Coming up on Kate Plus 8. "Easter!!!" one of the boys shouts. Gosh that’s annoying when they make the kids do that. Yes, I get it, it’s Easter. Sort of. Eggs, eggs, and more eggs. Kate is mean to Aaden about not being good at puzzles. Hm, I wonder if Kate sits around, in between tweets, pondering how an Easter bunny can lay an egg.

Kate is going on and on about organic hens, and I have no clue what she is talking about. I didn’t realize hens themselves could be organic anyway, I thought what you fed them was what was organic. I wonder how you tell if it’s an organic hen, they have green feet maybe?
Kate gets out a chick hatching kit incubator and starts setting it up. The kids are starting to get very flippant with Kate, which doesn’t surprise me given how disrespectful she always is to them. Kids are watching you, watching the things that you do. Which includes how you speak to people you love. “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Hannah accuses Kate. “This is very boring!”
Even though Hannah is being rather rude to her mother, I have to say that’s my “sediments” exactly. Two minutes in and I’ve already seen enough, too, Hannah.
The kids are excited about the incubator. As usual, Kate is being a sourpuss. “I have to stuff four-gazillion eggs for tomorrow,” she gripes. Well, I see why she is so exhausted all the time now, she is constantly creating over-the-top impossible projects for herself. What do you do when you’ve created just such a project for yourself and can’t be bothered with the children? Why, put them to bed of course, which is what she goes off to do.
This year Kate, Mady and Cara are stuffing the Easter eggs with puzzle pieces. Once you find them all, you put your puzzle together to find out what your present is. Kate claims this was all her idea, but if you look around, this was actually a very popular suggestion all over the requisite Mommy blogs this spring. I’m guessing it probably originated from the talented writers over at Good Housekeeping or something. It definitely came out of New York or L.A., not stupid Kate. But it’s yet another thing Kate for some bizarre reason has to take ownership over when we know full well she probably just read it or heard about it somewhere else. Why can’t she just say, I heard about this great idea? Because I don‘t think anyone faults her for not coming up with it on her own. That’s what a mom does, listens to all kinds of great ideas from other moms or Mommy-ish sources and makes them their own.
There’s a rare sweet, natural moment where Kate stuffs some jellybeans in her mouth and Mady runs over to try to pry them out as they both fall into giggles. Then Mady asks her to watch TV with her tonight. This little girl adores her Mommy. She is ten, and these precious few years where Mommy is still the center of her universe are rapidly slipping away. Let’s hope Kate isn’t wasting it anymore than she already has. And that these moments can happen in private.
Oh, I just realized this episode is only half an hour. I can definitely do this. I hope.
They are decorating “crispy rice treats.” Kate practically stumbles over this awkward wording. What, they couldn’t get Kelloggs to sponsor child exploitation? Maybe Snap, Crackle and Pop feel for the kids as they‘ve worked their childhoods away too? Good for you, Kelloggs.

Kate has a rule, she doesn’t eat what kids make. Huh? What a dumb rule that is. And talk about cruel. When a kid decorates a Rice Krispie treat for Mommy, what a heartbreaker it must be to find out Mommy wants nothing to do with it because she‘s afraid of boogers or something.
I’m having a very hard time understanding Joel as he explains about dyeing the eggs. I have understood him before, so I don’t think it’s so much a speech problem as it is just a tired kid trying to get through his interview. He’s also bouncing around the couch, acting very uninterested.
It’s cold and windy out, the kids even talk about how cold they are, but Kate wants them to dye eggs outside. She says they can go in if they want, but what’s the fun in that? I understand it’s much safer to do this outside, but they do have a nice warm basement they could lay out some tarps on and it would be fine. Seems like just a small amount of inconvenience to make sure the kids are comfortable. This is exactly the kind of thing set teachers monitor in California, the temperature and whether it’s comfortable working conditions for a child. A set teacher would most certainly have insisted this project be filmed inside if it could. Set teachers can have a lot of power to put the kibosh on working the kids in overly hot or cold temperatures or bad weather. Here’s hoping Murt’s bill keeps chugging along.
Kate really hopes this project doesn’t stain her nails. Oh, Kate, please, I’m sure the kids would be happy to pay for some new fillers if that‘s an issue. Heck, maybe even another trip to New York to console you.
Well, I’ve come to the conclusion that actually dyeing Easter eggs yourself, which we do every year as a family, is about a million times more interesting than watching some other person’s kids do it on camera. “So much fun!” Kate exclaims, but by this time only Hannah is left braving the cold outside with her.
We’re back, and Kate is hiding the eggs around the house. Why is she putting an egg way up on top of the swing set and on top of some trellise and atop the high porch lamp, where a little kid couldn’t possibly reach it? Weirdo. Kate throws in that they go to church on Easter. Um, wouldn’t that be assumed if you’re Christian? It is our most important holiday. Why so defensive?
She hid 700 eggs! That’s about 87 eggs per child, which is insane. I am all about giving your children a wonderful Easter but why does every single thing have to be a hundred times bigger than what most normal families would do? It’s almost like Kate wants to set herself up to plead exhaustion.
Kate takes the kids to the basement for the Easter egg hunt rules. This is actually a good idea to just make sure everyone is clear. I’ve seen more than my fair share of Easter egg hunts end up in squabbles and tears. Kate has good rules here. It’s not who sees it first, it’s who touches it first, and no fighting. I agree. And we’re not dividing eggs up, you get what you get even if it’s not perfectly even. I agree with that, too, with eight kids you would spend your entire life dividing things up if everything were required to be “even,” nor does that teach kids anything about how the real world works. Kate’s way too busy twitter-twattering to have time for that nonsense anyway.
“Can we just go out now?!” Hannah demands. I hate to say “kids today!” but I would never dream of talking to an adult like that when I was that age. And I saw what happened when other kids did! This child is getting awfully big for her britches. But that said, how can I possibly blame her for this when she’s around Kate all the time? You really can’t.
Kate cannot help herself, she has to say again that the puzzle pieces in the eggs was an idea she came up with. I don’t believe that for a second, who is she kidding? The kids wreck havoc on the lawn. Collin has collected way more eggs than anyone else. Well, that’s because he was running really fast looking everywhere and busting butt. It appears to me that Kate is taking one of Collin’s baskets and throwing some of his eggs back onto the lawn. Especially since Hannah was complaining about Collin getting so many eggs, and Kate’s response was “trust me, I fixed the problem.” W…T….F. So after that huge lecture about how you get what you get, now she’s dumping one child’s eggs back onto the playing field? Silly me being all impressed with Kate’s rules, here she is breaking them. You know, with 700 eggs, even if Collin gets a lot, the other kids will still get plenty. I don’t think it teaches kids a darn thing to coddle the ones who aren’t working as hard as he is, and to punish Collin for busting butt. But then again, Kate doesn’t value hard work and busting butt. You only had to tune into Dancing With the Stars a few episodes to realize she values crying and whining your way to the top instead.
Aw, Collin. He helps Joel get an egg from a high tree by shaking it down with a stick. He’s such a sweet little guy. Hannah is still griping that Collin cheated. Um, no, he didn’t cheat, he worked hard. And he was even helping other people get eggs on the side! But I’m not surprised that the kids have learned that anyone who claws their way to the top by just working hard must have somehow cheated. I picture Kate crossing her arms and whining to Tony and the kids and anyone who would listen that Pussycat and Evan cheated away the mirror ball trophy from her well-manicured hands.
Why does the producer keep interrupting the kids to ask dumb questions? Just let them enjoy the hunt for eggs and leave them alone.
Kate is looking worse than ever. She looks tired, her skin is bad, something looks odd about her eyes. Since I saw her in person last year, and said even then I thought she was very pretty, she has really, really gone downhill. For all the money in the world, she is ruining herself. Back inside, they gather their puzzle pieces together. It took a long time, Kate complains. When you make 700 eggs for them that’s what happens.
“I’m not very good at puzzles,” Aaden says.
“Well, then you’re not going to be very good at getting a prize!” Kate replies. Sheesh!
The puzzle thing kind of goes south because they are missing a lot of pieces. But thankfully Kate finally just passes out the presents and tells them if you don’t like it you can bring it up to her at the “trading post.” Ha.
When Hannah starts to argue once AGAIN, this time Kate shouts at her, “You either live with what you have or you get nothing!” So, she’s handling Hannah’s newfound disrespectful attitude by shouting back at her disrespectfully. Good grief.
It’s typical kid fare, stuffed animals, a fire truck, drawing paper. Collin is so sweet, he goes on and on about how he loves to draw and was so happy with his drawing set. I’m sure he does, but he is also the type of kid who is always going to say he just loves whatever anyone he loves gives him, because that’s just how he is. Sweet little guy. After a little trading, the kids all ended up happy pretty quickly. Phew. They’re generally good kids, even though Kate is constantly selling them short.
Oh, yeah, I forgot about the incubator from the beginning of the episode. Um, oh those? The chicks didn’t hatch, Kate says. Ha, why am I not surprised?! Even the chicks know to stay away from Kate.
205 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 205 Newer› Newest»Sounds like a fascinating episode, Admin. (Yawn.) Thanks for throwing yourself on that Easter grenade for us.
The puzzle thing sounds like it might have worked had she used fewer eggs--say, 8 dozen, one dozen per child. With 700 frackin' eggs, it was almost doomed to fail. Of course, the real point of the exercise was to prove what an exhaustedish good mom Kate is to eight--count 'em, EIGHT--kids which makes her so exhaustedish.
I hope the kids had fun, even though they were still being forced to film.
MC from LA says:
Even if I watch an episode I go into a hypnotic state and miss at least half of the action. I love your recaps. I read somewhere that Kate said the dog ate the chickens. Either that's not true or she got some more. As I recall she had no roosters, so what the heck was she doing with an incubator anyway. I did raise exotic birds for tuition money and you had to have fertilized eggs for incubating for god's sake. I did not see the incubator part, but geeze, who would try incubating unfertilized eggs? Wish I'd seen that, or paid attention to it.
If Jon had the kids for Easter it's no wonder she did 700 eggs. You have to beat Jon at all costs. Never mind that 700 eggs is ridiculous beyond belief. It's just setting yourself up to have a miserable time and having the kids collecting so many that they become meaningless.
Maybe the organic chicken idea is Kate's idea of now growing chickens for slaughter. That would be a terrific episode. Can't you just see Kate screaming and the kids comforting her while puking their heads off. If the dog killed them I don't think the dog would share. Hopeless anyway, though the episode would merit a first watch where I might actually pay attention, if only the eggs weren't sterile.
Mady does seem to be a mama's girl while Cara seems to be Jon's type. I still can't tell the tups apart due to my not really watching.
Just so you know, admin, you are still getting slammed badly on other sites. Not being a public person so far as I know, I wonder how they know, or proclaim to know, so much about your finances, grades, and life. And they call other people haters? They are the personification of the word.
From the previous thread:
Kateplusmy8 @ @sarahjoyce1992
I spent a LOT of money to put in landscaping to keep their lenses out and give us privacy at home. Best $ I ever spent :)"
"Kateplusmy8 @ @sarahjoyce1992
had a break, felt normal but now they are back a lot. Hate it... Loved the feeling of being normal!!"
If Kate's talking she's either exaggerating or lying. She's trying to get her tweeties to believe that the lone pap, Chris, is back. Just because he answered her manager's call and returned ONE DAY to take Kate's pic in that ridiculous denim short-shorts and red suede platform heel's outfit does not mean they're staked out at the end of the driveway again.
Kate's pic would be in every online and print tabloid IF any outlet was buying them, but they're NOT and haven't in a long time. She's full of crap as usual. No one is staked out or following her around because she's not worth their time anymore. Paps make their money by selling pics and they follow celebs they can make money on and since Kate's pics aren't in demand the paps aren't bothering with her.
I wonder if she's trying harder to convince herself or her tweeies that she's still relevant. What a bad joke she's become. I wonder how she can look in the mirror knowing that 95% of the pubic (a figure she announced) hates and is repulsed by her.
"“These are working kids. They are children. They deserve recreation time and time for their education,” Murt said, adding that a parent, as well as a certified teacher would be required to be on the set. “These kids that work in the entertainment industry deserve the protections and the legislative oversight."
-Rep Murt.
Right on! Now how will Kate manage to go primping, dining, clubbing and shopping in NYC while the kids work on the compound?
It is a scripted TV show, nothing more than that.
The kids are not trained actors, the mother is not a trained actor or anything other than someone hanging on by her toe nails to make the money TLC gives her.
Other than the above, we and that means everyone who posts here, know nothing about her life with those kids.
They do seem to be enjoying more than disliking all the extras that go along with traveling.
They, of course, miss the family being together and their father and mother not speaking.
It is both parent's faults that neither of them are mature enough to make their kids lives better by speaking, but divorce is brutal. Perhaps someday both Jon and Kate will grow up; but, I doubt that.
Jon, as well as Kate, wanted the money and TV. Both are at fault for all of this. Even though Jon is "living a normal life" he has a need to tweet, stay visible thru his photo on his girlfriend's web site, but I think he is a poor excuse for a father. 100% and if you know anything about families, you know that a man puts his children first, not himself and "his ability to not be married now, as he has been married since he was so young and a father to 8" which is what he said on Larry King and GMA's shows. He gets no sympathy from me, neither does she.
Cannot wait until it is all over, all of it, every Reality show, even Oprah's new offensive "Ryan O'Neal and Tatum" both a disgrace.
And the Kardashians? Well, when this Gosselin thing is over, start a blog on these low lives which are a terrible/horrible example of motherhood and money grabbing/selling their children for a spot on TV.
Think you did a good job at one time, and you succeeded Admin, now start lining these reality shows up and start on them now that Kate is going away from the TV screens.
