Kate and kids spotted filming at Mt. Rushmore: 'What's crazy horse?'
'My rushmore,' tweets Kate
A few tourists have spotted Kate and the kids, with a camera crew, seeing Mount Rushmore. Kate famously tweeted last April about wanting to visit the monument, asking a fan from South Dakota, "What's crazy horse?"
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin@J_Meland Have dreamed forever of going there... My rushmore is huge on my list for me and kids! Yay! What's crazy horse?
Oh noooo, l'm not condemning it! psychological l was a mess for a long time after visiting the Holocaust museum. That's all l meant. Jaycee's story would have the same effect.
What a remarkable outlook. She has such an amazing sense of what really matters in life--family and your kids and love. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Amen to that - Amen
Everyone is entitled to their opinions. I simply choose to make an informed one. Don't judge a book by its' cover.
The world isn't black and white. Jaycee isn't Elizabeth Smart. She's Jaycee Duggard. If you read her book, she explains why she wrote it.
Give her credit, at least, for being courageous enough to *warn* others. I suppose, like Kate, there are people don't want to listen and heed warning. That's their choice, I guess. I say, learn and listen as much as you can. Better safe than sorry.
It's true, at any given time about 90-95% of the tweets TO Kate are from critics.
That's sort of why I wish all the critics on her Twitter feed would just suddenly go silent. Maybe even pick a day and time and just stop en masse. Why? I'd LOVE to see and "hear" the crickets chirping over there when that happened. Good God, it would be as silent as a tomb, thus hilarious! A few lone tweets a day from delusionals who can't grasp how to boil water or tie their own shoes. Some of the fans might even lose interest in tweeting her without the "haters" there to argue with.
It would be so great. Remember: a narcissist's one true greatest fear is BEING IGNORED. Nothing cuts them more deeply than that.
administrator i so agree with you re. strangers having photos of those gosselin children on the fridge or anywhere in their house. nothing is sacred to that woman.
Admin, That was accurate as of a couple of days ago after she tweeted how many of her sheeple tweet her. I went to Twazzup.com and followed her thread to get the number of tweeties that actually send their love and the positive tweets were there to see.
The negative tweets far out numbered the postive ones and btw, it totally refuted Kates claim to be getting 50 tweets every half hour, not every few hours.
I've only read about half the comments thus far so forgive me if this was mentioned....Has anyone seen the film "Rushmore"? Without getting into specifics, it is about a kid who goes to a private school, "Rushmore" and gets kicked out. he spends most of the film pursuing an older. teacher and/or trying to get back into Rushmore. His main antagonist throughout is Bill Murray(hysterical). Anyhow, Bill Murray has a line in the film wherein he states "she's my rushmore".
So....J.K.Rowlings has 556,000 followers and she's tweeted 7 times!She's too busy with Harry Potter. "This is the real me, but you won't be hearing from me often I'm afraid, as pen and paper are STILL my priority at the moment
I see Kate has not tweeted, for over the last 24 hours or more. Geez, I bet her rapid fans and sheeple are just about to eat their young, in a frantic panic. I also notice not one pic of Kate from even a tourist on the net. Gee, Kate not that popular? And all this BS about hater changeling, whos' idea, her? PR/TLC? I guess the ship is starting to sink, and TLC/Kate/PR are tryin to bail it out. DESPERATE ARE WE? Your too late in changing her imagine, damage done.
I guess I'm missing something as far as the multiple accounts go. Twitter won't let you have more than one name per email, so in order to have many names or multiple accounts you also have to set up many email accounts. That seems like more trouble than it's worth. But that's just me.
You cannot receive DMs (direct messages) unless you are following someone and that person is also following you.
As far as Kate getting 50 tweets every 1/2 hr. that would total 2400 a day - I highly doubt that.
@tweet-le de Tweet-le dumb, there is a flaw in the way twitter is set up which does allow one to make multiple accounts without having to set up multiple email accounts.
When signing up, you put in your desired twitter name and then you can make up an email account that is totally off the wall and doesn't exist. Twitter will allow you to post tweets and every time you log in under that faux account there will be a message on the top of the screen saying they have tried to email you and ask if you want to update your email account. You don't have to update the account and can ignore the message and continue to post as the person you want.
How do I know this? I originally signed up as "GreatSkate" with a real email account and when my account was suspended by twitter for asking to many hard questions of Kate, I signed up as Underwalt and underwalt1 as a backup with a non existent email account.
She must have been counting her own tweets when she is not living her life on front of the beloved camera with the children playing beside her and to make it even rosier, the rotating film crew is family, who will always be in their lives. One big happy family. Really?
I think she learned a long time ago these people never fact check.
At one point Jaycee and her mom were sitting together and her mom was saying how upsetting it was to know how much this guy took away from Jaycee. She missed out on so much, like high school proms for one. She was tearful. But Jaycee just gazed at her with a soft smile and said it's okay mom he couldn't take away everything, he couldn't take away our love for each other.
Admin, I saw that, and it really touched me beyond words. She's such a courageous young woman, and I thought to myself - Jaycee has so much wisdom and insight for one so young who has been through so much. Her mother was the one who was so emotional, but Jaycee did the comforting. Considering all she has been through, it's beyond comprehension how she could grow up with so much compassion, kindness and gentleness when all she knew was violence and neglect.
Pixie - I think maybe you're not understanding that nobody is judging the book by the cover, and nobody is condemning her for writing it. It took so much courage to be able to tell this story, and from what I understand, the publisher is having difficulty keeping up with the demand. That speaks volumes about the number of people who do want to read it. It's not being ignored. There's no complacency here. She's been interviewed on television - she explains why she wrote the book and I haven't seen anyone here fault her for writing it. One needs to understand, though, that there are some who just don't care to read it for various personal reasons, and they should be respected for that. It's not that they are ignorant that these things can happen; it's a matter of choice.
No, Jaycee is not Elizabeth Smart, although they were both kidnapped and suffered abuse at the hands of insane captors. Jaycee chose to deal with this trauma by writing a book; Elizabeth dealt with it by not publicly disclosing everything that happened it her. It's what works for them. Each person deals with abuse in his/her own way. Both young women have emerged from this and turned a negative into a positive by telling their stories, making the public aware that these perverts exist in society. Each wants good to come out of this by heightening public awareness. They've just done it in a different way.
I feel the same way when I see the commercials for abused dogs and cats. I can't even look at their sad faces. As soon as I hear the theme music coming on, I change channels.
-------------------- I do the same thing. I KNOW it's happening, & I'm thankful it's being shown for others to see so it will end, but I can't bear to watch it. I just can't. It needs a voice, yes, but in my eyes, I just can't... ~Hippie Chick~
Will Kate get the kids back to town in time for Jon's weekend with them or will he miss another visitation because of "work"? Even if she gets them back in time, they're sure to be tired. As usual.
Admin, Kate could be using a computer to twitter AND her phone to twitter...just a thought! ( I know I'm late to the conversation, so ignore me if this has been said!)
I've read Sophie's Choice too and loved it, I am also reading another fascinating one called Sarah's Key about Jews in France, recommend it.
Have you read "Night" by Elie Wiesel? The book was part of the curriculum that I taught, and there were some students who found it difficult to finish, which was fine. They weren't forced to do so. What was important was that they understood why he wrote the following: "to remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all." This is so important today, which is why so many have become increasingly disturbed over children being robbed of their childhoods at the hands of physical abusers, emotional abusers, or both.
Nearly seven decades after the Holocaust, humans are still torturing humans, and as Wiesel said, "They (Holocaust victims) fought alone, they suffered alone, they lived alone, but they did not die alone, for something in all of us died with them."
"Oh good grief, I got another, "Yes, Oh Yes, I do" post from a sheeple that sounded very unstable and out of touch with reality. (she insisted I was really Werney Girl....lol, what?)"
_________________________ Do you mean that you are NOT Polly? Where is the "Yes, oh yes" person? I haven't seen her around lately on any blogs. I was getting a bit concerned! Either she has disappeared, or the posts are being deleted! I think that there is one "Oh yes" poster who is a sheeple, and one who is a hater, and the hater has taken a brief hiatus.
Jon had the kids two weekends in a row.This past weekend and the 4th. When I heard that I knew Kate was up for a trip, she would only be that nice when it benefits her somehow.
so sick of her said... I see Kate has not tweeted, for over the last 24 hours or more. Geez, I bet her rapid fans and sheeple are just about to eat their young, in a frantic panic. I also notice not one pic of Kate from even a tourist on the net. Gee, Kate not that popular? And all this BS about hater changeling, whos' idea, her? PR/TLC? I guess the ship is starting to sink, and TLC/Kate/PR are tryin to bail it out. DESPERATE ARE WE? Your too late in changing her imagine, damage done. ________________________________________
Whenever she gets back and starts her manic tweeting again, who wants to take bets she'll claim that rogue band of paps tailed them at My Rushmore- you know.... those paps who just take pics of Kate but the pictures are never sold or published?
"I bet her rapid fans and sheeple are just about to eat their young, in a frantic panic..."
_______________________ I think you mean rabid fans! On second thought, they may also be rapid. When she starts tweeting again, they will type faster than their hooves will allow, wanting to know why she hasn't tweeted, where she is going next, or if she wants to meet up with them to buy exercise shorts!
