Tweeted Kate: "Hi!We r@ Taylor Swift's concert&we r loving r Taylor!Just came from giving hugs&wishing her luck tonight!Can't wait 2 c show-Speak Now!"
And here's a look back to 2009--Taylor Swift as Kate on Saturday Night Live, where she was such a good sport and spoofed Kate on The View!

283 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 283 Newer› Newest»It occurred to me maybe this is how she bribes to kids to film. Be good for these two weeks and let them film the crap out of you and we'll go see Taylor Swift at the end!
Did you notice how Kate said they are loving "r Taylor" i.e. OUR Taylor?
Kate not everything is YOURS. My Rushmore, My Taylor Swift. My kids (Jon's kids, too!). Good grief.
Administrator said...
It occurred to me maybe this is how she bribes to kids to film. Be good for these two weeks and let them film the crap out of you and we'll go see Taylor Swift at the end!
Bingo! I bet you are right!!
Let's just hope that this long trip, topped off by the concert tix and backstage tour, is TLC's farewell to Khate!
I have flown between New York and the West Coast countless times, I practically should own property in NY I am there so much.....and I never ONCE remember getting off a flight and thinking you know what I'd love to do right now! A Taylor Swift concert!
Good freaking grief, usually I just get some grub and go to bed.
Also, I find it hard to believe that all eight kids could all love the same music at the same time all the time.
Some kids may adore Taylor especially the girls. But all eight?
It's once again the kids trying to please Kate, who clearly loves that Taylor knows who she is and gives her a tiny bit of attention (in a hug every two years) who spoofed her on SNL (so in Kate's mind they probably have some kind of girlfriend inside joke) and so on. The kids are smart, they know what makes Kate happy and if that means acting like they too adore this stuff, a lot of kids would play the part. At the end of the day, these kids love their mommy and want to make her happy.
Oh dear God, really? Two freaking weeks on the road and she manages to grift this one too? R Taylor? Just threw up a little in my mouth. Guess we will be back to tweeting tomorrow. I may have to take a vacation from even reading about her.
I too have flown coast to coast many times, and twice, we ran down to TKTS and got half-price Broadway tickets for a couple hours later. Both times, we were looking at each other throughout the show, wondering what we were thinking! We're seasoned global travelers and jet lag really only kicks in for us around the 6+ hour time difference, so it's not the time difference, but just the exhaustion from the whole getting to the airport/going through security/getting baggage/grabbing a cab to the city routine. We have direct flights too - no changing planes!
Do you think it's possible that the kids were NOT in Vegas yesterday? Who reported that and was it confirmed? I hope they weren't - they must be exhausted and deserve some time at home. But then again, she did tweet that they were at 'a' pool and not 'our' or 'r' pool.....she loves to brag ('r' Taylor, LOL!).
WOW! Jet lag anyone? I know that I just want to sit around and do nothing after driving from Vegas to Phoenix let alone flying cross country. Was it verified that she was actually in LV? Resting by the pool yesterday and flying home today? Maybe she was resting by her pool - nope she said "a pool" not "my pool". Again, all I can say is WOW!
Exactly, Admin! I've flown NY to SFO a zillion times and I every time it's a longgggg day. Time to drive to the airport, wait in the airport, then wait on the plane, long flight, wait for luggage, drive home....and all I want to do is take a shower and collapse in my bed. And that wasn't after also spending almost two weeks touring Mt. Rushmore, Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon, etc.
Plus, just think, we all know that TLC cameras and crew will be at their house for at least a couple of weeks filming all the couch interviews. Before you know it, boom, summer's over, time to go to school, kids.
I really, really, really, hope they do NOT film all the back to school shopping again! These kids need a break. Please let this be the end of the filming, finally!
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
All 9 of us r here @Taylors concert... its a family event!@needtobreathe just finished!great up&coming band! Waiting now 4 taylor!
3 minutes ago
I also saw someone else tweet that they're still waiting for Taylor to come on stage. For kids that have a 7:30 bedtime, they sure will be home late tonight. But, I guess they're on a different time zone anyway. Still, they must be really tired.
"all 9 of us r here" What..Jamie didnt get to go after all the brown-nosing she does!
Oggs17 Amy Ogilvie
@Kateplusmy8 - Very lucky to meet T.Swift! I saw her when she did her Fearless tour in PEI Canada. My favorite singer!
4 minutes ago
I am willing to bet a thousand bucks that Khate has no idea what "PEI" Canada is. ("What's Crazy Horse?", lol). If she sees that tweet, she'll think it was a typo and say, "OMG, u liv in a town called Pie, Canada? I'd luv 2 go thr!"
Last night, I posted about a family here who lost their 9-year-old daughter. Her organs and even her hair were donated and she had previously forsaken birthday gifts in lieu of raising money for clean water. She was $80 short of her $300 goal. Get this: at this moment, the grand total is chugging toward 65 THOUSAND dollars! I am just amazed. I reiterate, this family and all who donated toward this worthy cause in memory of this little girl are the ones our society should celebrate, not greedy grifting Kate or those stupid Jersey Shore kids or Kardashians or whomever. Wowee, what a story.
All Kate did the first part of the summer was complain about how exhausted she was! Guess that wasn't exhaustion, just boredom staying at home with her kids.
Wow she's a bigger man than me, so to speak, if she can handle the 2 weeks plus the flight, and now a concert. And the kids, too---they got me beat. I'd be too pooped and p.o.'d to pop. Never in the best of moods after a coast to coast flight. That's why you can just have a red eye--not for me, there you are with your suitcase and nowhere to go and nothing to do at 6 a.m. hotel won't even let you dump your suitcase till later. But I digress, I bet they are filmed there too, so no rest for the weary. And you just know she was going to score the freebies and backstage pass. Dang we should be soothsayers for pay.
Marilyn - I'd be pooped too and ready for my own bed. But Kate isn't going home to a house that was left in a shambles, weeks worth of dirty laundry to do in her dual washers and dryers, grass to mow, etc. She has staff to handle all that and she'll still complain how tired she is and will probably be sleeping until noon tomorrow. One of the staff was probably sent out to stock the house with groceries etc and pick up the mail at UPS. So she really has nothing to stress about. And she is doing her best to see that the kids get to see Jon more - NOT.
I bet the kids would rather see their dad.
Holy crap, what's next? She flies them to Tokyo right after this concert so she and all the kids can go clubbing for ten days straight before sightseeing in Antartica and coming back a week after school starts?*
*Hyperbole, but not by much! Any normal parent would have said enough, they're exhausted, they need to be home and they haven't seen their dad in three weeks.
By the way, think Kate is aware of the extreme drought and famine going on in East Africa right now? The images on the nightly news were enough to reduce my family to instant tears. The International Red Cross, UNICEF, Doctors Without Borders and other organizations are working hard to get aid in, despite governments BLOCKING aid to their starving people. I saw an eight month old baby too near death to cry or move. I hope this doesn't come off as soapboxey, but just thinking about that selfish, entitled woman who claims she "gives back" of her millions and seeing those images is such a massive contrast, it's unreal.
Just curious said...
All Kate did the first part of the summer was complain about how exhausted she was! Guess that wasn't exhaustion, just boredom staying at home with her kids.
Isn't it amazing how fast one can recover from exhaustion when $$$ is dangled in the eyes? Perhaps physicians treating patients with chronic fatigue syndrome should look at Kate and TLC for the cure.
@PJ AMAZING! How wondeful! Rachel's dream living on! Your post gave me goosebumps. Just when you think humanity is circling the drain, with the likes of Khate, the Kardashians, Snooky and the rest of the soul sellers. Something like this happens, and it restores my faith. Thank you so much for sharing Rachel's story oxoxox
All 9 of us only means that no one else counts. If she used any other number, people would speculate about Jon, Jamie, whomever. Her focus is on HER and the eight. Can't tell who else was there, except, of course, the camera crew.
Kate barely tweets for two weeks then at a concert of all places she's suddenly tweeting again?? Her tweeties are her captive audience and she's bragging to them noe, rubbing their noses in their boring lives and showing her what a great life SHE has.
I wonder what effect this is having on Steve's kids. We're not just talking about a father away on a two week business trip stuck in an office or hotel who is lucky to maybe get in one afternoon of touring, but Steve is enjoying an "exciting, full" trip with another woman and her family. He really is stepping into the Daddy/hubby shoes with a woman who is not their mother and kids who are not their siblings.
Maybe they want him home with them to go on trips with them, not some other person's family. Or to kick around the soccer ball or take them swimming or just be AROUND when they are off from school.
What if Steve's family wants to plan a family trip out west sometime? It would be kind of annoying to always hear your Dad say oh I've already been there with Kate.
I think as much as Kate is damaging her family, Steve is doing exactly the same.
I think it speaks volumes about Kate's character and who she truly is, when she will kick family and friends to the curb the instant they cross her, but will suck up, love on and adore celebrities who have publicly made fun of her and mocked her.
She has zero loyalty to anyone who is not a celebrity. Period. None.
But if you are a celeb, you can rag on her all you want and she will still lick your feet and sing your praises.
Pam, well said.
I also want to emphasize how crazy it was for her to claim constant exhaustion back when all she was doing was hanging around at her house, sleeping in. Of course the moment a camera is involved, she's no longer exhausted.
And never cares how her kids feel anyway.
Pam well said. I ask Kate and her friends, why is it perfectly okay for Taylor Swift or Jimmy Fallon or Kathy Griffin to make fun (SERIOUS FUN) of Kate, publicly, in front of millions, and as long as Kate still loves them they are wonderful?
Why are we not allowed to make fun of her, but Kathy Griffin can spend a good part of an interview making fun of her and Kate still goes out to dinner with her, per Kathy?
Frankly I think everyone should lighten up, not just lighten up when it's other celebrities making fun. Shallow at best.
If you/we were what K8 thought was even close to E-list celebrity status, and thus, could get her closer to same, you could make all the fun you want. She is that dumb, and that desparate. And pathetic. Good job TLC, you have created yet another degree of entitlement for this piece of work, on the backs of little children. You're all pathetic.
Ingrid said... I bet the kids would rather see their dad.
They have a dad? Do the kids know this? ha ha
It's nothing to joke about, I know. It's a tragedy.
Ok trying this out this new way to comment for a bit tonight, carry on the discussion and let me know what you think.....your old comments have not been lost.
PJ's momma-CNN had a story about Rachel last night. What a heartbreaking story. My prayers go out to her family.
This is who the tweens and teens on Kate twitter should have looked up to-not some 36 year old grifter.
Wish someone would post an article about her on Kate's twitter. Rachel epitomized the meaning of charity IMO. Her fans should be dared to make a donation to Rachel's fund.
Here is the transcript of the CNN story. Rachel's story follows after the one on Amy Winehouse.
I plan on making a donation-just have to find out where to send it. Do you know? I'll have to research it online.
Testing this part out, it looks like we can reply directly to someone's comment?
