Was it because of slobber-gate? Although the ratings are still some of the lowest for Kate Plus 8, it was still a disappointing rise from last episode's barely-hanging-on 0.6 mil.
Meanwhile, Kate Couric took a hilarious jab at this whole mess with her parody, Katie Plus 80.
215 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 215 Newer› Newest»Good thing Katie Couric's famous enough to have someone else deal with all the hate mail she's probably getting right now.
It's funny-some Klovers are tweeting about this parody as though it's a good thing for Kate. Yeah yeah I know, if they're talking about Kate it means she's relevent...blah blah blah.......
Of course 'parody' has different meanings but WAKE THE HELL UP sheeple! Read the following definition very s-l-o-w-l-y.
PARODY- Something so bad as to be equivelent to mockery; a travesty.
At the end Katie Couric is shaking the kid off of her leg. She's mocking the truth. Seriously, how many times must we bang your heads against the wall before you get it???? I don't think in my entire life I have ever witnessed so much collective stupidity!
Who knew Katie Couric and ABC had a sense of humor! LMAO!!! I wonder if K8 realizes just how much of a joke she has become. The only thing that would have made the parody better wold have been to have the dog slobering on Katie's feet.
There is a difference between laughing with someone and laughing AT someone.
Example of laughing with someone: Getting Betty White to host SNL and poke fun of herself.
Example of laughing AT someone: Katie Plus 80.
Ellie said...It's funny-some Klovers are tweeting about this parody as though it's a good thing for Kate. Yeah yeah I know, if they're talking about Kate it means she's relevent...blah blah blah.......
Kate will probably tweet about it too...saying what an honor it was to have Katie Couric spoof her own show.
Thanks for the posting the video! Saw this last night and really enjoyed it.
Unfortunetly, laughing with or at doesn't matter to TLC and the like. Attention is what makes money, and attention is what Kate is getting. Just like her children. They need and crave attention and will try to get it even if it means hitting their classmates and teachers.
While watching the re run of the Birthday party in NY, I watched Cara crying, she did not want her mother to leave and the younger children didn't want her to leave either, but Cara's tears made me feel so bad. Those kids were being left to Ashley (I think) and that TLC crew and producer, plus I would assume a housekeeper to clean up the mess.
If Kate leaves those kids without their father to chaperone those children, it is wrong. The crew is not family and Ashley is not family. Those children seemed frightened, they are left with strangers, all the time that Kate is gone.
Yet, I guess Kate's custody agreement is that every other weekend the father sees his children.
Cara's crying and the smaller children. Well, something is not right.
First Kate said that this year she has spent more time at home, so she doesn't understand why they were crying and Kate didn't give those children another thought.
Then Kate said something, while packing up for the overnight trip to NY that her bedroom is topsy turvey because she has packed and half unpacked suitcases. So what is her story?
Are those children isolated and then expected to "perform" like the little monkeys she treats them? That is what happened. It was sad to see those kids have all those gook poured all over them, ice cold water from the hose to wash them off.
Also, why did Steve have to take that drink out of Kate's hand during her dancing among the group including Jaime. Kate was drinking from the Limo drive from PA, she had to make drinks for the ride, she drank at the Salon, they had wine, then at dinner, they drank, then they never stopped drinking at the club. Perhaps Kate does drink too much.
But that house was spotless, with 8 kids, that house did not have a crumb on the floor nor were there any kid's toys anywhere. Then add in the Mother Who Has Been Out of Town, does not walk in the door and bend down to kiss any of her children, she probably drank during the ride back from NY to Wernersville.
I am convinced those children are isolated, I may be wrong about everything is acceptable, but I doubt that I am wrong about those children crying because they are being left with strangers, once again. The TLC is not family, no way.
I would never believe that Jon wouldn't be in that house if he was allowed.
Not making Jon a Saint. I don't think he or Kate are Saints, but they created this mess, now do something about it because these kids are not happy.
Okay, so I will post on the new thread my comment regarding some things discussed on the previous one, if that's okay Admin.
It is mind boggling to me that Kate would discuss that poor child's issues with 10000 people.I can't understand what type of mother would do that. The boy will look back and see how his mother portrayed him as the trouble maker and that she portrayed him and ONLY him despite one of his siblings facing the same issue. For a long time the sheeple have called us crazy for saying Kate dislikes her sons and favors her daughters. After this story, please come and tell us we're wrong!
Btw, in the pardody, is Katie hitting a BOY with meatloaf and shaking a BOY off of her leg? Is that a coincidence?
The extreme dieting is paying off for Kate as everyone is now telling her how great she looks. And she is too dumb to notice she got there by starving herself, avoiding foods she loves, and forcing herself to do exercise she hates. She talks incessantly about finding a man yet who would want to be with someone focused solely on how they look? She is hungry, horny, cranky, lonely and miserable and she can take that all the way to the bank!
I am wondering how many of those extra 600K viewers could be attributed to Jamie coming out the shadows and very much in the forefront.
@Busybusybusy (previous thread)
ITA with your description of her regarding "looking" busy...my brother works in the trades and they have a term for it...making puppies, or better yet, f@#$#&%g the dog!
I quickly saw a tweet of Kate's above, but now it is gone, she is so busy answering her fans. Anyway, I am not a twitterer, but it seemed as if she was asked about the Bald Head Island House and Kate's response was something like, no I didn't book it, now it's not available, kids are soo mad at me. She is so full of it. There are several houses available on Bald Head Island, I just looked. May not be the same house TLC rented before, but there are houses with weeks available. Does she think everyone is as stupid as her, you just have to look it up online. There are also weeks available in the Outer Banks. She just refuses to fund her own vacations! The kids have every right to be mad, it is their money that she won't spend!! Seriously, is she going to sit around her back yard pool the entire summer waiting for TLC to call and arrange something for her? She is so damn lazy. She, herself said in one of her interviews, the kids are asking, where are we going next? When is our next trip? You know Kate, most people in your financial position do plan their own trips and manage to take a family vacation without the help of TLC!! So much for family tradition...making memories! CLOWN
According to Kate's tweets,TLC did not spring for another 2 week vacay in N.C. She said the houses were all booked. If it's a summer tradition why wouldn't they book before they left last year? I guess it's only a tradition if TLC is paying for it!! I also see that they will be filming again this weekend as per her tweets. And so the summer job for the kids go on and on. I hope they enjoyed their 5 day vacation.
Is Kate tweeting while driving? "On the road...tractor trailer tire blew..."
Also sounds from her tweets like she is getting ready for some major battle in her own mind.
Armageddon sick and tired of her craziness! (rim shot)
-IDModo masquerading as Anon. so my comment will go through
I can understand how on one hand we dont care if Kate gets a "How To Be a Slut" show, as long as she isnt pimping the kids.
However, she has displayed and marketed her children to the point where they will never ever have any anonymity. Every person they encounter for years to come will look at them and know that their mother's ambition in life is to slut and tramp herself on TV.
I know the sheeple admire Kate's stilettos, clothes and the fact that she somehow hasn't killed one of her kids yet. They wish they too, could sell their kids and a bitchy attitude to the highest bidder and go clubbing. But would they stoop as low as Kate has? Isnt there some thread of maternal feeling or self respect in some of the sheeple? Sheeple, would you dress like that and act like that in front of your kids and all their little friends, in your own living room? Coz Kate just did. Would you have a female friend hanging all over you like that in front of your family? Kate just did.
And how do they raise the bar from this? Surely there must be something even more low-life this woman can do to bring in a few more thousand viewers. When it comes to attention-seeking, does Kate have a limit? We will see, but even sheeple know she doesnt. When it comes to making the kids work for her, for attention, does she have a limit?
~Just Dwindle Away~
NT said...
According to Kate's tweets,TLC did not spring for another 2 week vacay in N.C. She said the houses were all booked. If it's a summer tradition why wouldn't they book before they left last year? I guess it's only a tradition if TLC is paying for it!! I also see that they will be filming again this weekend as per her tweets. And so the summer job for the kids go on and on. I hope they enjoyed their 5 day vacation.
Kate is a lying sack of donkey dung. "Tradition" has a different meaning to her....it's a tradition when someone else is paying. The really, really sad thing is...you don't f'ing tell a kid that something will happen and then do not follow through. You just don't. Yet, she's done it time and time again. From her traditions to "mommy and daddy will always be together", those kids have had their chains collectively yanked time and time again.
There are NO houses available in the entirety of Bald Head Island???? Bullshit. For the whole summer? Bullshit.
God, she lies like a rug.
DH and I just got back from the Outer Banks, NC. I told my dogs that we'd be back next year, because we love it so. Then, I followed through and booked the house for the same time next year.
If I can keep a promise to my dogs, why the hell can't Kate do the same for her children? If she loved!!!!! the house so damn much, she should have booked last year.
This woman has no soul. If she ever did have one, she sold it to the Devil.
I was thinking about the lone person here trying to justify Kate's horrible exploitation of Collin's "rough year" by claiming that 99.9 percent of twatters wouldn't notice. Notwithstanding I think that assessment is completely baseless, even assuming it's somehow in some strange universe true, do they realize that's sort of like saying, Oh well it was okay I stole that ipod out of the locker because no one noticed. Or, insider trading is fine as long as no one gets hurt.
There are certain things that I believe to be WRONG regardless who notices, who is hurt, etc. And those include, stealing, insider trading, and TALKING ABOUT YOUR SON'S SCHOOL PROBLEMS TO STRANGERS. Me and my silly value system, I know.
mama mia said...
The extreme dieting is paying off for Kate as everyone is now telling her how great she looks. And she is too dumb to notice she got there by starving herself, avoiding foods she loves, and forcing herself to do exercise she hates. She talks incessantly about finding a man yet who would want to be with someone focused solely on how they look? She is hungry, horny, cranky, lonely and miserable and she can take that all the way to the bank!
Not that I give a crap about what Kate eats, but I will tell you that she is going overboard with restricting calories and fat. You desperately need both if you are or want to be active and exercise heavily. Running takes bookoo calories, and if you are starving yourself, you will struggle to get through a run. Kate obviously is doing this. She states time and time again that her runs are hard and she does not perform well. If you look at photos of her running, she looks like she's dragging. No spring in her step; she's trudging along. This is what happens when you do not give our body the fuel it needs.
Somehow, she sees this self-imposed starvation and virtuous, yet it makes her look drawn and awful. If she ate more, her figure would actually improve. And, it's a crappy example for her girls. What 10 year old demands a salad?
Oh, dear Kate. Do you enjoy raising your kid's hopes and then crushing their little souls?
Take them to the beach already, you cheap tightwad! Just because there will be no cameras there doesn't mean you can't do it!
Moving from the last thread
E-town neighbor said...
By the way, speaking of neighbors, I just remembered a blog written by a neighbor in Westbrooke, the Gosselin's former community. For those who haven't read it, this piece is probably among the best and most accurate I have ever read.
Thanks E-Town for that link. I never read that blog and found it interesting and well written. So much has happened since he wrote that, but I agree PULL THE PLUG!
Always appreciate your posts E-Town :)
Sorry, another quick thought... I'm thinking back on Kate's "woe is me" media blitz and how she disparages Jon.
My God, woman.
The marriage has been over for 2 years and she and Jon barely communicate. They have EIGHT, COUNT 'EM, EIGHT KIDS together. There is A LOT to discuss.
Grow. Up.
