Predictably so, “Philadelphia!” the kids scream on the couch. Yawn, that’s how every episode begins these days. Alaska! Australia! New Zealand! Hm, I have some places I’d like to send Kate. Egypt! Libya! Abbottabad, Pakistan! One can dream, can’t one? Come now, we already know how this episode will turn out. Philadelphia!! Sandwich in some shrieking and crying in between, end with Kate claiming how thankful and appreciative the kids were she took them to place A., B., or 3., and that’s your show. Done.
Eh, you want more? Ugh. Okay, Kate says they wanted to go on an adventure close to home and she had never taken the kids to Philly. Translation, TLC was looking for a quick, cheap trip for some filler episodes and Kate doesn’t take her kids anywhere unless she is paid. You know for all the places they have been to, it’s downright sad they haven’t been to Philly.
Update: A savvy viewer reminded us they certainly have been to Philly before, and here is the video proof. For all Kate's harping on making memories, Kate cannot even remember she's taken the kids here before.
I have been there once and since I’m a huge history nerd, mostly I did the Independence stuff, but I did get to a Phillies-Dodgers game too which was fantastic. Actually, if you want to feel better about Kate, manager Frank McCourt might just be more financially reckless than her if you can believe this. MLB had to take over the team for pity sake sort of like how TLC had to take over Kate’s Twitter-Twatter. McCourt’s been so bad with the Dodgers’ money the players are probably going to have to line up for their own reality shows to make ends meet now. Embarrassing.
Anyway, between this and Gettysburg, not to mention D.C. and New York only a few hours away too, Pennsylvania is a wonderfully central place to grow up for access to great educational, economical weekend trips.
They arrive at the nice hotel with Kate’s friend Jamie, and Kate immediately shouts at everyone not to touch anything. Even in the hotel they can’t touch things? It must stink to be made to live your entire life like you are a visitor to the Mona Lisa at The Louvre.
And for a brief moment, we get a taste of the original, halfway decent concept of this show, which was a normal family raising two sets of multiples including sextuplets--as Kate tries to arrange a bunch of bulky roll-aways in the room. She smashes a table with one of the beds, which is actually kinda funny--anyone who has ever tried to cram too much of a family into a small hotel room can relate to this. More of this spectacle and less of the shrieking crap, please.
Aw, some of the kids have eczema. That’s the worst. Though why in the world we should know something so personal and somewhat embarrassing about the kids God knows. Kate lathers their hands with medicine and then puts socks over them. At first I thought this was some kind of bizarre way to ensure none of the kids will unlock the door and escape Kate in the middle of the night. Kate Plus Seven or Six just won’t do. But I suppose it’s actually the best way to moisturize the poor thing’s little paws. Joel says he lost his other sock at Daddy’s. Uh-oh. I wait for Kate to make a knock at Jon somehow like how he always makes them lose everything including almost their T.V. show because he‘s a mean, awful Daddy, but mercifully, she controls her relentless obsessed parental alienation tendencies just this once and holds back.
“Do you mind wearing a dirty sock? Can you take one for the team?” Kate asks as she puts a dirty sock on Joel’s hand.
“Sure,” Joel replies sweetly.
“Thanks. Do you know what that means?” Kate asks.
“No,” Joel replies.
Aw, he’s the sweetest. Kate has such, such sweet kids. Will she ever understand it’s the morally wrong thing to do to piss away their precious childhoods?
Here’s an interesting tidbit about eczema. There is a very prominent theory that the cause of it? Is actually an environment that is too clean. In other words, you need to expose your skin to a variety of little boogers and dust mites and so on in the air to build up immunity. Sort of like that theory that asthma or allergies are caused by not being exposed enough to the big bad world. Hey, in third-world countries allergies are almost non-existent, there’s no denying this. Interesting to think Kate’s neat-freak attitudes might have caused this nuisance of a condition.
First up the next day, the Ben Franklin walking tour. Oh, the kids should be familiar with him as his face is on every 100 dollar bill they’ve ever earned for their mom. As is common in a lot of historical areas of East Coast cities, there’s some guy dressed up acting like Ben Franklin to give the tour. I’ve always found people that make dressing up like this their life’s work a little weird, but also fun I guess. Has anyone been to Plymouth? The people who dress up as the pilgrims there really sell it. For instance, if you try to talk to them about T.V. they ask you, Aye, what is that? The experience is, um, well, intense to say the least.
Philadelphia is, “the City of Brotherly … ?” Ben Franklin asks.
“Show!” Kate replies. Oh, brother. Show? How does that even make sense? Come on, Kate, even if you don’t know this independently, tell me you’ve at least heard that fantastic Neil Young song, you know the one nominated for the Oscar and all that.
Are the kids twins? Ben Franklin asks. He acts like this is the first time he noticed that more than one kid here might be the same age as another. I guess Ben Franklin was not known for being very observant? I mean he is a guy. “Sorta,” Kate replies, but Ben has walked away by now really not caring. Like a guy, again. Ha.
Ben marches them along on a walking tour of Philadelphia but mostly it’s a voiceover of Kate telling us they learned historical stuff. They pass by an inscription of the Preamble to the Constitution on some building somewhere, couldn’t tell you what or where. “We the People, of the United States of America,” (sic) Kate begins. She smiles goofily. “And so forth, waa-waa-waa.” I memorized it in 10th grade! Kate says. And never forgot it, Kate? Where’s Andy when you need his help?! He could have prompted her through this.
Next, the liberty bell. But I’m more interested in all the block lettering on the bottom of Joel’s sock as he waves his foot on the couch. What’s that? FREE JOEL???
The National Constitution Center. Which is sort of an interactive kid friendly history place. Kate literally races to the doors, even in her heels, yelling at the kids to “come on”! Why are they running up to a museum like it’s the final leg of the relay race in Munich? Maybe production is on a tight schedule? I think it’s a bit uncouth to run in public, especially at a museum. But couth is certainly not the first word that comes to mind when I think of Kate.
Kate tries to get excited about some tidbit about the Supreme Court, but naturally the exhibit that interests Kate the most is the little mini presidential podium that you can stand behind and get your picture taken. Like a bee buzzing around the prettiest flower, or the monkey who likes the ball that lights up the best. I’m proud to say I once got to stand behind the real presidential podium and take fun photos in the press room at the White House when I was an intern in D.C. They are very nice about letting journalism interns come in all summer, they just do a quick run of your background and you're in. You see if you work hard and stay in school and don‘t miss a bunch of days for vacations, there are a lot of opportunities out there for young people and a lot of generous people out there who will open doors for you, literally. And you don’t need a reality show, or even to be independently wealthy, to get there. I eventually chose law over journalism, but it was exciting while it lasted and is proof there are many other ways to be quite successful besides selling yourself or your family.
Oh … my, Joel doesn’t know who Obama is. I see that private prep school education is really educating-ish. Look, I’m not expecting six-year-olds to start rattling off the Gettysburg address or reciting pi, but sorry, they should know the name of the sitting president. All the educational-ish trips in the world and they don’t know about President Obama. Kate gets behind the podium giddily for pictures, apparently not very concerned the kids don‘t know who usually stands behind the podium in real life.
“Me being the next president?” Kate says with an evil laugh. “We’ll leave that to Sarah Palin.” Oh, you mean Sarah Palin of Alaska, quite possibly our next president at least until Obama got Osama, that future president you couldn’t let your kids spend one evening with they would have remembered the rest of their lives, because it was too cold and wet? Was it as cold in Alaska as it was in Philly on your walking tour where Jamie was jumping up and down to keep warm? A door was opened to these kids up there in Alaska and Kate slammed it shut.
“Is any of these guys single?” Kate asks as they go into a room full of statues. I don’t know, is they? Kate decides these are her “boyfriends.” She asks one if he’s married. Hm, wouldn’t that be “statue”-tory rape? She goes on and on about how a statue would be a great boyfriend pretty much ignoring the kids the entire time. This is funny I guess, for a bit. But she won’t stop and it rapidly becomes creepy. Rapidly.
Commercials. Oo, a promo for Extreme Couponing, which is a really fascinating show, surprisingly. I never expected to feel anxiety watching some stranger's thousand dollar grocery bill slowly tick down to under ten bucks. Eek, will they make it? Go, go, go. Ahh, the cash register just crashed! More extreme couponing, less extreme child exploiting!
Next, this “Farmer’s Market-y Thing.” I feel like I’ve been here. Yes, I have. Only I called it by its actual name, the Reading Terminal Market. This is where I wasn’t feeling very well and couldn’t eat much, which was a huge bummer since I had really craved an authentic Philly cheesesteak for months. I actually got salmonella poisoning in Philadelphia, but don’t worry, I’m pretty positive I first picked it up in Africa because I had just come back from there two days prior. Long story, but I can definitely not recommend Philly cheesesteaks when you’re trying to deal with salmonella. Fortunately my family was very supportive and understanding about me being sick with something that yucky on vacation, and we actually left a day early because I was just going downhill rapidly and really needed to see my doctor at home and not go to some strange hospital in Philly. Would Kate leave something a day early because a child is sick or would they press on? Sadly, we know the answer to that.
The kids make pretzels and eat them, Kate is being bossy and annoying. Please pass the boxed wine and tip it, I can barely type at this point. The only remotely cute part is when Alexis says “I can’t say cima-mim. Cima-mim.” Aw, that is a hard word.
After this absolutely jam-packed day, they head to an evening hockey game. Kate admits she has absolutely no interest in hockey but production lined this up (I.e. for free) so sure, why not?
“I don’t like sports,” Mady gripes on the couch. Poor Cara literally looks so bored she is tearful. Wait, is she okay? She is all balled up on the couch looking so sad and not saying anything, how heartbreaking. Sheesh.

Kate has moved on to actual living breathing humans and she and Jamie are now checking out the hockey players for potential dates and flat-out ignoring the kids. Hm, that might work; if Kate tries to tell Mr. Hockey Man to stop breathing or scratching, he could body check her.
A producer asks her if she would do online dating. “Like, I can’t do anything online! I can’t even print. I don’t have faxability,” Kate says. She can’t do anything online? Well, she can certainly tweet. One-thousand, eight hundred and twenty-five tweets to be exact in the three weeks she’s been online. So which is it? She can’t do online, or she can? Oops, they should have edited out that lie after Kate signed up for Twitter. Egg, meet face.
Anyway, why are we talking so much about Kate dating? Is this really appropriate given that her kids will be watching this? I feel like I am being groomed for a dating show, if they decide to go that way. Perhaps they could revive MTV’s singled out with Kate front and center keeping or dumping them. That was a decent show. You start with a group of 50 men and you have to dwindle it down to 1 by asking questions, only you can’t see them. It would be funny to throw Jon in the mix of 50 and see if Kate accidentally dwindles it down to him--tee-hee.
Is that a whole-wheat rice cake Kate is eating at the hockey game?? What a buzz kill she is. At least the kids were permitted hot dogs. Sportsification, says Kate. Shoot me, says I.
They arrive at the Insectarium, and next door is a bug extermination place. Ha, I love ironies like that! I could have just seen this part of the episode and been completely satisfied and ready to hit the bars.
Did they clear this entire museum just for them? There is absolutely no one else there. This is all very boring, but I do notice Mady is getting so pretty lately. Lately she reminds me so much of the pretty Vivien Cardone from Everwood.
Anyway, why are we talking so much about Kate dating? Is this really appropriate given that her kids will be watching this? I feel like I am being groomed for a dating show, if they decide to go that way. Perhaps they could revive MTV’s singled out with Kate front and center keeping or dumping them. That was a decent show. You start with a group of 50 men and you have to dwindle it down to 1 by asking questions, only you can’t see them. It would be funny to throw Jon in the mix of 50 and see if Kate accidentally dwindles it down to him--tee-hee.
Is that a whole-wheat rice cake Kate is eating at the hockey game?? What a buzz kill she is. At least the kids were permitted hot dogs. Sportsification, says Kate. Shoot me, says I.
They arrive at the Insectarium, and next door is a bug extermination place. Ha, I love ironies like that! I could have just seen this part of the episode and been completely satisfied and ready to hit the bars.
Did they clear this entire museum just for them? There is absolutely no one else there. This is all very boring, but I do notice Mady is getting so pretty lately. Lately she reminds me so much of the pretty Vivien Cardone from Everwood.

Everwood was hands down the best-written drama ever to grace the WB. It really had no business being there it was that well-done.
Steve offers Kate 100 bucks to hold a tarantula, and actually lays the bill on the counter. Sheesh, moneybags! And what a Daddy thing to do, dare Mommy to do something gross. We are also being groomed for a possible Kate Plus Steve spinoff, too. They are keeping their options open. I think a better use of this money is for Steve to divide that 100 bucks by eight and give it back to the kids.
