Friday, July 1, 2011

Hodge Podge Dinner ratings hit 1 million

The last episode until August just managed to hit 1 million viewers exactly.

Kate Plus 8 (10:00)

1.000 million viewers
#18; adults 18-49: 0.4, #T13

292 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 292   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

Sorry, realized I didn't do a post on this yet.

Westcoaster said... 2

Ah, the tweeties have reminded her about her flag lined driveway "tradition". She's going to get right on it. So glad that my friends are real, and not a bunch of online tweenies. Can't decide if sad or sick works best. ~ Administrator said... 3

Kate asked for it.

How annoying when you just want to sleep 10 hours a day, dump the kids on the nannies and tutors, go do two hour radio shows or jaunt off to NYC get your hair done, and your annoying fans are demanding that you actually make do on your promises of traditions and follow through.

She is going to RESENT these fans pretty soon, if she doesn't already. ~ Administrator said... 4

Oh by the way I didn't call Kate's fans annoying, SHE DID.

Not making this up, it's in her book "I Just Want You to Know" (How Much I've Exploited You)

She's a fool and a liar said... 5

Westcoaster said...
Ah, the tweeties have reminded her about her flag lined driveway "tradition". She's going to get right on it. So glad that my friends are real, and not a bunch of online tweenies. Can't decide if sad or sick works best.


So she doesn't forget things like holidays, maybe one of her tweeties should suggest she make a flow chart for her "traditions". Traditions my ass. ~ Administrator said... 6

I've come to the conclusion that Kate just spouts off whatever is coming out of her mouth at the moment. She is the most insincere person I've ever seen, she just talks to fill up space. She didn't have the slightest intention of doing some flag tradition, it was just whatever garbage she was saying at that moment and it would be some new garbage she is saying the next moment. Now that her fans are holding her feet to the fire, she has to follow through.

Grammy of nine said... 7

Admin, you are so right. Kate is the most insincere person, ever. It's all about me, me, me. If the TLC crew isn't filming the flags in the driveway, forget it. Her (the kids) money is used for more important things than family traditions like hair care and nail polish. Sad and stupid at the same time. Can't believe 1 million people watched this boring silliness. Level of taste? ~ Administrator said... 8

And you know what, I almost don't think she intends to be insincere. I think she has a bad habit of talking to fill up space and not following through. She doesn't respect herself enough to say something and then do it.

I've always said (and I'm not the first one) that in life there are talkers and there are do-ers. Kate is 100% a talker. You're lucky if 2% of what she says she actually follows through with. Some people LIKE to talk about all the things they will do I suppose, the money they will earn, the trips they will take, the house they will have. And some people shut up and actually do it. I find the latter incredibly less annoying.

She is one of those mommies that is always saying I'll take you to Six Flags next weekend, then never does. I knew one of those.

PJ's momma said... 9

Looks like she's going to hold steady at that number, although I believe it's been lower before. I didn't add to ratings, but the TV is rarely on here and when I turned it on, TLC was on and I watched it. It was boring, dull, stupid and dumb. (Nothing to grosssssss you out, as she claimed in a tweet, either.) How she pulls in even that many is a mystery to me. I won't make that mistake again!

Jenna Does said... 10

Admin said...
She is one of those mommies that is always saying I'll take you to Six Flags next weekend, then never does. I knew one of those.
I STILL know one of those, & I have learned NOT to make plans with her anymore, she flakes on me all the time. We had plans just a month ago to go to a park in our area & she canceled. I still had to take my son. She is a plan flaker. I call her on it all the time because she's my BFF, but still! I have learned. I told her to stop doing it to her kid.

About Kate's ratings...pfft. They suck. I think it's just leftovers from whomever was on before, people getting ready for bed, that kind of thing. They probably didn't even watch the whole show. She's done, put a fork in her.
~Hippie Chick~

westcoaster said... 11

A friend (real kind, not a tweeter LOL) just reminded me about the tradition of reading the Declaration of Independence to your children on the 4th. D'ya think Kate has a clue about this one?

AMD said... 12

If Kate actually celebrated holidays like the 4th of July on the actual day rather than two weeks earlier, she might be more in sync with when its happening. She certainly seems to be forgetting a lot of things for someone who sells herself as the space of one week, she's forgotten appointments, filters, holidays. Is she going to rely on her tweeties to keep her organized now that TLC isn't scheduling her life for her?

Julianna said... 13

She is one of those mommies that is always saying I'll take you to Six Flags next weekend, then never does. I knew one of those.


She's also a mommy who says that mommy and daddy are going to be together forever while knowing that the marriage at that point has little or no chance of surviving.
She''s also a mommy who says that she will never be away from her children on holidays.

Baffled by this womans actions said... 14

Wow! Who has to be reminded of family traditions from perfect strangers other than her? This woman has 8 kids home from school and yet finds every minute of the day to read her tweets from strangers and answer some too. Who other than her has the time to do such nonsense? What are 8 kids doing as their mothers fingers are glued to the phone? She is a certified nut job!

My kids come first said... 15

So now that the sheeple have forced her to follow through with the flag tradition, I suppose she will have to get all hookered - I mean fancied up - to make a trip to target to buy the flags. (On her own dime) Looks like Stevie boy had better get the iphone out. She will need to sell a couple of photos to cover the cost of those flags...

Gimme Giimme said... 16

I think that was Jon's tradition, no wonder she forgot.

Permanent Name said... 17

kart is like my mom:

"Always on transmit, never on receive".

For those of you not familiar with airplane radios, when you're transmitting, no one else can. They have to wait until you're done.

"Always on transmit" makes damn sure no one else gets to talk. As in, she's not interested in what anyone else has to say.

so sick of her said... 18

Admin: I think Kate already resents her fans. This is the first time, she has tweeted, and called her fans crazy, crazy fans, I film episodes for my crazy fans. If you want to stay afloat, you do not call your fans crazy. I also think she is getting annoyed by her, devoted fans, that is why she does not tweet that much or to most of them. 19,000 and she only responds to a hand full. I see she keeps begging to go on a trip. And Kate makes up traditions as she goes along, whatever suits the moment. Just like I'll put up trees & bushes to keep the paps from taking pics, but still have the kids film in the front of the house, where everyone, including paps can see. Or I don't like to draw attention to my self or the kids, but I dress them alike to let everyone know they are tups/6-pak/unit/team/clones not children and individuals. She is a walking, talking, lying, self need, contradiction. Do as I say, not as I do, cause I am the only one who can do as I do.

Just curious said... 19

ONE kid wouldn't let you forget to put out the 4th of July flags. They love that kind of thing. She wants her fans to believe all eight never mentioned getting out the "traditional" flags to decorate the front? NEVA! Of course her fans would believe her if she said the earth was flat.

cathy518 said... 20

Those flags will be put up by Kate if Chris shows up to take the INF shot. Kate's best tradition is her own publicity and fame quest.

Kelly said... 21

She just realized that the 4th of July was upon her? None of her kids told her how excited they were for the parade (tradition) in Wyomissing? Kids forgot all about fireworks this time of year?

For all her "traditions", she seems to forget alot, i.e. Bald Head Island, flags, flag cake etc. Fans need to remind her about everything nowadays. I'm still trying to find a picture of last years 4th of July "Tradition". All I can find is Kate running across the front of her house in a bikini while she's entertaining the Neilds and their sons at a pool party.

Just this one request, please said... 22

Her tweets are insane and ridiculous, is there any way we can have her ex's posted instead? Leave her tweets to the twittle'n'dumb, please.

Just curious said... 23

If Kate weren't such a control freak she could have let the kids put up the flags although they probably wouldn't have been placed as SHE wanted. Oh, wait, they spent the week being filmed and Kate made it sound pretty grueling. Maybe the KIDS were exhausted this time? ~ Administrator said... 24

At least maybe the kids can just relax this weekend after a long week of filming.

Bigfoot Bares It All said... 25

All I can find is Kate running across the front of her house in a bikini while she's entertaining the Neilds and their sons at a pool party.


The Sasquatch photo?

Call Me Crazy said... 26

Goodness. How can someone as busy and in-demand and put-upon as Kate be expected to remember that the 4th of July holiday falls on, um, the 4th of July? Silly us. Thank goodness she has her crazy fans to remind her of all her special traditions that are oh-so-extremely-important to her. Blech.

You're A Grand Old Flag said... 27

So now that the sheeple have forced her to follow through with the flag tradition, I suppose she will have to get all hookered - I mean fancied up - to make a trip to target to buy the flags. (On her own dime


Aren't these the kind of flags that can be stored away and used over and over again? She wouldn't have thrown them away. She's too cheap to do that.

Robin said... 28

"Aren't these the kind of flags that can be stored away and used over and over again? She wouldn't have thrown them away. She's too cheap to do that. "

Assuming the flags ever belonged to the family and weren't a TLC prop (I actually don't remember them doing this tradition except at the old house, and I also thought it was a Jon thing and not a Kate thing), I believe she would have thrown them away in a second. We're talking about the most disposable-using person I've ever seen - everything is meant to be thrown away and bought new.

Dog Days Of Summer said... 29

"We're talking about the most disposable-using person I've ever seen - everything is meant to be thrown away and bought new."


I wonder if she kept those pine cones that she made Jon squeeze into the top shelf in the garage! They were really important to her. Apparently at one time she also kept coupons; hence, coupongate. I think she's selective in what she keeps and what she throws away. There appears to be no rhyme nor reason to her hoarding and disposing.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 30

Kate Speak- I love tradition.... you know the things that bring attention to me- like Christmas- you know how hard it is to buy the perfect gifts for 8 kids; Easter- You know I worked my butt off with puzzle pieces and 300 eggs - (No umm, I think TLC took care of that for her filming); Tooth Fairy- Well you know I leave a dollar and a very specialish note......
Ironic 4th of July and Thanksgiving hold no tradition with her as she is not patriotic at all, and she does not associate with family for Thanksgiving. Where are the Thanksgiving episodes??

Her twitter fan base is a strange mixture of teens and adults, both of whom seem to be lacking something in their lives. Or at least common sense to idolize someone who exploits their kids for profit and is all about herself. Either way, naivite or hero worship of someone like Kate almost makes me feel sorry for them. There are so many more people out there who set a great example of how to live life, take great care of kids independently (not requiring them to work), enjoy family and friends, who appreciate the little things in life that really count, and are not looking for someone to take care of them and their needs.

Permanent Name said... 31

Um....... did I read one of her tweets right? Did she say that the email address for one of her (imagined) friends is wrong?

kart, perhaps the person gave you the wrong addy on purpose........ LOL

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 32

As I mentioned in another post when this week's ratings came out, I noticed that Khate lost over 500,000 viewers from her lead-in, Cake Boss, and that was a repeat. Losing lots of viewers like that from your lead-in definitely gets the attention of the network and probably the sponsors.

Let's look at both shows for the last two weeks:

Monday, 6/20/11:

Cake Boss (9:00) (1.198 million viewers, #19; adults 18-49: 0.4, #T13)
Kate Plus 8 (10:00) (0.938 million viewers, #20; adults 18-49: 0.3, #T15)
Monday, 6/27/11:

Cake Boss (9:00) (1.519 million viewers, #14; adults 18-49: 0.6, #T10)
Kate Plus 8 (10:00) (1.000 million viewers, #18; adults 18-49: 0.4, #T13)

It's interesting that Cake Boss pulled in more than an extra 300,000 viewers from one week to the next even though it was a repeat. Yet, Khate's show came on and she lost all those extra viewers, plus a couple hundred thousand more.

Still, from the clip that I saw and from what I've read, this week's episode looked unbelievably boring. So, it is amazing that it even rated one million. Hey, I know how she got a million! Let's see, over 1.5 million watched Cake Boss. Well, half a million of those changed the channel, and the million that stuck around probably fell asleep with the channel on TLC.

Watch your words, Kate! said... 33

I feel a bit like I'm beating a dead horse...but every time I come to this site and see her photo with the fork above, I think, "this is an attractive woman with a fresh complexion". I think the photo was taken in the past 3-4 years.

When I see photos and clips of her now with the weird forehead, sunken cheeks, and dead eyes, I am just astounded that this is a 36-year-old woman!

My guess is the smoking, stress, tanning, and starvation are combining to ruin her looks.

The worst part of this is what she is modeling to her kids. Fifth grade is the age when the preadolescent behavior kicks in for many girls. I see it starting with Cara and Mady. Kids of control freaks often do not have good outcomes, but I am hoping that their school experiences and time with their dad will help mitigate the home environment.

I am still shocked at Kate's treatment of Leah in the cookie-making clip. She brushes it off as being "grouchy", but there is far more to this exchange than she is willing to admit. Shaming a child for trying to do the right thing (she was obviously TRYING to clean up the sugar) has long lasting implications on a child's self esteem. Didn't Kate study child development? This must have been part of her nursing curriculum.

I think on some level, especially when she watches herself later, she must know she is doing the wrong thing. I remember some clip where she stated that "every mother's worst fear is that she is a terrible mom." (or something like that) Well, Kate, that is not my worst fear, but it is clearly yours. Do something about it!

Just me said... 34

Can anyone tell me where I can watch the eps online? Someone posted links to some of the previous episodes, and I'm sure these newer ones are out there somewhere (I just can't find them).

