According to Kate's tweets today, she would love to help the victims of the recent tornadoes, but she doesn't have the resources. Kate says she will pray instead.

Kate has also tweeted she does not make the widely reported $250,000 an episode, and that she won't be taking the kids to Bald Head this year because no houses are available, or enrolling them in gymnastics because it's too expensive. When a tweeter questioned why she is working today and not spending time with her kids, she told them, Moms have to work.
She has been exploiting her kids for almost seven years. Is anyone actually buying this "poor struggling family" act anymore?
241 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 241 Newer› Newest»I really have no idea how you can stare at that frightening face of hers BLOWN UP in Photoshop long enough to do these pictures. Seriously.
I am sending you a virtual cold beer for your efforts (and a slight bit of bleach for your retinas.)
The only struggle that she's having is opening up her purse to spend money on anyone other than herself. The Walton's they're not! I've never quite believed the $250K per episode as I think that's really high. I think that it's a rumor that got started and she just let it go so that people think she more important than she is due to the amount of money TLC is willing to pay her. I'd be inclined to believe that the $250K is for "X" number of episodes.
Love the 'Grapes of Wrath' style picture. Maybe she can star in the
I forgot to mention that you, Admin, are a very, very talented lady! Love the picture!
Ms. Kreider pleading poverty is just as boring and unbelievable as her show.
Our family is going down to Nag's Head or Hatteras or Ocracoke or Myrtle Beach or Hilton Head in the next couple months. I have been looking online, there are PLENTY of rentals in all price ranges available in NC and SC. So she can't stay in the same exact house. Boo Hoo. Drive someplace else. Go to Rehoboth in Delaware or Cape May in NJ or go camping at Assateague or First Landing State Park in Virgina beach.
Excuses, excuses.
She can live in a McMansion with acreage, send her kids to private school, and she can't throw down $100 for people who lost everything. What a cunt.
I love the irony of this photo since Kate clearly just got a bad botox job or maybe some kind of chemical peel or at least some skin-cancer tanning. All things that cost money. Some of them, a lot of money. Money she claims she doesn't have.
Laurie, I don't think we can really lump the 250,000 number in the same category as other "rumors" here. This number wasn't reported by some rag mag or made up on the blogs. TVGUIDE reported it. They also listed a lot of other celeb's salaries, and if you look at their figures for other reality stars, she is actually making a lot LESS than them per episode. People like Ryan Seacrest and Pierce Morgan are in the multi-millions, while Kate and Snookie are much farther down the totem pole.
If we look at this objectively, putting dislike of Kate aside, I would say Kate is in the same category of "fame" as Angus T. Jones (Two and a Half Men) $250,000, David Duchovny (Californication) $200,000, Kevin Dillon (Entourage) $200,000, and Adrian Grenier (Entourage) $200,000
Kate is making about the same as those guys according to this article, and I think she is about the same on the totem poll as them as far as status.
I found this article quite credible. And Kate is the only celeb that I know of who has ever disputed that figure. I'd bet the farm she makes 250,000 or in that very same ballpark.
FYI, I know for a fact my narcissist made $100,000 an episode and this was more than a decade ago. I'd put her "fame" level at that time about the same as Kate's. All the more reason these numbers sound about in the right ballpark to me.
Also keep in mind TVGuide has higher standards than a tabloid. The last thing they want to do is be sued by all these celebs for libel. I think this article is accurate as to everyone.
LIES, LIES, LIES How does she possibly keep track of them all?? I know, I know, she doesn't, but you would think she would have figured that out by now, she has been caught in so many.
I have know idea what Kate makes per episode, but I do know a portion of whatever it is, is for the kids and if they want to go to Bald Head Island for vacation and take gymnastics with their portion of pay, then they should!!! She can afford it, she is just too cheap and too damn LAZY!!
I have never seen anyone receive so much from the kindness of strangers and from the goodwill of companies, businesses and manufacturers and have no inkling to give back, in any way, once she has become financially able to do so. She will, in her mind, never have enough money. Guess what Kate, a lot of the people you grifted from didn't have "resources" either, but they helped you and your family when you begged for it! She is a self absorbed pig.
I do find amusement in the fact that instead of shipping her and the kids off to BHI, she is in her own home, on a Saturday, answering twitter questions send by her loyal fans. What is the point? She will only answer fluff and probably private, personal questions regarding her kids. It probably only takes one camera man and an assistant to do that. Far cry from her jet-setting, I need security, diva days!
Karma will get you is coming.....and you will deserve everything you have coming to you. Your kids don't, you have put them through enough, but Karma is one thing you do deserve! You are despicable.
I have some debt that I have been working to clear out and live paycheck to paycheck. I also know how good I have it in life compared to a lot of people and want to help out any way that might make a difference. I have automatic donations made from each paycheck to two animal charities. These donations, though small, are then matched by my company because every little bit helps. Most large companies participate in a matching program. I would love to know if Discovery/TLC has such a program. If it does, Kate probably wouldn't even know such a thing existed because there is no way she is going to part with her dear $$$$$$$'s. A $100 could easily become $200 to a much needed charity.
I have noticed that The Duggars give with their heart and souls and smiles. They hiked miles to a village that needed assistance and never complained. The Jones's (Quints by Surprise) have a birthday party for their kids and ask for coat donations in lieu of gifts so they help out the less fortunate. They bag up the kids toys to donate instead of taking them to a consignment shop. How does Kate live with herself after crying poor and having no resources? She is a sad excuse for a human being.
I'm confused. I usually am when it comes to Kate.
Didn't she tweet something to the effect of "I'm not paying for Mady's braces for the 2nd time around if she doesn't wear her retainer"?
Uh, Kate? Mady IS paying for her own braces!
And this: Why is it only called 'work' when Kate does it...and when the kids sit on the couch she calls it 'playing'??
Chingada said... She can live in a McMansion with acreage, send her kids to private school, and she can't throw down $100 for people who lost everything. What a cunt.
I couldn't agree more! Glad you said the C word and it wasn't cut.
ADMIN: Brilliantly done!!! YOU are beyond awesome! Khate's face looks like the Dorian Grey painting - frightening! Shows her real soul. This is the face the kids see everyday someone pisses her off. No wonder they are scared of her, she scares me with that face!
This photo is from the Dorothea Lange photographic archive and was the original cover photo for the book _Mothers of the South_ about white tenant farm women during the 30's.
If you go here
you can see the original famous photo.
I read this book in college and never forgot it. These women fought incredible odds to feed and raise their children. The poverty was incredible. Dorothea brought their plight to life and this photo is considered by many to be the face of the depression in this country.
Florence Owens Thompson was the woman in the picture. She had 7 children by the age of 32. The family survived as itinerant migrant farm workers and lived out of their car and in tent temporary camps as the moved from farm to farm.
Just an FYI because this picture has always spoken to me.
I don't see the dentist tweet. But she really is out of this world with her twatting today.
I just saw this one, Question: Would the kids consider a spinoff show when they're adults? Kate: I bet they would!
So now not only does she want the kids to film the crap out of them until they are 18, but they are supposed to give up their adulthoods as well! If she had her way these kids will be filmed with their walkers shuffling down the nursing home hallway.
Kate is just completely full of shit. I hope her day will come when the truth really comes out. Sometimes Karma doesn't seem to come for some.
Kate is probably just giving another one of her numerous half-lies in Gosselin speak. She probably makes the $250,000, but is deducting what she was ordered to put into the kids' funds. With endorsements, TV gigs, prior product placements on her show, etc., she probably makes much more than we even think.
The fact is, when TLC is not paying out the money for events, vacations, activities, Kate will not spend a dime. By the way, I am sure Dr. Lafair is still holding out for her money!
Cherier, the original is one of my favorite photographs as well and it is wildly considered by the photography world as a "perfect" photo. The composition of the three figures, the mother and two children, flows in a perfect circle, rounded out by the baby. The children burying their faces against her shoulders is so poignant. Every wrinkle and worry of the Depression on the woman's face comes through on film. It is indeed a perfect photo. She actually took several photos of this family but this is the most famous.
Of course I had to bastardize it with Kate, I couldn't help myself.
I think when the kids get old enough to realize they are owed far more money than they ever saw, they will likely turn to Kate demanding their cut.
And HELL if Kate will give them anything. In fact she'll probably blame them somehow for it all being squandered. These kids are going to have to sue her for every last cent if they want to see a darn thing out of this. A lawsuit WILL come between the kids and Kate, it just won't be for another decade or so. Perhaps some of us will still be vaguely following this saga then and can reunite.
LaFair better be sure her bags are packed because this is going to be a LONG HAUL getting a dime out of Kate.
Awesome photo!!! Brilliantly done :o)
Dustbowl Katie...
P.S. for anyone interested- the original photo was of Florence Owens, a 32 year old migrant worker during the Great Depression. She had seven children.
To read more about her, check out:
What I find so odd is Kate lies about everything else, why doesn't she just lie and say oh yes of course I gave all I could to them! It's not like anyone would know.
She's so brutally honest about something like this and has no shame. She really has no clue how people are going to take her comment about this. She thinks her explanations for why she didn't donate are going to satisfy people. As if everyone is going to say oh yes Kate I hear ya, nobody has the resources to help!
Sorry cherier1, you beat me to it-
pardon my post ;o)
Pixie said...
Didn't she tweet something to the effect of "I'm not paying for Mady's braces for the 2nd time around if she doesn't wear her retainer"?
Uh, Kate? Mady IS paying for her own braces!
Administrator said... I don't see the dentist tweet. But she really is out of this world with her twatting today
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@ @sarahjoyce1992 Just@pm.Has top&bottom&doesn't=we argue.I tell her sumday she WILL care@str teeth&I'm not paying4round2 if doesn't wear ret
9 Jun
Here ya go Admin.
Oh, Lord. What a nutjob with the braces. She's a child and she's already paying for round one!
One of these days Mady is going to snap back, You better check yourself because someday I'm picking your nursing home.
I can't say I'm surprised, but DAMN, go without if you truly want to give something to your kids! She is a CxxT, because she states everything she does is for them! As most moms do, I sacrifice money, time, my sanity, etc all for my kids. And I do it gladly, because I want them to be happy, and feel loved. If you aren't willing to do that, you have no business having children.
One thing she could EASILY cut out is tanning. Tanning is so 1998 anyway. There are many "starrrs" who go natural and pale, it will be fine. She is not a star because she tans. If anything she is the but of jokes for her orange glow. If they must they can always photoshop on a tan for any kind of magazine shoot. And she admits she does the tanning beds which more than doubles her risk of skin cancer and is a very bad example for the kids.
Cut out the tanning, save all that extra money in a cookie jar, next thing you know things like gymnastics and Bald Head become a lot more affordable.
She could also cut out Starbucks (make coffee at home), mani/pedis (do it at home, they have great tools for that now!), and her outrageous hair.
The problem is it's not that she doesn't have the money. It's that she blows it on herself until it's gone, and/or simply just doesn't want to spend it on anyone but herself.
What happened to Kate giving back? Apparently not unless she's being filmed and it involves a trip somewhere and the opportunity to act like a diva.
Do these people have any kind of life at all? Are they confined to bed and so 'twitter' is their lifeline? I guess it is nice to want to help others, but to this extent??
People are strange.
--If we look at this objectively, putting dislike of Kate aside, I would say Kate is in the same category of "fame" as Angus T. Jones (Two and a Half Men) $250,000, David Duchovny (Californication) $200,000, Kevin Dillon (Entourage) $200,000, and Adrian Grenier (Entourage) $200,000---
One big difference ... Talent.
Besides Kate, nothing cooked that show's goose faster than public knowledge of her salary. The ratings tanked. Sure, her acting stinks and true, the plotlines never go anywhere, especially with witchy poo bringing things to a screeching whining me me me halt. So now the brass at TLC are asking Kate to bring her purse full of bills back out, wide open, for all her twatter fans.
Pixie, that's disturbing. I have watched the twittering (or whatever it is) on twazzup and those poor, bullied, innocent teenage fans give way more than they get. They are awful, both in their worship of Kate and tweets to the anit-fans. Now, I don't agree with any of them, pro or anti alike, but both sides make themselves easy targets. If you don't like the heat, get out of the kitchen.
The C word is quite offensive. Why would you allow it? Because it is said towards Kate?
If you don't like the heat, get out of the kitchen.