Shrieking, crying, screaming, and all else that is so attractive by Kate. According to Kate, Jamie said oh well we could go shopping tomorrow with the 100 bucks. And it doesn’t sound like Jamie was joking actually. Um, don’t they have to watch the kids? And since Steve is making this money babysitting Kate, and Kate is making her money exploiting the kids, shouldn‘t this money rightly just go directly back to the kids? Or maybe even Steve's own two kids, who are so frequently without their dad. Steve holds the spider first. Hey look, Steve chomps his gum like a cow, too. They have so much in common. Then Kate holds the spider for a few seconds, then runs away.
The guy at the museum wants the kids to eat some cheesy bugs, but Kate tells the kids they can’t, no. Aw, why? This is fun. They’re having fun. They want to try new things. You're not fishing a cockroach out of the bathroom sink, these bugs are perfectly safe and a great source of protein and I say if a kid wants to, let him. But that’s Kate for you. She makes her kids do the most ridiculous things and doesn’t care if they are stomping and ticked off through the whole thing, but if it’s something they actually want to do, like hang out in Alaska with Sarah Palin or eat a bug, they’re not allowed. The only thing I can think of to explain this is because she knew she physically couldn’t manage to eat a bug, and thus wouldn‘t get attention, but she knew the kids would do it and she couldn’t stand the attention would be just on the kids.
Next, the Benjamin Franklin Institute. Anyone exhausted yet? A giant human heart replica, which is a great idea. The kids want to go through it again, but Kate won’t let them. Why, why? An airplane, and a flight simulator. Cara and Mady don’t want to go into it with Kate, but eventually Mady agrees to it. Cara is still balled up on the couch looking sadder than ever.
“I love your show!” some complete strangers shout at them. Wtf. Other people take pictures. Steve has to hold some lady back who is approaching them. Gross. What sounds like some younger girls shout how pretty Kate is and they love her hair. Do any of these creepy fans think about the kids standing right there when they are shouting at this Mommy? Yeah, didn't think so.
“Who would want to be in the middle of a room having your picture taken by two million people while you’re stressed out?!” Kate cries.
No one, Kate. Which is why the vast majority of us would never, ever put ourselves or our kids on a reality show. And even if we did, we certainly would have taken them off years and years before it ever got to this horrifying point.
“It’s like we’re an exhibit! I feel like we’re an exhibit!” Kate goes on. That’s because they are an exhibit, thanks to Kate.
“It would be fun if it was empty but this is not fun,” Kate gripes further. What does she expect to do, go through the rest of their lives evacuating buildings in their wake? Get a dose of the real reality here, Kate. This is the world they live in, it’s not realistic to clear it out like they are the giant in Jack in the Beanstalk stomping through it. And she has made it a terrible place for her kids. And further, she has got to stop this madness to have even a chance at getting some normalcy back. And stop it yesterday.
Kate claims the kids are not aware of all the stress of being closed in by fans. “They were not affected!“ she announces. Wow, I completely disagree. Kate is completely delusional. She thinks she can say things and it will be true. There just ain't a magic potion that does that I'm afraid. Just look at their solemn faces during all this drama. Mady, bless her precious heart, has her arm around Alexis comfortingly. They know full well what is going on here. Kids know way more than Kate thinks, these kids especially. And this just speaks to how utterly elementary Kate’s understanding of her own children is, and child development in general. Stop patronizing the kids, it’s not attractive.
Kate and Jamie divide the kids up, picking them like sports teams (weird) and go to two different rival Philly cheesesteak places. Mady just wants a salad. I don’t blame her, I hate cheese whiz. I always used to get a cheesesteak with provolone, much better. Of course Mady is made to eat a cheesesteak. Cara has never looked more over this. There is a lot of boring discussion about which place is better. If I ever go back there I’ll just make my own decision, thanks.
Finally the Rocky stairs. A local Philly reporter who watched this filmed said the kids were made to run up the stairs multiple times, but we only see it once. Kate also specifically says nobody fell, but the reporter said one of the boys did actually fall.
It was a fun, exciting, educational trip, Kate says. Educational, huh? In closing, let’s just take a quick peek back into the brain of a narcissist:

Who is our president? Who cares?!

258 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 258 Newer› Newest»Oops, I'm always hanging out in the old thread before I realize a new one is up. I just posted this comment in the old post, but here it is again:
It looks like Steve/purse boy is with her at the Derby. I can't link to the specific photos, but Photo 1 is a closeup of Khate and Photo 19 is one of her with Steve behind her:
Poor Admin, you did a recap after all. I feel sorry for you! But, thanks for suffering through it. I'm off to read it now.
Once again, thanks for an enormously entertaining recap. Please keep them coming!
Kate has her face screwed up as if she is thinking, "How dare you snap my picture?" Who is she trying to fool? We all know the egomaniac thrives on the paps.
So, how are you hoping to get that hour back, Admin?
What a complete waste of airspace. What exactly was the point of the show? To let us know Kate has no interest or respect for our history? To show us that taking kids out of school is not a good idea?
I hope something good comes out of this for the city of Philadelphia. It deserves to be honored. I'm afraid Kate Gosselin is not its
best ambassador. I'd rather have the weird Ben Franklins serve that purpose.
I hope Cara has somebody she can talk to and pour out her heart. Maybe by now her mother allows her to have private phone calls from friends.
What I don't understand is why they stuck Cara on the couch in the first place if she was this down looking. Better have people to wonder where she is rather than to have us see her like this. No child deserves to be put on display like this when they are feeling badly.
It's irrelevant if she was upset about filming, just had the sniffles, or even was simply tired. It's none of our damn business and it's cruel to put her out there like this.
Thank you for posting that tedious episode, Administrator.
Blech. You had to sit through all that sh*t, huh?
I'm sorry. Really, I am.
As for the photo of Kate, she looks haggard- and I'm not trying to be pissy & mean either.
For a person who claims to live healthy & eat healthy, she really does not look so well.
Whatever. I guess money doesn't give you everything...
Administrator: YOU ROCK! This was the best recap I've read in a long time. Spot on. Too bad we all have Kate's number, but she doesn't know it.
Somehow, I don't think this is going to have a happy ending.
K8 is such a loser. She really needs to get over herself.
Yes Pink I had to wade through a lot of sediments.
Whatever. I guess money doesn't give you everything...
If money buys you tons of people harassing you when you're just trying to enjoy a museum with your kids, approaching you and snapping pictures and being a total nuisance, I'll pass.
Of course money doesn't give you everything. It's without a doubt made this family's life, overall, much worse.
Thanks for taking one for the team, Admin.
I am surprised you could stay awake during the scintillating educationalish excitingish episode!
Again, the re-cap was probably a million times more entertaining than the actual show. Here's to the show ending soon, the kids getting their privacy back and their horrid vile grifter of a mother having to get an actual job. Cheers.
She looks a lot like Tamara Barney.
Admin said..."What I don't understand is why they stuck Cara on the couch in the first place if she was this down looking."
I think the reason Cara was back on the couch because we have been questioning why she hasn't been. Kate doesn't care if Cara would rather not do the interviews, it's all about the ratings and the money. There are just too many instances for this to be a coincidence anymore. At one time I would have thought this theory was crazy. No more, I know it's true now.
Do you go to church Kate? Kate goes to church. Why don't you ever take the kids on a trip without the cameras and that "you" pay for Kate? Kate takes the tup girls on a trip without the cameras. There are many more I am just too tired to think of them. She looked horrid to the public during the camping trip in Alaska. What does she do? Another camping trip. Like I said awhile ago, Kate's all over the map trying to change her image. She's hanging on for dear life now and it's so incredibly obvious and frankly, pretty sad.
That first photo of her at the luncheon made her look like a fish out of water. She was so tense. Look at her pursed lips and wide eyes. She was definitely out of her element.
Thanks for the recap, Admin. As usual it was awesome. It's the only thing I look forward to when a Kate Plus 8 show is on. You would have been a great journalist too.
Sorry to hear some of the kiddos have eczema. All three of my children had it for years - then two of them had to go gluten and casein free, and guess what? No more eczema. LOL - I'm trying to picture Kate dealing with children with dietary restrictions and it's not a pretty sight...
Wow. Just wow. Its sad. Its disturbing. Its pointless. Its Kate.
I just cracked open a bottle of raspberry vodka, anybody want?! Haha.
I can think of at least a dozen things a 10 year old girl might prefer to do rather than sit on a couch in front of a camera. She has looked like a frozen statue for awhile now, definitely not happy, definitely not relaxed.
I can't tell if she's thoroughly bored or if she's perpetually angry at the whole show.
If asked what would interest her, I'm assuming she would say "Going to Daddy's".
What could she possibly have to talk about to anyone at the Derby lunch? I'm assuming she knew no one there. Narcissists aren't super good at making new friends, unless people are fully prepared to kiss their ass from moment one. So unless they were fascinated by listening to her talk about herself (doubtful), I bet it was indeed an awkward lunch. Good thing she had her purse holder/paid companion there with her or she would have seemed even more like a fish out of water.
I've been converting video tape to digital DVDs lately and a lot are from when my daughter, now almost grown, was a baby. The first time I went home with her, she was eight months old and ADORABLE.
I was watching a clip from my grandparent's house (they're both now deceased--they were my NPD mom's parents) and I was struck at how extremely uncomfortable my mother seemed to be the entire time. You see, there was a cute baby there, a new great-grandchild for my grandparents and a baby no one in the family had yet seen (I lived out of state at the time). ALL the aunts and uncles and cousins came over for a cookout and to see the new baby.
My mom tries to lasso the spotlight back onto herself over and over. I lost count after 32 times. It seems physically painful that everyone is not paying attention to HER ALL THE TIME.
Here's the kicker: this baby? Was her first grandchild! You'd think she'd be beaming proudly, showing her off. Nope. It seemed to piss her off every time anyone said anything about the baby or, for that matter, anything other than her.
The most pathetic moments were when people would mention some feature of my daughter and my mother would literally yell out "THAT'S LIKE ME!!! SHE GOT THAT FROM ME!!!"
I haven't been around my mom in 12 years and now, watching her in those old tapes, it looks so incredibly sad. You can tell she's the loneliest person alive, only because she has no idea how to relate to anyone or anything other than herself. What a horrible way to live.
I realize fans of Kate's think we're just being mean or nasty to call her a narcissist, but I wish they realized it's a very serious personality disorder. Kate Gosselin is a perfect textbook case of NPD. Read the indicators for it in the DSM-IV: she has every single one of them, in abundance. Watch the hundreds of hours of video footage with her, there's your evidence right there.
So it's not just something to throw out as an insult: this woman has a severely disordered personality and how she relates to others (or fails to) is a major handicap and probably always will be.
Go down to diagnosis. Come on. It's like they wrote it with her in mind.
Hang on, they've been to Philly:
See unless you have been the victim of a narcissist, as many of us have including myself, to varying degrees (mine was thankfully just my employer, I don't have any family members with this, thank God), I think it can be very hard to understand narcissism. I certainly would not have believed it could be this severe until I experienced it.
Narcissism's traits are so very bizarre and unbelievable, a lot of people just either don't realize it exists, don't believe it, or downplay or excuse the behavior. This is much easier to do when you are not the victim. Even in own FAMILIES when one child is the victim and the other the golden child, the golden child will swear up and down this never could have possibily happened to the victim. This very same phenomenon happened to Christina and Christopher Crawford's other siblings, who were golden children and denied Joan Crawfords ill treatment of Chris and Christina despite account after credible account from Christina which fit narcissims to a T. Unless you were some kind of PHd specializing in this disorder, there is no way on earth she could have made this up and had it fit narcissims exactly to a T, right down to racing her in the pool, the loyalty to her fans, the dysfunctional boyfriends, etc, etc, etc.
Also, since narcissists are often SO functional, it's hard for some people to wrap their minds around someone with such a severe mental illness being able to work, have a family, have kids, go about life in a rather normal way. They can't possibily be so sick, right?
I did not know anyone with this disorder until I was 25 years old. I went 25 years blissfully unaware. I suspect what few of Kate's fans are left who are denying this little diagnosis from the "couch" (unfortunatly in the vast majority of cases, the only way you can diagnosis this is by proxy, as they won't go in to get diagnosed), have simply been blessed not to have someone in their lives who has this.
Had they been the child of a narcissist, the friend, the employee, or something, maybe they never would have gone to the sheeple side.
I'm not saying that people can't understand narcissism unless they have been a victim--many people can. Many people here do even if they were never victims. It's just something that's more difficult to do than say, understanding someone who has a simple drug problem.
I have never heard a sheeple say I was the victim of a narcissist, but Kate is not a narcissist. No, none of them are claiming to be any such victim. They just think this issue is just all snark and mean and rubbish.
OMG linda great catch they HAVE been to Philly!
Kate clearly said they have never been. I don't think she's lying, she just doesn't remember.