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 35

@HollyRosado Holly Rosado
@Kateplusmy8 OMGcoolest thing-MyCustomerToday(cribRentalHamptons)saysShesFromWyomissing-ImentionU andShesays"theirweddingwasatmyhome!"Deena
4 hours ago via web

@HollyRosado Holly Rosado
@Kateplusmy8 iToldHerwhat a huge fan i am of yours and she was cracking up at me! said ur a sweetheart. i feel very cool/connected 2 u now!
4 hours ago via web

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@HollyRosado true! Is &a dear dear friend!If u c her when she returns crib,send my love&tell her email addy Is wrong that I hav 4 her!:(
2 hours ago

@HollyRosado Holly Rosado
@Kateplusmy8 OK i will tell her! Seeing her later today- Come visit us in the Hamptons Kate!! have you ever been?
2 hours ago via web


Ha! Khate hasn’t answered that last tweet yet. If she does, it will be something like

“It’s my DREAM to come out 2 th Hamptons! I’m so jealous, wish I culd b thr!”

So, does anyone know who that woman, Deena is? The first tweet says she's a customer of the sheeple and she said Khate and Jon were married in her house. Really? Does anyone know anything about their wedding?

Just curious said... 36

This is just creepy:

@Kateplusmy8 Kate, my son is going to be with his dad for the 4th, do u need any extra help? I dont want to be alone for the 4th.

@Kateplusmy8 i know its awkward but im going to be alone

@Kateplusmy8 alone & lonely

@Kateplusmy8 i could clean ur kitchen or be kitchen staff

@Kateplusmy8 volunteer kitcchen staff

@Kateplusmy8 i live in pennsylvania too

@Kateplusmy8 all of my family lives in rhode island
@Kateplusmy8 i'll be useful around the kitcchen... Not a 9th child

@Kateplusmy8 i just dont want to be bored & alone & lonely

Beth said... 37

My guess is the smoking, stress, tanning, and starvation are combining to ruin her looks.

Don't leave out the alcohol! Who's to say how much "mommy juice" the woman drinks every day. You are totally correct about her appearance. The woman in the picture above looks like the daughter of the Kate of 2011. I don't know what she has done to herself but if it shows up that much on the outside, imagine how unhealthy she is on the inside. I wonder if she gets regular medical checkups? A low thyroid will age you in a hurry.

Karma said... 38

Also please dont forget all the botox and plastic surgery. That takes a huge toll on ones body. She has had too much botox for someone 36. With her fake boobs fake hair fake teeth fake tan fake nails she cant and wont EVER get her old "cleaner" look back. She is a dead soul with no morals and her kids are going to if not already grow up to hate her, and bad too..

Anonymous said... 39

@ Nobody Likes a Narcissist - One of the first specials showed footage of Jon and Kate's wedding. It was held outdoors and I had the impression that it was in a public park, but it may have been in someone's large back yard (think estate).

Doesn't Jon have the kids this w/e? Maybe he'll take them to the parade and have a good, old-fashioned picnic with them, no cameras allowed. I hope so, for their sakes. Poor babies have been worked to death this week.


Hypothyroid said... 40

A low thyroid will also make it very, very, hard to lose weight unless you starve yourself to stay thin. If you're not medicated for it you will be "exhausted" all the time. Brittle nails, brittle hair, etc. I've settled in at a size 10 and really have to watch what I eat to maintain. Even on medication it's very hard to lose any weight. I get blood work done every 6 months to ensure that the meds are working. So yes, she could be hypothyroid. But I think she's hypolazy and addicted to botox and plastic surgery.

Anonymous said... 41

If Kate actually celebrated holidays like the 4th of July on the actual day rather than two weeks earlier, she might be more in sync with when its happening. She certainly seems to be forgetting a lot of things for someone who sells herself as organized.


Could it be the excessive tanning? I've heard tanning fries your brain. ~ Administrator said... 42

Remember that article awhile back with the insider claiming all the
kids do at Jon's is sit around and watch TV? Notwithstanding whether
that's true, if it is, can you blame them???

Poor babies were worked to death this week. Jon may want to do
something out and about this weekend for the holiday, but the kids
likely may just want to CRASH on the couch. And they deserve it. Now
we know what goes on here, by Kate's own admission they were working
their butts off all week. So hard apparently that Kate slept for 10
hours straight.

Just Dwindle Away said... 43

It occurs to me that Kate is setting up a pattern of mentioning her forgetfulness: appointments, flags, whatever. Cue up some more twats about forgotten things and misplaced items, "oh my memory! Oh what is wrong with me", and she will have laid the groundwork for some kind of medical problem she will cook up and announce.

Whatever it will be, it will explain her ghastly appearance of late, especially her 4-tone complexion of gray/brown/orange/and yellow. It will also explain why is so 'exhaustedish' all the time and so incredibly irritated by every. single. thing. on. the. planet.

The sheeple will blame it on Jon and on the stress of being oh-so-alone-ish with 8 kids. Kate will blame it on Jon, the kids, and on TLC for abandoning her in her hour of need. Either way, pass the collection plate and the book contract, and more My Dream Free Trips.

Kate and Stevie are reading this right now saying "Damn. Busted." or "Damn, why didnt *I* think of that."

Moose Mania said... 44

It occurs to me that Kate is setting up a pattern of mentioning her forgetfulness: appointments, flags, whatever. Cue up some more twats about forgotten things and misplaced items, "oh my memory! Oh what is wrong with me", and she will have laid the groundwork for some kind of medical problem she will cook up and announce.


Yes, but watch how fast she perks up and the exhaustion and/or illness subsides if TLC announces a free cruise or European trip to one of her bucket-list destination!

Lorrie said... 45

If I'm not mistaken, putting out the flags was not filmed for a 4th of July episode. It was for the episode in which Jon was taking care of all 8 kids on his own while Kate was away on business. Jon and the kids put out flags for September 11, not 4th of July.

Sienna said... 46

My husband was hospitalized for cardiomyopathy last fall, and was put on this very strong drug called Amiodarone, he was just this past wednesday taken off it because they realized it had slowed his thyroid so much his metabolism was almost at a standstill because of the meds and had caused him to have an extreme case of hypothyroidism , if the same is happening for her she feeds herself little vegies and salad maybe with 1/2 c. of yogurt per day, it's no wonder she looks like crap, her body is like one of a 75 yr old.... my husband also mentionned that he was beginning to think he was crazy, he would forget to complete sentences, was exhausted all the time and was always complaining that he would forget everything even the very basic everyday appointments that pertain to his daily work schedule. So you guys are making a lot of sense, she is probably starving herself and that's why she looks like an old leather shoe!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 47

LOL, Kate did in fact answer that tweet about the Hamptons. OF COURSE, she's dying to go there! Where doesn't she want to go??

HollyRosado Holly Rosado
@Kateplusmy8 OK i will tell her! Seeing her later today- Come visit us in the Hamptons Kate!! have you ever been?
6 hours ago

in reply to @HollyRosado ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@HollyRosado No but dying to visit! Would be so great! You have room for us?;)
25 minutes ago via Twitterrific

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 48

Holy moly....who actually says "many fans love me there"??

purplemomsie christine reczuch
@Kateplusmy8 @Loveli_Lisa thanks Kate. when r u coming back? I saw u in London Ontario a few years ago!
5 hours ago

in reply to @purplemomsie ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@purplemomsie @Loveli_Lisa Yes! I was there! I hope soon! I love canada and it seems many fans love me there too! Yay! :)
30 minutes ago via Twitterrific

Moose Mania said... 49

Nobody Likes predicted that Kate would tweet somthing like this (about going to the Hamptons):

“It’s my DREAM to come out 2 th Hamptons! I’m so jealous, wish I culd b thr!”


You nailed it!

Kate did, in fact, tweet:

@HollyRosado No but dying to visit! Would be so great! You have room for us?;)

I actually chuckled out loud when I read this tweet, because I remembered what you said!! Kate is so transparent that it isn't even fun anymore guessing what she's going to do!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 50

Moose Mania - Ha ha!! Yup, she's predictable and boring! It's probably killing her that she's free all weekend and has nothing to do, nowhere to go. For all the celebrities she's been around, it's funny how she hasn't made friends with any, isn't it? Many of the reality show people see each other at lots of events, end up becoming friendly and actually do things together. Khate wishes she could be a part of any group, even if it's just a group of reality tv "celebs". It's funny how she gets no invitations anywhere. So many of the East Coast celebs are in the Hamptons this weekend, anrd all summer. Khate would sell her hooker shoe collection for an invitation out there.

Moose Mania said... 51

"So many of the East Coast celebs are in the Hamptons this weekend, anrd all summer. Khate would sell her hooker shoe collection for an invitation out there."


Or on Martha's Vineyard or Nantucket. I guess those places will be next on her "OMG I dream of going there" list! ~ Administrator said... 52

Maybe someone could pretend to be from some God-forsaken wild and dangerous place like you see on the feed the children commercials and beg Kate to come visit her there and see if she is just PERISHING to go there too!

ncgirl said... 53

"I wonder if she kept those pine cones that she made Jon squeeze into the top shelf in the garage!"

A tweeter asked about the pine cones. She said she still had them.

She also tweeted she has many fans in Canada. I've seen people from Canada post against her so I doubt everyone loves her there. Many of her fans seem to be from other countries. Maybe she is holding onto them them since most but not enough Americans are onto her.

It was funny how she tried to be so loosey goosey about Cara not filming interviews. Cara either put her foot down, or someone told her she's already got a bad rap about using the kids so she doesn't need to force her. One less interview won't matter to the show, but what if other kids start to feel this way as they get older?

ncgirl said... 54

"Maybe someone could pretend to be from some God-forsaken wild and dangerous place like you see on the feed the children commercials and beg Kate to come visit her there and see if she is just PERISHING to go there too!"

A while back a fan tweeted they were from Singapore. Of course, Kate wanted to go there. Somebody on another site said they cane you for gum chewing so please send her there. Don't know if that's true but thought it was funny.

Moose Mania said... 55

Maybe someone could pretend to be from some "God-forsaken wild and dangerous place like you see on the feed the children commercials and beg Kate to come visit her there and see if she is just PERISHING to go there too!"


LOL, admin! I was just thinking the same thing! Or someone could pretend to be from a fictitious island paradise called Lucre Island and see if she says that she's heard so much about it and is just is perishing to go there!

Smoochie said... 56

Believe me, most of us in Canada are not enamored of her either!

My aunt is actually how I first came to see the show, she had seen the first episode and was telling me about it, but I never seemed to catch it on, until I hit upon a marathon. I was shocked that my aunt liked this show and speaking to her after I saw it, she said she disliked it after seeing more episodes.

Neither of us could believe that someone would act that way towards their husband and children and would allow it to be filmed and aired.

We were talking about reality shows at work and everyone agreed that their husbands would have divorced them if they ever acted like Kate and treated him that bad. Also, that the kids should stop filming because very little in their life was sacred and everything was fair game, up to filming or discussion, good and bad!

Downeaster Alexa said... 57

So, does anyone know who that woman, Deena is? The first tweet says she's a customer of the sheeple and she said Khate and Jon were married in her house. Really? Does anyone know anything about their wedding?


Kate said that they were married at a friend's home in Wyomissing, under a white tent in perfect weather:

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 58

Well, I am sure if the show were to last that long, some of the other kids will also start showing signs of unwillingness to film. I'm glad that they are at least letting up on Cara if she doesn't want to participate as much. It's great that the sheeple noticed it and asked Khate about it. I bet she hated that. As far as Mady, I really don't like saying this, but from what I've read and heard, she seems to just love the camera and hams it up in all her couch interviews. I'm sure Khate's happy about that and encouraging it. I wouldn't be surprised if Khate tries to push her into show biz if that's something that Mady might show an interest in. I can just see it now. Khate won't have any use for the others anymore, but she'll become the stage mother from hell. Of course, she'd make herself the agent and manager so she could be in charge of all the money. Oh man, do I hope I am so wrong and none of that ever happens.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 59

Khate just popped onto twitter and is tweeting away excitedly that a new episode is coming in August 8th. Get this little exchange...can we spell desperate:

Far2ManyIdiots Touche
@Kateplusmy8 Is it ok to keep pestering TLC to let them know we want more Kate Plus 8?
3 hours ago

in reply to @Far2ManyIdiots ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Far2ManyIdiots Absolutley! They more pestering they get, the more they do give I'm sure! And of course ratings speak the loudest to them!


So, she just confirmed what we've been saying for the last few months. She is only on Twitter as a last ditch effort to reach out to sheeple and try to scramble up some ratings. ~ Administrator said... 60

They definitely had a little ratings chat with the Katester. Haha.

Batterednotbroken said... 61

Testing....are my postings going through? I will try again.
I live near London, Ontario, Canada and l never heard of Khate visiting. If l did, l would have posted. Maybe local reporters didn't think it was all that newsworthy.

Batterednotbroken said... 62

Aha! it went through. Finally. ;-) Message to Khate. WE don't want you here!

PJ's momma said... 63

ncgirl, it's sort of true about the gum thing in Singapore. My spouse got back from Singapore today and gum is not allowed. Neither is anything rated more than PG or any other illicit thing - you will be KILLED for smuggling drugs in. It's a very sanitized, clean, safe and wealthy country/island.

