Kate was still in D.C. with Mady and Cara today while a camera crew filmed the sextuplets, often right up in their faces, at home. This is at least the second time Kate has been out of state while the children were made to work without a parent on set.

How can Kate possibly claim anything about whether filming is good for them if she isn't even there to monitor what's happening?
280 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 280 Newer› Newest»I think the Kate's Night Out episode was a light bulb moment for Kate. She realized not only could she be busy elsewhere rolling in the money for doing absolutely nothing, or just screwing around, or whatever, but she could make the KIDS work too while she's doing that.
At this point she doesn't even have to deal with the kids to make money off them! They make money for her back home and she gets to have fun hither and yon. Sort of like money rolling in on auto-pilot. Like watching an investment sit in the bank and grow.
Look at the producer in plaid. He is actively engaging Leah with the cameras.
How is this reality???
Pulling this over from the other thread but someone said there are so many photos of them just standing around.
Maybe they are waiting for the next tug of war or whatever they are doing. But it looks exactly like a movie set to me, where you do a heck of a lot of standing around waiting. Only on a real movie set children use those moments to be with a set teacher studying.
I posted this on another thread but what I find sad is the fact that the kids are standing around in some of the pictures while the "dads" set up the next shot....queue music and ACTION - No Leah, I said move to the right no your other right!!! The realist reality show, un-freekin-believable.
Well, so much for a free book...now you have to pay $25 to go to the meet and greet to get one. Nice.
Yes Laurie and it's also shocking how close they are to them in most pics we see, including these ones.
How can you possibly have a carefree waterfight or tug of war with a bunch of sweaty film crew guys shoving their big plastic equipment right up in your fun???
This is SOOOO abnormal!
Water fights at the Gosselins is worthy of an episode? Yawn. Quite a comedown from the Australia-NZ trip! Is this a sequel to the Silly String/hose down with water episode? Do they want to make the ratings take a dive?
In the INF photos, note the guy taking still photos. PR photos, I guess? I find it outrageous that Kate's now doubling the filming by being away and filmed while another crew films her kids at home.
How in the Sam Hell can Jon not stop this?
Once this gets off the ground she'll hatch even more crazy plans.
Maybe the boy tups could film over here, the girls over there, the twins here, and she could go get drunk in NYC again and film that. Filming times four, money times four.
Sometimes one has to get away from a situation in order to judge it correctly.
There's no way that Kate, who IS away from the kids' filming situation, cannot look at those pictures and see just how wrong the whole thing looks.
Oh right. Kate has no healthy perspective.
Maybe Kate could try to imagine that there were no film in those cameras. Did this just get a million times weirder???? Three practical strangers shoving camera equipment in their faces for no reason.
The only reason this is okay to her is because it makes MONNNEY. The film rolling creates the money and she completely shuts out the creepy part about THREE GROWN GUYS (or girls, doesn't matter) UP IN THEIR FACES LIKE THIS.
Tucker's Mom, I don't know what is wrong with Jon. If I was him I would be beating down the judge's door, demanding that someone put a stop to this crap. I never thought of Jon as lazy but in the last few months I've started to believe that maybe he is. Maybe he just feels beaten down so badly that he doesn't know what to do. I honestly think that Jon is a victim of PTSD. When you suffer from that disorder you become sort of stuck, unable to make decisions and move forward with your life. I think living with Kate would FU anybody's life, especially the way she emasculated him for all the world to see. I wish someone would just shake Jon and tell him what he needs to do - GET THOSE KIDS AWAY FROM KATE ASAP!!!
R.I.P. Caylee Marie Anthony
R.I.H Casey Anthony
The judge already ruled that Kate can make the filming decisions. You can't necessarily go back to the judge over and over with the same request. He'll tell you he made the decision and you need to respect court orders. You would likely be denied a hearing. The next step is the court of appeal, rather than asking the same judge over and over to change a court order already decided.
What Jon could try is going back saying this is new information the judge didn't have before, that now Kate is leaving the children without parental supervision to film, and that the decisions as to filming should be addressed again.
Does he .... know about this?? I mean I'm not sure he is googling the Gosselin name daily looking for pap photos.
Where the hell is Jon ? He should be on the steps of the courthouse protesting with "Free My Children" signs ! I'd be there walking with him.
I know he's tried many times to stop this crap, but if these were my children, I would die before I gave up on their freedom.
It just doesn't seem legal, that any filming would be allowed without a parent on location.
As far as Ashley is concerned, yeah she may be a nice girl, but she's 23 yrs old and is taking full control and responsbilty of 6 young children , while their mother is off pimping her other 2 girls out to TLC !
Kate will get home just in time to pack and hit the road with her sissy-pants live-in lover for the hills of Tn.
Law or no law....they'd have to arrest me if I were in Jons shoes. Those are as much his children as they are Kates, but it seems as if he has no rights when it comes to them.How can that be?
He should never have to pay support when he has no say over his childrens well being !
Note the use of "you" in my post above. Obviously it does not mean I've ever been to family law court or ever even in front of a judge in a role other than as a lawyer.
It's called how people speak when they're being casual.
Kudos to you, I agree. Jon, where are you? Your children are running out of time, their entire childhood is vanishing.
Well, these new photos of the Gosselin kids goes against what Kate keeps telling the media, viewers, and her fans - the kids just run in and out of the frame as they please, while SHE WORKS and they play. Kate's not AT HOME working. I highly doubt seven-year olds would call up a film crew to come over and play with them (and ask to film them nonetheless while mommy's away).
I doubt Ashley qualifies as a set teacher (nor are they required to have one at the moment), but now there's no parent to supervise filming. Although, I do suspect that Ashley is now on TLC's payroll since they are filming her more with just the kids. I guess the kids will do more kid-friendly, messy stuff on film, with just Ashley around.
How much more filming of the kids will occur nowadays, in Kate's absence? I'm guessing more than we're aware of, if it weren't for the lone pap.
How convenient for the film crew to shoot in a location where the lone pap can take photos of the kids filming without mommy, despite the added landscaping that was put in to block pap photos.
This is both rather sad and sort of funny:
Kate Gosselin has figured out how to get free trips while both not having to drag the kids along with her, and still having them work and make money for her.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
If Kate is not present, she cannot ensure that the proper boundaries remain between her children and the film crew. She has no idea what is being filmed. The children are too young to know if what is being filmed is appropriate and if boundaries are being crossed. Kate may trust TLC but it is a misplaced trust given TLC's programming.
She is also teaching her children that they can pose for any stranger with a camera and take direction from them.It's just so wrong on so many levels.
Ashley has eight children to watch and is a very young woman. Her job is to be the nanny which is a full-time job on its own. It is ridiculous for Kate to have us think that Ashley can watch them on set like a set teacher would. That's not her job, it's not fair to her, and it's certainly not fair to the kids.
Has Ashley memorized PA child labor laws as set teachers are required to? Because set teachers are supposed to report to the crew when they see a violation. I doubt it and again, not her job!
TLC ship, that's another point! Ashley and the film crew set up this shot right in line with the paparazzi. This is a huge property and much of it is secluded, they could have gone there.
I don't blame Ashley. I don't think she even knew. Her job is to be the nanny, not monitor where the holes are in the branches where the paps can stick a lens through. She may not know all the paparazzi spots and all the areas of the property that are in danger of it. But it's yet another reason KATE needs to be there to see to all the "little" things like this, like making sure the paps don't get to the kids.
Ohhhh sh*t...those photo's! If this doesn't put a stop to her, nothing will. If this doesn't move lawmakers to work at warp speed to protect the kids and those who follow, nothing will. The system is too slow. Stop with the political correctness and act now! Please, if anyone, anywhere knows a good bulldog rabid expensive lawyer that will work with Jon pro bono, please, beg him/her to help Jon get those kids away from her for good.
p.s. Donna.. l agree
R.I.P. Caylee Marie Anthony
R.I.H. Casey Marie Anthony.
But it's yet another reason KATE needs to be there to see to all the "little" things like this, like making sure the paps don't get to the kids.
Forget about the paps getting to the kids! What about the security for these kids, and all the obsessive fans who are out there? How many security guards are on duty with Ashley and the kids, and where were they during this film shoot, making sure that the paps didn't grab these photos? Unless, of course, the paps were invited...
Well you can see Kate tells nothing but the truth: The kids are just playing and sometimes do accidentally wander into her work space so they are accidentally caught on film. Poor accident prone kids.
Sorry. Didn't read back far enough. The running into and out of frame was already mentioned. Nevermind!!
Look at the second pic, the paparazzi are just set up in the TREES hoping the kids might wander into the shot? BS, they followed the kids into the trees. And in another pic a few more later the camera man is running after a kid. These kids are STALKED, not running in and out of the shots.
I mean this is stuff we already knew of course.
Has Ashley memorized PA child labor laws as set teachers are required to? Because set teachers are supposed to report to the crew when they see a violation. I doubt it and again, not her job!
Has the PA bill been passed into law which requires a set teacher to be present? I thought it just cleared the House Labor and Industry Committee, the first hurdle.
Administrator said...
Look at the second pic, the paparazzi are just set up in the TREES hoping the kids might wander into the shot? BS, they followed the kids into the trees. And in another pic a few more later the camera man is running after a kid. These kids are STALKED, not running in and out of the shots.
I mean this is stuff we already knew of course.
This was illuminated by WG at Small Town Gosselins with her first-hand account of the corn maze visit last fall. The kids were spilled out onto the maze and the crew chased them and called them back to get footage of them running around in the maze.
Total BS. That show may not be scripted, but it is highly produced. The crew got what they needed to make it seem like they spent the day at the maze, and with all that was offered there, they very well could have. But they didn't. The crew got their shots and boom! 20 minutes later the kids where rounded up into their van and off they went.
Just playing and realest reality show, may ass.
Warmth, no, a set teacher is not required yet in PA. My point is if Kate is going to justify this filming as well, Ashley was there just like a set teacher! Then our question should be has she memorized child labor laws like set teachers do?
Anonymous, not in PA, correct. That is not what I meant. My point is that children don't usually stand around on a movie set like adults would, they go to the set teacher. But most movies are not filmed in PA.
If they were filming in PA, correct, they would just be standing around. PA should be ashamed of their meager protections for all child actors, reality or otherwise. How is this good for kids??
Take a look on Preesi's site at Khate getting
off a boat and walking around the docks in Annapolis in her "hooker heels."
Also, on the same site, there's a comment under the photos of the kids about her "rich widowed man" with two daughters. Is this real or a joke?