I hear ya loud and clear PJ's momma! I agree. It's all kinda dumb. Sometimes entertaining, but a real time-waster.
Does this person really think Kate cares? They are sadly mistaken. She could give a rats ass.
Where's my new friend E-Town? :)
'People are strange. '
They sure are! lol
Pixie said...
Pixie, I checked this and agree, some folks apparently have way too much time on their hands and perhaps could use a hobby. Or medication with therapy. But I have a question... Here is what I read: "On Sunday 12th June 2011, @LivinForLife said:
@Kateplusmy8 EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! Please read Kate. As you know there is...".
Since we posting here on Saturday, the 11th, this post must have come from Australia, since it clearly says it is June 12th? I thought only my fellow Americans were dumb enough to fall for this con artist, but apparently her road show appeals to the kooks in Oz too. I just dont get how the whole twittwat thing works.
*I have a question for the sheeple - er, devoted fans. Is it ok with you fans that are moms, that Kate spends hundreds of dollars or more each month on her tanning, hair, toes, nails, clothes, stillettos, makeup, jewelry etc, but says she cant afford gymnastics for her children that have asked for it? Please dont tell me all of the above are gifted to her based on her winning and greatful personality. Is it ok with you that she wears $300 heels and $600 dresses, yet her kids are in Old Navy $2 flipflops? HER flip flops are Nike. She makes this money based on her uterus and that alone! yet the fascinating and charming little products of the uterus are her little afterthought. Yes, every mom deserves a little pampering now and then, but diva-glamming every single week, while crying poor; does that make sense to you, as a mom yourself? Do YOUR kids do without some things while YOU pamper and glam weekly to the tune of hundreds of $$? How does this make a good mom?
Last month, I donated a 9 year old Audi A8 to Cars for Change. Yes, I get a deduction at the end of the year and no, I don't make near the money that Kate makes for just ONE show. I could have sold the Audi on Craigslist or some other venue, pocketed the money and said the hell with charitys. Kate can't donate 5 dollars for assistance. What a cheap weasel.
Administrator said...I just saw this one, Question: Would the kids consider a spinoff show when they're adults? Kate: I bet they would!
I have been thinking she probably sees herself as a Kris Kardashian and the mileage she can get out of her girls if she just pimps them right.
"A family business" she twoddled about is something the boys will do, like run a stiletto shoe store, while she and her favorite daughters glam and diva it up for cameras.
After all the Kardashian "ladies" only claim to fame was their late dad defending OJ Simpson. And Kris married an Olympic swimmer. They created this 'celebrity' life out of thin air, and Kate already has a head start.
You did a nice job with the photo, Admin. It reflects her screwed up state of mind perfectly.
From Cherier1 - can't post w/ my name
I am disgusted but not surprised that she doesn't give to charity. We have struggled through this crappy economy, but I really believe that it's important to give no matter. It may be a small donation right now, but it gets sent just the same. Many have it much worse. Cherie1
@Pink. No problem! Love that you love this photo as well! Cherier1
The picture is offensive. Why are you exploiting actual suffering children for your own entertainment?
Anonymous said... The picture is offensive. Why are you exploiting actual suffering children for your own entertainment?
DING DING DING!!! We have a winner! We ask Kate and TLC and you sheeple that, every single day!!! Why are YOU exploiting ACTUAL CHILDREN for your own entertainment!????! WHY?
ACTUAL CHILDREN! Actually acutal! the Gosselin kids are not paid actors, they are actual children! that is actual puke and actual bowel movement and actual humilation, not special effects! Why are you exploiting them for your own actual entertainment?
LOL. Anonymous, this photo was taken in 1936, the "kids" in this photo would be elderly now. You might have studied it when you studied the Great Depression. I think what's nice about this photo is you can't see the kids' faces. It told an important story through the adult, not the kids who should be protected. If only Kate wouldn't let her kids faces be shown like most protective parents.
The real story of this photo is rather interesting and you can get pieces of it by googling around. The woman in the photo, who is long dead now (1983), claimed that Dorothea Lang promised her never to sell or print the photos. She didn't have a clue Dorthea Lang was a major photographer--nor was she anywhere near where she was once she published the photo. Imagine that, a parent who doesn't want photos of their kids sold or distributed. Heck this mother actually WAS starving and WAS desperate to feed her kids and STILL wouldn't exploit them. Apparently we need to give out medals now for that, for doing what any decent mother would do, since Kate just doesn't get it on so many levels.
I find it hysterical you are bent out of shape about "exploiting" a family half of whom is dead the other half whom are elderly, but it's just fine to exploit the Gosselin kids!
ANNA - I find Kate way more offensive than the "C" word.
You're right Admin I'd forgotten about the TV Guide article....chalk it up to the heat! It just boggles my mind that she'll rake in $250K for sitting on her ass tweeting for an episode and our service members that are in harms way make a fraction of that (can you tell I'm an Army wife?)....un-frekin-believable!
That salary Khate gets is a direct insult to the real actors on the TVGuide list. Wonder how they feel being devalued by a talentless disgusting excuse for a human being. They spent years on their craft and some get less paid than her. Love to know what they are thinking, or if they know.
Just Dwindle Away said... Anonymous said... The picture is offensive. Why are you exploiting actual suffering children for your own entertainment?
DING DING DING!!! We have a winner! We ask Kate and TLC and you sheeple that, every single day!!! Why are YOU exploiting ACTUAL CHILDREN for your own entertainment!????! WHY?
LMAO the sheeple just handed their ass on a silver (golden?) platter to Admin! Go, go Admin..simply the best Admin ever!!!!!
Laurie said... You're right Admin I'd forgotten about the TV Guide article....chalk it up to the heat! It just boggles my mind that she'll rake in $250K for sitting on her ass tweeting for an episode and our service members that are in harms way make a fraction of that (can you tell I'm an Army wife?)....un-frekin-believable!
<3 <3 <3 <3
My eldest daughter is an Army wife, he has done 3 middle east tours so far, a total of 6 tours total. Hugs to you, my dear. My son in law is a Blackhawk pilot, CW4, once flew with VP Cheney on Marine 2, and twice took lead on flanking Air Force One for Obama. Hope you find your family readiness groups as helpful as my daughter does.
you folks are delusional.
We are delusional?
How about those teenagers spending every waking moment telling a 36 year old how much they "love and support you, NO MATTER WHAT!?"
To me, THAT is delusional.
Yeah, and don't forget, that after it was made known, how much Kate made, she was in court on how much the kids were getting. I read that it was decided that the kids get only 15% of that $250,000, Kate gets 85% which is $212,500, and the kids all 8 share $37,500. Does anyone see something not right here? There are 9 people on this show. I'm sure Kate takes money out of the kids share and pays for their school, board, food etc, but takes nothing out of her money. This whole poor me BS is very OLD. Just like the pool is the Kate Gosselin vacation place. So unless TLC comes calling, the kids will not be going anywhere, cause Kate is CHEAP! or cause when she was a kid they went nowhere, what was good for her is good for her kids. The same food pantry had a place near her house in PA, the money they spent on taking Kate & kids and crew there could have went to the food bank. Kate could have made a donation, cause we all know celebs make donations and tell the world about it, Kate got paid for it, made no donation, did not even take the t-shirts with. TLC is tryin to change her imagine, it's not working. Kate only worries about Kate.
Anonymous said: you folks are delusional. Must be a Sheeple or one of the tween-teen workshippers. Cause we all know we are delusional and jellous. I'm surprised this one didn't say we are jellous. They make me LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
This has to be one of the worst things she's tweeted:
@Kateplusmy8 would you ever get married again, if the right guy comes along? :)
Kate Gosselin
@MeggyW777 Sure would... At some point :) kids are dying at this point to have a(nother) dad... Them more than me, lol
Oh my good God. Guys? Kate is an OBSESSED PARENTAL ALIENATOR. Even so far as to imply the kids want someone else other than Jon.
Here are some signs of it from another post I did:
The obsessed alienator thinks, "I love my children. If the court can't protect them from their abusive father, I will. Even though he's never abused the children, I know it's a matter of time. The children are frightened of their father. If they don't want to see him, I'm not going to force them. They are old enough to make up their own minds."
The obsessed alienator is a parent with a cause: to align the children to her side and together, with the children, campaign to destroy their relationship with the targeted parent. For the campaign to work, the obsessed alienator enmeshes the children's personalities and beliefs into their own. This is a process that takes time but one that the children, especially the young, are completely helpless to see and combat. It usually begins well before the divorce is final. The obsessed parent is angry, bitter or feels betrayed by the other parent. The initial reasons for the bitterness may actually be justified. They could have been verbally and physical abused, raped, betrayed by an affair, or financially cheated. The problem occurs when the feelings won't heal but instead become more intense because of being forced to continue the relationship with a person they despise because of their common parenthood. Just having to see or talk to the other parent is a reminder of the past and triggers the hate. They are trapped with nowhere to go and heal.
They are obsessed with destroying the children's relationship with the targeted parent.
The children will parrot the obsessed alienator rather than express their own feelings from personal experience with the other parent.
The targeted parent and often the children cannot tell you the reasons for their feelings.
Their beliefs sometimes becoming delusional and irrational. No one, especially the court, can convince obsessed alienators that they are wrong. Anyone who tries is the enemy.
They will often seek support from family members, quasi-political groups or friends (Admin: Or TV talk shows?) that will share in their beliefs that they are victimized by the other parent and the system. The battle becomes "us against them."
They have an unquenchable anger because they believe that the targeted parent has victimized them and whatever they do to protect the children is justified.
They have a desire for the court to punish the other parent with court orders that would interfere or block the targeted parent from seeing the children. (Admin: Gate pickups/dropoffs?) This confirms in the obsessed alienator's mind that he or she was right all the time.
The court's authority does not intimidate them.
The obsessed alienator believes in a higher cause, protecting the children at all cost.
This has been an exhausting day of tweets. I'm done. It's almost like she is saying the most outrageous controversial thing ever. What a complete nutjob.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@ @MeggyW777 Sure would... At some point :) kids are dying at this point to have a(nother) dad... Them more than me, lol
22 hours ago
This tweet from Kate is inexcusable. What a cruel, cruel bitch.
Jane -- that is truly despicable for her to say that. But why should we be shocked by anything she says or does. She is out of control. I feel such pain for Jon. He has done nothing to deserve this - no matter what the sheeple claim. I believe there will come a day when she will regret this behavior, not that she will admit it is her fault but because she will run off her entire gravy train.
I don't care if the guy is sitting on death row, he is the children's father and you are absolutely right Jane, he does NOT deserve this.
Forget Jon, the CHILDREN do not deserve to have their mother speak of their father this way.
Even sadder is that everything she is typing with her manicured claw is PERMANENT.
She can NEVER undo what she has done. Or said.
Today's tweets have proven Kate is unstable. She is losing it, bigtime. Didn't Narcissus drown in his own reflection?
Just Dwindle Away said...
My eldest daughter is an Army wife, he has done 3 middle east tours so far, a total of 6 tours total. Hugs to you, my dear. My son in law is a Blackhawk pilot, CW4, once flew with VP Cheney on Marine 2, and twice took lead on flanking Air Force One for Obama. Hope you find your family readiness groups as helpful as my daughter does.
My nephew graduated from college and was commissioned into the Air Force yesterday as a 2nd Lt (ROTC). I am overwhelmed with pride and he is not even my son-just my nephew. His class of 23 cadets were in junior high on 9-11 and they all choose this career of service to their country. What a committment of integrity, love and honor to put your life on the line for others-I always say it doesn't matter if you agree or disagree with politics and wars-the people that serve our country are amazing and make me proud to be an American!
Now, with that said. Kate is an idiot. She just said in that interview that kids of divorce always want their parents to get back together-then she tweets that they want another dad. She also phrased it as "they want a dad"-put the (nother)as a second thought in parathensis. I have never hated someone that I don't know but I really hate her. It is so sad and I just don't know what else to say.
After all the Kardashian "ladies" only claim to fame was their late dad defending OJ Simpson. And Kris married an Olympic swimmer. They created this 'celebrity' life out of thin air, and Kate already has a head start.
Wasn't Kim Kardahshian also Paris Hilton's BFF? I thought that was how she became famous.
Anonymous said...
you folks are delusional.