Well so much for making memories. She cannot even remember all the places she's dragged these kids.
Yeah, that's the clinker. If you can't remember all the places you have gone in the past 5 years, you've gone way too many places.
BTW, she behaved quite nicely toward the kids in that Please Touch museum video clip. I was rather impressed with her, even on the couch.
She seemed to not mind Jon was sitting next to her and didn't snarl at him even once. Of course he didn't say much.
That was a fabulous recap, I laughed so hard.
Thank you!!
It seemed strange to me that they should live so close to Philly and have never been there, and yet I swore I thought they went there back when Jon was still in the picture.
I googled "Philadelphia Kate Plus 8" (didn't even include Jon's name) and that clip popped up, then I remembered it. I don't know what season it's from or whatever, but I do remember that museum.
Those kids must think life is one big trip and millions of museums and "LOOK KIDS LOOK OK GET OUT TIME TO GO TO THE NEXT THING!" I watched a clip from the recent Philly show (in which she is bitching about other people being at the Franklin Institute with them--the NERVE!) and then that clip from the earlier Philly trip and I swear they ran together for ME and I'm not even one of her six year old kids. They must feel like they never get to stay in one spot for very long.
And another episode filmed in Philadelphia.
Linda G. said...
Hang on, they've been to Philly:
This was the museum where Steve allegedly made a woman delete the photos on her cell phone. I think this was also the place where Kate didn't know she was miked and the entire place heard her yelling about something. She was also complaining that it was too full and they should have closed the museum for them. Wasn't there also something about splashing in water, and either she wouldn't let them do it, or she told them that if they got wet they were going to go home soaking wet - no change of shirts?
Kate clearly said they have never been. I don't think she's lying, she just doesn't remember.
Well, heck, when she was in Mexico she said she had never been out of the country, when, in fact, she had been to Canada. Perhaps in that case, though, she thought Canada was part of the United States. Nothing would surprise me. How could you not remember being in Canada? She certainly would have needed a passport and should have remembered using it!
There was an article in Philadelphia magazine back in February 2009 that mentioned their Philly trip, so it was prior to that date, but not THAT long ago:
As a result, the family now goes on more free trips, and is treated to swag and catered to at every outing. Phils skipper Charlie Manuel let Jon and some of the kids run the bases after a game last season (they had box seats, and got an autographed bat from Shane Victorino); a zoo tour included getting to privately feed the giraffes. “They get the publicity of the trip, we get the trip,” Kate explains in one of the “Viewer FAQ” episodes.
Then this quote from the article really jumped out and got me:
When do your kids stop being your kids and start becoming your meal ticket?
Bet my money: Holy HELL, this was their THIRD taped trip to Philly, y'all.
That baseball trip was the one mentioned in Philadelphia magazine and it was earlier than the museum trip. Then there was this recent one, sans Jon of course.
So when she says this is their first time to go to Philly, is she really THAT daft? Or does she just think it sounds more exciting if she says it's their first time, and like most narcissists, she assumes her audience is totally stupid and won't remember the other two times?
Because: wow, lady, pay attention a little bit.
Linda G. said... Hang on, they've been to Philly:
But it doesn't coooooooouuuuuuunnnnnnnntttttt! because last time there was a 10th Gosselin there. Who was he again? Anyway, this is all about the Gosselin 9--that's 9!!- and Can-Do-Kate showing she can do it all with the help of Purseboy, Jamie, a couple nannies, etc.
I'll admit that this is the first recap I've read in a very long time.
I'm very upset that they force that sad child to be in front of the cameras when she is not feeling like WORKING. Again, do the sheep see enjoyment in that child's face as she discusses the wonderful educational experience their mom had?
Someone is authoring a 2nd book. This one seems to be a How-to exploit your kids the RIGHT way.
If they stayed overnight in a hotel, didn't she bring clean clothing for the next day, including socks? In fact, I always packed a bag containing a change of clothing (everything, down to the undies)and kept it in the car in case of an accident, or sickness! Isn't she supposed to be super-organized?
Susantoyota: I bet you're exactly right. As I read what you wrote it dawned on me: of course she thinks this is the FIRST TIME they've been to Philly. The other times were with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, so they didn't count!
Aha! Mystery solved. What a selfish piece of work she is.
It's all coming back to me now. Not only did they take these kids to Philly at least twice, but Jon went to Victornio's wedding in Hawaii! They spent so much time in Philly Jon had time to make such a good relationship with Victorino he went to his WEDDING for cripe sake.
Well, not that we hadn't debunked it before, but now this whole making memories thing has been officially done away with. Kate cannot even remember where they went, so how can she possibly continue to insist that she has to continue dragging her kids here, there and everywhere because they have to keep making memories. Her memories are such mush even she cannot recall not once but at least twice they have been to Philly before.
Oh and by the way, have we not been saying for two years now that they are taking these kids on so many trips to so many places it's just all going to blur together and mean nothing? The whole blog gets the You Called It aware tonight, congrats everyone!
I will try this again. The link to a picture of Kate at the Pegasus Parade. Looks like she may also have a policeman walking beside the car.
Linda G. said...
Bet my money: Holy HELL, this was their THIRD taped trip to Philly, y'all.
I was thinking about this. I didn't watch the show, but could it be that she meant HISTORICAL trip to Philadelphia? Neither of the other trips had anything to do with history or the Liberty Bell or Ben Franklin, or walking around in center city.
We know that she never thinks before she makes a statement...she'd never put two and two together and be specific, saying, "This was our first trip to see Philadelphia's history." That would require just too much, well, thinking!
She said she hadn't taken the kids to Philly before. She didn't say anything about historical places. Just, Philly. To interpret that as anything else is quite a stretch. She said it either because she's lying, she doesn't remember, or she doesn't care.
Of course that could mean SHE has been before. That could mean the kids had been before. But it has to mean she hasn't herself taken the kids. Except, she HAS. Any which way you slice it, it's not true. Kate can't weasle her way out of this one now.
Kymom, she looks ridiculous on top of that Corvette. And that sign on the side of the car, oye. So she's waving and grinning because she had eight kids?
I bet you money people hardly batted an eye at her.
Sorry for all my posts tonight. I accidentally took a LONG late afternoon nap and now I'm wide awake. Yeesh. But I'll stop posting.
She didn't say anything about historical places. Just, Philly. To interpret that as anything else is quite a stretch.
Right. But this isn't a normal person we are talking about. This is Kate. She wouldn't think to say anything about historical places, even if that's what she meant. I know the baseball game was in Philly, but being at a game and being in center city really are two different animals entirely. I just think that she never associated the game as being "in Philly." But, you're right, maybe she just didn't care.
What I think is funny is that TLC touted this as being a trip across the state! Don't they know where Philly is, and that it's just a bit more than an hour away? I guess they think that sensationalizing is fine, and that those not from PA won't know the difference.
Not only was there one police officer walking at the rear of the car, but TWO. And purse boy is in the front seat of the corvette too. The diff pics I have seen, Kate doesn't look really 'into' the whole thing. Why so many cops around her car? Did they have 2 officers behind every car? Or was there some kind of security threat to the Queen? I would have thought that SuperSteve would be more than enough manpower to stave away any would-be villains? Hey Iwanna; your chances of being Superman are snuffed. She already HAS her Superman. He is in-tow everywhere she goes. Must suck to need so much 'security'.
Linda G. said... Susantoyota: I bet you're exactly right. As I read what you wrote it dawned on me: of course she thinks this is the FIRST TIME they've been to Philly. The other times were with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, so they didn't count!
Aha! Mystery solved. What a selfish piece of work she is.
BAAWAAAHHHAAAA!! You keep on taking those long naps Linda G as you are hilarious. Administrator, can you add a name tag to Jon's shirt that says He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.
Kymom said... I will try this again. The link to a picture of Kate at the Pegasus Parade. Looks like she may also have a policeman walking beside the car.
KyMom, thanks for the link to that picture. Looks like she had to change out of her luncheon outfit, shorten the skirt and lower the neckline. Is it just me or do the people on the sidewalk behind her seem less than impressed with what they are seeing? I would love to see a shot of the people she is actually waving at as I bet they are also looking bored.
Anon Today essentially you proved my point. Because Kate cannot be clinically diagnosed, people claim we have no right to discuss it. Obviously we cannot officially diagnose Kate either directly or by proxy. Whatever you want to call it, there are just too many of us who have been victims who have independently come to the conclusion she is a bonafide narcissist, given the staggering similarities to all our independent and unique experiences with other narcissist. The statistics just don't lie.
However you want to put victims of narcissists in a Catch 22--since enablers demand no discussion of such a thing unless a PHd takes a look, but the victim cannot get their perp to ever see someone, thus, they remain a victim, and nothing ever changes.
I applaud all the brave people who have ever stood up to narcissist in defense of their victim and assisted that victim in getting out of the toxic situation, instead of demanding clinical diagnosis that will never happen before they ever do anything. Thank God for those people.
It's sort of like if I see a homeless little boy walking around with a limp who has never seen a doctor, does that mean there is not something seriously wrong with his leg because a doctor has not put his stamp of approval on it? Obviously not. I knew a drug addict who refused to see anyone. I never saw her use drugs. Actually, I never even saw her on drugs. But I knew she was on drugs. Two years later she hit rock bottom and finaly went into an in patient, where she failed. She was on drugs and it was so bad even an inpatient didn't help her and I didn't need a PHd to tell me.
The fact that no one has officially diagnosed Kate that we know of does not in any way mean she does not have a severe personality disorder and I've always believed that for this particular disorder, anyone is free to discuss it here, as is typical for a lot of victims, many other places won't allow you to do so because talking about something some doctor in a white coat in a tower office somewhere hasn't put their stamp on yet scares them for some reason. People, no one will ever put a stamp on this woman because she will never, ever allow herself to be assessed.
The video of the kids at the museum in Philly...I think it might have been the one where Kate and Jon talk about how they have some "ironing" to do..but its late, and I am tired, and can not find a video link...but if so, then it would have been in 2009...and if I also remember correctly, Jon wasn't there, as I believe that was when he was visiting or staying with his mom..
I don't think it's that she's not considering the Phillies game really Philly, I think this woman does not remember her own trips. Who goes to a Phillies game there and in their head thinks I'm not in Philly? That's just weird.
Anyway, the Please Touch museum was right in the heart of Philly so there's no excuse for that.
I don't care what her little brain was thinking, what she was saying caming out as a lie. She can think she was on the South Pole for all I care, the fact is she took these kids to Philly at least twice before.
I didn't watch the show, but saw clips. Poor Cara looks so miserable. For whatever reason, that isn't our business, she doesn't want to be on the show. Why is Kate forcing her to do couch interviews? She said Mady looks like a troll, acts disgusted when discussing Alexis' love of bugs, asking what is WRONG with Alexis and how the kids didn't get THAT from ME, and I am sure she was rude to anyone she encountered on this trip. No wonder the ratings took a nose dive.
Kate probably doesn't consider the trip to the Phillies game as "going to Philly" because it was Jon, the boys and Cara. She, Mady and the little girls weren't interested in going.
Thanks for taking one for the team, Admin. You deserve the golden platter and a bottle or 3 of the good stuff, not Kate's boxed wines.
Poor Cara does look miserable in that pix. Mady obviously loves the limelight. Wonder how it's going to affect her when the show ends?
I'm having a hard time imagining Kate at the Kentucky Derby. Wonder if she knows what song they sing before the Derby? Wonder if she knows the significance of it, or knows who wrote it?
NPD is notorious for almost never having a proper diagnosis. Why? Because of the very nature of the disorder! One of the common aspects of true narcissism is that they are always in the right, there's never anything wrong with them. It's always other people's fault. They have no character flaws, according to them. They're also highly resistant to the kind of reflectiveness and self-awareness needed to seek help and get a diagnosis.
Ask any psychiatrist you want how many people they have actually diagnosed with NPD. NPDs don't go to psychiatrists. According to them, they have no reason to! And because they tend to be high-functioning people, there usually isn't a crisis that forces them into counseling/psychiatric help.
Get a load of this pic:
Fake, phony Khate
Also,I saw some other photos and it looks like Steve was in the front passenger seat.
I was driving home thru the fog tonight and several 'pieces' fell into place which makes me even more certain that Katie Irene will soon be off the airwaves.
1. I know it's been said before, but TLC doesn't care how she comes across on the show anymore. I remember reading that they had trouble getting enough footage/editing out the fights when she and Jon were still together. But they did it to protect their 'brand' or fantasy of a happy family. If they really wanted to avoid Kate being called out on the "we've never been to Philly before" slip they could have edited that comment out and had her do another voiceover.