You can reply to people's comments directly and you can still post anonymously, it's just called guest. You don't need to even use a working email address.
Anonymous, you flew to NY by choice. These kids didn't. You're right, it's not about me, or you. It's about those eight kids, and we have serious concerns about how exhausted working for two weeks is likely making them. What you don't seem to grasp is that you've been banned.
Kate barely tweets for two weeks then at a concert of all places she's suddenly tweeting again?? Her tweeties are her captive audience and she's bragging to them noe, rubbing their noses in their boring lives and showing her what a great life SHE has.
I bet the kids would rather see their dad.
Last night, I posted about a family here who lost their 9-year-old daughter. Her organs and even her hair were donated and she had previously forsaken birthday gifts in lieu of raising money for clean water. She was $80 short of her $300 goal. Get this: at this moment, the grand total is chugging toward 65 THOUSAND dollars! I am just amazed. I reiterate, this family and all who donated toward this worthy cause in memory of this little girl are the ones our society should celebrate, not greedy grifting Kate or those stupid Jersey Shore kids or Kardashians or whomever. Wowee, what a story.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
All 9 of us r here @Taylors concert... its a family event!@needtobreathe just finished!great up&coming band! Waiting now 4 taylor!
3 minutes ago
I also saw someone else tweet that they're still waiting for Taylor to come on stage. For kids that have a 7:30 bedtime, they sure will be home late tonight. But, I guess they're on a different time zone anyway. Still, they must be really tired.
Rachel who? Sometimes it's so hard to follow conversation on this site. Half the time I don't know who anybody is talking about. Military person? Rachel?
Oh well, I know it's just me. I'm not complaining - I'm just voicing my frustration.
By the way if you dont choose an avitar the default avitar is Kate dancing/stomping around while Tony drags her lol
COOL! Wow! Admin .. another winner here :))
Ok, been dying to say re: person who said "how do I know u wouldn't call the paps on her"? AS IF Kate would mind!!! Seriously, if no paps sow up she'll be crying on someone's shoulder!
There are some things I like about the commenting, there are some things I really don't like....we'll give it some time and see....
I found this article which also contains a link to Rachel's charity page in case anyone is interested.
I will like being able to reply to specific posts. I like that newest are on top too.
This is Rachel
How do you pick an avitar????
Oh, l just added my email address, l thought you had to to post comment! Oops, have l just messed up? sacre' bleu ! I shouldn't be let out without a leash. Damn!
Sorry, I don't like this format at all. I don't like the disqus format on any blog or webpage. Too hard to sign in each time to make a comment and no avatar. Just looking at all the same avatar makes my head hurt. I'm probably in the minority, but you did ask! (PJ's Momma but it defaults to my disqus account)
Sunnee we're trying it out just to see. There are some things I REALLY don't like about the moderation but I'm not going to throw in the towel on it after only trying it 45 minutes. :) Give me a little more time to test some things out.
Wow.. Hasn't anyone noticed after they film, Kate gets a vacation? Watch, she will fly the kids back and take a nice quiet vacay. Hair done, re-orange her snake skin, 5 star dinner and hotel. The kids? A few grapes and cheese for acting like dogs.
I'm so mad at her for treating her kids like horses. A memory for the books? Screw her. I'm not jealous. But I refuse to watch another family vacation that's not mine.
Why? I'd rather watch the traveling channel.
We spent our summer in our state. Camping, water parks, canoeing. All done staying home. I have video of all. If any of you wanna watch, I will share. But so boring. Lol.
I like being able to reply directly to a comment, without having to copy and paste anymore, and keeping all these related comments together in the same thread.
However, will a reply bump this original comment to the top of the thread as "newest first" or will the reply get lost in the shuffle (where someone would have to scroll through entire thread just to see the reply)?
The dark gray background is a little easier on my eyes (than white), but I can see where the white text/gray background might not be enough contrast for others.
(Using a fake email address to post, as it won't go through unless I do as a guest.)
"Administrator" in blue is not showing up on the gray background. You can just barely read it.
Some of the comments (not the replies) are out of order timewise
Hi Admin,
I like the new format. The only request I would make is to ask if you could possibly change the white type to something darker. The blue shows up quite well, but the white is very hard to read. Maybe it's just because my eyes are old and tired!
I love this new format.
Replying to my own
Testing new comment layout.
It looks like a reply doesn't bump original comment to the top, when sorting "newest first".
Pros - replying directly to comment/replies (no copy/paste);
- keeps related comments together within same thread
Cons - replies can get lost in thread especially if there's a lot of discussions (must scroll to find reply)
Admin, is there a way to add a button or link for "newest comments" since sorting doesn't show new replies as "newest first"?
I like the new format better so far. It will give us a chance to be more interactive. Now I just need spellcheck:) Kate always has to make sure she name drops. She just had to tell her Tweeters that she met with Taylor before the concert. I'm sure it was all arranged by TLC.
The number of comments posted on the top of the thread (blow the pix of Taylor) also is invisible in blue. At least it is on this computer!
If they were in an RV for a portion of this trip out west, it's conceivable they did their couch sessions on the bus. I'm sure there was plenty of down time while driving to different locations. We know how she likes to talk about herself!
I'm willing to bet TLC stopped her twittering on this trip to keep the schedule quiet.
One of the Ten Commandments for Sheeple: Thou shalt not spell "jealous" correctly:
@Kateplusmy8 I'm so jelous that you got to go to taylor swifts concert ! I hope this will become an episode? Lol
@Kateplusmy8 so happy you were tweeting tonight! Im more Jelaous of t.swift for getting to see you tnight, than you seeing t.swift! Lol xoxo
I like the reply to the comments feature, but in order to see the replies, you have to scroll through the entire thread - or am I missing something?
I wish someone would tweet her and ask..what is PEI lol
According to Kate's twitter, the concert won't be on the show. Followed by frowny face.Does everything have to be on the dang show?
I agree with Kate for once. I think Taylor is a great role model for her girls, so far so good at least.
It is really refreshing especially after the tragedy of Amy Winehouse that there are some straight laced people out there girls can look up to.
Again, Kate dismissing her boys. Who is a good role model for her boys?
If you asked that of Kate, you'd get a bunch of "ummmms" and she might come up with the film crew "daddies." BARF.
I only had a daughter, not a son, and I LOVE having a girl, but a little boy's love is very special, too, and in my opinion, Kate doesn't deserve the love and devotion of those sweet boys.
This doesn't affect posters, but I didn't like that there wasn't an easy way to add comments from my iphone, which makes the blog quick and easy for both me and Mary Ann (who has an ipad, that little....!) to approve or delete comments with one quick tap 0.5 seconds making managing this blog all of 5 minutes out of our days.
The new comment system while it had its good points was going to triple our workload if not more.
Dallas Kate does seem to be more focused on raising up the women in the family and less-so about raising good men--other than raising the boys to serve her.
But I think Taylor is a good role model for boys AND girls. It's good for boys to see good role models like that instead of drooling all over the Britneys and so on.
"Why is Kate sad about that? Sad that she can't show how buddy-buddy she is with other celebrities? She couldn't charge the expenses to the show's budget"
Look at it this way. Kate had all-access backstage passes, nine of them. If she got them signed, she could sell them on eBay. Extra spending money for a night in the Big Apple.
Look at it this way. Kate had all-access backstage passes, nine of them. If she got them signed, she could sell them on eBay. Extra spending money for a night in the Big Apple.
Or, better yet, put the proceeds towards gymnastics! Oh, wait, that's right, silly me, I forgot - Khate doesn't let her kids do a damned thing unless TLC sets it up and pays for it.
Congrats on the successful fishing trip, Admin. You're a crafty one, for sure!
Is this Sharla the one who runs GWOP?
Ingrid said... I bet the kids would rather see their dad.
You mean they have one? Are the kids aware of this?
Obviously, it is not a joking matter. It's a tragedy.
"Or, better yet, put the proceeds towards gymnastics! Oh, wait, that's right, silly me, I forgot - Khate doesn't let her kids do a damned thing unless TLC sets it up and pays for it"
LOL! I was going to suggest gymnastics or summer camp, but then it occurred to me that she would never spend the money on the kids! It would have to go to her - maybe a new haircut or another night out in the bar.
Great! We're back to the old way of leaving comments. I messed up the new way. I like this better
Admin, I just wanted to let you know that the comments have been screwy all weekend. Over the last couple of days, I was trying to go back and read all the comments on the travel posts since I didn't have much time the last couple of weeks and only had read some of them. If you go back and check the last several posts (at least all the ones on the blog's first page; I didn't go any further back), you will see that near the end of the comments, all of a sudden there are a lot of comments with the same date and time and they're really just duplicates of other comments made in that thread. They all have a date and time that is several days later than when the comments were first posted.
I just checked the previous post (the Las Vegas one) and it's already messed up. It's already added some duplicate comments (with the wrong date and time) to the end of the post.
Teresa, I answered your question about making a clickable link in the previous post. But, it might have gotten lost between the changes to comments that made some comments disappear for a while, and what appears to be a Blogger glitch where previously made comments are being added to the ends of the posts.
So, in case you didn't see it, here it is:
Teresa said...
Would some show me how to make a link that's 'clickable' instead of one that you have to copy and paste? Please... :>)
July 24, 2011 5:52 PM
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
Teresa - here's the format (html code):
{a href=""}Click Here{/a}
Except, where I have the { and }, you need to put < and >.
You can change that out in the format code I have here, then copy it to something like notepad so you have the code for future reference.
When you want to make a clickable link:
(1)Paste that code in here in the comment box.
(2)Then copy and paste the website address into the part of the code that's between the " and ", that I have in bold (the website's URL, or address).
(3) Where it says Click Me, you can leave that or replace that with what you want the link to say (like the title of the website or article).
A MUCH easier way is this: when you're submitting your post here and you chose Name/URL, type in your name as you always do, but then paste the website address into the URL box below your name. Then in your post, tell us to click on your name and it will take us to the website.
This website might explain it better:
Click Here
Plus, you can see what the code should look like there. I can't type it with the < and > here, because it's interpreting it as html code.
Does anybody remember this tweet of Khate's from Mother's Day:!/Kateplusmy8/status/67328000487735297
That was a tweet to Ashley, I think. Well, I clicked her name and her account is gone.
If Jon ever does write a book on this mess and get it published I am sure it won't reveal half of the heartache those children are endured with Kate. We can see she has made them fearful of germs to the point they shriek when their hands are dirty. Collin especially. We can see she isolates them and uses their devotion to her as a weapon to make them film. We can see she uses sarcasm constantly, whines constantly, plays the martyr constantly, and picks on them like bug scabs. We can see they never get it right in her eyes, and will never be as perfect as she needs them to be. We can see that she puts them through hell, making them work their childhoods out until the industry deems they are no longer cute enough to film. We can see that Cara is deeply troubled by the cameras and wants them gone. We can see the younger kids play to the camera instead of simply being kids. Kate herself is now saying on twitter that life is about making good tv for her fans, her children's lives are about entertaining episodes. She herself has become the very thing she used to curse Jon out for, referring to their lives as seasons/episodes. I hope Jon and Ellen make it and eventually provide a loving home for Jon's children. I hope Kate's children get the therapy they need to forgive her so they are not saddled with her crap for the rest of their lives.
