Kate was spotted in Reading yesterday running errands and posing with fans, and is slated to be in Tennessee tomorrow at the Appalachian Fairgrounds for a screening party of her "giving back" Kate Plus 8 episode.

Meanwhile, Happy Father's Day to Jon, who thankfully reportedly has the kids today. This past year he's demonstrated he seems to "get" what being a good parent is really about--and it's not money, fame, or stuff. This video, one of our favorites, is for all the daddies out there who get it ....
149 sediments (sic) from readers:
I am a resident of Gray, TN. I am really livid that we are bringing this idiot here. The fairgrounds are not a fancy place whatsoever. I mean there is a big cement building, where I guess they will do the event. Nothing special. I'm sure it will sour Khate's mood when she sees it's not the Taj Mahal. Around here people are very gracious....southern hospitality is the real deal in these parts...and she will surely act her most divaish around these nice down home folks! This smells of damage control and trying to win the hearts of the little people she has continually snubbed!! The food pantry deserves the attention, but WHY from this narcissistic, hypocrite who could care less about the hungry folks! She got paid to do the episode, how much of that check did she give back?? Just so you know Kate....some of us here in Gray, TN know what you are all about and would never even spend a red cent to see you. We donated to the Food Harvest though our Vacation Bible school program with no hoopla. If I could I would go protest her appearance here, but DH says no!! I still cannot believe this idiot will be 5 mins from my home, that is just to close!
Okey dokey, I already posted this link in the last thread, but it bears being honored again. Seriously folks, this is the funniest set of pictures I've seen in a long, long time. HEE-HAW funny, no offense to the lovely and talented (and self-deprecating) Dolly Parton! http://www.gossipcenter.com/kate-gosselin/photo/kate-gosselin-1646
Happy Father's Day, Jon. You deserve it.
Are Kate's shoes glittery?
Oh God! No, no, no, no, no.
There's no helping that woman.
I give up.
Well, while I was in the kitchen, I just heard our local news promote this event. I decided to watch and they showed some lady talking about Kate and the event, in the background are her two books: Multiple blessings and Eight little faces!! I was like, seriously!! It said this event is a fundraiser and that is good for the food bank, but Kate is really losing steam...she is coming to a tiny town in TN to a fairground, and it's only $25 bucks to hang out with her! Although around here $25 bucks is a lot of money for some people. Since when do celebrities do that?? I know up and coming celebrities do events like this. I think this event makes Kate an official *has been* and she needs this to help her stay alive!! Too bad her intentions are for self promotion and not because she is a charitable person!!
First of all, this is first time we have really seen where Kate is posing for pictures with her fans for FREE and not getting $25 per photo. Suddenly, she is loving her fans. This just doesn't make sense. Obviously, she must be working on a Kate makeover, which in any case is way too overdue. A little too much and too late.
Secondly, what type of a mother would wear short, short cutoffs with red hooker shoes. Can we say streetwalker? The shorts are way too short and those shoes should not be worn with jean cutoffs. She has no class and no style. Maybe she could either donate more money or give her kids gymnastic lessons if she quit buying so many pairs of hooker shoes. A real and good mother would give up materialistic items to let their kids get lessons. That is what I am doing, giving my daughter guitar lessons and not buying materialistic items I don't need. Want, yes, need, no. Hear that Kate. Get a clue. Mothers give unconditionally.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@ @jman6466 So happy and was literally moved to tears to see some of my tweeties wishing ME a happy fathers day-- do feel like both. So hard!
Another slam at Jon....on Father's Day.
Yes,it's always all about Kate. Notice the "ME" in caps.
Really Kate? Does she do this on purpose? I mean who in thier right mind leaves the house in that getup. I'm from Phila, but I've been to central PA alot. Where Kate lives is very rural and this is not how they dress ON ANY LEVEL unless you're on a pole on route 11. She does this for the attention. KATE YOU ARE NOT, OR WILL YOU EVER BE A REAL Celebrity. AND REAL CELEBRITIES DON'T DRESS LIKE DAISY DUKE in real life.
Give those kids to Jon Kate!
So happy and was literally moved to tears to see some of my tweeties wishing ME a happy fathers day-- do feel like both. So hard!
Another outrageous slam at Jon. She is not a father to these children let alone a mother.
If Jon tweeted that he has to be both a mother and father to these kids (and he is really the only adult making mature decisions for them), she would throw an absolute fit.
Even if the children have the worst father in the world, it is not healthy for them to hear their mother saying she has to be their father. It's a slam on the man they adore.
and meet local stars of the show, including local media celebrities
It is good to know it isn't just a reception for her. Wish there was someone there who would report how it really goes. (If I was rich I would have went) Does anyone care besides the few fans who will be there slobbering and groveling for attention from her. It would be funny if she ends up crying in room somewhere again like her last book signing.
I have seriously never seen her look so ridiculous. Just because you CAN doesn't mean you should. Someone should tell her she is not 21 and her face looks 10 years older than she is. Trashy.
kidsRablessing, I don't know the population of your town, but I'm betting that Kate will have all of the townsfolk hating her before this event is over. She'll end up making an ass of herself, mark my words. I'm so glad you're here with us, so you can give us a detailed report when it's over, please?
NOTHING says hooker like cut off shorts and red 4-inch hooker heels in the middle of the day, no less (well, anytime actually)! And if I had toes like that I sure as hell wouldn't be painting them red and showing them off. I'd hide those puppies and they'd never see the light of day!
Sorry, but I think Cara is too young to have fingernails THAT long. It's her idiot mother's fault. She let her wear fingernails that long when she was 6, I think it was (she had to cut them off because they were so long she couldn't take piano lessons. I play piano and they must have be talons.)
Back to Kate's wardrobe...I can't imagine how embarrassed the twins will be when they get in junior high school and their male peers are leering and lusting after their mother. Kate looks just like something you'd see in Hustler.
My mind is racing tonight but I just had a thought...I wonder if Kate would pose in Playboy, if asked? I'm betting she would. Anything for more, um, exposure.
This sounds soooo boring. Wonder if there will be a police escort to the fairgrounds like when she went to food bank? Monday at 9 pm will be the premiere of the new season of Hoarders on A&E, and I will be watching that. The new season of Intervention is on at 10 pm on A&E, and there is a Hoarders marathon all day leading up to the new ep. BTW I went to a book signing by Matt Paxton who appears on Hoarders a few weeks ago in Richmond VA, with minimal publicity he had a line that stretched out the door the entire two hours he was there. VERY nice man, very willing to talk to fans, pose for pictures, and VERY appreciative of fan support. Unlike someone we know.
Channeling her inner LeAnn Rimes maybe?
I've always thought kart tries to "model" herself and her attire after some celebrity. I think for a time, she tried to fake the Kelly Ripa. I think Kelly could walk her like a dog.
This latest outfit just screams LeAnn Rimes. The "i've got money, but somehow always, always seem to get it wrong" look. Both have poor attempts at making sure we all know their pain and the struggle of just getting through their day. The constant reminders of how very happy they are. We heard you . . . you can shut up now.
Happy Fathers Day JON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kate, you're a vile, evil bitch for dissing Jon like that...again. Oh, I can't wait until karma bites your flat ass.
Wow. I guess she thinks she is Daisy Dukes. And the eyebrows keep creeping up higher and higher. She just is so haggard (hard) looking.
I pity you folks in TN. She was pretty close to me too when she recently visited DC for cupcakes. TLC is pulling out the stops to keep her name in the news, but as good as the food bank is, this cannot compare to her previous gigs.
My question is: Why a food bank in TN? What's the connection with TLC? Surely there are food banks in PA. Has PA had enough of TLC and Kate?
Please TN locals.....let us know how it goes. Check out if a chubby dark haired woman shows up drooling over Kate (that'll be BM).
The shoes. OMG. The short shorts. OMG. Classic Kate.