Admin said:
The problem with Christmas-gate was lying to the children to try to get better footage. It was the lies, not the days.
Amen, admin. To all her defenders who say they've done that on occasion, I ask, was money a motivating factor in your decision? Did you dupe them just to capture their genuine reaction on film?
No? Then shut up, your argument holds no water. If you answered yes, shame on you.
You see, but for the fact that needed Christmas footage for a reality tv show, they would have had Christmas on Christmas.
Thanks for the recap. She made Easter so over the top. I'm sure some TLC flunkie actually stuffed all those eggs off camera. BTW, I seriously doubt the poor dog killed the chickens. As I understand it from a neighbor, the chicken coop was fenced in. I'm sure she just got rid of them. Another lie.
@martynaiscool Every yr is getting better! Goal 4 2011:Hoping work picks up&I can continue2 provide4my kids...but try 2 c good in evry day
If she's waiting for work to pick up in the entertainment field she has a long wait. It ain't happening. Even so, Kate is in a better position than most families dealing with a lack of income. If she would sell the mine all mine house and take the kids out of private school and stop living like she is a rich bitch she would save enough money to make her savings last for years. Time has come Kate. Your days as a rich bitch are winding down. It's time to be a plain 'ol bitch.
Crap episode, thank you for recapping, I am SO sorry you have to sit through that Admin. I would hate to watch Kate...period. Can't she just treat her kids with respect? Ever? And why does everything have to be bigger, bigger bigger? ugh.
That bunny picture up top, the one where one's saying My butt hurts & the other is saying What? I JUST saw that in April on a magnet & I had to get it. I was laughing so hard at the store, my husband walked away from me. I put it on my fridge & still get a good chuckle from it. Good choice!
~Hippie Chick~
Even though I wish Kate would stop making her kids earn her income, I had to chuckle at the disrespectfulness already coming from 7 year olds. I'm quite sure one of the twins gives her a hard time on a regular basis, too.
Why the chuckling? I'm a mother of a teenager. One. And it's hard. And we didn't raise her with a demanding diva bitch attitude like Kate did. And teenagers are STILL, under the best of circumstances, very difficult at times.
She's really in for it in a few years. Just imagine when she has eight 13 year olds and two 16 year olds. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!!!! Every bit of crap she's given to those kids over the years is going to be handed back to her tenfold. They'll be old enough to want to be in sports and activities and NEED to be with friends, not just each other. They'll be demanding big ticket items. They'll be on to her lies and manipulations and those things won't work anymore. They'll dish back to her every ounce of disrepact she's given to them.
My NPD mother was at first angry by our lashing out, and tried to lash back at us. It worked on me until I was older, never worked on my brother, who gave her absolute hell. She was bewildered as to why we didn't worship her! Eventually, my brother was so angry and hostile to her, she actually moved out for a while, claiming she "couldn't handle him." Like Collin, my brother was the sweetest child you could ever imagine, but living with her all those years made him a nasty piece of work by the time he was 14.
Kate's karma will come in the form of her kids. And it won't be pretty at all.
Admin said "Kate has a rule, she doesn’t eat what kids make. Huh? What a dumb rule that is."
I think the reason for this rule is because Kate has an eating disorder. She looks even thinner now (from the giving back episode pics) and that rule sets it up for the kids as to why she isn't eating- just a thought. But she has tweeted that she wanted to get back to running as much as she had been, so she runs less now? And is still losing weight? Hope she is taking a vitamin supplement with those salads of hers :)
Actually in all seriousness that could be the reason her skin looks bad and she looks so tired and she's complaining of being exhausted. Maybe she's not getting enough calories or enough of the right vitamins and minerals. It's amazing how lethargic not eating properly can make you. Even though you would think that a diet of salad and fruits and veggies would give you tons of energy, if you're not balancing it all just right, which is usually done best with a nutritionist or doctor or something, you can really run yourself into the ground.
You all were talking about independent children in the last thread...well, how parents WANT their kids to be independent. Last night, my boys & I were taking our walk down to the park. I was feeling the pain coming & wanted to go directly home. My son asked if "if he could go around". My hubby & thought he meant go around near the trails & meet us back to where we come out at the road & walk home. We said sure, meet you in 2.
We sat up there up there & waited...& waited...I sent my husband in after in. I smoked a half a cigarette (I know!! Don't yell at me!!) then texted my husband "WTF! I'm nervous!" I grabbed my dog & headed back in. Mind you, it had only been 6 minutes, but it felt like an hour had gone by. I walked into the wooded path & called their names & all I heard was my hubby's. Then I see him, on his phone. I start freaking out. "Where's J? Where's J?" I'm shaking, crying. My husband is calm, but I can see he is upset. He was calling home. My parents live in an apt. upstairs & my son had gone around alright, all the way HOME, & was waiting for us outside. It's a 5 minute walk. I didn't care. I was so upset. 10 minutes of not knowing where my son was? I was never so scared in my life.
This is my kid, Mr. Independent. He HAS a cell phone too! We got home & I hugged him tight & then lectured him. How any parent can say to their kids "Yeah, you can fly around the world" Or "Yeah, take a boat trip alone!" Is beyond me! My kid was gone for 10 minutes & I was a wreck. My heart is still skipping beats thinking about it. I know kids want that these days (independence), but there are so many crazies out there. And at my kids age (11), it is NOT happening! Sorry for the long post.
~Hippie Chick~
Tucker's Mom said...
Admin said:
The problem with Christmas-gate was lying to the children to try to get better footage. It was the lies, not the days.
Amen, admin. To all her defenders who say they've done that on occasion, I ask, was money a motivating factor in your decision? Did you dupe them just to capture their genuine reaction on film?
No? Then shut up, your argument holds no water. If you answered yes, shame on you.
Exactly why I addressed this, since our disagreement with this has been twisted and distorted around. No one cares what day you do Christmas. Heck, this year we're doing Christmas with some of the family over Columbus Day at a wedding, because we're going out of town over Christmas (somewhere sunny, yea!). But we're certainly not going to sit there and lie to everyone and say hey kids it's Christmas, be happy smile act excited, while we film it all.
They lied to the kids to get better footage (and thus, to make more money), then turned around and said sorry kids it really isn't Christmas--oops! That was the issue.
Ok. Back to ch service now.... 44 minutes ago
Did Kate just admit she's twattering at church? They should make people like her check their phones at the door. There's nothing in the Bible about Twattering, it wasn't evented yet. But there is something about false idols. I think that would apply to yourself, too.
@martynaiscool Every yr is getting better! Goal 4 2011:Hoping work picks up&I can continue2 provide4my kids...but try 2 c good in evry day
Wow this is huge. I'm surprised she's admitting it. So TLC IS downsizing her. Yea! And I bet they don't have any trips planned. She held out all Spring and didn't sign the kids up for things thinking there would be trips. Now there are none and the kids are suffering because they missed the boat on most summer activities.
Here's a thought, Kate. Instead of twattering one tweet every eight minutes, even in CHURCH, put your dang phone down and start searching around for JOBS.
If TLC is downsizing her, at some point they will cut her off completely. Seriously what does she expect to do when that happens? What is her contingency plan? Clearly she is accepting that things are going that way now so it's not like she can claim she didn't see it coming.
Why the sudden church involvement? I smell desperation. She has burned those bridges. Locals say she hasn't attended church in years.
Also, not surprising Hannah has a mouth on her. Above posts are correct.... Wait until the girls are teens.
I agree, Kate admitting this is HUGE! And it makes it so worth it to have stuck around waiting to see this happen. She so deserves it. So now, Kate, get a REAL job and stop acting like Ms. High and Mighty.
Re the church tweet, Kate answered someone who asked if she goes to church:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@curlywandy Yep have been. I watch live stream so I'm nearby to kids. Works well.
I don't know what that means. Is she watching a streaming church service on TV or her computer or something? Does anyone know?
I'm not sure what she means by livestream. There is a web site and some churches use it to stream their services live to people who can't be there. But she says she has been going to church so why would she need to watch a streaming of it if she's right there?
The only thing I can think of is she says she watches it so she can be with the kids. Maybe she goes to Sunday school with them and they have a TV set up for the adults? We have audio of the service at church in the Sunday school rooms so the adults can listen to the service. But that's mostly to know where they are at in the service to budget time though. It's not like you can really listen to a service while running Sunday school!
Wait a minute anyway, these kids are 10 and 7, why can't they go to Sunday school on their own and she stays in church? I was left in Sunday school when I was in kindergarten and I was FINE, we all were. Can't she just leave these kids be? Further proof what a control freak she is.
butterfly, I also think that Kate has an eating disorder. She's exhausted all the time because she doesn't eat carbs or protein. I also think the kids are undernourished and that they are too thin. Some of the kids will also develop an eating disorder due to Kate's obsession with food/dieting. Kate still fixes the children's plate for them, monitoring the portions that they are allowed to eat. Those kids are old enough to fix their own plate, spooning out how much they want to eat, and they should be allowed second helpings if they want them. These children are growing by the minute and are very active. They should be allowed to eat all the food they want and need. Healthy snacks should be available at all times so the kids can help themselves whenever they're hungry without having to ask Kate. IMO Kate is underfeeding these children and she is setting them up for an eating disorder when they get older.
Great recap, Admin!
Administrator said...
I'm not sure what she means by livestream. There is a web site and some churches use it to stream their services live to people who can't be there. But she says she has been going to church so why would she need to watch a streaming of it if she's right there?
The only thing I can think of is she says she watches it so she can be with the kids. Maybe she goes to Sunday school with them and they have a TV set up for the adults? We have audio of the service at church in the Sunday school rooms so the adults can listen to the service. But that's mostly to know where they are at in the service to budget time though. It's not like you can really listen to a service while running Sunday school!
Wait a minute anyway, these kids are 10 and 7, why can't they go to Sunday school on their own and she stays in church? I was left in Sunday school when I was in kindergarten and I was FINE, we all were. Can't she just leave these kids be? Further proof what a control freak she is.
Kate Gosselin @curlywandy
Yep have been. I watch live stream so I'm nearby to kids. Works well.
I agree Admin. Other than control why in the world would Kate need to watch a livestream of the church services rather than be in the actual sanctuary? It makes NO sense for her or the kids. I can only imagine what the other parents think about it.
Unless ...there was a behavior problem with any one of the kids in Sunday School and the only way they're permitted to attend is if she is close.
Or ...that she simply feels she's above sitting and participating with the rest of the congregation and is using the kids as an excuse. Whatever her reasoning's not logical or practical or healthy for any of them for her to be so close and controlling all the time, but then she's never been concerned with their emotional health or practicality or logic.
Interesting exchange between HispanicElvis and Kate:
HspncElvis Glen Franco
@Kateplusmy8 Place in question you are talking about is Paradise Point on Missionn Bay where you and Maddy fed the fish.
HspncElvis Glen Franco
@Kateplusmy8… Just sayin'. =)
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@HspncElvis Not happening, sadly..
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@HspncElvis and thanks for advertising;(
22 minutes ago
HspncElvis Glen Franco
@Kateplusmy8 LOL huh? Advertising? Naw, just wanted to know if you remember the specific place. =)
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@HspncElvis @TrippenIn @rms225 Sure. If I have a work reason to go, I'll be there!
HspncElvis Glen Franco
@Kateplusmy8 One of these days you'll make it back .
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@HspncElvis Advertising a location I love to um the public. No worries, can't go there ever again... No prob!
Kate is getting testy with her fans now. We predicted it as usual.
She thinks that because a fan tweeted the location of a place she went, she can never go again (majorly delusional) and she's saying she'd only go for for work anyway. Another thing we've always said.
Way to go Kate. Keep proving us right.
Another thread that is unraveling in the Great Kate Makeover: She said yesterday that she ran 86 times around her driveway. The kids set up a cheering section for the last few laps but, SHOKA CHOSE TO KEEP CALMlY CHEWING A CHEW TOY, rather than to join in the fracas. Sorry, not buying it. Maybe we just had happy dogs but if we were outside, the dog was outside. If we were running, the dog was running. If we stopped running, the dog would jump on us to try to keep us running. No dog ever, even when ancient, would lie quietly chewing on toys if we were all outside running around. Kate is NOT the great dog-loving super mom she is pretending to be. (Or she has one really messed up dog.)
Administrator said...
Actually in all seriousness that could be the reason her skin looks bad and she looks so tired and she's complaining of being exhausted. Maybe she's not getting enough calories or enough of the right vitamins and minerals. It's amazing how lethargic not eating properly can make you. Even though you would think that a diet of salad and fruits and veggies would give you tons of energy, if you're not balancing it all just right, which is usually done best with a nutritionist or doctor or something, you can really run yourself into the ground.
Kate looks like she's depriving herself nutritionally. Her hair is dry and lifeless, and she's not looking so much lean as atrophied.
Runner need protein for their muscles. Back when I was running heavily, I was also on a low fat / meat is bad kick.
It doesn't work. Running was torture because I wasn't getting fats and protein.
Kate doesn't do egg yolks or red meat and probably thinks she's doing herself a favor, and she's not. Both have essential amino acids and tons of other nutrients that are helpful. And by beef, I mean leaner cuts.
Her girls are already harmed by her extreme dieting. Kate doesn't eat what they do! My lord, she eats a salad every meal.
Hate to say it, but more than one of those girls is going to have an eating disorder because of Kate's extreme dieting.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@HspncElvis Advertising a location I love to um the public. No worries, can't go there ever again... No prob!