WE'RE delusional? You accuse the Admin of exploiting kids from posting a photo that was taken 50+ years ago, yet you're perfectly fine with TLC and Kate broadcasting the kids puking, crying, being potty-trained, constipated, punished, and yelled at for all of America to see. How can you not see the difference? It's exploiting all the same.
If the mother in the original picture had claimed she needed to take the picture and pass it around to locals so they could see how poor and tired they were so they could give her money, would you be okay with it, or still say it's exploitation? Because that's EXACTLY what Kate's doing. She's taking embarrassing photos, videotapes, whatever, of her kids, saying she needs to do it to provide for them, only to blow it on hair, nails, tanning, clothes, etc. I'm not saying a mom can't have me time, but not when you're supposed to be "providing for your kids."
Don't comment much but Kate's recent tweet left me slack jawed.
Tweeter question:
Would you ever get married again, if the right guy comes along?
Kate’s response:
Sure would... At some point, kids are dying at this point to have a(nother) dad... Them more than me, (lol)
a dad? a(nother) Dad?.... like they don't have one alive and loving them now. OMG, I'm speechless.
Anonymous said... you folks are delusional.
Why cant they ever ever just answer the questions?
Pixie said...
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@ @MeggyW777 Sure would... At some point :) kids are dying at this point to have a(nother) dad... Them more than me, lol
22 hours ago
This tweet from Kate is inexcusable. What a cruel, cruel bitch.
Holy effing crap! I cannot believe she said that (tweeted it, whatever)! What a freaking bitch!! It's official, I really do hate her. She doesn't deserve to be a mother.
Laurie, Just Dwindle, Widowed Young - thank you and your loved ones for your/their service and sacrifices. Too bad someone doesn't pony up $250K for service members. I can't think of anyone who would deserve it more. Hugs and prayers for you and your loved ones.
OK sorry admin, just one more post and I'll shut up for now.
Kate’s response:
Sure would... At some point, kids are dying at this point to have a(nother) dad... Them more than me, (lol)
It's ok, everyone calm down. After all, their father has made good progress at getting them a(nother) mom. And he's enjoying every minute of it.
If the latest comment about Jon is not Kate's undoing then I give up, she is truly made of teflon.
If the latest comment about Jon is not Kate's undoing then I give up, she is truly made of teflon.
If the latest comment about Jon is not Kate's undoing then I give up, she is truly made of teflon.
SmileyGrl752 said...
After all the Kardashian "ladies" only claim to fame was their late dad defending OJ Simpson. And Kris married an Olympic swimmer. They created this 'celebrity' life out of thin air, and Kate already has a head start.
Wasn't Kim Kardahshian also Paris Hilton's BFF? I thought that was how she became famous.
Even worse, I believe KK became famous through a sex tape. And her mom is proud of her. Oy. That whole bunch only care about fame and money. It doesn't matter how they got there or what they do to stay there, as long as they have the fame and the money. Sickening.
If the latest comment about Jon is not Kate's undoing then I give up, she is truly made of teflon.
oh joy..NOT.. Kate has a new entry on her blog...its about bugs.. I forgot to copy the link...sorry...
The kids want a(nother) dad to protect them from when they are with Kate..
And its not only money that people in areas of disaster need, but people power to help with the clean up and the Red Cross efforts. Her, Steve and Jamie could go, leave the kids with Ashley. Apparantly it was do-able for the trip to NYC..
Okay, I have been holding back for too long.I tried to be nice but this is really annoying me.
She doesn't afford to enroll kids in gymnastics but she affords to get 2000$ extensions? What kind of mother puts herself above her kids? She is a BAD mother perriod. I cannot believe there are people in this world STUPID enough to believe this crap.You believe her? Good for you, buy her dvds, send her money and freebies, stupidity has a price.
Oh, also, Kate Gosselin is insulting every ACTUAL single,poor, hardworking mother out there.Kate? Poor, hardworking mothers work two jobs for minimal wage and would kill to have the time to go on a field trip with their kids.Actual poor mothers are those who have sick children and donțt know what else to sell to pay for the child's chemotherapy, lung,kidney transplant or therapy.You're complaining one of your children is waring glasses? Calling him not completely normal? You are the most ungrateful mother ever.
Please, watch this clip in which Kate talks about her son's glasses:
I have been watching this train wreck for awhile and I have come to the inescapable conclusion that Kate says controversial things deliberately. She knows that statements about Jon get people stirred up and that translates into ratings. She knows that saying she doesn't have money for the kids or for charity gets folks fuming mad and then that translates into ratings. I am not doubting that she has real disdain for the father of her children or that the only charity she will ever contribute to is the "Kate Gosselin for life" charity. So folks, if you do not want to reward this behavior, consider that she wants fame and fortune from filming and don't reward her by watching her show. I don't know why anyone would want to, even if ratings were not an issue. I haven't seen anything but clips posted on this site and and they are stupid and boring. Who could sit through a show like these is beyond me. I am hoping that since Kate does not have the sleaze factor going in the next shows, ratings will go back under a million. How lame to do Easter in the summer, you have to wonder about the wisdom of those TLC producers! They may take Kate up on the dating show theme since her foot fetish episode got higher ratings after all. Although acutely embarrassing for her children, (especially the older girls) it should free them up from forced filming while Mom takes the show in a different direction.
Kate’s response:
Sure would... At some point, kids are dying at this point to have a(nother) dad... Them more than me, (lol)
If I was Jon, I would take this tweet directly to my attorney and request the Court put a gag order on Kate and her nasty mouth. As well as the comments she made on recent interviews about Jon as a dad. Her hurtful comments directed at Jon are hurtful to the kids. This is their dad, and he is not allowed to say anything about her. And don't think he should respond. Let the Court deal with it- these comments are too blatant and any decent Judge would put a stop to it. Muzzle the witch!
Perhaps the kids want "another " dad because their "other" mom is so freaking awesome, so much fun, so loving, so attentive, so present, so kind, eh Kate? What a stupid troll she is.
Kate Gosselin
@MeggyW777 Sure would... At some point :) kids are dying at this point to have a(nother) dad... Them more than me, lol
What's the matter, Kate? Kids not seeing Steve and the production-crew guys as their "dads"?
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@ @MeggyW777 Sure would... At some point :) kids are dying at this point to have a(nother) dad... Them more than me, lol
22 hours ago
This is absolutely unbelievable. How does she live with herself after making a comment like this. Does she realize it is out there, she can't take it back. How will she explain a comment like this to her kids, who love their dad. She has such a crippled maturity level.
I have said it on other threads and I am willing to bet that all of this:
(paraphrasing) Jon only takes them 4 times a month, That is all he will take them, I have asked him to take them more and he refuses!
All of this stems from her not having any plans for the summer and realizing it will be a long, hot summer with 8 kids around the house wanting to be entertained. She is not jet setting/filming every other day/week, so she probably has asked Jon to take them more just to get them out of her hair! When he refuses, because HE HAS TO WORK, she goes on a rampage and tweets that the kids want a(nother)dad. More like she wants more ME time and can't get it, so she is stomping her feet over twitter. Hope it bites you in the ass Kate. As I've said before, she is DESPICABLE!!
PS Bruce Jenner, married to Kris Kardashian Jenner won the Olympic gold medal in the decathalon. I don't think he was a swimmer, but could have been. :)
I don't watch the Kardashions, never will. Big difference is they are all adults and decided to put their shameful behavior out there for all to see.
If only this Judge would question the G8, whether they want to film, but I think Krap would instill the fear of God in them before they were questioned by the Judge or an advocate. She truly is one of the most selfish, egotistical, lying MUTHAs I have ever seen.
I do know at some point, the crap will hit the fan, just wondering why it hasn't happened yet. Then again the kids are only 7 and 10, but I put my money on Mady or one of the many gagged employees who think she is a witch with a B.
This video is great. Know it has been out there for some time, but it sums it all up in a humorous fashion. He has her number... Sing along with him.
Kate’s response:
Sure would... At some point, kids are dying at this point to have a(nother) dad... Them more than me, (lol)-------
a(nother) dad- Passive Aggrestive much? How manipulative is the witch? The lol seals it for me. She know exactly what she is trying to say.
GAG ORDER please!
WARN the congregation!! If Kate is really going to church today, as she tweeted, it will probably be struck by lightening!!
Guess church cuts some time out of her day, where she again doesn't have to pay any attention to her kids. If she does go, she probably tweets/or looks at her phone the entire service. If it was a pool day, (she said it was gloomy outside) I am sure church would be the farthest thing from her mind!
@HspncElvis Good! I woke up early too! Taking kids to church later in the am. Gloomy:/rainy here.u win today. Hands down! :(
REALLY? Kate is going to church to pray the gravy train does not end. She previously claimed she went to church, but NO ONE saw her or her 8 kids. Lesson in life- If you lie once, you have to continue lying to cover your first lie. She may actually take the kids to chuch today but for all of the wrong reasons. Praying that your lucrative gravy train involving selling out your own kids, bad mouthing their father constantly, refusing to help people in serious need because you don't "have the $," might not be well received by God, as God does not like liars or selfish ugly people. Going to church for appearances as she knows everyone is on to her and her show is coming to an end.
KATE says to GOD- Please help me keep my gravy train going... I know I have not been here in ages, as I was too busy pursuing my own personal stardom, putting down my ex husband, and ignoring my kids.... but GOD I really need this money to keep up myself, as I am a star and keep up need certain standards....
I don't have any money for victims of national disasters... as well.. that is their problem and not mine. I have to support 8 kids God!
I cannot believe no one has commented on the new pic of herself, she posted yesterday on her twitter. Pure trash and desperate. Her children must be very proud.
Anonymous said...
I cannot believe no one has commented on the new pic of herself, she posted yesterday on her twitter. Pure trash and desperate. Her children must be very proud.
Where? Do you have a link?
The ONLY way to stop her from working the children is to NOT watch, her ratings were up last time. If you DVR it & watch it before 24 hours they still count it in the ratings. If you turn the channel on even for 1 second it counts in the ratings. TLC thinks her ratings are good. The kfreaks turn on all their tv's to bump up ratings. They believe everything she says. Now she tweets kids want a(nother) day!?!? She is still using Jon & the kids. She will never stop until she has no viewers left. It feels good not to turn anything on she is on. Job complete in this house hold. Karma is going to get Kate but we must not watch or turn on what she is on. It is the only way. She does make $250 K per episode per TV guide. I believe them. She does have millions of dollars but will not help people, she is one selfish witch. She could take the kids to the beach, she will not if she has to spend any $ on the trip or the kids. She keeps the money to do what she wants. It's horrible & it's clear she lives to make money off those kids. Please don't watch the show, it just helps her use the kids.
Kate's going to church today, I guess to make good on her lie about "praying" for the tornado victims!
As if her tweet about Jon last night wasn't horrible enough, now she says she would rename some of the kids if she could, and lists a bunch of silly names including Holland (still fishing for that Holland trip I see). How does that make a kid feel, oh I don't like your name I wish I could pick something else for you. A name is your IDENTITY and acting like it's not good enough a kid can very well perceive as I'M not good enough, even if it was never meant that way.
She needs massive therapy, therapy she'll never sit down for much less pay her bills.
Hell may actually freeze over today. Kate has tweeted that she is taking the kids to church. (She's prodcasting her day plan in hopes some photog followers her.) Ya, really wants her privacy. Has to ruin the one day out of captivity for the kids. She must have the nanny staff on duty today to get them all ready. You know 7 year olds that act like 4 year olds can't get themselves dressed yet all matchy matchy. Wonder if she still scrubs their teeth for them in the kitchen.
And the comment about kids wanting another dad is horrible. She just doesn't know when to shut up. Steve is around enough to fill the male role. What about all their TLC dads. Better yet Kate, why don't you have the kids see Jon and extra night or two a week. If the kids weren't so doomed to their lonely life in the mcmansion, they would be involved in a tball or softball game during the week and Jon could help coach or at least watch his kids at these public events. But again, lazy Kate won't be bothered washing uniforms, taking them to practices, planning dinners around their schedules.
In the previews of the bday party, why is Steve there in her own home - is she unsafe from her own "guests" - or was it again paid extras for the bday party? She sure as heck didn't do anything for that party - she shopped with the twins and there were pics of her w/ about 3 12 paks of soda. WOW so generous for a party of 70 people. Again, if he mouth or fingers are moving - she is lying.
I hope someone clues Jon in on that latest comment and a lawyer slaps her to keep innuendos about her children's father to herself.