I can't believe she hauled a@@ all over these United States and there's not one pap picture of her! What's going on? I thought they never left her alone? What a travesty. No one gets to see her hot body? Oh my.....I wonder if she gets it yet. No one gives a crap about her. She can't be too happy about it. I'm sure she's well aware that no one is taking her picture except for a few fans. Poor baby....
I would like to see film of Kate and Taylor hugging or even meeting. I don't believe the hugs story.
Taylor Swift is busy, really busy. Oh, yes,and Kate dissed Taylor by stating that she is the biggest star from Pennsylvania.
@mimi5244 @taylorswift13 Taylor is amazing. Great role model 4 my girls,her mom is sweet&we love them! Sumthing I can do to bond w my kids!
Again, she needs to BOND with her kids. AHHH, didn't she just spend two weeks with them on an awesome, exciting, memory making, kids are happy, all is well vacation?? NO bonding took place during that? We had to drag the kids to a concert the night they fly back. Well, I guess that is the only free tickets Grifter Gosselin could come by, so by all means, you have to use them!! I really can't see tired 7 year olds caring about this. Again, it is all for Kate and her twatting bragging rights. She is pathetic!
"....Sumthing I can do to bond w my kids!"
There are many other simple ways for a mom to bond with her kids other than attending a pricey concert. Kate is going to have difficulty down the road if her kids expect her to keep providing similar "bonding" experiences.
P.S. The grey background is very easy on the eyes.
@emilykateplus8 No! :( about 10 hours ago
:( Awww..... I bet Kate indeed wanted this filmed so she could show everyone how famousish she imagines she is. I am hoping the "r Taylor" reference is a nod to the fact that Taylor is from Wyomissing, but I'm not holding my breath. Kate probably thinks Taylor is hers. Was it not too long ago when Kate stated in some interview that she and the kids were the most famous people in Pennsylvania, conveniently omitting Taylor?
I'm worn out after being away for a week, I can't imagine how those poor kids are feeling. I hope they have a whole lotta nothing planned for this week and they can decompress and relax.
I've got to say I do like this, the old way better. Makes me feel "old" and not wanting to try new things. :( It just seemed to me if I wanted to reply to a comment 10 hrs after it was posted, the person might never even see my reply; it would get lost.
Fwiw, I prefer this posting format as well. It's easier to pick up where you left off. As far as responding to a poster, guess you can always cut and paste what you are replying to above your response. Please keep this format. Thanks.
You can also bond with your kids by snuggling up and reading a good book together. One of my most favorite memories is reading the Little House books one by one with my mom, took a few years. I think the entire set cost us 35 bucks.
They're not filming because it's probably not allowed and also because I am convinced now, this was their BRIBE. Their reward for putting up with getting the crap filmed out of them for two weeks. Figures Kate picks a bribe that is so far removed from what most normal seven year olds would really want. Most kids don't start developing a real passion for music and concerts until at minimum the pre-teen years and usually not until 13 or 14.
Kat said... I can't believe she hauled a@@ all over these United States and there's not one pap picture of her! What's going on? I thought they never left her alone? What a travesty. No one gets to see her hot body? Oh my.....I wonder if she gets it yet. No one gives a crap about her. She can't be too happy about it. I'm sure she's well aware that no one is taking her picture except for a few fans. Poor baby....
No pap pictures and interestingly enough, not even any pictures submitted by purseboy. Maybe he tried but no one was!
"....Sumthing I can do to bond w my kids!"
What a tool. As many have said, why does it take the concert of a famous singer, complete with backstage passes and meet & greet to bond with her kids? It's as if she can only feel true joy and closeness with her children when she is basking in her (fading) D-list celebrity and having her ego stroked.
She is using "bonding with her kids" as an excuse to get free stuff, pure and simple.
It's just a cop out to get more freebies. She can't very well say I want this concert I love Taylor the best the kids want to go home and sleep and see Daddy by gosh darn it it's free so I'm gonna drag them along!
Love the new background color.
MUCH easier on these tired old eyes.
Nobody the comments are probably screwy due to switching back and forth from the new format back to blogger as I tested it out. Sorry about that, they should be normal now. The new comments didn't work out but the good news is we caught our troll!
markzito Mark Zito
Hey, @imperfectwomen, would you be interested in purchasing a blurry cell phone photo of @Kateplusmy8? Asking price 78¢ or B/O. GET AT ME.
1 hour ago
LOL 78 cents? Is that the going rate for paparazzi photos of Kate these days lol.
I have an offer for him. Zero cents!
So Kate went to a Taylor Swift concert RIGHT after a LONG ass trip through this great country. Um, OK some thoughts:
1) Her kids are probably exhausted. Hey, Kate, you know the meaning of the word since you use it so damn much. It's what you say after 2 hours of doing...well just about anything that uses your attention. She should think about this for ONE second. He kids are much more smaller thus cannot handle things like Kate can. Therefore, towards a middle of a concert full of tweens & young kids screaming, the G kids must have been DYING to get the hell out & go home, or wanted ear plugs. Doesn't one tup get migraines? Another lie from Kate.
2) This 'tour' of America, solely paid for BY TLC & NOT KATE, comes on the heels of bad ratings, stupid show ideas (um twitter questions??) & just stupidity on the part of Kate. She has put her foot in her mouth (& the mouths of others) for the sake of ratings & popularity but alas, it just has NOT worked. Face facts sheeple & Klovers, she is DONE. Stick a fork in her. This was Kate's last hurrah. This was the "Gosselin's say Bye Bye to America". TLC wanted to do something nice for the kids, NOT Kate. They don't care about Kate at all, but they feel bad about exploiting the kids for 76 years, so this was all that was in the budget. Kate ruined everything else with her big fat mouth, telling everyone who would listen that she wanted to go, well EVERY WHERE! She ruined it, & by it, I mean her career.
3) Say bye bye sheeple. The only way you get to see Kate will be on twitter after all her shows air, which may or may not happen. If anyone even cares anymore. Do people really want to see a bunch of whiny jerks (Kate & Jaime) traveling w/ kids? Nah. Maybe they'll air one show. We'll see! The ratings suck. Kate sucks. Her selfishness sucks.
~Hippie Chick~
A-mazing concert, @taylorswift13 omg amazing! I've seen Taylor three times now in concert&this 1 is the best yet!
If I had to take a stab at the age of the person who tweeted this I would say 14. Nope, it's "r" Kate, age 36.
If this really was a farewell tour, (and really who is to know, Kate just won't seem to flush no matter how much you plunge) I agree this is VERY big of TLC. Very respectful to let her go out with a nice vacation, very generous. I can assure Kate most networks would not do this. When the numbers don't add up, bam the axe falls before you ever see it coming.
My narcissist found out she was canceled on the news. Her network LIED to her and told her it was renewed, for sure. I think her network big wig got around to calling her a few weeks later. At the time, she was as big a star than Kate ever was. This is how Hollywood treats people, even their stars. Kate should feel grateful TLC has been stringing her along like this for so long.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... Khate started grifting for the freebie tickets almost as soon as she got on Twitter:
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@taylorswift13 Hey Taylor! I've got 5 gosselin girls&3gosselin boys(with crushes on u!)who say hello! :) Hope to cu this sum when ur in PA!
See this is what really burns me up about Kate. She can well afford to take her "gaggle of gosselins" to the Taylor Swift Concert on her "own dime", but NO! She has to publicly grift for tickets. I hope at least TLC paid for these tickets and they weren't comped to this ungrateful, undeserving witch.
I am sure there are plenty of other more deserving kids who would have loved to see Taylor Swift including a backstage meeting with comped tickets and knowing what Taylor appears to be like, she would probably rather her tickets go to some fans who don't have the means to attend. I really don't think any of her 7 year olds would have given one flip about this concert. Matter of fact, they probably fell asleep, given the long flight and late hour. Again, she is pathetic. Oh, and what a great bonding experience, in a loud crowded concert. What a fool.
Well R Kate is living her life as if she were the famous star that Taylor Swift is, at least in her addled mind - forget the fact that she has 0 talent, is 36 and carts around 8 children as if they were objects - oh wait, they are. Bonding at a concert, oh I am sure those 7 year old boys were just delighted to be in the midst of screaming tweeny girls, as if spending 2 weeks with 5 sisters was not enough. But didn't she need 10 backstage passes, one for Steve/Daddy.
You know, I am actually glad that the kids, at least the older ones, did get to see some of America's beauty this summer, it is far more appropriate than many other things TLC has rigged up for them, and it was on summer vacation. That said, the idea of watching any of it of tv is beyond anything else I care to do. I don't even like to look at friend's vacation pictures if they go past 100.
Any bets when the real dad gets to see his children? Look for regularly programmed tweets to start as soon as she wakes up today.
She is a Cow, if Kate can't afford gymnastics how do you expect her to afford a concert. Come now.
*Eye roll*, Kate has been to see Taylor three times per her own admission. If she really wants to give back, she can donate her next freebie concert tour/backstage passes to Make a Wish or something. I have never seen such greed.
Maybe they'll air one show. We'll see! The ratings suck. Kate sucks. Her selfishness sucks.
I think they'll air everything until the end of the year, regardless of the ratings. They have to get their money's worth out of this trip. They filmed it knowing that the new labor laws will go into effect, and knowing the problem they'd have dragging the kids out of school for filming. My bet is that we will see this in its entirety and they will try to get as many episodes out of it as possible.
Hippie, I hope it is the farewell tour, but I think we all said that after Australia and NZ too.
I'm actually relieved that she's back on the East Coast. I had horrific visions of a "cross-over" show with the Sister Wives. OMG!! 14 kids vs 8 kids, etc. I was actually wondering if Kate was desperate enough to turn her back on her Christian followers.
Regarding the concert - I can't imagine 7 year olds enjoying the show. I'm assuming they had "good" seats, therefore they were closer to the speakers, etc. The noise had to be deafening to them - let's hope they had some type of ear protection. Plus the confusion at a concert with the amount of people attending - I hope she had more helpers than just Ashley. 8 kids is too many for 3 (assuming purseboy was there) people to watch over with several thousand fans running around!!
I hope the 8 can relax and enjoy the last of what's left of summer! School starts soon, and they haven't had much "down time".
Administrator said...
If she really wants to give back, she can donate her next freebie concert tour/backstage passes to Make a Wish or something.
LOL, Yeah, that would be Kate's way of "giving back", grift for freebies and then make a big deal of donating them to Make a Wish! Just like working at a food bank for 2 hours and getting $250,000.00 for it.
