Coming up on Jon and Kate Plus 8. Wait, that’s not Jon. Either that or he just got a lot blonder. Kate is sharing the couch with Jon 2.0, otherwise known as BFF Jamie. Is this anything like one of the top three ways a show jumps the shark? By this I mean, “same character, different actor.” (The other two are “they get married” and “Ted McGinley joins the cast”). Except when most shows replace a character, they at least try to hire someone of the same gender.
Jamie is literally looking into Kate’s eyes and rubbing her shoulder as they giggle girlishly about Jamie joining her on the couch. Weird. Jamie feels that Kate deserves a surprise birthday party because “she never gets time for herself.” No, this is really what she says.
Baw-hahahaha. Baw-Hahahaha. Has Jamie actually ever seen any paparazzi photos? Specifically the near daily mani-pedi, hair extensions, and tanning bed shots we used to get? Or maybe does she follow Kate’s tweets? She’s on Twitter all day long talking about herself and all the time she is getting for herself. I’ve pretty much concluded all Kate does is eat, use the restroom, Twitter, and get time for herself. More time than most moms could ever dare dream of in a lifetime.
Jamie and Ashley drive up to the house pretending this is all going to be a big surprise for Kate. They are truly terrible actors, no offense. They spend a torturous amount of time explaining to Kate they are going to NYC for a surprise party. Hey, I have the same Ray Bans as Kate, gold frames and brown lenses, slightly oversized and bowed around the face. I really love them and I’m not going to let Kate ruin them for me. I will not!
Kate’s bedroom looks like a Ramada Inn. Both in the choice of new money furniture and with all the luggage everywhere. In one breath Kate will say she practically lives out of a suitcase, and just a short minute later, she will claim she has been home more than ever this year. So, which is it? Suitcase or home? Apparently Kate wears fake eyelashes? She calls from the bathroom she’s putting them on.
They wanted to take a town car to NYC so they could talk. They can’t talk while they drive? Dumb as they are, maybe they find this to be like patting their heads and rubbing their bellies? I actually think they wanted to take a car because they’re divas and it makes them feel diva-ish. And also, they want to get smashed. Kate says of course they will take a car as she never drives to NYC. “The life of a princess,” Jamie replies. Ha! Well, I agree with that!
Oh, nice, they’re drinking even before they leave, right there in front of the kids. Kate makes some kind of raspberry margarita concoction in a blender. In college we called this pre-gaming. But by the time you are 35 this is called alcoholism.
Some of the kids are upset Kate has to leave. Cara is sobbing and naturally they zoom in on her big fat tears. I mean, why would a child being upset be a private moment and a reason to turn off the cameras? Kate says the less she is away the more the kids are upset when she leaves, and actually, I tend to agree with that assessment. Children adapt to a parent who doesn’t give a crap, and adapt right back if that ever changes. I get the yucky feeling Kate will use this reasoning to justify being away more. Instead of reassuring Cara, Kate scolds her telling her, “Come on!” and then reminds her of birthday trips Kate took Cara on before. Oh, you mean filmed working birthdays? I remember those.
Some boring talking in the car, but mostly just more drinking. When they finally arrive in NYC, it’s dark out. Kate’s eyes look glassy and as she chomps on some gum, she mutters, “Hi, what hour of the day is it? What year is it?” Well, I would say that was some successful pre-gaming.
Commercials. Adam Sandler’s new DVD is out Just Go With It. I think Adam Sandler movies are for the most part rather silly and not my cup of tea, but he is yet another celebrity who lives a normal, quiet, unpretentious life. He once asked if he could join an ultimate Frisbee game some of my guy friends were playing at the beach, and they said he was so friendly and pretty athletic. And coincidentally, just last week another one of my other friends ran into him riding bikes with his kids, and when my friend said, “hey, I know you,“ Adam Sandler stopped to chat with him for a couple minutes. Adam Sandler doesn’t act like he’s a celebrity, rather, he sincerely just wants to be another one of the guys.
We’re back. And the next day we’re at Ted Gibson’s salon. Kate is complaining they had to wait 15 minutes for the stylist to start on them and she could have been sleeping. Just a tad ungrateful, no?
Back at the house, one of the kids is coughing pretty badly. But don’t you know sick kids have to work anyway? I like Ashley right now. She says the kids have a very structured schedule and they need a break and should just have fun this weekend. I couldn’t agree more. Between school and filming and being shuffled back and forth between their parents so much, these kids work like dogs. Irony is, they are the ones who never get time for themselves, not Kate. Ashley has silly string for them, spray-on hair colors, and other fun stuff. It should be noted that the children were just being normal kids, and Ashley actively engaged them in all this mayhem. I really dislike the implication from the promos for this episode that it was some kind of when Kate’s away the mice play/kids gone wild scenario. Not at all.
Ashley spray paints the kids’ hair different fun colors and you can tell the kids just adore such unstructured free playtime; they are literally desperate for this kind of thing. Next, fun with toilet paper in the basement. These kids are really so cute when they’re not around Kate and allowed to just be free.
Back at DivaCuts, Kate and Jamie talk about all the fun they’re going to have tonight, as they get their hair done on the kids‘ dime--mind you, while the kids are at home, working. The only thing more boring and annoying than watching two unlikable reality people have a fun night out on the town, is listening to two unlikable reality people talk about having a fun night out on the town.
Speaking of jumping the shark, Real Housewives of NYC used to be a halfway decent guilty pleasure. It wasn’t ever going to do what Moby Dick might for your brain, but it was somewhat enjoyable. Now all they do is yell and scream at each other, or talk about that time they yelled and screamed at each other. It’s boring.
The kids are still having fun back at the house, this time with bubble packaging. This is a lot of waste, but in this case I don’t really care actually. They never get to cut loose and I say, let ‘em. They slide down the stairs in sleeping bags. Personally I would never let a kid do this out of fear of a skull fracture, but on the other hand, these kids should live a little.
Ashley also says the kids are only six and 10 and should be allowed to just make a mess. I think Ashley is a bystander in the children’s exploitation, and that’s not okay, but at least someone in their lives understands what their needs are. I am very reassured by the things she is saying in this episode.
Deana came to the hotel, says Kate. Huh? Deana who? You know what I hate? People who just start saying names like you’re supposed to just know who these people are. Like when your sister says, oh, Mark and I went to the beach last weekend. And you’re thinking, who the heck is Mark? She finally tells you, he’s my boyfriend! Like you’re supposed to automatically know this without being told.
By the way, Kate is drinking again. Red wine it looks like. Kate finally explains that Deana is a friend and makeup artist. She came to whore up Kate for tonight.
Up close, Kate’s skin is not that good. I only point this out because when I saw her up close about a year ago in Los Angeles, I thought her skin was radiant and flawless. Truly beautiful to a point that no amount of makeup could have created that--it was clearly mostly natural. It’s amazing how fast excessive tanning, surgeries, a stressful lifestyle and a nasty soul can destroy your skin.
Back at the working farm, human sundaes and water balloons with the kids. It’s just how you imagine. Hannah says she ate a whole entire bottle of blue sprinkles. I just threw up a little in my mouth. Are those the recycling bins from Sara Snow? They are! I recognize them by the black paint! I know we all have joked about whatever happened to those. Well, here they are. One of the boys fills the bin with water and dumps it on another sibling. If you’re not going to recycle, might as well put it to good use.
Kate and Jamie have dinner at STK. “Cocktail?” offers a waitress.
“Let’s get started!” Kate replies. Started? Um, Kate, try finished. You started drinking yesterday. Remember the raspberry margaritas? Maybe she’s at that stage in the odyssey of drunkenness we all remember from when we were 21, where it’s not just that you’ve forgotten how many you’ve had, but you’ve actually forgotten you’ve had any at all. This is about a cocktail and a half away (two for guys) from the final stage, which is when you black out sprawled across the dorm futon and fall blissfully asleep in your own vomit.

The restaurant was nice because it was quiet and nobody bugged Kate, explains Jamie. Oh give me a freaking break. This is NYC. I doubt anyone gives a rip who Kate is no matter where she parks her tanned fanny to eat. There are hundreds of other far more famous, and much more gracious and polite, celebs whom reside there or come there whom people see all the time. And wouldn’t dream of nor care about bugging.
At home, the kids are having dinner in their high chairs. No words for that. I see Ashley doesn’t believe in the same kind of strict portion control as Kate does. The kids got at least seven or eight edamames to chew on. Ashley better be careful with how likable she is tonight, she’ll be swatted away from this mess like a fly, never to be seen again.
You know those people who have that friend copying their hair, makeup, tanning, nails, and speak because essentially, they want to be them? That’s Jamie in a nutshell. Only most of the time, that friend is 17. Jamie is how old?
The kids clean up the house, how fascinating. Hannah screams at Leah and Aaden to open up a trash bag. That sounds eerily familiar.
They arrive at NYC nightclub 230 Fifth, and the bouncer asks for their IDs. They don’t have them. Kate doesn’t have her ID on her? Who does she think she is? Surely she must be confusing herself with that other Kate. The one who is living a quiet life with her husband hundreds of miles away from London and has only come out in public since her wedding like twice.
Just a smile then? the bouncer asks. Jamie smiles but Kate snaps, “You’re not getting one from me.” Welcome to 230 Fifth, Oscar.
Kate claims she doesn’t usually announce herself with cameras and crowdation. I don’t even know what she means by that, but if she’s actually trying to claim she likes to be inconspicuous, she is even drunker than I thought.
“Sometimes I have a bad attitude and I just can’t snap out of it,” Kate says. Sometimes? Try, a lifestyle of bad attitudes. They find a table and more drinks and Kate looks about as amused as you might on a trip to the gyno. Except I suppose her gyno trips were a little better than most since they turned out to be a million times more lucrative than mine ever have been, so bad example.