"And all this BS about hater changeling,"
__________________________ Who or what is a hater changeling?
Midnight madness: Kate's challenging haters to see if they like her or not, typo error. LOLOL I had a long morning, very tired. I also read that BM is not in the know these days(failing on the fan/sheeple job), she is questioning Kates', if true trip(when did this happen), to Mt. Rushmore? And now it's been 2 days and no tweets, all the sheeple might do desperate acts, watch out everyone, hide your sanity! I'm sure Kate will say no-signal. Yeah, just like the hotel, has no electricity or phone or computer service, NOT! How would they make reservations? With a chisel and hammer on stone?, or smoke signals?! Or a cheerleading cheer? Kates got that annoying voice. LOLOLOL Sorry very snarky right now.
bigfanofkateg @Kateplusmy8 i'll be back in Hershey on sunday by 2pm... All by myself again
And Kate would need to know this because...??
This is from the sheeple who wanted Kate to go shopping at the Hershey outlets with her.
Have the tweeties been working themselves into a frenzy because they haven't heard from their queen for two days? Will there be major withdrawal when she drops them permanently? Stay tuned...
Cara is refusing more than just couch interviews! I just saw some of the giving back episode(it's posted on youtube) and all the kids are wearing matching shirts at the food drive except for Cara.She is barely in the frame and she never smiles. This kid is definitely fed up with the with mommy's crap. Pretty soon, other kids who don't like the attention(like Hannah who at first didn't want to go to the food drive,when she found out there would be lots of people with cameras,or Collin) and they'll say: "Hey, if Cara doesn't have to, than neither do I" The little ones she can still emotionally blackmail, but they won't be little forever.I predict pretty soon Kate won't have many kids left, willing to film. Tick,tick,tick,tick BOOM!
I'd be willing to go out on a limb on this one. I'll bet Kate and the Krew are doing an RV trip and as a result, she can claim that in the Badlands, there was no cell contact and unable to tweet. Steve's driving the RV while the kids are bouncing all over the place but Kate can't take much more of it so she arranges for the nanny to stay in the RV with the kids overnight while they park it at some hotel so she can get a shower, a firm bed and some quiet.
To put all this 'drama' with Kate in perspective, there is the little Jewish boy in NYC, Leiby Kretz, that was murdered and dismembered on Monday. What a tragedy that whole story is. Children are so disrespected in this country and it just seems terrible things keep happening to the youngest and most vulnerable in our society. One more reason Kate should stop and consider, just once, what risk she is putting her children at and possible, maybe just one time, think that the money is not worth what she is putting her children through.
I feel such pain for the parents of this little boy. And to the murderer -- hang him high!
Tamara said... If Caylee Anthony or even Jaycee Duggard were black, we would have never heard of them. ---------------------------- Uh...I am DISGUSTED by this comment. Beyond words. What the eff is wrong with you??? ~Hippie Chick~
Tamara said... If Caylee Anthony or even Jaycee Duggard were black, we would have never heard of them. ---------------------------- Uh...I am DISGUSTED by this comment. Beyond words. What the eff is wrong with you??? ~Hippie Chick~
---------------- Nothing is wrong with me. I'm disgusted by it too, because it is TRUE. Many, many people have been saying it for decades. Little white girl goes missing and is found dead, the media and the country goes nuts. Little black girl? Nothing. Check out the Washington Post, or the New York Times, etc. I am just stating a sad fact.
Tamara said... If Caylee Anthony or even Jaycee Duggard were black, we would have never heard of them. ---------------------------- Uh...I am DISGUSTED by this comment. Beyond words. What the eff is wrong with you??? ~Hippie Chick~ *****************
Sorry Hippie but Tamara is correct. I googled missing Black Children: 19,000 results. Here are the first 3:
It is possible that Kate is staying in places in the Black Hills that do not have cell/internet service. Last time I was there I stayed at a couple of places - one in the Badlands and one in the Black Hills - that were somewhat primitive by our standards. They had electricity and running water but no TV and one didn't have phones in the rooms. You had to go to the office to make a call. Admittedly, this was a few years ago, but I wouldn't be surprised if they are still the same. The (relative) primitiveness (is that a word?) was part of the charm of the places. OTOH, I can't see diva Kate staying in anything less than 4 Star accommodations.
In addition to the little boy murdered and dismembered in NY, a 4 week old infant in Cincinnati was beaten and repeatedly thrown to the floor to her death by her (mentally ill)uncle. Even more horrifying, this occurred in front of her mother and grandmother, who were unable to wrestle the baby away from him until too late. If a nation is judged by the way it treats its vulnerable children, we aren't doing very well.
I really don't care if Tamara is right or not. That comment was completely offensive. It may be a sad fact & yes, it may be true, & THAT is unbelievably terrible, but WHY even say it?? It had NOTHING to do with anything. ~Hippie Chick~ (I usually never call anyone out on anything. I always enjoy other people's perceptions & comments about random things, but I value my convictions & just really felt there was no need for that particular comment. Thank you) HC
The Shaniya Davis case received national media attention for quite some time She was the six-year-old who was sold into human traffiking and was beaten, raped and murdered. In fact, NG covered it, and she's been accused (rightly so) of never covering missing or murdered black children.
HC, I see your point, but I felt it is relevant in a discussion of child exploitation. Racism is a tough subject, but it's a real one as relates to missing and exploited children. I could add numerous links about children being held captive and being used as sex slaves in OUR country.
Many (NOT all) people on this and other blogs present themselves advocates for children (I'm one of them). I include ALL children, even though this blog focuses primarily on the Gosselins. I think Tamara's comment was relevant. We'll agree to disagree.
Well, Casey Anthony got off again. Attorneys in the civil suit for Zenaida Gonzalez have been waiting for three years to get a deposition in this suit. They wanted to take it today before Casey takes off in disguise. There was a hearing today, and the judge said no, and scheduled the deposition for October. By then, Casey will have established an identity in parts unknown.
How does this woman get away with murder and evading lawsuits? Pidilla and Miller have also announced the filing of lawsuits. She'll never answer to the lawsuits. That's three suits, with possibly more to come.
Not only that, her attorneys have filed appeals on the charges for which she was convicted - lying. The defense attorney admitted that she is a liar; she is shown on video lying to the investigator. The reason this was done is because if there is an appeal filed, until that is settled (which could take years) she can plead the Fifth in the civil suits against her. She doesn't have to answer to anything. Who is eating the costs for these very expensive appeals? She has no money and owes the IRS big bucks.
Sorry for the rant. This just annoys me to no end! If anyone in Florida gets into trouble, just hired Casey's defense team. They seem to be having a good track record going.
I have to say I really don't like the implication, and I've said this before, that just because we happen to be talking about one specific child or set of children that we're not concerned about ALL children.
Just because I'm talking about how much I hate Hitler doesn't mean I don't hate Stalin too.
There are probably a variety of reasons Caylee Anthony caused so much attention, not the least of which was the sheer complexity of the cover-up her mother orchestrated. I don't think it was because "she's white" or only because of that. To me Caylee is representative of all murdered children and the outrage I feel is felt toward all who have their lives ended as hers was.
Gee Kate's been quiet today, no word of her being seen in airports etc. Hope she got the kids home in time for Jon's custody weekend - you how much she wants him to see the kids....
If she's not home by the appointed pick up time, I hope he calls his lawyer and reports them MIA.
If the comment about the hotel pick up is true, it seems odd that Kate her highness would open the door, where's the "bodyguard"? Wouldn't/shouldn't she be busy with the kids hurrying them up with dressing, etc for the day?
I'm a complete lurker on the popular mothering.com forums but I stumbled upon a thread where people were complaining that their posts there were being copied and pasted to another site and made fun of. Also, someone made up a fake story about their child's birth and how badly it went, and then that same person (they tracked the IPs) posted as that person's RN friend.
LOL I guess this childish stuff happens everywhere.
I'm a complete lurker on the popular mothering.com forums but I stumbled upon a thread where people were complaining that their posts there were being copied and pasted to another site and made fun of. Also, someone made up a fake story about their child's birth and how badly it went, and then that same person (they tracked the IPs) posted as that person's RN friend.
At one time, I was involved with the iVillage.com message boards and downright crazy, childish, often very hurtful behavior was rampant. Posters would copy and paste women's sonograms to other sites and pretend they were their own; claim serious illnesses and ask for money; copy and paste kids photos to their own blogs -- it was pretty incredible. IPs were tracked, authorities called, it was endless and still happens. So yeah, this kind of thing goes on all over the web.
Wouldn't/shouldn't she be busy with the kids hurrying them up with dressing, etc for the day?
Not if the kids were in another room with the "helpers" who were getting them ready for the day. Do you think that Kate would want to be bothered with that?
...What I'm also starting to think, is Kate sees Twitter as part of her "job". When she's not filming or traveling, she's doing her duty on Twitter, hence not a single tweet on her work days. I wouldn't be surprised if TLC is paying her a per diem or something for maintaining an online presence and doing self PR/grifting. Rather than TLC paying someone on staff to maintain a Twitter for her,,,
I think you hit the nail on the head Aries. I have always believed that TLC is the one who started Kate's tweeting. I have no proof to say for sure, but the minute I heard she was joining twitter my mind went back to many episodes that she stated she had no patience or desire to learn any computer stuff, she left it up to Jon. My goodness...she couldn't even figure out how to work that "stupid" camera, you know, the one Jon had to replace for an easier one at Christmas. If she can't figure out how to use a camera correctly, how in the world is she going to have the patience to learn how to twitter. I sure would hate to be the one that had to teach her. Man..I can't wait to hear what the crew has to say when the show is finished. That's going to be a large book. I can see the title now, "my journey in hell,the true story of many daddy's. Of course it will be in the drama/tragedy section.