Karma is a bitch and it will get this one in the end. She is going to be a lonely middle aged women as soon as the kids are legally able to speak for themselves - they are GONE.
I hope to God that Jon is working behind the scenes to do something about her....who knows if he even sees her tweets. I guess we can assume from this tweet that the kids spent the day on the couch yesterday ansering questions along with Kate.
Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
GN. My brain is still going but the eyes r slamming shut.gotta sleep... Thx 4 great ?'s & fun day! Kids said 'LOVED answering ?'s,mom!' :)
11 hours agoFavoriteRetweet
Sometimes Karma doesn't seem to come for some.
Karma ALWAYS comes...for all.
If you DVR it & watch it before 24 hours they still count it in the ratings.
I have asked and as of yet have not seen anyone who can provide a definitive explanation regarding ratings, Nielson boxes only or DVD, cable and satellite included. There seem to be two different camps.
Kate has tweeted that she is taking the kids to church.
I read this as, she is "faking" the kids to church. I think that's more like it.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB ...
The pic is on her tweeter page. It was taken yesterday while answering her fans questions (all 8 of them ).
She's in the white chair with her fake breast falling out of her too big shirt, short shorts and barefooted. She has so much class, you can see it rolling off her back !
kelly said... The ONLY way to stop her from working the children is to NOT watch, her ratings were up last time. If you DVR it & watch it before 24 hours they still count it in the ratings. If you turn the channel on even for 1 second it counts in the ratings. TLC thinks her ratings are good. The kfreaks turn on all their tv's to bump up ratings. They believe everything she says. Now she tweets kids want a(nother) day!?!? She is still using Jon & the kids. She will never stop until she has no viewers left. It feels good not to turn anything on she is on. Job complete in this house hold. Karma is going to get Kate but we must not watch or turn on what she is on. It is the only way. She does make $250 K per episode per TV guide. I believe them. She does have millions of dollars but will not help people, she is one selfish witch. She could take the kids to the beach, she will not if she has to spend any $ on the trip or the kids. She keeps the money to do what she wants. It's horrible & it's clear she lives to make money off those kids. Please don't watch the show, it just helps her use the kids.
I don't watch her shows as I don't wish to add to her ratings. I will add after looking at the Twitters/Twatters whatever they are( I don't prescribe to), that the Fan phenomena is hooked into people feeling better about themselves by having a "star," answering them, as something is missing from their lives. There is something missing, and if Kate responds to them, not sure how this makes their personal lives better. There is a termininology for people pursing "stars" and viewing/relying on responses as validation, which indicates that some of these people do not have a good anchor in their own personal lives. They rely on Kate to validate them by her responses. Sad, and none of us will be able to fix this.
I also don't prescribe to the negative comments on Twitter, as this simply gives Kate more hits, and draws more attention to her. I know people are trying to educate the clueless, but the "clueless" do not want to be educated and deal with reality, but rather connect with a "star" and a pathetic no talent self-absorbed child using, proven liar and grifter at best. You can't reach people who are desperate for a contact with Kate, as their need is not reality based, but some weird desire to connect with an alleged star. Sad, but true. And they will not change as they need that weird connection.
I don't believe for a second that her kids asked for a new dad. They might want their mom to be happy and have a new husband but what kids ask for a new dad? I think Kate said that because it gives her an excuse for the dating show. "I am doing it for my kids, they want a new dad".
The only reason Kate is going to church is because they are filming this wknd. Betch'a it shows up on a future episode.
Jon needs to speak with a lawyer asp.... her recent (let alone past behavior) is so desparate and disparaging, an intervention is needed. The Judge needs to meet with Jon and rule on the ongoing disparagement of Jon with a gag order, as well as additional days he can see his kids, as Kate is clearly implying he is not willing, when she, in fact, blocks visitation every step fo the way. I think with Jon getting his own house, Kate is very threatended. Why else all of her negative comments recently? What a witch.
Wow, I take a break from this idiot woman and find all sorts of stupid stuff when I return, as usual. Even worse than before. "another dad" Most of her followers are mothers and grandmothers. Are they not bothered by this comment? This is INCREDIBLE if they are not. She lied about the crew, saying they are like family, like "dads", then turns around and tweets the crew rotates??!! A "few" have been with them for 'years & years'?? Which few? The camera crew I saw last year when the kids "screamed" when they came back, were ALL NEW, from just a few mere months from that time. She also LIED when she told Billie Bush they had remained in contact and the kids have seen them, when Jon stopped the filming. BUT the first sentence she said in the "come back" episode, was "this is the first time the kids have seen the crew" (since Jon halted the filming). Many noticed that lie. The fans didn't. IF they did, they ignored it. The fans didn't say a word when she said the KIDS wanted a(nother) dad. What sort of women are these people? This immature idiot also told Perez Hilton in her mangled English interview that she has no reason to meet Jon's GF. That is "his life". While it IS his life, they have 8 kids together. So if Jon marries Ellen this idiot does not ever want to meet her because it is "his life". Gee call me an adult or something, but I would want to MEET whoever is taking care of MY kids. I would want some sort of line of communication in case the ever get sick or something like life's problems involves the kids. What a totally IMMATURE idiot. She is CLEARLY NOT OVER JON. NOT BY A LONG SHOT.
From the clip at the nightclub, HER main topic was JON. Doesn't she know this is a HUGE NO NO. You do NOT talk about your ex with another man you are just meeting. KATE IS CLEARLY NOT OVER JON. I will keep saying that, hope she reads this. Many of us have lived twice as long as Kate, and have gone through life.WE KNOW ABOUT THESE THINGS. I am not dumb and naive like so many of your adoring fans. Yup, I now know they ARE dumb. I always knew they were extremely naive. Wow, it just becomes more and more sickening and delusional in this fan base of hers. And some idiot comes on here and dare to call US delusional? LOLOL I am beyond shocked any more. I am truly sickened that there are so many really dumb and naive people walking around this earth. Sorry had to let it out.
Admin as usual YOU hit with the pix again. LOL Good job.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...
Anonymous said...
I cannot believe no one has commented on the new pic of herself, she posted yesterday on her twitter. Pure trash and desperate. Her children must be very proud.
Where? Do you have a link?
Why is the link not on her twitter anymore but still shows up on yfrog?
Now, there is a huge drama going on about the 'tweens' getting "bullied and threatened". HUH? First of all, in MY opinion, that constant attacking of Kate and much of what is said is stupid and so repetitive it is boring. I seriously do not understand spending hours and hours day after day attacking this idiot. But they are adults, I think, so they can do whatever. I also think it is wrong to attack anyone who tweets Kate. Especially the tweens. Gawd, say what you gotta say TO Kate, why harass everyone? Oh well. BUT some of these tweens argue back, curse and talk as much trash as the "haters". WHY answer them, then pretend to be "scared" and ask for "help". Are you kidding me? Why are they on twitter if they haven't learned the ropes about being online? Where are their parents? Block them and IGNORE anything you might see. One claims that a "hater" emailed her school twice. I caught her in LIES about that. First of all, from the initial sounds of the 'alleged" email it DID sound like from a parent who's kid was harassed by her. Secondly someone had just told her that their work had been emailed by a "hater". Seriously this kid is LOOKING for attention, I see that. Many others see it too. She even said how did they know where to email, since she NEVER told anyone where she went to school? IF there was an email, WHY did she automatically say it was a "hater". WHY assume that immediately? This kid obviously tweets IN school, she has even said so. She argued back one time, and cursed and then tweeted one of the "protectors" and said "Help me" Are you serious?? This is drama 101. Now they want Kate to follow a select few so that the 'haters' can't see the tweets. LOLOL My gawd. WHERE ARE THE PARENTS? Don't these mothers and grandmothers SEE an obvious lonely kid that is seeking attention? Lonely or something. My kid surely would NOT be on twitter during school and certainly NOT making videos of herself almost crying while talking to a grown woman she 'adores" and calls momma? My kid would NOT be exposing herself AT ALL in any video on the internet. They could be online for a very limited time, and I would surely be reading tweets or any messages they get. Sorry, no privacy like that when you are UNDER AGE and UNDER MY ROOF. What is wrong with these women?
I just don't get it. I don't get how they cannot see this kid is crying out for attention. IF they truly cared, steer her to a parent or an adult in their REAL LIFE to talk to. WHY are they even tweeting with these under aged girls? If it was my kid, I would be as upset with them as I would be with the "haters". Then I would completely have her delete twitter. End of problem. I am completely astounded by all of this.
Sorry if I offended anyone bout what I Said about tweeting Kate and harassing her, but that is my opinion. Not trying to tell anyone what to do at all. Sorry for my second rant, just cannot believe the drama and crap the fans bring out.
Sorry I forgot to say HELLO. I miss reading your comments and posting. I had to take a break, I see it really inflames me when I DO read after a long period of time. LOL
Hope all is well with all of you!
I don't care if the kids had the time of their lives, they have no business spending their Saturday working answering question about themselves from creepy fans. It's sick.
Hailey said... Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...
Anonymous said...
I cannot believe no one has commented on the new pic of herself, she posted yesterday on her twitter. Pure trash and desperate. Her children must be very proud.
Where? Do you have a link?
Why is the link not on her twitter anymore but still shows up on yfrog?
The pig thinks she looks great! Ego, ego, ego....
ADMIN you are absolutely right. Do you REALLY think she even asked them? I don't. Nor do I believe she took them to church. She "hears" about what we say, she told Hilton, so she is covering ALL her bases and lying to cover all the criticism she gets. She is one of the biggest liars out there, and never gets called on it, because she is a "mother" LOLOL
Administrator said... I don't care if the kids had the time of their lives, they have no business spending their Saturday working answering question about themselves from creepy fans. It's sick.
EXACTLY!!! Kate will never get how twisted this is.
BTW, it is sounding more and more like not many trips are planned? More home based filming? Hahhaa No Bald Head this year? What?? There are PLENTY of rentals even now, available. TLC is NOT footing many expensive trips this year? It seems to me they are cutting back, no? Writing on the wall? CAN WE DREAM?
One more thing I just remembered. When she said the crew were like "dads". But she now says they rotate. So complete strange men, even those you think you know, it is ok for those kids to sit on their laps while they read to them? Really, KATE? You were not home when they filmed this last episode? Yet you have complete strange men with your children filming? I am so protective over my kids and grandkids, I cannot imagine this. No, I don't think every male is pervert, but I don't know they are not either. Get it? Kate?
Last rant, I promise. Take care everyone.
Would you ever get married again, if the right guy comes along? :)
10 hours ago
Sure would... At some point :) kids are dying at this point to have a(nother) dad... Them more than me, lol
22 hours ago
She is a f*ckin' liar, and a cruel, heartless
Jon LOVE'S his kids, and they LOVE their father-their ONLY FATHER.
Kate is so damn rotten to the core. Hateful!!
Any man that has the misfortune of hooking up with her will live to regret it.
She's a spiteful, putrid piece of poo!!!!
Admin, you do a Herculean job maintaining this blog, and I respect everyone's efforts to call attention to Kate's exploitation of her children, and I am NO supporter of K8, but...... she did not say she would rename the children, she simply offered up other names she likes. In fact, she twittered that she would indeed give the same names.
I know you feel it is important that when any one of us rants that we rant the truth, based on what you do for a living, and I hope you are not offended by this correction.
Kit I read it again, it's so convoluted I admire you for making sense of it. I think you're right she said I would name them the same but if I could this would be the names. Phew!
Ok, I fibbed back for ONE LAST RANT. See how much I miss this blog? LOL
This "no resources" BS. Again, she is crying broke,not enough money. Even People magazine runs an article every single year on the highest paid. Kate even recommended that fans read People because they are so "truthful". So People mag lied too about your income? IF this woman is so limited in finances as she pretends to be, she should REALLY be investigated for misappropriation of those kids' funds. I HOPE in the future, she will have to account for all this money, if it is truly not there. (which I don't believe for a second) She makes herself look very irresponsible with statements like this. The Duggars immediately took off to help and donate. WITHOUT the cameras. Whatever one thinks of them, they truly do have a giving and loving spirit. The FIRST thing we did as a family, was pool together and give. We are NOT rich but not poor. We gave, everyone I know hss in form or the other. Some people couldn't give money, but they donated clothes and whatever else they could. I cannot believe her black heart. SHE got everything she has by people donating to her. Everything.I still have the list of the things they were given. They only had their house payment, and utilities to pay. That was it.That entire first 2 years were paid for by DONATIONS.