2. The three pictures I've seen of Kate at the luncheon were of her with one of the organizers (standard photo op), then one of her alone, and one with Purseboy in the background. There are no shots of her talking to anyone else or in a group conversation. Also, no shots of anyone interviewing her. No photos of her with the Kentucky Derby Queen or any of the princesses (they were probably holding onto their tiaras so Queen Kate didn't snatch one to wear in the parade).
3. The sign on her car is dinky, dinky, dinky! Did I mention that it is dinky? It looks like something printed off the computer and appears to be the same on all the cars. I'm not sure what the logo is at the bottom--a Kentucky Derby logo? as I see a crown--but there is no mention of TLC as in Kate Plus 8 on TLC. Shouldn't such a STAH have a bigger sign? I know Kate is at the Kentucky Derby on the organizer's dime, but if TLC really wanted to promote her, they could have sprung for bigger signs or banners, maybe something to put on the back of the car with TLC's logo on it.
4. So Kate does the parade and immediately jumps on Twitter to gush about all the love and support she received while riding along and waving to the masses. What love? Purseboy? The support must have come from the 'good bra' as the people behind her appear bored, do not seem to be cheering or clapping, at least one person is sitting with their arms crossed, and many with their heads turned in a totally different direction. Was she waving at the TLC film crew? Were they cheering and clapping for her? Then she had to work in a reference to her time spent co-hosting on The View by reminding the sheeple she had worn the pink dress on that show.
She truly lives in her own world. I hope the memories are enough to keep her company when the show is cancelled this summer.
About that Phillies game...
It was the "Ball Game" episode (in season 4) where Jon took Cara and the boys to their first baseball game. If I recall correctly, Kate didn't go because she wasn't into sports and thought the same of the girls except the athletic Cara. They stayed home and baked. However, this time around Kate and all the kids see their first hockey game, even though Kate isn't into hockey. Did the kids have as much fun at the hockey game as Cara and the boys did with their dad at the baseball game?
Here's a recap of that episode:
E-town Neighbor said... Kate clearly said they have never been. I don't think she's lying, she just doesn't remember.
Well, heck, when she was in Mexico she said she had never been out of the country, when, in fact, she had been to Canada. Perhaps in that case, though, she thought Canada was part of the United States. Nothing would surprise me. How could you not remember being in Canada? She certainly would have needed a passport and should have remembered using it!
Americans are not required to present a passport to enter Canada. Canadians are required to present on to enter the US however.
Admin, I have flare-ups of eczema on my hands. STRESS causes it to flare up. Interesting that so many of the children have it. Medicine doesn't do much except control the itch. Moisturizer and stress control is the best one can do it for it.
I missed this new thread opening, too and posted links to photos of Kate in the Pegasus Parade and at the Celeb Luncheon in the other thread. oops
WTH is wrong with her that Stevieboy has to attend with her? The room looked fairly small, it was a private function, she was with her peers, yet she couldn't go without her handler. Other than making pleasant conversation with people and eating her lunch, what was the challenge that she needed Steve's assistance? There's something veryyyyyy wrong with her. Very.
I think it's funny on her tweets how she keeps asking TLC to remove accounts or to take down things that aren't her. Can we ask TLC to remove HER? I loathe th....
I agree those kids are spoiled, but not in the traditional sense. They are not indulged by their mother! She PUNISHES them at the drop of a hat, she restricts their food (spoiled kids usually get to eat whatever/whenever they want)
SHE doesn't pay for any of the multitude of "things" they have ("they'll have to get a job if they want a car")She berates them, talks down to them, criticizes them, makes fun of them to others.. spoiled kids are usually the ones get away with murder (at home) They're the ones who talk back to their parents and have no consequences, they're the ones who misbehave and are coddled, they're the ones who rule the roost so to speak.
Here's a couple of other picture of 'VIPs' from the parade and you will see two policemen on either side of these car as well...
I think it's just standard stuff.
What's interesting is that Purse Boy had to be in the car with her. All the other 'VIPs' were alone w/ their driver. He has got to be her handler. That's the only thing I can think of. Who brings a 'body guard as their Plus One to a luncheon. I think it's pretty sad that she can't find anyone else to go with, or that she's so insecure and untrusting of others to want to make friends.
And for what it's worth. There's video of the Booby Guard/Purse Boy sitting next to Jon and Kate on the church episode that they filmed a few years ago. It's during the worship session. Can someone explain to me why He needed to be there when they were at church? ? Season 3 episode 27 "Memorial Day Picnic" if you can find the video. Around the 12:28 time.
Here is another close up picture of Kate in Pegasus parade. Sure hope she brought along another pink dress, going to need pink for the Oaks today.
Who would want to be in the middle of a room having your picture taken by two million people while you’re stressed out?!” Kate cries.
Exaggerate much Kate?? Sounds like such a BORING show. Sorry you had to sit through that Admin. No wonder ratings are so down. Kate just will never change. And poor Cara. Looks like she has just had it.
~Hippie Chick~
Did you notice that no one is waving back at her? Lol
Wow - that crowd looked like they were beside themselves with excitement to see her waving from that car, especially the gentleman seated in the front row in the white pants and blue shirt. He looks thrilled to death!
I'm surprised that Steve didn't insist she ride in a bullet-proof limo!
"She said Mady looks like a troll,"
Wasn't this deleted from the final editing?
Didn't Kate take the twins to a concert in Phila? And why did they stay in a hotel? It's not like they live far away.
I found it... she took them to a Jonas Brothers concert at the Wachovia Center.
Even though this must have been the most boring show ever, it was the funniest recap ever! I even kinda want to see it now after reading your recap for the pure, evil enjoyment of it all.
The fact that one of those kids (or more) does not know who our President is saddens me to no end. It boggles my mind. Does Kate teach them anything? I am sure that their pricey private school has said it to them a few times, & it obviously hasn't stuck. Kate isn't reiterating what the school is teaching them? I don't know about the other moms here, but I go over lessons & lesson plans & homework with my kid. My son knew who the 1st president was when he was in kindergarten (earlier even) & certainly knew who was serving as our sitting president at that time was (George W). He also knows Obama is our president NOW. He comes with me when I vote.
I don't get that at 6 years old, a child doesn't know who the President of The United States is. Kate for Christs sake, TEACH YOUR KIDS SOMETHING!!!! She is the type of mother who thinks the school is responsible for everything educational & she doesn't have to do anything to help her kids along. No, sorry. My friend is a 4th grade teacher & gets blamed for not teaching her students everything under the sun. There ARE parents responsibilities also. Kate should have been working with those kids since day 1. Lazy cow that she is thinks it is up to the school for all things educational. WRONG. She is so infuriating.
~Hippie Chick~
I think when we get bogged down in the minutiae of diagnosis we can miss the point, which is holding Kate, TLC, and the State of Pennsylvania accountable for what is being done to the Gosselin 8. Whether or not Kate has a mental illness is irrelevant to the trauma those children are experiencing daily, and to the fact that nobody is rescuing them from their situation.Regardless of their Mother's diagnosis, they are being seriously harmed by her behaviour, and nobody in their little lives, except their helpless father, appears to be standing up for them.
When they are being treated in the future for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder,there will be plenty of time to quibble over what was wrong with Kate.
Right now she needs to have her feet held to the fire for her behaviour; unless she agrees to an assessment, we can safely conclude that she is just a mean and ignorant bully who treats her precious ones very badly, and have all kinds of opinions about that.
Sorry to comment again. Isn't being in a parade kind of...Oh, I don't know, like taking a huge step back? Not a huge step, but a leap? It is kind of reminiscent of Kate getting invited to a grand opening to maybe a store event? Doesn't it look like that when you see her sitting there in the back of a corvette, with her "security" waving at a crowd who isn't even looking at her? It almost makes me feel sorry for her, ALMOST, but then I remember how much damage she has done to a bunch of lives & then I don't feel sorry for her at all. She dug her own hole. Have fun at those boat & RV shows Kate!
~Hippie Chick~
IDModo, I don't think what you're saying and what I'm saying are mutually exclusive. They can both safely be said. NPDs *are* bullies, they *are* jerks. Heck, one of their biggest characteristics is exploiting others for their own gain.
If this woman didn't have NPD, she would have a point at which she said "ok hang on, time out, I need to assess how the kids are doing with this." NPDs would never do that. Others exist for their own gain, whether it is attention, material gain, power over others, what have you. Taking into account the state of those they are exploiting NEVER happens. It's going to be up to TLC to stop this exploitation of the kids, which they've been an equal partner in. And it's been up to viewers to stop watching, which they have, thank God.
She will find a way to exploit her kids until she can't do it any longer. Period. A normal though let's say greedy parent would at least pause and examine things.
Jenna Does, I think it's a step down. I think she was probably excited about rubbing elbows with celebrities (of a sort--there aren't big A list people there) at the little social events, but if I had to guess, I'd say she wasn't stoked about sitting in the car, waving, though it is potential attention.
As for Steve, Kate can't attend things like this alone and she clearly has no one else to go with her. Pretty simple explanation. As many have thought all along, he's a paid companion. Nothing less, nothing more. When the show is yanked, he goes away, too. Then she'll put on the charm to try to find a new (unpaid) admirer/companion for public display. She obviously doesn't need constant bodyguarding, please. Much bigger public figures go about their daily lives without a constant "bodyguard." I also still say he wouldn't touch her with a 12 foot pole. She probably turns him off with her behavior and she strikes me as someone who finds sex "yucky-ish."
Linda G. said... Jenna Does, I think it's a step down. I think she was probably excited about rubbing elbows with celebrities (of a sort--there aren't big A list people there) at the little social events, but if I had to guess, I'd say she wasn't stoked about sitting in the car, waving, though it is potential attention.
I agree, It looked like Kate was not thrilled to be in a parade. (watched parade on tv). I do not think that Vicki (reality person) was in the parade. Like you said - Kate rubbing elbows tonight with celebrities - here is link to celebrities at Barnstable Barns party tonight.
Great recap, Admin - best ever, I think.
In just reading about her behavior in the hall with the statues, I'm embarrassed for her. I can picture her hanging on the statues and talking to them. UGH.
It's a shame this woman will never understand how horrible she looks on tv and the fool she makes of herself over and over. Her time in front of the cameras will be over soon, but the lessons she's teaching her children will continue to damage them for life.
At the parade she also had about 275,000 people looking at her (if they even knew who she was) and some taking pictures of her and Steve would not be able to do anything about the picture taking.
Kymom - ha ha, thanks for the link to the Barstable party guests. All the photos are of smiling personalities, but there is Kart's picture - crying!! ha ha ha ha
wryview said...
And why did they stay in a hotel? It's not like they live far away.
Was everything filmed in one day? If not, it would make sense to stay overnight rather than fighting that traffic back home, only to turn around and get into the morning rush. It can be brutal.
Wait a minute, ya'll just jogged my memory with the Jonas brothers concert in Philly. She also took Alexis and Leah to a Taylor Swift concert in March 2010 in, you guessed it, Philly! Tony went with them.
These kids certainly have been to Philly many times. I guess when you get freebie after freebie handed to you on a daily basis, they all just blur together.
Sorry for another post, but I just had a friend call and tell me that when K+8 checked into the Philly hotel there were stuffed animals on the beds for all the kids and platters of neatly arranged cookies and snacks for them. (She said it looked like it had all been set up by the hotel as welcome gifts.) She also said Kate made a big deal out of needing roll-a-ways, etc. saying something like 'that's what she goes thru making arrangements for a large family'. Hey Kate, everyone with kids has had to go thru it!
I guess Kate selected Hannah to share a bed with her rather than Kate herself sleeping on a roll-a-way and letting the 2 girl tups sleep together (which they wanted to do in the first place.)
I am not sure if these trips have been mentioned yet, but they also went to see Sesame Street on Ice in Philly, in their comped box seats and weren't the Harlem Globetrotters in Philly also. OH Kate, it is a bit scary how much you do not remember.
I don't know what Katie said regarding the brood and Philadelphia, but the bit about never having been to a place is just a small step's a family tradition that we do every year.
The interesting thing is that Google Maps shows the Whole Foods that Chris directed her too for a photo shoot is 13 miles from the Art Museum and a direct drive along route 30 (the Lincoln Highway). Philadelphia is in her backyard, so to speak. If one is 13 miles from the Empire State building, isn't one considered to be in NY? If one is 13 miles from Disneyland, isn't one considered to be in LA?
She's full of it. They go to Philadelphia all the time. Didn't they also go to a Taylor Swift concert at the Wells Fargo Center (walking distance from the baseball stadium)?
She said they had never been to Philly because it sounds more exciting that this is a FIRST TIME, and/or because she is so spoiled rotten she cannot remember one free VIP trip from the next. Pathetic times eight.
Wait a minute, didn't she claim she had never taken the kids to NYC too? Yes, she did, in the Big Apple episode! Which also was completely untrue. Heck there was even an episode about driving the kids to the Martha Stewart show in NY.