As to the question of who's footing the bill for her defense, appeal, etc...... I've heard that the attorneys in cases like this get a signed, air-tight contract with defendent something to the effect that if there is any book, movie rights, interviews, the attorney gets a cut of the money received.
Sort of their way to recoup money for services that the defendent can't pay.
My thought is that her attorneys may have a book deal planned for the future......
Permanent Name yes I don't see why an attorney couldn't work a book deal into their contract. Although I believe what's his face was retained very early in the case when it was popular but not yet a sensation....I wonder if he had the foresight to think that far ahead. He was a brand new attorney at the time.
Jane, exactly why I will never, ever post at those "family" forums and God strike me down if I do. I have found that any topic I've ever been interested in someone has already said it so I can just read the thread, no need to chime in. I've seen woman after woman get seriously emotionally hurt there from trolls and so on. Specifically the homebirth vs. hospital birth debate is downright VILE at times. When it's your family you are posting about, it becomes a whole different ball game than someone say just insulting your profession or your opinions about other topics other than personal ones. That rolls right off my back as it clearly does to most people here. These people too say their workplaces have been called, etc. for things they have said there. The similarity is striking.
The phenomenon of being able to do this to private people anonymously is quite fascinating. You could ALWAYS do it to public people, but never to private until now.
Guys sighting of Kate in a restaurant in Sheridan, Wyoming by a waitress, looks legit.....in a remarkable coincidence, my best friend just went home this weekend to visit her parents and niece in Sheridan, because it's the big "rodeo" weekend that I guess is huge there....I wonder, are they there for rodeo? I just texted bff to see if there has been a sighting.
As to the question of who's footing the bill for her defense, appeal, etc...... I've heard that the attorneys in cases like this get a signed, air-tight contract with defendent something to the effect that if there is any book, movie rights, interviews, the attorney gets a cut of the money received."
I just heard one of the commentators mention that "we" (the taxpayers) will foot the bill, which is why Floridians will be all the more outraged at this. Nobody can understand the defense's move to file these appeals, knowing how much Casey is hated and is in danger from nutjobs. All this is going to do is to make the public even more outraged.
Admin, I saw that post on the mothering site, and thought - a 15 pound baby! The entire account of the birth seemed very suspicious, as well as the writing style being identical to that of the RN. At least they "both" were outed!
"Man..I can't wait to hear what the crew has to say when the show is finished. That's going to be a large book. I can see the title now, "my journey in hell,the true story of many daddy's. Of course it will be in the drama/tragedy section."
It may be a very long wait, depending on the terms of the CA. Sometimes those carry a 10-year clause, while others may be decades. A friend of mine who was associated with a major celebrity had to sign one, and it prohibited her from speaking publicly or authoring a book for the duration of her lifetime.
"Moose that "troll" was downright child's play here. We would have figured it out in two second's flat, I probably wouldn't have even posted that...Can I ask a question? What do trolls have against paragraph breaks?"
You got that right, admin! That's because we're so attuned to trolls who live in ten different places, work a dozen different jobs at the same time, and have identifying calling cards!
They either post in one long paragraph, or in the case of the "Oh, yes, she does" hater, in short, one or two sentence paragraphs! I think the ones who don't use paragraph breaks are typing fast to keep up with the stories that their minds are concocting!
"Moose that "troll" was downright child's play here. We would have figured it out in two second's flat, I probably wouldn't have even posted that...Can I ask a question? What do trolls have against paragraph breaks?"
You got that right, admin! That's because we're so attuned to trolls who live in ten different places, work a dozen different jobs at the same time, and have identifying calling cards!
They either post in one long paragraph, or in the case of the "Oh, yes, she does" hater, in short, one or two sentence paragraphs! I think the ones who don't use paragraph breaks are typing fast to keep up with the stories that their minds are concocting!
I'm a complete lurker on the popular mothering.com forums but I stumbled upon a thread where people were complaining that their posts there were being copied and pasted to another site and made fun of. Also, someone made up a fake story about their child's birth and how badly it went, and then that same person (they tracked the IPs) posted as that person's RN friend.
At one time, I was involved with the iVillage.com message boards and downright crazy, childish, often very hurtful behavior was rampant. Posters would copy and paste women's sonograms to other sites and pretend they were their own; claim serious illnesses and ask for money; copy and paste kids photos to their own blogs -- it was pretty incredible. IPs were tracked, authorities called, it was endless and still happens. So yeah, this kind of thing goes on all over the web.
Well, Casey Anthony got off again. Attorneys in the civil suit for Zenaida Gonzalez have been waiting for three years to get a deposition in this suit. They wanted to take it today before Casey takes off in disguise. There was a hearing today, and the judge said no, and scheduled the deposition for October. By then, Casey will have established an identity in parts unknown.
How does this woman get away with murder and evading lawsuits? Pidilla and Miller have also announced the filing of lawsuits. She'll never answer to the lawsuits. That's three suits, with possibly more to come.
Not only that, her attorneys have filed appeals on the charges for which she was convicted - lying. The defense attorney admitted that she is a liar; she is shown on video lying to the investigator. The reason this was done is because if there is an appeal filed, until that is settled (which could take years) she can plead the Fifth in the civil suits against her. She doesn't have to answer to anything. Who is eating the costs for these very expensive appeals? She has no money and owes the IRS big bucks.
Sorry for the rant. This just annoys me to no end! If anyone in Florida gets into trouble, just hired Casey's defense team. They seem to be having a good track record going.
The Shaniya Davis case received national media attention for quite some time She was the six-year-old who was sold into human traffiking and was beaten, raped and murdered. In fact, NG covered it, and she's been accused (rightly so) of never covering missing or murdered black children.
It is possible that Kate is staying in places in the Black Hills that do not have cell/internet service. Last time I was there I stayed at a couple of places - one in the Badlands and one in the Black Hills - that were somewhat primitive by our standards. They had electricity and running water but no TV and one didn't have phones in the rooms. You had to go to the office to make a call. Admittedly, this was a few years ago, but I wouldn't be surprised if they are still the same. The (relative) primitiveness (is that a word?) was part of the charm of the places. OTOH, I can't see diva Kate staying in anything less than 4 Star accommodations.
In addition to the little boy murdered and dismembered in NY, a 4 week old infant in Cincinnati was beaten and repeatedly thrown to the floor to her death by her (mentally ill)uncle. Even more horrifying, this occurred in front of her mother and grandmother, who were unable to wrestle the baby away from him until too late. If a nation is judged by the way it treats its vulnerable children, we aren't doing very well.
Tamara said... If Caylee Anthony or even Jaycee Duggard were black, we would have never heard of them. ---------------------------- Uh...I am DISGUSTED by this comment. Beyond words. What the eff is wrong with you??? ~Hippie Chick~
To put all this 'drama' with Kate in perspective, there is the little Jewish boy in NYC, Leiby Kretz, that was murdered and dismembered on Monday. What a tragedy that whole story is. Children are so disrespected in this country and it just seems terrible things keep happening to the youngest and most vulnerable in our society. One more reason Kate should stop and consider, just once, what risk she is putting her children at and possible, maybe just one time, think that the money is not worth what she is putting her children through.
I feel such pain for the parents of this little boy. And to the murderer -- hang him high!
Cara is refusing more than just couch interviews! I just saw some of the giving back episode(it's posted on youtube) and all the kids are wearing matching shirts at the food drive except for Cara.She is barely in the frame and she never smiles. This kid is definitely fed up with the with mommy's crap. Pretty soon, other kids who don't like the attention(like Hannah who at first didn't want to go to the food drive,when she found out there would be lots of people with cameras,or Collin) and they'll say: "Hey, if Cara doesn't have to, than neither do I" The little ones she can still emotionally blackmail, but they won't be little forever.I predict pretty soon Kate won't have many kids left, willing to film. Tick,tick,tick,tick BOOM!
Jon had the kids two weekends in a row.This past weekend and the 4th. When I heard that I knew Kate was up for a trip, she would only be that nice when it benefits her somehow.
Will Kate get the kids back to town in time for Jon's weekend with them or will he miss another visitation because of "work"? Even if she gets them back in time, they're sure to be tired. As usual.
She must have been counting her own tweets when she is not living her life on front of the beloved camera with the children playing beside her and to make it even rosier, the rotating film crew is family, who will always be in their lives. One big happy family. Really?
I think she learned a long time ago these people never fact check.
I guess I'm missing something as far as the multiple accounts go. Twitter won't let you have more than one name per email, so in order to have many names or multiple accounts you also have to set up many email accounts. That seems like more trouble than it's worth. But that's just me.
You cannot receive DMs (direct messages) unless you are following someone and that person is also following you.
As far as Kate getting 50 tweets every 1/2 hr. that would total 2400 a day - I highly doubt that.