Ashley has eight children to watch and is a very young woman. Her job is to be the nanny which is a full-time job on its own. It is ridiculous for Kate to have us think that Ashley can watch them on set like a set teacher would. That's not her job, it's not fair to her, and it's certainly not fair to the kids.
It is not the job of a set teacher to "watch" children. It is their job to teach them for the requisite hours per day. A set teacher is not a substitute for an on-set parent or guardian.
Administrator said...
Anonymous, not in PA, correct. That is not what I meant. My point is that children don't usually stand around on a movie set like adults would, they go to the set teacher. But most movies are not filmed in PA.
You are incorrect. If school is not in session in California, for example, there is no set teacher.
Kate is a proven liar again. Recently telling the viewing public that she is constantly around her children when filming and they are perfectly OK. After all, in Kate's words, "running a business." A business of lying and abusing her children.
Kate is constantly lying to her children (and the public) and she regularly changes her story to fit the situation. So many broken promises to her children. The children will be so confused and most likely end up with the same pathological lying behaviors.
After seven years of Kate Gosselin being on TV and kicking the few relatives that were close to the children to the curb, who in the heck are the "visiting family in Annapolis"?
Kate is such a crazy making person and unfortunately TWITTER is her vehicle to spin those lies and set the record straight NOT).
AMD said...She is also teaching her children that they can pose for any stranger with a camera and take direction for them. It's just so wrong on so many levels.
I was thinking the same thing before I read your comment. It is truly scary to think that these children might be easily led because of situations like this. Shame on TLC and more shame on a Mother who lacks common decency and a thread of common sense. Who knows if some weirdo planned for Kate to be GONE that day?
Anonymous said...
You are incorrect. If school is not in session in California, for example, there is no set teacher.
Where are you getting this information from? My reading of CA law (8 CCR 11758 and 11758.1) regarding studio teachers says that a set teacher is required at all times in CA, even when school is not in session. There is on exception, and that is that when school is not in session, a child is permitted to spend time in hair, makeup, wardrobe, dubbing (not NOT filming), etc., for up to ONE HOUR only without a set teacher present, BUT, a parent or guardian must be present. So they still have someone there.
There is one other exception that may have caused confusion, and that is when school is in session one studio teacher is required for every 10 kids on set, but when school isn't in session, it's one studio teacher for every 20 kids.
Anonymous said...
Ashley has eight children to watch and is a very young woman. Her job is to be the nanny which is a full-time job on its own. It is ridiculous for Kate to have us think that Ashley can watch them on set like a set teacher would. That's not her job, it's not fair to her, and it's certainly not fair to the kids.
It is not the job of a set teacher to "watch" children. It is their job to teach them for the requisite hours per day. A set teacher is not a substitute for an on-set parent or guardian.
Anonymous, I agree with you it is not a substitute, and so does CA law. There should be a parent on set, in addition to a set teacher. Bottom line, Ashley is not enough to cover all their bases.
However in CA a set teacher does more than what you are describing. And I think all set teachers should be modeled after what CA. They do indeed "watch" children.
In CA, a set teacher provides school instruction to the children when they are not filming. And when they get called to the set, the set teacher goes with them, monitors the clock, and ensures that they are comfortable, that nothing dangerous is being done to them, that all laws are being followed. A set teacher has the power to STOP FILMING when a violation is seen. A set teacher has two jobs, educate the kids, and protect them. In addition, the parent is an additional protection on set, however CA recognizes the inherent conflict of interest in that (all I can say is DUH), and has provided a second, independent party to watch the laws. On the set I was on, the director routinely had the nanny come (me, or whoever it happened to be), and the set teacher, AND the parent. There are some people out there in this business who truly do care about kids being protected, which is good to know.
Bottom line, Ashley is not enough. A parent and on-set advocate should be there, at a minimum. Ashley's job was to nanny, not keep track of everything else.
Kate is in Annapolis, and is visiting relatives. Gee, how much were they paid. She is of course dressed like a hooker, and the only idiot, wearing heel on a dock. There is a video, of her and she went into some store, and the film crew is there. Oh, her latest tweet, she swears up & down she paid for this trip to the food bank. Yeah, that's why the camera crew is with you now and will follow her to the food bank. She also said it's a shame she has to discuss this. Well, excuse us the public Kate, you lie through your teeth, how do you expect anyone to believe you, if you are telling the truth. You lied about the wedding, the cribs, Jon etc. If this does show up on a future episode then you are nothing but a lair, cause we all know you get paid for every episode.
If anyone lives close enough and gets the chance, please! please! please! go to the charity event in TN! I'm dying to find out how many sheeple pay $25 to see the diva. On the one hand I hope a lot show up since the money IS going to charity. On the other hand I'm praying that only a handful show. Regardless, I hope we can find out what really goes down.
I don't see the problem. There are three dads, count 'em three, in that photo alone. Surely the best interests of those children is worth more to them than a measly paycheck.
This, more than anything else, is what I consider the most deplorable thing Kate has done. Yes, even worse than Joel-gate, Gum-gate and Cupcake-gate combined. Even though there is likely a nanny or two there they are not the custodial parent of these children. Even if that nanny or a producer has legal authority to step in if there's an emergency, they are not a parent. Worst of all, everyone including the nanny, has a vested interest in exploiting the children - filming is their paycheck.
Granted Kate has the same vested interest so whether she's there or not doesn't truly protect them. This is why it's so important that kids on Reality TV get some legal protection and get those kids an onsite protector whose only job is their welfare.
Admin, on the legal front could Jon take action against Kate for allowing this?
Ashley may be on the payroll now, but I'm surprised that Kate is allowing it. Isn't that what split up her relationship with Aunt Jodie? BTW while we're on the subject, does anyone know exactly what happened between Kate and Beth to cause their split?
You are incorrect. If school is not in session in California, for example, there is no set teacher.
Who is on the set to make sure that the child labor laws are not violated...it's not going to be TLC! Who makes sure that the kids aren't filmed where alcohol is served, or that work permits are posted, or that the kids filming schedule doesn't exceed the number or hours they are allowed to work? Apparently the kids were filmed in the early morning on the first day of school, definitely a violation of the current child labor laws in existence.
Admin, I used the wrong word in my earlier post. I should have said the "courthouse door" instead of "judge's door". I understand that you can't go knocking on the judge's door. Thanks for the clarification.
I really despise everything bout this so-called mother.
What did Kate lie about in relation to her wedding?
Rolling over in laughter here. Look at the higher-than-high hooker heels. She can't walk! Hasn't anyone told her that when she wears strappy shoes like that, her legs look even shorter and more squatty?
I'll try to post a link of the video. If it doesn't work, just google Kate Gosselin Annapolis. What on earth is she WEARING? A t-shirt, satin shorts and 5" heels - on a BOAT? She just looks (and is) DUMB. Hey, I don't think Kate has a bad shape, but she clearly cannot dress it appropriately and cannot walk in those (or any of her) shoes (those wrap-around-ankle gladiators should be worn with pants/jeans); she thrusts her hips forward and has terrible posture and it just is all so unflattering. This will all be on an episode too! Do her producers/advisors hate her? And if she paid for her own trip, why is there a camera crew on the boat? Maybe she means she paid for the leg that takes her to TN, but it's all just so odd. So very, very odd. http://www.hometownannapolis.com/video/1308262993KateGosselininAnnapolis
The blog that rhymes with Mange has decided to make an entire post about a "hater's" miscarriage.
How does support Kate Gosselin?
PJ's Mom, I wish I knew what Kate is thinking when she dresses herself because IMO she looks like a hooker most of the time. When I say she looks like a hooker I'm not just talking about her choice of clothing either. She looks like a hooker with over-processed hair and too much makeup. She looks like a hooker who has leathery skin from tanning too much, smoking too much and drinking too much. I often look at her picture on this blog with the fork above her head and just wonder what the hell happened in so little time? Honestly, she looks radiant and very pretty in the picture here. She also looks AT LEAST 10 years younger than she does now. She looks 50 years old now (oh God, I'm 51!) and looks like she's been rode hard and put up wet. She used to dress conservatively with very little makeup. She was attractive enough that she was pretty without much makeup. I'd just like to know who in the world told her that her "new" look is attractive, because they are obviously very low class. That's what Kate looks like now, LOW CLASS.
jmelynne31: why are you talking about you spending or not spending money on a trip? I missed something obviously.
Kateplusmy8 RT @jmelynne31:
Y R u talking@spending or not spending $on a trip?I mist sumthing.. PPL R ? HOW MUCH $ IM MAKING 4 BENIFIT TRIP
Kateplusmy8: 2 answer disturbing ? Out there,I'm paying 4 entire benefit trip&making NOTHING.costing me$but glad2help! A shame I even have2discuss this!
Kate, if you were really HELPING AND GIVING you wouldn't be going to Tenn to promote your show- you'd go to the Food Bank in PA
Kind of looks like those negative tweets that she doesn't see are getting to her. HA!
Wow tacky much, Kate? I cannot think of another celeb who has ever boasted about paying for a trip out of pocket.
And we know about taxes, Kate, and know full well you can write off a huge chunk of this trip. That's probably why she is giving out the book, to ensure this will be considered a business trip by the IRS.
Actually just one correction.
It's not out of Kate's pocket, it's out of the children's.
I noticed on the Annapolis video, she didn't even thank the guy who handed her a bottle of water.
Most people say "thank you" automatically when you are given something - don't they? I mean, isn't that common courtesy?
And she does look like a hooker.
Anybody know what "family members" are with her?
She is only trying to improve her image. Even if she did really pay for it all herself it was only to make herself look better so she doesn't lose more viewers. NOT cuz she cares. She could have just sent a big check instead of spending money on herself again. (travel, hotel & other expenses to go) I expected it would happen but not this quick. Many many things have been addressed or changed after it was talked about in blogs and on twitter. Everything but taking the kids off tv. :(
I wonder how she knew this big doings was going on in TN for the Second Harvest. She doesn't know half the time when her own shows will air.
Regarding the paps, I remember the episode Houses and Big Changes when Jon wanted to put the houses in the forest so the kids won't be photographed by the paps all the time but Kate was dead set against,claiming the kids would never get to play in them.BS, the kids have nannies who could take them to the houses, they even have a mother who could take them(in theory) but than there would be no photo-ops..
When you don't have talent, charisma or personality that pretty much forces your manager to order the bleached blonde hair and out of place hooker heels to make you stand out in a crowd. And yes Kate looks awful and awkward, but hey, she doesn't have to raise her kids or be bothered with them so she is happy.