Short term gain with the ratings spike but long term destruction. When the show is done, she is destroying her options -- she sold herself out. That outing and buzz of her behavior limits any advertising/marketing offers because she can no longer sell her original image or as those that saw her with our own two eyes -- fake image. She destroyed her "image" with this episode. Whoever is guiding her must have a secret death wish for her "career". Unfortunately, I don't think her inner circle
includes anyone that really has her best interest at heart. I just cannot imagine what it will be like for the children as they realize what has been done to them -- imagine how you would feel if you saw your own mother behaving like that on film for the world to see . . .voluntarily. Every humiliation on tape for entertainment, no filter but that is what they want with reality people- people who are willing to sell themselves out. Problem here is the children have no choice. Jumped shark from sad to pathetic.
Westbrooke, excellent point. Kate let her foot be licked to get a relatively small spike in ratings, but in the process she eliminated many avenues to make more money and be more famous. If she ever wants to go back to trolling churches that's gone. Any kind of gig with any family-friendly or religious organization is out. And she can hardly write another Look at me I'm Christian and a good mommy book, now can she?
Kate NEVER THINKS BIG PICTURE and I've said this so many times. Sure bar hopping and foot licking are probably going to get you a little more interest in your stupid show. But as far as the long-term career she has said over and over she wants, she just burned a heck of a lot of bridges.
Oh, another thing. Kate probably jeopardized a big portion of her fanbase with this little stunt.
The same people who complained about Jon bar hopping and behaving inappropriately and always thought Kate was so virtuous and such a victim, just got a big slap in the face courtesy of Kate. Surely a big chunk of fans watching all this with their kids unsuspecting have now turned their backs on her.
I'm sure Kate will get more offers now after this latest episode. Of course, those offers will not be anything decent. Let's see how long it takes until we see her showing off her body in some smut magazine. She's an idiot along with her fans.
Kate's Tweet:
@WenZehring3957 Cool!What do u do?Wish I could fit another job in my day..Don't think it's poss tho :( always luv 2wrk!pays the bills-yay! 2 minutes ago
Kate, why don't you try and fit ONE job in your day that doesn't involve exploiting your kids!!! By the way, where are the little money makers? What are they doing while you tweet away the morning?
I was just reading Kate's twitters or whatever you call them....over at twitter.....and can see just how many teens are twittering to her. And I also see that they twitter to all sorts of celebrities, singers, actors....telling the most mundane things going on in their lives....as if they could care less.
Now I know that I'm from the previous generation and grew up without computers or internet....but I'm rather stunned that these teens think nothing of twittering to all these celebrities...from major ones to minor ones. In my day, celebrities (singers/actors) were viewed from afar. We never expected to actually talk to them.....much less think they would give a crap about our prom or our babysitting job......unless we were one of the few lucky ones who got a backstage pass at one of their concerts or won a rare ticket to be in a TV audience.
It's as if teens today think it's just a hop and a skip to becoming a celebrity. They not only long for celebrity but they actually think they can easily get it....just as easily as twittering to celebrities is. They think they can chat with major celebrities just like I would in the grocery line. And I think that this can't bode well in terms of what the long-terms effects of developing this outlook could be.
Dee, I've posted about this before, the sociological effects of the way so many fans now have instant, up close access to their celebs in a way they never have before. The lack of boundaries twitter has created. The way celebs toy with fans now, giving them the time of day on twatter then taking it away.
My prediction is someone is going to get hurt by a deranged, rejected fan. God, I hope not, but I really do fear that is what this is all leading up to.
We've seen this same sort of phenomenon even with kids and facebook/twitter. It has opened up a whole new forum to bully their classmates outside of just school and on a very public and widespread basis, and it HAS been responsible for some teen suicides.
I have a crazy, wild idea. Kate could go back to nursing! It's a job she is trained for, her license is current, she has nannies over at the house all the time anyway, and she wouldn't have to exploit the kids to bring in some cash. She is such a piece of work.
I love how she admitted she was tweeting by the pool while the kids swam too. I hope the nanny was there watching them. With EIGHT KIDS in the pool you cannot afford to take your eyes off that water for a second. Gosh when I had three kids in the pool charged with watching them I felt like I was circling them like a hawk. Just three! Silly me taking the water seriously and all.
Kate NEVER THINKS BIG PICTURE and I've said this so many times.
Yes, and I've been saying this right along with you. Kate just doesn't have the intellectual ability to think about the consequences of her actions. She thinks for the moment and blurts out whatever comes to her mind. Her actions are the same. She can't stop and think, "Okay, if I do that now, what might be the long-term effect of that action?" There's no common sense.
I don't understand why, if she is so lacking in that capacity, she doesn't have some adviser, a handler, a pr person to guide her. I suppose she's believes that she is a Can-Do Kate and wants interference from no one. Even if she had someone to advise her, would she even listen?
Is TLC just letting her have carte blanche on these tweets, knowing that she's going to just keep digging herself deeper into that hole? Is there a method to their madness - knowing that she will be the cause of her own demise, and therefore, their reason for pulling the plug will be justified?
She tweeted:
@WenZehring3957 Cool!What do u do?Wish I could fit another job in my day..Don't think it's poss tho :( always luv 2wrk!pays the bills-yay
What "job" does she have? Hosting pool parties? Why doesn't she have a personal assistant to do all of the paperwork, scheduling, that she claims is so exhausting to do? She certainly hired other domestic employees.
No wonder those kids hate her. She puts the dvds in and makes them watch their show over and over, they see the couch interviews where she promises the world that Baldhead is their family tradition, come hell or highwater, she is keeping that promise to her kids... and then when they clue in it is summer and shouldn't they be going back to the beach.... no, sorry, you are not going, blame Daddy/nanny/TLC/your grandparents/school/paparazzi.
Paparazzi, lol, what ever happened to those bloodhounds?
Kate's self-imposed extreme starvation and excercise routine are probably another manifestation of her extreme control issues. She no longer has whipping boy Jon at her disposal so she has now started internalizing all that pent-up anger and hate on herself.
Oft times, people who develop eating disorders feel rudderless and like their lives are out of their control. One of the ways to gain some control back is to restrict your diet and exert extreme control over your body.
Although Kate claims to be all empowered and that her image is one of some hot Milf exerting revenge on a stupid ex who did not realize how hot she could become, I feel that Kate probably feels rather helpless. Perhaps she also felt that way as a teen, if her Dad was as strict and controlling as has been discussed on some blogs (see Preesi). She in turn became that way to seize power over her life and began manipulating Jon and everyone else at her disposal.
Now most people are gone. She probably cannot believe the audacity of Jon to walk away and not be begging for her back (hence all the continued Jon bashing and not letting go 2 years later). Kate does have the kids, but she probably cannot control them as severely as she did Jon without legal repercusions. And basically, Kate is at the mercy of TLC and her PR goons. She lives her life at their command. The general public (with the exception of some teeny boppers and sheeples) is turning away from her and sick of her name. Her pesky paps are avoiding her like a plague. So really who is left to control? Herself.
And I do have an advanced degree in psychology for whatever it is worth. This is just my opinion based on the discussion of her diet. And yes, it is a horrible example of body image for her 5 daughters, as well as her sons.
Sorry, Cow...when I posted, I didn't see that you already had posted Kate's JOB tweet!
I'm a circling hawk when the kids are swimming. I had to laugh at your comment. I can't imagine how one person (the nanny) can watch eight kids in the water unless those children are good swimmers. Even then, you can't take your eyes off them for a second. Maybe I'm just a helicopter parent in that respect, but water safety is so very important. An accident can happen in the blink of the eye.
I feel compelled to respond to Anonymous on the previous thread regarding Kate's inappropriate tweet about her son's difficult school year. She said:
"99.9% of people reading that tweet wouldn't have given it a second thought"
Anonymous, this is personal, private information that shouldn't be given to even one stranger in the world. And I'm sorry to break the news to you, but ALL of Kate's fans and Twitter pals are nothing more than strangers to her and her family. Neither you nor I have any right to know such intimate details of these children's lives.
Kate and her diarrhea of the mouth put this information out there for anyone to read and discuss. So none of her fans should be outraged when others express their dismay that she has yet again violated her childrens' privacy. Kate willingly chose to provide this information.
Kate has no respect for her children. She said they are "extensions" of herself, so she does not see them as unique beings who are entitled to privacy and respect. She treats them as possessions instead of as the priceless, unique individuals they are.
Kate is responsible for protecting them from any harm, and that includes protecting their privacy so that strangers will not and cannot discuss their personal situations.
I can say with great certainty that everyone, including you and any other of Kate's fans, would be outraged if someone tweeted private information about them without their consent. Can you just imagine if someone you trusted tweeted personal information to the world about you?
"Oh, Anonymous had a really difficult year after she cheated on her husband."
"Isn't it terrible that Anonymous had to go through the abortion alone?"
"Anonymous has the most terrible body odor you can imagine."
This would NOT be OK to happen to you, and it is NOT OK for it to be happening to these children.
Good point those of you who say she’s pretty much ruined her career with this change of image. I said in the last thread I was not surprised the ratings spiked for this episode due to the morbid curiosity it evoked, but the cost will be very high. Apart from bringing embarrassment to her children, she’s now pegged herself in as a pathentic, overaged sex kitten (sorry, I’m 49 and even I think she’s too old for that.) Next she’ll be hanging out with Lindsay Lohan. The Kardashian sisters are too good for her.
Call Me Crazy, SPOT ON EVERYTHING YOU SAID. Thank you. Even if that .01% of people read the tweet, it's not okay!
Excellent analogy: "[Insert your name] had a rough year she's going through a divorce!"
Everyone be sure to read Call me Crazy's comment. :)
Yes! "lack of boundaries"....that's exactly what it is. And from what I've read, most of these celebrities hire someone to respond on twitter to all these teens.....so these teens are literally living in a fantasy world, thinking they are just gallivanting around in Hollywood or NYC, chatting with celebrities about their day.
And it looks to me like they actually believe that the celebrity cares about their prom or their babysitting job or their homework assignment......as if they have a really skewed idea of how celebrity works....what their lives are actually like.
Speaking of that.....I also think that this whole reality genre might be giving them the impression (especially the tweens) that one doesn't have to work very hard to win wealth and fame...just get on a reality show and Voila! You can get an instant mansion-like "crib" like the Kardashians, etc...have. And all their twittering matter-of-factly to these celebrities is almost like having an "in" with them (or so they seem to think) so that they can help you become an instant celebrity........just like "knowing someone important" could help you land a job or get into a good school back in my day.
With 8 kids in the pool, and a mother watching who doesn't even like to get wet and doesn't swim well, hopefully one of the not-a-nanny has a life saving certificate. Danger, they name is Kate.
I agree with the poster who mentioned the kids being isolated. For some time I have believed their home in the country was bought for that purpose and to assist in uninterrupted filming. Also, in buying property with acerage Kate was trying desperately to keep up with "Beth and Bob." She is transparent in her jealousy. Sad for the kids.
Hi Kate! You must be SO proud you are being parodied, & by someone named Katie too! Wow! What you don't get you dumb dumb is that she was making fun of you. Do you think that being parodied STILL, at this point in you so-called career is a good thing? It's not Kate! It means that you are a "has-been" & when things like this start happening, it is time to reflect on what you're doing with your life AND your kids lives & think how negatively it may be affecting them. Am I using too many big words for you?
I know you only think about yourself Kate, and that makes you a selfish bitch. But let's face facts here, your so called "reality show career" is OVER. When a news journalist spoofs you, well, I would say that it's the end. And she was so on point! There was not one nice thing that she did to spoof you! You treat your kids like crap! Get it? I have one word for you Kate...DUH. That goes for you twitter-followers too.
~Hippie Chick~
Call me Crazy's comments are spot on! Now, if TLC and Kate would just "get it." Please keep voting with your remote.