So....J.K.Rowlings has 556,000 followers and she's tweeted 7 times!She's too busy with Harry Potter. "This is the real me, but you won't be hearing from me often I'm afraid, as pen and paper are STILL my priority at the moment
Admin, That was accurate as of a couple of days ago after she tweeted how many of her sheeple tweet her. I went to Twazzup.com and followed her thread to get the number of tweeties that actually send their love and the positive tweets were there to see.
The negative tweets far out numbered the postive ones and btw, it totally refuted Kates claim to be getting 50 tweets every half hour, not every few hours.
What a remarkable outlook. She has such an amazing sense of what really matters in life--family and your kids and love. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Amen to that - Amen
Kelly is that accurate the number of tweets she is really getting? That seems surprisingly low for a celeb. I never look at the people tweeting her unless Kate is responding directly to someone, so I really don't have a good idea for the volume she is really getting. If so, Kate's 50 tweets she claims she gets every few hours is a gross exaggeration.
Going back to Jaycee again, I was just blown away how well this young woman is coping. I know part of it is her good therapist who was interviewed too, but also I just think she's a strong person. At one point Jaycee and her mom were sitting together and her mom was saying how upsetting it was to know how much this guy took away from Jaycee. She missed out on so much, like high school proms for one. She was tearful. But Jaycee just gazed at her with a soft smile and said it's okay mom he couldn't take away everything, he couldn't take away our love for each other.
And although it wasn't said, what I thought of is he took away the opportunity for her to carry and give birth to her first baby with a man she loves and is married to when she is mature and ready for it. But Jaycee doesn't seem to see it that way--it was obvious she absolutely adores her girls.
What a remarkable outlook. She has such an amazing sense of what really matters in life--family and your kids and love.
I don't think Kate is tweeting herself although I won't rule it out. When she is on twitter she twitters like crazy. It would be a heck of a lot of work to sign out of her account, sign in as someone else, tweet herself, then sign back in as herself. Plus Kate's so dumb she wouldn't be able to pull it off. She would start talking in the third person on her main account blowing her cover.
Also, the tweeple who wanted her to come to South Dakota mentioned Crazy Horse, and Kate then tweeted What's Crazy Horse (still baw-hahhahaing at that). I doubt Kate would tweet herself mentioning Crazy Horse only to tweet back "What's Crazy Horse?" given how much of an idiot it made her look.
@carezee I thought the same thing as you did. I too found it odd that Kate tweets her fans for trip ideas, someone tweets her back with Mt Rushmore and wala, Kate's at Mt. Rushmore. Same thing with the exercise videos.
Some time back, Kate was on the interview circuit about what shows she wanted to be on. I believe it was Leno and there was innuendo about DWTS and she sang her impromptu song, Paparazzi. Weeks later, it was announced that Kate was on DWTS.
I think your observation is dead on and the other thing that is quite telling is that with over 20,000 followers on her twitter account, there are only about 30 TOTAL that tweet her in any given day. Kate claimed she had over 50 tweets from her fans per half hour last week so I did the math.
There were the following tweets from fans not "Haters": 1 tweet in 30 minutes 5 tweets in 1 hour 16 tweets in 1.5 hours
Hardly the number Kate claims to have tweeted her. The most telling thing was out of those 22 positive tweets, so called Kate fans, 16 were from the same people.
So, with that said, I doubt the number of followers on her twitter account, suspect there are many many multiple accounts that follow her and KNOW there are several of those multiple accounts that also have either followed me and I've deleted or have messaged me with the most vile, vicious and threatening comments as well and the content and tone of those messages were in the same vein as previous ones sent to me. In other words, from the same person.
I think there are many lessons to be learned from her story. Read it before you condemn it.
Who is condemning it? There are some, including myself, who are saying they just choose not to read it. We have that right. I have no doubt that she her story is an inspirational testimonial of survival. God bless her. I also believe that in a way it's therapeutic for her to put her ordeal into words and this was her way of working through it, as well as educating the public to the perverts who are out there.
Did Elizabeth Smart write a book about her experience? I don't recall ever hearing about it, and she, too, suffered abuse at the hands of a madman and his woman. I know that the Smart family wrote a book, "Bringing Elizabeth Home," but as far as I know Elizabeth didn't write a book with details of the kidnapping. I remember when Nancy Grace (not my favorite person) kept pressing Elizabeth on details of what was done to her, Elizabeth told Nancy twice that she wasn't going to describe it, and Nancy backed off. Elizabeth has grown into one beautiful young woman - hers is likewise a story of faith and survival. I was listening to Ed Smart on a panel tonight. He made the point that hatred toward the abuser should be channeled into putting new laws into place to assure that our kids are safe from these horrible kidnappings.
Does anyone think sometimes that Kate has fake twitter accounts and tweets herself? I just find it weird that someone tweets about Mt. Rushmore and poof she is there. Or how about she does the ab infomercial and before that news gets out people are tweeting she should do exercise videos. It just seems fishy to me.
I think the infomercial route is the perfect vehicle for Kate. I can just see her fans now, surrounded by Ab Champs and vegetable slicer/dicers, cheapo closet organizers, doggie clippers and kitty litter box deodorizers, tweeting the same old, "Kate, "'your' amazing!"
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wouldn't this be the perfect Twist of Kate angle. "Twist of Kate goes info."
Stories like that, in detail are just pushing the envelope in my mind and may find more of the pedophiles buying that book for their insidious pleasure than normal people wanting to know about it. *******************************************
Don't be so quick to judge a book by its' cover. That was the most graphic sentence she wrote. The book is about her amazing state of mind and how she SURVIVED. I think there are many lessons to be learned from her story. Read it before you condemn it. Ms. Jaycee wants to teach us something, not glorify her abuse.
Just to confirm what we all know as fact, on page 107, Ms. Jaycee writes "Phillip started watching a lot of child care shows, too. He especially likes a gentleman on TLC..."
Moose Mania. I was talking about the comments on her tweeting such dangerous information. Does anyone know if Jon is aware of them. It seems like a perfect reason to go to court for costody and a gag order to quit tweeting the childrens real time info. He is one I can't picture reading info. from her...now that he living a fairly happy life with Ellen. He may be totally clueless that her crazy fans are getting so personal and demanding, and she keeps tweeting away, ansering.
It really sickens me how "into herself" she is. I really first saw it in the 4th of July eps. when she was dragging the kids behind her and they were crying and stumbling because Kate was pulling on the rings with one finger in her ear yelling "don't mind us" and something else i don't remember. Bingo, I said, That's why she's doing the show...for attention.
So, if there is someone in his town, and next time you see him, please make sure he is aware of the dangerous tweets. Thank you
Her story like the story of that poor little boy in NYC that was asking directions the other day and found himself in the clutches of a real monster are just too much to read. IMO it's just too much information that we all are better off not knowing the details.
Kelly, I am with you 100% on this. I know it happened. I don't need to go to sleep with the graphic details in my mind. Just knowing that it happened is enough. I believe Jaycee's account of the events. I don't need to live it through her. I'd feel like a voyeur, helpless and enraged to have the horror of it made quite real.
I feel the same way when I see the commercials for abused dogs and cats. I can't even look at their sad faces. As soon as I hear the theme music coming on, I change channels. I'm not sticking my neck in the sand pretending it doesn't exist. I know that it does, and I know that commercials such as this are intended to evoke feelings of pity at such abuse. I donate regularly to the local animal shelter and I have fostered animals.
In my work with social services, I have seen abuse. I just don't want to read a book and be reminded of it over and over again through personal details. It's too much like rubber-necking at an accident. Many want to turn away because they know that the scene may be gruesome, but yet they can't stop themselves from looking. It's there, but I'll be darn if I'm going to be the one to go out of my way to look at it.
Kelly, the last time Kate didn't have cell phone service she told her tweeple so. This was on a trip out west with the little girls. This time she just says she's busy and cannot check in. If it's a cell phone problem, seems to me she would specify so like she did last time.
Here is an important direct quote from Ms. Jaycee Dugard's book "A Stolen Life"...
page 53
"They look like photo albums, but they have kids from magazines cut out in different postions with penises taped on from other magazines. He looks at them and talks dirty to them...He also flips though the channels on the TV. He says he's looking for anything with a little girl with shorts on."
Well, skeezeball Garrido would only have to turn the channel to TLC for easy pickuns...
one wilson 11 Fans 14 minutes ago (3:49 PM) 'Entertainment' (spoken loosely) is not my normal beat, but I can't resist putting my two-cents in here: I knew very little about Ms. Gosselin and was essentially of no opinion, until I ran across her on "DWTS". I have to say that if her behavior on that program was typical of the way she normally acts, it is no suprise to me that she and her husband had problems. I have rarely encountered a public personality who radiates a stronger aura of dislikeablity. Her continual, obsessive,self-pitying, self-absorbed whining had an effect not too different from fingernails on a blackboard. I rarely react this way to these "15 minutes of fame" cable-TV celebs, but for some reason, she is an exception to my normal rule. I would not be unhappy if she disappeared forever from public view.
284 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 284 of 284 Newer› Newest»Oh noooo, l'm not condemning it! psychological l was a mess for a long time after visiting the Holocaust museum. That's all l meant. Jaycee's story would have the same effect.
What a remarkable outlook. She has such an amazing sense of what really matters in life--family and your kids and love.
Amen to that - Amen
Everyone is entitled to their opinions. I simply choose to make an informed one. Don't judge a book by its' cover.