I skipped right to the comments, so I didn't read any. Sorry if any of this has been said. How is this legal? No parent on set? I hope Jon is watching closely. Maybe he showed up. He must be livid. To try & stop something that obviously meant something to him & to watch Kate just keep filming & filming & filming his kids, just to get rich off of them. No adult on set? What the hell??
When the hell when will she stop? Look at the kids? They look bored. I just saw what was up top here, I didn't click on the link, but keep it up Kate. I guess she really does not care how her kids will feel about her later in life.
~Hippie Chick~
In the Annapolis video, the contrast between Kate in her skag garb and a regular person is highlighted by the woman who is seen briefly on the left wearing pretty print walking shorts that are the right length and appropriate for daytime wear.
Kate, on the other hand, looks like she slept in her clothes, possibly with the guy who licked her leg. What a despicable role model for young girls!
Donna said...
Tucker's Mom, I don't know what is wrong with Jon. If I was him I would be beating down the judge's door, demanding that someone put a stop to this crap. I never thought of Jon as lazy but in the last few months I've started to believe that maybe he is. Maybe he just feels beaten down so badly that he doesn't know what to do. I honestly think that Jon is a victim of PTSD. When you suffer from that disorder you become sort of stuck, unable to make decisions and move forward with your life. I think living with Kate would FU anybody's life, especially the way she emasculated him for all the world to see. I wish someone would just shake Jon and tell him what he needs to do - GET THOSE KIDS AWAY FROM KATE ASAP!!!
Think about it. Jon's child support is reportedly $22,000 a month. He can't afford to pay that with his current job. It is my firm belief that Jon is in TLC's pocket. As long as he keeps his mouth shut and does nothing, he is receiving a hefty paycheck. We mustn't forget that he was fired from his job for shopping around for lucrative offers before the tups were born.
Found this today. So who are the relatives she's visiting and look at how she's dressed!!!!!http://www2.hometownannapolis.com/photos/2011/06/110616gosselin.jpg
Vivian Ward said...
Hasn't anyone told her that when she wears strappy shoes like that, her legs look even shorter and more squatty?
I have always said she looks like a calf just born learning to walk in heels or she looks like she has something up her butt. She just CANNOT walk in heels at all. It's funny. She really should practice in the mirror. I'm sure she sits in the mirror & practices her um, uh, interview, uh, skills & she um, uh, sucks at those.
~Hippie Chick~
Kate is going to TN on her "own dime". I just now realized what she meant by that. "Own Dime" is the name of the broom the witch is going to fly on.
gramof5 - How would Jon getting arrested help the kids? He would end up losing any custody or visitation he currently has. The man is working. The judge ruled against him. What else do you want him to do that is within the law and doesn't cause MORE harm? I think he is patiently waiting & gathering evidence. We have no idea what he & his lawyer are gathering & putting together. Sometimes, as painful as it is, you have to step back & let the other person bury themselves. Otherwise, you are just wasting time & money.
@Kateplusmy8 Need 2 do book signing in Nebraska, U said u have wanted 2 visit ya know:)
13 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin xxxx Perishing to get to Nebraska. What do we need to see there?
12 hours ago
"Perishing to get to Nebraska"... ?
My... she IS a pretentious one :o)
I guess "dying" to get to Nebraska is just not good enough for Kate.
Whatever floats your overly inflated boat, Kate.
NT said...
Found this today. So who are the relatives she's visiting and look at how she's dressed!!!!!http://www2.hometownannapolis.com/photos/2011/06/110616gosselin.jpg
I don't know who she is visiting, NT-
Did TLC buy Kate some new relatives?
Annapolis is charming and quaint, and is usually hotter than Hades this time of year, so Kate and kids got a nice break with cooler temps.
The sidewalks are mostly cobblestone and brick and very hard to walk on-- you have to watch your step in sensible shoes. Heels are treacherous and ill-advised. Besides looking like a smacked ass, Kate just puts it out there that she has no common sense.
I'd describe Annapolis as being (besides tourists) well-healed, monied and preppy, which makes Kate's get up look very out of place. Carrie Ann Inaba was right on when she observed that Kate's got no self awareness.
I think the heels are part of her brand at this point. The ultra blond hair, the tan and the heels are her trademark now, and she's not going to be caught on film without her "look".
Otherwise, I can't for the life of me imagine why any sentient human being would wear such inappropriate and uncomfortable footware everywhere they go. And please spare me how great Kate claims she can run in heels and blah blah blah....unless Kate has nerve damage and can't feel her feet, she's lying if she's dying that heels feel great!!
They don't and LADIES, we all know this. Hight heels and platforms look great and can make your legs go all the down to the floor (unless, of course, you insist on wearing ankle straps and are not Heidi Klum), but we all know you've got to pay the Piper to look good!
Lots of luck at the podiatrist in a decade or so, Kate.
So much to say, but will try to make it short. I agree with much of what is posted above. This is the second time that the public knows that Kate was not present while her children are being filmed. So Kate, I never want to hear the excuse that they are just "playing" while YOU work. LIAR! (Even though we all already knew that.) I have to say, I don't believe the pictures were taken by a lone Pap either, I am sure they took the pictures and sent them in themselves. Controversy = Viewers.
While I am happy that it seems Kate is off the TLC gravy train of lavish trips all summer long and that she has gone back to the "roots" of the show and filming at home, I wonder, DO THESE KIDS EVER GET TO LEAVE THE PROPERTY. I have 9 year old triplets. They are still in school for another 2 weeks, but once they are out, that is when the fun begins. They will see their friends, whether it is convenient for me or not. We will take day trips to the beach and other places like museums, zoos, amusement parks. We will go to the movies, bowling, and the library. They will continue their sports and go to camps that they picked AND we will take a family vacation. I am just talking about simple things that families do and kids remember. MAKING MEMORIES. It is just not normal to stay confined to the property every day, day in and day out. I don't care how big it is, that it has a pool and that they have loads and loads of toys to keep them occupied. They also need to interact with people outside of their immediate family and be aware that you can do fun things without a camera in your face. BTW, I don't know for a fact that they never leave the property, but by Kate's own tweeting, it seems they are always at the house. It is sickening.
As far as the Annapolis pictures, she does look like she just rolled out of bed. Ill fitting clothes, with those ridiculous heels. Just tacky really. I also noticed she did not say thank you to the guy who handed her water. Diva Bitch. I cannot stand her! She just needs to go away.
I'm not at all surprised that Kate would allow her children to be filmed without a parent on the set, but I *AM* surprised TLC would agree to it. Obviously they don't care about ethics, but they DO care about the legal side of things, right? God forbid, but what if one of the kids was injured--a broken leg, a busted lip, whatever--on their watch?
C (Who still can't post under her ID)
I hope someone is watching all this for Jon. Seems like it would be totally illegal for filming with no parent/legal guardian present. Too many young men around. Whose "watching" the kids - a young 20 something Ashley? What happen to all the dad figures on the crew.
You know the liability issue really is perplexing. TLC legal is just fine and dandy with filming these children without Kate or Jon there? If anything ever happened they are not worried about being in hot water for not having a parent there?
Maybe they just don't give a rip at this point? They too are so blinded by the money they're not being logical and reasonable?
Just looked at the "Hooker in Heels Strolls the Dock" picture. WTF????? That bitch has lost her freakin' mind. And does she own a shirt that DOESN't show cleavage?
I'm serious here, folks. Those heels with those shorts in that setting is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen on the Internet. Wonder how long it will be before Mady refuses to be seen in public with her??
Kate tweets about free frozen yogurt treats then they tweet she's sooooooooooo nice. Would she be nice if she had to pay?
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@berrycup No problem!A major treat 4us! will stop in agn sumtime! Thx4awesome service& complimentary yummy yogurt!great end2a great day!:)
FYI it's not illegal to let a camera crew film your kids alone in PA.
It's just COMMON SENSE not to let a camera crew film your kids alone.
It's sad we need a law to force parents to be present when a crew if filming the crap out of your child. Child actor laws are there because we can't trust a few parents. CA had to do it.
She is a Cow, you sound like a great mom! Can I be your kid for the summer??
Kate is not going to do anything fun with those children, because she's a narcissist. She has no consideration of anyone else's needs/wants. She proved that in the Sarah Palin episode. She's a self-centered bitch who thinks of no one but herself. If those kids get to do anything different and fun this summer, it will be on Jon's watch and I doubt that he has the money to do very much. And while we're on the subject...
Does Jon get to use any of the money from the show to take the kids places, buy them things, etc.? It seems to me that it's works like this:
A. The kids make the money
B. Kate spends that money on herself
C. Jon works a blue-collar job, struggling to make ends meet while also having to pay child support.
If that's the way it goes down, then why is Kate the only one reaping the benefits from the show? They're Jon's kids too.
Thanks Admin for the heads up. It's not illegal, but it sure is criminal how little Kate cares about her kids.
Administrator - You know the liability issue really is perplexing. TLC legal is just fine and dandy with filming these children without Kate or Jon there? If anything ever happened they are not worried about being in hot water for not having a parent there?
Maybe they just don't give a rip at this point? They too are so blinded by the money they're not being logical and reasonable?
Thank You! This is very disturbing that these kids now are not only filming, but without either parent present! WTH?? What are they thinking? And I do include Jon in his equation, as they are his kids, as well. He may or may not have know about this ,but he needs to oppose this asp! Through the Court. Although Ashley is there, there is no parent there to oversee this circus. This is a family show allegedly with neither parent there to oversee their children's best interest. This has gone way too far this time. At least in my opinion.
Here's hoping that Child Protective Services receives a complaint about the Gosselin children and lack of supervision. It seems to me that they are not adequately supervised, that Ashley is too young and that they are alone with men who whose background is not known. Cara and Mady look miserable in that clip too. Kate is such a joke, but the harm that is coming to these children is far from a joke
Forgot to add that this is the second show, that I know of, where they are splitting Kate from the kids, with the kids filming alone without a parent present. THIS IS INSANE!!!! Probably trying to see if Kate can make it on her own, or if the kids are the draw alone, and Krap will allow her kids to be filmed alone in order to keep the money rolling in. Mad Scientist Experiment and both Kate and Jon are allowing this. Jon is not off the hook. He needs to address with the Court the alterations in the show and how this is even more damaging to the kids who are being thrown out solely to the public with no parental direction while filming is going on. I am sorry, but Ashley is not their parent/guardian, is 21/22yrs old and has no right to make filming decisions for these kids. This, even for Kate, if off the charts to allow this. Great mom indeed. Only proves the point many of us have been making!!
Yolanda said...
I noticed on the Annapolis video, she didn't even thank the guy who handed her a bottle of water.