Midnight Madness said... 64

Now she wants an office. Please tell me that we won't see a home improvement episode where they put an addition on the house! Who lives over the garage...why couldn't that be her office? Or do the groundskeeper, kitchen crew, nannies (that she doesn't have) live there?

Its desk in rm screaming my name or put it out where KIDS scream my name!No othr place!sumday I'll hav an office!"


I think she should be thankful for what she has and figure out how to maintain that property when TLC pulls the plug, rather than saying that someday she'll have an office!

Kelly said... 65

Greats Gang, Tied up for the night in Rock Hall, a sleepy resort off the Chesapeake Bay, on the eastern shore of Maryland. Marina is full, boats as far as the eye can see, anchored in the harbor. My Clear 4G works and just saw Kate's tweets about ratings.

Seriously, How desperate was that tweet about ratings??? The only thing more pitiful than that tweet is seeing someone at an intersection with a sign, "will work for ratings". ~ Administrator said... 66

I think she should be thankful too. She has a gigantic house, she could carve out a little office area just fine even with eight kids and can stop complaining. I doubt most of her sheeple have an office. Likely they had what she used to have, an office in the closet, or just a little corner of a room with a computer, or something along those lines most folks can manage.

I don't get what she needs an office for anyway. Heck even the nanny is in charge of her checkpoint apparently.

As for the pathetic tweet about ratings, oh there will be a "Save the Show" campaign and I bet Kate will be at the helm. Pathetic.

Kelly said... 67

Deck lights are lit, listening to Kenny Chesney on the Bose and wondering if it gets any better than this. Water is like a glass sheet, parties going on everywhere right now and the weather is perfect. This is nice. Reading Kate's tweets right now are beyond pathetic. The next four days I'll be traversing the Chesapeake Bay with a plan to go north through the C&D canal to the Delaware Bay and then ending up in Cape May NJ for the 4th of July. Wind at my back, sunshine in my face, plenty of provisions and the best thing, Kate's still going to be tweeting from her office/bedroom trying to drum up support for a fledgling show and a fledgling career and she's still tweeting from the "bedroom/office".

Kate, you missed the boat. Happiness comes from within and all you do to make things happen on your own. Happiness doesn't come from spending an inordinate amount of time tweeting people you don't know and will never meet, trying to drum up ratings for a "job" we all know you don't have.

Kate, I don't make anywhere near the money you make, nor will I "EVA EVA" come close to it. I'm enjoying the solitude of the natural resources on the east coast, about 75 miles from where you live and I don't need anyone to assist me in this endeavor.

Happy 4th Kate but know that while you are hell bent on bringing up those ratings and adding to your followers on Twitter, I'm going to have the best time with salt water spary in my face, visiting other marinas on my trip to Cape May NJ and my goal these next four days is peace, new experiences and the fact that the travel is the best time, not the destination. If only she could figure that out.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 68

I hate to keep droning on about her imbecilic twats and the stupidity of them, but one super fan said her kid will be with the dad on July 4 and she doesn't want to be alone so she actually asked Kate if she needed any extra help and could she come over? Not surprisingly, Kate blew her off in a somewhat veiled attempt to be nice and then the stalker again asked her if she needed any help around her kitchen....hahahahahahh......un-frickin-believable. Time to close er down Katie Irene. You have let them in a little too close now. Too close for comfort. Hell, even I start getting weirded out by their persistence. Dummies: don't you get it? She is trying to recruit more viewers for her show so they don't give her the axe. She doesn't give a damn about you. Some of them talk to her like they are best buds. Like hey girl, whatcha up to today? (You know who you are..get a life). Very disturbing because Kate tells them. And why oh why does Kate have to tell them she is exhausted from "working" so much when in actuality she is filming. For God's sakes, she doesn't have to study lines for hours on end with an acting coach for a top billed movie. I HATE THAT BULLSHIT that comes out of her trap. THAT IS NOT WORK you dumbass. Knock it off. You are an entitled diva prancing in front of a camera, NOT a blue collar stiff. Blech. ~ Administrator said... 69

It's doesn't scare me so much a fan actually asking to come over, but rather, what will happen after Kate has to turn them down directly? Turn down the wrong fan and God knows what could happen. We've seen it happen to other celebs before, stalkers aren't a new thing nor are celebs getting hurt or being threatened new. I don't want Kate to be hurt, or her kids, and she is being downright reckless.

This is the problem with Twitter, again. Before this kind of thing, fans could sort of "fantasize" about things like "If only such and such celeb knew me we'd be best friends, I'd be over at their house all the time hanging out, etc. etc." BUT since in the past there was no real way for the celeb to ever know them, they always had this fantasy and this idea that if the stars aligned, it would be wonderful. But with Twitter, celebs have the ability to tear down the fantasy. Most celebs are smart enough not to go there, to still keep the wall up. But when they DON'T accept an obsessed fans obsessive invitation, when a fan is turned down or blown off directly, as Kate has so often done, and has their fantasy quashed, who knows what the consequences are.

Kelly said... 70

Seriously, I think there is something very wrong with Kate responding to the minors who tweet her as I do any other adult tweeting or responding to the minors. I feel sorry for the underaged kids who tweet her as they are so caught up in the so called "Celebrity" of Kate actually responding. It's almost like a kid going to a baseball game and getting an autograph. The only difference is the autograph is quick, acknowledged and you walk away. Tweeting these minors is encouraging them to come back for more, leading them on and eventually letting them down. Twitter doesn't have a filter for this type of thing and it is totally wrong for Kate to be encouraging it as it is for those who don't like Kate to be responding to them. ~ Administrator said... 71

As I've said before, Kate TOYS with her fans, and no of course it's not right. Just like it's not right to toy with anyone either on twatter or in real life. She is one sick woman.

Kelly said... 72

Harbor Master is pulling up right now. Have to pay for dockage based on the size of the boat. When I'm out with friends, it's a 40 foot Sea Ray. When I'm docking it, it's 36 feet. Damn Boat says 400 on the port and starboard side. Looks like I'm gonna get a cleaning. BRB

Kelly said... 73

122.57 for the layover in Rock Hall. Now they are counting the bow pulpit @ 2 feet and the swim platform at 2 feet. I guess I can tell everyone I now have a 44 foot Sea Ray. Hell, I'm paying for 4 extra feet. This boat is growing while I sleep.

Batterednotbroken said... 74

Admin said. ....But when they DON'T accept an obsessed fans obsessive invitation, when a fan is turned down or blown off directly, as Kate has so often done, and has their fantasy quashed, who knows what the consequences are."

I've mentioned this before, but think it's worth mentioning again because of Admin's post above. Everyone knows khate's address, it wouldn't be beyond the rhealm of possibility that an obsessed fan would actually sneak over there. If you can, get the Robert DeNiro/Wesley Snipes movie called "The Fan" about a fan that was 'blown off' and his son was kidnapped. Really, really great/scary movie because it can happen to Khate so easily with her carelessness with twitter.

overthehill said... 75

what has kate g. got herself into with twitter.
bigfanofkateg begging to come and help at the house this weekend because her child is with his dad and she will be lonely.38 tweets to kate g.
another fan on twitter sent message i am sending you a present .kates reply "aw thanks"
this twitter mess is going to end badly for some of them .

Falling like a brick said... 76

I just wanted to share this page with you:

This is the real Jon. Not the beaten down, dragged through the mud, 2nd wind Ed-Hardy partying guy.

When his 'fans' needed some encouragement, he was there.
Most of the time now he's working, and when he's not, he's with his kids.

Jonathan spoke to me at a time when I was very depressed and ready to give up trying to have children. I did not know where to go or who could help me.

Jonathan, Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me.

I'm so happy that he's finally broken free from his 'Ed Hardy phase' and gone back to being just a regular guy.

Anonymous said... 77

So envious of your trip- sounds wonderful!!! And alone, too? Definitely sounds like a peaceful journey. Kate would never do anything alone- who would notice her? Who would she dress for?

I love Kate's tweet about the ratings. So the sheeple cannot deny it anymore, the ratings MATTER. In sheeple speak, Kate cleared up another rumor. ROFL!!!

pamelajo said... 78

I am tellin' you, Swamp People is the answer. Some one ask her if she is just "dying to go there" and co star. It has everything Hate needs.

mama mia said... 79

Oh the desperation on twitter, eh Kate? Lost teens desperate to make a connection with a tv mom, you desperate for viewers/ratings. See, if you had talent and could veer off the "I hate messes more than I love my kids "script, there might be hope. But the show sucks. It is as boring as someone whipping out their travel pics. It is not entertainment. You are not an entertainer. And think about all the money wasted trying to make you noticeable. The reverse mullet is gone, the hair extensions are toast, even the gladiator heels are languishing in the back of your closet, so 2010ish. As are most of your clothes. Smart people buy stylish things that never go out of style. But then again, who ever accused you of being smart?

Jenna Does said... 80

When Kate tells her tweet friends that she is 'dying to go "there"' & "do you have room for us?", that is pathetic & desperate, & dangerous. First off, she is giving these sheeple TONS of hope that Kate will come over & hang out with her, their kids will play with her kids, & they will be BFF's forever! OMG! But Kate doesn't follow through. She is going to piss the wrong twitterer off & something is going to happen. She is going to say the wrong thing about "hanging out" & it will never materialize of course, & this sheeple will take it to heart, & stalker time. She is putting her kids in danger ever damn day. How stupid can one woman be??

And does Kate have REAL friends that aren't on a computer? Ya know, real flesh & blood friends that she can touch, hang out with, go shopping with, have coffee with, all that fun stuff that WE do with our friends?? She is so involved in this twitter thing she has stopped trying to make friends in the real world. This is all she has now. It won't turn out well.
~Hippie Chick~

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 81

Between the twittering and ratings, this show is circling the drain. I don't twitter, but her twitters are very telling. Never mind her cold, nasty behavior on a video clip while baking with the kids. Could she have been any nastier to her kids? This is the stuff that made it to the show. Really? Kate's true colors are coming out... constant mention of trips she would like to go on... need ratings by twitter... She knows the end is near, and her angry obnoxious behavior just accents this.

Hot Fun In The Summertime said... 82

"122.57 for the layover in Rock Hall. Now they are counting the bow pulpit @ 2 feet and the swim platform at 2 feet. I guess I can tell everyone I now have a 44 foot Sea Ray. Hell, I'm paying for 4 extra feet. This boat is growing while I sleep."


That's an expensive parking space, Kelly! Your vacation sounds wonderful. Come on down to Cabanas on Beach Avenue (Cape May) tomorrow for some Calypso crab chowder and hot wings! ~ Administrator said... 83

I absolutely do not want this show to go on, but when it does end? This woman is going to have an absolute nervous breakdown and there won't be cameras to capture it, but the kids sure will see it. I really fear for the kids when it all stops. ~ Administrator said... 84

Huh no tweets yet this morning. I suppose she's still asleep maybe?

Westcoastr said... 85

TwitterNation must be frantic, they'll be driving over to check on her soonish. Holiday weekend and all.

AuntieAnn said... 86

Administrator said...I absolutely do not want this show to go on, but when it does end? This woman is going to have an absolute nervous breakdown and there won't be cameras to capture it, but the kids sure will see it. I really fear for the kids when it all stops.

I had to take a leave of absence from all things Kate due to urgent family matters and now that things have settled down I watched that clip posted in the previous thread.

One question...Why does this woman have children? She clearly does not like her role as a mother. If my dear mom had treated me that way in the kitchen when I was a kid I'd never go near a stove again. Fortunately I learned from a patient and caring mother who allowed me to make mistakes (like putting flour instead of icing sugar in the frosting -- yikes! haha) without making me feel like an idiot. Kate admonishes little Leah for a little spilled sugar?? WTF?

I'm not concerned about Kate's ratings and the inevitable cancellation of her show - I don't watch it anyway - but I'm with you that those kids WILL suffer even more when it's over. She'll unleash all kinds of fury on them. I just hope Jon is waiting in the wings readying himself to take custody. They deserve so much better than what they're getting from that bitch.

She is a Cow said... 87

Admin, I was just going to comment that I bet there will be NO tweeting this weekend. Afterall, there are no kids to avoid and ignore and no show until August, so why tweet??? Certainly not just for the love of her tweeties. Some day they will all figure her out.

Happy 4th to everyone!

Susantoyota said... 88

TwitterNation must be frantic, they'll be driving over to check on her soonish. Holiday weekend and all.

Let's all go!! If we make it clear that we're not postal workers trying to deliver those pesky certified letters and we've EACH brought her a container of wine in a box, I'll bet she'll let us in!! We can sit around and gab all day:) I burn easily, so I'll sit inside on the LEATHER couch.

She is a Cow said... 89

Kate retweeted and copied TLC:

RT @LindaOriginal @TLC Pleasehave more shows w/ @Kateplusmy8!We enjoy watching! Totally agree! As many as @TLC orders, I'll happily make!:)


Oh Kate, I am sure you will happily make anything for $250,000.00 a pop. Problem is, no one wants to watch it.