Um Kate, when you film every place you go for the show that's advertising to the public! Oh, did you mean that he gave Paradise Point FREE advertising? Ah, now I get it - free advertising means no income for Kate. Maybe Paradise Point didn't see an increase in business after you went there or just maybe your kids were so out of control that other guests complained and therefore Paradise Point didn't offer to comp your rooms when you contacted them about a return visit. It's a private resort Kate - if you wanted to foot the bill yourself you could go there whithout any problems at all and I'm thinking that no one would snap your picture - unless Steve acted as your pap again. Your star is fading and at some point you're going to have to learn the harsh reality of paying for things on your own.
Heck, when I get up from a chair my dogs jump up and follow me even if they're chewing something yummy - not a rubber chicken. Running? They wouldn't miss running with me! And they're not as young as Shoka. Just another lie.
Kate's makeover - I agree with what you've said about Shoka not joining in the fun. That just doesn't ring true for a young German Sherherd. However, I've got to say that my lazy old English Bulldog would rather just lie in the shade (well, truth be told in the air conditioned house) than run around outside when it's hot and humid!
Does that exchange mean what we think it means? Kate is being sarcastic and snooty with a fan for naming a specific place? What, does she think someone is going to camp out there until the second coming waiting to see if she shows up? Her delusion knows no end. And she brought up the free advertising, obsessed much??? The fan was like ummm, no I wasn't trying to give them advertising I was just asking about it! LOL, omg!
Whoever first said that Kate would turn on her fans eventually and they would end up victims of the narcissist themselves gets the "you called it" award this week.
When a fan themselves falls victim to Kate maybe only then will they see what a bitch she is.
There is absolutely zero need for insider stories anymore what with this twitter-twatter now.
Has this tweet been mentioned? Sorry if so.
A fan tweeted Kate that she lives in PA and often sees the twins but doesn't say anything to them. Kate tweeted back:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@tlehr35 Aww good. Thanks for not. They like when no one notices them :)
They don't like being in the spotlight Kate. They're different than you!! Give them back their privacy!
While I realize we all have our own way f doing things, an idea would be to mark each egg with a child's initial, thus avoiding the whole "cheating" accusations. The child who busted his butt could have done so then assisted the others, her hatefulness could have avoided the "get what you get" speech which she broke after the less favored child "got" more...makes for better TV, screw your kids and their psyches...
Has she ever thought beyond the moment? Ever? Could she not have asked TLC what the plans were for summer as she wanted to get the kids involved in some summer activities? Is this latest tweet aimed at her getting her so-called fan base to start a campaign to "save" the show? How can she claim to love normal? These kids lives are so far from normal they couldn't see normal with the strongest telescope astrologists have available.
Just curious said...
Has this tweet been mentioned? Sorry if so.
A fan tweeted Kate that she lives in PA and often sees the twins but doesn't say anything to them. Kate tweeted back:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@tlehr35 Aww good. Thanks for not. They like when no one notices them :)
No haven't seen this, another very significant tweet.
Kate admits it. Out of her own mouth. The twins don't like the fame. They like to go through life unnoticed. How as a mother can you then continue to force them to be so public??? She is a cruel, cruel bitch.
So much for the sheeple accusing us of speculating how the kids feel, THEY DON'T LIKE TO BE NOTICED, PER KATE'S OWN ADMISSION!!!!
This almost deserves its own post.
I've wondered if Kate was beginning to show the signs of an eating disorder as well. I saw a picture of the back of her arms and they looked quite thin.
I recall in a tweet about that picture of her salad when her twatters were dying to know how she made it that she said she used a salad spritzer with zero calories. So she's not even putting fat in her salad dressing?
My friend's a runner, alcoholic and bullemic and she has aged 10 years in the last two. She lives on rabbit food. If Kate is becoming or is anorexic then obviously she's trying to gain some control in her life because everything else is spinning out of control.
The sad thing is having an eating disorder consumes your whole existence and once again parenting goes out the window.
I agree with everyone who is saying that Kate has an eating disorder. I've been saying for some time that the reason she looks so bad is because she's restricting her diet too severely. She's bragged that she is on a very low fat/low carb diet. The human body needs between 20 - 30 grams of fat a day just to maintain healthy skin and hair. Her skin looks dry and damaged and her hair is lifeless. It used to be so shiny and healthy looking and her skin was clear and line free. Too little fat in her diet. Not to mention that fat helps you feel full, so you aren't constantly hungry. Of course too much is bad for you, but too little is just as bad. Same with carbs - carbs = quick energy. Again, too much, or the wrong kind, is bad for you but too little is very damaging to your body.
Too bad Kate feels like she can never go back to Paradise Point because one of her twatterers mentioned it. But, um, didn't Kate and TLC give them publicity when it was mentioned on the show? So why would mentioning it now mean she can't go back? I don't understand her. Now that I think about it, though, that is probably a very good thing LOL.
I'm not sure Kate necessarily has an eating disorder as much as she has eating ignorance. We've all seen her talk about organic and know how little she really knows about that. She hears a few buzz words about organic and cutting fat and calories and exercising and all of a sudden she's on some kind of crash diet that is leaving her looking like hell. Like I said, I saw this woman in April 2010 and she looks fabulous. It wasn't until this whole running/dieting thing started she started to go downhill and now it's really catching up to her physically. Her skin especially looks terrible, dry and blemishy. It did NOT look like that a year ago. I am not making fun of her, I have genuine concern about her. It makes me sad when any woman does this to herself, it's sad. Her skin NEEDS proper nutrition just like any organ in the body.
She needs to sit down with a good nutritionist and have them tailor a plan that is right for her that won't wear her down like this. I think she'll find if she eats right, in a few weeks she won't feel so exhausted all the time.
My mom started her career in a nursing home as a dietitian. Even though she doesn't do that now when we talk about nutrition it is really astounding how complicated it can be and how even little changes can make a big difference either for better or worse. She has a wealth of information that not everyone can be expected to have and Kate needs to sit down with someone trained like her and accept help.
Of course I'm sure like many things Kate wants to do things her way and doesn't want help.
Unless ...there was a behavior problem with any one of the kids in Sunday School and the only way they're permitted to attend is if she is close.
Bingo Strange One... You can bet the kids get antsy and out of control very quickly unless their drill sergeant mommy or one of her cloned nannies isn't there to holler commands at them. And we really can't expect them to act any other way seeing as though they (the six) have been trained to mug in front of a camera since they were infants. Sitting still and listening is hardly good entertainment for a show as exciting and fun-filled as Kate Plus 8. Trouble with that is their manufactured lifestyle has carried over into REAL life and those poor kids don't quite know what REAL life is about. They probably expect to see their Sunday School sessions on a future episode, so they think they've gotta do SOMETHING to keep the attention on them or risk penalty of severity. So they're kind of damned if they do and damned if they don't. Way to screw up their heads or what.
sounds to me like she pretends to watch church on the pc she doesnt actually attend
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@tlehr35 Aww good. Thanks for not. They like when no one notices them :)
No haven't seen this, another very significant tweet.
So much for the sheeple accusing us of speculating how the kids feel, THEY DON'T LIKE TO BE NOTICED, PER KATE'S OWN ADMISSION!!!!
This almost deserves its own post.
Admin, agreed- this does deserve its own post- it speaks VOLUMES :)
I don't understand Kate, either, but it's because she doesn't make any sense!!
She admitted to the show providing her strawstyle. This makes my brain hurt.
@Kateplusmy8 my media crazied husband thinks he heard you spent 5.000 on hair exten. true or false . i personaly dont care but can U tell us
@tlehr35 No.I pd$0-was pd4 by show.Could nvr afford $5k-singl mom of8 Now I $ very discounted $ 2hav clr by@jasonhueman bc he's amaz!Ihim
I agree that Kate is suffering from bulimia or anorexia and depression. I'm not an expert but looking at photos, this is the thinnest I have seen her. Also, from what my doctor friend told me, the laugh lines on her face (the ones going from her nose to the outside corner of her mouth) are a typical physical sign. Karen Carpenter had those.
And about those hair extensions - so she finally admits what we knew all along. The kids paid for those extensions.
Re: Church - I think Kate watches her church service at home on her computer. That way she can say she goes to church and yet not have to worry about getting up early, getting the kids ready and getting everyone out the door and into the service on time.
Honestly, it's fairly common, especially in the summer, with alot of church goers, myself included.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@HspncElvis Advertising a location I love to um the public. No worries, can't go there ever again... No prob!
So she filmed an episode at this location for "the public" to watch and could still go back until an innocent tweet a year later "exposes" the location? No logic here.
For the last few weeks, Kate has professed her love for every corner of the earth her tweeters have mentioned. Can she not go there now?
It's fairly common to watch your church streaming????.....I've never heard of this in my life. I have heard of shut ins or people in the hospital being brought tapes of the sermons, but able bodied people not going to church and opting to watch it on the tv/computer?
So much of what I love about church is the church family, the social interaction, fellowship, worshiping together with people who are your friends and family. If you just sit at home and watch it on TV you completely lose that important aspect of it. I think it's sad if Kate is "streaming" her worship service, for her kids. Sunday school would do them good.
"Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@tlehr35 Aww good. Thanks for not. They like when no one notices them :)"
Dear Kate,
Since I know you read this blog, maybe you can ponder this question: If your twins like when no one notices them, why do you insist on filming Cara when she clearly doesn't want to be?
I have been concerned about Cara for a long time. Remember when she balked at being photographed in NY last summer, and you told her if she didn't you would "...leave her with people you don't know"? That is cruel, Kate.
There have been a multitude of photos and filming spots where that child looks miserable. She is not on camera as much this year, and that is good. I don't see her in couch interviews. Perhaps she is refusing. GOOD!
Kate, how do you think your vulnerable 10-year-old feels being filmed CRYING when you left on your drinking binge b-day party in NY? Don't you think her friends saw this? How humiliating. Please take her off the show, and just explain she doesn't want to be on camera. It's not too late! Please show this little girl some compassion.
When Kate setup her twitter account she said:"I'm joining modern Tweeting society. My kids will be so proud!"
Today she's stated that none of her kids have Twitter. So why would they be so proud?
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
RT @Debora_Jacque @Kateplusmy8 I c @aadengosselin -is ur child? 2 b clear:0 of my kids hav twitter/FB/¬ allowed ON Internet wo superv
I'm sure Kate is watching the streaming video rather than sit in the audience with everyone else because she is sooooooo famous that she wouldn't dare to sit with the common folk and have them 'stare' at her. She is so full of herself.
Tonight I got to dance in the pouring rain with 52,000 people. I will NEVER forget it.
16 hours ago
in reply to ↑
@Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@taylorswift13 Aww Taylor! Can't wait to see you on east coast AGAIN! This time were coming X 8 :) Glad you had fun tonight!
I don't follow Kate on twitter but I do read for a laugh. I found the above twitter pretty funny - she answer Taylor Swift as if she knows her - probably to impress her sheeple. I went and looked at Taylor Swift's account - she's got over 6 million followers and follows ony about 57. Guess what're not one of the 57 she follows - she doesn't see your tweets to her and you're not even a blip on her radar.....
Kate is not revealing anything we don't already know, we can see the twins don't like being famous,they want normal lives with friends like every other 10 year old, we know the show puts Kate in those weird slutty outfits and hair extensions to keep people talking about her as they've got nothing else to promote, she has no talent, she sucks at interviewing and being interviewed, all they can do is dress her weird and hope people talk. And yes, they have run out of show ideas and Kate is getting the message that her ship is about to be dry docked. And she is scared, and dieting like crazy to have some semblance of control over her life. She can't afford the house, she gave up her family and friends for this fame, it is all crumbling around her. But the good news is she has Baby Mama and Linda Original and several other fans to prop her up and buy her books at the dollar store.
i dont think she even watches it ust turns it on pc and gets kids to sit in bus and believe theyve been to church.
by the way kate we dont want you visiting the offence to your children.
I don't follow Kate on twitter but I do read for a laugh. I found the above twitter pretty funny - she answer Taylor Swift as if she knows her - probably to impress her sheeple
Taylor is from Wyomissing, Kate's turf. I guess Kate thinks they have the home-town/community kinship going. Speaking of the Reading area, "oh, yes she did" is also an RN in Reading, in addition to all of the other jobs he/she holds in various parts of the state!
You know what would be a good reality show?
Filming a delusional, narcissistic mother who thinks she is a talented, popular, incredible mother and person. Documenting her every pathetic move for a bunch of years.
Then at the end, its all a joke, and the joke is on her. Like 'Jackass" or "Punk'd" or one of those shows where they are pretending to befriend you yet are laughing at you the whole time.
It would really wrap up this train-wreck nicely.
Just sayin'.
Her skin especially looks terrible, dry and blemishy. It did NOT look like that a year ago. I am not making fun of her, I have genuine concern about her. It makes me sad when any woman does this to herself, it's sad. Her skin NEEDS proper nutrition just like any organ in the body.
Admin, not to mention the fact that she has aged 10 years in the past two years or so. Look at the picture on the blog (fork). She was young-ish looking, fresh, natural, skin glowing. She now looks like...what, I don't know. How could anyone age that fast in so short a time while doing everything in their power to present a youthful appearance (blonding, tanning, exercise). It's having the reverse effect.
I was reading some of her tweets yesterday, and then had to go to the main twitter page to see to whom she was responding. I think she had a bit of bi-polar yesterday. She was up, then down, then she claimed that the paps were stalking her, ratings were up, lots of publicity - and then last night she was so stressed that she couldn't sleep, she wanted encouragement, she was needy, and then she tweeted that she hopes her work picks up so she can support her kids. If you notice, so many of her tweets are about how expensive everything is - she couldn't afford the hair extensions, Hershey Park is expensive, summer camp costs too much...what is going on?
Up one minute, down the next. Something's cooking there. She knows more than she's letting on.
