Was it because of slobber-gate? Although the ratings are still some of the lowest for Kate Plus 8, it was still a disappointing rise from last episode's barely-hanging-on 0.6 mil.
Meanwhile, Kate Couric took a hilarious jab at this whole mess with her parody, Katie Plus 80.
215 sediments (sic) from readers:
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Decide for yourself whether there are any 5+ Bedroom beach houses in Bald Head for rental this summer..
huntsvillewrite John Hampton
@Kateplusmy8 have you thought about helping the victims of this years tornadoes
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@huntsvillewrite Omg wld luv2help!don't hav resources2go(altho wishIcould&would)&don't hav$ 2helpall disas(wish I could&wld) prayr I can do
I suppose this won't bother her fans at all.
New theory why she's bailed on them over the past several episodes with the live tweeting during the episode.
She suddenly had a light bulb moment and realized she could get paid to answer tweets. As soon as she realized that, she had zero motivation to sit there for an hour answering their stupid questions. So it was always some excuse, I'm stuck in NYC (huh? Last I heard NYC had the internets-ish), I'm in a place without reception (how can you tweet you don't have reception if you don't have reception??? Think about it.) the dog ate it, I lost my remote, etc etc.
While she's booking the Bald Head house, maybe she could have gymnastics on the other line and sign them up for lessons.
Moms have to work?? For WHAT??? She's certainly not allowing her kids to benefit from all the work she supposedly does.
SHE MAKES MILLIONS and she can't do a few simple things for her kids! And she even admits they're upset about it!
Kate never intended on answering any of her fans on Twitter, unless it was one of the few questions she liked. Rather she was using them/their questions to answer ON FILM (this was planned well in advance) and of course chose questions she wished to answer, in order to get paid $250,000 for a filmed episode. New low to this show.
Her twitter fans should realize she is only using them to make $250,000 to answer their questions ON FILM and NOT on twitter. Talk about being used. Wake up Twitters. You just assisted Kate in making $250,000 to NOT answer you on twitter. You have been ignored and used and still think her not answering your tweets unless paid if a great thing? This is the saddest most pathetic thing I have ever seen of the Kate fans, if they don't know they are being used by Kate. She would prefer not to deal with them at all, but using Twitter fans to try to keep herself relevant. I am betting 98.9% never heard back from her as she is a selfish piece of work.
Remember when Jon and Kate did a "Viewers'
Questions" episode? They just (badly) answered questions, showed clips of the kids and that was it. Now he have a higher tech version of it. Kate sits on the couch, talks about Kate and film of the kids will pop up so Kate can
"reminisce" with her great wad of fans about what a terrific mom she is to 8 children she's not too sure what to do with, she can throw her head back and cackle and do Kate-speak. Wow.
I can't think of any more than 109 other things to do with my time.
BTW, does she still tug on her earring? That
was an interesting nervous habit of hers.
Hm I think you're right she's just gathering questions today, they'll probably organize them all into a logical order and have her sit on the couch all day, leaving the kids upstairs with nannies, and answer them all.
I have to say being a fan of Kate must be SOO frustrating. Here they were all set up for a QandA with her all morning. Abandons them again!
Kelly - You sound like you grew up in my family only my dad was a preacher and there were only 5 bedrooms for the nine of us (7 kids). We may not have had everything but we wanted but we had everything we needed, most of all love. It wasn't until I was an adult that I realized how much my parents did without so that we wouldn't have to do without. It was never about them but always about us. They're both gone now and I miss them every day.
I'm in my fifty's now too and I'm sorry you experienced that as a child. That is a searing memory that can never be taken away. Fortunately for me, I never experienced anything like that and growing up as the 7th of 8 kids, I have nothing but good memories of my parents, my childhood and my siblings.
I may be more vocal about Kate and her faux sacrifices as many of us here because I am a child of 8. We lived in a house with 9 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and my father and mother sacrificed to send us to private catholic schools while my father worked himself to the bone, selling insurance and my mother was always home for us at the end of the day.
We had hand me downs, dogs, big meals, curfews, rules but most of all, love. We showed each other respect, obeyed the older brothers and sisters when my parents went out for a long and deserved night out for dinner and we actually looked forward to them getting out of the house.
It was our free time.
I don't know how they did it, raising 8 kids on one income and a mother always there for us all the time. There won't be any television shows about my family, no bridges or buildings named after my parents and no accolades from strangers asking my parents how they did it.
What I do know is that they suffered in silence, sacrificed with patience and gave us love on a daily basis, set a foundation for us to be successful and asked for nothing in return other than being the best we could be.
Being a parent myself, there are memories that are seared in my mind of some things I did wrong in the daily grind of raising my kids and half of that time, I was doing it as a single dad. I made mistakes along the way and although those mistakes are known to me, my kids love me for all the other efforts.
During the day, when you and I were growing up, parenting was strict and so different than it is today. It's a totally different era. I hope you'll find something good that your parents did for you and concentrate on that and still, I understand that horrible feeling you still hang on to. I wish you peace
Good job with the lyrics Kelly!
Claire in Omaha said...
Omaha Steaks were featured on an episode of Celebrity Apprentice. They have steaks, fish, vegetables and dessert, all delicious. They do a huge online business. You will love all their food.
Oh yeah. Had one of those dinners a couple of months ago at friend's house. Absolutely delicious, every bite.
Omaha Steaks were featured on an episode of Celebrity Apprentice. They have steaks, fish, vegetables and dessert, all delicious. They do a huge online business. You will love all their food.
Obviously, the promotion worked since ratings went up significantly.
I'd like to know what TLC thinks about her ratings. The age demographic is th 18-49 year olds (they spend the most $$) and her numbers are very low in that demographic.
Coupled with the fact that evidently TLC wouldn't rent her house at Bald Head, it would appear the money and effort being put into the Katie Irene and her 8 ATM's show is decreasing. No, not doing The View is not a sign of imminent demise, but I think it is telling in that Barbara and the other ladies are not beating down her door to book her as a guest, much less a co-host.
I going to bet that Kate and TLC have other things/trips up their sleeves this summer. It would seem a really huge reach for TLC to pay for and film a third year in a row in SC. It won't draw an audience, but a new adventure would. People who like the show love watching the kids discover new things and have varying adventures, so that's where TLC will take it.
I strongly criticize Kate for bringing the whole family down to Bald Head, falling in love with it, proclaiming it's yet another "new tradition" that they will do every year (Kate's words virtually verbatim), and not following through when she is a very wealthy woman.
It wasn't the first and won't be the last promise broken. I would give her a lot of credit if she honored her word.
Susantoyota said...
@HspncElvis I didn't understand that... And yes. Im doing a satellite radio tour tomorrow am then filming in the afternoon.. about 9 hours ago
How the mighty have fallen. No appearances on The View with her friends? Obviously no big trips, sounds like they're filming in and around the area of the McMansion. TLC does not seem to be putting much $ and effort into the show. But to the sheeple and her tween twitters, a satellite radio tour and filming in the afternoon sounds so important and cool. Squeal!! Snark. Go away Katie Irene.
I didn't realize that not doing The View was a sign of imminent demise. I think the Today Show, Showbiz Tonight, Access Hollywood and a host of radio and print interviews is a pretty nice media blitz. Obviously, the promotion worked since ratings went up significantly.
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