Loved the Dad, I'm watching you video, Admin.
Now, you just know some will call you a hypocrite for showing a video with a child featured in it. A working child. They will ask how this is any different from the Gosselins working.
Of course, we here at 15 minutes know exactly how this is different, but just wait for the
comments to start coming in. I know you're ready for it.
My thinking is this: since that Sylvia lady dropped her case (which she won!) so as not to waste taxpayer money...then Kate, in good faith, should donate her $10,000 judgement to the Food Bank.
But Kate doesn't know the meaning of those words 'good faith'.
Donna said...
My mind is racing tonight but I just had a thought...I wonder if Kate would pose in Playboy, if asked? I'm betting she would. Anything for more, um, exposure
Donna, She was asked to do a Playboy shoot, she refused. I think they offered her $200k.
Playboy never offered her 200k. Hefner said she's not a celebrity and he likes to have young, pretty, sexy, alluring, attractive and provocative women in his magazine. Kate is none of those things. She'll start doing public nip-slips.
Fidososmommy said...
Loved the Dad, I'm watching you video, Admin.
Now, you just know some will call you a hypocrite for showing a video with a child featured in it. A working child. They will ask how this is any different from the Gosselins working.
Yeah, probably. I'm not against all children working. That's a rather extreme position. I have been on several sets before with child actors. All but one was located in CA, and all of them had set teachers and each child's parent on set and the kids' hours were limited.
This video was produced by Floodgate productions, a faith-based production company that makes videos for churches. That's where I first saw it two years ago actually, church (I go every Sunday, unlike the real hypocrite here, Kate). Floodgate is located in Fresno. California, baby! The cute little boy (who looks about the same age as the tups) in this video by law had to have his mom or dad on set, and a set teacher (whether school was in session or not), was given water if he needed it, and since he appears so young, could probably only work a very limited amount of hours. He also had a portion of the money he made from this video placed in trust for him, in a Coogan fund, when he reaches 18. Yeah for a state that puts in place adequate protections for kids like him.
OMG, thanks Admin. I just watched that video & I'm bawling your my eyes out out!! I usually check your blog in the a.m. while my son eats his breakfast before school, so it's early...around 7:45. What a way to start my day!
~Hippie Chick~
So happy and was literally moved to tears to see some of my tweeties wishing ME a happy fathers day-- do feel like both. So hard!
Where to begin? First of all Kate....YOU are the one who ended the marriage...so complaining about how hard it is to be both parents is disingenuous at best. You can blame yourself for that.
The moms who really DO have it hard (as opposed to you, Kate) are the ones who are struggling financially, the ones who have disabled or sick children, the ones who have no nannies, sitters or helpers, the ones whose children have fathers who show no interest in the children whatsoever and choose to not be in their lives. THOSE moms are the ones who have it "hard". The ones who DO have to play the roles of both parents.
Furthermore....if it's so "hard" to play both roles....wouldn't you think that being home more and spending more time with your children would help with that? If it's so "hard", you are just making it harder.
You are so narcissistic and self-involved that you actually believe that other struggling mothers should feel bad for you...because you have it so "hard". If you have it so "hard", what do you call what all the other truly struggling moms have to live with?
Kate looks like she's trying to get a job at Al's.
A teen tweeted to Kate-
U dont understand that if I met u I wuld die. I hve loved u for years! All my friends nd every1 no I love YOU!! Hope I can Mon.
Hey! I am coming tonight all the way from SC!! YAY! Can't wait! Just got my tickets for the event before! I love you!!!!!!
This appears to be a young male teen. My question is WHY? Why would this age group and gender "die" to meet Kate? There has to be an answer somewhere, but as of yet I haven't found it! Is she a surrogate mother, or girlfriend?
Don't these kids obsess over celebrities their own age? Why a 36-year old woman with eight kids? I wish someone had the answer.
What I find amusing about the whole tweeting thing is that these sheeple now think that they are Kate's friends and know her on a personal basis. They want shout-outs, they want to be wished happy birthdays, they want her to pop up on various sheeple blogs. They share photos of their children, their pets, their recipes, their prom gowns. The sad reality is that they are nothing more than strangers on a computer. She doesn't give a rat's whatever about these people, and yet she has become the center of their lives.
What they don't get is that they are puppets right now - not unlike her kids who work for her. Essentially the sheeple tweeters are unpaid employees. They are fulfilling a purpose, which is to create a new image for her - a friendly Kate, an approachable Kate, one who cares about their families, their parenting, their teen problems. Such is not the case. This is for publicity ONLY, and once she, and TLC are done with this new ploy, they will be pink-slipped.
How many are going to turn on her when this happens, and how many are going to remain die-hard fans, putting out every excuse in the book when she blows them off?
Should be interesting...
THOSE moms are the ones who have it "hard". The ones who DO have to play the roles of both parents
Particularly those whose husbands have passed away and they are left with young children to raise on their own, perhaps without extended families, and certainly without nannies, sitters, cooks, and a security team!
I must say, those shoes with those shorts...only Kate & Ladies of the night would wear that. Now, I have a pair of those shorts, I do, I admit it. When I'm cleaning my house, or doing yard work or something. I wear them with FLIP FLOPS. Also, I have shorts that are plaid that are a little longer that I wear out & about, but again, they are longer & ya can't see my bits when I sit down. Ya see, I'm a woman with class. I also wear those with flip flops.
Those damn shoes. Does she think she NEEDS to wear heels that high? Yes, they elongate the legs & add muscles, but ummm, not with short shorts. If she had worn those heels with say, am EVENING GOWN, that may have fine. What a dunce. How about longer shorts, a pain of flats & a shirt that won't show off your bra? Teach your daughters there is more to life than looking like a 10 cent hooker. She is so hopeless it is not even funny anymore. It's quite sad. She thinks she looks good. She really does.
~Hippie Chick~
Who tweets dates and times over and over again?
Her NE Tennessee tweets must be written by a PR person. Kate would never expend this much energy on any charitable event. I say baloney on these tweets being hers.
Holy crap, those photos in the jean shorts and red heels are C-R-A-Z-Y!! Just what the heck goes through Khate's mind when she's home in her cut-off jean short shorts and a white tank top and decides to go out and run some errands? What in the world makes her think "Oh, let me go in my closet and get my red platform ankle strap high heels". It boggles the mind how anyone, even Khate, can choose those shoes for that "outfit". She is too dumb to even realize what a fool she is making of herself. Any normal person would have thrown on flip flops with that "outfit". Then again, a normal woman her age probably wouldn't wear jean cut-off short shorts that would more likely be worn by a teenager. It only smacks of her insecurity and need for attention.
Btw, this is exactly why Khate did so many tweets all throughout the spring complaining about the weather and wishing for the hot, sunny weather that some of her tweeters had mentioned. Every time that I saw her tweet about wanting summer and warm weather to come, I thought she only hates the cooler weather and wants warm summer weather so she can do her parking lot struts in shorts and mini skirts, desperately seeking attention. She is so transparent.
As for Twitter, other than what I happen to see up top on this blog, or in people's comments here, I have completely stopped looking at her Twitter. I admit that I was keeping an eye on the conversation on her feed and it was driving me crazy. I wish all the non-fans would finally just stop tweeting completely so Khate and her ten fans could just fall off into obscurity
Kate's tweet: @sarahjoyce1992 yes and can't wait to write another book and do a book tour!! Love love love book signings/tours!
I know nothing about NPD, but is this common to a narcissist...even though the books ended up at the dollar store, and the cookbook was dumped in parts unknown, she STILL thinks that she's the cat's meow, a best-selling author, hot-in-demand celebrity? Does she not see the reality of her failed books attempts?
Or is wanting to do another book tour just an excuse to get away from the kids, leaving them to film at home without a parent present?
Or both?
I only read the current tweet list at the top of the blog, but it seems as if some alternative "Khate" is posting (to help build a better image)- especially since all of the "giving back" has begun.
