According to Kate's tweets today, she would love to help the victims of the recent tornadoes, but she doesn't have the resources. Kate says she will pray instead.

Kate has also tweeted she does not make the widely reported $250,000 an episode, and that she won't be taking the kids to Bald Head this year because no houses are available, or enrolling them in gymnastics because it's too expensive. When a tweeter questioned why she is working today and not spending time with her kids, she told them, Moms have to work.
She has been exploiting her kids for almost seven years. Is anyone actually buying this "poor struggling family" act anymore?
241 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 241 of 241 Newer› Newest»She just tweeted that she really, really wants to be asked to do Amazing Race. I Googled it and see it is a television program where teams of two people race AROUND THE WORLD. (I know, you all already know all about it, but I really don't watch much tv so forgive me.) Anyway I can see her wanting to go around the world with one other person (they have to have had some sort of prior relationship so that would have to be Stevie or Jamie) paid for by someone else and leaving her kids behind for what, weeks? months? Well, guess that would be a win/win wouldn't it. She gets to travel. She gets to emote for television cameras. She gets to ditch her kids on a baby sitter with the only good excuse she can think of: A Mom has to work! Gee, if I had any resources available I would try to make this happen. Sorry, tapped out. (And if I am going to bother God with a prayer it will not be for Kate Gosselin's benefit!)
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@ @mariotard And never would. my confidentiality goes both ways with my friends/family
Oh Kate. If only it did...
Yes, as for the confidentiality piece....
Kate talks the talk...if only she knew how to walk!!
Kate tweeted...@MiloandJack I agree but remember, he knew not to ask for my #. It's more guarded then the whitehouse
Oh, good grief. Her phone number is more guarded than the White House. Actually, Kate, the White House switchboard number is publicly listed. Are you saying that your phone number is more guarded than the President's PERSONAL number. Narcissist much?
In one of her tweets from last night, she said to watch "MY birthday, C ME dance, Live Tweet with ME." Three Me's in one short tweet. Swell head much?
New thread. Sorry it's not the recap sorry I am very late with my homework!
It's a discussion thread for tonight's episodes.
No, her house is NOT a tax write off. IRS rules/laws are quite strict. She would have to use it exclusively for business. If she used a room or several rooms exclusively that percentage could be written off but then that has to be figured back in when she sells for the capital gains...hubby is self employed and works out of house and we deal with this, it is a huge red flag to IRS, you really don t wanna run afoul of their rules regarding business use of what normally is considered personal items but you are claiming business use. Record keeping keeping must be meticulous.
Wait a second. I just re-read that White House tweet. Does she mean that her phone number is more guarded than the actual White House itself - as in SECURITY surrounding it and the grounds?
In Kate's language, who knows? But Kate, the speller and grammar pro, should know that THAN is used in comparison, and that White House is two words.
Remember when Archie Bunker called Mike "Meat Head?" Is there a female version of "Meat Head?" or is "Meat Head" unisex? Whatever - she's it.
If Kate is going back to church then she must really be scared of running low on money..Church=Money..let's see how good she is at sack cloth and ashes!
And what else is new Kate craying poor been there done that & tired of hearing it. Since it's all lies
No, her house is NOT a tax write off. IRS rules/laws are quite strict. She would have to use it exclusively for business. If she used a room or several rooms exclusively that percentage could be written off but then that has to be figured back in when she sells for the capital gains...hubby is self employed and works out of house and we deal with this, it is a huge red flag to IRS, you really don t wanna run afoul of their rules regarding business use of what normally is considered personal items but you are claiming business use. Record keeping keeping must be meticulous.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... The fat, dumb guy on "Pawn Stars" has more followers than Kate!
He is fat and he is dumb but he isn't what Kate is; stupid. He is fat and he is dumb but he isn't what Kate is; adorable. He is also likeable...well you see the differences.
Nothing on TV here tonight in Nova Scotia except (a) reruns or (b) Kates show. I am NOT downstairs watching anything. My computer is with me in the living room.
Re the comments earlier that Kelly/Underwalt made. I have to say they were out of line. In NS that would be considered 'hate' and an investigation would ensue. Personally I detest homophobic comments of any sort and have raised my children that way as well. One's sexual orientation is not to be made fun of and not to be denigrated. Maybe with cops and former cops it is different but still non acceptable in this age of diversity.