Most people say "thank you" automatically when you are given something - don't they? I mean, isn't that common courtesy?
I'm not a professional lip reader, but her mouth opened and she formed words when handed the water bottle, so I'm fairly confident that she said thank you.
Admin: If the contract for the show is up in Feb. 2012, would Jon have to sign the new contract for the kids to continue to be filmed or could Kate get the courts to overide his parental rights?
On another note, if Kate goes to TN on Monday with no film crew, I just might believe she is doing this on her own. If there is a film crew with her, no way is she paying on her own dime.
I'm not at all surprised that Kate would allow her children to be filmed without a parent on the set, but I *AM* surprised TLC would agree to it.
No surprise there. They filmed for years when they knew that work permits were required and they did whatever they could to sneak it by the DOL. The kicker was that the DOL found that they indeed had been required to acquire permits, but let them off with a slap on the wrist and a promise not to do it again under penalty of severeness.
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin xxxx Perishing to get to Nebraska. What do we need to see there?
What? She's perishing to get there, but has no idea what to do there? Usually if you are dying to go someplace, you at least have some kind of knowledge what it is you want to see and WHY you are dying to get there!
According to her latest tweet, she's "donating" her books for the event. I understand those books have no value. This donation is not hitting her pocketbook. She should be donating some of the cash advance she received on the books.
wryview said...
gramof5 - How would Jon getting arrested help the kids? He would end up losing any custody or visitation he currently has. The man is working. The judge ruled against him. What else do you want him to do that is within the law and doesn't cause MORE harm? I think he is patiently waiting & gathering evidence. We have no idea what he & his lawyer are gathering & putting together. Sometimes, as painful as it is, you have to step back & let the other person bury themselves.
Wouldn't you think that 7 yrs of documented evidence would be enough?
Oh, and by the way, I'm a Jon supporter all the way.
Kate Tweets:
......I'm donating/signing my books4 event 2!
She better be "donating" her books. Rumor has it you can get them for 50% off at the dollar store!!
She's busy donating her books? When considering the alternative, I guess it's better than donating them to the local Good Will store, where they will be sold for a quarter, or putting them in the dumpster! The books have been on the shelves here at the local dollar stores, two for a buck!
Where did those cookbooks ever end up? Are there people overseas making the US flag cake?
A thought about the odd word choices in her tweets.....think the tweets are written by someone whose first language is not English?
"...Perishing to get to NE..."
Even Kate knows better than that. Be it would make sense to someone who doesn't know English all that well. Sounds like some who doesn't have a full command of the English language yet.
Often her tweets sound like those assembly instructions you get sometimes when the writer doesn't fully speak/write English. You can make sense of them, but it takes a minute to figure out what they meant.
AMD said... If Kate is not present, she cannot ensure that the proper boundaries remain between her children and the film crew.
May I tweak this a bit? "If Kate is not present, she cannot ensure that the proper boundaries remain between her children and the WORKERS THAT ARE ON THE CHILDREN'S PROPERTY. Kate needs to stop thinking of them as rotating sugar-daddies that entertain her children for her, so she can get paid for what the nice daddies and 'uncles' DO with her kids.
And YES that is how I mean it. She is so clearly abnormal in any kind of human feelings that she already is hard pressed to protect her kids, if it meant she might lose a buck and a quarter over it.
Jon knows, and has known for over 6 years, that this is what filming looks like. He was there in the beginning, remember? It is the JUDGE who doesnt know. And until a Judge sees what goes on during all of this, he/she cannot comprehend.
It's too late. Their childhoods' are gone. The psych damage is done. Some of them may never realize it. I strongly suspect we are witnessing the birth of life long media-chasers like the Kardashians, willing to sell their soul, their lives, privacy and their bodies for fame, praise and money. A few will pull back as soon as they are allowed, perhaps Cara and one or 2 of the boys. But the rest of the kids, this is what they know, this is what pleases Mother, and tramping around for a buck is what they will do.
It's just too late.
It's beyond disgusting to treat children like this, and even worse that this camera crew is invading their own home, which should be a refuge and a safe place for them.
Are they really only in the care of a 20 year old baby sitter? No parent to oversee the filming? No parent to come to if problem arise? WTH? In what world is this acceptable?
If this filming is being done when no parent is present, as a non-custodial parent I'd be back in court in a nano-second. There is NOTHING acceptable about this scenario.
Donna: Kate lied about the wedding renewal show. Kate and Jon were already separated, before they did the that wedding, episode. It was reported that after the wedding show, that Jon was living above the garage, for some months, and Stevie boy was living in the basement. jon & Kate knew they were already separated. The wedding episode was a fraud and lie. Her & Jon put on a good performance and netted 10 million viewers. But once the public and fans found out they lied, viewership dropped like a rock. I'm not sure which filed first for divorce, not long after that episode. The fact they lied to the kids on TV, that mommy and daddy would be together forever. That is her lie of the wedding, actually it's 2 lies. One to the kids and the other to the public. All cause Jon wanted the family off the air. Which Kate said, when the show first began, that if anyone in the family wanted to stop filming, the show was over. Yeah, Kate kept that word. Got rid of Jon and kept filming the kids. Even went as far as court to insure she has full custody, with limited visitation for Jon to film those kids. Now she cries foul, that Jon does not spend enough time with his kids. She is a piece(of *&^%%$#) of work!
I have to agree with what Donna said at 7:55 AM. This picture screams 'hooker'. Worse still, she is pictured with her two oldest daughters - some role model. I'm amazed that TLC doesn't offer her some wardrobe advice in keeping with her purported image of amazing wonderful mother of eight.
Admin said...
It's just COMMON SENSE not to let a camera crew film your kids alone.
Exactly. I can't imagine. Even at the beginning of school years, a paper goes home asking parents to give the school permission if your child is filmed if it would be OK if their image can go on the internet or the local TV station. That has nothing to do with men or a camera crew filming kids ALONE with no parent present, but still. Of course there are nannies there, but please, they ARE NOT THE KIDS PARENTS.
Are they allowed to consent to ANYTHING when it comes to filming?
Film crew: Hey um, nanny # 4, we want to take the boys in the woods & have them run around in their underwear for the show? That OK?
Nanny #4- Well, Ms. Kate did say to say Yes to everything....
Film crew: Hey Nanny # 7, is it OK if we go watch the little girl pee?
Nanny #7- Well, Ms Kate said to consent to EVERYTHING, as long as it was on video. Sure, why not?
Film crew: Hey nanny # 5, is it OK if we put ALL the kids in white clothes, right down to their underpants & have a water fight with them? We think that some of the viewers would really like that. (smiles a smarmy, disgusting, evil smile that makes me want to punch my imagination in the face)
Nanny #5- Ms. Kate DID say as long as the kids were laughing & having fun, it was OK. Oh, & it HAD to be videotaped. But as soon as they start crying, make sure you get a close up.
Film crew guy- Oh, I'll get close-ups.
THIS kind of scenario does not play through Kate's stupid, idiotic head. All she sees are dollar signs when she closes her eyes. Not the fact that there are people that could harm her kids, potentially the very ones that should be protecting them. Like the film crew. I just cannot believe how incredibly careless she is with her own children's welfare. It really is like she just doesn't give a shit at all. And IF something should happen, God forbid, she would use that as a chance to make the talk show rounds & become an advocate for sexual abuse for children for like a minute. I know she would. Sick. It's sick.
~Hippie Chick~
In regards to what Beth said about Jon still getting paid by TLC to keep his mouth shut, it's possible, but not likely. Jon is his own man now, working indepentantly and living a quiet life. I don't think he would EVER get involved with the likes of TLC or a woman like Kate EVER again.
If for some reason TLC decides to renew the kids contract in 2012, I think he will fight it all the way. Jon is a decent person, from a decent family. They were never grifters or charlatans. (Unlike some people we know) He wants what is best for his children, like any other good Father.
I hope Jon will be able to celebrate Father's Day with his children. I'm sure low-life Kate will do everthing in her power to throw a monkeywrench in it....Has she said yet whether or not the kids are going to TN.? Maybe they're going to have to stay in ''gloomy'' PA. Funny how it's never ''Gloomy'' when Kate is away from PA. and her kids.
Regarding Ashley, I'm actually glad the kids have her, as she's one of few friends/family the kids still have. I don't know how old she is exactly, but she was a child herself when she and Carla first appeared on the show. I think she's just doing what she's told, and I think she truly loves those kids like a big sister would. It ticks me off that Khate is using her to her advantage.
That said, wasn't Ashley studying child development or education? Something along those lines. I thought I read she just graduated recently, too. If both the above are true, she may be legally cleared to be a guardian for the kids on set. I have no idea what her title would be, but she could be a set nanny or "wrangler" to the kids. No wonder Khate was so thrilled Ashley was graduating and "spending the summer" with her and the kids! I swear I can recall someone posting about Ashley graduating, from Khate's Twitter feed back a few months ago.
I don't know much about the world of acting and showbiz, but I don't think a parent needs to be on set as long as there is an approved nanny or guardian of some sort. The Olsen twins essentially had a second mother in their nanny on "Full House", as neither of the girls' parents could be on set. How convenient this is for Khate, she can now leave the troops in the care of Ashley, while she travels!
Last quick comment, I think Khate is seriously addicted to traveling, among other things.
I think Kate's addicted to filming, also.
That's why she was frantic when Jon wanted to stop filming.
I agree that the children should have a person specifically assigned to protect them - all of them. Ashley may have a degree in childhood development or other very useful degree, but I wish the kids had all the protection they deserve.
That said, wouldn't TLC have done extraordinary background checks on their film crews? Possibly even do psychological testing for those who will be working with children? If for no other reason than to avoid a lawsuit, it seems to me that TLC would already have this safety issue covered. Maybe Ashley had to go through some kind of check as well.
In a perfect setting, one of the crew members would be a mandatory reporter.
TLC would not only have to worry about worst
case scenarios with child abuse/molestation, but also things like theft, etc. The crew members go into people's homes where there are
likely some valuable things. It is not inconceivable that if there is a thief among them that plans could be made to burgle the house at a later time. Unlocked windows, etc.
Above all else, TLC will protect itself.
I'm just thinking out loud, not trying to state any facts. The chances are excellent that only
honest, reliable people work on film crews for TLC. If not, TLC will answer for it in court one day.
Decisions and the Gosselin Case
Sylvia LaFair withdraws complaint against Kate.
Read it and weep.
She wins again.
Kate is seriously addicted to KATE.