IDModo said... 90

This woman whose German Shepherd Dogs were forced to gnaw through the bars of their metal cage now announces that she hates to see animals suffering. She gives a whole other meaning to the word BITCH.
It is a well known theory in the mental health field that people who are abusive to animals are likely to also abuse people.
I would like her to spend a week or two being treated like Shoka and Nala were at her house: hit and chased by out-of-control kids, hit with bats; kept caged for long periods of time;if Jon hadn't rescued the pups they would still be there or would have been put to death for finally defending themselves.
When will people have had enough of this lying, hypocritical,abusive woman?

E-town Neighbor said... 91

TwitterNation must be frantic, they'll be driving over to check on her soonish. Holiday weekend and all.


I'm about 10 minutes away right now and was thinking about popping over there with a box of wine in hand to check on her, but I see she's recharged her tweeting phone:

"Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@MiloandJack Omg so no problem! I got a skin a million miles thick... Takes A LOT to upset me& annoy me...&u never ever have :) Happy4th!"


It takes a lot to upset and annoy her? Good grief! You could have fooled us! EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY annoys her, beginning with Jon! Remember the Toys R Us scene? The gumgate episode? Spilling sugar on the counter? What in the name of all that's holy is wrong with this woman? Every episode shows her upset or annoyed with someone!

E-town Neighbor said... 92

In response to Hippie's post about getting personal with the sheeple, and then ignoring them, I agree, there could be serious consequences. I was looking through some of the sheeple's tweets today and this one caught my eye:

"@Kateplusmy8 if ur bored, we can hang out... Its a hot day and i dont have my son either. I live in cen pag th"

Another one from the same person:

"@Kateplusmy8 how about we meet for ice cream... My treat"

Kate is telling this tweeter that the kids are with Jon right now, basically confirming that she, too, is alone without the kids. Why is she doing this? Why would she tell the entire twittering world that he is with the kids? Since she has done that, what the heck...just tell everyone their location:

xxxxxxx Kids are at jons now :("

Just curious said... 93

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
RT @dreambigxox @Kateplusmy8 @LindaOriginal @TLC yay! kate, was your show renewed for next season? Will let u know the minute I know! :)

Although it's not news to us, it's always nice to see Kate confirm what we've been saying. She doesn't know if her show will be renewed and she's tweeting like mad for ratings.

Just curious said... 94

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@CJWhodunit @dreambigxox @LindaOriginal @TLC Yep.Scary2think my job could go&hav 8 kids 2 support!I no I'll fig it out--tv jobs r out there


Yep, there are TV jobs out there, but are there any you'd qualify for?

Dulcina said... 95

Auntie Ann, I always love your comments but this one is priceless:

...Why does this woman have children? She clearly does not like her role as a mother.
Personally, I don't think she likes her children either. She has said that they are extensions of her, and as hard as she tries (and boy does she try), they are going to become different individual people.
I truly fear for them.

She is a Cow said... 96

Kate's Tweet:

@CJWhodunit @dreambigxox @LindaOriginal @TLC Yep.Scary2think my job could go&hav 8 kids 2 support!I no I'll fig it out--tv jobs r out there

No, what is really scary Kate, is that you had all 8 of these children knowing full well you could NOT afford them and now rely on grifting and TLC to support you for the rest of your tired life! Love how she copies TLC on these tweets. You have NO TALENT Kate. There may be TV jobs out there, but you are NOT qualified for them.

Everyone is afraid Kate will have a tweetie stalker, I think the execs at TLC should be afraid of KATE! When they cancel this show, she will see red. How could they possible do this after 6 years of trips and freebies. What will she do, where will she turn. She has shown to be a very vendictive person. Watch your back TLC.

BTW: What happened to Twist of Kate?? She told everyone on the Derby red carpet that she was still working on "her own show." That was not that long ago. HUMMMMMMM

E-town Neighbor said... 97

Is this desperation, is it begging...or what is it?

Kate tweeted: "Yep.Scary2think my job could go&hav 8 kids 2 support!I no I'll fig it out--tv jobs r out there"

To which a young, naive tweetie replied:

"you actually have no idea howdevestating it would be if the show was to end! :("

Eight kids to support? They are his kids, too, and he's paying child support! What to do, Kate? Sell the house, get a job, and quit the whining about being a single mom with kids to support! How would she support them if she hadn't sold them to TLC? She would have had to find a way! What she's not admitting in this whole "poor me" thing is that THEY are the ones who are supporting HER!

She's an enigma, no doubt about it.

Just curious said... 98

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@TrippenIn @BigFanofKateG Wkend Not total chilling but parts will be pure quiet and aloneness-something I don't get often but always love!


Kate loves her "aloneness." Her tweeting about how she misses the kids is merely for sympathy from her fans which they love to pour on her.

N.E. Psychologist said... 99

Without making a diagnosis, I've thought for a long time that Kate was enamoured with the idea of having HOM babies and gave short shrift to the idea that she would actually have to raise them.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 100

Just curious said... Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@CJWhodunit @dreambigxox @LindaOriginal @TLC Yep.Scary2think my job could go&hav 8 kids 2 support!I no I'll fig it out--tv jobs r out there


So are nursing jobs, which you might actually qualify for, but patients deserve so much better than what your self-centered nasty self has to offer. Kate, try thinking of what you are actually qualified to do/good at..... which is a whole lot of nothing. You are far too selfish to raise 8 kids, let alone anything involving another person or pet for that matter. Try dealing with non-person/pet entities, you are simply intolerable as a person.

Hello Jon... step forward front and center. Did you see the latest show and how she talked to your kids? It was nasty, as was she.

Maybe she can sell hooker shoes, tanning products, boob surgery, liposuction, or botox by internet... something like that....

AuntieAnn said... 101

Scary2think my job could go&hav 8 kids 2 support!I no I'll fig it out--tv jobs r out there
And I suppose she thinks her little tweeple should feel sorry for her too. She's made literally millions in the last five years... if she's broke now, that just too damn bad. What an ego she has to think she'll be hired for another "tv job". Who would want her anyway?

Midnight Madness said... 102

She says she can find a job in television. Maybe she should have thought about that before she burned all of those bridges. She would have to have to be respected by those in the industry, as well as appeal to viewers. It's too late for that now. Plus, she has no talent, and she's not a fresh, young face.

Once again, Kate didn't think ahead, but set herself up to be despised by 90 percent of the viewers (her own admission). She said she didn't care that she was hated. She's going to have to eat those words. She WILL care.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 103

How would she support them if she hadn't sold them to TLC?
She should have thought of this long ago, while she was busy destroying their privacy. And using her own kids to make a living! GET A JOB KATE. WITHOUT YOUR KIDS.

Just curious said... 104

N.E. Psychologist said...

Without making a diagnosis, I've thought for a long time that Kate was enamoured with the idea of having HOM babies and gave short shrift to the idea that she would actually have to raise them.


I agree wholeheartedly. She doesn't think past the moment.

AuntieAnn said... 105

Dulcina -- Thanks for your comment :)
I fear for them too and I worry that she could harm them physically. I do think she's THAT unstable. It's plain to see that emotionally, they're already in critical condition (IMO, of course).

Dulcina said... 106

Think about it, it's always been a pity party for Kate, from the time she got pregnant with the sextuplets. For the life of me I cannot understand why people are still buying into it. ~ Administrator said... 107

She wants it both ways doesn't she? On the one hand she always brushes off questions about how much money she makes and claims she can't even afford gymnastics or much of anything. On the other now she is claiming she MUST keep this job to support her eight kids.

Either this job supports her kids or it doesn't. She can stop playing both sides of the fence now.

I think when she ultimately dumps the kids on Jon because she no longer has use for them, her excuse will be she no longer has the TV show and cannot support the kids anymore, they are better off with someone who can support them, sob sob.

Dulcina said... 108

Either this job supports her kids or it doesn't.

Admin, I know you mean these jobs that the kids have. She is terrified of the day that her children stop supporting her.

Jon is the one who is working and paying child support, as in supporting his children.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 109

Forgot to add that once the tups were born, Jon could have worked his job full-time in day, and Kate could have worked as a nurse in PM and/or week-ends. Plenty of other people do this until the kids are old enough to attend school.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 110

Scary2think my job could go&hav 8 kids 2 support!
Translation... Scary to think the kids may no longer be able to support ME!

Beth said... 111

Kate is killing me with her "job" nonsense. If it's her job, then it's the kids' job as well, which means she is as good as admitting that she is working them into the ground. Why can't someone in child protective services stop that woman?

Westcoaster said... 112

Oh and Ireland is in her top 5, for sure. I would love to see that 'list'. Maybe that is some of the paperwork keeping her busy in her aloneness this holiday weekend. No mention of pool or grilling, guess Stevie & Jaime have real lives after all. Her Twitness has to run, clean and organize - oh cry me a river. I have divorced friends - they spend weekends without kids with their families, or friends, traveling, volunteering, seeing movies, etc. You know, maybe she should meet that twittet fan for ice cream, after all the fan offered to treat.

Shamrock Shake said... 113

Tweetie Teen Fan:@Kateplusmy8 if @TLC decided to cancel ur show....they will have to deal with a lot of angry fans! :) it won't go without a fight! :)


This one sheeple is about as dumb as they come. I'm sure TLC is just shaking in their boots because they're afraid they'll have to deal with a flock of angry fans! lol!!
Exactly what kind of a protest would they plan? This one lives in Dublin, so I'm sure that she would fly over here to organize a demonstration or boycott. They talk big, but nothing ever comes of it.

Incidentally, at the top of Kate's bucket list is Ireland. Wants to go there before she dies. Has to go there or she will die.

She's one sick puppy...

N.E. Psychologist said... 114

"Why can't someone in child protective services stop that woman?"

My best guess is that the Child Abuse Laws in PA are insufficient and or antiquated. She would have active CPS involvement in the state that I live in, based on what's been seen on camera alone.

Remember, the is a state where a judge ruled that it was ok for 7 and 10 year olds to leave the country against their father's wishes "because they were working."

Speculating said... 115

Let's see how this could work out from Kate's perspective.

Her tweeties bombard TLC with requests for more shows (more work for the kids)
BTW some of them have the idea that if they turn on multiple tvs in their homes it will increase the ratings.

Her tweeties bombard TLC with threats of "bad" publicity if TLC leaves this mother (of 8) stranded without a job.
Hmm, bad publicity for a channel that is already synonymous with exploitation?

One of her tweeties has connections in "the business" and sets her up in a new show.

In the meantime, she gets her daily attention "fix" from her adoring fans.

However, I also think that she perceives tweeting as "work," which it very well may be from TLC'S perspective.
That would explain the perseverance from someone with the attention span of a gnat.

N.E. Psychologist said... 116

BTW, I am blaming the laws, not the judge.

Laurie said... 117

While Kate may have 19K twitter followers, TLC can look and see that it's only couple of dozen that actually tweet with her and some of them are "haters".....and yes Kate did confirm that ratings are what count. I'm sure that she has either been told that the show is cancelled or that if ratings don't go up it will be cancelled. At any rate, Kate is getting desperate and it's begining to show more and more.

Anonymous said... 118

". . .once the tups were born, Jon could have worked his job full-time in day, and Kate could have worked as a nurse in PM and/or week-ends."

Actually, this is what they did. Jon worked full time and some Saturdays and Kate worked a double shift at the dialysis center every other w/e. Of course, Kate moaned and complained and whined about having to "do it all myself" while Jon was at work.


Friend In Pennsylvania said... 119

Remember, the is a state where a judge ruled that it was ok for 7 and 10 year olds to leave the country against their father's wishes "because they were working."


Which, of course, we all disagree with, but the judge couldn't let his personal feelings enter into his decision. His job was to interpret the law, and since she was under contract with her children to film, then the ruling was made accordingly. Had he ruled that she couldn't fulfill that part of her contract and could not take them out of the country, she would have been in violation of that contract, and it could have gotten very messy.

It's Children and Youth Services here, and whether or not they have been involved in this whole mess cannot be disclosed to the public, so we really don't know that they haven't been involved and found, under the law, that no violations have occurred. When there is are no physical signs of abuse present, it is very difficult to prove emotional abuse, neglect or abandonment. I've been involved with a social services organization for some time, and surprisingly enough, the laws that govern the rights of children, unlike the PA child labor laws, are not insufficient nor antiquated.

overthehill said... 120

no fancy home no public school no nannies no lavish trips abroad no tanning /mani/pedi no hooker clothes and shoes
how will kate g cope

N.E. Psychologist said... 121

"When there is are no physical signs of abuse present, it is very difficult to prove emotional abuse, neglect or abandonment."

I don't disagree that it is more difficult to prove but in my opinion based on Kate's public treatment of her children. the PA laws are insufficient.

I used CPS as a generic term because most people are familiar with it.

IDModo said... 122

It's all about perspective, I guess, Friend in Pennsylvania. I spent 33 years in the children's mental health field here in Canada and from a Canadian perspective, the Pennsylvania laws are not only antiquated but also inefficient to provide safety for children in that state. I have spent the last 3 years researching child abuse laws in both the States and the Provinces, and those in PA are among the least effective.They suggest for instance that physical abuse must cause "serious physical harm" or be life-threatening in order for action to be taken.
After all this time I am not going to debate this point further except to suggest that anyone who wants to decide for themselves can read the legislation on the state wabsite.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 123

Laurie said...