And she is so small, so selfish, so self important that she can't even write out a check? Give some of those clothes she has? No, she takes those to the consignment store. What a selfish, selfish person. Some day, she will have to face her maker. Someday, karma, Kate.
BTW a tweeter caught her in her lie about being in church. Asked if she were tweeting in church. She came back with "oh no, one vomited on the way, and she is in the car with them while they sleep, others are in church LOL Impressive liar. Good Gawd.
Karma, Kate. It is very real.
Sorry for all the posts. HAD TO GET ALL THIS OUT. Take Admn and everyone!
Admin, I agree: she is rather "convulsion-ish".
Thanks again.
Administrator said... What I find so odd is Kate lies about everything else, why doesn't she just lie and say oh yes of course I gave all I could to them! It's not like anyone would know.
She's so brutally honest about something like this and has no shame. She really has no clue how people are going to take her comment about this. She thinks her explanations for why she didn't donate are going to satisfy people. As if everyone is going to say oh yes Kate I hear ya, nobody has the resources to help!
Just started reading ... way behind. But the answer to this question is ...
1. She really thinks she's All That ... people shouldn't question her motives, those who do question either don't understand what a STAH she is ... or they just want to be her, therefore; she can say anything she wants.
2. Her sheeple would follow her off a cliff, therefore; she has nothing to lose by making herself look like an ass.
Now, there is a huge drama going on about the 'tweens' getting "bullied and threatened". HUH? First of all, in MY opinion, that constant attacking of Kate and much of what is said is stupid and so repetitive it is boring. I seriously do not understand spending hours and hours day after day attacking this idiot. But they are adults, I think, so they can do whatever
The entire twitter thing there is disgusting. The "haters" carry on with these vile diatribes against Kate and the sheeple; the sheeple sling their mud back at the "haters" - no side is every going to win. They say the same thing over and over and over again, and when they get tired of one topic, they pick a new one and resume their viciousness.
The behavior of all involved there reminds me of middle school bullies. Their behavior is anything but adult. The two who went at each other last night should be ashamed of themselves. There are teens on there who behave more mature than some of the adults. Why do they do this? What is the great motivator, and what do they hope to accomplish? All they are succeeding in doing is making themselves look bad. It's pathetic. There is never any kind of intelligent discussion, only bickering back and forth, with name-calling thrown into the mix.
I do, however, feel sorry for the one young teen. Her tweets are a cry for help, but it appears that she has no circle of family or friends to throw out a lifeline.
Pixie said... Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@ @MeggyW777 Sure would... At some point :) kids are dying at this point to have a(nother) dad... Them more than me, lol
22 hours ago
This tweet from Kate is inexcusable. What a cruel, cruel bitch.
And saved for all eternity for her kids to read ... I can't wait to read their tell all books about K8 ... revenge will be sweet for some of those kids.
SHE got everything she has by people donating to her. Everything.I still have the list of the things they were given. They only had their house payment, and utilities to pay. That was it.That entire first 2 years were paid for by DONATIONS.-----
Thanks No Regrets.... I get why you are so digusted by Kate's grifting, greed, and LACK OF DONATIONS TO OTHERS IN NEED. It really is disgusting as everyone knows, she could afford to support others, but chooses not to do so, as she is a selfish, lying, uncaring witch who CHOOSES NOT TO GIVE BACK TO OTHERS IN SPITE OF THE MANY DONATIONS AND FREEBIES SHE HAS GOTTEN OVER MANY YEARS. Great example for her kids. But worst yet if her tying to get paid off freebies she got by taking them to a consignment shop, NONE of which she paid for. Great way to repay and pay it forward to those in need. Kate is the most selfish grifter I have ever seen and does not appreciate anything she has ever gotten for free, which is a lot with donations, freebies by sponsors, and TLC. THIS WOMAN HAS NOT LEARNED ONE SINGLE LESSON ON GRATITUDE. Stay out of the church Kate, God does not like selfish, ungiving people. Especially after you begged for money with your church visits, book tours,pleading poverity.... You are a despicable human being. Live with your ugly self!!!
BTW a tweeter caught her in her lie about being in church. Asked if she were tweeting in church. She came back with "oh no, one vomited on the way, and she is in the car with them while they sleep, others are in church LOL Impressive liar. Good Gawd.
Thanks for this post. Just as I thought that Kate would lie once again. I am taking this to the basic levels but this woman (Krap) had not morals or ethics and never will. And for those who admire her, I feel sorry for them, as they are ignoring a lot in order to try to connect with a "star" who has no moral fiber. Sad but as I said in an earlier post, something is really missing from them lives if they think admiring and tweeting this alleged (star)woman about how great she is, is the way to go. Get a grip with reality fans, this woman is a huge fake, self-absorbed, and admiring this person is no tribute to her children, who probably need our support.
"BTW a tweeter caught her in her lie about being in church. Asked if she were tweeting in church. She came back with "oh no, one vomited on the way, and she is in the car with them while they sleep, others are in church LOL Impressive liar. Good Gawd"
She left the air conditioner running in the car for an hour while the other kids were in church? In this heat, there is no way that she and the sick one could wait it out in the car with only the windows rolled down. Didn't she say it was raining? She couldn't take the sick one home and then return to pick up the nanny and the other kids? Obviously, she didn't let the other seven go to church without being supervised by an adult.
Something smells fishy about that whole scenario.
Anonymous said...
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB ...
The pic is on her tweeter page. It was taken yesterday while answering her fans questions (all 8 of them ).
She's in the white chair with her fake breast falling out of her too big shirt, short shorts and barefooted. She has so much class, you can see it rolling off her back !
I don't want to read through all that. I can't even make out what it is. I don't believe she posted a pic of herself yesterday.
So which lucky adult got to be the one to sit with the other kids in church? Steve? Ashley? Doesn't her regular Nanny get Sundays off?
Why didn't Kate herself go into church with the other kids and let the anonymous adult sit in the van?
More importantly, which kid didn't want to go to church and made themselves vomit to get out of it?
BTW a tweeter caught her in her lie about being in church. Asked if she were tweeting in church. She came back with "oh no, one vomited on the way, and she is in the car with them while they sleep, others are in church LOL Impressive liar. Good Gawd"
Not ringing true, Kate in all of her glory, if at church, would delegate "sick child" to the nanny in a second. If any of the G8 were there, we will be hearing about it, as they are not hard to recognize, thanks to their mother. Whole story is fishy at best, and doubting she even took them to church with this stupid "sick child" story. Doesn't Kate normally delegate sick kids to her nannies so she can be the center of attention, in any situation?
What's most suspicious to me? She tweeted ALl morning. No mother trying to get 8kids to church would have a spare second for twatting. Please
of course we ALL believe that Katie Irene wasnt in church today because she sat the entire service in the parking lot with a sick kid. yeah, sure, THAT is the reason no one saw you, Krieder; yep.
And no one believes the kids are asking for a(nother) dad. No one. She told one kid mommy wouldnt be so mean if she had a maaaaaannnnnn and the kid said "well, then for gawd sake find one fast". How perverted is it that she is teaching her 8 children that every adult male that pauses in their lives is their 'daddy' and mommy's 'big strong saviour sugar daddy'. Makes her sound like a hooker.
If her tweenie tweeters dont like the heat, get out of the kitchen. How sick and twisted is everything around this woman that children feel the need to twatt to her despite the fact that they get upset? I dont twit/tweet/twat/twod so I dont get it. Even 10th grade girls at some quick point just move on.
She is playing us, folks. She knows we are watching her twatter and she is playing us. We continue to give her the attention she craves. "Look! I am quite honestly so important they talkish about my every word on the inner-net!"
Can we chat about legislation or something, and not acknowledge her tweetiebirdypoopies? I am as guilty as anyone of reading this stuff and wanting to slap her stupid lying mouth with a bar of soap, (and just where is her mother when she needs a good mouth-washing?) but we are feeding her delusions at this point.
Gee call me an adult or something, but I would want to MEET whoever is taking care of MY kids. I would want some sort of line of communication in case the ever get sick or something like life's problems involves the kids. What a totally IMMATURE idiot. She is CLEARLY NOT OVER JON. NOT BY A LONG SHOT.
It is immature and short-sighted to not wish to meet Ellen. Ellen may one day be the step-mother (and no, not a(nother) mom) to her children. I'll call you an adult, along with the others who post here! Adults we all are, thank goodness.
Kate is not yet over her marriage to Jon. I think that's different from being over Jon, in the sense that I believe she does not love him or want to be with him anymore.
But, Kate sure is angry over the monkey wrench that Jon threw into her filming the kids. She's angry that Jon was not on the same page. And, she's angry that Jon moved on to other women--- this is understandable as it hurts. But, she should be over her rebellious strumpet stage at this point.
She's grown out her hair and made it uber blond. She has gotten into great shape, all tight and tanned. She's posed on a cover in a bikini. So, hasn't she "shown" Jon yet?
I think she has.
I agree with admin (and wow! looking back at what she wrote about parental alienation gets more chilling as time goes by) that now, not only has she shown Jon what he's missing, meaning her, she's going to show him what it means to miss his kids, too.
Folks in my family use terms like, "What goes around comes around" and "Every dog has it's day." I have always felt these sayings related to Karma. Kate will get hers' someday. If not her personally, she'll get a pay back through her kids. It will not be pretty. She is cheap and greedy at the same time. That's an ugly combination. None of us who have jumped off the Kate band wagon are delusional. We woke up quite a while ago.
Anonymous, I found that pic you were talking about, but I never saw a tweet with that link. I'm baffled, but not going to waste much time thinking about it.
I find that Kate going to church a joke. Really, Kate praying now(she tweeted). Kate goes to church to pray that her show does not get canceled and probably, tryin the poor single mother bit OLD, to get donations. I would not be surprised. Or did TLC put Kate up to this, you know the church going mother of 8, such a good Christian woman, see Kate can do no wrong(part of Kates new image. She stays home with her kids, plays games with them, cooks etc does Kate charity, (you know I'll show up if I'm paid), playing the poor single mom has no money, to helping people who suffered a disaster, cause she has no money. But can afford braces, tanning, spa, nails etc. At least the Duggars and the Jones have help others(and did not get paid). Kate twitters BS.
It bugs me, too, that karma seems late in getting to Kate.
However, I think some karma has reached her. She lost Jon, she doesn't seem to be getting as many outrageous travel/trips, and 2 of her 8 are having (or did have) problems in school.
As my wise mother said, "Be patient, dear. She has a lot of living left to do."
I am personally hanging around until all 5 of her girls are experiencing PMS - at the same time! THAT, to me, will be great karma. Add to the 5 girls 3 hormonal young men? Good luck Kate.
Don't watch anymore, can't wait to read the recap!
Speaking of things that don't ring true how about her latest about Shoka....
@MiloandJack omg he is precious!A dog is a families best STILL thnk me everyday 4 Shoka...he's1 of us,why r they thnking me,lol! about 2 hours ago
I don't believe for a minute that the kids have very much interaction with Shoka and I don't believe that they thank her every day for him. If he's still around he's around as a guard dog - I did watch online when the kids were making a mess and didn't see anything dog related in the basement. Granted not all dogs have the run of the house nor are they as spoiled as my bulldog but we don't expect to be thanked every day for him as the joy on my son's face when we went to pick him up was thanks enough. She is unbelievable!
It's amazing that she manages to interject herself into so many things that don't require it. I looked at her twitter and someone sent a picture and she said SHE wasn't a gardener. Someone else must have said something about their dog (a topic near and dear to my own heart) and she said the kids still thank her every day for bringing Shoka back. Mind boggling the level of her narcissism is. Sorry, broke into Yoda speak there, out of frustration.
Yes and claiming the kids thanked her for this or that thing is just another way to interject herself into the equation. She can't just be happy the kids enjoyed something, she has to turn it around on her and make herself seem like a great mother who puts her kids first because they were so grateful to her. She is also overcompensating for what she knows deep down is total crap parenting by making it seem like anything she does the kids adore. Kate? It's okay if you're not perfect, and kids cannot always be expected to be perfect either.