Some nice guy named Chris, age 24, comes up to their table and politely invites them to come downstairs and dance. Personally I really don’t like clubs and so I completely get where Kate is coming from, but when I do go, it’s nice when a guy approaches you who is actually polite and not slobbering and being a fool (the slobbering fools are the main reason I hate clubs, btw). The entire time, Kate literally sips her drink and refuses to make eye contact with Chris. As if you have to go through Jamie first before you ever get to be graced by Kate‘s eyes. Diva! And, tool!
“Where are all the 42-year-olds?” Kate demands. Well, Kate? The one or two here are busy being that awkward old guy at the club everyone wishes weren‘t there.
Finally, some 40-something guys magically appear at, you guessed it, the table right next to them! They talk about absolutely nothing. Another reason I hate clubs, because the conversation is always about absolutely nothing. Guys are usually too drunk to be interested in anything else but filling up the dead air with their voices and glancing at your breasts. One of the guys is wearing a pink v-neck Ralph Lauren, a woven bracelet and a silver cross necklace. Yeah, actor, for starters. Remember that awesome daytime show Blind Date with the little thought bubbles? Where fame-whores went on incredibly awkward dates and you got to see what they were really thinking, or what the producers tell us they are thinking. I know what the 230 bouncer was thinking anyway. “Is there a 12-step program for bitches?”
Some more 20-something guys talk to them and are really nice, but Kate bitches about how they were about ten years old. “Hey, did you want to play with matchbox cars?” Kate gripes on the couch. You know what this is like? This is like invading a retirement home and expecting to adopt a little baby there. Recalculate the GPS because you’re in the wrong place.
They continue to talk about absolutely nothing, at some point the Ralph Lauren actor licks Kate’s foot, but I kind of miss how that came about and I’m too horrified to go back and find out. Finally they go back downstairs.
“For once, I’m always with you and it’s always your world, Kate’s world,” Jamie says. For her best friend, Jamie is sure calling Kate out a lot here. But as we’ve discussed on the blogs before, a lot of narcissists have that one friend who says the same thing everybody else in their lives has tried to say (and in this case, even what a ton of bloggers have said), but for some reason, the narcissist responds to just them. I mean, how many people do you suppose have tried to tell Kate it‘s always all about her? And just ended up flushed down the drain for it. But not Jamie.
Back at home, they’re watching a movie. Ashley was glad they had a fun day because she was afraid they would be afraid to get dirty. Wonder why kids would be afraid of that. Um, who is watching the kids while Ashley does her interviews upstairs in the kitchen?
Kate takes this opportunity to share with a complete stranger, one of the old guys at the bar, how she feels about Jon. Among the things she says, it includes, “The physical body of him is still living, but he’s a completely different person.” Sort of like, he’s dead to her? Nice.
Kate’s on at least the sixth drink I’ve seen this trip and Jamie finally drags her to the dance floor. Think about it, a two day trip consolidated into 45 minutes and I’ve already seen six separate drinks. Steve takes away her drink so she can dance. Or maybe to cut her off, not sure.
“Why?!” Kate cries. She wants her little drinky-poo! Give it back, Rat Claws! Steve is here? Haha. Wonder if he’s jealous. Or, rather, wonder if Kate thinks she's making him jealous.
Of course, Kate can’t and won’t dance. She is a complete buzz kill on the floor, making weird faces at everyone else grinding and having fun. “You got a problem?“ some Jersey-Shore type guy demands. Ha. What’s his name gives her his business card at the end of the night.

Just a little tip: if you’re old enough to have business cards, you’re probably too old for clubs.
Ungrateful Kate won’t thank Jamie for this trip and refuses to say she had fun as they get into the limo. In the limo, Jamie asks in baby talk, “How many of those little drinkies did you have?”
“I’m not drunk,” Kate slurs.
“Um, okay. What are you?” Jamie retorts.
Sounds like the same conversation most girlfriends stop having at about age 22. And then they hold hands. They really do. I wonder if Kate feels that this trip was in God’s plan just like the sextuplets were.
The next morning, they’re sleeping in the same bed and clearly hung over. Since I have zero desire to sleep with anyone else on this planet other than my OH, I admit it’s very hard for me to understand a grown woman wanting to sleep together with her girlfriend at this age. I find it strange and I don't think I'm alone. I'm not suggesting there's anything sexual about this, but rather, there is some kind of weird immaturity and insecurity going on that is extremely hard to watch. This really does look like they recast Jon, it’s ridiculous. Right down to sticking her in the same bed as Kate. Look, most people have probably had a fun night on the town and woken up the next morning feeling like crap, but to do such a thing when your kids had to stay at home and work and were crying crocodile tears for you to please stay with them, I find downright disgraceful. They should be ashamed of themselves.
“I forgot how a couple drinks can zap you at my age,” Kate bemoans. In addition to acting like a lush all weekend, Kate can’t count.
While Kate is busy thinking of herself and trying to get over her hangover, the kids are busy thinking of her and planning a surprise party with cake, cards and decorations.
Kate arrives home. I feared Kate would come home and start talking about herself and her trip and not appreciate the surprise, but mercifully, she doesn’t talk about herself at all, and instead, thanks the kids, admires the cake, and asks them how their weekend was. Phew, thank goodness.
Kate wants to see the footage of the kids when they had to work without a parent present on set. Kate wasn’t worried about how unsafe the sleeping bag slide was for the kids, but rather, was horrified her good sleeping bags were used for it.
Here’s Jamie again telling it like it is, “They need that,” she remarks. Heck yeah they did. And I find it incredibly telling that she would say something like that about these kids. Why would kids ever need a fun relaxing weekend, unless the truth is that they never get such a thing? That they in fact spend most of their lives stressed out, with days full of long hours and lots of school work and work for the show, and a regimented schedule and narcissistic mother and demanding production crew? I would almost say Jamie’s trying to tell us something here, but I think she’s just being candid.
It was one of the “funnest” weekends of my life, Kate opines. Maybe next time, Jamie could get her a bunch of bachelors, Kate suggests. Subtle she is not. I can see how those casting calls would go. Uh, so, how do you feel about feet?
142 sediments (sic) from readers:
Gag me! That spawn of Satan is one hateful, ungrateful, f*#%#@g bitch. She is too stupid to see that Jamie is calling her out on her narcissim.
So Cruella doesn't read the blogs.......mmmm I see in her tweet she is going to Nashville on her "own dime". Suuuurrrre she doesn't read the blogs.
Awesome recap though!
Question. If "It" is crying poor then why is she going to TN on her "own dime". That freak of nature contradicts herself everytime she opens her mouth or tweets her twaddle. Hard to believe any sheeple still follow her; "It" would be hard to defend. That woman is as dumb as a post.
Well it seems our suspicions are confirmed yet once again. Khate is a louse. Mom of the year, that one.
OT, but relevant from the discussion on the previous thread about Kate attending the airing of her show in Tennessee.
Rhonda Chafin is Executive Director of Second Harvest Food Bank of NE Tennessee. She has a Twitter account but hadn't tweeted since September 20, 2009 until she tweeted on June 7, 2011.
"Just started Twitter Very busy day at SHFB! Getting ready for @Kateplusmy8 Kate Plus 8 Premier Preview Party on June 20th!"
On June 8, after TLC announced when the giving back episode would air, Rhonda tweeted to Kate: "So excited to see the Giving Back segment on the 20th, We have a great event planned!"
Kate's reply: HI Rhonda! Sooo good to hear from you!!! I still hope to attend, FYI! Can't wait! Was so fun wasn't it?;)
@Rhondachafin: We can't wait and it was the best! You guys rock! Would love to have you attend!
Kateplusmy8: Hoping...
June 8
@Rhondachafin: Fingers crossed....
June 8
Then yesterday:
Kateplusmy8: Hi all! Busy busy here as I just confirmed that I am able to attend the Second Harvest of NE Tenn screening of K+8 and food drive@.... Cont
@Rhondachafin: Please join Second Harvest Food Bank & Kate Gosselin for the premiere of Kate Plus 8 giving-back MONDAY App Fairgrounds NE TN!
Kateplusmy8: So GN all. I'm going on 3 hours of sleep in almost two days= not good! Can't wait2sleep! Chat tomorrow hopefully! Thx agn 4ur support!xoxo
Kateplusmy8: Guys- I'm sure u hoped4 tweet convo tonight but had2hurry&get things done so I can get outta town4 the premiere/benefit in excited!
As others already pointed out, she's obviously leaving right away and planning to be gone until after the event in TN. (5+days! for 1/2 day activities)
Glaring omission however in all of Kate's tweets is ANY mention about Second Harvest or "giving" - no surprise that it's all about her though.
Second Harvest has been working to get Kate to their "premiere preview" party for weeks, if not months and there's absolutely NO reason Kate couldn't have committed to attend when she was first invited - if she was a normal and truly giving person, but she's not.
What in the world would/could have delayed her accepting the invitation other than NEEDING to have it cleared by her PR and TLC (maybe scheduling the film crew, too) and of course Steve and having someone else make all the bookings and arrangements for her. She's inept, both socially and practically. I honestly don't believe she's capable of making a plane or hotel reservation herself, let alone navigating an airport alone or getting to a venue alone and on time.
This "screening" is NO big deal. As others said on the previous thread, the fairground is very small, not at all fancy, etc. I honestly don't think she has a clue that it isn't about 'her' but rather about the publicity Second Harvest is getting because THEY were featured on the show.