While Kate may have 19K twitter followers, TLC can look and see that it's only couple of dozen that actually tweet with her and some of them are "haters".....and yes Kate did confirm that ratings are what count. I'm sure that she has either been told that the show is cancelled or that if ratings don't go up it will be cancelled. At any rate, Kate is getting desperate and it's begining to show more and more.


Excellent points! I was going to say the same thing about really only have maybe two dozen die-hard fans. Although, I notice how Khate often refers to the 18,728 fans, or 19,187 fans, or whatever the number is at the time. Khate is too stupid to realize it, but I firmly believe that this little Twitter adventure has proven to TLC just how unpopular she really is. They can tell she has a tiny, tiny fan base and there is NO way to increase it. She is of no value to them whatsoever.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 124

I hope nobody minds, but I just reviewed her tweets from this afternoon, and I have a lot to say!

@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@MiloandJack Omg so no problem! I got a skin a million miles thick... Takes A LOT to upset me& annoy me...&u never ever have :) Happy4th!

>> As someone already pointed out above, yeah, right! It takes a lot to annoy her? Don’t make me laugh! She’s annoyed by EVERYTHING….even the way other people BREATHE!

tainslie1 tanya ainslie
@Kateplusmy8 Gd morning i hope u r somewew having fun

in reply to @tainslie1 ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@tainslie1 I am and hope your day is good too... At hospital? Or elsewhere today?

>> Hmm, she claims she is somewhere having fun….yet, she spends an hour on Twitter this afternoon, sending over 25 tweets. Ha! The truth is she probably stayed in bed until noon, made coffee, and then got on Twitter to find some love and attention that she is so seriously lacking and desperately seeking.

RiotGirl87 Renée A
@Kateplusmy8 You should take the lovely kids to Norway ;) That would be awesome :) They are all great kids <3

in reply to @RiotGirl87 ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@RiotGirl87 Seriously! Life dream!!!! ;)

>> Yet ANOTHER “dream” of Khate’s! It just doesn’t end!


in reply to @JOYZOZ ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@JOYZOZ To you I say: thanks for support and xoxoxo! :)

>> Like I said above, here she is confirming how she looks to Twitter for support and love. Pathetic, really. And keep it coming, because she’s circling the drain and will most certainly need a LOT of “support” when the show is canned for good.

TLC ship is sinking said... 125

Yep.Scary2think my job could go&hav 8 kids 2 support!I no I'll fig it out--tv jobs r out there

Kate, what about all the other tv stars whose shows don't get picked-up or get canceled? I don't see them going on twitter or to the media, complaining about how they are going to support their family now that it's canceled. I don't see that even when shows are on the chopping block for cancellation.

She's the only "celebrity" I know that has used that excuse for the media and viewers.

She has only herself to blame for wasting whatever the Gosselins have earned on her frivolous celebrity lifestyle instead of saving for their future.

Kate reminds me of those lottery winners who throw their money away on materialistic things and end up worse off than where they were before they won. Should we have sympathy for them, like Kate wants us to have for her? I have no sympathy for those who make foolish choices and refuse to accept the responsibility and the consequences.

Kate will blame this all on the big, bad network TLC, not herself.

Just curious said... 126

If Kate seriously thinks tweeting is going to increase her ratings, she'd better get real busy. She needs about 2 million more followers who would be loyal viewers. I have to laugh each time she or her fans cheer over a increase in followers.

As someone said, in an internet galaxy she'd be a more speck of dust in a corner...and her tweeties not even that.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 127

@emilykateplus8 Harry's Princess
@Kateplusmy8 I wish I had your strength.

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@emilykateplus8 You do! You just need to find it and believe in yourself! Once u take limits off urself, u can do ANYTHING, I promise! Xoxo

>> She gives more love and encouragement to this teen on Twitter than she’s ever seen giving her kids on the show, that’s for sure. The funny thing is that if this teen really had Khate for a parent, she’d be miserable and hate her for things like barking at her all the time as in the sugar incident.

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
RT @LindaOriginal @TLC Pleasehave more shows w/ @Kateplusmy8!We enjoy watching! Totally agree! As many as @TLC orders, I'll happily make!:)

>> It’s already been said…..DESPERADO (lol, that song is stuck in my head now)

@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
RT @dreambigxox @Kateplusmy8 @LindaOriginal @TLC yay! kate, was your show renewed for next season? Will let u know the minute I know! :)
20 minutes ago via Twitterrific

>> Again, you all covered this one, but I just have to comment. It’s great to see her admit that she doesn’t even know if the show is renewed. She knows she’s on the brink of cancellation and that’s why she took to Twitter in the first place. She’s too stupid to realize that ALL this time and energy she has wasted on Twitter over the last three months has done absolutely NOTHING to help her ratings. It merely attracted a few dozen die-had fans that were already watching the show. It did NOTHING to attract any new fans!

@BigFanofKateG BigFanofKateG
@Kateplusmy8 hi kate, what r the kids & u doing today?

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@BigFanofKateG Kids are at jons now :(

BigFanofKateG BigFanofKateG
@Kateplusmy8 if ur bored, we can hang out... Its a hot day and i dont have my son either. I live in cen pa

BigFanofKateG BigFanofKateG
@Kateplusmy8 how about we meet for ice cream... My treat

>> This is the one that has already been mentioned here today and also last night. She is indeed a scary one. Check out her twitter and all the tweeting she did to Khate yesterday trying to get invited over her house. Cuckoo for cocoa puffs!

Cammie said... 128

Do Kate's fans realize that the networks only care about the bottom line not a few "fans". Look at all the soaps cancelled recently like All My Children the had more viewers and these were viewers for that had watched for decades everyday and even with petitions and rallies the soaps are being cancelled. I saw a rally for ABC soaps on tv and they interviewed a family with 3 generations that had watched together for 30 years crying (not a few teenagers or sheeple or whoever wants to save Kate) and there is no saving the soaps. When I saw the soaps budget if Kate really makes 250k an episode then soaps might be cheaper to produce(most vets are only getting 1200 an episode!)
I just do not get what is so expensive about raising 8 kids after Kate has made enough money to have no mortgage and no car payemnts. Why do all the kids have to take gymnastics? Are the all that interested in it? or is Kate to lazy to drive the individual kids to activites they might like? I have 3 neighbors who raised 8 kids on one salary in a middle class neighborhood and have had all the kids go to college and some on to grad school.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 129

lilrunner lilrunner
@Kateplusmy8 making your flag cake for the Fourth of July! Looks delicious and not horribly unhealthy like other desserts!

in reply to @lilrunner ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@lilrunner Yum!!!

>> I never watched the show back then but I’ve read about the Fourth of July cake. Nice how this sheeple refers to it as “your flag cake”. Nope, Khate didn’t invent it; it’s been around for DECADES!

wunderkindtwins wunderkind yuri
@Kateplusmy8 I am a freezer junkie and i got my husband in to it, you have helped with tons of ideas to easy my days alone with my babies.

in reply to @wunderkindtwins ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@wunderkindtwins Two things save me: Freezer and crock pot! I agree, it's diff between life and no dinner, lol!

>> Yeah, right, whatever. She often talks about how difficult it is to make dinner for eight kids (count ‘em, eight kids), and how it has to be planned out carefully and started early in the day. But, really, between the little that she feeds them and the salads she claims to make for herself, I think a lot of mothers end up cooking far more food most evenings. I have a friend with four pre-teen and teen boys, plus her husband. You should see how much food shopping and cooking she does. AND, she works (a nurse, lol). I guarantee you that her grocery bill is higher than Khate’s and that she cooks more food every day for her family of six, (4 boys and a husband all with huge appetites), than Khate does for her family of nine. My family isn’t quite as big, but I bet that I cook just as much or more than her. And, believe it or not, I can often wait until late in the day to decide what to make and manage to get it together in a relatively short amount of time. I stock up on things when they’re on sale and keep a loaded freezer, plus a fully stocked pantry. At any given time, I can come up with one of a dozen or more choices for dinner, depending on what we’re in the mood for. It’s really not that difficult, But, everything is sooo difficult for Khate, because she has eight (count ‘em, eight) kids!

Dulcina said... 130

I grew up in a predominantly Roman Catholic neighborhood where families of 6 or more children per family were not uncommon. (I know, I know, it's not the magic 8).

No one was rich, but everybody was fed and healthy and educated and had fun. There was extended family, neighbors and local attractions, sports and other extracurricular activities. We played stick ball and hit the bat and had neighborhood water fights that were a blast. We went sledding in the winter. We didn't just survive, we thrived, all the way into adulthood.

My point? That golden platter is for Kate. She does not give a shit about her children.

Just curious said... 131

There was extended family, neighbors....

Kate made sure she'd have none of that! Her controlling ways would never allow for "interference" from family, friends, neighbors...husband.

So sick of her said... 132

I hardly think, Kate can get a nursing job, or if she does, one that pays well. Remember, Kate has not worked in a nursing job in about 5-6 years. Anyone can study for a test, pass it an get their cert. I know been there done that. Employers, especially in certain professions want actual work, not a piece of paper that says you passed a test and here is you cert. Kate was not too smart in that direction. She should have been doing nursing the past several years. The medical profession, especially the nursing profession, is constantly changing, I don't think Kate keeps up with it. How can she, according to her, she so tired, watching kids and filming, not to mention laying by the pool, and tweetering. Oh, and having to constantly clear off her desk. According to Jon years ago, Kate never bothers with the news, on TV or in the newspapers. The only thing Kate would want to read in the papers is about herself. In the clip of the kids birthday, it was purseboy who had to tell her that a storm was coming and the kids need to get out of the pool. I don't know about everyone here, but if I'm having a party and dark clouds are coming, I would take some time to look at the weather channel to see where the storm is. It was almost a week later she finally said anything about the lawsuit. She has no idea if & when they are gonna film, when her show is on or if it will be renewed. I really think that her hair bleach went to to her brain and fryed it.
As for TV. Kate you are too late. If Hollywood was interested in you Kate, they would have called a long time ago, infact years ago. Hollywood did give you auditions/chances, you blew them. They gave you a chance to act: Emmy show(they made fun of you, can't act her way out of a bag), they gave you a chance at dancing: DWTS(you can't dance), they gave you several chances to be a reporter, you spinned the whole interview to be about you. Your appearances on Talk shows, were test interviews to see if you have the gift of gab/reporting, you don't. I don't know how many interviews, that Kate has done that she says UM in. A reporter has to be smooth, flowing, not choppy. Not act like a fan. She was given more opportunities than most real hard working/struggling actors(ones who went to acting school) are given. She blew it. Now she still thinks of herself as a big star/hot shot, I guest she has not looked in the mirror lately. If she thinks on K8 is acting, she is so wrong. Kate said it herself: K8 is realist of reality shows, and that is just what Hollywood sees, a reality show, Kate being her own worst enemy. Now she is saying that the show is for entertainment, if so, than it is staged, not reality. So then she is saying they are acting, thus the kids are working. So K8 is no longer a reality show. Food for thought.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 133

lilrunner lilrunner
@Kateplusmy8 making your flag cake for the Fourth of July! Looks delicious and not horribly unhealthy like other desserts!

in reply to @lilrunner ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@lilrunner Yum!!!

>> I never watched the show back then but I’ve read about the Fourth of July cake. Nice how this sheeple refers to it as “your flag cake”. Nope, Khate didn’t invent it; it’s been around for DECADES!

wunderkindtwins wunderkind yuri
@Kateplusmy8 I am a freezer junkie and i got my husband in to it, you have helped with tons of ideas to easy my days alone with my babies.

in reply to @wunderkindtwins ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@wunderkindtwins Two things save me: Freezer and crock pot! I agree, it's diff between life and no dinner, lol!

>> Yeah, right, whatever. She often talks about how difficult it is to make dinner for eight kids (count ‘em, eight kids), and how it has to be planned out carefully and started early in the day. But, really, between the little that she feeds them and the salads she claims to make, I think a lot of mothers end up cooking for more food most evenings. I have a friend with four pre-teen and teen boys, plus her husband. You should see how much food shopping and cooking she does. AND, she works (a nurse, lol). I guarantee you that her grocery bill is higher than Khate’s and that she cooks more food every day for her family of six, (4 boys and a husband all with huge appetites), than Khate does for her family of nine. My family isn’t quite as big, but I bet that I cook just as much or more than her. And, believe it or not, I can often wait until late in the day to decide what to make and manage to get it together in a relatively short amount of time. I stock up on things when they’re on sale and keep a loaded freezer, plus a fully stocked pantry. At any given time, I can come up with one of a dozen or more choices for dinner, depending on what we’re in the mood for. It’s really not that difficult, But, everything is sooo difficult for Khate, because she has eight (count ‘em, eight) kids! ~ Administrator said... 134

Gaa! How dumb are these fans? I can date the flag cake to AT LEAST 1988 since I have a BOOK FEATURING IT published in 1988 somewhere kicking around here.

In 1988 Kate was what? 13? I think when we were discussing this before someone recalled see it in Good Housekeeping or something circa early 80's.

This is just like Kate claiming she had the idea to put puzzle pieces in Easter Eggs. Please, that was all over the place this year, it was nothing new. Why must she lie like this? Does she think people won't be impressed otherwise?

Kate? There is nothing wrong with taking a good idea and making it work for you! You don't have to take credit for it!

She is one of the most insecure people I've ever seen. Why doesn't she correct this sheeple?