All that said it's just not credible the kids thank her for all the time for the dog, and all the other things she says they thank her for. No one believes ANY kid always says what she claims these kids always say. She is describing very ODD kids. And since we've seen so much of these kids on film I think it's fair to say these are pretty normal kids and not odd at all--therefore a reasonable person could conclude they do NOT say the things Kate says they say.
The truth is most kids do not perceive the role of who their Mommy is in the way that Kate claims these kids do. I.e. thanking her constantly, always so happy to clock in at work, want a new daddy, and so on.
Just Dwindle Away said...
She is playing us, folks. She knows we are watching her twatter and she is playing us.
Just Dwindle, I hear what you are saying about Kate's twitter and with all due respect, I don't think she is bright enough to play anyone. I believe she is watching this blog and on occasion twits about things that are discussed here. But if that is her way of playing us, then she better make a new plan, because that was a damaging tweet about the ...a(nother) dad. Yes, this blog and many others may catch that and discuss it, but that tweet could also get picked up by the media and by Jon's attorneys. There is no "taking it back." She put it out there for ALL to see and discuss. We also discuss how she constantly violates her children's privacy and safety. Playing us, maybe, damaging her kids, definately! She is not a smart woman.
Tucker's Mom said...
Kate sure is angry over the monkey wrench that Jon threw into her filming the kids
I agree that she is still outraged over Jon wanting to leave the show and lead a normal life, but how long did she think this show was really going to last? I have not watched since the Utah episode, but given what I know from the blogs and occasional clips, even if Jon stayed, the kids are older now and it really isn't an interesting show. Actually, if Jon hadn't left, I bet TLC wouldn't have funded so many trips for Kate. It probably would have remained more of a family friendly show, instead of Kate's Excellent Adventure...Oh + her 8 kids. I think it is because Kate stayed and was the "Contract Honorer" that TLC rewarded her with VIP, DIVA treatment....Give us your "Bucket List" Kate and we will attempt to fill it. Now the ratings suck, she is hated by 90% of people who even know who she is, and she is relegated to doing tweeted in Q&A'a in her basement.....THAT is why she is outraged. Of course, it is still Jon's fault that HER show sucks! It is always Jon's fault. Bring on the new Dad's, Kate's not happy!
From that pic, I notice that Kate is getting the middle age spread around her middle. She also needs to put on the good bra to hold up those sagging boobs. Pure and utter trash!
If the kids thank her daily for Shoka, it's becasue every morning she says to them, "What do you say to mommy for bringing Shoka back?" And they answer in droning unison: "Thank you, mommy."
That tweet about the kids "dying" for a new dad is complete hogwash. Enough said.
Same for taking them all to church and then sitting in the car with the sick one. I think she's sitting locked in her bedroom with her box of wine and tweeting whatever thought comes into her head. She's so hooked on all the attention that I think she's living in a complete fantasy world at this point.
I have to thank you, Admin, for keeping this blog going. I haven't posted in ages because I truly haven't watched her on anything since DWTS and don't care to, but I'm still concerned for those kids. I check into this blog only to keep informed and am so frustrated that nothing ever seems to change for them. I really hope Jon is working behind the scenes to get those kids off TV and away from that psycho for good.
I see the 'thanking' business more ominously.... This is not the first time she has mentioned the children thanking her for something and we have seen her coaxing them to do so.
I cannot imagine being a child in that house.
We can be pretty sure Kate's "they thank me every day" crap is a lie, just going by basic child psychology. It shows what a rudimentary understanding Kate has a child development when she makes up these lies.
A child, especially a young child, doesn't see their parents as separate people with separate needs and wants and desires. A child sees the parent as on this earth for them. The life revolves around a child and it's a given in their mind that Mommy is going to give them what they want and need and if she doesn't, they cry and throw fits. Naturally most children who don't become narcissists grow out of this. But a normal, developing child is not quite able to take themselves out of their self-centered world and step into the shoes of another. In order to be grateful to someone, you have to put yourself in their shoes and understand that they sacrificed something for you.
Surely Kate's heard every parent say to their child "what do you say?" when someone does something nice for them. That's because children have to be taught this, because developmentally, they are not able to understand yet. That's not to say a child can't be grateful, but they're just not wired yet, especially this young, to understand that someone went out of their way for them.
Now that said, who the hell knows how all this basic child development might be completely screwed up when you live with a narcissist who puts the kind of outrageous demands on these kids' development and emotions as Kate does.
She looks like a tramp in that picture. And she claims she will be cautious in the way she lets her girls dress? What about what her dress says to them? Volumes.
I would think Jon could call the court or an atty. about her blathering on and on in her Twittering and so blatantly bashing him. She is so beyond despicable.
I don't know what if anything Jon is doing, but all I can say is if I were his attorney? I would be TICKLED PINK at all this evidence. Of course even the most raring to go attorney has to listen to what their client wants. If Jon doesn't want to drag her back to court yet again and cause more unrest for the kids, that would be up to him..
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@ @EmCr68 You sure have! And you'll see it again in an upcoming ep.don't know when that one airs tho...hint hint
23 hours ago
So she WAS filming today. Convenient that she decided to go to church today...but then never quite made it. She gets the 'church' credit AND the 'heroism' for consoling a vomiting child.
Now that said, who the hell knows how all this basic child development might be completely screwed up when you live with a narcissist who puts the kind of outrageous demands on these kids' development and emotions as Kate does.
Good point, Admin. I think the kids have learned that saying 'thank you' and appeasing their mother is a win-win for them.
I think the kids very well could have learned a lot of screwed up things to say that make Kate happy and keep her nice and calm. When you live with a narcissist, if you can just keep them stable you're doing yourself a huge favor.
For instance:
We love getting the crap filmed out of us, Mommy! We love sitting on a couch all day on a Saturday answering creepy fans' questions!
Daddy is so boring! We want a new one!
More tanning and manicures for you, we love you orange!
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all the crap we've bought for ourselves with our paychecks!
@MiloandJack omg he is precious!A dog is a families best STILL thnk me everyday 4 Shoka...he's1 of us,why r they thnking me,lol!
Thank you Mommy for deciding to get puppies when you wanted to. Thank you for not allowing us to name them. Thank you for not letting us select the puppies we wanted. Thank you for freaking out when the puppies peeped on the floor and making us clean it up. Thank you for banishing the puppies to the basement. Thank you for crating the puppies for so long they bent the bars in desperation. Thank you for banishing the puppies outside so we could'nt snuggle with them on the couch anymore. Thank you for sending the puppies away right after you sent our daddy away.
Thank you for bringing the dogs back after forever because of unrelenting public pressure and much needed idea for an 'episode'. Thank you for bringing only Shoka back and not letting us have Nala. Thank you for doing this on international TV so anybody once again can see our most personal emotions. Thank you for making Shoka live outside with no love and affection for hours. Thank you for letting her cower in her doghouse in bad weather without having her sister for some comfort. Thank you for not walking her, caring for her and loving her. Thank you for letting her roam aimlessly outside in search of any kind of contact because you won't let her in. Thank you for using Shoka as fodder for you twits.
Thank you Mommy-thank you.
I hadn't seen her new photo til the links on here so here's my comment on it.
She looks a bit chunky in the middle for supposedly having that fab photoshopped bikini body on the People cover. hahaha. I have seen on some recent promos certain shots she seemed to look alittle thicker too. I think I remember seeing a tweet from her a while ago saying she was getting back into running. I wish I would have copied or captured it.
As for her wanting Jon to have the kids more. If she would go 50/50 custody and give up the child support he could possibly afford to have them more and pay a sitter for when he has to work. That is what some do around here. BUT I am sure she won't give up that money and the full control over the kids. (He might interfere with filming too).
One of the best parts of "giving" is giving of your SELF. Donations don't have to be monetary and in fact many times organizations need hands-on help more than cash.
How sad that poor Kate can't give of herself to help others. When she says she doesn't have the "resources" to help, I believe her. I honestly don't think she has the inner-resources ie: generosity, empathy, compassion, or gratitude to give of herself to those in need.
Think of the impact and impression she could have made if she'd only rolled up her sleeves and pitched in to regularly help local organizations assist the needy or if she'd jumped in the car (sans Steve and the cameras) and helped in areas devastated by storms or just lent her name to a cause to attract attention - or even tweeted reminding others to make a donation.
But, no, she couldn't do even the simplest, tweeting. What a sad excuse for a human being she is!
The sheeple are jumping for JOY because they claim Kate dispelled one of the biggest rumors about her, that she was ticked about the cribs that were donated. Kate tweeted that she was "thrilled" with the cribs, not annoyed.
LMAO, Kate, keep lying, I'm sure your nose will be long enough soon. :P
Amazing! How Kate can't remember which cribs they are talking about. First it was the ones from the church, then second tweet it was ones from a company? The ones from the church that were donated, and not matching. The ones from the company that donated were matching. Geez, are sheeple blinded and stupid.
Re the constant thank yous: Not only is Kate obviously lying, but even when they do say thank you, ON FILM, she can't react as any normal mother would. Kids thanked her for the dogs back when they first got them and she said something along the lines of 'well you're not welcome!' Then when Collin thanked her for the 5th birthday party she didn't even acknowledge he was there until other moms and the camera pointed him out.
Can Jon do anything legally to get her to stop twittering? He can't even get them to stop filming HIS children, of whom he is still a legal guardian, so I don't see much hope of the courts stopping Kate's freedom of speech.
"I've learned to always find some good in every situation."
kHate the optimist. What a farce.
She really found the good in the Alaska trip.
She always finds good in her children's father.
In fact, she is basically a jovial, loving, super happy glass-half-full kinda gal who is constantly spreading her cheer and goodness on others. Just for the heck of it.
Well, is this the reason why Kate went, attempted to go to church today?
@Kateplusmy8 I was fixin to go to bed...seen u on here! What u been doin today?U have a good weekend?
1 hour ago
in reply to ↑
@LEIGHSHAHAN1 kid stuff, as well as filming, church,pool,ran tonight,tired, bloated,u no: typical mom w/ typical girl struggles!:)'ll probably end up as another episode with a child vomiting. How many vomit episodes is that now?
Admin, I noticed a mobile version of your blog on my Android device this weekend. I like the simple format, showing only the blog posts and comments. PLUS, NO ADS! So much easier to read on a smartphone. Thanks!
So essentially, the kids worked all f-ing weekend. At least they don't have to report to school Monday morning.
Forget Kate, I'm wondering, do you think anyone on the crew ever feels guilty about making the kids sit in the basement on a couch and answer stupid questions from stupid production when they should be enjoying their weekend?
When Kate says it's a revolving crew, it makes me wonder if some crew can't take it anymore at some point. I mean, in Hollywood, if you get a steady job like this you usually count your blessing and never leave. All this turnover is rather suspicious.
TLC ship, glad you liked the mobile view. I literally stumbled upon this option while trying to do something else and turned it on. I am often on the mobile version myself since I'm away from my home laptop so much, and I rather prefer it too if you're just trying to comment on the latest post.
I noticed if you want to go back to the full version just scroll to the bottom of the mobile one, there's an option for it.
Excuse me, here. YAY MAVS!!!!!! WOO!!!! Also, I don't think we'll see another vomiting child, because I think this was a lie. No church. No sick child. She'll just say they edited it out.
@LEIGHSHAHAN1 kid stuff, as well as filming, church,pool,ran tonight,tired, bloated,u no: typical mom w/ typical girl struggles!:)
Bloated? Typical girl struggles? Is she talking about he monthly visit from Aunt Ruth (you know what I'm talking about, right?) Please tell me she isn't going to tell people when her daughters reach that stage of their development. That she won't be taking pictures of their first maxipad.
Hook 'em Horns said...
Excuse me, here. YAY MAVS!!!!!! WOO!!!!
You're excused. There's going to be some celebrating in the Big D -- Dallas and Dirk! Now if Carlisle would only let his hair grow...
Please tell me that Kate didn't say that she has her period, or that the "girl struggles" aren't a reference to one of the twins having a visit from Aunt Flo.
How many episodes a year does she do? times it by $250k. Add endorsments + residuals(sp) plus tee shirts, books, dvd's, posters, here and Canada, Europe etc., not forgetting Jon's $240k child support payments. She must be a multi-millionaire. And doesn't have the resouces to help out the tornado victims?
Something wrong with this picture. Anyone good at math?
It's very simple. Narcissists are takers...not givers. And a lot of narcissists claim to be 'religious' but really are just using that badge to deflect any negativity that comes their way.