And all the good causes in the world (like the food bank, Red Cross (tornadoes), etc), and people are going to blow $25 to rub elbows with Khate?? I hope she wears the outfit from yesterday, so all the sheeple get their money's worth.
Living in Central Pennsylvania, if I saw someone dressed like that in public, I'd definitely take a double look (in a WTF? manner!!) Those red shoes look like a child trying to play dress-up, combined with those shorts...oh my goodness. I'm 22 and I wouldn't even dream of wearing something so short because it screams "LOOK AT ME!" and I have a bit more class than Kate. I would be so embarrassed to walk out of the house like that.
I remember dressing like that when I was 16yo. My bf at the time wouldn't let me in the car to accompany him to the mall- he was that embarrassed to be seen with someone dressed like that.
Kate looks ridiculous. Seriously woman, you're going to be 40 soon. Grow up.
This video is so spot on about parents' actions and how kids are digesting them on a daily basis right in front of our eyes, but for this family, I especially love the part about how "your work ethic will be on my mind."
Jon is providing for his kids by sweating and working a shift every day and doing it all quietly. Kate, on the other hand, went off to New York City to get drunk or D.C. to pig out on cupcakes while her kids stay home and earn more money for those shoes for her. This is such a twisted scenario I cannot even imagine what it is teaching these kids about providing for their own families when they are adults.
Many adults start to feel burned out in their 40's and 50's after a long career. Will these kids feel burned out at 22?
Kate is going to be miserable today. I live in KY, it's 10:00 a.m and it's already miserable outside. The forecast is 94 degrees with high humidity and possible thunderstorms. I am going thru menopause, and I am DYING here. MENOPAUSE SUCKS!
How quickly she forgets! She sure didn't love the book tour so much that I attended (which consisted of one stop in Santa Monica). She was in a janitor's closet crying and Steve had to coax her out.
She was in a janitor's closet crying and Steve had to coax her out.
Did she pick up a mop and bucket while she was in there and earn her keep?:)
Was this the signing when Steve was sharpening his rat-claws?
"I'm 22 and I wouldn't even dream of wearing something so short because it screams "LOOK AT ME!" and I have a bit more class than Kate. I would be so embarrassed to walk out of the house like that."
I COULDN'T walk out of the house like that - literally! I'd fall on my face!
Administrator said... How quickly she forgets! She sure didn't love the book tour so much that I attended (which consisted of one stop in Santa Monica). She was in a janitor's closet crying and Steve had to coax her out.
Yep, I remember your account of that event.
And let's not forget the Women's Conference in California where she had a book booth. In the video we saw, there were no people coming to her booth, and she finally walked off.
Donna, Kentucky is beautiful no matter what the weather. I love my home state!
But you're right. Kate will be miserable. Sadly, that will have nothing to do with rain or lightning,
She never learns. If you're going to wear short shorts, you tone down everything else. If you're going to wear shoes like that (and she needs to throw away every pair of ankle-strapped shoes she owns, they do her stumpy legs no favors), then you done down everything else.
I'm a Dallas woman, born and bred. So was my mother and grandmother. She needs to take some tips from those who know how to dress. ONE flashy/daring piece only. One.
Also, her face looks busted. Also, she's definitely doing Z list appearances now. It's mid-2011. Right on schedule. Mark my words, 2011 will be her last year of being out there.
There will obviously not be any other poorly-selling books. There is not and will not be another show. She doesn't have any other offers. She can't even dredge up 20,000 followers on Twitter.
I say everyone just ignore the desperate, needy piece of trash.
Apparently the 'family' she was visiting in Annapolis was Jon's. Why?
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Surely u r on my list.Jons aunt/uncle(who we just visited in Annapolis)were just there&said it was 'so green&beautiful!'
7 minutes ago via Twitterrific
Midnight Madness said...
I COULDN'T walk out of the house like that - literally! I'd fall on my face!
Too bad there was no video of Kate walking in those heels considering she CAN'T walk in heels to save her life. She looks so funny walking in heels in surprises me she keeps wearing them.
I wear heels for weddings & funerals ONLY & even I can walk in heels. I hate it, but I'm good at it. God knows why! But these 4-6 inchers Kate wears? No thanks...where does she pick these suckers up? Frederick's of Hollywood? Strippers R Us? House of Platforms? Ugh.
~Hippie Chick~
Kate is in for a surprise today when she gets to the fairgrounds. We are having storms right now and we are expected to do so for the rest of the day. Since the main stage at the fairgrounds is outdoors, I can't imagine that anyone will show up in the rain, thunder and lightning. Lol
Beth said...
Kate is in for a surprise today when she gets to the fairgrounds. We are having storms right now and we are expected to do so for the rest of the day. Since the main stage at the fairgrounds is outdoors, I can't imagine that anyone will show up in the rain, thunder and lightning. Lol
Where will she hide and sulk then?? In her limo? Will her gal Friday have to give her another talking to?
kidsRablessing, I enjoyed your posts so much--so well said! Please report back after this atrocity is over! No comment on Kate's appearance in the Daisy Dukes and hooker heels, except that I'm glad I hadn't just eaten before viewing them. She must be the most self-serving person on the planet. As far as her twitter comments, she sounds like she has the I.Q. of a turnip.
I remember dressing like that when I was 16yo. My bf at the time wouldn't let me in the car to accompany him to the mall- he was that embarrassed to be seen with someone dressed like that
I remember that I borrowed a pair of shoes like that from my best friend -- WAY back when. I had gotten dressed, opened my bedroom door, and my father had just walked up the stairs headed for his office. I tried to sneak down the back hall, but didn't make it that far. I was told to put on appropriate clothing because I wasn't even going to make it as far as the kitchen in that get-up! The words, "You look like a clown," entered in there somewhere. Guess he didn't like the eyeliner or lipstick, either! The kicker was that the fellow I was going out with was the son of a Mennonite preacher. Maybe I was going for the shock factor!
I thought I looked fabulous (and next to Kate, I did!), but if I recall, the short shorts weren't in my closet the next day. Donated to Good Will? Probably!
"where does she pick these suckers up? Frederick's of Hollywood? Strippers R Us? House of Platforms?"
Last I heard it was Foot Fetish of NYC. Bogo - buy one pair, get one lick.
Off topic for just a second...
fidosmommy, if you don't mind sharing, what county in KY are you from? You're right, KY is a gorgeous, wonderful state. I've lived in a couple of other states before, but I wasn't satisfied. I was born here and will die here.
I wonder how Katie would feel if every sentence out of her mouth about Cara and Maddy's dad was instead uttered about her own father? At some point even low-IQ, abnormal, mentally ill Katie would say, "Umm stop talking that way about my father. He is not a public figure and doesnt deserve that." But it's ok for her to do it about other people's fathers.
One of the first things that happens when one begins the emotional process of TRULY getting over a divorce, is that you suddenly see the difference between your ex and the father of your kids. It suddenly hits you that it's 2 different people. And you learn to walk that tightrope of speaking quietly about your ex in private only, so that you dont hurt these young people that you say you love, by being cruel to an important member of their family. Your ex is not the same thing as the father of your children. 2 different people. One deserves your respect, the other may not.
And those shoes with that gardening outfit just screams "Someone please come *F* me now! And I aint choosy who!" Around here all her shoes are CFM shoes, plain and simple. And that is exactly what she is trying for. But she still cant snag even a temporary guy, despite her very public begging, can she?
I remember that I borrowed a pair of shoes like that from my best friend -- WAY back when. I had gotten dressed, opened my bedroom door, and my father had just walked up the stairs headed for his office. I tried to sneak down the back hall, but didn't make it that far. I was told to put on appropriate clothing because I wasn't even going to make it as far as the kitchen in that get-up! The words, "You look like a clown," entered in there somewhere.
Ha! My mom would have told her she looks like a "smacked ass". She didn't mince words, that one!