I think this trip must have been planned back in April, or probably even sooner. That's when Khate took to Twitter and kept asking her sheeple for suggestions where they should travel for episodes. Then, she had that meeting with TLC near the end of April and she tweeted that she had given TLC their suggestions and had pushed hard for one in particular. She wouldn't say which one, but it was probably "my Rushmore" (lol).
So, this extended trip was probably already in the works earlier in the year, before the horrible ratings came out for the Australia episodes. We should have known TLC would be dragging the kids around and filming them all summer, because that's what they did last summer. I just hope between all the other filming this summer, and now this trip, that they will finally leave the kids alone and stop filming. They should have enough in the can to air episodes through the end of the year.
Just think, the kids have about 5 weeks of summer vacation left but I'm sure TLC will be at the house for at least two of those weeks doing all the dumb couch interviews. The poor kids need to just be left alone before summer's over.
Tweety Bird is up and tweeting to the sheeple; guessing this could be a Taylor Swift concert marathon, since she probably doesn't need to feed her kids, do two weeks of vacation laundry, etc. She might need a mani-pedi or a spray tan to go over the Las Vegas pool tan. And yes, you are all right - since she has now seen TS 3 times in concert (wanna be much K8ie?), how wonderful it would have been for Give Back Kate to have given this opportunity to someone more needy, bet the boys would have volunteered their seats for a chance to go home and sleep. Pathetic.
I was actually wondering if Kate was desperate enough to turn her back on her Christian followers.
She did that a long time ago. The few remaining were disgusted by the leg licking episode and turned their backs on her.
Mark Zito was backstage at the concert last night because he's got a radio show on Sirius/XM and most likely got the tickets and back stage passes through them. I've never heard his show but I've heard him on Howard Stern's show a couple of time - he can be funny.
I'm guessing that the kids are not going to have any time to decompress and relax this week becasue they'll need to get the couch interviews "in the can" so that the shows can begin to air on the 8th. I think that the song "It's A Hard Knock Life" (Annie) should become their anthem.
OK, I'm officially confused..... I see the grey background now that I am typing in a post, but what else is new for posting format?
I'm still having to click three times to get my posts to go through.....
Not a complaint, just curious .....
I don't understand her. On the one hand, she was tweeting her tweeties, crying poverty, what is she going to do when the show ends, ad nauseam, trying to get sympathy...and on the other hand, she brags about everything, her pool, her leather sofa, amazing trips, amazing concert, puffing herself up to be a major celebrity and flaunting her closeness with Taylor.
Which Kate is it here? The big celebrity, making her adoring fans envious of her status, claiming she's hounded by paps, or the poor me Kate, the one who needs her tweeties, their love and their encouragement because she just doesn't know what she is going to do when the show ends and she's a nobody?
Such a dichotomy.
I've always thought that Kate projects her wants and intentions onto the kids. It's what Kate wants or what Kate wants her kids to want. It's not about them, ever.
She is so self absorbed that she can not relate to what a kid really wants.
The travel and concerts.
Cripes, I just wanted to hang with my friends. Travel was fun, but I was happy to be home in my own bed.
Those kids don't get any of that.
Kate brags constantly about how great she is. 7 year olds want to go see the Wiggles or Disney on Ice, not a pop concert.
Sometimes I just shake my head at what Kate is thinking.
Those kids have no sense of normalcy. For God sake, they should be in BED by the time the concert started.
I'm also getting the sense that the kids will not get a vacation with their dad, which is really sad.
I didn't think that Kate could possibly film them even more than last summer, but she's done it.
Kate thinks that her version of a "golden" platter is the shiz, but I actually feel sorry for the kids.
Administrator said...
You can also bond with your kids by snuggling up and reading a good book together. One of my most favorite memories is reading the Little House books one by one with my mom, took a few years. I think the entire set cost us 35 bucks.
Those were my favorite books, as a child, and I have even read them again as an adult. :) I have never been able to get my daughters or my granddaughters interested in them.
OK, check out the tweets from this insane tweeter. She is beyond nuts and not one real tweet that makes any sense:!/suebonnet
E-town Neighbor said...
I don't understand her. On the one hand, she was tweeting her tweeties, crying poverty, what is she going to do when the show ends, ad nauseam, trying to get sympathy...and on the other hand, she brags about everything, her pool, her leather sofa, amazing trips, amazing concert, puffing herself up to be a major celebrity and flaunting her closeness with Taylor.
Which Kate is it here? The big celebrity, making her adoring fans envious of her status, claiming she's hounded by paps, or the poor me Kate, the one who needs her tweeties, their love and their encouragement because she just doesn't know what she is going to do when the show ends and she's a nobody?
Such a dichotomy.
You know the bigger dichotomy? The difference between Mom and Dad. How much incentive do the kids have to see Dad? I'm betting that they love him, but come on!
Life with Kate is one over the top adventure after the next and Dad has.. an apartment (or maybe a house by now).
And that's exactly how Kate wants it.
You know the bigger dichotomy? The difference between Mom and Dad. How much incentive do the kids have to see Dad? I'm betting that they love him, but come on!
Life with Kate is one over the top adventure after the next and Dad has.. an apartment (or maybe a house by now).
And that's exactly how Kate wants it.
Actually, I don't see it that way and I really hope that the kids don't either. At least the twins are old enough to see it differently. From my perspective, Khate THINKS she is the bestest (!) parent ever because of the large house, the pool, the dog, all the freebie parties, toys, trips, with stah VIP treatment, nice hotels, this concert, etc. She thinks ha, Jon couldn't possibly compete or ever top anything she does (rather, TLC does for her and the kids, for filming the EPISODES, of course).
But, to enjoy all these things, the kids have to deal with a camera crew following them around, sticking lighting and boom mikes in their faces, and directors or producers telling them where to go, what to say, do it again, etc, (not to mention enduring Khate's hamming it up for the cameras). That would have driven me NUTS at the twins' age. Maybe the sextuplets are too young to care as much, especially since they know no other way of life. But, I bet the twins - or at least Cara - cannot WAIT to go to Jon's little place where they can relax, have some privacy, and just chill out and be kids.
Khate is too stupid, shallow, and greedy to even begin to comprehend the fact that for all the bells and whistles she (TLC) offers, Jon offers the kids SO much more! By the time they are all adults, I bet they will all realize it and some of them will even voice that to Khate.
I was just wondering who is feeding the chickens, dog and tending to the pool while they are traveling for two weeks? Caretaker paid by TLC do you suppose? This greedy grifter doesn't want to put her kids in to camps, gymnastics, dance, boy scouts, girl scouts, etc. because she wants to continue to work them! This woman will not give up this way of life for anything. Bonding with her kids at a teen concert, really? Who but Kate would put that thought out there? She does what she wants to do come heck or high water. TLC is her enabler, loud and clear. The judge in her case helped her, too. But, as I was told years ago, the court does not dictate morality. Kate doesn't appear to care what anyone thinks as long as she is getting paid for it. This is a sad story and will not end with a positive note.
How about bonding with your kids in private Kate without the cameras rolling, after working a 10 hr. work day and fixing dinner for 9 people. That's a real test for bonding and "real life." Realist of reality!
Troy Chula Vista said...
OK, check out the tweets from this insane tweeter. She is beyond nuts and not one real tweet that makes any sense:
Sounds like she's not inviting Ellen to her next barbecue!
Have you seen these tweets? The vitriol here left me with my jaw dropping...
@happylady58 @AlwaysCole @EmeraldCityJazz @kateplusmy8 Shut the fuck up. you werent here from the start so wouldnt know
@AlwaysCole @EmeraldCityJazz @happylady58 @kateplusmy8 Calm down, bullying doesnt happen in scotland. its a myth only ugly,fat americans get
@EmeraldCityJazz @AlwaysCole @happylady58 @kateplusmy8 how about go fuck off? rats.
@AlwaysCole @Kateplusmy8 sit tweeting while your kid is probably picked on for being as ugly as its mom, you should sit down and shut it.
@TrippenIn @kateplusmy8 doesn't @alwayscole have children to look after or something? they're probably the bullied ugly kids at school tho
@EmeraldCityJazz @AlwaysCole @happylady58 @kateplusmy8 and how the fuck do you dress? like an old slapper who has got any from her husband?
You just have to ask yourself...why? Why would somebody carry on like this (Suebonnet, tweeterKatie)? Does Twitter bring out the nuts in the world? Is this what is happening with the dumbing down of America (although this twatter is from the UK)?
Does Kate see this garbage, or can she filter this out?
Moose Mania said...One of the Ten Commandments for Sheeple: Thou shalt not spell "jealous" correctly:
@Kateplusmy8 I'm so jelous that you got to go to taylor swifts concert ! I hope this will become an episode? Lol
@Kateplusmy8 so happy you were tweeting tonight! Im more Jelaous of t.swift for getting to see you tnight, than you seeing t.swift! Lol xoxo
And let's not forget "jellus". For a word they use so often in reference to haters you would think they'd look it up in the dikshunerry.
Sidenote: I was listening to Diners Driveins and Dives in the background this morning when someone mentioned their taco truck has 50,000+ followers on twitter. Apparently street food is more popular that Kate. I wonder if that makes jelaous?
The kids love Dad, but I think they all love the camera crew and don't blink at cameras and booms. It's their normal. Frankly, most of those kids are so full of themselves, playing to the cameras at this point. They're conceded like their mom. Sorry, but it was bound to happen. When you are told how great and popular and special you are, it goes to your head. Those kids think the sun rises and sets on them. Yuck.
Cara obviously isn't all that into it. Mady's got to be knocked down a notch or two as she seems to think she's all that and a bag of chips. It's nauseating.
Kate wants to be seen at the better parent. Plain and simple.
(not to be arguementative ;-), but I think Jon could equal boring. Those kids are adrenaline junkies due to their over the top lifestyle)
She is so self absorbed that she can not relate to what a kid really wants.
The travel and concerts.
Cripes, I just wanted to hang with my friends. Travel was fun, but I was happy to be home in my own bed.
Those kids don't get any of that.
Kate brags constantly about how great she is. 7 year olds want to go see the Wiggles or Disney on Ice, not a pop concert.
I agree. When I was seven, just taking our 4-5 day summer trip to Canada was enough. I'd get homesick for my bed and neighborhood friends after 2-3 days. At that same age, I had musical interests (Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, M.J., etc.), but I didn't have the maturity to handle a music concert. At the same time, I was still watching PBS kiddie fare.
Then I remember Khate takes pride in the fact that her kids are not normal. At seven years old, the youngest G's are world travelers and connoisseurs of food and drink beyond their years. Do they even get homesick? I don't know any other preschoolers that are regularly indulged with Starbucks. Bless Jon for being the only one interested in keeping the kids grounded. I truly hope the G8 are still real kids behind the lies and smoke and mirrors Khate puts up. I guess we'll have to wait for the tell-all books to come out in 10+ years.
admin, speaking of trolls - have you been getting many posts from "oh, yes, she does" troll? She seems to be MIA from the other blog, which is totally out of character for her. Of course, there aren't any posts to speak of on that site, so either she's not posting, or they are being deleted.