Or maybe she's just a compulsive liar? I sort of understand lies that make sense, I guess. Lies to get you out of something, etc. But a lie for no reason? A lie just to lie? A lie because you cannot stop lying? That's a bit scary.
Does Kate ever stop to think that the reason people are staring, pointing and taking pictures is because she's drawing attention to them (the G8) by haivng a film crew in tow? I'm guessing that when they go places without the crew no one gives them a second glance. I grew up in Manhattan and as jaded as we NYers can be I would always stop to look whenever there was a film crew just to see what was going on.
Kate tweets this morning: 1st hat in history 2 b worn by me!
This whole Twitter thing is so bad for someone as narcissistic as Kate. She thinks she has 10,000 fans breathlessly waiting for her next utterance.
h8k8 said...
I guess Kate selected Hannah to share a bed with her rather than Kate herself sleeping on a roll-a-way and letting the 2 girl tups sleep together (which they wanted to do in the first place.)
Uh, no. Alexis slept with Kate so that Hannah and Leah could sleep together, which they wanted to do.
ust Jenna - Yes, unfortunately, teachers are expected to take the place of parents these days. When the kids don't perform up to expectations, it's not the parents' fault for not encouraging them or teaching them at home or making sure they know they must behave in school, it's the teachers' fault for not teaching them and for not maintaining discipline. And God forbid you should punish the kids for misbehaving in school! The parents come down on you like the wrath of God. I used to teach elementary level (It was Special Ed., so ungraded classroom - I had kids from ages 6 - 13)and you couldn't pay me enough to do it again. I currently volunteer 2 days a week at my local Parish's elementary school, and it's a bit better there. We have more control over the kids and the parents are more involved, for the most part.
I usually don't bother to click on pix of Kate anymore, but I was interested in seeing how she looked and if she was more appropriately dressed than she usually is. Someone needs to tell her that those very dark eyebrows with her bleached blonde hair looks harsh and fake. For someone so often in the limelight, she reallly has no sense of style or presentation, does she?
Why was she crying at the Barnstable Brown
I have a lot of allergies and, when I was younger, had eczema frequently, until it was discovered that I was allergic to soaps and laundry detergent. I use fragrance/dye free products now and no problems. Kate, with her clean freak attitude, probably is responsible for her kids' skin problems. For a "nurse" (I put that in quotes, because, although she has an RN license, she's not a nurse by any definition of the word), she's remarkably ignorant when it comes to caring for her own children.
Nope, Kate does not see the link between her own actions and the "two million people" staring at them and rushing them and taking photos of them in the museum. She doesn't even begin to make the connection.
It's like if she rolled around in mud all morning then came in and bitched that she was dirty. YOU did it to YOURSELF, honey!
Off Topic. I was just thinking, when the show end's do you think that Kate will drag Jon back to court requesting that his child support be increased?
Admin, I think Kate is a compulsive liar. She also is very good and bending the truth. To wit-- I watched her couch interview talking about the corn maze visit and LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE!!
To hear her talk about it, you'd think they were there for HOURS, not a mere, pathetic 20 minutes. She mentioned thing like "I thought we'd never get out" and " we'd starve in there!"
Bullshit. They came, they filmed enough footage and they left. Thanks to Polly at STG, we have a first person account of exactly what happened.
Many things they do are staged and just for filming. This has been witnessed again and again.
I sounds like they had long, long days in Philly. It's a shame there are no laws to protect those kids from excessive working.
Cara looks utterly sullen. Mady is a little Kate and the tups, well, they are so behind in language skills and behavior that it's just sad.
I wonder if Kate will even see her kids for Mother's Day. Wow, 2 years in a row. What mother does this? Kate just thinks any holiday can be celebrated when it's convenient. It's like the day has no meaning. Christmas, birthdays, Mom's day are all filmed and officially celebrated when it fits into her schedule. Again, what mom does this?
Great re-cap. I have no interest in this show anymore, and it seems the ratings suggest that's the way most people feel. It's not entertaining, just the same formula for each show. Kate and kids go on trip to (insert location here). Kate squeals (insert number of times here). Kid 1 and Kid 2 say something cute (insert here) . . . you get the idea.
How can this possibly continue? It just sounds so boring and predictable.
Thanks for the recap. I agree with what everyone is saying. Appearing in the parade, etc. was cooked up by her PR in a lame attempt to keep her relevant. This may be her last hurrah.
As far as purseboy being in the car with her, they are together all the time like a couple. Why should we be surprised? Not sure where he is in their relationship, but she's been crystal clear how she wants him.
Also she is lying in her tweet about the first time in a hat.
Admin, I stopped watching the show long before the Big Apple episode. I rely on the recaps you and other sites post. I didn't know she claimed not to have taken the kids to NYC before. In addition to the episode you mention, she and Jon took Cara and Mady to NYC for their 6th birthday (The American Girls trip) and they were in NYC for the Discovery/TLC upfronts a couple of years ago, too. The one with the pix of the kids being shepherded along the sidewalk, with Stevie Boy and others shielding them from the public using umbrellas and such. More Katie lies.
one banana two banana said...
...And purse boy is in the front seat of the corvette too....
And Purseboy was also with her at the Celebrity Luncheon. Tell me how ridiculous that is! He's a glorified handler/purse-carrier/manager and someone obviously insisted that he be included in the luncheon invite. Something is definitely "off" if Kate either can't be trusted to go to a private luncheon by herself or she's too unsure of herself to go alone and insists he be included in every invitation. She couldn't get through a couple hours without him? OMG, all she had to do was eat some food and make some small talk, but she couldn't do it without Steveboy.
I believe she went to Philly with the kids on her birthday. Remember when she visited Charm City Cakes - isn't that in Philadelphia?
YOu all are making much ado about nothing. Kate did not say "I have never taken the kids to Philadelphia." She said, "I have never REALLY taken the kids to Philadelphia." It's perfectly reasonable to interpret that as "we haven't toured there." There are several cities that I technically have been to, but was there for a specific purpose, attended the event and left. If someone asked me, for example, "Have you been to Cincinnati?" my response probably would be "Well, I was there for XX but drove in right before and out the next morning, so I haven't 'really' seen the place." I don't think that makes me a liar, and I don't think Kate's comment is a "lie." For all you know, she followed up by saying "We'd been there for specific activities, but hadn't really explored the city."
From a man used to being in the public eye:
Reality set in quickly for LA Lakers star Lamar Odom -- who wanted off his new E! show just days into shooting.
"By the third or fourth day, I realized how tough and demanding it was going to be," Odom told the LA Times about his new reality show, "Khloe & Lamar," which premiered last month.
"I was like, 'I don't think I could do this,' " Odom said of the show, in which he stars with wife Khloe Kardashian.
Read more:
But it's NOT hard for kids? Think again.
Anonymous said...
YOu all are making much ado about nothing. Kate did not say "I have never taken the kids to Philadelphia." She said, "I have never REALLY taken the kids to Philadelphia." It's perfectly reasonable to interpret that as "we haven't toured there."
Give me a break! They've been numerous times. The WHOLE FAMILY. The Please Touch Museum? Hello!! *hand clap!*
Kate is a liar and she knows how to deceive. Get you head out of..the sand.
Kymom: HAAAAAAAAAA! Everyone go to that most recent link Kymom gave to the Courier-Journal! Seriously, its hilarious!
They have a slideshow of the big names going to the Barnstable party, right? Well, there's a pic of Aaron Rodgers (go Pack!) holding the Vince Lombardi trophy (did I mention Go PACK?), there are Olympic medalists holding their medals (these are obviously stock photos, not from the party, LOL), there are models modeling, one woman appears to be testifying before Congress, and then: there's Kate. An old picture with her short hair and she's very obviously crying and dabbing at her eye with a tissue.
I snorted my coffee when I saw that. Someone at that paper HATES her if THAT is the photo they selected! If she saw that, she'd see red. Hee.
Also, I don't think this event is being covered much outside Kentucky media.
I hope Kate is enjoying her time at the derby. I think she will be in a very different place at this time next year. Tick tock.
The recap made me glad I didn't watch that tripe....
The pictures of Kate at the luncheon just show how little taste or class she has. That dress!!! What was she thinking? Vicki had on a gorgeous lace dress with pearl jewelry and Kate dresses in a wrinkled up khaki dress made for running errands! You just can't take the hillbilly out of her. Her hair looked dirty and stringy too.
She might be trying to pull a rabbit out of the Hat she wears to the derby, but we need to remind her that she has already produced her
Thanks for the great recap Admin. I really like the pictures and clips you put with it, very clever. They make me laugh.
I'm sure all the amazing places they have been to in Philly, many right in the heart of Philly, appreciate that they are not "really" Philly.
Anonymous said... YOu all are making much ado about nothing. Kate did not say "I have never taken the kids to Philadelphia." She said, "I have never REALLY taken the kids to Philadelphia." It's perfectly reasonable to interpret that as "we haven't toured there." There are several cities that I technically have been to, but was there for a specific purpose, attended the event and left. If someone asked me, for example, "Have you been to Cincinnati?" my response probably would be "Well, I was there for XX but drove in right before and out the next morning, so I haven't 'really' seen the place." I don't think that makes me a liar, and I don't think Kate's comment is a "lie." For all you know, she followed up by saying "We'd been there for specific activities, but hadn't really explored the city."
You aren't Kate, because the punctuation is perfect. Very few people without an English degree know that the quote goes OUTSIDE the period; however, you are obviously someone directly connected with Kate or TLC. Kate had been to the same Please Touch Museum with the same kids before, so I don't think one word (REALLY) makes any fact, it's quite a stretch, but nice try.
Kymom said...
Here is another close up picture of Kate in Pegasus parade. Sure hope she brought along another pink dress, going to need pink for the Oaks today.
HA. Do you suppose she practiced her wave in front of a mirror? LOL
Anonymous said...
Uh, no. Alexis slept with Kate so that Hannah and Leah could sleep together, which they wanted to do.
Uh, no, Anonymous.
I checked w/friend who replayed her tivo'd show and she said Kate slept with one of the tups (Alexis, idk, I didn't watch) and the 2 other girls slept separately. They were waiting for a second roll-away to be brought to the room and Kate pointed out where it would be placed, saying "you get this bed that's coming right here".
As I said, why didn't Kate let the 2 girls (or even 3 if the beds were queens) who wanted to sleep together, do so by sleeping on the roll-away herself and letting them have the big bed?
Linda G. said... Kymom: HAAAAAAAAAA! Everyone go to that most recent link Kymom gave to the Courier-Journal! Seriously, its hilarious!
They have a slideshow of the big names going to the Barnstable party, right? Well, there's a pic of Aaron Rodgers (go Pack!) holding the Vince Lombardi trophy (did I mention Go PACK?), there are Olympic medalists holding their medals (these are obviously stock photos, not from the party, LOL), there are models modeling, one woman appears to be testifying before Congress, and then: there's Kate. An old picture with her short hair and she's very obviously crying and dabbing at her eye with a tissue.
I snorted my coffee when I saw that. Someone at that paper HATES her if THAT is the photo they selected! If she saw that, she'd see red. Hee.
Also, I don't think this event is being covered much outside Kentucky media.
OMG!!! Click on the arrow to the side of those pictures and the next one is of Kate and Tony doing their paparazzi dance!!!! People in the news industry are so onto that hag.
I love the editor of that newspaper.
I didn't see the show, but did everyone sleep in ONE hotel room? Why? There's 2 adults, get 2 rooms.
Well, I know why. It's all about manufactured drama. Kate always has help with her, that's just so stupid.
Maybe Katie is trying to be one of the Real Housewives on Bravo...Real Horrible Housewives of TLC
Yollie said...
I believe she went to Philly with the kids on her birthday. Remember when she visited Charm City Cakes - isn't that in Philadelphia?
Charm City Cakes is in Baltimore.
Also, I don't think this event is being covered much outside Kentucky media.
You are SOOOO right. This is not the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade or the Rose Bowl Parade.
This is a small time, mid-sized city parade to
whoop it up a little before the Main Event. I can say that, because as I've said many times on here, Louisville, dear Louisville, is my hometown. I LOVE that place. But Louisville's
Pegasus Parade is not fodder for the national news. It'a a local thing, mostly.
Administrator said: I applaud all the brave people who have ever stood up to narcissist in defense of their victim and assisted that victim in getting out of the toxic situation, instead of demanding clinical diagnosis that will never happen before they ever do anything. Thank God for those people.
My husband's mother is a narcissist and he finally cut all ties with her approximately 10 years ago. It took almost 40 years to do so because it's a tragic and sad reality when you finally recognize that your mother will never change and she's just too toxic of a person to continue to expose yourself and your family to.