Kate's tweet,
"Surely u r on my list.Jons aunt/uncle(who we just visited in Annapolis)were just there&said it was 'so green&beautiful!'"
Kelly said on another thread that Kate didn't visit relatives there:
"If I may add to what you already said, the day Kate docked at the city dock in an obviously rented 30 foot boat, there is no way that Kate was visiting relatives in Annapolis and here is why..."
"Despite what TLC claims was a trip to visit a relative, it was indeed not. How do I know this? My best friend is a member of the Annapolis City Police Department and they were on hand for this trip to the city dock at the request of TLC. This trip was nothing more than a photo op for Kate."
"Unless Kate is related to Kunta Kinte that was the only depiction of a human being that she visited and it was a cluster of statues at the base of Ego Alley."
So, did she or didn't she? Jon's aunt and uncle? Curious!
Saw this tweet from the guy who interviewed her last time she was in TN. I know it's a typo, and the word should be "show", but it made me laugh. Maybe he saw the pictures from yesterday.
@Kateplusmy8 can’t wait to see u again tonight at the Second harvest food bank party-fundraiser & shoe preview!
Where will she hide and sulk then?? In her limo? Will her gal Friday have to give her another talking to?
She can always go and hide with the cows. :D
Estranged family said... Apparently the 'family' she was visiting in Annapolis was Jon's. Why?
Image control? Kate does nothing unless it will benefit her in some way.
Kate also had to make sure her male friend in San Diego knew what she was wearing. Can anyone say desperate?
@HspncElvis @SuperPattyPie Warm and delightful here too Jean shorts/ red heels... It's summertime! Ahhh! Is life a beach foe you or what?
The weather is horrible here in Gray today. I have asked my DH to drive me by the fairgrounds about an hour after the event starts to see the turnout, he said that was fine. I am not sure what time it starts but I will check online. I am cringing at the thought that this idiot is so close to my home. I will check to see if their are police around, how many cars, and if any tv media shows up. I will post after I get back.
Also will watch the local news at 11pm to see if they mention the event.......
Donna, I grew up in Louisville, went to UofKy.
Just checked, the event starts at 6pm. But I think the Backstage party starts earlier. I will run by there around 6:30. I am assuming if people attend the backstage event, they will stay for the whole thing.
Me, Myself and I said
I know nothing about NPD, but is this common to a narcissist...even though the books ended up at the dollar store, and the cookbook was dumped in parts unknown, she STILL thinks that she's the cat's meow, a best-selling author, hot-in-demand celebrity? Does she not see the reality of her failed books attempts?
Or is wanting to do another book tour just an excuse to get away from the kids, leaving them to film at home without a parent present?
Or both?
All of the above, along with an inability to either assess, or accept, reality if it does not conform to what the narcissist wants.
Its only a matter of time that her kids will hate her. When they are old enough to understand that THEY are the one who made her money they are gonna snap ( and rightfully so ) I dont get this whole TN thing. It makes NO sense to me. She dresses like such a hooker. And that is a dis to all hookers too. What a disaster she is.
Kate twatted,
"Omg wish I could be there in Australia! That is my face country on the planet so far!"
A face country, as opposed to what? A leg country? A hip country?
So Kate likes Australia better than the good old US of A! GREAT! Send her there! I'd even be willing to donate the airfare.
"One of the first things that happens when one begins the emotional process of TRULY getting over a divorce, is that you suddenly see the difference between your ex and the father of your kids. It suddenly hits you that it's 2 different people."
Brilliant. You managed to explain this very simply and clearly. Nicely stated and 100% on target.
Just gotta say...single father of two myself, a couple years older than kHate. She would be around the age I would be looking for in a partner.
She is missing the mark by a couple thousand yards. NOT attractive at all. If I saw her on the street I would laugh at her. She just broadcasts "desperate and trying too hard and I dont own a mirror."
Maybe throw on some heels like that for a special event or 'night out' - but definitely not with these stupid daytime outfits and shorts, and to run errands? I will repeat again, as s single guy 'looking' it is obvious that she is not an attractive person inside or out. Her expressions and mannerisms send out a strong beacon to AVOID AT ALL COSTS.
I have no idea who or what she thinks she is impressing and I honestly cant fathom that she herself thinks she looks good like this. It would be sad if she wasnt such a MEEple and a bitch.
Instead it's just hilarious.
It just gets worse every damn day.
Those red shoes are actually velvet!!! Why couldn't she wear a pair of flip flops like the rest of the world.
@estranged family
On my previous entry regarding Kates trip to Annapolis MD, I mentioned about the rented 30 foot boat that Kate used to take the trip across the bay. I also mentioned that the boat docked in a slip owned by Watermark Cruises, the company that offers scenic tours of the harbor and trips around the Naval Academy. The owner of Watermark Cruises just so happens to have the last name of Gosselin which would explain the "visiting relatives" (hint hint) (freebie freebie) and quite possibly a play on similar names. http://watermarkcruises.com/aboutWatermark.htm
A good selection of shoe sizes now are available in half-sizes, so I wonder why kate does not move up to even a half-size larger, it always looks like her big toes is hanging out, waiting to escape the other toes.
Admin.,I went to read at the blog that loves all of us the most- and think that one poster, the cowpie one, is REALLY saying VERY nasty things about you, makes me sick how she talks. Is there nothing you can do to make her stop such slander? It seems to me that you have 'turned the other cheek' way too long. They hardly even discuss kate anymore, just discuss you/us on here. Aren't you at your last nerve? I sure would be.
kidsRablessing, thank you for checking things out at the event tonight. I am anxious to find out how Kate behaved and interacted with other people, how long she stayed, did she arrive in a limo with police escort, what she wore, how many sheeple and tweeties showed, etc.
Can't wait to hear back from you! Thanks again!
Just Dwindle Away, I have to disagree with you about Kate defending her father. I don't think she would come to his defense under any circumstance. I don't know for sure, of course but I think she has probably kicked all of her family members to the curb and said to hell with them all.
OMG, it's 10am -- 8 hours from the meet and greet tonight and Kate still doesn't know where she is going in Tennessee! LMAO Stop trying to convince people this trip was all on your dime, Kate because it's obvious you're lying.
@Kateplusmy8 Where are you in Tennessee?
5 hours ago
in reply to ↑
@reggriffin @rhondachafin tricities area... Will retweet info or ask Rhonda to do so
Hef said "NO WAY" said... Playboy never offered her 200k. Hefner said she's not a celebrity and he likes to have young, pretty, sexy, alluring, attractive and provocative women in his magazine. Kate is none of those things. She'll start doing public nip-slips.
Google "Playboy offer to Kate Gosselin" You're right... it wasn't 200K it was 400K.
When I saw those pictures, the first thing that came to mind was that she was channeling Jodi Foster in “Taxi Driver”. All she needed was the hat!
Guess she was wearing her “really good bra” because you can see the straps.
I hit post to soon. I meant to ask whether Kate is auditioning for Jody Foster's role in Taxi Driver.
"And those shoes with that gardening outfit just screams "Someone please come *F* me now! And I aint choosy who!" Around here all her shoes are CFM shoes, plain and simple."
Those classy sheeple are saying that we have no idea what fashion is, and that we all run around in saddle shoes!
Do they mean these?
Scroll down to the platform saddles!
could she be anymore full of her self. i mean really.
RT @tainslie1 @Kateplusmy8 Tlc can put as many show like yr as thay want but we will nva love them like we love all of u Worth a retweet!:) 36 minutes ago
i really hope some so called haters show up at meet and greet and ask her some real guestions.
@brittanyrae06 so jealous that you're getting to meet @Kateplusmy8 !!!
If we run into her when she's out and about, we duck behind the corner or walk the other way. Sheeple can't wait to meet her, and we go out of our way to avoid her. Isn't life strange?
Estranged family said...