Someone mentioned Karen Carpenter. If I recall, she went down the road to anorexia after a media critic called her pudgy or chunky or fat. That was the beginning of her eating disorder. Kate took abuse from non-fans and the media for her bloated look, fat ankles and legs, on DWTS. I'm just wondering if that is what set off this obsession with food. It's not going to surprise me at all to find out that she's had a nervous breakdown, or is in rehab somewhere. I can feel it coming...
A fan tweeted Kate that she lives in PA and often sees the twins but doesn't say anything to them. Kate tweeted back...
The fan is from Allentown. How many times does Kate take the kids to Allentown, and what are the chances that the fan runs into the girls in Wernersville? I'm not buying it.
"worried about cara" I couldn't agree with you more. You said exactly what I have been thinking ever since I saw the episode when the editors decided to show Cara crying because her mother was leaving. Why, as the mother would you let that be televised.
"A fan tweeted Kate that she lives in PA and often sees the twins but doesn't say anything to them. Kate tweeted back..."
That same fan blasted me for calling her a Shrew.
Glad the priorities arent out of whack and they are protecting the manipulative mother and not the kids here.
4 yrs ago I went on a diet. Kept calories to 1200-1500 so I wouldn't lose too fast (85 lbs in a year). I kept it to vegetables, fruit and very little meat or fat for the first few months. My hair got dry and STARTED FALLING OUT!! I added back in more protein/meats/fats and it quit. So if her hair looks thin on days she doesn't have it styled and blown out it is probably her diet doing it but I would think her so called great colorist would notice and tell her. Maybe he only cares about the quality of her $$.
Re: Taylor Swift. Is she grifting for free tickets? She supposedly can't afford other stuff but plans on taking all 8 to the next concert?
Sheeple wrote about Alexis:
@Kateplusmy8 when did she grow up that much? I love her, she is so loving."
Every day i see my dream"
Out of all the worshipers, this one seems to be one of the most frightening and creepy. It's the one with the Alexis photo next to the ID. This person (male? female?) is obsessed with this little girl. If I were Kate's security team, I'd red flag this one, and don't let it slip under the radar.
Administrator said...
Ingrid said...
4 yrs ago I went on a diet. Kept calories to 1200-1500 so I wouldn't lose too fast (85 lbs in a year). I kept it to vegetables, fruit and very little meat or fat for the first few months. My hair got dry and STARTED FALLING OUT!! I added back in more protein/meats/fats and it quit
Oh I absolutely believe that! Last year I think I mentioned I was having stomach problems. After five months of tests, including a cancer scare, I was finally diagnosed with a bacterial stomach infection called h.pylori, which is thankfully easy to treat. Triple antibiotics got rid of it and I feel fantastic now. BUT, in those five months? I couldn't eat very much because everything made my stomach burn, I was eating mostly bland chicken and rice and bland veggies.
What I was eating was what someone would eat on a crash diet, and I did lose about 15 pounds. I got very skinny and gaunt looking, my hair was dry, my skin was dry, I had zero energy. I would literally just come home and collapse on the couch. I didn't go out, I missed work all the time. I had to go to the hospital to get fluids and pain medication about eight times. Because I had such a hard time staying hydrated and I wasn't eating, I developed a kidney stone. It's funny I just couldn't eat much because my stomach was so out of this world, BUT, my brain wanted to eat. I remember laying there and dreaming about big turkey dinners with mashed potatoes and gravy, lol.
But as soon as that infection was gone and I could go back to my normal eating, those problems slowly improved and now I'm 100%.
You are what you eat? You bet you are.
The fan is from Allentown. How many times does Kate take the kids to Allentown, and what are the chances that the fan runs into the girls in Wernersville? I'm not buying it.
I really don't care if the fan was being truthful. My point was Kate posted/mentioned (for the first time ever)the twins don't like being noticed - something we've said forever about ALL the kids and their lack of privacy. It's not out in the open.
I really don't care if the fan was being truthful. My point was Kate posted/mentioned (for the first time ever)the twins don't like being noticed - something we've said forever about ALL the kids and their lack of privacy. It's not out in the open.
Yeah the fan being truthful is really irrelevant. Kate admitted the kids hate being famous. I think we can rest our case now.
@martynaiscool Every yr is getting better! Goal 4 2011:Hoping work picks up&I can continue2 provide4my kids...but try 2 c good in evry day
How can this be? How can work be slowing down? Kate said herself on the Derby "Red Carpet" that she was working on HER show as well as Kate plus 8, so there MUST be a misunderstanding! (SNARK)
I meant it's "now" out in the open. Sigh.
I wonder if Kate drives the kids to church and they go in to Sunday School and she sits in the van and watches the stream of the service on her 8th? I-phone.
No matter where she watches the livestream, it's easy to figure out that she doesn't join the rest of the congregation in fellowship and worship and the question remains -- WHY. The only reason she tweets these things must be that her mental illness prevents her from seeing how delusional and flawed her thinking is and the repercussions.
The sheeple think she's special and does these anti-social things out of necessity because of her celeb status, but what's their excuse? They're nuts to not question the reasoning behind her actions and statements and see how screwed up she is and what she's doing to her kids.
Call me crazy (crazy!) but I've been trying to figure out why her kids seem to really love her. Other than the fact that they are nice to her to appease her...which then appeases them.
I think Kate must whine "Oh kids! Everyone hates me for putting us all on tv. But you all LOVE the fun stuff we do, RIGHT?" and "Oh kids! I HAVE to go to NY to get my hair done because if I don't, we won't have a show anymore and that means no more fun stuff, RIGHT?" and "Oh kids, I hate having to be away from you (yeah, right!) but I'm only doing it so we can do all the fun stuff, RIGHT?"
Eventually, the kids see mommy as a martyr. She's only getting her nails and hair and tanning done because she HAS to. For us. So we can do 'fun stuff' that we otherwise would never be able to do. That mommy, she works SO hard so we can do fun stuff.
That's my take anyway. Please correct me. I want to be wrong.
Love this from last night:
@Kateplusmy8 I've been your fan since the first episode..I love love love you and your it is with love I say...get rid of the gum.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@dellababella87 Omg I totally agree!I forget 2spit it out&always yell@ ppl who forget 2remind me!SO super annoying!I'll try harder-promise!
Kate yells at whoever forgets to tell her she's chomping on gum! It's not Kate's fault! NEVA!
Ingrid asked...
Re: Taylor Swift. Is she grifting for free tickets? She supposedly can't afford other stuff but plans on taking all 8 to the next concert?
Of course she's grifting! When doesn't she grift? I've never seen such a grifter. In fact, this grifting is NOT what "real" celebrities do, just needy gimmme gimme narcissists.
I mentioned here that at one time I was in the "company" of a well-known person. Fans came from near and far to see this person perform. There was a time when my friend's buddy was in the next town over, doing a show at another venue. My friend easily could have watched the show from backstage. All my friend would have had to do was call and an all-access pass would have been left there. Nope. My friend paid for tickets for ten of us to go, and for food and lodging, even though everything would have been comped.
I remember once, when leaving an airport, a limo was waiting for us - chilled champagne in the back. I had gotten into the car, when he saw cabs lined up. He jumped out of the limo, with me following and said, "Let's take a cab. I love cabbies in the city, so fun to talk to them." And so, we did. When we got to the hotel, my friend gave the cab driver some nice money, as well as tickets to the show and backstage passes for his children.
I could write a book about the humbleness of this person, his generosity, and his down-to-earthness. This person, on a world tour, left the hotel, made an unscheduled stop at an orphanage, rolled up his sleeves and for two days helped to unload supplies that had been shipped in, in addition to various other things that needed to be done. A team of paps had found out about this, and sold the photos to a magazine. The photos were never published. I don't know why or how the spread was stopped, but my friend didn't want anyone to know about it. That's the way he was. I never once saw him blow off a fan - in fact, I saw him grab fans, go to a coffee shop, and sit down and buy them an early morning breakfast -- just to talk. And there were NO BODYGUARDS!
I guess that's one of the reasons he was loved so much. He was humble, kind, would give you the shirt off his back, gave generously to charity and put on many free shows for various benefits, never expecting anything in return.
That's what many real celebrities do. Kate, the nouveau riche d-lister, has no clue, and she never will. When I think of Kate getting PAID for "giving back," it makes my skin crawl.
I just hope things work out for her and the kids. I hate to see them suffer because of her stupidity and her greed. They will grow up expecting everything from everyone and getting paid for it because that's all they have ever seen from their mother.
Kids always love their parents and want their approval, even those who are abused.
You're right Midnight Madness I'd forgotten about the Wyomissing connection. Maybe Kate does think that she's got a hometown connection with Taylor or hoping that Taylor's "people" will see the post and give her tickets. I can't imagine that she'll pay for tickets (X8) herself because those tickets won't come cheap - especially the seats that Kate would want - and I can't see her sitting in the peanut gallery. Yes, I did see the RN post and I made the connection. She may leave off the "oh yes she did" but she can't really change her writing style which the biggest tell (next to her catch phrase).
Midnight Madness,
I think your comments are spot on about kart being up and down emotionally.
I am convinced she has been told her contract won't be renewed.
kart puts materialistic 'things' above all else in her life and the fact that she sees her income stream ending has got to be panicking her!
She's an all-or-nothing, black-and-white, me-or-not-me personality. I believe she has no imagination or ability to move herself forward.
I sincerely believe that in her mind, if she has no 'income', no money coming in, then she is 'poor'. Her NPD interferes with her ability to see things realistically.
**** Although, I want to add a little aside here: she might be pretty prescient - she might know that however many millions 'she' has right now will be quickly chewed up if she continues her current lifestyle. And she will HATE having to give up the mine-all-mine mansion and those first class plane tickets.*******
This 'celebrity' persona is something she has wanted since high school if the articles are to be believed. I think when she attained her goal of fame, her mind clicked 'done - made it - I've arrived'.
I think she cannot imagine what she'll do when the celebrity goes away. She never planned for that contingency, ever.
I think her NPD compels her to remain insecure in fact, and angry at all those who don't see things her way. Her way or the highway. She even said to Jon once, 'either you stand with me or you stand against me' (I forget the episode).
I agree with you that things will be rough going in that house next year. Because she will be absolutely unable to believe she's no longer relevant, she'll work even harder to prove she is.
And the kids will suffer for it. Either she'll be barking at them all the time, or she'll be constantly unavailable to them while she's in her 'office' grifting and begging for face time with producers, etc.
The best thing that could happen to the kids is for her to go out to LA (sorry, CA folks :-)...) and leave the kids with Jon. Lots of men have eight kids and work full time and have very happy families.
Ah.......... what am I dreaming here...... she'll never give up her kid$....... without them she is nothing.
Fair warning, stormy seas ahead....
Can anyone tell me what the big fuss was about over on twitter with "Paige" having a picture displayed and Kate telling her to "seriously" take it down? What was the picture that caused such commotion?
There are dozens of different ways a celeb can make money besides just making TV shows. In fact a lot of celebs end up making way more through endorsements or clothing lines or appearances.
Instead of twitter-twattering all day, maybe she could be thinking about other ways to make money. She is a helpless beggar with no shame.
Oh, and the comment about how most celebs don't sit around all day grifting is exactly my experience. Kate's shamelessness, I have never seen such a thing. The irony of being a celeb is you get a lot of free crap. When I interned at a national news network all of them were always giving away their freebies to co-workers or interns, they LIKED doing this. Same with the celeb I worked for. I think she must have gotten something like six free ipods, every single one was given away. You don't grift for stuff or hang onto stuff just because you can. A lot of celebs are embarrassed at this outpouring of freebies, which would be a normal reaction.
There was only one time I ever saw someone grift for a free trip, and the result was so embarrassing, I don't think she ever did it again. She was part of a international charity that was sending her over to a third world country to make a documentary about what was happening there. They paid to send her out there of course, but she wanted this charity to comp her two week private vacation with her family after filming was complete. The charity in essence said absolutely not, pay for your own damn trip. I think the whole fiasco was mortifying, and I think it taught her a good lesson. She was dropped from this charity a few years later.
I wanted to repost because her days are ABSOLUTELY numbered now. State Rep. Tom Murt's child labor bill cleared the House with a unanimous vote and will now receive consideration from the Senate. She is specifically mentioned for her abuses. The Link and a small part are below.
....The once wildly popular reality show, “Jon & Kate Plus 8” – now simply called “Kate Plus 8” following Jon and Kate Gosselin’s divorce – originated in the family’s Pennsylvania home and surroundings.
While the show itself was not a driving force for Murt’s proposed legislation, he said the series, which features the couple’s eight minor children, is a “high-profile example of some of the abuses and some of the problems we were hoping to address.”....
Anon, I knew it was grifting, isn't everything she wants? Sad sick woman she is. Her day will come and I feel for the kiddies.
She is specifically mentioned for her abuses.
I don't think that Rep Murt was talking about Kate being an abuser. Not at all. He has been known for talking about the abuse of the system, that is, the archaic child labor laws and the fact that the laws were so undefined and TLC took advantage of that by not securing work permits, among other things, such as hours worked. There clearly were "problems" (which he mentions) relating to the interpretation of the child labor laws.
Pixie said...
Call me crazy (crazy!) but I've been trying to figure out why her kids seem to really love her.
Just curious said...
Kids always love their parents and want their approval, even those who are abused.
They love her because she is their mother.
Whatever we think of her mothering, this is what they know and she IS their mother.
I think she is watching her livestream church at home just because of the way she worded this tweet about the kids 'bouncing' in. Either the church people didn't swoon over her when she went or she was snubbed so bad that she don't want to go back.
@PeggyScot @curlywandy I'm so thrilled2hav discov livestream of r service.Works well 4 all of us 2 attend!Kids bounce in on sun am rdy 2go!
Permanent Name said...This 'celebrity' persona is something she has wanted since high school if the articles are to be believed. I think when she attained her goal of fame, her mind clicked 'done - made it - I've arrived'.