She just tweeted that she really, really wants to be asked to do Amazing Race. I Googled it and see it is a television program where teams of two people race AROUND THE WORLD. (I know, you all already know all about it, but I really don't watch much tv so forgive me.) Anyway I can see her wanting to go around the world with one other person (they have to have had some sort of prior relationship so that would have to be Stevie or Jamie) paid for by someone else and leaving her kids behind for what, weeks? months? Well, guess that would be a win/win wouldn't it. She gets to travel. She gets to emote for television cameras. She gets to ditch her kids on a baby sitter with the only good excuse she can think of: A Mom has to work! Gee, if I had any resources available I would try to make this happen. Sorry, tapped out. (And if I am going to bother God with a prayer it will not be for Kate Gosselin's benefit!)
So she's excited to have 16K followers....I wonder if she knows that Jon has over 68K followers. I will not be watching tonight.
Just so ya'll know. I will NOT be flipping the channels tonight so there is no way I will be watching even a millisecond of Khate's show! I also saw that Christchurch, NZ had a tremor today. Since she says she wants to go back there- why hasn't there been any tweets of concern for that country. (that's rhetorical- I already know the answer) My dad lived there when he was in the military and of all the places he had traveled- it was his most favorite place. He would have been heartbroken to have seen so many of the places he loved suffer such destruction. And I agree, charity should be done anonymously- not televised or mentioned. I'm Jewish and that's what my religion teaches!
Kate's apparently very excited about her 16,000 viewers. I wonder if she really thinks that a high number? It's actually embarrassingly low for a celebrity who has been on Twitter for 2 1/2 months. As was pointed out by a "hater" a couple of times, Kelly Ripa started tweeting one week before Kate and now has over 100,000 followers. And Kelly doesn't have to tweet for hours on end to keep those she has or to increase the numbers. The fat, dumb guy on "Pawn Stars" has more followers than Kate!
It finally came to me! This is what I think of when I watch Kate pandering to her paltry Twitter fan base trying to regain her failing ratings.
Did anyone see the movie, "The Party" with Peter Sellers years ago? Do you remember the scene where he plays Gunga Din?
Here is Kate's karma.
Kate is very manipulative with careful wording. She lies, and believes her lies, although in her mind they aren't lies, just omissions. First, of course she ended up with donated "matiching cribs" (we all saw them on TV), but what she doesn't say is that was after she bitched about the mismatched donated ones from the church.
Second, the reason I believe she is claiming things are just too expensive and won't rent a house at Bald Head is simply that TLC has given her notice that this year is the end of it. What she is hoping, and let's not contribute to the twitter fest, that her sheeple fans will demand TLC keep her on the air. Here's hoping her shows tank tonight!! I am encouraged that as time passes, more and more former fans have drifted away (I am one).
Admin -
Were you going to do a recap of Kate's birthday celebration? Somewhere along the line I missed seeing it....
Or maybe you decided not to do those anymore?
I feel 100% positive that Kate has NEVER donated any money to charity. Ever.
It's almost stunning that she cried poor on twitter. It just goes to show how much of a pathological liar she is and how gullible the sheeple are. They have a lack of critical thinking skills needed to properly evaluate a claim. I'm literally dumbfounded that she could have written this. If she cannot afford to donate a few bucks, who CAN, Kate? Why don't you ask your children if they'd like to donate...since much of the money has been made by them, not you?
And speaking of the children making money...apparently Kate twitted something about Mady's braces....that she will not replace them if she does not wear her retainer...or does not properly care for them. Excuse me, Kate....Mady has made enough to buy herself 500 replacement braces. Her $ has paid for your tans and hair extensions....certainly replacement braces/straight teeth would be as important as your tan and hair styling and mani/pedis.
An observation I made when reading Kate's twitters....she reminds me of the girl in junior high school who loved to brag in front of all the impressed classmates. She has this bunch of awed tweens....and she loves to brag about how many things she has going for her....has to film, other opportunities, being interviewed, etc. She is so, so busy....'look how busy and important I am my little awe-struck tweens...'can't tweet now....have to run to an important meeting...ta-ta'.