Apparently the 'family' she was visiting in Annapolis was Jon's. Why?
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Surely u r on my list.Jons aunt/uncle(who we just visited in Annapolis)were just there&said it was 'so green&beautiful!'
7 minutes ago via Twitterrific
This was filmed for another episode, right? I'll assume this is another opportunity for Kate to do some Jon bashing on the show - pitting Jon's relatives against him as if he's the black sheep in the family and his relatives just love her and the kids.
When was the last time one of Kate's relatives made an appearance on the show? It's just weird that she'll film an episode with Jon's relatives, but not her own. Is she that estranged with her entire family and relatives?
Tried posting this earlier, but I guess it didn't go through. The bolding is mine.
This tweet made me laugh. I know it’s a typo, but it would be so applicable to Kate. I think this is the guy that interviewed her the last time she was in TN. I did the bolding. I know the word was supposed to be “show”.
@Kateplusmy8 can’t wait to see u again tonight at the Second harvest food bank party-fundraiser & shoe preview!
Sheeple tweet,
@Kateplusmy8 do you know when you're gonna do a book tour in the UK?
With what book is she going to tour...the ones that have been gathering dust on the shelves of the Dollar Store for the last year?
Um, sweetie (actually this is a 16-year-old with a potty mouth), I think Kate has to write a book first, find someone to edit the nonsensical grammar, spelling and sentence structure, and then publish it. Zondervan? LOL! Good luck with that!
I sure wish I knew how to photoshop. I'm having the same picture in my mind that I did when I saw her in her black shorts and heels.
It would be hilarious to make a picture of her in her hooker outfit standing on a corner maybe leaning against a lamp post or somehow standing on a corner talking to someone in a car.
Maybe when the show ends she could use this "job" as a way to make money. She already has the clothes for it.
I have been stunned into silence after looking at those photos. I think she wears high high heels so that she appears taller therefore, thinner as well. Strange thought process that she thinks she can go out into public dressed like that.
I have been reading the twatter twits today. The fans seem to be in some sort of feeding frenzy. I think they would actually eat her if they ever meet her. If I were Kate, I would be concerned to have any interaction with any of them, especially the tweens.
Oy, what a mess.
Kelly, thanks for the info on who owns the boat she was on. Amazing how she hates the father of her children just shy of using his family for more financial gain, isn't it?
Obviously Kate reads tweets from everyone as I offered proof of Kate travel time, hotel and sedan service. Next day, Kate tweets that the "hater" has no credibility and INF was used to show pictures of Kate on "Sunday" in Reading while running errands.
The pictures of Kate in Reading, running errands were taken on SATURDAY, the 18th of June, NOT SUNDAY, as she wanted them to appear and what is comical about those pics showing up, those are the first pics we've seen of Kate running errands and taken by a "PESKY PAP". My point in sharing the info was to prove that Kate didn't make the travel plans and it isn't on her dime.
TLC ship is sinking said
When was the last time one of Kate's relatives made an appearance on the show? It's just weird that she'll film an episode with Jon's relatives, but not her own.
IF these are Jon's relatives, maybe they figured that the only way to see any of the children was to bribe K8 and let her film.
Jon's family, my foot. I bet good money that older couple were paid extras.
Has anyone ever noticed that Khate can not tweet to save her life. First off she abbreviates in the most incorrect and ridiculous way. It's almost painful to read some of her nonsense.
Yikes, the photos at IMF are even worse. She looks so foolish, what a clown.
Got to pic 7 - it looks like both shoes still have stickers on the bottom. WTH??:
E-town Neighbor said...
"where does she pick these suckers up? Frederick's of Hollywood? Strippers R Us? House of Platforms?"
Last I heard it was Foot Fetish of NYC. Bogo - buy one pair, get one lick.
E-town! That comment made me almost choke to death on an M&M!! LOL!!
I just looked thru some of Khate's tweets. There is a guy on there ( IWANADATEKATE ) and that dude is obsessed. There are a few people who tweet her on a daily basis. Do they honestly think that even if they were in the same room ole ice queen would give them the time of day? Not that narcissist. She makes me sick.
Batterednotbroken said...
Google "Playboy offer to Kate Gosselin" You're right... it wasn't 200K it was 400K.
It depends on what you Google. LOL
Google "Hugh Hefner+Kate Gosselin"
-->Hugh says No No No
The founder of Playboy shot down the prospect of the mother of 8 appearing in his magazine. Hugh Hefner was recently asked about the possibility to which he said "No! No!" But that wasn't the end of it.
According to "The Frisky" via CNN, the original playboy added insult to injury by suggesting he doesn't even know why she's on "Dancing with the Stars."
He says "I don't think she's a celebrity."
Kate also denied it.
Ha ha ha, I just heard that The View had a guest host today (and all week, I think). I didn't even know who the guest host was until it was explained to me. I still don't know who she is; my friend told me to Google it, so I did. It was La La VaZquez. I never heard of her, but she's married to basketball player Carmelo Anthony, and on a reality show.
Ha! That was the guest host on The Vview today - it could have been Khate but my, oh my, what a difference a year makes! Instead of co-hosting The View for a day or two this week, she had to beg on Twitter for some fans to show up at the fairgrounds in TN today. Despite her little Mary Sunshine act on Twitter, you know she's probably bitching about it! She would much rather take the limo to NYC, enjoy the hotel and dinner in NYC, and appear on The View, national frigging television. Ha ha ha ha!
I feel sorry for all the people in TN that Khate had to come in and contaminate your lovely area. Hopefully, she will be out of there soon!
Maybe we should start a collection and buy the girl a mirror because it is obvious she doesn't have one in the house. Who leaves the house looking like that? Someone who works a corner usually at night.
Maybe she's auditioning for a new show, "COUGAR Gone WILD!" The premise of the show would be to highlight how women can RELIVE their 20s by dressing age-inappropriate, blame the ex for feeling alone with aloness, use your kids as indentured slaves to fund your lavish lifestyle, celebrate your birthday by allowing strange men to lick your toes.
Even though Google says that Khate was offered 400k to pose for Playboy that is completely UNTRUE. I work for playboy Midwest and it is 100 percent false. Hef is VERY particular about who he puts in his mag and Khate was NEVER an option. He knew that if he did that sales for that month would plummet. She is NOT attractive to 90 percent of the men out there. She is NOT playboy material whatsoever.
WOW I was going thru some of Kate's tweets. She sure is hard up for people to come see her. Who in this day and age with the economy being as horrible as it is would pay 25 dollars to see this ice queen??
Scary stuff - these sheeple are crazed:
wish i could tweet more. Twitter is gummy. Will use laptop from hotel later.
38 minutes ago
IwanaDatekate Iwana Datekate
gettin ready for premiere. More ppl have shown up too.
43 minutes ago
well..that was fun. Whew... Stve was very nice.
1 hour ago
IwanaDatekate Iwana Datekate
steve is right over my shoulder. Here comes my moment. Cross fingers for me.
1 hour ago
steve is right over my shoulder. Here comes my moment. Cross fingers for me.
1 hour ago
lotsa cupcakes from dc. Getn close. I be talkin to steve after this tweet.
1 hour ago
IwanaDatekate Iwana Datekate
I SO WANA be w this woman. Twitter is actin up. Bear w me.
1 hour ago
IwanaDatekate Iwana Datekate
about 150 or so. Shes spendin Tons of time w each one. Im still 20 away.
1 hour ago
IwanaDatekate Iwana Datekate
sexy short blk dress. Steve is here too. She is gorgeous. Meetn her in a few mins.
1 hour ago
my heart be still. Although my hands are sweatin. She IS BEAUTIFUL.
2 hours ago
Apparently Iwanadatekate went to the fairgrounds and stood in line to meet Kate.
He was so excited, described her sexy short black dress, his sweaty hands and he waited then:
Iwana Datekate
IwanaDatekate Iwana Datekate
steve is right over my shoulder. Here comes my moment. Cross fingers for me.