I think she cannot imagine what she'll do when the celebrity goes away. She never planned for that contingency, ever.
I see Kate as someone who will cling to her "celebrity lifestyle" for as long as she can, going into massive debt just so she can live in her McMansion, etc. before crying poor to the public (in hopes they'll come to her rescue, once again). Has she not seen what has happened to many American families the last two+ years, especially those chasing the American dream and living beyond their means?
Someone commented on one of her tweets in which she said she spent her life savings to purchase McMansion. The house isn't exactly paid-off if she's paying a monthly mortgage. That is a telling sign of spending beyond your means!
The kids bounce in WHERE? Into the kitchen where she has the laptop set up?
So she's NOT actually going to church she's just watching it on tv? This is just another way to ISOLATE these kids.
Ingrid said...
Anon, I knew it was grifting, isn't everything she wants? Sad sick woman she is. Her day will come and I feel for the kiddies.
...and she doesn't do it quietly! It's so flagrant. She'll grift in the presence of her tweeties, on talk shows, on couch episodes. She has no shame - she's certainly not modest when it comes to grifting!
Kate finally just passes out the presents and tells them if you don’t like it you can bring it up to her at the “trading post.” Ha.
When Hannah starts to argue once AGAIN, this time Kate shouts at her, “You either live with what you have or you get nothing!”
WTF?! Why couldn't Kate pick each child a present that she KNEW that they WOULD like? That way the kids would have all been happy and they wouldn't get shouted at for not liking / wanting something that Kate randomly bought without any thought!
She should have taken Mady and Cara with her and let them help pick out the tups' gifts since at least they'd pick things they know each of their brothers and sisters would like.
Admin, thank you again for taking one for the team and doing a recap of what sounds like another boring episode. I agree with you that dyeing Easter eggs yourself, with your own family, and making treats with your own kids, is truly a million times more interesting than watching someone else's kids go it.
only exception is during Vacation Bible School, that my church holds in the evenings. I always help with arts & crafts, and THAT is fun, because these are REAL KIDS that I know, who go to my church, that I have watched grow up in real life. MUCH more interesting than watching the Kreider and her Krew do stuff on TV.
WTF?! Why couldn't Kate pick each child a present that she KNEW that they WOULD like? That way the kids would have all been happy and they wouldn't get shouted at for not liking / wanting something that Kate randomly bought without any thought!
You are under the impression that Kate bought those gifts? I would highly doubt it. TLC paid for those gifts.
Thank you N.E. Psychologist for the correction. I forget sometimes that kids just love their mom for being their mom.
When Hannah starts to argue once AGAIN, this time Kate shouts at her, “You either live with what you have or you get nothing!”
But, Kate, why should your children settle when you never have? Did you live with just twin girls and a husband who loved you and did his best to please you? No, you had to have "just one more baby". Did you live with the donated mismatched cribs and gently used clothing your father's church gave to you and your children with love? No, it wasn't good enough for you. Did you live with your first home which Jon's father bought you and which your church and NBC remodeled for you? No, you moved as soon as you had $$$ from
your DiscoveryHealth specials for a down payment and then you moved to the mini mansion. I could go on but I need to make dinner. My point, Kate is you are reaping what you have sown. And it will only get worse as your children get older. If you want them to be appreciative and gracious, you need to model those traits.
"Careful the things you say, children will listen. Careful the things you do, children will see and learn.
Sorry Etown. I read it wrong. But this will affect her and the way she handles the kids. right?
Kate tweeted that she cried because she misses Erin and Evan so much. Aw, poor baby!
I wonder if she cries because she misses all of the family and friends she threw out of her life.
Speaking of which, Kate came down rather hard on a sheeple who asked her about her relationship with her family! She was in snippy mode yesterday.
Kate just twatted that they're going to be filming tomorrow.
Hey it's Monday, what do you expect but the kids to go back to work just like all the adults do after the weekend!
What about Tony she doesn't miss him? I love how she only misses her superficial celebrity relationships, people who could care less about her, but never mentions any kind of feelings for people who were actually truly there for her like her parents, Jodi, Beth, and on and on.
Ingrid said... I think she is watching her livestream church at home just because of the way she worded this tweet about the kids 'bouncing' in. Either the church people didn't swoon over her when she went or she was snubbed so bad that she don't want to go back.
@PeggyScot @curlywandy I'm so thrilled2hav discov livestream of r service.Works well 4 all of us 2 attend!Kids bounce in on sun am rdy 2go!
I interpret Kate's tweet as "On Sunday morning, the kids bounce into the kitchen, dressed, ready for breakfast and heading out to church"
But I agree it sounds like Kate drops them off in Sunday School and then goes to watch the church service from some remote location. The church may have a TV monitor set up in the
library or lounge for all I know. Clearly she is not sitting with the masses in the Sanctuary.
We all remember when Kate said they were too famous to attend church, right? And that it was too hard to do it "like we use to" as a family unit, right? So that makes me think she still doesn't attend the actual service.
What did she tell the sheeple about her family? Wasn't it something like if I see them or I don't see them you will never know?
WTF! As if she doesn't open up EVERY DARN THING ELSE ABOUT HER LIFE. But suddenly her family is off limits??? And why the cryptic response? Why wouldn't you just say not that it's any of your business but I see my family all the time? Or just, none of your business. Or better still, don't answer the question at all if you're going to be a bitch.
This church thing is so ridiculous. She doesn't go because Christianity is about Jesus, not her, and a narcissist gets bored with that very quickly. But she has to sort of maintain the myth that she goes to appease some of the Christian fans who are still in it because they think she is a Christian mother.
Right now there are at least three major celebs who go to my church almost every Sunday, one guy from a major Discovery Channel show (think in the vein of MythBusters), a character actor who has graced just about every other major movie over the past five years, and a popular local newscaster who always brings her adorable mother. No ... You might say well that's because it's L.A. But we also get a ton of college kids and they are from all over the country and they're all very respectful of the celebs. Some not so regular attendees come from all over the spectrum and I've never seen anyone make a scene, and I've been there over five years. This includes a Survivor finalist, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, a popular DWTS contestant, a former senator, an actor from the first Pirates of the Caribbean, and Mel Gibson's wife.
Newsflash Kate, church is about worshiping God, not worshiping false idols like yourself. When people grow up, most people outgrow any kind of celebrity obsession popular in the teen years. But since Kate's maturity is so stunted, she appears to have never graduated from that phase. She's twatting Taylor Swift, claiming she is friends with Pam Anderson and Erin Andrews and misses Evan. She is obsessed herself and LOVES thinking that people are obsessed with her in the same way she is obsessed with celebrities.
What did she tell the sheeple about her family? Wasn't it something like if I see them or I don't see them you will never know?
I apologize. It wasn't a sheeple. It's been a long, hot day here!
Someone asked about her family, and she replied by saying, basically, what the heck do you know about the relationship with my family just because you never see us on film together. Snotty. Perhaps someone can find the comment and her response. There was so darn much snippy tweeting going on yesterday that I'm not sure during what part of the day she said it.
When Kate left the post-it notes in the bathroom of the old house, did any of them reference Acts 20:35 - "it is more blessed to give than to receive..."
"Taylor Swift as if she knows her - probably to impress her sheeple"
TS was on the View one of the times Kate co-hosted. That's probably another connection she's coasting on.
Thanks for the recap.
Her guest(s) for supper were likely ... Steve-o to help protect her during the filming tomorrow as they are doing something "really" fun ... and the crew and maybe Ashley or Jamie...she tried to make it sound like she had friends.. ha ha ha...
Check out 'Tooth Fairy' at 18/19 seconds. Kate looks like she's 50 years old. Her face is unbelievably haggard looking.
I forget about the webisodes! Those kids are doing a hell of a lot more than just filming episodes of "playing." They have the couch interviews and the damn webisodes. I'm glad they aren't promoting the show - fewer photo shoots and tv interviews for the kids to endure like the old days when the show was actually popular. This show has been dying for a long time but the sheeple don't see it.
As crappy as filming the kids is, I actually give cudos to TLC for easing the family out the door instead of abruptly yanking the rug out from under them. Filming every spare second is the only life they have ever known. We can see on twitter that Kate is going a little off kilter with "stress" and worry about paying the bills now that continuous filming is coming to an end and she does not seem the type of mom to protect the kids from her worries. The kids are picking up the concerns (I imagine) and are internalizing it (again, I imagine--because of their ages). So this very reduced work load for the kids is not the worst way to deal with the upcoming cancellation. I wish they had a full summer to just be kids but that is coming. Right now let them "detox" slowly, let them ease into obscurity. I think it will be kinder in the long run. (Still wouldn't watch. Still see it as exploitation. Just think the kids may be better off psychologically if they are not just dumped.)
I have to laugh at the Sheeple. They are defending Kate for using twitter to answer her haters. Well yes, Kate herself has long moaned about tabloid lies and wanting to set the record straight, and she has sworn up and down to her sheeple that TLC does not own her, control her, make her do things, make her say things...though that is coming off the rails of late as she mentions she just goes where she is told and does what they tell her to do, TLC put the ugly hair extensions on her which she is so relieved to have off now. No, Kate has no difficulty whatsoever being truthful. But now the record she wants to set straight is about her parents, siblings, family. Does she have a relationship with them? Her reply "you won't know if it is not filmed". Duh Kate. You are the one setting the record straight. So quit deflecting the question with another question and just admit that no, shit happened, and you have zero contact with them. Ditto for your kids. Quit specifying that your kids are your family and any reference to family thus relates solely to them. We get it, the money makers have to be out front to keep the viewers, but given the opportunity to set the record straight either do so or STFU. And while you are at it, quit justifying the show as providing for 8 kids, you act like a friggin gambler who is going to make it if only the right cards keep coming your way. The show is not supporting 8 kids if the second it ends you are homeless. Which is what you want everyone to believe. So perhaps you need to take your salary and invest it and live within your means and show your children that they didn't give up their childhoods to end up bankrupt financially. Because you did sell their souls for the almighty dollar and it is up to you to ensure they get paid in full. Cow.
Kate's absence must be a relief to the other church goers. Picture it; you're at church, ready to worship your creator, pleasantly greeting other members of the congregation...and then walks in Miss Sourpuss, looking down her nose at everyone, making snide little comments, and creating little dramas because for some reason everyone is paying attention to the nice Jewish man tacked up on a cross and not HER! What's this guy ever done? She has eight--count 'em, EIGHT--kids!
fidosmommy said...
@PeggyScot @curlywandy I'm so thrilled2hav discov livestream of r service.Works well 4 all of us 2 attend!Kids bounce in on sun am rdy 2go!
I interpret Kate's tweet as "On Sunday morning, the kids bounce into the kitchen, dressed, ready for breakfast and heading out to church"
I'm sure they are bouncing in ready to go. It sounds like going to church is the ONLY time these kids get off the property!
Pixie said...
Check out 'Tooth Fairy' at 18/19 seconds. Kate looks like she's 50 years old. Her face is unbelievably haggard looking.
I am 51 and her face looks older than mine! :O
Totally agree that her "friends" coming over to grill and hang by the pool include Steve and Ashley. I wonder how much longer she can justify Steve's paycheck? If she is doing only radio promos now, and most likely from her home, then I bet this afternoon they are filming at the house. Stand by for some more lone pap pics to show up to promote the show! Same 'ol, same 'ol.
She has been playing the sympathy card with her sheeple twits by saying that she needs more work to support her family. Another dig at Jon and an attempt to get the fan base to rally TLC to send her on more trips, IMO. She is so manipulative. I can totally see how Jon got sucked in.
@tlehr35 Aww good. Thanks for not. They like when no one notices them :)
I wasn't around yesterday, I'm sorry if this got played to death, but I really need to say this. By Kate's OWN admission, she is admitting her kids don't like to be to noticed, yet she continues to film them & put them out there in the public eye for all to see, trotting them out there, making them do couch interviews, & poor Cara, who seems so sullen & so so sad who would rather be anywhere but there in front of the camera, doesn't want to be there, by her MOTHERS OWN ADMISSION!!!
Hello, sheeple?? Did you see that tweet? Or are you too blind trying to get her to look at your new hairdo? Or 4th of July nail fill? Bunch of young minds that they are, except for the ones who AREN'T! How many times does this need to be said before it gets through to anyone? Those are not actors, they are "real" kids, like yours & mine, & they haven't been hired from a company to play a part. They have been doing a reality show for far too long now & obviously they don't like to be NOTICED! Kate is digging herself with that tweeting, she just keeps saying things that are going to bite her in the ass. I hope Jon's lawyer caught that one. That was HUGE.
~Hippie Chick~
Admin said...
It's fairly common to watch your church streaming????.
My mother-in-law watches sermons of a church streaming every Wednesday DAY. It's not HER church but it's her denomination. And she can't drive if it's raining or gray & dark out, so she will find sermons online to watch on Sundays as well. Did Kate? Hmmm...
~Hippie Chick~
I kind of have this theory about Kate,the reason why she is never seen with a man or not even remarrying until she is no longer in the public eye and here it is,Kate has a following of single/with children women,she knows that,its her brand!she plays into that whenever she can,now what would happen if she married some rich guy?she would,t be able to do the single woman with8 kids routine.thats why no man for Kate,its the brand!
Speaking of which, Kate came down rather hard on a sheeple who asked her about her relationship with her family! She was in snippy mode yesterday.
It was bound to happen! Kate opened her life up & now her little coven of followers want to know EVERYTHING. They mentioned the gum, FINALLY, but of course Kate blamed someone else, but now, it's getting darker, isn't it? They want to know what happened with her family, soon they'll want to know why Kate kicked Jon to the curb & if there was a contract so they could keep the show. Kate did this to herself, opening up her WHOLE life on twitter. She was so stupid talking to her twitter fans, so so stupid...& they won't back down until each & every one is blocked & she is down to nothing, again.