I despise everything about Kate; everything she does and says, all of her lies, the way she treats her children, people she encounters, etc, but I find the whole trip and "premiere preview" party hilarious because the joke is on her. She thinks she's going there because of her popularity, but actually Second Harvest is using her for publicity for their organization! If it works, great for Second Harvest. But, Kate honey - this ain't about you.
Shall we take bets on whether Kate ever does any tweeting about Second Harvest on her own (you know, giving of herself) or would that be a waste of time since we know it'll never happen? Ack - it's a waste of time and so is she!
Now, on to read Admin's recap! :0)
She asked to see the "footage" of their weekend? That's so sad. Instead of photos or a home camcorder. And they needed that play time Kate? Well, then do shit with them more instead of ignoring their needs, like kids tend to need to do, like run around, having fun. No, instead Kate thinks the kids all want to swim all the time. They will bore of that soon enough. It's only June! What will she do when the kids actually want to do some fun stuff with Kate & Kate says "I'm exhausted, let's swim" (so she can twitter) & the kids say "Um, no Mom! We want to do something ELSE!"
The show sounded so lame (thanks for sitting through it Admin!) I think the ratings went up ONLY because of the foot licking, & THAT was IT. And maybe because Kate was drunk. The shows will tank from now on. And to zoom in on Cara's tears like that? That pisses me off. Poor thing, no wonder she is so...sullen in pictures. Those kids deserve so much more. So much more than what Kate gives them in terms of happiness, privacy, a loving home, respect, & a good mother.
~Hippie Chick~
What can I say? I am glad the kids had fun, too bad it was filmed.
This is in respons to fidosmommy: In the previous thread, she wanted two clips in order to see if the kids actually had difficulties sitting at a normal table. Here's the clip with them sitting at the picnic table after the divorce announcement:
It starts at 9:11
Here's the clip from School Time,where they are in high chairs:
Also, in this clip from The Big Apple, the kids seem to eat fine in regular chairs as well: It starts at 2:18
Finally, look at them eating at a reagular table during their trip in Phillie.Clip starts at min 38. These kids DO NOT need to be in high chairs but hey, whatever makes them look like babies!
Sorry, forgot the link for the phillie episode
Great recap Admin!
I babysat for a friend last night and they were watching the show on dvr. I was in and out of the room and only saw a few minutes, but a few things caught my eye.
I heard Kate talk about STK and say she heard it was "supposedly" a popular place. I'm sure the owners didn't appreciate that endorsement especially since their meals were most likely comp'ed! I also noticed that the table next to Kate and Jamie was empty, but in use and that Steve was nowhere in sight, but we know he was with them that night. Deductive reasoning tells me that the empty table was Steve's and he left when they were shooting Kate's scene, so why make a big deal out of the dinner being just the two of them? - ahhhh, another deception!
I also noticed that during the dinner Ashley served the kids some of them were eating with their fingers. Shouldn't 7 year old children be using forks!?!
That's it - that's all I saw of it and that was too much. How in the world did you manage to watch the whole thing?
Well, I have to come clean here and admit that I did watch part of this episode on Monday (re-run). So let the flaming begin. *ducks*
A couple of things stand out to me. First, where I live it is illegal to drink in a vehicle - including limos! There was a big stink up here about the party buses that people will rent to take them bar hopping. I imagine NY and PA law might be different.
Second, that club looked lame to me. Bad music and, in spite of Khate's protests, it seemed like the clientele was older and definitely NOT hip. And that self-centered bitch, standing in everyone's way, was loving that they were all staring at her.
The "C you next Tuesday" word was recently used when talking about that bitch and IMO it is completely appropriate! I'm sorry, she is just irredeemable.
I think it was in a recent interview that Kate said the kids love to watch episodes of K+8 and J&K+8; she also said they didn't make any episodes that the children couldn't watch.
I am wondering whether watching their mother and her BFF get drunk and try to pick up guys in a bar will be considered good wholesome viewing while the kiddies are winding down from a hard day of filming....
At least they will get to see the inside of Mommy's bedroom, although vicariously, but not under penalty of severeness because it's on film!
IDModo as Anonymous in order to get my comment through...
So, this Tenn. Appalachian place Kate is going there a Gosselin Family band now? Yee-Haw!!
Welcome one & all to see the Gosselin Family Band with Kate Gosselin singing lead vocal & scaring all the stray cats away! Today they will be singing a song that Kate wrote called "It's Mine, Do Not Touch it!"
(Music starts, the kids start playing their instruments)
It's mine, do not touch it
If you do, I'll have a fit
Can't you see that it's all mine?
I did nothing, but yeah, that's fine.
My kids do all the work
People think I am a jerk
I am actually very smart
Not lifting a finger is an art
Look at them back there
Playing around without a care
My kids, they'll never know
With all the stuff, I spend their dough
It's Mine Do not touch it
If you do I'll have a fit
Can't you see that's it's all mine?
I did nothing but yeah that's fine
I grifted & I prayed
Those suckers how I played
Look at me now a big huge star
Those losers even gifted me a brand new car!
I don't need no friends
I don't need no
I don't even need my kids
Because I'm the one with all the
It's mine, do not touch it....
It's mine do not touch it....
Sing Me out Little ATMS
Sing ME out!!
~Hippie Chick~
Thanks, Admin. The show confirms everything I have ever thought.
This Tenn. Food Bank thing, although great publicity for them, makes me so mad that Kate makes it all about her and her show. And she had to Twat that going there was on her dime. I hope it is because this proves TLC is no longer interested in spending the bucks on her. Otherwise, she is lying just to continue the "I'm so poor" scam.
I didn't watch, but the morning-after-2-skanks in the same bed, was probably staged. I can't imagine her highness sharing her bed with anyone (except Steve). Jamie is as much a wackadoodle as Kate. And Ashley ought to be ashamed of herself making money off those kids. All in all, the show is off the tracks and Jon, IMO, should get the house and full custody. What a lousy mother. I think she may be saying that she is home more than she is so Jon does not have grounds to sue for full custody. I wonder if the kids are old enough to go before a judge and declare who they want to live with?
Jenna, that is brilliant!
Uh, thank you for sharing that sh*tty episode.
Actually, it's was interesting to read that by Jamie & Ashley's admission, the kids are living stifled, structured lives. Sadly, we figured that out a long ago.
Now, if only they would film an episode where someone finally admits that filming children's lives on t.v. is psychologically detrimental.
Nevertheless, it's good to hear that the Gosselins kiddies were allowed to be "kids"-
in spite of being filmed while doing it.
This particular episode seemed like it should have had an R rating. They really showed them drinking and then having hangovers? What the heck? And this is supposed to be a family show?
I wonder what the nice church folks who she ripped-off when she was "broke" were thinking when they watched this episode? If I had given her any money, I'd be demanding it back - with interest and penalty fees for impersonating a god-fearing Christian mother who needed help.
I read some mostly mediocre reviews on Yelp of 230 Fifth and somebody said it's 250 bucks just to get a table at this place. Not even any food or drinks! How ridiculous. I realize it's NYC and this is what these silly trendy clubs cost, but for the life of me I'll never understand why people would blow that kind of money on one night at a club.
The entire episode was Kate and Jamie getting more and more drunk on the kids' dime while the kids worked at home. I'm not sure I really conveyed in the recap how utterly disgraceful it was. All the churches she scammed are rocking on their foundations. The only thing worse than making your kids work is to take their money and spend it on a night getting drunk while they work.
I'd like her fans to explain how this is any different than an alcoholic mother breaking into their child's piggy bank when the child is asleep and running to the liquor store to pay for a bottle of gin in dimes and quarters. It's NOT. Just because the nightclub looks "nice" and Kate looks "pretty" and fun music is playing? You're still robbing the children to get drunk, period.
TVbuthenumbers says 1.434 for Monday night but it does not say as to the time periods, so it could be for the total airing (plus the rerun that aired at 8 p.m). I would like to know what the ratings were specifically for the new episodes at 10- 11 p.m. If this is for the 10 p.m. shows, I am disappointed that there was an uptick in ratings. The sheeple will crow. I think, though, that her base is 1.3 million and the question is whether TLC thinks that's enough to renew her contract.
Maybe Kate thinks that it's going to be a big red carpet event....after all it is a "screening"....Will she dress appropriately for a charitable event or thinking that it's a red carpet event will she dress like a skank because that's her idea of how a stah dresses. If this is filmed we'll know that she was lying about going on her own dime.
For some good news. The House Labor and Industry Committee has passed a bill (HB 1548)by State Rep. Tom Murt (R-Montgomery) to reform PA's laws regulating children in entertainment.
Paul Petersen from A Minor Consideration is requesting via facebook for anyone interested to write a letter of support for HB 1548.
You can email Rep. Murt at
TLC stinks said...
For some good news. The House Labor and Industry Committee has passed a bill (HB 1548)by State Rep. Tom Murt (R-Montgomery) to reform PA's laws regulating children in entertainment.
Paul Petersen from A Minor Consideration is requesting via facebook for anyone interested to write a letter of support for HB 1548.
You can email Rep. Murt at
I hope I'm wrong about this, but I read somewhere that children will still be permitted to work 48 hours a week. Is that correct?
Goes to show she's a "regular" drinker, no way would she be standing (yes, she was slurring, glassy eyed, but still able to hold a relatively coherant conversation) if she does not have a greater than "normal" tolerance to alcohol. They didn't stop drinking all night, (mixing all those different drinks too!) from before they left til the wee hours of the morning. And she was NOT faking or acting (if the sheeple come up with that as an excuse)_
I agree with the person who said Kate is probably doing this on the poor me act. To me it sounds as if TLC is starting to cut the cord(if true). Now this filming is for the show and is it also includes the Food bank on monday. Kate tweeted that they are filming today, but also said she had to get stuff done to get out of town. Which if she is taking the kids this weekend, the kids will miss Fathers day with dad. Which would not surprise me one bit. Kate will do anything to take a stab at Jon. Oh, BOO HOO, Kate you have to pay for it yourself! I don't believe that for one second. Kate does not do anything unless she gets paid for it, and /or someone else is paying for it. BS!