Karma said... 135

She makes me SICK! That tweet about her show not being renewed ( @CJWhodunit @dreambigxox @LindaOriginal @TLC Yep.Scary2think my job could go&hav 8 kids 2 support!I no I'll fig it out--tv jobs r out there
4 hours ago Favorite ) She HONESTLY thinks that people want to see her on TV. How effn delusional can she be? Remember when she was going out for that talk show? Now look it's sitting pretty good in ratings and why is that cuz she is NOT ON IT!! She wont work in TV that is FOR sure.. Hello nursing. Jon made the transition back to the civilian sector now its her turn.

Twisted Kate for sure said... 136

Can anyone name ONE reality star that made it after their show was done with? Have they made it on TV????? Here is the answer to that NO!!! Im not talking like Ozzy and Sharon or Brett Michaels they were already famous. Im talking reality show's that started with no named folks. Her 15 has been over about 17 mins ago. Bye Bye Kate and your other show will NEVER see the light of day she has NO personality. Who is she to give advise esp when her family has fallen apart.

Kate is a twit said... 137

Admin-my aunt used to make that flag cake back in the 50's. Don't remember where she got the idea from, but it has been around a long time.

Kate needs to take credit for everything, even if none is due her. It feeds her ego, just like she keeps retweeting fans tweets that tell her how much they love her and what a great mom she is.

I am glad to see that Jon has the kids this weekend and also on Monday. They can actually enjoy a holiday and have fun without being filmed.

Anonymous said... 138

Looks like her plastic surgeries are going to the be thing of the past. Good thing she got her boobs done ( yea right a good bra my foot ) and her hair extensions Botox ( too many times)and fake nails fake tan fake fake fake fake everything. Cant wait until she is DONE!!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 139

mandapanda2367 Amanda Smith
@Kateplusmy8 will you do a back to school episode because I love seeing the kids how they mature and grow.

in reply to @mandapanda2367 ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@mandapanda2367 I hope so but maybe not this year... We will see...

>> Did you all see this one? LOL, she’s even admitting that there might not be a back to school episode this year! Yippee!! The kids need to be free of this farce! It really does look like TLC is stringing Khate along, not letting her know until they have to.

sarahjoyce1992 Sarah Joyce
@Kateplusmy8 and what about your stars and stripes you still do that?! Me and my friend made that last year and was so yummy! :)

in reply to @sarahjoyce1992 ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@sarahjoyce1992 Not this yr. No kids for 4th :(

>> Again, anther sheeple thinks that cake is Khate’s creation! Plus, I love how Khate is sad that she can’t make it this year because the kids aren’t there for 4th if July. Um, but it was okay to film Easter two or three weeks in advance? Where is the rule that this type of cake can ONLY be made on the 4th of July? If it’s a “tradition” and the kids like it, why couldn’t she make it any time this week? Or next week? It doesn’t have to be just for 4th of July weekend. Oh, yeah, that’s right….she only makes the cake when TLC is FILMING and EPISODE! Yup, another “tradition”.

sarahjoyce1992 Sarah Joyce
@Kateplusmy8 do the kids still get a special 4th of July outfit?! That was so cute! :)

in reply to @sarahjoyce1992 ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@sarahjoyce1992 Yep. Did that yesterday (a little behind this year..)

>> I don’t even know what this is referring to. Does she really dress them in a special 4th of July themed “outfit”? Please tell me they don’t match. Aren’t they a little old for all of this? My kids are around the same ages and the only thing they like to do in this regard every summer is get those flag tee-shirts from Old Navy ($5) and wear them around Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day weekends. I guess you could say it’s a tradition”, ha ha (sorry, couldn’t help it).

Just curious said... 140

This is on Kate's timeline - HER page that only SHE can access with her password:

Shari_In_Pa Shari
by Kateplusmy8
I agree with others @TLC More @Kateplusmy8 shows!!!!! Make the seasons longer and advertise the show more. Lots of people don't know its on.

Is it a fake name that Kate is using? ~ Administrator said... 141

There is only one reality star I can think of that ever really made it. Elizabeth Hasselback. She was on Survivor season 2 when it was still really big. She went on to get a gig on The View. Because she was, like, talented-ish. She is the exception not the rule.

Also, Elizabeth was probably one of the sweetest, kindest, most low key Survivor stars ever. Her sweet, close friendship with the oldest guy on the tribe, Roger, said a lot about her character. Even when it was in her best interest, she wouldn't vote him off. Also, her sincere tears and sadness when another tribe member, Mike, was severely burned in the campfire (even though it was also in her best interest to have him gone) spoke volumes.

In other words, she was a SWEET GIRL who probably would have made it on talent anyway even if she were never on Survivor. I don't think most folks even really remember much about where she came from once she got on the View. ~ Administrator said... 142

She really thinks the only way to support EIGHT KIDS is a TV show? How in the world does she imagine other big families do it? Is she really envisioning that everyone on the streets shaking a cup of change must have eight kids?

Come off it, Kate, anyone could raise these kids without living a finger ever again based just on Jon's child support!

She supports our case day after day for why PARENTS CANNOT BE TRUSTED WITH THEIR CHILDREN'S MONEY!

NoLoveInPhilly said... 143

I raised 3 daughters alone on an Admin Assist pay which isn't much and waitressing part time. OH, I got 5 twenty dollar bills week from their alcoholic father. 2 are in college, one has her degree. SO HER NOISE OF JOB AND AFFORDABLITY ANNOY ME TO KNOW END.

Yes there were days my patience was thin and I'd wonder if it was all worth it. I'm human and make mistakes. BUT then I'd hear them giggle, or watch them from the window playing, or those magic first time moments...AND I KNEW THAT IT WAS NOT ONLY WORTH BUT THAT I WAS RAISING 3 OF MY VERY BEST FRIENDS.

Kate doesn't even love herself, how in the world can she love anyone else.

Just curious said... 144

Kate cheers when a fan says she'll stop watching TLC if they take Kate off:

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
RT @tainslie1 @Kateplusmy8 We love yr show if it does not stay on air i will get rid of tlc u put them on the map YAY!!!

That doesn't seem like a good thing ~~ cheering threats to your employer. LOL

Donna said... 145

I would love to see Kate do 'Survivor' only with a twist: They MAKE her stay to the very end (but she doesn't receive the reward money). I would love to see her absolutely miserable for a long, long time with no way out of the misery. If she's really hard up for money, she might actually agree to do Survivor, but she would be the first person voted out because no one would be able to put up with her miserable ass for more than a week.
She obviously believes that she will be on TV in some capacity forever. I say she's burned that bridge, because everyone knows what a bitch she is and no one would want to work with her. Not to mention the fact that she has no talent.
I am also terrified for those children when the show ends, because she will be furious and those children will be on the receiving end of her fury. I hope and pray that she lets Jon have full custody when they are no longer bringing in the $$ and are no use to her anymore. ~ Administrator said... 146

Oh wow it's coming. When TLC finally does cut her loose lord knows what Kate will do. I guarantee she'll find someway somehow to file suit against them, as frivolous as it would be.

How absolutely classless she is. I have never heard of a celeb who has been so supported by a network for six years, in fact she is only here because of them, urging such childish vindictiveness before they even cut her loose.

.....Actually, do you suppose they have or have sort of told her it's highly unlikely to be renewed? And she just can't say yet. But is dropping hints.

Donna said... 147

NoLoveInPhilly, I have to disagree with you. Kate loves herself and only herself. She doesn't even truly love her children. Kate only loves Kate. ~ Administrator said... 148

You know she really is a tool? Who says that?

When most people leave a job they say to their boss and coworkers "I wish you the best in all your future endeavors." You don't go around saying you hope they fail if you can't be a part of it. Wtf!

Might some do that in the privacy of your home with your significant other? Maybe. But publicly? Have some darn class Kate, it's far more attractive than this.

Donna said... 149

If I remember correctly, the flag cake came from a Cool Whip advertisement back in the 70's or 80's. It's definitely not a Kate original. ~ Administrator said... 150

In this economy most people will be lucky to leave the U.S. and visit a foreign country maybe a handful of times in their LIFETIME. Maybe things will turn around in the future but the way it's been going, all trips are on hold.

She is ungrateful and INSENSITIVE to the average American's financial situations.

AuntieAnn said... 151

@BigFanofKateG Michael C Hall or Patrick Dempsey but if I got any movie role w anyone on any movie I'd be thrilled to death :)
Bwhahaha! hahahaha! haha! hhhaaa!

Someone - anyone - who twitters -- please warn Michael and Patrick...Kate's acomin' fer ya.

Remember the chorus to that old Buck Owens tune "Act Naturally"? It must have been written for Kate.

~~Well, I bet you I'm gonna be a big star
Might win an Oscar you can never tell
The movie's gonna make me a big star,
'Cause I can play the part so well

Well, I hope you come and see me in the movies
Then I'll know that you will plainly see
The biggest fool that ever hit the big time
And all I gotta do is act naturally~~

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 152

@SuperPattyPie Patty Pie
@Kateplusmy8 What's the top of your to do list this weekend? ;-)

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@SuperPattyPie Running, cleaning, organizing and relaxing :) oh and paperwork!

>> Paperwork yet again. WTF??? And please, she has house cleaners, does she not?

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
by CJWhodunit
RT @dreambigxox @Kateplusmy8 @LindaOriginal @TLC yay! kate, was your show renewed for next season? Will let u know the minute I know! :)

CJWhodunit CJ Whodunit
@Kateplusmy8 @dreambigxox @LindaOriginal @TLC Will keep this in my prayers, I know the income is so important for you and the kids!

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@CJWhodunit @dreambigxox @LindaOriginal @TLC Yep.Scary2think my job could go&hav 8 kids 2 support!I no I'll fig it out--tv jobs r out there

>> Well, TLC is really keeping her hanging, aren’t they? Good! And is she doing anything to find other work?? Nope, she thinks she can only do a “tv job”. Good luck with that, Khate!

I think TLC has already decided to cut her loose, but they have more episodes to finish filming this summer. They don’t want to tell Khate it’s over until they are done filming them because holy cow, she’s going to get nasty. They might even wait until the rest of the episodes air before they tell her. I wonder how often she’s calling her contacts there and begging and pleading to keep the show. Ironically, I think that her little Twitter escapades probably turned off even TLC and showed them just how UNPOPULAR she really is.

Okay, that was the last of what I copied from her tweets this afternoon. She was on Twitter for about an hour between 2:30 and 3:30 EST, tweeting about 25 times. But, that was NOTHING because tonight was CRAZY! She came back on Twitter around 8:15 pm and she's still there now, an hour and 45 minutes later. She tweeted about 70 more tweets! She is DESPERATELY re-tweeting every sheeple tweet about keeping the show on the air, wanting more shows, wanting it on a regular schedule, etc.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 153

Oh, and btw, among her delusional tweets tonight, she mentioned wanting to be in a movie, LMAO, and taking the kids to Cabo. She really needs help. It's amazing how someone who is responsible for eight children has her head in the clouds so much. ~ Administrator said... 154

It appears she goes through cycles of intense fear about losing the show and losing "everything." Everything that SHE values anyway.

Sometimes she seems ok and stable (stable for Kate anyway), then she will sort of go into these "panic" modes and tweets like this. Please save my show omg omg.

And a sheeple is praying to save the show??? Good grief!!!!

Dulcina said... 155

Admin, i understand why you emphasized "insensitive."

I myself have to emphasize UNGRATEFUL.

Sorry fanz - actions speak louder than words.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 156

Holy sh&t. Now she is implying that SHE (not the kids) needs a bodyguard because the "crazy" tweeters are a threat to her!!

Marci_M_ Marciact
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 @TLC don't get why she needs bodyguard when traveling w/o kids..fishy looking as not famous like Hollywood celeb
25 minutes ago

in reply to @_Marci_M_ ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@_Marci_M_ @MiloandJack @TLC Ex:Look@crazy tweeters!momX8 needs 2b safe! It's called being a responsible&safe parent!Nothing fishy abt it!

Speculating said... 157

"It's amazing how someone who is responsible for eight children has her head in the clouds so much."

Oh, I think her head is somewhere quite different. ~ Administrator said... 158

Let me get this straight ON TWITTER she is calling people "crazy tweeters" and saying they are the reason she needs a bodyguard.

She is completely certifiable, what is WRONG WITH HER????? My God, how rude!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 159

It appears she just seriously made an offer to her Irish sheeple (dowd24) who works in a daycare center. Khate was joking earlier about her coming here to work in Kate's "daycare center". Um, no Khate, you do NOT have toddlers, idiot. Khate just tweeted:

Kate Gosselin
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@dowd24 mAy need to discuss details if you think of taking a year abroad... Thoughts?
2 minutes ago

Two hours and about 85 tweets later.....(plus the 25 from this afternoon).

OMG REALLY said... 160

OMG I just read ONE of Kate's tweets ( I do NOT follow her I log onto her acct for kicks ) and low and behold someone asks about her behavior to the guy in NZ when she was bungee jumping and she said I guess I should send him a case of whatever he drinks.. Didn't she say 2 or 3 months ago she was gonna do that? She treated him beyond slave like. I absolutely detest this monster.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 161

Sorry, but I just find this oddly fascinating.

myownphobia Allyson Caitrin
@Kateplusmy8 Is it that @TLC is filming new episodes, they just aren't airing? Or is something bigger going on?
5 minutes ago

in reply to @myownphobia ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@myownphobia IDK sorry..
2 minutes ago via Twitterrific

KATIE said... 162

Kate wants to do a movie, she thinks she is qualified with either Patrick Dempsey or Michael C. Hall. Her narcissism never ceases to amaze me.