~Hippie Chick~
Kate's air conditioning is broken and they are filming today. Hope she gets it fixed so the kids don't have to work in uncomfortable conditions like that. How long until we can get a set teacher on set?????
In the end, narcissists always destroy themselves. I can't get over how in the four-odd years so many of us have been speaking up about this exploitation to not much avail, in three short months Kate is proving our case backwards and forwards on her own Twitter account, alienating fans, and having a public breakdown. Who knew that's all it would take.
I'm all for shut-ins watching services on TV or computer. It totally makes sense that some folks just can't make it to church. But Kate? She is able-bodied, has transportation, has help and for Pete's sake, has taken her kids to the other side of the world, yet she can't take them to local mass?
Listen, this is just excuses. First Kate pouted and looked all forlorn when asked about it and she claimed she just couldn't bring herself to do it because they always went with Jon.
Now, she's Can Do Kate!, yet won't take her kids to worship. That's the height of hypocrisy. All those churches that she grifted in, yet never was it to worship. Just fleece good people.
I hope the kids get to spend some extended time with Jon this summer. I hope his work allows him vacation and I hope that he really pushes to make it happen.
Well it's almost Monday afternoon on the East Coast and I don't see a single paparazzi photo of Kate from when she said the paps were supposedly "back."
I did however see this story: Miley Cirus attacked by a fan in Australia. A fan bum rushed her on stage, it's at the end of this video, and Miley is so freaked out and says "Oh my God!" and is hurried off stage.
I think it's wonderful shut ins can be part of church too from home. But I'm guessing they are wishing with all their hearts they could actually BE there and talk to folks and serve as deacons like in the old days.
It is a crying shame that an able bodied woman like Kate who can run around her property 100 times or whatever it is is taking the lazy way out. So much of the point of church is gathering with YOUR CHURCH FAMILY. The socialization of the kids with other kids is so important. You can't duplicate it. If you could, all churches would just do their services in an empty room over a computer. Clearly there is something to the congregation gathering together.
Kate's air conditioning is broken and they are filming today. Hope she gets it fixed so the kids don't have to work in uncomfortable conditions like that. How long until we can get a set teacher on set?????
October 1, if the bill passes the Senate. Not soon enough.
If Kate had remembered to change the filter, there wouldn't be a problem with the a/c. Didn't she sit down with folders for maintenance and vowed to keep everything up to date? That lasted long...
She did admit it was all her fault for not changing the filter. Well, if Kate wasn't twittering one tweet every 8 minutes maybe she would be able to keep up with this stuff better so conditions are comfortable on filming days not just for the kids but the crew.
If she neglects something as simple as changing a filter, what else does she forget? Hopefully she manages to remember to feed the kids breakfast, lunch and dinner and change their water.
Administrator said...
I think it's wonderful shut ins can be part of church too from home. But I'm guessing they are wishing with all their hearts they could actually BE there and talk to folks and serve as deacons like in the old days.
Exactly. DH and I see elderly people at our church and can see that they get so much comfort and strength from it. I always poke my husband when he attempts to put his butt on the pew when we have to kneel. If Grandpa can kneel, so can he! I'll cut him some slack in about 30 years.
Hopefully she manages to remember to feed the kids breakfast, lunch and dinner and change their water.
Hopefully she manages to remember to feed the dog and give him fresh water!!
Re: the filter. Please tell me Kate has her HVAC system maintained professionally. Please. With a house that size, my word, you have to have professionals maintain the nuts and bolts twice a year.
How dumb.
OK, here is a blatant lie. Remember the episode where the Water Softner guy came over to show how the salt was put in and she was rude to him about his tool box? Then in that episode she said she was going to create a binder (and showed a binder) with all things mainteance? Well, what happened to that?
Now she tweets she is going to do a spreadhseet for the maintenance of the water softner. How quickly she forgets her own BS.
Troy Chula Vista said...
OK, here is a blatant lie. Remember the episode where the Water Softner guy came over to show how the salt was put in and she was rude to him about his tool box? Then in that episode she said she was going to create a binder (and showed a binder) with all things mainteance? Well, what happened to that?
Now she tweets she is going to do a spreadhseet for the maintenance of the water softner. How quickly she forgets her own BS.
It's all for the show. Never any follow through. Gymnastics with hundreds of dollars spent on their outfits. One and done, baby.
She just doesn't know how to run that house. You have maintenance contracts for the water system, the HVAC etc. The thing about it is, you do nothing but answer the phone and set a time for them to come and do service. Oh, and pay your bill!
So easy.
Hey, that's my new name for Kate. Not Can Do Kate, but One And Done Kate!
After reading the recap, and even though I know where one can buy fertilized eggs and live chicks online, curiousity got the best of me so I googled "organic fertilized eggs".
FWIW I found a website that for $154 you can buy an incubator and it comes with 2 doz fertilized eggs. Note: organic is not mentioned, just fertilized. So it seems that Kate is still throwing around the buzz word "organic" especially when she is being filmed.
Anyway ... organic hens would be chickens that are fed organic feed and/or are allowed free range on ground where chemicals are not used, and no their legs do not turn green :) I'm sure she is buying the right feed and that Kate's property would be considered organic; so the eggs that the children are gathering would be considered organic, as well as any of the chickens.
But I can't see Kate (or any of her staff) "processing" any of chickens in that house to feed her family because it is a very messy procedure and time consuming, nor can I see her wanting a whole bunch of chickens running around on her property UNLESS she is thinking about selling full grown chickens and eggs to help make ends meet when the show is canceled :)
Seriously though, if all the eggs did hatch, and assuming that the kids did all the work involved in raising the baby chicks to full grown chickens, if this was a normal household, the parent would allow the children to sell the extra chickens locally and keep the sale proceeds for their own spending money.
But knowing Kate I'm sure she would insist on keeping any and all money from the chicken sales and spending it on other things. OK, no not other things, just HER.
A bit of a digression - admittedly having too much time on my hands, and mindlessly wandering around the web, I discovered Bethanney Frankel mentioned she'd like a talk show and voila, with the help of Ellen D she shot a pilot earlier this month? Hasn't miss thang been begging for a talk show like, forever? Can't say I'm a fan of Ms. Frankel, nor a non-fan, never really watched those shows, but my sense is she is quite the go-getter/worker - you know, the "can-do" type. The woman who had a "real" business and a "real" cookbook. This is unlikely to set well with her highness...
Re: Twitter friends.
I've thought all along that at least a few of them have introduced themselves as huge Kate supporters, won her trust, and are now beginning to show the first tint of their true colors - "Haters". Not much animosity to start, just a few questions. I think if they stick around, they will begin to be quite antagonistic toward her.
I have a question -
Does anyone think kart is making any kind of plans for next year when her contract is not renewed?
I'm talking about REALISTIC plans for a job to make money to support her eight-count'em-eight kid$.
I have trouble imagining that she has accepted that her exploitation is coming to an end and she will have to 'get a real job'...
And what in the world can she do?!
I did think of her buying a business like Gymboree but that would entail her actually having to deal with the public...
It would, however, give her some latitude to bank on her uterine celebrity, and even exploit her kids from time to time. Maybe the twins could teach a class to little kids... or something.
I really hate myself for even wasting time thinking about her, but she really should be looking ahead.
Well, off to do something worthwhile, like grocery shopping (not organic, sigh) and laundry.
Re: the filter. Please tell me Kate has her HVAC system maintained professionally. Please. With a house that size, my word, you have to have professionals maintain the nuts and bolts twice a year.
Maintenance should be done before the start of the summer season. Usually this means the addition of freon. Kate couldn't do that on her own, but I would think that she would have taken out a maintenance contract. She said the filter needed to be changed, which should be a no-brainer. Which reminds's that time here, too! Thanks, Kate!
Well, what do you know? Kate had a problem with the AC and Kate had a problem with the eggs she wanted to hatch and not once - NOT ONCE - did she try to blame Jon or the paps.
AMD said... Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@HspncElvis Advertising a location I love to um the public. No worries, can't go there ever again... No prob!
So she filmed an episode at this location for "the public" to watch and could still go back until an innocent tweet a year later "exposes" the location? No logic here.
For the last few weeks, Kate has professed her love for every corner of the earth her tweeters have mentioned. Can she not go there now?
Sorry to dredge this one back up, but I wasn't able to read the blog over the weekend. This is how I read her tweet, I'll fill in the blanks with what I believe she may be saying. The original:
"Advertising a location I love to um the public. No worries, can't go there ever again... No prob!"
Her possible intent:
**in her moody, passive/aggressive tone** "Bringing up a place I love at this hard time in my life is cruel. But no worries, I can't go there ever again because I have NO money to go there and TLC will never send me there again. So, no problem in publicizing it because I won't be there!" **end interpretation** ;-) It's hard to tell, that random "um" makes it sound malicious towards the Elvis tweeter. But I think she admitted her freebie trips are about done, that she will only go places if TLC pays for it.
From what everyone has said here, she must have been in a bad mood this weekend, and the sh*t is finally hitting the fan...or finally reached the U-bend of the toilet. She'll be pulling out the "poor me" card VERY soon, I fear. Reality is finally hitting her, and it's not going to be pretty.
So sad she won't physically take her family to church, when she's completely able to. I don't know if it's because she's ashamed of her behavior, she's too lazy, , is afraid of people, or just thinks she's too "famous" for church. Whichever, it's just sad.
Kudos to everyone here for their wonderful posts, and to our Admin for her hard work! I LOVE that chocolate bunny cartoon you used. My husband emailed it to me at work a few years ago and I loved it so much, I printed it out and tacked it up in my cubicle. Hippie Chick, I will have to find that magnet version you mentioned!
Canadian Girl said...
I kind of have this theory about Kate,the reason why she is never seen with a man or not even remarrying until she is no longer in the public eye and here it is,Kate has a following of single/with children women,she knows that,its her brand!she plays into that whenever she can,now what would happen if she married some rich guy?she would,t be able to do the single woman with8 kids routine.thats why no man for Kate,its the brand!
I have longed believed that and I believe that TLC put her up to it. Jon said something to the effect that Kate said she didn't need him anymore and then she gave him the boot. What would bring in more viewers than Jon and Kate Plus Eight? Just Kate Plus Eight and her struggles to raise eight children as a single mom.
Re: Twitter friends.
Fidosmommy commented...I've thought all along that at least a few of them have introduced themselves as huge Kate supporters, won her trust, and are now beginning to show the first tint of their true colors - "Haters".
Fido - could you give us a hint as to who you think these are? Just a clue - rhymes with, or whatever creative hint you could come up with? :)
Kate is already pulling out the poor me card. She's mentioning more and more that she has no money for much of anything. What an insult to her fans who probably DON'T have much money for things in this economy, especially the young mothers who desperately want her advice for some strange reason. Luckily for them (those poor fans) they "don't get" that every time she cries poor mouth, she's insulting them.
Does Kate view every lavish vacation as "working?" Really? It's vacation!
Sheesh, when my parents took us on vacation they planned it, PAID for it, arranged it, drove, packed etc. etc.....never would they have said they were working. And, if that qualifies as working, the children are working, too.
Kate just keeps on proving our case.
Twatter on, Kate.
IF she is only having her kids watch the streaming church at home, it is denying her kids the chance to learn the stories of the Bible in kid friendly terms and build on them as they get older. Do they just sit and watch a service? It was boring to me as a kid and adult but Sunday school was more interesting.
Admin said "Clearly there is something to the congregation gathering together."
I think at least part of it is the church might actually ask her for an offering instead of the other way around. Kate is so tight she squeaks.
Great thread and great recap!!
As far as Kate thinking about jobs for the inevitable end of the show, she doesn't seem to look back or look forward. She seems stuck in the now.
She tweeted she "spent her life savings" on that house. That wasn't taking the future into consideration and she's admitted that she never looks back.
She wants a TV talk show job, she wants to write books, she wants to continue K+8, she wants to travel the world. She certainly seems to lack even a modicum of practicality and her "realist reality" is actually nothing but smoke and mirrors.
Maybe she thinks she's networking by tweeting what she wants but it looks like begging to me, and I haven't seen anyone tweet that they're big time producers "perishing" to hire her!
Oh, great. Kate has news for her tweeties. What could it be? Twitterers will be all aflutter until then!
She's finally grifted another trip? Made a donation to the tornado victims or a local food bank? Reallocated the amount of $ which goes into the kids' bank accounts? Talked to her parents?
Naw. Just another ploy to get people to watch tonight's episode. Not watching, haven't watched in years. Just waiting for the time she disappears from TV completely. Although her twittering is amazingly funny, but sad as it shows extent of her mental illness.
Great post, Administrator :o)
I hope the kiddies had fun, in spite that they were being intrusively filmed.
What is this? Third grade? "I know something you don't know - nannynannybooboo, wait and see, don't you wanna know?"
On second thought, she is most likely appealing to elementary-school minds.
I agree with Susantoyota about the tweets being amazingly funny, but why are we fascinated with a look into the mental illness depicted therein? She clearly presents with some kind of strange wiring of the brain.
It's morbidly fascinating to see her sticking her foot in her mouth, coming up with lie after lie, watching her on "highs" and "lows," confident and secure, and then descending into poverty and emotional neediness - all within a day's time. I wonder what it's like for the kids to never know "who" is going to show up at any given moment.
Susantoyota said...
She's finally grifted another trip? Made a donation to the tornado victims or a local food bank? Reallocated the amount of $ which goes into the kids' bank accounts? Talked to her parents?
Naw. Just another ploy to get people to watch tonight's episode. Not watching, haven't watched in years. Just waiting for the time she disappears from TV completely. Although her twittering is amazingly funny, but sad as it shows extent of her mental illness.