Linda G. commented that NPD rarely is clinically diagnosed because of the very nature of the illness. This is very true. My MIL has never had a clinical diagnosis of NPD, but it's very clear - to everyone, not just us - that she has NPD. Narcissists - as Linda stated - will never get help or seek help because they do not have a problem - everyone else is the problem! They will never acknowledge any wrongdoing and will certainly never apologize for anything they have ever done. Why should or would they? They didn't do anything that would warrant an apology! It's a maddening thing to have to deal with a narcissist and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
I would recommend to anyone who thinks they have a narcissist in their life to do whatever they can to protect themselves from the narcissist. Nothing good will ever come from having them in your life. It's better to cut all ties and never look back.
Good grief! I see on Radar that Jon may sue his own brother, Mark, for selling info on him. Has anyone heard anything about Jon recently. It's been so quiet on his front.
So there you go. More cousins that those poor kids are going to be estranged from.
What a f'd up life.
Bluenoser said:
Americans are not required to present a passport to enter Canada. Canadians are required to present on to enter the US however.
This is wrong. US citizens must present passports at the US-Canada border, entering or leaving.
The "Passport" can either be the full passport, or the less-expensive passport card. Both are issued by the State Department, and the application process is the same for each.
Both are "passports" and crossing the Canadian border legally is impossible without one or the other.
The card is a passport which only allows travel to and from Canada, and cannot be used to travel, for example, to Europe. It is a cheaper version of the passport for those who only travel within North America.
Anonymous, you have to seriously twist yourself into a pretzel to justify what she said as being the truth! She's been to Philly proper, WITH the kids, MANY times.
If you have to add on a disclaimer FOR her in order to justify what she said, you're already in a tough spot. She said it was the first time they went to Philadelphia. That is patently untrue. Why she said something so untrue is anyone's guess, but I'm 100% sure they've been there before, more than once: it's all on tape!
Charm City Cakes is in Baltimore, Maryland.
I don’t think Kate has the ability to “think on her feet” so to speak. She can write out lists and post-it notes and do things by rote, but when the unexpected happens, she reacts to it, she doesn’t act on it, hence the problem with sleeping arrangement. She had no list to tell her what to do.
I remember when they were all going to an amusement park and Cara wanted to wear flip flops. Jon said yes, Kate said no (probably because Jon said yes) and her reason was the kids would all lose their shoes. But then she let Cara wear backless, toeless slip-ons as though she couldn’t “lose” those??
I personally think it’s low IQ that prevents her from being able to perform without lists. She says people do not know how to teach her and don’t know what she requires. She’s un-teachable, partly because she always thinks she’s right, but also because she’s just dumber than dirt.
Anonymous said... YOu all are making much ado about nothing. Kate did not say "I have never taken the kids to Philadelphia." She said, "I have never REALLY taken the kids to Philadelphia." It's perfectly reasonable to interpret that as "we haven't toured there."
"Honestly", most rational people would reasonably interpret the comment to mean that Katie had never taken the kids to Philadelphia. It would qualify as a reasonable deduction because..........well, that's what Katie said.
Except for the numerous times that the Gosselins had traveled to Philadelphia for concerts, ball games, the airport, museums and who knows what else, Katie would be correct in her statement. However, like many well heeled children within an hour of Philadelphia, Katie, Jon and the eight have attended many cultural events in Philadelphia.
I offer the counterpoint that a resonable interpretation is that Katie is a liar.
I am having a crappy day here, but that recap just brightened my mood and even made me laugh out loud. Admin, there must be a way for you to share your sense of humor, writing abilities, and hilarity for pay! I would pay to read anything you write!
And, in that video of the old Kate taking the kids to that museum, did any of you notice Kate had not yet found that "good bra?" She looked so much more trim back then.
I live in Maine and it was only in the last few years that you had to have a passport to get into Canada. You used to be able to cross the border with a drivers license or state id.
Did she really tweet that it's the first hat in history to be worn by Kate? Doesn't she run in a hat (something I do also) and is regularly photographed by her lone pap wearing the most ridiculous, adolescent-marketed hats? She is nuts.
Tucker's Mom said...
Anonymous said...
YOu all are making much ado about nothing. Kate did not say "I have never taken the kids to Philadelphia." She said, "I have never REALLY taken the kids to Philadelphia." It's perfectly reasonable to interpret that as "we haven't toured there."
Give me a break! They've been numerous times. The WHOLE FAMILY. The Please Touch Museum? Hello!! *hand clap!*
Kate is a liar and she knows how to deceive. Get you head out of..the sand.
I guess Kate needs to re-watch the old episodes before she opens her mouth.
Her brain is a sieve.
So, did Steve have a room all to himself? Couldn't some of the kids slept in Jamie's room? You are right..... it was all scripted and for drama. Three adults and all those kids had to pile in one room?!
Kate's tweet:
GM all.The real Kate gosselin (lol)checking in from the derby!Headed 2 The Oaks today..1st hat in history 2 b worn by me! Looking4ward 2 it
How about this one? First time in history she's worn a hat? How about that photo that surfaced of her leaving the Fed Ex store in the orange dress right after she filed for divorce? I clearly remember her wearing a big floppy tan hat. No, it wasn't a cap. It was a hat!
Anonymous that's the point, Kate has no reason to lie. It's called compulsive lying. You are right she has no reason to lie,but does, constantly.
ROL is reporting that Jon threatened to sue his brother for selling stories.
I just want to mention that the brother's daughter that cries and asks about her cousins is under a year old. She must be going to that special school where kids talk early but don't know who the president is or what a triangle looks like.
Maybe we can chalk it up to the worst memory in human history.
Rhymes with Tall Clown said...
Someone is authoring a 2nd book. This one seems to be a How-to exploit your kids the RIGHT way.
Disclaimer: I am NOT a fan of reality TV, which I also separate from documentaries, which are limited and focus on teaching viewers about a particular subject.
Teaching families how to sacrifice their privacy and in many cases their dignity for notoriety and money, even with safeguards in place still places children and their families at undue risk, in my opinion.
Several excellent articles about reality tv.
just a friendly FYI, actually punctuation does indeed go inside the quotation marks.
And Kate is a liar- she HAS been to Philly, be it for a quick trip or stop or not- that is a trip to a city, especially if she and the children toured a museum.
About all of the kids having eczema....
One of the causes is believed to be poor gut health.
I'm wondering, since the kids were supposedly raised organically when they were younger, and then strayed away from that as they grew more famous and their mother had no more time to bother with that and/or the excessive traveling doesn't allow for eating organically...
could it be that their digestive tracts are out of whack from making the switch from organic to non-organic? ( if she tries to feed us the line of baloney they still eat all organically, well then she is even more full of shit than ever. )
Somehow it is an environmental/ food thing. No way would all 8 have this genetically. It's not a genetic problem. Their GI tracts are out of whack. Not from eating non organic food, but from having to adjust to non organic food at a later age. This and food allergies of course ( hmmmm......allerges to eggs can cause this, too. Wonder if it started with getting the chickens? And, are they washing their hands after collecting eggs? I find it very strange it is on all of their hands. )
butterfly said... JudyK,
just a friendly FYI, actually punctuation does indeed go inside the quotation marks.
Yes, Butterfly, that is exactly what I said--that Anonymous had done it correctly. The quotation mark goes OUTSIDE the punctuation mark or said the way you said it, punctuation does go INSIDE the quotation marks. I have a B.A. in English and a mother who is a retired college English professor. We said the same thing, just worded it differently, and, actually, you said it better.
Administrator said...
It's like if she rolled around in mud all morning then came in and bitched that she was dirty. YOU did it to YOURSELF, honey!
May 6, 2011 7:58 AM
Kate is one of those people who think everything stinks, and fails to see she has stepped in crap and it is all over HER OWN SHOES.
Smell your own shoes, you stupid idgit. You are the one who stepped in it.
She makes me sick how she acts like people in public places where she happens to be are lesser-thans and not worthy of being near her, when SHE'S the one who stinks.
Anon for this said...
ROL is reporting that Jon threatened to sue his brother for selling stories.
I haven't read the ROL post yet, but... IF Jon's brother has sold stories to ROL and Jon has asked him to stop and he hasn't then I say GOOD FOR JON!
Well, looky here look who's hamming it up and enjoying the gifting suite, getting her freebies, of course:
More on the eczema thing. I dated a guy (years ago) who was born a preemie and he had pretty bad eczema. I recall he had to have frequent baths with a special oil in the water. His mom told me it was b/c his immune system was a bit weak due to his prematurity.
Start with this one, then click the forward button to see them all:
Yikes, what a clown:
What the hell happened to her hair??
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
Well, looky here look who's hamming it up and enjoying the gifting suite, getting her freebies, of course.
Of course, NLAN.
And of course she's dressed inappropriately (unfashionably), imo, for a Derby event. Hooker heels, low cut, tight and wrinkled dress, and hair that looks like straw. Of course the hat she chose doesn't flatter her at all either.
From Twitter:
kparr76 K_Parr
@TLC...we have a fake account appearing on Kate's twitter ....signed in as @kateplusmy8_...copied her twitter home page ...remove asap!! Plz
15 hours ago
in reply to ↑
TLC Network
@TLC TLC Network
@kparr76 We are on it! Thanks!
2 hours ago via HootSuite
Retweeted by Paige_Kate8lvr and others
@TLC TLC Network
@kateplusmy8_ This account has been flagged for impersonation, remove immediately.
2 hours ago via HootSuite
Thanks Butterfly, but actually we said the same thing. I said the quotes go OUTSIDE the punctuation and you said the punctuation goes INSIDE the quotes. You said it better.
oh my bad, LOL!! I have a headache today...
Not to belabor the discussion on punctuation, but quotes both inside and outside are appropriate depending on whether whether they are part of the original quote or are something that was added to the sentence.
Webster's Third New International Dictionary 13.5.5:
A question mark or exclamation point is usually placed inside or outside the quotation marks according to whether it belongs to the quoted matter or to the whole sentence or clause that includes the quotation.
butterfly said... JudyK,
oh my bad, LOL!! I have a headache today...
LOL, that's okay...I have one too!
N.E. Psychologist mentions the book that is being written about how to exploit your kids the right way. I believe she is talking about the manual being authored by the prolific writer on the Small Town site.
I agree with N.E. that this is risky business. How can anyone say for certain that there is a safe way for children to be involved in a reality type show?
The author has interviewed Amy Roloff for the book, as an example of a level headed Reality Mom.Perhaps in contrast to Kate Gosselin!I thought it would be an interesting item for this blog,because of the LPBW Aftermath that Admin posted here very recently.
On a lighter note, Kate's magenta dress in the photo reminds me of the elderly queen who stated "I used to be such a saucy baggage!" and whose spouse replied "Yes, and now you're such a baggy sausage!"
Webster, yes, you are correct, but we were addressing the way "Anonymous" used them in her post. I'm sure we're boring everyone on the board w/ this discussion!
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
Well, looky here look who's hamming it up and enjoying the gifting suite, getting her freebies, of course:
Thanks for the link.
In this pic, it looks like Kate brought along her security blanket Steve to the gift He's in the back next to the lady in white.
Here's a thought for Kate...
If she's addicted to giving back as she claimed on twitter, then why not auction off some of those Derby freebies and donate the 'prodceeds' to the food bank she recently 'volunteered' at or to save other precious koalas like Honey. You know her loyal twitter fans would just die to have something of Kate's from the Kentucky Derby.
Don't count her out just yet.
This page was last modified on 2 May 2011 at 21:30.
HAHAHAHA Holy CRAP she looks as cheap as a two dollar bill in those Getty pics.
Sorry, but yes, I'm giggling at how bad she looks. So sue me.
But those shoes? WITH that dress? WITH that hat? WITH that hair?
Wow. The dress alone is bad. I mean, girlfriend: HOT PINK PLEATED SATIN? You really couldn't find anything classier than that prom dress reject?
And of course it's as short as she can get it with a plunging neckline. Because of course.
Her hair looks absolutely fried and does not go with the style of that hat. The hat is fine on its own, but she still doesn't seem to understand that you can have ONE or TWO over the top pieces to your ensemble and that's IT. I'm surprised she also doesn't have five metric tons of rhinestone jewelry on, just go all the way with the totally cheap look.
Her shoes are a BIG piece, the dress is a BIG piece, and the hat is a BIG piece. She doesn't understand pairing big with small, small, and small.
If she was going to insist on that dress, I would have insisted that she put her hair back into a soft chignon (it looks as if it might break off in your hand, but maybe using some light control styling gel), I would have insisted that the hat be scaled back to something simpler and I would have ABSOLUTELY insisted against those strappy hooker heels in favor of a simple, classy closed toe kitten heel or something similar. Not a huge tall heel.
The dress is already very provocative, you do not put four inch heels with a plunging neckline, short skirted dress. Not unless you are seriously looking for attention. Possibly the wrong kind of attention.