Administrator said...
Nobody the comments are probably screwy due to switching back and forth from the new format back to blogger as I tested it out. Sorry about that, they should be normal now.
Admin, I'm not trying to be a pain, but there do appear to be some huge issues with Blogger and the comments on the old posts. It seems that after we have finished commenting on a post, Blogger added dozens of new comments to each post. However, they are all just duplicates of what we previously posted and Blogger attached them all to the end of the posts (or near the end) with a new date and time stamp. In each post, the duplicate comments all have the same exact date and time, which is much later than the actual commenting in the thread.
It probably doesn't matter, but I just thought you should know. If anyone tries to go back and read any old posts, the comments suddenly seem screwed up and are repeat comments with newer dates. I think all the new dates are from this weekend. It's on all the posts from July 4th on. I didn't go back further than that to check, though.
"Kate brags constantly about how great she is. 7 year olds want to go see the Wiggles or Disney on Ice, not a pop concert."
Mine did, beginning at age 8, oldies concerts, in fact. They begged us to take them, and we did - to as many as logistics would allow. The fascination never died, and it opened up a whole new world of music and interest for them, and thank goodness, not hard rock, heavy metal or rap. Taking them to concert after concert is something I've never regretted.
They also enjoyed the traveling, as much as they could get, and still do, especially the historic sites, BUT they wanted to do it, and there was no camera in their faces directing their every move. That's what Kate doesn't understand. If they enjoy the concerts and traveling, let them enjoy it because they WANT to do it, not because they have to do it to support both her and them. They'll end up hating everything about it, including the one who forced them to do it.
"Administrator said...
You can also bond with your kids by snuggling up and reading a good book together. One of my most favorite memories is reading the Little House books one by one with my mom, took a few years. I think the entire set cost us 35 bucks.
Those were my favorite books, as a child, and I have even read them again as an adult. :) I have never been able to get my daughters or my granddaughters interested in them."
My daughter loves the Little House books - read them all. Then she was on to Nancy Drew (the old ones) and read all 64 of those. We would go to the park and read, sit by the pool (HAHA, I have one too kHate!), we like hanging out at my son's soccer and baseball practices on a blanket reading. She was much more into reading them herself than me reading to her, but we DEFINITELY have those 'chapter books' also that we read together. "The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles" is an all time favorite, even today.
We read for 45 minutes every night before bed together, sometimes the same book out loud, sometimes I sit on her bed and we each read our own.
In an era of video games, TV, DVDs and the internet it is all too easy to let technology dominate your lives for entertainment. I even work in entertainment (making video games) yet even with about 4500 games in my house my kids are only allowed two hours for the WEEK in front of them. We do have special occasions and rainy days where we binge, of course. It's called parenting.
I'm sure kHate shares moments like this with her kids, too. Right? ;)
Speaking of how loud the concert is, especially for little kids, Taylor Swift just tweeted:
taylorswift13 So many beautiful memories from our 4 shows in Newark. Such sparkly, loud crowds! It's raining in NYC now. So pretty.
I love how Kate is rubbing her sheeple fans noses into the M&G. I bet Kate is just enjoying it. You know getting off on it. Look you stupid sheeple fans, I can go on trips you can't even afford or dream of, then I can go back stage and meet a popular singer, and get probably good seats, while you stay home and guard my tweeter acct for me. Then I shell rub it in your face some more and you will praise me, when the show comes on, Aug 8th. She is something else!
HI admin. Did you get my last post? I am new at this and might have messed up posting it. I hope I didn't offend you, not my intention, so sorry if I did. I will continue to read here regardless,as I enjoy all of your opinions. I have a brother Mike who lives in Souris, PEI- Kate you are not to visit there-you would hate it anyway-fishermen and potato farmers and Ann of Green Gables.
"We read for 45 minutes every night before bed together, sometimes the same book out loud, sometimes I sit on her bed and we each read our own."
My daughter's first words were "Read Please Book," and we did, at least a half hour or more before bedtime, often the same book over and over again. They were always books that taught some kind of lesson, in honesty, in character, in doing what's right. By the time she was in Kindergarten, she was reading on an 8th grade level. I'll always remember those reading times before bed, and so does she. We never missed a night. We recently found one of her books, she opened it, and could tell me the ending of the story and she was only three at the time when she read it.
Kids do remember what you don't expect them to remember. Those formative years are so important, and not only rewarding to the child, but also to the parent. Kate is missing so very much, and she doesn't even know it. Then again, would it matter to her at all?
What an adult remembers and what is important to an adult is not necessarily how or what a kid remembers. My fondest most lasting memories usually have nothing to do with stuff or thing or trips or anything that cost more than 10 bucks.
Kate projects onto her kiddies her feelings and opinions in a way I've never seen. It's outrageous really.
You all have to remember: in Kates' mind, being in the same space, room, house where ever, is spending time with her kids. Even if she says nothing to them, does not interact with them or totally ignores them or has a nanny/babysitter/hired/etc help watching them. She is with them. That is how I see her comment about Taylor's mom comment, about bonding with her kids. Kate does not get what bonding with ones child means. It's not takin them on trips or buying them something, it very simple, like a few have said here: reading your kid a book. Kate has the hired help do that cause she is too busy and on twitter.
Kate projects onto her kiddies her feelings and opinions in a way I've never seen. It's outrageous really.
I remember Kate boohooing about how now they're not going to Korea-- "life long dream". My goodness that woman can embelish.
They were 3 or 4! Wouldn't remember a lick of it, if that. Jon spoke the truth and that is they'd rather be home in their pool.
I was just programming my DVR for today's programs. I don't watch much TV during the day but can't sleep at night so like to have lots of options. There are so many good cable shows-most are showing new episodes during the summer before the major networks come back in the fall.
I have west and east coast options so I set up Eureka (fun show on Sci Fi), American Pickers (History), Rizzoli & Isles (TNT), The Closer (TNT) and I had to get Pawn Stars at 11 and 11:30pm (History) because the time options were full. Come August there are SOOOO many good alternatives to Kate on Monday nights-sorry honey, NO TIME FOR YOU!
And that makes me wonder, since she hasn't been on in over a month will she do the press circuit AGAIN in August promoting the "new" season 8 or is 9?
I am sitting here at my computer laughing about Hippie Chick and another poster talking about the heat and moving to Seattle yesterday. We had a beautiful Pacific Northwest weekend-temps were into low 80's which is hot for us. We Washingtonians don't have air conditioning so the house can get uncomfortable at night. But at this moment I am listening to the soft rain on my roof and temps are back in the 60's!
My sons would rather sit in a dentist's chair than go to a Taylor Swift concert. My daughter, now she would enjoy seeing Taylor Swift. Fortunetly I decided to spend the money on a sleep over girl scout camp for a week rather than 2 hours to hear a girl sing. No offense to Ms. Swift.
Temps in the 60s. Rain. I'm so jealous! It's 90 here 85% humidity and cloudy. And that's the coolest it's been in over a week.
heyjude said... HI admin. Did you get my last post? I am new at this and might have messed up posting it. I hope I didn't offend you, not my intention, so sorry if I did. I will continue to read here regardless,as I enjoy all of your opinions. I have a brother Mike who lives in Souris, PEI- Kate you are not to visit there-you would hate it anyway-fishermen and potato farmers and Ann of Green Gables.
heyjude, Welcome! You do know that I now have that song stuck in my head, right? LOL. I just had to laugh about the Anne of Green Gables reference because I have a child who has to read it for school soon, so I was just Googling some information about it. Before they start a new novel, I like to give my kids some background as far as the setting and time period of the book. I usually reread the book myself too, so we can discuss it.
I see one post, but not the one re:Kelly. Oh well...Kate has no idea how to bond with her kids, because she doesn't know what they like;she doesn't even know which kids are left-handed when asked!I was shocked watching that episode!
She needs to hunker down with the kids in her big house and get to know them-reading to them would be good for the tups. These are the things my 3 girls remember from growing up-we read books to them every night before bed or whenever they wanted to.I bought them all specialized books for their birthdays which added their name, friends and family and pets to the book and they loved them! They still have them and two read them to their kids! Best $12. I ever spent on each-they felt so special...This is how memories are made- kids just want to see your eyes light up, when they come in the easy, costs nothing!
Kate will never do this, because they are not her priority, no matter how often she says she does it all for her kids-big truckload of BS. Kate loves money and power and is losing both- the crash is coming and I hope the kids are with Jon when the show is cancelled.
Widowed, I'm in the Seattle area too and the weather today just tickled me pink! What a contrast to the glorious day we had yesterday - but I LOVE it!
Kate brags constantly about how great she is. 7 year olds want to go see the Wiggles or Disney on Ice, not a pop concert.
I disagree. Just look at Disney and how their tv programming has changed to include music tie-ins such as Hannah Montana, the Jonas Brothers, etc. These new types of shows are getting kids to become interested in music as young as seven years old. Then, Disney takes advantage (and profits more money) by arranging kid-friendly concerts and making big-screen movies about the concert experience.
Taylor Swift might be older but her wholesome image and music is very Disney-esque and appealing to families. I would think her concert is more kid-appropriate compared to other pop stars.
I do agree with admin that this concert was a bribe/reward for filming the last two-weeks or so. She did it before as someone once posted the kids saying they would get candy for saying a line correctly, during the Duff birthday cake episode. I don't think it's coincidence that they attended this concert RIGHT AFTER a long road trip in NEW JERSEY, as opposed to waiting until Taylor hits PA.
If Kate has to bribe her kids to film, then the whole family isn't 100% happy about filming. You don't have to bribe someone if they like to do something (such as filming or traveling). If the kids get smart, they'll start demanding bigger or more expensive things. Then what will Kate do? Bribery isn't teaching the kids any good life lessons.
Well, I'm just going to say it. I know everyone parents differently, but I really think that seven years old is too young for your first pop concert. What's the rush? I am so tired of seeing parents (besides Khate) who have to have their kid do EVERYTHING as young as possible. Seriously, I know seven and eight year olds who are bored already with certain attractions and even sports because they feel they've already done it all. That's pretty sad really.
Call me old fashioned, but I think a Taylor Swift concert is not age appropriate for a 7 year old.
"I just had to laugh about the Anne of Green Gables reference because I have a child who has to read it for school soon,"
Reminds me of the scene in "You've Got Mail," where Kathleen Kelly is closing the bookstore, and a customer tells her, "I remember when your mother gave me Anne of Green Gables. 'Read it with a box of Kleenex,' she said."
Just a suggestion, Nobody Likes! Keep those tissues handy!
I also remember Kathleen saying, "When you read a book as a child, it becomes a part of your identity in a way that no other reading in your whole life does."
I'm not sure if I quoted it exactly, but the meaning is there!