Regardless of Ashley's qualifications, she can't be everywhere at once.There are lots of opportunities for someone to behave inappropriately with any one of those kids.The fact that they are in their own home doesn't make them safer, especially since it is such a large property.
I would be really interested to know what security measures are in place (picture badges,weapons searches at the gate) to ensure that the children are not exposed to danger; since police checks or the presence of a parent are apparently not required.
Paying The Piper said... http://technorati.com/entertainment/celebrity/article/decisions-and-the-gosselin-case/
She wins again.
Well, the doc decided not to wallow in the mud with Katie Kreider, that the whole affair was too beneath her for a lousy 10K. Katie Irene and her zombie minions are thinking "See? I told you I would win."
It gives none of us any comfort to know that Kate would trade in a kid or two to get her own hands on someone else's hard earned 10K.
"For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"
Kate's not won. She's lost her soul. She's lost her way.
Sylvia LaFair, you are a self-actualized human being, while Kate Gosselin is, and may likely spend her life, at the base of the triangle (Maslow).
Surely Kate will cry victory, and if this is her idea of conquering- of slighting another human being- well then, let her just roll around in it and enjoy.
Regarding the recent statement by Dr. Lafair. Sheeple are saying that it just goes to show that Kate didn't owe the therapist any money. How do they figure? It went to court. Kate LOST. The judge made the decision based on the evidence presented. The sheep, bless their hearts, with little education (not to mention no LEGAL knowledge) think they know more than the court system. They couldn't read, much less understand, a court decision if their lives depended on it.
As a collective group, their reasoning (or lack of it) never ceases to amaze me. If you get inside their minds, which is frightening in itself, they are so predictable that it isn't even challenging or entertaining anymore!
What is this I'm hearing....That Dr. is dropping the case against Kate.
Just Dwindle Away, are you suggesting the crew may be hurting these kids in some way or did I get it wrong?
Wow - Kate did not WIN in that court case against LaFair. LaFair stuck it to her big time with the message in her letter.
So she doesn't need to cough up the $10K but not good for her dwindling image.
It is laughable that the fans are cheering and considering this a win when in reality, Kart got owned by LaFair big time. Kart the Media Beast indeed!
Way to go Sylvia Lefair,now you have reinforced Kate's notion that money is everything and the more you have the more people you can walk over. You should have stuck it out and won the case you claim was yours to win.
I don't see how LeFair won anything. She won the first round and didn't stick around to finish what she started. IMO, her excuses were weak. I'd like to know her real reason for dismissing the claim. Legal fees, closer scrutiny during an appeal? People will speculate she felt she'd lose the appeal.
All Kate learned is don't pay and if you lose appeal. Maybe another kind of person, one with some humanity, would consider LaFair's words humiliating, but not Kate. More $$ for more shoes!
Yes, the sheeple in their twisted brains, probably only read part of the article, the part that says LaFair withdrawed the law suite, even thought, LaFair won. Here is another article:
In a way I agree with LaFair, why give fuel to a fadding reality personality or the media. But, it would have been nice to see Kate being taken down a few pegs. Kate did rant about it on one of the recent episodes, did she not? Oh her latest tweet, she did not know about the law suite being dropped. I guess the hair bleach, bleached her brain. Or cause she is so caught up in the food bank appearance, that she did not read her e-mail. I guess purse boy is not doing his job.
I smell a TLC payoff to LaFair. I can't believe she would walk away from 10K. Doesn't make sense. I don't care what her excuses are, something doesn't smell right. I am throwing up my hands and am tired of the whole Gosselin affair. It's no use. Kate always wins.
Lafair is right. Kate will never quit and for Lafairs own sanity sometimes the best thing to do is let it go. This is what taking the high road really means.
Sylvia LaFair may have gotten HER point across and HER needs met, but once again, as Kate Gosselin is not by any stretch of the imagination a "normal" person, this will undoubtedly feed her belief that she is untouchable - no laws apply to her, no standards of decency apply to her - she is invincible! Sure, on the record, Kate lost, but she didn't have to see it through and be totally accountable. I am not so sure that Dr. LaFair did anybody any real favors here, least of all Kate, and although I, as a "fairly normal" person absolutely understand her viewpoint, Kate will never, EVER get it. At what point is that woman going to be held accountable for ANYTHING??? This is MaggieL by the way, won't take my name to post.
Kate's fans over at Lafair's blog are downright frightening. I could feel my IQ dropping so I hightailed it outta there.
So she doesn't need to cough up the $10K but not good for her dwindling image
Money speaks louder than images. In her world, then, she DID win. She gets to keep the $10,000 - more money for haircuts, salon visits and hooker heels. John paid his part of the bill. She walks away from it.
I can't figure out how everything is just dropped to her on a silver platter. She lucked out when she shopped the kids around, she had TLC eating out of her hand. Hint at a vacation? She got it! She wants first-class plane tickets and expensive beach house vacations - it's hers for the asking. She wants a "mine, all mine" property - she's living in it.
If any of us had a decision handed down in court, we'd have to pay the bill. Not Kate, though. She walks away laughing, with an extra 10 grand in her pocket. I've never seen anything like it in my life, and it bugs the heck out of me that I just can't figure it out. Ask, and it is given; seek and you will find. She asks, and she finds it there.
Does Karma ever come?
I think the world revolves around Kate and it isn't going to slow down anytime soon.
I share your frustration, MaggieL. (Anonymous, above.) Mrs. Gosselin will see this as a victory, and it will in no way damage her "reputation" with the 12 year olds who adore her.
It might make the next person/entity/corporation be a bit more cautious when dealing with her, though. As for everyone else, the "fairly normal" rest of the world, well, it's quite obvious what Mrs. Gosselin is: a world class liar and pimp. living off the sweat of others. Sylvia Lafair now has something in common with those poor children.
Dr.LaFair's point is that,since she has won already, it would lack integrity for her to be a party to an appeal that would be an expense to the taxpayer. She also appears to not want to be part of the celebrity media circus that will follow.
While I applaud her integrity, she should have known that the Sheeple would miss the point; Kate got away with it again, and this means that Dr.LaFair didn't really win.
Once again Kate is not being held accountable for her actions. We can't expect integrity from Kate, just an evil cackle and more stupid twittering.
FWIW, I worte a note to the TN food bank to express that while I *completely* support all efforts to end hunger, that I was not happy they were promoting someone who exploits her own children's traumas, tears, vomit, toilet training and other private emotions and affairs to provide the family income. Absolute hunger is horrible, but it is also awful that these kids have been sold to a network, and choice but to work to put food on their own dang table.
So dang frustrating - all of it.
roxyhelen said... Just Dwindle Away, are you suggesting the crew may be hurting these kids in some way or did I get it wrong?
I am stating flat out that no normal mother sends her kids off with a group of hired hands with instructions to act happy and always do what the hired hands tell you to do.
I AM suggesting however, that Kate is not mentally and emotionally equipped to know how or to care to protect her children, and would flat out refuse to protect her children if it might end up denting her bottom line.
Children are harmed by family and friends all... the... time. And these kids spend way too much time with rotating groups of hired hands that Kate calls 'daddies'.
And it doesnt matter as long as Kate and TLC make money off the sheeple's entertainment.
I'm feeling really down by the Dr. dropping her lawsuit against Kate. It does appear that "Whatever Katie wants, Katie gets." Someone please stop this insanity. That someone must be us. Please keep voting with your remotes. Send a loud and clear message. When the gravy train stops, that shrew will get the message. Anyone Kate's age who dresses up in those cheap costumes must be craving attention beyond belief.
Laura D. said...
Kate's fans over at Lafair's blog are downright frightening. I could feel my IQ dropping so I hightailed it outta there.
Nothing on the blog I looked at....
Interesting to read earlier that Kate's contribution to this event is free, signed copies of her books...you know all those books that even the bookstores couldn't give away. She's such a FRAUD.
Another new episode listed on TLC's site:
Jun 27, 10:00 pm
(30 minutes)
Kate Plus 8
Hodge Podge Dinner
For the first time ever, Kate lets the kids take over her kitchen, from baking treats to planning their own meal. They are off to the dialysis center where she and the kids hand deliver baked goods to those undergoing treatment.
(Followed by a repeat episode of 6 Becomes 7!)
Wasn't it mentioned somewhere that Kate used to work at a dialysis center?
Guess you'll have a busy summer recapping episodes, Admin!
JudyK said... Interesting to read earlier that Kate's contribution to this event is free, signed copies of her books...you know all those books that even the bookstores couldn't give away. She's such a FRAUD.
Just what I was thinking, too. Admin - how about a "tribute" to her "giving back" side by side with a pic of her books on the dollar store shelf?
Filmed and paid for the episode with all the accomodations, travel that got into the whole thing and then donates her dollar store books. Rich.
Fraud beyond words.
Just sent an email to LaFair and told her that if Kate can walk away from paying her then she should refund Jon the money he paid her. Fair is fair.
When it comes down to the bottom line and this upcoming "party" on Monday that's all on "her own dime" is over, let's see just how many dimes were actually Kate's and how many were someone elses.
Will she pay full price for her hair cut, color, and conditioning treatment or is she getting a discount or some of the services comped? Not paying full price = someone else's dime to get her there and not hers.
Will she pay full price for her transportation to NYC and the hotel and meals while there or will some of it be comped? Comped or discounted = someone else's dime and not Kate's.
Will the books that Kate gives away come from those that she bought with her own money (hope she got them on sale for $1.00) that she's had stacked in the garage or will they be shipped from the publisher or through a contact via her manager/publicist? Pretending to give of yourself is NOT accomplished by giving something that was never yours in the first place - kind of like the scooter!
Will Kate pay full price for Steve's "services" or will she get a discount or even get his services for free (you know, out of the goodness of his heart. lol)? Steve donating his services means it's Steve's dime and donation and not Kate's.
Let's not forget about the people who have made her travel arrangements FOR HER (she obviously didn't do any of this herself since she didn't even know the city she was traveling to), made her hotel reservations, booked her limo, etc, etc, etc. Kate doesn't know the meaning of doing something all by herself, truly "on her own dime".
I think I already know the outcome, but just for the heck of it, let's wait until her self-promotional fiasco in TN is over Monday night and see exactly what part of this was actually on Kate's "own dime" and what was really someone else's.
Linda said...
Just sent an email to LaFair and told her that if Kate can walk away from paying her then she should refund Jon the money he paid her. Fair is fair.
June 17, 2011 5:07 PM
Good idea!
I'm sorry. I really can construct a grammatically correct sentence even though you wouldn't know that by either of my posts tonight!