@ Call me Crazy~I totally agree and also agree that you wrote a great post. And Kate seems to have viewed her children this way since (and even before they were born...or even conceived)...and probably thinks they will be her convenient possessions for the rest of their lives....put on this earth and given to her to get what she wants for herself.
It reminds me of learning in Child Psychology in college that as little children, we view our parents as having been put on this earth solely to be our parents...and can't even fathom them having their own lives apart from us. It's normal to see the world through this narcissist, egocentric lens....when you are 5...not 35....its just NOT as normal as an adult. If you're doing this as an adult, you have a narcissistic personality disorder.
I really do believe that one has to be some degree of a narcissist to even be on these reality shows. I doubt non-narcissists would want to expose themselves or their families to all the lack of privacy.
Have to laugh. "What running shoes do you wear?" "Adidas gel kayanos." Except that the "gel kayanos" are made by ASICS. I think endorsements are out of the question.
"Most people in your financial position do plan their own trips".
But a true grifter would never dig into her own pocket to pay for anything if she could avoid it - grifters spend their time and energy manipulating others into picking up the tab. I'm afraid that what Kate is saying is that, despite her millions, the only way those kids are going somewhere on vacation is if TLC will pay for it (and of course, film it). What a horrible excuse for a parent.
Kate tweeted:
@Pyewacket527 @emjmca intelligent brains invent wrdsthat mak sense..How do u think the dict came 2 b?Webster is +ing new wrds2dict alltheX
Am I reading this correctly? Does Kate fancy herself to be a linguistics innovator, expecting her "invented" words to show up in Websters? This tweet has narcissism written all over it! Oy.
From a fan:
Kateplusmy8 I think Kate has been missing us and needed to catch up :-) Just sayin' ;-)
A good example of a delusional sheeple, believing that Kate actually cares about them. What happens when Kate decides tweeting is no longer a novelty and pulls the plug on all of this nonsense? Do the sheeple go into withdrawal, or worse, go off the deep end?
Excellent post, Crazy!
Right now I wouldn't put it past TLC to do a dating show with Kate, and maybe Jamie, where their own kids pick the men and comment on the dates.
Oh, another thing. Kate probably jeopardized a big portion of her fanbase with this little stunt.
The same people who complained about Jon bar hopping and behaving inappropriately and always thought Kate was so virtuous and such a victim, just got a big slap in the face courtesy of Kate. Surely a big chunk of fans watching all this with their kids unsuspecting have now turned their backs on her.
I truly hope so. I'm sick of them forever defending Queen Kate no matter what she does and trashing Jon when Kate does the same thing.
It's as if teens today think it's just a hop and a skip to becoming a celebrity. They not only long for celebrity but they actually think they can easily get it....just as easily as twittering to celebrities is. They think they can chat with major celebrities just like I would in the grocery line. And I think that this can't bode well in terms of what the long-terms effects of developing this outlook could be.
Remember "Balloon Boy"? His father wanted to be famous and had made up the story that his own son was in a hot air balloon, just so newscasters could come and he could have his 15 minutes of fame.
My dad and I were watching "The First 48" last night, and in the episode a guy was shot and killed over a $20 drug deal. The cop told the guy involved that it wasn't worth it, to lose a life over a drug deal.
That's how it is with fame. It's not worth it to sell out yourself, your kids, your privacy (and theirs) just for money and popularity. At least Jon sees and understands this.
Any idea on how many millions Kate actually has? Does she have a large mortgage? Taxes must be pretty bad, not to mention health insurance and private school tuition. I hope for those kids sake that their house is never foreclosed on. Can you imagine the freak out Kate would have?
It always confused me slightly how quickly Kate went from a woman who didn't give a flying f#@% about fashion to the skanky, constant hooker shoe wearing, fake haired woman that she is now. I wonder if it isn't her idea of how stahs are supposed to dress? Seems she does that a lot. She has some very odd ideas about how people with money and fame go about their daily lives.
Sometime in May Kate tweeted that there would be episodes all summer, "new/diff" stuff. Today it's:
Shari_In_Pa Shari
I'll try again but don't think @Kateplusmy8 reads my posts since she's yet to respond. LOL Anyway, how many weeks will the show be on?
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Shari_In_Pa I never saw this. If I have X I answer as many as I can... And don't know answer. Most of summer Monday's I am guessing...
PamatIW Pam
@Kateplusmy8 Do you know how many shows are in the lineup for this summer?
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@PamatIW No, but lots. Still filming. Will be all summer! Mixing it up a bit so will be fun eps! Yay!
So now it's "most" of summer, she's "guessing."
Although most parents feel that their kids may be an extension of them, I think Kate feels it is different than how I feel about my kid being an extension of me. Yep, I borne him, he looks like me, he acts like me, I would die for him, & yeah, I will tweet things like "Going to the beach with my kid" or "My son & I just bought a parakeet!" stuff like that. But I would NEVER tweet things like "My son got in a fight today & got suspended" (never happened, just saying that for this comment) That would be so embarrassing for him. Kate just puts whatever out there because she thinks that is what people want & salivate over her for. I'm surprised she isn't jealous of her kids for that. And I'm even shocked she made that comment about her kids being extensions of her. That takes away so much from her now, doesn't it?
Most moms want to make their kids sound good, not like evil little spawns that nobody would want to be friends with. Why the hell would Kate say anything derogatory about her kids at all? Ratings perhaps? That is lower than low. Or, like Call Me Crazy said, she just has a bad case of diarrhea of the mouth. (love that btw!) She always has & she always will.
~Hippie Chick~
*Is anyone else sweating there butts off? I swear I am melting...I'm moving to Antarctica, it's time! :)
I still say she has been told by TLC the show is over.
She is mentally unable to accept it and continues to act like she's going to be on TV forever "because she loves it"..........
And did one of her tweets allude to the fact that she is still sad about the divorce??????
Again, anytime she is talking or tweeting she is lying.
Perhaps someone here can explain this to me. Here are a couple of tweets from Kate this am answering questions about the crew:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@sarahjoyce1992 They rotate in and out mostly unless another job calls them away so it's like friends who move away. They deal..
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@sarahjoyce1992 We still have mike. But crew does rotate and change from time to time. Most have been w/ us for yrs and yrs! Love em!
Kate has said before that the crew is like family and the kids love them.
But today it's, 1-only Mike is left, 2-the crew changes from time to time, 3-most of them have been with them for years and years, 4-they rotate in and out like friends moving away and the kids have to deal with it.
Kate needs a new image (again) and Call me Crazy, both of your comments are spot on.
E-town, I've been reading your comments for years and have appreciated the discretion you use when providing information.
Khate's twit/twat copied/pasted from E-Town Neighbor's post:
"@Pyewacket527 @emjmca intelligent brains invent wrdsthat mak sense..How do u think the dict came 2 b?Webster is +ing new wrds2dict alltheX"
Wow, that is literally painful to read, I swear my eyes water just trying to decipher that mess. Way to look professional, Khate.
Thanks, E-Town neighbor for that great article you posted, I also missed that one from 2009. It's sick that this pointless drama continues today, two years later!
Katie needs a new image, I wanted to give you props for your post upthread. Very well put, that is a great analysis as to what may be going on in Khate's head.
She wants so badly to look good and I don't even think she's doing it to land a new man. As a narcissist, I think she's doing it for self-gratification, as well as trying to look like a celeb in hopes she can stay in the media for a living. IMO, she looks like any other blonde, Hollywood wannabe, except she's 10 years too old, has too much baggage, and has over-exposed her awful personality to everyone who hasn't been under a rock for the past few years.
@SiobhanR111 Sometimes I do but sometimes it starts the sadness all over again.yes, makes me cry 2 sometimes- but I don't let them see!:( about an hour ago
Who believes Kate cries over anything other than herself, her show, her popularity, her looks, bad reviews of her..... These kids know by now that their mom is not normal, they are probably having a very hard time figuring out her drastic mood swings, none of which has to do with them, but rather herself and how she is feeling at the moment. Prior shows indicate she has zero tolerance for anything that does not please her highness- including the kids. God help them. The show is a joke in terms of what these kids REALLY go through on a day to day basis with her or whoever happens to be babysitting at the moment. She is a joke who claims to be a full-time mom. Wake up sheeples! You are watching a very edited version of real life for these kids. She is no role model for anyone. The kids deserve so much better....
Kate and Mrs Palin should get together and hate on Katie Couric. Wasn't it Ms Couric who asked then Gov Palin what newspapers she read and she couldn't name even one?
Kate's Tweet:
@WenZehring3957 Cool!What do u do?Wish I could fit another job in my day..Don't think it's poss tho :( always luv 2wrk!pays the bills-yay! 2 minutes ago
Kate- Most parents work (not their kids) to support their family and since you have an abundance of money to spend on child care while you ARE home, shouldn't be a huge issues if you are out working.
News Flash- You should be supporting your kids, not visa versa. It is this weird thing where parents take care of their kids. Fit a "job" other than using your kids into your daily schedule. Might do them a world of good.
Wasn't it Ms Couric who asked then Gov Palin what newspapers she read and she couldn't name even one?
If I recall correctly, it wasn't that she COULDN'T name the newspapers, but that she dodged the question by saying that she had a vast variety of sources where she got the news. If she didn't read any newspapers, or couldn't name them, she always could have thrown out a few names, such as the NY Times, Time magazine, Washington Post, and Couric wouldn't have been the wiser. In other words, Palin could have just made something up, even if she didn't read those publications.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...
Sometime in May Kate tweeted that there would be episodes all summer, "new/diff" stuff. Today it's:
Shari_In_Pa Shari
I'll try again but don't think @Kateplusmy8 reads my posts since she's yet to respond. LOL Anyway, how many weeks will the show be on?
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Shari_In_Pa I never saw this. If I have X I answer as many as I can... And don't know answer. Most of summer Monday's I am guessing...
PamatIW Pam
@Kateplusmy8 Do you know how many shows are in the lineup for this summer?
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@PamatIW No, but lots. Still filming. Will be all summer! Mixing it up a bit so will be fun eps! Yay!
So now it's "most" of summer, she's "guessing."
Well, it was only a few days ago that Kate tweeted this:
Omg can't wait 4new episodes coming..can't wait forMonday june 6 10pm est K+8. Think I may die of embarrassment (again)! 4 days&counting...
2 Jun
However, I am disappointed to hear that filming will resume this weekend. It probably means more episodes are on the way. Sadly, not a camera-free summer for the Gosselin kids.
Hellloooo!My am is well on it's way!Looking 4ward 2 2day.Lots 2get dun be4 r wkend of filming! Shld hav sum X 2 tweet 2day so checkin w/ ?'s
9 hours ago
I thought she had a long busy day today, but I see she's been tweeting up a storm.
Thank you Admin and everyone for your kind words.
I wish some of Kate's teen fans would check in here and let us know how THEY would feel if their mom (or dad) started tweeting really personal, private, possibly very embarrassing information about them to the entire world. I'm guessing they would be angry and mortified. But their young, still developing brains are unable to make this connection right now.
Kate's tweet,
"@SiobhanR111 Sometimes I do but sometimes it starts the sadness all over again.yes, makes me cry 2 sometimes- but I don't let them see!:( about an hour ago"
Why is Kate crying? What question or comment brought this response? Poor baby!
Call Me Crazy, excellent post!
Can you just imagine if someone you trusted tweeted personal information to the world about you?
Kate needs to remember how she felt when her brother Kevin and Jodi spoke with the media, revealing personal family information, and realize she's doing the exact same thing with her own kids. If she felt hurt or betrayed by their actions, she needs to think about how her kids would feel if they realized mommy was tweeting about private stuff they don't want others (including friends) to know.