Ya know what my little family & I do in our town? We go to free concerts in the park on Tuesday nights & free movies in the summer. It's awesome. We are definitely not loaded with cash, & my son knows this, but we also don't throw it in his face either. We do the best we can. If we can get a deal on tickets to a water/amusement park, or a concert that we all enjoy, we'll go. We hike & bike ride for free!! Fun stuff doesn't have to cost $$!!
The thing w/ Kate is that it seems she flaunts this stuff in front her kids. She has said the kids watch the show right? Well then THEY see how Kate acts w/ the freebies & giveaways. It's as if she has a right to them & deserves them, therefore the kids may feel the same. Hopefully having a grounded parent (Jon) will teach them that nothing comes for free & if you want & desire something, you must work for it. Kate is teaching NOTHING to those kids except that the sun revolves around their bubble.
I hope the Gosselin kids do not grow up thinking the world owes them a living. It's people like that that really piss me off. Bratty, spoiled, greedy kids make asshole adults (sometimes). They are ignorant, ill-mannered, rude, "no one gets in my way" jack-asses. I'm sorry, I'm not saying the kids will be like that, but their constant role model is not exactly a friendly, loveable person, is she? (sorry for the long post) Peace & Love all!!
~Hippie Chick~
I do agree with admin that this concert was a bribe/reward for filming the last two-weeks or so.
But if the little ones, especially the boys, have no interest in concerts (and not Taylor Swift) at that age, why would she bribe them with this one? There would be no incentive for them to accept the bribe! Why not bribe them with a trip to Sesame Place or the water fun park (boardwalk) at Hersheypark! That would have been fun for ALL of the kids!
I, too, believe that Kate is trying constantly to keep Jon in 2nd place with the children. She is competitive and doesn't want to share the top spot with anyone. Remember Aunt Jodi and sweet Beth, the author of the book? What do you believe really happened to them? My guess is that they received too many positive fan letters! Kate couldn't stand that, now could she?
Hopefully having a grounded parent (Jon) will teach them that nothing comes for free & if you want & desire something, you must work for it. Kate is teaching NOTHING to those kids except that the sun revolves around their bubble.
I personally think that a portion of the kids will continue in RTV as adults. Why work your ass off in school when you can get rich allowing your life to be filmed? They are all used to freebies and special treatment that I can't imagine how they'll deal in the real world when attempt to go off on their own. Just the fact that their name will be known for all of their lives is going to be tough enough.
Gosselin? I remember when you pooped, peed, vomited etc etc. That and their parents' ugly and public divorce...
Hi, Nobody! Sorry for the tune- running thru my mind too! It's a lovely story, you will always have the memory with your child and Anne.I was going to warn you to go to Target and stock up on kleenex,but I see Moose Mania warned you first!
I just wanted to tell you I am a Canadian and was watching 'Canadian Pickers' on the History channel and they went to the 'Anne of Green Gables' house Anne grew up in.Apparently, the family is selling off the contents of the house and are shutting down soon, I believe.Kinda made me sad that that landmark will be gone-such a great place to visit...Time marches on, I guess....Can't you just see Kate saying-what's so great about this Miss Anne person???
Never heard of her...
But if the little ones, especially the boys, have no interest in concerts (and not Taylor Swift) at that age, why would she bribe them with this one? There would be no incentive for them to accept the bribe! Why not bribe them with a trip to Sesame Place or the water fun park (boardwalk) at Hersheypark! That would have been fun for ALL of the kids!
Exactly! How about little boy stuff? A fun day at the park would be great. Didn't Kate mention how pricey Hershey Park is? Between the concert and I'm sure a large limo, that's well over 1000 bucks. Could have sent the kids to camp and gymnastics for that.
OT. Mom in Lancaster and Elizabethtown. My daughter and I have planned a trip to Hersheypark this Friday with my 3 and 4 year old granddaughters. I put in for a vacation day awhile ago. The weather is calling for in the 90's temperature. Is there enough to do there inside and at the waterpark to stay cool or do you recommend rescheduling? The girls are really looking forward to it and I hate to disappoint them but I also don't want them to be miserable all day. Thanks in advance for any info you might have on the park.
Tucker's Mom said... Call me old fashioned, but I think a Taylor Swift concert is not age appropriate for a 7 year old.
Tucker's Mom - I posted a comment like that myself around the same time as yours, but it seems to have gotten lost in the Blogger black hole!
Widowed Young...
Can I stay with you when I visit? :) You have GREAT DVR selections on your TV! Are you close to Seattle? I cannot wait to go. I have been talking about Seattle for so long now even my friends make fun of me. My husband's aunt & uncle live in Portland OR & have invited us many times. We are taking them up on their offer in the fall. They are not far from Seattle so they say!
I met a woman today at Game Stop (my son has saved enough cash to buy himself a video game doing his chores for the month & last month) & the woman & I were talking as our boys played the demo video game. She was super nice & we were just chatting. We exchanged #'s & I said I look forward to getting together for coffee & playing with the kids! She said "Oh, you'll have to be very careful, my son is autistic & has cerebral palsy, as does my youngest". I just thought "God bless her for doing what she does day in & out, & how strong she is" & told her so. We really hit it off. It just made me think about how lucky I was to have a healthy child, ya know? Again, this woman didn't look downtrodden & she looked extremely happy. How would Kate react to this kind of thing, an ill child, or TWO ill children? How "woe is me" would she be? She would be so pathetic I think. Goodness, when Aaden (sp?) needed glasses she freaked.
I can't wait to hang out with this new friend. She seems so amazing. :) I love it when people make something that seems like it may be a struggle (? not the right word) & makes it look effortless, or rather they would never trade it in for the world. Am I wording this correctly? I do not want to offend anybody.
~Hippie Chick~
I put in for a vacation day awhile ago. The weather is calling for in the 90's temperature. Is there enough to do there inside and at the waterpark to stay cool or do you recommend rescheduling?
We're supposed to be back in the heat wave again this weekend, not as hot as last week, but still miserable.
There are a few things to do inside, but really, it's mostly music shows that probably wouldn't be of interest to a 3 and 4-year old. There's the outside water show with divers, which the kids would like, but then again, it's in the heat. There's Chocolate World (which takes about 15 minutes) and the 3-D show (history of Hershey), both inside. The zoo is great, all of it is outside.
However, if they like the water park, the boardwalk is amazing - lots of fun for little ones. Great for cooling off. Some of the water attractions are more for older kids, but your grandchildren should be kept busy there for quite awhile.
With the hot weather, though, expect crowds at the water park. That's where everyone will be heading. We were over there two weeks ago, and it was very crowded. In fact, I've never seen that many people at Chocolate World and we're there on a regular basis!
The question is - how well do YOU do in crowds and hot weather, and are you planning on doing the splash things with them? Accuweather is forecasting 102, extreme heat with high humidity for Friday. Would I do it? Probably not, but I don't tolerate heat and humidity very well, especially if I were caring for two young children at an amusement park. There's a fair amount of walking involved. If you think they'll be satisfied with the water park for most of the day, then go for it. It's so much fun.
Between the concert and I'm sure a large limo, that's well over 1000 bucks.
They would have been comped for that. Free tickets. She would have to PAY for Hersheypark! Thus, the concert.
heyjude said... Kate you are not to visit there-you would hate it anyway-fishermen and potato farmers and Ann of Green Gables.
Nor is she to visit Nova Scotia. So many beautiful places to visit in both Provinces. Kensington in PEI is incredible; the replicas, wow! Here in NS we have the Cabot Trail, the Annapolis Valley, the Dori Rips to name a few. I know Heyjude could give as many examples in PEI. Our Provinces may be 'have nots' but we still don't want Kate Gosselin and crew.
OT 30 degrees where I live in NS at 9:45 ADT. Listening to my neighbours kids playing guitar; bluesey and it's awesome. Leaving now to watch the fireworks I hear. Great summer night.
I'm sorry, admin, I seem to have forgotten my manners. Thank you for letting me post the OT Hersheypark travel experience to gotyournumberKate!
Has Kate said that the kids have thanked her for taking them to the concert? Come on, Kate, you're slipping here!
Kate twittered,
Wow.We slept/rested all rainy day here! How is every1?Give me a few days 2 get laundry done and all caught up&I hope 2 b back in convo w u!
Kate does laundry? Believe that, and she'll tell you another one!
Aw, they slept all day long. Poor, tired, overworked babies. :(((( It breaks my heart all the interviews they still have to do.
Kate didn't tweet all day long. I actually believe they did rest all day. Poor, poor things. Sigh.
Flowers, they could have flown directly from Vegas to Philly and it would be a short car ride home. Instead they flew into Newark which if I recall that drive which I did a few times when I was living in PA, it's a good 3-4 hours often more with traffic. More travel time. And a big difference between just a quick drive into Philly. Taylor was coming to Philly a few weeks later they could have been rested, taken a short car trip there and back.
In sum: Philly car trip to see Taylor, short. Adding on Newark to the trip just to see Taylor, long.
While we're on the subject of blog motifs, any other suggestions or things you would like to see? Colors, etc. Thanks again to everyone for being patient while I played around.
You know maybe if folks don't live there or haven't been there other than flying they lose track of how far things really are. Sure on a map Newark looks "close" to PA. But it's really not. Plus, factor in NY/NJ traffic and you're tagging on four or five hours of travel time to a trip.
It reminds me of when I lived in D.C. and I thought I could just "pop over" to Maryland to go to the beach in the summer. Doesn't look far right? Come to find out it's a good four hour drive, with traffic much more, and I've only done it a few times.
Those kids must be exhausted as we know, they're not allowed to sleep during filming. Kate will feed them sugar to rev them up and slap them awake if they pass out. Must stay on schedule!
I don't know how those little kids keep up with the travel alone. It's long slogging through airports and across time zones.
I don't think the annoying screeches and angry screaming from Kate in the episodes we know will air are the death rattle of Kate Plus 8 Prisoners. People have been 100000% positive for over three years that the show is a millisecond from being off the air, and it never is.
By saying it is so obviously over when there is no proof feels like we're jinxing it. Everyone who has said it needs to turn around three times and spit. Maybe add a little salt over the shoulder lol.
It reminds me of when I lived in D.C. and I thought I could just "pop over" to Maryland to go to the beach in the summer. Doesn't look far right? Come to find out it's a good four hour drive, with traffic much more, and I've only done it a few times.
I just don't get why the concert was a must do. As a mom, wouldn't you think that this is so unecessary? After traveling and filming across the country, what mother would not think her 7 year old kids need rest!
Why not take a break and get the kds on schedule instead of taking them to a loud concert, up way, way past their bedtime?
Yes, Admin, the beach looks close enough from DC, but factor in the bridge traffic and I give up and just go to New Jersey! It's about the same time and travel is easier.
If it's a bribe, then it's like everything else Kate does "for" the kids: Make them only do things she wants to do. Heck, if she loves it then they have to as well. Though I doubt she'll even notice if any of the kids are downright miserable. No doubt she'll tweet about how they thanked her profusely and that she won the award for best mom ever.