Ug. If they cared enough to bother, the Go Fug Yourself girls would have a field day with her. But she's not even on their radar, thank goodness.
LOL, Dulcina. Wikipedia?
And why not count her out yet? Did you read the entry?
wist of Kate is an American reality series scheduled to begin airing at an unspecified date in the future. Twelve episodes have been ordered by TLC.[1] The show was originally scheduled for Fall 2010 and did not air at this time, prompting speculation that the show had been canceled. Representatives from TLC have since insisted that this is not the case, though an updated air date was not given.[citation needed] Twist of Kate has not been included in TLC's recently released fall 2011 line-up and, given the precipitous drop in viewership for Kate Plus 8, is unlikely to air.
Me again: if she's relying on stub articles on Wiki to keep her career alive, it's truly in the toilet.
Those pics of her near the football helmets looks more like a silent auction- not a freebie table. Why would they need to provide SWAG? Does anyone know if they do? Also- it looks like she's pretty much by herself- where are the shots of her in a group of people. Oh- and do ya think her dress is cut low enough to show off her good bra? PLEASE- let this be her swan song- and anything can be placed on wiki so I don't believe everything on that site- especially since anyone can change the entry. Look how all those Bieber fans hacked into Esperanza Sapulding's page.
The Barnstable Brown Party is a fundraiser for diabetes. wonder what Kate will donate.........
To all those who said Americans need a passport to enter Canada please view this official government site Bluenoser is correct.
"I suspect what few of Kate's fans are left who are denying this little diagnosis from the "couch" (unfortunately in the vast majority of cases, the only way you can diagnosis this is by proxy, as they won't go in to get diagnosed), have simply been blessed not to have someone in their lives who has this."
I think that the most likely reason is that the few people who would be unable to recognize a text-book narcissist.....would most likely have to be narcissists themselves.
The prognosis for this diagnosis is so poor because they are unable to recognize their own how could they possibly recognize it in someone else?
The ones who don't see that Kate is a narcissist are unable to do that because they are narcissists themselves.
I make an exception for her adolescent/teeny-bopper fans because.....well, they are still kids.
Excuse my language, but holy shit, I just noticed not only are her shoes tall-heeled, strappy, and open-toed, but they are PATENT LEATHER.
Shiny. Shiny patent leather. And multiple straps. And super high. With pleated satin.
I had better fashion sense when I was fifteen and I used to joke that I needed Garanimals for adults. Hell's bells, woman.
I bet the few people around her are REALLY tiring of her and totally told her that outfit looked kick ass. Like a boss, they said! YES, wear ALL that.
Hee. Again, I'm disappointed in the lack of rhinestones. It's the only thing missing.
And her purse!!! Oh I'm sorry for all these, but I just saw the pic of her staring at the football helmets like she doesn't know what they are (probably doesn't--they don't have to do with her) and I caught the damn PURSE she's carrying!
YES, a metallic purse with metal STUDS all over it is totally appropriate with that outfit, Kate.
Oye. If I knew her in person, I'd have to just look away a lot.
Dulcina, anyone can make one of those Wiki pages. My own son made one about my parents' home town when he was 14. It's still there but people have added to it.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... Yikes, what a clown:
What the hell happened to her hair??
May 6, 2011 12:48 PM
Will somebody puh-leeeeeze hire her a stylist? Maybe sone who actually likes her?
Kate...huney...please step away from the flat iron. You look ridiculously ridiculous.
Although, on second thought, Joan Crawford WAS wearing a very similar hat and dress in Mommie Dearest. Hmmmm.
Can't you just hear her shouting, "Go faster Mr.Jockey-man! eeeeeheeeeeheeeeeeeheeeee ".
Re: the discussion of where the comma goes in quotations...
I can't BELIEVE this has come up today. I'm editing a big manuscript (my own, 171,000 words), and I was trying to answer that very question this morning. I'm completely serious. So, to take a break, I came here earlier in the afternoon, and what do I find?? I'll read through what you both have to say with interest. Really, what were the odds?
Admin, EXCELLENT and very funny recap! Sounds much better, as usual, than the show.
Ugly dress, hat and shoes and she should have given her purse to Steve to carry because it certainly does not go with the outfit!
TLC ship is sinking said...
In this pic, it looks like Kate brought along her security blanket Steve to the gift He's in the back next to the lady in white.
Good lawd have mercy! That lady in white has a ginormous badonkidonk. Wonder of she's hiding a pap in the back of her dress and Steve wandered over there to check it out.
The Eczema Thing said~
"could it be that their digestive tracts are out of whack from making the switch from organic to non-organic? ( if she tries to feed us the line of baloney they still eat all organically, well then she is even more full of shit than ever. )"
Oh, you are being much too kind and tactful. I think the more likely reason would be because she was reported to keep re-packing their school lunches with any food they hadn't eaten in their lunch from the day before.....and kept re-packing it until they finally finished it. I'm thinking it would more likely be eating spoiled food than not getting organic food they might have become accustomed to.
I just want to mention that the brother's daughter that cries and asks about her cousins is under a year old. She must be going to that special school where kids talk early but don't know who the president is or what a triangle looks like.
That's right. Blame it on the school. Sounds like something Kate would do. I am tired of the snotty remarks about the pricey special school. And yes, I have a headache, too!
Kindergarteners there do learn about the President, there's an entire unit taught about him. Shapes are taught in Pre School and Junior Kindergarten. If the kids didn't know who is the current President, maybe they're just not getting it or their retention isn't on track. Or, maybe they've been missing too much school because their Mother thinks that she's culturing them by taking them on trips. Would it be possible for her to have a conversation with her kids about current events...maybe at the dinner table? Instead of reconnecting out west, she should just reconnect at home and spend some time with them there, and maybe pick up a newspaper and show them a photo of the President. Did Kate say that she didn't know the length of the President's term? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
That hair is a mess. She could get a better color and cut at the local Cost Cutters.
Did I mention that I have a headache? ;-)
I wasn't disparaging the school. Jon's brother is quoted as saying his daughter cries and asks for her cousins. I was trying to make a (obviously very bad) joke.
OF COURSE the school teaches what they should. The parents need to reinforce the material and Kate wouldn't consider wasting her time.
Thanks to the poster who gave the NPD info. Interesting read and Kate has consistently shown every one of the character traits. Scary. Also, they had a list of types of behavior. Sound like anyone:
They expect others to do the day-to-day chores as they feel too important to waste their time on common things. (She's got that one covered.)
Their sense of self-importance and lack of empathy means that they will often interrupt the conversation of others. (Pretty consistently when she was on the couch with Jon, but god forbid if he interrupted her.)
They get impatient and restless when the topic of conversation is about someone else, and not about them.
They constantly use "I", "me" and "my" when they talk.
They lack empathy and this colours everything they do.
They love to delegate work, and then interfere by micromanaging it. If it goes well they take the credit (plagiarism); if it goes badly, they blame the person they delegated it to. (Bring out the white plastic throne.)
Blame others for their actions and misfortunes. (Tony doesn't know how Kate learns and is teaching her wrong.)
During a conversation, no matter what topic is being discussed, they usually end up talking about themselves. (Pretty much covers her co-hosting abilities on "The View".)
They will always cheat whenever they think they will get away with it.
FRIGHTENING how textbook she is, isn't it? Those poor kids.
My son and I both have eczema. It runs in the family along with allergies. It isn't necessarily from a weak immune system since it can be flared by an overactive immune system which happens sometimes when the environment is too clean. One potential treatment for allergies involves infesting yourself intentionally with intestinal parasites to give your overactive immune system a real threat to work on.
Bathing too much can make it worse, as can exposure to allergens, perfumes, dyes, or strong detergents. In our case, at least, it flares worse when we are under stress. My son plays sports. During tournaments, he always has problems. I do when I'm stressed at work or I don't get enough sleep. Wearing clothes that are too tight or wearing the wrong fabrics can cause me to have problems. Whether or not I eat organic has nothing to do with the severity of my symptoms. A whirlwind travel schedule and being in a high pressure environment will do it every time.
Laura D. Thanks for the information about wiki.
I'd love for that info to be WRONG. : )
What I think is funny is that TLC touted this as being a trip across the state! Don't they know where Philly is, and that it's just a bit more than an hour away?
If an going somewhere an hour away is traveling across the state, then going somewhere a couple hours away must be going overseas!
Anonymous said... YOu all are making much ado about nothing. Kate did not say "I have never taken the kids to Philadelphia." She said, "I have never REALLY taken the kids to Philadelphia." It's perfectly reasonable to interpret that as "we haven't toured there."
How do you "really" take the kids somewhere? Either you take them somewhere, or you don't.
Did anyone read the wiki page for Twist of Kate?
Not "Twist of Kate" but "Twits of Kate."
All Kate's twitter pals can tweet her that she's so pretty and she can tweet them back that, yes, she is very pretty.
Once child was devastated because her parents wouldn't buy her tickets to the derby. She actually said, "Daddy, if you loved me ..." and was mad that mom had enough for a new Coach purse but not for derby tickets. This child actually believes if she got into the derby that she'd be hanging out with Kate. None of the Sheeple are discouraging this behavior. NONE. This child begged both her grandmothers and got mad when one grandmother said, "You can see her on tv."
This child is screaming out for help but the sheeple are too busy telling Kate how pretty she is to care about a distraught child.
Just a few thoughts:
1) That wasn't Kate and Tony dancing; it was the woman sportscaster and Tony's best friend dancing from the same season of DWTS.
2)We know when they were in Australia and NZ that Kate never slept with her kids. I think this was filmed to dispute that the above mentioned fact. Kate wanted to show that she is hands on and sleeps with her children. We all don't believe that except her sheeple.
3)The close-up photo of Kate riding in the car shows her dirty looking bra under her armpit. Oh it is disgusting. And that pink dress is the same one she wore on THE VIEW. Wow, doesn't she look in the mirror with her hand waving to see if her bra would show. I remember some other TV show that she was on and it clearly showed her bra strap. Geeesh!
4)Kate clearly had her hair very recently re-dyed. It looks horrible, horrible, horrible. And to think that a super, well-known professional did that. And that she traveled out of state for that. And that is Kate's real hair now. Boy, has she ruined it. And yes her eyebrows are way to dark. And she needs some lipsick on. Her haircoloring is going lighter and lighter. She looks dead.
5)That beige dress she wore really looked like a school teacher's dress. Boring. And her fushia color dress with the hat is so tacky. I have seen her wear those shoes before. So unbecoming for her fat ankles.
6) Isn't she embarrassed to drag her bodyguard along EVERYWHERE she goes? I wonder if he acts like a bodyguard or her personal friend and partakes in all of the conversations that Kate is part of. Makes you wonder. Either way people have to talk about it behind her back.
Amd thanks Admin. for a great recap.
Jon is preparing to sue his own brother, Mark, for leaking info about the kids to the media. The examiner quoted ROL.
Also, unrelated topic: Kate is so ever loving dim and not ashamed to broadcast that to the world. It's not cute and not commendable and she is passing on her intellectual laziness on to those kids. Bless little Joel, he IS so sweet, and he should know who Obama is. Any kid can have a lapse in knowledge, especially on camera. But what if that were your son? Wouldn't you gently say, "Obama is our president, silly! Remember when he won the election?" Or something similarly benign to 1. Make sure he now really did know who the Prez is and 2. To try to help him save face? But nooooo, Kate is too busy fixing her ugly hair or talking on the phone or whatever it is she does when she should be acting like their MOTHER. Those kids may not be brilliant, but they are further seriously hindered by their stupid, ignorant, completely shallow and self-absorbed birth mother. Kids should be learning little things all the time, not just at school, not just to be quiet when mom says so. I am so sad for them all. I get pissed READING about their mom; they have to live with that mess
A quick and esy reference (sorry, it's from wiki)
Laurie said...
Ugly dress, hat and shoes and she should have given her purse to Steve to carry because it certainly does not go with the outfit!
Horrid! And natch, she's got her fake boobs on display.
"This child is screaming out for help but the sheeple are too busy telling Kate how pretty she is to care about a distraught child."
This actually sounds like more than teenage melodrama. I hope that her parents or someone steps in and helps her.
Re passports being required for US citizens to enter Canada. Since 6/2009, ANYONE entering Canada is required to have a passport or similar document. Go to to check out the requirements.
Kate looks horrendously horrendous in those pix. I rather like the hat, but it doesn't suit her and it doesn't go with the outfit. That dress is poorly fitted and in appalling taste. As someone famous once said (sorry, I don't remember who), her taste is all in her mouth. She'd have been much better off in a softly draped sheath or a dress with a fitted bodice and a full skirt, of modest length, and neutral colored shoes. She hasn't the least idea of what suits her. Maybe she should hire Jon to be her dresser. He had good taste and seemed to know what styles and colors suited her when he took her shopping that one time.