The world isn't black and white. Jaycee isn't Elizabeth Smart. She's Jaycee Duggard. If you read her book, she explains why she wrote it.
Give her credit, at least, for being courageous enough to *warn* others. I suppose, like Kate, there are people don't want to listen and heed warning. That's their choice, I guess. I say, learn and listen as much as you can. Better safe than sorry.
It's true, at any given time about 90-95% of the tweets TO Kate are from critics.
That's sort of why I wish all the critics on her Twitter feed would just suddenly go silent. Maybe even pick a day and time and just stop en masse. Why? I'd LOVE to see and "hear" the crickets chirping over there when that happened. Good God, it would be as silent as a tomb, thus hilarious! A few lone tweets a day from delusionals who can't grasp how to boil water or tie their own shoes. Some of the fans might even lose interest in tweeting her without the "haters" there to argue with.
It would be so great. Remember: a narcissist's one true greatest fear is BEING IGNORED. Nothing cuts them more deeply than that.
administrator i so agree with you re. strangers having photos of those gosselin children on the fridge or anywhere in their house.
nothing is sacred to that woman.
That was accurate as of a couple of days ago after she tweeted how many of her sheeple tweet her. I went to Twazzup.com and followed her thread to get the number of tweeties that actually send their love and the positive tweets were there to see.
The negative tweets far out numbered the postive ones and btw, it totally refuted Kates claim to be getting 50 tweets every half hour, not every few hours.
I've only read about half the comments thus far so forgive me if this was mentioned....Has anyone seen the film "Rushmore"? Without getting into specifics, it is about a kid who goes to a private school, "Rushmore" and gets kicked out. he spends most of the film pursuing an older. teacher and/or trying to get back into Rushmore. His main antagonist throughout is Bill Murray(hysterical). Anyhow, Bill Murray has a line in the film wherein he states "she's my rushmore".
Now I have to go rent "Rushmore".
So....J.K.Rowlings has 556,000 followers and she's tweeted 7 times!She's too busy with Harry Potter.
"This is the real me, but you won't be hearing from me often I'm afraid, as pen and paper are STILL my priority at the moment
I see Kate has not tweeted, for over the last 24 hours or more. Geez, I bet her rapid fans and sheeple are just about to eat their young, in a frantic panic. I also notice not one pic of Kate from even a tourist on the net. Gee, Kate not that popular? And all this BS about hater changeling, whos' idea, her? PR/TLC? I guess the ship is starting to sink, and TLC/Kate/PR are tryin to bail it out. DESPERATE ARE WE? Your too late in changing her imagine, damage done.
I guess I'm missing something as far as the multiple accounts go. Twitter won't let you have more than one name per email, so in order to have many names or multiple accounts you also have to set up many email accounts. That seems like more trouble than it's worth. But that's just me.
You cannot receive DMs (direct messages) unless you are following someone and that person is also following you.
As far as Kate getting 50 tweets every 1/2 hr. that would total 2400 a day - I highly doubt that.
@tweet-le de Tweet-le dumb,
there is a flaw in the way twitter is set up which does allow one to make multiple accounts without having to set up multiple email accounts.
When signing up, you put in your desired twitter name and then you can make up an email account that is totally off the wall and doesn't exist. Twitter will allow you to post tweets and every time you log in under that faux account there will be a message on the top of the screen saying they have tried to email you and ask if you want to update your email account. You don't have to update the account and can ignore the message and continue to post as the person you want.
How do I know this? I originally signed up as "GreatSkate" with a real email account and when my account was suspended by twitter for asking to many hard questions of Kate, I signed up as Underwalt and underwalt1 as a backup with a non existent email account.
She must have been counting her own tweets when she is not living her life on front of the beloved camera with the children playing beside her and to make it even rosier, the rotating film crew is family, who will always be in their lives. One big happy family. Really?
I think she learned a long time ago these people never fact check.
At one point Jaycee and her mom were sitting together and her mom was saying how upsetting it was to know how much this guy took away from Jaycee. She missed out on so much, like high school proms for one. She was tearful. But Jaycee just gazed at her with a soft smile and said it's okay mom he couldn't take away everything, he couldn't take away our love for each other.
Admin, I saw that, and it really touched me beyond words. She's such a courageous young woman, and I thought to myself - Jaycee has so much wisdom and insight for one so young who has been through so much. Her mother was the one who was so emotional, but Jaycee did the comforting. Considering all she has been through, it's beyond comprehension how she could grow up with so much compassion, kindness and gentleness when all she knew was violence and neglect.
Pixie - I think maybe you're not understanding that nobody is judging the book by the cover, and nobody is condemning her for writing it. It took so much courage to be able to tell this story, and from what I understand, the publisher is having difficulty keeping up with the demand. That speaks volumes about the number of people who do want to read it. It's not being ignored. There's no complacency here. She's been interviewed on television - she explains why she wrote the book and I haven't seen anyone here fault her for writing it. One needs to understand, though, that there are some who just don't care to read it for various personal reasons, and they should be respected for that. It's not that they are ignorant that these things can happen; it's a matter of choice.
No, Jaycee is not Elizabeth Smart, although they were both kidnapped and suffered abuse at the hands of insane captors. Jaycee chose to deal with this trauma by writing a book; Elizabeth dealt with it by not publicly disclosing everything that happened it her. It's what works for them. Each person deals with abuse in his/her own way. Both young women have emerged from this and turned a negative into a positive by telling their stories, making the public aware that these perverts exist in society. Each wants good to come out of this by heightening public awareness. They've just done it in a different way.
E-Town said...
I feel the same way when I see the commercials for abused dogs and cats. I can't even look at their sad faces. As soon as I hear the theme music coming on, I change channels.
I do the same thing. I KNOW it's happening, & I'm thankful it's being shown for others to see so it will end, but I can't bear to watch it. I just can't. It needs a voice, yes, but in my eyes, I just can't...
~Hippie Chick~
Will Kate get the kids back to town in time for Jon's weekend with them or will he miss another visitation because of "work"? Even if she gets them back in time, they're sure to be tired. As usual.
Kate could be using a computer to twitter AND her phone to twitter...just a thought! ( I know I'm late to the conversation, so ignore me if this has been said!)
I've read Sophie's Choice too and loved it, I am also reading another fascinating one called Sarah's Key about Jews in France, recommend it.
Have you read "Night" by Elie Wiesel? The book was part of the curriculum that I taught, and there were some students who found it difficult to finish, which was fine. They weren't forced to do so. What was important was that they understood why he wrote the following: "to remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all." This is so important today, which is why so many have become increasingly disturbed over children being robbed of their childhoods at the hands of physical abusers, emotional abusers, or both.
Nearly seven decades after the Holocaust, humans are still torturing humans, and as Wiesel said, "They (Holocaust victims) fought alone, they suffered alone, they lived alone, but they did not die alone, for something in all of us died with them."
admin said,
"Oh good grief, I got another, "Yes, Oh Yes, I do" post from a sheeple that sounded very unstable and out of touch with reality. (she insisted I was really Werney Girl....lol, what?)"
Do you mean that you are NOT Polly? Where is the "Yes, oh yes" person? I haven't seen her around lately on any blogs. I was getting a bit concerned! Either she has disappeared, or the posts are being deleted! I think that there is one "Oh yes" poster who is a sheeple, and one who is a hater, and the hater has taken a brief hiatus.
Jon had the kids two weekends in a row.This past weekend and the 4th. When I heard that I knew Kate was up for a trip, she would only be that nice when it benefits her somehow.
so sick of her said... I see Kate has not tweeted, for over the last 24 hours or more. Geez, I bet her rapid fans and sheeple are just about to eat their young, in a frantic panic. I also notice not one pic of Kate from even a tourist on the net. Gee, Kate not that popular? And all this BS about hater changeling, whos' idea, her? PR/TLC? I guess the ship is starting to sink, and TLC/Kate/PR are tryin to bail it out. DESPERATE ARE WE? Your too late in changing her imagine, damage done.
Whenever she gets back and starts her manic tweeting again, who wants to take bets she'll claim that rogue band of paps tailed them at My Rushmore- you know.... those paps who just take pics of Kate but the pictures are never sold or published?
so sick of her said,
"I bet her rapid fans and sheeple are just about to eat their young, in a frantic panic..."
I think you mean rabid fans! On second thought, they may also be rapid. When she starts tweeting again, they will type faster than their hooves will allow, wanting to know why she hasn't tweeted, where she is going next, or if she wants to meet up with them to buy exercise shorts!
"And all this BS about hater changeling,"
Who or what is a hater changeling?
Anonymous for this time said...
Jon had the kids two weekends in a row.
How do you know that?
If Caylee Anthony or even Jaycee Duggard were black, we would have never heard of them.
They changed Bruce Jenner's description on Abchamp. Gold medal decathlete and reality star. Still don't have Kate as a 'reality star'. LOLL
Midnight madness: Kate's challenging haters to see if they like her or not, typo error. LOLOL I had a long morning, very tired. I also read that BM is not in the know these days(failing on the fan/sheeple job), she is questioning Kates', if true trip(when did this happen), to Mt. Rushmore? And now it's been 2 days and no tweets, all the sheeple might do desperate acts, watch out everyone, hide your sanity! I'm sure Kate will say no-signal. Yeah, just like the hotel, has no electricity or phone or computer service, NOT! How would they make reservations? With a chisel and hammer on stone?, or smoke signals?! Or a cheerleading cheer? Kates got that annoying voice. LOLOLOL
Sorry very snarky right now.