I meant to say "travel and accomodations to go there, and then she "donates" her dollar store books." Rich. Fraud beyond words.
instead of: "travel that got into the whole thing" and then donates her dollar store books. Rich.
Fraud beyond words."
Ok, there is an article saying that Kate filmed appearance at the cupcake place and Annapolis is for a new show? I think this guy has got things mixed up. If anything, DC cupcakes will do a show with Kate and film also for K8, with a visit, with a relative they managed to dig up. There is no new show. There is only K8. Just because they are filming the Tups at home and filming Kate and the twins somewhere else, does not mean that Kate is doing a new show. The Duggars film that way all the time. They go on a trip and Michelle stays home with Josie and they show the trip and show Michelle and Josie at home doing well nothing of interest. I'm sure the sheeple are having field day with this.
I also sent an email to Second Harvest. Here's the link to their contact forf:
I very politely stated how disappointed I was that they have tied their name to that of a woman who exploits her own children for financial gain.
Giving this group the benefit of the doubt, maybe they don't have a clue who KG really is, but if enough people make sure they know, maybe this won't happen again.
PS - there's NOTHING admirable about an "author" "giving away" unsellable books as a "charitable" activity.
On her own dime? LOL, How are we going to find out who paid for Steve's services, where from and how much the books cost, paid for limo, etc?
Just, remember people, if mondays visit to the food bank, that Kate claims was on her dime, shows up, on a future episode, then Kate is a lair, she did not pay for this trip. Or she will say, I paid for this trip at the time, and now TLC did film footage and so now they are showing the rest to the TV viewer, what they missed, and as a result of the filming, Kate gets her $250,000 for the episode. So she would have gotten paid back and made money in the process. If this becomes true, Kate was rather clever, and her sheeples, who believe anything she says as gospel, will think she is justified, in making the money for her appearance there, and also using the poor mom of 8 crap. We will have to wait and see. The summer is gonna be long!
This picture looks like an old one - anyone sure it was taken recently?
The tups look VERY little in this pic - in other recent pix of them, they look older - they looked their age - 7-ish.
They look about 5 in this pic!
Hey, that pic at the dock(Kate & the twins and the supposedly relatives?): does anyone know what it says on that t-shirt, that blond girl who is conveniently holding up says? I just notice that all but Kate is holding a white t-shirt. Anyone?
That little girl in the video at Annapolis looks really familiar. Does anyone remember a shopping trip where Kate and Jamie took Jamie's daughter? There were pictures of them taken by Chris in the Target parking lot I think, and someone commented about Kate holding the child's hand when she wouldn't even hold her own children's hands.I remember it really clearly but don't know where to look to verify it - maybe you tube?
I strongly suspect we are witnessing the birth of life long media-chasers like the Kardashians, willing to sell their soul, their lives, privacy and their bodies for fame, praise and money.
Speaking of the Kardashians, I happened to catch a bit of an episode the other day. They actually showed, on national television, the used tampon of one of those sisters. I was beyond disgusted!
As for the food bank fiasco on Monday, I am very seriously thinking about going but I'm not sure if I can contain myself where Kate is concerned. Even if she is there, this if for a very good cause and nothing should detract from that.
I wish that I was rich. If I were, I would contact the food bank and offer them a substantial amount of money if they would cancel her appearance.
Hi everyone -
Does Sylvia LaFair have a different blog I don't know about? Because I was just on her site and there is no posting like the one Imperfect Women claims. Could this be Imperfect Women pulling a fast one on Kate's detractors? Just wondering.
Here is Ms. LaFair's website with links to the blog. Please feel free to check it out if you wish.
@tuckersmom You are correct with your post about Annapolis at this time of year. If I may add to what you already said, the day Kate docked at the city dock in an obviously rented 30 foot boat, there is no way that Kate was visiting relatives in Annapolis and here is why.
The boat used to take Kate to the city dock was actually docked at the slip that is held by the boat "Harbor Queen" owned by which takes people on site seeing tours out to the Naval Academy and and back for half hour to 40 minute trips.
Kate was actually chauffer driven from Washington DC to Annapolis MD by Dav El sedan services and taken to a restaurant called Carrols Creek Cafe in Eastport which is across the harbor from the Annapolis City dock. Once leaving the restaurant she climbed aboard the 30 foot boat and took a 3 minute cruise across the harbor to the city dock and exited the boat for a photo op. Kate proceeded to walk up the perimeter of the city dock to the now empty Market was photo op'd at the Kunta Kinte sculptures and then escorted back to the boat which then took her back to the marina/restaurant Carrols Creek where she disembarked and left in the sedan from DAV el car service.
Despite what TLC claims was a trip to visit a relative, it was indeed not. How do I know this? My best friend is a member of the Annapolis City Police Department and they were on hand for this trip to the city dock at the request of TLC. This trip was nothing more than a photo op for Kate.
That part of town is the colonial part and a tourist trap. The city dock houses transient boat slips for overnight stays and there is a mix of redneck boaters as well as some rather expensive yachts that tie up on Ego Alley, a small canal off of Spa Creek in the center of town. Kate would have looked entirely out of place dressed the way she was, getting off a boat but then again, it's Kate. She's never dressed appropriately.
P.S. I mistakenly left out the owner of the slip for the Harbor Queen where Kates boat docked for a photo op. The company is Watermark Cruises and at the time, the Harbor Queen was out on a scheduled tour of the Annapolis Harbor and a trip around the Naval Academy. Kates "visit" was no longer than 20 minutes. Unless Kate is related to Kunta Kinte that was the only depiction of a human being that she visited and it was a cluster of statues at the base of Ego Alley.
@Kelly, who was the older couple she was photographed with?
whichblogisthat: try this, then look in the comment section. Hope this works for you.
@just curious said "who was the older couple she was photgraphed with"
I have absolutely no idea and I don't like to speculate so I'll leave it at that. What I do know as fact, I'll share it.
What I will also share is that Second Harvest has been blowing me off as to whether or not Kate was being compensated for her appearance by way of the admission fee. In addition, I know that the sedan service she uses, through Discovery Communications, also employs off duty police as drivers.
I accidently hit send before finishing what I had to say about the sedan service using off duty police as drivers. There is a network among us as some call the "thin blue line". Yes, there are those and then there are us. When I get information that won't compromise sources, is done legally and totally above board I will let it be known.
Curious asked: Kelly, who was the older couple she was photographed with?
I thought that the older couple were the relatives. The shopkeeper who was interviewed said that Kate was with the girls AND family members.
@hook-ing in Annapolis
Family members to Kate is a totally subjective term. She has camera crews that are family members as well as all her tweets that say i.e they are so much a part of our family yet we never see any "FAMILY" members in any of her shows. So, with that said, Anytime Kate tells someone they are "family members" I'd raise a hairy eyeball at that statement.
She has camera crews that are family members as well as all her tweets that say i.e they are so much a part of our family yet we never see any "FAMILY" members in any of her shows.
As far as I know, though, camera crews aren't senior citizens, and the couple with her definitely wasn't of the younger generation.
"Paid" relatives? Maybe, but why? It was the shopkeeper who said that she had family members with her. How would she know that Kate refers to the crew as family?
If these are relatives why have we never heard in the six years Kate has done her show of a trip to Annapolis before? And if they're such close relatives why were the kids left at home to work while Kate visits with relatives? Don't relatives usually want to see your kids most of all?
@hook-ing in Annapolis
I can't answer your question about the elder "family" members. If I had that answer, I'd be up on a mountain wearing robes. Who can explain what this woman comes up with on a weekly basis. It's like a soap opera where the storyline changes and we find out that the husband is acutally the brother and it all goes downhill from there. The show should be called "The Young and the Reckless" as this is what goes on in Kates life.
I would like to take this opportunity to make a public apology to someone who I sparred with on the twitter page. As I have read from a few previous posts, some of my tweets were pushing the envelope and over the edge. I'm passionate in what I believe in but yes, sometimes, the line between passion and being an idiot is a very fine line.
I crossed that line several times but this time, I crossed it in a way that was wrong, not informed and shooting from the hip. There was someone on Kates Twitter account that responded to my snark and I responded back with more snark. I continued to call this person out and we both went back and forth in a childish way.
This person actually stopped responding to my taunts and acted like the adult, yet I continued to act like a total ass and continued to wax bravado. Truth is, this person is the one who showed the class and bravado and today I found out that this person is a true hero, a member of the military and ready to deploy once again.
He is well known if you google his name and he's a warrior, a hero and someone with a story to tell, yet, his story was being quashed by the powers that be, just because he wanted to excercise his right to free speech.
Admin, if you'll allow me to post this apology, I'll appreciate it as I'm the first one to call out Kate for all her wrongs yet I should also call me out for mine. CJGRISHAM is a hero, a warrior and I stand corrected for my childish remarks to this remarkable person. Nuff said
Bravo, Kelly.
Guess you'll have a busy summer recapping episodes, Admin!
June 17, 2011 4:36 PM
Joy. I'm sure when I recap the kidney dialysis episode the sheeple will accuse me of ruining my own kidneys with alcohol.
To answer a previous question from another thread....you are not "safe" from a liable suit because you didn't name the person by name--no you just have to be able to identify the person. If you libel "that cop with a red mustache" as long as you can identify that person, that's not an issue. Gosh they're dumb. But sort of like how LaFair feels, it's not worth it to waste my own time and resources on suing such bottom feeders. For now.
As far as LaFair goes, legal fees of $10,000 are gonna add up in no time flat. At a certain point it becomes financially stupid not to just let this suit go, knowing that you're dealing with a "no never means no" narcissist. Kate on the other hand was probably prepared to take her to the Supreme Court on the kids' dime before she would ever quit.
The good news is, the kids' money won't be spent on any more of Kate's legal bills on this.
I saw a comment on LaFairs' blog that she was scared of the next court because the standard would be higher.
Hahha, um....completely false. The standard is the SAME in all courts depending on what your suit is about and what the law says the standard is (for instance, preponderance of the evidence, primea facie, beyond a reasonable doubt, and so on) except the appellate court, where the standard is much HIGHER, usually, abuse of discretion.
So, exactly the opposite, it would be HARDER to win in the appellate court. LaFair had the upper hand winning at the lower court. My guess is she realized this long legal battle made no financial sense.
If this were going to the appellate court Kate was going to be sunk. Appellate courts give GREAT DEFERENCE to lower courts' decisions and don't like to overturn them. Most judges pride themselves on not being overturned and try to make rulings that won't give them problems in the higher court. If appellate courts were always overturning lower courts' decisions, no one would have any respect for the lower courts. Most appeals are rejected flat out, and of the those that are heard, you are lucky if you win one out of every 100. And you've won the lottery if you ever make it past the first appellate court to the state or federal supreme court.