Don't know if my previous post went through...
She proved that she is a regular drinker, and a lush at that. No way would she be standing, able to carry a relatively coherant conversation (yes she slurred, had glassy eyes) with the amount of booze they consumed. They started from before they left til the wee hours of the morning, MIXING drinks. She has a very high tolerance to alcohol. And please don't let me hear the sheeple say it was all an act. That woman can DRINK!
Another point. Kate has said over and over that this is work, this is her job.
Last I checked, any other job where you spend the whole clock getting trashed, gets you fired.
I don't believe for a second that Kate paid with her own money. Kate does not do anything unless, she gets paid to do it, and/or someone else pays for it. If it is true, the reason she took her time answering them back is she was probably tryin to get TLC to pay. It looks like TLC is starting to cut the cord. Now, she tweeted that they are filming today, then tweeted that she has a lot of stuff to do, so she can get out of town. Now is this food bank, going to be filmed too, and are the kids going to be there? Cause, if she is leaving today, then the kids will miss Fathers day with Jon. Which would not surprise me, it is something Kate would do to stick it to Jon. She is so full of BS!
LOVE the drunk kitty. Exactly the mental pic I get when I read the skanks stumbled drunk into the inner sanctuary and passed out. Thanks for the laugh
Like the cat pic. That is funny. As for the ratings, it's summer, not too much of anything else to watch. I look at it from this point of view. Hollywood is not calling, neither are any of the Talk shows. Hollywood being the more important of the 2. It's been 7 years and especially the last 2, Kate has been trying to make a dent in Hollywood. Well, it has not happened. She tryed reporting, she sucked at that, dancing, God No!, she can't act. If she thinks yelling and having break downs and talking non-sense on TV is acting, God Help the acting community. I don't watch her. I might watch on the internet a clip. So if people would watch the clips, you saw the whole show.
I know this has been said, but in response to Admin's latest is this 'working' for Kate but 'just playing' for the kids? Makes no sense.
PJ's momma It's more like Kate was playing for the cameras while the kids were home working :))
@Rhondachafin: We can't wait and it was the best! You guys rock! Would love to have you attend!
Kateplusmy8: Hoping...
June 8
Kateplusmy8: Hi all! Busy busy here as I just confirmed that I am able to attend the Second Harvest of NE Tenn screening of K+8 and food drive@....
There is something fishy about this. If a real celebrity is planning a trip to attend a fund raiser, then they book their airfare, book their hotel and notify the people who are co-ordinating the event that they will attend. Kate is saying things like,"just confirmed that I am able to go", "I was hell bent on going" and when the director said "would love to have you attend," she replied: "Hoping"
If she is indeed paying for this on her OWN DIME, why does she have to HOPE she can go and get CONFIRMATION that she can go. Does TLC really rule everything she does. She can't take it upon herself to say, I want to be there for the screening of my show and (less importantly) the food drive....if I have to, I will pay my own way. Does she still have to get TLC's blessing?? It just doesn't make sense. Really, she has already been paid for this appearance. She already made $250,000 off of just sitting on her ass collecting donations for 2 hours. From what people in the area observed, she was not friendly, or endearing in any way. I don't know why she wants to be at this event, but I just don't feel like it is something so important to her, that she would pay her own way. Maybe she is just that desperate to get away from her kids and this provides an excuse. Afterall, when is the last time she got away? The kids have been out of school for a week now, she must be going insane!
I still have to laugh about her tweeting that she would love to be on Amazing Race and she would "win hands down". She wouldn't make it past the first icky dirty thing or high flying zipline (or even dancing sometimes!). Who would be her partner? Steve? LOL (she can't go anywhere without him) I might even have to watch her then altho I skip anything else she is on.
Why does she need FIVE days to go and attend this screening in TN? Although, she did mention in a tweet this morning that she's also filming for a "new show". Didn't say "new episode". Things that make you go "hmmmmm..."
Ingrid, IIRC Kate also said she'd win DWTS hands down. We know how that clodhopper finished there.
Yeah Blue I forgot that but it would be much more fun watching her struggle and cry on AR.
She is a Cow said: ..."If she is indeed paying for this on her OWN DIME, why does she have to HOPE she can go and get CONFIRMATION that she can go."
I don't believe she's paying for anything. This is TLC related, TLC will be paying for all of it. The confirmation probably had to do with TLC approving all of Kate's diva accomodations she insists upon.
I think her tweet about filming a new show was very specific. "Twist of Khate" or some variation of it might be back on since the NYC b-day episode did well. Hopefully, the couple weeks of gutter ratings slapped Kate upside her head and reminded her of how disposable she really is. And how America is making it crystal clear they are sick of watching her drag those kids all over the globe.
Ingrid said... I still have to laugh about her tweeting that she would love to be on Amazing Race and she would "win hands down".
You have to laugh at this one. Has she ever watched the Amazing Race?? First of all, I think they normally only take "common people." I think Rob and Amber from Survivor, and some Harlem Globetrotters were on, but they actually went through the usual application process to be on. One has to have common sense, and a worldliness about them, the ability to adapt to changing situations, ability to communicate with those who may not speak English-ish and most importantly a FRIEND to race with! Who would be unlucky enough to get that job (because they would have to be paid to spend that much time with Kate). There are Road blocks, she would probably have to eat things she didn't want to eat, do things she didn't want to do, get up early, be active and be pleasant on camera. There is no room for her melt downs and diva attitude. Probably the worst of all is, she would not be able to tan, mani/pedi. Her roots would grow out on camera and she would not be allowed to tweet to her twits! NO! It is over her head. She positively would not be able to handle it. Please don't destroy another perfectly good show Kate! Know your limits!
This tweet makes me want to puke:
"GM all. It's a sunny one here... Working on having fun today... Oh&filming for a new show too.. :) Don't u wish u new what?;) Hav a gd day!"
I am coming to terms with the fact that there will always be enough people that find her interesting or entertaining for some reason and she is never going away. I guess there are millions who are equally perplexed by the staying power of the Kardashians, The Situation, and all of the other no-talent "celebs" created by reality television.
For those of us who work hard, pay our own way, and try to do right by our children -- truly mind-boggling.
To everyone who says the kids will be bored later in the summer with only the pool to keep them company, I heartily disagree. They have 20something acres, play houses, woods, and each other. That sounds like more than enough to keep them occupied. They have proven time and time again that they don't want trips and expensive things to have fun. The only thing that will truly keep their summer fun will be time with friends, time with dad, REAL 'quality' time with mom, and NO FILMING!
For everyone on twitter please ignore Kate for the day and instead tweet on over to @leoshane from the Stars and Stripes. Ask him about Army Sgt. 1st Class Leroy Petry, who will become only the second living Medal of Honor recipient from the current wars.
I don't take anything Kate Gosselin says at face value. Perhaps filming for a "new" show simply means she is filming another Kate Plus episode? If, by some chance, TLC has decided to give her another show, let's hope it does not involve the kids. Either way, TLC must be feeling the heat because PA will soon clamp down on them filming the kids.
I have not read the house bill, but you can read it online, so not sure of maximum hours children will be allowed to work. I do know it limits the hours, there must be a teacher on the set, and money must be put aside for the children. Reality TV is addressed in the bill.
"They can’t talk while they drive? Dumb as they are, maybe they find this to be like patting their heads and rubbing their bellies?"
Admin, you crack me up! Best line of the recap. And, yes, I fondly remember Blind Date... hilarious show!
I keep reading you guys mention the high chairs.
One thing comes to mind - how do they get into them? Do they climb themselves or are they lifted into them? (Sorry i do not and will not watch myself.)
Pretty typical, disgusting episode of Super Mom, from reading the recap. More of the same - ME ME ME. Bleh.
Still have no idea who watches this and how this is entertainment. She is so far gone from the sweet, under slept mother I caught a few times years ago when my kids watched and it first came on the air.
Someone needs to take this beast out back and put it out of its (and our) misery...
Just saw this on
Speaking of the congregations that were duped, I wonder if the pastor of the Georgia church (now a pastor in CA) who defended Kate up and down, saw this episode, or if anyone will send him a video of the Lush in action!
He's on Twitter:!/craigyoshihara
It's always fun to say "Told you so!" He didn't believe those who e-mailed him when Kate was appearing at his church, and if I recall, had replied with a snippy e-mail.
More on the Murt Bill - while it's good to see reforms coming to PA, I think it's too late for the Gosselin children. Also, below is part of the bill and I personally find it a concern. 48 hours a week?:
in House Bill 1548, children under 16 on a film set must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. They can work no more than eight hours a day or 48 hours per week, and minors must finish work by 10 p.m. on school nights.
Just saw this on
It's never going to end, is it? Everyone keeps saying that TLC is going to pull the plug, the train is about to derail, etc., but the fact is that there is no suggestion that this is ever going to happen. She just keeps plugging away, and it seems like she gets whatever she asks for.
How is the new bill going to change anything? Without reading the new bill in its entirety, it doesn't seem like much is going to change at all. They are allowed to film no more than 8 hours a day, 48 hours per week. Do they even do that now? At last report there was a trust set up for them (15 percent), so that isn't going to be any different. A set teacher will be required, which is the only thing that I can see is going to change and may be a thorn in Kate's side. My understanding is that a set teacher does not only provide education on the set, but is there to make sure safety rules are followed. However, does a set teacher also make sure that EVERY child labor law is followed, such as posting of work permits, no filming where alcohol is served, etc. I don't know.
