at work), until they call to film. I wonder how many nannies/babysitters Kate will hire for the summer to take care of the kids? How can Kate even think that anyone can ID with her? How many of you parents out there would almost give anything for at least one hour to do nothing, but park it by the pool, with no kids and/or no husband? Kate has become outdated. Kate must think that wealthy and famous people do this 24/7. Maybe 40 years ago. Most are busy doing things with their kids, not running from them or working them to benefit Kate bank account and life style. Her tweets give her away.
Oh, yeah, I see the Sheeple are blaming Jon for all of Kate's self made problems now. They are saying that Jon owns rent, so that's why he did the interview for In Touch. Then they said that Jon is behind the $10,000 he convinced Lafar that Kate owes the money. These women are really TWISTED! If they only knew that Kate couldn't give 2 craps about them.
so sick of her said... How can Kate even think that anyone can ID with her?
I doubt Kate thinks her fans ID with her. I think she likes to rub the fans noses' in it that she can have carefree summer days laying around the pool at her mansion and they have to work for far less and have far less than she.
It still goes back to if the bill were Jon's she would have sued Jon either instead of or in addition to Kate.
For all we know Jon could have settled his portion with her quietly like a mature adult. Maybe he was thinking how bad a suit like this would make him look. Unlike Kate's ability to think.
Admin - We do know that Jon settled his bill. According to the articles on the hearing, Dr. LaFair testified that Jon took care of his part. So the bill is Kate's, all Kate's, as far as the wallet will stretch.
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