@Kateplusmy8 i'll be back in Hershey on sunday by 2pm... All by myself again
And Kate would need to know this because...??
This is from the sheeple who wanted Kate to go shopping at the Hershey outlets with her.
Have the tweeties been working themselves into a frenzy because they haven't heard from their queen for two days? Will there be major withdrawal when she drops them permanently? Stay tuned...
Cara is refusing more than just couch interviews! I just saw some of the giving back episode(it's posted on youtube) and all the kids are wearing matching shirts at the food drive except for Cara.She is barely in the frame and she never smiles. This kid is definitely fed up with the with mommy's crap. Pretty soon, other kids who don't like the attention(like Hannah who at first didn't want to go to the food drive,when she found out there would be lots of people with cameras,or Collin) and they'll say: "Hey, if Cara doesn't have to, than neither do I" The little ones she can still emotionally blackmail, but they won't be little forever.I predict pretty soon Kate won't have many kids left, willing to film. Tick,tick,tick,tick BOOM!
I'd be willing to go out on a limb on this one. I'll bet Kate and the Krew are doing an RV trip and as a result, she can claim that in the Badlands, there was no cell contact and unable to tweet. Steve's driving the RV while the kids are bouncing all over the place but Kate can't take much more of it so she arranges for the nanny to stay in the RV with the kids overnight while they park it at some hotel so she can get a shower, a firm bed and some quiet.
.... or Kate Gosselin.
To put all this 'drama' with Kate in perspective, there is the little Jewish boy in NYC, Leiby Kretz, that was murdered and dismembered on Monday. What a tragedy that whole story is. Children are so disrespected in this country and it just seems terrible things keep happening to the youngest and most vulnerable in our society. One more reason Kate should stop and consider, just once, what risk she is putting her children at and possible, maybe just one time, think that the money is not worth what she is putting her children through.
I feel such pain for the parents of this little boy. And to the murderer -- hang him high!
Kelly, I think you are right about a road trip. If you remember way back, Kate was tweeting to Ashley about driving long distances.
You have to go back to when Kate first started tweeting to see the convo she had with Ashley about it.
I'll bet my bottom dollar it's an RV trip.
Tamara said...
If Caylee Anthony or even Jaycee Duggard were black, we would have never heard of them.
Uh...I am DISGUSTED by this comment. Beyond words. What the eff is wrong with you???
~Hippie Chick~

Jenna Does said...
Tamara said...
If Caylee Anthony or even Jaycee Duggard were black, we would have never heard of them.
Uh...I am DISGUSTED by this comment. Beyond words. What the eff is wrong with you???
~Hippie Chick~
Nothing is wrong with me. I'm disgusted by it too, because it is TRUE. Many, many people have been saying it for decades. Little white girl goes missing and is found dead, the media and the country goes nuts. Little black girl? Nothing. Check out the Washington Post, or the New York Times, etc. I am just stating a sad fact.
Tamara said...
If Caylee Anthony or even Jaycee Duggard were black, we would have never heard of them.
Uh...I am DISGUSTED by this comment. Beyond words. What the eff is wrong with you???
~Hippie Chick~
Sorry Hippie but Tamara is correct. I googled missing Black Children: 19,000 results. Here are the first 3:
It is possible that Kate is staying in places in the Black Hills that do not have cell/internet service. Last time I was there I stayed at a couple of places - one in the Badlands and one in the Black Hills - that were somewhat primitive by our standards. They had electricity and running water but no TV and one didn't have phones in the rooms. You had to go to the office to make a call. Admittedly, this was a few years ago, but I wouldn't be surprised if they are still the same. The (relative) primitiveness (is that a word?) was part of the charm of the places. OTOH, I can't see diva Kate staying in anything less than 4 Star accommodations.
In addition to the little boy murdered and dismembered in NY, a 4 week old infant in Cincinnati was beaten and repeatedly thrown to the floor to her death by her (mentally ill)uncle. Even more horrifying, this occurred in front of her mother and grandmother, who were unable to wrestle the baby away from him until too late. If a nation is judged by the way it treats its vulnerable children, we aren't doing very well.
I really don't care if Tamara is right or not. That comment was completely offensive. It may be a sad fact & yes, it may be true, & THAT is unbelievably terrible, but WHY even say it?? It had NOTHING to do with anything.
~Hippie Chick~
(I usually never call anyone out on anything. I always enjoy other people's perceptions & comments about random things, but I value my convictions & just really felt there was no need for that particular comment. Thank you) HC
OT. And so it begins:
Regarding missing black children -
The Shaniya Davis case received national media attention for quite some time She was the six-year-old who was sold into human traffiking and was beaten, raped and murdered. In fact, NG covered it, and she's been accused (rightly so) of never covering missing or murdered black children.
HC, I see your point, but I felt it is relevant in a discussion of child exploitation. Racism is a tough subject, but it's a real one as relates to missing and exploited children. I could add numerous links about children being held captive and being used as sex slaves in OUR country.
Many (NOT all) people on this and other blogs present themselves advocates for children (I'm one of them). I include ALL children, even though this blog focuses primarily on the Gosselins. I think Tamara's comment was relevant. We'll agree to disagree.
Well, Casey Anthony got off again. Attorneys in the civil suit for Zenaida Gonzalez have been waiting for three years to get a deposition in this suit. They wanted to take it today before Casey takes off in disguise. There was a hearing today, and the judge said no, and scheduled the deposition for October. By then, Casey will have established an identity in parts unknown.
How does this woman get away with murder and evading lawsuits? Pidilla and Miller have also announced the filing of lawsuits. She'll never answer to the lawsuits. That's three suits, with possibly more to come.
Not only that, her attorneys have filed appeals on the charges for which she was convicted - lying. The defense attorney admitted that she is a liar; she is shown on video lying to the investigator. The reason this was done is because if there is an appeal filed, until that is settled (which could take years) she can plead the Fifth in the civil suits against her. She doesn't have to answer to anything. Who is eating the costs for these very expensive appeals? She has no money and owes the IRS big bucks.
Sorry for the rant. This just annoys me to no end! If anyone in Florida gets into trouble, just hired Casey's defense team. They seem to be having a good track record going.
I have to say I really don't like the implication, and I've said this before, that just because we happen to be talking about one specific child or set of children that we're not concerned about ALL children.
Just because I'm talking about how much I hate Hitler doesn't mean I don't hate Stalin too.
There are probably a variety of reasons Caylee Anthony caused so much attention, not the least of which was the sheer complexity of the cover-up her mother orchestrated. I don't think it was because "she's white" or only because of that. To me Caylee is representative of all murdered children and the outrage I feel is felt toward all who have their lives ended as hers was.
Dulcina said...
OT. And so it begins:
July 15, 2011 3:54 PM
Loony Tunes time. I hear Roy Kronk is suing Leonard Padilla who is suing Casey Anthony.
Reminds me of the old song about the ankle bone's connected to the leg bone.
Gee Kate's been quiet today, no word of her being seen in airports etc. Hope she got the kids home in time for Jon's custody weekend - you how much she wants him to see the kids....
If she's not home by the appointed pick up time, I hope he calls his lawyer and reports them MIA.
If the comment about the hotel pick up is true, it seems odd that Kate her highness would open the door, where's the "bodyguard"? Wouldn't/shouldn't she be busy with the kids hurrying them up with dressing, etc for the day?
I'm a complete lurker on the popular mothering.com forums but I stumbled upon a thread where people were complaining that their posts there were being copied and pasted to another site and made fun of. Also, someone made up a fake story about their child's birth and how badly it went, and then that same person (they tracked the IPs) posted as that person's RN friend.
LOL I guess this childish stuff happens everywhere.
Administrator said...
I'm a complete lurker on the popular mothering.com forums but I stumbled upon a thread where people were complaining that their posts there were being copied and pasted to another site and made fun of. Also, someone made up a fake story about their child's birth and how badly it went, and then that same person (they tracked the IPs) posted as that person's RN friend.
At one time, I was involved with the iVillage.com message boards and downright crazy, childish, often very hurtful behavior was rampant. Posters would copy and paste women's sonograms to other sites and pretend they were their own; claim serious illnesses and ask for money; copy and paste kids photos to their own blogs -- it was pretty incredible. IPs were tracked, authorities called, it was endless and still happens. So yeah, this kind of thing goes on all over the web.
Wouldn't/shouldn't she be busy with the kids hurrying them up with dressing, etc for the day?
Not if the kids were in another room with the "helpers" who were getting them ready for the day. Do you think that Kate would want to be bothered with that?
...What I'm also starting to think, is Kate sees Twitter as part of her "job". When she's not filming or traveling, she's doing her duty on Twitter, hence not a single tweet on her work days. I wouldn't be surprised if TLC is paying her a per diem or something for maintaining an online presence and doing self PR/grifting. Rather than TLC paying someone on staff to maintain a Twitter for her,,,
I think you hit the nail on the head Aries. I have always believed that TLC is the one who started Kate's tweeting. I have no proof to say for sure, but the minute I heard she was joining twitter my mind went back to many episodes that she stated she had no patience or desire to learn any computer stuff, she left it up to Jon. My goodness...she couldn't even figure out how to work that "stupid" camera, you know, the one Jon had to replace for an easier one at Christmas. If she can't figure out how to use a camera correctly, how in the world is she going to have the patience to learn how to twitter. I sure would hate to be the one that had to teach her. Man..I can't wait to hear what the crew has to say when the show is finished. That's going to be a large book. I can see the title now, "my journey in hell,the true story of many daddy's. Of course it will be in the drama/tragedy section.