I'm pretty much fed up with this whole thing because it's becoming obvious that she and TLC are not going away anytime soon.

Jane said... 
More on the Murt Bill - while it's good to see reforms coming to PA, I think it's too late for the Gosselin children. Also, below is part of the bill and I personally find it a concern. 48 hours a week?:
in House Bill 1548, children under 16 on a film set must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. They can work no more than eight hours a day or 48 hours per week, and minors must finish work by 10 p.m. on school nights.
Ugh, WAY TOO MUCH time for a kid to work per day. Plus the rule about a parent or guardian SHOULD be a set teacher or the like. Not someone whom is making money off the working kids, whom therefore has no reason to make sure laws are being followed and that the children's interests are being watched out for.
Tamara, the bill does require that a set teacher be present. This is in addition to a parent or guardian. Teachers can't and aren't supposed to act in loco parentis. They're supposed to see to it that the educational needs of the children are not neglected. Period. That's half the problem with the state of education these days. Teachers are expected to do everything but teach. The parents can't be bothered to parent and then expect the teacher to do that in addition to attending o the classroom needs of 20 - 50 or more students. But that's another rant LOL.
Food bank sets up fundraising screening of ‘Kate’ stop in area
Read more:
So, Kate took the twins to DC today to film at the Cupcake shop. Wow, I'm so excited, we get to see the kids do yet another boring cooking episode. How many have they done? 5-6+. BORING! What, Kate gonna make the TLC round of their tv shows now? Cause real Hollywood is not calling? Oh, gee so Kate could not make cupcakes for the Food Bank(but gets the Cupcake store to donate, what did Kate donate? what her time?PLEASE, they will probably film this(food bank) for an episode and she will get paid to do it), so it looks as if Kate has been donating time and cupcakes), (WHAT A FAKE!) she dyed 700 eggs, bought a $4600 slid for the pool, but can't make a money donation to the food bank, in her own town. How many more charity crap is Kate gonna do, this summer. Boy is TLC desperate to change her image. And we do all know they did lose a big chunk of money on that Aussie trip. Think about it, the ratings were the lowest, for the most expensive shows. I also think why this past monday was a little high, they did not say which half hour episode made the ratings, the birthday or the easter show. If it were the birthday, people would have just left the channel on and watched the second show. I think they watched to see the kids turn 7.
Admin: sorry for the same type of post earlier, I did not know if the first took, I got an error message.
What is up with the 48 hours max per week? Seriously I'm a grown woman and find it hard to put in that kind of time to my job and I GET PAID to do it. How do they think a bunch of kids is going to manage those kinds of hours, go to school and sleep?
Perhaps, by contract, TLC DOES have to to bless such appearances. She may remember what they did to Jon...Or, then again, since she seems clueless about her schedule she may not have know if TLC had filming scheduled who knows, who cares? For whatever reason she has invested herself in this event, so for sh*ts and giggls, good for her. Hope her mood remains upbeat if the weather is uncooperative in the out of the way small venue. Since it seems to be Khate centered perhaps that alone will keep her happy. For those that will be the recipients of the charity's take I hope it is a success. For their sake, NOT for hers. Maybe she really does want to do this, not for self promotion but for the charity. Hey, hope springs eternal - or so I'm told.
A couple of weeks ago our "famous" family member happened to be on the East Coast on a mini tour when the rest of us were spending a few days at DW - the happiest freakin' place on the planet. After a concert and meet and greets, getting to his hotel room at 2:00 am catching a flight at 4;30 am arriving in FL at 10:am to spend the day with us (and 80 billion others in stifling heat, ugh)having to fly back the next morning the poor guy looked like he hit the proverbial brick wall...but when a fan would recognize him and approach for an autograph he'd find it in him to perk up, smile broadly chat and oblige. THAT'S the way it's done Khate, Take a lesson.
she dyed 700 eggs, bought a $4600 slid for the pool, but can't make a money donation to the food bank, in her own town. How many more charity crap is Kate gonna do, this summer.
She didn't dye 700 eggs. They were the plastic ones that you buy at the store and fill with treats, and I seriously doubt that she paid for the sliding board. It was used in filming for an episode, so I bet TLC threw it in as a freebie. Anything she can grift for, she will.
Did she let the twins eat the cupcakes, or did they have to finish their lunch first?
so sick of her said...
So, Kate took the twins to DC today to film at the Cupcake shop.
It may be she's doing a guest appearance on TLC's DC Cupcake Show.
Yup...more cross promotion. I hope the girls get to enjoy the cupcakes as they are EXCELLENT!
At least the kids don't have to work in 100+ degree sticky heat, which is very typical of DC this time of year. Last week, we broke a 100+ degree record, but today is glorious with temps in the 70's, sunshine and very low humidity.
We in DC can only hope that Kate scares away those awful lines that wrap around the streets in Georgetown!!
Jane said... so sick of her said...
So, Kate took the twins to DC today to film at the Cupcake shop.
It may be she's doing a guest appearance on TLC's DC Cupcake Show.
Guess that is her "filming for a new show" She is a crafty one.
Oooooooo. Now Katie is showing her arrogant ass to her adoring fans, teasing them with this:
# GM all. It's a sunny one here... Working on having fun today... Oh&filming for a new show too.. :) Don't u wish u new what?;) Hav a gd day!
Don't u wish u new what??????
Hey Tuckers Mom, where in the capital area are you? I'm in Arlington right now. Too bad I didn't know Kate was filming the child exploitation show today or I would have picketed the sight and called the Post to publicize it!
The opinion that it's never going to end, or she's not going away is just wrong. True, we wanted her gone yesterday, but look at the facts at hand. As someone pointed out, more of her teenyboppers fans are allowed to stay up past 10:00 as school's out. Couple that with the fact that a lot of shows are now on hiatus for the summer so now there are more people flipping around looking for something to watch (heck, my daughter & I watched the Duggars last night for the first time in months b/c there was nothing else on!) Lastly, and don't forget, the G's are under contract until Feb. 2012, so we should never be surprised to hear they're being filmed. DC cupcakes doesn't do all that well in the ratings either, so TLC has planned a bit of cross-promotion. Nothing unusual about that. Relax gang, it won't be long now.
I have the same concerns as a lot of you about this Murt bill. I appreciate what he is working so hard to accomplish, but it's too late for the Gosselins and it surely won't stop Kate. And I really find nothing worth celebrating about when children, aged 7, are only allowed 48 hours per week of work. What the heck? Most adults only work a 40 hr. a week job, that is considered full time, so why oh why are 7 year olds allowed 'only' 48 hours per week? It just makes no sense. There is nothing to celebrate about with this one. And can you even imagine anyone coming into Kate's home to try and tell her what she can and can't do, such as this on site teacher that will be required. I feel so sorry for anyone who would be assigned to this task.
I agree with what some of you have posted. I have come to the realization our resident witch is never going away. For some reason I cannot fathom, TLC will not pull the plug on this wretched woman.
Cupcakes, new episodes, more filming, twitter, more traveling, etc....there's no end. Just when I think it's over, she gets another life. My gosh, even cats only get 9 lives! How many has this "cat" had? Way more than 9, that's for sure.
She's a fighter and a survivor. She uses her body as a bulldozer and she doesn't care who gets in her way. She'll do and say anything just so she gets attention - good or bad, she doesn't care.
I think we need to face it...I know I have. Kate is NOT (repeat NOT) going away. When the ratings go down (and they will), she'll do a dating show. Think about it? She won't be doing it for "love"...she'll be doing it for the money and attention! People will watch.
When that's done, she'll go on to something else.
Kate is filming her life. She loves the money and the fame. And nothing, nothing will get in her way.
Kate has a smile on her face right now. She doesn't give a rat's behind what we're saying about her. She loves the attention, she thrives on it. She is a despicable woman.
Sorry for the rant...but I am done with this woman. Stick a fork in me, I'm done.
Anonymous said...
Tamara, the bill does require that a set teacher be present. This is in addition to a parent or guardian. Teachers can't and aren't supposed to act in loco parentis. They're supposed to see to it that the educational needs of the children are not neglected. Period.
The bill does not require that a teacher be present at all times. The language is very specific. If a child misses two or more days of regular school within a 30-day period, a teacher must be on set starting on day 2.
This bill does virtually nothing to protect working children.
Ok so this post has nothing to do with her NY outing, but these two woman charge $30 before tax for 12 cupcakes.... ARE YOU KIDDING ME? thirty bucks for 12 cupcakes! HA....I guess modern boutique look and stainless cake stands from uppity boutiques are expensives so they charge triple what an american makes an hour ( average, not accurate to the penny I am certain)
for: flour sugar eggs water butter chocolate and a few sprinkles?
That blows my mind, I am sorry but that's NOT worth $30... when most people sit and clip coupons for hours on end...that's absolutely ridiculous.
And can you even imagine anyone coming into Kate's home to try and tell her what she can and can't do, such as this on site teacher that will be required. I feel so sorry for anyone who would be assigned to this task.
There will not be any teacher coming into Kate's home telling her what she can and cannot do. Read the bill. The only time a teacher would come into play is if the kids are pulled out of school to work for two or more days in a 30-day period. In that case, the production schedule will be set to ensure compliance with the law. It is not a matter of anybody having to come into Kate's home and boss her around. That's not how it works.