It also fascinates me how she manages to put this facade on when her 15 minutes is ending. 'Oh no, my career is not ending...quite the contrary...I am so very busy filming, being interviewed, meetings, planning my new entertainment opportunities that I'm sure are a done deal. I have to decide which one will be lucky enough to get me. I'm just running hither and yon, to keep up with all my important filming schedules, my interview, flying here, there and everywhere.'
"All This Is That said...She left the air conditioner running in the car for an hour while the other kids were in church?"
I didn't even think of the weather~ Good point. TWC indicated Sunday temp was 87. PA is also very humid right now too? Not sure. That IS pretty warm to be sitting in a car for an hour plus. ADMIN true too, when did SHE get dresses along with dressing the kids. What a liar.
"Tuckers's Mom said...But, Kate sure is angry over the monkey wrench that Jon threw into her filming the kids. She's angry that Jon was not on the same page. And, she's angry that Jon moved on to other women--- this is understandable as it hurts. But, she should be over her rebellious strumpet stage at this point"
That is very true. I think too, she is still angry of having to do all those duties that Jon used to do. Now, poor single mom of 8, has to hire someone to fill in for the other 'parent'. Also, I really think this is why (one of the reasons) she dressed like a hooker, grew her hair long and blonde, because that is what Jon liked, the hair at least. Admin was totally right about the parental alienation issue. I see it more and more, with everything she says.
"She's a taker said...How sad that poor Kate can't give of herself to help others. When she says she doesn't have the "resources" to help, I believe her. I honestly don't think she has the inner-resources ie: generosity, empathy, compassion, or gratitude to give of herself to those in need. "
Very well put! She doesn't have a charitable bone in her body. Some people ARE this way, but don't film, getting 250K about 'giving back', when you surely DO NOT give back. And never has given back. Remember she said "we are adicted now, this isn't the last" Hmmm okie dokie,Kate. Don't film something then don't follow through, it makes you into, well sort of a LIAR. Get it, Kate?
ADMIN or anyone who has watched any of the lastest episodes?? Has Shoka been filmed at all? I am SURE that beloved family member will be filmed with the kids at one point, right? The last one was partially at home, right? Any of the home scenes have this beloved animal who the kids thank her for every day, include this dog? The last I saw TLC site, they still had "Shoka Visits" Why would they put that? They never answered my email when I asked, as usual. I haven't watched nor intend to. I can't anymore.
Take care all.
Maybe she could "find the resources" to take the kids on their "annual vacay" or "find the resources" to pay for gymnastics, or "find the resources" to GIVE BACK, the same way SHE FOUND THE RESOURCES to have FERTILITY TREATMENTS?? It seems to me, that when there's a will, there's a way Kate. You seem to have "found the resources" when YOU needed them?? How did THAT happen???
How many episodes a year does she do? times it by $250k. Add endorsments + residuals(sp) plus tee shirts, books, dvd's, posters, here and Canada, Europe etc., not forgetting Jon's $240k child support payments. She must be a multi-millionaire. And doesn't have the resouces to help out the tornado victims?
Something wrong with this picture. Anyone good at math?
So essentially, the kids worked all f-ing weekend. At least they don't have to report to school Monday morning.
Forget Kate, I'm wondering, do you think anyone on the crew ever feels guilty about making the kids sit in the basement on a couch and answer stupid questions from stupid production when they should be enjoying their weekend?
When Kate says it's a revolving crew, it makes me wonder if some crew can't take it anymore at some point. I mean, in Hollywood, if you get a steady job like this you usually count your blessing and never leave. All this turnover is rather suspicious.
Amazing! How Kate can't remember which cribs they are talking about. First it was the ones from the church, then second tweet it was ones from a company? The ones from the church that were donated, and not matching. The ones from the company that donated were matching. Geez, are sheeple blinded and stupid.
One of the best parts of "giving" is giving of your SELF. Donations don't have to be monetary and in fact many times organizations need hands-on help more than cash.
How sad that poor Kate can't give of herself to help others. When she says she doesn't have the "resources" to help, I believe her. I honestly don't think she has the inner-resources ie: generosity, empathy, compassion, or gratitude to give of herself to those in need.
Think of the impact and impression she could have made if she'd only rolled up her sleeves and pitched in to regularly help local organizations assist the needy or if she'd jumped in the car (sans Steve and the cameras) and helped in areas devastated by storms or just lent her name to a cause to attract attention - or even tweeted reminding others to make a donation.