Stick 'Em Up said... 163

Oh, I think her head is somewhere quite different.


In the same general vicinity as the big stick?

NoLoveInPhilly said... 164

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Are you kidding me?? She gets more time alone than most mothers! First of all, unless you’re divorced, you don’t get two full weekends totally free each month.
I was divorced but Mr. Barstool had other plans for the weekends, hence the divorce. Kate Krawford should be grateful her kids have a loving father instead of bashing him and keeping them from him.

Donna said...
NoLoveInPhilly, I have to disagree with you. Kate loves herself and only herself. She doesn't even truly love her children. Kate only loves Kate.
I disagree with my wording too! My sister has NPD but luckily her kids have many family members who were there and took control. These kids have no one in their corner most days. I found this a while back and Kate has every single one of these traits. I can’t even look at a photo of her with rage.

Who IS going to step in when those kids are left alone with her? That is a really scary and it should be addressed before something tragic happens.

Basic Diagnosis of Narcissism
You might recognize some of the 7 common traits of narcissism in a colleague, parent, child, spouse, or a friend:

•An inability to listen to others, and a lack of awareness of another person’s deadlines, time frames, interests or perspectives.
•An inability to admit wrongdoing - even sometimes when presented with objective evidence of their errors or behavior.
•Coldness, or overly practical responses to interpersonal relationships; a sense of distance or matter-of-factness, emotionally.
•Can be prone to severe bouts of anger, particularly if directions or orders are not followed.
•Has the ability to write friends off forever, often over small or only ‘imaginary’ transgressions.
•Pride in the accomplishments of children (if they have them), family members or friends, often combined with an overly developed desire for control over family members’ directions and activities.
•An above average interest in social class and importance may also sometimes be seen. ~ Administrator said... 165

Wow she's manic tonight. Fishing for a FREE au pair to watch the kids is what she's doing. Babysitting in exchange for free room and board and stay in a fabulous country.

Even if it's a dangerous creepy fan she doesn't care as long as it's free. ~ Administrator said... 166

What's going on is, TLC has zero respect for Kate and won't tell her a damn thing.

It's confirmed.

My understanding is even the sheeple agree that TLC disrespects Kate. At least we can agree on that. They disrespect her, and those kids.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 167

Well, Khate finally passed out after a couple of hours of frantic tweeting. After she left, Irish sheeple accepted her offer:

dowd24 susan dowd
@Kateplusmy8 lol yes absolutely :-)
12 minutes ago

E-town Neighbor said... 168

Admin asked.....Actually, do you suppose they have or have sort of told her it's highly unlikely to be renewed? And she just can't say yet. But is dropping hints.


That's exactly what I think has happened. I said this weeks ago when she first started begging for support. Something's up, and she knows it.

Sick said: I hardly think, Kate can get a nursing job, or if she does, one that pays well. Remember, Kate has not worked in a nursing job in about 5-6 years. Anyone can study for a test, pass it an get their cert. I know been there done that. Employers, especially in certain professions want actual work, not a piece of paper that says you passed a test and here is you cert. Kate was not too smart in that direction


I'm going to disagree with that. There's a very serious nursing shortage in this state to the point that it has become critical. There's a wealth of scholarly articles about it on the internet. If she has her certification and has kept her license up to date, she should have no problem securing a position in nursing in Pennsylvania.

Know for a fact. said... 169

TLC has gone to the "well" one too many times with Kate and now the well is dry. They knew EXACTLY what they are doing. They got every last dollar out of those poor kids and now she is trying to get in movies and on TV. That makes me laugh. Didn't she learn from her embarrassing stint on DWTS?? She was the laughing stock. And they dont even ask her to come back like they do EVERY single person who was on the show. She is not welcome in Hollywood for sure. And she was heard saying she wants to be in an animated movie so her "kids" would be like " oh thats our mom" yea ok. Worry about trying to keep them from being xplelled.

Speculating said... 170

"My understanding is even the sheeple agree that TLC disrespects Kate. At least we can agree on that. They disrespect her, and those kids."

Admin,I am sure that the sheeple will take you to task for that statement, but I agree, TLC does not respect ANYONE.

Moose Mania said... 171

@Far2ManyIdiots So amazinger I canopy speak of them ... So fun!"

Has she been partaking of too much fruit of the vine tonight? She sounds snuckered.

Here we go again with the "for your entertainment" sediments!

@JeanneKaye Awww thanks for encouragement and I'm working hard on the show... Doing my best to make amazing eps for your entertainment :)"

Something's gotta give. No normal person carries on this way. I hope Jon (or whatever family members still remain in contact with her) is reading these tweets. Somebody has to get her some help now, not later. A mental health professional needs to be called in. I don't know if her tweets are done out of desperation and are a cry for help, but something is really wrong here. I'm saying this in dead seriousness, and not to be nasty. This is not something to fool around with.

Fahnette said... 172

@Far2ManyIdiots So amazinger I canopy speak of them ... So fun!

What does this mean? *tilts head*

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 173

NoLoveInPhilly said...

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Are you kidding me?? She gets more time alone than most mothers! First of all, unless you’re divorced, you don’t get two full weekends totally free each month.
I was divorced but Mr. Barstool had other plans for the weekends, hence the divorce. Kate Krawford should be grateful her kids have a loving father instead of bashing him and keeping them from him.


I totally agree about that. BTW, sorry if my wording of that came off a little rude. I in no way meant it as a slam against divorced moms, as if they are so lucky to have free weekends, if they do have an ex who has the kids at times. Believe me, I know that every other weekend is not always the case. Plus, I know that most normal divorced mothers aren't exactly kicking back and enjoying free time on the weekends that their ex-husbands have the kids as they are usually so stretched working, taking care of the kids, the house, the yard, the pets, etc. all on their own. But, we all know in Khate's case, she has TONS of free time even when the kids are there, let alone every other weekend when they're gone.

I'm just so happy for the kids that after being worked to death all week (by Khate's own admission), "filming episodes" for sheeple "entertainment" that they can be at Jon's this holiday weekend relaxing, having fun, etc. I hope he gets to keep them on Monday also. He deserves some extra time and never seems to get it with them.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 174

About her Irish sheeple who she made the offer to, this is the earlier exchange (clearly, Khate is the one who brought up the idea):

dowd24 susan dowd
@Kateplusmy8 2.45am still awake ugh :(

in reply to @dowd24 ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@dowd24 Is that bc ur thinking of how to get here to the states to be my 'day care worker'? :)

The Creep Show said... 175

Is it just me, or does it seem like all of the really creepy sheeple are coming out today? Now a 50-year-old "hetro male" loves her show and never misses it.

Just curious said... 176

@Far2ManyIdiots So amazinger I canopy speak of them ... So fun!"

Has she been partaking of too much fruit of the vine tonight? She sounds snuckered.


It's some kind of word game. She suggested in a tweet that it's part of one of the amazingly fabulous, fantastic episodes to come.

Donna said... 177

I think Kate's Twittering has shown TLC just how unstable and crazy Kate really is. I think they've figured out that they are playing with a psycho and the sooner they are rid of her, the better off they'll be. She'll make their life a living hell when they finally drop her show. She'll threaten lawsuits, accuse them of ruining her marriage, accuse them of ruining the kid's lives, blame them for the problems that Alexis and Collin have had at school, you name it and she'll blame it all on TLC. She'll go to every tabloid and talk show that'll listen and make TLC look like mud. She'll blame every problem she's ever had on TLC. I may be wrong but I don't think so. That's Kate's MO; everything that happens in her life is someone else's fault. She will be LIVID when the show ends and we all know what happens when she's pissed. She'll go off the deep end on this one.

Kelly said... 178

Happy 4th of July weekend. It was nice being on the water today, not even checking the blogs, email, twitter and such. Made my trip from Rock Hall to Cape May today and LOVED it. Weather is picture perfect. Marina in Cape May is awesome and walked around town enjoying the victorian nature of this place. Ate lousy bar food at a tourist trap called Carneys and meandered back to the marina. Poor dog was scared, being below all that time but yes, there is A/C onboard and turned on the television to Animal Planet so he could feel right at home lol.

I did check her tweets tonight and WOW!!!! What can I say. Is she desperate or what? Why would someone with her money, be holed up in a bedroom/office all day and night tweeting in desperation for her sheeple to help her save her "Job". JOB???? That's not a job for her, that's a sweatshop for her kids. I'm sure the poor kids are probably praying to the Gods of television to end this facade of happiness and this charade she has perpetrated upon the masses that the kids are just playing in front of the camera and they love it.

On another note, I think in my next lifetime, I'm going to take up sailing. Yeah, it takes longer to get from point A to point B and it's a little more quiet on the water but God DAMN, the fuel costs today are astronomical. Need to refuel tomorrow both 150 gallon tanks, re-up some provisions and heading to Stone Harbor for a day trip. Weather appears to be holding out. Hope you all are having as good a time as I am. Happy 4th

Hot Fun In The Summertime said... 179

Ate lousy bar food at a tourist trap called Carneys and meandered back to the marina


Kelly! I said Cabanas, not Carneys. Had I known you were even contemplating that place, I would have steered you away!
I love Cape May and everything about it (except Carneys!). Of course, I love everything about Stone Harbor, too!
Head to Uncle Bills Pancake House, 261 Beach Avenue, for Breakfast!

Hot Fun In The Summertime said... 180

Oh, my gosh! Kate's Fourth of July cake recipe is on the internet (! You know, the one that she invented! Will she file a lawsuit for plagiarizing her original recipe? Stay tuned!...

Kelly said... 181

@hot fun in the summertime

I'll be weighing anchor at about 0900 and when I get to Stone Harbor will be around 1100. Is there anyplace in Stone Harbor besides a pancake house that you'd recommend? I'll be there till 5pm and then heading back west to the C&D Canal with a stay in Chesapeake City.

TLC ship is sinking said... 182

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...Holy sh&t. Now she is implying that SHE (not the kids) needs a bodyguard because the "crazy" tweeters are a threat to her!!

@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 @TLC don't get why she needs bodyguard when traveling w/o kids..fishy looking as not famous like Hollywood celeb

in reply to ↑

@_Marci_M_ @MiloandJack @TLC Ex:Look@crazy tweeters!momX8 needs 2b safe! It's called being a responsible&safe parent!Nothing fishy abt it!

Apparently, Kate is more concerned for her safety than that of her children. Steve, the safety-blanket bodyguard, is always attached to her hip wherever she goes. Who's protecting the kids while Kate is off filming with the crew?

It's the "crazy tweeters", HER FANS, she needs to be worried about, not the so-called 'haters'. It seems like many celebrities are harmed (i.e. stalked, threatened, or even killed) by their so-called fans, not always the 'haters'.

Kate's constant teasing with her tweeties will only lead to potential harm to her or her children, especially if she doesn't live-up to her word/tweet. It's the obsessive fans who can't take celebrity rejection that are the ones Kate should really worry about.

fidosmommy said... 183

An upcoming episode with a canopy, huh?

OK, my guess is that Kate is going to marry a
Jewish man. You know, so the 8 kids will finally have a dad. You know, to replace the one they already have and adore. You know, the
one named Daddy.

Either that or Kate can't spell canape. She's going somewhere to eat.

Either way, count me out.

overthehill said... 184

no back to school filming.guess the children wont get new backpacs this year.

so sick of her said... 185

E-Town: I agree to disagree with you on the nursing front. Maybe in PA they don't care if you have not been a practicing nurse, for the last 5-6 years, but in Illinois, they do. I know a few people in the nursing profession, and they are having trouble getting jobs or hiring nurses, who are qualify and been practicing nursing. Not just have a cert, licence, or even a degree, and have done nothing for years. I've been looking for a job and only been unemployed for 1 1/2 years, and the employers are picky. A few want to know what you have been doing since you last worked. In Kates case, working on a reality show is not nursing , neither is taking care of your kids, nursing. Kate has done no practical nursing in 5-6 years, and given the way she acts on K8, in public, no employer would hire her, for fear she might hurt a patient and they get sued by them. I certainly would not want Kate as a nurse taking care of me, I've seen how she takes care of and treats her kids when they are hurt and sick and how she dump on Jon. If Kate does manage to get a nursing job, it is more to do with her being on a TV show then, her practicalness of being a nurse. You know, wow we have someone famous, like the ones at the food bank, anyone famous will do, wrong! In most cases, that always back fires. Cause the famous person thinks that they can just do nothing and get paid, and everyone has to wait on them and do their job. Kate is one of those. And she would do that at any job she goes to not just nursing. She does that now. And yes the nursing profession is hurting for good nurses, but really, would you want someone who has not been a practicing nurse for the last 5-6 years waiting on you? I think Kate would have to start at the bottom again and work her way up Her TV show, interviews etc will not help her.

Just Me said... 186

Admin said.....Actually, do you suppose they have or have sort of told her it's highly unlikely to be renewed? And she just can't say yet. But is dropping hints.