Sad day here. Our friend committed suicide 3 months ago, leaving a wife and two young daughters. Today, she had to put his dog down, ironically a dog who looks very much like Shoka. He was 14, very old for such a big boy. The widow has been extremely resilient and strong (as much as you could expect) through these horrible 3 months. Trying to parent her daughters through all the ugliness, comfort others, even though it's not her role, and try to figure out the future without her husband. And now the dog is gone. For some reason it makes me think of Kate. I pray that Shoka IS loved and is NOT chained like we all assume, and that he lives a long and wonderful life being loved on every day of his life. And I wish Kate was more grateful for her life and for her kids. She is not a single parent. She is a parent who is single. So is Jon, the kids have two parents. Our friend killed himself and his wife is truly a single parent to some very confused kids - who she obsessively protects, and rightfully so. And here is Kate, simultaneously rejoicing over her interviews or appearances or whatever (you can almost hear her and her twits squealing) and complaining about her life. If she walked one day in our friend's life, she would just die. And the lies! Now she's talking about making her own salad dressing (easy!) but recently she was tweeting about using some WishBone product. Why lie about such stupid stuff, much less the big stuff?? Anyway, hold your friends, family and furry companions a little tighter in honor of our friend and his family and his dog, please!
Hahahahaha!! Loved your post, Yolanda. But I still believe she's on her way out. We've gotta keep the faith!
Allsome more epis ever more allwsome Kate will not go AWAY aren't we blessed. More like CURSED
If there is a god she will not be on anything new or upcoming and she will fade away and, the kid will finally be able to become kids
The opinion that it's never going to end, or she's not going away is just wrong. True, we wanted her gone yesterday, but look at the facts at hand.
The fact is that they are still being filmed. A reality television contract can be ended at any time. All TLC has to say is that she is done, but there's no indication that they are going to do that.
Hey, Tucker's mom and Tamara, I'm in DC too---Alexandria.
Tamara said...
Hey Tuckers Mom, where in the capital area are you? I'm in Arlington right now. Too bad I didn't know Kate was filming the child exploitation show today or I would have picketed the sight and called the Post to publicize it!
Hi Tamara!
I'm in Alexandria and DH works in Arlington. My real and true!! family tradition is to deliver Georgetown cupcakes to his office every birthday. Even though we were away for his Bday this year, I still followed up when we got back. So, he got his Bday extended and got to share with his office mates.
And, of course, I know what I ordered and as soon as he calls me to thank me, I tell him which one I want him to hide so he can bring one home to me. Actually, he brings home two!
I forgot to add, I wonder if, since Steve is so close to home, he'll take Kate and the girls home to Gina-----NOT!!!
PJ's momma, My condolences on the loss of your friend. Suicides are always especially bad because we question if we could have done something or if we should have noticed something. But, of course, we cannot blame ourselves. Be there for his widow, as I am sure you are. And the death of a pet is always difficult. Our prayers are with your friend's family.
PJ's heart goes out to you and your dear friend and her family. There are no words, and no road map with which to navigate for each individual who survives the suicide of a loved one.
Having experience with the aforementioned as well as being a mom of three dogs, I truly do not believe that Shoka is chained up. Nah.
Yes, Kate did chuckle that the dogs tried to chew their way out of their cages (or at least one of them), and that's just so wrong. I would not be surprised to find that Kate and her siblings never had pets growing up. There are a lot of mistakes that can be made when you yourself, as a parent, have no experience, but you want your kids to have pets.
Anyway....Shoka seems to be loved, and 14 is LARGE!! for a big breed dog. I'm sure everyone is resting in God's hands now.
ANNA said...
my god, the stupidity burns
Exactly my sentiments when I read her twitter feed, too. Unbelievable.
Ok, I get it now. Cross promotion for the TN filming. Yep, all the way to DC for expensive cupcakes (yummy but not cheap). But hey, Kate is not paying for them! And she gets to spend the day with Steve. What I would like to know is TLC donating something other than cupcakes to the food bank? And you can bet the farm that Kate will claim the cupcakes are from her. Oh well. At least Mady and Cara got to spend time with their mom, such as it is.
Some of the dumbest sheep are attacking Ellen again and the freebies that she gets for her blog.
Wow, they really don't understand. Ellen's not exploiting and she doesn't beg for anything!
Dear Admin, Your recap is very telling about YOU. You either need to be pitied or you are the stupidest woman in the entire world. Neither is good. You look worse and worse all the time. Give it up for your sake or get help. Seriously, GET HELP.
true, true said...
ANNA said...
my god, the stupidity burns
Exactly my sentiments when I read her twitter feed, too. Unbelievable. ....
Actually, lol, I was referring to the stupidity on this blog.
Anna, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume maybe you want to debate this like an adult. Instead of just throwing out there it's all stupid, which part of what we said specifically did you find stupid? Was it when we talked about Kate drinking this entire episode so much so that she had slurred speech and glassy eyes? Getting her foot licked? Leaving sobbing children behind to go get drunk?
Perhaps the part where she spoke with a complete stranger, on camera in front of a million other strangers, about the children's father whom they love?
Or maybe you thought the kitty photo was stupid? It was meant to be.
Let me get this's not fine for Jon's girlfriend to get freebies in exchange for product reviews, but is fine if Kate gets freebies in exchange for selling the children? I get it now.
Admin you're the BEST!
Way to aim and shoot one right between the eyes! LOL
Regarding Murt, I think the problem is he is just trying to get SOMETHING passed. This bill spent a long time in committee, a lot goes on behind the scenes we don't know about, I'm guessing he didn't think he could get it passed in any other form. It probably got watered down to a form where he thought he could realistically get it passed. It's a start. What's so disconcerting is who knows where the next reality show will pop up, chances are it won't be in PA and this bill can't help them. And as far as the Gosselins go, all they have to do is run to Alaska or North Carolina or Australia to get away from it.
At least it does SOMETHING, but it's still deplorable to be a child working in PA. 48 hours a week? More than the average work week for most adults! 10 p.m. is quitting time? Most kids shouldn't even be up that late until at least high school.
Admin, it probably IS Kate...BWAAAHAHAHAHA
What I find really, really stupid is that show was seen by all those impressionable teen aged girls who idolize and emulate Kate. Now they will think it is "cool" to drink to excess and allow liberties to be taken by strangers. God help those young girls when they get old enough to bar hop.
That is stupidity that burns.
Anonymous said...
Dear Admin, Your recap is very telling about YOU. You either need to be pitied or you are the stupidest woman in the entire world. Neither is good. You look worse and worse all the time. Give it up for your sake or get help. Seriously, GET HELP.
My daughter, at 13, talked like this to her friends when they had a spat.
However that Sheeple did say one thing I 100% agree with. The recap was very telling about you. Totally. 100%. Telling. That recap told me that you do not approve of, or have use for, clubbing. It told me that Kate and Jamie used the children's money THEY earned to go clubbing and ho'ing. It told me that TLC has no morals whatsoever. It told me that Kate is a lush who lets any stranger around lick her foot. Gawd I hate to think of her in PRIVATE without cameras. What would she let him lick then. Your recap also told me Kate sold her, shit I can't say soul because she doesn't have one; wait! sold her kids privacy to the devil.
Oh, Admin, thanks for taking one and two and dozens for the team kids. The sheeple are truly to be pitied; such pathetic little twits.
BTW I don't tweet, twat, twitter or whatever it is. I have an idea, however. Since Kelly/Underwalt does perhaps he could ask questions we have. My question is, if Kate is SO POOR, why is she wasting money to go to TN on her "dime". Shouldn't she spend that poor bit of money on her kids.
Anonymous, thanks for being here. You cause me to laugh right out loud with your witty comments. Why, if it were not for you, we might all think this Gosselin story was sad and abusive. You have set us straight with your
amazing ability to show us how very wrong we are. Stupid us! How could it have taken so long to see the light? Thank you, Anonymous, for rescuing us from the heartbreak of stupidity!
Bluenoser, thanks. In a way I feel for them because after defending Kate for so long, she repays them with this episode. How do you defend this? I wouldn't know.
Nah, if it were Kate she would explain why clubbing and getting drunk and getting your foot licked is good for the kids.
Excellent point, this is no role model for teenage girls. Would ANY parent of a teenage girl want them seeing someone they idolize get drunk and make it all seem like one big game? Gimme a break, of course they wouldn't.
I make no apologies about completely disapproving of an adult with all the responsibilities she has at home, leaving them SOBBING FOR HER to go out to a club and get drunk and talk about their dad with strangers. And the worst offense of all, making the children stay home and work to pay for all this. If you still want to go to clubs and get drunk and think the kids should pay for your fun, you're not ready for kids yet. It's no judgement against you, just don't bring kids into it.
PJ's momma, I am so sorry for what your friend is going through. May she find comfort and support in her family and friends.
God bless her.
And a great big hug to you for being a good & caring friend to her.
Take care,
Admin: I'm an NYC native, though at 32 I know I am past my clubbing days, so I may not have my finger fully on the pulse of what's cool these days. 230 Fifth has been around for years, and it is WAY past its prime. This is not a place that celebrities or any young hip people go to. I think the crowd tends to be older, business people with expense accounts, tourists (especially European for some reason) or "bridge and tunnel" -- what we call the suburbanites from LI and NJ who have to get into Manhattan through the bridges or tunnels (or anyone from the outer-boroughs too, like Brooklyn or Queens, depending on who you're talking to). They come in droves during the weekend, looking tacky and/or overdressed. Hmm sounds like the right place for Kate after all. (And no offense to anyone from the suburbs--I want to move there myself. Personally, I think B&T is not so much where you're from but a state of mind.) However, despite the crowd, I do have to admit that they do have an amazing view of the city on that rooftop.