IwanaDatekate Iwana Datekate
well..that was fun. Whew... Stve was very nice.
So what happened?? He talked to Steve and not Kate?? Hmmmmm I thought he would have tweeted if he'd talked to Kate!! Maybe Steve didn't let him close to her??
Don't you think that someone, ANYONE, should talk to Kate about her clothing or lack thereof? It seems like she dresses more outrageously (is that a word?) by the day. Nobody dresses like that unless they're trying to get laid. She's got 8 children. Can you imagine if one of them got sick at school and she had to go pick them up wearing that? And she wouldn't think twice about doing it either. Does a narcissist dress this way, is dressing like a call girl a symptom of that disorder? I had a friend who was manic/depressive and she would dress like that during the manic stage. Kate undoubtedly thinks she is hot stuff, but does she really have so little common sense that she doesn't know that her clothes, shoes and jewelry are unappropriate? She wears those long, dangling earrings with everything. The black heels she wore on the dock could be worn with a very nice dress or even an evening gown. I can't imagine what she's thinking, but I really do think it's time that someone step up and have a little chit chat with Kate, because she's not only an embarrassment to TLC but most importantly to her children. The sextuplets are probably too young to care, but I'm sure that Mady and Cara not only care but are bound to be mortified. It's early summer and at the rate Kate is going, by summer's end she'll be walking around in her bra and panties.
I'm sorry this is so poorly written. I hope it makes some kind of sense to you.
The article (if you can call it that) on INFdaily that accompanies the photos of her latest slut-show is actually pretty funny!
They mention LaFair dropping her case and say "They were suing Kate to the tune of $10,000 but have since decided to stop pursuing the money. We all know how cheap Kate is so we’re guessing it wasn’t worth their time. The money they would recoup from Kate would never pay the doctors bills from everyone in the office collectively banging their heads on the wall."
I hate to be a Meanie McMeanerton but I hope it is pouring rain in Gray, TN!
I had my dh drive me by the fairgrounds. I cannot believe what I saw.....there were maybe 100 cars there. But you have to include the ones that belong to media, food bank workers and caterers in that number. There was ONE sheriff's car at the gate. Also at the gate, was a small sign that said premier event. Did not see a limo, but a big nice white Suburban, closer to a side door. Did not see a newstruck, but maybe they were already there and I missed it. I saw a few people dressed like waiters going towards the building. The weather here has been crappy all day. Let me just say, the Tricities area consist of Johnson City, Bristol, and Kingsport. There are small towns like Gray everywhere sprinkled around. The population in the Tricites is over 500,000.
Kids are on summer vacation, so I am assuming there are not early bedtimes, which would mean more kids could go. I drove by around 7:15. The event started at 6pm. Back when I went to the Easter egg hunt there back in April, there were many more people and cars there, and the egg hunt was at 11am on a Friday. I am going to watch the news tonight and see if they report this event. But all in all this event was a bust for Kate. I feel bad for the Food Bank as they were trying to raise money, but this is a very conservative town/area and people around here know that Kate used Christianity to swindle folks out of their money and they do not think highly of her. Also when I drove by.....Except for the cars in the parking lot. The area seemed dead, nobody around. Just a few cars driving past the fairgrounds, probably people coming home from work. I did notice the gate was left open after the event started, and when I was leaving the area, the sheriff was not at the gate anymore. So I did not see any security on the grounds, maybe they were inside. And I did not see any other police/sheriff cars around either. It didn't seem like a celebrity was in the area at the fairgrouds, looked more like a little league baseball parents meeting or sign ups! So glad she is losing steam!
I'm not sure Kate really helped or hurt attendance. I wonder if it was just because it's a Monday. Even though it's the summer, Monday night is probably the least popular night to drag the kids out to some event. You're just wrapping up a busy weekend, when I was a kid Monday and Tuesday were always the lower-key, rest and hang around the house days. And many parents still work through the summer and Monday is the start of the work week and not a "go out" kind of day.
It's Kate. Here presence would part the seas, bring manna from heaven, turn the water into wine and redirect all cars going home, into the parking lot to be in her glorious presence. Looks like maybe she was able to dump possibly less than a hundred unwanted books.
@LilyatIW @LandoMasty @kateplusmy8 Iwana said she's spending a lot of time with everybody in line
Somehow I don't think that Trippers latest tweet was a faux paux. Iwanna may have just been outed.
"Mary Sunshine" lmao at that! What immediately came to mind was Jack Nicholson in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest" when he was talking about the mean and nasty nurse who played mind games with the inmates.
p.s getting back to Hef...l believe what you said. He likes 'em young and tasty in his mag, Khate is neither. Too manly.
dee3 - include on your list of mothers who really have it hard and do it all - military mothers whose husbands are on their 2nd or 3rd or 4th deployment.
Hey Donna and fidosmommy - I agree that Ky is a beautiful state. I'm an Ohio river rat - grew up just across the river from Ky, but since my Mom's family is from Ky I spent a good part of my childhood in KY (Vanceburg, Maysville, Grayson area). Also had family in Hazard and further down around the E. Tn border. Y'all are making me homesick for my hills!
Include me in the group who would never make it out the door in those hills. I'm a confirmed klutz and even manage to fall off my sneakers occasionally LOL. Besides, my momma taught me to dress like a lady when I'm going out in public, even if it's just to run errands.
Well what the heck did the Foodbank expect? Not only was the evet on a Monday night they got the LEAST LIKABLE person ever. TN is known for down to earth folks who work hard and take charity VERY serious. She is NOT known for ANY charity. Except the charity of her own bank account.
Administrator said
I'm not sure Kate really helped or hurt attendance. I wonder if it was just because it's a Monday. Even though it's the summer, Monday night is probably the least popular night to drag the kids out to some event.
Yep, and this just confirms her Z-list standing.
Couldn't happen to a nicer person. The sooner she is forced to realize that her "career" as Mother of 8 is over, the sooner those children can have private lives.
It could be the weather, it is just really bad here today. Maybe being a Monday could be a factor, but at my homeschool group, when Kate was mentioned, people were not nice about it. Also money could be a factor, $25 is alot of money for folks around here. They are not going to spend it on seeing Kate. Plus there are many places around here you can donate food and money to the food bank without this event. But from what I saw, for her being so famous(or infamous)it looked like a pretty bad turnout.
Only one pic posted from a "tweetie" so far:
Ah, Admin, but if Kate were your HERO, or you "just luved" Kate, you would find a way to
drive to the county fairgrounds to see her. It's not like it's the president of the school board giving a talk on the philosophy of eggplant. This is a woman with a TV show! Those who "luv" Kate would consider this a must see event! Monday night plans can be changed to go stand in line to see Kate Gosselin for 20 seconds!
Seems to me that Kate has fewer people who "luv" her than she thinks. At least in NE
No matter, I hope the Feed America/Second Harvest did very well. They deserve lots of donations for the work they do.
Wonder where Kate will show up next? Hopefully it will be a parenting class.
Administrator said...
I'm not sure Kate really helped or hurt attendance. I wonder if it was just because it's a Monday. Even though it's the summer, Monday night is probably the least popular night to drag the kids out to some event. You're just wrapping up a busy weekend, when I was a kid Monday and Tuesday were always the lower-key, rest and hang around the house days. And many parents still work through the summer and Monday is the start of the work week and not a "go out" kind of day.
That's a good theory, Admin, but maybe people are just sick of her sh*t. I know I am.
DaytimeMorgan Morgan King
@Kateplusmy8 nice to see u again tonight-thanks for my new nick name "Morning TV show guy" funny! Thanks for helping Second Harvest
I guess the fact that Kate isn't gracious enough to learn people's name doesn't matter these days.
@stxmom Love it. Haters ate bitter and jealous. They wish the were able to have the life Kateplusmy8 has. #haters=jealousy.
