The Gosselin kids get to spend two holidays on camera tonight, their birthday and Easter. Watching or not watching, discuss it here.

TLC, 10 p.m, EST.
6 Becomes 7!
The sextuplets are turning 7! With only 5 days to plan, Kate is determined to have a pool party to remember with a surprise addition to the pool. But as everyone knows, pulling off a birthday for six excited kids is no easy task.
The sextuplets are turning 7! With only 5 days to plan, Kate is determined to have a pool party to remember with a surprise addition to the pool. But as everyone knows, pulling off a birthday for six excited kids is no easy task.
Chicks & Eggs
The Gosselins are finally sharing their Easter celebration with viewers for the first time! Watch as the kids decorate their own special Easter treat and dye their own Easter eggs. Of course,Easter wouldn't be complete without a good old fashion egg hunt.
The Gosselins are finally sharing their Easter celebration with viewers for the first time! Watch as the kids decorate their own special Easter treat and dye their own Easter eggs. Of course,Easter wouldn't be complete without a good old fashion egg hunt.
221 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 221 of 221 Newer› Newest»Donna said: Does she only love kids under the age of 3 or 4? Has she just become so egotistical that she only loves herself now and to hell with the kids or what?
This is VERY typical of a woman/mother with narcissism. Most ADORE babies and very small children and dote on them and show lots of affection for them. It's after they reach an age where they are no longer considered 'cute' and begin forming little personalities that they lose interest. They especially don't like the fact that the child has the ability to 'talk back' or have an opinion on something. They don't know what to do with them at that point. It's a control thing with them. They can - by and large - control an infant and toddler, but children begin 'separating' from their parents and begin really forming personalities around 3 or 4 and that's when the narcissist begins the process of 'shedding' the child. Although I quit watching a long time ago, It's not a surprise to me at all that Kate has quit showing affection toward her children. She never showed affection to the twins when I watched because they were older. She was too busy doting on the six babies. Of course, publicly (on Twitter and during interviews) she will carry on about how much she loves her children and would do anything for them, but it's all part of the act for a narcissist. They have to make themselves appear as though they are the best mother in the whole world, but in reality, she's already begun to figure out a way to shed her responsibilities of them, while simultaneously manipulating them to do what she wants, when she wants.
It's a sad thing to have a narcissist for a parent.
Two to three thousand? Katie Irene is going to be very disappointed as it does sound small-ish and she'll be way to close to all her devoted fan(s). Wonder if she'll hide in a port-a-potty? Link to the article and pictures below.
IIRC, you would be hard pressed to get two or three hundred people in there. There are restroom facilities there.
I am reminded about something Larry King said about Donald Trump (old money). Trump said to King "but that is enough about me, Larry, let's talk abut you, what do you think of me?"
Beth said: JM, where do you reside? I am in Bristol.
Won't she be surprised at little old Gray? Lol
Beth, I am in Bristol, too ! I think the 2nd Harvest Food Bank does good work but I question their judgment on this one!
Sorry: Donald Trump and Old Money do not belong together!! If anyone screams Nouveau Riche louder than him I haven't seen them. His dad did make the fortune that led to Donald's larger than life lifestyle but Old Money? Nah. Not so much
Wonder if Kate is dragging the kids along with on her trip to TN. I wouldn't put it past her, just to prevent Jon from being able to spend Father's Day with his kids.
I'm surprised the event planners are interested in having Kate come for the program, given the reports of her (mis)behavior when they were in TN for the filming.
Re: the discussion of the physical size of the tups....
In the picture above notice the size of the boy tup compared to his friend. The little friend's head doesn't even come up to the shoulder of the tup! The tup is CONSIDERABLY larger than his friend!
Also, I have a relative who was born at 3.5 lbs. She's now six and in the middle of the range in her kindergarten class. (Notice: she's six and is graduating kindergarten, not pre-school.) She's not the smallest by any means, and even the smallest kid in her class would not need a high chair.
Plus, by the time they get to kindergarten, they have more sense of dignity than to sit in a high chair. They're demanding real chairs, unless they've been brain-washed by their parent.
I happened to be watching (well, half-listening) to some show about the Duggars last night. Lo and behold! They're at the Grand Canyon or someplace, and they're doing the bungee jumping thing off a crane!
A complete 180 from what we saw Kart doing.
The father was done below taking photos. Some of the kids said they were scared and one girl said she didn't want to go cuz she was afraid of heights. The dad kindly, calmly, nuturingly said: oh, well you don't have to go then.