I'm with you, Susantoyota.
And as for her "news", she can stick it where the sun doesn't shine.
Twittering and a Twattering said...
Oh, great. Kate has news for her tweeties. What could it be? Twitterers will be all aflutter until then!
Yes, I wonder how long Kate will lead them on? Maybe she'll make them wait all day. LOL
Aeris said...
Hippie Chick, I will have to find that magnet version you mentioned!
Aeris, it was at Newbury Comics!
Midnight Madness said... but why are we fascinated with a look into the mental illness depicted therein? She clearly presents with some kind of strange wiring of the brain.
It's morbidly fascinating to see her sticking her foot in her mouth, coming up with lie after lie, watching her on "highs" and "lows," confident and secure, and then descending into poverty and emotional neediness - all within a day's time. I wonder what it's like for the kids to never know "who" is going to show up at any given moment.
Beautifully put. It IS fascinating to see, isnt it? I stopped watching years ago (I tried to watch an epi in the new house and I was stunned at how much more of a self entitled bitch she had become and I felt dirty...) but I have seen some clips on occasion and I follow this blog.
I STILL feel dirty about contributing even in this way to the egomania and shrewness that those little kids are growing up with, but this look into Kate's mental illness is indeed fascinating. I am even MORE interested in the sheeple, that adore her mentally ill behaviors.
I am thinking that Kate made it appear financially profitable to be publicly disgusted and nasty to your own children and husband. She gave 'permission' to miserable housewives to say outloud "I hate my family and kids too, and I could be over the top nasty like that if it meant vacations, shoes, and a team of housekeepers! Finally- being nasty to my family is a talent *I* could master and sell for money, too! Kate is just like me!"
Some folks might talk about Kate having mood swings or something that explains the changes in her twitter-twat. I would disagree with that. I think she has the attention span of a delayed 3 year old and she cant focus on anything that isnt giving her extreme instant self gratification. Hence, begging for an item in the morning, proceed on to 20 other topics, then crying poor in the evening is all related. "I spent the whole day WORKING, hinting and demanding things and I still havent gotten things my way! It's been HOURS of careful manipulation of others and I still dont have the new item/trip/check/universal adoration. I SPOKE for cryin out loud!!"
EVERYTHING is her DREAM! EVERYTHING is forever and ever her whole life! She loves loves loves EVERYTHING! She cant WAIT! EVERYTHING is SO FUN! Like a 3 year old who NEEDS a unicorn toy right NOW, and 15 minutes later just NEEDS a Barbie doll. Every thing is over the top and the next thought that pops into her head is the newest must-have, cant-live-without demand. Manic as it were.
She just karts her sediments around on a golden platter, she cant seem to keep them organized or even remember what they were from one moment to the next. She just knows that if she isnt happy, it's because YOU arent trying hard enough.
Pink said...
And as for her "news", she can stick it where the sun doesn't shine.
Has she removed the stick, as per Jon's order?
Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone said...
Has she removed the stick, as per Jon's order?
Judging by various recaps & reviews, looks like that darn stick is still up there ;o)
Yes, Pink, you're right, and it could be more than just one by now! I imagine it's crowded territory.
It looks like the sheep are more than just aflutter. They are being eaten alive waiting for the "news" that's stuck where the sun doesn't shine:
@dowd24 @Kateplusmy8 Thats what im wondering? You know this is ging to eat us alive until we know what kate wants to tell us ya kn"
These sheeple are paltry ovine, aren't they?
Silimom said,
"Careful the things you say, children will listen. Careful the things you do, children will see and learn.
Michelle Duggar has an excellent comment in her latest book that Kate should follow:
Michelle is "constantly aware that my mood and disposition set the tone for our home, so my goal is always to maintain a pleasant, optimistic demeanor, knowing that all those little eyes are watching me." I'm guessing Kate doesn't even know what a pleasant, optimistic demeanor is, let alone how to maintain one.
Kate, get a life. Lead by wxample not threats. And for the record, the word you were looking for is "granule" NOT "granular".
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone said...
Has she removed the stick, as per Jon's order?
Judging by various recaps & reviews, looks like that darn stick is still up there ;o)
Not to mention the way she was clomping around on that boat in Annapolis.
Midnight Madness said... What is this? Third grade? "I know something you don't know - nannynannybooboo, wait and see, don't you wanna know?"
On second thought, she is most likely appealing to elementary-school minds.
I agree with Susantoyota about the tweets being amazingly funny, but why are we fascinated with a look into the mental illness depicted therein? She clearly presents with some kind of strange wiring of the brain.
It's morbidly fascinating to see her sticking her foot in her mouth, coming up with lie after lie, watching her on "highs" and "lows," confident and secure, and then descending into poverty and emotional neediness - all within a day's time. I wonder what it's like for the kids to never know "who" is going to show up at any given moment.
Well said. Trying to keep her fans hanging in the rafters with, most likely, ridiculous news in hopes that they watch tonight. And I agree, the kids' lives must be hell- her mood swings are insane. She really is a piece of work, and I am being kind. Narcissism is a beyotch. God help the G8.
Did you see that video on ROL? What on earth has she done to her face? She doesn't even look like the same person! She sucks the fun out of everything and even seems to be miserable herself, yet claims they are taking a little sunshine to the dialysis center. She can't use milk but she can use tons of sugar and jam for the diabetic dialysis patients? Head scratcher for sure! Unbelievable that she even taped plastic down on the counters. If she was THAT concerned about cleanliness, then why didn't the kids have on hair nets and gloves? That's how they roll in a real commercial kitchen, minus the anal-retentive visqueen on the counter. Those kids seem scared to make a move - I know how that feels as my mother was controlling over stupid things too. Those issues carry on to adulthood and don't really go away. The whole thing is just BORING and SAD - I hope this is nearly the end.
Does anyone think kart is making any kind of plans for next year when her contract is not renewed?
Well, let's see... she mentioned being a fitness guru, talk show host, correspondant, opening a "family business," writing another book, and going back to nursing (almost as a last resort). Did I miss anything? And she is now trying to give the impression she is trying to re-connect with the church ....
I honestly don't think she has a clue, and is in desperate mode. The problem lies in the fact that she does not do well connecting with people, that most people are now on to her scam, and she has no credibility in any field, except the field of whining, complaining, scamming, using her kids for money and fame and being self-absorbed... not a great market for that "talent."
silimom said...
Kate, get a life. Lead by wxample not threats. And for the record, the word you were looking for is "granule" NOT "granular".
The word she USED was "granule," NOT "granular."
silimom said...
Kate, get a life. Lead by wxample not threats. And for the record, the word you were looking for is "granule" NOT "granular".
She said granule, didn't she, at least the writer of the article did?
Warns Kate: "If your sugar spills, you will get down and pick up every granule and you know that I mean that."
Is there a video out there in which she says "granular?"
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
It's official!Lawsuit against me was dropped(It was clear she had no case)!I'm relieved 2 no I don't hav 2 pay 4 services others received!
No case? Tell that to the judge who found you GUILTY!!!
Kate - I do believe that the judge found you guilty and when you appealed the Dr. decided to drop the case becasue it wasn't worth the hassle or waste of money. I hope that someone sends her "twit" to the Dr. so that she can answer it. Obviously Kate didn't read the letter the Dr. wrote. If I were the Dr. I would now go after her for the money to prove my point. Kate is a piece of work. I will not watch tonight or any night.
Kate's tweet: It's official!Lawsuit against me was dropped(It was clear she had no case)!I'm relieved 2 no I don't hav 2 pay 4 services others received!
She really is delusional, isn't she, and why is she opening her mouth about shows how stupid she really is! Good grief! Talk about grasping at the proverbial straw -- anything to put the blame on someone else!
She was FOUND LIABLE for the charges! Just because LaFair decided not to waste her time in appeals do not mean that there was no case! Knowing PA courts, there is no doubt in my mind that the judgment would have been upheld.
Who's going to tell Kate that Dr. LaFair believed it was worth $10,000 to get Kate out of her life.
Anonymous said...
silimom said...
Kate, get a life. Lead by wxample not threats. And for the record, the word you were looking for is "granule" NOT "granular".
The word she USED was "granule," NOT "granular."
Now see I read the linked article and the original post. When I saw GRANULE I thought, Oh, they edited it after silimon read it. Wonder why you didn't?
Wait a second -- this big news is that it's official that the lawsuit was dropped? LOL and LOL some more. We already knew this! What is her problem?
And those poor sheeple were being eaten alive with the suspense of not knowing what it was? Excuse me while I let out an uproarious laugh!
Reading with brain engaged said...
Now see I read the linked article and the original post. When I saw GRANULE I thought, Oh, they edited it after silimon read it. Wonder why you didn't?
I watched the video and HEARD her use the word "granule." I have no idea if they edited the article, but Kate is not responsible for how her words are transcribed. Bottom line, she SAID "granule."
Disclaimer - I watched the web pics with the sound off.
What the hell is wrong with that woman. She covers a granite counter with black plastic bags when baking with the kids? Who does that? Is she that lazy she can't clean a counter when they are done? And each kid gets a disposable bowl of dough. She has TWO dishwashers. She's crying broke, well cut down on all the disposables, I thought she went green (for 2 minutes). What about all the eggs from the chickens? She has at least 3 dozen eggs on the counter in cartons, just like we do from any grocery store in the US. Looks like bags of sugar and pan spray from target. What happened to all organic? The jelly look like target brands too. She has 2 kitchen aide mixers one pink and one looks industrial strength. She sucks the fun out of everything. Not one kid looks happy to be participating in baking, she's freaking out over a little sugar or flour getting on the floor. Kate - you have 8 kids, count em 8, can't they help sweep when you're done.
Tooth fairy - get a look at the tubs thumb in the beginning. The dirt under the nail is unbelievable - for one of Kate's perfect kids. Normal for us mere mortal mothers.
You mean they went in and edited the video, too?
(Sorry Ziggy, couldn't resist)
I didn't know there was a video. You win!
Here Come The Judge said...
Kate's tweet: It's official!Lawsuit against me was dropped(It was clear she had no case)!I'm relieved 2 no I don't hav 2 pay 4 services others received!
She really is delusional, isn't she, and why is she opening her mouth about shows how stupid she really is! Good grief! Talk about grasping at the proverbial straw -- anything to put the blame on someone else!
She was FOUND LIABLE for the charges! Just because LaFair decided not to waste her time in appeals do not mean that there was no case! Knowing PA courts, there is no doubt in my mind that the judgment would have been upheld.
Here's the link to Sylvia Lafair's (revised)* letter about not contesting Kate's appeal:
* I recall it was originally two-pages with Lafair's comment about the "hungry media beast" and how Kate would use this lawsuit for more media attention. However, it is no longer there.
Lafair so called this one! Kate tweeted this publicly for [media] attention and already twisted the facts to her liking.
Sadly, the media vultures who stumble upon Kate's tweet will probably take Kate's word for it, instead of doing a little more research or asking Sylvia Lafair for additional comments.
Again, that tweet blamed Jon for all of this.
I think this deserves a new thread (so it doesn't get lost among all the comments) with admin's take on it.
Haha! If it was "clear she had no case" then how in the world did LaFair manage to WIN at the trial court??? Let me guess, the judge forgot his glasses that day and mixed them up?
If she had "no case" she would have lost at the trial level and Kate never would have had to appeal it in the first place! What is so difficult to understand about it. Contrary to what the sheeple have tried to say, it is HARDER to get rulings overturned on appeal, not easier.
I always tell my clients never count on an appeal, and appeal is your hail mary, we have to do everything we can at the trial level right now and can't count on being that 1% of appeals that win.
Let me explain something to Kate. Every day, hundreds of people who have righteous lawsuits and in fact, even WIN them as LaFair did, choose not to pursue them any further due to financial and emotions reasons. And when they're up against a narcissist like yourself, they have to really do some soul searching and ask themselves how far do they want to take this. Knowing you, LaFair would be in court for years, would probably go broke, before you would ever quit. And, it's not fair to your kids to spend their money fighting this. So she let you have this one.
She won, Kate. The trial court said so. She chose to be the bigger person and LET IT GO. Take a lesson from it.
Fidosmommy said...
Does anyone think kart is making any kind of plans for next year when her contract is not renewed?
Gosselin8ComeFirst said...
Well, let's see... she mentioned being a fitness guru, talk show host, correspondant, opening a "family business," writing another book, and going back to nursing (almost as a last resort). Did I miss anything? And she is now trying to give the impression she is trying to re-connect with the church ....
LOL. This reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where George got fired and sits on the floor brainstorming jobs.
George: "I could be a sports commentator. I like sports."
Jerry: "Uh, the problem is they usually give those jobs to ex-ballplayers."
George "Yeah, and it's not fair! Well, I could be a ball club manager..."
So then there's Kate, sitting on the floor talking to Jamie.
Kate: "I could be a talk show host. I love to talk. I'm a natural! I would NEVER let go that mic!"
Jamie: "Uh, well, you'd need a good command of the English language, Kate."
Kate, whining: "I doooo. I command it all over the place. No one has ever made words do what I make them do. I command them! I command everyone! I'm very highly edumacatedish."
Jamie: "Uh, the words have to be in the dictionary, Kate."
Kate: "Oh, I know! How about a motivationalish speaker? I'm a very positivethinkingerish type person... (KIDS! GET the *^8#@ out of bed!) I gotta go get motivatedish to make their breakfast.... Wait, I could be a chef! I MADE UP a flag cake recipe ALL BY MYSELF. It was EVEN featured in Ladies Home Journal in 1968, and it was cheery red like my salmonella chicken...."
Also, thanks for the recaps, Admin! :D
There she goes again throwing Jon under the bus.