But Jon's money was spent for his half. I agree with the previous poster who suggested that if Kate doesn't have to pay, neither does Jon. I hope he gets a refund.
And by the standard is higher in the appellate court, I mean, much harder for Kate to prove that the lower court made an error.
fidosmommy said...
But Jon's money was spent for his half. I agree with the previous poster who suggested that if Kate doesn't have to pay, neither does Jon. I hope he gets a refund.
You know I tend to agree with this. Kate never once said in her testimony that this was Jon's bill. That's right, sheeple, not once. Apparently she rejected your rock-solid defense. Rather, her defense was there was no contract in the first place and she never retained LaFair. Rather they just had a bunch of contract-ish discussions for six hours, but honestly, no contract was ever created!
So if you buy into Kate's story, then Lafair was never retained for couple's counseling. Then....neither of them owes a bill.
Admin, of course we all know LaFair was owed
her remuneration for her time. A judge told Kate she did. That said, I agree with your assessment - Dr. LaFair is simply not going to waste any more money or time on Kate Gosselin.
If only we could all follow her example.....
Kste would disappear from all our lives. I think Sylvia LaFair is onto something here!
RE: the Annapolis pictures.
Could the blonde girl possibly be Talia, Beth Carson's daughter. Even if Kate and Beth and
Bob had a falling out, the children may still be friends, especially if they attend the same school. Those 3 girls were best friends once. Just a thought.
No clue about the adults' identities. Maybe an aunt and uncle of Kate's? Who knows.
That's the problem with narcissists. Lawsuits EGG THEM ON. They have no respect for the courts because they think they are an exception to the general rule. They understand there are general society rules and courts of law, they are aware that other people have to pay their therapy bills and listen to the judge, but they think there should be an exception for them.
Lafair is a psychologist. She realized all she was doing was being like troll food to this narcissist.
Consider, perhaps, that the shopkeeper who mentioned Khate & girls were with family was PAID to say that, perhaps the people with them were PAID to be family members.
While I understand Dr. Lafair's decision to drop the lawsuit, I'm extremely disappointed. Khate knows no boundaries and never accepts responsibility for her actions. How is she ever going to be forced to accept consequences? In her mind, she won! Remember, when going to court she said she was there to tell the truth and after the verdict she commented "no, never means never to me." What is it going to take to stop TEFLON KATE?
We have only Kate's word that Talia and the twins were 'best friends'. When I first heard her say this back in 2008 (only watched for 5 months) my impression was this woman was grasping for the high life. I never believed it because of the age difference. Friends yes, BEST friends? No.
If my 12 year old was best friends with a pair of 8 year olds I'd have to wonder why she doesn't have any friends her own age.
IMHO Kate was projecting her own fantasy that her daughters were best friends with a rich person's daughter. If Talia were 14 she'd say the same thing. JMO.
All I can say is TLC must have really got down on Khate and told her she had to change her image and bring the ratings up.
I love the way LaFair ended this. No matter what Kate says to the contrary this always leave doubt in the publics mind whether she really was guilty of not paying her bill owed. The Sheeple will believe whatever Kate tells them but the normal public will always wonder for sure. Even though Kate more than likely would have lost her appeal LaFair took the high road and in my opinion made Kate look like a twit.
Did anyone else notice after Jon tweeted that he and the kids make cupcakes almost every time he has them Kate arranged a quick trip to DC Cupcakes? She even said it was arranged at the last minute. Why is she always trying to one up Jon? Is she that freaking insecure?
Administrator said . . .
Lafair is a psychologist. She realized all she was doing was being like troll food to this narcissist.
Also LaFair gives seminars on how to quit being a baby in the work place and to grow up. Taking on someone like Kate as publicly as it would be (and as Ms. LaFair was subjected to in the preliminary trial) would not make for good advertising for her business. I applaud people who can maintain adulthood and see an issue logically. (And financially. Spending $12,000 to fight for $10,000 is not really a mature decision.)
And thank you, Admin for explaining about the courts. A sheeple who pretends to be a lawyer almost immediately after the guilty verdict claimed that the lower court is basically a formality to get through before getting to the "real" court where LaFair would actually have to prove her case. And, of course, would lose because it was not Kate's bill because Kate said so. Very glad to hear our court systems are a little more efficient than that. Wish sheeple would research before running with all the crap they feed each other.
@Kelly, I haven't read through all of last night's tweets. Glad you apologized. I must say I cringed when reading all that took place. I was going to tweet, but knew I'd get jumped on as well. I hope you tweeted CJGrisham an apology as well. I ran across someone tweeting some nasty insults to him on Kate's blog. Too bad.
Regarding the who think about Kate visiting relatives, is that coming JUST from the shop keeper? Who told her, Kate?
Katie Kaboomerang said...
All I can say is TLC must have really got down on Khate and told her she had to change her image and bring the ratings up.
I agree. To see Kate tweeting away so friendly-like, you'd think she actually was being sincere. It's an act for ratings. The real Kate is the one who said, "You not getting a smile from me." in her usual entitled attitude.
To answer a previous question from another thread....you are not "safe" from a liable suit because you didn't name the person by name--no you just have to be able to identify the person.
Thank you for confirming what I wrote on the other thread - that not naming the person by an actual name does not exempt one from the possibility of being the defendant in a libel suit. The sheeple are under the mistake belief that just because you weren't named in their accusations, that means you (or anyone else being defamed) cannot do anything. It's just not true. I think that the sheeple are following Kate in every way, and they see themselves as being above the law and that they, like Kate, can worm their way out of any legal issues that might come their way. They'll cross the boundaries one of these days and be in for a dose of reality.
All I can say is TLC must have really got down on Khate and told her she had to change her image and bring the ratings up.
If she were out to change her image, she wouldn't be walking those decks and cobblestone streets in hooker heels. At age 36, she looks ridiculous stumbling around in that get-up on the streets of Annapolis.
Kate tweeted: Wow. That's why Ireland is so green I assume?
So Kate assumes that Ireland is green because it rains so much. Duh! Her genius constantly amazes me!
Beth said...
Speaking of the Kardashians, I happened to catch a bit of an episode the other day. They actually showed, on national television, the used tampon of one of those sisters. I was beyond disgusted!
Um, gross. If I had been watching E! in my room that morning while putting clothes away or something & that night turn it on & I hear helium-balloon voices, I get so aggravated. It's the Kardashian's everyone! They annoy the CRAP out of me, almost as much as Kate. Kris Jenner has pushed each & every one of her kids into the spotlight & was actually PROUD of Kim for her sex tape. It got her further into the spotlight, didn't it?
About Kate & this whole TN thing, I applaud all of you guys for writing letters to the food bank. I plan on doing the same thing. They need to know who they are dealing with. How is she going to act when she gets there? Will she pull her diva attitude & request this & that & walk all over everyone? God, I hope not. It's a charity event. But then again, she does not see things like that, she only sees HER & HER needs & her comfort levels. I hope she treats those people nicely, especially for what they do to help people in the area. Then again, if we do hear about a diva, bitch attitude then that's another knock down in her image. I guess we'll see. And going on her dime? yeah...we'll see that too I guess. She always lies, so maybe we'll catch her again.
Oh & giving away her books!? That is for to laugh!!! I bet she goes home with as many as she came with!
Oh & PS..wouldn't it be HILARIOUS if Kate got it wrong again about which of her shows was on & it wasn't the TN food bank one? LOL
~Hippie Chick~
Kate tweeted: Wow. That's why Ireland is so green I assume?
So Kate assumes that Ireland is green because it rains so much. Duh! Her genius constantly amazes me!
And when it's hot, I assume it's because the sun is shining?
Maybe she thought the leprechauns comes out every morning and their green poop turns everything green-ish?
Rational thinking said...
Administrator said . . .
Lafair is a psychologist. She realized all she was doing was being like troll food to this narcissist.
Also LaFair gives seminars on how to quit being a baby in the work place and to grow up.
Right. Just because you CAN tattle on someone doesn't mean you should. Similarly, just because you can sue the pants off someone doesn't mean it's the right thing to do for your own physical and emotional health and sanity.
You know deep down I thought Lafair probably had her limits. She is not a narcissist. She does not have to win at all costs. If Kate pushed her enough, sooner or later it would no longer make financial and emotional sense for her.
Kate thinks she "won." But as far as being the bigger person, that's all on LaFair.
The sheeple are under the mistake belief that just because you weren't named in their accusations, that means you (or anyone else being defamed) cannot do anything. It's just not true. I think that the sheeple are following Kate in every way, and they see themselves as being above the law and that they, like Kate, can worm their way out of any legal issues that might come their way.
Exactly, they model themselves after Kate. And the problem is, lawsuits EGG THEM ON just like Kate. They are above it. They don't realize all I would have to do is get a letter from my school proving I never lost a scholarship, much less lost one for being drunk, attach it to a brief motion, and that's all I would need to sue the pants off them. I do this thing every day, sheeple, it's no skin off my back. And I'm sure my school would be happy to help.
So, keep going, sheeple. Maybe I'll get that letter and just have it on standby in case I need it. However, suing people who are probably insolvent given all the time they spend slobbering on Kate would probably not net me much.
@Kelly, just saw this:
Underwalt Walt
@Kateplusmy8 @cjgrisham Your service is soundly appreciated and my asshole tweetsto you weren't warranted. For that, I am truly sorry.
cjgrisham CJ Grisham
@Underwalt @kateplusmy8 truly accepted.
Yay for two high road takers!
I wish our culture appreciated high road takers more, but it's a culture of idolizing money and looks, no matter how either was attained.
@just curious said:
I did apologize to him on his twitter account and he accepted it in the affirmative.
Admin, glad to see your mature response ;) I think it is pointless to argue with the sheeple. They see the case now as a WIN.
Good for Sylvia, but now the can of worms she opened for the sheeple is mind blowing. They will spin tales of Aha moments that they knew Sylvia was lying and Jon was in on it. This will go on for days.
I'm sure the lower PA courts appreciate being practically labeled kangaroo courts.
Completely false, they are all firm courts of law that the appellate courts respect. There is no such thing as popcorn court Judge Judy court just screw around court until you get to the REAL court.
Gimme a break with this stupidity.
If they're going to speculate so ludicrously, I'm gonna throw one out there.
What if Kate knew she was going to lose, so went back to LaFair to finally settle. She settled with her on the condition she would tell everyone she is dropping the lawsuit. Only she forgot to put in that little agreement LaFair couldn't write a blog post calling her a media hog.