The kids who didn't go watched and were happily excited for the kids who did go. The kids who jumped were excited and happy, screaming, but in a good way. They needed no consoling whatsoever.
They were happy, and the siblings who didn't jump where happy for them. Just how it should be.
It was actually kind of fun to watch.
The dad behaved like he was the parent and didn't demand all the attention by acting like a nut-job who should be committed, with the kids taking care of him instead of him taking care of the kids.
I happened to be watching (well, half listening) some show about the Duggars last night. They were at the Grand Canyon or someplace. Lo and behold! They were bungee jumping off a crane! Off half-listening mode and into paying attention mode…
A complete 180 from what we saw with Kart.
The dad was standing down below, encouraging the kids, and taking photos of them, much like one would expect from the PARENT. Some of the kids didn’t want to go, and one girl said she was afraid of heights. The dad ever so kindly said: Oh, well, you don’t have to go then. He seemed so nurturing to the kids right then….it wasn’t all about him and his fears.
The kids who didn’t jump were so excited for the kids who did jump. The ones who jumped were screaming, but in a fun way.
What was interesting was that the dad behaved like he was the parent. He was taking care of the kids. Being responsible for them, seeing that their needs were taken care of.
He didn’t make it all about him by behaving like a certifiable nut-job, making the kids take care of him instead of him taking care of the kids.
Really brought it home how Kart is the antitheses of a good parent.
Beth, I am in Bristol, too ! I think the 2nd Harvest Food Bank does good work but I question their judgment on this one!
Wow! It really is a small world. I agree with you about the food bank. BTW, I was listening to WCQR this morning when they announced the Fairgrounds travesty. Kate's name wasn't mentioned at all. They said that for the $25 backstage admission cost, you get to meet the food bank stars that appear on the show. Apparently, this is a preview episode that is being shown a week ahead of the television broadcast.
Hey Beth,
I am in Gray, right around the corner from you and the fairgrounds. I think the reason they did not mention Kate's name on the radio, is because maybe it would deter people from coming. I figured she is coming here, because maybe she thinks us country folk will just swoon at the feet of a big city diva like her. She is in for a rude awakening, I know no one around here that cares about her and even has time for her. The foodbank is a good ministry, but they are really picking the wrong spokesperson. I have a good mind to show up with my $25 and say to Kate, "instead of paying to hang out with a no caring, selfish, entitled shrew like you! I will donate this $25 dollars directly to the food bank. You are not worth a penny to see!" But my husband would not let me! Hopefully someone will stage a protest.
Mel, regarding the kids' sizes, I don't think the pic above is a good gauge. The tup could be standing on something and consider also he may be almost 2 years older than the other kid. He's turning 7 and normal kindergarten age is 5. I don't know if they're small or not, but that picture doesn't tell a very good story.
Amazing that Kate hasn't said one thing about giving back, she just talks about going on this trip. Although, she did donate to sponsor something with them earlier - but I volunteer at 3 organizations each week and donate too and if they ever suggested I should be paid, I would be appalled! You volunteer for the joy of it, not for the paycheck or recognition.
TLC knows that kate is a narcissist, and they are changing the "brand" to capitalize on it. They don't care about the future of the kids... if Kate don't care , why should they??? Their thinking, not mine, which is exactly why laws need to be established to protect people from this type of filming.
Not sure if any of you read last night, But Sophia, Gene Simmons daughter said she totally hated that her parents rough time was filmed...on a side note, I found it interesting that when Shannon was getting upset, the camera people left from the room 1 by 1....but then that might be there attempt to "make" people think they do have some compassion..but if they did, they wouldn't film at all.
People like watching train wrecks, and TLC is making big bucks off of it!!! TLC will never encourage Kate to back off, in fact, it sounds like they goud (sp?) her. I watched a clip of the bday video, and it shows a child guests piece of cake falling off of the plate onto the carpet. TLC knows that this is something kate would freak over, and it hopes that this will entice viewers to watch her shriek..
Exactly what disgusts us, they will begin to film...
I also agree that 48 hours of filming per week, if that is indeed what is in that WAY too many hours... how can you fit that in and school. I think they should have seperate rules for movie actors, and reality actors.
As for her comment that this trip is on her dime..yup, on her dime, as that is all she is putting towards it... her 10 cents as in.. " I want to go and you will make certain it happens, as my fans want me to give back so , make certain it happens!!"...
kidsRablessing, you hit the nail on the head. After the disgraceful way that she behaved when she was here in March, especially at the airport, I know of no one who wants to see the pretentious witch. The viewing at the fairgrounds is to highlight the food bank and I am sure that she will realize this when she gets here.