As to the question of who's footing the bill for her defense, appeal, etc...... I've heard that the attorneys in cases like this get a signed, air-tight contract with defendent something to the effect that if there is any book, movie rights, interviews, the attorney gets a cut of the money received.
Sort of their way to recoup money for services that the defendent can't pay.
My thought is that her attorneys may have a book deal planned for the future......
Admin, am I correct?
Permanent Name yes I don't see why an attorney couldn't work a book deal into their contract. Although I believe what's his face was retained very early in the case when it was popular but not yet a sensation....I wonder if he had the foresight to think that far ahead. He was a brand new attorney at the time.
Jane, exactly why I will never, ever post at those "family" forums and God strike me down if I do. I have found that any topic I've ever been interested in someone has already said it so I can just read the thread, no need to chime in. I've seen woman after woman get seriously emotionally hurt there from trolls and so on. Specifically the homebirth vs. hospital birth debate is downright VILE at times. When it's your family you are posting about, it becomes a whole different ball game than someone say just insulting your profession or your opinions about other topics other than personal ones. That rolls right off my back as it clearly does to most people here. These people too say their workplaces have been called, etc. for things they have said there. The similarity is striking.
The phenomenon of being able to do this to private people anonymously is quite fascinating. You could ALWAYS do it to public people, but never to private until now.
Guys sighting of Kate in a restaurant in Sheridan, Wyoming by a waitress, looks legit.....in a remarkable coincidence, my best friend just went home this weekend to visit her parents and niece in Sheridan, because it's the big "rodeo" weekend that I guess is huge there....I wonder, are they there for rodeo? I just texted bff to see if there has been a sighting.
Sorry it's Cody, Wyoming, which is between Sheridan and Yellowstone. I'm guessing they stopped to eat there headed to one or the toher.
As to the question of who's footing the bill for her defense, appeal, etc...... I've heard that the attorneys in cases like this get a signed, air-tight contract with defendent something to the effect that if there is any book, movie rights, interviews, the attorney gets a cut of the money received."
I just heard one of the commentators mention that "we" (the taxpayers) will foot the bill, which is why Floridians will be all the more outraged at this. Nobody can understand the defense's move to file these appeals, knowing how much Casey is hated and is in danger from nutjobs. All this is going to do is to make the public even more outraged.
Admin, I saw that post on the mothering site, and thought - a 15 pound baby! The entire account of the birth seemed very suspicious, as well as the writing style being identical to that of the RN. At least they "both" were outed!
Moose that "troll" was downright child's play here. We would have figured it out in two second's flat, I probably wouldn't have even posted that.
But I feel bad nice people just trying to be supportive were had.
Can I ask a question? What do trolls have against paragraph breaks?
"Man..I can't wait to hear what the crew has to say when the show is finished. That's going to be a large book. I can see the title now, "my journey in hell,the true story of many daddy's. Of course it will be in the drama/tragedy section."
It may be a very long wait, depending on the terms of the CA. Sometimes those carry a 10-year clause, while others may be decades. A friend of mine who was associated with a major celebrity had to sign one, and it prohibited her from speaking publicly or authoring a book for the duration of her lifetime.
"Moose that "troll" was downright child's play here. We would have figured it out in two second's flat, I probably wouldn't have even posted that...Can I ask a question? What do trolls have against paragraph breaks?"
You got that right, admin! That's because we're so attuned to trolls who live in ten different places, work a dozen different jobs at the same time, and have identifying calling cards!
They either post in one long paragraph, or in the case of the "Oh, yes, she does" hater, in short, one or two sentence paragraphs! I think the ones who don't use paragraph breaks are typing fast to keep up with the stories that their minds are concocting!
"Moose that "troll" was downright child's play here. We would have figured it out in two second's flat, I probably wouldn't have even posted that...Can I ask a question? What do trolls have against paragraph breaks?"
You got that right, admin! That's because we're so attuned to trolls who live in ten different places, work a dozen different jobs at the same time, and have identifying calling cards!
They either post in one long paragraph, or in the case of the "Oh, yes, she does" hater, in short, one or two sentence paragraphs! I think the ones who don't use paragraph breaks are typing fast to keep up with the stories that their minds are concocting!
Administrator said...
I'm a complete lurker on the popular mothering.com forums but I stumbled upon a thread where people were complaining that their posts there were being copied and pasted to another site and made fun of. Also, someone made up a fake story about their child's birth and how badly it went, and then that same person (they tracked the IPs) posted as that person's RN friend.
At one time, I was involved with the iVillage.com message boards and downright crazy, childish, often very hurtful behavior was rampant. Posters would copy and paste women's sonograms to other sites and pretend they were their own; claim serious illnesses and ask for money; copy and paste kids photos to their own blogs -- it was pretty incredible. IPs were tracked, authorities called, it was endless and still happens. So yeah, this kind of thing goes on all over the web.
Well, Casey Anthony got off again. Attorneys in the civil suit for Zenaida Gonzalez have been waiting for three years to get a deposition in this suit. They wanted to take it today before Casey takes off in disguise. There was a hearing today, and the judge said no, and scheduled the deposition for October. By then, Casey will have established an identity in parts unknown.
How does this woman get away with murder and evading lawsuits? Pidilla and Miller have also announced the filing of lawsuits. She'll never answer to the lawsuits. That's three suits, with possibly more to come.
Not only that, her attorneys have filed appeals on the charges for which she was convicted - lying. The defense attorney admitted that she is a liar; she is shown on video lying to the investigator. The reason this was done is because if there is an appeal filed, until that is settled (which could take years) she can plead the Fifth in the civil suits against her. She doesn't have to answer to anything. Who is eating the costs for these very expensive appeals? She has no money and owes the IRS big bucks.
Sorry for the rant. This just annoys me to no end! If anyone in Florida gets into trouble, just hired Casey's defense team. They seem to be having a good track record going.
Regarding missing black children -
The Shaniya Davis case received national media attention for quite some time She was the six-year-old who was sold into human traffiking and was beaten, raped and murdered. In fact, NG covered it, and she's been accused (rightly so) of never covering missing or murdered black children.
It is possible that Kate is staying in places in the Black Hills that do not have cell/internet service. Last time I was there I stayed at a couple of places - one in the Badlands and one in the Black Hills - that were somewhat primitive by our standards. They had electricity and running water but no TV and one didn't have phones in the rooms. You had to go to the office to make a call. Admittedly, this was a few years ago, but I wouldn't be surprised if they are still the same. The (relative) primitiveness (is that a word?) was part of the charm of the places. OTOH, I can't see diva Kate staying in anything less than 4 Star accommodations.
In addition to the little boy murdered and dismembered in NY, a 4 week old infant in Cincinnati was beaten and repeatedly thrown to the floor to her death by her (mentally ill)uncle. Even more horrifying, this occurred in front of her mother and grandmother, who were unable to wrestle the baby away from him until too late. If a nation is judged by the way it treats its vulnerable children, we aren't doing very well.
Tamara said...
If Caylee Anthony or even Jaycee Duggard were black, we would have never heard of them.
Uh...I am DISGUSTED by this comment. Beyond words. What the eff is wrong with you???
~Hippie Chick~
To put all this 'drama' with Kate in perspective, there is the little Jewish boy in NYC, Leiby Kretz, that was murdered and dismembered on Monday. What a tragedy that whole story is. Children are so disrespected in this country and it just seems terrible things keep happening to the youngest and most vulnerable in our society. One more reason Kate should stop and consider, just once, what risk she is putting her children at and possible, maybe just one time, think that the money is not worth what she is putting her children through.
I feel such pain for the parents of this little boy. And to the murderer -- hang him high!
Cara is refusing more than just couch interviews! I just saw some of the giving back episode(it's posted on youtube) and all the kids are wearing matching shirts at the food drive except for Cara.She is barely in the frame and she never smiles. This kid is definitely fed up with the with mommy's crap. Pretty soon, other kids who don't like the attention(like Hannah who at first didn't want to go to the food drive,when she found out there would be lots of people with cameras,or Collin) and they'll say: "Hey, if Cara doesn't have to, than neither do I" The little ones she can still emotionally blackmail, but they won't be little forever.I predict pretty soon Kate won't have many kids left, willing to film. Tick,tick,tick,tick BOOM!
Jon had the kids two weekends in a row.This past weekend and the 4th. When I heard that I knew Kate was up for a trip, she would only be that nice when it benefits her somehow.
Will Kate get the kids back to town in time for Jon's weekend with them or will he miss another visitation because of "work"? Even if she gets them back in time, they're sure to be tired. As usual.
She must have been counting her own tweets when she is not living her life on front of the beloved camera with the children playing beside her and to make it even rosier, the rotating film crew is family, who will always be in their lives. One big happy family. Really?
I think she learned a long time ago these people never fact check.
I guess I'm missing something as far as the multiple accounts go. Twitter won't let you have more than one name per email, so in order to have many names or multiple accounts you also have to set up many email accounts. That seems like more trouble than it's worth. But that's just me.