She's risking the trust her kids have that mommy will keep them safe and protect them, for what? Just so she can maintain some internet "relationship" with strangers.
Her kids are the only real family she has these days. If she ruins her relationship with those kids, then Kate will one day find herself truly alone.
This may sound silly, but what if the kids won't be able to adjust to a normal life? And by that I mean, what if they'll be accustomed to fame and freebies(because mommy made sure they understand filming=popularity=freebies) and will try themselves to stay in the spotlight? I am not saying all of them but one or two? What are the odds of that happening?
Tamara said...
Any idea on how many millions Kate actually has?
Per www.celebritynetworth.com:
Kate Gosselin Net Worth = $5 Million USD
"@Pyewacket527 @emjmca intelligent brains invent wrdsthat mak sense..How do u think the dict came 2 b?Webster is +ing new wrds2dict alltheX"
Wow, that is literally painful to read, I swear my eyes water just trying to decipher that mess. Way to look professional, Khate.
LoL This is funny I couldn't understand a word she said
PamatIW Pam
@Kateplusmy8 Do you know how many shows are in the lineup for this summer?
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@PamatIW No, but lots. Still filming. Will be all summer! Mixing it up a bit so will be fun eps! Yay!
Poor kids no vacation once again like every kid should have.
Kate need an english class instead of nursing. Nurgins is competive now-a-days and now hospitals want degree.
Why is Kate crying? What question or comment brought this response? Poor baby!
It's a comment to the question does Kate talk to her kids on the phone when she's away. Rather an odd answer because they can't see her when she's on the phone. Oh well, I'm getting very used to Kate making no sense whatsoever.
Hippie Chick-you can move here to Washington State-we have only had about 3 days over 70 this year and the daily temperature has been between 55-64-very cool!
Kate also tweeted today that she spends about $2000 a month in groceries-anyone believe that? I think she just pulled a number out of the air so her fans would think "wow, how does she do that?"
I have 4 kids-3 girls and 1 boy ages 10-20. My oldest daughter lives at home and goes to Community college and also plays on that schools competitive volleyball team. Her diet is very strict-tons of fruits, veges, lean protein and low fat carbs-all very expensive. She and the 14 year old are both 6'1" and we are big Norwegian stock so everyone has healthy appetites. My 17yo son is 6'6" and about 250lbs-not fat, just big and easily eats 5 meals a day. The 10yo is about to sprout-the other 2 girls were 6' by age 11-12. I am guessing that my 4 kids plus myself eat more than her 8 combined.
I know that eating healthy is expensive because we do it. I mostly shop in bulk at Costco but I can feed my family for about $800.00 per month and that includes all the household items needed too.
She doesn't have a clue about real life-just more lies!
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@PamatIW No, but lots. Still filming. Will be all summer! Mixing it up a bit so will be fun eps! Yay!
So now it's "most" of summer, she's "guessing."
She does not mention travelling this summer.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
RT @rms225 @kateplusmy8 Did u see the Katie Couric spoof? NO!HEARD ABT IT THO!LUV K COURIC&J KIMMEL!ALL IN GOOD FUN!WHO HASNT SP ME?LOL!
Kate's ego runneth over.
Sadly I do not think there is much help for these kids until they are 18. Kate will continue to find some ways to keep in the limelight.
What bother me is that TLC is contining to start the cycle with new families. I totally see the Jones's of Quints by surprise being the new Gosselins. They started out as church beggers, the wife complains the whole first season about material possesions. Now the I just saw the Jones's on a walmart commerical. All the families that TLC tried out for a new multiples show, the NY ones(husband had a real job for the city, wife had only one person that helped a few hours a week), the Texas quints (dad an engineer, mom a professor) TLC picked the family the Jones's that they could "buy".I'm not a huge walmart shopper, but I did send them a boycott letter if they are sponsoring the quints by surprise show.
I've seen posts about taping hours for kids and both Sisters Wives and the Duggars tape the kids on before 6am and after 10pm. The last few episodes of sister wives the taping of the kids has been really upsetting to watch, almost more unwatchable then Kate.
If TLC won't let Kate go, I hope she gets some sort of dating show without the kids. Yes it will be embaressing but they can come home to the nanny(which I would think would be better) or Jon instead of Kate. I wish TLC would go back to the good old days . I remember watching trading spaces every week. If they have to do reality, cant they just stay with the little couple, professionals, no kids to exploit, and a respectful marriage.
I loved Katie C's spoof. Was it ever talked about somewhere about Kate G throwing food besides on blogs? (and besides actually seeing it on the shows?) I wondered if her, Jimmy K, or the writers were looking through blogs for material.
roxyhelen said... This may sound silly, but what if the kids won't be able to adjust to a normal life? And by that I mean, what if they'll be accustomed to fame and freebies(because mommy made sure they understand filming=popularity=freebies) and will try themselves to stay in the spotlight? I am not saying all of them but one or two? What are the odds of that happening?
I agree roxyhelen. A few weeks ago I posted that most of the kids will end up chasing the media on their own, not knowing any other way of life except creating drama for attention. Kate either doesnt care, or thinks it's dandy.
Any time soon now, those teens of hers are going to start getting more press coverage than she is due to acting up, she wont be able to profit from it, and she wont be able to control it. She will be even meaner than she is now.
When some of the children start to create tragedies in their own lives, I will get no satisifaction out of thinking "We told you so."
Tweets from a very young sheeple. These are the ones I worry about, and this one in particular:
@Kateplusmy8 I was feeling sad this am then u tweeted me n changed my day so thanks:) u have no idea howuch it means 2 me!!
@aolyouvegot Ohh ok:) remember my question is does she realize how much her fans love her.
@Kateplusmy8 I think if you knew me In person , we'd be good friends:)
Im seriously crying I don't think anyone knows just how much I love Kate She is so strong and kind , I hope she knows we have her back<3
@treehugR4life @kateplusmy8 u probly wont be able to put it down & read it all in one sitting , it's so amazing! Iv'e read it 6 times :) (another young sheeple is reading Kate's book)
My question is WHY? Why would a young teen ever believe that she could become friends with Kate? Is it normal for kids this age to have crushes on 36-year-old women with eight kids to the point that it really is an obsession...or is there something so drastically wrong at home that they are looking for love anywhere they can get it - and Kate happens to be a surrogate mother?
From Kate:
RT @Paige_Kate8lvr @Kateplusmy8 @sarahjoyce1992 what about Canada?? :) I've been there many times&would surely go back!No worries Paige:)
NOW Kate remembers she's been in Canada. When she was interviewed for People magazine, she stated that she was thrilled to be in Mexico because she had never been out of the country before (even though she had been to Canada)! Perhaps since then someone reminded her that Canada is not in the United States!
The weekend that Kate went to New York was a cold one. I remember this because many people were ridiculing her for not wearing a coat. The kids were taken outside, in summer clothes, to film the silly string and sundae nonsense. In this cold weather, the children were not only half naked but they were also hosed down.
Another thing that stuck in my craw was the fact that the children were made to clean up the mess in the house. That wasn't very fair.
Beth said,
In this cold weather, the children were not only half naked but they were also hosed down.
Didn't someone here look up the temperature in Reading that weekend? If I recall, on March 18, Kate was in New York and the temp in Reading was 79 degrees. The next day the temp dropped to 62 degrees, so if they filmed the outside play on that day, then yes, it was cold.
If they filmed it on March 18, the kids would have been in school, so unless they filmed it in the evening of the 18th, filming day most likely would have been on the 19th, and 62 degrees is no weather for kids to be running around in swimsuits.
Getting hosed down is no picnic, even in the heat of summer. That water is always cold, ice cold. Brutally cold.
Interesting take by a family who filmed and showed up on TLC. This guy was brutally honest about his experience.
The Duggars big 1 hour premiere this week which was heavily promoted got the lowest rating I have ever seen them get(I'm not sure what the early specials got), under 1 million viewers.
.950 million
.3 18-49
Hopefully TLC will find these family shows are not what is going to make them money.
Pixie, I remember watching that special on pologamy years ago and knowing TLC was playing tricks back then. In the first few minutes they showed the exit the interviewer was taking and it said Brigham rd. That is the exit that I take to get to my house! It is hours from the polygamists they were interviewing and no way you could take my exit to get to them. It was editted to make people think they lived off the brigham exit! I knew after that I could trust nothing else TLC was showing in that special. It is sad because those polygamist were very open and alot of viewers could have learned something to break through the stereotypes. Of course TLC only focused on the sex. We know they never focus on anything that the view could do any "learning" from.
@E-town Neighbor~
"My question is WHY?"
My guess would be that it could be a combination of several factors. Yes, there could be elements of loneliness, lack of adequate mothering, not fitting-in with their peer group at school, etc....but in many of the cases, I think, they are relatively normal teens/tweens (maybe not the in-crowd type) and this may have started out as just liking the show....and they somehow ended up on the fan sites and blogs....and now twitter...and being typical tweens, they think it's really cool to hang out with a whole group...that includes adults too. Makes them feel grown-up.
There is a whole social dynamic that happens with internet groups, be it on a message board or a blog...even with adults...and with tweens, I would imagine, the importance they put on this group is most likely magnified.
And tweens (and teens for that matter) will get very emotionally involved in what they deem to be "causes". This is embarrassing to admit, but back during the demonstrations during the Vietnam War...yes, we were protesting the war and had friends dying in it....but a lot of it was the whole social dynamic. Hanging out with a group....for a cause. Very tempting for a tween or teen (I was in high school for part of it).
When I was young, this would have been similar to being a "groupie" of a rock band....only there was no internet and we did not feel that we could just chat with celebrities. Groupies got close to celebrities, often, by sleeping with them.....but nowadays, they have the internet....and twitter.
I'm sure it would be much more likely that these particular teens/tweens referred to here and are not cheer-leaders in their school...but are more peripheral socially with their peers....but I do think that it could be any of them. I don't completely understand this whole internet phenomenon with tweens/teens and celebrities (and gaining celebrity)....but I would imagine it would be very attractive to them.
Kate made a big deal about the birthday trip to NYC being a surprise and about Cara? crying because she was going away unexpectedly but neither makes much sense. Kate said that she'd already planned to go the following day anyway for a hair appointment - so this trip was only 1 day early. I know how I'd feel if at 10 years old my tears were shared with anyone - let alone the world and it turns my stomach just imagining the emotions and memories that Cara will forever carry with her because of the exploitation of her raw and tender feelings. Leave the kids alone and let them grow up without cameras in their faces.
I'm struck with the irony that as I typed that last sentence about letting the kids grow up without cameras in their faces the film crew is probably pulling into their driveway and their day of WORK is just starting.
Widowed Young-A True Single Mother said...
Hippie Chick-you can move here to Washington State-we have only had about 3 days over 70 this year and the daily temperature has been between 55-64-very cool!
I have wanted to move to Seattle for YEARS now. YEARS. Nobody will come with me, meaning my husband & kid. But I'm there in my head... :) Someday...someday...
~Hippie Chick~
@HspncElvis I didn't understand that... And yes. Im doing a satellite radio tour tomorrow am then filming in the afternoon.. about 9 hours ago
How the mighty have fallen. No appearances on The View with her friends? Obviously no big trips, sounds like they're filming in and around the area of the McMansion. TLC does not seem to be putting much $ and effort into the show. But to the sheeple and her tween twitters, a satellite radio tour and filming in the afternoon sounds so important and cool. Squeal!! Snark. Go away Katie Irene.
t happens to the best of my followers. I can't stop it but really good at ignoring it 35 minutes ago
The best of MY followers...like she is the second coming or something. I don't even know what she is talking about, nor do I care, she just sounds so damn conceited.