My theory is that TLC is waiting to see what happens with Murt's legislation. They have had all this time to do whatever they want in the most lenient, non-rule following (read: cheap) way possible.

I don't know what all the legislation will involve, but the fact that it will involve actual rules that they must follow will automatically mean it adds....complications, for them.

Not all those things will necessarily even be monetarily on their face, but bottom line they end up being money.

A set teacher has to be paid by someone, reduced filming hours or only being able to film during certain hours, a monitor that actually cares about the children's welfare and comfort and doesn't allow filming to continue if those things are not being met. Those are all things TLC has merrily been able to ignore for all this time.

So if the legislation passes now they have to deal with whackadoodle narcissist, demanding, impossible to keep happy Kate AND a bunch of rules about what they can do with the kids in the face of dwindling ratings and a contract that only has a few months left on it and which, in all likelihood, they won't be able to renew (because we doubt John is going to sign another one and I seriously doubt that one parent can sign the kids up for something like that legally when they have joint legal custody, which I believe they do have).

If I was TLC, I would cut bait at that point.

Falling like a brick said... 187

It's amazing how "Katie the Grifter" has gone from begging for free trips and free products for her 'show' to now tweeting and begging to keep her job at TLC.

Reading the desperate retweets to TLC from her few fans (btw-Jon still has over 3x's as many fans as she does and he's not on tv and tweets maybe one or two tweets a week) makes it all apparent that K8 knows the end is near. I really hope she prepared for this. I can't imagine how she wouldn't have.

And she STILL is wanting to be in TV. Lots of jobs there, so no problem. Maybe she could be a weather girl for channel 9? She is so obsessed with putting herself out in the limelight that she can't see there are normal well paying jobs out there. Instead of Nursing she could be a Nurse co-ordinator, or Practice Manager, or even an at home Medical Transcriptionist since she likes to stay at the pool and type away on her 90th iPhone. She doesn't have to do what Jon is doing (working 60 hr work weeks so he can support his kids in the lifestyle Kate has become accustomed to)

Anyways, the Kate train wreck is an interesting expose in the decline of the realest of reality.

fidosmommy said... 188

Didn't we already see a Kate and the canopy episode? In Alaska? Yeah, that went well.

Anonymous said... 189

@Donna - I agree with you that Kate doesn't truly love her children. I think she loves the IDEA of her children - 8 little extensions of her own ego, to train and mold to follow her demands. As living, breathing, thinking INDIVIDUALS with their own set of talents, desires, opinions, and, yes, faults - not so much. I disagree that Kate loves only herself, though. I don't think Kate truly loves herself, and she projects that self-loathing onto everyone she comes into contact with. She's constantly looking for reassurance that she's the center of the universe because she doesn't feel like she's truly worthy of love for her own sake. To me, the "tell" was when she was constantly saying to Jon "a husband who truly loved his wife would . . ." whatever hairbrained notion she had come up with at that time. She doesn't see love in the ordinary, everyday things that most of us do - caring for a child together, a quiet conversation, doing chores side by side, watching your children at play, holding hands or a gentle caress. She needs that constant reassurance that she's worthy because deep down, she's convinced she isn't. Whether this is her own innate personality or this was done to her in childhood, I don't know. I do know it's making a mess of her childrens' lives and someone needs to stop her before they are all destroyed.


A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 190

Happy 4th of July weekend to all of you :o)


Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 191

Donna said... I think Kate's Twittering has shown TLC just how unstable and crazy Kate really is. I think they've figured out that they are playing with a psycho and the sooner they are rid of her, the better off they'll be. She'll make their life a living hell when they finally drop her show. She'll threaten lawsuits, accuse them of ruining her marriage, accuse them of ruining the kid's lives, blame them for the problems that Alexis and Collin have had at school, you name it and she'll blame it all on TLC. She'll go to every tabloid and talk show that'll listen and make TLC look like mud. She'll blame every problem she's ever had on TLC. I may be wrong but I don't think so. That's Kate's MO; everything that happens in her life is someone else's fault. She will be LIVID when the show ends and we all know what happens when she's pissed. She'll go off the deep end on this one.

Donna- I totally agree. Kate will NOT go quietly into the night! She will lash out at TLC with every tool in her arsenal, making TLC out to be the bad guy. Buckle up TLC. She will go to every talk show, tabloid, public entity known to mankind to cry poverty, victim, poor me.

The reality is that all things come to an end, and if Kate did not plan for this, she should be ashamed of HERSELF! She has had plenty of opportunities, blew most of them, but her narcism will kick in to full play and she will be the poor victim. This is what she does the best. I am sure TLC will be prepared for this as they have worked with her for years.

Safe and responsible parent- I think not. She advertises when she is away from the Katepound so any lunatic would know the kids have no parent present. Sick selfish twisted logic. SHE needs to be protected - I think not. The kids should have a bodyguard while she is tweeting that she is away. But it is all about Kate and HER NEEDS!!

I am afraid of how she will behave with the kids when the show ends. She is already a joyless, mean mother, but the end of the show will trigger her rage. God help these kids. Way to go Kate; no planning for the inevitable. So typical.. this woman had no plan from day one other than to have multiples, and expected the world to fall in her lap (donations, publicity, freebies, TV show, books written by Beth) so she has no idea of how things work in the real world for normal parents. This is where sheeple lose me. And let's face it, she knows she has nothing to offer after the show (without the kids) other than a selfish, entitled, bad attitude. Without her kids, she has nothing to offer. Ironic that the very "entities" that have supported her gravy train for years, are now going to become the object of her wrath and anger.

The expectations she has loaded on these kids is insane. I wish nothing but the best for the kids, and hope Jon is more involved, as Kate begins her decline from being an alleged star.

Wish I was sailing instead of typing this. 2 week vacation in a CONDO (imagine that Kate)in Ocean City, NJ coming up in August. Not Bald Head Island, but it is relaxing, fun, and affordable and would not trade it for anything. Hint Kate- The more expensive the trip, does not make the better trip. Shame on you for not planning a getaway for your kids this summer with so many local resources available. It is not up to TLC to plan trips for you; YOU are the mother, not TLC- Hello! Rant completed.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 192

fidosmommy said... Didn't we already see a Kate and the canopy episode? In Alaska? Yeah, that went well

Classic... ; )

Jenna Does said... 193

I think it's time we face facts here about little skanky Kate: She is history in Hollywood-land. As So sick of her pointed out, no one is calling her. She blew it big time. Her attitude, her holier than thou, I'm better than you, I'm going to be around forever, I INVENTED famous, got her kicked out of the club. She had her chance. She could have been hob-knobbing with the Z-listers this weekend, maybe the Housewives or something, but she even blew THAT opportunity at the Derby.

All Kate has is twitter. Even her show is on it's last leg, no, not even it's last's last toe. Kate has NO clue if it will stay on the air. Her own station won't keep her afloat of any information. TLC will not renew it. The ratings, the viewers, the ad sponsors, nothing stacks up. Nobody wants to associated with Kate anymore. She is a has-been, a nothing who USED to get magazine covers. Her last People cover garnered so much negativity no one can find the sales, & they only printed bad letters to the editor. Ever since...NOTHING. She can't get a pap picture to save her life, or a magazine article. And if they do, All articles are negative.

People in the media are catching on to her. The way she treats her kids: vicious, mean, abusive. Like they are props. They don't want her on their show. No ONE is calling: Regis & Kelly (her best friend? Yeah right!), GMA, The today Show was a 2 minute clip, we won't see that anymore. She is done. It's over. Kate's so called career is DONE. She did it herself with her twitter, her mouth & her attitude. Sorry that was so long. :)
~Hippie Chick~

Jenna Does said... 194

Donna said...She'll threaten lawsuits, accuse them of ruining her marriage, accuse them of ruining the kid's lives, blame them for the problems that Alexis and Collin have had at school, you name it and she'll blame it all on TLC.
If I were Kate, I wouldn't. You know TLC has edited footage of Kate that she probably does NOT want people to see. Stuff that they filmed that never aired. Think of the footage that made it ON the air, in front of the cameras that when we used to watch we cringed at. Now think of the footage they couldn't air, or didn't air, because 'mommy was too mean, or aggressive, or whatever'. TLC will fight right back, & Kate will lose.
~Hippie Chick~

Yolanda said... 195

I saw 20/20 the other night about Diane Downs. She is a convicted murderer who shot her three children, killing one and paralyzing another.

Diane Downs has been diagnosed by psychologists as having "...narcissistic, histrionic, and antisocial personality disorders.

The reason I'm bring this up is because of something Diane Downs said which totally reminded me of Kate.

After the shooting incident, which she blamed on a bushy-haired stranger, Diane was interviewed for a television show. Keep in mind, one of her daughters was dead and her other two children were in the hospital in serious condition. Downs herself had been shot in the left forearm - a minor wound which she inflicted on herself.

During the interview, Diane was describing the incident and how her kids were shot, while she was only shot in the arm.
Her comment was:

"Everybody says you sure were lucky. Well, I don't feel very lucky. I couldn't tie my damn shoes for about two months! It is very painful, it is still painful I have a steel plate in my arm, I will for a year and a half. The scar is going to be there forever. I'm going to remember that night for the rest of my life whether I want to or not. I don't think I was very lucky. I think my kids were lucky. If I had been shot the way they were, we all would have died."

This totally floored me! She's smiling and laughing while she's being interviewed, and she's going on and on about HERSELF and her minor injury! Her son is paralyzed, and she's complaining about a scar on her arm!

Who does this remind you of? I'm not saying Kate would do harm to her children. But it's her attitude, everything is about "me, me, me." It was bizarre!

You can see the interview here in this 4-minute clip from 20/20. The part I quoted above is at the end of the video.

Just curious said... 196

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@sarahjoyce1992 Yes weird. After a yr of kids going away,I'm finally almost used2it &use the alone time 2 refuel so I can b for them!


When was that interview show where Kate lied and said Jon taking the kids was something they'd just started?

Just Dwindle Away said... 197

xxxxxxx Kids are at jons now :("

If Jon had tweeted "I have my kids now", the court of public opinion would be lynching him. But because Kartie says it, it's ok? Sheeple, "Thoughts?" (as kate says).

I too have long feared for their physical safety once this show ends. She has already shown that she does hit them, and she does get physical with them very quickly (remember her mashing her hand into Collin's face at the bus stop?). Once she no longer concerns herself with bruises showing on TV, she will gladly be mashing her hands all over those kids rather than even speak to them.

But that isnt the worst of my concern. Kate has a very 'I'll show them' attitude and a mentally ill mother trying to prove a point to an ex husband and even an ex-network is capable of anything.

And I agree also, she does not like her children,she does not like the IDEA of children. They annoy the daylights out of her and she is quite proud of herself about it. This has been a very disturbing phenomenom: her very public, gleeful disdain for her children and the approval and financial profit she has gotten from society for it. It has been considered weekly entertainment to watch this woman be digusted by and cruel to her little chidren.

This is not normal behavior, nor is it normal emotions. And those that identify with it and applaud Kate for it are also ill, in my opinion.

Westcoaster said... 198

Well, looks like she's taking a twitter break today to 'start her list'. What list? Dream trips, Xmas shopping, betcha it's just doodles. How about you just step away from the phone with no excuses. If you hadn't alienated everyone you know, you could be barbecuing with your sibs and their families today. Or visiting friends for the weekend; guess the Neilds are not having you over this holiday either. I truly hope the kids are having a simple and peaceful summer weekend with their dad. I know we are, taking our grandson to see airplanes land at the local airport - look, an outing that does not require gobs of $$$.

Friend In Pennsylvania said... 199

I don't know what all the legislation will involve, but the fact that it will involve actual rules that they must follow will automatically mean it adds....complications, for them.


I really don't think that has anything to do with it. They got around the child labor laws before, and yes, there were rules only not as extensive as they are now. If they don't want to follow them, or pay for a studio teacher, or have someone watching down their backs, they'll simply take them out of state to film. Heaven knows Kate likes trips, and if it means getting around the new laws, TLC will oblige. All they have to do is to cross state lines.

Tucker's Mom said... 200

Just curious said...
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@sarahjoyce1992 Yes weird. After a yr of kids going away,I'm finally almost used2it &use the alone time 2 refuel so I can b for them!


When was that interview show where Kate lied and said Jon taking the kids was something they'd just started?
That was Live with Regis and Kelly, when Anderson Cooper was in for Regis. Kate threw Jon under the bus and ran over him a few times. It was BAD.
Kate implied that the visitations just started 3 months prior, when Jon had been having custody of the kids ever since. Kate wanted people to believe that Jon is not a good dad, so she said that she waits at home for the kids to call because they don't want to be at Jon's place.
Now, she's saying that the kids want to see him more, but Jon refuses to have them more, even tho he can.
She can not keep her lies straight.
Regarding Kate and nursing, I think she could do whatever it takes to practice again. I think she would eventually find a position. To say she would not is naive. This is a matter of brushing up on her skills. She didn't get amnesia!!
The thing is, instead of working on re entering nursing, Kate has dismissed it. Dismissed a steady and GOOD income, benefits and a solid future for an uncertain future in media.
She is selfish and foolish. A modest income, a steady income is better than trying to live on speculation.
Also, i wish she'd stop the bullshit of being the sole parent and provider.

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