You cannot receive DMs (direct messages) unless you are following someone and that person is also following you.
As far as Kate getting 50 tweets every 1/2 hr. that would total 2400 a day - I highly doubt that.
So....J.K.Rowlings has 556,000 followers and she's tweeted 7 times!She's too busy with Harry Potter.
"This is the real me, but you won't be hearing from me often I'm afraid, as pen and paper are STILL my priority at the moment
That was accurate as of a couple of days ago after she tweeted how many of her sheeple tweet her. I went to Twazzup.com and followed her thread to get the number of tweeties that actually send their love and the positive tweets were there to see.
The negative tweets far out numbered the postive ones and btw, it totally refuted Kates claim to be getting 50 tweets every half hour, not every few hours.
What a remarkable outlook. She has such an amazing sense of what really matters in life--family and your kids and love.
Amen to that - Amen
Kelly is that accurate the number of tweets she is really getting? That seems surprisingly low for a celeb. I never look at the people tweeting her unless Kate is responding directly to someone, so I really don't have a good idea for the volume she is really getting. If so, Kate's 50 tweets she claims she gets every few hours is a gross exaggeration.
Going back to Jaycee again, I was just blown away how well this young woman is coping. I know part of it is her good therapist who was interviewed too, but also I just think she's a strong person. At one point Jaycee and her mom were sitting together and her mom was saying how upsetting it was to know how much this guy took away from Jaycee. She missed out on so much, like high school proms for one. She was tearful. But Jaycee just gazed at her with a soft smile and said it's okay mom he couldn't take away everything, he couldn't take away our love for each other.
And although it wasn't said, what I thought of is he took away the opportunity for her to carry and give birth to her first baby with a man she loves and is married to when she is mature and ready for it. But Jaycee doesn't seem to see it that way--it was obvious she absolutely adores her girls.
What a remarkable outlook. She has such an amazing sense of what really matters in life--family and your kids and love.
I don't think Kate is tweeting herself although I won't rule it out. When she is on twitter she twitters like crazy. It would be a heck of a lot of work to sign out of her account, sign in as someone else, tweet herself, then sign back in as herself. Plus Kate's so dumb she wouldn't be able to pull it off. She would start talking in the third person on her main account blowing her cover.
Also, the tweeple who wanted her to come to South Dakota mentioned Crazy Horse, and Kate then tweeted What's Crazy Horse (still baw-hahhahaing at that). I doubt Kate would tweet herself mentioning Crazy Horse only to tweet back "What's Crazy Horse?" given how much of an idiot it made her look.
I thought the same thing as you did. I too found it odd that Kate tweets her fans for trip ideas, someone tweets her back with Mt Rushmore and wala, Kate's at Mt. Rushmore. Same thing with the exercise videos.
Some time back, Kate was on the interview circuit about what shows she wanted to be on. I believe it was Leno and there was innuendo about DWTS and she sang her impromptu song, Paparazzi. Weeks later, it was announced that Kate was on DWTS.
I think your observation is dead on and the other thing that is quite telling is that with over 20,000 followers on her twitter account, there are only about 30 TOTAL that tweet her in any given day. Kate claimed she had over 50 tweets from her fans per half hour last week so I did the math.
There were the following tweets from fans not "Haters":
1 tweet in 30 minutes
5 tweets in 1 hour
16 tweets in 1.5 hours
Hardly the number Kate claims to have tweeted her. The most telling thing was out of those 22 positive tweets, so called Kate fans, 16 were from the same people.
So, with that said, I doubt the number of followers on her twitter account, suspect there are many many multiple accounts that follow her and KNOW there are several of those multiple accounts that also have either followed me and I've deleted or have messaged me with the most vile, vicious and threatening comments as well and the content and tone of those messages were in the same vein as previous ones sent to me. In other words, from the same person.
I think there are many lessons to be learned from her story. Read it before you condemn it.
Who is condemning it? There are some, including myself, who are saying they just choose not to read it. We have that right. I have no doubt that she her story is an inspirational testimonial of survival. God bless her. I also believe that in a way it's therapeutic for her to put her ordeal into words and this was her way of working through it, as well as educating the public to the perverts who are out there.
Did Elizabeth Smart write a book about her experience? I don't recall ever hearing about it, and she, too, suffered abuse at the hands of a madman and his woman. I know that the Smart family wrote a book, "Bringing Elizabeth Home," but as far as I know Elizabeth didn't write a book with details of the kidnapping. I remember when Nancy Grace (not my favorite person) kept pressing Elizabeth on details of what was done to her, Elizabeth told Nancy twice that she wasn't going to describe it, and Nancy backed off. Elizabeth has grown into one beautiful young woman - hers is likewise a story of faith and survival. I was listening to Ed Smart on a panel tonight. He made the point that hatred toward the abuser should be channeled into putting new laws into place to assure that our kids are safe from these horrible kidnappings.
Does anyone think sometimes that Kate has fake twitter accounts and tweets herself? I just find it weird that someone tweets about Mt. Rushmore and poof she is there. Or how about she does the ab infomercial and before that news gets out people are tweeting she should do exercise videos. It just seems fishy to me.
I think the infomercial route is the perfect vehicle for Kate. I can just see her fans now, surrounded by Ab Champs and vegetable slicer/dicers, cheapo closet organizers, doggie clippers and kitty litter box deodorizers, tweeting the same old, "Kate, "'your' amazing!"
Wouldn't this be the perfect Twist of Kate angle. "Twist of Kate goes info."
Stories like that, in detail are just pushing the envelope in my mind and may find more of the pedophiles buying that book for their insidious pleasure than normal people wanting to know about it.
Don't be so quick to judge a book by its' cover. That was the most graphic sentence she wrote. The book is about her amazing state of mind and how she SURVIVED. I think there are many lessons to be learned from her story. Read it before you condemn it. Ms. Jaycee wants to teach us something, not glorify her abuse.
Just to confirm what we all know as fact, on page 107, Ms. Jaycee writes "Phillip started watching a lot of child care shows, too. He especially likes a gentleman on TLC..."
Moose Mania. I was talking about the comments on her tweeting such dangerous information. Does anyone know if Jon is aware of them. It seems like a perfect reason to go to court for costody and a gag order to quit tweeting the childrens real time info. He is one I can't picture reading info. from her...now that he living a fairly happy life with Ellen. He may be totally clueless that her crazy fans are getting so personal and demanding, and she keeps tweeting away, ansering.
It really sickens me how "into herself" she is. I really first saw it in the 4th of July eps. when she was dragging the kids behind her and they were crying and stumbling because Kate was pulling on the rings with one finger in her ear yelling "don't mind us" and something else i don't remember. Bingo, I said, That's why she's doing the show...for attention.
So, if there is someone in his town, and next time you see him, please make sure he is aware of the dangerous tweets. Thank you
Her story like the story of that poor little boy in NYC that was asking directions the other day and found himself in the clutches of a real monster are just too much to read. IMO it's just too much information that we all are better off not knowing the details.
Kelly, I am with you 100% on this. I know it happened. I don't need to go to sleep with the graphic details in my mind. Just knowing that it happened is enough. I believe Jaycee's account of the events. I don't need to live it through her. I'd feel like a voyeur, helpless and enraged to have the horror of it made quite real.
I feel the same way when I see the commercials for abused dogs and cats. I can't even look at their sad faces. As soon as I hear the theme music coming on, I change channels. I'm not sticking my neck in the sand pretending it doesn't exist. I know that it does, and I know that commercials such as this are intended to evoke feelings of pity at such abuse. I donate regularly to the local animal shelter and I have fostered animals.
In my work with social services, I have seen abuse. I just don't want to read a book and be reminded of it over and over again through personal details. It's too much like rubber-necking at an accident. Many want to turn away because they know that the scene may be gruesome, but yet they can't stop themselves from looking. It's there, but I'll be darn if I'm going to be the one to go out of my way to look at it.
Kelly, the last time Kate didn't have cell phone service she told her tweeple so. This was on a trip out west with the little girls. This time she just says she's busy and cannot check in. If it's a cell phone problem, seems to me she would specify so like she did last time.
Here is an important direct quote from Ms. Jaycee Dugard's book "A Stolen Life"...
page 53
"They look like photo albums, but they have kids from magazines cut out in different postions with penises taped on from other magazines. He looks at them and talks dirty to them...He also flips though the channels on the TV. He says he's looking for anything with a little girl with shorts on."
Well, skeezeball Garrido would only have to turn the channel to TLC for easy pickuns...
From the Huffington Post piece:
one wilson
11 Fans
14 minutes ago (3:49 PM)
'Entertainment' (spoken loosely) is not my normal beat, but I can't resist putting my two-cents in here: I knew very little about Ms. Gosselin and was essentially of no opinion, until I ran across her on "DWTS". I have to say that if her behavior on that program was typical of the way she normally acts, it is no suprise to me that she and her husband had problems. I have rarely encountered a public personality who radiates a stronger aura of dislikeablity. Her continual, obsessive,self-pitying, self-absorbed whining had an effect not too different from fingernails on a blackboard. I rarely react this way to these "15 minutes of fame" cable-TV celebs, but for some reason, she is an exception to my normal rule. I would not be unhappy if she disappeared forever from public view.
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