As usual, my words are being twisted around. No, I'm not claiming Kate is a lush based on one drink. I'm claiming Kate is a lush based on entire weekend of hard liquor, leaving the kids behind when they were crying and making them work to boot, drinking since the evening they left on Friday night to early in the morning Sunday morning, eyes glazed, slurred speech, and JAMIE HERSELF, based on this conversation:
JAMIE: “How many of those little drinkies did you have?”
KATE: “I’m not drunk,” Kate slurs.
JAMIE: “Um, okay. What are you?”
Love it or leave it.
Anonymous, one other point. If Kate doesn't want people talking about her drinking and speculating whether she has a problem, she doesn't have to film an entire episode in which she is drinking in ....every....single....scene.
I think your anger really should be toward Kate for opening the door wide for this and leaving you very little room to defend this lush.
Oh, Admin, thanks for taking one and two and dozens for the team kids. The sheeple are truly to be pitied; such pathetic little twits.
No worries it's just one sheeple. She writes in the same style over and over and won't give up.
Just came across the perfect shoes for Ms. Look-At-Me!
5-inch heels, open toe, rhinestones...and best of all, bright shiny lights!
Just got back from Jamaica and see that nothing's changed in Kate's World. She's still the most delusional, desperate woman on this planet. A(nother)!? OMG! I hope Jon's taking lots of notes! It's so very obvious she reads the blogs. To have the need to mention she's going to TN on her own dime proves it. How can people not see this? P.S. Great recap Admin, as always you nailed her!
TLC Kate Plus 8 10:00 PM 1.434 0.6
Sorry, Fat Lady, she's still pulling in the numbers for now. For a cable show over 1M is not bad. They'll likely go till the end of the contract & that'll be it. Past the contract date?...God help those kids.
Oh my gosh, I just never cease to be amazed. She is making that food bank benefit all about her. She's promising her tweeties a free signed book if they show up - has not yet mentioned all the money being raised for a worthy cause. I have worked at a food bank for over 11 years and if she was doing that for my event, I'd yank her. It is not a lovefest for an absentee mother, it is a benefit to raise money for a FOOD BANK that serves people in NEED. Even the director isn't really reminding people of what it's all about. God, Kate's a jerk.
ANNA said... my god, the stupidity burns
June 15, 2011 2:50 PM
Aw, purseboy, ain't you jest the sweetest lil thing stickin' up kart here on the blog..........
But what you should really do, honey, is take the vino box away from kart and hide her lil ole pink phonethingy and shut down her computer...
We know every time she posts no matter what name she uses... the tone is a dead giveaway. Same goes for you big boy...
Seriously, it used to be funny but now it's just pathetic.
Really. The more she posts the more pitiful she looks.
Someone asked Kate what City she was going to be in as NE TN was a pretty big area, and kate replied that she thot it was the tricity areas, but would to "Um" ( and yes she typed um) would have to check the actual city.....
Another tweeter took her to task, that if she had indeed booked her own gig, she should know where she is going...
its on her own dime alright..lets see... KATE: " here's my 10 cents: I want to go to the screening, so TLC do what ever it takes to get me there, because I am hell bent to go!!"...
Administrator said...
As usual, my words are being twisted around. No, I'm not claiming Kate is a lush based on one drink. I'm claiming Kate is a lush based on entire weekend of hard liquor, leaving the kids behind when they were crying and making them work to boot, drinking since the evening they left on Friday night to early in the morning Sunday morning, eyes glazed, slurred speech
She called that raspberry concoction "mommy juice."
Troy, of course none of that is true. I am not an alcoholic, never lost a scholarship for partying or otherwise (WTTTF?????), and they continue to LIBEL ME! I am the most boring person you ever met, I clearly said I hate clubs in the recap, and I was in the study rooms in college not partying.
Clearly they are too stupid to understand a tongue in cheek recap full of hyperbole as mine always are. They may have to look those things up.
Hysterical they accuse me of defaming Kate--what did they just do?
Meanwhile I suppose Kate was scheming for multiples in her 2-year college and not working hard through 7 years of school to make her own way as I was--that's what's really bothering them.
WOW admin! Nearly every comment on another blog is about YOU! The sheeple can't get over you calling Kate a lush because she drank so much. They say Kate should sue for defimation. The sheeple stop short when mentioning the drinks, they seem to forget all the other drinks she had. The blog ryhmes with Cage.
I'm not sure if my other comment went through, but they are OBSESSED with you on that other blog! Almost every comment is about you.
Troy, Do they not understand when someone says "we all remember what it was like at 21" that obviously not EVERY PERSON WHO WAS EVER 21 was sprawled out drunk on the floor? What don't they understand about generalizations and hyperbole and TONGUE IN CHEEK?
And also, that saying that in no way is implicating yourself as some kind of lush (huh??? how did they figure that???), nor is it any kind of personal attack against anyone in specific. It's a generalization!
Fact: Many college kids at 21 get drunk. Fact: Not all college kids do that. I was one who didn't do that, but they can believe what they like. Maybe none of them have ever gone to college and don't get this?? Who knows.
Her fans just wait for me to say something any little thing to then leap from A to Z and make outrageous statements like I lost a scholarship for DRINKING.....Wow, who is really libeling who now? And who is really obsessed with whom??
By the way, I never called Kate an alcoholic, but making a statement that I lost a college scholarship for drinking is absolutely LIBEL, I am not a public figure, and they should JUST KEEP FLIRTING WITH THAT. Keep goin' over there, sheeple. Just keep it up. One of these days you're gonna piss off the wrong person, or lawyer.
I love this, first I'm a nerd who stays at home and blogs, now I'm some kind of crazy drunken partier?? Which is it??
I'll let them in on a little secret, they got it right the first time, I'm a nerd. I never once threw up in college from drinking, although I did get the stomach flu once. And I did once help a dorm mate clean up her roommate's mess. Just trying to be a good friend.
Troy, I guess I should be flattered, but frankly it's getting very old. I am sick and tired of the libelous statements, everything from I had an affair with an opposing counsel, to I lost a scholarship for drinking, to now this. Unbelievable. They have the audacity to accuse me of libeling Kate after saying that about me??? Clearly they have no defense for Kate's atrocious behavior. They got nothin'.
I SAW Kate drinking on this episode. But on the contrary they are just flat out making shit up about me. Also do they realize the hypocrisy? So, they can make up lies about someone drinking, but we can't talk about Kate's which she actually did do???
Sigh, Troy. Whatever.
I'll let them in on another little secret. If you're still drinking and partying in law school, you ain't gonna make it through. Now caffeine, that's another story! If you don't devote 15 plus hours a day to your studies, especially your first year, you won't make it. That kind of hard work and dedication I imagine would be hard for them to understand. After all their idol sits around and gets manicures and schemes how next to make her kids earn the money. I think I only ever saw anyone go "out" my first year law school like twice. And I think it was after we finished finals.
People who actually make it that far are usually the nerds who were always made fun of for not partying their whole 20's away. But in a nice payback, also the ones that laugh last.
Jon tweeted something that was RE tweeted. The Sheeple are all a flutter that Jon isn't living his "Private" life like he wanted. I think it is because he intimated that Kate won't let him see the kids more. Of course the sheeple say Jon's tweet must mean the courts have tied his hands, or (here is a novel one) that the courts won't let Jon see the kids if he is around Ellen and he chooses ellen over the kids. Ha Ha HA!
I'm not sure of all the players but it seems an account named @KateFan4Ever is taunting a "hater" about her recent miscarriage. It seems she was friendly with this woman but is now making up lies about the circumstances and basically laughing that this woman lost a baby a few weeks ago.
This is a Kate Gosselin supporter.
OMG! This is direct from a sheeples fingers & Kate I suppose:
"Kate also tweeted that for all those who can prove that they are her tweeties she will give an autographed book by her."
Ha Ha HA HA HA HA! Well, now we know where all those unsold books are, at Kates in the Garage. If it was any other celeb, I would say "cool way to interact with your fans". It being Kate, who cares? Still can't get more then $5 probably, unless you could find a sheeple classified ads blog and list it there.
Actually Kate has these books priced right at Fair Market Value...$0.
Every other weekend is the most typical visitation schedule in the world. It's practically the default order. It keeps the kids in the same house and the same school during the work week, and it divides the weekends fairly. Holidays are also usually divided odd-even, which is exactly what they do, which indicates they went with the "default" FLO to me. The courts really should pick one parent to have them during the week. But if you give the other parent all the weekdays, the week-day parent never gets a day off with the kids, and that's really not fair. Splitting the weekends is considered fair by most family law courts. A lot of parents are willing to give up weekdays since the kids are in school and they don't see much of them anyway. It's called doing what's in the child's best interest. I don't think we would dispute these kids should be in the SAME house during the week and be able to go to school and have consistency.
Kate may not want Jon to have the kids more because then he won't owe as much child support. Of course financial motivations are never considered by her fans.
Sorry I mean if you give one parent all the weekdays, and one parent all the weekends, that's not generally considered a fair order since the weekday parent never gets to have the kids on a day off. Unless the parents are fine with that.
Please correct me if I'm wrong. Hasn't there already been an episode with Kate at this 230 Fifth club? I seem to recall that it was described as "past its prime" at that time too.
Maybe a year or so ago? Anyone remember?
Admin said: Fact: Many college kids at 21 get drunk. Fact: Maybe none of them have ever gone to college and don't get this?? Who knows.
Here is another fact: The sheeple who have their panties in a knot are too young to attend college. 13 and 14 year old kids rarely attend college. What a bunch of losers the sheeple are.
BTW the expression "the stupidity burns" sounds like an expression Steve would use.
Here is another fact: The sheeple who have their panties in a knot are too young to attend college. 13 and 14 year old kids rarely attend college. What a bunch of losers the sheeple are.