The sheep are still playing this very old record - over and over again.
What about Kate's life would any of us want? Maybe to be loved and admired by so many people all over the world? Her great parenting skills?
I know -- it's her shoe collection!
Anonymous said...
dee3 - include on your list of mothers who really have it hard and do it all - military mothers whose husbands are on their 2nd or 3rd or 4th deployment.
or the moms that are in the military and leave their children home while they deploy....talk about tough!!! And let's here it for the single mothers who have to support their children because they have an ex who doesn't provide support- (or dads in same boat).... Average single income and raising children is tough. Especially when a dental bill comes up, or an emergency trip to the ER. Or that inevitable breakdown in the car....Worries that Kate doesn't have and should feel grateful about, but does not. Financial security is a goal many people have, financial comfort is something many more of us work towards and feel blessed when we get there. Not Kate.
Well, it made the news tonight....the very first words out of the newscaster's mouth was Kate was here to promote HER show and help raise money for the food bank. She said: this area is in so much need.....something about hunger is a big problem and that it upsets her. And that she has a closeness to NE Tenn(or something along those lines). She looked terrible and it looked like attendance was very low. The whole newscast about Kate lasted about 2 mins if that. Like I thought, it was in the big cement building at the fair grounds. Hopefully she is gone now for good!
@stxmom Love it. Haters ate bitter and jealous. They wish the were able to have the life Kateplusmy8 has. #haters=jealousy.
I am absolutely positive Katie would like to have MY life and is so 'jellus' she cant see straight. Because I have love and family and friends and she cant buy any of that. And I know you are too afraid to read further.
4 wonderful grown kids, all degreed and working in PROFESSIONS that they love and chose. One is finishing her PhD and teaches at a University in TN. Profession is a big word, look it up, it does NOT mean flipping burgers or mopping floors).
I go to a job I love every day seeing clients in private practice. I come home to a honey that loves me more now than decades ago and tells me so, we agree on nearly everything and this is strange even to us. And the rest is pretty damn good too, once or twice a week! hehe.
We have a lovely home, with a POOL and LEATHER FURNITURE and entertain at least once a week. We vacation twice a year, every spring is in Vegas, every fall is a two week driving trip.
I cant think of a single thing I would be jealous of Katie Irene Krieder over, perhaps that she doesnt vacuum up the dog hair in her own house like I do. But I love my 3 dogs and my housekeeper only comes once a week, so I vac every day.
I did indeed wear saddle shoes in junior high, but mostly I wear ballet flats now and lots of them.
I am absolutely positive Katie would like to have MY life and is so 'jellus' she cant see straight. Because I have love and family and friends and she cant buy any of that.
When I still hear comments like we are jealous, and in fairness I don't hear them as much anymore, it just proves to me how different our value systems are that they think that people like us are so shallow as to value what Kate values. We don't. We've proven this over and over.
The irony is here that I think her FANS are actually jealous of Kate. Jealousy doesn't have to be expressed in "hate." Sometimes people who are jealous actually just latch on to the person they are jealous of, or admire them, or try to be like them. They would drop everything in a heartbeat if they could have what Kate has. They are unable to see that despite a little money (which Kate herself keeps saying is not that much) and a lot of fame, most of which is D-list and embarrassing, Kate's money and fame has actually made her life very lonely and pathetic, and has ruined the kids' chance at ever having a normal childhood again.
Another twitter photo from the same person that Just Curious posted above:
Did she forget the rest of her outfit? Check out the length of her LBD -- it barely covers her you know what!
Did anyone else notice how she chewed her gum during the whole show? So tacky!
I just read that there were only 75 people at the fairgrounds.
It's a Catch 22 with this show: The message was good so, yeah, awareness is good. On the other hand, Kate was in it & therefore I hope nobody tuned in. The problem I have is this; who are Kate's biggest fans? Teens right? Are they going to watch the show & want to help & donate? Not likely. So, who does this help the most? Kate. She got paid mega-bucks to go there & "give" to charity, when most of us who volunteer our time do it out of the goodness of our hearts. Again, good premise, but look who is making out like a bandit...yet again. Kate.
Happy first day of summer everyone! This is the time I look forward to! My son's last day of school is today & I can't wait to have fun! Ya see I don't think about filming all the time -or at all-...I'm thinking the beach, lake, hanging by the pool...OOPS!! Sorry! LOL
~Hippie Chick~
OK, it is so obvious that Kate is baiting everyone to try and drum up controversy which translates into ratings. Those red shoes-bait! Remarks against Jon-bait! Stuff about visiting Jon's relatives-bait! She really wants the blogs to go into a frenzy about this stuff, it is the only hope she has left of staying relevant. Thank goodness that Jon has good counsel and remains publicly quiet about this. She has done everything she can to anger him into a public response, which she sure hopes she could answer on The View or The Today Show. The only fitting response here is no response, to ignore this awful woman and of course her horrible, child exploiting show!
Oh, sure, Dwindle, you've got love, and a great marriage, and responsible, productive grown kids, but YOU don't have hooker shoes, a magic bra, expensive straw for hair and Z-list celebrity status.
Your life must be soooooooooo sad!
(For any nitwits out there, this is sarcasm. Look it up.)
I think Iwanna is Jamie. This is just my opinion. Just a feeling.
Beth said...
I just read that there were only 75 people at the fairgrounds.
Did that include the media, events organizers, parking lot attendants, and all those involved in the actual production of the event?
@stxmom Love it. Haters ate bitter and jealous. They wish the were able to have the life Kateplusmy8 has. #haters=jealousy.
I am absolutely positive Katie would like to have MY life and is so 'jellus' she cant see straight. Because I have love and family and friends and she cant buy any of that. And I know you are too afraid to read further.
4 wonderful grown kids, all degreed and working in PROFESSIONS that they love and chose. One is finishing her PhD and teaches at a University in TN. Profession is a big word, look it up, it does NOT mean flipping burgers or mopping floors).
I go to a job I love every day seeing clients in private practice. I come home to a honey that loves me more now than decades ago and tells me so, we agree on nearly everything and this is strange even to us. And the rest is pretty damn good too, once or twice a week! hehe.
We have a lovely home, with a POOL and LEATHER FURNITURE and entertain at least once a week. We vacation twice a year, every spring is in Vegas, every fall is a two week driving trip.
I cant think of a single thing I would be jealous of Katie Irene Krieder over, perhaps that she doesnt vacuum up the dog hair in her own house like I do. But I love my 3 dogs and my housekeeper only comes once a week, so I vac every day.
I did indeed wear saddle shoes in junior high, but mostly I wear ballet flats now and lots of them.
OK, it is so obvious that Kate is baiting everyone to try and drum up controversy which translates into ratings. Those red shoes-bait! Remarks against Jon-bait! Stuff about visiting Jon's relatives-bait! She really wants the blogs to go into a frenzy about this stuff, it is the only hope she has left of staying relevant. Thank goodness that Jon has good counsel and remains publicly quiet about this. She has done everything she can to anger him into a public response, which she sure hopes she could answer on The View or The Today Show. The only fitting response here is no response, to ignore this awful woman and of course her horrible, child exploiting show!
DaytimeMorgan Morgan King
@Kateplusmy8 nice to see u again tonight-thanks for my new nick name "Morning TV show guy" funny! Thanks for helping Second Harvest
I guess the fact that Kate isn't gracious enough to learn people's name doesn't matter these days.
I just read that there were only 75 people at the fairgrounds.
Well what the heck did the Foodbank expect? Not only was the evet on a Monday night they got the LEAST LIKABLE person ever. TN is known for down to earth folks who work hard and take charity VERY serious. She is NOT known for ANY charity. Except the charity of her own bank account.
Scary stuff - these sheeple are crazed:
wish i could tweet more. Twitter is gummy. Will use laptop from hotel later.
38 minutes ago
IwanaDatekate Iwana Datekate
gettin ready for premiere. More ppl have shown up too.