Dulcina said...The Barnstable Brown Party is a fundraiser for diabetes. wonder what Kate will donate.........
The pink scooter?
(That is if she hasn't successfully gotten rid of it yet. She just keeps regifting it because no one wants that ugly thing.)
Kate G, how can you ride in a little ole local parade, and use a sign that says Kate Plus 8, but those people only see a Kate and no where in site is the 8? TLC you are crazy. Where are those poor babies? Why can't KG use just her own name? That is stupid. Very stupid and she looks out of place. Why is she there again? Too old for this KG, and you have to be the worse mom on earth to leave your 8 children on Mother's Day weekend, and then use their name to make money and gain fame for yourself while you are away. Leave them out of the sign too greedy woman. TLC what the heck are you doing? Gosh, never have I seen anything like this in my life. Steve go home to your wife and family. You look as needy and greedy as Kate.
Admin, please stop blocking me. Jeeze..
They were in Philly to decorate cupcakes at the bakery for the tups birthday! Then they went home where CupcakeGate occurred.
Thanks Admin. for the recap. It must have been more than boring for you to watch. This family just gets sadder by the day. I can't bring myself to look for the Derby associated pictures right now, perhaps in a day or so. The picture you painted of the episode must have resonated with the audience as well, many must have changed channels, resulting in another drop in ratings. Thanks again for all that you do to keep us up-to-date.
Administrator said...I have never heard a sheeple say I was the victim of a narcissist, but Kate is not a narcissist. No, none of them are claiming to be any such victim. They just think this issue is just all snark and mean and rubbish.
Admin -- great recap on the episode. You made another silk purse out of Kate the sow's ear...again. Thank you!
The sheeple can have her. I wish they WOULD take her. I don't care if TLC sends her away to film her being made queen of some remote village in Africa or chasing down mountain goats in the Alps, I'm so done with them and Kate... hell, stick a fork in ME!
Right now I'm looking at that photo of Cara slumped on the couch. Her body language alone says she's well on her way to rejecting the lifestyle that's been forced on her and will very soon be in full-on rebellion mode. Not that it will affect Kate Gosselin the narcissist in any way shape or form because as we know, it will be entirely someone else's responsibility. Cara's first, for not appreciating her mother's hard work and her father's second, for walking out on the family.
Kate will not have to deal with it because she'll never recognize that she is a narcissist, ergo she is innocent. That's the heartbreak of being an ACON (adult child of a narcissist).
Here's a blog by someone who does know what it's like:
East Coast Gal from Canada said...
To all those who said Americans need a passport to enter Canada please view this official government site Bluenoser is correct.
This link is for requirements for ENTERING Canada.
To RE-ENTER the USA from Canada, you need a US passport. That's been the case for several years now.
Regardless of Canadian requirements, a US citizen must have a passport to return to the USA.
Kate G, how can you ride in a little ole local parade, and use a sign that says Kate Plus 8, but those people only see a Kate and no where in site is the 8? TLC you are crazy.
Quite possibly because the sign says Kate Gosselin (in large letters) identifying the "celebrity" who is riding in that car, and the name of the show below it is in smaller letters. I don't think there's anything objectionable to that -- I don't believe it was ever publicized that the kids were going to be there. Kate Plus 8 is the name of the show.
Example: If Rick Harrison of Pawn Stars were to ride in a car, he would be identified as "Rick Harrison," with "Pawn Stars" underneath. It's the name of the show, but it doesn't mean that The Old Man, Big Hoss and ChumLee are there as well.
Re US citizen entering Canada: Is a passport required? Only if you don't happen to have your birth certificate "or similar document" on you. And that interpretation depends on the border crossing guard - last summer when I crossed from Maine into Canada the guard made it clear he wanted to see passports.
Kate tweeted that she wishes she were a Ky girl.
I say "neigh" to that, thank you.
This link is for requirements for ENTERING Canada.
To RE-ENTER the USA from Canada, you need a US passport. That's been the case for several years now.
So unless Kate stayed in Canada, she would have known that she was in a country outside the United States because she would have needed a passport to return.
For clarity:
"Air Travel: All U.S. citizens departing from or entering the United States from within the Western Hemisphere by air are required to present a valid passport, NEXUS card (if utilizing a NEXUS kiosk when departing from a designated Canadian airport). Merchant Mariner Document (for members of the U.S. armed forces traveling on official orders.) Note that children are also required to present their own passport when traveling by air.
Land or Sea Travel: U.S. citizens entering the United States by land or sea are required to present a valid WHTI-compliant document, which include:
U.S. Passport Cards
Enhanced Driver's Licenses
Trusted Traveler Cards (NEXUS, SENTRI, or FAST)
Military Identification Cards (for members of the U.S. armed forces on official orders)
U.S. Merchant Mariner Document (for U.S. citizens on official maritime business)"
Can't resist commenting about Kate's dress. IMO, it looks like something that should be lining a coffin. Not in style, in any way, shape or form. Too tight. And the hat - just ugly. YUCK says it all.
denise said...
They were in Philly to decorate cupcakes at the bakery for the tups birthday! Then they went home where CupcakeGate occurred.
I thought that was the Velvet Sky Bakery. It's in Jenkintown, not Philly, about a half hour away. Close, but no cigar.
ok.. nothing to do with this thread, but very interesting... check out this link... some foreshadowing of things to come for Collin and Alexis??
The ensemble Kart wore at the grifting suite looked like something she found in a bin at a thrift store. I can't believe she wore that cheap looking outfit to a celebrity function. She looks like a street walker wearing an old drape.
Uugh, I just finally read all the way through Admin's recap. You do a wonderful job, Admin, but I loathe everything about Khate so much that I have to force myself to read the recaps. If it weren't for your witty writing style and sense of humor, I would never make it through.
I think that must be the same Ben Franklin actor that I met last winter. My husband and I, and a friend's family, took our kids to a Colonial Dinner where they demonstrated how they cooked food in the colonial period, and that's all that was on the menu (ha, the kids didn't eat much). But, they did enjoy it and it was very interesting. The actor that played Ben Franklin was really great with the kids. He spent at least 10 minutes chatting with all of us and was very informative. And, you know what? Our kids knew a bit about Ben Franklin before that, but we went over some things with them in advance of the dinner. The Ben Franklin actor was impressed with their answers to some of his questions, and they also had some of their own questions for him about things they were curious about based on what we taught them. See, Khate, that's what you do as a good parent! If you want them to actually learn something on educational trips like the Philadelphia trip or to the Statue of Liberty, YOU teach them about it before you go! Unless you yourself are too stupid and lazy to do so.
I don't even want to believe that the kids might not know who the current President is. My husband and I are extremely interested in news and politics and it's on our tv almost constantly. But even without that, I think all kids from about age 4 or 5 should at least know who the current President is. Most schools, public and private, have photos of the current president in classrooms and the administrative offices.
The bed situation in the hotel sounds weird. Why wouldn't they have two adjoining rooms, one for Khate and half the kids, and one for Jaime with the other half? Also, why the roll away beds? My family have stayed in hotel rooms that have two queen beds AND a sleeper sofa, which means you can get two adults and four kids in a room. Easy, no problems.
Also, I haven't watched in a million years, and I only saw a few episodes back in 2009 to begin with (during the divorce hoopla episodes, plus some old repeats that year). But, do they even film in the house anymore? All I know is from Admin's recaps and the only thing that I remember is the Halloween episode where they had a haunted house in the basement. I'm wondering if they aren't allowed to film in the house anymore as a result of a court action with Jon. That would be a good thing, if you ask me. It would explain why they always are on the road, though.
I feel bad for the kids with the eczema. I don't know that much about it but I have heard that stress makes it flare up. That and no scented detergents and soaps. I have to say that it must be embarrassing for the kids to have shown that scene with the socks on their hands. I know that my child would be horrified if classmates saw that on television. Then again, my child would not be on tv at all. In any event, it's just another private thing that should not be broadcast to the world.
That clip #Meagler is just creepy. I'm sorry but Alexis was rude, Collin just annoying. And the parents just let it be filmed and not prevent it? HELLLOOOO????? Come on! If you don't teach your children how to behave young you let them act like that they will think it's okay. The clip itself is just very telling.
On that photo of Kate with the hot pink coffin dress, I wonder if anyone told her that her good bra is showing under her arms. I guess Steve didn't do an armpit check, but told her, "Kite, you look fabulous!"
The problem with this outfit is that it's too "busy." There's too much going on...the hat with the flowers, all of the pleats on the dress, and the strappy heels. Each competes with the other. There's so much happening in one outfit that you don't know what to look at! I guess she chose that big bag so she could stuff all the freebies in there! It looks horrendously horrendous with that dress.
...after I posted that link... I wondered if it was a smart thing to do, as it brings negative attention to those Admin...feel free to delete that post with the link...
The ensemble Kart wore at the grifting suite looked like something she found in a bin at a thrift store. I can't believe she wore that cheap looking outfit to a celebrity function. She looks like a street walker wearing an old drape
Just when I thought that the outfits couldn't get any worse, we have this:
What in the heck is that? She looks like a two-bit hooker, whatever that is. At least the miracle bra is getting a good work-out.
My gosh - who dresses this woman? She's a fashion nightmare.
TLC ship is sinking said...
In this pic, it looks like Kate brought along her security blanket Steve to the gift He's in the back next to the lady in white.
Good catch! He really is her babysitter, isn't he?
One more thing - from Twitter:
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Well well@Chdownsthis grl bet on race#8&WON both1st&2nd place! Beg luck.I'm done now!wow,what a thrilling exp!I wanna do this everyyr!
3 hours ago via Twitterrific
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
And besides all that-met amazing ppl and am amazed by the culture of it all!wish I were a ky girl! :)
3 hours ago via Twitterrific
Here we go, she's grifting to go there EVERY year. Every time she goes on a freebie trip she likes, she says it's now an annual "tradition". Ha, good luck getting an invitation, and a TLC-paid babysitter and expenses next year!
And finally, Iwana replied to her tweet:
@IwanaDatekate Iwana Datekate
@Kateplusmy8 WTG on the win Kate!That hadta be exciting! Glad u r enjoying your time.As always,u looked very attractive in the magenta dress
2 hours ago via web
Hmm, lots of guys would loo at that dress and call it "magenta", right? I think most would just say "pink".
Not only that but apparently now she is betting with the children's hard earned money? Will she distribute the winnings to them? And if she loses are the kids required to work extra hard to make up the loss?
Kate wishes she were a Ky girl? Ky would send her back in a heartbeat. My mother's people are from Ky. I grew up in Southern Ohio, right across the river from Ky, and I lived and taught school in Ky after I graduated from college. One of the first things Ky girls are taught is how to be ladies. They are taught to be kind and polite and cheerful and helpful. All areas where Kate fails badly. Kate could never be a Ky girl.
Kate at the Barnstable Brown Gala:
"Hmm, lots of guys would loo at that dress and call it "magenta", right? I think most would just say "pink"."
It kind of reminds me of the scene in Legally Blonde, where Elle is standing behind Salvatore, waiting for a drink of water and he says, "Don't stomp your little last season Prada shoes at me, honey." It was an aha moment, and she asks Warner (her ex-boyfriend) what kind of shoes she's wearing, and he says, "" She says that gay men know designer shoes, but straight men don't.
There's also an Elle quote that fits Kate perfectly: "All people see when they look at me is blonde hair and big boobs."
I wonder if she is mad about something-both the pictures I saw (luncheon and Barnstable Gala) she has her lips pursed-not the big teeth horse grin we usually see...?
Moose Mania said...
Just when I thought that the outfits couldn't get any worse, we have this:
What in the heck is that? She looks like a two-bit hooker, whatever that is. At least the miracle bra is getting a good work-out.
My gosh - who dresses this woman? She's a fashion nightmare.
Holy crap! What a trashy dress! Her face looks really old, also. I'd hate to see what she looks like ten years from now (and hopefully, none of us will see her because she will be a long distant memory by then!).
Like newbie said, what's with the pursed lips lately? I don't remember seeing Khate doing that in pics before.
(P.S. Please excuse the typo in my earlier post. "loos" was supposed to be "looks")
Just thinking here....can someone please tell me WHY Khate is even in Kentucky for these few days? It's not like this event will do anything to further her "career". And, it does NOT look like she's having fun at all. I've looked at tons of pictures of the festivities there the last few days and I mostly see small groups of friends and family having a great time together. But there Khate is, all alone, Steve/babysitter in tow. What's the point? Is she really that desperate to be away from her kids? Is she that addicted to freebies and nice hotel rooms? Does she need any excuse to get away with Steve for a few days alone? Or is TLC filming this for an episode in conjunction with the trip out west with the girls?
I think the pic of Kate at the Gala is very representative of everything she's become which is whiny, complaining, demanding and never satisfied with anything.
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