I read on a Celebrity Net Worth site that she has a net worth of $5 million. I'm guessing she has some to spare, but again, narcissists are not - and will never be - givers. They will always take until they can't take anymore and then they move on to another source of supply. This is why she will eventually abandon the kids as well.
Notice how in her tweet about the kids wanting a new dad, she wrote "a(nother) dad" ?
Is she hinting that they don't even have a dad at the moment? Why the brackets? What a piece of work!!!!
As I think about Kate's lies about not going to BHI this year, something occured to me...Kate *proudly* patted herself on the back two years ago, in the kitchen remodel/K+8 go to Bald Head Island (for the 1st time) episode. Kate suddenly realized that the kids had to be out of the house during the remodeling (not a terrible idea) due to safety and pragmatic issues, such as having no good way to prep and clean meals. So, she sat on her interview chair and announced that she just realized this, and bing bang boom! she booked a house in BHI. She did it in a day!!!!
So, two years later, when obviously TLC is not planning a summer episode in BHI, somehow, inexplicably, there are NO houses left to rent!!
Hmmm..... calling "Can Do Kate".....Can Do Kate....come in Can Do Kate...
Where'd she go?
Maybe she could "find the resources" to take the kids on their "annual vacay" or "find the resources" to pay for gymnastics, or "find the resources" to GIVE BACK, the same way SHE FOUND THE RESOURCES to have FERTILITY TREATMENTS?? It seems to me, that when there's a will, there's a way Kate. You seem to have "found the resources" when YOU needed them?? How did THAT happen???
This whole not donating thing is driving me nuts!! Sorry, I'm just catching up! I won't say what has already been said. You have all nailed it right on the head; about how most everything was donated to the G's in the beginning, how she grifted church-going folks out of their hard-earned money while lying & at the same time purchasing a million dollar home, & much more.
It's not resources, it's not even money sometimes to donate, it's going through what you have & do not need in your basement, your attic, your storage spaces & getting together blankets, clothes in good shape that don't fit, shoes, oh man I could on & on to donate to disaster victims. DONATE BLOOD! Find a Red Cross & Donate Blood. This woman enrages me. OK, I gotta catch up on the rest of the posts. I was "indisposed" on my accord all weekend. Great comments all so far!!! Missed you guys this weekend!'
~Hippie Chick~
"All This Is That said...She left the air conditioner running in the car for an hour while the other kids were in church?"
I didn't even think of the weather~ Good point. TWC indicated Sunday temp was 87. PA is also very humid right now too? Not sure. That IS pretty warm to be sitting in a car for an hour plus. ADMIN true too, when did SHE get dresses along with dressing the kids. What a liar.
"Tuckers's Mom said...But, Kate sure is angry over the monkey wrench that Jon threw into her filming the kids. She's angry that Jon was not on the same page. And, she's angry that Jon moved on to other women--- this is understandable as it hurts. But, she should be over her rebellious strumpet stage at this point"
That is very true. I think too, she is still angry of having to do all those duties that Jon used to do. Now, poor single mom of 8, has to hire someone to fill in for the other 'parent'. Also, I really think this is why (one of the reasons) she dressed like a hooker, grew her hair long and blonde, because that is what Jon liked, the hair at least. Admin was totally right about the parental alienation issue. I see it more and more, with everything she says.
"She's a taker said...How sad that poor Kate can't give of herself to help others. When she says she doesn't have the "resources" to help, I believe her. I honestly don't think she has the inner-resources ie: generosity, empathy, compassion, or gratitude to give of herself to those in need. "
Very well put! She doesn't have a charitable bone in her body. Some people ARE this way, but don't film, getting 250K about 'giving back', when you surely DO NOT give back. And never has given back. Remember she said "we are adicted now, this isn't the last" Hmmm okie dokie,Kate. Don't film something then don't follow through, it makes you into, well sort of a LIAR. Get it, Kate?
ADMIN or anyone who has watched any of the lastest episodes?? Has Shoka been filmed at all? I am SURE that beloved family member will be filmed with the kids at one point, right? The last one was partially at home, right? Any of the home scenes have this beloved animal who the kids thank her for every day, include this dog? The last I saw TLC site, they still had "Shoka Visits" Why would they put that? They never answered my email when I asked, as usual. I haven't watched nor intend to. I can't anymore.
Take care all.
"Anony...I read on a Celebrity Net Worth site that she has a net worth of $5 million."
That site put that up in end of 2009 or early 2010. I know it was well before the end of the year when she reportedly made almost 4 million. That figure is simply not true any longer, unless she HAS squandered the money. Even with her high expenses with the home, and the kids, there is NO WAY this greedy woman is lacking in funds. I am truly disgusted she STILL takes the kids clothes to consignment. It is amazing how truly selfish she is.
Not watching, haven't watched and never would watch again!
My question is, who is interested in this garbage. Who wants to watch someone elses kids celebrate a fake Easter? What is the draw for this episode? AHHHHHH coloring eggs and an egg Hunt....FUN, FUN! Very original. Been there, done that, two months ago.
Who wants to watch a rainy, 50 degree pool party for someone elses kids? You know it will be full of Kate screeching and cackling! The big draw is that Kate only had 5 days to plan it. Why is that Kate? Forgot when you gave birth to six babies at once?? I think it is common knowledge that you can't and won't plan/pay for anything on your own, TLC does it. I am surprised you manage to go to the bathroom without TLC calling and telling you it is time to go.
I think sleep will be more exciting. Please do not add to Kate's ratings and exploitation of her kids! Low ratings = Kate goes away!! :)
Karma can mean many many things, for many different religions. Not to bore you, but...
In Hinduism: According to the Vedas, if one sows goodness, one will reap goodness; if one sows evil, one will reap evil. Karma refers to the totality of our actions and their concomitant reactions in this and previous lives, all of which determines our future. The conquest of karma lies in intelligent action and dispassionate response.
In Buddhism: Buddhism links karma directly to the motives behind an action. Motivation usually makes the difference between "good" and "bad" actions; but included in the motivation is also the aspect of ignorance such that a well-intended action from an ignorant mind can subsequently be interpreted as a "bad" action in the sense that it creates unpleasant results for the "actor".
I have ALWAYS believed that Karma will catch up to someone, in some form or another. Whether that person murdered someone or just was a bad, rotten person & treated people & animals like dirt; for ex: a bully. Sometimes it takes time, but other times it's Instant Karma (John Lennon) :)
Kate WILL get hers. She already is. She is becoming less & less popular, she isn't on the cover of any magazines anymore, she is only liked by teens who don't understand, no talk show will have her really, ratings suck & will continue to plummet. It's just a matter of time before she is gone, out of the public eye forever, doing ribbon cutting ceremonies.
~Hippie Chick~
Perez Hilton: How come?
Kate Gosselin: I'm not, like I'm not a confronter-ish person. I'm not like a you know I don't know.
Seriously, WTF the woman cannot communicate!!!
Karma is just a certainty for at least some of the crap she does.
For instance, tanning beds? She admits she doesn't do spray on. In 10 years time, her skin will be the karma.
Blowing the kids money? With eight bright kids it's just impossible to think at least a few if not all won't sue the pants off her. They're just kids now and aren't able to think on that level yet, nor is Kate able to think ahead to them being adults someday and demanding their cut. But in a few short out.
Regarding karma and Kate, I am reminded of the line from Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood:
"Sooner or later, everybody's bill comes due."
Here we go, the episode for next monday is the food bank one. The episode reads: Kate Gosselin & kids help out at a local soup kitchen then at a food bank. So now Kate is done with donating this year. She did a local one and a out of state food bank. She's done! As Kate always says. Of course the new sheeple, and what's left of the old ones, still believe everything she says are gospel. Kate can't even remember what she said in interviews, or on JK8, K8 even and now the sheeple are telling her rumors and Kate is setting the rumor straight, according to Kates' version of memory. LIAR! LIAR!
I feel 100% positive that Kate has NEVER donated any money to charity. Ever.
It's almost stunning that she cried poor on twitter. It just goes to show how much of a pathological liar she is and how gullible the sheeple are. They have a lack of critical thinking skills needed to properly evaluate a claim. I'm literally dumbfounded that she could have written this. If she cannot afford to donate a few bucks, who CAN, Kate? Why don't you ask your children if they'd like to donate...since much of the money has been made by them, not you?
And speaking of the children making money...apparently Kate twitted something about Mady's braces....that she will not replace them if she does not wear her retainer...or does not properly care for them. Excuse me, Kate....Mady has made enough to buy herself 500 replacement braces. Her $ has paid for your tans and hair extensions....certainly replacement braces/straight teeth would be as important as your tan and hair styling and mani/pedis.
An observation I made when reading Kate's twitters....she reminds me of the girl in junior high school who loved to brag in front of all the impressed classmates. She has this bunch of awed tweens....and she loves to brag about how many things she has going for her....has to film, other opportunities, being interviewed, etc. She is so, so busy....'look how busy and important I am my little awe-struck tweens...'can't tweet now....have to run to an important meeting...ta-ta'.
It also fascinates me how she manages to put this facade on when her 15 minutes is ending. 'Oh no, my career is not ending...quite the contrary...I am so very busy filming, being interviewed, meetings, planning my new entertainment opportunities that I'm sure are a done deal. I have to decide which one will be lucky enough to get me. I'm just running hither and yon, to keep up with all my important filming schedules, my interview, flying here, there and everywhere.'
disgusted in pa said...
Regarding karma and Kate, I am reminded of the line from Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood:
"Sooner or later, everybody's bill comes due."
Hm, I wonder how karma works when someone won't even pay their bills. Not even after they lose their lawsuit they won't pay their bills.
Admin -
Were you going to do a recap of Kate's birthday celebration? Somewhere along the line I missed seeing it....
Or maybe you decided not to do those anymore?
Yes I'll recap it probably today, it's just been a crazy week. And im kind of afraid of the foot licking. Need to conquer my fear.
What kinda amazes me is that since Kate is such a great liar....why didn't she say that she donates anonymously to many charities? I'm sure there are ways to donate that can't be that nobody could refute her.
Instead, she claims that she can't afford it...not enough $.....which is the most ridiculous thing she could have said. It's almost as if she doesn't even get how ridiculous it is.....and probably WHY she can tell such bald-face lies. If it makes sense to IS the truth. And she is ALWAYS right. She lives in her own reality.
Kate is very manipulative with careful wording. She lies, and believes her lies, although in her mind they aren't lies, just omissions. First, of course she ended up with donated "matiching cribs" (we all saw them on TV), but what she doesn't say is that was after she bitched about the mismatched donated ones from the church.
Second, the reason I believe she is claiming things are just too expensive and won't rent a house at Bald Head is simply that TLC has given her notice that this year is the end of it. What she is hoping, and let's not contribute to the twitter fest, that her sheeple fans will demand TLC keep her on the air. Here's hoping her shows tank tonight!! I am encouraged that as time passes, more and more former fans have drifted away (I am one).
Remember, people. For 24 hours after tonight's episode, do NOT watch any of the repeat episodes. Do not even watch for a millisecond. It all adds to the ratings!!!
We must be diligent!!! lol
dee3 said...
What kinda amazes me is that since Kate is such a great liar....why didn't she say that she donates anonymously to many charities? I'm sure there are ways to donate that can't be that nobody could refute her.
Instead, she claims that she can't afford it...not enough $.....which is the most ridiculous thing she could have said. It's almost as if she doesn't even get how ridiculous it is.....and probably WHY she can tell such bald-face lies. If it makes sense to IS the truth. And she is ALWAYS right. She lives in her own reality.
She isn't going to donate any of her money. It will be needed to keep her from having to get a real job, for as long as possible. :)
I wonder if the kids will tell Jon that they
want "a(another) dad" if they see him on Father's Day?
I wonder if Father's Day is one of his 2-day-a month custodial days?
I wonder if Kate will visit HER dad Father's day? I'm sure she'll tweet whatever she wants on Sunday and the sheeple will believe it to be the gospel according to Khate.
These fans are so pleased. They are asking her about all the "rumors". OF COURSE Kate isn't going to admit to anything that makes her look bad. They really are so gullible. So very naive and gullible. <shaking my head
Geeez a fan asked (13 hours ago) if Cara had started her period!! THANK GOD (so far) she didn't answer her. If she does, I swear I will go off on the idiot. Enough of this nonesense today. UNREAL
Have a great day everyone.