It is wonderful to know that some of my fellow posters are so close to me. Perhaps you and I and a few of our friends should picket the place. Lol.
Mel, regarding the kids' sizes, I don't think the pic above is a good gauge. The tup could be standing on something and consider also he may be almost 2 years older than the other kid. He's turning 7 and normal kindergarten age is 5. I don't know if they're small or not, but that picture doesn't tell a very good story.
Amazing that Kate hasn't said one thing about giving back, she just talks about going on this trip. Although, she did donate to sponsor something with them earlier - but I volunteer at 3 organizations each week and donate too and if they ever suggested I should be paid, I would be appalled! You volunteer for the joy of it, not for the paycheck or recognition.
Two to three thousand? Katie Irene is going to be very disappointed as it does sound small-ish and she'll be way to close to all her devoted fan(s). Wonder if she'll hide in a port-a-potty? Link to the article and pictures below.
IIRC, you would be hard pressed to get two or three hundred people in there. There are restroom facilities there.
Has anybody on this blog seen any pictures of the Gosselin sextuplets standing next to their classmates? That would give us some idea if they are the same size or smaller or larger than their peers. Since they are a year older than most kindergarteners, one would assume they
are bigger. Since they were HOM's, one might be tempted to assume they are smaller (although
HOM's normally catch up with their peers at some point)
If all this balances out to the Gosselin sextuplets being the same size as their peers, then there is absolutely no excuse for those booster seats.
I'd like to locate 2 video clips - one of them eating at the picnic table at the very end of
the divorce announcement episode, and one of them eating breakfast around the table on their first day of school (where Mommy had them chanting the order for lunch eating). There is also the one where they went to Farmer Henry's place and Kate served Chicken cacciatore - they were around the table that night. If they look
small in those videos and it looks like the chairs and tables are the right height for them, I will lay off the highchair thing. Until then, no.
Unless Kate is trying to teach them how to climb up and perch on bar stools, it may be time to get some regular chairs for those kids.
Wonder what their friends had to say about those chairs when they went inside during the pool party. Cool!!! or High Chairs???
I am disappointed in the ratings as well but it needs to be put in perspective. Last week there were multiple shows under 1m viewers. This week, there are very few under the 1m viewer mark. As an example, last week, one of my favorites, Diners Drive Ins and Dives was around .8m. I was so disappointed to see the low rating. This week, they are at 1.3m. I think most shows went up in viewing. This week, Kate's show came in 17 out of 27 and was blown out of the water by the network shows. Those still aren't great numbers.
Administrator said... I have to say I really don't get the ratings this time. A spike on ratings for just another birthday party??
Kids are out of school. Massive amounts of 12 year old boys hoping for another boobie show with foot licking in a bar?
Still, kids ARE out of school, staying up late and looking for any reality show to tune in to. After the adult content of the last episode, they might have thought they were getting a "Housewives" show.
Laurie said... Not even close to being on topic but I read and post here regularly. We're about 15 miles (straight line) from the current AZ Monument fire. Please send up some prayers for all those who are being evacuated. I'm OK but there are many who are not. We are looking at the mountains burning from our backyard. I wonder if Kate is still praying for rain for AZ..... Thanks.
It's Awful Laurie. Stay safe. Its frightening to watch even on TV. Prayers abound coming to AZ. oxoxox
Not sure what's going on here tonight. I've pretty much been trying to recover from my car accident yesterday and coping with the fact that my most beloved car that has been the most magnificent car mechanically that I ever owned has been declared "totaled" and how to accept the fact that I've been plunged into to the hell called dealing with insurance companies.
I checked in here as a slight distraction only to see my name has been taken over. I didn't post this:
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 33
Here's the exchange:
JanetBranco Janet Branco
@Kateplusmy8 Love it but it is sad... u were supposed to be doing this as a complete family. :( You're doing an amazing job!
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@JanetBranco Yes, no1 2 sharemy prides&joys with,I no..Is sad.Not supposed 2b this way.hope2 at least find some1 who lovesthem besideme1day
And there are other comments with my name as well. I'm not sure why someone would take on my name. It's not a coincidence considering it's a bit unique with the dashes and capitalization. I won't be around for a while so when you all see the name it's not me.
I despise stupidity and lack of imagination and counterfeits.
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