According to her own testimony, Jon wouldn't even talk to LaFair. But this is somehow his bill?
"She said Lafair called her a few times to get information on Jon's background because she said Jon wouldn't talk to Lafair."
Also, according to LaFair's testimony, Jon and Kate BOTH met on two occasions with LaFair, the three of them in the same room. How does Kate figure that least half this bill isn't hers???? MARRIAGE COUNSELING TAKES TWO.
From Associated Press Fri. May 20, 2011:
Magisterial District Judge Gerald Feissner ruled May 13 that Gosselin must pay Lafair's company about $10,300.
Gosselin's attorney tells The Standard-Speaker of Hazleton that he appealed on Tuesday.
Are Kate's fans actually willing to turn a blind eye to the facts?
Admin, maybe you ought to do a new topic on this explaining it to the sheeple. Kate conveniently has deleted tweets explaining that judgment was still rendered against her. Nothing but ass kissing going on now.
I just can't get over this. How does someone with "no case" manage to get a magisterial judge to rule in their favor? Maybe LaFair juggled for him, sang a song, flashed him? Come off it, Kate, you lost!
Was this really her big news? She TOYS with her sheeple does she not?
You know what, let's be totally fair to Kate. The truth is, we will never know who would have won on appeal. We can have opinions on who would have won, but at the end of the day, if we want to really be factual, the reality is, we don't know who would have won. What is factual is that Lafair won at the trial level, and chose not to pursue the case on appeal.
That's right, Kate didn't win, Lafair didn't win. It will remain a mystery forever.
So for Kate to proclaim she won is simply ludicrous. The appeal wasn't pursued.
That's sort of like saying you won the 400 meter dash at the track meet when the event got rained out. You will never know who would have won.
Gosselin8ComeFirst said... (about Kate and a job after the show is not re-newed)...
I honestly don't think she has a clue, and is in desperate mode. The problem lies in the fact that she does not do well connecting with people, that most people are now on to her scam, and she has no credibility in any field, except the field of whining, complaining, scamming, using her kids for money and fame and being self-absorbed... not a great market for that "talent."
You forgot one thing, the problem also lies with Kate not wanting to work!!! LOL ;)
What an arrogant bitch she is. One of her latest tweets: Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
It's official!Lawsuit against me was dropped(It was clear she had no case)!I'm relieved 2 no I don't hav 2 pay 4 services others received!
Kate just tweeted no new episodes until August after this one!
Phew a nice breather!!!
And, hahhahaha.
You lost, Kreider said... Kate conveniently has deleted tweets explaining that judgment was still rendered against her. Nothing but ass kissing going on now.
What tweets is Kate deleting? She can only delete her own tweets?
Administrator said...
Kate just tweeted no new episodes until August after this one!
Phew a nice breather!!!
And, hahhahaha.
Wonder if she'll be tweeting like mad all summer to try and stay relevant? Out of sight out of mind, especially with a DList has-been.
New thread. With no new episodes all throughout July I predict she will get really manic too. That may be why she went so bananas this week, she got the news about no new episodes.
And if they aren't really filming much too, at some point they're going to be out of footage.
The day is coming.
There was a tweet from acemme and chablis4u I think...let me check their twitters!/acemme!/Chablis4u
They were on Kate's twitter, but now they're gone.
CJWhodunit: @LivinForLife @kateplusmy8 I'm also exceedingly curious as to just who were the #CrappyCounselor's "sources" in all this mess...#1st2guesses
15 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone · Reply · View Tweet · Thread Show Conversation
And this one I just really don't understand. I know they are trying to throw Jon and Ellen under the bus--J & E are ALWAYS the sources in Sheeplewood. But what the h e doubletoothpicks (!) does it mean. Why would anyone think LaFair needed a source--she was right there living it. If it does make sense to anyone I would really be grateful for a translation. Thanks!
just who were the #CrappyCounselor's "sources" in all this mess
Oh the sheer stupidity. I used to give the human race the benefit of the doubt but now? Sheeple? CrappyCounselor's source was Queen Kate herself. Look at her testimony, it's all about contacts with KATE.:
-Lafair said she was called BY GOSSELIN to provide marriage counseling services
-Lafair said she told Kate Gosselin that she didn't perform individual counseling and only provided marriage and family counseling.
-Lafair said Gosselin was persistent for her services.
-Lafair said she told Gosselin her rates and GOSSELIN TOLD HER she would do whatever it would take.
-Lafair contends the two entered into a verbal contract
-She was asked (obviously by Kate) not to put anything in writing because of the couple's high-profile status.
-She said she had over-the-phone sessions with the Gosselins and then, at Kate's request, met both of them in California with little notice.
-On March 23, 2009, Lafair said, she met with the Gosselins for four hours and then arranged for another meeting on March 24 with the couple.
The second meeting, Lafair said, was canceled when she arrived at the hotel where the couple were staying in separate rooms, and she was told BY KATE GOSSELIN to leave.
As you can see, sheeple, LaFair's account is strictly from her own first-hand knowledge, and what KATE GOSSELIN TOLD HER.
There are no sources, there is no Jon, there is no Ellen, there is no Dementors, it's Kate, all Kate.
Re: granule vs. granular - my comment was soley based on what I read in the article I posted. However, I do want to point out that it quoted the same way on ROL. I haven't watched the video, so I'll take your word she was misquoted.
Re: Lawsuit - no big surprise. We all knew when LaFair dropped the suit this is how Kate would spin it. She never considered herself liable and so the original verdict meant nothing to her. I personally wish LaFair would have seen it through and then made the gesture of donating the judgement to A Minor Consideration or some other child advocacy group, but to be fair even if she lost the appeal, Kate would still not have paid and then LaFair would have had to put a lien on her or send it to collections.
Re: No new shows - interesting. Does that mean they're going to film the heck out of the kids all July and August so they have episodes for the fall? Isn't that how it played out a bit last summer? I honestly can't remember. Anyway, won't be watching tonight - we have boy scouts activities tonight. Thanks for recapping admin.
I viewed the short clip again- this time with the volume on. Not surprisingly, it's much worse with the volume on.
Could it be? Is Kate attempting to speak in Elizabethan English?
Maybe one of her personalities (Can-do Kate) thinks that she's the Queen of Hearts from Alice In Wonderland...
Or a pirate?...
Or a Colonial Puritan?...
Forsooth Kate, thou art an unmuzzled harpy!
I viewed the short clip again- this time with the volume on. Not surprisingly, it's much worse with the volume on.
Could it be? Is Kate attempting to speak in Elizabethan English?
Maybe one of her personalities (Can-do Kate) thinks that she's the Queen of Hearts from Alice In Wonderland...
Or a pirate?...
Or a Colonial Puritan?...
Forsooth Kate, thou art an unmuzzled harpy!
New thread. With no new episodes all throughout July I predict she will get really manic too. That may be why she went so bananas this week, she got the news about no new episodes.
And if they aren't really filming much too, at some point they're going to be out of footage.
The day is coming.
CJWhodunit: @LivinForLife @kateplusmy8 I'm also exceedingly curious as to just who were the #CrappyCounselor's "sources" in all this mess...#1st2guesses
15 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone · Reply · View Tweet · Thread Show Conversation
And this one I just really don't understand. I know they are trying to throw Jon and Ellen under the bus--J & E are ALWAYS the sources in Sheeplewood. But what the h e doubletoothpicks (!) does it mean. Why would anyone think LaFair needed a source--she was right there living it. If it does make sense to anyone I would really be grateful for a translation. Thanks!
I just can't get over this. How does someone with "no case" manage to get a magisterial judge to rule in their favor? Maybe LaFair juggled for him, sang a song, flashed him? Come off it, Kate, you lost!
Was this really her big news? She TOYS with her sheeple does she not?
There she goes again throwing Jon under the bus.
According to her own testimony, Jon wouldn't even talk to LaFair. But this is somehow his bill?
"She said Lafair called her a few times to get information on Jon's background because she said Jon wouldn't talk to Lafair."
Also, according to LaFair's testimony, Jon and Kate BOTH met on two occasions with LaFair, the three of them in the same room. How does Kate figure that least half this bill isn't hers???? MARRIAGE COUNSELING TAKES TWO.
You mean they went in and edited the video, too?
(Sorry Ziggy, couldn't resist)
I didn't know there was a video. You win!
Reading with brain engaged said...
Now see I read the linked article and the original post. When I saw GRANULE I thought, Oh, they edited it after silimon read it. Wonder why you didn't?
I watched the video and HEARD her use the word "granule." I have no idea if they edited the article, but Kate is not responsible for how her words are transcribed. Bottom line, she SAID "granule."
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
It's official!Lawsuit against me was dropped(It was clear she had no case)!I'm relieved 2 no I don't hav 2 pay 4 services others received!
No case? Tell that to the judge who found you GUILTY!!!
silimom said...
Kate, get a life. Lead by wxample not threats. And for the record, the word you were looking for is "granule" NOT "granular".
The word she USED was "granule," NOT "granular."
Silimom said,
"Careful the things you say, children will listen. Careful the things you do, children will see and learn.
Michelle Duggar has an excellent comment in her latest book that Kate should follow:
Michelle is "constantly aware that my mood and disposition set the tone for our home, so my goal is always to maintain a pleasant, optimistic demeanor, knowing that all those little eyes are watching me." I'm guessing Kate doesn't even know what a pleasant, optimistic demeanor is, let alone how to maintain one.
Yes, Pink, you're right, and it could be more than just one by now! I imagine it's crowded territory.
It looks like the sheep are more than just aflutter. They are being eaten alive waiting for the "news" that's stuck where the sun doesn't shine:
@dowd24 @Kateplusmy8 Thats what im wondering? You know this is ging to eat us alive until we know what kate wants to tell us ya kn"
These sheeple are paltry ovine, aren't they?
Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone said...
Has she removed the stick, as per Jon's order?
Judging by various recaps & reviews, looks like that darn stick is still up there ;o)
Pink said...
And as for her "news", she can stick it where the sun doesn't shine.
Has she removed the stick, as per Jon's order?
Aeris said...
Hippie Chick, I will have to find that magnet version you mentioned!
Aeris, it was at Newbury Comics!
What is this? Third grade? "I know something you don't know - nannynannybooboo, wait and see, don't you wanna know?"
On second thought, she is most likely appealing to elementary-school minds.
I agree with Susantoyota about the tweets being amazingly funny, but why are we fascinated with a look into the mental illness depicted therein? She clearly presents with some kind of strange wiring of the brain.
It's morbidly fascinating to see her sticking her foot in her mouth, coming up with lie after lie, watching her on "highs" and "lows," confident and secure, and then descending into poverty and emotional neediness - all within a day's time. I wonder what it's like for the kids to never know "who" is going to show up at any given moment.
Great post, Administrator :o)
I hope the kiddies had fun, in spite that they were being intrusively filmed.
She's finally grifted another trip? Made a donation to the tornado victims or a local food bank? Reallocated the amount of $ which goes into the kids' bank accounts? Talked to her parents?
Naw. Just another ploy to get people to watch tonight's episode. Not watching, haven't watched in years. Just waiting for the time she disappears from TV completely. Although her twittering is amazingly funny, but sad as it shows extent of her mental illness.
Admin said "Clearly there is something to the congregation gathering together."
I think at least part of it is the church might actually ask her for an offering instead of the other way around. Kate is so tight she squeaks.
Great thread and great recap!!
Re: the filter. Please tell me Kate has her HVAC system maintained professionally. Please. With a house that size, my word, you have to have professionals maintain the nuts and bolts twice a year.
How dumb.
I think it's wonderful shut ins can be part of church too from home. But I'm guessing they are wishing with all their hearts they could actually BE there and talk to folks and serve as deacons like in the old days.
It is a crying shame that an able bodied woman like Kate who can run around her property 100 times or whatever it is is taking the lazy way out. So much of the point of church is gathering with YOUR CHURCH FAMILY. The socialization of the kids with other kids is so important. You can't duplicate it. If you could, all churches would just do their services in an empty room over a computer. Clearly there is something to the congregation gathering together.
Speaking of which, Kate came down rather hard on a sheeple who asked her about her relationship with her family! She was in snippy mode yesterday.
It was bound to happen! Kate opened her life up & now her little coven of followers want to know EVERYTHING. They mentioned the gum, FINALLY, but of course Kate blamed someone else, but now, it's getting darker, isn't it? They want to know what happened with her family, soon they'll want to know why Kate kicked Jon to the curb & if there was a contract so they could keep the show. Kate did this to herself, opening up her WHOLE life on twitter. She was so stupid talking to her twitter fans, so so stupid...& they won't back down until each & every one is blocked & she is down to nothing, again.
~Hippie Chick~
@tlehr35 Aww good. Thanks for not. They like when no one notices them :)
I wasn't around yesterday, I'm sorry if this got played to death, but I really need to say this. By Kate's OWN admission, she is admitting her kids don't like to be to noticed, yet she continues to film them & put them out there in the public eye for all to see, trotting them out there, making them do couch interviews, & poor Cara, who seems so sullen & so so sad who would rather be anywhere but there in front of the camera, doesn't want to be there, by her MOTHERS OWN ADMISSION!!!
Hello, sheeple?? Did you see that tweet? Or are you too blind trying to get her to look at your new hairdo? Or 4th of July nail fill? Bunch of young minds that they are, except for the ones who AREN'T! How many times does this need to be said before it gets through to anyone? Those are not actors, they are "real" kids, like yours & mine, & they haven't been hired from a company to play a part. They have been doing a reality show for far too long now & obviously they don't like to be NOTICED! Kate is digging herself with that tweeting, she just keeps saying things that are going to bite her in the ass. I hope Jon's lawyer caught that one. That was HUGE.
~Hippie Chick~
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