43 minutes ago
well..that was fun. Whew... Stve was very nice.
1 hour ago
IwanaDatekate Iwana Datekate
steve is right over my shoulder. Here comes my moment. Cross fingers for me.
1 hour ago
steve is right over my shoulder. Here comes my moment. Cross fingers for me.
1 hour ago
lotsa cupcakes from dc. Getn close. I be talkin to steve after this tweet.
1 hour ago
IwanaDatekate Iwana Datekate
I SO WANA be w this woman. Twitter is actin up. Bear w me.
1 hour ago
IwanaDatekate Iwana Datekate
about 150 or so. Shes spendin Tons of time w each one. Im still 20 away.
1 hour ago
IwanaDatekate Iwana Datekate
sexy short blk dress. Steve is here too. She is gorgeous. Meetn her in a few mins.
1 hour ago
my heart be still. Although my hands are sweatin. She IS BEAUTIFUL.
2 hours ago
Even though Google says that Khate was offered 400k to pose for Playboy that is completely UNTRUE. I work for playboy Midwest and it is 100 percent false. Hef is VERY particular about who he puts in his mag and Khate was NEVER an option. He knew that if he did that sales for that month would plummet. She is NOT attractive to 90 percent of the men out there. She is NOT playboy material whatsoever.
Ha ha ha, I just heard that The View had a guest host today (and all week, I think). I didn't even know who the guest host was until it was explained to me. I still don't know who she is; my friend told me to Google it, so I did. It was La La VaZquez. I never heard of her, but she's married to basketball player Carmelo Anthony, and on a reality show.
Ha! That was the guest host on The Vview today - it could have been Khate but my, oh my, what a difference a year makes! Instead of co-hosting The View for a day or two this week, she had to beg on Twitter for some fans to show up at the fairgrounds in TN today. Despite her little Mary Sunshine act on Twitter, you know she's probably bitching about it! She would much rather take the limo to NYC, enjoy the hotel and dinner in NYC, and appear on The View, national frigging television. Ha ha ha ha!
I feel sorry for all the people in TN that Khate had to come in and contaminate your lovely area. Hopefully, she will be out of there soon!
Batterednotbroken said...
Google "Playboy offer to Kate Gosselin" You're right... it wasn't 200K it was 400K.
It depends on what you Google. LOL
Google "Hugh Hefner+Kate Gosselin"
-->Hugh says No No No
The founder of Playboy shot down the prospect of the mother of 8 appearing in his magazine. Hugh Hefner was recently asked about the possibility to which he said "No! No!" But that wasn't the end of it.
According to "The Frisky" via CNN, the original playboy added insult to injury by suggesting he doesn't even know why she's on "Dancing with the Stars."
He says "I don't think she's a celebrity."
Kate also denied it.
Jon's family, my foot. I bet good money that older couple were paid extras.
Kelly, thanks for the info on who owns the boat she was on. Amazing how she hates the father of her children just shy of using his family for more financial gain, isn't it?
I have been stunned into silence after looking at those photos. I think she wears high high heels so that she appears taller therefore, thinner as well. Strange thought process that she thinks she can go out into public dressed like that.
I have been reading the twatter twits today. The fans seem to be in some sort of feeding frenzy. I think they would actually eat her if they ever meet her. If I were Kate, I would be concerned to have any interaction with any of them, especially the tweens.
Oy, what a mess.
Estranged family said...
Apparently the 'family' she was visiting in Annapolis was Jon's. Why?
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Surely u r on my list.Jons aunt/uncle(who we just visited in Annapolis)were just there&said it was 'so green&beautiful!'
7 minutes ago via Twitterrific
This was filmed for another episode, right? I'll assume this is another opportunity for Kate to do some Jon bashing on the show - pitting Jon's relatives against him as if he's the black sheep in the family and his relatives just love her and the kids.
When was the last time one of Kate's relatives made an appearance on the show? It's just weird that she'll film an episode with Jon's relatives, but not her own. Is she that estranged with her entire family and relatives?
"And those shoes with that gardening outfit just screams "Someone please come *F* me now! And I aint choosy who!" Around here all her shoes are CFM shoes, plain and simple."
Those classy sheeple are saying that we have no idea what fashion is, and that we all run around in saddle shoes!
Do they mean these?
Scroll down to the platform saddles!
Just Dwindle Away, I have to disagree with you about Kate defending her father. I don't think she would come to his defense under any circumstance. I don't know for sure, of course but I think she has probably kicked all of her family members to the curb and said to hell with them all.
@estranged family
On my previous entry regarding Kates trip to Annapolis MD, I mentioned about the rented 30 foot boat that Kate used to take the trip across the bay. I also mentioned that the boat docked in a slip owned by Watermark Cruises, the company that offers scenic tours of the harbor and trips around the Naval Academy. The owner of Watermark Cruises just so happens to have the last name of Gosselin which would explain the "visiting relatives" (hint hint) (freebie freebie) and quite possibly a play on similar names. http://watermarkcruises.com/aboutWatermark.htm
Just gotta say...single father of two myself, a couple years older than kHate. She would be around the age I would be looking for in a partner.
She is missing the mark by a couple thousand yards. NOT attractive at all. If I saw her on the street I would laugh at her. She just broadcasts "desperate and trying too hard and I dont own a mirror."
Maybe throw on some heels like that for a special event or 'night out' - but definitely not with these stupid daytime outfits and shorts, and to run errands? I will repeat again, as s single guy 'looking' it is obvious that she is not an attractive person inside or out. Her expressions and mannerisms send out a strong beacon to AVOID AT ALL COSTS.
I have no idea who or what she thinks she is impressing and I honestly cant fathom that she herself thinks she looks good like this. It would be sad if she wasnt such a MEEple and a bitch.
Instead it's just hilarious.
It just gets worse every damn day.
Kate twatted,
"Omg wish I could be there in Australia! That is my face country on the planet so far!"
A face country, as opposed to what? A leg country? A hip country?
So Kate likes Australia better than the good old US of A! GREAT! Send her there! I'd even be willing to donate the airfare.
Just checked, the event starts at 6pm. But I think the Backstage party starts earlier. I will run by there around 6:30. I am assuming if people attend the backstage event, they will stay for the whole thing.
Kate's tweet,
"Surely u r on my list.Jons aunt/uncle(who we just visited in Annapolis)were just there&said it was 'so green&beautiful!'"
Kelly said on another thread that Kate didn't visit relatives there:
"If I may add to what you already said, the day Kate docked at the city dock in an obviously rented 30 foot boat, there is no way that Kate was visiting relatives in Annapolis and here is why..."
"Despite what TLC claims was a trip to visit a relative, it was indeed not. How do I know this? My best friend is a member of the Annapolis City Police Department and they were on hand for this trip to the city dock at the request of TLC. This trip was nothing more than a photo op for Kate."
"Unless Kate is related to Kunta Kinte that was the only depiction of a human being that she visited and it was a cluster of statues at the base of Ego Alley."
So, did she or didn't she? Jon's aunt and uncle? Curious!
Off topic for just a second...
fidosmommy, if you don't mind sharing, what county in KY are you from? You're right, KY is a gorgeous, wonderful state. I've lived in a couple of other states before, but I wasn't satisfied. I was born here and will die here.
Beth said...
Kate is in for a surprise today when she gets to the fairgrounds. We are having storms right now and we are expected to do so for the rest of the day. Since the main stage at the fairgrounds is outdoors, I can't imagine that anyone will show up in the rain, thunder and lightning. Lol
Where will she hide and sulk then?? In her limo? Will her gal Friday have to give her another talking to?
Apparently the 'family' she was visiting in Annapolis was Jon's. Why?
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Surely u r on my list.Jons aunt/uncle(who we just visited in Annapolis)were just there&said it was 'so green&beautiful!'
7 minutes ago via Twitterrific
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