But, no, she couldn't do even the simplest, tweeting. What a sad excuse for a human being she is!
We can be pretty sure Kate's "they thank me every day" crap is a lie, just going by basic child psychology. It shows what a rudimentary understanding Kate has a child development when she makes up these lies.
A child, especially a young child, doesn't see their parents as separate people with separate needs and wants and desires. A child sees the parent as on this earth for them. The life revolves around a child and it's a given in their mind that Mommy is going to give them what they want and need and if she doesn't, they cry and throw fits. Naturally most children who don't become narcissists grow out of this. But a normal, developing child is not quite able to take themselves out of their self-centered world and step into the shoes of another. In order to be grateful to someone, you have to put yourself in their shoes and understand that they sacrificed something for you.
Surely Kate's heard every parent say to their child "what do you say?" when someone does something nice for them. That's because children have to be taught this, because developmentally, they are not able to understand yet. That's not to say a child can't be grateful, but they're just not wired yet, especially this young, to understand that someone went out of their way for them.
Now that said, who the hell knows how all this basic child development might be completely screwed up when you live with a narcissist who puts the kind of outrageous demands on these kids' development and emotions as Kate does.
If the kids thank her daily for Shoka, it's becasue every morning she says to them, "What do you say to mommy for bringing Shoka back?" And they answer in droning unison: "Thank you, mommy."
That tweet about the kids "dying" for a new dad is complete hogwash. Enough said.
Same for taking them all to church and then sitting in the car with the sick one. I think she's sitting locked in her bedroom with her box of wine and tweeting whatever thought comes into her head. She's so hooked on all the attention that I think she's living in a complete fantasy world at this point.
I have to thank you, Admin, for keeping this blog going. I haven't posted in ages because I truly haven't watched her on anything since DWTS and don't care to, but I'm still concerned for those kids. I check into this blog only to keep informed and am so frustrated that nothing ever seems to change for them. I really hope Jon is working behind the scenes to get those kids off TV and away from that psycho for good.
Speaking of things that don't ring true how about her latest about Shoka....
@MiloandJack omg he is precious!A dog is a families best STILL thnk me everyday 4 Shoka...he's1 of us,why r they thnking me,lol! about 2 hours ago
I don't believe for a minute that the kids have very much interaction with Shoka and I don't believe that they thank her every day for him. If he's still around he's around as a guard dog - I did watch online when the kids were making a mess and didn't see anything dog related in the basement. Granted not all dogs have the run of the house nor are they as spoiled as my bulldog but we don't expect to be thanked every day for him as the joy on my son's face when we went to pick him up was thanks enough. She is unbelievable!
Don't watch anymore, can't wait to read the recap!
Anonymous, I found that pic you were talking about, but I never saw a tweet with that link. I'm baffled, but not going to waste much time thinking about it.
Folks in my family use terms like, "What goes around comes around" and "Every dog has it's day." I have always felt these sayings related to Karma. Kate will get hers' someday. If not her personally, she'll get a pay back through her kids. It will not be pretty. She is cheap and greedy at the same time. That's an ugly combination. None of us who have jumped off the Kate band wagon are delusional. We woke up quite a while ago.
What's most suspicious to me? She tweeted ALl morning. No mother trying to get 8kids to church would have a spare second for twatting. Please
So which lucky adult got to be the one to sit with the other kids in church? Steve? Ashley? Doesn't her regular Nanny get Sundays off?
Why didn't Kate herself go into church with the other kids and let the anonymous adult sit in the van?
More importantly, which kid didn't want to go to church and made themselves vomit to get out of it?
Pixie said... Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@ @MeggyW777 Sure would... At some point :) kids are dying at this point to have a(nother) dad... Them more than me, lol
22 hours ago
This tweet from Kate is inexcusable. What a cruel, cruel bitch.
And saved for all eternity for her kids to read ... I can't wait to read their tell all books about K8 ... revenge will be sweet for some of those kids.
Now, there is a huge drama going on about the 'tweens' getting "bullied and threatened". HUH? First of all, in MY opinion, that constant attacking of Kate and much of what is said is stupid and so repetitive it is boring. I seriously do not understand spending hours and hours day after day attacking this idiot. But they are adults, I think, so they can do whatever
The entire twitter thing there is disgusting. The "haters" carry on with these vile diatribes against Kate and the sheeple; the sheeple sling their mud back at the "haters" - no side is every going to win. They say the same thing over and over and over again, and when they get tired of one topic, they pick a new one and resume their viciousness.