Here's another one: The adult sheeple squeaked through high school, finishing only by the skin of their teeth.
Thanks for the recap. You are a stronger person than I am to even watch this shrew. Another thought, how does TLC justify driving Kate and her family anywhere with this economy and the price of gasoline? How do these fans relate to this? Most normal families are rethinking summer vacations-period! This woman/family appear to be so ungrateful for their blessings. I can't understand the viewer numbers going up at all.
I'm someone who happened to google kate gosselin this afternoon and wanted to let you know I'd come across a sageway express blog were the posters were implying that you are or were a drunk. If it was me I'd be suing them and if you don't know who they are I would sue the operator of the site. Just because its the internet they think they can get away with slandering a person. Its wrong and I wish someone would stop cowards like the posters at this site from attacking you with NO FACTS!
You are a lawyer. My husband is a lawyer. YOU DO HAVE A CASE AGAINST THEM.
"You are a lawyer. My husband is a lawyer. YOU DO HAVE A CASE AGAINST THEM."
Because there has been discussion here about this, I checked it out (against my better judgment). I had to shake my head at the erroneous assumption of one poster who said that nothing can be done because they didn't give admin's name. Not so. All the litigator needs to do is connect the ID of the person being libeled with the person's name. This is not difficult to do, given the investigative tools available in technology today. Even a nickname given to the person being defamed will work because there can be a pattern established that links the nickname with the name of the plaintiff. Libel cases such as this have been successfully prosecuted without the plaintiff's actual name being given.
In addition, they are skating on very thin ice by copying and pasting other person's comments from the originating blog to their blog for the purpose of dissection. The consequences of plagiarism and copyright violation are nothing to laugh at. When this becomes a habit, you eventually have to pay the piper. What I found interesting in reading that blog, as well as other pro-Kate blogs is that there is no meaningful intellectual discussion, but they rely on whatever is being said on other blogs to keep the blogs going. That speaks volumes.
Troy, I guess I should be flattered, but frankly it's getting very old. I am sick and tired of the libelous statements, everything from I had an affair with an opposing counsel, to I lost a scholarship for drinking, to now this. Unbelievable. They have the audacity to accuse me of libeling Kate after saying that about me??? Clearly they have no defense for Kate's atrocious behavior. They got nothin'.
I SAW Kate drinking on this episode. But on the contrary they are just flat out making shit up about me. Also do they realize the hypocrisy? So, they can make up lies about someone drinking, but we can't talk about Kate's which she actually did do???
Actually Kate has these books priced right at Fair Market Value...$0.
Jon tweeted something that was RE tweeted. The Sheeple are all a flutter that Jon isn't living his "Private" life like he wanted. I think it is because he intimated that Kate won't let him see the kids more. Of course the sheeple say Jon's tweet must mean the courts have tied his hands, or (here is a novel one) that the courts won't let Jon see the kids if he is around Ellen and he chooses ellen over the kids. Ha Ha HA!
Sorry, Fat Lady, she's still pulling in the numbers for now. For a cable show over 1M is not bad. They'll likely go till the end of the contract & that'll be it. Past the contract date?...God help those kids.
Just got back from Jamaica and see that nothing's changed in Kate's World. She's still the most delusional, desperate woman on this planet. A(nother)!? OMG! I hope Jon's taking lots of notes! It's so very obvious she reads the blogs. To have the need to mention she's going to TN on her own dime proves it. How can people not see this? P.S. Great recap Admin, as always you nailed her!
Anonymous, one other point. If Kate doesn't want people talking about her drinking and speculating whether she has a problem, she doesn't have to film an entire episode in which she is drinking in ....every....single....scene.
I think your anger really should be toward Kate for opening the door wide for this and leaving you very little room to defend this lush.
PJ's momma, I am so sorry for what your friend is going through. May she find comfort and support in her family and friends.
God bless her.
And a great big hug to you for being a good & caring friend to her.
Take care,
Anonymous said...
Dear Admin, Your recap is very telling about YOU. You either need to be pitied or you are the stupidest woman in the entire world. Neither is good. You look worse and worse all the time. Give it up for your sake or get help. Seriously, GET HELP.
My daughter, at 13, talked like this to her friends when they had a spat.
However that Sheeple did say one thing I 100% agree with. The recap was very telling about you. Totally. 100%. Telling. That recap told me that you do not approve of, or have use for, clubbing. It told me that Kate and Jamie used the children's money THEY earned to go clubbing and ho'ing. It told me that TLC has no morals whatsoever. It told me that Kate is a lush who lets any stranger around lick her foot. Gawd I hate to think of her in PRIVATE without cameras. What would she let him lick then. Your recap also told me Kate sold her, shit I can't say soul because she doesn't have one; wait! sold her kids privacy to the devil.
Oh, Admin, thanks for taking one and two and dozens for the team kids. The sheeple are truly to be pitied; such pathetic little twits.
Admin, it probably IS Kate...BWAAAHAHAHAHA
Admin you're the BEST!
Way to aim and shoot one right between the eyes! LOL
Some of the dumbest sheep are attacking Ellen again and the freebies that she gets for her blog.
Wow, they really don't understand. Ellen's not exploiting and she doesn't beg for anything!
ANNA said...
my god, the stupidity burns
Exactly my sentiments when I read her twitter feed, too. Unbelievable.
PJ's momma, My condolences on the loss of your friend. Suicides are always especially bad because we question if we could have done something or if we should have noticed something. But, of course, we cannot blame ourselves. Be there for his widow, as I am sure you are. And the death of a pet is always difficult. Our prayers are with your friend's family.
The opinion that it's never going to end, or she's not going away is just wrong. True, we wanted her gone yesterday, but look at the facts at hand.
The fact is that they are still being filmed. A reality television contract can be ended at any time. All TLC has to say is that she is done, but there's no indication that they are going to do that.
Allsome more epis ever more allwsome Kate will not go AWAY aren't we blessed. More like CURSED
If there is a god she will not be on anything new or upcoming and she will fade away and, the kid will finally be able to become kids
Sad day here. Our friend committed suicide 3 months ago, leaving a wife and two young daughters. Today, she had to put his dog down, ironically a dog who looks very much like Shoka. He was 14, very old for such a big boy. The widow has been extremely resilient and strong (as much as you could expect) through these horrible 3 months. Trying to parent her daughters through all the ugliness, comfort others, even though it's not her role, and try to figure out the future without her husband. And now the dog is gone. For some reason it makes me think of Kate. I pray that Shoka IS loved and is NOT chained like we all assume, and that he lives a long and wonderful life being loved on every day of his life. And I wish Kate was more grateful for her life and for her kids. She is not a single parent. She is a parent who is single. So is Jon, the kids have two parents. Our friend killed himself and his wife is truly a single parent to some very confused kids - who she obsessively protects, and rightfully so. And here is Kate, simultaneously rejoicing over her interviews or appearances or whatever (you can almost hear her and her twits squealing) and complaining about her life. If she walked one day in our friend's life, she would just die. And the lies! Now she's talking about making her own salad dressing (easy!) but recently she was tweeting about using some WishBone product. Why lie about such stupid stuff, much less the big stuff?? Anyway, hold your friends, family and furry companions a little tighter in honor of our friend and his family and his dog, please!
I have the same concerns as a lot of you about this Murt bill. I appreciate what he is working so hard to accomplish, but it's too late for the Gosselins and it surely won't stop Kate. And I really find nothing worth celebrating about when children, aged 7, are only allowed 48 hours per week of work. What the heck? Most adults only work a 40 hr. a week job, that is considered full time, so why oh why are 7 year olds allowed 'only' 48 hours per week? It just makes no sense. There is nothing to celebrate about with this one. And can you even imagine anyone coming into Kate's home to try and tell her what she can and can't do, such as this on site teacher that will be required. I feel so sorry for anyone who would be assigned to this task.
Jane said... so sick of her said...
So, Kate took the twins to DC today to film at the Cupcake shop.
It may be she's doing a guest appearance on TLC's DC Cupcake Show.
Guess that is her "filming for a new show" She is a crafty one.
she dyed 700 eggs, bought a $4600 slid for the pool, but can't make a money donation to the food bank, in her own town. How many more charity crap is Kate gonna do, this summer.
She didn't dye 700 eggs. They were the plastic ones that you buy at the store and fill with treats, and I seriously doubt that she paid for the sliding board. It was used in filming for an episode, so I bet TLC threw it in as a freebie. Anything she can grift for, she will.
Did she let the twins eat the cupcakes, or did they have to finish their lunch first?
So, Kate took the twins to DC today to film at the Cupcake shop. Wow, I'm so excited, we get to see the kids do yet another boring cooking episode. How many have they done? 5-6+. BORING! What, Kate gonna make the TLC round of their tv shows now? Cause real Hollywood is not calling? Oh, gee so Kate could not make cupcakes for the Food Bank(but gets the Cupcake store to donate, what did Kate donate? what her time?PLEASE, they will probably film this(food bank) for an episode and she will get paid to do it), so it looks as if Kate has been donating time and cupcakes), (WHAT A FAKE!) she dyed 700 eggs, bought a $4600 slid for the pool, but can't make a money donation to the food bank, in her own town. How many more charity crap is Kate gonna do, this summer. Boy is TLC desperate to change her image. And we do all know they did lose a big chunk of money on that Aussie trip. Think about it, the ratings were the lowest, for the most expensive shows. I also think why this past monday was a little high, they did not say which half hour episode made the ratings, the birthday or the easter show. If it were the birthday, people would have just left the channel on and watched the second show. I think they watched to see the kids turn 7.
Admin: sorry for the same type of post earlier, I did not know if the first took, I got an error message.
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