~Hippie Chick~
@mariotard A negative attitude helps nothing. A positive attitude can change the world! :) 31 minutes ago
These words of wisdom from Kate of all people!
AMD said...
@mariotard A negative attitude helps nothing. A positive attitude can change the world! :) 31 minutes ago
These words of wisdom from Kate of all people!
The guy asking for IDs at the club Kate and Jamie went to should have told Kate that! She would have slapped him.
AMD said...
@mariotard A negative attitude helps nothing. A positive attitude can change the world! :) 31 minutes ago
These words of wisdom from Kate of all people!
"Someone has to be miserable"
-Kate Gosselin, on camping in Alaska
"She's ruined!"
-Kate Gosselin, on her child dripping ice cream on her outfit
Kate doesn't have a positive attitude as mush as she has a "you're not the boss of me". She's more cut-off-your-nose-to-spite-your-face obstinate.
Dee3, great comments @June 10, 2011 1:46 AM.
AMD said...
@mariotard A negative attitude helps nothing. A positive attitude can change the world! :) 31 minutes ago
These words of wisdom from Kate of all people!
Collin: Mummy I don't want to film anymore,I don't like having my picture taken by the paps
Kate: Don't be negative Collin, the paps are photographing you on the world to DISNEYLAND. Won't that be fun? Be a man, Collin
Mady: Mummy, I don't like that the tups have so many b-day parties..
Kate: Mady, be positive.If they hadn't been born, we wouldn't have all these expensive toys and house.You care about that right?
Mady: Well...
Kate:Okay, you care about mommy right?
Cara:Mommy, I hate that kids at school watch me on tv.
Kate: Cara don't be dramatic, it helps you gain popularity.
Cara: But mom, it's footage of me throwing up...
I can totally hear her saying these things to the kids along with, as someone said on one of these sites a long time ago, "But guys, these people have known you since the day you were born, you OWE it to them to keep showing them every aspect of your lives"
If Kate does get a dating show will it be on TLC or some other network? Can some one help me with that.
Cause seem like TLC comes out with a new show every other week for goodness sake.
PS who want to watch Kate (sadly) if the kids arent there
I'm sure Kate has convinced herself that anyone who dares to disagree with the horrible decisions she has made and continues to make regarding her children's lifestyle and privacy are just "being negative." What a freaking piece of work.
Kate needs to understand something. Crying because it rains on your birthday and you won't be able to have a pool party is indeed being negative. If you were positive, you would look on the bright side, maybe you can do some fun indoor games, or go out to eat instead. But when people in your life are genuinely concerned about the choices you are making for your kids and have the guts to call you out on it, that is absolutely not the same thing as being negative. That's called standing up for what's right.
Tucker's Mom, the list goes on and on.She's the queen of negativity, for God's sake. Remember when they were in the plane,heading towards Utah and she started crying because of detours? She made ALL her kids cry no doubt because they thought something horrible was happening since mommy was crying so hard. Or when poor Joel vomited on his comforter.He was so sick and what's the first thing Kate does? She starts SHRIEKING and DRAGS the four year old(visibly too sick to want to stand) out of bed.Horrible.
It starts at 3:45 If you want to be pissed off, read the sheeple's defensive comments lol
Also, I remember one Memorial Day episode(?) when the kids were rolling in the grass and Kate yelled at them to stop.Mady asked " Why can't you just let them have fun". Yeah, Kate is the person to take advice from when it comes to having a positive attitude. In that clip with Joel, please let me know if you hear her telling Joel anything like: It's okay sweetie, or Are you still sick?
I wonder how acute the embarrassment factor is for the kids, based on Kate's more recent clothing and constant talk of finding a man? I would almost think that the 6 youngest kids probably didn't really know, or understand, that the episodes they watched on dvd were shown to the world. And do/did they see all the tabloid coverage? Imagine what shock and hurt those little souls would feel being told and asked about "private" things by their classmates or older kids on the bus?
Like I said,the offers are coming in! http://www.979x.com/ Their always looking for new calendar girls Kate! This is the radio interview she's doing/did today.
Please forgive me. I know Kate said she was doing a radio show from Texas today and the link I posted is from a interview she did from Pa.( Wilkes-Barre) I'll make sure to double and triple check my info before posting. Sorry for any confusion.
A couple of thoughts:
1) The abandonment card: Katie plays this game constantly. She crows about it on every media outlet that will have her AND on and about her show "We are nine". How often do you think those kids hear it? I'll bet their #1 fear is just that, abandonment. It's not logical since the children's father lives a short drive away and is involved in their lives, but it's out there and my guess is that Katie reinforces it every chance she gets.
2) To "save the kids" is a noble cause, but in this case I'm not sure that the ship hasn't sailed. It's too late. Too many bad experiences both filmed and psychological are in their path. Let's face it. There's some serious bad juju here and it ain't going away. I'm afaid the approach is to save yourselves. This isn't entertainment, it's trash. Don't waste your time on this trash. Find a better use of your time with yourself, your family and your community. Let this thing die. The Gosselins will need to take care of themselves.
@roxyhelen, Absolutely correct, she is the epitomy of NEGATIVE!! She talks the talk, but NEVER walks the walk in soooo many ways. What she spews out of her mouth in her "confessionalS" on the couch and now this tweeting fiasco is the TOTAL opposite of what we see, hear, read and WITNESS! Everyone needs to go back allll the video footage and be reminded of Ms. Positive!
Susantoyota said...
@HspncElvis I didn't understand that... And yes. Im doing a satellite radio tour tomorrow am then filming in the afternoon.. about 9 hours ago
How the mighty have fallen. No appearances on The View with her friends? Obviously no big trips, sounds like they're filming in and around the area of the McMansion. TLC does not seem to be putting much $ and effort into the show. But to the sheeple and her tween twitters, a satellite radio tour and filming in the afternoon sounds so important and cool. Squeal!! Snark. Go away Katie Irene.
I didn't realize that not doing The View was a sign of imminent demise. I think the Today Show, Showbiz Tonight, Access Hollywood and a host of radio and print interviews is a pretty nice media blitz. Obviously, the promotion worked since ratings went up significantly.
Roxyhelen, I became angry all over again at her treatment of Joel. I still, to this day, can't believe that she put a sick child on the laundry room floor.
@HspncElvis I didn't understand that... And yes. Im doing a satellite radio tour tomorrow am then filming in the afternoon.. about 9 hours ago
How the mighty have fallen. No appearances on The View with her friends? Obviously no big trips, sounds like they're filming in and around the area of the McMansion. TLC does not seem to be putting much $ and effort into the show. But to the sheeple and her tween twitters, a satellite radio tour and filming in the afternoon sounds so important and cool. Squeal!! Snark. Go away Katie Irene.
I didn't realize that not doing The View was a sign of imminent demise. I think the Today Show, Showbiz Tonight, Access Hollywood and a host of radio and print interviews is a pretty nice media blitz. Obviously, the promotion worked since ratings went up significantly. ________________________________________________
What worked was the tweeting and the promos of Kate getting her foot licked. What I was trying to say is that in years past was Kate was all over the airwaves, on this-n-that talk show over a several day time period. This last time, she went to NYC and did a couple talk shows (several by remote) as well as a radio interviews. Yes, she got to stay over in NYC, for whatever reason, probably because she whined I'm 'EXHAUSTED'. This week it's only satellite radio interviews, which I believe can be done over the phone. No need to travel, no need for TLC to hire a car or fly her somewhere,etc. Coupled with the fact that evidently TLC wouldn't rent her house at Bald Head, it would appear the money and effort being put into the Katie Irene and her 8 ATM's show is decreasing. No, not doing The View is not a sign of imminent demise, but I think it is telling in that Barbara and the other ladies are not beating down her door to book her as a guest, much less a co-host.
I didn't realize that not doing The View was a sign of imminent demise. I think the Today Show, Showbiz Tonight, Access Hollywood and a host of radio and print interviews is a pretty nice media blitz. Obviously, the promotion worked since ratings went up significantly.
You betcha! Kate's team is really trying to promote the show and Kate's visibility and it's obviously worked with double the viewer numbers.
I'm glad Kate's dating episode did well and that Kate is doing radio. I hope TLC decides to promote Kate on her own merits and begins to phase the kids out of filming.
If she develops her own brand separate from the kids and gets into media, I think she'll be happy and the kids will be better off with some of their privacy and childhoods intact.
Win-win ;-)
Coupled with the fact that evidently TLC wouldn't rent her house at Bald Head, it would appear the money and effort being put into the Katie Irene and her 8 ATM's show is decreasing. No, not doing The View is not a sign of imminent demise, but I think it is telling in that Barbara and the other ladies are not beating down her door to book her as a guest, much less a co-host.
I going to bet that Kate and TLC have other things/trips up their sleeves this summer. It would seem a really huge reach for TLC to pay for and film a third year in a row in SC. It won't draw an audience, but a new adventure would. People who like the show love watching the kids discover new things and have varying adventures, so that's where TLC will take it.
I strongly criticize Kate for bringing the whole family down to Bald Head, falling in love with it, proclaiming it's yet another "new tradition" that they will do every year (Kate's words virtually verbatim), and not following through when she is a very wealthy woman.
It wasn't the first and won't be the last promise broken. I would give her a lot of credit if she honored her word.
Beth said...
Roxyhelen, I became angry all over again at her treatment of Joel. I still, to this day, can't believe that she put a sick child on the laundry room floor.
And yet Kate's supporters find ways to defend her.They say this type of behaviour is normal. And while we're at it, Hannah was sick too but guess where she was resting? That's right on the sofa. I am not sure but I think this is also the episode where Joel wets his underware and hids it from Kate.Instead of asking him why he felt the need to hide it, she put him in time out. Now why would he hide his wet underware instead of letting mommy know he had an accident? This always stroke me as weird....
Obviously, the promotion worked since ratings went up significantly.
I'd like to know what TLC thinks about her ratings. The age demographic is th 18-49 year olds (they spend the most $$) and her numbers are very low in that demographic.
Beth and roxyhelen - Joelgate is what seriously turned me off on Kate, too. I didn't like her before, and I had serious doubts about her as a parent and a spouse, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt. But when she took that sick and suffering little boy and put him in the laundry room and turned off the lights and shut the door, that did it for me. And did she ever come and rescue him? No. It was his father, the "deadbeat", the "slacker", the "horrible father" - per the sheeple, anyway - who rescued him. Jon, who was in severe pain from a scratched cornea, operating on the same (lack of) sleep that Kate was and still running hither, thither and yon for her after working a full day, was the one who took that poor little boy off the floor, put him in his parents' bed and later cleaned him and the room up when he threw up again. That did it for me. After that, I didn't care what anyone said about Jon. I was team Jon all the way. I could understand making up a pallet on the floor of the laundry room and putting your sick child there to keep an eye on when you're working in the room. I cannot wrap my mind around abandoning a sick kid to a dark, comfortless room just to be able to avoid a little more "vomit laundry". I wouldn't do that to one of my cats, let alone a child. Horrible, lacking in empathy, selfish, mean, loveless behavior on the part of someone who professes to "do it all for my kids".
readerlady - still having to post as "anonymous"
FYI etown is not accepted blindly here nor has she ever said anything you couldnt conclude on your own with what we DO know. I have repeatedly questioned her assessment the kids are not really made fun of at school. I don't think anyone can possibly know the extent of teasing that might go on unless they sit with them in the cafeteria. Now perhaps she's a lunch monitor but she hasn't said so!
Roxyhelen, I became angry all over again at her treatment of Joel. I still, to this day, can't believe that she put a sick child on the laundry room floor.