Take the comment about the people with Kate in Annapolis with a grain of salt.
"Family" members is Kate-speak for anyone who can tolerate her and her kids for any length of time like the camera guys that she considers "dads" to her children and the production crew that she talks about as being family and who she'll stay in touch with and who will visit her kids forever and ever. It's just another twist of words to suit Kate's purpose at any given time or occasion. What better way for Kate to answer a question about who the people were, than to say 'they're family'. I'm inclined to believe they are people she's met through TLC (headquarters in Silver Springs, MD) than anything else.
Another poster had a good point....don't family members usually want to see your kids most of all? If these are people Kate doesn't see much, seems odd they aren't seeing the kids.
However, suing people who are probably insolvent given all the time they spend slobbering on Kate would probably not net me much.
No, but it just might muzzle them. As LaFair said, it's not about the money, it's about the principles.
Yes but narcissists don't feel muzzled like normal people would. They just don't react to situations like people who are not narcissists do. They wouldn't feel muzzled they would feel egged on.
What if Kate knew she was going to lose, so went back to LaFair to finally settle. She settled with her on the condition she would tell everyone she is dropping the lawsuit. Only she forgot to put in that little agreement LaFair couldn't write a blog post calling her a media hog.
Don't you think that if that were the case, a gag order would have been included? This is often standard in high-profile settlements. I would believe that if her attorney were sharp he would have thought to do this. It wouldn't have been up to Kate to impose one - the attorney should have known.
Yes but narcissists don't feel muzzled like normal people would. They just don't react to situations like people who are not narcissists do. They wouldn't feel muzzled they would feel egged on.
So, knowing that once they were successfully sued for libel, they would keep putting forth these lies, not believing it could happen again?
I know there's very little intelligence there or reasoning ability, but how incredibly stupid is that? This, of course, is assuming that they are all narcissists, which I don't believe is the case. They simply cannot think for themselves, which is not the same as being a narcissist. The fact that they cannot have any intelligent discussions there without pulling comments from other blogs proves that they are incapable of initiating any kind of discourse on their own.
Yeah, some of Kate's supporters are a little umm...mentally challenged. I mean the first time they used the "code name" they explained where it came from and who was it about.And they explain to every newbie(not that there are many).A code name is not a code name if everyone knows who you're talking about,lol.
I was thinking, the main reason I watched J&K+8 was because I was curious to see how a family can manage so many kids and also because I like kids(I think they're cute and sweet and innocent) and so things regarding kids do interest me more than other things.So I watched, on Youtube(it's the only place I ever watched the show, TLC just arrived in my country) during the summer they broke up. I didn't watch in any particular order,it was just something I watched when I had nothing else better to do.I was unaware of the mess back then. Anyway, here's the point I was trying to make before the rambling started lol: I get that you may be curious to see how the kids are growing up in a couple of specials every yea, but I don't understand how you can be obsessed with watching these kids all the time, every day, wishing you'd meet them or be your siblings or something similar. How can you say you're okay when you become obsessed with seeing some kids? How is that normal? I heard sheeple talking about buying the dvds and seeing the episodes over and over again. I just can't get it.
And this isn't just about the Gosselin kids, did you notice most magazines should be called "The kidnapper's guide"? Why would you want to know Brooklyn Beckham's favourite colour, or how many clothes Suri Cruise has or what school do the Jolie-Pitt kids go and so on? And why are these people allowed to publish such details? I saw the other day a photo of Ellen Pompeo covering her daughter( who is about 1 I think) with a blanket because the paps were all in her face. Yes, in the face of a 1 yo. The paps almost caused a seizure to Romeo Beckham(God only knows why we needed to know the poor kid has epilepsy)
And you know why the paps kill themselves to get these pictures? Because they SELL them WELL. Because this is the kind of thing people want to read/see. So my question is: WHY? WHY WOULD YOU NEED TO SEE PICS OF A CELEB KID ALL THE TIME? Are these people really okay? It didn't have to be like this for the G kids but their parents made it like this. And now Kate thinks she's the same with all the celebs. She may think the kids are being photographed for the same reason Angelina Jolie's kids are photographed because SHE is now a big star.No Kate, you are being photographed because of the kids.You're did not manage to become a big star and you put your kids through hell!
Okay, this got out of control so I'll just stop rambling now.Sorry for the extra long comment everyone
OT for a moment. Admin, how do you feel about Judge Judy? I think she is a rude, arogant, showboating, no respect for real integrity, highly paid, narcissist. A judge, not so much.
Her appeal is that she shreds ignorant, sheeple like, litigents, df or plnt. What kind of judge dismisses most cases on a whim, or has a crystal ball and KNOWS you are lying, ignoring any evidence that may prove otherwise? sorry for rant.
At this point, I feel totally convinced that it is not Kate who is tweeting....but someone hired to do this. When I consider her personality, all of the documentation regarding how she treats others, etc....I just feel sure that this could not possibly be her.
In the beginning, I was not completely sure because there were certain statements/phrases that sounded like her.....but someone who'd been hired to do this would go to a great deal of trouble to sound as much like Kate as possible.
But....this pleasant/friendly manner can't possibly be her....especially for this long. I don't think she could do this even if she tried....she's psychologically unable to pull it off.
I've pretty much lost interest in even checking what's written on twitter simply because I don't think it's Kate.
I'm still trying to figure out how last Saturday Kate twitted that she had no $$$$ or resources to give to charity:
Kate: Omg wld luv2help!don't hav resources2go(altho wishIcould&would)&don't hav$ 2helpall disas(wish I could&wld) prayr I can do
Then less than a week later she is paying for the entire trip herself and making nothing:
Kate: 2 answer disturbing ? Out there,I'm paying 4 entire benefit trip&making NOTHING.costing me$but glad2help! A shame I even have2discuss this!
Not buying it. As has been mentioned before, if TLC is there taping, she will be getting paid and TLC will be picking up all costs.
Kelly, Kudos for you for taking the high road and apologizing. I do not do Twitter but I read the comments and I love that you as well as others call Kate out on her remarks.
I don't know if this was brought up by anyone over at the thread for the birthday episode, but here is a clip of Kate acting frazzled over the party preparations. At about the 30 second mark she makes a nasty comment about the Lafair lawsuit. I wonder if they (TLC) allowed this to air because they already knew that Lafair was planning to drop her lawsuit?
Administrator said...Another poster had a good point....don't family members usually want to see your kids most of all? If these are people Kate doesn't see much, seems odd they aren't seeing the kids.
If it were me I would be devastated. My one daughter moved 20 hrs away for 8 months and it depressed me til she moved back. I can't imagine being cut off from grandkids!
Troy I never watched judge Judy actually.
To answer the question above they have joint legal custody. They both have to agree to the new contract. If they can't they have to take the dispute to family law court. This will never end for Jon since no never means no to Kate. I bet she would film them out of spite even if she didn't want to anymore.
Oh, Kate please come to the New England states, especially mine, Please. Please come. I will welcome you, sure I will. Uh huh. Yep.
~Hippie Chick~
Troy, ITA with you about Judge Judy. I only watched the show once or twice, but I was struck by what a knowitall she is, and particularly because, in the show I saw, she was dead wrong. A young woman was suing her baby's father for medical expenses because she developed cancer because of her pregnancy. Judge Judy dismissed her case without obtaining any medical information because "there's no such thing as pregnancy causing cancer". Problem is, there is. It's called choriocarcinoma, it arises from placental tissue, and it is highly lethal and agressive. So this poor young woman, who was likely under a death sentence, was called a liar on national television, by someone who couldn't be bothered by facts.
roxyhelen - you can add those paps who caused Tori Spelling's auto accident this week to your list of idiots. Chasing a pregnant woman, with 2 children in her car, so you can take pix of her kids, is the lowest form of low. Those "people", and I use the term loosely, are 6 inches lower than a snake's navel.
readerlady, who still can't post using her name/avatar
Admin said...
So, keep going, sheeple. Maybe I'll get that letter and just have it on standby in case I need it. However, suing people who are probably insolvent given all the time they spend slobbering on Kate would probably not net me much.
It just blows my mind that they insist on lying about you. Why?? Because you prove Kate is wrong & catch her in lies all the time? Too effing bad. Their intelligence is just beyond words. And when one of them DOES decide to come over here, ANONYMOUSLY, & say something it's only to call us all "stupid doo-doo heads" & "jerks". Oh, did you make them cry? They never have anything profound or clever to say. Well, I wonder why; hmm, maybe it's because they have ZERO defense for anything Kate has done. Is it possibly because Kate is wrong & lying & they CANNOT defend her?
This whole LaFair thing...they THINK Kate won. She didn't. Kate lost, big time. Did her little followers even read the letter? Kate got bashed, big time. LaFair basically called her a loser. The only reason LaFair isn't continuing is because SHE doesn't want to waste tax payers money & anyone's time. Unlike Kate who would take it to the Supreme Court, wasting so much time & resources, just to say she did. But Kate had already LOST! Her fans are stubborn & I feel so bad for their families.
When will they open their eyes? And develop a decent vocabulary? Fools.
Admin, know this please: You run an amazing blog. You have proven time & again that Kate is not fit to be a mother. You have a time consuming job & still manage to find time to come here & moderate comments, post new threads & do research, etc. We all appreciate what you do. Thank you so much for this blog & for YOU. (& Mary-Anne as well!) :)
~Hippie Chick~
HippieChick all we hear these days are we are doo doo heads and I'm a narcissist. Nothing addressing our points about this mess.
I still haven't heard one single solitary reason why it's okay to leave your children with a camera crew without a parent present. Or whether they would honestly do that with their own children.
It's not necessarily about more sinister things. It's about something as simple as making sure a thirsty child is getting a glass of water when he needs it while working. How can a sound guy who is holding a mic be expected to monitor things for thirsty kids?
Kelly said...
@just curious said:
I did apologize to him on his twitter account and he accepted it in the affirmative.
Yes, I found the tweets and acknowledged your apology here but it didn't get published...a glitch or maybe I sounded critical but I was sincere.
Good deal, Kelly.
Admin said...
It's not necessarily about more sinister things. It's about something as simple as making sure a thirsty child is getting a glass of water when he needs it while working. How can a sound guy who is holding a mic be expected to monitor things for thirsty kids?
Exactly. And thank you for that.
~Hippie Chick~
I have never come across a fan who will even explain to me what makes Kate such an "amazing" mom. NEVER. They disappear or go off into a rage spewing their hate. It seems like a simple question to me. Is there one fan out there that can answer that question?
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