It finally came to me! This is what I think of when I watch Kate pandering to her paltry Twitter fan base trying to regain her failing ratings.
Did anyone see the movie, "The Party" with Peter Sellers years ago? Do you remember the scene where he plays Gunga Din?
Here is Kate's karma.
Kate Gosselin
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@SuperPattyPie Can't wait2address my 16,000 followers in a tweet but must sleep now. Ask me more dumb rumors another day. I'm intrigued!:)
13 hours ago
WOW! I just love this one. Now she is going to try and debunk all the 'rumors' that have already been proven to be FACT by all her 'fans' on Twitter giving her the forum to do it. This one is about the matching cribs. That is SOOO old news and it a proven fact that she turned down the non matching cribs and is one of the factors in the split between her and her parents. Is this what her twittering was started for? So she could lie some more and try to clean up her image? Her fans are as crazy as she is. Whatever will they do when she goes away?
I was thinking about why she doesn't lie about donating. She doesn't want anyone to think she has money and will donate or she will be flooded with too many requests. As she said (below) she don't have money to help with all disasters. Ha! What disaster besides her hair has she ever donated to??? How much $ of her own did she give to the Koalas or the food thing in TN? Tell us another lie.
"&don't hav$ 2helpall disas(wish I could&wld) prayr I can do"
Kate's apparently very excited about her 16,000 viewers. I wonder if she really thinks that a high number? It's actually embarrassingly low for a celebrity who has been on Twitter for 2 1/2 months. As was pointed out by a "hater" a couple of times, Kelly Ripa started tweeting one week before Kate and now has over 100,000 followers. And Kelly doesn't have to tweet for hours on end to keep those she has or to increase the numbers. The fat, dumb guy on "Pawn Stars" has more followers than Kate!
Mimi to 3 said...
Kate Gosselin
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@SuperPattyPie Can't wait2address my 16,000 followers in a tweet but must sleep now. Ask me more dumb rumors another day. I'm intrigued!:)
13 hours ago
Kate's intrigued? If that were the case she wouldn't have the haters blocked.
Wonder if she's in one of her manic phases? A couple of weeks ago all she could manage were a few tweets stating how exhausting her life was and couldn't even manage to run.
No Regrets said:
I just don't get it. I don't get how they cannot see this kid is crying out for attention. IF they truly cared, steer her to a parent or an adult in their REAL LIFE to talk to. WHY are they even tweeting with these under aged girls? If it was my kid, I would be as upset with them as I would be with the "haters". Then I would completely have her delete twitter. End of problem. I am completely astounded by all of this.
I totally agree, but there are too many jerks online that hide behind anonymity. What Khate needs to do, as the "mod" of her own Twitter is to be an adult and steer some of her wayward fans in the right direction. I'm not the most mature person my age, and I'm younger than Khate and have no kids yet, but her online behavior is appalling. She has to stop being BFFs with needy tweens and set some boundaries, which can be done nicely. She should also stop goading her followers into "fighting" for her, as she is a grown woman and can handle it herself. Rather than bragging and feeding the "haterz" all day, she can do something constructive and help her fans. Surely, she's an expert on all things "Mom", right? Give some free advice, FWIW.
Just so ya'll know. I will NOT be flipping the channels tonight so there is no way I will be watching even a millisecond of Khate's show! I also saw that Christchurch, NZ had a tremor today. Since she says she wants to go back there- why hasn't there been any tweets of concern for that country. (that's rhetorical- I already know the answer) My dad lived there when he was in the military and of all the places he had traveled- it was his most favorite place. He would have been heartbroken to have seen so many of the places he loved suffer such destruction. And I agree, charity should be done anonymously- not televised or mentioned. I'm Jewish and that's what my religion teaches!
I do think she is badly in need of money. We have been flooded with estimates of what she earns. We have no idea of how she has to pay everyone extra like make up, stylists, attys, accountants, and taking care of that property. She never made the money that someone estimated she earned like the 3 million. Why not?
HER BRAND never got off the ground: no perfumes, no cookbooks, no shoes, no clothes for kids, nothing. She ruined all of that with the divorce and then when her show went K8, no Jon, she was no longer the cook, the mother, all the things people watched her for, she became the single mom traveling the world, dressing like a skank, lost that APPEAL that drew the viewers before.
She really will be lucky to keep her house and land, if she hasn't paid that mortgage off.
I do believe she is a skin flint when it comes to spending a penny on those kids if she can't get the money out of TLC or her production company.
Why would she be on twitter answering questions, she is on her last legs. She has gone too far with the whole perception of her show, don't you think? And no one liked her pulling her kids around NY in the heat, the trip on the boat with the kids vomitting and her screaming. No one. Her sheeple are so full of it.
But I think she is finally being honest, she needs everyone to feel bad for her and the kids or she is not staying on the air, that is quickly coming to an end. Why else would she be on twitter, she doesn't like her fans, unless she was pulling in thousands with the book signings, remember? No Brand left, gone, no one invites her to the big interview shows, she blew that too. Maybe she does have a lack of confidence and thought "just being there was enough" but DWTS really made Jon look like he was beaten up for years as we saw how she treated her dance instructor.
Bye Kate, get those extra nursing courses in so that you can get some type of job, because that is what is going to happen. Eventually. Over and done with.
Hey if they can get rid of Charlie Sheen who was making 2.5 million per episode, they can get rid of the Gosselins.
So she's excited to have 16K followers....I wonder if she knows that Jon has over 68K followers. I will not be watching tonight.
I hope that this show gets cancelled for the sake of the kids. In all actuallity though that won't help the kids all that much. Their lives may be private but they still have Kate as a mother. We all know (or strongly believe, just to be fair) she is a master manipulator along w/ having NPD. With the twitters now believing they are actually friends of hers it's a little scary imagining what they will do when she stops twittering (and she will) if the show gets cancelled.
You would think her twitter "friends" would realize just how much she is using them considering her many prior comments about fans. I also am really starting to worry about the children that some of these people have. Are they ok if they believe it Kates way of parenting. The tweens, I am just speechless about this, but I think it's obvious there are problems in their lives if they are looking up to Kate. Young people that have been abused tend to find another abuser for affection. Kate is giving that to them....... a little....... for now.
There is something about her that I cannot peg no matter how hard I try to figure it out looking in all different directions as to the WHY she does things. How she is always asking her kids for thanks is something that really gets to me. I only wish I could do more for my only son and certainly would like a thank you, only as a sign of good manners but as someone said above, the actual good, down to earth thank you for thinking about me, going out of your way for me and doing something nice.
I don't want a thank you for making dinner, doing his laundry, etc. I hate the fact now that because of medical and financial issues I cannot do more for him. How dare she not take the kids to Bald Head again. Kids thrive on tradition and that does not include being filmed every year, that's a job. How could she NOT donate after all that she's been given for her children. Not have the resources, you witch!
I'm done rambling...... hope I make sense, she makes me so mad I start to lose track of what I'm saying. There's just so many screwed up things she does in a such a short amount of time. It's always a long term problem for the kids though.
I agree with the poster whom doubts Kate has all that much money left from her high of 5 million over a year ago. Unless she has a brilliant money manager, she has completely over spent. What are the mortgage and taxes on that house? Does TLC pay all of the staff? Is her kids tuition completely paid for by a scholarship?
Another question is if the house was also bought in Jon's name? Wasn't it to be the kids house and Kate and Jon would rotate living there?
Once the show finally ends, unless Kate is picked up by another reality show, I think things will go downhill fast. Just look at MC Hammer and the like, whom all went through 10 times the amount of money Kate has in less than a year.
Tamara said...
Wasn't it to be the kids house and Kate and Jon would rotate living there?
Yes, that was another of Kate's blatant lies. She always said: "We bought this house for the kids, it is their house. They will never have to move, Jon and I will move back and forth so they have the stability." All sounded good. It is what people wanted to hear from her. Made great sense at the time. Problem is she never follows through, then wonders why she is called a liar. IE: BHI being a "tradition" that we will definitely keep. BS, she says whatever makes her sound like the wonderful, perfect parent at the time, then completely fails with the follow through. Her kids will figure it all out one day.
Won't be watching, never will! :)
Is Kate's residence considered a business write off (because they film on the site)? Then I believe that everything else that goes into the production, the filming, public relations (hair & make-up & nails), transportation (her car and the kids van which would include gas) would be considered a tax write off? I believe she "has" and "is" doing well for herself, again more than we think. It is not until the show is cancelled that she will feel the financial pinch and have to adjust her selfish spending ways.
Wow! Hello, 16010 followers! I'm thrilled, honored, shocked and very blessed that I have each of your support, thoughts and love!xoxoxoxoxK8 about 3 hours ago
Don't 4get! June13 K+8:my NYC bday ep re airs@7pmEST(c me dance if u missed it last wk)Then 2new eps@10pmEST ***LIVE TWEET w/ me@7&10*** about 9 hours ago
GM all! Off to start my day... See you at 7pm EST if not before..
Desperate much Kate??? Seriously...
Get a life without your kids filming and I will still strongly dislike you, but will respect you if you give the kids back their childhood which you stole from them by having them film so much (and some very private matters) over the past several years. People with critical thinking skills get that you using your kids makes you a pathetic user, as you have nothing to offer yourself, and it is time to get a job and support the kids you chose to bring into this world. It is NOT their responsibility to supply you with wages. Please get a clue and fast.
I wonder if Jon's name was ever on the house or the trust agreement. I don't doubt it. They moved in just about 2 months after the fake wedding renewal.
The deed to the house is:
William R. Blumer, Trustee under the CWM Revocable Trust Agreement dated October 17, 2008.
A revocable living trust avoids the probate process because you collect your assets and transfer them to the trustee before you die. If you fail to do this, you will not avoid probate. When Kate said "All mine" as she looked out her new kitchen window, she may have meant that the property is hers unless she changes the trust. Jon may not have wanted any part of it. At any rate Kate has assured that should she die, the property will not have to go thru probate court and automatically goes to her children. She has taken good advice.
Have not been watching the show for quite a while, not watching tonight or any other night. Those who support the G8 will hopefully do likewise, as adding ratings to a cause you do not support makes absolutely no sense and may keep this fiasco show alive. Not telling anyone what to do, just pointing out the obvious. We will all survive just fine without viewing Kate Plus 8 episode, and will be affirmatively doing something to show where we stand on this issue and supporting the kids. It is all about the kids....
Maybe she could "find the resources" to take the kids on their "annual vacay" or "find the resources" to pay for gymnastics, or "find the resources" to GIVE BACK, the same way SHE FOUND THE RESOURCES to have FERTILITY TREATMENTS?? It seems to me, that when there's a will, there's a way Kate. You seem to have "found the resources" when YOU needed them?? How did THAT happen???
Classic Vanessa and so utterly true.
Here's something interesting. Googled William R. Blumer just to see what I'd get. A Super Lawyer in Wyomissing, PA, with the law firm for Leisawitz Heller, specializing in estate planning. Hmmmm....
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... The fat, dumb guy on "Pawn Stars" has more followers than Kate!
He is fat and he is dumb but he isn't what Kate is; stupid. He is fat and he is dumb but he isn't what Kate is; adorable. He is also likeable...well you see the differences.
Nothing on TV here tonight in Nova Scotia except (a) reruns or (b) Kates show. I am NOT downstairs watching anything. My computer is with me in the living room.
Re the comments earlier that Kelly/Underwalt made. I have to say they were out of line. In NS that would be considered 'hate' and an investigation would ensue. Personally I detest homophobic comments of any sort and have raised my children that way as well. One's sexual orientation is not to be made fun of and not to be denigrated. Maybe with cops and former cops it is different but still non acceptable in this age of diversity.
Mel said... Here's something interesting. Googled William R. Blumer just to see what I'd get. A Super Lawyer in Wyomissing, PA, with the law firm for Leisawitz Heller, specializing in estate planning. Hmmmm....
Back the truck up on minute. Did Jon not have a lawyer named Heller at one time who was speaking out of turn. Would/could it be the same Heller as in conflict of interest?
Crap I said: He is fat and he is dumb but he isn't what Kate is; stupid. He is fat and he is dumb but he isn't what Kate is; adorable. He is also likeable...well you see the differences.
The part about adorable I meant to say he IS what Kate is not. HE is adorable in his own way. Kate is caustic. Hard to type with my arm in a full cast.
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