I agree. I understand that yes, it might be easier to clean up vomit on a tile floor than on carpet, but your own flesh and blood is SICK. Kate is ALL about convenience over comfort, except when it comes to her. Had SHE been sick, she surely would've been in bed whining up a storm.
Anonomous said... "I didn't realize that not doing The View was a sign of imminent demise. I think the Today Show, Showbiz Tonight, Access Hollywood and a host of radio and print interviews is a pretty nice media blitz. Obviously, the promotion worked since ratings went up significantly."
Let's see those numbers once the non-skanky episodes air (i.e. the Tennessee food bank or the Easter Egg Hunt). Kate's asinine show is NOT going to sustain these ratings, mark my words.
One of the big reasons I decided we needed rule two is because I think back and forth "are they legit are they not legit" discussions are a giant waste of time, and that's what this has become.
I've been lax on it with a few people here who have been here awhile, but I'm going to ask everyone to please follow the rules across the board. Move on from this for now.
Next topic, Kate says she is going to answer tweets on Kate Plus 8 tomorrow between 10am and 11am. That could be good lol.
Indulge me with a completely off topic question? Has anyone ever had Omaha Steaks? I just got this ridiculous coupon for 68% off but I've never had them before and I have no idea if they are crap.
Wait maybe I should tweet Kate and ask her. She knows everything. Except when her own dang show is going to be on.
I've heard Omaha steaks are wonderful. Tender,
flavorful..... This is not from personal experience, just the judgment of friends who have ordered them. If you order them and hate them, I will deny having said a word! :-)
Re: Joel's sick day. Over and over again she talked about comforters, and she even talked about "chunks". Yuck. Why would sick kids be given "chunky" food instead of easily digestible things like popscicles or ginger ale? Jon seemed to notice that they were not hungry. A nurse might notice these things too.
A nurse would also notice a child was hot with fever and actually care. Most mommies would show some concern for a house full of children who felt awful. Nope. Not Kate. Her point of concern was how it all inconvenienced her. She showed zero concern for anyone but herself and her schedule. Bah Humbug!
Taking bets right now.
Bet on:
1. Kate oversleeps tomorrow and completely misses the chat.
2. "Something comes up" and she cancels at the last minute.
3. Kate actually shows up for her twatter chat on time at 10am
I truely think TLC is riding Kate contract out. It ends in Feb 2012. TLC lost a lot of money with the Aussie/NZ trip. Depending what was written in the contract, perhaps TLC can not just pull the plug, maybe Kate has some clever lawyers. But also, TLC is now pulling the strings, no special trips, more domestic stuff, they are desperately tryin to change Kate imagine. Kate said so herself on twitter: She goes and does what TLC tells her to do. Whatever was said at that meeting, back a month ago, remember how quiet Kate got, and the tweeting slowed down, even now her tweeting is not what it was. TLC is now controlling the show. Kate can say all she wants that she is in control and wants to go her and there etc, but TLC is holding the purse and contract.
Admin - Omaha steaks are excellent quality - lean, tender and tasty. 68% off is an incredible deal!
I'll believe Kate shows up for the "chat" session when I see her twats.
readerlady - NOT anonymous
Admin, she won't be oversleeping because they're filming. Answering her twitter and facebook questions will be one episode.
Horrible, lacking in empathy, selfish, mean, loveless behavior on the part of someone who professes to "do it all for my kids".
Omaha Steaks were featured on an episode of Celebrity Apprentice. They have steaks, fish, vegetables and dessert, all delicious. They do a huge online business. You will love all their food.
I agree that she'll get up for the chat because she said it would be for an episode.
I don't get how this "Chat" is going to be for an episode. It's painful enough to read Kate twattering away, are we supposed to watch her do it too?
I kind of picture her slowly tapping each iphone letter with her overly manicured nail while giggling like a school girl at all the twatter-love toward her.
Kelly is having fun on twitter tonight. This one nearly made me fall off my chair laughing! "Will you tweet to us from the book "The wheels on the bus go all over Jon".
Claire in Omaha said...
Omaha Steaks were featured on an episode of Celebrity Apprentice. They have steaks, fish, vegetables and dessert, all delicious. They do a huge online business. You will love all their food.
Oh yeah. Had one of those dinners a couple of months ago at friend's house. Absolutely delicious, every bite.
We have occasionally received Omaha steaks as gifts, and the food has been delicious. We haven't tried any of the seafood, but the filet mignon, sirloin and stuffed baked potatoes are great.
And Kate will definitely rise and shine and be all atwitter tomorrow since it is being filmed as an episode (sounds riveting). She is going to answer the questions that are the "most toppest." Either she truly believes that her babytalk sounds endearing, or she has the IQ of a slug. I tend to think it is the latter.
For those of you who have ever heard the song by Dire Straits, sing this one to the tune of it.
Money For Nothing lyrics
I want my, I want my TLC
Now look at them yo-yo's, that's the way you do it
You put the kids on the TLC
That ain't working, that's the way you do it
Money for nothing and the kids work for free
Now that ain't working, that's the way you do it
Let me tell you that chick ain't dumb
Maybe get a mani on your little fingers
Maybe get a pedi on your toes and done
We got those installed microwave ovens
Custom kitchen deliveries
We got these new refrigerators
We got these brand new color T.V.'s
The little Katie with the earring and the makeup
Yeah buddy, that's not her own hair
That little Katie got her own leather chair
That little Katie she's a millionaire
She got those installed microwave ovens
Custom kitchen and deliveries
She got those brand new refrigerators
She got those brand new color T.V.s
Look at that, look at that
I should have learned to pimp out my kids
I should have learned to work them hard
Look at that mama, she got it sticking in the camera
Man we can have some
And she's up there, what's that? Hawaiian noises?
Renewing wedding vows like a chimpanzee
Oh, that ain't working, that's the way you do it
Get your money for nothing work your kids for free
We got those installed microwave ovens
Custom kitchen all for free
We got to move those brand new refrigerators
We got to move those brand new color T.V.'s
Listen here
Now that ain't working, that's the way you do it
You put your kids on the TLC
That ain't working, that's the way you do it
Money for nothing and your kids work for free
Money for nothing and your kids work for free
Get your money for nothing, make your kids work for free
Money for nothing, kids work for free
Look at that, look at that
Get your money for nothing, kids work for free (I
want my, I want my, I want my TLC)
Money for nothing and kids work for free
Easy, easy
That ain't working

Administrator said...
FYI etown is not accepted blindly here nor has she ever said anything you couldnt conclude on your own with what we DO know. I have repeatedly questioned her assessment the kids are not really made fun of at school. I don't think anyone can possibly know the extent of teasing that might go on unless they sit with them in the cafeteria. Now perhaps she's a lunch monitor but she hasn't said so!
I don't know about these kids and their particular school, but in the experiences I've had with kids whose parents were in the news or fodder for gossip lovers, their schoolmates have vigorously upheld their privacy. Even those who weren't friends with them. Then again, it was boarding school, so their were tighter bonds.
I wonder if the twins friends are protective? I hope so for their sake.
Admin-- I bet #2. I can see her showing up for the twitter thing but giving some lame excuse that she cannot answer them til later and that the fanatics will have to watch the show to find out if she picked theirs. ( boring -- zzzzzzzzzz)
Good job with the lyrics Kelly!
Joel (or whichever boy it was) hid his soiled underwear for the same reason I did when I was little and had a severe case of diarrhea and couldn't make it to the bathroom on time. I knew what would happen when my parents found out (and they DID find out)- my mother beat me with a switch and my father made fun of me in front of everyone at church the next day, embarrassing me beyond belief. I was 5 years old when that happened and I will remember the incident for the rest of my life (I'm in my 50's now). Kate's children will never forget those things in their life either. Kids just don't forget things like that.
Great creativity, Kelly!
I'm in my fifty's now too and I'm sorry you experienced that as a child. That is a searing memory that can never be taken away. Fortunately for me, I never experienced anything like that and growing up as the 7th of 8 kids, I have nothing but good memories of my parents, my childhood and my siblings.
I may be more vocal about Kate and her faux sacrifices as many of us here because I am a child of 8. We lived in a house with 9 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and my father and mother sacrificed to send us to private catholic schools while my father worked himself to the bone, selling insurance and my mother was always home for us at the end of the day.
We had hand me downs, dogs, big meals, curfews, rules but most of all, love. We showed each other respect, obeyed the older brothers and sisters when my parents went out for a long and deserved night out for dinner and we actually looked forward to them getting out of the house.
It was our free time.
I don't know how they did it, raising 8 kids on one income and a mother always there for us all the time. There won't be any television shows about my family, no bridges or buildings named after my parents and no accolades from strangers asking my parents how they did it.
What I do know is that they suffered in silence, sacrificed with patience and gave us love on a daily basis, set a foundation for us to be successful and asked for nothing in return other than being the best we could be.
Being a parent myself, there are memories that are seared in my mind of some things I did wrong in the daily grind of raising my kids and half of that time, I was doing it as a single dad. I made mistakes along the way and although those mistakes are known to me, my kids love me for all the other efforts.
During the day, when you and I were growing up, parenting was strict and so different than it is today. It's a totally different era. I hope you'll find something good that your parents did for you and concentrate on that and still, I understand that horrible feeling you still hang on to. I wish you peace
Kelly, like it. I have a few lines you could change: where it goes into the chorus: We got those installed microwave ovens. You could say:
We got install those solar panels
One custom made kitchen
got to clean that refrigerator
so we can be on color TV
she got install some garage storage
custom made play houses
she got a new refrigerator
so we can be on another tv interview
and /or
She got the stores to give freebees
custom made chicken house
she dress the tups alike
so they can do another tv episode.
I see Kate keeps pushing the Q & A for tommorrow. I have better things to do.
Thank you, Kelly. Peace and love to you, as well.
So, Kelly, who needs buildings and bridges named after them when they have a son who wrote those beautiful words about them? What a tribute that was! Thank you for sharing. Your parents are beaming right now.
I predict a garbled mess on this twittering Q and A on Saturday. Whether Kate arrives on time or arrives at all will not make it any better or any worse.
Tucker's Mom -I strongly criticize Kate for bringing the whole family down to Bald Head, falling in love with it, proclaiming it's yet another "new tradition" that they will do every year (Kate's words virtually verbatim), and not following through when she is a very wealthy woman.
It wasn't the first and won't be the last promise broken. I would give her a lot of credit if she honored her word.
I agree. In her Kate-speak, she says this will be an annual family tradition, she depended on TLC to book it,pay for it, and when they didn't, she did NOTHING! She even noted on twitter the kids were mad at her for not getting the vacation house that she promised them. Seriously, with her financial means, she could find something, but since TLC did not pay for it, it is no longer a priority to HER. Of course, she forgot/ignored what this meant to her kids. This woman has become so entitled and this just shows that her priorties are not what she promises or says to her kids, but rather "grifting" and getting every freebie she can. Sad for the kids who know they can not rely on what she says, much like none of us do. I think is it apparent to them that what Kate says is not followed through on and that they can not rely on her to keep her word. Am willing to bet that I could find a vacation house for 9 - 10 in Bald Head if I contacted a real estate/rental agent in that area today. She is really a selfish piece of work! Her kids work hard filming; you would at least think she might follow through with a promise to them.
Twittering for a $250,000 filmed episode... seriously. She is using her twitter fans (who she ignores for the most part) asking them to send questions that she generally ignores.
What a joke! I hope the twitter fans get that she is just using them to get paid. TLC and Kate have stooped to a pathetic level. Kate uses anyone and everyone so she can get paid. It is all about the cash, and was never about what was best for the kids.