I also tend to agree that concerts like this aren't really appropriate for kids this age. It's probably Kate projecting as usual, projecting her love of Taylor and concerts onto the kids who aim to please Mommy. Hell if Kate would yawn her way through Sesame Street Live. Kate has a pattern here and it ain't hard to follow--Kate only does crap with the kids SHE would enjoy too. If Kate doesn't like it she doesn't go. Camping in Alaska anyone? Or just look at all the episodes where they took each kid out to do their own activity. She was happy to do horse back riding and fun girly stuff and so on with the girls, but conveniently found a way out of each and every trip with a boy. Naval stuff and so on, big yawn for Kate.
There are a few exceptions--there are a few young kids now and again really into this kind of music before what is typical of their age groups, but the odds that ALL EIGHT love and adore Taylor or even get what she is singing about, at such young ages, is slim to none.
When I say inappropriate I don't mean something they shouldn't see, just that there's a million other things that would be more educational and beneficial for a kid this age rather than watching a nice girl with a guitar sing about boyfriends and kissing and love. The thing is, there will be many, many years ahead that the kids will die to go to various concerts, when they are teens and beyond, and that is the time for that when they start to get that teen angst where this stuff really speaks to them. There will be many years ahead where the girls can worship pop stars like Taylor and boys can drool over them. But now is there time to be innocent and not be thinking about boys and girls and rock concerts. Does it hurt them, is it bad parenting? I wouldn't go that far. But do I think it adds much to a 7 year old's day to be spending his evening doing this at such a young age? Not really.
Look around at rock concerts. It's teenagers and adults. If 7 year olds really adored and benefited from such a thing, the audience would be all 7 year olds. Kids gravitate to what they like and what's appropriate for their developmental age, and it's not really Taylor Swift just yet, for most of them.
Admin you made me chuckle and think about my mom...when we were stationed at the Presidio (SF) and there was an earthquake in any part of the state she'd call to find out if we had any damage. If we told her that it was in the LA area, 5 or so hours away she'd always say "It looked closer on the map".....thanks for the memory.
Kate: OK, kids, time for bed.
Kids: G'night Mommy.
Kate: Don't you have something to say to Mommy?
Kids: Yeah, g'night Mommy.
Kate: I think you have something more to say.
Kids: See you in the morning, but not too early
because Mommy wants to sleep in?
Kate: Yes, that too, but what else?
Kids: (truly stymied) Ummmmmmmmm (yawn)
Kate: I took you to 45 fascinating historical
and memorable places out ..... um, out
south?, that's not,
out somewhere, a trip none of your class
mates have taken this summer. I spent
2 long weeks out of my summer to take you
there. Now, what do you have to say to
Kids: Will we get candy if we say our lines
right? (yawn)
Kate: I'll tell you what you'll get if you
Kids: Oh. Thank you, Mommy. (yawn)
Kate: See, I told you you were thankful. Now
I must go tweet the world.
Kids: (snore)
Sure on a map Newark looks "close" to PA. But it's really not. Plus, factor in NY/NJ traffic and you're tagging on four or five hours of travel time to a trip.
Sorry, admin, but it's not that long a drive. At the time of night the concert would have been over, the drive from Newark to Wernersville would have been just a little over two hours. I've driven from Newark to Reading after rush hours, and it's really not a long drive. Morning or evening rush, however, is a different story, but it still isn't a four or five hour drive.
I agree that taking 7 year olds to a Taylor Swift concert probably isn't the best idea for an activity. Recently I was in the car with my 9 year old daughter, and a T.S. song came on - it was the one that says something about a "careless man's careful daughter," and my daughter started asking questions about what all that meant. Somewhere in the song it says something about "there's a drawer of my things at your place," and she asked me what that meant. So I used it as a teachable moment and tried to come up with an answer that was age appropriate. It's not completely inappropriate stuff, but some of it goes against our values. I can't stand parents who just let their kids listen to or watch whatever is popular at the moment without a thought about what messages their kids are taking in. I'll never forget some years ago when our neighbor's little granddaughter came over and she was listening to Britney Spears in her headphones, singing along to "I'm not that innocent." I asked her if she knew what that meant, and of course she didn't. I told her that being innocent is a GOOD thing - especially when you're a little kid. Yikes!
Admin. I think Kate must have put the stink- eye on me. My last 2 posts went somewhere else-into the blogger black hole. Actually, I never said too much about her poor mothering or idiotic travelling circus ,maybe a little...I agree, Taylor Swift is not for kids that age-all for her,of course...
Sorry,ot. Bluenoser, I grew up in the Annapolis Valley- an Air Force brat.Most beautiful place on earth- love it!NOW, i live in the armpit of the west- Saskatchewan! It makes up for itself in lovely people and pets...LOL!
Right Sooverit. For me it's not so much what they are signing about is all that bad compared to some rock stars out there, but it's just the THEME.
Why in the world should a 7 year old be wrapping up in music about love and boyfriends??? They are 7, they think the opposite sex has cooties. We wonder why kids are having sex earlier and earlier, well maybe because we push adult themes on them at age 7.
In the same vein a seven year old shouldn't worry about work and supporting his family! A seven year old shouldn't have to worry about money and bringing it in. A seven year old shouldn't have to worry about the news and what's happening with the national debt and terrorism and so many other adult things we should not impose upon our kids until they are older and ready for it.
Just let seven year olds be kids and be carefree. There will be plenty of time for "love stories" when they are teens and beyond, and by that time, you'll be wishing they were still seven.
Hmm, I have mixed thoughts on the concert issue.
My son and I have been going to concerts for a couple years together. He plays the guitar, and like myself he LOVES music. Took him to his first show at age 10, and this week we just hit his 14th concert in San Francisco together.
I have 4 college age nephews and the 6 of us love going to 'Family' concerts together. Last year my 11 yr old daughter joined us, along with 2 nieces and we all hit up ACDC live and I bought us all fantastic seats. Tons of fun!
My son is into all of my old HS and College bands, we have seen all of his top bands live at least once now. It might not be for everyone, but its one of the BEST things we share and enjoy together.
Sport see that's where I see an exception. If you have a kid with an exceptional interest in music and a sincere interest in seeing bands (age appropriate) by all means take them. Also, there is a huge difference between a 10 year old and a 7 year old. I just can't imagine all 8 of these kids all have the exact same passion for music and want to do this kind of thing. Mady who plays violin, sure. And maybe a few others. But it's just so fantastical to suggest we have 8 little Mozarts who need to be at concerts about boyfriends at such a young age.
One of the kids I nannied for is amazing at guitar and his parents were routinely taking him to see big bands like Sting and Red Hot Chili Peppers and so on from the time he was nine or so. He ADORED it. His sibling? Didn't care for it, so they didn't always go. Their parents did different things with that one, like sports. Now if he didn't really have this interest and his parents were projecting their love of these bands on him under the guise of "family bonding time" that would be a whole other issue. And it's very telling other sibling wasn't dragged along. The kids were encouraged in their appropriate interest, in an appropriate manner, and didn't have things forced upon them that were better suited to older kids.
Can I just say that an entire day off from our resident troll is so refreshing? Looks like it worked!
I succeeded in blocking her IP yesterday, finally.
You know when I think back I remember one of my interests as a bit of a nerdy child was American history. Even at a really young age when other kids liked things like dinosaurs. When we went on family trips my mom would look for historical places to visit and get tours of. She loved it too and was beyond thrilled (and shocked I think) she had a kid into it, but she did it for me first and foremost. Rest of the family members did something else or had a afternoon at the pool. But to drag the entire family with very little kids on some tour of some old historic house clearly designed for adults just isn't appropriate. Same difference with a concert.
Jenna Does said...
Ya know what my little family & I do in our town? We go to free concerts in the park on Tuesday nights & free movies in the summer. It's awesome. We are definitely not loaded with cash, & my son knows this, but we also don't throw it in his face either. We do the best we can. If we can get a deal on tickets to a water/amusement park, or a concert that we all enjoy, we'll go. We hike & bike ride for free!! Fun stuff doesn't have to cost $$!!
When my kids were growing up, I barely had money to do anything with them. On my weekday off, I would pick them up from school and take them to the library. We would get some books and some movies and then I would take them to Dairy Queen for an ice cream cone. We were able to go Dollywood once every summer, thanks to the free tickets that I received from work. I was always trying to think up nice things for us to do that didn't involve money that I didn't have. They absolutely loved the park.
My children are now 26 and 22 and even though we are all better off financially now, one of their fondest memories is the library and Dairy Queen trips. Spending quality time with your children doesn't have to involve lots of money.
I totally agree Admin, I didnt really complete my thoughts sorry. I cant imagine all kids enjoying the same music. Every show my son and I attend I ask my daughter "wanna go with us girl?"
Nine times out of ten she says "no thanks daddy."
We have so much fun at shows I always feel like she should be there with us, but its always her choice. She has a totally different taste in music. In fact, I need to suck it up soon and take her to something she really likes. Thankfully its not Miley, Bieber or one of those pathetic excuses. Its mellow Indie Rock, phew.
Tamara, I'm right there with you. I will believe Kate is gone when she is nowhere to be seen for a long time. She's like a bad penny, she just keeps popping up. I can't imagine what is keeping this person on the air, she has no talent, all she can think or talk about is herself, except when she has to say 'I love my kids' to the non fans and also her screeching. Like long fingernails on a blackboard. But I gave up thinking she's going away any time soon a long time ago.
Hippie Chick. I hope you get the opportunity to visit Seattle. I think you will fall in love with it. It is a very environmentally conscious and organic (not the Kate kind - the real kind) place and a haven for anyone who embraces the hippie state of being! The geography of the Pacific Northwest is some of the most beautiful you will ever see. If you like hiking and biking and sailing and coffee and artsy things, it is definitely the place to be!
Sport said...
I totally agree Admin, I didnt really complete my thoughts sorry. I cant imagine all kids enjoying the same music.
I guess I just have very strange kids! Not complaining, though!
I don't think it's unusual for all the same kids to like the same music.
I do think it's unusual for all the same (8) kids to like all the same things at all the same times all the same same same. Which is essentially what Kate is always telling us.
Had this been the first time she told us they all loved seeing Taylor, I don't think anyone would raise an eyebrow. It's the constant claiming they are all the same all all all that is too hard to believe.
Admin.-May I just tell you that you have a great blog and I am glad I finally got the nerve to post.I have read here every day,for the last year or two.I am an RPN,just retired after 34 yrs.My fellow nurses were discussing Kate at work one night & that's how I learned about this family.
Kate used to look like she was happy to see her kids, when they were little. I wonder if she walked into the room with a big smile that reached her eyes,and gave them all a real hug,if some of the stress,pain and tiredness would just melt off those poor kids? Ok, it will never happen- this is Kate!I really hope someone hugs them and tells them they are special just for being...