The behavior of all involved there reminds me of middle school bullies. Their behavior is anything but adult. The two who went at each other last night should be ashamed of themselves. There are teens on there who behave more mature than some of the adults. Why do they do this? What is the great motivator, and what do they hope to accomplish? All they are succeeding in doing is making themselves look bad. It's pathetic. There is never any kind of intelligent discussion, only bickering back and forth, with name-calling thrown into the mix.
I do, however, feel sorry for the one young teen. Her tweets are a cry for help, but it appears that she has no circle of family or friends to throw out a lifeline.
Administrator said... What I find so odd is Kate lies about everything else, why doesn't she just lie and say oh yes of course I gave all I could to them! It's not like anyone would know.
She's so brutally honest about something like this and has no shame. She really has no clue how people are going to take her comment about this. She thinks her explanations for why she didn't donate are going to satisfy people. As if everyone is going to say oh yes Kate I hear ya, nobody has the resources to help!
Just started reading ... way behind. But the answer to this question is ...
1. She really thinks she's All That ... people shouldn't question her motives, those who do question either don't understand what a STAH she is ... or they just want to be her, therefore; she can say anything she wants.
2. Her sheeple would follow her off a cliff, therefore; she has nothing to lose by making herself look like an ass.
Ok, I fibbed back for ONE LAST RANT. See how much I miss this blog? LOL
This "no resources" BS. Again, she is crying broke,not enough money. Even People magazine runs an article every single year on the highest paid. Kate even recommended that fans read People because they are so "truthful". So People mag lied too about your income? IF this woman is so limited in finances as she pretends to be, she should REALLY be investigated for misappropriation of those kids' funds. I HOPE in the future, she will have to account for all this money, if it is truly not there. (which I don't believe for a second) She makes herself look very irresponsible with statements like this. The Duggars immediately took off to help and donate. WITHOUT the cameras. Whatever one thinks of them, they truly do have a giving and loving spirit. The FIRST thing we did as a family, was pool together and give. We are NOT rich but not poor. We gave, everyone I know hss in form or the other. Some people couldn't give money, but they donated clothes and whatever else they could. I cannot believe her black heart. SHE got everything she has by people donating to her. Everything.I still have the list of the things they were given. They only had their house payment, and utilities to pay. That was it.That entire first 2 years were paid for by DONATIONS.
And she is so small, so selfish, so self important that she can't even write out a check? Give some of those clothes she has? No, she takes those to the consignment store. What a selfish, selfish person. Some day, she will have to face her maker. Someday, karma, Kate.
BTW a tweeter caught her in her lie about being in church. Asked if she were tweeting in church. She came back with "oh no, one vomited on the way, and she is in the car with them while they sleep, others are in church LOL Impressive liar. Good Gawd.
Karma, Kate. It is very real.
Sorry for all the posts. HAD TO GET ALL THIS OUT. Take Admn and everyone!
Admin, you do a Herculean job maintaining this blog, and I respect everyone's efforts to call attention to Kate's exploitation of her children, and I am NO supporter of K8, but...... she did not say she would rename the children, she simply offered up other names she likes. In fact, she twittered that she would indeed give the same names.
I know you feel it is important that when any one of us rants that we rant the truth, based on what you do for a living, and I hope you are not offended by this correction.
If you DVR it & watch it before 24 hours they still count it in the ratings.
I have asked and as of yet have not seen anyone who can provide a definitive explanation regarding ratings, Nielson boxes only or DVD, cable and satellite included. There seem to be two different camps.
Kate has tweeted that she is taking the kids to church.
I read this as, she is "faking" the kids to church. I think that's more like it.
Kate's going to church today, I guess to make good on her lie about "praying" for the tornado victims!
As if her tweet about Jon last night wasn't horrible enough, now she says she would rename some of the kids if she could, and lists a bunch of silly names including Holland (still fishing for that Holland trip I see). How does that make a kid feel, oh I don't like your name I wish I could pick something else for you. A name is your IDENTITY and acting like it's not good enough a kid can very well perceive as I'M not good enough, even if it was never meant that way.
She needs massive therapy, therapy she'll never sit down for much less pay her bills.
Cry louder wench...
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