I believe Kate will be on twitter answering questions...but the questions are going to be boring and fluff. Everyone who asks a question or makes a comment she doesn't like is blocked (including myself and I ask a mild question).
If Kate answers a fan question on twitter, then why would you need to watch the show?
Kate's got a couple ridiculous tweets already: "Disclaimer: all tweeties UNDER age 18, please make your parents aware if u tweeted me a question for our Q&A ep! Do so now pls! Thx, a mom:) 18 minutes ago"
So NOW she cares that underage people are screwing around on twatter? That's rich! She only cares because TLC probably said oh shit we can't put a minor's tweets on air without parental consent. And what's to prevent a tween from lying and saying sure I asked my parents! Please!!!
And here's another one, she actually responded to a hater: RT @chelecameron @Kateplusmy8 Y do u waste a sat am answ tweet?'srather thenw/ the kids? Its sat am&I'm wrking-filmingmyshow.moms hav2work! about an hour ago
Moms have to work, hahahha. This woman is worth MILLIONS. Had she managed her money properly she never would have had to work a Saturday morning the rest of her life. It is not about working. It's about not being content with the millions she already has made, and being obsessed with staying famous.
Kelly - You sound like you grew up in my family only my dad was a preacher and there were only 5 bedrooms for the nine of us (7 kids). We may not have had everything but we wanted but we had everything we needed, most of all love. It wasn't until I was an adult that I realized how much my parents did without so that we wouldn't have to do without. It was never about them but always about us. They're both gone now and I miss them every day.
@jman6466 @AngelaD085 I'm an Intl momma lol
No Kate, you are not even a decent "local momma." Try working on that first and being a mother to what your kids need instead of what YOU need for yourself. Her 8 deserve so much better than her selfish, egotisitical self! Put your kids first for ONCE KATE, and stop worrying about yourself all the time. You are actually the empitomy of what a mother should NOT be!! International momma indeed.
I think the twatters she is using for her episode should get their cut.
I want to know what their average income is compared to Kate's millions. Probably at most a 1 to 10 ratio. Why does Kate get to roll in all the money and everyone else gets jack?
I think what's going to happen here is going to be the ultimate irony. Her own fans are going to end up victims of a narcissist. Maybe then they will finally realize.
Her fans are in the honeymoon phase now. Right now, they are of use to Kate. They are creating publicity for her and she is using them for a Q and A episode. But as soon as that well runs dry she'll abandon twitter. We've already seen how they are when she leaves for a few hours, imagine if she left for a few days or weeks or PERMANENTLY. Maybe then her fans will realize they were just used and abused like everyone else, they have absolutely nothing to show for it, and they became victims themselves.
RT @chelecameron @Kateplusmy8 Y do u waste a sat am answ tweet?'srather thenw/ the kids? Its sat am&I'm wrking-filmingmyshow.moms hav2work! about an hour ago
Okay, I'm seriously ready to VOMIT. I HATE THIS LYING, SELF-SERVING BITCH.
What about kids do they have to work?
I guess I bet wrong but I thought she was going to answer these questions today.I guess she is using her fans for a cheap/free episode. TLC running out of ideas?
Hm I think you're right she's just gathering questions today, they'll probably organize them all into a logical order and have her sit on the couch all day, leaving the kids upstairs with nannies, and answer them all.
I have to say being a fan of Kate must be SOO frustrating. Here they were all set up for a QandA with her all morning. Abandons them again!
Kate the great communicator.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
2 1/2 hrs til I start answering ur tweet questions4r most recent Q&A K+8 ep! Tweet 2 me&I'll answer 4ep2air soon!Will answ as many as poss!
Too bad she couldn't be a little more specific and explain to her poor fans they could see her answer the questions on an upcoming episode instead of leading them on.
Not to mention what does 4 r most recent episode mean? Rhetorical question.
Looks like abandon to me too but fans act like they knew it was going to be this way. She specifically said she would answer this morning in her tweets. Anything to make herself rich by using the fans.
Remember when Jon and Kate did a "Viewers'
Questions" episode? They just (badly) answered questions, showed clips of the kids and that was it. Now he have a higher tech version of it. Kate sits on the couch, talks about Kate and film of the kids will pop up so Kate can
"reminisce" with her great wad of fans about what a terrific mom she is to 8 children she's not too sure what to do with, she can throw her head back and cackle and do Kate-speak. Wow.
I can't think of any more than 109 other things to do with my time.
BTW, does she still tug on her earring? That
was an interesting nervous habit of hers.
I actually thought it was unclear whether she was going to answer them live or answer them for the episode which we would see later. I kind of assumed it would make more sense to answer them for an episode, but then she said she was doing a QandA today and I second guessed it. Why can't she just be clear with her fans? Just say, I will be COLLECTING questions tomorrow that you will see me answer on an upcoming episode. Surely she can figure out how to explain that in 120 characters. But saying you're having a Q and A tomorrow implies just that, there will be questions AND answers.
Personally? I think these games are MEAN to her fans. I feel bad for some of them. The ones that haven't tried to out us anyway.
I think this was TLC's plan with the Twitter crap all along. She was to 'lower' herself to talk with her fans and build up her numbers. TLC had this particular show in the works long before she got on Twitter. It was planned so they could build another episode out of her tanking ratings. They are all desperate to keep her trash show going. This just proves to me that TLC has no intention of allowing Kate's show to die because no one cares anymore. They will have to be forced into losing lots of money before they shut it down. Don't get me wrong, I think it is tanking, big time and the few fans on Twitter cannot keep her from sinking, but they are sure going to try. I hope some of the teens twitter questions and TLC and Kate are caught red handed answering these children whose parents are totally unaware of what is going on.
Kate never intended on answering any of her fans on Twitter, unless it was one of the few questions she liked. Rather she was using them/their questions to answer ON FILM (this was planned well in advance) and of course chose questions she wished to answer, in order to get paid $250,000 for a filmed episode. New low to this show.
Her twitter fans should realize she is only using them to make $250,000 to answer their questions ON FILM and NOT on twitter. Talk about being used. Wake up Twitters. You just assisted Kate in making $250,000 to NOT answer you on twitter. You have been ignored and used and still think her not answering your tweets unless paid if a great thing? This is the saddest most pathetic thing I have ever seen of the Kate fans, if they don't know they are being used by Kate. She would prefer not to deal with them at all, but using Twitter fans to try to keep herself relevant. I am betting 98.9% never heard back from her as she is a selfish piece of work.
I wonder why she had to collect questions starting at 9 EST? Poor adoring fans on the West Coast had to get up before 6 on a Sat. morning. They all had to be sorted through anyway so couldn't she have asked for questions yesterday at a reasonable time?
Admin said -I actually thought it was unclear whether she was going to answer them live or answer them for the episode which we would see later.
This twitter thing has been in planning stages since she started twitter. Kate does nothing unless it will financially benefit her, so this has been planned to gather questions Kate/TLC gathered so she can make her $250,000 for episode, clearly using her twitter fans for her own financial gain. Her twitter fans have been officially used for Kate's financial gain. Not shocking... it has always been and will be about Kate and her greed. This should be the end of her, but her fans don't get it. Use people left and right, mislead them... she is a greedy piece of work.
Get a Bald House beach house for your kids Kate as you promised... there ARE houses available.....
While she's booking the Bald Head house, maybe she could have gymnastics on the other line and sign them up for lessons.
Moms have to work?? For WHAT??? She's certainly not allowing her kids to benefit from all the work she supposedly does.
SHE MAKES MILLIONS and she can't do a few simple things for her kids! And she even admits they're upset about it!
Admin said -I actually thought it was unclear whether she was going to answer them live or answer them for the episode which we would see later.
Deliberately unclear... Her fans should feel duped and used.
New theory why she's bailed on them over the past several episodes with the live tweeting during the episode.
She suddenly had a light bulb moment and realized she could get paid to answer tweets. As soon as she realized that, she had zero motivation to sit there for an hour answering their stupid questions. So it was always some excuse, I'm stuck in NYC (huh? Last I heard NYC had the internets-ish), I'm in a place without reception (how can you tweet you don't have reception if you don't have reception??? Think about it.) the dog ate it, I lost my remote, etc etc.
huntsvillewriteJohn Hampton
@Kateplusmy8 have you thought about helping the victims of this years tornadoes
1 hour ago
in reply to ↑
@Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin@huntsvillewrite Omg wld luv2help!don't hav resources2go(altho wishIcould&would)&don't hav$ 2helpall disas(wish I could&wld) prayr I can do
What happened to Kate gives back? She doesn't have the $ to help all disasters....has she helped any? She doesn't have to give thousands, just a hundred or two would help. With all the donations that were given to her it still amazes me how selfish she is.
huntsvillewrite John Hampton
@Kateplusmy8 have you thought about helping the victims of this years tornadoes
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@huntsvillewrite Omg wld luv2help!don't hav resources2go(altho wishIcould&would)&don't hav$ 2helpall disas(wish I could&wld) prayr I can do
I suppose this won't bother her fans at all.
Silly twatters. Kate will "help" if you pay her to. Just pay her to go help the tornado victims and she will just like she helped the koalas and the food bank--paid help.
Speaking of which anyone hear her mention the koalas lately? What happened to that? Hahahahhahaah. We all called that one, a narcissist has "pet causes" they talk about constantly for a short period of time before dropping it like a rock. The koalas is a classic example. She would not shut up about them until one day, BAM, she lost interest never to mention them again.
Even the koalas were estranged.
Oh and I see she still is trying to claim she has no money.
Does she really think we're idiots? Does she think we believe she's rolling in 6 bucks an hour to do her show? How stupid does she think we are???
"omg!Wld luv2help!don't hav resources2go(altho wishIcould&would)&don't hav$ 2helpall disas(wish Icould&would)prayr I can do"
Did I read this twit right? She says she'd love to and would help with disasters but doesn't have the dollars? What a lying SKANK!! Well - we already knew this, didn't we? Kate, you twit - even $10 goes a long way toward feeding/clothing/housing disaster victims. You could use that platform you have on TLC to urge your (few remaining) fans to donate. You could participate in fund raisers. You could go on Today, The View, The Voice, whatever and speak on behalf of the Red Cross or Catholic Relief or Jewish Relief or Habitat For Humanity or Doctors Without Borders or any of the other reputable organizations that go in and help victims of disasters get back on their feet. You could donate some of the kids' outgrown clothing instead of taking it to consignment shops. What a useless piece of humanity - and I use that term VERY loosely.
readerlady - who is still not anonymous and is incensed by that twittering twat!
Decide for yourself whether there are any 5+ Bedroom beach houses in Bald Head for rental this summer..
I'm sorry...I...I must be seeing things. Did Kate actually respond to a tweet that she can not and is not going to help tornado victims because she does not have the resources and $$ ???
But she then tried to recover with good intentions...she'll pray. Holy crap. I've heard it all from Kate.
That religious veneer that she and Jon tried to use to paint a patina of respectability wore out a very long time ago.
Did Kate just recently say that the food bank episode was "just the beginning of the Gosselins giving back"?
I feel like I'm losing my mind! How she can fool people still is sad, just sad.
@Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin@huntsvillewrite Omg wld luv2help!don't hav resources2go(altho wishIcould&would)&don't hav$ 2helpall disas(wish I could&wld) prayr I can do
What?!?! You are earning $250,000 today as you tweet this lie on your fat ass. Most human beings will give something within their budget. You are a disgusting person to say you have no $ to contribute. Consibute something, anything! Disgusting human being!!! What goes around, comes around.
Her tweeters don't get it.....amusing string of tweets which includes Kate's "I want it all" wishlist.