I really am worried about might happen, when the show is over and Kate has no use for her money-makers.Kate is about ready to combust. `
Who is the troll you got rid of? I'm here every day and can never get "in the loop" lol
Remember me? (formally batterednotbroken)? C'mon guys, fill me in will ya....? lol
"I cant imagine all kids enjoying the same music."
I meant every kid of a particular age, not all of your kids. Its probably more likely that your kids like the music you like (the proverbial you btw) because they hear it often. But EIGHT, with a mixture of boys and girls all liking the same? Not likely. Two or three makes sense, but i seriously doubt 8 boys and girls all enjoy Taylor Swift.
Then again, those poor kids are so brainwashed and trained to please kHate, maybe they think they do like it because they feel they SHOULD like it. It's painfully obvious none are allowed to be individuals or have opinions that differ from The Shrew™.
I just want to clarify that I disagreed with the original poster's opinion that seven-year-olds wouldn't be interested in attending a concert, as it's not true for all.
Part of my opinion was based on kids I've worked with who are very much interested in music and have attended concerts at a young age, like the sextuplets. If all 8 kids like Taylor Swift's music, then I don't see a problem with them attending her concert. (If it's too loud, I've seen kids wearing ear-plugs or sound-muffling headphones.) I personally don't listen to her music (her style is not my cup of tea), but from what I read or seen, Taylor Swift has this wholesome, squeaky-clean Disney-esque image that I could see appealing to families with kids. Because of this Disney-esque image, I assumed that her concerts are kid-friendly. I also gave Kate the benefit of the doubt because she had seen her perform before and maybe noticed many other families with kids in attendance, that she thought it was appropriate to bring her sextuplets this time (especially if they wanted to see her perform). However, if Taylor Swift's performance and music is not appropriate for kids their age, then I would not condone having taken the kids to the concert.
I was just providing a different perspective to the poster's opinion - that there are some kids that young who like attending concerts, as opposed to her claim they do not. Kids are being influenced into music at a younger age such as the Disney channel which seems to incorporate musical talents into its tv shows/movies. I used to hear young kids on the playground talking about going to see Hannah Montana and Jonas Brothers perform.
Sometimes kids are drawn to the catchy beat or the dance performance, without really paying attention to the lyrics.
I appreciate reading everyone's input on this issue and being informed about the content of Taylor Swift's music. I don't really listen to the same music kids are listening to these days.
Apparently, two of the sextuplets, Leah and Alexis, attended a previous Taylor Swift concert when they were 5 years old. I thought this was their first concert for all the sextuplets.
Hi Teresa, I remember you posting before. I don't make so many posts either.
I don't see the concert as a bribe at all. It was what Ma wanted to do, so the rugrats must comply. I do think they have been raised to be bratty, and a sense of entitlement will follow them in life.
I wouldn't be surprised if Ma dumps them on Jon right away while they are tired and cranky from being overstimulated so that both they and Jon can have a bad time.
Thanks E-Town for taking the time to write about Hershey Park! I think we will reschedule.
Thank you too Admin for allowing me to ask about this OT subject!
I just cannot imagine travelling like those tups do at their age. I grew up in Annapolis County and had to take the bus to the Valley for school. The trip was well over one hour each way and at the end of the day we were beat. Even in my teens the trip was tiring but not as bad. Those poor kids being dragged hither and yon by that psycho mother of theirs just irritates me to no end. She has no compassion for them at all.
OT Heyjude - stationed at Greenwood, eh?
'Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... Does anybody remember this tweet of Khate's from Mother's Day:!/Kateplusmy8/status/67328000487735297That was a tweet to Ashley, I think. Well, I clicked her name and her account is gone. July 25, 2011 12:29 AM '
I remember that tweet. Ashley canceled her account because she was viciously, and I do mean VICIOUSLY attacked by the haters on twitter.
It is sad that her fans brag so much how Kate "does so much" for these kids. Without TLC paying for all of this, they would be doing nothing. She couldn't even take them to Statute of Liberty that one year, because Jon canceled filming. They had to wait until the filming started again to see it, that next year. A trip to NYC would NOT have cost her that much. Why is she such a "great mommy" to go on these trips and concerts when they are FREE? Plus SHE gets paid for WORKING her kids to film this boring stuff. What they forget/ignore is if TLC doesn't pay for this, this "great" mommy takes them no where. The only place they went was the concert when filming wasn't going on. Yes, such a great "mommy".
I don't think that all 8 kids would like Taylor Swift's music-she is a country singer that likes to writes songs about her break-ups with boyfriends.Love, heart-ache,teen-age angst,etc.I like her, but my 6 1/2 yr.old grandson likes Justin Bieber with lyrics baby,baby,baby ad nauseum-but it's a catchy tune and he mostly likes to dance and jump around to the video!
I asked him if he liked Taylor,and he said 'Do you?'I nodded and he said,'me,too.' Kids just want to please us at that age. Kate wants us to think her kids all share a brain, I think!LOL!
" I thought this was their first concert for all the sextuplets."
I don't know if she said it was their first time to the concert, she probably did. LOL But she did say that the horseback riding was the first for the kids, a fan had to remind her about Hannah going on her "special day" Kate didn't 'count' that though, since she was "scared" or some silly excuse. LOL She also claimed the trip the museum in Philly was the first time, and that was not true either. Liars have a hard time keeping up with all their lies. I suppose all these "episodes" can get confusing and when one gets so much freebie stuff, it is not really appreciated. So unappreciated you tend to forget what you have done.
It is still good to see that the kids haven't been dragged all over the country, the entire summer, like last year. TLC has cut back on the trips. That is obvious. I know as much as Kate loves to hit the road, this HAS to be PO'ing her royally. (though the kids STILL have the cameras in their faces at home, which is still pathetic) Several fans have said many times they wish the filming would be more of the mundane things they do at home, since they can't relate to all the traveling. Seems TLC listened, plus the ratings surely cannot justify all the expensive trips. I hope they do get plenty of down time from now until school starts. I think that is too much to ask for though. sigh
Kate says Taylor is a good role model for her kids......that's good, because they sure need one!
This is one of the ditziest (Kate word?) things I've read in awhile. Brook of eight? "Missed the part about the meet and greet?"
I think Effie needs to stop drinking so much Kook-Aid, make that Kool-Aid!
She also claimed the trip the museum in Philly was the first time, and that was not true either. Liars have a hard time keeping up with all their lies.
She also said, in the photoshopped People interview (missing belly button) that her trip to Mexico was the first time she was ever out of the country. She had been to Canada. I guess she thought Canada is a northern extension of the United States.
It is still good to see that the kids haven't been dragged all over the country, the entire summer, like last year. TLC has cut back on the trips. That is obvious. I know as much as Kate loves to hit the road, this HAS to be PO'ing her royally. (though the kids STILL have the cameras in their faces at home, which is still pathetic) Several fans have said many times they wish the filming would be more of the mundane things they do at home, since they can't relate to all the traveling. Seems TLC listened, plus the ratings surely cannot justify all the expensive trips. I hope they do get plenty of down time from now until school starts. I think that is too much to ask for though. sigh
I've been thinking that the filming has increased or is at least the same amount as last summer. If they're in Kate's custody, most of that time they are filming.
These trips are once again really pushing it for young kids to be on the go go go. I can't imagine they'll be rested before having to go back to school and I also don't believe Kate's done filming them this summer.
It's just been a lot of work, with I'm sure fun mixed in. But still, those kids are working.
I can only hope that if the show goes on next year, that Rep. Murt's bill will be enacted and this BS of strenuous schedules and travel will be reigned in by a set teach and THE LAW.
Has someone posted this story yet?
That's Khate and the kids future. :(
My son LOVES rock, alternative, that kind of thing (AND The Beatles & John Lennon!!) because that is what my husband & I listen to. We brought him to a Foo Fighters show -with earplugs- & my son was in heaven. He loved the crowd, the people (all the different types of people that certain music attracts, especially all the different hair colors!) & especially getting to see a show, live, one of his favorite bands, LIVE!! He sang along to all of the songs & was just loving it.
We can't do it all the time, but again, if we can find CHEAP concert tix & all enjoy the show, we'll go! Otherwise, it's free concerts in the park! My son loves music though. He wants to see Weezer next live. (Um, do they still play live??) He is starting his guitar lessons in 2 weeks!! Yay!!
~Hippie Chick~
I can only hope that if the show goes on next year, that Rep. Murt's bill will be enacted and this BS of strenuous schedules and travel will be reigned in by a set teach and THE LAW.
This bill is a great start, but what many don't understand is that it only applies to PA. If she wants to film the heck out of them, she just goes to another state where the laws are either nonexistent, or much more relaxed. She'll get around them. The studio teacher, from what I understand, is on the set only when school is in session. So she drags them out of state or out of the country for four weeks over winter break, or over Thanksgiving vacation, or three weeks over spring break. She pulled them out of school for the Australia trip, but does Australia have a studio teacher requirement? I don't know. As long as TLC is funding the trips, they will continue, and they will film where they don't have to answer to the PA DOL.
Were the child labor laws followed in each state where they just filmed? Who was on the set making sure that the needs of these children were attended to, and that the laws of each state were followed? Not TLC!
"Warmth Of The Sun said...
She also said, in the photoshopped People interview (missing belly button) that her trip to Mexico was the first time she was ever out of the country. She had been to Canada. I guess she thought Canada is a northern extension of the United States"
Ha, I had forgotten about that. LOL Now she claims to have traveled to Canada two or three times. I thought it had only been once.
Tuckers Mom, yes you are right, she IS filming those kids a lot, according to her tweets. :( The ONLY upside, in my mind, she hasn't been able to drag them all over the country while filming. At least the kids do get to enjoy their pool and hopefully visiting friends etc. Which they can't do when they are dragged by her on trip after trip. AND I cannot help but to be happy that Kate is not able to fulfill HER ever increasing bucket list this summer. I know it has to really make her angry..regardless of her "sunshine" "happy,happy" "life is roses and lollipops" attitude she presents on Twitter. Frankly, I am amazed she has been able to keep this "new" Kate act up for so long. What is funny, she acts so sunshiny on Twitter, but from the reviews she is not all that sunshiny on her "episodes". I guess fans don't "see" this either.
Wow talk about a glimpse into the future with that Gossip Girl's actress's suit with her greedy mom. Thank God it's filed in LA county and not PA, there is absolutely no law in any form obligating a child to pay his parents' way and CA is very protective of a child's money. I have confidence a judge will order this young woman doesn't have to pay her mother a dime anymore.
And her mother has NO SHAME.
Kate WILL sue her own kids if she has to, I guarantee it.
"E-town Neighbor said...This bill is a great start, but what many don't understand is that it only applies to PA."
I thought the hours of working, even out of state were applied to their PA hours? If they can only film x amount of hours, it was applied to the PA hours too? I hope I make sense. LOL
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