@Kateplusmy8 we know what u want for yr kids we all know how much u love them what do u want for yrself
1 hour ago in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@tainslie1 health&youth ;),much wrk&challenges(tlk sho,+speaking opps, +books,acting etc) travel,beautiful scenery, relax,love&sun&sand :)
15 minutes ago via Twitterrific
replies ↓
......which another tweeter interpreted:
@ @Kateplusmy8 @tainslie1 Translation: Me, me, me, I, me, me, money, money, I, me, attention, money. LOL!
So Kate has talk show, acting on her radar....and what training is she currently doing to build her credentials?
This from a woman who had a collection plate passed around to her.
So many people who make it to the financial position she is in, one of the things that excites them the most is to have the ability to pick some favorite charities and go to town. Does she realize what some people wouldn't GIVE to be in her shoes and to have that ability to REALLY make changes???
Even so, like someone said, even 10 dollars.
I know Kate can't think outside her own head but I have another suggestion for her. Look into the TAX BREAKS for charitable donations. Surely you can offset your huge tax bill. At least for that reason, do something! Kate, YOU BENEFIT TOO when you donate to charity. Idiot.
@Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin@huntsvillewrite Omg wld luv2help!don't hav resources2go(altho wishIcould&would)&don't hav$ 2helpall disas(wish I could&wld) prayr I can do
She says she doesn't have the resources to go? Is she asking for someone to pay her way to go and help???? There are hundreds of ways you can help with a couple of dollars...you don't have "to go" there!
Administrator said...
This from a woman who had a collection plate passed around to her.
So many people who make it to the financial position she is in, one of the things that excites them the most is to have the ability to pick some favorite charities and go to town.
Yup...Kate did not indicate that she gave ANYTHING toward any of the recent US or world disasters. How about AU and NZ shortly after she visited?
If anyone thinks about all of the disasters, of course you feel helpless. But, if everyone just gives a little, it goes a long way towards relief and restoration.
DH and I love that we can give to Fisher House and others in lesser amounts. We donate stock, too.
It. Feels. Great!
She's totally right that you can't give to every single charity that ever crosses your path (well, you could, but it would be only small amounts to each I suppose), but you can give SOMETHING TO CHARITY! Pick your top three or four favorites to regularly donate to. That's what I do and I think that's how a lot of people do it. And I'm not talking about only donating when TLC pays you to make an episode about it never to speak of that charity again.
Maybe TLC will show the video that all the Twits made kate for Mother's day?
I could see it going viral. I could see it being the next "Leave Brittney alone!" joke of the talk shows.
Come 'on, TLC, we want the world to see the caliber of fans that "Love Kate NO MATTER WHAT!"
The house they stayed at is available in both July and August, right on the ocean where the kids apparently are so so happy and Kate is thrilled to spend $13,0000 a week. Oh, right, TLC pays during film shoots and they don't want to waste their money anymore. Guess Kate has to keep on lying.....
Correct me if I am wrong, but can't people donate money by texting now? And the money is just added to their cell phone bill?
So Kate has a cell phone- and has proven she can text.....
Wonder what her excuse would be if she were asked to donate blood? hehehe
"Maybe TLC will show the video that all the Twits made kate for Mother's day?"
This hasn't gone viral yet? SHOCKED! I am SHOCKED!
An episode of her highness tweeting with her twits? I may have to give up my boycott of TLC for that!
Seriously? That's an episode? Hitting bottom.....
Even the narcissist I worked for was rather embarrassed about some of her more over-zealous fans. Would she EVER let on to them, never. But she certainly never encourages them. They all try to be friends with her kids on facebook and they just quietly decline the requests.
This reply to a tweet about her $250K per episode just kills me. How many places on internet have said how much she makes. Even reputable articles such as TV Guide.com
@chromenclassy If ONLY I made that kind of insane money...I wouldn't have to work anymore!wow!
For a narcissist like Kate there will NEVER be enough money. Even assume a LOW estimate she is only worth a few million, that is not nearly enough nor ever will be enough for Kate.
She could be a billionaire and she would still be crying poor.
So she's dying she makes $250,000 an episode. Lying liar.
She probably is assuming that's not a lie because after taxes it's only like $180,000.
oh gee onlyyyyy 180. Still about 9 yrs of work for me.
Doesn't Kate know it's tacky to discuss how much money one makes? Not only is she rude but she lies.
"Rather she was using them/their questions to answer ON FILM (this was planned well in advance) and of course chose questions she wished to answer, in order to get paid $250,000 for a filmed episode."
It's also a ratings ploy. The twitter twatters will have to watch the show to see if she answered their questions.
As for Kate denying what she gets paid. Admin is probably right about the taxes. Aren't the children supposed to get something of the $250,000? I realize it's a low percentage, and Kate can still use the money. So of course, after all is said and done, she doesn't get that much. Yeah, right.
Three celebrities who all possess something Katie Irene never will--class and successful acting careers, the latter obtained without pimping out their kids.
My cable and internet has been off for the last 24hrs. and I just read here what Kate said about giving to disaster victims.
Just when I thought she couldn't get any lower, there she goes...Not a generous bone in her body. I think that's why she doesn't go to church anymore too, because she's afraid she might have to give a dollar.
Assume for argument's sake Kate does not get as much as claimed. Well now she just looks dumb. Tlc made multimillions off her, still do. She should make at least 250 and demand it or walk. Any profession you enter it is your responsibility to know what you are worth so employers don't screw you. If what she says is true she is being exploited and used by tlc. Wake up Kate. The kids are entitled to what they are worth too, they get screwed by this too!
Okay, just for grins and giggles, let's assume that $250,000 is for a SEASON rather than an episode. She still makes more than most of us make in 5 - 10 years. If she can't scrape a few bucks together for charity out of that, then she can do what I, and a lot of others, do. Volunteer some time. I spent most of the day in our church recreation hall boxing up food/clothing/bottled water for Katrina victims and, more recently, for the tornado victims in Birmingham and Joplin. Spend a Saturday working at a food pantry -actually distributing food, not showing off for the cameras. The 6 are probably too little yet to be of any use, but Mady and Cara are old eough to make a positive contribution. Go to an inner city day care and read to the children once a month. She can take some of the time she spends uselessly twitting away and put it to good use.
Bit off topic, but I'm a big baseball fan, and I follow the Cincinnati Reds. The Reds 2nd baseman, Brandon Phillips, is a big twitterer. Just recently, he ran a contest for his fans. The two winners, young men who are college freshmen, were flown to San Francisco for the current 4 game stand, and will spend the weekend attending the games and hanging out with Brandon and his teammates. Think Kate would ever deign to do something like this for her fans?
readerlady again
Jim Jones used koolaid. Kate Gosselin uses Twitter. This will not end good for her. Another faux pas today about charity? When will TLC put an end to this twits twatting?
Too gluttonous to give.
huntsvillewriteJohn Hampton
have you thought about helping the victims of this years tornadoes
1 hour ago
in reply to ↑
@Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin@huntsvillewrite
Omg wld luv2help!don't hav resources2go(altho wishIcould&would)&don't hav$ 2helpall disas(wish I could&wld) prayr I can do
I think by "resources" she means that she does not own a private plane or helicopter to fly her and her circus act to the tornado victims....
Kate, maybe you should put that on your damn "bucket list"
Let's face it, if the cameras are not on, and she isn't being paid to do it- it's not happening.
Kate you fake, sit on it and rotate.
I feel a photoshop coming on y'all....
"Bit off topic, but I'm a big baseball fan, and I follow the Cincinnati Reds."
I am taking my kids tomorrow.... :)
Go Giants.
Great post BTW, and a very cool think to do by Phillips. No chance kHate would ever think or do anything like that unless it was designed, organized, and PAID for by TLC.
I am so tired of reading her drivel about 'moms hav2 work.'
She is so full of sh!t in everything she does and says.
New post! Kate's life as she perceives it!
@Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin@huntsvillewrite Omg wld luv2help!don't hav resources2go(altho wishIcould&would)&don't hav$ 2helpall disas(wish I could&wld) prayr I can do
What resources do you need to text a donation? She could easily donate $5 then state that yes, she made a donation and not reveal how much. She could easily gather together gently used clothing & toys her children no longer use - hey TLC there's an episode for ya! When you truly want to help you help, you don't complain about how you wish you could.
This would have also been a great spot for her to reaffirm her churchgoing by stating she wasn't sure how to best help so she's aiding the efforts of her church. But that would mean actually attending church wouldn't it?
** Bet my money on a bob tailed nag said... "2) To "save the kids" is a noble cause, but in this case I'm not sure that the ship hasn't sailed. It's too late. Too many bad experiences both filmed and psychological are in their path. Let's face it. There's some serious bad juju here and it ain't going away. I'm afaid the approach is to save yourselves. This isn't entertainment, it's trash. Don't waste your time on this trash. Find a better use of your time with yourself, your family and your community. Let this thing die. The Gosselins will need to take care of themselves."
I disagree. If you saw your neighbour abusing their child would you say the same thing? Let the kid take care of himself?
It may be a long slow-going road but it's due to these kinds of discussions that politicians (such as Rep. Murt) started to pay attention. It will take continued discussion and support of bills designed to create laws that will prevent other children from suffering the same fate as the Gosselins to make true change. Ignoring it will only get the issue buried further and will help NO ONE at all.
It may be "too late" to help the Gosselins, it won't reverse what has happened nor will it magically make their mother become a better person, but it's never too late to try and prevent this from happening to someone else.
Hey Sport - My Reds just beat your Giants 10 - 2!! Seriously - enjoy the game with your kids tomorrow. I have fond memories of attending Reds games with my Mom and Dad when I was a kid. Eat a hot dog and some cracker jacks for me.
You can do a D&B on JK&G LLC and find out just how much she is worth. She's a phoney and a total grifter. Time to call her out on all this bull
Assume for argument's sake Kate does not get as much as claimed. Well now she just looks dumb. Tlc made multimillions off her, still do. She should make at least 250 and demand it or walk. Any profession you enter it is your responsibility to know what you are worth so employers don't screw you. If what she says is true she is being exploited and used by tlc. Wake up Kate. The kids are entitled to what they are worth too, they get screwed by this too!
Doesn't Kate know it's tacky to discuss how much money one makes? Not only is she rude but she lies.
For a narcissist like Kate there will NEVER be enough money. Even assume a LOW estimate she is only worth a few million, that is not nearly enough nor ever will be enough for Kate.
She could be a billionaire and she would still be crying poor.
The house they stayed at is available in both July and August, right on the ocean where the kids apparently are so so happy and Kate is thrilled to spend $13,0000 a week. Oh, right, TLC pays during film shoots and they don't want to waste their money anymore. Guess Kate has to keep on lying.....
Administrator said...
This from a woman who had a collection plate passed around to her.
So many people who make it to the financial position she is in, one of the things that excites them the most is to have the ability to pick some favorite charities and go to town.
Yup...Kate did not indicate that she gave ANYTHING toward any of the recent US or world disasters. How about AU and NZ shortly after she visited?
If anyone thinks about all of the disasters, of course you feel helpless. But, if everyone just gives a little, it goes a long way towards relief and restoration.
DH and I love that we can give to Fisher House and others in lesser amounts. We donate stock, too.
It. Feels. Great!
@Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin@huntsvillewrite Omg wld luv2help!don't hav resources2go(altho wishIcould&would)&don't hav$ 2helpall disas(wish I could&wld) prayr I can do
What?!?! You are earning $250,000 today as you tweet this lie on your fat ass. Most human beings will give something within their budget. You are a disgusting person to say you have no $ to contribute. Consibute something, anything! Disgusting human being!!! What goes around, comes around.
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